Department Contacts Business Development businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca Dean deanfire@lakelandcollege.ca Distance Learning dlearnfire@lakelandcollege.ca Information (General) infofire@lakelandcollege.ca Online Learning onlinelearningetc@lakelandcollege.ca Scheduled Courses firecourses@lakelandcollege.ca
Edmonton Jasper
Banff Calgary
Table of Contents Introduction to Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre...........................................................................................................2 Registration Procedures for Scheduled Courses...................................................................................................................................4 Academic Policies and Procedures for Scheduled Courses.................................................................................................................5 Distance Learning: Client-hosted Training.............................................................................................................................................6 Distance Learning: Correspondence Courses.......................................................................................................................................8 Online Courses..........................................................................................................................................................................................9 Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services.......................................................................................................................... 10 Emergency Services Technology.......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Firefighter Training Program (FFTP)...................................................................................................................................................... 14 NFPA 1001 - Firefighter Professional Qualifications........................................................................................................................... 16 NFPA 1002 - Fire Department Vehicle Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications..................................................................... 18 NFPA 1006 - Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications.............................................................................................................. 20 NFPA 1021 - Fire Officer Professional Qualifications......................................................................................................................... 21 NFPA 1041 - Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications....................................................................................................... 24 NFPA 1051 - Wildland Firefighter Professional Qualifications.......................................................................................................... 25 NFPA 1072 - Hazardous Materials Professional Qualifications......................................................................................................... 26 NFPA 1081 - Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications..................................................................................... 28 Safety Codes Officer in the Fire Discipline.......................................................................................................................................... 30 Emergency Preparedness...................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Extinguisher Training.............................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Additional Courses................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre Field Rental.............................................................................................................. 35 Driver Training......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 First Aid Training..................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Transportation and Accommodation................................................................................................................................................... 38 Recreational Opportunities at Lakeland College and around Vermilion......................................................................................... 39
Emergency Training Centre
Introduction to Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre
Building on a Proud Tradition
An Integrated Approach to Training
Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre (ETC) is located in Vermilion, Alta., about 190 kms east of Edmonton. As a school of the college, ETC fits Lakeland’s practice of quality hands-on training for students who are workforce ready.
At ETC, no skill is taught in isolation. Courses contain an appropriate balance of theoretical and practical hands-on content, and are structured so that each new skill builds upon those previously acquired. Meteorological, topographical and man-made variables are added to ensure realistic training scenarios. As much as possible, training is integrated to maximize the efficiency of a variety of preparedness and response agencies, including police, security, emergency medical services, public works and fire services. The training environment builds teamwork, and instructors are more than willing to provide extra assistance to ensure that students learn the skills they need.
ETC’s history as part of the public college is short, only going back to 1998 when the Alberta Fire Training School became a subsidiary corporation of the college. However, the two had been neighbours since the fire training school was established by the province over a half-century ago. ETC has three distinct client groups: pre-professional students, municipal fire services and corporations. Training occurs either on-site at ETC, at the client workplace and/or through distance learning.
Advisory Committees ETC relies on feedback from emergency services professionals to ensure that our training reflects and anticipates needs of the industry. Advisory committees are in place for all areas of training and include representation from municipalities, industry and other post-secondary providers.
Training ETC offers high quality training. Courses are taught to the standards of recognized national and international agencies and regulatory bodies. Training includes:
Further Studies
• Municipal, industrial and wildland firefighting
ETC is committed to collaboration with other agencies and organizations in the emergency services field. Of particular note are our partnerships with other postsecondary education providers. These offer opportunities for emergency services personnel to apply their credentials to college and university-level programs and to seek career advancement. As well, numerous partnerships have been formed within the private and public sectors to facilitate development and delivery of training.
• Integrated training for agencies involved in emergency response • Rescue training including rope, trench and confined space • Emergency services management and administration skills development • Emergency preparedness for municipalities, public sector organizations and industry • Full-time programs: • Emergency Services Technology (EST), one-year diploma program for career entry to the fire service or emergency medical response settings • Firefighter Training Program (FFTP), 12-week program (offered as on site and blended options) • Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services, 3.5-year applied degree program Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Introduction to Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre Customized Training Most ETC training can be customized to the specific needs of an organization. We can help you analyze your training goals and define your needs, and then we can recommend a program that suits your time frame and budget. Depending on your needs, customized training can borrow elements from existing programs, develop new components or use a combination of both. ETC can deliver customized training at its campus, at your workplace or at another location that fits your needs. Development of in-house personnel as trainers can be a very cost-effective, long-term solution to an organization’s training needs. ETC has extensive experience in developing “train the trainer” programs that equip personnel with the technical and teaching skills to develop and deliver training programs at their own worksites. Corporate partnering is another facet of our innovative approach to customized training. The partnering program allows clients to construct a specialized prop in cooperation with ETC and use ETC expertise to train employees. Our Business Development Office would be pleased to discuss your organization’s customized training needs. Contact us at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Facilities, Infrastructure and Computer Lab ETC consists of two training sites. The main training facility, located in Vermilion adjacent to Lakeland College’s main campus, features a lecture theatre, internet-linked classrooms with interactive white boards, computer lab, and an extinguisher lab. Apparatus includes 11 pumper trucks, a rescue vehicle, three aerial apparatus, three ambulances, a pumper/tender, an industrial pumper, a mobile command post and three buses. Our training props include facilities for dry chemical training, technical rescue props, pumping pits, props that replicate oil refinery scenarios, two structural towers, an investigation prop, a multi-tier foam prop, a vehicle fire prop, a dangerous goods pad, a forcible entry prop and a fire behaviour prop. For a closer look at our facilities, visit our interactive map online at lc-etc.ca/interactive-map/. Not far from Vermilion is our remote site, which features extinguisher training that uses five-pound extinguishers to 350-pound wheeled units for municipal, industrial and airport firefighting.
Emergency Training Centre AirScapes.ca
Emergency Training Centre
Registration Procedures for Scheduled Courses Admission Requirements
Fee Payment Procedures
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age on or before the course or program start date. Admission requirements can also be found at lakelandcollege.ca.
Fees stated in this calendar are effective January 1, 2020 and are stated in Canadian dollars. Tuition fees in this calendar are subject to the Alberta Tuition Fee Policy. International fee payers are normally subject to a 150 per cent surcharge. Lakeland College reserves the right to change fees as necessary.
All academic and non-academic admission requirements, including physical fitness requirements, must be met.
Fees are due at the time of registration and are payable to Lakeland College. Students will not be invoiced. Registrations without payment will not be processed.
Where prerequisites are identified, documentation to verify completion of such prerequisites must be supplied with application forms.
Third-party sponsorship will only be accepted for registration fees of $200 or more. A student sponsored by an employer, for example, must submit a purchase order number and the sponsor’s contact details with the application form.
Registration for Scheduled Courses Registrations for 2020 scheduled courses are accepted until classes start; however, we recommend that you apply early.
If the purchase order number is not provided at the time of registration, we cannot guarantee the number will be quoted on the invoice.
We begin processing registration requests in early October. Acceptance in most courses is on a first qualified, first accepted basis unless otherwise stated.
We accept payment by cash, cheque, money order, Interac, Visa or MasterCard. Cheques or money orders must be made payable to Lakeland College. For your protection, do not send cash through the mail.
If indicated, the physical requirement section of the application form must be completed and signed by an authorized individual who determines an individual’s fitness for fire service duty. This could be a fire chief, municipal secretary, public health nurse, safety nurse, safety supervisor or management member responsible for brigade staffing. Applicants cannot verify their own fitness levels.
Fee Refunds Refunds are calculated on the basis of the official date of withdrawal. Refunds will be considered only when the applicant provides written notification within the specified timelines to the Office of the Registrar.
Members of Alberta municipal fire departments must have the application form signed by the fire chief or designate.
Unless otherwise stated, students withdrawing from a course at least one week before the course starts will receive a 100 per cent refund less a $50 administration fee. No fees will be refunded after a class starts. Fees will be fully refunded if a course is cancelled by the Emergency Training Centre.
Submit the completed application form and the appropriate registration fees to: Lakeland College Office of the Registrar 5707 College Drive Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1K5
Accommodations Students are responsible for making their own arrangements for meals and accommodations. Please refer to the final section of this calendar for a listing of accommodation choices.
Confirmation of Acceptance Applicants will receive a written confirmation of course registration. Included will be a student information package containing important information about college regulations, materials to bring and accommodation choices.
Attendance Classes typically start daily at 0800* hours. Classes may be held on statutory holidays. Absences of more than four hours may result in suspension from the course.
If a course is over-subscribed, applicants will be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list is kept only for the current calendar year. New registration requests must be submitted for the next calendar year.
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
*Exceptions may apply for specific courses and programs.
Emergency Training Centre
Academic Policies and Procedures for Scheduled Courses Discipline
Examination Rewrite
All students should conduct themselves in accordance with college policies, regulations and procedures. In cases where student misconduct occurs, discipline will be applied in a manner consistent with the Student Discipline Policy. The guidelines are on the Lakeland College website: lakelandcollege.ca.
