La Grande Nickel 1-29-15

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Monday - Friday 00pm 9 I1,2015

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fo View C~ urrq>< Pape~r


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Vol . 30 No24

• •

Teach me, 0 Lord, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Psalm 119:33-34

NEW BIRKENS TOC K-Ar i z o n a 280.Size 43 (10M) Never outside, in house 10 times. $75.00 our loss. 541-963-5740 La Grande mrm



• • 4


Benjamin Moore



LIKE NEW snow blower, 5.5hp, 24" swath, $395 obo. Leave Message 541-519-9337 Baker City mo Sunday By App o int m e n t

Place your classified ad for any House Hold item 25 words or less and it runs FREE for two weeks.

Offer expiresFeb.28,2015 Place youradonline,or e-mail yourinformation to or call usat541-963-6237or stopbyandseeus 11121/2Adams Ave., LaGrande,OR97650

lail' aadaPaliltE'Ilass;;; 311 W. Main Enterprise

CQ ~al


Clttilttrs o'4

541-426-2100 Old Fashioned Values Sales & Service


Nseihf %ft aaea5ny/


Huge Winter Sa

Design a one-of-a-kind gitt or simply indulge your inner artist. Our paint-your-own pottery studio is the perfect place to have some creative fun with 6 iends, family or yourseln

Coats -Sweaters -Boots

5 41-663-07 2 4

s a •

1431 Adams Ave La Grande

2001CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500 2004CHEVROLET SILVERADO 8500 AC, PW, PSPDL, Duramax tliesel, 6 speedmanual, dual rear wheels, 5th wheel pin rear receiver hilch


' $11,999


-~ Qe O'Q~ ~A

Have Arrived See Us At Our New Location I n th e F o l e y B l d g



+~ ~

SUPERDUT7,4X4 C onversiondiwe d in house!


$14,985 STKtt 10260C

STKtt 10174B





STKtt 10301A

2014 GMC YUKONXL 1500SLT 4WD, AC,PW,PS, PDL, Powerful strong running engine, luxu vehicle, mechanically perfect

STKtt 10294A

1 019 A d a m s A v e

S 41-9 6 3 - 9 2 •




o an 2 4- our owing ervice



Terry L. Decker 202 East North Street, Enterprise Owner 541-426-3128 or 800-421-3128

2015 Chevrolet Sonic

0+ Year

x erien



• o

• ~~ x

See it at


$25,991 STKtt 10302


8.1 Chevrolet gas engine, cleanand nice throughout, only 14,000 miles, two slides

$44,900 STKtt 10297



STKtt 10218A


om lete o



Fall 4r Christmas 4r All Green Tag 25% off Pink Tag 1/2 Price All Other Bo l ts 2 0% off Except Batting L a rge 4r Small Shop

L a Grande, O r e g o n



Q We'~8rie )

B r i dal and Formal Wear Boutique

-New-Wedding Dresses-

STKtt 10232A

STKtt 10285A

Hours: Wed -Sat 12r30pm — 4 pm Wed S Fri. 6pm — 9pm 2204 Jefferson Ave • La Grande 541-975-9147

Tuesday thru Saturday 10:Ooam — 5:30pm


2008 DODGE RAM2500 ST




STKtt 10246







1520 Adams Ave. La Grande 5 41-963-4144 or 88 8 -44 9 - 2 7 0 4

Page 2 e-mail

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 6 •

II~ s QIEI I'I!NIN s am. ~ a5 )41-89 8-2364 50267 ELLIS RQAD NOR TH PO W D E R O R 97667

S impl e E l e g a n c e

(I[jNI ®IIM - I I [III %c iimamzM e Rc@lcmlIIj DIOIIIIRQ|IBIIDICi@ •



Workable Design

Mome Plans Remodel Design t)rafting S Permits

P.O. Box IoI

Cove, OR 978z4

e4 ~


Ralph Edwards ra)ph@workab)



"Sen/ing Wazzoura County" CALL US F I RST!

Betty TrOtter (Formerly ofCapelli)

1-209-352-5505 208 Chestnut, La Grande Formerly The OK Barber

Tues-Fri 9am-5pm at 9am-12pm

Dirtbikes• Streetbikes ATV's • Snowmobile

Parts — Service —Sales — Financing 10701 S. Walton Rd., Island City ' 54)-Czrza-) ) ) ) ~EE I






HometWorkspaceImprovement Certified Reeovstor Uceneed-Bonded-Ineured CCB¹ 200398


~ Carpentry ~ Painting ~ Remodeling — Repair I Installation iii Organization ~ Design flralfsEtaRI Maffl(sw Fisf)sr

Excel Electrical Services,lnc. 322 E.MckinneyAve. Hermiston,OR97838

Office:541-567-21 88

• • 6

OPENINGS NOW avail. for beginner piano lessons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. Safe 8 fun environment! Call 541-805-9741 for more info! La Grande sxw

MASSEY FERGUSON LITTLE CAN Y ON BUYING V I N TAGE Model 35 diesel wheeled Shooting is o ff ering clothing, vintage jeweltractor, Wagoner front special 10 bird hen hunts ry. Cash paid. 541-805end l oader, h i -low for $125 at the Peck, ID 8937 La Grande gpb transmission, new clutch, 8 Fairfield, WA ranches. new breaks, new front 2 08-486-6235, I c s @ BACK ACRE'S Second tires, power steering,, www. Hand Stuff. 5,000sqft DARREL FRIESEN Well nice tractor, $4,700. 541- LittleCanyonShooting. of it, warehouse at 2701 Bear Co Loop. Services, LLC. Submers- 894-2352 Baker Cityh com dql fpb Tuesday-Wednesday, ible pump installation JC HIGGINS 22 cal Friday-Saturday, 10amand repairs on water systems. Phone 541-562- 1 975 CASE 2 6 7 0 b olt action w it h J C 4pm. La Grande gtb 5628 Cell 541-786-8668. 4wd w/ duals. Rear Higgins scope, excellent CCB¹163246 Union, OR steering. 2 remotes. Well condition, $175.00. 541- MULTI-FAMILY in house sxd maintained. $6,000. 541- 663-9091 La Grande dqs Yard Sale: At 1150 Park 398-1570 Enterprise fqh St. Baker City. 830am to CONTRACT FENCING SPRINGFIELD XDM 40 4pm, Friday 8 Saturday, Farm Ranch Residen- 2007 MF 1839 inline cal, comes with the carry January 30th 8 31st. gps tial. Contact Darrel 541baler. 12,500 14"x18" case and a15roundmag 562-5628 541-786-8668 bales. $16,500. 3pt 5 and the shorter10 round. ESTATE SALE wheel hay rake, $850. Nice gun, shot very little, Dr. Allen Hall. 1811 4'" St. 5 4 1-263-2198La Grande. January 30'", MASONRY REPAIR Medical Springs 541- $600. 853-2313. frw 31". February 1". FriIsland City dpw professional block stone brick repair for a free esday, Saturday; 7:30antimate call Tylor at 254- KUBOTA M9000 90HP BROWNING .338 A-Bolt. 3:00pm. Sun 10:00am226-2774 La Grande sxd 4wd tractor with cab. Wanted: Used corigated 2:00pm. Many unusual 2 512 hours, g o od roofing tin. 541-398-2088 items dating back to CAREGIVER WANTED condition, $1 9 ,500,Wallowa dqc the start of his practice. for min 8hrs per week. Medical Springs 541Items have been includCPR and First Aid req'd. 853-2313 Baker City frw MOSSBERG 410 eded from the residence. Background C h eck. model 183KD, shoot 3in Vintage medicine bottles, Blue Mt Care Home 541-786-3630 Elgin spb S IGN UP f o r th e shells or rifle slugs, bolt many kinves, some mili2015 OS U M a ster action 3 shot, factory tary items, freezers, oak Gardener training! It variable choke, excellent desk, 4 drawer Fire file TREE TRIMMING or removal. Winter Special! is going to be held at condition, $175.00. 541- cabinet, othe file cabiParker Tree Service, Inc. the OSU H ermiston 869-2255 Huntington nets, Oak Library table, 541-786-2420 Summer- Experimental S tation dpm cast iron Dr's weight ville spt starting Febr uary scale, vintage medical 5th. Appl i cations books, small oak ice NORTHWOOD are available at http:// box, cast iron spittoon, MANUFACTURING extension.oregonstate. LOADING SUPPLIES Vinatage h andi-craft, NASH TRAVEL edu/umatilla/mg or call from estate - powders, fishing poles, vintage TRAILERS 541-567-8321 for more bullets, dies, ammo, typewriters, glassware, Is currently accepting tools, 7.62x39, 303 men awomen's clothing, applications for Assem- information. fpo British, 45ACP, 38/357, oak office desk. Railroad blers. Benefit package 45-70, 7.65ARG, mini advertising, oak chairs, ALL YOUR includes: health care inCULVERT NEEDS 14 mags, stock. Visit deco vanities, tools, surance for you and your winch, hydraulic small family, paid vacation, Contact Rob at Pioneer and engine or motorcycle 401K, production bonus West 541-910-9378 fxp under the Items for Sale floor hoist, Coleman incentive, eight paid holtab you will find a near lanterns, medical cabiidays. GREAT PLACE complete list. Otdefense. TO WORK. Apply in BALE WAGONS sell/ com. Firearms training nets, refrigerator, work benches, vintage hunting person at 59948 Downs buy. New Holland pull- by f ormer M arines mags. La Grande gpb Road (out by the airport) type or self-propelled from Scout S n iper pa r ts/tires. or the Employment De- models/ and MARSOC roles, C OMMERCIAL A I R partment, 1901 Adams, Call Jim Wilhite 208compressor, floor model La Grande, Oregon. We 880-2889 any t i me. visit site for details. drill press, DC Welder, are an equal opportunity www. balewagon .com Micah 5 4 1-419-7952 pressure washer, torch Baker City dqh employer. La Grande spn Caldwell fxw set, chain saw, truck toolbox, air tools, M. Farmall tractor, 5,000 watt generator, snow blower, 2 ton hoist. No Saturday sales For a unique Valentine's Day gift, consider giving please. 541562-2029 your loved ones something enduringUnion grc

Got a Will? There's a Way! an Estate Plan to protect them in case of disability or death. Please call 541-963-7705 For an initial consultation.

