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Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report FISHING, HUNTING, WILDLIFE VIEWING February 12'", 2015
The Nickel- Feb12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
r • r r • Fish for trout throughout the yearDid you know you can fish for trout, somewhere in Oregon, 365 days a year? This time of year, fishing for last year's holdover trout can be excellent. And early trout stocking has begun in some west-side zones. Check out this week's Rec Report for opportunities near you, and visit the Trout 365 page on the ODFW website for seasonal tips and highlights. Mowers Ag Repair Sales & Servlce Winter steelhead looks good for the weekendAfter last weekend's heavy rains and high water, flows are starting to subside and Tractors Comblnes Commerclal & Resldential Balers. Swathers Small Engines many rivers shouldbe in great shape for the weekend. Kohler & Kawasakl Dealer Speclagslng Inr Servlce AE grands FISHING Englnes, Transmlsslons Hrdraugcs, Electrlcal, A/C AII Outdoor Power Weekend fishing opportunities: • r • St e elhead fishing on the Umatilla River near Pendleton was fair last week with anglers averaging 6.3 hours per steelhead • ca u ght. • Wi l low Creek Reservoir is producing good catches of trout for hardy winter anglers. Marr Pond has been stocked with surplus • ha t chery steelhead. GRANDE RONDE RIVER:steelhead The Grande Ronde River has blown out and will likely be very difficult to catch fish for the next week or more. Fishermen have had a lot of success on the Grande Ronde this year and that success is expected to continue when / /// r flows subside. A healthy proportion of two salt fish has resulted in a large average size this year. So, expect a few larger fish and some 2t.5lh,Iaiiowa 541-88$-TIRE screaming drags! Remember, only adipose-fin clipped rainbow trout may be retained and all bull trout must be released unharmed. E IMNAHA RIVER:steelhead The Imnaha is very high and will likely be very difficult to fish over the next week. Watch the flow gauge on the Idaho Power website. Expect the action to pick up when flows drop below 700 cfs. This high water may draw some fish up into Big Sheep Creek which will clear first. s MARR POND:surplus steelhead Marr pond has been stocked with surplus steelhead that returned to Wallowa Hatchery. Once these rHeare:54I400-2I030w aer:KeeiaKeal,IlC KeVin fish are placed in still water fisheries they are considered "trout" and do not need to be recorded on a harvest card. Try catching these fish by floating bait under a bobber mid water column. Brightly colored lures and spinners may also be productive. PEACH POND (Ladd Marsh):rainbow trout The pond was stocked with trophy-sized rainbow trout in late September. The pond has no ice cover. WALLOWA LAKE:rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Some rainbow trout are still available and tagged fish are occasionally being reported. Trout have been caught with a variety of methods but a simple rig with PowerBait has been most effective. If the cold iklllISMITHIIIG A FIR S l KS weather continues and the lake freezes, ice fishing can be good for both kokanee and trout. Some experienced fishermen are picking up large lake trout trolling at depth with downriggers. While lake trout aren't abundant in Wallowa Lake it's not uncommon to find fish over 25lbs. The lake was stocked with tagged rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this ~ T fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. r n WALLOWA RIVER:steelhead, mountain whitefish Flows on the Wallowa River have jumped considerably and may make fishing difficult. When flows subside look for the catch rates be very good as fish move toward the hatchery facilities. Keep an eye on the weekly recreation report for more information on river conditions. Remember the Wallowa River is a whitefish factory. Whitefish can be a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing and can be great table fair. Simply tie in a small bead-head nymph dropper while fishing under a bobber rig and let the fun begin. Also, steelhead will often take a bead head nymph hanging under a jig. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR BAKER COUNTY Cougarscan be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. I' Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2015 tag.Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Cougarsare common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Remember to pick up a tag for 2015. Coyotenumbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Hunting now closed. WALLOWA COUNTY Coyote:Good numbers of coyotes can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. Cougarnumbers are strong throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques. Northeast Zone WILDLIFE VIEWING BAKER COUNTYBighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. The best viewing is in the early morning and late in the evening. Bald and golden eagles can be seen along the Snake River. Take the Snake River Road between Richland and Huntington. Deer and elk are returning to the valley to winter. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon are good times to view wildlife. Driving through the foothills of the Baker valley and through the Keating valley can turn up good numbers of deer. Elkhorn WildlifeArea Elkhorn Wildlife Area is known for the Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer herds that frequent the area during the winter. When snow covers the ground, ODFW staff feed elk and deer to encourage them to stay in the higher elevations and out of agricultural fields. There are two good viewing sites. The Anthony Creek site is located about eight miles west of 1-84 on North Powder River Lane. From 1-84 take the North Powder Exit (Exit 285). About 150 elk can be seen here on any given day. From the overlook on Auburn Road, watch hundreds of elk and mule deer. It is on the south side of Old Auburn Road, which branches off Highway 7 about six miles south of Baker City. UNION COUNTY Ladd NarshWildlife Area The Tule Lake autoroute is closed to vehicles. The Tule Lake unit and most of the wildlife will close to all public entry Sunday, February 1 with the closing of the quail hunting season. Tule Lake will re-open March 1. The Glass Hill Unit will also be closed to all public entry beginning February 1. Glass Hill will be closed through March 30 to benefit wintering wildlife. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult the wildlife area administrative rules. Rules that apply to all areas are at the top (at the above link), and then scroll down to page 8, ¹635-008-120, for additional rules specific to Ladd Marsh. Dogs are not permitted within the Wildlife Area, on or off leash except during authorized hunting seasons. There are numerous quality viewing opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance. Water levels in ponds and wetlands are good. Waterfowl present in the area include Canada goose, greater white-fronted goose, common merganser and many duck species. About a dozen tundra swans were seen recently west of Hwy 203. More swans should arrive soon. Large numbers of white-crowned sparrows have been found in shrubby areas along with song sparrows. Northern shrikes continue in several locations across the area. Feeders at HQ are hosting goldfinch, house finch, Cassin's finch, black-capped chickadee, dark-eyed junco, song sparrow, flicker, collared-dove, house sparrow and California quail. A flock of evening grosbeaks have been at the feeders intermittently. Raptors include Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Rough-legged Hawk, Great horned and Barn Owls, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks andAmerican Kestrel. Afew warm, windless afternoons have given the place a spring feeling including Canada geese apparently checking out and claiming nest sites. For more information on access rules for Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area, please consult the Oregon Game Bird Regulations or call the wildlife area (541) 963-4954. WALLOWA COUNTYWinter is a good time to find raptors in the Wallowa Valley. Particularly common are red-tailed hawks, with many rough-legged hawks and bald eagles also present. Of particular interest, this year is a gyrfalcon that has been wintering in the lower Prairie Creek area east of Enterprise for the last couple of weeks. View from county roads: try Dobbin Road and Bicentennial Lane. It is often seen on telephone poles or trees above ponds. Also, several merlins have been sighted in the area between Joseph and Enterprise. See bald eagles at Wallowa Lake. Winter is a good time to view mule deer and white-tailed deer as they are more actively feeding during the limited hours of daylight this time of year. A good place to observe mule deer is along the Wallowa Lake highway between Joseph and the south end of Wallowa Lake. Drive slowly and watch along the moraine on the east side of the lake around dawn and dusk. Be careful to use the turnouts when stopping to watch these animals, as there will be other traffic on the road. White-tailed deer can be found throughout the Wallowa Valley on or near agricultural lands. While some elk have begun to return to the Zumwalt Prairie, most are on the slopes of the Imnaha and Snake River Canyons where they are more difficult to view. Once you find a herd, use binoculars or a spotting scope to observe the animals. Large numbers of migrant waterfowl can be seen flying into Wallowa Lake in the evenings from the county park at the north end of the lake. Canada geese and several species of ducks can be seen feeding in agricultural fields and along streams around the county. Other winter migrants have begun to move into the area including several bald eagles, hooded mergansers, goldfi nches,andboth cedarand Bohemian waxwings. •
