LNC Reflections Mid-Summer 2011

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$ 5HĂ€HFWLRQ RI /LIH LQ /DNH 1DRPL 7LPEHU 7UDLOV www.LakeNaomiClub.com

Mid-Summer 2011 WHAT’S INSIDE Strategic Planning Process .................. 2 Sunset Lobster Night ................................ 3 Fireworks Not Permitted in LN-TT ............ 4 House Checking Service ................... 5 Garden News ....... 6 Open Water Swimming ...................... 7 End of Tournament Celebration ........... 8 Aquascaping ........ 9 Golf Course Etiquette .................. 10 Youth Fishing Derby .............................. 11

Club Continues to Progress What an unbelievable Summer the Club is experiencing. Membership numbers are very strong. The weather has been almost too hot, but sunny, sunny, sunny. Pools and beaches are seeing great use. Golf and Tennis are looking great and buzzing with activity. The Community Center continues as a focal point for the Lake Naomi – Timber Trails Community. Activities galore! Lots of improvements. New Parking Facility for Club Beach and the Clubhouse. Boat House CafÊ and Patio at Club Beach. New and expanded Yogurt and Duster bars. Member Families enjoying outstanding sunsets at the beach. Lots of pedestrians and bicyclists enjoying the new bridge and path along Route 423. Expanded Community Garden. The Lake Naomi Club continues at the top due to the commitment of the Membership, the tremendous volunteer efforts of our Committees and Boards and our dedicated support and professional Team Members. $V WKH &OXE DSSURDFKHV LWV ¿IW\ \HDU FHOHEUDWLRQ LQ SODQQLQJ IRU DQ HYHQ JUHDWHU IXWXUH LV XQGHUZD\ 7KH &OXEœV ¿UVW IRUPDOL]HG 6WUDWHJLF 3ODQ LV VFKHGXOHG WR EH FRPSOHWHG LQ DORQJ ZLWK DQ XSGDWHG /RQJ 5DQJH )DFLOLWLHV 3ODQ %RWK RI WKHVH SODQV ZLOO EH aided by the Comprehensive Membership Survey that will be distributed this Fall. What a wonderful environment for you and your family to live, recreate and socialize. Make the most of your time at Lake Naomi – Timber Trails and continue your support to be sure the Lake Naomi Club is always ready for the next generation to experience such a special place.

Lake Naomi Club BIG on Recycling! Please keep an eye out for the enhanced recycling systems being placed at all Club Amenities and functions. The new containers will be placed at Club buildings along with the beaches. They are labeled to segregate plastic, aluminum, paper and regular trash. Everyone needs to be much more in tune to what is placed in the garbage to end XS IRUHYHU LQ D ODQG¿OO 6R PDQ\ WKLQJV FDQ EH UHF\FOHG :K\ WDNH WKH WLPH WR UHF\FOH" Recycling cuts back on global warming. Releasing CO2 into the atmosphere is a major FRQWULEXWRU WR JOREDO ZDUPLQJ 3URGXFWLRQ RI DOXPLQXP SURGXFWV FRQWULEXWHV VLJQL¿cantly to CO2 levels. Recycling those existing aluminum cans cut down on the need to PDNH QHZ -XVW WUHHV FDQ H[WUDFW SRXQGV RI FDUERQ GLR[LGH IURP WKH DLU LQ RQH \HDU )RU HDFK WRQ RI SDSHU UHF\FOHG WUHHV DUH VDYHG 5HF\FOLQJ FXWV GRZQ RQ ODQG¿OO RYHUÀRZ ,W LPSURYHV WKH TXDOLW\ RI RXU JURXQGZDWHU LW UHGXFHV DLU SROOXWLRQ Be a recycling advocate! Yes‌.one person can make a difference!! It’s easy to get discouraged especially when the problem is so widespread that it is hard to recognize \RXU FRQWULEXWLRQ 2Q DYHUDJH RQH SHUVRQ FUHDWHV SRXQGV RI JDUEDJH SHU \HDU ,I \RX UHF\FOHG DOO RI WKDW \RX FRXOG VDYH DURXQG SRXQGV RI ZDVWH SHU \HDU REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! Together we can save the world!

In Memoriam Reimar Duerr of Berwin, Pennsylvania and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania -XO\ Longtime Member

Meet the Trustees Coffee Join your Trustees for this Stand Up SoFLDO 6DWXUGD\ $XJXVW th DW $0 DW the Pocono Mountain West High School. This is your chance to chat with the Lake Naomi Club Trustees on important issues you would like to discuss over a cup of FRIIHH 1R RI¿FLDO SUHVHQWDWLRQ ZLOO EH made. The Trustee Coffee will be just prior to the Club’s Annual Meeting conducted by the Board of Governors which EHJLQV DW $0 DW WKH VDPH ORFDWLRQ

Kids Welcome at Annual Meeting The Recreation Team will be on hand at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, $XJXVW WK WR ZDWFK \RXU NLGV DJHV 4 and up. So bring your kids and they will have a great time while you attend the Trustee Coffee and the BOG Annual Meeting. Kindly contact the AdminisWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH RU HPDLO admin@lakenaomiclub.com) by ThursGD\ $XJXVW LI \RX SODQ RQ bringing your kids to the meeting.

´5HĂ HFWLRQVÂľ 3XEOLVKHG E\ LAKE NAOMI CLUB Route 423 3RVW 2IĂ€FH %R[ 7 Pocono Pines, PA 18350 570-646-9191 www.LakeNaomiClub.com BOARD OF TRUSTEES %ULDQ 'UXP Stephen J. Harker -DPHV % +\DWW Anna C. McAleer Connell J. McGill Robert S. Mills, Jr. %ULDQ - 6Q\GHU Robert A. Jones, Jr. General Manager Jeffrey M. Evans, MCM, CCM, PCAM ([HFXWLYH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW (PHULWXV Laura M. Altemose 0DUNHWLQJ 0DQDJHU 5HĂ HFWLRQV (GLWRU


Message from the GM ThH &OXE LV ZHOO LQWR WKH VXPPHU VHDVRQ and Mother Nature has reminded us of the “Dog Days of Summerâ€? with the hot days in July. I want to thank the entire Membership for supporting the Club with the New Parking Facility at Club Beach / Clubhouse. This weather has sent everyone to the beaches and Club Beach is the beach most freTXHQWHG ZKLFK WUDQVODWHV WR PRUH XVH RI PRUH SDUNLQJ VSDFHV 3HUIHFW WLPLQJÂŤ , DOVR want to thank the Membership for supporting the Boat House CafĂŠ and Duster Bar at Club Beach. The younger Members love the frozen yogurt bar at the Boat House CafĂŠ and the older Members love the frozen drinks at the Duster Bar. Our CafĂŠ and Duster Bar staffs have done a fantastic job thus far at meeting the Member’s expectations. If you have not had a chance to stop by the Boat House CafĂŠ please do, CafĂŠ Manager Carolyn Keiper and her team are open for any suggestions you may have to make the Boat House CafĂŠ the place to be. The main comment of the summer from the Membership is the Club offers too many activities to do on a given day. Families are faced with the tough decision on how to best schedule their time to maximize LNC activity involvement. This is done by design. The Management Team and Committees want to keep you going and you ZLOO ÂżQG WKDW HYHU\ DPHQLW\ KDV VRPHWKLQJ IRU DOO DJHV 3OHDVH FKHFN RXW WKH :HHNO\ Flyer, Summer Calendar and the new Mobile Phone App so you can better plan your family schedule in advance. 3OHDVH PDUN \RXU FDOHQGDU IRU $XJXVW th for the Annual Membership Meeting. 7KLV LV D JUHDW RSSRUWXQLW\ WR PHHW VRPH RI WKH 9ROXQWHHUV WKDW KHOS PDNH WKH Club so special. This year there will be a presentation on the Membership Survey that will be coming out after Labor Day. I can’t stress how important it is for all Members WR WDNH WKH WLPH WR ÂżOO RXW WKH 6XUYH\ DQG OHW \RXU RSLQLRQV EH KHDUG 0HPEHUVKLS numbers continue to be strong and there are many decisions that the Club needs to PDNH DERXW WKH IXWXUH RYHU WKH QH[W FRXSOH RI \HDUV :KHUH VKRXOG WKH &OXE JURZ" :KDW HQKDQFHPHQWV QHHG WR EH DGGHG" :KDW DERXW DGGLQJ VRPH QHZ SURJUDPV" 7KLV is your chance to get your thoughts and ideas to the Committees and Boards. Here we are in the latter half of the Summer Season and the Club is still waiting to hear from the Bank concerning the Mountaintop Lodge. Negotiations with the Bank to purchase the mortgage of the Lodge are still “in progressâ€?. The Club will continue WR ZRUN ZLWK WKH %DQN XVLQJ WKH QXPEHUV WKH 0HPEHUV YRWHG RQ WR DFTXLUH DQG UH RSHQ WKH /RGJH ,I \RX KDYH DQ\ TXHVWLRQV UHJDUGLQJ WKH /RGJH RU RSHUDWLRQV RI WKH Club please feel free to contact me or any member of the Club’s Management Team. Please go to Members Section of the www.LakeNaomiClub.com and submit your TXHVWLRQ RQ WKH $VN D 0DQDJHU )RUP IRXQG XQGHU 2QOLQH 2IÂżFH RU \RX FDQ FDOO WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH RIÂżFH DW Hope you all are enjoying this great summer and remember it’s my job to make sure you and your family are having fun‌. Robert Jones, General Manager