Fax:541-567-1 442 •

Residential•Commercial •Agricultural •Industrial




Livestock Eales Every Thursday 11:30 am Your livestock will bring top dollar at IMLI 541-963-2158 800-824-5298

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 3

BROWN EGGS offred from free range chickens. Call 541-910-9526 La Grande mqs WHIRLPOOL WASHER 8 Dryer, very good shape, $175.00. 2 sets of 4 universal fits all rims, 1 set 14", $60.00. 1 set 15" with 3 tires, $100.00. Old John Deer chain saw, needs cleaned, little word should run, collectors saw, $150.00 obo. 541-786-2086 N o rth Powder mqg AC-DC LINCOLN WELDER Like new, new cost, $549. Your cost, $325. Portable cutting torch kit with tanks and gauges, like new, new cost $299.99, your cost $180. Baker City, Call Jerry 541-523-6949 or 307287-7201 mpj BLUE GRASS Jam: Saturday, 2 p m-5pm. C ome e njoy fr e e great music and while here you may want to have a d e licious s andwich, home made soup and pie. Oregon Trail Store 8 Deli, in Meacham. Open 7am-7pm, 7 days a week for your convenience; 541-983-2520 mpe BOISE CRANE EXTRA HEAVY DUTY TABLE SAW Adjustable Quality Custom Made in-feed and out-feed. Value $800 your cost $395 OBO. Delta chop saw 12" Quality custom made in-feed and out-feed adjustable stops for repeated cuts. Value $650 your cost $295 OBO. Baker City 541-523-6949 307-2877201 mpj

assi ie


O e Our OVe n OW OW UC

nes OU

Your Messageswil be publishedin the February12th,2015 Edition of TheNickel The deadlineis February10thby 5pm Messages mustbe25wordsorless Here's how todoit:

Stop By:111 1l2AdamsAve, La Grande Call Us: 541-963-6237, 800-654-5829 Email Us: Fax Us: 541-963-8853 If you email or fax your messagein, please include your name and a contact phone number for us to reach you

Page 4 e-mail

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •

• • I

Kittens and puppies born NOTICE: C l a ssifiedDR. Willard G. Bertrand in 2014 can be spayed or Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. DC now accepting Oreneutered now. www.wal- Changes or cancella- gon Health Plan Insurlowacountyhumanesoci- tions must be in by 5pm ance. Call today to get or 541-426-4170 Monday. scheduled 541-963-4068 Enterprise zpp or 963- Well. La Grande DENTAL HYGIENE Stumxb dent looking for someFREE 20" Color tv, older one to who hasn't had TOP QUALITY tube type. 541-534-2027 cleaning in 3+ years. STORAGE BUILDINGS Summerville zpe Free cleaning. Please 541-663-0246 call me, 541-571-7605 Call for sizes and prices. La Grande sqr Island City mxc NOTICE: Classified

WINCHESTER 2 4 3, model 670, 3x9 scope, $685. Winchester 30-06, model 70 Ranger, 3x9 scope, $685. Ruger 357, stainless security six revolver, $675. Smith 8 Wesson 357, model 586, stainless revolver, $700. No Checks, private. 541963-4806 La Grande dpm

Deadline: T u esdayADVERTISE IN 12 pa5pm. Changes or can- pers, 25 words or less for cellations must be in only $75. a week. 4 state by 5pm Monday. 8 Canada coverage, 27 papers to choose from. ANTLER BUYER buying PANAWAN. 963-6237. deer, elk and moose ant- 1-800-654-5829 lers, any condition, also buying bear traps and Any Item $25 or less, vintage 501 Levis. 541- Free, or Lost/Found, get 910-6713 or 541-963- 1 week FREE in The Nickel. 2866La Grande wxt

WALLOWA COUNTY 1983 CJ7 6cyl engine, CHAPTER DUCKS power steering, body is UNLIMITED ANNUAL rust 8 dent free, many BANQUET/AUCTION new parts, nice running Saturday, F e b ruaryJeep, $3,700.00. 1977 Cloverleaf Hall, Ford '/4 ton pickup, 4spd„ Enterprise. Games 8 400cuin engine, 104,000 Guns. Doors open at original miles, good runpm, dinner at 6:30, ning rig, well worth the uction at 7:30. For price of $1,700.00. A reservations call 541- nice factory made trail26-6625 Enterprise dqb er, 6x10ft, axle, tilt bed, wood floor, $750.00. NEVER USED 541-894-2352 Baker City Bushmaster R a dical apb AR15/M4 flattop quadrail choice of 7.62x39 10.5" 2003 DODGE diesel pistol or.22316" carbine, 4x4, 4dr short box, leath$950. 5 4 1-359-5684er, canopy, 2 sets tires, Springfield dpn $19,500. 541-963-8506 La Grande art TWO RUGER 5TH WHEEL HITCH; VAQUEROS 5 1/2" stainless, 4 1/2 HEAVY DUTY "HIGHJACKER" blue. In new condition. $500 each, your choice 24-UK-21, double pivor make offer. 541-910- ot, rails and 4 mounting 6940 Elgin dps bolts. Works perfect, we now have a bumper REACH THOUSANDS pull RV. Shop it and see starting at $7 a week for this value at $275. View classifieds; $14.00 for online at lagrandenickel. displays! The Nickel. 963- com 541-805-9466 Bak6237. La Grande er City apv

STAMPEDE CRAB FEED ALL YOU CAN EAT! n r 1 Stampede Hall in Elgin,4p.m. FRESHshelled crab, baked beans, potatosalad, coleslaw & hot garlic bread Adults S3S AgesS- 12, S27 Ages 7 & under- S 12 Ages 65 & up - S35

rp q~ DoN'TMISSIT!

WANT YOURAD TO COVER A GREATERAREA? Come in and speak with Don at The Nickel about PNAWAN ads. You can advertise in 12 different papers for as low as $75.00. Papers in Oregon, Washingt on, Idaho and more! Call 541-9636237 bxn ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job

placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800-201-4585. www 35556 mxp $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT cash now!! Injury lawsuit dragging? Need $500$500,000 + within 48 hours? Low rates. Apply now by phone! 1-800568-8321. www 35715 mxg

~ n n~ Y ~



a a


FOR SALE: 1981 F-150 4x4, parts truck, does run, $600 obo. 541-5239085 Baker City apb

ORCHARD GRASS Alfalfa hay, 2 string bales, no rain, stored in barn, $215/ton. 541-568-4441 or 541-910-4441 Cove 91 NISSAN Maxima, pvk 185,000 miles, $750.00. 1989 Ford F-250 over GREAT PYRENEES / cab s t eel fl a tbed, Malamute puppies for $1,900.00. Call or leave sale! $250. Contact Kenmessage at 541-263- na at 541-663-6277 Elgin 2162 La Grande aqb ppc LAP LEOPARDS (Bengals) Juveniles and retired queens. TICA Registered, mink marble, silver spotted, gold spotted, red marble. Raised with big kids and big dogs. Pictures on request. 541886-2323 Wallowa pqd FIRST CUTTING alfalfa, some weeds, no rain, $110. per ton. Tritacaly alfalfa mix, $140. per ton. 3x4x8 bales. 541-8051148 Cove pqp

HAVE GREAT Antiques or collectibles? Instant Cash Paid!! I buy older Estates. Thanks! 541963-9358 or 541-9635646 Thank You! La Grande mxj Need an address label stamp for business or just for home? Come into The Nickel to design and order one! DR. WILLARD G. Bertrand DC now accepting Workmen's comp. and auto accident injuries. Call today to get scheduled 541-963-4068 or 963- Well. La Grande mxb BARRELS Burn or Storage, $20.00; vented $25.00. Call 541963-8990 La Grande mxp

