Laguna Tools Bandsaw Blade Manual

Page 1

ABRI EFBANDSAW HI STORY. . . Thei deaoft hebands awdat esbackt oatl eas t1809, whenWi l l i am Newber r yr ecei v edaBr i t i s hpat entf or t hei dea,butbands awsr emai nedi mpr act i cal becaus eoft hebl ades .Noonecoul dmakea bands awbl adet hatcoul dwi t hs t andt hecons t ant f l ex i ngunt i l Fr enchmanA.Per i ni nt r oducedav i abl e bl adei nt heear l y1860s .Bands awsqui ckl ybecame popul ari nEngl andandt her es tofEur ope.Byt hel at e 1860st hebl adeshadmadet hei rwayt oNor t hAmer i ca andt hef i r s tmanuf act ur edAmer i canbands awsappear ed.


SAFETYFI RST Aswi t hal l machi ner yandt ool s ,t her ear ecer t ai nhaz ar dsi nv ol v ed wi t ht heoper at i onandus e.Us i ngi twi t hcaut i onwi l l cons i der abl y l es s ent hepos s i bi l i t yofper s onal i nj ur y .Howev er ,i fnor mal s af et y pr ecaut i onsar eov er l ookedori gnor ed,per s onal i nj ur yt ot heoper at or mayr es ul t .I fy ouhav eanyques t i onsr el at i v et ot hei ns t al l at i onand oper at i on,donotus et heequi pmentunt i l y ouhav econt act edy our s uppl y i ngdi s t r i but or .

Readcar ef ul l ybef or eoper at i ng: 1.Keept hewor ki ngar eacl eanandbes ur eadequat el i ght i ngi s av ai l abl e. 2.Donotwearl oos ecl ot hi ng,gl ov es ,br acel et s ,neckl acesor or nament s .Wearf ace,ey e,r es pi r at or yandbodypr ot ect i on dev i cesasi ndi cat edf ort heoper at i onorenv i r onment .

1 Saf et yFi r s t / I nt r oduct i on adeT y pes 2 Bl

ur i ngABl ade 16 Meas

3 Res awKi ng

17 Bl adeWander

ce 4 ShearFor

adeDr i f t 18 Bl

3.Bes ur et hatt hepoweri sdi s connect edf r om t hemachi nebef or e t ool sar es er v i cedoranat t achmenti st obef i t t edorr emov ed.

5 Pr of or ce

1921 Mai nt enance

4.Nev erl eav et hemachi newi t ht hepoweron.

6 Bi Met al

2224LagunaGui des

7 Scal l op/ But cher

awTi ps 25 Bands r oubl es hoot i ng 2627T

5.Donotus edul l ,gummyorcr ackedcut t i ngt ool s .

8 Uncoi l i ngYourBl ade 9 Fol di ngABands awBl ade

adeT er mi nol ogy 1012Bl 13 Bl adeTens i oni ng

adeT r ack i ng 14 Bl 15 Ra di usChar t

6.Bes ur et hatt hekey sandadj us t i ngwr encheshav ebeenr emov ed andal l t henut sandbol t sar es ecur ed.

I NTRODUCTI ONTOBANDSAW BLADES Thes el ect i onandus eofbl adesi sav er yex t ens i v es ubj ect ,andt her e hav ebeenmanybookswr i t t enont hes ubj ect .Thi smanual i si nt ended asagener al gui deandy oumayf i ndt hatt hepr i nci pl esdes cr i bedcan appl yt oal l bl ades .

Lagunat ool s . com 18002341976

Abet t er bl ade. com 18666776623

Š 2013LagunaTool s ,I nc.Al l r i ght sr es er v ed.


Res awKi ng

Bl adeT y pes Ther ear e3bas i cbl ademat er i al sus edf orbands awbl ades : bi met al ,t i ppedbl adesandCar bons t eel .Al l bl adeshav eabacki ngof car bons pr i ngs t eel andt henei t herhar denedt eet horat i pat t ached. Car bons t eel bl adesar emadef r om s pr i ngs t eel .Af t ert het oot hhas beenf or medt het oot hi shar denedandgr ound.Thi si st hes t andar d bl adef orcut t i ngmos twoodsandi t smai n adv ant agei spr i ce. I thasar eas onabl el i f ewhencut t i ngwoodst hatar enotabr as i v e. Bi met al bl adeshav ehi ghs peeds t eel wel dedt ot hes pr i ngs t eel backi ng,andt hent het eet har egr ound.Theadv ant ageoft hi st y peof bl adei st hatt het eet har emadef r om v er yhar dmat er i al ,hav eal ongl i f e andcanbeus edt ocuthar dmat er i al s .Thedi s adv ant agei st hatt he bl adei smor eex pens i v e. Car bi de/ St el l i t et i ppedbl adesar emadef r om s pr i ngs t eel andhav eat i p at t ached.Ther ear es ev er al mat er i al st hatar eus edt ot i pt hebl adebut car bi dei st hemos tcommonandhast headv ant ageofbei ngabl et o cutabr as i v ewoodswi t hav er yl ongl i f eex pect ancy . Cut t i ngs peed: Ther ei snoef f ect i v ewayt oex act l yquant i f yt hes peedt hatanybl ade wi l l cutt hr oughmat er i al .Thev ar i abl est hataf f ectt hecut t i ngs peedar e t hi cknes sofmat er i al bei ngcut ,t y peofmat er i al bei ngcut ,f i ni s h r equi r ed,machi nebei ngus ed,s t r ai ghtorcur v edcut ,andmanyot her s .

Resaw Ki ngSi zes:3/ 4" ,1" ,11/ 4" ,2" TheRes awKi ngi sper hapst hewor l d' sf i nes tr es awi ngbl ade. Manuf act ur edwi t hC4car bi det eet h,t hi sbl adeal l owsy out ocut ul t r as moot h,waf er t hi nv eneer swi t hmi ni mal was t e.Woodwor ker s demandi ngt hebes twi l l bei mpr es s ed.

Des i gn

Thecar bi det i pus edi nmanuf act ur i ngt heRes awKi ngi sl ar gert han compet i t or s ,maki ngi tt hebes t s ui t edcar bi debl adef orr es har peni ng. Getupt o5r es har peni ngsf r om onebl ade.

