F O R B U S IN E SS may 2013 | Vol. xXII, No. 5
BUY LAKELAND. It Makes GOOD cents!
FORUM FOR BUSINESS Lakelandchamber.com
CH A M BER STAFF K a t h l een L . M unson President
B a rb a r a B enne t t Executive Assistant
s a r a h bree d
Administrative Assistant, Member Relations | Public Affairs
Kara Butch
Administrative Assistant, Membership Development | Communications
S a l ly C h a p m a n
Vice President, Finance & Administration
C a ro l y n J a c kson
Senior Vice President, Member Relations
J a c q ue l ine L . J o h nson
Senior Vice President, Convention & Visitors Bureau
K a t ie M c B ri d e Membership Consultant
N ikki O a k l e y
Membership Account Executive
Terr y O t t in g er
Vice President, Membership Development
Rich Roy
Vice President, Public Affairs
P a t t y S mi t h
Administrative Assistant, Convention & Visitors Bureau
Edward Jones Advisors Matt Bishop, Laura Lear, and Greg West partner with each other and with the Chamber to provide the best service to their clients and our community.
L a ke l a n d Are a C h a mber of Commer c e F orum for B usiness M on t h l y M a rk E . W i l son | C h a irm a n of t h e B o a r d Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
K a t h l een L . M unson | Pub l is h er Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce
Am y S . W i g g ins | E d i t or Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce
ni c e br a n d in g a g en c y | Cre a t i v e Dire c t ion , P R O D U CT I O N & P h o t o g r a p h y www.brandnicely.com
Am y W i g g ins
Vice President, Communications
35 Lake Morton Drive PO Box 3607 Lakeland, FL 33802-3607 (863) 688-8551 LakelandChamber.com Š 2013 Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to refuse certain advertising and is not liable for advertisers claims and/or errors. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the position of the Chamber.
Correction In the March Issue, new member American Irons Tattoo Company was listed incorrectly.
R ec om m e nd e d R e a d i n g: Book Revie w From a Ch a m ber Peer
mark dillion c12 Group
CONNECT ] C12Group.com
Recently, I finished reading a book entitled Stepping Up—A Call to Courageous Manhood by Dennis Rainey. As I was reading the book my thoughts were focused on how this book applies to my business relationships, and what our business relationships really should look like. One lasting memory of what a business
relationship should NOT be comes from when I first started dating my wife Cheryl. We started dating when we were both 16 years old and her dad, Bob Johnson, worked as a salesman on the floor of an appliance store. I would stop by and see Bob as I was coming and going around town. Every time I stopped in to talk with Bob, he was friendly and outgoing and talkative. We seemed to be best friends. However, when I was over at their house visiting with Cheryl and the family, Bob was a different guy. Bob at home was quiet and not real friendly. It was like I was dealing with two totally different people.
What a tremendous lesson for me to this day, and one of the underlying points made by the author. Are our business relationships consistent and authentic no matter where we are or who we are with? We should be the same whether at work or at home. That consistency for me has come only as I have allowed God to have more and more control of my life. The author goes on to divide our relationships into five progressive categories: Boyhood, Adolescent, Manhood, Mentor, and finally Patriarch. These categories identify characteristics of relationships and
evolve from developing the building blocks of positive relationships through to cultivating relationship skills in others. Rainey’s five categories reflect in our business relationships from shallow, selffocused “Boyhood” to vulnerable, patiencebuilding “Adolescent” and on to persevering “Manhood”. The fourth stage is “Mentoring” when we start giving back and pouring into others. We are no longer the focus, but instead we are working to make others grow and succeed. The final stage of “Patriarch” is reached by so few, according to
the author. The world we live in ignores this stage and says we are “too old”, yet according to the Bible, this is the most fulfilling time in all of our relationships. Rainey uses the example that, at this stage, we are no longer the head coach, but we remain on the sidelines cheering the coaches and the players to victory. How about each of us? Where are we on this continuum? Are some of us stuck in one stage of developing our businesses relationships? The book Stepping Up is an easy read and very encouraging – and, there’s even a story about my friend Bill Mutz in the book!
Expe r i e nc e E ME R G E : me mb e rs h elpin g m em bers
Alba Alvarez florida southern college
CONNECT ] EMERGELakeland.com
Herman Melville states, “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” In every community, we are witnesses to such connectivity, whether it is through the city’s Chamber of Commerce events or the various networking organizations present. In Lakeland, this sense of community building and engagement is prevalent. Through EMERGE Lakeland, young professionals have the opportunity to be partnered with existing members through the Peer to Peer Networking program (P2P). P2P provides a means for local businesses to engage
young professionals for personal and professional development opportunities. The objective is to connect young professionals with like-minded members of the community who have similar goals, interests, and attitudes. Lastly, P2P members are shaped to serve in volunteer capacities such as board memberships, committee participants, and event planners. The mentor/ mentee relationship that is formed through P2P allows for more than just networking opportunities, it is a way to become engaged and connected
with members of the community and informed of Lakeland’s many cultural, economic, political, and recreational events. As a mentee this year, I have met a
good group of young professionals. Last week, our P2P group visited the Central Florida Aerospace Academy, where we learned about the great opportunities available for high school
students who have an interest in aviation. This experience provides for civic engagement with all of the education resources that are available right here in Polk County!
