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1709Gekeler Lane La Grande, Or 541-910-7134
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1979 CLASSIC Dodge Van. Restore or use for camping. Needs tires. Hwy 86 past milepost 34. Make offer 541-8936252 afs
MUST SELL, pair of cockatiels 8 2 young with cage, $250. for all. Call 541-963-0194 La Grande pdl
1993 ONE TON dually Dodge 4x4, 1994 Dodge 3/4 ton, diesel 4x4, call 541-910-6492 Elgin aes
FOUR 16' heavy duty horse panels with gate, call or text 541-786-4961 Haines pdh CIRCLE Y saddle 14"-
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LEAN, 4X4, AUTO KBB $11,685 ¹0466
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LOW MILES,CLEAN ¹0451 KBB $10,528
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STAMPSi 4 CORDS Tamarack Starting at $16.60 each wood, sPlit and seasoned, $800. you haul. at the Nickel. Call 541-910-8010 La * ********** * * * * * * * * * * * * Grande mea Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he OLD COLLECTOR huntshall strengthen thine ing and pocket knives, heart: wait, i say, on the also entitles license L ord. Psalm 27:14 plat e s . Call 541-6639091La Grande mfs
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The Nickel -Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
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R e d , A u t o m a ti c , 5 .3 I , E x t C a b , S hort B e d
stock ¹1 5672c ~ 9
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S i l v e r I c e M e ta l li c , A u t o m a t i c , 5 .3 I , C re w C a b , S h o r t B e d , O n e O w n e r
stock ¹2598A •
G o l d , A u t o m a t i c , 6 .6 I , C r e w C a b T u r b o d i e s e l , N e w T ir e s
stock ¹16512B •
WANTED TO buy! Best low price, self-contained 26' or larger, regular pull trailer, no leakers, A/C, heat must work. Call anytime 541-962-5376 La Grande wdw
B lue , C r e w C a b , D u r a m a x V 8 T u r b o d ie s e l , A l l i s o n 1 0 0 0 6 S p e e d A u to m a t ic
stock ¹2594A
S u m m i t W h i t e , 6 .6 I , C r e w C a b , D u r a m ax , Il iso n 1 0 0 6 -S p . A u t o m a t ic
stock ¹2592A •
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D ark B l ue P e a r l , 5 . 4 L V 8 E F I 2 4 V C re w C a b
s~o I ¹ 1656DB 1 •
S u m m i t W h i te 5 S p e e d , R egu la r C a b
Sto k ¹2567A •
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W h i te , 4 S p e e d A u t o m a t ic w i t h O verd r ive , C re w C a b
Stock ¹16532A
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base(new), $95. Wood
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Robert Brooks
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a p p r o v e d c r e d i t N o t a l l c u s t o m e r s w i l l q u a li f y S e e s t o r e fo r d e t a il s L icen s e , t i t l e a n d D M V f e es e x t r a
CASH! FOR quality Antiques 8 Collectibles. I buy older Estates! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La Grande mxj
Need an address label stamp for business or just for home? Come into The Nickel to design and SAFE STEP WALK-IN order one! TUB alert for seniors! Bathroom falls can be DR. WILLARD G. Berfatal. Safe Step Walk-In trand DC now accepting Tub, approved by Arthri- Workmen's comp. and tis Foundation, therapeu- auto accident injuries. tic jets, less than 4" step- Call today to get schedin, wide door, anti-slip uled 541-963-4068 or floors, American made. 963- Well. La Grande Installation Included. Call mxb 800-379-6390 for $750 off! tfn BARRELS Burn or Storage, $20.00; TWO OAK mirrors, nice vented $25.00. Call 541size 3.5'x2', $100.00 963-8990 La Grande OBO for both. Call 541- mxp 910-7080 hxh FOOD ALLERGYtesting, FOR SALE: call Lorna at cleansing therapy and 541-805-8415, 801 Miller hormonal supplemenDr. La Grande. Singer tation Call Dr Willard sewing machine, $89. Bertrand DC. 963-Well. Glass square end table, La Grande. Preferred $60. 11' patio umbrel- Provider for all major inla with square granite surances. mxb
robertbrookspaintingo gmail.corn
A d a m s A v e n w w w
DIRECTV'S THE Big Deal special! O nly $19.99 per month - Free premium channels HBO, Starz, Cinemax 8 Showtime for 3 months 8 Free Receiver upgrade! NFL 2014 Season Included. Call Now 1-800-4539131 tfn
B l ue , 6 S p e e d A u to m a t i c 5 .3 L E n g i n e
stock ¹2554A
square end table 36x36, $90. Office chair, blue fabric, $69. Patio set, table with 4 rockers, $100. New hang up exerciser, $75. Pilates exerciser, $75. Mirror clock 5ft. $95. Crystal hanging lamp, $90. H anging apple stain glass kitchen lamp, AUTOMATIC AND $100. Four Schwa b STANDARD Transmis- snow tires mounted on rims, 205/65/R15 hes sion Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, BEAUTIFUL TV console 28 years in La Grande with electric fireplace, 4 Call 541-963-7087 La settings with remote, 2 Grande axm door storage for CDs 8 DVDs, $500. call 541519-2979 Baker City hei CM TRUCK flatbeds, front bumpers and grill BLOND KITCHEN table, guards, with many styles four matching chairs, to choose from. Please $150. Small chest freezer, $125. 200 thousand call Pioneer West at 541- BTU shop heater, nearly 963- 9378 La Grande new, $100. Call 541axp 620-0369 Union hfg
MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages 8 connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-417-7304 tfn
R e d , A u to m a t i c , 5 .7 I , L o w M i l e s , O ne O w n e r
LOOKING FOR MATURE LADY ROOMATE Would like to share my clean home on South side of La Grande, furnished bedroom and bath and shared kitchen and living area. Call for details 541-663-8246 La Grande ffn ANTLERS WANTED: Elk, Deer, and Moose. Pay to $10.00 a lb. 541910-8782 La Grande wgb
DONATE YOUR car, truck or boat to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of. Call 1-800-895-8117 tfn
THE NICKEL DOES BUSINESS CARDS! Come in and start des igning. Starting a t $32.50 for 500! HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA from home 6-8 weeks accredited, Get a diploma! Get a job! Free Brochure call now! 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin HS. www. DiplomaFromHome. corn tfn TOP QUALITY STORAGE BUILDINGS 541-663-0246 Call for sizes and prices. Island City mxc WANT YOUR AD TO COVER A GREATERAREA? Come in and speak with Stacy at The Nickel about PNAWAN ads. You can advertise in 12 different papers for as low as $75.00. Papers in Oregon, Washingt on, Idaho and more! Call 541-9636237 bxn ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home.*Medical Business *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 8 00-201-4585. w w w
. CenturaOnl in e. com 35556 tfn
The Nickel - Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 3 •
ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, sporting goods, tools, yard art, lamp oil etc... . 9am-4pm, Sat 8 Sun, Aug 27th 8 28th, 1608 21st St. La Grande gds
ANTIQUES, COLLECTI-BLES, sporting goods, tools, yard art, lamp oil etc... . 9am-4pm, Sat 8 Sun, Aug 27th 8 28th, 1608 21st St. La Grande gds
WE DO AUCTIONS CLARK AND Daughter Auctions Eastern Oregon's professional auctioncompany. We do estate, farm, business liquidation, or personnel property auctions. Contact us www.clark-auctions Roger Clark auctioneer 541-910-0189
MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE! Fri 8 Sat, 8-2, Aug. 26, 27, guy stuff, school stuff, etc. No early birds, 1107 CAve. La Grande gdc GARAGE SALE, 72608 Hwy 82, Elgin. Saturday Aug. 27th 8 28th, 7am3pm. gdp
OAK MIRRORS, 3'x4' approximate size. Call 541-910-7080 please leave a message. La Grande gjh
YARD SALE! Hunting, fishing, camping, archery, kitchen, canning, upright freezer, household, 32" TV, PS2, Honda XL250, Guitar Hero, surround sound, bicycles, Toyota bed liner, studded tires, doghouse, mens clothing, wake boards, smoker, BB pellet, paintball, blackpowder kit. Aug. 27th 8 28th, 2117 Oak St. La Grande, 9am3pm. NO early sales!!! I work nights!! gdb
