I ndustri alDesktop sadesktopcnc i dealforprototypi ng and smallerproducti on runs. Laguna’ sI Q benchtopCNC routeri I tfeaturesaworkenvelopeof24”x36”and i ncludesan i ndustri algrade,li qui dcooled electrospi ndle. Despi tei tssmallerfootpri nt,i thasthesameaccuracyand cutquali tyofmuch largerCNC machi nes and woodworki ng routers. •Motor:3HPLi qui dCooled Spi ndle •RPM:6, 000–24, 000RPM •Controller:Hand Held DSPControl •BallScrew:On AllAxi s •GantryClearance:6i nches( Opti onal10”Gantry) •Machi neWorkTable:24i nchesX36i nches( Opti onal48”x48” ) •Machi neFootPri nt:39½ i nchesX50½ i nches •W orkEnvelope:24i nchesX36i nches •W ei ght:425lb/193kg
ToolTouch off
DualBeari ng CarsX, Y, ZAxi s
Preci si on Li nearGui des
I ndustri alDesktopw/ATC ng I Q CNC wi th thei ntroducti on TheLagunaI Q PRO WITH ATC Lagunahasenhanced thebestselli ofamorepowerfulhandheld controlthatallowsfortoolpath previ ewi ng and athreeposi ti on automati c toolchanger. •24”X36”workabletablearea •3hpli qui d cooled spi ndle •Heavyonepi ecewelded steelframe •Hand held DSPcontrolwi th toolpath previ ew •3posi ti on auto toolchangerusesI SO20toolholders
Ri ch Auto DSP
Scaleproj ectswi th ease
TheMostAffordableI ndustri alCNC i n theMarket TheLagunaSwi ftfeaturesan i ndustri algrade,li qui dcooled spi ndle.Constructed i n aonepi ecewelded steelframe,theSwi ftcomeswi th astandard handheld controllerand hasagantryhei ghtof6" . LagunaCNC routersarethemosttechnologi callyadvanced CNC routersi n woodworki ng today . •Machi ne:1Phase220V /20Amp •Spi ndle:3HPLi qui dCooled I ndustri alSpi ndle •Opti onal4HPQui ckChangeSpi ndle •Opti onalVacuum Table •Cutti ng Speed:300I PM •GantryHei ght:6i nches ndle •6, 000-18, 000RPM Spi
•Rapi d TraverseSpeed:300I PM •Heli calRack& Pi ni on i n Xaxi s •MDFTablew/Alumi num TSlots •25mm li neargui desthroughout •DualDri veHeli calRack& Pi ni on i n Yaxi s •Preci si on Ground Ballscrew i n X& Y& Z axes •W orki ng Envelope:4’x4’ ,4x8’ ,5’x10’orCustom
* Opti onal 4HPQui ckChangeSpi ndle
* Opti onal Zoned Vacuum Table
Professi onalPerformance TheLagunaToolsSmartShopICNC routerhasa6HPliquid-cooled variable-speed spindleplusHelicalRack&
Pi ni on on Xand Yaxeswi th ballscrew controlon theZaxi s.TheLagunaSmartShopIi ncludesasi xzoned vacuum tablewi th Tslotson auni welded baseforopti mum strength and longevi ty .TheSmartShopIcomeswi th apowerfulLagunaHandHeld Control( HHC)system and i sextremelyeasyto use.Compati blewi th vi rtuallyallcabi netdesi gn and carvi ng software packagesforeffortlesssetupand programmi ng. •Machi ne:220V /3Phase/80Amp •Spi ndle:6HPI ndustri al Li qui dCooled •RackandPi ni on forpreci si on and longevi ty •6zonePhenoli c Gri d StyleVacuum Tablewi th Tslots •HandHeld Control( HHC)system wi th USBi nterface •7. 25”clearanceunderthegantrywi th 7. 25"ofZtravel •Oversi zed onepi ecewelded tubularsteelframe.( 1810lbs. ) •3axi s( dualdri vei n Y)Hi gh Defi ni ti on Mi croStepDri veSystem •Li mi tswi tcheson allaxeswi th softli mi ts •Centrali zed Lubri cati on System •Vari ablespeed ( 4, 00018, 000RPM) •DustHood wi th 4”dustport •EmergencyStopSwi tch •Tooltouch offpad •Collet:ER25
Avai lableSi zes: 4'x4' 4’x8' 5'x10' Custom Si zes
“ WeusetheSmartShopto cutpartsoutof plywood,soli d maple,alumi num fortri m pi eces and Plexi glasswi ndows.Weeven usei tto create ourown si gnage,whi ch bri ngsupanotheradvantageoftheuni t:i tseaseofuse. -CaryWi nch,Ti nycamper. com
