sabv 2018
The Fake News Fiasco Karan Thapar
Sharp pen, Sharper mind Mammen Mathew
Demigod Never Shied John Britas
]pen-ävkdnse C´y³ kv]Àiw
C ]n jmPp-±o³
-tUm. sk_m-Ìy³ t]mÄ
ambm¯ kvt\lkuc`w hn Fkv cmtPjv
kn BÀ cma-N-{µ³ Hcp HmÀ½-¡p-dn¸v
kn BÀ C\n Hcp HmÀ½
hn sF tXmakv Fkv kp[o-i³
]pkvXIw 5
e¡w 9
hne 20
amä-¯n-s\m¸w amdWw
What Is Gonzo Journalism Shoma A Chatterji
\yqkv {]nâv hne IpXn-¨p-b-cp¶p
sI F taml\-hÀ½
F³ ]n cmtP{µ³
`qan, kvt\lw \½psS kwkvImcw
My Father’s Gifts Sujatha Shenoy
{]hmkn {]ImitKm]p-c-§Ä
s]cp-a¬ tKm]m-e-Ir-jvW³
A¡m-Zan hmÀ¯-IÄ
Book Shelf
temIw I≠ ≠ hc
lcnX am[ya {]hÀ¯\w tI
Editor R. S. Babu Editorial Board N.P. Chandrasekharan Fr. Boby Alex C. Narayanan P.V. Kuttan Santhosh George Kulangara Kamal Varadoor Saraswathy Nagarajan Printer & Publisher K.G. Santhosh Co-ordinating Editor K.T. Sekharan Editorial Co-ordination Sreeja Balachandran Marketing In Charge Shainus Markose Design & Layout Chetana Media, Kottayam Address ‘Media’ Kerala Media Academy Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030 Phone: 0484 2422275 Email: Website:
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c-f-¯n lcnX am[ya {]hÀ¯\w iàn-bmÀÖn-¨n«v Ht¶m ct≠m ]Xn-äm≠v ≠v BIp-¶-tX-bp-f-fp. AXn\v ap¼v {]IrXn ≠ kwc-£Ww, h\-kw-c-£-Ww, Pe-kw-c-£Ww XpS-§n-b-sXÃmw a\pjysâ \ne-\n-ev]n\v A\n-hm-cy-am-sW¶ t_m[-¯n am[y-a-§Ä F¯n-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. AXp-sIm≠v ≠v Xs¶ kpK-XIp-am-cn-amsc ]cn-l ≠ kn¨v \nb-a-k-`-bn {]kwKw Db-cp-t¼mÄ, (A-Xm-bXv IS-en ag s]¿m-¯Xv \m«n ImSp sh«p-¶-Xp-sIm-≠m-sW¶v ]d-bp¶ Ihbn-{Xn-amsc Fhn-sS-bmWv ]mÀ¸n-t¡-≠Xv F¶v tNmZn-¡p-t¼mÄ) AXn\v ssIb-Sn-¡m-\mWv kaq-l-¯nse \sÃmcp ]¦pw H¸w am[ya-§fpw ]¦p-tNÀ¶-Xv. ]cn-ØnXn {]iv\-§-fn hgn-Im-«n-I-fmbn {]hÀ¯n-¨-h-cn Ip¦paw apX amXr-`qan hsc-bp-ff {]kn-²o-I-c-W-§-fpsS ]{Xm[n-]-cm--bn-cp¶ F³.-hn.- Ir-jvW-hm-cyÀ DÄs¸-sS-bp-ff ]{Xm-[n-]·mcp≠v ≠v. sskeâ vhmen-bn sshZypXn ]²Xn thtWm sskeâ v ≠ hmen \n_n-U-h-\-¯nsâ I\y-ImXzw kwc-£n-¡-Wtam F¶Xv 1970 þ Ifn hen-sbmcp hnhm-Z-ambn. B kwhm-Z-¯n-eq-sS-bmWv tIcf-¯n ]cn-Øn-Xn-am-[y-a-{]-hÀ¯\w iàn-s¸-«-Xv. A¶v imkv{X kmln-Xy-]-cn-j-¯nsâ {]kn-²o-I-c-W-§Ä C¡m-cy-¯n sNdp-XÃm¯ kw`m-h-\-bmWv \ÂIn-. Hcp-]t£ temI-N-cn-{X-¯n Xs¶ BZy-ambn Fgp-¯pIm-cpsS Hcp Iq«mbva sskeâ vhmen¡mbn cq]-sa-Sp-¯p. A¶v Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw hn.-sP.än lmfn \ndªv Ihnª P\-¡q-«s¯ A`nkw-t_m-[\ sNbvXv tUm.-kp-Ip-amÀ Ago-t¡mSv \S-¯nb kmKc-KÀÖ\w ad-¡m-\m-hm¯ GSm-bn. H.F³.-hnbpw A¿-¸-]-Wn-¡cpw, kpK-X-Ip-am-cnbpw, IS-½-\n« cma-Ir-jvW-\pw, hnjvWp\m-cm-b-W³ \¼q-Xn-cnbpw hn\-b-N-{µ-\p-saÃmw A¶v ImSn\v th≠n ≠n Ihn-X≠ sNm-Ãn. B ka-c-¯n ssh¡w apl-½Zv _jodpw, sshtem-¸n-f-fn bpw, I¡mSpw, s]mä-¡m-Spw, B-\µpw, -H.-hn.-hn-P-b\pw FÃmw Im\-\¯n³ Imh-em-fp-I-fmbn cwK-¯n-d-§n. A¶v arWm-fn\n kmcm-`mbn ae-bm-f-¡cbn h¶v ImSp-Im-¡m³ \r¯w sNbvXp. CtX-Im-e¯v h\w-kw-c-£-W-¯n-\v th≠n ≠n h\w sImff Xpd≠ ¶p-Im-«nb At\z-j-Wm-ß-I- dn-t¸mÀ«n-eqsS "tIc-f-Iu-apZn'h³{]-XnI-cWw krjvSn-¨p. Fw.Fkv aWn, F³.-BÀ.-F-kv.- _m_p, Fkv Pb-N-{µ³\m-bÀ F¶n-h-cpsS t]\-Xp-¼neqsSbmWv A-gn-a-XnbpsS Adn-bm-¡Y shfn-¨¯p h¶-Xv. Z lnµp, amXr-`qan F¶o ]{X-§fpw {]IrXn kwc-£-W-{]-hÀ¯-\-¯n\v ap¶n-ep-≠m-bn-cp-¶p. ]n¡m-e¯v _lp-`q-cn-]£w am[y-a-§fpw {]Ir-Xn-]£ Nmbvhn em-bn. sskeâ vhmen hnhmZw I¯n-\n-¶-t¸mÄ tZim-`n-am\n ]{Xm[n-]-cm-bn-cp-¶ ]n.-tKm-hn-µ-]n-f-f-bpsS Hcp {]kwKw Gsd H¨-¸mSv
