F O R B U S IN E SS July 2011 | Vol. xXI, No. 7
BUY LAKELAND. It Makes GOOD cents!
CHAMBER STAFF K a t h l een L . M unson President
B a rb a r a B enne t t Executive Assistant
S a l ly C h a p m a n
Vice President, Finance & Administration
Y a d ir a P. Ho l mes Vice President, Public Affairs
L a ke l a n d Are a C h a mber of C ommerce F orum for B usiness M on t h l y A l ice Hun t | C h a irm a n of t h e B o a r d Hunt Construction of Central Florida, Inc.
K a t h l een L . M unson | Pub l is h er
C a ro l y n J a ckson
Senior Vice President, Member Relations
J a c q ue l ine L . J o h nson
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce
Senior Vice President, Convention & Visitors Bureau
Am y S . W i g g ins | E d i t or
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce
C E Desi g n co . | C re a t i v e Direc t ion & P R O D U C T I O N www.cedesignco.com
K a t ie M c B ri d e - M c K en z ie Membership Account Executive
Gi l W i l l i a ms P h o t o g r a p h y | J us t in Green P h o t o g r a p h y | C E D E S I G N C O .
Contributing Photographers
C h ris t ine M ur p h y
Administrative Assistant, Member Relations | Public Affairs
Commercial Institutional Industrial Healthcare • Voice
| Data | Video
• Andover • Fire
Controls Authorized Dealer
Alarm | Nurse Call | Security
• Maintenance
N ikki O a k l e y
Membership Account Executive
Terr y O t t in g er
Vice President, Membership Development
Design Installation Service New Construction Renovation
P a t t y S mi t h
Administrative Assistant, Membership Development Visitor Information Specialist
R e v en a T h om a s
Administrative Assistant, Communications Convention & Visitors Bureau
Am y W i g g ins
Vice President, Communications
1507 Lakeland Hills Boulevard, Suite 101 Lakeland, Florida 33805-3205 863.688.0600 www.apgelectric.com
Electrical Contractors and Engineers 2
35 Lake Morton Drive PO Box 3607 Lakeland, FL 33802-3607 (863) 688-8551 LakelandChamber.com
EC0000486 | CA5947
© 2011 Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to refuse certain advertising and is not liable for advertisers claims and/or errors. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the position of the Chamber.
Our Family
Cryptological Linguist Tahlia Burton Combs & Husband Cryptological Linguist Phil Combs, US Air Force Father: John Burton, Florida Air Museum at SUN ‘n FUN www.Sun-N-Fun.org
F-15E fighter pilot Major Niles Ruthven, US Air Force Father: Joe L. Ruthven, The Ruthvens www.Ruthvens.com
Staff Sergeant Tony Colon, US Air Force Wife: Stephanie Colon, Community Southern Bank www.CommunitySouthernBank.com
Thursday, July 14 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Beef O’Brady’s Family Sports Pub 4810 S Florida Ave
Staff Sergeant Tiffany Morisson, US Air Force Uncle: Bryan Mau, CPS Investment Advisors www.CPAlliance.com
S mal l B u s i n e s s D e v e l o pment Center Opens S at e l l i t e at C h a mber
Dawn decaminada Certified Business analyst
CONNECT ] (863) 534-5915
This July, the Chamber will be home to an additional resource for business owners, the Small Business Development Center. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, Certified Business Analyst Dawn Decaminada will be on site to offer free and confidential counseling for entrepreneurs, businesses looking to expand services, or those just looking for a little marketing assistance. The SBDC is part of a state-wide partnership of higher education, economic development organizations, chambers
and sponsors dedicated to economic prosperity. Florida’s SBDC Network is one of eight original pilot programs. In Polk County, the SBDC is funded in part by the Board of County Commissioners, giving special benefit to the residents of Polk County. While Polk’s SBDC services are limited to within the County, Certified Business Analysts like Decaminada have access to the statewide network of experts and counselors. Counseling services are open to members and non-members .
alike, and are free and confidential. To schedule an appointment at the Chamber’s satellite office, please call (863) 534-5915. Dawn Decaminada, a Certified Business Analyst with the Small Business Development Center of Polk County, has been with the Central Florida Development Council for four years. Prior to joining the Small Business Development Center, Decaminada worked for the CFDC in the role of Sales and Event Representative for Central Florida Sports Marketing. In that role she helped recruit and P U B L I C
manage both large and small sporting events located in Polk County, including her role as onsite coordinator for the 2008 ESPN Bassmaster Elite Citrus Slam and as Convention Director for the 52nd Annual Road Runners Club of America National Convention. Decaminada’s background in marketing allows her to help businesses develop successful marketing strategies for both start up and businesses looking to expand and reach a larger audience. In addition she enjoys working with the many
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entrepreneurs that come through her door seeking guidance on issues ranging from developing a business plan to brainstorming solutions to various issues business owners face. Decaminada has an undergraduate degree in Communication from the Ohio State University and has lived in Florida for 11 years. she is also a personal running and triathlon coach and is a four-time Ironman finisher. In her spare time she likes to participate in triathlons and give back to the community by participating in charitable events.
Experience EMERGE: Young Professionals Breaking the Mold in Lakeland
Southeastern University
CONNECT ] EMERGELakeland.com
do these events give our leaders a feel for what matters to young professionals, but it helps us become involved in the process. There are few things more patriotic than giving our time, our gifts, and our money to support our community. The recent Red, White, and Blue Breakfast was another example of EMERGE’s commitment to connecting our members with local leaders. On May 24, more than 30 EMERGE members gathered at the Lakeland Yacht & Country Club for a
breakfast with elected officials from Lakeland and Polk County. Our guests included School Board members Frank O’Reilly and Kay Fields, State Representative Kelli Stargel, City Commissioner Howard Wiggs, State Attorney Jerry Hill, County Commissioner Melony Bell, and Circuit Judge Wayne Durden. They rotated among seven tables and answered general questions about their areas of expertise, such as “What three big challenges are you currently facing?”
