Lakeland Link: November 8, 2010

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November 8, 2010


A publication of Lakeland College

Vermilion • Lloydminster

Our MISSION To inspire our learners to realize their individual potential. Our VISION To achieve educational excellence in a people-centred environment. Our VALUES are Respect, Safety, Trust, Pride, Ethics, Quality and Accountability.

Upcoming Events Lloydminster campus Friday, November 12 • Rustlers volleyball versus Augustana, women at 6 pm, men at 7:30 pm

Thursday, November 18 • Teepee rising event. South entrance, Bill Kondro Wing. Tea & bannock will be served outside the Students' Association office, 9:30 am. Teepee rising at 10:30 am. Pipe ceremony to follow. Door prizes.

Friday, November 19 • Rustlers volleyball versus King's Eagles, women at 6 pm, men at 7:30 pm

Happy 97th Birthday, Lakeland! Wednesday, November 17 • Come for cake10 am to 2 pm in the Lloydminster campus main hallway and at the Vermilion campus cafeteria.

Employee Recognition Awards Thursday, November 18 • Come celebrate with your colleagues and recipients. Wine & Cheese reception, 6:15 pm; Awards ceremony, 7 pm. Congratulatory reception to follow. Vic Juba Community Theatre, Lloydminster campus. Tickets are available from HR.

Lakeland Staff Christmas Party Friday, December 10 • 'Tis the season. Celebrate with staff from both campuses at the Lloydminster campus cafeteria. Cocktails 6 pm, dinner to follow. Tickets available from Darina Therrien (Vermilion campus) and Lonnie Boothman (Lloydminster campus).

is published biweekly from September to May by the department of Advancement for staff and members of the college community. Submissions regarding college news and initiatives are welcome and published at the editor's discretion. The deadline for submission is Thursday at noon prior to the publication date. The Lakeland Link is available in Outlook's Public Folders and online at

Environmental sciences students Aaron Nahuliak and Richard Ellens stand with Dr. Justin Hines of Operation Wallacea Canada at the Vermilion campus Friday. This summer, the pair of Lakeland students will work with the environmental conservation organization to do biodiversity research projects in Peru and South Africa.

Lakeland students recruited for environmental research It promises to be the summer job of a lifetime. After attending a presentation last week at the Vermilion campus from Dr. Justin Hines, director of Operation Wallacea Canada, two first-year Lakeland environmental sciences students will take part in two overseas biodiversity and habitat monitoring research projects this summer. Aaron Nahuliak (environmental conservation & reclamation major) is going to Peru. Richard Ellens (wildlife & fisheries conservation major) is looking at South Africa. Operation Wallacea is involved with several biodiversity research expeditions in Peru, Indonesia, South Africa/Mozambique, Honduras, Guyana, Cuba, Mexico, Madagascar and Egypt. It recruits students from only colleges and universities around the world that offer environmental programs similarly aligned to its own organizational focus on environmental conservation, and who have faculty involved in research. During his recent trip to Western Canada, Dr. Hines visited just three colleges and three universities in Alberta. He’ll also visit post-secondary schools in eastern Canada. Lakeland’s Nahuliak and Ellens are both excited about the opportunity. “I heard Chelsea Gatzke, another Lakeland student who went to Honduras last year, speak about her experience and it sounded great,” says Nahuliak. “When Dr. Hines spoke to us, I got really excited about the opportunity. And I’ve never travelled outside of Canada before either so it will be an awesome experience in many ways.” Allen Verbeek, chairman of environmental sciences programming at the college, also joined a research group with Operation Wallacea on the island of Utila, Honduras, for two weeks last year. The group was conducting research on the Mangrove forest disturbance and its effects on water quality and the downstream reef ecosystems. For more information about opportunities to conduct biodiversity research with Operation Wallacea, please contact Allen Verbeek at (780) 853-8589, allen.verbeek@, or Dr. Justin Hines at (905) 493-5101 or

