La Grande Nickel 03-24-2016

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Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Mar,24 2016

~0 ft regtb

"People ers toRea he Nickel " /2AdamsAve, ~e, OR-97850 ~r andenickel.corn b r for Classifie -WI00-654-58 JSIIJ 963-6237 ~1

5gah tllis QR yo View CurreIlt

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GOT AN older car, boat or Rv/? Do the humane And the angel answered thing: Donate it to the and said unto the womHumane Society. Call en, Fear not ye: for I 1-800-419-6574 tfn know thaty ye seek Jesus which was crucified. ELK HUNTING on priHe is not here: for he is vate land, archery and risen, as he said. Come, rifle, call for details, fee's see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew 28:5-6 apply, call 541-534-9421 meb



• • I



Auto- Home - Life - Commercial- Boat-RV 1430 WashingtonAve.,La Grande, OR 97850

BRAND NEW tires, two 255/70/R16, fits 19972003 F150 $200.00 call 541-962-5316 afg

GRASS HAY, b a rn stored. S mall bales $4.50/bale. Call 541786-2986 pbh

SET OF 4 radial tires on Chevy style, ralley wheels, chrome dual bolt v pattern 6"x14 $400.00 all as new. Call 541-7860734 afh

18 YEAR old Bay Quarter Horse mare: 14 1/2 hands, gentle and sweet, $1800; 541-969-8324, Pendleton. pgd

ALL-NEW YXZ1000R &~ W W %

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The 4 Y e a r IFac t o r y W a r r a n t y o f f e r c o n s i s t s o f a st a nd ar d 1 ye a r fa c t o r y w a r r a n t y pl u s s n a d d i t i o n a l 3 years o f a dd i t i o n a l f a c t o r y w ar r a n t y c o v e r a g e . T h e a d d i t i o n a l fa c t o r y wa rr an t y o f fe r i s s ubj ec t t o a 960 .0 0 de d u c t i b ' l e p e r v i • it a f t e r t h e fi r s t y e a r . The 2 n d ye a r po w e r t r s i n w a r r a n t y o f f e r co n s i s t s o f t h e stan d a r d 1 ye a r ma n u f a c t u r er wa r r a n t y , p l u s 1 a d d i t i o n a l y e a r o f wa r r a n t y o n p o w e r t r a i n c o m p o n e n t s . A SSQ d e d u c t i b l e a p p l i e s d u r i n g t h e 2n d y e a r o f t h e p ow s rt r s i n w a rr a n t y . A l l l re b s t e s a r e p a i d t o t h e dealer. The S n a w C h e c k o f f er s ef f ec t i v e a n all ne w 2 0 1T Pol a r i s sn o w m c b i l e s p u r c h a s e d f ro m a partic i p a t i n g P o l a ris d e a l e r b e t w e e n 2 / 2 9 / 1 6 s n d 4 / 1 2 / 1 6 . I f s n o w m ob i l e i s n o t w a rr a n t y r e g i s t e r e d b y 1 2/31 / 2 0 1 6 , t h i s o ff e r b e c o m e s i n v a liid. O f f e r e x c l u d e d o n I n d y 1 2 0 m o d e l s . S e e d e a l e r f a r f u l l M Y 1 6 Snow C h e c k p r o g r a m d e t s g s . P r o g r a m su b j e c t to m o d i f i c a t i o n a r t e r m i n a t i o n a t s n y t i m e .

Page 2 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn

The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237


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NOTICE: C l a ssifiedCASH FOR guns, we Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. buy guns at Oregon Trail Changes or cancella- Trader, 2312 Adams tions must be in by 5pm Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo Monday.

2004 FAT BOY Harley OPENINGS NOW avail. Davidson, e x c ellentFor beginner piano lescondition, 30,000 origi- sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. nal miles, lots of extras. Safe 8 fun environment! $9,500.00 obo, cash Call 541-805-9741 for or trade, 541-886-2094 more info! La Grande Wallowa vxm bxw

BUYING ANTLERS! Any type, any condition, TWO LARGE purple vas- will pay more for craft es $25.00, call 541-910- antlers. Will pay cash. 1450 zem Call Craig, 541-910-2640 THOMPSON RV is Eastern Oregon" s largest RV Union dxd dealer: family owned and FOUND: FULL body NEW PISTOLS over operated for 40 years; horse blanket on McKen- 100 in stock can special browse our inventory onf i r earmsline at www.thompsonrv. zie Lane, Summerville. order an y or do i n ternet gun corn, or call us at 800Call 541-786-1988 to transfers.541-523-9448 identify. zew 459-4836, Pendleton Baker City dxw vxt


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SERVE YOUR COUNTRY!!! Want a little cash? Want to go to college? Have way too many student loans? Ever thought about serving your country? The Oregon National Guard gives you tuition assistance and the MGIB so you can start/finish your college degree. If you already have your degree we offer the student loan repayment of $50,000 dollars!!! Plus you gain the knowledge, experience, and motivations to jump start your career. Imagine having your college totally paid for and a drill pay check. Want more information call SSGT Lori McNeil 541-786-1459 La Grande area. bxm Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The Nickel.

a et ti ee ice uction Friday April 1st@6pm At New Song Church 3008 Cove Ave, La Grande, OR

ANTLERS WANTED: BUSINESS CARDS! $35 PLACE AN AD TODAY! Elk, Deer, Moose. Pay for 500 count. HUGE INDOOR to $13.00 a lb. 541-9108782 La Grande wkb ESTATE SALE WE DO AUCTIONS 402 S. 12th St. La CLARK AND Daughter LOOKING FOR MAGrande, Friday 8 SatAuctions Eastern OreTURE LADY ROOMATE gon's professional auc- urday March 25th, 26th, Would like to share my 8:00am-? Everything tioncompany. We do clean home on South estate, farm, business goes, furniture, glass side of La Grande. I am liquidation, or personnel ware, dishes, linens, widowed and would ennew recliner, glass cabproperty auctions. Conjoy company. Located in tact us www.clark-auc- inet, clothes, miniatures, nice quiet neighborhood and complete set of chitions Roger Clark aucon a cul-de-sac with sideed toys, knick tioneer 541-910-0189 na, stuff walks and street lights. knacks, pictures, clocks, gxc You will have your own yard decorations, vases, furnished bedroom and bedding, and 67 years of MOVING SALE, Friday bath and shared kitchen accumulation, free items. and Saturday March 25'", and living area. Rent is 26'" 8-4, must sell furni- Absolutely no early birds. very nominal. 541-663La Grande ges ture and more, dining set 8246La Grande tfn and chairs, entry table, ESTATE SALE VALLEY REFORMED lots to see, affordable. 2502 Cove Ave, La 2403 E N. Ave Call 541CHURCH Grande, March 25,26th Through March 27, 2016 910-4622 gep 7:30am-3:00pm, March will be meeting at the 27th 10:00am-2:00pm Union County ExtenPrimitive cupboard, vinsion Conference Room, tage oak furniture, drop 10507 N. M c Alister front desk, oak arm chair, AKC STANDARD Poodle (across from Bronsonsi. oak rocker, vintage oak older spayed/ neutered Beginning April 3, 2016 Valley Reformed Church puppies. See online at sewing machine, old kerwill be meeting at the www.OurPoeticPoodles. osene lamps, cook book Union County Senior corn. Cream 8 apricot collection, 1930's vintage Center, 1504 N. Albany, colored, sewing machine, large La Grande, www.valley- housebroken, all vac- oak desk, area rugs, wall co m plete, 541- cinations includes 2-year health art, lots of vintage books, 428-2177 wfm guarantee. Also accept- vintage clothing, jewelW ILLING TO pickupany ing deposits on new litter ry, stereo cabinet, roll around cart, and videos. unwanted scrap metal. ready this spring. 509Vintage record collection 582-6027 pef Please call Ricky at 541LP vinyls, ABBA, Quarter 910-5278 wee TWO NIGERIAN Flash,Michael Jackson, CAREGIVER WANT- DWARF GOAT WETH- Led Zeppelin, Chicago, ERS ED, 2 1/2-3 hours a day, KISS, Asia, Journey, They are approximately George Michael, Bay $9.25 an hour. Must have references, call 9 months old, very friend- City Rollers, Bread, Neil ly and will make excellent Diamond, Scorpions, 541-963-0126 wgr pets. Selling as a pair, Prince, Van Halen, Taxx, WANTED: PICKUP tires, asking $150.00 OBO. size 245/75/R16, dog Call 541-975-3074 or Europe plus many others kennel, leave message, text if interested. Sum- including Western arts. Vintage Star Trek, Elvis call 541-437-5661 agm merville pft Presley memorabilia, glass work, granite ware, and library table. geb

