Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm April 23RD, 2015
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2004 MECURY Outboard YARDMAN R I DING 6.0hp, less than 10hrs, Lawn mower, excellent $850.00. 541-963-8787 condition, $450.00. 541La Grande vcm 398-0762 Wallowa mdj
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Praise Ye the Lord: for it HOT TUB $750.00 obo. is good to sing praises Needs heating element. unto our God; for it is See at 61963 West Rd. pleasant; and praise is Call 541-805-5848 La comely. Psalm 147:1 Grande mfs
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TOP QUALITY Limousin Bulls. Black or Red. Wilde Ranches 541454-2995. Available now. Leave message. pjw
1996 FORD Bronco, 351 engine XLT. Excellent condition, 4in lift, blue. 541-786-8621 La Grande art
HAY ELEVATOR on rubber, can be used as 15ft, 25ft or 35ft, $150.00. 541-534-2058 Summerville pcl
2002 Ford F350 flatbed, 7.3L, V8, Diesel. 4WD, Auto, Lariat package, $14,000. 208-869-5708 Baker City aes
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Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report FISHING, HUNTING, WILDLIFE VIEWING April 23rd, 2015
The Nickel - April 23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
Several popular trout fisheries open this Saturday For many Oregon anglers, the 2015 trout season officially kicks off on Saturday, April 25 with the opening of several popular fisheries throughout the state. Check out the zone reports for a rundown. Spring turkey and bear hunting open until May 31 Apply for a controlled hunt by May 15 Footwear for the Family 541-963-8898 Apply online, at a license sales agent, or by mail or fax using an application form. 2700 Bearco Loop, La Grande FISHING Weekend fishing opportunities: • Th e spring Chinook season on the Umatilla opened on April 16 and numbers should pick up in the next few weeks. • Th e following water bodies are scheduled to be stocked this week: Murray Reservoir, Morgan Lake, Willow Creek Reservoir • an d Marr and Weaver ponds. ilp • As spring continues, fishing for holdover trout in Wallowa Lake can be good, with fish in the 15 to 20-inch range. IMNAHA RIVER:steelhead Anglers are still finding fish on the lmnaha with fair success, which should continue until the season 2E.Sth,iallowa 541-886-TIRE closes. Steelhead are making their final push and arriving at the hatchery facility on Little Sheep Creek so, don't forget to try Big Sheep Creek where catch rates can be fantastic. Flow data for the Imnaha can be found on the Idaho Power website. The Imnaha River will geCIJaSe I GjVeypUThegeSt 11 close to all fishing after April 15, 2015. The river will reopen for trout and whitefish on May 23, 2015. WALLOWA LAKE:rainbow trout, kokanee, lake troutAs spring approaches anglers will start to find some stocked trout that held over from last season's stocking. These fish often range 15 to 20 inches and can be caught in multiples. These fish are normally more common later in the spring; however with the warm weather and early spring anglers have already reported catching a few of these fish and one reward tag worth $50 has been returned from a heavy 18-inch fish. Some experienced fishermen are picking up large lake trout trolling at depth with downriggers. While lake trout aren't abundant in Wallowa Lake it's not uncommon to find fish over 25 pounds. In 2014 the lake was stocked with tagged rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. Some of these fish have likely held over from last year and are available to anglers. If you catch one of these tagged fish, please report the number, location, date, where in the lake the fish was caught and the size to the ODFW office in Enterprise or online. WALLOWA RIVER:steelhead, mountain whitefish Remember the Wallowa River will be closed to all angling after April 15. The river will reopen for trout and whitefish on May 23. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR, SPRINGBEAR (seeregs),SPRING TURKEY BAKER COUNTY Check the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest website or call them for the latest on Forest Service Rd 39 construction and detour route information. Remember it is a designated snowmobile route until April 15 and is not maintained for passenger travel until mid-June. The southern 18 miles may be closed due to construction, please call or check the website ahead of time. Black BearThe warm and dry winter has left much more country snow free than usual. Green up has begun to appear in the lower elevations. The mild weather will have bears out and more active in the early part of the season. Look for bears close to timber stringers feeding on open ridges. Successful hunters need to remember to check in their bear within ten days of harvest. It cannot be frozen and propping open the mouth will help in aiding tooth collection later. Turkeyseason is here. Look for spring turkeys to be moving from wintering grounds to their nesting areas. Listen for males to be calling early and late in the evenings to help locate gobblers. With snow levels higher than normal expect turkeys to be at slightly higher elevations this year. Cougarscan be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2015 tag. Coyotenumbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Bearnumbers are strong in all of Union County and hunters have a good chance of filling a tag. Look for bears on open South slopes. Access to national forest lands should be excellent due to the light snow pack this winter. Many forest roads will be soft with early snow melt, take care not to cause unnecessary ruts. Turkeynumbers look good Union County and chances of finding a Gobbler should be better than last year. Early season hunters will increase their chances of success by staying out in the field all day. Walking into hunting areas that are not reachable by vehicles can produce enjoyable, uninterrupted hunts. Snow will limit access only to higher elevations in the early part of the season. Cougarsare common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Remember to pick up a tag for 2015. Coyotenumbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Hunting now closed. WALLOWA COUNTY Check the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest website or call them for the latest on Forest Service Rd 39 construction and detour route information. Remember it is a designated snowmobile route until April 15 and is not maintained for passenger travel until mid-June. The southern 18 miles may be closed due to construction, please call or check the website ahead of time. BLACK BEAR:Spring bear season started April 15. Although some bears have been seen in recent weeks, the hunting has been slow so far. A good density of black bears exists throughout the district. Most of our snow is gone from mid and low elevation areas of the district, although more snow is in the forecast for this week. Bears will begin waking up and making forays away from their dens in search of early season foods, such as green grass, ground squirrels, and roots and tubers. In spring, black bears are fair weather fellows and really only venture out of their dens on warm, sunny days. The best strategy for finding them this time of year is to sit on a spot with a good view of open canyon sides and use binoculars or a spotting scope to locate them. The animals feed off and on during all daylight hours and patience is the order of the day when spotting spring bears. TURKEY:Spring turkey season also started last Wednesday (April 15). Turkey numbers have increased this year in the district and they over-wintered very well with the warm winter that we had this year. Hunting has been very good with several toms taken and hunters seeing many toms, especially young jakes. Most of our snow is gone from mid and low elevation areas of the district. Turkeys have spread into nesting areas throughout the forested areas at this time. The best strategy for finding them is to travel the forest roads or hike into areas where turkeys might be and call for them or just listen for their calls early in the morning. Coyote:Good numbers of coyotes can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. Cougarnumbers are moderate throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques. Northeast Zone WILDLIFE VIEWING BAKER COUNTY Bighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. The best viewing is in the early morning and late in the evening. Bald and golden eagles can be seen along the Snake River. Take the Snake River Roadbetween Richland and Huntington. UNION COUNTY Ladd Narsh WildlifeArea The Tule Lake unit, including the autoroute, is now open for the season. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult the wildlife area administrative rules. Rules that apply to all areas are at the top (at the above link), and then scroll down to page 8, ¹635-008-120, for additional rules specific to Ladd Marsh. Dogs are not permitted within the Wildlife Area, on or off leash except during authorized hunting seasons. There are numerous quality viewing opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance. Canada geese have begun nesting; goslings will arrive in about 3 weeks. Large numbers of greater white-fronted geese and a few snow and Ross's geese are on the marsh and in flooded fields throughout the valley. All expected species of waterfowl are present on the area. Great horned and barn owls are nesting. Great horned owls can be seen sitting in nests at several locations. Other raptors include Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks and American Kestrel. Bald and golden eagles have been seen soaring on the thermals. Resident sandhill cranes are on their territories and non-breeding birds are using meadows and fields. Please report any sandhill cranes wearing leg bands to the Ladd Marsh staff (541-963-4954). If possible, note the color and order of bands on each of the bird's legs (e.g., pink above white on left leg; silver above black on right legi. The specific combination and order can identify individual birds.