J ackofAllTrades TheSmartShopI Iisidealforindustriessuch ascabinet-making,plasticfabrication,furnituremanufacturing and si gn maki ng.TheSmartShopI Ihasopti onaltablesi zeswi th a5. 5HPPDSI tali an spi ndleor12HPHSD spi ndle,heli calrackand pi ni on controlon Xand Yaxeswi th ballscrew controlon theZaxi sand preci si on li neargui derai lson allaxes.A si xzoned vacuum tablewi th Tslotson a3, 500lbuni welded baseforopti mum strength and stabi li ty .PowerfulPLCbased nterfacewi th i ndustri alcontrollerfrom B& R Automati on.Compati blewi th vi rtuallyallcabi netdesi gn and carvi ng softi warepackagesforeffortlesssetupand codi ng.Thecontrolsystem i sexpandableand can becustomi zed foranyappli cati on. •I ndustri alControlfrom B& R Automati on •8Posi ti on automati c toolchanger •3500lbWelded TubularSteelFrame •Dualdri veheli calrack& pi ni on •Automati c popuppi ns •6Zonevacuum table
“ BeforeweboughtourLagunaToolsequi pment, weshopped outmostofourcutti ng needs. Now,wenotonlyproducemuch betterwork than wecould wi th aj i gsaw,butalso offerour servi cesto othercompani esthatneed the accuracyofacomputercut.So ourLaguna Toolsequi pmenthasturned i nto anew profi t centerforus. ” J onathan Hammel,MadeFi rst
Accelerated Preci si on FANUC hasinvested itsresourcesto developthemostadvanced,reliableCNC and motion controlsystems butalso i n cul ti vati ng thebri ghtestand themostexperi enced supportteam i n theCNC i ndustry .Theexperti sewebri ng to everycustomerand appli cati on i sgamechangi ng.No oneelseeven comesclose.So,when you buyamachi newi th aFANUC control,you aretappi ng i nto thi sknowledgebase. •1500WattFANUC Servos •6Zone“ Pod Ready”vacuum table •9Spi ndlebori ng block( opti onal) •Onepi ecewelded tubularsteelframe •FANUC 0I MFi ndustri alcontrolpackage •12HPHSD i ndustri alspi ndle( I SO 30/HSK 63) •3000I PM rapi dswi th cutspeedsupto 1200I PM •8Posi ti on rotarytoolchangeron thegantry
Avai lableSi zes: 4’x8' 5'x10' Custom Si zes
WorldClassAutomati on sbestsellTheSmartShopI ISUV isthenewestCNC machinefrom LagunaTools.Wehavemadeoneoftheindustry’ i ng CNCseven betterbymaki ng i tfaster,strongerand smarter.Theaddi ti on ofB&R servoswi llgi veyou thespeed to cutupwardsof1000i pm wi th propertooli ng.TheSS2SUV framehasbeen beefed upwi th an allsteelbri dgeand planetarygears guaranteei ng clean and accuratecutswi th thehi ghestpossi bleresoluti on.Theaddi ti on ofamanualpulsegeneratoratthe controlgi vesyou moreflexi bi li tythateverbefore. •4’x8’LAGUNASMARTSHOP2SUV wi th B&R I NDUSTRI ALSERVO CONTROLPACKAGE •12HPHSD I SO30ATC ELECTROSPI NDLE( CERAMI C BEARI NGS) ,208230V,3PHASE( 24, 000RPM) •4’X8’( PHENOLI C)-UNI VERSALGRI DTYPEVACUUM TABLEWI TH TSLOTFEATURE •8POSI TI ON AUTOMATI C TOOLCHANGER ( 4TOOLHOLDERSI NCLUDED) •RI GI D,ALLWELDED,STRUCTURALSTEELFRAME( MACHI NEWEI GHT3500LBS. ) •MANUALPULSEGENERATOR forCONVI ENENTAND ACCURATEJ OGGI NG •PROGRAMMABLEDUSTHOOD WI TH MCODEDRI VEN RETRACTI ON •6I NDEPENDENTLYCONTROLLED VACUUM ZONES •1000WATTB&R SERVOSWI TH 8TO1PLANETARYGEARS •LI MI TSWI TCHESON ALLAXESWI TH SOFTLI MI TS •TOOLCONEHOLDER -FOR EASYBI TCHANGI NG •YAXI S-DUALHELI CALRACKANDPI NI ON •ZAXI S-PRECI SI ON GROUND BALLSCREW D TRAVERSEI N X& Y •2000I PM RAPI •XAXI S-HELI CALRACKANDPI NI ON •ABSOLUTEPOSI TI ONI NG ENCODERS •ONEYEAR WARRANTY–PARTS •ADJ USTABLEPOPUPPI NS •ESTOP
Avai lableSi zes: 4’x4‘ 4’x8' 5'x10' Custom Si zes
Revoluti onaryChannelLockSystem TheLagunaToolsSmartShopLD4meetsthecriticalneed to improveproduction efficiencywith thenew,innovati vetechnologyfrom LockDowel.Provi di ng fasterand morepreci semanufacturi ng bydri lli ng and i nserti ng theLockDowelproducts,i ti sperfectforcabi nets,drawerboxes,closets,desks,soli d wood furni tureand manyotherappli cati ons.
