La Grande Nickel 03-05-2015

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Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm March 5th, 2015

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Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Proverbs 4:5

FLATBED 800gal water tank, 8ftx16ft, complete, excellent co n dition, make offer. 541-7860407 La Grande mvn PUMA AIR compressor, 20 gal., 7.6 CFM, 125 PSI, $75. 541-605-0185 or 541-805-9397 mys





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Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report March 5'", 2015

The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237


• r r • Fish for trout throughout the year Did you know you can fish for trout, somewhere in Oregon, 365 days a year? This time of year, fishing for last year's holdover trout can be excellent. And early trout stocking has begun in some west-side zones. Check out this week's Rec Report for opportunities Mowers Ag Repair Sales a Servlce Tractors Comblnes near you, and visit the Trout 365 page on the ODFW website for seasonal tips and highlights. Commerclal a Resldentlal RRalers - Swatbers Small Engines FISHING ©~ i LI~ Kohler ri Kawasakl Oealer SpeclaMslng In: Servlce AN Brands Englnes, Transmissions Weekend fishing opportunities: Hrdraogcs, Electrlcal, /t/C All Outdoor Power ~ M • St e elhead continue to enter the Umatilla River in record numbers and anglers should be able to find fish scattered throughout s • s• • th e river. Last week anglers averaged 3.6 hours per steelhead caught. • Wa t er conditions in the John Day are in great shape and steelhead are being caught between Service Creek and the town of • Joh n Day and in the North Fork up to Monument. • Th e Wallowa River had catch rates below 4 hours per fish recently! • On e hundred surplus hatchery steelhead have been stocked in Marr Pond, offering a great opportunity to get young anglers / /// r • in t o some big fish. Fishing for holdover trout from last year's stocking should be fair to good in Holliday, Long Creek and Cavender ponds, and Rowe 2E.Sth,iallowa 541-886-TIRE B Creek Reservoir. GRANDE RONDE RIVER:steelhead After a big influx in flow, the river has come back into shape. While the river is still a bit high, anglers should have good success.Fishermen have had a lotofsuccess on the Grande Ronde this yearand thatsuccess is expected to continue when flows subside. A healthy proportion of two salt fish has resulted in a large average size this year. So, expect a few larger fish and some screaming drags! Remember, only rHolii:54I400-2I030waer:KeiiiKeai,llCKeVin adipose-fin clipped rainbow trout may be retained and all bull trout must be released unharmed. IMNAHA RIVER:steelhead The Imnaha is very high and will likely be very difficult to fish over the next week. Watch the flow gauge on the Idaho Power website. Expect the action to pick up when flows drop below 700 cfs. This high water may draw some fish up into Big Sheep Creek which will clear first. MARR POND:surplus steelhead Marr pond has been stocked with 100 surplus steelhead that returned to Wallowa Hatchery. Once NSMITNINGA FIREA IQIQSIIIR these fish are placed in still water fisheries they are considered "trout" and do not need to be recorded on a harvest card. This is a great opportunity to get young anglers into some big fish. Try catching these fish by floating bait under a bobber mid water column. Brightly colored lures and spinners may also be productive. PNIT PEACH POND (Ladd Marsh):rainbow trout The pond was stocked with trophy-sized rainbow trout in late September. The pond has n QGi no ice cover. WALLOWA LAKE:rainbow trout, kokanee, lake troutAs spring approaches anglers will start to find some stocked trout that held over from last season's stocking. These fish often range 15 to 20 inches and can be caught in multiple numbers. These fish are normally more common later in the spring; however with the warm weather and early spring anglers should start seeing these fish soon. Some experienced fishermen are picking up large lake trout trolling at depth with downriggers. While lake trout aren't abundant in Wallowa Lake it's not uncommon to find fish over 25 pounds. In 2014 the lake was stocked with tagged rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. Some of these fish have likely held over from last year and are available to anglers. If you catch one of these tagged fish, please report the number, location, date, where in the lake the fish was caught and the size to the ODFW office in Enterprise or online. WALLOWA RIVER:steelhead, mountain whitefish The steelhead season is in full swing on the Wallowa River. Catch rates dipped belo is no good excuse to not be out there. Anglers are finding fish in good numbers and the ratio of two-salt fish to one-salt fish is high. This and make sure that drag is working well. Remember the Wallowa River is a whitefish factory. Whitefish can be a great way to keep kids i Simply tie in a small bead-head nymph dropper while fishing under a bobber rig and let the fun begin. Also, steelhead will often take a b NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR BAKER COUNTY Cougarscan be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2015 tag. Coyotenumbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Cougarsare common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Remember to pick up a tag for 2015. Coyotenumbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. WALLOWA COUNTY Coyote:Good numbers of coyotes can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. Cougarnumbers are strong throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques. Northeast Zone WILDLIFE VIEWING BAKER COUNTY Bighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. The best viewing is in the early morning and late in the evening. Bald and golden eagles canbe seen along the Snake River. Take the Snake River Roadbetween Richland and Huntington. Deer and elk are returning to the valley to winter. Early in the morning andlate in the afternoon are good times to view wildlife. Driving through the foothills of the Baker valley and through the Keating valley can turn up good numbers of deer. Elkhorn WildlifeArea Elkhorn Wildlife Area is known for the Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer herds that frequent the area during the winter. When snow covers the ground, ODFW staff feed elk and deer to encourage them to stay in the higher elevations and out of agricultural fields. There are two good viewing sites. The Anthony Creek site is located about eight miles west of 1-84 on North Powder River Lane. From 1-84 take the North Powder Exit (Exit 285). About150 elk can be seen here on any given day. From the overlook onAuburn Road, watch hundreds of elk and mule deer. It is on the south side of Old Auburn Road, which branches off Highway 7 about six miles south of Baker City. UNION COUNTY Ladd Narsh WildlifeArea The Tule Lake unit, including the auto route, is now open for the season. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult the wildlife area administrative rules. Rules that apply to all areas are at the top (at the above link), and then scroll down to page 8, ¹635-008-120, for additional rules specific to Ladd Marsh. Dogs are not permitted within the Wildlife Area, on or off leash except during authorized hunting seasons. There are numerous quality viewing opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance. Canada geese are pairing off and selecting nest sites. Large numbers of Tundra swans and greater white-fronted geese are on the marsh and in flooded fields throughout the valley. At least one snow goose has been seen as well. Common mergansers are present on several ponds in the area. Northern shrikes continue in several locations across the area. American goldfinch and pine siskins are conspicuous at natural seed sources. Great horned and barn owls are nesting. Great horned owls can be seen sitting in nests at several locations. Other raptors include Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks andAmerican Kestrel. Bald and golden eagles have been seen soaring on the thermals. WALLOWA COUNTY Winter is a good time to find raptors in the Wallowa Valley. Particularly common are red-tailed hawks, with many rough-legged hawks andbald eagles also present. Agyrfalcon has also been seen in the Upper Prairie Creek area NE of Joseph for much of this winter. Look for it perched on power poles along the farm roads or near farm ponds. Winter is a good time to view mule deer and white-tailed deer as they are more actively feeding during the limited hours of daylight this time of year. A good place to observe mule deer is along the Wallowa Lake highway between Joseph and the south end of Wallowa Lake. Drive slowly and watch along the moraine on the east side of the lake around dawn and dusk. Be careful to use the turnouts when stopping to watch these animals, as there will be other traffic on the road. White-tailed deer can be found throughout the Wallowa Valley on or near agricultural lands. Many elk have returned to the Zumwalt Prairie now. Try driving the Zumwalt and Pine Creek Roads and looking carefully at ridgetops. Once you find a herd, use binoculars or a spotting scope to observe the animals. While most of our migrant waterfowl have already headed north with the advent of warmer weather, some can still be seen flying into Wallowa Lake in the evenings from the county park at the north end of the lake. Canada geese and several species of ducks can also be seen feeding in agricultural fields and along streams around the county. Other migrants have begun to move into the area including bald eagles, hooded mergansers, goldfinches, and both cedar and Bohemian waxwings. The first mountain bluebirds have arrived back from their southern haunts and can be seen in the lower areas of the Imnaha Canyon. '


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The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I • e-mail Page 3

• • I

GLOC K 45ACP, 2"' Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger Vaquero, 45 LC SS. Ruger Vaquero, Matched Set, 45 LC, Hi Gloss SS. S8W Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 "/~", Nickel, Trigger Job. S8W, 500 Mag. S8W, Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". S8W 357, Mod. 686, 6". And many rifles! Call 541-786-1900 I sland City dxv

2004 FATBOY Harley AUTOMATIC AND Davidson, e x c ellentSTANDARD Transmiscondition, 30,000 origi- sion Repair and Rebuildnal miles, lots of extras. ing. Reasonable Prices, $9,500.00 obo, cash 28 years in La Grande or trade, 541-886-2094 Call 541-963-7087 La Wallowa vxm Grande axm

