Lakeland College Comprehensive institutional plan 2015-18

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2015 - 2018

Comprehensive Institutional Plan

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Table of Contents Executive Summary


Accountability Statement


Institutional Context


Plan Development


Environmental Scan


Goals, Priority Initiatives, Expected Outcomes, and Performance Measures


Financial and Budget Information


Internationalization 29 Information Technology


Capital Plan


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Executive Summary As Alberta post-secondary institutions continue to face fiscal challenges, Lakeland College is solidly building on its strengths, addressing its weaknesses, opening up to new opportunities, and meeting external challenges. This 2015-18 Comprehensive Institutional Plan (CIP) captures many of the exciting developments at the College as it strives to inspire learner success, foster relevant programming and research, and enhance connectivity and sustainability. Practicing a Live the Learning approach, innovating in teaching and learning, and aligning with stakeholders establish the foundation for the College to deal with both internal and external challenges. There is a need to create an integrated talent management approach as well as a desire to refine and focus the Lakeland brand. External opportunities for growth and engagement can be found in sustainability and entrepreneurship, flexible learning delivery, and research. Lakeland is also proactively facing the challenges of critical deferred maintenance as well as an urgent need for new capital investment. The College’s strategic plan centres around four central outcomes:

Learner Success • Expand and enhance Live the Learning • Improve student retention

Relevant Programming and Research • Optimize enrolment and programming • Build research capacity

Connectivity • Create or enhance strategic partnerships

Sustainability • Develop our people • Achieve operational excellence Despite a base grant reduction of 1.4%, the College is presenting a balanced budget for 2015/16 through a combination of expense reduction and modest revenue generation. Other than specific resource requests for information technology and capital expenditures, all current goals will be met by utilizing current College resources or through cost-recovery initiatives. Lakeland College strives to ensure it can adapt to the current economic environment in a way that still enables achievement of Lakeland’s key strategies and outcomes as well as alignment to the Government of Alberta and the Ministry of Innovation and Advanced Education’s key priorities.

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Accountability Statement This Comprehensive Institutional Plan was prepared under the Board’s direction in accordance with legislation and associated ministerial guidelines, and in consideration of all policy decisions and material, economic, or fiscal implications of which the Board is aware.

Darrel Howell Chair, Board of Governors Lakeland College

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Institutional Context Mandate Statement Established under the Post-secondary Learning Act (PSLA), the Board manages and operates the postsecondary institution within its approved mandate [PSLA Section 60(1)(a)]. Lakeland College is a public, board-governed college operating as a Comprehensive Community Institution under the authority of the PSLA. Established in 1913, Lakeland College has campuses in Vermilion and Lloydminster. Lakeland College awards certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees. The College also offers baccalaureate degree programs in collaboration with degree-granting institutions. Complementing the economic strengths of Alberta, Lakeland College’s programming seeks to meet the needs of learners, communities, business, and industry in its service region. Programming includes agricultural and environmental sciences, apprenticeship and industry training, energy, fire and emergency services training, wellness and human services, business, and university transfer. The College also designs and delivers programs to meet specific learner, community, and industry needs through continuing education and corporate training. Lakeland College promotes innovation by conducting applied research activities that are relevant to its program areas, complement teaching and learning, and advance innovation-based rural community economic development. The focus of applied research is primarily in agricultural sciences and energy and environmental sciences. Initiatives are geared towards supporting Alberta’s future economy by helping industry partners capitalize on new opportunities and find solutions to current challenges. Lakeland College’s commitment to the collaborative principles of Campus Alberta is demonstrated through partnerships and transfer agreements within the postsecondary system that strengthen its programming and service capacity while improving efficiencies.

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Lakeland College works with school jurisdictions to host career and technology studies courses and support learner pathways into post-secondary such as providing dual credit programming so students can earn high school and college credits at the same time. Using different instructional delivery methods including face-to-face, blended, and distance learning, Lakeland College is able to maximize learner access to high-quality and affordable lifelong learning opportunities. To inspire learner success, Lakeland College provides a learning and teaching commons that creates personalized learning pathways and supports instructional excellence. Students develop competencies in different learning methods and technologies, so they are prepared for lifelong learning. International projects, practicum experiences, and study abroad opportunities, combined with increased international student enrolment at the College’s campuses, help prepare students for participation in an interconnected world. To enhance students’ college experience, Lakeland College offers a full range of services including academic advising, athletics, cafeterias, clubs, financial aid, health, learning strategies and support, recreation, residence, student centres, student employment, and wellness services. The College has numerous specialized facilities such as multiple music studios, two community theatres, two recreation centres, a swimming pool, and an indoor riding arena that are often the site of community events and activities and help support the recreational, cultural, fitness, and conferencing needs of the region it serves. Approved by the Lakeland College Board of Governors, March 25, 2015 Pending approval by the Ministry of Innovation and Advanced Education

Plan Development Internal and external consultation on the development of this CIP is ongoing. Internal discussions have taken place with key stakeholders including student groups as well as academic and support staff. Students and staff are engaged in long-term planning for Lakeland by discussing and providing feedback to the College on future programming, needs of future learners, Lakeland’s competitive edge, and recruitment and retention. The College is committed to open communication with Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education to ensure that all provincial expectations are met while still addressing access and quality needs for Lakeland learners. Lakeland’s Accountability Systems Committee stewards the document through information gathering and reviewing processes. Draft materials have been regularly reviewed by the College’s Executive team as well as relevant constituent departments (research, marketing, finance, registrar, deans, communities). Following Board approval, the final CIP will be shared with the larger College community, and subsequent feedback will be built into future iterations of the plan. External consultations, in both Alberta and Saskatchewan, have taken place with key stakeholders including regional access advisory committees, community adult learning councils, business and industry, research organizations, regional high schools, other post-secondary institutions, government departments, and advisory committees. These discussions focus on identifying learner needs as well as creative, collaborative measures to meet these needs.