•W ei ght6, 000lbs •96”maxi mum workzone •3axi scontrolforposi ti oni ng •Footpri nt: 82”H x45”W x135”L •Dustextracti on vi a4”dustport •Power:208v220v,1Phase,30Amps •8pneumati c adj ustableholddown clamps
•Soli d onepi ecewelded tubularsteelframe •W i ndowsPC frontend controlforcreati ng •Two 2HP24000RPM preci si on spi ndlesfor dri lli ng ( 5mm and 8mm) •Two vi bratoryhoppersand i nsertersfor30mm or40mm spri ng pi ns,ECli psorHCli ps
3+2=OneI ncredi bleCNC TheLagunaSmartShopI I I +2givesyou theadded benefitofmultiplecutting anglesand compound machining
wi thi n asoli d,compactplatform.Aheavyonepi ecesteelframei smatched wi th an i ndustryleadi ng FANUC i ndustri al control.Dependi ng on yourappli cati on,thecustomercan choosefrom several5axi shead opti onsfrom HSD to fi t thei rspeci fi c needs. •5to 1Shi mpo planetaryGearboxeson theX& YAxes,heli calrackand pi ni on desi gn enhancesaccuracyand ri gi di ty •FEAengi neered,heavy ,wall,allsteelbri dge,verti calcolumns,and tablesupportbase •Smartdesi gn allowsforeasyand unrestri cted accessto allsi desofthemachi ne •Standard 8posi ti on,dynami c automati c rotarytoolchanger • Fanuc Oi MFi ndustri alcontrolwi th Fanuc 1, 500wattservo package •12i nchesofclearanceunderthegantrywi th 12i nchesofztravel • Factoryprovi ded advanced techni caland appli cati onssupport,onsi temachi nei nstallati on and trai ni ng •Compactdesi gn savesvaluableshopfloorspace •Full3D capaci tywi th heli cali nterpolati on •Standard tablesi zes:4×8,5×10,5×12,6×10,6×12 •Lagunauni versalvacuum table–podready •SeveralHSD 5axi sheadsto choosefrom •Onepi ecewelded tubularsteelframe •HSK63Fspi ndletaperorI SO30 •Tablesi zesavai lableupto 6×20 •Cutti ng speedsupto 1, 600i pm •Rapi d travelupto 2, 500i pm •Adj ustablepopuppi ns •LagunaFull1yearwarranty •Fanuc Controller2yearwarranty
Composi teMi lli ng Master TheLagunaSmartShopCFwasspecificallydesigned forcutting Aluminium CompositePanel(ACP)orAluminium Composi teMateri al( ACM) .ACM i sawi delyused term descri bi ng flatpanelsthatconsi stofanonalumi ni um corebonded between two alumi ni um sheets.Alumi ni um sheetscan becoated wi th PVDForPolyesterpai nt.ACPsarefrequentlyused forexternalcladdi ng ofbui ldi ngs( bui ldi ng facades) ,fori nsulati on and forsi gnage.Lagunahasfabri cated theperfectmachi ne to conquerthi smateri al. •Uni quePressure" Shoe"desi gn foropti mum depth accuracy ,even i fthepaneli snottotallyflat •Heli calRackand Pi non dri veson Xand Yaxes,Ballscrew on Zaxi s •1,2and 3spi ndledesi gn.Also avai lablewi th ATC spi ndle •( 3)5HPI tali an HSD spi ndles( shown on machi nebelow) •B&R I ndustri alControllerwi th touch screen controls •PlanetaryGearBoxeson all3axes •( 2)10HPVacuum Pumps •6ZoneVacuum Table Avai lableSi zes: 5'x16' 5’x20' 6'x16' 6’x20' Auto Feed Custom Si zes
EndlessPossi bi li ti es TheLagunaToolsSmartShop|MTisthemostversatilerouterplatform evercreated.With an extended gantry and extralargetoolplate,themachi necan beconfi gured to meetmul ti pleproducti on needsi n asi nglemachi ne.
