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"PeopleBuy Some Papers to Read, They Read The Nickelto Buy" 1112 1/2Adams Ave,La Grande,OR 97850 www.lagrandenickel.com (541) 963-6237 Toll Free Number for Classifieds Only 1-800-654-5829 FAX 963-8853
i oiUNTIES SE~RVING UNIO i N WALLOiWA BAKiERL GRANTC Recreational Vehicles • •
a •
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'i •
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Chief $oseph Days
July 22-27, 2014 Four nights of PRCA rodeo, plus six days of western entertainment!
~ I I1 •
Celebrating western heritage and small town hospitality in scenic Joseph, Oregon! SAT
1 : 3 0pm B u cking Horse Stampede — Main Street Z:00pm Slack — Arena
7:00pm PRCA RODEOHarley Tucker Memorial Arena 9:00pm Family Dance in the Thunder Room
6:0 0 a m S h rine Breakfast begins 10:00am Grand Parade — Main Street 1Z:00pm Nez Perce Friendship FeastEncampment Pavilion Z:30pm Slack — Arena 3:00pm Traditional Indian Dance ContestEncampment Pavilion
7:00pm PRCA RODEO-
THURS 9:00am Miles for MammogramsWalk
Harley Tucker Memorial Arena 9:00pm All Teen DanceJoseph Community Center 9:00pm Music and Dancing at Thunder Room 11:00pm Cowboy Breakfast — Rodeo Grounds-
10:00am Vendors off Main Street Z:00pm Slack — Arena
7:00pm PRCA RODEOHarley Tucker Memorial Arena Tough Enough to Wear Pink — Wear Pink, Support Cancer Screening Barrel Racing Slack — After the Rodeo 9:00pm TBD Event at the Thunder Room 7:00 a m G o l f TournamentAlpine Meadows Golf Course 10:00am Chief Joseph Junior Parade — Main Street Z:00pm Slack — Arena
All Night Long
Cowboy Breakfast Continues 8:00am Cowboy Church Service — Harley Tucker Memorial Arena
pj'O R' OI jFO
7:00pm PRCA RODEOHarley Tucker Memorial Arena 9:00pm All Teen Dance — Joseph Community Center 9:00pm Music and Dancing at Thunder Room i
~iJ %.
• I•
'i •
i •
Pets 2 Animals •
Auto/Trucks Accessories
Farm/Heavy Equipment
Sporting Goods
kaSokT a C A SI NO
To purchase tickets and for more info go to www.chiefjosephdays.com
Page 2 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com
The Nickel- July17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 R ¹
WATER IS important for you and your pet. www.wallowacountyhumanesociety.org or 541426-4170 Enterprise zjp
NOTICE: C lassified AUTOMATIC AND INSTANT CASH for Deadline: T u esdaySTANDARD Transmis- quality antiques 8 col5pm. Changes or can- sion Repair and Rebuild- lectibles. 541-963-9358 cellations must be in ing. Reasonable Prices, or 541-963-5646 Thank by 5pm Monday. 28 years in La Grande You! La Grande mxj Call 541-963-7087 La FREE RHODE Islandred WANT YOURAD TO Grande axm Need an address label rooster. 541-534-2066 COVER A GREATER stamp for business or Summerville zjs AREA? PICKUP FLATBEDS, just for home? Come into Come inand speak with and front end replace- The Nickel to design and FREE 200 gallon die- us at the The Nickel ments, many styles to order one! sel fuel tank attached to about PNAWANads. You choose from. Call Piostand. 541-828-7785 En- can advertise in 12 differ- neer West 541-663-9378 DR. WILLARD G. Berterprise zjd ent papers for as low as La Grande axp trand DC now accepting $75.00. Papers in OreWorkmen's comp. and on, Idaho KITTENS FREE to good gon, Washingt HARLEY ANDATV auto accident injuries. home. 10 weeks old. and more! Call 541-963- Service and R epair Call today to get sched6237 bxn Gorgeous, playful, for Harley Davidsons uled 541-963-4068 or ter-box trained. Call or and ATV's. BBB Re- 963- Well. La Grande OPENINGS NOW avail. text 541-786-2794 or pair 62010 West Road mxb 541-786-2793 Cove zjb for beginner piano les- Call 541-605-0400 La sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. BARRELS Safe 8 fun environment! Grande axb FREE KITTENS, house Call 541-805-9741 for Burn or Storage $18.00 trained 541-786-5479 zjr more info! La Grande 2013 JEEP Grand Cher- to $20.00. Call 541-963okee Laredo Immacu- 8990 La Grande mxp bxw late, 4,600 miles, black on black, $41,000.00. FOOD ALLERGY testing, 541-786-2575 La cleansing therapy and Ig Grande axl hormonal supplemen• g • I l gi tation. Call Dr. Willard Bertrand DC. 963-Well. 413 DODGE truck motor, La Grande. Preferred and other Dodge truck Provider for all major inparts, 541-408-3896 or surances. mxb 541-480-4377 Baker City RUBBER STAMPS! Startaxl ing at $16.60 each.
Uy Tomm Art
2014 Subaru Outback
2014 Chev Camaro
PRICE R E DUCED!42" ANNUAL Steak And MASONRY REPAIR SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 Beans Contest, going on professional block stone grips, night sights, mag now at Russ Dean Fami- brick repair for a free espouch, holster, travel ly RV. 1-877-297-5115 or timate call Tylor at 254box, 1 15 and 2 14 round russdeanrv.com. In the 226-2774 La Grande sxd magazines, $650.00. Pasco Autoplex. vjr 541-910-6148 I sland DARREL FRIESEN Well City dxf GET PREAPPROVED Services, LLC. SubmersFor Your Next RV At ible pump installation GUNS AMMO & MORE russdeanrv.com or and repairs on water sys1-877-297-5117. In the Ruff N Rustic Mercantile. tems. Phone 541-562Hunting, tact i cal, Pasco Autoplex. vjr 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. CCB¹163246 Union, OR personal defense guns. Buy sell, trade. We buy O VER 200 RV's I n sxd Gun Estates or we will Stock, Ready For Camphelp you sell your guns ing. Russdeanrv.com or NOTICE: C l a ssified for top dollar. 541-962- 1877-297-5117. In the Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. 7833 10703 "/¹ Walton Pasco Autoplex. vjr Changes or cancellaIsland City dxv tions must be in by 5pm 2004 FATBOY Harley Monday. THE NICKEL FAX 541- Davidson, e x c ellent 963-8853. condition, 30,000 origi- OPENINGS NOW avail. nal miles, lots of extras. for beginner piano lesGLOCK 45ACP, 2"' $9,500.00 obo, cash sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger or trade, 541-886-2094 Safe 8 fun environment! Vaquero, 45 LC SS. Wallowa vxm Call 541-805-9741 for Ruger Vaquero, Matched more info! La Grande Set, 45LC, Hi Gloss SS. 1987 MALIBU SKIER sxw SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 With 350 V8 Mercruis"/¹", Nickel, Trigger Job. er engine. Comes with TIMBER T H INNING SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, wakeboard, ropes, float Fourth St. Grooming, ruMod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". tube, vests, oars, etc. ral clean up. Ed Sparks SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". 530 original hours, very at firewoodandtrator@ And many rifles! Call clean. Kris at 541-519- gmail.com or 541-398541-786-1900 I sland 0330. View online at la- 1056 Wallowa sjs grandenickel.com Baker City dxv City vjw
2014 Chev Camaro
2007 Cadillac CTS I
2003 Infiniti G35
$27,488 ild, PW, PL
Stock ¹ 2388A
2005 Chevy K2500
V6,Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt,PW,PL
Sto c k ¹ 2384A
2004 Chev Astro
Converible V6 Auto Air Cruise, Tilt, PW, PL
2009 Honda CRV
2007 GMC TK1500
$17,595 Stock ¹ 14-596C
AWD,V6, Auto, AC, Crui se
AWD,4 Cvl, Auto, Air, Cruise Stock ¹ 14-548C Tilt, PW, PL
Stock ¹ 15-511A
1999 Ford F-150
4x4, LS,V8, Auto, Cruise tilt vv
S t o ck ¹ 2385A
4x4, SLT,V8, Auto,Loaded
Stock¹14 6168
4x4, v8, Auto, Air, Crui se Tilt PW PL
The Nickel- July17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 3 • •
YARD SALE 3 party sale, Saturday, 730am-?. Clean, marked 8 organized. You name it, we might have it! Hanging children's clothes. 1406 6th St. La Grande gjj