"NoSaleIsEverNecessary y
www.lagrandenickelcom e-mail Pa e 3
The Nickel - April 23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •
EAGLE VALLEY Grange Auction. Saturday, April 25th. Viewing of auction items, 10am. Auction begins at 11am. Held at Richland High School Apartments Gym. Moody Rd. Richland OR. Lunch server by the Grand Women. Coffee, donuts, cinnamon rolls, hot dog, chips, serving at 9:30am. If you would like to donate items, call Ken Booth 541-893-3050 or Ralph Graven, call 541893-6571.AII proceeds go to the Grange. gcb
• • I
WANTED: VENDORS for Hog Wild Days. June 6'" 8 7'". 541-963-3540 Island City ghl
P EELED FEN C E THOMPSON CENTER VENDORS WANTED: 17FT TRAVEL trailer; it.We fha 10i n Elgin Riverfest, Satur- 1994 Road Ranger. Top p ost a nd rail s . C ontender, 2 4 ~ 0 1@ firewoodandtractor@ octagon barrels, .45ACP, day, June 20'", 2015. of the line, immacualate, 5 4 1-398- 44mag with bird choke, Contact: Linda Johnston, sleeps 6, oak cabinets, 1056, Ed. Wallowa ffs $700.00 obo. 541-403- 541-786-0643 or 541- full bath, 2 p ropane 437-5907 Elgin wfd MOVING SALE and tanks, 2 batteries, full 1017 Baker City ddh Yard Sale; F r iday, size awning, spare tire, We want to buy ALL YOUR NEED OLDER camp $4,300.00. Call 541-910May 1 and Saturday, used smart CULVERT NEEDS trailer that weighs less 9070 vds May 2(Haines Comphones than 3000 p o unds. munity yard sale date) Contact Rob at Pioneer Fixer uppers o kay. West 541-963-9378 fxp 12 GAUGE over/under $50 CASH REBATE Come in to 7:00am t o 2: 0 0pm ANY VEHICLE TOWED NWTF Silver Special7 541-910-5287 wcb 1120 Cole St, Haines-UnThe Cell Fix dercover sale. We have PASTURE WANTED for of 233. Made in Italy. 5 WANTED ping pong TO ALWAYS AUTOMOmoved to Baker City and cattle. Pairs or yearling chocks. Camo stock, table that folds in good TIVE On Willow Street. 10505 W First St downsized house and heifers. Willing to pay up $600.00. 541-910-6855 condition. 541-893-6797 Rebate paid after work is Island City finished on vehicle. 541yard. Antique Erector to $40 for pairs or $25 La Grande ddg Richland wc 541-786-9655 624-5001 La Grande axb sets, Antique carpenter for yearlings, depending tools, housewares, lin- on feed type. Long WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING FOR ens, curtains, clothes, term leases preferred 6TH ANNUAL air conditioners, 52 in THEIR CON T R IBUT IONS AND SUPPORT TO THE YARD SALE garden tractor and cart. but willing to look at all 2015 BAKER COUNTY CHAPTER FUNDRAISER EAGLE CAP NURSERY Lawn furniture, yard options. 541-518-9284 May 30, 2015. Vendors tools, lots of pots and or 541-518-9283 If no welcome, Free. Bring pans, picnic table set, answer please leave BANQUET DONORS: own table. Call 541-523- vases, dining room set, message! Baker City fcc 6627 Baker City ghe rocking chair. Full 16 Adventure Products, Inc. Eltyrm Theater LLC Paizano's Pizza place settings china. Mi- FOR SALE ready to use MOVING SALE: 2007 cro waves, much more. New Holland Stackliner Always Welcome Inn Erwert, Mike and Mickie Patriots — 4H Club side by side ARctic Cat. gdl — Richard Langrell Family Tradition Taxidermy Pizza Hut 1032 bale w a gon. House jacks. Little white Atkins, Gordon — Bill Frazier Pheasant Valley Ranch $5,000.00 OBO. For sale sports car. Rug 5/x8' FRIDAY APRIL 24'" and Atkins, Harold K RoJean Farmers Insurance, — Lori K Jim Nelson heavy duty bumper pull $60. 8'x11' rug $195. 2 Saturday 25'" from 8amAtkins, Lynn K Stacey Tom Van Diepen Powder River Correctional flatbed utility trailer. Dual large brown micro suede, 3pm at 10505 W 5'" St. Bachman, Steve Fink, Donald Facility looks like leather, rocker Island City. Hugh wood- axles, removable short Baker City Carpet Express Foste r , Don Powder River Electric side boards, 8 wood bed recliners, $500.00 each. working shop Estate Baker City Pharmacy Garrick, Dan — Ron Bell 208-869-8121. Yard Sale Sale. Table saw, 2 drill is 16". $1,100.00 OBO. Baker Co. Custom Meats — Garrick Construction Powder River Precision / Thursday, April 23rd- presses, planer, air com- 541-562-1194 Union fdh Baker County Parks and Gentry Dodge, Chrysler, Dan Batchelor Sunday April 26th till all pressor, air tools, router, Recreation Jeep, Ram Precision Autobody is gone. Union gch lathe, 2 chop saws, 3 TRACTOR AND Grumpy's Repair Inc. Baker Gold and Sil ver Premier Auto Body scroll saws, sanders, Implement Sale. Ford, — Joe and Noel Scott LIVING ESTATE Every- tool chest, work bench, MF, Allis, C halmers Baker High School — FFA Guyer K Associates CPA's PC thing must go, cash only torch wrench, drill bits, tractors, thirteen total. Baker Sanitary Service Hansen, Erin — The Little Pig Quail Ridge Golf Course please! Saturday April wrenches, many small Nine front end loaders. Baker Valley Auto Parts Hardball Auto Repair Ramming, Dan K Vicki 25th, 8am-2pm. 1605 tools, cabinet doors, (NAPA) Harrison, Lorraine Random Resales sp e e d Auburn Ave. Baker City wood patterns, 2 shop S herman 2 Baker Vision Clinic Heffernan, Chris Renee Estes gcs vacs, 3500 generator, transmission for early — North Powder Baker Welding Rite Aid barn heater, gas hedge Ford tractor. Two post Bardizian, Ken Hinrichsen, Gregg K Jo Robbins Farm Equipment YARD SALE Friday, trimmer, camp kitchen, augers, two detachable Barley Browns — State Farm SKE Engine Repair Saturday 8 S u nday, smoker, some household backhoes, five foot back Bear Claw Fencing Hooks K Horns Cabin Rental SKS Auto 8a,-4pm. Wood lathe, items including a pres- blade, three six foot back — Steve Coley — Christina Smith Sage Barbershop nail tech supplies, Scion sure canner. Island City blades, two bottom three Behlen Mfg. Co. Humbles — Bill Emery Sassy Brass rims, medical equipment, gcs point plow, tractor tires, Bennett, Patty Huston Saddle Shop Schon, Paul 8ft bed new canopy for lots of miscellaneous, — William Huston Black Distributing Inc. Sears new Ford, lots of clothes MOVING SALE Every- garage sale also. April and lots more! 1911 Cove thing must go, house- 18'", 7:30am to 4pm. Bloom, Wayne K Marilyn Ill i ng s w orth, Ray Simonis, Mitch Avenue. La Grande gcp hold items, furniture and Bowen Valley Archery — Trader Rays Smith, Rich K Bonnie appliances, collectibles, 60785 Love Road, Cove Brinton Firearms Inland Cafe Sohn, Ray ESTATE AUCTION shopand miscellaneous. Or. fce K Shooting Access. J. Tabor Jewelers Sorbenots EstateAuction This is the Friday 8 Saturday, from Brinton, Ashlee, Brice, Cavin John Day Polaris Spellman, Joe K Rhonda last of a local estate with 6am-6pm. 541-519-1749 C U S T 0 M Brinton, Charlie K Misty Johnk, Don Subway new finds out of the attic, Baker City gcd HARVESTING, wheat Capital Chapter — OHA Kniesel, Matt K Ann Sycamore Tree Sunday May 3 10 AM and grass seed, will run Carquest / Hills Auto Parts Lavi s h Salon K Day Spa Teasley, Buck preview at 9 AM Clark THE NICKELAT 1112 1/2 with you or for you. Bank/ Cashway Lumber — Julie Davis K Jessica Hill Tec Copier Systems auction barn 340 W. Adams Ave., La Grande, out wagon included. Charley's Ice Cream Les Schwab Tire Center Thatcher's Ace Hardware Highway 203 Union OreInsured, call for rates. OR 97850. 1-800-654Community Bank Lew Bros Les Schwab The Bow Shop gon. Still unloading truck Grande Ronde Valley — Nathan Hull K Bob Reedy CopperBelt Wine — Keating Li fe F l ight but lots of fishing poles, 5829, 963-6237. Hours: and surrounding areas. vintage books, Jim Beam M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. Country Cottage Lowe, Victoria The Baker City Herald 541-213-1563 fdr bottles, jacks, tools, Courtesy Home Furnishings Lub eD epot / Bulldog Auto The Nickel food out of the pantry, Crafton, John K Michelle Mahaffey, Kim D.M.V. Thomas, Chuck dressers, school desks, Crave a Bowl Michel, James K Carla — Edward Jones kitchen items, new men's Crider, Erlinda Millers Lumber Triple C Redi-Mix and women's clothes, D K B Supply Mitchell, Dan Tucker Creek Hunting lanterns, pressure cookDailey, Meb Mtn. Valley Dental Preserve ers, china, and a whole — Daniel Hayden Deardorff, Babe, Doug Umpqua Bank — Baker City lot more. Pictures will K Chris Mtn. View RV Inc. Ward, Mark K Lisa be on the web soon Devita, Kaye Natural Structures Ward, Matt Dr. Schott, Jon MD NE-HI Enterprises Windshield Doctor Clark and Daughter AucEastern Oregon Rental Nickens, Curt YMCA tions Roger Clark aucFeStiuitieSStartat 5ilm York's Grocery El Erradero Oregon Department of Fish tioneer 541-910-0189 — Kevin K Marilyn Logsdon Elkhorn Embroidery K Wildlife Union gcc
May2nd,2015 GraceBibleChurch, Grande
MOVING SALE: 70668 Oregon Highway 82 in Elgin. Friday through Sunday, 8am-5pm. Elgin gcr
DinnerandPresentationat 6pm AuctionFollowing Dinner$351adult-PrimeRibor Chicken andall thetrimminigs. Children6-12$15.Under6free.