A student failing a written or online examination with a mark between 60 per cent* and 69 per cent* will be allowed one rewrite for that course. The application to rewrite is available online at lc-etc.ca or by contacting the Office of the Registrar toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8633 or 8441. The application must be made within 60 days of release of the test scores. The rewrite must be completed within 60 days of acceptance of the rewrite application and fee.
Student Appeal Process Students receiving academic or non-academic disciplinary decisions/actions may appeal those decisions that have an adverse personal or academic impact.
*Exceptions may apply for specific courses and programs.
Equivalent Standing
Lakeland College recognizes prior education when it is a course pre-requisite and necessary for course progression. To receive equivalent standing for a Lakeland course, the equivalent course must be evaluated and a minimum grade of 70 per cent achieved.
A transcript is an official record of a student’s grades. Students can go to the website (lakelandcollege.ca) to request official transcripts. Transcripts are free, but there is a cost for expedited service. A transcript will not be released to a third party without written authorization from the student.
Miscellaneous Fees ETC replacement certificate Examination rewrite fee Equivalent standing Rescheduled examination (late write) Registration change Course extension fee Course cancellation fee*
Students with Special Needs Lakeland College recognizes its duty to provide academic accommodation to students with disabilities. Within the limits of its resources, and having due regard for the rights and entitlements of other students and college staff who may be affected, the college will, where reasonable, remove barriers and provide opportunities to students with disabilities. Students with physical, sensory or learning disabilities should contact the accessibility advisor well in advance of their course for assessment of necessary support services and employment goals. Additional support, such as interpreters and technical assistance, must be arranged prior to course/program start.
$40 $145 min. $100 $160 $50 $100 $100
*If a client-hosted course is cancelled by the host department after materials are sent, the host department will be billed.
Examinations All written examinations require a minimum passing score of 70 per cent*. Where applicable, a student can write a course examination only after successful completion of the practical components. *Exceptions may apply for specific courses and programs.
Emergency Training Centre
Distance Learning: Client-hosted Training Client-hosted Training
Proctors and Evaluators
Our client-hosted service allows emergency services departments to host ETC courses for their members. The host department assumes responsibility for scheduling the course and providing qualified instructors and proctors/evaluators.*
Client-hosted courses involving a written examination require a proctor to supervise the examination.* Courses involving practical components require practical evaluations by an approved evaluator. See the Clienthosted Handbook found at lc-etc.ca in the Distance Training tab for information about the current process.
How to Apply
*Some proctors and evaluators charge a fee for service. Check with your proctor and/or evaluator. It is your responsibility to pay these fees.
Procedures to apply for and conduct client-hosted training are outlined in a step-by-step handbook. You can download the Client-hosted Handbook from lc-etc.ca in the Distance Training tab.
To qualify as a proctor or evaluator, a person must: • Be approved by ETC.
• Complete the Application to Host a Course form, found at lc-etc.ca in the Distance Training tab.
• Be someone of good standing in the community, such as a fire chief, minister, teacher, librarian, professor, commissioner of oaths or similar office holder, who is not associated with the training.
• Ensure the application form is complete. • Applications that do not include complete course application information or course fees will not be processed.
• Not have been involved in the delivery of the training. • Not have a personal relationship with the training instructor or any of the candidates writing the exam or being evaluated.
• Email the application to dlearn@lakelandcollege.ca or fax it to Distance Learning at 780.853.4348. *If a client-hosted course is cancelled by the host department after materials are sent, the host department will be billed the course cancellation fee.
• Sign applicable agreements acknowledging their intention to comply with the testing procedures and regulations. • Have passed the training they will be evaluating as well as NFPA 1041 Level II. • Not be a member of the host department. Exceptions: for NFPA 1001and NFPA 1021, the instructor may proctor these courses and no separate evaluator is required.
Client-hosted Training Information For more information about Client-hosted Training contact Distance Learning at 780.581.2054 or toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2054 or email dlearnfire@lakelandcollege.ca
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Distance Learning: Client-hosted Training Courses Requiring Approved Site
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer
Host departments will have to ensure that they have an approved site and/or the required equipment to host some courses. Courses that require an approved site and/or the required equipment are:
Rescue Awareness (NFPA 1006 Ch.5) Rope Rescue Level I/II Confined Space Rescue Level I/II Trench Rescue Operations Level I/II
• NFPA 1001 - Structural Firefighting (FFTS-S700)
NFPA 1021 Fire Officer *
• NFPA 1001 - Hazardous Materials Fires (FFTS-S800)
Fire Officer Communications and Background Knowledge (FOTP–250) Introduction to Basic Supervisor Functions (FOTP–300) Safety Regulations and Basic Investigation (FOTP–400) Single Incident Management (FOTP–500) Legal Aspects and Evaluating Performance (FOTP–600) Administrative Functions and Fire Investigation (FOTP–700) Multi-Unit Incident Management (FOTP–800)
• NFPA 1001 - Firefighter Level I/II • NFPA 1002 - Fire Department Vehicle Driver/Operator • NFPA 1006 - Rescue Awareness (NFPA 1006 Ch. 5) • NFPA 1006 - Rope Rescue Level I/II • NFPA 1006 - Confined Space Rescue Level I/II • NFPA 1072 - Dangerous Goods Technician • NFPA 1081 - Industrial Fire Brigade Incipient, Advanced Exterior, Interior Structural and Leader Levels
Basic Emergency Management Emergency Operations Centre Management Incident Command System 100 NFPA 1001 Firefighter Building Construction (FFTS–S200) Basic Fireground Ops (FFTS–S300) Fireground Water Supplies (FFTS–S401) On Scene Support Ops (FFTS–S500) Structural Firefighting (FFTS–S700) Hazardous Materials Fires (FFTS–S800) Fire Safety (FFTS–S900b) Pre and Post Incident Ops (FFTS–S1000a) Portable Fire Extinguisher (FFTS–S1000b) Vehicle Extrication (FFTS–S1100) NFPA 1002 Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Fire Apparatus - Driving and Maintenance (NFPA 1002 Ch. 4) Fire Apparatus – Pumping Operations (NFPA 1002 Ch. 5) Aerial Apparatus
Emergency Training Centre
RT-100 RT-110/120 RT-111/121 RT-112/122 ID# QETC 140 QETC 141 QETC 142 QETC 143 QETC 244 QETC 245 QETC 246
*Instructors teaching NFPA 1021 courses are responsible to mark and provide feedback on assignments throughout delivery of the course.
List of Available Courses for Client-hosted Delivery Emergency Preparedness
NFPA 1041 Fire Service
Instructor Level I Fire Service Instructor Level I
NFPA 1051 Wildland Firefighter
Wildland Firefighter Level I
QETC 101 QETC 102 QETC 103 QETC 104 QETC 105 QETC 207 QETC 208 QETC 209 QETC 106 QETC 210
NFPA 1072 Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents Dangerous Goods – Awareness Dangerous Goods – Operations NFPA 1081 Industrial Fire Brigade Member Incipient Level Advanced Exterior Level Interior Structural Level Industrial Fire Brigade Leader
ID# 1041-1 ID# 1051-01 ID# FFTS–S900a FFTS–S1200 ID# IND-104 IND-105 IND-106 IND-110
FFTS–S601 2-PU 3-PU
Distance Learning: Correspondence Courses Correspondence
Extensions and Proctors
Our correspondence service allows individuals the option to pursue training on their own. Students are responsible for scheduling and arranging for a qualified proctor to oversee their examinations.
Students may apply for one four-week extension at a cost of $100. A completed Application for Course Extension form must be submitted and paid for prior to the end date of the course.
How to Apply
Correspondence courses involving a written examination require an approved proctor to supervise the examination.*
• Complete the Correspondence Application Form, found at lc-etc.ca in the Distance Training tab.
*Some proctors and evaluators charge a fee for service. Check with your proctor and/or evaluator. It is your responsibility to pay these fees.
• Ensure the application form is complete. Applications that do not include complete course application information or course fees will not be processed.
To qualify as a proctor, a person must: • Be approved by ETC.
• E-mail the application to dlearnfire@lakelandcollege.ca or fax it to the Office of the Registrar at 780.853.2955. Applicants are responsible for meeting the prerequisites needed and any special requirements outlined in the course description as found in the current course calendar.
• Be someone of good standing in the community, such as a fire chief, minister, teacher, librarian, professor, commissioner for oaths or similar office holder, who is not associated with the training. • Sign applicable agreements acknowledging their intention to comply with the testing procedures and regulation.
Course Scheduling All courses offered by correspondence will begin after the application is processed. Students have eight weeks from the start date to complete their course, including the writing of the final examination.
• Not have any personal or familial relationship with the course instructor or students.
Correspondence Information
Withdrawals and Refunds
For more information about correspondence courses contact Distance Learning at 780.581.2054 or toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2054 or email dlearnfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Students may withdraw from a course until the end of the fifth week of the course by notifying the Office of the Registrar. There are no refunds once materials have been sent to the student.
