Winter Festival Weekend
New Year’s Eve Family Party .......... 6
The Membership/Marketing Committee was looking for a way to promote LN-TT as the perfect year round destination. So the Committee recommended and the BOG approved having a Winter Festival Weekend on Friday, January 28th through Sunday, January 30th. The Club will be inviting past Temporary Members to come stay at LN-TT that weekend to show them how much fun this area can be in the winter months. Local Real Estate 2I¿FHV ZLOO EH SURYLGLQJ GLVFRXQWHG UHQWDOV &DPHOEDFN DQG -)%% ZLOO EH RIIHULQJ VSHFLDO rates for ski/snowboard tickets and the Club will hold several special events. The weekend will start off with a Kick Off Night at the Community Center. Special activities that are in the planning stages include skating lessons, story time, arts & crafts, games, special night for the kids at the CC, special night for the adults at the LNCH, Après Ski Happy Hour, Sunday Breakfast Buffet, horse drawn wagon rides, cross country skiing, sledding, Frosty 5K and a Chili Cook off. The Temporary Membership fee for a family will be $25 for three days and all guest fees will be waived this weekend. The guest limit for the Community Center will remain in effect with four guests per Family Membership per day. Members are all invited WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKLV IXQ ¿OOHG ZHHNHQG ,QYLWH \RXU IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ PHPEHUV VR WKH\ WRR can enjoy all the activities. Read the upcoming LNC Newsletter Weekly Updates for more information. Mark your calendar now and start inviting your friends.
Turkey Trot ............. 7
Association Assessments/Fees and Membership Packets
McKee Tennis Continues .............. 8
.LQGO\ QRWH WKDW D 0HPEHUVKLS FKDQJH KDV EHHQ LPSOHPHQWHG EHJLQQLQJ LQ ,Q order for a Club Member to pick up their Membership packet beginning in early April, all Association assessments and fees, including 2011, must be paid in full. While this change only impacts a small number of Club Members, Members are requested to plan accordingly as there can be no exceptions.
End of Fall 2010 WHAT’S INSIDE Volunteer Spotlight ................................ 2 New Year’s Eve Gala ....................... 3 Holiday Gala ......... 4 The Activities Committee News in Review ................... 5
Sailing Awards....... 9 Golf Notes............ 10 Winter Ski Vouchers .............................. 11
Holiday Greetings!
The arrival of the joyous Holiday Season is a vivid reminder of how quickly time passes. Was it not just yesterday when Members were sitting at the Lake Naomi Pool or Club Beach absorbing the wonderful sun rays, or playing a round of golf or calling for court times? Now the temperatures are declining, the leaves have fallen DQG WKH GD\V DUH JHWWLQJ VKRUWHU 7KH H[FLWHPHQW EXLOGV DV WKH ¿UVW VQRZÀDNHV ¿OO WKH DLU EHFDXVH WKH +ROLGD\ 6HDVRQ LV QHDU ,W LV WLPH WR UHÀHFW XSRQ WKH FKLOGKRRG DQWLFLSDWLRQ of the Season’s traditions and receive the inner warmth that family and friends give to our lives each and every year. This is the perfect time to remember our Lake Naomi – Timber Trails family and to say thank you. Thank you to all the Committee Members, Board of Governors and Board of Trustees for the countless hours and the dedication to ensuring that the Members’ Lake Naomi - Timber Trails home continues to be their favorite retreat. Also thank you to Management and Team Members who strive to ensure that all the Members’ experiences are top notch. As we say good-by to 2010 and welcome 2011, may the joy of this holiday season last throughout the year for you and your loved ones.
In Memoriam Joseph LaMarca RI 6WDWHQ ,VODQG 1HZ <RUN and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania October 7, 2010 Member since 1978
note the Administrative 2IÂżFH ZLOO EH RSHQ RQ Sunday, January 2nd)
´5HĂ HFWLRQVÂľ 3XEOLVKHG E\ LAKE NAOMI CLUB Route 423 3RVW 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH %R[ 7 Pocono Pines, PA 18350 570-646-9191 ZZZ /DNH1DRPL&OXE FRP BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3 .HQQHWK %URZQVWHLQ %ULDQ 'UXP Stephen J. Harker -DPHV % +\DWW Anna C. McAleer Connell J. McGill 5REHUW 6 0LOOV -U Robert A. Jones, Jr. General Manager Jeffrey M. Evans, MCM, CCM, PCAM ([HFXWLYH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW Laura M. Altemose 0DUNHWLQJ 0DQDJHU 5HĂ HFWLRQV (GLWRU
Volunteer Spotlight Most of us in Lake Naomi-Timber Trails are so proud of our Community and the Lake Naomi Club that we tell friends and guests about our secret hoping they will come and share our delightful experiences. Marianne Hajduk feels even more strongly. She talks about our community AND she sells it. Marianne and her husband John had a home in New Providence, NJ and were thinking about a retirement home. John was retired, but Marianne was still working, commuting by bus more than two hours HDFK ZD\ HYHU\ GD\ WR 0DQKDWWDQ ,W VRRQ EHFDPH DSSDUHQW WKDW MRE in Manhattan and a long and tiring commute were preventing her from enjoying the lifestyle that brought her to Lake Naomi-Timber Trails. EARLY one morning, while waiting for the bus in front of a ORFDO UHDO HVWDWH RIÂżFH VKH UHDOL]HG VKH KDG WR PDNH D FKDQJH 6KH looked at options and decided the long commute wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t for her. Now VKH DGPLWV WKDW ZDV QRW WKH PRVW GLIÂżFXOW GHFLVLRQ VKH HYHU PDGH 1RW HYHQ FORVH )LUVW WKH\ ORRNHG DW WKH -HUVH\ VKRUH -RKQ ORYHV ERDWLQJ DQG ÂżVKLQJ Âł:H ORRNHG DW places there in September 1996 after the crowds had departed. Anyone who knows anything about the Jersey Shore knows how barren it is after the summer. That wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t for PH ´ 0DULDQQH VD\V 7KH VKRUH QHYHU JRW D VHFRQG FKDQFH WR PDNH D ÂżUVW LPSUHVVLRQ $ IDPLO\ IULHQG VXJJHVWHG WKH\ ORRN DW /DNH 1DRPL Âł:H ZHUH VR LPSUHVVHG E\ ZKDW ZH VDZ DQG E\ WKH SHRSOH ZH PHW ´ VD\V 0DULDQQH Âł(YHU\RQH ZHOFRPHG XV ´ 7KH familiar ending to this story began the day after Christmas in 1996 when they bought a lot in Timber Trails, building a home the following summer. And they joined the Club, DWWHQGLQJ WKHLU ÂżUVW $QQXDO 0HHWLQJ WKDW \HDU That bus stop gave her another idea. Why not sell real estate in the community she ORYHG" 6KH MRLQHG /DNH 1DRPL 5HDO (VWDWH DQG HDUQHG KHU UHDO HVWDWH OLFHQVH Âł,QVWHDG RI MXVW WDONLQJ ZLWK IULHQGV DERXW RXU &RPPXQLW\ QRZ , KDG WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR VHOO LW ´ VKH VD\V Âł,PDJLQH VHOOLQJ VRPHWKLQJ \RX ORYH ´ She also wanted to help to contribute to the Club. She joined the Personnel Committee in 1997 and the Activities Committee in 1998. When the Personnel Committee was dissolved, she devoted her full energies to the Activities Committee becoming Chair in 2001 and a member of the Board of Governors in 2004. Prior to that date John had been a member of the Board of Governors and has also served on the Lakes Committee and the Architectural Review Committee. He is currently vice president of the Timber Trails Community Association Board of Directors. The Activities Committee blossomed under Marianneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leadership. Working with management, they created new programs such as Wild West Casino Nite, the Mittens Tree at Christmas, Kentucky Derby events, Murder Mystery Theater Night, food drives, wellness seminars, Toys for Tots and military drives. They also brought in various entertainers. Marianne stepped down as Chair of the Activities Committee in 2009, but if anything her participation in community affairs increased. She is now a member of the Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Governmental Affairs Committee attending Tobyhanna Township Supervisors meetings. She serves on the Senior Advisory Board of the Clymer Library, works with Northhampton Community College and two local churches. And she works with Penn Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Strong Women Program in Pocono Pines and the National Fitness and Nutrition Programs. Marianne made another change in her life. She no longer sells real estate, at least QRW LQ WKH FRQYHQWLRQDO VHQVH ,QVWHDG VKH SDUWQHUV ZLWK -RKQ WR VHOO WKH /DNH 1DRPL Club from the inside. John, who has a real estate license, shows clients the Community Center and other Club amenities. Then he and Marianne often entertain them at dinner at the Clubhouse, where they introduce them to the Clubhouse management. On the menu: Lake Naomi Club. Âł7KH FOLHQWV JHW D SHUVRQDO YLHZ RI WKH &OXEKRXVH meet some of our Members, sample the great food and PHHW RXU WHDP ´ 0DULDQQH VD\V Âł, OHDUQ ZKDW WKH FOLHQWV like to do and then talk about the great activities offered by Lake Naomi Club. We just relax and let the service and the atmosphere work for us.â&#x20AC;? William C. Gamble Chair, Membership/Marketing Committee
New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve Gala Join us for a Spectacular New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve CelHEUDWLRQ RQ 'HFHPEHU 7KH WKHPH ZLOO EH Âł2QH 1LJKW LQ 9HQLFH´ DQG GDQFH WKH QLJKW DZD\ ZLWK PHGOH\V SOD\HG E\ Âł)DQF\ 'DQFHU´ (a four piece high energy band). Chef Will and his culinary team have designed a delectable four course menu. Start off the evening at 7:00 PM with a selection of forPDO ,WDOLDQ VW\OH KRUV GÂśRHYHUV EXIIHW DQG \RXU ÂżUVW FRFNWDLO LQFOXVLYH JUDQG DQWLSDVWR DQG WDSDV WDEOHV dinner salad - spinach and arugula salad with warm pancetta dressing, URDVWHG SHSSHUV DQG WRDVWHG SLJQROL QXWV choice of entrĂŠe - grilled veal chop with wild mushroom risotto and balsamic roasted pear tomatoes, chicken stuffed with fontina cheese, sun dried tomatoes, basil and procuitto ham, roasted sea bass with garlic grilled SUDZQV VKDYHG IHQQHO DUWLFKRNH KHDUWV WRPDWR VDIIURQ VXFFR dessert ,WDOLDQ GHVVHUW buffet and coffee station with complemented cordials through 11:00 PM. After the grand dinner we invite you to dance the night away and ring in the New Year! Of course we will host the champagne toast at the stroke of 12 midnight. This will be the event of the year. The cost of this event is $90.00 inclusive per adult. Sign up at the Community Center or online in the Members Section of www.LakeNaomiClub.com. Seating is limited so make your reservations now.
