Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm July 30th, 2015
Pe Pe "PeopleBuy Some Papersto Read,They Read The Nickelto Buy"
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View our ads online at GOT AN older car, boat www.lagrandenickel.corn or RV? Do the humane thing: Donate it to the Updated every Friday. Humane Society. Call 1-800-419-6574 tfn And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, for- MUSICIANS: I have sevgiving one another, even eral fine violins, bows, as God for Christ's sake cases, violas, mandolins, hath forgiven you. call me, let"s talk; Tom Ephesians 4:32 541-571-8775 msw
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Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report
The Nickel- July 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
July 30th, 2015 No fishing after 2 p.m. in most Oregon streams Effective Saturday, July 18, and until further notice, all water bodies defined as
streams on Page 7 of the 2015 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations are closed above tidewater to fishing for trout salmon, steelhead and sturgeon from 2 p.m. to one hour before sunrise.
-- $3:.„ test.
So m e streams will remain open because they are less prone to high water temperatures. Read ODFW's July 18 press
re l ease and regulation update page for details.
Fi s hing in the Columbia River and Snake River is not affected by the action, and fishing hours in these areas will remain under normal regulations.
Du e to exceedingly warm temperatures and fish die-offs, the Willamette River below Willamette Falls is closed all day to fishing for trout, steelhead, salmon and sturgeon.
Fi s hing for warmwater species such as crappie, bluegill, bass, caffish and walleye is unaffected by the action and may continue in all waterbodies.
Weoffer oooeale&r r Classes lIForDetails
Sign up now for September pheasant hunts ODFW will host a variety of pheasant hunts for youth, families and women in September. These are perfect for beginning hunters as ODFW stocks pheasants and emphasizes safety. See odfwcalendar.corn for details and sign up now. Weekend fishing opportunities: •
Sm a llmouth bass fishing has been good on the John Day River, and some catfish are being caught as well.
Ju b ilee Lake has been stocked and trout fishing continues to be good.
Hi g h water temperatures have prompted fish managers to suspend summer trout stocking in Wallowa County ponds over concerns for fish survival. Some of those fish have been diverted to Wallowa Lake.
Warm temperatures increase stress on fish However, anglers reduce the stress from catch-and-release fishing by following a few precautions: Fish early in the mornings when water temperatures are lower. •
Fi s h in lakes and reservoirs with deep waters that provide a cooler refuge for fish.
Us e barbless hooks, land fish quickly and keep them in the water as much as possible in order to minimize stress.
Sh i ft fishing efforts to higher elevation mountain lakes and streams where water temperatures often remain cooler.
Warmwater fish like bass, crappie and bluegill also feel the effects of the heat, so please follow these precautions in all your summer fishing. Statewide drought updates For the latest statewide drought conditions, see http: //www.dfw.state. GRANDE RONDE RIVER: trout, whitefish, bass The Grande Ronde River is closed to spring Chinook angling as of July 5. The river remains open for trout whitefish and bass. Current low flows and high water temperatures will likely make trout fishing difficult. However, fishing for smallmouth bass will be good with an abundance of fish in the river. Anglers may still encounter Chinook salmon or bull trout and are reminded both species are to be released unharmed. IMNAHA RIVER: trout, whitefish, bass The Imnaha River is current low with some very warm temperatures. Fishing for trout and whitefish may be difficult for the remainder of the summer. However, the lower river can produce well for smallmouth bass and this can be good fishing during the hot summer months. Spring Chinook season will close at the end of the day July 12. Flow data for the Imnaha can be found on the Idaho Power website. JOHN DAY RIVER: smallmouth bass Smallmouth bass fishing is good with many being caught. There also has been a fair number of catfish being caught. Bass anglers may try their luck higher in the North Fork below the town of Dale. Bass are present up to Dale but in lower numbers. Please check the sport fishing regulation updates on the ODFW website for new regulations on the John Day River. JOHN DAY RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES Beginning Saturday, July 18, 2015, fishing for trout, salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon is rohibited at all times includin hours between one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset,in thefollowing areas: •
Jo h n Day River mainstem upstream of Indian Creek near Prairie City,
Mi d dle Fork John Day River upstream of Mosquito Creek, near the town of Galena,
No r th Fork John Day River upstream of Desolation Creek, and
De s olation Creek.
Fishing for warmwater gamefish and other fish, as defined in the regulations, remains open under normal rules. JUBILEE LAKE: rainbow trout Fishing has been best in the early morning and late evenings, bank anglers should also look for the deep water areas near the dam or bring a non-motorized boat and fish deep in the middle of the lake. The lake has been stocked and should provide good fishing for rainbow trout. PEACH POND (Ladd Marsh): rainbow trout Stocked with rainbow trout in the spring. WALLOWA COUNTY PONDS: rainbow trout Due to potentially lethal water temperatures, trout stocking in Wallowa County ponds will be suspended. Ponds affected by these changes are; Salt Creek, McGraw, Honeymoon, Teepee, Victor, Weaver, Marr, and Kinney Lake. These ponds are traditionally stocked through July with Honeymoon, Teepee, Salt Creek and McGraw also receiving trout in late September to benefit deer hunters. Managers will monitor water temperature at these ponds do determine whether September trout stocking will occur. Trout that would have been released in these ponds will now be stocked in Wallowa Lake in addition to scheduled trout stocking. WALLOWA LAKE: rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Trout fishing has been good at Wallowa Lake with one fisherman reporting catching his limit in five casts. The lake received a large stocking of legal and trophy-sized rainbow trout last week before the holiday weekend. Trout fishing may get even better with the additional release of trout reallocated from area ponds because of high water temperatures. Kokanee anglers have found some recent success, however the fish are still running on the small side. Biologists have received few reports on the kokanee fishery; however, late spring and early summer is usually best. Lend a hand to local biologist and report your kokanee fishing experience at ODFW Fishing Reports, ln 2014 the lake was stocked with tagged rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. Some of these fish have likely held over from last year and are available to anglers. If you catch one of these tagged fish, please report the number, location, date, where in the lake the fish was caught and the size to the ODFW office in Enterprise or online.
The Nickel- July 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 3
GRASS HAY 70lb bales, $100 per ton. Barn stored, no rain. 541-5342058 Summerville psl
MEACHAM DAY 8 4th Annual Yard Sale: August 1st, 8am-4pm, at the Oregon Trail Store 8 Deli parking lot. Free BLUE MERLE CORGI spaces to sell your treasures. First come, first Registered, 2 year old, serve basis. Bring evspayed female, very erything to set up your sweet, h o u sebroke,space. Riding Lawn crate broke, knows ba- Mower Display, Parade, siccommands, loves to Obstacle Course and go for rides and be your Poker Challenge, with buddy, weighs around 22 an entry fee of $5. Burglbs., looking for a loving ers with all the fixings home, $700; 541-561- and drinks are available 5453, Hermiston psm on site. Proceeds go to Meacham Pioneer CemHAY TIMOTHY, $140.00 etery 8 the Meacham per ton. Triticale, $100.00 Gazette. Come enjoy the per ton. For truckloads, day with us! Questions smaller amounts $100 call 541-571-4600 or per bale. 3x4x8ft bales. 541-969-8227 ysa No rain. 541-910-6549 or 541-910-3404 Haines METAL DOG kennel, pum medium size. Good condition. $55, elsewhere 90¹ PASTURE Grass $96! Cash Only. 541Hay; in stack; you haul 910-7080 La Grande pxh 8 load; no rain; $130.00/ ton 541-568-4556 if no FARM AUCTION Glen answer leave message. Davis. 41754 Dry Gulch. Cove pvo Richland Oregon. August RYAN PREUIT Horse Training. Colt starting to the bridle. Access to cattle, indoor arena, and open range. References available. Please call 541-540-3082. Baker City. pbp NICE 18 year old mare. Broke to ride. Possibly pregnant with mule. $1,500. Call or text 541962-5814 La Grande puy HORSE BOARDING in Elgin, close to the Stampede grounds. 541-3242974 pth GOATS FOR sale! Fainting Goats: $100. Nigerian Dwarf Wether: $75. 541-805-8652 Elgin psh
1", 8am. gsd YARD SALE July 25th, 9am to Noon. Unit 148 Mountain West Plaza A-Secured Storage Cove Ave. East of Oregon Trail Co-Op. Good stuff. La Grande gsg UNION GRASSROOTS FESTIVAL AND CARSHOW
MCCULLOUGH ESTATE Sale: Friday 8 Saturday, 8am-3pm. 7 miles out of Haines. 47276 Foothill Rd. gsp ESTATE AUCTION Sunday August 2 preview 9 AM auction 10 AM 340 W, Highway 203, Union, OR Clark Auction barn. The estate of Jean Bennett and items from the Pondosa store and Pondosa school. A super nice Studebaker U.S. military freight wagon, antique tredal sewing machine with extras, Roseville pottery, the school desks from the Pondosa school, old trunk, lamps, decorations, Powcon 300sm wire and arc welder, cutting torch, Nippon pieces, Franciscan wear, straight razors, tons and tons and tons of jewelry, vintage quilts, old bottles, tools, large set of Blue Willow, Bauer bowls, Hull ceramics, vintage mannequin, SBS woodcarvers carousel horse, terra cotta, marbles, copper items, NCR cash register from the Pondosa store, collectibles, glass wear, art work, cast iron car, old toys, antique dolls, tea cups, and a whole lot more. View at www. clark-actions.corn. 10% buyer premium, cash, check, or credit card. All items as-is where-is. Drinks and food availible. Clark and Daughter Auctions Roger Clark auctioneer 541-910-0189 Union gsc
PLANNING A yard sale? Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Auctions 541-910-0189. We buy used and new items. Your complete YARD SALE Union, auctioneering company. OR Friday and Satur- www.clark-auctions.corn day 7/31-8/01 9am to hxc 5pm. 1491 West Arch Street, Wood splitter DIRECTV'S THE Big $250, Sewing machine Deal special! O nly w/ cabinet, Westmore- $19.99 per month - Free land Ribbons and Bows, premiumchannelsHBO, Milk Glass, Behr Paint $6 Starz, Cinemax 8 Showgal., Lots more. (no ear- time for 3 months 8 Free ly birds.)541-562-6236 Receiver upgrade! NFL Union gsh 2014 Season Included. Call Now 1-800-453MULTI FAMILY yard 9131 tfn sale. July 31-Aug ust1 8:30am-2pm.Kids stuff , SAFE STEP WALK-IN antiques, plants, goats. TUB alert for seniors! 401 Pace Avenue, En- Bathroom falls can be terprise. Follow the goat fatal. Safe Step Walk-In sign. gsn Tub, approved by Arthritis Foundation, therapeuMASTER MECHANIC tic jets, less than 4" stepEstate Tool sale. August in, wide door, anti-slip 8'". Start 8am to 6pm. floors, American made. 675 N Tenth 8 Delta, Installation Included. Call Union OR. Cash Only. 800-379-6390 for $750 gse off! tfn
A RRI V IN G I N A U G U S T tffrtnnn ~
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Adams Ave., La Grande, 7 YEAR old GE electric range. Very good OR 97850. 1-800-654clean condition. 5829, 963-6237. Hours: $100.00. 541-786-5302 Island City hpm M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm.