EMERGE members were then free to ask follow-up questions, many of them dealing with the budget crisis facing our state. Many of the elected officials also took the time to ask our members about our concerns for the state, the county, and the city. We hope they came away excited about the young leaders in our community, and that our members became more familiar with ways they can get involved in serving our City. EMERGE Lakeland is a networking group of young professionals in Lakeland. The
Brandt Merritt
Young adults typically aren’t as involved in politics and government as older adults. In the 2008 presidential election, only 48.5 percent of citizens ages 18-24 voted, and only 57 percent of those ages 25-34 voted. The percentage of voters from all other age groups was in the 60-70 range. But EMERGE Lakeland members strive to be the exception. During the year, we engage our community and government leaders through informal meal gatherings and panel discussions. Not only
organization is a partnership of the Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce and the United Way of Central Florida.
Extraordinary LIVING
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Heacock Payroll offers employers a complete payroll processing service which can combine your payroll taxes, workers’ compensation and employee benefits. Allowing you to spend more time on your business and less time on paperwork.
You spend more time on your business and less time on paperwork.
Colleen Wade
Premiere Party Rental & Supplies
The City’s Parks & Recreation Department offers great venues with plenty of options for activities to keep the party attendees active.
Whether your company has 5 or 500 employees, holiday or company events are a great opportunity to have a little fun with co-workers. Planning a picnic or event is easy, with just a few simple steps and plenty of attention to detail. In no time at all, your team can be sitting in a shady spot, meeting family members and building camaraderie that will carry over into the work day. Initial planning can begin months ahead or even a year out when the event celebrates a milestone anniversary. Location, date and theme are the first things to determine. If your company location just won’t work, the City’s parks are beautiful and can often be reserved through the Parks & Recreation Department. Checking the Chamber’s online event calendar is a great way to avoid planning your event on a day that conflicts with another big event in town. With a theme, planning activities and a menu are much easier than without. If you’re planning a family event, be sure to have activities planned for children and adults of all ages, and plenty of room for everyone to sit. It gets hot in Florida, and nobody wants to stand in the sun all afternoon! Renting tables, tents & chairs can help cut down on your clean-up time and take one element of planning off your plate. Professional rental companies will provide set-up and tear-down services to fit with your schedule. ORDER of Finally, on the day of the event, make sure that even Importance the planning committee gets in on the fun!
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5 M enu
W h o d o Your C us t omers Trus t ? Your membership in the Chamber speaks volumes about your commitment to your customers. Not only does your Chamber participation suggest amy wiggins that your business lakeland AREA is reputable, it also chamber OF means that you value COMMERCE Vice President, relationships… that communications you care about your customers. Several years ago, we introduced the “Schapiro Study” through a partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce Executives and IBM.5:00 The PM QMI_Biz_Journal_ad.pdf 1 5/12/11 study revealed that 63%
of consumers are more likely to do business with a Chamber member. “There clearly is a feeling by respondents that chamber membership is synonymous with quality and desirability,” said Alex Trouteaud, Ph.D. of The Schapiro Group. As the world of relationships changes, consumers are increasingly able to share opinions and experiences with friends and contacts through online social media tools. Caring
for your company’s online reputation is an everyday, every minute task! It’s no secret that consumers buy from people and brands they trust. Small business owners have the daunting task of translating the trust of face-to-face relationships to the cyber community. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Ning, Flickr, Blogs, Yelp, Foursquare… the list goes on and on; and changes almost daily! No matter where your customer meets you, they’re talking about
you in more ways now than ever! The Chamber’s commitment to the health of the business community means that we’re tackling those issues too. In December, 2010, we launched a brand new LakelandChamber. com, boosting search engine results for members, and updating our search feature to include “key words”. Earlier this year, the Chamber-supported Lakeland Business “Lead”ers Facebook Group was created, giving businesses in town the chance
to make virtual connections and share opinions and experiences. In the Lakeland Chamber LinkedIn group, members can start discussions, post job openings and more. Beginning today, take the time to outline your strategies for building consumer trust. Be sure to include face-toface and virtual opportunities for your business, focusing on building relationships across both platforms.
B y G a r y C l a rk | Polk Veterans Council PolkVeteransCouncil.org
1 0 1
“Doctor, what have you given us,” Mrs. Powel asked Benjamin Franklin at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, “a republic or a monarchy?” Without hesitation, he responded, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” For 150 years, citizens of the New World studied, tirelessly debated, argued and experimented with governing. Many were familiar with kings, emperors and tyrants and wanted no more. They fought a war to free themselves from the English throne. The Convention heralded the culmination of these efforts. The core of the deliberation and what became the Great Experiment was the question: “Could man govern himself ” or was a central powerful entity necessary? Such was the inference and warning in Franklin’s response. Across our nation the debate over federalism, states’ rights and the Constitution has taken on heightened interest, even passion. Perhaps not unlike the discussions of 1787, the debate is laced with emotion, rationalization and, in some instances, fear. Exactly what is the “Republic” to which Franklin referred? How is it different from a “Democracy?” The word Republic, comes from the Latin and simply means “the law(s).” Democracy derives from the Greek, translates to “the people to rule.” Democracy in its most basic form means the majority rules. In a republic, the rule of law is superior. In a democracy, the minority is subservient to the majority. The Founders condemned democracy as a form of governing. Samuel Adams, the Father of the American Revolution and a versed student of history, campaigned for the Constitution precisely because it would not result in a democracy. His alarming observation was “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that ‘did not commit suicide.’” Credited with authoring the Constitution, the small in stature but giant in reasoned thought, James Madison wrote in The Federalist, No. 10: “... democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.” George Washington, during his inaugural address on April 30, 1789, committed to “the preservation ... of the republican model of government.” Nowhere in the Constitution can the word “democracy” be found. Versed in the experiences of Greek democracies and the Roman republic, the Founders understood that the “unalienable Rights” imparted to men “by their Creator” could as easily be violated by an unrestrained majority as they could by a king or emperor. Freedom and stability were the fundamental attributes of a republic; chaos leading to despotism characterized a democracy. The brilliance of the Constitution is that it created a government of law and not of men. Thus, the United States was founded as a republic, not a democracy.