A glimpse at Glenn's events Let me start this week’s article with a thank you to all of Lakeland’s tour guides. I regularly bring MLAs, cabinet ministers, ministry officials and others for tours of Lakeland to show everyone what we do and how we do it. Last week’s tour was for three Alberta Advanced Education ministry officials including Deputy Minister Annette Trimbee, Assistant Deputy Minister Connie Harrison and Director of Policy Theresa Vladicka. Everyone was impressed with the atmosphere and the attitude of Lakeland’s staff and students. Our tour guides, Denis Cunninghame, Josie Van Lent, Roxene Lockhart, Lawrence Hess, Randy Fines and Jeff Dustow, did their usual wonderful job in showing off the great things we are doing. My thanks to all of you and to all the staff and students that left such a favourable impression on our guests. Last week I attended the joint Board Chairs and Presidents meetings of Alberta’s colleges and technical institutes. ADM Connie Harrison was there and she shared with the group the government’s financial picture. Of particular interest is that the grant money we receive from the Alberta government is not going down. On the other hand, it is not going up either. Current projections are for status quo grants for the next two years and likely beyond. Tuition levels are set to increase .35 per cent for the year 20112012 and .75 per cent for 2012-2013. So, while this is not great news, we are not looking at revenue reductions and we have some clear direction for the fast approaching budget planning meetings. Upcoming events on my calendar include: • Strategic plan action committee quarterly meeting • Meeting with the consulting team reviewing Saskatchewan’s regional colleges • Regular senior planning and executive team meetings • Fall tourism luncheon • November Board of Governors meeting • Employee Recognition and Green & Gold Awards • Annual Board retreat Hope to see everyone at awards night.

Glenn Charlesworth President, Lakeland College

Webinars offer more PD opportunities for staff

Come for cake, we're 97!

The staff professional development committee has purchased webinars for staff on several topics. Sessions are presented by National Seminars Training, a division of Rockhurst University Continuing Education Center. Webinar details are in Public Folders/Staff Professional Development and in the internal training calendar. Topics and dates are below. Sessions run noon to 1:15 pm. Call ext. 8624 for room location. Nov. 18 A Manager’s Guide to Communicating Unpopular Decisions & Changes Nov. 22 How to Give Effective Performance Feedback to Employees Nov. 23 Next Generation of Customer Service: Up-to-Date Tips for Keeping Your Customers Satisfied Nov. 29 The Working Woman’s Guide to Creating Balance & Letting Go of Stress Dec. 1 Time Management Tips Dec. 6 Microsoft Outlook Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Dec. 14 Photoshop Shortcuts and Tips for Beginners If you’d like to attend, please email Innovation project facilitator Janice Aughey also offers in-house training for staff and faculty for SmartBoards and other classroom technology. To learn more, email her at janice. or call her at ext. 8491.

Lakeland College turns 97 years old Wednesday, Nov. 17 and you're invited to join us for cake to celebrate! Birthday cake will be served at the Vermilion campus and the Lloydminster campus in the main hallway from 10 am to 2 pm. The festivities will also help set the mood as we prepare for the college's upcoming centennial which occurs in 2013.

Job shadow opportunity open to Lakeland staff Want to be someone else for a day? How about walking in someone else’s shoes? Here’s your chance. Lakeland College is working to develop job shadowing opportunities at Lakeland College to give individuals the chance to spend half a day working with another colleague in another college department. If you’re interested, please email Darla Stepanick (darla.stepanick@lakelandcollege. ca) or call ext. 8419 and tell her your name, your current position and department, along with the desired position and department you'd like to job shadow.

A Lakeland minute Available in Outlook’s Public Folders are minutes from the Strategic Planning Action Committee meeting held October 4. Also available is a template for sharing information about upcoming events and unit functions from the September meeting of the administration assistants. The template is available in Outlook Public folders. Click on Lakeland Documents/ Administrative Assistants. The group’s next meeting is January 19, 2011.

