2011 Reflections Mid-Winter

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$ 5HĂ€HFWLRQ RI /LIH LQ /DNH 1DRPL 7LPEHU 7UDLOV www.LakeNaomiClub.com

Valentine’s Weekend Celebration Mid-Winter 2011 WHAT’S INSIDE Message from the GM......................... 2 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration ........... 3 Looking Ahead to 2011 ........................ 4 Three Tenors Return to LNC .................... 5 President’s Weekend Recreaton Events . 6 Winter Swim Lessons ................................ 7 Winter is Platform Tennis Season ........ 8 Sailing Association ................................ 9 MemberShare Referral - How Does it Work? ................... 11

Valentine Dinner and Dance on Saturday, February 12th Valentine’s Honeymoon Dinner Special from 5:30 to 8:30 PM Join us for a special, romantic night of dining. Enjoy our “Chateaubriand for Twoâ€? which has quickly become an annual tradition at the Club, along with wine specials and elegant music. This Surf & Turf dinner will include a Honeymoon Beef Filet and Lobster Tail. Please call the Clubhouse to reserve your spot with your special someone. The entire D OD FDUWH PHQX ZLOO DOVR EH DYDLODEOH (QWHUWDLQPHQW DW WKH 'DQFH Ă€RRU IURP WR PM, dance the night away with Honeymoon medleys played by “Fancy Dancerâ€? (a four piece high energy band, same band who performed our New Years Eve Gala).

Valentine Brunch on Sunday, February 13th Valentine’s Day Piano Brunch Buffet from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM Bring Mom for Valentine’s Day Brunch and the kids under age 6 eat free!! Enjoy our Brunch with additional fresh selections from our culinary team. Lake Naomi Club Grand Salad Display with composed salads, condiments and dressings, Norwegian smoked VDOPRQ GLVSOD\ ZLWK PLQL EDJHOV DVVRUWHG GDQLVK PXI¿QV VFRQHV IUHVK IUXLW DQG EHUULHV &KHI DWWHQGHG RPHOHW ZDIÀH DQG IUHQFK WRDVW VWDWLRQ HJJV EHQHGLFW DSSOH ZRRG VPRNHG bacon, country sausage links, potatoes o’brien, cheddar cheese grits with assorted toppings, Chef carved Angus beef with a sherry-mushroom sauce, grilled fresh catch with a lemon beurre blanc, confetti rice, medley of vegetables, Chef’s Grand Dessert Table. The price of the brunch is $19.50 for adults and $9.95 for children ages 6 to 12. Our Valentine’s events are expected to sell-out quickly, so call the Clubhouse to reserve soon.

LNC’s Second Annual Car Show Come show off your pride and joy! The Second Annual Lake Naomi Car Show will be held Saturday, May 21st from 12:30 PM until 4:00 PM. The registration fee is $18.00 which includes space for your car, a t-shirt, nametag, window sign, refreshments and lunch. The car convoy will begin at the Community Center at 11:30 AM, ending at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. “Long Time Cominâ€? will perform live outside GXULQJ WKH FDU VKRZ ZLWK D SUL]H WDEOH DQG D UDIĂ€H WR EHQHÂżW D ORFDO FKDULW\ 3UL]HV will be awarded to the Top Eight Winners! We will continue the party through the night with our 50’s Sock Hop Party from 6-10 PM inside the Clubhouse, with prizes for “Best 2XWÂżW´ DQG Âł%HVW 'DQFHUV´ ZLWK FRQWLQXHG HQWHUWDLQPHQW IURP Âł/RQJ 7LPH &RPLQ ´ Chef Will and his team will prepare a 50’s style buffet and complimentary soda pop and LFH FUHDP Ă€RDWV 7KH FRVW IRU WKLV GLQQHU HYHQW LV IRU DGXOWV LQFOXVLYH RI JUDWXLW\ and tax, and $11.99 for children ages 4-12. For reservations for both events, please call the Clubhouse (570) 646-2866. Online reservations for the car show will be available in March, stay tuned to e-mail blasts.

In Memoriam Virginia (Ginny) Tifft of Grand Junction, Colorado and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania November 5, 2010 Member since 1964 Julie Ierardi RI 6WDWHQ ,VODQG 1HZ <RUN and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania January 4, 2011 Lake Naomi resident since 1981 Lillian Kelly of Old Tappan, New Jersey and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania January 16, 2011 Member since 1974

Mark your Calendar Please mark your calendar for the 2011 Clubhouse Committee events. St. Patrick’s Day, March 5th Welcome Back, June 11th DJ on the Beach, August 7th Sunset on Lake Naomi, Sept 10th Halloween Party, October 29th Holiday Gala, December 10th New Year’s Eve, December 31st

Message from the General Manager 2010 was another banner year for the Lake Naomi &OXE ERWK RSHUDWLRQDOO\ DQG ¿QDQFLDOO\ ,œP YHU\ SURXG RI WKH &OXEœV 2SHUDWLRQDO 7HDPœV SHUIRUPDQFH DQG , FDQ WHOO \RX WKH\ DUH H[FLWHG DERXW the 2011 season. The Team is already busy developing the 2011 Summer Calendar ¿OOHG ZLWK PDQ\ RI WKH IDYRULWH HYHQWV DQG PDQ\ QHZ HYHQWV One of the main reasons for the Club’s successful Platinum Club status is the 200 plus volunteers on the Committees and the Boards. The Club is always looking for new volunteers so whether you are retired or busy with young children and want to get LQYROYHG LQ \RXU &RPPXQLW\ SOHDVH VWRS E\ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH DQG SLFN XS DQ application. The Committee and the BOG Applications can also be found online in the Member’s Section of the www.LakeNaomiClub.com under Online Sign-Up. The Club was very fortunate to increase the membership by seven memberships in 2010 ending with a total of 1596 compared to 1589 in 2009. The Club had a total of 78 new memberships. Every year we hold three New Member Orientations where the Management Team has the pleasure of meeting all the new Members and sharing inforPDWLRQ 2QH DUHD , OLNH WR IRFXV RQ LV WKH FRPPXQLFDWLRQ DW WKH &OXE , DVN HYHU\RQH QRW WR JHW FDXJKW XS LQ WKH UXPRU PLOO ,I WKHUH LV TXHVWLRQ RU FRQFHUQ SOHDVH FDOO WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH DW DQG WKH VWDII ZLOO GLUHFW \RX WR WKH DSSURSULDWH department. You can also go online and review the Meet the Manager page under the 2QOLQH 2I¿FH IRU GLUHFW FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ :H DUH DOZD\V ORRNLQJ IRU ZD\V WR FRPmunicate better, so if you have any suggestions please let us know. , ZRXOG OLNH WR VKDUH VRPH H[FLWLQJ &OXE QHZV 7KH EHDFK OHYHO RI WKH &OXEKRXVH is under renovation. The cafÊ kitchen is being redesigned to serve homemade pizzas, fresh tossed salads and gourmet sandwiches. An outside grill station will be added (similar to the LN Pool cafÊ) to offer char grill items. Also new will be a self serve \RJXUW EDU 7KLV ZLOO EH D KXJH IDYRULWH ZLWK WKH NLGV 5HPHPEHU WKH IRUPHU ¿WQHVV URRP" ,W LV EHLQJ WUDQVIRUPHG WR D :L )L ORXQJH ZKHUH \RX FDQ GULQN \RXU FRIIHH while reading the latest posting on the Club’s Facebook page. Be sure to stay tuned for IXWXUH XSGDWHV RQ WKLV UHQRYDWLRQ ,W LV QRW WRR HDUO\ WR VWDUW PDNLQJ SODQV WR YLVLW WKLV all new family friendly dining area during the 2011 Summer Season. Remember my job is to ensure your fun! Robert Jones

P. Kenneth Brownstein Retires from Board of Trustees

´5HĂ HFWLRQVÂľ 3XEOLVKHG E\ LAKE NAOMI CLUB Route 423 3RVW 2IĂ€FH %R[ 7 Pocono Pines, PA 18350 570-646-9191 www.LakeNaomiClub.com BOARD OF TRUSTEES %ULDQ 'UXP Stephen J. Harker -DPHV % +\DWW Anna C. McAleer Connell J. McGill Robert S. Mills, Jr. %ULDQ - 6Q\GHU Robert A. Jones, Jr. General Manager Jeffrey M. Evans, MCM, CCM, PCAM ([HFXWLYH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW (PHULWXV Laura M. Altemose 0DUNHWLQJ 0DQDJHU 5HĂ HFWLRQV (GLWRU


At the Board of Trustees meeting on November 6, 2010 Kenny Brownstein was honored for his nine years of service on the Board of Trustees. Kenny retired from the Board of Trustees effective December 31, 2010. During his time on the Board of Trustees, Kenny served as the Vice President for four years and President for one year. BOT incoming President Jim Hyatt thanked Kenny for his perceptive ability in seeing all sides of an issue which helped the Trustees always reach a well rounded decision. Jim remembered back to the Membership Annual Meeting following 9/11 when Kenny served as the BOG Chair how he began the meeting in a manner that inspired all the Members in attendance. Prior to serving on the BOT Kenny served on the Board of *RYHUQRUV IRU ÂżYH \HDUV LQFOXGLQJ VHUYLQJ WKUHH \HDUV DV WKH &KDLU RI WKH %RDUG RI Governors. Kenny also served on the Tennis Committee and as the Chair of the Tennis Committee for three years. Kenny and his wife Lisa have had a home in Timber Trails and held Club Membership since 1985. Kenny and Lisa reside in Philadelphia and are very active Members of the Lake Naomi - Timber Trails Community.

