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Lagniappe 9.75” w x 14” h 4C FP 4C

March 7, 2013



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March 7, 2013




30 17 THE PERFECT GOP STORM • Republicans are serious about opposing Sen. Mary Landrieu in 2014, and they’re working hard to find the single, well-funded candidate who can do the job. John Maginnis reports. 30 BAR GUIDE • Lagniappe profiles the area’s top watering spots. Plus, Lagniappe’s bar expert Todd Elliott gives you the scoop on local signature drinks and a distinctive chauffeur. 40 MEN’S HEALTH • Lagniappe debunks prominent myths about men’s health. Also, get good tips about reducing stress, hair loss and snoring. 47 GARDEN FESTIVAL • It’s once again time for the Southwest Louisiana Garden Festival. We give you a detailed schedule, including a run-down on all the talks. 49 FISHING & BOATING • Karla Wall reports on the sports and fitness craze of stand-up paddle boards. Also, outdoors sports correspondent Larry LeBlanc goes to the boat show. And Jeremy


Alford explains that the Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries is on the brink of bucking the feds about a redfish season.

Lagniappe Magazine Serving SWLA Since 1983 Publishers Bob Hartnett Greg Pavlovich Editor Brad Goins Associate Editor Karla Wall Assistant Laura Landry Layout & Design Mike Manis Advertising Sales Tanya Alsobrook Patty Hebert Chester Rogers Classified Manager Kenny Pierce Distribution Manager Edward Frazer Contributing Writers Jeremy Alford Dr. Dale Archer Duane Bergeron Angie Dilmore Todd Elliott Rocke Fournet Arthur Hebert John Maginnis Nola Mae Ross Rick Sarro Chuck Shepherd Vic Wukovits Office Phone (337) 433-8502 Office Fax (337) 433-8964 Mailing Address PO Box 3292 Lake Charles, LA 70602 Shipping Address 2906 Deaton Street Lake Charles, LA 70601 Editorial e-mail Advertising e-mail Classified e-mail Lagniappe Magazine is published the first and third Thursday of each month. Manuscripts, photographs, comments and queries are invited. Return postage must accompany all materials submitted if return is requested. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Opinions presented by the columnists in this publication do not necessarily express the views ofLagniappe Magazine.



departments 6 Up Front

17 LA Politics

62 Lake Area People

8 Political Briefs

20 Weird News

64 What's Happening

10 Pierre Sez

22 Taking Charge

68 Band Schedule


Tech Bytes

26 File 13

69 Reel Talk


Out & About

54 Mounted Memories

70 Sarro On Sports





front Map Turtles And Wild Cows

Why Are People Asking This Question?

People who’ve lived in and read about Louisiana are familiar with the brown pelican, the alligator gar and Spanish moss. But these things were entirely new to the European, Colonial and U.S. explorers who came to this area in the 17th to 19th centuries. The work of these explorers will be presented in a new exhibit, “Seeking the Unknown: Natural History Observations in Louisiana, 1698–1840,” which will run through June 2 at the Historic New Orleans Collection. Explorers went through the area’s harsh climate and sometimes eerie landscape to satisfy scientific curiosity, realize economic gain and investigate romantic notions about the wilderness. “With rare exception, the often groundbreaking work of these men was, during their lifetime, known to a relatively small audience,” writes Gilles-Antoine Langlois of the National School of Architecture at Versailles, University Paris-Est Créteil, in the essay for the exhibit. “They were unacknowledged collectors of scientific treasures, operating in the shadows, suffering fevers and other unimaginable hardships, rarely receiving widespread recognition or other acclaim. This exhibition finally brings some of their previously invisible work to light.” Based on what can be seen at the exhibit’s web site, the Mississippi map turtle looks like an especially interesting item in the exhibit. Also intriguing is a 1758 engraving of a “boeuf sauvage,” which I guess meant “wild cow.” There are several reptile specimens in jars that were collected in the 1830s. Drawings, watercolors and illustrated folios by John James Audubon are included in the display. The Collection is located at 533 Royal St. in New Orleans; the exhibit is free. Hours are Tuesday–Saturday, 9:30 am-4:30 pm and Sunday, 10:30 am-4:30 pm. You can learn a lot about this exhibit at

“What is Gov. Bobby Jindal talking about?” Boy, that question’s popping up a lot in the media. It’s probably a good sign that he’s on track to run for the presidency. Such outlandish headlines aren’t being written by the liberal media elite alone. On Feb. 15, Jeff Crouere, editor of the conservative-as-it-gets Bayoubuzz, wrote an opinion piece with the headline “Hillary Clinton beating the stupid governor, Jindal, in Louisiana.” Crouere’s use of the word “stupid” is a dig at Jindal for calling the GOP the “stupid party” in a recent rebuttal of an Obama speech. The Up Fronter predicted Jindal’s choice of words would hurt him with conservatives. Right again. Like many others statewide, Crouere noted that Jindal’s popularity ratings have been in free fall in recent polls. Crouere’s kicker was that, according to a recent Public Policy poll, “the Governor would lose a hypothetical presidential match-up 48-45 percent against liberal Democrat Hillary Clinton.” For Crouere, losing to Hillary Clinton would be more humiliating than losing to a tag team of Satan and Sean Penn. Crouere offered as an explanation of the decline “the Governor’s constant travel schedule.” Said Crouere: “Louisiana voters want … to see Jindal earn his salary as governor and not use the state as a stepping stone for a presidential campaign.” He added that Jindal “is not presidential material” and said Jindal’s “White House obsession” was “ridiculous.” My goodness. What language. When such a ferocious attack is launched by the very sort of person whom Jindal’s always counted on for support, it’s not hard to believe that the governor is flirting with a popularity rating under 40 percent. One clear indication that Crouere meant the attack to be strong is that he refrained from mentioning that Public Policy does polling on behalf of Democrats. Is that good news for Jindal? Not quite. Just two years ago, Public Policy had Jindal sitting way up at 58 percent approval. PP now has him at 37 percent approval — a 20 point drop in two years.

My Stats

I Can’t Win If I Don’t Carry Innsmouth

In a Feb. 15 Washington Post Story titled “What is Gov. Bobby Jindal talking about?” correspondent Valerie Strauss reported on a Jindal fundraising speech: this one in Virginia for Rep. Eric Cantor. Wrote Strauss: “Jindal said that before Hurricane Katrina, 77 percent of students in New Orleans were attending failing schools but that the percentage has been reduced to 29 percent.” The governor is using statistics! I want to use statistics too! Here are the statistics I came up with: — Since the BP oil spill, Louisiana mosquitos have gone from being 88 percent likely to sting to 16 percent likely to sting. — Since Hurricane Ike, the raisins in a box of Raisin Bran have gone from being 91 percent likely to sink to the bottom of the box to 21 percent likely to sink to the bottom of the box. — Since the Soviets surrounded the Nazi Sixth Army at Stalingrad, the average daily humidity in Louisiana in July has dropped from 78 percent a day to 12 percent a day. — Since Fangoria named Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil the best limited release horror movie of 2012, the quality of poor writing in the Up Front column has declined from 72 percent to 23 percent.

One passage in Crouere’s column puzzled me a little. He wrote, “if the Republicans can’t win Louisiana, they have no chance of winning the White House.” Louisiana has nine electoral votes. Saying a Republican can’t win without Louisiana is tantamount to saying he won’t win without Alabama or Arizona. Perhaps what Crouere meant was that if the sort of person he’d like to see run for president winds up running for president, that candidate had better carry such states as Alabama, Arizona and Louisiana (not to mention Florida).

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March 7, 2013

Simon Says, Be The Leader As I was trolling Louisiana news headlines on Feb. 19, I came across the following from a Houma outfit called Tri-Parish Times and Business News: “Louisiana: America’s Leader” “OK,” I thought. “That story I must read.” After all, I have as clear a notion of anyone of the areas in which Louisiana is bringing up the tail end of America. But that Louisiana was the country’s leader was a notion that was not only new to me but also unfathomable by me. I guess I could have spared myself the trouble. The story turned out to be a promotional piece written by U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany or someone who works for him. The entire

piece heaped praise on a laundry list of things Boustany has done recently. There wasn’t word one in it about what might make someone think of Louisiana as America’s leader. The most interesting thing about the fluff piece was that it was published in Houma, which used to be Jeff Landry country. Since the Tri-Parish Times let me down so hard, I’m going to go out on a limb here and state that Louisiana is America’s leader in crawfish pies.

Probably Newsworthy Now for some real news. In a detailed story about opposition to U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu in her bid for re-election, the Baton Rouge Daily Advocate reported on Feb. 21 that U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany “has joined the fray of potential challengers.” Boustany is talking about it: “During Washington Mardi Gras and subsequently, I had a number of people approach me about running for Senate in 2014. It all comes down to me — to take a deep breath after a 22-point victory — and how I could best serve the people of Louisiana and the country … We’ll take a good look at it and do our due diligence.” Some consider U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-Baton Rouge, the leader in the fight against Landrieu for the simple reason that he has $2 million more than Boustany in his war chest. That is no doubt a sizeable lead. Baton Rouge contractor Lane Grigsby previously supported Cassidy but could switch to Boustany. The Advocate quoted Grigsby as saying, “What we don’t need, very honestly, are two [Republican] candidates … It’s going to be a very expensive race.” It’s way too early in the race to make firm predictions. But it’s good to know that, so far anyway, it’s an interesting story.

Brad’s Top Tumblr I choose the following as my Top 2 Tumblr posts of the past two weeks: “The Russian dash-cam life, it ain’t no good life, but it’s my life. This article includes a good selection of Russian dash-cam videos, courtesy of Vice Magazine.” “The star-shaped aliens: the best-looking aliens ever! About time they got their own exhibit.” To see the images and videos that go with these posts, visit or search for Slacky B or “Frontier Hippie.”

News That Will Disturb You I hope that headline’s a little less tiresome than the more common “Shocking News” or “Shocker!” We journalists are driven to concoct such headlines because some of us are determined to state the obvious and pass the statement off as news. I’ve done it myself. That doesn’t mean you and I can’t have a hearty laugh when it happens. Anyway, here’s the headline from the last two weeks you will find most unexpected and most unnerving: “Central Louisiana restaurants add Lenten items to their menus” — Alexandria Town Talk, Feb. 13 Honorable mention: “Seafood sees boost during Lent” — American Press front page Feb. 15. I’d like to offer the following free headline for anyone who wants to use it: “Lent Is Lent.”

The Big News Leave it to the Up Fronter to save the biggest news for last. Here it is: “Mike Alger: Warm this weekend, snow possible on Tuesday (+7-day forecast)” That was the headline for the No. 2 story in the U.S. News section of Google News on Feb. 15 at noon. Louisiana provided some stiff competition for that big national news. Check out this headline from (the Times-Picayune site): “St. Bernard Middle School announces second-quarter honor roll” That headline finished second in Google’s Louisiana news for Feb. 19. I’m glad the story wasn’t about the first quarter honor roll because that wouldn’t have been newsworthy. Because of that story, I’m going to mention something that I wasn’t planning to write anything about. I just made the third quarter honor roll at the Wagon Rut School of Journalism and Mudbogging. Please don’t make a big deal out of it.

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jeremy alford

Next Governor Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain said an exploratory committee for his potential run for governor will begin work in two months or less. “We’ll be raising money and doing some polling,” Strain said. “I’ll evaluate everything in December and then again at the end of next year.” He added, “We’re looking at it very hard.” Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne and Treasurer John Kennedy have been mentioned as contenders as well, although neither has committed. More serious, for now, is Rep. John Bel Edwards, D-Amite, who officially announced a few weeks ago. A recent Public Policy poll showed a hypothetical runoff with Mayor Landrieu and Sen. David Vitter deadlocked at 44 percent.

board term limits,” she said. Some statewide, like Lt. Gov. Dardenne, have spoken favorably of the concept in the past, while other groups, like the Louisiana Sheriffs Association,

Term Limits For Statewide Officials?

A nonprofit advocacy group called Americans for Prosperity, which believes in reducing the size and intrusiveness of government, has offered a scorecard on Louisiana’s delegation from the last Congress. AFP Policy Director James Valvo said the scorecards rank votes on “economic freedom” and represent the “best way for our activists to keep a close eye on Washington, and confront them when they don’t vote responsibly.” For a passing grade, lawmakers had to support such issues as the repeal of President Barack Obama’s new health care law, preempting EPA’s purported authority to regulate greenhouse gases, ending ethanol subsidies and more.


Most of Louisiana’s parishes endorsed term limits for school board members last year. That could be a sign that voters are ready to do the same for statewide elected officials, said Rep. Simone Champagne, R-Jeanerette. The school board referendum saw 12 districts approve the change with 80 percent of the vote or more. Champagne introduced the same constitutional amendment for statewides last year, but it stalled on the House floor following a 49-49 vote. “I think we are going to have a stronger argument this year, especially in the districts that approved the school

Ag. Commissioner Mike Strain said an exploratory committee for his potential run for governor will begin work in two months or less. “We’re looking at it very hard,” he said.

have opposed it out of concern it could become a policy trend that trickles down to the local level.

Boustany Graded On Economics

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March 7, 2013

Eighteen representatives and one senator received a perfect 100 percent, while 21 representatives and one senator received an F. Former Rep. Jeffrey M. Landry, a New Iberia Democrat who represented Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes before redistricting, received an A, as did Rep. John Fleming, R-Shreveport. The congressmen who now represent the Terrebonne-Lafourche region, Reps. Bill Cassidy, R-Baton Rouge, and Steve Scalise, R-Metairie, both received a B. So did Sen. David Vitter, a Republican from Metairie, and Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette. Rep. Rodney Alexander, RQuitman, received the only C. The only members of the delegation who aren’t Republican brought up the rear, with Sen. Mary Landrieu, a New Orleans Democrat, being given a D and Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-New Orleans, ending up with a D-. AFP’s new scorecard website can be found at americansforprosperity. org/scorecard.

Judges May Get Exemption Senate Retirement Chairman Elbert Guillory, D-Opelousas, has filed legislation to back judges out of the cash balance plan. A phone message and email seeking comment from Guillory went unanswered. Created in the mold of a 401(k), the cash balance plan is supposed to protect employees against market downturns and transition some new hires away from the traditional defined benefit plan. It was the lone significant pension legislation to pass last year, but its July implementation remains in doubt. Sources say Senate Bill 9 carries some intrigue, especially in terms of which public officials might be added to the exemption list during debate, and whether a bait-and-switch might be in play to influence judges on unrelated matters, such funding for drug courts and, perhaps, the establishing of tax courts. Guillory was the lead Senate author for the governor’s pension package last year. Last summer, the Division of Administration sought a determination from the IRS on whether the cash balance plan would provide a benefit equivalent to Social Security and would have no effect on the tax status of the other retirement plans. No answer has come from the IRS yet. A district court judge ruled in January that the cash balance plan didn’t receive enough votes for passage during last year’s regular session — a decision the state is appealing. The Louisiana State Employees Retirement System and the Teachers Retirement System of Louisiana have asked the Legislature to consider delaying the plan. The first out of the gate in response are House Concurrent Resolution 2 by Rep. Joe Harrison, RNapoleonville, and Senate Concurrent Resolution 1 by Sen. Page Cortez, RLafayette. The latter would simply suspend the cash balance plan until July 1, 2014, while the former offers the same expiration date, or would set the date at the time the IRS delivers its declarations, whichever comes first. March 7, 2013



Give CVB A Great Big Attaboy In recent weeks, we’ve seen some great events in our area. Dere was de recent high school basketball regional playoffs, de pro rodeo, de swim events at Sulphur Parks and Recreation in Sulphur an’ much more. An’ dars much more to come in de next few weeks and months. De Fast Pitch 56 softball tournament, state baseball championships an’ more are scheduled. Now folks, dese events don’t just happen. Hard workin’ men and women from de Southwest Louisiana Convention an’ Visitors Bureau spend countless hours pitchin’ organizations like de Louisiana High School Athletic Assoc. to come to Southwest Louisiana. The CVB competes against Lafayette, Monroe, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, Alexandria an’ New Awlins for dem tournaments and events. Every politician iz always quick to bring up economic development when campaignin’. Me, I can tell you dat dem events de CVB brings to our area mean real dollars: pollution-free dollars spent on lodgin’, food an’ fuel. It’s no wonder de CVB was named tourist bureau uf de year at de recent state convention helt here in Lake Charles.

Movement On Long-Standin’ Projects Recently de City Council uf Lake Charles OKed projects dat have been iffy for a while, dat bein’ de Harrah’s property bein’ purchased by Mardi Gras Boardwalk an’ de purchase uf de old Sears Building property by Roger Landry. Now it’s full speed ahead for both projects, an’ we are hopeful both groups will deliver as promised. If you are from here or have been here for any amount uf time, you can remember when downtown wuz nuttin’ mo dan a bunch uf abandoned buildins and empty parkin’ lots dat didn’t look none too good. All dat haz changed, mostly under de administrations uf Willie Mount an’ Randy Roach. Now we all know dar iz still udder projects in de works, an’ Mayor Randy ain’t about to set back an’ let de status quo be. But az we have sed before, dem kinda projects jus’ don’t pop up over night. It takes a lotta hard work from lots uf folks, an’ we salute all who have done all dat hard work to make de Sears project an’ Mardi Gras Boardwalk projects a reality.

Better Facilities You no doubt sawed in all de area publications recently dat Adrian Wallace wuz named de head honcho uf de Southwest Louisiana Entrepreneurial and Economic Development Center. SEED, for short, will be located along wit’ a whole buncha udder bidness buildin’ an’ growin’ organizations, like de Chamber Southwest, IMCAL, McNeese Small Bidness Center an’ a whole buncha udder organizations dat help individuals an’ companies dat wanna do bidness in our area not only get started but keep on track. Now Wallace iz no political pony like dose we’ve seen so often in dem kinda jobs. He haz an MBA, a BS in chemistry, haz worked in public and private areas, an’ haz owned bidnesses. Too often we see folks try to open a bidness but know very little about accountin’, gubment regulations and a buncha udder stuff. Dis is where dis SEED center will come in: helpin’ get folks information day need to go, grow an’ contribute to de growth uf SWLA.

Way To Go, Chamber Recently, de Chamber, along wit’ several udder organizations, put on anudder uf de Hire Our Heroes job fairs, an’ again, it wuz very well attended. A whole buncha organizations wuz on hand to help not only interview former military folks, but also to show dem how to put togedder resumes, be at dar best for interviews an’ a whole bunch more. We salute de organizations who’ve taken part in de job fairs and hope day have more to help our heroes dat have helped our country. My tinkin’ iz, imagine if we woulda had sometin’ like dis afta Vietnam … how many lives would have turnt out different? 10


March 7, 2013

An’ if your company iz hirin’ right now, pick up de phone an’ call de Chamber Southwest. Day will tell you all about how to Hire Our Heroes.

State Employees Are Squirmin’ Afta Hurricanes Katrina an’ Rita, de amount uf federal money rollin’ into dis state wuz embarassin’. An’ uf course, Gov. Blanco, knowin’ dat dar wuz much mo in handouts comin’, jacked up de state’s budget to $28 billion. Now a lot uf dat federal money ain’t around no mo, an’ state deparment heads an’ everyone in state gubment iz cryin’ foul. Again we say dat’s what happens when you pay recurrin’ debt wit’ one-time money. You can bet dat if dis continues, you will have budget problems until de year 2525. Now all uf dem news folks an’ political wannabes are already all over Gov. Bobby Jindal over hiz $24.7 billion budget. Now when de budget came out, newspapers in our state wuz quick to go department by department an’ show how much de budget wuz gonna be for 2013-14 an’ how much uf a decrease it wuz gonna be. Take, for example, de Dept. uf Transportation an’ Development, which will have a budget uf jus’ over $547 million, which is down $6.5 million. Dat’s a drop uf just over 1 percent. An jus’ recently, DOTD sed day wuz outta money to build roads. So why have all dem deadhead engineers an’ bureaucrats been walkin’ around doin nuttin’ if dar ain’t no money to build what day design? Folks, what we are sayin’ iz dat what’s happenin’ in Baton Rouge iz not a revenue problem … it’s a spendin’ problem, an’ we better get it under control, regardless uf what John Kennedy an’ lots uf news reporters say. If we don’t, we will end up like California an’ de United States.

Good News For Phelps An’ DeQuincy Sen. Mary Landrieu recently had a meetin’ wit’ DeQuincy officials and folks from de Chamber Southwest, an’ day talked about gettin’ de feds to take over de Phelps Correctional Center dat wuz shut down a few months ago. It wuz pointed out dat de Center can do de job uf feedin’ an’ housin’ de prisoners at a much lower cost per day dan can federal prisons. For de sake uf lots uf good people who lost dar jobs when Phelps closed down, we hope dis happens … an’ we have confidence dat Chamber an’ elected officials will make it happen.

Republicans Try To Get Ducks In A Row Landrieu, one uf only two Democrats reprezentin’ our state in Washington, iz drawin’ a whole lotta uf attention dese days. She’s scheduled to run again in 2014, an’ de Republicans smell blood. U.S. Congressman Bill Cassidy and John Fleming, Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne an’ former Congressman Jeff Landry have all been mentioned az possible candidates. Charles Boustany told de Washington Post recently dat he wouldn’t be a candidate. Judgin’ from recent congressional an’ senate races, dis race could become very expensive … and wide open.

Excitin’ Time Uf Year Mos’ uf you have children or grandchildren who are takin’ part in some kind uf sport dis spring, be it softball, baseball, track or whatever. It’s great to see we have so many great teams in our area, an’ we know all uf you who are parents an’ grandparents are very proud uf dem. We urge all uf you to take time to support not only high school teams but elementary teams and t-ball teams. And oh, by de way, don’t forget de McNeese programs dat have come a real long way in de last few years tanks to athletic director Tommy McClelland. An’ if you got lots uf money, like my broker friend Max, help support de programs with donations for travel an’ lodgin’ when dem teams go on de road. Remember, dars lots worse tings dem kids could be doin’ wit’ dar time. Like a feller in New Awlins told me one time, kids are either watchin’ de news or makin’ de news. Let’s hope your kids are watchin’ de news an’ makin’ only de sports news.

Deep Taughts While Watchin’ NBA Basketball 10) How much will crawfish prices drop afta Easter? 9) Why does everyone want some uf my crawfish bisque but nobody wants to help me make it? 8) Why did dat bonne a rien (good for nuttin’) who broke in my truck take my pistol but left de bullets? 7) Why do all my grandson’s teachers call him “a project”? 6) How many banks do we really need in dis area? 5) When will Treasury Secretary John Kennedy start his statewide crusade criticizin’ da Jindal budget? 4) Can McNeese baseball an’ softball teams continue on a roll? 3) Why did Andy not offer me any uf dem bass filets he caught up at Toledo Bend? 2) When are day gonna quit raisin’ taxes on ceegars an’ udder tobacco products? 1) Why iz my wife Sedonia always accusin’ me uf doin’ tings behind her back?

Final Shot Lefty sez hiz mudder-in-law wuz complainin’ dat she had so many electrical appliances in her kitchen dat she couldn’t move around an’ didn’t have any place to sit. So he baught her an electric chair. He should be out uf de hospital later dis week. ‘Til next time, lache pas la patate.