High Country Post 4 Poles 59854Pierce Rd., I.a Grande

LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER 1x4, 1x6, 1x12 BOARD k BAT 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best buys on treated fence posts A peeled rails. Fence Stays 1.10 ea.

Call Ron963-6258or 805-9279

Benefit for Elijah Simonisfor Lyme'sTreatment Live Auction Begins at7pm For Donations orQuestionscall 541-805-5735 Elijah SimonisLyme'sFund gofundme.corn/elijahsimonis


AUCTION April 2nd, 2016, 10am, Umatilla County Fairgrounds, Hermiston, Oregon. 20" cargo trailer, 1986 Ford diesel pickup, vintage piano stool, fishing, tools, glassware, lots of miscellaneous. Look for a larger listing in the Nickel on the 31st. View photos at Mbz Liquidations on Facebook; 541571-6280. gez


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The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 3

Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report FISHING, HUNTING, WILDLIFE VIEWING http:l/www.dfw.state. March 24th, 2016




Weekend fishing opportunities: The Wallowa River is fishing well for steelhead and the bulk of a very healthy run is on the way. ODFW rolls out 'trophy trout' program at five Oregon fishing venues Thousands of extra-large hatchery rainbow trout will be released in several Oregon fishing holes this spring as the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife rolls out an enhanced "Trophy Trout" program this year to add a little juice to the spring trout season. More than 10,000 two-pound rainbows ranging from one to three pounds will be released at five locations around the state starting from now through May. Trophy Trout locations for 2016 are: Phillips Reservoir in Baker County, Willow Creek Reservoir in Morrow County, Timothy Lake in Clackamas County, Trojan Pond in Columbia County, and Garrison Lake in Curry County. Winter steelhead fishing There is still excellent winter steelhead fishing to be had around the state but some fisheries have already seen their peaks — so get out while the getting is still good. Alert anglers will keep any eye on their favorite streams to look for the perfect combination of color, temperature, and flow. Introducing Premium Hunts — Apply by May 15 ODFW's new Premium Hunts give you the chance to draw a deer, elk or pronghorn tag with a months-long season. Premium Hunts are similar to the auction and raffle tags that people can pay thousands of dollars for, but cost the same as a regular tag. Apply by May 15. More info Last chance for goose hunting Late goose hunting seasons close March 10. Sign up now for turkey hunting clinic on April 2 (for kids age 8-17) Registration is now open for this popular annual clinic at White River Wildlife Area. Deadline to register is March 28. WALLOWA RIVER: steelhead, mountain whitefish The Wallowa River is fishing well and the bulk of a very healthy run is still to come. Biologists expect catch rates to be very good as the season progresses into the spring. This year's run of steelhead is one of the best in recent years and catch rates have been good throughout the season. Winter fishing between Minam and the mouth at Rondowa can be very good for anglers willing to walk. Remember, the new closure date for the Wallowa River steelhead fishery is now April 30. Year-round fishing for hatchery trout is now allowed under the 2016 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. Remember, the Wallowa is also a whitefish factory and can produce some large fish. Whitefish are native to Oregon and are a respected sportfish across the west. Whitefish can be great in the smoker and are a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing. To catch them, use beadhead nymphs a size ¹1 2-16 hook and fish for them in quick runs that are knee to waist deep. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR Wolves in Northeast Oregon Wolves are protected by state law and it is unlawful to shoot them. Coyote hunters in northeastern Oregon need to take extra care to identify their target as wolves can look like coyotes, especially wolf pups in the mid-summer and fall. Please report any wolf sightings or wolf sign to La Grande office (541) 963-2138 or online with the Wolf Reporting Form. Use the Oregon Hunting Map to see where to hunt. UNION COUNTY Cougars are common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Remember to pick up a tag for 2016. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. BAKER COUNTY Cougars can be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2016 tag. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Hunting Season i s now closed. Glass Hill Unit is closed to all entry Feb. 1 through March 31 for the protection of wintering Deer and Elk. Vehicles, camping and fires are prohibited on the wildlife area during all closures. For more information please call 541 963 4954 WALLOWA COUNTY Coyote: Good numbers of coyotes can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. Cougar numbers are moderate throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques. Remember you need 2016 tag to hunt as of Jan. 1.

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The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •

SMALL BALES, grass hay, no rain, barn stored $160.00 ton. Call 541568-4316 Cove pfm


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QUALITY 14" brown handmade western saddle, matching breast collar $500. Alpine yearling goat, castrated, black, currant on v accines, worming and trimming, bred and raised for packing, $50. 541-963-5462. La Grande pgm RED ANGUS Bulls: private treaty, $2800$5500; 541-481-2866. Hermiston phd


6 8 8 5 7 A L LE N C A N Y O N L OO P WALLowA , Q R 9 7 8 8 5


SILVA BROTHERS 10th Annual Show Pig Auction, Saturday, April 16, Moses Lake, WA. High quality Al show pigs. January, February and March litters. 509-361-9633. www. silvabrosshowpigs.corn php



GERMAN S H ORTHAIRED Pointer pups, championship b loodlines, 2 females, 5 males, born March 9, both parents hips 8 eyes are certified as good, tails docked, dewclaws removed, first set of shots. The mother is the sweetest female I' ve ever seen 8 she hunts incredibly well, upland bird or waterfowl. 509-981-5443 Medical Lake pew

BLACK ANGUS bull, 2 year old $2650.00 OBO. Call 541-786-8610 pgf

more personal buyer / seller relationship.;