List of Available Correspondence Courses Correspondence course fees are $255 unless otherwise indicated. NFPA 1021 Fire Officer
Fire Officer Communications and Background Information* (FOTP–250) Introduction to Basic Supervisor Functions (FOTP–300) Safety Regulations and Basic Investigation (FOTP–400) Legal Aspects and Evaluating Performance (FOTP–600) Administrative Functions and Fire Investigation (FOTP–700)
QETC 140 QETC 141 QETC 142 QETC 244 QETC 245
*Course fee is $350.
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Online Courses Online Courses
Course Scheduling
Our online course service provides individuals, departments and industry another option to complete their training. Students are able to complete the courses while juggling home and work priorities.
Information to access your online course will be emailed to you once your application has been processed. Students typically have four weeks to complete their online course, including writing of the final exam.
How to Apply
• Complete the Online Course Application form, found at lc-etc.ca in the Distance Training tab.
Students may apply for one four-week extension at a cost of $100. A completed Application for Course Extension form must be submitted and paid for prior to the end date of the course.
• Ensure the application form is complete. • Applications with insufficient information cannot be processed and will be returned.
• Ensure payment is enclosed.
Some of the online courses involving a written examination require a proctor to supervise the examination. You must ensure you have made arrangements for a proctor to supervise your examination.*
• Applications that do not include the course fee will not be processed until payment is received. • Email or fax the application to the Office of the Registrar, Lakeland College: Email: onlinelearningetc@lakelandcollege.ca Fax: 780.853.2955
*Some proctors and evaluators charge a fee for service. Check with your proctor and/or evaluator. It is your responsibility to pay these fees. To qualify as a proctor a person must: • Be approved by ETC. • Be someone of good standing in the community, such as a fire chief, minister, teacher, librarian, professor, commissioner for oaths or similar office holder, who is not associated with the training. • Sign applicable agreements acknowledging their intention to comply with the testing procedures and regulations. • Be someone who has had no part in instructing the course. • Not have any personal or familial relationship with the course instructor or students.
Online Course Information For more information about online courses contact Course Development at onlinelearningetc@lakelandcollege.ca or call toll free 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2039 or 2006. List of Available Online Courses Emergency Preparedness
Basic Emergency Management* 1-BEP I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System* 1-ICSEP *Course fee is $125.
Emergency Training Centre
Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services Program Overview
Career Opportunities
If you’ve worked in emergency services industry for a number of years and would like to learn how to be an effective manager in this industry, then the Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services degree program is designed just for you. The Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services is a post-diploma applied degree program designed to provide integrated leadership skills applicable to workers in the emergency services industry including, but not limited to, fire, medical, police, military and corrections.
• Emergency services project manager • Emergency services development manager • Manager or administrator in: • Fire services • Disaster services • Emergency medical services • Police department • Emergency services
This blended online program offers the convenience of completing your degree while working, since learning material and assignments are completed online. Over a 3.5 year period, students will complete learning modules online, with the exception of one course taken in the classroom. Other Business Administration or University Transfer courses may be taken as electives at the discretion of the department chair and program coordinator.
Graduation Requirements To be eligible to receive a Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services, students must successfully: • Complete the necessary modules covering a range of core and non-core competencies • Complete 800 practicum credit hours
Candidates will have demonstrated a competency in the entry- and intermediate-level skill requirements for their field. The program’s elective modules emphasize the integrated nature of emergency services and provide students with a holistic view of emergency services management. Included in the program are two16-week directed practicums during which you will create and implement a supervised management/leadership project.
• Submit a written project report Fees are assessed on a per-semester basis at the time of registration.
Admission Requirements Direct: Graduates of a diploma program related to emergency services may be eligible for direct entry. Indirect: Candidates will be assessed on the basis of official transcripts totaling 1,200 hours of training related to emergency services. Applicants must have a minimum of three years although five years of full-time work experience in the emergency services industry is preferred.
Directed Practicum Project Students are expected to make their own practicum arrangements, generally with their employer. Practicum projects will be developed in consultation between a facilitator, the employer and the student.
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Emergency Training Centre
Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services Curriculum Core Modules (students must complete all) BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES BES
301-3 OH&S Programs Development and Organization 325-1 Ethics for Emergency Services Managers 330-1 Statistics for Administrators 340-1 Accounting Principles 340-2 Financial Statement Analysis 340-3 Capital Budgeting 341-1 Interpersonal Communications* 341-2 Crisis Communications* 344-1 Human Resource Management* 355-1 Emergency Services Management 355-2 Emergency Services Administration Planning & Policy* 356-1 Strategic Business Planning 356-2 Resource Management 362 Emergency Preparedness and Response (on-site) 370-1 Performance Management and Coaching 370-2 Organizational Behaviour 370-3 Team Leadership & Development 380-1 Critical Thinking* 380-2 Reflective Thinking* 400 BAppBus: ES Practicum I* 410 BAppBus: ES Practicum II*
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 15 15
Elective Modules (students must complete 6) BES
341-3 Public Relations/Media Skills for Managers 1 BES 341-4 Critical Incident Stress Management 1 BES 344-2 Legal Issues in Emergency Services 1 BES 344-3 Labour Relations/Contract Law 1 BES 355-3 Strategic Management I 1 BES 355-4 Strategic Management II 1 BES 356-3 Risk Management 1 BES 375-1 Future of Leadership 1 Total 60 *Transfer credit is not available for these modules.
Emergency Training Centre
Emergency Services Technology
Program Overview
In addition to the listed requirements:
Emergency Services Technology (EST) is the only full-time diploma program in Canada that provides a combination of firefighting and emergency services skills. This unique and comprehensive program prepares you for entry-level career positions in municipal and industrial firefighting, and pre-hospital emergency services.
• Fire specialization - Proof of Standard First Aid and CPR Level C certification (valid to Feb. 2021), or Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) course. EMR is not required for the fire specialization though it is strongly recommended. Having it may allow more options for employment as well as the flexibility to reconsider the medical specialization (if space permits).
The program is 36 weeks long followed by practicum placements. After completing the core training, you will have achieved NFPA 1001 firefighting credentials. Then you complete more specialized training in either the fire or medical fields.
• Medical specialization - Proof of Basic Life Support CPR, and proof of EMR or Advanced First Aid valid to February 2021 To be successful in the program, students must have basic computer literacy in word processing, spreadsheets, and Internet use.
Program Schedule: March 2, 2020 - February 12, 2021 (includes practicum)
Program Fees* (subject to change)
Admission Requirements
Medical specialization Fire specialization Medical specialization • ACP Exam • Registration • iPad (estimated) Uniform & Textbooks (estimated) • Medical specialization • Fire specialization Bunker gear deposit (refunded on completion)
• Minimum age 18. • High school diploma with a minimum of 50 per cent in: ELA 30-1or ELA 30-2, Math 20-3 and one Grade 12 science (Biology 30 is preferred). • Alberta Class 5 or equivalent driver’s license and airbrake endorsement. If you have a Graduated Driver’s License, you may apply, but you must have your unrestricted Class 5 with airbrake endorsement to be accepted.
$18,624 $18,884 $900 $525 $575 $1,300 $900 $500
*A $90 non-refundable application fee must be submitted with the Application for Admission Form.
• Clear criminal record check will be required for practicum placement. Contact your local police for cost and procedure. • Completed EST program checklist. • Completed Medical Clearance Form.
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Emergency Services Technology Credentials Earned in Medical Specialization
Credentials Earned in Fire Specialization
Graduates of the medical specialization will be awarded:
Graduates of the fire specialization will be awarded:
• Diploma in Emergency Services Technology from Lakeland College
• Diploma in Emergency Services Technology from Lakeland College
• Primary Care Paramedic (EMT-A Certificate)
In addition, graduates will meet the certification requirements for:
In addition, graduates will meet the certification requirements for:
• NFPA 1072 Dangerous Goods First Responder Operations Level
• NFPA 1072 Dangerous Goods First Responder Operations Level
• NFPA 1001 Firefighter Professional Qualifications Level II
• NFPA 1001 Firefighter Professional Qualifications Level II
• NFPA 1002 Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications – Apparatus Equipped with Fire Pump
• NFPA 1051 Wildland Firefighter Professional Qualifications Level I
• NFPA 1002 Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications – Apparatus Equipped with an Aerial Device • NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications (Confined Space Rescue Level II) • NFPA 1041 Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications Level I • NFPA 1051 Wildland Firefighter Professional Qualifications Level I
Credit Towards: • NFPA 1031 Fire Inspector Professional Qualifications Level I • NFPA 1033 Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications
EST Program Information Complete program information can be found at lakelandcollege.ca/LCetc or by contacting an enrolment specialist at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8789.
