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THE NICKEL TOLL free ANTIQUE VERY LARGE 1-800-654-5829. pot b e llied s t ove, $600.00. Army cannon Behold, a virgin shall be stove. 541-663-9091 La with child, and shall bring Grande mks forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23
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NEW SNOW plow: came off Yamaha Rhino, will fit other side by sides, used twice, $1000; 541-3843344, Condon mnm
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The Nickeloffice will beclosed Dec.25th Deadlinefor the1-01-15paperis No La terThan5PM Mondaythe29th2014
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order your custom made Warning: Polans off road vehicles can be hazardous to operate and are not intended for on road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with avalid driver's license to operate. Passengers, if permitted, must be at least 12 years old. Au riders should always wear helmets, eye protection, and protective clothing. Always use seat belts and cab nets or doors (as equipped). Never engage in stunt dnwng, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding and alcohol/drugs don't mix. All riders should take a safety training course. Call 800 342 3764 for additional information. Check local laws before nding on t rails. r02014 Polans Industries Inc.
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The Nickel - Dec 25, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
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LpcAL SppNSpRS Ruff I' Rustic
2015 hunting and fishing licenses now availableBuy them at an ODFW office, a license sales agent or on-line. Oregon hunting and shooting map goes mobile Just click on the interactivewww.ore onhuntin ma .com from your mobile device and the new responsive design immediately delivers Pistols to Rifles —Ammo—Concealed Carry Classes content optimized for your phone or tablet. The map has all the functionally that made it popular- the ability to search hunting areas 30703'/2 WALTON RD by species and location land ownership, property boundaries and much more. FISHING (BEHIND HUDSON TRANIvlISSION ) Weekend fishing opportunities Long Creek, Cavender and Holliday Park ponds and Bull Prairie Reservoir were all stocked in late September and trout fishing should be good through the end of the year. Proceed with caution when ponds are iced over. Ice may be too thin to support anglers. Flows are up on the Grande Ronde River and anglers are reporting good steelhead fishing. There is healthy proportion of two salt fish this year, so expect a few larger fish and some screaming drags! The Wallowa River is a whitefish factory this time of year. Whitefish can be a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing and can be great table fair. GRANDE RONDE RIVER:steelheadAnglers have recently reported good steelhead fishing on the Grande Ronde. Flows are up and fishing should continue to be productive as long as temperatures hold. Boating will be much easier for both rafters and drift boaters. With cooling water temps look for fish to move to calmer water where they can conserve energy while holding. A healthy proportion of two salt fish has resulted in a large average size this year. So, expect a few larger fish and some screaming drags! Remember, only adipose-fin clipped rainbow trout may be retained and all bull trout must be released unharmed. IMNAHA RIVER:Steelhead PIT-tag detections show a number of steelhead moving up the lower river and anglers have had success finding good numbers of early fish. A few steelhead can be found in the lower river all winter; however, the best times to catch steelhead in the Imnaha are in the early fall and spring. Fall chinook are in the lower river to spawn. There is no open Chinook season on the lmnaha River. Please release these fish unharmed and allow them to spawn. I INSMITRINGA MR R S LIS WALLOWA LAKE:rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Some rainbow trout are still available and tagged fish are occasionally being reported. Trout have been caught with a variety of methods but a simple rig with PowerBait has been most effective. If the cold weather continues and the lake freezes, ice fishing can be good for both kokanee and trout. The lake was stocked with tagged rainbow n QWr trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. WALLOWA RIVER:steelhead, mountain whitefish The Wallowa is currently open for steelhead fishing and anglers have reported finding a few fish. However, the best catch rates will be in the late winter and spring. Remember the Wallowa River is a whitefish factory. Whitefish can be a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing and can be great table fair. Simply tie in a small bead-head nymph dropper while fishing under a bobber and let the fun begin. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR, GROUSE,WATERFOWL BAKER COUNTYClosure of Wallowa Mountain Loop Road (Forest Road 39) Chukar, Hun, and California Quail -The season opens Oct. 11 and ends Jan. 31, 2015. Hunters should expect another season very similar to lastyears. Chukar numbers are still low for the county, however quail numbers showed a slight increase from last year. Grouse -Blue grouse can be found in the higher elevations while ruffed grouse are more common in wetter areas. Hunters should expect an average year for grouse. Successful hunters are asked to place the tails and wings from harvestedbirds in the collection barrels. Cougarscan be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Coyotenumbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Cougarsare common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Coyotenumbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area is open Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and federal holidays during pheasant, quail, partridge and waterfowl seasons. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult game bird regulations before entering the wildlife area. Waterfowl hunting has been slow due to the early freeze-up. Recent warm temperatures and rain is beginning to open some areas. Local bird numbers remain good and hunting should improve if warm temperatures persist. Hunters should watch local weather reports for high winds near Ladd and Pyles canyons. This generally means good waterfowl hunting at Ladd Marsh. Upland hunting has been good for pheasants and quail. Nesting conditions were good for both this year. Hunt areas near water with dogs for the best success. WALLOWA COUNTYClosure of Wallowa Mountain Loop Road (Forest Road 39) Elk -Numbers of elk are strong throughout most of Wallowa County with good bull to cow ratios in all units. Most animals are now on winter ranges at lower elevations. Several antlerless elk seasons are open now and success has been moderate. Forest Grousehunting has been poor — fair in recent years and this year is similar. Blue grouse numbers are below the long term average, and most birds have moved to timber stands where they spend the winter eating conifer buds. Ruffed grouse hunting opportunities will be best along riparian areas where abundant shrubs are found. Chukarhunting has been poor to fair in recent years, but this year a good hatch should produce an improvement in chukar numbers. The season started October 5. Coyote:Good numbers of coyotes can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. Cougarnumbers are strong throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques. Northeast Zone VIEWING BAKER COUNTY Bighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. The best viewing is in the early morning and late in the evening. Bald and golden eagles canbe seen along the Snake River. Take the Snake River Roadbetween Richland and Huntington. Deer and elk are returning to the valley to winter. Early in the morning andlate in the afternoon are good times to view wildlife. Driving through the foothills of the Baker valley and through the Keating valley can turn up good numbers of deer. UNION COUNTY Ladd Narsh WildlifeArea The Tule Lake autoroute is closed to vehicles, the Tule Lake unit and most of the wildlife area is open Sat., Sun., Wed. and holidays during the waterfowl and pheasant hunting seasons. The Glass Hill Unit is open to public entry seven days a week for foot and horse traffic only. Be aware that hunting seasons are open. Please see the note above regarding daily permits. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult the wildlife areaadministrative rules. Rules that apply to all areas are at the top (at the above link), and then scroll down to page 8, ¹635-008-120, for additional rules specific to Ladd Marsh. Dogs are not permitted within the Wildlife Area, on or off leash except during authorized hunting seasons. There are numerous quality viewing opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance. Water levels had begun to recover when the unseasonably cold temperatures struck. The wildlife area remains mostly frozen. Waterfowl are using grain fields and many may be seen loafing on Hot Lake. Large numbers of white-crowned sparrows have been found in shrubby areas along with song sparrows. Cedar Waxwings can be found foraging in fruit trees, mountain ash and hawthorn. Northern shrikes have been seen in several locations across the area. Raptors include Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Rough-legged Hawk, Great horned and Barn Owls, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks and American Kestrel. For more information on access rules for Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area, please consult the Oregon Game Bird Regulations or call the wildlife area (541) 963-4954. 12/01/14.