-Concrete -Excavating -Pole/FrameConstruction 541-786-2098 541-437-9621 1
16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. Fence Stays 1.10 ea.
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ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. PAN AWAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829
YARD SALE Saturday antique wardrobe and several other antique pieces, much more miscellaneous. 1431 Progress Loop. 8am-? La Grande gsr
Union Grassroots Festival Saturday August 8th. City wide Yard Sales, Vendors, Car Show, Live Music, Races, Kiddy Carnival, Reptile Show, Family Street Dance and much more! Check out grvoutskirts.corn for a schedule or call 541- AUGUST 1" 8 2"' 1"786-1492 for more info. 9am-5pm, 2"'- 9am-3pm. Estate Sale. No Early Union gtu Birds. 65695 Williamson Rd. Enterprise. gss AUCTION
FOR SALE: 4 month old Rabbits. $15 each. Call 541-786-1647 or 541568-4603, ask for Katie. Cove pug Thursday 7-23-15 at 6pm. Household, anFREE PERSONAL classi- tiques, glassware, furniture, tools, pictures and fieds for military personel lots of miscellaneous. and dependants with de- Baker Auction Barn, 2701 Court St. Baker pendant ID. We support City, OR. 541-519-1622. our troops! The Nickel, gsb 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La Grande. 963-6237
VITRI HTl gI p //I l
• Licensed • Bonded • Insured«B¹ <»B>o
36 FOOtBuCket TruCk
Page 4 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn
life Insurance isall silent gretecting yeurfamily Protectyourlovedonesforpenniesonthedollar
FOR SALE: C lausing model 8540 horizontal m i ll , gr e at c ondition, $22 0 0 / offer; 25hp Evinrude, runs good, $300; 2006 Dodge Big Horn front bumper, factory fog lights and tow hooks, $400; 541-4273149, Ukiah mvh
The Nickel- Jul 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
MASONRY REPAIR professional block stone brick repair for a free estimate call Tylor at 254226-2774 La Grande sxd
2002 BEAVER Pa- 1ST CUTTING Alfalfa, t riot T hunder d i e - under tarps, no rain, high sel pusher: 4 55hp, quality feed. Big Bales beautiful con dition; only, $170/ton. 541-786541-571-7791 vsm 0376 Cove pba
DARREL FRIESEN Well WINNEBAGO Class A: Services, LLC. Submers- 35", 2 slides, only 31,000 ible pump installation miles, very clean; call for nd repairs on water sys- pictures and price, 541INSURANCE ems. Phone 541-562- 571-7791, Hermiston 628 Cell 541-786-8668. vtm Any Item $25 or less, CCB¹163246 Union, OR 1998 FOUR Winds motoFree, or Lost/Found, get xd 1603W ashingtonAve, LaGrande rhome: 29", $14,900; ad1 week FREE in The NOTICE: C l a ssifiedjustable receiver hitch for Nickel. Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. up to1 ton, $100; RoadChanges or cancella- master Falcon all terrain tions must be in by 5pm tow bar, with brackets for Monday. GM, $500 or best offer; 541-575-2881 vtl OPENINGS NOW avail. for beginner piano lessons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. Safe 8 fun environment! AVITA 950 professional Call 541-805-9741 for rowing machine, excelmore info! La Grande lent condition, $175. Workable Mome Plans sxw Twin box spring, matress Design Remodel Design PO, Box <o< ,tlra fting 8 Permits Cove, OR 97824 HELP WANTED: Expe- 8 frame, $30.00. 541rienced carpenter, must 605-0097. La Grande have own tools. In ex- mtb change for room 8 board in triplex. 509-592-8179 ALL TOGETHER NOW La Grande sss I Walther PPK stainless Ralph Edwards ODOT IS currently seek- 380, Bersa Thunder 380 ' ralph@workabledesign.corn 54q-5t78-4zq9 ing aHeavy Equipment CC, 550+ rounds, 380 Technician in Ontario to ammunition, Taurus PTperform repairs or coordinate maintenance on 22 LR, 130+ rounds, no specialized and complex separating, $1100 firm; 322 E. M ckinneyAve. Merrnitto,OR97838 heavyequipment usedin 541-314-3147 msf highway construction. Go Office:541-567-2188 to www.odotjobs.corn; BUSINESS FOR sale: search for Heavy EquipGranddad"s Kettle Corn, Fax:541-567-1442 mentTechnician. ODOT offers competitive wages come see us at the fair; and excellent benefits 541-449-3357 msh Residential •Commercial •Agricultural •Industrial for you and your family! This opportunity is open 16FT EAZ Load factory until filled. ODOT is an boat trailer, 14in tires 8 AA/EEO Employer com- wheels, good condition, mitted to building work$300.00. Contractors force diversity. sur cab high canopy with side doors on each side for easy accessibility, has lumber or pipe rack, canopy is all metal, very nice, $350.00. 541-894Dirtbikes • Streetbikes 2352 Baker City msb ATV's • Snowmobile
Excel Electrical Services,lnc.
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"Nore ThanJusta Shed" Countryside Sheds, u c (800) 682-0589(541)663-0246 10102 S. McAlister Rd.Island City
®Famaha 4suzuki+ Arcric cat ©polaris II •
Paige Holiday Advertising Consultant Offic e 541-963-6237 or1-800-654-5829
1112 1/2 AdamsAve., La Grande, OR97850 E-mail:displays@lagrandenickel.corn
HAVE GREAT Antiques or collectibles? Instant Cash Paid!! I buy older Estates. Thanks! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La PPR HORSE Boarding Grande mxj quality care, reasonable rates, shelters w/ runs, Need an address label arenas, hay included stamp for business or in board. Overnighters just for home? Come into welcome. 541-910-4140 The Nickel to design and LaGrande pxk order one!