For More Info Call DougOsburn541-910-4352
— Bonnie K Misty Elkhorn Lanes Elms, Russ — PKE Distributing
Oregon Trail Bullets Co. Young, Jeff Oregon Trail Livestock Dinner provided by O r e gon Trail Sports — Yamaha The Little Pig
Please Remember to Thank and Support those listed above for their support of Oregon Hunter's Association and to their Community
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The Nickel-A ril23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
PLANNING A yard sale? Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Auctions 541-910-0189. We buy used and new items. Your complete auctioneering company. hxc DIRECTV'S THE Big Deal special! O nly $19.99 per month - Free premiumchannelsHBO, Starz, Cinemax 8 Showtime for 3 months 8 Free Receiver upgrade! NFL 2014 Season Included. Call Now 1-800-4539131 ffn
SNAPPER RIDING lawn mower, $300. 12HP CK Boat moter, $250. Shindaiwa back pack leaf blower $150. All OBO 541-910-6499 Cove mek BBQ SEASON! Order your 1/2 or whole Hog at Stafford's Custom Meats 8 Valley Meat Service. Pork for your freezer. Pork Chops, Country Style Ribs, Bacon, Breakfast Sausage, Smoked Hams cut to your specification. Serving Baker, Wallowa 8 Union counties. 541-4376328 or 541-886-3034 Wallowa mcv
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$50 CASH REBATE ANY VEHICLE TOWED TO ALWAYS AUTOMOTIVE On Willow Street. Rebate paid after work is finished on vehicle. 541624-5001 La Grande axb
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CM TRUCK flatbeds, 1999 MALLARD 23' front bumpers and grill 5th wheel, one slide, guards, with many styles AC, queen size bed, to choose from. Please new tires, $4,300. 2008 call Pioneer West at 541Chevy 2500 Duramax, 963- 9378 La Grande WASHER 8 Dryer Set. 'Oasis' Kenmore Elite 3 WHEEL bicycle, like Z71 pkg 4x4, with tow axp HE, Electric, g o od new with accessories for package, $28,000. Or condition, Dryer has $200.00. 541-805-0397 buy together for $31,000. HARLEY AND ATV New Heating Element, Elgin mcr 541-523-7184. Baker Service and R epair $250.00 for set. Tel. City vcb for Harley Davidsons No. 541-962-0261 La OAK TABLE with leafs, and ATV's. BBB ReGrande hxr 4 chairs, 2 night stands, BOAT FOR SAIL, 1980 pair 62010 West Road LARGE VERY nice pine decoratIve wall pIctures, Seaswirl 85hp Johnson Call 541-605-0400 La lighted hutch, $400, stan- lamps m iscellaneous openbow electric troll- Grande axb dard kitchen cabinets up- household items, area ing, w/foot steering, 2 pers and lowers, good rug 5x7, miscellaneous fishfinders, Many extras 2013 JEEP Grand Chercondition, $300 for all. chairs, tv stand, 30-50hp must see. 541-519-6722 okee Laredo ImmacuLarge commercial fridge, lower units, long shaft, Baker City vdt late, 4,600 miles, black 2 glass slider doors, old- $25.00 ea. CD radios, on black, $41,000.00. er but works good, $400. miscellaneous JD parts. FOR SALE: 1998 Elk- 541-786-2575 La OBO on all 541-519- 541-562-5469 U nion horn b y Fl eetwood Grande axl 4905 Haines hcs mes Overhead Camper 8'6". Self-contained; electric AUTOMATIC AND SIDE BY SIDE Whirlpool 5 PIECE drum set with jacks; queen-sized bed; STANDARD Transmisrefridgerator, water/ice symbols, stool,$250.00. sleeps 4; customized sion Repair and Rebuildin door, aprox 5yrs old, 3 a coustic g uitars, racks to haul canoe or ing. Reasonable Prices, white, excellent condi$50.00. Series 2000 kayak. Vehicle tie-downs 28 years in La Grande tion, $250.00. Bookcase, Food Saver, new in box, included. One owner Call 541-963-7087 La 6ft tall with 5 shelves, in never opened, $60.00 and very good condition. Grande axm good condition, $25.00. obo. 541-786-2086 North Price: $5,500. 541-620541-663-9347 I sland Powder mdg 0408. Located in Mt. Ver- CLASSIC 51 Chevy pickCity hcs non, OR. vdh up, restored 350 small block, $28,000 firm. 541KNOTTY PINE kitchen 2006 BUELL Ulysses 963-7517 La Grande axy cabinets, 9 base units, FREE PERSONAL classi- 1200, made by Harley fieds for military personel approx. length 34ft. 4 upand dependants with de- Davidson. This is a very ALL WAYS Automotive per units approx. length clean bike, runs excel- LLC. 541-624-5001. Re13ft. One oven unit, 2ft pendant ID. We support lent, has r emovable build Engines 8 Trans8in wide, $2,500.00. Call our troops! The Nickel, hard-bag, cylinder air missions with 40 years 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La 541-910-9070 hdh scoops, 2 power outlets, experience. 3 year warGrande. 963-6237 special dual headlights, ranty on parts and labor. lots of extras. Always well Specified labor rate: maintained. 34,600mi. $68.00/hr. Lowest price Always garaged and in BAKER F EDERAL great shape. 541-519- in town. La Grande axa 5143, Greg. $4,500.00. Baker City vdm Need CASH?Place an Ad
General Contractor
2004 FATBOY Harley AUTOMATIC AND Davidson, e x c ellentSTANDARD Transmiscondition, 30,000 origi- sion Repair and Rebuildnal miles, lots of extras. ing. Reasonable Prices, $9,500.00 obo, cash 28 years in La Grande or trade, 541-886-2094 Call 541-963-7087 La Wallowa vxm Grande axm
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• e-mail Page 5
SKS 762X39 Norinco w/ scope, $375.00. 223 Ammo, 500 round cans, 55 grain, $150.00. 223 Brass for reloading, 500 rounds, $65.00. 541786-3367 Island City ddw
WANT RAILROAD lanterns, globes, locks, keys, signs, badges, china, silver, paper, wax sealers. Cash. 541-2763506 Pendleton mxj
NOTICE: C l a ssifiedBLUE PINE Rough cut, Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. any size, any amount. Changes or cancella- Call 541-426-3317 or tions must be in by 5pm 541-263-1008. EnterMonday. prise mds
DARREL FRIESEN Well Services, LLC. SubmersCOME TO THE ible pump installation FREE MAGIC SHOW and repairs on water sys254 B O XE S of See $500,000 of your tems. Phone 541-562Hornady/454/Casall, 240 money disappear! Judg- 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. grain, EXTP Magnum es West and Dretke and CCB¹163246 Union, OR ammunition, $ 2 0.00 Commissioners David- sxd per box. 7 boxes of Win son and McClure are partition gold, 260 grain, building the new court- OPENINGS NOW avail. 460 SBW Mag, $35.00 house where "Judge for beginner piano les$16/half hr. $30/hr. per box. Savage rifle West want it." Admire sons! Safe 8 fun environment! Model 99 lever action the half-million dollar Call 541-805-9741 for with brass shell counter, empty space, former- more info! La Grande rifle is excellent, $500.00. ly the Shelter from the sxw 541-894-2352 Baker City Storm's Advocacy Cenddw ter. La Grande mcb NEW RUGER Hawkeye, blue .223 $625. Ruger tang safty 300 WM $575. Ruger 22 I.r. wood grips $250. Whitworth 375 WBY $400. Sako Riihimaki 222 scope dies brass $650. 541-5234256 Baker City ddh
HAVE GREAT Antiques or collectibles? Instant Cash Paid!! I buy older Estates. Thanks! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La Grande mxj
Need an address label stamp for business or BROWNING AUT05 just for home? Come into 12G a ut o lo a ding The Nickel to design and shotgun, circa 1958. order one! $850.00 firm. 541-379DR. WILLARD G. Ber4885 Elgin dcs trand DC now accepting Workmen's comp. and NEW MO S SBERGauto accident injuries. MVP Predator .308 with Call today to get sched20" fluted barrel, target uled 541-963-4068 or crown and fluted bolt. 963- Well. La Grande Laminate Sporter stock mxb with Mossbergs accuBARRELS trigger, it comes with the factory 10rd. magazine Burn or Storage, $20.00; and also takes M1A, vented $25.00. Call 541963-8990 La Grande M14, and AR10 mags. mxp $500. 541-963-6931 La Grande dekd FOOD ALLERGY testing, cleansing therapy and VFW GU N S h ow, hormonal supplemenH untington Or M a y tation. Call Dr. Willard 9'" 8 10'". Buy Sell 8 Bertrand DC. 963-Well. Trade, vender table La Grande. Preferred reservations, call 541- Provider for all major in869-2241 Huntington surances. mxb dev THE NICKEL DOES BUSINESS CARDS! RUBBER S TAMPS! Starting at $16.60 each Come in and start des igning. Starting a t at the Nickel. $32.50 for 500!
Light Rein Farm and Farrier NOW IN OREGON! 25 yearsof farrier excellence,specializing incorrective.therapeutic ork. TrimandShoethe horse for thewhole horse, notjust thehoof. From Traihorses l Io Competitors in the performancering.
MBW ROUND bailer, 4' x 5' bail size, always shedded, light u s e, available at Gylenburg Equipment Baker City. 541-523-7823. fdw
HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb
SPLIT T A MARACK fence, stays 48", $1.20 each. Enterprise 541398-0909 fds
C OLUMBIA B A S IN JOHN DEERE disc, TO Compassion C enter: FIAT ALLIAS wheel CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 210. Call 541-426-3039 will be open May 10th, loader, 2 "/4yrd, 4 in 1 TUESDAYAT 5PM! Enterprise few 2015, for all your medi- bucket, EROPS, cab cal marijuana needs. Top heat, good o v erall, shelf flower, $33 1/8, $10 $15,900.00. Weekdays, gram. From Hug Farms, 541-523-6000 Baker City Call todayfor a no-obligation insurancereview Bend, Oregon. Paridne fdw Farms, Rob M., Ashland, Oregon. Stoney Girl BEST BUY Excavator, Gardens, Happy Valley, 1yrd bucket, Detroit Oregon, Top shelf was, Diesel, good overall, IN5URANCE DCI El shatter, $30 gram; 82053 $7,995.00. 5 4 1-523Hwy 395 N., Hermiston, 6000 Baker City fdw (all Matt Pidcock541-963-3121 Oregon, 541-561-9673. 1603WashingtonAve, La Grande Help wanted. mcp
Doesvourdusiness have thecoverageitneedsP
All I r s will be considered, all certIfled used trailers come with a 90day limited warranty ' 15 WILDW OO D 18 1 B H X L
' 11 COUGAR 2 4 R K
Our most compact floor plan! Bunkhouse floorplan. Has showstopper package with all power jacks, and awning, including a wireless remote control! Excellent value! WASS2$,920
Only 27' total length and5591Ibs, good sized for a wide range of use! 4season trailer, polar packaged, cool in summerand warm inwinter. Rear kitchen floor plansmakesfor ample counter space,very popular floor plan! WAS S24,888
NOW $16,888
NOW $21,888
' 09 COUGA R 2 6 8 R L S
' 05 JAYCO E A G L E 32 2 F K S
Very spacious and comfortable rear living floor plan with 2 swivel rocking chairs and a nice big rear bay window! Lots of biq windows on this trailer, lets in a lot of light, nice feel! WASS2$,888
A floor plan comfortable enough to live in! Lots of counter space, storaqe andclothes hanging space, andplenty of roomto stretch out! 4 seasontrailer(aluminum frame construction and very clean inside andout! WAS S18,888
NOW $21,888 stk¹ 7255-1C
NOW $16,888
' 06 WILDCAT 26 B H B P 32' FW Bunk House w/1-Slide, Sleeps Up To 8, 2 LCD TVs, A/C, MW, Awn, Loaded
' 96 DUTC H MA N 2 6 F K ~<i ~ ~sx
27 TT,Only WeIqhs 5,600lbs, Has A/C, MW. AWN, Private Rear Bedroom w/ Walk Around Bed, Has A Roomy Front Kitchen & Living Room, Very Nice Trailer
WAS S17,900
Stk¹ 8472-1 WAS $10,900
NOW $16,888
' 08 FOUR W I N D S 27B
' 07 CARD I NAL 3 1 B H
28' Express Lite Bunk House, Sleeps 8, Only Weiqhs 4,655 LBS, Has A/C, MW, AWN, AM/FM/CD, Loaded
33' TT Bunk House w/1-Slide, Sleeps Up To 8,A/C, MW, AWN, AM/FM/CD, Loded
WAS S12,700
WAS S26,900
NOW $11,888 stk¹ 8454-2
NOW $22,888 stk¹ 7251-1C
' 04 MONTANA 29 8 0 R L
' 13 KOMFOR T 2 1 0 0 R B
32' FW w/3 Slides, RearLiving w/ Big Island Kitchen, HasA SpaciousBedroom w/Queen Bed Slide and LargeCloset, Central Vac, A/C, MW,Awn, Big EnoughToLive ln WASS22,900
27'TT w/1-Slide, Unique Open Floor Plan, Only 5,252 Ibs, Aluminum Frame, Winter Insulation Pkg, Power Awn, Loaded
NOW $19,888 s„¹ „,o,
NOW $24,888 stk¹w6003-2
WAS S$0,$80
'94 DUTCHMEN CLASS C 31' This neat floorplanfeaturesa rear full walkaround queen,and2swivel captains chairswith flip up dining tables.Veryclean!Sleeps5with extrajack-knife couch and over-cabsleeping!Only33,148miles, runsqreat! Has4000Watt Onangenerator! Mechanicsspecial! LOTPRIGE$9,600
SALE $6,888
Stk¹ 7254-1
' 15MXT BY KZ CR C 1 7 0 • -
29' Toy Hauler w/8x8 Platform w/1 Slide, Big EnoughFor Four4'x4' Quads, 60"x80" Queen Bed,4-Stab Jacks, AC,AM/FM/CD, Awn, MW,Loaded
WAS S$0,469
NOW $24,888 stk¹ Mzoo2
35 years as 9professional horsewoman.Trainer, Instructor, Competitor, Clinicianandam9Certified OpenJudge. TrainedandcompetedintheAll Around for pleasurewith numerousbreedsandcreated World Champions in NBHA. Let experienceworkfor youandyour horse...
