2022 PRE-EMPLOYMENTHANDBOOK Trades & Technology

Trades Pre-employment Handbook | 23 Trades Pre-employment Handbook Welcome On behalf of Lakeland College, we would like to welcome you. It is our expectation that your time spent here will be in an environment where you will learn at the highest level. Our instructors are all certified and knowledgeable in their respective fields. Please feel free to approach any of the staff for advice or assistance on any matter that pertains to your training. It is our endeavor to develop you into successful apprentices and high caliber, certified journeypersons. Dave King TradesDean & 780.853.8560Technology Chris Thompson TradesChair & 780.853.8707Technology

Trades Pre-employment Handbook | 45 Trades Pre-employment Handbook Special Note ....................................................... 6 What To Expect From Your Instructor ................... 7 What Your Instructor Expect From You.................7 Other Points To Remember....................................7 Tuition .................................................................. 8 How To Pay 9 Paying With Student Loans 9 Consequences Of Non-payment .......................... 9 Withdrawal And Fee Refund Procedure ............... 9 Awards, Scholarship and Bursaries 10 Government Scholarships For Apprentices ....... 11 Pre-Apprentice Scholarships ............................... 11 Apprentice Occupational Trainee Scholarhips ............................................... 11 World Skills Legacy Scholarship.......................... 11 Federal Grants ....................................................... 12 Apprenticeship Incentive Grant .......................... 12 How to Apply ......................................................... 12 Eligibility ................................................................. 12 Apprenticeship Completion Grant ..................... 12 Policies ............................................................................ 13 Practicum ................................................................ 13 AIT Exam................................................................. 13 Smoking Policy ...................................................... 14 Dress Code ............................................................. 14 Continuing Education ..................................... 16 Other Continuing Education Opportunities 17 College Facilities.............................................. 18 Housing 19 Health Services 19 Parking 19 Wellness Advisor 19 Counsellor 19 Cafeteria ................................................................. 19 Teaching And Learning Commons ..................... 20 Recreation .............................................................. 20 Computers ............................................................. 20 Financial Aid And Awards .................................... 20 Contact List ................................................................... 21 Important Numbers .............................................. 21 Contract ............................................................ 22 Pre-employment Work Experience 23 Pre-employment Work Experience Evaluation 24 Skills And Knowledge 25 Overall Grading 25 Site Map ............................................................ 26

1. To explain in advance the purpose, scope and objectives of a course.
2. To do all the assigned readings.
5. To specify evaluation procedures.
3. To hand assignments in on time
4. To seek clarification of what is not understood in classes or assignments, and to ask for further information as required.
8. To give students an opportunity to respond through questions and comments, and to answer all reasonable questions conscientiously and courteously.
7. To mark tests, papers, etc., bearing in mind that the evaluation process will enable the student to progress with an enhanced learning experience.
Achieving a good working relationship with faculty members is an important factor in being a successful student. Part of the responsibility for achieving this rests with you, the student.
9. To assist students in preparing for tests and exams.
Trades Pre-employment Handbook 67 Trades Pre-employment Handbook
1. To attend all classes.
3. To make the purpose and scope of each lecture or class clear.
5. To use tests as an opportunity to learn about your progress and performance.
2. To give a clear schedule of material to be covered and reading and writing assignments to be completed.
4. To explain assignments fully and clearly.
If you have concerns, your first point of contact should be your instructor(s). If you continue to have difficulties, you may contact the Chair, or finally the Dean.
6. To take responsibility for your own learning.
7. To prepare for classes.
What To Expect
10. To be available for consultation, via fixed office hours or arranged appointments.
11. To support students with their educational goals
6. To evaluate students.
Sponsored students (Human Resources Canada, Workers’ Compensation etc.) must supply a letter of commitment from the sponsoring agency at or before registration.
Paying StudentWithLoans
The refund period occurs within the first week of the scheduled delivery. Students must submit a completed Withdrawal From College form. During the refund period (the first week), the student’s enrolments will be removed with a 50 per cent refund of tuition paid less the tuition deposit and safety certification costs. After Friday at 4:30 pm of the first week, no refund is given. After the refund period but during the withdrawal period, “W” grades will be assigned to all course registrations where no final mark is available. No refund. After the withdrawal period has ended, “WF” grades will be assigned where no final mark is available. No refund.
Withdrawal and Fee Refund Procedure
If you are paying your fees with a government student loan, we automatically request funds from your student loan to be sent to Lakeland to cover those fees each semester. Saskatchewan student loan holders will have the full year’s mandatory fees deducted if sufficient funds are available.
