Reflections - Spring 2011

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Spring 2011 WHAT’S INSIDE Brian Snyder Elected Trustee................... 2 Lake Naomi Second Annual Car Show.. 3 Mother’s Day Brunch ................................ 4 Online Registration for Team Tennis and Tennis Tournaments ................................ 5 Shuan T. Comes to LNC ........................ 6 Teen Summer Volunteer Opportunities..7 Meg Whitney Memorial Fun Race.... 9 Trout Season Opening .............. 11 Memorial Day Weekend Garden Center Sale.......... 12

New Beginnings Honoring Lake Naomi’s History Back in 1946 all that was on the shores of Lake Naomi was a boat house (now the LN Clubhouse) which was used for the newly formed Sailing Program. Fast forward to 2011 the CafÊ DW &OXE %HDFK LV H[SDQGLQJ WKH EHDFK OHYHO RI WKH &OXEKRXVH LV EHLQJ UHFRQ¿JXUHG DQG D QHZ family friendly dining facility will be open for the Summer Season. This was a perfect opportunity to honor the rich history of the Sailing Program and rename the Club Beach CafÊ the Boat House CafÊ. The Boat House CafÊ will feature a Frozen Yogurt Bar and have a Wi-Fi lounge. CafÊ Manager Carolyn Keiper and her team will be specializing in made to order Salads, Sandwiches and Pizzas. The Boat House CafÊ will be open early serving breakfast sandwiches and pastries from 9 AM until 11 AM. Lunch starts at 11 AM and will include all your favorite items with a new Grill Station on the deck offering cooked to order char grilled burgers (just like the grill station at the Lakeside CafÊ at the Lake Naomi Pool). The Boat House CafÊ will have inside seating and outside seating on a new paver patio with umbrellas at every table so you can enjoy some great food and take a break from the hot summer sun. Dinner will be served from 4 PM until 9 PM serving our full menu with nightly specials. The Boat House CafÊ will offer pick up service at the window or wait staff service at the tables. What better way to end a summer eveQLQJ WKDQ DW WKH %RDW +RXVH &DIp ZLWK RQH RI WKH IRXU IUR]HQ \RJXUW ÀDYRUV ZLWK \RXU FKRLFH RI toppings while enjoying one of Lake Naomi’s beautiful sunsets. You and your family will not want to miss the great food, service and fun at the new Boat House CafÊ at Club Beach‌‌

Community Garden Earth Day Celebration Spring is just around the corner and we are ready to prepare the LNC Community Garden for its second growing season. We will celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 23rd as we dig LQ DQG JHW WKH ZRUN VWDUWHG 0HPEHUV ZKR DUH RQ WKH ZDLWLQJ OLVW ZLOO EH QRWLÂżHG GLUHFWO\ E\ Community Center Manager Kelly Swingle as to the status of the additional available spaces this year. Members who occupied spaces last year will join those who are waiting for a spot in a growing season kick off celebration. We will use this time and the assistance of the local boy scouts to tidy up, pull weeds, nurture the soil, plant seeds and more. We will gather at 10 $0 IRU DQ RIÂżFLDO FHUHPRQLDO RSHQLQJ DQG OLJKW UHIUHVKPHQWV 0HPEHUV PD\ VWD\ DV ORQJ as they like to get the gardens growing. For more information, call Kelly at 570-646-8585. Come meet your neighbors and shape the future of our garden.

Scanning the Membership Cards When picking up your new 2011 Membership Card, you will notice a new and improved bar code stripe on the bottom of the card. Starting May 1st, all Members will be required to “scan inâ€? at the various facilities. This bar code scanning system will help the Club determine usage of the facilities by Member, Special Family Member and Temporary Member. Bar code scanners will be placed at the Logan Steele Community Center, Timber-Trails Golf Shop, Lake Naomi Tennis Center, Lake Naomi Pool, Timber Trails Pool and the Sailing 2IÂżFH DW &OXE %HDFK 3OHDVH QRWH WKDW ZLWK WKLV QHZ V\VWHP 0HPEHUV ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG WR have their membership card with them when entering each facility. With this knowledge, the Club will be able to determine how to better serve you. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we launch this new program in the Lake Naomi-Timber Trails Community.

In Memoriam

Robert J. Wilkin Jr. of North Wales, Pennsylvania and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania May 8, 2010 Member since 1981 Donald E. McGarrigan of Turnersville, New Jersey and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania August 28, 2010 Member since 1968 Francis J. Grey of Paoli, Pennsylvania and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania December 15, 2010 Member since 1981 Thomas J. Timoney of Gywnned, Pennsylvania and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania December 30, 2010 Member since 1978 Francis J. Mulhern of Lansdale, Pennsylvania and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania January 11, 2011 Member since 1983 Ruth F. Weber of Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania February 9, 2011 Member since 1969 Kourken Daglian RI 7HQDĂ€\ 1HZ -HUVH\ and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania February 26, 2011 Member since 1965

´5HĂ HFWLRQVÂľ 3XEOLVKHG E\ LAKE NAOMI CLUB Route 423 3RVW 2IĂ€FH %R[ 7 3RFRQR 3LQHV 3$ ZZZ /DNH1DRPL&OXE FRP BOARD OF TRUSTEES Brian Drum Stephen J. Harker James B. Hyatt Anna C. McAleer Connell J. McGill 5REHUW 6 0LOOV -U Brian J. Snyder Robert A. Jones, Jr. General Manager Jeffrey M. Evans, MCM, CCM, PCAM ([HFXWLYH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW (PHULWXV Laura M. Altemose 0DUNHWLQJ 0DQDJHU 5HĂ HFWLRQV (GLWRU


Brian Snyder Elected Trustee Brian Snyder of Summit, New Jersey was elected to a three year term on the Board of Trustees effective January 1, 2011. Prior to his election to the Board of Trustees, Brian served on the %RDUG RI *RYHUQRUV DQG WKH 0HPEHUVKLS 0DUNHWLQJ &RPPLWWHH IRU ÂżYH \HDUV ZRUNHG on the Ad Hoc Committee to research membership dues and was a member of the 2010 Nominating Committee. Brian and his wife Debbie own a home in Lake Naomi and have held Club Membership since 2006. Brian and Debbie have three children, Thomas age 11, Lauren age 9 and Nicholas age 7. Brian spent several summers here in the 70’s and 80’s when his parents had a house on Beech Spring Drive and then Redwood Terrace. Brian was a lifeguard for Lake Naomi from 1985 through 1988. Brian and Debbie met each other during these lifeguarding days as Debbie was also a lifeguard in a nearby community. Brian has worked as the Managing Director for Canaccord Adams, Senior Managing Director for Bear Stearns and Treasurer for the Cub Scout Pack 363. When asked – What is your primary reason for desiring to serve as a Board of Trustee Member? Brian answered, “I have a love of our club, and a deep appreciation for the way it functions. My desire to serve is only because I would like to help in the decision process. As a husband and as a father of a young family, I would be representative of a growing percent of our membership base. “

Members’ Involvement can make a Huge Difference

7KH ODVW ZHHNHQG RI -DQXDU\ WKH &OXE KHOG LWV ÂżUVW :LQWHU )HVWLYDO that turned out to be a huge success in many ways. This fact many of you know but do you know the idea to have a Winter Festival was from a Member of the Membership/Marketing Committee? Did you know that the Membership/Marketing Committee compiled a list of winter activities that they thought would be fun to do at Lake NaomiTimber Trials? The Committee also decided to invite past Temporary Members to attend this fun weekend so they can see that the Winter at LN-TT has lots to offer in addition to the nearby Ski Resorts. The Committee decided to ask local Real Estate Agencies and Builders to sponsor this event. The Committee also thought that this would be a good time to invite media professionals from the metropolitan areas to witness this weekend. The Winter Festival success far exceeded the Committee’s vision. First came the builders‌.Richard Henry Construction, Oak Ridge Construction, Rinehimer Construction and Martin Homes all agreed to be platinum sponsors. Lake Naomi Real Estate, Century 21 Real Estate and Baxter Real Estate were also sponsors. Thanks to their generosity the Club was able to add events. Then came the Management Team. Ideas came Ă€\LQJÂŤ FKLOL FRRN RII LFH FDUYLQJ LFH VNDWLQJ OHVVRQV $SUqV KDSS\ KRXU KRUVH GUDZQ ZDJRQ ULGHV ÂżUH SLWV WR URDVW PDUVKPDOORZV DQG PDQ\ PRUH 7KHQ FDPH WKH 0HPEHUV ZKR LQYLWHG IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ DQG FRXOGQÂśW ZDLW WR ÂżOO WKHLU KRXVHV )LQDOO\ FDPH WKH writers who got to see and experience the joy by talking to the Members who were eager to share their favorite LN-TT story. “By the Shores of Lake Naomiâ€? in the February 13, 2011 Edition of Philadelphia Sun written by Renee S. Gordon and “Lake Naomi has become a Pocono gemâ€? in the February 27, 2011 edition of Delaware County Daily Times ZULWWHQ E\ *ORULD +D\HV .UHPHU UHĂ€HFWV WKH VXFFHVV DQG XQLTXHQHVV RI /1 77 7KH pictures of the Winter Festival that are posted on the Lake Naomi Club’s facebook page show the joy that Members of all ages experienced. As I read through the articles and look at the pictures I think how fortunate I am to have all of you, the Members, on my Team to make Lake Naomi – Timber Trails such a success. The stories you shared, the smiles you radiated, the friends you brought, the fellowship you extended and the ideas you bring is what makes the Lake Naomi Club a Platinum Club Community and the best place to work! Robert Jones, General Manager

Trustee Coffee and Annual Member Meeting Mark your calendar. Saturday, August 13th is the Trustee Coffee followed by the Annual Member Meeting. The Trustee Coffee is your chance to chat with the Lake Naomi Club 7UXVWHHV RQ LPSRUWDQW LVVXHV \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR GLVFXVV RYHU D FXS RI FRIIHH 1R RIÂżFLDO presentation will be made. They will welcome any questions and they will also be happy to share with you why they choose to volunteer for the Lake Naomi Club. The coffee will begin at 9:30 AM and the Annual Meeting will begin at 10:30 AM. This event will take place at the Pocono Mountain West High School located east on Route 940. Please feel free to also approach the Trustees and other volunteers with your questions and comments at other times throughout the year.

