June 2013 Forum for Business

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F O R B U S IN E SS june 2013 | Vol. xXII, No. 6

BUY LAKELAND. It Makes GOOD cents!

FORUM FOR BUSINESS Lakelandchamber.com



CH A M BER STAFF K a t h l een L . M unson President


B a rb a r a B enne t t Executive Assistant


s a r a h bree d

Administrative Assistant, Member Relations | Public Affairs


Kara Butch

Administrative Assistant, Membership Development | Communications


S a l ly C h a p m a n

Vice President, Finance & Administration


C a ro l y n J a c kson

Senior Vice President, Member Relations


J a c q ue l ine L . J o h nson

Senior Vice President, Convention & Visitors Bureau


K a t ie M c B ri d e Membership Consultant


N ikki O a k l e y

Membership Account Executive


Terr y O t t in g er

Vice President, Membership Development


Rich Roy

Vice President, Public Affairs


P a t t y S mi t h

Administrative Assistant, Convention & Visitors Bureau


L a ke l a n d Are a C h a mber of Commer c e F orum for B usiness M on t h l y M a rk E . W i l son | C h a irm a n of t h e B o a r d

Am y W i g g ins

Vice President, Communications


Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.

K a t h l een L . M unson | Pub l is h er Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce

35 Lake Morton Drive PO Box 3607 Lakeland, FL 33802-3607 (863) 688-8551 LakelandChamber.com

Am y S . W i g g ins | E d i t or Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce

ni c e br a n d in g a g en c y | Cre a t i v e Dire c t ion , P R O D U CT I O N & P h o t o g r a p h y www.brandnicely.com



Š 2013 Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to refuse certain advertising and is not liable for advertisers claims and/or errors. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the position of the Chamber.

R ec om m e nd e d R e a d i n g: Book Revie w From a Ch a m ber Peer

Chrissanne Long Marketing System Blueprints, LLC

CONNECT ] MarketingSystem Blueprints.com

In the last few years I have discovered several books that have helped me give myself “permission” to listen to my heart and begin following my own path - not someone else’s idea of what would be the best path for me. It started when I discovered Simon Sinek and his TED Talk on the subject of “Starting with Why.” I bought his book Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire

Everyone to Take Action. If you haven’t read it, you might want to check it out. The only trouble I have had with “why,” is explaining it to other people. As a result of reading Start With Why, I have found helping people “find their why” has become my own passion, but it has proven to be a difficult task when talking to people who are hung up on “how.” The results are important, don’t get me wrong, but some of the greatest leaders in history would not have persevered long enough to become great leaders if they had been driven by the results of their efforts. Great leaders are motivated by “why” and that makes all the difference.

Sinek emphasizes that everyone needs to have the ability to move from “why” to “how,” but you have to start with “why.” And then I found Jon Acuff and his book Start. Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, Do Work That Matters. This book, in my opinion, provides a more practical approach to finding your “why.” You’ll find a lot of similarities to Start with Why in this book about escaping average. The difference is that Acuff refers to Sinek’s suggestion to “find your why” as finding your “awesome.” It challenges the reader to recall the days in his/her life when s/he believed s/he was awesome.

Whenever I introduce a new concept to clients, I have to be prepared for those who will challenge it because it’s unfamiliar to them. That is what occurs when I discuss the importance of following one’s passion, or starting with “why”. People insist it isn’t practical. If everyone just followed their heart, and their passions, and worked to find their “awesome”, there wouldn’t be anyone getting anything done. I think Acuff ’s response to someone who challenged him in this way is perfect: “You’re confusing awesome with a job title. Awesome is the core of who you are. It’s your heart, your soul, the fabric of what makes you. A job title is

just a consequence of you living out of your awesome. I’m not trying to tell people to go out and find new job titles; I’m telling them to escape average.” Whether you’re living and working in your “awesome” or not, you’ll enjoy reading Jon Acuff ’s newest book because it’s real - and it’s “awesome”. You can tell he’s written this book out of his “awesome” and he wants you to have the opportunity to do the same. It’s not unrealistic, and it’s not selfish to consider those things that give you the most joy. As a matter of fact, Acuff says, “being who you are designed to be always results in selflessness, not selfishness.”




Expe r i e nc e E ME R G E : a r e you prepa red ?

Rosemary Roudabush Baylis & Company PA CPA’s

CONNECT ] EMERGELakeland.com


When I joined EMERGE Lakeland nearly three years ago, I had no idea the value that this young professionals group would hold for me. I was never afforded the opportunity to be involved in any community group, much less a group for young professionals, in the small town in Ohio where I lived previously. My first involvement with EMERGE was participating in EMERGE Serves, a program designed to provide comprehensive


board service training for young professionals interested in community service. This program gave me the opportunity to learn from respected community leaders who shared their knowledge and expertise and motivated me to excel in my philanthropic endeavors. My new friends in EMERGE Serves showed me that EMERGE was filled with a great group of young professionals with fresh new ideas eager to take on the next challenge. This year I was

fortunate enough to join the Marketing Committee. I am so excited by the level of dedication that I see at each and every meeting. As I continue to attend events and meet new people, my professional network also continues to grow. Whenever I have a question or need a service, I can almost always look to the friendly, helpful members of EMERGE for a solution. Each and every EMERGE event brings me a whole new level of appreciation for Lakeland and all that it has to offer.

So I ask you this, are you prepared? Prepared to be a part of an outstanding group of young professionals with a dedication to making Lakeland the best it can be for years and years to come?

If so, check out EMERGELakeland.com for membership and event information. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Bank of Central Florida

“They are truly a full-service bank.” Matthew J. Cory, MD Senior Partner, Lakeside Pediatrics


akeside Pediatrics is one of the largest independent pediatric primary care practices in Lakeland. Physicians Dr. Rolette, Dr. Chachad, Dr. Leviten and Dr. Cory are scientific and compassionate in their approach to providing exceptional pediatric care.