Holiday Breakfast Buffet â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Two Offerings Due to the huge demand during the Holiday Season, we are offering two opportunities to enjoy the Holiday breakfast buffet this year. Everyone is sure to enjoy this Lake Naomi Club tradition on Saturday, December 4th or Sunday, December 5th. Feast on D GHOLFLRXV EUHDNIDVW LQFOXGLQJ HJJV EHOJLXP ZDIĂ&#x20AC;HV IUHVK IUXLW FRUQHG EHHI KDVK bacon, sausage, our new potato pancake station, juice and coffee. During breakfast, Santa will be making his rounds to entertain children of all ages and afterwards the FKLOGUHQ FDQ HQMR\ PDNLQJ D KROLGD\ FUDIW 9,3 6WXGLRV ZLOO EH MRLQLQJ XV for anyone that would like to purchase professional portraits with Santa or ZLWK WKH )DPLO\ E\ WKH ÂżUHSODFH 5HVHUYDWLRQV PD\ EH PDGH E\ FRQWDFWing the Clubhouse at 570-646-2866. Cost for this great breakfast is only $13.95++ for adults, $7.95++ for children under 10 and complimentary for children 3 and under.
Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Weekend Celebration 6DWXUGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK 9DOHQWLQH 'LQQHU DQG 'DQFH 9DOHQWLQHÂśV +RQH\PRRQ 'LQQHU 6SHFLDO IURP WR 30 -RLQ XV IRU D VSHFLDO URPDQWLF QLJKW RI GLQLQJ (QMR\ RXU Âł&KDWHDXEULDQG IRU 7ZR´ which has quickly become an annual tradition at the Club, along with wine specials DQG HOHJDQW PXVLF 7KLV VXUI WXUI GLQQHU ZLOO LQFOXGH D KRQH\PRRQ EHHI ÂżOHW DQG lobster tail. Please call the Clubhouse to reserve your spot with your special someone. The entire a la carte menu will also be available. Entertainment on the GDQFH Ă&#x20AC;RRU IURP WR 30 6XQGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK 9DOHQWLQH %UXQFK 9DOHQWLQHÂśV 'D\ 3LDQR %UXQFK %XIIHW IURP $0 WR 30 Bring your special loved ones for Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Brunch and the kids under age 6 eat free!! Enjoy the brunch with additional fresh selections from the culinary team. LNCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grand salad display with composed salads, condiments and dressings, norwegian smoked salmon display with mini bagels, cream cheese and WUDGLWLRQDO JDUQLVKHV DVVRUWHG GDQLVK PXIÂżQV VFRQHV IUHVK IUXLW DQG EHUULHV &KHI DWWHQGHG RPHOHW ZDIĂ&#x20AC;H DQG IUHQFK WRDVW VWDWLRQ HJJV EHQHGLFW DSSOH ZRRG VPRNHG bacon, country sausage links, potatoes oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;brien, cheddar cheese grits with assorted toppings, chef carved angus of beef with a sherry-mushroom sauce, grilled fresh catch with a lemon beurre blanc, confetti rice, medley of vegetables, Chefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grand dessert table. The price of the brunch is $19.50 for adults and $9.95 for children ages 6 to 12. These Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s events are expected to sell-out quickly, so call the Clubhouse at 570-646-2866 to make your reservations soon.
St. Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Party Celebration Save the date for one of the Memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favorite parties. The St. Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Party will be held on Saturday, March 5th &RPH MRLQ XV IRU DQ HYHQLQJ ÂżOOHG ZLWK FRUQHG EHHI VLQJ DORQJV DQG ,ULVK MLJV 0F+XJK &RPSDQ\ DQ XOWLPDWH IRXU SLHFH ,ULVK EDQG KDV EHHQ ERRNHG IRU \RXU HQWHUWDLQPHQW :DWFK IRU WKH QH[W LVVXH RI 5HĂ&#x20AC;HFWLRQV for details on this great event.
Extended Holiday Hours Due to popular demand, the Clubhouse will extend its hours of operation during Holiday periods. Please show your support for these extended hours by including the Club in your plans! December Holidays Sat & Sun, December 4th & 5th Holiday Breakfast Pre-Registration Required Saturday, December 11th Holiday Gala Pre-Registration Required Clubhouse will be closed Sunday, Dec. 19th through Saturday, Dec. 25th Sunday, December 26th Breakfast Buffet 9 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 Noon Grille & Dining Room 5:00â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:00 PM
Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Monday, December 27th
Grille & Dining Room 5:00â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:00 PM
Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Grille Menu and Pasta Buffet Tuesday, December 28th Grille Room 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Wednesday, December 29th Grille Room 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Thursday, December 30th Grille Room 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Friday, December 31st New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve Gala Party Pre-Registration Required Saturday, January 1st Grille Room 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 4:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Martin Luther King Weekend Thursday, January 13th Grille Room Menu & Pasta Buffet 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Friday, January 14th Grille Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Dining Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Saturday, January 15th Grille Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Dining Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Entertainment in Grille 8:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Sunday, January 16th Breakfast Buffet 9:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 Noon
Continued on page 4
Extended Holiday Hours Continued from page 3
Winter Festival Weekend Thursday, January 27th Grille Room Menu and Pasta Buffet 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Friday, January 28th Grille Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Dining Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Saturday, January 29th Lunch 12 Noon to 3:00 PM Après Happy Hour 3:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6:00 PM Grille Menu & Après Ski Buffet 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open Noon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Entertainment 8:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Sunday, January 30th Breakfast Buffet 9:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12:00 Noon Valentines Celebration Weekend Thursday, February 10th Grille Menu & Winter Buffet 6:00 PM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Friday, February 11th Grille Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Dining Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Saturday, February 12th Valentines Dinner and Dance Grille & Dining Room 6:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:30 PM Entertainment 8:30 - 11:30 PM Sunday February 13th Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brunch 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM Presidents Weekend Thursday, February 17th Grille Menu & Pasta Buffet 5:00 PM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Friday, February 18th Grille Room 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Dining Room 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Entertainment in Grille 8:00 PM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Saturday, February 19th Grille Room 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 PM Dining Room 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Bar Open 5:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Entertainment 8:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 PM Sunday February 20th Breakfast Buffet 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Holiday Gala Join us at the Clubhouse on Saturday, December 11th at 6:00 PM for a time of great food and wonderful friends. The Culinary Brigade will feature a served dinner menu of holiday food: EXWOHUHG KRUV GÂś RHXYUHV FUDQEHUU\ JOD]HG FKLFNHQ ELWHV DQGRXLOOH DQG VKULPS SXUVHV DVLDJR EUXVFKHWWD DQWLSDVWR FXSV ZLQWHU KDUYHVW VDODG EDE\ VSLQDFK GULHG FUDQEHUULHV FKHYUH JRDW FKHHVH DQG PXVKURRPV WRSSHG ZLWK PDQGDULQ RUDQJH YLQDLJUHWWH choice of entrees - carved prime rib of beef with au jus and horseradish cream sauce, oven roasted salmon with shrimp & tomato hollandaise, sautĂŠed chicken with lemon citron sauce. Followed by Chefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decadent holiday dessert. All the trimmings for an LQFOXVLYH SULFH RI SOXV FDVK EDU 0XVLFDO HQWHUWDLQPHQW DQG GDQFLQJ E\ Âł'- Adam Scubaâ&#x20AC;? will follow dinner. This adults only celebration is sponsored by the Clubhouse Committee. Gentleman- Jackets Requested. Sign up online at www.LakeNaomiClub.com (remember to click on Members before going WR WKH 2QOLQH 2IÂżFH RU FRQWDFW WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU DW
Curbside Cuisine Pickup Program