Busy Year for LN-TT Rangers Under the direction of Chief Ranger John Lamberton, the Lake Naomi – Timber Trails Patrol Rangers were very busy during 2010 handling 6,228 calls and logging over 82,000 patrol miles on their four Ranger vehicles. During 2010 the Patrol Rangers also conducted 5,187 paid house checks and 3,833 random house checks. The Timber Trails Gate House Rangers also had a busy year logging in 15,200 visitors and 5,815 contractors. The Patrol Rangers are also very active with the Recreation Department by having a full-time Ranger assigned to Kids Klub and night recreation at the Community Center and conducting several safety programs at Kids Klub GXULQJ WKH VXPPHU &RQJUDWXODWLRQV WR WKLV ¿QH JURXS RI PHQ DQG ZRPHQ IRU WKHLU dedicated service to the property owners of Lake Naomi – Timber Trails.

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration 7KH OXFN RI WKH ,ULVK LV QHDU ZLWK 6W 3DWW\œV 'D\ almost here. The Lake Naomi Clubhouse is kicking off the celebration with our 19th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Party on Saturday, March 5, 2011. All you lassies and laddies come celebrate with all the classics: cabbage, rosemary lamb, sheperd’s pie, carved corn beef‌ and of course, Green Beer! Once again, the Clubhouse Committee will be sponsoring the event, with entertainment from 0F+XJK DQG &RPSDQ\ IURP 3KLODGHOSKLD 7KLV ¿YH SLHFH EDQG SOD\V D YDULHW\ RI ,ULVK songs, contemporary songs and special requests. Mc Hugh & Company is located out of the Philadelphia area and packs the house on every venue. We were lucky enough to book them at the Clubhouse. The band consists of Tom McHugh on Keyboard, Ron +XUVW RQ /HDG *XLWDU -RKQ 5HJJR RQ 'UXPV DQG D 6SHFLDO WUHDW 'DYH 0LOOHU ,ULVK Fiddler. The party starts at 6:00 PM with a cash bar and SpeFLDO ,ULVK 'ULQNV 6DYRU D GHOLJKWIXO ,ULVK 6W\OH 6W 3DWULFNœV Dinner Buffet created by Chef Will and his Culinary Team starting at 7:00 PM. The rest of the night is yours to celebrate with friends and tremendous entertainment. The price for this event will be $29.99 per adult inclusive. Sign up online or call the Community Center ASAP to reserve your spot!

NEW Breakfast Club

The Lake Naomi Clubhouse will be holding an a la carte breakfast service beginning April 3rd and will take place each Sunday with the exception of our Brunch Buffets VFKHGXOHG IRU (DVWHU 6XQGD\ DQG 0RWKHUÂśV 'D\ 7KH PHQX ZLOO IHDWXUH RPHOHWV ZDIĂ€HV pancakes, eggs and your favorite breakfast items. Breakfast will begin at just $3.95 so be sure to join us on Sundays before heading to the Tennis Complex and Golf Course!

Wine Tasting at the LNCH

([SHULHQFH WKH Ă€DYRUV RI ,WDO\ RQ 6DWXUGD\ $SULO Come out and join us for an afternoon of wine, food and fun as we taste our way WKURXJK WKH Ă€DYRUV RI ,WDO\ :LWK RXU ZRQGHUIXO ZLQHV ZH ZLOO KDYH D GHOLFLRXV VHOHFtion of antipasto and tapas to help enhance your tasting experience. The wine presentations will be provided by Thomas J. Holton “The Wine Merchantâ€?. The total cost per person will be $19.50 all inclusive. Please make your reservations by April 19th. Call the Community Center at 570, 646-8585 or go online under www.LakeNaomiClub. com. Hope to see you there!!

Cooking Demonstration

Please join Chef Will and the Culinary Team on Saturday, April 16, 2011 for an interactive cooking seminar. There will be an engaging food tasting and presentation on seafood, inFOXGLQJ ÂżVK DQG VKHOOÂżVK IHDWXULQJ D YDULHW\ RI WHFKQLTXHV DQG cooking styles. Chef Will plans to show the art of tasting food through the use of several interactive tasting demonstrations. Chef Will and the Culinary Team will be more than happy to answer any questions at the end of the demonstration. So come out to enjoy an afternoon of food and fun at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. This event will be held at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM.

Easter Brunch

Join us on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at the Clubhouse for our annual Easter Brunch Buffet. This event begins at 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM with seatings every half hour. 7KH (DVWHU %XQQ\ ZLOO EH KHUH WR WDNH SLFWXUHV ZLWK DOO WKH FKLOGUHQ E\ 9,3 6WXGLRV Chef Will and his Culinary Team will prepare a grand buffet including: made to order RPHOHWV %HOJLDQ ZDIÀHV FDUYHG URDVWHG WXUNH\ DQG VORZ URDVWHG $QJXV EHHI PDULQDWHG OHJ RI ODPE URDVWHG ZKLWH¿VK ¿OOHW VRXS DQG VDODG EDU DQG SOHQW\ RI GHVVHUWV and treats! The cost of this event is $29.00 per adult inclusive and children ages 4-12 are just $12.50. Children ages three and under eat free! Pre-registration is required for this event, so sign up online in the Member’s section of www.LakeNaomiClub.com or call the Community Center right away to reserve your spot!

Lake Naomi Clubhouse Closes for Spring Cleaning

Each year the Clubhouse closes for a few weeks to spruce everything up for the Spring and Summer. This year the Clubhouse will be completely closed from Monday, March 7th through Wednesday, March 16th, reopening on Thursday, March 17th with a traditional St. Patrick Style Buffet.

Extended Holiday Hours Due to popular demand, the Clubhouse will extend its hours of operation on holiday weekends. Please show your support for these extended hours by including the Club in your weekend plans!

Valentines Weekend 7KXUVGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK Winter Buffet and Regular Menu 5:30 – 9:00 PM LNCH is open from 5:00 - 10:00 PM )ULGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK Grille Room 6:00 – 10:00 PM Dining Room 6:00 – 9:00 PM LNCH is open from 5:00 - 10:00 PM 6DWXUGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK +RQH\PRRQ 'LQQHU 6:00 - 9:00 PM French Chateaubriand, Surf & Turf and the Full Menu Available Dancing from 9:00 PM– Midnight Entertainment “Fancy Dancer� LNCH is open from 5:00 - Midnight 6XQGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK Valentines Day Piano Brunch 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Presidents Day Weekend 7KXUVGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK Winter Buffet and Regular Menu 5:30 – 9:00 PM LNCH is open from 5:00 - 10:00 PM )ULGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK Grille Room 6:00 – 10:00 PM Dining Room 6:00 – 9:00 PM Seafood Buffet and Regular Menu available DJ Thomas Emanski at the Bar 9:00 PM to Midnight LNCH is open from 5:00 - Midnight 6DWXUGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK Grille Room 6:00 – 10:00 PM Dining Room 6:00 – 9:00 PM, Seafood Buffet and Regular Menu available Entertainment “CJT Band� 9:00 PM to Midnight LNCH is open from 5:00 - Midnight 6XQGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK Presidents Day Breakfast Buffet 9:00 AM - Noon Lunch in Grille Noon - 3:00 PM Dinner 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM Dinner Specials and Regular Menu available LNCH open from 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM *Please call for Reservations (570) 646-2866.