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BALE WAGONS sell/ CASH FOR guns, we buy. New Holland pull- buy guns at Oregon Trail type or self-propelled Trader, 2312 Adams models/ pa r ts/tires.Ave. 541-963-2913 La Call Jim Wilhite 208- Grande dxo 880-2889 any t i me. www. balewagon .com BUYING ANTLERS! Caldwell fxw Any type, any condition, will pay more for craft ALL YOUR antlers. Will pay cash. CULVERT NEEDS Contact Rob at Pioneer Call 541-910-2640 Union West 541-910-9378 fxp dxd
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SINCERE DIVORCED white male, 70 in good health, wished to meet sincere divorced female, for lifetime commitment, age, weight unimportant, must be serious for replys, write Mike with phone number PO Box 476, Cathlamet WA 98612. Itm
SECOND CROP Alfalfa, some grass with small bales, $220.00/ton. 541519-0693 Baker City ptj
CORN FED Angus locker beef: will sell half or whole, $2.85/ c.w.t. dressed weight; for more information contact Bob Hodnefield, 541-9380118, Milton-Freewater FREE PERSONAL classi- psh fieds for military personel and dependants with de- ORCHARD GRASS Alpendant ID. We support falfa hay, 2 string bales, our troops! The Nickel, no rain, stored in barn, 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La $215/ton. 541-568-4441 or 541-910-4441 Cove Grande. 963-6237
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TOOL SALE Saturday February 14'". 7am-1pm. 1302 Walnut, La Grande. 541-910-8075. Makita Contractors air compressor, Senco finish air compressor, chow saw and more really neat stuff. La PICKUP FLATBEDS, Grande grh and front end replacements, many styles to LARGE INDOOR SALE choose from. Call Pio- LOTS OF NEW ITEMS neer West 541-663-9378 At used prices. like new La Grande axp AC DC Lincoln welder. MUZZLELOADERS and Cutting / welding torch. more. Guns, buy, sell HARLEY AND ATV Camping gear. Tools, or trade. Black powder Service and R epair fishing poles, lots of guns B a ccessories, for Harley Davidsons household items. New modern guns B ammo. and ATV's. BBB Re- large framed pictures. 541-663-2650 I sland pair 62010 West Road And much more. (LoCity dxg Call 541-605-0400 La cation 95 David Eccles Grande axb Road Baker city OR) W A N T E D 9:00am 6:00pm Fri, Sat CENTERFIRE brass 2013 JEEP Grand Cher- B Sun. 541-523-6949 grj cartridges, all calibers, okee Laredo Immacuno sorting required, $3 late, 4,600 miles, black plus/lb. Call 541-519- on black, $41,000.00. 1538 Baker City mxh 541-786-2575 La TO MY Husband Marcus Williams, you are my Grande axl R EMINGTON 1 1 0 0 Everything! Thank you 13ga shotgun auto, 28in AUTOMATIC AND for 30 beautiful years! barrel, $650.00. 541786-3845 La Grande dxt STANDARD Transmis- Happy Valentine's Day! sion Repair and Rebuild- I Love You, Your Wifey, ing. Reasonable Prices, Maria Williams. MAN SHACK GUN SHOP 28 years in La Grande Man Shack Gun Shop is Call 541-963-7087 La ADVERTISE IN 12 paready for you! In house Grande axm gunsmithing, f i rearm pers, 25 words or less for sales, FFLservice, Class only $75. a week. 4 state 3 weapons, suppressors 03 FORD Mustang, 91k B Canada coverage, 27 and custom orders. miles, manual transmis- papers to choose from. Locatedin Joseph. Check sion V6, around 20mpg. PANAWAN. 963-6237. us out online at www 1-800-654-5829 .ManShackGunShop. Great condition in and THE NICKELAT 1112 1/2 c om, or call for an out. Reconstructed ti- Adams Ave., La Grande, appointment 800-630- tle. $3,650 obo. Call/ OR 97850. 1-800-6546314 or 541-398-1982 text 541-805-0778 La 5829, 963-6237. Hours: Grande axc Joseph dxw M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm.
GARAGE SALE household furniture and items, freezer. Friday B Saturday 13th B 14th 8am to 2pm 3650 Birch St. Baker City grm COIN AND ESTATE AUCTION Sunday February 15 10 AM preview 8:30 AM Clark and Daughter Auction barn 340 west Highway 203 U nion Oregon Nice collection of coins penny to silver dollars collection of foreign coins and currency, treasure box of great items, painted horse scene on antique dresser, massage table, typewriters, Coleman stoves, Coleman lantern, file cabinets, Honda 185 s three wheeler, heaters, art, vintage chiropractic adjustment table, dressers, book cases, dishes, new men and ladies clothes, spices, computer desk, desk and a whole lot more.10% buyers premium, as-is where-is, cash, check or credit card. view at www. clark-auctions.com Clark and Daughter Auctions Roger Clark auctioneer 541-910-0189 Union grc
WE PRINT14,000Aweek! We cover 4 counties! The most effective advertising for your investment! The Nickel, 963-6237. La Grande.
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LIVING ESTATE Sale: February 20th B 21st, horse tack B harnesses, barn items, farm equip including; tractor accessories, tools along with many householditems. 70576 Bear Creek Rd. Wallowa Or. gsr BACK ACRE'S Second Hand Stuff. 5,000sqft of it, warehouse at 2701 Bear Co Loop. Tuesday-Wednesday, Friday-Saturday, 10am4pm. La Grande gtb
ROSES ARE red, Violets are blue,Give your pet a hug,And some kisses too. Wallowa County HuESTATE SALE Dr. Allen Hall. 1811 4'" St. La Grande. January 30'", 31". February 1". Friday, Saturday; 7:30an3:00pm. Sun 10:00am2:00pm. Many unusual items dating back to the start of his practice. Items have been includeded from the residence. Vintage medicine bottles, many kinves, some military items, freezers, oak desk, 4 drawer Fire file cabinet, othe file cabinets, Oak Library table, cast iron Dr's weight scale, vintage medical books, small oak ice box, cast iron spittoon, Vinatage h andi-craft, fishing poles, vintage typewriters, glassware, men awomen's clothing, oak office desk. Railroad advertising, oak chairs, deco vanities, tools, winch, hydraulic small engine or motorcycle floor hoist, Coleman lanterns, medical cabinets, refrigerator, work benches, vintage hunting mags. La Grande gpb C OMMERCIAL A I R compressor, floor model drill press, DC Welder, pressure washer, torch set, chain saw, truck toolbox, air tools, M. Farmall tractor, 5,000 watt generator, snow blower, 2 ton hoist. No Saturday sales please. 541562-2029 Union grc It's Nickel Time!!
The Nickel - Feb 12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
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LIKE NEW! Fountain Gray Reclining Console Loveseat,$650 http://eastoregon.craigslist.org/ fuo/4797418148.html for pictures. Call 541-8051771 for more info La Grande hrb
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HAPPY VALENTINE'S Day Glenn, I LOVE YOU more than life. Our 14 year anniversary, also this month, Confirms together we are right. LOVE, Just Me Your Soulmate FOR SALE: Deluxe H.V.A.C. Installers tool box. $400.00 value, only $100.00. Also four Nissan 15"x8" Alloy wheels, $40.00. Call 541-5191227 Leave message. Baker City hrt
FOR SALE Queen Mattress and Box Springs $75. Leather recliner, $60. Like new oak entertainment center $60. Call 541-910-6713 La Grande hrt
2007 MF 1839 inline baler. 12,500 14"x18" bales. $16,500. 3pt 5 wheel hay rake, $850. Medical Springs 541853-2313. frw
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2011 RAPTOR Toy Hauler, 40ft 3 axle, 3 slides, 12ft garage, generator, 2 air conditioners, fuel station, like new. $44,950.00. 541-5345221 Summerville vsl
KUBOTA M9000 90HP 4wd tractor with cab. 2 512 hours, g o od 1999 HARLEY Davidcondition, $1 9 ,500, son Ultra Classic Electra Medical Springs 541- glide. Loaded, 3,8000 853-2313 Baker City frw Miles, $9,500. 541-5197152 Baker City awj WANTED: 5-6' mesh/ woven fencing, 8-10' 2013 SALEM Cruise wood or T posts, wheel Lite 32', sleeps 7-9, Awhoe, broad fork, walk- ning, Power slide, Air, behind seeder, turning Microwave, Flat Screen fork, spades, lay flat TV, Outside Kitchen and hose, ¹9 wire, metal BBQ, LED lights 8 much hoops for row cover. more. Selling below Cove. 541-910-4098 frp book, $18,900.00. Will Deliver Within 100 Miles THE NICKEL TOLL free Of Baker. 208-871-1596 1-800-654-5829. or 541-403-0104 Baker City vtm WANTED D4 Cat Dozer and 8T12 Grader both RIVERSIDE equal with electric start. HOME PARK 541-426-3928 Enterprise John Day River front frb lots, next to Thriftway Grocery. Blue Mountain OLDER P R EFORDWilderness Recreation, squeeze chute, with auto fishing and hunting, RV head catch, $1,200.00. spaces, $320 plus elecPowder River calf table, tric; 541-620-2918, web$700.00. 541-893-6461 site: riversidemhp.jimdo. Richland fsd com vuf
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19™ ANNUAL Presidents Day Sell-a-Thon at TRAC in Pasco. February 13'" thru 16'" Shop indoors, over 200 RV's on display. Russdeanrv. com 1-877-297-5117 vrd
HAPPY VALENTINE'S Day Don.. thank you for trying to keep me on track..Hope your day is fun! Love, Paige
Notice: Classified Deadline for new ads is Tuesday, 5pm. Changes and cancelation deadline is Monday at 5pm.