We are very excited our Members are taking advantage of the Curbside Cuisine 3LFNXS 3URJUDP &KHIÂśV %LVWUR PHQX DQG RXU QHZ ,WDOLDQ 6W\OH 3L]]D PHQX LV DYDLOable for curb side delivery to your car. The Fall and Winter hours are 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM Thursday thru Saturday. When placing your order please have your member number available and the server will take payment with a credit card. Our culinary team is asking for 30 minutes preparation time but the amount of time can vary due to business in the Clubhouse. So on those nights that you just donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel like getting the skillet out or after a long drive to the Poconos call the Clubhouse and enjoy our culinary creations in the comfort of your home. To place an order call 570-646-2866 and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to program your cell phone so we can have dinner waiting for you on your next trip to Lake Naomi-Timber Trails . You can view the Curbside Cuisine Menu online at www.LakeNaomiClub.com (remember to click on Member in the ULJKW FRUQHU XQGHU WKH 2QOLQH 2IÂżFH Reservations Please Dinner reservations at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse are well DGYLVHG ,Q RUGHU WR DFFRPPRGDWH DV PDQ\ 0HPEHUV DV SRVVLEOH ZH KLJKO\ UHFRPPHQG that Members make reservations Fridays and Saturdays for the main dining room. ResHUYDWLRQV DVVLVW XV LQ WKH SODQQLQJ DQG VWDIÂżQJ SURFHVV XOWLPDWHO\ SURYLGLQJ \RX D EHWWHU dining experience. We will do our very best to accommodate Members who arrive withRXW D UHVHUYDWLRQ EXW SOHDVH XQGHUVWDQG \RX PD\ KDYH WR ZDLW IRU DQ H[WHQGHG SHULRG ,I you arrive without a reservation and are asked to wait and then see empty tables, please understand that those tables have been reserved for Members who called ahead and have QRW \HW DUULYHG ,W LV WKH JRDO RI WKH &OXEKRXVH 0DQDJHPHQW 7HDP WR KDYH HYHU\ WDEOH ÂżOOHG ZLWK VDWLVÂżHG 0HPEHUV HDFK DQG HYHU\ HYHQLQJ
2011 Membership Directory Update ,QFOXVLRQ LQ WKH 0HPEHUVKLS 'LUHFWRU\ LV DQ RSWLRQDO VHUYLFH DYDLODEOH WR DOO &OXE Members. The Membership Directory was re-printed in its entirety in 2010. Please take D PRPHQW WR UHYLHZ \RXU OLVWLQJ LQ WKH 'LUHFWRU\ ,I \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR PDNH D FKDQJH add your e-mail address, or if you are not listed and would like to be, please complete WKH IRUP IRXQG LQ WKH 2QOLQH 2IÂżFH VHFWLRQ RI RXU ZHEVLWH DW ZZZ /DNH1DRPL&OXE FRP UHPHPEHU WR ÂżUVW FOLFN RQ WKH 0HPEHUV WDE LQ WKH XSSHU ULJKW FRUQHU :H ZLOO LQFOXGH your addition/change in our interim update in 2011. You can also request that the form EH VHQW WR \RX E\ FDOOLQJ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH DW Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss this opportunity to have your information listed with your fellow Club Members. Fill out the form today!
$GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH ZLOO EH Open Sunday, January 2nd
Fall Trout Stocking
Traditionally January 2nd has been one of WKH EXVLHVW GD\V IRU WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH 0DQ\ 0HPEHUV ZDQW WR EH WKH ÂżUVW WR SD\ their dues and secure their boat rack assignment. January 2nd falls on a Sunday in 2011 DQG WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH LV QRUPDOO\ closed on Sundays at this time of the year. However, to accomodate the Members the $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH ZLOO EH RSHQ RQ 6XQGD\ January 2nd 3OHDVH QRWH WKH RIÂżFH KRXUV DUH 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM.
Temporary Memberships $UH ,PSRUWDQW
The Lake Naomi Club has gift giving ideas for you this Holiday Season. Just VWRS E\ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH RU WKH Community Center and pick up your LNC Stored Value Card which can be deVLJQHG IRU DQ\ PRQHWDU\ DPRXQW WKDW ÂżWV your budget and can be used at any of the &OXEÂśV IDFLOLWLHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR 6WRUHG Value Card, the Community Center has Ski Vouchers that are offered to Club Members at reduced rates for the several downhill ski resorts in the area. To assist you in completing your shopping on time, WKH 2IÂżFH LV DEOH WR WDNH WKH *LIW RUGHUV E\ telephone and mail the items to you. This method requires credit card payment.
The Activities Committee is busy 12 months out of the year. The events that we plan are very rewarding and the Committee has a great time putting everything together and would like to thank all our Members for supporting RXU HYHQWV DQG DFWLYLWLHV ,Q WKH ZLQWHU PRQWKV ZH KDYH WZR DUW FODVVHV UXQning. We offer watercolor and acrylics with many sessions running throughRXW WKH \HDU ,W LV D ZRQGHUIXO ZD\ IRU WKH SHRSOH ZKR DUH LQ WKH &RPPXQLW\ throughout the long cold winter months to spend time together learning to become artists. There was an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;in-houseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Art Show at the Clubhouse in the beginning of January, and it gave the Community an idea of how hard everyone is working. The enthusiasm was outstanding and we are hoping that it will take place again. ,Q 0D\ ZH KDG D 6SULQJ (QWHUWDLQPHQW (YHQW 7KHUH ZDV D IDEXORXV 0HQWDOLVW WKDW HQWHUWDLQHG XV DW WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU +H ZDV WUXO\ DPD]LQJ DQG truly mind blowing! The Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Luncheon was held in June. The featured speaker was Marc =XPRII WKH 3KLODGHOSKLD HUV DQQRXQFHU ,W ZDV HQMR\HG E\ DOO IROORZHG LQ July by the Ladiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Luncheon. We had a fashion show from the Dress Barn ZLWK PRGHOV IURP RXU &RPPXQLW\ 7KHQ FDPH $XJXVW DQG WKH ÂżUVW DQQXDO Lake Naomi - Timber Trails Arts and Crafts Show which was a huge success as we raised $4,100.00 for The Top of the Mountain Ecumenical Food Pantry, responsible for feeding hundreds of local families in need. A Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Forum was held in October including a wonderful morning with guest speakers and health related vendors, followed by a delicious healthy lunch. 7KH ÂżUVW ZHHN RI 1RYHPEHU ZH KDG D MHZHOU\ PDNLQJ FODVV DV ZHOO DV RXU yearly Casino Night. Casino Night is truly a favorite. We couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do it without the Members who volunteer to be dealers! Also under the auspices of this committee fall: Square Dancing, Food Bank, Library, Book Club, Mitten Tree, Card and Leisure Games, Weekly Bowling and the Social Lites. Our Committee is always busy and we all love working together and getting events together for you to enjoy. Trying to keep you entertained and involved is the most important part of what this committee hopes to accomplish. We thank you so much the continued support that you give to all of our projects and we are always open to hear of any of your ideas. Carol Kehler, Activities Committee Chair
Tree of Mittens Join the Activities Committee in the giving spirit this holiday season by donating a pair of childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mittens being collected at the Community Center. A twelve foot pine tree will stand in the Great Room of the Community Center and will be decorated with all of the mittens collected this season. This collection will run from November 27, 2010 through January 1, 2011 and then the mittens will be collected and donated to a local charity. The Activities Committee thanks you in advance for your support.
Square Dancing
The total number of families that subscribed to the Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Temporary Membership (TM) during the 2010 season was 706. Temporary Memberships for 2010 generated in excess of $244,000 in fees towards the annual operations budget. Temporary Members are described as a family living on a temporary basis in the home of a Club Member when the Home Owner/Club Member is not present. This includes those renting homes as well as Family Members and Colleagues of Club 0HPEHUV XWLOL]LQJ KRPHV ZLWKRXW WKH &OXE Member being present. Temporary Memberships are very important to the Club as not only do Temporary 0HPEHUV JHQHUDWH D VLJQLÂżFDQW DPRXQW RI revenue for the Club, but Temporary Members also represent the number two source of future Club Members. The number one source of future Club Members is through referrals from existing Club Members. Remember the Membershare Referral program was expanded to include Temporary Members. When your referral purchases their Temporary Membership, you will be rewarded 25 Club Dollars for each week your referral purchases their Temporary Membership with a maximum of 100 Club Dollars per referral. You will receive D VWRUHG YDOXH FDUG WKDW FDQ EH XWLOL]HG WRward your Membership Fees or used at any amenity. To qualify the person you refer must be totally new to the Lake Naomi Club and the referral card must be turned LQWR WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH EHIRUH WKH temporary membership is purchased. The Membership/Marketing Committee plans to continue its marketing efforts for Temporary Members, as once families see and experience the Lake Naomi and Timber Trails Community, the chances of their becoming a Property Owner/Club Member increases dramatically.
The Activities Committee News in Review
An evening of Square Dancing is scheduled for Club Members on Friday, November 19th. Swing your partner from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM on the Lake 1DRPL &OXEKRXVH 'DQFH Ă&#x20AC;RRU 0HPEHU -RKQ .DOWHQWKDOHU ZLOO EH FDOOLQJ for this event. Square Dancing will resume again after the New Year.
Food Bank Members of LN-TT can continue to bring their food donations to the community center through the Winter and Spring. Drop off your canned goods or non perishable food items during regular hours.