CALL LAD D VIEW Ranch, Babydoll Southdown Sheep NABSSAR registered, taking reservations for spring lambs: breeding, v e getation control, wool, meat, pets. Call or text 541-9108009 pmw


17 LARGE framed 5-8 year old Angus cows: calving now, will sell 2 or more, delivery available; for more information Joe Chappell 509-301-4402, Milton-Freewater. pfh Need CASH?Place anAd

1112 1/2 AdamsAve La Grande, OR97850 541-963-6237• 800-654-5829 www.lagrandenickel.corn adsClagrandenickel.corn •



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GRASS HAY, b a rn stored. S mall bales $4.50/bale. Call 541786-2986 pbh 18 YEAR old Bay Quarter Horse mare: 14 1/2 hands, gentle and sweet, $1800; 541-969-8324, Pendleton. pgd

The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

CASH! FOR quality Antiques 8 Collectibles. I buy older Estates! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La Grande mxj

MUZZLELOADERS AND more, buy, sell, and trade new and used, lots of guns and all your muzzleloaders needs. Call 541-663-2650 Island City mxg

Need an address label stamp for business or just for home? Come into The Nickel to design and order one!

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 5

A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation's largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE / no obligation. CALL 1-800-4103371 tfn

Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The Nickel.

BEVERAGE FOR COMMISSIONER I will work to pay our DARREL FRIESEN Well debts, promote what Services, LLC. Submers- we have t o o ff er, ible pump installation be transparent, and and repairs on water sys- work for the good of tems. Phone 541-562- ALL of Union County! 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. Facebook/Donna BevCCB¹163246 Union, OR erage for Commissioner sxd emaildbcampaign@yahoo.corn bmb NOTICE: C l a ssified Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. BAKER CITY BARE Changes or cancellaBONES tions must be in by 5pm Now Open! Baker City Monday. Bare Bones Beer Tobacco. The Lowest prices in OPENINGS NOW avail. town for Tobacco, Beer, for beginner piano les- Glass Pipes, Vapes and sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. More! Open every day Safe 8 fun environment! from 6am-10pm. 815 Call 541-805-9741 for Campbell St, Baker City. more info! La Grande sxs 541-523-2733 bfa

W A N T E D CENTERFIRE brass cartridges, all calibers, no sorting required, $3 plus/lb. Call 541-519DR. WILLARD G. Ber- 1538 Baker City mxh trand DC now accepting Workmen's comp. and MAN SHACK GUN auto accident injuries. SHOP Call today to get sched- Man Shack Gun Shop is uled 541-963-4068 or ready for you! In house 963- Well. La Grande guns mithing, firearm mxb sales, FFL service, Class 3 weapons, suppressors BARRELS and custom orders. Burn or Storage, $20.00; Locatedin Joseph. Check vented $25.00. Call 541- us out online at www 963-8990 La Grande .ManShackGunShop. mxp c orn, or call for an appointment 800-630FOOD ALLERGYtesting, 6314 or 541-398-1982 cleansing therapy and Joseph dxw hormonal supplementation. Call Dr. Willard AMMO SPE CIAL, Insulated Co n crete Bertrand DC. 963-Well. American Eagle 5.56 Forms Under Slab InLa Grande. Preferred Nato 1050 r o unds sulation Reflective Foil BLACK ANGUS bull, 2 Provider for all major in- $425.00 while they last. Insulation Green Build- year old $2650.00 OBO. surances. mxb Muzzleloader and More. ing Products LLC. La Call 541-786-8610 pgf 541-663-2650 I sland Grande OR 541-786THE NICKEL DOES City mxg 1229 MUD PROBLEMS? ReBUSINESS CARDS! claimed wood chips for Come in and start de- USED 15FT, 3ft wide MAKIN ENTERPRIS- sale $4.50 yd. Premis igning. Starting a t Coleman canoe $150.00. ES, we provide Wallowa um compost available Call 541-910-6085 deg County with Ag, heavy $20.00 yd. Delivery av$32.50 for 500! truck, auto, welding, fab- alable. Waste-Pro 3412 HIGH SCHOOL DI- 2000 FISHER Aluminum rication, irrigation, A/C, Hwy 30, call 541-963PLOMA from home 6-8 16' boat with trailer and service 8 repair. Two 5459 pkl weeks accredited, Get Motors 2001 shop trucks to bring our a diploma! Get a job! 50hp mercury service to you. Call 541- QUALITY GRASS hay, Free Brochure call now! 2004 6hp Nissan kicker 805-1384 Wallowa sem small bales, barn stored, 1-800-264-8330 Benja- Motors run great, Full by the bale, ton, or truck min Franklin HS. www. enclosed top, live well, load. First and second DiplomaFromHome.corn fish finder, two down WE DO AUCTIONS cuttings. Call 541-432ffn riggers that will come CLARK AND Daughter 3310 Joseph pfs with the boat and a Auctions Eastern Orefull cover for storing. gon's professional auc- ALFALFA AND alfalfa/ TOP QUALITY STORAGE BUILDINGS $8500.00 call or text tioncompany. We do es- grass for sale big bales 541-663-0246 541-263-1799 Located in tate, farm, business liqui- 3x3 barn stored no rain Call for sizes and prices. Elgin dep dation, or personal prop- recently put under hay Island City mxc erty auctions. Contact UTAH/ ORE G ON us www.clark-auctions tarps $160 a ton located in Wallowa 541-263WANT YOUR AD TO Concealed F i rearms Roger Clark auctioneer 1618 ask for Casey or COVER A GREATER- Training. Carry in 33 541-910-0189 sxc leave message. pmb states. April 2nd, 9am, AREA? BMCC in Baker City; Come inand speak with contact Grant As her Don at The Nickel about 541-571-4600, admin@ PNAWAN ads. You can grantasher.corn, www. advertise in 12 different utahconcealedhandgun. papers for as low as corn, www. $75.00. Papers in Ore- utahweaponspermit.corn gon, Washingt on, Idaho dea and more! Call 541-9636237 bxn I ,



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The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •

FREE ROOSTERS, call MEET SINGLES right 541-437-5661 zem now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exAny Item $25 or less, change messages 8 Free, or Lost/Found, get connect live. Try it free. 1 week FREE in The Call now: 800-417-7304 Nickel. tfn



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• • I

REGISTERED AQHA 5 year old Palomino gelding: white mane and tail, broke to ride, very gentle; for more information contact Bob Hodnefield, 5 41-938-0118, Mil ton-Freewater.