March 7, 2013



Add parish assessors to the long list of folks reaching out to lawmakers in the lead-up to the regular session that convenes April 8, as the Louisiana Assessors’ Association wants a four-percent increase in salaries for its members over the next four years. Details are still being hammered out, and the numbers could change, but the thrust is unmistakable. St. James Parish Assessor Glenn M. Waguespack, president of the association, said supporters are also still in the hunt for a legislative sponsor. “We haven’t had an increase in pay in seven years, and this is not a mandatory increase we’re asking for,” he said. “It would have to come from the local assessor’s budget.” Several lawmakers told LaPolitics they have already been contacted by their assessors, many also wanting to voice concerns about the governor’s plan to increase sales taxes. Those complaints, however, may have quieted some, since lawmakers have urged assessors to coordinate their shared effort with the Jindal administration before a bill is introduced and a vote is forced. If the governor expresses any-



March 7, 2013

thing that remotely smells like a veto, sources say, assessors could lose the legislative support they have built up so far. Then again, Jindal may have found his ammo to keep assessors at bay on the proposed tax plan. Possibly complicating matters further is a group of freshman assessors who are vowing to support the legislation, but refuse the pay increase if passed. Salaries of parish assessors are staggered based on populations. For example, in St. James Parish, Waguespack receives roughly $113,000 annually. In a larger parish, like Caddo, Assessor Charles Henington makes about $147,000. Calcasieu Parish Assessor Wendy Aguillard pulls down about $119,000. Next up on the pay raise docket will be Louisiana’s clerks of court, who are said to be preparing an identical bill. “I don’t know if we copied off of them or if they’re piggybacking on us,” said one assessor. “But they’ll be at the table, too.”

Internet Sales Tax Changes Proposed Out-of-state retailers that sell online

goods and services to consumers in Lake Charles and all other Louisiana communities would have to start collecting — and then paying — sales taxes to local governments and the state, under legislation pending before Congress. Companies that retail digitally and have a presence in Louisiana, like a storefront or shipping facility, already remit local and state sales taxes. But those that operate remotely, outside of the Bayou State, get off the hook. The proposed Marketplace Fairness Act, however, has a catch: The states would have a choice as to whether to force out-of-state retailers to comply; it is not a mandate. In an effort to address criticism from earlier federal legislation on the same subject matter, the act would also exempt from the requirements small businesses with less than $1 million in annual domestic sales. In addition to targeting e-commence, the bill would apply to catalog sales, as well. Sen. Mary Landrieu, chair of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, joined 53 other mem-

bers of Congress in introducing the act last week. She is the only lawmaker from Louisiana on the co-sponsor list. Landrieu said the bill would help level the playing field between brick-andmortar retailers and online businesses. “Small retailers in Louisiana and across the nation are being put at a disadvantage against large, online businesses because of the nature of our tax code,” said Landrieu, a New Orleans Democrat. “This legislation is simply about fairness and leveling the playing field for all our businesses.” Officials with Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration said they would be closely tracking federal legislation this year related to Internet sales taxes. That is because Jindal is proposing an elimination of individual and corporate state sales taxes in exchange for an increase in the state sales tax, now at four percent. Should Congress pass some version of the Marketplace Fairness Act, it could potentially help Jindal accomplish the goal of keeping his plan revenue neutral, meaning for every tax dollar eliminated another is revealed.

The National Conference of State Legislatures estimates $800 million of sales tax revenue annually in Louisiana is not collected and remitted by Internet vendors. Another study by the University of Tennessee found that Louisiana probably lost out on closer to $440 million in online sales taxes in 2012. The National Taxpayers Union, which is based in Washington, D.C. and claims 362,000 members nationwide, is opposed to the Marketplace Fairness Act. The union advocates for less government and smaller taxes. NTU executive vice president Pete Sepp said the proposed legislation reads like a “love letter to overzealous state revenue collectors” and does nothing to address tax fairness. Sepp said its passage would “tilt the commercial playing field in favor of bigbox stores, and upend the constitutionally based doctrine of physical presence that has shielded sellers and buyers from outof-state tax collectors reaching into their pockets.” Others argue that the legislation would complicate an already complex task, since there are nearly 10,000 different taxing jurisdictions nationwide. As it is drafted now, the bill would overturn a 1992 U.S. Supreme Court decision that found states cannot reach beyond their borders and require out-ofstate Internet vendors to collect the sales tax owed by state residents and businesses. Sepp said even if a state decides not to opt in, he is concerned that tax administrators might still end up with increased powers and new taxing abilities, especially since the Supreme Court decision would no longer be applicable. “Lawmakers who want to be true to their taxpaying constituents should avoid rushing into this legislation and instead call for hearings that can finally explore more rational alternatives,” he added. The Marketplace Fairness Act has a long list of supporters, some local, like the Louisiana Retailers Association and Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association. There are more than 200 corporate backers of the plan, too, ranging from and Build-A-Bear Workshop to Petco Animal Supplies and Wendy’s. In the Senate, Sens. Mike Enzi, a Wyoming Republican, and Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, will be the chief sponsors of the legislation. On the House side, the chief sponsors will be Reps. Steve Womack, an Arkansas Republican, and Jackie Speier, a California Democrat.

Due to this limit, the commission decided to cut back last week on a batch of rural road projects, voting to move forward with $100 million in projects rather than the earlier plan for $250 million. Reductions in other capital projects are possible, lawmakers say. Capital projects are funded through bond sales to investors and help fund economic development projects, upgrades at colleges, improvements at public hospitals and other construction needs around the state. But that pool of money is running short due to the debt ceiling, and Bond Commission director Whit Kling said it could be totally tapped out by the summer, although another major bond sale could keep capital projects afloat for another year or possibly less.

Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration is considering a plan to restructure the state’s debt. Lawmakers learned of the dwindling capital outlay pool only a few weeks ago. House Appropriations Chairman Jim Fannin, R-Jonesboro, a member of the commission, was responsible for suggesting during a recent meeting that the commission create an executive committee to review and recommend comprehensive reforms. “When we have a date planned to sell bonds, and then learn at the last minute we are about to exceed the debt limit, that tells me we did not have the best process,” said Fannin. “We need more people involved in determining our construction needs and our debt limit early on.”

House Ways and Means Chairman Joel Robideaux, R-Lafayette, also a commission member, said the committee has a significant task ahead. “We have projects underway right now, and we need to pay for them, so the executive committee is going to have to deal with that first,” said Robideaux. “Then they are going to have to look into the future and come up with a long-range plan to time our debt with our construction needs.” With few realistic options for paying down a substantial amount of existing debt, and with hundreds of capital projects in various stages of development, some lawmakers have also suggested increasing the debt ceiling, which conservatives in the Legislature are opposed to, as is the governor.

State Borrowing Problems Mount The Bond Commission, which meets monthly to review and approve applications from parishes, municipalities, special taxing districts and other political subdivisions of the state requesting authority to take on new debt, has decided to launch a comprehensive review of how the state finances its own capital projects. There is currently a constitutional limit on debt equal to six percent of the state’s estimated revenue in any given year, a cap that changes based on incoming money the state earns. March 7, 2013




vic wukovits

A Good Idea ...

Every year, a specific date looms over almost every American citizen: April 15. For many, filing their income tax is a daunting task, and they enlist the help of agencies who charge a tidy fee, as any business should. Now, with technology available to everyone, the tax filing process has become a much easier and friendlier process. For many, filing their tax return involves a single W-2 form and the expectancy of a tax return check. For those, it is now as easy as using your iPhone. Intuit now offers an iPhone app called TurboTax SnapTax, which allows you take a picture of your W-2 form and file your taxes over the Internet. Granted, it’s limited to those who fit certain criteria, such as having an income lower than $80,000, no dependents to claim and no property ownership. But for many of America’s youth, it makes the process painless. SnapTax is also available for Android users. Many of us don’t fit these stipulations

and need a solution that can support the complexities of each and every situation. For that, the choices are many. Each of the major tax software giants, like Intuit TurboTax, TaxACT, and H&R Block, has its own solution online. Each service offers many different tiers for pricing based on the needs of each user. With many other services moving their software into the cloud, filing your taxes online might not be a reach for most. But for others who are less trusting of the internet, a version you can install on your computer is a good option. All flavors of tax complexity are offered in stores, as you might have seen in many places this time of year. For the last 10 years, I’ve used a product I buy in the store. I guess it’s become a ritual of sorts, but each and every year it gets easier and smoother. Once you decide which way to go, the process is very similar to that of other products in that you are asked a series of questions pertaining to you and your income. If you’ve ever taken an online survey, this process has a very similar feel to it, with each question breaking down the process into easy-to-digest pieces. You can save as often as you like to take a break; I often take a month or two putting everything together before I finally file. For filing, you can choose to print out the forms to file through the mail. But then again, didn’t you just use your computer to file your taxes? Why use an antiquated system of delivery when you can e-file it instead? Yes, this is my favored way to file my taxes each year, and these programs can help you all the way through. Of course, for many these options aren’t prudent. Having to manage your own finances can be a cumbersome task in both your home and business, and the use of a tax professional is certainly advised if at any point you don’t feel comfortable with this process. After all, filing your federal income tax correctly is of the upmost importance. However, if you feel like trying something that could save you some money and teach you more about how your money is taxed, I highly recommend you give any of these electronic solutions a try.



March 7, 2013


arthur hebert

Cousin’s 2612 Kirkman, 337-439-1144, Open daily, lunch 11 am-2 pm, dinner 4-10 pm • $5 to $10

This place stopped serving lunch several months back. Now the lunch is back, and it’s much better, with a menu of appetizers, burgers and po-boys. The menu contains six appetizers and a salad, along with the burger and some unusual po-boys. I had to try the grilled livers, as the last time I ate here they were overcooked. This time it was perfection. The pomegranate juice really cut the fat in the liver, giving both a great taste. The burger and po-boys are like nothing you’ve ever seen. For the kafta burger, ribeye is ground and then seasoned. Then it’s formed into a 10-oz. patty and grilled until succulent and juicy. It’s then topped with feta cheese, cheddar cheese, pickles, tomatoes, sautéed onions and Spring mix. I normally don’t care for pickles in my burger, but I loved these. The first bite — and every bite after — was heaven. In my opinion, this is the best burger in Lake Charles. You must go and try it. My companions had the jamalari (shrimp) and spicy steak po boys. First of all, the bread was perfection. It could stand up to any made in New Orleans. It had a crispy crust and a soft interior that acted like a flavor sponge. The shrimp were sautéed in spicy garlic butter and dressed



March 7, 2013

with tomatoes, onions and lemon juice. It turned out sweet, with a nice kick. The steak was ribeye with onions and bell pepper, dressed with a spicy garlic sauce. Both sandwiches were wonderful. My sister accompanied me on my next visit, and we both opted for the fried chicken liver po-boy. It was OK, but it had an element I didn’t care for. On my last visit, I had the chicken sharwarma. Except for the grilled liver, this was the best thing I’ve eaten here. I don’t normally order chicken, but this will be the exception. The dish consisted of a marinated grilled chicken breast piled high with pickles, turnips, tomatoes, onion, sumac, tahini, garlic sauce and cheese. Again, from the first bite to the last, it was loaded with flavor. The meat was tender, and the sandwich slightly crunchy and tart. I can still taste it now. The pita bread is wonderful now — nice, puffed and fluffy. The Lebanese potatoes are my clunker — heavy, greasy and inordinately spicy. Can you guess what was added to the chicken liver po boy that I didn’t care for? Despite this, you need to come and eat here. Someday those potatoes may surprise me. Arthur Hebert’s food and restaurant blog is


john maginnis

GOP Seeks Unity Against Landrieu Nothing will pull Republicans from their post-election funk and fog faster than renewed hopes of winning control of the U.S. Senate in 2014. Sure, they were confident they would gain control last year. But instead, they lost even more ground to the Democrats, who now control the upper chamber, 55-45. Yet, Republicans see the possibility of turning six seats in the mid-term elections as doable. Competitive races are forecast for nine seats now held by Democrats — seven of them in states won by Mitt Romney. At the top of the GOP hit list, once again, is Sen. Mary Landrieu, who is seeking her fourth term in a state where Romney thumped the president 58-41 percent. The job of ousting her, however, appears to be a chancier proposition than it seemed to be only a year ago. That is confirmed by a poll by Public Policy Polling. Public Policy is considered a left-leaning group. Still, its numbers show the senator handily beating six leading Republicans matched up against her, including Gov. Bobby Jindal, whom she bests 49-41 percent. Now, any fortune teller who would have conjured up such a number a year ago would have been laughed out of Jackson Square. That result probably has most to do

with the recent decline in Jindal’s approval ratings, which sagged into negative territory both in the PPP poll and another commissioned by the State Medical Society. Still, Landrieu’s job approval did rise to 47 percent positive to 45 percent negative in the PPP poll, a turnaround from 4153 percent in an August 2010 survey by the same firm.

At the top of the GOP hit list, once again, is Sen. Mary Landrieu, who is seeking her fourth term in a state where Romney thumped the president 58-41 percent.


The senator’s improved popularity and the lack of a strong consensus GOP challenger led the pollster to conclude that Landrieu is “in a stronger position for reelection probably than a lot of people would expect.” That may be so. But consider that the current climate is the most favorable that Landrieu will experience from now to the election. She is these days the subject of fawning TV commercials being run for her

benefit by the American Petroleum Institute, which are befitting for the rare Democrat who votes with Big Oil. Also, barely a cross word has been publicly said about her recently. That will change once the GOP attack machine gets ginned up next year. Two other sets of numbers in the PPP poll should concern the Landrieu camp. One is the 54-40 percent breakdown of poll respondents who voted for Romney or Barack Obama, three points less than the actual spread. The other is the mere 46-43 percent lead Landrieu has over Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne, who fared best among the six Republicans matched up against her. Those figures taken together would suggest a statistical dead heat, despite the fact that Dardenne’s name recognition is no more than 70 percent. The lieutenant governor is not inclined to run for the Senate in 2014, having set his sights on the Governor’s Mansion in 2015. So which Republican will run against Landrieu? Three months ago, the anticipated candidate was Rep. Bill Cassidy of Baton Rouge, who had easily won re-election with the help of his new consultant Timmy Teepell. The partner in OnMessage Consulting is not only Jindal’s former chief of staff and current top political advisor but also a political figure who’s wired into the

National Republican Committee, the state party and the various organizations that anchor the social conservative movement. His signing on with the congressman strongly signaled that the governor wouldn’t run for the Senate and that no Republican but Cassidy should. But the unforeseen occurred shortly after the 2012 election when Cassidy informed Teepell that his services were no longer needed. The reason for the parting remains unclear, but the effect was profound. The shock wave sent through Republican ranks cracked an opening for other potential challengers. Reps. John Fleming of Minden and Charles Boustany of Lafayette soon showed interest, as did former Rep. Jeff Landry of New Iberia. Perhaps the most intriguing name to surface is that of Chas Roemer, the new chairman of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and son of former Gov. Buddy Roemer. Not all of the above will run. It’s doubtful that even two will because of the strong pressure that will come to bear from Washington and big donors to unify behind one candidate. As a result of that pressure, it’s likely that despite her hopeful showing in early polling, 18 months from now, Landrieu will be fighting for her political life one more time.

Where Will The BP Money Go? The stakes may be monumental in the British Petroleum trial now underway, but the legal bout lacks the essential elements of a courtroom drama. Guilt has been determined in the oil giant’s criminal plea agreement with the U.S. Justice Department, which also establishes that BP was negligent. The big question for the trial to settle is how negligent, for a ruling of gross negligence and willful misconduct could quadruple the fines for each barrel of oil that flowed into the Gulf, pushing the award to five coastal states, primarily Louisiana, to over $20 billion. According to the Wall Street Journal, Justice and the states are prepared to offer to settle for $16 billion. Whether by verdict or settlement, from there the real drama begins — a political one, with state leaders wrangling over how to spend a sizable chunk of the fine money, as much as $1 billion, that will come with strings loosely attached. Deciding where those funds go will test the will behind the political rhetoric of state leaders’ commitment to restoring the eroding, sinking coast. It’s easy to be four-square behind the coastal cause when there is little to spend on it. That could change when the money is at hand. The good news is that by congressional passage of the Restore Act, 80 percent of the fine money will be deposited into the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund, of which 60 percent will go to coastal projects, vetted and approved by the federally created Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council. Another five percent goes to research, technology and grants. That leaves 35 percent divided equally among the five affected states. Louisiana’s share will be split between 30 percent for coastal parishes and 70 percent for the state, a tally that could range from $500 million to $1 billion. That figure could go higher still from a separate claim by the state for lost sales and income taxes in the wake of the spill. The Federal law does spell out 10 broad areas the fine money can be used for, including workforce development, job creation, seafood marketing, tourism promotion and planning, all within 25 miles of the coast. But state dollars already going to those purposes could be backed out and spent elsewhere. In the last session, Louisiana legislators declined to approve a constitu-

tional amendment to let voters decide to dedicate all of the BP money to coastal protection and restoration projects. Instead, they passed a law to do the same thing, which the Legislature could only change by a two-thirds vote. But since it is a simple statute, it would only take a majority vote to delete the two-thirds requirement. Gov. Bobby Jindal has shown that getting a majority of legislators to do what he wants requires no heavy lifting, especially when he throws a few crumbs their way. And there is no end to other purposes for the money, especially in view of a delicatelybalanced budget and diminishing funds to finance construction projects. While the coast will get the lion’s share of BP money, legislators away from the coast can assert that all parts of the state suffered economically from the spill, particularly when lost tax revenues are counted. A microcosm of that argument was heard last week when a legislative committee signed off on a federal grant for mental health services in south Louisiana parishes affected by Hurricane Isaac. Despite the terms of the grant, Sen. Francis Thompson, D-Delhi, pressed the administration to find ways to move money around in order to help his rural northeast Louisiana district, too. He did not succeed. His friend Senate President John Alario, almost with a straight face, suggested that Thompson move his parishes closer to the coast. What’s not so funny is a recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report that concludes that southeast Louisiana is sinking faster than earlier assumed and that, in conjunction with seas rising ever faster, a number of coastal restoration projects could be rendered obsolete before they are completed. This means the state’s 50 year-$50 billion plan to restore the coast, much of it to be funded with BP fines and future offshore revenue sharing, could cost much more, take much longer, and cover only a portion of the projects included. That inconvenient truth will instill greater urgency in the strongest coastal supporters, but also possibly a sense of despair among the broader body politic. Which emotion prevails across the state will guide decisions of what to do with the BP money that eventually comes our way.

March 7, 2013




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Kecee Lewis and Mary Morris; District B’s Luvertha August, who will run against Lionel H. Taylor; and District G’s Mark Eckard, who will run against Khalid Taha. Jennings Mayor Terry Duhon and Vinton Police Chief Ricky Fox will both face opposition on April 6.

Uncle Indicted On Stabbing Charge

LOCAL NEWS STORIES OF THE PAST TWO WEEKS PDO Needs New Funding Source A new source is needed to fund indigent defense, the head of the Calcasieu Parish Public Defender’s Office said. Much of the PDO’s funding comes from court fees, in particular traffic tickets. After the state Legislature last year increased court costs from $35 to $45, District Defender Jay Dixon said he expected a 20 percent increase ($200,000) in funds. Instead, he’s foreseeing a 14 percent decrease. While he said he needs $2.1 million a year to operate his office, he expects a budget of $1.6 million in the next fiscal year. Income from traffic tickets will be the lowest in 10 years, resulting in the PDO’s worst income in 10 years, Dixon said.

Smart Cleared Of Wrongdoing Following an eight-month long investigation, a Westlake city employee has been cleared of any wrongdoing, according to the mayor. In July, Councilmen John Cradure and Wally Anderson accused Chief

Administrative Officer Lonnie Smart of improperly using city funds. Among the allegations brought forth by the councilmen was that Smart had been using the city credit care for personal use — which included paying for a plane ticket to North Carolina in June, and paying for a female to accompany him on a city trip to Washington, D.C., in March 2012.

GO Group Preparing For Economic Boom The Southwest Louisiana Task Force for Growth and Opportunity, or GO Group, recently announced its strategic plan to deal with issues related to such areas as workforce development and transportation that may arise with the anticipated high-dollar industrial projects in Southwest Louisiana. The group consists of a steering committee made up of several organizations and appointed subcommittees. The steering committee includes several municipalities within Calcasieu Parish, the Police Jury, the Sheriff’s Office, the School Board, the Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance, the West Calcasieu Chamber, IMCAL and the Port of Lake

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Charles. The Police Jury will lead the committee, and District 14 Police Juror Hal McMillin will be the chairman.Parish Administrator Bryan Beam said the steering committee will appoint 10 subcommittees that will “do the nuts and bolts of the work.” The subcommittee will focus on workforce development, education, transportation, housing, utilities, environment, health, public safety, small-business development and community relations. The group’s next meeting is tentatively set for March 6.

A grand jury indicted John W. Hatfield III, 25, on a charge of second degree murder in the 36th Judicial District Court. Hatfield was alleged to have stabbed his 4year-old nephew to death in the area of Graybow in Beauregard Parish on Dec. 18. The boy was stabbed in the chest. Hatfield is being held on a $750,000 bond.

Patrick To Stay Under Court Supervision On Feb. 15, prosecutor Stephanie Cochrane and defense attorney Jay Dixon recommended that Kevin B. Patrick, who in 2007 was found not guilty by reason of insanity of the second degree murder of his grandmother, remain under court supervision for another year. Judge Robert Wyatt recommended that Patrick continue to take his medications.

Parish Schools Get Grants Several Candidates Run Unopposed When qualifying for local elections came to an end, it became clear that several incumbents would face no opponent in the April 6 election. Mayor Randy Roach, who is running for his fourth consecutive term, will run unopposed. Also running unopposed are four Lake Charles City Council members: Rodney Geyen, John Ieyoub, Stuart Weatherford and Dana Carl Jackson. Council incumbents who will face opponents are District A’s Marshall Simien, who will run against

State Superintendent John White recently presented a check for $169,077 to 20 Calcasieu Parish Public School principals for achieving Top Gains School status. Each school will receive $8,453 to be used toward furthering their students’ education. Schools were recognized for growth during the 2011-2012 school year. To reach Top Gains designation, schools must improve their School Performance Score by reaching or exceeding a certain growth target from two to 10 points. In Louisiana, 440 schools earned Top Gains School status.





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chuck shepherd • illustrations by felix falgoust

Silence For Sale Officials at England’s 12th-century St. Peter’s Church in Seaford, East Sussex, which is renowned for its eerie quietness, created a 30-minute CD recently of near-total silence, first as a small-scale fundraising project, but later for general sales. (Word-ofmouth had attracted orders from as far away as Ghana.) Those who’ve heard it said they could make out only the occasional squeaking of footsteps on the wooden floor (and the very distant hum of passing cars). Said one admiring parishioner, “People sometimes like to sit down and just have a bit of peace and quiet.”

Great Art — Iceland’s menswear designer Sruli Recht’s autumn/winter 2013 collec-

tion, which debuted in Paris in January, included a ring made from a four-inch slice of his own skin, which was removed during recent abdomen surgery. The skin was then salted and tanned to give it sturdiness. The ring (which is called “Forget Me Knot”) carries a price tag of $500,000. — In Russia’s coldest region (the Siberian republic of Yakutia), artist Mikhail Bopposov created a massive, nearly 900-pound cobra statue made entirely of cow dung. Though at this time of the year the sculpture freezes, Bopposov plans to sell it when it melts, since fertilizer is a valuable commodity during the region’s short summers. Actually, this is Bopposov’s

second foray into dung art. Last year, she sculpted a winged serpent for the Chinese Year of the Dragon.

Michael is the saner of the two. He had been ruled “competent” to stand trial, but Meloney has so far not been.