Strategic Planning Process For approximately two years the Club has been working on the development of a formal Strategic Plan. Strategic planning is more than ensuring the Club will remain ÂżQDQFLDOO\ VRXQG DQG EH DEOH WR PDLQWDLQ LWV UHVHUYHV ,W LV SURMHFWLQJ ZKHUH WKH &OXE H[SHFWV WR EH LQ ÂżYH WHQ RU ÂżIWHHQ \HDUV DQG KRZ WKH &OXE ZLOO JHW WKHUH Strategic planning is a systematic process involving a number of steps that identify the current status of the Club, including its mission, vision for the future, operating values, needs, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, goals and prioritized actions and strategies. The next step in the strategic planning process will be a Membership Survey scheduled for this )DOO 2QFH D 6WUDWHJLF 3ODQ LV RIÂżFLDOO\ DGRSWHG by the Club, it will be a working document and will be updated on a regular basis. Written comments on the strategic planning process are always welcome and should be mailed to the Club at PO Box T, Pocono Pines, 3$ RU HPDLOHG WR WKH &OXE DW DGPLQ# Yoga on the Beach lakenaomiclub.com. at Deertrail Lake

Sunset on Lake Naomi Come on out to the Lake Naomi Clubhouse to say farewell to another summer at the lake! This year’s 6XQVHW RQ /DNH 1DRPL ZLOO EH KHOG RQ 6DWXUGD\ 6HSWHPEHU th. There will be a FDVK EDU VWDUWLQJ DW 30 ZLWK D YDULHW\ RI SDVVHG KRUV GÂś RHXYUHV LQFOXGLQJ MXPER VKULPS FRFNWDLO DQG WKHQ GLQQHU ZLOO VWDUW DW 30 (YHU\RQHÂśV IDYRULWH (QWHUWDLQPHQW ZLOO EH Âł'HVLUH´ WKH WHUULÂżF DFDSHOOD EDQG IURP 1HZ <RUN 6R EULQJ \RXU IDPily, friends and neighbors for a fun night of dinner and dancing! See the “Sunset on /DNH 1DRPL´ Ă€\HU RQOLQH IRU PRUH GHWDLOV DGXOW LQFOXVLYH DQG FDVK EDU DYDLODEOH 3OHDVH PDNH \RXU UHVHUYDWLRQV E\ 6HSWHPEHU th at the Community Center or online at www.LakeNaomiClub.com. Hope to see you there. Don’t miss this chance to end the summer season in style!

Sunset Lobster Night

2Q 7KXUVGD\ $XJXVW th whole lobsters will be cooked on WKH &OXEKRXVH GHFN IURP 30 WR 30 (QMR\ ZKROH Maine lobsters either steamed or grilled served with drawn butter. Choose from either soup of the day, house salad or Caesar salad along with garden vegetables and baked potato all for the price of Ladies Luncheon SHU SHUVRQ 3ULFH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH EDVHG RQ WKH PDUNHW Treasures th SULFH RI OREVWHU 5HVHUYDWLRQV DUH UHTXLUHG E\ 0RQGD\ $XJXVW E\ 1RRQ 'LQQHU DQG *ULOOH 5RRP 0HQX ZLOO EH DOVR DYDLODEOH IURP 30 Âą 30 &DOO WKH &OXEKRXVH DW IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG UHVHUYDWLRQV


It’s almost Oktoberfest time again, but before that, Lake Naomi Clubhouse presents WKH )RXUWK *HUPDQ 6XPPHU )HVW RQ 7KXUVGD\ $XJXVW th EHJLQQLQJ DW SP Clubhouse Manager Peter Koryttko and his team will have plenty of food, beer, fun and yodeling to last the entire night! Original Bavarian entertainment by the “REINHOLD :,('(0$11´ =LWKHU SOD\HU EHJLQV DW SP 3RWDWR SDQFDNHV VDXHUEUDWHQ %Dvarian chicken, apple strudel and of course German beers and wines are sure to make WKLV QLJKW PHPRUDEOH 7KH EXIIHW SULFH IRU WKLV HYHQW LV IRU DGXOWV DQG IRU FKLOGUHQ SOXV WD[ DQG JUDWXLW\ )RU UHVHUYDWLRQV FDOO WKH &OXEKRXVH DW RU HPDLO FOXEKRXVH#ODNHQDRPLFOXE FRP 3OHDVH QRWH 7KH /1&+ $QQXDO 2NWREHUIHVW LV VFKHGXOHG IRU )ULGD\ 2FWREHU VW In Munich steht ein Hofbrau Hause‌ eins zwei Suuffaa!

Trivia Night The Club’s Fourth LNC Trivia Night will be held in the Main Dining Room of the &OXEKRXVH RQ 6XQGD\ $XJXVW th. You don’t want to miss the fun. What is Trivia 1LJKW" 7KH JDPH LV GLYLGHG LQWR WZR KDOYHV HDFK ZLWK WKUHH URXQGV RI TXHVWLRQV (DFK URXQG ZLOO KDYH WKUHH TXHVWLRQV IURP D YDULHW\ RI FDWHJRULHV DQG HDFK URXQG ZLOO KDYH D point value assigned to it. Teams will gain points for each correct answer and be tallied DW KDOIWLPH EHIRUH WKH ¿QDO TXHVWLRQ 7KH ¿QDO TXHVWLRQ FDQ EH JLYHQ D SRLQW YDOXH RI SRLQWV EDVHG RQ WKH WHDPœV ZDJHU 7HDPV FDQ FRQVLVW RI VL[ RU HLJKW SHRSOH 6LJQ XS WRJHWKHU DQG FUHDWH D WHDP QDPH 'RQœW KDYH D WHDP" ,WœV RND\ 6LJQ XS DV D VLQJOH RU couple and you will be assigned to a team with other Members! Join us for a night of food and fun beginQLQJ DW 30 D EXIIHW GLQQHU DW 30 DQG 7ULYLD DW 30 7KH HYHQW SULFH LV LQFOXGLQJ dinner buffet, trivia fun, sodas, coffee and gratuity. To make reservations please call the Community &HQWHU DW RU VLJQ XS RQOLQH XQGHU LQ the Members section of www.LakeNaomiClub.com. See you there.

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Magic Night at LNCH

Become a fan of Lake Naomi Club’s Facebook Fan Page and check out all the pictures and videos that Summer Photographer Kelsey Lamberton has been and will be taking. This is Kelsey’s second year as the Club photographer. Kelsey is a recent graduate from New England School of Photography in Boston. The Club is happy to have her traveling around the Community attending various events and visiting all the amenities DQG ORDGLQJ KHU SLFWXUHV DQG YLGHRV RQWR RXU )DFHERRN SDJH 7R ÂżQG XV RQ )DFHERRN simply go to www.facebook.com/LakeNaomiClub and click on the “Likeâ€? button. You are now a fan!

Fall and Winter Clubhouse Hours Fall and Winter Season 6HSWHPEHU WKURXJK 0DUFK

The Clubhouse is open Thursday through Sundays. /LVWHG EHORZ LV WKH VFKHGXOH SUNDAY BRUNCH $0 Âą 1RRQ Sunday, September 4th 6XQGD\ 6HSWHPEHU th *UDQGPDÂśV 'D\


Clubhouse Closings Please make note of the following dates where the Clubhouse will be FORVHG IRU D 3ULYDWH 0HPEHU IXQFWLRQ 6DWXUGD\ 6HSWHPEHU th Sunset on Lake Naomi Saturday, September 24th Member Wedding Reception 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU th Halloween Party

Columbus Day Weekend It is never too early to let you know, that Ken McBride is back at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Join us on Columbus Day Sunday for delicious food, drinks and entertainment! On Sunday, 2FWREHU .HQ 0F%ULGH Âł+LPselfâ€? will be performing again in the Main Dining Room. A native of Ireland, Ken McBride has travelled and performed all over Florida, New York City and New Jersey. His performance extends from Frank Sinatra and Billy Joel, to Broadway’s “Phantom of the Opera. For more information please call the clubhouse or check info at www.LakeNaomiClub.com . For dinner reservations, please call the ClubKRXVH DW RU H PDLO clubhouse@LakeNaomiClub.com.


LNC Sailing Association Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting and Election of 2I¿FHUV RI WKH /DNH 1DRPL &OXE 6DLOLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQ ZLOO EH KHOG DW $0 RQ 0RQGD\ 6HSWHPEHU th in the Tall Timber Room of the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. This is an open meeting and all Club Members are invited to attend. A summary of the Summer’s events will be provided and suggestions for the VHDVRQ ZLOO EH UHFHLYHG IRU IXUWKHU planning by the Sailing Committee and Management throughout the year.