DR. WILLARD G. Bertrand DC now accepting Workmen's comp. and auto accident injuries. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande NO PART of this publica- mxb tion may be reproduced without the permission BARRELS of the publisher. Thank Burn or Storage, $20.00; you. pxh vented $25.00. Call 541WANTED: ALL classes 963-8990 La Grande of horses. We pick'em mxp up. Call J.A. Bennett Livestock. 541-523-6119 FOOD ALLERGY testing, or 541-519-2802 Baker cleansing therapy and hormonal supplemenCity pxj tation. Call Dr. Willard NOTICE: Changes or Bertrand DC. 963-Well. cancellations must be La Grande. Preferred in by 5pm Monday. Provider for all major insurances. mxb FOR SALE HEREFORD YEARLING BULLS THE NICKEL DOES BUSINESS CARDS! Harrel 8 Hoiden genetics, sired by Churchill Come in and start deYankee and Sons of the s igning. Starting a t Great 4140P. Top quality $32.50 for 500! bulls, priced right. Starting at $2,500.00. 541- HIGH SCHOOL DI910-3610 Baker City pxo PLOMA from home 6-8 weeks accredited, Get a diploma! Get a job! Free Brochure call now! WORLD C H AMPION 1-800-264-8330 BenjaBuckskin Stallion - Bucky min Franklin HS. www. is the complete package. DiplomaFromHome.corn With a pedigree packed full of world champions TOP QUALITY and he has proven himself in the show ring, in STORAGE BUILDINGS SHAKLEE, 50 years the breeding barn, as a Nutrition, Cle a ning producer, and temper541-663-0246 Supplies, Skin Care. ament second to none Nancy Samples, In- that he passes on to all Call for sizes and prices. dependant Distributor. of his foals. Bucky is a 3 Island City mxc 541-886-3030 or http: // x world champion, has sampleshc. myshaklee. his Superior and ROM WANT YOURAD TO corn Always Safe Always and has produced mul- COVER A GREATERAREA? Works Guaranteed. Wal- tiple world/reserve world lowa mus champions and superior Come inand speak with earners. He is a 100% Don at The Nickel about color producer, and has PNAWAN ads. You can excellent semen. Not advertise in 12 different only is he a producer, he papers for as low as rides! This is a stallion $75.00. Papers in Orethat has offspring excel- gon, Washingt on, Idaho ling in the halter pen then and more! Call 541-963go on to succeed in west- 6237 bxn ern pleasure, trail, rodeo events, and working cow horse. Just a super Any Item $25 or less, nice all-around stallion. Free, or Lost/Found, get LCFG, $550 541-786- 1 week FREE in The 2403 Cove pss Nickel. HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb
The Nickel- July 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 5
•• e
AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La Grande axm
CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo
CM TRUCK flatbeds, front bumpers and grill guards, with many styles to choose from. Please call Pioneer West at 541963- 9378 La Grande axp
Any type, any condition, will pay more for craft antlers. Will pay cash. Call Craig, 541-910-2640 Union dxd
2004 FAT BOY Harley 60 GALLON horizontal Davidson, e x c ellentair compressor, good condition, 30,000 origi- condition. $350 541-569nal miles, lots of extras. 2284Lostine mum $9,500.00 obo, cash or trade, 541-886-2094 WHITES METAL DetecWallowa vxm tors on sale at Pondosa Store. MXT All Pro retail THOMPSON RV is Eastern Oregon" s largest RV price $899.95. Now $200 dealer: family owned and off for a short time. All operated for 40 years; models at great discount. browse our inventory on- 541-853-2351 Medical line at www.thompsonrv. Springs mup corn, or call us at 800459-4836, Pendleton vxt BAKER BOTANIGALS
54", hydraulic deck lift, Hydrostatic, All-wheel RUBBER S T AMPS! steer, $3,995. 541-963- Starting at $16.60 each THE NICKEL@ 4985 mui at the Nickel. www.lagrandenickel.corn
Baker Botanicals will host a Nectar Seminar July 31st at 1:00PM. Learn about Nectar For The Gods nutrient line. Samples available. Baker Botanicals 3797 10th St. Baker City 541-4031969 msd
Old FashiouedValues SalesihService
NEW PISTOLS over 100 in stock can special 2004 TERRY order an y f i r earms HARLEY ANDATV or do i n ternet gun QUANTUM 270FQS Service and R epair transfers.541-523-9448 for Harley Davidsons Baker City dxw 27' travel trailer, 14' and ATV's. BBB ReSuper Slide with slide R E DUCED! pair 62010 West Road PRICE topper, Four Seasons Call 541-605-0400 La SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 package, heated tanks, grips, night sights, mag sleeps 6', newer tires, Grande axb pouch, holster, travel bike rack, outdoor showAUTOMATIC AND box, 1 15 and 2 14 round er, new refrigerator, gas STANDARD Transmis- magazines, $650.00. stove, microwave, spare sion Repair and Rebuild- 541-910-6148 I sland tire, power hitch, 24' awning, tons of storage, ing. Reasonable Prices, City dxf very clean, great condi28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La MUZZLELOADERS and tion, asking $13,000 firm, more. Guns, buy, sell serious inquiries only; Grande axm or trade. Black powder call to see, 541-571CLASSIC 51 Chevy pick- guns 8 a c cessories,8557, Hermiston vvw up, restored 350 small modern guns 8 ammo. BUNKHOUSE TRAVEL block, $28,000 firm. 541- 541-663-2650 I sland TRAILER FOR SALE 963-7517 La Grande axy City dxg 2013 Puma 30dbssok 2004 OUTBACK awd, GLOCK 45ACP, 2"' for sale. 30 ft. Front auto, 120k, new tires, Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger queen bed, entertainstruts, much m ore! Vaquero, 45 LC SS. ment center with am/fm, $7,795.00. 5 4 1-963- Ruger Vaquero, Matched CD, DVD, Bluetooth and 2277 La Grande axa Set, 45 LC, Hi Gloss SS. flat screen. U-shaped diSBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 nette. 16 foot slide. Full 1986 3/4 TON Chevrolet "/~", Nickel, Trigger Job. bath with tub shower. truck, 350 engine, auto SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, Ducted heat and A/C. transmission, 4x4, runs Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". Outside kitchen with fridge, sink, microwave, fine, flatbed side racks, SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". and two burner stove. Arizona title, $1,800. And many rifles! Call Dual interstate batteries, OBO. 6 02-541-2123. 541-786-1900 I sland insulated tanks. Original North Powder ash City dxv owner, excellent shape, Sleeps 9. Priced below 2003 HYUNDAI loan value, no down necessary! 509-386-2614 TIBURON MAN SHACK GUN Walla Walla vs SHOP V-6, 112,000 miles, 1989 HONDA Goldwing, 6 speed Sport Coupe, Man Shack Gun Shop is 6,500 miles, needs tire, Leather, Runs Great, ready for you! In house timing belt included, seat Good Cond i tion. guns mithing, firearm worn, $%2,750. 541$3,500.00 obo. 541-805- sales, FFL service, Class 786-2212. La Grande vsa 5382 Summerville ash 3 weapons, suppressors and custom orders. 2012 DODGE Charger Locatedin Joseph. Check 1996 MALLARD 25" travel trailer: all electrical and SXT, AWD, V6, auto- us out online at www appliances work, air 8 matic, loaded, leather, .ManShackGunShop. heat very good condition, navigation, extra set c orn, or call for an asking $3000, no water snow tires, 82,000 miles. appointment 800-630- leaks; 1966 Shasta 18" $17,500 excellent con- 6314 or 541-398-1982 travel trailer, needs work, dition. Bobby 541-786- Joseph dxw $850; 5 4 1-571-5489, Hermiston vsj 1164. Summerville asw 1996 CHEVY Astro Van, 9 passenger, AT, AC, 140,000 highway miles, runs great, Dark Grey, complete new tune-up, recent brakes, shocks, oil filter, gas filter, excellent inside 8 out. Books at $2,800.00. 541-9107195 La Grande asw
CHRISTIAN COUNSELING Affordable, d i screet, over the phone sessions available. For details please visit our website at MyNewMADFATs.corn or call 541-910-5287 Cove mub A TTENTION AR T ISTS! Alpine Gas Kiln $1000.00 forced air, updraft, 16-18 cu. Ft. shelf space, electronic ignition, digital pyrometer. Good working condition. Set up for natural gas but can be converted to propane. Offered for sale by the Art Center 8 ArtsEast,(Retails for $30K new.) Email ucartctr@ eoni.corn Call 541-6242800 La Grande mud
TV ENTERTAINMENT Center, solid w ood, lots of storage, 50hx66wx20d, $200 obo. La Grande mub
LINCOLN ARC welder for sale; 200amp, 85% Duty cycle, $995.00 or best offer, works good! 50ft leads, ground 8 positive. 541-786-5077, ask for Gene. mus
311W ,MainEnteryrkse5414268100 Sunday ByAppointment
$6,45 OBO
$26,999 STK¹1032
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JIG + FISHING PO LE holder. Fold to fit inside most tackle b oxes. Mounts t o gr o u nd surfaces, i n c l uding hardpacked d irt , g ravel. M ounts t o tackle boxes, folding chairs, camp tables, boats, canoes. Visit our website, Grand p aA l s L i g h t n i n g Strike.corn
(Aha $4,465 STK¹102 94E
CompIeae Preparation of ALL Nvorm Deceee eeeeeas, Ieaclwcles: Children, Support, IDivisIon of Property 5 Bills, and Return to any former name. Ho CCHPRTAPP&RAHCESI
Legil Altelnltives 503-772-5295
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Page 6 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads la randenickel.corn
The Nickel- Jul 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 R
4 •
NOTICE: C lassified CHANGES DEADLINE Deadline: T u esday MONDAY BY5PM!! 5pm. Changes or cancellations must be in CURRENT VACANCY by 5pm Monday. Eastern Oregon CorWANT YOUR AD TO rectional Institution, in Pendleton, is recruiting COVER A GREATE R for a Physical Electronic Security Technician. AREA? Requires a Journeyman license and 6 years Come inand speak with LEA of experience in installaus at the The Nickel tion, maintenance, and about PNAWAN ads. You repair of manual and can advertise in 12 differ- computer controlled elecent papers for as low as tronic systems. Salary $50,040-$69,852 $75.00. Papers in Ore- range with full state benefits. gon, Washingt on, Idaho See further information and more! Call 541-963- and apply for ¹DOC1509150C at www.ODOC6237 bxn jobs.corn ssw
STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR SALE! We' ll let you look at and pick out your container before you buy! Will the other guys LARBE INlfENTOR Y
EQUIPMENTTYPES Dry Van COntainerS - We offer 20', 24', 40' standardcontainers and 40'and 45'high cube containers to accommodate various customer needs. All containersguaranteed to bewater tight.