Community Center Hours As winter approaches donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget all the activities the Community Center has to offer during the winter season. Tennis, platform tennis, basketball, golf driving net and simulator, swimming, various SODQQHG DFWLYLWLHV ÂżWQHVV FODVVHV DQG RI FRXUVH WKH ÂżWQHVV FHQWHU DUH all ways to stay active when Mother Nature turns cold. As a reminder, the winter hours of operation are listed below: November 1st to March 31st 2011 Community Center & Fitness Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Saturday 7:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5:00 PM Pool Monday through Thursday 10:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7:45 PM Friday and Saturday 10:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:45 PM Sunday 10:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:45 PM Multi-Purpose Room The hours will correlate with the buildings hours. However, there will be dedicated tennis and open use time. Please call the Community Center to check availability. Reservations are recommended for tennis play and are based on 1 ½ hour time slots and 1 hour time slots during holiday periods.
Holiday Hours
Thanksgiving Weekend Thursday, Nov. 25th Closed Friday, Nov. 26th 9 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10 PM Saturday, Nov. 27th 7 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10 PM Sunday, Nov. 28th 7 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 PM December 24th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; January 3rd Friday, Dec. 24th Closed Saturday, Dec. 25th Closed Sunday, Dec. 26th 7 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10 PM Mon, Dec. 27th - Thur, Dec. 30th 8 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10PM New Years Eve Friday, Dec. 31st 8 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 PM Open 5 PM - 7 PM Closed for party setup 7:00 PM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM Family Party Pre-Registration required
Saturday, January 1st Noon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 PM Sunday, January 2nd 7 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 PM
New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve Family Party Still not sure of your New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve plans yet? Come spend it at the Logan Steele Community Center and you will not be disappointed! This will be an alcohol free event where there will be D ODUJH YDULHW\ RI DFWLYLWLHV DQG HQWHUWDLQPHQW WR NHHS WKH ZKROH IDPLO\ EXV\ ,QFOXGHG in this nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s festivities will be an entertaining family show, the moon bounce, arts & FUDIWV JDPHV SUL]HV DQG PRUH 7KH ELJ VKLQGLJ ZLOO EHJLQ DW 30 DQG ZLOO FRQclude after we watch our own ball drop together at 10 PM (or as the kids think it will be midnight!). Light fare snacks and refreshments will be served. Cost is $25 per adult, $15 per child and $5 per child 6 and under. Registration can be made by calling 570-646-8585 or stopping by the Community Center, or online at www.LakeNaomiClub.com. Please note: At least one parent must arrive with their children and remain at the Community Center with their children throughout the party. Also the Community Center including the pool, will only be open this evening for those registered for the New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve Celebration.
Holiday Klub Day Camp
Do you miss the summer Kids Klub? The Recreation Team sure does. Members and guests in kindergarten through 8th grade are invited to join our great summer Klub Counselors at the Logan Steele Community Center in some winter fun. Monday, December 27th through Thursday, December 30th from 9:00 AM until Noon, we will spend our days with games, songs, outdoor winter activities, snacks, crafts and skits. You can register for one day or register for all four. What a great way to get out of the house, see summer friends and meet new ones. Space is limited so make sure to register early. Cost per day for registration will be $25 for Members, $35 for guests, but register before December 20th and receive a $5 per day discount. Be a part of the Holiday Klub Day Camp!
Night Recreation Activities
Looking for something to do after a day of snowboarding or visiting with family over the holiday season? Third graders and up are welcome to join in nightly fun and DFWLYLWLHV DW WKH /RJDQ 6WHHOH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU 2XU VWDII ZLOO EH RUJDQL]LQJ JDPHV crafts, competitions or just opportunities to hang out with other Members and guests that are your age from 6:00-9:00 PM December 26th through December 30th. We will KDYH DFWLYLWLHV IRU WKLUG WR ÂżIWK JUDGHUV VL[WK WR HLJKWK JUDGHUV DQG QLQWK WR WZHOIWK graders. There is no charge for these activities and no advanced registration required. Just stop in and see what is going on.
Gingerbread House Contest
Ladies and Gentlemen, Teens and Children of all Ages... Join us for the Third Annual Gingerbread Contest at the Logan Steele Community Center. Create your own masterSLHFH RU ZRUN DV D WHDP 7KHUH LV D VPDOO HQWU\ IHH DQG DIWHU SUL]HV DUH DZDUGHG IRU ÂżUVW and second places, all remaining funds will be donated to our local food pantry. Signups are being taken at the Community Center. Three Divisions $GXOW ,QGLYLGXDO RU *URXSV XS WR WZR SHRSOH DJHV DQG XS HQWU\ IHH 7HHQ ,QGLYLGXDO RU *URXSV XS WR WZR SHRSOH DJHV HQWU\ IHH &KLOG ,QGLYLGXDO RU *URXSV XS WR IRXU SHRSOH DJHV 2QH FDQQHG IRRG LWHP per group member for entry fee. Rules and Regulations 1. Any architectural structure, real or imaginary, is eligible for entry (i.e. house, train station, bridge, ship, etc) 2. Entries in the Adult Division must be original, no kits permitted 3. All components must be edible. All wrapped candies must be unwrapped, no lollipop sticks, plastic stems, etc. 4. Entries must have been constructed in 2010 5. Entries will be judged on originality, overall appearance, choice DQG XVH RI PDWHULDOV GLIÂżFXOW\ DQG GHVLJQ 6. Please have a base no larger than 24â&#x20AC;? by 24â&#x20AC;? and no higher than 26â&#x20AC;? 7. The contest is open to all LN-TT Members who have completed the entry form and paid the entry fees 8. All participants must register by Friday, November 19, 2010 9. All entries must be delivered to the Community Center between Friday, November 26th and Saturday, December 11, 2010. Judging will begin at 3 PM on Sunday, December 19th. All entries must be picked up on Sunday, December 20th. 10. All entries will be displayed at the Community Center from Friday, November 26th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sunday, December 19th
Fitness News
7KH ÂżWQHVV VWDII DW WKH /RJDQ 6WHHOH &RPPXQLW\ Center would like to remind you that the holiday season is not time for a break from your personal wellness routine. We ask that you refer to the guidelines in the leisure service guide as to usage of the cardio machines. <RXU ÂżWQHVV VWDII KDV EHHQ ZRUNLQJ KDUG RQ NHHSLQJ FXUUHQW ZLWK WKH ODWHVW WUHQGV LQ WKH LQGXVWU\ :H DUH YHU\ H[FLWHG WR EULQJ =XPED DQG 6KDXQ 7ÂśV QHZ 6 7 5 , ' ( 6WUHQJWK DQG 7RQH 5HDO ,QWHQVH 'DQFH ([HUFLVH WR RXU ÂżWQHVV FODVV VFKHGXOH /RRN IRU ÂłFDUGLR SDUWLHV´ WKDW IHDWXUH WKHVH FODVVHV RQ RXU H[WHQGHG KROLGD\ VFKHGXOH :H will also be offering special class rates for Members and Temporary Members who do not have a package plan already. Class fees will be $5 per class or 5 classes for $20 for November 26th and 27th and December 27th to the 31st. Any Member who has purchased a one month unlimited package in December will receive an additional free week as our holiday gift to you. Be sure to pick up a schedule when you visit the community center and sign up in advance as space may be limited. The Mega-Mile Challenge continues till the end of December. LNC members are WUDFNLQJ WKH PLOHV WKH\ SXW RQ WKH FDUGLR PDFKLQHV DQG HDUQLQJ IXQ SUL]HV DV WKH\ JR We also challenge you to participate in our newest incentive programâ&#x20AC;ŚThe 12 Days of Fitness. This program will assign you 12 different tasks that must be completed on 12 consecutive days from December 5th to December 16th. There is no fee for this SURJUDP /RRN IRU GHWDLOV LQ WKH ÂżWQHVV FHQWHU RU FDOO .HOO\ 6ZLQJOH DW
Platform Tennis
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The best kept secret in winter outdoor recreationâ&#x20AC;? The Platform Tennis court is available for play Monday-Thursday 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Friday 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Saturday 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM and Sunday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Note: snow and ice removal time may need to be allotted. Call in advance after inclement weather. Members who do not have their own rackets and balls may use the platform equipment available for check out at the reception desk. Eye protection is highly recommended and athletic shoes are required. All Members are permitted to play and there are no court fees associated with the SODWIRUP WHQQLV 5HVHUYDWLRQV DUH QRW QHFHVVDU\ DW WKLV WLPH DV WKH FRXUWV DUH ÂżUVW FRPH ÂżUVW WR SOD\ EXW LI \RX KDYH D JURXS ZKR GHVLUH D FHUWDLQ SOD\ WLPH SOHDVH FDOO the Community Center to reserve the courts with the receptionist, especially after a snowfall. The reception desk also keeps a highlight sheet on platform tennis as well DV WKH RIÂżFLDO UXOHV IRU WKH 0HPEHUV ZKR ZLVK WR XVH WKHP $GGLWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ can also be found on the APTA website at www.platformtennis.org 7HQQLV &RPPLWWHH 0HPEHU /HZ 5DULJ LV ZLOOLQJ WR KHOS RUJDQL]H JDPHV LI \RX DUH looking to play. We also keep a roster at the Community Center reception desk for SOD\HUV ZKR DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ ÂżQGLQJ JDPHV ,I WKHUH LV HQRXJK LQWHUHVW VRPH UHJXODU SOD\ WLPHV PD\ VWDUW VLPLODU WR WKH LQGRRU WHQQLV JDPHV RXU 0HPEHUV RUJDQL]H LQ the winter. Please contact Meredith Sensenig at 646-8585, ext 104 or msensenig@ lakenaomiclub.com for additional information. This is a great addition to the Lake Naomi Club ofIHULQJV ZH DUH KRSLQJ \RXÂśOO HQMR\ XWLOL]LQJ WKLV ZLQWHU
E-Mail Us! Please feel free to e-mail us when you have questions, comments, or concerns. Our addresses are: Lake Naomi Club - admin@lakeanaomiclub.com Membership - mmbr@lakenaomiclub.com Architectural Review - arc@lakenaomiclub.com Kelly Swingle, Community Center Manager - kswingle@lakenaomiclub.com Meredith Sensenig, Operations Coordinator - msensenig@lakenaomiclub.com Tim Brooks, Operations Manager â&#x20AC;&#x201C; tbrooks@lakenaomiclub.com Peter Koryttko, Clubhouse Manager- pkoryttko@lakenaomiclub.com Chef Will Allfather, Executive Chef - wallfather@lakenaomiclub.com Laura Altemose, Communications Manager - laltemose@lakenaomiclub.com Wendi Freeman, Association Manager - wfreeman@lakenaomiclub.com John Lamberton, Chief Ranger â&#x20AC;&#x201C; jlamberton@lakenaomiclub.com Robert Jones, General Manager - rjones@lakenaomiclub.com Jeff Evans, Executive Vice President - jevans@lakenaomiclub.com Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re always anxious to hear from you!