Thi nnerMat er i al

Thebacki ngmat er i al i st hi nnert hananycompet i t or ,maki ngi tt he hi ghes ty i el di ngcar bi des awbl adei nt hewor l d.

Hi ghes tQual i t y

Weus et hes ameCNCmachi net or es har pent hebl adeasweus et o manuf act ur et hebl ade.Ther ef or e,ar es har penedbl adeper f or msl i ke anewbl ade.Thedi amondgr i ndi ngwheel sar et hehi ghes tqual i t y obt ai nabl ei nt hewor l d,manuf act ur edi nI l l i noi s ,USA.

Smoot herCut s

Thev ar i abl et oot hpi t chmi ni mi z eshar moni cv i br at i on,t her ebymaki nga s moot hercut .

Asagener al r ul e,t hes mal l ert het eet h,t hes l owert hecut ,t hel ar ger t het eet ht hef as t ert hecut .An18t pi bl adewi l l cutt hr oughmat er i al s l owl ybutgi v eagoodf i ni s h,whi l ea1. 25t pi bl adewi l l cutf as tt hr ough t hej obbutgi v eapoorf i ni s h.Ther ei snot hi ngqui t el i keex per i enceand i ti ss ugges t edt haty ous houl dex per i mentunt i l y ous et t l eont hebl ade t pi t hats ui t sy ouandt het y peofwor kt haty ouar edoi ng.



ShearFor ce ShearFor ceSi zi es:1" ,5/ 8" Madei nt heUSA,t heShearFor cebl adei scompat i bl ewi t hnear l y ev er ybands aw.Manuf act ur edwi t hanul t r at hi n. 024”backi ngand al t er nat i ng34TPI ,i tens ur esas moot hercutands i gni f i cant l y r educedv i br at i on.I fy ouar el ooki ngf orav er s at i l ebl adewi t han ex cept i onal pr eci s i oncut ,ShearFor cei sy ourbl ade.Thi sbl adei s t r ul yuni quei nev er yway . Feat ur es : •Per f ectf orr es awi ng •Heav y dut ybl ade •Thi nker fr educeswas t e.. 024Backi ng •Madef r om car bons t eel TheShearFor cei samul t i di mens i onal bl ade,l ov edbywoodwor ker s andaf av or i t ef orbut cher s .I t sdur abi l i t ywi l l out l as tanybl adei ni t s cl as s ! . LAGUNAQUI CKTI P: AL WAYSDETENSI ONYOURBLADES Wheny ouar edonecut t i ngf ort heday ,t aket het ens i onof fy our bl ade.Bands awbl ades ,whenwar medupf r om cut t i ng,al way s s t r et ch,anduponcool i ngs hr i nkbyt ensoft hous andt hsofani nch eachcool i ngper i od.Ther ef or e,bl ades ,whenl ef tont hes aw,ov er t ens i ont hems el v esandl eav et hememor yoft het wowheel si nt he s t eel oft heband,whi chwi l l caus ecr acki ngi nt hegul l et .Wheny ou l eav et hebandony ours awundert ens i on,notonl ydoy oudi s t or tt he cr ownandf l at t enoutt het i r es( whi chmakest hem v er yhar d) ,buty ou al s opl aceundues t r es sony ourbear i ngsands haf t s .Bel i ev ei tornot , y oucan,andwi l l damagey ourwheel geomet r ys oonerorl at erand cons i der abl ys hor t enbear i ngl i f e.Youar eal s ocr us hi ngy ourt i r es orVbel t s .


Pr of or ce Pr of or ceSi zes:1/ 8" ,3/ 16"1/ 4" ,3/ 8"1/ 2" ,3/ 4" ,1" ,11/ 4" ,2" Di r ectf r om Sweden,ourPr of or cebl ades t ocki st hef i nes tont he mar ket .Youwi l l i mmedi at el ynot i cet hedi f f er encei nqual i t yand pr eci s i onwi t ht henewPr of or ce.

ThePr of or cei sanaf f or dabl ebl adewi t houtcompr omi s i ngt hecut .Ev er y bl adei shandwel dedonas t at eof t hear twel derbyoneofours ki l l ed pr of es s i onal s .I ndi v i dual l yi ns pect edf orqual i t ycont r ol andbackedbya 6mont hmanuf act ur er ’ swar r ant y ,t hePr of or cei st hebl adeoft hef ut ur e. T r yt hePr of or cet odayandchangey ourwoodwor ki ngf or ev er ! Madef r om t emper edSwedi s hs i l i cons t eel ,t hePr oFor cei sa pr emi um bands awbl adedes i gnedf orl ongerl i f eandbet t er per f or mancet hant r adi t i onal car bons t eel bl ades .Thi sl i neof f er sawi de r angei nbot hbl adewi dt handt pi .

Speci f i cat i ons :

•Swedi s hs i l i cons t eel s ands aws l ade •Sl owcut t i ngwi t has moot hf i ni s h •Amaz i ngr es awcapabi l i t y •Dur abl e,s t ay ss har p

Hi s t or yNot e:

Anci ents awshav ebeendat edbackov er4, 000 y ear s .Handmadef r om bonet hes awswoul d hav ebeendul l af t eraf ewcut s .Al l s awswer e power edbyonet os i xpeopl eunt i l t he1860swhen t hef i r s tpower edbands awswer ei nv ent ed.


Bi Met al Bi Met alSi zes:1/ 4" ,3/ 8" ,1/ 2" ,3/ 4" ,1" ,11/ 4"

Bi Met al bands awbl adesar emadeofM42hi ghs peeds t eel ont he t oot hedgeands pr i ngs t eel f orbacki ngmat er i al .Thr oughapr oces s ofel ect r onbeam wel di ngandas peci f i cheatt r eat mentt het wo met al sar ebondedasone.Thi spr oces sens ur esahi ghqual i t y dur abl emet al cut t i ngbl ade. TheM42t oot hedgei sex t r emel yhar dandof f er sex cel l entf at i gue r es i s t ance,whi l et hes pr i ngs t eel gi v est hebl adef l exanddur abi l i t y .I t i ss ui t abl ef orcut t i ngv ar i ousf er r ousandnonf er r ousmat er i al sathi gh s peed. Char act er edbynar r owker f ,hi ghpr oduct i v i t y ,andener gys av i ngs ,i t i st hel at es tcut t i ngt ool t os av er awmat er i al andr educepower cons umpt i on. Bi Met al bl adescomei nv ar i ouswi dt hs ,t oot ht y peandt oot hper i nch.r angi ngf r om 1TPI( T eet hPerI nch)al l t hewayt o18TPI . Bef or ecut t i ng,y ouwantt omakes ur ey ouhav et hecor r ectbl adef or t hej ob. Bi Met al bl adesar egr eatmet al cut t i ngbl ades .Theycanbeus edon hor i z ont al orv er t i cal bands awst ocutcar bons t eel ,t ool s t eel , al umi num,s t r uct ur al s t eel ,s t ai nl es ss t eel ,pi pesandt ubes ,di es t eel , angl ed/ f l ats t ock,andmi x edmet al appl i cat i ons .OurBi Met al bl ades ar eoft hehi ghes tqual i t y ,andeachi shandi ns pect edbef or e s hi pment .