For much of the 19th century, the Founders idea of a constitutional republic was widely understood, taught and practiced. Across the spectrum of academia, government and business voices spoke of the virtues of republicanism and the tyranny a democracy fosters. Textbooks of the time stressed those ideals. Among the many notables was Ralph Waldo Emerson, quoted as observing that “democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors.” Thomas Babington Macauly, the British statesman, warned that purely democratic institutions “…must, sooner or later, destroy liberty or civilization, or both.” During the 20th century, democracy became synonymous with good, even desirable government. Citizens, young and old, came to accept democracy as virtuous, close to the sought after ideal. If queried, most today would probably respond that America is a democracy. But is it? How did a nation founded as a “republic” become viewed, and even accepted, as a “democracy?” Events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries precipitated much of this transition. The 16th Amendment to the Constitution gave the federal government broad powers to tax incomes. Authority to appropriate property from the citizenry without due process was codified. The 17th Amendment eliminated the practice of state legislators selecting US Senators, as provided by the Framers, and provided for their popular election. Calls for eliminating the Electoral College for Presidential elections were heard. The migration of power away from the individual and the local governance toward a centralized federal authority gained momentum. The Founders began the First Amendment with the admonition, “Congress shall make no law…” They believed rights could not be abrogated by a majority vote any more than by a conqueror’s decree. Individual rights were “endowed by their Creator.” The first 100 years of constitutional government in America saw remarkable progress. Public-spirited men labored to put the best into government, not to take the most out of it. Self-governing ability defines the national character. It has been and continues to rest absolutely on the character of individual citizens. Such portrayed the noble purpose and challenge of the constitutional republic inherited from the Founding Fathers (and Mothers). George Washington reminded us that, “A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?” July 4, 2011, birthday number 235, contemplation of Franklin’s counsel, Washington’s guidance and the current national debate could be fortuitous. Are the cherished values for which the Founders were willing to sacrifice their “…lives, fortunes, & sacred honor” embraced with the same commitment today? Would Franklin affirm the Republic has been preserved? FORUM FOR BUSINESS
smal l b u s i n e s s o f t h e month
janet tucker Owner
the hair shanty
P. (863) 687-3284 2130 Harden Boulevard Lakeland, FL 33803
For more than 25 years, The Hair Shanty has been nurturing the hair styling needs of loyal clientele. Their success has been built on a firm foundation of consistent ownership, long time experienced stylists and satisfied customers. Janet Tucker and Beverly Burnsed Spencer were once (and still are) two of those loyal patrons of The Hair Shanty. In 1985 they purchased the business and to this day they have perpetuated the business philosophy of building long term
relationships with their operators and clients. Two of “The Shanty’s” seven current stylists came with the business in 1985 and every effort is made to foster “Clients for Life”. The Hair Shanty is located at 2130 Harden Boulevard, in the building they share with Fred’s Market at Beacon Road. Seven operators/ stylists are available to serve their clients by appointment. The Hair Shanty offers full service salon procedures and carries hair, skin and make-
up products for their customers. As a group they support and promote the annual Autism Awareness Walk. Additionally, managing partner Janet Tucker has been active in a wide variety of civic endeavors such as Lakeland Downtown Development Authority (LDDA), Polk Museum of Art Board, Downtown Lakeland Partnership (DLP) Board, Leadership Lakeland, Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce Board, recipient of “The Dudley Uphoff Award” which is DLP’s highest
achievement and many other church and civic activities. Beverly Burnsed served Polk County in the Florida House of Representatives for 12 years. (1976-1988) She married Ronald Spencer who served as Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber of Commerce. Beverly continued in state government as Assistant Secretary of State. She also served as the first female Vice President of Alumni affairs at Florida State University. The Hair Shanty is
B y Don Pick a r d ,
Small Business of the Month Committee Member, Don Pickard (Pickard & Pickard Inc. REALTORS) presents the June Small Business of the Month award to Janet Tucker, the Hair Shanty.
proud of the support of their clients and the good “Word of Mouth” advertising they have enjoyed over the years. The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate The Hair Shanty as the Small Business of the Month for June.
For more information on some of the requirements for the Small Business Award and to view previous recipients, please visit LakelandChamber.com/ BusinessResource.
Pickard & Pickard Inc. REALTORS
W A N T T O K N O W W HY B E in g A M E M B E R O F TH E LA K E LA N D A R E A C HA M B E R I S S O B E C O M I N G ? R E AD on . . .
C AL E N D a R
CHAIRMAN’S MID-YEAR REPORT I have very much enjoyed serving as your Chairman this year and representing your interests in the community and in meetings with our local and state elected officials. Your Chamber has been actively working to offer services that meet the diverse needs of our 1,600 member businesses. We value the investment you have made in this organization, and want to report on our progress so far this year. At our Annual Board Planning Retreat last fall, the Chamber’s board of directors adopted five key strategic issues (KSIs) for 2011. Strategy Groups were formed to address these topics, chaired by the Chamber’s Vice Chairs. Here are a few highlights of programs our KSI strategy groups are working on:
C ommunic a t ions Vice Chair Tim Jackson NuJak Companies
Critical to keeping members and the community informed of the Chamber’s activities, the Communications KSI works closely with the other strategy groups to support their work and provide excellent exposure to Chamber members. In addition to continuing to educate members on the benefits of the new LakelandChamber.com, the newly redesigned Forum for Business hit mailboxes in January, featuring insights from member businesses as well as opportunities for member employees to share and build relationships.
M ember V a l ue Vice Chair Patrick Fagan Fifth Third Bank
To enhance the value of your membership, this KSI group is constantly researching and exploring new opportunities. This year, you can look forward to contacts directly from our board members. We want to
know how your business is doing and make you aware of upcoming Chamber events and values of membership. Also, you’ll notice in this month’s magazine, a new satellite office of the Small Business Development Center opens here at the Chamber.