303 BRITISH, $250.00, Call 800-201-4585. www Wethby 300 WSM scope . CenturaOnline.corn and sling $700.00 call 35556 ffn 541-437-9016 dfc DR. WILLARD G. BerREMINGTON 700BDL trand DC now accepting Like new, with box. Oregon Health Plan In$700.00 541-805-0820 surance. Call today to dfb get scheduled 541-963VALLEY REFORMED LUCKY FRIDAY Bull 4068 or 963- Well. La CHURCH Sale, March 25, 4pm at BRANDON KELLOGG Grande mxb Through March 27, 2016 Lewiston Livestock Mar- O utdoors: Spri n g will be meeting at the ket, Lewiston, Idaho. Chinook, Trophy Walleye $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT Union County Exten- KIMBERLEY BLACK 8 Keeper Sturgeon. cash now!! Injury lawsuit sion Conference Room, CATTLE. Luke Blewett Join us for a day of fun dragging? Need $50010507 N. M c Alister208-874-2080 (info@ in the Columbia Basin $500,000 + within 48 (across from Bronsons). kimberleyblackcattle. where you will fish out hours? Low rates. Apply Beginning April 3, 2016 corn), Mike Winroth 208- of a custom 25" sled now by phone! 1-800Valley Reformed Church 790-3535. www.kimber- that is equipped with top 568-8321. www .Iawcapwill be meeting at the leyblackcattle.corn pec of the line gear. All bait ital.corn 35715 tfn Union County Senior and tackle is provided. Center, 1504 N. Albany, QUALITY LIMOUSIN We offer discounts to ATTEND COLLEGE ONLa Grande, www.valleyBULLS military, women 8 youth. LINE from Home. * 541- Polled, Black or Red, Dates are filling up quick, cal, *Business,*Criminal 428-2177 Ifm Available now. Leave so book your trip today. Justice, *Hospitality. Job message, Wilde Ranch- Gift certificates available; placement assistance. es 541- 454-2995 Brandon 541-377-0733. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. gmw18028@gmail.corn Hermiston dgk SCHEV authorized. Call prw RUBBER S T AMPS! 800-201- 4585. www E D B TOPQUALITYSTORAGEBUILDINGS SELL YOUR STUFF IN Starting at $16.60 each . CenturaOnline.corn. at the Nickel. 35716 tfn THE NICKEL! s IC

B P et e


M a r te n

Toll Free: (800j 682-0589 o o


Orchard Grass Alfalfa, 1st Cutting, 2 String Bales, Shedded, No rain, Will load. $185.00 per ton. 541-568-4441 or 541-910-4441 phk


1 010 2 S M cA l i st e r R d w w w . C o u n t r s i d e S h e d s .c o r n

NORINCO SKS,With Sporter Stock $375.00, 845 RNDS of 7.62x39 $250.00 possible trade 541-893-3380 Richland dfm

• I I




I ,






D •

NO PART of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. Thank you. pxh WANTED: ALL classes of horses. We pick'em up. Call J.A. Bennett Livestock. 541-523-6119 or 541-519-2802 Baker City pxj NOTICE: Changes or cancellations must be in by 5pm Monday.

THE NICKEL 1112 "/~ Adams Ave., La Grande. 963-6237, FIRST AND second 1-800-654-5829. cutting alfalfa for sale. Under tarps, no rain, SOCIAL S E CURITY big bales only. 541-786DISABILITY BENEFITS. 0376 Cove pxa Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! Art Short Horseshoeing. WIN or Pay Nothing! 25 years' experience. Contact Bill Gordon 8 Corrective. Serving BakAssociates at 1-800-317- er, Union, 8 Wallowa 4986 to start your appli- Counties. 541-786-2402. pps cation today! ffn

VALLEY REFORMED CHURCH Through March 27, 2016 will be meeting at the Union County Extension Conference Room, 10507 N. M c Alister (across from Bronsons). Beginning April 3, 2016 Valley Reformed Church will be meeting at the Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany, La Grande, 541428-2177 mfm RESTORE WINDOWS: Restore Windows to it" s pristine state. Removing all Virus" s, Mal-ware, etc., preserving all of your videos, pictures, emails,documents and programs; 5 4 1-4298025. Go here for more information, http: //www.78ez. corn/images/ restore3.png Hermiston mer

UNDER SLAB Insulation, Nudura Insulated Concrete Forms, Reflective Foil House Wrap. Green Building Products LLC, La Grande OR 541786-1229


PPR HORSE Boarding quality care, reasonable rates, shelters w/ runs, arenas, hay included in board. Overnighters welcome. 541-910-4140 LaGrande pxk

28FT ALUMINUM Ladder $150.00, Lazer Level $225.00 Small Concrete Mixer, electric $200.00, Airless Paint Sprayer $250.00, Commercial electric Ti n S h eers $100.00, Roofing Nailer with Nails $175.00, Stanley Air Nailer 16 and 8 Penny Nails 8150.00, Sheet Rock b attery powered screw gun with screws $250.00. 503680-5531 North Powder mern

LOTS HAPPENING at MULTIPLE W O RLD Meacham! March birthChampion B u ckskinday party is Friday, at Stallion - AQHA, ABRA, 4pm. Friday Special folI BHA. 16.1 hands. Bucky lows if you want to stick has proven himself in around. Blue Grass Jam the show ring and as a 2pm on Saturday. Everyproducer. Offspring are one welcome. We will be excelling in working cow closing for Easter Sunhorse, rodeo, pleasure, day. Taco Tuesday starts trail, and halter. He puts at 5pm. Open 7am-7pm, THE NICKEL AT 11121/2 disposition, size, confor7 days a week. HomeAdams Ave., La Grande, mation, and color into made soups and desOR 97850. 1-800-654- his babies. 100% color serts. Awesome biscuits producer - guaranteed! 5829, 963-6237. Hours: True all-around sire! and gravy and outstanding hamburgers; Oregon M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. $550 LCFG - (541) 786- Trailer Store 8 Deli, 5412403 pps 983-2520. mee


BORDER COLLIE pups for sale. 3 blk and white males left. Out of strong working parents. Aggressive towards cattle with lots of bite and brains no bark. Also great family dogs. $250 call 541-5198015 Halfway pdt



Qpen House g 65396 Crescent Rd., lmbler OR 2pm to 4pm, Friday March 25th


I '

+' g+ILY gg+ I


t ' S

SpringintoSpringwith thisstarofthegarden. Thisopen-floor-plan countryhomehas3beds,2 bathswith beautiful bigwindowsto enjoythemountainviews. 2acresbutcloseenoughto schoolto walk! Livestock welcome. Sprinkler system,gasfireplace, concretedriveandRVparking. Somanyextrasyouneedto comeand see.Pricedto sell quicklyat 5348,500.Bouquetofflowerstovisitors!