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 7 Vermilion Campus

Environmental Scan Strengths Live the Learning Live the Learning is the foundation of Lakeland College’s entire curriculum. Through a combination of industry partnerships, co-op placements, applied research, and practicum experiences, experiential learning opportunities are built into nearly every program. Many of these opportunities allow students to interact directly with employers while they are still in their programs, and they demonstrate the strong linkages that exist between the programs and the agencies and employers that hire Lakeland’s students. They also ensure that students are not just learning about their discipline but developing the hands-on skills that will lead to successful careers. Lakeland’s student managed farm, enhanced by an industry partnership with New Holland to provide the latest in farming equipment and technology, allows students to manage every aspect of the College farm (operations, production, finances, research, public relations and marketing). Lakeland plans to further develop this flagship Live the Learning initiative by extending student managed to student-directed operations with an entrepreneurial focus. Other Live the Learning initiatives are also taking place through Lakeland College: • S ign Language and Deaf Studies program is offered within the central hub for the deaf community – the Alberta School for the Deaf • C hild and Youth Care, Early Learning and Child Care, and Educational Assistant students are placed within 67 community agencies as part of their practicum • E arly Learning and Child Care students design and operate a preschool program on campus

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• I nternational Development students work in developing countries on development initiatives • E sthetician Certificate students run an esthetics spa on campus • B usiness students attend the Lloydminster Chamber Connect event • E ducation students are directly involved with local schools • Energy students operate on-campus boilers • E nvironmental Conservation and Reclamation students monitor a locally disturbed site for erosion control

Innovations in Teaching and Learning Lakeland College continues to lead the province with expansion in dual credit offerings for Alberta high school students. Lakeland’s flexible and innovative online delivery system makes it possible to partner with 10 school divisions throughout Alberta creating student cohorts with participants from all over the province. Courses, in such areas as soil science, health care, power engineering, environmental sustainability, heavy oil and gas, esthetics, and pre-employment carpentry, are delivered via synchronous and asynchronous online technology combined with face-to-face, hands-on learning in subject areas relevant to College curriculum. In addition to the highest high school completion rate in the province (84.5% in 2012/13), the Lakeland region continues to have the highest high school transition rate. In 2012/13, its four-year transition rate was 8.9% above the provincial average (CAPR 2014). Perhaps some of this success is due to the strength of dual credit programming to ease the transition into post-secondary studies. As identified by involved high

school principals, dual credit programming offers high school students distinct benefits: • I ncrease in learner engagement and high school completion • Improvement in overall high school performance • I ncrease in awareness of benefits of post-secondary education • E ase of transition to academic demands of post-secondary education • D evelopment of skill set to successfully manage online learning • I ncrease in access to urban programming for rural students “Improving transition rates between high school and post-secondary education will increase educational attainment levels and contribute to quality-of-life improvements at the individual, family, and societal levels” (CAPR 2014). In addition to the expansion of dual credit, there are other innovations in teaching and learning at Lakeland College: • L akeland offered its first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), “An Introduction to Mental Health”, in Fall 2014 to over 100 students with an above-average completion rate of 35% (as compared to average MOOC completion rates of 10%) • S everal programs are using leading-edge simulation technology to enhance student learning (e.g. GoAnimate for agriculture students to learn interview and customer relation skills; AgBusiness Program uses a computerized simulation whereby students manage all aspects of four different agriculture businesses; student managed virtual child development centre in Human Services)

• W ith the new Academic Prep Program, students can access no-cost, tutor-supported online academic modules to gain program prerequisites and/or prepare for entrance screening exams; this program aligns with the government’s call for “a wider variety of options and access points” (CAPR 2014) in foundational learning in the post-secondary system

Alignment One priority system-level outcome for Alberta’s post-secondary institutions is a learner-enabling system “that is accessible, affordable, innovative, responsive and relevant, sustainable, and promotes excellence” (CAPR 2014). A key way that Lakeland College facilitates such a learner-centred system is through its skill in aligning with community, industry, and other post-secondary institutions. As Innovation and Advanced Education (IAE)’s 2014-17 Business Plan states, “Success depends on working together.” The College actively engages and collaborates with community stakeholders in order to leverage resources to build capacity for learner pathways, connect and share information and knowledge, and identify opportunities for bridging learner gaps to post-secondary programs. As regional steward, Lakeland oversees six regions: Killam, Lloydminster, Provost, Two Hills, Vermilion, and Wainwright. Through Regional Access Advisory Councils (RAACs), the College works to identify regional needs and learning gaps in a collaborative, decentralized manner. In addition, the College’s work with the Regional Business Accelerator (RBA) is another access point to work with communities to create opportunities. “Rural/Regional post-secondary institutions may be able to play a role in attracting

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Weaknesses talent to their communities and contributing to the long-term vitality and sustainability of these communities” (CAPR 2014). As a small institution, Lakeland responds quickly to industry requests through the development and delivery of specific programming. Synergistic programming opportunities are easily forged in Agriculture, Environment, Emergency Training, Energy, and Trades. As well, the College is committed to keeping its advisory committees current and effective; it is critical to tap into the unique skills of Lakeland’s business partners to ensure that College programs are relevant. As well, Lakeland’s research partners continue to expand as applied research activities provide meaningful experiences for both students and employers. Utilizing an integrated system through Campus Alberta, Lakeland College works “to increase access and better serve learners, achieve efficiencies, leverage expertise, and maximize available resources” (CAPR 2014). Lakeland has a positive track record of collaborative interactions with other post-secondary institutions in Alberta to improve processes and work towards a better understanding of market needs. The use of tools such as GAP analysis, GALLUP, INSIGTRIX, and graduate surveys supports Lakeland’s efforts to align with student, staff, and community needs. In addition to process collaboration, program collaboration may assist the province in drawing some of the urban-centred post-secondary enrolment to its rural regions. “Regional partnerships between urban and rural institutions may be an effective strategy for addressing this demand” (CAPR 2014).