Sales: Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5 • Award Winning Service: Mon - Sat 9:00 - 5:00 541-567-1583 888-567-1583 80658 N. Hwy 395 • Hermiston, OR
Cell: 7046773261 email: Shotzy08@livAcom FaceBook: Light ReinFarrier
"Interest rateas low as 3%available O.A.C. Not all customers will qualify, see store for details. (Plusany license, title, tax and doc fees may beadded to sale price. Offer ends 4/29/15.
Page 6 e-mail •
2003 ARCTIC Fox 29V trailer, 2 slides, excellent condition, new batteries plus hitch and so much more! $12,500.00 obo. 541-963-2277 La Grande vam
The Nickel-A ril23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
2009 CHEVY Impala with low miles, always garaged, $9900. 1987 33' motorhome, 2 speed differential, 454, genera9905 18+. tor, AC, awning, all aluminum, nice condition, $5,000. 208-503-0235, 1998 MAZDA B4000 Clarkston aft 4wd pu with canopy, ex ADVERTISE to 10 Million cab, front hubs, 154,495 Homes across the USA! 1993 4WD Silverado miles, 5sp manual, 4lv6. Place your ad in over 140 Chev Pick-up w/ can$3,295. 541-786-4988 communitynewspapers, opy extra cab. '/ 4 ton, Elgin ade with circulation totaling very clean interior, good over 10 million homes. tires, 134,000 miles, CK 1976 PROWLER 25ft Contact I ndependent 25, $4,100.00. 541-562camp trailer, some dam- Free Papers of America 0508, Ask for Bill. Union age, but in fair working IFPA at danielleburnett- acl condition, $800.00 obo. or visit our 541-910-6521 N o rth 1998 SUBURU Outback Powder vdg for more information. Limited, 5spd, AWD, 178k, leather, heated seats plus new water pump, timing kit, axle, fluids, all work warrantied, $4,495.00 obo. 541963-2277 La Grande atm
SHEEP FOR Sale: Two Border Leicester-cross ewes plus their lambs. Please leave message: 541-577-3057 Imnaha pdm
Make a Connection.Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-
PPR HORSE Boarding quality care, reasonable rates, shelters w/ runs, arenas, hay included in board. Overnighters welcome. 541-910-4140 LaGrande pxk WANTED: ALL classes of horses. We pick'em up. Call J.A. Bennett Livestock. 541-523-6119 or 541-519-2802 Baker City pxj FOR SALE HEREFORD YEARLING BULLS Harrel 8 Hoiden genetics, sired by Churchill Yankee and Sons ofthe Great 4140P. Top quality bulls, priced right. Starting at $2,500.00. 541910-3610 Baker City pxo
CONTAINERS FOR SALE! We'll let you look at and pick out your containerbetore you buy! Will the other guyP
EQUIPMENTTYPES Dry Van COntainerS - I!e offer 20', 24', 40' standardcontainers and 40'and 45'high cube containers to accommodate various customer needs. All containersguaranteed to bewater tight.
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For a Container and Modification
Quote todaypleasecall
1.800.255.4835 Or email achrest©
QUALITY FURNITURE 1996 GMC pickup, 1/2 solid cherry oval dining ton 4x4, one owner, 4 table 60x42, one 16" new tires on rims go with leaf, $250.00, 6 chairs, it. $5,500. firm. 541-894$150.00, Matching buf- 2478. Sumpter adm fet, $250.00. Antique oak side board with mirror REBUILT ENGINES back, $225.00. Antique Custom built in USA. Toyoak dresser, $75.00. ota 22RE, $969.00. With Cherry twi n b e d s, new head, $1,269.00. $150.00. Mahogany side table, $75.00. Maple With new head 8 HP Kit, 3 drawer night stand, $1,469.00. HP Kit ads $50.00. 541-963-6317 15hp-35T6 and 3-4 more La Grande acs MPG. 12x12 Warranty. MULLER ENGINES 541MOVING SALE and 963-0725 or 541-786Yard Sale; F r iday, 4861 agm May 1 and Saturday, May 2(Haines Community yard sale date) $50 CASH REBATE 7:00am t o 2: 0 0pm ANY VEHICLE TOWED 1120 Cole St, Haines-Un- TO ALWAYS AUTOMOdercover sale. We have TIVE On Willow Street. moved to Baker City and Rebate paid after work is downsized house and finished on vehicle. 541yard. Antique Erector 624-5001 La Grande axb sets, Antique carpenter tools, housewares, lin- 2003 ARCTIC Fox 29V ens, curtains, clothes, trailer, 2 slides, excelair conditioners, 52 in lent condition, new batgarden tractor and cart. teries plus hitch and so Lawn furniture, yard much more! $12,500.00 tools, lots of pots and obo. 541-963-2277 La pans, picnic table set, vases, dining room set, Grande aam rocking chair. Full 16 place settings china. Mi- 1998 MAZDA B4000 cro waves, much more. 4wd pu with canopy, ex hdl cab, front hubs, 154,495 miles, 5sp manual, 4lv6. QUEEN MATTRESS $2,895.00 541-786-4988 set, $100.00. Couch full Elgin ade sized, $75.00. 541-910-
1999 NASH 5th Wheel, 25 1/2ft with 2 slide-outs, 4,000 watt built in Onan Generator, generator runs on propane, excellent condition, $8,500.00 ob0. 2001 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 Cummins Diesel 5.9 Super Cab 8ft box, 5th Wheel inbox, 110,000 actual miles, very good condition, $14,000.00 obo. 541562-5469 Union mcs LX277 JD 48in deck, 4 wheel steer, twin cylinder Kawosaki, hydrostatic transmission, electric clutch for mower deck, $1,300.00 obo. 160 JD 38in deck, standard shift, $650.00 obo. JD pull-behind lawn trailer, $100.00 obo. 541 -562-5469 Union mcs
YOUR TAX MONEY ISGONE! $500,000 of your federal VICTORYACRES Riding taxes built an AdvocaAcademy. Now off ering cy Center for victims of boarding, lessons and domestic abuse. Then training. All ages and levJudges West And Dretels, school horses available 8 references availke convinced CommisCCB¹ 149931 able. Indoor 8 outdoor sioners McClure and "Nore Than Justa Shed" arenas! 541-786-3218. Davidson to demolish Countryside Sheds, u c www .victoryacresfarm. that building for the new (800) 682-0589(541)663-0246 com. La Grande pxw courthouse. Were there 10102 S. MrAlister Rd.Island City other sites? Yes. Did they PASTURE NEEDED for care? No. Did they waste 2015 or longer. 25-100 6713 La Grande hct GMC-CHEVROLET Proyour money? Yes. See cow calf pairs. Please tech headache rack nevthe evidence: 5'" 8 K. La call Kelvin at 541-786- LOVE SEAT for sale. Exer mounted, 6in factory Grande mcb cellent condition. Brown 0495 or Scott at 541910-5629 La Grande pht textured fabric with two running boards for crew throw pillows. $175.00 cab and used for 1,500 $50 CASH REBATE obo. 541-805-0321 La miles and 4-17in, 8 lug ANY VEHICLE TOWED Grande hcs factory wheels like new TO ALWAYS AUTOMOBUILDING CORP. with caps and lug nuts, TIVE On Willow Street. all items fit 2007.5-2014 Rebate paid after work is NEW QUEEN Mat- GMC-CHEV 2500-3500, finished on vehicle. 541tress 8inch M emory Foam F i rm /cool best offer, must sell need 624-5001 La Grande axb gel technology. $275. gone. 541-786-3708 ImI • I III • . , I! NEUTRON BATTERY RCA 31inch Flat Screen bler ads Powered mower 14in TV, works great $95. CBS¹115247 CONTACT US FOR A Blue Steel Metal Roof1994 HONDA Passswath, 2 24volt batterCONSULTATION! BUILDING FREE ing, never u sed/no port 4x4, cruise, ac, tilt, ies, 1 set of extra blades, HERMISTON, OR SALE! holes, Roofing Panels, sunroof, roof rack, grill good for small lawn, 541-922-2885 Ridge Flashing 8 Gable guard, 5spd, aluminum $125.00. 4 metal panels, 30'x48'x13' • $17,928 Building pictured is not pnced in ad Trim, will cover a 24'X48' wheels, tires 90%, cd 2 1/2in 12ga, best offer. crew travel required over 50 maes 42'x56'x15' • $25,201 Local building code modifications roof, paid $1,500. asking player, runs out good, 1 pair of Nike walking extra Pnce sub]ect to change 60'x104'x17' • $58,749 without nonce $1,200. 541-963-6950 ze 8 medium, $1,795.00. Weekdays, shoes,si La Grande hdw FEATURING: ~s~ F A B R A L 541-523-6000 Baker City like new, $25.00 obo. It's Nickel Time!! 800-373-5550 • adw 541-523-2663 Baker City mcs 04 DODGE 1500 new • - • ' ' : I motor, lots of new parts, ATTENTION MINERS: $8,900.00 obo. 541-403- Pond liner, pvc 40mil. 1017 Baker City adh thick, 75ftx165ft, new on the pallet, $7,900.00, re1993 TOYOTA Seli- duced to sell, $3,900.00. ca GTS, body in poor Weekdays, 5 41-523Mowers shape, but runs 8 drives, 6000 Baker City mdw Sales SrService Commercial & Residential $500.00 obo. 541-910Small Engines Meeting Your Ag &Turf Needs 6521 North Powder adg FOR SALE: Linda PeterKohler & Kawasaki Dealer son watercolor "Owhyee Service All Brands 95 CHEVY 4x4 '/4 ton, River" Framed, 29"x33". AII Outdoor Power II IIIIUI, I lf 139k, new tires, brakes Farmhouse table and and seats, $3,200.00 2 ladder back chairs, obo. 541 -805-156032"x49". 541-805-8597 Union adp La Grande mds
Rent to Own No Credit Check SHEDS
Emvz 3 5zlha9
~D'[I KAX[5
The Nickel - April 23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 7 I •
HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA from home 6-8 weeks accredited, Get a diploma! Get a job! Free Brochure call now! 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin HS. www. DiplomaFromHome. com TOP QUALITY STORAGE BUILDINGS 541-663-0246 Call for sizes and prices. Island City mxc WANT YOURAD TO COVER A GREATERAREA? Come inand speak with Don at The Nickel about PNAWAN ads. You can advertise in 12 different papers for as low as $75.00. Papers in Oregon, Washingt on, Idaho and more! Call 541-9636237 bxn ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job
placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800-201-4585. www 35556 mxp
STANDING AS Stud, 2 registered Arabian Stallions, one registered American Indian Horse Stallion, mommy and me Arabians. 541-519-7399 Baker City pfr
MASONRY REPAIR professional block stone brick repair for a free estimate call Tylor at 254226-2774 La Grande sxd