NOTICE: C lassified 96 FORD Bronco, full Deadline: T u esdaysize, last year, 5.0 liter, 5pm. Changes or can- 302 manual 5 speed, cellations must be in straight body, r u ns by 5pm Monday. great, brand new tires, $2,500.00. 5 4 1-663WANT YOURAD TO 9091 La Grande aks COVER A GREATER AREA? 1934 DODGE Come inand speak with RAT ROD us at the The Nickel Driver sits on the right about PNAWANads. You hand side, new rebuilt can advertise in 12 differ- Chevy 350 with Vortec ent papers for as low as heads, TH350, 10 bolt $75.00. Papers in Ore- rearend 2.48, your choice gon, Washingt on, Idaho of 10' or 8' rear wheels, and more! Call 541-963- Holley 500 cfm 2 bbl, 6237 bxn aluminum radiator with twin electric fans, 19" 6' OPENINGS NOW avail. long with 13" wheelbase, for beginner piano les- $8200 or best offer; 509sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. 551-7093, Hermiston. Safe 8 fun environment! awd Call 541-805-9741 for more info! La Grande 2003 DODGE diesel bxw 4x4, 4dr short box, leathREACH THOUSANDS er, canopy, 2 sets tires, starting at $7 a week for $19,500. 541-963-8506 classifieds; $14.00 for La Grande art displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande
Join Pastor Frank Humber from
Summerville Baptist Church First 4 Jefferson, Summerville, OR 534-9155 W e have had manypeopleaskusaboutourTV program thathad beenaired on Charter Cable channel ¹3 for the past 16 years. Some lost track of us temporarily last year when Charter changed their channel line up and moved us to channel ¹180. This past fall Charter decided to turn channel ¹180 over to the city of LaGrande for their use as the Public, Education, & Government "PEG" channel for our viewing area. After several months of communication with different people in theCharter Corporation to try to stay onthe air we have not been successful. During this time, Charter did extend their broadcast of our program at nocharge to give ustime to makeother plans. However, in December their extension ran out, and we still had not secured further programming with them. We also spoke to Robert Strope, City Manager for the city of LaGrande, to seeabout utilizing their PEGfeed to Charter so wecould stay on channel ¹180onSundays.They have discussedthisascity leadersand due to the shift in responsibility to the City regarding the content of broadcasts and prohibitions regarding advertising, they felt it was best for the city to only use their feed to Charter Cable for airing civic type broadcasting. There is the possibility of another "leased access" channel being made available to our area byCharter in the near future through a private contractor. We have already been incontact with this business and if they secure the feed to Charter, we will be back on theair with their help. This is something that we are praying for andwould invite others to pray with us unto this end. Wewould be honored to continue providing LaGrande & Unionwith TV programming of worship from our church to your home. We want our faithful viewers to realize that Summerville Baptist Church did not stop the broadcast of our services for their use in their home. We faithfully paid our bill to Charter and provided them with DVDs to air each week. For over16 years we have been privileged to work with Charter to provide worship programming and pay for the service with the help of our sponsors, who we appreciate very much. Wecare about the shut-in population of our community and would love to continue ministering God's Word to you in your home. If you would like to have a DVDprovided to you, please contact Summerville Baptist Church at 541-534-9155. Several of the regular viewers are currently receiving a weekly DVDof our worship service to their home or residential care home. Thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry. "From the heart of the va//ey, to HEARTS in the va//ey" Sunday School for all ages
-9:45 am
Main Service 8 Children's Church Sunday Evening Service
11:00 am 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening Service 7:00 pm Nursery provided for a//services. Thanks to these generous sponsors, please patronize their businesses: The Nickel, Valley Realty, Frontier Motors, Daniels Chapel of the Valley, Claudson's Sew 8 Soak, Dr. James McMahan, Loveland Funeral Chapel, Legacy Ford, Evergreen Health 8 Rehabilitation And, of course, our own church family
•• u
KIMBER SOLO DC(LG), Glock 42, Sig P938 and 1911 Scorpion. Ruger LCR 22M, SR22, SR9C, SR45, 22/45 Lite. FNX45, FNS40. Beretta PX 4 In o x. Windham, Rock River AR's. Diamondback AR 300 ACC. Ruger 10/22 camo breakdown, 10/22 standard. Call or text Joe at 541-786-4453 La Grande dum
HAVE GREAT Antiques or collectibles? Instant Cash Paid!! I buy older Estates. Thanks! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La Grande mxj Need an address label stamp for business or just for home? Come into The Nickel to design and order one!
DR. WILLARD G. BerRUGER MODEL 77 trand DC now accepting and B.A.R. h unting Workmen's comp. and rifles. 5 4 1-534-5221auto accident injuries. Summerville dsl Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande WE HAVE BOBBLE HEADS mxb All Jigs are $2.50 each until the end of season. BARRELS We have Fly Tyin, Jig Burn or Storage, $20.00; makingsupplies and a vented $25.00. Call 541good supply of Reloading 963-8990 La Grande Powder. OR E GON mxp TRAIL TRADERS, 2312 A dams Avenue, La FOODALLERGY testing, Grande 541-963-2913 cleansing therapy and dyh hormonal supplemenHILLARY, HOPE your tation. Call Dr. Willard Valentine's Day is spe- LARGE FLY t y i ng Bertrand DC. 963-Well. cial.. Love, Paige box, fully e quipped, La Grande. Preferred everything you need for Provider for all major in1976 FORD F-100, any fly's. $250. 541-805- surances. mxb green 2wd short bed 1030 Summerville dtm pickup, 300cuin 6cyl, not THE NICKEL DOES an oil burner, 3spd col- WALTHER'S P99 9mm BUSINESS CARDS! umn shift, totally straight 840mm, both like new, Come in and start debody with no rust, 4 new Green, $ 5 0 0 for s igning. Starting a t tires on cast rims, plus each. Extra M ags. $32.50 for 500! original tires 8 r ims, Walther P2 2 N l B, $4,000.00 obo. 541-437- Black with flash hider, WANT RAILROAD lan5606 Elgin ats $400 or Trades. 541- terns, globes, locks, 792-0612 Canyon City keys, signs, badges, 74 1 Ton dump truck, dsc china, silver, paper, wax with 12,000lb Warren sealers. Cash. 541-276Winch, $2,100.00 obo. REMINGTON 870 EXP 3506 Pendleton mxj 1976 Ford F-250 flatbed, Super Mag Shot gun 12 $1,000.00 obo. 541-910- gauge with 7 boxes 3 "/~" 4661 La Grande auh ammo, $450.00. 7mm 116 Savage Stainless1996 FORD Bronco, fluted barrel, 2 mags, 351 engine XLT. Excel- $495.00. 2 boxes 223 SUSY, YOU'RE the Best! lent condition, 4in lift, 500 count, $150.00 ea. Thank you for hiring me blue. 541-786-8621 La 541-786-3367 I sland 8.3 years ago!! I love my **-** Grande art Have a great job Ci dtw Valentine's Day! Love, Drive A Little - Save A Lot Paige I
Large Selection Clean Pre-Owned Motor Homes, Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels &Cam ers •
Smiley Buy & Sell, Consign Late Model RV's - Buy On Line Full Parts & Accessories Store And Repair Center
HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA from home 6-8 weeks accredited, Get a diploma! Get a job! Free Brochure call now! 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin HS. www. DiplomaFromHome. com Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The Nickel.
