A Bilingual Monthly Journal of the Kerala Media Academy
Pq¬ 2018 l ]pkvXIw 5 e¡w 10 l hne 20
jp-Pm-¯n-sâ B-{K-lw A-hÀ \n-d-th-än, \n-d-I-®p-I-tfmsS...
\nÈÐXbpsS aoUnb
The Significance Of Description In Non-Fiction Shoma A. Chatterji
F³.-]n. cmtP-{µ³
sI -F taml\-hÀ½
tImS-Xn-I-fn-te¡v Xpd-¡p¶ "P\'-hm-Xn ]n.-hn. apcp-I³
Will Shujaat Bukhari’s assassination finally force India to wake up? Barkha Dutt
On Leela Menon, The Person Prema Manmadhan
C³- Iym-ad, Hm-¬- Iym-ad
sI. taml\³ þ amXrImam[ya hyànXzw: ap-Jy-a{´n
AcpXv, A£camWv-
A¡mZan hmÀ¯IÄ
Book Shelf
temIw I≠ ≠ hc
-tUm. sk_m-Ìy³ t]mÄ Fkv. Un. {]n³kv
Crime And Human Behaviour -A Study 25 V. K. Babu Prakash
]{Xw Im¡m³ tXm¡p Nq≠nb ≠ ≠nb ImÄ amÀIvkv BÀ. Fkv. _m_p
apJNn{Xw : ]n.Sn Dj t^mt«m-{K-^À : ]n. apkvX^ t]Pv 18 hmbn¡pI
am[ya cà-km-£n-IÄ
[y-a-{]-hÀ¯\w temI-¯nse Gähpw A]-I-S-I-c-amb sXmgn-ep-I-fn H¶mbn amdn. tPmen-¡n-S-bn sImÃ-s¸-Sp¶ am[ya {]hÀ¯-I-cpsS F®w IqSn. Hmtcm hÀjhpw ]pd-¯p-h-cp¶ IW-¡p-IÄ sR«n-¸n-¡p-¶p.
Editor R. S. Babu Editorial Board N.P. Chandrasekharan Fr. Boby Alex C. Narayanan P.V. Kuttan Santhosh George Kulangara Kamal Varadoor Saraswathy Nagarajan Printer & Publisher K.G. Santhosh Co-ordinating Editor K.T. Sekharan Editorial Co-ordination Sreeja Balachandran Marketing In Charge Shainus Markose Design & Layout Chetana Media, Kottayam Address ‘Media’ Kerala Media Academy Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030 Phone: 0484 2422275 Email: kmamedia2015@gmail.com mediamag.kma@gmail.com Website: www.keralamediaacademy.org
Ata-cn-¡-bnse tacn-em³Un "Z Im¸n-ä Kkäv' F¶ ]{X¯nsâ Hm-^o-knÂ, hmÀ¯-bn {]tIm-]n-X-\mb Hcp A{Ian Ibdn shSn-h¨p A©p-t]sc sIm¶p. sPdmÄUv ^njvam³, tdm_v slbv k¬, tPm¬ am¡-\-am-d, dt_¡ kvan¯v, sh³Un hntâgvkv F¶o am[ya {]hÀ¯-IÀ cà-km-£n-I-fm-bn. "ssdknMv Imivaocn'sâ FUn-ä-dmb {]ikvX ]{X{]hÀ¯-I³ jpPm A¯v _pJm-cnsb {io\-K-dnse em Nu¡v {]kv F³t¢-hn \nd-sbm-gn¨p XpS¨p \o¡n. 1997 apX 2012 hsc "Z lnµp'hnsâ teJ-I-\m-bn-cp¶p. "{^≠v ≠vsse³' _yqtdm No^mbpw {]hÀ¯n-¨p. [oc-\mb ]{X-{]-hÀ ≠ ¯-I-\m-bn-cp¶p jpPm A¯v. Kucn et¦-in\v tij-ap-ff [oc-am[y-a- c-à-km-£nXz \maw. tI{µ-kÀ¡m-cnsâ ImivaoÀ \bs¯ hnNm-c-W-bv¡v hnt[-b -am-¡n-b, ITvh _emÂkwKw Bg-¯n-ep-ff tZiob hn]-¯msW¶v hne-bn-cp-¯n-b, ImivaoÀ ]mIn-kvXmsâ `mK-am-I-W-sa¶ hmZs¯ \ncm-I-cn-¨, Imivaocn\v IqSp-X kzbw-`-c-Wm-h-Im-i-¯n-\mbn hmZn¨ jpPm A¯v ac-Ws¯ ]e-h«w A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-¨n-cp-¶p. kÀ¡mÀ GÀs¸-Sp-¯nb t]meokv kwc£Ww Poh³c£bv¡v aXn-bm-bn-Ã. Imivao-cnse am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ k©-cn-¡p-¶Xv GXv \nan-jhpw ImXn-se-¯m-hp¶ ac-W-hnfn tI«p-sIm-≠m-Wv. Zqc-ZÀi³ Ub-d-IvSÀ NÊ IuÄ sImÃ-s¸-«Xv Imivao-cnsâ at\m-l-c-amb XSmI `qan-bnem-Wv. Xo{h-hm-Zn-IÄ¡v am{X-aà ssk\y-¯n\pw am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-ItcmSp ]I-bm-Wv. 2008þ Hcp {]I-S\w \S-¡th Iymad Nen-¸n¨ PmthZv Al½Zv anÀ sImÃ-s¸-«p. ImivaoÀ Xmgv-h-csb izmkw ap«n-¡p¶ ssk \nI km¶n-²ys¯ jpPm A¯v FXnÀ¯n-cp-¶p. 200 e[nIw Xo{hhm-Zn-Isf t\cn-Sm³ Ggp-ejw ssk\n-Isc hn\y-kn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xn-s\ bpw A^vkv] \nb-a-¯nsâ ad-hn in£m-`o-Xn-bn-ÃmsX ssk\yw {]hÀ¯n-¡p-¶-Xnsâ B]¯pw jpPm A¯v Nq≠n≠n-¡m-«n. Htck ≠ abw Xo{h-hm-Zn-I-sfbpw, AtX-k-abw lnµpXz tZiobhmZn-I-sfbpw FXnÀ¯ At±lw Ccpiàn-I-fp-sSbpw I®nse Ic-Sm-bn. C´y³ tZiob ]XmI amtdm-S-W¨p a\p-jym-h-Im-i-¯n\pth≠n ≠n \ne≠ sIm≠ jpPm A¯v, \n§sf Xo{h-hm-Zn-IÄ sIms¶-¦n-epw, \n§fpsS i_vZw B Iiva-e·mÀ¡v CÃm-Xm-¡m-\m-In-Ã. I½nän t^mÀ s{]m«-£³kv Hm^v tPÀW-en-Ìnsâ IW-¡\p-k-cn¨v Cu hÀjw am{Xw 28 ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ sImÃ-s¸-«p. A_v Zp-ff lk³km-bv, Ben ktem-an, Kmkn dkq-en, a\mdw Zpcm-\n,
Pq¬ 2018
kenw Xem-jv, jm amdm-bv, bmÀ apl-½Zv tSm¡n þ Ct¸mÄ CXm jpPm A¯v _pJm-cn. sF-Iy-cm-jv {S-k-`-bpsS 2017 þse thÄUv {]kv {^oUw ss{]kv ZmhoZv sF-km¡v F¶ Fdn-{Snb³ (Eritrean) þ kzoUnjv tPÀW-en-Ìn-\m-bn-cp-¶p. Fdn-{Snb\n \n¶v skänäv -SETIT- F¶ ]{Xw XpS§n A[nIw Ignbpwapt¼ cmPy-t{Zm-ln-sb¶v kÀ¡mÀ {]Jym]n-¨p. hnNm-cW IqSmsX XS-hn-em-¡n. bpF-¶nsâ CtX ]pc-kv¡mcw ]¯phÀjw ap¼v 2007 Â, djy³ ]{X-{]-hÀ¯I A¶ s]mfnäv tImh-k-vI-bv ¡m-bn-cp-¶p. 25000 tUmfdpw (17 e£w cq]) {]i-kv Xn-]-{Xhpw DÄs¸-Sp¶ ]pc-kv¡mcw Gäp-hm-§n-bXv A¶-bpsS aI-\m-Wv. ImcWw 2006 HIvtSm-_-dn A¶ shSn-tbäp sImÃ-s¸-«n-cp-¶p. tamkvt¡m¡p kao-]-ap-ff Xma-k-Ø-e¯v arX-tZlw ImW-s¸-SpI-bm-bn-cp-¶p. Xsâ Poh\v `oj-Wn-bp-s≠¶v A¶ A[n-Ir-Xsc ap³Iq«n Adn-bn-¨n-cp-¶p. sNNv\n-b³ bp²hpw A\p-_Ô kw`-h-§fpw dnt¸mÀ«p sNbv X-Xn-\m-bn-cp¶p AhmÀUv. GXm\pw hÀjw ap¼p aym³a-dn P\-Iob ka-c-`q-an-bn P¸m³Im-c-\mb am[ya hoUn-tbm-{Km^À sI³Pn \Kmbn ]«m-f-¡m-cpsS \nd-tXm-¡n acn-¨p-ho-Wp. A¶v I®p Xpd-¶p-]n-Sn¨ Iyma-dsb sI«n-¸n-Sn-¨mWv \Kmbn InS-¶-Xv. ac-W-¯n\pt]mepw AI-¯m³ Ign-bm¯ am[y-a-{]-W-bw. aym³adn ]«mfw ka-cs¯ ap¡n-sIm-Ãm³ Cd-§n-b-t¸mÄ _p²-`n-£p-¡-f-S¡w \nc-h-[n-t]-cpsS Poh³ \jvSam-bn. {]t£m-`-IcpsS t\sc ]«mfw shSn-h-bv¡p¶Xv Iyma-d-bn ]IÀ¯p-t¼m-gm-bn-cp¶p sI³Pn \Kmsb sIm¶-Xv. AXv a\:]qÀÆ-ap-ff sIme-]m-XI-am-bn-cp-¶p. hmÀ¯bv¡v sk³kÀjn-¸p-s≠-¦nepw \Km-bpsS Acp-wsIme temIw Adn-ªp. bqtdm-¸nse sNdp-cm-Py-amb amÄ«-bnse [ocbmb ]{X-{]-hÀ¯I Umkv\n Idzm\ Keoey 2017 HIvtSm-_À 17 \v kz´w Imdn h³ kvt^mS-\-¯nemWv sImÃ-s¸-«-Xv. 4.31 e£w am{Xw P\-kw-JybmWv amÄ«-¡v. Umkv\n-bpsS ]{X Fgp¯pw t»mK t»mKv Fgp¯pw cmjv{Sob Agn-aXn ]pd-¯p-sIm≠p-h-cp-¶Xm-bn. temIs¯ \Sp-¡nb ]m\a Agn-aXn At\z-
jW hmÀ¯m-]-c-¼-c-bp-am-bp-ff Ah-cpsS _Ô -am-Wv Poh³ \jvS-s¸-Sm³ Imc-W-am-b-Xv. ]m\a t]t¸gvkv F¶v Adn-b-s¸-Sp¶ temI-¯nse Gähpw henb Agn-aXn hmÀ¯m-]-c-¼-c-bn \n¶p-ff Nne hnh-c-§Ä Xsâ t»mKn-eqsS ]pd-¯p-sIm≠p-h-¶p. ]m\a t]t¸-gvknse hnh-c-§sfXpSÀ¶p-ff At\zj-W-¯n-emWv ]mIn-Øm³ ap³`-c-Wm-[n-Imcn \hmkv sjco-^ns\ Ahn-Ss¯ tImSXn in£n-¨ncn-¡p-¶-sX¶v kvac-Wo-bw. Ata-cn-¡³ ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-cmb Pbnwkv t^mtfm-sbbpw Ìoh³tkm«v tem^n-s\bpw c≠v ≠ ≠v {_n«ojv ]uc-·m-scbpw Xe-sh«n CÉm-anIv tÌäv `-oI-c-hm-Zn-IÄ sIm¶ Zriy-§Ä C¶pw temIs¯ \Sp-¡p-¶p. FÃm-bn-S¯pw Pnlm-Znsâ Aán-]ÀÆXw ]pI-bs« F¶ Blzm-\-t¯msS CÉm-anI Xo{hhm-Zhpw kzX-{´-Nn-´-bpsS thcv Adp-¡p¶ lnµpXz Xo{h-hm-Zhpw Ata-cn-¡³ km{am-Py-Xzhpw Ah-cpsS ]mh `-c-W-Iq-S-§fpw am[y-a-§-fn ]S-cp¶ tNmc bv¡v Imc-W-¡m-cm-Wv. kndn-b-bn CÉm-anIv tÌäv t]mep-ff Xo{hhmZ kwL-S-\-Ifpw aäpw am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-Isc X«ns¡m≠p-t]m-Ip-¶Xpw XS-¦-en-em-¡p-¶Xpw ]oUn-¸n¡p-¶Xpw sImÃp-¶Xpw Hä-s¸« kw`-h-§-f-Ãm-Xmbn-cn-¡p-¶p. sU³amÀ¡nse ImÀ«q-Wn-Ìp-IÄ¡p≠mb Zpc-\p-`-hw, ]mco-knse jmÀen sl_vtZm F¶ Bt£-]-lmky {]kn-²o-I-c-W-¯nse ]{Xm[n-]·msc sIms¶m-Sp-¡n-b-Xv, A^vKm-\n-Øm-\n am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I-cpsS Iq«-s¡m-eþ C§s\ am[ya {]hÀ¯-IÀ h[n-¡-s¸-Sp-¶Xv Hcp ]c-¼-c-bm-bn-cn¡p-I-bm-Wv. am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I-cpsS `mK¯p-\n¶v Nnte-S-§-fn F¦nepw A\ym-b-§fpw sImÅ-cp-Xmbva-Ifpw D≠m-Ip-¶p≠v ≠v. AXv kaq-l-¯n henb ≠ AaÀj-¯n\v CS-bm-¡p-¶p≠v ≠v. AXv am[y-a-§Ä ≠ B`y-´-c-ambn Xncp-t¯≠≠-h-bm-Wv. P\m-[n-]-Xy≠ ¯nsâ Poh-hmbp F¶ \ne-bn-emWv am[y-a-§-fpsSbpw am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I-cp-sSbpw {]k-àn. am[ya-{]-hÀ¯-Isc sIm¶p-X-f-fm\pw ]oUn-¸n-¡m\pw Hcp iàn-sbbpw A\p-h-Zn-¡m³ ]mSnÃ.
tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan `c-W-k-anXn AwK-§Ä sNbÀam³: BÀ. Fkv. _m_p (tZim-`n-am\n), sshkv sNbÀam³: Zo]p chn (tIcf IuapZn) AwK-§Ä: kn. \mcmbW³ (P\d sk{I«dn, sI.bp.U»yp.sP), Iam hcZqÀ ({]knUâv, sI.bp.U»yp.sP), Fw.sI. Ipcymt¡mkv (aebmf at\mca), PbIrjvW³ \cn¡p«n (tZim`nam\n), Fkv. _nPp (Gjyms\äv \yqkv), ]n.hn. Ip«³ (ssIcfn Snhn), Fw.hn. t{ibmwkv IpamÀ (amXr`qan), sI. sP. tXmakv (tZim`nam\n), ^m. t_m_n AeIvkv a®w¹m¡Â (Zo]oI), t__n amXyp (Poh³ Snhn), kt´mjv tPmÀÖv Ipf§c (k^mcn Snhn), tPm¬ ap-≠¡ bw (aebmf at\mca), H.A-Ðp-d-Òm³ (am-[yaw Zn\]{Xw), cm-Pm-Pn amXyp tXmakv (P-\-bpKw), ]n-.Fw-.a-t\mPv (tZim`nam\n), F³.]n.N-{µ-ti-Jc³ (ssIc-fn Snhn), Fw.Pn. cm-[m-Ir-jvW³ (Gjyms\äv \yqkv), k-c-kz-Xn \m-K-cmP³ (Z- lnµp), Zo]-Iv [À½Sw (Aar-X Snhn), sI.]n. tam-l\³ (P-bv -ln-µv Snhn), jm-\n-{]-`m-I-c³ (a-t\m-c-a \ypkv), H.BÀ.cm-a-N-{µ³ (amXr`qan), UbdIvSÀ (C³^Àtaj³ & ]»nIv dntej³kv hIp¸v), sk{I«dn (C³^Àtaj³ & ]»nIv dntej³kv hIp¸v), sk{I«dn ([\Imcy hIp¸v), sa¼À sk{I-«dn: sI. Pn. kt´mjv (sk{I-«dn, tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Za-n). Pq¬ 2018
\m-[n-]-Xy-¯n-sâ \m-ep kv-Xw-`-§-fn-sem¶m-b Pp-Un-jy-dnbn C-t¸mÄ FÃmw A-{X kp-Xm-cy-aÃ. tImS-Xn \-S-]-Sn-IÄ ]-eXpw Xp-d-¶ tIm-S-XnI-fn-em-Wv \-S-¡p-¶-sX-¦n-epw Nn-e ad-IÄ C-t¸mgpw ho-Wp-In-S-¡p¶p. Cu ]-Ým-¯-e-¯n th-Ww tIm-SXn-\-S]SnIÄ XÂk-a-b kw-t{]-jW-¯n-te-¡v t]m-Im-\pÅ kp-{]nwtIm-S-Xn-bp-sS ]pXn-b k-½-X-s¯ bpw A-Xn-\m-bn ]pXn-b Nm-\ Xp-S-§m-\p-Å tI-{µ kÀ-¡mÀ
\nÀ-t±-i-s¯bpw Im-tW≠Xv. C-t¸m-gp-Å Xp-d-¶ tImS-Xn F-¶ k-¦-ev-]¯n \-S-t¡-≠Xpw \-S-¡m-sX t]m-Ip-¶-Xpam-b H-cp kw-KXn-bp≠v ≠v. ]u-c-·mÀ-¡v tIm-S-Xn-Ifn ≠ C-cn-¸n-S-ap-s≠¶-Xm-Wv B k-¦-ev]w. s]m-Xp-P-\-§Ä-¡v tImS-Xn ap-dn-Ifn I-S-¶n-cp-¶v \-S-]-Sn-IÄ Im-Wm-\p-Å kzm-X-{´y-ap≠v ≠v. ]-te-S¯pw A-hÀ-¡v ≠ C-cn-¸n-Sw In-«p-¶nsÃ-¶ Imcyw thsd. tIm-S-Xn-Ifn sse-hv kw-t{]j-W-¯n-\p k½-Xw aqfn-b C´y³
]n.hn. ap-cp-I³
tIm-S-Xn-I-fn-te-¡v Xp-d-¡p¶
"P\' hmXnÂ
Pq¬ 2018
"sXäm-b hn-h-c-§Ä-s¡-Xn-sc \-ap¡v ssI-tImÀ-¯p-\n-¶v s]m-cp-Xmw' hm-«v-km-¸v H-Sphn ]-cn-lm-c-\-S-]-Sn-IÄ-s¡m-cp-§p-¶p
«v-km-¸n-eq-sS hym-P hn-h-c§fpw hmÀ-¯-Ifpw ]c-¯n P-\-¡q-«w \n-c-]-cm-[nI-sf Iq-«-s¡m-e \-S¯n-b kw-`-h-§Ä s]-cp-In-b -tXm-sS tI-{µ-kÀ¡mÀ t\m-«o-kv \ÂIn-b-Xn-s\-¯p-SÀ-¶v km-aq-ly am[y-a I-¼-\n D-WÀ¶p. I-gn-ª Znh-kw tZio-b am-[y-a-§fn hm-«v-km-¸v \-S-¯n-¸pImÀ \ÂIn-b h-en-b ]-c-ky¯nÂ, sXäm-b hn-hc-§Ä ]-c-¡p¶-Xv X-S-bm³ H-cp-an-¨p \n-¶p s]m-cp-Xm-sa¶m-Wv B-lzm-\w sN-bv-Xn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. sS-Iv-t\mf-Pn I-¼-\n-Ifpw K-h¬saâpw I-½yq-Wn-än {Kq-¸p-I-fpw hym-P -hmÀ-¯-s¡-Xn-sc H-cp-an-¨p \nÂ-t¡≠ Xn-sâ B-h-iy-I-X-bm-Wv ]-ckyw Nq-≠p-¶Xv. k-Xy-aÃm¯-Xv F-s´¦nepw Im-Wp-I-bm-sW-¦n B-fpI-sf t_m-[-hm-·m-cm-¡p-Ibpw A-Xp ]-S-cp ¶-Xv X-S-bp-Ibpw sN-¿-W-sa-¶m-Wv hm-«v-km-¸v ]-d-bp-¶Xv. hm-«v-km-¸n F-s´-¦nepw satk-Pv h¶m A-Xp k-Xy-amtWm F-¶-dn-bm-\p-Å Nn-e F-fp-¸-h-gn-I-fpw I¼-\n \nÀ-t±-in-¡p-¶p≠v ≠v. t^mÀ-th≠ Uv sN-bv-Xp-hcp-¶ sa-tk-Pv G-sXm-s¡ F-¶v A-dnbm³ ]-äpw. H-dn-Pn-\ satk-Pv F-gp-Xnb-Xv B-sc-¶v \n-§Ä-¡v D-d-¸n-sæn A-Xn-se h-kv-XpX-IÄ U_nÄ sN-¡v sN-¿p-I. A-hn-iz-k-\ob-sa-¶p tXm¶p-¶ IY-IÄ ]-e-t¸mg pw k-Xy-hn-cp-²-am-bn-cn-¡pw. A-Xn-\m A-Xp i-cn-bmtWm F-¶v a-sä-hn-sS-sb¦nepw ]-cn-tim-[n-¨v D-d-¸m-¡p-I. sa-tk-Pp-I-tfm-sSm-¸w hcp-¶ t^m-t«m-Ifpw ho-Un-tbm-Ifpw {i-²n¡p-I. A-Xv Nn-e-t¸mÄ \n-§sf h-gn-
sX-än¡m³ F-Un-äv sN-bv-X-Xm-bn-cn-¡pw. AXn\m t^mt«m hcp-¶ h-gn ]-cn-tim-[n-¡p-I. hcp-¶ hmÀ-¯ a-sä-hn-sS-sb-¦nepw dn-t¸mÀ-«v sN-bv-Xn«pt≠m F-¶p t\m-¡p-I. H-¶n-te-sd C-S-§fn hmÀ-¯ h¶n-«p-s¦n A-Xp k-Xy-am-Im-\n-S-bp≠v ≠v. ≠ hm-«v-km-¸n \n-§Ä-t¡-Xp \-¼cpw Un-en-äv sN-¿mw. {Kq-¸p-I-sfbpw H-gn-hm-¡mw. hym-P-hmÀ-¯Ifn ]-e-Xnepw A-£-c-s¯-äp-≠m-Ipw. A-§-s\-bpw Xn-cn-¨-dn-bmw. hy-Xy-kv-X-am-bn ImWp-¶ sa-tk-Pp-IÄ hym-P-am-bn-cn-¡pw. sa-tk-Pn-t\m-sSm-¸w hcp-¶ en-¦p-IÄ {i-²n-¡p-I. {]ap-J ssk-äp-I-fp-sS hn-em-k-am-sW-¶p tXm-¶pw. F-¶mÂ, A-Xn A-£-c-s¯äpw A-km-[mc-W Iym-c-Î-dp-I-fpw I-≠m Ip-g-¸-am-sW-¶v a-\-Ênem-¡Ww. kwi-bw tXm¶p-¶ hn-h-c-§-fp-Å H¶pw sj-bÀ sN-¿-cp-XvþC§-s\ t]m-Ip-¶p hm-«v-km-¸n-sâ D-]-tZ-i§Ä. hym-P-hmÀ-¯ hf-sc s]-s«-¶v ssh-d-em-Ip-sa-¶v hm-«v-km-¸v k-½-Xn-¡p¶p. F-{XX-h-W \n-§Ä-¡v H-cp sa-tk-Pv In-«p-¶p F¶-Xv I-W-¡m¡≠. H-cp sa-tk-Pv ]-eX-h-W sj-bÀ sN-¿mw. F-¶ph-¨v A-Xv k-Xy-am-IW-sa-¶n-söpw I¼-\n ]-c-ky¯n ]-d-bp¶p.
No-^v P-Ìn-kv Zo]-Iv an-{i-bp-sS aq¶w-K _-©v Nq≠≠-n≠ ¡m-«nb-Xv Xp-d-¶ tImS-Xn F-¶ k-¦-ev-]-¯n-sâ
H-cp hym-]-\-am-Wv Iym-a-d h-gn FÃmw kp-Xm-cyam-bn P-\-§Ä-¡v e-`y-am¡p-I F-¶Xv. P-kv-än-kv Pq¬ 2018
Sn.hn. Nm-\ Xp-S-§nbm cm-Py-sa-¼m-Sp-ap-ÅhÀ-¡v D-]-Im-c-s¸-Spw. tImS-Xn ap-dn-Ifn A-`n`m-j-I-cp-sS s]-cp-am-ähpw an-I-¨-Xm-hpw. cmPyw ap-gp-h³ {i-²n-¡p-sa-¶p h¶m A-\m-h-iy am-b B-t{Im-i-hpw C-S-s]-S-ep-I-fpw tI-kv am-änh-bv-¡-ep-Ifpw Ip-d-bp-sa¶pw A-tämÀ-Wn P\d ]-dªp. sse-hv kv-{So-anw-Kv DÅ {_n-«o-jv tIm-S-Xn-I-fn-se \-S-]-Sn-IÄ am-\y-am-bn \-S-¡p¶-Xv A-t±-lw kp-{]nw-tIm-S-Xn-bp-sS {i-²-bnÂs¸-Sp¯n.