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE YARD SALE last of JHR TLIESDAYAT 5PM! stuff. Friday 8 Saturday, 8am-4pm. 1418 Prog7000 SQ FOOT BUILD- ress Loop. La Grande gjj ING INDOOR SALE Sale Starts F r iday LIVING ESTATE SALE The 1 8t h 8 : 00am. 10608 S. McAllister. IsLarge Table Saw with land City-(across from 50% OFF sale July18th, in-feed 8 ou t -feed. tennis court). Friday 8 19th 8 20th. 830am- Chop Saw with i n- Saturday July 18'" 8 19'" 5pm. Corner of Clark feed 8 out-feed. Wood 7:30am-3:00pm. Quilts, St. and Baker St. Baker Stoves, Lumber, Tires, vintage furs 8 clothing, City OR. Over 3,500sqft Lawn Mower, Movies. furniture, Single 8 King of sale items, don't miss Scooter StoRE Pow- beds and mattresses, this one! gjb er Wheel Chair(new). rock collections, walnut Quality Office Furniture. game table, art, vintage YARD SALE to hel Brad 3 Jib Cranes. Much electronics. 400 cook Frye Jr. Age 23, needs More. C onsignments book library, upright kidney transplant. Sat- W elcome.95 David Ec- freezer, canner, food deurday, July 19'". 10704 cles Road, Baker City, hydrator, old American White Birch Lane. Mis- OR. Call Jerry. 307-287- made glass Xmas ornacellaneous items. 7am to 7201 or 542-523-6949 gjj ments, Snapper Riding Lawn mower, 8hp snow 5pm, or until sold out. La Grande gjf blower, lawn harrow, HUGE MOVING/DITroy-Bilt pony tiller, old VORCE ESTATE SALE Sat July wood Banana Box and YARD SALE INSIDE 19, 8-3 8 Sun July 20, other wood boxes, lawn AIR CONDITIONED 8-3, 1704 Orchard St, fertilizers, garden chemHOME in Cove. C r aftsmanBit of everything: kids icals, American made twin bagger riding lawn toys for all ages, kids garden tools, Bristol mower, snow blower, air clothes to size 6 (mostly felt hat, picture frames, compressor, utility trailer, girl), kitchen appliances, microwave, half gallon, weed sprayer on trailer, one year old faux leath- quart, pint canning jars, like new queen size bed, er couches and reclin- dressers, student desk, washer, dryer, refrigera- er, books, games, farm New Zealand canvas tor, stove, 32" flat screen items to name a few. Fri- horse blanket, file cabiTV, bentwood chairs, day-Sunday 9-? July 18- nets, patio table 8 chairs, Hampton bay garden 20. New items each day. piano, medical books, chairs, lazy-boy reclin- Cash only please. 67294 vintage anatomy media, ers, old lamps 8 mirrors, Timberline Rd, Summer- cameras. Island City gjb vintage porch swing, old ville gjd bicycle, 1930s clarinet, recorder 8 daisy bb gun, • a a vintage tin Marx train, old bottles, old Tonka trucks, chainsaw, scroll saw, many tools, 8 much more. gjb YARD SALE archery equipment, new tree ladder stand, new crafts materials and stamps, small trailer for motorcycle or car to pull behind and much more! Friday 8 Saturday, 9am-5pm. 2003 X Ave. La Grande ghw EXTEND YOUR Miner's Jubilee Fun To Sumpter! Visit the Dredge, ride the train and shop at Maxfield Originals! We are a unique gift and home decor shop with great prices. We will be open Saturday and Sunday, July 19'" 8 20'" from 9am-5pm. Located at 602 S. Mill St. We are on the south end of Sumpter, across from the Dredge's parking lot and next to the Cracker Creek Mining Museum. Sumpter gjm
YARD SALE: Saturday, July 19'". 803 Main Ave. La Grande. 8:30am to 2:00p,. No Checks! 14ft aluminum boat w/ 15hp Yamaha motor. Ammo andguns,picture frames, tools, camping items. Honda 2500 generator, lots more goodies. La Grande gjm 3 SEWING MACHINES, 2 Viking, 1 domestic, total gym, horse tack, old Chief Joseph rodeo posters, lots of vintage items. 70516 Bear Creek Road. 8-4pm, July 18th 8 19'". 541-398-0721 Wallowa d)d FREE PERSONAL classifieds for military personel and dependants with dependant ID. We support our troops! The Nickel, 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La Grande.963-6237 ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. PANAWAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829 WE PRINT14,000Aweek! We cover 4 counties! The most effective advertising for your investment! The Nickel, 963-6237. La Grande. r
QFamaha 4Suzuki~Arc¹ic Cat ©Polaris II •
View pictures at www.Clark-Auctions. Terms:10% Buyers premium, items sold AS-IS WHERE-IS, cash, bankable check or credit card.
Clark and Daughter Auctions Roger Clark auctioneer 541-910-0189
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General Contractor CCB¹116752
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PIGTAIL PORK ,.+®~ ' . g;
30 Years Experience
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TRI lg
36 Foot BucketTruck
-tJ'I)LIrvIK( o]ISP 666
SundayJuly 20,201410am, Preview 9am
Estate of Donand Emogeneller of Baker City. Large collection of kerosenelamps, TheWeir pottery, vintage Glasbake ovenwareset new inthebox, old marbles, canningjars, Japan fishnet floats, Electrolux Silerado Deluxevacuum,kalidascope collection, vintage buttons, sewingnotions, fabric, 7 dressers, 8 bookcases, file cabinet, desks, vintage twin bed, hide abed couch, sad irons, Troy Bilt snow thrower new,electric lawn mower,pots, pans, 2 smokers, CDs, pressure cookers, caners, steam juicers, vintage jewelry, jewelry boxes, stereos, chairs, tools, fishing equipment, Redwingpottery, organ, wheelchair, incontinence supplies, antiques, collectibles, new toilet in the box, chains, tire chains, shelves, knifes, kitchenwares, cast iron, old radios, campingequipment, lots of unusual items, and awhole lot more. View items awww.clark-auctions.com Itemssold as-is where-is. 10%buyers premium. cash, check, or credit cards. Clark andDaughter Auctions Roger Clark auctioneer 541-910-0189
ESTATE AUCTION ClarkandDaughter auctionbarn340W.HWY203UnionOR.
541-962-2975 www.thunderrv.com 10401 5. Walton Rd. Island City
"SeTt//ng WaLLOura
County" CALL US F I RST! 6
~Ohl g 0
Home a Wo rkspaceImprovement Cerlified Renovstor licensed-Bonded-Insured CCB¹ 200398
$ eue j4~ ~ ! ~ Carpentry m Patnttng -a Remodeling — Repair 8 Installation iii Organization ~ Design Ii¹aftsu¹a¹6. Matt/tuw Fisits¹
Page 4 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com
ANTLER BUYER buying deer, elk and moose antlers, any condition, also buying bear traps and vintage 501 Levis. 541910-6713 or 541-9632866La Grande wxt
The Nickel- Jul 17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
FREE PERSONAL classi- DARK SWEET cherries, fieds for military personel u-pick, .75lb. 69628 and dependants with de- Antles Lane. 9am-8pm, self service. 541-568pendant ID. We support 4635 Cove fmt our troops! The Nickel,
VICTORY ACRES Riding Academy. All ages and levels, school horses available, references available. Indoor 8 outdoor arena! Also offer1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La CLASSIFIED E-MAIL ing equine MASSAGE. address; ads@lagran- 541-786-3218. www. vicGrande. 963-6237 denickel.com toryacresfarm.com. La Grande pxw
1995 HONDA Shadow 1100, low mileage, $3,000 obo. New Wenonah River Canoe with paddles, $600 541-5622060 Union vjj
07 TOYOTATacoma 2wd Prerunner, new tires, 78,000mi, 2.7L, 5spd, $11,000.00. 541-9635900 La Grande axt
WANT RAILROAD lanterns, globes, locks, keys, signs, badges, china, silver, paper, wax sealers. Cash. 541-2763506 Pendleton mxj
NEW HIGH torque start1972 HONDA CB750, er for small block Chevy, THE NICKEL DOES $750.00. 541-910-6974 cost $181.97, sell for BUSINESS CARDS! Union vjf $100.00. 541-934-2745 Come in and start deMonument acm s igning. Starting a t FOR SALE HEREFORD 1980 YAMAHA 125 Dirt $32.50 for 500! YEARLING BULLS 2000 MAZDA PICKUP, bike, $650.00. 541-805Sunday By Appointment Harrel 8 Hoiden genet- 9112 La Grande vjo 4x4,V-6,P.W., PL . Ar- HIGH SCHOOL DIics, sired by Churchill izona truck, straight, re- PLOMA from home 6-8 Yankee and Sons ofthe 2001 28FT Companion cords, 200k. $4,100 obo. weeks accredited, Get Great 4140P. Top quality 5m wheel, 14ft slide, hard 503-201-9700 Elgin aja a diploma! Get a job! bulls, priced right. Start- sides, built in generaOldFashionedValues Free Brochure call now! ing at $2,500.00. 541- tor, excellent condition, 1949 STUDEBAKER 1/2 1-800-264-8330 BenjaSales & Service 910-3610 Baker City pxo all amenities, ready to ton, all original, o wrecks, min Franklin HS. www. go, must see! Asking perfect body, $7,995. DiplomaFromHome. com GERMAN SHORT HAIR $9,500.00 obo. Call 541- 503-728-3562 ake 2005 CHEVYEXPRESSG8500 2002CHEVYSILVERADO2500HD PUPPIES FOR SALE 519-5818 Baker City vjs TOP QUALITY 3 Females, 2 Males left! 1994 TOYOTA pickup STORAGE BUILDINGS Great bloodlines and 541-663-0246 awesome temperaments CAMPER 8FT Jayco extended cab, great inPop Top, Stove, Refer. terior, straight body, solid Call for sizes and prices. on both sides, $600.00. Call 541-975-3490 for HTR Jacks. Good condi- axle swap, great parts Island City mxc further info. La Grande tion, $1,950.00 obo. 503- truck, no title, $1,750.00 201-9700 Elgin vja pmm obo.Northwest OffRoad WANT YOURAD TO conversion kit for 95 COVER A GREATER4WD,Really nice 8/4ton, manusl trans., 8' box,5th wheelhitch RWD, AC, PW,PS, Ab///PM, Pwr locks brake controller, tbtly equippcd. PUREBRED ANGUS Toyota pickup, 2A3 350 AREA? $11,800 sTK¹ iosss $8,885 sT K¹ Iosd»A Yearling Bulls. Good '98 TERRY 5th wheel 25- Chevy, new in box with Come inand speak with bloodlines, semen test- 5D, excellent condition. receipts, paid $800, will Don at The Nickel about ed and ready to go, DR slide-out, gas, elec- take $700 firm. 541-523- PNAWAN ads. You can 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING LXI 1998 COACHMAN SANTARA $2,500.00 Call 541-910tric fridge, hot water, pen- 6670 or Simry98@ya- advertise in 12 different 6549 Haines pyp insula sink, microwave hoo.com Union ajw papers for as low as over stove, queen bed, $75.00. Papers in OreLOWRY'S LOCKER beef shower, furnace/AC, 2 1975 L82 Corvette, 77k gon, Washingt on, Idaho 8 hamburger, full, half or quarter, bulk hamburger doors, one on each side, original miles. T-tops, and more! Call 541-963available. Call Chuck at $7,500. 