Jennifer Vaughn, Vice President/ Commercial Banking at Bank of Central Florida with Ayanna Rolette, MD, Sairah Chachad, MD, Daniel Leviten, MD and Matthew J. Cory, MD at the south office of Lakeside Pediatrics.

“As our practice continues to grow, having Bank of Central Florida as our financial partner is invaluable,” says Dr. Cory. “They provide financial solutions and the newest banking technology which saves our practice time and money.”

Get started with Mobile Banking today Downtown Lakeland 101 South Florida Avenue 863-682-7100 South Lakeland 5015 South Florida Avenue 863-701-2685 Bartow 515 North Broadway Avenue 863-534-3585

Member FDIC




Mario Iezzoni, MBA, CPA

CONNECT ] SBDCTampaBay.org 6

S m a l l B usiness De v e l o p men t Cen t er a t t h e U ni v ersi t y of S ou t h F l ori d a

Small business owners are so concerned with dayto-day operations they shove aside the notion of needing to continuously tend to the less immediate business functions. But, if you’ve been in business long enough, you’ve probably suffered some type of business interruption before realizing that developing a business continuity plan isn’t just for the big guys. If you’re like 62 percent of business owners nationwide, you don’t have a plan in place to handle emergencies or disasters. Ignoring the realities leads to significant setbacks, which include loss of customer confidence and valuable employees. I remember the day, in my own CPA firm, when my computer screen read, “CANNOT READ FILE ALLOCATION


TABLE.” This meant my hard drive physically crashed. On that silicon disk was meticulously prepared financial data of my best paying clients. These clients accounted for 60% of my revenues. I thought I had the problem covered with eight backup tapes. I was wrong. When I attempted to restore the most recent backup it broke. So did the remaining seven. I was devastated and begin anxiously looking for a Silicon Valley firm to recover my hard drive. The purpose of developing a business continuity plan is to provide reasonable assurance that should something unforeseen occur you are prepared. Disaster Recovery Institute says you need to have a plan to ensure your bounce back from an emergency.

necessary steps to create a business continuity plan

Decide that you are committed to developing one. Without the conviction of the owner, the plan will be weak— at best.

Identify and evaluate critical business functions necessary to keeping your doors open. What are the threats, vulnerabilities, and risks?

Assess the impact and ‘time to recover’ should you incur a business interruption.

Draft a planned strategy that assures a return from the abyss.

seven Train your employees with simulated exercises and audits.

Develop a continuity strategy that will aid in your recovery. Make sure it addresses each of the essential business functions. Involve your employees.

Update the business continuity plan every year, or when major changes occur.

Make sure your first response is to keep employees safe. Their knowledge and investment you made in training them is valuable. And, it’s the right thing to do.

Coordinate with external agencies such as police, fire department and emergency operations centers. Because if something happens their effort supersedes your needs.

n a c k e e w a t h g i One n

. E F I L R U O Y E HC ANG and l e k a l / u d e . r e t s b e w 863-687-9309 •

Webster University educates professionals with accredited master’s degree programs. Evening classes are taught by academically qualified faculty who are practitioners in their field. The classes are the right size for learning and the perfect place for networking. Apply today! Master of Business Administration Master of Arts:   • Counseling • Human Resources Management • Management and Leadership No GRE/GMAT • Classes one night a week • Online classes available


Be a part of what’s next.

Small Business Week

Join the Celebration of small business featuring:

June 19 | 8 a.m.

Presented to Lisa Kaiser Hickey, Douglass Screen Printers

Honeyman Pavillion 111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr Lakeland, FL 33801

Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has issued a proclamation announcing National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners. More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year.

Bring your questions for FREE 10-minute counseling sessions: * Corporation Set-Up * Contract Language * Human Resources * Insurance Needs * Lending Opportunities * Tax Questions ... and more!

Learn the tips and tricks to network your small business through it’s next growth phase

No Charge to Attend Breakfast served courtesy of Guest Services Catering




There are many resources available to Small Business owners! From a sounding board for ideas to assistance navigating the world of financials, there is an opportunity for every Small Business to connect to free, confidential counseling.


Polk County Small Business Assistance Center

Central Florida SCORE is a part of the national, non-profit organization with more than 11,000 members which began in 1964. A group of working and retired business executives, SCORE volunteers donate time assisting people in the U.S. in starting-up new businesses or providing business counseling for existing businesses.

Polk County Small Business Assistance Center provides professional and confidential consultation to start up business owners as well as existing businesses that want to grow but need help focusing on financing and marketing strategies. In addition to one-on-one consultation, SBAC staff conducts workshops held throughout the county. The SBAC is funded from the County’s Occupational License fees.

CentralFlorida.SCORE.org :: (863) 619-5783

CFDC.org :: (863) 534-5915.

Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency is the economic development arm of the City of Lakeland. The staff provide information about incentives and assistance for development. The CRA has also developed a very informative Small Business Development Guide including information about operating a business within the City. LakelandCRA.net :: (863) 834-6011



Small Business Development Center Small Business Development Center is part of a statewide partnership of higher education, economic development organizations, chambers and other sponsors dedicated to the economic prosperity of Florida. SBDCTampaBay.com :: (813) 905-5800

“When I first created the vision for BeFly Bike Tours, I wanted to know if it was a good idea, and I wanted to know if there was any guidance that was available to me. I think I typed “how to start a business in Lakeland” in Google. The Chamber of Commerce has a link to SBDC and a quick description of services they provide. I clicked on the link, gave them a call, and

Many moons ago, while in grad school, I did part of my scholarship working at the SBDC at Wilkes University so I was familiar with the SBDC resources. Also throughout my working experience, I have been involved as an active member of local associations and when doing my research, I learned about Score. I have had the support of both Richard Pellegrini from Central Florida SCORE and Dawn Decaminada from the SBDC throughout the whole process of writing my business plan, reviewing my financial projections and helping me overcome road blocks. They are tremendous experts on their field and have assisted and supported Drica’s Favorites, working as mentors, devil’s advocates, and sounding board of my thoughts.”