The Nickel - Feb 12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 7 •
ATTEND COLLEGE ON- CLASSIC 51 Chevy pickLINE from Home. *Med- up, restored 350 small ical, Business, *Criminal block, $28,000 firm. 541Justice, *Hospitality. Job 963-7517 La Grande axy placement assistance. Computer available. Fi- ALL WAYS Automotive nancial Aid if qualified. LLC. 541-624-5001. ReSCHEV certified. Call build Engines 8 Trans8 00-201-4585. w w w missions with 40 years .CenturaOnline.com experience. 3 year war35556 mxp ranty on parts and labor. Specified labor rate: TOP QUALITY $68.00/hr. Lowest price STORAGE BUILDINGS in town. La Grande axa 541-663-0246 Call for sizes and prices. 2009 CHEVY Impala Island City mxc with low miles, always garaged, $9900. 1987 WANT YOURAD TO 33' motorhome, 2 speed COVER A GREATER- differential, 454, generaAREA? tor, AC, awning, all aluCome inand speak with minum, nice condition, Don at The Nickel about $5,000. 208-503-0235, PNAWAN ads. You can Clarkston aft advertise in 12 different papers for as low as $75.00. Papers in OreHAPPY VALENTINE'S gon, Washingt on, Idaho Day to All my customers! and more! Call 541-963You are treasured.. Love, 6237 bxn Paige DR. Willard G. Bertrand DC now accepting Oregon Health Plan Insurance. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande mxb $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT cash now!! Injury lawsuit dragging? Need $500$500,000 + within 48 hours? Low rates. Apply now by phone! 1-800568-8321. www .Iawcapital.com 35715 mxg
ATTEND COLLEGE ON- SPLIT TAMARACKfence LINE from Home. *Medi- stays, 48in, $1.20ea. cal, *Business, *Criminal Please call 541-398Justice, *Hospitality. Job 0909 Enterprise frs placement assistance. Computer available. Fi- JOHN DEERE 4240 tractor, 466 with Turbo, nancial Aid if qualified. 18.4x38, new 10,00x15 SCHEV authorized. Call front tires, with JD 248 800-201- 4585. www loader-bucket w/grapple, .CenturaOnline.com. $18,000. 541-519-0693 35716 mxa Baker City ftj DISH TV Retailer. Start- CORN FED A ngus ing at $ 1 9.99/monthlocker beef: will sell half (for 12 mos.) 8 High or whole, $2.85/ c.w.t. Speed Internet starting dressed weight; for more at $14.95/month (where information contact Bob available.) SAVE! Ask Hodnefield, 541-938About SAME DAY Instal- 0118, Milton-Freewater fsh lation! CALL Now! 1-800593-1764 mxm
BRAND NEW Yamaha guitar. Worth over $500 but will sacrifice for $185. 541-562-5126 Union hrr
cr3 cr3
O N Qo
A SPECIAL Valentine's Day Message: To the Lady that Endures, sacrifices, provides 8 supports so many, quite the lady, I Love You Sexy Sharon!
DIRECTV sta r ting at $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME 8 CINEMAX FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions apply - Call for details 1-800-3701356 02/15
WANTED: ONE log truck load of firewood logs. 541-432-5230 Joseph map
0 M
MEMORY FOAM mattress, like new, includes foundation, California King size, $400.00 obo. 541-437-4021 Elgin hsb
PLANNING A yard sale? HAPPY VALENTINE'S Need to sell a storage Day to my beautiful unit? Have some collecdaughter Amber. Love talbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Always, Mom Auctions 541-910-0189. FREE PERSONAL classi- We buy used and new fieds for military personel items. Your complete auctioneering company. and dependants with dewww.clark-auctions.com pendant ID. We support hxc 2004 FORD F-350 4X4 our troops! The Nickel, Possible fin ancing. 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La RUBBER S T AMPS! 4dr Supercab, pow- FIREWOOD PRICES Starting at $16.60 each Grande.963-6237 erstroke, 6spd, new reduced $140.00 In at the Nickel. clutch, goosneck, 132k, rounds, 4in to 12in diNADA $13,975, sell for ameters, split. $170.00, LLC ccB¹ 23 2 72 $11,995.00 OBO. 541- Red Fir, Tamarack and I La Gr a n d e 263-0555 Joseph afg 1 0102 S. "E" I s l an d C i t y Hardwood. $205 a cord, split. 541-786-0407 La 541-963-3701 i 888-342-4124 Grande mvv eGarage Door Operators LET U S DE LIVER 16,000 business cards a week for just $15. Advertise in The Nickel business directory. 9636237. La Grande
Qo 0 Qo Qo
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Q u 0 Q cr3 Q
I • Expires Apnl 15, 2015
Garage Doors Autlrorrzed Dealer
~ nn~ v' ~ H u
a a
Up To
60 MOnthS
I • •
"B r i n g i n g S e r v i c e to Y o u r D o o r "
Page 8 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com I •
HAVE GREAT Antiques or collectibles? Instant Cash Paid!! I buy older Estates. Thanks! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La Grande mxj
HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb NO PART of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. Thank you. pxh
HAPPY VALENTINE'S Day to my friends, Susy, Sharon, Trena, Laura, Tracy and Kat! Love you bunches! Love, Paige
WANTED: ALL classes of horses. We pick'em up. Call J.A. Bennett Need an address label Livestock. 541-523-6119 stamp for business or or 541-519-2802 Baker just for home? Come into City pxj The Nickel to design and order one! FOR SALE HEREFORD YEARLING BULLS DR. WILLARD G. Ber- Harrel 8 Hoiden genettrand DC now accepting ics, sired by Churchill Workmen's comp. and Yankee and Sons ofthe auto accident injuries. Great 4140P. Top quality Call today to get sched- bulls, priced right. Startuled 541-963-4068 or ing at $2,500.00. 541963- Well. La Grande 910-3610 Baker City pxo mxb
The Nickel- Feb12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 • • I
LAGRANDE GUNShow: ALL THINGS BasemenSponsoredby Island City ty! Basement Systems Lions Club, Ruff N Rustic Inc. Call us for all of your Mercantile, Or e gon basement needs! WaValley Green Houses. terproofing, Finishing, Saturday February 28'", Structural Repairs, Hu9am-5pm. Sunday March midity and Mold Control 1", 9am-3pm. La Grande FREE ESTIMATES! Call Convention Center, 404 1-800-680-6517 ffn 12h St. La Grande, OR 97850. dtw REDUCE YOUR Cable
DEAREST JOYCE, Piano Keys Are Ivory and Ebony and Together They Make Beautiful Music. I Want To Be The Ebony To Your Ivory. Happy Valentine's Day! I Love You, Loyd 19™ ANNUAL Presidents Day Sell-a-Thon at TRAC in Pasco. February 13'" thru 16'". Shop indoors, over 200 RV's on display. Russdeanrv.com 1-877297-5117 drd
1963 PONTIAC Grand Prix, needs restored, $650. 1961 Thunderbird, 95% complete, comes with extra parts off of a Bill!* Get a whole-home 1962 Thunderbird, $900. Satellite system installed 541-910-4610 Imbler Imat NO COST and pro- bler asm gramming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ 1951 BRILL 33' all aluDVR Upgrade to new minum military transport callers, SO CALL NOW bus, 2/3rds converted to 1-800-840-8955 ffn motor home, recent 500 Cadillac engine swap, recent rebuilt auto trans, SOCIAL SECURITY Dis- needs TLC, $1,000. firm. ability Benefits. Unable 1975 GMC 1 ton dually to work? Denied bene- flatebed, 454 engine, fits? We Can Help! WIN 4 spd, good condition, or Pay Nothing! Contact $1,000. OBO 1 9 63 Bill Gordon 8 Associ- F-250, 4x4, engine reates at 1-800-317-4986 moved and needs rebuild to start your application but in good condition, today! ffn $850. OBO 541-4213331 Long Creek arm
I I / '
I '
AWD, Sunroof, New Tires ¹0365
Stow 6¹ Go Seats Low
¹0364 KBB $6,784
1972 CHEV K-20
2010 KIA SOUL Only 52k miles, Fun to rive stick shift ¹0352
9 495 2008 KIA SPORTAGE
Reduced!! AWD LX ¹0308
9 995
11 500 Reduced!! Loaded, Leather ¹0356
Reduced!! Stow 6¹ Go ¹0306 KBB $13,942
MEDICAL GUARDIANTop-rated medical alarm and 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limited time, get free equipment, no activation fees, no commitment, a 2nd waterproof alert button for free and more - only $29.95 per month. 800977-5943 tfn
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KBB Price $21,274 OUR PRICE:
$12,995 2013 FORD ESCAPE