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IDAHO TRANSPORTATION D epartment Auction Saturday January 10th 9:30AM Asotin, WA. Big 8 Small Dump Trucks, Sand/ Salt Spreaders, Pickups, Cars, Snowplows, De-Icers. Absentee bids, 208-503-0235. Photos www . TigerAuctioneering.com gjt
OPENINGS NOW avail. for beginner piano lessons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. Safe 8 fun environment! Call 541-805-9741 for more info! La Grande bxw
BORDER COLLIE puppies: working parents, vaccinations, ready to go, $150; 541-468-2185, Prairie Ranch, Fossil pkl
AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La Grande axm
SADDLEI TUCKER Tucker saddle, Rnd Skrt WANT YOURAD TO Brn., brass smooth, 18.5, PICKUP FLATBEDS, COVER A GREATER paid $1520 for saddle and front end replaceAREA? and bridle, like new ments, many styles to Come inand speak with condition; can email pic- choose from. Call Pious at the The Nickel tures, call 541-969-2693, neer West 541-663-9378 COIN AND about PNAWAN ads. You Echo pks La Grande axp ESTATE AUCTION can advertise in 12 differSunday Jan. 4 10 am ent papers for as low as HARLEY ANDATV NOTICE: Changes or preview at 9 am Clark $75.00. Papers in OreService and R epair cancellations must be Auction barn 340 W. gon, Washingt for Harley Davidsons on, Idaho in by 5pm Monday. Hwy 203 Union, OR Nice and more! Call 541-963and ATV's. BBB Reselection of silver coins 6237 bxn 2014 G O OSENECKpair 62010 West Road and currency large sehorse trailer, horse/ Call 541-605-0400 La lection of old and new SERVE YOUR stock combo, like new, Grande axb books, h o usewares, COUNTRY!!! $8,900.00. 5 4 1-398furniture,and a whole Want a little cash? Want 0667 pjw 2013 JEEP Grand Cherlot more. View at www. to go to college? Have okee Laredo Immacuclark-auctions.com Clark way too many student SADDLES FOR sale: late, 4,600 miles, black and Daughter Auctions loans? Ever thought Nearly new condition, on black, $41,000.00. La Roger Clark auctioneer about serving your coun- Hereford brand, slick 541-786-2575 541-910-0189 Union gjc try? The Oregon Na- fork, double rig, $625.00. Grande axl New custom made 16in tional Guard gives you Cliff Wade post horn DIVORCE SALE: Sale till tuition assistance and double rig full basket BEFORE YOU trade or everything is gone, ev- the MGIB so youcan weave with buck rolls, sell your rig: see what eryday except Saturday. start/finish your college semi-quarter bars, nice Alan McKinney Swain Household some guns, degree. If you already saddle, $2,250. See Automotive Group will new Dayton 2 ton hoist, have your degree we at Grande Ronde Cow buy it for! Consignments wood cook stove, shop offer the student loan re- Camp, Starkey Ore- welcome also; 541-571smith, bench on rollers, paymentof$50,000 dol- gon. 541-428-2199 La 7355, Hermiston axs snow blower, tiller, blow- lars!!! Plus you gain the Grande pjb er, antique lawn art, machinery, much more! Call for appointment, 541562-2029. 1025 West Birch, Union gmc
knowledge, experience, and motivation to jump start your career. Imagin having your college totally paid for and a drill pay check. Want more CLASSIFIED E-MAIL information call SGT Lori address; ads@lagran- McNeil 541-786-1459 La Grande area. bxm denickel.com
CHRI STMASTREERECYCLING LVondering what to do with your Christmas tree after the holiday? I/I/hy not putit to good use?
Wood smoke hasbeenidentified asthem ajor source ofair pollutionin the months of January and February. The La Grande Air Quality Commission is requesting that you consider recyling as an alternative to burning your Christmas tree. Please recycle your tree so they can be used at Ladd Marsh as animal cover.
Three Locations to Serve You: Saturday - December 27th, 2014 Saturday - January 3rd,2015 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Wal-Mart Parking lot For pickup caII: 541-975-2000 Boy ScoutTroop 511 Saturday - December 27th 2014 Saturday - January 3rd,2015 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. La Grande High School Parking Lot and Safeway For pickup call:541-910-3383 La Grande HighSchool Swim Team 55 per tree if delivered 56 per tree for pick-up 56 additional charge for tinseled trees La Grande AIr Quality Commission Working Together, We CanClean Up Our AIr!
HEAVY GAUGED galvanized horse/ livestock panels, gates, shelters, custom stall fronts, complete arena set-ups 8 more. Factory Direct! ID¹ RC-20843, OR¹ 190181, WA¹ LUCKYA933DW. Lucky Acres Fencing, Inc. 208-746-1228, www .LuckyAcres.net Lewiston pnl
AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La Grande axm CLASSIC 51 Chevy pickup, restored 350 small block, $28,000 firm. 541963-7517 La Grande axy
SELL YOUR STUFF IN 03 FORD Mustang, 91k THE NICKEL! miles, manual transmission V6, around 20mpg. SADDLE 15" seat, needs sheepskin, $300.00. Pad Great condition in and bridle hobbles slicker, out. Reconstructed ti$50.00. 541-437-1212 tle. $3,650 obo. Call/ text 541-805-0778 La Elgin fjm Grande axc
High Country Post 4, Poles 59854Pierce Rd., La Grande
LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER 1x4, 1x6, 1x12 BOARD k BAT 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. Fence Stays 1.10 ea.