People With Issues

Police Blotter

Michael Selleneit, 54, pleaded guilty to several charges, including attempted murder in an October 2011 attack on a neighbor, who Selleneit had declared was raping Selleneit’s wife “telepathically.” Police said Selleneit had been making that claim “for years.” His wife, Meloney, was also charged, as she allegedly goaded her husband on, telling him to “go for it.” She even supplied the gun. Both spouses have been extensively examined by mental health professionals. It turns out that

— Edward Lucas, 33, was arrested in Slidell, La., and charged with theft from the sheriff’s department headquarters. Lucas reportedly walked in and requested a file. While he was waiting (as a surveillance video confirmed), he swiped three ballpoint pens from the reception area. — According to police in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Mark Carroll, 18, masked and armed with a handgun, is the one who threatened and robbed the night-shift clerk at the Maverik convenience store on New Year’s morning. The clerk was Donna Carroll, Mark’s mother. But police said that it wasn’t an inside job



rior to medicine, I was an Educational Psychologist and teacher. While studying psychology, I obtained much of my philosophy for mental wellness from some great minds. A professor at the University of Pennsylvania first introduced to me the pie theory of neurosis. Sorry, it’s not the pie that you eat, but if you understand this theory and incorporate the principles into your life, your emotional appetite will be satiated and balance. Neurosis is the stress of a non-integrated personality and stress can cause premature aging. Your personality is made up of different components working together to make you feel content and fulfilled. When these person-

George Edmond Smith, M.D., M.Ed.

ality parts are in un-equal balance, there is stress ... and the outcome is neurosis. Neurosis causes the body to produce certain chemicals that causes wear and tear on cells and organs. Let’s say I make very tasty pies, and invited you to sample my baking. I prepare a pie that is lopsided, with all the pastry piled up on one side. I’m sure you would find that suspicious even before you tasted it. Neurotic people live their lives unbalanced with one aspect of their personality getting more attention and ignoring the other personality parts. For example, focusing on the physical aspect and ignoring, let’s say, your spirituality component to your personality. The basic slices, or components to your personality consist of five major parts; 1} physical; 2} emotional; 3} spiritual; 4} social; and 5} intellectual. We must work to build each of these slices in equal harmony in order to combat the stress that can age us. Some of my patients who have chronic illnesses and who look older than their stated age have unbalanced personalities. Decreased Memory Another condition that many people complain about when they grow older is memory decline; however, this does not have to always occur. I know people who are centurions whose mental acumen is equal to mine. I also meet younger patients, who, for whatever reason, cannot

By George Edmond Smith, M.D., M.Ed. remember what they did yesterday. The following are some ways we can all improve our mental capacities ... because remember, aging is a state of mind and only a number. When one’s recall declines, it usually signals some underlying problem. See your physician first to have a complete medical evaluation, which includes bloodwork and in some cases radiology studies. Be evaluated for dementia and other organic conditions that can affect your mind and quality of life. There are medicines like “Namenda” or “Aricept” which may benefit your condition. However there are things you can do on your own to help. First, stop the toxins that can damage your brain cells like alcohol, cigarettes, and over the counter pills that are not recommended by your doctor. This includes pills for pain, energy and to sleep. The brain cell membrane receptor sites need to be clean so that protein enzymes can work on them. Diet and exercise are important so the impulses can allow cells to do their job to give us natural energy which is sometimes lost with the aging process. There are also some exercises we can do to improve our memory. Instead of sedentarily watching TV for hours, obtain a book and read it. Reading helps the brain to work and after you read, try to write about what you read. There is another exercise some of us performed in medical school to boost our memory. We would take a random deck of cards, pick five from the deck

and place them aside, wait five minutes and see if you can recall them in order as they were picked. One student was able to recall in order forty cards from the deck, not surprisingly he was the smartest in our class. Again, as I said before, the most important thing you can do to help your brain is to exercise and eat healthy, and this is the basic foundation for combating the aging process. Loss Of Stature Posture is important for internal organs to have room to function properly. Many of my patients, including the younger ones, have poor posture. They climb onto the examining table with their shoulders slacked and their spine bent over; and ironically they complain about muscular skeletal pain. Poor posture causes the lungs and internal organ to collapse and be squeezed preventing expansion and functioning to their full capacity. Poor bone alignment causes the muscular skeletal system to become fixated improperly and this can cause arthritis. Practice standing up straight, walking and sitting properly. It will help you as you grow older. Finally, I’ve witnessed the times of Motown and the Beatles, Pink Floyd and Woodstock, disco and now the “Harlem Shake.” Wow, “what a journey,” but what is exciting is that hopefully I will experience more evolution on earth ... while being young in mind and in body.

Lakeside MedicalWellness Clinic LLC




March 7, 2013

and she still doesn’t believe the man behind the mask was her son. — Sheriff’s deputies in Ozaukee County, Wis., identified Shelly Froelich, 48, as the woman who allegedly called the jail in January and asked if Judge Thomas Wolfgram was in. When she was informed he wasn’t but that he would be in court the following morning, she said, “Good. Tell him I have a hit on him.” Deputies said Froelich’s son was in lock-up and that his mom had several times before issued threats to judges after her son had been arrested.

Government In Action — France has seen its wolf population gradually increase from near-extinction in the 1930s. It still classifies the predator as a “protected” species. But sheep farmers complain that wolf attacks are reducing the size of their herds. In a recently proposed National Wolf Plan, the government boldly gave headline-writers around the world material for rejoicing with the announcement of a national program to “educate” the wolves. Wolves known to have attacked sheep would be caught, marked and briefly detained, with the hope that they would learn their lesson from that trauma, and from then on would pass up sheep and turn instead to rabbits, boar and deer. Said one critic, “You might as well try to educate a shark.” — The Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration revealed in January that twice as many fraudulent income tax refunds were paid to inmates in 2011 (173,000) as in 2010. However, the IRS claimed that the fraudulent returns it did manage to stop

totaled $2.5 billion. Almost half of this amount was claimed by two inmates. Also, the Department of Health and Human Service’s inspector general revealed in January that Medicare was illegally billed for $120 million from 2009 to 2011 for services used by inmates and illegal immigrants. Neither group is authorized to use Medicare. — New York City music teacher Aryeh Eller, 46, is having a battle with the Board of Education. He has earned a million dollars in salary and benefits since the board removed him from the classroom 13 years ago and sent him to a “rubber room” after their were complaints of sexual harassment during the one year when he taught. An arbitrator had found insufficient evidence for Eller’s termination. But the board refuses to let him back in the classroom, fearing he is a danger to students.

Least Competent Criminals A massive testtaking scheme spanning three Southern states came to a halt in 2009 after going undetected for 15 years. In February 2012, Clarence Mumford, Sr., 59, pleaded guilty to being the mastermind of the syndicate that charged school teachers thousands of dollars to have proxy test-takers sit for them in mandatory qualifications exams. The 2009 incident that brought the scheme to light was one in which a hired proxy decided to take both a morning test for one teacher and an afternoon test for another teacher at the same location while wearing the same pink baseball cap.

March 7, 2013




dale archer, MD

Is He A Pedophile? Dear Dr. Archer, I'm a 41-year-old mother of two daughters who are 15 and 13. I live with my husband of six years, who also has two daughters, who are 17 and 20. My husband is a very good man with plenty of friends. He works hard and comes from a caring family. His daughters are beautiful, smart, kind girls and he has a great relationship with them. They lived with us for a while, but the blended family became too difficult for them, although the youngest will be returning to live with us again soon. While we were dating, my husband visited classified ads online for casual sexual encounters, and gave his number to a woman he met on a business trip. There was a time when we were missing condoms. When he returned from a trip, they suddenly reappeared. He lied about this to counselors, his family and even his oldest daughter. When he finally confessed, he went in and out of counseling for low self-esteem and the stress of a blended family. He claims he never cheated, and says he doesn't know why he took the condoms, except that he may have

needed them and for the thrill of it. He has since gotten a vasectomy. Our sex life barely exists. It takes great effort for him to get aroused, even if I'm lying naked next to him. He claims it's the stress of our life. He watches porn. He's good to my girls and considers them his own. This is challenging because my youngest daughter has anxiety and borderline personality dis-




March 7, 2013

My daughter is now missing four pairs of underwear. I'm afraid my husband is taking them, yet I have no proof. He’s lied to me in the past.

order. She's been hospitalized due to her violence and suicidal tendencies. I can say with confidence my husband has never tried to hurt nor molest my daughters. The lines of communication are open between us. Also, my husband doesn't want to spend any additional alone time with my girls.

He's a pilot and must undergo annual criminal record checks. He doesn't fit the pedophile profile. But I’m concerned about some of his behavior. Over six months ago, I discovered my daughter's bra in the sleeve of one of my husband's coats that was hanging in the closet. It wasn't tucked deep and was hanging out. Previously, it had been on the top of some clean laundry, and I naively assumed it had gotten caught. For the past year my daughter has been complaining that her underwear is missing. She's messy and I thought she just lost them, so I bought her new ones. Months later my other daughter started complaining about the same problem. One day my husband looked under a couch cushion and pulled out a zip lock bag with two pairs of dirty underwear in them. My daughter had no idea where they came from, and my husband was embarrassed when he pulled them out in front of everyone. My daughter says she didn't put them there. She's now missing four pairs of underwear. I'm afraid my husband is taking them, yet I have no proof. I refuse to ask him about this

because he’s lied to me in the past. Also, he'd never admit to such a thing. The only thing I've said is that I'm concerned about his sexual choices and the way he deals with stress. I asked him to see a psychologist. He begged me to tell him my concerns, made the appointment immediately and started sleeping downstairs. I don't know what to do. We've had our problems in the past and he’s admitted to wrongdoings. He's given me complete access to his computer, phone and work schedule to regain my trust. He uses the computer daily. When I check the history, it's been deleted. I had no worries about him cheating again until the panties issue. Do you think he would harm my daughters? He has not so much as raised his voice to them. He really is the most well-mannered, gentle man I’ve ever met. He went from raising his perfect daughters in a calm home to living in chaotic hell with my daughters. If he could, I know he'd have a drink daily just to calm his nerves. Is he trying on their underwear? Is he using them to masturbate? Am I being paranoid? Can his acting out be controlled with psychological help?

He's not interested in me sexually at all, and goes online for porn. Red flag! I left my ex-husband after he was arrested for making obscene phone calls and my youngest daughter claimed he exposed himself to her. He denied it, but I couldn't live with it. I don't want to falsely accuse someone, but I want to do the right thing. I realize this is plenty of information about a problem you may not be able to address. But my stomach is hurting badly. If I spoke to a professional, they'd probably call child and family protection services. Should I ask him to leave the house? I'm not worried he will hurt my daughters, but if this is deviant behavior aimed at children, it may escalate. I told him I'd understand if he didn't want to live in the home or be married. The stress with my daughter is unbelievable. She has hit and spat at him, and he endures verbal abuse on a daily basis. She's removed at least once a month from the home by police. How can someone tolerate such abuse and pretend to be normal? I know he's NOT normal, and that scares me. He gives the appearance of being perfect, like his daughters, and that bothers me and makes me wonder. Sandra Dear Sandra, One thing is certain: your husband is not perfect and neither are his daughters, no matter what image he tries to project. Heck, none of us are, but there are some serious issues going on here. Condoms just don't go missing and then suddenly appear. Your husband doesn't take condoms on business trips just for the thrill. They’re packed in case they're needed. Now he has a vasectomy to eliminate an unwanted pregnancy, eliminating any future mistakes. Or so he thinks. Watching porn isn’t a terrible thing, but lying about it to your spouse is. Your husband is watching something on the computer that he knows you would have an issue with, otherwise he wouldn’t bother clearing the history. What that may be is anybody's guess. There’s a fetish regarding dads and stepdads taking their daughter's panties, and he may be acting on that. You say your husband doesn't fit the profile of a pedophile, though I'm not sure what you think the profile is. A pedophile can be anyone -- black, white, rich, poor, educated, uneducated, religious or not. As a very rule, pedophiles: • Are male and over the age of 30. • Are single with few friends, or married, but with limited sexual relations • Are fascinated with children and activities with children • Have a specific age preference; for example, they prefer young children, those right at puberty, mid-teens and so on. • Often seek out troubled, handicapped or shy children. He befriends them, showers them with attention and shows incredible patience, all as a means of manipulation. OK, let’s analyze: You don't ask continued March 7, 2013





your husband about what's going on because he won't be truthful, so you figure there's no point in wasting your time. That's a bad sign. He came up with two pair of underwear, but evidently there are many more missing. There must be trust between the two of you or you're fighting a losing battle. If he has a fetish and nothing more, he may never carry it further. But how can you know for sure? Keep in mind that there are other explanations. As disruptive as your daughter is, I wouldn’t put it past her to do this just to get him in trouble, so this must be considered. My advice: You must bring this up with your husband. This is the best way. Watch him carefully to see whether you can get a feel for whether he’s lying. Then insist that the two of you see a therapist together to discuss this in detail. That would put him on notice that you’re suspicious and would get him to stop if he was guilty. If you just can’t bring it up, then consider a small, inexpensive video camera. Nanny Cams can provide surveillance in your home without anyone knowing they're there. With time, you would get an answer as to who was taking and stashing the girls' underwear. You could also focus one on the computer screen to see what’s up there. This behavior is disturbing, creepy and has the chance to escalate. You have daughters to protect, so you need to figure this out now. Whether you talk to your husband and daughter at length or use a surveillance camera, act now. Good luck. Dr. Archer Dear Dr. Archer, I'm a 21-year-old college student who’s doing well in school. I also work. I have a demanding supervisor who stresses me out. His favorite pet phrase is, "make it happen." I've been working for him for two years, and I can't stand the anxiety! When I started college I began having panic attacks. Whenever deadlines are approaching, I get anticipatory anxiety. This can lead to insomnia and irregular heartbeats. I've tried numerous ways to control it, but to no avail. It has greatly affected the quality of my life. It makes me afraid to assume responsibilities.



March 7, 2013

In addition, this stress has caused male pattern baldness. Because I’m so young, this is translating into further psychological stress. I hope you can help me. Alistair Dear Alistair, I can’t stress enough the importance of maintaining physical health, as well as mental health. If a job is too demanding, stressful and overwhelming, it's time to find another job. Panic attacks are serious, and over a period of time, can cause a constant fear of having another attack. In other words, you can actually start having panic attacks because you're expecting another attack. It's fear by association. Your supervisor's "get it done" motto is just one stressful aspect to your job. Talk to him, and let him know what's going on. Find out if there's another position in the company that doesn't involve so much stress and responsibility. If there isn’t, I suggest you look for other employment. One other thing: although there’ve been numerous studies, there's no definite evidence to support the idea that stress causes hair loss, which may be just genetic. Stress can restrict the blood supply to capillaries, thus affecting the health and growth of hair follicles. I suggest you use breathing exercises to help keep the blood flow unrestricted. Steve Maraboli said, "It's up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind." Good luck. Dr. Archer

Dr. Dale Archer is a board certified psychiatrist who founded the Institute for Neuropsychiatry in Southwest Louisiana. He is a frequent guest on Fox News, CNN Headline News and other national TV programs, and the author of the New York Times’ bestselling book Better than Normal. Visit him online at www.


brad goins

Independent Films Whatever the thinking behind the origins of the phrase “independent films” might have been, the independent film has become a thoroughly formulaic thing. The films aren’t as likely to use simplistic plots or stylized language as Hollywood blockbusters are. But they fall far short of the movies that were called “New Wave” decades ago. “Independent” doesn’t mean what “art” used to. The most annoying feature of independent films is the way in which the transition from one plot point to another is inevitably heralded by a sappy, anemic pop song whose lyrics have nothing whatsoever to do with the plot of the movies (and whose lyrics are banal and silly). It’s always a pop song. These are supposed to be sophisticated movies. Doesn’t anyone in them ever listen to classical music or jazz? Even blues or R&B would be a nice change-up. The interchangeable pop songs and their aggravating lack of context aren’t the feature of independent film that bothers me most. That feature is a tendency to mix comedy with tragedy or something close to it. The idea isn’t new, of course. Shakespeare’s last plays are famous for their mix of comedy and serious, even



March 7, 2013

Lars And The Real Girl

tragic, material. While I’ve never “gotten” these plays, some say they’re the Bard’s best. When I was young, the word “tragicomedy” was thrown around a lot — usually in reference to Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot. But it’s important to note that Waiting for Godot was really funny; really humorous. It’s an hour and a half of pratfalls, dumb jokes and screwball antics complemented by maybe 10 minutes of fairly serious material.

While it may be crude to say the play works because it has a large quantity of comedy, I think that’s the case. The contrast with many independent films is that they begin with a half hour or 45 minutes of pretty much straight-on comedy. Then the floor falls out from under the characters. At the end of the film, the viewer, shell-shocked by the rapid depiction of half a dozen personal disasters, is, I guess, supposed to be consoled by remembering that at some point, the film was a comedy.

The quantity of the comedy does seem to matter. Once the director has signaled that he’s creating a comedy, it almost never works to switch genres. Bad things can happen in the film, but comedy must predominate before and after (and perhaps even during) these unpleasant events. One of the few films I’ve seen that’s made the independent film formula work is Little Miss Sunshine. The film is loaded with serious content; it has more of this than most Hollywood dramas and melodramas. Each of the half dozen main characters in the film experiences a major disappointment: the sort of disappointment that’s so big it traumatizes. One of the characters even dies. But the viewer is never moved too far away from the comedy genre. Things may get serious for a minute or two, but the jokes quickly kick back in. The bare plot of the film would bring anyone down. But the preponderance of humor enables everyone to go away from the movie with the bounce and lightness one expects from comedy. That feeling of lightness may in fact help viewers reflect on the characters’ losses in an objective way. Little Miss Sunshine pulls off a very delicate balancing act. One way to see that is to consider the number of inde-

The Road To Morocco

pendent films that try for something similar but fail. These films leave viewers with an emotional murkiness: the kind of feeling that’s sometimes described with the word “blah.” Too often, key characters are left in a bleak situation or with very dim prospects. And it’s been a good 15 minutes since one of them has felt up to uttering a joke. That’s not a fitting conclusion for a comedy. One independent film that manages to succeed in much the same way Little Miss Sunshine does is Lars and the Real Girl. But to get this success, it has to cheat a little. We (the audience) know, at some level, that Lars must be severely mentally ill. Nothing that happens in the course of the film accounts for his ability to snap out of his illness at the end of the movie. (That is especially the case given that Lars has the sort of mental illness one can’t snap out of.) Almost as implausible as Lars’ miracle cure is his ability to begin a real-life romance at the end of the film. If Lars were a real person, he wouldn’t have sufficient mental stability to take such a course. It would be years before he would be in a position to (assuming that such an option were ever possible for him). But given that the film cheats a little, it does so in a way that stays true to the independent spirit. Rather than tearing into a rip-roarin’ romance with big fireworks and passionate kisses applauded by the cast, Lars simply asks the object of his affection if she’d like to take a walk. It’s that simple. Our movie is over — without a bit of Hollywood flash. If anyone were going to cut through the unnecessary complexities that bog down romance, it would be a character

with Lars’ autistic or Aspergerish bent. And the film solidifies its status as a comedy by ending as a traditional comedy does — with romance triumphant. If it’s an unimaginable romance, what better place for it than in an independent film? The romances that developed in the great screwball comedies of the 1930s and 1940s were often unimaginable from any sort of rational point of view. But that was fine, since the films’ overriding objective was always to be funny. And those films were funny for the purpose of being escapist. It’s my appreciation of those old comedies that causes me to have such a mixed experience with films that start as comedy then turn into something else. For me, comedy is always about escape. I’m not a person who can stay resilient in the face of the wear and tear of everyday life. Nor do I want to see movies that show me a lot of the mundane wear and tear that’s a common experience for me and everyone else. I want to get my mind off everyday life as soon as I can. When I’m watching one of the Road movies of Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, I never think of the problems of life or romance because none of the problems that arise in the movies bears any resemblance to what happens in real life. The equivalent of a Road movie today would be, say, half a dozen of the movies that have starred Will Farrell. What could be more preposterous than the romance in Anchorman? But who’s ever spent one second worrying about how preposterous it is? If it weren’t preposterous, then we might have a problem.

March 7, 2013





March 7, 2013

Parish Launches Wellness Initiative Calcasieu Parish’s new wellness initiative, “Dare to be Healthy,” was recently launched with an event held at Christus St. Patrick Hospital’s Garber Auditorium. The new initiative will include advocacy for community gardens to increase availability of fresh fruits and vegetables for those in underserved neighborhoods; annual health fairs involving all four major hospitals in the area; fitness and nutrition classes benefiting over 500 area children and adults; and collaboration with local restaurants to develop healthier menu selections. The initiative is funded by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation’s $760,000 Challenge Grant, matched by approximately $832,000 in funds from collaborating organizations in the Southwest Louisiana area including the area’s four main hospitals, Calcasieu Parish School Board, City of Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, Louisiana Public Health Institute, Life Fit for Women, Office of Public Health, McNeese State University Nutrition and Science Department, Southwest Louisiana Dietetic Association, and the Partnership for a Healthier Southwest Louisiana. For more info, call 497-0127, ext. 12.

Carleton Claims SEC Indoor 5k Championship St. Louis Catholic alumnus and LSU distance runner Laura Carleton, 23, earned her first SEC Championship with a comefrom-behind victory in the 5k at the 2013 SEC Indoor Track and Field Championships held in Fayetteville, Ark. in February. Carleton, who was seeded third as she entered the race, was coming off a season-best time of 16:11.58 in the 5k earlier this season. She ran a majority of the race in the lead pack with the Arkansas duo of Diane Robison and Dominique Scott and South Carolina’s Kayla Lampe. Carleton and Lampe eventually separated themselves from the rest of the field over the final 800 meters. Carleton closed the gap over the final 200 meters to take the race in 16:18.20.

Solid Waste Center Accepting Metal The Calcasieu Parish Solid Waste Convenience Centers are once again accepting scrap metal. Collection of scrap metal was temporarily suspended last year to allow Public Works officials to install new machinery which monitors the collected materials for environmental standards. Convenience Center hours are 7 am5 pm, Thursday-Monday. The centers are closed Tuesday and Wednesday. For more information, call 721-3700.