Staff honoured at employee recognition evening and Green 'n' Gold awards Lakeland College will honour its long service award recipients and nominees for the Green 'n' Gold awards Thursday, Nov. 18 at the Vic Juba Community Theatre at the Lloydminster campus. This year’s recipients are: 10 years: David Bates, Joanne Dickson, Leanne Griffiths, David Harasiuk, Yvonne Hynek, Leslie Johnson, Sean Kingston, Rob Koebel, Roxee Konieczny, Leeman Martin, Al Motley, Matthew Newman, Tricia Newport, Mariette Sargeant, Ken Smith, Laura Somerville, Allen Verbeek and Susan Werner. 15 years: Theresa Berg, Kim Eremko, Simone Odynski and Carmen Stredwick. 20 years: Jeff Dustow, Tracy Eger-Zaharko, Cindy Hart, Lawrence Hess and Neil Maclean. 25 years: Lee Arthur, Larry Brindle, Mac MacLean, Denise Martin and Pat Wasylik. 30 years: Darlene Barr, Douglas Moeckl and Geretta Partington. Retirees: Wilf Dumont, Franklin Foster, Ken Lawrence and Patty Pidruchney. For the Green 'n' Gold awards, nominees are: Nominees for the Customer Service Award are: Carol Masse; Carolyn Green-Olson; Charlene Bonnar; Merle Klumph; Mike Vany; the Lloydminster bookstore/print/mail team; the team of Idella Matthews & Lynn Williamson; the Lloydminster Student Services team of Lonnie Boothman, Carol Masse, Tricia Newport and Simone Odynski; the Emergency Training Centre's technical services team of Kirk McInroy, Jim King, Greg Zielinski, Todd Field, Brian Marlow, Maurice MacMillan, Trevor Gillis and Jullie Anderson; and the Vermilion campus print/mail services team of Tony Nielson, Sue Klym & Tracy Eger-Zaharko. Nominees for the Health and/or Safety Award are: Barry Madsen; Jason Veitch; Jim Zuk; Mac MacLean; Robert Cuny; and the health services team of Karen Jefferies, Linda Meunier, Pat Conlon, Nicola Weimer and Gwen Gochee. Nominees for the Innovation Award are: Taylor Dyer; the animal health technology program team of Dr. Terri Rowat, Dr. Robyn Rodgers, Dr. Ken Smith, Kim Eremko and Darrell Hickman; and the health services team of Karen Jefferies, Linda Meunier, Pat Conlon, Nicola Weimer and Gwen Gochee. Nominees for the Lakeland College Leadership Award are Colleen Symes and Tony Nielson. Nominees for the Performance Excellence Award are: Carolyn Green-Olson; Cathy Wolters; Denise Allen; Janice Jones; Joanne Dickson; Peter Wilkinson; Thomas Baron; the health services team of Karen Jefferies, Linda Meunier, Pat Conlon, Nicola Weimer and Gwen Gochee; the library staff of Tricia Smith, Wanjiku Kaai, Sheila Heit, Laura Sommerville, Bernice Schira, Brandie Bardoel, Laresa Cleland; and the parade coordinating team of Lorena Donkin and Denise Allen. All Lakeland staff are invited to the ceremony. Tickets are available from the human resources department. The last day to get tickets is Wednesday, Nov. 10.

Athletics support students in need In lieu of admission during the Rustlers home basketball games on Oct. 30, donations were collected to support the college's SOS Student Emergency Fund. A total of $421 was collected and donated to the fund that helps students in need of financial help in emergency situations. Above Aaron Rawlake, athletics supervisor, presents the donation to Simone Odynski of the college's student services department.

Ole! Lakeland College's Chili Cook-off a smokin' hot success With the smells of hot sauce and chili peppers in the air, Lakeland College's annual Chili Cook-off held Oct. 29 at the Lloydminster campus was a smokin' hot success. This year's winners were the student services team of Carol Masse and Myrna Richard and Lonnie Boothman. Thanks to this year's judges, Ralphe Troschke and Nadine Walker-Perry of the Vic Juba Community Theatre. The lucky winners received tickets to an Edmonton Oilers game. Pictured right: Ralph Troschke, one of the judges during the Chili Cook-off, gives one entry a big thumbs-up. Far right: Chili-cook off winners Carol Masse and Myrna Richard pose with a wanted poster of their lost teammate Lonnie Boothman.