Emergency Training Centre
Firefighter Training Program (FFTP) Program Overview Looking for the competitive edge? Get it through our Firefighting Training program (FFTP). The FFTP is offered several times a year in a full-time, 12-week block as well as a blended option. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1001 - Firefighter Professional Qualifications is widely endorsed by departments as a necessary credential for new hires. Our program’s curriculum exceeds the requirements set out by the NFPA, and includes more practice runs and other hands-on skill-building opportunities. The FFTP forms the prerequisite for entry to other NFPA professional standards training. As the program is typically oversubscribed, applicants may be placed on a waiting list for the next available program start date. More information about admission requirements and application forms can be found at lakelandcollege.ca/ ETC-DLforms. A document outlining the physical demands of live-fire training and the medical examination form are available at lakelandcollege.ca/ETC-DLforms or from the Office of the Registrar.
Program Fees* (subject to change) Tuition Textbooks & Uniform (estimate)
$9,681 $750
*A $90 non-refundable application fee must be submitted with the Application for Admission Form.
Admission Requirements • Minimum age 18 • High school diploma with a minimum of 50% in: • English 30-1 or English 30-2 • Math 20-3 • One of any Grade 11 Science • Class 5 or equivalent driver’s license with airbrake endorsement. • Completed Medical Clearance Form.
Onsite Firefighter Training Program Schedule Location: Emergency Training Centre, Vermilion, Alta. ID #
Start Date
End Date
April 20, 2020
July 10, 2020
May 4, 2020
July 24, 2020
July 27, 2020
October 16, 2020
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Firefighter Training Program (FFTP) Academics Online/Practical Onsite Firefighter Training Program Schedule Lakeland College ETC is offering the Firefighter Training program online. The academic portion is delivered online and then followed by on-site, practical training at ETC. Uniforms are required for the onsite practical training. Location: Theory online, practical at Emergency Training Centre, Vermilion, Alta. ID #
Start Date
End Date
E1 Theory
January 27, 2020
April 17, 2020
E1 Practical
April 20, 2020
May 22, 2020
Credentials Graduates of the FFTP will be awarded: • NFPA 1072 Dangerous Goods First Responder - Operations Level • NFPA 1001 Firefighter Professional Qualifications Level II • NFPA 1002 Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications – Apparatus Equipped with Fire Pump • Lakeland College Certificate of Achievement - Firefighter
Complete Program Information For information about the full-time program contact our enrolment specialist at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8789 or check out the website at lc-etc.ca.
Firefighting Training Program Courses Required Course
105 NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter Level I 10 111 NFPA 1072 Dangerous 1 Goods Awareness FF 113 NFPA 1002 Fire Apparatus - Driving 2 and Maintenance FF 214 NFPA 1002 Fire Apparatus - Pumping 2 Operations FF 205 NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter Level II 6 FF 211 NFPA 1072 Dangerous 2 Goods Operations Total 23
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1001 - Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications
Program Overview
Basic Fireground Operations (formerly S300)
Candidates will receive a transcript from the college for successful completion of ETC examinations and evaluations. Please note that the NFPA 1001 series courses meet the prerequisites for entry to other NFPA professional standards training.
ID #QETC 102
For information about completing the courses on a part-time basis contact the Office of the Registrar at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8633 or check out thewebsite at lc-etc.ca.
• Structural Search and Rescue
Recognition Certificate
May 11 - 15, 2020
Emergency Training Centre clients who have successfully completed all of the individual modules comprising the NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter series (Level I/II) are eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Fireground Water Supplies (formerly S401)
• The applicant must have completed all the training through Lakeland College to be eligible for a level certificate.
• Fire Hydrant Flow Testing
• General Knowledge and Skills I • SCBA • Exiting a Hazardous Area • Equipment Cleaning and Checking Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
ID #QETC 103
• Hose Cleaning Inspection • Perform an Annual Service Test on Fire Hose • Water Supplies
• Further information is found on the form at lakelandcollege.ca/ETC-DLforms
• Responding on Apparatus
Level I Courses
Level II Courses
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
• QETC 101
• QETC 207
May 19 - 22, 2020
• QETC 102
• QETC 208
On Scene Support Operations (formerly S500)
• QETC 103
• QETC 209
ID #QETC 104
• QETC 104
• QETC 210
• Forcible Entry
• QETC 105
• Ground Ladders
• QETC 106
• Horizontal Ventilation
Building Construction (formerly S200)
• Vertical Ventilation
ID #QETC 101
• Overhaul a Fire Scene
• Fire Behaviour
• Property Salvage
• Building Construction I
• Emergency Scene Illumination
• Building Construction II
• Utilities Shutdown
• Building Construction III
Prerequisite: QETC 102
• Fire Department Communications I
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
May 25 - 29, 2020
May 4 - 8, 2020 Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1001 - Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications Structural Firefighting (formerly S700) ID #QETC 105
Portable Fire Extinguishers (formerly S1000b) $1,065
ID #QETC 106
• Wildland Fires
• Portable Fire Extinguishers
• Vehicle Fires
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
• Class A Structural Fire
June 2, 2020
• Coordinate an Interior Attack Line
Vehicle Extrication (formerly S1100)
• Interior Structure Fire - Live Fire
ID #QETC 210
Prerequisites: QETC 102, 103,104 & valid driver’s license with air brake endorsement
• Vehicle Extrication • Assist Rescue Operation Teams
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
• Maintain Power Plants and Equipment
June 22 – 26, 2020
Prerequisite: QETC 102
Hazardous Materials Fires (formerly S800) ID #QETC 207
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam $1,605
July 13 - 17, 2020
• Extinguish an Ignitable Liquid Fire
NFPA 1001 Firefighter Level I Challenge
• Control a Flammable Gas Cylinder Fire
Eligible candidates must have successfully completed all the modules included in this level. - i.e. QETC 101, QETC 102 QETC 103, QETC 104, QETC 105, QETC 106 or S200, S300, S400, S500, S700, and S1000b. A minimum number of students is required in order to offer this testing. To receive a refund, students must withdraw a minimum of 30 days prior to the testing date.
Prerequisites: QETC 102,103 & valid driver’s license with air brake endorsement Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam June 30 - July 2, 2020
Fire Safety (formerly S900b) ID #QETC 208
August 8 – 9, 2020
• General Knowledge and Skills II
Deadline to apply is July 5, 2020.
• Fire Department Communications
NFPA 1001 Firefighter Level II Challenge
• Fire Safety Survey
Eligible candidates must have successfully completed all the modules included in this level. - i.e. QETC 207, QETC 208, QETC 209, QETC 210 or S800, S900b, S1000a, S1100. A minimum number of students is required in order to offer this testing. To receive a refund, students must withdraw a minimum of 30 days prior to the testing date.
• Fire Safety Information • Incident Command System Prerequisite: QETC 101 Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
August 14, 2020
July 22 - 23, 2020
Deadline to apply is September 10, 2020.
Pre and Post Incident Operations (formerly S1000a) ID #QETC 209
• Protect Evidence of Fire Cause and Origin • Pre-incident Survey Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam July 20 - 21, 2020
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1002 - Fire Department Vehicle Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications Program Overview A fire department vehicle contains an array of sophisticated apparatus. With this training, you learn how to make the most of its capabilities — and yours. Excellent skill development for general firefighters and pump operators, and an opportunity to cross-train personnel as backup to vehicle operators. The three NFPA 1002 courses are textbook-based. Application for ProBoard and IFSAC certificates can be downloaded from alberta.ca/fire-rescue-servicecertification-forms.aspx Note: Course fees do not include textbook costs. Students are responsible for purchasing their textbooks.
Pump Level Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification. Requirements for certification: • NFPA 1001 Level I • FFTS-S601 • #2-PU
FFTS-S601 Fire Apparatus - Driving and Maintenance (NFPA 1002 Ch. 4) ID #FFTS-S601
The theory and practical components of this textbookbased course include: • Fire Apparatus – Preventive Maintenance • Driving – Operating Fire Apparatus Prerequisites: QETC 103, valid driver’s licence and air brake endorsement Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam June 22 - 26, 2020
Fire Apparatus - Pumping Operations (NFPA 1002 Ch. 5) ID #2-PU
This textbook-based classroom and practical course, includes pump performance, relay, apparatus service tests, pump maintenance, foam fire streams, and hydraulic calculations used in the fire service. Also learn about the flow of water through large-diameter hose and single- and double-hose lays. Prerequisite: FFTS-S601 & valid driver’s license with air brake endorsement Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam June 15 - 19, 2020 July 6 - 10, 2020
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1002 - Fire Department Vehicle Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications Aerial Device Level Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification.
Additional Training
Certification requires successful completion of NFPA1001 Level I.
IAPD Driving ID #1-IAPD
Aerial Apparatus ID #3-PU
This two-day course includes both lectures and hands-on driving. The IAPD driving course has proven to decrease accidents and provide a safer driver environment for emergency response personnel. Included in this course are vehicle safety checks, mental aspects of driving, understanding body dynamics, cornering techniques, braking, hydroplaning, reading the road and accident avoidance. Upon completion of this program you will receive a certificate from the International Academy of Professional Driving.
