Lakeland Link: September 20, 2010

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September 20, 2010

Upcoming Events Lloydminster campus Tuesday, September 21 • Alzheimer's Coffee Break fundraiser. Main hallway. 9:30 to 11 am while supplies last. Sponsored by the Students' Association.

Thursday, September 23 • Bannock and Tea Social. Students' Association Office. 10:30 am to noon

Vermilion campus Monday, September 20 • Movie Night featuring "Temple Grandin." Grandin, Ph.D., is renowned for her work in the animal handling field and has visited the Vermilion campus in the past. She is also an advocate for autism. Admission is free. All students & staff are welcome. Alumni Hall Theatre. 8 to 10 pm

Tuesday, September 21 • Alzheimer's Coffee Break fundraiser. Alumni Hall. 9:30 to 11 am while supplies last. Sponsored by the Students' Association.

Saturday, September 25 • Rustlers Crew Regatta. Vermilion Provincial Park. Launches at 10:30 am & 1 pm

Thursday, September 30 • Last day to submit Green 'n' Gold nominations. For more information, call Human Resources at ext. 8427.

october 19 Vermilion campus october 20 Lloydminster campus

Counsellors we have a page just for you!

Participating in the ribbon cutting ceremony were John Howard, City of Camrose councilor; Dr. Roger Epp, dean of University of Alberta Augustana Campus; Ritchie Wall and Stefanie Steiger, students in paramedic program; Denis Cunninghame, acting dean of Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre; Alice Wainwright-Stewart, vice president of academic, innovation & research at Lakeland College; and Glenn Charlesworth, president of Lakeland College.

Lakeland opens new home for EMS programs After a year in a temporary location in Camrose, Lakeland College has found a home for its emergency medical services programs. On Sept. 7, the college officially opened its Camrose location of Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre. Lakeland is renting a bay, offices and classrooms at the former City of Camrose fire station to house its paramedic and emergency medical technician (EMT) programs. The programs were transferred from the University of Alberta’s Augustana campus to Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre in March 2009. Lakeland College President Glenn Charlesworth thanked Augustana campus employees as well as City of Camrose officials for the expertise and help they’ve provided Lakeland. “We appreciate the support we’ve received,” he says. Denis Cunninghame, acting dean of Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre, noted that numbers in the emergency medical services programs were strong last year with about 40 students enrolled. “It looks like our enrolment will grow this year as 29 first-year paramedic students started classes today, 13 EMT students will start Sept. 13, and 27 paramedic students will return for the second year of the diploma program on Sept. 20,” he says. There will be another intake of EMT students in April. Both programs are offered online combined with on site days in Camrose. Lakeland also offers short-term paramedic and EMT refresher courses at its Camrose location.

Environmental sciences applied degree program earns EcoCanada accreditation Lakeland College is one of a few select colleges in Canada that has received accreditation for environmental sciences programming. Lakeland received accreditation for its bachelor of applied science: environmental management (BAppSc:EM) program from the Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) Canada and its Canadian Environmental Accreditation Commission (CEAC). The CEAC acts as ECO Canada’s safeguard on impartiality and provides non-governmental thirdparty auditing for colleges, universities and technical institutes. Lakeland’s BAppSc:EM applied degree program is a two-year post-diploma program offered at the college’s Vermilion campus. It includes an eightmonth industry work placement and intensive course work and training in site assessment, remediation and reclamation techniques, monitoring and environmental protection, project

management and technical report generation. Lakeland began the process to earn accreditation in 2009 as part of a national pilot project spearheaded by the CEAC. Lakeland was one of three colleges–and one of just six Canadian post-secondary institutions–selected to participate in the project. For Lakeland, accreditation from ECO Canada is a real boon to the college and students. “Having accreditation clearly communicates to government and industry employers that Lakeland students are acquiring the knowledge, skills and abilities from a program that meets national standards and criteria relating to curriculum and learning resources, as well as faculty credentials and experience,” says Dr. Lee Arthur, program head of Lakeland’s BAppSc:EM program. “When Lakeland graduates enter the workforce, employers can be assured that they have the competencies required to be successful in the