New Sunday Breakfast A La Carte Do you enjoy reading the Sunday newspaper while eating your favorite breakfast of eggs over light with hash browns and wheat toast? Okay so that is my favorite breakfast, but the Clubhouse will now be offering an a la carte breakfast menu. The menu will feature eggs preSDUHG \RXU IDYRULWH ZD\ D YDULHW\ RI WKUHH HJJ RPHOHWV ZDIĂ€HV DQG SDQFDNHV 'RQÂśW forget the home-style hash browns, corned beef, sausage and other breakfast meats along with the endless cup of coffee!!! All of these items are presented in a traditional menu style so you can order exactly what you want and have your food promptly delivered by your server. Wake up with the Sunday breakfast on April 3rd, 10th, 17th and May 1st from 8 AM to 12 Noon. Make your breakfast reservation by calling 570646-2866 or send us an e-mail at

Chef’s Cooking Demo

Chef Will and his fantastic culinary team will be hosting a cooking demonstration and food discussion on Saturday, April 16, 2011 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Come join us as the LNC Culinary Team demonstrates and explains techniques they use to SUHSDUH VHDVRQ DQG FRRN ÂżVK DQG VHDIRRG 'HPRQVWUDWLRQV ZLOO LQFOXGH LQWHUDFWLYH WDVWLQJ DQG SUHSDUDWLRQ RI ÂżVK DQG VKHOOÂżVK DV ZHOO DV &KHI *HRUJHÂśV VXSHU VLPSOH homemade scones. The price is $12.50 per person all inclusive. This will be followed by a video highlighting the preparation and production of dinner service so that our Members can get a glimpse into how an average night in the kitchen goes. We will then end the day with a question and answer session with Chef Will and his staff. Due to seating limitations we will only be able to accommodate 75 people. Please make your reservations by April 13th at the Logan Steele Community Center or online at Hope to see you there!!

Easter Brunch Sunday, April 24, 2011 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM There will be seating every half an hour at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse in the Grille Room, Dining Room and Tall Timber Room. Chef Will’s brunch menu inFOXGHV DVVRUWHG PLQL PXI¿QV SDVWU\ EDJHOV DQG EUHDG GLVSOD\ PDGH WR RUGHU RPHOHWV FKHHVH EOLQW] ZLWK EHUU\ FRPSRWH EDFRQ DQG VDXVDJH %HOJLDQ ZDIÀH DQG )UHQFK WRDVW station, deluxe soup and salad bar with composed salads. The carving station will feature roasted turkey with gravy, slow roasted angus beef with au jus and horseradish sauce. There will also be marinated roasted leg of lamb with rosemary demi glace DQG PLQW MHOO\ DQG SDQ VHDUHG ZKLWH¿VK ¿OOHWV ZLWK ZLOG PXVKURRPV OHHNV &KHIœV Grand Easter Dessert display has always been a huge hit. Children can enjoy getting their picture taken with the Easter Bunny by VIP Studios! Payment Total: $29.00 per adult inclusive of gratuity and tax, Children 12 and under are $12.50 and Children 4 and under are complimentary. Space is limit, sign up early. Please make your reservations at the Logan Steele Community Center or online at

Lake Naomi Second Annual Car Show Come show off your pride and joy! The Second Annual Lake Naomi Classic Car Show will be held Saturday, May 21st from 12:30 PM until 4:00 PM. The registration fee is $18.00, including space for your car, a t-shirt, nametag, window sign, refreshments and lunch. The car convoy will begin at the Community Center at 11:30 AM, ending at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Live entertainment will be outside the Clubhouse during the car show with D SUL]H WDEOH DQG D UDIĂ€H WR EHQHÂżW D ORFDO FKDULW\ UDIĂ€H EDVNHWV VKLUWV DQG VRXvenirs. There will be a full outside cash bar with frozen drinks, sodas, and beer on tab along with Chef Will’s delicious barbeque grille buffet during the car show. Trophies will be given out at the 50’s Sock Hop Party that night. Classic cars to be judged must be at least 22 years old. Prizes will be awarded to the top six winners and the People Choice Award! The party will be continued through the night with a 50’s Sock Hop 3DUW\ VWDUWLQJ DW 30 LQVLGH WKH &OXEKRXVH 7KHUH ZLOO EH SUL]HV IRU Âł%HVW 2XWÂżW´ and “Best Dancersâ€? with entertainment from “Long Time Comin.â€? Chef Will and his WHDP ZLOO SUHSDUH D ÂśV VW\OH EXIIHW DQG FRPSOLPHQWDU\ VRGD SRS DQG LFH FUHDP Ă€RDWV The cost for this dinner event is $24.99 for adults inclusive (gratuity and tax) and $11.99 for children ages 4-12. For reservations for both events, please call the Clubhouse (570) 646-2866 or sign up online for the car show and the 50’s Sock Hop Party in the Member’s section of

Clubhouse Schedule Starting Thursday, March 31st the Clubhouse will resume its normal Spring schedule which is the following: Thursday Bar 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Clubhouse Dining Hours and Traditional �Spring Buffet� 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Friday Bar 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM Clubhouse Dining Hours 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM Saturday Bar 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM Clubhouse Dining Hours 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM Sunday Clubhouse Breakfast Hours 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Special Holiday Hours and Upcoming Events Sunday, May 8th Mother’s Day Brunch 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Seating every half hour

Saturday, May 21st Second Annual Lake Naomi Car Show Pre-Registration Required Memorial Day Weekend Friday, May 27th Bar 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM Clubhouse Dining Hours 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM Saturday, May 28th Memorial Day Celebration at the Logan Steele Community Center Entertainment by “Time Line� 12:00 Noon - 5:00 PM Bar 5:30 PM – 11:00 PM Clubhouse Dining Hours 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (limited menu) Sunday, May 29th Memorial Day Brunch Buffet 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Family Sailing Dinner 5:00 PM Pre-Registration Required (Clubhouse closed)

Saturday, June 4th Lake Naomi Wine Tasting 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM Saturday, June 11th Welcome Back 2011 Party 7:00 PM Pre-Registration Required Friday, June 24th Men’s Luncheon 11:30 AM Pre-Registration Required Tuesday, July 12th Ladies Luncheon 11:30 AM Pre-Registration Required 3

Looking Ahead For those Members who are planning now for the 2011 Season, the following tentative dates are provided: Friday, April 8 7LPEHU 7UDLOV *ROI &RXUVH RSHQV Friday through Monday (weather and ground conditions permiting)

Saturday, April 30 /DNH 1DRPL 7HQQLV RSHQV weekends and holidays (weather permitting)

Sunday, May 8 0RWKHUÂśV 'D\ %UXQFK

at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse

Sunday, May 15 /1&+ %UHDNIDVW 0HQX EHJLQV Saturday, May 21 %RDW DQG &DQRH 5DFNV DYDLODEOH Friday, May 27 *ROI &RXUVH DQG 3UR 6KRS opens seven days a week

Saturday, May 28 0HPRULDO 'D\ &HOHEUDWLRQ at the Community Center with a Barbecue Buffet and Full Day of Activities


Sunday, May 29 6DLOLQJ )DPLO\ 'LQQHU

hosted by the Sailing Association held at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse

Saturday, June 18 7LPEHU 7UDLOV 3RRO

open seven days a week

Friday, June 24 0HQÂśV /XQFKHRQ

held at Lake Naomi Clubhouse


All facilities (pool, tennis, clubhouse, recreation programs, beaches, etc.) Open Full Time

Monday, June 27 .LGV $IWHUQRRQ .OXE VWDUW 1LJKW 5HFUHDWLRQ 3URJUDPV VWDUW Tuesday, June 28 .XE .OXE VWDUW Sunday, July 3 ,QGHSHQGHQFH 'D\ 3LFQLF Tuesday, July 12 /DGLHVÂś /XQFKHRQ held at Lake Naomi Clubhouse