Refund Policy In order to receive a refund for Summer Activities it is important to follow FHUWDLQ JXLGHOLQHV $ UHIXQG UHTXHVW form can be obtained at the Community Center or online at www.LakeNaomiClub.com and must be submitted to the Community Center. To receive a refund for recreation programs, classes and trips, the cancellation must be received KRXUV LQ DGYDQFH RU WKH VSDFH QHHGV WR EH ÂżOOHG E\ DQRWKHU SDUWLFLSDQW LI WKH FDQFHOODWLRQ LV XQGHU WKH KRXU WLPH frame. The refund must be approved by the Department Manager and a SURFHVVLQJ IHH ZLOO EH FKDUJHG If payment for the program was made using a credit card, the refund less the ZLOO EH LVVXHG WR WKH FUHGLW FDUG otherwise a check will be issued. All recreation program refunds will be isVXHG WKH ZHHN RI 6HSWHPEHU To receive a refund for Kids Klub, Afternoon Klub or Kub Klub the reIXQG UHTXHVW PXVW EH VXEPLWWHG WR WKH Community Center or online. There ZLOO EH D SURFHVVLQJ IHH WKDW ZLOO be deducted from the refund. If payment for the program was made using D FUHGLW FDUG WKH UHIXQG OHVV WKH will be issued to the credit card, otherwise a check will be issued. All Kids Klub, Afternoon Klub and Kub Klub UHIXQGV ZLOO EH LVVXHG ZLWKLQ GD\V RI WKH UHTXHVW ,I \RX KDYH DQ\ TXHVWLRQV RU FRQcerns, please call Tim Brooks, OperaWLRQV 0DQDJHU DW ([WHQVLRQ 4

Long Range Facilities Plan The Club’s Long Range Planning Committee, Chaired by Barry Trachtenberg, is spearheading a Long Range Facilities Plan for the Lake Naomi – Timber Trails Community. Working with the various Committees, Board of Governors and Board of Trustees the Long Range Planning Committee has developed a comprehensive list of future projects. The Committee will next work on prioritizing and costing out the projects. Some of the projects on this list will more than likely never be completed, as the list will be updated and reprioritized on an annual basis. Member input is always helpful. If there is a facility enhancement you would like to see in the future, kindly provide your suggestion to the Club in writing by mailLQJ LW WR WKH &OXE DW 32 %R[ 7 3RFRQR 3LQHV 3$ RU HPDLOLQJ LW WR WKH &OXE DW admin@lakenaomiclub.com.


LNC has an APP for That $OO ,3KRQH ,SRG 7RXFK DQG $QGURLG GHYLFH XVHUV FDQ QRZ ORDG WKH LNC APP. On your smart phone type in www.LakeNaomiClubMobile. com or if you have a QR Reader scan the QR Barcode. The LNC APP lists the latest Club News and Messages that were sent. 8QGHU WKH $FWLYLW\ &DOHQGDUV DUH /DWHVW :HHNO\ )O\HU 6XPPHU $FWLYLW\ *ULG 6XPPHU $FWLYLWLHV %RRNOHW .LGœV .OXE ,QIR %RRNOHW 5HÀHFWLRQV 6XPPHU )LWQHVV 6FKHGXOH *ROI (YHQWV &DOHQGDU 7HQnis Events Calendar, Adult Tennis Offerings, Junior Tennis Programs and Sailing Programs. Also listed are the Clubhouse Menus, Weather, LNC’s Facebook link, LNC’s Twitter link and LNC’s YouTube link. Under the Contact Us the phone number DQG WKH QHZ DGGUHVV LV OLVWHG IRU HDFK DPHQLW\ ,I \RX WDS RQ WKH DGGUHVV *RRJOH maps will show you where that amenity is located and give you directions. The latest &ODVVL¿HG /LVWLQJV DQG WKH /1 77 0DS LV DOVR RQ WKH $33 $Q $PHQLW\ 0DS VKRZV all the amenities on a Google Map where you can easily search for an amenity. If that LVQœW HQRXJK ¿QDOO\ WKHUH LV D OLQN WR WKH /1& ZHEFDP VR \RX FDQ VHH ZKDW LV JRLQJ RQ just off of Club Beach. Upload the APP now so you will always have the Lake Naomi &OXE LQIRUPDWLRQ DW \RXU ¿QJHU WLSV Blackberry and IPad users the LNC APP is compatible with only Smart Phones VXSSRUWLQJ +70/ +RZHYHU IXWXUH VXSSRUW IRU DGGLWLRQDO devices is expected.

Big Splash Big Hit fun family pool party, games, contests and more‌

Rules of the Road Walking and bike riding are two of the more popular activities that people do in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails. :LWK WKH DPRXQW RI WUDI¿F RQ /DNH 1DRPL ¹ 7LPEHU 7UDLOV URDGV DQG WKH QXPEHU RI walkers and bikers, here are a few safety tips. 7KH 6SHHG OLPLW RQ WKH URDGV LQ WKH 7LPEHU 7UDLOV &RPPXQLW\ LV PLOHV SHU hour. Speed is monitored by the Patrol Rangers using radar. 2. ,Q /DNH 1DRPL WKH VSHHG OLPLW LV PSK XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH SRVWHG 6SHHG enforcement details are conducted regularly by Pocono Mountain Regional Police using state of the art speed detection technology. 3. :KHQ ZDONLQJ DOZD\V ZDON RQ WKH OHIW VLGH RI WKH URDG ¹ IDFLQJ WUDI¿F 4. %LNH ULGHUV DUH WR ULGH RQ WKH ULJKW VLGH RI WKH URDG ¹ ZLWK WUDI¿F :KHQ WUDI¿F DSSURDFKHV ZDONHUV DQG F\FOLVWV DUH WR PRYH WR WKH VLGH RI WKH URDG DQG ZDON RU ULGH VLQJOH ¿OH Make use of bike/pedestrian paths whenever possible! Bike helmets are encouraged for all bike riders, Pennsylvania State law reTXLUHV KHOPHWV IRU DOO FKLOGUHQ XQGHU WKH DJH RI ULGLQJ ELF\FOHV Drive extra cautiously in the area of Lake Naomi–Timber Trails amenities. :KHQ ZDONLQJ RU MRJJLQJ DW QLJKW SOHDVH ZHDU ZKLWH RU UHÀHFWLYH FORWKLQJ 6KDUH WKH 5RDG

ARC Approvals Needed

A friendly reminder that all improvements, including homes, garages, attached storage sheds, porches and additions to existing structures must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee in advance of any work being done. Also, prior to the cutting of any trees or the movement of any earth, approval must be received from the ARC. )RUPV DUH DYDLODEOH DW WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH RU RQOLQH LQ WKH 0HPEHUV 6HFtion of www.LakeNaomiClub.com under Assoc. News. Contact Sharon Heron, $UFKLWHFWXUDO &RRUGLQDWRU DW VKHURQ#ODNHQDRPLFOXE FRP RU H[W RU :HQGL )UHHPDQ $UFKLWHFWXUDO ,QVSHFWRU DW ZIUHHPDQ#ODNHQDRPLFOXE FRP RU H[W LI \RX KDYH TXHVWLRQV DERXW WKHVH SURFHGXUHV

Landscaping Reminder

When purchasing mulch for landscaping around your home, make use of earth tone colors and avoid bright colored mulch which does not blend into our wooded HQYLURQPHQW VXFK DV UHGV EOXHV DQG JUHHQV $OVR SOHDVH GR QRW OHDYH ZRRG branch debris piles by the road side. They are aesthetically unpleasant and can be D ÂżUH KD]DUG 3OHDVH FRQWDFW $VVRFLDWLRQ 0DQDJHU :HQGL )UHHPDQ IRU FRQWUDFWRU suggestions to assist you in removing or chipping this debris.

House Checking Service Have you ever worried about your home in Lake Naomi or Timber Trails while you ZHUH DZD\ IURP WKH &RPPXQLW\ IRU DQ\ OHQJWK RI WLPH" +HUH LV \RXU SLHFH RI PLQG %HJLQQLQJ RQ 2FWREHU st IRU DV OLWWOH DV D GD\ \RX FDQ KDYH D 0HPEHU of the Lake Naomi-Timber Trails Ranger Staff check the exterior of your home. Other services such as interior checks, heat adjustment and alarm response are also DYDLODEOH IRU DQ DGGLWLRQDO IHH 'HWDLOHG LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ WKH 2SWLRQDO House Checking Program is available at the Community Center, Administrative 2IÂżFH RU RQOLQH DW ZZZ /DNH1DRPL&OXE FRP XQGHU WKH 2QOLQH 2IÂżFH

Family Adventure Race Teams of all ages and sizes got together at the CC to try out the ÂżUVW DQQXDO )DPLO\ $GYHQWXUH Race. It started at the CC with some brain teasers and physical obstacles and then led the WHDPV WR WKH $GPLQ 2IÂżFH :HVW Beach, Trout Pond, and they all ended up at Timber Trails Pool for a BBQ. The winning team was the “Angry Bird Teamâ€? which included the Tudisco and Burkhart families.

Book Club The Book Club meets regularly on the second Monday of the month at 30 DW WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU DQG is always open to new participants. Everyone is welcome – even if you haven’t read the book. The discussions talk about the book, the writing style and if it was favorable to everyone’s tastes, but does not give the plot away. This is a great way to get introduced to a variety of books that you may never have looked at otherwise. If you have TXHVWLRQV SOHDVH FDOO 9LOPD =DEDOHWD 7KH XSFRPLQJ ERRNV and dates for the book club are as folORZV 6HSW th “Cleopatra – A Life� by Stacy Schiff 2FW th “Cherry Blossoms� A foreign movie dealing with modern issues.

6TXDUH 'DQFLQJ $Q HYHQLQJ RI 6TXDUH 'DQFLQJ LV VFKHGuled for Club Members on Friday, August th 6ZLQJ \RXU SDUWQHU IURP 30 WR 30 DW WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU This event will continue into the fall at the Clubhouse. Member John Kaltenthaler will be calling for all events.

Annual Meeting 6DWXUGD\ $XJXVW th $0 Pocono Mtn. West High School 5RXWH 3RFRQR 6XPPLW

Membership Numbers are Growing

Despite the less than robust economy, Club Membership is growing in strength IRU $V RI -XO\ &OXE 0HPEHUVKLS VWRRG DW )RU WKLV VDPH WLPH SHULRG LQ &OXE 0HPEHUVKLS ZDV DW 1RZ ZRXOG EH D great time to invite your colleagues and friends to Lake Naomi – Timber Trails to experience the Club’s many wonderful facilities, programs and people.

Beach Reminders All Members and their Guests are asked to refrain from bringing any type of glass or pets onto the beaches. All beaches are also non-smoking. The guidelines are in place to preserve our beaches. Please respect your fellow Members and adhere to these guidelines.