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INSTANT CASH for quality antiques 8 collectibles. 541-963-9358 or 541-963-5646 Thank You! La Grande mxj Need an address label stamp for business or just for home? Come into The Nickel to design and order one! DR. WILLARD G. Bertrand DC now accepting Workmen's comp. and auto accident injuries. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande mxb BARRELS Burn or Storage, $20.00; vented $25.00. Call 541963-8990 La Grande mxp FOODALLERGY testing, cleansing therapy and hormonal supplementation. Call Dr. Willard Bertrand DC. 963-Well. La Grande. Preferred Provider for all major insurances. mxb THE NICKEL DOES BUSINESS CARDS! Come in and start des igning. Starting a t $32.50 for 500! WANT RAILROAD lanterns, globes, locks, keys, signs, badges, china, silver, paper, wax sealers. Cash. 541-2763506 Pendleton mxj
2004 FATBOY Harley DISH TV Retailer. StartDavidson, e x c ellenting at $19.99/month (for condition, 30,000 origi- 12 mos.) 8 High Speed nal miles, lots of extras. I nternet starting a t $9,500.00 obo, cash $14.95/month (where or trade, 541-886-2094 available.) SAVE! Ask Wallowa vxm About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800THOMPSON RV is East- 593-1764 ffn ern Oregon"s largest RV dealer: family owned and MEDICAL GUARDIANoperated for 40 years; Top-rated medical alarm browse our inventory on- and 24/7 medical alert line at www.thompsonrv. monitoring. For a limited com, or call us at 800- time, get free equipment, 459-4836, Pendleton vxt no activation fees, no commitment, a 2nd waZIEMAN DRIVE off 2 terproof alert button for place snowmobile trail- free and more - only er, led lights, good tires $29.95 per month. 800with spare, ski runners, 977-5943 ffn newer wheel bearings, $1,200.00. Call 541-403- ALL THINGS Basemen0900 Baker City vct ty! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your 2004 31FT Mortorhome. basement needs! WaSlideout. Walk around terproofing, Finishing, bed. 27,000 miles. Like Structural Repairs, Hunew $26,000. 541-786- midity and Mold Control 0912 La Grande vjr FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-680-6517 tfn KAMPSITE KOMFORT 23 Trvl Trl, 2006 "no REDUCE YOUR Cable pop-out, excellent con- Bill!* Get a whole-home dition, toilet room, show- Satellite system installed er, queen rv bed, couch at NO COST and profold out, dinette bunk, gramming starting at new custom woodwork $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ trim and artwork, always DVR Upgrade to new kept inside, never on the callers, SO CALL NOW road.Glassbody,Minam 1-800-840-8955 tfn area, photo available, $9,500.00 obo. 503-805- WE PRINT14,000Aweek! We cover 4 counties! The 8306 vjn most effective advertising for your investment! HAVE TWO Polaris The Nickel, 963-6237. La snowmobiles, s e lling Grande. one 2001 Polaris RMK 800, 1,000 miles. 2003 RMK 600, 1,000 miles, reverse. $1,550 and $1,895. Sell one, keep the other. Call 541-9106508 Joseph vjm
HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA from home 6-8 weeks accredited, Get a diploma! Get a job! Free Brochure call now! 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin HS. www. 2005 MONICO Coach, DiplomaFromHome. com Cummins diesel, Alison transmission, 35' long, loaded with everything, TOP QUALITY STORAGE BUILDINGS 48,000 miles. Call for 541-663-0246 more details 541-215Call for sizes and prices. 0093. La Grande vmm Island City mxc 1999 YAMAHA MM WANT YOURAD TO Snowmobile, new 950cc COVER A GREATER- Price engine, 151" track, AREA? pipes, reeds, mountain Come inand speak with seat, Ekhome Tunnel, Don at The Nickel about $2,500.00 obo. 541-519PNAWAN ads. You can 4192 Enterprise vms advertise in 12 different papers for as low as $75.00. Papers in Ore- Any Item $25 or less, gon, Washingt on, Idaho Free, or Lost/Found, get and more! Call 541-963- 1 week FREE in The Nickel. 6237 bxn
• • I
FOR SALE: New Kahr CARE PROVIDER seek- BALE WAGONS sell/ CW40.40 pistol with extra ing hours, La Grande buy. New Holland pullextended m agazine, area, human services. type or self-propelled unfired, $425.00. Used 541-534-6106 sml models/ pa r ts/tires. Beretta 92FS 9mm with Call Jim Wilhite 208one 15 round magazine, DARREL FRIESEN Well 880-2889 any t i me. $400.00. No background Services, LLC. Submers- www. balewagon .com NO PART of this publica- fee charged! No shipping ible pump installation Caldwell fxw tion may be reproduced fee! 907-942-5311 La and repairs on water syswithout the permission Grande djc tems. Phone 541-562ALL YOUR of the publisher. Thank 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. CULVERT NEEDS K IMBER 22-2 5 0 CCB¹163246 Union, OR Contact Rob at Pioneer you. pxh synthetic stock, sxd West 541-910-9378 fxp WANTED: ALL classes stainless, fluted barrel of horses. We pick'em Mauser action, Bushnell NOTICE: C l a ssifiedNEW HOLLAND Tractor up. Call J.A. Bennett 3x9x40, $450.00 obo Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. 2011 T6050 1 25hp Livestock. 541-523-6119 541-403-4584 Baker City Changes or cancella- MFWD, 3 elec remotes, or 541-519-2802 Baker djh tions must be in by 5pm 1400hrs, Semi-Power City pxj Monday. Shift, $60,000. JD 220 GIFT IDEA - Hoyt Power bifold tandem disk 20ft, NOTICE: Changes or Hawk bow, 60-70lb pull, OPENINGS NOW avail. $4,500. JD 975 3 bottom cancellations must be accessories, like new for beginner piano les- switch plow, $5,000. 541in by 5pm Monday. $300 OBO. Call 541- sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. 