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Online assessment is a method of evaluating the student’s knowledge and exam performance remotely using a digital medium.
Online Assessment helps to enroll students for different courses from remote locations
It helps to conduct online examinations and performance analysis
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WhatisOnlineAssessment Software?
The online assessment software is an ERP solution that enables institutes to conduct online examinations and evaluations. It completely automates the process of exam conduction and performance evaluation just by using the internet and a laptop or computer It ensures smooth workflow of operations without human interruption with high accuracy and efficiency
Reducesfacultyworkloadbyautomatingallthe functionsandoperationsforexamconduction Paperlessoperationsasalltheactivitiesare conductedonlineusingtheinternet Savestheinstitute’scostofexamconductionby offeringone-timeinvestmentsoftware Assessthestudentsinafewsecondsandgives instantresultsafterexamsubmission Enableseasyreportgenerationinallthe requiredformatsalongwithitsexport Helpstosecuretheentireprocessofexaminationusing cloudtechnology
1 2 3 4 5 Features of Online Features of Online Assessment System Assessment System OnlineProctoringTechnology- The system ensures high exam security using an online proctoring system DataManagement-The software collects, manages, and stores data from various sources SMS/EmailNotification-The students receive SMS and email notifications whenever needed HighConcurrency-You can conduct exams for high concurrency of students in the institute OnlineFeedback–The system gives accurate feedback to the students based on their performance
Enables the Institutes to offer e-learning courses and distance learning programs to students
Helps to give hands-on experience with the technologically advanced features to students
Increases enrollment and student capacity in all the batches and courses in the institute
Online chat support to help the students online in case of any technical issues or problems
The system is completely paperless with no manual records, answer sheets, or other documents
The entire system of examination is digitized and requires minimum faculty efforts
Run-time Monitoring-
The software monitors the students in runtime and records their actions
01 02 03 05 04 Highly Secure, Based on a Cloud Platform Streamlines all the Examination Activities Enables Integration with other Systems Authenticates the Students for Exam Security Enables Online Payments of Exam Fees MasterSoft’sOnlineAssessmentSystemis-
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