VENDORS WANTED!!! For our annual Eagle Valley Days. Saturday, June 20'". Parade, kids games, music, pie contest, Vendors Wanted: SPRING Quality crafts and ColMOWER SERVICE! Call Inland Ag now to lectables. Call Geri 541PASTURE WANTED for schedule a FREE pick- 540-6352 Richland bcf cattle. Pairs or yearling up 8 delivery thru April heifers. Willing to pay up 30'" 541-963-4985 La GT 275 JOHN DEER to $40 for pairs or $25 Grande sdi for yearlings, depending Lawn mower with 48in NEED A NEW on feed type. Long term deck, very clean, new MOWER? leases preferred but willblade, $1,100.00. 541ing to look at all options. Call now to schedule a 963-4985 La Grande mai 541-518-9284 or 541- Demo. Residential or Commercial. 541-963518-9283 If no answer 4985 La Grande sxi NEARLY NEW Craftsman 10in compound mipleaseleave message! Baker City pcc tre saw, $160.00. Glass TIMBER-N-TURF SAW & LAWNMOWER top coffee table with wolf 2 TONS of Grass Hay Small engine repair, 8 pups base, $160.00. for sale. No rain, barn chain saw sharpening, 65-66 Chrome Mustang 8 sales, all makes. stored. Small bales, parts Tuesday through Friday. engine parts, valve cov$165/ton. 541-568-4316 8am-6pm, S a turday, er, air cleaner and more, Cove pzm 9am-2pm. 10304 West $225.00 for all. Rarely 1". Island City. 541-963- used adult 3 wheeler, 5900 sxj AKC YELLOW Schwin, excellent condiLAB PUPPIES. ROTO-SNAKE commer- ton, $200.00. 541-785Champion bloodlines, cial and residential, any 3458 Halfway mdn dog trials . Five males, and all drain cleaning four females,$500 All etc. Call 5451-256-0957 Have Snake Will Travel. OMMP CLONES: Copuppies are m i cro- sdd chipped,shots and ready lumbia Basin Comfor new homes April 25'". CONTRACT FENCING passion has several to 541-523-3782 Baker City Farm Ranch Residen- choose from. Help wanttial. Contact Darrel 541- ed; 82053 Hwy 395 N., pdt 562-5628 541-786-8668 RUBBER STAMPS! Start- CCB¹163246 Union sxf Hermiston, Oregon, 541561-9673. mcp ing at $16.60 each.
6,988 Sto c k¹2442B
1997 FORD F-150
S t o c k ¹15-5887B
• • I
Wants to p u rchase1993 CHEVY pickup, minerals and other oil EXT cab, 4x4, 2500, and gas interests. Send $2,900. 1994 Toyota 4 details to P.O. Box 13557 Runner, $2,500. 541786-1445 Cove.adr Denver, Co. 80201
Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The Nickel.
DEPUTIES TO TEACH GUN CLASS ADVERTISE IN 12 paUnion County Sheriff's pers, 25 words or less for Office will be offering only $75. a week. 4 state a Concealed Handgun 8 Canada coverage, 27 Class on S a turday,papers to choose from. May 16, 2015, starting PANAWAN. 963-6237. at 8:00 a.m. The class 1-800-654-5829 will be held at the Union County Sheriff's Office, FREE PERSONAL classilocated at 1109 K Ave, fieds for military personel La Grande. The cost of and dependants with dethe class is $50, pre- pendant ID. We support registration is required. our troops! The Nickel, For more information and 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La to register for the class, Grande. 963-6237 please contact the Union County Sheriff's Office. 963-1017, option 2 8 3. La Grande des WEATHERBY MARK-V 240 CALIBUR 100% condition. $1,475. 541-428-2113 La Grande ddr
$5,995 AIR,CRUISE,TILT,PW,PL Stock ¹ 2375B
2011 GMC K1500
reunions,meetings, fundraising REACH THOUSANDS starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande
rojects, andworkshops. . For additional information and reservations call 541-9634114
www.f cla rande.or •
$117,7395 „... „„,.$33,988 Stock ¹2371A
„„,„„,.„„$13,966 „„„,.„, $8,888
CRUISE,TILT,PW, PL S t ock ¹ 15-528B
Stock ¹ 2451A
2 0 1 0 CHEVY MALIBU 19 9 8 DODGE RAM 3500
„„„„,.„„$1'/,988 „,.„„„„. $'/5, 988
Stock ¹ I 3-565B
Stock ¹15-SLBB
2003 Dodge Dakota 4WD, A-T odometer 66,000 miles, was a tow behind considerably less driven miles, like new, $8000. 541-523-4256 Baker City adh
Located inthedowntownarea~ of La Grande at1204Spring St.V. is availablefor rent. Excellentfor weddingreceptions,
„„„„. $5,495
85 VO L KSWAGON Cabriolet Convertible, 40mpg, nice clean little car, $3,500.00 obo. 87 Ford F-250 4x4, no engine, $350.00. Ford 352 V-8 engine, good condition, $350.00. 541-4213331 Long Creek adm
„..„„„,. $16,988
Page 8 e-mail
The Nickel-A ril23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e•
Dirtbikes • Streetbikes ATV's • Snowmobile
Parts — Service —Sales — Financing ~
107 0 1 S. Walton Rd., Island City• 541-66S-1 1 1 1 ~ •
Oregon r OYamrdta 4Sazaki+ Arcric Cal ©Polaris II •
• I
"Senring Wazzoura County" CALL US
Workable Design
Mome Plans Remodel Design t7rafting S Permits
RO, Boxsos Cove, OR 978z4
I Ralph Edward s
"Over 10 years of experience!" •
Residential Contracting CCB¹ 205606
54'i -786-0779 El in OR
Greenhouse •
•• e
CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo
FINE BULLS 8 Heifers. DR. Willard G. Bertrand 541-437-8181 Elgin pkm DC now accepting Oregon Health Plan InsurFOR SALE: Very pretty 3 ance. Call today to get year old POA filly. Halter scheduled 541-963-4068 broke, loads, ties, Loves or 963- Well. La Grande people, polite on the mxb BUYING ANTLERS! and is the first Any type, any condition, ground to greet you at the gate. will pay more for craft Works on a lounge line, $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT antlers. Will pay cash. has been sacked out and cash now!! Injury lawsuit Call Craig, 541-910-2640 saddled (although she dragging? Need $500Union dxd will need a refresher). $500,000 + within 48 Very people friendly.... hours? Low rates. Apply NEW PISTOLS over ready to start for riding now by phone! 1-800100 in stock can special or driving. 14 Hands and 568-8321. www .Iawcaporder an y f i r earmsloads of color and per- 35715 mxg or do i n ternet gun sonality. She is looking transfers.541-523-9448 for her forever friend, ATTEND COLLEGE ONsmall adult or youth rider LINE from Home.*MediBaker City dxw to start her and become *Business, *Criminal partners. Very willing cal, PRICE R E DUCED!and very sweet; yet she Justice, *Hospitality. Job SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 is still a baby and needs placement assistance. grips, night sights, mag direction, so not recom- Computer available. Fipouch, holster, travel mended for a beginner nancial Aid if qualified. box, 115 and 214round unless you have help. SCHEV authorized. Call magazines, $650.00. $500 So if you would like 800-201- 4585. www 541-910-6148 I sland to meet this classy little lady, please call 541- 35716 mxa City dxf 519-9217 Baker City pep
1998 CHEV Tahoe 4x4, 161k, leather seats, new tires, new brakes, excellent condition. Call Sel at 541-403-0366 Baker City acm 1975 Ford Courier, runs great, body straight, toolbox and mag wheels. $1150. 541-398-0762 Wallowa aej 01 DODGE 5.9, 4x4, 1 ton. 6 speed, FB, 97 Dodge 5.9, 4x4, 3/4 ton, FB. 541-379-0851 La Grande aeb
1928 W ILLYS-Knight truck project, $1,500.00, Wing and horizontal stabilizer covers for Cessna 180-182, will fit other A/C. Sold new for $800.00, sell for $150.00, 16" GrizzlyWood Bandsaw, $375.00, 2 Michelin LT 265/70 R17, $70.00. 4 MUZZLELOADERS and DISH TV Retailer. Start- 14" Mercedes wheels, ANGUS BULLS more. Guns, buy, sell One 2 year old, one eight ing at $ 1 9.99/month$100.00, Pro Tech Aluor trade. Black powder year old. Trich and se- (for 12 mos.) 8 High minum pickup toolbox, guns 8 a c cessories,men tested. Angus bulls Speed Internet starting $95.00. 541-963-6317 modern guns 8 ammo. ready to work. $3,500.00 at $14.95/month (where La Grande acs 541-663-2650 I sland each. Matthew 541-805- available.) SAVE! Ask City dxg 4309 Anne 541-786- About SAME DAY Instal- 2000 IMPALA, 3.8 auto, 0008 La Grande pec lation! CALL Now! 1-800- Red, A/C, Cruise, sunGLOCK 45ACP, 2"' 593-1764 mxm roof, mega highway miles, runs great, good Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger 1984 BRONCO 3 horse Vaquero, 45 LC SS. trailer, good s hape, DIRECTV sta r ting tires. $2,195.00 OBO. Ruger Vaquero, Matched $2,500.00 obo. 541- at $24.95/mo. Free 541-963-9358 or 541508-6294 Haines phb 3-Months of HBO, starz, 963-5648 La Grande acf Set, 45 LC, Hi Gloss SS. SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 BRAD CAMERON Mule SHOWTIME 8 CINE"/a", Nickel, Trigger Job. 8 Horse Clinic, June MAX FREE RECEIVER 1986 GMC 4x4 SierSBW, 500 Mag. SBW, 26, 27 8 28, at the Aso- Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sun- ra Classic 1500, extra Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". tin County Fairgrounds. day Ticket Included with 15" Mickey Thompson SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". Contact Pat Bogar at Select Packages. Some wheels, $2,500.00. 541And many rifles! Call 509-780-2925 or exclusions apply - Call 508-6294 Haines ahb 541-786-1900 I sland for details 1-800-370pcb City dxv 1356 02/1 5 COLLECTORS 1983 restored Honda THE NICKEL FAX 541- V65 Magna, $2,995.00. 963-8853. 1971 V W Be a tle, r 1 r I $3,500.00. 1955 r eGET THE Big Deal stored Chev Bel Air 2dr f rom D irecTV! A c t hardtop, $35,000 firm. I r Now- $19.99/mo. Free 1975 Mercedes 450SL 3-Months of HBO, starz, with hardtop 8 soft top, e J • SHOWTIME 8 CINE- $12,995.00. All in very MAX. FREE GENIEHD/ good condition. Call 8 1 Nour IklylnI(. i ki DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL leave message. 541Sunday Ticket Included 562-6253 or 541-910with Select Packages. 1922 La Grande adp New Customers Only. IV Support Holdings LLC- 96 TOYOTA Corolla 4cyl An authorized DirecTV 5spd, a/c, 212,000mi, Dealer. Some exclusions recent tune-up, straight apply - Call for details little car, $1,800.00. 5416rt1900RHWY 03 r de„OR 1-800-370-1356 ffn 910-1486 Cove aek I
NEW David Austin Roses, Waves, Geraniums Petunias, Dahlias, Fucias, Impatients, Perrenials, 8 Plenty More
I II .