P-Ìn-kv Zo]-Iv an-{i-
sse-hv kv-{So-anw-Kn-se Nn-e A-]-I-S-§fpw sI.sI. th-Wp-tKm]m Nq≠n≠n-¡m«n. tZio-b ≠ kp-c£-sb _m-[n-¡p-¶ tI-kp-I-fp-sSbpw hnhm-l XÀ-¡-§-fp-sSbpw am-\`w-K tI-kp-Ifp-sSbpsam¶pw \-S-]-SnIÄ sse-hm-bn Im-Wn-
F.Fw. Jm³-hn¡À, P-Ìn-kv Un.ssh. N-{µ-Nq-Uv F-¶n-h-cpw s_-©n-ep≠m-bn-cp¶p. tImS-Xn \-S-]-Sn-IÄ sse-hm-bn ImWm³ A-h-k-c-ap-≠m-Ip¶-Xv I-£n-IÄ-¡p am-{XaÃ, \n-b-a-hn-ZymÀ-°n-IÄ¡pw s]m-Xp-P-\-§Ä-¡pw {]-tbm-P-\-s¸-Spw. sse-hv kv-{So-anw-Kv D≠mbm I-£n-IÄ-¡v X-§-fpsS tI-kn-t·-ep-Å \-S-]-Sn-IÄ ]n-´p-Scp-I am-{XaÃ, A-`n`m-j-I-cp-sS {]-IS-\w hn-e-bn-cp-¯m\pw ]-äp-sa-¶v No-^v P-kv-än-kv Nq≠n≠n-¡m«n. ≠
C-µn-cm P-bv-knw-Kv ¡m-\m-InÃ. hn-hm-l-D-S¼-Sn XÀ-¡-§fpw aäpw Im-Wn¨m kz-Imcy-X F-¶ au-en-Im-h-Im-i§-fp-sS ew-L-\-am-Ipw.
sI.sI. th-Wp-tKm]m asäm-cp {]-tbm-P-\hpw No-^v P-kv-än-kv Nq-≠ ≠n-n-¡m-«n. H-cp Zn-h-k-s¯ ln-b-dnw-Kn-\m-bn tI-cfw, X-an-gv-\m-Sv t]mep-Å hnZq-c kw-Øm-\-§-f-n \n-¶v \yq-UÂ-ln h-sc h-tc-≠ Im-cy-hp-anà F-¶-Xm-WXv. bm-{Xbpw sN-e-hpw H-gn-hm-¡mw. A-tämÀ-Wn P-\-d a-e-bm-fnbm-b sI.sI. th-Wp -tKm]m ]-d-ªXv, cm-Pyk-`m Snhn, tem-Ivk-`m Sn-hn F-¶-n-h t]m-se kp-{]nw-tIm-S-Xn-¡p am-{X-am-bn H-cp 8
Pq¬ 2018
ko-\n-bÀ A-`n-`m-j-I C-µn-cm P-bv-knw-Kv B-Wv tIm-S-Xn-IÄ sse-hm-¡-Wsa-¶ B-hiy -hp-am-bn kp-{]nw-tIm-S-Xn-sb k-ao-]n-¨Xv. ]u-c·mÀ-¡v hn-hc-§Ä A-dn-bm-\p-Å A-h-Im-i -ap-s≠¶pw `-c-W-L-S-\m-]-chpw tZ-io-b {]m-[m -\y-hp-ap-Å hn-j-b-§fn tImS-Xn \-S-]-SnIÄ A-hÀ Im-W-s«-sb-¶pw Cµn-c P-bv-knw-Kv ]-dªp. ss]e-äv t{]mP-Îv F-¶ \n-ebn BZyw H-cp tIm-S-Xnbn sN-bv-Xp-t\m-¡n a-äp-Ån-S-t¯-¡v hym-]n-¸n-¡m-\m-Wv tIm-S-Xnbp-sS \nÀ-t±-iw. sse-hv kv-{So-anw-Kv \-S-]-SnIÄ-¡p-Å amÀ-¤ \nÀ-t±i-§Ä X-¿m-dm¡m³ tImS-Xn A-tämÀ-Wn P-\-d-en-\v \nÀ-t±-iw \Â-In.
hwi-shdn \pW-I-fpsS Cc-IÄ
¶p hÀ-jw ap-¼mWv. A-ta-cn-¡-bn-se NmÄ-Ì-Wn-epÅ F.Fw.C. C-½m-\ph NÀ-¨n-te-¡v 21 Im-c\m-b ssUem³ dq-^v I-S-¶psNÃp¶p. ssIbn H-cp ssIt¯m-¡p-ap≠v ≠v. A-hn-sS cm{Xn ss_-_n-Ä ≠ ¢m-kv \-S-¡p-¶p-≠m-bn-cp¶p. B-{^n-¡³ hw-i-Pcm-b A-ta-cn-¡-¡m-cm-Wv ss__nÄ ¢mkn ]-s¦-Sp-¡p-¶Xv. A-hÀ I-dp-¯-hcmWv. sh-Å-¡m-c³ am-{XaÃ, sh-Å-¡mc-s\-¶ A-l-´ DÅn kq-£n-¡p-¶-bmfp-am-Wv ssU-em³. I-dp-¯-hÀ-¡p-t\-sc AbmÄ \n-jv-I-cp-Ww \n-d-sbm-gn-¨p. 77 X-h-W-bm-Wv \n-d-sbm-gn-¨Xv. H-¼-Xp-t]cm-Wv sImÃ-s¸-«Xv.
ssU-em-sâ D-t±iyw H-¶p-am-{X-ambn-cp¶p. B-{^n-¡³ hw-i-Pcm-b A-tacn-¡¡mÀ C-\n sh-Å-¡mcm-b A-ta-cn¡-¡mÀ-¡v `o-j-Wn-bm-I-cpXv. AÃm-sX A-hn-sS D-≠m-bncp-¶ B-cp-ambpw dq-^n-\v H-cp ]-cn-N-b-hp-anÃ, i-{Xp-¡-fpaÃ. F-¶mÂ, ln-äve-sd B-cm-[n¡p¶ dq-^n-sâ hw-i-shdn-bm-Wv A-bm-sf {Iq-c-Ir-Xy-¯n-\v t{]-cn¸n-¨Xv. hm-kv-X-h-¯nÂ, "\o-t{Km {]-iv\w' temI-¯p \n-¶p Xp-S-¨p-\o-¡p-¶-Xn-\v Xp-\n-ªn-d§m³ dq-^n-s\ t{]-cn-¸n¨-Xv
km-aq-ly am-[y-a-§fn {]-N-cn-¨ hym-P-hmÀ-¯-Ifm-bn-cp¶p. A-ta-cn-¡bn b-p-hm-¡-fp-sS l-c-am-bn am-dn-bn-cn¡p-¶ km-aq-ly am-[ya-§Ä ]-S-¨p-hnSp-¶ hym-P hmÀ-¯I-sf hn-izkn-¨v A-hÀ Xo-cp-am-\-§-fnse-¯p-I-bpw A-X-\p-k-cn-¨v F-´p km-l-k-¯n\pw Xp-\n-bp-I-bp-am-Wv F-¶Xn-sâ Zr-ãm-´-am-bn-cp-¶p tem-I-s¯ \-Sp-¡n-b NÀ-¨v Iq-«-s¡m-e.
hw-i-sh-dn t{]m-Õm-ln-¸n-¡p-¶ \n-ch-[n sh-_vssk-äp-Ifn \n-¶pw sX-äm-bn hmÀ-¯-Ifpw hn-h-c-§-fpam-Wv km-aq-ly am-[y-a-§-fn-te-¡v ]-¦p-h-bv-¡-s¸-Sp-¶Xv. I-dp¯-hÀ sh-Å-¡m-cnI-sf am-\-`w-K-s¸-Sp-¯p-I-bm-Wv, sh-Å-¡m-cn-I-fm-Wv I-dp-¯-h-cpsS ssewKn-I A-Xn-{I-a§Ä-¡v Iq-Sp-Xepw C-c-bm-Ip¶-Xv F-¶n§-s\ t]m-Ip-¶p {]-N-cWw. Iq-«n-\v sX-äm-b I-W-¡p-Ifpw \Â-Ip¶p. sX-äm-b hn-h-c-§Ä-¡p ]p-dsa, IÃp-h-¨ \p-W-Ifpw {]-N-cn¸n-¡p¶p. A-ta-cn-¡-bn-se bp-hm-¡fn K-Wy-am-b H-cp ]-¦v Cu {]-N-c-W-§fn hn-iz-kn-¡p-Ibpw A-X-\p-k-cn-¨v h-e-Xp-]-£ Nn-´m-K-Xn-I-fn-te-¡v B-IÀ-jn-¡-s¸-Sp-Ibpw sN-¿p¶p.
almcm{ãbn hm«v-km¸v hymPhmÀ¯ IhÀ¶Xv A©pPoh³
km¸v {]NcWw CubnsS C´ybpsS ]e`mK§ fnepw \S¶ t]mse almcm{ãbnepw NneÀ ]c ¯nhn«p.
\mtSmSnIÄ ]et¸mgpw ap¼pw {Kma¯n eqsS sX≠nbpw ≠nbpw aäpw IS¶pt]mbn«p≠ ≠ ≠v. hm«v-
AXp hnizkn¨ P\w t\m¡pt¼mÄ \mtSmSn ]pcpj·mcn HcmÄ {KmaoW _menI bpambn kwkmcn¡p¶Xp I≠p. kwibw tXm ¶n {KmaoWÀ Ahsc tNmZyw sNbvXp. adp]Sn bn Xr]vXnhcmsX BfpIÄ A©p \mtSmSn ]pcpj·msc ]nSn¨psIm≠v ≠v Hcp apdnbn AS ≠ ¨n«v IÃpw hSnIfpambn ASn¨pw CSn¨pw sImÃp Ibmbncp¶p.
lmcm{ãbnep≠mb Iq«s¡me t\m¡mw. hm«v-km¸neqsS \S¯nb Hcp hymP hmÀ¯m {]NcWs¯¯pSÀ¶v A©pt]scbmWv BÄ¡q«w AhnsS XÃns¡m¶Xv. Ip«nIsf X«ns¡m≠pt]mIp¶hÀ F¶ hymtP\bmWv Ahsc sIm¶Xv. Hcp \mtSmSn kwL¯nÂs¸« hcmbncp¶p CcIÄ. ]Ýna adm«bnse Hcp {Kma¯nse¯n X¼Sn¨ncn¡pIbmbncp¶p \mtSmSnIÄ.
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hm«v-km¸v hymPhmÀ¯ aqeap≠mb aäp sIme]mXI§Ä
{]nen Xangv-\m«n Hcp sXcphn e£y t_m[anÃmsX Npän¯ncnª Hcmsf BÄ ¡q«w ASn¨psIm¶p.
tabv Xangv-\m«n 55 Imcnbmb kv{Xosb BÄ¡q«w XÃns¡m¶p. ImcWw sXcphn h¨v Ip«n IÄ¡v anTmbn \ÂInbXmWv. t]meokv 30 t]sc AdÌpsNbvXp. B{Ôbn sXep¦v kwkmcn¡msX lnµn kwkmcn¨Xn\v Hcmsf XÃns¡m¶p. sXe¦m\bn cm{Xn Hcp amt´m«¯n A\ [nIrXambn IS¶Xn\v BÄ¡q«w Hcmsf ASn¨psIm¶p. sXe¦m\bn {Kma¯n _Ôp¡sf ImWm s\¯nb A]cnNnXs\ \m«pImÀ XÃns¡m¶p. _mw¥qcnsâ sX¡³`mK¯v h¨v A]cnNnX \mb Hcmsf \m«pImÀ sI«nbn«v {In¡äv _mäv sIm≠v ≠v ASn¨psIm¶p ≠ sslZcm_mZn `n¶enwK¯n s]« Hcmsf XÃns¡m¶p.
Pq¬ hS¡p-Ing¡³ Akan Imdn k©cn¨ c≠pt]sc hgn tNmZn¡ms\¶ a«n XSªp \ndp¯n sIm¶p. Al½Zm_mZn h¨v cmPØm³Imc\mb Hcp `n£mSIs\ XÃns¡m¶p. {Xn]pcbn c≠nS¯mbn ≠nS¯mbn BÄ¡q«w c≠p ≠ t]sc XÃns¡m¶p. Cu kw`h§Äs¡Ãmw {]tNmZ\ambXv hm«v-km¸neqsS {]Ncn¸n¡s¸« t]Sns¸Sp¯p¶ Xc¯nepÅ "Ip«n]nSn¯w' IYIfmWv. ]e Øe¯pw t]meokv CSs]«n«pt]mepw ^e{]ZambnÃ. BÄ¡q«w t]meokns\ B{Ian¨ ≠v. A`yql§Ä ]c¡p ≠ kw`h§fpw D≠mbn«p≠v ¶Xv s]s«¶v XSbm³ ]änà F¶ ]cnanXnbpap≠v ≠v. ≠ A{XthKamWv `oXn ]c¯s¸Sp¶Xv. AXp XSbm³ \S]Sn FSp¡pt¼mtg¡pw Ipsdb[nIw \miw kw`hn¨n«p≠mIpw. Ign-ª ta-bv 24. _mw-¥qcn h-¨v P-\-¡q-«w H-cp 26 Imc-s\ XÃn-s¡m¶p. Ip-«nI-sf X-«n-sb-Sp10
Pq¬ 2018
¡p-¶ B-sf-¶p ap-{Z-Ip-¯n-bm-Wv BÄ-¡q-«w bp-hmhn-s\ \n-jv-I-cp-Ww sIm-¶Xv. IÀ-Wm-S-I-¯n-epw B-{Ô-bn-epw sX-e-¦m-\-bnepw Ip-sd-\m-fm-bn km-aq-ly am-[y-a-§fn sXäm-b Nn-e hmÀ¯-IÄ {]-N-cn-¡p-¶p-≠m-bn-cp¶p. Ip-«nI-sf X-«n-sb-Sp¡p-¶ kw-Lw C-d-§n-bn-«p-s≠¶pw Ip-«nI-sf ]n-Sn-¨p-sIm≠p-t]m-bn In-Uv-\n X-«n-sb-Sp-¡p-I-bm-Wv e-£ysa¶pw H-cp dm-¡-äv X-s¶ C§-s\ {]-hÀ-¯n-¡p-¶p F-¶p-am-bn-cp-¶p hm-«v-km-¸nepw t^-kv-_p-¡n-epw a-äp-am-bn Np-än-¡-d§n-b hym-P hmÀ-¯. {Km-^n-¡p-Ifp-sS k-lm-b-t¯m-sS-bm-bn-cp-¶p bm-sXm-cp A-SnØm-\-hp-anÃm¯ ]e hmÀ-¯-Ifpw {]-Xy-£-s¸«Xv. hmÀ-¯-bp-sS D-d-hn-S-tam, t]m-eo-kv dn-t¸mÀ-t«m H¶pw A-Sn-Øm-\-am-¡n-bà C-h. Cu hmÀ-¯ [m-cm-f-am-bn sj-bÀ sN-¿-s¸«p. \m-«pImÀ I-cp-Xn-bn-cn-¡m³ Xp-S§n. Nn-eÀ X-§-fp-sS hm-k-Ø-e-§fn ]-t{Sm-fnw-Kv \-S¯m³ Xp-S-§n. h-Sn-Ifpw hm-fp-I-f-pam-bn-«m-Wv ]-ecpw \-S-¡p-¶Xv. A-]-cn-NnX-sc B-sc-sb-¦nepw I≠m H¶pw tNm-Zn¡m-sX X-s¶ A-Sn-¨p ]-cp-h-am-¡p-I-bm-Wv. C-h-cp-sS C-c-Ifn H-«p-ap-¡m-epw A-\y-\m-Sp-Ifn \n-¶v sXmgn tX-Sn h-cp-¶-h-cmWv. ta-bv 24\v XÃn-s¡m-¶ 26 Im-c³ cm-P-Øm\n \n-¶p h-¶ ]m³ akm-e hn-ev-]-¡m-c-\m-bn-cp¶p. k-am-\-am-b H-cp kw-`-h-am-bn-cp-¶p I-gn-ª hÀ-jw PmÀ-J≠ ≠n \-S-¶Xv. Ip-«nI-sf ]n-Sn¡m³ h-¶-h-sc-¶v sX-än-²-cn-¨v 7 B-fpI-sf-bmWv \m-«p ImÀ XÃn-s¡m-¶Xv.
am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I\pw tPÀW-enkw A²ym-]-I-\p -amWv teJ-I³.
hujaat Bukhari, one of Kashmir’s foremost journalists, was assassinated Thursday, the eve of Eid, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. For Indians, Bukhari’s death is a reminder of two things: The situation in terrorism-torn Kashmir is sliding into a black hole of possibly no return. And second, it is more dangerous to be a journalist in India today than ever before. Last year, 11 Indian journalists were killed and 46 attacked. This year, India has slipped in World Press Freedom rankings to 138, just one place above Pakistan. Bukhari’s killing reminds us why we need to pay close attention to these horrific numbers.
Barkha Dutt Pq¬ 2018
His assassination (local reports say his head and abdomen were riddled with bullets) took place in Srinagar’s press enclave, right outside the office of the newspaper he edited. His personal security officers (since an attack on him in 2002, he was given police protection) were also shot dead. Ironically, the assault has taken place at a time when the Kashmir government had announced a temporary ceasefire by security personnel as a peace initiative for Ramadan. As a longtime reporter on the Kashmir beat, I knew Bukhari for more than two decades — he was both a colleague and a friend. I believe he has been targeted for being a rare voice of moderation and reason in a public discourse bulldozed by ideologi-
much worse in Kashmir than any of you care to admit. An entire generation is growing up hating India.” Equally, he did not pander blindly to the Azaadi (secessionist) brigade. He condemned militant violence and concerted bids to kill local policemen by terrorist groups. He publicly welcomed the cease-fire and remained an optimist about the power of dialogue and reconciliation. And he interacted regularly with affection and regard with several military generals. So, Kashmiri secessionists targeted him for not being anti-India,
The body of Shujaat Bukhari, editor of the English daily Rising Kashmir, is carried inside a police control room in Srinagar in Kashmir. Bukhari and his personal security officers were shot dead outside his office in Srinagar on Thursday. (Farooq Khan/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)
cal extremes. He refused to play to the jingoistic and hyper-nationalist gallery that currently dominates discussion about his home state. A couple of weeks ago, at a panel discussion in Delhi that I was moderatmoderat ing, he rose to bluntly say to the speakers: “Things are 12
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while hyper-nationalists targeted him for not being patriotic. On the day that he was killed, a video was shared by his critics on social media. In it, he was painted as an Islamist during a
by militants. But if these developments signal the clear and present dangers in Kashmir, they also remind us that if we don’t engage with balanced Kashmiri voices like Shujaat Bukhari, soon there will be no one but the fundamentalists left to talk to.
conference organized by a prominent think tank in Delhi, simply for refusing to support the publication of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons. Bukhari (who was not present when the remarks were made) responded calmly to the “diatribe” on Twitter, writing, “In Kashmir we have done journalism with pride and will continue to highlight what happens on the ground.” By the end of the day he was dead. His killing has been officially called an act of terrorism by the government. It occurred on the same day that Aurangzeb, a soldier on the way home for Eid, was killed in South Kashmir
His killing reinforces the fact that whether in Kashmir or the rest of India, the journalists who are the most vulnerable today are the ones who have rejected ideological labels and have held on to the importance of nuance and complexity. In today’s polarized times, those who dare to tell a story in textures of gray, instead of one-dimensional colors, are the first ones to be smeared, vilified and targeted. We are called anti-national and traitors and “presstitutes” every day on social media. Pq¬ 2018
mit that the threats to Indian journalists are very real. Press freedom as we have known it is distinctly diminishing. To have an opinion today — especially one that does not fit into the dominant political narrative — is to be in the line of danger. A study by Reporters Without Borders recognizes that in some countries, including India, “the line separating verbal violence from physical violence is dissolving.”
And here’s the biggest shame. While Bukhari’s death has been described by all major media bodies in India as an “assault on the freedom of the press,” a section of the TV news media must reflect on whether it has encouraged hatred against its colleagues. Two of India’s leading channels are fronted by men and women guilty of prime-time hate mongering. Their shows are devoted to maligning not just fellow journalists but all civil society voices that do not conform to their meta narrative of what nationalism is. Their so-called patriotism is a fig leaf for pettiness and prejudice. Bukhari’s death is proof that their verbal violence can actual actually be a cue to the mob. Bukhari’s assassination may finally get India to ad14
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Threats in an environment of fear come in many insidious forms as well. Character assassination, fake news, informal professional blacklists, politically organized online slander campaigns — these are weapons of mass intimidation in play. Over the past year, several Indian journalists, and women reporters in particular, have gone public about the threats we receive on a daily basis for simply having an independent opinion. For this, we have been mocked and jeered, and our public assertions have been trivialized and dismissed. Last year I filed a police case against unidentified men who would keep calling me from multiple numbers and threaten to rape and kill me for my reporting. This week, the police informed me that I would need to appear in court and accept that my case was being shut as the men could not be traced down. A democracy where journalists are endangered is a democracy in peril.
¤ Barkha Dutt is an Indian television journalist and author
On Leela Menon, The Person
rang up just to hear your voice,” Leela would say and laugh…. that short signature laugh implying that she had something on her mind that she wanted to discuss, but was wondering if I was free. It would often be something that happened at the office, or something that Leela had written in her column, which had become controversial. And that happened very often. If I told her to be careful while writing her column and not earn anyone’s wrath, she would say, “I am not scared. Let them do whatever they want to me. I have nothing to lose,” and laugh again. This
Prema Manmadhan Pq¬ 2018
was Leela Manjari Menon’s attitude to life. This mental fearlessness extended to the physical as well. Having fought cancer, withstood heart surgery, endured facial palsy, suffered the intense pain of herpes, and a perennially stiff back, she would take everything with a smile. Why is Leela Menon feted after her passing away? There have been many journalists and activists who have died but few have got the kind of attention she got. It’s because she wrote about what people felt strongly about, about gender injustice, violence against women, on how to live with cancer and other
related ailments, and also about a hundred and one seemingly trivial things like saris, ordinary people, and interesting experiences, what “hard nosed journalists’ call human interest stories. Her close friends, people she met while travelling and prominent personalities figured in her columns. Leela came into households like a friend through her writings and extempore speeches which made listeners feel she was talking to them, warmly. And always, her disarming smile conquered the hardest of hearts. This smile lasted almost till the end, when she could feel no more the rhythm of life. 16
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She was one of the very few people in the world who could genuinely rejoice at another’s good fortune. Therefore she had many many friends, both fair-weather ones and those who stood by her through thick and thin: Of all types, from every background, and different hues. They were the ones Leela turned to in times of crisis. Her husband and all her close relatives who were her compatriots passéd away before she entered her eighties. That vacuum saddened her. Her only sister died young and her only nephew was abroad. The cousins Leela grew up with all passed away and so did Leela’s sisters-in-law and brothers in law with whom she was close.
Leela was a curious blend of the old and new. A rural upbringing instilled in her traditional values and to an extent, the superstitions that are part and parcel of our villages, hers being Vengola, Perumbavoor. Enjoying a carefree life, birdsong and baths in the pond, walking barefoot with friends to school, and playing near the many sacred groves of the village, propelled her imagination. Intelligent and extremely pretty, Leela always craved for an independent existence and so college in Hyderabad, courtesy a cousin, paved the way for a job in the post office when she turned twenty. From Hyderabad to Kochi
not meet and she gave herself life till 90. She always spoke about age 90, but she went away four years earlier. Gender equality was a subject she wrote a lot about but in life, Leela loved to serve the man she loved. And how! “Bhaskaran used to call me chachukkutty fondly, and sing beautifully. He sang Alliyambal…..for me always, ” she would reminisce, crying, many years after he died. Theirs was a relationship that surprised many. Childless, they complemented each other. She loved his elite ways, sense of humour and great conversational skills while he was proud of his wife’s striking beauty and super woman capabilities. They fought always and badly, yet the bond only grew stronger, to the extent that Leela would willingly go out and buy that bottle he loved for him to get drunk on, when he was too ill to go out! Well, if that isn’t love! One of Leela’s lesser known drawbacks was that she could easily be duped. But even after realizing it she just let go….without dwelling too much on it. Leela was Miss.Practical with a capital P. What’s the point in thinking about it now, she would say and move on. Going for movies, trips abroad, eating outside, buying new clothes…were all an inherent part of the positive person that she was. She worked and partied hard, in today’s parlance. Jovial times in a deep friendship
and her marriage to a man in the Services, Bhaskara Menon, turned Leela into a fashionable young woman. She wore sleeveless blouses, cutaway sleeves, saris with broad borders which showed off her shapely body, the result of umpteen years of yoga practice. From the post office it was a leap to Ramnath Goenka’s (Indian Express) personal secretary and from there to the Delhi bureau of the paper. Leela had won the gold medal in the Journalism course at Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan. The village girl had by dint of hard work and talent reached the capital city. She was a heady blend of the rural and urban. There was no popular astrologer she did
Without dinning it in, she proved that the word impossible was nowhere in her dictionary. When I was hesitant about taking night shifts, she encouraged me to do it, saying it was no big deal. And yes, it wasn’t! If Leela had one fear it was a time when she would perhaps have no avenue to express her views or write. Janmabhoomi was a pillar of strength for Leela and she died in harness, just the way she wanted to. Her name as Chief Editor was in print even on the day she left the world. The annual Leela Menon Award for the best story in the print medium, written by a woman, is a worthwhile legacy of this feisty woman who left her imprint in my heart.
The author is retired Sr. Assistant Editor at The Hindu Pq¬ 2018
Nn{Xw, Imew A¶v
-\wZn-\ Po-hn-X¯n-se hmÀ-¯m-\nanj-§Ä ]-IÀ-¯p-¶-h-cm-Wv ]-{X t^m-t«m-{Km-^À-amÀ. \m-epw A©pw ]-Xn-äm≠m-bn t^m-t«m-{Km^À-am-cm-bn {]-hÀ-¯n¡p-¶ \n-c-h[n-t¸-cp≠v ≠v tI-c-f-¯nÂ. A-h-cp-sS ≠ ]-e Nn-{X-§fpw Im-en-Iam-b {]-kàn-¡p-a-¸p-dw N-cn-{X-h-gn-I-fn-se
{]-ikv-X t^m-t«m-{K-^À
]n. ap-kv-X-^-bp-sS- Nn-{X§Ä
-em³-k-dm-bn XpS-§n tI-c-f-Iu-apZn, a-ebm-f a-t\m-c-a F-¶o Zn-\-¸-{X-§ fn Ìm-^v t^m-t«m-{Km-^À ap-X t^mt«m F-Un-äÀ h-sc-bp-Å \n-e-Ifn {]-hÀ-¯n-¨n-«p-Å ap-kv-X-^ 45 hÀ-j-am-bn Iym-a-d-bp-ta-´n \-S-¡p¶p. e-£-¡-W-¡n-\v Zr-iy-§Ä N-cn-{X-¯n-eq-sS am-dn-¡bdn-b ]-eX-cw Iym-a-d-¡-®p-Ifn ]-Xn-ªn-«pp≠v ≠v. ≠ ]-g-b ^nenw Iym-a-d ap-X B-[p\n-I Un-Pn-ä Iym-ad-IÄ h-sc A-XnÂ-s¸-Sp¶p.
Pq¬ 2018
Cu e-¡-¯n-se Nn-{X-§Ä t\m-¡mw. tIc-fw tem-I-¯n-\v kw-`m-h-\ sNbv-X Im-bn-I-{]-Xn-`-bm-Wv ]n.Sn. D-j F¶ \-½p-sS H-tc-sbm-cp D-j. Djbp-sS »m-¡v Bâ v ssh-äv Nn{Xw ap-kv-X-^ ]-IÀ-¯n-b-Xv 1991emWv. UÂ-ln-bn-se s\-lv-dp tÌ-Un-b-¯n ]-cn-io-e-\-¯n-s\¯n-b D-j A-¶v aq-¶p-h-b-Êp-Å a-I³ hn-tLv\-jv D-Öz-en-s\bpw Iq-«n-bn-cp¶p. Ip-«n C-S-bv-¡v Kym-e-dn-bn- \n-¶nd-§n
A-\À-L-\n-an-j-§-fm-bn am-dn-bn«p≠v ≠v. ]-Xn-äm≠p-IÄ-¡n-¸p-dw ≠ B Nn-{X-§Ä ho≠pw IY-IÄ ]-d-bp¶p, ]-g-b Im-cy-§Ä HmÀ½n-¸n-¡p¶p. A¯-cw Nn-{X-§fp-sS hn-tij-§Ä ]-¦p-h-bv ¡p-¶ ]w-àn C-hn-sS B-cw-`n-¡pI-bmWv.
{Sm-¡n-te-t¡m-Sn-b-t¸mÄ A-½ ]n-Sn-¨p-\n-dp-¯p-¶-Xm-Wv Nn-{X-¯nÂ. D-j -bp-sS ]n-Sn-¨p-\n-dp-¯Â Po-hn-X-¯nepw kw-`-hn¨p. Ip-«n A-½-bp-sS ]m-X ]n-´p-SÀ-¶nÃ. A-ѳ {io-\n-hm-k\pw Im-bn-I-Xm-c-am-W-tÃm. I-f-dn-ep-Å ]p-Xn-b Nn-{Xw 2014 F-Sp-¯-XmWv. D-j-bp-sS ]-t¿m-fn-bnep-Å ho«n h¨v. D-j-sb¡mÄ D-b-cw-h-¨ D-Öz Fw._n._n.F-kv. I-gnªv D]cn ]T-\-¯n-\v X-¿-dm-sd-Sp-¡p-I-bm-Wv C-t¸mÄ.