"Your P rofessional,Reliable,Mobile,R ealtor" Candy Bowman, Principal Broker







Cindy Arnoldus, Broker 541-910-S073

JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY www.cand bowman. house

The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail Pa e 7


R •

AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La Grande axm

FOR SALE, 1997 27' Nash 5th wheel trailer; large slide $9000.00, call 541-523-5730, cell 541-519-1349 Baker City ves

GOT AN older car, boat or RV? Do the humane thing: Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1-800-419-6574 ffn

ELK HUNTING on pri1988 ALPHA 26ft 5th vate land, archery and wheel travel t railer, rifle, call for details, fee's $1,200.00 OBO. Call apply, call 541-534-9421 541-853-2375 or 541- meb 853-2351 veb BLACK ANGUS bull, 2 year old $2650.00 OBO. 1999 COLEMAN tent Call 541-786-8610 mgf trailer, 2 king size beds, refrigerator, heater, hot water heater, shower/ COMPUTER REPAIR: bath combo, 2 spare Reardon Computer Retires $6,000.00 OBO. pair Master Technician Call 541-786-1413 La Technology Services, based in the West since Grande vfc 1982. On line computer repair. If your computer 2004 25' Tahoe Transis not running right, we port Toy Hauler, new can fix it! 541-429-8025. tires, new batteries, new awning, 2yr old refrig- http: //www.78ez.corn/ erator, great condition Hermiston mer $6,500.00 firm. Call 541910-2138 or 541-5684722 Cove vfr CASH! FOR quality An-

WINDSHIELDS INSTALLED 2008-13 Toyota Highlander windshield, 1 only at $174.95 installed. 1998-2000 Nissan Frontier, 200-02 X-Terra windshield, 1 only at $174.95 installed. Call today for a quote on your rig, La Grande Paint 8 Glass, 601 Adams Ave. La Grande, 541-963-8671 ads CM TRUCK flatbeds, front bumpers and grill guards, with many styles to choose from. Please call Pioneer West at 541963- 9378 La Grande axp

tiques 8 Collectibles. I HARLEY AND ATV 2005 LANCE Max 981 buy older Estates! 541Service and R epair w/slide out, 9'11", load- 963-9358 or 541-963for Harley Davidsons ed, new range and and ATV's. BBB Re- oven, new side awning, 5646 Thank You! La pair 62010 West Road new AM/FM/CD stereo, Grande mxj Call 541-605-0400 La TV, electrical jacks, air www.lagrandenickel.corn Grande axb conditioning 8 m ore. AUTOMATIC AND List $19,300.00 Sale DR. WILLARD G. BerSTANDARD Transmis- $14,995.00 OBO. 2001 trand DC now accepting sion Repair and Rebuild- SBS Ponderosa Camper, Workmen's comp. and ing. Reasonable Prices, 8.5 Ft, electrical jacks, air auto accident injuries. 28 years in La Grande conditioner, 2 batteries, 2 Call today to get schedCall 541-963-7087 La propane tanks, clean. uled 541-963-4068 or Grande axm Sale $9900.00 OBO. 963- Well. La Grande 541-910-9070 vfb mxb CHEVY 1 ton dually,

DIRECTV'S THE Big Deal special! O nly $19.99 per month - Free premiumchannelsHBO, Starz, Cinemax 8 Showtime for 3 months 8 Free Receiver upgrade! NFL 2014 Season Included. Call Now 1-800-4539131 ffn

REFLECTIVE UNDER THE FACTS of life, the 2013 Slab Insulation, Under birds and the bees, Slab Insulation, Nudu- please spay and neuter. <he>y»~>e<>« ra Insulated Concrete www.wallowacountyhu- 5 . 3 , 4x4, Canopy Forms, Green Building 541w / Rac k , Products LLC, La Grande 426-4170 zep L eather, O n l y OR 541-786-1229 3 7k M i l e s FREE IRIS bulbs, brown / CONTRACT FENCING or purple blooms. Call S O3&OS& 3AS Farm Ranch Residen- 541-963-2440 zeb No Dealers Please tial. Contact Darrel 541562-5628 541-786-8668 FOUND LAST week: CCB¹163246 Union sxf horse brush, Old Auburn Lane,offHwy7,call541PROFESSIONAL DJ 519-2950 Baker City zel Serving all areas, and affordable prices. Book early; call 208-465-5151 or at www.danielsdj.corn. skb

$27 500

SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB alert for seniors! Bathroom falls can be fatal. Safe Step Walk-In Tub, approved by Arthritis Foundation, therapeutic jets, less than 4" stepin, wide door, anti-slip floors, American made. Installation Included. Call 800-379-6390 for $750 off! ffn


Archery Class

COVE FINISH Spring Class Is Starting April +Oh GENERAL Sign-Up NoINI Space is livtlticed CARPENTRY NEW & CHANGES DEADLINE RENEW MONDAY BY5PM!! Now taking new cli- Centershotisanon-denolaainationa( outreach progralaathat share stheCiospe(ofjesususingthe( ife-ski(( sofarcherg, ents for this spring and COVE FINISHGENsummer projects in the C(aS SeSareMOndagnightSfrO!aa/90 tO3:ooplaaat ERAL CARPENTRY Grande Ronde Valley Va((eg Fe(owship,Theco st isfso andinc(udesat-shirt, NEW & area. 5 4 1 -786-4550 curricu(u!al botok, andsnacks,A(( !a/tentisprovided RENEW or k dcovefinish@live. and we canaccommodate angone3gearso(dando(der, Now taking new cli- corn Dan Brinton CCB¹ ents for this spring and 130769 Cove skb summer projects in the Grande Ronde Valley REACH THOUSANDS area. 5 4 1 -786-4550starting at $7 a week for or k dcovefinish@live.classifieds; $14.00 for corn Dan Brinton CCB¹ displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande 130769 Cove hkb


To Sip~U!ocal Carta at 54i- 905-P4 q7

Sleep like a baby.

excellent running condition, 454 auto. 6 like new tires, bed liner and new seat cover. Call 541-786-0734 afh M37 3/4 ton Military vehicle, great condition, possible delivery, call 541-786-0734 afh


• aa.



• IP

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FANTASTIC P I E CE of yard art! Old, old Chevy pickup, offer. Call 541-786-0734 afh



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Page 8 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn

R~EAI. ESTATiE GUIDiE RANCH HELP wanted, AFFORDABLE LIVING! full time with experience Yakima, WA. Downfarming/haying, irriga- town, furnished studios, tion, cattle and horses. rent $345+. All utilities Must be willing to do included, refrig, micro, everything ever required twin bed, dresser, bus on this ranch. you will line, secure, mini storage be the only full time em- available. 509-248-2146 ployee and work daily ues with Husband and Wife Owners and part time LOOKING FOR MASummer help. Ranch TURE LADY ROOMATE is in Blue Mountains 14 Would like to share my miles west of La Grande. clean home on South Housing sup p lied. side of La Grande. I am Basic understanding of widowed and would enEnglish and driver's li- joycompany. Located in cense required. Contact nice quiet neighborhood byemail, BearCreekRan- on a cul-de-sac with sidechAngus@ gmail.corn walks and street lights. or call Dan At 541-805- You will have your own 1225 La Grande shh furnished bedroom and bath and shared kitchen TIMBER FALLERS want- and living area. Rent is ed. Established local log- very nominal. 541-663ger job site is currently 8246 La Grande ffn in eastern Washington. 541 786 1649 sgr MATURE WOMAN SEEKING Income stable, SSI, small, well behaved dog, fenced preferred, garden Senior andDisabled spot a plus. Call 541999-7681 ufh

HELP PREVENT FORECLOSURE 8 Save Your Home! Get FREE Relief! Learn about your legal option to possibly lower your rate 8 modify your mortgage. 800-915-0478 ffn NEW LISTING: Updated Farm House. 4BDR 1BA, 2,000sqft. More info 8 pics at zillow.corn. $149,900. 541-886-3421 Wallowa exj WE BUY HOUSES We are here for people in foreclosure, going thru divorce, relocation and need to sell fast, upside down in mortgage. No excuse too big or small for us! Let us buy your headache. We have cash and work quickly for solutions!! No Hassle. No stress. Call 1-208-9066054. eej 3BDR 1BTH single car attached, 1 acre commercial and residential. $195,000.00. 541-6639091 La Grande efs

Housing. Accepting

applications.Income restrictionsapply.