• Personnel Doors • Electrical • Windows • Paint • Roll Doors • Special Request • Vents Modifications • Insulation
TWO CONCRETE barriers, 12ft long, 33in tall, $100ea OBO. PH 541910-5180 Cove msk
BALE WAGONS sell/ 2009 SUZUKI DR200 buy. New Holland pull- SE, new tires front and type or self-propelled back, new sprockets models/ pa r ts/tires.front and back, new Call Jim Wilhite 208- chain, new front brake, 880-2889 any t i me. 10,000 miles, nice bike, OBO Call Mike www. balewagon .corn $2,400. 541-569-2235 Lostine. Caldwell fxw vtm
Paying T o p $$$ ALL YOUR THE CELL FIX Hermiston 824 S Hwy 395 HermisCULVERT NEEDS ton Plaza, 541-303-1542, La Grande 541-786- Contact Rob at Pioneer 9644 mup West 541-963-9378 fxp BRIDGE TILE saw, commercial grade, $200.00. Central machinery 2hp industrial 5 micron dust collector, $125.00. Central numatic abrasive blast cabinet, never used, $150.00. 1975 15hp Evinrude 2 stroke outboard, $375.00. All in very good condition, all OBO. 541-742-4585 Halfway mtc
METAL DOG kennel, medium size. Good condition. $55, elsewhere $96! Cash Only. 541-910-7080 La Grande pxh
2009 SUZUKI DR200 SE, new tires front and back, new sprockets front and back, new chain, new front brake, 10,000 miles, nice bike, 100 TON hay, grass $2,400. OBO Call Mike 541-569-2235 Lostine. alfalfa, and alfalfa with vtm a little barley, 3x4 bales, no rain, 20 ton minimum, 2001 HOLIDAY Rambler $130/ton. 26 ton Meadow Motorhome, 32ft 2 slide grass, 3x4 bales, no rain, outs, kept inside, low $120/ton. 541-786-0677 miles, new tires, excellent condition, $32,5000 La Grande fss firm. View online at laD ELAVAN 12 V C D grandenickel.corn. 541d iaphram pump, 7 786-5512 or 541-910gallons per minute. Used 6487 La Grande vsa once asking $130. Call 1985 B EACH CRAFT 541-534-5491. Imbler Magnum 192 Cuddy, fsw 200hp, Coast Guard ra-
UTILITY TRAILER, single axle, 14'x6'4", removablesidesand ramp, kept covered, 2 years old, $1,650. 541-7861577 La Grande mus
SEARS CRAFTSMAN garage storage unit set. Steel, locking doors. dio, depth finder, swim/ 1977 LINK BELT 1 Ige, 1 sml and workski p latforms, very bench with light. Adj good condition, $5,500 shelves. Over $700 new, 5800 LS EXCAVATOR firm. 541-663-6403 La sell for $300. Excellent Grande vzw condition. 541-519-5636 2 1/4 yard Esco Bucket, Thumb Equ i pped, 2003 24FT Ragen RV Baker City msw Dry Cylinders, Weight Toy Hauler, bumper pull, HUSKYLOCK 96,000 lbs. Runs Good, in very good condition, Minor leaks. Gold Miner 4 new batteries, AC, fuel 936 SERGER Special or Pit machine. station, Onan generaOBO . tor, solar panels, stereo, Husqvarna Viking Hus- $15,000.00 5 41-518-4061 ce l l , $8,500.00 obo. 541-742kylock 936. A s king 4585 Halfway vtc 541-523-4061 home. $500.00. 541-910-0990 Baker City fso La Grande mvc 2005 NOMAD bumper
Quote todaypleasecall
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Small Engines Kohler & Kawasaki Dealer Service All Brands
All Outdoor Power
TWO 2006 Sea-Doo GTI" s: includes depth finders, covers and trailer, both have low hours, $11,000; 541-561-8584 200 TON 1st crop alfal- vsr fa/alfalfa grass hay. 3x4 PRICE REDUCED! bales, no rain, $180 per ton. Second crop alfalfa 1997 36" Georgie Boy grass, small bales, $200 Cruisemaster C l a ss per ton. 541-519-0693 A motorhome, 52,830 Baker City puj miles, large slide, 2 air conditioners, tub/ showHEAVY GAUGED gal- er, 2 queen beds, awvanized horse/ livestock ning, many extras, new panels, gates, shelters, batteries, good rubber, custom stall fronts, com- $15,900; call 541-571plete arena set-ups 8 2297, 541-571-2298 vsr more. Factory Direct! 2006 Kawasaki quad, reID¹ RCE-20843, OR¹ ally good condition, runs 190181, WA¹ LUCK- great. 4 new knobby's on YA933DW. L U C KYthe bike, new brakes, 2 ACRES FENCING, INC. new mounted knobby's, 208-746-1228, www. 2 new mounted paddies for the rear, with lots of pvl extra riding gear, etc. ALFALFA HAY-50 ton 1st $3,500 obo. 541-575cutting in 3x4 big bales. 0333 John Day vst No rain. $150 per ton. 541-805-9424 Union ptr 1981 5TH Wheel Gooseneck Kit Road Master. Forced air heat A/C 8cf M EADOW GRAS S Frig, All water systems Clover Mix Hay. 100lb. work great. It has a bales, good horse hay. 10kW custom built Hon$8/bale. 541-805-0916 da GX620/TwinEngine Elgin pst 20.o, mounted on the back of the trailer w/two LOCKER BEEF for sale. 22galgas tanks mount$2.60/Ib hanging weight ed under the trailer. plus kill fee. Grain fed. Completely r estored, 100% Angus. Ready new brakes and 10ply now. 541-263-0988 En- trailer tires. sleep 6. Full bathroom with tub. New terprise psb laminate flooring, new JD 8 NH sickles, hay mini blinds. Ready to go. tarps, AC unit. 541-437- $6,000.00 Firm. View online at lagrandnick8181 Elgin ftm el.corn. 541-805-8886 Haines vud POLLED HEREFORD B ulls, various a g e 2005 VALCAN for sale or groupings. Semen test- trade. $3,200.00. Clased, shots, docile, range sic, leather bags and hardened. Joe Lemire, gear, less than 7,000 509-758-9306, l eave miles, looks like new. message, Clarkston. psl 541-437-8842 Elgin vvs
pull trailer, model 2590, 27ft, equalizer hitch, slide out, front walk around bed, rear bath,1 HORNED HEREFORD 12FT ALUMINUM boat piece molded roof, good BULL, medium frame, 20 with trailer, 2 seats, elecshape, $8,000.00. 541- months old, good heifer tric motor, $450.00. 541519-3910 Baker City vty 398-8881 Enterprise vtb bull prospect, very gentle 14' COLUMBIA boat and disposition. Joe Lemire, 1987 LAYTON 24ft travel motors and trailer. 35hp 509-758-9306, l eave trailer, sleeps 8, ac, awmotor, 5hp motor. Best message, Clarkston psl ning, excellent condition, reasonable offer takes $3200. 541-914-6707 everything. 5 4 1-963- PUREBRED MINI Heel- Baker City vag ers: chocolate colored 6806. La Grande vti males and f emales, ready August 2nd, $250; text is best, 541-969- PICKUP CAMPER 1989 I 0 for sale, 13ft, $1,200. 8028. psr 541-568-4577 Cove vtp
RED FIR Tamarack mix firewood in rounds, $150. a cord. Delivery G R E E N H O U S E available, price may vary FACTORY O UTLET with distance of delivery. CENTER. 90050 Prairie 541-910-6300 Summer- Road, Eugene, OR. ville. mtr $1000 OFF SALE! Now in stock. 8x9, 8x12, HUCKLEBERRYS $50 8x16, 10x8, 1 0x12. per gallon/5lbs. Price includes delivery to the La Fully assembled.www. Grande Area. 541-805- Glass Hut.corn 541-5135929 or junipers812@ 1302 fsg hotmail.corn Elgin msj
Sales & Service Commercial & Residential
For a Container and Modification
5TH WHEEL trailer, 2010 Cougar 292RKS, 33ft with 2 slides, ac, flatscreen, great condition, $22,900. 541-5192786 or 541-523-8503 Baker City vsa
HEREFORD SADDLE 15in double synch, good condition, $350.00. 541524-1914 Baker City psh
L~awn38cGu a rd'en <S~al'e.s 3&<S ~ervi'ce ~
MeetineYour Ag &Turf Needs
KTZV You Never KnowI/I/hat You'/ill'nd/It /I Collectors I/I/estGun/l KnifeShow!
