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College Transfer Agreements
Agreements with all ONTARIO COLLEGES
Multilateral Agreements
The following outlines agreements between the University and all accredited Ontario colleges that documents the transfer policies for entry into a specific undergraduate program.
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program Campus
Biotechnology, 2 year Applied Life Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 75%
Biotechnology, 3 year Applied Life Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 75%
Business, 2 year Business Administration (Honours Bachelor of Commerce), 4 year 75% + summer transition
Business Administration, 3 year (Accounting, Human Resources, Marketing, General Business, International Business majors) Business Administration (Bachelor of Administration), 3 year 70%
Business Administration, 3 year Business Commerce (Honours Bachelor of Commerce), 4 year 75% Business Administration Advanced Diploma, 3 year Business Administration (Honours Bachelor of Commerce), 4 year 75%
Business Diploma, 2 year Bachelor of Administration Degree, 3 year 70% Year 2 Year 3 Year 3
Year 3
Year 3
Year 3
Year 3 through summer transition
Child & Youth Care, 3 year Social Work (Honours Bachelor of Social Work), 4 year 70% (incl. passes in all placements) Year 2
Community & Justice Services, 2 year Dental Hygiene, 3 year Criminology (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science), 4 year 70% General (Bachelor of Science), 3 year 70% Year 2
Year 3
Developmental Service Worker, 2 year Social Work (Honours Bachelor of Social Work), 4 year 70% (incl. passes in all placements) Year 2
Early Childhood Education, 2 year Concurrent Education (various) 75%
Biology (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Science), 4 year 75% Year 1 (most cases year 2) Year 3
Environmental Technology, 3 year Environmental Sustainability (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science), 4 year 75%
Geography (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies), 4 year 75% Year 3
Year 3
Forestry Technician/Technology, 2/3 year Forestry (HBScF), 4 year
Environmental Management (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management), 4 year 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience)
70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) Year 3 through 4-week summer transition Year 3 through 4-week summer transition
Forestry Technician or Forest Wildlife, 2 year Natural Science (Bachelor of Science), 3 year
General Arts (Bachelor of Arts), 3 year 60% final year of program
70% + additional requirements Year 2
Year 3
General Arts & Science, 2 year
Graphic Design, 3 year Interdisciplinary Major (Bachelor of Arts & Science), 3 year 70% + additional requirements Interdisciplinary Major (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science), 4 year Media, Film & Communications (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science), 4 year 70% + additional requirements
Liberal Arts, 2 year General Arts (Bachelor of Arts), 3 year Arts & Science Interdisciplinary Major (Bachelor of Arts & Science), 3 year or 4 year 70% + additional requirements
70% + additional requirements
Protection, Security & Investigation (a.k.a. Police Foundations), 2 year Criminology (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science), 4 year 70%
Practical Nursing, 2 year Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) 3 or 4 year 70% + additional requirements Year 3
Year 3
Year 3
Year 3
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Social Service Worker, 2 year Social Work (Honours Bachelor of Social Work), 4 year 70% (incl. passes in all placements) Year 2
Agreements with our
At Lakehead University we’re grateful to continue building strong partnerships and pathways with our local educators at Confederation College and Georgian College as we continue to serve those looking to pursue their educational goals in Northwestern and Central Ontario.
The following is a list of bilateral agreements available. Don’t see your program? Check out the multilateral agreements on page 16.
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Aboriginal Community Advocacy, 2 year
Child & Youth Care, 3 year Indigenous Learning (Honours Bachelor of Arts), 4 year Political Science (Honours Bachelor of Arts), 4 year Sociology (Honours Bachelor of Arts), 4 year Social Work (Honours Bachelor of Social Work), 4 year
Computer Programming, 2 year
Computer Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year Developmental Service Worker, 2 year Social Work (Honours Bachelor of Social Work), 4 year 70% 75% 70% Year 2 Year 2 Year 2
70% (incl. passes in all placements) Year 2
70% Year 3 through spring/summer courses
70% (incl. passes in all placements) Year 2
Early Childhood Education, 2 year Psychology (Bachelor of Arts or Honours Bachelor of Arts), 3 or 4 year 75% Sociology (Bachelor of Arts or Honours Bachelor of Arts), 3 or 4 year 75%
Environmental Technician, 2 year Forestry (Honours Bachelor of Forestry,) 4 year 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience)
Environmental Management (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management), 4 year
70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) Water Resource Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 70% Film Production, 2 year English (Honours Bachelor of Arts), 4 year 70% Year 2 Year 2 Year 3 through 4-week summer transition Year 3 through 4-week summer transition Year 2 Year 3
Forest Ecosystem Management Technician, 2 year Forestry (Honours Bachelor of Forestry), 4 year
Environmental Management (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management), 4 year Onajigawin Indigenous Services, 2 year Social Work (Honours Bachelor of Social Work), 4 year 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) Year 3 through 4-week summer transition Year 3 through 4-week summer transition
70% (incl. passes in all placements) Year 2
Police Foundations, 2 year Recreation Therapy, 2 year Political Science (Honours Bachelor of Arts), 4 year Sociology (Honours Bachelor of Arts), 4 year
75% 75% Outdoor Recreation with Concentration in Nature-Based Therapeutic Recreation (Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation), 4 year 75% Year 2 Year 2
Year 2
Social Service Worker, 2 year Social Work (Honours Bachelor of Social Work), 4 year
70% (incl. passes in all placements) Year 2 Tourism-Travel & Eco- Adventure, 2 year Outdoor Recreation (Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation), 4 year 75% Year 2