REACH THOUSANDS starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande

Call Candi in BakerCity gJ (541 )523-6578. g •



OPEN HOUSE 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 Story, 2600 sq.ft., Saturday March 26th 11am-2pm, Sunday March 27th 12pm-3pm. 541-4031899 egc


ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27

D e l i S lo w O p e n . H o t F o o d A v a i la b le


papers to choose from. PAN AWAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829

i B( p i nd&wijr;-$iiWi '. N mVkaett~l l i i xe-va t gNe%-

The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

BALE WAGONS sell/ 1953 DODGE Military EN JOY 100% guaranbuy. New Holland pull- 4x4, 3/4 ton pickup, orig- teed, delivered-to-thetype or self-propelled inal all there, excellent door Omaha Steaks! models/ pa r ts/tires/condition $9,000.00 call SAVE 76% PLUS 4 manuals. Call Jim Wilhite 541-562-1444 Union afe FREE Burgers - The 208-880-2889 any time. Happy Family Celewww. balewagon .corn 2005 T RAILBLAZER bration - ONLY $49.99. Caldwell fxw EXT LT 4WD great con- ORDER Today 1-800dition/ 207,000 miles/ 677-6954 mention ofALL YOUR leather interior inside fer 47222VPN or www. CULVERT NEEDS n/mbgreat/ has extra two OmahaSteaks.cor Contact Adam at Pioneer back seats so seats 6 fave30 tfn West 541-910-1004 or or 7 passengers / 6-CYL 541-663-9378 fxp 4.2 liter/ Tow package / IF YOU or a loved one studded snow tires on took the blood thinner PIVOT RUTS got you wheels along with reg Xarelto and had complistuck? Fill them with tires on wheels. Blue, oil cations due to internal wood chips. Lasts 3-5 has been changed every bleeding after January years and easily plows 3,000 miles. Goss Mo- 2012 you MAY be due under $4.50yd. We can tors has done all work. financial compensation. even place the chips for $5,000.00 or make offer, Call Injuryfone 1-800410-4564 tfn you. Waste-Pro 541- call 541-910-3982 afl 963-5459 fkl 1995 FORD E-150 Con- CANADA DRUG Center C OMPOST IS n o w version van, 200,000 es tu mejor opcion para available for p i ckup miles V 8 t o w p kg ordenar medicamentos or delivery. R educe white/blue $ 1,500.00 seguros y economicos. your water usage and call 541-786-4260 La Nuestros servicios de fertilizer bill this summer Grande aew farmacia con licencia by applying our premium Canadiense e Internacompost.$20yd, Wast- 2001 CADILLAC DeVille, cional te proveeran con Pro 541-963-5459 fkl NorthStar, loaded, 160K, ahorros de hasta el 75 en replacement m o t or,todas las medicinas que HONEY LOCUST tree good tires, elderly own- necesites. Llama ahoand black walnut tree er $3,595.00. Call 541- ra al 1-800-950-0973 y starts; also have black 963-9358 or 541-963- obten $10 de descuento walnuts; 541-564-9273. 5646 La Grande aef con tu primer orden adeHermiston ffk mas de envio gratuito. ffn I BUY older Subaru wagJOHN DEERE H tractor: ons, dead or alive, run- FIREWOOD PRICES rewith 4-row cultivator, ning or not, cash, 1998 duced $140.00 in rounds, rebuilt engine, needs and up. Call 541-963- 4in to 12in diameters, repainting, $3000; 541- 9358 or 541-963-5646 split. $170.00. 541-786564-9273. Hermiston ff k La Grande aef 0407 La Grande mgv

- CS,A cI'6800

, 'OEQ¹'38965


Nelson Kauftmae


ikW 'l4


ANGUS BULLS 4 bulls for sale; 3 registered Angus s ired by Hoover Dam and 1 Sim/Angus cross. One Growth Bull $3,250; Two Calving ease Angus $3,750 each; one Sim/ Angus $2,500. Call 541519-3246. pgc POLLED HEREFORD B ulls, various a g e groupings. Semen tested, shots, docile, range hardened. Joe Lemire, 509-758-9306, l eave message, Clarkston. pfl HORSE TRAINER, colt starting, tune ups, problem fixing. I use a soft touch with smooth transition training that I have developed over 20 years of training horses. 541215-0758 lmbler pfb

YEARLING COLT for sale, American Indian Horse breeding, gentle, broke to lead, smart, GREAT PLAINS 30ft Ford Engine 352 V8, MILLERS TREE beautiful, very striking folding drill $10,000.00 good condition, $250. SERVICE black with white strip in OBO. International 6200 4spd truck tranny $75. Trimming, removal and face and 4 white stalkings 12ft drill $3,000.00 OBO Both $300 OBO. 541- stump grinding. Call 541- $800.00, others for sale call 541-786-3689 Elgin 421-3331 aem 786-1602 BB¹ 68911 also. Call 541-519-7399 ffh mdm Baker City per 1964 Jeep pickup GladSTEVE PIPE iator SB step side, ANTIQUES! REBA IS a quiet, gentle, STRAIGHTENING AND straight, rust free project Antiques and Art on and safe 4 year old 14.2 REPAIR $1,600.00. Call 541- Main, 221 S. Main St., hand chestnut mare that Aluminum pipe s 663-9091 La Grande Pendleton, Oregon, is the whole family can ens traightened to la y aes having a March Madness joy. She is well started, spring cleaning sale! going walk, trot, canter, flat, easier to move. Pipe press r e pair. Storewide 10%-50% off enjoys arena work or rides out on the trails Rebates available for CONTRACTORS everything in the store! alone or in a group. Reba straightening and repair. DELIGHT 4X6 BOX Including all art pieces crosses water, logs, Call 541-786-1128 or TRAILER 25% off!Thousands of bridges, tarps, etc. She is 541-963-5494 ffc Extra heavy suspension, items including furniture, traffic safe and good with door on back, seals top to jewelry, decor, clocks, dogs and kiddos. Not 1952 JOHN D eere bottom, used easy, wood light fixtures, WWI and much bothers this gal, tractor, with John Deere liner and lights, steers WWII uniforms, medals, super mellow and easy loader, new rear tires, easy. Paid $1,800.00 helmets, belts and much to get along with, used runs good $2,500.00 asking $1,000.00 OBO more military, trunks, to a busy boarding stacash only. Call 541-910- Call 541-999-7681 aeh western holsters and ble with horses coming 9666 Unionfff belts, poker table, knives, and going. Reba is super buckles, coffee grinders, quiet for her age and is gentle with kids, no bad Hudson Bay blankets, habits, has been hauled clothing, Navajo, Coke and ridden daily, just an items, Native American all around good girl with items, BB guns, old radi- her whole life ahead of Z8f M'$60f f Of' K f os, western saddle, bits her. Come meet Reba at and spurs, and many, Summerville Stables...inmany more. Come see door and outdoor arenas what you can take home. and trails to try her out We will deliver locally; on. Good home a must. Ca/I54t-963-3l2l call with any questions, Ask $2000 call 541-786Visit www.valleyinsurance.corn 9343 pfr 509-953-8746. mep