403-0433 Baker City fjd 523-5571 Baker City djm Safe 8 fun environment! FOR SALE HEREFORD Call 541-805-9741 for ANGUS x GALLOWAY YEARLING BULLS A R15 DPMS w i t h more info! La Grande Commercial Cows: Bred Harrel 8 Hoiden genet- Redfield scope, Stevens sxw cows, heifers, young ics, sired by Churchill 22-250 with Redfield steers, one black bull. Yankee and Sons ofthe scope, SBW Model 686 MASONRY REPAIR Come see them and Great 4140P. Top quality 357 Mag, Mark2 Ruger professional block stone make near market value bulls, priced right. Start- slapside 22, Wulitzer brick repair for a free es- offer. 541-403-1063 or ing at $2,500.00. 541- piano, Model 2111. Best timate call Tylor at 254- routscout@gmail.com 910-3610 Baker City pxo offer on all. 541-562- 226-2774 La Grande sxd Baker City fqy 1050 5 4 1-786-3418 Union dkm VICTORYACRES Riding CONTRACT FENCING JOHN DEER Backhoe, Academy. Now off ering Farm Ranch Residen- $5,000.00 obo. 541-910ORE G ON tial. Contact Darrel 541- 4661 La Grande f]h boarding, lessons and UTAH/ fir e arm 562-5628 541-786-8668 training. All ages and lev- concealed t raining: carry in a t els, school horses availCCB¹163246 Union sxf VERMEER BPX 9000 least 34 states, January HAY PROCESSOR able 8 references avail- 18th, at Ace Hardware ONE YEAR able. Indoor 8 outdoor La Grande, 10am, $85; FREE PERSONAL classiWARRANTY arenas! 541-786-3218. Contact Grant Asher fieds for military personel www .victoryacresfarm. 541-571-4600, admin@ and dependants with de- Lightly used. Feeds large square or round bales, com. La Grande pxw grantasher.com, www. pendant ID. We support $25,800. View online at utahconcealedhandgun. our troops! The Nickel, www.lagrandenickel.com www 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La Heppner Or, 541-676RUBBER STAMPS! Start- com, Grande. 963-6237 .utahweaponspermit. ing at $16.60 each. 9971 fkv com dma HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb
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The Nickel- Dec25, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
The Nickel - Dec 25, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
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¹ •
• • I
2006 CHEVY 3/4 ton SADDLES FOR sale: REMINGTON RIFLES BRAND NEWadult foster PLANNING A yard sale? WANTED: Not Till Drill, 8 NOTICE: Classified 4x4, extended cab, four Nearly new condition, model 721, model 725. home in beautiful Cove, Need to sell a storage or 10ft in good condition. Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. door, auto, gas, flatbed, Hereford brand, slick 541-534-4835 lmbler dka Oregon! We provide unit? Have some collec- 541-877-2265 Durkee Changes or cancellatalbes to sell? Call us 112,000 miles, $10,500 fork, double rig, $625.00. up to level 2 care with first. Clark 8 Daugher fko tions must be in by 5pm OBO. 5 4 1-519-6533New custom made 16in W INCHESTER 3 0 0 combined staff experi- Auctions 541-910-0189. LET U S DE LIVER Monday. Baker City anv Cliff Wade post horn Mag Model 70, Classic ence of over 25 years. We buy used and new 14,000 business cards Any Item $25 or less, double rig full basket Sporter, pre 64 action Two private rooms and items. Your complete a week for just $15. Free, or Lost/Found, get Advertise in The Nickel ALL WAYS Automotive weave with buck rolls, w/ Boss, $750.00. Marlin one semi private room auctioneering company. business directory. 963- 1 week FREE in The LLC. 541-624-5001. Re- semi-quarter bars, nice 30-30 Model 1 893, are currently available. www.clark-auctions.com 6237. La Grande Nickel. build Engines 8 Trans- saddle, $2,250. See octagon barrel, good Why settle for an imperOld Fashioned Values missions with 40 years at Grande Ronde Cow condition, $ 1,900.00. sonal crowded, hospital Sales & Service experience. 3 year war- Camp, Starkey Ore- Call Richard at 541-518- type nursing home when ranty on parts and labor. gon. 541-428-2199 La 4061 Baker City dkl your loved one can enjoy Sunday By Appointment Specified labor rate: Grande pjb beautiful scenery, daily $68.00/hr. Lowest price C O N C E A L E D activities, t r ansportain town. La Grande axa 2ND CUTTING Timothy H ANDGUN Cla s s tion to all appointments, hay. Green, barn stored, January 15th. P r e- medication assistance 2006 GMC E n voy, and in a 3 tie bale. $230 R egister at Ruff N all on one homelike envi91,000 miles, 4x4, never ton. 541-263-0354 Jo- Rustic Mercantile. $50/ ronment. Pets welcome been smoked in, in great seph pnb person or Free with the on approval. Beautiful shape, $9,000.00. 541Purchase of a Concealed home, large spacious 523-5151 Baker City amf 2014 G O OSENECKhand gun 8 receive 10% rooms, privacy, and one 2005 CHEVY EXPRESSG3500 2011CHRYSLER 300C horse trailer, horse/ off Concealed Clothing in one care! You can't 1964 CHEVY stock combo, like new, 8 Holsters. 10703 1/2 beat Joel's Adult Foster >v I PANEL TRUCK $8,900.00. 5 4 1-398- Walton Road, 541-962- Home! For more informa350 V8, l ess t h an 0667 pjw 7833 Island City dnr tion. 541-910-8216. No 8,000mi,4x4, manual Waiting List!! Call Today! trans, huge bumpers all PPR HORSE Boarding WINTER WORKWEAR: Cove boj around, with winch, new- quality care, reasonable Carhartt: 36x30 ' C «@* pdyy 1 «,TA.'-" er wheels 8 tires, she's rates, shelters w/ runs, Insulated Bibs, XL Tall GOING OUT RWD, lntv Miles,Multi-Point Inspected,Sporty Handling, Luxury Vehicle, Fully Equipped,Perfect Exterior S Interior, Standard RWD, Adl, PW, PL, PS, tn PASSENGER a beast! $8,900.00 obo. arenas, hay included Pullover Hoodie, LG OF BUSINESS Wartanty, ExtendedWarranty Available,Ask for Details $26y999 STK¹ 10207 View online at lagran- in board. Overnighters Tall Insulated Jacket. TREASURES STK¹ 10222 denickel.com. 541-534- welcome. 541-910-4140 Sorel Size 12 pacs with ANTIQUES 2014 GMC YUKON SLT 1996 DODGE RAM 2500 2772 Summerville akl LaGrande pxk liners. All black and AND NEWER nearly new. Check new 2 16 W e s t Mai n 2009 CHEVY Impala AKC FIELD Springer prices. Offer me half? Street, Ent e rprise with low miles, always Spaniel puppies: liver 541-403-0996 Baker City Oregon. E v e rything garaged, $9900. 