FOOD ALLERGY testing, cleansing therapy and hormonal supplementation. Call Dr. Willard Bertrand DC. 963-Well. La Grande. Preferred Provider for all major in25 LARGE framed, top surances. mxb quality stock cows: will THE NICKEL DOES start calving February BUSINESS CARDS! 2015, will sell 5 or more; Come in and start defor more information call s igning. Starting a t Joe Chappell, 509-301$32.50 for 500! 4402, Milton-Freewater pph WANT RAILROAD lanBARN STORED, small bales, grass and meadow grass. $3 and $2 a bale. 541-437-0812 Elgin prr

PASTURE NEEDED for 2015 or longer. 25-100 cow calf pairs. Please call Kelvin at 541-7860495 or Scott at 541910-5629 La Grande pht

PUREBRED BEAGLES, 1 female, 3 males, ready 2/10. First worming and shots, $250 each. 541786-2320 La Grande prf

terns, globes, locks, keys, signs, badges, china, silver, paper, wax sealers. Cash. 541-2763506 Pendleton mxj HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA from home 6-8 weeks accredited, Get a diploma! Get a job! Free Brochure call now! 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin HS. www. DiplomaFromHome. com

High Country Post 4, Poles 59854Pierce Rd., La Grande

LUMBER - ALL GRADES k SIZES ROUGH CUT RANCH LUMBER 1x4, 1x6, 1x12 BOARD k BAT 16' Livestock Panels, 6 rail 3 brace $106.00 12' Livestock panels, 6 rail 2 brace $83.00 Railroad ties $14.50ea.Bundles of 20 best buys on treated fence posts 2 peeled rails. Fence Stays 1.10 ea.

Up To

60 MOnthS


Call Ron963-6258 oI 805-9279

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 e-mail Page 5 6 •

CLASSIFIED E-MAIL 2004 FATBOY Harley OPENINGS NOW avail. address; ads@lagran- Davidson, e x c ellentfor beginner piano condition, 30,000 origi- sons! $16/half hr. $30/hr. nal miles, lots of extras. Safe 8 fun environment! AKC FIELD Spring- $9,500.00 obo, cash Call 541-805-9741 for er S paniel p u ppy: or trade, 541-886-2094 more info! La Grande Wallowa vxm bxw male, liver and white, f amily r aised, s i r e THOMPSON RV is East8 dam on site, 1st ern Oregon"s largest RV WANT YOURAD TO t hree s hots, d e w- dealer: family owned and COVER A GREATER claws removed, tails operated for 40 years; AREA? docked, excellent browse our inventory on- Come inand speak with hunting dog, $400; 541- line at www.thompsonrv. us at the The Nickel 571-8373, 5 4 1-561-com, or call us at 800- about PNAWAN ads. You 459-4836, Pendleton vxt can advertise in 12 differ4649, Plymouth pqd ent papers for as low as LEWISTON RV'S Show $75.00. Papers in OreNO PART of this publica- 8 Super Sale. FREE on, Idaho tion may be reproduced Admission. February 5-8 gon, Washingt and more! Call 541-963without the permission inside heated Nez Perce 6237 bxn of the publisher. Thank County Fair Building, you. pxh VICTORYACRES Riding Academy. Now off ering boarding, lessons and training. All ages and levels, school horses available 8 references available. Indoor 8 outdoor arenas! 541-786-3218. www .victoryacresfarm. com. La Grande pxw 5 TONS of grass for sale, stored in barn, $150.00/ ton. 541-805-8826 La Grande pqe 200 TON 2nd cutting alfalfa, 100 ton 3rd cutting. All tarped, tested, will be loaded out. Call for price 541-428-2131. La Grande pqt HEAVY GAUGED galvanized horse/ livestock panels, gates, shelters, custom stall fronts, complete arena set-ups 8 more. Factory direct! ID¹ RC-20843, OR¹ 190181, WA¹ LUCKYA933DW. Lucky Acres Fencing, Inc. 208746-1228, www pql ORCHARD GRASS Alfalfa hay, 2 string bales, no rain, stored in barn, $215/ton. 541-568-4441 or 541-910-4441 Cove pvk GREAT PYRENEES / Malamute puppies for sale! $250. Contact Kenna at 541-663-6277 Elgin ppc REACH THOUSANDS starting at $7 a week for classifieds; $14.00 for displays! The Nickel. 9636237. La Grande

13th 8 Burrell, Lewiston, Idaho. Huge factory-to-dealer rebates, top dollar for trades. 150 new 8 pre-owned units on display. True 4-Season off-road trailers, 5th wheels, travel trailers, toy haulers, motorhomes, tent trailers 8 pickup campers. Financing on- site with lowest interest rates in years. EARLY BIRD SPECIALS available now on select units at Lewiston RV, 3306 Hatwai Road, Lewiston, 208-746-8632, www .LewistonRvCenter. com vpl TWO POLARIS snowmobiles. 2009 800 Dragon w/ extras, $4,700.00. 1998 700 RMK w/extras, $1,200.00. 5 4 1-9753939 Union vps FOR SALE- 2010 Keystone Sprinter M-297 RET RV. Sleeps 8, 2 slides, power lift jack, power leveling jacks, pop-up flat screen tv, excellent condition, used very little. Blue books over $25,000.00. Will sell for $21,000.00. 541-4030079 Baker City vpc 2009 NORTHLAND 880 Grizzly, air-tip out, rear awning, sell for $10,000 or trade for pull trailer or? Leave number, will call back. 541-786-1420 Elgin vrw

SERVE YOUR COUNTRY!!! Want a little cash? Want to go to college? Have way too many student loans? Ever thought about serving your country? The Oregon National Guard gives you tuition assistance and the MGIB so you can start/finish your college degree. If you already have your degree we offer the student loan repaymentof$50,000 dollars!!! Plus you gain the knowledge, experience, and motivation to jump start your career. Imagin having your college totally paid for and a drill pay check. Want more information call SGT Lori McNeil 541-786-1459 La Grande area. bxm

• • 6

KIMBER SOLO DC(LG), Glock 42, Sig P938 and 1911 Scorpion. Ruger LCR 22M, SR22, SR9C, SR45, 22/45 Lite. FNX45, FNS40. Beretta PX 4 In o x. Windham, Rock River AR's. Diamondback AR 300 ACC. Ruger 10/22 camo breakdown, 10/22 standard. Call or text Joe at 541-786-4453 La Grande dum E. Frazer Gunworks, LLC. Come and See us for all your firearm needs. 2616 BearCo Loop, La Grande. 541663-8000 dpf FOR SALE: N i kon 16-48x65 spo t ting scope, straight body, waterproof, R e altree finish, used very little, like new, $325 or best offer; Bob 541-969-9369, Pendleton dph

ServicemsrEz Restom

Seruing All of Hortheastern Oregon

Chris Taglor 800-573-2575 W E TREAT YOLI LIKE FAM I LY

'IJ'XBBZC4@B' l%5 • 4

541-962-2975 10401 5. Walton Rd. Island City


General Contractor PRICE R E DUCED! SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 grips, night sights, mag pouch, holster, travel box, 115 and 214round magazines, $650.00. 541-910-6148 I sland City dxf


-Concrete -Excavating -Pole/FrameConstruction 541-786-2098 541-437-9621


R EMINGTON 1 100 13ga shotgun auto, 28in barrel, $650.00. 541786-3845 La Grande dxt Any Item $25 or less, Free, or Lost/Found, get 1 week FREE in The Nickel.

• QuickPellet ChangeFeature , 15 Function PELLETBOSS" Digital Control • ¹5¹e¹eerWaer¹Breaeaaera Imerree45655



,~„ ; N,;i.„,'.„"„'~,

541-963-6154• 541-910-2321 La Grande, OR

A(umiaum/koplrer /Brass/5taialals

:',InsulatedQppei",Wiri:J St,'iypCa(s/

garmEqaipmeat/Appliailcas/'lhgterms ,IIII Ferrmiaa sd oa-I:erretrqNt rlar i Loaralltr'!owpedprrdppj'Irte5' 64199,0RHWY 03 4 Gr'TIde',.OR~5

30 Years Experience

• Honest

~ltl HT %LE TRIC

• Licensed • Bonded • Insuredcc8¹133aoo

36 FOOtBuCket TruCk

' •

'I¹ CcssrrrptestePreparation otliLL Narorm Oocsasaaeaats, Iaaclweiear: Children, Stspport, IDivistors of Propertsr Br Bills, arsd Return to any former name. Ho CCHPRTAPP&RAHCESI

LIUII AlteItnltiVeS503-772-5295


¹r/r¹naPa¹nlegaMEte¹ ¹¹466&

Page 6 e-mail u•

NAIS NG ISANG tao upang tulungan akong linisin ang aming bahay bawat linggo sa Miyerkules Union 541-562-2019 Ips CONTRACTORS, Builders, Architects

8Hr, "ICF"TrainingCourse, CCBCredits, ONLY$150, Date;March20,2015 Location;10605IslandAve Island CityOR97850 Register@w ww, Or CalPe l te

(541)786-12 29 GreenBuilding Products,LLC 10102S.MeAlister RD. IslandCity, OR97850


•• u

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 • u

FNX 45 ACP new in box, 3 15 round factory mags, $800.00. Ask for Brian 541-975-4066 La Grande dph