Is Vourhomeowner's SolicV gutting youin the


Shelters, mare motels, heavy gauged galvanized horse/ livestock panels, gates, c ustom stall fronts, complete arena set-ups and more. Factory Direct! I D ¹ RCE-20843, OR¹1 90181, WA¹LUC KYAF859DC. L U CKY ACRES FENCING, INC. 208-746-1228, www. pga



The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 9 M•

DIRE CTV Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE Installation. FREE 3 months of HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, 8 Starz. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included (Select Packages) New Customers Only. CALL 1-800-3701356 tfn KEEP YOUR Family 8 Property Safe! Home Bundles Home Security 24/7/365 monitoring. $1400 FREE Security Equipment. No Installation Fees. Starting at $19.99/mo. Call 1-800951-0413 ffn

CM TRUCK BEDS, 5 models, latest upgrades, can fit all trucks, steel or aluminum. Call 541-4069583 Baker City ags TWO FRONT springs for Peterbilt 379, like new $400.00, 570 premier air hitch, hook, pup trailer to long logger $200.00 call 541-953-4739 Elgin ags SET OF 4 16" chrome rims with tires $500.00 call 541-562-6210 Union aeb

5TH WHEEL trailer hitch with brackets, good condition $250.00 call 541786-1163 vew

Ocean Cargo Storage Containers. NEW: Container Offices. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. "We 4x6 ROYAL box trail- sell, rent, buy and move er, attractive, heavy containers." Insta Stor, duty suspension, pulls Inc. 509-765-1376. www. easy, lights, woodliner, See us on paid $1,800.00 asking Facebook! mfg $1,000.00 OBO. Call 541-999-7681 vfh ATTENTION HANFORD, ARGONNE AND IDAHO BOAT WITH trailer, 10ft, NATIONAL LAB (INL) Hi-Laker fiberglass, has WORKERS: Did you, oars, 3HP E vinrude your spouse or your parmotor, trailer has lights, ent become ill after buildspare tire $435.00 OBO. ing nuclear weapons? 1909 New Home treadle You may be entitled to sewing machine,excel- up to $400,000 from the lent condition $200.00 United States. For more call 541-605-0439 vfz information, call Attorney Hugh Stephens at (800) 2004 FIFTH wheel, 28.5 548-4494 even if your ft long. One tip out, claimhas been acceptqueen size bed, couch ed or denied. We assist makes a queen bed,lots with claims, dose reconof storage, and walk in structions, objections, shower. Good condition, hearings, reopenings, call 541-519-6774 or consequential c o ndisee at 1621 Washington tions, impairment ratings, St, Baker City, OR. agf wage loss, health care, home care and appeals 1993 21ft. Outdoor Inn to Federal Court. No motor home. Automatic, Compensation-No Fee. 26,000 miles. Genera- 2% contingent fee for tor, BBQ, Fish Sealer, initial claims/10% for obother extras. Runs great. jections. 2495 Main St., ,NY. mfa $8500 cash. 541-403- Buffalo 1899 vgc

• • M


SMITH 8 W E SSON BEAUTIFUL BUFFET 357/38 Combat Magnum like brand new, pedistal Revolver Model 19-4, table with 6 chairs and S/N 61K9632, Barrel 2 3' leaves. Paid $3,000. Length 4 1/8, Checked asking $900. for both. Walnut Grips. Includes: 541-519-3897. Baker Original Box, P a rts City hfr List, Instructions for use, Maintenance and Specification, Leather COLOR TV, 32" $50.00, Holster and Carry Bag. two oak mirrors, nice size Call: 503-989-4172 if now 3.5'x2', $100.00 OBO for answer leave message. both. Call 541-910-7080 $675 Cash No Trades hxh dfv LOWERY ORGAN, selWINCHESTER MODEL dom used, excellent 94 point 356 caliber condition $95.00. Nivico lever action, never fired, 280 round of ammo stereo with two Sansui $1,500.00 OBO. Marlin speakers $90.00. Call 45/70 lever action with 541-403-2092 Haines Bushnell scope $699.00 hgs OBO. Ruger mini 14.223 caliber $500.00 OBO. ROUND OAK table with .30 carbine with scope 4 pressed back chairs and carbin fiber stock and a leaf $250.00. An$400.00 OBO. Call 541- tique blue stuffed chair 805-5224 La Grande dgj $50.00 call 541-4371102 or 541-398-1254 SMITH 8 W E STON model 629 classic DX, Elgin hfc


ANTLER BUYER buying deer, elk and moose antlers, any condition, also buying bear traps and vintage 501 Levis. 541910-6713 La Grande wxt View our ads online at www.lagrandenickel.corn Updated every Friday. TItM