1987 and white, family raised, dkk goes Clothing, Furni33' motorhome, 2 speed sire 8 dam on site, 1st ture, Household goods, differential, 454, genera- shots, dewclaws re2013 CAMOPLAST books 8 Ant iques. XL,two.4WD, A/C,PW,PS,PL,st444KLES,PERFECT T4S ATV TRACKS Buy entire inventory or tor, AC, awning, all alu- moved, tailed docked, INTERIORS EXTERIOR,STANDARD WARRANTY, EXT 4WD,tsV,MANUAL,DIESEL,AC,PW ,PL WARRANTYAVALAIBLE minum, nice condition, females $600, males Have maybe 20 miles just come by the store. CALL STK¹ 10290B 842,44 4 STK¹ 1021sA $5,000. 208-503-0235, $500, ready to go now; on them. $3,600.00 new. All Inventory Must Go! 541-571-8373, 541-561- Asking $3,000.00. 541- 541-426-3873 or 541Clarkston aft 2014 HONDACR.V EXL 1985 JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 805-0827. Have a side 398-2325 Enterprise bja 4649, Plymouth pkd FOR SALE 250ci Chevby side 800 Polaris now, rolet 155hp inline 6cyl, HEAVY GAUGED gal- reason for selling. 541- HAVE YOU been wantout of 68 Camaro, runs vanized horse/ livestock 805-0827 Union dmp ing to make a change for great, $600.00 obo. 541- panels, gates, shelters, your finances and your 786-2736 or 541-962- custom stall fronts, com- RACKS 2015 calendar, health? Maybe you ar0112 La Grande ajw plete arena set-ups 8 Mule Deer and Elk en't sure where to start? more. Factory Direct! ID¹ Edition, $20.00. 541- Contact me for a brief AWD,AC,PW ,PS,PL,LEATHER,LOW MLES RWD,SPORTY HANDLING 17" GOODYEAR tires RC-20843, OR¹ 190181, 910-0189 Union dkc overview of your options. $28,450 STK¹ 10273 3 600 obo Ultra Grip ice, 75% tread, WA¹ LUCKYA933DW. No obligation, but filled 2014 JEEP WRANGLERSAHARA 2013 DODG ERAM2500 SLT $400.00 obo. 541-786- Lucky Acres Fencing, SPRINGFIELD XDM with invaluable information that is guaranteed to 1714 La Grande ajp Inc. 208-746-1228, www competition 9mm lots of .LuckyAcres.net Lewis- extras like new $650.00 transform your mind and LET U S DE LIVER 541-910-0189 Union dkc pocket book. 541-620ton pnl 14,000 business cards 1161 Baker City bjr a week for just $15. Advertise in The Nickel SADDLE 15" seat, needs business directory. 963- sheepskin, $300.00. Pad bridle hobbles slicker, 6237. La Grande $50.00. 541-437-1212 UNLIKTED, 4WD, ACPW,PL,e,bsb KLES 4WD,DIESEL,A/C,PW ,PL,22,7osMILES 1991 OLDS Cutlass Elgin fjm 38 4 5 0 ST K¹ 102SOA 39 995 ST K¹10274 Ciera, 106,000 miles. No 2013 TOYOTA 4RUNNER SR5 2011TOYOTA COROLLA dents, good paint, runs I I I I great $2,500. OBO 4 exLAGRANDE OR tra tires and wheels. 541Livestock Eales 568-4650 Cove ajh Every Thursday
3 11 W. M a i n E nte r i se 54 1-428-2 100
+I T¹¹R¹¹RNM¹
1999 CADILLAC STS really good condition, well maintained, good tires $4,000. 541-523-2797 Baker City ajk
11:30 am Your livestock will bring top dollar at IMLI 541-963-2158 800-824-5298
m' m op / ss4ai s su ed p Wir Sc C /I ar q i e ia tte' I
4WD, tb,Qts MILES
1 9 R WY03
Gr de R $
32 750
ST K¹ 10299
Page 8 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com
The Nickel- Dec25, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •
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MAY YOUR Christmas be joyous and your 2015 blessed, wallowacountyhumanesociety.org or 541-426-4170 Enterprise z)p
co O A
20 MONTH Golden Retriever/Lab female. Current shots, house trained, needs fenced yard, $25. 541-398-2292 Lostine zjf
Q~ I •
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EAA WITNESS 10mm, +140 rounds ammo, $450.00 obo. 541-7863080 La Grande djf GLOCK 40 Caliber Model 23, 2-13 round clips, Crimson lazer sights, holster, over 9 boxes ammo. Appraised at $910 asking $765. 541962-1520 La Grande djs 30 CAL M1, $700.00 obo. RV tires, 2 stoves, one gas, one wood. 83 Blazer, $1,000.00 obo. Call Dave at 541-2409558 La Grande djm 50 CAL Hopkins muzzle loader, has shot powder and cleaning equipment, $250.00. 541-519-7194 Richland djc
1990 TOYOTA 200 King Cab, 4x4, 267,000mi, V6 5spd, gas, power steering, good condition, new timing belt, timing belt bearings, new clutch 8 cylinder, and new brakes. With canopy, $3,500.00 obo. 1974 1 ton F-350 460 4spd, new dual tires, flatbed with wooden racks, power steering, new brakes, 93,567mi, only used one time of year to haul wood since 1985, $2,000.00 obo. 1963 Classic Dodge 200 1/2 ton, 2wd 3sp with 318 motor, 18,389mi, 2 barrel carb, factory split rims, never been wrecked, all original except new pain job and seats recovered, stored in garaged, original bumpers, rear Heavy Duty, round rear lights, real nice canopy, $5,000.00 obo. 541-4813177 or 541-571-2665 call or text. Boardman ajr FOR SALE 1979 lnternational Scout 4spd, transfer case and bell housing and other miscellaneous parts. 541-446-3683 akb SNOW TIRES: P255 65 R18. Bridgestone Blizzak snow tires. Like New. Purchased last year and used for 3 months. Cost $1,000, will take $500. Contact Don 541-9108526 La Grande ajp
"Nore ThanJusta Shed" Countryside Sheds, ccc FOUR STUDDED snow (800) 682-0589 (541) 663-0246 tires like new condition, mounted on Honda 4 10102 S. McAlister Rd.IslandCity www.CountrysideSheds.com hole mag wheels. Size 195 65 R15, $295.00. 541-910-7997 La Grande ajm
ALFALFA/GRASS hay, small bales, $7.00 per bale, approx. 80-85lb. 541-523-6639 Keating Oregon. pjs
CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo
OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. "We sell, rent, buy 8 move containers. "InstaStor, Inc. 509-765-1376. www. InstaStor.net mki