Lakeland expands CTS options for high school students Like nuts and bolts, career and technology studies (CTS) courses delivered in partnership between Lakeland College and local area school divisions are a great fit for students. CTS courses offered as part of the Alberta high school curriculum give students the opportunity to study and develop skills relating to a number of career areas for high school credit. Courses are often developed so that local resources and facilities can be shared. They also incorporate a large component of hands-on learning opportunities so that students can develop practical skills. Currently, Lakeland College delivers CTS courses to high school students in interior design, electrical, automotive mechanics, carpentry, welding as well as cosmetology. Several courses are offered as Level I and II to students within the Buffalo Trail Public School division and at St. Jerome’s School in Vermilion which is part of East Central Alberta Catholic Schools. High school students taking the CTS courses receive instruction from college instructors. Depending on the course, instructors deliver the courses at the high schools or at the college campus where students are able to use Lakeland’s classroom, shop and lab facilities. Claire Beatty, a current first-year student in Lakeland College’s interior design technology diploma program, took the CTS interior design course when she was a Grade 11 student at Chauvin High School in May of 2009. She says the CTS course helped her solidify her decision to pursue interior design as a career. “For me, the material covered in the course was a great introduction to some of the elements covered in Lakeland’s

School and Career Counsellor Workshop Monday, December 13, 10 am – 3 pm Lakeland College, Lloydminster campus, Room 2038 Commonwealth Lecture Theatre Lakeland College invites school and career counsellors to this workshop. Get the latest information on admissions processes, scholarships and new programs not only at Lakeland College, but also SIAST, University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan. Lunch will be provided. RSVP by Nov. 19 to Lorena Donkin at 780 853 8821 or email lorena.donkin@

Claire Beatty, a first-year interior design student, says the CTS interior design course she took as a Grade 11 student helped her choose a career path and college program.

two-year diploma program,” says Beatty. “We learned about sketching and did creative projects that involved colours, layouts and composition. The instructor was also really encouraging and it was exciting to hear her feedback.” Beatty also says that being on campus for a week to take the CTS course helped her decide where she wanted to go for her college education. “During the week of the CTS course, I got to know my way around campus pretty well. This helped me become more comfortable with the surroundings and it helped me with my choice to apply here. I’m glad I did,” says Beatty. Eileen Arthur, business industry development coordinator at the college, works with school divisions and college faculty to develop CTS courses in trades and interior design. She says CTS courses are a great way for high school students to get exposure to various career fields and to develop skills necessary for specific careers. She adds that the CTS courses also promote collaboration opportunities and joint use of facilities and resources

between the college and schools. “For schools with limited or no shop facilities or resources, offering the CTS programs at the college is a great fit,” says Arthur. Enrolment in CTS courses offered at Lakeland has steadily increased during the last few years. For example, in the first offering of the CTS interior design course in 2008/09, 13 students were enrolled. That number has increased steadily each year since and this year, there are currently 18 students registered in the interior design course. Last year, a total of 188 high students took CTS courses offered with Lakeland. “The opportunity certainly exists to expand our current CTS offerings to more high school students,” says Arthur. “So far, the experience is proving to be a winwin for everyone.” Lakeland College’s performing arts department also works with area school divisions to deliver Alberta Education course curriculum for Drama 10, 20 and 30 for high school students.

Learn effective writing tips for social media, web Electronic communication is a different style of writing than writing an essay or a business letter. If you want to learn more about writing for the web, social media and mobile, you are invited to join a two-part webinar on Nov. 18 and Dec. 9. Part 1 focuses on the traditional website and Part 2 is about communicating in social media and mobile environments. Each webinar runs 11 am to 12:30 pm in AH214. Feel free to bring your lunch. Space is limited so book your seat soon. If you’d like to attend, please contact Cathy Wolters, web coordinator, at ext. 8610 or email,

Getting by with a little help from our Ag Society friends Thanks to the Vermilion Agricultural Society, 32 students in the college’s fourmonth pre-employment electrician program were able to relocate their classroom/lab space to the Butler Building located on the Vermilion Fair Grounds. In the past, students did their lab work in the Trades Centre mezzanine. With the mezzanine now under construction, the program had to find a temporary new home. The students will remain in the Butler Building until they write their final exams this week, and write the first-year apprenticeship challenge exam. They begin their fourweek practicum placements on Nov. 19. Pictured is Nathan Moffat (in front) and Bryce Goldsmith.