Dawn Decaminada at the office in Bartow.

Chamber partnered with the Florida Small Business Development Council to promote small business counseling at our Chamber. We were early responders and met shortly with Dawn Decaminada to evaluate our needs and interests. She referred us to the FSBDC team at the University of South Florida, consisting of business executives, academicians, marketing and financial experts. You should know that they offer an enormous menu of seminars and programs for small business around Central Florida that are free, or for extremely reasonable fees.

was scheduled for an initial consultation with

“A couple of years ago, the Lakeland Area

Adriana Mellas

Drica’s Favorites Specialty Coffee Boutique

Our lead consultant, Bill McKown, probed our situation through in-depth interviews, analysis, our company history—customer

During the meeting,

profiles, market penetration, use of

we discussed the types

resources, accounting methods, advertising

of bicycles, insurance,

and PR, use of appropriate software and

liability, the type of

social media, who we identify as our

business that it would

customers and competition, and on and on…

be (LLC, Incorporated,

And probed to define who we are (our

Sole Proprietor),

perception), who and where our customers


are, strengths and weaknesses more that we

maintenance, and

knew existed.

marketing. In the following months, Dawn

After several months of meetings (in our

assisted me in making

office) with team members—CPA, marketing

short and long term

guru, expert business mentors—and lots of

goals including creating

information gleaned from us and their vast

the business plan and

resources, they produced an exhaustive report.

First Year Cost Analysis. Dawn has been a reliable resource. Her involvement in creating BeFly Bike Tours has been crucial. I don’t believe I could have done it without her guidance. She continues to follow up with BeFly Bike Tours, meeting with me on an as-needed basis. Dawn has a keen sense of vision, planning, and I appreciate her encouragement.”

Beth Geohagan BeFly Bike Tours

It showed in specific, meaningful, doable

“When I think about the impact Bill McKown had on our company, I think of the word differentiate.

ways how we could refine, focus, and generate

Bill’s probing questions challenged us to thoroughly determine what differentiates our company from our competitors. He never answered the questions for us. He challenged us to dig deeper into the culture, products and history of Flow Components to decide upon our unique selling propositions. This alone, but also among the dozens of insights and knowledge Bill provided to us, propelled our company forward making strategic and significant decisions which are already paying dividends.

Mostly they helped us answer who we

Bill McKown’s expertise has already proven key to our future success.”

Neat people, neat process, neat experience,

David Shahin

more serious business and bottom line.

REALLY are, how that could benefit our lives and work smarter with creative thinking, guidance, and their support. It’s a remarkable advanced professional service, staffed with interested, caring, nonjudgmental, hands-on mentors who have done it successfully themselves, and know how to help.

great result!”

G.F. “Sunny” Zimmermann, III Zimmermann Associates, LLC

Flow Components and Equipment Supply FORUM FOR BUSINESS



smal l b u s i n e s s o f th e mon t h

Pilka & Associates, P.A. Daniel F. Pilka (863) 687-0780 256 N Kentucky Ave Lakeland, FL 33801

CONNECT ] www.Pilka.com

The recipient of the Lakeland Chamber’s Small Business Award for the month of May is Pilka & Associates, P.A., a firm that has been serving the legal needs of Lakeland and East Hillsborough for more than 25 years. The firm originally opened in Brandon, and operates an office there, as well as its Lakeland location at 256 North Kentucky Avenue. They strive to provide the best of both worlds: big law firm experience and knowledge combined with small-town law firm friendliness and individualized attention.

At the present time, the firm consists of four attorneys, and a long time support staff of paralegals and legal assistants. The attorneys are Daniel F. Pilka, Dixie T. Brady, J. Scott Reed, and Michael J. VanDerZee. Founder and managing partner, Daniel F. Pilka, is a Certified Circuit Civil Mediator and member of the Trial Lawyers Section of the Florida Bar Association, providing general civil litigation services for the firm. His areas of practice include real estate, construction, contracts & commercial

litigation, as well as first party property cases for hurricane and wind loss, sinkhole damage, and business interruption. He also enjoys working in the areas of homeowners’ association and condominium law. Each of the firm’s attorneys has special areas of practice, so a wide array of services can be provided in the following areas: probate law, estate planning, bankruptcy, family law, personal injury, workers’ compensation, and real estate law. The firm’s philosophy in providing personal service includes educating their clients

on legal issues. Clients are encouraged to come in for a legal checkup, to avoid problems in the future. This service is extended to the community, through educational seminars offered throughout the year. In addition to being a member of the Lakeland Chamber, Daniel Pilka served two terms on the board of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and is a member of Leadership Brandon Alumni. He is also a former president of the Brandon Bar Association. Locally, he serves as an adjunct

B y Terri A . Go l eno ,

Small Business of the Month committee member Terri A. Goleno presents the May Small Business of the Month Award to Daniel F. Pilka. Also pictured, Jay VanDerZee, Scott Reed, and Dixie Brady.

Scan here with your smart phone app for a short video about Pilka & associates, p.a.



professor at Florida Southern College, and is a member of the South Lakeland Rotary Club. He is also very involved on the board of the St. Joseph’s Lakeland Parrish Foundation, helping to implement new initiatives being offered in the community. Another favorite activity is working and performing with Lakeland Community Theatre. Perhaps you saw him in their recent production of Hello Dolly. Other members of the firm work with Wounded Warrior Project, Building Homes for Heroes, and Lakeland City Baseball.