Garden News

The LNC Community Garden has been growing a bountiful harvest this year. 43 Member families where asVLJQHG D [ JDUGHQ ER[ WKLV \HDU All Members are welcome to join in the educational sessions held each Saturday during the summer and ending with a Harvest Party on AuJXVW th to celebrate the success of everyone’s labors. If you are interested in a box for next year, please contact Kelly Swingle, Community &HQWHU 0DQDJHU DW

Tour de Naomi

-RLQ XV RQ 6XQGD\ $XJXVW st for a scenic ride thru the Community on this ten mile tour. Participants of all ages and abilities are welcome to join. There is no fee but pre registration is UHTXLUHG 3OHDVH FDOO WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU DW WR VLJQ XS

Girls’ Night Out

Join us for a trip to Poke-A-Nose Pottery located in Bartonsville on 0RQGD\ $XJXVW th for a fun night of painting and female bonding. Painting at this cute little shop will be from 30 DQG WKHQ LW LV D KRS skip and a jump over to dinner. Cost RI SHU SHUVRQ LQFOXGHV WKH VWXGLR fee, transportation and dinner. Price of the piece to paint will be extra and are to be paid individually that evening. Meet at the Community Center DW 30 RQ 0RQGD\ $XJXVW WK ZLWK D 30 VFKHGXOHG UHWXUQ WLPH Register at the Community Center.

Calling all cyclists!!!

Member David Rosenberg is looking for cycle enthusiasts to join him for challenging Sunday morning rides. David has offered to plan routes thru WKH ORFDO DUHD RI DSSUR[LPDWHO\ miles. Riders will meet at the community center to begin their journey. Please contact David for more details LI \RX DUH LQWHUHVWHG E\ HPDLOLQJ KLP dandj222@comcast.net.

Thank you Miller Family

The Independence Day Community Picnic was a great success. Each year Joe Miller and his family permit the Club to utilize the private road leading to their businesses, Printing Craftsman and This Week in the Poconos, for parking for this event. The Club could not orchestrate this event without the assistance and cooperation of Club Member Joe Miller and his family.

Lake Naomi Club’s Got Talent We want to see your talent! After last year’s successful addition of Lake Naomi Club’s Got Talent, we have decided to split our talent showcase again this year. The Kids Klub will be KDYLQJ D WDOHQW VKRZ RQ 7KXUVGD\ $XJXVW th at the Community Center starting at 30 7KLV RSHQV XS WKH VWDJH WR DOO WDOHQWV LQ RXU VHFRQG /DNH 1DRPL &OXEœV *RW 7DOHQW VHDUFK RQ 7XHVGD\ $XJXVW th at Club Beach. If you sing, do magic, are D YHQWULORTXLVW RU KDYH VRPH RWKHU IXQ WDOHQW VLJQ XS DW WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU E\ $XJXVW th VR ZH FDQ JHW \RXU DFW LQ WKH VKRZFDVH 7KH FRRNRXW ZLOO EH IURP 30 ZLWK WKH VKRZ VWDUWLQJ DW 30 2XU SDQHO RI MXGJHV ZLOO EH DZDUGLQJ prizes. Let’s show the world that the Lake Naomi Club’s got talent!

Outdoor Family Movies at Club Beach 7KH ODVW WKUHH PRYLHV RI WKH 6XPPHU VFKHGXOHG IRU $XJXVW st th & September 4th will be under the stars at Club Beach. Bring the whole family and your beach blankets to enjoy the show on the big screen right after WKH VXQ VHWV DURXQG 30 7KHUH ZLOO EH QR DGPLVsion charge. The cafÊ will be open prior to the movie starting and for a short time after each movie begins, so get your snacks early! Each week’s feature will be listed in the Weekly Flyer. Come out and join us to experience the fun of the outdoor movie.

Pre-Teen and Teen Club Nights

There is still time to sign up for the Pre-teen and Teen Club nights. The Teen Advisory Committee has planned Pinewood Derby a new twist for the annual events which are held each year Community Cookout DV D IRUPDO FHOHEUDWLRQ RI WKH 6XPPHU 7HHQV JUDGHV and up) get to have a buffet dinner at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse and dance to a DJ in WKLV WKHPHG HYHQLQJ 7KH 3UH 7HHQV *UDGH WKUX HQMR\ KRW KRUV GÂśRHXYUHV DQG D '- DW WKH 7LPEHU 7UDLOV &OXEKRXVH 7HHQ &OXE 1LJKW LV $XJXVW th IURP SP 3UH WHHQ &OXE 1LJKW LV $XJXVW th SP &OXEKRXVH DWWLUH LV UHTXLUHG

Liztech Bead Bash

Join us on Saturday, September 3rd IURP 30 IRU D /L]WHFK %HDG %DVK :KDW LV D /L]WHFK EHDG EDVK GR \RX DVN" 7KLV LV ZKHUH D ORFDO MHZHOHU IURP WKH /L]WHFK *DOOHU\ LQ (DVW 6WURXGVEXUJ EULQJV SRXQGV RI EHDGV WR /DNH 1DRPL DQG DOORZV \RX WR PDNH DQG NHHS DV PXFK MHZHOU\ DV \RX FDQ ÂżQLVK LQ PLQXWHV ,W LV HVWLPDWHG WKDW PHPRU\ ZLUH EUDFHOHWV FDQ EH PDGH LQ WKLV DPRXQW RI WLPH (YHU\RQH ZLOO VWDUW RII PDNLQJ D EUDFHOHW MXVW WR JHW DFTXDLQWHG DQG WKHQ FDQ PRYH RQ WR QHFNODFHV DQG HDUULQJV 7KH FRVW LV SHU SHUVRQ IRU WKLV HYHQW 3DUWLFLSDQWV PXVW EH DW OHDVW \HDUV old to attend without adult supervision. For more information on Liztech visit www. liztech.com. Registration for this event is being taken at the Community Center. +HOS 5HTXLUHG Everyone needs to slow down. Please, please, please do QRW H[FHHG WKH PSK SPEED LIMIT speed limit. You are at LN-TT, slow down and take the time to enjoy the Community.


Shaun T Master Class

LNC Dog ID /1& VSRQVRUV D GRJ LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ WUDFNLQJ V\VWHP free of charge. Please come to the Administrative 2I¿FH WR UHJLVWHU \RXU GRJ <RX ZLOO EH SURYLGHG with a numbered tag for your dog insuring the safe return of your beloved pet if found loose in the Lake Naomi – Timber Trails Community. Pets are part of our family, let’s keep them safe while being considerate of our neighbors.

Wow! What a workout. Ninety members and guests took part in this amazing class RQ 6XQGD\ -XO\ th. Congratulations on making it all the way to the end! Shaun was very impressed with our facility and will return again next year. Your suggestions are welcome for more events like this one. Contact Kelly Swingle at the Community Center with your ideas.

Pool Reminders 8VH RI ÀRDWDWLRQ GHYLFHV DUH OLPLWHG WR WKRVH items attached to the child in all pools Timber Trails, &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU DQG /DNH 1DRPL 3RRO ZDGLQJ SRRO QRW LQFOXGHG Children who cannot swim must be supervised by an adult in the water or on the waters edge. Water toys may be brought into the wading pool only at LN Pool and may be approved for the CC Pool and TT Pool but only at times the lifeguard feels they are manageable. These reminders are to help assure the best of our Summer days at the pool for all.

Open Water Swimming Club Beach has been offering Open Water Swimming RQ 6DWXUGD\ HYHQLQJV IURP ¹ 30 6ZLPPHUV PHHW LQ WKH 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH ORFDWHG RQ WKH EHDFK OHYHO RI WKH /DNH 1DRPL &OXEKRXVH DW 30 WR UHJLVWHU DQG swim a marked course with a dedicated Safety Boat nearby. The last Saturday for swimPLQJ LQ WKH ODNH LV $XJXVW th. Don’t miss your chance to swim with other Masters at a time set aside just for honing your open water swimming skills.

Tennis Dress Code Change Trial In the month of August Men and Boys will be permitted to wear shirts without collars. Shirts must be athletic material tennis shirts, with sleeves and without large graphics. Cotton t-shirts will not be permitted. 7KLV LV WKH RQO\ DGGHQGXP WR WKH FXUUHQW GUHVV FRGH ZKLFK VWDWHV Attire is to be approved Tennis apparel and footwear only, as determined by the Lake Naomi Club. Only sneakers with soles that will not cause damage to the court surface may be worn. In protecting the integrity of the game, AB62/87(/< 121( RI WKH IROORZLQJ ZLOO EH SHUPLWWHG FXW RIIV MHDQV FDUJR shorts, boxer shorts, tops exposing the bare midriff, T-shirts or non-athletic VKRUWV RU SDQWV ,Q WKH HYHQW RI TXHVWLRQDEOH DWWLUH WKH GHFLVLRQ RI 0DQDJHPHQW ZLOO EH ÂżQDO

Club Observatory Being Considered Imagine if you could gaze at the night sky ablaze with a myriad of brilliant stars, constellation, planets and dream of a “galaxy far, far away.� This could be a reality at LN-TT in the future. Some of you may have attended the “star gazing parties� presented by Members Alan Rodriguez, Andy Montano with the encouragement and help of many interested community members. Children and adults were fascinated by observing the rings of Saturn, WKH JUHDW UHG VSRW RQ -XSLWHU WKH FUDWHUV RQ WKH 0RRQ WKH EULOOLDQFH RI 9HQXV WKH JORULous Milky Way and distant other galaxies. These parties have been held over the course of many years with increasing number of eager participants. 3ODQV IRU FRQVWUXFWLQJ D VPDOO REVHUYDWRU\ KDYH EHHQ H[SORUHG DQG TXHVWLRQV UHJDUGing an observatory will be included in the upcoming Member Survey. Some possible VLWHV RQ /DNH 1DRPL &OXE SURSHUW\ KDYH EHHQ HYDOXDWHG ORFDWLRQV LQ DQG DURXQG WKH Lake Naomi Pool, North Beach and the Tennis Complex. These sites were determined using many criteria, including clear views of the sky, available parking, restroom facilities, compatibility with surroundings and minimum ambient light. 2QH SURSRVHG REVHUYDWRU\ FRQVWUXFWLRQ ZRXOG EH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IHHW E\ IHHW with a sliding roof. Other plans are being considered. At least one powerful telescope would be secured in the structure and the sliding roof would encourage additional telescopes and binoculars used by interested observers. Having a room for lectures would be an appropriate addition at a later date depending upon member interest. As interest increases, educational activities as well as star gazing would be planned. 9ROXQWHHU DPDWHXU DVWURQRPHUV ZRXOG DVVLVW PHPEHUV DW SUHDUUDQJHG WLPHV LQ XVLQJ WKH facility and explaining the focus of the evening’s presentation. The cost of this educational project for our community will be well worth the investment. The fascination with the night sky, the myths surrounding the naming of the constellations, the dreams of exploring nearby planets as future astronauts or tourists are gifts worth giving our children as well as ourselves.