krjvSn-¨n-cp-¶p. km£m ImÄamÀIvkv h¶p ]d-ªmepw sskeâ sskeâv hmen ]²-Xn-sb Rm³ A\pIq-en-¡nà F¶-Xm-bn-cp¶p B {]kw-Kw. CXp-ambn _Ô-s¸«p ]mÀ«n ]Xm-I-bp-sS-ta {]Ir-Xn-bpsS ]XmI ]d-¯m³ ]n Pn X¿m-dmbn F¶v Nne am[ya-§Ä hne-bn-cp-¯n. ]t£ C¶v I½yq-Wn-Ìv]mÀ «n-I-fpsS ]Xm-Ibpw {]Ir-Xn-bpsS ]Xm-Ibpw Htc Db-c-¯n-emWv ]mdp-¶-Xv. Ignª Im \qäm≠n≠n-\n-S-bn ]pg-bp-sSbpw ≠ Pe-¯n-sâbpw kwc-£-W-¯n-\m-bp-ff {]t£m-`§Ä iàn-s¸-«p. Chsb ]n´p-W-bv¡p¶ kao]\w henb tXmXn am[y-a-§-fn \n¶p≠m-bn. sImt¡mtIm-f I¼-\n-bpsS Pe-Nq-j-W-¯n\v FXncmbn \S¶ ¹m¨n-aS kacw Xs¶ t\m¡p. hÀj§-tfmfw tIc-f-¯n-sebpw C´y-bn-sebpw ]{X -þ{im-hy-þ-Zr-iy-am-[y-a-§fpw _n_n-kn, \yqtbmÀ¡v ssSwkv XpS-§nb hntZ-i-am-[y-a-§fpw Kuc-ht¯msS Gsä-Sp¯ ka-c-am-bn-cp¶p ¹m¨n-aS ka-cw. A£cw Iq«n-hm-bn-¡m-\-dn-bm¯ abne½ kac-\m-bn-I-bmbn hf-À¶p. Ahsc temI-{]-kn-²-bm¡nbXv am[y-a-§-fm-Wv. abn-e-½bpw hnf-tbm-Svth-Wp-tKm-]m F¶ s]mXp-{]-hÀ¯-I\pw ap¶n \n¶p \bn¨ ka-c-¯n ]n¶oSv aäp-_-lp-P-\-{]Øm-\-§fpw ]¦p-tNÀ¶p s]]vkn I¼\n ]q«nbXv B ka-c-¯nsâ ^e-e-`y-X-bmWv. t\cs¯ tI{µw `cn¨ bp.-]n.F kÀ¡mcpw C¶s¯ F³.-Un.F kÀ¡mcpw Ata-cn-¡-bnse Aävemâbn Ccp¶p temIw \nb-{´n-¡p¶ sImt¡m-tIm-f-bpsS tImÀ ]-tdäv XmÂ]-cy§Ä¡v Iog-S-§n-. sImt¡m-tIm-fs¡Xnsc \S-]-Sn-sb-Sp-¯m Ata-cn¡ ]nW-§psa¶pw AXv Ata-cn-¡-bp-am-bp-ff hym]m-c-þ-hm-Wn-Pyþ-ssk-\nI _Ô-§sf tZmj-I-c-ambn _m[n-¡psa-¶p-amWv `c-W-tI-{µ-§-fpsS \ymbw. ¹m¨n-aS ka-cs¯ A\p-Iq-en¨ am[y-a-§-fn Nnecpw tI{µkÀ¡m-cnsâ Ata-cn-¡³ B{in-X-Xzs¯ Xpd-¶pIm-«p-¶-Xn hnap-JX {]I-Sn-¸n-¨p. C§s\ Hcp hn`mKw am[y-a-§-fpsS lcnX ]XmI km{am-Py-XzXm-ev]-cy-¯n³ Iotg-am{Xw ]d-¡p-¶ -Ah-ØbmWv. ImkÀtImSv F³tUm-kÄ^m³ Zpc´w bmW
]pd-¯p-sIm-≠p-h-cp-¶-Xnepw AXn³ta-ep-ff t]mcm«s¯ Dt¯-Pn-¸n-¡p-¶-Xn-ep-ap-ff am[y-a-]¦v kp{]-[m-\-am-Wv. F³tUm-kÄ^m³ F¶ hnjw ImkÀtIms« tXm¸p-I-fn 1978 apX 2001 hsc BIm-i¯p \n¶pw s]bvXn-d-§n. hnjw Xfn¨p Irjnsb _m[n¨ IoS-§sf sIm¶-Xn am[ya-§Ä F´n\v R§sf ]gn-¡p¶p F¶v tNmZn¨-t¸mÄ sXfn-hmbn hbÀ s]cp-In, Xe s]cp-In, ssIIm-ep-IÄ tX¼n¨ Cfw cq]-§sf Nn{X-§fmbpw Zriy-§-fmbpw hnh-c-W-§-fmbpw Ah-X-cn-¸n¨Xv am[y-a-§-fm-Wv. hnjw Xfn-¡p¶ slen-tIm]vä-dn\v ]n¶mse IuXp-I-t¯msS HmSn \S¶ ioe-_Xn F¶ ]mhm-S-¡m-cn At¶ Znhkw Xs¶ XfÀ¶p hoWp. hÀj-§Ä Gsd-¡-gn-ªn«pw AhÄ Fgp-t¶-än-Ã. F³tUm-kÄ^m³ F¶ `oIc cmk-hkvXp hmbp-hn-s\bpw a®n-s\bpw shf-fs¯bpw hnj-a-b-am-¡n. Ah-bn-eqsS Poh-tIm-i-§fn IS-¶p-I-bdn \cIw krjvSn-¨p. Cu {]iv\w tIc-fo-bÀ Gsä-Sp¯p. F³tUmkÄ^m³ hnj-b-¯n FÃm ]mÀ«n-I-fp-sSbpw sImSn-IÄ¡p apI-fn a\p-jy-Xz-¯nsâ sImSn ]mdn-¡m³ Ign-ªXv am[y-a-§Ä AX-Xp-Im-e¯v kzoI-cn¨ ]cn-Øn-Xn-]£ tPÀW-enkw sIm≠m-Wv. {io\m-cm-bW Kpcp-hnsâ t\Xr-Xz-¯n Hcp \thm-°m-\-{]-Øm\w D≠m-bXv t]mse henb Nph-Sp-sh-¸-mWv ]nW-dmbn hnP-b³ kÀ¡m-cnsâ lcn-X-tI-cf ]²-Xn. CXnsâ ktµiw ]pXp-X-eap-d-bn F¯n-¡m-\mWv tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan apJy-a-{´n-bpsS t{Sm^n¡pw, Iymjv AhmÀUn\pw th≠n≠n-bp-ff lcnX tIcf aÕcw kwL-Sn-¸n-¨-Xv. ≠ lcn-X-tI-cfw krjvSn-¡p-¶-Xn Imäp-t]m-se, ag-t]mse, shfn-¨w-t]mse, kap-{Zw-t]mse {Inbmß-I-amWv ]pXp-X-e-ap-d-sb¶v aÕc ^e-§Ä sXfnbn-¨p. hnP-bn-IÄ¡v k½m\w hnX-cWw sNbvXv lcn-X-tI-c-f-¯nsâ Aw_m-kn-UÀ IqSn-bmb tUm.sI.-sP.- tb-ip-Zmkv ]d-ª-Imcyw \ap¡v HmÀ¡mw: "{]Ir-Xnsb t{Zmln-¡m-Xn-cn-¡pI'.
tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan `c-W-k-anXn AwK-§Ä sNbÀam³: BÀ. Fkv. _m_p (tZim-`n-am\n), sshkv sNbÀam³: Zo]p chn (tIcf IuapZn) AwK-§Ä: kn. \mcmbW³ (P\d sk{I«dn, sI.bp.U»yp.sP), Iam hcZqÀ ({]knUâv, sI.bp.U»yp.sP), Fw.sI. Ipcymt¡mkv (aebmf at\mca), PbIrjvW³ \cn¡p«n (tZim`nam\n), Fkv. _nPp (Gjyms\äv \yqkv), ] Ip«³ (ssIcfn Snhn), t{ibmwkv IpamÀ (amXr`qan), sI. sP. tXmakv (tZim`nam\n), ^m. t_m_n AeIvkv a®w¹m¡Â (Zo]oI), t__n amXyp (Poh³ Snhn), kt´mjv tPmÀÖv Ipf§c (k^mcn Snhn), tPm¬ ap-≠¡ bw (aebmf at\mca), H.A-Ðp-d-Òm³ (am-[yaw Zn\]{Xw), cm-Pm-Pn amXyp tXmakv (P-\-bpKw), ]n-.Fw-.a-t\mPv (tZim`nam\n), F³.]n.N-{µ-ti-Jc³ (ssIc-fn Snhn), Fw.Pn. cm-[m-Ir-jvW³ (Gjyms\äv \yqkv), k-c-kz-Xn \m-K-cmP³ (Z- lnµp), Zo]-Iv [À½Sw (Aar-X Snhn), sI.]n. tam-l\³ (P-bv -ln-µv Snhn), jm-\n-{]-`m-I-c³ (a-t\m-c-a \ypkv), H.BÀ.cm-a-N-{µ³ (amXr`qan), UbdIvSÀ (C³^Àtaj³ & ]»nIv dntej³kv hIp¸v), sk{I«dn (C³^Àtaj³ & ]»nIv dntej³kv hIp¸v), sk{I«dn ([\Imcy hIp¸v), sa¼À sk{I-«dn: sI. Pn. kt´mjv (sk{I-«dn, tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Za-n). sabv 2018
THE 'FAKE NEWS' FIASCO Smriti Irani’s cure is worse than the disease
as Smriti Irani, Union Minister for Textiles and Information and Broadcasting (I&B), become an embarrassment for the Karan Thapar government? Her fake news press release is not the first time she’s stumbled on a banana skin. There have been several earlier occasions and each time she’s thrown the skin herself. Let me recount the facts, and then you can decide for yourself. Journalists to lose accreditation if news is found to be 'fake' The fake news episode is, of course, the worst. Only infrequently
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does the Prime Minister’s Office overrule a decision by a senior colleague in less than 24 hours. It’s even more rare for this to be made public. Ms. Irani was not allowed to claim she changed her mind. She was ordered to do so.
Ever since 2014 However, Ms. Irani’s gaffes go all the way back to 2014, beginning with contradictory claims about her Bachelor’s certificate. Eventually, she was moved from the HRD Ministry. By then she was considered “the most controversial Minister in the NDA government”.
But her worst errors have happened in connection with the media. The first happened just weeks after she took over as I&B Minister in July last year. The incident revealed that she not only lacks judgment but needs a better sense of humour. It happened when the Press Trust of India released a photograph of some people wearing Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar masks to mark friendship day. It was a harmless picture of an innocuous bit of innocent fun but enough to enrage Irani. “Is this how elected heads will be projected?” she asked PTI on Twitter. “Is this your official stand?” Clearly, the I&B Minister did not accept a news agency’s right to release a picture it
thought the public wanted to see. More signifi significantly, she did not accept politicians could be mocked. Most obvious of all, she felt she could admonish the media without contradicting her government’s commitment to honour free speech. At the time the Prime Minister did not intervene, and PTI was forced to issue an apology. This may have left Ms. Irani feeling triumphant but it also proved she doesn’t understand what free speech is all about. George Orwell once pointed out that free speech doesn’t mean anything unless someone is offended. And if
that person is the Prime Minister or a colleague, they have to accept it as the price of freedom. Far more serious are her run-ins with Prasar Bharati. I’ll come to the specific issues in a moment’s time, but first consider the tone and tenor of the Prasar Bharati Chairman A. Surya Prakash’s angry comments. And remember, he was appointed by the NDA government. He is not a survivor from the days of its predecessor. What is the Prasar Bharati Act all about? “The bureaucrats in the Ministry have passed several orders which indicate that they have utter contempt for the Prasar Bharati Act. In fact, they behave as if the Act does not exist sabv 2018
at all,” Mr. Prakash told The Hindu. “I regard such orders as gross contempt of the Act and of Parliament itself.” Perhaps the most serious cause of the problem is the Ministry’s order requiring that the Prasar Bharati CEO’s appraisal be done by
paid to a Mumbai-based private firm for services that could easily have been performed by Prasar Bharati itself. It’s even held back release of money allocated by the Finance Ministry, presumably to force acceptance of its orders. We, therefore, have a clear rift between Prasar Bharati and the Modi government. Mr. Prakash may only talk about “bureaucrats” but they would not act without Ms. Irani’s support.