Cheatham, Goleno & Ferguson, P.A.



W A N T T O K N O W W HY B E in g A M E M B E R O F TH E LA K E LA N D A R E A CHA M B E R I S S O B E C O M I N G ? R E AD on . . .




The Detroit Tigers, Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce & City of lakeland invite you to be a member of Lakeland’s annual trip

Comerica Park

Comerica Park • Detroit, Michigan

MIGUEL CABRERA 2012 MVP and Triple Crown Winner!

Join the Lakeland Chamber and City fans as they head to Detroit to support our Tigers in a 3 game series against the Chicago White Sox at Comerica Park! Lineup Packages include: 2013 Lineup Packages:

> Luxury Accommodations at the Westin Book Cadillac, Detroit, MI. > Tickets to 3 Detroit Tiger Games at Comerica Park. > FRIDAY EVENING: Pregame warm-up with food and beverages of your choice - with terrific seats behind 3rd base! > SATURDAY: Enjoy the day in Detroit, or join the Fishing Excursion+. Evening game will either be in a hospitality suite or include another pregame reception with terrific seats during the game. > SUNDAY: For those who stay enjoy the game with some FUN MONEY for food and beverages!


A $675.00 per person* B $490.00 per person** Arrive Friday and enjoy 2 nights stay in luxurious Westin Book Cadillac accommodations with tickets to 3 ball games at Comerica Park including food and beverages!


A $625.00 per person* B $425.00 per person** Same as Grand Slam Package except the Sunday game is not included!


North-with-the-Tigers 2013 Celebrates the Business of Spring Training Lakeland and Polk County recognize and show appreciation for the more than $40 million in economic benefits of Spring Training each year with an annual trip to support our own Detroit Tigers during their season. This year, our North-with-the-Tigers trip will be back to Detroit, Michigan to enjoy a Detroit Tigers— Chicago White Sox baseball series from Friday through Sunday, August 2-4, in the baseball entertainment mecca called Comerica Park! Guests will enjoy luxury accommodations at the Westin Book Cadillac, a 1924 landmark carefully restored to grandeur. The hotel is within easy access to Comerica Park and Ford Field, casinos, and nightlife, and offers five-star, award-winning restaurants and renewing spa treatments at Spa 19 to add to your stay! Two excursions are available in addition to our packages, if your schedule permits. Thursday evening, August 1, offers a “Dancing with the All-Stars” special benefit for Jack’s Place for Autism Foundation at the Joe Lewis Arena. A special fishing excursion with Tiger officials on Saturday morning will also be available. Of special note this year, Lakeland’s own Chris Sale is now pitching for the Chicago White Sox. We may be offered another opportunity to support Lakeland’s tie to Major League Baseball! For more information, go to NWT13. LakelandChamber.com or call Jackie Johnson at (863) 688-8551, Ext. 223 or e-mail Jackiej@ LakelandChamber.com. Registration deadline is July 5 (based on availability.)

Lakeland’s own Chris Sale is now pitching for the Chicago White Sox – so it’s a double opportunity to support Lakeland’s tie to major league baseball!


For more information on our 2013 North With The Tigers Trip and excursions, please contact Jackie Johnson at jackiej@lakelandchamber.com or call (863) 688-8551, Ext. 223. To REGISTER for the trip, visit our web site at NWT13.LakelandChamber.com! *Single Person Occupancy **Double Person Occupancy +Excursions not included in either package

Deadline for registration is July 5 (based on availability)


| 11

june 2013 dates wed 05

Wednesday, June 5 Chairman’s Circle Spring Luncheon

thur 13

thursday, june 13 SBA COMMITTEE MEETING

mon 10

Monday, June 10 EMERGE Lakeland Steering Committee

wed 19

Wednesday, June 19 Executive Committee Meeting

wed 12

Noon Lakeland Yacht & Country Club

3:45 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room

Wednesday, June 12 Government Affairs

thur 27

8 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room

11:45 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room

4:00 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room

thur 13

Thursday, June 13 Business & Breakfast

wed 19

Wednesday, June 19 Small Business Week Celebration

thur 20

Thursday, June 20 Business After Hours

Thursday, June 27 SCORE Business Round Table 7:30 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room

Wednesday, June 12 BusinessVoice of Greater Lakeland 9 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room

7:30 a.m. Estates at Carpenters 1001 Carpenters Way

8:00 a.m. Honeyman Pavillion Florida Southern College 111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr

5:30 p.m. Grow Financial Federal Credit Union 2645 S Florida Ave

Wednesday, June 12 Talent Development Committee Meeting

3:30 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room



























chairman’s circle spring luncheon | Noon






government affairs 8 A.M.

BUSINESSvoice of greater Lakeland | 9 a.m. talent development committee meeting 3:30 P.M.


19 small business week celebration | 8 A.M. executive committee MEETING | 4 P.M.




business & breakfast 7:30 a.m. sba committee MEETING | 11:45 A.M.





Ev ent HIG HL IG H TS 01


April New Member Reception Hosted by Eye Express

01 | Networking and welcoming new

members was in full swing at April’s New Member Reception!

02 | Joan Davies of Ripple Video

and Web, Inc. shared her 30 second commercial about her business!

03 | Thank you Larry Mills and the

entire team at Eye Express for hosting!

April Business & Breakfast Hosted by Southland Suites of Lakeland

04 | The crowd listened intently



as Terry Ottinger of the Lakeland Chamber, and Craig Hosking of Marketing System Blueprints explained the best practices of a One Page Business Plan!

05 | Members had lots of business

related questions and great discussion amongst themselves at breakfast. Thank you Southland Suites of Lakeland for hosting this educational event!