The latest happenings at Emergency Training Centre There's a familiar face in the Emergency Training Centre bookstore. Welcome back to Jean Herzog who has returned to the college to work at the ETC bookstore. Many people will remember Jean from her days in the college’s recreation department and Vermilion campus bookstore. Denis Cunninghame, ETC dean, attended the 2010 Canadian Fire Service Training Directors’ annual meeting at St. John’s, Nfld., Oct. 19 - 20. Upon his return, he along with Glenn Charlesworth and Kerri Sinclair met with delegates from Moa Nickel, a nickel and cobalt mining company in Cuba. Moa Nickel is controlled and owned by the State of Cuba and Sherritt International Corporation. Moa is a municipality and city in Cuba’s Holguin Province. During the last 15 years or so, ETC has trained students from Moa Nickel to various standards in our calendar as well as from customized courses. Recently, the company hired Ramón Polanco Almanza as its occupational health and safety manager. He, along with two others from its human resources department, María Caridad Linares De Paz, and Cubaniqueland Milagro del R. leyva Pino, travelled to Canada to review policies and processes with representatives from Sherritt International as well as meet with individuals of Lakeland College. Moa Nickel is currently looking to train new people to ensure that its emergency response team is the most well trained team in Moa. During its visit to Lakeland, they discussed and reviewed training

options available at Lakeland College. They familiarized themselves with what Lakeland has to offer and where they could go with future training. The visitors received a tour of the Vermilion campus including the college’s farm, residences and recreation centre. They also saw a live fire scenario at ETC. The group was extremely pleased with the outcome of the meeting and are keen to continue building a relationship with Lakeland College. ETC is proudly supporting “Movember,” a Men's Health awareness and fundraising campaign for prostate cancer. Go to www. and grow your mo. Last year Canadian mo-bros and mo-sistas raised $7.8 million -- the second highest for countries in the entire world!

Jean Herzog

ETC's mo-bros are Maurice MacMillan, Clint McCullough, Greg Zelinski, Cary Weimer Todd Field, Dez Shubert, Jim King, Kirk McInroy and Trevor Gillis. Missing is Brian Marlowe.

Environmental sciences news

All-sky meteor camera and magnetometer On Nov. 3, Dr. Martin Connors, Athabasca University professor and Canada Research Chair in Space Science, Instrumentation and Networking, and Ian Schofield, also from Athabasca University were at the Vermilion campus to install an all-sky meteor camera and magnetometer as part of a Western Canada-wide study to aid meteorite recovery and to study aurora effects. Lakeland College's centre for sustainable innovation is partnering with Athabasca University to establish the college’s renewable ecabin as one of the data monitoring locations. Equipment such as this is used to track meteors like the Buzzard Coulee fireball that landed near Lloydminster in 2008 and lit up our campuses for a few seconds that night. Renewable Energy and Conservation certificate The renewable energy and conservation online certificate program is off to a successful year. Two courses, basic energy principles, and energy and the environment, were delivered Aug. 30 Oct. 22. Basic energy principles had 25 students registered and the energy and the environment course had 13 participants. Students can register in any of the program’s courses to suit their own personal schedules and lifestyles. Some complete the program’s ten courses in one year. Others choose to take courses spread out during a five-year period to complete the certificate. The ability to keep the schedule flexible has allowed several students to pursue their studies while maintaining full-time employment. Two more courses started October 25. Energy audits and conservation practices, and introduction to wind power have 15 and 17 students registered respectively. Alberta Advanced Education and Technology recently approved the addition of a second year of courses which will move the program to a diploma program. Second-year courses will also be delivered online with an added intensive on-campus two to three-week lab component to be held at the completion of the online courses. Renewable Research Workshop On Oct. 19 - 20, Lakeland College's applied research working group hosted several industry partners and supporters together to review and clarify roles, goals and objectives guiding the college’s research efforts in renewable energy.