(QG RI 6HDVRQ $TXDWLFV Schedule The Pools and Beaches in Lake Naomi and Timber Trails will close IRU WKH 6HDVRQ DW 30 RQ 0RQGD\ 6HSWHPEHU th. The Community &HQWHU DTXDWLF DUHD ZLOO DOVR VZLWFK WR WKH IROORZLQJ KRXUV Monday – Thursday $0 ¹ 30 Friday – Saturday $0 ¹ 30 Sunday $0 ¹ 30

Picnic Area at LNP

Because outside food may not be brought into the pool areas, a small picnic area is available at the lake end of the LNP parking lot for those who prefer to bring their own food to the pool. We very much appreciate your cooperation in helping us to keep the pools and areas surrounding the pool free from insects and other pests that are attracted to food and snacks and we hope you’ll enjoy sitting lakeside if you’d like to eat food brought from home.

Share your Celebrations and Special Stories The Club would like to enhance 5HÀHFWLRQV WR LQFOXGH DQQRXQFHments from our Members who are celebrating life’s milestones and also include your favorite Lake Naomi – Timber Trails moments. If you have a special story or announcement you would like to share with your friends at Lake Naomi-Timber Trails please contact Laura Altemose at laltemose@lakenaomiclub.com or by SKRQH DW H[W

Golf Professional Bob Millard shared his expertise with a group of young golfers at the Skytop 18 hole Golf Course. Elijah Peake, Matt Zeng, Harry Hughes, Luke Cappellano, Charlie Kovalcik and Derrick Peake.

All Welcomed to Shop All Members, not just Tennis Members, are invited to shop for Athletic Attire offered at the Lake Naomi Tennis Center Pro Shop from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Trendy, colorful athletic attire for wear both on and off the courts is available including clothing with the embroidered LNC ORJR 3ROR VKLUWV ÀHHFH MDFNHWV ZLQG jackets, visors, hats, bags and sweats can all be purchased at the Tennis Pro Shop which is open seven days a week IURP $0 WR 30 Merchandise changes regularly throughout the season and popular LWHPV JR TXLFNO\ VR ZKDW \RX OLNH WRday won’t necessarily be available tomorrow. Special ordering is offered, so if you’d like something you don’t see please don’t hesitate to ask the attendants. Non logoed items can often be delivered next day or in 2 days.

Recreation Tennis Court Reservations

The Recreation Tennis Courts on Woodland and Naomi Avenues by North Beach are available daily from $0 Âą 30 GXULQJ WKH PDLQ summer season, through Labor Day. Members may make a one hour reservation for one court, up to two days in advance, by calling the Lake 1DRPL 7HQQLV 3UR 6KRS DW DIWHU $0 7KH UHVHUYDWLRQ VKHHW is then posted on the Recreational Courts Bulletin Board prior to each morning’s opening. Members wishing to reserve and play on the same day may do so in person by signingup on the reservation sheet for play. Members without reservations may walk on the courts anytime there are no reservations listed. A ten-minute grace period is given, after which the court becomes available for registration by another player. Any Member interested in using the Recreation Tennis Courts after Labor Day may play while the courts are unlocked during the day, but will need to sign the daily play sheet as the courts go EDFN WR ³¿UVW FRPH ÂżUVW VHUYH´ XVH DIter Labor Day.

TENNIS TALK 7HQQLV DFWLYLW\ GXULQJ WKH VXPPHU VHDVRQ KDV been going strong. Let’s keep it strong through August! +HUHœV D KLJKOLJKW RI RQH ¿QDO 0F.HH 7HQQLV (YHQW IRU WKH VHDVRQ ¹ RXU /1& :RUOG 7HDP 7HQQLV )HVWLYDO WKH ZHHNHQG RI $XJXVW th st. This is a team vs. team format, based loosely on the World Team Tennis format. Teams will be comprised of 2 men and 2 women. We want our members to put teams WRJHWKHU DQG HQWHU ZLWK \RXU RZQ XQLTXH WHDP QDPH Individuals can also enter and we will work to put together a team for you. 7KH FRPSHWLWLRQ FRQVLVWV RI PHQœV GRXEOHV VHW RQH ZRPHQœV GRXEOHV VHW DQG PL[HG GRXEOHV VHW 7KH VFRULQJ LV QR DG DQG D VHW FDQ EH ZRQ E\ WKH VFRUH RI 7KH team that wins the most games in those three sets is declared the winner. A special tiebreaker system will be used if teams are tied after the three matches. 6LJQ XS GHDGOLQH LV :HGQHVGD\ $XJXVW th. Put a team together and have a fun weekend of team play! Match times will be determined by the number of teams entered. Bobby McKee, Tennis Professional

Tennis Club Championship Tournaments Don’t miss the Club Championship Tournaments at Lake Naomi Tennis. Although the Adult Singles and Doubles and Junior Matches have already been played, the Adult Mixed Doubles Matches are still WR FRPH DQG TXLFNO\ DSSURDFKLQJ 6SHFWDWRUV DUH LQYLWHG WR ZDWFK from the decks as competitive Mixed Doubles are played at Lake 1DRPL 7HQQLV 0L[HG 'RXEOHV EHJLQ ZLWK HDUO\ URXQGV DQG TXDUWHU ¿QDOV RQ $XJXVW th th DQG ¿QLVK ZLWK WKHLU 6HPL )LQDOV DQG )LQDOV RQ 6DWXUGD\ $XJXVW th DQG 6XQGD\ $XJXVW th. Times of play are determined to suit the draw and are posted at the Lake Naomi Tennis Pro Shop. The Courtside CafÊ will be open with extended hours as needed for the weekends of Championships. Please come out and show your support to the Tennis Members who participate in this great Club tradition.

+DYH <RX 7ULHG WKH 7UDLQLQJ &RXUWV" 'LG \RX NQRZ WKHUHœV QR ORQJHU D IHH WR XVH WKH 6SRUWZDOO DW /DNH 1DRPL 7HQQLV" It’s up and running with all its bells and whistles and now can be used free of charge. Members must call in advance to reserve these areas just like they do with the Tennis Courts to be guaranteed availability upon arrival, but walk-ons when not already in use are always permitted. This is a great way to expand your tennis workout during the summer season. Contact the Tennis Proshop for more information.

End of Tournament Celebration ,PPHGLDWHO\ IROORZLQJ WKH ODVW $GXOW 0L[HG 'RXEOHV ¿QDO RQ 6XQGD\ $XJXVW th, all will be invited to remain on deck for an end of tournament celebration. A speFLDOW\ EET EXIIHW ZLOO EH SUHSDUHG DQG GHOLYHUHG E\ WKH /1&+ VWDII IRU HYHU\RQH ZKR participated in tournaments this season. There is no charge to participants as they are invited as guests of the Tennis Committee. Spectators are also invited to partake in the festivities and if interested in food service may pre-register with the Proshop and SD\ WKH SHU DGXOW DQG RU SHU FKLOG IHH $OO &OXE &KDPSLRQVKLS WRXUQDPHQWV DZDUGV ZLOO EH SUHVHQWHG WR ¿QDOLVWV DQG FKDPSLRQV DIWHU IRRG VHUYLFH 7KLV LV D IXQ event in celebration of a great tennis season. Don’t miss the big event!