Looking Ahead to 2011 For those Members who are planning now for the Season the following tentative dates are provided for facility openings and special events: March: Saturday, March 5, 2011 6W 3DWULFNœV 'D\ 3DUW\ at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse $SULO Friday, April 8, 2011 *ROI &RXUVH 2SHQV Fridays through Mondays (Weather Permitting) Sunday, April 24, 2011 (DVWHU %UXQFK at the LNCH Saturday, April 30, 2011 /DNH 1DRPL 7HQQLV RSHQV weekends and holidays (Weather Permitting) May: Sunday, May 8, 2011 0RWKHUœV 'D\ %UXQFK at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse Friday, May 20, 2011 *ROI &RXUVH DQG *ROI &HQWHU opens seven days a week Saturday, May 28, 2011 7LPEHU 7UDLOV 3RRO RSHQV weekends and holidays &OXE %HDFK VZLPPLQJ DUHD RSHQV weekends and holidays Saturday, May 28, 2011 0HPRULDO 'D\ &HOHEUDWLRQ at the Community Center Sunday, May 29, 2011 7HQQLV 6HDVRQ .LFN 2II &HOHEUDWLRQ Sunday, May 29, 2011 6DLOLQJ )DPLO\ 'LQQHU June: Saturday, June 25, 2011 6WDUW RI WKH /DNH 1DRPL &OXEœV 6XPPHU VFKHGXOH All facilities (pool, tennis, clubhouse, recreation programs, beaches, etc.) open full time -XO\ $XJXVW 6HSWHPEHU Sunday, July 3, 2011 ,QGHSHQGHQFH 'D\ 3LFQLF DW &OXE %HDFK Saturday, August 13, 2011 $QQXDO 0HPEHUVKLS 0HHWLQJ at the Pocono Mtn West High School Monday, September 5, 2011 /DERU 'D\ (last day for LNC’s Summer 2011 schedule)


New Year’s Eve Celebration New Year’s Eve was again a great success at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. The Clubhouse truly became “A Night in Veniceâ€? with our Venetian Canal scenery and handmade *RQGROD 7KH 0HPEHUV HQMR\HG DQ LQFUHGLEOH ÂżYH FRXUVH GLQQHU SUHVHQWHG WR perfection by Chef Will and his Culinary Team. The Members then danced the night away into 2011 with a spectacular band, “Fancy Dancerâ€?. The night was the perfect way to end the year 2010 and ring in 2011. Special thanks go out to Linda and Richard Wheelan and Lynette and Bob Kabula for all their hard work in planning and decorating for this special event. All New Year’s Event pictures can be viewed at www. facebook.com/lakenaomiclub or in the Member’s Section of www.LakeNaomiClub. com under What’s Happening.

The Dress Code at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse ,Q RUGHU WR PDLQWDLQ WKH TXDOLW\ H[SHULHQFH WKDW WKH 0HPEHUV H[SHFW DW WKH /DNH Naomi Clubhouse, Club Members and Guests must wear dressy casual appropriate attire when dining at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. While jackets are not required, they are welcomed at all times. ,Q WKH 0DLQ 'LQLQJ 5RRP DQG WKH 7DOO 7LPEHUV 5RRP JHQWOHPHQ DQG \RXQJ PHQ 16 and older must wear a collared shirt or a comparable dress shirt at all times. Beach attire, T-shirts, cut-offs, tank tops and hats are not permitted at any time. Except for special functions where they are appropriate (for example, square dances and western night), blue denim jeans are discouraged (however not prohibited) on Saturday nights. For Sunday Breakfast Buffets dressy casual is recommended. Gentlemen and young men 16 and older must wear a collared shirt or a comparable dress shirt at all times. Beach attire, T-shirts, cut-offs, tank tops and hats are not permitted at any time. On the outdoor deck, beach attire, cut-offs, hats and jeans are permitted. However, entering the Club for special buffet events will not be permitted unless you are dressed in appropriate attire per the above description. The Clubhouse Committee acknowledges that some Members strongly prefer a more casual dress code. However, we still encourage dress that would be considered business, dressy casual or resort casual, and believe diners will be most comfortable following those guidelines. The Club is entrusting our Members to use good judgment concerning what is appropriate attire when coming to the Club to dine. Under-shirts, sleeveless t-shirts, printed tee-shirts, short shorts and bare middrift tops are unacceptable. Please inform your guests of this policy before they arrive at the Clubhouse. ,Q WKH HYHQW RI TXHVWLRQDEOH DWWLUH WKH GHFLVLRQ RI WKH 0DQDJHPHQW ZLOO EH ÂżQDO

5HPDLQLQJ LQ WKH 0HPEHUVKLS ,QYRLFH 3URFHVVLQJ )DVW /DQH $V \RX DUH ¿OOLQJ RXW \RXU 0HPEHUVKLS ,QYRLFH NLQGO\ QRWH WKDW WKHUH LV D Capital Enhancement charge added to your invoice this year. The Membership Staff KDV QRWHG WKDW VHYHUDO RI WKH 0HPEHUVKLS ,QYRLFHV UHFHLYHG WR GDWH GLG QRW KDYH the $50 added into their total. These invoices are then put aside to be followed up with the Members to arrange for the additional fee. To avoid having your invoice processing delayed, remember to include the $50 Capital Enhancement charge in your total. As stated in the memo from the Board of Trustees which was included in the invoice mailing: You will notice a new line item on your 2011 invoice, a $50 charge that will go directly to the Club’s Capital Enhancement Fund. This Fund was established to provide a funding source for the capital improvements the Club will need to make in order to maintain and improve our premier status. Strategic and Long Range Facility Plans are in the development stages and they present various opportunity areas where the Club will consider making capital investments. Ideas like enhancing the Timber Trails’ Golf Center, Clubhouse, Pool and expanding Lake Naomi Clubhouse parking are just some of the components of this Long Range plan. In 2011, the Club will ask you to complete a survey in order to get additional direction.

Community Center Garden

Pocono Mountain Arts Council

The Lake Naomi Club is pleased to announce that for the fourth year, the Club has teamed up with the Pocono Mountain Arts Council to donate space for local artists to display their work. Since the Spring of 2008, Members have been able to view the PMAC’s Rotating Gallery right here at the Club. The display will consist of eight to ten pieces of artwork from one artist each month and is located in the Adult Activity Room and the stairwell loft area of the Community Center.

Tree of Mittens – Success!

The Activities Committee wanted to say thank you to all who donated to the 2011 Tree of Mittens which stood 12 feet tall at the Community Center. By the end of the holiday season, this enormous tree was comSOHWHO\ ÂżOOHG ZLWK KDWV VFDUYHV DQG PLWWHQV which were donated to the Foster Children of Monroe County. A big thank you to Caroline Graham who made sure that the donations reached their proper destination again this year.

Three Tenors Return to LNC


2XU ÂżUVW FRPPXQLW\ JDUGHQ JURZLQJ VHDson last year was bountiful in so many ways. Members enjoyed learning from each other and making new friends as well as harvesting beautiful crops. This year, the garden will grow in many ways. The Members who invested in their garden spot last year have been given the option to keep that space. Many Members have expressed an interest in participating next season and have been put on a waiting list. Those who are on the list will be contacted by CC Manager Kelly 6ZLQJOH E\ 0DUFK ,I \RX DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ being on the waiting list, call Kelly at 570646-8585 by February 28, 2011.

Save the Date!!! The Activities Committee is excited to be presenting “An Evening with Three Tenors� again this year on Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 7:30 PM. Look for further details on this event to follow.

Square Dancing Swing your partner from 8:00 -10:00 PM on the Lake Naomi ClubKRXVH GDQFH ÀRRU 0HPEHU -RKQ .DOWHQWKDOHU ZLOO EH FDOOLQJ IRU WKLV event. Square Dancing is scheduled for Club Members on Fridays‌ February 25th, March 18th, April 15 th, May 20th, and June 17th.

Social Lites

The Social Lites is a group of single LNC members who have been HQMR\LQJ HYHQWV JDWKHULQJV DQG RXWLQJV ,I \RX DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ OHDUQLQJ more about this group, contact Kelly Swingle by phone at 570-646-8585 or by email at kswingle@lakenaomiclub.com.

Book Club

The LNC Book Club meets regularly on the second Monday of each month at the Community Center. The group is organized by Vilma Zabaleta. -DQ Âł6WROHQ /LYHV´ Âł)UHHGRP´ E\ 0DOLND 2XINLU ,W GRHV PDNH sense to read the second book also, so you get closure to this amazing true story. Feb. 14 “Mudboundâ€? by Hillary Jordan Mar 14 “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweetâ€? by Jamie Ford Apr. 11 “Women That Run With The Wolvesâ€? by Clarissa Pinkola Estes 0D\ Âł7KH ,PPRUWDO /LIH RI +HQULHWWD /DFNV´ E\ 5HEHFFD 6NORRW On June 13th we will be discussing the book “Lethal Rhythmâ€? by Peter R. Kowey, MD. We do have several copies that we are passing around plus two copies at Clymer Library. The author is expected to attend this meeting to discuss his book & answer our questions. We are planning a Potluck Lunch for this day. Details are still in the works. Contact Vilma at 646-7259 if you want to borrow a copy of the book.