Talent Management Lakeland College needs to address the impact of an aging workforce by creating an integrated approach to the management and development of current and future leaders and staff. An integrated framework will link performance management with development and identification of talent. Establishing clear career paths will encourage and support greater retention and allow for the more targeted use of development resources. The current lack of integration between systems in HR poses the greatest challenge. While different elements are working well independently, the College is not able to create efficiencies and synergies. To develop an integrated approach to HR systems and processes, Lakeland needs to take these steps: • C reate a leadership development framework that builds on the strengths of current leaders and provides development for new and emerging leaders • C reate a plan for the ongoing development of the HR Information System (HRIS). For example, there is a need to leverage the current system to support the recruitment process by investing in the implementation of the applicant tracking system that is currently part of the HRIS. • C reate an HR dashboard to measure key HR criteria and provide a method for ongoing evaluation and benchmarking • D evelop the capacity, through investment in the HRIS, to define and manage career paths in a sustainable and accessible way • P rovide accessible information for employees and managers to support career development and learning planning • R e-evaluate options for providing transitional housing for new employees moving to the area

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Opportunities Branding

Sustainability and Entrepreneurship

Lakeland College has hidden its light for many years. After an award-winning year for Lakeland’s innovation and coaching excellence, as well as being recognized as being in the top 20 in research colleges in Canada, it is essential for the College to refine and focus its understanding and perception of itself. Lakeland must differentiate itself from its competitors and, most importantly, communicate a standard message to all key stakeholders including faculty and staff, students and prospective students, alumni, donors, employers and government.

With falling oil prices and the subsequent impact on provincial revenues, the College needs to accelerate the work that has been ongoing to manage expenses and to increase revenue. To manage a possible reduction in its core grant each year, while continuing to move forward as an academic institution, Lakeland needs to develop entrepreneurial initiatives that create sustainability:

For years, Lakeland has worked at appropriate messaging to effectively recruit, but the message has not always been integrated with the College’s processes and modalities. The marketing team works tirelessly to keep up with the demands of competing departmental demands. Their talent is being used to keep up versus keeping ahead. It is time to engage stakeholders, build consensus, and pave the way for a thorough analysis and eventual acceptance of what is the essence of Lakeland College. How can the College message and brand itself in the most effective way? An integrated, effective institutional brand will be a catalyst to increase applications and enrolment, domestic and international, as well as increase community support.

• Identify process improvement opportunities • C ontinue with ongoing program reviews to ensure optimal program size, satisfied regional needs, and effective use of resources • E xpand, where possible, continued education programs to ensure cost effectiveness and increased revenue generation • E xplore opportunities for co-generation linked to the new Energy Centre in Lloydminster • I dentify business development opportunities that will create sustainable revenue streams for the College • E xpand residences to meet housing needs for staff and students while creating revenue Entrepreneurship is a means of supporting Lakeland’s overall sustainability and will be essential in creating a positive impact on the bottom line. The ability to link student managed operations to entrepreneurship is an important element of how Lakeland seeks to maximize the student experience. Establishing strategic partnerships will lead to maximum mutual benefit for students, employees, external partners and the College. Most of Lakeland’s considerable land assets are dedicated to the student managed farm. However, land development does have further potential for the College. Land that is not needed for agricultural purposes can be analyzed for future retail growth. There is an opportunity to partner with development experts to maximize investment through sound partnerships and community relationships.

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Flexible Learning Delivery For more than 100 years, Lakeland College has provided exceptional hands-on training in an on-campus, face-to-face learning environment. Most of Lakeland’s programs are delivered using a cohort model and are ideally suited to full-time students who are able to relocate to Vermilion or Lloydminster. The College is having success with new and flexible program delivery models and is realizing new opportunities to reach a more diverse learner group:

applied research capacity in niche areas of strength and in support of their program delivery and regional economic needs.” Key variables in determining research focus include fostering entrepreneurship, enhancing the student learning experience, and supporting the community. The Alberta Research and Innovation Plan (ARIP) identifies three provinciallevel outcomes: “broadened economic base, effective resource and environmental management, and healthy, resilient communities” (CAPR 2014).

• T he Health Care Aide certificate program uses blended delivery (weekend face-to-face sessions with independent study through the week) so that learners can simultaneously work in a health care setting

There are several applied research opportunities for Lakeland College:

• E arly Learning and Child Care, Educational Assistant, Child and Youth Care, and Agricultural Sciences have all opened up online courses to meet the needs of working, part-time learners

• I nvestigating energy use and integration of energy systems in agricultural buildings (including the proposed Dairy Barn)

• A pprenticeship Parts programming is partially offered online so that students choose entry and completion points • T he Well Site Supervisor certificate program will be Lakeland’s first competency-based credential with online programming, extensive PLAR, de-aggregated curriculum, and authentic assessment and validation tools; Lakeland is excited to be participating in one of the crossjurisdictional trends in advanced learning as identified in CAPR 2014

Research Lakeland wishes to build upon its successful applied research record by expanding where opportunities exist in alignment with the College’s four key themes: agriculture; sustainable environments (with a focus on renewable energy and buildings); conventional energy; and fire. CAPR 2014 calls for CCIs “to build

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• M aximizing the potential of the College’s large land base (~2000 acres) for both independent and collaborative projects

• C ontinuing and further developing research on crop management and inputs, livestock feeding research, and the Alberta Biochar Initiative • E xpanding the Centre for Sustainable Innovation and completing the new Bio-Energy Centre • I nvestigating solar energy for a local processing operation • C ommissioning of a gasification unit to enhance waste-to-energy applied research • E xploring research on abandoned wells with industry partners • I nvestigating practical uses of unmanned aerial vehicle systems in agriculture, environmental monitoring and research, and firefighting and protection • S upporting innovative and entrepreneurial companies through the Regional Business Accelerator

Challenges Critical Deferred Maintenance Many buildings at the Vermilion campus are in need of either significant repair or replacement. The lack of financial resources to address deferred maintenance needs in a meaningful way has pushed Lakeland to a tipping point where the repair of many buildings may no longer be economically viable. The College has had to prioritize allocation of resources from its reserve to support the maintenance of residences and to address emergency repairs required by aging infrastructure. In a prioritized deferred maintenance plan, the College hopes to address the highest needs as resources become available:

Lakeland also needs to plan for the retention of several Vermilion end-of-life facilities either through new building or renovation: the Mead and Bentley buildings that house agriculture, environment, human services, and interior design programs as well as the Recreation Centre that supports both campus and community members. There is an opportunity for the College to work with the Town of Vermilion to develop a recreational centre that more fully meets the needs of the community as well as the College. Lakeland College needs to develop a capital fundraising program to be able to address the urgent redevelopment needs of the Vermilion Campus.