The theory and practical components of this textbookbased course include types and construction of aerial apparatus; hydraulic systems on aerial devices and apparatus; operating, positioning and stabilizing aerial apparatus; strategies and tactics; elevated master streams; and aerial apparatus testing. Specific requirement: A valid driver’s license (Class 3 preferred) with air brake endorsement Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Prerequisites: Minimum 18 years of age and Class 5 license with air brakes. (Class 3 with air brakes preferred).
April 27 - May 3, 2020 September 28 - October 2, 2020
Evaluation: Proctored written exam and practical evaluation
Prerequisite: FFTS-S601
To arrange for corporate training and pricing please contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1006 - Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications Program Overview
Confined Space Rescue Level I and Level II
The NFPA 1006 technical rescue standard divides rescue operations for emergency services into highly specialized disciplines. We are now proud to offer the following of those disciplines in individual week-long programs. The disciplines of technical rescue would be of interest to any agency that participates in rescue operations or may assist in rescue teams. Students will develop specialized skills focused on safe and effective mitigation of rescue environments, including Rope Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, and Trench Rescue Operations.
ID #RT-111/121
This week-long, textbook-based course teaches the student to become proactive in rescue by recognizing the hazards of a confined space, identifying which of those hazards can be managed, and taking the proper steps to safely and effectively manage the hazard through basic and advanced skill sets. Skills that are covered include pre-planning a rescue, air monitoring, lockout/tagout, ventilation and inerting, using ICS, strategic rescue factors, safety, providing built-in rescue equipment and managing the hazards of a confined space. The students also participate in a critical discussion about accident prevention.
Note: Course fees do not include textbook costs. Students are responsible for purchasing their textbooks.
Prerequisites: RT-100
Rescue Awareness (NFPA 1006 Ch. 5) ID #RT-100
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
August 10 - 14, 2020
This week-long, textbook-based course is the prerequisite for all the technical disciplines that fall under NFPA 1006. This course includes basic command system, rescue operations organization, surveying the scene for hazards, scene safety, personal protective equipment, rescue equipment, care and maintenance of personal protective equipment, ground support for helicopters, site operations, resource management, terminating an incident, knots, single-point anchors and rigging, as well as hauling and belaying systems.
Vehicle Rescue ID #RT-113 This course will prepare the responder to recognize the importance of all aspects of the incident scene, including preplanning, accessing the rescue scene, stabilizing and packaging a victim, extricating the vehicle and terminating the incident. This course meets the NFPA 1006 standard but is not IFSAC or ProBoard certified at this time.
Prerequisites: FMR, EMR, Advanced First Aid (St. John’s or Red Cross) or equivalent
To arrange for corporate training for the above courses, please contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam July 20 - 24, 2020
Rope Rescue Level I and Level II ID #RT-110/RT-120
This week-long technician course builds on and extends the skills and knowledge gained in Rescue Awareness (NFPA 1006 Ch. 5). Learn skills necessary to participate and/or lead a rope rescue operation. Includes steep and high-angle rescue techniques, multiple-point anchors, compound rope haul systems, ascending and descending a fixed rope, performing various tasks while suspended from a rope rescue system, moving a victim in a high-angle or vertical environment, and highline systems. Prerequisite: RT-100 Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam July 27 - 31, 2020 Applications for ProBoard and IFSAC certificates can be downloaded from alberta.ca/fire-rescue-servicecertification-forms.aspx.
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1021 - Fire Officer Professional Qualifications
Program Overview
Fire Officer Communications and Background Knowledge (formerly FOTP-250)
Candidates will receive a transcript from the college for successful completion of ETC examinations and evaluations. Please note that the NFPA 1021 series courses meet the prerequisites for entry to other NFPA professional standards training. Effective January, 2017, IFSAC and ProBoard certification are granted by the Office of the Fire Commissioner when the evaluation for each level is completed.
ID #QETC 140
This textbook-based course supplies you with the background knowledge necessary to assume the role of company officer. This includes a broad range of firefighting and managerial information that allows you to effectively supervise and manage the firefighters in your company and contribute to the smooth operation of your fire department in routine and emergency situations. This course accommodates a broad range of written and verbal interpersonal communication skills. When you complete this course, you’ll have a working knowledge of the various written documents used in the fire service, communication concepts, presentation types and delivery of presentations. You will be able to operate in an information management system as well as in all levels of the incident management system used by your department.
Prerequisite: QETC 140 must be completed before enrolling in QETC 141, 142, or 143. QETC 141, 142, or 143 do not have to be taken in sequential order. Note: Course fees do not include textbook costs. Students are responsible for purchasing their textbooks.
Recognition Certificate Emergency Training Centre clients who have successfully completed all of the individual modules comprising the NFPA 1021 Fire Officer series (Level I or II) are eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Evaluation: Assignment, proctored written exam
Introduction to Basic Supervisor Functions (formerly FOTP-300)
• The applicant must have completed all the training through Lakeland College to be eligible for a level certificate.
ID #QETC 141
• Further information is found on the form at lakelandcollege.ca/ETC-DLforms
This textbook-based course covers the company officer’s basic supervisory and administrative functions at the unit level of the fire department. Students learn to supervise the members of their unit in daily activities and apply human relations policies and procedures. Students also prepare budget requests and execute routine administrative functions.
Level I • Fire Officer Communications and Background Knowledge (formerly FOTP-250) • Introduction to Basic Supervisor Functions (formerly FOTP-300)
Prerequisite: QETC 140
• Safety Regulations and Basic Investigation (formerly FOTP-400)
Evaluation: Assignment, proctored written exam
• Single-unit Incident Management (formerly FOTP-500) Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1021 - Fire Officer Professional Qualifications Safety Regulations and Basic Investigation (formerly FOTP-400) ID #QETC 142
Legal Aspects and Evaluating Performance (formerly FOTP-600) ID #QETC 244
Prerequisite: QETC 140
This textbook-based course introduces the increased responsibilities of a Level II Fire Officer. Students will look at their responsibilities in dealing with the law and government, in the professional development and evaluation of members’ performance, in analysis of and recommendations in response to members’ injuries and incident patterns and in organizing cooperation with allied organizations.
Evaluation: Assignment, proctored written exam
Prerequisite: NFPA 1021 Level I
This textbook-based course prepares the company officer to respond to community needs and inquiries from the public and protect the safety and well-being of unit members. On the operational side, the company officer will learn to draw up pre-incident plans, secure an incident scene and conduct a fire investigation.
Evaluation: Assignment, proctored written exam
Administrative Functions and Fire Investigation (formerly FOTP-700)
#QETC 140, 141, & 142 courses are available via correspondence. Please refer to page 10 for additional information on correspondence courses.
ID #QETC 245
Single-unit Incident Management (formerly FOTP-500) ID #QETC 143
This textbook-based course covers more advanced administrative requirements of the Level II Fire Officer. Students will prepare a budget proposal, a news release, and reports. They will identify service demands and develop policy or procedural changes. Finally, students will determine the preliminary cause of fire to assess if arson is involved.
Prerequisite: NFPA 1021 Level I
In this textbook-based course, learn to develop an initial action plan at an incident. This knowledge is then synthesized with the skills needed to implement the action plan, communicate effectively in an emergency situation, complete an incident response report and conduct a postincident analysis of the situation.
Evaluation: Assignment, proctored written exam
Prerequisite: QETC 140
QETC 244 & 245 courses are available via correspondence.
Evaluation: Assignment, practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Please refer to page 10 for additional information on correspondence courses.
March 16 - 19, 2020
Multi-unit Incident Management (formerly FOTP-800)
Level II • Legal Aspects, Evaluating Performance, and Inspections (formerly FOTP-600)
ID #QETC 246
• Administrative Functions and Fire Investigations (formerly FOTP-700)
In this textbook-based course, learn how to conduct a preincident plan, supervise multi-unit emergency operations and deploy available resources while working within the incident management system. Realistic simulations will be created to allow you to serve in command staff and unit supervision positions. Finally, you will develop and conduct a post-incident analysis for a multi-unit incident and produce a written report of your findings.
• Multi-unit Incident Management (formerly FOTP-800)
Prerequisite: NFPA 1021 Level I Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam October 26 - 30, 2020 Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1021 - Fire Officer Professional Qualifications Level III ID #OFF 1021-3
Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification. Certification will be administered by by the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management of Ontario. Certification requires successful completion of NFPA 1021 Level II. Fire Officer III content includes community/government relations, model planning, budgeting, human resources, trends and support organizations, and emergency service delivery. You will develop a fire service organizational program similar to that of a basic strategic plan as part of the evaluation Prerequisite: NFPA 1021 Level II Evaluation: Assignments and projects
Level IV ID #OFF 1021-4
Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification. Certification will be administered by by the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management of Ontario. Certification requires successful completion of NFPA 1021 Level III. Fire Officer IV’s content builds on lessons learned in the Fire Officer III course and includes leadership, communications, human resources, long-range planning and risk management. You will develop a research paper as part of the evaluation. Prerequisite: NFPA 1021 Level III Evaluation: Assignments and projects
If you are interested in taking these courses, please contact the Office of the Registrar toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8633.
