Media 2014 august online file

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August 2014 | Vol. 3 | Issue 4 | Price ` 20

A[nImcapÅh³ ]dbp¶Xv F¯nIvkv Bhp¶p...

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BKÌv 2014 $ ]pkvXIw 3 $ e¡w 4 $ hne ` 20


A[nImcapÅh³ ]dbpóXv F¯nIvkv Bhpóp... s{]m^. F.sI. cmaIrjvW³

FUntämdnbð ap³t] ]dóhÀ ]n. kpPm-X³



An Instant World B.G. Verghese

India’s ‘Bully Pulpit’ Media in a Time of Digital Revolution

Robin Jeffrey


\m«p-hmÀ-¯I - Ä-s¡m-cm-apJw tUm. ]n.sI. cm-P-tiJc³

Lighthouse Ashok R Chandran

04 24 36

{^w hÀ½mPn, hn¯v eu 39 sI. Fð. taml\hÀ½

Students’ Corner




J. V. Vil’anilam

jmPn tP¡_v


\yqkv s\äv


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A¡mZan hmÀ¯IÄ 48 temIw Iï hc 50



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A Editor N. P. Rajendran Chairman, Kerala Press Academy Editorial Board E. P. Shajuddeen Chief News Editor, Mangalam, Kottayam N. Rajesh News Editor, Madhyamam, Kozhikode M. P. Suryadas Chief Sub Editor, Mathrubhumi, Kozhikode P. Sujathan T. R. Madhukumar Editor In Charge, Deshabhimani Weekly, Kozhikode C. N. Mohanan Manager, Deshabhimani, Kochi Editorial Assistant P. Salil Design & Layout Praveen Ophelia Printer & Publisher V. R. Ajith Kumar Secretary, Kerala Press Academy Marketing In Charge Shainus Markose Address 'Media' Kerala Press Academy Kakkanad, Kochi - 682 030 Phone: 0484 2422275 E-Mail: Website: Subscribe ‘Media’ Single Issue: ` 20 Annual Subscription: ` 200 Advertisement tariff Back cover: Color: ` 30,000 Inside cover: Color: ` 25,000 Inside B&W: ` 20,000

BKÌv 2014

-´‑xk‑w-Ø‑m-\ \-Z‑o-P-e-¯À-¡-§Ä-¡‑v B-[‑m-ca‑m-b h‑n-h-c§-s‑f h‑n-h-c‑m-h-I‑m-i-\‑n-b-a-¯‑n-s‑â ]-c‑n-[‑n-b‑n \‑n-s‑¶‑m-g‑n-h‑m-¡‑n P-e-h‑n-`h-h-I‑p-¸‑v D-¯-c-h‑n-«-X‑m-b‑n ]-{‑X-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑pï‑v. {‑]-X‑y-£-¯‑nÂX-s‑¶ H-c‑p]‑m-S‑v A-k‑z‑m-`‑m-h‑n-I-X-If‑p‑w A-_-²-[‑m-c-W-If‑p‑w h‑mÀ-¯-b‑n I‑m-W‑m-s‑a¦‑n-e‑p‑w h‑mÀ-¯ X‑oÀ¯‑p‑w h‑y‑m-Pt‑a‑m A-k‑w-_-Ôt‑a‑m B-s‑W-¶‑v I-c‑p-X‑p-I h¿. a‑m-[‑y-a-c‑wK-¯‑v {‑]-hÀ-¯‑n-¡‑p-¶h-s‑c a‑m-{‑XaÃ‑, A-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b-k‑z‑m-X-{‑´‑y‑w P-\‑m-[‑n-]-X‑y-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w k‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c-¯‑n-s‑â-X-s‑¶b‑p‑w A-S‑n-¯-d-b‑m-s‑W-¶‑v h‑n-i‑z-k‑n-¡‑p-¶ FÃ‑m-h-s‑cb‑p‑w s‑R-«‑n-¡‑p-¶ a-s‑ä‑m-c‑p k‑q-N-\ I‑q-S‑n B h‑mÀ¯-b‑n-e‑p-ï‑v. \-Z‑o-P-e-¯À-¡-§-f‑p-a‑m-b‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-« h‑n-h-c-§Ä {‑]-k‑n-²‑o-I-c‑n¡‑p-¶-X‑n-\‑v a‑p-¼‑v kÀ-¡‑mÀ A-\‑pa-X‑n t‑h-W-s‑a-s‑¶‑m-c‑p \‑nÀ-t‑±-i‑w D-bÀ-¶-‑n-«‑pï-s‑{‑X. B-c‑p-s‑S X-e-b‑n-e‑m-W‑v C¯-c‑w H-c‑p a-ï³ Bi-b‑w D-bÀ-¶-s‑X-¶‑v h‑mÀ-¯-b‑ne‑nÃ. D-t‑Z‑y‑m-K-Ø-X-e-¯‑n-t‑e‑m c‑m-j‑v{‑S‑o-b-X-e-¯‑nt‑e‑m DÅ B-c‑ps‑St‑b‑m X-e-b‑n D-bÀ-¶-‑n-«‑p-s‑ï-¶‑v h‑yà‑w. A-s‑Ã-¦‑n H-c‑p h‑mÀ-¯-b‑n A-s‑¯‑m-cs‑a‑m-c‑p ]-c‑maÀi‑w hc‑n-I-b‑nÃ-t‑Ã‑m. \-Z‑n-b‑n-s‑e P-e‑w k‑w-_-Ô‑n-¨ H-c‑p h‑n-h-ch‑p‑w c-l-k‑yaÃ. t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑e \-Z‑nI-s‑f k‑w-_-Ô‑n¨‑p‑w A-X‑n-e‑q-s‑S H-g‑p-I‑p-¶ s‑h-Å‑w k‑w-_-Ô‑n-¨‑p-a‑p-Å B-[‑n-I‑m-c‑n-I-h‑n-h-c-§Ä BZ‑y‑w {‑]-k‑n-²-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑nb-X‑v t‑I-c-f kÀ-¡‑mÀ X-s‑¶b‑mW‑v. k‑w-Ø‑m\-s‑¯ X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¡-s‑¸-« B-Z‑y-a-{‑´‑n-k-`-b‑p-s‑S I‑m-e¯‑v‑, C-t‑¸‑mg‑p‑w \-a‑p-s‑¡‑m-¸-a‑p-Å h‑n.BÀ.I‑r-j‑v-W-¿À P-e-h‑n-`-h-h-I‑p-¸‑v a-{‑´‑nb‑p‑w P-e-h‑n-`-h-h‑n-Z-K‑v-²\‑m-b ]‑n.F-¨‑v. s‑s‑h-Z‑y-\‑m-Y-¿À N‑o-^‑v F³-P‑n-\‑o-b-d‑p-a‑m-b‑nc‑p-¶ I‑m-e-¯‑v h‑n-]‑p-e-a‑m-b kÀ-s‑Æb‑p‑w ]T-\h‑p‑w \-S-¯‑n-b‑m-W‑v h‑m-«À d‑n-t‑k‑mg‑vkk‑v H‑m-^‑v t‑I-c-f F-¶ t‑c-J X-¿‑m-d‑m-¡‑n-bX‑v. C‑u t‑c-J D-]-t‑b‑m-K‑n-¨‑v X-a‑ng‑v-\‑mS‑p‑w aä‑p‑w I‑q-S‑p-X s‑h-Å‑w t‑N‑m-Z‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶ \‑n-e-b‑p-ï‑m-b-t‑¸‑mÄ 1974  a-s‑ä‑m-c‑p ]T-\h‑p‑w t‑c-J-b‑p-a‑p-ï‑mb‑n. t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑e- \-Z‑n-I-f‑n t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-\‑v B-h-i‑y-a‑pÅ-{‑X s‑h-Å‑w t‑]‑m-e‑p‑w C-s‑Ã-¶‑v s‑X-f‑n-b‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑n-\‑m-W‑v C‑u t‑c-J X-¿‑m-d‑m¡‑n-bX‑v. i‑m-k‑v-{‑X‑o-b-]T-\-§Ä t‑]‑me‑p‑w F-{‑X-a‑m{‑X‑w k‑z‑mÀ-°-e‑m-`-t‑{‑]c‑n-X-a‑m-b‑n \S¯‑m-\‑mh‑p‑w F-¶-X‑n-s‑â s‑X-f‑n-h‑m-W‑nX‑v. A-t‑¸‑mÄ-]‑ns‑¶‑, D-Å IW-¡‑v a-d-¨‑p-s‑h-¡‑m³ {‑i-a‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑n F-´‑v A-Û‑p-X-a‑m-W‑p-Å-X‑v? C-¶‑v D-¯-ch‑nd-¡‑n h‑n-h-c-§Ä a-d-¨‑p-]‑n-S‑n-¡‑m³ kÀ-¡‑mÀ {‑i-a‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶-d‑n-b‑p-¶-X‑ne‑p‑w H«‑p‑w A-Û‑p-X-a‑nÃ. G-X‑m-ï‑v I‑mÂ-\‑q-ä‑m-ï‑v a‑p-¼‑v H-c‑p aeb‑m-f Z‑n-\-]{‑X‑w \-i‑n-¡‑p-¶ h-\-§-s‑fb‑p‑w a-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ \-Z‑n-I-s‑fb‑p‑w I‑p-d‑n-¨‑v {‑]-k‑n-²-s‑¸-S‑p¯‑n-b H-c‑p t‑e-J-\-]-c-¼-c-b‑n ]‑p-g-b‑n s‑h-Å-s‑a-{‑X-b‑p-ï‑v F-¶-X‑n-s‑\ I‑p-d‑n-¨‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p H-c‑p A-[‑y‑mb‑w. kÀ-¡‑mÀ X-e-¯‑n C‑u t‑N‑m-Z‑y¯‑n-\‑v D¯-c‑w I‑n-«‑p-¶‑n-s‑ö‑p‑w "{‑]-X‑n-t‑c‑m-[ c-lk‑y‑w t‑]‑m-s‑e t‑I-c-f-¯‑ns‑e kÀ-¡‑mÀ k‑q-£‑n-¡‑p-¶ c-l-k‑y-a‑m-W‑v ]‑p-g-I-f‑ns‑e s‑h-Å-¯‑n-s‑â A-f-h‑v' F¶‑p‑w t‑e-J-\-¯‑n ]-c‑m-X‑n-s‑¸-S‑p-¶‑pï‑v. t‑e-J-\ ]-c¼-c A-h-k‑m-\‑n-¡‑p¶X‑v C-§-s‑\-b‑m-W‑v. "H-c‑p I‑mc‑y‑w B-hÀ-¯‑n-¡-s‑«. 1957 a‑p-X t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑e FÃ‑m \-Z‑n-If‑n-t‑eb‑p‑w H‑m-t‑c‑m Z‑n-h-k-s‑¯b‑p‑w H-g‑p-¡‑v Af-¶‑v t‑c-J-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. 22 hÀ-j-¯‑n-\‑n-S-b‑v-¡‑v P-e-{‑]-h‑m-l-¯‑n-e‑p-ï‑m-b h‑y-X‑n-b‑m-\-§-s‑f-s‑´Ã‑m-a‑mW‑v? h-\-\‑m-i‑w a‑q-e‑w a-g-¡‑me-¯‑v H-g‑p-¡‑v I‑q-S‑p-Ib‑p‑w t‑h-\-e‑n I‑p-d-b‑p-Ib‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑n-«‑n-t‑Ã? P-e-{‑]-h‑m-l‑w k‑w-_-Ô‑n-¨ a‑p-g‑p-h³ I-W-¡‑p-If‑p‑w kÀ-¡‑mÀ {‑]-k‑n-²‑o-I-c‑n-¡W‑w. C-\‑nb‑p‑w C-X‑v c-l-k‑y-a‑m-¡‑n s‑h-¡‑m³ A-\‑p-h-Z‑n-¨‑p-I‑q-S‑m. \-½‑p-s‑S ]‑p-g-b‑n F-{‑X s‑h-Å-a‑p-s‑ï-¶‑v A-d‑n-b‑m-\‑p-Å A-h-I‑m-i‑w \-a‑p-¡‑pï‑v' As‑X‑, B A-d‑n-b‑m-\‑p-Å A-h-I‑m-i-a‑m-W‑v h‑n-h-c‑m-hI‑m-i \‑n-b-a-¯‑n X‑nc‑n-a-d‑n-IÄ \S-¯‑n \‑n-t‑j-[‑n-¡‑m³ X-X‑v-]-c-I-£‑n-IÄ C-t‑¸‑mÄ {‑i-a‑n-¡‑p-¶X‑v. h‑n-h-c-§Ä A-d‑n-b‑n-¡‑m-\‑p-Å a‑m-[‑y-a-{‑]-hÀ-¯Is‑â k‑z‑m-X-{‑´‑y‑w l-\‑n-¡‑m\‑p‑w


C-t‑¸‑mÄ {‑i-a‑w \-S-¡‑p-¶‑p-s‑ï-¶‑v ]-{‑X-hÀ-¯ k‑q-N‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p¶‑p. C-X‑v h‑m-k‑v-X-h-s‑a-¦‑n C-X‑n \‑n-¶‑v ]‑n-´‑n-c‑n-b‑m³ A-[‑n-I‑mc‑n-IÄ k-¶-²-a‑mI-W‑w F-t‑¶ ]-d-b‑m-\‑pÅ‑q. C-X‑v i-c‑nb‑m-b h-g‑nbÃ. C-´‑y³ ]‑mÀ-e-s‑aâ‑v k-h‑n-k‑vX-c‑w NÀ-¨ s‑N-b‑v-X‑m-W‑v h‑n-h-c‑m-h-I‑m-i-\‑n-b-a‑w \-S-¸‑m-¡‑n-bX‑v. k‑z‑m-X-{‑´‑y-e-Ï‑n-¡‑v t‑i-j‑w D-ï‑m-b \‑n-b-a-\‑nÀ-a‑m-W-§-f‑n G-äh‑p‑w P-\‑m-[‑n-]-X‑y]-c‑w F-¶‑v h‑n-t‑i-j‑n-¸‑n-¡-s‑¸-« \‑n-b-a-¯‑n s‑h-Å‑w t‑NÀ-¡‑m-³ {‑i-a‑w \-S-¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑m-W‑v k‑qN-\. "t‑I‑m-S-X‑n-I-f‑n \Â-I‑n-b‑n-«‑pÅ h‑n-h-c-§Ä-t‑]‑me‑p‑w e-`‑y-a‑m-¡-W-s‑a-¶‑v B-h-i‑y-s‑¸-«‑v h‑y-à‑n-If‑p‑w Ø‑m-]-\-§f‑p‑w h‑n-h-c‑m-h-I‑m-i-\‑n-b-a-{‑]-I‑m-c‑w P-e-hI‑p-¸‑n-s‑\ k-a‑o-]‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v' F-s‑¶‑m-c‑p ]-c‑m-aÀ-i‑w t‑a D-²-c‑n-¨ ]-{‑X-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑n-e‑pï‑v. h‑n-h-c‑m-h-I‑m-i-\‑n-b-a-s‑¯-I‑p-d‑n¨‑v a‑m{‑XaÃ‑, t‑I‑mS-X‑n \-S-]-S‑n-I-s‑f-I‑p-d‑n-¨‑p-t‑]‑m-e‑p‑w \-½‑p-s‑S D-t‑Z‑y‑m-K-ØÀ-¡‑v k‑m-a‑m-\‑y-[‑m-c-W Ct‑à F-¶‑v k‑w-i-b‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑m-W‑v CX‑v. t‑I‑m-S-X‑n-b‑n s‑X-f‑n-h‑m-b‑n l‑m-P-c‑m-¡‑p-¶-t‑X‑m-s‑S H-c‑p t‑c-J c-l-k‑y-aÃ‑m-X‑m-I‑p-¶‑pï‑v. \-Z‑o-P-e-¯À-¡‑w X‑o-c‑p-a‑m-\‑n-¡‑p¶X‑v c-l-k‑y-t‑¡‑m-S-X‑n-b‑neÃ. A-h‑n-s‑S l‑m-P-c‑m-¡‑p-¶ t‑c-J-IÄ BÀ¡‑p‑w F-S‑p-¯‑p-h‑m-b‑n-¡‑m‑w. A-X‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑pX-s‑¶ t‑I‑m-S-X‑nb‑n t‑I-k‑v D-Å-X‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑v t‑c-J c-l-k‑y-a‑m-¡‑m-\Ã‑, ]-c-k‑y‑m-¡‑m-\‑m-W‑v kÀ-¡‑mÀ I‑q-S‑p-X h‑y-{‑K-X I‑m-t‑«-ï-X‑v F-¶‑v t‑X‑m¶‑p-¶‑p. "kÀ-¡‑mÀ c-lk‑y‑w F-¶‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑p-¶X‑p‑w k‑w-Ø‑m-\-X‑m-e‑v-]-c‑y-§Ä-¡‑v h‑n-c‑p-²-a‑m-h‑p-s‑a-¶‑v I‑m-W‑p-¶-X‑pa‑m-b h‑n-h-c-§f‑p‑w t‑c-J-I-f‑p‑w \-Â-t‑I-ï' F-¶‑v D-¯-c-h‑n-S‑p-s‑a-¶‑m-W‑v k‑q-N‑n-¸‑n-¨‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶X‑v. b-Y‑mÀ-°-¯‑n F-s‑´Ã‑m‑wXc‑w t‑c-J \Â-I‑m³ ]‑m-S‑nà F-¶‑v \‑n-b-a-¯‑n h‑y-à-a‑m-b‑n ]-d-ª‑n-«‑pï‑v. A-X‑v ]‑m-e‑n-¡‑m³ FÃ‑m H‑m-^‑o-k‑p-I-f‑n-s‑e-b‑p‑w C³-^À-t‑aj³ H‑m^‑o-kÀ-a‑mÀ _‑m-²‑y-Ø-c‑mW‑v. k‑wØ‑m-\ kÀ-¡‑mÀ Aà H‑mt‑c‑m L-«-¯‑ne‑p‑w D-¯-c-h‑n-d-¡‑n A-hÀ s‑N-t‑¿-ï-X-‑p‑w s‑N-¿‑m³ ]‑m-S‑nÃ‑m-¯X‑p‑w F-s‑´Ã‑m‑w F-¶‑v \‑nÀ-W-b‑n-¡‑p-¶X‑v. C-¡‑m-c‑y-¯‑n XÀ-¡-§-f‑p-ï‑m-b‑m- X‑o-c‑p-a‑m-\-s‑a-S‑p-t‑¡ï-X‑v C³-^Àt‑a-j³ I-½‑o-j-\‑mW‑v. ]‑mÀ-e-s‑aâ‑v D-ï‑m¡‑n-b \‑n-b-a-¯‑n\‑v h‑y‑m-J‑y‑m-\‑w D-ï‑m-¡‑m³ k‑wØ‑m-\ X-e D-t‑Z‑y‑m-K-Ø-·‑mÀ-¡‑v A-[‑n-I‑m-c-a‑nà F-¶ {‑]‑m-Ya‑n-I I‑m-c‑y‑w-t‑]‑me‑p‑w h‑n-k‑v-a‑r-X-a‑m-h‑p-I-b‑mt‑W‑m? h‑n-h-c‑m-hI‑m-i \‑n-b-a-¯‑n-s‑e F-«‑v, H-¼-X‑v h-I‑p-¸‑pI-s‑f F-S‑p-¯‑p-]-d-ª‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑m-W‑v ]‑pX‑n-b \‑o¡-s‑¯ \‑y‑m-b‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑p¶X‑v. X‑oÀ-¨-b‑mb‑p‑w \‑n-b-a-¯‑n t‑Ì-ä‑n-s‑â X‑m-e‑v-]-c‑y‑w k‑w-c-£‑n¡-s‑¸-S-W-s‑a-¶‑v ]-d-b‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. \-Â-t‑I-ï‑m-¯ t‑c-J-I-f‑ps‑S ]-«‑n-I-b‑p-Å 8‑m‑w h-I‑p-¸‑n (a) information, disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and

integrity of India, the security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State, relation with foreign State or lead to incitement of an offenceF-¶‑v h‑y-à-a‑m-b‑n ]-d-b‑p-¶‑p. ]-t‑£‑, h‑m-¡‑p-I-f‑p-s‑S AÀ-°‑w- \-½‑p-s‑S X‑m-e‑v-]-c‑y-¯‑n-s‑\‑m-

¯‑v a‑mä‑m‑w F-¶ a-«‑n k‑v-t‑ä-ä‑v F-¶‑m k‑w-Ø‑m-\‑w B-W‑v F-¶‑v ]‑p-\À-\‑nÀ-h-N‑n-¡‑p¶-X‑v k-X‑y-k-Ô-a‑m-b `-c-W-I‑m-c‑y-\‑nÀh-l-W-aÃ. \‑n-b-a-¯‑n t‑Ì-ä‑v k‑w-k‑v-Y‑m-\-aÃ‑, c‑m-ã-a‑m-W‑v. h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑Sb‑p‑w C‑u I‑p-d‑n-¸‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w B-Z‑y-h‑m-N-I-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑v H-¶‑p-a-S-§‑n-t‑¸‑m-I‑m‑w. A-´‑xk‑w-Ø‑m-\ \-Z‑o-P-e-¯À-¡§Ä-¡‑v B-[‑m-ca‑m-b h‑n-h-c§-s‑f h‑n-h-c‑m-h-I‑m-i-\‑n-b-a-¯‑n-s‑â ]-c‑n-[‑n-b‑n \‑n-s‑¶‑m-g‑n-h‑m-¡‑n P-e-h‑n-`-h-h-I‑p-¸‑v D-¯-c-h‑n-«‑ps‑h-¶‑m-Wt‑Ã‑m AX‑v. ]‑mÀ-e-s‑aâ‑v ]‑m-Ê‑m¡‑nb \‑n-b-a-¯‑n B-s‑cÃ‑m‑w s‑]S‑p‑w F-s‑´Ã‑m‑w s‑]S‑p‑w F-¶‑v \‑nb-a‑w h‑m-b‑n-¨‑m BÀ-¡‑p‑w a-\-Ê‑n-e‑m-I‑p‑w. A-X‑v a‑m-ä‑m\‑p‑w X‑n-c‑p-¯‑m\‑p‑w P-e-t‑k-N-\ h-I‑p-¸‑n-\‑v B-c‑m-W‑v A-[‑n-I‑m-c‑w \Â-I‑n-bX‑v? \‑n-b-a-¯‑n-s‑â ]-c‑n-[‑n-b‑n G-s‑X-¦‑ne‑p‑w H‑m-^‑o-k‑v h-c‑pt‑a‑m CÃt‑b‑m F-¶‑v X‑o-c‑p-a‑m-\‑n-¡‑m³ B H‑m-^‑o-k‑n-s‑\¯-s‑¶ GÂ-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑p-t‑]‑ms‑e‑m-c‑p A_-²‑w C-´‑y³ ]‑mÀ-e-s‑aâ‑v I‑m-W‑n-¡‑p-s‑a-¶‑v B-s‑c-¦‑ne‑p‑w [-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑pt‑ï‑m F-t‑´‑m. h‑n-h-c‑m-h-I‑m-i-¯‑n-s‑â H-¶‑ma-s‑¯ K‑p-W-t‑`‑m-à‑m-h‑v a‑m-[‑y-a-{‑]-hÀ-¯-I-\‑m-W‑v. C‑u \‑nb-a‑w h-c‑p-¶-X‑ph-s‑c ]‑uc-s‑\ h‑n-hc-a-d‑n-b‑n-¡‑p¶-X‑v H-c‑p s‑X‑m-g‑nÂ-_‑m-[‑y-X-b‑m¡‑n-b G-I I‑q-«À a‑m-[‑y-a-{‑]-hÀ-¯-I-c‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. \‑n-b-a‑w-h-¶-t‑X‑m-s‑S-b‑m-W‑v ]‑uc-\‑v t‑\-c‑n-«‑v h‑nh-c‑w t‑XS‑m‑w F-¶‑p-h-¶X‑v. \‑nb-a‑w Z‑pÀ-h‑y‑m-J‑y‑m-\‑n¨‑p‑w D-¯-c-h‑p-I-f‑n-d-¡‑nb‑p‑w C‑u A-h-I‑m-i-§-s‑f§-s‑f CÃ‑m-X‑m¡‑m-\‑p-Å {‑i-a-t‑¯‑m-S‑v ]‑u-c-·‑mÀ-s‑¡‑m-¸‑w \‑n-¶‑v s‑N-d‑p-¡‑m-\‑p-Å _‑m[‑y-X a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä¡‑p‑w a‑m-[‑y-a-{‑]-hÀ-¯-IÀ¡‑p‑w Dï‑v. H-ä t‑\‑m-«-¯‑n P-\-§Ä-¡‑v t‑h-ï‑n F-¶‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑n-¸‑n-t‑¨-¡‑p-s‑a-¦‑ne‑p‑w C-¯-c‑w \‑o-¡§s‑fÃ‑m‑w B-X‑y-´‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n P-\-h‑nc‑p-²-a‑m-W‑v. A-X‑v X‑n-c‑n-¨-c‑nb‑p-I F-¶-X‑mW‑v h‑n-h-c‑m-h-I‑m-i-\‑n-b-a-¯‑n-s‑â A-S‑n¯-d‑, A-X‑m-W‑v a‑m-[‑y-a-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w A-S‑n¯d. tIcf {]kv A¡mZan `cW kanXn sNbÀam³: F³. ]n. cmtP{µ³ (sU]yq«n FUnäÀ, amXr`qan) sshkv sNbÀam³: sI. kn. cmPtKm]mð (aebmfat\mca) FIvknIyq«ohv t_mÀUv: Fw. Fkv. chn (amt\Pn§v UbdÎÀ, tIcfIuapZn), F³. cmtPjv (\yqkvFUnäÀ, am[yaw, tImgnt¡mSv), UbdÎÀ (]»nIv dntej³kv), sk{I«dn (^n\m³kv Un¸mÀ«vsaâv), sk{I«dn (P\dð AUvan\nt{Ìj³) P\dð Iu¬knð: Sn. BÀ. a[pIpamÀ (FUnäÀ C³ NmÀPv, tZim`nam\n hmcnI, tImgnt¡mSv), C. ]n. jmPp±o³ (No^v \yqkv FUnäÀ, awKfw, tIm«bw), Fw.]n. kqcyZmkv (No^v k_v FUnäÀ, amXr`qan, tImgnt¡mSv), Fkv. _nPp (No^v tImÀUnt\än§v FUnäÀ, Gjyms\äv \yqkv, Xncph\´]pcw), kn. F³. taml\³ (amt\PÀ, tZim`nam\n, sIm¨n), _nPp hÀ¤okv (amt\Pn§v FUnäÀ, awKfw), ]n. ]n. k®n (amt\Pn§v UbdÎÀ, Zo]nI), sI. Fw. tdmbv (ko\nbÀ tPWenÌv), It¡mS³ apl½Zv, hn. F. kenw (sdknUâv amt\PÀ, am[yaw, FdWmIpfw), sP. Fkv. CµpIpamÀ (FIvknIyq«ohv FUnäÀ, Pbvlnµv Snhn), hn. cmPtKm]mð (ap³ sU]yq«n FUnäÀ, amXr`qan, tImgnt¡mSv), ]n. kpPmX³, t__n amXyp (amt\Pn§v UbdÎÀ & sshkv sNbÀam³, Poh³ Snhn), sNdpIc k®n eqt¡mkv (kvs]jð Idkvt]mïâv, tIcfiÐw) sk{I«dn: F³. Fkv. A\nð IpamÀ AknÌâ v sk{I«dn: F³. ]n. kt´mjv

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s{]m^. F.sI. cmaIrjvW³

A[nImcapÅh³ ]dbpóXv F¯nIvkv Bhpóp... ]p-cm-X-\ {Ko-kn G-X³-kn-\v F-Xn-sc-bp-Å bp-²-¯n kv-]mÀ-«-bv-¡v H-¸w an-tem-kv A-Wn-\n-c-¶-t¸mÄ G-X³-kv {]-Xn-\n-[n-IÄ an-temkn-t\m-Sv, ""\n-§Ä bp-²-¯n ]-s¦-Sp-¡-cpXv. \n-§Ä X-IÀ-¶v X-cn-¸-W-am-Ipw. i-àn-bnÃm-¯-h-cmWv,'' F-¶v ]-dªp. ""A-§n-s\ \n-§Ä¡v B-{I-an-¡m³ ]äp-tam? A-Xn-\v Nn-e [mÀ½n-I {]-iv-\-§-fntÃ? N-«-h-«-§-fntÃ? bp-²-¯n \o-Xn-sb-¡p-dn-¨p-Å km-¦Â-¸n-I-an-tÃ?'' F-s¶m-s¡-bm-Wv an-tem-kv Xn-cn-¨p tNm-Zn¨Xv. A-Xn\v G-X³-kp-ImÀ ]-d-ª a-dp-]-Sn, ""F-¯n-Iv-kv F-¶m A-[n-Im-cw D-Å-h³ ]-d-bp¶-Xv'' F-¶m-Wv.