Pub l ic Po l ic y Vice Chair Mark Wilson Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Through the Chamber’s Government Affairs committee and BusinessVoice political action committee, the public policy strategy group continues to be very active in representing the interests of our business community. This April, the Chamber delegation visited with each of our Polk Legislators in Tallahassee, and took part in the Polk County Capitol Day festivities celebrating the county’s 150th anniversary. And, thanks to support from our members, the Chamber’s number one Legislative priority was realized: Full funding for the first phase of the University of South Florida Polytechnic.
Qu a l i t y of Life Vice Chair Melinda Harrison Watson Clinic LLP
This KSI is focusing on several areas to improve Lakeland’s quality of life, as a key driver for economic development and recruitment and retention of businesses in our community. Through the efforts of the Lakeland Convention & Visitors Bureau and Kanga Marketing, a quality of life video has been produced to assist in marketing Lakeland as a business and tourist destination. The upbeat video captures Lakeland’s wealth of arts, cultural, business and recreational assets. View it at LakelandChamber.com/LiveWork.
Actively working with the Polk County School Board, the KSI has been a critical partner in the Ford Next Generation Learning grant process. This $200,000 grant was awarded to develop the vision and sustainability of our district’s learning academies. And, in order to maximize training opportunities and funding for our members, the KSI is now working with PolkWorks and local training providers. In addition to the above initiatives, the Chamber is planning its annual North-With-the-Tigers trip, July 29-31. A delegation of Chamber and community leaders will take in three games against the Los Angeles Angels at Comerica Park in Detroit. Baseball fans, visit NWT.LakelandChamber.com for details! The Chamber also announced its first international trip to China, October 9-17! The “Destination China” itinerary will include visits to Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou and offer opportunities to experience China’s unique culture and historic sites. Travelers will also be able to meet with Chinese business representatives to learn more about international trade opportunities. Visit China. LakelandChamber.com for information on how you can take advantage of this opportunity. Please remember to support our local businesses and the “Buy Lakeland. It makes good cents!” campaign. By doing business in Lakeland, you are supporting our fellow Chamber member businesses, and keeping the dollars in our community. We could not accomplish all we have this year in leading Lakeland’s business community without the active involvement and support of our members. Working together, we will continue to build Lakeland as Florida’s community of choice to live, work and play. I hope to see you at an upcoming Chamber event! Best regards,
T a l en t De v e l o p men t & E d uc a t ion Vice Chair Steve Moore Florida Property& Development
This KSI serves a dual but inter-related purpose, recognizing that both Talent Development and Education are critical drivers in achieving and sustaining the economic health of our community.
Alice Hunt Chairman of the Board Hunt Construction of Central Florida, Inc.
july 2011 dates mon 4
monday, july 4 chamber closed in observance of independence day
thur 14
Thursday, July 14 Schmooze a’ Palooza
thur 21
mon 11
Monday, July 11 EMERGE Lakeland Steering Committee Meeting 3:45 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
tues 12
Tuesday, July 12 Talent Development & Education KSI
Thursday, July 21 EMERGE Lakeland Breakfast with Sheriff Grady Judd
wed 13
Wednesday, July 13 Government Affairs
Thursday, July 21 Business After Hours
mon 18
Monday July 18 Investment Committee Meeting
tues 19
tuesday, July 19 BusinessVoice of Greater Lakeland
11:30 a.m. Beef O’ Brady’s 4810 S Florida Ave
8:00 a.m. Polk Sheriff Cyberstation 1891 Jim Keene Blvd
5:30 p.m. Lakeside Village a Casto Property 1479 Town Center Dr, Ste 203
thur 21
3:30 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
1:30 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
Friday, July 22 Chamber Staff Retreat
fri 22
All Day
thur 28
8:00 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
4:00 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
Thursday July 28 SCORE Business Roundtable 7:30 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
friday, July 1 Deposit due for Trip to China monday, July 25 Remainder of payment due for Trip to China
8:00 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
Thursday July 21 Chamber Foundation Board of Directors Meeting
chamber closed in observance of independence day
11 EMERGE Lakeland Steering Committee Meeting | 3:45 p.m.
Talent Development & Education KSI 3:30 p.m.
investment Committee Meeting | 4:00 p.m.
Government Affairs 8:00 a.m.
BusinessVoice of Greater Lakeland 8:00 a.m.
Schmooze a’ Palooza 11:30 a.m.
EMERGE Lakeland Breakfast with Sheriff Grady Judd | 7:00 a.m. Chamber Foundation Board of Directors Meeting | 1:30 p.m. Business After Hours 5:30 p.m.
chamber staff retreat all day
SCORE Business Roundtable | 7:30 a.m.
may Tourism Inquiries During the month of May, our Visitor Information Center assisted hundreds of individuals, answering questions pertaining to Chamber member businesses and the Lakeland community. 12
Walk-in Visitors.............................................................. 383 Relocation Response Mailings..................................... 7 Relocation Response (Walk In)................................... 33 Accommodations.............................................................. 1 Winter Accommodations............................................... 0 Visitor Information Mailings .................................... 16 Visitor Center E-mail Inquiries................................... 50
Even t HI G H LIG H T S 01
business after hours 01 | Board member Don Bosko (Beef
O’Brady’s Family Sports Pub) presents a plaque of appreciation to Zach Burek from The Lakeland Flying Tigers for hosting a fabulous event, and an exciting baseball game!
02 | Board member Don Bosko (Beef
O’Brady’s Family Sports Pub) presents a plaque of appreciation to John Adkinson from Lakeland Electric for sponsoring the May Business After Hours.
Legislative Wrap-Up Breakfast 03 | Members speak with
Representative Seth McKeel and Representative Mike Horner
04 | Senator Paula Dockery speaks with
Bill Rufty, Ledger Media Group.
05 | Members arrive for the 2011
Legislative Wrap-Up Breakfast on May 19, 2011.
06 | The Polk County Legislative
Delegation (L-R): Senator JD Alexander, Representative Mike Horner, Representative John Wood, Chairman Alice Hunt, Senator Paula Dockery, Representative Kelli Stargel, Representative Seth McKeel, Representative Ben Albritton, Vice Chair Public Policy Mark Wilson, President Kathleen Munson.
