Lakeland Link: March 7, 2011

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March 7, 2011


A publication of Lakeland College

Vermilion • Lloydminster

Our MISSION To inspire our learners to realize their individual potential. Our VISION To achieve educational excellence in a people-centred environment. Our VALUES are Respect, Safety, Trust, Pride, Ethics, Quality and Accountability.

Upcoming Events Lloydminster campus Tuesday, March 8 • Dean's Tea. Cafeteria. 8 pm

Wednesday, March 23 • Student Awards Night. Cafeteria. 6:30 pm

Vermilion campus Wednesday, March 9 • Student Awards Night. Vermilion Regional Centre. 6:30 pm

Friday, March 11 • Enviro-Citing & ATOR day camp. Discover Lakeland's programs in environmental sciences and adventure tourism

Friday, March 18 • Ag-Citing. Learn about Lakeland's ag programs, Student Managed Farm, & career paths from alumni. Campus tours, mini-labs & more. 9 am to 4 pm • 23rd annual Western Canadian Judging Competition. Indoor Riding Arena. Hosted by Lakeland's judging team. 8:30 am

Saturday, March 19 • Little Royal Rodeo. Indoor Riding Arena

Lakeland In Your Town Info Sessions It will be time well spent for parents, school counsellors and high school students looking for post-secondary options. • Tuesday, March 15. St. Paul Regional High School, St. Paul. 6 to 8 pm • Thursday, March 24. John Paul II High School, Fort Saskatchewan. 7 to 9 pm • Wednesday, March 30. Blessed Sacrament School, Wainwright. 7 to 9 pm Go to

is published biweekly from September to May by the department of Advancement for staff and members of the college community. Submissions regarding college news and initiatives are welcome and published at the editor's discretion. The deadline for submission is Thursday at noon prior to the publication date. The Lakeland Link is available in Outlook's Public Folders and online at

Man-i-cure A health fair hosted Feb. 17 by the health services office at the Lloydminster campus gave students & staff a chance to learn about fitness, nutrition, personal care and overall wellbeing. Pictured left, marketing's Taylor Dyer gives his manly hands a break with a manicure from esthetician student Stephanie Hippe.

Student award evenings highlight the importance of fundraising efforts As Lakeland College continues its efforts to increase funds and endowments for student awards, scholarships and bursaries, some students will soon be the beneficiaries. This month, deserving Lakeland College students will receive 633 awards and scholarships valued at $608,000. At Vermilion, a ceremony will be held Wednesday, March 9 at the Vermilion Regional Centre. The program will see 370 awards and scholarships valued at $277,000 distributed to Vermilion campus students as well as five students from the paramedic program offered at Camrose. Lloydminster campus students will be honoured on Wednesday, March 23 at a ceremony to be held in the cafeteria. A total of $331,000 in awards and scholarships will be distributed to 263 student recipients. The student awards distributed this month are in addition to the $36,000 awarded to another 75 student recipients in the fall through Lakeland College’s bursary program. Efforts to raise more funds to grow endowments will continue by staff in the fund development office as the college approaches its centenary year. So far, their hard work is beginning to show promising results. During the past year, staff and external donors have contributed an additional $1 million to the Students Endowment Awards fund. Staff donations and pledges make up the additional $400,000 to the fund with another $100,000 from Lakeland alumni and college friends. Donations and pledges from organizations including Convergint Technologies, Longridge Consulting, Firemaster Oilfield Services Inc., Webb’s of Vermilion, Fillmore Construction Management Inc. and Case New Holland added a total of $542,500 to the endowment fund. Since October 2009, approximately $2.8 million has been contributed to the Centennial Awards Endowment Fund. Awards generated from this endowment will be distributed for the first time to students in 2013, the college’s centenary year. For more information or to find out how to contribute, contact the fund development office at 780 871 5732 or 1 800 661 6490 ext. 5732.

