COVID-19 FAQ Sept 23, 2021

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The following COVID-19 FAQs were updated Thursday, Sept. 23. Can Lakeland participate in the Restrictions Exemption Program? On Sept. 19 the government implemented a separate and sector-specific exemption program for post-secondary institutions which allows implementation of a Proof of Vaccine Policy Restrictions Program. See Exemption Request Order 42-2021. To continue to offer in-person learning and campus activities in a manner that is meaningful for our students, Lakeland is implementing the Proof of Vaccine Policy Restrictions Program.

What does a Proof of Vaccine Policy Restrictions Program include? It requires proof of vaccination which can include one or more of the following:  proof of COVID-19 vaccination  documentation of a medical exemption (people with proof of a medical exemption can come on campus without a negative rapid test); or  proof of a recent negative COVID-19 rapid test (within 72 hours).

What are the key dates I should know? Starting Sunday, Sept. 26, to come on campus you must:  at minimum complete the Daily Assessment to attest to having received at least one dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine or have a medical exemption; OR  have proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test (within 72 hours).  NOTE: the Daily Assessment system is in use only until Lakeland can secure appropriate volumes of rapid tests. As of Monday, Oct. 4, to come on campus you must:  have submitted proof of having received at least one dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine or have submitted proof of a medical exemption OR  have proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test (within 72 hours). By Monday, Nov. 1 to come on campus you must:  have submitted proof of having received two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine or have submitted proof of a medical exemption, OR  have proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test

I’m an apprenticeship student and I don’t start classes until Tuesday, Oct. 12. What do I need to know? By Tuesday, Oct. 12, to come on campus you will:  be required to have submitted proof of having received at least one dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine or have submitted proof of a medical exemption OR  have proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test (within 72 hours). Please see the rapid testing FAQ for more information. By Monday, Nov. 1 to come on campus you must:  have submitted proof of having received two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine or have submitted proof of a medical exemption, OR  have proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test. This week you will receive an email from with the link to submit your proof of vaccination or medical exemption. If you haven’t received the link by Sept. 27, please email

May I take my program online? Unless the program is already delivered online, Lakeland does not plan to provide students with the option to continue their program online. Our priority is to continue to provide the exceptional hands-on learning opportunities that we are known for.

How do I provide proof of vaccination or declare my medical exemption? A secure online form was created to collect immunization documentation as well as proof of medical exemption. This confidential form was emailed the week of Sept. 20 to students and staff. Replies are submitted confidentially to our college nurse. If you didn’t receive the form, you may contact your school’s administrative assistant.

What will Lakeland accept as proof of vaccination?  A picture or paper record of a valid Alberta Health Services, Saskatchewan Health Services, MyHealth Records, pharmacy, First Nations, or physician immunization record prominently displaying the name, type of vaccine and date of administration, or  Canadian armed forces immunization record, displaying the name, type of vaccine and date of administration, or  An immunization record from another Canadian Province or Territory, displaying the name, type of vaccine and date of administration, or  Valid Government of Alberta Vaccination QR code (when available).

What is a valid medical exemption? A valid medical exemption is the original signed letter from a physician or nurse practitioner that includes:  The name of the person in the written documentation that matches the identification provided.  The physician’s or nurse practitioner’s information is complete by including: o Name, phone number, contact information, professional registration number, and signature of the physician or nurse practitioner; o Statement that there is a medical reason for the individual’s exemption from being fully vaccinated against COVID-19; and o The duration that the exemption is valid

What if I have a different exemption? Lakeland values that vaccination is a personal choice or belief for all individuals. However, if you don't have a vaccination, nor a medical exemption, then you must provide a negative COVID-19 rapid test (within 72 hours) of coming to campus. Please see the FAQ about rapid testing.