]n. ap-kv-X-^-
ap-kv-X-^ F-¶ t^m-t«m-{Km-^À D-j F¶ {]-Xn`-sb ap-¸-¯-©p-hÀj-t¯m-f-am-Wv ]n-´p-SÀ-¶-Xv. F-®m-bn-c-t¯m-fw Nn-{X-§Ä D-jsb¸-än X-s¶ A-t±-lw F-Sp-¯n-«p≠v ≠v. D-j-bp-sS Nn-{X-§-fpsS H-cp F-Iv-kn-_n-j³ ≠ tIm-gn-t¡m-Sv \-S-¶-t¸mÄ D-Zv-LmS-\w sN-bvX-Xv Fw. Sn. hm-kp-tZ-h³ \m-b-cmWv. tIm-gn-t¡m-Sv sa-Un-¡Â tIm-tf-Pn-sâ ]-g-b {Ku-≠ ≠n n Ip«-n bmb D-j Hm-Sn-¯p-S§p-¶ A-¶p ap-X-ep-Å Nn-{X§Ä. H-Sphn I-gn-ª Hm-W-¯n-\v tIm-¨v H.Fw. \-¼ymcpw ]-g-b in-jycpw H-¯p-tN-cp-¶-Xp-h-scbp-Å Nn-{X-§Ä B ti-J-c-¯n-ep≠v ≠v. ≠
Pq¬ 2018
-Nm-cWbp-am-bn- _Ôs¸« e¯o³]Zam-Wv- C³- Iym-ad.- Chn-sS Iym-ad F¶ ]Z¯n-\v- tNw-_À- F¶m-WÀ-°w.Xp-d¶ tIm-SXn-bp-sS FXn-chØbm-WXv.BÀ-¡pw- Imgv-N¡m-cm-bn- {]thin-¡m-hp-¶ kz-X{´am-b AhØbn-em-Wv- P\m-[n-]Xy¯n-se tIm-SXn-IÄ- {]hÀ-¯n-¡p-¶Xv.AXn-\v- hn-]co-Xam-bn- clky¯nÂ- tIm-SXn- {]hÀ-¯n-¡pt¼mÄ- AXv- C³- Iym-adbm-Ip-¶p.- C³- Iym-adbnÂ- hm-kv-X h¯nÂ- Iym-adbn-Ã.- Iym-adbp-sS \n-cm-kam-Wv- C³- Iym-ad.Xp-d¶ tIm-SXn-bn-epw- Iym-adbv-¡v- {]thi\an-Ã.- tIm-SXnbnÂ- I≠Xpw- tI«Xpw- hm-¡p-Ifn-eq-sS ]p-\cm-hn-jv-Icn-¡msa¶Ãm-sX Iym-adbnÂ- ]IÀ-¯n- ]cky-s¸Sp-¯m-\m-hn-Ã.]cky-am-bn-cn-¡p-t¼mÄ-¯s¶ \n-Kq-VXbn-em-bn-cn-¡p-I F¶Xv- Pp-Uo-jy-dn-bp-sS {]tXy-IXbm-Wv.Xp-d¶ tIm-SXn- F¶ Bibw- tIcf¯nÂ- Gsd NÀ-¨ sN¿s¸«Xv- tIm-SXn-Ifn-se am-[y-ahn-e¡n-s³-d ]iv-Nm ¯e¯n-em-Wv.- am-[y-a§Ä-¡v- hn-et¡À-s¸Sp-¯n-bt¸m-gpwtIm-SXn-IÄ- ]Xn-hp-t]m-se {]hÀ-¯n-¡p-¶p≠m-bn-cp-¶p.F¶mÂ- Ahn-sS\n-¶v- Bcpw- H¶pw- tI«n-Ã.- A§s\bp-Å tIm-SXn- ASª tIm-SXn-bm-Wv.- P\m-[n-]Xy-¯n-se tIm-SXnXp-d¶n-cn-¡Ww.- FbÀ- I≠o-j³-Uv- tIm-SXn-ap-dn- F§s\ Xp-d¶n-Sp-sa¶v- No-^v- Pkv-än-kn-s³-d tIm-SXn-bnÂ- sslt¡mSXn-bn-se Hcp ap-XnÀ-¶ -A`n-`m-jI³- ktµln-¨p.- {]thi\ ¯n-\v- \n-b{´Wtam- \n-tcm-[\tam- CÃm-¯ tIm-SXn-bm-WvXp-d¶ tIm-SXn.- dn-t¸mÀ-«dp-sS km-¶n-[y-am-Wv- tIm-SXnXp-d¶tXm- ASªtXm- F¶Xn-s³-d sXfn-hv.- Adn-bp-¶Xn\p-Å P\§fp-sS AhIm-i¯n-s³-d `m-Kw- am-{Xaà CXv.\o-Xn-\nÀ-hlWw- hn-iz-k\o-bhpw- kXy-kÔhpw- BIW sa¦nÂ- kp-Xm-cy-am-bn-cn-¡Ww.- kp-Xm-cy-X Dd¸p-hcp-¯p-¶ kw-hn-[m-\am-Wv- kz-X{´am-b am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯\w.tIm-SXn-IÄ- kz-Im-cy-am-bmÂ- \n-£n-]v-XXm-Xv-]cy-§Ä20
Pq¬ 2018
sk_m-kv-äy³- t]mÄ
kw-c£n-¡s¸Spw.- kz-Im-cy-¯nÂ- \S¡p-¶ tIm-SXn- kz-Im-cy-hXv-Icn-¡s¸« tIm-SXnbm-Ipw.- BtKm-fo-IcWIm-es¯- kz-Im-cyhXv-IcWw- hn-Pbn-¡Wsa¦nÂ- BZywkz-Im-cy-hXv-Icn-¡s¸tS≠Xv- Pp-Uo-jy-dnbm-Wv.- PUv-Pn-amÀ-t]m-epw- Adn-bm-sX AXvkw-`hn-¨p-sIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p-¶p.- \hen-_dÂ≠ \n-e]m-Sp-IÄ- hn-[n-\ym-b§fnÂ- IS¶p-hcp¶Xv- bm-Zr-Ñn-IaÃ. tIm-SXn- hmÀ-¯Ifn-se \yq-\X bm-Wv- am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯IÀ-s¡Xn-sc D¶bn¡s¸Sp-¶ Bt£]w.- ZoÀ-LIm-ew- tIm-S Xn-hmÀ-¯IÄ- dn-t¸mÀ-«v- sNbv-X Bsf¶ \n-ebnÂ- Rm³- B Bt£]s¯ \n-cm-I cn-¡p-¶p.- kmµÀ`n-K-ambn- sIFkv-BÀ-Sn-kn]q-«n-¡q-tS F¶v- Hcp- PUv-Pn- tNm-Zn-¨p.- hm-ZwtIÄ-¡p-¶Xn-\n-SbnÂ- D≠m-b Ia³-dvam-{Xam-bn-cp-¶p- AXv.- km-µÀ-`n-Iam-b Ia³-dv- D¯chn-s³-d cq-]¯nÂ- dn-t¸mÀ-«vsNbv-XXm-bn- Ip-äs¸Sp-¯ep-≠m-bn.- ]{Xwicn-bm-bn- hm-bn-¡m³- ]Tn-¨n-«n-Ãm-¯h
cm-Wv- C¯cw- ktµl§Ä-¡vhn-t[bcm-Ip-¶Xv.- ku-µcyw- ]p-\: Øm-]n-¡m-\m-bn-sænÂ- Xm-PvalÂ- XIÀ-¯p-Iq-tS F¶vkp-{]ow- tIm-SXn-bn-se PUv-PntNm-Zn-¨p.- Xm-Pv-alÂ- s]m-fn-¨p-If bp-¶Xn-\p-Å \nÀ-tZiam-bn- BcpwAXn-s\ I≠n≠n-Ã.≠ ]et¸m-gpw- Nq≠n≠n-¡m-Wn-¨n≠ «p-ÅXp-t]m-se tIm-SXn- Hcp- s]mXp-CSam-Wv.- `cWLS\m-]cam-b Im-cy-§fm-Wv- Ahn-sS \nÀ-hln¡s¸Sp-¶Xv.- Hu-]Nm-cn-Iam-bnAhn-sS D]hn-jv-S\m-Ip-¶ PUv-Pn- IYbn-Ãm-bv-a IÄ- hn-fn-¨p- ]dbn-söm-Wv- Icp-Xs¸Sp-¶Xv.- AXp≠v.sIm≠v ≠v- PUv-Pn-bp-sS Hm-tcm- hm-¡n-\pw- AÀ-°ap≠ ≠ a{´n-bp-sS cm-Pn-¡p- hsc Im-cWam-Ip-¶ iànPUv-Pn-bp-sS hm-¡p-IÄ-¡p≠v ≠v.- {]Xn-]£¯n-s³-d ≠ kam-lr-Xiàn-¡v- km-[y-am-Im-¯Xv- PUv-Pn-bp-sS A`n-{]m-b{]IS\¯n-eq-sS km-[y-am-Ipw.- AXvtIÄ-¡p-¶ dn-t¸mÀ-«À- Hu-Nn-Xy-]qÀ-hw- dn-t¸mÀ-«vsN¿pw.- AXv- a\kn-em-¡m-sX dn-t¸mÀ-«À-am-sc
dIÄ.- C³- Iym-ad Bhiy-ap-Åt¸mÄ- Iym-ad I® Sbv-¡s«.- AÃm¯t¸mÄ- Iym-ad¡®p-IÄ- Xp-d¶ncn-¡s«.- Hm¬- Iym-ad s]m-XpX-Xz-hpw- C³- Iym-ad AXn-\v- A]hm-Zhpw- Bbn-cn-¡Ww.---
tIm-SXn-bnÂ-\n-¶v- Hgn-hm-¡Ww- F¶m-hiy-s¸Sp¶hÀ- Ifn-¡p-¶Xn-\pw- H¯p-Ifn-¡p-¶Xn-\pwXbm-dm-bn- hcp-¶hcm-Wv.- \o-Xn-tZhXbv-¡p- ]IcwAhÀ- am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯Icp-sS I®p-sI«n.- PUv-PnamÀ- FÃmw- AdnbWsa¶n-Ã.- \o-Xn-tZhXsbt¸mse Ahcpw- I®v- sI«s¸«hcm-Wv.- Ahn-sS P\ §Ä-¡p-th≠n≠n- I®v- Xp-d¶n-cn-¡p-¶Xv- am-[y-a{]hÀ≠ ¯Icm-Wv.-
A¬-]mÀ-esa³-ddn- Bb Im-cy-§Ä- kv-]o-¡À- k`m-\S]SnIfnÂ-\n-¶v- \o-¡w- sNbv-XmÂ- Ah ]n-s¶ {]kn²o-Icn-¡m-\m-hn-Ã.- {]kn-²o-Icn-¨mÂ- k`bp-sS AhIm-iew-L\am-bn- IW¡m-¡pw.- XÂ-kab kw-t{]jW¯n-s³-d Im-e¯v- Cu- hy-hØ A{] kàam-bn.- FÃmw- FÃm-hcpw- XÕabw- Im-WpIbpw- tIÄ-¡p-Ibpw- sN¿p-¶p.- tIm-SXn-IfnÂPUv-Pn-amÀ- \S¯p-¶ Ia³-dp-Ifpw- ]cm-aÀ-i§fpwXÕabw- ]cky-am-Ip-¶ Im-e¯v- dn-t¸mÀ-«À-amÀ]gn- tIÄ-¡p-¶ km-lNcyw- Hgn-hm-Ipw.- s]m-Xp-NÀ¨bnÂ- Akz-Øcm-Ip-¶ PUvP-n-amÀ- \n-i_v-Zcm-Ipsa¶ A]ISap≠v ≠v.- ]dtb≠Xp-am-{Xw- ]dªmÂ≠
hn-in-jv-Sam-b B I®n-s³-d Un-Pn-äÂ- FIv-kvä³-j\m-Wv- tIm-SXn-IfnÂ- Øm-]n-¡s¸Sp-¶ Iym-a
{_n-«o-jv- ]mÀ-esa³-dv- clky-¯nÂ- {]hÀ¯n-¨n-cp-¶ Im-eap-≠m-bn-cp-¶p.- dn-t¸mÀ-«À-amÀDÄ-s¸sS A\yÀ-¡v- {]thi\ap-≠m-bn-cp-¶n-Ã.clky-¯nÂ- tIÄ-¡p-¶Xv- ]cky-s¸Sp-¯n-bmÂin-£bp-≠m-bn-cp-¶p.- C¶v- Im-ewam-dn.- am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯IÀ- ]mÀ-esa³dn-s³-d `m-Ksa¶ \n-ebnÂ- t^mÀ¯v- Fkv-tääm-bn.- C´y-bnÂ- ]mÀ-e sa³-dn-\v- kz-´am-bn- Nm-\epw- ]mÀesa³-dnÂ-\n-¶v- XÂ-kab kw-t{] jWhp-ap≠v ≠v.- Cu- co-Xn-bn-ep-Å ≠ kw-hn-[m-\am-Wv- tIm-SXn-bnÂ- GÀs¸Sp-¯m³- Btem-Nn-¡p-¶Xv.k¼¯pw- km-t¦Xn-Ihn-Zy-bpw- Hcpan-¨mÂ- F´pw- km-[y-amWv.- XÂkabkw-t{]jWt¯m-sSbm-Wv{_n-«\n-se kp-{]ow- tIm-SXn- {]hÀ -¯n-¡p-¶Xv.- Atacn-¡³- tIm-SXnIfn-epw- sSen-hn-j³- Iym-adIfp-sS km-¶n-[y-ap≠v ≠v.≠
Pq¬ 2018
PUv-Pn- A\p-Iq-e`m-hw- Im-Wn-¨n-sö hn-iZoIcWam-WtÃm- A`n-`m-jIÀ- Ct¸mÄ- \Â-Ins¡m≠n≠n-cn-¡p-¶Xv.- ^o-kv- hm-§n-b h¡oÂ≠ Xs¶bm-tWm- tIm-SXn-bnÂ- lm-Pcm-bsX¶ Im-cy-hpw- hy-hlm-cn- Adn-bs«.Iym-ad FÃm- {]iv-\§Ä-¡pw- ]cn-lm-camIp-sa¶ {]Xym-i F\n-¡n-Ã.- \S]Sn-IfnÂA¨S¡hpw- NÀ-¨IfnÂ- \n-ehm-chpw- Dd¸p- hcp¯m³- ]mÀ-esa³-dn-se Iym-ad klm-bIam-bn-Ã.tIm-SXn-bn-se Iym-adbp-sS AhØbpw- CXpXs¶bm-bn-cn-¡pw.- ]p-d¯p- \nÂ-¡p-¶ \ap-¡vFÃmw- Im-Wp-Ibpw- tIÄ-¡p-Ibpw- sN¿m³Ahkcw- In-«p-sa¶Xm-Wv- {][m-\s¸« Im-cyw.P\§Ä- FÃmw- Im-Wp-Ibpw- Adn-bp-IbpwaXn-sb¶Xv- kz-bw- \n-b{´W¯n-s³-d `m-Kam-Ipw.am-[yakm-£cX bm-YmÀ-°y-am¡p-¶XnÂ- am-[y-a§Ä- hln-¡p-¶ ]¦v- sNdp-XÃ.- tIm-SXn-hmÀ-¯IÄhm-bn-¨v- P\§Ä- \n-baw- ]Tn-¡p-¶p.tIihm-\µ `m-cXn- tIknÂ- 66 Zn-hkw\o-≠p-\n-¶ hm-Zw- ]{X§Ä- hn-iZam-bndn-t¸mÀ-«v- sNbv-Xn-cp-¶Xv- Rm³- HmÀ¡p-¶p.- hen-b \n-bahn-Zym-`ym-kam-WvA¶v- ]{X§Ä- \S¯n-bXv.- sSenhn-j³- kw-t{]jWw- hcp-t¼mÄ- tIm-S Xn-IÄ- Iv-fm-kv- ap-dn-IfmIpw.- \n-ba t_m-[\w- e`n-¡p-¶ P\X hen-b tXm-XnÂ- im-ào-Icn-¡s¸Spw.- AXvdn-¸_v-fn-¡n-s³-d iàn-bm-bn- am-dpw.hen-b ^o-kv- \Â-In- X§ÄGÂ-]n-¡p-¶ tIkp-IÄ- kp-{]owtIm-SXn-bnÂ- F§s\ \S¯s¸Sp-¶p -sh¶v- aq-hm-bn-cw- In-tem-ao-äÀ- C¸pd¯v- kz-´w- ho-«n-en-cp-¶v- hy-hlm-cnIÄ-¡v- Adn-bm³- Ign-bp-¶ AhØ \n-km-caÃ.- kp-Xm-cy-X D¯chm-Zn-Xzt_m-[¯n-\v- Im-cWam-Ipw.- tIm-SXn ap-dn-Ifn-se Xn-¡n-epw- Xn-c¡n-epwIm-gv-N \n-tj[n-¡s¸Sp-¶ \n-Êlm-b cp-sS AhØbnÂ-\n-¶v- hy-hlm-cnIÄ- DbÀ-¯s¸Sp-w.- ]t¯m- ]Xn-\ t©m- e£w- cq-] ap-S¡n- kp-{]owtIm-SXn-bn-se¯n-¡p-¶ lÀ-Pn- \n-anjmÀ-²¯nÂ- hm-Zw-t]m-epw- tIÄ¡m-sX \n-et¯¡n-Sp-¶ lr-Zbt` ZIam-b Im-gv-N P\w- Im-Ws«.X§Ä- tLm-ctLm-cw- hm-Zn-¨n-«p-w22
Pq¬ 2018
tIihm-\µ `m-cXn
sN¿p-t¼m-gm-Wv- P\m-[n-]Xyw- AÀ-°]qÀ-Wam-Ip-¶Xv.I≠Xpw- tI«Xpw- icn-bm-bn- hym-Jym-\n-¨p- In-«p-¶Xn-\v- ]cnio-e\w- e`n-¨ am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯Icp-sS klm-bw- At¸m-gpwBhiy-ap≠m-Ipw.- -
ap³ Fw.- ]n. bpw {]ikvX am[ya \ncq-]-I-\p-am-Wv teJ-I³.
Hcp hm¡v aebmf `mj-bpsS hfÀ¨¡v ]{X-`mj \ÂIp¶ kw`m-h\ sNdpX-Ã. `mj-bnse sshI-eyw, A£-c-¸n-g, hymI-c-W-sX-äv, {]tbmK ≠v. CXv Nq≠ ≠ ≠n-ImWn¡p¶ sshIeyw XpS-§n-b-sXÃmw kw`-hn-¡p-¶p≠v coXn ae-bmf ]{X-{]-hÀ¯\w P·-sa-Sp¯ Imew apX-te-bp-f-f-Xm-Wv. hymI-c-W-¯n-sâbpw ]Z-{]-tbm-K-¯n-sâbpw hmIy-L-S-\-bp-sSbpw XÀÖn-a-bp-sSbpw Imcy-¯n bmYm-Øn-Xn-IXzw ]peÀ¯-W-sa¶ A`n-{]mbw tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an¡v CÃ. efn-Xhpw Hm-P-ÊpäXpamb ssien ae-bm-f-¯n-\p≠v ≠v. ae-bm-fn-bpsS ≠ ae-bmfw hos≠-Sp-¡m³ hyXy-kvX-X-e-§-fn ]cn-{iaw \S-¡p-¶p≠v ≠v. ≠ Cu ]Ým-¯-e-¯n ae-bmf am[y-a-§-fn hcp¶ sXäp-Ifpw Ipd-hpIfpw Nq≠n≠n-Im-«p¶ ]wàn, "Hcp hm¡v', ChnsS Bcw-`n-¡p-¶p. ≠ {]apJ am[ya {]hÀ¯-I\pw tIcf cmPv`-h³ ]_vfnIv dnte-j³kv Hm-^o-k-dp-amb Fkv.- Un.- {]n³kv BWv teJI³.
¨Sn F¶ kmt¦XnIhnZysbt¸mse `mjsb kzm[o\n¨ asäm¶nÃ. P\§Ä Nn´n¡p¶ coXn sbbpw AXphgn AhcpsS s]cpamäs¯bpw amänsb Sp¯ {]Xn`mkambmWv amÀj aIveql³ A¨Snsb hntijn¸n¨Xv. A£c§Ä¡v Ønccq]w \ÂInbXpw A¨SnbmWv. \½psS \m«n aebmfsa¶ `mjsb C¶s¯ cq]¯nem¡nsbSp¯Xn A¨Snam²ya§Ä¡p Å{X ]¦v aämÀ¡panÃXs¶. Ignª Ht¶Im \qäm≠n ≠ ≠n tesdbmbn aebmf`mjsb hfÀ¯nbpw ]cn]men¨pw CSbv¡nsS ]pXp¡nbpw ]et¸mgpsa¦nepw XfÀ¯nbpw \½psS A¨Snam²ya§Ä apt¶dpIbmWv. AXpsIm
Fkv. Un. {]n³kv
≠pXs¶, Ahbnse aebmfs¯¡pdn¨v hnebncp¯ensâ cq]¯n Hcp hm¡v ]dbp¶Xn A\uNnXyap≠mhnÃ. B Hcp hm¡v F§s\ XpS§Ww F¶mtemNn¡pt¼mgmWv Hcp ]{X¯n "F§ns\' Fs¶mcp {]tbmKw I≠Xv. icnbmWv, kn\na¸m«nsems¡ "F§ns\' F¶v ]eXhW tI«ncn¡p¶p. adp`mK ¯p\n¶v `mjmimkv{XÚÀ tNmZn¡p¶p: ]m«n tIs«¶pIcpXn "F§ns\' F§s\ icnbmhpw? AhÀ ]dbp¶Xn§s\bmWv: "M\w' F¶ [mXphns\m¸w "F' F¶ D]kÀKw tNcpt¼mgp≠mhp¶XmWv "F§s\' F¶Xv. "F' bvs¡m¸w "CSw' tNÀ¶t¸mÄ "ChnSw' h¶Xpt]mse. [mXp (AYhm hm¡nsâ thcv, aqew) M\w' BbXn\mepw AXv "Mn\w' AÃm¯Xn \mepw "A§ns\' icnbmhm\nSbnÃtÃm... F¦nepw \½psS Nne ]{X§fn "A§ns\bpw' "C§ns\'bpw, ]ns¶ F§n s\bpw' ImWm¯ ZnhkanÃ. `mjbpsS am\IoIcWw km²yam ¡nbXv ]{X§fpw A¨SnbpamsW¦nepw {]tbmK¯nse sXäpIÄ¡v AÀln¡m ¯ {]Nmcw t\Sns¡mSp¡p¶Xn kn\na ¸m«pw sSenhnj\psams¡ A¨Snam²ya §sf Ft¶ IS¯nsh«n¡gnªp. hcp¶Xv "IÀ¡nS'IaÃ, IÀ¡SIamsW¶v Pq¬ 2018
]t£, "Icn¸qÀ Ah-KW-\' F¶p tI«mtem? kuZn Atd_ybn kv{XoIÄ¡v hml\tamSn ¡m\pÅ A\paXn e`n¨ t¸mÄ AXv temIsa§pw henb hmÀ¯bmbn. kuZn bn AXp≠m¡nbXv DÕ h{]XoXnbmbncp¶p F¶v hmÀ¯bn¡≠p. B DÕ h¯nsâ B-chw Hcp ]{X ¯n "Bchw Cu Imtdm«w' Fs¶mcp Xes¡«mbn ]nd¶p. Bchw F¶m iÐw, _lfw Fs¶ms¡ AÀ°w. At¸mÄ, "Bchw Cu Imtdm-«w' F¶mÂ?
HmÀ½n¸n¡pt¼mÄ Hcp ]m«nse hcn D²cn¨p sIm≠v ≠v NneÀ "IÀ¡nSIw' F¶ sX-äns\ apdpsI ≠ ¸nSn¡p¶Xv AXpsIm≠mWtÃm. ]´pIfnbpsS temI-I¸v kok-Wn hmÀ¯ bnepw ImÀ«qWnepsams¡ B Ifnbpambn _Ô s¸« {]tbmK§Ä hcp¶Xv ]Xnhm-Wv. Cu ka b¯v, ]¶y³ cho{µ³ "temIw Imäv \nd¨ ]´nsâ IqsS' F¶ ]pkvXIw {]kn²oIcn¨Xv katbmNnX-amWv. Hcp ]{X-¯n A-Xnsâ hmÀ ¯bpsS ioÀ-jIw C§-s\: "temIw Imäv \nd¨ ]´nsâ IqsS'bpsS Int¡m^v \m-sf. ]´pIfn bpsS XpS¡¯n\pÅ t]cmb "Int¡m^n'\v XpS¡w Ipdn¡Â F¶ AÀ°w s]mXpthbp≠v ≠v. ≠ Hcp aÕc¯nsâtbm NÀ¨bpsStbm XpS¡¯n\v B {]tbmKw tNcpw. ]pkvXI{]Imi\¯n\v AXv {]tbmKn¡pt¼mÄ Hcp Akzm`mhnIXbpsS In¡v A\p`hs¸Sp¶p. B In¡n sXdn¨Xv ]t´m `mjbnse HuNnXytam? Hcp dnt¸mÀ«ntebvt¡m teJ\¯n-tebvt¡m hmb\¡mcpsS {i²bmIÀjn¡m\mWv BIÀjI amb Xes¡«p\ÂIp¶Xv. IYbpsS ]IpXn ]d ªpsIm≠v ≠v _m¡n `mK¯ntebv¡v hmb\¡msc ≠ sIm≠pt]mIm\pÅ hml\ambn \ap¡v ioÀjI §sf¡mWmw. F¶mÂ, AhbneqsS In«p¶Xv Bib¡pg¸amsW¦ntem? Xes¡«v \½psS Xe hc F¶v kam[m\n¡mw. sImfoPnbw \ÂIp¶ ip]mÀisb "sImfo Pnbw ip]mÀi' F¶v ]d ]dbp¶Xv kzm`mhn-Iw. 24
Pq¬ 2018
A]IS¯n acn¨ Ip«n¡v "\mSnsâ I®oÀhnS' Fs¶mcp Xe-s¡«p I≠ t¸m-gpw kwibw tXm¶n. I®otcmsS hnS F¶Xns\ Npcp¡nbXmWv. CXv aq¶p ]{X§fnse teJItcmSv Nq≠n¡m«nbt¸mÄ ≠ ≠n¡m«nbt¸mÄ aqhcpsSbpw {]XnIcWw kam\ambncp-¶p: "Dgp¶p hS F¶p ]dbpt¼mse, AtÃ?' s]mXpthbpÅ Hcp Pm{KX¡pdhv \½psS ]e {]apJ ]{X§fnsebpw Fgp¯n sXfnbm dp≠v ≠v. AXn\pZmlcWambn CXm Hcp hcn: "UÂln ≠ Itâm¬saâ v sat{Sm tÌj\p kao]amWv icoc ¯neqsS hml\w Ibdnbnd§nb \nebn i\n bmgvN cmhnsebmWv...' C{µ{]-دnÂ\n¶v hcp¶Xns\ C{µ\pw Xncp¯m\mhnsöv Bsc ¦nepw IcpXp¶pthm Bthm? `mjbnse sXäpw icnbpw Xocpam\n¡p¶Xv D¨mcW¯nsebpw hymIc-W¯nsebpw A]mI XIÄ am-{XamsW¶v IcpXp¶Xv Imcy§sf efnXhXvIcn¡pItbbp-Åq. ]≠papXte \½psS ]Zk¼¯nsâ `mKamb ]e {]tbmK§fnepw kmaqlnIamb Nne [z\nIÄ \ngen¡p¶p≠mhmw. CubnsS Hcp {]apJ Fgp¯pImc³ "sNä-¯cw' F¶v HcnS¯p {]tbmKn¨t¸mÄ AXns\Xnsc iàamb {]XnIcW§Ä ]ecnepw \n¶p≠mbn. `mjbpsS {]tbmK-¯n hym-IcWImcy¯n am{XaÃ, kmaqlnIambpw icn]£¯p\nÂt¡ ≠Xv am²ya§fpsS [ÀaamsW¶ HmÀ½s¸Sp¯ emWv C¯cw {]XnIcW§Ä.
am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I\pw tIcf cmPv`-h-\nse ]»nIv dnte-j³kv Hm^o-k-dp-amWv teJ-I³.
CRIME AND HUMAN BEHAVIOUR -A STUDY The media especially TV, might alter our tendency to commit crimes in several ways
he web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together: our virtues would be proud if our faults whipped them not, and our crimes would despair if they were not cherished by our own virtues” -William Shakespeare in All’s well that Ends WellPredatory and violent crimes are happening in an everyday basis which tends to make the people think that rule of criminal law has turned to a grinding halt. Most of the crimes are committed by young males. Violent Crimes hence become more common in big cities and Sub urban areas. High rates of criminality tend to shape and happen in families. The persons who frequently commit the most certain crimes typically begin their criminal careers at a quite young age. Persons who turn out to be criminals usually do not do very well in school. Young men who drive recklessly and have many accidents tend to be similar to those who commit crimes. Programmes designed to
V.K. Babu Prakash
rehabilitate high rate offenders have not been shown to have much success and those programmes that do manage to reduce criminality among certain kinds of offenders often increase it among others.