1995 jEEP
Loaded, Great Fuel Mileage AWD ¹0360
um'eum/ kopper/Bi'>ss/gtainl@ s
¹0 366
KBB Price $21,330 OUR PRICE:
1nSulated COPPef WiI'0/St:t CS0S/
5 995
I / l
REACH THOUSANDS starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande
REVERSE MORTGAG- GET THE Big Deal ES. Seniors Education f rom D irecTV! A c t Seminar. Larry Waters Now- $19.99/mo. Free NMLS¹400451. LOCAL 3-Months of HBO, starz, 208-762-6887. P rofi- SHOWTIME 8 CINEcio Mortgage Ventures, MAX. FREE GENIE HD/ 157 Hayden Ave. ¹104, DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL Hayden, ID 8 3 835. Sunday Ticket Included 855-762-6887. Branch with Select Packages. NMLS¹ 1079636. Mem- New Customers Only. IV ber BBB. Equal Housing Support Holdings LLCLenderbrw An authorized DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply - Call for details SERVE YOUR 1-800-370-1356 tfn COUNTRY!!! Want a little cash? Want to go to college? Have DirectTV - Over $636.00 way too many student in savings, Free upgrade loans? Ever thought to Genie, 8 2014 NFL about serving your coun- Sunday Ticket included try? The Oregon Na- at no charge. $29.99 tional Guard gives you month! Call Now 1-800tuition assistance and 453-9131 tfn the MGIB so you can start/finish your college degree. If you already have your degree we WILLIAM BE Mycowboy. offer the student loan re- Happy Valentine's Day! paymentof$50,000 dol- G.G. lars!!! Plus you gain the knowledge, experience, and motivation to jump DISH TV Retailer. Startstart your career. Imagin ing at $19.99/month (for having your college to- 12 mos.) 8 High Speed tally paid for and a drill I nternet starting a t pay check. Want more $14.95/month (where information call SGT Lori available.) SAVE! Ask McNeil 541-786-1459 La About SAME DAY InstalGrande area. bxm lation! CALL Now! 1-800593-1764 tfn www.lagrandenickel.com OREGON GREEN Free East, Oregon's Medical Marijuana Association will meet Saturday, February 14'" at 12 noon at the Integrated Services Building 1607 Gekeler. Spaghetti contest for lunch. First half of the meeting is open to the public, Information on how to obtain and OMMP card is one of the topics being discussed. Any questions call 541-9632529. brj
$5,995 Beautiful Classic, Low Miles, Fresh
ENDERA SHINE Intake Manifold for small block Chevy, was $600, CFM carb, $400. 541-9342745 Monument asm
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6419!tORHwY' 03 'i Gr'nde~OR Q
The Nickel - Feb 12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 9
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Iuiout Srul
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t Free with purchase
'- giss Willies
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a • a
InoludesFamous Chuokwagon SaladBar,
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Page 10 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com
The Nickel- Feb12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
/, 4 MAYBE 6 person hot NOTICE: Changes or tub, Free to good home. cancellations must be 541-519-0693 Baker City in by 5pm Monday.
lfQaj'50 55al]9
Ga@eaol!1! Ij IIIIZtI EZII Make It A Hit!! Advertise It In TheNickel!! I
11121/2 Adams Ave La Grande, OR 541-963-6237/ 800-654-5829
DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular ZI] Price $34.99 Ask About VICTORYACRES Riding F REE SAME D A Y Academy. Now off ering Installation! CALL Now! boarding, lessons and 877-477-9659 JEAN PLEASE say yes, Be My Valentine! I'm training. All ages and levels, school horses avail- Delete Bad Credit In Just Yours, Dave able 8 references avail- 30-Days?! Stop getting Any Item $25 or less, able. Indoor 8 outdoor turned down because of Free, or Lost/Found, get arenas! 541-786-3218. bad credit Free to start! 1 week FREE in The www .victoryacresfarm. A Rated W/BBB Call Nickel. com. La Grande pxw Now! 844-560-7687 PPR HORSE Boarding quality care, reasonable rates, shelters w/ runs, arenas, hay included in board. Overnighters welcome. 541-910-4140 LaGrande pxk
Livestock Eales Every Thursday 11:30 am Your livestock will bring top dollar at IAIL! 541-963-2158 800-824-5298
RUBBER STAMPS! Starting at $16.60 each.
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was:339944 SQUICKSIL VER6
¹ 0 0
SOCIAL SECURITY Disability Benefits. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon 8 Associates at 1-800-317-4986 2003 FORD Ranger, a/c, power d8w, OD, jump to start your application seats,V6,good mileage, today! tfn new license, very clean, bed liner, automatic, $5,500.00. 5 4 1-910- HAPPY VALENTINE'S 0082 Union asd Day, Natasha Voyles! I Love You, Guy McCarthy 2012 FORD Mustang AIRLINE CAREERS. 5.0 liter, silver, factory Get FAA a p proved headers, has chipped, maintenance training 4in exhaust, brand new GOT KNEE Pain? Back at campuses coast to wheels 8 tires, excellent Pain? Shoulder Pain? coast. Job placement condition, 28,769mi. Se- Get a p a in-relieving assistance. Financial Aid rious inquiries only. Ask- brace, little or NO cost to for qualifying students. ing $22,500.00. 541-820- you. Medicare Patients Military friendly. Call AIM 3532 Prairie City awg Call Health Hotline Now! 866-453-6204 1-800-408-8103 tfn 1956 FORD Mainline 2 door coupe, 95% restored, $22,000.00. Call 509-480-7211 La Grande asr
SUPER CUTE DISH T V Re t ailer. VOLKSWAGEN Starting a t $1 9 .99/ Volkswagen Cabriolet month (for 12 mos.) 8 convertible, 1987, 1.8 High Speed Internet liter, 4 cylinder EFI autostarting at $14.95/month matic, with all new white (where available.) SAVE! paint, black top, timing Ask About SAME DAY belt, plugs, wires, cap, Installation! CALL Now! rotor and oil change, 1-800-615-4064 $2995; genoatberts@
SELL YOUR structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don't have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-628-8710 tfn
REDUCE YOUR Past gmail.com or call geno Tax Bill by as much as VIAGRA 100MG and at 541-786-3798, Herm- 75%. StopLevies,Liens CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills iston arl 8 Wage Garnishments. $99.00 FREE Shipping! Call The Tax DR Now to 100% guaranteed. CALL see if you Qualify 1-800455-7198 tfn NOW! 1-866-312-6061 MIKE, WINNER you are. Winner I'll be if you are BISON BURGER: REACH THOUSANDS mine. Alice PREORDER, starting at $7 a week for BUY BULK AND SAVE. classifieds; $14.00 for RUBBER S TAMPS! • 100% All natural grass displays! The Nickel. 963- Starting at $16.60 each fed, locally raised Bison. 6237. La Grande at the Nickel. • No added hormones. NO fat added, 100% lean bison burger. • Ground and packaged in USDA inspected facilities 59854 Pierce Rd., La Grande $7.50 per pound when LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES 10+ pounds are ordered • $7.00 per pound when ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER 25+ pounds are ordered lx4, lx6, lx12 BOARD k BAT 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 • E-mail OregonTrailBi12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 son@gmail.com or call 541-805-0777. View pic Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best online at lagrandenickel. buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. com La Grande mrd Fence Stays 1.10 ea. Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The Nickel. •
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49@I Alteeativel M-7'H-5295
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Contact I ndependent Free Papers of America IFPA at danielleburnettifpa@live.com or visit our websitecadnetads.com for more information. FREE PERSONAL classifieds for military personel and dependants with dependant ID. We support our troops! The Nickel, 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La
RUBBER STAMPS! Start- Grande. 963-6237 ing at $16.60 each.