Mid-season Tennis Reminders

Now that the Tennis Season is in full “swingâ€? we’d like to point out the importance of SUDFWLFLQJ SURSHU FRXUW HWLTXHWWH $ELGLQJ E\ VLPSOH JXLGHOLQHV KHOSV NHHS RXU IDFLOLWLHV clean, safe and enjoyable for the entire Membership. Members are reminded to close FRXUW GRRUV DYRLG ZDONLQJ DFURVV RWKHU SOD\HUÂśV FRXUWV DQG WR VSHDN TXLHWO\ RQ WKH GHFN especially when others are playing nearby. All courts have trash cans on the ends of the nets for the disposal of empty cups, water bottles, ball can tops and canisters. Please use the cigarette butt container provided at the entrances of the Tennis facilities to allow for proper cigarette butt disposal. Pets are not permitted at the Tennis facilities and may not be tied up at the entrances. Each facility provides bike racks for proper bike storage. Please use them to store and lock your bikes rather than the trees at the entrances. Ringers on cell phones must be turned off at the Tennis facilities. Children under eight years of age are not permitted to be left unattended at the Tennis Complexes. 5HPLQGHU 5HVHUYDWLRQV DUH WDNHQ EHJLQQLQJ DW $0 XS WR GD\V LQ DGYDQFH 7KDQN \RX IRU DELGLQJ E\ WKH &OXEÂśV JXLGHOLQHV WR DVVXUH TXDOLW\ SOD\ IRU DOO 0HPEHUV

Junior Championship Sailing Regatta Young Sailing Members‌ a weekend for you LV TXLFNO\ DSSURDFKLQJ 7KH WZR GD\ -XQLRU 5HJDWWD LV SODQQHG RQ 6DWXUGD\ DQG 6XQGD\ $XJXVW WK DQG WK EHJLQQLQJ DW 1RRQ HDFK GD\ The regular adult racing schedule takes a break these two days so the safety boats, Club sailboats and Race Committee TIKI are all dedicated to the Juniors on these days. 6DLORUV PXVW UHJLVWHU WR UDFH LQ DGYDQFH ZLWK WKH 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH E\ 7XHVGD\ $XJXVW WK $W WKDW WLPH \RX PXVW DOVR VLJQ XS IRU WKH RSWLRQDO ER[HG OXQFK DQG UHJLVWHU WR XVH D &OXE 6XQ¿VK LI \RX GR QRW KDYH D ERDW RI \RXU RZQ 3/($6( '2 7+,6 5,*+7 $:$< DV ZH RIWHQ KDYH D KLJKHU QHHG IRU ERDWV WKDQ ZKDWœV LQ RXU ÀHHW DQG PXVW DVN for Sailing Committee Members to loan their boats. Don’t miss this fun weekend set aside in honor of our young sailors.

Family Sailing Tailgate Party The Lake Naomi Club Sailing Association and Sailing Instructors are hosting a FamiO\ 6DLOLQJ 7DLOJDWH 3DUW\ LQ KRQRU RI WKH -XQLRU 5HJDWWD RQ )ULGD\ $XJXVW th IURP 30 30 DW &OXE %HDFK 6DLOLQJ IDPLOLHV FDQ NLFN RII WKH -XQLRU 5HJDWWD ZHHNHQG on Friday night with socializing, fun and the ever popular kayak relays. Individuals and teams interested in participating in the kayak relays must register in advance with the 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH <RX FDQ EULQJ \RXU GLQQHU WR WKH EHDFK WKDW HYHQLQJ ZKLFK LV QRW D UHJXlar Club policy. Although the picnicking on the beach policy will be relaxed for this event, the NO GLASS on the beach policy will not. Regatta participants will receive a voucher for the new Yogurt Bar for a sweet ending to the night. Don’t miss this great night of family fun on the beach with the Sailing Association, Instructors and participants of the Junior Sailing Program.

End of Season Sailing Celebration

$OO VDLORUV ZKR SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ DQ\ RI WKH DGXOW VDLOLQJ UDFHV DQG UHJDWWDV DUH invited to attend the End of Season Celebration held Sunday, September 4th in the Lake 1DRPL &OXEKRXVH 0DLQ 'LQLQJ 5RRP DW 30 $OO WKH VHDVRQœV UDFH UHVXOWV DQG awards will be presented by the Fleet Captains. Don’t miss this opportunity to recap the season, share stories and socialize with your fellow sailors. Chef Will and the ClubKRXVH 6WDII ORRN IRUZDUG WR VHUYLQJ WKH 6DLOLQJ JURXS VR SOHDVH KHOS WKHP WR DGHTXDWHO\ SUHSDUH E\ 35( 5(*,67(5,1* ZLWK WKH 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH QR ODWHU WKDQ :HGQHVGD\ $XJXVW st. There is no cost for this event but you must pre-register.

Optional Sailing Memento This year’s LNC Sailing logoed item for purchase selected by the Sailing Committee is a Lands End Jacket suitable for wind & inclement weather. It will be soon be available to order online. Examples of the jacket will be available to see and try on at the Community Center once the online purchasing is ready. Both Men’s and Women’s jackets can be ordered, all sizes are available and more than one color option is also available. Orders will ship directly to the purchasers address provided and only take about two weeks for delivery. Watch your upcoming Weekly Flyers and e-blasts for additional details.

$TXDVFDSLQJ ,Q /DNH 1DRPL &OXE FRQWUDFWHG ZLWK $TXDWLF %LRORJLVW .HQQHWK (UVEDN RI $TXDWLF 5HVRXUFH &RQVXOWLQJ WR FRQGXFW DQ LQ GHSWK :DWHU 4XDOLW\ 6XUYH\ DQG )LVK Population Survey and was completed in the fall and a presentation and report was given to the Lakes Committee in April of this year. 2QH RI WKH ÂżQGLQJV LQ KLV UHSRUW IRU WKH EHQHÂżW RI WKH ÂżVKHU\ ZDV QDWLYH HPHUJHQW DQG submergent plant species should be introduced back into Lake Naomi and non-native and/or invasive species eliminated or controlled. Native emergent and submergent plant FRPPXQLWLHV SURYLGH QXPHURXV EHQHÂżWV WR WKH RYHUDOO HFRORJ\ RI D ODNH ,W ZDV UHFRPmended that areas of the lake that do not inhibit other recreational activities members enjoy L H VDLOLQJ VZLPPLQJ DQG ERDWLQJ VKRXOG EH FRQVLGHUHG IRU YHJHWDWLYH GHYHORSPHQW Lake Naomi Club contracted this year with Allied Biological to conduct an $TXDVFDSLQJ 3LORW 6WXG\ DQG VPDOO IRXQGHU FRORQLHV RI :KLWH :DWHU /LOOLHÂśV 3LFNHUelweek, Duck Potato, Blue Flag and Wild Celery were planted around Comfort Island, Snake Island and Pancake Island and are fenced in with green plastic fencing for their protection. Based on the success of selected plant species founder colonies, larger scale plantings FDQ EH SODQQHG IRU

End of Junior Sailing Program Celebration

The Junior Sailing six week instructional program ends with the Junior Regatta and the End of Program CelebraWLRQ EHLQJ KHOG RQ 6XQGD\ $XJXVW th DW 30 DW WKH /RJDQ 6WHHOH &RPmunity Center Pavilion. All Junior Instructional Program participants are invited to attend the pizza party held by the Sailing Instructors and Sailing Association. There is no cost for this celebration, however pre-registration LV UHTXLUHG 3OHDVH FRQWDFW WKH 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH QR ODWHU WKDQ 6DWXUGD\ $XJXVW th. The season’s sailing memento will be presented to all the participants as will the awards for the A and B Fleet Race Champions and the annual special achievement awards. The Junior Regatta results and trophies will also be presented. Mark your calendars now as this is a night the Junior Sailors should not miss.

Duster Sailing Districts

$XJXVW th will be the date for this summer’s Duster Districts. With a ÀLS LQ WKH FDOHQGDU WKLV \HDU 1DWLRQals was scheduled early in July. The early event made for less participation so the Sailing Committee is hoping many will come out for the Districts which will be three races beginning at DP 7KH %XWWV &XS ZKLFK LV WUDditionally awarded during Nationals to the highest scoring Junior skipper will still be up for grabs as it will be awarded in Districts this year instead. Juniors interested in sailing should notify the Sailing Instructors as soon DV SRVVLEOH VR ZH FDQ EHJLQ WR ¿QG additional boats as needed. Sailing Committee Members are also available to Crew for Juniors less comfortable in the larger boats. The same offer applies to adults. If you’ve sailed a Duster in the past but just don’t have one now, contact the 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH RU DQ\ RI WKH 6DLOLQJ Committee Members. We might be DEOH WR KHOS \RX ¿QG D ERDW QRW EHLQJ used to get you back out for the fun.

Meg Whitney Memorial Race

Golf Fall Season Operating Hours

Parent/Child Golf Tournament

The Timber Trails Golf Course and the Golf Center will be open the following KRXUV IURP /DERU 'D\ WR 2FWREHU th. SHSWHPEHU th WR 2FWREHU th Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday $0 30 Friday and Saturday $0 30 The Golf Course and Golf Center will be closed on Wednesdays from $0 XQWLO 7KXUVGD\ DW $0 IRU maintenance and chemical application. 2FWREHU th WR 2FWREHU th Saturday and Sunday $0 30


As a general reminder, we think it is important to reiterate some of the basic principles of behavior on and around a golf course, particularly at a private club like ours. Repair and maintenance of the golf course is not just a job for the Timber Trails Golf Maintenance Team. So let’s all lend a hand. Fix your ball mark and one other. Replace your divots. If the divot cannot be effectively replaced, please use the sand/seed mixture instead. This is most important on the teeing areas as they are subject to heavy XVH DQG UHTXLUH HYHU\RQHÂśV DWWHQWLRQ Also, we ask that all rakes be placed inside the bunkers. With regard to “teesâ€?, used and/or broken tees should be removed from the ground and placed in the containers provided in the tee box areas on each hole. This may seem like a minor concern, but be assured the build up of broken tees has EHHQ VLJQLÂżFDQW 6R SOHDVH KHOS XV NHHS your course free from this type of debris. We all strive to keep the course in the best possible playing condition. The weather has much to do with condition of the course. Since none of us can control the weather, we can only react to what the weather provides us. So, when you see the signs that say “Cart Path Onlyâ€?, remember it is being done so that the course will not be further damaged by the conditions that the weather has already created. Your cooperation and assistance is appreciated.

