$ 5HĂ€HFWLRQ RI /LIH LQ /DNH 1DRPL 7LPEHU 7UDLOV www.LakeNaomiClub.com
Summer 2011 WHAT’S INSIDE Teen Events at Boat House Lounge ...... 2 Weekly Specials at LNCH ...................... 3 2011 Community Cookouts ............... 4 Community Garden Program ................. 5 Night Recreation - 2011 ..................... 6 Swim Lesson Registration ................... 7 Tennis Season Kickoff 2011 ........................ 8 LNC’s Super Seniors ................................ 9 Kid’s Fishing Clinic .............................. 11
ENCLOSED FLYERS Membership Directory Update
Boat House CafÊ and Patio a Big Hit The restructured Boat House CafÊ and Boat House Patio on the Beach level of the Lake Naomi Clubhouse opened on Memorial Day Weekend. While the Management Team still KDV ORWV RI GHWDLOV WR DGGUHVV LQ RUGHU WR ¿QH WXQH WKH RSHUDtion, these upgraded Club amenities were a huge hit with the Members. Myles Huf Members now have the opportunity to dine outside on the new paver patio with new tables and shade umbrellas. Or dine in the renovated indoor dining area. The Boat House CafÊ specializes in freshly made pizzas, salads and sandwiches along with the traditional burgers and fried temptations. Scheduled to open on June 25th, the remodeled Duster Bar will offer your favorite beer, mixed drink or frozen specialty drink. Also located just inside the doors of the Boat House &DIp LV WKH IUR]HQ \RJXUW EDU +HUH 0HPEHUV DQG *XHVWV FDQ FKRRVH WKHLU IDYRULWH ÀDYRU of frozen yogurt and add a variety of toppings to create the ultimate frozen delight. An exciting part of the Boat House CafÊ is that the tables, chairs and banquettes have all been recycled. They previously saw service as part of the Clubhouse Dining Room. There is sure to be something for everyone at the Boat House CafÊ, Boat House Patio DQG 'XVWHU %HDFK %DU %H VXUH WR WDNH DGYDQWDJH RI WKH WHUUL¿F QHZ IRRG DQG EHYHUDJH venue scheduled to be open seven days each week beginning June 25th.
Parking Facility Under Construction :LWK WKH VXSSRUW RI &OXE 0HPEHUV WKH QHZ ÂżIW\ VHYHQ YHKLFOH 3DUNLQJ )DFLOLW\ IRU &OXE Beach and the Lake Naomi Clubhouse is under construction on Millers Drive in Lake Naomi. This important support and safety project was approved by Club Members in the recent balloting by a vote of 1879 ballots cast yes, in favor of the project and 254 ballots cast no, not in favor of the project. This new parking facility is targeted to be completed by the end of June.
Members Say Yes to Mountaintop Lodge By a vote of 1796 in favor and 335 not in favor, Club Members indicated their desire in the recent balloting for the Club to acquire the Mountaintop Lodge property on Route 940, immediately adjacent to Lake Naomi Properties on Split Rock Lane and Foxglove Place. While the Members have spoken, the Club is still waiting for the Bank to speak. The Bank is reevaluating their position in order to support selling the property to the Club at a price that will permit the Club to acquire and reopen the Mountaintop Lodge at a cost not to exceed $695,000. The Club has done everything it can and is prepared to close on this purchase just as soon as the Bank completes its reevaluation process and provides the green light to the Club. Stay tuned, the Club will let Members know just as soon as the Bank makes a decision.
In Memoriam Richard D. Harburg of Elkins Park and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania March 29, 2011 Member since 1988 Michael Eleftherion of Yardley and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania April 12, 2011 Member since 1985 Raymond J. McCann of Pompton Lakes, New Jersey and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania April 28, 2011 Member since 2002 Barbara Fiers of Sarasota, Florida and Pocono Pines, Pennsylvania June 13, 2011 Member since 1963
Army National Guard Thank-you
The Army National Guard would like to thank the Members for their generosity in participation and donations during the Memorial Day Celebrations at the Logan Steele Community Center this year. Together over $1000.00 was raised from the )XQ 5XQ DQG WKH UDIÀH GUDZLQJV 7KLV money will be spent on supplies for care packages that the Club will send overseas to our troops with LNC ties.
28th Annual Independence Day Picnic Make plans now for the big Independence Day Celebration at Club Beach set for Sunday, July 3rd from Noon to 6:00 PM. As always, there will be a large variety of picnic foods and refreshPHQWV SOXV HQWHUWDLQPHQW 7KH GD\ ZLOO EHJLQ DW 1RRQ ZLWK D ÀDJ UDLVLQJ FHUHPRQ\ The live band, Blend, will entertain from Noon to 5:00 PM. Food and drink sales will be on a cash basis. There will be games and activities for kids of all ages including carnival games, relay games on the beach and face painters. Don’t miss the annual “Biggest Cookout of the Year”.
Lake Naomi – Timber Trails Arts and Crafts Show The Activities Committee is hosting the Second Lake Naomi-Timber Trails Fine Arts and Crafts Show on Saturday, August 6, 2011. It will be held in the Community Center from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The show is going to have many wonderful artisans again this year – many artists from last year are anxious to return and 13 new artists are excited to participate. New this year are four vendors that will have homemade food - nuts, jellies, jams and chocolates. Again this year, the money that is raised will be given to the Top of the Mountain Ecumenical Food Pantry. Last year the Activities Committee presented a check for $4,100.00. We are hoping to repeat the generous gift this year. It will once again take all the Members and their friends in this Community to make the day a success. We know that we can count on you to support this event so please be sure to mark it on your calendar today, Saturday, August 6th, 10:00-4:00. Cafe Manager Carolyn Keiper and Team will be serving a wonderful lunchtime Bar-B-Q under the pavilion so come for lunch and enjoy the day.
Memorial Weekend Fund Raiser Thanks to the generosity of Mountain Landscaping, a Lake Naomi – Timber Trails Contractor, the Club was able to use the Memorial Weekend Picnic at the Community CenWHU DV D IXQG UDLVHU IRU WZR YHU\ LPSRUWDQW ORFDO QRQ SUR¿W groups. Mountain Landscaping covered the cost of the beer and wine for the Memorial Weekend Picnic. As a result Members were asked for a free-will donation for the beer or wine they consumed at the picnic. As a result of the combined generosity of Mountain Landscaping and Club Members, $600 is being donated to the /DNH 1DRPL ± 7LPEHU 7UDLOV %UHDVW &DQFHU 5DOO\ WR EHQH¿W the Linda Creed Breast Cancer Foundation as well as $600 to the Top of the Mountain Ecumenical Food Pantry.
Teen Events at the Boat House Lounge ´5HÁHFWLRQVµ 3XEOLVKHG E\ LAKE NAOMI CLUB Route 423 3RVW 2IÀFH %R[ 7 Pocono Pines, PA 18350 570-646-9191 www.LakeNaomiClub.com BOARD OF TRUSTEES Brian Drum Stephen J. Harker James B. Hyatt Anna C. McAleer Connell J. McGill Robert S. Mills, Jr. Brian J. Snyder Robert A. Jones, Jr. General Manager Jeffrey M. Evans, MCM, CCM, PCAM ([HFXWLYH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW (PHULWXV Laura M. Altemose 0DUNHWLQJ 0DQDJHU 5HÁHFWLRQV (GLWRU
You have been asking for it, now we have it; a space that High School aged teens and young adults can call their RZQ 7KH QHZ %RDW +RXVH /RXQJH ORFDWHG LQ WKH IRUPHU ¿WQHVV IDFLOLW\ RQ WKH ORZHU level of the Clubhouse, by day will be a mild mannered Wi-Fi Lounge but after 7:00 PM it will turn into a teen and young adult hang out spot. On some evenings we will do programming like open mic nights or battle of the bands, but on other evenings it ZLOO MXVW EH WKHUH IRU \RX WR KDQJ RXW :H ZDQW \RXU KHOS LQ GH¿QLQJ ZKDW WKLV VSDFH should be and how we can use it. Do you want Teen Movie Nights? Game nights? Music nights? You tell us. Our Teen Coordinator, LB Weiand, is looking for your input and willing to help make this your space. Contact her or Tim Brooks at the Community Center (570) 646-8585 or via email at tbrooks@lakenaomiclub.com for more information or to give your suggestions.