Luncheon Dates Mark your calendars, Ladies! The Ladies’ Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, July 12, 2011. Our theme this year is antique jewelry. Spend the afternoon socializing with your friends at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Of course the gentlemen will also enjoy the annual Men’s Lunch on Friday, June 24, 2011. This day always boasts of a delicious luncheon accompanied by plenty of free beer. Details will be posted VRRQ :DWFK IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ IXWXUH LVVXHV RI 5HÀHFWLRQV

Lake Naomi - Timber Trails Fine Arts and Crafts Show The Activities Committee of Lake Naomi-Timber Trails is proud to DQQRXQFH WKDW ZH DUH SODQQLQJ RXU VHFRQG MXULHG ¿QH DUWV DQG FUDIWV show on Saturday, August 6, 2011. We are looking for crafters with high quality handmade items. The fair will be held inside the Logan Steele Community Center. We are now in the process of planning this \HDUœV VKRZ ,I \RX DUH DQ DUWLVW RU NQRZ VRPHRQH ZKR LV SOHDVH FDOO Kelly Swingle for more details at 570-646-8585. +ROLGD\ .LG¡V .OXE )XQ

Local Food Bank Donations to Continue The local food bank located in Blakeslee and serving the immediate area is always in need of replenishing. You can help by donating the following non-perishable items: canned fruits and vegetables, rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, cake mix, juice, coffee, tea, soap, detergent and paper products. All items are now being collected at the Community Center. This collection will be ongoing through the winter months and into the spring in the hopes that we can stock the food bank full of the items needed for our local community. Drop your donations in the bin located in the lobby. 5

President’s Weekend Recreation Events Be sure to bring the family to Lake Naomi – Timber Trails for President’s weekend. A variety of fun recreation events are scheduled. 6DWXUGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK 1:30-3:00 PM Family Ceramics: Tom with Creative Ceramics from the summer ceramics class will be hosting this always popular event at the Community Center. Children under eight years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Cost for the class is $3 plus the cost of the parWLFXODU PROG ,QVWUXFWLRQ SDLQW DQG brushes will be provided. 6:00-9:00 PM Night Recreation $FWLYLWLHV ,I \RXU 3UH 7HHQ DQG Teen are looking for things to do or to meet up with other Teens come out to the Community Center and choose from the many activities the Recreation Staff have planned. Participants must be 8 years old or older to attend. 6XQGD\ )HEUXDU\ WK 1:00-3:00 PM Family Craft Day: Bring the whole family to join in this Arts & Craft Room open house at the Community Center. This weekend we will be working with bead animals, shrinky dinks, painting ceramic boxes, and even some ribbon weaving. The cost of this event is $5.00 per person, so please call the Community Center at 570-646-8585 to register. 6:00-9:00 PM Night Recreation Activities: Another night of night time fun at the Community Center. Participants must be 8 years old or older to attend. 7:00-9:00 PM Family Movie Night: This free event is a great way to get the family out for a night of movies and popcorn. This weekend’s feature will be “Despicable Me� rated PG. Feel free to bring a bean bag, your snuggy or your favorite blankets to curl up and enjoy the movie.

Easter Egg Hunt Lake Naomi Club’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt will occur on Saturday, April 23rd. Members ages 2 through 8 and their parents are asked to hippity-hop over to the Community Center to participate in the festivities. Don’t miss visiting with the Easter Bunny, searching for lots of special eggs and winning some neat prizes. Please call the Community Center at (570) 646-8585 by Monday, April 18th with the names and ages of the children planning WR DWWHQG ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WKDW everyone who wants to participate in this event registers LQ DGYDQFH DV WKLV HYHQW ¿OOV up every year.

2011 Group Fitness Schedule

%HDW WKH ZLQWHU EOXHV DQG KDYH VRPH IXQ ZLWK ÂżWQHVV 2XU &HUWLÂżHG )LWQHVV 3URIHVsionals continue to offer fun, motivational and challenging group exercise classes for 0HPEHUV RI DOO ÂżWQHVV OHYHOV &KHFN RXW WKH ZHEVLWH RU VWRS E\ WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU and pick up a current schedule.

Community Center Multipurpose Room Etiquette While tennis players are utilizing the Community Center’s Multipurpose Room IRU LQGRRU WHQQLV SOD\ WKH\ VRPHWLPHV ¿QG LW FKDOOHQJLQJ WR VKDUH WKH VSDFH ZLWK WKH recreation participants on the other side of the curtain. Because the LSCC is a multiuse facility all Members are asked to be familiar with and practice the Multipurpose Room guidelines which follow and are outlined in the Leisure Service Guide. 0XOWLSXUSRVH 5RRP *XLGHOLQHV Please only wear shoes with non-marking soles. Athletic shirts and shorts are required, cut-offs are not permitted. Roughhousing and horseplay is considered unsafe and not permitted at any time. Please do not hang on the basketball rims or lean on the tennis nets. Food and eating are not permitted in the multipurpose room. Drinks are only permitted in reusable plastic containers with lids (i.e. sports bottles.) 0XOWLSXUSRVH 5RRP ZKLOH VHW IRU ,QGRRU 7HQQLV $GGLWLRQDO *XLGHOLQHV: Athletic attire and shoes are required to play indoor tennis. Only persons engaged in play may be on the court. Each court may have a maximum of 4 players and 3 regulation size tennis balls unless otherwise approved by management. Please keep the courts free of litter, especially empty ball cans and ball can metal caps ZKLFK FDQ GDPDJH WKH ÀRRU 3OD\HUV DUH H[SHFWHG WR SUDFWLFH FRXUW HWLTXHWWH DW DOO /1& 7HQQLV IDFLOLWLHV Be respectful to the adjacent court at all times, especially when walking in and out and when retrieving balls. Should the need to interrupt arise, please wait until after the point in play. Limit disruptive conversation and behavior. Profane language is never acceptable. Throwing racquets will not be tolerated and unnecessary screaming is discouraged. Courteous and sportsmanlike conduct is always expected. Although cell phones are permitted in the Community Center, lowering ringer volume and taking calls to another area are courteous practices always appreciated by others. :H KRSH WKHVH EDVLF UHPLQGHUV ZLOO KHOS DOO 0HPEHUV ¿QG WKHLU WLPH DW WKH &RPPXnity Center more enjoyable as many users share common space. Thank you for your cooperation.

Community Center Guests While we are always happy to also entertain guests here in Lake Naomi and Timber Trails, please be mindful of the Community Center guidelines throughout the rest of this winter season, especially President’s Weekend (February 19-21). There is a limit of six guests per day per Family Membership on weekdays and four guests per day per Family Membership on weekends and holidays. Also please remember that in RUGHU IRU D JXHVW WR XVH WKH IDFLOLW\ WKH 0HPEHU PXVW EH SUHVHQW ZLWK WKHP ,Q IDLUQHVV to our Members, we will not be making any exceptions to these policies during winter holiday periods. 6

Winter Swim Lessons Did you know the Lake Naomi Club has Lifeguards trained to provide Swim Lessons and our Summer 6ZLP /HVVRQ +HDG ,QVWUXFWRU &RRUGLQDWRU LV RQ VWDII \HDU URXQG" 7KHLU VHUYLFHV DUH available for private lessons at almost anytime you are here. Why not book time now so children are preparing for summer in advance? Please contact Meredith Sensenig at 570-646-8585 or by e-mail at msensenig@lakenaomiclub.com to discuss your options. All lessons must be scheduled in advance.

,PSRUWDQW ,QGRRU 3RRO (WLTXHWWH For the comfort of all Members using the indoor aquatic facilities, we encourage you to rinse off before entering the indoor pool, steam room or sauna. This is especially LPSRUWDQW LI \RX KDYH MXVW ZRUNHG XS D VZHDW LQ WKH ¿WQHVV FHQWHU RU PXOWLSXUSRVH URRP Showerheads for this purpose are located in the Men’s and Ladies’ locker rooms right before you enter the indoor pool area. Your fellow Members thank you!

Soaking Safety at the Logan Steele Community Center Soaking in the hot tub, steam room or sauna at the Community Center is relaxing, warm and wonderful. The hot water, jets and steam soothe your body and rejuvenate your spirits. The recommended guidelines below will help you to soak safely: ‡ &RQVXOW EHIRUH \RX VRDN ,I \RX VXIIHU IURP DQ\ PHGLFDO FRQGLWLRQV VXFK DV FDUGLRvascular or respiratory disorders, diabetes, high/low blood pressure, or others make sure you have your doctor’s okay before you go in the hot tub. ‡Observe a reasonable 10 minute total time limit when soaking in the hot tub, steam room or sauna, and cool down between uses. **One should never move from the hot tub directly to the steam room or sauna or vice versa if the 10 minute time limit in the aquatic area has been reached. ‡Exit immediately and notify staff if feeling any kind of discomfort such as dizziness, nausea, lightheaded or faint. ‡Alcohol, drugs, medications and hot temperatures don’t mix. Spa heat accelerates the effects of alcohol and drugs and can cause unconsciousness. ‡Please note that pregnant women should consult their physicians before use and women of childbearing years are advised to observe caution in their use of a spa, in that they might be in the very earliest stages of pregnancy and not yet know it. ‡No children under the age of 16 years are permitted in any Spa Facilities.