Golf Notes Timber Trails Golf Club is well in to the TournaPHQW VFKHGXOH DQG KDYH KDG VRPH H[FLWLQJ ¿QLVKHV Capturing the Timber Trails Memorial was the dynamic team of Bill and Carol Maute, placing second was the team of Buddy & Barbie Levine. Tied for third were the teams of Gus & Marcia Nichols and Bill Donadio & Louise Donadio. In the 3DUHQW &KLOG 7RXUQDPHQW WR <HDU 2OG 'LYLVLRQ the winning team was -LP 3DODGLQR DQG ,VDEHOOD 3DODGLQR ¿QLVKLQJ VHFRQG ZHUH %ULDQ +DUODQ *UDEHU In the WR <HDU 2OG 'LYLVLRQ WKH FKDPSV ZHUH %RE %REE\ 5LJE\ DQG ¿QLVKing second were Dave & Charlie Kovalcik. Winning the WR <HDU 2OG 'LYLVLRQ were Rod & Chris Drysdale and placing second were Steve & Matt Zeng. The Summer Bloody was won by the team of Sean Naughton, Trevor Bryan, Liz Mattes and Francine Najjar. Finishing second was the team of Wayne King, Joe Menella, Ray Tyler and Suzan Dockswell. Finishing third was the team of Wes Werkheiser, Jim Tyler, Louise Stuckey and Arlene King Be sure to mark your calendar with these great upcoming events. The Timber Trails &OXE &KDPSLRQVKLS ZLOO EH SOD\HG 6DWXUGD\ DQG 6XQGD\ $XJXVW th DQG th. The Match 3OD\ FKDPSLRQVKLS ¿QDOV DUH VODWHG IRU 6XQGD\ $XJXVW th . The Golf Social and %DQTXHW LV 6XQGD\ $XJXVW st 7KH FDVK EDU VWDUWV DW 30 IROORZHG E\ GLQQHU DQG WKH DZDUGV EHLQJ DZDUGHG DW 30 $OO JROI 0HPEHUV DUH ZHOFRPH WR DWWHQG WKLV HQMR\DEOH HYHQW FHOHEUDWLQJ RXU JROI VHDVRQ 7KH &RXSOHV VKRRWRXW LV VFKHGXOHG IRU 6XQGD\ $XJXVW WK DW 30 3OHDVH FDOO WKH *ROI &HQWHU DW WR sign up for these events. :H KDG RXU ¿UVW Hole-in-One of the year! Ellen Gwirtzman aced the second hole usLQJ D K\EULG ,W ZDV KHU ¿UVW FDUHHU DFH :LWQHVVLQJ WKH H[FLWLQJ PRPHQW ZHUH (LOHHQ Chimerine, Robin Gilman and Louise Stuckey. We have several electric carts for rent for players to use. The conditions of the golf course dictate the cart rules for the day. As you pull up in front of the Golf Center you ZLOO VHH D ÀDJ LQ WKH LVODQG RI WKH WXUQDURXQG FLUFOH 5HG ÀDJ PHDQV FDUW SDWK RQO\ :KLWH ÀDJ PHDQV GHJUHHV DQG %OXH ÀDJ PHDQV \RX PD\ GULYH WKH FDUW DQ\ZKHUH VWD\LQJ R IHHW DZD\ IURP WKH JUHHQV DQG WHHV .HHS LQ PLQG WKDW UHJDUGOHVV RI WKH FRORU RI WKH ÀDJ SOD\HUV PXVW VWD\ RQ WKH FDUW SDWK RQ DOO SDU WKUHHV KROHV DQG See you on the links! Bob Millard, PGA Golf Professional

LN-TT Breast Cancer Rally raised RYHU

Youth Fishing Clinic a Winner The Youth Fishing Clinic was held on Saturday, -XO\ th at Trout Pond. Forty young Members registered and worked their way through the various stations the Lakes Committee setup WR WHDFK TXDOLW\ WLSV RQ HYHU\WKLQJ IURP ¿VK VWRFNLQJ EDLWLQJ D KRRN FDVWLQJ DQG SURSHU ¿VK KDQGOLQJ $OVR ELJ WKLV VHDVRQ DUH NLGV ¿VKLQJ OHVVRQV RQ WKH 3RQWRRQ ERDW 0DQ\ kids have taken advantage of the lessons given on Thursday’s by the Lake Committee. Please contact the Community Center for more information and to sign up.

Fishing Guideline Reminders

$OO ¿VKHUSHUVRQV PXVW ZHDU WKHLU FXUUHQW 0HPEHUVKLS ,' DORQJ ZLWK WKHLU 3HQQV\OYDQLD )LVKLQJ /LFHQVH UHTXLUHG IRU DQ\ SHUVRQ ¿VKLQJ RYHU WKH DJH RI 7KH /DNHV &RPPLWWHH HQFRXUDJHV /,9( 5(/($6( RI DOO WURXW $OO EDVV DQG ZDOOH\H PXVW EH OLYH UHOHDVHG 3OHDVH WDNH VSHFLDO FDUH WR QRW RYHU WLUH VTXHH]H RU LQMXUH WKH ¿VK ,I D ¿VK LV GHHSO\ KRRNHG VLPSO\ FXW \RXU OLQH FORVH WR WKH ¿VKœV PRXWK 5HPHPEHU SUDFWLFLQJ catch and release not only increases reproduction, but allows for sport another day. One last note – the lakes and stream throughout the Community are shared by fellow Members for various recreational activities. Cleaning up \RXU ¿VKLQJ VLWH WKRURXJKO\ LV HVVHQWLDO DV ¿VKLQJ OLWWHU like line and hooks can be dangerous to other Members, pets and our wildlife. For that reason Members are not SHUPLWWHG WR ¿VK HLWKHU RQ VKRUH RU E\ ERDW ZLWKLQ feet of any of the Club’s beaches.

Help Us Help You, Important Boating and Lake Reminders The Club Beach Safety Boat Operators wish to remind Members of some important Lake Safety Guidelines. $OO ZDWHUFUDIW PXVW EH HTXLSSHG ZLWK DQ DSSURYHG ZHDUDEOH Ă€RWDWLRQ GHYLFH IRU (9ERY person on board and each boater must carry an “audible deviceâ€? such as a whistle, WR PDNH D VRXQG VLJQDO WR UHTXHVW KHOS LI QHHGHG /DNH 1DRPL &OXE VWURQJO\ UHFRPPHQGV DOO 0HPEHUV ZHDU WKHLU OLIHMDFNHWV HTXLSSHG with an attached whistle to be prepared for the unexpected. All boaters MUST wear their OLIHMDFNHWV ZKHQ WKH \HOORZ Âł/LIHMDFNHW 5HTXLUHG´ Ă€DJ LV EHLQJ Ă€RZQ IURP WKH )ODJ 3ROH <DUGDUP RQ WKH SHQLQVXOD DW &OXE %HDFK &KLOGUHQ DJH DQG XQGHU PXVW ZHDU OLIHMDFNets at all times. *Boating, swimming and sailing in stormy weather is extremely dangerous! Please SD\ DWWHQWLRQ WR WKH ZHDWKHU $OO ZDWHUFUDIW PXVW EH EURXJKW WR VKRUH DV VRRQ DV WKH ÂżUVW signs of storms begin to appear. Dark clouds and wind are signs you need to head for shore immediately. Please do not wait until thunder is heard, because lightening is often in the area as well. It is much safer to be proactive when it looks like a storm is “brewingâ€?. %RDWHUV DQG ÂżVKHUSHUVRQV PXVW PDLQWDLQ D VDIH GLVWDQFH QHYHU FORVHU WKDQ IHHW from all other boats, beaches, marinas and swimming areas. *Swimming from watercraft is strongly discouraged. Boats get away from swimmers PXFK HDVLHU WKDQ SHRSOH WKLQN DQG VZLPPHUV TXLFNO\ EHFRPH H[KDXVWHG WU\LQJ WR FDWFK WKHP '2 127 ',9( 25 -803 RII ZDWHUFUDIW DV KLGGHQ URFNV DQG VWXPSV FDQ FDXVH very serious injury. *Swimming in the Lake in areas other than the beaches is only permitted if closely DFFRPSDQLHG E\ DQ DWWHQGLQJ ERDW HTXLSSHG ZLWK D ZHDUDEOH Ă€RWDWLRQ GHYLFH IRU ERWK WKH ERDWHU DQG WKH VZLPPHU 7KH ERDWHU DQG VZLPPHU PXVW DOVR EH HTXLSSHG ZLWK D ÂłPHFKDQLFDO GHYLFH´ WR PDNH D VRXQG VLJQDO DXGLEOH IRU DW OHDVW RQH KDOI PLOH OLNH D ZKLVWOH to signal for help if the swimmer were to tire, cramp or need assistance for any other UHDVRQ 7KH 6DLOLQJ 2IÂżFH PXVW EH FRQWDFWHG /$.( LQ DGYDQFH WR SHUPLW /DNH Swimming and has the authority to deny lake swimming during times of heavy boating usage or with severe weather pending. *If you ever hear a whistle on the lake from shore or see something you think is conFHUQLQJ SOHDVH GR QRW KHVLWDWH WR FRQWDFW WKH *DWHKRXVH WR UHSRUW ZKDW \RX see and hear. The Gatehouse can easily contact our Club Beach Supervisor and Safety Boat Operators by radio. The Safety Boat Operators have a very large area of water to cover as well as responsibilities like running Sailing Regattas and assisting with Instructional Programs. They are there to help you and ask you to follow these listed guidelines to help make our waters a safe place to recreate.