BKÌv 2014



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X-s‑¶ {‑]-hÀ-¯‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑p-I‑mW‑m‑w. F´‑p-s‑I‑mï‑v C‑u a‑m-ä‑w k‑w-`-h‑n-¡‑p¶‑p? H-c‑p-]‑m-S‑v k‑m-[‑y-X-IÄ X‑p-d-¶‑n-« Hc‑p a‑m[‑y-a i‑r‑w-J-e F-§‑n-s‑\ C¯-cs‑a‑m-c‑p c‑m-{‑ã‑o-b B-h‑n-i‑yh‑p-a‑m-b _-Ô-s‑¸-«‑v \‑n-e-]‑m-S‑n-t‑e-¡‑v h-c‑p-¶‑p F-¶-X‑v t‑\ct‑¯ ]-d-ª A-[‑n-I‑m-ch‑p‑w t‑\‑mÀ-a‑m-ä‑o-h‑v B-b‑n-«‑p-Å a‑m-[‑ya-¯‑n-s‑â -a-Þ-e-h‑p-a‑m-b‑n-«‑p-Å {‑]-h-À¯-\‑w N‑p-c‑p-§‑n-h-c‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑p-Å-X‑n-\‑v H-c‑p D-Z‑m-l-c-W-a‑m-b‑n I‑m-W‑m‑w. \-½‑p-s‑S k‑m-l-Nc‑y‑w t‑\‑m-¡‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ‑, s‑]‑m-X‑p-h‑n s‑s‑k²‑m-´‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n-s‑«‑m-s‑¡ ]-d-b‑p-I-b‑m-s‑W-¦‑nÂ‑, X-¯‑z-¯‑n-s‑â A-X‑nL-S-\ F-¶‑v ]-d-b‑p¶-X‑v ]-e-X‑p‑w D-Ä-t‑NÀ-¶‑n-«‑p-Å H-¶‑m-W‑v. k-a-I‑m-e‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n G-äh‑p‑w i-à-a‑m-b‑n-«‑pÅ-X‑v \-he‑n-_-d B-i-b-h‑p-a‑m-b‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-«-X‑mW‑v. \-½‑p-s‑S s‑s‑Z\‑wZ‑n-\ a‑q-e‑y‑w a‑m-d‑n-b‑n-«‑pÅ-X‑v I-¼-\‑n-IÄ DÂ-]‑m-Z‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶ H-¶‑m-b‑n-«Ã‑, h‑n-I-k\-s‑¯ I‑p-d‑n-¨‑p-Å I‑m-g‑v-N-¸‑m-S‑m-b‑n-«‑m-W‑v. k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-s‑â X-s‑¶ ]‑p-t‑c‑m-K-X‑n-s‑b-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑v \‑m‑w N‑n-´‑n¡‑p-¶ I-‑m-c‑y-¯‑n k‑w-`-h‑n-¡‑p-¶ H-¶‑mWX‑v. B-W-h-\‑n-e-b-§Ä F-X‑nÀ-¡‑p¶-h-t‑c‑m-S‑p-Å a‑p-J‑y-[‑mc c‑m-{‑ã‑o-b-¡‑m-c‑p-s‑S k-a‑o-]-\h‑p‑w a-ä‑p‑w {‑i-²‑n-¨‑m a-\Ê‑n-e‑mI‑p‑w C-X‑n-s‑e‑m-s‑¡ A-´À-e‑o-\-a‑m-b‑n I‑n-S-¡‑p¶-X‑v \-h-e‑n-_-d-e‑n-k‑w F-¶ {‑]-X‑y-b-i‑m-k‑v-{‑X-a‑m-s‑W¶‑v. C‑u Bi-b-t‑e‑m-I-a‑mW‑v L-S-\‑m-]-c-a‑m-b‑n-«‑v \-s‑½ k‑z‑m-[‑o-\‑n-¡‑p-¶ a‑p-J‑ya‑m-b H-c‑p-hi‑w. \-½‑ps‑S X-¯‑z§-s‑f k‑z‑m-[‑o-\‑n-¡‑p-¶

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i-Ð-§Ä CÃ‑m-X‑m-I‑p¶-‑p F-¶‑p-Å-X‑m-W‑v C-X‑n-s‑â G-äh‑p‑w t‑h-K-a‑p-ï‑m-I‑p-¶ ^e‑w. C¶-s‑¯ a‑p-J‑y-[‑m-c‑m a‑m-[‑y-a§Ä i-àa‑m-b kÀ-¡‑mÀ h-¶-X‑n-s‑\ k-t‑´‑m-j-]‑qÀ-Æ‑w s‑I‑m-ï‑mS‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v F¶-X‑v c-k-I-c-a‑m-W‑v. K‑p-P-d‑m-¯‑n K‑p-P-d‑m-¯‑n `‑m-j-b‑n-e‑p-Å a‑m-[‑y-a-§-f‑p-s‑S I‑m-c‑y-¯‑n F-{‑XI-ï‑v h‑yX‑y-k‑v-Xa‑m-b A-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b-§Ä-¡‑p-Å k‑m[‑y-X D-ï‑m-b‑n-«‑p-ï‑v F-¶‑p-Å-X‑m-W‑v C-h‑n-s‑S {‑i-²‑n-t‑¡-ï I‑mc‑y‑w. s‑]‑m-X‑p-h‑n h‑n-I-k\-s‑¯ I‑p-d‑n-¨‑p‑w‑, t‑a‑m-U‑n-b‑p-s‑S X-s‑¶ A-h‑n-S‑p-s‑¯ A-[‑n-I‑mc-s‑¯ I‑p-d‑n¨‑p‑w H-s‑¡-b‑p-Å s‑]‑m-X‑p A-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b‑w Dï‑m-¡‑n-s‑b-S‑p-¡‑p-I-b‑mW‑v. C-{‑Xb‑p‑w I‑m-e‑w A-[‑n-I‑m-c-¯‑n h-c‑p-¶-X‑nÂ‑, C-{‑Xb‑p‑w I‑m-e‑w h‑n-I-k-\-a‑m-X‑r-I-b‑m-b‑n H-s‑¡ {‑]-hÀ-¯‑n-¡‑p-Ib‑p‑w s‑N-¿‑p-¶-X‑n Hs‑¡ k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-s‑â Hc‑p s‑]‑m-X‑p-X‑o-c‑p-a‑m-\‑w Dï‑v. C‑u s‑]‑m-X‑p-X‑o-c‑p-a‑m-\‑w F-§s‑\-b‑m-W‑v D-ï‑m-¡‑n-s‑b-S‑p-¡‑p-¶X‑v? a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä X-s‑¶ h‑y-X‑y-k‑v-X A-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b-¯‑n-e‑p-Å k‑n-h‑n ka‑q-l {‑]-hÀ-¯\-¯‑n-\‑p-Å k‑m[‑y-X CÃ‑m-X‑m-¡‑p-¶-X‑n-e‑q-s‑S-b‑m-W‑v A-X‑v k‑m-[‑n-¨X‑v. X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¸‑n 31 i-X-a‑m-\‑w t‑h‑m-«‑v t‑\-S‑n-b‑m-W‑v ]‑pX‑n-b kÀ-¡‑mÀ A-[‑n-I‑m-c-¯‑n h-¶X‑v. C-X‑v H-c‑p s‑Nd‑n-b i-X-a‑m\‑w t‑h‑m«Ã. B-Î‑o-h‑v B-b‑n-«‑v P-\-§Ä C§-s‑\ H-c‑p kÀ¡‑m-d‑n-s‑\ B-h-i‑y-s‑¸-S‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑p-Å b‑m-Y‑mÀ-°‑y‑w \-a‑p-¡‑p a‑p-¶‑n-e‑pï‑v. hf-s‑c X‑mÂ-]-c‑y-t‑¯‑m-S‑v I‑q-S‑n-b‑m-W‑v P-\-§Ä i-àa‑m-b kÀ-¡‑m-c‑n-s‑\ t‑h-W‑w F-¶‑v ]-d-b‑p-¶X‑v. t‑\cs‑¯ k‑q-N‑n-¸‑n-¨-X‑p-t‑]‑m-s‑e‑, A-[‑n-I‑mc-s‑¯ k‑w-_-Ô‑n-¡‑p-¶ s‑]‑m-X‑p-\‑nÀ-½‑n-X‑n-s‑b a-\-Ê‑n-e‑m-¡‑p-h‑m³ k-l‑m-b‑n-¡‑p-¶ BKÌv 2014

H-¶‑m-W‑v CX‑v. ]-e-t‑¸‑mg‑p‑w G-I k‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c I‑m-g‑v-N-b‑m-W‑v t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Z‑w F-¶X‑v k‑q-N‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑v. h‑y-X‑y-k‑v-X-I-f‑nÃ‑ms‑X-b‑p-Å c‑m-P‑y-t‑¯b‑p‑w h‑n-I-k-\-s‑¯b‑p‑w k‑w-_-Ô‑n-¡‑p-¶ G-I k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑mc‑n-I a‑p-J‑w B-W‑v A-X‑v D-bÀ-¯‑p-¶-X‑v. ]-t‑£‑, B-ib-s‑¯ P-\-§Ä k‑z‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑pÅX‑v {‑]-[‑m-\-a‑mW‑v. AX‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑v X-s‑¶ h‑y-X‑y-k‑v-X-t‑b‑mS‑v‑, CÉ‑m‑w-a-X A-\‑p-b‑m-b‑n-I-t‑f‑m-S‑v DÅ s‑]‑m-X‑p-k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-t‑âb‑p‑w t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑e C-S-X‑p-]-£ a-t‑\‑m-`‑m-h‑w h-¨‑p-]‑p-eÀ-¯‑p-¶h-c‑p-t‑S-b‑p‑w h‑y-à‑n-]-c-a‑m-b I‑p-S‑p‑w-_-k-Z-Ê‑p-I-f‑p-s‑Sb‑p-s‑a‑ms‑¡ a-t‑\‑m-`‑m-h‑w‑, a-ä‑p k-a‑p-Z‑m-b§-s‑f F-§-s‑\ I‑m-W‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑pÅ-X‑v, I‑r-X‑y-a‑m-b‑n s‑s‑Z-\‑wZ‑n-\ P‑o-h‑n-X-¯‑n \-a‑p-¡‑v A-d‑n-b‑m-h‑p-¶ I‑m-c‑y-a‑mW‑v. C-X‑v h‑y-à‑n-]-c-a‑m-b‑n {‑]-hÀ-¯‑n¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑pÅ-X‑v b‑m-Y‑m-À-°‑y-a‑m-W‑v. c‑m-{‑ã-[À-½‑w F-¶‑v BÀ.F-k‑v.Fk‑p‑w t‑a‑m-U‑nb‑p-s‑a‑m-s‑¡ k‑w-k‑m-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ I‑mc‑y‑w C-X‑mW‑v. ]‑p-c‑m-X-\ {‑K‑o-k‑n G-X³-k‑n-\‑v F-X‑n-s‑c-b‑p-Å b‑p-²¯‑n k‑v-]‑mÀ-«-b‑v-¡‑v H-¸‑w a‑n-t‑e‑m-k‑v A-W‑n-\‑n-c-¶-t‑¸‑mÄ G-X³-k‑v {‑]-X‑n-\‑n-[‑n-IÄ a‑n-t‑e‑mk‑n-t‑\‑m-S‑v, "\‑n-§Ä b‑p²-¯‑n ]-s‑¦-S‑p-¡-c‑pX‑v. \‑n-§Ä X-IÀ-¶‑v X-c‑n-¸-W-a‑mI‑p‑w. i-à‑n-b‑nÃ‑m-¯-h-c‑mW‑v‑,' F-¶‑v ]-dª‑p. "A-§‑n-s‑\ \‑n-§Ä¡‑v B-{‑I-a‑n-¡‑m³ ]ä‑p-t‑a‑m? A-X‑n-\‑v N‑n-e [‑mÀ½‑n-I {‑]-i‑v-\-§-f‑nt‑Ã? N-«-h-«-§-f‑nt‑Ã? b‑p-²-¯‑n \‑o-X‑n-s‑b-¡‑pd‑n-¨‑p-Å k‑m-¦Â-¸‑n-I-a‑n-t‑Ã?' F-s‑¶‑m-s‑¡-b‑m-W‑v a‑n-t‑e‑m-k‑v X‑n-c‑n-¨‑p t‑N‑m-Z‑n¨X‑v. A-X‑n\‑v G-X³-k‑p-I‑mÀ ]-d-ª a-d‑p-]S‑n‑, "F-¯‑n-I‑v-k‑v F-¶‑m A-[‑n-I‑m-c‑w D-Å-h³ ]-d-b‑p¶-X‑v'

(9) F-¶‑m-W‑v. \‑n-b-ah‑p‑w \‑o-X‑nb‑p-s‑a‑m-s‑¡ k‑w-k‑m-c‑n-¡‑p¶-X‑v A-[‑nI‑m-c-a‑p-Å-h-À-¡‑m-b‑n«‑mW‑v. A-[‑n-I‑m-c-a‑nÃ‑m-¯h-\‑v A-X‑n-\‑v b‑m-s‑X‑m-c‑p h‑n-eb‑p‑w IÂ-¸‑n-t‑¡-ï-X‑nÃ. A-[‑n-I‑m-c-a‑p-Å-h³ ]-d-b‑p¶-X‑v k‑z‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑p-h‑m³ A-[‑n-I‑m-c‑w CÃ‑m-¯-hÀ-¡‑v _‑m[‑y-Ø-X-b‑pï‑v. C‑u _‑m-[‑y-Ø-X-b‑m-W‑v b-Y‑mÀ-°-¯‑n C-¶‑v {‑]-t‑b‑m-K-¯‑n-e‑pÅ "F-¯‑n-I‑vk‑v'. F-¯‑n-I‑v-k‑v \-b‑w F-¶ c‑q-]-¯‑nÂ‑, A-[‑n-I‑m-c‑w F-¶ c‑q-]-¯‑n A-t‑a-c‑n-¡ Cd‑m-J‑n-s‑\ B-{‑I-a‑n-¡‑p¶-X‑v, A-S‑n-b-´‑n-c‑m-h-Ø... Hs‑¡ C‑u {‑]-{‑I‑n-b-b‑v-¡‑v A-I-¯‑m-W‑v. h‑n-P-b‑n-b‑p-s‑S I-¿‑n-e‑m-W‑v c‑m-P-[À-½‑w D-ï‑m-I‑p-I. C-X‑p \-s‑½ \‑n-c´c‑w H‑mÀ-½-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-¶X‑p‑w A-[‑n-I‑m-c‑w X-s‑¶-b‑m-W‑v. a‑m-[‑y-a-§-Ä A-X‑n-s‑â ]‑n-S‑nb‑n X-s‑¶-b‑m-W‑v DÅ-X‑v F¶-X‑v h-k‑v-X‑p-X-b‑m-W‑v. F§-s‑\ A-P-ï \‑nÀ-W-b‑n-¡-s‑¸-S‑p-¶‑p‑, F§-s‑\ NÀ¨-IÄ _‑p-²‑n-a‑p-«‑p-IÄ D-ï‑m-¡‑m-X‑n-c‑n-¡‑p¶‑p, P-\-X‑mÂ]-c‑y kÀ-¡‑m-c‑n-\‑v t‑h-ï‑n A-t‑\-I-h‑n-[-¯‑n-e‑p-Å \‑y‑m-b‑o-I-c-W§Ä D-S-s‑e-S‑p-¡‑p¶‑p... C-s‑X‑m-s‑¡ h‑n-I‑m-c-a-Þ-e-h‑p‑w [‑mÀ½‑n-I-a-Þ-eh‑p‑w X-½‑n-e‑p-Å h‑n-S-h‑nÃ‑m-b‑v-a-b‑p-s‑S AI-¯‑v h-c‑p-¶-X‑mW‑v. t‑\c-s‑¯ C-X‑v a-\-Ê‑n-e‑m-¡‑p-h‑m³ A-[‑n-I‑m-cc‑q-]-§-s‑f-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑p-Å {‑K‑m‑w-j‑n-b³ k-¦Â-¸-\§Ä D-]-t‑b‑mK‑n-¨‑v t‑]‑m-¶‑n-c‑p¶‑p. {‑]-[‑m-\-s‑¸-« k‑wK-X‑n s‑{‑]‑m-¸-K³-U-b‑p‑w A-[‑n-I‑m-c-c‑q-]h‑p‑w t‑NÀ-¶‑v {‑]-hÀ-¯‑n¡‑p-¶ H-¶‑m-W‑v F-¶X‑mW‑v. 5000 t‑I‑m-S‑n X‑n-c-s‑ª-S‑p-¸‑n-\‑v N‑n-e-h‑m-¡‑p-I F-¶‑v ]-d-b‑p¶-X‑v s‑{‑]‑m-¸-K³-Ub‑p‑w A-[‑n-I‑m-c-c‑q-]h‑p‑w X-s‑¶b‑mW‑v. h‑n-I-k-\-h‑p‑w H-c‑p- G-I-k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑mc‑n-I C-´‑y-b‑p‑w C¯-c‑w h‑o-£-W-§Ä Xs‑¶. s‑{‑]‑m-¸K³-U i-à-a‑m-b B-i-b-§-f‑p-s‑S k‑z‑m-[‑o-\-a‑m-W‑v. {‑K‑m‑w-j‑n-b‑p-s‑S A-[‑n-I‑m-cc‑q-] k-¦Â-]-¯‑n A-[‑n-I‑m-c‑w k‑n-h‑nÂ- k-a‑q-l-¯‑n {‑]-hÀ¯‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑mW‑v; `-c-W-I‑q-S-¯‑n {‑]-hÀ-¯‑n-¡‑p-¶-XÃ. `-cW-I‑q-S‑w B B-i-bK-X‑n DÂ-]‑m-Z‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑v a‑m-{‑X‑w. H-c‑p k-a‑q-l-¯‑n A-X‑v h‑n-Xc-W‑w s‑N-¿‑p-¶-X‑p‑w B-i-b-¯‑n\-\‑p-k-c‑n-¨‑v {‑]-hÀ-¯‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑p‑w ]-c-k-a‑q-l-a‑m-W‑v. A-h‑n-s‑S X‑mÂ-]-c‑y-¯‑n-\-¸‑pd¯‑v C‑u _‑rl-X‑v B-i-b-h‑p-a‑m-b‑n _-Ôs‑¸-« H-c‑p-I‑m-c‑y-a‑m-b‑n s‑{‑]‑m-¸-K³U-s‑b I‑m-W‑p-¶‑p. ]-ck‑y‑w

F-¶ \‑n-e-b‑v-¡‑v D-Å-X‑n-s‑\ I‑m-W‑p-¶‑p F¶-X‑v {‑]-[‑m-\-s‑¸-« H-c‑p B-i-b-a‑mW‑v‑, B k‑w-K-X‑n-b‑m-W‑v a‑m-[‑y-a-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-h‑pa‑m-b‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-«-X‑v. A-S‑p-¯-I‑m-e-¯‑v B-t‑K‑m-f-hÂ-¡-c-W-¯‑n-s‑â I‑m-e‑w F-¶‑p ]-d-b‑p-¶‑nS-¯‑v, A-[‑n-I‑m-c-a-Þ-e-¯‑n-s‑â i-à-a‑mb B-h‑nÀ-`‑m-h-¯‑ne‑p‑w {‑]-hÀ-¯-\-¯‑n-e‑p‑w‑, h‑n-I-k-\h‑p‑w t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Zh‑p‑w X-½‑n H«‑p‑w t‑hÀ-X‑n-c‑n-h‑nÃ. AX‑p-t‑]‑m-s‑e k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n-«‑p-Å h‑m-Z-h‑p‑w t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Zh‑p‑w X-½‑n t‑hÀ-X‑n-c‑n-h‑nÃ. A-t‑¸‑mÄ P-\‑m-[‑n]-X‑y c‑m{‑ã‑w F-¶‑p-ÅX‑p‑w G-I-a‑m-b‑n-«‑p-Å k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑mc‑n-I t‑Z-i‑w F¶ BÀ.F-k‑v.Fk‑n-s‑â H-s‑¡-b‑p-Å h‑o-£-Wh‑p‑w h‑n-I-k-\-¯‑n-s‑â AP-ï-b‑p‑w H-¶‑m-b‑n-«‑m-W‑v {‑]-hÀ-¯‑n-¡‑p-I. A-h‑n-s‑S-b‑m-W‑v ]-e-t‑¸‑mg‑p‑w h‑n-I-k-\h‑n-t‑c‑m-[‑nIÄ‑, c‑m-{‑ã-t‑{‑Z‑m-l‑n-IÄ BI‑p-¶ Ø‑n-X‑n-h-c‑p-¶-X‑v. h‑n-I-k-\h‑p‑w c‑m-{‑ãh‑p‑w X-½‑n DÅ B _-Ô‑w k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c‑n-Ih‑p‑w c‑m-{‑ã‑o-b-h‑p-a‑m-b‑n-«‑p-Å X-e¯‑ne‑p‑w h-c‑p¶‑p. C-h‑n-s‑S \-h-e‑n-_-d B-i-b-K-X‑n-b‑p-s‑S {‑]‑m-[‑m\‑y‑w I‑p-d-¨‑v s‑I‑m-ï‑p-h-c‑p-¶‑p. \-½Ä B-t‑K‑m-f-hÂ-¡cW‑w t‑]‑m-e‑p-Å NÀ-¨-b‑n X-c-s‑¸-S‑p-¶-X‑n-s‑â A-´-k-¯ a-\-Ê‑n-e‑m-¡‑m-s‑X t‑]‑m-I‑p¶‑p. \-h-e‑n-_-d B-i-bK-X‑n `-c-W-I‑q-S-¯‑n-s‑â k‑z-`‑m-h-¯‑n-s‑â X-s‑¶ I‑m-c‑y-a‑m-b‑n a‑m-ä‑n-s‑bS‑p-¡-s‑¸-S‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. e‑n-_-d F-¶‑p ]-d-b‑p¶-X‑v e‑n-_-d P-\‑m-[‑n-]-X‑y-h‑p-a‑mb‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-«-X‑mW‑v. ]-ec‑p‑w I-c‑p-X‑p¶-X‑v \-h-e‑n-_-d Bi-b-K-X‑nb‑p‑w e‑n-_-d-e‑n-kh‑p‑w h‑n-`‑n-¶-a‑m-W‑v F-¶‑mW‑v. e‑n-_-de‑n-k-¯‑n-s‑â h-à‑m-h‑v B-U‑w-k‑v-a‑n-¯‑v BW‑v. A-t‑±-l-a‑m-W‑v I-t‑¼‑m-f-s‑¯-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑p‑w \‑n-b-a-§-s‑f-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑p‑w K-h¬-s‑a-â‑ns‑\-¡‑p-d‑n¨‑p‑w k‑w-k‑m-c‑n¨-X‑v. F-¶‑mÂ‑, I-t‑¼‑m-f-s‑¯-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑v A-d‑n-b‑m-h‑p-¶-X‑ps‑I‑m-ï‑pX-s‑¶ I-t‑¼‑m-f‑w F¶-X‑v \‑o-X‑n-b‑ps‑S a-Þ-e-aà F-¶‑v B-U‑w-k‑v-a‑n-¯‑v X‑oÀ-¯‑p ]-d-b‑p-¶‑pa‑pï‑v. AX‑v B-[‑n-]-X‑y-¯‑n-t‑â-b‑p-‑w aä‑p‑w a-Þ-e-a‑m-I‑m-\‑p-Å k‑m-[‑y-X-b‑pï‑v F-s‑¶‑m-s‑¡ ]-d-b‑p¶‑p. K-h¬-s‑aâ‑n-s‑\b‑m-W‑v \‑o-X‑n-b‑p-s‑S \‑nÀ-Æ-l-W-¯‑n-\‑p-Å k‑w-h‑n-[‑m-\-a‑mb‑n B-U‑w-k‑v-a‑n-¯‑n-\‑v t‑]‑me‑p‑w I-W-¡‑m-¡‑m-\‑mI‑p-¶X‑v. a‑m-I‑vk‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v F-¶‑v ]-d-b‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ‑, I-t‑¼‑m-f-h‑p-a‑m-b‑n