Reinventing Small Business Seminar Hosted by Webster University

06 | Thanks to our partners at Ocoos.

com for helping small businesses understand digital marketing terminology!






Baylis & Company PA CPAs Edith L. Yates, CPA, CFP, Managing Partner, recently attended the 47th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning in Orlando. The conference is organized by the University of Miami School of Law and is the nation’s leading conference for estate planners featuring prominent authorities in the field.

Explorations V Children’s Museum, Polk County Public Schools, Girls, Inc. of Lakeland, Early Learning Coalition of Polk County, Children’s Home Society of Polk County, Boys & Girls Clubs of Lakeland & Mulberry

chairman ’s Heacock Insurance, Inc. Ford Heacock, President of Heacock Classic Collector Car Insurance, was honored with the Lee Iacocca Award presented during the Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance show which is among the top automotive events in the world. The Amelia Island Concours committee, which includes Concours Chairmen Bill Warner and NPD President Rick Schmidt, gave the award to Heacock during the charitable automotive event held each March in Amelia Island.

These local non-profits were among the group of 59 grant recipients totaling $1.5 million through the Helping Kids Shine grant program. This initiative from Walt Disney World Resort supports organizations that help build strong futures for children in central Florida.

My Pet’s Animal Hospital Dr. Donna McWilliams was awarded the Gold Star Award from the Florida Veterinary Medical Assocaition for her contributions to the advancement of veterinary medicine and the profession. Dr. Donna is one of only 10 recipients in the state.

Mid-Florida SHRM – Chapter 151 Was awarded the 2012 Silver EXCEL award by the Society for Human Resource Management. As the recognition component of the SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE), the EXCEL Award recognizes success in chapter operations and a commitment to providing significant programs and services to members.

Highland Homes Welcomes Patricia Salvo and Shermeka Wigfall to their sales team. Patricia assists home buyers at various Highland Homes communities in Polk County, while Shermeka can be found splitting her time between Winchester Estates in North Lakeland and Sunset Hills in Dade City.

Boring Pleased to announce that Jim Altadonna has joined Boring as a Senior Account Manager. Jim was with Till Office Equipment, the Xerox Agent, for 16 years then he became the Xerox Agent for Polk County. He was most recently with Neopost Florida. Jim brings a wealth of industry knowledge as well as 25 years of Xerox experience.

Sessums Law Group Proud to announce Amber Messenger has joined the firm as a personal injury paralegal and legal assistant. Messenger has over 12 years experience and is highly proficient in the legal field.

The Lakeland Chamber prints business announcements each month as space permits. Please e-mail announcements to motm@lakelandchamber.com

Joy Morse Insurance Agency, Inc. Lanier Upshaw, Inc. Proud to announce that Mercedes Guzman, SPHR, VP/Director of Human Resources, was chosen as one of the 2013 Most Powerful and Influential Women by the Florida Diversity Council Also, proud to announce that Ann Greco and W. Harrison Froid have joined the agency as Commercial Lines Account Associates. Kenneth Brice joined the agency as Risk Consultant.

McGee Auto Service & Tires Has been recognized as one of the ‘Top Shops’ in North America by the industry’s leading trade magazine Tire Review. The annual award honors the “best of the best” and spotlights companies that epitomize the values of independent dealers in the industry. The ‘Top Shop’ award recognizes dealers that represent the industry’s attributes in the following areas: customer service and retention; training and education; merchandising and promotion; professional standards and conduct; appearance; solid business management; community involvement; business growth; achievement and innovation.



Joy Morse recently attended a Congressional Conference with the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors to discourage any change in the current tax treatment of the inside build-up of cash value life insurance and annuities. Morse serves as the President of the Imperial Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors.

Florida Hospital Zephyrhills Has hired Veronique Polo as the new CREATION Health Life Coach for the Hospital. Utilizing the principles set forth in the CREATION Health program – Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition – this newly created position will be responsible for working with both patients and hospital employees to reduce their risk of diseases and conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Gadd Case and Associates, LLC Rodney Gadd, PE received the Ridge Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society “Engineer of the Year” Award for his continued excellence in project management, community support, client service, and efforts to guide and develop young engineers entering the work force.

Each month, the Chamber enlists the help of 20 volunteers to mentor new and current members with involvement in Chamber events and programs. This month, the Chamber staff would like to recognize Stephanie Colon, Bank Officer/Business Banker at Community Southern Bank for her outstanding attention to Chamber members and attendance at events! Stephanie is a wonderful asset to the Chamber and to the Lakeland community!

stephanie colon community southern bank Bank Officer/Business Banker

MEMB E R R E N E WA L S Kenneth L. Mundy, D.D.S., P.A.



years 1 9 4 9 | 6 4 Ye a rs

1 9 9 2 | 2 1 Ye a rs

Mr. George R Burt, Lic. Real Estate Broker


Farnsworth & Mullins, P.A., CPA’s Southern Homes of Polk County, Inc. SPCA Florida

Florida Southern College

1 9 6 0 | 5 3 Ye a rs


Riteway Food Brokers, Inc.

1 9 9 3 | 2 0 Ye a rs

Land South Realty LLC Terrie Lobb Catering, Inc.

Christine P. Sikes Wheelabrator Ridge Energy, Inc.


1 9 6 4 | 4 9 Ye a rs Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.

1 9 6 7 | 4 6 Ye a rs Lunz Prebor Fowler Architects YMCA of West Central Florida, Inc.

1 9 7 3 | 4 0 Ye a rs Crowder Bros. Ace Hardware

1 9 7 4 | 3 9 Ye a rs

years 15

America’s Best Inn & Suites

years The Brickyard Certified Foundations, Inc.

GrayRobinson, P.A.

Historic Lakeland, Inc.