Crime and Human Nature All serious political and moral philosophy, and thus any serious social enquiry, must begin with an understanding of human nature. Though society and its instiPq¬ 2018
on circumstances, take toys from his friends, money from his mother, and strangers etc. Some of these actions may break the law, some may not.
Theory of Criminal Behaviour
tutions shape man, man’s nature sets limits on the kinds of societies we can have. Cicero said that the nature of law must be founded on the nature of man. First of all Crime is neither easily observed nor readily measured. There is no way of knowing the true crime rate of a society or even of a given individual. Crime is very common, especially among males. Using interviews and studies, scholars have discovered that the majority of all young males have broken the law at least once by a relatively early age. The word ‘Crime’ can be applied to such a varied behavior that it is not clear that it is a meaningful category of analysis. Stealing a comic book, punching a friend, cheating on a tax return, murdering a wife, robbing a bank, bribing an official or politician, these and countless acts are all no doubt crimes. Crime is as broad a category as disease and perhaps as useless. To explain why one person has ever committed a crime and 26
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another has not may be as pointless as explaining why one person has ever gotten sick and another has not.
Crime and its meaning A crime is any act committed in violation of a law that prohibits it and authorizes punishment for its commission. Crimes are short term, circumscribed events that result from the coming together of an individual having certain characteristics and an opportunity having certain immediate and deferred costs and benefits. Criminality refers to stable differences across individuals in the propensity to commit criminal or equivalent acts. The equivalent acts will be those that satisfy, perhaps in entirely legal ways, the same traits and predisposition that lead, in other circumstances, to crime. For example, a male who is very impulsive and so cannot resist temptation may, depending
People ordinarily obey society’s rules but violate them, when following those rules, it does not enable them to satisfy their legitimate aspirations. There is a strain between the goal they seek and the means at their disposal to reach that goal. There is a theory which holds that criminals have learned their values from deviant rather than law abiding persons. Criminals have learned that crime is worthwhile because it is reinforced by the good opinion of persons in whose company one commits the crime or who later learns of it.
Constitutional Factors Some individuals are more likely to become criminals than others. Males are more disposed than females to criminal behavior and younger males are more likely than older ones to commit crimes at high rates. It is likely that the effect of maleness and youthfulness on the tendency to commit crime has both constitutional and social origins. Constitutional factors refer to factors usually present at or soon after birth, whose behavioral consequences appear gradually during the
child’s development. Constitutional factors are not necessarily genetic, although they may be. A genetic factor, if not a mutation is inherited from one or both parents. There is no ‘Crime gene’, and so there is no such thing as a ‘born criminal’, but some traits that are to a degree heritable, such as intelligence and temperament, affect to some extent the likelihood that individuals will engage in criminal activities.
Age and Criminal Behavior Criminal behavior depends as much or more on age than on any other demographic characteristic like sex,
closely watched by adults who have the power physically and by arranging contingencies of reinforcement to control their behavior and their major needs and desires. The strongest and most influential people in a child’s environment such as parents, adult relatives and teachers usually consider it an obligation to reinforce the standards of the community in their dealings with children. Only later in adolescence and beyond, do most people run into bad influences and willing to reinforce antisocial activities. Although crime rates decline throughout life beyond the initial rise, certain crimes peak later, or decline slower or both. Most juvenile offenders do not become adult offend-
settled time. Of course, at each age, people vary along all of the criminogenic variables. Those few individual who fail to find legitimate means of success, who get especially adept at benefitting from crime, who do not form ties to the community or who actively scorn it, who do not internalize prohibitions, who do not mind the bite of their conscience, who are afflicted with extreme impulsiveness or intense anti social drives may well continue active criminal careers beyond the usual term.
Family The role of family in producing criminal behavior seems to be a greater mystery. The family can moderate or magnify any natural predisposition of the child. The interactions between parent and child my make the latter more or less impulsive, more or less willing to take the feelings of others into account. That sort of interactions has three process of involvements. (1) It develops attachment by which it inculcates in the child of a desire to win and hold the approval of others.
social status, family pedigree etc. In general, the tendency to break the law declines thorough out life. Crime declines only after an initial rise in childhood and the early teens. Children are typically
ers. Almost all chronic adult offenders were also juvenile offenders, most of them were in fact, chronic juvenile offenders. Why does age affect crime? Youth is the adventurous time of life, old age the
(2) The development of a time horizon. It shapes the child’s ability and inclination to take into account the more distant consequences of personal actions. (3) The development of conscience, by which an internalized constraint happens against certain actions, the violation of which causes feelings of anxiety. Pq¬ 2018
Broken and abusive family A broken home presumably supplies less opportunity for creating a strong attachment between child and parents and thus reduces the ability of the parents to condition the child, so that, he will internalize conventional rules. An abusive home presumably uses inconsistent and violent disciplinary practices that both weaken the child’s capacity to learn what consequences follow from what acts and instruct the child, through his observational learning of relying on violence to settle quarrels.
Schools When a child enters school, he or she becomes part of one of the few state supervised institutions in our society to alter, by plan, individual differences in behavior. As a result, the schools become for many of us the focus of our fondest dreams and greatest disappointments. We hope that within their walls, dull children will be be28
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come brighter and gifted ones brighter yet, unruly children will settle down and quiet ones will assert themselves. Sometimes, this happens, but just as often, whatever differences existed among children upon entering school seem to become, if anything, greater by the time they leave. We are aware that children begin school with different intellectual abilities, though we expect all children to benefit from their experiences there. We are not surprised when children who seemed brightest in the early grades turn out to be among the brightest in the later grades and when the slower children remain slower than the others during all of the grades. We naturally become distressed when bright children do less well than expected and not so bright children seem to fall farther behind, and we often speak to the teachers or complaints to the school authorities. But, when a child’s experiences in school seem to conform to the child’s natural aptitudes, we are usually contented or at worst resigned. Individual differences affect crime rates
both directly or indirectly, the latter occurring as personal attributes interacting with school processes. Boys with below normal verbal intelligence will commit more crimes, on the average, than boys with higher verbal skills, whether or not they attend a good school, but if they attend a good school, their probability of committing a crime will drop. Perhaps the relationship between schools and behavior exits with respect to other personal traits, such as temperament and attitude. Schools may also affect criminality in ways that are largely independent of what teachers do. A school, after all brings together a large number of young persons. If the school is in a high crime neighborhood, boys attending it will be more likely to meet high rate offenders than if the school were is a low crime area. Thus, the school may contribute to criminality because of the peer groups that form there.
Community Aspects of social life like friends on the street, the boundaries of the neighborhood, the destiny of opportunities, the informal processes of social control affect individual crime rates to some degrees; peers and gangs can affect the value a person assigns to the reward of crime like adding the approval of colleagues to the perceived value of the act done. The social boundaries of the neighborhood can affect the value he assigns to the reward of
non-crime like narrowing the range of persons who encourage the commission of crime. The density of human settlement can affect the frequency with which one encounter opportunities for crime and the extent of natural surveillance of the streets by people and police may affect the probability of being caught and punished.
Television and Mass Media When in the 18th Century, the German writer Goethe, published ‘The Sorrows of Young Werther’, the authorities in several countries worried that readers captivated by this popular novel would commit suicide in imitation of the book’s tragic hero. Though no such wave of suicides was ever established, the book itself was banned in several countries. Today TV and newspapers have become so pervasive a part of our lives that it seems only reasonable to suppose that their combined effect on our tendency to resort to violence must be many times greater than that of a single novel. The media especially TV, might alter our tendency to commit crimes in several ways. Viewing programmes or watching films might increase the material value we attach to crime by calling to our attention things we did not realize we wanted until we saw them effectively portrayed or by suggesting to us that things we always knew we wanted are more accessible than we had imagined.
Alcohol Alcohol is another matter whose statistical association with crime is overwhelming. Alcohol affects crime directly, by the changes it works in the aggressiveness, impulsiveness and time horizon of some of the persons who consume it. Drugs also affect crime indirectly by increasing the incentive to do the criminal act.
Crime and Punishment There are various ways of punishment prescribed to eradicate crime. They are retributive, incapcitation, de-
terrence, moral education and capital punishment. Punishment incapacitates, deters and educates morally, but those justifications alone would seem insufficient to many members of a civilized society. In addition to the utilization purposes, punishment must also restore the equity that the criminal offence violated, which is to say, punishment
must seem to people to be just legislators and courts are the formal instruments for setting just punishments, but they must conform to the prevailing consensus on what is fair or the legal system losses legitimacy. An excessively cruel system of law may control the behavior of its citizens even more strictly than a just one, but people will surely hate it, may resist submitting to it in the longer course. Too lax system of law will fail to satisfy the public desire for justice and thereby risk vigilantism. It will fail to deter and to educate morally. The punishments of the legal system are an essential part to control criminal behavior. So
long as legal punishments are no more or less severe than dictated by the principle of equity, they will simultaneously control the actions of people and satisfy their desire for justice.
The writer is Additional District Judge and Secretary to Kerala Legislative Assembly. Pq¬ 2018
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CâÀ\m-j-W I½yq-WnÌv eoKnsâ \b-]-cn-]m-Sn-bpsS hnÚm-]-\-amb I½yqWnÌv am\n-s^tÌm 1848 s^{_p-h-cn-bn {]kn-²o-I-cn-¨-Xn\v ]n¶mse 1848 Pq¬ H¶n-\m-bn-cp¶p "]pXnb ssd³ ]{Xn-I-'bpsS {]kn-²o-I-cWw. t_mWn \n¶v 60 Intemao-äÀ AI-se-bp-Å sImtfm¬ F¶ ]«W-¯n \n¶mWv AXv ]pd-¯p-h-¶-Xv. amÀIvkpw GwKÂkpw tNÀ¶mWv I½yqWnÌv am\n-s^tÌm X¿m-dm-¡n-bXv. AXv ]pd¯p h¶-tXmsS bqtdm-¸n-emsI IqSpX {i²n-¡-s¸« hn¹-h-Im-cn-I-fmbn Ccph-cpw amdn-¡-gn-ªp.- A-Xp-sIm≠v ≠v Xs¶ ≠ amÀIvkv apJy-]-{Xm-[n-]-cpw GwKÂkv DÄs¸-sS-bp-Å-hÀ ]{Xm-[n]kanXn AwK§-fp-amb "]pXnb ssd³ ]{XnI'Ne\w krjvSn-¡p-¶-Xm-bn. amÀIvkv ]{Xm-[n-]-cmbn, CXn\pw Bdp hÀjw ap¼v, CtX ]«-W-¯n \n¶pw Hcp ]{Xw Cd-¡n-bn-cp¶p "ssd\njv ssk¯p§v'. 1842þ amÀIvkn\v 24 hb-ÊpÅ-t¸m-gmWv ]{Xm-[n-]-cm-b-Xv. bqtdm-¸nse alm-\-Zn-I-fn H¶mb ssd³ sImtfm¬ ]«-W-¯nsâ Acn-In-eqsS Hgp-Ip-¶-Xm-Wv. Ncn-{X-{]-[m-\-amb B \Zn-bpsS t]cmWv ]{X-¯n\v \ÂIn-b-Xv. CS-¯cw hym]m-cnIfpw hyh-km-bn-Ifpw tNÀ¶mWv B ]{Xw XpS-§n-b-Xv. ]pXp Nn´m-K-Xn-¡mcpw ]ptcm-K-a\ hmZn-I-fp-amb slK-en-b-·mÀ AXnsâ apJy Bkq-{X-I-cm-bn-cp-¶p. hym]mc-¯n\v {]Xn_Ô-am-Ip¶ Xocp-hIfpw ^yqU \nb-{´-W-§fpw \o¡m -\pÅ `cW DtZym-K-Ø-X-e- k-½ÀZ-¯n\v th≠n≠n-bmWv ]{Xw Øm]n-¨-Xv. ≠ ]{Xw XpS§n GXm\pw amkw Ignªv, 1842 HIvtSm-_-dn-emWv amÀIvkv ]{Xm-[n-]Xyw Gsä-Sp-¯-Xv. ]{X DS-a-I fnse CS-Xp-]£ slK-en-b-·m-cpsS Bhiy-{]-Im-c-amWv _ncp-Zm-\-´c _ncp-Z-¯n\v
cpsS £W{]Imcw ]{Xm-[n-]-cmb amÀIvknsâ Fgp¯pw CS-s]-Sepw ]{X-¯n\v hn¹-h-I-c-amb P\m-[n-]Xy kz`mhw \ÂIn. AtX-Xp-SÀ¶v ]{X-¯n-t·Â sk³kÀjn¸v BZyw Npa-¯n. ]n¶oSv ]ng-bn-«p. Ah-km\w H¶mw ]nd-¶mÄ Znhk-amb 1843 P\p-hcn H¶n\v "ssd\njv ssk¯p-§v' (ssd³ ]{Xn-I) kÀ¡mÀ AS-¨p-]q-«n¨p. amÀIvknsâ ]{X-{]-hÀ¯\w Zcn-{Z-P-\-X-tbmSpw A²zm-\n-¡p-¶-h-tcmSpw tXmfp tNcp-¶-Xm-bn-cp-¶p. "ssd³ ]{XnI' 1842 P\p-hcnbn dq«³ _ÀKv ]{Xm-[n-]-cmbn XpS§n-b-Xm-sW-¦nepw 1842 HIvtSm-_-dn amÀIvkv ]{Xm-[n-] Pq¬ 2018
-cm-b-tXmsS kz`m-h-¯nepw DÅ-S-¡-¯nepw {]I-S-amb amäw kw`-hn-¨-Xn-s\-¸än apI-fn kqNn-¸n-¨-tÃm. A¶v {]jy³ kÀ¡mÀ ]mÀe-saân (em³Uv XmKnÂ) sIm≠ph¶ "hndIp tamjWw' kw_-Ôn¨ \nb-a-\nÀam-Ws¯ \J-in-Jm´w FXnÀ¯v amÀIvkpw ]{Xhpw kzoI-cn¨ \ne-]mSv Hcp ]{X-¯nsâ Nmbvhv BtcmSv F¶v hyà-am¡p-¶p. `qhpS-a-I-fpsS {]Xn-\n[n k`-bmWv em³Uv XmKv. h\-§-fpsS DS-a-Ø-X `qhp-S-a-IÄ¡m-bn-cp-¶p. h\-{]-tZi¯v Imen-ta-bv¡p-¶Xpw th«-bm-Sp-¶Xpw hnd-Ip-ti-Jcn-¡p-¶Xpw XS-hp-in-£- \ÂIm-hp¶ Ipä-ambn hyhØ sN¿p¶ _nÃmWv sIm≠p-h-¶-Xv. CXns\ hnaÀin¨ amÀIvkv, kzImcy kz¯p-S-a-ØÀ Ft¸mgpw `ocp¡fpw kzmÀYcp-am-bn-cn-¡p-sa¶v Nq≠n≠n-¡m-«n. kz´-ambn H¶p-an≠ Ãm-¯-h\pw \jvS-s¸-Sm-\n-Ãm-¯-h\pw am{Xta ss[cyhpw hn¹-hI-c-hpamb DuÀP-hp-ap≠m-Ip-I-bp-Åp. AhÀ¡v am-{Xta s]mXp-XmÂ]-cy-t¯msS kzbw XmZmßyw {]m]n¡m-\mhq F¶ kn²m-´-¯nsâ BZy-cq]w "ssd³ ]{XnI' teJ-\-¯n h¶p. hnd-Ip-ti-J-c-W¯n\pÅ Ah-Imis¯ hnd-Ip-tam-j-W-ambn Nn{Xo-I-cn-¡p-I-bm-sW¶pw Nqj-W-¯n\pw aÀ±-\-¯n\pw hnt[-b-amb Zcn-{Z-P-\-X-bpsS sNdp-¯p-\nÂ]mWv hnd-Ip-ti-J-cn-¡p-¶-Xn sXfn-bp-¶sX¶pw amÀIvkv Fgp-Xn. C{X-sbm-s¡-bm-sW-¦nepw Cu L«-¯n IÀj-IP-\-X-bpsS Zmcn{Zy-amWv, sXmgn-em-fn-I-fpsS Zmcn{Zy-aà amÀIvkv {]Xn-]m-Zn-¨Xv. sXmgn-emfn hÀKw (t{]mentädnbäv) F¶v {]tbm-Kn-¡p-¶n-S-t¯m-fhpw amÀIvkv F¯n-bn-cp¶n-Ã. At±lw Hcp I½yq-Wn-Ìmbn hfÀ¶ncp¶nà F¶v kmcw. AXpsIm AXpsIm≠mWv "ssd³ ]{Xn-I'sb BZy I½yqWnÌv ]{X-ambpw B ]{X-¯nsâ ]{Xm-[n-]sc BZy I½yq32
Pq¬ 2018
WnÌv ]{Xm-[n-]-cmbpw hne--cp¯m¯-Xv. {]jy-bnse cmPm-hnsâ sk³kÀjn¸v \nb-as¯ cq£-ambn hnaÀin¨p amÀIvkv teJ\w Fgp-Xn-bn-cp-¶p. ]t£ sk³kdpsS hne-¡p-Im-cWw AXv {]jy-bn {]kn²o-I-cn-¡m-\m-bn-Ã.- F-¶m ]n¶oSv "ssd³ ]{Xn-I-bnÂ' amÀIvkv aäpcq]¯n CtX hnjbw ssIImcyw sNbvXp. ]{X-{]-hÀ ¯\w Hcp I¨-h-S-am¡n amäp-¶-Xn-t\mSv hntbm-Pn¨ amÀIvkv kmaq-ly-]p-tcm-K-Xn¡v ]{X-kzm-X{´yw A\n-hm-cy-am-sW¶pw AXp Äs¡m-Åp¶ `c-W-L-S\ cmPy-¯n\v Bhiy-am-sW¶pw hmZn-¨p. C¯cw \ne-]mSp-I-fn-eqsS hn¹-h-Im-cn-bmb P\m-[n-]Xy hmZn-bmbn amÀIvkv Dbcp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. "ssd³ ]{Xn-I-bnse' amÀIvknsâ Ipdn¸p-Ifpw apJ-{]kwKhpw hmÀ¯Ifpw PÀa\n-bn-se ]ptcm-K-a\iàn-Isf Bthiw sImÅn-¡p-Ibpw {]Xn-tem-a-Im-cn-Isf hndsIm-Ån-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. AXv \m«n ]{X-¯n\v A\p-Iq-e-amb then-tbäw krjv Sn-¨p. 1842 HIvtSm-_-dn amÀIvkv ]{Xm-[n-]cm-Ip-t¼mÄ hcn-¡mÀ 885þ F«mgvN Ign-ªt¸mÄ 3400þ F¯n. Ah-km\w sk³kÀ Ip-cp-¡nÂs¸«v ]{Xw \nÀt¯≠n ≠n h¶p. ≠ "I½yq-WnÌv am\n-s^tÌm' {]kn-²o-I-cn¨ -hÀjw 1848þ sImtfm-Wn \n¶p-Xs¶ amÀIvknsâ ]{Xm-[n-]-Xy-¯n "\nbp ssd\njv ssk¯p§v' Neue Rheinsche
Zeitung (]p-Xnb ssd\njv ]{XnI) ]pd¯p
bpàn-bp-Å-Xm-hWw teJ-\-§-sf¶pw At±lw iTn-¨p.
h¶p. CXns\ BZy I½yq-WnÌv ]{X-ambpw AXnsâ ]{Xm-[n-]-cmb amÀIvkns\ BZy I½yq-WnÌv ]{Xm-[n-]-cmbpw IW-¡m-¡p¶Xv B ]{X-¯nsâ e£-W-sam¯ hn¹h DÅ-S¡w Imc-W-am-Wv. amÀIvknb³ Bib-§fpw I½yq-WnÌv kn²m-´hpw ASn-¯-dbmb ]{X-ambn AXv amdn.
]{Xw ]mcm-b-W-{]n-b-am-Ip-¶-Xn\v \À½w Hgn-¨p-Iq-Sm\m-hm-¯-Xm-Wv. kmaqlyamä¯n\v th≠n≠n-bpÅ ]{X-{]≠ hÀ¯-\-¯n \À½¯n\pw lmky-¯n\pw henb Øm\ap-s≠¶v amÀIvkv I≠p. AXnsâ ASn-Øm-\-¯n lmky-I-hnX Fgp-Xm³ ]{Xm-[n] kanXn AwK-§-fmb tPmÀPv hoÀ¯v, s{^bven {Km¯v F¶n-hsc Npa-X-e-s¸-
temIs¯ BZys¯ I½yqWn-Ìv ]mÀ«n-bmb PÀa³ I½yq-WnÌv ]mÀ«n-bpsS Bi-b-§fpw ]cn-]m-Sn-Ifpw \ne-]m-Sp-Ifpw {]N-cn-¸n-¡m-\mWv "]pXnb ssd\njv ]{XnI' Bcw-`n-¨Xv. I½yq-WnÌv am\n-s^tÌm-bpsS {]kn-²o-I-c-W-¯n\v ]n¶mse C¯cw Hcp hÀ¯-am\]{Xw ]pd-¯n-d-¡n-bXn-eqsS bqtdm-¸nse hn¹h{]-hÀ¯-\-§fpsS tI{µ-kÀh-I-em-im-e-bmbn Cu ]{Xw amdn. ]{Xw Øm]n-¡m³ ]Ww kzcq-]n¡m³ Gsd IjvS-¸mSv kln-¨p. "tZim`nam\n' Øm]n-¡m³ C.Fw.Fknsâ IpSpw_ kz¯v hnäp-In-«nb ]Ww D]-tbm-Kn-¨-Xp -t]mse ImÄ amÀIvkn\v ss]Xr-I-ambn¡n «nb kz¯v hnäp In«nb ]Ww ]pXnb ]{X¯n-\mbn amän. AXn\v ]pdsa sXmgn-em-fnIÄ, ssIs¯m-gn-ep-ImÀ XpS-§n-b-h-c-S-¡-apÅ-hsc Øncw hcn-¡m-cm¡n ]Ww kzcq]n-¨p. 1848 Pq¬ 1 \v ]{Xw HutZym-Kn-I-ambn ]pd-¯p-h-¶p. F¦nepw sabv 31 \v sshIn«v Xs¶ ]{Xw A¨-Sn-¨p. amÀIvkv apJy ]{Xm-[n-]-cm-bn-cp¶ ]{Xm-[n] kan-Xn-bn s^U-dnIv GwK kpÄs¸sS Ggp t]cp-≠m-bn-cp-¶p. "I½yq WnÌv am\n-s^tÌm'bpsS ]ckyw ]{X¯n h¶n-«p≠v ≠v. amÀIvknsâ "Iqen-th-e ≠ bpw aqe-[-\hpw' F¶ {KÙw XpSÀ teJ\-ambn {]kn-²o-I-cn-¨p. Hmtcm e¡hpw ap³Iq«n Bkq-{XWw sNbvXp. ]{Xm-[n] kanXn AwK-§Ä¡p tPmen hoXn¨p \ÂIn. \mfs¯ ]{Xw F´m-bn-cn-¡-Wsa¶v ap³Iq«n I≠v ≠v AXn\v CW-§p¶ ≠ teJ-\-§fpw hmÀ¯-Ifpw tXSn-¸n-Sn-¡pItbm X¿m-dm-¡p-Itbm sNbvXp. AXn-\m aäp-Å-h-cpsS teJ-\-§Ä amÀIvkv FUnäp sNbvXp. ]e hmÀ¯-Ifpw X¿m-dm-¡n-bXpw amÀIvkv Xs¶. AXym-h-iy-L-«-§-fn ≠n hcp-sa-¦nepw AXv ≠ \o≠ teJ-\-§Ä th≠n Hcp ]Xn-hp- co-Xn-bm-¡-cp-sX¶v amÀIvkv \nÀ t±-in-¨p. hkvXpX-IÄ¡v {]m[m\yw \ÂIp -¶-Xm-IWw teJ-\-§Ä icnbmb -\n-K-a\-§-fn hmb-\-¡msc F¯n-¡m-\pÅ
Sp-¯n. AXv {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡m³ {]tXyIw CSw amän-h-¨p. Ah-cpsS Ihn-X-IÄ¡v Bi-bhpw IÂ]-\bpw \ÂIp¶-Xnepw AhÀ¡v {]tNm-Z\w ]I-cp-¶-Xnepw amÀIvkv henb ]¦phln-¨p. "I½yq-WnÌv am\n-s^tÌm'bv¡v tij-apÅ amÀIvkv Bb-Xn-\m "]pXnb ssd\njv ]{XnI'-bnse amÀIvkn-sâbpw GwKÂkn-sâbpw teJ-\-§fpw dnt¸mÀ«p-Ifpw PÀa-\n¡v ]pd¯v {^m³kv, Cä-en, Cw¥≠v ≠ ≠v XpS-§nb cmPy-§-fnse ]ptcm-K-a\ ]{X-§fpw XmXznI B\p-Im-en-I-§fpw ]p\:{]kn-²o-I-cn-¨p. Pq¬ 2018
¡m-«n. sXmgn-emfn hÀKs¯ hnZypXv{]-hm-l-¯n-se-¶-t]mse ^e-{]-Z-am-bn Cf-¡n-a-dn-¡m³ asämcp PÀ½³ hÀ¯-am\ ]{X-¯n\pw Ign-ªn-«n-Ã.- A-Xnsâ-sbÃmw Imc-W-¡m-c³ amÀIvkv Bbn-cp-s¶¶pw GwKÂkv hyàam-¡n. ]{X-¯n\v e`n¨ _lpP\ ]n´p-W- sN-dpXmbncp-¶n-Ã. kÀ¡mÀ ]{X-amb "sImtfm¬ Kk-än\v' {]Nmcw 9000 tIm¸n. F¶m Hcp hÀj-¯n-\p-Ån "]pXnb ssd\njv ]{Xn-Ibv¡v' 6000 tIm¸n hcn-¡mÀ. sXmgn-em-fn-Isfbpw _lp-P-\-§-sfbpw Cu ]{Xw C{X-b-[nIw kzm[o-\n-¨Xv {]Xn-hn-¹h iàn-Isf {]tIm-]n¸n-¨p. ]{Xw \ntcm-[n-¡m³ B{Kln-s¨-¦nepw AXv P\-§-fn krjvSn-¡p¶ {]Xn-I-cWw Bi-¦bp-≠m-¡n. AXp ImcWw ]{X¯nsâ hmbv aqSn-s¡-«m-\pÅ hgn tXSn BZyw.