Turkey Trot Join us at the Logan Steele Community Center for a 5K run/walk on Sunday, November 28, 2010 at 9:00 AM. All ages are welcome to bundle up and run the leisure trail (providing it is not under a foot of snow). We will collect a $5 per person entry fee with all proceeds going to Toys for Tots. Please call the CC to register in advance at 570-646-8585.
Community Center Guests
While we are always happy to also entertain Guests here in Lake Naomi - Timber Trails, please be mindful of the Community Center guidelines this coming winter and holiday season: there is a limit of six Guests per day per Family Membership on weekdays and four Guests per day per Family Membership on weekends and holidays. Additional Guests may be approved on a case by case basis by calling Kelly Swingle, Community Center Manager (570) 646-8585.
Where to Snowmobile The Lake Naomi Club has a publication available at the Administrative 2IÂżFH DQG WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU outlining areas in the vicinity of LNTT where snowmobiles are permitted. Since snowmobiles are not permitted on any of the common areas in LN-TT, the Club is happy to assist Members LQ ÂżQGLQJ DSSURSULDWH IDFLOLWLHV IRU WKH use of their snowmobiles. 7KH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH DQG WKH Community Center also maintains a list of several areas nearby that ofIHU VQRZPRELOH UHQWDOV ,I \RX KDYH questions regarding snowmobiles, please do not hesitate to contact the AO or the CC.
Sledding Hill
The Lake Naomi Club sledding hill located outside of the Lake Naomi Clubhouse will again be available to Members this winter season. The sledding hill will be open as of Saturday, December 25, 2010, weather permitting. When the sledding hill is open the hours of operation are from GDZQ XQWLO GXVN ,W LV DEVROXWHO\ unsafe to ride the sledding hill after dark so please refrain from doing so. The sledding hill will be posted as ³&ORVHG´ ZKHQ LW LV FRQVLGHUHG XQsafe to ride. Please abide by the postings each day in order to keep your entire family safe. 7
McKee Tennis Continues! We all hate to say goodbye to Tennis Professional Bobby McKee, his family and team at the end of the season. 7KLV VHDVRQ ZDV H[WUD GLIÂżFXOW DV WKH McKee Tennis multi year agreement had reached itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s end. Bobby, Richard, Janette, Erin and Caitlin have become part of our LNC family and no one wanted to think about the possible end to the relationship. Management and Bobby have discussed the many options for continuing the agreement over the last few months and we are happy to announce we will be seeing the McKees again next summer as we have reached an agreement that works for both McKee Tennis and the Club for three more seasons! As always Bobby is only an e-mail away while taking on his primary responsibility as Director of Mens & Womens Tennis at Lenoir-Rhyne College in Hickory, North Carolina. Now is the time to contact him regarding the upcoming 2011 season. He is already busy working on his plans for the summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tennis Professional offerings for the Lake Naomi Club. Many ideas are being considered and your input is always valued so please donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hesitate to offer your suggestions. You can e-mail Bobby at rdm@mckeetennis.com. The McKees have already done so much to grow the tennis club and are truly looking forward to continuing the partnership over the next few years.
Continue the Tradition During the past few years the Club has seen an increase in the number of sons and daughters of existing Club Members purchasing their own homes and joining the Club. These individuals have grown up spending quality time at Lake Naomi and Timber Trails and are now introducing the third generation, their children, to the special mountain lifestyle that has played such an important role in their lives. There is no better time to consider purchasing another property in Lake Naomi and Timber Trails. A number of smaller starter vacation homes are on the market at very affordable prices. What a grand tradition to continue with your children and grandchildren. 8
7HQQLV ,PSURYHV %UDLQ 3RZHU All of us who have spent time on the tennis court know how fun and challenging this sport can be, but perKDSV ZH GLG QRW NQRZ ZKDW VFLHQWLÂżF UHVHDUFK KDV EHHQ WDNLQJ SODFH UHODWLYH WR WHQQLV /HWÂśV WDNH D TXLFN ORRN DW D IHZ VWXGLHV 'U -LP *DYLQ DXWKRU RI Âł7KH ([HUFLVH Habitâ&#x20AC;?, wrote a peer-reviewed journal article for The Physician and Sportsmedicine in 2004 discussing how a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brain responds to various situations such as being hopeful or optimistic versus being negative or pessimistic. He cited that tennis, when it comes to being focused, outperforms numerous other activities such as golf, running, ZHLJKWOLIWLQJ LQOLQH VNDWLQJ DQG GRZQKLOO VNLLQJ ,Q D VLPLODU YHLQ 'U -RDQ )LQQ DQG her colleagues at Southern Connecticut State University discovered that tennis players scored higher in optimism, while scoring lower in anxiety and tension than other athletes and nonathletes. Several experts in the late 1990â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s posed that, because tennis requires alertness and tactical thinking, it may generate new connections between nerves in the brain and promote a lifetime of continuing brain development. Harvard psychiatrist and author of WKH ERRN Âł6SDUN´ -RKQ 5DWH\ VWDWHV Âł1HXURQV WKDW ÂżUH WRJHWKHU ZLUH WRJHWKHU PHDQV that the more we repeat the same actions and thoughts, the more we encourage the IRUPDWLRQ RI FHUWDLQ FRQQHFWLRQV DQG WKH PRUH Âż[HG WKH QHXUDO FLUFXLWV LQ WKH EUDLQ IRU that activity become. Practicing the serve, repetition of other strokes and playing can KDYH HQRUPRXV EHQHÂżWV ´ +H KDV JRQH RQ WR VWDWH LQ WKH Âł+RQROXOX 6WDU %XOOHWLQ´ WKDW ÂłH[HUFLVH DFWLYDWHV DOO RI RXU QHUYH FHOOV DQG QHXURWUDQVPLWWHUV RSWLPL]HV WKH EUDLQ IRU JURZWK DQG LJQLWHV QHXURgenesis â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or the growth of new cells â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in the hippocampus, the brainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s core for memory. Doing something physically challenging that also requires complex thinking is best.â&#x20AC;? He FLWHG WHQQLV DV DQ DFWLYLW\ WKDW IXOÂżOOV WKRVH WZR FKDUDFWHULVWLFV Âą UXQQLQJ DIWHU D EDOO ZKLOH deciding where to hit it, where to move for the next shot, how to adjust to the conditions, your opponent, etc. - Playing tennis strengthens you in many ways! Keep playing and keep getting smarter! Also, keep your eye out for the many tennis programs we are offering for the 2011 season! From the Peak Performance Mental Toughness Seminar weekend, to Cardio Tennis, Video analysis, Stroke Clinics, Strategy Clinics â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and more. We will help you stay active and smart. Bobby McKee, Tennis Professional
Tennis Activities for 2011
The Tennis Committee met at the end of the summer to compile quite a bit of information from Tennis Members in an effort to make changes to the 2011 season. They are paying special attention to suggestions concerning the Club Championship Tournaments. The Committee, Management and McKee Tennis are hoping to offer new and improved exciting events throughout the upcoming summer season. Although all your suggestions submitted over the summer are already being considered carefully, it LV QRW WRR ODWH WR RIIHU \RXU LQSXW ,I \RX KDYH DGGLWLRQDO LGHDV WR VKDUH SOHDVH FRQWDFW one of the Members of the Tennis Committee, Bobby McKee at rdm@mckeetennis. com or Meredith Sensenig at msensenig@lakenaomiclub.com. Please donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hesitate DV ÂżQDO GHFLVLRQV ZLOO EH PDGH VRRQ
Post Season Tennis
7KH Ă&#x20AC;XFWXDWLQJ IDOO ZHDWKHU KDV PDGH IRU DQ LQWHUHVWLQJ SRVW VHDVRQ DW 7HQQLV Warm weather allowed us to extend a bit beyond the scheduled closing date of ColumEXV 'D\ IRU ZDON RQ SOD\ 8OWLPDWHO\ WKH VWDUW RI WKH IUHH]H WKDZ F\FOH UHTXLUHG XV WR start closing up courts but we were able to keep courts 1 & 2 open until November 1st. 2QFH WHPSHUDWXUHV VWDUW GLSSLQJ HQRXJK VR ZH H[SHULHQFH IUHH]LQJ WHPSHUDWXUHV WKH FRXUWV KDYH WR EH FORVHG EHFDXVH WKH Ă&#x20AC;XFWXDWLRQ LQ WHPSHUDWXUH does not allow for a safe tennis court surface.) We want to thank the Membership for signing-in at the Pro-shop door podium when they used the courts. These sign-in sheets allow us to see how often the courts really are XWLOL]HG DIWHU WKH PDLQ VHDson. We hope you were able to get out and enjoy the fall tennis play. Family Halloween Party