Speci f i cat i ons :

•Ex t r emel yDur abl e •LongLi f e


Scal l op Scal l opBl adeSi zi es:5/ 8" Bands awbl adesf orcut t i ngmeatar et y pi cal l ymadeofal l s t ai nl es s s t eel cons t r uct i onwi t heas y t ocl eanf eat ur es .Thebl adesei t herhav e f i net eet hwi t hheat t r eat edt i ps ,orhav epl ai nors cal l opedkni f eedges . Scal l opededgedbands awbl adesar edes i gnedt os l i cebonel es scut s s moot hl yandqui ckl ywi t hv er yl i t t l et onowas t e.Theyar eal s ous edt o cutl eat her ,car pet ,f oam,f abr i csandbaker ygoods .Theywer e or i gi nal l ycr eat eds peci f i cal l yt ocutbonel es smeat s ,pr oces s edmeat s , chees es ,andv er ys of tbonemat er i al s uchaschi cken. Ther az or ededgecr eat esper f ectcut st hatcanbeus edi nmany i ndus t r i es .Baker sus et hem t os l i cebr ead,ar t i s t sus et hem f orf oam andcons t r uct i ons i t esus et hem t ocuti ns ul at i on.Scal l opbl adescome i nmul t i pl es i z esandcanbedoubl es i dedf ors peci al t ycut s .

But cher But cherBl adeSi zi es:1" ,5/ 8"

But cherbands awbl adesar edes i gnedf orbonei nandf r oz enmeat bl ockcut t i ngappl i cat i ons ,pr ov i di ngf as t ,cl ean,accur at ecut st hat pr oducehi ghery i el ds . Cons i s t ent l ydel i v er ss t r ai ght ,s har pcut si ny ourmeatov eral onger per i odoft i me. Thes ebl adeshav et hes t r engt ht os t andupt ot her i gor sofhi ghv ol ume, hi ghf eedr at e,heav y dut ymeatpr oces s i ngoper at i ons .


Uncoi l i ngYourBl ade

Fol di ngABands awBl ade

Whenopeni ngt hebl ade,weargl ov esand ot herpr ot ect i v eequi pment ,ast hebl adei s undert ens i onandwhenr el eas edcoul ds pr i ng andcaus ei nj ur y .

Ther ei sanot herv ar i at i onoft hi st hatwor ks wel l wi t hs mal l bl adesbuts i mpl yi snot pos s i bl ef orl ar gerbands awbl ades ,unl es s y ou' r ev er ybi gands t r ong. Thi smet hodwor kst hes ameast hemet hod abov e,butr at hert hanhol di ngt hebl adewi t h bot hhands ,gr as pt hebl adeatt het opwhi l e hol di ngt hebot t om oft hebl adewi t hy ourf oot ( t eet hs t i l l f aci ngawayf r om y ou) .Gr as pt he bl adewi t hy ourhand,t wi s t i ngy ourar ms uch t haty ourel bowi sf aci ngawayf r om y our body .

Teet hdi r ect i on: I ft het eet har enotf aci ngi nt hecor r ect di r ect i on( f aci ngupwhenf i t t edt ot hebands aw) , r ot at et hebl adeasbel ow. 1.Li ght l ypl acey ourf ootont hebot t om oft he bl ade.I ti sr ecommendedt hatt hebl adei s pl acedonmat er i al t hatwi l l notdamaget he bl adet eet h( woodorcar dboar d) .Yourf ooti s t her et ogi v es t abi l i t yandnott ocl ampt he bl ade,s odonotex er tex ces s i v ef or ce,ort he t eet h/ bandmaybedamaged.Pl acey our handsass hown,wi t hy ourt humbsf aci ng out . 2.Twi s ty ourwr i s t ss ot haty ourt humbsar e f aci ngeachot her .Thet oppar toft hebl ade i snowt wi s t edwi t ht het eet hf aci ngi nt he oppos i t edi r ect i on.


St ep1:Tur nt hepal m ofy ourhandt owar d y ourbodyabout180degr eesand t hencont i nuet ur ni ngwhi l epus hi ng downont hebl ade


St eps24:Thebl adewi l l f ol ddownupon i t s el fi nt ot hr eeci r cl es ,l y i ngf l aton t hegr ound.


Not e.Youmayhav et oov er t wi s tt hebl ade t ogett het opoft hebl adet of l i ckov er .

Not e.Bl adei sundert ens i on.Saf et ygl ov es andgoggl esmus tbewor nwhen handl i ngt hebl ade,ast het eet har e s har pandcoul dcaus ei nj ur y . Forhel pf ul v i deosont hes et opi cspl eas ev i s i t www. Abet t er bl ade. com

3.Remov ey ourf oots l owl yands haket hebl ade unt i l t hebl adebandunt wi s t s .






