Abby Tarapaski
Ashton Schuster
Ava Fried
Braden Wiens
Brandon Cey
Brooke Soetaert
Chase Cunningham
Cohen Sundquist
Colby Lees
Connor Miskolczi
Dylan DeBrouwer
Dylan Dion
Emily Creusot
Ethan Booker
Evan Fyfe
Hali Costain
Jackson Boyd
Joshua Davidson
Kian Keichinger
Kristin Sardoff
Kyla Good
Kyle Johns
Kyle Wiebe
Landon Hogstead
Levi Scherman
Logan Stewart
Luke Johnson
Navpreet Kaur
Ryan Chesterman
Supreet Kaur
Taylor Benoit
Ty Hope
Tyson Lewis
Wendal Egeland
Wyatt Cuthbertson
Order of Presentation:
Hemp, Faba, Malt
Barley and Corn Silage
Special Projects
Crop Demo
This year’s SMF class would like to give a big Thank You to all our sponsors, advisors, family, and friends for coming to watch our presentation today!
Total: $478/acre
2023 Wheat Input Costs per Acre
Total: $209/acre
April 1 – August 10, 2024. 80MT Pacer
$4 per /MT Cost December Futures
Table 5: Wheat 2024 Contracts
Recommendations are the same for all fields (LC 14, 25, 26B)
Application Type Product 1 Product 2
Pre-Seed N/A N/A
In Crop Glyphosate N/A
Insecticide Silencer 120SG N/A
Fungicide Proline Gold N/A
Pre Harvest Reglone Glyphosate
Table 12: Canola 2024 LC 12 Pesticide Application Plan
Note. Either Glyphosate or Reglone Pre-Harvest
Application Type Product 1 Product 2
Pre-Seed Glyphosate Aim
In Crop Liberty Centurion
Insecticide Silencer 120SG N/A
Fungicide Proline Gold N/A
Pre Harvest Reglone Glyphosate
Table 13: Canola 2024 Leased Half Pesticide Application Plan
Note: Either Glyphosate or Reglone for Pre-Harvest
Application Type Product 1 Product 2
Pre-Seed Glyphosate Conquer
In Crop Liberty Centurion
Insecticide Silencer 120SG N/A
Fungicide Proline Gold N/A
Pre Harvest Reglone Glyphosate
Table 14: Canola 2024 LC 26 A Pesticide Application Plan
Note: Either Glyphosate or Reglone for Pre-Harvest
Table 15: Canola 2024 Fertility Applications
2023/2024 Canola Costs Per Acre
Total: $496/acre
2023/2024 Canola Input Costs Per Acre
Total: $227/acre
Table 19: Canola 2024 Seeding Rates
Table 20: Peas 2023 Varieties, Seeding Rates and Fertilizer Blends Pesticide
Table 21: Peas 2023 LC 25 Applications
2023 Peas Total Cost per Acre
Total: $393/acre
2023 Peas Input Costs per Acre
Total: $146/acre
2023 Hemp Total Costs per Acre
Total: $370/acre
2023 Hemp Input Costs per Acre
Total: $119/acre
LC 20
2024 Crop Plans
LC 1/3 76 acres
Table 36: Faba Bean 2024 Crop Plans
Fertility Plan
Fertility 0-0-0-0
Inoculant Tagteam Bionic Faba
Yield Goal 50bu/ac
Table 37: Faba Bean 2024 Fertility Plans Pesticide
Table 38: Faba Bean 2024 Pesticide Application
Table 39: Faba Bean 2024 Financial Summary
Total: $288/acre
Total: $425/acre
Total: $164/acre
This year it came to the attention of the SMF crop students that the management of LC 4/5 was unsustainable, and changes needed to be made. In previous years, there were many applications of manure, causing high levels of phosphorus in the soil. There is also moderate compaction due to it being a high traffic field at the College. The SMF soon set goals according to what the needs of the field were.
• Restricted grazing
• Increase organic matter
• Improve root growth
With compaction posing an issue, the committee went out and did a compaction test. The results came back with high compaction at the entrance, but low to moderate on hill tops and in low spots of the field. The livestock SMF units decided to take LC 15 & 16 out of pasture and return it to crop production. In return, we made a decision to put LC 4/5 into forage production.
Compaction test map on LC 4/5 showed that there was moderate to low compaction as the soil is largely composed of sand. Most compacted area was the entrance to the field which was expected.
In the soil test above, we can see that the phosphorus is almost too high to grow any type of crop and that the OM is also relatively low.
The blend above is what the SMF crops will be planting on LC 4/5 this spring. This is a custom blend created based off our needs and goals. The committee, along with the mixed farm team, met with Paul from Kattle Squared to create this blend.
Variable rate is a kind of precision agriculture using topography mapping, zone soil testing, and yield data to come up with a strategic plan that optimizes crop input usage and maximizes the College’s profitability. The data is put into digital format, which is then used in tandem with our VR equipment at seeding. It helps us to utilize our fertilizer in the most efficient way by reducing costs from decreased inputs, increase efficiency from only putting down the fertilizer where it is essential, and provides a learning experience for our students on how precision agriculture implements can help fields with varying topography to have the best crop possible.
Below is our Return on Investment on for the 2023 crop on LC 14 from Point Forward Solutions.
The Mixed Farm Team decided to make new signs to give more field information. This is to show:
• Field history
• Current and previous crops
• Herbicides sprayed
• General field information.
SMF spread both liquid and dry manure this fall. There was a total of 1.3 million gallons of liquid manure and 4770 MT of dry manure.
• Liquid manure was spread on LCP 21, 22, 23, 24, which are pastures at the College.
• Solid manure was spread on the Leased Half and neighbors’ pastures.
This fall, a committee of students was put together to go to check the staging of our Canola crop on LC 26. The committee realized that the canola variety was non-pod shatter resistant and had not been swathed although it was very close to being ripe.
• The committee found the seeds were ready to be harvested but the plants remained excessively green.
• SMF had two decisions, either swath the crop or spray it. Ultimately, the decision was made by the whole SMF Crops team to spray the field to minimize the risk of shattering losses that may have come from swathing.
Last spring, last year’s Crop SMF decided to seed through a dry slough due to the drought. This year’s analysis team wanted to see if seeding through the slough was worth the investment. This net loss is calculated using our average canola sale price at $14.50 per bushel.
Yield comparison from ESN, Super U, Urea Demo on LC 18
Comparison in Residual N from Demo on LC 18
Thank You
• New Holland
• Webb’s Machinery
• Roy Kubica
• Meridian Manufacturing
• Point Forward Solutions
• SMF Advisors
o Amy Hill
o Janet Kerr
o Zenon Kotowich
o JP Pettyjohn
o Amy Stanley
o Tracy Quinton
• Meadow Lake Co-op
• Six Strong Agronomy: James Oberhofer
• Dom St. Amand
• Troy Waltz
• Bill Robinson
• Mike Hittinger
• Denise Martin
• Trisha Mechor
• Tracy Quinton, Dean of Agricultural Sciences
• Darla Stepanick, Associate Dean of Agricultural Sciences
• Kris Lehmann, Farm Manager
• Jayden Cramer , Crop Technician
• Farm Staff