Consequences of Non-payment
Trades Pre-employment Handbook 89 Trades Pre-employment Handbook
Failure to pay your fees on the due date will result in a $200 late fee being charged to your account. An additional $100 fee will be charged for each week thereafter on any outstanding balance. Non-payment of fees will result in cancellation of your registration at Lakeland ApplicationsCollege.andregistrations for students with outstanding accounts will not be processed. If you have an outstanding account, your examination results, official transcripts, diplomas/certificates, and other information and services will be withheld.
How To Pay Lakeland College accepts payment by cheque, money order, Interac, Visa or MasterCard. Cheques or money orders should be made payable to Lakeland CreditCollege.card payments can also be made on My Lakeland. New students will be emailed My Lakeland log-in information approximately 3 weeks before registration. Cash should not be sent through the mail.
Trades Pre-employment Handbook 1011 Trades Pre-employment Handbook
Does the company you or your parents work for offer scholarships?
World Skills Legacy Scholarship You can also download our annual scholarship information booklet to learn more about the scholarships available or to find out about becoming a scholarship donor. For more information, go to Trades Secret: http://tradesecrets.alberta.ca/financialassistance/scholarships/
Most of the Lakeland College trades awards and scholarships are faculty recommended which means you aren’t required to fill out an application. Do well in your course or make a positive impact on classmates and instructors and you may be recognized.
Check around your community for other possibilities.
Don’t forget to check out possible awards. Many scholarships go unawarded because they didn’t have an applicant. We list some of the possibilities in our external awards page, but this is just a sample.
These scholarships recognize the excellence of Alberta apprentices in a trade and trainees in a designated occupation and encourage recipients to complete their apprenticeship or occupational training programs.
The Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Board provides more than 900 scholarships to apprentices and occupational trainees every year.
Check organizations related to your field of study. They may have an award.
Government Scholarships for Apprentices
Pre-Apprentice Scholarships encourage those completing pre-apprenticeship training programs to continue in the trades and complete their apprenticeship training Awards Index
Registere Apprenticeship Program (RAP)/Career & Technology Studies (CTS)
You can search our database of awards, scholarships, and bursaries. It also informs you the difference between the three types of free money.
These scholarships recognize the accomplishments of Alberta high school students participating in RAP and CTS and encourage them to continue their apprenticeship training after completing high school.
Apprentice ScholarshipsOccupationalandTrainee
Organizations that you, your parents or even your grandparents belong to may also have a scholarship or bursary.
Check national listings (on our external awards page) for http://www.lakelandcollege.ca/campus-life/financial-aid-and-awards/scholarships
Students must attain a 65% average to be eligible to write the 1st period Apprenticeship and Industry Training Apprenticeshipexam. Industry Training standard pass rate for provincial theory and practical exams is 70%.
• A registered apprentice with an employer, training trust fund, union training centre, joint apprenticeship training committee, or apprenticeship authority
For more information on the Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG), visit
• In a Red Seal trade program that is designated as such in the province or territory where you are registered as an apprentice
Federal Grants
To be eligible for the AIG, you must be:
Trades Pre-employment Handbook | 1213 Trades Pre-employment Handbook
How to Apply
• Out of high school
For more information on the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG), visit http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/goc/apprenticeship/incentivegrant/program.shtml
• Able to show progress within an eligible apprenticeship program by proving that you have successfully completed either the first or second year/level (or equivalent), through supporting documents.
Letter F C+ B- B B+ A- A A+ PercentRange 0-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-100 Points 0.0 2.30 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.70 4.00 4.00
The ACG builds on the existing Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG) and provides an additional incentive for Canadians to finish their training and launch rewarding careers in the skilled trades.
Introduced in Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG) is a taxable cash grant for apprentices who complete their apprenticeship training and obtain Red Seal endorsement or a provincial or territorial Certificate of Qualification in a designated Red Seal trade.
Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG)
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG)
Unexcused absences may be cause for dismissal from the program at any time. Absences due to Covid-19 symptoms will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
You can apply for the grant if you have completed your in-school technical and on-the-job training for the first or second year/level (or equivalent) of your apprenticeship program.
Practicum Lakeland College requires a completion of a work experience practicum as a condition for graduation in the Pre-Employment program. Students receive work experience in an operating environment assigned by the practicum coordinator. Students must have a 65% average as a pre-requisite for the practicum. Students must attend a minimum of 90% of the work experience days. Lakeland College and the host will jointly determine a Pass/Fail upon successfully completing the work experience. The host is not the student’s employer and is not responsible to provide financial compensation or benefits to the student. At any time before or during the practicum, a drug and alcohol test could be requested by the host; positive test result will lead to dismissal and an inconclusive grade for the practicum component of the course.