• Seriously leaking roof in Trades Centre • Aging transformer and heating plant in Vermilion • Outdated lighting fixtures • Roadways in significant disrepair

Urgent Need for New Capital Investment Lakeland considers itself fortunate to have been able to develop the Lloydminster campus to better address the needs of the oil industry, and to develop bio-energy research at the Vermilion campus. However, the College now needs to focus on several key revitalization priorities in Vermilion: • U pgrade the Small Animal Health Clinic and Dairy Barn to meet the required standards for animal care and to maintain agricultural programming levels • C omplete the expansion of the Livestock Research Centre to support current and future research • I ncrease the number of Vermilion student residence places to prevent student loss, address shorter-term needs of Trades and Emergency Training Centre programs, and to maintain and grow other programs

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Goals, Priority Initiatives, Expected Outcomes, and Performance Measures Ever to Excel in a Global Society A Focus on Collaboration, Quality, and Accountability

Strategic Goals 1. Learner Success • E xpand and Enhance Live the Learning • Improve Retention

2. Relevant Programming and Research • O ptimize Enrolment and Programming

3. Connectivity

4. Sustainability

• C reate or Enhance Strategic Partnerships

• Develop our People • A chieve Operational Excellence

• B uild Research Capacity

Strategic Goal 1 – Learner Success Objectives Expand and enhance Live the Learning

Goals for 2015/16

Goals for 2016/17

- Introduce initiative in each school

- Incorporate into branding strategy

- Evaluate and expand initiatives

- Conduct industry satisfaction survey for credit programming

- Implement action plan based on industry satisfaction survey (2015/16)

- Conduct industry satisfaction survey

- Maintain >90% retention rate

- Maintain >90% retention rate

- Increase endowments to support student awards by 5%

- Increase endowments to support student awards by 5%

- Develop action plan in response to root cause analysis

- Conduct further root cause analysis (if needed)

Improve student retention - Maintain >90% by focusing on student retention rate support - Increase endowments to support student awards by 5% - Conduct root cause analysis of student withdrawals

- R eview student support - Implement plan to services improve student support services Improve student retention - Implement strategy in by reviewing student response to 2014/15 survey student satisfaction survey

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Goals for 2017/18

- Conduct new student satisfaction survey

- Evaluate improvements to student support services - Implement strategy in response to 2016/17 student satisfaction survey

Strategic Goal 2 – Relevant Programming and Research Objectives Optimize enrolment and programming through academic strategy based on post-secondary trends

Goals for 2015/16 - Pilot curriculum unbundling and competency-based education initiatives

Goals for 2016/17

Goals for 2017/18

- Evaluate and expand pilot programming initiatives

- Evaluate and expand pilot programming initiatives

- Incorporate emerging educational technologies into programming

- Evaluate incorporation of emerging educational technologies

- R eview enrolment goals for each program

- R eview enrolment goals for each program

- Increase applicant conversion rate by 2% (where seats available)

- Increase applicant conversion rate by 2% (where seats available)

- Increase gov’t.identified target group enrolment by 2%

- Increase gov’t.identified target group enrolment by 2%

- Increase international - Plan to increase enrolment by 10% international enrolment

- Increase international enrolment by 10%

- Identify educational technologies to enhance classroom learning and learner access - Develop enrolment goals for each program - Increase applicant conversion rate by 2% (where seats available) - Increase gov’t.identified target group enrolment by 2%

- Ensure 80% of - Ensure 85% of - Ensure 90% of programs have updated programs have updated programs have updated course outlines course outlines course outlines - Conduct gap analysis - Implement strategy to - Continue aligning on regional needs meet regional needs programming to meet - Conduct regional needs - Conduct comprehensive comprehensive - Conduct program review as per program review as comprehensive schedule per schedule program review as per schedule Build research capacity by focusing on sustainable research

- Create operational research model to guide faculty and student engagement in research

- Identify new research opportunities

- Expand research model to all schools

- Create innovation fund to support new research initiatives

- Evaluate impact of innovation fund

- Build capacity and evaluate impact of innovation fund

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 15

Enrolment Plan – FLE Projections By Program Band 13/14 Actuals

14/15 Actuals (to date)

15/16 Projected

16/ 17 Projected

17/18 Projected

Growth/ Decline

Agricultural Sciences





















Environmental Sciences













Human Services







University Transfer














Emergency Training Centre



















13/14 Actuals

14/15 Actuals (to date)

15/16 Projected

16/17 Projected

17/18 Projected

Growth/ Decline




























University Transfer







Other No Credential













Health & Wellness

ESE & Open Studies





By Credential Band

Applied Degree


1 Decrease follows suspension of Paramedic and Bachelor of Applied Business: Emergency Services 2 Anticipated expansion of Agribusiness, Crops, & Animal Science Technology program intakes 3 HOOT intake (36) suspended due to cut in anticipated Targeted Enrolment Grant; Pre-Employment Hair (PEH) (12) moved to Health & Wellness, but 12 seats added (8 in 2nd yr HOPE) & other ConEd 4 Removed 13 FLEs for PN; added 12 for PEH 5 Increase forecasted based on demand in region

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Lakeland College Programming Lakeland College continues to offer programming in key areas such as Agriculture, Energy and Heavy Oil, Environmental Sciences, Human Services, Emergency Services Training, Business, University Transfer, Health and Wellness, and Apprenticeship. Lakeland is laying the groundwork towards the establishment of two future Centres of Excellence for the College: Commercial Agricultural Production and Energy.

Agriculture Lakeland College has been specializing in Agricultural training for over 100 years, and the School of Agriculture continues to be a thriving, innovative, and core part of the institution. Lakeland’s focus is on commercial agriculture production and features Canada’s only student managed farming operation powered by New Holland. Students, with faculty guidance, make all business and operational decisions relating to the various business units that are part of the farm including crop production units on over 2000 acres of land, beef and purebred cattle herds, the dairy unit, and the sheep production unit. Plans are well underway for the development of a new Dairy Barn with the strong support of Alberta Milk, as well as a new fully operational Veterinary Clinic for the Animal Health Technology and Vet Medical Assistant programs. Both facilities will operate as for-profit ventures and will provide significant hands-on learning opportunities for students for many years to come. Enrolment in Agriculture has grown considerably at Lakeland College with an increase of 64% over the last five years. Lakeland now has over 300 FLEs in agriculture making Lakeland College the leader in Alberta for training in commercial agriculture at the diploma and certificate level.