Meet the Trustees Coffee In an attempt to make the Annual Meet the Trustees Coffee more convenient for Club Members, the Coffee will again coincide with the Club’s Annual Meeting. For 2011 the Meet the Trustees Coffee will be held on Saturday, August 20th at the Pocono Mountain West High School beginning at 9:30 AM. This stand up social will be just prior to the Club’s Annual Meeting conducted by the Board of Governors which begins at 10:30 AM at the same location. This is your opportunity to chat with the Lake Naomi Club Trustees over a cup of cofIHH RQ LPSRUWDQW LVVXHV \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR GLVFXVV 1R RI¿FLDO SUHVHQWDWLRQ ZLOO EH PDGH
Don’t Miss the Weekly Specials at the Lake Naomi Clubhouse The following specials will be offered each week unless otherwise noted on the calendar: Sundays, now through October 9th Do you enjoy reading the Sunday paper while eating your favorite breakfast of eggs over light, hash browns and wheat toast? The Clubhouse will be offering an ala carte breakfast menu on most spring and fall weekends. On long weekends (Holidays, school breaks etc.) and the summer season (June 19th-September 11th), the Sunday Breakfast Buffet with a small, weekly, varied “Great Side Menuâ€? will be offered. Wake up with Sunday breakfast from 9 AM to 12 Noon. Don’t forget to make your reservations. Mondays, June 27th to September 5th “Traditional Pasta Nightâ€? at the Clubhouse. From 5:00 to 9:30 PM, we will be offering our popular pasta station and antipasto/ salad bar where you can select from a variety of pastas and sauces and a Chef will prepare it for you as you watch. Eat as much soup, salad and pasta as you wish with a weekly dessert selection for only $15.00++ per person and $8.50++ for children. The Bistro menu will also be available from 5:00-9:00 PM. Sorry, we cannot take reservaWLRQV IRU WKLV HYHQW 6HDWLQJ LV RQ D ÂżUVW FRPH ÂżUVW VHUYH EDVLV Wednesdays, August 3 rd to August 31st Music on the Beach. Every Wednesday in the month of August spend the warm summer nights at the Duster Bar with your favorite drink, good music and great friends. See the Weekly Flyer for more information. Thursdays, June 23rd to September 8th Join us each week for a Fest of great food, drinks and fun. Everything from Shrimp Night, Spanish Night, the Low Country Boil and let’s not forget German Fest from 5:30 to 9:00 PM. See the calendar for the Thursday Night Fest of the week. Fridays and Saturdays, July 1st to September 3rd After dinner entertainment will be offered each Friday and Saturday Night by local entertainers. Sing, dance or sit back and enjoy all the great DJ’s, Bands, and Karaoke right here at Lake Naomi Clubhouse. See the calendar for each week’s performers.
Clubhouse Reservations and Member IDs
Dining at the LNCH has grown in popularity this past year and will continue to do so throughout the season. This is attributed to the great job the Clubhouse Staff is doing both in the kitchen and in the dining areas. With this in mind, please be advised to make your reservations early so that you receive the desired time. Also understand that only a certain number of reservations can be taken for each time slot so there may be occasions when your preferred time is unavailable. The Club does not take reservations for the Grillroom or the Outdoor Deck, and there is frequently a waiting list for these areas. Also remember that there is a dress code in the Clubhouse; Members are encouraged to refer to page 36 of the 2011 Leisure Service Guide for additional guidelines. As at all of the other Lake Naomi - Timber Trails amenities, the LNCH will be checking 0HPEHUVKLS ,GHQWLÂżFDWLRQ &DUGV EHIRUH \RX DUH VHDWHG VR SOHDVH KHOS XV LQ KHOSLQJ \RX WR keep the Lake Naomi Club Private. Your understanding is appreciated.
Are you on Schedule with the Membership ID Picture Retake? When the Club instituted the Membership Picture ID’s a picture retake schedule was developed so that your picture will be updated every four years. Children can choose to have their pictures retaken more often. It is important to keep your picture current so that no confusion will occur at any of the amenities. ID badges are now scanned at the amenities and your picture will be displayed on the monitor so it is even more important to keep your picture current. The Club encourages Members with last names VWDUWLQJ ZLWK / 0 1 2 3 RU 4 WR VWRS E\ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FH WR KDYH \RXU picture retaken at your convenience. To avoid delays in picking up your 2012 Membership ID Cards, have your picture retaken this summer. All Members with last names starting with A-K who have not had their pictures retaken are requested to stop in the AdministraWLYH 2I¿FH DV VRRQ DV SRVVLEOH Please remember the importance of carrying your ID badge with you at all times. The summer season brings in many new faces and all Team Members are instructed to check badges. Please do not be inCar Show and Sock sulted to show your badge. Hop Winners
Upcoming Events at Lake Naomi Clubhouse Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at the Clubhouse. June 24th - - Men’s Luncheon July 3rd - - Independence Day Community Picnic July 7th - - Spanish Paella Night July 12th - - Ladies’ Luncheon July 14th - - Low Country Boil Night July 21st - - Cuban night in Havana July 29th - - Breast Cancer Rally August 7th - - DJ on the Beach
Pool Luau Don’t forget to mark Saturday, July 9th on your calendars to attend the Luau! Pool Members and Guests can join in the fun from 6:30–11:00 PM. Enjoy a Luau-themed buffet catered by WKH &OXEKRXVH WHUUL¿F HQWHUWDLQPHQW and activities! The cost for the evening is $30 per person. A cash bar will be available poolside, BYOB IS NOT PERMITTED. Pre-registration is REQUIRED and is available online now or at the Lake Naomi Pool beginning June 25th. This is a rain or shine event as the Luau venue is the Timber Trails Pool. Don’t miss the biggest adult only pool event of the summer.
Annual Meeting and Trustee Coffee Saturday, August 20 th Trustee Coffee 9:30 AM Annual Meeting 10:30 AM PM West High School Route 940, Pocono Summit
Enjoy the Lake Naomi Clubhouse but .... PLEASE BE CAREFUL. The Club maintains a conservative policy concerning the serving of alcoholic beverages to persons who appear to have had too much to drink. You should be aware of the Dram Shop Law, which puts the liability directly on the server of alcohol beverages if an intoxicated individual causes damage, injury or death as a result of having too much to drink. So please understand if we politely refuse to serve anyone a drink and please allow us to arrange a safe ride home if necessary. 3
2011 Community Cookouts
New Member Orientation
Kathy Druecker
On Sunday, May 29th 82 new adult Members and 50 children attended the Orientation that was held at the Timber Trails Clubhouse. General Manager Robert Jones, Communications Manager Laura Altemose, Association Manager Wendi Freeman and Chief Ranger John Lamberton gave an informative presentation that was followed up with general questions. As always the New Member Orientation is a fun event where the new Members are eager to learn more about the Club’s countless opportunities and meet new neighbors. Listed below are the Club’s newest Members and their hometown (or “other home�). Sandy & Mark Andermanis family, New York, NY Marta & Charles Becker family, Philadelphia, PA Benedetta & Carlos Benitez family, New York, NY Pam & Frank Bennett family, Malvern, PA Jeannette & Oliver Boulind family, Philadelphia, PA Helen & John Brady family, Philadelphia, PA Sylvia & Richard Carbone, Staten Island, NY Lynda & Gary Carcaterra, Highland Mills, NY Helen & Kip Cassino, Williamsburg, VA Judy & Tim Chase, West Chester, PA Carrie Ann & Sean Cusack family, Philadelphia, PA John DeMott & Amanda Mumford family, Chalfont, PA Nancy & Kevin Donoghue family, Maplewood, NJ Eileen & Roy Drames family, Havertown, PA Gail Esack family, Philadelphia, PA Sharon Faux, Wayne, PA Jay Finestone & Randy Schwartz, Elkins Park, PA Susan & George Funkhouser, Bridgeton, NJ Irene & Tom Gallagher, Wayne, PA Lauren & Ethan Giddings family, Ambler, PA Deneen & Patrick Glennon, North Wales, PA Allison & Michael Golden family, Lower Gwynedd, PA Marianne & Jean-Marc Haab family, Chadds Ford, PA Miriam & Andrew Harris family, Brooklyn, NY Kristy & John Herrington family, Edgewater, NJ Lori & Douglas Hughes family, Pottstown, PA Jean & Daniel Hunter family, Monroe, NY Robert & Kathy Kimmel, Havertown, PA Jessica & Richard Knopke family, Cortlndt Mnr, NY Salveta & Etem Kolenovic family, Weehawken, NJ Sarah & James Kresberg family, New York, NY Helen & John Leonard, Mt. Vernon, NY Andrea & Tom Macey family, Maple Glen, PA Barbara & Nat Novak family, Glen Ridge, NJ Patricia & Andrew Pechko family, Ridgewood, NJ Beth & Andy Sanborn family, Lansdale, PA Margaret & Robert Sherman, Sea Cliff, NJ Elizabeth & Robert Stein family, East Brunswick, NJ Indira Taboada & Israel Ayola family, New York, NY Beth & Patrick Thornton family, Pocono Pines, PA Joanne & Robert Tranchina family, E. Northport, NY Ivan Uberti & Maria Gualdoni family, New York, NY Maureen & David Weir, Schooley’s Mt., NJ Paize & Tony Wong family, New York, NY
Join us at Club Beach on Tuesday evenings this summer from June 28th through August 30th for our weekly Community Cookouts. Each week features a different theme complimented by food and activities to accent the evening. Below are each week’s themes for this summer: June 28th Welcome Summer ¿UVW FRRNRXW FHOHEUDWLRQ July 5th Launch into Fun – Rocket into this space age fun July 12th Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Fun with a message, games and hayrides for all July 19th Race Night Pinewood Derby - held at the Community Center, enter a car or watch the fun July 26th Under the Sea – a Wet and Wild good time August 2nd Midway Madness - held at Community Center, the annual carnival includes fun games, rides and prizes August 9th Lights, Camera, Action - come out to a cookout that celebrates the stage and movies. August 16th Lake Naomi’s Got Talent – Show off your talent or enjoy the talent of other Members. August 23rd Around the World – Food and fun that celebrate the worlds diversity August 31st Summer Sizzler - end of season cookout celebration This is a night the whole family can enjoy! Cookouts are held from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at Club Beach, except for Carnival night and Pinewood Derby which will be held at the Community Center. Hope to see you there!