HUGE RETIREMENT MOVING SALE 12 inch rigid miter saw, lots of tools socket sets and air wrenches, some still new. 2 Stihl chain saws, camping stuff. Saddle with stand and bridles. Size 10 winter cork boots. timber lock fastener wood screws, ESTATE AUCTION gun scabbard, nails, Sunday August 28 precats paws pry bars, view at 9 AM auction some lawn equipment starts at 10 AM. 71483 extension cords and Highway 82 Elgin, OR. level, door latches and Living Estate of Kay hinges. Dog house, golf Durham of Elgin and clubs, pressure wash- Estate of Kay Hubbard er, generator, rototiller, of La Grande. Very nice scaff olding,pavers,and collection of tools, generwall brick. Life vests ator, gas fireplace stove, coast guard approved. two ride on lawn mow2009 Toyota Camry ers, Lincoln arc welder, $5790. 2014 cougar by upright freezer, ladder, keystone 3 slides fifth canopy for a short box wheel $37590. Car and Dodge, antique toy box, RV make appointment eagle statues and picfor the 28th. Sale on 27th tures, antique chairs, from 10:00am to 6:00pm. lamps, bench grinder, So much more that I can' t drill press, 10 inch taget it all in this ad. Locat- ble saw, washer and ed at16755 Wingville Ln. dryer, refrigerator, two china cabinets, china, Baker City 541-403-2023 lead crystal, 40 inch TV, or 541-403-1524 Baker metal tool box for truck, City gdo tool boxes, s helves, kitchen stuff,and a whole YARD SALE, AUGUST lot more. GUNS: Ruger 27, 9-2! 357, Ruger single six 22, 306 years of craft sup- Remington 550 22 rifle, plies, fabric, scrap-book- British 303, Model 38 ing, candle making Arisaka WWII rifle you supplies. Flower drying must be able to pass a supplies, C h r istmasbackground check - all supplies, canning jars, state and federal laws cookbooks, stoneware will be followed to transbowls, blankets, horse fer from the owner to tack, furn. gardening the buyer. 10% buyers supplies and lots of free premium cash, check stuff!! 57990 Foothill Rd. or credit card. All items sold as-is w here-is. La Grande gdl View at www.clark-auctions.com. Clark and YARD SALE New hand crafted items, Daughter Auctions Rog! er Clark auctioneer 541624 S. 2nd St. Union. 910-0189 gdc 9-2pm Saturday Aug. 27th gdr
BALE WAGONS sell/ 2004 FATBOY Harley buy. New Holland pull- Davidson, e x c ellent type or self-propelled condition, 30,000 origimodels/ pa r ts/tires/nal miles, lots of extras. manuals. Call Jim Wilhite $9,500.00 obo, cash 208-880-2889 any time. or trade, 541-886-2094 www. balewagon .corn Wallowa vxm Caldwell fxw THOMPSON RV is EastALL YOUR ern Oregon's largest RV CULVERT NEEDS dealer: family owned and Contact Pioneer West operated for 40 years; at 541-963-9378 or 541- browse our inventory on663-9378 fxp line at www.thompsonrv. corn, or call us at 800FRONTIER 8FT, trailed 459-4836, Pendleton disk, extras, excellent vxt condition, $5,000. firm call 360-621-2649 Union LATE 2012 Winnebafcs go View Motorhome, Mercedes diesel motor 2 0 0 6 on 3500 class chassis, CENTURY(Branson) slide out, queen air bed, 2635 tractor, $13,800; generator, 27" TV, lots 4WD, 35 HP, loader, of storage inside and weighted tires, 2 speed out, full window shades PTO, 3 pt. hitch, good on the front and sides, condition, stored under all leatherette seats, cover. 2 50 h o u rs slideout full awning, mileonly. Detachable forks age is less than 4,000. included. Also available, $77,500. Call 208-452backhoe a t tachment 7099 vdr $2000. call 5 41-5190084 Richland fdk GREAT DEAL!! 2012 42' Voltage toy FIRE PROTECTION! hauler 5~ wheel with Epic New pond liner, 75'x165', package. Three slides, 1/2 price, $3,900. Pond island kitchen, large 4 pump, s u bmersible,door refrigerator/freezer, 650G PM, 3 p h ase, solid service counters $1,200. New Carver throughout, solid wood pump, 5HP, 175GPM, cabinets throughout, two $1,725. Cornell 15HP, A/C's, 5 KW generator, 112GPM at 300' lift, very refueling station, washgood condition, $1,500. er/dryer hook up, 4 flat Weekdays call 541-523- screen TV's, surround 6000 Baker City fdw sound, AM/FM, DVD, CD stereo. Sleeps 10 or use GRASS-FED ANGUS extra space for storage. Beef raised on pasture This is a beautiful large in Summerville. USDA comfortable RV with inspected, va c u um really too much to list. packed. Many c u ts Package deal with 2001 available. 20 Ibs ground GMC 3500 dually, leathbeef (1 Ib pkgs) for er, heated seats etc. $110. 20 Ibs assorted $58,000 of both or make roasts (you choose) offer, call 541-786-0361 for $130. Call for price Summerville vxm sheet. R8A Paradise 541-805- THOUSAND TRAILS Ranch 5180 Summerville fed Membership upgraded, sold motorhome and 16' SLIP tank with auger, not needed anymore, $500. call 541-437-81 81 $2,850. call 503-537feb 6639Elgin veh 16' GOOSENECK stock trailer, with good tires in floor, $3,000. call 541910-4559 Cove ffc
TIMEOUT lite trailer to tow behind motorcycle $600. OBO call 541-5684606 vdb
GA 0
General Contractor CCB¹116752
-Concrete -Excavating -Pole/FrameConstruction ~ 541-786-2098 541-437-9621 30 Years Experience
• Honest • Reliable
LE RIC • Licensed • Bonded • InsuredCCB ¹133890 36 Foot BucketTruck *Licensed
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v~vi:tty'~ "Patio
Steve Witty (541)786-8332
541-963-6154• 541-910-2321 La Grande, OR
• Auto, Truck- Diesel, 5 Gas all Sizes
• Transmission Repair • Farm Equipment
• Wiring System Repair • Heavy Equipment Repair • Motor Home Service and Repair Sam ¹¹cCloskey Jerry Johnson Mlstw ¹¹achanic Sales 541-519-¹751 6 4 ¹ - 5 1&41¹¹ ¹4¹-623~ •
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nickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn •
The Nickel -Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
NOTICE: C l a ssified1999 JEEP Wrangler, HOOTS GUN SHOW. Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. 6cyl- auto, hard top. White Bird, Idaho, Hoots Changes or cancella- 2001 Thor Wide Lite, Cafe, September 10thtions must be in by 5pm 19ft travel trailer. Call 11th, 2016, Saturday, 541-379-0285 Baker City 9am-5pm, Sunday, 9amMonday. vfm 3pm, Admission $4 at DARREL FRIESEN Well the door. 509-595-7468. Services, LLC. Submers- 2005 F L EETWOODcliffsguns@gmail.corn ible pump installation Pegasus, 27ft 5th wheel dfb and repairs on water sys- $11,800. call 541-519tems. Phone 541-562- 2895 Baker City vds HUNTER SPECIAL! 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. Wall tent frame, 12x16, CCB¹ 163246 Union, OR 2013 POLARIS Razor g alvanized steel 8 f t sxd 570 side by side, PWR c enter h e ight, 5 f t steering, roof, split wind- sidewalls, $500. like new. REFLECTIVE UNDER shield, extra luggage 8 5,000 watt generator, 10 Slab Insulation, Under tire rack with scabbard horse Briggs 8 Stratton, Slab Insulation, Nudu- sport paint, 2 sets of tires can be converted to use ra Insulated Concrete 8 rims. 2,000 total miles, with propane or natural Forms, Green Building excellent co n dition,gas, $400. like new. Call Products LLC, La Grande $6,900. call 541-577- 541-437-9000 Elgin dfw OR 541-786-1 229 3092 Imnaha vfw AR-15 RIFLE .223/556, OPENINGS NOW avail. 1985 LINDY motorhome, never fired, $650. contact for beginner piano les- 350 engine, 95,916 Paul at 541-910-4448 La sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. miles, s elf-contained, Grande dde Safe 8 fun environment! A/C, generator, $2,650. Call 541-805-9741 for call 541-437-6907 Elgin CASH FOR guns, we more info! La Grande sxs vdb buy guns at Oregon Trail I NSULATED C O NRV FOR SALE CRETE Forms Under 2014 Black Rock 22' Slab Insulation Reflec- travel trailer, great contive Foil Insulation Green dition, everything works, Building Products LLC. bunk style, 1/2 ton towLa Grande OR 541-786- able, built in La Grande, 1229 Oregon, available September 1st, $16,900; A PLACE FOR MOM. message phone 541The nation's largest se- 969-2171 or 541-969nior living referral ser- 9369, Pendleton. vdh vice. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our Any Item $25 or less, service is FREE / no obli- Free, or Lost/Found, get gation. CALL 1-800-410- 1 week FREE in The 3371 tfn Nickel.
