Lloydminster Campus Convocation

Academic Processional

Candidates for Graduation Lloydminster Campus
Business, Energy, Health & Wellness and University Transfer

Candidates for Graduation
Business Administration Diploma: General

Candidates for Graduation
Power Engineering Technician Certificate

Alexander Cherwoniak
Annette Donnenworth
Petroleum Management Diploma
Candidates for Graduation
Hairstyling Certificate
Jennille Berland
Kennedy Cooke
Health Care Aide Certificate continued

Decejane Mathias

2023 Distinguished Alumni Inductee

Marilyn Young, Class of 1997
When Marilyn Young learned she’d been selected as Lakeland College’s 2023 Distinguished Alumna, she thought there had been a mistake. She was assured there was no mistake, as her contributions and accomplishments have been instrumental to building the Lloydminster community. The Class of 1997 business administration alumna was born in Red Deer, Alta., and moved to Vermilion as a child. Marilyn Young taught in Edmonton before meeting Gary Young, who would become her husband and and Hampton Inn with external business partners. She and Gary were also partners in establishing the Three

2023 Distinguished Citizen Inductee Judy Sweet
Judy Sweet believes that adapting to changing circumstances is one of the most essential skills a person can

After living in different Alberta communities in their 20s, Judy and her husband Garth settled in the Drayton Valley area. There, they raised their family and operated 4S Simmentals. Judy also worked at CanOxy, and
After working at CanOxy for 18 years, Judy quit with the intent to retire. Retirement lasted a month, and she

graduating student at each campus who has demonstrated excellence in academics and leadership in student activities. Each President's Medal is numbered and embossed with the crest of Lakeland
Nominations came from all facets of the college including faculty, support staff and students, and are reviewed by the Awards Committee with a recommendation made to the President. , graduate of the Environmental Sciences: Wildlife & Fisheries Conservation

The Governor General's Academic Medal was established in 1873 and is awarded to the student who campus. This medal is engraved with the image of the Governor General of Canada and the personal coat of arms of Her Excellency. The recipient will be registered with the Chancellery of Canadian s recipient for the Vermilion campus will be determined at a later date.

Alumni Tradition
As you leave today, you become an alumnus of Lakeland College. We hope you will continue to visit here to keep alive our traditions and customs, as well as to make new ones. Please make time to join our very active alumni through newsletters, via social media, on our website and at a variety of meeting places from golf tournaments to the annual homecoming.
year, Lakeland College recognizes graduates who have identified themselves as having parents or
Recognized graduates at the Lloydminster Convocation include:

Lakeland College Board of Governors

Adam Waterman .............................................................. Public Member, Chair
Jo-Ann Hall................................................................ Public Member, Vice Chair
Dean Fahselt