MEADOW GRASS hay, BUYING ANTLERS! $200.00/ton, small bales, Any type, any condition, quantity discount. Alicel will pay more for craft antlers. Will pay cash. 4 CHEVY aluminum rims, p)d Call 541-910-2640 Union 6-lug with tires, $225.00. 1 new GoodYear WranBOBTAILED KITTENS dxd gler, 245/75 R16, $75.00. for sale, $15.00. Spots, stripes, colors. 541-534- NEW PISTOLS over Queen sized futon, pre2815 Summerville pkm 100 in stock can special mium mattress with covorder an y f i r earms er, $150.00. AB Coaster FIRST SECOND 8 3rd or do i n ternet gun Pro, excellent condition, cutting afalfa. 541-534- transfers.541-523-9448 $100.00. Best offer all items. 5 4 1-523-2766 4835 Imbler pka Baker City dxw Baker City mjr WHITE DORPER PRICE R E DUCED! FOR 1 1/2yr old female HAIR SHEEP SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 6 Ewes, 2 Rams, start grips, night sights, mag Chihuahua, nice lap dog, lambing Mid-February. pouch, holster, travel good with kids, $75.00. $1,500.00. 5 4 1-519- box, 1 15 and 2 14 round 10 gallon fish aquarium, 7194 Richland pkc magazines, $650.00. used 6mths, has ev541-910-6148 I sland erything with it, $35.00. Large Casio piano with 85 LARGE f ramed City dxf stand, works g ood, black/ black w h ite face cows: preg test- MUZZLELOADERS and $40.00. 9N Ford tractor, ed to s t art c alving more. Guns, buy, sell runs good, has blade and February 2015; 2 year old or trade. Black powder digger, $2,300.00. Nice fancy Angus bulls also guns 8 a c cessories, camp trailer, 1982, 19ft, available if needed; for modern guns 8 ammo. good shape, $1,000.00. more information call Joe 541-663-2650 I sland 541-786-5677 Cove mjm Chappell, 509-301-4402, City dxg 12 TON Shop Press, Milton-Freewater pmh $100. Dnll Press 1hp RUBBER STAMPS! StartTHE NICKEL TOLL free ing at $16.60 each. 15inch 12 Speed 5/8 1-800-654-5829. Chuck, $350. Craftsman Shop Vac 5hp 12gal, GLOCK 45ACP, 2"' $25. Craftsman 10 inch PUPPIES FOR sale, Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger Table Saw 3hp with mi$70, 8 weeks old, Border Vaquero, 45 LC SS. Collie/Hound. 541-898- Ruger Vaquero, Matched tre, $500. Rolling tool 2374 North Powder pmb Set, 45LC, Hi Gloss SS. Stand with Box, $30. SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 100lb bottle tank, $50. AKC ENGLISH Mas- "/~", Nickel, Trigger Job. Manual Tire Machine, tiff puppies, genetically SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, $50. 6ft clock, $100. 3ft sound, English correct, Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". Jewelry Box, $20. 541parents on site, guaran- SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". 562-5469 Union mks teed, $1000 8 up, pic- And many rifles! Call H U NTING tures available. 509-738- 541-786-1900 I sland ZOMBIE headquarters at New 6330 pjb City dxv Vizions on Washington, 541-962-9708. Get your machetes, knives 8 throwing knives by BioTech and War-Tech with more to come including patches. La G rande mmn
Measures and Cuts Carpet & Vinyl up to 13'Wide. Like New Asking 514,000
Call 541-910-7096
LA GRANDE RIFLE Club has unseasoned mixed pine, tamarack 8 red fir, cut in rounds for firewood, u-load u-haul. $125 per cord or $100 for members. Contact Darrel at 541-910-4132, Dennis at 541-910-4535, Dave 541-910-1179 La Grande mmd RUBBER STAMPS! Starting at $16.60 each.
The Nickel - Dec 25, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
ATTEND COLLEGE ON- SOCIAL SECURITY DisLINE from Home. *Med- ability Benefits. Unable ical, Business, *Criminal to work? Denied beneJustice, *Hospitality. Job fits? We Can Help! WIN placement assistance. or Pay Nothing! Contact Computer available. Fi- Bill Gordon 8 Associnancial Aid if qualified. ates at 1-800-317-4986 SCHEV certified. to start your application Call 800-201-4585. www today! tfn .CenturaOnline.com 35556 mxp EN JOY 100% guaranteed, delivered to the DR. Willard G. Bertrand door Omaha Steaks! DC now accepting Ore- SAVE 74% PLUS 4 gon Health Plan Insur- FREE Burgers - The ance. Call today to get Family Value Comboscheduled 541-963-4068 ONLY $39.99. ORDER or 963- Well. La Grande Today 1-800-304-3414 mxb Use code 48829NVL or www.OmahaSteaks. $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT com/mbfam37 tfn cash now!! Injury lawsuit dragging? Need $500- ARE YOU in BIG trouble $500,000 + within 48 with the IRS? Stop wage hours? Low rates. Apply 8 bank levies, liens 8 aunow by phone! 1-800- dits, unfiled tax returns, 568-8321. www .Iawcap- payroll issues, 8 resolve ital.com 35715 mxg tax debt FAST. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800ATTEND COLLEGE ON- 291-1682 tfn
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 9
BMW SP Winter Sport run flat snow t ires mounted on rims. Used 1 season, 205/55/R16, $500.00. Juice with attitude! Ford 6 liter diesel performance controller. Overload console with gauges, $250.00. 541AFFORDABLE LIVING! 285-1910 Elgin akh Yakima, W ashington SET OF 4 studded snow downtown, furnished stutires, 185/70-R14 88T, dios, Rent $345-$385, used one season, $200. utilities included, small OBO 541-398-2179. En- refrig, micro, twin bed, dresser, bus line, secure, terprise amj mini storage available. 1998 FORD Windstar 509-248-2146 Yakima Runs and Drives Good, uns
R~ERl E S T R T~E G I I I Di E AFFORDABLE LIVING! Yakima, W ashington downtown, furnished studios, Rent $345-$385, utilities included, small refrig, micro, twin bed, dresser, bus line, secure, mini storage available. 509-248-2146 Yakima ufs
ACROSS FROM High School, 3b/2b home, W/D included, Detached garage, Carport, Fenced yard, $825/mo. Call 541963-1210 La Grande exg
$69,000 FOR 2.89 acres, with 2001 manufactured home near Durkee. 541519-9846 etd
