with no sign of nalural ciltastrophes. no local p",mis;;o9 real arthitedural work, ilnd State to don his mask of empathy and generosity. 'pp',,,o' good fortune. it is perhaps more discussion and debate.
modest organizations like ours, and I would Ii luis Hoyos. Deborah Murphy ilnd Julie Silliman As part of the atnlinuous evolution of the Burnell-Stuart. and nnie (hu to the Boa~d. series of the year, '路Inside Oul: (rilical Issues i
and Interior Desi9n.- The three panel Ar{hitecture/lnterior Oesign.~ "Gender and (hi'''''''' and the Domestic in (ontemporary continue its annual '"Out There Doing It'" series. and related disciplines. The Forum is grateful for the use til Sthindler's Kings Road house
It! announce, with the generous support of MaCA.
of the complete archi", of films and videos
,,,,',w,d on the West CtIasl,lhese screenings and
on our symposillfP lIrban Design. U't"nTh'''''~ Ulrl""'1 i the MaCA Ar~ iteClure and Design Council in 1995)
to be published hy Monacelli Press. Entitled Everyday "'"9''''' Crawford and former forum Board members John next publication. entitled Wrapper, Is II series of facade stu,d;,,; 1,/II~ I!us,"m ~",ss;i<T'''h'''I''9Y by Robert Mangurian ilnd Mary-Ann Ray. Essays will be I by David the Museum's founder, and Ralph RUgDff, <luihot' 01 Wrapper is funded in part by a Graham Foundation grant. and will and distributed worldwide through a nl!W publishing collaboration of Santa Monica. newsletter will COnlinue to be published !hree times a year, and we are pl'nnin~ add interviews,. book reviews. and a calendar in addition to the regular essays We welcome unsolicited material for either the nemleller or the p.;,phl'~ Also. the forum is soon entering the virtual world, fashionably late, with a P'!l,",h;;,:h wililisl events. publications. and merchandise, as well as provide an archive of material from our newsletter. are very few organizations like the forum in the country. and we need F,mbml,'p 'ro continue our ongOing conversation on architecture and urbanism in los Angeles has often been called the prototypical post-industrial "", wilN sprawling morphology and concomitant social problems. The los Angeles at the close of !he twentieth century reflect larger questions of ~'''"~'''d urbanism around the globe. We hope you will support the Forum (OTd to ilS dialogues through your partkipalion and membership.
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