1 9 7 6 | 3 7 Ye a rs

Mid-Florida SHRM - Chamber 151

XYZ Liquor

Putnam, Creighton & Airth, P.A.

Best Motel Parajon Orthodontics/Jorge Parajon DDS, MS, PA Parke 33 Apartment Homes

1 9 7 7 | 3 6 Ye a rs Crowe Horwath LLP Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaner

1 9 8 0 | 3 3 Ye a rs Atlantic Filter of Polk County, Inc. Zimmermann Associates, LLC

1 9 8 2 | 3 1 Ye a rs Tidwell’s Urethane Foam Service

1 9 8 3 | 3 0 Ye a rs Lakeland Regional Medical Center Lakeland Square Mall

1 9 8 4 | 2 9 Ye a rs Estates at Carpenters Thorpe Heating & Cooling, Inc.

1 9 8 5 | 2 8 Ye a rs The Hair Shanty Omnia, Inc.

1 9 8 6 | 2 7 Ye a rs Dale Gardner Jacobs, PA

1 9 8 8 | 2 5 Ye a rs Junior League or Greater Lakeland Lakeland Seafood, Inc. Preston Craft Hearing Aids

1 9 9 0 | 2 3 Ye a rs Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate, Inc. Sir Speedy Printing

1991 |

2 2 Ye a rs

Danielle Fence Mfg. Co., Inc. Employee Insurance Benefits of Florida, Inc. Explorations V Children’s Museum

river cruise

October 20-28, 2013

9 days • 7 nights River Cruise • Meals • Airfare from Orlando

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Danube.LakelandChamber.com FORUM FOR BUSINESS



Alarm Center Security Systems Services

Gary Moore of Western & Southern Life


1115 N Combee Rd Lakeland, FL 33807 (863) 644-0071 Cory Plante Security Services/Systems

5349 Great Oak Dr Lakeland, FL 33815 (863) 450-3755 wslife.com/agent/gmoore1 Gary Moore Insurance

Betty’s Place

Great Florida Insurance

2612 Lakeland Hills Blvd, Ste 5 Lakeland, FL 33805 (863) 859-7927 Debbie Dixon Insurance

Mr. Financial Credit

217 Doris Dr Lakeland, FL 33813 (863) 619-6884 Beatriz Nixon Hair Salons

Bret Jones, P.A.

Habibi Lebanese Health Food

Ready Communications LLC

Identity Theft Shield

Suncoast Community Health Centers, Inc.

902 S Florida Ave, Ste 101 Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 688-5838 BretJonesPA.com Dorene Yates Attorneys

1560 Lakeside Village Dr Lakeland, FL 33802 (407) 928-6804 Kal Rabaa Restaurants

Catalyst John

Call To Schedule An Appointment (813) 244-4168 legalshield.com/hub/hallen79 Hildra Allen Legal Services

Call to Schedule an Appointment (863) 698-3268 catalystjohn.com John McKee Business Consultants

Curt’s Family Barbeque 1505 W Memorial Blvd Lakeland, FL 33815 (863) 940-4804 Curtis Frazier Restaurants

Branded Halo Solutions

Call To Schedule An Appointment (863) 934-1376 thetrinketlady.com Donna Pearce Advertising

Drica’s Favorites Specialty Coffee Boutique

Call To Schedule An Appointment (863) 450-9398 dricas-favorites.com Adriana Mellas Coffee House

Falcon Construction and Remodeling Solutions 440 Canterwood Dr Mulberry, FL 33860 (863) 450-4467 Silviana Falcon Construction

Florida Ground Pros

InTouch GPS

100 S Kentucky Ave, Ste 220 Lakeland, FL 33801 (800) 881-6343 InTouchGPS.com Jon Jarrell Automobile/Truck – Fleet Management System

Kelly Services, Inc.

6151 Lake Osprey Dr, Third Floor Sarasota, FL 34240 (800) 761-6577 mkrs.com Ellie Demurias Attorneys

Call To Schedule An Appointment (863) 606-8401 jordan.ismyreagent.com Jordan Strader Real Estate

209 Palmetto St Auburndale, FL 33823 (863) 618-0001 Donald Ready Communications

1729 Lakeland Hills Blvd Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 686-0082 suncoast-chc.org Yvonne Ocasio Health Care – Woman’s Health Care

Total Insight Screening, Inc.

15614 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Dover, FL 33527 (813) 708-0002 tiscreening.com Staci Laird Employment Services

1476 Town Center Dr, Ste 223 Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 688-4141 kellyservices.com Celia Archambault Employment Services

Law Office of Mark Capron, PA 2212 S Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 644-2535 markcapronlaw.com Mark Capron Attorneys

the Loft Art Gallery

123 S Kentucky Ave Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 409-5771 loftartgallerydowntown.com David Collins Art Galleries

2827 Parkway St, Ste 1 Lakeland, FL 33811 (863) 937-9780 floridagroundpros.com Justin Foley Lawn Maintenance

During the month of April our Visitor Information Center assisted hundreds of individuals, answering questions pertaining to Chamber member businesses and the Lakeland community. Walk-in Visitors...................................... 362 Relocation Response Mailings............. 5 Relocation Response (Walk In)............. 3 Accommodations..................................... 4 Winter Accommodations....................... 0 Visitor Information Mailings............. 17 Visitor Center E-mail Inquiries........... 62



Special thanks to Mayor Gow Fields, Commissioner Don Selvage, Commissioner Justin Troller, Commissioner Phillip Walker and all the Board Members and Chamber Champions who truly make these ceremonies special events.