LNC Success with Social Media This time last year the Membership/Marketing Committee decided it was time for the Lake Naomi Club to become involved in various Social Media Networks. As 2010 unfolded Members received information on how to sign up for the Lake Naomi Club Facebook Fan Page, received the LNC tweets and got to check out the latest YouTube upload. The Social Media Networks are another great way to keep the Members informed and at the same time increase the Club’s search engine optimization which ultimately leads to potential new Members and Temporary Members. The success of www.facebook.com/LakeNaomiClub exceeded the Committee’s expectation. 7R GDWH WKHUH DUH DFWLYH IDQV 7KHVH IDQV JRW WR EH WKH ÂżUVW WR VHH WKH ODWHVW /1 TT pictures and then have the opportunity to comment or hit the “likeâ€? button. Also when LN-TT is mentioned online or in the news a link was placed on the fan page to be shared with everyone. So what are you waiting for? See what your friends are saying about LNC and join in the fun! To join Facebook simply go to www.facebook.com/ LakeNaomiClub and click on the “Likeâ€? button. You are now a fan!

Discounts to End March 15th The discount period for the payment of 2011 Club dues ends on Tuesday, March 15, 2011. Payments must be received or postmarked by this date in order for the Club Member to take advantage of a discount. ,I \RX KDYH QRW UHFHLYHG \RXU $QQXDO &OXE %LOOLQJ DQG UHODWHG LQIRUPDWLRQ EH VXUH WR FRQWDFW WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH LPPHGLDWHO\ 7KH RQO\ H[FHSWLRQ WR WKH 0DUFK 15th H[SLUDWLRQ RI WKH ³GLVFRXQW SHULRG´ LV IRU 0HPEHUV ZKR DUH MRLQLQJ IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH ,Q IDLUQHVV WR DOO 0HPEHUV WKHUH ZLOO EH QR RWKHU H[FHSWLRQV 5HPHPEHU \RX can pay your Membership with a credit card online at www.LakeNaomiClub.com. Click on Members in the upper right corner. The membership payment form can be found in the Online Sign-Up menu.

Lifeguard Positions for 2011 The Club continues to look for the best lifeguards to insure we remain “The Bestâ€? in the Poconos. We are accepting applications now for the upcoming summer. Guards who reapply for returning positions must do so by February 28th for their position to be held for them. Beginning March 1st any remaining openings will begin EHLQJ ÂżOOHG 7KH &OXE LV H[SHFWLQJ another great response like we had ODVW \HDU VR WKHVH SRVLWLRQV PD\ ÂżOO XS quickly. Please don’t wait to apply if you are interested. Applications are available at the Administrative OfÂżFH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU RU RQOLQH DW www.LakeNaomiClub.com.

Service Awards Presented to Team Members Awards were presented at the Lake Naomi Club’s holiday luncheon for Team Members who attained landmark years of full-time service. Those honored for their dedication and loyalty were: )LIWHHQ <HDU $ZDUG Robert L. Mecca Maintenance 7HQ <HDU $ZDUG Patrick C. Ednie Senior Patrol Ranger Stephanie M. Kerrick Receptionist )LYH <HDU $ZDUG William H. Allfather, Jr. Executive Chef John B. Celifarco Maintenance George E. Franks Maintenance Robert A. Jones, Jr. General Manager




Bulletin Boards Don’t forget to check the yearround bulletin boards at the AdPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH WKH &RPPXQLW\ Center (located inside), the entrance to Timber Trails and at Millers Drive (across from the Clubhouse) for upto-date information whenever you arrive in the Poconos. Also, please be courteous and safe and pull completely off roadways and out of the OLQH RI WUDI¿F ZKLOH UHDGLQJ SRVWHG information at the outdoor bulletin boards.


Winter is Platform Tennis Season Did you know Platform Tennis is FRQVLGHUHG D ZLQWHU VSRUW" ,W ZDV LQvented to accommodate tennis players who were not able to get on their courts once colder weather hit. Leagues, tournaments and special events quickly followed, turning Platform Tennis into one of the best winter outdoor recreational sports. Lake Naomi Club Members are reminded that although our court is available all year at the Community Center, winter is really the best time to try it out as it was originally intended. This fast moving game is a great way to ZDUP XS RXWGRRUV ZKLOH EHQHÂżWLQJ IURP the fresh air and enjoying the crisp beautiful days offered here. The Platform Tennis court deck has a heating feature to melt away ice so weather only keeps us off the court as long as it takes for us to clear the deck of snow and ice. The Platform Tennis Court is available for play seven days a week MondayThursday 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM * Friday 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM *Saturday 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM and *Sunday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (Note: additional snow and ice removal time may be needed in inclement weather. Please call in advance during times of questionable weather) Members who do not have their own rackets and balls may use the platform equipment available for check out at the reception desk. New racquets are now available for adult players as well. Eye protection is highly recommended and athletic shoes are required. All Members are permitted to play and there are no court fees associated with platform tennis. Reservations are not necessary at this time as the courts are ÂżUVW FRPH ÂżUVW WR SOD\ EXW LI \RX KDYH a group wishing to play at a particular time, please call the Community Center to reserve the courts with the receptionist. The reception desk also keeps an informative highlight sheet on platform WHQQLV DV ZHOO DV WKH RIÂżFLDO UXOHV IRU WKH Members who wish to use them. Additional information can be also be found on the APTA website at www.platformtennis.org Many Members are now organizing regular games. Please contact Meredith Sensenig at (570) 646-8585 or msensenig@lakenaomiclub.com if you are interested in getting involved. 8

Winter Mixed Doubles Round Robin at the LSCC

Year round tennis enthusiasts have put together the second Mixed Doubles Social Round Robin for the “off seasonâ€?. The two indoor courts in the Multipurpose Room along with table tennis, platform tennis and even :LL 7HQQLV DFFRPPRGDWH 0HPEHUV LQ WKH IXQ ÂżOOHG HYHQLQJ ,QFRUSRUDWLQJ WKHVH DGditional components also allows us to include those who are not interested in actual court time but would like to enjoy the social aspects of the evening. Building on the social theme, the night includes an optional light dinner prepared by advance order through the cafĂŠ. With success of these special events we expect to continue offering similar opportunities every other month moving forward. Please contact the Community Center if you’re interested in getting involved.

Tennis Talk by Tennis Professional Bobby McKee 2011 is here and our theme for the season is “Playing The Sport For A Lifetime At The Club For A Lifetime.â€? Tennis is a great game which can be played by anyone at DQ\ DJH DQG FDQ EH SOD\HG IRU VRFLDO SXUSRVHV WR LPSURYH ÂżWQHVV WR JDLQ D JUHDWHU knowledge of the game, and/or for competitive reasons. We feel the tennis programs offered the membership through the Tennis Committee and McKee Tennis covers all these areas. )LUVW , ZDQWHG WR OHW \RX NQRZ WKDW RXU SURIHVVLRQDO VWDII IRU WKH VHDVRQ ZLOO EH D PL[ RI /DNH 1DRPL 0F.HH 7HQQLV YHWHUDQV DQG ÂżUVW WLPHUV WR WKH &OXE 5LFKDUG DQG , ZLOO EH UHWXUQLQJ DORQJ ZLWK 1DWH 6XPPHU DQG +HDG 6WULQJHU $- %XRQR -DQHW will continue to be involved with the shop on a limited basis. 2Q WKH FRXUW DQG LQ WKH VKRS ZLOO EH RXU ÂżUVW WLPHUV .HOVH\ /RYH DQG (PLO\ 0DXVHU Kelsey is a Florida native who has experience with a few Florida Tennis Academies, both as a player and instructor. Emily is a North Carolina native who was a nationally ranked junior; a full scholarship student/athlete at Syracuse University (before transIHUULQJ DQG FRPSHWLQJ RQ P\ XQLYHUVLW\ WHDP DQG D &HUWLÂżHG 375 3URIHVVLRQDO Both Kelsey and Emily are very personable, excellent players, and will work well with all levels and ages of players. 352*5$06 35(9,(:6 :H DUH VWDUWLQJ RXU SURJUDPV WKH ÂżUVW ZHHNHQG RI WKH IXOO VHDVRQ -RLQ %REE\ DQG Richard Saturday, June 25th from 1:30 until 3:00 PM for our Strategy/Round Robin Clinic. As you rotate between courts, play will be intertwined with match play instruction. A great start to the season! Juniors – we are also having an opening weekend Junior Round Robin on Saturday, June 25th from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. All levels and ages are invited. Saturday, July 2nd two events are happening – A junior Showdown Tournament from Noon to 2:00 PM, followed by a Demo Day/Round Robin with all the members of the McKee Tennis staff from 2:30 until 4:00 PM. Demo racquets while sharing shots with the McKee Staff. Âł7(11,6 7$; &87´ Tired of waiting for the government to give you a break? Before April 15th SXUFKDVH D OHVVRQ *LIW &HUWLÂżFDWH IURP %REE\ 0F.HH JRRG for private, semi-private, and/or lesson series with Bobby only), and receive a 15% discount off the total cost. Purchase as many lessons or series as you wish – good IRU WKH VHDVRQ 7KH Âł7HQQLV 7D[ &XW´ *LIW &HUWLÂżFDWH LV DOVR YDOLG IRU WKH 3OD\ Smart/Mental Toughness Camp July 11th – 14th. You can initiate the purchase and payment prior to April 15th via email to rdm@ mckeetennis.com or by phone at 828-514-1808. , DOVR ZDQW WR HQFRXUDJH HYHU\RQH WR NHHS FKHFNLQJ WKH WHQQLV ZHEVLWH IRU XSGDWHG information. www.lakenaomitennis.com. On our Calendar page you will be able WR VLJQ XS IRU PRVW RI RXU SURJUDPV 0RUH VSHFLÂżF tennis program information will be forthcoming via HPDLOV DQG IXWXUH LVVXHV RI 5HĂ€HFWLRQV


