April 2-May 5, 2022 Vacation News

Page 20

FEATURE story by Lake Media staff

The return of the Snerd


he Ozark Snerd or Hillbilly has come back home to Lake of the Ozarks. According to American Giants, the company that refurbishes aging Muffler Men, he is now fully restored and ready to be set back up. Summer USA, the owners of the giant, are still working out the details of exactly where he will stand, so setup won’t happen till a bit later in the year. “We are super happy with the way he turned out and glad he’s back home,” a spokesman for American Giants said in a Facebook post. “He’s going to look great standing across the street from the Chief once again.” Lake Ozark acquired The Chief a few years ago, another Muffler Man refurbished by American Giants. It sits near the entrance to the former Two Bit Town. Return to Glory

After months of restoration, and years in storage, the historic giant is headed back to where it stood for many years. Thanks to the efforts of the team at American Giants and the request of Summer USA owner Joe Page, the statue will soon be in place for future generations to enjoy.

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April 22 - May 5, 2022

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