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SNAIL MAIL 4427 Osage Beach Pkwy. North (Old School Commons) Osage Beach, MO 65065
PHONE 573.346.2132
Trevor Vernon, tvernon@vernonpublishing.com
Charis Patires, charis.lakesun@gmail.com
Candace Williams, candace.lakesun@gmail.com
McKayla Williams, mckayla.lakesun@gmail.com
Barb Deitrick & Tracey Steinkraus
Lake Media Photo
It’s that time of year again! Golf tournaments are a sure sign spring is right around the corner. Check out the local events!
If you are in the market for a new or used boat, see what our experts have to say to help make the buying process a lot easier. It’s just about time to get back on the water!
Copyright 2023 by Vacation News, a subsidiary of Vernon Publishing. All rights reserved. Vacation News is published byweekly for distribution in Missouri. Vacation News provides residents of and visitors to the Lake of the Ozarks with entertainment and recreation features about the greater Lake of the Ozarks area. While effort has been made to authenticate all claims and guarantees offered by advertisers in this publication, we cannot assume liability for any products or services advertised herein. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising or editorial material. The publisher will assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transcripts or other materials. All advertisements created by the publisher are not considered a work made for hire and the publisher retains the copyright to all advertisements created by the publisher for the advertiser. The advertisement may not be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
The popular Beatles tribute band, Liverpool Legends, performs March 10 and 11 at The Regalia in Lake Ozark. Reminisce by listening to your favorite song. Tickets are $39 for adults and $29 for kids 12 and under. Get your tickets at: www.ticketor.com/theregaliahotel.
The Bridge and Dam Half Marathon, 25K, 10K and 5K will be held March 25. Sign up for any of the races. Proceeds go to Fellowship of Christian Athletes. To register, go to www.bridgeanddamrace. com.
The Spring Boutique Crawl will be held April 1 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Plan a day of shopping with 16 different stops along the crawl. Giveaways, food and beverages and other entertainment is planned. Stay tuned for more information in the next issue!
10 • Children’s Learning Center will host Pizza for a Purpose at Redhead Lakeside Grill from 69 p.m. A silent auction, firearm raffle, prizes and more is part of the evening. Tickets are $10 in advance (before March 1) or $15 at the door, and children under 6 are free with the purchase of an adult ticket. For more information, call 573-3460660. Tickets are available at clcforkids.org under events.
10 & 11 • Liverpool Legends, the popular Beatles tribute band, will perform at The Regalia Hotel & Conference Center at 8 p.m. Tickets are $39/person. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For more information, go to www. theregaliahotel.com/events.
11 • The 32nd annual St. Patrick’s Water Parade will be held beginning and ending at Captain Ron’s. A breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. (fee applies), the National Anthem will be played at 9:30 a.m., followed by the blessing of the fleet at 9:35 a.m. Stops will be made at Bear Bottom Resort, Bulldogs, Nautifish, and The Fish & Co. The Celebration yacht will be offering rides for $50 in advance or $60 after Feb. 15. Anyone is welcome to come by boat. Prizes will be awarded for Best Costume and Decorated Boat. For more information, contact 573-374-5500 or go to www. lakewestchamber.com.
11 • The Lake West Chamber of Commerce hosts the 13th annual St. Pat’s Day Pub Crawl. Wristbands to ride the buses to various stops is $10. Buses start running at 5 p.m. with the following stops on the crawl: Bear Bottom Resort, Branding Iron, Captain Ron’s, Chances R’, Franky & Louie’s, NautiFish Rum Bar, Rocky Top Bar & Grill, Stogies Liquor & Tavern, The Glory Hole, Westside Pub, Whisky Dick’s, and Woods. Many lodging establishments are on the route. For more information, go to www. lakewestchamber.com/stpats-pub-crawl.
March 16-April 20 • The Lake of the Ozarks Woodcarvers Club will be holding beginner
and intermediate woodcarving classes this spring. Classes will run weekly from 6:39-9 p.m. March 16 through April 20 at the Camdenton Community of Christ Church, 42 Sunset Dr., Camdenton. Cost for either class is $40. To register, call or text 913-558-2023, email jahgonefishin@gmail.com, or mail a check to Lake of the Ozarks Woodcarvers Club, PO Box 1372, Camdenton, MO 65020.
17 • An audience participation mystery presentation of “Dead to the Last Drop” will be held at the Camden County Museum in Linn Creek. The production will start at 6 p.m. Seating is limited and reservations encouraged. For more information, call 573346-7191 or go to www.camdencountymuseum.org.
18 • The Iowa Reunion Club will host their March event, the “IRC’s March into Spring,” for all current 2023 Iowa Reunion Club members. This event will be held at Just A Little Diner in Camdenton from 5:30-7 p.m. Members attending will order off the regular menu. This is the third of 12 events scheduled by the club for this year. Club membership is $10 per year, per household. For more information, call 573-480-4601 or go to www.iowareunionclub. com.
18 • The 39th annual Lake of the Ozarks St. Patrick’s Day Parade will start at 1 p.m. on Bagnell Dam Blvd. The parade will be held along Bagnell Dam Blvd. and ending on the Lake Ozark Strip. The road will be closed between 12:34 p.m. and will reopen around 3 p.m. Gaps in the parade will allow motorists to access Horseshoe Bend via. Hwy. 242. Sign up to enter a float by March 10 by going to www.lakestpatsparade.com.
18 • Radio-Active Players, a talented troupe of actors, will be performing in the style of Old-time Radio at Barista GO Coffeehouse on State Rd KK. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the show is at 7 p.m. Call Beth at 913-909-8603 or Will at 573462-6623.
19 • The annual St. Patty’s Day Open Golf Tournament at
Osage National Golf Resort. Shotgun start at 11 a.m. with breakfast beginning at 9 a.m. Entry fee is $85 per person or $65 for club members. Entry includes breakfast buffet, 18 holes of golf with cart and a tee gift. For more information, call 573-365-1950 ext. 110.
23 • The Elks Lodge in Laurie hosts a blood drive from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. in the banquet room. Donors will receive a coupon for a pint of frozen custard from Culvers in Osage Beach. To make an appointment go to www.redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code ElksLaurie, or contact Will at 573-2363276. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments recommended.