environmental sector.” Rhea Castillo, ECO Canada Accreditation Program coordinator concurs. “ECO Canada’s National Environmental Program Accreditation process clearly identifies high-quality, industry relevant programs. Lakeland’s BAppSc:EM program is one such program and its graduates definitely value-add to the industry,” says Castillo. Graduates from Lakeland College’s BAppSc:EM program typically find work in various industry and government departments as well as regulatory agencies serving the oil and gas, forestry and wildlife, mining, agriculture, pulp and paper sectors. Many are also graduates from Lakeland College’s twoyear environmental sciences diploma program with majors in environmental conservation and reclamation, conservation and restoration ecology, wildlife and fisheries conservation, and environmental monitoring and protection.

Honduras enviro project a great experience for Lakeland BAppSc:EM student

Chelsea Gatzke in Cusuco Park, Honduras

Back from a live the learning experience like no other, environmental sciences student Chelsea Gatzke says her experience of working on a wildlife conservation project in Honduras is one she’ll never forget. Gatzke spent six weeks this summer in Honduras with Operation Wallacea to determine the biodiversity of birds in Cusuco National Park. As part of a project team consisting of scientists, university researchers and university students from England, Scotland, Ireland, Singapore, New Zealand, the U.S. and other parts of Canada, Gatzke used several survey techniques and worked to identify many species. “I learned how to properly handle the birds, extract them from the nets and

process them. Each bird caught was identified, weighed, measured, aged and sexed,” says Gatzke. “We also measured the eye and head size.” She was also able to see a variety of habitats in Honduras as she hiked the transects. “The terrain was mountainous and challenging. At base camp we slept in tents; at satellite camps, in hammocks. Only with the aid of a local guide were we able to leave camp to go down into the village. There was one local man in particular who–despite a language barrier—I was able to develop a very trusting relationship with. He made me feel very safe and seemed to make the extra effort to make sure I was okay.” While working on an overseas project like Gatzke’s sounds exotic, it isn’t for the faint of heart. “Our day began at 4 am so we could be ‘up with the birds’ so to speak. Our first survey session would last until 10 am, we’d break for awhile when the birds were less active, and then we would go back to work later in the afternoon,” says Gatzke. “In the evenings there were often presentations from scientists who spoke about work that they were doing on other projects in Honduras. For the most part, though, I was in bed by 8 pm.” She also had to take necessary medical precautions so that she would not contract

diseases such as malaria and typhoid fever. Her digestive system also had to adapt to the in-camp diet of mainly dry, starchy foods. Gatzke says that by the end of her six week-stay, she was sad to leave Honduras but ready to go home to see her family. Even though she was able to keep in touch with them via email, computer and Internet access were limited in the forest. She adds that it was her dad who was probably the most nervous throughout the six-weeks of her being overseas. “When I got back, he jokingly told me that I was never allowed to do anything like that again—but I know he was kidding. He and the rest of my family were very excited for me and proud of me,” says Gatzke. “The experience in Honduras was absolutely incredible. The landscape and environmental setting were different, but I was able to apply a lot of the same environmental conservation concepts and principles that I have learned as a Lakeland student. The people on the project team were also a lot of fun and dedicated to the work that we were doing. I feel so fortunate to have been able to be part of something so purposeful and valuable. I learned so much, saw incredible things and met friends that will last a lifetime. I’m so glad I did it.”

Dave King, Lyle Kragnes, Harold Lewis, Tyler Gilbertson and Kevin Romeo were among the Lakeland alumni currently on staff who enjoyed barbecued burgers and more at the staff alumni luncheon hosted by the Alumni Office at the Vermilion campus Sept. 9. Over 100 staff members at the college are also Lakeland grads.

Alumni office celebrates students turned staff Lakeland staff members who also happen to be graduates of the college were honoured during a barbecue lunch in the Vermilion campus gymnasium on Sept. 9. Staff in attendance also received their own alumni t-shirt to celebrate their part of the alumni family. "Lakeland College is proud to hire our own graduates," says Darla Yonkman, alumni coordinator. "It demonstrates how much Lakeland believes in the high quality of our students, graduates and programs." Staff members who have been employees at the college for more than five years are also considered alumni and are eligible to join the Lakeland College Alumni Association. Call the alumni office at ext. 8628 if you'd like more information. The alumni office hopes to make the celebration of its staff alumni a new The sister act of Denise and Suzanne tradition at the college. Martin are both Lakeland alumni. Denise "The turnout at this year's barbecue was graduated in '85 and Suzanne, in '84. fabulous! Thanks to all who joined us," Together they have worked at the college says Yonkman. for 51 years.