10+ ACRE home site, COMMERCIAL SPACE fully developed near For Rent: 1,000sqf area, Medical Springs, beplus 250sqf loft, office tween Baker City and La and bathroom, water/ Grande. Has large old Brand New Fuel Pump FOR RENT: Retail ofSMALL PRIVATE Stusewer included, paved barn with power, large and Filter, $1000.00 fice space with shop/ dio Apartment, Utiliparking, located in Is- concrete wall storage OBO. 5 4 1-742-6819 storage 8 r e stroom,ties Furnished, $400/ land City, $540.00/mth. building, new deep well, Halfway amb 1,330 sq feet. Located at month. 541-962-9596 La Call 541-963-3496 after septic system and un10am. Island City eke derground power. Last 1974 FORD F100 Cus- 1501 Madison Avenue. Grande ujp advertised price was tom 4x4 SWB 390 with Available 02-01-2015. CHARMING 2BD/1 BA $550.00 per m onth. $82,500, but willing to 12,500 miles, 4speed Call 541-975-3148 La Home for rent. $700/ consider all offers. Was manual transmission. Grande uml mth + utilities. Garage, 3 BEDROOM 2 bath, going to build on proper$5,500.00 obo. 541-519dishwasher. Very Clean. large windows in living ty, but wife became invo6270 Baker City ajg Available now. 541-663- room, sky light, extra lent and needs to be near LINE from Home. *Medi9000 La Grande ejo windows in bedroom, hospital. Will consider cal, *Business, *Criminal MEET SINGLES right 1969 CHEV Camero large deck, huge yard, carrying balance on note Justice, *Hospitality. Job now! No paid operators, Coupe, white w/ black INJURED? IN ALawsuit? ROOMMATE to share sprinkler system, raised at low interest. Contact placement assistance. just real people like you. vinyl top, black interior. Need Cash Now? We 2bdr home. Half rent/half vegetable beds, room me oncellphone,Bob at Computer available. Fi- Browse greetings, ex- 350 automatic, radio, Can Help! No Monthly utilities. Aprox $375/mth. nancial Aid if qualified. change messages and heater, new tires, 21,000 to park 3 cars, locat- 541-941-4077 ejb Paymentsto Make. No 541-786-3829 Elgin ukp SCHEV authorized. Call connect live. Try it free. miles on 350 motor, ed in Camas Estates, Credit Check. Fast Ser800-201- 4585. www Call now: 800-417-7304 $17,200. 541-975-3148 vice. Low Rates. Call TWO BEDROOM, one $59,000. OBO 541-215.CenturaOnline.com. tfn La Grande aml 877-386-3692. www. bath house in Island City 0093. La Grande tmm Senior andDisabled 35716 mxa THE NICKELAT 1112 1/2 LawCapital.com mja for rent. Fenced yard. CAN PILLARS REACH THOUSANDS No smoking, no pets. Adams Ave., La Grande, DISH TV Retailer. Start- AND BELL TOWERS starting at $7 a week for OFFERED, BROWN 650/month. Call 541- OR 97850. 1-800-654- applications.Income ing at $ 1 9.99/month REPRESENT "DIGNI- classifieds; $14.00 for eggs from free range restrictionsapply. 963-8012 Island City ukb 5829, 963-6237. Hours: TY' displays! The Nickel. 963(for 12 mos.i 8 High chickens. 541-910-9526 M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. Speed Internet starting When they replace the 6237. La Grande La Grande mjf 2 BEDROOM, 1bath sinat $14.95/month (where building that served the SELL YOUR STUFF IN gle-wide mobile home. AND available.) SAVE! Ask most vulnerable among AUTOMATIC THE NICKEL! O (541 )523-6578. DRY WALL tube, pump, Range/oven, washer About SAME DAY Instal- us? Join the Perimeter STANDARD Transmisangle box, roller, glazer, dryer hookups, electric lation! CALL Now! 1-800- Party......... Any ques- sion Repair and RebuildBlue Line used 5 times, 593-1764 mxm tions, please call 541- ing. Reasonable Prices, paid $2,300.00 asking furnace, UV insulated windows, wood laminate 28 years in La Grande 568-4625. mfc $1,200.00. 5 4 1-398- flooring, carport w/storCall 541-963-7087 La REDUCE YOUR CABLE 0581 Enterprise mmc ADVERTISE IN 12 pa- Grande axm age. No smoking. No BILL!* Get a whole-home pers, 25 words or less for pets. $575 month + $500 Satellite system installed only $75. a week. 4 state ANTIQUE VERY LARGE security deposit. Rent inPICKUP FLATBEDS, at NO COST and pro- 8 Canada coverage, 27 pot b e llied s t ove, cludesW/S/G and space and front end replacegramming starting at papers to choose from. Cimmaron $600.00. Army cannon $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ PANAWAN. 963-6237. ments, many styles to stove. 541-663-9091 La rent. 3240 14th Street. APTS: 541-523-9089 Baker Ci Kingsview Manor choose from. Call PioDVR Upgrade to new 1-800-654-5829 Grande mks Studios, ukv neer West 541-663-9378 callers, SO CALL NOW Country West 1 Or 2 Bdrm La Grande axp 1-800-840-8955 12/1 4 GOING OUT NEW SNOW plow: came REACH THOUSANDS Apartments Miocene OF BUSINESS off Yamaha Rhino, will fit starting at $7 a week for REACH THOUSANDS $295-$600 HARLEY ANDATV other side by sides, used classifieds; $14.00 for TREASURES ANLaGrande Terrace starting at $7 a week for Service and R epair twice, $1000; 541-384TIQUES displays! The Nickel. 963classifieds; $14.00 for for Harley Davidsons 3344, Condon mnm AND NEWER 6237. La Grande displays! The Nickel. 9632 16 W e s t Mai n and ATV's. BBB Re6237. La Grande Street, Ent e rprise pair 62010 West Road 1 -4 Bdrm, 1 Or 2 Bath ALL THINGS Basemen- Oregon. E v e rythingCall 541-605-0400 La Grande axb $595-$1100 ty! Basement Systems goes Clothing, FurniInc. Call us for all of ture, Household goods, Let ushelpyou makesenseofit all. Call ustoday! your basement needs! books 8 Ant iques. 2013 JEEP Grand CherWaterproofing, Finishing, Buy entire inventory or okee Laredo Immacu1250 Sq. Ft. Structural Repairs, Hu- just come by the store. late, 4,600 miles, black Union I N 5 U RA N C E midity and Mold Control. All Inventory Must Go! on black, $41,000.00. La FREE ESTIMATES! Call 541-426-3873 or 541- 541-786-2575 Beth Stewart 541-963-3121 12'x12'-$45 12'x30'-$90 12'x24'-$70 Grande axl 1-800-680-6517 12/1 4 398-2325 Enterprise mja 1603WashingtonAve, LaGrande
Housing. Accepting
Call Candi in BakerCity
LaGrande, Union HOMES 8 DUPLEXES
Confused adoutMedicareP
Page 10 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com
The Nickel- Dec25, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
Excel Electrical Services,lnc.