sXmgn-emfnhÀK-s¯bpw P\m-[n-]XyiànI-sfbpw GtIm]n-¸n-¡p-¶-Xn\pw I½yq-WnÌv eoKnsâ hym]-\-¯n\pw Ah-bpsS {]hÀ¯\w \bn-¡m\pw Hcp hn¹-h-]{Xw thW-sa¶ Bi-b¯n \n¶mWv "]pXnb ssd\njv']{XnI XpS-§nb-Xv. B ISa \nd-th-äp-¶-Xn ]{Xw hnP-bn-¨p. hnhn[ cmPy-§-fnse kw`-h-hn-Im-k-§sf AXXv ka-b¯v hne-bn-cp-¯p¶ teJ-\-§fpw Ipdn-¸p-Ifp-ap-≠m-bn. 1848þsâ Bcw-`-¯n hn¹-h-th-en-tbä-am-bn-cp-s¶-¦n AtX hÀjw Pq¬ Ah-km-\am-b-t¸mÄ {]Xnhn¹-h-i-àn-I-fpsS {]Xym-{I-aWw iàn-s¸-«p. Nne cmPy-§-fn sXmgn-emfn {]t£m`w kÀ¡mÀ ASn-¨-aÀ¯n-b-t¸mÄ hcm³ t]mIp¶ kmaqlyhn¹-h-¯n\v apt¶m-Sn-bmb ka-c-ap-t¶-ä-§ fmbn Ahsb apJ-{]-kw-K-§-fn amÀIvkv Nq Nq≠n≠ ≠n34
Pq¬ 2018
sImtfm-Wnse knhn ssk\nI DtZym-K-Øsc A]-am\n¨p F¶ Ipäw Npa¯n ]{X ¯n\v FXnsc tImS-Xn-bn tIkp sImSp-¯p. amÀIvkns\ Hcp {] jy³ ]uc-\mbn AwKo-I-cn-¡m³ Ign-bn-söpw ssd³ kwØm\w hn«p-t]m-I-W-sa¶pw t]meokv ta[mhn Adn-bn-¨p. 1848 \hw-_À 11 \v amÀIvkns\ tImS-Xn-bn ka¬ sNbvX-t¸mÄ tImS-Xnh-f-¸n \qdp-I-W-¡n-\m-fp-IÄ amÀIvkn\v ]n´p-W-bp-ambn XSn¨p-Iq-Sn. amÀIvkns\ AdÌp sNbvXm P\§Ä _ew {]tbm-Kn¨v tamNn-¸n-¡p-sa¶v ]»nIv t{]m kn-Iyq-«À kÀ¡m-cns\ Adn-bn-¨p. {]Xn-hn-¹-h -ap-t¶-ä-¯nsâ `mK-ambn _Àen\n cmP-Ip-Spw_w `cWw Gsä-Sp-¡p-Ibpw tZiob{]Xn-\n[n k` ]ncn-¨p-hn-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXp. sXmgn-em-fn-Ifpw Irjn-¡mcpw CS-¯-c-¡mcpw H¯ptNÀ¶m {]Xn-hn-¹hw XI-cp-sa¶pw hn¹hw Pbn-¡p-sa¶pw amÀIvkv Xsâ ]{X-¯n-eqsS P\§-tfmSv ]d-ªp. \nIpXn \ntj-[-¯n-\pÅ Blzm\w FÃm Znh-khpw A¨-Sn-¨p. CXn-s\-Xnscbpw tImSXn tIkp-I-fm-bn. ]t£ amÀIvknsâ kaÀYhpw bpàn `{Z-hp-amb hmZ-¯n\v ap¶n tIkp-I-fn kÀ¡mÀ ]£w tXmäp. AXn-\m kÀ¡mÀ \nÀtZ-i-{]-Imcw ]{Xw ]q«n-¡m³ ]«m-
fs¯ Npa-X-e-s¸-Sp-¯n. B ZuXy-¯nsâ `mKambn c≠p ]«mf DtZym-K-ØÀ amÀIvknsâ ho«n AXn-{I-an¨v Ib-dn. \nÀ_-Ô-]qÀhw ]{Xw ]q«n¡pI, th≠n ≠n h¶m amÀIvkns\ X«n-s¡m-≠p≠ t]m-hpI F¶n-h-bm-bn-cp¶p Dt±iyw. F¶m t\cs¯ Icp-Xn-bn-cp¶ ssIt¯m¡v Ip¸m-b¯nsâ Ioi-bnÂ\n-s¶-Sp-¯n«v ImWn-¨-tijw ssIbn ]nSn¨p, AXv t]m¡-än C«p. "Fsâ ho«n AXn-{I-an¨p Ibdn A{Iaw Im«n-bm kzc-£bv¡v shSn-h-bv¡m³ \nbaw A\p-h-Zn-¡p¶p-s≠¶v amÀIvkv ]«mf DtZym-K-Øsc HmÀa-s¸Sp-¯n. hmKzmZ§Ä¡v HSp-hn ]«m-f-¡mÀ \ncm-icmbn Xncn-¨p-t]m-bn. F¶m ]ntä-Zn-hkw ]{X-am-^okn\v Npäpw ]«m-f-¡m-cpsS \nc-bm-bn. AXns\ t\cn-Sm³ It¼mkn-äÀamÀ hn¹-h-ssk-\n-I-cpsS Nph¸p sXm¸n-[-cn¨mWv tPmen sNbvX-Xv. Bbp-[-§Ä ]{X-am-^okn Icp-Xn-h-¨p. Ah-km\w {]jy-bn \n¶pw \mSp-I-S-¯m-\pÅ kÀ¡mÀ IÂ]\ 1849 sabv 16 \v amÀIvkn\v e`n-¨p. kÀ¡m-cns\ A«n-a-dn-¡m\pw Hcp tkmjy dn¸-»n¡v Øm]n-¡m\pw th≠n ≠ ≠n P\-§sf hn¹-h-¯n-\n-d-¡m³ t{]cn-¸n-¡p-¶-XmWv "]pXnb ssd\njv ]{XnI' F¶v D¯-c-hn Nq≠n≠ ≠n¡m-«n. kzbw \mSp-hn-«n-sÃ-¦n Ad-Ìp-sNbvXv \mSp-I-S-¯p-sa¶pw kÀ¡mÀ ap¶-dn-bn¸v \ÂIn. AtXmsS ]{Xw XpS-cpI Akm-²y-sa¶v h¶p. ]{X-am-cW\n-b-a-§fpw aäv aÀZ\\nb-a-§fpw ImcWw cmPy{`jvS\mb amÀIvkv A\y-cm-Py-§fn F¯n-bn«pw Xsâ s]mXp {]hÀ¯-\-¯nsâ BZy-cq-]-amb ]{X-{]-hÀ¯\w hyXy-kvX-cq-]-¯n XpSÀ¶p; kz´-ambn ]{Xw Øm]n-¨p-sIm≠≠-sÃ≠ ¦nepw. kz´-ambn ]{Xw \S-¯m-\pÅ kml-Ncyw ]n¶o-Sp-≠m-bn-Ã.- F-¶m PÀ½\n, {^m³kv, Atacn¡ XpS-§nb cmPy-§-fnse tkmjy Utam{Im-änIvþ en_-d _qÀjzm ]{X-§-fn-eqsS Xsâ Bi-b-§fpw temI-kw-`-h-hn-Im-k-§sf ]än-bpÅ I½yq-WnÌv ho£-Whpw teJ-\§fn-eqsS Ah-Xcn-¸n-¨p. H¶mw C´y³ kzmX{´y ka-cs¯ hnebn-cp-¯p¶ teJ-\-§Ä {]kn-²o-I-cn-¨Xv Atacn -¡³ ]{X-amb "\yptbmÀ¡v sUbven {Sn_yq-WnÂ' Bbn-cp-¶p. C¯cw teJ-\-§Ä¡v e`n¨ {]Xn^ew hm§n-bmWv e≠Wnse IjvSX \ndª {]hmkPohn-X-¯n\v at[y"aqe-[\w' DÄs¸-sS-bpÅ Aaq-ey-{K-Ù-§Ä cNn-¨-Xv. Hcp ]{X-Øm-]-\-¯n ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ X½n ]peÀt¯≠ kmtlm-Zcy-_Ôw F§s\ F¶-Xn\v D¯-a-am-Xr-I-bmWv amÀIvkpw GwKÂkpw X½n-epÅ kulr-Zw. 1842þemWv amÀIvkpw GwKÂkpw X½n BZyw I≠Xv. A¶v XpS-§nb kulrZ_Ôhpw _u ²nI kl-I-c-Whpw amÀIvkv A´-cn¡pw hsc
XpSÀ¶p. "slK-ensâ \nb-a-ZÀi\w: Hcp hnaÀ i\w' F¶ amÀIvkn-sâbpw "Cw¥≠nse ≠nse sXmgn ≠ -emfn hÀK-¯nsâ ØnXn þ1844' F¶ GwKÂknsâbpw IrXn-IÄ "]pXnb ssd\njv ]{XnI' Cd§pw apt¼ {]kn-²o-I-cn-¨-h-bm-Wv. ]{X-{]-hÀ ¯-\-¯nepw AÃm-sXbpw amÀIvkpw GwKÂkpw ]c-kv]cw kzm[o-\n-¡-s¸-«p. A{]-Im-c-amWv amÀIvknkw F¶-t]-cn ]n¶oSv Adn-b-s¸« {]]© ho£Ww Ah-cn-cp-h-cp-tSbpw kwbpà krjvSn-bmbn hfÀ¶-Xv. "]pXnb ssd\njv ]{XnI']q«m³ \nÀ_-Ôn-Xam-b-t¸mÄ amÀIvkpw GwKÂkpw DÄs¸-sS-bpÅ ]{Xm-[n] kanXn AwK-§Ä IqSn-bm-tem-Nn¨v Ahkm\ e¡-¯n\v cq]-`mhw \ÂIn. sabv 18 \v ]pd¯p h¶ B e¡w Nph¶ ajn-bn A¨-Sn-¨p. AXnsâ At\-Im-bncw tIm¸n hnX-cWw sNbvXp. AXn apJ-{]-kw-K-¯n ]{Xm-[n-]À Fgp-Xn:
"sXmgn-em-fn-Itf, P\-§tf \n§-fpsS klm-b¯n\v \µn. Cu ]{X-¯nsâ Ah-km\ hmIyw, F¶pw FÃm-bn-S¯pw H¶p-am-{X-am-bn-cn¡pw: sXmgn-emfn hÀK-¯nsâ tamN-\w. amÀIvknsâ 200þmw P· hmÀjnIw temI-sa-¼mSpw hyXykvX ]cn-]m-Sn-I-tfmsS sIm≠m-Sp¶ L«-¯n amÀIv knsâ I½yq-WnÌv ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-\hpw ]T-\-hn-jb-am-Ip-¶p.
¤ apXnÀ¶ am²y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I\pw tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bpsS sNbÀam-\pamWv teJ-I³. Pq¬ 2018
-Sn-bp≠≠-Ifpw t_mw-_p-Ifpw F-t¸mÄ Po-h-s\≠ Sp-¡p-sa-¶-dn-bm-sX hmÀ-¯ tiJcn¡p-¶-hcm-Wv P-½pþIm-iv-ao-cn-se ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯IÀ. ]t£, A-hÀHcp Zp-:kz-]v-\-¯n -t]mepw I≠n≠n-«nÃm-¯-Xm-Wv kw-`≠ hn-¨Xv. tPm-ensN-¿p-¶ ]-{X-¯n-sâ A-[n-]³ sh-Sn-tb-äp a-cn-¨ hmÀ-¯ X-IÀ-¶ lr-Z-b-t¯m-sS, [m-c-bm-bn H-gpIp-¶ I-®o-tcm-sS, ]m-Xn-cm-hn F-gp-Xp-Ibpw Nn-{X-§Ä \n-c-¯p-I-bpw t]-Pp-IÄ \nd-bv-t¡≠n ≠n h-cn-Ibpw sN-bvXp, ≠ "ssd-kn-§v Im-iv-aoÀ' ]-{X-¯n-se tP-W-en-Ìp-IÄ-¡v. ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\ N-cn-{X-¯n¯-s¶ A-Xy-]qÀ-ham-b A-\p-`-hw. No-^v F-Un-äÀ jp-Pm-Xv _p-Jm-cn H-cp ap-gp-h³k-a-b ]qÀ-W ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-\m-bn-cp¶p. C-´y-sbm-«m-sI am-{XaÃ, tem-I-¯p ]-te-S¯pw A-dn-b-s¸-Sp-¶ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯I³. H-cp ]-{Xm-[n-]-cp-sS a-I-\m-bn F-¶-Xp-sIm-≠p am{Xw
se [o-ccm-b ]-{X{]-hÀ-¯-IÀ ap-Jy-]{Xm-[n-]-cp-sS sR-«n¸n¡p-¶ A-dp-sIm-e ap-JyhmÀ-¯-bm-bp-Å t]-Pp-IÄ I-Sp-¯ lrZ-b-th-Z-\-tbm-sS X-¿mdm-¡n. B cm-{Xn-bp-sS th-Z-\m-P-\-I-am-b, F³.-]n. cmtP-{µ³ F-¶m B-th-i-Icamb A-\p-`-h-hn-h-c -W-amWv "Zv ln-µp' ]-{X-¯n- {io-\-KÀ te-JI³ ]oÀkm-Z B-in-Jv 2018 Pq¬ 17-þ\pÅ ]-{X-¯n-sâ H¶mw t]-Pn \Â-In-bXv. "kvtäm-¸v {]-kv? t\m«v F ssd-kn-§v Im-iv-aoÀ'
jp-Pm-¯n-sâ B-{K-lw
A-hÀ \n-d-th-än, \n-d-I-®p-I-tfmsS... ]-{Xm-[n-]cm-b B-fà A-t±lw. ]Tn-¡p-¶ Im-ew -ap-XÂX-s¶ ]-{X -{]-hÀ-¯-\-¯n-sâ ]m-XXs¶-bmWv X-tâ-Xpsa-¶p Xn-cn-¨-dn-ª B-fmbn-cp-¶p. ap-Åp-I-fp-w Iq-À¯ IÃp-Ifpw am-{XaÃ, Im-e-\-¡-a-dn-ªm s]m«n-s¯-dn-¡p-¶ t_mw-_pIfpw X-s¶ Im-¯n-cn¡p-¶p-s≠¶p A-dn-ªpX-s¶ B h-gn Xn-c-sªjp-Pm-Xv _p-Jm-cn Sp-¯ ]-{Xm-[n]À. hen-b ]-{X-¯n-sâ te-J-I-\m-bncp-¶m t]m-cm-, X-sâ \m-Snsâ `m-hn cq-]-s¸-Sp-¯m³ kz´-am-bn ]-{Xw th-Ww F-¶p \n-Ý-bn-¨ B km-l-knI-s\ Xn-cn-¨-dn-bm³ C-cp-fn-sâ i-àn-IÄ-¡v A-[n-Iw ka-bw th-≠ ≠n-n-h-¶nÃ. A-hÀ B shÃp-hn-fn G-Xm\pw sh-Sn-bp-p-≠ ≠ IÄ sIm≠v ≠v \n-jv-I-cp-Ww CÃm-Xm-¡n. ≠ Øm-]-\-¯n-sâ F-Ãm-saÃmam-b ap-Jy ]-{Xm-[n-]-À h-[n-¡-s¸-«m A¶-s¯ ]-{Xhpw \nÀ-hn-Im-c-X-tbm-sS D≠m-¡m³ _m-[y-Ø-cm-Wv ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯IÀ. ]-d-bm³ F-fp-¸-amWv. a-sä-s´-¦nepw Øm-]-\-am-sW-¦n ]pd-¯v H-cp I-dp-¯ sIm-SnXq-¡n Øm]-\w A-S-¨n-«m a-Xn-bm-Ipw. ]-{X-{]-h-À-¯-IÀ-¡v A-Xp ]-änÃ-tÃm. ssd-kn-§v Im-iv-ao-cn36
Pq¬ 2018
F-¶ X-e-s¡-«n-Â. ssh-In«v 7.25\v dw-km-³ N-{µ-s\ I≠ -Xn-sâ kq-N-\-bm-bn-cn-¡mw F-¶ sX-än-²m-c-W kr-ãn-¨ ]-S-¡iÐw tI-«-Xp-ap-X-ep-Å kw-`-h§Ä¡p km-£n-I-fm-bn-c-p-¶p {io-\-KÀ {]-kv F³-t¢-hn-se ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-scÃmw. Xp-SÀ¨bm-b sh-Sn-sbm-¨ tI«v Hm-Sn-bn-d-§n-bXpw F-Un-äÀ sh-Sn-tb-äp In-S-¡p¶-Xp I≠≠-Xpw ≠ C-cp-]-tXm-fw t]-cp-Å- ssd-kn-§v Im-iv-aoÀ \yq-kv sU-kv-In-s\ X-IÀ-¯p-I-fªp. ]-t£, G-Xm\pw a-Wn-¡q-dp-IÄ¡-Iw Np-a-X-emt_m-[w ho-s≠Sp¯p. C-Xn-\p-ap-¼v 2015þ `o-Ic-cp-sS B-{I-a-W-¯n ]-cn-t¡-äv A-hi\m-b ]-{Xm-[n-]-cp-sS A-`m-h-¯n ]-{X-an-dt¡≠n≠n-h-¶ A-\p`-hw AhÀ HmÀ¯p. ]-{X ≠ -an-d-¡p-I-Xs¶, A-hÀ H-ä-a-\-tÊm-sS Xo-cpam-\n¨p. tP-W-en-kv-äv, t\m¬ tP-W-en-kv-äv t`-Z-anÃm-sX A-hÀ tPm-en-bn hym-]r-X-cm-bn. F-s¶ sIm¶mepw \n-§-Ä ]{Xw C-d¡-Ww F-¶ {]n-b ]-{Xm-[n-]-cpsS hm-¡p-IÄ A-h À-¡v F§-s\ a-d-¡m³ I-gn-bpw? H¼-Xp a-Wn-bm-bn ]-Wn Xp-S-§p-t¼mÄ. ]-¯-c sU-Uv-sse³ ]m-en-¡m-\m-hnà F-¶dn-bmw. Zpx-J-hmÀ-¯-b-dnªv Hm-^o-kn-se¯n-b H-cp ap³ ]-{X-{]-h-À-¯-I³ H¶mw t]-Pv Un-
aoUnb ss_ävkv
À-¯ A-dn-bm³ P-\-§Ä km-aq-ly-am-[ya§-sf B-{i-bn-¡p-¶ {]h-W-X tem-Isa-§pw hÀ-jw-tXm-dpw i-àn {]m-]n-¡p-I-b-tÃ? B-Wv F-¶m-Wp s]m-Xp-[mc-W. ]-t£, A-sXm-cp sX-än-²m-c-W am-{X-am-Wv. 2017 \pti-jw tem-Iw Cu {]-h-W-X-bn \n-¶p ]n-t¶m-«p-t]m-hp-I-bm-Wv F-¶p {]ap-J am-[y-a]T-\ Øm-]-\-am-b tdm-bväÀ C³-Ìn-äyq-«v t^mÀ ÌUn Hm-^v tP-W-en-kw \-S¯n-b B-tKm-f-kÀ-sh (tdm-bv-äÀ C³-kv-än-äyq-«v Un-Pn-ä \yq-kv dn-t¸mÀ-«v) sh-fn-hm-¡p-¶p. 37 cm-Py§-fn-se 74,000 B-fp-I-Ä-¡n-S-bn-em-Wv C³-Ìn-äyq-«v kÀ-sh \-S-¯n-b-Xv. 37 cm-Py-§-fp-sS Iq-«-¯n C-´ybpw ssN-\bpw s]-Sp¶nÃ. G-gp hÀ-j-am-bn Xp-S-cp-¶ {]-h-W-X-bm-Wv C-¡-gn-ª hÀ-jw X-f-À-¶Xv. ap³-hÀ-j-t¯-¡mÄ H¼-Xp i-X-am-\w Ipd-hv B-fp-I-Ä- am-{Xta A-ta-cn¡-bn 2018þ km-aq-ly-am-[ya-s¯ hmÀ-¯-IÄ¡v B-{i-bn-¡p-¶pÅq. C-XnÂX-s¶ {i-t²-bam-b Im-cyw, s^-bv-kv-_p-¡n-s\ D-t]-£n-¨-h-cn 20
¡m-cn kÀ-sh \n-K-a-\-§Ä NÀ-¨ sN-bv-X t^m¡-kv {Kq-¸n ]-d-ªp. A-ta-cn-¡-bn 16 i-X-am-\w hm-b-\¡mÀ G-sX-¦nepw Hm¬-sse³ am-[y-a-¯n-\v hmÀ-¯ In-«m³ ]-Ww \Â-Ip-¶p≠v ≠v F¶pw kÀ-sh-bn-eq-sS ≠ a-\-Ên-em-bn. FÃmXcw hmÀ-¯m-am-[y-a-§-fn-ep-apÅ hn-izm-kw cm-Py-§Ä-tXmdpw hy-Xykv-X-am-sW¶pw kÀ-sh-bn Im-Wm-\mbn. D-Zm-l-c-W-¯n-\v {_n-«³, PÀ-a-\n, sU³amÀ¡v, C-äen, P-¸m³ F-¶n-hn-S-§-fn s]m-Xp-D-S-aØ-X-bn-epÅ hmÀ-¯m-kw-t{]-j-W Øm-]-\-§-fnem-W-p P-\-§Ä-¡p Iq-Sp-X hn-izmkw. {_n-«-\n-se G-ähpw hn-izm-ky-X-bp-Å Øm]-\w C-t¸mgpw _n-_nkn Xs¶. sF-Sn-hn, kv-ssI-\yqkv, Nm-\Â4 \yqkv, sU-bv-en sa-bnÂ, KmÀ-Un-b³, C³-Un-s]³-Uâ v, Zv ssSw, sU-bv-en sS-e-{Km-^v F-¶nh sXm-«p-sXm-«v ]n-dInÂ- \nÂ-¡p-¶p. hn-izm-ky-X-bv-¡p kzm-`m-hn-I-ambpw hm-b-\¡m-cp-sS/t{]-£I-sâ cm-{ão-b hn-izm-ky-X-bp-am-bn _-Ô-ap≠v ≠v. D-Zm-l-c-W-¯n\v, kn-F³-F³ Nm-\en ≠
kmaq-ly-am-[y-aw ]n-d-tIm«v i-X-am-\w ]p-Xn-b X-e-ap-d-¡m-cm-Wv F-¶-Xm-Wv. 37 cm-Py-§-fn a-te-jy-bnepw sN-¡v dn-¸-»n-¡nepw am-{X-am-Wv s^-bv-kv-_p-¡v {]n-bw A-ev-]-sa-¦nepw hÀ-²n-¨-Xv. F-¶mÂ, hn-hm-Z-hmÀ-¯-I-tfm kw-`-h-§tfm NÀ-¨sN-¿m³ hy-àn-IÄ ap-s¼-¶ t]m-se s^-bvkv-_p-¡n-s\bpw hm-Sv-kv-B-¸n-s\bpw X-s¶-bm-Wv D-]-tbm-K-s¸-Sp-¯p¶-Xv F¶pw kÀ-sh sX-fnbn¨p. hmÀ-¯ s^-bv-kv-_p-¡nÂ-\n-¶v F-Sp-¡pIbpw hm-Sv-kvB-¸v {Kq-¸p-I-fn NÀ-¨-bv-¡v t]m-Ìv sN-¿p-I-bp-am-Wv an-¡-h-cpw C-t¸mgpw sN-¿p-¶-Xv. hm-Sv-kv-B-¸n-em-Wv A-ev-]-sa-¦nepw kz-Im-cy-X-bpÅXv. s^-bv-kv-_p¡vv H-cp s]m-XpØ-ew t]m-se A-\p-`-h-s¸-Sp-¶pþA-ta-cn-¡-bn-se H-cp sN-dp-¸-
ssk³ sN-¿m³ k-¶-²-\m-bn. jp-Pm-Xv _p-Jm-cn-bpsS I-dp-¸nepw sh-fp-¸n-ep-ap-Å ap-gp-h³ t]-Pv Nn-{X -¯n-\p Np-h-sS A-\-iz-c-am-bn Pz-en-¨p-\nÂ-¡p-¶ h-cn-I-Ä \n-c-¶p."....R-§-fn \n-¶v \n§-sf X-«n-sbSp-¯ `o-I-c-À-¡v R-§-sfm-cn-¡epw h-g-§p-I-bnÃ. F-{X A-{]-kà-am-b-Xm-bmepw kXyw F¶pw D-bÀ¯n-¸n-Sn-¡p-I X-s¶ sN¿-Ww F-¶ A-§-bp-sS B-ZÀ-i-¯n R-§Ä D-d-¨p-\nÂ-¡pw.' "jp-Pm-Xn-s\ \n-È-Ð-\m-¡n' F-¶m-bn-c-p-¶p C-Xn-sâ X-e-hm-N-Iw.
C-S-Xp-]-£-¡m-cp-sS hn-izm-ky-X-bp-sS kq-Nn-I 7.08 B-sW-¦n h-e-Xp-]-£-¡m-cp-tSXv 2.4 BWv. kn-F³F³ Nm-\-en-\p ]p-d-sa, hym-P-hmÀ-¯ D≠m¡p-¶-hÀ F-¶p {]-kn-U-â v {Sw-]v ap-{Z-Ip¯n-b Zv \yq-tbmÀ-Iv ssSwkv, hm-jn-§v-S¬ t]m-kväv, F³._n.kn {_m³Up-IÄ¡pw C-S-Xp-]-£-¡m-À¡n-S-bn-em-Wv Iq-Sp-X hn-izm-ky-X-bp-Å-Xv. A-ta-cn-¡-bn-em-Wv hmÀ-¯m-am-[y-a-§-tfm-Sv P-\§Ä-¡v G-ähpw Iq-Sp-X A-IÂ-¨ h-fÀ-¶p-h-cp-¶-Xv. C-¡m-cy-¯n- Hm¬-sse³, {]nâ v, Zr-iy-am[y-a hy-Xym-k-anÃ. FÃm-¯n\pw hm-b-\-¡m-cp-sS F-®w ap³-hÀ-j-t¯-¡mÄ Ip-d-hmWv. dn-t¸mÀ-«n-sâ ]qÀ-W-cq-]-¯n\v : http://www.digitalneswreport.org
]{Xw C-d-§pwh-sc D-]-hm-kw Xp-Scpw F-¶ \n-e-]m-Sv kzo-I-cn-¨m-Wv A-hÀ cm-{Xn ssh-Inbpw tPm-en Xp-SÀ-¶Xv. km-[m-c-W-Zn-hk-s¯ F-«p-t]-Pn\p ]I-cw ]-Xn-\m-dp t]-Pv ]-{Xw X-¿m-dm¡n. \m-ep t]-Pn jp-Pm-Xv \n-d-ªp-\n-¶p. ]n-sä Zn-hkw, ssd-kn-§v Im-iv-aoÀ ]-{X-{]hÀ-¯-I-cp-sS [o-c-X-sbbpw a-\-Êm-¶n-²ys¯bpw F-Xn-cm-fn-I-Ä t]mepw hm-gv¯n. Pq¬ 2018
Zv C-¡-tWm-an-Ìpw en-\n ]p-X-ptÈ-cnbpw k
-a-Imen-I tem-Iw I-≠ G-ä-hpw {]-K-Û \m-b im-kv-{X-Ú³ k-äo-^³ tlm-¡n§v-kn-tâ-XpÄs¸-sS F-®-a-ä a-lm-{]-Xn-`-I-fp-sS acWw hn-kv-X-cn-s¨-gpXnb Zv C-¡-tWm-an-Ìv am-K -kn-sâ H-_n-Nz-dn t]-Pn A-{XX-s¶ {]m-[m-\yt¯m-sS Pq¬ c-≠ ≠n-n-\v {]-kn-²-s¸-Sp-¯nb-Xv \n-] tcm-K-_m-[nXsc ip-{iq-jn-¡m-\m-bn Po-h³ _-enbÀ-¸n-¨ a-e-bm-fn- s\-gv-kv en-\n ]p-Xp-tÈ-cn-bp-sS Xym-K-¯n-sâ I-Y-bmWv. H-cp ]-t£, tI-c-f {]-kn²o-I-c-W-§Ä t]mepw \Â-Im-¯ A-Xy-]qÀ-h-am-b B-Z-chpw Aw-Ko-Im-c-hp-am-Wv Zv C-¡-tWm-an-Ìv en-\n-¡p \Â-In-b-Xv. en-\n-sb C-t¸mÄ a-e-bm-fn-IÄ-¡v \-¶m-bn A-dn-bmw. ]t£, Zv C-¡-tWm-an-Ìv am-K-kn-s\ A-{X-t¯m-fw A-dn-b-W-sa-¶nÃ. H-cp ]t£, sIm-Spw ap-X-em-fn-¯ am-[y-aw F-¶v H-ä-hm-¡n A-dn-bp-am-bn-cn-¡pw. A-Xp Ip-sd i-cn-bp-amWv. ]t£, A-Xp am-{X-aà Zv C-¡-tWm-an-Ìv. G-sd hy-Xy-kv-X-X-I-fp-Å Cu {]-kn-²o-Ic-Ww B-tKm-f am-[y-a-temI-¯v th-dn«p \nÂ-¡p-¶p. A-h-cp-sS N-c-a-t]-Pn-sâ Imcyw X-s¶ F-Sp¡mw. am-K-knsâ G-ä-hpw A-h-km-\-t]-Pv ]qÀ-Wam-bm-Wv A-hÀ N-c-a-hn-h-c-W-¯n-\p am-än-hbv¡pI. an-¡-t¸mgpw t]-Pv ap-gp-s¡ H-scm-ä N-c-a-am-hpw. tem-Iw ap-gp-s¡ A-dn-b-s¸-Sp-¶ {]-ap-J-À am-{Xaà tem-Iw A-dn-tb-≠ A-{]-i-kv-Xcpw Nn-e-t¸m-sgÃmw Cu tIm-f-¯n Øm-\w ]n-Sn-¡m-dp≠v ≠v. C-bm-Iv ≠
À-¯bpw A-`n-{]m-bhpw ssI-Imcyw sN-¿p-¶ F-{X ssk-äp-I-fp≠v ≠v C-âÀ-s\-änÂ? F-®-a-ä≠ h-bp≠v ≠v. ]t£, an-¡-Xn-s\-¡p-dn¨pw \-ap-s¡m-¶p-a-dn≠ bnÃ. A-¨-Sn-¸-{X-¯n-\v A§-s\ A-Úm-X-Øm]-\-am-bn-cn-¡m³ ]-änÃ. \n-b-a-ap≠v ≠v. F-Un-ä-dp-sS ≠ t]-cp sIm-Sp-¡Ww, {]nâ-dp-sS, ]-»n-j-dp-sS, A-¨-Sn¡p-¶ {]-Ênsâ t]-cp-IÄ sIm-Sp-¡Ww. CâÀ-s\-änÂCsXm¶pw th≠.