25 & 26 • Alhonna’s Spring Classic Buddy Bass Tournament will be held over two days. Hours are 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday. Entry fee includes a complimentary breakfast at 6 a.m. each morning for tournament participants at Bobber’s Restaurant. Payback is awarded for total weight. Entry is $110 per boat. For more information, go to www.thealhonnaresort.com/ buddy-bass-tournament.
25 • The Bridge and Dam marathon, half maraton, 10K and 5K will be held at 7:30 a.m. starting/ending in Lake Ozark. The racing event raises money for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Participants can sign up for any of the lengths of races. For more information, go to bridgeanddamrace.com.
1 • A Spring Craft Show will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Camden County Museum. Admission is free. Lunch available for a donation. For more information, call 573-346-7191 or go to www.camdencountymuseum.org.
1 • The Newcomers/Longertimers fundraising Sock Hop will be held at the Elks Lodge in Osage Beach from 5-9 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Tickets are $25 and includes a hamburger/hot dog, fries, sundae bar and live DJ. Cash
bar. Proceeds to benefit the N/L Scholarship Fund. For information or reservations, contact Patti Cook by March 18 at Patticookie53@gmail.com or 563-340-5416.
5 • The Camden County Museum will host a Farm Market & Bazaar. This is the first market of the season. It is held every Wednesday through December from 3-7 p.m. Food is available for a nominal fee. For more information, call 573346-7191 or go to www.camdencountymuseum.org.
15 • The 3rd annual quarter raffle and live auction, a fundraiser for the Tri-County YMCA, will be held at the Lodge of Four Seasons. Doors open at 5 p.m. for Bids & Bubbly. For more information, go to www. lakeymca.org.
15 • International Girl is hosting the 2023 State Pageant for Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Kansas. Open to all ages and will be held at The Sanctuary Event Center. Entry fee is $150 and registration ends March 30. Go to www.internationalgirlpageant.com for more information.
15 • Radio-Active Players, a talented troupe of actors, will be performing in the style of Old-time Radio at Barista GO Coffeehouse on State Rd KK. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the show is at 7 p.m. Call Beth at 913-909-8603 or Will at 573462-6623.
15 & 16 • The Spring Big Bass Bash will be held at Grand Glaize State Park (PB2) from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. both days. One day tournament fee is $140 and two-days is $190. For more information and to register, go to www.midwestfishtournaments.com.
20-22 • The Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce hosts the 72nd annual Dogwood Festival. Food and craft vendors, entertainment, contests and pageants, a parade, carnival and many other events will be held. For a full schedule, go to www.camdentonchamber. com.
Alove for animals combined with a concern for health and well-being is the foundation of Fireridge Farmstand, located at 1396 S. Route 7 in Camdenton. Owned and operated by Dana and Collin Becker, this 55- acre venue provides visitors not only the opportunity to purchase quality products, but also an opportunity to enjoy the grounds.
Becker and her husband started the farm five years ago.
“We did it because we both love animals,” she explained. “It was never meant to be anything more than a hobby. The last few years I had it on my heart that I needed to offer healthy food options for people.”
Becker works full-time as a nurse and Collin is a firefighter in Osage Beach. They are both aware of some of the unhealthy ways foods today are processed, packaged and sold. Because of that, they wanted to offer an alternative.
“I wanted to provide and educate people on their health from a very basic nutritional standpoint,” she said.
What sets them apart in their effort to offer a healthier quality of meat is they don’t feed lot their animals. Instead of being kept in a small area and fed an unnatural diet, their animals spend their time in the pasture. Because of this, Becker explained, they have access to their natural diets. If they are confined, she added, it’s because they chose to go into the barn. In addition, animals have unlimited access to water through an automated water system that continually replaces any water used with clean water.
Along with their full- time employment, they both work the farm alone without any hired help. They raise sheep, goat, pig and chicken and have partnered with friends from a neighboring farm to purchase beef.
“We like the way they finish out their beef,” Becker said. “We buy the beef outright from them, then process and sell it.”
Customers can purchase meat every Saturday from 10-6 in the shop portion of their home. Their most popular items, Becker said, are ribeye steaks, chuck roast and lamb.
“We want to create a place that promotes healthy living,” Becker said. “A huge part of healthy living is community. We want to bring people together, support local makers, and create a space that is fun for all ages.” To promote this even further, the couple will be celebrating the opening of their new storefront.
A grand opening for the public is scheduled for April 1 for the 1500 square-foot building that sits on the front portion of their property near the highway. A coffee vendor will be present in the morning and the Swallowtail Farm to Table food truck will be there for lunch during the event.
The new storefront building, Becker explained, will sell goods from other vendors, artisans, and their own products as well. These include eggs, plants, houseware items, and more.
“We want to support the community, and supporting our local artists provides a sense of community,” she added. “By partnering with others we make up for the lack of time, talent and public knowledge we have in some things.” The new storefront will be open every Thursday through Sunday from 9-6.
Becker said they love having kids out to the farm where they can pet the animals. They also transport some of their animals for birthday parties and church events.
“It’s just a small petting zoo but people love it,” she said. “Our animals love being pet and loved on.”
Their future plans for the farm includes the addition of a larger animal petting area for kids and a fresh flower garden. “We plan on doing this for a long time,” Becker said. “I imagine it will continue to expand and grow. I would love to do classes and tutorials at some point in the future.” Additional information about Fireridge Farmstand can be found on Facebook and Instagram. Specific questions can be texted to 573-434-9669.
Cocktails & Caddies Golf Tournament
April 14: TBA
The Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will host the annual golf tournament where a team of three women bid on a male caddie and a prize package. Lunch is served at 11 a.m. with tee off at 1 p.m.
For more information, www.lakeareachamber.com/ cocktails-caddies.html.
Spring Scramble
April 15 & 16: Lake Valley Golf Club
The Spring Two-Man Scramble Invitational will be held at Lake Valley Golf Club. The two-day event is $400/team and includes 36 holes of golf with cart, skins both days, pari-mutuel on Sunday, closest to the hole prizes Saturday.
To sign up, call 573-346-7218 or go to www.lakevalleygolf.com.
Shootout Tournament
May 13: Lake Valley Golf Club
The 15th annual Shootout Benefit Golf Tournament will be held at Lake Valley Golf Club on May 13. Shotgun at 9 a.m. with lunch at noon. Cost is $125/player. Sponsorships are available.
For more information or to register, go to www.lakeoftheozarksshootout.com.
