LAST REVISED: February 7th, 2023 Lakeland College

LAST REVISED: February 7th, 2023 Lakeland College
Welcome to Lakeland College’s Firefighter Training Program. You are one of several thousands of people from across Canada who have chosen Lakeland College to prepare them to be the best first responders in Canada.
Our institution, once known as the Alberta Fire Training School, was established in 1959. Now after nearly 65 years of operation, we are one of the longest running and most trusted fire training facilities in all of Canada. When you arrive at the Emergency Training Centre, you will quickly come to appreciate the unmatched facilities, fleet, resources, staff, instructors, and training field that are available to you here to ensure that you get first class training.
By choosing Lakeland College (est. 1911), you are now part of almost 115 years of history. Unlike many other first responder training schools, as a post-secondary institution, we are able to offer you an advanced level of academic support. Our student services’ team and resources are here for you and will enable you to achieve higher levels of success.
We have high expectations on our students. You will be expected to work hard and push yourself to be the best because that is what the public will need and expects when they call for help. As a Lakeland College graduate myself, I take a lot of pride and ownership over the students who leave here. Our students make or break our reputation, and we only want to strengthen it each and every day. In turn, our reputation also supports you when you graduate the program and begin to apply for jobs, as employers know the difference between top tier and bottom tier training schools.
You will enjoy your time with us. Whether it is enjoying campus life, being in the fire tower watching a fire rollover your head or fighting a pressurized fuel fire on one of our many industrial props, you’re going to be glad you chose Lakeland College.
Again, from all of us here, welcome to Lakeland College.
Shawn McKerry, BSc, MEmergMgt, Dean, Emergency Training Centre, Lakeland CollegeShawn McKerry, Dean
Doug Pieper, Chair
Wayne Rose, Section Chief, Business Development & Logistics
Darla Brown, Logistic Support
Amy Marenger, Training Programs Coordinator Operations
Anita Horpestad, e-Learning and Course Development Coordinator
Don Keenan – Team Lead
Doug Pieper – Chair/Instructor
Bryce Lytle – Instructor
Lyle Lawrence - Instructor
Your instructors: Phone Number:
Emergency – 911
Switchboard – 780-853-8400
Nurse – 780-853-8432 (Restricted Hours)
Residence – 780-853-8543
Library – 780-853-8463
Recreation Centre – 780-853-8402
Janet Carey – 780-853-8633
Lakeland College is responsible for the instruction of all courses and maintenance of such student training records Upon completion of ALL program requirements, eligible students will be able to apply for the following certificates:
• NFPA 1072 Hazardous Materials Responder – Operations Level
o Required courses:
▪ FF111 NFPA 1072 Awareness Course
▪ FF211 NFPA 1072 Operations Course
• NFPA 1001 Firefighter Level I and Level II
o Required courses:
▪ FF111 NFPA 1072 Awareness Course
▪ FF211 NFPA 1072 Operations Course
▪ FF105 NFPA 1001 Level I
▪ FF205 NFPA 1001 Level II
• NFPA 1002 Fire Apparatus
o Required courses:
▪ FE105 NFPA 1001 Level I
▪ FF113 Fire Apparatus – Driving and Maintenance
▪ FF214 Fire Apparatus – Pumping Apparatus
Once you have completed your basic training and have received your 1001 certification or your EST diploma, there are a number of programs of higher learning available to you. Lakeland College offers the Bachelor of Applied Business in Emergency Services Degree. Athabasca University has several degrees, diploma and certificate programs, one being Diploma in Public Administration. Cincinnati University offers a bachelor’s degree in Fire Science and Henson College, Nova Scotia offers a certificate in Fire Service Leadership. There are more programs available pertaining to the Emergency Services. Searching the Internet will give further post-secondary education opportunities.
Policies and procedures may affect all students that attend Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre. You are encouraged to review these policies at there are any questions, address them to your Team Leader.
Spot inspections of student’s dormitories or townhouses will be conducted to ensure a clean and healthy living environment as per ETC policy. Inspections will be conducted by the Chair of ETC, and the Manager to Technical Services.
Course fees are to be paid in full no later than 30 days prior to the course commencement. If for some reason you have not paid in full prior to the course starting, you must contact the Student Accounts Coordinator located in Student Services immediately. Unpaid fees may result in suspension from the program.
Refunds are calculated on the basis of the official date of withdrawal. Refunds will be considered only when proper withdrawal procedures through the Office of the Registrar have been completed.
• The program application fee and deposit fee are non-refundable.
• If you withdraw prior to program commencement, you will receive a full refund of fees paid, less the deposit.