THOMPSON RV is Eastern Oregon"s largest RV dealer: family owned and operated for 40 years; browse our inventory online at www.thompsonrv. MUZZLELOADERS and com, or call us at 800more. Guns, buy, sell 459-4836, Pendleton vxt or trade. Black powder guns 8 a c cessories,1999 HARLEY Davidmodern guns 8 ammo. son Ultra Classic Electra 541-663-2650 I sland glide. Loaded, 3,8000 City dxg Miles, $9,500. 541-5197152 Baker City awj W A N T E D CENTERFIRE brass 2013 SALEM Cruise cartridges, all calibers, Lite 32', sleeps 7-9, Awno sorting required, $3 ning, Power slide, Air, plus/lb. Call 541-519- Microwave, Flat Screen 1538 Baker City mxh TV, Outside Kitchen and BBQ, LED lights 8 much R EMINGTON 1 1 0 0 more. Selling below 13ga shotgun auto, 28in book, $18,900.00. Will barrel, $650.00. 541- Deliver Within 100 Miles 786-3845 La Grande dxt Of Baker. 208-871-1596 or 541-403-0104 Baker MAN SHACK GUN City vtm SHOP Man Shack Gun Shop is RIVERSIDE ready for you! In house HOME PARK gunsmithing, f i rearm John Day River front sales, FFLservice, Class lots, next to Thriftway 3 weapons, suppressors Grocery. Blue Mountain and custom orders. Wilderness Recreation, Locatedin Joseph. Check fishing and hunting, RV us out online at www spaces, $320 plus elec.ManShackGunShop. tric; 541-620-2918, webc om, or call for an site: riversidemhp.jimdo. appointment 800-630- com vuf 6314 or 541-398-1982 Joseph dxw S NOWM O B I L E S CHEAP: 1992 Arctic Cat KIMBER SOLO DC(LG), 700 and 1995 Polaris Glock 42, Sig P938 Polaris 800, $400 each; and 1911 Scorpion. 1976 and 1978 SkiDoos, Ruger LCR 22M, SR22, $200 each; 541-969SR9C, SR45, 22/45 8526, Pilot Rock vue Lite. FNX45, FNS40. Beretta PX 4 In o x. Windham, Rock River 2005 TIFFIN Allegro Bay AR's. Diamondback AR Motorhome, 37ft, 32,000 300 ACC. Ruger 10/22 miles, excellent condicamo breakdown, 10/22 tion, $69,500. Enterstandard. Call or text prise, OR 541-426-4137 Joe at 541-786-4453 La vum Grande dum

PICKUP FLATBEDS, and front end replacements, many styles to choose from. Call Pioneer West 541-663-9378 La Grande axp HARLEY ANDATV Service and R epair for Harley Davidsons and ATV's. B8B Repair 62010 West Road Call 541-605-0400 La Grande axb 2013 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo Immaculate, 4,600 miles, black on black, $41,000.00. 541-786-2575 La Grande axl AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La Grande axm

WE HAVE BOBBLE HEADS All Jigs are $2.50 each until the end of season. We have Fly Tyin, Jig makingsupplies and a good supply of Reloading Powder. OR E GON TRAIL TRADERS, 2312 A dams Avenue, L a Grande 541-963-2913 dyh


THE NICKEL DOES BUSINESS CARDS! Come in and start des igning. Starting a t $32.50 for 500!

ROLLTOP DESK with matching rolling chair, beautiful warm finish, all hardware intact, excellent condition, $200.00. 541-999-7681 Baker City huh

TREX DECK 11x20 with steps, good condition, $600.00 obo. 541-2131563 Cove mur

1992 CHEVY Lumina, 4dr, 3.1L, good heating and cooling, $600.000. BEAUTIFUL FULL sized 541-869-2529 Huntingfloral with carved wood ton avm trim. Top 8 b o ttom, warmed tone with maple ARTIST PROOF bronze finish on wood. 2 match- Angel by Rodd Ambroing cushions, great con- son. Call for info and dition, $200.00. 541-999- photos. $9,999, may 7681 Baker City huh consider silver as part trade. 5 4 1-432-4535 PLANNING A yard sale? Joseph mwb Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Any Item $25 or less, Auctions 541-910-0189. Free, or Lost/Found, get We buy used and new 1 week FREE in The items. Your complete Nickel. auctioneering company. hxc ALL YOU can eat pizza and Utah/Oregon Gun Class. Meacham, DIRECTV'S THE Big Oregon. March 23"', Deal special! O nly 3pm. $70 for both Utah/ $19.99 per month - Free Oregon 8 pizza . ConpremiumchannelsHBO, tact Grant Asher 541Starz, Cinemax 8 Show- 571-4600, a d m in@ time for 3 months 8 Free, www. Receiver upgrade! NFL utahconcealedhandgun. 2014 Season Included. com, www.utahweaponCall Now 1-800-453- dwa 9131 ffn

WANT RAILROAD lanterns, globes, locks, keys, signs, badges, china, silver, paper, wax REACH THOUSANDS Any Item $25 or less, sealers. Cash. 541-276- starting at $7 a week for Free, or Lost/Found, get classifieds; $14.00 for 3506 Pendleton mxj displays! The Nickel. 963- 1 week FREE in The Nickel. HIGH SCHOOL DI- 6237. La Grande PLOMA from home 6-8 Maag Oft Cook weeks accredited, Get 18th Annual Performance Sa/e a diploma! Get a job! Thursday, March 79, 2075 Free Brochure call now! 1-800-264-8330 Benja- Maag Angus Ranch Headquarters min Franklin HS. www. Vale, Oregon DiplomaFromHome. com Selling 200 Head of 2 year old

& long yearling Angus & Hereford Bulls

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DR. WILLARD G. Bertrand DC now accepting Workmen's comp. and auto accident injuries. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande NO PART of this publica- mxb tion may be reproduced without the permission BARRELS of the publisher. Thank Burn or Storage, $20.00; vented $25.00. Call 541you. pxh 963-8990 La Grande WANTED: ALL classes mxp of horses. We pick'em up. Call J.A. Bennett FOOD ALLERGYtesting, Livestock. 541-523-6119 cleansing therapy and or 541-519-2802 Baker hormonal supplemenCity pxj tation. Call Dr. Willard Bertrand DC. 963-Well. NOTICE: Changes or La Grande. Preferred cancellations must be Provider for all major inin by 5pm Monday. surances. mxb

HAY ALFALFA orchard grass, tarped, grass TOP QUALITY and grain also available. STORAGE BUILDINGS ALL WAYS Automotive Priced to sell. 541-403541-663-0246 LLC. 541-624-5001. Re- 4086 or 541-403-0433. Call for sizes and prices. build Engines 8 Trans- Haines pud Island City mxc missions with 40 years experience. 3 year warranty on parts and labor. Specified labor rate: $68.00/hr. Lowest price in town. La Grande axa



HAVE GREAT Antiques or collectibles? Instant Cash Paid!! I buy older Estates. Thanks! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La Grande mxj

PPR HORSE Boarding quality care, reasonable rates, shelters w/ runs, arenas, hay included in board. Overnighters welcome. 541-910-4140 LaGrande pxk

FOR SALE HEREFORD YEARLING BULLS Harrel 8 Hoiden genetics, sired by Churchill Yankee and Sons ofthe Great 4140P. Top quality bulls, priced right. StartCLASSIC 51 Chevy pick- ing at $2,500.00. 541up, restored 350 small 910-3610 Baker City pxo block, $28,000 firm. 541963-7517 La Grande axy VICTORYACRES Riding Academy. Now off ering 03 FORD Mustang, 91k boarding, lessons and miles, manual transmis- training. All ages and levsion V6, around 20mpg. els, school horses availGreat condition in and able 8 references availout. Reconstructed ti- able. Indoor 8 outdoor tle. $3,650 obo. Call/ arenas! 541-786-3218. text 541-805-0778 La www .victoryacresfarm. com. La Grande pxw Grande axc

Drive A Little - Save A Lot RUBBER S TAMPS! Starting at $16.60 each at the Nickel.

HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb

ual Banquet Oregon Hunters Association

2015 Fund Raising Banquet Saturday, April 4, 2015 ' Community Event Center (4H Ground's>)j~2600.East St., Baker City OR. 978~1~43

Smiley Buy & Sell, Consign Late Model RV's - Buy On Line Full Parts & Accessories Store And Repair Center

P~e s Ga mes Live & Silent Auction D~oors70<pen;4:30 pm Dinner 6:00~pm A t i ~ & . RaN t 7' . 00p

. Early Registration ~Drawing Beadline: Friday, 1MMarch.Wl3" D~eadline for-,Dinner Ticket and R'afAe~Ticket".Packa~ges: QFriday;, March 2 i~., (RESER,VpEj,YOURS EA'RLY~ If you ~have gq'ue'sti'ons ~or'<would'like-to m~ake ~a don'ation, ~ qg ~ ~ „ ~contact ~Charlie Watt5'4'1~5~23-66'26 ~~ •

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The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 6 •