Bank of Central Florida
“Personal service from knowledgeable, accessible bankers.” Jim Ham President, J.H. Ham Engineering
J.H. Ham Engineering is a full service engineering and construction firm. Founded in 1974, the firm has provided turn-key electrical, instrumentation and system integration for clients ranging from phosphate, citrus and aggregate industries in Florida to a ship loading project in Murmansk, Russia. “We feel like the Bank of Central Florida is an extension of the J. H. Ham family,” says Jim Ham. “The bankers are very experienced and knowledgeable. I value the bank’s local decision making and financial strength.”
Barbara Lineberger, Senior Vice President/Private Banking Officer and Paul Noris, President/CEO of Bank of Central Florida with Jim Ham at J.H. Ham Engineering.
Get started with Mobile Banking today Downtown Lakeland 101 South Florida Avenue 863-682-7100 South Lakeland 5015 South Florida Avenue 863-701-2685 Bartow 515 North Broadway Avenue 863-534-3585
Member FDIC
Through the ChamberPerks program, the Lakeland Chamber is able to offer several cost-saving partnerships to members including shipping, HR libraries, and e-mail spam support. Office Depot also participates in this national program, providing a list of
paul stumpfig CONNECT ] Perks.Lakeland Chamber.com
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Whether you’re a frequent visitor, a local or a newcomer to Central Florida, this app will lead you to local restaurants, shopping, attractions, night life & other fun things that can be found in Central Florida.
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Ridge Island Groves
more than 150 general office supplies that are discounted about 30% below retail price. In addition, participants can receive up to 15% off several types of paper by the case or by the ream. Most importantly, there are no sign-up fees, contracts, or minimums with the ChamberPerks program. My name is Paul Stumpfig, and I have been working with businesses across west central Florida to help reduce office supply expenses. I work for a division of Office Depot called the Business Solutions Division. The Chamber Perks program is one of our most aggressive purchasing programs for the small- to mediumsized business market. It is also exclusive to Chamber members. One of the biggest benefits of working with the Chamber and Business Solutions Division of Office Depot, is a dedicated account manager. I personally work with companies ranging in size from one employee to well over 500 employees. What that means to you is one point of contact. If you have a product related question, you would be able to reach me via
e-mail or cell phone at your convenience. In order to provide solutions to companies in all markets, we also have a robust offering in categories other than office supplies. That includes custom printing, technology products including Apple, cleaning & break room supplies, and furniture.
On average, one office employee uses roughly $300 worth of office supplies annually. By participating in the ChamberPerks program, Lakeland Area Chamber members save, on average, $54 per office employee. That means an office of 12 employees can save more than $600 per year! To get started with the ChamberPerks program, or to simply learn more about it, you can contact me directly. My cell phone number is (813) 468-3755 and my email address is paul. stumpfig@officedepot. com. Give me a call today and start reducing those expenses!
L eade r s hi p L a k e l a n d A lum n i A ssociat ion anne furr communications chair
Staying Connected & Being Engaged
CONNECT ] LeadershipLakeland Alum.com
To learn more about UthMPact and their work in the county, visit UthMPact.com.
Each year, the Leadership Lakeland Alumni Association hosts events, partners with organizations, and gives back to the community in many ways. The connections of any Leadership Lakeland class are magnified as graduates of the program are welcomed as alumni. Earlier this year, 15 alumni participated in a very special day – helping to create a connection to the community for 25 high school juniors. Through a program called UthMPact, a youth coalition sponsored by the Stand Up Polk Coalition, these teens were introduced to our business community. With the participation of Leadership Lakeland Alumni volunteers, the teens were able to learn about even more businesses than those they visited, and find a tangible understanding of community engagement. Gay Ratcliff, an alumnus from Leadership Lakeland Class X enjoyed her
day. “As a recently retired but still engaged Lakeland citizen, I want to stay connected to the alumni and our community. I love Lakeland and I really want to continue to be a part of the community. This was a great opportunity to learn new things about our community and make new alumni friends just like when I was in the Leadership Lakeland Program. Visiting GTech, Publix, the blueberry farm, Tigertown behind-the-scenes, and the Sheriff ’s Office, gave all of us the chance to talk with community leaders and
WE PROVIDE SOLUTIONS Heacock Payroll offers a truly outsourced payroll service, including: • • • • • • • • • •
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keep up with where our community is going and how we can be a part of that.” And, what a powerful opportunity for alumni to learn more about the good works that these teens are accomplishing. Teens in UthMPact work to advocate against under-age tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use. This for-teens-by-teens coalition meets regularly, has a working relationship with law enforcement, and sponsors anti-tobacco events – accomplishments that our community can be proud of !
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SOLUTIONS Heacock Payroll helps you design & customize your program to include medical, dental, vision, voluntary products and 401(k).
A PARTNER YOU CAN COUNT ON A trusted organization, Heacock Payroll, LLC is a member of the Heacock Group of companies, which has been serving Florida since 1922. With Heacock Payroll, you will be transferring the burden of dealing with administrative employee-related functions to a team of professional specialists.
LAKELAND OFFICE 100 E. MAIN STREET LAKELAND, FL 33801 P: (863) 683-2228 TF: (800) 677-5172 PAYROLL@HEACOCK.COM
CALL TODAY to find out how Heacock Payroll can help your business.
When a new customer calls for directions to Matt Bishop’s office, he tells them “I’m downtown on the corner of South
to the
to the
Florida and Main Street”.
When calling Laura Lear’s office, she tells them her office is “just north of the Polk Parkway on Lakeland Highlands Road, before you get to Edgewood”.