Breakfast of champions Egger sandwiches, juice and coffee were the items of choice for students and staff last Wednesday during a welcome back breakfast hosted by the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees, the college board of governors, the orientation committee and the Students' Association. Breakfasts were held at the Lloydminster and Vermilion campuses. Above agriculture student Kenton Lindenbach grabs his breakfast to go before he starts his day of classes.

Thanks for all you do Payroll staff Willa McCormack and Sandra Hunter received small bouquets of flowers from their Lakeland colleagues in recognition of National Payroll Week, Sept 13 to 17. Each month, the pair work tirelessly to ensure that the college’s payroll is administered accurately and on time. In addition to being college staff, Sandra and Willa are also college alumni. Willa is pictured here wearing her new alumni t-shirt.

EHC premiums increase Effective October 1, Blue Cross extended health care premiums will increase approximately 19.8 per cent. The hike is mainly due to more prescription drug claims being covered with the implementation of new pay-direct drug card last year. Premiums to Blue Cross are paid a month in advance and therefore staff will see the increase in premiums on their September 2010 pay cheques. Below is a comparison of the former and current monthly rates: Previous rate New rate Single $59.63 $72.16 Family $166.23 $201.37 If you have questions, please contact human resources at ext. 8406.

An a-maze-ing time for all at the college corn maze The corn maze at the Vermilion campus is now open Saturday and Sundays from 1 to 4 pm throughout September and October. This year’s corn maze has a lot of geometrically designed paths so be careful–there are a lot of dead ends! All ages are welcome. Admission is $5 per person, children under 11 are $3 each. Groups are welcome. To arrange a booking call Todd Ree at 780 853 8526, on weekends call 780 853 8505. All funds raised at the corn maze will go towards student club projects.

Instructor Dr. Terri Rowatt and animal health technology student Jayda Michielsen demonstrate the new digital x-ray equipment at the Vermilion campus.

Animal health technology lab equipment goes digital The animal health technology program has acquired a Konica Minolta Computerized Radiography (CR) system using digital phosphor plates to capture x-ray images of furry and four-legged patients. The system's reusable plates replace x-ray film and send images to a computer station. Lakeland students will learn how to use the digital reader and how to perfect the image using new Image Pilot computer software. With many veterinary clinics rapidly converting from using older radiographic film and chemical-developing procedures to using digital radiography, the new equipment will give Lakeland AHT students an edge as they prepare to enter the workforce. "The new system will enable Lakeland students to gain a working knowledge of digital radiology during their training," says instructor Dr. Terri Rowat. "These are skills that employers will be looking for. It gives them a great advantage."

ETC goes deep underground

Peter Walsh and Josie Van Lent

Lakeland instructor wins teaching award In front of a hometown crowd, Peter Walsh, an agricultural sciences instructor, was recognized at the Canadian Association of Diplomas in Agriculture Programs (CADAP) for excellence in teaching. He received the award at CADAP's annual meeting which was held in June at Lakeland's Vermilion campus. The award is given to an outstanding instructor from the post-secondary institution that hosts the organization's meeting. The award recipient is selected on the basis of their ability to attract and motivate students, use of effective and innovative teaching methods, current knowledge of subject matter, course/curriculum development and professional integrity. Peter received a certificate and a monetary award. Congratulations!