541-420-8786 runs well, decent inte- 6237 bxn 541-519-4523 Baker City Cove vjw RWD,veryel eanRV,spaciousDoorplandandagreatdeal! rior, front end just gone FWD,AC,PW,P8, PL,Coavertible through with new tires. $7,000 sT K» ios¹T $9>000 sT K» Iosss Perfect restored car or ATTEND COLLEGE ON1999 DODGERAM 1500 drive as is. $6,500 obo. LINE from Home. *Med1999 FORD EXPEDITION 541-910-4274 N o rth ical, Business, *Cnminal Powder ajk Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Zaf I'$60f f Of' C¹, f It's Nickel Time!! Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. 1993 JEEP Wrangler SCHEV certified. 4Cylinder, Softtop, Black, Call 800-201-4585. www XLT, 4WD,A/C,PS,PW,CD, CD,Ieather 4WD, AC, PW, PS, Pwr Locks Non-Smoker,NeverWrecked, FuelEEcieak ON'-RoadReady Ca//54l-963-3l2l $3,900.00. 5 4 1-786- .CenturaOnline.com btechanicaDy 8ound, CleanExterior, ClamInterior Visit //iri/ir//ir va//eyinsurance.cam 1750 La Grande akl 35556 mxp $ 5,985 s $3,900 sT K» loiold
3 11 W. M a i n • E n t e r y r i s e 5 41-426-2 1 0 0
I gg tg
Is vourhomeowner's golicv gutting youin the
TK¹ 10249A
Conventional cab/bchassis
FWD, A/C, PW,PS,PL, Suureot Isather
$14,350 sTK¹ Iooos
STK ¹ I0195B
%»m RWD,AC,PW,PS,PWRLOCK8, Ereat luxury car
sTK» Ioss4
8.5XS LLBean,AWD,AC,PW,PS, Pwrlacks
$12,900 sTK»Ios<4
Measures and Cuts Carpet & Vinyl up to 13'Wide. Like New Asking 914,000
Call 541-910-7096
The Nickel- July17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 5
Excel Electrical Services,lnc.
• • I
322 EMckinneyAve. Hermiston,OR97838
RUBBER STAMPS! Start- BEFORE YOU trade or ing at $16.60 each. sell your rig: see what Alan McKinney Swain CASH PAID FOR Automotive Group will GUNS. INDIAN CREEK buy it for! Consignments TRADING COMPANY welcome also; 541-571In Elgin. Shannon 541786-5750 or JD 541-805- 7355, Hermiston axs 0216 dxm
AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD TransmisMUZZLELOADERS and sion Repair and Rebuildmore. Guns, buy, sell ing. Reasonable Prices, or trade. Black powder 28 years in La Grande guns 8 a c cessories, Call 541-963-7087 La modern guns 8 ammo. Grande axm 541-663-2650 I sland City dxg www.lagrandenickel.com
HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb NO PART of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. Thank you. pxh
PPR HORSE Boarding quality care, reasonable rates, shelters w/ runs, arenas, hay included in board. Overnighters NEW SHOTGUN in box, CLASSIC 51 Chevy pick- welcome. 541-910-4140 Remington Model 870 up, restored 350 small LaGrande pxk Express pump. 28" barrel 's/T 20 gauge, Mod Rem block, $28,000 firm. 541- WANTED: ALL classes 963-7517 La Grande axy Choke with 15 boxes of horses. We pick'em up. Call J.A. Bennett ammo. $525 Firm 541PAYING CASH up to Livestock. 541-523-6119 523-4499 Baker City djh $300.00 for broken un- or 541-519-2802 Baker wanted/junk vehicles. No City pxj F OR SALE: Ho y t title, no problem. 541P ower Hawk, 6 0 786-8777 La Grande ash NOTICE: Changes or 70(bs, all the extras, cancellations must be used very little, $500; 1999 DODGE Dakota in by 5pm Monday. Browning M e dallion 4x4, 135k miles, 5.2L Rifle, 300WSM, with engine, towing package, SIAMESE KITTENS: Leupold 4-12 Scope, canopy, $7,000.00. 541- soft, fluffy, snowballs of Ammo and Dies, $950. 568-4343 or kc7flp@ fur, sweet, calm, pleas541-805-5271 Baker City comcast.netLa Grande ant, spriteful dispositions, $75 each; 541-720-7634, dlm amb Umatilla. pxr
PRIME TAMARACK not fence post, 18-24inch rounds, knot free and virtually no bark. $195.00 in the round or $220.00 split and stacked. 7 years experience. Call 541786-3199 La Grande sjp IMMEDIATE OPENING School bus drivers needed now for Pendleton, starting wag $11.25 per hour, CDL training and r eimbursement, p a id training program, company match 401k, begin today, part time work available and career opportunities, join our team; Mid Columbia Bus Co., 541-276-5621. sjp
office:541 -567-21 88 Fax:541 -567-1 442 Residential•Commercial•Agricultural • Industrial
541-963-6154• 541-910-2321 La Grande, OR
CONTRACT FENCING Farm Ranch Residential. Contact Darrel 541562-5628 541-786-8668 CCB¹163246 Union sxf
ISHEDSI "More ThanJusta Shed" Countryside Sheds, Lcc
BUY - SELL - TRADE GUNS GUNS GUNS Cash Paid For Quality Merchandise
(800) 682-0589 (541)663-0246 10102S.McAlister Rd.Island City
Selling Appliances 'Furniture 'Sporting Goods ' Tools ' Jewelry ' Quality Glass
Attention Users of the Blue Mountain National Forests Umatilla, Malheur and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests are currently accepting comments on the proposed forest plan The US Forest Service, Region 6, and the supervisor offices of the Umatilla, Malheur and Wallowa Whitman National Forest are currently taking comment on the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision (BMFPR), through Aug 15'", 2014.
Footwear for the Family 541-963-8898 2700 Bearco Loop, La Grande
This plan will serve as the base policy foundation or the "zoning ordinance" of our mountains for the next 10 to 15 years.
Key items to be aware of:
• •
A) D esignated Routes i) G i ves policy direction to only give permission to travel down roads the US Forest Service deems allowable or a "closed unless marked open" policy. ii) Y o u will only be allowed have motorized access in areas or routes allowed by the US Forest Service, which means no motorized use off of "designated routes", or better known as the "keep off the grass rule."
B) Has identified 90 to 105 miles of roads be decommissioned or obliterated per year for 10 to 15 years until the next forest plan revision.
Dirtbikes • Streetbikes ATV's • Snowmobile
C) Targets Minimal to no motorized access in Elk Foraging areas. D) C alls for 90,000 ac's of new wilderness and an additional 250,000 ac's of "Backcountry" access areas that will be severally restricting to motorized access or will not allow motorized access altogether as defacto wilderness. E) C laims the primary use for water coming from the Blue Mountains to be for fish habitat above and beyond all other uses. This is but a short list of the core concerns with the BMFPR.
Forest Access For All (FAFA)wwwforestaccessforall or — is currently working to assist citizens across Eastern Oregon with commenting on these concerns as well as many others.
Parts — Service — Sales —Financing ~
10 7 0 1 S. Walton Rd., Island City • st 1-66s-1111 ~
Workable Design
Mome Plans Remodel Design tarafting 8 Permits
RO, Box sos cove, OR 978z4
If you believe our forest should be left an open forest access system and that we should be able to access our lands as needed, attend one o f F AFA's upcoming workshop meetings! C o ntact FAFAkee ito en forestaccessforall or, www forestaccessforall or or call us at (844) 523-2323. 1
Ralph Edwards
June 27'" June 27'" June 28'" June 28'" July 11'" July 11'" July 12'" July 12'" July 25'" July 25'" July 26'" July 26'"
5.30 PM Milton-Freewater American Legion Hall 4 2 4 NE 8th St. 5.30 PM Hermiston HermistonConferenceCenter 415SHWY395 5.30 PM Pendleton The Vert (Club House) 480 SW Dorion 5.30 PM Heppner United Methodist Church 175 Church St, 5.30 PM Enterprise Toma's Resturant (Conf. Room) 309 South River Street 5.30 PM Burns Burns City Hall 242 S Broadway 5.30 PM John Day Grant County Senior Center 1 4 2 N.E. Dayton 5.30 PM La Grande Gilberts Hall EOU Campus 5.30PM U n ity Community Center Hwy 26, Unity, OR 5.30 PM Ontario F o u r Rivers CulturalCenter 67 6 S W5thAve, 5.30 PM Halfway P i ne Valley Grange Halfway, OR 5.30 PM Baker City Senior Center 2 8 10 Cedar St.