Kids, Kub and Afternoon Klub Online Registration We are excited to once again make it possible for you to sign up over the internet for any of the Club’s day camps – Kids Klub, Afternoon Klub or Kub Klub. Each day camp’s brochure is also available to view online if you do not have a hard copy. All you have to do is go to Members section of www.LakeNaomiClub.com and look under the tabs What’s Happening and Kids Klub Information. Kindly make sure that you have read the corresponding brochure before registering!
Sports Squirts Returns to Lake Naomi Club
This program is now headed up by our own Recreation Staff Team and is offered for our youngest Members who are 3, 4 and 5 years old. &KLOGUHQ ZLOO ¿QG WKHPVHOYHV LQWURGXFHG WR D YDULHW\ RI GLIIHUHQW VSRUWV utilizing games, activities and drills that pertain to those different sports. Sessions will take place every Thursday evening between June 30th and August 4th from 6:00 – 6:45 PM at the Community Center. Cost for these sessions are $10 per session or $50 for all six sessions. $OO VHVVLRQV ZLOO EH KHOG RQ DQ RXWGRRU ¿HOG XQOHVV WKHUH LV LQFOHPent weather. Call the Community Center to register 570-646-8585 or register online in the Members Sections of www.LakeNaomiClub.com. The 2011 Activities Registration Form is located in the Online Sign Up.
Weight Loss Challenge
Learn the reality of your diet! The LNC Fitness Department invites all Members to participate in a Weight Loss Challenge on Wednesdays, July 6-August 17th. This very popular six session class is fun and informative, a nutritional approach to getting rid of those extra pounds. Not an exercise class but tips and tricks on how to get your weight under control. Weekly drawings and cash prizes will be awarded at the end for the top three losers. Weekly topics include proWHLQ FDUERK\GUDWHV PHWDEROLVP ÂżEHU FDORULHV HWF ,QIRUPDWLRQ IURP world renown nutritionists, researchers, and doctors, free meal plans, samples and videos all presented in a casual fun atmosphere. This is a safe and easy ZD\ WR JHW RQ WUDFN WR ORVH OEV DQG ÂżQDOO\ VKHG WKDW ZLQWHU ZHLJKW <RX FRXOG EH the â&#x20AC;&#x153;BIGGEST LOSER â&#x20AC;&#x153; in Lake Naomi. SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY - BRING A FRIEND The cost is $45 per person, call the Community Center to sign up at 570-646-8585.
Community Garden Program
The popular watercolor classes will be held this Summer with instruction from Al Steinberg and Barbara McCorkindale and an acrylics class with Steve Kager. Al is known for his excellent painting ability. You may have seen some of his artwork hanging on display throughout the Lake Naomi Club amenities. Alâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sessions will be held on Monday morning m at 9:30 AM starting July 11th. Barbara retturns this summer to offer her popular class on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM starting July 5th. Steve has been teaching here for us for two years and will join us this summer on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM starting July 6th. These classes will be available for all painting levels from beginner through advanced. All sessions will meet in the Adult Activity Room at the Community Center. Cost for each seven week class will be $90 plus the cost of supplies. A supply list will be available at the time of registration. Registration for the summer sessions is being taken at the Community Center, (570) 646-8585. While advance registration is UHTXLUHG DOO SD\PHQWV ZLOO EH WDNHQ RQ WKH ÂżUVW GD\ RI class and made directly to the artists (check or cash).
Quilting Group
An informal quilting group which is open to all Members meets on Friday mornings from 9:00 11:30 AM at the Community Center this summer season. Meetings have already begun and will continue throughout most of the year. Everyone is welcome to just show up and bring your current project to stitch along with you. This is an informal gathering of quilters of all levels. It is a place where you can share your knowledge and love of quilting.
Canasta Comes Back to LNC!
In addition to our Community Garden Boxes, LNC will offer a Garden Program. Scheduled sessions may include crafting, food tasting, hands on gardening, and an instructional lesson with master gardener guest speakers. All Members are welcome to attend the garden Program regardless of whether they currently have a patch. The sessions will begin June 18th and run for 10 weeks from 10-11AM. Come to one or sign up for all. The cost is $35 for 10 weeks or pay a $10 drop in rate on that day. June 18th So many questions! Meet and Greet Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s start the season out with a relaxing informative program where your questions can be answered, as we meet our fellow gardeners. A full array of refreshments and drinks will be available. June 25th Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Good Soil Got To Do With It? Critical to any good garden is healthy soil. How can you tell if your soil is healthy DQG ZKDW FDQ \RX GR WR Âż[ LW" +RZ WR PDNH FRPSRVW DQG ZK\ LW LV so important. July 2nd Organic itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so much more than just a word! Why organic gardening is so important to your family and to Lake Naomi-Timber Trails. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easier than you think to do it right. Information is available on organic products and companies who carry them. July 9th Insects in the garden â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oh no!â&#x20AC;? Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an insect in the garden!â&#x20AC;? Insects are vital to any garden. Which insects should be there and which ones are harmful? Using Integrated Pest Management to deter pests but still maintain an organic garden. July 16th Herbs Do you know how to get the most from your plants? Learn how and when to harvest to extend the season. Should you freeze or dry your herbs? Get tips for storing herbs to use during the winter. July 23rd Go on! Eat Your Flowers! They look pretty and you FDQ HDW WKHP &RPPRQ Ă&#x20AC;RZHUV \RX FDQ JURZ WKDW DUH HGLEOH 7KLV IXQ SURJUDP ZLOO RIIHU IRRG PDGH RU GHFRUDWHG ZLWK HGLEOH Ă&#x20AC;RZHUV Recipes included. Bring your favorite recipes and samples to share with the group. July 30th Herbs Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing better than fresh herbs. This fun program will offer a variety of refreshments that will introduce the many ways herbs can be added to your foods, drinks and desserts. We encourage all who attend to bring your favorite recipes and samples of your dishes. Recipes will be available. August 6th Edible Landscapes Learn how to choose and how to grow plants that you can enjoy and also harvest for food. This informative program will open your eyes to choosing plants that are pretty but can also end up on the kitchen table. Bring your favorite recipes to share. August 13th Herbs Paying high prices for expensive herbed oils and vinegars? Not any more! Demonstrations and recipes show you how to make your own fresh and varied concoctions. These make great gifts! August 20th Plan, Plan, Plan for next Season! Planning your garden ahead of time results in better success. We will discuss any problems you encountered with your garden and how to make improvements for next season. Learn about French Intensive Gardeningâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;how to get the most from small spaces and how to harvest seeds from your plants for next year. August 27th Harvest Party Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s end the season with a party! Last year was so much fun! Everyone is encouraged to bring a sample of something made from their bounty. Please bring a small card describing your dish. We will have fun activities with prizes awarded. *Programs may run longer than one hour due to question and answer periods. Programs are subject to date changes based on speaker availability. It is recommended that you sign up in advance so that we may have the proper supplies.