PLANNING A yard sale? Need to sell a storage unit? Have some collectalbes to sell? Call us first. Clark 8 Daugher Auctions 541-910-0189. View our ads online at We buy used and new items. Your complete Updated every Friday. auctioneering company. LA GRANDE GUNShow: hxc Sponsoredby Island City Lions Club, Ruff N Rustic DIRECTV'S THE Big Mercantile, Or e gon Deal special! O n ly Valley Green Houses. $19.99 per month - Free Saturday February 28'", premiumchannelsHBO, 9am-5pm. Sunday March Starz, Cinemax 8 Show1", 9am-3pm. La Grande time for 3 months 8 Free Convention Center, 404 Receiver upgrade! NFL 2014 Season Included. 12h St. La Grande, OR Call Now 1-800-45397850. dpw 9131 tfn

S TO R A G E C ONT A I N E R S F OR S A L E ! W e'll let yo u l o o k a t a n d p i c k o u t your c o n t a i n e r be f o r e y o u b u y ! Will the o t h e r g u y P'

2008 DODGE 1 ton 4x4 crew cab diesel, manual transmission, excellent condition, well maintained, fully loaded, gooseneck hitch, 2500lb air bags w/ on-board air compressor, $30,000. 541-856-3770 Haines aqh 79 4x4 Chev pickup, long box V-8 auto, starts runs drives 8 stops, $1,750.00 obo. 95 Sonoma 4x4 auto, runs well, lots of good parts, $750.00 obo. 541-786-0734 La Grande aqh

y gg.

HEAVY GAUGED galvanized horse/ livestock panels, gates, shelters, custom stall fronts, complete arena set-ups 8 more. Factory direct! ID¹ RC-20843, OR¹ 190181, WA¹ LUCKYA933DW. Lucky Acres Fencing, Inc. 208-746-1228, www pql ALFALFA HAY for Sale. 2nd cutting, 3x3x8 bales. No weather. Under cover. Quality test results. 19% protein, 190 RFV. $200.00/ton. Call for further details. 541-2630342 Wallowa ppb

%ecr ~

Shop 541-426-4653 Or 541-398-0845 86145 Hwy. 82 Lostine, OR 97857 '


BALE WAGONS sell/ ATTEND COLLEGE ONbuy. New Holland pull- LINE from Home.*Meditype or self-propelled cal, *Business, *Criminal models/ pa r ts/tires.Justice, *Hospitality. Job Call Jim Wilhite 208- placement assistance. 880-2889 any t i me. Computer available. Fiwww. balewagon .com nancial Aid if qualified. Caldwell fxw SCHEV authorized. Call 800-2014585. www ALL YOUR CULVERT NEEDS Contact Rob at Pioneer 35716 mxa West 541-910-9378 fxp DISH TV Retailer. StartANGUS x GALLOWAY ing at $ 1 9.99/month Commercial Cows: Bred (for 12 mos.) 8 High cows, heifers, young Speed Internet starting steers, one black bull. at $14.95/month (where Come see them and available.) SAVE! Ask make near market value About SAME DAY Instaloffer. 541-403-1063 or lation! CALL Now! 1-800593-1764 mxm Baker City fqy RUBBER STAMPS! Starting at $16.60 each. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS 7 and 1/2 acres of i rrigated land w i t h 3 b e droom h ome, established orchards, fenced and cross fenced. Assume a 3.75%VAloan. Take over payments. See on l, self sufficient ranch at Richland, Oregon. 541519-7194 fjc

DIRECTV sta r ting at $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME 8 CINEMAX FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions apply - Call for details 1-800-3701356 02/15

TROOP 514 EQUIPMENT TYPES Dry Van C OntainerS - W e o ffer 20', 24', 40' standard containers and 40' and 45' high cube containers t o a c c o m modate v a r ious c u s tomer needs. All containers guaranteed to be water tight.

February 1" at 8 AN -1 2:30 PN Pr esbytei iart Fr iendship Center 1204 Spring Street, La tu ande, Oregon

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• Electrical • Paint • Special Request Modifications

For a Container and Mo di fi cation Quote today please call

1 .800 . 2 5 5 . 4 8 3 5 O r em ai l a c h r e s t © c g i n i . c o m

Pancakes, Sausage, Fresh Fruit,Coffee Nilk & Juice

Thqnk You fol Supporting Scouts •u


• •



The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 • e-mail Page 7

1993 HITCHHIKER 2, 28ft, 1 slide, solar panels, $4,500.00. 541-9101222 Elgin vrj

SIGN UP for the 2015 I WISH TO thank all my O SU Master G a r- clients for their support d ener training! It i s and patronage over the going to be held at past twenty plus years. the OSU H ermiston Alas it is time to close the 5TH WHEEL HITCH; Experimental Sta - doors on my practice. It HEAVY DUTY tion starting Febru- has been my privilege to "HIGHJACKER" 24-UK-21, double piv- ary 5th. Applications be of service to you. Pegot, rails and 4 mounting are available at http:// gy Little, LMT Grande bolts. Works perfect, extension.oregonstate. Ronde Therapeutic Maswe now have a bumper edu/umatilla/mg or call sage 541-437-0865 bql pull RV. Shop it and see 541-567-8321 for more this value at $275. View information. fpo LA GRANDE online at lagrandenickel. COMMUNITY com 541-805-9466 Bak- PLANNING A yard sale? BLOOD DRIVE er City vpv AMERICAN RED Need to sell a storage CROSS unit? Have some collec1984 HONDA 700. Nice 1802 Gekeler Lane, The talbes to sell? Call us bike, just needs a little Church of Jesus Christ of work. A new regulator, first. Clark 8 Daugher Latter-Day Saints. TuesAuctions 541-910-0189. which we already have bought, a new thermo- We buy used and new day February 3rd, 2015 stat and fix harness, items. Your complete 12pm-6pm. To schedule $500. 541-975-3262 La auctioneering company. your appointment conGrande apj tact, Linda Strand 541963-4261 La Grande bpa hxc Display e-mail address: FREE PERSONAL classidisplays@lagrandenickel. DIRECTV'S THE Big fieds for military personel com. Deal special! O nly and dependants with de$19.99 per month - Free pendant ID. We support 2004 FATBOY Harley premiumchannelsHBO, our troops! The Nickel, Davidson, e x c ellentStarz, Cinemax 8 Show- 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La condition, 30,000 origi- time for 3 months 8 Free Grande. 963-6237 nal miles, lots of extras. Receiver upgrade! NFL $9,500.00 obo, cash 2014 Season Included. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL or trade, 541-886-2094 Call Now 1-800-453- address; ads@lagranWallowa vxm 9131 ffn

1967 FORD F-150, green 2wd short bed pickup, 300cuin 6cyl, not an oil burner, 3spd column shift, totally straight body with no rust, 4 new tires on cast rims, plus original tires 8 r ims, $4,000.00 obo. 541-4375606 Elgin aqs

74 1 Ton dump truck, with 12,000lb Warren Winch, $2,100.00 obo. 1976 Ford F-250 flatbed, $1,000.00 obo. 541-9104661 La Grande arh

WANTED M ILITARYWANTED SMALL pickguns, bayonets, swords, up box trailer. Wanted knifes, misc. Also any to buy, man's gold ring, older guns, h unting must be r easonable. knifes, collector not deal- 541-709-6306 Durkee er. 541-377-8008. wxh wpg

1996 FORD Bronco, 351 engine XLT. Excellent condition, 4in lift, blue. 541-786-8621 La Grande art

ANTLERS WANTED: WANTED: BUNNY fertilElk, Deer, Moose. Payup izer, old or new. 541-519to $11.00 a lb. 541-910- 5637 Baker City wsb 8782 La Grande wwb It's Nickel Time!!




A FEW2015's Left at BLOWOUTPRICES! BRANDNEWSLEDS ALL 2015 KLIM GEAR ' Starting at $8,899. ON SALE!