RUBBER STAMPS! Start- WHITES, GM/4B Golding at $16.60 each. master metal detector, new set of headphones, new batteries and comes with operators manual, CLARK AND Daughter $100. OBO call 541-519Auctions Eastern Ore9475 Baker City mdl gon's professional auctioncompany. We do estate, farm, business liquidation, or personal property auctions. Contact us www.clark-auctions Roger Clark auctioneer 541-910-0189 sxc REFLE TIVE UNDER Slab Insulation, Under Slab Insulation, Nudura Insulated Concrete Forms, Green Building Products LLC, La Grande OR 541-786-1 229
PARKER TREE, FREE ESTIMATES PARKER TREE Service, Local and Established since 1937. For all your tree needs including; Trader, 2312 Adams Trimming, stump-Tree Ave. 541-963-2913 La removal, and pruning. Grande dxo CCB¹ 172620. FREE ESTIMATES! Contact BUYING ANTLERS! Grant Parker 541-975Any type, any condition, 3234La Grande sr will pay more for craft antlers. Will pay cash. CONTRACT FENCING Call Craig, 541-910-2640 Farm Ranch ResidenUnion dxd tial. Contact Darrel 541562-5628 541-786-8668 NEW PISTOLS over CCB¹163246 Union sxf 100 in stock can special order an y f i r earms LANCE or do i n ternet g Lance Colburn Contractun transfers.541-523-9448 ing CCB 116326, Quality Baker City dxw remodels and repairs. 541-786-0372 sac
Pathways & Gateways Brain Development Ec Youth Substance Use W
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This class will cover research regarding the global, national and local epidemiology of early onset substance abuse and research findings regarding early onset substance abuse and adolescent brain development. State and Nationally Accredited byState of OregonTHWCommission, the Addiction CounselorCertiTication Board ofOregon and the National Association of Alcoholism and Orug Abuse Counselors.
September 8, 2016, 11:00 AIII! — 1 PM Eastern Oregon University, Zabel Auditorium Register at Eventbrite: http:I/Unyurl.corn/zQsfrs8 Call or email for more information 541-968-1 068, ucsafecommunities@gmail.corn Your presenter. Eric MarUn is an Adjunct Faculty member with the University of Oregon SAPP program and a contract instructor with Oregon's Child Welfare & Self Sufficiency Oivisions. Edc is a state & nationally certified addictions counselor with 30 years of clinical experience. Eric is an international presenter and recovery advocate.
ATTENTION HANFORD, ARGONNE AND IDAHO NATIONAL LAB (INL) WORKERS: Did you, your spouse or your parent become ill after building nuclear weapons? You may be entitled to up to $400,000 from the United States. For more information, call Attorney Hugh Stephens at (800) 548-4494 even if your claimhas been accepted or denied. We assist with claims, dose reconstructions, objections, hearings, reopenings, consequential c o nditions, impairment ratings, wage loss, health care, home care and appeals to Federal Court. No Compensation-No Fee. 2% contingent fee for initial claims/10% for objections. 2495 Main St., Buffalo ,NY mda
WINDSHIELDS INSTALLED 2008-13 Toyota Highlander windshield, 1 only at $174.95 installed. 1998-2000 Nissan Frontier, 200-02 X-Terra windshield, 1 only at $174.95 installed. Call today for a quote on your rig, La Grande Paint 8 Glass, 601 Adams Ave. La Grande, 541-963-8671 ads
1993 DODGE 3/4 ton diesel club cab, 4WD, 5spd, all repair 8 maintenance records, $5,000. One trailer toilet $25. One double stainless steel sink 8 counter, $35. Pioneer Farmall $150. 1978 Oldsmobile, Cutlas Salon, one owner, 143K miles, $1,500. OBO Call 541-403-1 912 Baker City ads
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FOR SALE: 4 Toyo Open Country 235/60R16 tires with wheels. 4 months use. From 2011 Ford Flex. Includes lug nuts, tool 8 c able chains. $700.00 call 541-5192048 Baker City ajo
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DISH NETWORK? Get MORE for LESS! Starting $19.99/ month (for 12 months), PLUS Bundle 8 SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 more/ month). CALL Now, 1-800-593-1764 tfn
STOP O VERPAYING for your prescriptions! Save up to 93%! Call our licensed Canadian 8 International pharmacy service to compare prices 8 get $15 off your first prescription 8 FREE Shipping. 1-800-8156059 ffn LIFE ALERT. 24/7. One press of a button sends help FAST! Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if you can' t reach a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 800975-8941 ffn DO YOU owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? You could get a settlement for as low as 25% of previous IRS settlements. Call now! 1-800-404-1367 tfn THRILL DAD with 100/o
'More Thank Just A Shed'
W ork S h o p s - H u n t in g C a b in s Pum p H o u s e s - P r e — Bu i l t R en t t o O w n - F i n a n c i n g
PROTECT YOURSELF From Unsafe Banks! DON'T BANK ON IT! Free book reveals 20 modern banking dangers such as cybercriminals, money-hungry politicians 8 Too-Big-To-Fail bankers. 800-893-2619 ffn
FIND THE love you dserve! Discover the path t o ha p piness. New members receive HARLEY ANDATV a FREE 3-minute love Service and R epair reading! Entertainment for Harley Davidsons purposes only. 18 8 over. and ATV's. BBB Re- 800-758-2304 tfn pair 62010 West Road Call 541-605-0400 La BEST BEEF Jerky in the Grande axb USA! $10 off the Original Beef Jerky Sampler. AUTOMATIC AND FREE Shipping. Great STANDARD Transmis- Gift Idea! Call Bulk Beef sion Repair and Rebuild- Jerky! 800-819-2610 ffn ing. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande SERIOUSLY INJURED? Call 541-963-7087 La Auto Accidents, Medical Grande axm Malpractice, Slip 8 Falls, Dangerous Products, 2011 BMW 328IX-drive, Wrongful Death. Speak $18,500. tinted windows, to a Highly Skilled Perheated seats, TV head- sonal Injury Attorney rest, new tires, well main- Now. Millions Recovered tained, contact Lori 541- for Clients. Call 24/7. 786-1268 Cove adm 1-800-914-6259 ffn
HANG'EM HIGHMOBILE SLAUGHTER erving Wallowa and Union Counties. Wes OCEAN CARGO Stor41-263-0373 or Curt age Containers. NEW: 41-398-1982 Joseph Container Offices. Various sizes, secure storxw age, on ground delivery. "We sell, rent, buy and HELP WANTED!! Cove Cemetary District move containers." Insta is looking for a mainte- Stor, Inc. 509-765-1376. REBUILT ENGINES nance person to mow, www. InstaStor.net. See us on Facebook! mda Custom built in the USA. trim and operate water Chevy 350, $869; Toysystem. Must be 18 yrs THE FRUIT stand that ota 22RE, $969, with of age. Call 541-568used to be east of new head, $1269, with 4770 Cove sdm Walmart is moving down new head and hp kit, to Island City by stop $1469; hp kit adds 15hp/ Any Item $25 or less, lights. Open 1 time a 35tq and 3-4 more mpg. Free, or Lost/Found, get week on Sundays. mfg 12x12 warranty. Muller 1 week FREE in The Engines. We rebuild forNickel. eign and domestic; call for a super low price 541786-4861. adm
This opportunity brought to you by The Union County Safe Communities Coalition
www.ucsafecommunities.org Find us on Facebook!