4th of July Regatta Dusters 1st – John Whipple (LNC Bowl Winner)
2nd – Sue Neely 3rd – Dean Neely Lasers 1st – Rich Daggett (LNC Bowl Winner)
2nd – Don Duthaler 3rd – Kathy Hyatt 6XQ¿VK 1st – Frank Blesso (LNC Bowl Winner)
2nd – Jay Stevenson 3rd – Ryan Spencer Labor Day Regatta Dusters 1st – Dean Neely (Frank C. Miller Memorial Trophy)
2nd – Jason Neely 3rd – Sue Neely Lasers 1st – Don Duthaler
Early Bird Series Lasers Dusters 1st – Don Duthaler 1st – John Whipple (Hannah and Joseph Geyer 2nd – Rich Daggett Memorial Trophy Winner) 3rd – Chris Daggett 2nd – Dean Neely 3rd – Sue Neely Dusters Glass Fleet 1st – Sue Neely 2nd – Andy Mantano Dusters Wood Fleet 1st – John Whipple 2nd – Jason Neely 3rd – Dean Neely Dusters Gold Fleet 1st – John Whipple
6XQ¿VK 1st – Ryan Spencer 2nd – Frank Blesso 3rd – Chris Grasso
First Half Series Laser Gold Fleet 1st – Rich Daggett 2nd – Kathy Hyatt 3rd – Jim Hyatt /DVHU 6LOYHU )OHHW 1st ± 1LFN *RQ]DOHV 2nd – Ryan Spencer 3rd – Mike McAleer
6XQ¿VK *ROG )OHHW 1st – Jay Stevenson 2nd – Frank Blesso 3rd – Ryan Spencer 6XQ¿VK 6LOYHU )OHHW 1st – Tom Trabold 2nd – Matt Trabold 3rd – Brett Maute
(Robin Bowl Winner)
2nd – Jason Neely 3rd – Neal Neely Dusters Glass Fleet 1st – Sue Neely 2nd – Andy Mantano Dusters Wood Fleet 1st – John Whipple
Second Half Series
Laser Gold Fleet 1st – Rich Daggett 2nd – Kathy Hyatt 3rd – Chris Daggett (Wooden Bowl Winner) /DVHU 6LOYHU )OHHW 2nd –Dean Neely 1st ± 1LFN *RQ]DOHV 3rd – Sue Neely 2nd – Nick Osmon Dusters Gold Fleet 3rd – Jack Old 1st –John Whipple
6XQ¿VK *ROG )OHHW 1st – Jay Stevenson 2nd –Ryan Spencer 3rd – Frank Blesso 6XQ¿VK 6LOYHU )OHHW 1st – Tom Trabold 2nd – Matt Trabold 3rd – Nick Osmon
(E.Thomas Gilliard Memorial Bowl Winner)
2nd – Dean Neely 3rd – Sue Neely
(Commodore’s Bowl Winner)
2nd – Rich Daggett 3rd – Chris Daggett /DVHU %HDP $ZDUG (greatest improvement Lasers) – Rich Daggett 6XQ¿VK $QFLHQW 0DULQHU $ZDUG (best score for sailor over the age of 38) – Jim Hyatt 1st – Jay Stevenson )LVK 7DLO JUHDWHVW LPSURYHPHQW 6XQ¿VK VDLORU ± 7KHUHVD *RQ]DOH] (Commodore’s Bowl Winner) :RPHQ¶V +LJK 3RLQW 7URSK\ (best score for woman Duster sailor) - Sue Neely 2nd – Frank Blesso )ODW ,URQ $ZDUG (most improved woman sailor) -Eileen Stevenson 3rd – Ryan Spencer )HDWKHU 'XVWHU (greatest improved Duster sailor) – Nick Osman 'XVWHU )OHHW &KDPSLRQ ± -RKQ :KLSSOH ³%LOO´ 3HUVRQ 0HPRULDO 7URSK\ UHFLSLHQW
NRPT Adult Fleet /DVHU )OHHW &KDPSLRQ – Rich Daggett 1st – Eileen Stevenson 6XQ¿VK )OHHW &KDPSLRQ – Frank Blesso NRPT Junior Fleet 5& )OHHW &KDPSLRQ – Bob MacNeill 1st – Chris Trabold 7KH +RRW $ZDUG (most enthusiastic RC Laser sailor) – Sue Neely
Memorial Day Regatta Dusters 1st – John Whipple 2nd – Jason Neely 3rd – Sue Neely Lasers 1st – Don Duthaler 2nd – Rich Daggett 3rd ± 1LFN *RQ]DOH] 6XQ¿VK 1st – Ryan Spencer 2nd – Frank Blesso 3rd – Chris Grasso
Junior Awards
7KH )OHHW 5DFLQJ WKDW WDNHV SODFH DV SDUW RI WKH ,QVWUXFWLRQDO 3URJUDP DZDUGV IROORZ A Fleet B Fleet 1st Place – Tom Trabold 1st Place – Arianna May 2nd Place – Matt Trabold 2nd Place – Colleen Lenihan rd 3 Place – Nick Osman 3rd Place – Declan Gaylo Tom Trabold – Owaissa Cup Awarded to the Junior with the best score for the summer. $ULDQQD 0D\ ± 6XQ¿VK 6SRUWVPDQ 7URSK\ Awarded to the Junior deemed to be “the best sport”. Caitlin Gallagher – Pine Tree Camp Trophy Awarded to the Junior showing the best progress. Matt Trabold - The Thomas Cup Awarded for special efforts to help others. Regatta 1st place – Brett Maute 2nd place – Matt Trabold 3rd place – Tom Trabold
Golf Notes As the golf season ends itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s imporWDQW WR NHHS \RXU JROI VZLQJ ÂżQH WXQHG during the winter months. Some of the things you can do are weight training, practice swinging indoors and practicing your putting and chipping. The Logan Steele Community Center is a wonderful place to stay in shape by lifting weights and doing cardio workouts. The golf simulator at the Community Center is a valuable way to gage your swing and see if you are developLQJ D VWURQJHU PRUH UHSHWLWLYH VZLQJ , will be offering lessons using the golf simulator this winter to help you stay sharp and get off to a fast start next year. Please call the Community Center at 570-646-8585 to schedule a lesson. The Golf Committee has decided to make a change with the 2011 tournaments. All tournaments will adhere to the USGA rules and the ball will be played as it lies if the condition of the golf course warrants it. Also the ball will be played out of bounds as stroke and distance which eliminates the rock and root rule. Keep in mind this is only for competitive tournaments, everyday play is up to the Memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discretion, as to the rules they want to play by. 7KH )DOO %ORRG\ 0DU\ ÂżQLVKHG ZLWK winners all around. The winning team consisted of Mike Cunningham, Neil Mckenna, Jodi Pearah and Arlene King. There was a tie for second place which includes the team of Joe VaraFDOOL $QWKRQ\ ,DURELQR %DUELH /HYLQH DQG &R] &XQQLQJKDP $OVR ÂżQLVKLQJ second was the team of Lou Schaab, (OOHQ *ZLUW]PDQ (LOHHQ 6ZDQE\ DQG Annie Poveromo. See you on the Links! Bob Millard, Golf Professional
Frostbite Regatta 7KLV \HDUÂśV ODVW RUJDQL]HG GD\ RI VDLOboat racing for the 2010 season was held on Saturday, September 18th. The day was nothing as the name would suggest which was to the liking of the sailors who came out and enjoyed the tradiWLRQDO Âł)URVWELWH 5HJDWWD´ 7KUHH UDFHV were provided by our Safety Boat and YROXQWHHU $OOHQ 5RGULTXH] )LQDO SODFing for the regatta was 1st â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sue Neely, 2nd â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dean Neely, 3rd â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Andy Montano. Those of you who missed this last opportunity to round the marks this season are encouraged by the Sailing Committee to try to plan on attending next year. 10
Junior Sailing Program 2010
The Sailing Program participant numbers were again high in the 2010 season. The once typiFDO HQUROOPHQW RI DURXQG WR VWXGHQWV VHHPV WR EH D WKLQJ RI WKH SDVW ,Q enrollment was up to 110 students and that number held in 2010. We again added classes and instructors as needed to accommodate the large number of junior sailors. $ IHZ Âł$ )OHHW´ SDUWLFLSDQWV YROXQWHHUHG WKURXJK WKH &OXEÂśV 70,7 7HDP 0HPEHU LQ 7UDLQLQJ 3URJUDP VSHFLÂżFDOO\ WR KHOS ZLWK WKH EHJLQQHU FODVVHV 7KH HIIRUWV RI +HDG 6DLOLQJ ,QVWUXFWRU &KULV *UDVVR DQG -RUGDQ 6FKHUHPHWD DVVLVWHG E\ 6DLOLQJ ,QVWUXFWRUV Joe Bigelow, Camille Campion, TJ McCann, Tyler McCann, Tim Osman, Andrew Rohan. Toni Simonik and Mike Trabold made this new schedule work and thankfully the season ran very smoothly. Everyone worked together to make sure our sailors experienced the same quality of lesson they would have with less students. All the positive feedback by participants and parents is genuinely appreciated. We are thrilled with the increased interest in sailing and encourage everyone to participate in the fun next season. The two hour, twice a week sessions run for six weeks allowing our young sailors plenty of time to increase their knowledge as well as their sailing and UDFLQJ DELOLW\ 2XU VDLORUV DOVR KDYH EHHQ ÂżQGLQJ WKH WLPH WR MRLQ LQ RQ WKH 6DLOLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQÂśV UHJDWWDV DQG HYHQWV 7KH 1RW 5HDG\ IRU 3ULPH 7LPH Ă&#x20AC;HHW UDFHV DJDLQ KDG a separate Junior category this season to accommodate the Junior sailors that came out UDFLQJ :H DOVR IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH UHTXLUHG $ )OHHW VWXGHQWV WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKH 6DWurday Silver Fleet races. The Sailing Membership was thrilled to have the increased numbers and competition. This exciting trend remained consistent with the highest ever participation in the Junior Regatta. Not only is the weekend racing devoted to our Junior Sailors, but we also celebrated with a Friday evening Family Beach Tailgate Party and the End of Season Junior Sailing Celebration on Sunday. Sailors and their families gathered in the Logan Steele Community Center Pavillion to recap the summer, honor the seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s high scoring sailors, and receive their awards, VWDW VKHHWV DQG PHPHQWRV 3L]]D and cake were served by the Sailing Committee Volunteers and a great time was had by all.