Saturday, August 13 $QQXDO 0HPEHUVKLS 0HHWLQJ at the Pocono Mtn West High School


Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday, May 8th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Don’t miss this chance to pamper your Mom the Lake Naomi Club way! The Culinary Staff will prepare everything from freshly made omHOHWV VPRNHG VDOPRQ IUHVKO\ PDGH %HOJLDQ ZDIÀHV HJJV EHQHGLFW VPRNHG EDFRQ VDXVDJH GDQLVK PXI¿QV EDJHOV IUHVKO\ EDNHG EUHDGV VOLFHG IUHVK IUXLW DQG VDODG EDU 7KH carving station will include: maple glazed, black oak smoked ham and roasted angus beef with au jus and horseradish sauce. Also featured is: sautÊed chicken breast with tomato and basil fondue, caribbean spiced halibut with ginger and lime scented pineDSSOH VDXFH 7KH NLGV VWDWLRQ LQFOXGHV FKLFNHQ ¿QJHUV DQG IULHV 7KH 0RWKHUœV 'D\ GHVsert table is sure to put a smile on your Mom’s face. Total cost for this event is $25.00 per adult, $10.00 for children ages 4 - 12, kids under 4 are free. This scrumptious buffet is always a sell out so sign up early to ensure your spot. Please make your reservations at the Logan Steele Community Center or online at

Memorial Day Celebration All Members are encouraged to mark Saturday, May 28th on their calendars for a IXQ ¿OOHG GD\ RI IDPLO\ HYHQWV 7KH 6HYHQWHHQWK $QQXDO 0HPRULDO 'D\ &HOHEUDWLRQ will take place both inside and outside at the Logan Steele Community Center. After WKH ÀDJ UDLVLQJ FHUHPRQ\ DQG LQYRFDWLRQ DW 1RRQ WKHUH ZLOO EH D ODUJH IDPLO\ barbecue as well as musical entertainment. Other activities and entertainment include face painting, kids craft tables and various games throughout the afternoon. There will be a golf tournament for golf members and their guests on Sunday, May 29th. Those Members who want to enter the golf tournament should contact the Golf Center at 570, 646-9060 to register. Without a doubt, there will be something for everyone. Be sure to attend this exciting event and feel free to bring friends.

Pre-Season Tennis Court Availability With the Lake Naomi Club Tennis Center courts opening for weekend use in early May, we often get questions about how Members can utilize the courts during the times the Pro Shop is not open during the mid week and late in the day on weekends. A number of the Lake Naomi Tennis Center courts will be made “available for walk on playâ€? from April 30th – June 24th. The available courts may be played as “walk onâ€? all day (8:30 AM until dark) midweek and after 1:30 PM on weekends after the Pro 6KRS KDV FORVHG 0HPEHUV VKRXOG UHIHU WR WKH SRVWLQJ RQ WKH 3UR 6KRS GRRU WR ÂżQG which courts are “availableâ€? and must record their usage in the log on the podium next to the posting. All Members and Guest must be recorded. All court etiquette, dress code and Guest policies apply during times of “walk on playâ€? and Members must carry their Membership ID badges while using the facilities. During these times the Pro Shop and additional staff services will not be available, with the exception of restrooms which will be available at all times the courts are. Sweeping and lining equipment will be available for Members to self maintain their courts.

Newspaper Service Returns

The Sunday Newspaper service, featuring the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Star Ledger and Pocono Record, returns to the Clubhouse on Sunday, June 26th for the 2011 summer season. Newspapers will be on sale each Sunday beginning at 8:00 AM through September 4th. In order to guarantee Members the availability of newspapers, the Club is offering a pre-payment option. To take advantage of this offer, complete the form that is available at the Community Center or the Administrative OfÂżFH E\ -XQH th. You can also visit to sign up online. The form is located in Online Sign Up found in the Members Section of the website.

Stored Value Cards

As a convenience to Club Members and as a means of limiting the amount of cash handled at Club Facilities, the Club initiated LNC Stored Value Cards. Many Members have used the LNC Stored Value Card and found it extremely easy to use. No more worrying about having to carry cash for pool, tennis, golf fees and the Community Center. The Stored Value Cards are available for purchase at the Administrative 2IÂżFH DQG WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU LQ DQ\ DPRXQW RYHU ([WUD GROODUV FDQ EH DGGHG WR WKH 6WRUHG 9DOXH &DUGV WKURXJKRXW WKH VHDVRQ DW WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH RU the Community Center. The Stored Value Cards can then be utilized at any Club facility for payment of services and merchandise provided. The Stored Value Cards are also a great way to pay for purchases at the Cafes and Restaurant. Be sure to take full advantage of the Lake Naomi Club Stored Value Card.

Day Camps 2011

Tennis Team 7RXUQDPHQW Online Registration

The Tennis Committee has heard your requests for easier registration policies especially for early season events. Since there’s no getting away from pre registration and we can’t push events later into the season, we’re hoping online registration will help accommodate members not yet here and ÂłLQ WKH VZLQJ RI WKLQJV´ LQ -XQH DQG WKH ÂżUVW ZHHN RI -XO\ You can register online for 2011 Ladies Team Tennis and the 2011 Club Championship Tournaments beginning May 1st by JRLQJ WR WKH ÂłRQOLQH VLJQXS´ VHFWLRQ XQGHU ÂłRQOLQH RIÂżFH´ LQ the Member section of the website. Credit card payment is required at the time of online registration. Traditional methods of registration and payment will remain available at the Lake Naomi Tennis Proshop.

You and YouTube The commitment to the Social Medias has been very successful and continues to grow in popularity with many Members. One of the more entertaining ways to show off the great events at LNC is to post short videos on YouTube. This Summer Season there ZLOO EH VWDII ÂżOPLQJ HYHQWV WKDW ZLOO EH XSORDGHG WR <RX7XEH 7KH ÂżOPLQJ VWDII ZLOO EH FOHDUO\ LGHQWLÂżHG ZLWK D EULJKW \HOORZ vest with LNC Filming Crew embroidered on the back. If you do not want to part of a LNC YouTube video please stay clear of the camera. If you believe you might have been in a shot tell the ÂżOPLQJ SHUVRQ 7KH ÂżOPLQJ VWDII ZLOO PDNH VXUH \RX DUH QRW SDUW of the uploaded video.

Book Club


It’s almost time for summer and summer’s Klub Day Camps! Camp will run from Monday, June 27th through Friday, August 19th. Lake Naomi Club’s Klub Day Camps offer way more than just a summer day care service. Each child will learn, grow and have fun through a carefully planned, age appropriate curriculum that encourages them to build relationships, make positive choices and develop skills. The camps are organized into three main programs: Kub Klub is available to those Members and guests who are 3 years of age and potty trained (no pull-ups or diapers will be accepted.) This Klub runs Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Kub Klub will have a variety of activities including but not limited to block play, circle activities, dramatic play, outdoor activities and story time. A morning snack is included with this camp. Kids Klub is available to those Members and guests who are entering Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth grade in the September 2011 school year. This Klub runs Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Kids Klub incorporates a myriad of fun activities including arts and crafts, VSRUWV RXWGRRU QDWXUH DFWLYLWLHV DQG ¿HOG WULSV WR RWKHU /DNH Naomi venues such as the tennis center, golf course, swimming pools and beaches. A morning snack is included with this camp. Afternoon Klub is available to those Members and guests who are entering Kindergarten through Eighth grade in the September 2011 school year. This Klub runs Monday through Friday, 12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM. Afternoon Klub is comprised of a camper registering for one activity or subject. This subject will be explored in a variety of activities and JDPHV WKDW DUH GHVLJQHG WR LQFUHDVH WKH FKLOGœV SUR¿FLHQF\ or knowledge. Please note there are grade restrictions with some subjects. Lunch is included with this camp. Registration opens for Klub Day Camps starting April 22nd at the Community Center or online at www.lakenaomiclub. com. For more information about all of our camps, check out the Klub Day Camp Catalog or call Operations Manager Tim Brooks at the Community Center (570) 646-8585.

The book club meets regularly on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 PM at the Community Center and is always open to new participants. Everyone is welcome – even if you haven’t read the book. The discussions of course talk about the book, writing style and if it was favorable to everyone’s tastes, but does not give the plot away. This is a great way to get introduced to a variety of books that you may never have looked at otherwise. If you have questions please call Vilma Zabaleta at (570) 646-7259 or Kelly Swingle at the Community Center (570) 646-8585. The upcoming books and dates for the book club are as follows: April 11 “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks� by Rebecca Skloot May 9 “Women That Run With The Wolves� by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Square Dancing

Three evenings of Square Dancing have been scheduled for Club Members’ dancing pleasure on Friday, April 15, 2011, Friday May 20, 2011, and Friday, June 17, 2011. Swing your partner IURP 30 RQ WKH /DNH 1DRPL &OXEKRXVH GDQFH ÀRRU Member John Kaltenthaler will be calling for these events.

Men’s Annual Social Luncheon

Mark your calendars gentlemaen, because Friday, June 24th is the date for this year’s luncheon. The annual Men’s Luncheon is always a great way to start off the summer with old friends getting together and new friends being made. This day always boasts of a delicious luncheon. Keep watching for more details LQ IXWXUH LVVXHV RI 5HÀHFWLRQV

Watercolor Class offered by Al Steinberg

Al Steinberg will be hosting his Spring Watercolor Class this year beginning Monday, May 2, 2011. This class will run for eight weeks on Mondays from 9 AM to 12 Noon and is appropriate for artists of all abilities including beginners. If you are interested in signing up for this session, please call the community center at 570-646-8585. The cost of the program is $85, a supply list is available at the Community Center. Al will also offer a summer session beginning July 11, 2011. Look for details for this session in upcoming 5HĂ€HFWLRQV.