BKÌv 2014

(10) _-Ô-s‑¸-«‑v, a-ä‑v {‑]-hÀ-¯-\-§-f‑p-a‑m-b‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-«‑v, `-c-W-h‑pa‑m-b‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-« H-¶‑m-W‑v. F-¶‑m \-h-e‑n-_-d s‑s‑k-²‑m-´‑n-I-t‑c‑m-S‑v t‑N‑m-Z‑n-¨‑pt‑\‑m¡‑q‑, `-c-W-\‑o-X‑n-s‑b-¶ k-¦Â-¸‑w A-h-c‑p-s‑S h‑o-£W-¯‑n-e‑p-Å-XÃ. AX‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑pX-s‑¶ \-h-e‑n-_-d-e‑n-k‑w `-c-W-k‑w-h‑n-[‑m-\s‑¯ A-h-I‑m-i-h‑p‑w \‑o-X‑nb‑p-s‑a‑ms‑¡ k‑wc-£‑n-¡‑p-¶ H-c‑p s‑]‑m-X‑p-k‑w-h‑n-[‑m-\-a‑mb‑n I-W-¡‑m-¡‑p-¶-X‑p t‑]‑m-e‑p-a‑nÃ. a‑n-\‑n-a‑w kÀ-¡‑mÀ F-¶-hÀ ]-d-b‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ AX‑v k‑m-¼¯‑n-I AÀ-°-¯‑n D-Å H-¶‑p-a‑m-{‑XaÃ‑, c‑m-{‑ã‑o-b AÀ-°-¯‑ne‑p‑w a‑n-\‑n-a‑w kÀ-¡‑mÀ F-¶‑mW‑v \-h-e‑n-_-d-e‑pI‑mÀ I-W-¡‑m-¡‑p-¶X‑v. ]-t‑£‑, C§-s‑\ s‑s‑k-²‑m-´‑n-Ia‑m-b‑n a‑n-\‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v F-¶‑v ]-d-b‑p-t‑¼‑mg‑p‑w a‑m-I‑v-k‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v t‑h-W-s‑a-¶‑m-W‑v A-hc‑p‑w B-h-i‑y-s‑¸-S‑p-¶-X‑v. AX‑v A-X‑n-s‑â a-d‑p-]‑p-d-a‑mW‑v. A-X‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑m-W‑v \-h-e‑n-_-d \-b-§Ä \-S-¸‑m-¡‑p-h‑m³ ]-«‑m-ft‑a-[‑m-h‑n-s‑b s‑I‑m-ï‑ph-¶‑v `c-W‑w \-S-¯‑p-¶X‑v. A-X‑n-s‑â {‑]-[‑m-\-s‑¸-« B-i-b-§f‑p‑w X‑p-SÀ-¨-If‑p‑w ]-c-k‑v-]-c-]‑q-c‑n-X-a‑mW‑v. a‑n-\‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑n-s‑\ \-S-¸‑m-¡‑p¶-X‑v a‑m-I‑v-k‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑p-I-f‑mW‑v. A-§‑n-s‑\ k‑w-`-h‑n-¡-‑p¶-X‑v \-h-e‑n-_-d B-i-b-¯‑n X-s‑¶-b‑p-Å he‑nb s‑s‑h-c‑p-²‑y-a‑mW‑v. C‑u s‑s‑h-c‑p-²‑y-s‑¯ I-ï‑nà F-¶‑v \-S‑n-¡-c‑pX‑v. AX‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑m-W‑v `-c-W-L-S-\-¡-\‑p-k‑r-X-a‑m-b‑n«‑p-Å \‑n-b-a-§s‑f‑ms‑¡ I-t‑¼‑m-f‑m-\‑q-e-a‑m-b‑n a‑m-d‑p¶X‑v. k‑m[‑m-c-W-K-X‑n-b‑n I-t‑¼‑m-fh‑p‑w k‑m-[‑m-c-W P-\-§-f‑p-s‑S P‑o-h‑nX-k‑m-l-N-c‑yh‑p‑w B-b‑n‑, P-\-§-f‑p-s‑S X‑mÂ-]-c‑y-§-f‑p-a‑mb‑n H¯‑p-t‑]‑m-IW‑w. A-§-s‑\-bÃ‑m-s‑X h-c‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ k‑w-LÀ-ja‑p-ï‑m-I‑p‑w; {‑]-Ø‑m-\-§Ä D-ï‑m-h‑p‑w. \-h-e‑n-_-d B-ib-§-f‑p-s‑S h-fÀ-¨-b‑p-s‑S I‑me-¯‑v t‑e‑m-I-s‑a-¼‑mS‑p‑w h-e‑n-bt‑X‑m-X‑n {‑]-Ø‑m-\-§Ä c‑q-]-s‑¸-S‑p-h‑m³ I‑mc-W‑w C-X‑m-W‑v. I-t‑¼‑m-f-¯‑n-\‑v h‑n-c‑p-²-a‑m-b‑n \‑nÂ-¡‑p-¶ C‑u C‑u P-\I‑o-b {‑]-Ø‑m-\§-s‑f X-IÀ-¡‑m³ k‑z‑m-`‑m-h‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n i-àa‑m-b `-c-W-I‑q-S-§Ä D-ï‑m-I‑p‑w. A-t‑¸‑mÄ I-t‑¼‑m-f-¯‑n-\‑v A-\‑p-kc‑n-¨‑v a‑n-\‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v D-ï‑m-I-W-s‑a-¦‑n P\-§-t‑f‑m-S‑v a‑mI‑v-k‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑m-b‑n-«‑v s‑]-c‑p-a‑m-t‑d-ï-X‑p-ï‑v. s‑s‑k-\‑n-I-hÂ-I‑r-X-a‑m-b‑n-«‑p-Å A-[-‑n-I‑m-c‑w {‑]-t‑b‑m-K‑n¡‑p-¶ H-¶‑m-b‑n-«‑v A-X‑v s‑]-c‑p-a‑m-d‑p‑w. A-X‑v A-[‑n-I‑m-c-c‑q-]‑w D-Â-]‑m-Z‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶ H-¶‑v a‑m-{‑XaÃ‑, i-àa‑m-b Bi-b-t‑e‑m-I‑w DÂ-]‑m-Z‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶ H-¶‑v- a‑m-{‑XaÃ‑, B B-i-bs‑¯‑, h‑nI-k-\ B-i-b§-s‑f \-S-¸‑n-e‑m-¡‑m³ ]-ä‑nb s‑s‑k-\‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n-«‑p-Å t‑i-j‑n-b‑p-Å H-¶‑p-a‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p‑w. P-\-§Ä F-´‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑m-W‑v C¯-c‑w B-[‑n]-X‑y B-i-b-§Ä k‑z-X‑z B-i-b-§-f‑m-b‑n-«‑v I‑m-W‑p-¶X‑v F-¶‑p-Å-X‑v {‑]-[‑m-\-a‑mW‑v. t‑a‑m-U‑n-s‑b t‑]‑ms‑e H-c‑m-s‑f N-c‑n{‑X‑w A-d‑n-ª‑n-«‑p‑w‑, N‑n-e-t‑¸‑mÄ A-d‑n-b‑m-s‑X-b‑mI‑p‑w‑, D-bÀ-¯‑p-¶-X‑n-s‑\ k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n t‑\‑m-¡‑p-t‑¼‑m-Ä \-h-e‑n-_-d I‑m-e-L-«‑w D-ï‑m-¡‑p-¶ h‑y-à‑m-[‑n-j‑vT‑n-Xa‑mb k-a‑q-l-hÂ-¡c-W‑w D-ï‑m-¡‑p-¶ k‑z‑m-`‑m-h‑n-I-h-X‑v-Ic-W‑w F-¶ Ah-Ø I‑m-W‑m³ ]ä‑p‑w. H¸‑w k-a-I‑m-e‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n-«‑pÅ \-h-e‑n-_-d A-h-Ø h‑y-à‑n-b‑p-t‑Sb‑p‑w t‑Z-i‑o-ba‑m-b {‑] X‑n-t‑c‑m-[§-s‑f h-f-s‑c-b-[‑n-I‑w i-à‑n-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p¶‑p. e‑n-_-d B-b‑n-«‑p-Å t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Z‑w B-W‑v \-s‑½ H-¶‑n-¨‑v \‑nÀ-¯‑p-¶-X‑v; AYh‑m C‑u k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c‑n-It‑_‑m-[-a‑m-W‑v H-¶‑n-¨‑v \‑nÀ-¯‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶X‑v. A-X‑v k‑z‑o-I-c‑n-¡-s‑¸-S‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑pÅ-X‑mW‑v‑, i-àa‑m-b K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v B-h-i‑y-s‑¸-S‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑pÅ-X‑m-W‑v I‑m-c‑y‑w. C-X‑v A-t‑X‑m-s‑S‑m-¸‑w -i-à‑n-b‑nÃ‑m-b‑v-a-b‑p-s‑S {‑]-X‑n-^e-\‑w I‑q-S‑n-b‑mW‑v. s‑s‑h-c‑p²‑y‑w \‑n-d-ª Ø‑n-X‑n-h‑n-t‑ij‑w A-X‑n A-[‑nj‑vT‑n-X-a‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶-‑p. b-Y‑mÀ-°-¯‑n CX‑v "i-à‑n'-s‑¸-S-e‑n-\‑v, k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑mc‑nI t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Z-¯‑n-\‑v, X‑o{‑h-t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Z-¯‑n-\‑v h-f-s‑c-b-[‑n-I‑w k-l‑m-b‑n-¡‑p-¶‑pï‑v. s‑X‑m-®‑qd‑n-s‑e‑m-s‑¡ h-¶ `-c-W-I‑q-S-¯‑n-s‑â a‑m-ä‑w Aà C-¶‑v. C¯-c‑w B-i-b-§Ä-¡‑v I‑n-«‑p-¶ {‑]‑m-[‑m-\‑y‑w, C-X‑n-s‑\ a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä F§-s‑\ I‑m-W‑p-¶‑p F-¶‑p-Å-X‑v Hs‑¡ A-]BKÌv 2014

{‑K-Y‑n-¡-W-s‑a-¶X‑v hf-s‑c {‑]-[‑m-\-s‑¸-« H-¶‑mW‑v. t‑I‑m¬{‑K-k‑n-s‑â X-IÀ-¨-b‑p-s‑S a‑p³]‑v‑, h‑n.]‑n k‑n‑w-K‑n-s‑â {‑]-i‑v-\¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w _‑m_-d‑n a-k‑v-P‑n-Z‑n-s‑â X-IÀ-¨-b‑p-s‑S-b‑ps‑a‑m-s‑¡ k-ab-¯‑v a‑m-[‑y-a-§-Ä a-‑m-{‑XaÃ‑, A-¡‑m-Z-a‑n-¡‑p-If‑p‑w Bi-bt‑e‑m-I-h‑p-a‑m-b‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑n NÀ-¨-IÄ D-bÀ¯‑n-b‑n-c‑p¶‑p. c‑m-P‑y‑w X-IÀ-¶‑v X-c‑n-¸-W-a‑m-I‑p‑w‑, G-I‑o-I‑r-X-aÃ‑m-¯ H-c‑p

a‑m-[‑y-a-§-fS-¡‑w I‑m-W‑p¶-X‑v {‑]-k‑nUâ‑v a‑m-X‑r-Ib‑mW‑v. \‑m‑w t‑a‑m-U‑n-b‑n I‑m-W‑p-¶X‑p‑w C-X‑mW‑v; H-c‑p {‑]-k‑n-Uâ‑n-s‑\-b‑mW‑v; {‑]-[‑m-\-a-{‑´‑n-s‑b AÃ. {‑]-k‑nUâ‑v k‑n-C-H I‑q-S‑n-b‑mW‑v. A-t‑¸‑mÄ F§s‑\ \-h-e‑n-_-d-e‑n-kh‑p‑w `-c-WI‑q-S {‑]-X‑yb-i‑m-k‑v{‑Xh‑p‑w _-Ô-s‑¸-«‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶-X‑n-s‑â s‑X-f‑n-h‑pIÄ h‑y-à-a‑m-I‑p‑w. _‑y‑q-t‑d‑m-{‑I-k‑n-b‑n- I‑r-X‑y-a‑m-b‑n 9 a-W‑n-¡‑v ]hÀ-t‑]‑mbâ‑v a‑o-ä‑n‑w-K‑v a‑m-{‑X‑w aX‑n. k‑w-Ø‑m-\-§-f‑n {‑]-k‑nUâ‑v H‑m-^‑ok‑v. A-t‑¸‑mÄ C‑u h‑n-[-¯‑n-e‑p-Å G-I‑o-Ic-W‑w‑, \-h-e‑n-_-d k‑n-C-H {‑]-k‑n-Uâ‑n-s‑â `-c-W‑w þ C-s‑X‑m-s‑¡ k‑z‑mK-X‑mÀ-l-a‑m-b‑m-W‑v a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä I‑m-W‑p-¶X‑v. C‑u "t‑i-j‑n' ]‑p-I-g‑v-¯-s‑¸-S‑p-¶‑p. (F-¡‑u-ï-_‑n-e‑n-ä‑n F-¶s‑X‑m-s‑¡ t‑e‑m-I-_‑m-¦‑n \‑n-s‑¶‑m-s‑¡ t‑IÄ¡‑p-¶ h‑m-¡‑mW‑v.‑) `-c-W-I‑q-S-¯‑n-s‑â {‑]-X‑y-b-i‑mk‑v-{‑X-¯‑n k‑n-C-H k‑v-a‑mÀ-«‑v\-Ê‑v h-c‑p¶-X‑v AX‑ps‑I‑m-ï‑m-W‑v. A§s‑\ ]‑p-X‑n-b- `-c-W-I‑q-S-¯‑n-s‑â a‑p-{‑Z‑m-h‑m-I‑y-a‑m-b‑n a‑n-\‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v‑, a‑m-I‑v-k‑n-a‑w K-s‑h-W³k‑v h-c‑p-¶‑p.


C-´‑y i‑n-Y‑n-e-a‑mI‑p‑w F-s‑¶‑m-s‑¡-b‑p-Å H-c‑p N‑n-{‑X‑w P-\-§Ä¡‑v s‑I‑m-S‑p-¡‑p¶-X‑v A-§-s‑\-b‑mW‑v. H-c‑p-]-t‑£ C-´‑y-b‑p-s‑S N-c‑n-{‑X-¯‑n C-´‑y³ P-\‑m-[‑n-]-X‑y-¯‑n-s‑â k‑m-a‑ql‑n-I A-S‑n¯-d G-äh‑p‑w h‑n-]‑p-e-a‑m-I‑m³ {‑i-a‑n-¡‑p-¶ k-a-b-¯‑m-W‑v \‑m‑w ]-d-b‑p-¶X‑v‑, i‑n-Y‑n-e-a‑m-I‑p-s‑a¶‑v. G-I‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑m-\‑p-Å i-à‑nIs‑f ]-g‑n-¡‑p-t‑¼‑mg‑p‑w X‑o-{‑h-t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Z‑w s‑I‑m-ï‑p-h-c‑p-t‑¼‑mg‑p-a‑m-W‑v i‑n-Y‑n-e-a‑m-I‑p-¶X‑v. A-t‑¸‑mÄ P-\‑m-[‑n-]-X‑y-¯‑n-s‑â i‑n-Y‑n-e‑o-I-c-W-a‑mb‑, C‑u G-Ia‑pJa‑m-b H-¶‑n-s‑\ t‑Z-i‑o-bX-b‑p-s‑S c-£-b‑m-b‑n ]-d-b‑p-¶‑p. A-X‑v \‑m‑w ]-t‑ï ]-d-b‑p-¶X‑mW‑v‑, C-t‑¸‑mg‑p‑w A-X‑n-\‑v h‑y-X‑y‑m-k‑w H-¶‑p-a‑nÃ. a‑m-{‑Xaà C-t‑¸‑mÄ A-X‑n-\‑v I‑q-S‑p-X k‑z‑o-I‑m-c‑y-X-b‑p-ï‑v. A-¯-c-¯‑ne‑p-Å C-´‑y-b‑n P‑m-X‑n-h‑n-`‑m-K-§f‑p‑w {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I P-\-h‑n-`‑mK-§f‑p‑w H-s‑¡-b‑p-Å ]-¦‑m-f‑n-¯-¯‑n-s‑â P-\‑m-[‑n-]-X‑y‑w Aà \‑m‑w C-´‑y³ t‑Z-i‑o-b-X-b‑p-s‑S a‑p-J-a‑p-{‑Z-b‑m-b‑n I‑m-W‑p-¶X‑v. Hc‑p i-à-a‑m-b C-´‑y-s‑bb‑m-W‑v. a‑m-[‑y-a-§-fS-¡‑w I‑m-W‑p¶-X‑v {‑]-k‑nUâ‑v a‑m-X‑r-I-b‑mW‑v. \‑m‑w t‑a‑m-U‑n-b‑n I‑m-W‑p-¶X‑p‑w C-X‑mW‑v; H-c‑p {‑]-k‑n-Uâ‑ns‑\-b‑mW‑v; {‑]-[‑m-\-a-{‑´‑n-s‑b AÃ. {‑]-k‑nUâ‑v k‑n-C-H I‑qS‑n-b‑mW‑v. A-t‑¸‑mÄ F§-s‑\ \-h-e‑n-_-d-e‑n-kh‑p‑w `-c-WI‑qS {‑]-X‑yb-i‑m-k‑v-{‑Xh‑p‑w _-Ô-s‑¸-«‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p F-¶-X‑n-s‑â s‑X-f‑n-h‑p-IÄ h‑y-à-a‑m-I‑p‑w. _‑y‑q-t‑d‑m-{‑I-k‑n-b‑n- I‑r-X‑y-a‑m-b‑n 9 a-W‑n-¡‑v ]hÀ-t‑]‑mbâ‑v a‑o-ä‑n‑w-K‑v a‑m-{‑X‑w aX‑n. k‑w-Ø‑m-\§-f‑n {‑]-k‑nUâ‑v H‑m-^‑ok‑v. A-t‑¸‑mÄ C‑u h‑n-[-¯‑n-e‑p-Å G-I‑o-Ic-W‑w‑, \-h-e‑n-_-d k‑n-C-H {‑]-k‑n-Uâ‑n-s‑â `-c-W‑w þ C-s‑X‑m-s‑¡ k‑z‑m-K-X‑mÀ-l-a‑m-b‑m-W‑v a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä I‑m-W‑p¶X‑v. C‑u "t‑i-j‑n' ]‑p-I-g‑v-¯-s‑¸-S‑p-¶‑p. (F-¡‑u-ï-_‑n-e‑n-ä‑n F-¶s‑X‑m-s‑¡ t‑e‑m-I-_‑m-¦‑n \‑n-s‑¶‑m-s‑¡ t‑IÄ-¡‑p-¶ h‑m¡‑mW‑v.‑) `-c-W-I‑q-S-¯‑n-s‑â {‑]-X‑y-b-i‑m-k‑v-{‑X-¯‑n k‑n-C-H k‑v-a‑mÀ-«‑v\-Ê‑v h-c‑p¶-X‑v AX‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑m-W‑v. A§s‑\ ]‑p-X‑n-b`-c-W-I‑q-S-¯‑n-s‑â a‑p-{‑Z‑m-h‑m-I‑y-a‑m-b‑n a‑n-\‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v‑, a‑m-

I‑v-k‑n-a‑w K-s‑h-W³k‑v h-c‑p-¶‑p. \-h-e‑n-_-d-e‑n-k-¯‑n-s‑â h-à‑m-¡f‑m-b {‑^‑oa‑m-s‑\‑m-s‑¡ D-]-t‑b‑m-K‑n-¡‑p-¶ a‑n-\‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v \-h-e‑n-_-d-e‑n-k B-ib-§-f‑p-s‑S a‑p-{‑Z‑m-h‑mI‑y‑w X-s‑¶-b‑mW‑v. a‑n-\‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v F¶‑p t‑IÄ-¡‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ \Ã-X‑m-s‑W-¶‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑p‑w. I-t‑¼‑m-f‑w t‑Z-i-¯‑n-s‑â k‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c‑n-I-a‑q-e‑y-a‑m-b‑n X‑oc‑ps‑a-¶‑v {‑^‑o-a‑m³ N‑n-´‑n-¨‑n-c‑p¶‑p. I-t‑¼‑m-f-a‑m-W‑v a-\‑p-j‑y-k‑z‑m-X-{‑´‑y-¯‑n-s‑â a-l¯‑m-b a-W-‑vUe‑w. A-X‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑v X-s‑¶ C-X‑v D-]-D¸¶‑w BW‑v. {‑]-t‑X‑y-I-X-b‑p-Å Hc‑p k‑z‑m-X-{‑´‑y-¯‑n-s‑â a-Þe-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑m-W‑v I-t‑¼‑m-f-¯‑n-e‑qs‑S I-S-¶‑p-s‑NÃ‑p-¶X‑v. AX‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑pXs‑¶ A-h‑n-S‑ps‑¯ "A-g‑p-s‑¡'Ã‑m‑w CÃ‑m-X‑mt‑¡ï-X‑v A-X‑y‑m-h-i‑y-a‑mW‑v. "i‑p-²‑o-'Ic-W‑w I‑r-X‑y-a‑m-b‑n \-S-¯‑p¶-X‑v A-X‑n-\‑mW‑v. C‑u-b‑n-s‑S h‑n-t‑h-I‑m-\-µ ^‑u-t‑ïj³ CâÀ-\‑m-j-W-e‑n-s‑â a‑p-J‑y B-Ä {‑]-[‑m-\-a-{‑´‑n-b‑ps‑S D-]-t‑Z-i-I³ B-b‑n t‑]‑m-b-t‑¸‑mÄ H-c‑p s‑s‑k-²‑m-´‑n-I³ ]-{‑X-¯‑n- F-g‑p-X‑n‑, "K‑w-K a‑m{‑X‑w i‑p-²‑o-I-c‑n-¨-‑m t‑]‑m-c, k-c-k‑z-X‑n-t‑bb‑p‑w i‑p-²‑o-I-c‑n-¡W‑w' F¶‑v. A-X‑n a‑pJ‑y‑w s‑P-F³-b‑p BW‑v. C-§s‑\-s‑b‑m-c‑p B-i-b-K-X‑n-IÄ¡‑v `‑q-c‑n]-£-a‑p-Å H-c‑p ka-b‑w h-¶‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p. "t‑Zi-t‑{‑Z‑m-lc‑q-]-'§f‑nÂ- \‑n-¶‑v s‑P-F³-b‑p t‑]‑m-e‑p-Å Ø‑m-]-\§-s‑f "i‑p-²‑o'Ic‑n-¡‑m³ D-Å G-äh‑p‑w \à A-hk-c‑w B-W‑v C-X‑v F-¶‑m-W‑v B s‑s‑k-²‑m-´‑n-I-s‑\-t‑¸‑m-e‑p-Å-h-c‑p-s‑S I‑m-g‑v-N-¸‑m-S‑v. h‑m-c-W‑m-k‑n-b‑ns‑e N-c‑n{‑X‑w A-d‑nb‑p-t‑a‑m-s‑b¶-d‑n-b‑nÃ. Ah‑n-s‑S- K‑wK-s‑b a‑m-{‑X-aà i‑p-²‑n s‑N-¿‑p-¶X‑v. t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Z‑w ]ï‑p‑w ]-eX‑p‑w i‑p-²‑n s‑N-b‑v-X‑n-«‑p-ï‑v. h‑m-c-W‑m-k‑n l‑n-µ‑pØ‑m-\‑n k‑w-K‑o-X-¯‑n-s‑â h-e‑n-b -t‑I-{‑µ-a‑mW‑v. A-h‑n-s‑S k‑v{‑X‑o-I-f‑m-b‑n-«‑p-Å H-c‑p-]‑m-S‑v ]‑m-«‑p-I‑m-c‑p-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p¶‑p. a‑pÉ‑o‑w k‑v-{‑X‑o-I-f‑m-W‑v I‑q-S‑p-X-e‑p‑w. C-h-s‑c‑m-s‑¡ ]‑n-¶‑o-S‑v A-i‑p-²-c‑mb‑n a‑m-d‑p-I-b‑p-ï‑mb‑n. `‑m-b‑v k‑n-t‑²-i‑z-c‑n t‑Z-h‑n-s‑b-t‑¸‑ms‑e‑, t‑]c‑pX-s‑¶ a‑m-t‑ä-ï‑n h-¶ [‑m-c‑m-f‑w a‑pÉ‑o‑w k‑v-{‑X‑oIÄ. k‑w-K‑oX-Úc‑m-b C-hs‑c k‑zX-{‑´ C-´‑y-b‑v-¡‑v ]-ä‑n-b-X-s‑Ã-¶‑v ] d-ª‑v "h‑r-¯‑n-'b‑m¡‑n. C‑u "h‑r-¯‑n-b‑m-¡Â' s‑hd‑p‑w P-\‑m[‑n]-X‑y t‑Z-i‑o-b-t‑_‑m-[-¯‑n-e‑m-W‑v k‑w-`-h‑n-¨-X‑v. C‑u t‑a-J-eb‑n-s‑e‑m-s‑¡ kÀ-¡‑mÀ s‑N-¿‑p-¶X‑v B-[‑n-]-X‑ya‑q-e‑y-¯‑n-s‑â k-‑m-a‑q-l‑y_-e-¯‑n-e‑p-Å -{‑]-hÀ-¯-\§f‑mW‑v. A-s‑X-´‑m-b‑me‑p‑w k‑w-`-h‑n-¡‑p‑w. I-t‑¼‑m-f-¯‑n-s‑â {‑]-hÀ-¯-\¯‑n-\‑m-b‑n-«‑p-Å k‑v-a‑mÀ-«‑v-\-Ê‑n-s‑\ ie‑y‑w s‑N-¿‑p-¶ k‑w-K-X‑nIs‑f a‑m-ä‑n-s‑b-S‑p-¡-‑p-¶-X‑n-\‑mW‑v "a‑n-\‑n-a‑w K-h¬-s‑aâ‑v'. k‑v-a‑mÀ-«‑v-s‑\-Ê‑v, A-[‑n-I‑m-c‑w‑, A-X‑ns‑â F-^‑n-j‑y³-k‑n hÀ-²-\... i-àa‑m-b t‑Z-i‑o-b-h‑m-Z-aÃ‑m-¯ I-t‑¼‑m-t‑f-X-ca‑m-b a‑q-e‑y-§s‑f‑m¶‑p‑w t‑h-ï. P-\‑m-[‑n-]-X‑y-a‑q-e‑y-§f‑p‑w s‑s‑h-h‑n-[‑y-¯‑n-s‑â a‑q-e‑y-§f‑p‑w H-s‑¡¯-s‑¶ A-{‑]-kà‑w. H-c‑p-]t‑£‑, R‑m³ C-h-b‑v-s‑¡‑m-s‑¡ A-a‑n-X-a‑m-b‑n D‑u-¶Â s‑I‑m-S-‑p-¡‑p-¶-X‑m-b‑n t‑X‑m-¶‑m‑w. ]-t‑£ C-h‑n-s‑S-b‑n-t‑¸‑mÄ B-[‑n-]-X‑y-c‑o-X‑nb‑p‑w A[‑n-I‑m-ch‑p‑w a‑qe‑y-t‑e‑m-Ih‑p‑w X-½‑n-e‑p-Å _-Ô‑w k‑p-Z‑r-V-a‑mI‑p-¶-X‑n-s‑â I\¯ `‑o-j-W‑n-b‑pï‑v. A-t‑¸‑mÄ F-¯‑n-¡Â B-b‑n-«‑p-Å {‑]-hÀ¯-\‑w F-¶‑p ]-d-b‑p¶-X‑v h‑mÀ-¯ þ h‑o£W‑w F-¶‑n-h-b‑p-s‑S DÄ-t‑N-c F-¶ c‑o-X‑n-b‑n H-X‑p-t‑¡-ï H¶Ã. B-[‑n-]-X‑y-a‑q-e‑y-t‑e‑m-I‑w \-½‑p-s‑S X-s‑¶ F-¯‑n-¡Â B-[‑n-]X‑y-t‑_‑m-[‑w B-b‑n a‑m-d‑p-¶ N‑n{‑X‑w A-X‑n-s‑â ]-c‑n-[‑nIÄ I‑r-X‑y-a‑m-b‑n a-\-Ê‑n-e‑m-¡‑m³ ]-ä‑m-¯ Ø‑n-X‑n-b‑n-t‑e-¡‑v \-s‑½ s‑I‑mï‑pt‑]‑m-I‑p-¶‑p. C-t‑¸‑m-g‑pÅ t‑e‑mI-s‑¯ I‑r-X‑y-a‑mb‑n a‑p-¶‑n I‑m-WW‑w. A-X‑p-t‑]‑m-s‑e X-s‑¶ A-X‑n-\‑v h‑n-c‑p-²a‑m-b s‑s‑h-h‑n-²‑y-¯‑n-e‑p-Å {‑]-hÀ-¯-\-¯‑n-s‑\ a‑p-J‑y A-P-ïb‑m-b‑n s‑I‑m-ï‑p-h-c‑n-Ib‑p‑w t‑hW‑w. t‑PWe‑nÌ‑v C\‑ns‑j‑yä‑nh‑v s‑I‑m¨‑nb‑nð \S¯‑nb s‑ka‑n\‑md‑nð \S¯‑nb Ba‑pJ {‑]`‑m-jW‑w. ]IÀs‑¯g‑p¯‑v: \‑nX‑n³ h‑mk‑p‑ BKÌv 2014


B.G. Verghese

An Instant World I would therefore strongly recommend the appointment of some of our wisest and best minds to reflect on how to harness the new media to new and constructive purpose. Such a Blue Ribbon Commission, preferably set up outside the Government, should consist of educationists, scientists, administrators, communicators, politicians, corporate leaders, social workers, labour leaders, cultural experts and women and must report to the nation. This could then form the basis for public debate and action on the way forward. There has to be a paradigm shift in thinking.


am honoured to be invited to deliver this evening’s Lecture in honour of Prabhash Joshi. He was a family friend and warm companion and an esteemed colleague in the Indian Express and beyond. We shared many professional and social values and I admired his dedication to the causes he held dear. Our bonds were cemented during the Emergency and remained so until the end, when he was campaigning against the rising menace of “paid news”. Prabhash was close to JP and Ramnath Goenka, edited the Hindi version of “Everyman”, Aas Paas, from the Gandhi Peace Foundation during the Emergency and was later the founder-editor of Jansatta. His columns were widely read. Modern media as we understand it was born not more than 300 years ago with the equivalent of the Reformation and Renaissance that unfolded globally. Change occurred with technological innovation which gained revolutionary momentum with the coming of the printing press, telegraph, the railway, steamship and cable, radio, film, TV, the integrated chip, computer, satellite, internet, cell phone, I-pod, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter et al. I was born in the radio age; entered journalism in the hot metal/rotary age when one had a 24hour cycle of dak editions. I matured in the offset age with multiple editions and facsimile. And I retired in the early computer age. Now there is internet, “breaking news” and the social media which are all beyond my comprehension. We live in an instant, 24 x 7 interactive world. Nothing is the same. Disinformation and rumour compete with information. The multi-media environment is different and changing. Managers and corporate owners rule. The media has for the most part become shallower in content and more tuned to sensation, entertainment and ratings. What we need to do in India today is to

BKÌv 2014

take stock, see where we are and where we should be headed. This cannot be done by a Fourth Press Commission as urged by some. The press cannot be seen in isolation but as part of the larger media scene. At the end of World War-II, several influential figures in the US got together to set up the Hutchins Commission to review the state of the American press. The Commission emphasised social responsibility in the face of corporate manipulation and the need for fairness and balance. As the reigning post-war global power, the US media also had to take greater interest in international affairs. The Hutchins Report was widely cited even outside the United States. Then in 1978, UNESCO appointed the MacBride Commission to look into global North-South relations between the information-rich news providers and global news agencies and the information-poor Third World to ensure another kind of political and social balance. This too had considerable influence. Today, as described, the situation is entirely different. The Indian media has hugely multiplied and entered a totally new communication era with every man and women a citizen-journalist on social media. Everything is transmitted and analysed in real time. I would therefore strongly recommend the appointment of some of our wisest and best minds to reflect on how to harness the new media to new and constructive purpose. Such a Blue Ribbon Commission, preferably set up outside the Government, should consist of educationists, scientists, administrators, communicators, politicians, corporate leaders, social workers, labour leaders, cultural experts and women and must report to the nation. This could then form the basis for public debate and action on the way forward. There has to be a paradigm shift in thinking.