Many Canadians who wish to pursue a career in the skilled trades face financial barriers. That's why the Government of Canada created the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG). The AIG is a taxable cash grant of $1,000 per year for registered apprentices once they have successfully completed their first or second year/level (or equivalent) of an apprenticeship program in one of the Red Seal trades. The AIG is meant to help apprentices cover some of the expenses related to tuition, travel and tools.
• Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Policies Students, who successfully complete the requirements of the program and pass with an average of 65% or greater will receive a certificate of achievement. In accordance with Lakeland College Policy, if a pre-employment trade student is absent for six hours, the instructor will fill out a “Trades and Technology Special Report” and forward it to the program chair. If the student is absent for 12 hours, another report will be sent to the chair and a meeting will be scheduled with the student to address the absenteeism. If student is absent for 4.5 days (27 hours), they may be dismissed from the program.

14 Trades Pre-employment Handbook Smoking Policy Lakeland College is designated as a non-smoking facility. Dress Code • Approved work ware as per OH & S standards (long pants and sleeved shirts) • CSA approved safety toed boots (green tagged, omega rated and above the ankle) • Safety glasses Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (W.H.M.I.S.) In accordance with the Federal Government Chemical Hazards Regulation, Section 17, all students enrolled in a six-week or longer Trades course will be required to successfully complete a College W.H.M.I.S. awareness course.

Trades Pre-employment Handbook 1617 Trades Pre-employment Handbook 04. CONTINUINGEDUCATION Other Continuing Education Opportunities The School of Trades and Technology at Lakeland College offers training that extends beyond the regular full-time programs. If you or your employer(s) are looking for short courses, we presently have several options that are available for your specific needs. We offer courses in several areas: • Introductory to Welding • B-Pressure Preparation • B-Pressure Testing • CWB Testing • Master Electrician Certification • Red Seal Electrician Preparation • Red Seal Welder Preparation • Class 1 – MELT Truck Driver Training • Class 3 Truck Driver Training • Q Endorsement/ Air Brakes • Street Rod Restoration If there is any extension training you are interested in contact Nadine Farkash at (780) 853-8493 to discuss your needs.

While attending school, you are covered under a Student Accident Insurance Policy. If you are injured at any time, the policy may pay for ambulance, crutches, or medication. Forms must be filled out in Health Services.
Alumni Hall, Student Services Health Services is located in Alumni Hall and deals with all illnesses or injuries. A Registered Nurse is available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. from Monday to Friday in AllVermilion.apprentices are required to submit a completed Health Services Record on Registration Day.
Trades Pre-employment Handbook | 1819 Trades Pre-employment Handbook 05.
Wellness Advisor Call or text the wellness advisor (780.853.8434) at any time if you need help in any of the following areas: mental health wellness, social wellness, spiritual wellness, physical wellness, financial wellness, educational wellness. The Wellness Advisor will also provide class presentations on wellness topics.
Alumni Hall, Room AH 156
Health Services
Hours of 7:30Operation:a.m.to4:00 p.m. - Monday through Friday (Sept. - April) 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. - Monday through Friday (May - June)
Housing Residence Office, and Alumni House
The college does not assume responsibility for the cost of medical treatment or hospitalization. You should check your coverage under Alberta Health Care or, if you’re from out of province, with your provincial health insurance regarding services while attending Lakeland College.
Counsellor Call 780.853.8650 or text 780.871.3954
The cafeteria is open five days a week. Hours of operation may vary during off peak season. You may buy meals on an individual item basis or purchase a discounted meal plan. Ask about our “Meal Plan Card.” For further information, contact the Manager of Food Services. The cafeteria is managed by Aramark Services and the vending machines by Conference Services.
For current information on rates and requirements please access the college website: www.lakelandcollege.ca
Parking Free parking is available in parking lots F, B, C and the south row of lot G in Vermilion. No tag is required. A limited number of private energized parking stalls are available for a fee of $25/ month for lots G and Q. Since there are a limited number of energized stalls, a first come-first serve basis and lottery draw system are used. (Note: Power is not guaranteed during extreme cold temperatures when electrical power is at peak demand.) If you want an energized parking stall, contact the Residence Office in Vermilion at (780) 853-8543.