Annual Ladies’ Luncheon – “Antique Jewelryâ€? The Lake Naomi Club together with the Activities Committee cordially invites you to the Annual Ladies’ Luncheon. We will reminisce about the good ol’ days and rediscover the beauty of antique jewelry. This year’s Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, July 12th with one sitting being offered at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Save this date for this luncheon at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. Members and their Guests will be able to begin registration for this very popular event beginning on Tuesday, June 1, 2011. Watch for more information LQ IXWXUH LVVXHV RI 5HĂ€HFWLRQV

Barbara McCorkindale’s Watercolor Classes The always popular Techniques of Watercolor Painting, taught by Barbara McCorkindale will be available again this summer. Classes will be offered on Tuesdays beginning July 5th and will meet in the Adult Activity Room of the Community Center at 9:30 AM. Cost for the six classes is $90 plus the cost of supplies. A supply list will be available at the time of registration. Due to the Ladies’ Luncheon there will be no class on July 12, 2011. 5

Fitness Committee The newly formed Fitness Committee is accepting applications for new members. This Committee will meet four times a year at the Community Center. We are looking for members who are interested in health and wellness and can help us continue to keep RXU ÂżWQHVV GHSDUWPHQW XS WR GDWH ZLWK the industries latest advancements. If you are interested in sitting on this committee, please pick up an appliFDWLRQ DW WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLYH RIÂżFH ÂżOO out an application online or call Kelly Swingle at 570-646-8585.

Important Sailing Race Reminders

The Lake Naomi Club Sailing Association requires all sailboats participating in any of the sailing races or regattas to have a number posted on their sail and check in with the Race Committee prior to racing to indicate your intention to race. When doing so simply sail to the downwind side of the Tiki and hail your information to the Race Committee. You must tell them your full name and boat number and that you’re registering to race. This is the norm for sailboat racing as it is the only way the Race Committee can track all participants including WKHLU VWDUWV DQG ¿QLVKLQJ RUGHU IRU WKH day’s scoring. It is also customary to inform the Race Committee if you’re OHDYLQJ WKH UDFLQJ EHIRUH WKH ¿QDO ¿Qish rather than leaving them to wonder what your intentions are. If you do not already have your sail numbered and wish to participate in the sailing races this summer, please stop by the SailLQJ 2I¿FH ORFDWHG DW &OXE %HDFK WR EH assigned an available number and purchase the actual numbers for your sail if you need them. While you’re there, please do not hesitate to ask the Sailing Staff for directions on how to properly DI¿[ WKH QXPEHUV WR \RXU VDLO LI \RX GR not have experience in doing so. The 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH LV RSHQ IURP $0 – 6:00 PM on weekends beginning the Memorial Day Weekend and full time beginning Saturday, June 25th.

Boat Registration Stickers Members are alerted that all watercraft registration stickers must be permanentO\ DIÂż[HG WR WKH ZDWHUFUDIW DVVLJQHG WR that registration sticker. Any temporary attachment of watercraft registration stickers is prohibited. The proper placement for stickers is the starboard (right) side of the stern (back). 6

Fitness Department Information

Our Members continue to improve their healthy OLIHVW\OHV E\ XVLQJ WKH &OXEœV VWDWH RI WKH DUW ¿WQHVV FHQWHU ,Q DGGLWLRQ /1& ¿WQHVV FODVVHV DUH GHVLJQHG IRU DOO DJHV DQG ¿WQHVV OHYHOV 2XU staff educates themselves at the industries’ latest workshops and are ready to introduce new classes. Stop by the Community Center to pick up the latest schedule. It is recommended WKDW \RX FDOO DKHDG WR JHW RQ WKH FODVV URVWHU DV WKH URRP LV ¿OOLQJ XS DQG VSDFH LV OLPLWHG Look for information on special events hosted by the Fitness Department this summer. On July 23rd members of all ages will be competing in the annual LNC Triathlon. Once again we will be riding the Tour de Naomi on August 20, 2011. Details on these events will be available in May. Call Kelly at the CC for more information at 570-646-8585.

Shuan T Comes to LNC!

Save the date‌Sunday July 10, 2011 10:00 AM-Noon. Shaun will lead Members in a master class at the Community Center. Details and registration information will be available soon. Pre-registration is recommended. Shaun T created and is featured in the Insanity Workout. Shaun was raised in New Jersey and received his BS degree in Sports Science at Rowan University. Shaun’s background is mostly dance, in both theater and television. He has worked with many big names such as Val Kilmer, Queen Latifa, Mariah Carey, Aaron and Nick Carter. He has helped choreograph dances for movies like Bring it On. In February of 2007 +LS +RS $EV ZDV UHOHDVHG DQG LW TXLFNO\ EHFDPH WKH ¿WQHVV SURJUDP RQ $PHULFDQ television. The exercises and routines in Hip Hop Abs helped thousands of people lose weight and build strong abs. It was, and still is, popular because it is fun to do, so people are able to stick with it. After Hip Hop Abs, Shaun T released Shaun T’s Fit Club and Get Real with Shaun T in 2008. These programs are designed for kids and SUHWHHQV WR KHOS WKHP ORVH ZHLJKW 6KDXQ 7 LV GH¿QLWHO\ GRLQJ KLV SDUW WR VORZ GRZQ the obesity epidemic in American children. In July of 2009, Shaun T and BeachBody released the Insanity Workout. It has quickly become one of the most popular workout programs available. Unlike Shaun’s previous DVDs, Insanity does not revolve around dance. Insanity is a 60 day challenge that uses max interval training to get results. (YHQ WKRXJK LW LV YHU\ GLI¿FXOW DQG FKDOOHQJLQJ ,QVDQLW\ LV RQH RI WKH PRVW HIIHFWLYH exercise programs available. Don’t miss this amazing workout!

Community Center Pool Reminders

Please consider your fellow Members when utilizing the aquatic facilities at the Community Center and adhere to the following guidelines: * Please shower before entering the pool especially after working out or working up a sweat from the sauna and/or steam room. * NO ONE under age 16 may be in the hot tub area. * Please turn off the Steam room and turn down the heat for the Sauna if no one else is using them when you exit. * Please use the entrance ramp for walking into the pool rather than a play area. * Children may not hang and swing from the ramp handrails. This places unnecessary stress on the rails and is a very dangerous activity for children to partake in. * The swim platform is intended for small children to have a shallow water area. This is not an area for adults or larger children who can swim. It is not meant for “rough housing.� * Children who cannot swim must be closely supervised (in the water or at the water’s edge) by a responsible adult. * Flotation devices must be attached so children can not fall out or off of them. * Food is not permitted in the pool area. Only closed lid containers may be used for water. * Lap lanes are meant for lap swimming. When there are multiple swimmers, please be willing to share lanes. Swimmers “splitting� a lane should try to swim with swimmers of a similar ability or swimming pace. * When “splitting a lane� resting is OK but should not be done in the middle of a lap. Please rest on the side of the pool out of the way of other swimmers. * Three or more persons in a lane can “circle swim� to accommodate multiple swimmers. Please communicate well with all the swimmers in your lane so everyone is on the same page or in this case, swimming in the same direction, at the same pace, etc.

2011 Membership

$OO 0HPEHUV DUH UHPLQGHG WKDW 0HPEHUVKLS ,GHQWLÂżFDWLRQ &DUGV ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG to access facilities starting May 1st. Membership Cards will be needed to access the Timber Trails Golf Course beginning April 8th. Cards are included in the Membership Packets DYDLODEOH DW WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH WR DOO SDLG 0HPEHUV EHJLQQLQJ $SULO st.

Exciting Swim Team Updates Get ready for another exciting and competitive Swim Team Season with your favorite coaches. Jenn Kasper, Lauren Travis, Ian Walsh and Nick Pirrocco will all be returning to swim team and look forward to seeing you at the Organizational Swim Team Meeting and Registration held on Monday, June 27th at 9:00 AM at the Lake Naomi Pool. Parents and swimmers ages 6 to 18 are encouraged to attend this meeting to receive important information on registration, dates and times for practices and meets, swim team apparel orders and more. The Swim Meet Schedule for 2011 is currently being set and will be available online beginning May 1st. Pre registration, event and trip signup, gear and suit orders will also be available online in an effort to get ahead for the season. Credit card payment is required with registrations and can be made under the Online Sign-Up in the Member section of the website at Cost for participation is $85 per child and is open to all Pool Club Members. Questions regarding the program can be sent to Meredith Sensenig by calling the Community Center at 570-646-8585 or via email to:

Important Aquatic Dates

Saturday, May 28 TT Pool Opening Club Beach Opening including Boat Rentals Monday, June 20 TT Pool open afternoons midweek Swim Lessons Session 1 Registration Begins Saturday, June 25 Main Summer Season - LNP and remaining beaches opening Sunday, June 26 First Horseracing at LNP – 3:00 PM Monday, June 27 Swim Lessons Begin at CCP Water Aerobics Begin at LNP 10:15 AM Swim Team Awards Correction Swim Team Meeting and start of ,Q WKH )DOO LVVXH RI 5HÀHFWLRQV WKHUH ZDV DQ HUURU LQ WKH 6ZLP season – 9:00 AM Team Awards announcement. Brennan Gallagher is the 2010 recipiMonday, July 4 ent of the Elizabeth Duer Award – which was awarded to her for her Kiddie Time begins at LNP GHGLFDWLRQ DQG RXWVWDQGLQJ HIIRUW LQ WKH DJH JURXS FRPSHWLWLYH – 3:30 PM swimming program. :H DSRORJL]H IRU WKH PLVSULQW DQG H[WHQG RXU Tuesday, July 5 FRQJUDWXODWLRQV WR %UHQQDQ Youth Volleyball begins at LNP 2:30 PM Friday, July 8 Timber Trails Pool Youth Auction at LNP – 1:00 PM The Timber Trails Pool will soon be ready and awaiting your visit. Opening day is Saturday, July 9 Saturday, May 28th for the Memorial Day Holiday weekend and will continue opening for Adult Luau at TTP – 6:30 PM weekend use during June prior to opening full time on Saturday, June 18th. The pool will Saturday, July 16 be heated and staffed by lifeguards on the following dates: Big Splash Pool Party at LNP – Noon Saturday, May 28th - Monday, May 30th 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Saturday, July 23 3 vs 3 Volleyball Tourn. at LNP 10 AM Saturday, June 4th and Sunday June 5th – 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Friday, July 29 Saturday, June 11th and Sunday, June 12th – 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Youth Auction at LNP - 1:00 PM Saturday, June 18th and Sunday, June 19th – 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Saturday, August 6 Monday, June 20th - Friday, June 24th – 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Wet n Wild Western Day at LNP Noon Saturday, June 25th – Open for Summer Season Be sure to include a day at the Timber Trails Pool in your late Spring and early Summer plans! Kids Bocce Ball Tourn. at LNP 2:00 PM Final Horseracing in honor of LN-TT Teen Summer Volunteer Opportunities Are you a Teen Member looking to volunteer this summer at Lake Naomi Club? Breast Cancer Rally We have two great programs that can help you out: Monday, September 5 Team Member in Training (T.M.I.T.) Program will return this year for our 14 year 3LFQLF DW WKH 3RROV ¹ /13 773 old Members. This program is designed to give young Members the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to be considered for a position at Lake Naomi – Timber Guest Privileges Trails in the future. Trainees will gain real world experience by shadowing others and The Staff and Management graalso actively participating in the task at hand. Participants of the T.M.I.T. program ciously welcome Member’s guests to will be trained primarily in Recreation, which includes Klub Day Camps and varithe Club facilities. As the 2011 Leious Special Events and activities. There are also limited volunteer opportunities with sure Service Guides are distributed, Golf, Sailing, Aquatics and Tennis. One hour a week will be spent in a classroom like we ask that you take a moment to setting discussing topics such as leadership, safety, customer service and more. To review the guest policies so that we RI¿FLDOO\ FRPSOHWH WKLV WUDLQLQJ SURJUDP SDUWLFLSDQWV DUH UHTXLUHG WR KDYH ORJJHG may continue to provide fair and eqhours total throughout the summer and hours can be varied throughout the day and uitable use of the Club facilities. We the week. There is a $50 registration fee (once you receive your acceptance letter) for remind you that Members are required participants which covers the cost of instruction, materials, uniform and a group trip to accompany and introduce guests at the end of the summer. when making use of the facilities Teen Volunteer Program (T.V.P) is a new program designed for those teen members and appropriate fees and limits must age 15 and above who want to volunteer to work at Lake Naomi Club during the sumbe respected. We appreciate your comer months. This program is based around the availability of the teen and the needs operation with these policies so that of the department(s) that they are interested in volunteering with. It could be for one we may provide you and your guests event or many hours throughout the summer. with a memorable experience. Your 7KRVH LQWHUHVWHG LQ HLWKHU RI WKHVH SURJUDPV VKRXOG ¿OO RXW DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ RQ WKH questions and concerns are welcomed Club website listing the program they want to volunteer with or the position they are and can be addressed by any member interested in. There are limited spots available in these programs so early application of the Management Team. is highly encouraged. The application deadline is April 26, 2011. For more information please call Operations Manager Tim Brooks at (570) 646-8585. 7

Plan Ahead for Tennis Events

Tennis Talk

Recent Wimbledon tournament statistics have shown that championship caliber matches often have as little as Saturday, April 30 LN Tennis Center opens weekends and holidays from 8:30 AM-1:30 PM 10 minutes of actually hitting the ball. The remaining time is spent between points where the mental training of each Sunday, May 29 Season Kick-off Round Robin player is critical. Practicing the mental skills as well as the physical skills is 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM important for players of all ages and ability levels. Saturday, June 25 Main Summer Season We will be offering some new programs and clinics this season focusing on begins, Timber Trails Tennis Opens, McKee the mental and emotional aspect of your tennis game. Our Peak Performance Strategy Clinic and Round Robin 1:00 - 2:30 PM, McKee Junior Round Robin 4:00 - 5:30 PM Workshop, offered July 8th and August 12th will give you a slice of the overall pie. Topics include “Better Doubles, Fewer Troublesâ€?, and “Tension and Stress Monday, June 27 Cardio Tennis Begins 9:00 Controlâ€? - 10:00 AM, Regular Scheduled Adult Play beOur Play Smart/Mental Toughness Camp the week of July 11-14 will expand gins, McKee Premier Week Long Clinic begins on the workshop topics and include the “Play, Recover, Prepareâ€? system, “Serve Friday, July 1 Junior Showdown Tournament and Return of Serve Routineâ€?, “Positive Self-Talkâ€?, “Managing Your Emo4:00-6:00 PM tionsâ€?, “Quantum Doublesâ€? and more. Saturday, July 2 Junior Showdown TournaOur ongoing Play Smart/Mental Toughness Clinics offered on Mondays and ment 12:00-12:30 PM, McKee Tennis Round Saturdays will cover the above topics and more. Robin/Demo Day 2:30-4:00 PM, Men’s One other new clinic offering I wanted to mention is our 30 minute Stroke/ %DFNKDQG %UHZV EHJLQV 30 7HDP Shot Clinic. These clinics will be offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Tennis Registration Deadline 5:00 PM and are a great way to focus on one stroke and/or shot combination. For examSunday, July 3 Wimbledon Strawberries and ple, clinics will cover the Backhand Slice, The Second Serve, Doubles Approach Creme Round Robin 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM 6KRW st Volley, The Overhead Smash, Doubles Return of Serve, etc. We hope you will look into these new offerings, and take advantage of the Wednesday, July 6 0HQÂśV :RPHQÂśV 6LQJOHV clinics to enhance your enjoyment of tennis. Bobby McKee Tournaments Registration deadline 3:00 PM Friday, July 8 Ladies Team Tennis begins, Tennis Tournaments McKee Peak Performance Workshop The Tennis Committee has set the schedule for the 2011 5:30-7:00 PM Club Championship Tournaments: Sat & Sun, July 9 & 10 0HQÂśV :RPHQÂśV Junior Tennis Tournaments: The weekend of July 29th –July 31st will be dedicated to just their tournament, they will not share their weekend with any of the Singles Club Championship Tournaments Adult Tournaments. This permits the Junior matches to have enough courts for Monday, July 11 Ladies Night Round Robin play and an opportunity to utilize the stadium courts so everyone can watch the 5:00 - 7:00 PM Juniors. Singles (junior, teen and rallyball), Doubles (junior, teen and rallyball) Saturday, July 16 Junior Singles Showdown and Mixed Doubles (junior and teen) remain in the tournament. Junior diviTournament 2:00 - 4:30 PM sions are for those 12 years of age and under and teens are for 13 to17 year olds. Sat & Sun, July 16 & 17 Adult Doubles Club Rallyball is for those less experienced just getting into competitive play. Age Championship Tournaments begins deadline is based on your birthday as of September 30, 2011. Wednesday, July 20 LN-TT Breast Cancer Adult Tennis Tournaments: The biggest change for the Adult Tournaments in Rally Tennis Play 9:00 AM 2011 is all Singles Tournaments will take place over one weekend. This format Saturday, July 23 McKee Parent/Child 4:00 was implemented with the ladies last year and it went well enough that a lot of - 6:00 PM male players requested the same for their tournament this year. The Singles Sat & Sun, July 23 & 24 Adult Doubles Club Tournaments will take place over one weekend, July 9th and July 10th. This ad&KDPSLRQVKLS 7RXUQDPHQW 6HPLV )LQDOV dresses the concern for Members not being able to commit to four days of play Monday, July 25 Ladies Night Round Robin, spread over two consecutive weekends. This later date will also give Members 5:00 - 7:00 PM a better opportunity to register for the tournament. The registration deadline for Fri - Sun, July 29 - July 31 Junior Club Singles is Wednesday, July 6th and is now available online in Online Sign-Up Championship Tournaments Early Rounds found in the Members Section of the website. through Finals The “Aâ€?, “Bâ€? categories remain for all Divisions (Singles, Doubles and Mixed Sat & Sun, Aug 6 & 7 Adult Mixed Doubles Doubles) of the Tournaments as well as the 65s for Men’s singles and doubles. Club Championship Tournament begins Players may only play in one category. Sunday, August 7 -XQLRU 'RXEOHV 0' All the additional details you’ll need including times, fees, rules and format Showdown Tournament 2:00-4:30 PM for play will be outlined on the registration form available May 1st in the Proshop Friday, August 12 Team Tennis Luncheon and online. 12:30 PM, McKee Peak Performance Workshop McKee Schedule 5:30-7:00 PM The McKees will return in 2011 for their eighth season of providing superior Sat & Sun, August 13 & 14 Adult Mixed Tennis Professional Services for the Lake Naomi Club Membership. Although Doubles Club Championship Tournament Bobby never really stops serving the Club while he’s in the south over the 6HPLV )LQDOV winter, we know everyone is excited to have him back here as soon as possible. Sat & Sun, August 20 & 21 McKee Tennis, Bobby will be arriving May 27th for the Memorial Day Weekend and will LNC World Team Tennis Festival return June 23rd on a full time basis for the Main Summer Season. Richard will Sunday, September 4 Labor Day Round Robin be here from June 25th through Labor Day. Most of you know the continually 2:00 – 4:00 PM increasing participation in clinics, lessons and events keeps the McKees very busy in the summer so this is a reminder to book your lessons early. The best way to reach Bobby is via e-mail at 8