Swashbucklers, Cheniere Form Fund For Partners The Louisiana Swashbucklers and Cheniere Energy will work together for the Calcasieu Parish Schools Partners in Education program. The partnership will create a grant fund to benefit Partner schools. Cheniere Energy will be the title sponsor for the home game on April 20, which has been designated the Partners in Education game. The Louisiana Swashbucklers will begin their season on March 9 at 7 pm against the defending PIFL League Champion Albany Panthers at the Lake Charles Civic Center. For more info on supporting the new Partners program, call the Swashbucklers office at 310-7277. March 7, 2013



OB's Bar & Grill, packed and rocking

The Wrath Of Signature Drinks Story and Drinking By Todd C. Elliott Designating Driving By R.C. Corbello

This round is on me. Has it been a year already? Time flies when you’re drinking, bar flies. In an effort to walk a straight line, the editors at Lagniappe compiled a list of bars for me to visit, and I agreed to don my drinking cap. My mission: Sample the establishments’ specialty cocktail. The signature drinks of Lake Charles would be mine. If Southwest Louisiana is a drinking man’s culture, then I must immerse myself in the culture. “Bar hopping” is not a term used lightly. While many believe that they can do the dance of the “The Bar Hop,” only the professional drinkers can become the urban achievers that society urges them to be. “Raising the bar” should never be confused with “razing the bar.” A bar should be artfully depleted of its reserves and strange elixirs, not demolished by a loud, gaggle of cro-magnon drunkards who pour out their drinks on top of a bar while plucking their liver out with their 30


March 7, 2013

hands and using it as if it were a sponge to soak up the drink. That is not the art of drinking. While a younger crowd of “GaryO’s” might see drinking as a martial-arts event or contest, the refined and dignified drunkard politely soaks in the atmosphere along with his drinks, uses a napkin for something other than a phone number or cry for help, and finishes off

an evening by tipping the bartender appropriately. A good barfly knows there is no contest, and a good bar will check that idea in at the door. Necessary to a night of libation is a low-carb food meal, a designated driver, one cell phone, one roll of duct tape for the cell phone, one packet of BC powder, one bottle of water and two tablets of

ibuprofen. Before getting “into the drink,” it’s always best to start with an appetizer. By appetizer, I mean a shot and/or shots. Starting with a shot will quicken the pulse of any oncoming night life. An evening of drinking should begin and end with shots, if one is to achieve maximum results. Shots act like a fuel injector or carburetor cleaner — what

one might think of as an STP gas treatment additive put into the gas tank of a vehicle before a long drive. On the subject of driving, this article and research wouldn’t be possible without the support of my designated driver, a man by the name of “R.C.,” who chauffeured me around in his 1939 Plymouth hot rod known as “King Kong.” The vehicle, a shiny black-andchrome tank from another time, is both beauty and beast, and it killed on a Lake Charles Saturday night. If I chose to be a superhero in Lake Charles, I would want “King Kong” to be my “super-mobile,” in the style of an early Bruce Wayne or a Green Hornet. A man should not drink and drive. A real man has a 1939 Plymouth hot rod shuttle him about for the evening. R.C. — who was the owner and driver of Kong — was the kind of guy, with the kind of vehicle, that one would want in a combat situation, bachelor party or a zombie apocalypse. Along those same lines, he also rents and drives Kong for weddings and special events. Tonight would, indeed, be a special event, as I would marry my butt to many a bar stool in one evening. I could tell when R.C. neared my home, as I heard a ruptured, mechanized snarling or growling some two blocks in the distance. I imagined myself standing at the gates on Skull Island, as Jessica Lange, bound as an offering. “Kong,” I whispered. R.C. was prompt in giving me the tour of his vehicle before we hit the road. Never had I ridden in such a vehicle. And now I want one. As the night wore on, Kong sped off into the night, delivering me safely to my destinations. R.C. made sure I was on time to meet my friends at The Cigar Club at 9:30 pm. I joked with R.C. “Let’s open her up,” I said. “Show me what she can do.” At first, R.C. dismissed the idea and then ... well ... then the smell of burned tire rubber from the 1939 Plymouth hot rod on East Prien Lake Road smelled like victory. I was happy to be alive and in need of drink.

Jack Daniel’s Bar And Grill (at L’Auberge), 7:07 pm When it comes to shots, I venture to L’Auberge, and more specifically, the Jack Daniel’s Bar and Grill. A good whiskey will bring about a myriad of good questions like: “Can I get another shot?” “What time does the band start?” “Can you charge this to my room?” “Why did I ever stop drinking?” or “Why does that damn fireplace in the lobby burn year round including during the hot Summer?” Patrons of the Jack Daniel’s always have their choice of the “inside bar” or the “outside bar,” and then so many choices after that. There’s actually a signature drink section of the menu. The specialty drink at Jack Daniel’s is the Old No. 7 Whiskey‚ which is one half of the ingredients in the classic American cocktail, the Jack and Coke. However, The Spiked Apple — which is made with Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7, Apple Pucker, Sweet and Sour and cranberry juice — was the signature cocktail of choice for the evening. It’s one of their best sellers, according to the bartender. It’s a tart taste explosion that makes your mouth happy to be a mouth. The people who will gladly add mixers to your Old No. 7 Jack Daniel’s are like great mixers themselves, who often assist in a great evening of mixing. An evening at Jack Daniel’s, itself, soon becomes the great mixer that locals and Texans often look for and find without reservations.

Lucky Pierre’s, 7:43 pm Between KD’s and Benchwork Jewelers in Lake Charles, there’s a little gem known as Lucky Pierre’s. While it’s usually not a good rule of thumb to play Sade on the jukebox before midnight, the patrons of Lucky Pierre’s get their run of the Internet jukebox and the bar. The bartender at Lucky Pierre’s can fix anything, even the jukebox, if enough patrons vote to veto the Sade. This is a good place to go when you want to pretend that you’re a secret agent, drinking for the government — continued March 7, 2013



which is an act that I often encourage. And the hand-crafted martinis at Lucky Pierre’s can make a drinker wish that he or she could be cryogenically frozen in a vat of dirty martini goodness, until they find a cure for pain. However, the bitter and salty taste of a classic martini was not the signature drink of the evening. Josh Sarvaunt, the bartender at Lucky Pierre’s, said that his best-selling drink was the Blueberry-Lemon Drop Martini. I proceeded to order one. “It’s basically a lemon-drop martini, but I use blueberry vodka, and I muddle up fresh blueberries and mix that in with the drink,” Sarvaunt said. “It’s my bestselling martini.” Imagine a martini for desert: one that’s so smooth and delicious it’s hard to detect a hint of vodka. The sugar-coated rim of the martini glass is so refreshing as the cocktail goes down nicely,

almost too quickly. Savor the Blueberry-Lemon Drop Martini at Lucky Pierre’s; there’s a reason it’s their best seller.

Frosty Factory, 8:04 pm Sliding in to the Frosty Factory before 8:30 pm prevents one from paying the karaoke cover charge, which is only $3. But, after the great service at Frosty Factory, I would put that $3 in the tip jar at the bar. Before the karaoke crowd arrives, the serious drinking crowd is in control of this establishment. Even those who hustle and cuss over a game of pool seem to distance themselves from the gathering herd of serious drinkers in the room.

When it comes to restaurant equipment and supply needs, you must visit Southwest Bar Needs Inc. They are your one stop restaurant supply company! Bought in 1992 by Jerry Savoie, Southwest Bar Needs Inc. has been family owned since 1993. With the addition of a 10,000 sq. ft. showroom showcasing quality name brand food equipment such as True, Southbend, Pitco and Star; as well as small-ware brands such as Carlisle, Vollrath, Crestware and Cambro, you can find anything you need to stock your restaurant. Not only will you find the equipment and small-ware you are looking for, but they also carry a line of paper and janitorial supplies including Continental, Rubbermaid and Dart. This brings Southwest Bar Needs Inc. to the top of the competition in offering everything a restaurant needs. If you are looking for dinnerware items such as china, glassware or silverware, we offer numerous possibilities from companies such as Dudson,



March 7, 2013

When a man can sit at a bar and order a 32-ounce drink, then yes, this is serious drinking. My mission, and my orders from headquarters, determined that I must try the Monkeyshine and the Jungle Juice signature drinks. However, being very familiar with both, I decided to go crazy. My Skate City days began to kick in as I noticed the 20 levers of mixer-drink dispenser machine that whirred and twirled like washers and dryers in some drunken laundromat. “Can you make a Suicide?” I asked the young German bartender-waitress. “I want all 20 flavors in one cup. Can you do that? I want something special .... a drink that speaks to me and my generation of functioning alcoholics.” “All the drinks here are special,”

said Morgan German, bartender at Frosty Factory, when I inquired about the signature drinks. “Blue Hawaii is actually an older drink, but it’s coming back as kind of a retro thing.” The Blue Hawaii is made with vodka. I asked Morgan what made it Hawaiian, and she didn’t know. She did however, whip me up a sample cup of something called the Popsicle, which is a new flavor devised from mixing the Blackberry Thrill and Amaretto Sting drinks. And I’ll be damned if it didn’t taste like a popsicle. But there’s alcohol in there somewhere. I just have to find it. The young German began to drop a dollop of all 20 drinks into one cup to create my Suicide, which she told me people often do order. So I lose points for originality. I decided that I would drink the hell out of the coming drink. “Do you want me to leave out the

Syracuse China, Libbey, Cardinal, Anchor Hocking and Walco. If you are having a difficult time getting your products, let us know. If we do not have the item you’re looking for in stock, we will do our best to get it for you and work with you on stocking it for your future needs. We are currently running weekly routes in Southwest Louisiana including Lafayette, Baton Rouge and Shreveport. We offer delivery and setup. We consult with new restaurants, figure out what they need, and deliver it when it’s ready. Sales specialist Buddy Sweat says, ”No job is too big or too small. We do deliver nationwide.” The biggest selling points at Southwest Bar Needs Inc. are the convenience and selection. “We are the largest stocking dealer in the United States for the Dudson China Company,”says Jason Savoie. From the largest restaurant to the family home, Southwest Bar Needs Inc. has everything you need. Thank you Southwest Louisiana for a wonderful 20 years!

milk-based drinks?” she asked. “The milk-based drinks might make it taste a little ... I don’t know if you want that...” “It’s fine,” I yelled across the bar. “Let’s go for the ultra-violence.” Missing my “A Clockwork Orange” reference, the young German finally bestowed my Suicide drink, which arrived brilliantly in all in its splendid colors and grain alcohols. I almost said grace before I drank it. Upon drinking it, I detected a hint of chocolate ... maybe strawberry ... but assuredly, it was deliciousness and deliciocity combined. If one finds himself pressed for time, not being able to sample all 20 of the drinks in one evening, I recommend the Suicide — a name which was invented by elementary school kids in the 1980s at Skate City in Lake Charles. The Suicide was a blast of all the fountain drinks in one cup: Coke, Dr. Pepper, 7-Up, Orange and (the hard stuff) Barq’s Root Beer.

Mary’s Lounge, 8:55 pm If you left town in 1975, you could find Mary’s Lounge in the same spot where you left it. Mary’s Lounge started out as a “one-room bar” — originally, it was a quarter of the size it is today. A growing bar like Mary’s needs to stay open seven days a week to serve its loyal clientele. According to the owner, Mike McVey, beer remains his biggest seller. “We go through 200 cases a week,” said McVey. But back to the matter at hand — signature drinks: the signature drink at Mary’s Lounge is the Root Beer Bomb, which came about as a result of the “Jaeger-Bomb” craze of more recent times. The key ingredient, of course, is Jaegermeister. “Everybody was doing Jaeger Bombs with Red Bull,” McVey said. “And that Red Bull kind of gets you a little jittery. But that root beer, it’s good for the women, because it tastes just like root beer, and they can do the Jaeger ... and it goes down smooth. The German doesn’t beat you up so bad.” McVey is a true American hero. He’s a man who invented the kinder, gentler Jaegermeister drink, and believes that a woman and her Jaegermeister should be joined together in a smooth, refreshing elixir known as the Root Beer Bomb.

Cigar Club, 9:23 pm Home of “fine cigars and gifts,” Cigar Club offers an escape route from the mundane workaday week with topnotch libations served by a top-notch bar keep. Sitting at the bar when I arrived was a young, bearded man who was smoking a pipe that looked as if it had once belonged to Gandalf The Gray. Lord of the smoke rings ... very strange, I thought, as I took note of the live music that filled the tobaccoenhanced air on a Southwest Louisiana Saturday night. Kat Chene, a bartender who is working her way to legendary status in

MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 4 PM TO 8 PM / SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2 PM TO 7 PM: Monday (Margarita Night) $1 House Margaritas • 2 for 1 Strawberry Margaritas • 2 for 1 Sangria Margaritas Tuesday $2 Import and Domestic Beers 2 for 1 Mango Margaritas

Wednesday 2 for 1 House Margaritas $2 Glass of Stone Cellars Wines (Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet) Thursday (Ladies Night) 2 for 1 House Margaritas $2 Glass of Beringer Moscato, White Zinfandel and Cellar #8 Pinot Noir • $3 Coyote Cosmos • 2 for 1 Mango Margaritas

Friday 2 for 1 House Margaritas Saturday $5.75 Tall 16 oz. House Margaritas • $3 Bloody Marias Sunday $2 Domestic Beers • $3 Bloody Marias • 2 for 1 House Margaritas

continued March 7, 2013



the Lake Area drinking realm, isn’t afraid to come out from behind the bar and offer some complimentary Pink Lemonade Shots made of Patron tequila, Citron Vodka, Sweet and Sour, Watermelon Pucker with orange, pineapple and cranberry juice. Cigar Club is so classy that a night there may actually call for shots, even when you don’t. This is a welcome refresher; a shot in the dark. However, the young feline Kat must deliver unto me the Cigar Club signature drink: the Santo Domingo Sling. “It’s a mixture of many different



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complimented my cigar — which was a CLE brand of full-bodied cigar that wafted in a layer of taste to the rum drink. alcoholic beverages,” Chene said. “It’s got B&B, Cointreau, Brugal and Chambord. It also has pineapple juice, cherry brandy and Grenadine.” It also comes with a smile. Stemming and rivaling the world famous, gin-based Singapore Sling, this local version has a rum base rather than gin, and a more Caribbean name and taste. The Santo Domingo Sling actually

Cowboys, 10:15 pm It’s important to go to Cowboys early and stay late. This way their signature drink, the Walk-Me-Home, takes on a whole new meaning, with real world applications. It’s a popular myth that one can actually drink himself younger in a dimly-lit bar. The more the drinks came

and the dimmer the lights got, the younger I got. Either the staff at Cowboys are all super-nice and polite, or they’re just not used to serving someone as old as I in their establishment ... but the bartendergirl kept calling me “sir.” If and when this happens, it’s best to order another drink. The name of the drink, Walk-MeHome, suggests it is a nightcap or some final drink of the evening, if there is such a thing. Though no one has actually walked home from Cowboys, or has been accompanied as a pedestrian to their domicile from the club, there have been instances in which patrons have spent an early morning sunrise sleeping off the Walk Me Home in their car in the parking lot of Cowboys. Upon first taste, the Walk-MeHome is a refreshing blend of ... well ... everything. “It’s basically just citrus flavored,” said Carly Matt. Containing Vodka, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Triple Sec, Blue Curacao, Pineapple Juice and cherries, the drink is perfectly disguised as one with no alcohol. It’s blended so smoothly, I guess, the bartenders at Cowboys are actually chemists. Was there alcohol in this damn thing? For something with so much alcohol in it, it didn’t taste like it. Were they tricking me with a “virgin” drink? Better have another one, just to be sure.

Local Bars ANNIE’S

The fun-loving, eclectic and often mature crowd at Annie’s enjoys the club’s old school retro vibe. Well-known local bartenders and celebrities Ms. Bonnie and Miss Molly are glad to serve patrons the potent signature drink The Mind Eraser. They’ll also serve you during the 5-7 pm happy hour, when the special is two for one drinks. Drop in for the Saturday after-hours karaoke, where DJs Lunch Box and Corn Bread keep things rolling. 6212 Common St., 474-3943, open Wednesday through Sunday.


Bourbonz Dance Bar & Grill is a bar for those who want to be young at heart (without all the drama of being young at heart). The atmosphere is cool, unique and laid back. Bourbonz’ great bartenders serve up $1.50 domestics and $2 wells from 4-7 pm. Satisfy your hunger with Bourbonz’ outstanding burgers. First responders always get $1.50 domestics. Enjoy karaoke on Tuesdays with Mr. DJ and DJ Scuba Steve. 3436 Ryan St., 474-2294, Monday through Friday 11 am-until; 3 pm until on Saturday. Follow Bourbonz on Facebook.

Popular bartenders Ashley Mageau and Kat Chene serve premium liquors, martinis, domestic and import beer and specialty drinks. The knowledgeable staff is ready to prepare a drink and can also offer advice on pairing it with a cigar. And they’ll be happy to serve you Cigar Clubs’ specialty drink, the Santa Domingo Sling. During the Monday through Friday happy hour of 4-7 pm, and the extended happy hour Friday and Saturday, 8 pm-1 am, patrons receive $.50 off domestic and some imports. In addition to the beer discounts are Cigar Club’s daily specials. Monday is College Appreciation Night. Students at McNeese, Sowela and Delta Tech get 10 percent off cigars. (Must be over 21 and show ID.) On Tuesdays, members of the service industry get $1 off well drinks. On Wednesday, everyone gets martinis at half price. Thursday is Import’ant Beer Night, with happy hour prices on import beer. Friday is educators’ night, with educators getting a $1 discount on well drinks. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, there’s a variety of live music, continued


Chicageaux is a friendly neighborhood bar whose popular staff serve good food and cold beer. Enjoy pizza, sandwiches, hot dogs and a variety of appetizers. Karaoke is the diversion Thursday through Saturday, 9 pm through 1 am. Happy hour (Monday-Thursday 4-7 pm) specials include a $.50 discount on all beers and $1 off all liquor drinks. 829 University Drive, 562-9459, Monday through Wednesday 3 pm through midnight; Thursday through Saturday 3 pm-2 am. Follow Chicageaux on Facebook or at


Cigar Club is an upscale Cigar Lounge with leather, table and bar seating. It’s a meeting place for adults who want an elegant atmosphere where they can enjoy a tasty adult beverage or just relax with friends. Cigar Club patrons feel at home in a quiet atmosphere where they can enjoy a good conversation. March 7, 2013




including classic and modern rock and jazz. Smokers and nonsmokers are welcome. 1700 E. Prien Lake Road, Suite 5. Follow LA Cigar Club on Facebook.

119 W. College, Lake Charles and 3282 Hwy. 108 S., Sulphur — Lake Charles kitchen open 11 am-10pm, Monday-Thursday and 11 am-11 pm Saturdays. Sulphur kitchen open 11 am9 pm Monday-Saturday. Both bars stay open later.


This restaurant has one of the most popular bars and happy hours in the area. They offer a lunch happy hour 11 am-4 pm Monday-Friday featuring frozen or on the rocks house margaritas for $4.50. Their daily happy hour (4pm-8pm Monday-Friday; 2 pm-7 pm SaturdaySunday) specials are as follows: Monday (Margarita Night): $1 house margaritas, 2 for 1 strawberry margaritas, 2 for 1 sangria margaritas; Tuesday: $2 import and domestic beers, 2 for 1 mango margaritas; Wednesday: 2 for 1 house margaritas, $2 glass of Stone Cellars wines (Pinot Grigio, chardonnay, merlot, cabernet); Thursday (ladies night): 2 for 1 house margaritas, $2 glass of Beringer Moscato, white zinfandel and Cellar #8 Pinot Noir, $3 Coyote Cosmos, 2 for 1 mango margaritas; Friday: 2 for 1 house margaritas; Saturday: $5.75 Tall 16 oz. house margaritas, $3 Bloody Marias; Sunday: $2 domestic beers, $3 Bloody Marias, 2 for 1 house margaritas. 3624 Ryan St., Lake Charles —; Facebook; Twitter.


Since 1990, Cowboys has been offering a high energy nighttime entertainment atmosphere. Its host of popular bartenders serve the house’s signature


drink Walk Me Home as well as the house specials: $1 beer and bar all night Thursday and Saturday ‘til midnight. DJ Catastrophic is the musical leader at Cowboys. Patrons enjoy a wide variety of sounds that include hiphop, country, rock and dubstep. Get the Cowboys app: Cowboys Club Lake Charles. You can also follow Cowboys on Twitter under Cowboys_LC and on Instagram under Cowboys_LC. 5329 Common St., Thursday 9 pm-5 am and Saturday 9 pm-5 am.


Walking into this neighborhood bar is liking walking into Cheers. There’s a great diversity of people among the clientele. If you don’t know anyone when you come in, you will before you leave.

All the bartenders are popular and they all serve ice cold beer. During happy hour — Monday through Friday, 4-7 pm — it’s $1 off all beer and mixed drinks. And check out the daily specials. 3430 Ryan St., 337-477-9499, 11 am until. Follow Dakota’s on Facebook.


Workers and seniors are always welcome at Daph’s Lamplighter, where Daph serves up the house specialty tequila. Hear live rock and country Thursday through Saturday. On Fridays, it’s time for karaoke with Rooster. Enjoy free food every Thursday at the Lamplighter. 1906 Highway 171 N 436-8987; Monday through Saturday 10 am-10 pm .

Now in its 30th year, Frosty Factory continues to delight patrons with its world famous frozen drinks, and in particular its house specialties Monkeyshine and Jungle Juice. Drinks are made with fine liqueurs. Also, check out the seasonal and holiday specials, made to please by popular bartenders Brett, Kyle, Morgan, Sara, Eric, Ms. Carolyn, Ms. Dot and Alicia. Come for premier karaoke with KJ Brian Fontenot on Friday and Saturday, 9 pm-2 am. The Factory features pool tables, shuffleboard, foosball, trivia games and video poker. (If you have a gambling problem, call 1-877-770-7867.) Frosty Factory is a great meeting place and a must visit for all out-oftowners, and especially those from Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas. 4688 Common St., 474-9019, Monday through Thursday noon to midnight; Friday and Saturday 11 am to 2 am. Visit Frosty Factory on Facebook or at




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Gator Lounge at Delta Downs offers something wildly different from typical non-eventful evenings in the company of lurking lounge lizards. If it’s high energy and low lights you’re looking for, come on in. On Friday and Saturday nights, the lounge features dance and a wide variety of live music, including R&B, current hits, rock, country and zydeco. Admission is free for everyone over 21. 2717 Delta Downs Drive in Vinton. For more info, visit


Globar at L’Auberge Casino and Resort is a stylish oasis in the middle of the casino action. Meet old friends or make new ones in this hip environment. During the 5-7 pm happy hour, enjoy $3 drinks. Globar is on the casino floor at 777 Avenue L’Auberge. For more info, visit


Huddle Up Sports Bar and Grill offers a relaxed and casual experience on the Contraband Bayou. You can pull up to this bar in a boat. The signature drink is the 100 ounce Beer Tube. Weekday happy hour specials from 4-7 pm are $1.75 domestic longnecks and $3 well drinks. Enjoy burgers, pizza, wings, salads and pasta with your drinks. Country, southern rock and classic

rock are performed live every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night. Every Thursday, enjoy karaoke with David Verret. Download the free app for Android and iPhone: huddleupsportsbar. And visit Huddle Up on Facebook or at 1103 W. Prien Lake, 656-2905, 11 am-2 am.


100 Westlake Ave., Westlake — Caribbean Cove, Otis and Henry’s.


Jack Daniel’s Bar and Grill at L’Auberge Casino and Resort features 40 beers from around the globe on tap. Old No. 7 Whisky is the house’s specialty drink. Food favorites include barbecue and hot-off-the-grill specials made with Jack’s own sauces and glazes. Jack After Dark features a variety of DJs every weekend (including house favorites DJ CaGe, DJ San-D and DJ Eric Scott). Check out the upcoming Throwback With Jack music series, featuring Chee Weez (March 28), Bag of Donuts (March 29) and The Molly Ringwalds (March 30). And Monday night karaoke begins in April. 777 Avenue L’Auberge, 395-7104, Monday-Thursday 4 pm to close; FridaySaturday 11 am-close.



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During its 30 years of serving the public, Linda’s Lounge has built up a clientele that’s friendly, sociable, approachable and casual. Popular bartenders Russie, Nikki, Tracy, Amy, Jill and Alicia serve up cold beer and daily happy hour (4-8 pm) specials: $4 drinks (Monday), $2 Schnapps (Tuesday), $4 Jager and $5 Jager bombs (Wednesday) and $1.75 longnecks and $2.50 imports (Thursday). And can beer is always $1.50 from 8 am through 4 pm Monday through Friday. For entertainment, there’s classic rock, country or swamp pop performed every Friday 9 pm-1 am. There’s karaoke Monday through Wednesday and Saturday nights. DJ Shake and Bake joins the proceedings Monday night and Russ Tucs gets in the mix on Wednesday and Saturday. Pool tables and video poker add to the fun. On the last Saturday of each month, Linda’s Lounge has a Birthday Bash for each person with a birthday that month. 4338 Lake St., 474-4205, open 24 hours a day Monday through Saturday. Follow Linda’s Lounge on Facebook.