`m-j A-dn-bp-¶ A-h-km\-s¯ a-\p-jy³ ta-cn kv-an-¯v A-h-cn-se-m-cm-fmWvv. -en\n ]p-Xp-tÈ-cnbpw A-h-cn-sem-cm-fm-bn. B³ tdm F-¶ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-bmWv h-f-sc-¡m-e-am-bn Cu N-c-a-t]-Pv ssI-Imcyw sN-¿p ¶-Xv. h-\n-X-bm-Wv t]-Pv \-S-¯n-s¡m≠p-t]m-Ip-¶sX-¦nepw t]-Pn ]p-cp-j-·mÀ-¡m-Wv ta-[m-hnXzw F-¶ ]-cm-Xn \n-e-\nÂ-¡p-¶p≠v ≠v. 1843þ Xp-S-¡≠ an-« am-K-kn\n 150 hÀ-jw H-_n-Nz-dn F-¶ ]w-àn-tb D-≠m-bn-cp-¶nÃ.1995þemWv Cu ]w-àn B-cw-`n-¡p-¶-Xv. N-c-a-hmÀ-¯-sb-gp-s¯-¶ I-e-sb¡p-dn¨v 1994þ Hcp teJ-\w hm-bn-¨ Zv C-¡-tWman-Ìv F-Un-äÀ _n C-t½m-«n-\v D≠m-b DÄ-hn-fnbm-Wv ]w-àn-bp-sS Xp-S-¡w. 23 hÀ-j-am-bn aq-¶p F-Un-äÀ-amtc Cu ]w-àn-¡v D-≠m-bn-«p-Åq. \à kp-J-ap-Å ]-Wn-bm-b-Xp-sIm≠v ≠v h-¶-h-cmcpw t] ≠ m-Im-dnÃ! temI-¯v {]-ap-Jcpw {]-i-kv-X-cp-sam-s¡bm-b B-bn-c-¡-W-¡n-\v B-fp-IÄ Hm-tcm Zn-h-khpw a-cn-¡p-t¼mÄ H-cp e-¡-¯n H-cm-fp-sS Nc-aw am{Xw te-J-\-am¡p-I F-¶-Xm-Wv G-ähpw {]-bmk-tadn-b Xo-cp-am-\-sa-¶v am-K-kn-sâ N-c-at]-Pv F-UnäÀ B³ tdm H-cp A-`n-ap-J-¯n ]-d-bp¶p≠v ≠v. ]-e ]-{X-§-fn-se N-c-a-hmÀ-¯-IÄ hm-bn-¨v ≠ G-ähpw {]-tXy-I-X-I-fp-Å H-cmsf Xn-c-sª-Sp¡m-dm-Wv ]-Xn-sh¶pw A-hÀ ]-d-ªp. km-[m-c-W ]-{X-§Ä sN-¿p-¶-Xp-t]m-se Nn-e {]-ap-J-cp-sS
F-¦nepw CâÀ-s\-äv ssk-äp-I-fn an-¡-Xnepw F-_u-Sv A-kv F-s¶m-cp en-¦v Im-Wmw. R-§-sf-¡pdn-¨v F-´m-Wv hm-b-\-¡mÀ-¡v A-dn-tb≠Xv F-¶ tNm-Zy-am-Wv B en-¦nsâ AÀ°w. A-Xn-\-I-¯p t]m-bn t\m-¡nbhÀ-¡-dn-bmw, H¶pw A-dn-bm³ ]-änà F-¶v! an-¡ ssk-än-epw B en¦v Im-Wp-IX-s¶ {]-bm-k-amWv. ]-e t]-Pp-I-fp-sSbpw G-ähpw Nph-sS Bhpw C-Xn-sâ In-S¸v. H-cp ao-äÀ Xm-tgm-«p-t]m-bmepw I-s≠-¶p h-cnÃ! 38
Pq¬ 2018
s^-bv-kv-_p-¡v Cu-bn-sS h-cp¯n-b ]-cn-jvIm-cw Cu F-_u-Sv A-kv {]-iv-\-¯n-sâ Xp-SÀ-¨bm-Wv. hym-P-hmÀ-¯ ]-c-¯p-¶p F-¶ B-tcm ]-Ww t\-cn-Sp-¶ H-cp am-[y-a-amWv s^-bv-kv-_p-¡v.
N-c-a-hmÀ-¯ A-hÀ Po-hn-¨n-cn¡p-t¼mÄX-s¶ X-¿m-dm-¡n hbv-¡m-dp≠v ≠v. ^n-U Im-kv≠ t{Sm-hn-tâ-Xv F-{Xtbm Im-ew ap-¼v sd-Un-bm-bn-cp¶p. C§-s\ X-¿m-dm-¡n-¡-gn-ªm ]n-s¶ B I-Ym-]m-{Xw h-f-sc-¡m-ew a-cn-¡p-I-bnà F-¶-v s]m-Xp-sh ]-d-bm-dp≠≠-s{X! N-c-a-t]-Pn-\v ≠ \à hm-b-\-¡m-cp-s-¶-Xm-Wv a-säm-cp Im-cyw. am-K-kn³ In-«nbm BZyw Nc-aw hm-bn-¡psa-¶p ]-d-bp-¶-hÀX-s¶ [m-cmf-ap≠v ≠v. ≠
]-e hm-b\¡mcpw ]-d-bmdp-s≠¦nepw {]-kn-²o-I-cW-¯n-sâ kÀ-¡p-te-j³ Ip-d-bp-¶nÃ. ]-Xn\-©p e-£-¯n-te-sd tIm-¸n-IÄ hnÂ-¡-s¸-S-p-¶p≠v ≠v. ≠
1843þ sP-bnw-kv anÂ-«³ F-¶ ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-I³ B-Wv Zv C-¡-tWm -an-Ìv Øm-]n-¨-Xv. C-t±-l¯n-sâ ]n³-ap-d-¡mÀ DÄ-s¸ -Sp¶ aq-¶p Ip-Spw-_-§Ä H-cp I-¼-\n-bm-bm-Wv Øm ]-\w \-S-¯p-¶Xv. kz-X-{´Cu F-Un-ä-dp-tS-XpÄ-s¸-sS hym-]m-c-hpw B-tKm-fo-I-cH-cp F-gp-¯p-Im-c-sâbpw t]-cv W-hpw ap-dp-sI-¸n-Sn-¡p-¶ B {]-kn-²o-I-c-W-¯n Im-Wp \-b-amWv Cu e-≠³ {]-kn-I-bnÃ. F-{X hen-b kv-Iq-¸v en\n ]pXp-tÈ-cn-bpsS acWw ²oI-c-W-¯n-tâ-Xv. Zv C-¡F-gp-Xn-bmepw kz-´w te-J"Zv C¡-tWm-anÌv' ]{X-¯n dnt¸mÀ«v tWman-kv-än-sâ 2013 sk-]vI\p ss_-sse³ In-«p-I-bnÃ. sNbvX-t¸mÄ Xw_ À aq-¶p e-¡-¯n ]-{Xm-[n-]-cp-sS t]-cp-t]mepw DÅ teJ-\-¯n-sâ X-e{]-kn-²o-I-cn-¡nÃ, ]n-s¶b-tà te-JI³. 2015þ s¡« v CX mWv þ Zv C¡ t Wma nÌ v C-StXm h-e-tXm? B-Zy-am-bn H-cp h\n-X ]-{Xm-[n-]-bm-b-t¸m-gm-Wv teJ \ ¯ ns â Ba pJ ¯ n ÂXs ¶ ]-d-bp¶pþ C-¡m-cy-¯n H-cp hn-«p-hogv-N D≠m-bXv. -]-{Xma[ y DX v ] X nj v W ph mWv'. "c≠paÃ, [n-]-bp-sS \n-ba-\w B-tLm-jn-¡-s¸«p. ]-{X-{]hÀ¯-\w H-cp Iq«m-b b-Xv-\-am-sW¶-Xp sIm≠v ≠ ≠v 75 ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-cm-Wv B-gv-N-¸-Xn-¸n-sâ B-cp-sSbpw t]-cp sIm-Sp-t¡≠ F¶p ]-t≠ \nÀ-am-Ww \nÀ-h-ln-¡p-¶-Xv. en-\n ]p-Xp-tÈ-cnXo-cp-am-\n-¨-XmWv. C-Xn-sâ bp-àn-bn A-hÀ-¡v bp-sS ac-Ww A-t§b-äw Zpx-J-I-c-amWv, \nÀ-`m-KyC-t¸mÄ hen-b D-d-s¸m-¶p-an-sÃ-¦nepw am-äm³ I-c-amWv. ]t£, A-hÀ A-À-ln-¡pw-hn-[w B-Z-cnX-¿m-dm-bn-«nÃ. A-Úm-X-·mÀ F-gp-Xn-¡q-«p¶-Xv ¡-s¸«p F-¶-Xv H-¸w k-t´m-j-IcamWv. hm-bn-t¡≠nh≠nh-cp¶-Xv hen-b K-Xn-tI-Sm-Wv F-¶p ≠
F-´-dn-bmw! C-XnÂ-\n-¶p tamN-\w In-«m-\p-Å {i-a-¯n-sâ `m-K-am-bn \-S-¸m¡n-b ]-cn-jv-Im-c-¯nÂ- H-¶v A-hÀ \Â-Ip-¶ te-J-\-§-fp-sS Nph-sS F-_u-Sv A-kv F-¶ en-¦nÂ, teJ-\w {]-Xy-£-s¸-Sp¯nb Øm-]\-¯n-sâ en-¦v \Â-Im³ Xp-S-§n. D-Zm-l-c-W-am-bn tI-c-f ao-Un-b A-¡m-Z-an-bp-sS {]-kn-²o-I-c-Wam-b ao-Un-b-bn {]-kn-²-s¸-Sp-¯n-b-Xm-Wv te-J-\-sa¦n te-J-\-¯n-\p Np-h-sS A-¡m-Z-an-bp-sS- en-¦v tNÀ-¡pw. hm-bn-¡p-¶-hÀ-¡v A-t¸mÄ F-{X Kuc-hw A-sÃ-¦n hn-izmkyX B te-J-\-¯n-\v \Â-I-W-sa-¶v Xo-cp-am-\n-¡m³ I-gn-bpw. F-_u-Sv A-kv F¶Xn-sâ tN«\m-Wv tIm¬Sm-Iväv A-Êpw. \n-jv-{]-tbm-P-\am-b H-cp kw-K-Xn-. b-YmÀ-°am-b taÂ-hn-em-ktam Csa-bn hn-em-
ktam sS-e-t^m¬ \¼-dp t]m-eptam \Â-Im-¯ tIm¬-Sm-Iv-äv A-kv en-¦p-IÄ \n-ch-[n Im-Wmw. H-cp t^mÀ-am-än \-ap-¡v ]-d-bm-\pÅ-Xv A-Sn-¨p-sImSp-¡mw. A-XmÀ-¡m-Wv In«p-I Ft¶m a-dp]-Sn hÃXpw In-«p-tam F-s¶m-¶pw A-dn-bm-\m-hnÃ. In-«nbm In«n, C-sÃ-¦n CÃ. A-Sn-Øm-\-]-cam-b {]-iv-\w hn-izm-ky-Xbpw kp-Xm-cy-X-bp-am-sW-¶ bm-YmÀ°yw t^mÀ-¯v F-tÌ-äv F-¶p kz-bw a-Xn-¡p-¶ A-¨-Sn-am-[y-a-hpw ^n-^v-Xv F-tÌ-äv F¶p kz-bw a-Xn-¡p-¶ \yq ao-Unbbpw a-d-¡p-¶p F-¶-Xm-Wv k-Xyw.
ap-XnÀ¶ am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I\pw tImf-anÌpw tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bpsS ap³ sNbÀam-\p-amWv teJ-I³. Cþ-sabnÂ: nprindran@gmail.com Pq¬ 2018
sI -F taml\-hÀ½
cfcm{ãob¯nse ASp¯ Ime¯v I£nt`Z sat\y Gsd {i² BIÀ-jn-¨ Hcp hmÀ¯-bmbn cp¶p, tIcf¯nse tIm-¬{Kkv ]mÀ«n¡v e`nt¡≠ Hcp cmPyk`mkoäv AhÀ Xs¶ ]mÀ-«nbnse an¡hmdpw FÃm t\Xm¡sfbpw {]hÀ¯Iscbpw AÛpXs¸Sp¯n tIcfm tIm¬{Kkv F-¶ bp.Un F^n\v ]pd¯pÅ IpSpw-_¸mÀ«n¡v \Â-In-bXv. B ]mÀ«nbpsS GI temIk`m AwKs¯ 2019 se temIk`m sXcsªSp¸ns\ t\cnSmsX Xs¶ Ct¸mtg ASp¯ ]mÀesaânse¯m³ kuIcyw sImSp¯Xv. Cu Xocpam\¯n\p ¢n-b-d³kv \ÂInb tI{µt\Xy-Xzs¯ t¸mepw sN¡v taäm¡n AhcpsS ssa³Uv skäv Hcp \mgnI sIm≠v ≠v amänbXn\p ]n¶n tIcf¯nse tIm¬ ≠ {Kkv ]mÀ«nbnse c≠p {Kq¸pt\Xm¡fpw sI.]n.kn.kn F¶pw AXÃ, Hcp {]knUâpw am{Xta D≠mbncp¶pÅp D t\Xmth icn¡p≠mbncpicn¡p ¶pÅq F¶pw `m-jyw h¶p. A¶p hsc tIcf¯nse tIm¬{Kkv ]mÀ«nbnse FÃm {][m\ Xocpam\§fpw cq]s¸-Sp¯p¶Xn A´na hm¡mbncp-¶
Pq¬ 2018
F.sI. BâWnsbt¸mepw \nÊlmb\m ¡nbm-Wv AXv. Bâ-Wn-bpsS t\man\n F¶v ]cky-ambn cmPyk`bnepw ZnÃn bnepw {]ikvXamb {]IS\w hfsc¡m eambn \S¯nbncp¶ knänwKv sa¼sd Hcp amXncn \nÀ±bambn Hu«m-¡n-s¡m ≠m-bn-cp-¶p A-Xpw. Hcp aoUnbt¡m, ]{XþSn.hn.þtkmjy aoUnbbnse cm{ãob {]hmNIÀt¡m Duln¡m³ t]mepw Ign-bm¯ Cu kw`hw Icp¸n Sn¸n¡s¸«Xv amk§Ä¡p ap¼v cq]s¸ Sp¯nb AP≠ A\pkcn¨mbncp¶p hs{X. CXv F´psIm≠v ≠v tIcf¯nse ≠ kPohsa¶v A`nam\n¡p¶ ao-Unb¡v, tkmjy aoUnb DÄs¸sS, ImWm³
{^w hÀ½m-Pn, hn¯v eu A[nImcnIfpambn kwkm cn¡m³ D]tbmKn¡p¶Xpw I≠ kw`hw \ap¡p Im«n ¯cnIbp≠mbn. A´ÊpÅ, DbÀ¶ \nehmcw AhImis¸«ncp¶ "e≠³ ssSwkv' Nne hmÀ¯Ifn Aev]w an\pkhpw aWhpw tNÀ¡pambncps¶¦nepw ]{X¯nsâ e£yw {_n«sâ XmXv]-cy-§Ä¡p am{Xw ]qÀWamb {]m[m\yw \ IpI F¶Xmbncp¶p. AXn \v A¡me¯v amÀ-¤ZÀiI-am-bncp¶Xv \b]camb Xocpam\§sfSp¡p¶ 10 ]änbnà F¶ kXys¯¡pdn¨v hmkvX h¯n Hcp ]T\w \S¯nbm \½psS aoUnbbpsS aoUntbm{Ikn icn¡pw a\ÊnemIpw. CXv Hcp ]T\hnjbambn FSpt¡≠XmWv F¶mWv Fsâ A`n {]mbw.
-UuWnw-Kv kv-{Soänse{_n«ojv {][m\a{´nbpsS hkXnbmbn cp¶p. A-hntS¡v "e≠³ ssSwkv' Hcp sSent^m¬ _Ôw XpS§nbXv ]{X-{]-hÀ¯\ ssienbpsS Hcp \nÀWmbI amä ambncp¶p. Adp]Xp sImïn\p tijamWv CâÀs\änsâ h-chv. AXv aoUnbm cwKs¯ ASnapSn amän. A¨Sn I≠p]nSn¨v
shdpw D]cn¹hamb ]pdw ]qiep Ifn HXp§m³ C¶v aoUnb \nÀ_ ÔnXcmIpIbmWv. C¶v ap³Ime§sf ¡mÄ hfsctbsd Ignhpw ]Tn¸pw d^d³kv kuIcyhpw D≠v ≠v. Fgp¯v F¶ ≠ imcocnI {]{InbbpsS £oWhpw Ime Xmakhpw C¶nÃ. sNdp¸¡mcnse anSp ¡cn Hcp henb hn`mKw, B[p\nI sSIv-t\mfPn ]qÀWambpw DÄs¡m ≠hÀ, C¶v ]{X§fnepw Zyiyþ{imhy aoUnbIfnepw {]-hÀ¯n¡ms\¯p ¶pap≠v ≠v. Ahsc C³]p«n klmbn¡p ≠ ¶hn[w tkmjy aoUnbbpw kPo hamWv. F¶n«pw F´mWv aoUnbbpsS iàn Ipdbp¶Xv? aoUnbsb anSp¡cmb \yqkv- tat¡gv-kn\v A\mbmkambn ssIImcyw sNbvXv I_fn¸n¡m³ km[n¡p¶Xv? \qdphÀjw ap¼v amXr`qan ]{Xm [n]À sI.]n tIihtat\m³ Xsâ hntZi]cyS\¯n\nSbn Cw¥≠n ≠ ≠n h¨v A¡me¯v temI¯nse Gähpw anI¨Xpw B[p\nI s{]mUIvj³ kwhn[m\w {]mtbmKnIam¡nbXpam-b hÀ¯am\¸{Xw "e≠³ ssSwkn'sâ B^okn t]mb-Xpw, AhnsS AÛpX Ichpw \qX\hpamb sSent^m¬ F¶ b{´w No^v FUnäÀ aäp DbÀ¶
sI.]n tIihtat\m³ Ccp\qdp sImÃw sIm≠mWv Hcp amXncn kaqlw A¨Snsb kz´am¡nbXv. CâÀs\än\v shdpw Ccp]Xp sImÃw aXnbm bncp-¶p aoUnbsb hcpXnbn sIm≠phcm³. Pq¬ 2018
hn.]n. cma-N{µ³ F-¶ hn.]n.BÀ, \½psS {]kv A¡mZanbpsS sN-bÀam\mbncp¶ C´y bpsS kamcm²y-\mb tPÀWenÌv ZnÃnbn ]{X dn-t¸mÀ«dmbncp¶ Imew. {][m\a{´nbmbncp¶ CµncmKmÔntbmsSm¸w bm{X sN¿m³ £Wn¡m dpÅ Npcp¡w tPÀWenÌpIfn Hcmfmbncp¶p At±lw. Hcn¡Â CµncmPntbmsSm¸w Hdokbn te¡p (C-¶-s¯ H-Unj) CeIvj³ {]NmcWhp ambn _Ôs¸«p bm{XsN¿pt¼mÄ Ft´m b{´ ¯Icmdpaqew hnam\¯n\v C¶s¯ O-¯okvKVvþHUnj AXnÀ¯nbnse hnP\{]tZi¯v t^mgv-kv em³Uv sNt¿≠n ≠n h¶p. hnam\¯nse ≠ IayqWnt¡j³ kwhn[m\ap]tbmKn¨v I«¡n \n¶pw slentIm]vSdpIsf¯m³ c≠paq¶p aWn¡qsdSp¡pw F¶p I≠ hn.]n.Bdn\v Cu hnam-\em³UnwKv hmÀ¯ Xsâ ]{X¯n\v FIvkv-¢qkohmbn sImSpt¡≠Xv Xsâ tPÀWenÌv IÀ½amsW¶v XoÀ¨bmbncp¶p. ZnÃnbn hnhcsa¯n¡m³ Hcp amÀ¤hpanÃ. s]s«¶mWv A§p Zqsc Hcp Ip¶nsâ A¸pd¯p\n¶pw ]pI
skÂ^nbpw kv-ssI¸pw bqSyq_pw F¶p th-≠, k-I-eXpw D-Å-Xp-sIm≠v ≠v dn-t¸mÀ«À XoÀ-¯pw ≠ A{]kà\mIpw. hmÀ¯tbm A¶s¯¡mÄ sa¨ambn ]pd¯phcnIbpw sN¿pw.
Dbcp¶Xp I≠Xv. hn.]n.BÀ BcpsSbpw {i² bn s]SmsX AhntS¡v HmSn. \me©p ssa Xm≠n ≠n AhnsS F¯nbt¸mÄ `mKyw! AsXmcp ≠ Hcp sSent^m¬ D≠mbncp¶ ^mÎdn Bbncp¶p. ]¯ncp]Xpan\n«v. ZnÃnbnse ]{Xam^oknte¡v IWIvj³ In«n. hnhcw ]dªp. XncnsI HmSn. C-Xn-\nsS, CµncmPn IqsS D≠mbncp¶ ]¿³ ]{X¡mcs\ At\zjn¨ncp¶p. slentIm]vSÀ h¶t¸mtg¡pw hn.]n.Bdpw F¯nbncp¶p. FIv-kv-¢qknhmbn hmÀ¯ h¶p. C¶msW¦nÂ
sSenhnj\nepw tdUntbmbnepw Zyiyþ{imhy coXnbn In«pw. kzImcy hmÀ¯IÄ s\-äv-hÀ¡v Iq«mbvaIfpw t^m¬ hgnbpw e`n¡pw.
Pq¬ 2018
tdUntbmbpw ]n¶oSv sSenhnj\pw Ct¸mÄ CâÀs\äpw hmÀ¯IfpsS XpS¡hpw HSp¡hpw X½nepÅ Ime¯nsâ Zqcw CÃmXm¡p Ibpw _lp`qcn]£w P\hpw km£ccmIpIbpw sNbvXt¸mÄ D≠mb Gähpw henb A]-ISw Hcp]mSv hmÀ-¯IÄ, XnI¨pw BhiyanÃm-¯Xv, cwKw ]nSn¨S¡n F¶XmWv. A¨Sn¨ ]{Xw hm-bn¨pIgnªm hmb\¡mc\v ASp¯ Znhkw hsc In«p¶ kmhImiw hmÀ¯sb DÄs¡m Åmt\m \ncmIcn¡mt\m Abmsf {]m]vX\m¡pw. hmÀ¯bpsS A´naamb e£yw, icnbmb kwth-Z\w, At¸mtg D≠mIq. C¶v AXv Akm ²yamWv. \ap¡v AdnbWsa¶v B{KlapÅ P-\ d hmÀ¯IÄ XÕabw ^v-fmjv \yqkpIfmbn
Cu-bnsS \½psS hmÀ¯Ifn ap³]´nbnse¯p¶hbn Hcp henb iXam \w AXnhnZKv²ambn amt\Pv sNbvXv BIÀ jIam¡n-b h¬sskUv \yqkpIfmWv. Zy iyam²ya¯n ChbpsS tXmXv IqSpw. ChsbÃmw s]bvUv \yqkpItfm tImÀ¸tdäv ]cky§fpambn tNÀ¶tXm BIWsa¶nÃ. ]{X§fpsSbpw
Snhn Nm\epIfpsSbpw ]ckyhn`mK¯n\v \yqkv I≠ânepÅ kzm[o\w temIsa¼mSpw Hcp amXncn AwKoIcn¡-s¸«pIgnªp. AXns\ adnIS¡m³ hn¡neoIv-kn\p t]mepw Ignbnà F¶pw \m-apw, s]®ptIkn AaÀ¯s¸« A-kms©tbm sSm¸w I≠p Ignªp. GXp aebmfnbpw ]{Xw Xn®bnse¯nbm BZyw hmbnt¡≠Xv Xsâ kmcn¡SbpsS ]ckyamWv F¶v Hcp hym]mcn XoÀ¨s¸Sp¯nbm FÃm ]{X§fpsSbpw {^≠v ≠ ≠v t]Pv kz´am¡n kIeam\ hmÀ¯Isfbpw AI¯m¡p¶Xv \mw AwKoIcn¨pIgnªp. A¯cw kzm[o\¯n\v ]pd¯phcp¶ hmÀ¯-I fnÂt¸mepw Hcp henb iXam\w C¶v _mly amb \yqkv ta¡nwKv iànIfpsS ssIbnemWv. am²ya-{]hÀ¯IcpsS CutKmbpw AdnhnÃmbv abpw Zmcn{Zyhpw ]cnNb¡pdhpw Bkànbpw hyàambn apXseSp¡p¶ hnhn[ taJeIfnse kq{XimenIfmb {]KÛcpsS \yqkv amt\Pv-saâ v tIcf¯ns\ C¶v tIm-a¬-sk³kv D]tbmKn ¡m³ ad¶ km£ccpsS \mSmbn amäns¡m≠ncn ≠ ≠ncn ¡pIbmWv. hmÀ¯IÄ tXSm\pÅ auenIamb iàn kmt¦XnIhnZy CÃmXm¡n. ]{X-{]hÀ¯I³ NmcpItkc¡mc\mb tImfanÌm-bn. hni¸v XoÀ¡m³ hmb\¡mc\v cpNnbpÅ hn`h§Ä thWw. AXv Ahsâ hn-c¯p¼pIfneqsS FbÀ I≠n≠ ≠nj³Uv B^okv apdnbn In«pw. ssaXm\s¯ Bįn-c¡pw kwLÀj`qanbnse imcocnI A] ISkm²yXIfpw H¶panÃ. C¶s¯ aoUnbm ssienbn ]{X-{]hÀ
¯I³ Gähpw IqSpX kabw Nnehgn¡p¶Xv cm{ãob¯nsebpw D¶XXe _nkn\Ênsebpw kv-t]mÀSvkv kn\nam cwKs¯bpw {]ikvXcpsS, Hä hm¡n ]dªm tdänwKv-knemWv. AXmWv hmb\¡mc\v th≠ hmÀ¯sb¶v ]{X-{]hÀ ¯I³ hnizkn¡m³ \nÀ_ÔnX\mIpIbmWv. A¯cw hmÀ¯-IÄ¡v icn¡pw Hcp tKmkn¸nsâ BIÀjWobXtb DÅq. tKm-kn¸v tImf-¡mcs\ FÃmhÀ¡pw Cã-amWpXm\pw. C\n \½psS cmPyk`m hmÀ¯bnte¡p t\m¡mw. bp.Un.F^n\v Hcp koäv In«pw F¶p d¸pÅXpsIm≠v ≠v Imemh[n Xocp¶ tIm-¬{Kkv ≠ ssIhiw h¨ncn¡p¶ koäv AhÀ¡p Xs¶ F¶Xv Bcpw tNmZyw sN¿m-t\m, thsd BÄ-«À t\änhv D≠mtb¡mw F¶p Nn´n¡mt\m DÅ kv-t¡m¸v CÃmXm¡p¶ hn[w, Imemh[n Xocp¶ t\Xmhv hfsc tSapIfmbn koäp ssIbS¡n h¨ncn¡p¶Xns\bpw At±l¯nsâ hgnhn« kzm[o\s¯-bpw, sNdp¸¡mscbpw h\nXI sfbpw AhKWn¡p¶Xns\bpw FÃmw Npän¸än hmÀ¯IfpsSbpw NÀ¨IfpsSbpw hminbpw tcmZ\§fpw kp\man aoUnbbpsS tIma¬-sk³ kns\t¸mepw CÃmXm¡n. aoUnbmbpsS aoUntbm{Ikn F§s\ amäpw ?
t\mh-enÌpw "ho£Ww' ap³ No^v FUn-ä-dp-amWv teJ-I³. Cþ-sabnÂ: klmv@rediffmail.com Pq¬ 2018
escription is as much an element of fiction as it is of non-fiction. Non-fiction is understood to be dry, no-nonsense writing. But description helps to make it juicy and interesting by creating mental images that allow readers to fully experience the story. Even the smallest decisions about description can affect a story in countless subtle ways. Descriptions should be fresh, and should move the story forward, imbue the work with atmosphere, create that tang of feeling that editors cry for and readers crave. Description can awaken the reader's senses of touch, taste, hearing, smell and sight. Description helps in the evolvement of Style, and helps create a mood that matches the story's content. Then there is the Point of View--how selecting omniscient, first person or third person limited narrative influences how much descriptive freedom one has. Description helps in creating original word depictions of people, animals, places, weather and movement.