• • 6

FERRIGNO DUMBEILS STEIN DISTILLERY 2009 CHEVY Impala MASONRY REPAIR for sale. From 25lbs up It's Finally Here! 5-YR with low miles, always professional block stone to 70lbs. Includes rack. Bourbon and 5-YR Rye garaged, $9900. 1987 brick repair for a free es$300. 2 0 8-860-0066Whiskey. OPEN HOUSE 33' motorhome, 2 speed timate call Tylor at 254Enterprise. dus March 14th 1 1 :00- differential, 454, genera- 226-2774 La Grande sxd 5:00pm 604 N. Main, Jo- tor, AC, awning, all aluNEW! RCBS R ock seph, Oregon 541-432- minum, nice condition, DARREL FRIESEN Well Chucker Sup reme 2009 bus $5,000. 208-503-0235, Services, LLC. Submersreloading press, $110. Clarkston aft ible pump installation RCBS Uniflow Powder View our ads online at and repairs on water sysMeasure (newj $55. 541- 1934 DODGE tems. Phone 541-562963-7595 La Grande dus Updated every Friday. RAT ROD 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. Driver sits on the right CCB¹163246 Union, OR 20' 1989 Bass Boat SERVE YOUR hand side, new rebuilt sxd with 175hp Mercury COUNTRY!!! Chevy 350 with Vortec Outboard and trailer. Want a little cash? Want heads, TH350, 10 bolt NOTICE: C l a ssified Great condition, many to go to college? Have rearend 2.48, your choice Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. extras. $5,000 obo. Will way too many student of 10' or 8' rear wheels, Changes or cancellaconsider partial trade. loans? Ever thought Holley 500 cfm 2 bbl, tions must be in by 5pm Call 541-519-6062 Baker about serving your coun- aluminum radiator with Monday. City duh try? The Oregon Na- twin electric fans, 19" 6' tional Guard gives you long with 13" wheelbase, CONTRACT FENCING BLUE BUCKET tuition assistance and $8200 or best offer; 509- Farm Ranch ResidenMETAL DETECTORS the MGIB so youcan 551-7093, Hermiston. tial. Contact Darrel 541F or Sale 2 use d start/finish your college awd 562-5628 541-786-8668 MineLab GP X 4500 degree. If you already CCB¹163246 Union sxf metal detectors, both in have your degree we 96 FORD Bronco, full excellent shape. One offer the student loan re- size, last year, 5.0 liter, EXPERIANCE RANCH w/2 11" coils, $3,400. paymentof$50,000 dol- 302 manual 5 speed, HELP WANTED One w/1 11"coil, $3,200. lars!!! Plus you gain the straight body, r u ns Bear Creek Ranch, La Prepare to find the big knowledge, experience, great, brand new tires, Grande, OR. Registered nuggets. 541-523-7406 and motivation to jump $2,500.00. 5 4 1-663- Black Angus operation. after 6 pm. Baker City start your career. Imagin 9091 La Grande aks Is looking for part time dum having your college to/ full time Spring and tally paid for and a drill 74 1 Ton dump truck, Summer help. Starting U TAH/ 0 R E G O N pay check. Want more with 12,000lb Warren early March, we have concealed fir earms information call SGT Lori Winch, $1,900.00 obo. part time work with flextraining carry in 30+ McNeil 541-786-1459 La 1976 Ford F-250 flatbed, ible hrs for someone states. March classes Grande area. bxm $800.00 obo. 541-910- with cattle experience, March 13th M i lton4661 La Grande auh to help process new born F reewater BMC C . calves. 2-4 hrs a day. March 14th Hermiston, 1996 FORD Bronco, A great job for student BMCC. March 21sr Ace 351 engine XLT. Excel- still attending school. Hardware La Grande. FIREWOOD PRICES lent condition, 4in lift, This job will also exMarch 28th Indian Creek reduced $140.00 In blue. 541-786-8621 La pand weather permitting Trading Post, Elgin. rounds, 4in to 12in di- Grande art to include other Spring Contact Grant Asher ameters, split. $170.00, ranch get ready work,541-571-4600, admin@ Red Fir, Tamarack and 2012 FORD Mustang like fence repairs etc., www. Hardwood. $205 a cord, 5.0 liter, silver, factory This job can turn into full utahconcealedhandgun. split. 541-786-0407 La headers, has chipped, time as we get to Sumwww. Grande mvv 4in exhaust, brand new mer for the right person. com, wheels 8 tires, excellent Reined Cow Horse ProWANTED: ONE log truck condition, 28,769mi. Se- gram. In May we have a dya load of firewood logs. rious inquiries only. Ask- full time position open for 541-432-5230 Joseph ing $22,500.00. 541-820- a well experienced horse LATAH COUNTY Gun map 3532 Prairie City awg assistant. This job reand Antique Show. quires lots of experience Moscow, Idaho, Latah GET THE Big Deal W ANTED WIN C H and ability working foals Fair Grounds. March f rom D irecTV! A c t bumper for 1996 Ford andmares, yearlingsand 21st-22nd. 9am-5pm, Now- $19.99/mo. Free F-250 OBS. Must be show horses in training. Saturday, and 9am-4pm, 3-Months of HBO, starz, very reasonable price. And plenty of stall and Sunday. Admission $5 at SHOWTIME 8 CINE- Decent condition. Dos barn cleaning, feeddoor. 509-595-7468 dub MAX. FREE not need to be pretty, just ing an d g r ooming. GENIE HD/DVR Up- usable. Call Clarence at Too read more about 2014 NFL Sunday 541-805-0235 or e-mail these jobs and email CONTRACTORS, grade! Ticket Included with Se- ccmain57@g mail. com us a letter or resume Builders, Architects lect Packages. New CusYou La Grande with your qualifications 8Hr,"ICF"Tra iningCourse, tomers Only. IV Support Thank aum and experience, go to CCBCredits,ONLY$150, Holdings LLC- An auBearcreekRanchcowthorized DirecTV Dealer. BEAUTIFUL 2010 Ford Jobs. swh Date;March20,2015 Some exclusi ons apply F150 Supercrew Lariat, Location; 10605IslandAve - Call for details 1-800- 43,000 miles, leather, OPENINGS NOW avail. 370-1356 ffn Island CityOR97850 loaded, exc c o ndi- for beginner piano les-

Registe r@wwwnudura,com OrCalP lete

(541) 786-1229 Green BuildingProducts,LLC !0!02 S. MC AlisterRD. Island City,OR97850

emaipe l te@

tion, chrome wheels. sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. $28,900. 541-786-1655 Safe 8 fun environment! DirectTV - Over $636.00 La Grande azl Call 541-805-9741 for in savings, Free upgrade more info! La Grande to Genie, 8 2014 NFL sxw Sunday Ticket included Any Item $25 or less, at no charge. $29.99 Free, or Lost/Found, get RUBBER S T AMPS! month! Call Now 1-800- 1 week FREE in The Starting at $16.60 each Nickel. 453-9131 ffn at the Nickel.

The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

AMERICAN LEGION Post 43 will be holding its annual yard sale and membership drive March 14th, 8am to 2pm, 301 Fir St. La Grande. We are in need of good quality items which can be dropped off March 12th and 13th from 3pm to 8pm at the post. We are unable to accept clothing at this time. For questions or drop off arrangements youcan contact the post 541-963-5141 or call 541-805-4198 or 541-786-4044. gvs

HUGE ESTATE SALE Vintage Court Antiques, 541-377-0510, 203 SW 1st St., Pendleton, Oregon. Saturday, March 7th, 9am-3pm, Sunday, March 8th, 9am-2pm, Sunday, 1/2 price on most items. Oak China secretary, antique commode, 3 primitive cabinets, bridge lamp, trunks, poker table, oak Kellogg wall p hone, chrome kitchen table, Gone with the Wind lamp, 5 piece French Provincial queen bed set, ESTATE AUCTION double bed with dressSunday March 8'", 10am er, 2 couches, 3 swivel preview 9am. 340 W. chairs, coffee table, side Highway 203 Union, tables and stands, wall OR Clark and Daughter art, mirrors, floor and auction barn. Vintage Dr. table lamps, pole lamp, Pepper cooler, Farmall clock, shelves, desk, 460 with Farmhand F11 oak entertainment cabloader, Howard Rotava- inet, TV"s, collectibles tor, 2000 Chevy Metro include Shelley, Fenton, 5 speed 4 door 42MPG, RS Prussia and Germasmall chest freezer, buzz ny, Coronado charger, box welder, Roswell Royal Winston Chintz, western saddle, nick Vernon, tea cups, Weller knacks, 9 drawer dresser and more. Kitchenware, with mirror, table and 4 Corning, Revere, Pyrex, chairs, fabric, lace, rib- cast iron, small applibon, yarn,craft supplies, ances, silver plate by tools, book case, toys, Holmes Edwards, sterdishes, file cabinets, ling pieces, glassware, tables, cabinets, house- miscellaneous crystal, hold items,horse collar, lots of costume and silver and a whole lot more. jewelry, linens, oil lamps, We are still unloading music boxes, sewing trucks full of good stuff. items,Pfaff955 Hobby10% buyer's premium, matic, needle point, GS cash, bankable check Garcia bit and Garcia or credit card. As-is bit, lots of ammunition, Where-is. View at www. whip 8 quirt, holsters, we police utility belt, night are adding more pic- stick, hand cuffs, misceltures. Clark and Daugh- laneous police badges, ter Auctions Roger Clark 12 pair Justin boots size auctioneer. Union guc 9), old Hamley 8 Resistol hats 8 others, 20 plus pocket and sheath knives, binoculars, elk 8 deer hides, yard and FIRST C H RISTIANgarden tools and decor, Church, 901 Penn Ave. native mortar 8 pedesLa Grande, will hold a tal, 100"s of hand tools, Giant Rummage Sale power tools, Monark Vise on Saturday, March 14'", 216, anvil vise, 1960"s 9am-1pm. Household radio, Kirby 8 Riccar items,games 8 puzzles, vacuums 8 accessories, clothing, bags 8 shoes, baggage, C hristmas, books 8movies,holiday barbecue, heaters. Visa decor, computer stuff, 8 Mastercard. Bid box plants and baked goods. on Saturday. Great sale La Grande gvc from Heppner! gug