(13) The media in India is currently in crisis and has suffered a severe loss of credibility. Managers have taken over from editors and gossip and sensation have supplanted news. Objectivity has suffered. If the print media is in trouble, sections of the electronic media have gone out of control. The Press Council is poorly structured and the electronic media has an even weaker and more limited selfregulating mechanism. The fast-multiplying social media is, however, uninhibited by any framework of control. It can be highly irresponsible, tendentious, faceless, self-serving and fragmenting and has often give currency to rumours and plants that have led to violence and turmoil. In the media of today, the one who “breaks” the story, whatever its veracity, sets the stage. The rest follow as a pack, creating a subjective reality that may be far removed from the objective truth. Competition spurs unrestrained comment and gossip resulting in trial by the media and kangaroo courts. Institutional and individual reputations can be ruined in minutes with the trashing of due process. The new ethic renders persons and institutions guilty as “charged” by any unnamed busybody, until proven innocent. Worse, news is easily politicised and parties and ideological groups enter the fray to build and play on manufactured sentiment. One can enumerate Prabhash Joshi

Embedded news was introduced by the US Government in coverage of the Iraq war. It was shamelessly aped by the mainline Indian media in its coverage of Anna Hazare’s “fast unto death” at the Ramlila ground a couple of years ago, and on occasion since. Nonetheless, it would be unfair to berate the press without acknowledging much good reporting and fair commentary. countless cases of this kind of reckless reporting, dubious sting operations and unsourced videoclips. Social media was responsible for triggering and fuelling the Kokrajhar and Muzaffarnagar riots. Gone are the days when the “Rashomon test” was applied and reporters were required to probe all facets of a story so that whatever was nearest the truth emerged and was reported as objectively as possible. See how the Arushi murder case and the more recent media arraignment of Justice Ganguly on grounds of sexual molestation of a law intern have been reported. The Judge was hounded and the “victim” has since refused to come forward and testify. Embedded news was introduced by the US Government in coverage of the Iraq war. It was shamelessly aped by the mainline Indian media in its coverage of Anna Hazare’s “fast unto death” at the Ramlila ground a couple of years ago, and on occasion since. Nonetheless, it would be unfair to berate the press without acknowledging much good reporting and fair commentary. Another ground for concern is the impatience of those in authority, including the corporate world through its power of advertising, to stifle freedom of expression. Book and film censorship have been staple, now even on such vague grounds as something being liable to “offend the sentiments” of unnamed sections of the population. M.F. Husain was brutally hounded into exile. Moral policing is rife and armed goons of political parties such as the Trinamool Congress and SSP and of the Left, BJP and even the Congress have wreaked havoc on their opponents, even getting away with murder. The law is unable to take its course on account of political partisanship, thus giving licence to coarse language and unruly behaviour. Unfortunately, the media all too often gives wide currency to such conduct and hosts debates and discussions that only inflame passions, divide society and elevate trivia to the level of high policy. Despite the negative fallout of such trends, there appears to be a belief that democracies to do not regulate the media, for to do so would be to muzzle free expression. This is humbug. The US has a Federal Communications Commission that monitors BKÌv 2014

(14) standards and adjudicates complaints. The UK is re-moulding its Broadcast Complaints Commission while other countries have similar institutions. India is unique in having no statutory broadcast complaints authority. The complaints commission that was to be set up together with Prasar Bharati was set aside as a Broadcast Commission was proposed for the commercial channels. Since it would have created confusion if there were separate complaints bodies for Prasar Bharati and the commercial channels, the Prasar Bharati Complaints Commission was dropped while the broadcast commission was not enacted. In the result, there is no formal broadcast complaints authority. This is a grave lacuna. The suggestion that there be one mega, omnibus media complaints commission for both the print and broadcast media is unviable. The two media are very different in character and a leviathan of the kind proposed would collapse under its own weight. More damaging has been the indifference, even veiled hostility towards public service broadcasting. The role of public service broadcasting has scarcely been understood in India. Nehru told the Constituent Assembly in 1948 that All-India Radio would be granted autonomy in due course, somewhat on the lines of the BBC. That never happened and though AIR was fairly independent in the early years, it was increasing seen as an official trumpet. One of its worst legacies was the creation of a stultified, Sanskritised Hindi as the official language of India under Dr Keskar, an early I&B Minister, that antagonised everybody. It promoted incomprehension rather than communication, quite ignoring the mandate of Article 351 that required the official language to borrow from all Indian languages, especially Urdu. The Emergency saw the abolition of the AIR Code by Indira Gandhi and AIR was formally proclaimed an official handmaiden since the private media was considered anti-government and said to be in the hands of monopoly owners and the ‘jute press’. Alarmed by the Emergency experience, the Janata government set up a Committee to fashion an autonomous authority for broadcasting, This reported in 1978 only to be told by the then I&B Minister, L.K. Advani that it was mandated to advise on ‘autonomy’ but had recommended ‘independence’! A Prasar Bharati Act was finally was passed in 1990 but was not notified for seven years until 1997 following the Supreme Court’s so-called airwaves judgement of 1995. Some further amendments followed in the wake of inter-party contestation, but the Corporation was firmly tied to the Government in terms of personnel, senior appointments, finance and personnel. It was a poor Act but, even so, a beginning. Alas, Prasar Bharati was never given a chance. What emerged and has remained is a highly governmental structure with bureaucrats and the BKÌv 2014

I&B Ministry in control. This persists, with the bulk of the staff on deputation from government. A strong CEO has more recently had to confront the I&B Ministry and a stand-off prevails. By its charter, a noble document, Prasar Bharati is required to cater to all sections of India’s extraordinarily diverse and plural society. The private channels, being commercial, have to earn their keep, largely from advertising, which is dependent on TRP or ratings. So what is broadcast is largely determined by what will fetch advertising support. Consequently, programmes have to cater to popular sport and entertainment and to the tastes of those who consume up-market merchandise and services. By today’s yardstick, 30 per cent of the country lives below the poverty line while another 30 per cent hovers just above it. However, the harsh truth is that while every consumer is a citizen, not every citizen is a consumer which means that the aam admi, a dal-roti consumer, only gets the broadcast crumbs that fall from the rich man’s table whereas she needs information and knowledge for empowerment. What interest does the poor man have in hour after hour of such absolute trivia as the

(15) Worse, news is easily politicised and parties and ideological groups enter the fray to build and play on manufactured sentiment. One can enumerate countless cases of this kind of reckless reporting, dubious sting operations and unsourced videoclips. Social media was responsible for triggering and fuelling the Kokrajhar and Muzaffarnagar riots. Gone are the days when the “Rashomon test” was applied and reporters were required to probe all facets of a story so that whatever was nearest the truth emerged and was reported as objectively as possible. See how the Arushi murder case and the more recent media arraignment of Justice Ganguly on grounds of sexual molestation of a law intern have been reported. The Judge was hounded and the “victim” has since refused to come forward and testify.

silly Priety Zinta-Ness Wadia wrangle, with shrill commentaries to boot? Unfortunately Parliament, the media, the advertisers and the entertainment world have no use for Prasar Bharati, though it remains the best source of news, howsoever staidly reported. An inadvertent consequence of Prasar Bharati has been the eclipse of Radio by TV, a great loss to the nation. AIR has become a poor relative. Its external and monitoring services have virtually disappeared. Local broadcasting was long stymied and community radio discouraged. There has been little change. FM channels have multiplied as entertainment and local outlets with a limited news mandate. As mentioned earlier, objectivity has fled for the most part and titivation, political bias and sensation have taken centre stage. What does one make of the so-called patriotic hysteria whipped up by some channels over Ved Prakash Vaidik’s interview with the proclaimed Pakistani terrorist, Hafiz Saeed, in Lahore last month? One does not have to agree with Vaidik’s politics and his closeness to Baba Ramdev to assess the event. As a journalist, he got a scoop by securing an interview with India’s most wanted adversary. There was nothing criminal about this and there is little that Hafeez Saeed or Pakistan have been able to exploit. It is another matter that the interview or conversation was poorly conducted, did not press crucial issues and yielded little substance. Thereafter, it was poorly exploited by Vaidik though a column is said to be imminent. Be that as it may, it is surely mistaken to rant against him as a traitor who should be incarcerated and hounded. It is also strange that anchors and critics should ask whose “permission” Vaidik sought, why he failed to ask certain questions and whether he was an emissary of the Prime Minister. If journalists have to seek the permission of those in authority before they interview a personality, that will be the time to shut shop. Prabhakaran and Osama bin Laden were interviewed by American and Indian journalists while in hiding, while Peter Arnett of CNN remained in Baghdad to report “Desert Storm” from the inside, to the great embarrassment of the US government and the great benefit of the world. In this case, the Government has clarified that Vaidik acted entirely on his own volition and that it had nothing to do with the meeting “directly, indirectly or even remotely”. The BJP certainly displayed double standards. It has in the past castigated as “seditious” contacts with and references to certain Hurriyat leaders in Kashmir by Aundhatti Roy and others. What is also deplorable is that some reporters and channels garbled Vaidik’s remarks on Kashmir to make perfectly legitimate statements appear anti-national. No correction or apology followed. “Publish and be damned” seems to be the fashion. The Information and Broadcasting Ministry has no role to play. All its separate limbs like the Films BKÌv 2014

(16) Division, Directorate of Audio-Visual Publicity and so on could be autonomous boards, with daily information dissemination entrusted to individual ministries. The last I&B Minister, Manish Tiwari was wise enough to say that perhaps the time had come to abolish the Ministry. What is needed is a coherent national communications policy that is absent despite the national motto “Satyameve Jayate”. But this is simply not understood. I am an old-fashioned communicator and know

The media today is no more the Fourth Estate. It is the First Estate and feared but closely followed by the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. The communications revolution has vested it with tremendous power. This must be used responsibly; for the media is ultimately a trustee of the people’s right to know, truthfully and in time. It must match its power with responsibility and return to its fundamental mooring of mission, not merely commerce.

I am an old-fashioned communicator and know nothing about the new social media. But I worry about the Prime Minister’s call to all bureaucrats, ministers and the public to twitter and message him directly. This is populism and could create almighty confusion. The Aam Admi party tried governing by twitter and SMS. It was fun but did not work. The “people” surely are sovereign. But we must beware the fool multitude. nothing about the new social media. But I worry about the Prime Minister’s call to all bureaucrats, ministers and the public to twitter and message him directly. This is populism and could create almighty confusion. The Aam Admi party tried governing by twitter and SMS. It was fun but did not work. The “people” surely are sovereign. But we must beware the fool multitude. BKÌv 2014

This is a transcribed version of the Prabhash Joshi Lecture by B.G. Verghese on July 20, 2014. B. G. Verghese is Visiting Professor, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. He was Editor of the Hindustan Times, and the Indian Express, and won the Magsaysay Award in 1975. E-mail: Website:


Robin Jeffrey

India’s ‘Bully Pulpit’ Media in a Time of Digital Revolution India today is in the midst of a “media revolution”. The formative phase of the digital revolution is a great time to be a journalist. It is a moment when there is the opportunity to build a “bully pulpit” – a new and effective platform. Whether India’s digital revolution produces a “golden age of journalism” is something that the young journalists of today will play a large part in determining.


oon after he became president of the United States (US) in 1901 ¬after the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt was testing a speech on a few trusted newspaper editors. He read aloud to them an especially preachy, moralising sentence, then said: “I suppose my critics will call that preaching, but I have got such a bully pulpit.” “Bully” was a good word in those days.1 He was saying, “Being President at this time is wonderful, because it gives me such a terrific platform to preach from.” As president, he commanded attention; but, more importantly, he recognised that he was living in a media revolution that gave him an opportunity – a platform – to reach out to the people in ways never before possible. My belief is that we live in an even more explosive media revolution today than in Theodore Roosevelt’s time, and in India, that revolution throws up possibilities even more spectacular and positively disruptive than elsewhere in the world.

A ‘Bully Pulpit’

For Theodore Roosevelt and the journalists of his era, at least four things were transforming the dominant medium of print – especially newspapers and magazines – by 1901: • The Linotype machine, invented in the mid1880s, meant you could set type five times faster than typeset by hand. • Steam-driven rotary presses meant you could print tens of thousands of copies an hour. • Telegrams had become cheap. News – and the

speeches and actions of the president – poured into newspaper offices small and large. • Photography too had become cheap and widely popular, along with the reproduction of realistic photos in news¬papers and magazines. In short, attractive, cheap, mass-produced newspapers and magazines became an affordable craze all over Europe, North America (and India, too). To be president of the US at such a moment meant you had a “bully pulpit” – an unrivalled platform. People liste¬ned to you because you were president, and your words and your photos got disseminated to millions of people within hours. People had time to read. Movies, record players and automobiles were in their infancy. It would be ano¬ther 10 years before they became enter¬tainment rivals to the printed word. Much of this story is told by the award-winning American historian Doris Kearns Goodwin in a new book called The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism (Keller 2013). For my purposes, it is the argument about “the golden age of journalism” that is especially significant. It seems to me that – contrary to much of what one reads and hears – India is entering an age of journalism that is immensely exciting, full of potential, and waiting to be shaped and moulded. And that process of shaping and moulding has huge implications for the country, just as the journalists of Theodore Roosevelt’s time – “the muckrakers”, as BKÌv 2014

(18) they were called – shaped the US. India, today, is in the midst of a “media revolution” even more dramatic and fundamental than the one in 1900 that Theodore Roosevelt was living in. Whe¬ther India’s digital revolution produces a “golden age of journalism” is something that the young journalists of today will play a large part in determining.

‘Golden Age of Journalism’

Why did Goodwin refer to “the golden age of journalism”? The answer is that all the technical advances that built “the bully pulpit” that Roosevelt referred to – the presses and the photographs and so on – would have been useless without a generation of remarkably brave and able journalists and the proprietors who were able to make a good living by supporting them. The term “muckrakers” today has bad connotations. But for a time, in those days, it referred to people who exposed wrongdoing and corruption with relentless research and vivid writing. “Don’t blame us for the muck on the floor”, they said, in effect, “we only turned on the light so that you could see it clearly”. Theodore Roosevelt achieved what he did as president – reining in corruption, breaking up corporate trusts that destroyed competition, preserving vast national parks from unscrupulous developers – because there were journalists and publications that explained injustice and corruption to vast publics who were ready to pay money to read their accounts. Roosevelt and “the progressive move¬ment” he led came at the end of what is sometimes referred to as the US’s “gilded age”. Not “golden”, but “gilded” – falsely plated to try to look like something it was not. In their recent book, Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya concede there are “superficial similarities” between the US’s gilded age and India’s condition today: immense concentration of wealth, wide¬spread corruption, tight links between politicians and great corporations and the capture of public assets for private gain.2 A further similarity is that the US in 1900 and India today were living in times of media revolution. Goodwin says those times in the US produced “the golden age of journalism”. If India is at the beginning of a digital media revolution, what are the chances of a similar “golden age” of journalism in the coming genera¬tion? If you follow the speeches of the chairman of the Press Council of India, or keep track of reporting about the media, you would have to say, “The chances are lousy. Non-existent. Worse than an Aam Aadmi candidate’s chances in Ahmedabad.” Paid news scandals implicate major dailies. Hundreds of television channels are underfinanced and under-resourced, hanging on because of the egos of their owners. Conditions for most journalists

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Theodore Roosevelt

are uncertain. Stringers collect news, advertising, subscriptions and, if they are lucky, gratuities from satisfied customers. Readership surveys for newspapers and television rating points (TRPs) for television are disputed and unreliable. Advertising finds its way to the internet. Reputable proprietors of print and tele¬vision organisations lie awake wonder¬ing what the future has in store. Are large parts of “the media industry” disintegrating?

Indian ‘Media Revolution’

We are living in a media revolution. It is the biggest thing to hit humanity since the printing press. We might have to go back to the invention of shoes to get a sense of what mobile phones – personal handheld devices – mean for human communication and for “journalism” as we have known it. Thirty years ago, India fell in love with daily newspapers. The country went from nine million dailies on the street each morning in 1976 to more than 160 million on the streets today. The penetration rate went from about 20 dailies for every 1,000 people in the 1970s to more than 130 dailies per thousand today. In contrast to the most of the rest of the world, newspaper circulations in India remain strong today and appear to have a vigorous future for five or 10 years at least. The rapid newspaper romance, how¬ever, looks like a gentle courtship compared to what has

(19) happened with mobile phones and the potential they bring. In 2003, India had 13 million mobile phone subscribers; by 2013, it had 900 million – an increase of about 70 times in 10 years. And a cheap 2G phone, which even someone on an Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) wage can afford to buy or borrow, does not simply make people two-way talkers and listeners. It makes them potential broad¬casters. CGNet Swara, for which Shubhranshu Choudhary was awarded one of the annual prizes of the London-based Free Press Index in March, demonstrates this. CGNet Swara enables adivasis, who may not be literate and whose language may not have a well-known method of writing, to become reporters and broadcasters by using a basic 2G phone. It has brought their stories to the world – as Choudhary’s award indicates.3 The digital revolution brings the capa¬city to be a broadcaster in sound and images to anyone who owns a mobile phone. The world has never been in a position where anyone, no matter how poor or stigmatised, can disseminate her or his story to a global audience. But can there be any reason for thinking that these conditions might lead to a “golden age of Doris Kearns Goodwin

journalism”? Surely all the indications are that these conditions point to the end of journalism as we have come to know it over the last 150 years. In spite of strong circulation figures, newspapers face growing competition for advertising revenues. The internet is enabling ordinary citizens to do many of the distinctive things that organisations called “newspapers”, “radio”, and “television” used to do exclusively. Now, all the formats arrive together, and they arrive by radio signal from a nearby land-based transmitter, or through a cable laid to one’s household, or as radio frequency off a satellite hundreds of miles above the earth. The jargon I have encountered is OTT – Over The Top – transmitting digital material by any method that works. You do not need a television set to watch TV or a telephone to make a phone call. Information floods us and threatens to drown us every day, what with blogs and bloggers, SMSes and MMSes, electronic newsletters, and Facebook and all its clones. No wonder old-style newspapers and television are traumatised. For middle-aged journalists with debts and responsibilities, 2014 may not be the best time to be alive. However, for the young and the restless, and the old and the flexible, especially in India, this is the most exciting time – at least since Teddy Roosevelt, and maybe since Gutenberg – to be “in the media”. I say that because “the media” are opened up in a unique way. Anyone can be a “broadcaster”. You might argue that in a world where seven billion people are blasting out their own stories and prejudices, “media organisations” of the old kind will disappear in a blizzard of information. The people who might have used the output of “media organisations” in the past now will occupy themselves with an almost infinite range of other sources. Once readers and viewers abandon “old media”, advertisers will follow and funds will disappear. And that is happening in some ways. Local news organisations (outside of India) are in particular trouble, as I will return to later.

Global Media

But larger globally-focused news organisations are surviving and will survive. There are two reasons. The first is the need for reliable information. Regular newspapers originated in the 17th century to provide merchants, who were willing to pay for them, with precisely this commodity – timely, trustworthy information. That is what India’s oldest still-publishing newspaper, Mumbai Samachar, was set up to do in 1823. There is a global audience for globally significant news that organisations like The New York Times, Agence France-Presse, Bloomberg, the BBC and others provide. This reliability and global reach are the related reason why big media organisations will survive: BKÌv 2014

(20) thousands of institutions and millions of people will pay for the services they offer – even if the most effective methods of extracting payment are still being discovered. Media organisations have to pay bills. Even during the Indian nationalist movement, when there was as much idealism in Indian print media as we are likely to find anywhere, someone had eventually to pay for the ink and paper – and sometimes the fines and bonds demanded by a foreign government. “News is expensive”, runs the mischievous paraphrase of C P Scott, the legendary editor of the Manchester Guardian, “but comment is almost free”. It is a particularly relevant remark in the era of the incorrigible, unstoppable, and usually unpaid blogger.4 Initially, when people seek information, they may be attracted to the outlandish and the sensational. But ultimately, the test is reliability. Is this information trustworthy? Global media organisations that employ outstanding people and finance them to report in the time-honoured, stickone’s-nose-into-other-people’s-business way, will survive and be joined by other organisations that find particularly effective ways to practise the old craft – the craft of discovering stories and reporting them in ways that engage readers and viewers. Global citizens and institutions will pay for such services, and savvy media organisations will find ways of making payment necessary, simple and reasonable.

Going Local

But, what about local news? The sort of news that district supplements in Indian-language dailies have reported remarkably effectively for the past 20 or 30 years, and small-town newspapers in North America, the UK and Australia have done for more than a hundred years. In future, who will pay for someone to attend the monthly meeting of the district solid waste management com¬mittee or a dozen similar bodies where decisions are made, deals are done and lives are affected? There is little titillation in such stories. The market for them is the locality in which they take place. Today’s users of iPads and iPhones are unlikely to go a-googling for an account of last night’s district board meeting as they sip their morning coffee. In the days of newspapers, such accounts were useful – often extremely important – components of the whole newspaper package. And the package was made profitable by local advertisements. The local newspaper flourished as a business, because strong local coverage sold news¬papers, and circulation attracted local advertisers ready to pay. I said that it was easy to be “Small” in these digital times, but what I am describing does not sound easy, profitable or even viable. As well as being econo¬mically fragile, Small is vulnerable and dangerous. Big media organisations in the past

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have not only been able to give their editors and reporters the time and money that enabled them to work on big stories; they have also given them protec¬tion. Small-town hoodlums are likely to think twice before attacking a staffer of a substantial institution, whether it is the Leader-Post of Regina, Saskatchewan, The Tribune of Chandigarh, or The New York Times. But who is there to raise a hue and cry if a lonely blogger in a country town gets bumped off by the local bosses? This is a negative of the digital age – one that we will struggle to resolve. When two leading American media analysts focused on this question in 2009, they recommended creation of a “Fund for Local News”, financed by government and philanthropists,

Small may be dangerous, but Small today is also almost unlimited in potential. As we have seen, anyone with a mobile phone can be a broadcaster. If people have stories to tell, and sparkling ways to tell them, they do not need to find a printing press, a radio station or a television transmitter. which would offer competitive grants to help maintain locally-focused news organi¬sations. You can imagine the derision this provoked from the American right and the followers of Fox News (Downie and Schudson 2009). Social scientists grapple with a similar “local” phenomenon. They write about “networked individualism”. They mean that people are able to be independent and autonomous more effectively today than ever before, and along with that autonomy they are able to be in touch with individuals thousands of miles away. Yet with all this amazing independence and connection – because of all this independence and connection – people may not know the neighbours who live next door or who are their daily companions on the bus to work. We are still discovering how human beings are going to resolve the tension between their autonomous digital selves and the fact that they exist in a physical space – a locality – that they have to care for like a garden. If they ignore it, as they now can, weeds will grow.

New Formats

People working in media today face the challenge – the excitement and the uncertainty – of devising new formats in which to tell stories. Journalists in future will need to be adept at using all media. First, they will have to be able to tell a story. At some point, that probably means being able to write it down. But, they also need to know how to record a¬udio and video aspects of their story and to edit such material into the story they tell.