Home Instead Senior Care

Express Employment Professionals

Lakeland, FL 33801

Lakeland, FL 33803

810 E Main St | (863) 937-1500 HomeInstead.com/722

1805 US Highway 98 S | (863) 535-1318 ExpressPros.com

Everjan Services, LLC

Crossroads School

Top Down Exterior Cleaning

Lakeland, FL 33815

Lakeland, FL 33809

1533 W Memorial Blvd | (863) 937-8036 SimplyEverjan.com

615 Old Polk City Rd | (863) 859-0848 CrossroadsSchools.com

Call to Schedule an Appointment (863) 255-7849 TopDownCleaning.com

Residual Networks, LLC

Barfield Insurance of Lakeland, Inc.

Stronghold SelfStorage

Lakeland, FL 33805

Lakeland, FL 33801

Lakeland, FL 33812

1810 Lakeland Hills Blvd | (863) 393-9740 ResidualNetworks.com

308 E Lemon St, Ste 109 | (863) 683-5409 InsureWithBarfield.com

4733 Exploration Ave | (863) 644-7070 StrongholdSelfStorage.com




Nominations Sought for The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce is fortunate to be led by an elected 37-member board of directors and five ex-officio members. These dedicated volunteer leaders direct the governance of the Chamber and represent the interests of our 1,700 members. In July, a nominating committee headed by Chair-elect Tim Jackson (NuJak Companies) will convene to nominate 12 new directors to serve a three-year term on the Chamber’s board of directors, effective January 1, 2014. Active Chamber members in good standing are invited to submit their names or the names of others members who meet the qualifications of nomination. Nominations will be submitted to the 2014 Officers and Directors Nominating Committee.

Names of proposed board candidates should be submitted no later than monday, july 15th, 2013 to Kathleen Munson, President Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 3607, Lakeland, FL 33802-3607 by Fax: (863) 683-7454 || by email: kmunson@lakelandchamber.com.

Questions regarding the nomination process may be directed to Kathleen at (863) 688-8551, Ext. 234 or to the above email address.

Florida’s Small Business Profile Published February 2013 by the

U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy

Small Employers less than 500 employees of Florida’s Small Businesses

have no employees

large Employers more than 500 employees

have fewer than






Small Businesses employ

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po lk pr og re s s u p date $800 $600 $400

Dr. James Farrell, CFA Florida Southern College

$200 $0

sales not adjusted

jan 02 jul 02

sales adjusted

CONNECT ] FLSouthern.edu/ PolkProgress

GDP growth for the first quarter 2013 came in at 2.5%, and while that is an improvement over the fourth quarter of 2012 it remains low. The continued slow growth can be partially attributed to the reduction in

jan 03 jul 03

personal income due to the return of social security taxes to 6.2%, although it was mitigated by a corresponding reduction in personal savings. Households have faced the change in income by dropping their

jan 04 jul 04

jan 05 jul 05

jan 06 jul 06

jan 07 jul 07

savings rate from 4.7% in the fourth quarter of 2012 to 2.6% in the first quarter of 2013 rather than taking a drastic reduction in spending. While spending may adjust over time and savings may climb

Bus NESS&bre kfast “Social Media for Professionals”

Presented by Tamara Sakagawa, Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency One of Lakeland’s most prolific Social Media participants, Tamara represents @DixieCRA with excitement and offers tips and tricks for professionals to remember as they venture into the social-sphere.

June 13 7:30 a.m. 1001 Carpenters Way 20



jan 08 jul 08

jan 09 jul 09

jan 10 jul 10

back slowly, for now consumption is keeping up. In Polk County, taxable sales for the January and February were $668M and $606M, respectively, yielding year over year gains of 2.5% and 10.1%. As can be seen in the chart above, while we are experiencing our usual first quarter seasonality, we continue on the upward trend of sales growth that we have been experiencing since the third quarter of 2010. We are likely to see a corresponding uptick in GDP locally, strengthened by the improving housing market throughout the state. In the most recent S&P Case-Shiller Index, home values rose by an average of 9.3% across the top 20 markets. We have been experiencing accelerating appreciation for the past year, although it does appear to be leveling off somewhat, albeit at a high rate. The two Florida cities, Miami and Tampa, included in the index each posted double-digit gains as demand from buyers increased. While it is

jan 11 jul 11

jan 12 jul 12

jan 13 jul 13

unlikely that this current pace will continue, the return price appreciation and the additional wealth created by the rebound will add liquidity to the market and continue to attract both buyers and sellers. The Federal Reserve has recommitted to keeping interest rates low through purchasing $85B per month in mortgagebacked securities until such time as the unemployment rate falls to 6.5% or the inflation rates reaches 2.5%. The expansionary monetary policy is helping to off-set the restrictive fiscal policies enacted so far this year. Households, overall, seem more confident in April with the Consumer Confidence Index rising to an unexpectedly high 68.1, from 61.9 in March. This increase beat economists’ estimates. With the Budget Control Act’s spending cuts and tax rates now in place, some uncertainty has been removed and households can begin to plan their expenditures for the remainder of the year.

2013 L e g i s l ati v e S e s s i o n-T h e H om e St re t ch

rich roy Public Affairs Vice president

Senate President Don Gaetz and House Speaker Will Weatherford have stayed true to the priorities of each chamber and done so with the demeanor of their respective position. Moving into the last week of legislative session, perhaps the most intriguing question circulating around the capital centered on whether the House and Senate will be able to agree on a plan to expand health coverage for low-income Floridians. But legislative leaders also still needed to finalize myriad details of a roughly $74 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

STATEWIDE MEDICAID REFORM A HEALTHY DEBATE Leading into the final week of session, the House approved its plan to offer $2,000 health subsidies to targeted groups of low-income people as an alternative to expanding Medicaid under the federal Affordable Care Act. That came a day after House members rejected going along with a Scott-backed Senate plan that would rely on billions of dollars in federal Medicaid money to offer private healthinsurance coverage.