Bl adeTer mi nol ogy1 SET Theamountt hatt het eet har ewi dert hant het hi ck nes soft heback i ng mat er i al . •Thel ar gert hes et ,t hel ar gert hes awcut ,andt hes mal l ert her adi ust hat canbecut .Thi scanal s obeanadv ant agei fy ouar ecut t i ngaj obt hat hasat endencyt oni pt hebl ade. •Thes mal l ert hes et ,t hes mal l ert hes awcut ,andt hel ar gert her adi us t hatcanbecut .Youwas t el es swood. THI CKNESS Thet hi ck nes soft heband“ gauge. ”Thet hi ck ert heband,t hes t i f f ert he bl adeandt hes t r ai ght ert hecut .Thet hi ck ert heband,t hegr eat ert he t endencyf ort hebl adet obr eakduet os t r es scr ack i ng,andt hel ar gert he bands awwheel shav et obe. PI TCH Thedi s t ancef r om t het i pofonet oot ht ot het i poft henex tt oot h.Thi si s us ual l yquot edi nt eet hperi nch( T. P. I . ) .Thel ar gert het oot h,t hef as t ert he cut ,becaus et het oot hhasal ar gegul l etandhasagr eat ercapaci t yt o t r ans por tl ar geamount sofs awdus tt hr ought hej ob.Gener al l y ,t hel ar ger t het oot h,t hecoar s ert hecut ,andt her oughert hes ur f acef i ni s hoft hecut . Butwi t ht heRes awKi ng,y ougett headv ant ageofaf as tcutandagood s ur f acef i ni s h. •Thes mal l ert het oot h,t hes l owert hecut ,ast het oot hhasas mal l gul l et andcannott r ans por tl ar geamount sofs awdus tt hr ought hej ob.The s mal l ert het oot h,t hef i nert hecutandt hebet t ert hes ur f acef i ni s hoft he cut . •I ti snor mal l yr ecommendedt haty ouhav e6t o8t eet hengagedi nt he cut .Thi si snotar ul e,onl yagener al gui de.I fy ouhav ef ewert eet hen gaged,t her ei sapos s i bi l i t yt hatj udder i ngorv i br at i ngwi l l r es ul t ,ast her e i sat endencyt oov er f eedt hej obandf oreacht oot ht ot ak et oodeepa cut .I ff ewert eet har eengaged,t her ei sat endencyt oov er f i l l t hegul l et s oft het oot hwi t hs awdus t .Bot hpr obl emscanbeov er comet oadegr ee byadj us t i ngt hef eedr at e. •Ther ear ecer t ai ni ndi cat i onsi fabl adehast hecor r ectpi t chori ft hepi t ch i st oof i neort oocoar s e.Somear el i s t edont henex tpage.


Bl adeTer mi nol ogy2 CORRECTPI TCH Bl adescutqui ck l y . •Ami ni mum amountofheati scr eat edwhent hebl adecut s . •Mi ni mum f eedi ngpr es s ur ei sr equi r ed. •Mi ni mum hor s epoweri sr equi r ed. •Thebl ademak esqual i t ycut sf oral ongper i od. PI TCHI STOOFI NE •Thebl adecut ss l owl y . •Ther ei sex ces s i v eheat ,caus i ngpr emat ur ebr eak ageorr api ddul l i ng. •Unneces s ar i l yhi ghf eedi ngpr es s ur ei sr equi r ed. •Unneces s ar i l yhi ghhor s epoweri sr equi r ed. •Thebl adewear sex ces s i v el y . PI TCHTHATI STOOCOARSE •Thebl adehasas hor tcut t i ngl i f e. •Thet eet hwearex ces s i v el y . •Thebands aworbl adev i br at es . MATERI ALHARDNESS Whenchoos i ngt hebl adewi t ht hepr operpi t ch,onef act ory ous houl d cons i deri st hehar dnes soft hemat er i al t hati sbei ngcut .Thehar dert he mat er i al ,t hef i nert hepi t cht hati sr equi r ed.Forex ampl e,ex ot i char d woodss uchasebonyandr os ewoodr equi r ebl adeswi t haf i nerpi t cht han har dwoodss uchasoakormapl e.Sof twoods uchaspi newi l l qui ck l y cl ogt hebl adeanddecr eas ei t sabi l i t yt ocut .Hav i ngav ar i et yoft oot h conf i gur at i onsi nt hes amewi dt hwi l l mos tl i k el ygi v ey ouanaccept abl e choi cef orapar t i cul arj ob.TheRes awKi ngwi l l cutmos twoods ,buti t mus tbenot edt hatwhencut t i ngwoodswi t hahi ghs i l i concont entorv er y har dwoodss uchasi r onwood,ebony ,et c. ,t hebl adewi l l dul l mor equi ck l yt hanwhencut t i ngs of twoods . KERF Thewi dt hoft hes awcut . Thel ar gert hek er f ,t hes mal l ert her adi ust hatcanbecut .Butt hegr eat er t heamountofwoodt hatt hebl adehast ocutandt hegr eat ert he hor s epowert hati sneeded, t hebl adei sdoi ngmor ewor k .Thegr eat ert he k er f ,t hel ar gert heamountofwoodt hati sbei ngwas t edbyt hecut .


Bl adeTer mi nol ogy3 HOOKORRAKE Thecut t i ngangl eors hapeoft het oot h.Thegr eat ert heangl e,t hemor e aggr es s i v et het oot h,andt hef as t ert hecut .Butt hef as t ert hecut ,t he f as t ert het oot hwi l l bl unt ,andt hepoor ert hes ur f acef i ni s hoft hecut . Aggr es s i v ebl adesar es ui t abl ef ors of twoodsbutwi l l notl as twhen cut t i nghar dwoods .Thes mal l ert heangl e,t hel es saggr es s i v et het oot h, t hes l owert hecut ,andt hehar dert hewoodt hatt hebl adei ss ui t abl et o cut .Hookt eet hhav eapr ogr es s i v ecut t i ngangl eandt ak et hef or m ofa pr ogr es s i v er adi us .Theyar eus edf orf as tcut t i ngwher ef i ni s hi snot i mpor t ant .Rak et eet hhav eaf l atcut t i ngangl eandar eus edf orf i ne s ur f acef i ni s hoft hecut .TheRes awKi nghasar ak et oot hf or m.The t oot handgul l etar egr oundi nonecont i nuouspr oces st hatgr eat l y enhancest heper f or manceoft hebl ade,gi v i ngaf as tcutwi t hagood s ur f acef i ni s ht ot hewood. GULLET Thear eaf ort hes awdus tt obet r ans por t edt hr ought hewood.Thel ar ger t het oot h( pi t ch) ,t hebi ggert hegul l et . RAKEANGLE Theangl ef r om t het i poft het oot hback .Thegr eat ert heangl e,t hemor e aggr es s i v et het oot h,butt heweak ert het oot h. BEAM STRENGTH Thi si st heabi l i t yoft hebl adet or es i s tbendi ngback war ds .Thewi dert he bl ade,t hes t r ongert hebeam s t r engt h;t her ef or e,a1"bl adehasf ar gr eat erbeam s t r engt ht hana1/ 8"bl adeandwi l l cuts t r ai ght erandi s mor es ui t abl ef orr es awi ng.