Is Vourhomeowner's SolicV gutting youin the
3+ BEDROOM ranch FSBO 3BD 2ba Bungahouse. $600 rent, $600 low in La Grande. Sundeposit. N o h orses. room, attached garage, Firefighter d i s count.hardwood floors, finished 541-853-2313 Medical basement, sprinkler sysSprings urw tem + more, $167,900. 541-910-7478 ete CHARMING COMPLETELY remodeled GREAT HOME, shop, 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath location. Owner may duplex, with garage in finance, $2k d o wn, a quiet neighborhood. $1,170/mo. ahuber@ This rental has a large eou.edu or 541-534fenced back yard with 2155 La Grande esh many shade trees and two apple trees. There is NEWER 3BD/2ba home private off street parking. with open floor plan, Washer and dryer hook vaulted ceilings, central up. Refrigerator, range, air, Jacuzzi bath tub, microwave and dish walk-in closet, fenced washer included. Gas yard with auto sprinand electric heat. Wa- klers. Exceptional Eagle ter/sewer included. No Cap Estates neighborsmoking, no pets, $850. hood, ready to move in, per month. $500. non re- $192,500. 541-437-0626 fundable deposit. $350. eth cleaning deposit with 12 month contract. Available now. 541-910-2522. La FOR SALE: 1989 HillGrande usb crest 3bd 2bath w/ Jacuzzi tub, fenced yard, 2 BDS, 1 BA, mobile dog kennel. 541-786home, range, frig, w/d 8793 La Grande tsm hookups, electric furnace, carport w/storage. REACH THOUSANDS No smoking. No pets. starting at $7 a week for $575 month + $500 de- classifieds; $14.00 for posit. Includes W/S/G displays! The Nickel. 963and space rent. 3240 6237. La Grande 14th Street. View online M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL at l agrandenickel.com ADVERTISE IN 12 pa- address; ads@lagran- 541-523-9089 Baker City usv pers, 25 words or less for denickel.com only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. Cimmaron PANAWAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829 Kingsview Manor •
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Miocene LaGrande Terrace
$69,000 FOR 2.89 acres, with 2001 manufactured home near Durkee. 541519-9846 etd NEW HOUSE 40 ACRES RANGE TIMBER New house built 2013, 972 sq ft on 40 acres range an d ti m ber with Denny Creek.10 SW B a ke r Cit y . powderrivejay@gmail. com 541-523-9390 Baker City erb
F OR RENT: I n L a Grande, 2+ bedroom corner lot with fenced yard, dishwasher, garbage disposal. $500 deposit first and last month's rent. $700 a month. Lease option preferred. 541-2713414 La Grande erh
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The Nickel- Feb12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
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Kaffle Prizes!8 Sil ent Auction ltees! 4 Music S. Pancing! Mew o rk Steak S. Prawns - '20 + Full Service Sar la 0randearea 8afeKidesHoee provided by lovelandFuneralChapel 8 Startat CatherineCreek Sueeit Snow Park at 9 a.e .
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The Nickel - Feb 12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
W ANTED WIN C H bumper for 1996 Ford F-250 OBS. Must be very reasonable price. Decent condition. Dos not need to be pretty, just usable. Call Clarence at 541-805-0235 or e-mail ccmain57@gmail.com Thank You La Grande aum SHERRELL CHEVROLET New 8 quality used vehicles at your local Chevrolet dealer. 70 years of serving the communities around us. Certified service 8 GM parts for all your needs. Call today 541-567-6487 or visit www .sherrellchevrolet. com. An easy, enjoyable shopping experience. 2258 N. First Hwy 395, Hermiston, Oregon arc
NEW BIRKENS TOC K-Ar i z o n a 280.Size 43 (10M) Never outside, in house 10 times. $75.00 our loss. 541-963-5740 La Grande mrm
CUPID GOT me in the heart right from the start. Be Mine, George.
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 13
PUREBRED BEAGLES, 1 female, 3 males, ready 2/10. First worming and shots, $250 each. 541786-2320 La Grande prf
WANTED M ILITARY19™ ANNUAL Presiguns, bayonets, swords, dents Day Sell-a-Thon knifes, misc. Also any at TRAC in Pasco. Febolder guns, h unting ruary 13'" thru 16'" Shop knifes, collector not deal- indoors, over 200 RV's on display. Russdeanrv. er. 541-377-8008. wxh HAY ALFALFA orchard com 1-877-297-5117 brd grass, tarped, grass THE NICKEL TOLL free Need CASH?Place anAd and grain also available. 1-800-654-5829. Priced to sell. 541-403sunday 4086 or 541-403-0433. Haines pud
3 1 1 W. Mg, jn
By Appointment
ORCHARD GRASS Alfalfa hay, 2 string bales, TOOL STAND, $20.00. no rain, stored in barn, Craftsman 10in table $215/ton. 541-568-4441 saw, 3hp with mitre on or 541-910-4441 Cove rollers, $250.00. 48gal pvk 33gal Action Packer storage boxes. Aluminum ramps, $50.00. 100lb bottle tank, $ 50.00. MARY, ROSES are red, 440M Stihl chainsaw, violets are blue, you $350.00. Small lathe, know the rest, what shall $100.00. Lincoln 250 we do? David welder, $80.00. B7100 Kabota, $7,000.00. 541DOWNSIZING PROJ- 562-5469 Union mss PASTURE NEEDED for 2015 or longer. 25-100 ECTS, 1984 Camaro Z28, runs, $2,300.00. POLICE SCANNER, 250 cow calf pairs. Please 509-480-7211 La Grande channels, programmed call Kelvin at 541-786avr for Bak er/Maleheur 0495 or Scott at 541counties, like n e w, 910-5629 La Grande pht $40.00. 541-869-2255 Huntington mus AKC GERMAN shepherd IF YOU will be mine. I will pups, black and tan, had be true. D.A. JETWOOD SHAPER shots and wormed, can one inch spindle, 2hp, deliver. 541-856-3497 single phase, $600.00. or 541-975-3843 Haines BEAUTIFUL 2010 Ford Delta Table Saw, 8in pyp F150 Supercrew Lariat, single phase, $400.00. Vertical wood cutting 43,000 miles, leather, band saw, 14in single REGISTERED ANGUS loaded, exc c o ndi- phase, $200.00. Riddid Bulls, calving ease. Kestion, chrome wheels. threading machine MOD sler 8 Thomas breeding. $28,900. 541-786-1655 535 with dies, $1,200.00. 5 and 3yr olds. 541-468La Grande azl Radial arm saw, 10in, 4441 or 541-910-4441 $125.00. Miscellaneous Cove pyk www.lagrandenickel.com lathe 8 mill tooling. 541468-3133 Spray mwh THE NICKEL TOLL free 1-800-654-5829. 1998 SUBURU Outback CHEVY RIMS 8 tires, Limited, 5spd, AWD, 178k, leather, heated LT265/75R16 $150.00. BOER GOATS, Herd W r anglerReduction, young bred seats plus new water Goodyear RTS, new, P245/75R16, does and meat goats, pump, timing kit, axle, $50.00. Queen futon, fluids, all work warran- $150.00. OBO all items. also 3 young Nigerian tied, $5,495.00 obo. 541- 541-523-2766 Baker City does 541-398-2120 Wal963-2277 La Grande atm mwr lowa psh -
ANTLER BUYER buying deer, elk and moose antlers, any condition, also buying bear traps and vintage 501 Levis. 541910-6713 La Grande wxt
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QYamnha 4Suzuki+ Arciic Cai ©Polaris z II •
Betty TrOtter (Formerly ofCapell()
1-209-352-5505 208 Chestnut, La Grande Formerly The OK Barber
Monday -Frida 9am to 5 m Workable Design
Mome Plans Remodel Design Drafting 5 Permits
P.O. Box ~o~ Cove, OR 978z4
Ralph Edwards
"Senr f'ngWaiioura County" CALL US F I RST!