Appli cati onsforthi smachi neareendless.I n addi ti on to thestock4HPspi ndle,toolpossi bi li ti esi ncludetangenti alkni fe system,rollercreasi ng wheel,osci llati ng tangenti alkni fe,ri ghtanglespi ndle,secondaryspi ndleformetal( low RPM) ,repeated dri lli ng process,brai lledi stri butorand pneumati c selffeed tappi ng system.Si ncetheSmartShop|MTusesLaguna' s 4th axi scontrolset,aturni ng devi ce( lathe)can beadded aswell.So manytoolpossi bi li ti es,too manyto li st. •4HPLi qui d Cooled Spi ndle •6ZoneVacuum Table •Wi n CNC PC Based ControlSystem •Servo Dri veSystem •Opti onalSpi ndlesUpto 12HP •Opti onalAuto ToolChanger
Creasi ng Wheel Routi ng Spi ndle Drag Kni feSystem LagunaVi si on System Tangenti alKni feSystem Reci procati ng Kni feSystem
Avai lableSi zes: 4’x4‘ 4’x8' 5'x10' Custom Si zes
Mul ti Toolavai lablei n theSwi ftSeri es
Mari o Romano i sacustom homebui lderbased i n SantaMoni ca,Cali forni a.Unli kemanyhomebui lders,Romano and hi s associ atesli terallywork“ outsi dethebox”and avoi d thesquarestructuresthattypi fymuch resi denti alarchi tecture. Romano practi ceswhathealternatelyrefersto as“ di srupti vearchi tecture, ”or“ artchi tecture. ”Thi sunusual,powerful approach i si n largepartmadepossi blebyequallypowerfulLagunaToolsmachi nes,mostpromi nentlyaSmartShop®I ICNC uni t. “ You can applyalotoftermsto whatwedo, ”saysRomano.“ Postmodern and contemporaryareagood placeto start.Butthey don’ ttellourcompletestory.I nstead oftheclean,strai ghtli nesand squaresfound i n alotofhomes,much ofourworki s i nspi red bynatureand takestheshapesofwaves,patternsfound i n thecoatsofani malsand othernontradi ti onalsources. ” Taki ng theseshapesfrom concepti on to reali tyi swheretheSmartShop®I Ientersthepi cture.Notunli keRomano’ sdesi gns,the SmartShop®I Iblendstechnology,mathemati csand aperhapsunexpected amountofartto createneverbeforeseen shapesand new usesforfami li armateri als.“ Onesuch materi ali sDuPont™Cori an® , ”conti nuesRomano.“ Although mostpeopleassoci atei t wi th ki tchen countersand si mi larappli cati ons,i t’ sbecomean i mportantcomponenti n ourdesi gnsforwalls,cei li ngs,floors, and even theoutsi deofhouses. ”
CO2Lasersareversati lei n thei rabi li tyto cutor engravealmostanymateri alotherthan metal. Common usesforCO2laserscan befound i n cutti ng and engravi ng wood,acryli c,and leather. TheLagunaSmartShop®Laser|MU i sfullyloaded wi th WI FIcontrol,a“ bi g eye”wi ndow,3i n 1gantry( tank li ne,bel t,rai larehi dden i n thegantry) ,Laserli ghtposi ti oni ng,squarerai ls,LED li ght,laserworklaser controlsystem,stai nlesssteelballscrew and stai nlesssteeltable.Sleeknew desi gn and professi onal funti onali tycomestogetherto form theul ti matedesktoplasersystem. •W orkAreaOpti ons:20” x12” ,24” x20” •LaserPower:40W/60W •ColorSeparati on:Yes •Locati ng Preci si on:≤+0. 01mm •Cooli ng Type:WaterCooli ng •Cutti ng Speed:040000mm/mi n •Engravi ng Speed:060000mm/mi n •Mi n.Engravi ng Si ze:1. 0mm* 1. 0mm
•Hi ghestScanni ng Preci si on:4000DPI •LaserType:CO2Sealed LaserTube,10. 6µm •PowerSupply:AC110V/220V+10%, 50HZ/60HZ •Controlli ng Software:DSPControlSystem •LaserOutputControl:( 0100% SetbySoftware) •Dri veSystem:Hi ghpreci si on 3phaseStepperMotor li aryEqui pments:ExhaustFan and Ai rExhaustPi pe •Auxi •W orki ng Envi ronment:Temp .32º–104ºF,Humi di ty595%
Opti onalAccessori es: HoneycombWorktable,3Axi sRotary