Come ln a Compare Our Quality a Prices
g68-4329 or 910-4632 60905 Love Rd. Cove
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toll Fre P60>4
Lawns 8 Odd Jobs Includes: Yards, Flower beds Gardens
p Loc'elly','ow/'tedpndppprItte/I', uGritn
Union, Cove, /mb/er and La Grande •
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• •
1996 GMC pickup "/a ton 4x4, one owner. 4 new tires on rims goes with it, $5,500 frim. 541-8942478 Sumpter aes
Ountai n orks Hi cycl es 1301AdamsAve, LaGrande, OR97850(541) 963-3220
CheckUsgutgn: ~
' •
Complete Preparation ot/ALLNtrorm Deettments, Incltodes: Children, Sttpport, IDlvislon of P~ope~ty Iit Bllls, and Return to any former name.
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LI,UII Altelnltives 503-772-5295
srrnnrrpar aregaMEterrrae&
LET U S DE LIVER 14,000 business cards a week for just $15. Advertise in The Nickel business directory. 9636237. La Grande
The Nickel - April 23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
BS BUCKLEY - This is a tremendous stallion that is the complete package. With a pedigree packed full of world champions and he has proven himself in the show ring, in the breeding barn, as a producer, and temperament second to none that he passes on to all of his foals. Bucky is a 3 x world champion, has his Superior and ROM and has produced multiple world/reserve world champions and superior earners. He is a 100% color producer, and has excellent semen. Not only is he a producer, he rides! This is a stallion that has offspring excelling in the halter pen then go on to succeed in western pleasure, trail, rodeo events, and working cow horse. Just a super nice all-around stallion. LCFG, $550. 541-7862403 Cove pgs
97 ELKHORN Camper, 11ft, call first. Fully loaded. 541-910-1169 La Grande vdb 1994 17FT Sylvon aluminum boat and trailer. Both are in very good condition. New 70hp Yamaha 4 stroke with 3 hours of run time. New top, storage cover recent, new seats, spare tire. $8,995.00 Call 541963-2440 or cell 541910-1179 for more information or to see. vds 2006 CRESTLINER Canadian 1850. Mercury 4 stroke 115 8 9.9 2012. Minn Kota I-Pilot GPS. Full canvas, used very little, $22,000.00. 541910-6853 La Grande vpg
FLATBED 800gal water tank, 8ftx16ft, complete, excellent co n dition, make offer. 541-7860407 La Grande men
WALNUT V E NEER 42in pedestal table, $20.00. Scott 20in reel push mower with catch- EXPERIENCED CARE er, brand new, $50.00. Giver seeks work, reaHomelite 17in 2 stroke sonable 8 reliable. Refweed eater, with har- erences. 541-523-3110 ness, $50.00. 541-853- Haines scc 2353 Baker City mcm 4INCH LIFT kit with shocks out of 84 Blazer. 2 rearends 373 gear, 2 drive-lines, transmission and transfer case, 2004 500 HO Polaris 4 wheeler with blade and winch also 2003 90cc Polaris, looking to trade for side by side ATV. Aluminum generator mount for pull trailer or 5'" wheel, best offer. 541-571-7078 La Grande mcw
2009 BMW X5 Priced to sell, $21,500, loaded, drives great, excellent condition, garaged, 78,000 highway miles, new tires; call for WIRED FEED 110 amp REG.BLACK more information 541- Heavy Duty, works well, ANGUS BULLS 519-5889 or 541-523- $385.00. Plasma cutter, DNAtestedfor EPDsyou 3904, Baker City. vet 110 amp, works well, can trust. Heifer bulls 8 good condition, $400.00. calving ease bulls. Moun- 2007 18' Pioneer Spirit 541-379-0851 mcb tain raised. yearlings and camp trailer. In like new a few 2 y.o.s too. Over condition, sleeps 7, self- 3 BIN BAGGER for 42" 60 years of breeding be- contained. A very nice Craftsman lawn mower, hind these Great Bulls. camper. $6,995.00 obo. great condition, lite use, Semen and Trich tested 541-519-3896, l eave $250. OBO Will trade ready to go to work now. message. Will call back. for a small refrigerator. Ph. Dan Heath at 541- Baker City vds Arabian/Quarter Horse 805-1225 la Grande OR. 9 year old gelding, good www. BearCreekRan- 2012 W I NNABAGOwith experienced youth, La Grande View, loaded, generator, has been used for 4-H slide-out, awning, queen and pleasure riding, peh air-bed, 27in TV, lots of $1,300. OBO 541-398200 TON grass/alfalfa storage inside and out, 1211 or 541-398-2140 hay. 3x3 bales. 16.9 % all seats leatherette, Wallowa mca protein. Tarped. $170. comes with tow-bar and 541-518-9284 Baker City cover, less than 4,000 RUBBER S TAMPS! miles. 2 0 8-452-7099Starting at $16.60 each pec at the Nickel. Fruitland ver WAPITI RANCH Horse training, colt starting, FREE PERSONAL classi- NEED SOME extra tune-ups, problem solv- fieds for military personel cash?? I am currently ing. Soft gentle touch and dependants with de- buying elk, deer, and training. 541-215-0758 pendant ID. We support moose antlers at top dolour troops! The Nickel, lar. Give me a call, 541Summerville pcb 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La 969-4875 Athena mcp Grande. 963-6237 AKC BLACK Lab puppies! Born on March 26th and ready to go on May 14th. Both parents are good duck dogs. Will come with their papers and current on their IClllllI!lBJYIMi %0ltliSHOP vaccines and worming. Learn about ItomeownershiP They will be pre-spoiled beforefoII Ry a home by kids! 3 boys and 3 M ay 16, 2015,9' .Ob a.m .-2:00 p.m. Community Connection girls available. Reserve 702 NW First Street, Enterprise your today! $400-$450. pressn&d by: Debbie votaw, Housing Resouice;Cente Maager of C hlO 541-518-9284 Baker City i an<I I pgc Di Lyn Larsen-HilI, Family self sufficien
Coordirlator of NEOHA
HAY ELEVATOR on rubber, can be used as 15ft, 25ft or 35ft, $150.00. 541-534-2058 Summerville pcl e-mail Page 9
Ta regiser for this dassâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; Please call (541}963-3186/1-800-838-3186 or email Sponsoredby: CommunltyConnectianofNortheast Oregon, Inc. and Northeast Oregon Housing Authority
OPENINGS NOW avail. for beginner piano lessons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. Safe 8 fun environment! Call 541-805-9741 for more info! La Grande bxw SERVE YOUR COUNTRY!!! Want a little cash? Want to go to college? Have way too many student loans? Ever thought about serving your country? The Oregon National Guard gives you tuition assistance and the MGIB so youcan start/finish your college degree. If you already have your degree we offer the student loan repaymentof$50,000 dollars!!! Plus you gain the knowledge, experience, and motivation to jump start your career. Imagin having your college totally paid for and a drill pay check. Want more information call SGT Lori McNeil 541-786-1459 La Grande area. bxm
FOR RENT: Wouldlike to NEWER 3BD/2ba home sharemy home in south with open floor plan, side of La Grande with vaulted ceilings, central another mature lady. air, Jacuzzi bath tub, am a Christian woman walk-in closet, fenced recently widowed and yard with auto sprinwould enjoy company. klers. Exceptional Eagle Clean 3 bedroom two Cap Estates neighborbath located in a nice hood, ready to move in, quiet neighborhood on $183,500. 541-437-0626 cul-de-sac. C e menteeh paved streets, street lights and sidewalks. You DEBT C ONSOLIDAwould have your own TION loans for senior furnished bedroom and homeowners 62+. Get bath with shared kitchen cash too!No payments and living area. 541-663- due until you vacate the 8246. La Grande uep property for 12 months, sell, or pass away. InCUSTOM CHALET terest 8 fees will accrue. HOME Must pay property taxes 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths 8 insurance. Call Matt on 12 secluded acres Allen, ML0-254296, at in Cove School District. 541-773-3131. Pacific Energy Efficient, Wrap- Residential Mortgage, Around Deck, Heated NMLS-1477/WA CLShop, Washer/Dryer. 1477, Equal Housing $1,200.00 a month. Call Lendereea 541-437-0626 udn AFFORDABLE LIVING! Yakima, W ashington downtown, furnished studios, Rent $345-$385, utilities included, small refrig, micro, twin bed, dresser, bus line, secure, mini storage available. 509-248-2146 ufs
NEWER 3BD/2ba home with open floor plan, vaulted ceilings, central air, Jacuzzi bath tub, walk-in closet, fenced yard with auto sprinklers. Exceptional Eagle Cap Estates neighborhood, ready to move in, $192,500. 541-437-0626 eth LARGE BUILDING lot near edge of Baker City. Call 541-523-2472 Baker City edc MUST SELL 12x47' house trailer, near Snake River. Make offer. 541523-2472 Baker City edc FSBO, 4 years old, 1850sqft, 3 bed, 2.5 bath, large fenced yard. $199,000. View online at Call Jamie 541-805-9676 La Grande eec
FOR SALE river lot, Imnaha woods III, .47 acre, $9,500.00. 9 0 7-414RICHLAND, OR - Clean, 8121 emh Cozy, 2 Furnished apartments available. Must see! Walking distance to store, postoffice 8 Senior andDisabled restaurants. $315/mo, includes water/sewer. Call Michael, 541-399- applications.Income 1397 or 541-893-3401 restrictionsapply. Richland uwm
Housing. Accepting