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You don’t have to go into Loggerheads to know it’s special. The entrance to the brand-new bar, located on the Calcasieu River near Moss Bluff, is long and winding, and dotted with swaying palm trees. The elegance continues inside. Loggerheads is a brand new upscale bar with an elegant, yet comfortable and friendly atmosphere. It offers an inviting indoor bar with two fireplaces, as well as an outdoor bar where you can enjoy one of Loggerheads many delicious frozen drinks — mai tais, margaritas and pina coladas, to name a few — on the large patio area overlooking the river. Now open Friday-Sunday, 2 pm-till, Loggerheads will begin opening six days per week in April, and at around the same time will begin offering live entertainment. Also in April, Loggerheads will begin offering a full menu of delicious food, including seafood, steaks, sandwiches, and more. Check out the bar’s Facebook page to keep up with new additions ... there’s a lot planned for this place. 3748 La. Hwy. 3059 (Old Town Rd.), 491-6794.

Checking on Lucky Pierre’s Facebook site gets you your second drink free every day. No need to leave when you’re hungry. Patrons can order food from KD’s. Lucky Pierre’s is located at 238 W. Prien Lake Road.


Mary’s Lounge is the honky tonk that’s known as the Last of the Honky Tonks. It’s a bar that’s worker-friendly and senior-friendly. The signature drink is the Rootbeer Bomb. Beers are only $1 each during Monday through Friday happy hour. Patrons can nimble on crawfish when they’re in season. For entertainment, there’s live music on Sundays and some Fridays. Hear everything from country to swamp pop to Cajun to rock. Also, enjoy karaoke with Rooster, starting at 7 pm on Thursdays. 4017 E. Broad 337-433-2952; open 9 am-10 pm seven days a week. Visit Mary’s Lounge on Facebook.

Lucky Pierre’s has a friendly, adult atmosphere that’s sophisticated yet relaxing. Patron’s can enjoy crafted martini’s — Lucky Pierre’s signature drink. Drink specials include a Monday 5-9 pm $1 discount on all drinks. SIN gets half off all night.


Luna Live is the place for lovers of live music. It’s the only live music venue in town that offers national, regional and local original music. It’s clientele tends to include intelligent, original and artsy people from all walks of life. The live music lineup includes all genres. They also have karaoke on occasion. There are nightly drink specials served up by bartenders Kara, Jac and Kameron. Luna Live is more than a live music venue, however. It’s also an event hall, and a full catering facility. 710 Ryan St., 433-4388, Open 7 pm-till nightly. Check both Luna Bar and Grill and Luna Live out on Facebook.



acoustic. Popular bartenders Cole, Dyann and Morgan are waiting to serve your favorites. 719 Ryan St., 494-LUNA, Open 11 am-10 pm daily.

Luna Bar and Grill offers a family atmosphere with a full bar, live music, and, of course, the food that’s become a favorite of local foodies of all ages. Enjoy Luna’s stellar sandwiches, salads, seafood and entrees while enjoying live music each Friday and Saturday night, as well as Sunday morning. The music lineup includes jazz, blues, folk and

Micci’s offers an upscale, friendly atmosphere, with live music WednesdaySaturday. The entertainment lineup is eclectic, ranging from songwriter/singer solos to full bands playing a variety of music. Kick back, relax and enjoy the music while sipping one of Micci’s most famous cocktails — the Loose Goose. Happy hour specials are offered 4-7 pm Monday-Friday, with $1 off everything. Download Micci’s app to get free

drinks, and check out the bar’s Facebook page. 3606 Ryan St., 337-478-0606, open Monday-Friday 3 pm-till, Friday, 3 pm2am. Closed Sunday.


Nate’s Place is a solidly workingclass bar, serving casino, plant and Northrop workers, and anyone else over 21, for a full 24 hours each day. Nate’s features live music from a variety of acts. Happy hour specials include a $6 Long Island Ice Tea pitcher on Wednesday nights. 117 W. College St., 474-4715. Visit on Facebook.


Texas Longhorn is a club for all ages. The mechanical bull, the largest dance floor around the area and the large silhouette give Texas Longhorn a unique atmosphere. It’s two clubs — Legends and TLC — in one. Ask popular bartenders Jason and “Juice” to serve you the signature Swamp Donkey. Or enjoy the happy hour specials: Saturday before 10 pm — $2 beer and bar, all night Friday and Saturday $1 selected shot. Once you have your drink, sit back and enjoy a variety of live music that includes rock and country. When the bands aren’t playing, DJs David Kaye and Chris work the beats.

Texas Longhorn Club is off IH 10 in Vinton, La., Exit 4; 337-589-5647 ext 108; hours Friday and Saturday 8 pm to 6 am. Texas Longhorn Club is on Facebook; or visit


Zeus Greek and Lebanese Cafe offers an eclectic selection of beverages that complement the atmosphere and cuisine, which is Greek and Lebanese with just a hint of Louisiana thrown in for good measure. Aside from a huge variety of beers and wines, there’s the Zuestini, or try the Alfa-Almaza. Bartender Colin Ramsey is an expert in mixing up 70s retro drinks such as the Pink Squirrel, the

Brandy Alexander or the Grasshopper. Adding to the fantastic Mediterranean cuisine, great drinks and friendly atmosphere is live entertainment. Acoustic guitar is featured each Saturday night, and bellydancers perform on Friday nights. 409 W. Prien Lake Rd., 439-7099. Open Monday-Thursday, 11 am-9 pm, Friday-Saturday, 11 am-10 pm.

Area establishments were provided with questionnaires. Those who responded by our deadline are described here.


1301 Ryan St.— Follow them on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with band schedule, upcoming events and drink specials.


2627 Ryan St.— Daily drink specials, happy hour 11 am-7 pm daily. Largest selection of draft beer in the area.


You’ll find Pujo St. Cafe’s bar, with its casual but elegant atmosphere, a nice, quiet place for a nightcap — maybe one of the bar’s famous Lemon Drop Martinis, served up by bartenders Mike, Darrell, Jessica and Adam. For DJ schedules, and to see what’s happening on Latin Nights, check the bar’s Facebook page. Happy Hour specials, served 8 pmmidnight, include two-for-one martinis on Mondays, and two-for-one well drinks on Tuesdays. On Wednesdays, its Ladies Night, with $3 Cosmopolitans and house wines. On Thursdays, enjoy $1 well drinks. On Fridays, all liquors are 25 percent off. On Saturdays, longnecks are just $1. You can also enjoy Pujo Street Cafe’s great food, of course, including soups, salads, sandwiches, pastas, steaks and seafood. 901 Ryan St., 439-2054,


Sam’s Cove is where Westlake and Moss Bluff meet. Open 24/7, Sam’s Cove offers a wide variety of music, including country, rock and Cajun. The music’s live on Friday nights, with DJ’s such as Clayton Rougeau providing the entertainment on Thursdays, and DJ Shake and Bake doing the honors on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Karaoke is offered Wednesday-Thursday, 9 pm-1 am, and Saturday, 10 pm-2 am. Happy hour is 7 am-7 pm, with buy-one, getone-free shots and mixed drinks 5-7 pm. Sam’s Cove serves free food on Wednesday nights, and you’ll definitely want to check out the Crawfish Sundays starting March 10. 3609 Davis Rd., Westlake. Follow Sam’s Cove on Facebook.

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HAIR APPARENT Hair Loss Treatments For Men effective in about 25 percent of men with baldness on the crown. Applied twice a day in a cream, foam or liquid, the hair growth only occurs as long as it is used. Minoxidil was originally approved to treat high blood pressure. Side effects are uncommon, but Rogaine should not be used by people with a history of heart problems, sudden weight gain, chest pains, fainting or rapid heartbeat.

HAIR LOSS is something most men secretly fear and hope will never actually occur. After all, a good head of hair is associated with youth, virility and attractiveness. So when hair loss occurs, it can come as something of a shock. Some very creative but ultimately fruitless concoctions have been devised in an attempt to reverse hair loss. Cleopatra used a mixture of horse teeth, bear grease, burnt mice and deer marrow in her attempt to cure Julius Caesar’s baldness (it didn’t work). Hedgehog urine was also thought to be beneficial. There is currently no cure for baldness. However, there are some treatments that can help slow down the process.


Medications There are two drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration that have a positive effect on male balding: finasteride and minoxidil. Finasteride (known by the brand names Proscar and Propecia) is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, which works by blocking 5-alpha reductase, preventing the enzyme from converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is DHT that causes male pattern baldness. Originally prescribed by doctors for benign prostate hyperplasia (prostate enlargement), finasteride has been shown to stop



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hair loss and, in some cases, reverse the balding process. Finasteride takes about three months to show results, and hair loss typically recurs a year after the drug is stopped. Side effects are uncommon,

but can include impotence, reduced libido, ejaculation disorders, breast tenderness and enlargement, and hypersensitivity reactions, such as rashes and lip swelling. Women of child bearing potential should not touch finasteride, and condoms should be used during sexual intercourse, as the drug is excreted in semen and there is a risk of birth defects. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is found to be

There are a few surgical options for treating male hair loss. Hair transplants involve taking very small plugs of hair from the side or back of the scalp and transplanting them onto the bald patches. The procedure has improved over the years, but it still takes a number of months to give a good effect. During tissue expansion, tiny balloons are inserted under the scalp between the areas of dense hair and gradually inflated over a number of months. This makes the area up to one third larger. This area is then surgically removed, and the sides are pulled up to the top of the head. In scalp reduction, loose skin on the scalp is surgically removed, pulling the hair on the sides of the head up. As the skin on the forehead is also sometimes slightly lifted, it can have the side benefit of lessening wrinkles.

STRESS LESS Put These Stress Relievers To Work For You THERE ARE many ways to reduce tension and relax. Here are the ten stress relievers I believe are most effective for the amount of work and time involved. Some can be learned in the time it takes to read this page, while others take a little more practice; but there’s something here for everyone.

Breathing Exercises Deep breathing is an easy stress reliever that has numerous benefits for the body, including oxygenating the blood, which “wakes up” the brain, relaxing muscles and quieting the mind. Breathing exercises are especially helpful because you can do them anywhere, and they work quickly, so you can destress in a flash.

Meditation Meditation builds on deep breathing, taking it a step further. When you meditate, your brain enters a state that’s similar to sleep, but which carries some added benefits you can’t achieve in any other state, including the release of certain hormones that promote health. Also, the mental focus on nothingness keeps

your mind from working overtime and increasing your stress level.

Guided Imagery It takes slightly more time to practice guided imagery, but this is a great way to leave your stress behind for a while and relax your body. Some find it easier to practice than meditation, as lots of us find it more doable to focus on “something” than on “nothing.” You can play natural sounds in the background as you practice, to promote a more immersive experience.

Visualizations Building on guided imagery, you can also imagine yourself achieving goals like becoming healthier and more relaxed, doing well at tasks, and handling conflict in better ways. Also, visualizing yourself doing well on tasks you’re trying to master actually functions like physical practice, so you can improve your performance through visualizations as well.

Self-Hypnosis Self-hypnosis incorporates some of

the features of guided imagery and visualizations, with the added benefit of enabling you to communicate directly with your subconscious mind to enhance your abilities; more easily give up bad habits; feel less pain; more effectively develop healthier habits; and even find answers to questions that may not be clear to your waking mind. It takes some practice and training, but is well worth it. Learn more about using hypnosis to manage stress in your life.

Exercise Many people exercise to control weight and become healthier or more physically attractive, but exercise and stress management are also closely linked. Exercise provides a distraction from stressful situations, as well as an outlet for frustrations, and gives you a lift via endorphins as well.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation By tensing and relaxing all the muscle groups in your body, you can relieve tension and feel much more relaxed in minutes, with no special training or

equipment. Start by tensing all the muscles in your face, holding a tight grimace ten seconds, then completely relaxing for ten seconds. Repeat this with your neck, followed by your shoulders, etc. You can do this anywhere. And as you practice, you will find you can relax more quickly and easily, reducing tension as quickly as it starts.

Sex You probably already know that sex is a great tension reliever, but have you officially thought of it as a stress-relieving practice? Perhaps you should. The physical benefits of sex are numerous, and most of them work very well toward relieving stress. Sadly, many people have less sex when their stress levels are high. Avoid this trap.

Music Music therapy has shown numerous health benefits for people with conditions ranging from mild (like stress) to severe (like cancer). When dealing with stress, the right music can actually lower your blood pressure, relax your body and calm your mind.

March 7, 2013



NO MORE MYTHS Debunking Common Male Health Myths By Kristy Armand Living a healthy lifestyle is a challenge. There’s no need to let widespread misinformation make it more challenging than it already is. This story describes some of the most common male health myths. Area experts will help us debunk them.

Myth: Having a vasectomy will increase your risk of heart disease. Fact: According to Eugene Hong, MD, urologist with the Urology Center of Southwest Louisiana, there is no connection between vasectomy and a man’s risk of heart disease or any other medical condition. This conclusion is supported by numerous studies, including a very large one called the “Health Status of American Men,” which was conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). More than 10,000 males were surveyed eight to 10 years after their vasectomy, along with an equal number who had not had the procedure. The study looked at 99 different disorders and found only one to be more common after vasectomy: inflammation of the testicles in the year following the procedure. This condition only affected a small number



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of men. It isn’t serious and usually goes away after a week of heat treatments.

frequently in men because of their larger skeletons and the fact that they don’t go through menopause, which causes rapid hormonal changes and bone loss in women,” she says. “However, some men are at increased risk, and that risk increases with age.” Risk factors for male osteoporosis include age, low levels of testosterone, alcohol abuse, smoking, gastrointestinal disease, use of steroid medications, and immobilization.

Myth: Only women get breast cancer. Fact: While it doesn’t occurr at the same incidence level as in women, men can – and do – get breast cancer. Each year, 1,500 cases of male breast cancer are diagnosed. A total of 400 males die from the condition annually. Radiologist Barbara Tomek, MD, with Imperial Calcasieu Imaging, says a big part of the problem with men is that they aren’t conditioned to consider breast cancer as something that could affect them. “If a woman feels a lump, she immediately thinks of the possibility of breast cancer. A man will dismiss it.” Tomek adds that men are also unfamiliar with the three major risk factors for male breast cancer: age (60 years or older), family history (with either male or female relatives who’ve had the condition) and obesity.

Myth: Having the mumps as a child will make you sterile. Fact: If you had the mumps as a child, you may have had a sore, swollen neck for a few days. If you had the disease after puberty, Hong says there is a

Myth: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is psychological. small risk of becoming sterile. “When kids get the mumps, it’s usually pretty uncomfortable, but not serious. This disease is a virus that can spread from the neck’s parotid gland to other organs. However, when an older adolescent or adult gets mumps, he can experience worse symptoms, and the disease can spread to the testicles, which could negatively affect fertility.”

Myth: Men don’t have to be concerned about osteoporosis. Fact: Staci Boudreaux, coordinator for Bone Health Central, a service offered by the Center for Orthopaedics and Dr. Steve Springer, explains that osteoporosis is a disease that causes the skeleton to weaken and increases the risk that bones will break. “It does occur less

Fact: Hong says this widespread misconception keeps many men from seeking medical care for impotence. Between 70 and 90 percent of men suffering from erectile dysfunction have an underlying physical cause for their impotence. He explains that health problems, such as diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and trauma can lead to erectile dysfunction. Lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol and drug use can add to the problem.

Myth: More men die from prostate cancer than from any other type of cancer. Fact: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the United States. Prostate cancer is second for men. The American Cancer Society estimates that one in 36 men will die from prostate cancer.

STOP IT! Stopping Snoring SNORING OCCURS when something is blocking air flow. It occurs during sleep because of your positioning and relaxed state. Snoring is also associated with a serious condition called sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea stop breathing for brief periods (more than 10 seconds) while they are asleep. This stops blood flow to the brain and heart and can lead to mood disorders, depression and left sided heart failure if untreated.

Identifying The Cause An examination by an ENT specialist, also called an otolaryngologist, can usually rule out blockages caused by enlarged tonsils or other structures. If these structures are enlarged, they may have to be surgically removed. If these structures appear to be normal in size and are not suspected to be the cause of your snoring, you may need to lose weight. A sleep study, also called a polysomnogram, is usually necessary to diagnose sleep apnea.

How To Stop Have you ever wondered why getting someone to roll over will stop their

snoring? It’s because their airway is in a position that doesn’t allow optimal air flow. When the person snoring rolls over, the airway is repositioned and more conducive to air flow. However, this is not a permanent solution and should not be substituted for medical care. With all the information emerging about sleep apnea, one of the most common causes of snoring, the days where you tell your spouse to wear ear plugs or sleep in a different room should be over. Medical treatments include weight loss, surgical removal of obstructions and, in the case of sleep apnea, a device called a CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machine. Sometimes enlarged structures such as tonsils or adenoids can be reduced in size using steroid medications or antibiotics (if there is an active infection). This doesn’t always work, however, and sometimes the side effects can outweigh the benefits of these medications. The only sure way to clear enlarged structures is through surgery. It also helps to stop taking sedative medications or drinking alcohol before bed.

March 7, 2013



RUN DOWN? Preventing Common Running Injuries LACING UP your running shoes and hitting the pavement or treadmill can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being. In fact, some scientists are even calling running the fountain of youth. For example, one study showed that those logging 10 or more miles a week are 39 percent less likely to need high blood pressure medications and 34 percent less likely to need cholesterol medications compared to those running less than three miles a week. The down side to all of that running? According to Dr. Geoffrey Collins, orthopaedic and sports medicine specialist with Center for Orthopaedics, and team physician for the McNeese State University Athletic Dept., all those miles can take a toll on your joints and muscles over time. “There is no doubt that running provides many great health benefits, but if you push yourself too hard and don’t listen to your body, then you may be setting yourself up for



March 7, 2013

injury,” he says. Increasing the speed and/or distance of your run too quickly, running up hills, and running intervals are just a few causes of running injuries. Body mechanics also play a role. “The way your body is shaped can make you more susceptible to running injuries,” says Collins.” Also, most running injuries occur when you first start running, when the hips, knees, legs and feet are the most vulnerable.” “Runner’s knee” is a common overuse injury, says Collins, and it can have many causes. “It is commonly due to the knee cap being out of alignment,” he adds. Over time, the cartilage of the knee cap can wear down, leading to pain around the kneecap, especially when going up or down stairs, squatting or sitting with the knee bent for a long time. Stress fractures are characterized as small cracks in the bone. These fractures cause pain and discomfort. and typically affect runners in their shins and feet.

“Stress fractures are often caused by pushing too hard before your body is used to a new activity,” says Collins. Shin splints usually occur when there’s a change in activity, says Collins — running a longer distance, for example, or increasing the number of days you run too quickly. “The pain is felt in the front or inside of the lower leg along the shin bone,” Collins says. “People with flat feet are more likely to develop shin splints.” Achilles tendinitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon, the large tendon attaching the calf to the back of the heel. “Pain and stiffness are typically experienced in the area surrounding the tendon, especially in the morning and with activity,” Collins says. “It is usually caused by repetitive stress to the tendon, often after increasing the distance of your runs too quickly.” Muscle pulls or strains are small tears in the muscle, often caused by overstretching. The most common muscles pulled or strained by runners include the hamstrings, quadriceps, calf and groin. “Ankle sprain is described as the stretching or tearing of ligaments sur-

rounding the ankle, and often occurs when the foot twists or rolls inward,” says Collins. “Sprains typically get better after rest, ice, compression, and elevating the foot.” Plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the plantar fascia, is another common runner’s injury. The plantar fascia is the thick band of tissue in the bottom of the foot extending from the heel to the toes. “Those with tight calf muscles and a high arch in their feet are more prone to this,” explains Collins. “Calf stretches, rest and icing the bottom of the foot can help ease the pain associated with plantar faciitis.” Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) causes pain on the outside of the knee. “The iliotibial band is a ligament running along the outside of the thigh, from the top of the hip to the outside of the knee,” Collins says. “ITBS occurs when the ligament thickens and rubs the knee bone, resulting in inflammation.” Whether you’re looking to lose some weight, increase your fitness level or just clear your head, running can be a great option, just make sure you start out slow and listen to your body along the way.

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THOUGH STILL uncommonly used in avoids the pain of sitting on the incision the United States, the popularity of the site. anterior approach for total hip reThe normal incision is about four placement is rapidly growing because of inches, but may vary according to a its definite advantages for patient’s body size. With the patients. Two of those advananterior approach, the patient tages are less pain and a lies on their back during faster recovery time. surgery. X-rays taken during “The anterior approach surgery with a fluoroscope for total hip replacement is a ensure correct position, siztissue-sparing alternative to ing and fit of the artificial traditional hip replacement hip components, as well as surgery that provides the correct leg length. potential for less pain, faster Evaluation and treatrecovery and improved ment by a physical therapist mobility, because the muscles begins following surgery. Dr. Axelrad are spared during the surgical Studies have shown that paprocedure,” says Dr. Thomas tients who undergo the anteAxelrad, an orthopaedic trauma surgeon rior hip approach require less pain medwith the Memorial Medical Group. “I ication and have function restored quickwork between the patient’s muscles and er than tradition hip procedures. tissues without detaching them from Patients are immediately allowed to either the hip or thighbones, sparing the bend their hip freely and avoid cumtissue from trauma.” bersome restrictions after surgery. They Keeping the muscles intact may also are instructed to use their hip. Patients help to prevent dislocations. With the may go home after developing indepenanterior approach, the surgeon uses one dence in walking with crutches or a small incision on the front (anterior) of walker, as well as capabilities in basic your hip as opposed to the side or back. day to day activities. Since the incision is in front, the patient

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March 7, 2013



IN CIRCULATION Vein Disorders In Men VARICOSE AND spider veins aren’t just your grandma’s problem. The twisted, ropelike veins that commonly plague women are just as common in men. In fact, it’s estimated that as many as 60 percent of Americans suffer from some form of vein disorder. In a normal circulatory system, the heart circulates oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to all parts of the body through a net-

work of blood vessels known as arteries. The heart does nearly all of the work required to pump blood in this process. “After oxygen is delivered to the cells, the blood returns to your heart via another network of blood vessels known as veins,” says Dr. Carl Fastabend, cardiovascular specialist and medical director of the Vein Center of Southwest Louisiana. “There is no

active ‘pumping’ mechanism to bring blood back to the heart, so blood coming from the legs, for example, has to work against the pull of gravity.” According to Fastabend, each vein has a special set of one-way valves that allow this process to occur, and as muscles contract while you’re moving or walking, blood in the veins is squeezed through these

valves, bringing blood progressively closer to the heart. “As your blood passes through each valve, it automatically closes shut, equalizing the blood pressure along the veins and preventing your blood from flowing backwards and pooling in your feet,” adds Fastabend. “Most vein conditions can be linked to failures in these valves.” Varicose veins, spider veins and venous insufficiency are three common vein disorders seen in men.

Varicose Veins “When a vein valve fails, more blood will collect or pool in the portion of the vein below it and press against the vein wall, causing it to stretch out,” Fastabend explains. “A chain reaction then occurs, with more valves failing, and as multiple veins are stretched out of shape, they appear enlarged and discolored.” Symptoms of varicose veins include swollen, enlarged and twisted leg veins, aching and burning sensations, night cramps, charley horses, swollen ankles and pain after long periods of sitting or standing. Fastabend says more than 40 percent of men are affected by varicose veins by the time they reach their 70s.

Venous Insufficiency Venous insufficiency is another common vein disorder in men, but Fastabend says many don’t know what to call it. “Many males suffering from venous insufficiency will blame the feeling of heaviness or itching in their legs, cramping at night, and the irresistible urge to move or shake their legs periodically on poor circulation.” In this condition, blood pools into the veins of the legs, causing a dull ache or pain. It is particularly common after long periods of sitting or standing. In severe forms, venous insufficiency can lead to blood leaking into the surrounding tissues, causing discoloration, sores and ulcers.