And someone calling Greg West’s office would hear “we’re just 1.5 miles north of I-4 on Highway 98 North, across from the car wash”. By Matt Bishop, Laura Lear, & Greg West
Matt, Laura, and Greg are all Financial Advisors with Edward Jones, all have offices in Lakeland, and all are proud Chamber members. We all live and work in the community and it should come as no surprise that volunteerism and giving back to the community is important to us. We value the Chamber membership because it is a cost-effective business strategy, that provides us with many opportunities every month to network and grow our business with various events within the community. The Chamber provides us with a friendly and eager staff to help us grow. Their Web site is technologically savvy and provides us with networking events, business directory and professional development opportunities. It provides us opportunities to learn about our community and meet like-minded individuals, trying to grow their businesses.
We all strive to grow our businesses but we know that it is important to grow our brand recognition and not look at each other as competitors but as part of the Edward Jones family. We continue to work well with each other because we are part of a limited partnership company and that growth together is stronger than competing. We also know that our brand is stronger when we unite. The great thing we offer to our clients is the convenience of working with a financial advisor who is right around the corner from your home. Having multiple Edward Jones offices throughout the community gives our clients their choice of an advisor to work with and location that meets their needs. Another great asset of working with each other is to be able to be there to support one another, offer guidance, and take pride in seeing each other succeed. Our belief is that the best advice comes from someone who knows you. That’s why we will continue to offer conveniently located offices within the community in which we can introduce ourselves face to face to our neighbors and nearby businesses. Someone with whom clients can build a lasting, oneon-one relationship and someone you might see at the grocery store, the ballpark, or at one of the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce events.
As we continue to builds relationships with other business owners/professionals we learn about each other’s products and/or services they provide. This allows us to give and receive referrals to help grow all of our businesses right here in the Lakeland community. This too helps grow our Lakeland local economy. With so many events, education, LEADs groups, and community involvement that the Chamber provides we have countless opportunities to deepen our relationships with other Chamber members. It also gives us the chance to deepen our relationships with the Chamber staff and learn that they are here to help us. Overall, we all know that we all have expanded our referral network from our valuable Chamber membership. Over the years, we have witnessed and experienced many exciting changes in the financial services industry. Cutting-edge technology, more direct access to markets, lower transaction costs, and instantaneous access to information have truly empowered investors like never before. As any prudent business would do, we anticipate, assess, react, and adjust to change, yet we also live every day by the following core principles we know will ensure success into the next century and beyond. Our rich history, business model and guiding principles are the very things that set us apart from many other firms. We believe this is the best way to truly know and serve our clients. Locations and business models are only part of the story. The other part of course, is our people. Financial Advisors like Matt Bishop, Laura Lear, and Greg West who have
located their offices conveniently throughout Lakeland and close to where you live and work so they can develop face-to-face, personal relationships with you. Although investment trends and fads come and go, our set of business principles remains the same. First, we serve just one client: the serious, longterm individual investor. Second, our investment philosophy emphasizes quality and a welldiversified portfolio. Lastly, we believe that personal relationships are key. Building on the relationship you have with your Edward Jones Financial Advisor, we can provide a complete, tailored approach to help meet your financial needs, which can make a world of difference in your financial future. Working together, we can help you develop an overall strategy, drawing on our long-standing principles to help you achieve your financial goals.
Set up a face-to-face meeting with one of our local Edward Jones financial advisors. Matt Bishop, Financial Advisor 101 W Main St., Suite 101 :: (863) 686-4942 Edward Jones Member SIPC Laura Lear, Financial Advisor 3019 Lakeland Highlands Rd :: (863) 688-3440 Edward Jones Member SIPC Greg West, Financial Advisor 5133 US Highway 98 N :: (863) 815-3429 Edward Jones Member SIPC
n a c k e e w a t h g One ni
. E F I L R U O Y E CHANG d n a l e k a l / u d e . r e t s b e 863-687-9309 w •
Webster University educates professionals with accredited master’s degree programs. Evening classes are taught by academically qualified faculty who are practitioners in their field. The classes are the right size for learning and the perfect place for networking. Apply today! Master of Business Administration Master of Arts: • Counseling • Human Resources Management • Management and Leadership No GRE/GMAT • Classes one night a week • Online classes available
Be a part of what’s next. FORUM FOR BUSINESS
smal l b u s i n e s s o f th e mon t h
Black & Brew Coffee House & Bistro Mr. Chris McArthur (863) 682-1210 205 E Main St Lakeland, FL 33801
Walk into Black & Brew Coffee House & Bistro any day and you will find people enjoying the food and drink as well as the ambiance. It doesn’t matter if it is 7 a.m. on a weekday, 9 p.m. on a Friday evening or Sunday at 2 p.m., there will be people working on laptops, socializing, having a business meeting, a study date, or enjoying breakfast, lunch, or dinner along with specialty coffees. Black & Brew is a warm and welcoming space – a perfect destination for Lakelanders. It is
Small Business of the Month committee member Patricia Hendler presents the April Small Business of the Month Award to Chris McArthur. Also pictured, Mandy Rivera and Jacob Johnson.