The latest folly
the I&B Secretary and reviewed by the Minister. Mr. Prakash calls this “absolutely and patently illegal”. It flouts Section 6(vii) of the Act which stipulates that the CEO is an employee of the Corporation and not the Ministry. However, the Corporation’s differences and discord with the Ministry have several more causes. In February, the Ministry directed Prasar Bharati to terminate all contractual employees. This was a blatant attempt to undermine its autonomy to hire its own staff. It wanted a serving IAS officer appointed as a full-time member of the Corporation’s board, ignoring the fact such people should be employees of Prasar Bharati and selected by a committee chaired by the Vice President. It wanted officers of the Indian Information Service, which comes under the Ministry, to work with Doordarshan and AIR news divisions. It wanted `2.92 crore 8
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The recent ‘fake news’ guidelines compounded her folly. The truth is fake news is hard to define and even, at times, to identify. It’s also generated by multiple sources and not just journalists. In these circumstances, Ms. Irani’s ‘cure’ was arguably worse than the disease. The attempt to suspend a journalist’s accreditation before proof of guilt was liable to be misused. To many it suggested an attempt to muzzle the media in this crucial year before the 2019 elections. Finally, the fact that she made her decision known around the same time that Malaysia is proposing high-handed action against fake news — prior to its own election — only added to doubt and suspicion. As far as the journalist community is concerned, on this occasion she went one step too far. She has shown she doesn’t understand journalism, cannot be relied upon to protect press freedom and, therefore, does not deserve to be I&B Minister. So, now, what’s your answer to the question: has Smriti Irani become an embarrassment? Mine is obvious.
The author is an Indian journalist, interviewer & television anchor
Sharp pen, Sharper mind
Mammen Mathew
As a reporter, T.V.R. Shenoy was objectivity personified T.V.R. Shenoy came to Malayala Manorama, at that time published only from Kottayam, with a reference letter from his teacher K.C. Abraham, who would later become the gover-
nor of Andhra Pradesh. Shenoy had already worked in a couple of newspapers in Mumbai by then, but was now keen to work in Kerala.
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My father, K.M. Mathew, interviewed him and sent him to his elder brother K.M. Cherian. Cherian just could not help his puckish humour when he noted that the young man, Thaliyadiparambil Vittappa Ramachandra Shenoy, was a Gowda Saraswat Brahmin, who are called Konkanis in folk tongue. The interview went somewhat like this. “Konkanis are businessmen. How will you fit in journalism?”
Ayarams and Gayarams, after one Gaya Lal of the Haryana Assembly defected more than thrice in a fortnight. Shenoy asked me to write a piece on all the Ayaram-Gayarams. He liked my piece, but he also reeled out the names I had missed. That was Shenoy. In the pre-Google days, we called such persons ‘Walking Encyclopaedias’.
“Since journalism has been made into a business, I will fit perfect.”
Shenoy had his right-wing political convictions even then. But, he had more friends in the leftist and centrist parties. I would particularly
From Kottayam, Shenoy went to cover the 1965 war (he had volunteered; perhaps a first among regional language journalists those days to report from the war front). Then he moved to Delhi. I joined him there in 1968, and my first assignment was to cover the AICC session in Hyderabad.
name A.K. Antony, who had also been his pal in Maharaja’s College, Kochi. On the campus he also had a charming political rival, a girl by name Sarojam. She had lost to him in campus polls, but Shenoy made up for that by proposing to her. And, she accepted. Till today, Sarojam has been her husband’s greatest admirer.
That was the last session of the undivided Congress. Those days defections used to be very frequent, and defectors were called
On the everyday reporting rounds in Delhi, Shenoy introduced me to people of all hues— leftists, rightists and centrists—men who were
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already, or were on the way to become doyens of Kerala and national politics. He knew them all. And, most were his first-name friends.
scholarship. He asked me to look after his son Ajith, whom I grew very fond of, and who called me uncle.
Shenoy had his right-wing political convictions even then. But, he had more friends in the leftist and centrist parties.
Shenoy had a huge collection of books. One evening, my wife, Prema, asked him for a book, and he said, “You can take it, provided you return it in three days.” She did, and after that she had no problem accessing his rich collection.