To describe, writers must notice what their senses tell them. Noticing is just one half of description. The other half consists in finding the 44
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language to record the fine descriptions their senses make. With practice, writers try to develop a vocabulary that is rich, subtle and specific enough to allow them to describe what they observe with particularity and Shoma A. Chatterji precision. Description would however, have to fit into the kind of writing at hand. One cannot afford to be romantic while describing the details of Colorado River in a geological essay. Technical essays would aim at objective and impersonal description. Sheer accuracy and objective precision however, would need to be supported with suggestion in order to infuse the writing with ‘life.’ Suggestions evoke subjective, personal associations and feelings about what is being described. Pure technicality would fit the bill in the information brochure of a new medicine by a drug firm perhaps, but would not be labelled good writing. Here are two pieces of descriptions, one, an objective, yet nostalgic piece, called The Sound of Silence on 25 years of the Indian Emergency declared by the then-PM Indira Gandhi in 1975. The other is a subjective piece of non-fiction that describes, in first person, Jan Andersen’s mis-adventures with a ‘boyfriend’ she tried to get married to, but
could not, to break out of the boredom with her divorcee status and as a release from the weariness that comes from mothering “three demanding teenagers and one boisterous baby.” The opening para of The Sound of Silence by Pamela Phillipose (The Little Magazine, June, 2000). She recalls the Press Censorship imposed by the PM stifling the freedom of expression for 600-odd days.
Victoria Terminus, a confection in stone that only the mind of the Empire could have created in all its grotesque grandeur. Just down the road, that intrepid fighter for freedom from another era, Dr.Dadabhai Naoroji, swathed in his barrister’s robes of black marble, perched atop a pedestal of granite, his hands held up as if admonishing the passers-by for their indifference and cynicism.
The Old Lady of Boribunder sat fatly squatting under her white domes just across Bombay’s
Two distinct sounds emanated from the Old Lady as she went about her daily task of spewing Pq¬ 2018
out thousands of copies of The Times of India, that young vendors would push under the doors of houses, or into the hands of the commuters. The first was the drone and rumble from its basement where giant cylinder presses kept a 24-hour tryst with ink and paper. The second could be discerned as one made one’s way to the first and second floors of this establishment : the unceasing clatter of the teleprinter, as the morning finger of the wire service wrote and wrote on. The writing in this passage is objective. Yet, the author makes it lively with the use of the newspaper’s popular nickname – The Old Lady of Boribunder (naming) to give it that slightly personal touch that would find easy reader-identification. She describes its history (formation), its shape (morphology) as well as the shapes and formations of other historic pieces in the neighbourhood (setting) such as the Victoria Terminus and the black marble statue of Dadabhai 46
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Naoroji. The description is full of detail – factual, yet not exactly quantifiable information. She refers to her sensory impressions of sound and vision of the interiors of the newspaper office as she simultaneously names the divisions of the building itself – the basement, the first and the second floors, etc. Without placing herself within the scene of her description, without indicating any vantage-point, she manages to convey her personal experience of the setting in and around The Times of India building, from memory. The opening paragraphs offer a warming up to the main subject of the essay. Note that the piece is not about The Times of India but about how Press Censorship affected the Press, offering this particular paper as an immediate example because the writer lived and worked in Bombay at the time and on the day Emergency was declared – June 25, 1975. She comes to the main subject in the third paragraph, having enthused her reader to get on with the reading. In the next selection, Hanging Up (Moxie,
2001, Issue No. 8), Andersen, a freelance writer, begins her piece like this: It was one of those mornings where my skin resembled a bowl of muesli both in texture and colour, and my get-up-and-go got up and sprinted off without me. My attempts to transform myself into something a little less like a corpse
were not entirely successful. I bore a frightening resemblance to one of my children’s scribbled wax crayon impressions, except that their asymmetrical portraits were more attractive than the real thing. My newly-permed hair looked like fodder for a horse and my makeup settled on my skin like emulsion applied to a bare surface. The finished result looked something like baked beans on toast. My barely edible appraisal was swiftly backed up by my other half Paul, who quipped, “You look so good I could almost eat you.” After the contents of my wardrobe had been dragged mercilessly from their hangers and thrown haphazardly onto the floor, I eventually settled for the only outfit that wouldn’t be mistaken for a domestic’s rag and teamed it with my least eroded shoes. Note the feather-light touches of humour that underscores the writer’s ability to laugh at herself and to make her readers laugh alongwith her. All this is achieved merely through detailed description. The visual comparatives and similes stand out in their originality. At the same time, they reflect the inner feelings of a harried single-mother of four kids, three
of them teenagers and the youngest, just a baby. Both the pieces draw directly from memory. They are based on the personal, first-hand experiences of the writers. The first is an objective comment that moves from the third person later to the first person. The second is a purely subjective piece of exercise capitalizing on the implicit humour in the experience. Descriptive writing of non-fiction thus, ranges between extremes of objectivity and subjectivity. The decision to make the description sobjective or objective lies solely with the writer. This is based
on (a) the subject of the piece, (b) the motivation that lies behind writing the piece – topicality, importance, commissioned by the editor, etc, and (c) the readers’ needs and expectations.
¤ The writer is a freelance journalist, author and film scholar based in Kolkata. She has authored 24 books and contributed to many compilations on cinema, family and gender. Email: shoma.chatterji@gmail.com Pq¬ 2018
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Pq¬ 2018 Pq
P-h-lÀ-emÂ- s\-lv-dp-
tI-k-cn- \-ho-I-cn-¨p.- tI-k-cn- A-¶v- A-{]-Im-cwsN-bv-X-Xv,- Xm-³ C-Xp- sN-bv-Xn-sÃ-¦nÂ- a-säm-cmÄC-Xp- sN-¿m-\n-Ã- F-¶- t_m-[y-t¯m-sS-bm-bn-cp-¶p.G-sd- _p-²n-ap-«n-bm-Wv- A-t±lw- tem-I-¯n-sâ- ]-e -]m-Spw- s]m-«n-ap-f-¨- \-ho-\-X-bp-sS- Nn-´-I-sf- I-s≠ ¯n-b-Xpw- tI-c-f-¯n-te-¡v- ]-IÀ-¯n-sb-Sp-¯-Xpw.tI-k-cn- A-\p-`-hn-¨- X-c-¯n-ep-Å- t¢i-§sfm-¶pw ]p-Xn-b- Im-e-¯v- ]p-Xn-b- X-e-ap-d-bv-¡v- A-\p`-hn-t¡≠≠-Xn-Ã.- hn-Úm-\-hn-kv-t^m-S-\-¯n-tâ-Xm-b ≠ Cu- Im-e-¯v- G-Xv- ]p-Xn-b- A-dn-hpw- H-cp- ¢n-¡nÂ\-½-fp-sS- hn-cÂ-¯p-¼n-epw- I-¬-ap-¼n-epw- F-¯pw.hn-Úm-\- BÀ-P-\w- C-{X-taÂ- B-bm-k-c-ln-X-am-bGÀ-¸m-Sm-bn- am-dn-¡-gn-ªn-«pw- tI-k-cn-bp-sS- ]n-·p-d¡m-cm-Im-³ ]p-Xn-b- X-e-ap-d-bn-se- F-{X-t]À-¡v- km-[n¡p-¶p≠v ≠vv?- --- A-dn-hv- t\-Sp-¶-Xn-\pw- k-aq-l-¯n-\m-bn≠ A-Xv- ]-¦p-h-bv-¡p-¶-Xn-\pw- th-≠ ≠n-n- Hm-tcm- Zn-h-k-hpw Nn-e- \n-an-j-§-sf-¦n-epw- amän-h-bv¡m³ X-¿m-dm-hp-¶hÀ- F-{X-t]-cp≠v ≠v.- B- Nn-´-bpw- Rm-³ \n-§-fp-sS≠ ]-cn-K-W-\-bv-¡m-bn- hn-Sp-¶p."-`-b-Iu-Sn-ey- tem-`-§Äh-fÀ-¡n-sÃm-cp- \m-Sn-s\-'F-¶pw- "-Cu-iz-c-³ sX-äp-sN-bv-Xm-epw- Rm-³ A-Xv- dn-t¸mÀ-«v- sN¿pw'- F-¶p-sam-s¡- {]-Jym-]n-¨psIm≠v ≠v- ]-{X-cw-K-t¯-¡p- I-S-¶p-h-¶- a-l-¯p¡ ≠ fp-sS- ]m-c-¼-cy-ap-Å- \m-Sm-Wv- tI-c-fw.- A-h-sc-¡pdn-¨pw A-h-cp-sS- a-l-¯m-b- tk-h-\-§-sf-¡p-dn-¨pwA-`n-am-\n-¨-Xp-sIm-t≠m- {]-IoÀ-¯n-¨-Xp-sIm-t≠mam-{Xw Im-cy-am-bn-Ã.- A-hÀ- sIm-fp-¯n-b- h-en-bZo-]-in-J-I-fnÂ- \n-¶v- H-cp- sN-dn-b- ssI-¯n-cnsb¦n-epw- sIm-fp¯n-sb-Sp-¡m-³ I-gn-b-Ww.- A-Xn-\pI-gn-ªm-te- `m-hn-bn-epw- tI-k-cn-sb-bpw- kz-tZ-im -`n-am-\n-sb-bpw- t]m-ep-Å- a-l-Zv-hy-àn-Xz-§ÄD-≠m-hq.-
A-hÀ- k-©-cn-¨- h-gntb,- A-Xm-b-Xv- aq-eym-[njv-Tn-X-am-b- ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\-¯n-sâ- h-gn-tb- k-© -cn-¨ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-\m-Wv- sI-. tam-l-\-³.- ]-{X{]-hÀ-¯-\w- F-¶-Xv- H-cp- _n-Kv- _n-kn-\kv- A-ÃF-¶pw- km-aq-ln-I- tk-h-\-am-Wv- F-¶pw- D-d-¨p-hniz-kn-¨- ]-{Xm[n-]-cm-bn-cp-¶p- A-t±-lw.- I-cn-b-tdms{]-m-^-j-t\m- A-Ã,- \m-Sn-\pw- P-\-§Ä-¡pw- \-Ã\m-sf-bp-≠m-Im-³ th-≠ ≠n-n- AÀ-¸-W-t_m-[-t¯m-sS\-S-¯p-¶- tk-h-\-am-WXv- F-¶v- A-t±-lw- hn-izkn-¨p.- a-lm-ßm-Km-Ôn- ap-XÂ- C-.Fw-.F-kv- h-sc-bpÅ-hÀ- ]-{Xm-[n-]-·m-cm-bn-«p≠v ≠v- F-¶p- \-ap-¡-dn-bmw.≠ A-hÀ-s¡m-¶pw- ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\w- I-cn-b-tdm_n-kn-\-tkm- B-bn-cp-¶n-Ã.- A-hÀ-¡v- ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-\w- F-´m-bn-cp-t¶m- A-Xp-X-s¶-bm-bn-cp-¶psI-. tam-l-\-\pw- ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\w.-
A-Sn-b-´cm-h-Ø- t]m-se-bp-Å- I-Sp-¯- cm-jv{So-b- {]-Xn-k-Ôn-L-«-¯nÂ- ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\w- F-{Xhn-]Â-¡-c-am-b- A-h-Ø-bn-eq-sS-bm-Wv- I-S-¶p-t]m -b-Xv- F-¶v- A-dn-bp-¶- ko-\n-bÀ- ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-IÀCu- k-Z-Ên-ep≠≠-sÃm.- ]p-Xn-b- X-e-ap-d-bnÂ-s¸-«≠ hÀ-¡v- A-dn-bm-\n-S-bp-Å- Im-cy-a-Ã- A-Xv.- A-Sn-b-´cmh-Ø-bp-sS- `oXn-Zamb Zn-\-§-fnÂ- sk-kÀ-jn-¸vt]m-se-bp-Å- am-c-I-am-b- ]-{X-am-c-W- \-S-]-Sn-I-sfA-Xn-Po-hn-¨p-sIm≠v ≠v- tZ-im-`n-am-\n- \-S-¯p-¶-XnÂ≠ sI-. tam-l-\-³ h-ln-¨- ]-¦v- F-Sp-¯p-]-d-tbb-≠Xm-Wv.A-¶v- H-¶n-s\-bpw- t\-cn-«v- hn-aÀ-in-¨p-Iq-Sm-¯- A-hØ-bm-bn-cp-¶p.- ]-{Xw- A-¨-Sn-¡p-¶-Xn-\p-ap-¼vsk-³k-sd- Im-Wn-¨v- A-\p-a-Xn- hm-t§§-≠ A-h-Ø-
bp-≠m-bn-cp-¶p.- sk-³kÀ-¡v- F-s´-¦n-epw- kw-i-bwtXm-¶n-bmÂ- B- hmÀ-¯-sbm-s¡- sh-«n-¡-f-bpw.F-§-s\- sk-³k-dp-sS- I-®p-sh-«n-¡mw-;- ]-d-bm\p-Å- Nn-e- Im-cy-§Ä- F-§-s\- th-j-{]-Ñ-¶-am-bco-Xn-bnÂ- A-h-X-cn-¸n-¡mw.- C-¯-cw- Im-cy-§-fnÂK-th-j-W-_p-²n-tbm-sS- C-S-s]-«p- sI-. tam-l-\-³.a-lm-ßm-Km-Ôn-bp-sS-bpw- P-h-lÀ-emÂ- s\-lv-dp-hnsâ-bpw- a-äpw- P-\m-[n-]-Xy-¯n-sâ- aq-ey-§-sf- kw-_Ôn-¨- D-²-c-Wn-IÄ- sIm-Sp-¯pw- a-äpw- P-\-§-sfP-\m-[n-]-Xy-¯n-sâ- B-h-iy-I-X-sb-¡p-dn-¨pw- A-anXm-[n-Im-c- tkz-Om-[n-]-Xy- hm-gv-N-bp-sS- hn-]Â-¡-cam-b- A-h-Ø-sb-¡p-dn-¨pw- HmÀ-an-¸n-¡p-¶-Xn-sâh-gn-IÄ- I-s≠¯n- sI-.tam-l-\-\pw- a-äpw.amÀ-Iv-kn-sâ-tbm- C-.Fw-.F-kn-sâ-tbm- D-²-c-WnIÄ- sIm-Sp-¯mÂ- sk-³kÀ- sh-«n-¡-f-bpw.- Km-ÔnPn-sb-bpw- s\-lv-dp-hn-s\bpw- F-§-s\- sh-«pw.- Bh-gn-¡v- sk-³k-sd- sh-«nem-¡p-¶- hn-[-¯nÂcm-jv-{So-b- ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯\-s¯- B- A-Ô-Im-c¯n-sâ- A-h-Ø-bn-epwap-t¶m-«p-sIm≠p- t]m -Ip-¶-Xn-\pw- P-\m-[n-]-Xy¯n-sâ- ]p-\x-Øm-]-\ -¯n-\v- P-\-a-\-Êp-I-fnÂNm-ep-Io-dp-¶-Xn-\pwk-lm-bn-¨p- B- co-Xn-IÄ.H-¶-c-]-Xn-äm-≠n≠nte-sd- Xn-cp-h-\-´-]p-c-¯vtZ-im-`n-am-\n-bp-sS- te-JI-\m-bn-cp-¶- sI-. tam-l -\-sâ- cm-jv-{So-b- te-J-\ -§Ä- Im-¯n-cp-¶v- hm-bn¨n-cp-¶-Xv- I-ayq-Wn-kv-äp -ImÀ- am-{X-a-Ã, tIm-¬{K-kp-ImÀ- DÄ-s¸-sSbp-Å- A-t±-l-¯n-sâ- F-XnÀ- cm-jv-{So-b-¡mÀ- Iq-Snbm-Wv.- A-]-{K-Y-\m-ß-I-X- sIm-≠pw- DÄ-¡m-gv-NsIm-≠pw- an-I-hp-ä-Xm-bn-cp-¶p- A-t±-l-¯n-sâ- \n-b-ak-`m- dn-t¸mÀ-«n-Mv.- A-t\z-j-Wm-ß-I- ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-\- cw-K-¯-S-¡w- A-t±-lw- {]m-KÂ-`yw- sX-fn-bn-¨p.C-Sp-¡n- Um-ap-am-bn- _-Ô-s¸-Sp-¯n- A-t±-lw- {]-kn²o-I-cn-¨- A-t\z-j-Wm-ß-I- dn-t¸mÀ-«p-IÄ- A-[n-Im-c¯n-sâ- C-S-\m-gn-I-fnÂ- A-¶v- h-en-b- sR-«-em-Wv- D-fhm-¡n-b-Xv."X-e-Øm-\n'- F-¶- Xq-en-Im-\m-a-¯nÂ- B-gv-NtXm-dpw- sI-. tam-l-\-³ F-gp-Xn-s¡m≠n≠n-n-cp-¶- ]w-àn≠ A-km-[m-c-W-am-b- \À-a-¯n-sâ- a-[pcw- sIm≠v ≠vv- {i-t²≠ b-am-bn-cp-¶p.- X-\-Xm-b- H-cp- ssi-en- B-hn-jv-I-cn-¨pPq¬ 2018
sIm≠v ≠v- th-dn-«- hy-àn-Xz-¯n-\p-S-a-bmbn- D-bÀ-¶p ≠ -\n-¶- sI-. tam-l-\-³ H-cp- \o≠≠- Im-e-L-«-¯nÂ≠ ]p-tcm-K-a-\- cm-jv-{So-b- ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\-¯n-sâ- X-e -s¡-«m-bn- \n-¶p- F-¶p-]-d-ªmÂ- A-XnÂ- A-Xn-i -tbm-àn-bn-Ã.- ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\-¯n-sâ- H-cp- L-«-¯nÂA-t±-l-s¯- kn-.]n-.sF-.Fw.- cm-Py-k-`-bn-te-¡-b-¨p.cm-Py-k-`mw-K-sa-¶- \n-e-bnÂ- an-I-hmÀ-¶- {]-I-S-\am-Wv- A-t±-lw- Im-gv-N-sh-¨-Xv.]mÀ-e-sa-â n-\v- H-cp- A-jz-d-³kv- I-½n-än-bp≠v ≠v.≠ a-{´n-amÀ- k-`-bnÂ- \Â-Ip-¶- D-d-¸v- F-{Xt¯m-fw]m-en-¡-s¸-Sp-¶p≠v ≠v,- F-{X-t¯m-fw- ew-Ln-¡-s¸-Sp≠ ¶p≠v ≠v- F-s¶m-s¡- ]-cn-tim-[n-¡p-¶-Xn-\v- A-[n-Im-c≠ s¸-«- ]mÀ-e-sa-â-dn- k-an-Xn-bm-W-Xv.- B- k-an-Xn-bp-sSA-[y-£-\m-bn- sI-. tam-l-\-³ {]-hÀ-¯n-¨- L-«-¯nem-Wv- A-§-s\-sbm-cp- k-an-Xn-bp≠v ≠v- F-¶-Xp-X-s¶≠ ]-e-cp-sS-bpw- {i-²-bnÂ- h-cp-¶-Xv.- a-{´n-am-cpw- ]mÀe-saâpw- X-½n-ep-Å- _-Ô-s¯- F-§-s\- kp-Zr-V -am-¡mw- F-¶v- hy-à-am-¡n-¯-cp-¶-Xm-bn-cp-¶psI-. tam-l-\-³ A-[y-£-\m-bn-cp-¶- L-«-¯n-se- ]mÀ -e-sa-â v- A-jz-d-³kv- I-½n-än- dn-t¸mÀ-«p-IÄ.- A-Xn-`-b¦-c-·m-cm-b- h-Ip-¸p-ta-[m-hn-I-sf-bpw- Øm-]-\- X-e -h-·m-sc-bpw- hn-fn-¨p-h-cp-¯n- hn-i-Zo-I-c-Ww- tNm-Zn-¨psIm≠v ≠v- k-`-bn-se- D-d-¸p-IÄ- \-S-¸n-em-¡n-sb-Sp-¯≠ B- co-Xn- ]mÀ-e-sa-â-dn- {]-hÀ-¯-\- N-cn-{X-¯n-se{i-t²-b-am-b- H-cp- A-[ym-bw- X-s¶-bm-Wv.]mÀ-e-sa-â v- Aw-Kw- F-¶- \n-e-bv-¡p-Å- {]-hÀ -¯-\-¯n-\p-ti-jw- ho-≠pw- tZ-im-`n-am-\n- ]-{Xm-[n-]52
Pq¬ 2018 Pq
Øm-\-t¯-¡p- h-¶- A-t±-lw- C-S-bv-¡v- s]-s«-¶vA-\m-tcm-Ky-¯n-te-¡v- h-gp-Xn-ho-gp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p.- BL-«-¯nÂ-t¸m-epw- X-sâ- ]mÀ«nsb-bpw- ]-{X-s¯-bpws]m-Xp- cm-jv-{So-b- A-h-Ø-sb-bpw- Ip-dn-¨v- B-Imw£-tbm-sS- A-t\z-jn-¨p-sIm-≠ ≠n-n-cp-¶- sI-. tam-l-\-sâ{]-Xn-_-²-X- k-am-\-X-I-fn-Ãm-¯-Xm-Wv.\n-in-X-§-fm-b- ap-J-{]-kw-K-§Ä- sIm-≠pw{i-t²-b-am-b- {]-kw-K-]-cn-`m-j-IÄ- sIm-≠pw- A-] -{K-Y-\m-ß-I-am-b- \n-b-a-k-`m- dn-t¸mÀ-«n-Mv- sIm-≠pwhn-aÀ-i-\m-ß-I-am-b- Xp-d-¶p-Im-«-ep-IÄ- sIm-≠pw\À-½-a-[p-c-am-b- {]-Xn-hm-c-]w-àn-IÄ- sIm-≠pwH-s¡- {i-t²-b-\m-b- {io.- sI-. tam-l-\-\v- kz-tZ-im`n-am-\n-þ-tI-k-cn- ]p-c-kv-Im-cw- k-aÀ-¸n-¡m-³ I-gn-bp¶p-sh-¶-Xv- F-s¶- kw-_-Ôn-¨n-S-t¯m-fw- A-`n-am-\I-c-am-b- Im-cy-am-Wv.- kv-t\-tlm-jv-a-f-am-b- H-cp- k-hnti-j- hy-àn-_-Ô-am-Wv- R-§Ä-¡n-S-bnÂ- \n-e-\n¶n-«p-Å-Xv.- A-Xn-sâ- HmÀ-a-IÄ- Iq-Sn- D-WÀ-¯p-¶Xm-Wv- Cu- N-S-§v.kw-Øm-\- kÀ-¡m-cn-sâ- k-ap-¶-X-am-b- am-[y-a -]p-c-kv-Im-c-am-b- kz-tZ-im-`n-am-\n-þ-tI-k-cn- A-hmÀ-UvsI- tam-l-\-\v-kv-t\-lm-Z-c-§-tfm-sS- k-aÀ-¸n-¡p-¶p.(Pqem-bv c-≠ ≠n-n-\v Xn-cp-h-\-´-]p-c-¯v \S¶ NS-§n kwØm\ kÀ¡m-cnsâ kztZim-`n-am-\n þtIk-cn ]p-c-kvIm-cw sI. tam-l\-\v k-½m-\n¨p-sIm≠v ≠v ap-Jy-a-{´n {io. ]n-W-dm-bn hnP-b³ ≠ \-S¯n-b {]-kw-K-¯n-sâ ] ]qÀ-W-cq]w)
A¡m-Zan hmÀ¯-IÄ
Sn.-hn.-BÀ tjWmbnþFþskâ n-\Â Hm^v A-hÀ ssSwkv {]Im-i\w sNbvXp
\yq yq
UÂ-ln: cm-Py-¯v hn-cp-² A-`-n-{]m-b-§ Ä-¡p t\sc sh-Sn-bp-p-≠bpsS A-´-co-£am-Wp \n-e-hn-ep-Å-sX-¶pw \nÀ-`-b-am-bn A-`n-{]mb§Ä {]-I-Sn-¸n-¡m-\p-f-f A-´-co-£w ho-s≠Sp-¡-Wsa¶pw ap-Jy-a{´n ]n-W-dm-bn hnP-b³ ]-dªp.A-´cn-¨ {]ap-J ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-I³ Sn-.hn.BÀ tj-Wm-bnsb-¡p-dn-¨p k-l-{]-hÀ-¯-I-cpsS HmÀ-a-IÄ k-am-lcn-¨v tI-c-f aoUn-b A-¡mZ-an ]p-d-¯n-d¡nb
am-än-sb-Sp-¡m\pw I-gnªp. ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I\m-b tj-Wm-bnbn B-Zy-sam¶pw cm-jv-{So-b-w {]-Xn-^-en¨n-cp-¶nÃ. A-t±-l-¯n-sâ cm-jv-{So-b \n-e-]m-Sp-IÄ hy-Iv-Xn-]-cam-b t\-«-¯n- \n¶m-bn-cp-¶nÃ, a-dn-¨v t_m-[y¯n \n-¶m-bn-cp¶p. B A-´-co£w C-¶nÃ. hnhn[ hn-jb-§Ä tZ-io-b-X-e-¯n A-h-X-cn-¸n¡m³ tj-Wm-bn-¡p I-gn-ªp. 1969 se tIm¬-{K-kv ]n-fÀ¸v, tKm-h hn-`-P\w, t]mÀ-¨pKo-kv
tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan {]kn-²o-I-cn¨ Sn.-hn.-BÀ tjWmbn F skân-\ Hm^v AhÀ ssSwkv F¶ ]pkvXI¯nsâ {]Im-i-\-N-S-§n \n¶v
'Sn- hn BÀ tj-Wmbn: F skâns\ Hm-^v A-hÀ ssSw-kv' F-¶ {K-Ù¯n-sâ {]-Imi-\w \nÀ-h-ln-¡pI-bm-bn-cp-¶p A-t±-lw. ap³ {]-Xn-tcm-[ a-{´n F.sI. Bâ-Wn ]p-kv X-Iw G-äp-hm§n. tI-c-f lu-kv k-t½-f-\ lmfn tNÀ-¶ N-S§n aoUn-b A-¡mZ-an sN-bÀam³ BÀ.Fkv. _m-_p A-[y-£-\m-bn-cp-¶p. C¶s¯ Xe-ap-dbv¡pw hcpw Xe-ap-dbv¡pw Adnhp ]I-cp¶ hne-s¸« {KÔ-am-Wn-sX¶v sNbÀam³ ]d-ªp. Sn-.hn.B-dn- sâ kp-lr-¯pw UÂ-ln-bn-se ap-XnÀ-¶ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-\p-am-b Un. hn-P-b-tam-l³ kzm-K-X {]-kw-K¯n X-§-fp-sS ku-lr-Z-¯n-sâ HmÀa-IÄ ]-¦p-h¨p. a-ebm-f ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-I³ F-¶-Xn-ep]-cn a-ebm-fn-bm-b C´y³ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-\m-Wv Sn -hn BÀ tj-Wm-bn-sb-¶p ap-Jy-a{´n ]n-W-dm-bn hnPb³ ]-dªp. Xm-\pÄs¸-« k-aq-l¯n hen-b kzm-[o-\w sN-ep¯p-¶ C-S-s]-S-ep-IÄ \-S¯m³ A-t±-l-¯n-\p I-gnªp. X-\n-¡p Np-äp-ap-f-f cm-jv-{So-b A-´-co-£w
]n³-amäw, A-Sn-b-´cm-h-kv-Y, C-µn-c h[w, cm-Po-hv h-[w Xp-S§n-b N-cn{Xkw-`h-§Ä P-\-§-fn-se-¯n¡m-\pw A-t±-l-¯n-\p I-gnªp. {]-[m-\-a-{´n-bp-sS IqsS bm-{X t]m-Ip-¶Xpw A-XnÀ-¯n-bn-se bp-² dn-t¸mÀ-«nwKpw H-cp- t]mse I≠p. ]pXn-b X-e-ap-dbn-se am[y-a {]-hÀ-¯-IÀ-¡p ]mT-am-Wv tj-Wm-bnbpsS Po-hn-X-sa-¶p ap-Jy-a{´n ]-dªp. a-ebm-f ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I k-aq-lw Sn-.hn.BÀ tj-Wm-bn-¡p k-aÀ-¸n¡p¶ Kp-cp-]q-P-bm-Wv aoUn-b A-¡mU-an ]p-d-¯n-d¡n-b ]p-kv-X-I-sa-¶p ap³ {]-Xn-tcm-[a-{´nbpw tj-Wm-bn-bp-sS k-l-]mTn-bpw Ip-Spw-_ kp-lr-¯pam-b F.sI. Bâ-Wn ]-d-ªp. 1959 ap-X 59 hÀj-s¯ kp-lr-Zv _Ôw A-t±-lw A-\p-kv-a-cn¨p. a-lm-cm-Pm-kv tIm-tfPn B-cw-`n-¨Xm-Wv B ku-lrZw. G-XpIm-cy-¯nepw kw-i-b-\nhm-c-W-¯n-\v A-t±-l-¯n-\p I-gnªp. cm-j-{vSo-b \n-e-]m-Sp-IÄ D-≠m-bn-cp-s¶-¦nepw hy-Iv-Xn-_豈 Im-¯p-kq-£n¡m³ A-t±-l-¯n-\mbn. tI-c-f¯n-se hn-I-k-\-Im-cy-§fn A-t§b-äw {i-² ]p-eÀ-¯nþBâ-Wn ]-dªp. Pq¬ 2018
"A£cw']-{X-hp-ambn tIm«-bw Ip-«n-IÄ
c-f aoUn-b A-¡mZ-an tIm«-bw {]-kv ¢-_p-am-bn k-l-I-cn-¨v \-S¯n-b {XnZn-\ aoUn-b Iym¼n ]-s¦-Sp-¯ Ip-«n-IÄ shdpw c-≠p Zn-h-k-s¯ A-\p-`-h ]-cnN-bw sIm≠v ≠v H-cp ≠ sN-dn-b Zn-\-¸{Xw C-d¡n. A-£-c-\-K-cnbm-b tIm«b-¯v A£-cw F-¶ t]-cn-em-Wv B-IÀ-j-Iam-b ]-{X-an-d-¡n-bXv. Iym-¼v\-S-¶ tIm«-bw {]-kv ¢-_v a-µn-c-¯n-\p t\-sc F-Xn-sc-bp-Å {Sm³-kv-t]mÀ-«v _-kv Ìm³UnÂ\n-¶pX-s¶ A-hÀ ap-Jy-hmÀ¯bpw I-s≠¯n. 23 _-Êp-IÄ I-«-¸p-d-¯n-cn¡p-¶p F¶pw S-b-dp-IÄC-söpw I-s≠¯n-b Ip-«n-dn-t¸mÀ-«À-amÀ, {Sm³-kv-t]mÀ-«v Po-h-\-¡mcn ]n-F-¨v-Un-¡mÀ D-s≠¶ Iu-Xp-I-hmÀ-¯bpw ]p-d¯p-sIm-≠p-h¶p. Ip-«n-IÄ X-s¶ t^m-t«m-{Km-^Àam-cmbn. ImÀ«q¬ h-c-¨Xpw H-cp Ip-«n-X-s¶-bmWv.