Memorial Weekend Sailing Races


Adult Sailing Classes

The LNC Sailing Association would like to encourage Adult Members (17 years of age and older) to enroll in Adult Sailing Instruction this summer. Adult group sailing classes will be offered on Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM and from $0 WR 30 7ZR WKUHH ZHHN VHVVLRQV DUH VFKHGXOHG 7KH ¿UVW VHVVLRQ is July 9th, 16th and 23rd, and the second session is July 30th, August 6th and August 13th. Registration for the classes will be taken from 10:00 AM - Noon on June 11th, 12th, 18th and 19th DW WKH &OXE %HDFK 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH 6SDFHV DUH OLPLWHG DQG DYDLODEOH WR 0HPEHUV RQ D ¿UVW FRPH ¿UVW VHUYH EDVLV 7KHUH LV D UHJLVWUDWLRQ IHH RI SHU Club Member for the instructional program and each registrant will be invited to attend the End of Season Sailing Reception held over Labor Day Weekend. Class sizes are limited, so register early. Whether you are a beginner, advanced beginner or interested in learning racing techniques, our Sailing Instructors welcome individuals of all abilities to learn and practice this great sport. Private instruction is also available for Members who prefer individualized instruction rather than group lessons. Contact WKH 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH DW /$.( IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ UDWHV DQG VFKHGXOLQJ WKURXJKRXW WKH VXPPHU 7KH 3UH 6HDVRQ 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH KRXUV DUH 6DWXUGD\ 6XQGD\ from 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM beginning Memorial Day Weekend. Our Sailing Staff look forward to speaking with you soon.

Not Ready For Prime Time (NRPT) Sailboat Racing

7KLV LV D VDLOLQJ ÀHHW GHVLJQHG IRU VDLORUV WKDW FDQ VDLO EXW DUHQœW TXLWH UHDG\ WR UDFH The idea is you don’t have to be a seasoned sailor to join in the fun. If you can tack into the wind and make your way around the set marks (a triangular course) then this is for you! These races are meant to be a learning experience as the Committee Boat Crew will help you with how and when you start and directions on how to get around the course. Skippers may also be offered pointers and instructions by the Safety Boat 2SHUDWRUV -XQLRU DQG $GXOW VDLORUV ZLOO EH VSOLW LQWR WZR VHSDUDWH ÀHHWV IRU VFRULQJ and will have separate race starts. NRPT sailing races are held on Saturdays throughout the summer season beginning -XO\ WK 5DFHV EHJLQ DURXQG 30 MXVW DIWHU WKH VHULHV UDFHV ¿QLVK 7KHVH UDFHV are also conveniently scheduled just after the Adult Weekly Sailing Lessons held on Saturday mornings. Rental sailboats are available for NRPT if arranged in advance ZLWK WKH 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH $ IXOO OLVWLQJ RI WKH VL[ ZHHN VFKHGXOH LV LQ WKH 6DLOLQJ VHFWLRQ RI WKH 6XPPHU &DOHQGDU DQG RQ WKH 1537 À\HU SRVWHG RQ WKH EXOOHWLQ ERDUG RXWVLGH WKH 6DLOLQJ 2I¿FH RQ WKH EHDFK OHYHO RI WKH /DNH 1DRPL &OXEKRXVH <RX VKRXOG DOVR EH DZDUH WKH 1537 SHQQDQW ÀLHV RQ WKH ÀDJSROH RQ DQ\ 6DWXUGD\ WKHUH LV VFKHGXOHG NRPT racing. There’s sailing opportunities for sailors of all abilities on Lake Naomi, so come out to join in the fun!

Twenty Second Annual Family Sailing Dinner

The Lake Naomi Club Sailing Association invites you to join them on Sunday, May 29th for a fun family evening. The Lake Naomi Clubhouse main dining room will open at 5:00 PM for a cash bar followed by an open seating family style buffet dinner at 6:00 PM. The buffet includes: carved roast beef, chicken cordon blue breaded and VWXIIHG ZLWK FKHHVH DQG VPRNHG KDP OHPRQ KHUE FUXVWHG FRG ¿VK ¿OOHWV VHUYHG ZLWK D light butter sauce, creamy mushroom risotto, roasted yukon gold wedges, fresh garden vegetables and assorted composed salads. Homemade warm raspberry- chocolate bread pudding with vanilla ice cream for dessert with coffee and tea service. The cost per adult is $27.00 and the cost for children ages 4 to 11 is only $10. The kids have WKHLU RZQ EXIIHW ZKLFK LQFOXGHV FKLFNHQ ¿QJHUV DQG IUHQFK IULHV 7KHUH LV QR FKDUJH for children under the age of 4. After dinner the Sailing Association’s Fleet Captains, 5DFH &RPPLWWHH DQG &RPPRGRUH ZLOO EULHÀ\ RXWOLQH WKH 6DLOLQJ (YHQWV DQG 5DFHV planned for the Summer of 2011 and re-cap the Memorial Day Regatta which marks the opening of the sailing season. The annual Sportsmanship Award will also be presented. All Club Members are encouraged to attend this event. For more information VHH WKH RQOLQH À\HU 7R UHJLVWHU FRQWDFW WKH &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU DW RU visit the Members Section of to register online. Pre-registration is required by May 22nd.

Meg Whitney Memorial Fun Race The Lake Naomi Sailing Association is proud to announce The Meg Whitney Memorial Fun Race, which will kick off the NRPT (Not Ready for Prime Time) sailing season on July 9, 2011 at 2:30 pm. We invite all Club Members, regardless of experience, to participate in this race honoring the memory of Meg Whitney and the heritage of sailing at Lake Naomi. Meet other sailors, have fun and stay after the race for the awards presentation. You may sail in the race either by yourself or accompanied by one of Lake Naomi’s seasoned sailors. If you wish to participate and don’t have your own boat, WKH VDLOLQJ RIÂżFH FDQ DUUDQJH RQH IRU \RX Registration for the race will take place WKURXJK WKH VDLOLQJ RIÂżFH DW &OXE %HDFK starting on June 25, 2011. 5HPLQLVFHQFHV RI 0HJ :KLWQH\ DQG 6DLOLQJ DW /DNH 1DRPL Meg was a young teen when her father, Dr. Elton Dening, bought a Duster sailboat. She learned to sail with the help of two excellent instructors, Tom Gilliard and Bill Person, who not only taught Meg, “the Kid,â€? the rules of managing a Duster, but also taught her how to express herself in appropriately “saltyâ€? terms, according to Lake Naomi Club members John and Freddie Kaltenthaler. 6DLOLQJ ZDV RQH RI WKH ÂżUVW RUJDQL]HG DFWLYLWLHV KHUH DW /DNH 1DRPL 7KH ÂżUVW race was held on Labor Day weekend in 1951. The race was held in thick fog with bell ringers at each buoy. Other bell ringers sat on rocks and stumps to warn the sailors of the lake’s hazards. Now that’s commitment! Meg Whitney was one of 5 sailors determined to sail through the fog that day. John Kaltenthaler is the only remaining sailor from the original group. John and his brother Henry sailed their mother’s Duster on that foggy Labor Day and won because, as John remembers, “they knew where all the stumps were.â€? The original sailing group was known to be a friendly and social bunch. The after sailing parties included activities such as square dances, games and treasure hunts - and everyone from teens to adults were welcome. Meg Whitney sailed her Duster in practically every race, every summer for 60 years. Meg was also responsible IRU VHWWLQJ XS WKH ÂżUVW IRUPDO SURJUDP WR teach sailing to juniors, beginning in the 1960’s. &RQWLQXH RQ SDJH


Memorial Day Golf Tournament Come and join us on Sunday, May 29th. Just register and sign up for a tee time at the Golf Center and then turn in your score after your round. The Nine Hole Net Formula will do the rest. The cost for this event is $5.00 per player plus applicable greens fees. Also join us for a putting tournament at the Timber Trails putting green from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Come see if you are the boss of the moss! Children are welcome.