1993 DODGE 3/4 ton diesel club cab, all repair 8 maintenance records, $5,000. OBO One trailer toilet $25. One double stainless steel sink 8 counter, $35. Pioneer Farmall $150. 1978 Oldsmobile, Cutlas Salon, one owner, 143K miles, $1,500. OBO Call 541403-1912 Baker City ads
I BUY older Subaru wagons, dead or alive, running or not, cash, 1998 and up. Call 541-9639358 or 541-963-5646 La Grande axf
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guaranteed, deliveredto-the-door Om a ha Steaks! SAVE 69%, plus 4 FREE Burgers - The Favorite Gift - ONLY $49.99! ORDER Today! 1-800-483-3491 or use code mbdad75 at www. OmahaSteaks.corn/ 49377JCF tfn
The Nickel - Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.la randenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 5 •
• •
2000 KIA Sportage 4x4, 4dr, auto, PW, PL, A/C blows cold, warn looking hubs, tires 90%, 4 extra snow wheels, very clean, $2,100. Call weekdays 541-523-6000 Baker City afw 1998 SUBARU Forrester, 2.5, auto, A/C, 148K, great tires, from estate, $3,295. OBO call 541963-9358 or 541-9635646La Grande adf NEED CHEVY S10 steering column, for 1989 4x4 with auto trans and cruise control. Call 541-437-0140 evenings best. Elgin afm 1991 FORD Explorer, needs new paint, interior good, $500. call 541437-6907 Elgin adb FOUR 245/70 R16 studded snow tires, mounted on Ford wheels, $300. call 541-429-0069 La Grande afb 1999 DODGE diesel, 4x4, 3/4 ton, single cab pickup, one owner, really good shape, 215,000 miles, $7,200. OBO. 110 gallon fuel tank "L" shaped, for a pickup bed, like new, $325. OBO call 541-786-3418 afm 1992 DODGE DAKOTA PICKUP 318, auto, 4x4, club cab, PS, PB, air, tow package, canopy. Needs TLC, body and interior, in good shape, $1,600. OBO call 541-786-2086 aeg 1985 CHEVY short box pickup: K10, 350, new transmission, lift kit, good condition, $5799 or best offer; 541-457-6481, Helix. ael
14.5" only used twice, $800. Other tack. Pictures upon request. 541886-3745 Wallowa pjs PPR HORSE Boarding quality care, reasonable rates, shelters w/ runs, arenas, hay included in board. Overnighters welcome. 541-910-4140 LaGrande pxk WANTED: ALL classes of horses. We pick'em up. Call J.A. Bennett Livestock. 541-523-6119 or 541-519-2802 Baker City pxj
DR. WILLARD G. Bertrand DC now accepting Oregon Health Plan Insurance. Call today to get scheduled 541-9634068 or 963- Well. La Grande mxb
WOOD TRAILER, 10'x6' bed, with racks, $400. call 541-910-7983 Elgin mds
FIREWOOD Two cords Tamarack firewood, split and stacked, $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT $175. a cord. Call 541cash now!! Injury lawsuit 805-5150 mej dragging? Need $500$500,000 + within 48 MATHEWS COMhours? Low rates. Apply POUND bow with case, now by phone! 1-800- 2 cams, $400. Moun568-8321. www .Iawcap- taineer compound bow, ital.corn 35715 ffn $150. Yard Machine, fronttine rototiller, like ATTEND COLLEGE ON- new $200. Yard MaLINE from Home.*Medi- chine, fronttine $100. cal, *Business, *Criminal Whirlpool ceramic cook Justice, *Hospitality. Job top stove, $100. Craftsplacement assistance. man mulcher push mowComputer available. Fi- er, 22" $50. Easy Lift nancial Aid if qualified. trailer hitch with sway SCHEV authorized. Call bars, $200. Aruba 8'Sun 800-201- 4585. www Dolphin kayak, never .CenturaOnline.corn. used, $150. Call 541969-2694 Baker City 35716 tfn mds SOCIAL S E CURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. 42" ZERO turn lawn Unable to work? Denied mower $200. 8' camper benefits? We Can Help! shell $150. Large pickup WIN or Pay Nothing! tool box $25. Sturgeon Contact Bill Gordon 8 fishing rods, 11'-12'-13', Associates at 1-800-31 7- $50. each, call 541-9634986 to start your appli- 8158La Grande mdy cation today! tfn WHIRLPOOL ESTATE UNDER SLAB Insula- electric Dryer Heavy tion, Nudura Insulated Duty super capacity. Concrete Forms, Reflec- Well maintained $150. tive Foil House Wrap. Tecumseh lawn mower Green Building Products side discharge, no bag LLC, La Grande OR 541- $75. runs quite well. call 786-1229 541-429-1726 mdl DIRECTV Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE Installation. FREE 3 months of HBO, SHOWTIME,CINEMAX, 8 Starz. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included (Select Packages) New Customers Only. CALL 1-800-3701356 tfn
ARROW FLETCHERS by Bitzenburger, call 541-963-4242 La Grande ndy
DO YOU have health problems you c an' solve? Have you been given a list of foods to eliminate from your diet? GUIDED FISHING Do you have chronic Fall Chinook and winter pain, or just want to get S teelhead are j u s t FOR SALE: 1989 Mal- over a cold faster? Do around the corner. Best lard class C motorhome. you want to address your rates on the river, and Basiclly a spare bedroom problems as a whole? first class equipment. on wheels. No fridge, We can help. Our HolisBook now for best dates; heater bad, water never tic Health Practitioners O' Doherty Ouffitters, used. Roof AC works can help you find ways to 541-571-3933 or online off Onan g enerator, feel better naturally. Call at O d ohertyouffitters.used once. Ford Econo- Sage Holistic Health and line 350 chassis with Wellness in La Grande corn ded good running 460, auto today 541-304-5022 or LATAH COUNTY GUN, transmission with under email elle@sagewelllivCoin, and Antique Show, 45,000 miles. Asking ing, $25 dollar for a conMoscow, Idaho, Latah $2,000 541-519-2048 sultation. mdh Fairgrounds, A u gust Baker City vjo 27th-28th, 2016, 9amMILLERS TREE 5pm, Saturday; 9am- 2016 RICE utility trailer, SERVICE 7x1 2 ramp, 3k, axle pow4pm Sunday. $5 at the Trimming, removal and der coated, LED lights door. Cliff Beck, 509stump grinding. Certified 595-7468. cliff guns@ $1,650. Call 541-786- Arborist, call 541-7868610 Union vdf g mail.corn ddb 1602 BB¹68911 mxm 2008 ARCTIC Cat ProwlHUNTERS er 700, full metal cab, FIREWOOD, $125. to O rder y ou r ga m e wench set up front and $150. in rounds, 4" to 12" bags at www. rear, upgraded tires with diameters, split. $180. wildcountrygamebags. extra set, low miles, two Fir and Tamarack, $200. corn or call 541-429- beds $5,800. call 541- in rounds, $225. split. 1817, leave message. 519-6533 Baker City Call 541-786-0407 La vdv ddm Grande mov