Not just politicians, his circle of friends included academicians, diplomats, businessmen, civil servants, soldiers, bankers, artists... you name them. He used to entertain them all with free flow of drinks, food (he was a connoisseur of both) and anecdote-laden stories, either in the Press Club or at his home. He could tolerate anyone, except fools. It was an experience to be around when he was with his two close friends, Mohan Ram, who was a leftist, and Nihal Singh, who was a centrist. I used to think of them—a leftist, a rightist and a centrist. Always smiling, cordial and gentle, Shenoy also had a short temper. Once a senior politician from Kerala wanted a particular news item to be carried. When he realised that Shenoy was not very keen, he simply dropped the name of K.M. Cherian, who was then chief editor. The next moment, Shenoy was fury personified. He literally threw out the man, an influential leader then, from the office. Our relationship extended to our families. Even when I had to take an early morning train, Shenoy would personally drive me to the station in the biting cold. We got closer when he had to be away in England on a Thomson Foundation
When my son was born on August 11, 1971, he noted that the day was also V.V. Giri’s jayanti. So Shenoy said he should be named Varahagiri Venkatagiri Jayant. We had already decided to name him Jayant. By the time Shenoy returned from England, I had persuaded my father to rejig the Delhi bureau. Thus he returned as the Delhi bureau chief of Malayala Manorama. Shenoy was instrumental in imparting a national image to the newspaper. Even when he held his rightist views, he was careful not to allow them to colour his reporting. As a reporter, he was objectivity personified. By the early 1980s, we had decided to launch an English newsweekly. My father sought suggestions from all editorial staff for an appropriate title. He rejected all that came to him, and turned to Shenoy. He supplied the title: THE WEEK. As the Delhi bureau chief of THE WEEK, and later its editor, Shenoy carved a niche for the magazine in the national mediascape. He sabv 2018
managed interviews with the high and the a very rational person, also had an emotional mighty, and led the political reporting team side. But the first time I saw him break down with élan. Even after he left us to join Sunday was when he came to see us on the day we lost Mail for a brief while, and then to pursue his our father—August 1, 2010. He went round the political interests, he contributed a column to coffin, paid obeisance, and broke down. THE WEEK. His Last Word, always composed Later Shenoy told me that my father had in the typical crisp Shenoy not only given him a job, style of short sentences, still but also saved his job. Shenoy brokered a political remains one of the most popSometime in the 1970s or ular columns ever. alliance between the BJP early 1980s, Indira Gandhi’s I remember well his PMO had been quite upset and the BSP, which would daughter Sujata’s wedding, about Shenoy’s critical writlead to the formation of which also witnessed a surings. One day, Mrs Gandhi’s Mayawati’s first government prise political marriage. At all-powerful principal secrethe wedding day breakfast, tary P.C. Alexander, who was in Uttar Pradesh. he placed me between L.K. a very close family friend Advani and Kanshi Ram. of ours, asked my father to Advani had always been his close friend and sack Shenoy. “Over my dead body,” was my
P C Alexander
K.M. Cherian
they had been ideological comrades. But few knew till then that Shenoy had also been a close friend of Kanshi Ram, long before Delhi’s politicians and journalists had known of his existence. It was at that wedding in 1995 that Shenoy brokered a political alliance between the BJP and the BSP, which would lead to the formation of Mayawati’s first government in Uttar Pradesh. What tickled me was that though the alliance was then a secret, he had complete trust in me to allow me to be privy to the negotiations. And, I paid back the trust by not uttering a word of it to anyone. I always knew that Shenoy, despite being 12
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K M Mathew
father’s retort. Interestingly, my father never told Shenoy about it. Shenoy learnt of it from his sources in the PMO. My last meeting with Shenoy was in Bengaluru last October, at the wedding of the son of Sachidananda Murthy, our resident editor in Delhi. He came there, upon learning that I was going to be there. I spent my whole morning with him. Those moments will remain etched in my memory forever.
¤ Mammen Mathew is Chief Editor, Malayala Manorama.
Demigod Never Shied John Britas
man with solid journalistic values and a politician with conviction. If there was one line to describe TVR Shenoy, this would be it. As a rookie 22-year-old journalist from Kerala, there were only a few names whom I looked up to when I came to Delhi in 1988. Shenoy was then the Delhi bureau chief at Malayala Manorama and the resident editor at The Week. For many like me, he was nothing
TVR Shenoy
less than a demigod. But in 1992, when the Babri Masjid was demolished, I saw the other side of my demigod. He justified the Babri demolition and stood his ground. “What’s wrong with demolishing a disputed structure?” he said, leaving me aghast. Everything seemed to be under a haze for beginners like me, and I always looked up to Shenoy for clarity and guidance. He was sabv 2018
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Pinarayi Vijayan
considered the most professional of the lot.
mour was unparalleled. Hands down, he was the life of every gathering that he was part of.
Within the Sangh Parivar, LK Advani was upholding the demolition, while Atal Bihari Vajpayee was denouncing it. Shenoy, however, made no secret of his inclination and soon came to be known as India’s first ‘Sangh journalist’. He never shied away from his ideology.
His personal life will remain incomplete if I don’t mention his wife. Three decades on, I am yet to meet a more patient and loving woman, someone who stood by her husband no matter what. Even if it meant feeding junior journalists like me at odd hours and staying up till the wee hours to see us off. She never complained. Shenoy’s biggest strength, undoubtedly, was his wife.
For years, I couldn’t come to terms with his ideological position, but finally, I made peace with it. Much like his ideology, Shenoy never turned his back on the personal relations. And he had lifelong friends across party lines. Despite our ideological divide, I realised that Shenoy was someone who never allowed professional life to come in the way of personal life. It is true that we fought over many issues, but the underlying love and affection always held us together.
It is here, as I touch upon his personal life, that I must also mention about his infinite love for Kerala. Years after I had initially met him, I became the advisor to Pinarayi Vijayan, now the CM of Kerala. Shenoy made sure that he called me with suggestions on what could be the best possible plan for developing Kerala. He met Pinarayi Vijayan every time the latter was in Kerala House, before and after he became CM. His undeterred love for his hometown meant that he kept visiting Kerala and I had the privilege of being one of the people he called to meet.
He would take juniors like me to his home and ensure that we were fed well. My admiration and respect for him only grew manifold with each dinner that he invited us to. There would be no talk of the Sangh. There would be lessons on journalism — how to approach an issue, how to tackle a story and basic rules of the game. And there would be laughter. Nobody did humour the way S Shenoy did, even if it meant laughing at himself. His hume 14
L K Adwani
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I don’t look back at our fights over issues but will always look back at the numerous times he fed me, the umpteen times he made me laugh. And all the times that he taught me to be a better journalist. His love for his juniors is something that I have not been able to pass on to my juniors. As I bid farewell to Shenoy, my demigod, I can only be thankful to have known him and to have felt his love.
¤ The author is MD, Kairali TV and media advisor to Kerala chief minister.