Calling all Boat Owners 7KH /DNH 1DRPL &OXE 6DLOLQJ 2IÂżFH ORFDWHG DW Club Beach, offers Members boat rentals on weekends beginning Memorial Day weekend and everyday during the main summer season (June Âą /DERU 'D\ 0DQ\ RI WKH ERDWV LQ WKH %RDW 5HQWDO Ă€HHW RQFH EHORQJHG WR 0HPEHUV ZKR GRQDWHG WKHLU ERDWV WKH\ UDUHO\ XVHG %RDWV GRQDWHG WR WKH %RDW 5HQWDO Ă€HHW are cared for and stored by the Club, but are still available for you to use! Members ZKR GRQDWH D ERDW DUH HQWLWOHG WR HLJKW IUHH ERDW UHQWDOV SHU VHDVRQ IRU ÂżYH VHDVRQV 7KRVH IUHH UHQWDOV FDQ EH XVHG IRU \RXU ERDW RU DQ\ ERDW LQ WKH Ă€HHW ZKLFK LQFOXGHV WKH single and double kayaks, canoes and row boats. Sailboats are available on a limited basis during the week, once you’ve been “authorizedâ€? by a trained Member of the Sailing Staff. To make this deal even better, your free of charge boat rentals are transferable to every person on your Membership, your Special Family Members and your *XHVWV 6LPSO\ FRQWDFW WKH 6DLOLQJ 2IÂżFH /$.( WR PDNH WKH DUUDQJHPHQWV and you’re all set. For more information on pre-season Boat Donations please e-mail Operations Coordinator Meredith Sensenig at msensenig@lakenaomiclub.com or call the Community Center (570, 646-8585). Let’s get the unused boats out on the water where they belong!

Boat and Canoe Racks Each year Management hears numerous concerns from Members who do not receive boat or canoe rack assignments in the area they desire. Please keep in mind that boat DQG FDQRH UDFNV DUH DVVLJQHG RQ D ÂżUVW SDLG EDVLV 0DQ\ racks have already been assigned to those Members who have made payment in January. Thus the earlier you make your 2011 Club Dues payment, the better your chances are of being assigned racks in your designated area. Those Members who opt to subscribe to a boat and/or canoe rack are subscribing to the rack from the Saturday prior to Memorial Day Weekend until the Monday of Columbus Day weekend. The actual dates in 2011 are May 21st through October 10th. Please do not occupy boat or canoe racks prior to the starting date indicated. When you do occupy your rack, make sure that you are on the rack that has been assigned to you. The elevated racks are for canoes and kayaks only. They are not built to withstand the weight of any other craft. Please do not put anything other than canoes or kayaks on these racks.

Calling all Members with their last name beginning with E-K ,I \RXU ODVW QDPH EHJLQV ZLWK WKH OHWWHU ( ) * + , - RU . LW LV WLPH WR JHW \RXU 0HPEHUVKLS ,' SLFWXUH UHWDNHQ 7KH &OXE KDV HVWDEOLVKHG D IRXU \HDU UHWDNH VFKHGXOH WR DVVXUH WKDW WKH 0HPEHUVKLS ,' FDUGV UHPDLQ FXUUHQW ,Q RUGHU WR VWDJJHU WKH SLFWXUH UHWDNHV VRPH 0HPEHUV ZLOO KDYH WKHLU ÂżUVW SLFWXUH UHWDNHQ SULRU WR IRXU \HDUV ZKLOH RWKHUV ZLOO EH ORQJHU WKDQ IRXU \HDUV ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WR PDNH VXUH WKDW \RXU ,' FDUG DFWXDOO\ looks like you. Members who are behind in getting their pictures updated could experience inconvenience at a LNC amenity. The LNC Staff Members have been instructed to look closely at the Membership Cards to guarantee each and every Member has their RZQ ,' FDUG 6R WR DYRLG FRQIXVLRQ DQG WR DYRLG GHOD\V VWRS LQ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH WR XSGDWH \RXU 0HPEHUVKLS ,' SLFWXUH

Sponsor a Friend Have you ever considered what a great gift it would be to sponsor a friend, family member or neighbor in order that they can have their wedding reception or other special event at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse? The Club is a very special place for a wedding reception or other special event for a number of reasons. First, not just anyone can have their event at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Only Member Events and Member Sponsored Events are permitted at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Second, there isn’t a more beautiful spot in the Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania for a wedding reception or other special event. Third, the very professional Clubhouse Staff will do an outstanding job on the presentation of the event and catering to all of your needs as well as the needs of your guests. The Clubhouse is available for wedding receptions, cocktail parties, luncheons, anniversaries, brunches or any kind of special event you might imagine from 40 to 200 people. The Tall Timbers Dining Room is available for groups up to 60 people. Call the Lake Naomi Clubhouse today (570, 646-2866) to book your wedding reception or special event or to sponsor a friend, family member or neighbor in booking their wedding reception or special event. You’ll be glad you made the call.

Sailing Association Lake Naomi Club’s Sailing Association (LNCSA) annually nominates and elects Members to serve as the Sailing Council which acts as the core of the Sailing Committee and assists with scheduling and preparing sailing regattas, events and programs for the Lake Naomi Club. We thank the following Members who will be serving on the Sailing Council in the year 2011: Commodore – Chris Daggett Vice Commodore – Steve Spencer Rear Commodore – Rich Daggett Secretary – Tim O’Sullivan Race Committee & Scoring – Jay Stevenson Duster Fleet Captain – Sue Neely Laser Fleet Captain – Kathy Hyatt 6XQÂżVK )OHHW &DSWDLQ Âą 7RP Cooper NRPT (Not Ready for Prime Time) Fleet Captain – Bob Kelly RC Laser Fleet Captain - Bob MacNeill Junior Programs – Diane Arfsten Adult Programs – Dean Neely Lakes Committee Liaison – John Whipple Historian – Allen Rodriguez Each of these LNCSA Members who volunteer their time and efforts are thanked for their continued dedication to sailing and the Lake Naomi Club. Please note: As we credit our ÂłRIÂżFLDO´ YROXQWHHUV ZH PXVW also thank the additional enthusiastic sailors and their families who continue to offer their time and support to assist the sailing Membership.

Telephone Policy Did you know when a Member ZDONV LQWR WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH that they are our number one priority? Our staff is directed not to answer the phone when they are helping a Member. So while we answer 90% of our calls live there can be the opportunity that the Club’s voicemail system will pick up your call. Don’t dismay because if you leave a message the Club will return your call. Here is a list of VRPH RI WKH RI¿FH H[WHQVLRQV Membership ................. 102 Temporary Membership 116 PPCA, TTCA and ARC 106 5HVDOH FHUWL¿FDWHV ........ 106 You can always leave your message on the Receptionist voice mail and we can direct your call. 9

2011 Membership Required for Golf Although your 2010 Lake Naomi &OXE 0HPEHUVKLS ,GHQWLÂżFDWLRQ UHmains valid for access to most Club facilities through May 1, 2011, a 2011 Golf Membership will be required to access the Timber Trails Golf Course starting April 8, 2011. Your cooperation in this matter is most appreciated. 7KH *ROI &RXUVH RIÂżFLDOO\ RSHQV IRU weekend play beginning Friday, April 8, 2011 (weather permitting).