How does Lakeland’s COVID-19 rapid testing program work? People without a valid medical exemption who choose not to be vaccinated or prefer not to disclose their vaccination status will be required to show proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test (within 72 hours) to come on campus. Lakeland is finalizing details on its rapid testing program. When rapid testing is in place, please note the following:  The cost of the testing will be covered by Lakeland College until October 12, 2021 for students and staff.  From Oct. 12, 2021 until Dec. 31, 2021, only students will be charged $5 for rapid testing administered through our third-party provider. Lakeland will cover the remainder of the fee.  Staff and visitors are required to pay for their own rapid testing. Please keep checking the FAQs for further details on the rapid testing program as they become available.

I have recovered from COVID-19, should I still be immunized? Yes. The COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for those who have had and recovered from COVID-19 infection as it is unknown how long immunity may last after recovering from COVID19. Previously having COVID-19 does not qualify you for exemption from the Proof of Vaccine Policy Restrictions Program.

Do I need to continue completing the daily assessment if I submitted my proof of vaccination or my approved medical exemption? Once you’ve submitted proof of vaccination or submitted proof of medical exemption and received approval from Lakeland’s Health Services team, you don’t need to complete the Daily Assessment. People with proof of a medical exemption can come on campus without a negative rapid test.

Are physical distancing and wearing 3-ply face coverings required? Regardless of vaccination status, 3-ply face coverings must be worn in indoor public places. Employees must wear face coverings in all indoor work settings, except while alone in workstations. Face coverings are not required outdoors unless you are unable to physically distance. Face coverings are not required when sitting in the cafeteria eating or drinking. As Lakeland is implementing the government’s Proof of Vaccine Policy Restrictions Program, people are exempt from two metre physical distancing while in a learning environment. This includes, but isn’t limited to, classrooms, lecture halls, research facilities and labs. Physical distancing must be maintained when in common areas, study spaces, The Commons and similar areas.

If I don’t feel well, can I still come on campus? No, please don’t! Even if you're already vaccinated, we need to work together to look after Lakeland. Use this self-assessment tool to help determine whether you need to be tested for COVID-19. Let your instructor know you’re not feeling well – they’ll understand!

How will the face coverings requirement be enforced? Individuals who refuse to comply with the requirement to wear face coverings indoors may be asked to leave campus. Students and employees may be subject to discipline, in accordance with existing college procedures. Those who are unable to comply or who require an accommodation will be provided reasonable exemptions from face masks.

What if I am not able to wear a mask due to medical reasons? As per Alberta Health Services guidelines, anyone unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition will require a medical exception letter from an authorized health professional. If you are a student, email for more information. If you are an employee, email  or your HR consultant.

How will non-compliance be dealt with? Individuals who fail to comply with the mandatory proof of vaccination requirement, or provide acceptable proof of accommodation, may be subject to discipline, in accordance with existing college procedures. Providing false information will be considered a serious misconduct.

How will vaccination status and proof of vaccination be kept secure? Lakeland is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals in the Lakeland community in accordance with the standards set out in relevant provincial privacy legislation. Health Services at Lakeland will collect vaccination status declarations and proof of vaccination status. All records will be destroyed once proof of status is verified. The personal information is collected in full accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and will only be used for the purpose of verifying vaccination status. For information about the collection and use of this information for the college, contact

How long will these measures be in place? We are not sure. The Government of Alberta has indicated these are temporary measures needed to protect people from exposure to COVID-19 and to prevent the spread of the virus.

Where can I get the vaccine? We’ve worked with provincial health authorities to offer immunization clinics at our campuses. Please bring your health care card. Lloydminster campus  Saturday Sept. 25 - Allan Markin Room from 9 am – 3:30 pm Vermilion campus  Tuesday Sept 28 - Upstairs in Alumni Hall from 10 am – 2 pm  Thursday Oct. 7 - Upstairs in Alumni Hall from 10 am – 2 pm You can also receive your vaccination through public health by calling them directly and making an appointment.

My program is offered online. Do I need to submit proof of vaccination? No, you don’t. You only need to provide proof if you are coming on campus.

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