Lakeland instructor Rob Baron stands with Dr. Martin Connors and Ian Schofield outside the ecabin at the Vermilion campus. The ecabin will be used to collect data for a study aimed at meteor recovery and aurora effects.

Lakeland’s applied research in renewable energy is partly funded by the newly awarded five-year Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council’s (NSERC) College and Community Innovation (CCI) grant. During the meeting, participants were provided with an overview of the progression of applied research activities since Lakeland College’s mandate was modified to include applied research in 2005. They also discussed a number of other issues including the NSERC grant’s scope, constraints and outcomes, intellectual property issues that may arise from applied research done and NSERC’s requirement for research cooperation agreements.

They also contributed to a visioning exercise to help guide the college’s research direction, philosophy and development of dedicated research facilities and specifically the centre of sustainable innovation (CSI) which will include facilities being developed on the newly acquired farm adjacent to the Vermilion campus. They also discussed the three main theme areas for the NSERC research program (instrumentation monitoring and diagnostics, increasing system efficiency through control integration, and thermal heat storage for space heating systems), to focus research efforts for 2010/2011 suggesting possible activities. A list of priority projects and objectives was also created.

Global perspectives on climate change discussed on campus Masood Makarechian, a science teacher, presenter and volunteer with the Climate Project Canada spoke to Lakeland College's environmental sciences students as well as high school students from the Vermilion area about global warming and other environmental issues related to the Earth's changing climate. He was a the Vermilion campus Oct. 26. To learn more about the Climate Change Project go to www.climate

News from Lakeland's sign language interpreter & deaf culture studies programs Renovations turn classroom space from drab to fab Students in Lakeland College’s sign language and deaf culture studies program are enjoying their newly renovated classroom space located at the University of Alberta. The combination of hardwood tables, spacious cupboards, comfortable chairs and freshly painted walls fosters a more enticing and dynamic learning environment for students. “Our new classroom is more comfortable and a better fit for our study environment,” says student Katie Stickney. “It is a more personal atmosphere and inclusive to everyone’s signing! Another plus is the great chairs!” Debbie Walker, also a student, agrees. “We are very pleased with the renovated room. It gives students a clean and professional learning environment. Overall, we are extremely pleased.” Students who recently graduated from the sign language and deaf studies program presented the college with a vase personalized with their signatures to commemorate their journey through the program during the past year. It will be put on display by program staff. Screening held for January 2011 intake of sign language interpretation program Lakeland College completed the screening process for the second cohort of the sign language interpreter program with an event on Oct. 22 and 23. The event was held in partnership with the Edmonton Association of the Deaf and was held at the Alberta School for the

Business students make MIS presentations Business students in BA 640 management information systems class shared their research project findings with their classmates Oct. 27 at the Lloydminster campus. Some of the topics presented were artificial intelligence, the history of the computer evolution, emerging technologies, and the history of the Internet. The class is taught by instructor Manju Killam. During the course, students examine current practice in the areas of planning and control of data processing, selection of processing facilities and dissemination of information with a business enterprise. Pictured are Brett Dombrova, Gladys Newlove-Heide and Dana Hill making their presentation.

Before the renovation

Deaf. The ten member screening panel was comprised of individuals from the Deaf and interpreting communities and Lakeland staff. The Edmonton Association of the Deaf made a generous financial contribution of $1,000 towards the event. Its contribution and support is gratefully appreciated. Thanks also to Sandra Mason, principal of the Alberta School for the Deaf, for hosting the college. Applicants to the sign language interpreter program are assessed on their American Sign Language (ASL) and spoken language fluency. Thus, screening consists of ASL and portfolio presentations to determine applicants’ skills, abilities and aptitude for the program. During the session last month, the selection panel was very impressed with the work presented by the candidates and 13 were selected for admission into the program. The class of 2012 students will begin their studies in January 2011 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

Students enjoying their newly renovated classroom.

Sandra Mason, Alberta School for the Deaf principal, and Lakeland's Kirk FergusonUhrich.