Spider Veins Spider veins are small and thin, and, unlike varicose veins, do not rise above the surface of the skin. “When blood is not being properly pumped back to the heart from the legs, spider veins begin to occur,” Fastabend says. The first step to treating vein disorders is to get plenty of exercise and avoid long periods of standing, sitting or general inactivity.” Treatment of vein disorders can range from simple home therapy techniques such as wearing compression stockings, elevating the feet and legs, adequate exercise and avoiding prolonged periods of sitting or standing. “On an outpatient basis, we perform radiofrequency ablation for the insufficient superficial veins, and sclerotherapy for spider veins, clusters and reticular veins. The recovery time is minimal, and our patients quickly return to normal activity,” says Fastabend.



March 7, 2013


he Southwest Louisiana Garden Festival 2013 will take place in the Burton Coliseum, Friday and Saturday March 22-23, from 9 am-5 pm both days. Admission will be $3 for adults and free for children 12 and younger. The festival will center on gardening, flowers, trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, garden accessories, books, educational lectures and garden tools. Area, regional and interstate exhibitors and vendors will be available to help the public with plant and garden needs. The flower show theme will be “Musical Extravaganza.” Area floral design and horticulture talents will be displayed. There will be new educational programs about garden topics by LSU AgCenter specialists, as well as regional and state guest speakers. “The garden festival is a wholesome, educational environment and the perfect activity to bring together friends and families,” said LSU AgCenter Extension Horticulturist, Robert Turley. There will be a Plant Health Clinic with professionals from the LSU AgCenter as well as Master Gardener volunteers who will help diagnose plant problems and answer garden questions. Educational garden seminars will be on-going throughout the event. The 4-H Cart Service will be there to help festival-goers carry out items to their vehicles. Educational programs will cover the topics of home vegetable gardening and fruit production on Friday and ornamentals and landscape gardening on Saturday. The festival attracts more than 4,000 garden lovers, residents, and visitors each year.

March 7, 2013



GARDEN FEST PREVIEW PARTY The SWLA Master Gardeners will present their Garden Fest Preview Party with a gumbo supper and silent auction in the Chalkley Room of the Burton Coliseum on Thursday, March 21, 6-8 pm. A donation of $10 is required for admission. Tickets can be purchased at the LSU AgCenter, 7101 Gulf Highway, Lake Charles, or at the door. Attendees can preview the Garden Show and purchase from the vendors.





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March 7, 2013

Registration and coffee - 9 am. HOME VEGETABLE PRODUCTION 9:30-10:15 am: “Home Vegetable Gardening” with Dr. Kathryn Fontenot, extension specialist in horticulture. Learn about site selection, soil preparation and testing, fertilization, organic matter, irrigation, cultural practices, and recommended varieties for small to 1/2 acre gardens. 10:25-11:10 am: “All Kinds of Pepper Growing In The Home Garden” with Dr. Kathryn Fontenot, extension specialist in horticulture, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge. Learn about the varieties of peppers, and the topics of seed planting, transplanting, soil, fertilizing, watering, mulches and harvesting. 11:20 am-12:05 pm: “How To Recognize and Control Diseases in the Home Vegetable Garden” with Andrew Loyd, assistant county agent in horticulture, LSU AgCenter, New Orleans. Learn to recognize major diseases that affect home vegetables. There will be special emphasis on peppers and their control management. 12:15-1 pm: “Insect Pest Management In The Home Vegetable Garden” with Stuart Gauthier, extension county agent, LSU AgCenter, Abbeville, La. Learn to identify major insect pests that affect home vegetable production and ways to manage them. GARDEN SOILS AND COMPOSTING 1:15-1:55 pm: “The Garden Soil: Soil Health and Composting” with Dr. J. Cheston Stevens, Jr., associate professor, specialist in soil fertility and nutrient management, LSU AgCenter/Dean Lee Research Center, Alexandria. Learn the meaning of soil health and how it has been mostly ignored at the expense of the production of plants and other crops. HOME FRUIT GARDENING 2:05-2:50 pm: “Home Fruit And Pecan Production (Other Than Citrus)” with Dr. David Himerlick, professor and extension specialist in horticulture, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge. Learn about the types of adaptable fruit, varieties, site selection, planting, spacing, pollination, fertilization, pruning and harvesting. 3-4 pm: “Home Citrus Production” with Robert M. Turley, extension horticulturist, LSU AgCenter, Lake Charles. Learn about varieties, site selection, planting, spacing, pollination, fertilization, pruning and harvesting of citrus in home fruit plantings.

SATURDAY MARCH Registration and coffee: 9 am. ORNAMENTALS AND LANDSCAPE GARDENING 9:30-10:30 am: “Bulb Choices for Louisiana Landscapes” with Dr. Jeff Kuehny, professor, School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences and Director of Burden Center, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge. There are hundreds of bulbous perennial choices that thrive in Louisiana warmth and humidity. 10:40-11:40 am: “The Best of the New Ornamentals for Your Landscape” with Dr. Allen Owens, professor and extension specialist in ornamental horticulture, Hammond Research Station, Hammond, La. Owens discusses the newest Louisiana super plants. Topics include flowers that are All-Americans, news on low maintenance roses and flowers that will bloom from spring through fall with little care. 60 min. 11:50 am-12:35 pm: “Colorful Foliage Plants for Summer Gardens” with Dan Gill, extension specialist in consumer horticulture, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge. Colorful flowerbeds generally rely on flowers to provide color. But some plants are grown more for their beautiful and brilliant foliage rather than their flowers. Gill will discuss a wide variety of attractive warm season bedding plants with colorful foliage. These reliable, heat-tolerant plants are invaluable for providing outstanding color in the landscape all summer long. 45 min. 12:45-1:45 pm: “Camellias in the Home Landscape” with Jeffrey D. McMillian, SWLA Master Gardener and horticulturist at, Merryville, La. Camellias are a traditional and popular winter-flowering evergreen shrub for culture in Louisiana gardens. 1:50-2:50 pm: “Home Lawn Care” with Dr. Ron Strahan, extension weed scientist and turf grass specialist, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge. Learn how to care for and maintain your lawn. Topics include mowing, fertilization, irrigation and identification and management of weeds. 3-4 pm: “Now What — To Do With All These Herbs?” with Melda Siebe, ND. For more info, visit

Stand-Up Paddle Boards Are The Latest Water Sport, Fitness Craze • By Karla Wall

THERE’S A NEW WAY for paddle enthusiasts — and powerboat enthusiasts who find they want to slow down every now and then — to enjoy time on the area’s lakes, rivers and bayous. Stand Up Paddle boards — SUPs — are built basically along the lines of a surfboard, but wider (at least for beginners’ model) and longer, and powered by paddle from a standing position. They are becoming increasingly popular, both as a method of enjoying the area’s waterways and as an excellent low-impact, full-body, and aerobic workout. First used in the major surfing areas of the country — the West Coast, Hawaii and along Florida’s coasts — paddle boards

have lately been catching on in land-locked areas — Michigan’s 10,000 Lakes area, for instance. Indeed, according to manufacturers, who are hard-pressed nowadays to keep up with demand, most boards are being used in the rivers, lakes and other flat-water areas. The waters of the Lake Area are perfect for the sport of paddle boarding, so it’s not surprising that there are more than a few sold here. “(Boards are) becoming increasingly popular. We sell more of them each year,” says Rachel Mills, manager of Ship To Shore in Lake Charles, which has carried the boards in stock for about three years. “You see them everywhere — on the lake, on the bayous, on Prien Lake, in the river.

They’re everywhere.” What makes the boards so popular? “They’re easy to carry and store,” says Mills. “Most weigh about 20 pounds. They’re not as hard to move around as canoes and kayaks are.” Second, paddle boards don’t require any special skill to use. They’re easy to learn to use, and can be used by persons of any age, from children to grandparents. Beginners can use a wider board to start (they’re easier to use and to keep your balance on), and learn to control the board and get used to its motion while kneeling. Transitioning to a standing position is not much more difficult than it is on land. As skill level increases, paddlers can use a narrower board for more of a challenge and

workout. And that’s another major draw of the sport — it’s a fantastic workout that’s easy on the joints. “It’s a full-body workout,” says Mills. “You work every muscle to stay balanced.” Indeed, says Mills, because of the paddle board’s constant balancing requirements, it’s become increasingly popular to do yoga on them. And at higher speeds, using a paddle board gets the heart pumping, as well. And, aficionados say, it’s much more fun than a treadmill. But getting out on a board doesn’t have to be a Jillian Michaels type workout. Paddle boards can be enjoyed at any level, by anyone, on any water. There are paddle board races, with racers reaching speeds in excess of 10 mph (in fact, one of the founders of the sport in the U.S. predicts that paddle board racing will be an Olympic sport one day). Then there are those who are content to slowly row out for a day of fishing, wildlife watching, or reading — or all of the above. Paddle boards can be used as a meditative, getaway-by-yourself experience, or an active day of fun with family and friends; it can be a workout or a relaxing tour of the lake. It’s a sport that can be done at your own pace. There are now paddle boards to suit all needs and levels of skill, from a rank beginner who wants to paddle out onto a small pond or lake for a few minutes each day, to a race enthusiast, to someone who wants to paddle out into coastal waves and other rougher waters. “We carry a variety of boards — for kids and for adults,” says Mills. Prices, says Mills, run from $300 or $400 all the way up to $1,400. Some online research reveals that paddles can run as high as $350-$400. Some board and paddle sets are sold. You’ll also find accessories, sold locally at Ship To Shore, like suction cups and bungee straps for securing gear such as life jackets. And board buyers and users should be aware, says Mills, that Louisiana law requires life jackets on boards.

March 7, 2013




Pleasure boats show the luxurious seating and driving dashboard similar to those in our cars and trucks.



March 7, 2013

WELL FOLKS, I did it one more time. I took the bit in my teeth, put my head down and went all the way to another boat show. I’m still no fan of Houston traffic. My son was off one afternoon during the week, so I allowed him to drive (or was it begged him to drive?). Anyway, we got there and I didn’t have to drive. On the trip, I was able to sit back with my eyes closed, because if I’d kept my eyes open I would’ve been a basket case by the time we arrived.

The new pontoon boats can be had with all the luxuries of home.

After we arrived, I found that parking and admission hadn’t decreased in cost since my last trip. I also noticed that soft drinks took care of a $5 bill. So I guess plunder pricing is still in vogue. The first thing I thought when I walked in the door to the boat show was how much I’d like to have the interest the dealers are paying on the floor plan for the inventory. I don’t remember when I’ve seen so many beautiful boats in one place. I was truly astonished at the paint jobs on the new bass and pleasure boats. I think they’d be too pretty to use. There were many beautiful center console boats from around 16 feet up to

about as large as you want to get, and 300 horsepower motors were commonplace. For the most part, outboard motors are still dominating the propulsion market. There were a couple of air boats. Go Devil was there with their system that I really like. But they’ve changed it to some extent. The Go Devil line uses a surface drive motor that’s unique and the best way to go if you’re encountering shallow water or shallow mud flats. You get the boat on a shallow mud flat and it can run just about 30 miles per hour with a 35 horsepower, air-cooled motor. They continued

Even the small pontoons reek of luxury and comfort.

March 7, 2013



The center console models still dominate the saltwater and freshwater fishing boats.

make the bosts from 16 feet long and 4 feet wide up to 20 feet long and 5 feet wide, with a number of sizes in between. They’re perfect for the bayous and marshes where I grew up. The boat show was again a little short on the traditional bass boats. The main ones I saw really showing off were the Bass Tracker, Skeeter and Triton. These have everything a person could need in a boat for fishing. The array of utility boats started with the 14-foot riveted Jon boats for $700 all

the way up to the 19 foot Tracker Pro Team, complete with boat; 90 horsepower, four-stroke motor; depth finder; battery and trailer. Cost bumps the $20,000 range. Then there was the epitome of the boats I’m sure were designed for such reservoirs as Toledo Bend or Sam Rayburn or the saltwater of our bays and the Gulf of Mexico. The boat took my breath away when it first caught my eye, because from the stern, all I could see rested there were three 300 horsepower




March 7, 2013

Mercury outboard motors. The boat I found later, as I worked my way to the bow, was a Nor-Tech Boat. The Nor-Tech Boat looked like a Scarab, or the other boats called “cigarette boats,” except this one was undoubtedly the top of the evolutionary chain. It was 39 feet long; had a 10-foot beam; had a draft of 30 inches and a dry weight of 10,500 pounds. A fuel tank of 350 gallons was standard, with 250 additional optional. The boat carries 25 gallons of water

and sleeps two. I saw no price, so I guess if you have to ask, you can’t afford it. Another area where there were no shortages was that of the kayaks. They were in all sizes and descriptions, and they all looked affordable to me. Many were rigged out for fishing. Hobie Cat even had one with side floats and a sail. You can either sail around or you can remove the side floats and sail. You can have a multipurpose fishing boat or play kayak. Another class of watercraft I found amazing was the pontoon boats. They’ve evolved from two aluminum tubes supporting a platform where folks could sit and hang on and enjoy an afternoon bouncing around on the water to a craft that will challenge the luxury of the modern living room, complete with recliners or lounges, refrigerators, and all the most modern electronics one needs to relax or stay stressed in the 21st century. So folks, that hits the highlights of the latest boat show. As usual, as I walked away from the exhibits and started home, I wondered how they could possibly beat this next year.


rocke "soybean" fournet

The Fishing Cowboys The spring fishing season is upon us, and not a moment too soon. The great state of Louisiana and awesome fishing mix like gumbo and a side of potato salad. When it comes to fishing, Louisiana has every category covered. Whether it’s fresh- or saltwater, we’re blessed with all methods and styles of catching a wide variety of fish. Just pick your poison and get on the water. Just to get your blood flowing, here’s an early spring report from Toledo Bend. Richard Nunez and wife Bobbi Jo teamed up for an awesome early spring hook-up. They found the bass stacked up on a long point and ready to feast. Team Nunez worked the point with plastics Texas rigged with light weights.

Husband and wife worked them over, and it was Bobbi Jo who garnered the big fish of the day with a fat sow bass that weighed more than 9 pounds. This hot point will surely be revisited in the very near future.

Looking for a good cause to contribute to? Look no further. Support the 2013 version of the McNeese fishing team. The team consists of local up-and-coming McNeese students who truly love their fishing. These guys get


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March 7, 2013

STATE SWIMS CLOSER TO NON-COMPLIANCE By Jeremy Alford IT’S NOT OFTEN that a state openly defies federal regulations, but Louisiana moved one step closer to doing so last month, when the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission filed notice to create a new weekend-only season for recreational red snapper. The season would begin March 23, and would effectively take regulation of the fishery away from the federal Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council,

which rejected a move by the state in February to take over the fishery. Randy Pausina, assistant secretary of state wildlife and fisheries, said the current federal system of controlling recreational harvest isn’t working. “For the past six years, the recreational quota was exceeded five times,” he said. “The only year the quota wasn’t exceeded was in 2010, likely a direct result of massive fishery closures result-

ing from the BP oil spill.” Texas has already taken over its red snapper fishery, making it the only Gulf state to do so — thus far. In related action, the Gulf Council this past week recommended closing federal waters, referred to as EEZ, beyond those states that are determined to be non-compliant with federal regulations. “This is how that action breaks down: Because our season doesn’t fit

that of the federal season, we will be penalized with an EEZ closure,” Pausina said. State Wildlife and Fisheries Secretary Robert Barham said he maintains the authority to modify the season based on further discussions with federal counterparts and the Gulf Council, meaning negotiations are ongoing.

no help from the school and are dependent solely on contributions. Their expenses are out-of-pocket, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Remember, most normal college students are living significantly below the poverty line. Members of the McNeese team got their feet wet last year and competed well on the tournament circuit. Most of these guys grew up with a rod and reel in their cribs and come from generations of families that fished. Their fishing instincts are a stone-cold natural. Led by president Keith Suire and his favorite net man Brian Murphy, the McNeese fishing Cowboys could be a force to be reckoned with this year on the college fishing circuit. This is a great team effort put together by students focusing on good clean competition in a sport they love. These guys finished a very respectable 20th place at last year’s national championship. They also fished to a 10th place finish in this year’s inaugural tournament on Lake Amistad. Currently, the McNeese club has qualified three teams for the fall championship on Sam Rayburn Lake. Good luck! Unlike most team sports, fishing provides great recreational activity you can enjoy for a lifetime. Get with a winner and support these guys’ efforts. Speaking of great efforts, check out the newest state champions on the block. It’s an honor to be placed among the best in the entire state at your chosen sporting event. St. Louis High School recently competed in the state wrestling tournament at the Ponchartrain Center in Kenner. Under the tutelage of coach Terry Gage, the Saints grappled and competed hard with great success. The Saints competed against 30 teams in their division and battled to a fourth place team finish. The Saints walked away with three state champions bringing home the gold. Captain Lehrue Stevens, a fifth seed, fought his way through a tough field to win the 152-pound division. Two-time state champ Louis Stutes dominated the 160pound class and stood tall on the podium at the end of the day. Conway LeBleu fought his way through a tough field in the 170pound class and upset the former European champion in aovertime thriller. These young men deserve the all-state accolades for all their sacrifice and commitment. They represent our future, and it’s so bright you need sunglasses! Happy fishing and support your favorite athletes. March 7, 2013



THE LACASSINE National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1937 to preserve a winter habitat for waterfowl in the coastal prairie of Southwest Louisiana. The dominant feature of the refuge is Lacassine Pool, which was created by enclosing a 16,000-acre marsh with a low levee. The refuge is noted for its large concentrations of waterfowl and other fish and wildlife species, including several game species. Fish include largemouth bass, crappie, sunfish, catfish, and bowfin. This 124,511-acre refuge serves as a major nursery for many estuarine-dependent marine species. It is home to numerous alligators, other reptiles, mammals, amphibians, and migrating and nesting birds. Some state waterways that flow through the refuge aren’t subject to special refuge fishing regulations. These waterways include Lacassine Bayou, Bayou Misere, Mermentau River and Mud Lake. Anglers should consult state regulations for special restrictions in these waterways. All side canals, coves, bays, marshes and ponds off these waterways are subject to refuge fishing regulations.

CLOSED AREAS Fishing is prohibited in the headquarters display pond and bank fishing is prohibited on the Lacassine Pool Wildlife Drive. Other areas may be closed to fishing or boating for safety or management



March 7, 2013

legal sunset. However, fishing activities are prohibited until legal sunrise and after legal sunset. Fishing, crabbing and cast netting for bait from a boat are permitted March 15 through October 15 throughout the refuge. Boats will be admitted into the refuge from one hour before legal sunrise until one hour after legal sunset; however, fishing, crabbing, and cast netting for bait are prohibited until legal sunrise and after legal sunset. Bank fishing and crabbing are open year round from legal sunrise until legal sunset at North line, Hog Island Gully, Blue Crab, and West Cove recreation areas.

PERMITTED ACTIVITIES, GEAR AND LIMITS FISHING: Only fishing with a rod and reel or pole and line is permitted in refuge waters. The use or possession of any other type of fishing gear, including limb, trot and jug lines; and gill, trammel, and hoop nets; is prohibited in all refuge waters. purposes. These closures are indicated by No Fishing or Area Closed signs.

SEASON AND HOURS Boat and bank fishing in Lacassine Pool, Streeter’s Area, and refuge waters are permitted March 15 through October 15. Streeter Road Fishing Pier is open to bank fishing year round. Boats will be admitted into the refuge from one hour before legal sunrise until one hour after

CRABBING: Crabs may be taken with hand lines or drop nets. Only cotton line and drop nets with up to a 24-inch outside diameter may be used. Floats on crab lines are prohibited. All hand lines, drop nets, and bait must be removed from the refuge when the angler leaves. The daily crab limit is 60 crabs a day, per vehicle or boat.

ACCESS: Follow speed limits on refuge roads to reduce wildlife mortality. LACASSINE POOL: Only boats with motors of 40 horsepower or less may be used in Lacassine Pool. Boaters are encouraged to reduce travel speeds at boat run intersections. Trailered boats may only be launched into Lacassine Pool at public boat launches with cement boat ramps. Boats are prohibited in Lacassine Units A and C. In unit D, only boats with electric trolling motors or without motors are permitted. Boats may be launched by hand from Tidewater Road. In canals and bayous outside Lacassine Pool, motorized boats may be used unless Area Closed signs are posted. Horsepower isn’t restricted for motors in these canals and bayous.

March 15 through October 15. Boats can go into the western interior of the refuge. Two improved boat launches are accessible from the south parking lot of the Hog Island Gully Recreation Area; both launches are open from March 15 through October 15. The first, or western-most launch, allows boat access into the western interior of the refuge; the second, or eastern-most launch, allows access into the eastern portion of the refuge and into Calcasieu Lake.

MARSHES: Access into refuge marshes and ponds outside Lacassine Pool is restricted to walking, poling, paddling, rowing or trolling motors. Motors may not be used in refuge marshes.

SAFETY WARNING Motorboat travel on the refuge may be hazardous due to narrow boat runs, rough water, limited visibility, fog, vegetation, and swells from towboats, barges and crew boats. Look for and obey posted signs that read No Wake Zones. These areas are posted to keep visitors safe and to protect nesting birds and their habitat.

TOURNAMENTS Individuals or representatives of organizations that want to sponsor or participate in fishing tournaments on the refuge should contact the refuge manager for special restrictions.

CLOSED AREAS No crabbing, fishing, or cast netting is permitted from the Blue Goose Trail or the Wetland Walkway. The areas where these activities aren’t permitted include entrance bridges, drives, parking areas, walking trails, and surrounding areas. Areas closed to boats for fishing, crabbing or cast netting include those under the bridges to the water control structures at Hog Island Gully and West Cove Recreation Areas; also closed are the canal on both sides of the entrance bridge to the Wetland Walkway, and the canal adjacent to the Blue Goose Trail parking lot and walking path.

BOAT, MOTOR AND OPERATION LIMITS Outboard motors and go-devil type or air-cooled motors may be operated only in designated refuge canals, bayous, and boat trails. Operation of any outboard or air-cooled motor in the refuge marshes is prohibited. The operation of trolling motors is permitted.

PUBLIC BOAT LAUNCHES There is one improved boat launch at Northline Recreation Area; it is open March 7, 2013



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March 7, 2013






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March 7, 2013







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March 7, 2013



lake area


Ieyoub Named Fox 29 News Director Heather Ieyoub was recently named news director at Fox 29. Ieyoub, a graduate of McNeese State University, previously served as fitness and health reporter for the station’s “That Morning Show,” as host of the “On the Air” program, and as anchor for the News Express at Noon show.

Billiodeaux Joins Memorial Seth T. Billiodeaux, MD, a pain management physician board certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology Memorial Medical Group, has joined the Memorial Medical Group. His office will be located in the group’s Aster Street offices at 2750 Aster St. in Lake Charles. Billiodeaux received his medical degree and completed his anesthesiology residency at the Louisiana State University Health Science Center in Shreveport. He then completed a fellowship in interventional pain management at LSUHSCShreveport, where he served as assistant professor of anesthesiology and interventional pain management. Billiodeaux’s medical research on pain management has been published in such



March 7, 2013


medical journals as Neurological Research and American Society of Anesthesiologists. He is experienced in managing the pain caused by conditions such as nerve damage (neuropathy), sciatica, neuralgia, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and other chronic conditions. For an appointment, call Billiodeaux’s office at 480-8900.