But after about five hours of floor debate, the House had shown no signs of moving off their position. The House stated their version of the healthcare plan, dubbed the “Florida Health Choices Plus” program, would be a free-market approach to providing health care and also warn that the state shouldn’t rely on federal Medicaid money that eventually could be reduced.

ONE AND DONE, THE STATE BUDGET Lawmakers can talk all they want about the other bills, but the only bill they have to pass

before going home on May 3, 2013 is a budget. Negotiations between Senate Appropriations Chairman Joe Negron, R-Stuart, and House Appropriations Chairman Seth McKeel, R-Lakeland, worked in collaboration to finalize the state’s budget. Both budget chiefs took over the talks from conference committees into the early evenings and met again throughout the week to swap deals on some relatively minor points. Some of the sticking points remained largely the same: Each legislative chamber had

come to an agreement about how to divide $480 million in pay raises for education personnel: the House wanted more flexibility for universities, while the Senate wants frozen tuition and more student aid. By the time readers get a chance to read the above article, the 2013 legislative session will have come to a close. Between now and the print deadline, more excitement will have made itself available to our readers. Please look forward to next month’s issue for a full recap on how your Lakeland Chamber fared during this past session.

UP OR DOWN ON ETHICS & ELECTIONS Gaetz and Weatherford have pushed all session for changes in the state’s ethics and campaignfinance laws. But those types of issues can be tricky for lawmakers. A deal on the issues emerged quickly. The ethics bill (SB 2), would bar elected officials from taking advantage of their positions to get taxpayer-funded jobs and block lawmakers from lobbying state agencies for two years after they leave office. The campaign finance measure (HB 569), meanwhile, which was passed out of both legislative bodies and signed by Governor Scott eliminates a type of political funding vehicle known as “committees of CONNECT continuous existence,” ] Image Credit: Florida Chamber Foundation or CCEs. LakelandChamber.com

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a of local business o n e c u p at a t i m e

The Common Grounds member feature gives your business the opportunity to showcase “a day in the life” of your employees and customers. Each month, one of the door prizes at the Business After Hours event will be a Common Grounds Lakeland Chamber coffee mug & the opportunity to submit a 350 word article about your local business.

B y s t e p h a nie c o l on

| community southern bank NMLS#810420 | communitysouthernbank.com

The founding Board of Directors of Community Southern Bank had a vision to create a local independent community bank as an alternative to the large regional and national banking entities that populate Polk County. Community Southern Bank operates as a full service, state-chartered, commercial bank with primary emphasis on customer recognition, high quality service directed at meeting the financial needs of both individuals and businesses in and around Lakeland, Bartow and Winter Haven. We have devoted a significant amount of space in our three offices to provide free usage of a “Community Room” equipped with the latest technology and media for non-profit organizations to utilize at no charge. We also offer a free “Courier Service” so if our customers cannot make it to Community Southern Bank; we send the bank to them! With more than 14 years in the banking industry I have had the opportunity to serve in several operations. This background and experience has afforded me the expertise to seek out individuals and companies that want to do business with a community bank for all their financial needs. We emphasize our local ownership and management. We have strong ties to the community at large and require that our staff remain very involved in the community and in local events, clubs and non-profit organizations. Through Community Southern Bank, I have been given the opportunity to really give back to the community and be a part of the many services Lakeland has to offer. These include Emerge Lakeland, Business Network International, Girls, Inc., Lakeland Vision, Polk County Health Department Obesity Forum Facilitator and being a part of the Leadership Lakeland Class XXX. After six short years of operation, the dream and vision of a locally operated community bank has become reality. The community has demonstrated the need for a neighborhood independent bank by providing the capital needed to open our doors and by growing the assets to almost two hundred million dollars since August 28, 2006. We continue to be a Bauer 5 Star Rated Bank, one of only a dozen in the State of Florida. 2222 | | F OF O RR UU MMF OF O R RB B UU SS I NI N ES ESS

2 01 3 L U AU D O W N TO W N A ND “K IN G OF T H E WIN G CON T EST” 01


2013 luau downtown

Hosted by Citizens Bank and Trust

01 | Congratulations to Cleveland

Heights Golf Course for winning the “King of the Wing Contest” and “People’s Choice” for 2013! They are the first to ever win both coveted awards!

02 | Vice President of Membership

Development, Terry Ottinger, presenting Mary Stephenson of Citizens Bank and Trust the Plaque of Appreciation. Thank you Citizens Bank and Trust for hosting this fantastic event!

thanks to our sponsors


Bernie Little Distributors Citizens Bank and Trust Cottrell Signs Edward Jones/Laura Lear Marketing System Blueprints, LLC Republic Services Signs & Specialties, Inc. Two Men and a Truck Tucker’s Southside Package & Lounge

Participating Restaurants Beef O’Brady’s Family Sports Pub Buffalo Wild Wings Butterfly Bistro Cleveland Heights Golf Course Drica’s Favorites Specialty Coffee Boutique Dunkin Donuts Edible Arrangements Jets Pizza of Lakeland Jimmy John’s MOJO’s Wings, Burgers, Beer Oh4GoodnessCakes.com Ovations Food Services Ric’s Wine Market

door prizes provided by Black & Brew Coffee House & Bistro Burger 21 Citizens Bank and Trust Edible Arrangements Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Fred’s Market Restaurant GLT Total Office Harry’s Seafood Bar & Grille J Burns Pizza Mitchell’s Coffeehouse Moe’s Southwest Grill Outback Steakhouse, Inc. Red Elephant Pizza and Grill Socialite Texas Roadhouse Tijuana Flats Burrito Company FORUM FOR BUSINESS




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Buy it Now with Confidence

Business After Hours June 20, 2013 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm


Register at LakelandChamber.com $10 members | $30 non-members

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4/25/13 1:34 PM

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