Summer Art Classes
For those who play, havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t played in years or who would like to learn, come join the group on Thursday evenings this Summer. Canasta will begin Thursday, June 30th at 7:00 PM at the Community Center. All are welcome. For more information, call Harriet Lifshutz at 603-557-8977 or email harrietlif@aol.com
Square Dancing
Two evenings of Square Dancing are scheduled for Club Members on Friday, July 15th and Friday, August 19th. Swing your partner from 8:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:00 PM at the Community Center. Member John Kaltenthaler will be calling for these events.
Book Club
The Book Club meets regularly on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 PM at the Community Center and is always open to new participants. Everyone is welcome â&#x20AC;&#x201C; even if you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t read the book. The discussions talk about the book, writing style and if it was favorable to everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tastes, but does not give the plot away. This is a great way to get introduced to a variety of books that you may never have looked at otherwise. If you have questions please call Vilma Zabaleta 646-7259. The upcoming books and dates for the book club are as follows: July 11th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cutting For Stoneâ&#x20AC;? By Abraham Verghese August 8th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unbroken- A World War II Story of Survival, Resiliency, & Redemptionâ&#x20AC;? By Laura Hillenbrand September 12th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cleopatra â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A Lifeâ&#x20AC;? By Stacy Schiff
Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Night Out Calling all Girls! Join us for a trip to Poke-A-Nose Pottery located in Bartonsville for a fun night of painting on Monday, August 8th. This night is for mother and daughters (or other adult/child combination) to do some female bonding. Painting at this cute little shop will be from 5:00-7:00 PM with a nice dinner afterwards. Cost of $30 per person includes the studio fee, transportation and dinner. Price of the piece to paint will be extra and is to be paid individually that evening. Meet at the Community Center at 4:15 PM. The Girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Night Out is included on the Summer Activities Registration form which can be found in the Summer Calendar or online at www. LakeNaomiClub.com.
Movie Nights Begin Sunday night is family movie night all summer long! Beginning July 10th, the Recreation staff will project a large screen movie at the Community Center. Each week will rotate between a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gâ&#x20AC;? and a â&#x20AC;&#x153;PGâ&#x20AC;? movie. Children ages 7 and under must be accompanied by an adult. The last three movies of the summer, August 21st, 28th and September 4th will be Outdoor Movies. Outdoor movies will be shown at CLUB BEACH from 8:00 -10:00 PM. Admission is free and the cafĂŠ will be open for snacks. Watch the Weekly Flyer for movie titles each week!
Community Center Guest Fees
The intent of the membership and guest policies are to provide fair and equitable use of the Club facilities to all rightful Members and their guests. Members are required to accompany and introduce their guest when using the facilities. Please refer to your Leisure Service Guide for further details. The guest fee for adults (19 and over) remains at $10.00. The guest fee for adults (19 and over) arriving at the Community Center after 6:00 PM will be $5.00 (or 4 hours before closing time). The guest fee for youth (between the ages of 4 and 18) will be $5.00 at all times. There is never a guest fee for children 3 and under. If a guest fee is paid at the Lake Naomi or Timber Trails Pool and then the guest desires to move to the Community Center on the same day, only the difference equal to the Community Center Guest Fee must be paid. 6
Guitar Lessons this Summer
This will be the third year that guitar lessons will be offered at the Community Center. Every Sunday starting July 3rd at 10:00 am, lessons will be given to all interested in playing this versatile instrument. All ages are welcome but the minimum age for children is 10. If you have no musical experience, this may be an opportunity for you to learn the instrument and play a few tunes. For those who live in the Community year round you can play the blues during the bleak winter. Register at the Community Center with all funds being collected at the door for each session. For more information please contact Marty Gallocher at 917-822-9629 or email at rockmart7@aol.com.
55 Alive/Mature Driving Course
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) will be hosting a 55 Alive/ Mature Driving Course at the Lake Naomi Club again this summer. The three-hour classroom defensive-driving refresher course is for drivers age 50 and older who have previously completed the full course. Come sharpen your driving skills and you may qualify for a discount on your auto insurance. This course will be held at the Community Center on Tuesday, July 19th from 1:00 - 4:00 PM. Interested registrants can sign up at the Community Center beginning June 5th. Cost is $12 for AARP Members and $14 for non-AARP Members to be paid at the event. Registrants should bring their driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, AARP Membership Card, and proof of previous course completion to the class.
Family Ceramics
Tom and his team from Creative Outlet Ceramics return to us again this summer to provide the whole family with ceramic painting fun. As always, there will be many molds to choose from which are ready to be painted and range in price from $2 to $10. A $3 admittance fee applies to each participant and will be collected at the door. Classes will be held Wednesdays from 1:30 PM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3:30 PM beginning June 29th at the Community Center. Advanced signup is not necessary and all fees will be collected at the door.
Night Recreation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2011
Night Recreation is an opportunity for young Members and guests going into the third grade and above to come to the Community Center to meet friends and have fun participating in staff supervised activities. This summer there will be some changes to Night Recreation Program. Instead of signing into a program, participants will be free to come and go as they please. The Shuttle Bus (Red Route) will run every hour and can pick up or drop off the participants. Recreation staff will be on hand for a variety of games and activities. Night Recreation will be held every week Monday through Friday from June 27th through August 26th. The game room, multi-purpose room, mezzanine area, outdoor SDYLOLRQ RXWGRRU ÂżHOGV DQG VRPH DFWLYLW\ URRPV ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH IRU SDUWLFLSDQWV :H have had a few questions about this change of programs: Q: Will my child be unsupervised? A: The Recreation staff will supervise the building to maintain activities and keep it a safe place to hang out but it will be up to you and your child to decide the limits you want to place on them. Your child may leave the building or arrive at the building at anytime. Make sure they know your expectations as to when they have to go home, who they can leave with, and what you feel is acceptable behavior. Q: How will you keep activities age appropriate? A: Each night activities will be offered, some will be for all ages and some will be limited to certain age groups to allow the kids to be age appropriate and do activities with their own age groups. Q: Will my child just be dropped off by the bus at anytime? A: The Night Recreation Bus will begin its rounds following the red route schedule at 5:00 PM and will continue to drive that route until the last one leaves the Community Center at 10:00 PM. You can check the schedule in the Summer Calendar to see the approximate time the bus will be at your stop. We will do our best to stay on schedule with the exception of the last run when we only stop at the locations we have participants to drop off (so it runs a little faster). Counselors will be on the bus to assist the children to make sure they get off at the correct stop and to follow the parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wishes. Once again it will require that parents communicate with your children so they know if they are supposed to call before they get on the bus, can walk home alone, or get off the bus at â&#x20AC;&#x153;Johnnyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s houseâ&#x20AC;?. If you have questions or concerns over the Night Recreation Program please contact Tim Brooks by phone at (570) 646-8585 or by email at tbrooks@lakenaomiclub.com.
Swim Team Registration Pool Members between the ages of 6 and 18 are invited to participate in the exciting swim team program. Registration and an organizational swim team meeting will be held on Monday, June 27th DW WKH /DNH 1DRPL 3RRO DW $0 ZLWK WKH ÂżUVW PRUQLQJ RI LQ ZDWHU SUDFWLFH WR follow. Registration information will be distributed at this meeting. If you are preregistering online we ask that you still attend the meeting to meet the coaches and be briefed on the season. Packets will also be available during the regular practice times WKH ÂżUVW ZHHN RI WKH VHDVRQ $// 6:,00(56 PXVW EH UHJLVWHUHG E\ -XO\ th to be a part of this seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team. The 2011 registration fee for the swim team program is $85 per swimmer. Additional parent volunteers are needed to help run the swim team meets throughout the season. We greatly appreciate your assistance if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re able to help out. If you have any questions relating to the swim team program please feel free to contact Operations Coordinator Meredith Sensenig at the Community Center by calling (570) 646-8585 or by e-mail at msensenig@lakenaomiclub.com. Additional information for Swim Team, including the 2011 Season Schedule and Swim Team suit ordering, is available on our website. Checkout â&#x20AC;&#x153;Swim Team Newsâ&#x20AC;? in the Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Happening Section of www.LakeNaomiClub.com right away!