Bl adeT ens i oni ng Whenpeopl eas khowt ot ens i onabl ade,t heyus ual l ywantt ok nowhow t omak eas t r ai ghtcutands t opabl adef r om wander i ngi nacut . Ther ef or e,wewi l l cov ert hemai ncaus esf orbl adewanderandt hen mov eont ot ens i oni ng. I nor dert ocuts t r ai ghtwi t hy ourbands aw,i ti si mpor t antt haty ouhav e anunder s t andi ngofhowt hebands awwor k s .Thebands awcons i s t sof ar i gi df r amet hathol dst wowheel s .Thel owerwheel i sf i x edandi s dr i v enbyamot or .I tpul l st hebl adedownandt hr ought hewood.The upperwheel i sv er t i cal l yadj us t abl e,us ual l ybyas cr ew.I ti ncor por at esa s pr i ng,whi chk eepsacons t antpr es s ur eont hebl adeandal s oabs or bs anys hockt hatt hebl adeex per i ences .Thei deal s i t uat i onf orabl adei st o hav et hes amet ens i oni nt hear eaabov et hej obandbel owt hej ob.Thi s i sdi f f i cul t ,ast heact i onofcut t i ngaddsav ar i abl ei nt ot heequat i on.The bands awbl ade,byi t sv er ynat ur e,s uf f er sf r om acont r adi ct i on.I tmus t bef l ex i bl et obendar oundt hebands awwheel sbutal s os t i f fenought o r es i s tbendi ngandf l ex i ngbet weent hewheel s .Thebands awachi ev es t hi sbyt ens i oni ngt hebl adeandt huss t r et chi ngi t .Thenex tcompl i cat i on i st hatt hebl adeheat supwhi l ecut t i ngt hewoodandex pandsi t sl engt h. Thi sal l owst hebl adet obecomes l ack erandl os ei t st ens i on.To ov er comet hi st hebands awhasa compr es s i ons pr i ngt hatal l owsf or t heex pans i onandk eepsacons t antpr es s ur eont hebl ade.Thes pr i ng wi l l compens at ef ort heex pans i oni nal l butt hemos ts ev er ecas es ,s uch ascut t i ngv er yhar dt hi ckwoodsf orl ongper i odsoft i me. Bef or ewet ack l ebl adet ens i oni ng,i ti swor t hnot i ngaf ewcaus esof bl adewander . Youmi ghthav et hebl adeper f ect l yt ens i oned,butt he bl ades t i l l wander sandy oucoul ds pendal otoff r us t r at i ngt i meadj us t i ng t het ens i onwhent hecaus eoft hepoorcuti snott het ens i on.

TOOLTI P Thecut t i ngedgeoft hes awt oot h. BLADEBACK Thebackoft hebl adet hatr unsont hebackbl adegui de.



Bl adeT r ack i ng Ther ehasbeenal otofdi s cus s i onont hepos i t i ont hatt hebl ade s houl dr unont hewheel s .Onegr oupofpeopl er ecommendst hatwi t h l ar gebl adesy ous houl dt r ackt hebl ades ot hatt het eet hhangj us t ov ert hef r ontedgeoft her ubber .Thes econdgr oupr ecommendst hat al l bl ades ,r egar dl es soft hei rs i z e,s houl dr uni nt hecent eroft he wheel . Theadv ant ageofr unni ngt hel ar gebl adeswi t ht het eet hnotcont act i ngt her ubberoft hewheel i st hatt heycannotdamaget het i r e.The di s adv ant agei st hatt hewheel i scr ownedandt hebl adei snot t ens i onedi nt hecent eroft heband,whi chgi v est hebl adeat endency t owobbl eorf l ut t er . Theadv ant ageofr unni ngl ar gebl adesont hecent eroft hewheel si s t hatt heyar et ens i onedi nt hecent eroft hebandandhav ef ewer t endenci est owobbl eandf l ut t er .Thedi s adv ant agei st hatbl adeswi t h l ar ges etont het eet hhav eat endencyt odamaget her ubberoft he t i r e.Thi sdoesnothav eagr eatef f ectont heper f or manceoft heband s aw,asal l bl adesar er unni ngont hecent ers ect i onoft het i r e,whi chi s notaf f ect ed. Wer ecommendt haty oubal anceal l bl adesont hecent eroft he wheel sf oropt i mum per f or manceandas moot hercut .


Radi usChar t Unt i l y oubecomewel l acquai nt edwi t hy ours aw,i ti sbes tt ous et hecont our ( r adi us )char tt odet er mi newhi chs i z ebl adet ous ef oras peci f i cappl i cat i on. Radi uschar t scanbef oundi nmanywoodwor k i ngbook sandmagaz i ne ar t i cl es ,aswel l asonbl adebox es .Theydi f f ers l i ght l yf r om oneanot herbutar e goodasr oughi ndi cat or sofhowt i ght l yacur v ecanbecutwi t hapar t i cul ar bl ade.Eachbl ade,bl ades et ,s awandoper at orar edi f f er ent ,s oi ti si mpos s i bl e t omak eat r ul yaccur at echar t .Abl adecancutcont i nuous l ywi t hout back t r ack i nganycur v et hathasar adi usasmuchasormor et hani ss hownon t hechar t .Forex ampl e:a3/ 16"bl adewi l l cutaci r cl ewi t ha5/ 16"r adi usora 5/ 8"di amet er .Tot es ti fa3/ 16"bl adewoul dwor kf orapar t i cul arcur v e,pl acea di me( whi chi sr oughl y5/ 8" )ov ert hepat t er n.The3/ 16"bl adecancutacur v e bi ggert hant hedi mebutnots mal l er .Youcanus eev er y dayi t ems ,s uchas coi nsorapenci l ,t odet er mi newhi chbl adet ous e.Aquar t eri st hes i z eoft he t i ght es tcutt hatcanbemadewi t ha1/ 4"bl ade.Adi mei st hes i z eoft he t i ght es tcur v et hatcanbecutwi t ha3/ 16"bl ade.Apenci l er as eri st hes i z eof t het i ght es tt ur nt haty oucanmak ewi t ha1/ 8"bl ade.Af t erawhi l e,y ouwon' t ev enneedanobj ectt os i z et hepos s i bl ecur v eofabl adebecaus ey ouwi l l hav e becomef ami l i arwi t ht hi spr oces s .Ther ear eopt i onst omat chi ngt hebl adet o t hes mal l es tcur v epat t er n.I ft her ei sonl yonev er yt i ghtcut ,i tmaybebes tt o us eat ur ni nghol e,ar el i efcut ,s ucces s i v epas s esort ochanget hebl ade.