ITHE D O O j La Gr a n d e


R G UV cc B¹ 23 2 72

1 0102 S. "E" I s l an d C i t y 541-963-3701 i 888-342-4124 ~Garage Door Operators I • Expires April 15, 2015


" Br i n g i n g S e r vi c e to Y o u r D o o r "

Garage Doors Authonzed Dealer

TWO SNOWMOBILES with drive-on drive-off trailer, $2,500.00. 541963-6565 or 541-7864711 La Grande vub 2009 YAMAHA Grizzly 700 Fl Special Edition, 900 miles, diff lock, ps, hand warmers, $6,800. Custom built trailers and BBW hitch accessories. See at Olson's Tractors 8 Hydraulics. 541-4065977 or 541-519-2207 Baker City vvo HONDA ATV,S 4 WHEELER'S One 250CI 2 wheel drive, excellent condition, 1,000k. One 300CI 2wheel drive, excellent condition, 1,500k. Phone 541-562-5280 Union vvc e-mail Page 5

ATTEND COLLEGE ON- ORCHARD GRASS AlLINE from Home. *Med- falfa hay, 2 string bales, ical, Business, *Criminal no rain, stored in barn, Justice, *Hospitality. Job $215/ton. 541-568-4441 placement assistance. Computer available. Fi- or 541-910-4441 Cove nancial Aid if qualified. pvk SCHEV certified. RUBBER STAMPS! StartCall 800-201-4585. www ing at $16.60 each. 35556 mxp

CEDAR SAVNA Trailer, ANTLER BUYER buying wood heater. 541-910- deer, elk and moose ant1970 La Grande mwm lers, any condition, also FARM OR Estate auction buying bear traps and whatever your needs are vintage 501 Levis. 541we can do the job for 910-6713 La Grande you. Clark and Daughter auctions 541-910-0189 wxt Union mvc

3 11 W. M a i n

DR. Willard G. Bertrand DC now accepting Oregon Health Plan Insurance. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande mxb

$$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT cash now!! Injury lawsuit dragging? Need $500$500,000 + within 48 hours? Low rates. Apply now by phone! 1-800568-8321. www .Iawcap2005 NOMAD Bumper 35715 mxg Pull Travel Trailer, Model 2590, 27ft. with Equaliz- ATTEND COLLEGE ONer Hitch, One Slide Out, LINE from Home.*MediFront Walk Around Bed, cal, *Business,*Criminal Rear Bath, One Piece Justice, *Hospitality. Job Molded Roof, Good placement assistance. Shape, $8,500. 541-519- Computer available. Fi3910 Baker City vvy nancial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call SELL YOUR STUFF IN 800-201- 4585. www THE NICKEL! 35716 mxa 2009 SUZUKI 4 wheeler, 400cc motor. Lots of ex- DISH TV Retailer. Starttras. 2 sets tires, top side ing at $ 1 9.99/month curtains and more, great (for 12 mos.i 8 High shape, low m ileage, Speed Internet starting $4,250.00. 5 4 1-963- at $14.95/month (where 3583, leave message. La available.) SAVE! Ask Grande vts About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-8001978 23FT Travel Trail- 593-1764 mxm er, lots of storage, new 3 burner range w/ oven. DIRECTV sta r ting New Refrigerator w/ at $24.95/mo. Free freezer. New dinette w/ 3-Months of HBO, starz, new cushions. New pri- SHOWTIME 8 CINEvacy curtain, awning. MAX FREE RECEIVER Sleeps 4. New roof and Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunvents, new interior ceil- day Ticket Included with ing. All work performed Select Packages. Some b y Curts RV i n L a exclusions apply - Call Grande. $3,000.00 obo. for details 1-800-370541-562-0508, ask for 1356 02/1 5 Bill. Union vbl

Sunday By Appointment



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STK» 102s5A



2008 GMC SIERRA 1500


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201$ DODGE RAM 2500 SLT

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$23,985 s TK» IosI5A 2002 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER


High Country Post 4, Poles 59854 Pierce Rd., La Grande





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16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. Fence Stays 1.10 ea.

Call Ron963-6258oI 805-9279




844,90 0

STK» 10246

Page 6 e-mail

The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 s•

• s

• •s

Community-wide event Ror men, women, and Ramilies! Friday, March efth

PLANNING A yard sale? Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Auctions 541-910-0189. We buy used and new items. Your complete auctioneering company. hxc

Coming to Baker City!

An Kvening with Kim Meeder 7:oo PM " Special Music: Country Gospel Band




Kim needer is an author, accomplishedspeaker, and founder of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. The organisationrescues abused and neglected horses and nurtures them back to health. Thesesame horses are then used in the ranch's riding program for disadvantaged children.

SOLID PINE furniture, hi-back chair w/foot stool and matching love seat, early American style, $175.00 obo. 541-4370559 Elgin huw

2002 HONDA XR400R, Baja Designs, Street Legal Kit, Custom Built Rear Fender Rack, Passenger Pegs, New Chain and Sprockets, Good Shape, $1,800. 541-5193910 Baker City vvy Display e-mail address: displays@lagrandenickel. com. 2011 SUZUKI DRZ 125L 4stroke, seat can adjust, 5hr run time, great starter bike, $1,100.00. 541805-9441 La Grande vvc

1979 JEEP CJ5 304 V8. Lots of new parts, $5,200. Call 541-5197152 Baker City awj

UNION/WALLOWA County OHA Chapter Banquet, Sat urday March 14th, 5:00pm. Blue Mountain ROADMASTER AN- Conference Center, La Tl-SWAY bar, '/ 4 ton Grande. Raffles, Games D odge 03 08, 1 t o n and Auctions. Contact Dodge, 03-06, $125.00 Jed at 541-562-6267 obo. 541-437-0559 Elgin or 541-786-5841 Or Morgan 541-786-1284 fuw for phone orders. La 1992 2WD V6 Ranger. Grande dvl Custom flatbed, Cooling REMINGTON 30-S, 30system issues. Good tire/ 06, $485.00. Model P wheels. $700.00 OBO. Colt parts. SBW Model 541-786-5116 La Grande 69, $800.00. 541-523aum 4256 Baker City dus

Kim is also a gifted athlete who competed at the national level in Nordic ski racing, participated in the U.S. Olympic biathlon trials, and holds two world records in power lifting.


Kim will share her personal story and how it led to the start of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. For the kids the ranch serves, it is known as the "ranch of rescued dreams." ~www.c r.or fdteatien:

Ba ker City Church of the Nararene

Childcare available: ages 5 and under


Saturday, March 7 32025

Community-wide Women's Retreat


DoorsOpen fa 8AM Event Starts fa 8:15AM Concludes fa 1PM Live band - women from across our community! KeynoteAddresses, Breakout Sessions, Connect with Eastern Oregon women!

Oregon TrailSales&Service,Inc, I925Au burnAve,Blke!City,OR97850 5415233500 SALE SSERVICE&PARTS


r /



Free Child Care!



s 1 s



freynore Speaker - Ei m Meeder, Bend, Off



NNN«n«NaN Ide e ~

t he e e te Ia a e n e e m h l I ldh t leltle Nlll Nmhh t de dh e h teht e d e h tmh lh u udnl«athN elel e t e h e e et«eedhhll lhe« e Itl l• h t teh« I l«ll Nl e e t h m a m e h I d h d d lhme d dh l e e « mm t d t m d t e e e h « t d t h t l ledeh « I e ~ m m «e r nmsr, dtrmeeeef l e l e dhtlrhhhh wsse«NNN etet ddtmeeeh~ mdmee«d l e d t l « u n«auh Rols««I m«dmdt«mewhl l h e l e «NN Ntl mamamtmel tddtetd«e~h teeee~

« I 'Id«

RSVP rettuested for planning, (but not rettuired). Call 541-523-3533, or e-mail bcnaztCegmaikcom. fdscation: Ba ker City Church of the Nazarene, 125D Hughes Lane, Baker City, OR Sponsors: Local Area Churches, Baker City Christian Women's Connection, and BakerCity MOPS

• hnmewdhedte h e e «d e e e ie e t f t meteeetdehtedl «fmal a a le e e e e «ehl ed«e • h d tdel he tn eee t ~

I III e h dt e h

e «N « u«he

led l e t e d d e t eel «ehlhw o e e d \ h l e« d d m l ' t e e s m u ell dllhde It oeleh le la» e«ssahtelee I

N«hedt«h ehteh

Events Hosted by the Rural Christian Women Team

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(Several sizesavailable)

ancl ALL Accessories "All you need to bring is the food!" Call Today!!