Bass Tournament Results $QRWKHU UHFRUG ZDV VHW IRU WKH st Annual Bass Tournament held on Saturday, July 2nd IURP $0 ¹ 1RRQ ZLWK ¿VKHUSHUVRQV SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ WKH WRXUQDPHQW DQG 0HPbers and guests attending the Awards Ceremony Brunch at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Below is a list of the winning participants. Congratulations to all our winners and we look forward to seeing you again next year. $GXOWV 0RVW )LVK &DXJKW st ¹ 5LFK -HQVHQ ¹ 2nd ¹ &KULV 0DLWQHU ¹ 3rd ¹ :D\QH 0HUFHU ¹ $GXOWV /DUJHVW )LVK st ¹ 9LQQ\ 0LWFKHOO ¹ LQFKHV 2nd ¹ &KULV 0DLWQHU ¹ LQFKHV 3rd ¹ %LOO 'H0DUFR ¹ LQFKHV -XQLRUV 0RVW )LVK &DXJKW st ¹ 0DUFLQ 2O]HZVNL ¹ 2nd – Shaun Consentino – 4 3rd – Corinne Consentino – 2 -XQLRUV /DUJHVW )LVK st ¹ 0DUFLQ 2OV]HZVNL ¹ LQFKHV 2nd ¹ &RULQQH &RQVHQWLQR ¹ LQFKHV 3rd ¹ 6KDXQ &RQVHQWLQR ¹ LQFKHV

Youth Fishing Derby The Youth Fishing Derby was held RQ 6DWXUGD\ -XO\ IURP $0 DW 7URXW 3RQG ZLWK young boys and girls participating. )LVKLQJ HTXLSPHQW SUL]HV ZHUH SUHsented to the winners at the conclusion of the Derby. Congratulations to all the winners Largest st ¹ %HQMDPLQ 3DJOLD ´ 3LFNHUHO 2nd ¹ 'RPLQLF 5XEHR ´ 3LFNHUHO 3rd ¹ 'DQLHO 3DJLOLD ´ &DW¿VK Most st ¹ 'RPLQLF 5XEHR ZRQ WLH EUHDNHU ZLWK D ORQJHU ¿VK

2nd – Johnny Alexander 2 3rd – Cayden Cahill, Nathaniel Uebelacker, Tyler Amberger, Marcin Olszewski with one each

Jeremy & Emily Donoghue UHHOHG LQ D FDWĂ€VK DW 7URXW 3RQG

For the Love of Lake Naomi .RUN\ 'DJOLDQ D /DNH 1DRPL VXPPHU UHVLGHQW IRU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV SDVVHG RQ )HEUXDU\ RI $O]KHLPHUœV GLVHDVH ZKLOH XQGHU WKH FDUH RI KLV ZLIH 0DUOiese. Kourken A. Daglian came from a remarkable part of history. Born in DQ $UPHQLDQ VHFWLRQ RI WKH 2WWRPRDQ (PSLUH QRZ 7XUNH\ KLV IDPLO\ ZDV IRUFHG WR ÀHH IURP WKH *HQRFLGH DJDLQVW $UPHQLDQV DQG DIWHU WHPSRUDU\ KRPHV LQ /HEDQRQ DQG *UHHFH FDPH WR WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV LQ 7KH\ VHWWOHG LQ WKH Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City when he was six years old. Dr. Daglian was a graduate of the City College of New York and Columbia University Dental School, with supplemental training at Walter Reed Hospital. +H VHUYHG LQ WKH st Airborne of the US Army during the Korean War, attaining the rank of Captain. He opened a private dental practice on Madison Avenue in New York City and instructed as a Professor of Oral Surgery at Columbia University Dental 6FKRRO IRU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV .RXUNHQ PDGH KLV KRPH LQ 7HQDÀ\ 1- EXW JUHDWO\ UHOLVKHG KLV WLPH DW KLV ODNH KRXVH LQ WKH 3RFRQRV ,Q WKH œV DV D \RXQJ PDQ KH ZRXOG YLVLW &DPS Beaverbrook, a summer retreat at a place called Lutherland in Pocono Pines. 7KHUH KH ZRXOG ¿QG IXQ VSRUWV UHOD[DWLRQ DQG EHDXW\ +LV ORYH DIIDLU ZLWK WKH FULVS DLU WKH OXVK IRUHVW ZLOG ÀRZHUV DQG EHUULHV UKRGRGHQGURQ JURYHV the deer and occasional bear and particularly the rambling crystal-clear Beaver brook, never diminished for the rest of his life. He had made lifelong friends with whom he would meet up every summer at the Pocono Crest Hotel cotWDJHV WKHQ D SRSXODU VXPPHU UHWUHDW ZLWK KLV \RXQJ IDPLO\ LQ WKH ODWH œV ,Q KH SXUFKDVHG D ODNH IURQW ORW DW /DNH 1DRPL IURP WKH *URVV 0LOOHU IDPLO\ and built a summer cottage. Thereafter summers at the lake became an automatic crusade, overshadowing all other travels. When the Lake Naomi Club was established Korky energetically made it his mission to encourage new Members to get actively involved in various committees and Club activities. As the earlier community was small everyone knew each other and relaxed friendships and social activities abounded. Korky’s enthusiasm never faded as the Club grew in size and amenities. As long as KH ZDV DEOH RYHU WKH QH[W \HDUV KH LPPHUVHG KLPVHOI IXOO\ LQ HQMR\LQJ DQG VHUYLQJ WKH &OXE +H VHUYHG DV WKH 7HQQLV &KDLUPDQ IURP DV ZHOO as on the Board of Governors and the Long Range Planning Committee in the œV 'XULQJ KLV ODWHU \HDUV KH ZDV FRQWHQW WR VLW E\ WKH /DNH DQG FRQWHPSODWH OLIH UHDG VRPH VS\ RU VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ ZDWFK VRPH WHQQLV PDWFKHV RU HQMR\ a good meal at the Clubhouse. Korky is deeply missed by his family, friends, colleagues and patients for his humor, intelligence, kindness, sense of fairness and his love for people of all walks and stations of life. This special place will forever be infused with memories of Korky and the affection he held so well for his beloved Lake Naomi.

Slow Down Everyone needs to slow down. It doesn’t take very long to get SPEED anywhere in our Community. For instance Miller Drive from LIMIT 5WH WR :RRGODQG $YHQXH LV PLOHV 7UDYHOLQJ LWV OHQJWK DW PLOHV SHU KRXU RQO\ WDNHV PLQXWHV VHFRQGV $W PLOHV SHU KRXU LW WDNHV PLQXWH VHFRQGV 7KDW PLQXWH seconds could cost you or someone you love their life. Is this EULHI VDYLQJV RI WLPH UHDOO\ ZRUWK LW" 'H¿QLWHO\ QRW 5HPHPEHU WKLV LV WKH time of year where there are many pedestrians also on the road and special DWWHQWLRQ QHHGV WR EH JLYHQ WR WKH IROORZLQJ DUHDV 0LOOHU 'ULYH QHDU WKH /1 Pool, Miller Drive by Judges Beach, Lakeview near North Beach, Gross Drive East, Tanglewood Drive and Hillcrest.



Lake Naomi Club Q & A

What is the work that was done at Judge’s Pond? 0RQGD\ -XO\ th Project Manager Scott Hall discovered that the level of Judge’s 3RQG KDG GURSSHG TXLWH VLJQL¿FDQWO\ Upon inspection he could hear water going WKURXJK WKH RXWÀRZ SLSH HYHQ WKRXJK WKH water was nowhere near going over the top of the pipe. Scott mobilized one of the Club’s in-house scuba divers to go in and inspect the pipe. The Club’s diver immediately found that the bottom portion of the pipe had rotted away and thus water was escaping from the SRQG DW D SUHWW\ VLJQL¿FDQW YROXPH SURGXFing large amounts of mud in Lake Naomi. 7KH &OXE QHHGHG WR FRQVWUXFW D FRIIHU WHPSRUDU\ GDP DURXQG WKH RXWÀRZ VWUXFWXUH The construction of the coffer dam will stabilize the situation, preserve the Member’s use and enjoyment of Judge’s Pond for the balance of the Summer and permit the Club time to plan for the anticipated September UHSODFHPHQW RI WKH RXWÀRZ VWUXFWXUH The other night I was told that it was past the time when my 7 yr old was able to use the Wi-Fi Lounge at Club Beach. Can you clarify the purpose and hours of this lounge? The Boat House Lounge was added to address two major suggestions from the PHPEHUVKLS 7KH ¿UVW ZDV D SODFH ZKHUH teens could meet and gather to build relationships. The second suggestion was to SURYLGH D TXLHW VSRW LQ WKH PRUQLQJV DQG afternoons so Members could take a break from the sun, check their emails and/or get a little work done. With this in mind the ORXQJH LV H[FOXVLYH WR \UV ROGV DIWHU SP VR LW FDQ EHFRPH D WHHQ ORXQJH without adults and young kids hanging RXW %HIRUH SP WKH &OXE DVNV WKDW NLGV XQGHU WKH DJH RI DUH VXSHUYLVHG WR KHOS PDLQWDLQ WKH TXLHW ZRUN VSDFH 7R PHHW WKH needs of the younger Members additional seating and more activities have been added to the game room. What is the difference between the Board of Governors, the Committees and the Board of Trustees? The Committees typically deal with a very VSHFL¿F DUHD RI WKH &OXEœV RSHUDWLRQ L H Golf, Clubhouse, Finance, etc.). The Committees discuss matters that deal with their area of the operation and then make recommendations to the Board of Governors %2* 7KH %2* LV FRPSULVHG RI &RPmittee Chairs as well as At-Large Members DQG QXPEHUV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ WZHQW\ ¿YH The BOG is an Advisory Board that make recommendations to the Board of Trustees %27 7KH %27 LV WKH VHYHQ 0HPEHU %RDUG WKDW KDV WKH XOWLPDWH ¿QDQFLDO OHJDO DQG ¿GXFLDU\ UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU WKH &OXEœV assets and operations.

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