Scan here with your smart phone app for a short video about black & brew.
one of the reasons why Downtown is drawing visitors from such a large geographic area. Chris McArthur is the owner/manager/ founder, along with his brother Michael. Their goal is to provide unique and delicious products expertly crafted from high quality, fresh ingredients while creating an atmosphere that is welcoming and warm. By all accounts from those sitting at the tables inside and out, they have succeeded. Walk inside past the outdoor covered patio
area on Main Street across from Munn Park, and you will find a space that could easily be in Manhattan, Portland, Chicago, or Seattle. Chris worked for a year transforming the gutted interior into the beautiful eatery you see now. The custom display cabinets, exposed brick, warm colors, and panoramic photo of Downtown Lakeland are comfortable and inviting. The food and drink are always fresh, and daily specials are communicated to customers via
B y P at ri c i a Hen d l er ,
Facebook, e-mail, and the blackboard over the counter which always sports some clever artwork particular to the season. Black & Brew also caters breakfast, lunch, dinner, and other events. In the restaurant, guests are greeted by a well-trained staff that makes it clear the company philosophy is to make the customer happy. Most of the staff members are longtime employees who work as a team. To encourage this attitude, Chris and his staff participate in hands-on service
projects at least twice per year. Non-profits that have benefitted from this policy include Parker Street Ministries, ElderPoint Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, and Shalom-Center. Throughout the last eight years, Chris has paid attention to the details and the larger picture of what he wanted to bring to his hometown Main Street location. Black & Brew is thriving as a result, and Lakeland is thankful for a place that one customer likened to receiving “a warm hug from an old friend.”
Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Lakeland
W A N T T O K N O W W HY B E in g A M E M B E R O F TH E LA K E LA N D A R E A CHA M B E R I S S O B E C O M I N G ? R E AD on . . .
Wrap-Up the 2013 Legislative Session with the Lakeland Chamber
LEGISLATIVE WRAP-UP BREAKFAST Hear first-hand from our Legislative Delegation how Polk’s business community fared during Session.
Thursday, May 16 | 7:00 a.m.
Lakeland Yacht & Country Club | 929 Lake Hollingsworth Dr ®
The Florida Legislature convened on March 5, 2013 with a primary focus on two challenging issues: passing a balanced budget and creating a positive environment for businesses in Florida. During that time, legislative leaders worked collectively to craft a sensible, fiscally-sound state budget, helping increase educational opportunities and reduce burdensome taxes affecting Florida businesses and families. The Legislative Wrap-Up Breakfast provides members an opportunity to hear a firsthand “wrapup” of session and engage with elected legislators on the outcomes of the past 60 days in Tallahassee. As decisions are being made related to economic development, education, healthcare, unemployment compensation, and insurance, this opportunity to meet with Polk’s Legislative Delegation becomes increasingly more important each year. This event is one of the most valuable public affairs tools that the Lakeland Chamber provides, linking businesses directly with elected officials. Take advantage of this opportunity today… Seating is limited and this event will sell out!
2013 Legislative Wrap-Up breakfast May 16 at 7:00 a.m. Lakeland Yacht & Country Club
Gold Sponsor Florida Blue
Tickets: $ 25 for members $ 30 for non-members
Silver Sponsors
Florida Strategic Group, LLC | BusinessVoice of Greater Lakeland, Inc. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. | Valencia Hills Health & Rehabilitation Center Southeastern University College of Business and Legal Studies
Bronze Sponsors
A-C-T Environmental & Infrastructure | Baylis & Company PA CPAs Lakeland Surgical & Diagnostic Center L.L.P.
$25 Chamber members, $30 non-members Tickets at WrapUp.LakelandChamber.com All delegation members have been invited. Appearances are subject to change.
| 11
may 2013 dates thur 02
Thursday, May 2 Leadership Lakeland – Communications / Arts and Culture Day All Day
mon 06
Monday, May 6 Small Business Awards
wed 08
Wednesday, May 8 Government Affairs
11:45 a.m. Chamber Conference Room
wed 15
Wednesday, May 15 Executive Committee Meeting
3:45 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
4:00 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
thursday, May 16 Business Development KSI Meeting
wed 22
Wednesday, May 22 Board of Directors Meeting
thur 23
Thursday, May 23 SCORE Business Round Table
Wednesday, May 8 BusinessVoice of Greater Lakeland
Wednesday, May 8 Talent Development Committee Meeting
Monday, May 13 EMERGE Lakeland Steering Committee
thur 16
8 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
9 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
mon 13
4:00 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
tues 07
Tuesday, May 7 Chamber Next
thur 09
Thursday, May 9 Schmooze a’Palooza
thur 16
Thursday, May 16 Legislative Wrap-Up Breakfast
5:30 p.m. BB & T 114 N Kentucky Ave
11:30 a.m. Cleveland Heights Golf Course 2900 Buckingham Ave
7:00 a.m. Lakeland Yacht & Country Club 929 Lake Hollingsworth Dr
Thursday, May 16 Business After Hours
5:30 p.m. Certified Foundations, Inc. 1306 Banana Rd
7:30 a.m. Chamber Briefing Room
3:30 p.m. Chamber Briefing Room
thur 09
Thursday, May 9 Leadership Lakeland – Graduation
Chamber Closed: monday, may 27 for memorial day
6 p.m. Lakeland Yacht & Country Club
wednesday 1
thursday 2
Leadership Lakeland – Communications / Arts and Culture Day | All Day
Government Affairs 8 a.m.
BusinessVoice of Greater Lakeland | 9 a.m. Talent Development Committee Meeting 3:30 p.m.