2003 SUZUKI Intruder 1400 motorcycle, 16,400 miles, excellent condition, must see to appreciate, lots of extras, $3,600. call 541-6636697 axm
I ,'
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ALL YOUR CULVERT NEEDS Contact Pioneer West at 541-963-9378 or 541663-9378 fxp BALE WAGONS sell/ buy. New Holland pulltype or self-propelled models/ pa r ts/tires/ manuals. Call Jim Wilhite 208-880-2889 any time. www. balewagon .corn C a ldwell fxw
Pa Qa
STEVE PIPE STRAIGHTENING A luminum pipe s straightened to lay flat, easier to move. Pipe press repair. Rebates available for straightening and repair. Call 541786-1128 or 541-9635494 La Grande ff c
o es
GUN RAFFLE, help send Delaney to Philly. Henry Golden Boy caliber HMR 17. tickets are $10. each KEEP YOUR Family 8 or 3/$25. call or text 541Property Safe! Home 805-0229 La Grande Bundles Home Securi- mep ty 24/7/365 monitoring. 10 X 20 METAL storage $1400 FREE Security shed, inside walls lined Equipment. No Instal- with 1/2" osb, roll up 6' lation Fees. Starting at door. Excellent condition. $19.99/mo. Call 1-800- call for more info. and 951-0413 ffn pictures call 541-9104140La Grande mjk
HEAVY DUTY dnll press, t $35. Jumbo size 3/4" drive ratchet and socket set,1" andup, $25. Pipe die set and tap set, $35. Portable 12V transfer pump, $10. A settling tank cart, $10. Engine stand, $10. Call 541523-6625Baker City ff p
5~41'-9~22-1Q 21Q 3
KILL BED BUGS 8 THEIR EGGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/KIT Complete T r eatment System. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, www.HomeDepot.corn mfa
Page 6 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn
The Nickel -Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
2500HD Du r amax: FIRST AND second NOTICE: C l a ssified4 MILANNI 452 Steller with Allison transmis- cutting alfalfa for sale. Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. rims, universal, excelsion, 89,600 m iles, Under tarps, no rain, Changes or cancella- lent condition, $400. excellent condition inside big bales only. 541-786- tions must be in by 5pm 2010 Jeep soft top 8 and out, air, cruise, tilt, 0376 Cove pxa Monday. frame, excellent condiCD player, and dower driver seat, has spray-on tion, $300. 2008 HonQUALITY LIMOUSIN WANT YOURADTO bedliner with fold down BULLS COVER A GREATER da Shadow, Saddleman ball in bed, new shocks, profiler, $150., excellent AREA? t ires h a v e ab o ut Polled, Black or Red, and speak with condition. Call 541-5686 0% tread left, a l- Available now. Leave Come in ways maintained, message, Wilde Ranch- us at the The Nickel 4442 Cove aef $22,500 or best offer; es 541- 454-2995 about PNAWAN ads. You 541-571-2105, Hermis- gmw18028@gmail.corn can advertise in 12 differ- 1985 FORD F150, 4x4, ton. afk ent papers for as low as short box, 4 spd, 300 six, $75.00. Papers in Ore- 60,000 miles, $1,700. gon, Washingt on, Idaho OBO call 541-663-9091 and more! Call 541-963- La Grande aes 6237 bxn Cinnamon 1987 FORD 150 flatbed. Cottage TWO OREGON/UTAH Metal bed, 4spd, 4WD, concealed carry classes V8, motor rebuilt, motor coming up! 8/20 at the less than 2,000 miles, Hurricane Creek Grange $2,000. Four horse slant Hall in Joseph at 9 am, trailer, bumper pull, exand 8/22 at E Frazer tended tongue, can be Gunworks in La Grande pulled by pickup camper, at 9 am. For more in- $2,000. call 541-398formation, please call 1259 Joseph aev • + sr' Trevor at 541-786-8752 inept<a or email trevorwinderO 4 BRAND new tires, studg mail.corn. PRE-REG- ded mud 8 snow 245/75/ I STRATION IS R E - R16, less than 200 miles QUIRED! La Grande on them, $500. OBO call 541-975-4066 act bbw
Home Decor ',~::~".,: .:. :
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4 STUDDED LT 235/75/ R15 winter tires with wheels, used 3 winters, asking $450. Tires alone cost $711. when bought Nov. 2013. Call 541-5235358 Baker City aed 2005 CHEVY
2012 SUZUKI Vstrom 1000 Adventure. Many extras, under 10,000 miles. $6000. call 541624-2017 La Grande veh
FOR SALE: 4 BF Goodrich Winter Salom 185/60R15 with snow wheels. Used one winter. Fits 2014 Ford Fiesta. $200.00 541-5192048 Baker City ajo
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BUYING ANTLERS! Any type, any condition, FOR SALE: 1978 Dodge will pay more for craft 1 ton 4X4 Crew Cab. antlers. Will pay cash. 70765 mileson odom- Call Craig, 541-910-2640 eter. Rebuilt 360 (new Union dxd intake 8 4 bbl carb), auto WELLS CARGO trailer, transmission, full time NEW PISTOLS over 8'x5', 15" wheels, 2000 front axle. New steering 100 in stock can special f i r earms pounds capacity, $1,700. box, brakes, battery, front order an y or do i n ternet gun call 541-534-2772 Sum- seat belts, ignition, door transfers.541-523-9448 merville vez locks, more. Extra gas Baker City dxw tank with electric switch. 2002 SKYLINE No- I sealed the cab so no A N T E D mad: 40' park mod- mice! Has Gem Top can- CENTERFIRE brass el RV, 3 slides, new apy. Asking $2,000 over cartridges, all calibers, roof coating, snap-on $8,000 invested. 541- no sorting required, $3 fabric skirting, good 519-2048 Baker City ajo plus/lb. Call 541-5191538 Baker Ci mxh condition, $1 0 ,500; 541-701-0215 or FOR SALE, R-14 tires, MAN SHACK GUN kimmarie52@live.corn 185/65 mounted on rims, SHOP vdr $60. call 541-805-1520 Man Shack Gun Shop is ady ready for you! In house 2007 KOMFORT travel gunsmithing, f i rearm trailer. 24 ft, single slid- 1999 CHEVY Silverado sales, FFL service, Class er,TV, air, awning, cold 1500 series Z71 4x4, 3 weapons, suppressors weather pkg, equalizer fully loaded with extras, and custom orders. hitch with sway con- automatic, 19 1 ,000 Located in Joseph. Check trol, lots of extras. Just miles, tow pkg, nice pick- us out online at www hook up and go. $14,000 up $5,250. runs great! .ManShackGunShop. OBO. 5 4 1-523-2825Call 541-403-1899 aeg c orn, or call for an appointment 800-630Baker Cit vfw 6314 or 541-398-1982
Visit us in the Port of Pasco1699 E Ainsworth •
CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo
2007 HONDA Shadow 600cc Very low mileage.60+ MPG, like new $3000. call 541-8563221 Haines vea
Call for a list of reputable contractors in your area!!