Alumni Hall, Room AH 026 780.853.8438.
Contact List
Dave King, Dean 780.853.8560
• To provide financial information and assistance with money management.
Diane Winter, Admin Assistant 780.853.8539
Elieen Arthur, Business Industry Development Coordinator 780.853.8567
School of Trades & Technology Staff
Kari Dougan, Admin Assistant to the Dean 780.853.8822
Computers Alumni Hall, room AH 032 To have access to college computers in the Library and labs, all students must register with Information Technology.
Dave Harasiuk, Okrainetz, 780.853.8542 Ribley, 780.853.8591 780.853.8732 780.853.8635 Cusack, 780.853.8625 780.853.8489 780.853.8404 Lakusta, Head 780.853.8819
Instructor 780.853.8813 Mark
Teaching and Learning Commons is located in AH 026 (inside the library) and offers academic assistance to all Lakeland College students at no charge. The Learning Commons offers college prep 101, student success workshops, individual consultation, peer tutoring programs, special needs services, students can also use the area for study purposes.
Nadine Farkash, Business Industry Development Coordinator 780.853.8493
Electrical Greg Barr, Electrical Lab Technician 780.853.8570 Dave Bates, Program Head
Clint Zimmerman, Instructor 780.853.8520 Important Numbers Registar Apprenticeship780.853.8429Registration Clerk 780.853.8500 Nurse 780.853.8516 Wellness Coordinator 780.871.5722 Counsellor 780.853.8650 Financial Aid & Student Awards 780.853.8418 Residence 780.853.8543 Library 780.853.8463 Recreation 780.853.8402 Learner Success 780.808.9623 Security 780.853.8505 Alberta Innovation & Advanced Education 1.800.248.4823 Local Office 4701 52 www.tradesecrets.alberta.caVermilion,StreetAlberta
The recreation department at Lakeland College believes that exercise is a key element to living a good life. Whether you are interested in a competitive game of badminton or just a fun game of volleyball, we can accommodate you. The recreation complex is open seven days a week and boasts one gymnasium, two racquetball/squash courts, a 3000 square foot weight room, and a swimming pool complete with steam room and whirlpool. The best part is that it’s all covered by your comprehensive fee—all you have to do is present your student identification card. Come on down to the recreation department and participate—you’re almost guaranteed to enjoy yourself!
Welding David Jones, Lab Technician
Trades Pre-employment Handbook 2021 Trades Pre-employment Handbook
Marty Butz, Lab Technician 780.853.8435
Lyle Kragnes, 780.853.8810 Lewis, 780.853.8617
Mark Hager, Program Head 780.853.8784
Financial Aid and Awards Alumni Hall, Student Services The Financial Aid and Awards Office, located in Alumni Hall, serves two purposes:
Arne Nelson, Instructor
Joshua Anderson, Instructor
Teaching And Learning Commons
• To administer the bursaries, awards and scholarships of Lakeland College.
Chris Thompson, Chair 780.853.8707

1. The host will aid in preparing evaluation reports as requested by Lakeland College.
9. Lakeland College will maintain general liability insurance for the student.
11. The student maintains Worker’s Compensation Board Coverage under Lakeland College’s agreement with WCB.
7. The host will not request the student to perform any task unless it may be reasonably expected according to the student’s training and experience.
The host organization agrees to participate in this work experience program under the following terms:
• Standard First Aid and CPR with AED – Level C • H2S Alive • Fall Protection • Construction Safety Training System (CSTS 2020) – Fundamentals
8. The host is not an employer of the student and is not responsible to provide financial compensation or benefits to the student.
12. The practicum host should be in contact with Nadine when student has completed 120 practicum hours. The period of training will be from November 22 – December 17, 2021, providing twenty (20) days of Work experience or minimum one hundred twenty (120) hours.
6. The host will record the student’s unscheduled absences from the workplace.
Lakeland College requires completion of a work experience practicum segment as a condition for graduation in the PreEmployment Electrician program. Students receive work experience in an operating environment. Students must attend a minimum of 90% of the work experience days. Lakeland College and the host will on a Pass/Fail basis jointly determine successful completion of the Work Experience.
Trades Pre-employment Handbook 2223 | Trades Pre-employment Handbook 06. CONTRACT
Confirmation of Worker’s Compensation coverage for Practicum Students is available upon request.
10. Lakeland College will indemnify the host against any claims and all losses, costs, or expenses arising out of all damage to equipment, caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the student.
2. The host and Lakeland College will mutually agree to a schedule of supervision of the student by Lakeland College, to evaluate work performance and experience.