Pendleton •Aug. 1-2 Pendleton(onv. (enter 1601 Westgate I-84toexit¹207 56 Sat:9a-5p,Sun: 10a-3p Info:collectorswest.corn
The Nickel- July 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 7 • e
2014 4X4 Toyota Tacoma, $31,900. Like new! 10,500 miles, Leer canopy, 4dr cab, 10ply tires, towing pkg, custom wheels, b-u camera, special order steps. This truck is loaded and in perfect condition, must see to appreciate. Call Dan at 541-519-3422 Baker City atg
VICTORYACRES Riding Academy. Now off ering boarding, lessons and training. All ages and levels, school horses available 8 references available. Indoor 8 outdoor arenas! 541-786-3218. www .victoryacresfarm. corn. La Grande pxw
ORCHARD GRASS alfalfa hay, first cutting, 2 03 FORD WINDSTAR string bales, in stack, will MINIVAN, ONLY 88K! load. Starting at $175 per ton. 541-568-4441 or Silver, clean interior, 541-910-4441 Cove pvk 8K on new Goodyear's. New battery, brakes, CERTIFIED ALFALFA rotors up front. $2,500 hay. Small bales. 1" cutOBO. More info 8 see ting. No rain. $200 a ton. at consignment lot next 541-663-1806 or 541to Staub Propane, Island 786-1456 La Grande pvc City asp 1945 COLORADO 1994 CAMRY: 2.21, auASSOCIATION tomatic, 252,000 miles, CD, stereo, burgundy exSADDLE terior, tan interior, starts, runs, shifts 8 d rives Built by Colorado Sadgreat, air conditioner 8 dlery. Brand new never heater work great, $1900 used. 15" seat, high canor best offer; 541-663tle rawhide bound, deep 6070, Hermiston ash narrow seat. Slick Fork,
•• e
ATTEND COLLEGE ON- SOLID OAK round ta- WHAT IS the difference LINE from Home. *Med- ble with 2 leaves and 6 between a serial killer ical, Business, *Criminal chairs. $100 obo. 1 pair and a sportman? dsm Justice, *Hospitality. Job of lined blinds, only used placement assistance. 3 months. $200 obo. W A N T E D Computer available. Fi- 541-523-4986 Baker City CENTERFIRE brass cartridges, all calibers, nancial Aid if qualified. hso no sorting required, $3 SCHEV certified. Call 8 00-201-4585. w w w METAL DOG kennel, plus/lb. Call 541-519. CenturaOnline.corn medium size. Good con- 1538 Baker City mxh dition. $55, elsewhere 35556 mxp $96! Cash Only. 541- Utah/Oregon Concealed DR. Willard G. Bertrand 910-7080 La Grande pxh Firearms Class. Carry in 30+ States. Ace DC now accepting OreKNITKABOB YARN Shop Hardware, La Grande, gon Health Plan Insuron Main Street, Union. June 27th, contact Grant ance. Call today to get Summer hours: Thursday As her 541-571-4600. scheduled 541-963-4068 through Saturday 12pm Admin @grantasher.corn or 963- Well. La Grande to 5pm — 541-562-2276 dfa mxb hus REMINGTON MODEL $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT HUSKYLOCK 721, 270 Winchester, cash now!! Injury lawsuit Weaverscope Simmons dragging? Need $500936 SERGER mounts, with s o me $500,000 + within 48 bullets. $500. 541-473hours? Low rates. Apply Husqvarna Viking Hus- 9645. Vale duw now by phone! 1-800A s king 568-8321. www . Iawcap- kylock 936. $500.00. 541-910-0990 RUBBER STAMPS! Startital.corn 35715 mxg La Grande hvc ing at $16.60 each. ATTEND COLLEGE ONRUSTIC C O UNTRY LINE from Home. *Medifarmhouse table, solid ALL TOGETHER NOW cal, *Business, *Criminal 6ft. long, $300. Nice pine Justice, *Hospitality. Job hutch, lighted two piece, Walther PPK stainless placement assistance. 380, Bersa Thunder 380 Computer available. Fi- $125. Hens will lay soon, CC, 550+ rounds, 380 $15 ea. 541-519-4905 nancial Aid if qualified. ammunition, Taurus PTHaines hts SCHEV authorized. Call 22 LR, 130+ rounds, no 800-201- 4585. www BUSINESS CARDS! $35 separating, $1100 firm; . CenturaOnline. corn. for 500 count. 541-314-3147 dsf 35716 mxa
1995 COROLLA: 1.81, Semi Qtr Horse bars, 7/8 automatic, 30 7 ,000 S/S Double Dee Rigging. miles, too many new Retailed for $2098.00 parts to list, starts, runs, will sale of trade for drives and shifts great, $1475.00 605-933-1674 air conditioner and heat Enterprise psw work great, $1200 or DISH TV Retailer. Start4YR OLD double regbest offer; 541-663ing at $ 1 9.99/month istered Leo Bred Bay 6070, Hermiston ash (for 12 mos.) 8 High Mare. Registered AQHA Speed Internet starting NFQHA. Ready to start REBUILT ENGINES under saddle or would at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask Custom built in the USA. make great brood mare. About SAME DAY InstalToyota 22RE, $969; Lots of potential for great lation! CALL Now! 1-800with new head, $1269; cow horse. $1,200.00 593-1764 mxm with new head and HP obo. 208-272-0381 Jokit, $1469; HP kit adds seph FIREWOOD PRICES 1 5hp/35TQ and 3 - 4 reduced $140.00 In more mpg. 12x12 war- 24YR OLD AQHA Reg- rounds, 4in to 12in diranty; Muller Engines, istered Palimino mare. ameters, split. $170.00, 541-963-0725 or 541- Has great disposition Red Fir, Tamarack and and very stocky. Used as 786-4861 atm Hardwood. $205 a cord, a brood mare. But would split. 541-786-0407 La 2011 BUICK Enclave. make a great buddy for Grande mwv Seats seven, like new, another older horse, 47,000 miles. Lots of ex- $500.00. 208-272-0381 FLATBED 800gal water tras, Must see. $19,500. Joseph tank, 8ftx16ft, complete, 541-786-1339 La excellent co n dition, METAL DOG kennel, Grande atw make offer. 541-786medium size. Good con0407 La Grande mwn 2008 3/4 TON Ford Su- dition. $55, elsewhere per Duty truck, extended $96! Cash Only. 541- SOCIAL S E CURITY cab, XLT, 4x4, bed liner, 910-7080 La Grande pxh DISABILITY BENEFITS. tow package, 44,650 Unable to work? Denied miles, excellent condi- FOR SALE German benefits? We Can Help! tion, blue, $18,500. 541- Shorthair Pointer Pup- WIN or Pay Nothing! 786-1577. La Grande pies; AKC Registered, Contact Bill Gordon 8 born June 8th. 3 Males, aus Associates at 1-800-3171 Female. Both parents 4986 to start your appliHARD TO find 1980 excellent hunters; ex- cation today! tfn Super Sport El Camino. cellent temperaments, Low miles, runs 8 drives great family dogs, strong like new. V8 auto, air, desires to hunt and cruise, tilt wheel, Rally please. Males $500, REACH THOUSANDS wheels, nice canopy, no Females $550. Call 541 starting at $7 a week for rust. $4,500.00 obo. 541- 663 8970 La Grande psh classifieds; $14.00 for displays! The Nickel. 963786-0734 La Grande auh 6237. La Grande
PUREBRED BORDER Collies: red and red merles, great herding and agility prospects, reds $250, merles $300, not many merle Border Collies around, ready August 8th; text is best, 541-969-8028. psr
ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state PUREBRED YORKIE 8 Canada coverage, 27 pups: all boys, 2 plati- papers to choose from. num blondes and 1 gold, PANA WAN. 963-6237. not ready until August 1-800-654-5829 1st, probably be about 8 pounders, $500 or best CLASSIFIED E-MAIL offer; text is best, 541- address; ads@lagran969-8028. psr denickel.corn
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Page 8 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn ¹
The Nickel- Jul 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
NOTICE: C l assified 2-17 HMR S avage, ST205/75 R15 6PLY on Deadline: T u e sdaymodel 93, one new never solid center black wheel, 5pm. Changes or can- fired, still in box. Comes 5 lug on 4 "/~in, $20.00. cellations must be in with a 4x12 BDC scope. 541-426-3447 Enterprise by 5pm Monday. The other is 2 months old zsf has a 3x9 BDC scope, FREE MOVING Boxes, ANTLER BUYER buying $350.00 each. Call 541you haul. 360-609-2422 deer, elk and moose ant- 350-2859 Baker City dsg La Grande zsa lers, any condition, also buying bear traps and DOGS CAN get heat vintage 501 Levis. 541stroke. Learn how to treat 910-6713 La Grande 15 FOOT MOMENTUM it. www .wallowacountRAFT WITH WILLIES or wxt 541-426-4170 Enterprise CARS FOR TROOPS! Aluminum frame, dry zsp Donate your car 8 help box, 3 oars with oar the military charity of locks, dry bags, cargo GALVANIZED SPRINyour choice. Fast, free net, and much more. KLING can, $10.00. Rural mailbox, $8.00. Office pickup. Tax Deductible. $1,500. Call Dennis at desk chair on rollers, 541 523 3904 or 541 519 Call now! 800-952-0977 $5.00. 541-963-2652 Is5889 dtt ffn land City zsb
U SED STEEL W F beams, 8" 10" 12" 14" 15" sizes, misc. lengths, list available, $.20 per lb. 541-519-3910 Baker City fty
CORNELL 4INCH pump, 15HP, 3 phase, mounted on skid with pump panels, 6inch suction hose and foot valve. Also 8 1/2 HP submersi ble pump, 3 phase with 17ft of 6inch discharge hose. Both in very good condition. $1,200 each or $2,200 for both. Weekdays 541523-6000 Baker City fuw
MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages 8 connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-417-7304 ffn ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27
THRILL DAD with 100% PANA WAN. 963-6237. guaranteed, delivered1-800-654-5829 t o-the-door Om a ha Steaks! SAVE 69%, plus SUPPORTOURTROOPS 4 FREE Burgers - The Favorite Gift - ONLY $49.99! ORDER Today! 1-800-483-3491 or use code mbdad75 at www. OmahaSteaks.corn/ 49377JCF tfn
All Offers will be considered, all certified used trailers come with a QO day limited warranty ' 15 WILDW OO D 18 1 B H X L ur most compact floor plan! Bunkhouse f orplan. Has showstopper package ith all power jacks, and awning, i eluding a wireless remote control! cellent value! AS S2$,920
OW $16,888
' 11 COUGAR 2 4 R K Only 27' total length and5591 Ibs,good sized for a wide range of use! 4seasontrailer, polar packaged, cool in summerandwarm in winter. Rear kitchen floor plansmakesfor ample counter space,very popular floor plan! WAS S24r888
NOW $20,888
Stk¹ 8886
Stk¹ 6462-g
New Bunkhouse Floorplan, Outside Kitchen, Blowout Price!
