Teacher education in finland

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Teacher education in Finland Finland’s high level of education and competence is based on high-quality teacher education. The profession of a teacher is regulated, and the qualifications required from teachers are defined in legislation.

The statutes in question list the studies,

kindergarten teachers, whose qualification

of independent problem-solving and

qualifications and work experience estab-

requirements include a bachelor’s degree.

have the capacity to utilise the most

lished as qualification requirements for

In Finland, teacher education is a popu-

recent research in the fields of education

different teaching posts. In Finland,

lar field of study, and higher education

and the subjects taught. Using these skills,

the majority of teachers (some 88%) fulfil

institutions are in a position to select the

the teacher is able to independently de-

the requirements set for their position.

most well-suited and the most motivated

velop both him or herself as a teacher and

The Finnish National Board of Education

applicants for their programmes.

his or her work community in cooperation

issues decisions concerning the recogni-

Higher education institutions decide

tion of foreign teaching qualifications in

on student admissions and admission


criteria independently. Entrance tests of

Predominantly female profession

with the rest of the staff of the educational institution. Teacher education offered at

universities are used to assess aspects

universities provides the student with

such as academic studying skills and

capabilities for acting independently as a teacher, instruc-

aptitude for the

tor and educator.

Approximately 63,500 teachers work in

profession. In the

basic education and the upper secondary

admissions process

level (general upper secondary school and

for professional

vocational education and training) and

teacher education,

in liberal adult education. The majority

the areas assessed

of teachers are women. Out of teachers

include competence

working in basic education, more than

and expertise in

70% are women; the corresponding figure

the specific field of

for vocational education and training is

teaching, to be dem-

slightly more than a half. The majority of

onstrated through

teachers are employed by municipalities.

work experience and qualifications.

Higher education institutions

In Finland, higher education insti-

of teaching taking into account develop-

tutions decide independently on the

ments in the world of work and different

contents of teacher education. The link


decide on student admissions and the contents of the education

Higher education institutions decide independently on the contents of teacher education.

The objective of professional teacher education is to provide the student with the skills and knowledge to guide the learning of different students and

between teaching and research is em-

the capabilities to develop his or her field

All teacher education also involves


phasised in the education. The objective

pedagogical studies and guided teaching

In Finland, teachers are required to have

is to produce teachers with a research-

practice, which is implemented in the

a master’s degree with the exception of

orientation in their work who are capable

universities’ own schools for teaching

Ministry of Education and Culture   |  Teacher education in Finland  |  1/2014

practice or other schools nominated for

content of teacher education include

Regular in-service education

the purpose. Guided teaching practice

the teaching and guidance of students

The work performed by teachers is

involves the giving of lessons, guidance

requiring a greater level of support, the

demanding and requires regular in-

discussions and familiarisation with tasks

development of learning environments,

service education and the opportunity

and responsibilities related to various

the utilisation of information and

for further education. The parties

issues arising in the everyday life of

communication technology, issues related

responsible for the in-service education

schools. The aim is for students in teach-

to a multicultural society, cooperation

of teaching staff are the teachers

er education to become independent and

between school and home and

themselves and their employers, most

responsible teachers and learn self-devel-

cooperation with the world of work.

commonly municipalities. The employer

opment, become increasingly proficient in their own subject and learn to develop

is responsible for education based on the

The work of teachers is very

collective agreement for public servants;

the work community in cooperation with


other members of teaching staff.

In Finland, teachers have many profes-

is three working days outside of school

sional freedoms and opportunities to

days per academic year.

Teacher education is developed constantly

the minimum duration of this education

In addition to the employer, also

impact their work and the development of their work community. Teachers have

the Ministry of Education and Culture

The qualitative and quantitative

the power to decide which teaching

supports the in-service education

development needs of teacher

methods and learning materials they

of teachers. The objective of state-

education are explored regularly

want to use. The Finnish system is based

financed in-service education is to

through various evaluations, forecasts

on trust in teachers and teacher educa-

provide principals and teachers with

and data collection.

tion. In Finland, no national evaluation or

equal opportunities to develop their

registration of teachers takes place.


Focus points in developing the

Applicants who took part in phase 1 entrance test for Finnish-language class teacher education and those selected for class teacher education 2011 2012 2013 Applicants who participated in the national test Applicants selected for the education

8 856


11 976

12 493



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