Adult Swim Lessons Now Available
The Club has added Adult Swim Lessons to the summer calendar for Teens and Adults (Age 14 yrs and up). Three sessions will be offered, each over a two week time period. Session 1: June 27th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; July 7th (Registration begins Monday, June 20th) Session 2: July 11th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; July 21st (Registration begins Monday, July 4th) Session 3: July 25th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; August 4th (Registration begins Monday, July 18th) Classes meet Monday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Thursday and are offered at two times during each session: 1:00-1:40 PM and 2:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2:40 PM. In addition to these lesson times, we are fortunate to have the professional staff to offer private swim instruction to Members of all ages on a year round basis. For additional questions contact Meredith Sensenig at msensenig@lakenaomiclub.com or by calling the Community Center at 570-646-8585.
Swim Team Coaching Staff
This summer we are excited to welcome back Jenn Kasper who will be working her 13th season coaching the team as well as being back in the role of swim team director. Along with her experience of coming up as swimmer in the program she is an elementary school counselor in the Pocono Mountain School District and brings many years experience coaching swimming, soccer and softball for the district to the LNC Swim Team. We are also thrilled to have Lauren Travis joining us for her eleventh year working with the swim team. She will be the 11 & 12 year old coach as well as the head coach. Growing up swimming on the LNC Swim Team was a great experience for Lauren and she loves sharing it with the next generation. She was a swimmer in college and is currently a Pocono Mountain Swim Team coach while teaching Social Studies in the Pleasant Valley school district. Laurenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presence with us once again is an added bonus we could not be more grateful for. Nick Pirrocco is back for his third year as the 9 & 10 year old coach. Over the winter Nick attended Northampton Community College and was a vital member to our Community Center staff and an assistant coach with Pocono Mountain East where he was a member of the Varsity Swim Team for four years. In addition to loving swimming Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ultimate goal is to be a coach throughout his life. We are very fortunate to have his enthusiasm to help guide our swimmers. Ian Walsh will once again be coaching the 13 & up swimmers and comes to us with extensive swimming background. He has been a four year swimmer on the Duquesne Boys Swim Team, attending nationals multiple times. Ian currently attends Bloomsburg University obtaining his Masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in Business. Ianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expertise is one that we are lucky to continue to have on staff and we are happy to see him return. Rounding off our summer 2011 staff is Brandon Walsh. Brandon comes to us with not only swimming experience but as a well-rounded athlete who enjoys competiveness on all levels while still having fun. Brandon is currently attending West Chester University majoring in health and physical education. Brandon is really looking forward to working with the 8 & under group this year and will strive to have them improve their stroke while having fun. All the coaches canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait to meet everyone interested in swim team at the welcome meeting on Monday, June 27th at 9 AM at the Lake Naomi Pool. Until then if you have any questions you may inquire with Meredith Sensenig at the Community Center by calling 570-646-8585 or email msensenig@lakenaomiclub.com.
Swim Lesson Registration It is time to start thinking about swimming and signing your kids up for the Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Learn-To-Swim Program included in the pool membership at no extra charge. Classes are based on childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s age and swimming ability. A Parent and Child class will be offered for parents and children ages 6 month-3 yrs. This year three two week sessions will be offered: Session I June 27th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; July 7th Registration begins Monday, June 20th
Session II July 11th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; July 21st Registration begins Monday, July 4th
Session III July 25th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; August 4th Registration begins Monday, July 18th
Each Session Includes the Following Classes: Parent and Child (6 month â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 years with an adult) 9:15 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9: 55 AM Preschool (3 years-5 years) 10:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:45 AM 3:10 PM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3:50 PM Grade school (6 years and up) 10:45 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:25 AM 3:55 PM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:35 PM Lessons meet Monday-Thursday for two consecutive weeks. Registration takes place at the LSCC by either stopping in or calling by phone 570-646-8585. Please note that lesson plans are designed for the entire session and it is essential that Members be available for all lessons.
Shop Poolside Update
Now that the Community Center is stocking Lake Naomi Club apparel year round, the Lake Naomi Poolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Shop Poolside will slim down and relocate to the control booth. We will continue to carry swimming pool essentials such as: hats, bags, sunscreen, ear plugs, goggles, childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arm Ă&#x20AC;RDWV VZLPP\ GLDSHUV HWF 7KHVH items will be available any time the control booth is open which is 10 AM7 PM, 7 days a week beginning Saturday, June 25th for the 2011 Summer Season.
Diane Doherty
Wimbledon Strawberries and Cream On Sunday, July 3rd Tennis Members are invited to play in a mixed up mixed doubles Round Robin from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Players may play the entire time or be rotated off court for one half hour session depending on the number of participants. At 6:00 PM all that exercise will be rewarded with Shortcakes, Fresh Strawberries, Homemade Whipped Cream, Chef Willâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cookies, Orange Juice, Champagne or a soft drink if you prefer. This is always a very enjoyable social event at Tennis that should not be missed. Preregister with the Tennis Pro shop by Wednesday, June 29th at 3:00 PM. Cost of event including food service is $16 for Gold Members and an additional $5 court fee for Silver Members. Those interested in watching the play and participating in the social afterwards may pay $15 for just food service if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss this annual favorite at Lake Naomi Tennis.
7HQQLV 6SHFLÂżF :HEVLWH Did you know Tennis Professional Bobby McKee keeps a website www. ODNHQDRPLWHQQLV FRP VSHFLÂżFDOO\ GHsigned for our Membership? Both McKee Tennis programming and events, tournaments and regular weekly play the Club offers is all outlined here. You may also easily access this information while already browsing the Lake Naomi Club website. Simply click on Link to Lake Naomi Tennis Website from the Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Happening drop down menu of the Members Section. Feel free to contact Bobby by e-mail to ask questions or offer suggestions. This site will be an ever-changing resource this summer with the most current tennis news, services, tournament schedules/results and more.
Boat Sticker Reminder The Lake Naomi boat registraWLRQ VWLFNHU VKRXOG EH DIÂż[HG RQ the starboard side (right side looking forward) and on the stern (back) of the watercraft.
Tennis Season Kickoff 2011
The Lake Naomi Club Tennis Committee held their Annual Season Kickoff on Sunday, May 29th at the Lake Naomi Tennis Center. Both Tennis Members and Non-Tennis Members were invited to play in a Mixed Doubles Round Robin and/or socialize with others on the deck where an enjoyable spread of snacks and refreshments prepared by the Club were available for participants to enjoy. 24 players registered to play Round Robin Tennis while additional spectators came out to watch. Tennis Professional Bobby McKee, Tennis Coordinator Margaret Hickey and Tennis Supervisor Bernadette Oliver were available to help answer questions and explain some of the Special Events being held at Tennis this year. Tennis Committee Members also greeted Members who have an interest in getting more involved in the Tennis Program. For those of you who were not able to attend, we invite you to stop by the Pro Shop to introduce yourself, get to NQRZ WKH 3URV DQG WKH 7HQQLV 6WDII DQG ÂżQG RXW PRUH DERXW DOO WKH H[FLWLQJ 7HQQLV RSportunities here at Lake Naomi - Timber Trails. The Pro shop is open weekends from 8:30 AM-1:30 PM until opening daily on June 25th.