Oregon Trail Sales&Service,Inc. 4® a caa aaaa. i925Auburn Ave.BakerCity,OR9785 ARTs 54i.523.350 0 SHOP AT •

2006 Ford Escape


XLS,2WD,4 Cyl, 5 Speed, Air, PW, PL

Stock ¹ 2389B

2005 Ford F-350

1998 Dodge RAM 1500


4x4,V8,Auto,Cruise Tilt, PW, PL

Stock ¹ 14-620C

2004 Chevy Tahoe

2 0 1 0 Toyota Sienna

Limited,V6,Auto Loaded


$18,500 Stock ¹ 15-594A

2001 Chevy K2500

2004 Chevy Impala

V6, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt PW PL

$4,588 Stock¹ 2374D

201 2 Toyota Highlander s¹


4x4, Diesel, Auto, Air Cruise, Tilt, PW, PL

Stock ¹ 14-656A

2009 Sturn Aura


4x4,LT, V8,Auto,


$11 588 ,„,„„, $9,995 Stock ¹ 2405B

2003 Chev Cavalier

$4,995 L,S 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, PW, PL

Stock ¹ 14-641 B

Cruise, Tilt,PW, PL

Stock ¹ 15-597a

2006 Chevy Malibu LT

$7 495

-'$35,90>0 Hybrid,V6,Auto 4x4,Loaded

Stock ¹ 2434A

2012 Subaru Outback






Page 8 e-mail •

KING MATTRESS Set, superior quality, Certa i-comfort Prodigy, used one year by one person, always covered by water-proof cover, includes 2 sets of 600 TC sheets, $1,500.00. 5 4 1-7601679 Haines hqf KING SIZE air chambers mattress and box spring, headboard(attaches to the wall) and 2 sets of sheets, one flannel and one regular, $150. 541975-3262 La Grande hpg

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 I •

ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered-tothe-door Omaha Steaks! SAVE 78% PLUS 4 FREE Burgers - The Happy FamilyBanquet - ONLY $49.99. ORDER Today 1-800-440-2567 use code 43285DMW or www. OmahaSteaks. com/osmb37ff n AMAZING NEW SKID STEER post setting attachment! Are you a pole building contractor or set posts for a living? See thisvideo! Visit: www. The BrutPostGrabber. com 208-964-6666 fqc

LIKE NEW 2012 Whirlpool HE Duet Steam CATTLE PASTURE Front Load Washer, WANTED! $450 OBO 541-886- Looking for pasture for 4352 Wallowa hqm 40+ head, yearlings or pairs. Willing to pay top WHITE W E STING-dollar. Long term leases HOUSE 21 cu. ft. upright preferred. 541-518-9284 freezer $175. Kenmore Baker City fpc 19 cu. ft. fridge, slide out glass shelves, gallon ONE CLEAN Truckload size door storage, freez- of 1/3 Supreme 2nd cutting Alfalfa and 2/3 er on bottom $175. Will Excellent quality 1st sell both for $300. Each cutting Alfalfa for sale. are in excellent condi- Tests are available upon tion. 541-663-7011 La request. Please call 530Grande hqs 260-3131 for more info. La Grande fqm

ReligiOn iS What men do fOr God, but the GOSPel iS What God doeS

for mankind. Religion ends in the Outer reformatioin; the GOSPel makes an inward recreation. There are many religions, but only One GOSPel. JOin uS to liSten to the reVerent StOry Of the GOSPel.

Sunday 4:00 pm 62851 PhilyndaLp Kurts RV Service. Island City, OR

• • I

VICTORYACRES Riding Academy. Now off ering boarding, lessons and training. All ages and levels, school horses available 8 references available. Indoor 8 outdoor arenas! 541-786-3218. www .victoryacresfarm. com. La Grande pxw

GLOC K 45ACP, 2"' REDUCE YOUR Cable Gen, Mod. 21. Ruger Bill!* Get a whole-home Vaquero, 45 LC SS. Satellite system installed Ruger Vaquero, Matched at NO COST and proSet, 45 LC, Hi Gloss SS. gramming starting at SBW Mod. 24, 44SP, 6 $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ "/~", Nickel, Trigger Job. DVR Upgrade to new SBW, 500 Mag. SBW, callers, SO CALL NOW Mod. 460, 460 Mag. 12". 1-800-840-8955 tfn SBW 357, Mod. 686, 6". And many rifles! Call SOCIAL SECURITY DisPPR HORSE Boarding 541-786-1900 I sland ability Benefits. Unable to work? Denied benequality care, reasonable City dxv rates, shelters w/ runs, fits? We Can Help! WIN arenas, hay included W A N T E D or Pay Nothing! Contact in board. Overnighters CENTERFIRE brass Bill Gordon 8 Associwelcome. 541-910-4140 cartridges, all calibers, ates at 1-800-317-4986 LaGrande pxk no sorting required, $3 to start your application plus/lb. Call 541-519- today! tfn 5 TONS of grass for sale, 1538 Baker City mxh stored in barn, $150.00/ ENJOY 100% guaranton. 541-805-8826 La R EMINGTON 1 1 0 0 teed, delivered to the Grande pqe 13ga shotgun auto, 28in door Omaha Steaks! barrel, $650.00. 541- SAVE 74% PLUS 4 HAY ALFALFA orchard 786-3845 La Grande dxt FREE Burgers - The grass, tarped, grass Family Value Comboand grain also available. MAN SHACK GUN ONLY $39.99. ORDER Priced to sell. 541-403SHOP Today 1-800-304-3414 4086 or 541-403-0433. Man Shack Gun Shop is Use code 48829NVL or Haines pud ready for you! In house www.OmahaSteaks. gunsmithing, f i rearm com/mbfam37 ffn 200 TON 2nd cutting al- sales, FFLservice, Class falfa, 100 ton 3rd cutting. 3 weapons, suppressors ARE YOU in BIG trouble All tarped, tested, will and custom orders. with the IRS? Stop wage be loaded out. Call for Locatedin Joseph. Check 8 bank levies, liens 8 auprice 541-428-2131. La us out online at www dits, unfiled tax returns, Grande pqt .ManShackGunShop. payroll issues, 8 resolve c om, or call for an tax debt FAST. Seen on CATTLE PASTURE appointment 800-630- CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800WANTED! 6314 or 541-398-1982 291-1682 ffn Looking for pasture for Joseph dxw REACH THOUSANDS 40+ head, yearlings or starting at $7 a week for .270 PERFECT pairs. Willing to pay top classifieds; $14.00 for dollar. Long term leases CONDITION displays! The Nickel. 963preferred. 541-518-9284 Savage .270 model 6237. La Grande Baker City fpc 116, perfect condition, 5 rounds through it, need KUBOTA B7100 16hp to sell, comes with strap diesel 4wd, new overREACH THOUSANDS and new Nikon scope. haul, new radiator, high starting at $7 a week for $600.00 no exceptions. low range hydrostatic classifieds; $14.00 for Contact Dave at 541- trans, lots of new parts w/ displays! The Nickel. 963- 706-0793 La Grande dqd loader, $7,000.00. 440 M 6237. La Grande Stihl chainsaw, 350.00. Aluminum car ramps, $50.00. Rolling tool stand, $20.00. Craftsman 10 inch Table Saw 3hp with mitre on rollers, $450.00. 50lb bottle tank, $50.00. 48gal action packer box, $50.00. 33gal action packer box, $30.00. 541-562-5469 Union mps

CLASSIC 51 Chevy pickup, restored 350 small block, $28,000 firm. 541963-7517 La Grande axy 03 FORD Mustang, 91k miles, manual transmission V6, around 20mpg. Great condition in and out. Reconstructed title. $3,650 obo. Call/ text 541-805-0778 La Grande axc ALL WAYS Automotive LLC. 541-624-5001. Rebuild Engines 8 Transmissions with 40 years experience. 3 year warranty on parts and labor. Specified labor rate: $68.00/hr. Lowest price in town. La Grande axa 2009 CHEVY Impala with low miles, always garaged, $9900. 1987 33' motorhome, 2 speed differential, 454, generator, AC, awning, all aluminum, nice condition, $5,000. 208-503-0235, Clarkston aft

WANTED: ONE log truck load of firewood logs. 541-432-5230 Joseph map

long with 13" wheelbase, $8200 or best offer; 509- MEDICAL GUARDIAN551-7093, Hermiston. Top-rated medical alarm awd and 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limited 96 FORD Bronco, full time, get free equipment, size, last year, 5.0 liter, no activation fees, no 302 manual 5 speed, commitment, a 2nd wastraight body, r u ns great, brand new tires, terproof alert button for $2,500.00. 5 4 1-663- free and more - only $29.95 per month. 8009091 La Grande aks 977-5943 tfn

gutting youin the


Zef uss6opfor u!

Call 541-910-7096

FIREWOOD PRICES reduced $140.00 In rounds, 4in to 12in diameters, split. $170.00, Red Fir, Tamarack and Hardwood. $205 a cord, split. 541-786-0407 La Grande mvv

DirectTV - Over $636.00 in savings, Free upgrade to Genie, 8 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket included 2004 FORD F-350 4X4 at no charge. $29.99 Possible fin ancing. month! Call Now 1-8004dr Supercab, pow- 453-9131 tfn erstroke, 6spd, new clutch, goosneck, 132k, DISH TV Retailer. StartNADA $13,975, sell for ing at $19.99/month (for $11,995.00 OBO. 541- 12 mos.l 8 High Speed 263-0555 Joseph afg I nternet starting a t $14.95/month (where 1934 DODGE available.) SAVE! Ask RAT ROD About SAME DAY InstalDriver sits on the right lation! CALL Now! 1-800hand side, new rebuilt 593-1764 tfn Chevy 350 with Vortec heads, TH350, 10 bolt THE NICKELAT1112 1/2 rearend 2.48, your choice Adams Ave., La Grande, of 10' or 8' rear wheels, OR 97850. 1-800-654Holley 500 cfm 2 bbl, aluminum radiator with 5829, 963-6237. Hours: twin electric fans, 19" 6' M-F 8:30 - 5:00pm.