Energy and Environmental Sciences Lakeland College is located in the heart of Alberta’s heavy oil industry and has been providing heavy oil and power engineering training for over 35 years. With the construction of the new Energy Centre, Lakeland College now has the most up-to-date heavy oil and power engineering training facility in Alberta. Lakeland’s flagship programs in this area are the Heavy Oil Operations Technician (HOOT) and Heavy Oil Power Engineering (HOPE), but the College also provides programming in such areas as 3rd and 4th Class Power Engineering, Gas Process Operator, Petroleum Management, and Introduction to Heavy Oil and Gas. Enrolment in Lakeland’s School of Energy has more than doubled over the last five years and is over 230 FLEs in the 2014/15 academic year. Lakeland continues to develop a mix of new forcredit and for-profit industry training for the Energy sector. Energy advisory committees, industry, and Aboriginal communities have approached the College regarding collaboration towards significant training in this area. Opportunities for new growth exist in Service Rig Drilling, Wellsite Supervisor, and 2nd Class Power Engineering. New programming available for 2015/16 includes Production Field Operator and Fired Process Heater. While Lakeland’s School of Energy provides training in the energy production sector, the College’s School of Environmental Sciences trains students in the fields of land reclamation and restoration, fish and wildlife, and environmental monitoring. These two schools strongly align and together serve both sides of the same industrial coin by providing some of Alberta’s largest energy sector employers with the trained labour force they need to cover the full spectrum of energy and environmental operations. Lakeland’s Applied Degree in Environmental Management continues to be of a flagship program well supported by industry with strong student demand and consistent waitlists.

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Environmental Sciences has also been able to capitalize on Lakeland College’s large land holdings and has developed oil and gas industrial infrastructure on campus that students are using to study environmental impacts and reclamation/ restoration methodologies.

Other Programming Highlights • N Iche programming in fire and emergency services, deaf studies, appraisal and assessment, interior design, and human services training in French across the entire province • R esponse to local and regional labour market demands through expanding Apprenticeship

training, University Transfer, Business, and Human Services • I ncreased student accessibility to post-secondary education through Academic Prep and online delivery

New Programming Opportunities New academic program development at Lakeland College is strategic and coordinated in order to meet the needs of students and the labour market. All new program proposals must be supported by significant, documented evidence of student and industry demand, linkages to governmental priorities, and long-term financial viability.

New Program Proposals



• In planning stages for developing 4th period of Instrumentation Technician • A lso identified regional training needs around Plumbing, Millwright, and Sheet Metal

Office Education

• C ertificate program featuring unbundled curriculum delivered in an on-demand, blended format • C ombination of online and on-campus delivery will meet needs of full- or part-time learners and will be well suited for working professionals looking to upgrade/update skills

Large Animal

• Post-certificate, 8-month, base-funded, blended delivery program • P repare animal health technologist for advanced specialization in large animal treatment

Urban Agriculture

• Certificate, 8-month, base-funded, blended delivery program • P repare students for work in urban food production as well as urban-rural interface of agricultural food systems • Proposed start date of Fall 2015

Degree Completion

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• Investigating opportunities in Agriculture, Environment, and Energy

Program Evaluation and Academic Excellence A new data-driven, outcomes-based model is being used to track the performance of all programs on an annual basis. Student demand, enrolment levels, completion rates, student satisfaction, employment rates, and financial viability are scored against minimum performance standards or targets for each program offered at the College. Programs that are consistently underachieving will be placed on probation for a defined length of time and will be required to demonstrate some level of improvement. Programs that are able to reach their improvement targets, and eventually reach and exceed the minimum performance standards, will come off of probation. If program performance continues to deteriorate, or if the required improvements are not

realized within the given time frame, the program will be at risk of suspension. Lakeland’s goal is to have all College programs meeting and exceeding performance targets in these areas.

Results from the 2013/14 evaluation: • E valuated 54 certificate, diploma, and applied degree programs • 3 1 classified as “green light” programs (meeting performance targets for all criteria) • 1 8 classified as “yellow light” programs (below target for at least one performance measure) • 4 classified as “red light” programs (not meeting performance targets)

Strategic Goal 3 – Connectivity Objectives

Goals for 2015/16

Goals for 2016/17

Goals for 2017/18

Create or enhance strategic partnerships with alumni

- Create alumni engagement strategy

- Implement alumni engagement strategy

- Evaluate alumni engagement strategy and implementation

Create or enhance strategic partnerships with a branding strategy

- Develop awareness of need for branding strategy

- Implement branding strategy

- Evaluate impact of branding strategy

- Develop plan for development Create or enhance strategic partnerships with community

- Develop community engagement strategy and action plan

- Establish criteria for evaluation - Implement community engagement strategy

- Evaluate impact of strategy and implementation actions

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Strategic Goal 4 – Sustainability Objectives Develop our people with staff engagement survey

Goals for 2015/16 - Develop and implement action plan based on 2014/15 staff engagement survey

Create a People Plan - Develop and implement leadership development and succession planning framework

Achieve operational excellence in culture

Goals for 2016/17

Goals for 2017/18

- R esurvey staff and develop new plan

- Implement action plan based on 2016/17 staff engagement survey

- Aim for overall positive increase in engagement - Continue to implement leadership development and succession planning framework

- Maintain and evaluate leadership development and succession planning framework

- Develop employee skills assessment framework

- Implement employee skills assessment framework

- Develop strategy and communication plan for review and development of performance management framework

- Continue development of proactive and aligned performance management framework

- Maintain employee skills assessment framework

- Develop and implement - Continue to implement change model for College change model for College - Identify continuous improvement projects per school/department

- Implement and support continuous improvement projects

- Develop environmental sustainability plan

- Implement environmental sustainability plan

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- Continue development of proactive and aligned performance management framework - Implement and evaluate change model for College - Implement and support continuous improvement projects - Implement environmental sustainability plan

Achieve operational excellence in planning

- Ensure 100% of - Ensure 100% of departments align staffdepartments align staffconsulted plans with consulted plans with strategic goals of College strategic goals of College - Develop and implement fund development plan