With the tennis season in full swing, I wanted to make sure you are taking advantage of our program offerings. As an update, here are a couple of reminders. Our Cardio Tennis classes are offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 9 AM; Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 AM and Sundays at 8:30 AM. Take advantage of our Cardio Cards discount. We offer an 8, 10 or 12 session card. You can purchase a July card, an August card or a July/August card. Classes must be taken during the month of your card (if you purchase a July card, all classes must be taken in that month). The 8 card is $55, the 10 card is $70, and the 12 card is $85. Our Play Smart/Mental Toughness Clinics will help your game in a variety of ways. These clinics are being offered on Mondays and Saturdays from 10-11:30 AM. For these clinics, we are offering a nice discount when you enroll in three or more clinics, 15% discount on the total cost of the clinics. Our Friends and Family plan makes it easier to reach the three clinic number. Sign up with a friend or family member to receive the discount â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for example, if three family members wanted to sign up for the same day, or on different days, all three would receive the 15% discount. Friends can do the same thing â&#x20AC;&#x201C; when you enroll, you must indicate you are signing up together. As always, if you have questions about our programs, talk with me or someone in the tennis shop. We have an additional number during the summer season, which is 570 643-5489. Bobby McKee, Tennis Professional
End of Season Tennis Tournament Celebration Returns
Both Adult and Junior Club Championship Tournaments will all be awarded at the End of Tournament Celebration on Sunday, August 14th. Time TBD â&#x20AC;&#x201C; immediately following WKH $GXOW 0L[HG 'RXEOHV 7RXUQDPHQWV ZKLFK DUH H[SHFWHG WR ÂżQLVK DURXQG 30 All tournament players will be invited to attend the celebration free of charge as Guests of the Tennis Committee. All others are invited to attend with pre-registration and enjoy the meal prepared by the Clubhouse. The menu and pricing will be available in the Proshop where all are required to pre register by Sunday, August 7th. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss this exciting event of the season or the great Tournament play leading up to it. Tournament Dates and Deadlines Adult Singles Saturday, July 9th & Sunday, July 10th. Register by Wed., July 6 at 3 PM. Adult Doubles Saturday & Sunday, July 16th & 17th and 23rd & 24th. Register by Wed., July 13 at 3 PM. Juniors All Divisions Friday, July 29th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sunday, July 31st. Register by Sunday, July 24th at 3 PM. Adult Mixed Doubles Saturday & Sunday, August 6th & 7th and August 13th & 14th Register by Wed., August 3rd at 3 PM
Read All About Itâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;Ś
The sixth addition of the Tennis Activities Guide (TAG) is available in the Tennis Pro Shop and ready for you to pick up. The TAG lists all the details of the Weekly Activities, Round Robins, Special Events and Tournaments the Lake Naomi Club plans under the direction of the Tennis Committee. Members are encouraged to continue to make suggestions regarding events by placing comments in the Comment Box next to the Tennis Committeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bulletin board outside the Lake Naomi Tennis Center Pro Shop. Offer your ideas to your fellow Members who can help make your Tennis facilities the best they can be.
Family Sailing Tailgate Party
The Sailing Staff and Committee are hosting a Family Sailing Tailgate Party in honor of the Junior Regatta on Friday, August 12th from 6:00 PM -8:00 PM at Club Beach. Families are invited to kickoff the big weekend of Junior racing with socializing, fun and the ever popular kayak relays. You can bring your dinner to the beach that evening, which is not a regular Club policy. Although the picnicking on the beach policy will be relaxed for this event, the NO GLASS on the beach policy will not. Individuals and teams interested in participating in the kayak relays must register in advance with the Sailing 2IÂżFH 'RQÂśW PLVV WKLV JUHDW QLJKW RI IDPLO\ IXQ RQ WKH EHDFK ZLWK WKH 6DLOLQJ $VVRFLDtion, instructors and participants of the Junior Sailing Program.
LNCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Super Seniors
We all know our Club has some great tennis players, some of which play competitively with the USTA. One such league player is LNC Member Anita Scarperia who plays for the Middlestates â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pocono Ladiesâ&#x20AC;? Super Senior team. In April she and her 7 team mates traveled to Arizona to attended the 2010 National Championships. After competing against 13 teams at the same level from all over the USA, the team returned with a THIRD place in the nation win. The team worked hard to achieve this accomplishment and strive to go to Nationals again next year. Congratulations ladies! Additionally the Lake Naomi Club is starting a USTA Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Super Senior 7.0 team to compete against the only other team in our league, Pinecrest. Matches will be played Sunday afternoon in July & August. The Super Senior league offers both a womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s league for players who are 60 years of age and older. The team format is three doubles positions and the levels of play are 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0. Partners combined ratings may not exceed the level in which they are playing. Teams winning their local leagues are eligible to play at the Sectional Championship. Teams qualify for the Super Senior national championship during the fall of the championship year and compete for the national title the following spring. Players must have a current USTA membership as well as current computer or self-rating. We will set a date when additions to the roster will close. For example, the Adult season will start May 1st, but teams can add to their rosters until July 1st. You have to have six players registered before the USTA will make up the schedule. Contact team captain Lew Rarig at 570-643-0287 if you are interested in playing.
Fitness Update
The Fitness Department would like to remind you to check the class schedule for possible changes. Any class packages purchased in 2010 expire on June 25, 2011. Stop at the front desk of the Community Center to update your package. We recommend that you sign up for classes 48 hrs in advance as space is limited. Please arrive on time to properly warm up and be sure to stay through the cool down segments of class for your safety. Look for informaWLRQ LQ WKH ÂżWQHVV FHQWHU RQ DGGLWLRQDO SURJUDPV VXFK DV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO )RON 'DQFLQJ ,QIDQW Massage Seminars, and tournaments like 3 on 3 basketball, volleyball, etc. We are also offering a new Youth Circuit program in the Fitness Center for young Members who wish WR VXSSOHPHQW WKHLU RII VHDVRQ VSRUW WUDLQLQJ RU REWDLQ DQG PDLQWDLQ D QHZ OHYHO RI ÂżWQHVV This guided program is open to kids age 12 and up Monday thru Thursday in July from 3:30-5 PM. Call the Community Center for details. :H DUH DOVR WDNLQJ UHJLVWUDWLRQ IRU RXU HYHQWV DQG SURJUDPV /RRN IRU Ă&#x20AC;\HUV IRU WKH &HOHErity Trainer: Shaun T Master Class, Youth & Adult Triathlons, and the Tour de Naomi. As the Fitness Center becomes more widely used, we would like to remind you to refer to your Leisure Service Guide as to the guidelines for use of the Center. Please be considerate of fellow Members when using the cardiovascular machines and abide by the 30 minute time limit. Fitness attendants are on staff and ready to assist you. Please feel free to approach them with your needs.
Family Adventure Race
Have you always thought you should be in the Amazing Race? Well now you can be Lake Naomi Club style with the Family Adventure Race. The Recreation Committee is hosting the First Annual Family Adventure Race and Cookout on July 23rd from 3:00-7:00 PM. Your family team of four or more will compete in a series of choices and challenges around Lake Naomi Club that will test your body and mind (and your sense of humor, as well). At the end of your adventure \RX FDQ VKDUH WDOHV RI WKH GD\ DW WKH IDPLO\ FRRNRXW DQG ÂżQG RXW KRZ \RXU WHDP SODFHG in the ultimate family adventure. See the Weekly Flyer for more details and sign up at the Community Center.
New Recreation Programs This Summer!!! It is hard to believe that the 2011 summer season is on us already. I know some of the fun each summer is for our Members to see what is â&#x20AC;&#x153;new at the Lake Naomi Clubâ&#x20AC;?. There are many new things going on this summer from big things like the new Boat House CafĂŠ, Boat House Patio, Frozen Yogurt Bar, Duster Bar on Club Beach, and the Boat House Lounge but there are also many new programs for the whole family this summer. Here are a few new activities in the Recreation schedule: Family Geocaching Kids Night Out Community Center Lock-in Tennis Afternoon Klub Pre-teen and Teen Trips to CBK Mountain Adventure Park Disc Golf Clinic Family Adventure Race Family, Pre-teen and Teen Whitewater Rafting Trips Baseball Clinic For more information about any of these or any other activities please see the 2011 Summer Calendar, the Weekly Flyer, or ask at the Community Center. Be a part of what is going on this summer at Lake Naomi Club.