/1& 2IÂżFHUV 1HZO\ HOHFWHG 2IÂżFHUV RI WKH Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors are as follows: %RDUG RI 7UXVWHHV President - James B. Hyatt Vice President - Anna McAleer Secretary - Brian Drum Treasurer - Robert S. Mills, Jr. %RDUG RI *RYHUQRUV Chair - Joyce McLaine Secretary - Jeanne Christian All Members of the Lake Naomi Club Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors are Property Owners in Lake Naomi or Timber Trails and all serve as volunteers. Members of the Board of Trustees and Board of GovHUQRUV UHFHLYH QR ÂżQDQFLDO UHPXQHUDtion or special consideration of any type.

5HĂ€HFWLRQV 2QOLQH Did you know you could view the latHVW 5HĂ€HFWLRQV RQ RXU ZHEVLWH ZZZ LakeNaomiClub.com) a week to ten days before you receive it in the mail? Are you interested in receiving an email WHOOLQJ \RX WKDW WKH ODWHVW 5HĂ€HFWLRQV LV available online and sending you a link to the website? To participate in this program simply sign into the website and update your email address in your SURÂżOH IRXQG LQ WKH XSSHU ULJKW FRUQHU of the website). Then check the box QH[W WR 5HĂ€HFWLRQV XQGHU WKH &RPPXQLcation Preference. The email message will come from MessengerService@ AssociationVoice.com with the Subject OLQH UHDGLQJ /1& 5HĂ€HFWLRQV DYDLODEOH online. While in the Communication Preference section check off any of the other email groups you would like to hear from.


From the ARC Spring will be here before you know it and when it arrives, everyone will want to enjoy the fresh air and ZRUN RXWVLGH ,I \RX DUH SODQQLQJ WR EXLOG D QHZ KRXVH XQGHUWDNH DQ\ PDMRU ODQGVFDSing project or make any type of structural changes on your property, it is important that you abide by the Deed Restrictions as well as the “Architectural Standards and Requirementsâ€? for the Lake Naomi – Timber Trails Community. These standards are intended to promote harmonious design, the protection of the environment and collective interests of owners of property in the Community. ,QFOXGHG LQ WKH 6 5ÂśV LV D UHTXLUHPHQW WKDW DOO SURSDQH WDQNV EH VFUHHQHG IURP VLJKW E\ XVLQJ HLWKHU SULYDF\ ODWWLFH RU ODQGVFDSLQJ WKDW SURYLGHV VXIÂżFLHQW VFUHHQLQJ RU ERWK for maximum screening. Great strides have been taken over the last several years to reduce the number of unscreened tanks in the Community. These unsightly tanks show up in even greater numbers during this time of year and new ones are added all the time. As propane tanks detract from the beauty of your home and the community, this VWULQJHQW HIIRUW ZLOO FRQWLQXH ,I \RX KDYHQÂśW DOUHDG\ GRQH VR SOHDVH EH D JRRG QHLJKbor and screen your tank. Blue tarps are also not permitted in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails. Dark green and brown tarps are much more aesthetically pleasing and blend better with our natural environment. Cramers Home Center, a short drive east on 940, usually has these in stock. ,I \RX KDYH TXHVWLRQV SOHDVH GR QRW KHVLWDWH WR FRQWDFW $UFKLWHFWXUDO &RRUGLQDWRU Sharon Lee Heron at sheron@LakeNaomiClub.com or 570, 646-9191 extension 106.

Vehicle Registration Form The Lake Naomi Club is continuing its Vehicle Registration Program during 2011 for those Club Members who do not register their vehicles through the Timber Trails Community Association. $OO &OXE 0HPEHUV UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK WKH SURJUDP ZLOO UHFHLYH /DNH 1DRPL &OXE ,GHQWLÂżFDWLRQ 6WLFNHUV IRU WKH YHKLFOHV UHJLVWHUHG ,I \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKLV YROXQWDU\ SURJUDP DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ ZDV LQFOXGHG LQ WKH LQYRLFH PDLOLQJ ,I \RX WDNH WKH WLPH QRZ WR ÂżOO RXW DQG UHWXUQ WKH 9HKLFOH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ $SSOLFDWLRQ LW ZLOO SHUPLW WKH Membership Department time to process your application and to include the stickers in your Membership Packet. This can save you a substantial amount of time when you FRPH WR WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH WR SLFN XS \RXU 0HPEHUVKLS 3DFNHW

Timber Trails Member Gate The Timber Trails Community Association installed an automated Members gate system at the entrance to Timber Trails. The gate is activated by a bar code reader that reads a bar code sticker on your vehicle and access to Timber Trails is obtained. This gate will provide quicker access to amenities by minimizing the waiting time for guests WR EH VLJQHG LQ DW WKH 5DQJHU DWWHQGHG JDWH 77&$ LV RIIHULQJ WKH EHQHÂżW RI WKLV V\VWHP to all Lake Naomi Club Members. As a Lake Naomi Club Member, you can purchase a bar code sticker or stickers at a cost of $10 per sticker. Bar code stickers must be applied to the car by a Ranger or Administrative Team Member. Stickers are available for purchase and application Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at the $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH .LQGO\ QRWH WKDW WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU GRHV QRW UHFRPPHQG DSSOLFDtion of these stickers at temperatures below 35 degrees. Also ice scrapers can seriously damage the sticker, so use caution. Please remember that the sticker needs to be visible WR WKH FRGH UHDGHU ,I WKH ZLQGRZ LV SDUWLDOO\ GRZQ RU WKH VWLFNHU LV FRYHUHG E\ VQRZ WKH JDWH ZLOO QRW IXQFWLRQ ,I \RX KDYH TXHVWLRQV UHJDUGLQJ WKLV SURJUDP SOHDVH IHHO free to contact Association Manager Wendi Freeman at wfreeman@lakenaomiclub.com or 570, 646-9191 ext. 107.

$GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH +RXUV 7KH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH ORFDWHG RQ 5RXWH MXVW QRUWK RI WKH LQWHUVHFWLRQ ZLWK Route 940) is open every day of the week from 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM. The AdministraWLYH 2I¿FH ZLOO EH FORVHG ¹ -DQXDU\ st, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, December 24th, December 25th and Sundays for the months of November, December, January and )HEUXDU\ 7KH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH DOVR FORVHV HDUO\ 30 RQ 0RWKHUœV 'D\ Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and New Year’s Eve. The mailing address for the $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH LV 5RXWH 3RVW 2I¿FH %R[ 7 3RFRQR 3LQHV 3$ 7KH telephone number is (570) 646-9191. Remember the website www.LakeNaomiClub.com LV RSHQ KRXUV D GD\ GD\V D ZHHN 6R ORJ RQ WR ¿QG WKH ODWHVW LQIRUPDWLRQ

Share the 2011 LNC Calendar The Membership Committee would like to remind you that the 2011 calendar is a means for Club Members to share the quality of life available at Lake Naomi - Timber Trails with friends, colleagues and family. The Committee hopes you will choose a special location for the calendar in \RXU KRPH RU RI¿FH ZKHUH RWKHUV ZLOO EH DEOH WR VHH DQG HQMR\ WKH WUHDVXUHG SLFWXUHV RI Lake Naomi and Timber Trails. Referrals of potential new Property Owners and Club Members by existing Club Members has long been the number one source of New Club Members. As a part of the MemberShare Referral Program, just email Communications Manager Laura Altemose at laltemose@lakenaomiclub.com in the event you have a MemberShare Referral Candidate that you would like to receive their own Lake Naomi - Timber Trails Calendar. Laura will see that a calendar gets right out to them. You can also call Laura at 570, 646-9191 (Ext. 104) 24 hours a day to request a calendar be sent. The Committee would also like to share the calendar with any former LNC Members. ,I \RX KDYH DQ DGGUHVV RI RXU ³/1& $OXPQL´ SOHDVH VHQG LW WR /DXUD

The Votes have been Tallied and the Winners are Members signed into the website and voted for their favorite calendar pictures. The four winners are: Joe Muenichsdorfer Claude Heller

Robert Brereton

Nick Semaan

Each winner has been awarded $50 in Club dollars. The Club would like to thank all the Members for the wonderful pictures they shared. The outpouring of photos along with great stories really sends a message of how proud the Members are of their Platinum Club &RPPXQLW\ ,W LV QRW WRR HDUO\ WR VHQG SLFWXUHV LQ IRU the 2012 calendar!!