A word from Glenn's desk It is the busy season for events. Athletics had provincial playoffs going on in several sports. Lakeland hosted provincials in indoor soccer at Lloydminster and curling at Vermilion. As well, Lakeland women’s volleyball and men’s basketball teams also participated in provincial tournaments to see who goes to nationals. Special congratulations goes to head coach Peter Sambu who was named ACAC Coach of the Year. This is Peter’s first year as head coach of Lakeland’s men’s basketball team. He led the team to a very impressive 16-3 season and was undefeated at home. Great job, Peter! We are working hard to secure funding for our new heavy oil lab. I have trips scheduled to Regina and Calgary in the next couple of weeks to talk to government and potential industry partners about making this project a reality. Time is of the Glenn Charlesworth essence as the demand for skilled labour Lakeland College president in the oil and gas industry grows daily. Looming labour shortages are staring us in the face. This represents Lakeland’s highest priority capital project and carries a price tag of $15 million. It is essential if we are to stay current in the delivery of heavy oil and power engineering training. We are also working with the leadership of the Onion Lake Cree Nation to explore partnership opportunities. A Lakeland team will be going to Onion Lake this month to meet with area leaders and to see some really progressive initiatives that are taking place in the community. This will be followed by another meeting at our Lloydminster campus, after which I hope to have some solid plans on how we can work together to increase accessibility. I am very excited about the possibilities. The provincial budget was recently announced and there were no surprises. There are no increases to our base operating funding but this is what we expected. Lakeland’s draft budget is now ready and will go to the Board of Governors at its March meeting. It will be available to everyone once the Board passes final acceptance. Speaking of the Board, the recruitment period for our new board chair and one new board member (they could be one and the same person) has now concluded. The board will now go through the applications to determine who to interview and to ultimately make a recommendation to the minister of Advanced Education and Technology. We hope that our new member(s) will be announced prior to June 30. Have a great couple of weeks. Soon the weather will begin to get warmer and we will all be enjoying the coming of spring.

A Lakeland minute Available in Public Folders are notes from the Jan. 19 Student & College Services meeting and minutes from the Jan. 27 Executive Team meeting.

A motivating HR webinar Winter is dragging on but here’s something to boost your spirits. This month’s wellness webinar from HumanaCare is Tuesday, March 8 and is entitled, “Trying to Stay Motivated.” To learn how to register, go to Public Folders/Human Resources/HumanaCare or call Ilona Hoglander at ext. 8619.

Green 'n' Gold nominations The 2011 Green ’n’ Gold submission deadline is September 30, 2011. If you have someone or a group of people you’d like to nominate for one of the following categories, please complete the Green ’n’ Gold nomination form located in public folders and send to the human resources office. Categories are customer service, leadership, health and safety, innovation and performance excellence. Have questions? Call Darlene Barr in the human resources department at ext. 8427.

Fun at March fundraisers The performing arts department’s St. Patrick’s Day fundraiser is March 12 at the Vermilion Regional Centre. Tickets at the finance department or Fantasy Flowers. Lakeland’s Enviro Club and the Town of Vermilion’s environmental committee is showing a green movie double feature March 16, 7 pm in the Alumni Hall Theatre. Call Ann Lockwood (ext. 8430) for details.

Staff bowl to support area brothers & sisters Lakeland bowlers will be out in full force Saturday, March 12 on the lanes of Lloydminster to support the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl for Kids fundraising event. Three teams of Lakeland bowlers will consist of Lisa MacPherson, Mary Finlin, Chad Gabrielson, Kathy Williams, Cecelia Foster, Carol Masse, Lonnie Boothman, Idella Matthews, Lynn Williamson, Elizabeth Webber, Michelle Myers, Lynette Mercer, Charlene Bonnar and Erin Staden. The theme for this year’s event is “That's Entertainment” and teams are expected to dress accordingly. “There should be quite a range of costumes and interpretations of that theme,” says Bonnar, Lakeland’s academic advisor at the Lloydminster campus. Additional support from the college includes spot prize donations and $300 raised by staff by selling chili, coffee and muffins during reading week. The team is currently taking online pledges and so far have raised $1,340. Anyone wanting to support the cause with a donation may go to http://lloydminsterbbbs.kintera. org/bfks and go to “Lakeland College.”

Staff on ice Karin Naqvi, computer/network technician, and other college staff had lots of spills and thrills at the staff funspiel Feb. 23 at the Lloydminster Curling Club. The event was hosted by campus recreation.

Pro bull riders buck the cold at Vermilion campus

2011 bull riding champion

Some of North America’s top bull riders were at Lakeland College’s Vermilion campus Friday to compete in the 6th Annual Buck the Cold Professional Bull Riding event. Among the biggest names in the line-up were Lakeland alumnus Aaron Roy (pictured above) who is currently ranked in the world’s top 10, and Zane Lambert. Also in the line-up were Josh Koschel, Harve Stewart and Reese Cates who are also ranked in the top 40 bull riders in North America. In total, over 30 competitors entered the ring. Four of them left Vermilion immediately after the competition to take part in the Built Ford Tough Series event, a qualifier for the World’s finals, being held in Chicago’s United Centre. The PBR event was hosted by the Lakeland College Rodeo Club with the support of numerous community volunteers and businesses. About 1,500 people attended the event.