Merchandise Shops
Looking for that shirt or sweatshirt to show off your Lake Naomi Club Pride? Why not check out one of our three Merchandise Shops? The Community Center offers a variety of merchandise including shirts, sweatshirts, PXJV DQG ÂżWQHVV HTXLSPHQW :KLOH the use of Golf and Tennis Facilities require Full Amenity Membership, the Pro Shops located at each facility are open to all Lake Naomi Club Members. The Golf Pro Shop is located at the Timber Trails Golf Course and is stocked with assorted golf equipment including golf shirts, shorts, jackets and other miscellaneous items. The Tennis Pro Shop is located at the Lake Naomi Tennis Center on Redwood Terrace. Items for sale include tennis shorts, shirts, sweats, hats, sneakers, racquets and other tennis items. In addition, non-tennis items like Lake Naomi Club sweatshirts are also available. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to pick up that reminder of your Lake Naomi Club summer today! 9
Golf Notes
Breast Cancer Rally Event Dear Supporters, We have been very busy in preparing and planning for our upcoming Lake Naomi-Timber Trails Breast Cancer Rally Event, scheduled for July 27th and July 28th. We are hoping that this year, with your help, will be THE Best Ever! We are proud to announce our continXHG DIÂżOLDWLRQ ZLWK 3RFRQR 0HGLFDO Centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s outreach program, Thrive To Survive. Pocono Medical Center is going out into our communities to educate women about breast cancer. Our dollars will help provide free risk assessment, free mammograms and after care for uninsured and underinsured women. We will be publishing a newly expanded Donorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Book which will include the names of all of our generous supporters. You can be a part of this in a variety of ways. They include: Corporate Sponsors, Tee Box and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stadiumâ&#x20AC;? Court Sponsors, and, as always, our Hole and Court Sponsors. People can contribute and create a special way to honor and memorialize loved ones. Deadline for publication of names is July 23rd. Send your checks to Judy Balaban, P.O. Box 392, Pocono Pines, PA 18350. If you would like to volunteer to help out please email eileenpt@aol. com. Our next meeting will be at the Community Center on June 29th at 2:00 PM. Thank you all, Eileen, Holly, and Marjorie
Breast Cancer Rally Tennis Event
The Tennis Committee will again host a fun event while providing an opportunity to help others. Join your fellow lady tennis players on Wednesday, July 27th at Lake Naomi Tennis for a morning of fun while supporting a great cause. Beginning at 9 AM Members will participate in a rotation of round robin tennis, cardio tennis, amusing tennis contests and socialization with refreshments on deck. This day of Tennis is in addition to the Golf Tournament and Clubhouse Dinner/Auction raising money for the Breast Cancer Rally. All reservations will be taken at WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH 10
The late Spring days have brought us some glorious sunshine and warmer temperatures. The Golf Course is looking great with the improving weather conditions. The Timber Trails Golf Course is challenging for all skill level players, the immaculate fairways and JUHHQV PDNH LW DQ HQMR\DEOH JROÂżQJ H[SHULHQFH IRU DOO :H DOO DSSUHFLDWH WKH 0HPEHUVÂś patience with the delayed opening of the golf course. It is important to stay off the golf course when it is unplayable to avoid creating undue damage. :H FRQGXFWHG RXU ÂżUVW 7RXUQDPHQW RI WKH \HDU RQ 0HPRULDO 'D\ :HHNHQG The Prestigious Putting Tournament being captured by Wayne King on the Gentlemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side and Carol Maute in the Ladiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; division. The Junior putting title was won by Thomas Melloto. The Net Tournament had some low scores turned in with Rob +DQHV ZLQQLQJ ZLWK D WUHPHQGRXV 1HW 6FRUH RI %XG 5LFFL ÂżQLVKHG VHFRQG DQG WDNLQJ WKLUG ZDV 7LS *ROGHQ 2Q WKH :RPHQÂśV VLGH .DUHQ 9ROSHUW ÂżUHG D VHQVDWLRQDO WR win. The runner-up was Barbie Levine with Amy Hawley taking third. Some upcoming events include the Parent Child Golf Tournament that will be held on Saturday, July 9th. This event is open to all parents and grandparents to participate in. The 3:00 PM shotgun start will be preceded by a barbeque cookout starting at 1:00 30 WLOO 30 7KH WZR SHUVRQ PRGLÂżHG VFUDPEOH DORQJ ZLWK WKH FRRNRXW KDV PDGH this one of our premier tournaments. The Lake Naomi-Timber Trails Breast Cancer rally will be held on Thursday, July 28th. There will be three shotgun starts at 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM for you to choose from. New this year signups will be done at WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 2IÂżFH IRU WKLV FKDULW\ HYHQW $Q\ GRQDWLRQV DUH JUHDWO\ DSSUHFLDWHG The Memberâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Member/Member-Guest will be held Saturday, July 30th. This is an 18 hole event with gross and net divisions. There will be a beat the pro closest to the pin on number two for all the competitors to try their luck against me. The annual Timber Trails Club Championship will be held Saturday and Sunday, August 6th and 7th .The format is an 18 hole stroke play event with 9 holes being played Saturday and Sunday. There will be beverages and snacks provided on Sunday for all players. Be sure to check out the 20% off sale on all Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Golf Shirts on Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day weekend June 18th and 19th. Come out and buy dear old Dad a gift he can wear with pride. Trivia Question: The 2013 U S Open will be played at Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Who won the last U S open played at this famed Club? Email your response to golf@lakenaomiclub.com or call the Timber Trails Golf Club at 570,646-9060. Family Celebration See You On The Links! Al and Linda Franzone are Bob Millard, PGA Golf Professional proud to announce that their Golf Course Evacuation daughter Carolyn Marie was married on May 21, 2011 to As we all know, summer storms can blow up on Noel J. Gonzalez of Stroudsus in a hurry when we are on the golf course. To burg, PA. The reception was help keep everyone safe and dry the golf pro shop held at The Olde will sound an air horn to advise golfers of inclement Mill Inn in Baskweather. The staff will blow three long blasts with ing Ridge NJ. the air horn as an advisory to leave the course due to incoming bad weather. This includes rain, thunder, lightning and high winds. On Tee Box #6 is a Lightning-Rain Shelter for your safety if you get caught in a storm.
Membership Directory Update (QFORVHG LQ WKLV 5HĂ&#x20AC;HFWLRQV LV WKH 0HPEHUVKLS 'LUHFWRU\ &KDQJHV DQG $GGLtions. Please add these pages to your current Membership Directory Binder. A full update of the Membership Directory will be completed in 2012. New in 2010 was the addition of Membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; email addresses. If you did not take advantage of the opportunity to add your email address consider doing so for the 2012 directory. The purpose of this directory is to facilitate Members making contact with other Members. If you are a New Member and you do not have a binder, or if you are an existing Member and your ELQGHU LV GDPDJHG DQG QHHGV WR EH UHSODFHG NLQGO\ VWRS E\ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH WR pick one up. Remember placement in the Membership Directory is not automatic, you must request to be in the directory. If you have any changes or would like to be added WR WKH QH[W HGLWLRQ RI WKH GLUHFWRU\ SOHDVH ÂżOO RXW WKH 0HPEHUVKLS 'LUHFWRU\ 8SGDWH $SSOLFDWLRQ WKDW FDQ EH IRXQG LQ WKH 2QOLQH 2IÂżFH RI WKH 0HPEHUV 6HFWLRQ RI ZZZ /DNH1DRPL&OXE FRP RU FRQWDFW WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH DW
Kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fishing Clinic and Fishing Derby Young Members and their parents are invited to Trout Pond on Saturday, July 9th IURP $0 WR $0 WR KHOS ZLWK D ÂżVK VWRFNLQJ DQG then learn about this great lifetime sport. Stations will be set up to help small groups learn about casting, bait, lures and proper handling along ZLWK UHOHDVLQJ RI ÂżVK Mary K. Haskell On Saturday, July 16th Members age 14 and under are invited back to Trout Pond to participate in the Youth Fishing Derby. Registration begins at 9:00 AM and the Derby will begin at promptly 9:30 AM. Prizes will be awarded to the top three places RI WKH PRVW ÂżVK FDXJKW DQG WKH ORQJHVW ÂżVK FDXJKW Lakes Committee Member Volunteers will be conducting the Clinic and Derby and look forward to answering your questions and assisting with this family day. No pre-registration is required. Members should just come out, check in upon arrival and be a part of the fun.
Fly Fishing Clinic
Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 23rd. Starting at 8:00 AM at Tall Timber Lake our seasonal Fly Fishing Clinic will be offered by Lakes Committee Member Robert )RUUHVWHU 7KLV LV \RXU RSSRUWXQLW\ WR GLVFRYHU WKH DUW RI Ă&#x20AC;\ ÂżVKLQJ DQG VRPH JUHDW QHZ WULFNV $OO EHJLQQHUV DQG DGYDQFHG Ă&#x20AC;\ ÂżVKLQJ SHUVRQV ZHOFRPHG
Open Water Swimming
Weekly open swimming is planned for Saturdays at Club Beach this summer on: July 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and August 6th, 13th. Seasoned swimmers, multi-sport enthusiasts or those training for triathlons and/or open water swim events are invited to â&#x20AC;&#x153;open-water swimâ&#x20AC;?. Meet at Club Beach to check in at 5:50 PM for the one hour swim from 6:00-7:00 PM weather permitting. There is a $2 per swimmer fee for the additional safety boat that will be dedicated just to these swimmers. A course will be marked with buoys to help swimmers navigate as well as making other boaters aware of your intended path. Swimmers must wear a brightly colored swim cap for the purpose of keeping themselves visible to boaters and caps are available for SXUFKDVH LQ WKH 6DLOLQJ 2IÂżFH
Great Time for Home Projects
If you have been considering adding to and/or renovating your Lake Naomi â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Timber Trails Home or even building a new home, there is no better time. Key Local Builders report having the current capacity to undertake projects and that their pencils have been sharpened and are waiting to work on the numbers for your project. The experienced local builders that have successfully worked with the Club on projects in the past are: Oak Ridge Construction, www.oakridgeconstruction.com, (570) 646-8082 Richard Henry Construction, www.RichardHenry.us, (570) 646-1429 Martinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Homes, www.themartincorp.net, (570) 643-3400 Rinehimer Construction, www.rdcustombuilders.com, (570) 643-0894
Dog And Pet Responsibility
Lake Naomi Rules and Regulations and Pennsylvania State Laws require that all pets be on their ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s property or under the control of their owners at all times. Timber Trails has made that language even stronger by adding that all pets must be on a leash no longer than eight feet while on community property. Under no circumstances are pets permitted to run at large. In addition, it is requested that barking dogs be kept inside at all times. Pets are not permitted at any of the Lake Naomi-Timber Trails Recreation Facilities including the beaches. The one exception is the Dog Park located at the entrance to the Community Center. Please be a responsible pet owner and be considerate of your neighbors and fellow Club Members and clean up after your pet. This will assure a pleasant experience for Members and their beloved pets as well.