The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

PASTURE NEEDED for CARE OF Elderly, Baker 2015 or longer. 25-100 area. 541-523-3110 swc cow calf pairs. Please call Kelvin at 541-786SPRING 0495 or Scott at 541MOWER SERVICE! 910-5629 La Grande pht Call Inland Ag now to schedule a FREE pickAKC GERMAN shepherd up 8 delivery thru April pups, black and tan, had 31" 541-963-4985 La shots and wormed, can Grande sdi deliver. 541-856-3497 or 541-975-3843 Haines NEEDING A massage but can't during the day? pyp Ioff ereveningand weekREGISTERED ANGUS end appointments. Call Bulls, calving ease. Kes- to schedule Daly Folsom sler 8 Thomas breeding. LMT ¹19497 541-9105 and 3yr olds. 541-468- 7017 La Grande swf 4441 or 541-910-4441 Cove pyk NEED A NEW MOWER? ALFALFA. SMALL bales. Call now to schedule a Certified weed f ree. Demo. Residential or $190 a ton. No rain. La Commercial. 541-963Grande. 541-663-1806, 4985 La Grande sxi cell 541-786-1456 pwc THE NICKELAT 1112 1/2 CERTIFIED WHEAT Adams Ave., La Grande, Straw. Small b ales. OR 97850. 1-800-654$3.00 bale. Barn stored. 5829, 963-6237. Hours: La Grande. 541-663- M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. 1806, cell 541-786-1456 PLUMBER WANTED. pwc Lots of work, need a BREEDING BULLS 2yr good clean plumber, Angus Limo cross, fast must havesome experigain, etc. 541-437-8181 ence, highest paid based Elgin pzm on experience, paid vacation, performance M EADOW GRAS S bonus, mostly all new hay, $150.00/ton, small construction, residential, bales,. 541-786-3300 Al- multiple, 8 light comicel pud mercial. Lots of sunshine here, a great place to live TRITICALE GRAIN Hay 8 work, modest cost of in small bales, no rain, living, hunting, fishing 8 stored under cover, skiing close by. Skybear $130.00/ton. 541-534- Plumbing, Yakima WA, 4125 evenings Summer- 509-965-8633. Give it a ville por shot, might be the best move of your life syj 200 TON 2nd cutting alNOW falfa, 100 ton 3rd cutting. OFFERING All tarped, tested, will be loaded out. Call for price 541-428-2131. La Grande put e-mail Page 7

WANTED M ILITARYRUBBER S T AMPS! guns, bayonets, swords, Starting at $16.60 each knifes, misc. Also any at the Nickel. older guns, h unting knifes, collector not dealer. 541-377-8008. wxh IT'S CARNIVAL Time! ANTLERS WANTED: Island City Elementary Elk, Deer, Moose. Pay up SchoolPTO is seeking to $11.00 a lb. 541-910- raffle donations for the Annual Spring Carnival, 8782 La Grande wwb April 10'" 2015. ProLOOKING FOR used ceeds will be used for gas furnace in good con- the needs or Island City dition. Baker City. 541- Elementary students. We really appreciate the 519-9475 wul continued support of the community in our effort ALL WEATHER Tires to further the education 26570R16, less than 1yr, of our youth. If you have mounted on Ford rims, any questions or would a plus. Dennis 541-805- like to make a donation, 1213, leave message. please contact Melissa Sampson at 541-910wum 1086 or be email at MeRUBBER S TAMPS! bvi Starting at $16.60 each at the Nickel.

SHEDS CCB¹ 149931

"More ThanJusta Shed" Countryside Sheds, u c (800)682-0589 (541)663-0246 10102S.McAlisterRd.IslandCity

GRASS HAY for sale; tarped, 3x 4 b a l es, $155.00/ton. 541-5684471 Cove pum

Healthinsuranceshouldn't costvou anarmandaleg Kids under19cannot bedenied coverage Visit for aninst t quote






1603WashingtonAve, LaGrande








Is your dog wearing dog tags? www.wallowa coun ty h u m a n es oc i e t y . o r g 541-426-4170 Enterprise zup LAYING HENS, 2 years old. $5 each, OBO. Call evenings 541-562-5877 Union zul •.



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1994 GMC 2500 4X4 SUPER CLEAN, GOOD RUBBER, ¹0371





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11 500 2008 FORD F-150 SUPER CREW


Reduced!! Loaded, Leather ¹0356

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Rent to Own

FIRST CUTTING Alfalfa Orchard grass hay, small two tie bales in hay shed, no rain, $170 per ton. 541-263-0245 or 541263-0176 Enterprise puj

DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) 8 High Speed I nternet starting a t $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800593-1764 ffn





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Page 8 e-mail



Paige Holiday Advertising Consultant Office 541-963-6237 or1-800-654-5829 11121/2 Adams Ave., La Grande, OR 97850

o unt a i n orks Hi cycl es 1301AdamsAve, LaGrande, OR97850(541)963-3220

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Home8Workspace Improvement


The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

BALE WAGONS sell/ 2011 SUZUKI DR650 buy. New Holland pull- Dual Sport, 1103 miles, type or self-propelled runs, drives, rides excelmodels/ pa r ts/tires.lent, current ATV permit, Call Jim Wilhite 208- $4,200.00. 5 4 1-910880-2889 any t i me. 9441 La Grande vvc www. balewagon .com Caldwell fxw MONGOOSE 70: electric start, $0 down, $43.99/ ALL YOUR month, 60 months OAC; CULVERT NEEDS, Contact Rob at Pioneer 541-922-1213. vub West 541-910-9378 fxp MONGOOSE 90: electric ENJOY 100% start, front 8 rear brakes, guaranteed, delivered-to- $0 down, $59.99/ month, the-door Omaha Steaks! 60 months; www.bonSAVE 78% PLUS 4, 541-922FREE Burgers - The 1213. vub Happy FamilyBanquet - ONLY $49.99. ORDER MXU 300: Speedo racks, Today 1-800-440-2567 $0 down, $85/ month, use code 43285DMW 60 months; www.bonor www. OmahaSteaks., 541-922com/osmb37 tfn 1213. We offer military discount program. vub JOHN DEERE 4240 tractor, 466 with Turbo, MXU 450i IRS: 33hp fuel 18.4x38, new 10,00x15 injected, automatic transfront tires, with JD 248 mission, reverse 8 high/ loader-bucket w/grapple, low gear, 4X4, $0 down, $18,000. 541-519-0693 $120/ month, 60 months; Baker City ftj, 541-922-1213. vub 2007 MASSEY Ferguson MAXXER 450i 4X4: 18391n-Line 14x18 baler, great for the sand or Excellent c o n dition,m ountains, best a l l 12,500 bales. $15,000. around ATV, 4X4 with low Call 541 - 519-7008range, high/ low range, Medical Springs fvw high/ low reverse transmission, $0 down, $110/ STEVE'S PIPE month, 60 months; www. STRAIGHTENING, 541And repair. Dented, 922-1213. vub s mashed, bow e d, aluminum pipe UXV500i SP 4X4: lots straightened to lay flat, of accessories 8 sports easier to move. Some package, $0 down, $185/ rebate available for month, 60 months,-$200 military discount; www. pipe press repair 8 straightening. 541-786-, 5411128 or 541-963-5494 922-1213. vub La Grande fvc View our ads online at UXV 450i 4X4: compact midsize design fits Updated every Friday. into full size pickups, 8X16 TRAILER, 2 axles, $160/ month, $0 down, ball hitch, loading winch, 60 months; www.Bonmake offer. 541-437-, 541-9221212 Elgin fwm 1213. vub


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CAR DOLLY $500.00. ALL THINGS Basemen541-963-6565 or 541- ty! Basement Systems 786-4711 La Grande aub Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! WaFOR SALE: flat car terproofing, Finishing, 53"Lx10"W, for bridge; Structural Repairs, Hucall for details 541-571- midity and Mold Control 8620 or 541-571-2869 FREE ESTIMATES! Call arm 1-800-680-6517 tfn 1953 GMC deuce and half 6x6 truck: 1500 gallon metal water tank, 18hp powered pump, parked outside North Powder Fire Department. Call Sam 541-910-0126 or Colby 541-910-0006. Sealed bid (minimum $1000) due by March 10th, 4pm, to P.O. Box 196, North Powder, OR 97867 auu

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1964 EL Camino, runs 8 drives, all rebuilt, $6,500.00. Freightliner FL 60, Cummins 5spd, new clutch, runs perfect, $12,500.00. Other items including Stihl chain- EN JOY 100% guaransaws, air compressors. teed, delivered to the 541-379-0851 Union aub door Omaha Steaks! SAVE 74% PLUS 4 2001 TOYOTA Echo, FREE Burgers - The 4cyl 5spd 2dr, looking Family Value Combofor someone to take over ONLY $39.99. ORDER payments. 541-786-0218 Today 1-800-304-3414 Elgin aup Use code 48829NVL or www.OmahaSteaks. 1990 FORD F-150, com/mbfam37 ffn 4x4, dual tanks, electric brakes, new battery ARE YOU in BIG trouble and starter fresh oil and with the IRS? Stop wage lube change, runs good. 8 bank levies, liens 8 au$1,995. 541-523-2472 dits, unfiled tax returns, avc payroll issues, 8 resolve tax debt FAST. Seen on 1994 F-250 XLT 4x4 ex- CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800tended cab. Engine 7.30 291-1682 tfn Turbo Diesel, 88,000 original miles, $7,100.00 MEET SINGLES right obo. Call 541-910-8244 now! No paid operators, La Grande avo just real people like you. Browse greetings, ex1993 4WD Silverado change messages and Chev Pick-up w/ can- connect live. Try it free. opy extra cab. '/ 4 ton, Call now: 800-417-7304 very clean interior, good ffn tires, 134,000 miles, CK 25, $5,000.00. 541-5620508, Ask for Bill. Union PREGNANT? CONSIDERING Adoption? Call abl us first. Living expens1995 FORD F-350 460 es, housing, medical 8 5spd manual, 4 door continued support afterlong-box, new t i res, wards. Choose adoptive 103,000mi, st r aight family of your choice. 8 c l ean, $ 9,500.00 Call 24/7. 1-800-918obo. 541-379-6740 La 4187 tfn Grande avb