Leadership Lakeland Class XXVIII graduation
07 | Karen Kovach (Third Wing
Business Strategies, LLC), Mayor Gow Fields, Tamara Sakagawa (City of Lakeland) Bruce Lyon, (Swan Development Advisors) and Tony Delgado (City of Lakeland).
08 | Leadership Lakeland Class XXVIII 07
Chair, Nancy Cattarius (WONN/WPCV/ WLKF/WWRZ Radio) and incoming Leadership Lakeland Class XXIX Chair Steve Bissonnette (City of Lakeland).
(863) 248-9816 Grease Traps-Cleaning/ Waste Cooking Oil Removal Jodi Kusley
6700 S Florida Ave Ste 30 Lakeland, FL 33813 (863) 648-2725 F: (863) 907-2111 Graphic Design Michael G. Barrett www.barrettcreative.com
(813) 759-0430 Limousine Service Heather Hale www.bayareacorporatetransportation.com
CLUB HISPANO DE LAKELAND, INC. PO Box 5593 Lakeland, FL 33807 (863) 646-1833 Associations Teresa Martinez
5925 Imperial Parkway Mulberry, FL 33860 (863) 644-7447 Restaurants Emidio Lancellotta www.davincispizzaandpasta.com
DOGGIE STYLES MOBILE GROOMING, LLC (863) 535-5169 Pet Grooming Joel Hunter www.joelsdoggiestyles.com
2626 Hollingsworth Hill Avenue Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 559-1985 Logistics Management - Third Party Bruce Abels
(863) 640-6673 Marketing/Advertising Jim Gartrell www.boostcontact.com#oid=2603_5
LAKELAND’S HEALTH & FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 203 Doris Drive Lakeland, FL 33813 (863) 646-0243 Chiropractic Physicians Dr. Michael Stratton www.Lakelandsfamilychiropractic.com
MADRID ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. 2030 State Road 60 E Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 533-9007 F: (863) 533-8997 Engineers - Consultants Cheryll Andrews www.madridengineering.com
313 S Lake Ave Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 838-1441 Real Estate - Brokers MeLynda Rinker www.mynewhouserealty.com
MYERS & EICHELBERGER LAW FIRM 206 Easton Drive Lakeland, FL 33803 (407) 926-2455 F: (407) 536-4977 Attorneys Owen Myers www.themelawfirm.com
OPTIONS FOR WOMEN PREGNANCY HELP CLINIC, INC. 4435 Florida National Drive Lakeland, FL 33813 (863) 682-5763 F: (863) 969-0529 Clinics Mary Rutherford www.optionsforwomenphc.com
PARKWAY VETERINARY EMERGENCY CLINIC 3609 US Hwy 98 S Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 665-3199 F: (863) 667-2255 Veterinarians Dr. Dorsey Hightower www.ParkwayPetER.com
4810 US Hwy 98 N Lakeland, FL 33809 (863) 858-6825 Computers - Sales & Service Dale Jorden
4313 S Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33813 (863) 644-9665 F: (863) 646-0237 Office Supplies/Equipment Susan Olsen www.staples.com
4011 US Highway 98 N Lakeland, FL 33809 (863) 853-2700 F: (863) 853-2700 Office Supplies/Equipment Steve Ostermann www.staples.com
607 S Alexander St Plant City, FL 33563 (813) 707-8888 F: (888) 593-9128 Mortgages Jonathan K. Davis www.upfrontlending.net
WING CHUN DOWNTOWN KUNG FU AT LAKELAND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 116 E Pine St Lakeland, FL 33801 (813) 210-1837 Medical/Alternative Health Care Justin Och www.sifuoch.com
Each month, the Chamber enlists the help of 20 volunteers to mentor new and current members with involvement in Chamber events and programs. This month, the Chamber staff would like to recognize Dillon Daniels with AllSolar Service Company Inc. and Pool Works for his outstanding attention to Chamber members and attendance at events! Dillon is a wonderful asset to the Chamber and to the Lakeland community!
dillon daniels
allsolar service company inc. and pool works
Nominations Sought for 2012 Board of Directors The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce is fortunate to be led by an elected 36-member board of directors and five ex-officio members. These dedicated volunteer leaders direct the governance of the Chamber and represent the interests of our 1,600 members. In July, a nominating committee headed by Chair-elect Walker Wilkerson (LarsonAllen, LLP) will convene to nominate 12 new directors to serve a three-year term on the Chamber’s board of directors, effective January 1, 2012. Active Chamber members in good standing are invited to submit their names or the names of others members who meet the qualifications of nomination. Nominations will be submitted to the 2012 Officers and Directors Nominating Committee. Names of proposed board candidates should be submitted no later than Friday, July 8, 2011 to:
Kathleen Munson, President Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 3607, Lakeland, FL 33802-3607 by FAX: (863) 683-7454 or by email: kmunson@lakelandchamber.com. Questions regarding the nomination process may be directed to Kathleen at (863) 688-8551, Ext. 234 or to the above email address.
Special thanks to Mayor Gow Fields, Commissioner Justin Troller, Commissioner Don Selvage, and all the Board Members and Chamber Champions who truly make these ceremonies special events.
Classic Coach Works Lakeland, FL 33801 3340 US Hwy 92 E | (863) 510-0017 www.classiccoachworks.com
Cleveland Heights Animal Hospital
D’Zire International Salon & Spa, LLC
Lakeland, FL 33803
Lakeland, FL 33805
3710 Cleveland Heights Blvd | (863) 646-2995 www.pethospital.com
3123 Hwy 98 N | (863) 816-5832 www.dzire.org
Golden Corral Restaurant
Keisha J, Inc.