Ladies Golf League

The 2011 Season for the Ladies’ Golf League will begin on Thursday, May 19th and will meet every Thursday at 8:30 AM throughout the Summer Season. There are no requirements for this League except to be a Golf Member in good standing. Each Thursday, before the shotgun start, our golf pro Bob Millard will be offering a brief discussion on some aspect of the game. For more information contact the Golf Center at 646-9060.

Men’s Golf League

The 2011 Men’s Golf League is poised and ready to get underway. All men who are Golf Members in good standing are invited to attend any Friday morning starting April 8th (weather permitting). There are no other requirements and all levels of golfers are encouraged to participate. This weekly social gathering meets on Fridays at 8:45 AM at the Timber Trails Golf Course and begins at 9:00 AM with a shotgun start. For more information contact the Golf Center at 570, 646-9060.

Meg Whitney


Sailing continued to be her passion until she was stricken with brain cancer in May of 2008. After battling her cancer for 19 months, Meg passed away on December 19, 2009. Meg Whitney is remembered by other sailors as someone who liked to compete, but also had a lot of fun doing it. She is remembered by fellow Duster sailor and club member, Allen Rodriguez; who recently wrote, “Meg was an inspiration to not just women, who might be a bit tentative about racing, but was also an inspiration to both young and experienced sailors. She taught us all how to be competitive and never give up. Her generous smile will always be remembered as she beat you around the mark.� 10

Golf Notes Old Man Winter is almost over and the spirits of all golfers are uplifted by the coming of Spring and another golf season. This season will be another exciting year at Timber Trails Golf Club. The course is continually improving and there are many fun tournaments, leagues, clinics and lessons for all to enjoy. The golf course is tentatively scheduled to open April 8th (weather permitting). The Men’s League will start on this day with the men playing every Friday well into the Fall. Ladies Day will start Thursday, May 19th. It is important to call the Golf Shop by 5:00 PM on Wednesday to sign up for these events. The ¿UVW /DGLHV &OLQLF LV :HGQHVGD\ -XQH st from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM and the cost is $5.00 per person. Look for future emails regarding the topic covered for that particular week. All female golfers are welcome! This is a great way to gain valuable knowledge and make some new friends. The Club is happy to welcome two interns from Pennsylvania State University Benjamin Bastian Hails from Exeter, PA (a suburb of Reading) and Jon Schoepf from Lewisburg PA. Both Benjamin and Jon are excellent students and have aspirations of becoming PGA Golf Professionals. They will be starting at the Club in mid May so please stop by and give them a warm Lake Naomi –Timber Trails welcome. 7KH ¿UVW %ORRG\ 0DU\ 7RXUQDPHQW ZLOO EH KHOG RQ 6XQGD\ -XQH th with sign-ups beginning Sunday, May 15th. The Golf Shop will open at 8:00 AM that day. The Lake Naomi- Timber Trails Breast Cancer Golf Rally will be held on Thursday, July 28th. All ladies are encouraged to play in this amazing charity event. The tournament will have three shotgun starts to get the maximum amount of golfers participating. The Member–Member, Member-Guest Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, July 30th. This 18 hole tournament will be followed by cocktails and dinner. This is a great opportunity to showcase the Club to your friends and enjoy the camaraderie with other Members. The Club Championship will be held on Saturday and Sunday, August 6th and 7th. The Golf Banquet and Social that celebrates the 2011 golf season will be held on Sunday, August 21st. Lessons will available throughout the year. There is no better time to improve your game then in the Spring. Making changes to your golf swing takes time and effort. Starting early in the season allows you to work on the adjustments and feel comfortable with the changes and not revert back to your old bad habits. The cost of a 45 minute OHVVRQ LV WKUHH OHVVRQV DUH DQG ¿YH OHVVRQV DUH 9LGHR DQG playing lessons are available at your request. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for an event please call the Golf Center at 570-646-9060. See you on the Links! Bob Millard, 3*$ *ROI 3URIHVVLRQDO

LN-TT Breast Cancer Rally - Ladies’ Tennis and Golf Tournament

Hello to our wonderful friends and supporters. It is that time of year again when we begin planning our annual fund raising event. Even though the weather is no where nice enough for golf and outdoor tennis, we are full speed ahead in preparing for our third Linda Creed Breast Cancer Event. This year, the event will be held on July 27th for tennis and July 28th for golf. We continue to thank everyone for last year’s success and look forward to another year of great participation and enthusiasm. And now a limited commercial break....We continue to look for help and support in areas such as hole and court donors as well as sponsors. This year we have three DPD]LQJ UDIÀHV D KDQGPDGH TXLOW D ZHHN LQ 6DQLEHO DQG D ZHHN LQ &RVWD 5LFD :H QHHG SHRSOH WR VHOO WKHVH UDIÀHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ ZH DUH DOZD\V LQ QHHG RI VROLFLWRUV WR UDLVH money from our local merchants in order to support both live and silent auctions. Last but not least, there’s lots of talent among our Lake Naomi residents: cooks, artists, etc. Maybe you would like to volunteer these talents, participate and let us auction them off. Please let us know if you’re interested. You can email us at,, Hollylehrer@ Thank-you, 0DUMRULH (LOHHQ DQG +ROO\

Golf Membership Required

Play on the Timber Trails Golf Course (including play during the Pre and Post Seasons and weekdays) is limited to Club Members who have MRLQHG WKH *ROI &OXE IRU DQG WKHLU ERQD ÂżGH JXHVWV When the Golf Shop is not staffed, the Golf Maintenance Staff and the Patrol Rangers will monitor play on the course. Please be sure to have your Lake Naomi Club Membership Card available for review whenever you are playing the course. Proper golf attire is required all times on the golf course. Just a reminder, Lake Naomi and Timber Trails property owners who do not have Golf Membership are not eligible to be a guest at the Golf Course and Special Events.

Trout Season Opening The 2011 Fishing season for trout opens Saturday, April 16th at 8:00 AM on all streams, lakes and ponds in the area. In preparation for this event, the Club will be stocking up stream and down VWUHDP RI /DNH 1DRPL ZLWK UDLQERZ DQG EURZQ WURXW 7KH ¿UVW 6SULQJ )LVK 6WRFNLQJ will take place on Saturday, April 2nd from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. The trout will be released in the upper and lower streams. This rain or shine event is great for the family, PDQ\ KDQGV DUH QHHGHG 0HHW LQ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH SDUNLQJ ORW DW $0 IRU coffee, hot chocolate and donuts. This is part of the annual stocking program conducted by the Lakes Committee . Please note that the Club’s creel limit for trout is different than the State of PennsylvaQLD 7KH FUHHO OLPLW IRU WURXW LQ /DNH 1DRPL LV IRXU DQG DOO ¿VK PXVW PHDVXUH DW OHDVW seven (7�) inches. Resident licenses for ages 16 to 64 are $22.70. Non-resident licenses DUH 7URXW SHUPLWV DUH DGGLWLRQDO <RX TXDOLI\ IRU D UHVLGHQW ¿VKLQJ OLFHQVH LI \RX DUH D ERQD ¿GH UHVLGHQW RI 3HQQV\OYDQLD <RX PXVW VKRZ SRVLWLYH SURRI RI SHUPDnent residence. There is a one day tourist pass that includes all stamps and licenses for $26.70 (not valid in April). 3XUFKDVH \RXU ¿VKLQJ OLFHQVH RQOLQH DW 3$ )LVK DQG %RDW &RPPLVVLRQ ZHEVLWH ¹ ZZZ ¿VK VWDWH SD XV OLFHQVH KWP ,W RQO\ WDNHV D IHZ PRPHQWV WR SXUFKDVH \RXU 3$ )LVKLQJ License and related permits (stamps). If you rent your home please share this informaWLRQ ZLWK \RXU UHQWHUV VR WKH\ WRR FDQ HQMR\ JUHDW ¿VKLQJ DW /1 77 Any questions on the locations of sport and bait shops in our area where you can obWDLQ UHJXODWLRQV ODZV DQG OLFHQVLQJ VKRXOG EH GLUHFWHG WR WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH Volunteer Spotlight Anyone who knows Lake Naomi Club (LNC) Member and Timber Trail Resident, June Steinberg, knows that if someone needs aid or assistance, whether a group, a neighbor, mental or physically challenged children, or a friend, June is willing to help. -XQH DQG KHU KXVEDQG RI DOPRVW \HDUV $O ¿UVW FDPH WR WKLV DUHD GUDZQ E\ WKHLU ORYH RI VNLLQJ ¿UVW DW &DPHOEDFN DQG WKHQ -DFN )URVW They enjoyed the sport so much that one winter they decided to rent in the area, and luckily, chose Lake Naomi. They winter rented here for two years so they could enjoy skiing and had no idea this was a summer vacation place too. It was a wonderful surprise to them and convinced them that having a vacation home here would be perfect. So 28 years ago they built their Timber Trails home and spent vacation time here in both the winter and summer. Both Steinbergs had been playing tennis on Long Island where they had their primary residence, so getting involved with tennis was a logical summer activity for them. Through tennis they met many friends and continued their social activities with them during the off-season. Twenty eight years ago, there were few if any LNC organized activities after Labor Day and so the Steinbergs and their new club friends organized and UDQ WKH ¿UVW 1HZ <HDUœV 3DUW\ KHOG LQ WKH 7LPEHU 7UDLOV &OXEKRXVH ,Q RUGHU WR FRQWLQXH social activities, the tennis group organized and sponsored Valentine parties and the golf group, which June also got involved in, organized St. Patrick’s Day parties. As club membership grew and social activities were recognized as an integral part of a vacation community, more and more activities were sponsored by LNC with continued volunteer member participation. The Steinbergs moved here full-time about ten years ago. June, a talented watercolor artist, gardener, kayaker, tennis player, singer and drama actress has always supported LNC by her volunteer participation. She has been a member of the Tennis, Golf, and Community Center Committees and prior to the general New Member Orientation meetings that Management currently organizes, volunteered to periodically orient new members by showing the LNC video and answering questions the new members might have about this community. The volunteers who participated in WKLV W\SH RI RULHQWDWLRQ ZHUH WKH ¿UVW /1& $PEDVVDGRUV WR QHZ PHPEHUV June likes to propose new ideas for our community, the Garden Plot (located behind the Owassa building on the Community Center property) is one of her recent ideas that so many of our members enjoyed last year and hopefully each year. We members of LNC are lucky to have management and staff that work hard to support the wonderful activities of this club, but to also listen to the members’ ideas and bring the best of them to fruition to be shared with all of us. June, keep your ideas coming and thank you for all you are and all you do. Joyce McLaine, BOG Chair PS 7KHUH DUH PDQ\ ZRQGHUIXO /1& PHPEHUV WKDW XQVHO¿VKO\ YROXQWHHU WKHLU WLPH WR VXSSRUW RXU IDQWDVWLF FOXE ,I \RX NQRZ VRPHRQH ZKR VKRXOG EH UHFRJQL]HG SOHDVH OHW PH NQRZ VR ZH FDQ FRQVLGHU WKHP DV D 9ROXQWHHU 6SRWOLJKW FDQGLGDWH -XVW HPDLO PH DW MR\FHPFO#SWG QHW 7KDQNV