Is Vourhomeowner'sSolicV

Measures and Cuts Carpet & Vinyl up to 13'Wide. Like New Asking $14,000

GET THE Big Deal f rom D irecTV! A c t Now- $19.99/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME 8 CINEMAX. FREE GENIE HD/ DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. New Customers Only. IV Support Holdings LLCAn authorized DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply - Call for details 1-800-370-1356 tfn

Qalle CalI 54l-963-3l2l Visit


ALL THINGS Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-680-6517 tfn

The Nickel - Jan29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

~ E E K T & T

H ~ES K E $69,000 FOR 2.89 acres, with 2001 manufactured home near Durkee. 541519-9846 etd COMMERCIAL SPACE For Rent: 1,000sqf area, plus 250sqf loft, office and bathroom, water/ sewer included, paved parking, located in Island City, $540.00/mth. Call 541-963-3496 after 10am. Island City eqe

FOR SALE: 1989 Hillcrest 3bd 2bath w/ Jacuzzi tub, fenced yard, dog kennel. 541-7868793 La Grande tqm

ROOMMATE, SHARE 2 bedroom furnished apartment, all utilities, cable tv included, pool, $315 per month. 541786-0774 La Grande uql

ESTABLISHED, TURN- QUIET PRIVATE sleepKEY tra n smissioning room withbath, refrigshop. All equipment, erator and microwave, prime frontage location. off street parking, utility $529,900. Or 4000sqft furnished, $75 deposit, partitioned shop, 2ba, $400.00 a month. 5413 offices, $439,900. La 962-9596 La Grande upp Grande, Oregon. Call TAKING 541-963-9633 eph APPLICATIONS. HOUSE IN BAKER IT'S TIME now to be CITY! ready for spring. 1/2 Fully remodeled craftsacre May Lane. Great for man bungalow.3 bed,1 a manufacturered home bath. Carport w 10x20 and a shop. $47,500.00. 541-786-1649 La shop, appliances included, W/D hook ups, Grande epr covered patio, fenced yard. $950/mo + utilities NEW HOUSE 40 + deposits. Will considACRES er lease to own/terms. RANGE TIMBER Available in May. 2645 New house built 2013, 2nd St. 541-519-1981 972 sq ft on 40 acres Baker City uqj range an d ti m ber with Denny Creek.10 SW B a ke r Cit y . powderrivejay@gmail. com 541-523-9390 Baker City erb •

F OR RENT: I n L a Cimmaron Grande, 2+ bedroom corner lot with fenced yard, Kingsview Manor dishwasher, garbage disCountry West posal. $500 deposit first Miocene and last month's rent. $700 a month. Lease op- LaGrande Terrace tion preferred. 541-2713414 La Grande erh e-mail Page 9

3+ BEDROOM ranch 2007 FORD Mustang house. $600 rent, $600 5.0 liter, silver, factory deposit. N o h orses. headers, has chipped, Firefighter d i s count.4in exhaust, brand new 541-853-2313 Medical wheels 8 tires, excellent Springs urw condition, 28,769mi. Serious inquiries only. Asking $22,500.00. 541-8203532 Prairie City apg PRIVATE JEWELRY Sale: Black Hills gold, 1994 FORD F-150 Ext Jade diamond ring, anCab 4x4 V-8, 122k miles, tique broach, hair clips, $3,950.00 obo. 541-663earrings, n e cklaces, 8265 La Grande apr pearls, etc. All have been appraised, sell for half 2004 LINCOLN LSor less. 541-805-1030 V8 Sedan 4dr Sport, 6 Summerville mqm disc cd player, Heated/ BISON BURGER: PREORDER, BUY BULK AND SAVE. • 100% All natural grass fed, locally raised Bison. • No added hormones. NO fat added, 100% lean bison burger. • Ground and packaged in USDA inspected facilities $7.50 per pound when 10+ pounds are ordered • $7.00 per pound when 25+ pounds are ordered • E-mail or call 541-805-0777. View pic online at lagrandenickel. com La Grande mrd •

Housing. Accepting applications.Income restrictionsapply.

Call Candi in BakerCity gJ (541 )523-6578. g


REDUCE YOUR Past Tax Bill by as much as 75%. StopLevies,Liens 8 Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify 1-800455-7198 ffn

Tony Little Gazelle exercise machine, almost new, $200. Instruction video and Owners Manual included. 541-5234743 Baker City mqg

NOTICE: C l a ssified Deadline: Tuesday 5pm. Changes or cancellations must be in by 5pm Monday.

Real Estate Eastern Oregon

6000 WATT generator, 7,000 peak watts less than 1 hour run time, $650.00 obo. 5hp rototiller chain drive w/reverse, $100.00 obo. 541-8055224 La Grande mpj.

2003 JET 7 Power chair, used very little and in AC, leather seats, pow- good condition. $500. er sunroof. Runs and 541-886-4755. Wallowa drives great, very clean mqm car, 75,000mi, asking $8,900.00. 5 4 1-910ANTIQUE VERY LARGE 1879 La Grande apm pot b e llied s t ove, FOR SALE: 1981 F-150 $500.00. Army cannon 4x4, parts truck, does stove. 541-663-9091 La run, $600 obo. 541-523- Grande mqs 9085 Baker City apb

Is For Sale By Owner for you? Do youneed to sellyourHome? Are youupside downon your mortgage? Are commissions too high for your budget? Do youhave time to commit to field calls and give tours? Log on and Sell it Yourself? How it Works 1. Go to the FSBO website: 2. Set up your account. 3. Purchase the FSBO package, services, and supplies you need 4. Manage your home-selling activities




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Page 10 e-mail

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237 ' ยน

USED COOKING oil. $1.00 per gallon. Negotiable. 541-263-0347 Lostine hpc

DISH TV Retailer SAVE! Starting $19.99/ month (for 12 months). FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation 8 Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-593-1764 tfn


2014 PJ trailer, 20ft, dual axle, like new condition, $4,600.00. 3 Miller Wire f eed welders, all i n good working condition, $1,200-$1,600.00 each. 1981 Ford F-350 4x4 single wheel, hyd. Left gate, nice wheels 8 tires 4spd. 1983 Ford F-250 4x4 flatbed extra cab, good tires, 4spd. 84 Ford F-150 4x4, runs good, automatic. Farm equipment, skid steer attachments, gas welders etc. 541-3790851 Union fqb

โ ข

AUTOMATIC AND STANDARD Transmission Repair and Rebuilding. Reasonable Prices, 28 years in La Grande Call 541-963-7087 La Grande axm

MEET SINGLES right CASH FOR guns, we now! No paid operators, buy guns at Oregon Trail just real people like you. Trader, 2312 Adams Browse greetings, ex- Ave. 541-963-2913 La change messages and Grande dxo 2004 HEARTHSTONE connect live. Try it free. Tucson cast iron brown Call now: 800-417-7304 BUYING ANTLERS! enamel propane heater, NO PART of this publica- tfn Any type, any condition, includes all piping, excelPICKUP FLATBEDS, tion may be reproduced will pay more for craft lent condition, sacrifice, and front end replace- without the permission Reznor gas h e ater, antlers. Will pay cash. $600. 5 4 1-894-2205SOCIAL SECURITY Disments, many styles to of the publisher. Thank 40,000 btu, electronic Call 541-910-2640 Union Sumpterhwb ability Benefits. Unable choose from. Call Pio- you. pxh ignition, $350.00. Jeff dxd to work? Denied beneneer West 541-663-9378 Stevens 541-963-8671 MEMORY FOAM mat- fits? We Can Help! WIN La Grande axp WANTED: ALL classes La Grande mws NEW PISTOLS over tress, like new, includes or Pay Nothing! Contact of horses. We pick'em 100 in stock can special foundation, California Bill Gordon 8 AssociHARLEY ANDATV up. Call J.A. Bennett THE NICKEL TOLL free order an y f i r earms King size, $400.00 obo. ates at 1-800-317-4986 Service and R epair Livestock. 541-523-6119 1-800-654-5829. or do i n ternet gun 541-437-4021 Elgin hqb to start your application for Harley Davidsons or 541-519-2802 Baker transfers.541-523-9448 today! tfn View our ads online at and ATV's. B8B Re- City pxj OCEAN CARGO Stor- Baker City dxw pair 62010 West Road age Containers. Various NOW GOT KNEE Pain? Back Updated every Friday. Call 541-605-0400 La NOTICE: Changes or sizes, secure storage, PRICE R E DUCED! OFFERING Pain? Shoulder Pain? Grande axb cancellat(ons must be on ground delivery. "We SNP .45 USG 4in, 2 Get a p a in-relievingALFALFA HAY for Sale. in by 5pm Monday. sell, rent, buy 8 move grips, night sights, mag brace, little or NO cost to 2nd cutting, 3 x3x8 2013 JEEP Grand Chercontainers." Insta Stor, pouch, holster, travel w e ather.okee Laredo Immacu- FOR SALE HEREFORD Inc. 509-765-1376, www. box, 1 15 and 2 14 round you. Medicare Patients bales. No Call Health Hotline Now! Under cover. Quality test late, 4,600 miles, black YEARLING BULLS mpi magazines, $650.00. results. 19% protein, 190 on black, $41,000.00. Harrel 8 Hoiden genet1-800-408-8103 tfn 541-910-6148 I sland CCBยน 149931 RFV. $200.00/ton. Call 541-786-2575 La ics, sired by Churchill PREGNANT? CONSID- City dxf "Nore Than Justa Shed" for further details. 541- Grande axl Yankee and Sons ofthe ERING Adoption? Call Countryside Sheds, u c 263-0342 Wallowa fpb SELL YOUR structured Great 4140P. Top quality us first. Living expens- MUZZLELOADERS and (800) 682-0589(541)663-0246 AUTOMATIC AND settlement or annuity bulls, priced right. Start- es, housing, medical 8 more. Guns, buy, sell 10102 S. MrAlister Rd.IslandCity HEAVY ROCKWELL STANDARD payments for CASH ing at $2,500.00. 541- continued support after- or trade. Black powder cabinet saw, $ 175. NOW. You don't have to Craftsman 12" band sion Repair and Rebuild- 910-3610 Baker City pxo wards. Choose adoptive guns 8 a c cessories, wait for your future pay- saw, $125. 4 bench drill ing. Reasonable Prices, family of your choice. modern guns 8 ammo. 28 years in La Grande Display e-mail address ments any longer! Call presses, $75 ea. 541Call 24/7. 1-800-918- 541-663-2650 I sland Call 541-963-7087 La displays@lagrandenickel 1-800-628-8710 tfn 4187 ffn City dxg 248-7080 Elgin fqo com. Grande axm HORSE B OARDING: Inside stalls, runs, inside hay storage, outside arena 8 pasture. Close to La Grande. Call 541963-4591 pxb