4. The student will be governed and abide by the policies and rules of the host while at the work site.
Name of Host Company: Name of Student: Signed and Accepted: Lakeland College Date Host Date Student Date
3. Lakeland College verifies that prior to the commencement of the Work Experience, as part of the Pre-Employment program, the student has successfully completed certified training in:
5. The host may terminate the student’s work experience at any time by notifying Lakeland College.
Signed and College Date Host Date Student Date
Trades Pre-employment Handbook 2425 Trades Pre-employment Handbook Pre-employment Work Experience Evaluation General Information Student’s name Work Experience Host • Company Name •Name of Student’s Supervisor Work Experience Start Date Work Experience End Date Attendance criteria Practicum Requirement: 20 days or minimum 120 hours Minimum Attendance for Successful Completion: 90% attendance Number of days/hours the student attended: Employment While not mandatory, has the student been offered employment? Overall Grading The overall grading for the student is Pass/Fail: Skills & Knowledge Please grade the student in the performance of Skills & Knowledge, which is on the next page, using the following key: 1. Needs Practice 2. Average 3. Proficient 4. Not Applicable Please review your grading with the student at the completion of the Work Experience. (Optional) Please provide comments. Skills & Knowlege Grade Comments QualitySafety Control Tools, Equpiment & Materials Seems to have a basic knowledge of: Communication Skills General Attitude Seems to understand basic accident prevention principles and practices to promote injury-free work performance. Complies with company quality control standards. 1. Hand tools 2. Portable power tools 3. Material handling equipment Shows ability to communicate with co-workers, to listen to supervisor(s), and to ask questions when in doubt. Shows ability to work as a team member. Demonstrates appropriate work ethics and attitude. Demonstrates stamina and desire to perform in work Maintainssituation a standard of dress and grooming acceptable to work situation and company.
Accepted: Lakeland
Trades Pre-employment Handbook 2627 Trades Pre-employment Handbook ACB D J K Q N H G F M E L KK D P G2 28 38394042 44 43 41 33 35 37 363429 30 31 32 3 2 4 5 1516 1312 14 6 7 98 10 11 1 17 18 19 2421 25 26 27 22 23 20 E3 E2 E4 E5E6E7 E1 Quad 105 C Joyce Stewart House College FarmTown of RegionalVermilionCentre COLLEGE DRIVE RED BRICK ROAD TRAILSCOTTBECKIE STREET57 ROADHARCUS Live FieldTraining&Props To Research Centre West on College Drive, turn south on Beckie Scott Trail/Range Road 70. (1.9 km) Lakeland College Vermilion Campus Alumni Hall (AH) Alumni Hall Theatre, Cafeteria, Human Resources, Learning Commons (Library), Student Services and Executive Offices Newcombe N. Bentley Building Arboretum Academic Link Applied Engineering Trades Centre WHT Mead Animal Science Centre CentralTBA heating plant Colonel Cormack Recreation Centre Pool Alumni House Student Centre Students’ Association Office & Spurs AnimalLivingGreenhouse/HorticultureServiceShipping/Receiving/PrintingCentreRoofPavilionHealthClinic Farm Office & Shop Agriculture Technology Centre Oscar Peterson AI Facility Cow/Calf Barn Sheep Learning Centre Feed G.N.RodeoEquineMillCentreClubBarnSweetLivestock Research Facility Dairy Learning Centre2423423562225262778910111131214151617282930313218192021 Buildings Smoke Tower Austin Bridges WaterPumphouseFireMackay-MaKeyBuildingBuildingTowerTreatmentFacility & Ponds Field ClassroomE4E3E2E5E6E7E1 Emergency Training Centre Reserved Staff & Student Day ShortUseTerm Visitor Reserved Staff Day Use Reserved Staff & Student Day Use Reserved Staff Reserved Residence Scramble Day ReservedUse Staff Reserved Residence Scramble Day Use for Recreation Centre only Reserved Residence Scramble ParkingThetaZetaGammaBetaAlphaKappa ResidenceLambdaOmegaSigma Office Residence Village 32 4038394142434434353637 100 A–D 101 A–D 102 A–C 103 A–D 104 A–C 105 A–C 106 A–D CB DA J QN H G2GFMELKP 5707 College Dr, Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1K5 Delta Townhouses G2 07. SITE MAP

28 | Trades Pre-employment Handbook School of Trades & Technology Lakeland College 5707 – College Drive Vermilion, AB T9X 1K5 1.800.661.6490