• •
The Nickel - Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 •
www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 7
®Dnmeeemt GOT AN older car, boat or RV? Do the humane thing: Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1-800-419-6574 tfn SELL YOUR structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don't have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-218-0290 tfn
SEA NYMPH 16ft. boat with trailer, Johnson 25hp motor, electric trolling motor, asking $2,000. call 541-786-1342 Elgin vda
ART SHORT Horseshoeing. 25 years' experience. C orrective. Serving Baker, Union, 8 Wallowa Counties. 541910-3996 pgs
SEA NYMPH 16ft. boat with trailer, Johnson 25hp motor, electric trolling motor, asking $2,000. call 541-786-1342 Elgin vda
BEST HORSE/ LIVESTOCK PANELS 8 PRODUCTS built to last a lifetime, maintenance free! Lucky Acres specializes in manufacturing all of the essential setups including: Panels 8 Gates, Shelters 8 Mare Motels, Stall Fronts 8 Dividers, Complete Paddock Set-ups, Working Corral Systems, Com-
16' ALUMINUM Crestliner boat with cover, 2008 Mercury 8hp, 4 stroke, long shaft, Minnekota 55 or 60 thrust trolling motor, Hummingbird fish finder, easy load trailer, $2,500. OBO call 541- plete Arena Set-ups, 398-0005 Wallowa vde Round Pens, Contour Perimeter Fe n cing, GOT KNEE PAIN? Back 1999 STARCRAFT fifth Feeders 8 Saddle Racks. Pain? Shoulder Pain? wheel RV. 28 feet long We specialize in Custom Get a p a in-relievinghitch to bumper. Large 2 Design. All products are brace for little or NO cost door fridge, microwave, made of HEAVY Gauged to you. Medicare patients hide-a-bed sofa, queen Galvanized steel. They call Health Hotline now! bed. Excellent condition will not rust! Delivery inside and out. 13 foot 1-800-903-1039 tfn slide and 16 foot awning. Available. Visit our webIncludes hitch. Asking site www.luckyacres.net FIND THE love you de- $8,000.00 5 4 1-519-or call 208-746-1228 for serve! Discover the path 2048 Baker City vjo more information. pda to happiness. New members receive a FREE 3-minute love reading! Entertainment purposes only. 18 8 over. 800-7582304 tfn Attention: VIA G RA 8¹ CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99. FREE Shipping! 100% Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800817-0568 tfn
CPAP/BIPAP supplies at little or no cost from Allied Medical Supply Network! Fresh supplies delivered right to your door. Insurance may cover all costs. 800-657-7809 ffn COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Viruses, lost data, hardware or software issues? Contact Geeks On Site! 24/7 service. Friendly repair experts. Macs 8 PCs. Call for FREE diagnosis! 1-800-971-0605 tfn
2003 MALIBU, 71K LAGRANDE OR Livestock Sales miles, interior and exterior in great shape. Runs Every Thursday perfect 30 mpg $4,200. 11:30 am OBO, call 541-910-0354 Your livestock will Cove ads bring top dollar at
IML! 541-963-2158 800-824-5298
011 W, MainEnteryrise 5414868100 Sunday By Appointment I
. 2¹i~
Old FashionedValues Sales & Service Andy Crow or Doug Crow
•mainetreet-motors.con 2013CHEVROLETTRAVERSELT ~'
2004DDDG ERA222000SLT
t83,950 STK¹ 10466A 2010 FORDF150SUPERCREW
t88,885 STK¹ 10351B
4W ~ DIIIIPW IP ll, LIIIIII $$$,885
t11,999 STK¹ 10405A
STK¹ 10469
Celebration of Life for Joe Abel will be held on September 3rd, 2016 at 3:00 pm at the Riverside Pavilion
s iiiii s sin ass I
%IIXe l) N+
ANTIQUE WHEAT grinder with motor added, $35. Corner desk, large work space, file cabinet, like new condition, $75. Call 541-523-6625 hfp Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get View our ads online at 1 week FREE in The www.lag randenickel.corn Nickel. Updated every Friday. ADOPTION IS a commitment, not a purchase. www.wallowacountyhumanesociety.org 541426-4170 zdw
STK¹ 10370
STK¹ 10471
HURRYIn Now! Best Prices of theSeason!
3t4,900 obo STK¹ 10375A
STK¹ 10458A
! ' PL/GEM
t94,985 STK¹ 10461A
STK¹ 10453A
STK¹ 10480
Page 8 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn
The Nickel -Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
• • •
MUZZLELOADERS AND more, buy, sell, and trade new and used, lots of guns and all your muzzleloaders needs. Call 541-663-2650 Island City mxg
2009 PONTIAC Vibemade by Toyota. Under 20,000 actual miles, mother in law unable to driver any longer. $14,000. OBO or consider Motorhome in Trade. Call 541-910-0354 Cove ads
1ST CROP Alfalfa-Orchard grass hay, $150/ ton. Oat hay, barley hay, both $120/ton. 2"' crop alfalfa/grass hay, $180/ ton. Grass hay $180. All hay is small bales. Call 541-519-0693 Baker City pxj
NOTICE: C l a ssified2005 DAMON Astoria: OPENINGS NOW avail. Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. Northwest Edition, 36' For beginner piano lesChanges or cancella- diesel pusher, 2 slides, sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. tions must be in by 5pm low miles, $68,000; 541- Safe 8 fun environment! 561-7276, call for more Call 541-805-9741 for Monday. details. vel more info! La Grande ANTLER BUYER buying bxw deer, elk and moose ant- BRAHMA CANOPY, like lers, any condition, also new, fits long box Ford. SERVE YOUR buying bear traps and $350. OBO call 541-568COUNTRYiii vintage 501 Levis. 541- 4441 or 541-910-4441 Want a little cash? Want 910-6713 La Grande Cove vek to go to college? Have wxt way too many student 1996 F L EETWOODloans? Ever thought CARS FOR TROOPS! Newport, 29.5 5th wheel about serving your counDonate your car 8 help RV, 12ft. slide, gas and try? The Oregon National the military charity of electric, queen bed, hide Guard gives you tuition your choice. Fast, free a bed sofa, very good assistance and the MGIB condition, asking $4,500. pickup. Tax Deductible. OBO, Bluebook retails so you can start/finish Call now! 800-952-0977 $5,500. call 541-886- your college degree. If ffn you already have your 4352 Wallowa vem degree we offer the student loan repayment of $50,000 dollars!!! Plus you gain the knowledge, experience, and motivations to jump start your career. Imagine having your college totally paid for and a drill pay check. Want more information call SFC Lori McNeil 541-786-1459 La Grande area. bxm
' •
Be Dirc@ ced in 1-5 Weeks
Complete Preparation ofALL Divorce Documents. Includes:Children, Support, Division of Property Br Bills, and Return to any former name. NO COVRTAPPEARAHCESI
Legal Alternatives 503-772-5295 wanaPerale/IaMliernatims.corn
. =
Qj I
34' toyhaulerwith 10'reargarageand96"ceilingfortal sidebyside. Queenelectricbunksintherear, large bathroom, lots ofkitchenandlivingspace. 4000wattOnangenerator, fueling stationandwinterpackage. Loadwt
Inspire 380,Cat Diesel Engine,28k Miles, Satillite TV,Solar PanalSystem, FourSlides, Only 34FeetLong, Loaded, VeryNice! I •
!I •
Nice OlderCamper,Self-Contained with ShowerandToilet, 4 burnerstove, double welsil nk I •
37' 5th Wheel, 4Slides, LargeMaster Bedroom,King WalkAround Bed,Fireplace
• ~
TOY HAULER! Hasit All, Loaded!,OpenStorage Compartment, Generator, VeryNice!