Lakeland, FL 33813
(863) 419-5864 www.keishajinc.com
4532 S Florida Ave | (863) 619-2220 www.goldencorral.net
Lock Insurance
the ups store 4024
Lakeland, FL 33813
Mulberry, FL 33860
225 Doris Drive | (863) 646-4300 www.lockinsurance.com
2028 Shepherd Road | (863) 709-1886 www.theupsstore.com
The Avenue Hotel Lakeland
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Proud to announce that board-certified orthopaedic surgeon Marc A. Volpe, MD, has received his Subspecialty Certification in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine from the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. This certification was awarded following a rigorous evaluation process, and attests to Dr. Volpeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expertise in treating injuries related to athletic activities, such as knee and shoulder arthroscopy, including ACL reconstruction and rotator cuff repair. Cardiologist John G. Canto, MD, MSPH, FACC, FACP, FAHA, FASE, recently served as a key contributor to a research study exploring the relationship between the number of primary cardiovascular risk factors a patient possesses and how they reflect the outcome of the patientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first myocardial infarction, or heart attack.
1 9 4 4 | 6 7 Ye a rs
Rubber & Accessories, Inc.
1 9 7 3 | 3 8 Ye a rs Peppertree Village Apartments
1 9 7 5 | 3 6 Ye a rs Chuck Warnock-Realtor-Developer
1 9 7 6 | 3 5 Ye a rs Peninsular Exterminating Co.
1 9 8 0 | 3 1 Ye a rs United Way of Central Florida
1 9 8 1 | 3 0 Ye a rs Central Florida Speech & Hearing Center
1 9 8 2 | 2 9 Ye a rs
Richard Dempsey, ALC has been recognized as one of Coldwell Banker Commercialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2010 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Top Two Percent,â&#x20AC;? a designation that is reserved for the elite top two percent of producers from among the almost 2,200 CBC sales professionals organization-wide. Also, he received membership into the Circle of Distinction Silver level based on his transaction revenue for 2010. In addition, David Goodlett and David Hitchcock received membership into the Circle of Distinction
1 9 7 2 | 3 9 Ye a rs
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C oldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate, LLC
1 9 6 0 | 5 1 Ye a rs
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Announces the addition of Charles McPherson to its board of directors. McPherson brings a wealth of experience to CenterState as a retired bank executive and community leader in Polk County.
George R. Burt, Lic. Real Estate Broker
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Florida Presbyterian Homes Received 5 stars, the highest overall rating, from the federal governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services based on performance in areas such as health inspections, nurse staffing and medical care.
CenterState Bank
Watson Clinic LLP
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John Loute has been appointed Director of Sales at The Avenue Hotel Lakeland, formerly the Holiday Inn - Lakeland South. Loute is a veteran of the Lakeland business community and has served on the Chamber board as well as many other local community boards. Loute is responsible for all sales, marketing and catering activities for the hotel which also includes Rubyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at The Avenue Restaurant & Lounge.
Lakeland Automall Ford, Mazda, Hyundai & Isuzu Perpetual Technology Solutions
1 9 8 3 | 2 8 Ye a rs Soul Train Wig & Fashion
1 9 8 5 | 2 6 Ye a rs Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
1 9 8 7 | 2 4 Ye a rs Williford Flooring Company, Inc.
1 9 8 8 | 2 3 Ye a rs Goodwill Superstore Junior League of Greater Lakeland Lakeland Seafood, Inc. Lifestyle Family Fitness
1 9 8 9 | 2 2 Ye a rs Brooke Pottery Everest University Newberryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Refrigeration
1 9 9 0 | 2 1 Ye a rs Tampa Electric Company
1 9 9 1 | 2 0 Ye a rs Beef Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Bradyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Family Sports Pub Carlton Arms of Lakeland KC Industries, LLC.
Bronze level based on their transaction revenue for 2010. The Circle of Distinction Bronze is an award earned by the top ranking producers among CBC professionals. Also, Dean Saunders, Licensed Real Estate Broker and owner of Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate in Lakeland, FL, has been recognized by two regional Central Florida Realtors® associations for exemplary sales performance in 2010.
Ridge Professional Group, Inc. Ken Williams PE was awarded the 2011 Special Service Award by the Florida Trail Association at their Annual Conference. Mr. Williams was recognized for his probono contributions on the design and construction of the 100-foot long pedestrian bridge over Reedy Creek in the Arbuckle State Forest.
The Stanford Inn Bed & Breakfast Joined the BedandBreakfast.com Diamond Collection, a distinction reserved for premier inns offering extensive amenities and top-rated guest reviews. The Inn is one of only 14 B&B’s in Florida selected for this honor. Diamond Collection members provide the amenities that today’s travelers require, including private baths, free Internet service, luxury appointments and amenities, professional staffing, and flexible check-in/out times.
The Lakeland Chamber prints business announcements each month as space permits. Please email announcements to motm@LakelandChamber.com
years AlphaGraphics Highland Homes Pediatric Therapy Services, Inc. S & B Metal Products, Inc. Stallings Crop Insurance, Corp.