HK’s Golf Tournament
May 21 & 22: The Cove Golf Course
Heart care technology will be the benefactor of this year’s HK’s Golf Tournament for Lake Regional Health System. The LOTO Open will be held Sunday with brunch at The Cove at 10 a.m. and golf at 11 a.m. A party on the rooftop of Lodge of Four Seasons will be held at 6 p.m. On Monday, breakfast is at the Porto Cima Clubhouse at 8 a.m. with Shamble play at The Club at Porto Cima at 10 a.m. Lunch and awards reception at 2 p.m.
To register, go to www.hksgolf.com/register.html.
The Lake’s a great place to golf! To find out more about these local courses, go to www.golfingmissouri.com.
Bear Creek Valley Golf Club 910 Hwy. 42, Kaiser 573-302-1000
The Cove at the Lodge of Four Seasons
315 Four Seasons Dr., Lake Ozark 573-365-8532
Golf Club at Deer Chase 770 Deer Path Dr., Linn Creek 573-346-6117
Eldon Golf Club 35 Golf Course Rd., Eldon 573-392-4172
Indian Rock Golf Club
100 Indian Lake Ave., Gravois Mills 573-372-3023
Lake Valley Golf Club 367 C.C. Blair Dr., Camdenton 573-346-7218
The Oaks at Margaritaville Lake Resort 1524 State Road KK, Osage Beach 573-348-8522
Old Kinderhook 20 Eagle Ridge Rd., Camdenton 573-317-3573
Osage National Golf Resort 400 Osage Hills Rd., Lake Ozark 573-365-1950
The Ridge at the Lodge of Four Seasons 170 Seasons Ridge Rd., Lake Ozark 573-365-8544
Rolling Hills Country Club 13986 Country Club Rd., Versailles 573-378-5109
Porto Cima (private club) 133 Club House Drive, Sunrise Beach 573-207-8700
The lake level was 655.7, generation of 14,000 cubic feet per second (CFS) increasing to 15,000 CFS through out the week for a level of 654.8 by the weekend. Surface temperature at Bagnell Dam was 50 degrees. Truman Lake was at the 707.3 level.
To Note: The Lower Lake is from the dam to the 22-mile mark; MidLake is from the 22- to 44-mile mark, the Upper Osage is from the 44mile mark to the Route 65 Bridge.
Tournament Results: Lawson
Hibdon won the Angry Pirate Stickbait Tournament last Saturday with five bass weighing 23.04 pounds.
Bagnell Dam spillway/Osage River
Water clarity: Clear. Fishing is slow for all species.
Lower Lake
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Slow on jigs and Alabama rigs in brush piles and along transition banks in coves. Crappie: Good on jigs 4 feet deep along gravel banks in coves.
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on suspending jerkbaits along windy points and channel swings. Crappie: Excellent on jig-and-bobber rigs 4 feet deep along pea gravel banks or on jigs for fish suspended 15 to 25 feet deep over 30 feet of water around main lake brush and docks.
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on jigs and suspending jerkbaits along chunk rock banks in coves and windy main lake points. Crappie: Good on bobberand-jig setups about 3 feet deep around shad schools in coves.
Grand Glaize
Water clarity: Stained on the upper end and clear on the lower end. Black bass: Fair on Alabama rigs and jerkbaits along secondary points. Crappie: Good on bobber-andjig rigs 5 to 7 feet deep around shad schools in coves or for fish suspended 3 feet deep over a depth of 30 feet.
Water clarity: Murky. Black bass: Slow on crankbaits, spinnerbaits and suspending stickbaits along main lake rocky banks. Crappie: Good on jigs 4 to 5 feet deep in brush. White bass: Good on jigs along drop-offs in pockets close to the main lake. Catfish: Fair drifting shad.
Upper Osage
Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Slow on jerkbaits and crankbaits along secondary points. Crappie: Good on minnows and jigs 10 to 15 feet deep around docks. White bass: Fair on Roostertails along windy rock banks. Catfish: Fair on chicken parts and fresh shad.
Truman Dam spillway
Water clarity: Muddy. Crappie: Fair on jigs and minnows in the dead water channel. White bass: Slow on jigs along the rock riprap. Walleye: Slow on jigs along the rock riprap. Catfish: Fair on cut shad in the dead water channel.
Guide Alfred Chapman (573-465-3810), www.lakeozarkfishingguideservice.com; Big Ed’s Guide Service (573692-6710) www.bigedsguideservice.com; Guide Jack Uxa (573-434-2570) www.lakeoftheozarksfishingguide.com; Guide John Blankenbeker (573-280-1455); Guide Terry Blankenship (573-480-2835); Guide Jim Dill (573-204-9005) www.jamesdillguideservice.com; Fitz Fishing (573-693-9299); Bryants Osage Outdoors (573-374-2278); Casey Scanlon (913-4493176) and Cody’s Bait & Tackle (660-723-5115). Tournament Results—Thanks to www.bassingbob.com.
Buy Missouri hunting and fishing permits online at mdc.mo.gov/buypermits.
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reminds Missouri hunters and anglers that related annual permits expire at the end of February, including 2022 permits for small game, fishing, trout fishing, and combination hunting and fishing.
Buy Missouri hunting and fishing permits from one of many vendors around the state, online at mdc.mo.gov/ buypermits, or through MDC’s free mobile apps, MO Hunting and MO Fishing, available for download through Google Play for Android devices or the App Store for Apple devices.
Save time by buying hunting and fishing permits for multiple people in a single transaction. Select the “Addi-
tional Customer” option during the permit purchase.
Avoid having to renew permits each year by using MDC’s Permit Auto-Renewal Service. It allows customers to enroll eligible permits in a service that will automatically renew their permits prior to the start of the next season or permit year. The process was designed to ensure customers never have expired permits when they need them most. Learn more at mdc.mo.gov/permits/permit-autorenewal.
Commercial and lifetime permits can be purchased only through the MDC Permit Services Unit by calling 573522-0107 for an application.
St. Patrick’s Day is just around corner and what better way to spend the day than at a parade! Deck the whole family out in green, grab the lawn chairs and head out to the Bagnell Dam Strip for an afternoon of family fun! And who knows you might even score some candy!
March 18th, 2023 1:00pm Bagnell Dam Strip
Join local health care heroes and run or walk in the Lake Regional Scrub Run on Saturday, May 6, at Lake Regional Hospital in Osage Beach. Registration is open now at lakeregional.com/ScrubRun.