15 Executive Committee Meeting | 4 p.m.
Ev ent HI G HL I G H TS 01
Business After Hours
Hosted by Office Furniture Depot
01 | Chairman of the Board, Mark
Wilson presents the Plaque of Appreciation to Office Furniture Depot Store Manager Melanie Brenton.
02 | Chamber members Stuart Simm
(MAX Home Inspections), Laura Lear (Edward Jones) and husband Craig, along with Carol White (Alpha Graphics) were all smiles as they browsed the beautiful office furniture!
03 | Office Furniture Depot owner
Joanne Boles greeted new member Michael Folsom of Folsom Construction Management! Thanks again Office Furniture Depot!
march chamber next 03
Hosted by BB&T
04 | BB&T’s downtown conference
room provided a great location for Chamber members to find out more about maximizing their investments in the Chamber to grow their businesses!
March Schmooze a’Palooza Hosted by Patio 850
05 | As members arrived, power
networking was in full swing under the sun at Patio 850!
06 | Garry Coleman of Everest
University shared his 30-second commercial. Schmooze a’Palooza is the perfect way to meet more than 20 contacts during lunch!
Florida Hospital Zephyrhills FHZ Brain and Spine Institute has achieved the Target: Stroke Honor Roll award. Target: Stroke is a national quality initiative of the American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association with the goal of improving stroke care.
JSK Consulting, Inc. Welcomes Kelsey Hull as Project Development Specialist. Kelsey will be graduating this spring from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in public relations.
Tailwheels, Etc. Flight School Welcomes Kevin Chambers as Sales & Marketing Manager.
The Lakeland Chamber prints business announcements each month as space permits. Please e-mail announcements to motm@lakelandchamber.com
Lunz Prebor Fowler Architects
chairman ’s circle Bank of Central Florida CFO Kerry Charlet was a finalist in the Tampa Bay Business Journal’s CFO of the Year 2013 for the small private company category.
Drummond Company Oakbridge Realty is proud to announce the addition of Tina M. Prince to the Real Estate sales team. Prince is a Real Estate Broker Associate with more than 25 years of experience in the finance, banking, and brokerage industries. Her duties include marketing new and existing home sales in the master-planned community of Oakbridge including Grasslands Golf & Country Club.
cPS Investment Advisors Recently named one of 2013 Five Star Wealth Managers in Orlando. Fewer than two percent of Wealth Managers in the Orlando area received this award.
trustees Republic Services Account Manager Kylie Guess won Republic Services’ most prestigious award, Winners Circle.
Baylis & Company PA CPAs Announces a merger with Jack R Mann CPA effective January 1, 2013. Clients of both firms will now be served from Baylis & Company’s location at 53 Lake Morton Drive.
Sessums Law Group Mark A. Sessums was a guest speaker at the Florida Bar Family Law Section Certification Review Course. The topic of his speech was Equitable Distribution. This is the fifth year that Sessums has been invited to present at the Florida Bar event of over 1400 attendees. Mark Sesssums is one of four Florida lawyers statewide that is double board-certified in both Civil Trial Law and Marital and Family Law. 14
Polk Arts Alliance awarded the Cultural Arts Recognition Program award to Lunz Prebor Fowler Architects in recognition of their constant and continuing support of Polk’s cultural arts community in general and Platform Art in particular.
Cornerstone Hospice & Palliative Care Has achieved Level 3 status with the We Honor Veterans program, a national initiative in collaboration with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the Department of Veterans Affairs. As an accredited partner with the national We Honor Veterans initiative, Cornerstone Hospice has completed specific activities using practical resources designed to increase the organization’s service to veterans and their families.
C oldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate Dean Saunders, ALC, CCIM, land broker/owner and partner with Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Ralston Dantzler Realty, earned awards in five categories for personal sales and awards in two categories for overall office performance. CBCSRE Office Awards: #3 Commercial Elite Office in the Top 15 in North America, #1 CBC Affiliate Office in the State of Florida. Dean Saunders, ALC, CCIM Awards: #2 in Top 5 Sales Professionals in North America, #1 Sales Professional in State of Florida, #1 Sales Professional Overall in Specialty / Land, #1 Sales Professional in Sales.
C oldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Ralston Dantzler Realty
Each month, the Chamber enlists the help of 20 volunteers to mentor new and current members with involvement in Chamber events and programs. This month, the Chamber would like to recognize Jennifer Hatfield, Commercial Sales Professional at Terminix Commercial Division, for her outstanding attention to Chamber members and attendance at events! Jennifer is a wonderful asset to the Chamber and to the Lakeland community!
jennifer hatfield terminix commercial division Commercial Sales Professional
Darby Bryan Craddock was named a winner of the Coldwell Banker Commercial Circle of Distinction Bronze sales awards for 2012. Craddock’s closing totals for 2012 were more than $5 million.
Principal Financial Group Kim Andreadis is the first female to earn the Agent of the Year award out of the Florida Gulf Coast Business Center’s 55-year history. The business center encompasses all Principal Financial Group career agents in more than a third of the state.
Gadd Case & Associates, LLC Welcomes Lyndsey Ladewig as Project Manager. Ladewig specializes in client relations and agency permitting and has almost a decade of experience in the design and engineering industry.
During the month of March our Visitor Information Center assisted hundreds of individuals, answering questions pertaining to Chamber member businesses and the Lakeland community. Walk-in Visitors...................................... 444 Relocation Response Mailings............. 1 Relocation Response (Walk In)........... 14 Accommodations..................................... 2 Winter Accommodations....................... 1 Visitor Information Mailings............. 12 Visitor Center E-mail Inquiries........... 72
1 9 9 1 | 2 2 Ye a rs Care Animal Clinic Claussen’s Fine Furniture
J.H. Ham Engineering, Inc.