• When withdrawing within the first five days of classes, students are eligible for a 50% refund, less the deposit. No refund thereafter.
• Fees will be fully refunded if a program is cancelled by Lakeland College.
Dishonesty in academic matters includes cheating on assignments, aiding and abetting in the cheating, cheating on exams by use of crib notes, unauthorized retrieval of information previously stored in a computer or calculator outside the exam room, copying from another paper either before or during the exam or by any other means, theft of exams, deliberately allowing another student to copy one’s work, falsifying results, buying or obtaining a paper or project and turning it in as an original, writing an exam for someone else or vice versa, unauthorized collaboration on the preparation of course work, plagiarism including the submission of the work of others may result in expulsion from the program
Regular attendance is essential for success in any course. Absence for any reason does not relieve a student of the responsibility of completing course work and assignments to the satisfaction of the instructor. Poor attendance may result in the termination of a student from a course(s).
The instructor will recommend the Registrar withdraw any student who does not meet the established attendance requirements. A failing grade of RW (Require to Withdraw) will appear on the student’s transcript.
In cases of repeated absences due to illness, the student may be requested to submit a medical certificate.
Any candidate, who is disrespectful, makes vulgar remarks or disrupts the class activities will be asked to leave the classroom and possibly the course. Removal from the course will result in a failing grade (RW).
As the theory and practical skills are sequential throughout the program, attendance in class is mandatory. Excused or unexcused absences of more than 4 hours in any given week or 40 hours cumulative over the 12 weeks may result in suspension from the program.
Candidates are required to be punctual for class. Class will begin promptly at the time specified in the confirmation letter unless specific instructions from the instructor are given to the contrary. Candidates arriving late may have to wait outside the classroom until the next scheduled break.
The instructor will designate the time for breaks.
As mentioned in your course acceptance letter, uniforms consisting of tactical pants, shirt and black boots are required at all times when in class. Coveralls will be issued to you for use during practical evolutions. The wearing of ball caps is not permitted while in class or in uniform. Hooded garments are not considered uniform and therefore are not permitted while in class or in uniform.
Each student will be issued a student personal identification number. Please retain this number for future use in any correspondence with the school
Student ID cards are issued to each full-time student on Registration Day. This will entitle you to:
• use the library and access the computer labs
• obtain Internet and e-mail privileges
• use the recreation facilities and equipment
• attend Student Association functions
• obtain discounts on a variety of purchases
There is a $20 fee to replace a lost ID card. Since Lakeland College student ID cards are effective for the length of your program, the card expiry date and the last day of your program are the same. Students are advised to check in advance on the availability of services during summer break and holidays.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for exams to be marked. Marks will be posted on your My Lakeland account. Your user ID and temporary password were emailed to you prior to your program start date
If a student obtains a grade between 60-69% on their exam, they will be given the opportunity to rewrite. The student will be provided with an Application for Examination Rewrite form which will include the date that they will rewrite. The student then takes the form to the Office of the Registrar to pay the $145 examination fee. One rewrite is permitted per course. If successful on the rewrite, the transcript will show a mark of 70%.
Please note that no rewrite exam or exam results will be issued until the rewrite has been paid for.
Students receiving academic or non-academic disciplinary decisions/actions may appeal those decisions that have an adverse personal or academic impact. The Student Grievance and Appeal Process enclosed in this handbook are available from the Office of the Registrar or any academic department on campus. If you wish to appeal a grade or disciplinary action:
1. Students with concerns should start the process by taking the concern to the Instructor, or Chair or the initiator of the disciplinary action. This must be done within four (4) working days of the student receiving the academic or disciplinary action.
2. If you need to proceed with a formal appeal, you need to see a college Counselor Academic Advisor, or any other college staff who may assist the student in an appeal. Their role is to help the student make effective use of the appeal mechanism available.
Confidentiality of information is paramount and must be ensured by all students and staff involved. A student who is appealing a disciplinary action or academic action shall not be subject to that disciplinary action until the appeal. However, if it is deemed by the College that the student’s presence will compromise the learning environment for other students and/or constitutes a safety concern for students, staff or visitors of the college, disciplinary action may be taken.
For more detailed information refer to
The quizzes and tests on D2L are assignments of the program by the faculty and are a mandatory part of the program. The tests are used for ensuring that students are succeeding in their learning, and underachievement may lead to academic probation.
Electronic devices are allowed for training purposes only Candidates are to turn cell phones OFF while in class. Candidates refusing to do so may be asked to leave the classroom and possibly the course. No unauthorized electronic devices while in class (these include but are not limited to MP3, Cell Phones, Apple watches, etc.).