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Um\njv kn±nJn Ah-bn Gsd {i² t\Sn-b-Xm-bn-cp-¶p. BsI Ahi-\mb Ahsâ apdn-hn CS-bv¡n-Sbv¡v ]nXmhv XShns¡mSp-¡p-am-bn-cp-¶p. CXp {i²n¨ AUv\m³ AXpw Iyma-d-bn-em¡n temI-¯n\v ap¶n F¯n-¨p. Hcp Iq«w A`-bmÀYn-I-fp-ambn Hcp t_m«v h¶ IY Um\njv HmÀan-s¨-Sp-¡p-¶p. Xoc-t¯-bv¡-W-bm-\pÅ [rXn-bn FÃm-hcpw Xn¡n-Xn-c-¡n-b-t¸mÄ Hcp hr² shÅ-¯n-te¡v hoWp. Ah-i-bmb AhÀ shÅ-¯n \n¶v ]Xps¡ henªv Ib-dp-¶-Xnsâ Zriy-amWv Um\njv ChnsS\n¶pw ]IÀ¯n-b-Xv. Ah-cpsS apJs¯ ssZ\y-Xbpw thZ-\bpw A¸msS ]IÀ ¯nb Nn{X-am-bn-cp¶p AXv. \m^v \Zn¡v A¡sc tdmln-wKy³ {Kma-§-fn FÃm-bvt¸mgpw ]pI Dbcp-¶Xv ImWm-am-bn-cp-s¶¶v Ccp-hcpw ]d-bp-¶p. I¯n-¸-S-cp¶ {Kma-§-fn \n¶v FÃmw Cs«-dnªv hcp¶ A`-bmÀYn-IÄ¡v Poh³ \ne-\nÀ¯pI F¶-Xm-bn-cp¶p {][m\w. sIm¨pIp«n-I-sfbpw {]mb-am-b-h-scbpw sIm≠v sIm≠ ≠v Nne Ahiy hkvXph-I-IÄ am{Xw ssIbn-se-Sp¯v ]mbp¶ Ch-cpsS ZpcnXw temI-t\-Xm-¡-Ä¡v ap¶n-se-¯n¡m\pw 16
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Ch-cpsS {]hÀ¯-\-¯n\v Ign-ªp. _wKvfm-tZiv kµÀin-¡p¶ hntZ-i-t\-Xm-¡·mcpw kÀ¡m-cnXc kwL-S-\-I-fpsS {]Xn-\n-[n-Ifpw A`-bmÀ°n {]iv\-t¯-¡p-dn¨v a\-Ên-em-¡m³ D]-tbm-Kn-¨Xv Ch-cpsS Nn{X-§-fm-bn-cp-¶p. \yqUÂln-bnse Pmanbaney taJ-e-bn \n¶p-Å-h-cmWv Um\njpw AUv\m-\pw. Ccp-hcpw t^mt«m-{K^n ]Tn-¨Xpw Hcp-an¨pXs¶. A{]-Xo-£n-X-ambn h¶p tNÀ¶ cmPym-´c-]p-c-kvIm-c-¯nsâ kt´m-j-¯n-emWv Ab¡mtcsdbpw. BZy-ambn ]pen-ävkÀ k½m -\n¨ Ccp-hcpw ]d-bp¶p, Pohn-X-¯nse Gähpw _p²n-ap-«pÅ Assk-s·-âmbn-cp-¶p _wKvfm-tZ-inteX,v ImcWw X§-fp-tS-X-Ãm-¯ ImcW¯m ZpcnXw A\p-`-hn-t¡≠n ≠n h¶ Hcp P\-X-bpsS Pohn≠ X-amWv AhÀ¡v ]IÀt¯-≠ ≠n-n-h-¶-Xv. ""`qI-¼hpw kp\m-anbpw krjvSn¨ ZpcnXw Nn{Xo-I-cn-¡p-t¼mgp-≠m-bn-cp¶ hnIm-c-am-bn-cp-¶nà tdmlnw-Ky-Isf Nn{Xo-I-cn-¡p-t¼m-gp-≠m-bXv. XmXv¡m-enI Iym¼pI-fn-te¡v P\-§Ä Hgp-Ip-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. I\¯ ag-bn AhÀ¡v IqSm-c-§Ä Dd-¸n-¡m³ t]mepw km[n-¡p-am-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. XpSÀ¨-bmb ag ImcWw tcmKw _m[n¨v Ipªp-§Ä acn-¨p-ho-Wp-sIm-≠n≠ncp-¶p. Fsâ am\-knI _ew ]co-£n-¡-s¸« Ahk-c-am-bn-cp¶p AXv.''-- þ-- AUv\m³ ]d-bp-¶p. ]pen-ävkÀ k½m-\-§Ä IqSp-Xepw hyàn-]-camb anI-hn-\mWv \ÂIp-¶-sX-¦nepw Hcp
]{X-¯nsâ \yqkv dqw H¶-S¦w AhmÀUv t\ Sn-bXv {it²-b-am-bn. Ata-cn-¡-bn Hlmtbm-bnse kn³kn-\män \K-c-¯n \n¶p {] kn-²o-I-cn-¡p¶ kn³kn-\män F³Iz-b-dÀ ] {X-amWv Iq«mbbXvv-\¯n-eqsS AhmÀUv t\ Sn-bXv.kn³kn-\män taJ-e-bn Ct¸mÄ Ah-tijn-¡p¶ GI Zn\¸{X-amb F³Iz-b-dÀ \K-c¯nse sltdm-bn³ D]-tbm-K-¯nsâ `oI-cX Xpd-¶p- Im-«p¶ dnt¸mÀ«n-eqsS ]penävkdn-te¡v F¯p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. Znhkw Hcp e£w tIm¸n am{Xw A¨-Sn-¡p¶ F³Iz-b-dÀ dnt¸mÀ«n-\mbn dnt¸mÀ«Àamcpw t^mt«m-{Km-^Àamcpw Iymadm-am-·m-cp-ambn 60 t]sc-bmWv \ntbm-Kn-¨-Xv. sltdm-bn³ D]-tbm-Kn¨v \qdp-I-W-¡n\v t]À acn¨p hogp-¶Xpw Ip«n-I-Ä A\m-Y-cm-Ip-¶Xpw sltdm-bn\v ASn-a-I-fmb A½-amÀ¡v P\n-¡p¶ Ipªp-§Ä tcmK-¯m he-bp-¶-Xp-sams¡ AhÀ dnt¸mÀ«p sNbvXp. D¯À{]-tZ-inse eJv\u-hn thcp-I-fpÅ FUn-äÀ ]oäÀ `m«n-bbmWv dnt¸mÀ«ÀamÀ¡v t\XrXzw \ÂIn-bXv. ap³ ]pen-ävkÀ tPXmhv IqSn-bmWv ]oäÀ `m«nb. F³Iz-b-d-dnsâ amXrI¼-\n-bmb Km\-änsâ IognepÅ Acn-tkmW dn¸-_vfnIv, bp.Fkv.F SptU F¶nh Ata-cn-¡-bn Ct¸mÄ Gsd NÀ¨m