Radi usChar t Wi dt h-Radi us


Meas ur i ngABl ade I fy ouneedt ocheckt hel engt hofabl ade,t her ei sav er y s i mpl eandaccur at emet hodasf ol l ows . 1.Pl acet hebl adeont hef l oorwi t ht hebandof ft hef l oorf or mi nga hoop,s i mi l art oacat al pat r ack. 2.Mar kt hebl adeandt hef l oorwi t haper manentmar keror s omet hi ngs i mi l ar . 3.Rol l t hebl adeunt i l t hemar ki sbackont ot hef l oor . 4.Mar kt hef l ooragai nwi t ht hemar ker . 5.Meas ur ebet weent het womar ks .Thi si st hel engt hoft hebl ade.

Mar kBl ade &Fl oor

Bl adeWander Thebl adecanbet hecaus eofbl adewander .I ft her ei smor epr es s ur e onones i deoft hebl adet hant heot hers i de,t hebl adewi l l f ol l owt he pat hofl eas tr es i s t anceandmov eov ert owar dt hes i dewi t hl es s pr es s ur e.T y pi cal r eas onsf ort hepr es s ur ebei ngunev enar e: Dul l bl ade: Thi swi l l caus et hepr es s ur et obui l dupont hef r ontoft hebl adeand caus ei tt omov eback.Thi swi l l hav eat endencyt os l i ght l ybuckl et he bl ade.Thi sbuckl i ngr educest hepr es s ur eont hef r ontoft hebl ade andmakesi tr el at i v el ys l ack,caus i ngt hebl adet owander . Poorwheel al i gnment : Thi swi l l caus et hebl adet obef edt hr ought hej obwi t has l i ghtt wi s t andcaus et hepr es s ur est obeunev en.Thi si snotcommon,asmos t bands awscomeaccur at el ys etf r om t hef act or y ,andunl es st heyhav e beendr oppedormi s t r eat edi ts houl dnotbeacaus ef orconcer n.Up mar ketbands awshav eadj us t mentf orwheel al i gnment ,butt hi s s houl dnotbeadj us t edunl es st hebands awhasbeenaccur at el y checked. Poor l ys etgui desandort hr us tbear i ngs : Thegui desar et her et opr ov i des uppor tt ot hebl ade,andi ft heyar e s ets ot hatt heyar epus hi ngt hebl adeof fi t snat ur al pat h,t hebl ade maywanderof ft r ack.Wi t ht het hr us tbear i ngs etei t hert oof ar f or war dort oof arback,t hebl adewi l l bendei t herbackorf or war dand changet hepr es s ur eont hecut t i ngt eet hoft hebl ade.I ft hegui desar e s ett oot i ght ,heati sbui l tupi nt hebl adeandt hi swi l l caus et het ens i on t ochange.I ti sal s onotgoodf ort hemot orort hebl ade. T oot hpi t cht oof i ne: I ft hepi t chi st oof i ne,t hegul l et soft het eet hf i l l wi t hs awdus tands t op t hebl adef r om cut t i ngef f i ci ent l y .Thi swi l l caus eex ces s i v eheatbui l d upanddul l t hebl adequi ckl y .Thebl ockedgul l et sal s oaf f ectt he cut t i ngact i onandt hi si nt ur nchangest hecut t i ngpr es s ur esandr es ul t si nbl adewander .



Bl adeDr i f t Eachbl adehasanat ur al cut t i ngangl e( dr i f t ) .Thi si st heangl et hati t wi l l cutat ,andi tmay( pr obabl y )notbes quar et ot het abl e.I fy ouar e us i ngaf enceasagui det ocutpar al l el wi t h,i twi l l hav et obes ett ot hi s cut t i ngangl e.

Adj us t i ngt hef encef ordr i f t : 1.Sett hef encepar al l el wi t ht hebl adebyl oos eni ngt hecl amps cr ews t hathol dt heal umi num ex t r us i ont ot hecas ti r onknuckl e.I ti snot i mpor t antt hati ti sex act ,asy ouwi l l ber eadj us t i ngl at eri nt he pr ocedur e. 2.Us i ngapi eceofs cr apwood,makeacutwhi l ehol di ngt hewood agai ns tt hef ence.St opt hecuti nt hemi ddl eoft hewoodands t op t hebands aw. 3.Lookatt hepos i t i onoft hebackoft hebl adewi t hi nt hes awcut .The backoft hebl ades houl dbei nt hecent eroft hes l ot ,buty ouwi l l pr obabl yf i ndt hati ti scl os ert oones i de. 4.Sl i ght l yl oos ent hecl amps cr ewsandadj us tt hef encet o compens at e. 5.Repeat2,3&4unt i l t hebl adei scent er ed. Not e.Youmayhav et odos ev er al f i neadj us t ment s ,andi ti sbet t er t odos ev er al s mal l adj us t ment sunt i l y oubecomes ki l l edatt he pr ocedur e.Oncey ouhav emas t er edt hepr oces s ,i ts houl donl y t akeami nut et oper f or mt headj us t ment . Not e.Eachbl adehasas l i ght l ydi f f er entdr i f t ,andeacht i mey ou changeabl ade,y oumus tcheckandr eadj us ti fneces s ar y . Not e:I ti swor t ht aki ngt het i met os ett hef enceaccur at el y ,asi twi l l s av ef r us t r at i on,enhancet heper f or manceofy ourmachi ne,r educe s t r es sont hebl adeandi mpr ov et hes ur f acef i ni s hoft hecut . Not e:Al way st ur nof ft hebands awwhenmaki ngadj us t ment st ot he f ence. Ther ear eot herf act or st hatwi l l caus et hebl adet owanderandi t s eemsv er ydaunt i ngwheny ouf i r s ts t ar tt ocutwi t ht hebands aw.Do notgi v eup,asoncey ouhav emas t er edt hebands awy ouwi l l f i ndt hat i ti soneoft hemos tv er s at i l emachi nesi nt hes hop.