Second Annual Under 21 Laser Regatta
2010 marked the third year the Sailing Association hosted an Under 21 Laser Sailing Regatta by request of our young sailors. The Association held the event on Sunday, August 8th at 10:00 AM, prior to the typical Noon starts. The 11 enthusiastic skippers hit the water after their skippers meeting for one of the most highly anticipated events of the summer. Other sailors loaned their lasers and came early in the morning to help rig DQG JHW WKHP KHDGHG LQ WKH ULJKW GLUHFWLRQ ,W ZDV WKH YROXQWHHULQJ HIIRUWV RI WKH VDLOLQJ community that brought this event together. This event was again a great addition to the racestschedule and will surely be included in 2011. Below are the race results: 1 3ODFH Âą 1LFN *RQ]DOH] 4th Place â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Matt Trabold 7th Place â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tom Trabold 2nd Place â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mike Trabold 5th Place - Nick Osmon 8th Place â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tim Osmon 3rd Place â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Joe Bigelow 6th Place â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sean Lenihan 9th 3ODFH Âą 5\DQ .UDZF]\N 10th Place - Conner Gallagher and Ariana May Congratulations Sailors â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we look forward to seeing you again next year!
RC Sailing Reminder
Sunday indoor radio controlled sailing will begin this winter on November 7th and will continue through March 27th. The Sailing Association has their fans ready to go to provide the wind, so now all you have to do is come enjoy the perfect conditions. There is a $5 fee per boat for the two hours of sailing from 8:00 AM -10:00 AM. A lifeguard will be on duty for safety and to help set the fans and the marks. (DFK VHVVLRQ W\SLFDOO\ KDV ÂżYH VFRUHG UDFHV DQG WKH UHVW RI WKH WLPH LV GHYRWHG WR FDsual sailing around the marks. Spectators and/or those who would like to try their hand at indoor RC sailing (sans fee) are always welcome (very light clothing is suggested). Most often there is a boat one can borrow to try it out. Bob MacNeill, RC Laser Fleet &DSWDLQ DQG -RKQ :KLSSOH RUJDQL]H WKH VDLOLQJ DQG ZRXOG ORYH WR KHDU IURP \RX LI \RX plan to participate. The Sailing Association will also be hosting the annual Open Winter Regatta on Sunday, January 9th from 7:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:00 AM. This is a great day to come and watch as we expect a few world class sailors to come join the local RC Laser sailors for four hours of intense competition.
Winter Ski Vouchers The Lake Naomi Club is again offering Club Members reduced ski lift tickets to the top ski resorts in the area. Be sure to take advantage of this popular ski voucher program during the 2010/2011 ski season. Discount ski vouchers will be available for Big Boulder, Jack Frost and Camelback ski areas. Vouchers will be sold at the Community Center starting in the beginning of December and continue through the end of February. Just a reminder that since the vouchers are being sold at the Community Center, a good time to purchase tickets for your weekend trip is Friday or Saturday up until 10:00 PM. Only Club Members and Winter Temporary Members will be eligible to purchase ski vouchers from the Lake Naomi Club. For your convenience the Club will be accepting cash, check, credit card or stored value card payments. Vouchers can not be UHIXQGHG DQG VXSSOLHV DUH OLPLWHG GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH DELOLW\ RI WKH VNL DUHDV WR ÂżOO UHRUders. Enjoy this great sport while saving money by using the Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voucher program. Please see below for the 2010/2011 price rates. Jack Frost/ Big Boulder
Regular Price
Adult Midweek Adult Weekend Youth Midweek Youth Weekend
$38.00 $44.00 $30.00 $37.00
$44.00 $50.00 $33.00 $40.00
$6.00 $6.00 $3.00 $3.00
Camelback Lift Tickets
Regular Price
Mid Week/Non Holiday Weekend/Holidays Camelback Snowtubing
$42.00 $52.00
$48.00 $58.00
$6.00 $6.00
Mid Week/Non Holiday
Open to Close
Weekend/Holiday 3 hours
Note: December 24 through January 1 , January 17 and February 15th are considered Holiday Dates for ski ticket pricing. th
Have We Got A Vacation Spot For You
When you hear your colleagues at work, your neighbors and your friends talking about their summer vacations and the fact that they had to cut their vacation short due to beachHV EHLQJ FORVHG DV D UHVXOW RI SROOXWLRQ RU WKDW WUDIÂżF ZDV WHUULEOH RU WKHUH ZDV QRWKLQJ IRU the kids to do but go to the boardwalk and spend money -- be sure to tell them that you have a great vacation spot for them in the Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania. People often book their vacation rentals early and many times go back to a less than VDWLVI\LQJ ORFDWLRQ EDVHG RQ IRUFH RI KDELW ,W LV QRW WRR HDUO\ WR SODQW WKH VHHG LQ RUGHU WR have your colleagues, neighbors and friends spend their 2011 summer vacation at Lake Naomi - Timber Trails, the only Five Star Platinum Club Community in the Northeast. Be sure to tell them that Lake Naomi - Timber Trails has seven debris free sandy beaches and a whole lot more. Like fast-dry, soft surface tennis courts, a wonderful golf course, two swimming pools with water slides, the Kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Klub Camp Program, creative teen and pre-teen programs, adult activities, a Clubhouse-Restaurant, three lakes and two SRQGV VDLOLQJ ERDWLQJ ZLQGVXUÂżQJ FDQRHLQJ PRXQWDLQ ELNLQJ ÂżVKLQJ KLNLQJ DQG RXWdoor programs as well as top-notch instructional programs in swimming, sailing, tennis and golf. The best got better with the award winning 48,000 square foot Logan Steele Community Center. The Community Center features an indoor swimming pool, state of WKH DUW ÂżWQHVV FHQWHU DQG DHURELFV VWXGLR PXOWL SXUSRVH VSDFH FDSDEOH RI DFFRPPRGDWLQJ two indoor tennis courts, a covered pavilion, paddle tennis court and much, much, more. ,I WKH &OXE FDQ KHOS \RX LQ DWWUDFWLQJ RWKHUV WR YDFDWLRQ LQ WKH &RPPXQLW\ E\ SURYLGLQJ you with DVDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Leisure Service Guides, Calendars, Newsletters, Activity Flyers and the like, just give Communications/Marketing Manager Laura Altemose a call at (570) 646-9191, ext. 104 or email her at ODOWHPRVH#ODNHQDRPLFOXE FRP ,I \RX QHHG /DXUD WR speak directly with potential visitors, she will be glad to do that as well. Start now! Promote your Five Star Platinum Club Community. Planning for a great 2011 Season is underway.
Fourth and Fifth Grade Snowpass Program The Lake Naomi Club would like to make all Members aware of this wonderful program! The Pennsylvania Ski Area Association is offering any 4th or 5th grader the chance to ski for free this winter. There are 22 participating member resorts of the Pennsylvania Ski Areas Association with a few of the participating nearby mountains being Alpine, Bear Creek, Jack Frost/Big Boulder, Camelback, Shawnee, Blue, Elk and many more! The goal of this program is to introduce 4th and 5th graders to the sport of skiing and snowboarding and create life-long participants of winter fun. Visit www.skipa.com for all of the complete details and application.