WAS S2$,888
MSRP S61r$94
NOW $20,888
NOW $38,888 stk¹ w6007 ' 12 CREEKS ID E
Elec Awninq, Solar Batt Charger, Power Roof Vent, Outside Shower, 26', 4600 Ibs
' 09 COUGA R 268RLS ery spacious and comfortable rear living oor plan with 2 swivel rocking chairs nd a nice big rear bay window! Lots of iq windows on this trailer, lets in a lot of
' 12 COUGA R S R X
Lots of Extras, Very Clean, Barely Used
WAS S$9,888
NOW $18,888
NOW $36,888
' 11 COUGAR 2 6 B H
' 83 M22 AL P E N L I T E
Bunkhouse Floorplan, Outside Kitchen
25' FW. Twin bedsleeping overhang&spacious rear living floorplan, completew/captain's chairs. Compact & efficientfloor planwhilehaving essential living space,lots of cabinets!Pristinecondition forits age.
WAS S24r999
WAS S8,888
NOW $22,888
NOW $6,888
' 15 MXT BY KZ CR C 1 7 0
Stk¹ 5,23
'15 MXT - 309
29' Toy Hauler w/8x8 Platform w/1 Slide, Big Enough ForFour4'x4' Quads, 60"x80" Queen Bed, 4-Stab Jacks, AC,AM/FM/CD, Awn, MW,Loaded
10' Rear Garage, 4000 Watt Onan Generator, 30 Gallon Fuel Cell Blowout Price!
WAS S48r6$9
NOW $22,888 stk¹ Mzoo2
NOW $34,888
~ssQ '94 FORD This sharp old2WDtruck haslow milesfor age, 119,484miles. Runsexcellent, 5.8 V84 speed overdriveauto. Loaded: CBradio, radar detector, AC,tilt steering, cruise, pwr windows, pwr locks, tow package &a 5th wheel hitch. WAS S8,800
NOW $6$888
stk¹ 5123-6
'02 FORD EX P E D ITION Has extra 3rd row seating. Loaded: front and rear AC, powereverything, cruise, leather interior, slidinq sun roof, tow package. Has 4.6 V8, low miles. Thetruck runs great and is in excellent shape. WAS S10,600
NOW $8,888
stk¹ 5123-5
Sales: Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5 • Award Winning Service: Mon - Sat 9:00 - 5:00 541-567-1583 888-567-1583 80658 N. Hwy 395 • Hermiston, OR "Interest rate as low as 3% available O.A.C.Not all customers will qualify, see store for details. (Plusany license, title, tax anddoc fees may be added to sale price. Offer ends 8/5/15.
DO YOU owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? You could get a settlement for as low as 25% of previous IRS settlements. Call now! 1-800-404-1367 tfn
papers to choose from.
~P PPeg
LIFE ALERT. 24/7. One press of a button sends help FAST! Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if you can' t reach a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 800975-8941 tfn
1984 FORD Ranger 2wd, 246,000 miles, manual transmission, $1,500.00. 6 snow tires included. 541-403-1899 Baker City ats 2001 F-350 with utility box and steel rack, tool boxes down both sides. Price reduced to $5,300.00. Cash only please. 541-403-1968 North Powder atb 1991 GMC Sonoma 4x4, V6, $ 1,200.00. Good condi tion New water pump, hoses, front seal. 541-963-0981 La Grande asc
ELDEBROCK P E RFORMER intake 8 carb w/ electric choke, fits pre 1986 S.B. Chevy. $200. used but new cost $135 8 $260. Victor JR intake, SELL YOUR structured new never used, fits pre settlement or annuity '86 S.B. Chev. Accepts payments for CASH square bare carb, $200. NOW. You don't have to Cable weight training wait for your future pay- set up. $100 you haul. ments any longer! Call or trade for nice couch. 1-800-218-0290 ffn New timing belt. water pump 8 idler, also a new Attention: VIA G RA Serpintine belt. $200 for 8 CIALIS USERS! A all. Fits Mopar 3.5L 24 cheaper alternative to valve V6.4 tires or rims high drugstore prices! 50 offa '96 Eagle.6xxx mi, Pill Special - $99. FREE like new. Fits Dodge InShipping! 100% Guaran- trepid also. $200 all four. teed. CALL NOW: 1-800- Size 225-60R 16 M/S. 817-0568 tfn Older tow dolly, usable, needs minor work, has GOT KNEE PAIN? Back new 2' ball hitch, $125. Pain? Shoulder Pain? Wood machinist chest, Get a p a in-relievingfull of of auto valve seat brace for little or NO cost and guide repair tools. to you. Medicare patients $200 offer. 541-437call Health Hotline now! 0140. Cash only please. 1-800-903-1039 ffn Evenings. ats CLEAN
01 DODGE 1 ton, 4x4, 24-valve. $8,500 obo. WOOD SHAVINGS Hay trailer, 16ft. heavy duty, low to ground, Great for landscaping $1,500. Electric stick and animal bedding. welder and 110-wire feed $25.00 a yard. 541-786welder. 541-379-0851 La 0407 La Grande mws Grande atb OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Various 1972 CJ5 Jeep 304 bikini top, 8,000lb sizes, secure storage, V8, Ramsey Winch, runs on ground delivery. "We well, nice little Jeep for sell, rent, buy and move $3,950.00. 1977 Ford containers." InstaStor, F-250 4spd, 400cuin enInc. 509-765-1376. www. gine, runs well, very low See us on mileage, $1,750.00. 541894-2352 Baker City asb Facebook! msi FOR SALE: Over 3,000 books, hardcovers 8 softcovers, over 400 paperbacks. In good to very good shape. Buy a few, or buy all. A good variety. Call 541-437-8641 8 leave a message. Thank You! mtw
1998 CHEVY Tracker, 31mpg 4x4, $3,300 obo. Runs good, good condition. 541-523-6825 Baker City aub 1956 FORD 2 door Post, 302 engine, 3-4 Transmlsslon needs w ork
$1,500 obo. Good project vehicle Call 541-7863979 La Grande aud
The Nickel- July 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
DIRE CTV Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE Installation. FREE 3 months of HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, 8 Starz. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included (Select Packages) New Customers Only. CALL 1-800-3701356 tfn
www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 9
WANT TO buy the very best 06 or 05, Access Cab Tundra. 541-8942423 Baker City aaw 1962 THUNDERBIRD 2 door hardtop. Runs great. No major mechanicalissues. Good tires. Front seats re-upholstered. Fender skirts. 390 engine. Trans shifts good. All glass is good. Additional spare parts include, 2 doors, front bumper/grill, 2 front fenders. $4,500. 541-7862109 La Grande atb
RAEAE E S 2BDR 2 full bath home in Island City. Corner of 2"' 8 Sterling. 2 sheds, 1 attached shop, garden area. $800.00/mth. 541786-5333 Island City uss
WHITMAN COUNTY: 80 acre deeded base property withapproximately 30 acres hay ground, sub-irrigated, hay barn, barn, shop, utility building, bunkhouse with basement, fenced 8 crossfenced, doublewide on full slab, 4 bedroom 2 bath, new appliances, year-round live stream through property with 1800 acre lease, 240 AMU, well watered, 750800lb calves, April 15 toDecember 15, great grassland, $595,000. 509-648-4222 ess
KEEP YOUR Family 8 Property Safe! Home Bundles Home Security 24/7/365 monitoring. $1400 FREE Security AFFORDABLE LIVING! Equipment. No InstalYakima, W ashington lation Fees. Starting at downtown, furnished stu$19.99/mo. Call 1-800- 100 GALLON pick up dios, Rent $345-$385, fuel transfer tank with 951-0413 ffn 12volt 15/gpm pump. utilities included, small PROTECT YOURSELF Never used. $450. 541- refrig, micro, twin bed, dresser, bus line, secure, From Unsafe Banks! 523-6625 aup mini storage available. DON'T BANK ON IT! 509-248-2146 uts Free book reveals 20 SNUGTOP XTR Campmodern banking dangers er Shell: Fits 2012 thru SEEKING A 1-3 bdrm such as cybercriminals, 2014 F-150 Crew Cab. Rental (rent amount nemoney-hungry politicians Lined, LED interior and gotiable), rent to own, 8 Too-Big-To-Fail bank- exterior lights, tinted/ opening side glass, tint- lease option, owner carry TROY, OREGON. Two ers. 800-893-2619 ffn ed/locking rear glass, (only 1000 down) house '/ 4 acre lots near town. DISH NETWORK? Get folding/sliding front win- or mobile home in Union View, road frontage, MORE for LESS! Start- dow. Heavy duty tube County (I work in Union) driveway, leveled building $19.99/ month (for 12 rails with locking Yakima We do have2 emotional ing site. 877-569-2226 months), PLUS Bundle 8 crossmembers. Golden support animals (dogs) evs SAVE (Fast Internet for Bronze. $1,600. 541- Will consider livable $15 more/ month). CALL 519-4960 Baker City stt fixer upper. Please call SEEKING A 1-3 bdrm 208-830-8522 O w n- Rental (rent amount neNow, 1-800-593-1764 tfn 2003 FORD F-350 XL ers/Agents/Mgrs. wel- gotiable), rent to own, lease option, owner carry FIND THE love you de- Super Duty single cab: come utc (only 1000 down) house serve! Discover the path 225,000 miles, lift gate, or mobile home in Union to happiness. New mem- ladder rack, perfect work County (I work in Union) bers receive a FREE truck, $5000 or best We do have2 emotional 3-minute love reading! offer; 5 4 1-571-3671, FLOOR W E AVINGsupport animals (dogs) Entertainment purposes Hermiston vtm loom: new $2500, asking Will consider livable only. 18 8 over. 800-7582003 FORD F-350 XL $1500; 541-571-5489, fixer upper. Please call 2304 tfn 208-830-8522 O w nSuper Duty single cab: Hermiston msj ers/Agents/Mgrs. welBEST BEEF Jerky in the 225,000 miles, lift gate, USA! $10 off the Origi- ladder rack, perfect work NEW LIFT CHAIR, by come etc "Golden", for medium to nal Beef Jerky Sampler. truck, $5000 or best FREE Shipping. Great offer; 5 4 1-571-3671,large person, extra foot CANADIAN TOWING extension, many posi- Business for sale in Gift Idea! Call Bulk Beef Hermiston ast tions, $600. 