Cinnam on Cottage

ITIC C I,III II IS(IISt!Ir(ItIOrI 2004 CHEVY Trailblazer LS, 180,000 miles, clean, runs good, asking $4,250.00 call 541-910PROTECT YOURSELF 6508 afm From Unsafe Banks! DON'T BANK ON IT! 1986 FORD Bronco II, Free book reveals 20 94,921 original miles, 4 modern banking dangers new studded snow tires, MartHou rs such as cybercriminals, 4WD, standard transmis25t h1tarn.3m,26th1tarn.3m,28th,4m.7m,34th1tarn.3m money-hungry politicians sion$2,700.00 OBO call 8 Too-Big-To-Fail bank- 541-910-1454 agb 0 0 i 44mag st ainless$850.00 ers. 800-893-2619 ffn call 541-523-2766 Baker 1987 TOYOTA 4Runner City dgr DISH NETWORK? Get 1st generation, solid runMORE for LESS! Start- ning, 22R EFI, 205,000 GUN SHOW At the Elgin Stampede ing $19.99/ month (for 12 miles, new tires, startGrounds, i n El g in, months), PLUS Bundle 8 er, ignition and battery. Oregon, April 2nd-3rd, SAVE (Fast Internet for Great MPG, $3,250.00 9am-5pm Saturday, 9am$15 more/ month). CALL OBO call 541-568-4832 3pm Sunday.Admission Now, 1-800-593-1764 tfn or 541-786-4726 Cove is $4. Gun raffle on agk Sunday. C oncessions FIND THE love you deADVERTISE IN 12 pa- available. pg serve! Discover the path NEW LOAD RANGE E BOAT 16ft Larson with pers, 25 words or less for to happiness. New memTIRES 60HP Evenrude mobers receive a FREE New Load Range E Tires tor and trailer, no title, only $75. a week. 4 state 3-minute love reading! LT 265/70/1 7 $140.00 $200.00 OBO, as is, call 8 Canada coverage, 27 Entertainment purposes EachLT 235 /75/16 541-786-2086 vfg papers to choose from. only. 18 8 over. 800-758- $130.00 Eac h LT PAN A WAN. 963-6237. WEDS., MARCH 30, 9:30 A.NI • 2304 tfn 285/75/16 $135.00 Each 22FT PULL trailer, 1987 1-800-654-5829 301 E AERONCA • WALLA WALLA, WA Also For Sale New Lum- Prowler, air, awning, BEST BEEF Jerky in the ber in Farm Bundles. pots, pans and dishes COOKIE JARS, downUSA! $10 off the Origi- 541-523-5275 Baker included, $2,800.00 call sizing my collection vinnal Beef Jerky Sampler. City agg 541-403-0519 Baker City tage and antique, large FREE Shipping. Great vga selecti on,some McCoys Gift Idea! Call Bulk Beef 4WD 1994 Ford Exand Treasure Craft, Jerky! 800-819-2610 ffn plorer, body perfect, 2004 FAT BOY Harley $5.00-$60.00 call 541e x c ellent910-1450 mern sunroof, roof rack, new Davidson, SERIOUSLY INJURED? windshield, ball hitch, condition, 30,000 origiAuto Accidents, Medical transmission and engine nal miles, lots of extras. COVE FINISH Malpractice, Slip 8 Falls, done recently, $2,400.00 $9,500.00 obo, cash GENERAL Dangerous Products, OBO. Call 541-999- or trade, 541-886-2094 CARPENTRY NEW & Wallowa vxm Wrongful Death. Speak 7681 aeh RENEW to a Highly Skilled PerNow taking new cliTHOMPSON RV is Eastsonal Injury Attorney THE NICKELAT 1112 1/2 ern Oregon" s largest RV ents for this spring and Now. Millions Recovered dealer: family owned and summer projects in the for Clients. Call 24/7. Adams Ave., La Grande, operated for 40 years; Grande Ronde Valley OR 97850. 1-800-654- browse our inventory on- area. 1-800-914-6259 ffn 5 4 1 -786-4550 2008 Challenger MT-855B, 5093-hrs*; 1997 Challenger 75D, 6670-hrs; 5829, 963-6237. Hours: line at www.thompsonrv. or k dcovefinish@live. John Deere8770 8 8870 tractors; (3) Gleaner R72 combines sn's 77152(*), 77035 & 76080; Sunflower, Ficklin and A &L Grain Carts; 2013 Sunflower View our ads online at corn, or call us at 800- corn Dan Brinton CCB¹ 6630 Vertical Tillage System;21ft x 9" and 15ft.x9" No-Ti!l Drills with www.lagrandenickel.corn M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. 459-4836, Pendleton 130769 Cove mnb FlexiCoil Air Systems & Cross Slot Mark 4-openers; (3) John Deere 8200 Updated every Friday. vxt



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The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •

NOTICE: C l assified 1995 CHEVY S-10 pickDeadline: T u e sdayup, 4x4, extended cab, 5pm. Changes or can- bedliner, good paint, cellations must be in good body, good tires by 5pm Monday. and interior, runs good $2,650.00 OBO. Call CARS FOR TROOPS! Tom at 541-310-9823 Donate your car 8 help afc the military charity of your choice. Fast, free 2000 GALLON diepickup. Tax Deductible. sel tank with pump Call now! 800-952-0977 $2,000.00, 500 gallon ffn gas tank with stand gravity feed $500.00 call 541DONATE YOUR car, 962-5316 afg truck or boat to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. SET OF 4 radial tires Free 3-day vacation, tax on Chevy style, ralley deductible, free towing, wheels, chrome dual bolt all paperwork taken care pattern 6"x14" $400.00 of. Call 1-800-895-8117 all as new. Call 541-786ffn 0734 afh

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NOTICE: C l assified RARE OPPORTUNIDeadline: T u e sdayTY for one possibly two 5pm. Changes or can- highly motivated individuals with excellent cellations must be in people skills. We are by 5pm Monday. currently adding to our sales staff at the Gentry WANT YOUR AD TO Auto Group as business COVER A GREATER is growing. You will be provided with hands on AREA? training, along with all Come inand speak with the necessary tools to be us at the The Nickel successful while working about PNAWAN ads. You for a local company that can advertise in 12 differ- supports its community. ent papers for as low as Contact Jim Shaver at $75.00. Papers in Ore- 775-671-1561 or send resume to jamess@gengon, Washingt on, Idaho trymotors.comsfg and more! Call 541-9636237 bxn PAID IN A DVANCE! Make $1000 Weekly!! Mailing Brochures From Home! Helping Home ~f• Workers since 2001! Start Immediate. No Experience Req. www. Mailing Corner. corn sea

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34' toyhaulerwith10'reargarageand96" ceilingfor tall sidebyside. Queenelectric bunksintherear,large 35' toy haulerwith 10' reargarage, electric bunks, andcol weatherpackage. 110gal. freshwater bathroom, lots ofkitchenandlivingspace. 4000wat Onangenerator,fuelingstationandwinter package. Loaded! storageand12 gal. water heater, 5500watt Onangenerator, fueling station. Loaded!!


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32' 5th wheel with 3 slides, lots of room. Loaded!! Full Factory Warranty! •


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4 large slides, electric awning, fireplace, lots of cabinetry, counter space, and storage. Double sink, large fridge, big bedroom. Very roomy!

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37' 5th wheel with 4 slides, front living room, fireplace andentertainment center. Has huge master bedroom,washer(dryer combo. Loaded and very nice!

'I •

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Gorgeous34' 5thwheelwith 3largeslides. Spaciouskitchen&livingroomswith lots of storage&counter space. 40" LCO flat screenTV,insulatedfor winter use,autoleveling. Thismustseetrailer hastoomanyoptionstolist!

Very nice! Large slide, fiberglass siding and front cap, AC,electric jacks, hickory cabinetry, big skylight over bed,awning.



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Nearly new!! Power awning, power tonguejack, lots of storage, large residential bathroom, 1 large slide.


2 slides, front kitchen, large bedroom, lots of kitchen counter spaceand storage, power awning,AC. Loaded!


• .

Brady Tel!I!el!t

Very nice, 26' travel trailer, solar panel. Loaded!!

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DO YOU owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? You could get a settlement for as low as 25% of previous IRS settlements. Call now! 1-800-404-1367 ffn

AC, power awning, 1-sllide, roomyandvery nice!

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Tax, licensing and registration fees additional. Prices include all dealer and manufacturer rebates and incentives. See dealer for comp lete details all offers expire 03-31-16 Some pictures are for illustration pu r poses only. Not necessarily the actual vehicle.

Page 12 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn

The Nickel - March 24, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 • a,, •,p

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Tax, licensing and registration fees additional. Prices include all dealer and manufacturer rebates and

incentives.See dealer for complete details all offers expire 03-31-1 6 Not all customers qualify for rebates.

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