years Atlantic Relocation Systems/Atlas Van Lines Dreamward Travel, Inc. Florida Technical College
years Commercial Design Services Huntington Learning Center Image Creations by Billie Sponsler Bennett Jacobs & Adams, P.A. Tru Temp Controls Joyce Tubb / Lakeland Commercial Realty
Polk County Veterans and Military Organizations Polk County
Veterans Council The Polk County Veterans Council was established to serve the best interests of military veterans. They are the central figure for all Veterans related information in the Polk County area. The Council’s purpose is :
Support a nd p romot e the objec tiv es of the represen t ed mil itary vet erans orga ni zat ions Dissemin ate l egis lat ive and oth er inform ation of particula r val ue to vet erans orga nizat ions a nd their members Provide a forum for the ex change of idea s and views among t he member organizations Coordinat e acti vi ties invo lving t wo or more ve terans organi zat ions
American Legion & Veterans of Foreign Wars The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest veteran service organization, committed to mentoring and sponsorship of youth programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security, and continued devotion to fellow service members and veterans. American Legion Baseball is one of the nation’s most successful amateur athletic 18
programs; it continues to educate youth on the importance of sportsmanship and develops the quality of our country’s citizenship. American Legion also works to protect military families in their time of need through service, scholarships and monetary donations and much more. The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives. There are currently 14
American Legion Posts in Polk County. (Information provided by www.legion.org) The VFW traces its roots back to 1899 when veterans of the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1902) founded local organizations to secure rights and benefits for their service: Many arrived home wounded or sick. There was no medical care or veterans’ pension for them, and they were left to care for themselves. The VFW is has been a strong supporter and fundraiser for the creation
of the Vietnam, Korean War, World War II and Women in Military Service memorials and in 2005, became the first veterans’ organization to contribute to building the new Disabled Veterans for Life Memorial, which opened in November, 2010. The VFW has 2.1 million members who contribute countless hours of volunteer service and assistance for not only the veteran community, but the greater world community. There are 9 VFW posts active in Polk County. (Information provided by www.vfw.org)
F ost er posi ti ve communi ty relat ions by communic atin g to th e l ocal p ubl ic th e goal s of ve ter ans an d the organizat ions t o w hich th ey bel ong Pla n a nd sponsor acti vi ties that invo lv e mu lt ipl e veter ans organi zations Build cama raderie and good wi ll
F o r i nfo r m a t i on a bo u t ]
the P o l k C o u nt y V ete r a ns C o u nc i l
Please visit polkveteranscouncil.org or email postmaster@polkveteranscouncil.org.
There are more than 20 active veteran and military organizations throughout Polk County. Below is contact information for these organizations: American Ex-POWs Greater Tampa Bay Chapter (863) 676-9645
American Ex-POWs Imperial chapter Lake Wales (863) 676-5340
American Legion Post #3 1475 Hwy 17 S, Bartow (863) 533-8893 BartowPost0003.com
American Legion Post #4
1375 Ariana St, Lakeland (863) 683-8710 LakelandPost4@hotmail.com
American Legion Riders, Post #4 1375 Ariana St, Lakeland (863) 602-5259 rhino_t@verizon.net
American Legion Post #386 1001 Carpenters Way AMVETS Post #32 1339 E Gary Rd, Lakeland (863) 688-3413 AMVETSfl32.homestead.com
AMVETS Post #36 Azalea Park- Lakeland, FL.
Azalea Park Community 1325 Grasslands Blvd, Lakeland (863) 816-3511 anicholsen@me.com
300 Ave M NW, Winter Haven (863) 293-7929
American Legion Post #23
825 Charleston Ave N, Fort Meade (863) 285-8616
American Legion Post #34 107 N 11th St, Haines City (863) 422-3689
American Legion Post #60 10210 Fox Central, Polk City (863) 984-1314
PO Box 2796, Davenport (863) 206-9067 NAMSQUID@aol.com
US Military Vets Motorcycle Club 1323 E Gary Rd, Lakeland USMVMC5.com
Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Citrus Chapter #32 (863) 686-2121 virg2121@yahoo.com
Florida Regional Group of the B.V.A. (Blinded Veterans Association)
VFW Post #2297
Catholic War Veterans Post 1917
VFW Post #2405
(863) 255-9275 gigig285@aol.com
(863) 688-8787
Cypress Lakes Veterans Organization American Legion Post #8
Rolling Thunder FL6
Cypress Lakes Community, Lakeland
40 & 8: Polk County Voiture 218 Grand Florida (863) 965-1549 MHauburndale@aol.com
Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of Polk IAVPC@hotmail.com WarriorWalkLakeland.com
Korean War Veterans Association Chapter #158 (863) 533-7374 billmccraney@comcast.net
306 S Central Ave, Lakeland (863) 687-8146
510 W Vine St, Bartow (863) 581-5739 post2405@vfw.com
VFW Post #2420
200 Central Ave, Lake Wales (863) 676-4150 vets2420@verizon.net
VFW Post #4285
1001 Ingraham Ave, Haines City
VFW Post #4289
2441 7th St SW, Winter Haven (863) 293-7469 vfw4289@tampabay.rr.com
VFW Post #7361
700 Club Circle, Fedhaven
American Legion Post #71
Marine Corps League
VFW post #4945
(863) 712-5580 bheisler@tampabay.rr.com
231 E Lake Ave, Auburndale (863) 967-4785
American Legion Post #72
Marine Families of Polk County
VFW Post #8002
9398 US Hwy 98 N, Lakeland (863) 815-4777
Military Officersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Association of America, Imperial Polk County Chapter
VFW Post #11179
P O Box 668, Lake Wales (863) 223-5832
1500 State Route 37 N, Mulberry (863) 425-0644 Post72FL.org
American Legion Post #201, Carter Mather PO Box 3152, Winter Haven (863) 293-9383 jpposs@aol.com
American Legion Post #213 Lake Wales 321 Ohio St. (863) 676-8656
American Legion Post #339 PO Box 6572, Nalcrest (863) 696-0163 Rogsue2320@aol.com
PO Box 3911, Lakeland (863) 698-8175 JoeMcDonough@moaa-polk.org
Military Order of the Purple Heart, Lakeland Chapter #535 (863) 868-0583 vicoconut@hotmail.com
Navy Seabee Veterans of America Island X-2
31 N Brown Ave, Fort Meade (863) 285-8687
Volunteers Assisting Veterans (863) 640-5212 bhenderson33@Tampabay.rr.com
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #1040 (863) 665-0511
(863) 439-5629
Guar d i a n ad L i t e m : A n s el’s Story Bill Canavan Guardian ad Litem Volunteer
CONNECT ] GAL10th.com
The name has been changed but the situations and events occurred in Polk County, Florida. Ansel had a rough time in 2008; tenhard-years old and an enviable portfolio of misdemeanor and felony charges for grand theft, burglary (with and without a firearm) petit theft and battery. Only a mother could love a child like that, had it not been for the fact that Ansel’s biological mom had her rights terminated in 2002 for abuse, and that his adoptive mom (his biological-grandmother) refused to allow him back in her home in 2007 when he was released from a Baker Act after having threatened to harm her with a Louisville Slugger. Ansel was born in March 1998, and sheltered from his mother in April 1999 when he was taken to the hospital with bruises
on his face, chest and hips. He received the protective supervision of the state until his mother was believed to be ready to care for him. Over the next year or so, Ansel was subject to physical abuse, neglect and exposure to controlled substances from his mother and her boyfriend. His biological mother’s rights were terminated in August 2002 and Ansel was adopted by his grandmother in March of 2004. The case was closed because Ansel had achieved permanency and should have lived happily ever after. Unfortunately, the abusively severe behaviors inflicted on Ansel from the beginning of his still young life had left a strong foundational imprint on how he learned to react to the world. Over the next five years, Ansel’s involvement in the
Our next training starts in July, and consists of a total four (4) sessions. Tuesday, July 26 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm or 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Thursday, July 28 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm or 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Saturday, July 30 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Tuesday, August 9 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm includes court observation 20
Department of Children and Families and the Department of Juvenile Justice was constant and chaotic. The grandmother’s rights, as the adoptive parent, were terminated in early 2009, after several incidents where Ansel threatened her and other household members. In 2005, a Guardian ad Litem was appointed for Ansel. He endured three or four stints in psychiatric residential treatment centers, different residential placements, numerous foster care placements and several attempts at repairing his relationship with his maternal relatives. The one constant in Ansel’s life became his Guardians ad Litem, a husband and wife team of volunteers. Ansel was initially skeptical of these “old people” who kept telling him they cared about his “best interests.” They were the ones he could reach when things got bad; they were the ones he called when he needed to talk; they were the ones who pushed to make sure he got the medical and mental treatment and medications to address the problems that were underneath the bad behavior that the juvenile system was trying to contain; and the Guardians ad Litem were the one who stood up for Ansel in whichever courtroom was addressing his issues.
