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Student Supports
Our supportive and student-centred philosophy gives you the highest potential for success. You matter to us and we are here to help you from your first days as a new student right through to graduation.
For all students
Unlimited Group Tutoring Academic Advising & Support Student Success Advising Tutoring & Peer-Assisted Learning Writing Supports Registration Assistance & Course Planning Library Student Accessibility Services Assistive Technology
Career Counselling Resume Writing & Interview Preparation Skills Development Job Bank Co-operative Education Services Job & Employment Fairs On-Campus Job Opportunities Leadership Development Co-Curricular Record Student Accessibility Services (SAS) staff collaborate with students, staff and faculty to facilitate the provision of academic accommodations (eg. access to lecture material, extra time on tests, assistive technology) for students with disabilities/medical conditions while maintaining academic standards and integrity. Students can register with SAS for a wide variety of disabilities/ medical conditions that are permanent or temporary;
Financial Planning & Budgeting Support Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards OSAP Assistance Online Tuition Payment
Orientation Student Ambassador Program First-Year Seminar Courses Peer Mentor Program
Daycare (Thunder Bay) Pride Central Off-Campus Housing Food Bank Ombudsperson Security Services…And More!
Welcome to STUDENT
Learning Disabilities Acquired Brain Injuries ADHD Mobility Mental Health Vision Medical conditions Hearing
SAS welcomes students to a supportive atmosphere where services are delivered respectfully and confidentially.
Connect with us:
Thunder Bay: sas@lakeheadu.ca Orillia: oraccess@lakeheadu.ca

Welcome to

Whether you are a new student arriving to campus for the first time, getting ready to graduate or anything in between, Student Central provides you with a more convenient way to conduct your business and access support in one central location. Here you will be able to access everything you need - from enrolling at Lakehead through to course registration, financial support, academic advising and so much more. Our dedicated, crosstrained Student Central Professionals are able to solve issues from start to finish with improved consistency of service and answers. This holistic approach allows us to focus on you!
Connect with us at studentcentral@lakeheadu.ca
Meet the
The Student Success Centre has many programs and support services in place to help you achieve your academic and personal goals while studying at Lakehead University. We coordinate new student orientation, provide academic support through tutoring and writing services, and offer career services, co-operative education opportunities and leadership development. Learn success strategies for reading and note taking, study skills, exam preparation, resume and cover letter, job searching, networking and much more. Join our events throughout the year to connect with the Lakehead community!
Connect with us at: Thunder Bay: ssc@lakeheadu.ca Orillia: orillia.ssc@lakeheadu.ca

Student Health and Wellness provides a range of counselling, health services, and wellness programs so that you can get the most out of your Lakehead Experience. Student Health and Wellness is an environment that facilitates physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health.
Health and Medical Services Mental Health and Counselling Services
Connect with us:
Health Promotion Wellness Programming