Lakeland celebrates International Ed Week Did you know that Nov. 15 to 19 is International Education week? To mark the event, Lakeland along with other colleges and universities across North America will be running events during the week to celebrate international culture and flavour on their campuses. At Lakeland during each day of International Week, the cafeteria at both the Lloydminster and Vermilion campuses will offer a daily special featuring a dish from a different country. Mark Butler, director, international and distance learning, says that although Lakeland’s actual international student numbers per capita is smaller than at other larger, urban-based colleges and universities, the international background and experience of Lakeland’s faculty and staff is vibrant. “It is surprising how much international connection Lakeland College has,” says Butler. He cites current projects and partnerships with institutions and governments in countries including Tanzania, Cuba, Holland and Australia as examples.

Canada Career Week Fair If you’re in Edmonton Nov. 19 and 20, say hello to representatives at Lakeland College’s booth at the Canada Career Week Fair at the Edmonton Expo Centre. Canada Career Week is the largest and most comprehensive career information and job fair in Alberta. Approximately 175 companies and organizations, and 10,000+ attendees are expected at the 2010 event. For more information, please visit www. Lakeland College is a major sponsor of this event. We are also one of 22 postsecondary/training institutes offering a $1,000 tuition credit prize. Current Grade 12 students are eligible to enter the draw at Lakeland’s booth.

Treat your taste buds Hungry? Students in the tourism ready-to-work program invite you to try their tasty breakfast hors d’oeuvres Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 10:15 am in Room 1079 at the Lloydminster campus. If it's a gourmet lunch you’re after, reserve your spot at one of their four course luncheons being held this month. For details or to make a reservation, email

Hosted by the college's international education & distance learning department, BTVI's Julia Gay toured the Emergency Training Centre as well as other campus facilities.

Bahama exchange in the works for International Ed Mark Butler has a lot of tough issues he has to tackle in the course of his work. But he’s confident that if needed, he’d have no trouble finding people to participate in an exchange with Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI). “I’ve already had people say they want to go, especially in January,” says Butler, director of international and distance learning at Lakeland College. While an exchange isn’t finalized, discussions are underway with BTVI, the only technical and vocational college in the Bahamas. Julia Gay, a member of the student services team at BTVI, was at Lakeland College Oct. 26 – Nov. 3 to learn more about college programs, especially business and renewable energy and conservation. “Some courses from Lakeland’s online renewable energy and conservation program would work well with our solar energy technology program,” says Gay. As for business, both institutions offer courses such as accounting, microeconomics and communications which would make a one semester exchange program very possible. When Gay returns to the Bahamas later this month, she’ll present her recommendations to Dr. Iva Dahl, manager of BTVI. Butler is attending a conference in Miami in December and as the Bahamas is only a 45-minute flight away, he may go to BTVI to finalize an agreement. “International partnerships provide students with a different perspective. Whether our students go there or an international student is at our college, it’s always an enriching experience,” says Butler. Gay found that to be the case for her. She not only learned a lot about Lakeland’s programs and admissions process, she also participated in an exercise class and toured the emergency training centre in a fire truck. However, the activity she enjoyed the most was attending the rodeo team’s rough stock night. “The rodeo was amazing – it was the number one highlight for me,” she says. Discussions with BTVI began in 2009 when Butler met Dr. Iva Dahl, the manager of BTVI, at a Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) event in Edmonton. BTVI has two campuses and serves about 2,000 students annually. They offer six programs and about 27 trades which fall into these categories BTVI's Julia Gay checks out the ecabin beauty, construction, electronic, fashion, during her visit to the college's Vermilion information systems technology and campus last week. mechanical.

School & sports a winning combination Members of the Rustlers men's basketball team visited Johnny Bright School in Edmonton Oct. 22. The Rustlers spoke to junior high students about doing well in school and going to college. They also gave a basketball demo. Standing behind the students are Rustlers athletes Adrian Curtis, Daniel Fallon, Peter Sambu (coach), Jordan Wynter and Justin Bakuteka.