Partnership Elects Officers The Southwest Louisiana Partnership for Economic Development recently elected its 2013 officers, executive committee and advisors. Elected were Vinton Mayor Kenneth Stinson, chair; Village of Fenton Mayor Eddie Alfred, vice chair; Hal McMillin, Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, secretary; and DeRidder Mayor Ron Roberts, treasurer. The 2013 executive committee members are Oakdale Mayor Gene Paul, Kinder Mayor Estes LeDoux, Sulphur Mayor Chris Duncan, Lake Charles Mayor Randy Roach, Welsh Mayor Carolyn Louviere, Tina Horn of the Cameron Parish Police Jury, Teddy Welch of the Beauregard Parish Police Jury, and Kirk Quinn of the Cameron Parish Police Jury. The 2013 advisors are Brian Beam,



Calcasieu Parish; Traci Fontenot, Allen Parish; Adrian Wallace, City of Lake Charles; Grant Bush, IMCAL; Katie Chassion, CLECO; and Ernie Broussard, Town of Iowa.

Grantham Named Allen Parish Library Director Renee Theriot Grantham was recently appointed director of Allen Parish Libraries. A retired educator, Grantham taught in both Calcasieu Parish and the Diocese of Lake Charles schools, where she served 26 years as a school librarian. In addition, she taught five years as an adjunct instructor at McNeese State University in the Library Science Department. She earned a master’s in educational technologies from McNeese State University and a master’s in library and information sciences from Louisiana State University.

Rooney Named SLC Outstanding Runner McNeese State senior distance runner David Rooney, the Southland Conference indoor champion in the 3,000- and 5,000meter runs, has been named the Southland Conference’s Men’s Outstanding Runner



Performer. Rooney was also named to the SLC men’s indoor track and field all-conference first team. Other Cowboys joining Rooney on the three-team field were Alex BruceLittlewood (second team, 1-mile run), Daniel Cliffe (second team, 5,000-meter run), Martin Delguste (third team, 1-mile run), and Thomas Canchola (third team, shot put).

Taha Announces City Council Bid Khalid Taha recently announced his candidacy for Lake Charles City Council District G. A Republican, Taha, 48, has lived in Lake Charles for 30 years. He and his wife, Hanadi, have three children: Shadi, age 18; Shereen, age 16; and Marwan, age 14. He is a senior chemical analyst at PPG (Axiall). Taha earned a bachelor’s and master’s, both in chemistry, from McNeese. He’s a McNeese Saphhire Alumni, and is a member of the McNeese Cowboy Club. He has coached soccer for the Imperial Calcasieu Soccer Club for 12 years, and served as the Barbe High School Soccer Club vice presi-

dent for three years. Taha is a SWLA Tea Party member, a National Rifle Association member, and a Lake Charles Gun Club member. He is a Calcasieu Medical Reserve Corp Emergency Responder, and a member of the American Red Cross. He volunteers at Abraham’s Tent, is involved with the PPG United Way Campaign, is a PPG (Axiall) Friends member, and is involved in the Partners in Education program at Our Lady Queen of Heaven school. For more information, visit www.

La. Farmer Of Year Award Finalists The Louisiana Radio Network recently announced finalists for its 16th annual Louisiana Farmer of the Year award. Finalists will be honored and a winner named during an awards banquet on Thursday, Feb. 28, 7 pm, at White Oak Plantation in Baton Rouge. Former Gov. Buddy Roemer will serve as guest speaker. A 2013 Finalist for Louisiana Farmer of the Year is Donald Berken of Welsh. Welsh is a rice and soybean farmer who has been involved with numerous organizations over the years, including Jeff Davis Parish Farm Bureau, the USA Rice Federation and the Louisiana Soybean Association.

The Farmer of the Year Program is sponsored by Louisiana Radio Network in conjunction with the Louisiana Farm Bureau Agri-news Radio Network, Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, LSU Ag Center and Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation.

Poetry Out Loud Winners On Thursday, Feb. 14, nine high school students representing Sulphur High School, DeRidder High School, Westlake High School, A.M. Barbe High School, and home school groups competed for the top three honors at the SWLA Regional Poetry Out Loud Competition at Central School. Elizabeth Salvador, a home schooled student, won third place in the competition with her performances of “Sea Fever‚” by John Masefield, and “A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky‚” by Lewis Carroll. Bree Lee, a junior at Sulphur High School, was awarded second place for her recitations of “Alone‚” by Edgar Allan Poe, and “Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight,” by Vachel Lindsay. Brooke Bose, a junior at A.M. Barbe High School, won first place for her renditions of “The Lamb‚” by Linda Gregg, and “The Maid’s Lament‚” by Walter Savage Landor.

Delta Downs Donates For CASA Delta Downs Racetrack Casino and Hotel recently donated $12,500 to Family and Youth in support of the organization’s recent Dinner At Mi CASA fundraising event. The event raised funds for the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and the abused and neglected children they serve. CASA recruits and trains volunteers who are appointed by Family and Juvenile Court Judges to advocate for the best interests of children who have be removed from their homes because of abuse and neglect. Pictured from left, chef Kevin Williams; chef Kim Johnson; chef Nate Winters; Delta Downs vice president and general manager Steve Kuypers; Family & Youth president & CEO Julio Galan; chef Jesse Flores; Delta Downs executive chef Joseph Jaskievic; chef Kathy Dunigan; and chef David Savoie.



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Christopher O'Riley

BANNERS SERIES MARCH EVENTS The 21st season of the Banners Cultural Series at McNeese State University features 20 events — from classical and jazz music to ballet and modern dance, as well as lectures on hot topics — all taking place through May 4. “The mission of Banners at McNeese is to provide our community access to arts and humanities programming and education that is unique to our area, as well as to create an environment within Banners that supports lifelong learning and an appreciation for cultural diversity,” said Patricia Prudhomme, Banners director. Prudhomme said the Banners Series is supported by membership fees, corporate sponsors and grants. Events in this year’s series include: • Koresh Dance Company — Saturday, March 9, 7:30 pm, Rosa Hart Theatre, Lake Charles Civic Center. Renowned for its stage presence and highenergy style, Philadelphia’s Koresh Dance Company has been hailed on both national and international stages. Founded in 1991 by Israeli-born choreographer and artistic director Ronen Koresh, this troupe presents its audiences with a blend of ballet, modern dance and jazz. • Christopher O’Riley — Saturday, March 16, 7:30 pm, F.G. Bulber Auditorium, McNeese campus. Performance with the McNeese Wind Symphony. As host of the popular NPR music program “From the Top,” Christopher O’Riley is well-known for his musings on music and popular culture. His piano performances are contemporary and alt-rock. O’Riley is recognized as one of the leading American pianists of his generation. • Juan Jose Valdes — Tuesday, March 19, 7 pm, F.G. Bulber Auditorium, McNeese campus. Valdes is the official geographer of the National Geographic Society. He guides and assists the Map Policy Committee in setting border representations, disputed territories and naming conventions. He also serves as the director of editorial and research for National Geographic Maps, where his prime responsibility is to ensure accuracy and consistency for all maps and map products. During his lecture, he will share his experiences from his recent trip to Cuba. • McLeod Lecture Series — Thursday, March 21, 7 pm, Ralph Squires Recital Hall, McNeese campus. The 10th annual McLeod Lecture Series examines how partisan politics have impacted state legislators and government at all levels. How can elected officials work better across the aisle? The panel will address the challenges of holding firmly to one’s beliefs while working collaboratively with those holding opposing views. The McLeod Endowment, in memory of former legislator and judge Bill McLeod, supports this series and the Southwest Louisiana Legislative Archives at McNeese. • 26th Annual McNeese National Works on Paper Exhibition — March 21-May 9, Grand Gallery, Shearman Fine Arts Annex. Opening Reception, 6-8 pm, March 21. Presented by the McNeese Department of Visual Arts. • Spencers: Theatre of Illusion — Friday, March 22, 7:30 pm, Rosa Hart Theatre, Lake Charles Civic Center. By combining original theatrical elements with illusions, audience interaction, dramatic lighting, special effects, scenery, music, movement and stage magic, Kevin and Cindy Spencer propel the age-old art of magic into the present. For more info, call 475-5123 or visit 64


March 7, 2013

‘PUEBLO TO PUEBLO’ EXHIBIT The City of Lake Charles will host a new traveling exhibition, Pueblo to Pueblo: The Legacy of Southwest Indian Pottery. The exhibition will be on display at the 1911 Historic City Hall Arts & Cultural Center at 1001 Ryan St., beginning with an opening reception on March 15 from 5:30-8 pm, and will run through May 25. All ages are welcome at no charge, and refreshments will be served. Pueblo to Pueblo consists of approximately 70 Pueblo Indian pottery vessels and supporting materials dating from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century. The art form was passed from generation to generation over the span of centuries by people living in permanent villages, called pueblos. Visitors will be introduced to the various styles of Pueblo pottery as well as an understanding of the narrative behind its continued development. Pueblo to Pueblo is from the collection of Union Station and The Kansas City Museum, and is toured by Smith Kramer Traveling Exhibitions from Kansas City. The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 10 am-5 pm, and Saturday, 10 am-2 pm. Admission is free, but donations are accepted. For more information, call 491-9147 or visit Hopi Canteen

DON RICH CONCERT A concert and dance featuring the music of Don Rich will take place March 16, 8 pm-midnight, at the American Legion Post 179, 1403 W. Napoleon St. (Hwy. 90) in Sulphur Admission is $8 in advance, and $10 at the door. For more info, call 529-6644 or email

BARK FOR LIFE EVENT The American Cancer Society will hold its first “Bark For Life” event Saturday, March 23, 9 am-1 pm, at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Registration will begin at 8 am. The event will celebrate the companionship dogs provide to cancer patients and survivors. Activities will include a pet and owner look-alike contest, a pet talent show, a pet costume contest and a pet fashion show. Businesses and organizations can set up a tent or booth for food, products or games and activities that promote a carnival-like atmosphere. Additional sponsorship and volunteer opportunities are also available. Entry fee is $20 per dog. Tent space is $50.

SA EMPTY BOWL DINNER The Salvation Army will hold its fifth annual Empty Bowl dinner Thursday, March 14, 6-9 pm, at L’Auberge Casino Resort. Attire should be business casual. Guests can enjoy a variety of soups provided by 12 of Lake Charles’ premier chefs. They will also each receive a handmade, one-of-a-kind ceramic soup bowl as a gift for helping those in need. Entertainment will be provided by the Victory Belles from the National World War II Museum, who will take the guests on a nostalgic journey through World War II era musical classics. Proceeds from the event will be used to enable the Salvation Army continue to provide those less fortunate with food, shelter, clothing, financial assistance to pay utilities, and other necessities. Tickets are $100 per guest. Sponsorships and single admission tickets are still available and may be obtained by calling 433-4155.

ST. JUDE FUN RUN The Steps For St. Jude Children’s Hospital 5k Fun Run will take place March 9, 8 am, at the McNeese State University Recreational Complex. Registration fee is $20. For more information, contact Delaney Dupin at 4896210.

Ashes of Babylon Photo by Episode Phive

LIVE@THE LAKEFRONT Live @ the Lakefront will be presented on the Lakefront Promenade for the three consecutive Fridays of March 8, 15 and 22 from 6-10 pm. There will be live music with a special emphasis on talent with Lake Area ties. On March 8, jazz and R&B band City Heat will perform. The outfit’s music includes jazz, R&B, soul and pop. It’s led by local jazz musician Chester Daigle. The Barbe Show Choir will open with rock covers. Local musician and educator Chris Miller directs the show choir. On March 15, Grammy-nominated Cajun band the Lost Bayou Ramblers and local musician John Guidroz will perform. The Lost Bayou Ramblers was founded in South Louisiana in 1999. They perform traditional, predominantly acoustic, Cajun music across the world. The band’s music has evolved into a popular crossover style that combines traditional Cajun French lyrics and styles with alternative and indie rock influences. Their latest album Mammoth Waltz (2012) features performances by Scarlett Johansson and Dr. John. Southwest Louisiana native John Guidroz will perform with his band on March 15. He’s spent the last several months promoting his first full-length album, Yesterday’s News. Ashes of Babylon and the Lochness Mobsters will close out the concert series on March 22. Ashes of Babylon is a roots reggae group originally hailing from Lake Charles and now based out of Austin. Ashes brings an original style of music that blends jazz, R&B and funk. Horns are a feature of what the band describes as its “Louisiana Reggae.” Local rock trio Lochness Mobsters play a mix of surf and upbeat garage rock. Consisting of Taylor Lumpkin, Brooks Lumpkin and Michael Chavez, the Mobsters got their start in Lake Charles, but are soon to be residents of Austin. The trio, which has been playing since 2008, has tightened into a punky party band. Live @ the Lakefront will offer an extensive market of local artists and artisanal vendors with local art and handcrafted items for sale. Several locally owned restaurants and food trucks will be on site. The public is encouraged to bring chairs and a blanket to put down on the promenade’s communal green space. The Arts Council will sell Coke, wine, bottled water, and Budweiser and Miller products. All beverage sales benefit the arts in Southwest Louisiana. No pets or outside food or ice chests are allowed. In case of inclement weather, Live @ the Lakefront will take place inside the Civic Center. Live @ the Lakefront is presented by the Arts Council of SWLA, the City of Lake Charles and Deep South Productions.

PALM SUNDAY TOUR OF HOMES The Calcasieu Historical Preservation Society will hold its 38th annual Palm Sunday Tour of Homes on March 24 from 1-5 pm. The theme will be “Windows on the Water.” The Tour will feature five homes with lakeshore views on Shell Beach Drive. “The houses on tour display a variety of architectural design and exquisite interiors, and each offers a glimpse of contemporary living in historic properties,” said Donna Richard, 2013 Tour chair. “The Tour will offer patrons a souvenir program with historic images and information about the Shell Beach area.” Shell Beach Drive homes on the tour include the Walker home (623), the Raggio home (811), the Reinauer home (813), the Boyer home (823) and the Fontenot home (1200). Event patrons are asked not to wear spiked heels, as they can damage the hardwood floors. The event is open to the public. Tour of Homes tickets are sold at Pre-sale tour tickets are available for $10 from Gordon’s Drugs on Lake Street and the Arts and Humanities Council at the Historic Central School. Tickets can be purchased on the day of the event for $15. Between 10:30 am and 2:30 pm, a traditional Sunday brunch served by 121 Artisan Bistro will be available for those who make reservations. For brunch reservations, call 121 Artisan Bistro at 310-7499. The 2013 Palm Sunday Tour of Homes presenting sponsor is Empire of the Seed Historic Properties.

DUTCH OVEN SOCIETY JAMBALAYA COOKOFF Le Chien Cookers, the Southwest Section of the Louisiana Dutch Oven Society, will hold their second annual jambalaya cookoff Saturday, March 23, 9 am-2 pm, at Sam Houston Jones State Park. The contest is part of the group’s monthly Dutch Oven Gathering (DOG) at the park. Over 20 entrants from South Louisiana, North Louisiana and Texas will be competing. The meeting will also include a Dutch Oven 101 presentation by Randy Hebert, vice president of the Louisiana Dutch Oven Society’s Southern Region. Other members of the Le Chien Cookers will be demonstrating cooking techniques throughout the day, and will be available to answer questions. The event is open to the public. A $5 arm band donation allows participants to sample the food and vote for the People’s Choice Award for favorite jambalaya. Proceeds will be donated to a local nonprofit hunger fighting organization. For more information, contact Dwayne or Randy at 302-5025 or 912-9394, visit, or visit the group’s Facebook page or

ACTS TO PRESENT PAJAMA GAME Tickets are now on sale for the ACTS One Reid Street Theatre’s upcoming production of the musical comedy The Pajama Game. Performances are scheduled for March 15, 16, 22 and 23 at 7:30 pm, with 3 pm matinee performances on March 17 and 24. All performances are at ACTS Theatre. Tickets are $30 for adults, and $15 for students with a valid ID. Tickets can be purchased online at, or by calling 337-433-ACTS. Vouchers for tickets can be purchased at Moss Bluff Flower and Gift, Lakeshore Medic Pharmacy on Enterprise Boulevard, and the Civic Center box office on Lakeshore Drive. For more information, call 433-2287.

KUSHNER MEMORIAL CONCERT There will be a William Kushner Memorial Concert March 11, 7:30 pm, in the Squires Recital Hall on the McNeese State University campus. For more information, call 475-5040.

March 7, 2013



‘THE CHOICE’ EASTER MUSICAL “The Choice” Easter musical will take place Sunday, March 24, 10:15 am, and Friday-Saturday, March 29-30, 7 pm, at Maplewood First Baptist Church, located at 4501 Maplewood Dr. “The Choice” is a story of the forbidden love between a young Jewish girl Monty Jones, Angie Manning, and a Roman soldier and the cultural difDr. Bryan Manning. ficulties encountered following Christ. The score is a dramatic musical created by Robert and Cindy Sterling. Actors include the Roman soldier Marcus, played by Monty Jones; Angie Manning as Hannah, the Jewish girl; Mike Martinez as Octavius; Dr. Bryan Manning as Jesus; Dean Hanson as Pilate; and Reuben Broussard as Caiaphus. Performances are free. For more information, call the church office at 625-5899 or visit

LUNG CANCER WALK/RUN The Free to Breathe Lake Charles Lung Cancer 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk will take place March 16 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Registration begins at 7 am. Early registration fee (before March 11) is $25 online and $28 by mail. Registration on the day of the event is $30. For more information, call 608-8288852 or email

RUN WITH NUNS MOTORCYCLE RIDE The Run with the Nuns Motorcycle Ride and Charity Event will take place March 16, 9 am, at L’Auberge Casino Resort. Admission is $30 per driver and $20 per passenger. For more information, call 430-5353.



March 7, 2013

DINNER FOR AUTISM SUPPORT ALLIANCE Nicholas Hunter, chef and owner of Harlequin Steaks & Seafood, will host a benefit dinner for the Autism Support Alliance on Sunday, March 17 at 5:30 pm. The event will include a wine tasting hosted by The Wine Store, a silent auction and live entertainment. For tickets, call 436-9533 or email Autism Support Alliance, a program of Family & Youth, promotes access and opportunities for persons with autism and their families to be included as participating members of their communities. To achieve this, the Alliance offers case management, family guidance, social skills groups, consultation and training. For more information, use the above contact information.

SULPHUR MINES FESTIVAL The Sulphur Mines Festival will take place March 8-9 at the Brimstone Museum and Henning Cultural Center. Hours are 5-10 pm on Friday, and 10 am-10 pm on Saturday. Admission is free; carnival ride prices will apply. For more information, call 527-4500 or email

SPRING FASHION SHOW The 4-Them Community Organization will host its first annual Spring fashion show Saturday, March 9, at The Governor’s Mansion, located at 1025 Broad St. Doors open at 6 pm with a social, and the runway-style show kicks off at 7 pm. The event will feature locally owned businesses showcasing their spring apparel. Featured merchants will include Catina Couture, Frankie and Company, Jer Rees, A Little Bit Gaudy, Quad Clothing Company and more. Door prizes will be given away. Mistress of ceremonies will be Kimmie Rogers from “The Around Town TV Show” in Baton Rouge. Tickets are $20. For more information, contact Veronica Allison at 2740905, or Fedra Williams at 527-7045.

JITTERBUG AND GRUB EVENT St. Theresa’s Catholic Church will host the Jitterbug and Grub fundraising event March 9, 6-11 pm, at the church’s KC Hall, located on Carlyss Dr. in Sulphur. Admission is $20 per person. For more information, call 583-4837 or 583-4010, or email


LC SYMPHONY CHAMPAGNE BINGO The Iowa Rabbit Festival will take place Thursday, March 14 through Saturday March 16. The Rabbit Cook-off will take place in the Iowa City Park on Saturday, March 16. Registration for main dish and appetizer competition will take place 6:30-7:30 am, with a $25 registration fee for each dish. The first place prize for each competition is $500. Other prizes will be awarded. Mitchell Brothers Carnival will open at 6 pm on Thursday, and 5 pm on Friday. The parade is set for 10 am on Saturday, March 16. Here is the music line-up: Thursday, March 14 Geno Delafosse and French Rockin Boogie 8-11 pm Friday, March 15 Steel Shot 6-8 pm Horace Trahan 8-10 pm The Molly Ringwalds 10-midnight Saturday, March 16 John Dale Hebert And Friends 11 am-1 pm (Cook-off Stage) Whiskey South 1:30-2:30 pm and 3-4 pm Steve Riley And The Mamou Playboys 4-6 pm Krossfyre 6-8 pm Jamie Bergeron 8-10 pm Chee Weez 10-midnight. For more information, visit

The Lake Charles Symphony will host its first Champagne Bingo Luncheon fundraiser Saturday, March 16, 11 am-2 pm, at the Lake Charles Country Club. Doors will open at 10:30 am. A buffet lunch will be served, consisting of assorted finger sandwiches, seafood and chicken crepes, mini quiches, fruit and cheese, as well as desserts. Champagne punch is included in the price, and a cash bar will be available. Bingo games and door prizes will be featured. Tickets are $50 per person, or $400 for reserved tables of eight. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 433-1611.