- Implement and evaluate fund development plan

- Develop initial revitalization plan for Vermilion campus (Dairy Barn; Small Animal Health Clinic)

- Continue revitalization construction

- Create Vermilion redevelopment plan (Mead & Bentley buildings; Recreation Centre) Achieve operational excellence in financial sustainability

- Prepare to launch capital campaign for Vermilion redevelopment plan

- Ensure 100% of departments align staff-consulted plans with strategic goals of College - Continue to refine fund development plan - Complete revitalization projects - Continue capital campaign for Vermilion redevelopment plan

- Ensure statement of - Ensure statement of - Ensure statement of operations is balanced or operations is balanced or in operations is balanced in surplus at fiscal year surplus at fiscal year end or in surplus at fiscal end year end - Ensure 100% of new - Ensure 95% of new initiative funding aligns - Maintain 100% of initiative funding aligns with strategic plan new initiative funding with strategic plan aligning with strategic - Achieve “Satisfactory plan - Achieve “Satisfactory Progress” or Progress” or “Implemented” on all actions from 2014/15 audit - Identify and create sustainable business development opportunities

“Implemented” on all actions from 2015/16 audit - Identify other priority business development opportunities

- Achieve “Satisfactory Progress” or “Implemented” on all actions from 2016/75 audit

- Evaluate and continue to plan - Implement co-generation business development and residence development opportunities - Create co-generation and strategies residence development - Continue to implement strategies co-generation and residence strategies

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 21

22 | Lakeland College 2015 - 2018 Vermilion Campus

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 23 Lloydminster Campus

Financial and Budget Information Overview Lakeland College is committed to using its resources to support the achievement of its strategic goals in alignment with the mandate of the Government of Alberta. Lakeland’s financial and strategic planning processes are centred on excellence in service delivery, accessibility, and sustainability in the post-secondary education sector. Lakeland College has a strong record of fiscal prudence and will continue to maintain this reputation. The College has projected a total reduction of 4.1% over the course of this plan based on the direction of the Government of Alberta for grant reductions in 2015/16 and 2016/17 and the direction to expect a further decrease in 2017/18. It is a significant challenge to maintain programming and progress towards the achievement of Lakeland goals while the base grant is reducing. The College is predicting a balanced budget during this period through a combination of expense reduction and modest revenue generation. Lakeland’s leadership team has been closely involved in identifying sustainable expense reduction. Building a collaborative approach to strong financial management is core to the College’s ability to deliver a balanced budget. Schools and departments have built and reviewed their budgets with the support of the financial services department. Variance reports and analysis of actual expenditures over the last three years have been used to inform evidence-based decision making in identifying expense reductions. In addition, enrolment projections and revenue increases, based on past performance, are cautious but realistic. Lakeland College is actively engaged with other post-secondary institutions in forums such as AAHEIT

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and is seeking opportunities to share best practices and resources to realize efficiencies in the postsecondary sector. Lakeland’s primary sources of revenue, at over 75%, continue to be government grants, apprenticeship tuition and fees.

Budget Assumptions All financial projections are based upon funding conditions known at the time of writing. This plan, as well as the following two years of forecasting ending in 2018, is based on the following assumptions:

Revenues: • T he Campus Alberta Grant will reduce by 1.4% in 2015/16, 2.7% in 2016/17, and 1% in 2017/18. • A pprenticeship seats will remain at the 2014/15 levels and will be stable for the duration of the plan. • T uition will increase by 2.2% in 2015/16, and other fees will increase in line with fees charged by other colleges. A 2% increase has been assumed for future years. • T he full-load equivalent number increase is attributed to a number of programs, growth in agriculture, the expansion of heavy oil programming, as well as other new programs or delivery methods being offered. • I nvestment income will remain stable. Growth was expected, but with the uncertainty of the impact of the declining oil revenues in Canada, it is unclear what the long-term impact of this will be on the Canadian economy and on the College’s investment. • R esidence rates in Lloydminster increased considerably in 2014/15 and 2015/16 to bring College rates closer to the local market; in future years the increase has been forecast at 3% per annum.

• T he College will continue to seek revenuegenerating opportunities to support a stable operating environment such as the development of an expanded new Dairy Barn.

Expenses: • C ollective agreements are settled for the 2015/16 year providing for certainty in forecasts for 2015/16; for the 2016/17 year, the AUPE agreement provides for a 2.5% increase. The future

settlements for faculty are a source of significant variability in the forecasted budgets. • L akeland’s focus on continued expense reduction, process improvement, and modernization will continue to ensure that the College develops and maintains its financial sustainability.

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 25 Vermilion Campus

Statements of Expected Revenues and Expenses Lakeland College Operating Budget 2015/16



















Investment Income
















Facility Costs














Instruction and Training




Academic and Student Support




Facility Operations and Maintenance




Institutional Support




Ancillary Operations




Sponsored Research




Total Expenses (By Function)







Revenue (By Object and By Function) Government Grants Contract Services Tuition and Other Fees Sales, Rentals, and Services

Total Revenue (By Object and By Function) Expenses (By Object) Salary and Benefits Amortization Materials, Supplies, and Services

Scholarship Expense

Total Expenses (By Object) Expenses (By Function)

Excess (or Deficiency) of Revenue over Expenses Total

26 | LAKELAND COLLEGE 2015 - 2018

Revenue by object & Function Government Grants Contract Services

62.70% 2.86% 19.71%

Tuition and Other Fees


Sales, Rentals and Services Donations Investment Income

.60% 1.14%

expenses by object Salary and Benefits

61.04% 10.21%

Amortization Materials, Supplies and Services Facility Costs Utilities Scholarship Expense

18.04% 6.31% 3.34% 1.06%

expenses by Function Instruction and Training Academic and Student Support Facility Operations and Maintenance Institutional Support Ancillary Operations Sponsored Research

42.81% 17.74% 17.07% 13.04% 7.52% 1.81%

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 27

Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows for the year ending June 30, 2015 2014/15 Operating Transactions Deficiency of revenue over expense

$ --

Add (Deduct) non-cash items: Amortization of tangible capital assets


Amortization of deferred capital contributions


Total non-cash items


Cash Provided by Operating Transactions


Capital Transactions Acquisition of tangible capital assets


Cash Applied to Capital Transactions


Investing Transactions Purchases of investments, net of sales


Proceeds on sale of portfolio investments


Cash Provided by (Applied to) Investing Transactions


Financing Transactions Payment on long-term debt


Cash Provided by (Applied to) Financing Cash Transactions


Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents


Tuition and Mandatory Fees Lakeland College’s tuition fees are managed within the provincial tuition fee policy. As per this regulation, the maximum allowable weighted average tuition fee increase across the entire institution for the 2015/16 academic year shall not exceed 2.2%.