Call Candi in Baker City
NOTICE: Classified RUBBER S TAMPS! Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. Starting at $16.60 each Changes or cancellaO (541 )523-6578.g at the Nickel. HOG WILD Days Parade tions must be in by 5pm Participants Wanted. Monday. June 6'" 2015 at 11am, Island City Or. Call 541786-2319 Island City BOX OF videos, $5.00. Box of books, $5.00. bhw 541-910-0729 Unioin zyp
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Miocene LaGrande Terrace
APTS: Studios, 1 Or 2 Bdrm Apartments $295-$600
LaGrande, Union HOMES 8 DUPLEXES 1 -4 Bdrm, 1 Or 2 Bath $495-$895
COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1250 Sq. Ft. Union
Storage 12'x12'-$45 12'x30'-$90 12'x24'-$70
Page 10 e-mail
The Nickel-A ril23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
ANTLER BUYER buying deer, elk and moose antlers, any condition, also buying bear traps and vintage 501 Levis. 541910-6713 La Grande wxt
BALE WAGONS sell/ 20 Acres. $0 Down, 1994 29FT Camp Trailer, MEET SINGLES right CASH PAID- up to $25/ DirectTV - Over $636.00 buy. New Holland pull- $ 128/mo. u n expired,in savings, Free upgrade Owne r good condition, every- now! No paid operators, Box fo r type or self-propelled financing. Money Back thing works, $3,800.00. just real people like you. sealed DIA B ETIC to Genie, 8 2014 NFL models/ pa r ts/tires.G uarantee. Near E l 541-523-4538 Baker City Browse greetings, ex- TEST STRIPS. 1-DAY Sunday Ticket included Call Jim Wilhite 208- Paso, change messages and PAYMENT. 1-800-371- at no charge. $29.99 TXB eautiful vew 880-2889 any t i me. Mountain views FREE connect live. Try it free. 1136 month! Call Now 1-800www. balewagon .com color brochure 800-939Call now: 800-417-7304 453-9131 tfn 2011 KEYSTONE 2654 TOP CASH FOR CARS, FUZION TOY HAULER ffn WANTED M ILITARYCaldwell fxw Any Car/Truck, Running DISH TV Retailer. StartTOURING EDITION guns, bayonets, swords, ENJOY 100% Dish Network G et PREGNANT? CONSIDor Not. Call for INSTANT ing at $19.99/month (for M360TE 3 knifes, misc. Also any 12 mos.) 8 High Speed older guns, h unting guaranteed, delivered-to- MORE for LESS! Starting Two slides, one and half ERING Adoption? Call offer: 1-800-454-6951 knifes, collector not deal- the-door Omaha Steaks! $19.99/month (for 12 baths, 3 tv's, dvd, fire us first. Living expensI nternet starting a t er. 541-377-8008. wxh SAVE 78% PLUS 4 months.) PLUS Bundle place, large garage with es, housing, medical 8 VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS $14.95/month (where FREE Burgers - The 8 SAVE (Fast lnternet for flip down patio, 25 gal- continued support after- 20mg. 40 tabs +10 available.) SAVE! Ask CLASSIFIED DEADLINE Happy FamilyBanquet $15 more/month.) CALL lon fuel tank for ATV, 25 wards. Choose adoptive FREE, $99 i ncludes About SAME DAY InstalTUESDAYAT 5PM! - ONLY $49.99. ORDER Now! 1-800-615-4064 gallon tank for generator, family of your choice. FREE SHIPPING. 1-888- lation! CALL Now! 1-800Today 1-800-440-2567 lots of water storage for Call 24/7. 1-800-918- 836-0780 or M e tro- 593-1764 tfn ANTLERS WANTED: use code 43285DMW AVIATION GRADS work dry camping, like new 4187 tfn Elk, Deer, Moose. Pay or www. OmahaSteaks. with JetBlue, Boeing, MEDICAL GUARDIANand garaged with lots up to $12.00 a lb. 541com/osmb37 ff n Delta an d ot h ersDISH TV Retailer Reader Adv i sory: Top-rated medical alarm of extras. View online at 910-8782 La Grande wfb start here with hands Call SAVE! Starting $19.99/ The National Trade and 24/7 medical alert on training for FAA Dennis at 541-523-3904 month (for 12 months). Association we belong to monitoring. For a limited certification. Financial aid Baker City vdt FREE Premium Movie has purchased the above time, get free equipment, if qualified. Call Aviation Channels. FREE Equip- classifieds. Determining no activation fees, no Institute of Maintenance 1985 HONDA TRX 250 4 ment, Installation 8 the value of their service commitment, a 2nd wa59854 Pierce Rd., La Grande 866-453-6204 wheeler, runs good. $750 Activation. CALL, COM- or product is advised terproof alert button for p u and more - only LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES cash. 5 4 1-786-2986PARE LOCAL DEALS! by t hi s VIAGRA 100MG and Cove veh 1-800-593-1764 tfn In order t o a v o id $29.95 per month. 800ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills misunderstandings, 977-5943 tfn lx4, Ix6, Ix12 BOARD k BAT 24" ROAD Ranger SOCIAL SECURITY Dis- some advertisers do not $99.00 FREE Shipping! 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 100% guaranteed. CALL trailer: g oo d f u n c- ability Benefits. Unable offer employment but ALL THINGS Basemen12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 NOW! 1-866-312-6061 tional bathroom, rea- to work? Denied bene- rather supply the readers ty! Basement Systems Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best sonably clean inside, fits? We Can Help! WIN with manuals, directories Inc. Call us for all of your DISH TV Starting at good bed, no kitch- or Pay Nothing! Contact and other materials basement needs! Wabuys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. $19.99/month (for 12 en, some cosmetic Bill Gordon 8 Associ- designed to help their terproofing, Finishing, Fence Stays 1.10 ea. mos.) SAVE! Regular damage from an acci- ates at 1-800-317-4986 clients establish mail Structural Repairs, HuPrice $34.99 Ask About dent, but tows good, to start your application order selling and other midity and Mold Control F REE SAME D A Y today! tfn businesses at home. FREE ESTIMATES! Call Installation! CALL Now! $500; 541-861-2484, loUnder NO circumstance 1-800-680-6517 tfn cated in Adams vco 877-477-9659 GOT KNEE Pain? Back should you send any Pain? Shoulder Pain? money in advance or REDUCE YOUR Cable Get a p a i n-relievinggive the client your Bill!* Get a whole-home brace, little or NO cost to checking, license ID, Satellite system installed FRIENDB QF you. Medicare Patients or credit card numbers. at NO COST and proCall Health Hotline Now! Also beware of ads that gramming starting at 1-800-408-8103 tfn claim to guarantee loans $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ regardless of credit and DVR Upgrade to new SELL YOUR structured note that if a credit repair callers, SO CALL NOW settlement or annuity company does business 1-800-840-8955 tfn payments for CASH only over the phone it NOW. You don't have to is illegal to request any SOCIAL SECURITY DisLOCatlOA:Baker County EventCenter, 2610Grove St,BakerCity, OR97814 wait for your future pay- money before delivering ability Benefits. Unable ments any longer! Call its service. All funds are to work? Denied beneBring your Friends, Neighbors and Family to support our Shootlng Heritage and to have fun w!th our Games, 1-800-628-8710 tfn based in US dollars. Toll fits? We Can Help! WIN LIve/ Silent Auction, a Delicious meal and a special kid's auction free numbers may or or Pay Nothing! Contact may not reach Canada. Bill Gordon 8 AssociNEW for 2015!! -Professor Algernon's I/I/orld of Oddities and Wonders... Magic and Comedyentertainment in REDUCE YOUR Past ates at 1-800-317-4986 the style of an Old West Medicine Show- don't miss it! Tax Bill by as much as to start your application 75%. Stop Levi es , Li ens CASH FOR CARS, Any today! tfn Adult Single Ticket: Pre-Sale:$25 At the Door: $30 (purchase 8 tickets to reserve your own table) 8 Wage Garnishments. Make or Model! Free You maybuytiCketatthedoor,OR you may Purchaseticketsonline atwww friendsofnraorg Call The Tax DR Now to Towing. Sell it TODAY. EN JOY 100% guaransee if you Qualify 1-800- Instant offer: 1-800-864- teed, delivered to the SPONSOR PACKAGESAvailable (Includes special NRA items and Sponsor's Only Gun Drawing Ticket. Great 455-7198 ffn 5784 door Omaha Steaks! chance to win a special firearm). SAVE 74% PLUS 4 FREE Burgers - The t d d it i l i t ti Sp hip , 0 t i , l k p li t ~ f . . « t t:M i 541853-2355 ReligiOn iS What men do fOr God, Family Value ComboDaniel at 541-523-4474 but the GOSPel iS What God doeS ONLY $39.99. ORDER PurchaseTickets 8 Sponsorships at: for mankind. Religion ends in the Today 1-800-304-3414 f Powder RiverPrecision, 3835 23st. - Baker city 523-4474 Outer reformatioin; the GOSPel Use code 48829NVL or fGrumpy'sAutoRepair,225Hst.- Baker city 523-3200 www.OmahaSteaks. makes an inward recreation. There com/mbfam37 ffn fTom van DiepenAgency,FarmersInsurance-282510 st.- Baker city 523-4464
High Country Post 4, Poles
Call Ron963-6258oI 805-9279
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Saturday — May 9, 2015-4:00 pm
You mayalso order your ticket by writing to: Powder River Friends of NRA,P.O. Box293, BakerCity, OR97814
are many religions, but only One GOSPel. JOin uS to liSten to the reVerent StOry Of the GOSPel.