1slide, full bathroom,highcapacity roofvent,generator, A/C, 2awnings, extremelynicecamper! • •
• I
• • •
Long bed,slide-in pickupcamper, drybath (seperateshower),skylight overqueenbed, AC, Electric Jaks, LT Generator 3600Watt, 2 Awnings(rear andside) ~
I •
AC, powerawning,t-sllide, roomyandvery nice!
DEPUTIES TO TEACH GUN CLASS Union County Sheriff's Office will be offering a Concealed Handgun Class on Saturday, September 10, 2016, starting promptly at 8:00 a.m. The class will be held at the Union County Sheriff's Office, located at 1109 K Ave, La Grande. The cost of the class is $50, pre-registration is required. For more information and to register for the class, please contact the Union County Sheriff's Office at 541- 9631017, option 2 8 3. bes
EN JOY 100% guaranteed, delivered-to-thedoor Omaha Steaks! SAVE 76% PLUS 4 FREE Burgers - The Happy Family Celebration - ONLY $49.99. ORDER Today 1-800677-6954 mention offer 47222VPN or www. OmahaSteaks.corn/mbfave30 tfn IF YOU or a loved one took the blood thinner Xarelto and had complications due to internal bleeding after January 2012 you MAY be due financial compensation. Call Injuryfone 1-800410-4564 ffn CANADA DRUG Center es tu mejor opcion para ordenar medicamentos seguros y economicos. Nuestros servicios de farmacia con licencia Canadiense e Internacional te proveeran con ahorros de hasta el 75 en todas las medicinas que necesites. Llama ahora al 1-800-950-0973 y obten $10 de descuento con tu primer orden ademas de envio gratuito. tfn
ATTENTION HANFORD, ARGONNE AND IDAHO NATIONAL LAB (INL) WORKERS: Did you, your spouse or your parent become ill after building nuclear weapons? You may be entitled to up to $400,000 from the United States. For more information, call Attorney Hugh Stephens at (800) 548-4494 even if your claimhas been accepted or denied. We assist with claims, dose reconstructions, objections, hearings, reopenings, consequential c o nditions, impairment ratings, wage loss, health care, THE NICKEL AT1112 1/2 home care and appeals Adams Ave., La Grande, to Federal Court. No OR 97850. 1-800-654- Compensation-No Fee. 2% contingent fee for 5829, 963-6237. Hours: initial claims/10% for objections. 2495 Main St., M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. Buffalo, NY. mfa
High Country Post 4 Poles 39' 5th Wheelwith 4 slides providing avery roomyrear living floor plan,TwoAir Conditioners,Satellite TV,andLoaded! I • •
59$54 Pierce Rd., La Grande
Very nice,26' traveltrailer, solar panel. Loaded!! I •
16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00
IS !I! •
33' rear livingw/2slidesprovidingamplespacein bedroom !! livingroom. Lotsofstorageinbedroom,bathroom !! kitchen.32"LCDflatscreenTV. Doubledoorfridge.Storagebumperholds200lbs,outsidespeakers, ikmore!
Automatic, A/C,power windows, powerlocks, cruise,runsgreat, nicecar!
' '
RailrOad tieS $14.50ea.BLmdleS Of 20 beSt buys on treated fence posts k peeled rails. Fence Stays 1.10 ea.
Call Ron963-6258or 805-9279
The Nickel- Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 9
I I~EAfl EST A TR E G Il l ! I I E
Workable Design
Home Plans Remodel Design Drafting 6. Permits
PO. Box sos
Cove, ORSrae4
HELP PREVENT FORECLOSURE 8 Save Your Home! Get FREE Relief! Learn about your legal option to possibly lower your rate 8 modify your mortgage. 800-91 5-0478 ffn NEW LISTING: Updated Farm House. 4BDR 1BA, 2,000sqft. More info 8 pics at zillow.corn. $149,900. 541-886-3421 Wallowa exj LARGE LOTS for sale up 12th St. starting at $59,900. call 541-9103568La Grande ext
1500 SQFT off ice space YOUR TINYHOME IS available, d o wntown READY! Baker City, OR. 2021 1995 Itasca Suncruiser, Court St., off street park- 34' all weather, A class ing, all utilities paid (ex- RV. Clean and beaucept electricity) $800./ tiful, always garaged mo call 541-523-5851 or during offseason. Seats 541-518-5852 Baker City 8 adults comfortably, Udm sleeps 6. 454 Chevy, strong engine, runs great LOOKING FOR MA$10,500. Go see it at TURE LADY ROOMATE Curts RV, La Grande, call Would like to share my 541-962-1 020 vdf clean home on South side of La Grande. 1987 15.9FT Fourwinds am mature woman and boat 8 trailer, new tires, would enjoy company. Mercury 90hp engine, life Located in nice quiet jackets, ski's included, neighborhood on a cul- runs great $1,850. call de-sac with sidewalks 541-403-1899 vdg and street lights. You will have your own furnished HUNTERS bedroom and bath and Order your game bags shared kitchen and living at www.wildcountrygaarea. Rent is very nom- mebags.corn or call 541inal. 541-663-8246 La 429-1817, leave mesGrande tfn sage. vdm
NW MONTANA Real Estate. Several large acreage parcels. Company owned. Bordered by National Forest. Timber. Water. (406)293-3714. www. TungstenHoldings. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMc orn e e a BER 1st, will have a BEAUTIFUL HOME with one bedroom, one bath an even more beautiful home. On one acre of view. 28592 Old Hwy Ponderosa Pine beside Phillips Lake for rent or 30, Durkee Or 97905. sale. Home has a huge 3 bedroom 2 bath 2007 attached garage/shop manufactured h ome. and is heated with wood, $138,000. G orgeous with electric base board tiled bathroom sink in backup. Call 541-379master bathroom, walk 0285 Baker City udm in master closet, elecFOR RENT tric fireplace in master 3bdm, 1 bath house, bedroom.Open kitchen, large fenced in yard, dining and living room large shop. No pets, no perfect for entertaining. smoking, written referMLS¹16321187 eeb ences required. Located at 222 S. 2nd St. Union, 5 ACRES for sale, rear for more info call 541Boulder Park on Main 910-3822 ux Eagle Creek, cabin site with view of river, $49,000. call 541-7865333La Grande eel
1979 MARLETTE double wide, 2bdrm, 1 bth, 1272 sq.ft., great condition, you move, $8,900. OBO call 5 4 1-5241 814 Baker City t e a
AFFORDABLE LIVING! YAKIMA, WA. Downtown, furnished studios, rent $345-$385. All utilities included, refrig, micro, twin bed,
DO YOU have health problems you c an' t solve? Have you been given a list of foods to eliminate from your diet? Do you have chronic pain, or just want to get over a cold faster? Do you want to address your problems as a whole? We can help. Our Holistic Health Practitioners can help you find ways to feel better naturally. Call Sage Holistic Health and Wellness in La Grande today 541-304-5022 or email elle@sagewellliving, $25 dollar for a con-
I • 1
os Ralph Edwards
Excel Electrical Services,lnc. 322 E. M ckinney Ave. Hermiston,OR97838
Office:541-567-21 88
Fax:541-567-1442 Residential• Commercial•Agricultural •Industrial
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Housing. Accepting applications.Income restrictions apply.