541-786- Trail 8 Castlegar, BC. Jerky! 800-819-2610 ffn Close to skiing, golfing, 1972 F-100; 360 V8 0448. La Grande msc airports, hospital. OpSERIOUSLY INJURED? auto, 2WD. Runs great, Auto Accidents, Medical straight body, $2,295.00 METAL DOG kennel, tion to purchase land. Malpractice, Slip 8 Falls, obo. 541-963-9358 or medium size. Good con- Interested parties only, Dangerous Products, 541-963-5646 thanks! La dition. $55, elsewhere or $96! Cash Only. 541- 250-231-1173 (daytime Wrongful Death. Speak Grande asf 910-7080 La Grande pxh only) esl to a Highly Skilled Personal Injury Attorney 1998 RED Dodge Stra- HONDA GX200 PTOwith Now. Millions Recovered tus, 30mpg, 4 door, vibrator and submersible BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Antler Springs Golf for Clients. Call 24/7. 118,000 miles, A/C, power W/D, very com- pump. New $2000, OBO. Course, Deer Park, WA! 1-800-914-6259 ffn fortable, good tires, $750 Call Bill at 541-519-6215 102 acres, 18 holes, 6 obo. Please cal 541-403- Enterprise msl bed home/clubhouse, THE NICKEL TOLL free 1734 Baker City aub $1,750,000. Owner fiFENDER S T RATO1-800-654-5829. nancing available. MLSยน ADVERTISE IN 12 pa- CASTER guitar and 201517179 Joe Westpers, 25 words or less for Fender Deluxe Tube enskow 509-953-3743 only $75. a week. 4 state amp. Excellent condi- Real Estate Marketplace STOP O VERPAYING 8 Canada coverage, 27 tion, $520.00 obo. Peavy esw for your prescriptions! papers to choose from. bass guitar, $50.00. EvSave up to 93%! Call PANA WAN. 963-6237. erything, $550.00. Com- FOR SALE: 3 bedroom our licensed Canadian 1-800-654-5829 plete set of custom made house with attached 8 International pharmaGolf Clubs and Hand garage, underground cy service to compare REACH THOUSANDS cart. Very good quality, sprinklers, $ 115,000; prices 8 get $15 off your starting at $7 a week for $190.00. Large wooden 541-571-2028, Hermisfirst prescription 8 FREE classifieds; $14.00 for artist Easel, $30.00. 541- ton esb Shipping. 1-800-815- displays! The Nickel. 963- 963-3990 La Grande 6059 tfn msb 6237. La Grande
T A T E A EJ I Hi E 77 ACRES mountain HOUSE FOR Sale. Bak- HELP PREVENT FOREpasture land: in Umatilla er City. Delighfful 2 bd CLOSURE 8 Save Your County, with new 3200 1 bath. $96,500. See Home! Get FREE Relief! sq. ft., 2 level home in Craigs List for photos. Learn about your legal progress, 5 bedrooms, 3 All new with vibrant col- option to possibly lowbaths, 2 fireplaces, great orful features. Beautiful eryour rate 8 modify your view, s n owmobiling,U-shaped kitchen. New mortgage. 800-915-0478 Pa n try. ffn $350,000; 541-969-6871 appliances. eth Laundry. Minimal utility costs. Attached garage. FOR SALE: By Owner Concrete dr i veway. RUBBER S T AMPS! 3 bdr 1 bath home, and Covered redwood deck. Starting at $16.60 each shop. on 2 fenced city Fenced lot. Lawn, Trees, at the Nickel. lots on corner. Beautiful- Garden space. Large ly landscaped, serious storage bldg. W e ' re PRIME 10 ACRES T inquiries only. 541-216- moving. 541-523-5617 8527 North Powder ett or 541-893-3099 Baker Attention developer: 10 City esi acres of prime and ready 2BD 1BTH screened in for developing, near porch, bonus room, 2 BIG VINTAGE family BMCC 8 EOC colleges, sheds, 2 sheds, $19,000. home, quiet neighborclose enough to shopBuyer has to be Park hood. 4 bedrooms, 1.5 ping while enjoying the Approved. 541-805-1039 baths, over 2100 sq.ft, country life, has a 4 bedLa Grande ets gas heat, fenced yard, room, 1 bathroom with a big shop with full bathQUALITY HOME for sale room, 220 hook ups, detached garage, barn by owner in Baker City. ceiling fans and heat. and several outbuildings, asking $699,970; contact We' re moving. Great $179,900. 5 4 1-786-Elaina 541-701-1072. location near pharma- 5512/541-910-6487 La evg cies, stores, restaurants. Grande eva Delighfful 8 cheery 2 Ig bd, 1 bath. Easy main- JEFFERSON AVEWaretenance 8 minimal utility house dock high with expense. All fresh/new 5 bay doors. Approx. inside-out, top to bot- 5200sqft. Will rent or tom. Custom drapery. lease all or partial. ExcelLARGE CABIN New furniture is optional. lent storage for contracWITH LAKE Lovely U-shaped kitch- tors working on large or Fully furnished, well en with new appliances multiply building projects; isolated, deck, has 61" TV, Generator, 8 pantry. Laundry with terms negotiable 541Canoe, Extras, matching W/D furnished. 786-2683 La Grande esb $210,000 Large dbl pane wdws. 541-701-4448 New metal roof. Attached garage with auto door. Concrete driveway. Large storage bldg. Covered redwood deck for morning coffee in the sun. Totally Fenced with Lawn, Trees, Garden space. See CraigsList for photos. 2395 Cimmaron Cherry. $96,500. 541APTS: Kingsview Manor 893-3099. eti Studios,
Country West
Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The Nickel.
โ ข
Senior andDisabled
Miocene LaGrande Terrace
1 or2 Bdrm Apartments $295-$600
LaGrande, Union HOMES 8 DUPLEXES 1 -4 Bdrm, 1 or 2 Bath $550-$995
Housing. Accepting applications.Income restrictionsapply.
Call Candi in Baker City
gJ (541)523-6578.
COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1250 Sq. Ft. Union
Storage 12'x12'-$45 12'x30'-$90 12'x24'-$70
Page 10 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn
The Nickel- Jul 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •
OPENINGS NOW avail. for beginner piano lessons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. Safe 8 fun environment! Call 541-805-9741 for more info! La Grande bxw SERVE YOUR COUNTRY!!!
LHQ~ZK Z El -77gz ves Gallon iI resentati
Want a little cash? Want to go to college? Have way too many student loans? Ever thought about serving your country? The Oregon National Guard gives you tuition assistance and the MGIB so youcan start/finish your college degree. If you already have your degree we offer the student loan repaymentof$50,000 dollars!!! Plus you gain the knowledge, experience, and motivation to jump start your career. Imagin having your college totally paid for and a drill pay check. Want more information call SGT Lori McNeil 541-786-1459 La Grande area. bxm
DONATE your car, truck NEW AR15, ready to or boat to HERITAGE go. $600. .243 package, FOR THE BLIND. Free Ruger American .243 3-day vacation, tax de- with rings, new 4-12x40 ductible, free towing, all scope and 100rds. of paperwork taken care of. ammo/brass, $475. 54117FT G OOSENECK Call 1-800-895-8117 ffn 963-6931 La Grande dtk flatbed, $1, 500.00. 541-437-4881, l eave FOR RENT: Would like to TAURUS LONG slide message. Elgin fsp sharemy home in south 45 with 2 holsters.12ga side of La Grande with side by side coach gun, 2- 10 foot ring rollers, another mature lady. I call or text 541-263-1014 can betowed in tandem, am a Christian woman Enterprise dsd $750 each. Union, OR recently widowed and 541-786-8610 fuf would enjoy company. WINCHESTER 1894 Clean 3 bedroom two Trails End c/c Receiver, B7800 KUBOTA Tractor. bath located in a nice octagon bbl, 45 Colt 4wd. 30hp. Hydrostatic quiet neighborhood on LNI B, $1,000. Marlin transmission. Heated cul-de-sac. C e ment 1894 Cowboy Limited cab. Mid and rear PTO, paved streets, street JM Marked 24" Octagon loader, hay forks, front lights and sidewalks. You bbl, 44 M a g L NI B snow blower, rear blade, would have your own $1,000. Ruger Vaquero chains. Older brush furnished bedroom and SS 4 5/8 bbl, 45 Colt, cutter included. Only bath with shared kitchen 98% in box, $550. Many 168hrs. $21,5000 OBO. and living area. 541-663- more, too many to list. 541-534-2333, l eave 8246. La Grande wxp Call between 9am and message. Summerville 7pm. 541-963-3796 La pub Grande dug 100 GALLON pick up fuel transfer tank with 12volt 15/gpm pump. Never used. $450. 541523-6625 fup
alot ofinformationanNlhe promos areenaless!