2014/15 Tuition Fees Comprehensive Fees












28 | Lakeland College 2015 - 2018 Vermilion Lloydminster Campus Campus

Internationalization Lakeland College envisions multiple benefits to increasing internationalization of its campuses. The key opportunities are in the recruitment of international students, international development projects, and international mobility of College staff and domestic students. CAPR 2014 encourages Alberta’s post-secondary institutions to develop “graduates with the international and intercultural competencies to live and work effectively within this complex and interdependent world.” Aside from the financial benefits that an increase in international enrolment brings, international students serve to enrich campus life and broaden perspectives by creating a mix of cultures that more closely resemble the outside world. There is great potential for further growth in international enrolment at Lakeland. Although CCIs have only 2.8% of Alberta’s visa student population in the system (CAPR 2014), likely because most international students in Alberta study at the graduate level in urban centres, some rural institutions have started to actively capture this student market. Although modest in comparison, Lakeland College has grown its international student enrolment from a headcount of six, in 2010/11, to 29 students on campus as of the Winter Semester 2015 (not counting Lambton Program Students). In 2011, Lakeland College commenced brokering Lambton College’s Management Certificate program for the attraction of international students who have already completed some form of a post-secondary business management program. Lakeland has successfully engaged three cohorts of students from India with the most recent intake in January 2014. This initiative is in its final stage with cohort three due to graduate and finish its co-op session by the end of August 2015. Lakeland will use this brokering experience to further its own recruiting efforts. Lakeland is actively partnering with overseas recruiting agents in key markets in Asia, Africa,

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 29

Europe and South America. In accordance with best practices, Lakeland will provide support for its international students in important social and academic aspects in order to ensure smooth transitions and overall success. On the international development stage, Lakeland has built on past experiences with Education for Employment Projects in Tanzania and is leading a similar CARICOM project in Belize. The emphasis of the Belize project is to support economic development in the Belize region with a focus on agricultural training development at the University of Belize Central Farm. The project is entering its third and final year and has enjoyed great success with the first students admitted to the program to begin studies in August 2015. At the College level, the impact of international development work is very positive; when instructors who perform work internationally return to Lakeland, they bring back with them renewed energy and expertise that benefit all students on both campuses. Lakeland students are also directly involved in College international projects and will be taking part in activities in Belize in the spring of 2015. Lakeland will continue to pursue additional international development projects in order to provide additional opportunities for staff and students. With Agriculture, Business, University Transfer, Environment, and Human Services students participating in abroad experiences in 2012 - 2014, Lakeland will continue to support such opportunities as well as student exchange opportunities through such initiatives as the Campus Alberta Grant for International Learning. There is increased demand around the world for technical and vocational education training in Agriculture, Environment, Trades, and Teacher Training sectors. Lakeland is looking into opportunities to provide training in these areas either unilaterally or through a partnership model.

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As Lakeland’s regional immigrant population continues to expand, the College sees an opportunity to help examine their English skills and provide educational bridging solutions. These solutions will help the immigrant population develop needed language skills in order to participate in key regional labour force sectors such as agriculture and energy. Lakeland is currently drafting a business plan to become the only International English Language Testing Score (IELTS) centre east of Edmonton. This will provide immigrants with a convenient location to get their English levels assessed for study and work opportunities. From this, further ESL programming is being considered as a way to bridge any ability gaps and a way to potentially enter the ESL market for international students. In order to enhance services to international students, the international department unveiled its very own microsite in spring 2015. The new microsite provides more convenient access to important information for Lakeland’s international students as well as clear links and information about overseas work and study abroad opportunities for domestic students. The College continues to build international experiences that reflect potential growth areas within its programming pillars and will continue to seek specific opportunities that will enable long-term sustainability.

Information Technology The College is planning key strategic investments and building blocks in information technology in order to better meet business needs and user expectations. The focus will be on improving the student and staff experience, enhancing access to services, and ensuring safeguards for sensitive information. The expectation is that this approach will improve operational performance and end-user satisfaction.

Vermilion labs were completed by August 2014.

In order to implement foundational technology solutions, realize savings, and continue to deliver services in a more efficient manner, Information Technology will be focusing on four key areas:

Lakeland’s participation in collaborative opportunities with other post-secondary institutions has aided in achieving financial efficiencies and a platform to share knowledge and resources. As committee members of the Shared Services Framework, the College has benefited through improved quality of services to clients, increased scope of services, and cost savings. Technology capital and operating requirements are funded largely from Lakeland’s internal budget. Therefore, opportunities for budget savings are a significant benefit to the College.

• R eplacement of end-of-life devices to provide continual undisrupted service • M odernization of infrastructure and deployment of technology to reduce the risk of a security breach • R eview and optimization of information technology business processes • D evelopment of strategic initiatives focused on improving operational performance, reducing the complexity of the informational technology environment, and supporting the day-to-day direction of the College Virtualization of infrastructure and desktops has provided Lakeland the ability to deploy a more flexible, scalable and cost-efficient solution to the business. Information Technology completed the implementation of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) for the Lloydminster labs in August 2013, and the majority of

Priority 1


Bandwidth resources are still a constraint. In the fall of 2014, the College submitted a request to increase bandwidth. This is delayed due to the service providers’ infrastructure upgrade taking longer than anticipated. Information Technology is in the process of reviewing alternative ways for bandwidth delivery, cost savings, and availability to research networks.

Lakeland will be identifying and assessing emerging technologies such as “Cloud Computing,” “Internet of Things (IoT),” and social media as means to reduce costs and be more responsive to the College’s needs. Lakeland’s Information Technology department is moving to a more efficient and effective operational future state. The following table lists Information Technology initiatives. Most items are not single-year costs; rather, they will be spread out over several years as indicated.