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The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I • e-mail Page 9 •

• • I

SCHOOL BUS Mainte- BIG BANG Horse Expo RIFLE 8 PISTOL gun nance Technician; Full and Horse Sale, Lewis- powders, some primers Time — w/Benefits Includ- ton, Idaho. March 24-29 8 military brass. 541ing; Health/Dental, Paid at Lewiston Roundup 523-2766 Baker City dvr Vacation, 401K, Sick Grounds. For consignLeave, Weekend Off. ments and information, ENTER TO WIN! Qualifications — Some Jason Schaper, 509-552- 3 day guided buck hunt Experience Required, 1079. Like us on Face- on the Zumwalt Prairie, Satisfactorily Complete book. www .SchaperCut- fall 2015. L.O.P. Tag Back Ground Check, ting pws donated by the Nature DIRECTV'S THE Big COMMERCIAL 2500 Driving Record Review, Conservancy. Drawing Deal special! O nly square feet shop with and Random Drug Test. 4-6 MONTH old feral held April 24th. Limited $19.99 per month - Free attached offices/retail. Wage $13 - $15 per hr. sorrel colt. Weanling. to 500 tickets! 1 for $20 premiumchannelsHBO, Two overhead doors, two D.O.Q. Apply at: Mid Co- Please contact me for or 3 for $50. Proceeds Starz, Cinemax 8 Show- bathrooms. 2327 10th lumbia Bus, 1901 Jeffer- more information. Can benefit Enterprise Elks time for 3 months 8 Free St. Baker City $700/mo. son St. La Grande OR. be registered as Amer- Lodge. Call 541-263- Receiver upgrade! NFL Fenced yard space and 541-963-6119 swf ican native. La Grande 1770 or 541-263-1436 2014 Season Included. 720sqft metal building 541-519-5228 pus Enterprise dvs Call Now 1-800-453- can be additionally rentESTABLISHED 9131 ffn ed. 541-519-6761 Baker IRRIGATION/PUMP 5 TONS of Triticale 1,000RD CASE of M855 City uub REPAIR BUSINESS hay for sale, stored in 5.56 ammo, PMC 62g 2004 HEARTHSTONE Located in Baker, is barn, no rain, $140.00/ green tip-LAP. Get it Tucson cast iron brown FOR RENT, Studio Cabseeking two energetic, ton. 541-910-0144 La while you can, sealed enamel propane heater, in, Lostine River Road, 2 self-motivated individu- Grande pue case. $700, firm. Beretta includes all piping, excel- miles from National Forals with relevant expeCx4 carbine, 9mm like lent condition, sacrifice, est. $300/month, 1st, last rience to fill immediate 4 TONS of Grass Hay new with B SG-style $600. 5 4 1-894-2205and a cleaning deposit. openings for front office for sale. No rain, barn shroud, red dot, lots of Sumpterhwb No pets. 541-569-2235 and field-going positions. stored. Small bales, 18 and 30rd 92FS mags. Lostine uyh Workingknowledge of $165/ton. 541-568-4316 $900. 541-910-7184 La CONTEMPORARY irrigation systems, parts, Cove pvm Grande dua STYLE china hutch with AFFORDABLE LIVING! and equipment desired. glass doors, $125. For- Yakima, W ashington Excellent c o mputer,BORDER COLLIE pups. A LL YOU ca n e a t mica counter top 1 8x12 downtown, furnished stucustomer service, and Born on Christmas day! pizza and Utah/Oregon piece one 2x8 brown dios, Rent $345-$385, problem solving skills 3 girls and 2 boys. Vac- Gun Class. Meacham, marble, brand new $50. utilities included, small required. Compensation cinated and ready to go. Oregon. March 23"', 3pm. Large single pendant refrig, micro, twin bed, DOE. Contact Mike at Will be good workers! Contact Grant Asher light, frosted glass, new dresser, bus line, secure, 541-519-6832 Baker City $300. 5 4 1-518-9284541-571-4600, admin@ $40. Two long tables mini storage available. syv Baker City pwc, www. $10 each. New gazebo 509-248-2146 uws utahconcealedhandgun. 12x12 $75. Would con1" 2" 3"'cutting Alfafa com, FRONT STORE www. sider barter for outdoor CLERK WANTED under tarps, high quality furniture. View at 9015 Duties include: Prompt feed, $160.00 per ton. dwa French Gulch Rd. Baker 8 professional response 541-786-0376 pwa 170 JD lawn mower, City 541-519-7399 hvr to customers entering PILOT ROCK 38in deck, standard the store or via phone. GUN SHOW shift, $825.00. 2 long QUEEN SIZED, AII Provide expert advice on WANTED TO Rent: 2105 March 28th-29th, 2015, shaft lower units for 1994 wood, 4 Poster Bed. 9 a m-5pm,Spread and Shams in- Force, $100.00 ea. 2 paint products 8 appli- pasture for 20-30 pair in Saturday cation techniques, pre- Wallowa County, Joseph/ Sunday9am-3pm, atthe cluded. $500. Call 541- new 2 "/~x12!n cylinders, pare paint orders, ship Imnaha area. 541-398- Pilot Rock Community 663-9005 La Grande hur $25.00 ea. Electric chain orders, stock shelves, 2852 pvs Center, 285 NW Cedar hoist, $50.00. Manual Place. Admission $5 per SPLIT-KING adjustable hoist, $50.00. Craftsman process transactions and assist in store promoperson. dyc memory foam bed with table saw, 10in 3hp with tions. Regularly lift/move STAY ANDAWAY massage and 2 wireless mitre on rollers, $200.00. heavy inventory. Must PET SERVICES ADVERTISE IN 12 pa- remotes, 2yrs old, excel- Miscellaneous items, lent condition in smoke- grill, table, ladder and be able to regularly lift OBEDIENCE TRAINING 10 - 50¹ daily. Minimum Multiple AKC Titles, Pet pers, 25 words or less for free home, $2,500.00 so forth. 541-562-5469 of six months retail expe- Sitting At Your Cove only $75. a week. 4 state firm. 541-523-4978 Bak- Union mws rience a must. Previous Home. Horses 8 Live- 8 Canada coverage, 27 er City hud experience or knowledge stock too. Bonded. Dog of paint would be an as- Grooming The Way You papers to choose from. set. Must posses strong Want Your Dog To Look. PANAWAN. 963-6237. interpersonal skills and 541-975-4550 Cove pyb 1-800-654-5829 work well with others. To apply please present a resume to WorkIs For Sale By Owner for you? Source of Oregon, 1901 lÃNNII ~.P~ Do youneed tosellyourHome? Adams Ave, Suite 4, La L'earn about homeownersh!p Are youupside downon Grande. Reference job Pbdfore youbuy a horne your mortgage? ¹1 331881. sws a cli 14, 2014, 3:00 a,m.-2: r n .

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Real Estate Eastern Oregon


Community Connection 2810 Cedar Street, Baker .Presenthd by;-Debbie,'Votaw; gousing Resouice.'Cen eI1vlanager of C/NO "


TILTING BACK traction table, $100.00 obo. Miller Wire Feed Welder with spool gun, $550.00 obo. 541-562-6212 U nion mvs


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COMMERCIAL 8 residential land for sale: 2100 sq. ft., 2 bathrooms, updated heating, 4 tax lots in all, 3 are multi residential, ready to develop, lot size is .54 acres, see at 611 6th St., Umatilla, asking $140,000, no contracts; 541-720-8894 ewp

CANADIAN TOWING Business for sale in Trail/ Castlegar, BC. Close to skiing, golfing, airports, hospital. Option to purchase land. Interested parties only,, 250231-1173 (daytime only) eul

GREAT RECREATION mobile home, located a mile from Snake River, Oxbow Oregon, newer washer, dryer, and refrigerator. $10,000. cash. 541-523-2472 tvc

PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIVING 5 bedroom, 3 b a th two-story home, 9.77 acres, north of Summerville. Wood stove. Garage. Shop. Garden. Dog run. Livestock facilities. Pasture plus timber. Mountain and valley views, $364,000. 541534-2333 Summerville evwb

NOW RENTING Brand new construction! Units available now, CLASSIFIED E-MAIL Pendleton Heights neigh- address; ads@lagranborhood. 2 bedroom, 2 bath duplex, 996 sq. ft., $895/month.3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex, 1210 sq. ft., $1045/ month. 1013 Senior andDisabled Jared Circle, Pendleton, Oregon 97801; call 541276-6638, TTY pendleto- applications.Income heights@cascade-man- restrictions apply., w w w. cascade-management. com, EqualHousing Opportunity uuf