II~ s IIIEWQPIIIII xrsu . ~ ~ ~ 541-8 9 8-2364 50267 ELLIS RDAD NDRTH PDWDER OR 97867
gs~ p l e E l e g a n c e
j ®1IIIljlil Qgjgg - KIIIIlI]Ilj %C mm(inHa@8IRaHIIIij IXliGilRQSTII36(jlIII •
Page 6 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com I •
ANTLERS WANTED: Elk, Deer, Moose. Payup to $11.00 a lb. 541-9108782 La Grande wkb
1996 CHEVY 3500 dually flatbed with metal racks, hydraulic lift, very clean truck only, 59k original miles, $4,500.00. 541-975-3484 Union akk
W ANT TO Buy: 6 0 " Bush Hog/Flail. gcwieck@gmail.com or The Nickel is now ac541-426-3280 Enterprise cepting Mastercard and Visa. 541-963-6237 wow LOOKING FOR property big enough for a trailer and a couple of horses to lease option/buy. Preferably with electric and water/sewer. Haines area preferred but would consider Baker City or North Powder ekt
1978 GMC 4X4 SHORTBOX 1978 GMC 4x4 350 Shortbox Stepside, No Broken Glass, New Tires, No Dents, Runs Good. $2,350. Call any time, 541-786-0974 La Grande a r
STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR SALE! We'll let you look at and pick out your containerbetore you buy! Will the other guy? ARBE INVENTO RY
The Nickel- Jul 17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 • • I
BUYING TRAPS like 1976 19FT Prowler Travmuskrat, coyote, beaver, el Trailer. Restroom, coon, fox, etc. Paying fridge, very good concash. 5 4 1-212-6346dition. Stored inside, Ontario djq $1,900.00. Call Moffit Bros. Lostine 541-569RIFLE 8 PISTOL Ammo 2284 vjm Now Available, Most popular calibers (no .22 Any Item $25 or less, shells). We also purchase Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The your f i re d br a ss. Nickel. Callforprices8 availability Liberator Ammo in Baker HONDA 4TRAX very City, Oregon. 406-360- c lean, never b e en 6786 dkh abused, $800.00. 541398-2120 Wallowa vjh SAKO LEFT handed 3 0-06, with a 3x 9 1987 LAYTON 24' awvariable Leupold scope, ning, AC, newer fridge, $1,200.00. 5 4 1-534- microwave, new battery 6281 or 541-805-1030 and tires, sleeps 8, in Summerville djm Baker City, $3,000. Call 208-871-1596 vjm S8W 9MM auto pistol, $385.00. 541-568-4601 FOR SALE 21ft Glastron Cove dsb boat with 305 Vortec V8 engine, custom cover, one owner with 165 acREDHAWK RUGER tual hours of use, call 44 Mag SS, excellent 541-786-2859, or 541condition. 14ft aluminum 963-6771 or see at 126 b oat, v e r y goo d Ridge Drive, La Grande condition. Call 541-805- OR. Very classy, $12,000 0494 La Grande djs obo. vpb
THE NICKEL TOLL free DR. Willard G. Bertrand 1-800-654-5829. DC now accepting OreAPARTMENT gon Health Plan InsurMANAGER ance. Call today to get Pendleton, part time, will scheduled 541-963-4068 work into full time on- or 963- Well. La Grande site Apartment Manager, mxb high school education required, office skills to $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT include typing, formatting cash now!! Injury lawsuit and proofreading using dragging? Need $500Microsoft Office, check- $500,000 + within 48 ing, processing, editing, hours? Low rates. Apply distributing and filing now by phone! 1-800documents, ability to 568-8321. www .Iawcaplearn industry and com- ital.com 35715 mxg pany specific software, must be able to follow ATTEND COLLEGE ONand provide complex LINE from Home.*Mediwritten and/ or verbal cal, *Business, *Criminal instructions, ability to Justice, *Hospitality. Job solveproblems common placement assistance. to the job, must be orga- Computer available. Finized, able to multi task, nancial Aid if qualified. strong attention to detail SCHEV authorized. Call and work in a fast paced 800-201- 4585. www environment, experience .CenturaOnline.com. preferred, but will train 35716 mxa the right candidate, $11$14 per hour DOE, plus REACH THOUSANDS unit with utilities; email starting at $7 a week for resume or request appli- classifieds; $14.00 for cation to hr@viridianmgt. displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande com sjc
Miner's Jubilee
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Sidewalk sale, Library book sale, Antique Tractor display, re-enactments, petting zoo, Museum activities, wheelbarrow races, worship service in park, duck races. July 1S'"-20th'" Fri-Sun Noon — 7 PM Vendors open in Geiser Pollman Park, Family Fun area in Park Penny dig in Family Fun area sponsored by Wells Fargo, Eastern Oregon Mining Association Demonstrations on Grove St., Heritage Demonstrations at Baker County Fairgrounds, Powder River Music Revue — Music in the Park, Knights of Columbus Bingo Tent July 1S'" Friday 6 PM — l AM Baker City Bronc k Bull Riding Beer Garden open next to rodeo grounds 7 PM —Baker City Bronc Riding @ fairgrounds rodeo grounds July 19'"-20'" Saturday dk, Sunday 7 AM — 11 AM Baker Lions Club breakfast in the park 7 AM —Two man golf scramble tournament starts at Quail Ridge Golf Course July 19'" Satuday 7 AM — 8 AM- YMCA fun run/walk registration. Event starts at 8AM 10 AM — Miners Jubilee Parade on Main Street, sponsored by Community Bank 5 PM — l AM Baker City Bronc k Bull Riding Beer Garden open 6 PM- Baker City Bull Riding at the fairgrounds rodeo arena 8 PM — Music Jam/Street dance on Main Street Annual Miners Jubilee includes vendors in the park, parade, kids activities, heritage demonstrations and mining exhibits and competitions. Music in the park schedule: Friday July 1S, 2pm Terry LaMont Duo Sponsored by Old West Federal Credit Union.Saturday July 19, 11am Margie Mae and Hank Williams sponsored by Britt Sand and Gravel ccb 91014Saturday July 19, 2pm High Desert Renegades sponsored by Britt Sand and Gravel ccb 91014Saturday July 19, 7pm Street Dance-Downtown Court Street Frank Carlson Live sponsored by OTECSunday July 20, 1pm Marv and Friends sponsored by OTEC
ADVERTISE IN 12 papers, 25 words or less for only $75. a week. 4 state 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. PANAWAN. 963-6237. 1-800-654-5829 SERVE YOUR COUNTRY!!! Want a little cash? Want to go to college? Have way too many student loans? Ever thought about serving your country? The Oregon National Guard gives you tuition assistance and the MGIB so you can start/finish your college degree. If you already have your degree we offer the student loan repaymentof$50,000 dollars!!! Plus you gain the knowledge, experience, and motivation to jump start your career. Imagin having your college totally paid for and a drill pay check. Want more information call SGT Lori McNeil 541-786-1459 La Grande area. bxm VENDORS WANTED Union Grassroots Festival on Saturday, August 9th is looking for more vendors. One day event from 9 am to 4 pm. Car Show, Live Music, Kiddy Carnival, and much more. email christaylor@ eoni.com or call 541786-0408 to sign up. Union bjg CAR SHOW Union Grassroots Festival is having a "Remember When" Car Show sponsored By Legacy Auto Group on Saturday, August 9th, 2014 in conjunction with the Union Grassroots F e stival. Trophies, plaques, dash plaques, a poker walk, raff les and much more. To register email grassroots@eoni.com or call 541-786-1492 Union bng Notice: Classified Deadline for new ads Is Tuesday, 5pm. Changes and cancelation deadline Is Monday at 5pm. REACH THOUSANDS starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande
The Nickel- July17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 7
e come o iner's u iee.. u
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-8 Second Ride . -Wasabi Blackened
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Park Grocery 8. Sporting Goo ds 1 549 Ca m p b e l l St . B a ke r C i ty, OR 9 7 8 1 4 541 -523-2577
Page 8 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com •
The Nickel- July17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
PLANNING A yard sale? Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Auctions 541-910-0189. We buy used and new items. Your complete auctioneering company. www.clark-auctions.com hxc