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1041 - Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications Program Overview
Level II
This training is designed for firefighters interested in the challenges of professional instruction. The theory and techniques will also be useful to anyone who has a safety training role in other organizational settings, or who is involved in developing fire safety educational materials. Studies emphasize the development of skills in curriculum design, classroom presentation and management, and program assessment and evaluation.
Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification. • Fire Service Instructor Level II (ID #1041-2)
Fire Service Instructor Level II ID #INST1041-2
This advanced textbook-based course is designed to prepare Level I Fire Service Instructors to deliver lessons using a variety of instructional methods. Manage resources and record-keeping systems, schedule and evaluate practical training sessions, supervise and evaluate other instructors, and analyze student test results. Assignments in this course deal with lesson plan development and delivery; lesson plan adaptation; the creation, administration, and analysis of student assessment instruments; classroom and practical training evolution supervision and management; instructor supervision and evaluation; and course scheduling and budgeting.
Note: Course fees do not include textbook costs. Students are responsible for purchasing their textbooks. Applications for ProBoard and IFSAC certificates can be downloaded from alberta.ca/fire-rescue-servicecertification-forms.aspx.
Level I Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification. • Fire Service Instructor Level I (ID #1041-1)
Prerequisites: INST1041-1 Fire Service Instructor Level I
Fire Service Instructor Level I ID #INST1041-1
Evaluation: Assignments, practical evaluation, proctored written exam
This textbook-based course develops the skills of lesson plan development and presentation for both classroom and training ground. This course covers learning theory, communication, safety and legal considerations, the learning environment and student behaviours, testing and assessment, training administration, training aids, copyright law, and lesson plan development and delivery.
March 16 - 20, 2020 August 24 - 28, 2020 November 16 - 20, 2020 Note: Students are required to complete and submit five pre-class assignments prior to attending. These assignments must be submitted three weeks prior to the course start date.
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written examination
For confirmed dates please contact the Office of the Registrar toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8633.
February 10 - 14, 2020
Enhanced Presentation Skills This three-day customized course focuses on helping individuals develop presentation skills for both the classroom and training ground. This is a course based on some of the learning objectives and theory covered in the NFPA 1041 Level I course, and is open to any organization interested in improving the verbal and written communication skills of its employees. Students will learn the fundamentals of learning theory, interpersonal communications, effective management of the learning environment and student behaviours, selection and use of training aids, and lesson plan development and delivery. The practical components of the course include activities that reinforce learning and give students a chance to demonstrate skills learned. To arrange for corporate training and pricing, please contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1051 - Wildland Firefighter Professional Qualifications
Program Overview
Wildland Firefighter Level I
This training provides certification at Level I of the NFPA 1051 Standard. Municipal firefighters as well as response teams in remote industrial settings and forestry service personnel will find this useful. The system employed in this training is widely recognized across Canada.
ID #1051-01
This textbook based course provides you with the basic knowledge and skills to combat a wildfire. Content includes basic fire behaviour, firefighter safety, methods of attack including backfire and burnout techniques, water and foam delivery systems, and air-operations safety. The training is designed for municipal firefighters who may face grassland, bush or forest fires. It is also suited to industrial firefighters at sites such as forestry plants, and to urban municipalities with large park areas.
Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification. Applications for ProBoard and IFSAC certificates can be downloaded from alberta.ca/fire-rescue-service-certification-forms.aspx.
Prerequisites: • I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System • Standard First Aid and CPR Level C Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam June 15 - 19, 2020 October 5 - 9, 2020 Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1072 - Hazardous Materials Professional Qualifications
Program Overview
Dangerous Goods, Responder Operations Level
The potential for a hazardous materials incident exists in almost every setting - in industry, on highways, in public institutions and in shopping malls. NFPA 1072 develops the quick assessment, decision-making and safety skills needed by those who may be involved in any level of response to such incidents. The four NFPA 1072 courses are textbook-based.
ID #FFTS-S1200
Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification. Certification requires successful completion of NFPA 1072 Awareness Level.
Note: Course fees do not include textbook costs. Students are responsible for purchasing their textbooks.
• Surveying the Incident and Collecting Information
Applications for ProBoard and IFSAC certificates can be downloaded from alberta.ca/fire-rescue-servicecertification-forms.aspx.
• Estimating the Potential Harm
• Predicting the Behaviour of a Material • Planning the Response • Implementing the Planned Response
Dangerous Goods, Responder Awareness Level ID #FFTS-S900a
• Evaluating Progress Prerequisite: FFTS-S900a
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification.
July 6 - 10, 2020
• Analyzing the Incident • Implementing the Planned Response Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam June 1, 2020 Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1072 - Hazardous Materials Professional Qualifications Dangerous Goods - Technician ID #1-DGTC
Dangerous Goods - Incident Commander $1,470
Successful students are eligible to apply for IFSAC and ProBoard certification.
This course meets the NFPA 1072 standard but is not IFSAC or ProBoard certified at this time.
Certification requires successful completion of NFPA 1072 Operations Level.
This textbook-based course is designed for anyone responsible for directing and coordinating all activities at a dangerous goods incident. Through theory and practical components, it covers types of hazards and response data, estimating outcomes, planning the response, implementing the response, evaluating progress, reporting and documenting the incident, and conducting incident critiques. Students will be expected to wear breathing apparatus and specialized chemical protective clothing.
This 72-hour textbook-based course is designed for anyone who responds to dangerous goods releases or potential releases of dangerous goods. Through theory and practical components, you’ll learn how to respond to and mitigate dangerous goods releases and potential releases. Topics covered include analyzing the incident, collecting and interpreting hazard and response information, describing the condition of the container, predicting the behaviour of containers, planning the response, selecting and using Personal Protection Clothing (PPC), developing appropriate decontamination procedures, and implementing the response. A large part of the course deals with scenarios and hands-on practical application. You will be expected to use specialized chemical protective clothing and specialized control equipment.
Prerequisites: FFTS-S1200 or experience as an incident commander or attendance at a recognized incident command course such as our previous Firefighting Strategy and Tactics - Command (Theoretical). Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam To discuss off-site or corporate training, contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Prerequisite: FFTS-S1200 Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1081 - Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications
Program Overview
Incipient Level
NFPA 1081 is a textbook-based course which identifies the core and site-specific training competencies of a fire brigade member in the industrial environment. ETC offers four courses in NFPA 1081:
ID #IND-104
• Incipient Level
Incipient Level is a prerequisite for entry into the Advanced Exterior, Interior Structural and Brigade Leader courses. The course is directed at personnel who would deal with incidents at the incipient stage and provides knowledge of basic fire behaviour, extinguisher, hose, water supply, sprinkler systems, safety orientation, salvage and overhaul, and protecting evidence.
Incipient Level is designed to equip current and prospective brigade members with the basic knowledge of industrial firefighting.
• Advanced Exterior Level • Interior Structural Level • Brigade Leader Note: Industrial fire brigade members who operate industrial fire brigade apparatus at any level of NFPA 1081 qualifications may be asked by the brigade management to meet the applicable requirements of NFPA 1002 before receiving the NFPA 1081 certification.
Prerequisite: FFTS-S900a Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Advanced Exterior Level
To discuss off-site or corporate training for your company’s fire brigade, contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
ID #IND-105 Advanced Exterior Level is designed to give brigade members the knowledge and skills necessary for fighting exterior industrial fires, including the use of PPE, SCBA, building search and rescue techniques, advanced exterior firefighting techniques, and more.
These courses meet the NFPA 1081 standard but are not IFSAC or ProBoard certified at this time.
Prerequisites: FFTS-S900a, IND-104 Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
NFPA 1081 - Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications Interior Structural Level
NFPA 1081 Challenge Opportunity
ID# IND-106
Firefighters with NFPA 1001 Level II certification may challenge NFPA 1081 Incipient, Advanced Exterior and/or Interior Structural Levels.
Interior Structural Level is designed to give brigade members the knowledge and skills necessary for fighting interior structural fires, with the use of PPE, SCBA, building search and rescue, and more.
A minimum number of students is required in order to offer this testing. To receive a refund, students must withdraw a minimum of 30 days prior to the testing date.
Prerequisites: FFTS-S900a, ID #IND-104 Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Industrial Fire Brigade Leader Level
The NFPA 1081 courses on this page are not scheduled. If you are interested in taking one, please contact the Office of the Registrar toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8633.
ID #IND-110 Industrial Fire Brigade Leader Level is designed to give brigade members the knowledge and skills necessary to become brigade leaders. The course covers command structure and fireground organization, communications, and strategy and tactics. The Brigade Leader Level takes 36 hours to complete, including the theory and practical components. Prerequisites: FFTS-S900a and a level for which the person will be the brigade leader (i.e., Incipient, Advanced Exterior or Interior Structural) Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Emergency Training Centre
Safety Codes Officer in the Fire Discipline
Program Overview
• 100165 Fire, Building Construction & Protection Systems, AFC 2014
Safety Codes Officers (SCOs) are needed in virtually every industry and public sector workplace. With an in-depth understanding of the provincial Safety Codes Act and other technical knowledge, SCOs in the fire discipline help ensure public safety by monitoring and inspecting a variety of installations and structures.