Sqf .
208 Chestnut, La Grande Formerly The OK Barber
Monday -Frida 9am to 5 m
Dirtbikes• Streetbikes ATV's • Snowmobile
Parts — Service —Sales — Financing )0 7 0 ) S. Walton Rd., Island City ' 54 )-66B-) ) ) ) ~
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Home&WorkspaceImprovement Cerlified Renovator Licensed-Bonded-Inaured CCB¹ 200398
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BREEDING BULLS 2yr Angus Limo cross, fast gain, etc. 541-437-8181 Elgin pzm M EADOW GRAS S hay, $150.00/ton, small bales,. 541-786-3300 Alicel pud
TRITICALE GRAIN Hay in small bales, no rain, Reznor gas h e ater, stored under cover, 40,000 btu, electronic $130.00/ton. 541-534ignition, $350.00. Jeff 4125 evenings SummerStevens 541-963-8671 ville por La Grande mws
PROFORM 500 tread- FOR SALE Angus Bulls, mill, $300.00 obo. 541- excitement, right answer, 519-7541 mtt pioneer, yearling bulls, $3,000.00. 5 4 1-519TWO ANTIQUE cuckoo 8676 North Powder ptw clocks, $200 and $150. One Black Forest cuckoo WANTED: RECTANGLE clock, $100. 541-805- mirrors, closet door size 1030 Summerville msm or larger. Handmade nice western saddle, FOR SALE: Nearly new 14 1/2" , breast collar, Eden Pure p ortable $600.00. 541-786-6015 Heater $50.00, Red Core La Grande ptm indoor infrared Heater, cost new $321, selling for 7 YEAR old Pack Horse. $89. Professional Weight Grade Paint Gelding, Scales, $75. New, never 14.3hh and sound. $600 used Kero-sun Portable Firm. 541-786-3218 La Kerosene Heater, $75. Grande ptw Call 541-963-7612 La Grande mtl HEAVY GAUGED galvanized horse/ livestock 18SPD Bicycle, like panels, gates, shelters, new, in real good shape, custom stall fronts, com$60.00. 360-624-0768 plete arena set-ups 8 Elgin msc more. Factory direct! ID¹ RC-20843, OR¹ 190181, 100 GAL fuel tank off WA¹ LUCKYA933DW. a Kenworth. 24.5" dia. Lucky Acres Fencing, $250 or reasonable offer. Inc. 208-746-1228, www 541-910-5180 Cove mtk .LuckyAcres.net ptl 8HP ENGINE, Briggs 8 Stration industrial plus with gear reductor. Less than 4hrs Running time. $500.00. 4000 watt Yamaha Generator. with Electric Start, With less than 20hrs Running time, $1800.00. Call 541-4030447 Baker City mzc
Betty TrOtter (Formerly ofCapell()
The Nickel- Feb12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
7400 SCHULTE Snow Blower, hyd drive, skid steer mount, like new, $3,800.00. 5 4 1-5625459 Union mrc
BEAUTIFUL Registered black Friesian sport horse: white markings, yearling horse c olt, priced to sell; for more CLASSIFIED E-MAIL information call Bob Hodaddress; ads@lagran- nefield, 541-938-0118, denickel.com Milton-Freewater psh
Facebook.com P h.¹ 541-963-5963
LARGE SHOP woodstove, takes 24" inch plus wood, 2 flat areas on top, great stove, $500.00 obo. For or shop or cabin. For cooking or heat. 541-519-9475 Baker City mts HOUGHT'S 24 Flavors, 602 Adams Ave, is having their 10th Anniversary! Saturday, February 14, 2015. 1985 Prices! Cheese burger $1.70, fry $.70, soda $.45, kid cone $.30. No other burgers or fries will be available that day. All ice cream items, WILL be available. Drawings for T-Shirts, hats and misc items. A framed, matted, 11x14 photo by Carla Sorweide, will also be included in the drawing.(AII employees will be dressed in 50's clothes) Open 119pm. 541-962-7856 La Grande mrh LANIER VOICEWRITER VW-260 Dictaphone 8 foot pedal. Like new, used 5 hours, in box. $200 or best offer. 541963-7349 La Grande mrc
For a unique Valentine's Day gift, consider giving your loved ones something enduringan Estate Plan to protect them in case of disability or death. Please call 541-963-7705 For an initial consultation. •
MASONRY REPAIR professional block stone brick repair for a free estimate call Tylor at 254226-2774 La Grande sxd
DARREL FRIESEN Well Services, LLC. Submersible pump installation and repairs on water systems. Phone 541-562I'VE SAID it before but 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. I have to say it again, CCB¹163246 Union, OR there is NO CREW like sxd OUR CREW! Paige, Don, Hillary, Ernie 8 NOW HIRING Glenn. Thank you so CHS is now hiring CDL much for your hard work Class A drivers with and loyalty. Happy Val- Hazmat and Tanker enentines Day!! dorsements. $ 18.75/
Got a Will? There's a Way!
OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. "We sell, rent, buy and move containers." InstaStor, Inc. 509-765-1376, www. InstaStor.net mtg
hour when loading 8 unloading, .43g per mile when driving, excellent benefits to include health, dental, vision, short term/ long term disability, 3 weeks paid time off, pension, profit sharing, 401K, bonus structure, safety bonus, etc.; to apply call Carrie at 651-355-8148 or visit our website at CHSINC. com/ careers ssh OUTDOORS RV TRAVEL TRAILERS AND 5M WHEELS
Start The New Year With a New Career. Currently accepting applications for Production Assemblers. Benefit package includes: With a recent $2 an hour raise we have very competitive wages starting at $12.04 an hour with Bonus incentives and periodic raises, 401K, earned vacation and two emergency days after 1 year, health care for you and your family and eight paid holidays after 60 days. Come and join a fast growing business. Apply in person at 62582 Pierce Road or at the Employment office 1901 Adams in La Grande Oregon. We are an equal opportunity employer. No experience is required-we will train. La Grande sto
ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. PANAWAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829
The Nickel - Feb 12, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
1994 FORD F-150 Ex cab pickup, 4x4, AT, V-8, 5.0 L, AC, PW, CC, tilt, running boards, tool box, $3,500. OBO, Call after 5pm 541-663-8265. La Grande atr 1979 JEEP C J5 304 V8. Lots of new parts, $5,200. Call 541-5197152 Baker City awj 1999 CADILLAC De Ville with North Star V8 and set of snow tires. $1,200 Firm. 541-786-1163 La Grande atw 2012 FORD Fusion. 35K Miles, Clean Title, No Accidents. $13,500 Firm. 541-786-3218 La Grande atw WANTED: DODGE RAM DIESEL Older, 4WD, Cummins Turbo Diesel, standard cab or club cab, private cash buyer. Dan, 360304-1199. Asb
ALFALFA. SMALL bales. Certified weed f ree. $210 a ton. No rain. La Grande. 541-663-1806, cell 541-786-1456 pwc
NOTICE: C l a ssifiedANTLERS WANTED: Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. Elk, Deer, Moose. Payup Changes or cancella- to $11.00 a lb. 541-910tions must be in by 5pm 8782 La Grande wwb Monday. WANTED: BUNNY fertilCERTIFIED WHEAT OPENINGS NOW avail. izer, old or new. 541-5195637 Baker City wsb Straw. Small b ales. for beginner piano les$3.00 bale. Barn stored. sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. La Grande. 541-663- Safe 8 fun environment! 1806, cell 541-786-1456 Call 541-805-9741 for more info! La Grande MY TWO Valentines, pwc sxw Owen and Tel....Thank Chinchillas. $40.00 For you so much for all your a pair. Call or text 541 CONTRACT FENCING help. You are both such 962 5814 La Grande psy Farm Ranch Residen- strong young men I am tial. Contact Darrel 541- proud of you and love WAPITI RANCH Horse 562-5628 541-786-8668 you bunches! Happy Valtraining. Colt starting, CCB¹163246 Union sxf entinesDay! Love Mom problem solving, tune ups. Gentle, soft, smooth training. 541-215-0758 Summerville psb RUBBER S T AMPS! Starting at $16.60 each at the Nickel.