WANTED M ILITARY2000 FORD F-25- exguns, bayonets, swords, tended cab, 4x4, 7.3L knifes, misc. Also any Powerstroke, new motor, older guns, h unting new tires, new transmisknifes, collector not deal- sion, lots of extras, lots er. 541-377-8008. wxh of power. Serious callers only. $14,500.00. 425LOOKING FOR BCS 864-4138 akn carburetor and parts for my 1960-1990 vintage 1998 DODGE 2500 BCS rototillers. 541-786- 4x4, 360 motor, 5 speed 1041 La Grande wjw m anual, extra c a b 4door, 117,000 miles, CASH FOR traps 8 relat- new clutch, camper tie ed equipment. 541-889- downs, tow package, 2624 Ontario wmg $6,500. With 9ft Angler camper, $10,500. 541LOOKING FOR property 786-4988 Elgin ake to buy or lease to put two buses on. Call 541-786- FULL SIZE truck cap, 4572 La Grande wjm blue, fits Chevy, slider windows, $150.00. 200 gallon fuel tank on 5ft stand, $125.00. 541-568HIGH SCHOOL Diploma 4305 Cove akm
HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 a week mailing brochures from Home! Genuine Opportunity! No Experience Required. Start Immediately! www .Iocalmailers. net sja
FOR SALE Weimaraner pups, parents excellent disposition, on site, ranch raised 8 parents hunt. 3 males, one female, $350.00. Please leave message, 541562-5970 Union pls
1994 CAMPER: 11.5", self contained camper, everything works, in very good condition, $3200 or best offer; call or text 541-720-7826, Hermiston vjb
2800 PSI pressure washer, 5hp Honda Cat pump, 50ft of pressure hose, $1,000.00 or trade for vehicles. Warm drive, millwaukie in case with blade, 3ft Werner ladder, 4in angle grinder, Bostich 12FT ALUMINUM w/ nailer, Cenco staple gun, AFLAC, A Fo r tune GERMAN SHORTHAIR trailer, 6hp gas motor, 6ft level, and more. All 500 company is hiring PUPPIES FOR SALE very good condition, Fast tools in excellent condithroughout Eastern Or- Excellent hunting blood- Track trailer, $900.00 tion. 541-403-4504 mxt INDIAN CREEK Trading egon. We are expe- line, males and females obo. 541-910-1140 La Company, LLC. We Buy riencing rapid growth still available, $500, born Grande vkm TWO TIME c locks, 6-27-14, both parents All Things. Sell us your and need three quality $60.00 ea. Stand up garage sale before you individuals to add to our are on site; call 541-379- B PLUS motorhome: Helene Curtis hair dryer, have it! JD at 541-805team. We're seeking the 9553 for more informa- sleeps 6, queen walk $250.00. 2 person Ca0216 or Shannon at 541right candidates to help tion, Heppner djw around, 3 slides, full bella tree ladder stand, 786-5750 Elgin hxm us with management of body paint, and big gen- $200.00.Miscellaneous existing accounts and FOR SALE: 2 paint erator, only 8200 miles; Harley Davidson parts KING BED dark cherry, to assist in establishing mares, approx 7yrs old. 5 41-571-7791, O D L off of 04 Softail 8 06 head/foot board, matnew relationships. No Sweet, easy keepers. ¹1412. vjm Lowrider. Pop 8 candy tress, photos. $300.00. Don't have time to ride previous background in machine, works good, 541-568-4343 or kc7flp sales and/or marketing is them. Prefer both go to BABY RV on 21ft Kim- $275.00. Antique Ger@comcast.net hmb required as we provide a same home. $1,200.00 ble dual wheeled flatbed man sewing machine, comprehensive training for both. 541-910-6210 trailer, 2500 watt gener- $250.00. 541-571-7078 KENMORE WASHER from Home. 6-8weeks. ator, gas stove 8 heat, mxw Free LEER CANOPY Truck program. These posi- Elgin pkg and dry, $150.00. Mont- Accredited, Brochure, No Computer Topper, for 19999 Ford tions offer the following: refridgerator, flush toilet, gomery Ward 18cuft Needed. 1 800-264Ranger side box, blue, No Nights or Weekends • ROPE OR BARREL air conditioner, skylight, TIMBER-N-TURF freezer, $100.00. Oliver 8330 Benjamin Franklin excellent co n dition, Advanced Commissions PROSPECT solar panel, 4x6 storage SAW & LAWN MOWER not running, $300.00. H igh School w w w . • Cash Bonus • Ongoing 4 year old Sorrel gelding. Small engine repair, 541-963-6150 Summer$300.00 obo. 541-398box. $1,500 obo. 541diplomafromhome.com ville hkl 1022 Enterprise akf RenewalIncome Stock Broke and has even had 999-7681 Baker City vkh chain saw sharpening, Bonus • Recognition, some roping experience. parts 8 sales, all makes. Any Item $25 or less, MAYTAG SIDE by side PARTS TRUCK Awards 8 Trips • Man- Double bred Dash for 2008 HISUN ATK500, Tuesday through Friday. Trio, internal water 8 ice, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1992 Toyota 4x4 Pickup agement Opportunities. Cash, sire is proven pro- 180 miles, like new, 9am-4p, Saturday, 8am$700.00 obo. 541-910- 1 week FREE in The 5spd, 4cyl, Engine and To apply, please contact ducer of Rope and Barrel $3,300. 541-523-2766 6pm. 10304 West 1". IsNickel. 9666 Union hkf all running gear in good Jay Schamber, Recruit- Horses. Needs experi- Baker City vkr land City. 541-963-5900 shape, $1,500. 541-398- ing Director at EORe- enced horse person and mxj 0619 Joseph aeh cruiter@gmail.com sms consistent riding. $2,500 10FT DYNOUS inflatable obo. 541-263-0458 for boat, with Minn Kota SMOOTH F I TNESS 59854 Pierce Rd., La Grande APARTMENT 1994 GMC Suburban more details. Wallowa electric motor, 9.94 Gas 5.25 treadmill: electric MAINTENANCE TECH 2500 Turbo Diesel, new motor w/ Heavy Duty sin- controls, folds compactpkw LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES Pendleton, part time tires, very clean, $2,500. gle axle trailer, $500.00 ly, lightly used, photos. ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER Apartment Maintenance HORSE PANELS 30ft obo. 541-523-2766 Baker City 541 -519-3181$250.00. 541-568-4343 1x4, 1x6, 1x12 BOARD k BAT Technici an, could move akr round pin, $600.00. 11 Sumpter vkb or kc7flp@comcast.net 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $98.00 into full time. Duties in6ft panels, $85.00 ea. La Grande mmb 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $78.00 clude minor plumbing, 2001 CHEVROLET 1 10ft panel, $65.00. 1999 NORTHLAND 8.5ft sheetrock repair, cleanRailroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best BLAZER Please call 541-786camper, $3,295.00. Fully NORWEX, PINK Zeing, appliance repair, buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. 4X4, 4.3L, V6, 197,000 landscaping, painting, 3059 Elgin pjw self-contained, in great bra, Tastefully Simple miles, new rebuilt auto- unit turnover; email reFence Stays 1.10 ea. shape! Duel propane And Tupperware. Open matic transmission. In sume or request appli- WACKY RIBBON OPEN tanks 8 batteries. 541- House! Monday June excellent condition. Runs cation to hr@viridianmgt. 963-5912, see at 1002 23rd, 5-8pm. 3105 N. HORSE SHOW great. $3,500 obo. Baker com skc July 26'"-8am, Baker 3"' St. La Grande vks 4th. La Grande. 541-786City amh County Fair Grounds. 2277 mwh Jennifer at 2 08-861- OLD TOWN canoe, 13ft, 3346, dvmdswanson@ with paddles, 2 life jack- Any Item $25 or less, aol.com North Powder ets and carrying yoke, Free, or Lost/Found, get pks $450.00. 541-437-5606 1 week FREE in The Diesel up to 10 Quarb up to 6 Quarts Nickel. vks Excludes syntheti~nil Excludes synthetic oil
High Country Post 4, Poles
Call Ron963-6258or 805-9279
95 ,
and diesel engines
HAY OATS $7.20/bale, CLASSIFIED E-MAIL D.R. POWER Grader, 80lb bales. No Rain address; ads@lagran Excellent condition. 1/3 Damage. 541-786-0664 original price, $400. 541523-4499 Baker City mjh La Grande pkf
Be Ihmn eecfim X-5' Weeks
erti ied ervice 8CISH/D •
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' I I I' I
I ' I '
The Nickel- July17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •
HAY FOR sale. Meadow grass clover mix, small bales, no rain, excellent horse hay, $175.00/ton, will load. 541-437-3031 Elgin pjm
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 9 •
• • I