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Computer Programming, 2 year Computer Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 70% Year 3 through spring/summer courses
Environmental Technology, 3 year Environmental Sustainability (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science – Environmental Sustainability), 4 year 70% Year 3
Water Resource Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 75% Year 3 Fitness and Health Promotion, 2 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology), 4 year 75% Year 3
Biotechnology - Health Applied Life Science (Honours Bachelor of Science) 4 year 75% Year 3 (Spring/ Summer Term)
General Arts & Science, 2 year
Arts & Science (Bachelor of Arts & Science), 3 year 70% Year 3 Arts & Science (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science), 4 year 70% Year 3 Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist Assistant, 2 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology), 4 year 75% Year 2
Police Foundations Criminology (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science) 4 year 70% Year 3 Recreation & Leisure Services, 2 year Outdoor Recreation (Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation), 4 year 75% Year 2 Tourism-Marketing & Product Development, 2 year Outdoor Recreation (Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation), 4 year 75% Year 2
Bilateral Agreements
The following outlines formal agreements between the University and colleges that specifically documents the transfer policies and transfer credits for entry into a specific undergraduate program.
Diploma Completed
Environment Technician
Forestry Technician
Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options
Forestry (HBScF), 4 year or Environmental Management (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management), 4 year Forestry (HBScF), 4 year or Environmental Management (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management), 4 year
Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) Year 3 through 4-week summer transition Year 3 through 4-week summer transition
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options
Fitness and Health Promotion, 2 year
Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology), 4 year Massage Therapy, 2 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology), 4 year Occupational Therapy Assistant/ Physiotherapy Assistant, 2 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology) 4 year
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options
Physical Fitness Management, 3 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology) 4 year
Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
75% Year 3
Year 2
Year 2
Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
75% Year 3
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options
Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist Assistant, 2 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology), 4 year
Recreation Therapy, 2 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology), 4 year Strength and Sport Conditioning, 2 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology) 4 year
Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
75% Year 2
Year 2
Year 2
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Environmental Technology, 3 year Water Resource Science (Honours Bachelor of Science) 4 year 75%
Police Foundations, 2 year Criminology (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science), 4 year 70%
Year 3
Year 3
Diploma Completed
Community Recreation & Leadership Training, 2 year Outdoor Recreation (Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation), 4 year 75% Year 2
Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Environmental Technology, 3 year Water Resource Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 75% Year 3
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Environmental Technology, 3 year Water Resource Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 75%
Year 3
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Ecosystem Management Technology, 3 year Environmental Sustainability (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science), 4 year
Ecosystem Management Technician/Technology, 2/3 year
Forestry (Honours Bachelor of Forestry), 4 year Environmental Management (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management), 4 year Environmental Technology, 3 year Water Resource Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year
Fish & Wildlife Technician/ Technology, 2/3 year Forestry (Honours Bachelor of Forestry), 4 year Environmental Management (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management), 4 year 75%
70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) 75%
70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience)
Year 3
Year 3 through 4-week summer transition Year 3 through 4-week summer transition
Year 3
Year 3 through 4-week summer transition Year 3 through 4-week summer transition
Diploma Completed
Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options
Environmental Technology, 3 year Water Resource Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 75% Year 3
Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options
Adventure Recreation & Parks Technician, 2 year Outdoor Recreation (Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation), 4 year
Fitness and Health Promotion, 2 year
Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology), 4 year Occupational Therapist/ Physiotherapist Assistant, 2 year Kinesiology (Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology), 4 year
Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
75% Year 2
75% Year 2
75% Year 2
Diploma Completed Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
Environmental Technician/ Technology, 2/3 year
Forestry (Honours Bachelor of Forestry), 4 year Environmental Management (Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management), 4 year Environmental Technology, 3 year Water Resource Science (Honours Bachelor of Science), 4 year 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) 70% final year of program (65% with 2+ years of career experience) 75% Year 3 through 4-week summer transition Year 3 through 4-week summer transition
Year 3
Diploma Completed
Pathway to Lakehead Degree Options
Police Foundations, 2 year Criminology (Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science)
Minimum Admissions Average Entry Into Year of Program
70% Year 3
If you apply to a program that does not have a pathway, you will automatically be considered for transfer credit. For more information, visit: lakeheadu.ca/admissions