GULF COAST BIRD CLUB MEETING The Gulf Coast Bird Club will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, March 14, 7 pm, in Frasch Hall on the McNeese campus. Dr. Jay Huner, a retired professor from the University of Lafayette, will share the experiences of his 2012 “Louisiana Big Year,” his quest to set the record for the number of species of birds seen within the borders of Louisiana in one calendar year. Huner’s goals in undertaking this effort was to raise awareness of the importance of protecting habitats, and to raise money to support Baton Rouge Audubon Society’s mission to protect lands for Louisiana’s birds. For more information, contact David Booth at 474-7325, or visit the website at

March 7, 2013



THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Coushatta Leroy Thomas & Zydeco Roadrunners Dharma Open mic Isle of Capri Keith McCoy & CEO; Otis & Henry’s Honey Jar L’Auberge Jack After Dark DJ Eric Scott Luna Live Greenhouse Lounge

THURSDAY, MARCH 14 Coushatta Avery Michaels Dharma Open mic Isle of Capri Dana Abbott Band; Otis & Henry’s David Locklear L’Auberge Jack After Dark DJ San-D

karaoke Annie's 9pm Friday; Saturday Bourbonz 8pm Tuesdays Chicageaux Bar 8pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday Club 90 8pm Saturday Coolers Thursday Crickets 8:30pm Friday DeQuincy VFW 7-11pm Friday; 6-10pm Sunday



March 7, 2013


SATURDAY, MARCH 9 Cigar Club Albert Simpson Coushatta Pavilion Vince Gill; Mikko Live Stellar Delta Downs Upper Level Disturbance Isle of Capri Da Classics L'Auberge Jack After Dark DJ Eric Scott Luna Live Dax Riggs, The Rayo Brothers Yesterdays Leroy Thomas & Zydeco Roadrunners

Cigar Club Wayne Dylan Coushatta Stellar Delta Downs Upper Level Disturbance Dharma Rusty Metoyer & Zydeco Crush Isle of Capri Twangster’s Union, Otis & Henry’s Ars Nova L’Auberge DJ Eric Scott Linda’s Lounge PGA Band Luna Live Eric Lindell Stellar Beans Danny O’Flaherty & Nash Neil Yesterdays Todd O’Neill Band

FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Cigar Club Kory Fontenot Delta Downs Common Ground Dharma The Pwells Isle of Capri Doug Stone; Brad Brinkley & Comfort Zone, Otis & Henry’s Trip Wamsley L’Auberge Jack After Dark DJ San-D Luna Live Sol Driven Train Yesterdays Rusty Metoyer & Zydeco Rush

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duane bergeron

Snitch Summit Entertainment • Rated PG-13 Unless I’m missing my guess, Dwayne Johnson (once referred to as “The Rock”) has now become the most successful actor who was formerly a wrestler. At present, he and Jason Statham are on the top of the hill when it comes to popular action stars. For his latest project, Johnson went for a dramatic touch in Snitch. And the results are not disappointing at all. John Matthews (Johnson) runs a successful trucking operation, and is getting adjusted to life in a new marriage. However, his idyllic life comes crashing down when he receives a call from his former wife, who tells him that his son Jason Collins (Rafi Gavron) has been arrested for drug possession. The arrest took place right after the son received the narcotics in a package delivered to his home. Matthews discovers that Jason is looking at at least 10 years in prison for the crime. Jason’s only hope of a sentence reduction is to give up the names of others who were participating in the distributing of the drugs. He refuses. Matthews comes up with an idea for helping his son. He goes to U.S. Attorney Janet Keeghan (Susan Sarandon) for help. Matthews tells Keeghan that he will infiltrate the drug ring himself if Jason’s sentence is reduced. She agrees. To this end, Matthews enlists the help of one of his employees, Daniel James (Jon Bernthal). Bernthal is a former convict who was involved with drug smuggling. Matthews also gets the help of DEA agent Billy Cooper (Barry Pepper), who will be his contact on the outside. With Daniel’s help, Matthews makes contact with Malik (Michael K. Williams), a local drug ring leader. Matthews makes a run for Malik across a couple of states that ends with a successful delivery. As Matthews works in Malik’s gang and provides information to Keeghan and Cooper, his efforts don’t go unnoticed. A smuggler involved with a large Mexican drug cartel recruits Matthews to deliver a huge sum of money across the Mexican border. With Matthews now deeper in than he ever expected to be, he arms himself and prepares for anything — especially after he

20th Century Fox • Rated R

discovers his cover has been blown. Fans of Johnson’s body of work and the action genre in general won’t be disappointed here. Snitch has some very clever stunt driving sequences involving 18-wheel trucks. The script was superbly executed, with scenes providing enough suspense for that “edge of your seat” experience. As the lead character risks everything to save his son from unjustified imprisonment, he puts more than just his life on the line. Johnson conveyed all this and more in front of the camera. Johnson exhibited a broad range in his performance, which indi-


Snitch does an excellent job of balancing the dramatic and action elements. These days, not many pictures do.

cates he can handle cinematic projects that aren’t straightforward action. His character is an everyman; audiences can sympathize with his motivations to help his son who was guilty by association. What I like about Snitch is the way the dramatic elements, rather than the action themes, dominate the story. In addition to its being one of those “based on a true story” movies, what gives credibility to Snitch is the casting of an actress of Sarandon’s caliber in a supporting role. It’s true the youth-obsessed film industry will go with younger performers. But there are few actresses in Hollywood who have accomplished what Sarandon has. Snitch serves as a cautionary tale regarding the illegal narcotics trade and the way in which even minor involvement with that culture can ruin lives. This film makes a statement but doesn’t bang the audience over the head. Johnson will also be seen in the upcoming G.I. Joe sequel and Fast and Furious 6, which will open Memorial Day weekend. G.I. Joe: Retribution is scheduled for a late March release.

March 7, 2013




rick sarro

Five Questions … Really, Only Five McNeese coaches, along with a few from the region’s prep ranks, take a deep breath and settle in for the long haul when they see me coming. The look resembles the expression you wear when you have to sit down and stare down a final exam. I know it. I see it on their faces and change in body language. The issue is I have a tendency to ask a lot of questions — be it during pre-game advance interviews, post-game sessions, on TV or radio shows or if I bump into them while they’re eating a hamburger. It’s not just the local coaches who’ve endured my long inquisitions. I remember having to hog tie a young Karl Malone at his Summerfield High School gym for 45 minutes for a three-part television series I was doing on the high school phenom as he was preparing for his move to Louisiana Tech and what later became a long Hall of Fame career in the NBA. I had Mario Andretti and Richard Petty ask me if the interview was for an hour-long network special instead of local TV. Who wouldn’t want to spend as much time as possible with the two auto racing greats? During my days in the Alabama media, both former Crimson Tide coach Bill Curry and Auburn”s Pat Dye joked about ordering in lunch during several long one-on-one sit downs. An always grumpy Dye squirmed and complained much more than the congenial Curry. When I moved on to Tampa, Fla., I always warned then-Tampa Bay Bucs head coach Sam Wyche that I needed at least 15 minutes. He’d joke that he barely spoke to his wife for 15 minutes during the entire NFL season. I usually got my camera time with Wyche, but he always bumped me last in line behind all the newspaper and magazine beat writers along with other quick questioning TV types. Former Tampa Bay Lightning vice president and NHL legend Phil Esposito tried to cut several interviews short, but I always resorted to the stand by excuse of ignorance. “Phil,” I pleaded, “I was born in Louisiana, and the coupling of sticks and ice had to mean you were stirring a drink.” He relented and endured my longer-thanmost sessions, mainly because the new hockey franchise in town needed to educate the media, and primarily the Florida fans, to sell more season tickets. In some cases, sports interviewers have underlying agendas. Sportscasters and writers (the good ones) think if they can keep a coach or player talking on the record long enough, they might uncover a new insight or break a story through a quotation after the third follow-up question. I also want at least 50 percent more information or answers than I originally thought I would need for a story. More is always better. Half of good interviewing is preparation and knowing your subject. The other half is good listening: I mean really, really good listening, because the best questions will unequivocally come from answers you just heard. If you’re thinking about your next question and not listening to the 70


March 7, 2013

Brooks Donald-Williams

Dave Simmons

response, then you will surely miss what they’re really thinking and feeling, and in turn, miss the real story. I didn’t learn that from any journalism class, but instead from being around some veteran news reporters, sharp attorneys and career policemen, who all made their living by asking really important questions. This is much more media shop talk than I intended to include. I wanted to explain my mindset and my process, which isn’t to be confused with that much talked-about “process” out of Tuscaloosa, Ala. I decided to find out just where the McNeese Cowboys and Cowgirls stood late in their basketball seasons as they prepare for the Southland Conference Tournament in Katy, Texas. This time around, I deviated from my process of follow-up questions and endless probing. I committed to only five direct questions to each head coach, who will normally field 5 to 6 times as many. As of Lagniappe’s deadline, the Cowgirls had a huge win over league-leading Oral Roberts coupled with another disappointing home loss to Central Arkansas. The amazingly talented senior backcourt tandem of Ashlyn and Caitlyn Baggett played their final home game in that 77-69 loss to UCA, but their final season is far from over. The 15-12 Cowgirls finish with road games at Southeastern Louisiana and Nicholls State. From there, McNeese should enter the conference tournament as one of the top three seeds. The Cowboys are coming off an impressive 56-54 come-from-behind win over SLC newcomer and league contender Oral Roberts. McNeese couldn’t extend a three-game winning streak, as the team let a huge 17-point lead slip away and fell to


We stayed the course. No matter what’s happened and how many times we were knocked off track, we stayed the course. ---- Donald-Williams

Central Arkansas 68-67 as a last-second three-point shot from Desharick Guidry failed to fall. The Cowboys will follow the Cowgirls to Hammond and Thibodeaux to wrap up the regular season and try to improve on their current 7th seeding for the SLC Tournament. When I approached Cowgirls coach Brooks Donald-Williams and the Cowboys’ Dave Simmons, I didn’t hesitate when I said this would be the shortest interview each has ever done with me, as I promised only five questions. There were raised eyebrows; my willpower was tested; but I stuck to only five questions. Coach Williams’ demeanor went from that of an attorney preparing for a legal deposition to a coach flashing that great smile when she heard “only five questions.” Simmons, who always settles in for at least four quarters with me, had to be thinking he could bypass McDonald’s and get home in time for a late dinner. You be the judge. Will less win over more?

LADIES FIRST … Sarro: You’ve beaten league-leading Oral Roberts twice now in Tulsa and at home. In my book, it makes McNeese the best team in the conference when you beat the best. Do you agree?

Williams: I certainly think we are two of the best. You have to include Lamar and Sam Houston as well, though. They are very good teams. We have had our share of troubles with them and Oral Roberts. I think all four of us are really in the thick of the hunt. Sarro: What have been the most surprising and unexpected aspects of this team and this season? Williams: Honestly, I think we were surprised early in the year [by] our inconsistency. We knew it would be a struggle because we had so many new components to our team and program. I thought we would have it a little bit easier, but honestly, sometimes it’s not the best thing to have it easy. I think this whole season — every loss, every struggle, every hard win — I always believe it helps you for later and I think it is helping us now. I don’t know if I would want to change it. I just think it was a surprise of mine going through the earlier part of the season. Sarro: What quality and fundamental has kept the Cowgirls in contention despite an up-and-down season? Williams: We stayed the course. No matter what’s happened and how many times we were knocked off track, we stayed the course. We’ve had new kids, new players, be it junior college transfers or freshmen: inexperienced players who have not seen the floor as much in the past. They’ve bought in and we’ve all stayed the course. No matter what has gotten us down, that toughness has gotten us back in the hunt. Sarro: The Baggett twins have carried this program for three years — no ifs, ands, or questions about that. What has amazed you about Ashlyn and Caitlyn in particular this year — the body of work, the will to win, mental toughness and their ability to stay on the floor and remain healthy, because they take a beating out there? What has amazed you the most? Williams: Over their four years here, their basketball savvy; the way they know the game. Can get to the rim; know when to go and when not to go. Just their savvy is special. There are not many players like them in the country. I think they are so special in that aspect. I am most proud of them right now because [due to] our ups and downs this season, they have had to play a really tough role — one they have not had to play since their freshman year. [It’s a] new team, [with] new staff. Losses you are not used to the last several years or for that matter their whole career since being little kids. I think they have handled themselves very well. At times, they’ve been very frustrated and they have handled themselves very well after that. I am just so proud of them. They are becoming young ladies. They are growing up and seeing their maturity as leading this young, inexperienced team in a fight for a championship right now when it looked so dismal just a month ago. Sarro: What are the must dos you will probably put on a chalk board somewhere for the Cowgirls to win the tournament championship again?

Williams: The same thing we must do for every game this year and before that, every practice. We’ve got to defend; have extra effort on balls and hustle plays. We have to give that extra effort in everything we do. Honestly, Rick, it is no different from every day we go out. The time of year is different, but our expectations of what we need to do to be successful are exactly the same. Block out, defend and hustle plays.

ON TO COACH SIMMONS... Sarro: Dave, what have been the most surprising and unexpected things about this team and this Cowboys season? Simmons: This team has faced a lot of adversity. Sometimes it makes you stronger. The surprising thing is these kids have been able to bounce back. They are down, but they keep looking up. The adversity of youth [who are] inexperienced [and a team] with only two seniors. This team has shown me a great ability to come back from many situations. You have to keep believing. Sarro: You’ve been frustrated all season with inconsistency in defense, rebounding, lousy free throw shooting and offensive slumps. What’s kept the Cowboys in the race; kept you respectable and tournament-worthy? Simmons: The biggest thing is understanding who we are as a team. Statistically, across the board, we are not very good. Stats don’t mean a lot when you play with heart — when you have a heart and willingness to play for 40 minutes. We’ve had a lot of inconsistency in those 40 minutes, but our seniors have begun to turn this thing around. They have talked about what we need to do — telling the young guys they are going to make mistakes, but to keep playing hard. We’ve learned from our losses and got better. Sarro: The season’s load was supposed to fall on the two senior guards Dontae Cannon and Jeremie Mitchell. But from my perspective, that load has fallen on the shoulders of young forwards Desharick Guidry and Craig McFerrin. Have they carried the team’s larger load? Simmons: I think so. They are both sophomores, and battled senior and veteran guys all season. Once you saw them maturing, you could see the turning in Deshar’s play. You could see him mature and understand what it takes to win. Both guys are sacrificing and buying in. Players make it work. We have an offense that gives them a lot of Xs and Os, but if they don’t execute and believe it’s going to happen, then it won’t happen.” Sarro: Former NFL coach Bill Parcells famously said, “you are what your record says you are.” Is your sub.500 record indicative of how the Cowboys are playing late in the season? Simmons: We are under .500, but if you believe you are a below-.500 team, then you would not keep winning basketball games. We know we have another life in the conference tournament. Winning against teams like Oral Roberts, who are one of the top teams in the league, that tends to give you a lot of confidence. If you put positive things in your mind, telling [yourself] that you are better than what you are, you can build on that. We tell them we are a very good basketball team but have to continue working to get better as a team. Our season is shoulders up. It’s mental. It’s

four to one a mental game when you come on the basketball court. We play hard, having a little fun, playing more as a unit. But we have to continue to play a little bit smarter. That’s the difference with this team right now. If we play smarter, then we will win the games we are supposed to win. Sarro: What are your must dos to make a deep run in the Southland Conference tournament? Simmons: Defense has to continue to improve. Rebounding [must improve]. And the biggest thing is you have to put up points in this league. You have teams in the league that can score a lot of points. If you get stops and not scoring on the other end,


Defense has to continue to improve. Rebounding [must improve]. And the biggest thing is you have to put up points in this league. ---- Simmons

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eventually the skill guys are gonna get you. We have to continue to find ways to win. The biggest thing is we have to find something that will work for us. That’s why we have a lot of offensive sets for the older guys and simple sets for the younger guys. I think that gives us balance, because teams have to prepare for a lot of different looks. That’s not to say we are great at everything we do, but we do a lot of different things. A lot of teams won’t play a match-up zone or multiple offense or spread the floor as much with the guards as we do. So we do a lot of things to make you prepare and guard us. That was it. Five questions as promised. A record for me. Both Williams and Simmons left me with smiles on their faces. That probably won’t be the case the next time I track them down with recorder in hand.

March 7, 2013




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Sell that Junk Car for Cash! I will buy your junk car, truck, van, motor home, or trailer. I also buy ATV’s, motorcycles, and even farm equipment. Even if it’s not running, you can make from $400 to $600. Clean your yard up, and decide what you’ll spend your extra money on! HELP WANTED Experienced mechanic needed. Call now at 526.9533. k1018

NEW! CUSTOM CABINET SHOP Custom Countertops Affordable Pricing Professional Custom Woodwork Entire Lake Charles Area

302-6903 PLACE YOUR AD CALL KENNY AT 433-8502 TODAY! _________________

COUNTRY CLUB HAIR - Where a haircut still comes with a lollipop and a smile. Over 25 years in business. Walk-ins welcome. Located on 1214 Country Club Rd. Open Tuesday-Friday 8:30-5:30, Saturdays 8am-2pm. Call 4744722 k0816 _________________



RARE COINS Gold & Silver Coins Currency Mint & Proof Sets All Coins Graded w/Photograde I BUY COLLECTIONS


SOUTH LAKE CHARLES 478-2386 884-2386

PLACE YOUR AD CALL KENNY AT 433-8502 TODAY! _________________

services FENCING FENCEMAKERS We build chainlink, barbed, privacy, electric, net, wooden, and security fences, free estimates. Call David today at 337-375-4747. k0920 _________________

Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Land Clearing, Bonded. Insured. License AR 1604 337-884-6881 g0502-2012

real estate MOBILE HOMES

services PLUMBING RAPHAEL BENOIT CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS - Home improvements, Remodeling & Additions. New Home Construction. Serving SWLA since 1993. Call Raphael Benoit at 337-802-6522 k0816 _________________

MOBILE HOME TO BE MOVED. 3/2, BO over $8,000. Camper for rent. All bills paid. 2 acre lot south of Lake Charles. 477-6243 or 564-5859 gpnmr _________________ PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND START GETTING RESULTS! CALL KENNY AT 433-8502 TODAY _________________

PAPER HEROES Buying U.S. Coins & Currency

Gold, Silver, Coins & Sets



BOUCHER & SON'S CONSTRUCTION ~ YOU’VE FOUND THE RIGHT COMPANY! Give us call for all your construction, carpentry, painting, and damage repairs. Licensed, Bonded, and Insured. Member of the Better Business Bureau. Give Tom a call at 337-474-2844 (office) or 337-842-1455 (cell) AND SEE HOW AFFORDABLE UPGRADING YOUR HOME CAN BE! 474.2844. k0313 _________________

services SALES NEED PART-TIME, NEAT, AGGRESSIVE SALESPERSON. Draw plus commission, plus gas. Flexible working hours. Call today 1-800-6345816, ask for Ron Wiggins. ph _________________

478-2143 3941 Ryan Street, Lake Charles


Accidents • Wrongful Death Serious Personal Injury Criminal, Domestic Law Cases


Laundry W rld Larry A. Roach (1932-2003) Barry A. Roach • Larry A. Roach, Jr. Fred C. "Bubba" LeBleu • David M. Hudson

2917 Ryan St. • Lake Charles (337) 433-8504 • Fax (337) 433-3196 74


March 7, 2013

Do Your Laundry in 4 Minutes! 2 minutes to drop off 2 minutes to pick up 4319 Common St. • 474-8748 2501 Hwy 14 • 433-7503

Professional Wash, Dry, Fold/Hang Service Dry Cleaning Available PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TODAY!

announcements WE WILL BUY! SELL THAT JUNK CAR FOR CASH! I will buy your junk car, truck, van, motor home, or trailer. I also buy ATV’s, motorcycles, and even farm equipment. Even if it’s not running, you can make from $400 to $600. Clean your yard up, and decide what you’ll spend your extra money on! HELP WANTED Experienced mechanic needed.Call now at 526.9533. k1018 _________________

services AUTO REPAIR

YOUR SOURCE LAWN & GARDEN TIRES 477-9850 478-6565 527-6355 "People you trust, products you depend on"

services KNOX FENCE

PERSONAL TRAINING Erick FranklinHead Trainer at The Gym. Offering customized workout plans for Jr. High to College aged athletes looking to improve. Strength & Conditioning, Wide Receiver Training, Agility & Conditioning classes available, including many more! AFFORDABLE RATES. 337-660-5717

FLIGHT TRAINING! VISION AVIATION, LLC; LICENSED INSTRUCTOR(S). Fly to new heights with our one of a kind “Discovery Flight” to see the sights for only $65! Makes a unique and adventurous gift. Gift Certificates available now. Call and reserve your fun at 478.7722. k2013apr

Don’t blend in, make your home stand out with a customized fence. Choose your own design or one of ours. We also do chainlink, ornamental, aluminum and iron fencing. Can install electric or solar gate operators. Call for a free estimate. Licensed and insured, 20+ years of experience. Ask for Steve at 337.540.6973 k0621

JUNK CARS SELL THAT JUNK CAR FOR CASH! I will buy your junk car, truck, van, motor home, or trailer. I also buy ATV’s, motorcycles, and even farm equipment. Even if it’s not running, you can make from $400 to $600. Clean your yard up, and decide what you’ll spend your extra money on! Call now at 526.9533. k1018 _________________ PLACE YOUR AD HERE! CALL KENNY AT 433-8502 TODAY! _________________

classified FULL-TIME SATELLITE TECHNICIANS NEEDED for well-established company. Paid training, $500 sign on bonus, paid weekly. Call Josh @ 888-959-9675 or submit resume to

services DOORS


WHY PAY MORE FOR DOORS 800 instock Doors Windows & More. 489-4313 csta15 _________________


services BOAT & RV STORAGE BOAT & RV STORAGE - 6102 COMMON STREET. SECURED STORAGE! Call 337564-5377 cr _________________

2000 LEXUS ES 300 JUST IN! 4-door, good one, come drive it! 2007 SUZUKI FORENZA Tan, 84k, good one! 2005 KIA OPTIMA Silver, gas saver, runs great, come drive it! 2004 BUICK LESABRE Beige, 94k! 2003 DODGE NEON Red, 100k miles, runs good, come drive it! 5 OTHER VEHICLES WITH 30+ MPG! These and more quality vehicles... call Luke Papania today at 302-2912!

803 E. McNeese • 337-562-9211

Also Motor Homes, Trailers and Farm Equipment. Not running? You can still make $400 and up! Get your yard cleaned up while deciding how you’ll spend your extra money!

CALL 526-9533

classified k0621

HWY 90 CONSIGNMENT STORAGE Cars • Trucks • Boats • RV's Mobile Homes • Vans Safe and Secure Storage forThose Big Items in Your Way! CONSIGNMENT: Your items can be put up for consignment to make that extra money when you decide you no longer need storage for you item. Good prices, and large customer base to purchase any items you store with us.

Call now and make some room OR some cash for your items: 337.526.2533

FULL TIME SATELLITE TECHNICIANS NEEDED for well-established company. Paid Training, $500 sign on bonus, paid weekly. Call Josh @ 888-959-9675 or submit resume to March 7, 2013



HOUSE LEVELING LIFTING AND MOVING GUARANTEED 2-YEAR WARRANTY FOR ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS! Foundation Repair • Concrete Slab Stabilization Licensed, Bonded and Insured • References




LEGEND LANDSCAPES Licensed & Insured For ALL your landscaping needs!

Call 337-499-4664 announcements DINING OUT

SHOP A-LOT DELI NOW SERVING OYSTERS! Drive-Thru Daiquiri Window Longer Dining Hours M-F 10AM-6PM SAT 10AM-4PM

2707 HAZEL 433-2135

real estate MOBILE HOMES MOBILE HOME TO BE MOVED. 3/2, BO over $8,000. Camper for rent. All bills paid. 2 acre lot south of Lake Charles. 477-6243 or 564-5859 gpnmr _________________

services SALES NEED PART-TIME, NEAT, AGGRESSIVE SALESPERSON. Draw plus commission, plus gas. Flexible working hours. Call today 1-800-6345816, ask for Ron Wiggins. ph _________________

Call Samantha @ Rhino Real Estate

337-304-6686 337-433-9434 Our Address: 1027 Enterprise Lake Charles, LA 70601 1010 Enterprise Blvd.-$179,000 3 bed/2 bath. Wood floors, fireplaces, sits on four lots. Great commercial potential with plenty of parking, updated electrical and plumbing. 2 New Lots For Sale-Drive by 709 16th Street for the low price of $9,000 or see the Dovick Rd. lot with more space, only $19,000. Charming Home In Sulphur-$55,000. 3 bed/1 bath located on close to a full acre. Go by and have a look at this ideal family home at 1301 Sherwood, call for appointment viewing. 738 Kirkman St.-4 bed/3.5 bath around 3500 sq. feet, Bonus 1000 sq. feet on 3rd floor ready to finish out. Features FOUR fireplaces! Wood floors, updated kitchen and baths, pocket doors, walk-in closets, new paint, electrical and plumbing for $269,500. 759 Louisiana Ave-House with 4 apartments which bring in $1600 income sitting on an acre downtown. House has lots of potential, negotiable $249,900. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. 2203 Walker St. Westlake. 3/2 1650 living, 2 big living areas. New paint throughout, new carpet in bedrooms and wood vinyl in living areas. $145,000 115 Orchard 2/2 1750 living, 1/2 acre in the middle of town. 2 car garage, crown molding, ceramic throughout. Everything remodeled! This one will go FAST, A MUST SEE! $164,500



March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013




March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013



win up to $ 10,000 in CASH! Fridays and Saturdays in March Drawings will be held every hour from 9:00pm to 11:00pm. Each winner could take home up to $10,000 in cold, hard cash!

connect with us

I-10, Exit 27 Lake Charles, LA • 1-800-THE-ISLE (843-4753) © 2013 Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Valid only at Isle of Capri® Casino Hotel Lake Charles. Must be 21 or older and a Fan Club ® member. See the Fan Club for details. Subject to change without notice. Isle of Capri employees and their immediate family members are not eligible. Disregard if prohibited from visiting a Louisiana casino.

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