1 9 4 0 | 7 3 Ye a rs
Autobody Resurrection Center, Inc.
JBT Food Tech
First Baptist Church at the Mall
1 9 9 2 | 2 1 Ye a rs
Ledger Media Group
1 9 5 4 | 5 9 Ye a rs Bank of America/Lakeland Banking Center
1 9 7 0 | 4 3 Ye a rs
Scott Orthodontic Associates South Florida Gun & Pawn, Inc.
1 9 9 3 | 2 0 Ye a rs GEICO
Lohr Enterprises
1 9 7 4 | 3 9 Ye a rs Gator Realty of Polk
1 9 7 9 | 3 4 Ye a rs
Lakeland Association of Realtors ZENO Office Solutions
1 9 8 0 | 3 3 Ye a rs Miriam South Corporation
Cahill Ministries Food Bank NuJak Companies Silvermoon Drive-In Theatre
1 9 8 2 | 3 1 Ye a rs Hudson Pump & Equipment
1 9 8 3 | 3 0 Ye a rs Flower Cart Florist
1 9 8 5 | 2 8 Ye a rs Florida Presbyterian Homes OneBlood
years The Ettensohn Agency/Allstate Precise Construction, Inc.
1 9 8 6 | 2 7 Ye a rs Pepperidge Farm, Incorporated
1 9 8 7 | 2 6 Ye a rs Williford Flooring Company, Inc.
1 9 8 8 | 2 5 Ye a rs
First United Methodist Church
Compton, Kane & Associates, Inc.
Polk County Animal Hospital
Florida Property & Development
1 9 8 9 | 2 4 Ye a rs
The Lane Construction Corporation
Cheatwood Chiropractic Office, P.A.
Max Jewelers
Saunders & Wilhelm
1 9 9 0 | 2 3 Ye a rs Consulate Health Care Girls Incorporated of Lakeland
2 Bees Concessions dba Fry ‘N Saucer
NEXT Join the discussion to learn how you can maximize your investment in the Chamber.
Your Chamber membership gives you opportunity - to see and be seen, to speak and be heard, and to engage and be connected. There are events and programs, listings and press releases, social media and email... and that’s just the beginning! Find out more about the opportunities that your membership provides to promote your business! Tuesday, May 7 | 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. BB&T Downtown Lakeland 114 N Tennessee Avenue
Call To Schedule An Appointment (863) 255-6733 2beesconcessions.com Bill Phelan Restaurants
Olive Branch Realty
Advanced Spinal Care
Painting With A Twist
B & B Automotive
Rimage Solutions
3628 Harden Blvd Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 701-2225 lakelandasc.com Amanda Majette Health Care - Physicians – Chiropractic
2016 W Memorial Blvd Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 606-5904 Jason McMinn Automobile/Truck – Repair
Bay Street Bistro 211 E Bay St Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 683-4229 James Rawlins Restaurants
Carmel Cafe
817 N Massachusetts Ave Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 686-0000 Monique Bernard Restaurants
Eyeglass World
3635 US Highway 98 N Lakeland, FL 33809 (770) 822-4250 eyeglassworld.com Nancy Jellesma Health Care – Opticians
439 S Florida Ave, Ste 300 Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 583-9050 floridapolytechnic.org Ava Parker Schools - Colleges/Universities
Hollis & Sons
1834 Harden Blvd Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 603-7826 Clayton Hollis Investments
JetVacations.com 720 Monroe St Hoboken, NJ 07030 (212) 986-3800 jetvacations.com Philippe Dardour Travel Agencies
Kensington Homes, Inc.
dba Arthur Rutenberg Homes 5473 US Highway 98 S Lakeland, FL 33813 (863) 669-1322 arhomes.com Kenneth Warren Real Estate
3615 S Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 646-3689 MassageEnvy.com Scott Grebler Massage Therapy
740 S Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 683-5000 adeccousa.com Eric Barre Employment Contractors
Florida Polytechnic University
No Charge for Members Seating is Limited, Please RSVP at LakelandChamber.com
Massage Envy
1489 Town Center Dr N Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 602-8830 Debra Haskell Real Estate
3670 Harden Blvd Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 646-0238 paintingwithatwist.com Bert Adams Entertainment
Call to Schedule an Appointment (863) 248-2560 rimagesolutions.net Malay Shah Computers - Consulting & Custom Applications
Ripple Video and Web, Inc. 456 Market Sq E Lakeland, FL 33813 (863) 255-1109 ripplevideoandweb.com Joan Davies Video Service/Production
Southside Cleaners - Launderers 901 S Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33803 (863) 688-4747 southsidecleaners.com Greg Myers Cleaning – Clothing
State Representative Neil Combee 108 W Polk St Auburndale, FL 33823 (863) 968-5666 Neil Combee Government
Success For All
837 Parker St Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 686-6000 Silas Harris Vocational Rehabilitation
Special thanks to Mayor Gow Fields, Commissioner D on Selvage, Commissioner Justin Troller , and all the Board Members and Chamber Champions who truly make these ceremonies special events.