AROKCJlr' Dirtbikes• Streetbikes
Call Candi in Baker City CJ (541)523-6578.
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The Nickel-Au ust 25, 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report FISHING, HUNTING, WILDLIFE VIEWING http: //www.dfw.state. or.us/ August 25'", 2016
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General archeryseasons open Saturday,Aug.27— Regulation changes Mike Simonis Ron Simonis There are bag limit changes for elk bowhunters in several units this year. Bowhunters in the early general bow season can no longer manager take an antlerless elk in Saddle Mt, Wilson and Scappoose. For 2016, the bag limit is one bull in Scappoose and Wilson and one -s ' I s-s s . • 3 pt+ bull only in Saddle Mt. In the Minam and Desolation units, general season bow elk hunters have a bag limit of one elk this year 2700 Bearco Loop La Grande, OR 97850 (formerly bull only). Finally, lighted arrow nocks are now allowed for bowhunters. Lighted nocks increase visibility of an arrow and make it easier to follow an arrow's flight and retrieve it. OREGONTRAiL Know before you go — Check fire restrictions TRADER Hunting seasons are open but there are use restrictions and some private lands may be closed to access during fire season. Check See ODF's Fire Restrictions Page for more information and the latest Corporate Closure List for private land information. Check with the land manager (US Forest Service, BLM, ODF) for public lands information. Buoy 10 salmon season ramping up at mouth of the Columbia The world famous Buoy 10 salmon fishery at the mouth of the Columbia River is now open, with an estimated 960,200 fall Chinook 2812 ADA>IS AVEXItE and 322,600 coho expected to return to the Columbia River this fall. Anglers are already out in force, with hundreds of boats taking to LA GRANDE, OREGON 9$850 the water out of Astoria every day in pursuit of these prized Northwest fish. If past years are any indication, the fishing should only get better and better as the season progresses into September. LES HEXDERSOX/KARL BAIAI Double your fun with a second fishing rod 541-968-2918 If you' re planning to get in on one of Oregon's famous fall salmon seasons on the Oregon coast you might want to consider doubling your fun by adding a second rod to your equipment list this year. ODFW fishery managers just approved most coastal streams and bays along the coast for the use of a second rod through Oct. 31. (Note: This does not include the Columbia River, which is managed jointly by Oregon and Washington. The Oregon Two Rod Angling Validation costs $21.50 and is works for most lakes and ponds, as well as select streams. Try crabbing for a unique Oregon experience Crabbing is open all along the Oregon coast in bays and the ocean, and crabbing has been good to excellent in many areas recently, with many boats returning with limits. Crabbing is a unique Oregon experience. And what's better for dinner than fresh Oregon crab! So consider putting this activity on your list of fun things to do before summer's end. Sign up now for free youth pheasant hunts or family pheasant hunts ODFW will host a variety of pheasant hunts this year, including 11 free youth hunts at locations around the state in September and three hunts for families at locations in Portland and Corvallis. See www.odfwcalendar.corn for more information and to register. Sage-grouse hunt applications due by Aug. 22 Permit numbers will be the same as last year. Now is the time for archers and rifle hunters to begin their annual pre-scouting trips to the woods, August 27 is not far away. Hunters should be spending this next two months locating the elk and deer herds. Besides, it's a great time to be in the woods to avoid most of the heat found in the valleys. Check odfwcalendar.corn for new classes Pheasant hunting workshops and a number of other classes have been added to www.odfwcalendar.corn Most classes have a size limit so sign up now! IMNAHA RIVER: trout, bass Currently the river is very high and trout fishing will be difficult. Trout should be active this spring. Smallmouth bass will move into the lower river as summer progresses and can provide some great catch rates. The lmnaha will open June 15 for spring Chinook salmon from the confluence with the Snake River to the Summit Creek Bridge. Bag limits will be 2 hatchery adults and 5 jacks. Anglers may not continue to fish for jacks once their adult limit is reached. Jacks are salmon under 24 inches. Wild Chinook should be released immediately and unharmed. Check daily for closure updates with creel staff, online, or with the Enterprise ODFW office. Bull trout are available for catch and release and should not be harmed. Biologists will be monitoring the salmon run and a decision on a season will be made in June. JOHN DAY RIVER: spring Chinook Smallmouth bass fishing is good with many fish being caught downstream from Kimberly. River flows are currently dropping, make sure to check the flows before planning your trip. John Day River flows PEACH POND (Ladd Marsh): rainbow trout The pond was stocked with rainbow trout the first week of April. Remember, the Wallowa is a whitefish factory and can produce some large fish. Whitefish are native to Oregon and are a respected sporffish across the west. Whitefish can be great in the smoker and are a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing. To catch them, use beadhead nymphs a size ¹12-16 hook and fish for them in quick runs that are knee to waist deep. BAKER COUNTY Black Bear - Green up has begun to appear in the lower elevation areas. The mild weather of the past couple of weeks will have bears out and active in the early part of the season. Look for bears close to timber stringers feeding on open ridges. Successful hunters need to remember to check in their bear within ten days of harvest. It cannot be frozen and propping open mouth of bear will help in aiding tooth collection later. Turkey - Look for spring turkeys to be moving from wintering grounds to their nesting areas. Listen for males to be calling early and late in the evenings to help locate gobblers. Over winter survival was good this past year so expect good numbers of birds this season. Cougars can be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Cougars are common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Coyote numbers are high throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Spring Bear hunters can expect better than anticipated access to mid-elevations for April, due to the warmer weather early in the month. Expect timbered north aspects to have snow above 5000 feet elevation. Bears will be out feeding in early mornings and evenings. Spot and stock techniques remain the most productive for spring hunters with a few bears being taken with fawn distress calls in late May. Turkey hunters can expect better numbers of birds than in previous years. An excellent hatch in 2015 put plenty of chicks on the ground for this season. Look for birds anywhere in the county with the largest numbers still found in the Wenaha and Mount Emily units. Road access will be good, snow will block some access above 5000' in April. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area The portion of Ladd Marsh East of Foot Hill road is now closed to all hunting. Glass Hill Unit is again open to wildlife recreation activities beginning April 1, 2016. This portion will be open and available to both spring bear and turkey hunting. Bears have been seen at the higher elevations of the property in the past but sightings have been very sporadic. The habitat is dense making visibility very limited. Hunters should try to scout for recent activity before spending much effort in bear hunting the property. Turkeys can be found at the lower elevations but hunting pressure is high. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult the wildlife area administrative rules. Rules that apply to all areas are at the top (at the link), and then scroll down to page 8, ¹635-008120, for additional rules specific to Ladd Marsh. Dogs are not permitted within the Wildlife Area, including the Glass Hill Unit, on or off leash except during authorized game bird hunting seasons. Vehicles, camping and fires are prohibited on the wildlife area at all times. For more information please call 541 963 4954 WALLOWA COUNTY Common raptors in the open areas of the county are red-tailed hawks, American kestrels, and golden eagles. Occasionally ferugenous and Swainson's hawks and prairie falcons can also be seen. Look for bald eagles and ospreys perched in the larger trees along Wallowa Lake shore or on power poles near water in the valley. Migrating bald eagles can also be seen in the Prairie Creek and Elk Mt. Road areas east of Enterprise. White-tailed deer can be found throughout the Wallowa Valley on or near agricultural lands. Elk are back on the Zumwalt Prairie and can be seen from the Zumwalt Road. These are county roads that run through private property, so please respect the landowner's privacy and remain on the county road but park out of the traffic lanes while watching the elk. Once you find a herd, use binoculars or a spotting scope to observe the animals. .
The Nickel - Au ust 25 2016 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
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