Chad Besplug of Claresholm, Alta., won Friday's PBR event at the Vermilion campus. He is pictured above receiving the championship buckle from Doug Stewart, a Vermilion community member and chair of the event's host organizing committee.

Top name rodeo pros & alumni lead rodeo schools Some top names in the professional rodeo circuit will be at Lakeland College’s Vermilion campus March 11 to 13 to teach the tricks of their trade to those new to the sport. Lakeland College’s Rodeo Club will host the pros during a rodeo school open to participants aged 15 years and older from March 11 to 13. It will be held in the Indoor Riding Arena at the Vermilion campus. Instructors are: • Rod Hay, winner of numerous titles and is an eight-time Canadian saddle bronc champion, $50,000 Calgary Stampede winner and a 17-time national finals rodeo qualifier. • Davey Shields Jr. who with his 95-point ride at the 2010 Calgary Stampede set a new world record. He is also top earning bareback rider in the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association. • Jason and Jeff Resch, both Lakeland alumni are known as the rodeo twin pick-up men. The pair work in rodeo arenas across Canada during saddle bronc, bull riding and bareback events. Among their many accomplishments, Jason has picked up at the Canadian Final Rodeo for the past four years was also named as pick up man for the Canadian National Rodeo in 2009. Lee MacMillan, Lakeland’s rodeo and equine coordinator, says the school is open to greenhorn and experienced riders. High school students as well as members of the public and members of the college’s Rodeo Club are welcome to take part. Cost to register is $350 per person. A special attraction to the event will be a bronc riding performance followed by a dance on the Saturday night for participants. For more information about the rodeo school, please contact Lee MacMillan at 780 853 8642 or go to Last weekend, the Rodeo Club hosted a school for bullfighting and bull riders in conjunction with the professional bull riding event also at the Vermilion campus. Instructors were the Johansen Brothers and Scott Byrne and Curtis Smyth.

$1,000 roped in for Indoor Riding Arena Efforts by Lakeland College's Rodeo Club to improve the Indoor Riding Arena received a $1,000 boost from ATCO Electric recently. The facility is used by students in the college's agricultural sciences programs as well as community groups to hold including rodeos, ranch roping and livestock clinics and equine shows. Pictured above is Lee MacMillan, equine & rodeo coodinator at the college accepting the donation from ATCO's Pat Stenne.

MBA opportunity for Lakeland petro mgt grads

Lakeland student Kenton Lindenbach was one of the college's judging team members who helped young 4-H members at the UB the Judge clinic at the Vermilion campus on Feb. 12.

Ag students help young 4-Hers at UB the Judge event On February 12, the Lakeland College Judging Team spent the day at the “UB the Judge” 4-H judging clinic at the Vermilion campus. The judging team always helps out at this event. At this year’s event, Lakeland team members split up and each took a species/class and instructed 4-H members (ages 6-21) on how to judge the class. Each demonstration included information about what to look for, what is most important, how to compare and basic anatomy. Species/classes demonstrated included horses, beef heifers, dairy cows, photography, snacks, field peas and sheep. As special guests, Stockdog Club members demonstrated the judging of stockdogs. The 4-H members thoroughly enjoyed their morning of learning about critical thinking and agricultural classes. Lakeland’s judging team did a fantastic job of setting up the event and were great hosts to the 4-H members who attended. Special thanks to 4-H organizers for asking the college’s judging team to assist with this every year. Thank you to Lisa Lastiwka for her photography and her knowledge in the photography class, Shelby Wiebe and her assistant for the stockdog expertise, and to the following Lakeland judging team members who made this event a success: Julie Mitchell, Kenton Lindenbach, Lynette Lastiwka, Jordyn Prior, Raylene Moellenbeck, Harley Wasieczko, Lindsey Grover and Garth Dinwoodie.

Lakeland College, Keyera Corp., and University Canada West (UCW) in Vancouver, B.C., have established an academic route for graduates of Lakeland’s petroleum management diploma program. The new agreement enables graduates to apply for direct admission to UCW’s master of business administration program under its flexible admissions policy and receive advanced credit for up to four of the sixteen courses in the MBA program. Anyone interested in the opportunity can attend an online program information session on Monday, March 14 at noon to 12:40 pm. To register, call 604 762 1145 or email Sabina.tan@ucan. ca with your full name and telephone number. A Webex link will be emailed to you after completing your registration.