Hall of famer in our midst Colleen Symes, communications coordinator, was inducted into Softball Alberta’s Hall of Fame Oct. 23 as a member of the Lloydminster Midget A Blues. Symes played shortstop for the team which won back-to-back Colleen Symes Canadian titles in the mid 1980s. “We won our first championship in Burlington, Ont. in 1985 with a 12 inning, 7-5 win over British Columbia. The next year we hosted nationals in Lloydminster and we defeated BC once again in the final, only this time it was 5-1 so it wasn’t nearly as stressful,” says Symes. In addition to national titles, the team competed in an international tournament in California in 1986, playing some of the top teams in the world. One team featured pitching ace Lisa Fernandez, a future three-time Olympian. “We had heard so much about her and how dominant a pitcher she was. We managed to battle that team to a 1-1 tie which was one of the highlights of our trip,” says Symes. The Lloydminster Blues were inducted in the team category. An official, an athlete and a sport builder were also honoured during the ceremony.

Mark McNee (pictured above during a game against Concordia) had a strong showing this weekend. He hails from Toronto, Ont., and is taking business at the Lloydminster campus.

Rustlers round-up X-country: Lakeland’s x-country runners finished the season at the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) championships in Edmonton Oct. 30. The team did well during their inauguaral season and worked hard during training sessions, Grand Prix races and at the conference championship. The Rustlers men’s team finished eighth overall. The top individual male was ninth overall. Coach Michael Crowe will begin recruiting new runners to the program as many of the athletes will graduate this year. Nationally ranked men’s basketball team wins two more The Rustlers men’s team played two teams at the Lloydminster campus this weekend. After earning the number three ranking in Canada, the team wanted to be strong. Friday, the team played SAIT who won silver at last year’s national championship. The Rustlers had a slow start and struggled at the free throw line but still earned a 33-30 lead at the half. They played better in the second half and finished the game victorious by a score of 69-59. Marcus McNee led the Rustlers with 15 points and 12 rebounds. Saturday, the Rustlers took on the Red Deer Kings. This year’s Red Deer team is not overly big but are quick and can shoot the three-ball well. It was an exciting game with a couple plays bringing the near capacity crowd to their feet. At the half the Rustlers were up by 11 and went on to win the game 102-91. Jordan Rose paced the Rustlers with 35 points. Marcus McNee had 19 points and 15 rebounds. The Rustlers have a bye this weekend with a 5 and1 record. The next action for the Rustlers will be Nov. 19 and 20 in a home-and-home series with the King’s University Eagles. Women’s basketball splits the weekend After losing two games to the nationally second ranked Concordia Thunder, the Rustlers women’s next opponent was the nationally fifth ranked SAIT Trojans. With home court advantage, the Rustlers had a lead going into the second quarter but fell five back going into the half. SAIT eventually defeated the Rustlers 82-67. Saturday, the Rustlers were determined to earn a win. The game was close and with two seconds left in the game, Katie Hills sank a lay up to put the Rustlers ahead 53-52. Hills and Tracy Holloway led the team with eight points each. The women are now tied for second place in the tough north division. The Rustlers have this weekend off. They face the King’s University College Eagles Nov. 19 and 20 in a home-and-home series. Rustlers volleyball ready for the Vikings After a bye, the Rustlers volleyball teams are ready for action as they prepare to face the Augustana Vikings this weekend. The women hope to build on their 3 and 1 record while the men hope to get back on a winning streak. The home-and-home series begins with the Rustlers hosting the Vikings at the Lloydminster campus Friday. The women start at 6 pm; the men at 7:30 pm. The teams travel to Camrose Saturday.

Halloween 2010 Happy Halloween interior design style

The three good fairies from Alumni House

The evil doers of the IT department

Student Services "gang green"

The pesticides crew followed the Yellow Brick Road.

Good witch or bad witch? It's Erin Staden & Charlene Bonnar

Cleo Patra and Medusa aka Merle Klumph and Bernice Schira

Viva Las Vegas! The finance department complete with newly weds, casino staff and Elvis himself

Body parts soup de jour cooked up by Randy Fines & Marilyn Isley

It was cheeseburgers in paradise & boat drinks in the Executive Suite's Margaritaville.

Holy! That chili is hot says expectant nun Cale Staden & Cara Johnston

Ilona Holgander orders lunch from a scary sandwich artist

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