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C¯cw ssewKnI Nqj-W-§Ä¡v ap¶n \n¡p¶-h-sc-¡p-dn-¨pÅ dnt¸mÀ«p-I-fm-bn-cp¶p Chsc AhmÀUn-\Àl-cm-¡n-bXv. Ata-cn-¡-bnse sk\äv Øm\mÀ°n tdmbv aqÀ {]mb-]qÀ¯n-bm-hm¯ s]¬Ip-«n-Isf ssewKnI Nqj-W-¯n-\n-c-bm¡n F¶ Btcm-]Ww Ata-cn-¡-bn DbÀ¯n-hn« sImSp-¦mäv sNdp-Xm-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. 2016þse {]kn-Uâ v Xnc-sª-Sp-¸n djy CS-s]«p F¶ Btcm-]Ws¯¡pdn-¨pÅ At\z-jW dnt¸mÀ«n-Mn\v \yp tbmÀ¡v ssSwkpw hmjn-§vS¬ t]mÌpw AhmÀUv ]¦n-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXp. dnt¸mÀ«n t]mÌv Bbncp¶p ap¶n«p \n¶n-cp-¶-Xv. amk-§-tfmfw ap¶n«p \n¶ At\z-j-W-¯n-s\m-Sp-hn t]mÌv {]kn-²oI-cn¨ hmÀ¯ Ata-cn-¡-bn `qI¼w Xs¶ krjvSn-¨p. AXnsâ Ae-sbm-en-IÄ Ct¸mgpw Ah-km-\n-¨n-«p-an-Ã. ¤
awKfw Zn\-]-{X-¯nsâ No^v \yqkv FUn-ä-dmWv teJ-I³ Cþ-sa-bnÂ: sabv 2018
Im-hen-\vIm-hem-cv?-tIcf kaq-l-¯nse \oXn-bpsS am[y-a-i-_vZ-amb tUm. sk_m-Ìy³ t]mfnsâ "am[y-a-hn-Nmcw' Cu e¡w apXÂ 18
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Xv-etlan-se \yq-kv-Im-kv-äÀ- BIm-i ¯p-\n-¶v- \Â-In-bXv- kZv-hmÀ-¯bmbn-cp¶p.- -tI«hÀ- t\cnÂ- I≠v ≠v- hmÀ-¯bn-se kXyw≠ Xn-cn-¨dn-ªp.- C¶v- \Â-Is¸Sp-¶sXÃmw- kZv-hmÀ¯bÃ.- t_m-[y-¯n-s³-d ASn-Øm-\¯nÂ- hmÀ-¯ bp-sS Øn-co-IcWw- Akm-[y-am-Wv.- AXp-sIm≠v ≠vv≠ hym-PhmÀ-¯IÄ- F¼m-Spw- {]Ncn-¡p-¶p.- \à hn-f bv-s¡m-¸w- IfIÄ- hfcp-¶ AhØ.- am-[y-a§fp-sS hn-izm-ky-Xsb _m-[n-¡p-¶ hn-jbam-Wn-Xv.- hn-izmky-X ho-s≠Sp-¡p-Ibpw- \n-e\nÀ-¯p-Ibpw- sN¿p¶Xn-\p- ]Icw- AXv- k¼qÀ-Wam-bpw- \jv-Ss¸Sp¯p-¶ {]hÀ-¯\¯n-em-Wv- am-[y-a§Ä- GÀ-s¸«n-cn¡p-¶Xv.-
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≠v≠ ≠m-IWw.- B D¯chm-Zn-Xzw- GsäSp-¯p-sIm≠v tIm-{_m- t]m-kv-äv- F¶ hmÀ-¯m- t]mÀ-«Â- \S ¯n-b Hfn-bt\z-jW¯nÂ- ssSw-kv- Hm-^v- C´yho-≠pw- Ip-Sp-§n.- ln-µp-Xz- AP≠bp-sS {]NcWm À-°w- hmÀ-¯IÄ- \Â-Im-sa¶v- \n-ch[n-- am-[y-a Øm-]\§Ä- k½Xn-¨Xm-bn- tIm-{_ ]p-d¯p-hn-« ho-Un-tbm- Zr-iy-§fnÂ- I≠p.- Aªq-dv- tIm-Sn- cq-] bp-sS h³-]²Xn-¡m-Wv- hn-\o-Xv- sPbn³- k½Xn-¨Xv.AXv- IŸWtam- Icn-¼Wtam- F´[y-a§sf ho-gv-¯n-b kv-än-Mv- Bbn-cp-¶ptIm-{_bp-tSXv. F¶m Nq≠bn sIm¯m¯ Zv lnµp DÄs¸sS-bpÅ am[y-a-§Ä- B hmÀ-¯ kaÀ°am-bn- ap-¡n.- hn-tZi¯m-Wv- AXv- hmÀ-¯bm-bXv.Gähpw- hen-b P\m-[n-]Xy-¯n-se am-[y-a§fp-sS AhØ tem-Iw Adn-ªp.- s]bv-Uv- \yq-kv- Bt£ ]s¯¡p-dn-¨p-Å {]kv- Iu¬-kn-en-s³-d At\zjW dnt¸mÀ-«n-s³-d {]kn-²o-IcWw- XSª am-[y-a
DSaIÄ- tIm-{_sb I≠n≠n-söv- \Sn-¨XnÂ- AÛp≠ Xan-Ã.- tIm-{_sb X§Ä- ]co-£n-¡p-Ibm-bn-cp-¶psh¶v- Nq≠bnÂ- sIm-¯n- \m-hpw- Np≠pw- ap-dn-ª Nn-ecp-sS hn-iZo-IcWap-≠m-bn.- Cu- B\p-Iq-eywsXlÂ-Ibp-sS Nq-≠bnÂ- sIm-¯n-b _w-Km-cpe£v-aWv- am-[y-a§Ä- \Â-Ip-Ibp≠m-bn-Ã. At\z-jWm-ßI am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯\w- F¶ t]cnÂ- thdn-s«m-cp- am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯\an-söv- ]{X {]hÀ-¯I\m-bn-cp-¶ K{_n-tbÂ- KmÀ-jy- amÀ-sIz-kv]dªn-«p≠v ≠v.- Hm-tcm- hmÀ-¯bpw- At\z-jWam-Wv.≠ At\z-jW¯nÂ- kp-Xm-cy-X thWsa¶v- \n-jv-IÀjbp-Å ]{Xam-Wv- Zv- ln-µp.- AXp-sIm≠v ≠v- kv-än-Mv≠ Hm-]tdjs\ kzo-Im-cy-am-b {]hÀ-¯\am-bn- AhÀIm-Wp-¶n-Ã.- sFU³-dn-än- shfn-s¸Sp-¯n-s¡m≠m-m-WvZv- ln-µp- dn-t¸mÀ-«À-amÀ- hmÀ-¯ tXSp-¶Xv.- {]kn-² sabv 2018
