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Brain Healing With Oxygen
BRAIN healing
Dr. Roger Hunter is the owner of Nirvana Hyperbaric Institute located at 146 Medical Park Road, Suite 110, in Mooresville. Roger and his team bring more than 30 years of experience in hyperbaric medicine to Nirvana Lake Norman. For more information or a free consultation, you can reach them at 704.471.4100 or visit www.nirvanahbo.com.
WHAT DO TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI), stroke, concussion, PTSD, and other neurological conditions have in common? They all involve wounds to the brain. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been shown to be effective in treating all wounds, including those to the brain.
HBOT is a medical treatment administered in a chamber in which the patient breathes 100 percent oxygen under pressure. This treatment produces up to a 15-fold increase in blood oxygen concentration causing oxygen to reach every cell in the body. This stimulates healing in all tissue, including the brain. It is an extremely safe, non-invasive, painless therapy. All wounds to the brain cause inflammation and swelling. Since the skull does not expand, that pressure exerts itself on the very delicate tissue of the brain … hence cutting off the circulation and oxygen supply to the affected cells. If that condition lasts for more than a few hours, the cells become damaged. If it lasts for a few days, that damage becomes permanent. These wounds can be caused by trauma to the head as in the case of concussion, TBI, or PTSD. They can also be caused by systemic issues such as a blood clot lodging in an artery in the brain, as in the case of a stroke. In this instance, there is a core lesion whose cells will be dead and unsalvageable. However, there are many cells surrounding that lesion that are metabolically nonfunctioning. Those cells can be made functional with HBOT even years after the stroke. The function those cells provide can be brought back. Brain wounds can also be caused by inflammatory processes caused by infections of the brain and spinal cord as in the case of meningitis, or the body’s reaction to some vaccine injuries.
HBOT promotes healing in the brain in many ways, but these are the most important:
HBOT is a more potent antiinflammatory agent than steroids so it will reduce the swelling in the brain very quickly. This is especially important with acute brain injuries (injuries occurring within 10 days).
OXYGENATION—HBOT oxygenates the tissue that has not been receiving sufficient oxygen due to the swelling and in the case of acute injuries, keeping it alive and preventing permanent damage.
ANGIOGENESIS—HBOT causes the body to produce VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and recruits stem cells to regenerate blood vessels (angiogenesis) to permanently supply new blood flow to the affected tissue.
STEM CELLS—HBOT induces stem cell mobilization from their storage in the bone marrow to the blood stream by an 8-fold increase. It is important to emphasize that stem cells mobilized by HBOT hone in on tissues that have suffered damage and signal a need for regeneration. In addition to mobilization, HBOT induces the differentiation of stem cells to the different tissues such as heart, muscle, kidney, and brain.
RESTORATION—The “cells powerhouse” is restored by HBOT. w
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