“Now in its 14th year, Lake Regional’s annual fun run/walk has a new name,” said Jody Corpe, M.S., E.P., manager of Lake Regional Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. “To celebrate our clinical team members, we’re inviting them to run the 5K in their scrubs, and we invite the community to run or walk alongside these health care heroes.”
Check-in begins at 7 a.m. in Parking Lot A near the hospital’s main entrance. The 5K run begins at 8 a.m. and will follow a course from the hospital down Osage Beach Parkway. The walk will start immediately after the run begins and will follow a one-mile course around the hospital.
The race will use chip timing. Medals will be awarded to the top male and female runners in the following age divisions: 12 and under; 13 through 18; 19 through 29; 30 through 39; 40 through 49; 50 through 59; and 60 and older.
Chris Cakes will provide a $5 all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. Serving will begin at 8 a.m., and the breakfast is free to paid run/walk participants, as well as children 5 years old and younger.
The registration fee is $30 for runners and walkers to receive a commemorative T-shirt or $20 without a T-shirt. The T-shirt registration deadline is Friday, April 21. Online registration and printable registration forms are available at lakeregional.com/ScrubRun or by contacting Lake Regional Public Relations at 573-348-8222.
All funds raised through the Lake Regional Scrub Run will benefit Lake Regional Health System.
Warmer weather is around the corner. Soon the open water will be calling. A new boating season is upon us. Many of us have purchased a new boat or are thinking about upgrading to a bigger boat. Some buyers may be looking at more horsepower and adding additional features such as joystick controls, radar or a live scope.
Don’t know whether to buy a new or a used boat? That’s a tough call for a boat buyer, especially a first timer. There’s no right or wrong answer. It all depends on you — your tastes, your budget and your mechanical aptitude.
Here’s some factors to consider...
• With a used boat, you get more boat for fewer dollars, lower cost per year of ownership, and less on the line if you decide a different style or size boat would better serve you.
• It sounds funny, but there’s peace of mind in knowing you’re not going to put the first scratch or ding in the boat.
• Any initial bugs in the boat or motor have likely surfaced and been dealt with. For reassurance, and before signing, get a marine survey. Marine surveyors see what you can’t and look where you won’t. After the survey, smile and buy, whittle down the price, draft your own to-do list, or walk away.
• You get time-tested technologies. If a manufacturer brought out a bad boat or balky motor, the Internet and other sources will wave you off.
• You can choose a style of sale — from the trade-in or used stock of a dealer, broker, private seller or through other means.
Who doesn’t like a shiny new toy? No need to wonder how the boat has been used or misused, or if it’s been adequately winterized and commissioned. There is no history to uncover, because you’ll write this boats on-the-water history.
• You can buy exactly what you want and not just what’s on the preowned market. You’ll be getting the latest, greatest technology and innovations.
• If something does go awry, you’ll have a manufacturer’s warranty to back you up. That warranty is served by the selling dealer, which is a good reason to buy nearby.
• You can rig it the way you want with the latest gear selected precisely for your purpose.
Some boat owners are not as confident, skilled or knowledgeable in how the boat operates. Every boat is different in the way it handles.
If you are upgrading in size or moving from single engine to multiple engines you may want to consider hiring a United States Coast Guard Credentialed Captain who is able to give refresher training or instruction on handling those twins engines or upsized boat. If you are a novice boater or have limited experience in boating, you may want to consider taking an on-the-water boating class with a certified USCG Captain by the National Safe Boating Council instructor. You can find one at boatusfoundation.ticketspice.com/ozark-boat-safety-and-training-lake-ozarks-mo---2023 or go to ozarkboattraining.com.
Mainly, enjoy your new boat or your new-to-you boat in a safe manner and be able to boat another day.
Ashort drive northeast from the Lake brings visitors to Jefferson City where a full day of food and a deep dive into history awaits. The state’s capitol city makes the most of the past. Classic buildings and artifacts have been preserved, and they are open for the present public to enjoy.
The State Capitol, Governor’s Mansion, and decommissioned penitentiary overlook the Missouri. Landscaping on the capitol and mansion grounds adds color for every season. They are places to enjoy an urban autumn.
The Capitol is home to the Missouri State Museum on the first floor. On the third floor, Thomas Hart Benton’s commissioned murals reveal the economic drivers of this state. History Hall honors Missourians who have shaped history itself. Busts of General Pershing, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Betty Grable recall the impact each had on the world.
Nearby is the Governor’s Mansion, open for public tours. Docents share bits and pieces of the state’s history as they guide guests from room to room.
Another sobering tour is of the Missouri State Penitentiary, decommissioned in 2004, but still vital as an at-
traction for photographers and anyone who believes in ghosts. It’s a chilling place any time of the year, but a group tour at Halloween may add the thrill people seek.
Old Buildings Reclaimed on Foodie Tour
Not far from the penitentiary is Prison Brews, a local microbrewery serving pizza and more. Located in an historic dairy, the restaurant and brewery is also home to Bocce Ball games and a great place for lunches.
Another reclaimed building on High Street bears the sign for The Grand Café, a bit of elegance in service and fare. Open for lunch and dinner, The Grand Café is fine dining at any hour.
About a block away stands Ecco Lounge, one of the oldest restaurants and bars in use for decades. Known for enormous pork cutlet sandwiches and onion rings, Ecco also offers fine dining options evenings.
More Outdoor Autumn Urban Color
Runge Nature Center is an outdoor hiking and educational center. Nestled in trees, the center is rich in fall’s changing palette and birdsong. On site is a massive eagle’s nest at ground level to amaze everyone in anticipation of the eagles’ return to the region. It’s a great place to close a full day in Jefferson City.
Prison Brews is a great stop for lunch or dinner. Enjoy a variety of craft beers, pizza, or (pictured above) an open faced meatball
Let the shenanigans begin! St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated across the Lake area with festive food and events. Irish or not, here are our top five ways to mark the holiday.
1. Go for the Green Swing into spring at the St. Patty’s Day Open March 19 at Osage National Golf Resort. What a great way to dust off those clubs and get ready for a season of golf. This three-person scramble is an annual event that includes a breakfast buffet and 18 holes of golf. Shotgun is at 11 a.m. wi th breakfast beginning at 9 a.m. Cost is $85/person.
For more information, go to www.osagenational.com.