WANTED FOR free, SALMON FISHING 1976 or newer 14ft. wide ASTORIA,OREGON mobile home. Livable condition, will move. 541- Big run of Chinook and 786-3353 La Grande wss Silver"s are onothe way. Call now for best dates; Columbia Basin Guide Service, 541-379-6152 dts CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo
~I I I
I 8 •
8 i
g •
July 1st- August 26'"7pm Roller Skate for $2 Maridell Center, 1124 Washington, La Grande 541-963-2023 July 29'" — August 1" - Union County Fair, Union County Fairgrounds, La Grande
July 31- August 2"' - 20'"Annual Co-ed Moonlight Softball Tournament, Optimist Field La Grande, Danny 541-910-1455, or 541-963-8036, Bryan - 541-963-2155 July 31st - August 2nd -Anthony Lakes Mountain Bike Festival North Powder, 541-856-3277 August 1"- 10am-2pm - Eagle Cap Excursion Train- Two Rivers
August S'"- Union Grassroots Festival, Union. City Wide Yard Sales/ Call Nadyne 541-910-5425 to be included on the map. Vendors/Chris 541-786-0408. 5K Run/Mary Allen 541-910-5288. Barbeque Contest in the Park (taste 8 vote at 5:30). Live Music 11 to 5:45 in the park and elsewhere. Car Show, Poker Walk, Raffles, plaques. Trophy Sponsored By LegacyAuto Group,Duck Races down Catherine Creek/Lawn Mower Races. Family Street Dance with DJ Denny/Sponsored by Papa Murphy's. Car Show /541-786-1492 Sponsors are Elkhorn Media Group, The Observer and The Nickel. Donations by Union Sanitation, Clark 8 Daughter Auctions and EO Rentals "Greatly Appreciated" August15'" - Cove Cherry Fair, Downtown, Cove Food, Vendors 8 Music, Hot Air Balloon, Lumber Jack Show, Lawn Mower Races, Kiddie Carnival, Pie Eating Contest 8 Pit Spitting Contest, Quilt Raffle 8 much more! Cindy/541-805-8563
SIINHII Rl $17$ PKI NINlll 0% Interest for 84 months
$500 TD l750 CASH BACK 304 N.9th Ave. Walla Walla, WA 99362 (509)525-6620
• • I
HERMISTON walchlie melons are here! The 'Melon Man' will be at the Haines City Park, Saturday 10am-3pm. fuh
+ 4' onsite-St phytheywillhave
Farmers /I/larket Downtown La Grande every Tuesday@3:30pm andSaturday@9am
NEW PISTOLS over 100 in stock can special order an y f i r earms or do i n ternet gun transfers.541-523-9448 Baker City dxw PRICE R E DUCED! SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 grips, night sights, mag pouch, holster, travel box, 1 15 and 2 14 round magazines, $650.00. 541-910-6148 I sland City dxf GLOCK 45ACP, 2"' Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger Vaquero, 45 LC SS. Ruger Vaquero, Matched Set, 45LC, Hi Gloss SS. SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 "/~", Nickel, Trigger Job. SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". And many rifles! Call 541-786-1900 Island ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from.
August 21"- 22"'- S'"Annual Celtic Festival, Union County Fairgrounds La Grande. Food, Dance, Highland Games 8 more!
PANA WAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829
The Nickel- July 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
IF YOU have more apricots on your trees than you know what to do with please call this number. PH. 541-568-4759 Cove wsk WANTED USED CELL PHONES Paying T o p $$$ THE CELL FIX Hermiston 824 S Hwy 395 Hermiston Plaza, 541-303-1542, La Grande 541-7869644 wup WANTED Open tandem axle, 1 car trailer. 541519-0481 Baker City wsm LOOKING FOR some extra money? Turn in those antlers for cash. Paying top dollar! Give us a call for prices! 541969-4875 or 541-9758175 wtp
THE SHACK now open on the corner of Monroe and Spruce. Buy and Sell. Wooden furniture, fix and repair your old furniture, jewelry, glassware, blown glass, collectibles, antiques, and much more! 541-9101356 or 541-910-5670. 9am-5pm, Monday thru Saturday. La Grande bts UNION GRASSROOTS
Sgs CAMPER 8 1/2 ft., electric jacks, 2 propane tanks, 2 batteries, air conditioner, lots of storage, emaculate, list price $17,700. Asking $14,500. 541-910-9070 Cove vtb
NOTICE: C l a ssified Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. Changes or cancellations must be in by 5pm Monday. L OWRY ORGA N . $25.00. 100yr old Cherry Wood dining table w/ 6 chairs, $25.00. Pool table, $25.00. Refrigerator, $25.00. 541-398-1259 Joseph zsp
99 KOMFORT 5th wheel 24' with slide, good condition, hitch included, $5000.00 price negotiable. 541-910-6293 La Grande vtb
HONDA CRF 250L motorcycle, 1,100 miles, NUBIAN GOAT 6mths like new, many add on's, old, dehorned 8 neuCAR SHOW $5,000.00. Trade for tered, free to good home. Will be held on Saturday Jeep TJ. 541-426-3706 541-523-4425 Baker City August 8th this year. To Enterprise vts zss sign up for the City Wide Yard Sale, please call Y OU' RE INVITED TO OU R Nadyne at 541-910-5425 or email grassroots@ eoni.corn To be a vendor BUILDING CORP. please email christay3; R efreeh m e n t e S e r v e d ! STOl IN lor@eoni.corn. For more ea SAVE! info call at 541-786-1492 Union bsb FESTIVAL AND
AUCTION THE NICKEL TOLL free Thursday 7-23-15 at 1-800-654-5829. 6pm. Household, antiques, glassware, furniWANTED: VENDORS ture, tools, pictures and for Labor Day Sumpter lots of miscellaneous. Flea Market. In town Baker Auction Barn, location. 541-894-2360 2701 Court St. Baker City, OR. 541-519-1622. wvs bsb
~D E
www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn Page 11
81814 Hwy 395 North 541-922-2885 CCB¹ 115247 800-373-5 55 0 •
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+ENT'Rl-FEE: $50ICRR a QRIWER t -l j .u n i n H e a t t o Q u a lif y )
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Starts 2:OO PN
Qr visit Hainesstamperte corn. PRIZE8aottCAR DERBY ONLY
Derby brought to youby.
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FREE GIFT with every building designed with our DreamMaker 3D Soltware
Stop in, or contact us toryay for a FREE consultation!
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Baker County Calendar Events for July/August 7/31 - Anthony Lakes Mountain Bike Festival - 10 am, Anthony Lakes. July 31 - Babe Ruth Regional Tournament - Baker High School, Nationally Televised 13-15 year old Tournament. (541) 910-1792 8/1 - 62th Annual Shriners East West Football game and activities - 10am, Baker School District 5J. 8/1 - Sumpter Valley Railroad Train Robberies, 10:00am to 3:15pm, Sumpter Valley Railroad. 8/5 - Baker County Fair - 8:00am to 9:00pm, Baker County Fair Grounds, 541-523-7881 8/8 - Haines Stampede Demolition Derby, 5:30 PM, Baker County Fair Grounds, $12 for adults and $6 for kids (5-12 years old) gates open at 5:30pm show starts at 7pm. 541-379-5174 8/9- Pioneer Days in Huntington, 10:00am, Lions Park, Huntington, Or, (541) 869-2529 8/15 - Dutch Oven Cooking Class Series, 10:00 AM TO 12:00 PM, National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. 8/17 - Summer Clay Camp at Crossroad Carnegie Art Center: Beginning Wheel Throwing for Adults and Teens, 1:00 PM TO 3:00 PM, 541-523-5369 8/20 - We Like 'Em Short Film Festival, 12:00 PM, Eltrym Historic Theatre 541-523-5439 8/29 - Baker City Memorial Cruise Car Show, 8am To 10 pm,( 541) 519-5963. 8/29- Durkee Steak Feed,4:30 PM T08:00 PM, Quail Ridge Golf Course, Tickets for the steak dinner are $20 and $5 for the hotdog dinner.
RQDEQ AssoclATIQN RRR pRizu. s200'LS PD N S D R S Grumpy's Repair — Graybeal Distributing — Pepsi Bottling — Baker Valley Towing York's Park Grocery — Gentry Auto Group — Napa Auto Parts — EO Rentals Baker Air Craft — General Fire — EDP Renewables — PayneWest Insurance C orner Br ick Bar 8t Grill — Baker Sanit ar y — BC Auto Sa lv ag e 8t Recyc l i n g
El Erradero — Wagon Wash — Eagle Valley Collision Rebuilders — Mountain D ental G r o u p — Main Event S p o r t s Ba r — MMW Elec t ri c M o t o r 8t Pum p R e p a i r
Page 12 www.lagrandenickel.corn e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.corn
The Nickel- Jul 30, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
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0% APR for 60 months on subject vehicles. Not all customers will qualify. $10,000 off MSRP subject to vehicle availability. Offers expire 8-1-15