Grow Financial Federal Credit Union
Cold Steel Firearms
Lakeland, FL 33803
Lakeland, FL 33803
2645 S Florida Ave | (863) 583-8250 GrowFinancial.org
2916 S Combee Rd | (863) 797-4867 ColdSteelFirearms.com
ProCare Cleaning Services of Central Florida
J Burns Pizza Lakeland, FL 33803
Call to Schedule an Appointment (863) 510-5281 ProCareCleaningFL.com
2306 E Edgewood Dr | (863) 450-2986 JBurnsPizza.com
American Irons Tattoo Company
Visiting Nurse Association
Lakeland, FL 33813
Lakeland, FL 33803
5313 S Florida Ave | (813) 210-7149 AmericanIrons.com
2123 Harden Blvd, Ste A | (863) 688-4260 VNAFlorida.org
Thursday, May 9 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Cleveland Heights Golf Club 2900 Buckingham Ave $25 Members Only Limited Seating
nine days, seven nights including cruise, meals, & airfare from Orlando
Visit Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, and Germany as you cruise through some of the most breathtaking scenery in Europe. Unpack once to enjoy Nuremberg, Regensburg, Passau, Linz, Melk, Durnstein, Vienna, & Budapest on an elegant river ship. All from just $3,299 per person!
Danube.LakelandChamber.com 18
t e c h c or ner Ryan McCabe
Blogging is a great resource for your customers. It provides you an outlet to keep your customers informed on current events, share information from your industry, and build your reputation as an industry expert.
Technorati.com, a leading search engine and directory for blogs, announced that 2012 saw a 20% increase in small business blogs. The increase in blogs for businesses outside the technology industry – such as auto repair shops, restaurants, and home service companies - was even more substantial, near 50%. Facebook reported a 40% increase in small business pages in 2012.
Blogging is one of the best ways to boost your Web site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Your blog is an extension of your social media efforts, and helps to establish you and your company as a presence on the Internet. Consider this… If you were to just take 30 minutes each week to post a blog for your company, by the end of a year you would have 52 extra links with your company information to increase search engine optimization.
Log-in and go to the page manager tab to select “My Blog”
Click “New Post”. An alert will appear notifying you that you are activating your blog. Simply start blogging, we have a short post made for you to get you started.
Through the Chamber’s Reinventing Small Business Initiative, your partners at Ocoos. com make blogging easy. The blog feature at Ocoos.com is directly connected with your service offering and point of sale capabilities.
A new “Blog” section will appear on your profile page, that tab is your blog. When consumers search your services or industry online, now there is a greater chance of running into your blog which is directly connected to your Web page!
po lk pr og re s s u p date
Dr. James Farrell, CFA Florida Southern College
The month of March brought new highs to the DJIA and the S&P 500 despite the continued slow recovery and looming issues in Europe. Cyprus agreed to bailout terms with the European Union, accepting â‚Ź10 billion in exchange for an agreement to shrink their banking sector and enact a tax on large deposits at banks. After nearly two weeks of being closed, the banks reopened without the expected chaos, leaving the markets calmer than many had anticipated. Fourth-quarter GDP slightly beat expectations, coming in at an increase of 0.4% rather than the expected 0.3%, while unemployment claims were worse than expected. Personal incomes rebounded in
February off the poor January numbers that were caused by the special dividends given in December and the end of the payroll tax holiday. Consumers are showed more optimism in February, with the Consumer Confidence Index rising to 68 from 58 in January as we avoid most of the tax increases of the Budget Control Act. However, it fell back to 60 in March as the mandatory spending cuts became a reality. As expected, 2012 has been shown to be a year of recovery in the housing market. The S&P Case-Shiller Index showed an 8.1% increase from January 2012 to January 2013, which is the first January to January increase since 2006. While
values may remain well off their peaks, the return to a more stable home market will give previously sidelined buyers the incentive to purchase rather than wait in the hopes of further declines. The improving housing market is also seen in the new home market with the number of new home sales up 12% from the prior year, with prices up 3%. In Polk County, the median sales price gains remain strong, with a year-over-year increase in February of 14.9%. Given the steepness of the declines relative to the national real estate market, we are expected to continue to outperform during the recovery period projected over the next 1 – 2 years.
Keeping with local activity, the Polk Progress Index is estimated to reach 206 for the first quarter of 2013 after reaching 204.3 to close out 2012. As you can see from the chart below, the local economic activity has continued to climb and we are now approximately 5% from our pre-recession highs, buoyed by our strong housing numbers. With the expected strength in the housing market over the coming year, we should expect continued economic growth locally as the increasing prices of existing homes will continue to put them more in line with builder cost on new homes, driving up demand for new homes and the labor/materials that go along with that.