91 F-250 XLT 460, aod, MOSSBERG 500 tactical BALE WAGONS sell/ 2 wheel drive, extended 6 shot 12ga with hearing buy. New Holland pullcab, long bed, 48,000k shield, new u nfired, type or self-propelled original miles, $4,500.00 with Blackhawk sling. models/ pa r ts/tires. obo. 541 -403-0171Adjustable stock with Call Jim Wilhite 208Haines ajd side saddle, 2nd side 880-2889 any t i me. saddle on receiver. $350 www. balewagon .com WANTED IN July, some- 85 MAZDA B 2,000, obo. 541-910-7184 La Caldwell fxw one to cut, rake, bale, 16 r ight f e nder d a m- Grande dja AFFORDABLE LIVING! ATHENA HOME: 717 N. 15+ ACRES with modern acres of meadow grass age, 141,000k miles, ALL YOUR Yakima, Washington, 5th, 1900 sq. ft., 4 bed- home, barn and shop. CULVERT NEEDS hay, Upper Prairie Creek, $1,600.00. 5 4 1-403- FORCE-ON-Force near Joseph. 541-432- 0171 Haines ajd Training Ever wondered Contact Rob at Pioneer downtown, furnished stu- rooms, 3 b athrooms, See on www.forsaleby5230 pjc how you would respond West 541-910-9378 fxp dios, rent $310+, claw- 7/10 acres, central air, owner. com. Enterprise foot tubs, kitchenettes, beautiful view of moun- Or. Call 541-786-3248 2011 HONDA CR-V, to an attacker? Find CATTLE GAURD Heavy 26,000 miles, new tires, out for certain in our PUREBRED ANGUS views, FREE utilities, tains, private setting, ejw Duty 14ftx8ft, $1,000.00. always garaged, highway interactive gunfighting Yearling Bulls. Good bus line, secured access, new carpet, paint 8 apMeasuring weir, $100.00. miles, dark metallic blue, training!! The training bloodlines, semen mini storage available. pliances, fireplace, large 81X113 LOT, 1818 Z 4 car garage; 541-5310- Ave. 36K, utilities availOffset disk,$300.00. no dings or scratches is open to All civilian tested and ready to go, 509-248-2146. ejs 8465 eko able. 541-963-2668 La Pine blue lumber, 2in ever. Great car, 26mpg. students At Any Skill $2,500.00 Call 541-910Grande ejh thick, $650.00/1000. Calf 541-742-2596 or 541- Level. Class is defense 6549 Haines fyp 1/2 ACRE close to town branding chute, $400.00. 540-2596 Halfway amw focused, No t gun Older model cow chute, focused. Friday, July 2005 FORD NewHolland 1984 mobile home, 3bdr on May lane, near Riv- LOOKING FOR property PARTS TRUCK $200.00. 541-742-2082 25th, 6:00 to 10:00 pm TC48DA 4 wheel drive, 2bth, new kitchen, new erside park, $47,500.00. big enough for a trailer La and a couple of horsHalfway pjm 1992 Toyota 4x4 Pickup and Saturday, 26'", 8:00 with 270TL New Holland fixtures in both baths, 541-786-1649 Grande emr es to lease option/buy. 5spd, 4cyl, Engine and am tonoon. Since class motor, with quick attach many more new upPreferably with electric WHITE DORPER HAIR all running gear in good is limited to 12 students bucket and forks, low grades, located at StoneWANTED: O W NER and water/sewer. Haines wood Park in La Grande. SHEEP RAMS shape, $1,500. 541-398- a deposit is required. hours, like new condition, carry home in Union area preferred but would Call 541-534-5491 for Sixteen months old. 0619 Joseph amh Cost $100. A i rsoft 541-910-7271 fjc County. Small acreage consider Baker City or an appointment to see. Hair sheep shed their equipmentneeded, but a plus. 541-786-0228 La North Powder ekt wool and don't need 2011 DODGE Ram 3/4 rentals available for $10. T ROJAN WHE E L $16,500.00. tmw Grande ejp shearing. Good pro- single cab Iwb diesel Phone 541-910-3697 or Loader 4x4, 1 1/2 yard CLASSIFIED E-MAIL ducers o f lam b s. 6 speed, 14000 miles, Phillip@NWTacticallnc. bucket, recent engine HEPPNER VIEW LOT $250.00. Richland Ore. rough but runs good. com dko work, al l hy d raulic AFFORDABLE LIVING! address; ads@lagran10,000 sq. ft., city water 541-519-7194 pmc $10,500.00 541-786cylinders rebuilt, all oil Yakima, Washington, denickel.com 1649 La Grande amr 300 WEA THERBY and filters changed, very downtown, furnished stu- 8 sewer in street, electric 8 WEEK old Great PyreMagnum Vanguard with good brakes, new paint dios, rent $310+, claw- pole on property ($330+ nees/1/8 Malamute pup- LONG BED Pickup Trail- Simmons Scope and 8 decals, runs great, foot tubs, kitchenettes, cost), abundant hunting/ SMALL ONE bedroom pies for sale. $250. 1st er with wood racks. Has sling, $500. Connecticut call for details, $8,500. views, FREE utilities, fishing, nice retirement house, no smoking, no Shots. For pictures and good tires with two extra Arms Black Powder Weekdays 5 4 1-523- busline, secured access, area, $7500, $0 down, pets, $350.00 a month, $100 per month, buy $350.00 deposit. 541additional info call 541- tires and wheels. Asking Rifle, never fired, $250. 6000 Baker City fjw mini storage available. now, build later; Russ 962-5814 La Grande ejy 663-6277 Elgin pjc $500.00. Call 541-963- 541-786-1138 U nion 509-248-2146 ums 541-404-3072 eob 0833 La Grande aka dma FIAT ALLIS FR10 wheel HOUSE FOR sale: must HEAVY GAUGED gall oader, 2 yard 4 i n RUBBER S T AMPS! Starting at $16.60 each be moved. 60x14, 3bdr REACH THOUSANDS vanized horse/ livestock 1974 FORD F100 4x4 BRAND NEW BLACK one bucket, 3rd valve, at the Nickel. 2baths, 1972 newly restarting at $7 a week for panels, gates, shelters, Custom SWB. Rebuilt 9MM BARETTA 92FS operates well, very good classifieds; $14.00 for modeled, natural gas, custom stall f r onts, 390 V8 with 12,500 Comes with holster, condition, $1 9 ,500. displays! The Nickel. 963$7,000. 541-910-2074 complete arena set- miles. 4speed manual. 2 factory mags, and Weekdays 5 4 1-5236237. La Grande Elgin emn ups and more. Factory $4500.00 obo. 541-519- ammo. $800 obo. Ask for 6000 Baker City fjw CANADA DRUG Center. Direct! ID¹RC-20843, 6270 Baker City amg John 541-910-0094 La Safe and a ffordable OR¹190181,WA¹LUCKGrande djt STEVE'S PIPE medications. Save up to YA933DW. L U C KY PARTING OUT 1973 STRAIGHTENING & 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-800-734ACRES FENCING, INC. Chevy Pick Up. Call 541- 1956 W INCHESTER REPAIR 208-746-1228, www. 786-4572 La Grande ajm model 94 32 Special, Have your Aluminum 5139 ($25.00 off your LuckyAcres.net pjl excellent co n dition,pipe straightened to lay first prescription and free NISSAN XTERRA tires $600.00. 1936 Model flat, easier to move. Pipe shipping.) GREAT PYRENEES for sale: set of 4 Sier- 71 Winchester 348 cal. Press repair with some Cimmaron DISH T V Re t ailer. Anatolian mix puppies. ra radial/ Delta SUV, Very good condition, Rebates available. 541APTS: Starting a t $1 9 .99/ Kingsview Manor Call for details. 541-437- P275/70R16, all season, $1,500.00. Marlin Model 786-1128 or 541-963- month (for 12 mos.i 8 Studios, 0196 Elgin pjr used less than 1 year, 1897 .22 cal. Octagon, 5494 La Grande fkc Country West High Speed Internet 1 Or 2 Bdrm $500 takes all; call Bill $1,200.00. 5 4 1-663starting at $14.95/month Apartments Miocene GERMAN SHORTHAIR 541-276-2755 or 541- 9091 La Grande djs JOHN DEERE Model (where available.) SAVE! $295-$560 PUPPIES FOR SALE 215-0090, Pendleton A with 50 series loader, Ask About SAME DAY LaGrande Terrace Excellent hunting blood- amp REMINGTON 721 30-06 sickle ba r mo wer, Installation! CALL Now! line, males and females Encore 7mm-08, Ruger $2,700.00 obo. 541-910- 1-800-615-4064 still available, $500, born 2007 CHEVY HHR. 22-250, Ruger .357 9666 Union fkf 6-27-14, both parents • i I are on site; call 541-379- Loaded, new tires, nice, Blackhawk, 99 Savage. 1-3 Bdrm, 1 Or2 Bath 9553 for more informa- cold A/C, 2.2, auto, Call for prices, 541-962- www.lagrandenickel.com Senior and Di s abl e d $595-$995 $5,895.00 obo. 541-963- 9006 La Grande dkf tion, Heppner pjw 9358 or 541-963-5646 JOHN DEERE44-40 with 18YR OLD registered La Grande ajf THE NICKELAT 1112 1/2 Power Shift, excellent applications.Income condition, $25,000. Great quarter horse mare, very 1250 Sq. Ft. restrictionsapply. Adams Ave., La Grande, gentle, people horse, FOUND, LEATHER ridBend high lift loader with Union been used on trails, too ing jacket outside of Im- OR 97850. 1-800-654- 7ft bucket and mounts, many horse, $550.00 bler. Call to identify. 541- 5829, 963-6237. Hours: $3,600.00. 5 4 1-403obo. 541-534-2066 Sum- 910-5631 lmbler ajc 12'x12'-$45 12'x30'-$90 M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm. 0766 Haines fmk gJ (541 )523-6578. merville pkh
LaGrande 8 Union HOMES 8 DUPLEXES
Housing. Accepting
Call Candi in BakerCity
Page 10 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com
The Nickel- Jul 17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
I •
OAT HAY with small 2004 WILDCAT RV 29ft, amount of alfalfa. $160 all equipped, new tv, new a ton. 5 41-963-0403tires, $10,500.00. 541or 541-910-0864 La 886-8071 Wallowa vmg Grande fmc 2005 CHALET Trailer, INTERNATIONAL sleeps four, $3,000 obo. C UB tractor, not a Will take part trades. garden tractor. Front See at 1520 Monroe or blade, 3-point, sprayer, call 541-786-3424 La $2,700.00. 5 4 1-403- Grande vmd 0171 Haines fjd BOAT TRAILER with fix1951 AC tractor, w/ front er-upper boat for sale. loader, all original, runs Boat does not run. Title like new, perfect for is lost, $800.00. 541collector or small farm, 910-0780 La Grande vnf $3,200.00 obo, call for Any Item $25 or less, e-mail pics or view online Free, or Lost/Found, get lagrandenickel.com 541- 1 week FREE in The 910-4044 La Grande fnf Nickel.