Rent to Own





Annual NWTF Banquet Feb. 7th 2015 5:00 pm at Baker Elks lodge RAFFLE G a m b le o f t h e G u n S a fe B ake r C o . L o n g B e a r d s T ick e t s 5 2 5 e a c h

Contact BobReedy for Information andtickets 541-403-1352 National Wild Turkey Federation PO Box 530 770AugustaRoad, Edgefield,SC 29824 803 637-3106

Canaarva. lhยนIttt. Sham.

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

' li$$4ÃNSE 0

a % e-mail Page 11

Welcome to the ODFWRecreation Report FISHING, HUNTING,WILDLIFE VIEWING January 29'", 20'I5


II Q ~ A~ o Q-Gr



Only a few days left to report big game and turkey tags Don't forget to report your hunt results no later than Jan. 31, 2015 for most hunts. Report online or by phone (1-866-947-6339). Hunters need to complete a report for each deer, elk, cougar, bear, turkey and pronghorn tag purchased (or picked up as part of a Sports Pac) — even if they didn't hunt or weren't successful. Deer and elk hunters who don't report will have to pay a $25 fine to get a 2016 hunting license. Winter steelhead season continues For the best fishing, keep an eye on the weather and water levels (and the weekly Recreation Report) and be ready to hit the river when water levels start to fall. Spring bear hunting applications due Feb. 10 Visit us at the Pacific NW Sportsman Show Feb. 4-8, Portland Oregon ODFW will host several seminars about controlled hunts during the show. FISHING Weekend fishing opportunities: • St e elhead fishing on the upper Umatilla River continues to be good and angler effort is picking up in the Pendleton area. Anglers are still making successful steelhead trips to the lower lmnaha. Flows have maintained and are still providing some great conditions for catching steelhead. GRANDE RONDE RIVER: steelhead The Grande Ronde River flows jumped last week but anglers were still finding a few fish. If flows continue to drop, this great year of fishing should continue. Look for angling to continue to be good into March when flows and water conditions make fishing difficult. With cooling water temps look for fish to move to calmer water where they can conserve energy while holding. A healthy proportion of two salt fish has resulted in a large average size this year. So, expect a few larger fish and some screaming drags! Remember, only adipose-fin clipped rainbow trout may be retained and all bull trout must be released unharmed. IMNAHA RIVER: steelhead Anglers are still making successful steelhead trips to the lower lmnaha. Flows have maintained and are still providing some great conditions for catching steelhead. Angling will pick up in late February and March. Both fly and gear fisherman have fared well all winter. WALLOWA LAKE: rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Some rainbow trout are still available and tagged fish are occasionally being reported. Trout have been caught with a variety of methods but a simple rig with PowerBait has been most effective. If the cold weather continues and the lake freezes, ice fishing can be good for both kokanee and trout. The lake was stocked with tagged rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. WALLOWA RIVER: steelhead, mountain whitefish Reports of successful steelhead trips have been surprisingly consistent for steelhead. The best time to catch steelhead on the Wallowa is normally late winter or early spring, but there are enough fish being caught currently to keep anglers interested. Keep an eye on the weekly recreation report for more information on river conditions. Remember the Wallowa River is a whitefish factory. Whitefish can be a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing and can be great table fair. Simply tie in a small bead-head nymph dropper while fishing under a bobber rig and let the fun begin. Also, steelhead will often take a bead head nymph hanging under a jig. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR, UPLAND BIRD (remaining seasons close Jan. 31) BAKER COUNTY Chukar, Hun, and California Quail season end Jan. 31, 2015. Cougars can be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2015 tag. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Cougars are common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Remember to pick up a tag for 2015. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area is open Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and federal holidays Waterfowl seasons are closed. Quail season is open through January 31. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area is open Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and federal holidays during pheasant, quail, partridge and waterfowl seasons. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult game bird regulations before entering the wildlife area. WALLOWA COUNTY Elk - Numbers of elk are strong throughout most of Wallowa County with good bull to cow ratios in all units. Most animals are now on winter ranges at lower elevations. Our last antlerless elk season for the year closed on Friday January 16'" and success was moderate to high. While some elk have begun to move back out onto the Zumwalt Prairie, most are on the canyon slopes along the eastern edge of the Prairie where they are less accessible. Chukar hunting is closing Jan. 31. Coyote: Good numbers of coyotes can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. Cougar numbers are strong throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques. Northeast Zone WILDLIFE VIEWING BAKER COUNTY Bighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. The best viewing is in the early morning and late in the evening. Bald and golden eagles can be seen along the Snake River. Take the Snake River Road between Richland and Huntington. Deer and elk are returning to the valley to winter. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon are good times to view wildlife. Driving through the foothills of the Baker valley and through the Keating valley can turn up good numbers of deer. Elkhorn WildlifeArea Elkhorn Wildlife Area is known for the Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer herds that frequent the area during the winter. When snow covers the ground, ODFW staff feed elk and deer to encourage them to stay in the higher elevations and out of agricultural fields. There are two good viewing sites. The Anthony Creek site is located about eight miles west of 1-84 on North Powder River Lane. From 1-84 take the North Powder Exit (Exit 285). About 150 elk can be seen here on any given day. From the overlook on Auburn Road, watch hundreds of elk and mule deer. It is on the south side of Old Auburn Road, which branches off Highway 7 about six miles south of Baker City. UNION COUNTY Ladd Narsh WildlifeArea The Tule Lake autoroute is closed to vehicles. The Tule Lake unit and most of the wildlife will close to all public entry Sunday, February 1 with the closing of the quail hunting season. Tule Lake will re-open March 1. The Glass Hill Unit will also be closed to all public entry beginning February1. Glass Hill will be closed through March 30 to benefit wintering wildlife. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult the wildlife area administrative rules. Rules that apply to all areas are at the top (at the above link), and then scroll down to page 8, ¹635-008-120, for additional rules specific to Ladd Marsh. Dogs are not permitted within the Wildlife Area, on or off leash except during authorized hunting seasons. There are numerous quality viewing opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance. Water levels in ponds and wetlands are good. Waterfowl present in the area include Canada goose, greater white-fronted goose, common merganser and many duck species. About a dozen tundra swans were seen recently west of Hwy 203. More swans should arrive soon. Large numbers of white-crowned sparrows have been found in shrubby areas along with song sparrows. Northern shrikes continue in several locations across the area. Feeders at HQ are hosting goldfinch, house finch, Cassin's finch, black-capped chickadee, dark-eyed junco, song sparrow, flicker, collared-dove, house sparrow and California quail. A flock of evening grosbeaks have been at the feeders intermittently. Raptors include Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Rough-legged Hawk, Great horned and Barn Owls, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks and American Kestrel. A few warm, windless afternoons have given the place a spring feeling including Canada geese apparently checking out and claiming nest sites. For more information on access rules for Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area, please consult the Oregon Game Bird Regulations or call the wildlife area (541) 963-4954. WALLOWA COUNTYWinter is a good time to find raptors in the Wallowa Valley. Particularly common are red-tailed hawks, with many rough-legged hawks andbald eagles also present. Of particular interest, this year is a gyrfalcon that has been wintering in the lower Prairie Creek area east of Enterprise for the last couple of weeks. View from county roads: try Dobbin Road and Bicentennial Lane. It is often seen on telephone poles or trees above ponds. Also, several merlins have been sighted in the area between Joseph and Enterprise. See bald eagles at Wallowa Lake. Winter is a good time to view mule deer and white-tailed deer as they are more actively feeding during the limited hours of daylight this time of year. A good place to observe mule deer is along the Wallowa Lake highway between Joseph and the south end of Wallowa Lake. Drive slowly and watch along the moraine on the east side of the lake around dawn and dusk. Be careful to use the turnouts when stopping to watch these animals, as there will be other traffic on the road. White-tailed deer can be found throughout the Wallowa Valley on or near agricultural lands. The elk on the Zumwalt Prairie have moved off the open prairie now and are on the slopes of the lmnaha and Snake River Canyons where they are more difficult to view. Once you find a herd, use binoculars or a spotting scope to observe the animals. Large numbers of migrant waterfowl can be seen flying into Wallowa Lake in the evenings from the county park at the north end of the lake. Canada geese and several species of ducks can be seen feeding in agricultural fields and along streams around the county. Other winter migrants have begun to move into the area including several bald eagles, hooded mergansers, qoldfinches, andboth cedar and Bohemian waxwinqs. Of particular interest was a Cape Mav warbler that has been seen this past week in Enterprise.