Gradually over the last six years (or half of Ansel’s life), his Guardians have been the only constant in this child’s young life. Case managers, foster parents, house/facility supervisors, treating therapists, doctors, and entire agencies have come and gone but his Guardians have been beside him consistently through this tumultuous time. Ansel is now getting the help to turn around his behavior, largely due to the efforts of Guardians ad Litem who have worked relentless on his behalf. Ansel has responded, slowly at first but with increasing awareness and budding appreciation. He now calls his Guardians “Grandma” and “Grandpa,” and he made a point of calling “Grandma” on a Sunday in May to wish her a happy “Mother’s Day.” Ansel now feels that he has people in his corner; that he does not have to
defend against the world. He is on a youth league basketball team and working with an art mentor to hone his budding artistic talents. He has made positive strides and has even organized a football team at his group home. The consistent support he has received from his Guardians ad Litem has fostered a sense of well being in Ansel which has allowed him to open up, accept and positively respond to other concerned professionals. Ansel is now on the list of children available for adoption and he is expectantly waiting for his forever home. There are approximately 1800 children in Polk County under the protective supervision of the Court who need a volunteer’s voice. For information about becoming a Guardian ad Litem volunteer, please contact Diane Schmelz at (863) 534-4605.
Thursday, July 21 • 5:30-6:30 pm Master of Business Administration Master of Arts: • Counseling • Human Resources Management • Management and Leadership
No GRE or GMAT required for Admission rsvp to Sheree Saulter: shereesaulter00@webster.edu
Lakeland Campus
Lakeside Village • 1479 Town Center Drive, Suite 202
863-687-9309 • webster.edu/lakeland © 2011 Webster University
EC-2016_A OH ad_Chamber.indd 1
Left to right Jennifer Adams, Pam Mitchell, Gwyndolyn Hughes, Barbara Lineberger, Joe Furnari
Personal attention from your own private banker.
“We are fortunate to have these five professionals with more than 100 years of combined banking experience right here in Polk County.” Paul J. Noris – President and CEO
Our personal banking officers understand your busy schedule. You can depend on us to be a flexible financial partner and provide an unparalleled level of service. If this level of personal service is missing from your current bank, perhaps it is time to consider intelligent banking at Bank of Central Florida. Discover why everyone is talking about Bank of Central Florida … you’ll find we are refreshingly different. Member FDIC
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a of local business o n e c u p at a t i m e
The Common Grounds member feature gives your business the opportunity to showcase “a day in the life” of your employees and customers. Each month, one of the door prizes at the Business After Hours event will be a Common Grounds Lakeland Chamber coffee mug & the opportunity to submit a 350 word article about your local business.
B y M ike W a snorowic z M.S.E.A. Solutions
One of the things I have learned during my 35 plus years in the business world, having done my share of hiring, firing, coaching, training and managing, is that the most successful businesses are those who actively invest in selecting the best employees available not only in skill level, but in job fit and behavior. And then training and coaching them to perform that job, all the while keeping them happy and engaged to maximize productivity and minimize turnover. In today’s economy, no matter how big or small the company, who can afford to have an ineffective employee? Lose a highly effective employee? A customer service person with a poor attitude losing business for your firm? A salesperson that is less effective than your competitor’s? A manager who does not garner the support of his subordinates? An employee who is so disengaged from the company that he accomplishes little or nothing during the day? A thief on staff or a substance abuser? Building an effective work staff begins with the hiring process. Have you ever hired someone only to wonder later why you hired that person? How can a business get the best available employee for a position when there are so many applying for that position? Are you looking for affordable tools to help you grapple with these kinds of challenges? M.S.E.A. Solutions helps business owners and executives get the information they need to make better decisions regarding their employees and management. We are a strategic business partner with Profiles International, the leading company in employee assessment tools. We specialize in helping small and mid-size companies increase their bottom line by minimizing turnover and optimizing employee productivity using web-based assessments available in 33 languages and in use in over 122 countries. For more information, visit our website MSEAsolutions.com where you will find complimentary information that I believe you will agree to be extremely valuable. Or, just give me a call at (863) 965-4621. I’d welcome the opportunity to help you with any and all of your work staff issues. 22
Sauder Computer Desk
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SPECIAL OFFER! While Supplies Last
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Sauder Computer Desk
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 3607 â&#x20AC;˘ Lakeland, FL 33802 - 3607