2. Erin Go Bragh
With St. Patrick’s day the unofficial start of the spring season many waterfront bars and restaurants open mid-March and begin offering live music. One of the best bands to celebrate with on St. Patrick’s Day is The i-Berrys. They will perform the 6th annual Irish Hooley at Encore in Lake Ozark on March 18 — following the annual St. Pat’s parade. The show starts around 4 p.m. and is free. It’s a must-see event.
3. Festive Food
You might have to search for it, but many restaurants change up their menu for this special holiday by offering traditional fare on the menu. Corned beef and cabbage, bangers and mash, and many other traditional Irish meals have been spotted at local establishments in the past. Of course, feel free to wash it down with a bit of Irish whiskey or green beer.
4. Spot a Leprechaun
A water and land parade have been longstanding traditions and m any locals consider St. Patrick’s Day events to be the unofficial start of the spring season.
It’s time to get the boat out for the first excursion of the se ason. Don’t forget to wear your green and decorate your boat for a chance to win prizes.
The 32nd annual St. Patrick’s Water Parade begins and ends at C aptain Ron’s at the 34.5-mile marker on March 11. Ride the Celebration boat and stop off at the participating stops: Bear Bottom Resort, NautiFish Rum Bar, and The Fish & Co. Tickets are $60/person.
Festivities begin with the National Anthem at 9:30 a.m., the Bl essing of the Fleet at 9:35 a.m. and boarding the Celebration starts at 9:45 a.m. Boats will take off at 10 a.m. Anyone is welcome to attend and join the caravan of boats as they take off f or the
For more information, go to www.lakewestchamber.com. The crowds always come out for the annual Lake of the Ozarks St. Patrick’s Day Parade. In its 38th year, the parade will begin at 1 p.m. on March 18 and will travel down Bagnell Dam Blvd. to the Lake Ozark Strip. Grab a couple of lounge chairs and find a spot to watch.
Hop on the bus and stop at more than 10 participating locations. The 13th annual St. Pat’s Day Pub Crawl will be held March 11. Party-goers can ride the bus for $10. Stops along the route are: Bear Bottom Resort, Branding Iron, Captain Ron’s, Chances R’, Franky & Louie’s, NautiFish Rum Bar, Rocky Top Bar & Grill, Stogies Liquor & Tavern, The Glory Hole, Westside Pub, Whisky Dick’s, and Woods.
Drink responsibly by planning ahead and designating a sober driver. There are plenty of lodging properties along the route that offer overnight accommodations. For more information, go to www.lakewestchamber.com.
Each March 17, and even in the days surrounding that date, the world is awash in kelly green. That’s because it is once again time to pay homage to the patron saint of Ireland and perhaps engage in a little spirited revelry.
St. Patrick’s Day is an opportunity to honor St. Patrick and celebrate the Irish diaspora and culture. From lively bagpiping to delicious foods to spirited parades, St. Patrick’s Day features many chances for merriment, which can even extend to private parties held at home. The following are some party-planning ideas to ensure this St. Patrick’s Day is as jovial as ever.
Get guests in the mood with themed party invitations. Whether paper invites or electronic ones, take advantage of the many designs available online and in-store. Entertaining puns and plays on words can be the way to go with invitations, which also can showcase shamrocks and other symbols of St. Patrick’s Day.
The color green garners its share of attention on St. Patrick’s Day. However, the earliest accounts of St. Patrick associate him with the color blue. Green was later adopted, perhaps in homage to the Emerald Isle. But green is not the only color associated with Ireland, as the nation’s flag can attest. White and orange decorations also can round out displays on St. Patrick’s Day.
Party stores may sell foil-wrapped chocolate coins this time of year, and they can be used to create a “pot of gold” display at your St. Patrick’s Day party.
Bagpipes feature prominently in St. Patrick’s Day parades, and hosts can book a piper to play a few tunes in traditional garb during a party.
Set up an area of the space and provide the accoutrements one would find in an Irish pub. In addition to having Guinness available, stock other classic Irish spirits, including Irish Mist, Poitín, Jameson, Sheridan’s, Baileys, and Irish red ales. Keep Irish folk music playing in the background to impart a cozy feeling.
One of the best parts of a St. Patrick’s Day celebration is having plenty of celebrants together to reminisce and enjoy each other’s company. A crowd means better sing-a-longs and more opportunities to toast to good luck for the future.
There are many ways to make private St. Patrick’s Day parties as special as public gatherings like parades.
Capital City Productions of Jefferson City is headed to the Lake of the Ozarks with professional live entertainment. CCP will be opening a second theater venue in Osage Beach.
CCP has acquired and is re-opening the 1,000-seat Main Street Music Hall which was a favorite source of entertainment at Lake of the Ozarks for decades. The Music Hall is located in The Landing on Main Street, 5854 Osage Beach Parkway.
The new, second CCP theater venue in Osage Beach will provide high quality, live entertainment for thousands of tourists, conventioneers, bus tours and meeting attendees who flock to the Lake every year, as well as local residents and other central Missouri theater-goers.
Plans are moving forward to re-open the Music Hall this summer with professional entertainers.
Local musicians, actors, artists, carpenters and other volunteers will have the opportunity to work and interact with these professionals.
Future plans include theater camps tor the young people in the Osage Beach area.
The Landing
This imposing Victorian style theater anchors The Landing, one of the Lake’s more popular collection of shops featuring clothing, gifts, art, furnishings, and eateries and offers easy access right off Highway 54 in Osage Beach.
The entirety of The Landing is the incredible vision of the Blair family which has been searching for the right group to open the doors of their theater again.
A CCP spokesman said the theater company is honored that the Blairs feel the theater family is worthy of the privilege to bring live theater back to the Lake in their venue, and is committed to living up to their trust and support.