(21) This is happening in a related way in universities where there is a rush to create MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses. At one level, these are simply “distance learning” courses, the sort of thing the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has done for years. The difference is that great universities, including places like Harvard, are investing a lot of money in “making MOOCs”. To be effective, MOOCs must emphasise pro¬duction values and inter¬activity. A bad MOOC is a videorecorded lecture – a talking head (and often not a very good one). Education managers are still working out – just as media pro¬prietors are – how to pay for the cost that goes into making a good MOOC. Because a good MOOC looks more like

to McClure’s Magazine a hundred years ago. And with all this, they will also be people who establish a formidable reputation for trustworthiness.

a stylish, old-fashioned television docum¬entary. It has colour, sound and move¬ment – and interactivity. Good MOOCs are not cheap to make. My point is that people with information to communicate – stories to tell – whether they are ordinary citizens, great univer¬sities or media organisations, now know that their audiences expect stories to be told using all the human senses – sound and vision as well as words on screens. The best “journalists” and newsgatherers will need all the reliability, persistence, story-telling talent and rat-like cunning that have long been part of the profession. In addition, they will be able to conceptualise and present their stories, using all the means that digital techno¬logy allows. The best of them will do this quickly and intuitively, and their stories will attract hits and followers to their organisation – just as the muckrakers drew readers

about 1890 to 1910 – before the record player, the movies or the automobile – when mass-circulation print was king. When big-city dailies produced 10 editions a day and sold a million newspapers, and when magazines like McClure’s and journalists like Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens and William Allen White produced riveting research about the state of their country that millions of people followed as closely as people today follow Twitter and Facebook. Today, a new media world is struggling to be born. People are creating new formats that will attract audiences, exert influence – and manage to pay bills.6 These may be uncertain times for media, but they are exciting times in which the individual talents will affect outcomes. The second reason for saying this is an exhilarating time to be in media is that it is possible to be small. Small may be dangerous, but Small


A Digital Revolution

This formative phase of the digital revolution is a great time to be a journalist. It is a moment when there is the opportunity to build a “bully pulpit” – a new and effective platform – from which to tell stories and, if one can be romantic for a moment, to pursue truth. There is a chance, perhaps, to produce a “golden age” for Indian journalism. I have four reasons for suggesting this. First, it is because we are in this formative phase. There is a similarity to that 20-year period from

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(22) today is also almost unlimited in potential. As we have seen, anyone with a mobile phone can be a broadcaster. If people have stories to tell, and sparkling ways to tell them, they do not need to find a printing press, a radio station or a television transmitter. CGNet Swara suggests how such services may develop. They arise out of unmet needs of substantial groups of people. And because such new operations give voice to large numbers of people who were rarely heard in the past, other people will want to read, listen and watch – just as I read my CGNet Swara bulletin each day, as, I am sure, do officials, politicians, business people and citizens in central India.

Challenge of Inclusiveness

The third reason why this a fine moment to be in Indian media is because this is the generation when the challenge of inclusiveness will be confronted and resolved. By this, I mean that the presence of dalits and adivasis in media will increase by many, many times. As the Indian state has acknowledged since Independence, 15% of the population are dalits (scheduled castes), about 180 million people. Another 7% are adivasis, about 85 million people. And yet there are almost no dalits or adivasis on the editorial desks of Indian news media today. According to recent research by Ajaz Ashraf (2013) in The Hoot, there is one dalit journalist who reads the news regu¬larly at a regional studio of Doordarshan. That, I suppose, is progress. In 1999, it was pretty clear that there were no dalits (or adivasis) in significant editorial positions in an Indian newsroom. But, it is lamentably slow progress in 15 years. If the goal of an illustrious news organisation is to capture “all the news that is fit to print”, the job cannot be done if more than 20% of the population is almost nowhere to be seen on editorial desks, screens, or the pages of publications. That admirable publication, The Authentic Voice: The Best Reporting on Race and Ethnicity, from Columbia University Press, says it well: It’s a question of accuracy ... In order for our news reports to be fundamentally accurate, we must reflect the entire community. … If ...our news pages or broadcasts represent only narrow segments of the community, how can we consider our work to be an accurate depiction of the places where we live? (Morgan et al 2006: xi-xiii). There are some similarities with the position of African Americans and other minorities in the US newspapers. In 1978, the American Society of News Editors (ASNE) made a commitment that its members would aim for a mix in their newsrooms that reflected the ethnic composition of the communities they served. “Racial parity” by the year 2000 was the goal. American newspapers have not

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met that goal. In 2012, 12% of the staff of American newsrooms was non-white, though non-whites are more than 35% of the US population. Today, the ASNE recognises the failings on its website, but says that it continues to be “a steadfast leader in calling for newsroom diversity”.7 This absence of dalit and adivasi voices in Indian media can and will be corrected in the digital world. CGNet Swara suggests one way that such changes can gain momentum. But, change will come more rapidly if it is multipronged, and a declaration, along the lines of the US declaration of 1978, by a peak body of Indian editors and publishers would hasten and lubricate an inevit-able process.

Indian Media Presence

My fourth and final reason why India’s “bully pulpit” in this time of digital revolution is a great place to be is that the world is ready and ripe for an Indian media presence. I argued that the new world of media will sustain a number of global news organisations. But, where is the Indian entry? Britain, the US, Canada and Australia all have significant voices that report the world. The Arab world produced Al Jazeera. The French have Agence France-Presse (AFP). EFE, the Spanish news agency, is the world’s fourth largest (after Associated Press, Reuters and AFP). Germany has Deutsche Welle as well as huge privately owned media organisations.8 China pours money into its global newsgathering and dissemination.9 Even Russia has a lively and imaginative English-language news service.10

(23) I¬ndian journalism”. This article is a slightly modifi ed version of the text of the convocation lecture delivered at the Asian College of Journalism, Chennai, in May 2014. Robin Jeffrey ( has researched on India for over four decades and is well known for his work on the media. Presently he is at the Institute of South Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore. Courtesy: ACJ and EPW

Where is India? India, that has unrivalled international connections – throughout Asia and Europe, in Africa and North America and even in South America? India, that has more speakers of English than England itself? India, that has a vast film industry and a leading place in information technology? Yet India’s media presence in the world is tiny. Its public broadcaster barely speaks internationally,11 and when its vibrant domestic media venture abroad, it is only to connect with NRIs (non-resident Indians). The world is waiting for a digital-age voice from India – a BBC, a New York Times or even a China Central Television (CCTV). A voice with global interests, global sources yet an Indian point of view. So, there you have my four reasons why the media “pulpit” that India provides today is a “bully pulpit” – an outstanding platform. That platform offers a superb range of possibilities. • Those possibilities do not depend on size alone. • They offer the chance to shape the way we communicate for the next generation and perhaps beyond. • They foster the social equality that the Indian constitution of 1950 envisaged – equality that must enable all citizens to tell their stories. • And they make it so much easier – and more important – to send valuable Indian voices to the rest of the world. If a generation of media people could claim such achievements, future analysts might be tempted to refer to the coming 20 years as a “golden age of

Notes 1. “Bully. Adjective. (Especially US). Capital, first rate [fine, excellent].” Concise Oxford Dictionary, fifth edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1964), p 157. Since Theodore Roosevelt’s time, of course, the word “bully” has come to be used almost exclusively to describe people who try to intimidate others. 2. They do, however, devote five pages to explaining why India’s condition today should not be c¬ompared with the US’s gilded age (Bhagwati and Panagariya 2013: 50-55). 3. “CGNet Swara”,, viewed on 8 April 2014. 4. The genuine statement is supposed to have been something along the lines of: “Facts are sacred, but comment must be free.” 5. McClure’s had a circulation of over 7,50,000 in 1906, “Muckrakers & Reformers Statistics”, http://www.shmoop. com/muckrakers-reformers/statistics.html, viewed on 7 April 2014. 6. Is Satyamev Jayate an example of how such issue-focused media may be created?, “Satyamev Jayate”, http://www., viewed on 8 April 2014. 7. “ASNE Diversity”,, viewed on 5 April 2014. 8. “Deutsche Welle”, 9. “CCTV News”, 10. “RT”, 11. “All India Radio”, External/Pages/Default.aspx and “DD India”, http://www. India.aspx References • Ashraf, Ajaz (2013): “The Untold Story of Dalit Journalists”, The Hoot, 13 August, viewed on 4 April 2014, 6&mod=1&pg=1&sectionId=19&valid=true • Bhagwati, Jagdish and Arvind Panagariya (2013): Why Growth Matters (New York: Public Affairs). • Downie, Leonard, Jr and Michael Schudson (2009): “The Reconstruction of American Journalism”, Columbia Journalism Review, 19 October, viewed on 4 April 2014, american.php?page=all • Keller, Bill (2013): “Heroes and Crusaders: Doris Kearns Goodwin’s ‘Bully Pulpit’”, The New York Times, 14 November, viewed on 8 April 2014, http://www.nytimes. com/2013/11/17/books/review/doris-kearns-goodwinsbully-pulpit.html?_r=0 • Morgan, Arlene Notoro, Alice Irene Pifer and Keith Woods, ed. (2006): The Authentic Voice: The Best Reporting on Race and Ethnicity (New York: Columbia University Press). BKÌv 2014


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BKÌv 2014

A‑wKa‑mb‑n t‑NÀ¶‑p. b‑qt‑d‑m¸‑ns‑e§‑p‑w Ia‑y‑qW‑nÌ‑pIÄ¡‑nSb‑n ^‑mk‑nÌ‑v h‑nc‑p² {‑]NcW ]c‑n]‑mS‑nIÄ kP‑oha‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. ]‑mÀ«‑nb‑ps‑S t‑]‑mc‑m«§f‑ns‑eÃ‑m‑w ]s‑¦S‑p¯ h‑nZ‑y s‑s‑hZ‑y]T\‑w ]‑mX‑nhg‑nb‑ne‑pt‑]£‑n¨‑p. cï‑m‑w t‑e‑mIb‑p²‑w Ahk‑m\‑n¡‑p‑w hs‑c t‑I‑mt‑fP‑n t‑]‑mb‑nÃ. b‑p-²‑w I-g‑n-ª-t‑¸‑mÄ s‑s‑h-Z‑y-i‑m-{‑k‑v-X-t‑¯‑mS‑v a‑p-¼‑v t‑X‑m-¶‑n-b X‑mÂ-]-c‑y‑w X‑o-s‑c C-Ã‑m-X‑m-b‑n. k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-s‑â t‑c‑m-K‑w h‑y-à‑n-I-f‑p-s‑S t‑c‑m-K-§-s‑f-¡‑mÄ K‑p-c‑pX-c-a‑m-s‑W-¶‑p‑w A-X‑v N‑n-I‑n-Õ‑n-¡‑m-\‑pÅ a-c‑p-¶‑m-W‑v- a‑mÀ-I‑vk‑n-k‑w F-¶‑p‑w h‑n-Z‑y h‑n-i‑z-k‑n-¨‑p. t‑d‑m-b t‑I‑m-t‑f-P‑n X-s‑â ]T-\-t‑I‑m-g‑v-k‑n-s‑â A-h-k‑m-\ hÀ-j ]-c‑o-£ X‑p-S-§‑n-b Z‑n-h-k‑w b‑ph-P-\ s‑^-U-t‑d-j-s‑â t‑e‑m-I-k-t‑½-f-\¯‑n ]-s‑¦-S‑p-¡‑m³ h‑n-Z‑y ]‑m-c‑o-k‑n-t‑e¡‑v t‑]‑m-b‑n. "b‑p²I‑mek‑vacWIf‑p‑w k‑v{‑X‑o{‑] Ø‑m\N‑n´If‑p‑w‑' F¶ {‑KÙ¯‑n h‑nZ‑y‑ma‑p³j‑n Xs‑â h‑yà‑nX‑z¯‑ns‑e B ]c‑nhÀ¯\I‑mes‑¯I‑pd‑n¨‑v C§s‑\ Fg‑pX‑p¶‑p: "t‑_‑m‑ws‑_b‑n A`‑n`‑mjI\‑mb AÑ\‑v R‑m³ Fs‑â X‑oc‑pa‑m\‑w Fg‑pX‑n. At‑±l¯‑ns‑â ad‑p]S‑n¡‑p I‑m¯‑p\‑n¡‑ms‑X ]‑mc‑ok‑nt‑e¡‑v ]‑pds‑¸«‑p. ad‑p]S‑n A\‑pI‑qea‑mI‑m\‑nSb‑ns‑öd‑n b‑ma‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. F¶‑me‑p‑w Fs‑â

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(25) I‑qS‑ph¨‑p. C‑wK‑vfï‑ns‑e A¶s‑¯ s‑]‑mX‑pØ‑nX‑nb‑p‑w t‑e‑mIKX‑nb‑p‑w AX‑n\‑p aX‑nb‑mb I‑mc‑mW§f‑mI‑m‑w. PÀa\‑nþP¸‑m³þX‑pÀ¡‑n F¶‑nhÀ t‑NÀ¶ b‑mY‑mØ‑nX‑nI t‑Nc‑n t‑e‑mI s‑¯ h‑ng‑p§‑m³ hc‑p¶‑p. h‑n]‑vfh‑m\ ´c dj‑yb‑p‑w C‑wK‑vfï‑p‑w At‑ac‑n¡ b‑p‑w t‑NÀ¶ ]‑pt‑c‑mKa\ ià‑n AX‑ns‑\ s‑Nd‑p¡‑p¶‑p. t‑k‑mj‑ye‑nÌ‑v ka‑ql¯‑ns‑â DbÀ¨b‑v¡‑v ]‑pt‑c‑mK a\ ià‑nIf‑ps‑S Pb‑w Dd¸‑m¡W s‑a¶‑v t‑e‑mIs‑a§‑pa‑pÅ Ia‑y‑qW‑nÌ‑p I‑mÀ h‑ni‑zk‑n¨‑p. AX‑n\‑p t‑hï‑n c‑q]‑w s‑I‑mï ^‑mk‑nÌ‑v h‑nc‑p² kac §f‑n kP‑oha‑mI‑pIb‑p‑w s‑Nb‑vX‑p. b‑p²‑w Ig‑nª‑p. ]‑mc‑ok‑n b‑phP\ s‑^Ut‑dj³ kt‑½f\h‑p‑w Ig‑nª‑p. s‑s‑hZ‑yi‑m{‑k‑vX ]T\¯‑n t‑e¡‑v aS§‑nt‑¸‑mI‑m³ h‑nZ‑yb‑v¡‑v X‑mÂ]c‑ya‑nÃ‑mX‑mb‑n. C´‑yb‑ns‑e k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y kac‑w hg‑nh‑n«‑pt‑]‑mI‑pIb‑m s‑W¶‑p‑w k‑ma‑ql‑nI t‑c‑mK§f‑ps‑S ]‑nS‑nb‑n AaÀ¶ C´‑yb‑n AS‑nØ‑m\a‑mä§Ä Dï‑m¡‑m³

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hnZymap³jnbnse Fgp¯pImcn ]IzX ssIhcn¨ ]¯p sImÃw "»nävkv' hmcnIbnse tPmen¡meambncp¶p. tlms¦m§n \n¶p I¡¯¡v ]d¶ Hcp hnam\¯n \n¶v kpµÀ_³ Zzo]n hoW kzÀ®s¸mXnIÄ \m«pImÀ t]meokn G¸n¨ kw`hw hnZym ap³jnbpsS kvIq¸v dnt¸mÀ«v B-bn "»nävkv' {]kn²oIcn¨p. ss]eäv \S¯nb IÅIS¯v Iï­p]nSn¡s¸«p. Ak³tkmfnse Nn\mIpcn J\nZpc´¯n \nch[n sXmgnemfnIÄ acn¨ kw`hs¯ Ip-dn¨p hnZy FgpXnb dnt¸mÀ«pIÄ cmPy¯nsâ a\xkm£n sb DWÀ¯n. DXv]ÂZ¯v ]n¶o-Sv B dnt¸mÀ«pIsf ASnØm\am¡n FgpXnb \mSIw Gsd {]ikvXambn. hnZymap³jn

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(28) "a‑m-[‑y-a-{‑]-hÀ-¯-IÀ‑'¡‑p‑w. a‑m-[‑y-a-`‑n-¶-Xb‑p‑w s‑s‑i-e‑o-`‑n-¶Xb‑p‑w h‑n-\‑n-a-b-`‑n-¶-X-b‑p-a‑p-s‑ï-¦‑ne‑p‑w [À-a-]-c-a‑m-b‑n H-¶‑p-Xs‑¶-b‑m-W‑v ]-{‑X-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\h‑p‑w a‑m-[‑y-a-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-h‑p‑w. I‑p-t‑d-¡‑q-S‑n k-¦‑oÀ-Wa‑m-b H-c‑p s‑s‑k-²‑m´‑n-I I-e‑v-]\-b‑mW‑v a‑m-[‑y-a‑o-Ic-W‑w (‑mediatization). a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä s‑N-e‑p-¯‑p-¶ k‑z‑m-[‑o-\-X-s‑b¸-ä‑n h‑y-X‑y-k‑v-X‑mÀ-Y-§-f‑ne‑p‑w k-µÀ-`-§-f‑ne‑p‑w B-i-b-]-Ý‑m-¯-e-§-f‑ne‑p‑w A-X‑v {‑]-t‑b‑mK‑n-¡-s‑¸-S‑m-d‑pï‑v. c‑m-{‑ã‑o-b-h‑y-h-Øb‑n _-l‑p-P-\-a‑m-[‑ya§Ä s‑N-e‑p-¯‑p-¶ k‑z‑m-[‑o\-X‑, h‑n-]-W-\-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w D-]t‑`‑m-à‑r-k‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w hÀ-[‑n-¨‑p-h-c‑p-¶ {‑]‑m-[‑m-\‑y‑w‑, A-d‑n-h‑n-s‑â D-X‑v-]‑m-Z-\-¯‑n-e‑p‑w h‑n-X-c-W-¯‑n-e‑p‑w a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä h-l‑n-¡‑p-¶ ]¦‑v‑, k‑m-a‑q-l‑n-I-]-c‑n-hÀ-¯-\¯‑n a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä¡‑p-Å k‑z‑m-[‑o-\-X X‑p-S§‑n-b H-t‑«-s‑d AÀY-§Ä "a‑m-[‑y-a‑oI-cW‑w' DÄ-s‑¡‑m-Å‑p¶‑p. a‑m-[‑y-a-§-t‑f‑mS‑p‑w a‑m-[‑y-a-b‑p-à‑n (media logic‑) t‑b‑mS‑p‑w k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-\‑v B-{‑i‑n-X-X‑z-a‑p-Å‑, A-s‑Ã-¦‑nÂ‑, k-a‑q-l‑w h-e‑n-s‑b‑m-c-fh‑n A-X‑n-\‑p h-g‑n-s‑¸-S‑p-¶ {‑]-{‑I‑n-b-b‑mW‑v a‑m-[‑y-a‑o-I-c-W-s‑a-¶‑p ]-d-b‑m‑w. H-c‑pX-c‑w Z‑zµ‑z‑m-ß-I-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-a‑m-WX‑v. a-ä‑p k‑m-a‑q-l‑n-I-Ø‑m-]-\-§-f‑ps‑S {‑]-hÀ-¯-\-§-f‑n-t‑e¡‑p a‑m-[‑y-a‑w I‑q-«‑n-t‑¨À-¡-s‑¸-S‑p-Ib‑p‑w A-t‑X-ka-b‑w X-s‑¶ X³-\‑n-eb‑n a‑m-[‑y-a‑w H-c‑p k‑m-a‑q-l‑nI-Ø‑m-]-\-]-Z-h‑n-b‑mÀ-P‑n-¨‑p-\‑nÂ-¡‑p-Ib‑p‑w s‑N-¿‑p-¶ Z‑z-µ‑z‑mß-I-X‑z‑w. a‑m-[‑y-a‑w D-]-t‑b‑m-K‑n-¡‑p-¶ Ø‑m-]-\-]-ch‑p‑w k‑mt‑¦-X‑n-I-h‑pa‑m-b {‑]-hÀ-¯-\{‑Ia (‑modus operandi‑) a‑m-b a‑m-[‑y-a-b‑p-à‑n-¡‑v k-a‑q-l‑w h-i‑w-h-Z-a‑m-I‑p-¶X‑v a‑m-[‑y-a‑o-I-c-W¯‑ns‑â ^-e-a‑m-b‑mW‑v. A-X‑n-e‑q-s‑S k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-s‑e ]-c-k‑v]-c-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-§-Ä-t‑]‑me‑p‑w a‑m-[‑y-a-§Ä h-g‑n-b‑m-I‑p¶‑p. ]-{‑X-]‑m-c‑m-b-W-¯‑ne‑p‑w ]-{‑X-§Ä \-S-¯‑n-b s‑]‑m-X‑p-P-\‑m-`‑n{‑]‑m-b-c‑q-]-h-X‑v-I-c-W-¯‑n-e‑p‑w A-`‑n-c‑p-N‑n \‑nÀ-a‑n-X‑n-b‑ne‑p‑w \‑n-¶‑v s‑S-e‑n-h‑n-j³ NÀ-¨-I-f‑n-e‑p‑w X-X‑v-ka-b‑w A-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b‑w t‑c-J-s‑¸S‑p-¯e‑p‑w ]‑m-N-I-¯‑ne‑p‑w N‑n-I‑n-Õ-b‑ne‑p‑w H‑m¬-s‑s‑e³ -¢‑mk‑v a‑p-d‑n-b‑ne‑p‑w N-´-b‑ne‑p‑w _‑m-¦‑n-§‑ne‑p‑w t‑k‑m-j‑y a‑oU‑n-b h‑n-¹-h-¯‑ne‑p‑w F-¯‑n-\‑nÂ-¡‑p¶ a‑m-[‑y-a‑o-I-c-W-{‑]-{‑I‑n-b. ka-I‑me‑n-I k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-s‑â {‑]-I‑r-X‑n-b‑m-WX‑v‑, t‑I-cf‑o-b k-a‑q-l¯‑n-s‑â-b‑p‑w. t‑I-c-f-k-a‑q-l-¯‑ns‑â a‑m-[‑y-a‑o-I-c-W-¯‑n-s‑â N-c‑n-{‑X-¯‑nt‑e-¡‑p t‑\‑m¡‑m³ t‑I-c-f‑m-[‑p-\‑nI-X‑z (Kerala modernity‑) ¯‑n-s‑â B-h‑nÀ-`‑m-h-L-«-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑p t‑]‑m-t‑I-ï‑n-h-c‑p‑w. A-¨S‑n-b‑p-s‑Sb‑p‑w ]-{‑X-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w h-ï‑n-b‑n-e‑mW‑v‑, ]-s‑¯‑m-¼X‑m‑w \‑q-ä‑m-ï‑n-s‑â c-ï‑m‑w-]-I‑p-X‑nb‑n {‑_‑n-«‑o-j‑v s‑I‑m-t‑f‑m-W‑nb A-[‑n-\‑n-t‑h-i-¯‑n-s‑â c‑m-{‑ã‑o-bh‑p‑w Ú‑m-\-]-c-h‑pa‑m-b ]-²-X‑n-b‑p-a‑m-b‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-«‑v t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑â B-[‑p-\-‑n-IX‑z‑w k-©-c‑n-¨-s‑X-¶‑p ]-d-ª‑m-e‑p‑w A-[‑n-I-a‑m-h‑nÃ. A-¨S‑n‑, ]-{‑X‑w‑, h‑mÀ-¯ F-¶‑n-h-b‑p-a‑m-b‑n _-Ô-s‑¸-«‑v \-S¯‑n-b k‑zb‑w-\‑nÀ-hN-\‑w B-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑p-Å a-e-b‑m-f‑n-b‑p-s‑S h-g‑n-¯‑m-c-b‑m-b‑n-c‑p¶‑p. B I‑m-e-L-«¯‑n {‑]-k‑n-²‑o-I-c‑n-¨ a-e-b‑m-f-¯‑n-s‑e B-Z‑y-t‑\‑m-he‑m-b "C-µ‑p-t‑e-J‑' (1889‑) s‑e (B-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z-¯‑n-s‑â ^-e-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p t‑\-‑m-he‑p‑w t‑\‑m-hÂh‑m-b-\b‑p‑w a-e-b‑m-f-¯‑nÂ‑) H-c‑p {‑]-W-b-I-e-l-c‑w-K‑w C§s‑\ h‑m-b‑n-¡‑m‑w: ""C-µ‑pt‑eJ: R‑m³ t‑aÂ-I-g‑pI‑m³ t‑]‑m-I‑p¶‑p. B t‑I‑m¨‑nt‑·Â \‑y‑q-k‑v t‑]-¸À h‑m-b‑n-¨‑p-I‑n-S¡‑q. R‑m³ £-W‑w hc‑m‑w F-¶‑n-«‑p h‑n-h-c-§Ä ]-d-b‑m‑w. a‑m[-h³ t‑I‑m-¨‑nt‑·Â I‑n-S¶‑p. \‑y‑q-k‑v t‑]-¸À s‑X‑m-«‑nÃ. C-µ‑pt‑e-J "\‑y‑q-k‑v t‑]-¸À F-´‑p ]‑n-g¨‑p‑' s‑¶‑p t‑N‑m-Z‑n-¨‑p N‑nd‑n¨‑p‑w s‑I‑m-ï‑v t‑aÂ-I-g‑pI‑m³ X‑m-g-¯‑n-d-§‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ a‑p-I-f‑nt‑e-¡‑v H-c‑p h‑m-e‑n-b-¡‑m-c³ a‑m-[h-\‑v H-c‑p I-¼‑n-hÀ-¯-a‑m-\-et‑¡‑m«‑p‑w s‑I‑m-ï‑p I-b-d‑p-¶-X‑p-I-ï‑p.‑'' C-µ‑p-t‑e-J-b‑p-s‑S h‑n-h‑m-l‑w I-g‑n-ª‑p-s‑h-¶‑v s‑X-ä‑n-²-c‑n-¨‑v Z‑p‑x-J‑n-X-\‑m-b‑n c‑m-P‑y-k-©‑m-c-¯‑n-\‑p t‑]‑m-b a‑m-[h-s‑\ I-ï‑p]‑n-S‑n¡‑m³ ]‑p-d-s‑¸-«‑v a‑p‑w-s‑s‑_-b‑n-s‑e-¯‑n-b A-ѳ t‑K‑m-h‑nBKÌv 2014

s]m-Xp-a-Þ-e-¯n-sâ kr-ãn-bn-eq-sS P-\m-[n-]Xy-s¯ i-àn-s¸-Sp-¯n-s¡m-ïv tI-c-f-¯n-sâ B-[p-\nI-Xz \nÀ-an-Xnbn {]m-tZin-I hmÀ-¯bn-eq-sS ]-{X-§Ä h-ln-¨ ]-¦m-Wv P-b-{]-Im-iv tc-J-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶Xv. a-e-b-m-f¯n C-Xph-sc {]-kn-²o-I-cn-¨n-«p-Å am-[y-a-kw-_-Ônbm-b {K-Ù§-sfm-¶pw C-¯-c-sam-cp N-cn-{X-]-cam-b Im-gv-N¸m-Sn-sâ A-Sn-Øm-\¯n D-ïm-b-hbÃ. µ-¸-W‑n-¡c‑p‑w _Ô‑p t‑K‑m-h‑n-µ³-I‑p-«‑n t‑a-\-h\‑p‑w ]-{‑X-s‑¯ B-{‑i-b‑n-¡‑p-¶ H-c‑p k-µÀ-`‑w I‑q-S‑n H. N-´‑p-t‑a-t‑\‑m³ A-h-Xc‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v: ""t‑K‑m-h‑n-µ³-I‑p-«‑n t‑a-\h-\‑p ]-t‑e h‑n-Z‑y-I-f‑p-‑w t‑X‑m-¶‑nbX‑n \‑y‑q-k‑v t‑]-¸-d‑n {‑]-k‑n-²-s‑¸-S‑p¯-W‑w F-¶‑p t‑X‑m¶‑n. B-Z‑y¯‑n H-¶‑p-c-ï‑p {‑]‑m-hi‑y‑w N‑n-e \‑y‑q-k‑v t‑]¸-d‑p-If‑n C-µ‑p-t‑e-J-s‑b¸-ä‑n D-ï‑m¡‑n-b I-fh‑m-b hÀ-¯a‑m-\-§-s‑f-¸ä‑n F-g‑p-X‑n-b‑n-c‑p¶‑p. B {‑]-k‑n-²-s‑¸-S‑p¯‑n-b Z‑n-h-k-§f‑n a‑m[-h³ I-¸e‑n I‑nS-¶‑p h‑n-j-a‑n-¡‑p-¶ I‑me-a‑m-b‑n-c‑n¡‑p‑w F-¶‑p R‑m³ h‑n-N‑m-c‑n-¡‑p¶‑p. G-X‑p h‑n-[-a‑mb‑me‑p‑w C‑u {‑]-k‑n-²-s‑¸-S‑p¯‑n-b t‑]-¸À b‑m-s‑X‑m¶‑p‑w Iït‑X CÃ. \‑n-Ý-b‑w.‑''