Sunday 4:00 pm 62851 PhilyndaLp Kurts RV Service. Island City, OR
ARE YOU in BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage 8 bank levies, liens 8 audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, 8 resolve tax debt FAST. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800291-1682 tfn
The Nickel - April 23, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •
VICTORYACRES Riding Academy. Now off ering boarding, lessons and training. All ages and levels, school horses available 8 references available. Indoor 8 outdoor arenas! 541-786-3218. www .victoryacresfarm. com. La Grande pxw PASTURE NEEDED for 2015 or longer. 25-100 cow calf pairs. Please call Kelvin at 541-7860495 or Scott at 541910-5629 La Grande pht STANDING AS Stud, 2 registered Arabian Stallions, one registered American Indian Horse Stallion, mommy and me Arabians. 541-519-7399 Baker City pfr BS BUCKLEY - This is a tremendous stallion that is the complete package. With a pedigree packed full of world champions and he has proven himself in the show ring, in the breeding barn, as a producer, and temperament second to none that he passes on to all of his foals. Bucky is a 3 x world champion, has his Superior and ROM and has produced multiple world/reserve world champions and superior earners. He is a 100% color producer, and has excellent semen. Not only is he a producer, he rides! This is a stallion that has offspring excelling in the halter pen then go on to succeed in western pleasure, trail, rodeo events, and working cow horse. Just a super nice all-around stallion. LCFG, $550. 541-7862403 Cove pgs
HOOTS GUN Show. Hoots Cafe, just South of Whitebird, Idaho, Highway 95. April 25th 8 26th, Saturday, 9am5pm, Sunday, 9am-3pm, Admission $4 at the door. dcb W A N T E D CENTERFIRE brass cartridges, all calibers, no sorting required, $3 plus/lb. Call 541-5191538 Baker City mxh MAN SHACK GUN SHOP Man Shack Gun Shop is ready for you! In house gunsmithing, f i rearm sales, FFL service, Class 3 weapons, suppressors and custom orders. Locatedin Joseph. Check us out online at www .ManShackGunShop. c om, or call for an appointment 800-6306314 or 541-398-1982 Joseph dxw TIMBER-N-TURF SAW & LAWNMOWER Small engine repair, chain saw sharpening, parts 8 sales, all makes. Tuesday through Friday. 8am-6pm, S a turday, 9am-2pm. 10304 West 1". Island City. 541-9635900 dxj WINCHESTER RIFLES with3x9 scopes. Model 70 25-06, $900.00, 3006, $650.00, model 670 .243, $650.00. 357 Stainless R e volvers, S8 W 586, $650.00. Ruger Security Six, $ 650.00. OBO. N o Check, private. 541-9634806 La Grande dcm
BABY BANTY Chickens, CLASSIFIED E-MAIL LA GRANDE RIFLE FOUND IN Union; Boy's View our ads online at mixed breeds, 541-786- address; ads@lagran- Club has unseasoned 18in street bike. Call to 3074 Union pch mixed pine, tamarack 8 identify. 541-562-5329 Updated every Friday. red fir, cut in rounds for Union zcs HALIBUT DINNER FLASHY AQHA 4-7 year UnionHigh School Gym firewood, u-load u-haul. Any Item $25 or less, old horses for sale: broke s ponsored by U H S $125 per cord or $100 for Free, or Lost/Found, get ®I TIIMIIIMI to ride, Palominos, Red Booster Club. May 9, members. Contact Darrel 1 week FREE in The LAGRANDE OR Roan, Blue Roan, Dun 8 2015. Call Now for tick- at 541-910-4132, Dennis Nickel. Livestock Sales beautiful Buckskin, make ets. $20/plate, Baked at 541-910-4535, Dave Every Thursday ideal rope/ barrel/ parade Halibut and Sides. $5 hot 541-910-1179 La Grande 11:30 am horses. For more infor- dog dinner for the kids. mdd Your livestock will WE CAN'T say it often mation, call Bob Hod- You can also pre-order enough. Please spay bring top dollar at neuter. nefield, 541-938-0118, uncooked fresh halibut FIREWOOD PRICES and IML! for the freezer for $25/ reduced $140.00 In www.wallowacountyhu541-963-2158 Milton-Freewater pch lb.2seating's 4-6pm and or 541800-824-5298 6-8pm. Call Rose for tick- rounds, 4in to 12in diHEAVY GAUGED gal- ets and information. 541- ameters, split. $170.00, 426-4170 Enterprise zcp vanized horse/ livestock 910-5986 Union bcu Red Fir, Tamarack and Hardwood. $205 a cord, panels, gates, shelters, custom stall fronts, com- SENIOR CLASS Diner split. 541-786-0407 La plete arena set-ups 8 and Auction. April 24'", Grande mev more. Factory Direct! 2014 6pm in the SE Large selection (over 40 units) of Pre-owned motor homes, travel trailers, SUTs, campers, 5th wheels. ID¹ RCE-20843, OR¹ Miller Gym. Proceeds Classsified e-mail adMany clean 1 owner RVs for sale! 190181, WA¹ LUC K- from the event will fund dress: ad s @lagranThe Class of 2105 Drug YA933DW. Lucky Acres Shop for parts & accessories online or Fencing, Inc. 208-746- Free Graduation Night OCEAN CARGO Storvisit our store & repair center Party. Donations can be 1228, www LuckyAcres. merchandise, services age Containers. Various net phl or a tax deductible cash sizes, secure storage, '.': l l donation. Donations can on ground delivery. "We . Smlley RV buys, sells & consigns RVS -. POLLED HEREFORD be picked up. Checks sell, rent, buy and move Late models B ulls, various a g e can be made payable to containers." InstaStor, Located on Hwy 11 in Milton Freewater, Oregon groupings. Semen test- UHS Senior Drug Free Inc. 509-765-1376. www. Serving the area for over 35 years ed, shots, docile, range Party. Mailed to UHS See us on hardened. Joe Lemire, Senior Grad Night Par- Facebook! mdg 509-758-9306, Clark- ty, P.O. Box 272. Union ston. Leave message pdl OR 97883. If you have Join Pastor Frank Humber from any questions or need CLASSIFIED DEADLINE someone to pick up your donation, please call TUESDAYAT 5PM! or text Kris Martens at First 4 Jefferson, Summerville, OR 534-9155 541-910-9033 or email TOP QUALITY Limou- at Proverbs for Leaders sin Bulls. Black or Red. Union bcu Wilde Ranches 541We would like to announce anewopportunity of fellowship, 454-2995. Available now. Leave message. pjw relatiOnShiPbuilding, and leaderShiP building fOr all GOV•
o names or details necessary Just leave a message. Your Christian Brothers 8 Sisters, representing many of the churches of the Valley, will include your requests with their prayers this weekend. Wifh God, a/ /f h in gs a re po s s ible. Matthevv 19:26
Summerville Baptist Church
AKC YELLOW LAB PUPPIES. Champion bloodlines, "Get Acquainted Party" dog trials . Five males, GOLF CART Saturday, May 2, 4-7pm in Enterprise four females,$500 All 1 991 EZ-GO, n e w At the OK Theater. puppies are m i cro- Trojan batteries 2014, chipped,shots and ready cover w/doors. Excellent 3 Hours of music & pulled pork sandwiches for new homes April 25'". condition. $ 1 500.00 Music Featuring 541-523-3782 Baker City OBO 541-805-0920 La Roger McGee and his Native American flute Grande ddn pdt
HAY ELEVATOR on rubber, can be used as 15ft, 25ft or 35ft, $150.00. 1994 C A MPER: 9" 541-534-2058 Summer- c amper, long b o x , self contained, forced ville pcl air f urnace, q ueen SHEEP FOR Sale: Two bed, air conditioner, 3 Border Leicester-cross burner gas stove/ oven, ewes plus their lambs. 3-way refrigerator, great Please leave message: condition, $3900; 541FOR SALE: Ruger 357 541-577-3057 Imnaha 276-9303, Pendleton vdw mag GP100 w/lock in pdm original case. $ 425 OBO. 541-429-2001 La CREATING MEMORIES Grande dbb for Disabled Children Invites you to a
The Grande Ronde Valle Pra er Line e-mail Page 11
• • I
The popular Saigon County Band Folk type songs loved by every one The special even for our party is the Jessie Leigh Band featuring Enoch Staleup Enoch was born with out arms or legs yet has learned to play the guitar and ukulele. He is also the lead singer. We have a limited supply ofseats and sandwiches! Donations will be accepted with great inthusiasm.
ernment officials in Union County. Anyone in an elected or appointed position in city, county, state, or federal government are inVited tO jOin us fOr atime OfSharing, Prayer, and a principle of truth for leaders from the Book of Proverbs. Join us on the third Thursday eachmonth at Denny's in the Banquet room for this inspiring opportunity for leaders. The Proverbs are filled with practical principles that can help each person more effectively fulfill their role in our government for the benefit of each citizen. Government was instituted by God toserve and tocare for the good ofthe people. God's Word has much to say on this matter and the Proverbs are filled with wisdom tohelp usall in our service to the community. This group is not about partisanship or politics, but rather about leadership. We hopetosee you on Thursday,May 21st,at7AM at Denny'S BanquetROOm "From the heart of the va//ey, to HEARTS in the va//ey" Sunday School for all ages
-9:45 am
Main Service & Children's Church Sunday Evening Service
11:00 am 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening Service 7:00 pm Nursery provided for a//services. Thanks to these generous sponsors, please patronize their businesses: The Nickel, Valley Realty, Frontier Motors, Daniels Chapel of the Valley, Claudson's Sew & Soak, Dr. James McMahan, Loveland Funeral Chapel, Legacy Ford, Evergreen Health & Rehabilitation And, of course, our own church family
Page 12 e-mail
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