4 Seasons Cafe/JJ Lafata’s 4312 Horseshoe Bend Pkwy. Lake Ozark; 365-6989
5 Diner (The) 25718 Hwy. 5 Gravois Mills; 372-8146
Applebee’s 4040 Highway 54 Osage Beach; 348-9595 applebees.com
Bee’s Knees 106 W. Jasper St. Versailles; 539-2525
Bend Bourbon Bar (The) 1622 Horseshoe Bend Lake Ozark; 693-1553
Bonnies Cafe
4196 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-2468 bonnie-cafe.edan.io
Buffalo wild wings 200 Kestrel Ln. Lake Ozark; 693-1060 buffalowildwings.com
Chili’s Grill & Bar 3820 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-1116 chilis.com
Chuckwagon Cafe 888 N. Business Rt. 5 Camdenton; 346-5050 chuckwagoncafemo.com
Eagle View Sports Bar & Grille at Osage National 400 Osage Hills Rd. Lake Ozark; 365-1950 osagenational.com
EC’s Bar and Grill 4344 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 573-693-9168
Fire Station Bar & Grill 146 Illinois St. Camdenton; 873-2222 firestationbargrill.com
First watch 4325 Osage Beach Pkwy. N Osage Beach; 258-4971 firstwatch.com/locations/lakeof-the-ozarks/
Golden Corral 3734 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-9156 goldencorral.com
Greenside Bar & Grill at Lake Valley Country Club 367 C.C. Blair Dr. Camdenton; 346-7213 lakevalleygolf.com
JJ Twig’s 1815 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-9911 jjtwigs.com
Just A Little Diner 53 South Business Hwy. 5 Camdenton; 873-2243
Lake Kabob House
1255 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 818-288-1183
Lake Time Cafe 107 Hwy. O Laurie; 207-2429
Malted Monkey 1345 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-9792
Off the Cliff 66 North Shore Dr. Lake Ozark; 365-1655 offtheclifflakeozark.com
Outback Steakhouse 3930 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-4670
Panera Bread
4840 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0024 panerabread.com
Phat Sal’s west 401 N. Main Street Laurie; 207-2655 phatsalsloto.com
Pioneer Restaurant 801 W. Newton St. Versailles; 378-5886
RJ’s Family Restaurant 275 W. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-6133
Rock Bar & Grill (The) at Indian Rock Golf Club 100 Indian Lake Ave. Laurie; 372-3023, ext. 15 indianrockgolfclub.com
Rocky Top Bar & Grill 16384 Highway O Gravois Mills; 372-3399
Roxie’s Roadhouse 1289 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-9960
Royal Catch Bar & Grill at the Regalia Hotel & Conference Center
250 Racquet Club Rd. Lake Ozark; 723-3000 theregaliahotel.com
Table 33
3797 A, 1 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-5106
Taboo Ice Cream and Deli 200 N. Main Laurie; 207-5202
Tonka Hills Restaurant
2598 US-54 Linn Creek; 873-2140 Facebook.com/TonkaHillsOzarks
Tuckers Shuckers Oysters & Tap
1339 Bagnell Dam Blvd., Lake Ozark; 365-9769 tuckersshuckers.com
Twisted Tony’s 5175 Osage Beach Pkwy Unit C Osage Beach; 693-1013 twistedtonys.com
Val’s Country Cookin’ and Sassy Servers 601 N. Main St. Laurie; 374-0922
wahlburgers @ Hy-Vee 929 Hwy. D Osage Beach; 302-7977 hy-vee.com
yankee Peddlers Tea Room 1011 Main St. Osage Beach; 348-5045 yankeepeddlerstearoom.com
10-42 Bar and Que 432 Valley Rd. Gravois Mills; 372-5141
Bandana’s Bar-B-Q
4315 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-4500 bandanasbbq.com
Barn-B-Que Smokehouse 14 Ravenwood Dr. Lake Ozark; 693-9959 thebarnbque.com
Dierbergs Bob’s BBQ
4655 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 552-0200
HalfSauced Barbeque
4185 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-3200 halfsauced.com
wobbly Boots Roadhouse 4705 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-2277 wobblybootsbbq.com
Bear Creek Valley Golf Club 910 MO-42 Osage Beach; 302-1000
Breezes at the Lodge of Four Seasons 315 Four Seasons Dr. Lake Ozark; 365-3000
Cozy Café (The) 1018 Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 348-3324
Hook Cafe (The) at Old Kinderhook 58 Club Pl. #2 Camdenton; 317-3573 www.oldkinderhook.com/ hook-cafe
On the Rise Bakery & Bistro 5439 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-4224 ontherisebakery.com
Pancake House 5980 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-6400
Rusty Rooster Cafe (The) 3247 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1778 rustyroostercafe.com
Stewart’s Restaurant 1151 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-2400 stewartsrestaurants.com
98 E. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 873-2900
8779 N. Hwy. 5 Greenview; 873-3000
Brick House Cajun Cuisine 1333 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 573-693-9775 brickhousecajun.com
Shrimp Daddy’s 16218 N. Hwy. 5 Sunrise Beach; 374-7800
China Town Chinese Restaurant 465 W. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-4962
Touch of Asia 3715 Osage Beach Pkwy., Suite 1 Osage Beach; 302-7733
wok-N-Roll 1359 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-2090 woknroll1359.com
Zen Asian Restaurant 5203 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0088
Domenico’s Italian Restaurant 4737 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-5335 domenicoslakeozark.com
Li’L Rizzo’s 2196 Horseshoe Bend Pkwy. Lake Ozark; 365-3003 lilrizzos.com
929 Premium Outlets Dr. Osage Beach; 302-1500
Shell’s Pasta Emporium 3924 Jr. Prewitt Pkwy., Suite C Osage Beach; 693-9171
El Caporal 323 Hwy. 54, Suite 101 Camdenton; 317-1500 elcaporalcamdenton.com
El Patron 126 Illinois St. SW Camdenton; 873-2876
La Costenita 1030 State Hwy KK Osage Beach; 552-8674
MaMa CiTa’s Mexican Cantina 939 Chef Street Osage Beach; 693-9946 mamacitasosagebeach.com
Pablito’s Taqueria 5896 Osage Beach Pkwy. #1 Osage Beach; 552-8450
Sergio’s Taqueria 4824 Osage Beach Pkwy. #4 Osage Beach; 302-7337
2107 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1771
Taqueria La Tapatia 5838 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-1161