Denis Cunninghame and Clint McCullough returned last week from a trip to Diavak Diamond mine in the Northwest Territories. Diavak is interested in having Lakeland College's Emergency Training Centre offer training for its emergency response teams. Training courses will include: 472 Dangerous Goods Awareness, 1003, Airport Firefighter, 1081, Entry Level, Incipient, Interior Structure, Advanced Exterior and Brigade Leader. They are also interested in the ICS series. Diavak is an operating company owned by Rio Tinto the second largest mining company in the world. It is hoped that this contract could lead to further opportunities with other subsidiaries. We are looking at expanding further into the mining industry to providing training to more emergency response teams. ETC also met with NWTs municipal and community affairs department and the government's fire marshall during the trip. Pat White was at the EKATI Diamond mine to teach 1081 Entry & Incipient Clint McCullough and Denis Cunninghame in Industrial firefighting. the Diavak mine.

ATOR students return from expedition on Saskatchewan's Foster River Second-year students in the adventure tourism and outdoor receation (ATOR) program started the year off with a blast with another successful expedition trip. Born from the interests, goals and expectations of the experience that the students identified in the spring, the senior class paddled the Foster River during a ten-day river trip in northern Saskatchewan. On August, 28, students finalize trip details, packed food and organized equipment. They departed Aug. 30 as they hit the highway to Missinipe where, 12 hours later, they few by float plane to begin the wilderness trip. Facing a mixed bag of weather, the students continued ownership of the expedition by taking turns with the leadership roles so critical to the success of an outdoor expedition. In true form of experiential learning, students had the opportunity to solve real-time problems, deal with unexpected circumstances and work collectively to meet a goal. The boreal shield offered a beautiful backdrop to the river trip and gave many students a new and welcomed impression

Mel Carmichael serves as bow paddler (front) and Troy Crowe as stern paddler during one of the legs of the river canoe trip. Both are second-year students in the ATOR program.

of Saskatchewan’s landscape. The trip's success was due in part to the efforts of the group’s preparation and willingness to address the need to change and flex as the reality of the experience

unfolded. Regardless, it will contend with the best of memories and knowledge the students will take away from their time in the ATOR program–with hopes that soon they can do it again.

Student finds new career with Lakeland programs, deaf community & ASL Many people have stories about overcoming obstacles to earn a college diploma. Bill Sinclair is one of them. After a summer job turned into a 20-plus year stint at the same company, Sinclair decided it was time for a change. “I liked my job but I wanted more. I wanted a career or a profession,” he says. One area that interested him was sign language so in the early 2000s, he took an American Sign Language (ASL) course. After completing level one, he knew it was a field he wanted to pursue a career. He took another course and set a goal to complete all five ASL levels and then earn a sign language interpretation diploma. But the post-secondary sector was changing and the courses and program Sinclair wanted was no longer available. “People in the deaf community and others involved in previous courses advocated for the return of the training,” says Sinclair. Eventually Lakeland got involved. Lakeland first offered an ASL and deaf studies certificate. Sinclair completed that program in June 2007. In 2008 Lakeland introduced a sign language interpretation diploma. Sinclair was one of the first people to register for the program. As classes are offered primarily online with some evening and weekend classes

in Edmonton, he was able to continue working while he earned his diploma. “This would have been impossible without an understanding support network at home,” he says. As for the program, he thought it was excellent."One of the best things about the diploma program was the talent of the instructors. We had the best in the industry,” says Sinclair. Another highlight was having two deaf students in the class, both who are now deaf interpreters. “They were invaluable to our class. I hope every cohort has the good fortune of having members of the deaf community in their class,” says Sinclair. Students in the class became a closeknit group and helped each other in the program. They were involved in the deaf community and learned about deaf culture which is a very important part of the language, says Sinclair. In the spring of 2010–almost 10 years after he first set his sights on a career in sign language interpretation–Sinclair graduated with distinction. He and 10 others were the first graduates of Lakeland’s sign language interpretation program. As the students crossed the stage to receive their parchments, the audience applauded using ASL, a ceremony highlight.

Bill Sinclair

Looking back at his educational path, Sinclair can’t believe the unexpected hurdles he faced. But in the end it was worth it. “I’m glad I stuck with it to complete my training. It was one of the most stressful things I’ve done but also one of the most rewarding,” he says. He also credits people including Alice Wainwright-Stewart, Angela Stratiy, Lindy Cundy, Dr. Fern Snart, Sandra Reid, Dr. Debra Russell, Kirk FergusonUhrich and Pat Wasylik who worked to make the diploma program a reality. Sinclair is now under contract with NorQuest College and NAIT. He also does freelance work and continues to work on his ASL. “It’s like speaking English. Some people are better at it than others. There’s always room for improvement.”