TheLagunaSmartShop®Laser|EC hasahigh precision linearguidedrivesystem which allowsforhigh speed machi ni ng.An arcgearsynchronousbel t,stabletransmi ssi on and strong shockabsorpti on makethi smachi nevi rtuallysi lent. TheLaser|EC comeswi th ared crossaccurateposi ti oni ng system whi ch makesi teasyto fi nd yourstarti ng poi nt.TheLaser|EC featuresa3mi rrorsi nglelensdesi gned to supporttheconstantli ghtpath system gi vi ng thi smachi neaexcepti onalengravi ng and cutfi ni sh.* Doesnoti ncludeai rcompressor,35psi& 13CFM ofclean,dryshopai rmustbeprovi ded bycustomer •WorkAreaOpti ons:24” x40” ,36” x52” ,40” x64” ,48” x72” •LaserPowerOpti ons:80W/100W/120W/150W •ColorSeparati on:Yes •Cooli ng Type:WaterCooled •Locati ng Accuracy:≤+0. 01mm •Cutti ng Speed:040000mm/mi n ng Speed:060000mm/mi n •Engravi •Mi n.Engravi ng Si ze:1. 0mm x1. 0mm
Morelasersavai lable@ lagunatools. com
•Hi ghestScanni ng Preci si on:4000DPI •LaserType:CO2Sealed LaserTube, 10. 6µm •PowerSupply:AC110V/220V+10%, 50HZ/60HZ •Controlli ng Software:DSPControlSystem •LaserOutputControl:0100% setbysoftware •Dri veSystem:Hi ghpreci si on 3phaseStepperMotor li aryEqui pment:ExhaustFan and Ai rExhaustPi pe •Auxi •Worki ng Envi ronment:Temperature: 045C, Humi di ty595%
Laguna’ sFi berLasersarespeci ali zed for cutti ng metaleffi ci ently,and wi th extreme accuracy.Comesi n powerlevelsrangi ng from 300W to 3000W.
TheLagunaSmartShop®Laser|FC isashockresistantgantrystylelaserbuiltforindustrialuse.Ahigh performancelaserpackagematched wi th atouch screen controlcreatenotonlyaworld classlasercnc butalso api eceof art.TheSwedi sh desi gn contai nsamachi newi decooli ng,lubri cati ng and dustcollecti on system guaranteei ng durabi li tyand longevi ty .Automati c hei ghtadj ustmentkeepsthefocallength constantensuri ng quali tyresul ts.TheFC i swi fiequi pped allowi ng themachi neto beaccessed onli neand allowsforremotevi ewi ng. •Worki ng Area:60”x120” •LaserPowerOpti ons:500W/700W/800W/1000W/1500W/2000W •MaxMovi ng Speed:100m/mi n •MaxCutti ng Speed:35m/mi n •Posi ti oni ng Accuracy:0. 03mm •Reposi ti on Accuracy:0. 02mm Mi n Li neWi dth: :0. 1mm •M
Opti onalAccessori es: HoneycombWorktable,3Axi sRotary 25
OneSi zeDoesNotFi tAll TheLagunaSmartShop®Laser|CBSeri esareequipped with an enclosed working areapreventing dustand eli mi nati ng li ghtpolluti on.Theseri esalso comewi th acasti ng beam fori ncreased ri gi di tyand stabi li ty .Forsmooth operati on,theCBSeri esuseswater/forced ai rcooli ng,adustpreventi on system,and an automati c lubri cati on system to ensurelongevi tyand consi stency .Threesi zesand di fferentopti onsguaranteetheperfectfi ti n yourarsenaloftools. •Worki ng Area500* 500mm
•Worki ng Area3. 25ftx4. 9ft
•Worki ng Area1500* 1000mm
•LaserPower500w/700w/800w/1000w/ 1500w/2000w/2500w/3000w
•LaserPower: 500w/700w/800w/1000w/1500w/ 2000w/2500w/3000w
•LaserPower: 500w/700w/800w/1000w/ 1500w/2000w/2500w/3000w
•Max.Cutti ng Speed 35m/mi n
•Max.Cutti ng Speed 25m/mi n
•Dri vemethod BallScrew
•Dri vemethod BallScrew
•Reposi ti on Accuracy±0. 02mm
oi •Repos ti on Accuracy±0. 04mm
•Max.Cutti ng Speed 25m/mi n •Dri vemethod BallScrew •Reposi ti on Accuracy±0. 04mm •Mi n. li neWi dth 0. 01mm
•Mi n. li neWi dth 0. 01mm
OurFi berLaserMarkeri sperfectforsmallvolumeproducti on ofcustomi zed products.Capableofaccurately marki ng awholecard i n complexdetai li n amatterof seconds,thi sCNC machi neexudeseffi ci encyand speed.