LNC Boat Rentals The Lake Naomi Club offers multiple options for Members interested in renting a boat. Canoes, rowboats and kayaks (single, single plus, double and double plus) are all available for UHQW DW WKH &OXE %HDFK 6DLOLQJ 2IÂżFH Boats may be rented on weekends beginning Memorial Day Weekend and then daily during the Main Summer Season, June 25th through Labor Day. Two hour, half day and full day rentals are available at $20, $30 and $40 respectively. Life jackets and paddles are provided with your rental. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult while using the rental boats. Boats are available between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM and may not be taken out overnight. Sailboat rentals are available on weekdays for experienced sailors only and by advanced appointment. For further information stop by the Club Beach Sailing 2IÂżFH ORFDWHG RQ WKH EHDFK OHYHO RI the Lake Naomi Clubhouse or call (570) 646-LAKE during the summer season.

We Care Program Lake Naomi – Timber Trails prides itself in being a very supportive community. Many Members have experienced assistance from our neighbors, Ranger Department, Ambulance Corps, Fire Company and Pocono Mountain Regional Police. A program offered by the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department, appropriately titled “We Careâ€?, is designed to provide added security to the elderly, disabled or ill who live alone. Each day, except Sunday, between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM, the participating person is to call the Police Department and “check inâ€? so that the Police know everything is ÂżQH DQG WKDW WKH\ DUH ZHOO ,I QR FDOO is received by 11:00 AM, the Police will call them. If no response is obWDLQHG DQ 2IÂżFHU DQG 5DQJHU ZLOO EH dispatched to the residence to check on their well being. Encourage friends, neighbors and acquaintances that live in the area and may need this service to contact PMRPD at 570-895-2400 or the Ranger Department at 570-646-9191 to request a “We Careâ€? application. 11

Memorial Day Parade

The Pocono Pines Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 30th from 10 - 11 AM. The parade will begin at the Tobyhanna Elementary Center and turn left on to Firehouse Road. The parade will then make a right onto Rte. 423 and continue to the Shell Station where it turns right onto Old Rte 940. The parade will end back at the Tobyhanna Elementary Center. Memorial Services will be held at the Cemetery beginning at 11 AM. Don’t miss this opportunity to remember our veterans and support your local community. 7UDI¿F ZLOO EH OLPLWHG RQ 5RXWH EH\RQG WKH RQH ODQH EULGJH GXULQJ WKH SDUDGH

Memorial Day Weekend Garden Center Sale

The Selig Center will be offering LNC members a special discount at their Garden Center located on Route 940 in Pocono Lake on the Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Weekend. Don’t miss this opportunity to get expert advice on landscaping and a 10% discount on all purchases. Please be prepared to show you membership ID badge at the garden center in order to receive the discount.

Run for the Red Marathon Starts in Pocono Pines The 2011 Pocono Mountain Run for the Red will be held on Sunday, May 15th. Runners will have three choices for the 2011 event: run the full marathon (26.2 miles), a 5K road race or team up with another person and take part in the Marathon Relay. The marathon will begin at 8:00 AM at the Tobyhanna Elementary Center. The runners will continue up Firehouse Road and then turn right on to Route 423. At the light the route continues east on Route 940 and then will exit onto Route 314 and continues through Paradise Valley and ends in Stroudsburg. Full course description can be found at Early registration for the marathon is $65, for the marathon relay it is $50 per person and for the 5K road race it is $20. The deadline for early registration is Saturday, April 23rd. All proceeds go to the Monroe County Chapter of the American Red Cross. To register online or for additional information visit Please make a note on your calendar so you can come out and encourage the marathon runners. Firehouse road and Rte 423 will be closed from 8 AM to approximately 8:30 AM.

Temporary Membership

Do you plan on loaning your home to friends or relatives when you will not be present or renting your home during the 2011 season? If so, please note the Full Amenity Family membership is required for your home for your friends and or renters to be eligible to apply for the Temporary Membership (TM). The individuals will need to apply for Temporary Membership in order to gain access to any of the Recreation and Social facilities in Lake Naomi -Timber Trails. This process does take some time to complete, so please plan ahead. The Club’s Membership Department will do everything they can to facilitate your Temporary Members. Give them a call at (570) 646-9191 today in order to request the Temporary Membership Application, Renter Guidelines or if they FDQ DVVLVW \RX LQ DQ\ RWKHU ZD\ 7KH 7HPSRUDU\ 0HPEHUVKLS DSSOLFDWLRQ FDQ EH ¿OOHG out online at The form is located in the Sales and Rentals section under Temporary Membership. Remember Temporary Members will be issued Photo ID Badges. Please notify your family or friends who will be applying for Temporary Membership that to help speed up the check in process each person’s picture can be uploaded on the website. The TM Photo ID Picture upload can also be found in the Sales and Rentals section under Temporary Membership. By taking advantage of this process the TM Photo ID badges will be printed ahead of time and ready for pick up.

Pocono Raceway 2011 Dates

When our Members hear the words “race weekendâ€? there are typically two responses. One of excitement from those who attend the Nascar races and another of concern UHJDUGLQJ WKH DGGLWLRQDO WUDIÂżF DQG SHRSOH LQ WKH DUHD :KLFKHYHU group you fall into, we thought you’d like advance notice when The Pocono Raceway is gearing up for their two big race weekends of the summer. The Racing Schedule is as follows: & $! " June 10th – 12th Pocono 500 Event Weekend August 5th – August 7th Pennsylvania 500 Event Weekend For a brochure with more information or to order tickets, call 1800-RACEWAY or visit their website at

/DNH 1DRPL &OXE 4 $ ,V WKH &OXE FUHDWLQJ DGGLWLRQDO SDUNLQJ IRU WKH /1 &OXEKRXVH" The Club has secured an option to purchase land across from the Clubhouse that would facilitate the construction of a 57 vehicle parking facility that would serve Club Beach and the Lake Naomi Clubhouse. The Club is currently working to get approval from Tobyhanna Township for this parking facility as that process drives the cost for developing such a facility based on the requirements for storm water management, etc. Once approval of Tobyhanna Township is secured, the project will be presented to the Board of Governors for their approval. Provided all goes well to that point, the Club will next present the project to the Membership in a mailed ballot the third week of April for their vote (Club Bylaws required new projects that exceed $200,000 in cost to be presented to the Membership for their approval). Provided all required approvals are received this Spring, it is possible that this new parking facility could be ready for Member use prior to the end of June. :H ZHUH WROG ODVW \HDU WKDW WKH 0HPEHUV ZRXOG EH VXUYH\HG DV SDUW RI WKH &OXEœV ORQJ WHUP SODQQLQJ HIIRUWV :KHQ FDQ ZH H[SHFW WKH VXUYH\" The Strategic Planning Committee is in the process of developing a draft of the survey document. The current target date for mailing the survey to the Membership is Tuesday, September 6, 2011. :KDW GD\ ZLOO WKH &OXE EH KROGLQJ WKH )DPLO\ ,QGHSHQGHQFH 'D\ 3LFQLF IRU " The 2011 Independence Day picnic will be held on Sunday, July 3rd at Club Beach. If Mother Nature refuses to cooperate the inclement weather date is Monday, July 4th. :KHQ LV WKH DFWXDO PHPEHUVKLS \HDU" The Club’s membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year.

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St. Patrick’s Day Party at LNCH. To view more pictures go to www.

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