Lakeland face a finalist in Global TV contest

Students work to heighten awareness of FASD Charlene Keichinger (early learning and child care) and Stephanie Stang (educational assistant) were two of the students in the college’s human services programs who participated in a project to mark International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness day on Thursday, Sept. 9. Above, they share information about FASD with first-year student Kole Kasey at the Vermilion campus.

New digs in the library

Lakeland recruitment advisor Crystal Jackson may be an up and coming television commercial star for Global TV. She is one of 30 finalists selected from a field of 22,000 entries in the Global News Facebook Fans Contest. Crystal’s entry outlined why she loved Global TV, the city of Edmonton, and some interesting points about herself, including the fact that she does a lot of travelling as part of her Lakeland College job. Specifically, Crystal cited Edmonton’s big city conveniences in a small city atmosphere and its thriving festival culture, range of ethnicity, music and arts scene as attractions. She also said the long-time familiarity of Global TV reporters/news anchors including Gord Steinke, Lynda Steele and Mike Sobel was why she loves Global Edmonton. “I feel like I know the reporters. I can laugh with them, learn from them and enjoy their company on TV. Now I wait to see if I made it! But I’m still one of their best fans so, really, I’ve already won!”

No one likes to live through a renovation but students using the Vermilion campus library think it was well worth it. The $150,000 renovation has resulted in three breakout rooms with SmartBoards, new tables and chairs, study carrels, comfy lounge chairs in the window seating area, five computer workstations with height adjustments and large monitors, and new couches, coffee tables and carpet. A new computer inventory system, security gate and a fresh coat of paint finished up the project. An open house was held Sept. 12 to mark the end of the renovation that took about three months to complete. The library at the Lloydminster campus also received some new couches and a computer workstation.

Crystal Jackson is a finalist in a Global TV competition. She hopes to win a spot on the television station's new commercials to be aired later this fall.

A Lakeland minute The library make over at the Vermilion campus is proving to be a real hit with students including these agriculture and environmental students Avis Beeching, Emily Monahan, Audrey Thorhaug, Charli Masson, Jessica McLean and Tracey Worthing.

Minutes from the Executive Team meeting held Aug. 17 are now posted in Outlook's Public Folders. If you have questions, please contact Isabelle Moses at ext. 8485.

Rustlers crew back in the water to begin the season Meeting last year's numbers may be a tough haul for this year's Rustlers rowing team but the are ready to give it their best shot, says head coach Peter Walsh. Lakeland College's Rustlers rowing team had their first test Sept. 11 in Saskatoon. Team members Morgan Husereau, Tyler Mullen, Caitlin January and Jennelle Russell were up before the crack of dawn to get their boats in the water to race as a mixed quad in an exhibition regatta sponsored by the Saskatoon Rowing Club. The team raced against women’s crews and men’s crews from Saskatoon and Regina rowing clubs. Their first race was a real learning experience on the South Saskatchewan River which ran for over 5.5 km, past four bridges and had a turnaround halfway through the race. The conditions were fair with little current and calm winds but it still took the crew some time to work out the kinks. With a finishing time of 26:14 minutes, they were well back of the pack and had lots of work to do for the second race. After making some equipment adjustments and changes to their race strategy, the crew felt stronger the second time out. They challenged themselves to improve on their time. At the end of the race, the crew accomplished their goal, in fact, they knocked off 50 seconds from their first time. This put them solidly in third place which was an awesome finish against some very strong and experienced crews. For the sprint races, Mullen and Husereau were asked to sit in as guest rowers for two different clubs. This was quite an experience for both of these rowers and one that they won’t soon forget. Husereau’s boat came out victorious over the 500 m course and both rowers came away anxious to try short distance, high speed racing again. The next event for Lakeland's rowing student athletes is the Lakeland Rustlers Regatta which will be held on the reservoir in the Vermilion Provincial Park, Saturday, Sept. 25. There will be two launches, the first at 10:30 am, and the second at 1 pm. Awards and pizza will be at 3:30 pm. Teams from Red Deer, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon and possibly Fort McMurray will be competing in the event. It promises to be an exciting day so come out and cheer on our Rustlers rowing crew on to victory.