Mai nt enance Ther ei snotv er ymucht hatneedst obemai nt ai nedont he bl ade,butbel owar eaf ewpoi nt st hatwi l l hel py ouk eep y ourbl adei npeakcut t i ngper f or mance. Bl adecl eani ng: Al way scl eant hebl adewheny out akei tof ft hemachi ne.I fy oul eav e i tgummyorwi t hwoodi nt hegul l et s ,t hebl adewi l l r us t .Rus ti st he enemyoft hewoodwor ker .Wheny out aket hebl adeof ft hemachi ne ory ouar enotgoi ngt ous ei tf ors omet i me,i ti sr ecommendedt hat y ouwaxt hebl ade.Hav ear agt hati si mpr egnat edwi t hwaxt haty ou pul l t hebl adet hr oughbackwar d.Thewaxwi l l coatt hebl adeandwi l l gi v eadegr eeofpr ot ect i onagai ns tr us t . Bl adei ns pect i on: I ns pectt hebl adef orcr acks ,dul l t eet h,r us tandgener al damage ev er yt i mey ouputi tont hemachi ne.Nev erus eadul l ordamaged bl ade;t heyar edanger ous .I fy ourbl adei sdul l ,hav ei tr es har pened orr epl acei t . Bl ades t or age: St or et hebl ades ot hatt het eet har enotdamagedandwi l l notcaus e y oui nj ur y .Onemet hodi st os t or eeachbl adeonahookwi t ht he t eet hagai ns tawal l .Nai l car dboar dorawoods heetont ot hewal l s o t hatt het eet har epr ot ect edf r om damage,andi fy oubr us hagai ns t t hebl ade,i twi l l notcaus ei nj ur y .


Mai nt enance2 Ti r emai nt enance:

Oneoft hemaj orconcer nsi st hecl eanl i nes soft hemachi ne,t het i r esi n par t i cul ar .Ast hes awcut s ,s omes awdus tl andsont het i r es .Ast he wheel r ot at es ,t hes awdus tbecomescompr es s edont het i r e.Thi si s es peci al l yt r uef orwoodss uchaspi ne.Thecompr es s eds awdus tcoul d hav enegat i v eef f ect ss uchasv i br at i onands hor tbl adel i f eandcoul d caus et hebl adet odr i f t . Mos tbands awshav eabr us ht hatcont act st hel owerwheel andhel pst o pr ev entbui l dup.Yous houl di ns pectt het i r esr egul ar l yt ocheckt hat bui l dupi snothappeni ng,es peci al l yt hel owerwheel .Thet i r esar emade ofr ubberandwearj us tl i kecart i r es .Theyweari nt hemi ddl e,whi ch caus esaconcav i t yi nt het i r e.Thedef or mat i onmakesi thar dt ot r ackt he bl ades ,andf ort hi sr eas oni ti si mpor t antt omai nt ai nt heor i gi nal s hapeof t het i r e. Thebes twayt ocl eant het i r es ur f aceandmai nt ai nt heor i gi nal s hapei s t os andi twi t hs andpaper .Theol dt i r es ur f aceof t enhar densandgl az es ov erands houl dber edr es s edoccas i onal l y .Thi scanbedonebys andi ng t hewheel wi t h100gr i ts andpaper .I deal l y ,t hi ss houl dbedonewi t ht he wheel r ot at i ng.Thi swi l l t akeof fal i t t l eoft her ubberandex pos enew r ubber ,whi chi sdes i r abl e. Thet opwheel s houl dal s obedr es s edoccas i onal l y .Thi spr es ent sa pr obl em,asi ti snotpower edandonl yr ot at eswhenabl adei sf i t t ed.To s andt het opwheel ,r ot at ei twi t hanex t er nal powers our ces uchasan el ect r i cdr i l l wi t ha1/ 4"s andi ngdr um.Geti nt ot hehabi tofr egul ari ns pect i onofy ourmachi net i r esf orcr acksi nt her ubber ,di r t / s awdus t bui l dup,t i r egl az e,cr ownr adi uscor r ect ,wheel sr unni ngt r ueandwheel bal ance.

Dr i v ebel ti ns pect i on:

I fy ourmachi nehasadr i v ebel t ,y ous houl dchecki tatr egul ari nt er v al s , ast hedr i v ebel ti soneoft hemaj orcaus esf orbands awv i br at i on.I ft he bel ti scr ackedorgl az ed,r epl acei t .I ti sbet t ert or epl acei tbef or ei t br eaksr at hert hant ohav ei tbr eaki nt hemi ddl eofaj ob.Adamaged dr i v ebel twi l l caus ev i br at i on,andwheni tbr eaks ,i tcoul dhi ty ourbl ade anddamagei t .


Mai nt enance3 Bl adegui dei ns pect i on:

Yourbl adegui desneedt obei ns pect edev er yt i mey ouus et hemachi ne.I ft heyar edamagedors eti ncor r ect l y ,t heycoul dcaus edamage t oy ourbl adeandmaybr eaki t .Bl adegui desdoal otofwor kandwi l l notl as tf or ev er ;ens ur et haty our sar ei npr i mecondi t i on.

Roundi ngt hebackoft hebl ade:

Wi t hmos tgui des y s t ems ,i ti sr ecommendedt hatt hebackoft hebl ade ber oundedwi t has t one.I fy ourmachi nei sf i t t edwi t hcer ami cgui des , t hi si snoti mper at i v e,ast hecer ami cwi l l r oundt hebackoft hebl adeas i ti sus ed.Howev er ,i fy oudeci det haty ouwantt or oundt hebackoft he bl ade,bel owi sapr ocedur e. Ar oundbl adebackcr eat ess moot hi nt er act i onbet weent het hr us t bear i ngandt hebl ade.I ft hebl ader ot at ess l i ght l y ,t her ei snos har p bl adecor nert odi gi nt ot het hr us tbear i ng;al s o,t her oundi ngpr oces s s moot hest hewel d.Abl adewi t har oundbackmakess mot hert ur ns becaus et her oundbackhass moot hi nt er act i onwi t hs awker f s . Af t ert hegui deshav ebeenadj us t ed,hol dt hes t oneagai ns tt heback cor neroft hebl adef oraboutami nut e.Wears af et ygl as s eswhen r oundi ngt hebl ade.Then,dot hes amet hi ngont heoppos i t ecor ner . Nex t ,s l owl ymov et hes t onet or oundt heback.Donotex er tex ces s i v e pr es s ur e,asi twi l l mov et hebl adef or war d.Becar ef ul t hatt hei ns i deof t hemachi nei sf r eeofs awdus t ;i ti sunl i kel y ,buts par kscoul ds t ar ta f i r e.Ons mal l bl adess uchasa1/ 4"bl ade,t hepr es s ur eont hebackof t hebl ademaybr i ngt hebl adef or war dof ft hef r ontoft hes i degui des . Ther ef or e,becar ef ul nott oputt oomuchpr es s ur eont hes t one.When doi ngt hi s ,i ti sal s oi mpor t antt hatt heuppergui desar epos i t i onedr i ght abov et hes t one. Thebl adehast eet h,andex t r emecaut i onmus tbeex er ci s ed,asy our handswi l l bev er ycl os et ot hem.


TheLagunaBands awGui deSy s t em achi ev esi t s s uper i ors t abi l i t yut i l i z i ng10poi nt sofcont act ,4mor et hant r adi t i onal gui de s y s t ems .Thecer ami cmat er i al di s i pat esheatf r om t hebl adef orl ongerl i f e. TheLagunaGui dei sar ev ol ut i onar ybl adegui des y s t em ( s ev er al pat ent s ) t hati sdes i gnedt ogi v ey oumanyy ear sofs uper i orhi ghqual i t y bands awi ng.Mos tbl adegui des y s t emsar edes i gnedt os uppor tt hebl ade ont hes i deaswel l asei t herabov eorbel owt hes i degui dest os uppor tt he backoft hebl ade.Thi sf or cest hebl adet ot wi s taspr es s ur ef r om t hewood bei ngcuti st r ans f er r edt ot hebackoft hebl adegui de.

Cer ami cGui des

Eas yAdj us tCont r ol s

Cer ami cRear Thr us tGui des 1/ 4�-111/ 4� Bl adeCapaci t y

5Poi nt Sur f aceCont act Si mpl eBr ack et Mountf i t sal l Eur oGui des


( Pi ct ur edwi t hRes awKi ngBl ade)


Adj us t i ngBl adeGui des Not e:Onl yadj us tt hebl adegui desaf t erbl adet r acki nghasbeen compl et ed. Adj us tt hebl adegui dess ot hatt her ei sonet hi cknes sofpaper( 0. 003" ) bet weent hebackbl adegui deandt hebackoft hebl ade.Thegui dei s t her et os uppor tt hebl ade,andi fi ti snotadj us t edcor r ect l y ,i tcoul d caus epr emat ur ebl adebr eakage.I ft hebackgui dei st oof arf or war d, t hegui dewi l l t akeex ces s i v es t r ai nandbendt hebl ade.I fi ti st oof ar back,t hebl adewi l l bend,l eadi ngt obl adebr eakageand/ orapoorcut . Adj us tt hes i degui des( bot ht opandbot t om)bybr i ngi ngonegui deup t ot hebl ades ot hati tj us tt ouchesi tandl ocki npos i t i on.Checkt hatt he s i degui desar epar al l el t ot hebl ade.I ft heyar enotpar al l el ,t heywi l l t wi s tt hebl adeandcaus eabadcutandorear l ybl adebr eakage. Br i ngt heoppos i nggui deupt ot hebl ade,andus i ngapi eceofpaperas af eel ergauge( 0. 003" ) ,adj us tandl ocki npos i t i on.Rot at ebyhandat l eas tonecompl et er ev ol ut i onoft hebl adet ocheckt hatt hebl ader uns s moot hl yt hr ought hegui des . Adj us tt hebackbl adegui des ot hati tj us tt ouchest hebackoft hebl ade andl ocki npos i t i on.

Bands awTi ps Us i ngt hebands aw

Al t hought hebands awi sus ual l yas s oci at edwi t hcut t i ngcur v es ,a v ar i et yofs t r ai ghtcut sar eeas i l ymadewi t ht hes aw.I nf act ,i ti sof t en us edt or i pwoodbecaus ei ti smuchs af ert hanar adi al ar ms awand al s ohasas mal l ers awcut ,s oi twas t esl es swood.Thi sbecomes v er yi mpor t antwhenus i ngex pens i v ewoodwher ewas t agemus tbe keptt oami ni mum.Thecuti ss af erbecaus et hef or ceoft hecuti s s t r ai ghtdownont het abl e;t hewor kcannotbepul l edbackorki cked back,whi chs omet i meshappenswi t ht abl eorr adi al ar ms aws . Thebands awcanal s ocutv er yt hi cks t ock,whi cht her adi al ar m or t abl es awcannotdo.Thedi s adv ant ageofcut t i ngwi t ht hebands aw i st hatt hes ur f acef i ni s hoft hecuti snotnor mal l yasgoodaswi t ht he t abl eorr adi al ar ms aw.Thi shasbeenov er comet oagr eatdegr eeby us i ngt heRes awKi ngt i ppedbl ade.

Res awi ng

Res awi ngi st hepr oces sofcut t i ngaboar dal ongi t swi dt h.Theband s awi sper hapst hemos tcr eat i v et ool i nt hes hopbecaus eofi t sabi l i t y t ocutt hi ckort hi n,s t r ai ghtorcur v ed.Theabi l i t yt ocutt hi cks t ock s uchasr es awi ng,maki ngv eneer s ,bookmat chi ngorcut t i ngf l i t ches f r om s mal l l ogshasgr eatappeal t owoodwor ker s .Thes ecapabi l i t i es gr eat l yenhancet hewoodwor ker ’ sdes i gnabi l i t ywi t houtt heneedf or addi t i onal equi pment .Whenaboar di sr es awedandt het wopi eces ar el y i ngnex tt oeachot her ,y ouwi l l not et hatt heyar emi r r ori mages ofeachot her .Whent hes et woboar dsar egl uedt oget her ,i ti scal l ed bookmat chi ng. Not e-I ti suns af et ocutwoodt hati suns uppor t edbyt het abl eand s houl dnev erbeat t empt ed.Thi si ses peci al l yi mpor t antt onot ewhencut t i ngr oundl ogs .



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