Wireless Access
Lakeland College provides wireless internet access on campus.
To get connected you must first login with your Lakeland College user ID. Your user ID is your new Lakeland College email address: Then create a new password.
This is how it works:
1. Open the network settings on your device. Dropdowns below have instructions for specific operating systems.
2. Choose the network LLC-BYOD (bring your own device).
3. Enter your Lakeland College username and password.
4. Connect.
Once you've configured (connected) your smart device manually, the next time you're on campus your device will connect to the LLC-BYOD Wi-Fi automatically.
Note: Wireless access in residence is separate. If you'd like individual wireless in your room, please contact the residence office on your campus. We recommend you buy your own wireless if you use Skype, watch movies or play a lot of online games.
For information on specific mobile devices see our website Wireless Access - Lakeland College
Every Lakeland College student has access to computers at the college. There are computer labs on the main campus (located in ‘The Commons’) as well as onsite in the ETC student lounge area or the ETC computer lab.
By signing on to a computer, a student agrees to Lakeland's acceptable use policy
The link below explains how to login and answer other frequently asked questions about Lakeland's computers and labs. Computer Access - Lakeland College
Lakeland Website
There are a few pages you should always be ready to access- not necessarily in this order of importance:
• My Lakeland - the only place to find your marks
• D2L – to access your courses online
• The Commons – access to the group of student services
• Lakeland's mobile app - events, quick links and student wall
NOTE: There are quick links to My Lakeland and D2L at the top of every website page (the header).
My Lakeland
My Lakeland is where you will login to access your student account information and to receive your marks.
The portal link for login is
For more information on how to login and use My Lakeland visit My Lakeland - Lakeland College
NOTE: You will not be able to access D2L until you receive an enrollment email usually 1-2 weeks prior to your arrival on campus. D2L is Lakeland College’s online Learning Management System. Usernames and passwords are the most frequent questions about using D2L. Below is a quick overview.
Access D2L or College website.
Your Usernames will be entered as firstname.lastname followed by your day of birth (example: Fred.Flintstone04)
Your password is set as password (all lower case, you will be prompted to change this when you first login.)
Use the GREEN log in button.
If you are having a problem logging in, click on Forgot your password? or contact
If you tried ‘Forgot your password’ and didn't get a response
1. You might not be using the same email address you supplied when you applied to Lakeland College. Check the email address listed in My Lakeland. Either change your email address there or check that address for the forgot password email.
2. Check your junk or spam folder.
3. To Login and/or for more information visit D2L - Lakeland College
The Commons
The Commons is Lakeland's group of student services including learner success centres, accessibility services, library services, wellness services and academic & college prep.
Students who would benefit from assistance with study habits and learning strategies are encouraged to contact Teaching and Learning Commons - Lakeland College
Lakeland’s Mobile App
Lakeland College introduced its mobile app It's available to download free from Apple and Android app stores. Just search Lakeland College
For more information visit Mobile Apps - Lakeland College
NOTE: You will be unable to access Teams until the Friday prior to being onsite.
Accessing Teams at Lakeland is a simple process. It starts by downloading and installing the Teams App on your personal device (PC, Mac) which you can access here – and on your iDevice or Android in the app store.
The next step is logging in with your Lakeland College student email account which was created for you already when you signed up to be a student.
• The email account will be in your case it will be {students login here)
• The password will be LLC!1234 (The 1234 will be the last 4 digits of your student ID)
After you have successfully signed in, you can add yourself to your classroom Team using the Link or Team code you instructor has provided to you via your course on D2L. From that point on, you will use your Lakeland College Edu email to access your Teams live lectures and recordings through the installed program on your device, and your D2L log in will be used to access your course materials on the D2L platform. D2L - Lakeland College
Individuals requesting copies of materials may have them done for a fee. (Current fee: $0.10)
Individuals requesting to use the fax machine may have documents faxed for a fee. (Current fee: $1.00 – 1st page plus $0.50 for every additional page)
Showers are available for your use; however, you must supply your own towels and personal toiletries.
A student lounge is equipped with a coffee maker, kettle, a refrigerator and a microwave for your use.
Use of office telephones is restricted to ETC staff only. Ask front reception for special permissions.
Candidates are to stay in public areas only. Instructor offices, behind the reception desk, and staff coffee room are out of bounds to students.
Candidates attending courses at ETC must park their vehicle in the designated parking areas only. Primary parking area is the paved parking on the east and north side of the building. Overflow parking is on the grass on the south side of the main building. Parking in the no parking areas will result in offending vehicles being towed away at owner’s expense.
Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre students are able to use ETC facilities after hours according to the following criteria:
• All ETC students have access to the Mackay/Makey building for use of the study, washroom, or shower facilities, Monday to Friday between 6:30 am and 6:30 pm.
• Students may stay in the building until Security locks the main doors at 10:00 pm. If students require entry into the building after the doors have been locked, they may call Security for access (Monday to Friday, except on statutory holidays).
• All ETC students are allowed access to the Mackay/Makey building on Saturday, Sunday or statutory holidays during the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Students must call Security to gain entrance and call Security when they are leaving during this time.
• Access to the Bridges Building is limited to EST students only.
• Any practical training must be directly supervised by a staff member.
1. Alberta Industrial Fire and Emergency Management Association Scholarship
2. Austin Bridges Memorial Award
3. Centennial Emergency Training Achievement Award
4. Loralee Nichols Memorial Award
1. Alberta Industrial Fire and Emergency Management Association Scholarship
Available to students in the Fire Fighter Training Program and Emergency Services Technology (EST) program. One awarded to a student in each program.
One will be awarded to the student in each program:
1. with the highest cumulative GPA (minimum 80% required); and
2. who is an Alberta resident.
No application is necessary for this award. Recipients are determined by the Awards Committee.
To be awarded to a FFTP student. Based on the following criteria:
1. Academic achievement.
2. Commitment to chosen career
3. Demonstrated character and leadership skills.
4. Willingness to assist and be supportive of fellow students, making a contribution to the success of all class members.
No application necessary. Each FFTP platoon nominates one member of their class to be considered for the award. From the students nominated, one recipient will be selected by the faculty, with final approval by the Awards Committee.
Four awards valued at $3000/each will be available to full-time students in the Emergency Services Technology (EST) program and one $2000 award will be available to each Fire Fighter Training Program (FFTP) offering, Vermilion campus.
Selection will be based on the following criteria:
1. Academic achievement.
2. Commitment to chosen profession
3. Demonstrated character and leadership skills
4. Willingness to assist and be supportive of fellow students, contributing to the success of all class members
No application is necessary for this award, students are recommended by the program faculty. Final approval by the Awards Committee. FFTP awards will be recognized at the closing ceremonies of each Platoon
To be awarded to a FFTP student. Awarded based on the following criteria:
1. Academic achievement.
2. Commitment to chosen career
3. Demonstrated character and leadership skills.
4. Willingness to assist and be supportive of fellow students, making a contribution to the success of all class members.
No application necessary. Each FFTP platoon nominates one member of their class to be considered for the award. From the students nominated, one recipient will be selected by the faculty, with final approval by the Awards Committee.
Practical evolutions use liquid hydrocarbon fuels and propane under high pressure. Prior to these evolutions safety briefings and review of safe job procedures will be carried out. Safety of students, instructors and equipment is of prime importance. Horse play will not be tolerated and may lead to removal from the field. Any student who suffers an injury must report it to their team leader.
Harassment takes on many forms but can be generally defined as unwelcome, inappropriate, belittling, or otherwise offensive remarks or behaviour directed at a person or group of persons thus creating an uncomfortable, hostile and/or intimidating learning environment. It may be a one-time event or a series of incidents and may also exist systemically as part of the learning environment.
Freedom from harassment is a fundamental right of all employees, students and clients. Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre will not condone or tolerate harassment in any form, whether it occurs on College property or in relation to ETC activities. Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre is committed to creating and supporting a learning environment that is harassment free. (See Harassment/Discrimination Policy for full details)
For more information see
For many years it has been a tradition at ETC for each Platoon Class to decorate their own class helmet and it becomes artwork that is displayed in one of the hallways at ETC, known as "Hallway of Helmets". We ask that you as a class discuss what you would like to do for your class helmet. You will be supplied with a helmet but the décor and getting it done up will be up to your class.
• Your helmet will be mounted in the hall after your graduation.
• You can click on the link below if you would like to see all the helmets that are currently displayed. 745584
• Video Presentation (Videos must be submitted to Team Leader for approval prior to being viewed by your families at ceremonies)
Fire Shots
Medical Shots
Extra-curricular shots
The Lakeland Emergency Training Centre is located in Vermilion, AB, which is approximately 190 km east of Edmonton on Highway 16. To reach the college, take Highway 41 North into town, and turn west on College Drive for approximately one km. The Lakeland Emergency Training Centre is situated 0.3 km north of the main Lakeland College campus. Please refer to the map below.
All ownership and entitlement to use of course materials are reserved to Lakeland College exclusively and any records that are produced are subject to the College’s copyright. No reproduction or further use of these materials is authorized or permitted.