Members of the Lakeland College Rustlers rowing crew returned to dock after a solid thirdplaced finish in their first racing competition of the season held in Saskatoon on Sept 11. Pictured above are coach Peter Walsh, Jennelle Russell, Caitlin January, Tyler Mullen and Morgan Husereau.

Training on the Vermilion River Reservoir for the women's quad event are (left to right) April Stanko, Dianne Philipsen, Caitlin January and Jennelle Russell.

Club carnival a campus hit Mike Delisle, a second-year student in the environmental monitoring and protection major, attracted a crowd with his playing during the Club Carnival Thursday at the Vermilion campus. Mike’s a member of the Music Club, the newest club on campus. About 175 people attended the annual event to eat tacos in a bag and learn more about the 15 clubs at the Vermilion campus.

He's a soul man Lakeland’s newest addition to its services for student success is Mike Schalin. He will be at the Vermilion campus offering spiritual and wholistic guidance for students and staff. He can be found in the Interfaith Room located in BB 117A on Tuesdays, 8:30 am to noon. Mike is a youth pastor at Vermilion’s Parkview Alliance Church. He and his wife Cara, a child and youth care grad, have two children. A similar arrangement at the Lloydminster campus is currently being sought with the Lloydminster Ministerial Association.

Rustlers soccer kicked off their season during the Sept. 11 weekend against Red Deer. Above (left to right) Gord Gisi, Ryan Palik and Sven Waeilichi celebrate their first goal.

Rustlers round up Soccer: It has been a long process to get a soccer program off the ground but on the Sept. 11 weekend, our Rustlers teams set foot on the field for their inaugural games. Coach Kevin Wagner led the teams into their first-ever games with a home-andhome series against the Red Deer Queens and Kings. Saturday, the Rustlers hosted the women. They put forth a strong effort but lost to the Queens 5–0. The men followed with a 5–1 loss but also play extremely hard. Sunday the teams traveled to Red Deer where the women suffered their second loss. The men put up a strong fight but dropped their second game by a score of 4–0. Last weekend, the Rustlers traveled to Calgary. The Rustlers rookie-filled roster started the weekend against Mount Royal University. Saturday, both Rustlers teams worked hard but fell to the Cougars by scores of 5–0 for the women and 6–1 for the men. Next the Rustlers competed against SAIT who traditionally have strong programs. The Rustlers women showed a lot of grit but lost a heartbreaker, 1–0. The men also battled but lost by a score of 5–2. Next action for the Rustlers soccer teams is at home this weekend when they take on the Lethbridge Kodiaks. Saturday, the women start at noon with the men to follow at 2 pm. Sunday, the Medicine Hat College Rattlers will be in town with the teams playing at noon and 2 pm again. This will be a great opportunity to get out and support our student athletes as they play to get that first elusive victory under their belts. X-country running: Lakeland is pleased to welcome the return of cross-country running with Michael Crowe as head coach. He has also the support of community member Lyle Worobec. The team competed on the weekend in their first Grand Prix race hosted by SAIT. Both men’s and women’s team ran extremely hard against a strong field. Over the last few years, the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference has been successful at national championships with many medals in several divisions. Good luck to our student athletes who are training hard and will represent Lakeland well this year. Basketball: Our first regular season basketball competitions begin in October with several new players on both the men's and women’s teams. It's early in the year but our men's coach Peter Sambu and women’s head coach Chris King are liking what they see. Fans who have watched the teams practice are predicting a noticeable improvement over last year. Volleyball: The women’s team has a number of athletes returning from last year. They've also secured some strong rookies. It looks like an exciting season. Head coach Austin Dyer, back from a stint as a head coach at the University of Saskatchewan, is excited about the potential of the upcoming season. The men’s team has had a lot of turnover this year but coach Daryl Ford is pleased with what he has seen so far. The team is working hard to prepare for their first exhibition games in a few weeks.

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