Calling all Teens Are you a teen (age 13-18) who likes to be active in the LN-TT Community? Do you have some ideas of things we can do that would make your visits to LN-TT more fun? Are you interested in having leadership and volunteer opportunities? Then the Club wants you! The Recreation Committee is setting up a Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) that will help to provide feedback and ideas for upcoming recreation activities. The TAC will be 8-12 teens who will meet periodically to discus and plan teen DFWLYLWLHV ,W ZLOO EH VRPH KDUG ZRUN with a lot of fun thrown in to keep WKLQJV PRYLQJ ,I \RX DUH LQWHUHVWHG \RX FDQ ÂżOO RXW WKH 7$& DSSOLFDWLRQ found in the Members Section of www.lakenaomiclub.com under the RQOLQH RIÂżFH 7KLV LV \RXU FKDQFH WR help shape the future of teen activities at Lake Naomi Club.
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Forget Your Skates The construction of the ice skating rink is under way for its fourth season in operation! The rink is located under the pavilion at the Community Center. The rink will be available for recreational skating for Members and Guests to use beginning on December 25, 2010 (weather permitting). The rink will be open during regular Community Center hours, with the lights turned on during the evenings. Skates will NOT be provided and please leave the hockey equipment at home. The Club wants all ages to be able to enjoy the rink during the winter season. 11
Coats for Tobyhanna Elementary Kids Every year the ladies in the Pacesetters Club donate money for buying coats for Tobyhanna Elementary Center kids in need. Last year the Pacesetters Club gave 50 coats however there was a need for 75 coats. The expectation for this year is 100 coats or more. The Pacesetters Club is asking for your help. They work with the TEC School Nurse who SUHSDUHV D OLVW RI JHQGHU DQG VL]HV WKDW DUH QHHGHG 7KHQ WKH ODGLHV VKRS DW .RKOÂśV 'HSDUWPHQW 6WRUH ZKR RIIHUV D VLJQLÂżFDQW GLVFRXQW RQ WKH FRDWV $Q\ DVVLVWDQFH \RX can provide would be greatly appreciated. For more information please contact Club Member Rusty Gravatt at 570-646-0163.
Vote for your favorite 2011 Calendar Picture
The response to the request of sharing your favorite pictures was once again overwhelming. With the addition of online picture submission even more Members shared their favorite pictures. Over 500 pictures were submitted so selecting the best pictures for the 2011 calendar was a fun challenge. There is still a task that needs be done and the Club needs your help. As promised there are four $50 (in Club dollars) Stored Value Cards that need to be issued for the best pictures. The four pictures that receive the most votes will be awarded the SVCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. You can place your vote visiting the website at www.LakeNaomiClub. com. Click on the Members and then sign in, select Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Happening from the menu bar, click on Current News from the drop down menu and there will be an article leading you to the voting form. Please take a few moments to enjoy the website and cast your vote. Each Member can choose their four favorite calendar pictures and all votes must be submitted by December 31st.
,V WKH ,FH 6DIH IRU <RX <RXU )ULHQGV DQG (TXLSPHQW" :LWK ZLQWHU RQ LWV ZD\ WKH LFH ÂżVKLQJ VHDVRQ LV XSRQ XV 7R DVVXUH D VDIH WLPH ZKLOH LFH ÂżVKLQJ \RX PXVW UHPHPEHU WR IROORZ FHUWDLQ SUHFDXWLRQV &DUHOHVVQHVV LV WKH QXPEHU RQH HQHP\ RI LFH ÂżVKHUSHUVRQV DQG NQRZOHGJH LV WKH QXPEHU RQH ZHDSRQ DJDLQVW WKDW HQHP\ 7KH EHVW HTXLSPHQW LV RI QR YDOXH LI \RX DUH LQ LF\ ZDWHU ÂżJKWLQJ WR HVFDSH 3OHDVH WDNH WKH IROORZLQJ SUHFDXWLRQV ZKHQ LFH ÂżVKLQJ WR DVVXUH \RXUVHOI DQG RWKHUV RI a good time. Know the ice. When selecting a location, check the ice by chipping it with D VKDUS REMHFW ,I LFH FKLSV DQG KDV D FOLQNLQJ VRXQG LW LV JRRG LFH ,I LW FUXPEOHV DQG has a dull sound, it is unsafe. Stickups, piers or any protruding structures cause weak ice. Areas that have or are near currents, springs and aerators are also areas that may have weak ice. Please stay clear of these areas. Two inches of clear blue ice can support one person traveling on foot, three inches can VXSSRUW D JURXS WUDYHOLQJ LQ VLQJOH ÂżOH )RXU RU PRUH LQFKHV RI LFH LV FRQVLGHUHG VDIH IRU JHQHUDO XVH Âą VXFK DV D JURXS RI LFH ÂżVKHUSHUVRQV ,FH WKDW LV IRXU LQFKHV WKLFN ZLOO KROG up to 260 pounds, over six inches is safe for you and your equipment. Cloudy or opaque ice may support less weight, and slush ice on a lake is only one-half as strong as clear blue ice. Before venturing out onto the ice, exercise extreme caution â&#x20AC;&#x201C; especially during the ÂżUVW LFH FRYHU DQG GXULQJ WKH ODWH ZLQWHU PRQWKV ZKHQ UDSLG FKDQJHV RFFXU LQ LFH VWUXFture. %ODFN LFH LV FOHDU DQG KDV QR VQRZ IUR]HQ LQ LW 7KLV FDQ EH VDIH EXW LW LV GLIÂżFXOW WR VHH ZDWHU KROHV RQ D FDOP GD\ ZKHQ WKHUH DUH QR ULSSOHV RQ WKH ZDWHU ,W LV YHU\ VOLSSHU\ and ice creepers for your footwear are a must. ,WÂśV DOZD\V D JRRG LGHD WR XVH WKH EXGG\ V\VWHP ZKHQ LFH ÂżVKLQJ ,Q WKH HYHQW WKDW \RX break through the ice, stay calm and do not panic, put your arms up and lay them on the LFH \RXU FORWKLQJ ZLOO IUHH]H DQG DGKHUH WR WKH LFH 7KLV ZLOO NHHS \RXU ERG\ DW D OHYHO accessible for rescue. Another rescue method is to take two large spikes and tie a leather thong to the head of each spike. Hang this device around your shoulders and slip WKH VSLNHV LQ \RXU EUHDVW SRFNHWV ,I \RX VKRXOG IDOO WKURXJK WKH ice, grab the spikes to claw your way out of the water. REMEM%(5 LW LV ,03266,%/( WR FUDZO RXW RI VOLSSHU\ LFH LI WKH ZDWHU LV more than waist deep. & $! " :KHQ WU\LQJ WR ORFDWH ÂżVK GR QRW PRYH PRUH WKDQ IHHW IURP one hole to a new hole. Fish run in schools and will be feeding on plankton within a certain area. Depth of the ice is also very critiFDO DW WKH ÂżUVW VDIH LFH ÂżVKLQJ LV EHVW LQ WKH VKDOORZ ZDWHU DUHDV DV WKH LFH WKLFNHQV WKH ÂżVK PRYH LQWR WKH GHHSHU ZDWHU DUHDV 12
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Lake Naomi Club Q & A Will the bicycle-pedestrian paths along Route 423, Blockhouse Road and at the entrance to the Community Center be maintained during the winter months? 1R 7KH SDWKV DUH RIÂżFLDOO\ FORVHG from November 15th through April 15th of each year. Members can FRQWLQXH WR XWLOL]H WKH SDWK DW WKHLU own risk during this time period. 0HPEHUV FDQ DOVR XWLOL]H WKH SDWK at their own risk for cross country skiing. How many days each year is the Community Center open? Three Hundred and forty â&#x20AC;&#x201C; eight. The Community Center is only closed for the two week maintenance period in November, on Thanksgiving Day and on December 24th and 25th. With the exception of those seventeen days, the Community Center is open every day of the year. On days when the Community Center closes at 5:00 PM, what time does the half price ($5.00) guest fee go into effect? 1:00 PM 7KH &OXE UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR SULQW DQG RU UHspond to inquiries at its sole discretion. Selected TXHVWLRQV FRPPHQWV RU VXJJHVWLRQV PD\ EH HGLWHG WR PHHW VSDFH FRQVWUDLQWV 6XEPLW TXHVtions, comments and suggestions to: Laura Altemose, 5HĂ HFWLRQV (GLWRU /DNH 1DRPL &OXE 5RXWH 32 %R[ 7 Pocono Pines, PA 18350 )D[ (PDLO ODOWHPRVH#ODNHQDRPLFOXE FRP
Social Media Milestone Mid-October the Lake Naomi Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Facebook Fan Page reached 500 fans and continues to grow, currently at 552 fansâ&#x20AC;Ś. The fans have enjoyed the summer pictures and videos as the Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Summer Photographer Kelsey Lamberton attended numerous events and activities. Now that Kelsey is back at school who is taking the pictures? No worries, Kelseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dad or also known as Chief Ranger John Lamberton did a great job taking pictures at the Fall Trout Stocking. Meredith Sensenig shared her pictures from Junior Sailing. Most recently loaded are pictures from the Family Halloween Party. So the pictures are still coming, great information is being shared and more fans are getting involved. Not yet a fan of the LNCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FaceERRN )DQ 3DJH" 7R ÂżQG XV RQ )DFHERRN simply go to www.facebook.com/ /DNH1DRPL&OXE DQG FOLFN RQ WKH Âł/LNH´ button. You are now a fan!