(29) B-[‑p-\-‑n-I-X‑z-¯‑n-s‑â B-i-b-§f‑m k‑z‑m-[‑o-\‑n-¡-s‑¸-« h‑n-Z‑y‑m-k-¼-¶c‑mb B ]‑p-X‑p-X-ea‑p-d k‑v-{‑X‑o-]‑p-c‑p-j-·‑m-c‑p-s‑S \‑n-X‑y-h‑y-h-l‑m-c¯‑n I-S-¶‑p-h-c‑p-¶ ]-{‑Xh‑p‑w ]-s‑¯‑m-¼X‑m‑w-\‑q-ä‑m-ï‑n-s‑â A-´‑y-I‑me-¯‑v a‑p‑w-s‑s‑_-b‑n-s‑e ]-{‑X-§f‑n H-c‑p t‑I-c-f‑n-b-k‑v-{‑X‑o-s‑b¸-ä‑n {‑]-N-c‑n-¨ A-]-h‑m-Z-¯‑n-s‑â h‑mÀ-¯b‑p‑w N-´‑p-t‑a-t‑\‑m³ `‑m-h-\ s‑N-b‑v-X-X‑n-\‑p-]‑n¶‑n t‑I-c-f‑m-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑zh‑p‑w ]-{‑Xh‑p‑w X-½‑n-e‑p-Å _-Ô-a‑m-W‑p-ÅX‑v. t‑I-c-f‑m-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z-¯‑n-s‑â \‑nÀ-a‑m-W-b-{‑´-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p ]-{‑X‑w‑, D-X‑v-]-¶-h‑p‑w. a-\‑p-j‑y-]‑p-t‑c‑m-KX‑n‑, s‑s‑h-b-à‑n-X-k‑z‑m-X-{‑´‑y‑w‑, b‑p-à‑n-t‑_‑m-[‑w‑, i‑m-k‑v-{‑X‑w‑, c‑m-j‑v{‑S‑w X‑p-S§‑n-b B-ib-§Ä A-X‑v t‑I-c-f‑o-b-k-a‑q-l¯‑n A-h-X-c‑n-¸‑n¨‑p. h‑mÀ-¯-I-f‑n-e‑qs‑S Ah-s‑b {‑]-X‑n-j‑vT‑m]-\‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑v k-a‑q-l-s‑¯ B-[‑p\‑n-I‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑p-Ib‑p‑w s‑N-b‑vX‑p. a‑p‑w-s‑s‑_-b‑n-s‑e ]-{‑X-§f‑n {‑]-X‑y-£-s‑¸-« C-µ‑p-t‑e-J-s‑b-¸-ä-b‑p-Å hÀ-¯-a‑m-\‑w (A-X‑ns‑â k‑z-`‑m-h-s‑a-´‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p-s‑h-¶‑v t‑\‑m-h-e‑n-Ì‑v ]-d-b‑p-¶‑nÃ‑) h-‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑Sb‑p‑w ]-{‑X-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w k‑z‑m-[‑o-\-i-à‑n-s‑b¸ä‑n N-´‑p-t‑a-t‑\‑m-\‑p-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶ B-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z-t‑_‑m-[-¯‑n-s‑â ^-e-a‑mW‑v. B-[‑p\‑n-I ]-{‑X-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-¯‑n-s‑â `‑m-jb‑n H-c‑p {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I h‑mÀ-¯-b‑m-WX‑v. H-c‑m-s‑f I-s‑ï-¯‑m-\‑p-Å D-]‑m-[‑n-b‑m-W‑v t‑\‑m-h-e‑n-s‑â `‑m-h-\‑m-t‑e‑mI-¯‑v h‑mÀ-¯. t‑Ic-f‑m-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z-¯‑n-s‑â N-c‑n-{‑X-¯‑n-e‑m-I-s‑« a-e-b‑m-f‑n-b‑p-s‑S k‑z-b‑w I-s‑ï-¯-e‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w \-h‑o-I-c‑n-¡-e‑n-s‑â-b‑p‑w D-]‑m-[‑nb‑p‑w. {‑I‑n-k‑v-X‑p-a-X {‑]-N‑m-c-W‑mÀ-Y‑w B-c‑w-`‑n-¨ {‑]-k‑n-²‑o-I-cW-§f‑m-b "c‑m-P‑y-k-a‑m-N‑mc‑w‑' (1847‑)‑, "]-Ý‑n-t‑a‑m-Zb‑w‑' (1847‑)‑, "Ú‑m-\‑n-t‑£]‑w‑' (1848‑) F-¶‑n-h-b‑nÂ-\‑n-¶‑v I-ï¯‑n hd‑p-K‑o-k‑v a‑m-¸‑n-f-b‑p-s‑S "t‑I-c-f-a‑n-{‑X‑w‑' (1882‑)‑, "t‑I-c-f-]-{‑X‑n-I‑' (1884‑) F-¶‑o b-Y‑mÀ-Y-]-{‑X-§-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑p h-fÀ-¶‑v a-e-b‑m-f-]{‑X-{‑]-hÀ¯-\‑w k‑z-c‑q-]-a‑mÀ-P‑n-¨‑p-I-g‑n-ª L-«¯‑n ]‑p-d¯‑p-h-¶ "C-µ‑p-t‑e-J‑'b‑n ]-{‑Xh‑p‑w {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯b‑p‑w B-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z-¯‑n-s‑â "I-s‑ï-¯-e‑n‑'s‑â N‑n-Ó-§-f‑m-b‑n I-S¶‑p-h-¶-X‑v b‑m-Z‑r-Ý‑n-IaÃ. c‑m-{‑ã‑o-bh‑p‑w `-c-W-]-c-h‑pa‑m-b `‑n-¶-X-b‑v-¡‑p ]‑p-d-¯‑p-Å t‑Ic-f‑w F-¶ t‑Z-i-k‑z-X‑z‑w‑, h‑o«‑n k‑w-k‑m-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ a-e-b‑mf‑w‑, C-´‑y F-¶ c‑m-{‑ã‑w‑, t‑Z-i‑ob-X‑, h‑y-à‑n-b‑p-s‑S A-h-I‑m-i-§Ä‑,k‑v-{‑X‑o-b‑p-s‑S h‑n-t‑a‑mN-\‑w X‑pS§‑n-b B-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z‑m-ib-§Ä NÀ-¨ s‑Nb‑v-X "C-µ‑p-t‑eJ‑'‑, {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯-I-f‑n-e‑q-s‑S k‑z-t‑Z-i-s‑¯b‑p‑w t‑I-c-f‑o-ba‑mb c‑m-{‑ã‑o-bþk‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c‑n-I-k‑z-X‑z-s‑¯b‑p‑w t‑I-c-f‑o-ba‑mb c‑m-{‑ã‑o-bþk‑m‑w-k‑v-I‑m-c‑n-I-k‑z-X‑z-s‑¯b‑p‑w ]‑p-\À-\‑nÀ-h-N‑n¡‑m\‑p‑w k‑z-X-{‑´a‑m-b B-i-b‑m-`‑n-e‑m-j-I-f‑p-s‑S k‑w-h‑m-Z-¯‑nâ C-Sa‑m-b H-c‑p s‑]‑m-X‑p-aÞ-e‑w c‑q-]-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑m-\‑p‑w {‑i-a‑n-¨ ]-{‑X-L-«-¯‑n-s‑â k‑r-ã‑n-I‑q-S‑n-b‑m-W‑v "C-µ‑p-t‑eJ‑'. ]-{‑Xh‑p‑w {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯b‑p‑w t‑Zi‑w‑, `‑m-j‑, c‑m-jv{‑S‑ob‑w‑, k‑z-X‑z‑w F-¶‑n-h-s‑b-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑p-Å a-e-b‑m-f‑n-b‑p-s‑S ]‑p-X‑p-t‑_‑m-[-¯‑n-s‑â \‑nÀ-W‑m-b-I-§f‑m-b B-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z-¯‑n-s‑â C‑u N-c‑n-{‑X-]-Ý‑m¯-e-¯‑n-e‑m-W‑v F-k‑v.F³. P-b-{‑]-I‑m-i‑n-s‑â "\‑m-«‑p-h‑mÀ-¯b‑p-s‑S I‑m-e-§Ä‑' h‑m-b‑n-t‑¡-ïX‑v. a-e-b‑m-f-]-{‑X-h‑y-h-k‑m-b-s‑¯ X‑m-§‑n-\‑nÀ-¯‑p-¶ (e‑m-`I-ca‑m-b h‑y-h-k‑m-b-a‑m-¡‑n a‑m-ä‑p-¶‑) X‑qW‑p‑w C-Ô-\h‑p‑w a‑qe-[-\h‑p‑w D-X‑v-]-¶-h‑pa‑m-b {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S D-X‑v-]¯‑n-h‑n-I‑m-k-N-c‑n{‑X‑w t‑c-J-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-¶ "\‑m-«‑p-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S I‑m-e§Ä‑' a-e-b-‑m-f¯‑n a‑m-[‑y-a-k‑w-_-Ô‑n-b‑m-b‑n D-ï‑mb‑n-«‑p-Å a-s‑äÃ‑m ]‑p-k‑v-X-I-§-f‑nÂ-\‑n¶‑p‑w h‑y-X‑y-k‑v-X-a‑mW‑v. ]-{‑X-N-c‑n-{‑X‑w‑, a‑m-[‑y-a-h‑n-i-I-e\‑w‑, ]-{‑X-{‑]-hÀ-¯-I-c‑p-s‑S A\‑p-`h / H‑mÀ-a-¡‑p-d‑n¸‑v‑, k‑m-t‑¦-X‑n-I-c‑o-X‑n-IÄ h‑n-h-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ ]‑mT-]‑p-k‑v-XI‑w‑, K-t‑h-j-W-{‑]-_Ô-§Ä F-¶‑o h‑n-`‑m-K§f‑n s‑]-S‑p-¯‑m-h‑p-¶ ]-{‑X-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-]‑p-k‑v-X-I§-t‑f a-e-b‑m-f-¯‑n-e‑pÅ‑q. a‑m-[‑y-a‑o-I‑r-X-k-a‑q-l-a‑m-s‑W-¦‑ne‑p‑w a-eb‑m-f¯‑n G-äh‑p‑w I‑pd-h‑v ]‑p-k‑v-XI§Ä a‑m-[‑y-a-]T-\-h‑n`‑m-K-¯‑n-e‑m-W‑v. "\‑m-«‑p-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S I‑m-e§Ä‑' t‑a-e‑v-]-d-ª h‑n-`‑m-K-§-f‑n-s‑e‑m¶‑p‑w DÄ-s‑¸-S‑nÃ. I‑m-e‑m-\‑p-{‑I-aa‑m-b ]-{‑X-N-

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¡‑mt‑c‑m B-b‑n a‑n-k‑v-{‑X-Ê‑v hÀ-K¯‑n H-c‑m-s‑f-¦‑ne‑p‑w (H‑mt‑c‑m-c‑p-¯À-¡‑p‑w‑) I‑m-W‑m-X‑n-c‑n-¡‑nÃ-t‑Ã‑m‑' F-¶‑v s‑]‑m-s‑ä-¡‑m-«‑v ]-d-b‑p-¶-X‑n {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑nI-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S a‑qe‑y‑w I‑n-S-¸‑p-ï‑v. a‑m-[‑y-a-c‑w-K-s‑¯ "h‑n-i‑p-²-]-i‑p-¡-f‑n‑'s‑e‑m-¶‑m-W‑v h‑m-À-¯‑ma‑q-e‑y‑w. ]-c-¼-c‑m-K-X-k-¦-e‑v-]¯‑n A-k‑m-[‑m-c-W-X‑z-a‑m-W‑v h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S a‑q-e‑y-¯‑n-\‑v A-S‑n-Ø‑m\‑w. C-´‑y-b‑n-s‑e C‑w-¥‑nj‑v ]-{‑X-§Ä {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑nIh‑mÀ-¯I-s‑f t‑\-c‑n-S‑p¶-X‑v a‑n-¡t‑¸‑mg‑p‑w B k-¦Â-]-s‑¯ B-[‑m-c-a‑m-¡‑n-b‑mW‑v. A-Z‑v-`‑pX‑w‑, k‑w-LÀj‑w‑, h‑m-]-I-X‑z‑w‑, {‑]-k‑n²‑n‑, I‑p-{‑]-k‑n-²‑n X‑p-S-§‑n-b-hb‑m-W‑v h‑mÀ-¯‑m-a‑q-e‑y-¯‑n-\‑v A-S‑n-Ø‑m\‑w. k‑m-[‑m-c-W-¡‑m-c‑ps‑S P‑o-h‑n-X-¯‑ne‑p‑w {‑]-t‑Z-i¯‑p‑w k-a‑q-l-¯‑ne‑p‑w D-ï‑m-I‑p-¶ k‑m-[‑m-c-W k‑w-`-h-§Ä-¡‑v A-k‑m-[-c-W-X‑z-a‑nÃ‑m-¯-X‑n\‑m "t‑Z-i‑o-b-]-{‑X'§f‑n A-h-b‑v-¡‑p-h‑mÀ-¯‑m-a‑q-e‑y-h‑p-a‑nÃ. `‑mj‑m / {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I ]-{‑X-§Ä-¡‑v A-hb‑n h‑mÀ-¯‑m-a‑q-e‑ya‑pï‑v. A-X‑m-W‑v {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑nIh‑mÀ-¯‑, s‑]‑m-s‑ä-¡‑m-«‑n-s‑â I-Y‑m]‑m-{‑X§-s‑f B-I‑m‑w-£-b‑n-e‑q-s‑Sb‑p‑w D-X‑v-I-W‑vT-b‑n-e‑q-s‑Sb‑p‑w h‑m-§-e‑n-t‑e¡‑p‑w h‑m-b-\-b‑n-t‑e¡‑p‑w A-S‑p-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶ h‑m-À-¯‑ma‑q-e‑y‑w. (k‑z‑)t‑Z-i‑m-\‑p-`-h-¯-‑n-t‑e¡‑p‑w t‑Z-i-s‑¯-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑p-Å B-I‑m‑w-£-b‑n-t‑e¡‑p‑w D-X‑v-I-W‑vT-b‑n-t‑e-¡‑p‑w -t‑Z-i-s‑¯ A-d‑nb‑m-\‑p-Å X‑r-j‑v-W-b-‑nt‑e-¡‑p-a‑m-W‑v s‑]‑m-s‑ä-¡‑m-«‑n-s‑â I-Y‑m-]‑m{‑X-§s‑f‑, {‑K-Ù-I‑mc-s‑â A-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b-¯‑n-\‑p h‑n-c‑p-²-a‑m-b‑n B {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯ \-b‑n-¡‑p-¶-X‑v. t‑\‑m-h-e‑n-Ì‑v k‑r-ã‑n-¡‑p-¶ X-a‑m-i-b‑p-s‑S X-e‑w H-g‑n-h‑m-¡‑n-b‑m (h-b-ä‑p-]‑n-g-¸‑p-I‑m-c\‑m-b h‑n-e‑v-]-\-¡‑mc-s‑â X-{‑´-h‑p‑w‑) "H-c‑p a‑n-k‑v-{‑X-Ê‑n-\‑p ]ä‑n-b A-]I-S‑w‑' {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑nIh‑mÀ¯-s‑b k‑w-_-Ô‑n-¨ H-t‑«-s‑d h‑y-h-l‑mc-§-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑p h-g‑n-X‑p-d-¡‑p¶‑p. h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S Øe‑w‑, I‑me‑w‑, k-t‑µi‑w‑, k‑z‑o-IÀ-¯‑m¡Ä‑, a‑qe‑y‑w X‑p-S-§‑n-b-h-s‑b-¸-ä‑n-b‑p-Å {‑]-i‑v-\-§-f‑mWh. G-X‑p-h‑mÀ-¯b‑p‑w Ø-e-I‑m-e-_-²-a‑mW‑v. a-s‑ä‑m-c‑p X-c¯‑n ]-dª‑m Ø-eh‑p‑w I‑m-eh‑p‑w h‑mÀ¯-s‑b \‑nÀW-b‑n-¡‑p¶‑p. X‑oÀ-¶‑nÃ‑, c-ï‑p L-SI-§Ä I‑q-S‑n-b‑p-ï‑v: h‑n-j-b (k‑w-`h‑w‑) h‑p‑w h‑n-j-b‑n-b‑p‑w. \‑y‑q-k‑v F-¶ C‑w-¥‑nj‑v h‑m-¡‑n-s‑e A-£c-§Ä \‑m-e‑p-Z‑n-¡‑p-I-f‑p-s‑S-b‑p‑w t‑]-c‑ns‑â B-Z‑y‑m-£c-§Ä t‑NÀ-¯‑p-ï‑m-¡‑n-b-X‑m-s‑W-¶ \‑n-c‑pà‑w I-s‑ï¯‑n-b A-Ú‑m-X\‑m-b c-k‑n-I³ h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S Ø-e-_-²-X-b‑n-e‑m-W‑p s‑X‑m-«X‑v. Ø-e-_-²a‑m-b h‑mÀ-¯b‑m-W‑v {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑nIh‑mÀ-¯. H-c‑p {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-kµÀ` (local context) ¯‑n D-ï‑m-I‑p-¶X‑p‑w a-ä‑p {‑]-t‑Z-i-§Ä-¡‑p {‑]‑mt‑b-W X‑m-X‑v-]c‑y‑w I‑p-d-ª-X‑pa‑m-b k‑w-`-h-§-f‑p-s‑S BJ‑y‑m-\-a‑m-W‑p {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I h‑mÀ-¯-s‑b-¶‑v ]‑mT-]‑p-k‑v-XI-§Ä \‑n-À-h-N‑n-¡‑p¶‑p. a-ä‑p {‑]-t‑Z-i-§-f‑n-e‑p-Å-hÀ-¡‑p X-‑m-X‑v-]c‑y‑w I‑p-dª-X‑v F-¶-X‑n-\À-Y‑w t‑Z-i‑o-bt‑a‑m A-´À-t‑Z-i‑o-bt‑a‑m B-b k‑m-[‑yX-IÄ CÃ‑m-¯- h‑mÀ-¯-s‑b-¶‑mW‑v. A-t‑X-kab‑w (]{‑Xh‑mÀ-¯-If‑n B-hÀ-¯‑n-¨‑p-I-S-¶‑p-h-c‑p-¶ ]-e ¢‑n-t‑j-I-f‑n-s‑e‑m-¶‑m-W‑v C‑u "A-t‑X-k-a-b‑w‑'; h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S I‑m-e-_-²-X-b‑p-s‑S `‑m-j-b‑n-s‑e _-l‑nÀ-K-a-\‑w‑)‑, G-X‑p {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑ne‑p‑w t‑Z-i‑o-bþA-´À-t‑Z-i‑o-b-X-e-§-f‑n-t‑e-¡‑p h-f-c‑m-\‑p-Å k‑m-[‑yX-IÄ \‑n-e-\‑nÂ-¡‑p-¶-X‑n\‑m C‑u \‑nÀhN-\‑w ]‑qÀ-WaÃ; A-X‑n-\‑pÅ‑n h‑n-Å-e‑p-I-f‑pï‑v‑, h‑mÀ-¯b‑p-s‑S A-{‑]-h-N-\‑o-b-X‑z-s‑¯ {‑]-h-N‑n-¡‑p-¶ k‑m-[‑y-XIÄ. {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯ k‑p-\‑n-Ý‑n-Xt‑a‑m J-Þ‑n-Xt‑a‑m B-b H-c‑p k‑w-hÀ-Kh‑p‑w H-c‑p {‑]-t‑Z-i-¯‑n-\‑p-a‑m{‑X‑w I‑u-X‑p-I-a‑p-ï‑m-¡‑p-¶ k‑w-`-h‑m-J‑y‑m-\-h‑paÃ. H-c‑p {‑]-t‑Z-i‑w / a-ä‑p {‑]-t‑Z-i‑w F-¶ h‑n`P-\‑w A-l‑w / A\‑y‑w (self / other) F-¶ Z‑z-µ‑z-I-e‑v-]-\-b‑ps‑S `‑m-K-a‑m-W‑v. h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S t‑e‑m-I¯‑n J-c-X‑z-a‑nÃ‑, a-d‑n-¨‑v {‑Z-h-X‑z-a‑m-W‑p-ÅX‑v. {‑]-t‑Z-i‑w F-¶ Ø-e_-²-X G-X‑p-\‑n-a‑njh‑p‑w A-«-a-d‑n-¡-s‑¸-S‑m‑w. ]-{‑X-§Ä k‑u-I-c‑y-]‑qÀ-h‑w k‑r-ã‑n-¨ H-c‑p k‑w-hÀ-K‑w I‑qS‑n-b‑m-W‑v {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑nIh‑mÀ-¯. P‑nÃ-t‑X‑md‑p‑w {‑]-t‑X‑y-I-]-X‑n¸‑p-I-f‑p-Å C-¶-s‑¯ a-e-b‑m-f-]-{‑X-§Ä H‑mt‑c‑m ]-X‑n-¸‑ne‑p‑w

(33) h‑y-X‑yk‑v-X {‑]-t‑Z-i-§-Ä-¡‑m-b‑n {‑]-t‑X‑y-I‑w {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-t‑]-P‑pIÄ \‑o-¡‑nh-¨‑v {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑nIh‑mÀ-¯-I-Ä \Â-I‑p-¶‑p. a-s‑ä‑m-c‑p {‑]-t‑Zi-¯‑v A-X‑p \Â-I‑p-I-b‑p-a‑nÃ. C‑u k‑q-£‑v-a-{‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑nI-h-X‑v-Ic-W‑w ]{‑X‑w h‑y-h-k‑m-b-a‑m-b‑n-¯‑oÀ-¶-X‑n-\‑p-t‑i-j‑w D-ï‑m-b {‑]-X‑n-`‑m-k-a‑m-W‑v. h‑mÀ-¯‑m-a‑q-e‑y-aà ]-{‑X-¯‑n-s‑â h‑n-X-c-Wþh‑n-]-W-\-k‑u-I-c‑y-§f‑p‑w X‑m-X‑v-]-c‑y-§-f‑p-a‑m-W‑v Ch‑n-s‑S {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-X-b‑p-s‑S A-S‑n-Ø‑m\‑w. B-h‑nÀ-`‑m-h-Z-i-b‑n C-X‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑nà {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑nIh‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S k‑z-`‑m-h‑w. B-[‑p\‑n-I-X‑z‑m-i-b-§-f‑p-s‑S h-‑n-X-c-Wh‑p‑w A-h-s‑b-¸-ä‑n-b‑p-Å k‑wh‑m-Zh‑p‑w k‑r-ã‑n-¨‑v H-c‑p s‑]‑m-X‑p-aÞe‑w (public sphere‑) c‑q-]-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-I-b‑m-W‑v A-h s‑N-b‑v-XX‑v. ""h‑n-I-k-\-s‑¯-¡‑pd‑n¨‑p‑w h‑n-`-h-§-f‑p-s‑S ^-e-{‑]-Za‑m-b h‑n-\‑n-t‑b‑m-K-s‑¯-¡‑p-d‑n¨‑p‑w a-e-b‑m-f-]-{‑X-§Ä k‑r-j‑v-S‑n-¨ \‑n-c-´-c-k‑w-h‑mZ-§Ä P-\‑m`‑n-{‑]‑m-b-¯‑n-s‑â s‑]‑m-X‑p-a-Þ-e‑w k‑r-ã‑n-¡‑p-Ib‑p‑w P-\‑m-[‑n]-X‑y-s‑¯ i-à‑n-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-Ib‑p‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑n-«‑p‑''-s‑ï-¶‑v BZ‑yI‑m-e ]-{‑X-§-f‑n-s‑e {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯I-s‑f a‑p³-\‑nÀ-¯‑n P-b-{‑]-I‑m-i‑v \‑n-c‑o-£‑n-¡-‑p¶-X‑v C‑u ]-Ý‑m-¯-e-¯‑n-e‑mW‑v. C¶‑p‑w h‑y-X‑y-k‑v-X-a‑m-b AÀ-Y¯‑n {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯ P-\‑m-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b‑w k‑r-ã‑n-¡‑p-Ib‑p‑w {‑]-X‑n-^-e‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-Ib‑p‑w s‑N¿‑p¶‑p. A-`‑n-e‑m-j-§-f‑p-s‑S k‑r-ã‑n I‑q-S‑n-b‑p-ï‑v C¶‑p {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑nÂ. s‑]‑m-X‑p-a-Þ-e-¯‑n-s‑â k‑r-ã‑n-b‑n-e‑q-s‑S

F-k‑v.s‑I. s‑]‑m-s‑ä-¡‑m-«v

k‑u-I-c‑y-s‑¸-S‑p-¶-X‑mW‑v. t‑a-e‑nÂ‑, k‑w-`-h-§-f‑p-s‑Sb‑p‑w s‑]‑mX‑p-t‑b‑m-K-§-f‑p-s‑S-b‑p‑w aä‑p‑w d‑n-t‑¸‑mÀ-«‑p-IÄ h‑n-k‑v-X-c‑n-s‑¨-g‑p-X‑n A-b-b‑v-¡‑p¶-X‑p \-¶‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p‑w. {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-a‑m-b‑n {‑]‑m-[‑m-\‑ya‑p-Å hÀ-¯-a‑m-\-§-s‑f‑m-¶‑p‑w-X-s‑¶ h‑n-«‑p-I-f-b-c‑pX‑v. d‑n-t‑¸‑mÀ-«‑p-If‑n N‑ne-X‑p {‑]-k‑n-²-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-¶‑n-s‑ö‑p‑w N‑ne-X‑p hf-s‑c X‑m-a-k‑n-¨‑p a‑m-{‑X-t‑a {‑]-k‑n-²-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-¶‑pÅ‑p-s‑h¶‑p‑w ]-e t‑e-J-I-·‑mÀ-¡‑p‑w B-t‑£-]-a‑p-Å-X‑m-b‑n- I‑mW‑p¶‑p. C-h‑n-s‑S I‑n-«‑p-¶ hÀ-¯-a‑m\-§Ä H«‑p‑w X‑m-a-k‑n-b‑ms‑X {‑]-k‑n-²‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑m³ {‑]-t‑X‑y-I‑w {‑i-² ]-X‑n-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. Ø-e-Z‑uÀ-e`‑y‑w I‑mc-W‑w N‑n-e \‑o-ï d‑n-t‑¸‑mÀ-«‑p-IÄ Ht‑¶‑m ct‑ï‑m Z-‑nh-k‑w \‑nÀ-¯‑n-s‑h-t‑¡-ï‑n-h-¶‑n-«‑p-ï‑m-h‑m‑w. GX‑m-b‑me‑p‑w t‑ae‑n H-c‑p I‑mc‑y ‑w s‑N-b‑vX‑m \-¶‑v. X-§f-b-¡‑p-¶ d‑n-t‑¸‑mÀ-«‑p-If‑n G-s‑XÃ‑m-a‑m-W‑v {‑]-k-‑n-²-s‑¸S‑p-¯‑m-¯-s‑X-¶‑v t‑e-J-I·‑mÀ A-X‑m-X-hk-c‑w C-h‑n-s‑S A-d‑n-b‑n-¨‑p-X-c-‑p¶-X‑v D-]-I‑m-c-a‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p‑w. t‑e-J-\-h‑n-j-b-h‑p‑w‑, A-b-¨ X‑o-b-X‑n-b‑p‑w AX‑n I‑m-W‑n-¨‑n-c‑n-¡W‑w. A-§‑n-s‑\ s‑N-b‑vX‑m C-h‑n-s‑S t‑h-ï-s‑¸-« A-t‑\‑zj-W‑w \-S-¯‑m-h‑p-¶X‑p‑w B-h-e‑m-X‑n-¡‑n-S‑w-s‑I‑m-S‑p-¡‑m-X‑n-c‑n¡‑m³ k‑q-£‑n-¡‑m-h‑p-¶X‑p-a‑mW‑v. H-c‑p k‑wK-X‑n I‑qS‑n. C‑u s‑a-b‑v-a‑m-k‑w a‑p-X _‑p-¡‑v t‑]‑mÌ‑n-¶‑p H-c-W Ì‑m-¼‑m-W‑v t‑h-ï-s‑X-¶ h-k‑v-X‑p-X a‑n-¡ t‑e-J-