AKC CHOCOLATE Lab Puppies, Dew claws, s hots, r eady n o w, $425.00. 541-856-3601 or 541-519-7520 Haines 2007 DODGE Duran- ptc go SXT, 3rd row seat, rear heat and air, very ANGUS BULLS clean inside and out. Five two year old An$9,850.00 801-360-3808 gus b ulls. P a sture La Grande asm raised, ready to work, pedigrees, we i ghts 2001 DODGE Ram, 3/4 and EPD's available. ton, Quad Cab, 24 Valve, Mainstream Cattle Co. 6speed manual, 186,000 La Grande, OR. 541miles. Asking $14,500. 786-0008 Anne Coote, 541-898-2122 N o rth 541-805-4309 Matthew Powder atw Coote ptc BEAUTIFUL CAR! Camry Solara, 91,100 K, Excellent, $7,500.00. 541534-2155 La Grande ash
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 15
RED HEALER McNab cross puppies, born January 5th. $50.00 541856-3932 ptm
2011 YELLOW Chevy GREAT PYRENEES/ Camaro LS, 2 3,800 Malamutue puppies for miles, V/6, 6speed man- sale! Only 3 puppies left. ual, dark tinted windows, $250, please contact excellent co n dition. Kenna at 541-663-6277 $17,500. 541-910-4509 Elgin psc Union asd
Religion is what men do for God, but the GOSPel iS What God doeS
for mankind. Religion ends in the outer reformatioin; the Gospel makes an inward recreation. There are many religions, but only One GOSPel. JOin uS to liSten to the
reverent Story of the Gospel.
Sunday 4:00 pm 62851 PhilyndaLp Kurts RV Service. Island City, OR
1112 1/2 Ada~s Ave.
800-654-5829 541-963-623l
The Committee members of the Grande Ronde Friends of National Rifle Association would like to thank all the sponsors, donors 8 underwriters for their assistance in makin our 2014 ban uet a great success. S po n s o r s
GlasSmith - Larry & Deby Smith Kelly & Darcy Carreiro Barreto Manufacturing - Greg & Chris Barreto Barnes Diesel Power - Robert Barnes Barnes Diesel Power - Patrick O'Reilly Paul Novotny Wright Electric - James Wright Eagle Carriage & Machine, Inc. - Sam & Debi Baker Conley Farms - Sonny & Mary Jane Johnson Oregon Trail Trader Inc - Les Henderson Scott's Heating & Air Conditioning - Scott & Bonita Fletcher Legacy Auto Group Robert Brooks Painting Contractor Fred & Susan Hawkins Weldon Gorham Bert & Kathy Kirby Randy Botham Dianna & Jerry Alam Tyson Brooks Doug & Margie Prickett Gary Anderson Bud Jackson's Allan & Eva Breshears Next Step Carpet - Greg Moulton Oregon Wireless, Inc. - John Cavin
Steven Hunsecker, MD Hodgen Distributing Blue Mt. Auto - Monte Reed Byrnes Oil Co.- Brian Finch Carey & Lantz Lewis
Bob Sherer Robert Johnston Randy Carter Derek Kirby Mark Smith Mike & Carrol Allison Paul Swigert James & Amanda Rabourne Jake & Hannah Hatley Steve Courtney Bud Jackson's - Victor Ashcraft Steven Hunsaker, MD Blue Mountain Auto —Monte Reed Mike & Carol Allison
D onors & . U nde r w r i t e r s
Mt. Harris Farms — Russell & Patty Bingaman Lewis Poe, Moeller, Gunderson & Roberts LLC Edward Jones — Shawn Mangum GlasSmith — Larry & Deby Smith Legacy Auto Group Les Schwab Tire Center of La Grande — Bob Butler Frontier Communications — Craig Hunseker Sportsman's Warehouse Joseph D. Martinez DMD, Orthodontics Ruff N Rustic Mercantile — Mike & Lindi Voss Hermann Financial KMS Conley Farms — Sonny & Mary Jane Johnson Blue Mountain Auto Parts — Monte Reed Union Sanitation — Craig & Robin George Bowman Trucking — Kim & Gloria Bowman Koza Family Dental Care PC — Steve Koza DMD Re/Max Real Estate Team — Shawn & Randy McKinnis Mountain West Moving & Storage — Kaiger & Craig Bra seth Wallowa County Grain Growers — Jeff Lathrop Tri County Equipment LLC — Steve Wilcox Oregon Trail Trader Inc. — Les Henderson Hancock Forest Management — Joe Justice Peace Makers Security — Shawn & Lori Wood Bud Jacksons LLC — Victor Ashcraft Red Cross United Drug, Inc. — Leah Coulter Lester Re/Max Real Estate Team — Patty Glaze Robert Brooks Painting Contractor Benchwarmer's Pub & Grill — Matt Scatfo Valley Veterinary Care — Jeff Henry Mammen & Null Lawyers — J. Glenn Null Papa Murphy's Pizza — Bob Hulden Union County Cattlemans Association — Sharon Beck Bear Mountain Pizza POS Furniture — John Sylvester Sorbenots Coffee — Jason Stone Sub Shop — Betty Baker Rock & Sons — JB & Boyd Rock Amazing Changes — Carolina Porter Buffalo Peak Golf Course — Syi Marcum Cheri's Main Street Salon — Cheri Doren Island Express Lube & Car Wash — Dale Young & Mike Becker Fast Solutions Quilts & Crafts — Anne Nilsson Cock & Bull Villa Roma — Angie Arnson Alley Barber & Hair Salon — Frank Tucori Fitzgerald Flowers — Julie Bodfish Scotts Heatinq & Air Conditioning — Scott Fletcher SS Equipmenf Inc. No Off Season/ T i t u s Ranch B&B- Tim & DebbieTitu Joe & Sugars — Wayla Chadwick Laurence's Auto Body & Paint, Inc. — Eric & Angela La urence
Empire Entertainment — Kenny Forsythe 0'1 China Buffet — Chris Cyrus The Nickel D'Nails Hair & Tanning Salon — Danelle Wilson & Shanda Hampton Pepsi Coloa Botteling Company Accu Shred — Jason Larvik Gentry Dodge Baker City — Paul Schon E. Frazer Gunworks, LLC- Edward Frazer Blue Mt. Seed, Inc. — Bill Herrigan Island City Market- Keith & Kathleen Wiliams Wildhorse Resort & CasinoThe Door Guy —Bob Fager Top That Growlers, LLCOtley Land & Cattle, LLC — Shane & Crystal Otley Howell's Cafe & Cabins — Mike Wiley Mike Becker General Contractor Next Step Pregnancy lnformation — Laurie Ducaney La Grande Pizza Hut — Robert Williamson's Insurance Service — Robert Williamson Alley Barber Shop & Hair Salon — Crystal Bevell Irene Gilbert Next Step Carpet — Greg Moulten World Wide Abrassives — John Kirkpatrick Alegre Trave Lewis, Poe, Moeller, Gunderson & Roberts LLC Frontier Communications — Craig Hunsaker Hermann Financial Koza Family Dental Care Pc — Steven Koza DMD RE/MAX Real Estate Team — Shawna & Randy Mc Kinnis Bud Jackson's — Victor Ashcraft Red Cross United Drug, Inc.— Bob & Sue Coulter RE/MAX Real Estate Team — Patty Glaze Valley Veternary Care — Jeff Henry Buffalo Peak Golf Course — Syl Marcum Island City Express Lube & Car Wash — Dale Young & Mike Becker Alley Barber Shop & Hair Salon — Frank Tucori D'Nails Hair & Tanning Salon — Danelle Wilson & Shonda Hampton Pepsi Cola & Bottling Company Blue Mt. Seed, Inc. — Bill Merrigan Island City Market — Keith & Kathleen Williams Wild Horse Resort — Tiah DeGrofft Tap That Growlers, LLC — Nikkita Cornford La Grande Pizza Hut — Robert Robbins Williamson's Insurance Service — Rob Williamson World Wide Abrasives — John Kirkpatrick RoyalRock — Mace Cadwell Crimson Trace — Mike Faw The Observer
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