230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 CONNECT ] FLSouthern.edu/ PolkProgress 20
Colla b or ati o n S u p p l i e s Cata lyst in A dvocacy
rich roy Public Affairs Vice president
CONNECT ] LakelandChamber.com
Former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill said, “All politics are local.” What we have heard from chambers of commerce and economic development leaders is that “local” is precisely the geography of today’s economic recovery. The other clearly articulated message: groups must work together or collaborate as partners to achieve their goals. This collaboration is never so evident than the partnership that your Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce and Florida Chamber share as important issues make their way through the state legislature. Collaboration is the name of the game
when it comes to advocating for policy in Tallahassee. The Lakeland Chamber and the Florida Chamber work closely to craft position statements and calls to action related to issues that affect the successes of the state and local business communities. As such, we’ve already seen legislation come out of the Florida House helping to create a lasting public pension program without putting taxpayers on the hook for future debts, as well as, ushering policy out of committee that levels the playing field for small businesses, helping to close the gap on online sales tax. Most recently, your Lakeland Chamber and
Florida Chamber have worked together in surveying all members in the district that helps both entities in tracking trends with the issues and challenges facing Florida’s small businesses. Previous surveys conducted by the Florida Chamber and distributed by the Lakeland Chamber, indicated that economic uncertainty was the top issue facing your business and impacting increased hiring. Using feedback received from members, both the Lakeland and Florida Chambers are able to properly advocate and communicate your feedback to the legislature and statewide stakeholders. This collaboration
is just how your membership is working for you in advocating alongside our Florida Chamber partners to create a better business environment both locally and statewide. The Lakeland Chamber and Florida Chamber during this new legislative session have seen new, innovative ways to expand advocacy efforts and support of issues in line with both local and state goals. Some of those measures include a legislative week in review, calls to action on issues important to your business, and a renewed focus on engagement with membership via the weekly public affairs e-newsletter.
Those interested in subscribing to any of the above information can text “lakelandchamber” to 22828 to receive the informative and engaging updates – focusing more on local issues once Session ends. The Chamber is only as strong as its relationships and position within the advocacy process. We will continue to work with our members and partners in Tallahassee to make the City of Lakeland a place where businesses want to be, expand, and grow. With your involvement, we can develop the next great idea for our community and generations to come.
Image Credit: Florida Chamber Foundation
a of local business o n e c u p at a t i m e
The Common Grounds member feature gives your business the opportunity to showcase “a day in the life” of your employees and customers. Each month, one of the door prizes at the Business After Hours event will be a Common Grounds Lakeland Chamber coffee mug & the opportunity to submit a 350 word article about your local business.
B y Liz Cr a v en
Big Harry Deals | Polk Elder Care Guide Polk Foodie/Home & Garden Magazine
For 20 years now our company, Pro-Ad Media has had the privilege of serving Polk County with high quality, full color publications focused on the local community. Our oldest publication, Elder Care Guide, is a comprehensive directory of care and living options and resources for the elderly and their families. Inspired by personal circumstances, Elder Care Guide is very close to our hearts and we devote quite a bit of time to creating awareness in our community. On any given day you might find us at a health fair, community event, or even at a local senior residence with our two therapy dogs, Macey and Piper, spreading some love! Elder Care Guide could easily take up our whole day, but there is so much more to Pro-Ad Media! The creative juices flow freely at Pro-Ad Media daily as we prepare each issue of our quarterly publications Polk Foodie and Polk Home & Garden Magazines. Our newest publication, Polk Foodie Magazine, debuted in February and is delighting Foodies all over Polk with great photography and content. One reader said, “the pages look good enough to eat!” In just a few weeks, we will debut Polk Home & Garden. A “flip-style” publication, Polk Home & Garden will grace one side of the magazine while Polk Foodie will be on the flip-side. The magazine will be very “HGTV”, very photography driven and will contain great home/life related articles and features relevant to Polk. Wes and I love connecting with local businesses and consumers through our publications! To round out our media offerings we have BigHarryDeals.com, a daily deal site similar to Groupon where local consumers can purchase products and services from local businesses at a discount of 50% or better. Think restaurants, spa services, home and automotive services and more. The difference? Big Harry also gives back a portion of each sale to the local nonprofit of the purchaser’s choice! At Pro-Ad Media it is our mission to serve our community well. Bringing consumers and businesses together in a way that is mutually beneficial is what we strive for daily. 2222 | | F OF O RR UU MMF OF O R RB B UU SS I NI N ES ESS
Summ e r W e r x Connecting Lakeland Teens to Lakeland Jobs
Putting teens to work
Advances Lakeland’s future workforce
Shares local opportunities with local teens
Lakeland is a community of neighborhoods. This summer, link your company to your community by hiring a local teen.
Strengthens your community
The Neighborhood Association Coalition of Lakeland has banded together to bring qualified youth to the job market in Lakeland. In partnership with the Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce, businesses and communities have committed to hire Lakeland teens, giving them a connection to community, employment experience, and a sense of purpose.
Your company can be a part of the movement by employing teens from your local neighborhoods:
To learn more about how your company can participate in the SummerWerx efforts, contact:
Commissioner Don Selvage don.selvage@ lakelandgov.net (863) 937-9424
Commissioner Phillip Walker phillip.walker@ lakelandgov.net (863) 698-8094
Ms. Lynne Simpkins lynn.simpkins@ lakelandgov.net (863) 834-6011
Ages 16-18 20-30 hours per week $7.79 per hour minimum JUNE 17 – AUG 16, 2013
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 3607 • Lakeland, FL 33802 - 3607
Wave the Flag & Raise a Glass THURSDAY, MAY 16 | 5:30 - 7:30 P.M. In Partnership with Polk County Veterans’ Services, CFI welcomes you to network with fellow businesses, enjoy food, drink & give-aways, and honor our nation’s heroes!
1306 Banana Rd (863) 859-3899 CFi-1.com CERTIFIED FOUNDATIONS, INC.
Memorial Day HONORS
CFi is located 5 miles north of Interstate 4 off US Highway 98 N. From Downtown Lakeland, travel north on US Highway 98 N past Granger & Sons BBQ and turn left onto Banana Rd. CFI is on the left. $10 Chamber members | $30 Non Chamber Members No Charge for Veterans RSVP at LakelandChamber.com