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Page 10 e-mail e


The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

• e

MEADOW HARROWS, LARGE BLUE couch 31ST ANNUAL Idaho various widths to meet with recliners on both Salers Bull and Female your needs. Available Sale, Tuesday, March in "/e" 8 5/8" diameter. n SOL D et s , 24th, 1pm MST,Treasure A ssembled or s a ve rarely used 300. 541- Valley Livestock, Caldassemble yo u rself. 786-1497. Summerville well, Idaho. For informaGyllenberg Equipment, tion, call 208-924-5106 Baker City 541-523-7823 hvh or 208-356-4795 pqi fyg SET OF four vintage PASTURE WANTED for mule ear chairs with 6 TON Grass Hay, cattle. Pairs or yearling split hickory seats, solid $140.00 loaded. 1 ton heifers. Willing to pay up maple, $395. Pictures alfalfa, $220.00, small to $40 for pairs or $25 available. 541-263-1393 bales. 541-910- 5912 for yearlings, depending Enterprise hus Union pvr on feed type. Long term leases preferred AKC CHOCOLATE Lab but willing to look at all Puppies, 3 females left, options. 541-518-9284 KING BOX s p ring, $425.00. 541-856-3601 or 541-518-9283 If no or 541-519-7520 Haines $75. Free Queen matanswer please leave tress. 541-786-5512 La pwc message! Baker City fcc Grande hva FOR SALE: 3 adorable chiahua puppies, 6 weeks old, $125.00. 541786-5677 Cove pum

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MXU 500i 4X4: $0 down, $145/ month, 60 months; www., 541-922-1213. vub MXU 150: front 8 rear brakes, utility racks 8 automatic transmission with reverse, electric start, $0 down, $95/ month, 36 months; www., 541-9221213. vub

OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. "We sell, rent, buy and move containers." InstaStor, Inc. 509-765-1376. www. See us on Facebook! myg

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PLAZA CUTTER hypertherm power max 380, $1,395.00 new, used only 4hrs, sell for $700.00 obo. 1994 Crestliner, 19ft, SportFish 175, 4cyl inboard, Volvo outdrive, 8hp 4 stroke Yamaha electric start, excellent condition, very low hours, $6,500.00 obo. Miscel laneous sun grow light, ballast and much more, make offer. 541-786-3418 or 541786-3419 Union mum

1998 SL60 Freightliner with pickup bed, very good condition, Cummins with 5spd. 1996 F-150 4x4, good condition, good paint, 6cyl 5spd, $4,300.00. 2004 Dodge diesel, 1 45, 000mi, flatbed, custom bumper, excellent condition, $23,000.00. 541379-0851 La Grande aub

HEAVY GAUGED galvanized horse/ livestock panels, gates, shelters, custom stall f r onts, complete arena set-ups 8 more. Factory direct! ID¹RC-20843, OR¹ 190181, WA¹ LUC KYA933DW. Lucky Acres Fencing, Inc. 208-7461228, www .LuckyAcres. net pwl

A.R.E. PICKUP canopies: call for current specials; High Desert Marine main Hwy, Hermiston, Oregon, 541-567-8419 aum

EXPERIANCE RANCH HELP WANTED Bear Creek Ranch, La Grande, OR. Registered Black Angus operation. Is looking for part time / full time Spring and 1956 FORD Mainline Summer help. Starting 2 door coupe, 95% re- early March, we have stored, $22,000.00. Call part time work with flex509-480-7211 La Grande ible hrs for someone awr with cattle experience, to help process new born 93 FORD Ranger XLT calves. 2-4 hrs a day. Extended Cab 4x4, ac, A great job for student cruise, 5spd, 145,000mi, still attending school. runs great, $3,500.00 This job will also exobo. 541-786-5640 Elgin pand weather permitting avl to include other Spring ranch get ready work,95 FORD F 250 XLT like fence repairs etc. PowerStroke Die- This job can turn into full sel 7.3 Liter, flatbed, time as we get to Sumline at www.thompsonrv. PIANO OR tilt, ac, cruise, power mer for the right person. com, or call us at 800GUITAR LESSONS windows, ex t ended Reined Cow Horse Pro459-4836, Pendleton vxt JOYFUL SOUNDS cab, 224,000mi, 4x4, gram. In May we have a PIANO STUDIO $5,000.00 obo. 541-786- full time position open for In La G r ande O r 5640 Elgin avl a well experienced horse Via S kype. B e ginassistant. This job reners welcome. www. CHEVY 1/2 ton, alu- quires lots of experience m inum wheels a nd and ability working foals Where Students Develop lug nuts with 10 ply all andmares, yearlingsand A Love Of MusicThrough season 60K mile radi- show horses in training. An Enjoyable Learning al tires. 80% tread life. And plenty of stall and Experience. 541-910- $650 Firm. 541-562- barn cleaning, feed3992 La Grande mvh 1099 Union avb ing an d g r ooming. Too read more about BROWNING BAR Safari THE NICKEL TOLL free these jobs and email 2, 300 Win Mag, w/ hard- 1-800-654-5829. us a letter or resume case 7 2 clips, $1,200.00 with your qualifications Tex Tan saddle, new CM TRUCK BEDS. and experience, go to cinches 8 Latigos, new All sizes. 5 styles avail- BearCreekRanchCowbucking rolls, $800.00 able. 541-523-9324 or Jobs. swh obo. 2 Ruger Vaquero 541-406-9583 Baker City single action, Special aws 25 TOP quality large Editions, 1 for $600.00 framed black cows: to obo, 1 e xtra fancy, start calving March 1st, $1,200.00 obo. 541-910- 1997 SUBARU Impreza will sell 5 or more, de3665 La Grande muw Sport, 4x4, auto, 166k, livery available; for more A/C, great tires 8 interi- information contact Joe SEED SWAP Saturday, or, runs great. New tim- Chappell 509-301-4402, March 14'", 11am-2pm. ing belt, radiator, tranny Milton-Freewater, OreFolly Farm, 67364 Squire service. Poor p aint! gon puh Loop in Cove. 541-805- $2,595.00. 5 4 1-9638563 or FoolyFarmOre- 9358 or 541-963-5646 THE NICKEL TOLL free mve La Grande auf 1-800-654-5829. 14" GREGOR: with trailer and 9.9 Mercury 4-stroke, $1200; 541422-7029 vum ATTENTION HANFORD, Argonne and Idaho Na1986 YAMAHA Terra- tional Lab (INL) workers: pro 350, for parts only. Did you, your spouse New tires. 541-534-9421 or your parent become Summerville vvb ill after building nuclear weapons? You may be 2004 FATBOY Harley entitled to up to $400,000 Davidson, e x c ellent from the US Department condition, 30,000 original miles, lots of extras. of Labor. For more in$9,500.00 obo, cash formation, call Attorney or trade, 541-886-2094 Hugh Stephens at (800) Wallowa vxm 548-4494. We assist with claims, appeals, impairTHOMPSON RV is East- ment ratings, wage loss ern Oregon"s largest RV and home/health care. dealer: family owned and 2495 Main St., Buffalo, operated for 40 years; browse our inventory on- NY. mvc

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The Nickel - March 05, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 11 I •

TIRES/RIMS OFF Dodge Dakota, T255 70R16, price negotiable. 541-786-3074 Union auh

Reznor gas h e ater, CIRCLE J aluminum 13' 40,000 btu, electronic BP trailer, 2007. w/mats, ignition, $350.00. Jeff tack pkg, spare; 3,000 Stevens 541-963-8671 mi, immaculate. $5,000. La Grande mws 541-742-2244 Halfway SUPERCREW, LUXURY pvm 2009 Ford F-150 4x4 SOCIAL SECURITY DisSupercrew FX4 Off- ability Benefits. Unable LUCKY FRIDAY Bull Road Luxury package, to work? Denied bene- Sale, March 13, 2pm longbed, $22,000.541- fits? We Can Help! WIN at Lewiston Livestock 786-5263 La Grande awl or Pay Nothing! Contact Market, Lewiston, Idaho Bill Gordon 8 Associ- or Bid Live: InCountry 1952 WILLIS Military ates at 1-800-317-4986 TV Channel 232, www. Jeep, rebuilt trans, new to start your application radiator, $2, 950.00 today! tfn or obo. 541-786-0048 La KIMBERLEY BLACK Grande aul GOT KNEE Pain? Back CATTLE. Featuring 80 Pain? Shoulder Pain? head of Angus yearling 1950 CHEVY 2 door Get a p a in-relievingbulls and 10 select ranch hardtop, no motor, proj- brace, little or NO cost to geldings. Luke Blewett, ect car, $6,500.00. 509- you. Medicare Patients 208-874-2080, (Ifo@ 480-7211 or 541-786- Call Health Hotline Now! KimberleyBlackCattle. 0086 La Grande avr 1-800-408-8103 tfn com), Mike Winroth, 208790-3535, (www .Kim2003 DODGE Durango SELL YOUR structured SLT, 129K miles, 4.7L, settlement or annuity pvc Automatic, 4 Door, Ve- payments for CASH lour Interior, 3rd row NOW. You don't have to GRASS HAY, all natuseat, runs excellent, wait for your future pay- ral, no weeds, no rain, extra set of snow tires, ments any longer! Call small bales, $140/ton. Grass hay, small bales, $5200. 541-403-1112 1-800-628-8710 tfn Baker City aub with rain $4/bale. Wheat REDUCE YOUR Past straw small bales, $2/ FOR SALE: Four LT Tax Bill by as much as bale. Barley hay 3x4 2 35/75R15 All T e r- 75%. StopLevies,Liens bales, good quality, 10 rain Radial SXT and 8 Wage Garnishments. bales, $70/bale. 541four Wintercat Radial Call The Tax DR Now to 805-4936 La Grande pvk SST on Ford Explorer see if you Qualify 1-800wheels, 25-305% tread, 455-7198 tfn PASTURE WANTED for eight tires four wheels, cattle. Pairs or yearling $220.00 obo. 541-910- JETWOOD SHAPER heifers. Willing to pay up 0076 La Grande awr one inch spindle, 2hp, to $40 for pairs or $25 single phase, $600.00. for yearlings, depending FOUR P225/60R6 tires Delta Table Saw, 8in on feed type. Long term on Subaru alloy wheels, single phase, $400.00. leases preferred but will$450; 5 4 1-422-7029Vertical wood cutting ing to look at all options. aum band saw, 14in single 541-518-9284 or 541phase, $200.00. Riddid 518-9283 If no answer AUTOMATIC AND threading machine MOD pleaseleave message! STANDARD Transmis- 535 with dies, $1,200.00. Baker City pcc sion Repair and Rebuild- Radial arm saw, 10in, ing. Reasonable Prices, $125.00. Miscellaneous 28 years in La Grande lathe 8 mill tooling. 541Call 541-963-7087 La 468-3133 Spray mwh Grande axm CHEVY RIMS 8 tires, LT265/75R16 $150.00. PICKUP FLATBEDS, Goodyear W r angler and front end replace- RTS, new, P245/75R16, ments, many styles to $50.00. Queen futon, choose from. Call Pio- $150.00. OBO all items. neer West 541-663-9378 541-523-2766 Baker City La Grande axp mwr