• • I
CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Oregon Trail Trader, 2312 Adams Ave. 541-963-2913 La Grande dxo BUYING ANTLERS! Any type, any condition, will pay more for craft antlers. Will pay cash. Call 541-910-2640 Union dxd
2006 HONDA elite scooter. Blue, one owner. In great shape. Under 650 miles. $1,300.00. 541910-7115 La Grande vkp
NEW DAKOTA trailers, 5x10 tilt bed, for $1,050.00. 6x14 with 32" ramp, $1,600.00. Call for more details, 541-7868610 Union vmf
NEW PISTOLS over 100 in stock can special 2003 SUZUKI MAURADorder an y f i r earmsER 800, complete tune or do i n ternet gun up, new battery, looks transfers.541-523-9448 sharp, chrome andblack, Baker City dxw has extras, 8,700 miles. $2,995.00. 5 4 1-263RUBBER STAMPS! Start- 1537 Joseph. vmh ing at $16.60 each.
Welcome to the ODFW Recreation Report FISHING, HUNTING, WILDLIFE VIEWING July 17th, 2014 FISHING Weekend fishing opportunities The lmnaha River is open to harvest of jack chinook until further notice — see details below. Jubilee Lake isaccessibleand hasbeenstocked. The Walla Walla and Umatilla Rivers are at summer time flow levels making for some good trout fishing. Anglers willing to hike off the beaten track will find good warm weather trout fishing at Jump-Off-Joe, Strawberry and Slide lakes. Warm temperatures increase stress on fish With summer temperatures heating up throughout the state, anglers should take special care when catching and releasing fish. Fish early in the mornings when water temperatures are lower. Fish in lakes and reservoirs with deep waters that provide a cooler refuge for fish. Use barbless hooks, land fish quickly and keep them in the water as much as possible in order to minimize stress. Shiftyour fishing efforts to higher elevation mountain lakes and streams where water temperatures often remain cool. Target warmwater species, such as bass, bluegill and crappie, that are available in many lakes and reservoirs statewide. However, even warmwater fish can feel the effects of the heat and anglers should try to land and release them as quickly as possible. GRANDE RONDE RIVER: trout, bass, chinook The Grand Ronde River flows are beginning to drop andbass fishing will pick up soon. Look for bass near rocky outcrops and shelves. Look for trout in the slow margins and around structure. A variety of methods will be successful including bait, lures and flies. The river often offers up some large trout this time of year. Remember, only adipose-fin clipped trout may be retained and all bull trout must be released unharmed. IMNAHA RIVER: trout, bass, Chinook The lmnah River is open for jacks from the mouth to the Summit Creek Bridge (river mile 45) with a daily limit of five fin-clipped fish. All adult Chinook must be released unharmed. The jack fishery will remain open until a closure is announced (jacks are salmon less than 24-inches long). The Imnaha River is open for trout. Flows are slowly coming into shape but the water clarity is good so fish close to the banks and in back eddies behind large structure. Some stoneflies may be around and fish may be keying in on them; however, many techniques will catch fish. Bass fishing will likely be slow in the lower river until flows drop and water temperatures come up. Remember, below the mouth of Big Sheep Creek only adipose-fin clipped trout may be harvested. All bull trout must be released unharmed. Bass angling will begin to pick up soon as water temperatures rise. Some anglers find healthy smallmouth during the summer on a variety of gear. JOHN DAY RIVER: smallmouth bass, trout Smallmouth bass fishing is good in the lower river but flows have dropped to 250 cfs making boat travel very difficult. Trout fishing is fair on the South Fork and on the Middle Fork but flows will remain very low for the remainder of the summer. STRAWBERRY AND SLIDE LAKES: rainbow and brook trout These high lakes in the Strawberry Mountain wilderness area provide good fishing all summer. Strawberry lake requires a 1.5 mile hike and Slide Lake is another mile further. Fish can be caught from the bank but packing in a float tube or raft will improve your chances. WALLOWA LAKE: rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Anglers reported great success for stocked and holdover rainbow trout over the holiday weekend. The lake was stocked withta ed rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $750 in rewards have been paid. WALLOWA RIVER: steelhead, mountain whitefish, chinook The Wallowa River is currently running high with snowmelt coming from the high country. Anglers are still finding a few trout and whitefish and the bug hatches have been thick. The best dry fly angling is in the late evening. During mid-day fishing large large attractor nymphs under an indicator can be deadly. Most spinner and bait angling techniques will also be very effective. Anglers will find fish by fishing in the slow margins of the river where trout holdup to conserve energy. Remember, below Rock Creek only adipose-fin clipped trout may be harvested. All bull trout must be released unharmed. The Wallowa River is open for spring Chinook fishing. Anglers have harvested a few fish mostly coming from the hole at Minam State Park. Salmon angling is open from Minam State Park upstream to the mouth of the Lostine River. Anglers may retain two adipose fin-clipped spring Chinook adults and five adipose fin-clipped jacks per day, with two daily jack limits in possession. Chinook jacks are salmon between 15 and 24 inches in length. Anglers do not need to record jack catch on their combined angling tags, but it is illegal to continue fishing for jack Chinook once the adult bag limit is met. Unmarked (wild) fish must be released carefully and unharmed. A valid Columbia River endorsement is required for this fishery.
A TTENTION: H A N - 2 BEAUTIFUL geldings: ANTIQUE S C HULFORD and Idaho Na- broke to ride, loud color, ER New York cabinet tional Lab W orkers: 4 year olds; 1 golden Pal- Grand Piano with bench, You may be entitled to omino; 1 Dun; all of these $200.00. Antique oak $150,000 to $400,000 horses would make ideal file cabitnet, Wabash plus health benefits tax rope/ barrel horse pros- Cabinet Co. 3 verticle free. Call EEOICPA At- pects, all the above draws, 2 h o rizonatal torney Hugh Stephens horses are very gentle, draws, 4 map drawers, at 1-855-EEOICPA 336- 14.3-15.1 hands tall; for $200.00. Antique oak, 4272, even if your claim more information contact 6 drawer roll top desk, has been denied. 2495 Bob 541-938-0118, Mil- $500.00. 541-963-2767 Main Street, Suite 442, ton-Freewater pmh La Grande mml Buffal o,NY.mja CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES SCOTSMAN COMMERINJURED: IN A Lawsuit? Chihuahua puppies 8 CIAL ice cube maker Need Cash Now? We adults, unique colors, model cme256ws-1f, seCan Help! No Monthly long and short coats rial¹ 05061320013794, Paymentsto Make. No spunky, social 8 litter water cooled, 115 volt Credit Check. Fast Ser- trained, health guaran- includes htb250 bin. One vice. Low Rates. Call teed; video/ pictures owner, mfg date, 2005. 877-386-3692. www.law- www.chi-pup.net, 541- Been in storage 2 years, 459-5951, Drain, Oregon runs perfectly, guarancapital.com mja pjk teed. $1,500.00. 541RETIRING FROM stain 786-4425 Cove mmw glass craft. Over 160sqft REGISTERED CataCathedral and o p al houlas: excellent quality, CHERRY GROVE Oresscent glass sheets perfect family or working chard cherries for $1. a from Bullseye, Kokomo, dogs, awesome color lb. or U-Pick for 75 cents Spectrum. 5 wood stor- and disposition, $400; a lb. 62121 Starr Lane, age boxes and over 40 see at w ww.3shoes- off of Hunter Rd. 541stained glass paterned ranch.com 5 4 1-443- 910-4968. La Grande books. $1,200.00. 541- 2503 pjg mkg 963-2767 La Grande mml NICE GRASS hay, no FISHING GEAR rain, small bales, in the AUCTION REFRIGERATOR HAND field. $125. ton. 541-975- Hermiston, Oregon, July truck, $50.00. Century 4990 Summerville pkw 27th, 2014, 10am. Huge wire feed welder with amount of fishing gear. Co2 gas bottle, $150.00. GRASS HAYsmall bales, Also tools, some furniDodge van seat, $20.00. Logger Mix, $160.00 ton. ture and a fair amount of 12" garden cultivator, Owsley Canyon, 541- hand loading equipment; $40.00. 30 gallon weed 963-6933 or 541-805- www.columbiariveraucsprayer with handheld 4615 La Grande pkw tion.com for pictures; sprayer, $160.00. 500 contact Bill Reaves 541watt generator, $200.00. GOOD QUALITY grass 571-3107. July 27th, Hydraulic engine hoist hay, $160.00/ton in field, 2014, 10am. mjc with leveler, $200.00. small bales. 541-5346"x8" FLATBED: all steel Other shop equipment. 6605 Summerville pjm 541-910-5529 La with hoist, $800; 1970 Grande mma OAT HAY with small Ford 8" box on trailer, amount of alfalfa. $160 $400; Coleman 5"x4" tilt ADVERTISE IN 12 pa- a ton. 5 41-963-0403bed trailer, $200; 20" 5th pers, 25 words or less for or 541-910-0864 La wheel camp trailer frame, 2' square axle, 6-hole only $75. a week. 4 state Grande pmc 15' wheels, hitch pin or 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. View our ads online at ball, $750; 27'x44' oval PANAWAN. 963-6237. www.lagrandenickel.com fuel tank on 5" stand with Updated every Friday. 1' gate valve, $200; 1993 1-800-654-5829 Ford super cab F250 4X4, 7.3 diesel, automatic, new license, $4000; Craftsman commercial 12' radial arm saw, 240 volt with 50" cord and a 4-drawer cabinet, $180; set of tracks for a John Deere 750 crawler, 46 v~~/)' rr./i' i i ' , links, 34' pads, also fit a D5, consider offers; 541938-5736, Milton-Freewater mjd
i' hlow EUp l
6I A(~meum/kopper/Brsss/Sta!Ass :,InsulatedSppetiWirk'J Sci®Ca<s/ FarmE quiplneht/Applia'hc8/hgte>@ > Loe'ally/ow edf indPp
419!tORHiWY~ 03 QGr'nde,',ORN,
Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The Nickel.