ETC hosts conference Lakeland College’s Emergency Training Centre (ETC) hosted its third annual emergency services instructor conference at the Vermilion campus March 3 to 4. Delegates were from across Alberta and Saskatchewan. Topics covered were student engagement, student performance, classroom technology, health, communication, advanced thinking skills and training material use and development. Presenters included ETC’s Roxanne Stelmaschuk, Curtis Gorkoff, Alan Jones, Dale Pearce, Randy Segboer and Debbie Smeaton. George Roddick, a consultant with Alberta’s first regional emergency services commission, David Zayonce, regional fire chief and director, emergency management, Beaver Emergency Services Commission, Joanne Sheardown, City of Edmonton emergency management officer and incident command system instructor, and Chris Senaratne of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency were also presenters.

Raffle supports clinic needs

Claiming the silver spoon Winning the coveted silver ladle at the Lloydminster campus Soup Off on Feb. 14 was the Students’ Association's Shelby Longworth, Tyson Lancaster and Janelle Tkachuk. They are pictured here with judges Kim Spies and Wendy Plandowski. Their tasty salsa soup was also named "Most Hearty." Soup sales raised $300 for the Staff Association Student Award and $300 to the Susan Goodfellow Scholarship.

Second-year animal health technology students are holding a raffle to raise funds to buy equipment to be used by AHT and veterinary medical assistant students in the Small Animal Clinic. Prizes are: first, large dog kennel filled with dog food; second, pet toys, treats and trinkets; and third, a $75 gift certificate to a pet store. Tickets are $2 each and are available from any second year AHT student or at the Small Animal Clinic.

Lakeland's Rustlers men claim provincial ACAC gold medal in futsal Attitude, desire and belief paid off this weekend for the Rustlers men’s futsal team as they won the gold medal in the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) provincial championship. The men went through the tournament’s round robin losing their first game to Mount Royal University by a score of 6-2. Next, the Rustlers defeated the Medicine Hat Rattlers and the Keyano Huskies to earn a second place finish. This put them on a collision course to play the league’s only udefeated team, the Mount Royal Cougars, in the final round. In all three of their previous engagements with the Cougars, the Lakeland Rustlers fell short. This time, however, the Rustlers knew they had to put together a solid 50 minutes of play in front of a hometown crowd to win the title of conference champions. The game was close in the first half until Sven Waelechi drove a penalty kick by the MRU goalkeeper to put Lakeland ahead by one going into the half. In the second quarter, Lakeland’s Jordan Smith put the ball past the Mount Royal goaltender. He scored again near the end of the game to seal the victory, Rustlers goalkeeper Matt Merilainen made several key saves during the game. Well done, Rustlers, for a great season.

This year's ACAC men's futsal champions are Lakeland College Rustlers (front): Matt Merilainen, (kneeling) Jordan Smith, Johan Jones, Herman Puff, Josh Firlotte, Ken Strasky, (standing) Danny Schneider (assistant coach), Ryan Palik, Sven Waelechi, Omar Amador, Sonu Thind and coach Kevin Wagner. The Rustlers beat the Mount Royal University Cougars to claim the provincial championship

Rustlers named ACAC All Conference athletes Four Lakeland student athletes made the roster as ACAC All Conference athletes in volleyball and basketball. They are: Brianne Collette, a business student and captain of the Rustlers women’s volleyball team. This year, she set Lakeland records for the most kills, digs, service aces and sets played. This is the third year she has made the All Conference team. Collette’s hometown is Winnipeg, Man. Tracy Holloway, a university transfer student, earned a spot on the North Division All Conference second team in basketball. This year, she led the Rustlers women’s team in points, assists and steals. She is from Saskatoon, Sask. Two Rustlers men’s basketball players were selected as All Conference players. Marcus McNee led his team in rebounds and blocks, and finished second in points, assists and rebounds. Jordan Rose, named to the north division’s second team, led the Rustlers in scoring percentage, assists and steals, and led the ACAC North Division in points per game average. They are both from Toronto, Ont.

Best-ever finish gives women's volleyball reason to celebrate In a season that ranks as its best in Lakeland College history, the Rustlers women's volleyball team made it to the bronze medal game of the ACAC championship held in Calgary last weekend. Despite a solid effort, the Lakeland team lost the game but with a number of players returning next year, they are on track for another strong season.

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