8HP ENGINE, Briggs 8 Stration industrial plus with gear reductor. Less than 4hrs Running time. $350.00. 4000 watt Yamaha Generator. with Electric Start, With less than 20hrs Running time, $1,200.00. Call 541-4030447 Baker City mzc

WEED BURN with tank, propane heater, chain hoist, 10in 3hp Craftsman table saw on rollers, $250.00. Air nail gun, bins with lots of new bolts, $50.00. 100lb bottle tank, $50.00. 4 ladders, garden tools, fishing gear, 160 JD 14hp Kohler engine, 38in ON THE web? Try these: deck. 277 JD 4 wheel www. steer, with lawn trailer. w ww. U n i o n B a - 541-562-5469 U nion g e l S h o p . c o m mus www. www. UnionLibraryUSED MOWERS 4 mvs SALE 2- JD 275 Lawn Tractors, ONE BEEF ready to eat, 1- MCGHS Walker. Very March 1st. Lowry Ranch. clean Mowers! 541-963541-519-4523. Baker 4985 La Grande mai City mul Any Item $25 or less, MILLER BOBCAT250NT Free, or Lost/Found, get welder generator, 20hp 1 week FREE in The Onan with 1 0,000w Nickel. generator, 558 h rs, $2,200.00. 5 4 1-9754216 Elgin muh 8- 1100-22.5 steel California style truck wheels, $100.00 for all 8. 541975-4216 Elgin muh SEED SWAP Saturday March 7'", 11am-2pm. Baker Botanicals, 3797 10'" Street in Baker City. 541-403-1969 mue RUBBER STAMPS! Starting at $16.60 each. TREADMILL E XERCISER, Crosswalk 390, Electric, $250. Exercise bench, $100 Both like new. 541-523-2638 Baker City muh

ReligiOn iS What men do fOr God, but the GOSPel iS What God doeS

for mankind. Religion ends in the Outer reformatioin; the GOSPel makes an inward recreation. There are many religions, but only One GOSPel. JOin uS to liSten to the reVerent StOry Of the GOSPel.

Sunday 4:00 pm 62851 PhilyndaLp Kurts RV Service. Island City, OR

• • I

CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo

ANTIQUE MONARCH wood and electric working kitchen range. All parts there, including the manual, $500. View online at lagrandeinickel. BUYING ANTLERS! com 541-910-1338 Cove Any type, any condition, hvr will pay more for craft antlers. Will pay cash. GOLD EMBROIDERED Call Craig, 541-910-2640 QUEEN BEDSPREAD Union dxd gold embroidered queen bedspread, $20. black/ NEW PISTOLS over melon neckroll, $10, 100 in stock can special black, gold, melon 5x7 order an y f i r earms rug-$25, 3 black decor or do i n ternet gun pillows-$15, black queen transfers.541-523-9448 sheets-$20, black beadBaker City dxw ed garland-$8, massage chair insert-$20, elecPRICE R E DUCED!tric dog nail grinder SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 (new)$20, 2 black/gold grips, night sights, mag scrollwork vases-$20, pouch, holster, travel pink cushioned rocker, box, 115and 214round $10, black futon couch, magazines, $650.00. 541-910-6148 I sland $15. 541-403-0012 Baker City hug City dxf

~gg, 0 8YS,cp IS DowN 1. S MONGOOSE10

A ges 6 & U p , E le c t r i c S t a r t

0 Dow n



S haft D n v e , L i q u i d C o o l e d , S p e e d o R a c k s , H igh/ Lo w T r a n s m i s s i o n

0 D ow n

m t h 7 . 9 % 6 0 m t h s~


F o r w a r d / R e v e r s e A u to T r a n s , E le c t r i c S t a r t , F r o n t & R e a r B ra k e s

0 D ow n

$5 9

m t h , 7. 9 %

6 0 m t h s~

3 6 Mo . o' MXU 300


City of Union Rodeo Flea Market


$8 5

mt h 7. 9 % 6 0 m t h s ~

M Xll 450 I I R S





3 3 hp Fuel I nj e c t ed, A ut o T r a n s , R everse & H i g h / L o w G e a r , 4x 4

0 D ow n


m t h 7 . 9 % 6 0 m t h s~


MXll 150

M AXXER 450I 4 X 4

F ron t & R e a r B r a k e s , U t i l i t y R a c k s & A uto T r a n s w / R e v e r s e E l e c t r i c S t a r t

0 Dow n


mt h

1.9 % 3 6 m t h s~

l lXll 450 I 4 X 4

Great For The San o r M o u ntams, Best All Aroun ATV 4X4 w / Lo w Range, H>gh/Low Reverse Trans

0 D ow n


m th 7. 9 % 6 0 m t h s

M Xll 5 0 0 I 4 X 4

0 Dow n , 6 .9% , 60 mths*

June 13, 20j5- 9am-4pm $20.00beforeMay 4'" -$25.afterMa y 4th

The 'City of Union' is havingaFlea Market on Saturday, (During StockShow Week). We are looking for all different kinds of Vendors!!

Come and Join us in our: "1" Annaal Rodeo Flea Market". This is going to be a profitable event in Union. More information & Application contact: Charma 541-562-5270-m ~ ecdv

Email: RodeoFleaMarket®gmailcom

*S>m>larto Pho

Compact M>d S>ze Des>gn F>ts Into Full S>ze Bck ups 0 D o w n

14 5

m t h 7 . 9 % 6 0 m t h s~

UXV 500I SP 4X4 .

I I , '

Lots of Accessories, & Sports Package




Best Ileal Around

0 Down $185" mth, 6.9% 60 m t h s*



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to alu


t ors on Campb I S t on tuality Pre-Owned Cars 8

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BAKER GITY 2300 MainStreet, BakerCity, OR97814

1997 FORD F-250 EX CAB '

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Stk ¹14T3213 PW, PL, CC, CD,AC

Stk ¹1 5P0101 4X4,

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SA LE: $4 995 was;garsss SALE: $9 995 H O N DA C I V I C S I 1999 FORD F-250 SUPERCAB





was:~$2 00 7

Stk ¹14T3604 7.3L DIESEL, 4X4, PW, PL, CC, CD,AC,TW, MUSTSEE 6 DRIVE



wa~rsfs SALE: $12 995 was:~i

2004 DODGERAM 2500

800-342-3915 SALE : $13¹995


' 800-342-3915 800-342-3915 SAL E: $13 995was:W99',> SALE: $14¹995

2 011 FORD TA U RU S •


2 0 0 8 FO R D F-3 5 0


2003 CHRYSLER 300

2 01 1

800-342-3915 was:$47,915SALEI $ I4 995 wasw'wss


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$6 847


¹14P326 AUTO, PW, PL, 4CYL


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StI< ¹15P021 AWD PW, PL,CC, CD,AC, TW

Stk ¹14T3072 PW, PL, CC CD,AC


2001 CHEV ROLETSILVERADO 2 002 H O N D A A C C O R D E X Stk ¹14D6913 SII(¹14P32 93 g® 15DD, AUTO, P 5SPEED, LOWMILES,



800-614-2608 $11I647 2009 CHEVROLETSUBURBAN NTRY


$16 797 800-614-2608 $16,537


~ ®


Stk ¹15P0041 4X4, PW PL, CREWCAB

Stk¹15P033 LEATHER, AUTO, PW, PL,4X4


SALE: $24y995 800-614-2608 $~'I s®87 800-614-2608 $~5$ 877 2 01 0 F O R D F - 1 5 0 2 01 3 F O R D F - 1 5 0 20ii FORD EDGE LIMITED

was~upss SALE: $24 995 was:>~s 2014 SUBARU OUTBACK Stk ¹15P062 PREMIUM, AWD, PW,PL,CC,CD, AC, TW



800-342-3915 wasmmsf SALE: $24 995


SALE: 24 995


800-614-2608 $~7 4 8 7


8 0 0 -614-2608 3 0 9 9 7


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