• 100167 Fire, Inspection Procedures, AFC 2014 • Fire, Practical Evaluation for Inspector (Practicum) * Fire Group B Level 2 Inspector • 100169 Fire, Courtroom & Legal Procedures, AFC 2014
The reorganization of the SCO courses has been completed. All theory courses are offered online through the Safety Codes Council and the practical courses are offered at Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre.
• 100170 Fire, Building Evaluation & Plan Reviews, AFC 2014 • 100168 Fire, Evaluating Alternative Solutions, AFC 2014 • 1-AINSP Fire, Applied Inspection (Practicum) *
For further information visit safetycodes.ab.ca
Fire Group C Level 1 Investigator
Safety Codes Council SCO Delivery
• 100116 Fire, Effective Writing Techniques for Fire SCOs
Fire Group A
• 100080M Introduction to the Safety Codes System in Alberta
• 100140 Professional Communications Skills for Safety Codes Officers
• 100165 Fire, Building Construction & Protection Systems, AFC 2014
• 100115 Fire, Introduction to Written Communications for Fire SCOs
• 100166 Fire, Properties of Materials, AFC 2014
• 100143 Fire, Basics of the Safety Codes Act in Alberta, AFC 2014
• 100171 Fire, Cause Determination, AFC 2014 • 100172 Fire, Investigation Procedures, AFC 2014
• 100144 Fire, Introduction to the Alberta Fire and Building Codes, AFC 2014
Fire Group C Level 2 Investigator
• 100141 Fire, Introduction to Fire Inspection, AFC 2014
• 100169 Fire, Courtroom & Legal Procedures, AFC 2014
• 100142 Fire, Introduction to Fire Investigation, AFC 2014
• 100170 Fire, Building Evaluation & Plan Reviews, AFC 2014
Fire Group B Level 1 Inspector
• 100173 Fire, Advanced Investigation Procedures, AFC 2014
• 100116 Fire, Effective Writing Techniques • 100080M Introduction to the Safety Codes System in Alberta
• 1-AIPRA Fire, Applied Investigation (Practicum)*
• 100166 Fire, Properties of Materials, AFC 2014 Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
*Practicums offered at LC ETC. 30
Emergency Training Centre
Safety Codes Officer in the Fire Discipline SCO Courses Offered at ETC Fire, Practical Evaluation for Inspector (Practicum) ID #1-IPESC
This practical evaluation for Fire Inspector Level I examines whether you have learned the inspection process taught in the Fire Inspector Level I courses. Prerequisite: Safety Codes Officer Inspector Level I courses Evaluation: Practical evaluation January 27 – 30, 2020 (minimum of 4 students required)
Fire, Applied Inspection (Practicum) ID #1-AINSP
This course encompasses the practical application of the skills and knowledge acquired in Building Evaluation and Plans Review (1-BEPR) and Fire Protection Equipment and Water Supplies (1-FPEWS). Prerequisites:1-BEPR Building Evaluation and Plans Review, 1-CLPSC Courtroom and Legal Procedures for Fire Safety Codes Officers, 1-FPEWS Fire Protection Equipment and Water Supplies and NFPA 1031 Level I Evaluation: Practical evaluation Note: Students are required to supply their own copies of the AFC and ABC. February 10 – 13, 2020 (minimum of 4 students required)
Fire, Applied Investigation (Practicum) ID #1-AIPRA
Apply the skills and knowledge you learned to write a report, to justify the logic of your investigative processand findings. Prerequisite: 1-AINVP Advanced Investigation Processes Evaluation: Practical evaluation March 30 - April 2, 2020 (minimum of 4 students required)
Emergency Training Centre
Emergency Preparedness Program Overview
I-200 Basic Incident Command System
These courses are designed for a wide range of personnel who may be called upon to deal with a major emergency situation in a municipal, industrial or institutional setting. Training can take place at ETC or in suitable facilities at other locations. Course length and content can be tailored to specific needs.
This 16-hour course is the second level in ICS training and is for anyone who may have to manage small- to moderate-sized emergency incidents or respond as part of an integrated team using ICS. The concepts presented in Introduction to ICS will be expanded and applied during practical exercises. This course has been recently updated to reflect the latest information available in conjunction with CIFFC and the Alberta Emergency Management Agency.
To register for the courses listed below contact the Office of the Registrar toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8632 or 8633.
Prerequisite: 1-ICSEP Introduction to Incident Command System 100
Basic Emergency Management ID #1-BEP
Evaluation: Proctored open-book written exam
Learn how to carry out planning and operations for emergencies in this broad-based, eight-hour course (online or print-based). Start with planning-process theory and apply operation procedures to a spectrum of simulated disasters. Through case studies you’ll examine coordination of disaster management functions.
January 20 – 21, 2020
I-300 Intermediate Incident Command System ID #3-ICSEP
This 24-hour course is the third level in ICS training and is intended for anyone who may have to manage moderateto large-sized single-jurisdiction, multi-agency emergency incidents or respond as part of an integrated team, using ICS. The concepts presented in the previous ICS courses will be expanded and applied during practical exercises. This course has been recently updated to reflect the latest information available in conjunction with CIFFC and the Alberta Emergency Management Agency.
Evaluation: Open-book written exam Note: This course is available online. Please see page 11.
Emergency Operations Centre Management ID #1-EOCM This course introduces the basic principles of emergency operations, along with standard operating procedures for an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). Planners and officials will learn to operate effectively as staff members of an EOC. This course follows the standards recommended by the Alberta Emergency Management Agency.
Prerequisite: 2-ICSEP Incident Command System 200 Evaluation: Proctored written exam January 22 – 23, 2020
Prerequisite: Basic Emergency Management is recommended
For more information on these courses or to arrange for corporate training and pricing contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Evaluation: Proctored open-book written exam
I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System ID #1-ICSEP This four-hour, self-study module (online or print-based) is an introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS). Learn ICS organization, basic terminology and common responsibilities associated with assignments. This course is a prerequisite for further ICS training and can be adapted for classroom delivery. This course is current with the latest information available from CIFFC and the Alberta Emergency Management Agency. Evaluation: Open-book written exam Note: This course is available online. Please see page 11.
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Extinguisher Training Program Overview
Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Maintenance
When budgets are tight, it often makes sense to have in-house expertise for preventive maintenance and to repair valuable equipment. These courses will be useful for anyone involved in or wanting to learn about servicing, recharging, testing, repairing and overhauling fire extinguishers. Those currently working in certified shops or wishing to enter the industry, as well as private or corporate sector organizations that want to provide proprietary servicing in their own certified shops, would also benefit from this course.
This course focuses on proper procedures for inspecting, maintaining, servicing and hydrostatic testing of fire extinguishers, as well as the recognized standards for the selection and installation of extinguishers. Learn how to set up, maintain and manage proper fire extinguisher records and inspection tags. This course is approved by the Fire Technical Council, meeting the requirements for a certificate of training as per the Alberta Fire Code. Successful students will be awarded a Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Maintenance Certificate. Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam January 27 - February 1, 2020 March 9 - 13, 2020 August 10 - 14, 2020 June 22 - 26, 2020 October 26 - 30, 2020 December 7 - 11, 2020 To register, contact the Office of the Registrar toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8633. Note: This course is only available at the Emergency Training Centre.
Introduction to Fire Extinguishers ID #1-IFE
This four-hour course is for administration staff and laypeople. Learn the components of the fire tetrahedron, different types of fire, classes of extinguishers and their rating systems, and the PASS (pull, aim, squeeze and sweep) method of using portable extinguishers. Extinguish small Class A and Class B fires with a 1 kg multipurpose extinguisher and learn to recognize the limitations of small portable fire extinguishers. Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam For corporate training contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Emergency Training Centre
Additional Courses
Firefighter Fundamentals ID #FE-101
Fire Marshal $1,965
ID #CM-107
This course is designed to equip current and prospective brigade members with essential skills and knowledge needed for appropriate safe response to a Class A or Class B fire. Also learn about safe response; fire behaviour; the care, maintenance and safe use of personal protective equipment; SCBA; portable fire extinguishers; fire hose, nozzles and couplings; and water and foam fire streams.
This course is designed for the person assigned the formal responsibility of ensuring fire safety in their building or site. The topics or key areas cover legislation requirements; introduction to emergency preparedness; fire marshal responsibilities; overview of fire and life safety measures; introduction to or review of fire behaviour; understanding, selecting, locating and using fire protection equipment; and emergency response procedures.