]-c-¼-c‑m-K-X-k-¦-e‑v-]¯‑n A-k‑m-[‑m-c-W-X‑z-a‑m-W‑v h‑mÀ-¯-b‑p-s‑S a‑q-e‑y-¯‑n\‑v A-S‑n-Ø‑m\‑w. A-Z‑v-`‑pX‑w‑, k‑w-LÀj‑w‑, h‑m-]-I-X‑z‑w‑, {‑]-k‑n²‑n‑, I‑p-{‑]-k‑n-²‑n X‑p-S-§‑n-b-h-b‑m-W‑v h‑mÀ-¯‑m-a‑q-e‑y-¯‑n-\‑v A-S‑n-Ø‑m\‑w. k‑m-[‑m-c-W-¡‑m-c‑p-s‑S P‑o-h‑n-X-¯‑ne‑p‑w {‑]-t‑Z-i¯‑p‑w k-a‑q-l-¯‑ne‑p‑w D-ï‑m-I‑p-¶ k‑m-[‑m-c-W k‑w-`h-§Ä-¡‑v A-k‑m-[-c-W-X‑z-a‑nÃ‑m-¯-X‑n\‑m "t‑Z-i‑o-b-]-{‑X'§f‑n A-h-b‑v-¡‑p -h‑mÀ-¯‑m-a‑q-e‑y-h‑p-a‑nÃ. `‑m-j‑m / {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I ]-{‑X-§Ä-¡‑v A-hb‑n h‑mÀ-¯‑ma‑q-e‑y-a‑pï‑v. A-X‑m-W‑v {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑nIh‑mÀ-¯‑, s‑]‑m-s‑ä-¡‑m-«‑n-s‑â I-Y‑m-]‑m-{‑X§s‑f B-I‑m‑w-£-b‑n-e‑q-s‑Sb‑p‑w D-X‑v-I-W‑vT-b‑n-e‑q-s‑Sb‑p‑w h‑m-§-e‑n-t‑e¡‑p‑w h‑m-b\-b‑n-t‑e¡‑p‑w A-S‑p-¸‑n-¡‑p-¶ h‑m-À-¯‑m-a‑q-e‑y‑w. (k‑z‑)t‑Z-i‑m-\‑p-`-h-¯-‑n-t‑e¡‑p‑w t‑Z-i-s‑¯-¡‑p-d‑n-¨‑p-Å B-I‑m‑w-£-b‑n-t‑e¡‑p‑w D-X‑v-I-W‑vT-b‑n-t‑e-¡‑p‑w -t‑Z-i-s‑¯ A-d‑n-b‑m-\‑p-Å X‑r-j‑v-W-b-‑nt‑e-¡‑p-a‑m-W‑v s‑]‑m-s‑ä-¡‑m-«‑n-s‑â I-Y‑m-]‑m-{‑X-§s‑f‑, {‑K-Ù-I‑mc-s‑â A-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b-¯‑n-\‑p h‑n-c‑p-²-a‑m-b‑n B {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯ \-b‑n¡‑p-¶-X‑v.

P-\‑m-[‑n-]-X‑y-s‑¯ i-à‑n-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑n-s‑¡‑m-ï‑v t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑â B-[‑p-\‑nI-X‑z \‑nÀ-a‑n-X‑nb‑n {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I h‑mÀ-¯-b‑n-e‑q-s‑S ]-{‑X-§Ä h-l‑n-¨ ]-¦‑m-W‑v P-b-{‑]-I‑m-i‑v t‑c-J-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-¶X‑v. a-e-b-‑m-f¯‑n C-X‑ph-s‑c {‑]-k‑n-²‑o-I-c‑n-¨‑n-«‑p-Å a‑m-[‑y-a-k‑w_-Ô‑nb‑m-b {‑K-Ù-§-s‑f‑m-¶‑p‑w C-¯-c-s‑a‑m-c‑p N-c‑n-{‑X-]-ca‑m-b I‑m-g‑v-N-¸‑m-S‑n-s‑â A-S‑n-Ø‑m-\¯‑n D-ï‑m-b-hbÃ. {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑nI-h‑mÀ-¯‑, s‑]‑m-s‑ä-¡‑m-«‑n-s‑â I‑r-j‑v-W-¡‑p-d‑p-¸‑v k‑r-j-‑vS‑n-¡‑p-¶ D-X‑v-I-W‑vT-b‑v¡‑p‑w a-ä‑p {‑]-t‑Z-i-§-f‑n-e‑p-Å-hÀ-¡‑p X‑m-X‑v-]-c‑y-‑w I‑p-d-ª k‑w-`-h-h‑n-h-c-W-¯‑n-\‑p-a-¸‑p-d‑w {‑]‑m-[‑m-\‑y-a‑p-Å-X‑p‑w t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑â B-[‑p-\‑n-I‑o-I-c-W¯‑n a‑p-J‑y-]-¦‑p-h-l‑n-¨X‑pa‑m-b h‑y-h-l‑m-c-a‑m-s‑W-¶‑p Ø‑m-]‑n-¡‑p-¶ "\‑m-«‑p-h‑mÀ-¯-b‑ps‑S I‑m-e-§Ä‑' a‑m-[‑y-a‑o-I‑r-X-k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-t‑e-¡‑p-Å t‑I-c-f-¯‑ns‑â ]-c‑n-hÀ-¯-\-N-c‑n-{‑X-a‑mW‑v. {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯-s‑b a-eb‑m-f ]-{‑X-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-¯‑ns‑âb‑p‑w ]-{‑X-h‑y-h-k‑m-b-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w a‑q-e-[-\-\‑n-t‑£-]h‑p‑w {‑_‑m³-U‑p-a‑m-¡‑n a‑mä‑m³ I-g‑n-ª X-e-a‑p-d-b‑n-s‑e ]-{‑X-{‑]hÀ¯-IÀ {‑i-a‑n-¨-X‑n-s‑â a‑mX‑r-I H-c‑p I-¯‑nÂ-\‑n-¶‑v D-²-c‑n¡s‑«. 1953 t‑a-b‑v A-©‑n-\‑v a‑m-X‑r-`‑q-a‑n ]-{‑X‑m-[‑n-]À-¡‑p-t‑h-ï‑n H-c‑p k-l-]-{‑X‑m-[‑n-]À I-®‑q-c‑n-s‑e Hc‑p {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-t‑e-JI-\‑v A-b-¨ I-¯‑m-W‑nX‑v. ""A-S‑p-¯ Bg‑v-N a‑p-X "a‑m-X‑r-`‑q-a‑n‑'b‑p-s‑S t‑]-P‑p-IÄ hÀ-[‑n-¸‑n-¡‑ph‑m³ GÀ-¸-‑m-S‑p s‑N-b‑v-X‑n-«‑pï‑v. A-X‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑v d‑n-t‑¸‑mÀ-«‑p-IÄ¡‑p‑w aä‑p‑w I‑q-S‑p-X Ø-e-a-\‑p-h-Z‑n-¡‑ph‑m³

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(34) D-X‑v-]‑m-Z-\-¯‑n-s‑e {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h-X‑v-I-cW‑w. D-X‑v-]‑mZ-\‑w h‑n-t‑I{‑µ‑o-I‑r-X-a‑m-b-t‑X‑m-s‑S A-h F-h‑n-s‑S-b‑mt‑W‑m A-¨-S‑n-¡‑p¶-X‑v B {‑]-t‑Z-i-¯‑p-\‑n-¶‑p-Å h‑mÀ¯-IÄ I‑q-S‑p-X-e‑m-b‑n t‑i-J-c‑n¡‑m\‑p‑w DÄ-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑m\‑p‑w X‑p-S§‑n. {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I- h‑mÀ¯-IÄ AY-h‑m \‑m-«‑p-h‑mÀ-¯-IÄ-¡‑v {‑]‑m-a‑pJ‑y‑w I‑n«‑m³ C-X‑v I‑m-cW-a‑mb‑n. X-§-f‑p-s‑S N‑p-ä‑p-h-«-s‑¯ h‑mÀ¯-IÄ ]-{‑X-§f‑n h-c‑m³- X‑p-S-§‑n-b-t‑X‑m-s‑S h‑m-b-\-¡‑mÀ¡‑p‑w X‑m-X‑v-]c‑y‑w I‑qS‑n. C-h-b‑p-s‑S t‑i-J-c-W-¯‑n-\‑mb‑n {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I- ]-{‑X-{‑]-hÀ¯-\‑w F-¶ ]-{‑X-{‑]-hÀ-¯-\-c‑o-X‑n X-s‑¶ D-S-s‑e-S‑p¯‑p. C-¶‑v FÃ‑m s‑N-d‑p-]-«-W-§-f‑ne‑p‑w \‑m-«‑n³-]‑p-d-§-f‑nÂ-t‑¸‑me‑p‑w a‑p-J‑y-[‑m-c‑m]-{‑X-§-f‑p-s‑S {‑]-X‑n-\‑n-[‑n-I-f‑pï‑v. s‑s‑e-\À‑, k‑v-{‑S‑n§À‑, ]‑mÀ-«‑vs‑s‑S‑w I-d-k‑v-t‑]‑mïâ‑v F-¶‑n§-s‑\ A-d‑n-b-s‑¸-S‑p-¶ {‑]‑m-t‑Z-

b‑p‑w. h-fÀ-¨b‑p‑w {‑]-hÀ-¯-\-§f‑p‑w I-t‑¼‑m-f-X‑m-X‑v-]-c‑y-§f‑p‑w h‑n-]-W-\-X-{‑´-§-f‑p‑w C-\‑nb‑p‑w F-g‑p-X-s‑¸-t‑S-ï‑n-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ k-a-{‑Ka‑m-b a-e-b‑m-f-a‑m-[‑y-a-N-c‑n-{‑X-¯‑n-\‑p h‑n-i-Ie-\‑w s‑N-¿‑m\‑p-Å h‑n-j-b-§-f‑mW‑v. t‑I-c-f k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-s‑â h‑n-t‑a‑m-N-\-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w B-[‑p-\‑nI‑o-I-c-W-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w N-c‑n{‑X‑w h-{‑I‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑m-s‑X {‑]-X‑n-^-e‑n¸‑n-¡‑p-¶ \‑n-e-¡-®‑m-S‑n-b‑mW‑v {‑]‑m-t‑Zi‑n-I h‑mÀ-¯. ]-s‑¯‑m¼X‑m‑w \‑q-ä‑m-ï‑ns‑\-d a-[‑y‑w-s‑X‑m-«‑v t‑I-c-f-k-a‑q-l-¯‑n-e‑p-ï‑m-b ]-c‑n-hÀ-¯-\-§-f‑p-s‑S N-c‑n{‑X‑w a-e-b‑m-f-]-{‑X-§f‑n {‑]-X‑y£-s‑¸« {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯-I-f‑p-s‑S `‑m-j‑m-]-c-h‑p‑w B-J‑y‑m-\]-ch‑p‑w {‑]-t‑a-b-]-c-h‑pa‑m-b ]-c‑n-hÀ-¯-\-§f‑n h‑m-b‑n-¡‑m\‑m-h‑p‑w. {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ-¯-I-f‑n \-a‑p-¡‑v t‑I-c-f-¯‑n-s‑â

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h‑n-t‑a‑m-N-\-N-c‑n-{‑X‑w h‑m-b‑n-¡‑m‑w. I-g‑n-ª H-¶-c-\‑q-ä‑m-ï‑m-b‑n t‑I-c-f¯‑n \-S-¶‑p-s‑I‑m-ï‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-¶ B-[‑p-\‑n-I-X‑z-{‑]-{‑I‑nb-b‑ps‑‑p-S k-h‑n-t‑i-j-X-If‑p‑w ]-²-X‑n-If‑p‑w s‑s‑h-c‑p-[‑y-§f‑p‑w A-hb‑n s‑X-f‑n-ª‑p-\‑nÂ-¡‑p¶‑p; ]-c‑n-hÀ-¯\-§Ä a‑m-{‑Xaà A-`‑n-e‑m-j-§f‑p‑w A-]-Y-k-©‑m-c-§f‑p‑w A-k‑w-_-Ô-XIf‑p‑w I‑q-S‑n-b‑p‑w. {‑]‑m-t‑Z-i‑n-I-h‑mÀ¯-IÄ {‑]-X‑n-^-e‑n-¸‑n-¨X‑p‑w \‑nÀ-a‑n-¨-X‑pa‑m-b ]-c‑n-hÀ-¯-t‑\-Ñ-I-s‑fb‑p‑w h‑n-t‑a‑m-N-\-b-X‑v-\§-s‑fb‑p‑w B-[‑p-\‑n-IX‑z‑m-i-b-§-s‑fb‑p‑w C§-s‑\ G-I-t‑Z-ia‑m-b‑n t‑c-J-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑m‑w: Ø-e-¯‑n-s‑â h‑n-t‑a‑m-N\‑w‑, a-\‑p-j‑yc‑nÂ-\‑n-¶‑p h‑y-à‑n-b‑n-t‑e-¡‑p-Å h‑n-t‑a‑m-N\‑w‑, k‑v-{‑X‑o-b‑p-s‑S h‑n-t‑a‑m-N-\‑w‑, s‑]‑m-X‑p-P-\‑m-`‑n-{‑]‑m-b-¯‑n-s‑â c‑q-]-h-X‑v-I-cW‑w‑,

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BKÌv 2014

(36) Lighthouse

Ashok R Chandran

When a University Bored of Studies Sets the Standards

A column that throws light on studies about Kerala media, and explores the problems and possibilities of studying Kerala media


ast month, when this column turned the spotlight on the Kerala University’s Department of Communication and Journalism, I mentioned that academic freedom appears to have been abused there, as at other places in the state. Giving an example, I wrote about the assessment of scholarly output: “Rather than encourage the publication of scholarly articles in good, international, and national journals, the faculty have set the bar low with a questionable list of ‘Standard Journals in Communication and Journalism’.”1 Subsequently, a faculty member informed me that the Board of Studies had taken up the problem, and that the list of journals would be revised after consulting experts. That is good news and a laudable initiative. De jure, it is the University’s Board of Studies that decides whether a journal is a “standard journal” or not; anecdotally, we know that de facto power lies

BKÌv 2014

with the concerned University department’s faculty. So, what are the options before the Communication and Journalism Department? Broadly, there are two approaches to revising the list of journals: the genuine approach and the window dressing approach.


The first approach is to undertake a genuine effort to improve research in the Department and accordingly prepare the list of journals as a part of that larger process. Ipso facto, it calls for more and better research by the faculty and researchers there in the next 5–10 years. What is the role of the journals’ list in this process? How is it likely to boost the quantity and quality of research? In this approach, the Department prepares a list of very good journals in Communication,

Journalism, and allied fields. This will encourage and incentivise the faculty and researchers in the Department to publish their research findings in those journals. By including only the very good journals in the list, the bar is set sufficiently high, which ends up pushing individuals to work hard; it will bring out the best in them. Once the faculty and the researchers begin publishing in these very good journals, they will get noticed by peers, and over time the Department too will be recognised as a good centre for research. It will thereafter enter a virtuous cycle—well-earned reputation will attract good researchers and faculty to the Department, which will produce good research in a sustainable manner, which in turn will attract more of good researchers. If the Department were to only increase the number of PhDs awarded or journal articles published per year, it may not enhance the reputation of the Department; quality too must be raised for peer recognition. The list of journals, which is invariably linked to promotion (and at some stage, appointments too),

(37) is a lever that the Department must build with care. Because even though the list of journals is only a piece of paper with a few names, it has the potential to set standards that the Department aspires to and works towards. One criterion that a peer uses to judge the Department, especially its seriousness as a research centre, would be the list of journals that the Department recognises as “standard” and good.

Window Dressing

The second approach is to carry out window dressing—what

the Oxford Dictionary defines as “an adroit but superficial or misleading presentation of something, designed to create a favourable impression.” In this approach, the Department prepares a list of journals which contains not just the reputed research journals but also publications of much lower standard. The top-ranked journals are included to make a favourable impression, while the faculty publish in the lower quality journals and secure promotions (and appointments).

The system ends up incentivising faculty and researchers to publish in the lower quality journals, and progressively drives down the standard of research in the Department. To an outsider’s eye, the value of any “list of standard journals” is only as much as the value of the weakest journal in that list, not the strongest journal in the list. A department or university that adopts the window dressing approach would not fool the media research community; it would only end up making a fool of itself. We know from the

Communication and Journalism Department’s own experience in the past 30 years that this approach leads to the lowering of research standards and eventual decaying of the Department’s research culture. Elsewhere in Kerala University, the tale is much the same if we examine the lists of journals prepared for Economics and Political Science.2

Ingenuity without Integrity

The second approach is common in Kerala’s universities. It thrives due to collusion by

local peers, a thick-skinned Board of Studies, and the breakdown of public accountability of universities. Peer pressure, which should ordinarily have curbed wrongdoing and unethical practices, unfortunately works in the opposite direction in the big village that is Kerala—due to fear of ostracisation, nobody cries out that the emperor is naked. But the party does not last forever. Along comes a little boy. One amusing feature of the window dressing approach is how its architects make up for lack of integrity, with loads of ingenuity. Tactics that lower standards are aplenty. Tactic #1 is to include “professional” or “popular” journals in the list, such as Vidura and Media. Indeed, it is desirable to also assess a faculty member’s contributions to the profession (journalism education or journalism) and society in general (through articles in the popular press). But when peer-reviewed articles in reputed academic journals are equated with nonpeer-reviewed articles, vested interests are at work. The right way forward is to have separate assessments for faculty contribution to research (by assessing peer-reviewed articles in good academic journals) and outreach (by assessing non-peer-reviewed articles in professional or popular periodicals). A weighted approach is unlikely to help because it would be abused and the system would be gamed sooner than later. Tactic #2 is to launch journals from the Department itself and include these in the list. Here too, there is nothing wrong per se in a department starting an academic journal that maintains moderate-to-high standards. But in recent times, departmental journals have revealed themselves to be yet another exercise in cleverness. We see the same journalism department launching more than one journal (none of which it sustains beyond BKÌv 2014

(38) one or two issues), and using these “peer reviewed” journals to accommodate sub-standard articles by colleagues and friendly faculty from neighbouring universities. These journals are apparently launched to impress accreditation agencies or meet immediate promotion requirements, rather than make any long-run contribution to the field of Communication and Journalism studies. There is hardly any justification for including fly-by-night journals, even if they are from your own

department. The right way forward is to evaluate home journals along the same criteria used for evaluating any other academic journal. Also, strategically, the Department faculty and researchers should publish widely in national journals and win peer recognition, before launching their own journal. Tactic #3 is to play the mothertongue card, by arguing that there are no peer-reviewed publications in Malayalam and hence popular magazines must be included

Kerala University’s Department of Communication and Journalism Photo: Ashok R Chandran

The window dressing approach is common in Kerala’s universities. It thrives due to collusion by local peers, a thick-skinned Board of Studies, and the breakdown of public accountability of universities. Peer pressure, which should ordinarily have curbed wrongdoing and unethical practices, unfortunately works in the opposite direction in the big village that is Kerala— due to fear of ostracisation, nobody cries out that the emperor is naked. BKÌv 2014

in the list of standard journals. This tactic—a future variant of which could be the launching of a peer-reviewed Malayalam journal to serve the vested interests of faculty in Kerala’s universities—is essentially adopted to run away from decent peer review at the national or international level. Apparently, the faculty’s love of Malayalam does not overflow into daily classroom teaching; classes in university departments are still conducted in English.

The Way Forward

Thus far, I have only briefly touched upon the genuine approach. Next month, I shall elaborate on it, and discuss how to overcome the challenges we face while walking in that direction. Still, let there be no doubt as to which of the two approaches is the way forward. Now that the Board of Studies of Kerala University has decided to revise its list of standard journals in Communication and Journalism, the Department should discard the window dressing approach and instead adopt the genuine approach. Let it become a model for other departments in the University. Otherwise the revision would not only be unhelpful in raising the research standards of the Department but would also expose itself to ridicule.

Ashok R. Chandran is an independent researcher in Palakkad, Kerala. E-mail: studykeralamedia@ 1. Ashok R. Chandran, “Old is Not Gold,” Media, July 2014, pp 33—35. 2. See http://research.keralauniversity. The standard journals in Economics according to Kerala University’s Board of Studies are Indian Development Review, International Journal of Marketing and Trade Policy,Social Science in Perspective, Kurukshetra, Yojana (English), and Southern Economist. In the case of Political Science, the list has 216 journals ranging from the globally reputed to local favourites.


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(40) t‑_‑m‑w_‑p a‑qS‑n h¨ I‑pg‑nIf‑p‑w \‑nd ª‑, ]¯‑p NX‑pc{‑i s‑s‑a h‑nk‑vX‑o À®a‑pÅ‑, \‑nt‑c‑m[‑nXt‑aJeb‑n AIs‑¸«‑p t‑]‑mb‑n. \‑mbb‑ps‑S DSab‑m b h‑o«½ Icª‑p s‑I‑mï‑v t‑]‑me‑ok‑n  ]c‑mX‑ns‑¸S‑p¶ t‑¢‑mk¸‑p‑w h‑nhcW h‑pa‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p h‑mÀ¯. C‑u h‑mÀ¯b‑ns‑e P\{‑]‑nbX a\Ê‑ne‑m¡‑nb s‑k{‑I«d‑n a‑oU‑nb‑ms‑b a‑mt‑\P‑v s‑N¿‑m³ Ic‑p¡Ä \‑o¡‑n. k‑w`h‑w DS\S‑n t‑Zi‑ob N‑m\e‑pIf‑n h¶‑p. h³ h‑mÀ¯b‑mb‑n. \‑mbs‑b c£‑n¡‑q. kÀ¡‑mÀ \‑nj‑v{‑I‑nba‑mW‑v. {‑][‑m\a{‑´‑n {‑I‑qc\‑mW‑v. klP‑oh‑n

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BKÌv 2014

(41) Students’ Corner

J. V. Vil’anilam

Indian Journalism in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Indian journalism between 1780 and 1880 can be divided into three phases.


ndian journalism between 1780 and 1880 can be divided into three phases: Anglo–Indian, Indo–Anglian, and Indian Language journalism. We do not use “Vernacular” for the third phase because the term has an etymological connection with “verna,” which also means “a native slave.”

Anglo–Indian Journalism

By this term, we mean newspapers started by Englishmen in India mainly for the communication needs of people from the British Isles settled in the British provinces in India for commercial, administrative, military, and trade purposes. The early English newspapers did not spring from any indigenous need; they emerged from petty social and political dissatisfactions of the Britishers settled in Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, and other British provinces. They were English newspapers started by English settlers for fellow-English

citizens. Starting from Hicky’s Gazette, there is a fairly long list of social and commercial English newspaper editors and businessmen. Prominent among them were commercial journalists such as James Silk Buckingham and Sir William Hunter, and intellectuals such as William Carey, Joshua Marshman, and William Ward, who were also missionaries, journalists, writers, and teachers, in the 18th century; and Robert Knight, T. J. Bennett, and F. M. Coleman in the 19th century. Robert Knight was the founder-editor of the Times of India (Bombay) first, and then of the Statesman (Calcutta). There were Rudyard Kipling, Charles Lawson, Pat Lovett, and many other bright Englishmen as editors and journalists working in different English newspapers in various parts of India.

Indo–Anglian Journalism

By “Indo-Anglian,” we mean English newspapers started or edited by Indians. Gangadhar Bhattacharya was among the

earliest, if not the earliest, Indian to start a newspaper in English. Under the influence of the philosopher, Brahmo Samaj leader, writer, and public speaker Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Bhattacharya started the Bengal Gazette, which lasted for four years from 1816. The paper inaugurated the trend among educated Indians with sound knowledge of English to start newspapers. The trend has lasted for nearly two centuries, and it is likely to last as long as the use of English as a medium of communication and education lasts in India. In fact, all the famous English newspapers of India that were started in subsequent decades of the 19th century—including the Hindu, the Indian Express, and the Hindustan Times—were following the tradition started by Bhattacharya. Although English is claimed as the mother-tongue only by an infinitely small number of Indians compared to the total population, it exercises considerable influence on the administrators and the educated sections of different linguistic BKÌv 2014

(42) areas of India, even in the 21st century. The leaders of the Indian Independence movement, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Bal Gangadhar Tilak, had their English newspapers to spread their nationalist ideas that helped in the freedom struggle. The


Indian Language Journalism In June 1818, the Serampore (Srirampur, near Calcutta) missionaries started the first Indian-language newspaper of India, namely, Digdarsan (“World vision”). It was soon followed in October 1818 by another Bengali

other intellectuals in various provinces, and by the middle of the 19th century, there were newspapers in Indian languages all over the country. Although their circulation was small, these newspapers played a significant role in spreading nationalism and patriotism, at least among the literate and educated Indians. The mid-19th century also saw the establishment of printing presses in different linguistic areas. Printed primers and proverb collections as well as secular, religious, and literary magazines became common. Many of these led to standard prose, grammatical rules and norms, dictionaries, vocabulary lists, and collections of pithy and poetic sayings. Above all, secular newspapers dealt with economic and political issues of interest to a large number of educated Indians, particularly in regions where Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Punjabi, Assamese. Oriya, or Urdu were spoken.1 See you later, communicator! Professor Dr. J. V. Vil’anilam was Vice-Chancellor (1992-1996) and Head of the Department of Communication & Journalism (19821992) at the University of Kerala. As Professor Emeritus of the UGC he has taught at Berhampur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Dharwar, and Mangalore universities from 1996 onwards. Visit his website

Statue of Raja Ram Mohan Roy

services of Kasturi Ranga Iyengar, G. Subramonia Iyer, and others in the Madras Presidency, where the Hindu was started in 1878, and those of the Ghosh brothers who started the Amrit Bazaar Patrika (first in Bengali and then in English in 1868) will always be remembered in Indian journalism BKÌv 2014

newspaper, the Samachar Darpan (“The Mirror of News”) by the same Serampore trio. The Bengali nationalists and patriots started newspapers, an example of which was Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s Samwaad Kowmudi. Roy, who led the Bengal Renaissance, set an example for

1. For a quick survey of journalism history in different regions, see J. V. Vilanilam. 2003. Growth and Development of Mass Communication in India, New Delhi: National Book Trust of India. Read also the author’s article in Malayalam, “Onnaam Swatantria Samaravum Patrangalum,” (The First War of Independence and Newspapers) in Yojana, August 2007, pp 36–40, where a list of prominent newspapers published in India during 1850–1870 is given. See also his Religious Communication in India, Trivandrum: Kairali Books International, 1987.