Does the Club have your current Email Address? There have been several occasions when Management has sent out a mass email to inform all our Members of weather conditions and important events. Our Members are very thankful to receive this information and they have a sense of comfort in knowing WKDW LI WKHUH LV DQ LPSRUWDQW LVVXH WKH\ ZLOO EH WKH ÂżUVW WR NQRZ ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR EHLQJ DEOH to sign-up for email groups the Club can email everyone through the website database. This is a secure mass email so that your email address will only be displayed on your computer. Also once a week the Club emails a LNC Newsletter Weekly Update with the latest information on upcoming events and important reminders. Take a moment to update your email address, click on the Members Section of www.LakeNaomiClub.com, VLJQ LQ ZLWK \RXU QDPH DQG SDVVZRUG DQG FOLFN RQ 0\ 3URÂżOH WKDW LV IRXQG LQ WKH XSSHU right hand corner above the rotating pictures. Select the edit button next to your name unGHU &RQWDFWV ,I \RX KDYH DQ\ FRQFHUQV RU TXHVWLRQV FRQWDFW &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 0DQDJHU Laura Altemose at laltemose@lakenaomiclub.com or 570, 646-9191 ext 104.

Sellers Beware Thinking about selling your home in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails? Picking a real estate broker/agent to list your home is a real key decision. Over the years many Members have discovered that purchasing a property in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails is very different from purchasing a property in most other locations in the Pocono Region. Thus selling a property in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails is very different and to be successful takes someone who is very knowledgeable about the Community. So before you list your home with a broker/agent, determine if that broker/agent is well versed and experienced in the sale of properties in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails.

MemberShare Referral+RZ 'RHV ,W :RUN" ,QWURGXFH \RXU IULHQGV UHODWLYHV and business associates to the Lake Naomi-Timber Trails Community. When that person purchases a property in Lake Naomi-Timber Trails and joins the Club, the Referring Member is eligible to collect $500 in “Club Dollarsâ€?. You can even earn Club Dollars if your referral vacations at LN-TT and becomes a Temporary Member. The Temporary Membership Membershare Referral Program will reward Members with 25 Club Dollars for each week the new Temporary Member joins the Club. A maximum of 100 Club Dollars can be rewarded for each referral. How do I get the “Club Dollarsâ€?? )LUVW \RX ZLOO QHHG WR ÂżOO RXW WKH Referral Registration in the Online 2IÂżFH DW WKH 0HPEHUÂśV VHFWLRQ RI www.LakeNaomiClub.com, or pick up a MemberShare Referral Card at WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH RU DW RQH of the participating Pocono Pines Real Estate agencies. This referral information must be received at the $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH EHIRUH \RXU referral joins the Club. How can I use the “Club Dollarsâ€?? The “Club Dollarsâ€? can be used in two different ways. They can be used towards your Membership dues or for treating your friends and family to a number of nights out at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Can I share the “Club Dollarsâ€?? You can opt to share all or a part of your “Club Dollarsâ€? with your referral family in order to make it easier for them to join the Club. Does it really work? ,Q QHZ 0HPEHUV FDPH from the MemberShare Referral Program and 22 new Temporary Members came from the Temporary Member Referral Program. Referrals are the Club’s Number One source of new Members. The Marketing Task Force would love nothing more than to award lots of “Club Dollarsâ€? through the MemberShare Referral Program in 2011 and beyond. Remember.... ,Q RUGHU IRU \RX WR TXDOLI\ IRU WKH Club Dollars the person you refer must be totally new to Lake NaomiTimber Trails and the referral card must be turned into the AdministraWLYH 2IÂżFH EHIRUH WKH SURSHUW\ LV purchased. 11

Gold Card Club The Pocono Mountain School District has a Gold Card Club for all residents/taxpayers in the district sixty \HDUV RI DJH DQG ROGHU 9HULÂżFDWLRQ RI DJH DQG UHVLGHQF\ SURSHUW\ RZQHUVKLS DUH required when making application for Gold Card Club membership. Membership in the Gold Card Club entitles members to free (or reduced price) admission to any school sponsored cultural, athletic or academic event. This includes all home athletic events, senior plays, participation in Adult Education classes and other activities sponsored by the School District. To apply for the Gold Card Club or if you have questions or comments regarding the *ROG &DUG 3URJUDP FRQWDFW WKH 2IÂżFH RI WKH 6XSHULQWHQGHQW RI 6FKRROV DW 7121, Extension 10111.

State Police Urge Use of Hotlines

The Pennsylvania State Police have asked that residents not call their stations for road and weather information but to use a special state hotline or check online instead. State police are concerned the volume of weather-related calls is tying up emergency phone lines and adversely affecting operations. PennDOT has a toll-free number for road and weather conditions across the state 1-888-783-6783 for in PA residents or 717-783-5186 for non-residents. PennDOT’s 511PA provides travelers with reliable, FXUUHQW WUDI¿F DQG ZHDWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV OLQNV WR RWKHU WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ VHUYLFHV 3$ KHOSV PRWRULVWV UHDFK WKHLU GHVWLQDWLRQ LQ WKH PRVW HI¿FLHQW PDQQHU ZKHQ WUDYHOing in Pennsylvania. For current PA travel information dial 511 from any phone or visit www.511pa.com. There is even a Twitter account at 511PANortheast. Get updates for the roads in the northeast via SMS by texting follow 511PANortheast to 40404 in the United States. The PA Turnpike Commission also has a toll-free number for the road and weather conditions on the turnpike across the state: 1-866-976-8747 or visit their website www. paturnpike.com.


Contractor Warning Past experience has shown that when the country is in a down economy, it tends to bring out a lot of new Contractors. Many, unfortunately, have little or no business experience and often do not have the proper amount of liability, vehicle and workers compensation insurance, if they have any insurance at all. While many of these individuals are well intentioned, having a pickup truck, some VLJQV DQG WKH GHVLUH WR EH D &RQWUDFWRU GRHV QRW PDNH RQH D &RQWUDFWRU ,I VRPHRQH is hurt on your property, including the Contractor, and they do not have insurance, the liability generally falls back on the Property Owner. ,W LV KLJKO\ UHFRPPHQGHG WKDW EHIRUH \RX KLUH DQ\ &RQWUDFWRU WR ZRUN RQ \RXU property, be sure to determine if they are licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, have previously done work in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails, require proof of liability, vehicle and workers compensation insurance and check their references. Need help identifying contractors who have successfully & $! " completed projects in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails in the past, FRQWDFW $VVRFLDWLRQ 0DQDJHU $UFKLWHFWXUDO ,QVSHFWRU :HQGL Freeman by email at wfreeman@lakenaomiclub.com or by telephone at 570, 646-9191, extension 107.

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Lake Naomi Club Q & A +RZ LV WKH &OXE GHDOLQJ ZLWK WKH VLJQL¿FDQW increase in gasoline and diesel fuel cost? 7KH &OXE VWDUWHG GRZQVL]LQJ LWV ÀHHW of vehicles wherever possible when the fuel cost rose to $2.00 a gallon. However the Club utilizes many specialty vehicles (vans, buses and maintenance trucks) where downsizing is not practical. During the past ninty days the Club has replaced two six cylinder vehicles with four cylinder vehicles and will add LWV ¿UVW +\EULG WR WKH ÀHHW GXULQJ WKH ¿UVW quarter of 2011. The Management Team will continue to monitor the fuel prices and reduce vehicle size and usage when feasible. What is the date for the Independence Day Picnic in 2011? 7KH ,QGHSHQGHQFH 'D\ 3LFQLF LQ will be held on Sunday, July 3rd with the rain date Monday, July 4th. When will the Community Center be closed in 2011? The Community Center is closed for major maintenance each year the two weeks SULRU WR 7KDQNVJLYLQJ ZHHN ,Q WKH dates are Monday, November 7th through Sunday, November 20th. The only other days the Community Center will be closed are Thanksgiving Day, December 24th and December 25th. The Community Center will be open every other day of the year. Why does the Club plow facilities that are closed for the winter? The Club’s insurance carrier requires that the Club maintain winter access to all of the Lake Naomi – Timber Trails facilities in order for the Patrol Rangers to check those facilities on a daily basis as well as IRU ¿UH SURWHFWLRQ 7KH &OXE DOVR SORZV areas in some of the facility parking lots IRU RYHUÀRZ ZLQWHU SDUNLQJ DV JXHVWV of Property Owners are not permitted to park on the roads in Lake Naomi – Timber Trails. Why doesn’t the Club plow homeowners’ driveways for a fee? The Club has a full plate handling the snowplowing and ice control for the 15 miles of roads in Timber Trails as well as for the Clubhouse, Logan Steele ComPXQLW\ &HQWHU $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH DQG Maintenance Complex. Further the snowplowing equipment the Club owns for roads and parking lots is not well suited to driveway snowplowing. Are dogs permitted on the Community Center Grounds? Dogs are only permitted in the Dog Park located on the right of the entrance to the Community Center. Dogs are not permitted anywhere else on Community Center grounds.

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