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

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a % e-mail Page 11

Welcome to the ODFWRecreation Report FISHING, HUNTING,WILDLIFE VIEWING January 29'", 20'I5


II Q ~ A~ o Q-Gr



Only a few days left to report big game and turkey tags Don't forget to report your hunt results no later than Jan. 31, 2015 for most hunts. Report online or by phone (1-866-947-6339). Hunters need to complete a report for each deer, elk, cougar, bear, turkey and pronghorn tag purchased (or picked up as part of a Sports Pac) — even if they didn't hunt or weren't successful. Deer and elk hunters who don't report will have to pay a $25 fine to get a 2016 hunting license. Winter steelhead season continues For the best fishing, keep an eye on the weather and water levels (and the weekly Recreation Report) and be ready to hit the river when water levels start to fall. Spring bear hunting applications due Feb. 10 Visit us at the Pacific NW Sportsman Show Feb. 4-8, Portland Oregon ODFW will host several seminars about controlled hunts during the show. FISHING Weekend fishing opportunities: • St e elhead fishing on the upper Umatilla River continues to be good and angler effort is picking up in the Pendleton area. Anglers are still making successful steelhead trips to the lower lmnaha. Flows have maintained and are still providing some great conditions for catching steelhead. GRANDE RONDE RIVER: steelhead The Grande Ronde River flows jumped last week but anglers were still finding a few fish. If flows continue to drop, this great year of fishing should continue. Look for angling to continue to be good into March when flows and water conditions make fishing difficult. With cooling water temps look for fish to move to calmer water where they can conserve energy while holding. A healthy proportion of two salt fish has resulted in a large average size this year. So, expect a few larger fish and some screaming drags! Remember, only adipose-fin clipped rainbow trout may be retained and all bull trout must be released unharmed. IMNAHA RIVER: steelhead Anglers are still making successful steelhead trips to the lower lmnaha. Flows have maintained and are still providing some great conditions for catching steelhead. Angling will pick up in late February and March. Both fly and gear fisherman have fared well all winter. WALLOWA LAKE: rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Some rainbow trout are still available and tagged fish are occasionally being reported. Trout have been caught with a variety of methods but a simple rig with PowerBait has been most effective. If the cold weather continues and the lake freezes, ice fishing can be good for both kokanee and trout. The lake was stocked with tagged rainbow trout in an effort by ODFW to better understand the utilization of this fishery. Tagged fish have been caught at very high rates and over $2,700 in rewards have been paid. WALLOWA RIVER: steelhead, mountain whitefish Reports of successful steelhead trips have been surprisingly consistent for steelhead. The best time to catch steelhead on the Wallowa is normally late winter or early spring, but there are enough fish being caught currently to keep anglers interested. Keep an eye on the weekly recreation report for more information on river conditions. Remember the Wallowa River is a whitefish factory. Whitefish can be a great way to keep kids interested while steelhead fishing and can be great table fair. Simply tie in a small bead-head nymph dropper while fishing under a bobber rig and let the fun begin. Also, steelhead will often take a bead head nymph hanging under a jig. NORTHEAST ZONE HUNTING OPEN: COUGAR, UPLAND BIRD (remaining seasons close Jan. 31) BAKER COUNTY Chukar, Hun, and California Quail season end Jan. 31, 2015. Cougars can be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2015 tag. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. UNION COUNTY Cougars are common in Union County. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for only $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before check in. Remember to pick up a tag for 2015. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area is open Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and federal holidays Waterfowl seasons are closed. Quail season is open through January 31. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area is open Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and federal holidays during pheasant, quail, partridge and waterfowl seasons. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult game bird regulations before entering the wildlife area. WALLOWA COUNTY Elk - Numbers of elk are strong throughout most of Wallowa County with good bull to cow ratios in all units. Most animals are now on winter ranges at lower elevations. Our last antlerless elk season for the year closed on Friday January 16'" and success was moderate to high. While some elk have begun to move back out onto the Zumwalt Prairie, most are on the canyon slopes along the eastern edge of the Prairie where they are less accessible. Chukar hunting is closing Jan. 31. Coyote: Good numbers of coyotes can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. Cougar numbers are strong throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques. Northeast Zone WILDLIFE VIEWING BAKER COUNTY Bighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. The best viewing is in the early morning and late in the evening. Bald and golden eagles can be seen along the Snake River. Take the Snake River Road between Richland and Huntington. Deer and elk are returning to the valley to winter. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon are good times to view wildlife. Driving through the foothills of the Baker valley and through the Keating valley can turn up good numbers of deer. Elkhorn WildlifeArea Elkhorn Wildlife Area is known for the Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer herds that frequent the area during the winter. When snow covers the ground, ODFW staff feed elk and deer to encourage them to stay in the higher elevations and out of agricultural fields. There are two good viewing sites. The Anthony Creek site is located about eight miles west of 1-84 on North Powder River Lane. From 1-84 take the North Powder Exit (Exit 285). About 150 elk can be seen here on any given day. From the overlook on Auburn Road, watch hundreds of elk and mule deer. It is on the south side of Old Auburn Road, which branches off Highway 7 about six miles south of Baker City. UNION COUNTY Ladd Narsh WildlifeArea The Tule Lake autoroute is closed to vehicles. The Tule Lake unit and most of the wildlife will close to all public entry Sunday, February 1 with the closing of the quail hunting season. Tule Lake will re-open March 1. The Glass Hill Unit will also be closed to all public entry beginning February1. Glass Hill will be closed through March 30 to benefit wintering wildlife. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult the wildlife area administrative rules. Rules that apply to all areas are at the top (at the above link), and then scroll down to page 8, ¹635-008-120, for additional rules specific to Ladd Marsh. Dogs are not permitted within the Wildlife Area, on or off leash except during authorized hunting seasons. There are numerous quality viewing opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance. Water levels in ponds and wetlands are good. Waterfowl present in the area include Canada goose, greater white-fronted goose, common merganser and many duck species. About a dozen tundra swans were seen recently west of Hwy 203. More swans should arrive soon. Large numbers of white-crowned sparrows have been found in shrubby areas along with song sparrows. Northern shrikes continue in several locations across the area. Feeders at HQ are hosting goldfinch, house finch, Cassin's finch, black-capped chickadee, dark-eyed junco, song sparrow, flicker, collared-dove, house sparrow and California quail. A flock of evening grosbeaks have been at the feeders intermittently. Raptors include Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Rough-legged Hawk, Great horned and Barn Owls, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks and American Kestrel. A few warm, windless afternoons have given the place a spring feeling including Canada geese apparently checking out and claiming nest sites. For more information on access rules for Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area, please consult the Oregon Game Bird Regulations or call the wildlife area (541) 963-4954. WALLOWA COUNTYWinter is a good time to find raptors in the Wallowa Valley. Particularly common are red-tailed hawks, with many rough-legged hawks andbald eagles also present. Of particular interest, this year is a gyrfalcon that has been wintering in the lower Prairie Creek area east of Enterprise for the last couple of weeks. View from county roads: try Dobbin Road and Bicentennial Lane. It is often seen on telephone poles or trees above ponds. Also, several merlins have been sighted in the area between Joseph and Enterprise. See bald eagles at Wallowa Lake. Winter is a good time to view mule deer and white-tailed deer as they are more actively feeding during the limited hours of daylight this time of year. A good place to observe mule deer is along the Wallowa Lake highway between Joseph and the south end of Wallowa Lake. Drive slowly and watch along the moraine on the east side of the lake around dawn and dusk. Be careful to use the turnouts when stopping to watch these animals, as there will be other traffic on the road. White-tailed deer can be found throughout the Wallowa Valley on or near agricultural lands. The elk on the Zumwalt Prairie have moved off the open prairie now and are on the slopes of the lmnaha and Snake River Canyons where they are more difficult to view. Once you find a herd, use binoculars or a spotting scope to observe the animals. Large numbers of migrant waterfowl can be seen flying into Wallowa Lake in the evenings from the county park at the north end of the lake. Canada geese and several species of ducks can be seen feeding in agricultural fields and along streams around the county. Other winter migrants have begun to move into the area including several bald eagles, hooded mergansers, qoldfinches, andboth cedar and Bohemian waxwinqs. Of particular interest was a Cape Mav warbler that has been seen this past week in Enterprise.

Page 12 e-mail

The Nickel - Jan 29, 2015 1-800-654-5829 or 541-963-6237

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