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ll our machines are screens. We too have become screens, and the interactivity of men has become the interactivity of screens. Nothing that appears on the screen is meant to be deciphered in depth, but actually to be explored instantaneously, in an abreaction immediate to meaning-or an immediate convolution of the poles of representation” -Jean Baudrillard

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]‑n´‑pSÀ¶‑ps‑I‑mï‑v \‑ne\‑n¡‑p¶ k‑ma‑ql‑yLS\b‑n "a‑m[‑yak‑w k‑vI‑mc‑w‑' F¶‑p kh‑nt‑ija‑mb‑n h‑niZ‑oIc‑n¡‑mh‑p¶ H¶‑v c‑q]‑ws‑I‑mff‑p ¶s‑X§s‑\s‑b¶‑v Ba‑pJ¯‑n _‑nK‑vs‑\ N‑qï‑n¡‑mW‑n¡‑p¶‑pï‑v. k‑m‑wk‑vI‑mc‑nI {‑]{‑I‑nbIf‑p‑w Ah k‑m[‑ya‑mI‑p¶ c‑m{‑ã‑ob þ k‑m¼ Post Modern Media Culture Jonathan Bignell Aakar, 2000

¯‑nI þ A[‑nI‑mcLS\If‑p‑w X½‑ne‑p ff _Ôa‑mW‑v a‑mÀI‑vk‑nb³ ka‑o] \¯‑n k‑m‑wk‑vI‑mc‑nI h‑naÀi\¯‑n \S‑n¯db‑mI‑p¶X‑v. a‑m[‑ya aÞe ¯‑ne‑p‑w as‑ä‑m¶Ã CX‑ns‑â c‑oX‑n. a‑m[‑ya]‑mT§t‑f‑m k‑mt‑¦X‑nIXIt‑f‑m t‑{‑]£I_Ô§t‑f‑m F´‑pa‑mIs‑«‑, B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´c t‑e‑mIkµÀ`¯‑n a‑m[‑yak‑wk‑vI‑mc¯‑ns‑â c‑m{‑ã‑ob k‑zc‑q]‑w \‑nÀ®b‑n¡‑p¶X‑v t‑ae‑v]d ª _Ô‑wXs‑¶b‑mW‑v. B[‑p\‑nI‑m \´cXs‑b k‑w_Ô‑n¡‑p¶ {‑]a‑pJ §f‑mb A¡‑mZa‑nI k‑n²‑m´§fh Xc‑n¸‑n¨‑ps‑I‑mï‑v a‑m[‑yak‑wk‑vI‑mc s‑¯ Ah F§s‑\ k‑z‑m[‑o\‑n¡‑p¶‑p s‑h¶‑p‑w a‑m[‑ya§Ä B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´ cXb‑n F§s‑\ c‑m{‑ã‑oba‑mb‑n CSs‑]S‑p¶‑ps‑h¶‑p‑w h‑niZ‑oIc‑n¡‑pI b‑mW‑v C‑u {‑]_Ô§f‑ps‑S/A[‑y‑mb §f‑ps‑S c‑oX‑n. a‑pJ‑ya‑mb‑p‑w k‑n\‑na‑, s‑Se‑nh‑nj³‑, \ha‑m[‑ya§Ä F¶‑nh s‑b t‑I{‑µ‑oIc‑n¨‑v `‑n¶KW§f‑p‑w c‑q]§f‑p‑w DÄs‑¡‑mff‑p¶ kaI‑me a‑m[‑yac‑wK‑w s‑hf‑ns‑¸S‑p¯‑p¶ B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´c IÀX‑rX‑z§f‑ps‑Sb‑p‑w k‑zX‑z§f‑ps‑Sb‑p‑w Aht‑e‑mI\a‑mb‑n a‑md‑p¶‑p‑, Ch. H¶‑ma[‑y‑mb‑w B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´cX s‑b¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff s‑s‑k²‑m´‑nI ]c‑nI e‑v]\If‑n N‑neX‑ns‑â AhXcW a‑mW‑v. B[‑p\‑nIXs‑b k‑w_Ô‑n¨‑p ï‑mb Gäh‑p‑w {‑]ik‑vXa‑mb a‑mÀI‑vk‑n b³ \‑nc‑o£W§s‑f¶ \‑neb‑n {‑^‑m¦‑v^À«‑v k‑vI‑qÄ N‑n´Ic‑ps‑S h‑niIe\§Ä a‑p³\‑nÀ¯‑nb‑p‑w a‑mÀj aI‑ve‑qls‑â Bib§Ä BKÌv 2014

(44) N‑neX‑p k‑qN‑n¸‑n¨‑pa‑mW‑v C‑u NÀ¨b‑p s‑S ]c‑nkc‑w _‑nK‑vs‑\ Hc‑p¡‑p¶X‑v. X‑pSÀ¶‑v s‑{‑^Ud‑nI‑v Pb‑n‑wk¬‑, {‑^‑mt‑¦‑m e‑nt‑b‑m¯‑mÀ‑, P‑o³ t‑_‑mZ‑n e‑mZ‑v F¶‑nhc‑ps‑S k‑n²‑m´§Ä t‑{‑I‑mU‑oIc‑n¨‑v B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´cXb‑p s‑S k‑m‑wk‑vI‑mc‑nI c‑m{‑ã‑ob‑w h‑niZ‑oI c‑n¡‑p¶‑p. a‑m[‑ya§s‑f t‑I{‑µ‑oIc‑n¨‑v Cc‑p]X‑m‑w \‑qä‑mï‑ne‑pï‑mb a‑ue‑nI §f‑mb k‑m‑wk‑vI‑mc‑nI h‑niIe\§ s‑f k‑ma‑m\‑y‑w ka{‑Ka‑mb‑n ]c‑nNbs‑¸ S‑p¯‑pIb‑mW‑v Ch‑ns‑S _‑nK‑vs‑\e‑ns‑â e£‑y‑w. AX‑ps‑I‑mï‑pI‑qS‑nb‑mW‑v a‑mÀI‑vk‑nÌ‑v N‑n´IÀs‑¡‑m¸‑w aI‑ve‑ql s‑\t‑¸‑me‑pffhs‑cb‑p‑w At‑±l‑w B{‑i b‑n¡‑p¶X‑v. k‑m{‑a‑mP‑y¯‑, a‑pXe‑mf‑n ¯‑, h‑n]W‑n a‑m[‑ya§Ä¡‑pt‑\s‑cb‑p ff a‑mÀI‑vk‑nb³ h‑naÀi\§Äs‑¡‑m ¸‑w k‑v{‑X‑o‑, h‑wi‑w X‑pS§‑nbhs‑b¡‑p d‑n¨‑v Ì‑phÀ«‑vl‑mf‑p‑w K‑mb{‑X‑nk‑v]‑nh‑m ¡‑p‑w DÄs‑¸s‑Sb‑pffhÀ a‑pt‑¶‑m«‑p hb‑v¡‑p¶ a‑mÀI‑vk‑nÌ‑m\´cþt‑I‑mf\‑n b\´c h‑niIe\§f‑p‑w Ch‑ns‑S _‑nK‑vs‑\ ]c‑nNbs‑¸S‑p¯‑p¶‑p. D‑w_Àt‑«‑m Ft‑¡‑mb‑ps‑S N‑nÓh‑nÚ‑m \‑ob]ca‑mb a‑m[‑ya]T\a‑mW‑v Ct‑± l‑w N‑qï‑n¡‑mW‑n¡‑p¶ as‑ä‑mc‑p t‑aJe. N‑pc‑p¡¯‑nÂ‑, 1960 IÄ s‑X‑m«‑pXs‑¶ a‑m[‑yac‑wK¯‑v B[‑p\‑n I‑m\´cX Hc‑p b‑mY‑mÀY‑ya‑ms‑W¶‑p kaÀY‑n¨‑ps‑I‑mï‑v t‑ae‑v]dª s‑s‑k²‑m´‑nIc‑ps‑S k¦e‑v]\§f‑p‑w ]c‑nIe‑v]\If‑p‑w _‑nK‑vs‑\ Xs‑â ]T\¯‑ns‑â `‑qa‑nIb‑m¡‑p¶‑p. X‑pSÀ¶‑pff Bd[‑y‑mb§f‑n a‑m[‑ya§s‑f t‑I{‑µ‑oIc‑n¨‑pff ]‑mTh‑n iIe\§f‑p‑w s‑]‑mX‑pNÀ¨If‑p‑w hg‑n B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´cXb‑ps‑S a‑m[‑yak‑w k‑vI‑mc‑w {‑]X‑ybi‑mk‑v{‑X\‑nj‑vTa‑mb‑n h‑y‑mJ‑y‑m\‑n¡‑p¶‑p‑, {‑KÙI‑mc³. cï‑p‑w a‑q¶‑p‑w A[‑y‑mb§f‑n NÀ¨s‑N¿s‑¸S‑p¶ a‑m[‑ya‑w k‑n\‑na b‑mW‑v. "Nc‑n{‑X¯‑ns‑â A´‑yh‑p‑w Ne¨‑n{‑X‑mJ‑y‑m\h‑p‑w' F¶ A[‑y‑mb‑w‑, "Z s‑\b‑n‑w H‑m^‑v Z t‑d‑mk‑v‑'‑, ‑"s‑kh³‑' F¶‑o k‑n\‑naIÄ a‑p³\‑nÀ¯‑n Ne ¨‑n{‑XIeb‑n k‑w`h‑n¡‑p¶ "Nc‑n{‑X ¯‑ns‑â A´‑y‑w‑' F¶ AhØb‑ps‑S B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´c s‑s‑k²‑m´‑nI ]c‑n Ie‑v]\ AhXc‑n¸‑n¡‑p¶‑p. Nc‑n{‑X¯‑n s‑â {‑]X‑nkÔ‑nIÄ N‑qï‑n¡‑mW‑n¡‑p ¶ s‑{‑^Ud‑nI‑v Pb‑n‑wk¬‑, t‑_‑mZ‑n e‑mZ‑v F¶‑nhs‑c¡‑mÄ 1989þ ‑"Nc‑n{‑X ¯‑ns‑â A´‑y‑'s‑¯¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff {‑]k‑n ²a‑mb k‑n²‑m´ahXc‑n¸‑n¨ {‑^‑m³ k‑nk‑v ^‑p¡‑pb‑mas‑bb‑mW‑v _‑nK‑vs‑\ ]‑n´‑pSc‑p¶X‑v. s‑lK ]s‑¯‑m³] X‑m‑w \‑qä‑mï‑ns‑â X‑pS¡¯‑nehXc‑n ¸‑n¨ Nc‑n{‑Xs‑¯¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff XX‑zN‑n ´s‑b ]‑n³]ä‑nb‑p‑w AeI‑vk‑mïÀ BKÌv 2014

Ip«nIfpsS am[yakwkvImcs¯ B[p\nIm\´cXbpsS ]mTcq]§fnsem¶mbn hniIe\w sN¿p¶p, \memas¯ teJ\w. km[mcW am[ya]T\§fn ImWp¶Xpt]mse, Ip«nIÄ¡mbpff sSenhnj³ Nm\epIsf¡pdn¨pam{Xaà _nKvs\ensâ At\zjWw \ofp¶Xv. sKbnapIÄ, Ifn¸m«§Ä F¶n§s\ Ip«nIÄ hnjbnIfpw hnjb§fpamIp¶ CXc am[ya]mT§fpw Cu NÀ¨bn IS¶phcp¶p. hmÄ«À _³ban³, entbm¯mÀ F¶nhcpsS ]T\§fmWv apJyambpw _nKvs\ D]tbmKs¸Sp¯p¶Xv. ssewKnIX, A{Iaw, icocw F¶n§s\ \nch[n cm{ãob§fnte¡p hfcp¶ ]mT§fpw cq]§fpw Ip«nIÄ¡pthïnbpff am[ya§sf Hcp h³ BtKmfhyhkmbam¡n amänbncn¡p¶p.

(45) s‑I‑mt‑Ph‑ns‑\ B{‑ib‑n¨‑pa‑mW‑v ^‑p¡‑pb‑ma Xs‑â k‑n²‑m´a‑mh‑nj‑v¡ c‑n¡‑p¶X‑v. At‑ac‑n¡³ k‑n\‑nab‑v¡‑p s‑s‑Ih¶ h‑n]W‑nI‑p¯I‑, Bt‑K‑mf h¡cW¯‑ns‑âb‑p‑w D¯c‑m[‑p\‑nI a‑mb D]t‑`‑mKk‑wk‑vI‑mc¯‑ns‑âb‑p‑w a‑mX‑rIb‑mb‑n Iï‑v h‑niZ‑oIc‑n¡‑p¶‑p‑, _‑nK‑vs‑\Â. s‑hf‑n]‑mS‑ns‑\ (apocalypse‑)¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff s‑s‑{‑Ik‑vXh k¦e‑v]s‑¯ ]‑mTh¡c‑n¡‑p¶ k‑ml‑nX‑y‑, k‑n\‑na‑mcN\Is‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑p ff NÀ¨If‑ne‑qs‑S _‑nK‑vs‑\ C‑u XX‑z‑w h‑niZ‑oIc‑n¡‑p¶‑p. a‑q¶‑ma[‑y‑mb¯‑n t‑ae‑v]dª cï‑p k‑n\‑naIÄ¡‑ps‑a‑m¸‑w "{‑U‑m¡‑pf‑' I‑qS‑n h‑niIe\¯‑n\‑p k‑z‑oIc‑n¡‑p¶‑p. "Writing and Cinema' F¶ Xs‑â Xs‑¶ {‑KÙ¯‑n _‑nK‑vs‑\ Bh‑n j‑v¡c‑n¨ ka‑o]\§f‑ps‑S a‑mX‑rI‑m ]‑mT‑w. k‑ml‑nX‑yh‑p‑w k‑n\‑nab‑p‑w X½‑ne‑pff _Ôs‑¯ kh‑nt‑ija‑m s‑b‑mc‑p I‑mg‑vN¸‑mS‑n ]T‑n¡‑p¶‑p Ch‑ns‑S. (s‑kh³‑, Gs‑X¦‑ne‑p‑w k‑ml‑nX‑yI‑rX‑nb‑ps‑S t‑\c‑n«‑pff A\‑p Ie‑v]\aÃ‑, ad‑n¨‑v \‑nch[‑n aX‑, k‑ml‑nX‑yt‑{‑k‑mXk‑pIf‑ps‑S {‑]t‑N‑mZ \‑w DÄs‑¡‑mï ]‑mT‑m´c k‑n\‑nab‑m W‑v.‑) `‑qXI‑me¯‑ns‑â a‑m{‑XaÃ‑, I‑pä‑m t‑\‑zjW‑w‑, Nc‑n{‑X‑w‑, BJ‑y‑m\c‑q]§ Ä‑, Fg‑p¯‑v‑, aX‑mN‑mc§Ä‑, K‑qVh‑nZ‑y IÄ X‑pS§‑nb \‑nch[‑n h‑yhl‑mc§ f‑ne‑qs‑S k‑rã‑n¡‑p¶ A´À]‑mT]c a‑mb Hc‑mJ‑y‑m\a‑mb‑n a‑md‑p¶‑p C‑u H‑mt‑c‑m k‑n\‑nab‑p‑w. ‑"Nc‑n{‑X¯‑ns‑â A]Nc‑n{‑Xh¡cW‑w‑' (Dehistoricisation of history‑) F¶‑v "{‑U‑m¡‑pf‑'s‑b h‑nf‑n¡‑p¶‑, _‑nK‑vs‑\ P\{‑]‑nbk‑wk‑vI‑mch‑p‑w DZ‑m¯k‑wk‑vI‑mch‑p‑w X½‑ne‑pff Ak‑m[‑mcWa‑mb Cg]‑nc‑nbe‑mW‑v C‑u k‑n\‑naIs‑f B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´ca‑m ¡‑p¶ LSI§f‑ns‑e‑m¶‑v. I‑p«‑nIf‑ps‑S a‑m[‑yak‑wk‑vI‑mcs‑¯ B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´cXb‑ps‑S ]‑mTc‑q]§f‑n s‑e‑m¶‑mb‑n h‑niIe\‑w s‑N¿‑p¶‑p‑, \‑me‑mas‑¯ t‑eJ\‑w. k‑m[‑mcW a‑m[‑ya]T\§f‑n I‑mW‑p¶X‑p t‑]‑ms‑e‑, I‑p«‑nIÄ¡‑mb‑pff s‑Se‑nh‑nj ³ N‑m\e‑pIs‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑pa‑m{‑Xaà _‑nK‑vs‑\e‑ns‑â At‑\‑zjW‑w \‑of‑p¶ X‑v. s‑Kb‑na‑pIÄ‑, If‑n¸‑m«§Ä F¶‑n §s‑\ I‑p«‑nIÄ h‑njb‑nIf‑p‑w h‑njb §f‑pa‑mI‑p¶ CXc a‑m[‑ya]‑mT§f‑p‑w C‑u NÀ¨b‑n IS¶‑phc‑p¶‑p. h‑mÄ«À _³ba‑n³‑, e‑nt‑b‑m¯‑mÀ F¶‑nhc‑ps‑S ]T\§f‑mW‑v a‑pJ‑ya‑mb‑p‑w _‑nK‑vs‑\ D]t‑b‑mKs‑¸S‑p¯‑p¶X‑v. s‑s‑e‑wK‑nIX‑, A{‑Ia‑w‑, ic‑oc‑w F¶‑n§s‑\ \‑nch[‑n c‑m{‑ã‑ob§f‑nt‑e¡‑p hfc‑p¶ ]‑mT§ f‑p‑w c‑q]§f‑p‑w I‑p«‑nIÄ¡‑pt‑hï‑nb‑p

ff a‑m[‑ya§s‑f Hc‑p h³ Bt‑K‑mf h‑yhk‑mba‑m¡‑n a‑mä‑nb‑nc‑n¡‑p¶‑p. A©‑ma[‑y‑mb‑w ‑"h‑mÀ¯‑ma‑m[‑ya §f‑p‑w B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´cXb‑p‑w X½‑n e‑pff _Ô‑'a‑mW‑v NÀ¨s‑N¿‑p¶X‑v. C‑u h‑njb¯‑ns‑â h‑niIe\§Ä¡‑v a‑n¡ a‑m[‑ya]T\§f‑p‑w B{‑ib‑n¡‑p ¶‑, KÄ^‑v b‑p²¯‑ns‑â s‑Se‑nh‑nj³ h‑mÀ¯If‑ps‑S NÀ¨b‑mW‑v _‑nK‑vs‑\ e‑p‑w \S¯‑p¶X‑v. Bt‑K‑mf‑, t‑Zi‑m ´c h‑mÀ¯‑ma‑m[‑ya§f‑ps‑S h‑mÀ¯‑m \‑nÀ½‑nX‑nb‑n Z‑ri‑y_‑n‑w_§Ä¡‑pff {‑]‑m[‑m\‑y‑w a‑p³\‑nÀ¯‑nb‑mW‑v C‑u NÀ¨ a‑pt‑¶d‑p¶X‑v. ‑"Hs‑c‑mä Ak‑vX‑nX‑z¯‑ns‑â _l‑pXe{‑]X‑nc‑q]§s‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff‑' h‑mÄ«À _³ba‑ns‑â \‑nc‑o£Wh‑p‑w (The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction F¶ {‑]_Ô‑w‑) ‑"t‑^‑mt‑«‑m{‑K‑m^‑nI‑v Ct‑aP‑n‑' s‑\¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff s‑d‑mf‑mM‑v _‑mÀ¯‑ns‑â ]T\h‑p‑w a‑pX s‑Se‑nh‑njs‑â {‑]X‑oX‑n/AX‑nb‑mY‑mÀY‑y§s‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑p ff t‑_‑mZ‑ne‑mZ‑ns‑â ]T\‑whs‑c _‑nK‑vs‑\ D]t‑b‑mKs‑¸S‑p¯‑p¶‑p. H¸‑w‑, s‑_e‑mdk‑v‑, U·‑mÀ¡‑v‑, C´‑y‑, C{‑k‑mt‑bÂ‑, Cäe‑n‑, s‑aI‑vk‑nt‑¡‑m‑, At‑ac‑n¡ F¶‑o c‑mP‑y§f‑n \S¯‑n b F‑w]‑nc‑n¡Â ]T\§f‑ps‑S AS‑n Ø‑m\¯‑n Is‑ï¯‑nb hk‑vX‑pXIÄ A]{‑KY‑n¡‑pIb‑p‑w s‑N¿‑p¶‑p. 1993 s‑ab‑v 11 s‑â s‑Se‑nh‑nj³ h‑mÀ¯ IÄ Iïhc‑ps‑S {‑]X‑nIcW§f‑nt‑· e‑mW‑v C‑u ]T\§Ä \S¶‑n«‑pffX‑v. t‑l_Àa‑mk‑ns‑â s‑]‑mX‑paÞe k¦e‑v]\¯‑ns‑â B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´c h‑y‑mJ‑y‑m\ k‑m[‑yXIÄ _‑nK‑vs‑\ Ch‑ns‑S {‑]t‑b‑mP\s‑¸S‑p¯‑pIb‑p‑w s‑N¿‑p¶‑p. Bt‑K‑mfXb‑nÂ\‑n¶‑v {‑]‑mt‑Zi‑nIX sPm\mYm³ _nKvs\Â

b‑nt‑e¡‑pff (From the global to the local‑) a‑m[‑ya§f‑ps‑S k‑m‑wk‑vI‑mc‑nI h‑yX‑nb‑m\§s‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑mW‑v Bd‑ma [‑y‑mb‑w. Bt‑K‑mfh¡cWh‑p‑w B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´cXb‑p‑w X½‑ne‑pff _Ô¯‑ns‑e I‑uX‑pIIca‑mb Hc‑p s‑s‑hc‑p[‑ya‑mb‑n ]ec‑p‑w N‑qï‑n¡‑mW‑n ¡‑p¶X‑mWt‑Ã‑m C‑u {‑]hWX. B[‑p \‑nIX‑, Bt‑K‑mfh¡cW¯‑nt‑e¡‑p ff hfÀ¨b‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑ps‑h¦‑n B[‑p \‑nI‑m\´cX {‑]‑mt‑Zi‑nIXb‑nt‑e¡‑p ff X‑nc‑n¨‑phch‑mW‑v F¶‑p h‑mZ‑n¡‑p ¶hc‑pï‑v. B´W‑nK‑nʳk‑v‑, AÀÖ‑p³ A¸‑mZ‑ps‑s‑c X‑pS§‑nbhc‑p s‑S t‑Zi‑obX‑m]T\h‑p‑w \ch‑wi i‑mk‑v{‑X]T\h‑p‑w kaÀYa‑mb‑n ]‑n´‑p SÀ¶‑mW‑v _‑nK‑vs‑\ C‑ubt‑\‑zjW‑w a‑m[‑ya§f‑nt‑e¡‑p h‑y‑m]‑n¸‑n¡‑p¶X‑v. s‑I‑mt‑f‑mW‑nbe‑nk‑w a‑pX k‑m{‑a‑m P‑y¯‑w hs‑cb‑pffhs‑b CX‑ns‑â k‑ma‑ql‑yi‑mk‑v{‑X ]Ý‑m¯e§f‑m¡‑n a‑mä‑pIb‑p‑w s‑N¿‑p¶‑p. I‑w]‑y‑q«À A[‑nj‑vT‑nX a‑m[‑ya§ s‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff Ahk‑m\ A[‑y‑mb‑w‑, \ha‑m[‑ya§Ä k‑rã‑n¡‑p¶ ]‑pX‑nb IÀX‑rX‑z\‑nÀ½‑nX‑ns‑b¡‑pd‑n¨‑p‑w Ah \‑nÀhl‑n¡‑p¶ k‑ma‑ql‑nI[À½§ s‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑pa‑mW‑v At‑\‑zj‑n¡‑p¶X‑v. CâÀs‑\ä‑p‑w k‑ma‑ql‑ya‑m[‑ya§f‑p‑w k‑rã‑n¡‑p¶ k‑mt‑¦X‑nI k‑m‑wk‑vI‑m c‑nI a‑mä§Ä B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´cXs‑b Hc‑p k¼‑qÀ® ‑"X‑ncÈ‑oek‑wk‑vI‑mc' (screen culture‑)¯‑nt‑e¡‑p a‑mä‑nb‑nc‑n ¡‑p¶‑ps‑h¶ t‑_‑mZ‑ne‑mZ‑ns‑â \‑nc‑o£ Wa‑mW‑v _‑nK‑vs‑\ Gs‑äS‑p¯‑p NÀ¨ s‑Nb‑vX‑p h‑n]‑pe‑oIc‑n¡‑p¶X‑v. Xerox and infinity F¶ ]T\¯‑n t‑_‑mZ‑n e‑mZ‑v \S¯‑nb C‑u \‑nc‑o£W‑w ]‑n³ ]ä‑n k‑n\‑nas‑b¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff a‑ue‑nIa‑m b NÀ¨b‑nt‑e¡‑v _‑nK‑vs‑\ C‑ub [‑y‑mb‑w h‑nIk‑n¸‑n¡‑p¶‑p. `‑n¶ a‑m[‑ya]‑mT§s‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑pff t‑\À]T\§Ä¡¸‑pd‑w‑, A¯c‑w ]T\ §f‑ps‑S t‑{‑I‑mU‑oIcWh‑p‑w A]{‑KY \h‑ps‑a¶ \‑neb‑ne‑mW‑v C‑u {‑KÙ¯‑n e‑pS\‑of‑w B[‑p\‑nI‑m\´c a‑m[‑ya§ f‑p‑w Ah k‑rã‑n¡‑p¶ P‑oh‑nX‑mhØ If‑p‑w k‑ma‑ql‑y {‑]X‑oX‑nIf‑p‑w k‑wk‑vI‑mc¯‑n F§s‑\ c‑m{‑ã‑ob a‑mb‑n CSs‑]S‑p¶‑p F¶ At‑\‑zjW‑w s‑P‑m\‑mY‑m³ _‑nK‑vs‑\ \S¯‑p¶X‑v. A¡‑mZa‑nI a‑m[‑ya]T\c‑wK¯‑v Gs‑d {‑]kà‑nb‑pff Hc‑p {‑ia‑w. {ioi¦c kÀÆIemimebnð aebmfw A[ym]I\mWv teJI³. teJIsâ Cþsabvð:

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Producing Online News

Ryan M. Thornburg CQ Press 440 Pages; Price Rs. 2,118.00 The dazzling speed of change in online journalism can mask a simple truth: online news is still news. Cutting-edge technology benefits the audience only when journalists apply it in the service of good stories. Building on a foundation of news stories, “Producing Online News” shows students how to use the right tools to get the right information to the right people at the right time. The goal is to become a fullfledged online news producer and transform stories into a complete news experience for an ever more demanding audience. Ryan Thornburg, a journalism trainer who has managed the websites of top news organizations, hones the skills students need to produce stories using multimedia, interactivity and on-demand delivery- online journalism’s three pillars. Practical instructions show students not just how to use the tools but also how to make good journalistic choices in applying them. The book works for courses specifically in online journalism.


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Media Monthly | August 2014 | ` 20/- | RNI Reg No. KERBIL/2000/1676

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