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322 E. MckinneyAve. Hermiston,OR 97838
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NOTICE: Classified RUFF N RUS T IC '03 CHEV 2500 DuraDeadline: T u e sdayMercantile. We buy, sell Max Diesel, 6 speed, 5pm. Changes or can- and trade. Guns, ammo, ext cab, flatbed w/inbed cellations must be in 8 women's concealed ball hitch, trlrbrk unit, by 5pm Monday. clothing. Veteran's price; 225,000mi. New injec10% over cost, new tors@155,000mi, new ANTLER BUYER buying guns only. 541-962-7833 clutch, radiator, alternadeer, elk and moose ant- Island City dxv tor. Superchip installed, 20-22mpg w/trailer. 541lers, any condition, also 895-4997 Wallowa akm buying bear traps and TIMBER-N-TURF vintage 501 Levis. 541- SAW & LAWN MOWER 910-6713 or 541-963- Small engine repair, 1997 NISSAN Pathfind2866 La Grande wxt chain saw sharpening, er 4x4. Has new tires parts 8 sales, all makes. and new battery. It starts WANTED M ILITARYTuesday through Friday. and runs but needs new guns, bayonets, swords, 8am-6pm, S a turday, wires 8 plugs, newstruts, knifes, misc. Also any 9am-2pm. 10304 West and new driver side door older guns, h unting 1". Island City. 541-963- handle. Currently has knifes, collector not deal- 5900 dxj 265,878 miles, automatic er. 541-377-8008. wxh transmission, CD, NC, W A N T E D Cruise, power windows ANTLERS WANTED: CENTERFIRE brass 8 locks. Please call 541Elk, Deer, Moose. Payup cartridges, all calibers, 429-3355 Enterprise ajh to $11.00 a lb. 541-910- no sorting required, $3 8782 La Grande wob plus/lb. Call 541-519- 2007 DODGE Caliber 1538 Baker City mxh Hatchback Car, 31mpg, LOOKING FOR the lady great shape. 4 snow tires in Union that has the R EMINGTON 1 1 0 0 on rims included. NC, Cuckoo Clocks. 541- 13ga shotgun auto, 28in CD, 95K easy miles, one 786-1714 La Grande barrel, $650.00. 541- owner, $5,800. 541-429wgm 786-3845 La Grande dxt 5108 Elgin akb
MEDICAL GUARDIANTop-rated medical alarm and 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limited time, get free equipment, no activation fees, no commitment, a 2nd waterproof alert button for free and more - only $29.95 per month. 800977-5943 12/14 MY COMPUTER WorksComputer problems? Viruses, spyware, email, printer issues, bad internet connections - FIX IT NOW! Professional, U.S.-based technicians. $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-800996-4531 12/14
DIRECTV sta r ting at $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME 8 CINEMAX FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions apply - Call WANTED PART time 22ND ANNUAL Buffalo 2000 ISUZU Trooper for details 1-800-370sales help. F lexible Hunt Raffle. Troy Lions LTD runs and drives 1356 02/15 hours. Call 541-910- Club a t Wh i tepinegreat, 142k, $3,600 obo. 9408 La Grande wjb Ranch. G u aranteedAlso 1999 SAAB 9-3, FIREWOOD PRICES trophy bull package: runs drives great, 145k, reduced $140.00 In WANTED: HONDA ATV. hunt, meat, hide, head, $1,850 obo. 503-467- rounds, 4in to 12in diOlder 200/250/etc. Good horns. $5 ticket, drawing 1236 La Grande ajy ameters, split. $170.00, running condition. 541- December 31, 2014, Red Fir, Tamarack and 786-2986 Cove wkh hunt January 2015. THE NICKEL@ Hardwood. $205 a cord, Order online w ww. www.lagrandenickel.com split. 541-786-0407 La WANTED: S AVAGE BuffaloRaffle.com; by Grande mnv Model 11 .243 20" barrel. mail:Box 1, Troy, Idaho 541-786-2986 Cove wkh 83871. By telephone, 1994 TOYOTA pick-up, WANTED: ONE log truck 208-835-TROY, Visa/ 2wd, 179k, 32mpg with load of firewood logs. WANTED MC djs snow tires 8 rims, 4spd, 541-432-5230 Joseph Verizon used s mart $1,700. 541-975-1387 map RUS T IC Island City akh phones in good condi- RUFF N tion. The Cell Fix, 10505 Mercantile. We buy, sell GET THE Big Deal W. 1st Street, Island and trade. Guns, ammo, 1999 FORD F -150 f rom D irecTV! A c t City. 541-786-9655 wnc 8 women's concealed 4x4. Runs great, 4 new Now- $19.99/mo. Free clothing. 541-962-7833 studded tires, 4 extra 3-Months of HBO, starz, THE NICKELAT 1112 1/2 Island City dxv rims with summer tires, SHOWTIME 8 CINEAdams Ave., La Grande, $2,500.00. 5 4 1-519- MAX. FREE OR 97850. 1-800-654- BURRIS AR-332 3x 7194 Richland akc GENIE HD/DVR UpScope, Red and Green grade! 2014 NFL Sunday 5829, 963-6237. Hours: Lighted Sights, Sun 96 FORD Bronco, full Ticket Included with SeM-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. Shade Lens Covers size, last year, 5.0 liter, lect Packages. New CusREACH THOUSANDS 8 Mounts, $200. Rail 302 manual 5 speed, tomers Only. IV Support starting at $7 a week for Mounted 45 D egree straight body, r u ns Holdings LLC- An auclassifieds; $14.00 for Peep Sights for AR-15, great, brand new tires, thorized DirecTV Dealer. displays! The Nickel. 963- $50. Call 541-786-7259 $2,800.00 obo. 541-663- Some exclusi ons apply 6237. La Grande - Call for details 1-800Wallowa djb 9091 La Grande aks 370-1356 tfn
10701 S. Walton Rd., Island City ' 541-66S-1111 ~zuu
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Betty TrOtter IFormerly of Capelli)
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