The Nickel- July17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com Page 11 •
INCOME STREAM for A VERY healthy high sale. Pays $ 958.00 quality Wagyu steer monthly, Twenty years. ready to butcher. Priced Great retirement income. right for this type of anPencil it out and call 541- imal (look up informa786-0228 La Grande mjp tion), excellent breed for excellent beef. Has been FAST TREES grow 6-12 fed quality alfalfa 8 grass feet yearly. $ 17-$21 hay as well as some delivered. Potted. Bro- grain through the winter. chure on line www.fast- Currently on good green trees.com or 1-509-447- grass 8 a little grain. 4181 mka One half of this beef is for sale, sold by carcass ZERO TURN weight. 541-962-6057 TORO MOWER Z420. Baker City pmt GOOD! TRY IT! Cost $2,600. a s k- 10" ROBLAND table saw, ing $1,000. 541-263- $1,000.00; D uracraft 0383 Joseph mvv wood lathe, $200.00; 18" WoodMaster Planer, 2 K L H m odel 2 3 $1,800.00. Joseph 541speakers with w ire, 263-2832 pma 25"x15"x12". Removable front covers, individual LAYING HENS and two volume controls, Good Dwarf Nigerian goats. condition, make offer. Make offer. 541-403541-519-9475 Baker City 0863 pms mml EXCELLENT LITTLE GIANT ladder GRASS HAY FOR 8 acc. Model 10126, SALE $375.00. 541-786-0048 IN SUMMERVILLE La Grande mml Easy to handle small bales. Will help you load SMALL PONTOON river out of the field. Only boat and trailer, $400.00. $160. a ton or will deliver Yamaha Bass and fend- in Union county for $200 er amp, $250.00. Older a ton. Call 541-534-6605 King size bed and frame, Summerville fkm $50.00. Love S e at couch, white, $50.00. WEANER PIGS born Recliner chair, green, May 28th and ready to $25.00. Left over yard go. They are about 35 salestuff , $20.00 takes to 40lbs, castrated and all. 541-786-2086 North wormed. $75.00 each. Powder mkg 541-663-6030 Cove pkk REACH THOUSANDS starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande
2 BIKES 8 2 BRONZE S pecialized bik e s, 1(Crossroads) xl, $275.00. 2(RockHopper) full suspension mountain bike, extras, $685.00. Bronze by Rodd Ambroson-1(Genesis) Ebay-art 261441918400, artist proof-angel Ebayart-261463814631, I can email photos, see at Enterprise-Action Outdoor.. 541-432-4535 or 541426-3577 Enterprise mjb
GRASS HAY s mall 2013 PASSPORT Keybales, $150.00/ton. 541- stone Ultralite Travel 910-4565 Cove pjs Trailer 195RB. 24'5" Excellent condition, used 2 FIRST 8 SECOND cut- times. Rear corner bath, ting of alfalfa, $145 for angle shower, toilet 8 first, $165 for second. sink, rear wardrobe, reSmall tonnage. 541-379- frigerator, A/C, TV, Ra0851 Union pkb dio/CD player, 3 burner range, double kitchen LAB CROSS puppies. sink, booth dinette, pan3 males, 1 female. Free try, overhead storage, to good home. 541-805- front queen bed w/ward5311 pkb robes both sides of bed, sleeps 4, dual axle, front 1990 Keifer Built stock pass-thru storage and trailer, 16ft, built strong, much more. Dry weight excellent, $4,000 obo. 3,739 lbs. $16,500. 541Call Steve Grant at 541- 523-4499 Baker City 910-3717 La Grande vmh pmg www.lagrandenickel.com TRITACALEY HAY, no rain, small bales, $180. GET PREAPPROVED ton. 541-534-4125 eve- For Your Next RV At nings or 541-910-0096. russdeanrv.com or 1-877-297-5117. In the Summerville pmr Pasco Autoplex. vjr 35 GALLON Fish tank and accessories for sale, O VER 200 RV's In $75 obo. Includes, filter, Stock, Ready For Campseveral month's supply ing. Russdeanrv.com or of fish food, rocks, clean- 1877-297-5117. In the ing supplies and more. Pasco Autoplex. vjr 541-663-6062 leave a message. Union pmy 42" ANNUAL Steak And Beans Contest, going on GERMAN WIREHAIRED now at Russ Dean Famipups for sale. One male ly RV. 1-877-297-5115 or b/w and one female russdeanrv.com. In the black/ticked. All shots Pasco Autoplex. vjr and wormed. Call LarI ry at 541-910-4341 La Grande pma
www.lagrandenickel.com JOHN DEERE riding lawn mower, excellent condition, like n e w, 44hrs, $950.00. 541886-4231 Joseph mjh 6000 WATT All power gas generator, approx 45 hours, $400.00. Call Tom 541-437-0722 or 541-910-8457, l eave message. Elgin mjd OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. "We sell, rent, buy and move containers." Insta Stor, Inc. 509-765-1376. www. instastor.net mmi
PETRIFIED DINOSAUR poop, and petrified wood, thunder eggs, jasper, black 8 red obsidian, estimate 3+ tons. 541-5346281 or 541-805-1030 RUBBER S T AMPS! Starting at $16.60 each Summerville mjm at the Nickel.
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QUEEN SEALY Posturepedic Mattress and Boxsprings, very little use. $325 obo. 541-663-6062 leave message. Union AUTO I NSURANCE! hmy Save 70% (Up to $574/ year) in 5 Minutes - All Credit Types. Call (888) 291-2920 now. APARTMENT MAKE A Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888909-9905 18+.
MAINTENANCE TECH Boardman, full t i me Apartment Maintenance Technician, duties include minor plumbing, sheetrock repair, cleaning, appliance repair, landscaping, painting, unit turnovers, experience preferred, but will train the right candidate, $12-$16 per hour DOE; email resume or request application to hr@viridianmgt.com skc
ADVERTISE to10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 communitynewspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact I ndependent Free P a pers of America I F P A at danielleburnettifpa@live. com or visit our website REACH THOUSANDS cadnetads.com for more starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for information. displays! The Nickel. 963AIRLINE C A REERS 6237. La Grande begin here - Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. LAGRANDE OR Livestock Eales Housing an d Job Every Thursday placement assistance. 11:30 am Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453- Your livestock will 6204 bring top dollar at IML! THE NICKEL TOLL free 541-963-2158 1-800-654-5829. 800-824-5298
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"PeopleBuy Some Papers to Read,They Read The Nickelto Buy" 1112 1/2Adams Ave,La Grande,OR 97850 (541) 963-6237 Toll Free Number for classifieds Only 1-800-654-5829
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SAI.E We thank our customers It's Always A Joy To ServeYou
Blue Mt Heating Pellets White Bag
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Page 12 www.lagrandenickel.com e-mail ads@lagrandenickel.com
The Nickel- July17, 2014 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237
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2014 DODGE AVENGER MSRP.•• .$21,985
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2014 RAM 1500 5.7L VS HEMI
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MSRP.•• .$39,335
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2010 JEEP
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Stock ¹1405592, 3.4L V6, Auto, Ay'C, ORLs, 4 Ooor, Tilt
Stock ¹14P0052, 2.4L 4 Cyl Auto, Local Trade, Low, Low Miles.
Stock ¹1405987, 4.7L VB, Auto, 4WO, Local Trade.
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:o •
Stock ¹14D5951, 35L V6, Auto AWD, Blowout Price, Local Traded, Loaded!
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Stock ¹1406311, Unlimited Sport, 38L V6 Auto, 4WO, Ay'C Local Trade, Low Miles!
Stock ¹14P1621, 5.9L6 Cyl., Oiesel, Auto, 4WO, Ay'C,PW, PL, Power Steering.
~1 4,63T ~ 19 ® 9T ~24,88T ~2S49T
Tax & ta s additional. Photos for representation only. Not responsible for pographical errors. See dealer for details.
of Baker City
1998 FORD
2000 FORD
Ford Credit Bonus Cash.. -$1,500 Gentry Discount................ -$7,500
$llfPillEf: SOO-$42-$915 Stock ¹14P1231, Large Enough for the Whole Family.
Tax,lhcenshng&reghstrabonfees addhthonal Stock¹147165, MSRP651,765 Pncehncludesagdelaerand manufacturerrebates &hncencthves Requh res FordMotor Companyapprovedcredh t Seedealerfor completedetahlsOlferexphres7/31/14
2 005 TOYOTA
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Ay'C T7W.
2 010 SUBARU
Stock ¹14F0352 Great Transportation.
Stock ¹14T7711, Local Trade, CC
Ay'C T7W.
Stock ¹14P125, PW, PL, CC, CO,
5toc/r¹13T2022 4x4 PW,PL, CC
SOO-$42-$915 Stock ¹14P146, Leather, PW, PL CC CO, Ay'C Low Low Miles.
Tax & tags additional. Photos for representation only. Not responsible for typographical errors. See dealer for details.
• •