Tres Hombres 8779 N. Highway 5 Camdenton; 873-5822
Vera Cruz 309 MO-5 Versailles; 378-5757
Vista Grande Mexican Restaurant
4579 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-1231 vistagrandemexicanrestaurant. com
1932 Reserve 1202 Procter Dr. Osage Beach; 693-9197 www.1932reserve.com
Baxter’s Lakeside Grille 2124 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-2669 baxterslakesidegrille.com
Bentley’s Restaurant & Pub
3100 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-5301 bentleysrestaurantmo.com
The Encore Lakeside Grill & Sky Bar
3076 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-9973 theencoregrill.com
HK’s Steakhouse 315 Four Seasons Dr. Lake Ozark; 365-3000 4seasonsresort.com
JB Hook’s 2260 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-3255 jbhooks.com
Jeffrey’s Prime Rib & Lobster 1252 Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 348-DINE jeffreysatthelake.com
Michael’s Steak Chalet 1440 Swiss Village Rd. Osage Beach; 348-3611 steakchalet.com
The Tavern at Trails End 258 Trails End Rd. Sunrise Beach; 374-2895 thetavern-trailsend.com
Trophy Room in Old Kinderhook 56 Club Place Camdenton; 317-3560 oldkinderhook.com
windrose Marker 26 at Margaritaville Resort 26 MM of the Lake 494 Tan Tar A Dr. Osage Beach; 348-3131 MargaritavilleResortLakeoftheOzarks.com
Andy’s Pizza 108 Cecil St. Camdenton; 346-8300 addyspizza.com
Al’s Chevy’s Pizza & Pub 5151 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0027 lakeozarkpizza.com
Alley Cats Pizza & Pub 1263 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-5559
Big Ry’s Pizzeria 27574 Hwy. Y Rocky Mount; 392-5271
Casagrotto Pizza
1312 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-5224 casablancalakeozark.com
Godfathers Pizza Express at CG’s Mini Mart 11947 N Hwy. 5 Sunrise Beach; 374-4433
Just A Little Store 1825 State Rd. A Montreal; 873-2395
PaPPo’s Pizzeria & Pub 4705 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1092 pappospizzeria.com
Pepperoni Bill’s 35 Camden Ct. Camdenton; 873-2365
Tony G’s Pizzeria 14160 Twin Bays Rd. Gravois Mills; 372-3600
Casablanca 1312 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-5224 casablancalakeozark.com
Chances ‘R’ 310 S. Main St. Laurie; 374-8770
City Limits Restaurant and Spirits 664 Hwy. Y Eldon; 392-3105
EC’s Bar & Grill 4344 Osage Beach Pkwy., Suite C-1 Osage Beach; 693-9168 ecsbarandgrill.com
Foxxy Roxy Sports Bar at the Regalia Hotel and Conference Center
250 Racquet Club Rd. Lake Ozark; 723-3000 theregaliahotel.com
Hero’s Junction 27560 Hwy. Y Rocky Mount; 392-5850 Lucky’s 1140 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-6550
Lucy’s at the Lake 1311 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1711
Marty Byrde’s 1286 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 240-2274 martybyrde.com
The Nauti Pirate 1165 N. Bus. Rte. 5 Camdenton; 317-9565 thenautipirate.org
Oh Tommy’s Irish Pub 6285 N. State Hwy. 7 Roach; 347-3133 ohtommysirishpub.com
The Office Neighborhood Pub 4460 Horseshoe Bend Pkwy. Lake Ozark; 693-1555
Scuttlebutt Bar & Grill 91 East Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-4994
S.N.A.F.U. 1275 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1693
Tirebiters Peanut Pub 4704 Jayhawk St. Osage Beach; 552-8842
Viking Post 306 2097 State Rd. Y Linn Creek; 317-1109
whiskers 944 West Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-6100
whittle’s Pub & Grub 108 S. Maple St. Eldon; 392-5900
wicked willie’s Sports Grill
5384 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1777 wickedwilliessportsgrill.com
willowes 2010 State Rd. A Montreal; 346-6197
woody’s Tavern
5834 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-0545
Backwater Jack’s
18 MM of the Main Channel 4341 Beach Dr. Osage Beach; 348-6639 backwaterjacks.com
Bear Bottom Resort
38 MM of the Main Channel Lake Road 5-36 Sunrise Beach; 374-6905 bearbottomresort.com
Boathouse Lakeside Bar & Grill
3 MM of the Main Channel 107 Village Marina Rd./W-20 Eldon; 552-9496
Bobber’s Restaurant at Alhonna Resort
8 MM of the Main Channel 677 Outer Drive Lake Ozark; 365-2634 thealhonnaresort.com
Boondockz at Lazy Dayz Resort
45 MM of the Main Channel 267 Runaway Dr. Climax Springs, 345-4590 runawayresort.com
Bulldog’s Beach House
33 MM of the Main Channel 121 Teton Ln. Camdenton; 873-3311 bulldogsbeachhouse.com
Captain Ron’s Bar & Grill
34.5 MM of the Main Channel 82 Aloha Ln. Sunrise Beach; 374-5852 captainronsatthelake.com
Coconuts Caribbean Beach Bar & Grill
7 MM of the Gravois Arm 15208 Red Hollow Rd. Gravois Mills; 372-6500 coconutsatthelake.com
4 MM of the Main Channel 245 Wheelhouse Ct. Lake Ozark; 693-1633 docknockers.com
Dog Days Bar & Grill
19 MM of the Main Channel 1232 Jeffries Rd. Osage Beach; 348-9797 dogdays.ws
Fish & Company (The)
31 MM of the Main Channel 268 Wego Fish Ln. Camdenton; 873-0022 thefishandcompany.com
Franky and Louie’s 10 MM of the Main Channel 1028 Deer Valley Rd. Sunrise Beach; 374-5750 frankyandlouies.com
H. Toad’s Bar and Grill at Camden on the Lake
7 MM of the Lake
2359 Bittersweet Rd. Lake Ozark; 365-5500 camdenonthelake.com
Halfway Inn
47 MM of the Main Channel
Lake Road 135-3 (1038 Cup Tree Rd.) Gravois Mills; 374-1919 halfway-inn.com
High Tide
21 MM of the Main Channel 1700 Yacht Club Dr. Osage Beach; 693-1525 hightidepool.com
JB’s Boathouse Grill at Margaritaville Resort
26 MM of the Lake
494 Tan Tar A Dr. Osage Beach; 348-8619 MargaritavilleResortLakeoftheOzarks.com
Jolly Roger’s Grub & Grog/ Kraken Shack Seafood and Oyster Bar
4.5 MM of the Gravois Arm
28443 Polk Dr. Rocky Mount; 392-0700 grubngrog.com
Lake Burger
29475 Mill Creek Marina Rd. Gravois Mills; 207-4422 lakeburger.com
Lake House 13
13 MM of the Main Channel 98 Oasis Cir. Sunrise Beach; 372-8339 lakehouse13.com
Landshark Bar & Grill at Margaritaville Resort