Storm Policy It is the policy of the Lake Naomi Club to â&#x20AC;&#x153;temporarilyâ&#x20AC;? close outdoor recreational areas and the LSCC Indoor Aquatic Areas during severe storm conditions. The standard that is followed is to keep cleared for a minLPXP RI ÂżIWHHQ PLQXWHV DIWHU WKXQGHU is last heard and thirty minutes after lightning is last spotted. Please respect the facility supervisors who are looking out for your best interest. They will ask you to clear the tennis courts, golf course, pool decks and beaches for your safety. Lightning has struck the LN-TT facilities in the past and all precautions are taken to avoid life threatening conditions.
Beaches When visiting any of the seven beaches, Members and Guests are reminded they must carry their Membership badges to assist in ensuring that only Club Members and their Guests are utilizing Club facilities. Members must sign-in at the lifeguard stand upon arrival and present badges to Lifeguards and Rangers as they check beaches for Membership badges. Also, please remember the NO SMOKING and NO GLASS policy for all Club beaches. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
LNC Lanyards â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Caution Advised Members have received the LNC Lanyards and been very proud to wear them. A word of caution is needed for younger Club Members. Accidents have occurred with this type of lanyard on children because as they are playing the lanyard can become tangled in playground equipment, railings and even door jams. The Club certainly does not want to see any accidents occur and would advise that the LNC lanyards be worn by adults only. Active adults should also be aware that a potential accident could occur and remove the lanyard or tuck it into their shirt before they begin an activity. If you are an adult and would like to receive a LNC lanyard, next time \RX DUH LQ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH or at the Community Center be sure to pick one up. 11
53rd Antique Show and Sale Mark your calendar for Friday, July 22th and Saturday, July 23rd. 2011 marks the 53rd Anniversary for the Mountainhome United Methodist Church Antique Show, considered by many Club Members to be one of the best antique shows and sales in the area. To get to the show located in Mountainhome, take Route 940 East through Mount Pocono to Route 390 North. Take a left on Route 390 North and follow until it joins with Route 191 North. Follow Route 390 and 191 until they split again and the church will be straight ahead of you. You can enter the church parking lot from either road.
New Family Sought for Barn Home
The very unique â&#x20AC;&#x153;Barn Loftâ&#x20AC;? waterfront access home on Millers Drive just past Split Rock Lane is for VDOH IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH GXH WR WKH SDVVLQJ RI ORQJ WLPH Club Member Don Arbaugh. Built in 1979, the home is an incredible, detailed adaptation of an original New England Barn. The exposed beams were extracted from multiple barns WKURXJKRXW WKH 1RUWKHDVW DQG WKH ÂżHOGVWRQH FKLPQH\ rises through three stories to serve three separate ÂżUHSODFHV 7KHUH DUH WKUHH EHGURRPV WKUHH EDWKV DQ in-law suite on the lake level and a three car garage. The grounds are immaculate and of artistic quality. The current asking price for this one of kind home is $1,370,000. The home is listed with Jane Young at Century 21 Select Group (570-646-2600), but any Pocono Pines Real Estate Agent can arrange for you to see it. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hesitate. Make that call today!
Contractor Warning Past experience has shown that when the country is in a down economy, it tends to bring out a lot of new Contractors. Many, unfortunately, have little or no business experience and often do not have the proper amount of liability, vehicle and workers compensation insurance, if they have any insurance at all. While many of these individuals are well intentioned, having a pickup truck, some magnetic signs and the desire to be a Contractor does not make one a Contractor. If someone is hurt on your property, including the Contractor, and they do not have insurance, the liability generally falls back on the Property Owner. It is highly recommended that before you hire any Contractor to work on your property, be sure to determine if they have previously done work in Lake Naomi â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Timber Trails, require proof of liability, vehicle and workers compensation insurance and check their references. Need help identifying contractors who have successfully completed projects in Lake Naomi â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Timber Trails in the past? Contact Association Manager/Architectural Inspec & $! " tor Wendi Freeman by email at wfreeman@lakenaomiclub.com or by telephone at 570, 6469191, extension 107.
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Lake Naomi Club Q & A Why is the Contractor for the new parking facility permitted to work before and after the â&#x20AC;&#x153;contractor hoursâ&#x20AC;? set by the Club and the Associations? The Club amenities are not subject to the residential deed restrictions and thus the architectural regulations. It is a case of something WKDW EHQHÂżWV &OXE 0HPEHUV LQ PDVV YHUVXV D SURMHFW WKDW EHQHÂżWV D single Club/Community Member. Thus the Club is not subject to the contractor hour limitations. Otherwise the Club would not be able to service the various facilities and have the facilities ready for Member use. Does the Club attempt to abide by the architectural regulations and contractor hours? Yes, whenever it is practical. However with the new parking facility for Club Beach and the Lake Naomi Clubhouse there was a very tight time frame assigned to the project. In an attempt to make the deadline, the Club agreed to some long work days and to having the Contractor work on one Sunday during the duration of the project. What contractors handled the Boat House CafĂŠ, Boat House Patio and Duster Bar projects? The Club is proud to report that the vast majority of the work on the Boat House CafĂŠ was handled by the Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s In-House Maintenance Team. The Boat House Patio was constructed by Mountain Landscaping and the Duster Bar was constructed by Martinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Homes. All projects were supervised by the Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Project Manager Scott Hall. Why does the Duster Bar have two roofs? Rather than have a hodge-podge of buildings, the Architect recommended having a combined structure for the grill and bar areas. Because portions of the building were on two different levels, it was necessary to scale down the roof of a portion of the structure in order to accommodate the roll down shutters and make it look like a beach bar. The cedar shake roof accomplished that goal. I am a Basic Member. Why canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t I use the Community Center Pool in July and August? The reasoning for the pool â&#x20AC;&#x153;blackout periodâ&#x20AC;? being announced right from the start of the discussion regarding the proposed ComPXQLW\ &HQWHU ZDV EDVHG RQ IDLUQHVV DQG ÂżQDQFLDO YLDELOLW\ :KLOH Basic Members pay the Capital Assessment for the Community Center which provides the right for them to utilize the Community Center for all of the year and the indoor pool at the Community Center for all but the 73 days prior to Labor Day, Basic Members are not paying the operating costs of the Community Center Pool during the blackout period. Those costs are paid by only those Members subscribing to the pool membership. I have seen motor boats on Lake Naomi. I thought they werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t permitted? The Club owns four Boston Whaler Patrol Boats. At the height of the boating season, a maximum of three of the Safety Boats are in use. These are the only gasoline powered motor boats permitted on Lake Naomi. What are the pontoon boats I have seen on Lake Naomi? The Club owns two pontoon boats. One is moored off of Club Beach and utilized by the Sailing Committee to organize and direct the sailing races. This pontoon boat is also utilized by Club Team Members to assist with the sailing instruction program. The second Club owned pontoon boat is stored at the Floating Marina ORFDWHG DW WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2IÂżFH DQG LV SRZHUHG E\ DQ HOHFWULF PRWRU ,W LV XWLOL]HG E\ WKH /DNHV &RPPLWWHH IRU WKHLU ÂżVKLQJ LQVWUXFWLRQDO SURJUDP DV ZHOO DV IRU WKH SODFHPHQW RI ÂżVK KDELWDW LQ WKH /DNH Are hitching posts still available at any of the Club marinas? In order to make the storage of watercraft safer and easier for Members the Club replaced the hitching posts at the North Beach and Pool marinas in 2010. Hitching posts are still available at Pebble and West Beaches.