`o-I-c-Po-hn-bm-Wv' F-¶ t]cn H-cp an-UnÂ-]o-kv F-gpXn. s]cp-a¬ Zp-c-´-¯n-\v 30 h-b-Êm-bn F-¶v HmÀ-½n-¸n-¨p-sIm≠v ≠v A-Pn-\p k-Pn dn-t¸mÀ-«v ≠ F-gpXn. {]-ao-fbpw k-_nXpw {]-kv ¢-_v h-f-¸n-se A-Xy-]qÀ-ham-b A-t¦m-e-a-c-s¯-¡p-dn-¨v F-gpXn.
BhWn k-cn-K-a-bm-Wv F-Un-täm-dn-b F-gpXn-bXv. dwkm³ \-·-bp-sS am-kw F-¶ t]cn F-Un-äv t]-Pv teJ-\w F-gpXn-b knbm-\ k¡oÀ X-s¶ A-Xn-\p-Å Nn-{X-§fpw ]-IÀ-¯n. \n-¸ sshd-kv `o-Xn-]c-¯n Xp-S§n-b B-Zy-\m-fp-I-fn-embn-cp-¶p Iym¼v. am[-hn ]p-Xp-a-\, 'h-Æmepw H-cp
k-am-]-\ k-t½f-\w D-Zv-LmS-\w sN-bvX-Xv ap-XnÀ-¶ am-[y-a-{]-hÀ-¯-I\pw hn-h-cm-h-Im-i I-½nj³ Aw-K-hpam-b sI. hn. kp-[m-I-c-\m-Wv. Ip-«nIÄ C-d¡n-b ]-{X-¯n-sâ {]-Im-i-\hpw A-t±-lw \nÀ-h-ln¨p. aoUn-b A-¡mZ-an A-kn. sk-{I«-dn ti-JÀ A-t¯m-fn \-µn ]-dªp.
C-´y-bn-se C¶-s¯ A-´-co-£w A-]-I-S-Icam-b \n-e-bn-te-¡m-Wp t]m-Ip-¶Xv. au-en-I A-hImi-§Ä B-{Ia-Ww t\-cn-«p-sIm-≠ ≠n-n-cn-¡p-IbmWv. C-Xn-s\ sN-dp¡m³ I-gn-bWw. C-´y ]-g-b C-´ybm-IWw. `-c-W-L-S-\-bn-eq¶n-b C-´y-sb ]p-\x-kvY-m-]n-¡-Ww. auen-Im-h-Im-i-§Ä kw-c-£n-¡-s¸SWw. C-t¸mg-s¯ t]m-¡v kÀ-h-\m-i-¯n-te-¡msW-¶pw C-Xp X-Sbm³ FÃm-hcpw H-¶n-¡-W-sa¶pw Bâ-Wn ]-d-ªp. SnhnB-dn-sâ A-`n-{]m-b-§-tfm-Spw \n-co-£-W -§-tfm-Spw hn-tbm-Pn-¸p-≠m-bn-cp-¶p-sh-¦nepw A-t±-l¯n-sâ cm-jv-{So-b hy-Iv-XnXzw Aw-Ko-I-cn¡m³ X-¿m dm-b Im-e-ap≠m-bn-cp-¶-Xmbn B-ß-kp-lr-¯p-¡-fnsem-cmfpw ap³ kmw-kv-Im-cnI h-Ip-¸p a-{´n-bpam-b Fw.F t_-_n ]-dªp. Im-bnIw, kw-Ko-Xw DÄ-s¸sS A-t±-l-¯n-sâ hn-Úm-\ ta-Je-IÄ hn-im-e-ambn-cp¶p. A-\n-X-c- km-[m-c-Wam-b hy-àn-Xz-¯n-\p-Sa-bm-bn-cp-¶p Sn-.hn.BÀ F-¶pw t_-_n ]-dªp. \À-ahpw \·bpw C-S-IeÀ-¶ hyàn-Xz-¯n-\pS-a-bm-bn-cp-¶p Sn.hn.BÀ tj-Wm-bn F-¶v ap-Jy-a-{´nbp-sS am[y-a D-]-tZ-ãmhpw tj-Wm-bn-bp-sS kp-lr¯pam-b tPm¬ {_n-«m-kv ]-dªp. P-\m-[n-]-Xy54
Pq¬ 2018 Pq
tIm«-bw \-K-c-a-²y-¯n-se {]-kv ¢-_n-sâ F-bÀ I-n-j³ lm-fn-em-Wv ta-bv 23 ap-XÂ 25 h-sc Iym-¼v \-S-¶Xv. Iym-¼v D-Zv-LmS-\w sN-bvX-Xv a-ebm-f a-t\m-c-a ko-\n-bÀ ]-{Xm-[n-]-cn-sem-cm fmb ]-\-¨n-bmWv. {]-kv ¢-_v {]-knUâ v km-\p tPmÀ-Pv tXma-kv A-²y-£-\m-bn-cp-¶p. Sn.sI. cm-PtKm-]mÂ, tPmÀ-Pv ]p-fn¡³, ImÀ-«q-Wn-Ìv D-®nIr-jvW³, ]n.hn.ap-cpI³, A-PnXv (F-jym-s\-äv) Xp-S-§n-b-hÀ ¢m-sk-Sp¯p.
¯n-sâ A-´-xk-¯bm-b ku-a-\-kyw Im-Wn¡m³ X-¿mdm-bn F-¶-XmWv A-t±-l-¯n-sâ k-hn-tij-X. C-¶v kz-´w cm-jv-{So-bw a-d-¨p-h-¨p-Å am[y-a {]-hÀ¯-\-am-Wp ]-ecpw \-S-¯p-¶Xv. FÃm-h-cp-am-bn kw-h-Zn-¡m\pw s]-cp-am-dm-\p-ap-Å Kp-W-]mTw Iq-Snbm-Wv Sn.-hn.BÀ F-¶v {_n-«m-kv ]-d-ªp. tj-Wm-bnbp-sS `m-cy k-tcm-Pw th-Znbn k-¶n-ln-X-bm-bncp¶p. tbm-K¯n Hmw-tN-cn F³.F³. ]n-Å, F.k¼-¯v Fw]n, ap³ \nb-a-k`m kv]o¡À sI cm[m-IrjvW³, Fw hn tKmhn-µ³ amÌÀ, _m-_p ]-Wn-¡À, apXnÀ-¶ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-Icm-b F³. A-timI³, ImÀ«q¬ A¡m-Zan sk{I-«dn kp[oÀ\mYv, tPmÀ-Pv I-Ån-h-b-enÂ, sh-¦n-tS-jv cm-a-Ir-jv-W³ Xp-S-§n-b-hcpw tj-Wm-bn-bp-sS ]p-{X³ A-PnXpw a-äv Ip-Spw-_mw-K-§fpw ]-s¦-Sp-¯p. aoUn-b A-¡m-U-an sk-{I«-dn sI.Pn. k-t´m-jv \-µn ]-dªp. Sn-.hn.BÀ tj-Wm-bn-bp-am-bn ku-lr-Z-_-Ô-ap ≠m-bn-cp-¶ 45 F-gp-¯p-ImÀ, 16 t^m-t«m-{Km-^À-amÀ, 17 ImÀ-«q-Wn-Ìp-IÄ Xp-S-§nb-hÀ X-§-fp-sS HmÀaIÄ Cu {K-Ù¯n ]-¦p-h-¨n-«p≠v ≠v. hnhn-[ ]-{X≠ Øm-]-\-§-fp-sS k-l-I-c-W-t¯m-sS-bm-Wp ]p-kvXIw X-bm-dm-¡n-b-Xv.
]¯\wXn«-bn am[ya]T\ Iym¼v Iym¼v DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp {]kw-Kn¡p-I-bm-bn-cp¶p At±-lw.
aqly {]m[m\yw Xncn-¨-dnªv am[y-a§Ä \oXn ]peÀ¯-W-sa¶v Ne-¨n{X kwhn-[m-b-I³ tUm.-_n-Pp. ]¯-\w-Xn-«-bn tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bp-sSbpw {]kv ¢ºn-sâbpw B`nap-Jy-¯n Ip«n-IÄ¡mbn Bcw-`n¨ am[ya ]T-\-
tbmK-¯n {]kv¢ºv {]kn Uâ v t_m_n F{_lmw A[y-£ X hln-¨p. ]¯-\w-Xn« \K-c-k` sNbÀt]-gvk¬ cP\n {]Zo-]v, PnÃm sse{_dn Iu¬kn {] kn-Uâ v {]^.-sI.-Pn.-\m-bÀ, PnÃm C³^Àta-j³ Hm-^o-kÀ kn aWnem F¶n-hÀ {]kw-Kn-¨p. aoUnb A¡m-Zan sk{I-«dn sI.-Pn.-k-t´jv kzmK-Xhpw {]kv¢ºv sk{I-«dn _nPp Ipcy³ \ µnbpw ]d-ªp. tUm.-_n-Pp-hp-ambn Iym¼n A`n-ap Jw \S-¶p. kPn¯v ]c-ta-iz-c³, Pb-Ip-amÀ, F¶nhÀ ¢mkp-IÄ \bn-¨p. c≠v ≠v Znh-ks¯ Iym¼n\v ≠ HSp-hn Ip«n-IÄ ]{Xw ]pd-¯n-d-¡n.
hb\m-S³ Ip-«n-IÄ ]-{X-an-d-¡nb-Xv
I-_-\n-bp-sS t]cnÂ
-c-f ao-Un-b A-¡m-Z-anbpw h-b\m-Sv {]-kv ¢_pw tNÀ-¶v ]-{´ ≠mw ¢m-kv h-sc-bp-Å hn-ZymÀ-°n-IÄ¡p th-≠ ≠nn \-S-¯n-b am[y-a Iym-¼v t{]m-Õm-l-\-P-\-I-ambn. h-b-\m-Sn-sâ Po-h\m-b I_-\n \-Zn-bp-sS t]-cn-em-Wv Ip-«n-IÄ ]-{X-an-d-¡n-bXv. tI-c-f-¯n-se B-Zy-s¯ k-¼qÀ-W Un-Pn-ä PnÃm tIm-S-Xn-bp-sS D-Zv-Lm-S-\ Zn-h-k-am-bncp-¶p ]{Xw \nÀ-½n-¨Xv. A-hÀ A-Xm-Wv ap-JyhmÀ-¯-bm-¡n-b-Xv. e-£v-an, {iocmw F-¶o Ip-«nIÄ h-c-¨ ImÀ-«q¬ {i-t²-b-ambn. F-Un-tämdn-bepw te-J-\-§fpw dn-t¸mÀ-«p-Ifpw t^m-t«m-I-fp -saÃmw Iym-¼wK-§Ä X-s¶ X-¿m-dm¡n. h-b-\m-«nte-¡v hn-t\m-Z-k-©m-cnI-sf B-IÀ-jn¡m³
"th-t≠ H-cp h-b-\m-S³ hm-kv-Xp-ssi-en' F-¶ tNm-Zy-hp-am-bn X-¿m-dm-¡n-b dn-t¸m À-«v Iu-Xp-I-ap-WÀ¯n.I-f-Î-td-äv h-f-¸nse hm-l-\-§-fp-sS i-h-¸-d-¼n-s\-¸-änbp-f-f t^m-t«m ^o-¨À {i-²n-¡-s¸«p. Iym-¼v D-Zv-LmS-\w sN-bvX-Xv kn.sI.i-io{µ³ Fw.FÂ.F-bmWv. ap-XnÀ-¶ am-[y-a-{]-hÀ-¯-I\m-b {]-Zo-]v am-\-´-hm-Sn A-²y-£-\m-bn-cp¶p. ]n. apkvX-^, sI. D-®n-Ir-jvW³, ]n.hn. ap-cp-I³, sI. P-b-Ip-amÀ. ti-JÀ A-t¯mfn, PnÃm C³-^À-ta-j³ Hm-^okÀ sI. ]n. A_vZpÄ JmZÀ, {]kv ¢_v {]kn-Uâ v ]n. H. joP Xp-S-§nb-hÀ ¢m-sk-Sp-¯p.
_-lpkzcXs¡Xn-scbp-Å \o-¡wXSbWw: sh¦n-tSjv- cm-aIr-jv-W³
h hn
-th-N-\-¯n-sâ- A-´-co-£w- ]m-c-ay-X-bn-se¯n- \nÂ-¡p-¶- Im-e-L«-¯nÂ- _-lp-kz-c-XIÄ-s¡-Xn-sc-bp-Å- \o-¡-§-fnÂ- k-aq-lw- Pm-{K-X]p-eÀ-¯-W-sa-¶v- {^≠v ≠v- sse-³ ko-\n-bÀ- A-tkm≠ kn-tb-ä-v F-Un-äÀ- sh-¦n-tS-jv- cm-a-Irjv-W-³ ]-d-ªp.-
IÂ-¸-ä- ap-\n-kn-¸Â- Su-¬-lm-fnÂ- tI-c-fm- ao-Un-bmA-¡m-Z-an,- h-b-\m-Sv- {]-kv-¢-ºv,- hn- Pn- hn-P-b-³ A-\p-kv-a-c-W- k-an-Xn- F-¶n-h-cp-sS- t\-Xr-X-z-¯nÂ\-S-¶- hn- Pn- hn-P-b-³ A-\p-kv-a-c-W-¯nÂ- P-\m-[n-]Xy-¯n-se- _-lp-kz-c-X,- C-´y- t\-cn-Sp-¶- sh-Ãp-hn-fnPq¬ 2018
hn Pn hnPbs\ A\pkvacn¨p i-\w sN-bv-Xp. Fw I-a G-äp-hm§n. P-\m-[n-]-Xy¯n-se _-lp-kzc-X, C-´y t\-cn-Sp-¶ shÃp-hnfn-IÄ F-¶ hn-j-b-¯n \-S¯nb {]-_-ÔaÂk-c-¯n hn-P-bn-Ifm-b tImf-Pv hn-ZymÀ-Yn-IÄ¡v Iy-m-jv A-hmÀUpw kÀ-«n^n-¡-äp-Ifpw ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-I bqWn-b³ kwØm \ {]-knUâ v I-am hn.Pn hnP-b³ A\p-kva-cWw IÂ]-ä-bn hcZqÀ hn-Xc-Ww sN-bvkn.sI iio-{µ³ Fw.FÂ.F DZvLmS\w sN¿p¶p. Xp. H sI tPm-Wn A-[y£\m-b Pq-dn-bm-Wv hn-P-bnI-sf Xn-c-sª-Sp-¯-Xv. -XnÀ-¶ am-[y-a-{]-hÀ-¯-I-\m-bn-cp-¶ IÂ-¸-ä- \-K-c-k-`m- sN-bÀ- t]-gv-k-¬- k-\n-Xm P-Khn Pn hn-P-b³ kv-am-c-I {]-`m-j-W ]-cn-]mZo-jv,- F-gp-¯p-Im-c-³ H- sI- tPm-Wn,- ao-Un-bmSnbpw A-\p-kv-a-c-Whpw \-S-¯n. IÂ-¸-ä ap-\n-knh-¬- No-^v-F-Un-äÀ- kn- FÂ- tXm-a-kv,- ]n- K-Km-dn-³,¸Â Su¬-lm-fn kn sI i-io-{µ³ FwFÂ-F, sI- sI- lw-k, sI- k-Zm-\-µ-³,- sI-.FÂ-]u-tem-kv, hn Pn hn-Pbsâ HmÀ-a-a-cam-b Rm-h-en-\v sh-Å-samPn-Ãm- C-³^À-ta-j-³ Hm-^n-kÀ- sI- ]n- A-ÐpÂgn-¨v D-Zv-Lm-S-\w sN-bvXp. PnÃ-bn-se P-\-§-fp-sS Jm-ZÀ,-hn- Pn- hn-P-b-sâ- Ip-Spw-_mw-K-§Ä,- kp-lrs]m-Xphm-b {]-iv-\-§Ä D-bÀ-¯n-s¡m≠p- h-cm³ ¯p-¡Ä,- k-l-{]-hÀ-¯-IÀ- Xp-S-§n-b-hÀ- ]-s¦-Sp{i-an-¨ km-[m-c-W-¡m-c\m-b am-[y-a-{]-hÀ-¯-I-\m¯p.- kzm-K-X-kw-Lw- P-\-dÂ- I-¬-ho-\Àbn-cp-¶p hn Pn hn-P-b-s\-¶v A-t±-lw A-\pkv-a]n- H- jo-P- kzm-K-X-hpw- A-\p-kv-a-c-W- k-an-Xncn¨p.hn-P-b³ sN-dp-I-c A-[y-£-\m-bn.-tI-c-f tPm-bn-â v- I-¬-ho-\À- hn-P-b-³ a-S-¡n-a-e- \-µn-bpwao-Un-bm A-¡mZ-an A-kn-Ìâ v sk-{I«-dn ]-d-ªp sI Sn ti-J-c³ hn Pn hn-Pb³ kv-a-cWn-I {]-Im
IÄ- F-¶- hn-j-b-¯nÂ- {]-`m-j-Ww- \-S-¯p-I-bm-bncp-¶p- A-t±-lw.- _-lp-kz-c-X-bp-sS- am-\-§Ä-¡vkw-`-hn-¨p-sIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p-¶- `o-Xn-Zam-b- tim-j-Ww≠ cm-Py-¯n-\pta I-cn-\n-gÂ- ho-gv-¯p-¶p.- P-\m-[n-]Xy-¯n-se- _-lp-kz-c-X-bp-sS- cq-]-§Ä- A-\p-Zn-\wam-dn-s¡m-≠ ≠n-n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv.ASn¨aÀ¯ensâ D]IcW§Ä hyXykvX cq]`mh§tfmsS Hmtcmcp¯cpsSbpw PohnX¯n te¡v IS¶phcp¶ ImgvNbm-Wp-ÅXv. A-©p-hÀ-j¯n-\n-sSbpÅ kw-`-h-hnImk§Ä C-Xp sh-fn-hm¡p¶p. hnthN\¯nsâ ImemhØ ]eXc¯n epÅ Gä¡pd¨nepIfneqsSbmWv IS¶p t]mhp ¶Xv. C-´y t\cnSp¶ Gähpw henb {]-iv-\-§ fn H¶mWv Pm-Xn-hy-h-Ø. Z£nWm{^n¡bn \n-e-\n¶ hÀWhnthN\¯n\pw A¸pdam WnXv. Hm-tcm-cp-¯cpw X§-sf t\-cn«v _m-[n-¡p-¶ Im-cy-§-fn am-{X-am-Wv {]-Xn-I-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. A-XpsIm-≠m-Wv A-«-¸m-Sn-bn hn-i-¶p-h-e-ª B-Zn-hmkn bp-hm-hn-s\ XÃn-s¡mÃp-t¼mÄ ]-ecpw skÂ56
Pq¬ 2018 Pq
^n-sb-Sp-¡p-Ibpw t\m-¡n-\nÂ-¡p-Ibpw sN-bv-XXv. km-t¦-Xn-I-hn-Zym-ap-t¶-ä-§-sf- `-c-WIqSw- A-Sn¨-aÀ-¯-en-\p- I-cp-¯p-]-I-cm-³ D-]-tbm-Kn-¡p-I-bm-Wv.am-[y-a-§-fp-sS- ]p-Xn-b- cq-]-§Ä,- km-t¦-Xn-I-hn-Zy-bnse- ap-t¶-ä-§Ä- _-lp-kz-c-X-sb- X-Ãn-s¡m-Ãm-\p-ÅD-]-I-c-W-§-fm-bn- am-dn-s¡m-≠ ≠n-n-cn-¡p-¶p.- 2014Â_n-_n-kn- \-S-¯n-b- I-W-s¡-Sp-¸nÂ,- t^-kv-_p-¡v- 10 tIm-Sn- P-\-§-fn-te-¡v- F-¯n-b-Xv- sh-dpw- H-¼-Xp- amkw- sIm-≠m-sW-¶p- I-s≠-¯n-bn-cp-¶p.- td-Un-tbm A-©p-tIm-Sn- P-\-§-tf-s¡-¯m-³ 38 hÀ-j-hpwsS-en-hn-j-³ C-{X-X-s¶- B-fp-I-fn-te-s¡-¯m-³ 13 hÀ-j-hpw- F-Sp-¯- Øm-\-¯m-Wn-Xv.- 2020Hm-sStem-I-sa-¼m-Sp-ap-Å- kv-amÀ-«v- t^m-Wp-I-fn-eq-sS- 200 _n-ey-¬- B-¹n-t¡-j-\p-IÄ- F-Ãm-h-cn-ep-sa-¯pw.Cu- B-¹n-t¡-j-\p-IÄ- cm-¸-IÂ- t`-Z-a-t\y- Hm-tcm-cp¯-cn-ep-ap-Å- _-lp-kz-c-X-sb- sR-¡n-s¡m-¶p-sIm≠n-cn-¡pw.- Nn-´,- `-£-Ww,- h-kv-{Xw- F-¶n-h-sb-Ãmw≠ `q-cn-]-£-¯n-sâ- Xo-cp-am-\- {]-Im-c-am-hpw.-
New Books @ Academy Library
mberto Eco was an international cultural superstar. In this, his last collection, the celebrated essayist and novelist observes the changing world around him with irrepressible curiosity and profound wisdom. He sees with fresh eyes the upheaval in ideological values, the crises in politics, and the unbridled individualism that have become the backdrop of our lives—a “liquid” society in which it’s not easy to find a polestar, though stars and starlets abound.
CHRONICLES OF A LIQUID SOCIETY By : Umberto Umberto Eco Published by: Harvill secker(2017) University Press (2016)
`: 999.00
In these pieces, written for his regular column in L’Espresso magazine, Eco brings his dazzling erudition and keen sense of the everyday to bear on topics such as popular culture and politics, being seen, conspiracies, the old and the young, new technologies, mass media, racism, and good manners. It is a final gift to his reader—astute, witty, and illuminating.
How can we study communication? What are the main theories and methods of approach?
This classic text provides a lucid, accessible introduction to the main authorities in the field of communication studies, aimed at students coming to the subject for the first time. It outlines a range of methods of analysing examples of communication, and describes the theories underpinning them. Thus armed, the reader will be able to tease out the latent cultural meanings in such apparently simple communications as news photos or popular TV programmes, and to see them with new eyes.
By : John Fiske Published by: Routledge (2017)
his revised edition of a now classic text includes a new introduction by Henry Jenkins, explaining ‘Why Fiske Still Matters’ for today’s students, followed by a discussion between former Fiske students Ron Becker, Elana Levine, Darrell Newton and Pamela Wilson on the theme of ‘Structuralism and Semiotics, Fiske-Style’. Both underline the continuing relevance of this foundational text in communication studies.
Pq¬ 2018
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Ìohv km¡v tKm]oIrjvWsâ CþsabnÂ: cartoonistgopikrishnan@gmail.com Printed and Published by K. G. Santhosh, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Published from Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030; Printed at Kerala Books and Publications Society, Kakkanad; Editor: R. S. Babu
ta-cn-¡-bn jmÀeäv hnÃ-nbn {^oem³kv t^mt«m-{Km-^-dmb dbm³ sIÃnbpsS 2017-þse ]pen-ävkÀ ]pc-kvIm-c-¯n\v (t{_-¡nMv \yqkv hn`m-Kw) AÀlamb Nn{Xw. Zn sUbven t{]m{Kkv F¶ Zn\-]-{X-¯n {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡-s¸« Cu Nn{Xw jmÀeävkv hnÃn-bn bpssW-äUv Zn ssdäv dmen-bn ]s¦-Sp¯ P\-¡q-«-¯n-\n-S-bnte¡v Hcp hml\w HmSn-¨p-I-b-äp-¶-XmWv Nn{Xo-I-cn-¨-Xv.
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