26 MM of the Lake 494 Tan Tar A Dr. Osage Beach; 348-8593 MargaritavilleResortLakeoftheOzarks.com
Larry’s on the Lake 31 MM of the Main Channel 364 Galley Rd. Camdenton; 873-5227 larrysonthelake.com
Lazy Gator’s 7 MM of the Main Channel 132 Sweet William Rd. Lake Ozark; 660-441-0574 lazygators.com
Maggie’s on the Lake
8MM Gravois Arm
15251 Fleener Dr. Gravois Mills; 207-3693
Miller’s Landing
28.5 MM of the Main Channel 1431 Runabout Dr. Osage Beach; 348-5268 themillerslanding.com
NautiFish Rum Bar
3 MM of the Niangua Arm 1022 Nautica Rd. Camdenton; 286-2226
Neon Taco 0MM 1076 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-6064
Papa Chubby’s Food & Booze
26 MM of the Main Channel 820 Serene Valley Dr. Sunrise Beach; 374-8000 papachubbys.com
Paradise Tropical Restaurant & Bar
24 MM of the Main Channel 430 Tropical Trail Dr. Sunrise Beach; 374-4777 paradiseatthelake.com
RedHead Lakeside Grill
21MM of the Main Channel 1700 Yacht Club Dr. Osage Beach; 693-1525 redheadyachtclub.com
Shady Gator’s
7 MM of the Main Channel 132 Sweet William Rd. Lake Ozark; 365-6464 shadygators.com
Shorty Pants Lounge
21 MM of the Main Channel 1680 Autumn Ln. Osage Beach; 302-1745 shortypantslounge.com
Tap and Grill Lake Side Brew Haus
6.5 MM of the Main Channel 31959 Dunwandrin Rd. Gravois Mills; 207-0029 tapandgrillatthelake.com
The wet Spot Bar & Grill
59.5 MM of the Main Channel 33880 Ivy Bend Rd. Stover; 372-9903
Lake of the Ozarks Brewing Company 6192 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1993 lozbrewingco.com
Ozark Distillery & Ozark Brewery 1684 Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 348-2449 ozarkdistillery.com
Seven Springs winery 846 Winery Hills Estates Linn Creek; 317-0100 sevenspringswinery.com
Shawnee Bluff Vineyard 8 Tolwood Rd. Eldon; 365-1100 shawneebluffwinery.com
Shawnee Bluff winery 2430 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-9935 shawneebluffwinery.com
Shortleaf Brewing Co. 311 South Business Rt. 5 Camdenton; 873-2081 www.shortleafbeer.com
Andy’s Frozen Custard 4820 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0020 eatandys.com
Barista GO Coffeehouse 1375 State Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 693-9273 greatstonecoffee.com
Brew Brothers Coffee 404 East 4th St. Eldon; 280-6430 brewbrotherscoffee.net
Celebration Cruises 0 MM of the Main Channel 1009 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 480-3212 cruiselakeoftheozarks.com
Coral Reef Seafood 5370 Osage Beach Parkway Osage Beach; 348-4000 coralreefseafood.net Courthouse Cafe 100 E. Jasper Versailles; 434-3456
The Donut Den 2545 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Ste 211 Lake Ozark; 542-8041
Harmy’s Cheese Store & More 6378 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1243 harmys.com
The Funky Buffalo Coffee Shop & Trading Company 498 W US 54 Camdenton; 873-2388
The Plant Base & Kava Bar 3637 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 552-8388 theplantbaseloz.com
Icehole 1371 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-9594
Randy’s Frozen Custard 4681 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1423 randysfrozencustard.com
Sip Coffee House 932 U.S. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 873-2565
Cree Mee Drive-in 801 S. Aurora St. Eldon; 392-5418
Culver’s 5785 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0244 culvers.com/restaurants/ osage-beach
Dairy Queen 619 N. Bus. Hwy. 5 Camdenton; 346-5855 dairyqueen.com
Eldon Drive-In 607 S. Aurora St. Eldon; 392-3490
Jimmy John’s 4082 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-7323 jimmyjohns.com
Steak & Shake 3920 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-0090 steaknshake.com
To have your restaurant included in the Drink & Dine restaurant listing, send restaurant name, address, phone number, website and your contact information to charis.lakesun@gmail.com. Some restaurants have seasonal hours. Please check with venue to confirm they are open. All phone numbers are in the 573 area code.
Friday, March 10
Casablanca, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, Marcus Words, 7 p.m.
Shawnee Bluff winery, Starla & Scotty, 4-7 p.m.
Saturday, March 11
Captain Ron’s, Backtracks (Ponch & Kennie Dee), 1-5 p.m.; I-70 Overdrive, 7-11 p.m.
Casablanca, Jason Earl, 7 p.m.
Shawnee Bluff winery, Mitch Shields, 4-7 p.m. westside Pub, Marcus Words, 8 p.m.
Sunday, March 12
Captain Ron’s, DJ Kyle (SYHO Start), 6-10 p.m.
Shawnee Bluff winery, Sarah & Mark, 2-5 p.m.
Wednesday, March 15
Off the Cliff, Marcus Words, 4 p.m.
Thursday, March 16
Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7 p.m.
Friday, March 17
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Captain Ron’s, The Nobody’s Band, 7-1 p.m.
Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7-11 p.m.
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 4-7 p.m.
Shawnee Bluff winery, Steve Moore, 4-7 p.m.
Saturday, March 18
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, Don Akers, 7 p.m.
Captain Ron’s, Phat Mike & the Bartenders, 7-11 p.m.
Casablanca, Don Akers, 7 p.m.
Shawnee Bluff winery, Grayson, 4-7 p.m.
Sunday, March 19
Captain Ron’s, DJ Kyle, 6-10 p.m.
Shawnee Bluff winery, Tim Gaines, 2-5 p.m.
Thursday, March 23
Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7 p.m.
Friday, March 24
Brick House Cajun Cuisine, PDA, 7 p.m.
Casablanca, Adam Powell, 7 p.m.
Shawnee Bluff winery, Travelin’ Kind, 4-7 p.m.
Attention musicians, bands, bars and restaurants: Send us live entertainment schedules to be included in our live music listing. Event information must include name of venue, name of entertainer, time, date and contact information for verification. Send information to charis.lakesun@gmail.com or call 573346-2132. The following list has been updated as of press time.