Evaluation: Practical evaluation, proctored written exam
Evaluation: Proctored written exam
August 24 - 28, 2020 October 13 - 16, 2020
To arrange for corporate training and pricing for the above courses, please contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Livestock Handling in Emergencies ID #LP-115
This course is designed to equip responders in dealing with accidents involving livestock in transport. This course will give you the knowledge and skills to increase your safety and effectiveness when you respond to livestock in transport emergencies. Evaluation: Proctored written exam
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre Field Rental
Are you looking for a location to do some practical training with your department? Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre offers the training field for such purposes. You can rent the whole field or just those props that will meet your training requirements. For a closer look at our facilities, visit our interactive map online at lc-etc.ca/interactive-map/. ETC training props include: • Aircraft technical/Auxiliary power unit
• Pipe alley
• Compressor shack
• Process unit
• Confined space prop
• Propane pad
• Dangerous goods pad
• Smoke tower
• E/W railcar
• Vehicle/Dumpster
• Extinguisher props
• Vehicle extrication pad
• Field classroom
• Ventilation
• Fire tower
• Wildland
• Fire investigation
• Nozzle manipulation
• Loading dock
• Fire behaviour (thermal layering)
• Multi-level 3D foam
• Break glass
• Multi-level industrial complex
• Wall breach
• Multi-level technical rescue To arrange for ETC training field rental and prices, contact the Business Development Office at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 2038 or 8437 or email businessdevfire@lakelandcollege.ca.
Emergency Training Centre
Driver Training
Driver Training
Get your Class 1 or Class 3 in Alberta or Saskatchewan with one of our qualified instructors for hands-on, one-on-one training. We offer preparation for pre-trip inspection, as well as use of the Lakeland College truck and trailer for the 1.5 hour pre-trip/road test. The cost and length of training depends on you.
In this 12-hour course you will learn how to effectively operate and maintain air brakes systems, as well as the knowledge and skills required to inspect your vehicle’s brake system to ensure its road worthiness, through theory and hands-on practical learning. You will receive a certificate upon successful completion of a practical exam, to take to Alberta Registries to complete a written exam for the endorsement.
Prerequisites for course: 18 years of age or older, full Class 5 driver’s licence Prerequisites for evaluation: Commercial medical exam, Class 1 or 3 learners permit, air brake & Q-endorsment
Lakeland College can bring the training to you. If you are interested in scheduling a course in your community or for your company, give us a call. Our instructors are able to bring the training to you to make your life a little easier.
Evaluation: Written exam and road test
Alberta Driver Training
For more information about this course call 780.871.3384 or toll-free at 1.800.661.6490
Lakeland College Fees: Driver Training
$145 per hour
Note: The prices associated with Driver Training and Q-Endorsement courses are subject to change.
Additional Fees: Commercial Medical Exam Written Exam License Reclassification Road Test
$60 - $120 $20 $23 $208.45
Saskatchewan Driver Training Lakeland College Fees: Driver Training
$145 per hour
Additional Fees: Commercial Medical Exam License Reclassification Road Test
$60 - $120 $23 $210
For more information about this training call 780.871.3384 or toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
First Aid Training
Standard First Aid and CPR Level C ID #LP101
Learn standard first aid skills needed during a medical emergency or accident. This 14- to16-hour course is recommended for the general public or workplaces with a low probability of performing CPR. The standard course includes injury prevention content, plus CPR and AED training. This course is site-specific to allow participants to derive maximum benefit. This certification is valid for three years. Evaluation: Practical evaluation, open-book written exam April 30 - May 1, 2020 June 3 - 4, 2020 August 6 - 7, 2020 If you are interested in this course contact the Office of the Registrar toll-free at 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8633.
Emergency Training Centre
Transportaion and Accommodation Accommodations
Lakeland College Alumni House
Pomeroy Inn & Suites Vermilion
Phone: 780.853.8737 or Toll-free: 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8737 Email: alumni.house@lakelandcollege.ca Web: lakelandcollege.ca/services-facilities/alumni-house
4111 - 51 Street, Vermilion, Alta. Phone: 780.853.3066 Toll-free: 1.844.853.3066
• Historic guest house with five guest rooms, a TV room and kitchen
Super 8 Motel Vermilion 5108 - 47 Avenue, Vermilion, Alta. Toll-free: 1.877.853.8008 Phone: 780.853.4741
Other Lakeland College Services: • Cafeteria services with meal packages
Days Inn
• Recreation Centre features gymnasium, racquetball/ squash courts, weight room, swimming pool, and hot tub
4807 - 51 Street, Vermilion, Alta. Phone: 780.853.4771 Fax: 780.853.4754
Ground Transportation • Less than two hours from Edmonton on Highway 16, a fully twinned route
Ventura Motel 4508 - 52 Street, Vermilion, Alta. Phone: 780.853.5375 Fax: 780.853.5383
• Local taxi
Air Transportation
Vermilion Provincial Park
• Two hours from Edmonton International Airport
May - October: 780.853.4372 Off-season: 780.853.8159
Lakeland College Residence 5707 College Drive Residence Phone: 780.853.8543 or Toll-free: 1.800.661.6490 ext. 8543 Email: residence@lakelandcollege.ca Web: lakelandcollege.ca/residence • Five-minute walk from ETC • Residence: single and double rooms with shared bathroom, kitchen, laundry, and lounge. There are a limited number of self-contained, furnished, two and three-bedroom family units. Application for residency is required. • Daily rental units may be available for ETC students staying for short terms (one week or less) between May and August.
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Recreational Opportunities at Lakeland College and around Vermilion Lakeland College Recreation Centre
As students of Lakeland College you have access to all the services available at the Recreation Centre including:
If you are looking at taking it easy and hanging out with some friends, the Vermilion Bowling Alley is the place for you. Public bowling times vary throughout the year, though the alley is closed July and August. The bowling alley is licensed and can set up glow bowling for those who like to bowl in the dark. For more information, contact Striker Lanes at 780.853.4311.
• 3,000 sq. ft. weight training facility, complete with cardio and strength training equipment • 25 m. pool and hot tub • Gymnasium and climbing wall
Vermilion Provincial Park
• Two racquet courts which can be set up for squash, racquetball or wallyball
The Vermilion Provincial Park is located approximately one kilometre north of the college. In the picturesque park you can find numerous maintained trails for:
• Outdoor rink For those students in the EST and FFTP programs, your student ID card is your passport to the entire Recreation Centre. With a $20 cash deposit, municipal students can receive an access card from the administrative assistant to the dean. They can then exchange it for a fob at the Recreation Centre to have free admission to the fitness centre and pool. At the end return the fob to the Recreation Centre and get the card back. Students must return the access card to the administrative assistant to the dean in order to receive their deposit back.
• Running • Biking • Cross-country skiing • Horseback riding The park also offers opportunities for: • Canoeing/kayaking • Fishing (stocked yearly)
Sporting equipment is also available for use on a signout basis at ETC: horseshoes, volleyball, soccer, football, basketball, and hockey.
• Camping • Mini golf/frisbee golf • Splash park
The trails go through the trail system in the park and along the Vermilion River.
As odd as it might be to find a rowing club on the Prairies, there is definitely one in the Vermilion community. Lakeland also has a rowing team that competes in the fall against teams all over Western Canada.
Golfing If you want to keep golfing while at Lakeland there are two amazing nine-hole golf courses in the Vermilion area: • The Vermilion Golf and Country Club is fairly wide open, but you can get yourself into some trouble if your ball strays from the centre of the fairway. To book a tee time or for rates, call 780.853.4444. • The Mannville Golf Course is definitely a challenge, as it is nestled in the Vermilion River Valley with many twists and turns. The third hole sports an island green which, for many, means bringing another ball out of the bag. To book a tee time or for rates, call 780.763.2252.
Emergency Training Centre
Lakeland College 2020 – 1.800.661.6490
Emergency Training Centre
Lakeland Fast Facts Silver and bronze medalists plus three safety awards in the 2019 Alberta Provincial Skills Competition Canada
$1.5 million value of student awards, scholarships and bursaries distribute in 2018-19
2017 NKBA College of the Year & 2018 Excellence in Education for our Interior Design program
9/10 Lance Beloin, 2017 Top Alberta Apprentice Award: Parts Technician
2 campuses, 30+ facilities spanning 2,700+ acres
graduates are currently employed. Source: Class of 2014 Graduate Follow-Up Survey, 2016
William Yap, 2019 Bronze Leadership Excellence Award (Students) Colleges and Institutes Canada
Over 40,000 students and alumni were surveyed and asked to rank their college or university in 55 different categories. Out of 63 colleges across Canada, Lakeland College is honoured to be recognized as one of the top performing institutions in all of Canada. Source: Campus Rankings 2017 Student Survey
1st - College Most Recommended by Students Likelihood of students recommending their school to other students 2nd - Best Overall Value The quality of educational experience for the costs associated 2nd - Happiest Students The overall levels of happiness or unhappiness students feel about their experiences at school
Vermilion Campus 5704 College Drive Vermilion, Alberta Canada T9X 1K4
1.800.661.6490 780.853.5800 Fax 780.853.3008 lc-etc.ca
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Emergency Training Centre