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I have spoken in previous articles about the world of sound that accompanies our lives, songs, orchestras and different groups. However, how many times have we attended a live concert of an ensemble, have we had the chance to listen to a symphony orchestra, have we ever listened to a concert of a pianist, or a guitarist, in short?

I will refer then to how exciting it is in particular to attend a concert of a symphony orchestra, a concert of "classical music", although the name is not the most appropriate, if it is the most popular. The show starts with the entrance to a large auditorium, and I am not only referring to the size of the physical space and its beautiful design, but also to the acoustic characteristics of the space. After sitting comfortably, we will witness all the protocol that exists prior to the start of the concert, we will see how a few musicians enter and begin the process of tuning their instruments, followed by the "concertmaster" (lead musician of the orchestra) who is responsible for tuning the entire orchestra and make it ready for the conductor to enter, yes, the man who with a stick (baton), will direct the entire symphony orchestra. By this time we will have applauded at least twice, the concertmaster and the conductor, but the music has not yet begun to play.

Finally comes the important part, "the live music". Never, or almost never there is a presenter, before that, we have been given the "hand program", which is a small booklet or a simple sheet, where is outlined all the repertoire that the orchestra will perform, sometimes, this hand program includes biographical data of the composers and the works that will be heard. From this moment on, the only thing left to do is to let yourself be moved by the music that will be heard, to sharpen your ear and delight yourself with the exquisite sound combination presented by the orchestra, which goes through fast or slow tempos in the rhythms of the music, high and low volumes, orchestra "a tutti" or soloist passages, in short, an immeasurable soundscape that gives us the gift of attending a classical music concert.

The invitation is then to consider among your leisure plans, to attend a classical music concert, it will really impact your life.

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