Source of Cost funding

Network Infrastructure (EOL Technology)

To refresh and develop network infrastructure technologies that are End of Life (EOL), End of Support (EOS), or no longer viable

Capital budget

Mobility Technology Integration

To provide a flexible platform for the use and Capital support of Mobile Technologies for all College budget users

$1,900,000 (Over 6 years) $450,000 (over 2 years)

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 31

Capital Plan In the competitive post-secondary environment, it is vital to maintain and develop facilities that meet the expectations of students for modern, technologically advanced learning environments. Lakeland College has achieved a number of milestones in the 2014/15 academic year relating to its capital development. The $23 million expansion of the Energy Centre was completed in June 2015, and the new Bio-energy Centre was opened in late 2014. With the completion of the Energy Centre, the focus for capital renewal is shifting to the Vermilion Campus where aging infrastructure no longer meets the needs of the programs Lakeland provides. Much of the classroom space is outdated, and the College farm requires major refurbishment and investment. The goal is to further develop and maintain a comprehensive student managed farm that expands the student experience and reflects the range of farming and agricultural activities available to the 21st-century farm. The replacement and/or refurbishment of the Dairy Barn and Animal Health Clinic are very high priorities as the College must replace and/or refurbish both facilities in order to meet required animal care standards and to continue to offer programming in these areas. Lakeland College is committed to creating partnerships that will help maximize space and develop essential programming: • T here is potential for a partnership with a veterinary school for the new animal health clinic. • A lberta Milk has recently awarded the College an expanded educational milk quota which will enable Lakeland to develop a modern Dairy Barn and build stronger partnerships with the Dairy Farmers of Alberta. • L akeland is also partnering with the University of Alberta to address the College’s significant and ongoing capital development needs. Leveraging the

32 | Lakeland College 2015 - 2018

expertise of a large institution will help Lakeland progress toward meeting capital needs as well as develop future plans and projects. • L akeland currently partners with the Town of Vermilion on the provision of a recreation space and swimming pool for students and the local community. The College is now reviewing its future community recreation role with the Town as well as the utilization of College land to support both College and community needs. In addition, there are several capital and maintenance initiatives underway that have been resourced through donations and Board appropriations from reserves: • P hase three expansion of a classroom/lab space at the Livestock Research Centre will be completed for the start of the 2015/16 academic year. • P roject plans are being developed to address deferred maintenance needs as resources become available. • T he dust collection system for the Trades Building is targeted for replacement. The current system is at the end of its life, and it poses a significant health and safety issue. The replacement of the system will be carried out over the 2015/16 fiscal years and will cost an estimated $600,000. • T he Trades roof continues to leak and is a major concern and safety issue. Complete failure of the roof would result in significant risk to Lakeland’s Trades programming. The repair of the roof is likely to cost well in excess of $5 million. To be able to understand fully the issues that need to be remediated, the College is undertaking a pilot project on one portion of the roof to better assess the costs associated with addressing this leaking roof. This work will be carried out over the 2015/16 fiscal years.

A. New & Expansion Capital Priority Project Name Description 1 Farm Regeneration In priority order:

Location Vermilion

a. Animal Health Centre - The current building no longer meets either the program’s space requirements or animal care standards. The plan is to partner with a Veterinary School in the provision of a full-service large and small animal stand-alone clinic. Classroom and office space will be provided separately from the clinic. The cost of this project is likely to be in the $5,000,000 to $7,000,000 range. Planning has begun, and it is expected that building will commence in 2016. b. Dairy Barn - Lakeland will build a new dairy barn providing both parlour and robotic milking in order to ensure that the new dairy barn is a state-of-the-art training centre for the dairy industry and that applied research opportunities are identified and developed. The planning for the new barn is just beginning, and the cost of the new barn could be in the range of $4,000,000 to $5,000,000. c. Poultry Production Facility - Building and opening a poultry facility is part of the plan to develop a comprehensive farm experience for students and to create a source of revenue for the College. d. Equine Centre - The current Equine Arena is nearing the end of its life and is widely used by both the College and the local community. Lakeland’s vision is to create a worldclass Equine Centre that can be used for events, training, conferences, and accommodation. The College also plans to renovate the existing arena to create more flexible usage options and to better support the high regional demand for arena space. The combined cost of this regeneration plan will be approximately $22,000,000 to $25,000,000. 2

Sustainable Environment & Agriculture Centre

Replacement of the Mead Building is required to provide the Vermilion space and labs needed for College programs. The new centre will be a multi-purpose facility on the leading edge of building design incorporating the latest in energy conservation and smart building practices. The centre will be a landmark community building capable of supporting many events. The cost of the new building is anticipated to be in the $60,000,000 range.

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 33

B. Preservation Capital Priority Project Name 1 Trades Building Exterior and Roofing Repair



A pilot will be completed in 2015/16 to better assess the cost of the desperately needed repairs to the metal cladding, glazing and roofing. This potential cost is $5,000,000 plus.



Bentley Building Renovation & Classroom Renewal

The Bentley Building and many existing classrooms require Vermilion renovation and modernization in order to sustain appropriate learning environments during the years before the new sustainable environment and agriculture building is built. A plan is currently being developed to identify and prioritize annual renovations and to address asbestos abatement issues. A budget of $2,500,000 will be required.


Co-generation, Utilities and Lighting Retrofit Project

With the completion of the new Energy Centre and the existing opportunities on each site, the College will develop a co-generation strategy that will help to sustain building maintenance needs in the longer term. In addition, the current lighting systems on both campuses are outdated, and light bulbs are no longer available. There will be considerable energy savings from the retrofit. This work is over 30% complete at Vermilion. The total cost of these projects is in the region of $8,000,000.

Lloydminster & Vermilion


Learning Commons Renovation

The goal is to create a 24/7 modern learning space including the addition of a second floor in the current learning commons. It is estimated that this project will cost $6,000,000.


34 | Lakeland College 2015 - 2018 Vermilion Campus

Comprehensive Institutional Plan | 35 Lloydminster Campus

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Alberta, Canada

Lloydminster Campus • 2602 59 Avenue

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