TheLagunaSmartShop®Laser|ETisdesigned quickadjustmentsand accessibility.Rollthislaserto yourdifferent departmentsand getstarted marki ng ri ghtaway .Qui cklyadj uststo fi twhateveryou maybelasermarki ng attheti me. •Marki ng Range: 100* 100mm ( 3. 9”x3. 9” ) •Opti on:200* 200mm ( 7. 9”x7. 9” ) ,300* 300mm ( 11. 8”x11. 8” ) •Power: 20w /30w /50w •Frequency: 20KHz~30Khz •LaserWavelength :1064nm •Mi ni mum Li neWi dth:0. 02mm •Mi mum Character:0. 15mm M ni •Engravi ng Li neSpeed :<7000mm/s •Repeatabi li tyAccuracy:±0. 01mm •Uni tPower:<0. 5km •LaserModuleLi fe:>100000hours
Vi ew allourFi berMarkers@ Lagunatools. com
Preci seMetalCutti ng wi th opti ons 34yearsofi nnovati on and experiencehavecometogetherto producetheSmartCutCNC Plasma.Lagunahassetthe standard forvalueand quali ty .Qui tesi mply ,i t' swhataplasmacutti ng system should be-ACNC dedi cated to plasma& oxyfuel cutti ng.LagunaoffersthreelevelsofPlasmaCNC’ s,assuri ng theperfectfi tforeverybudgetand need. Hi gh Performance,Low CostCNC:
Level3SpecsShown •Thi n panelmountuni t409mm x492mm x73mm •Bui l ti n Wi Fi ,15"Touch Screen • Operatorpanelforplasma, oxyfuel& auxi li aryfuncti ons •3axi sdri veoutputs ( both analog & step/di recti on) •3encoderi nputs •ProgrammableI /O ( 16I N /20OUT,acti velow) •Poweri nput24VDC •Opti onali ntegrated plasmahei ghtcontrol •Opti onalservo motorswi th bui l ti n ampli fi ers
Benefi tsoftheThermalDynami csControl: •I ndustri alHardened Sealed CaseDesi gn •Fi eld “ swappable”–no onsi teTech needed •Wi ndowsBased DualProcessorPC ( runsmul ti plej obsatonce) •Touch Screen,push button orkeyboard and mousei nputs •Wi fiEnabled –i mportfi lesfrom yourwi relessnetwork; usenetworkfuncti onsatCNC controls •Runs1Plasma,1Oxytorch and 1PlasmaMarkerfrom same controluni t •SameI ndustri alControlsfrom EntryLevel to Hi gh Preci si on PlasmaCutti ng;ASeri esthru Ul traCut •LowestI ndustri alCNC PackagePri cePoi nton the market
Lagunaoffersthreelevelsofplasmamachi nes: Levelone:UPTO 1/2"PRODUCTI ON CUTTI NG, WATERTABLE,DSPHAND HELD CONTROL leveltwo:upto 5/8"producti on cutti ng.B&R i ndustri alcontrol,automati c torch hei ght control,adj ustablewatertable. Levelthree:upto 1. 25"producti on cutti ng, ThermalDynami cscontrol( I cnc)wi th servos, adj ustablewatertable,automati c torch hei ght control,Mul ti plecutti ng & shi eldi ng gases avai lable.
Plasmaopti onsfrom $10, 500
© 2017,LagunaTools,I nc.LAGUNA®and theLAGUNALogo®aretheregi stered trademarksofLagunaTools,I nc.Allri ghtsreserved.