kzm-X{´yw- hn-es¸« ap-{Zm-hm-Iy-am-bn- DbÀ-¯s¸« cm-Py-am-Wv- {^m³-kv.- Xn-c sªSp-¸v- Ime-s¯ hym-P hmÀ-¯IÄ- XSbp-¶Xn-\p-Å \n-ba\nÀ-am-Ws¯¡p-dn¨m-Wv- Ahn-sS Btem-N\ bp≠m-bXv.- hym-PhmÀ-¯IÄs¡Xn-scbp-Å \S]Sn- Hu-tZymKn-Iam-b sk³-kÀ-jn-¸m-bnam-dcp-sX¶v- \n-ba\nÀam-Xm¡Ä-¡v- ap-¶dn-bn-¸v- \Â-tI≠n≠ ≠nh¶p.- sXäm-b hmÀ-¯IÄXSbm-\m-hm-sX 2017se Xn-c sªSp-¸n-s\ t\cn-tS≠n≠ ≠ndq-]À-Sv- aÀ-tUm-¡v C½m-\p-hÂ- am-t{Im¬ h¶bm-fm-Wv- {]kn-U³-dvC½m-\p-hÂ- am-t{Im¬.- Xn-c sªSp-¸-p-Im-es¯ hym-PhmÀ¯IÄs ¡Xns c Øm\mÀ-°n-IÄ-¡v- C³-PMv-j³am-b t_m-t^m-gv-kv- At\z-jW¯n-epw- Cu- XXzw- Zvk¼mZ n¡ p¶ Xn\ pÅ \n-baam-Wv- -]mÀ-esa³-dv- ]cnln-µp- ]m-en-¨n-cp-¶p.- amÀ-K¯n-se sXäv- e£y-¯nKWn¡ p¶ Xv . Bimk y-tam- kzm-KXmÀ-ltam- Bb se s]m-Xp-Xm-Xv-]cy-¯mÂ- \ym-bo-Icn-¡s¸Sp-sa¶ \nb a\nÀa mW \nÀt Ziaà CXv.- Icp-\m-K¸Ån-bn-se {]m-tbm-Kn-Ikao-]\¯n-s³-d t_m-[]qÀ-ham-b \n-cmk_v PUv P nsNbv X Xpt ]mse C³PMv-j\n-eq-sS kam-Wv- Zv- ln-µp-hn-s³-d \n-e]m-Sn-ep-ÅXv.bà am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯Isc sacp-t¡≠Xv.-Im-hÂ-¡m-c\v- Bcm-Wv- Im-hÂ- F¶Xv- {]m-NoXn-csªSp-¸-pI -- m-es¯ sXäm-b hn-hchn-\ym\am-b tNm-Zy-am-Wv.- D¯c¯n-\p-th≠n≠n- am-[y-a§Ä ≠ khpwhnt Zi CSs]SepwF{]Im-cw- XSbm³hg§m-¯ tNm-Zy-am-Wn-Xv.- {]kv- Iu¬-knÂ- DÄIgnb ps a¶ Imc y¯ nÂbqtdm-¸nÂ- hn-]p-eam-b s¸sS \n-ch[n-bm-b Im-hepw- Icp-Xepw- ]{X§Ä.- C¡m-cy-¯nÂ- {]XnBtemN \IÄ\S¡p¶ p≠v ≠v ≠ ¡p≠v ≠v.- BÀ-¡pw- F´pw- BIm-sa¶ AhØbn ≠ ¡q« ne mI p¶ Xv tkmj yÂaoUn-b I¼\n-Ifm-Wv.-em-Wv- CXcam-[y-a§Ä- {]hÀ-¯n-¡p-¶Xv.- klPoChbv ¡ v _m[ IamI p¶ s]cpam-䨫w- Bhn-jv-Icnhn-Isf \n-co-£n-¡p-Isb¶ D¯chm-Zn-Xzw- am-[y-a ¡p¶ Xn\ v bqt dm] y³bqW nb ³- {ian-¡p-¶p.§Ä- GsäSp-¡Ww.- Zv- KmÀ-Un-b³- \n-c´cam-bn- \S sk³k Àj n¸ v t ]ms eXs¶ AkzoIm-cy-am-b Bi ¯n-b ]cn-tim-[\bn-em-Wv- dq-]À-Sv- aÀ-tUm-¡n-s³-d bamW v s]cpa mä ¨«w.]t£ sePknao-Un-bsb \yq-kv- Hm-^v- Z thÄ-Upw- Zv- k®pw- Xp-d¶p- Im-Wnt¸ms e {]mb ¯ns ³d ]IzX BÀP n¨ n-«n-Ãm-¯ ¡s¸«Xv.- hn-iz-cq-]w- `bm-\Iam-bn-cp-¶p.- sehn-k¬tkmj yÂaoU nb bps S t]¡q¯ pI ÄI≠n≠n-söv≠ I½o-js³-d hn-iZhpw- {]tbm-P\Ichp-am-b At\zhbv ¡ m\ mh nà .\nb {´nt ¡≠ {]mb ¯nÂ\n-b jW¯n-\v- AXv- Im-cWam-bn.{´Ww- th≠n≠n-hcpw.≠ -- hmÀ-¯ hy-m-Pam-Icp-Xv.- hym-PhmÀ-¯IÄF¦n-epw- Rm-s\m-cp- kzm-X{´y-hm-Zn-bm-Wv.kPo-ham-Ip-¶ Im-e¯v- hmÀ-¯ \n-Ptam- hym-PtamkzmX {´y-¯n-\v- \n-c¡p-¶Xà \n-b{´Ww.- am-[y-a F¶ ]cn-tim-[\ Bsc GÂ-]n-¡p-sa¶ {]iv-\ §fps S ]Iz-Xt]m-seXs¶ {][m-\s¸«Xm-Wvap≠v ≠v.- kÀ-¡m-cn-s\tbm- s]m-eo-kn-s\tbm- GÂ-]n≠ P\§fpsS ]Iz-X.- hym-Pam-bXn-s\ Xn-cn-¨dn-bp¡m-hp-¶ tPm-en-bà AXv.- `cWIq-S¯n-s\Xn-cm-b ¶Xn\ pwAcn-bn-se IÃp -t]m-se s]dp-¡n-¡fbphmÀ-¯sbÃmw- Ahcp-sS Zr-jv-Sn-bnÂ- hym-Pam-bn¶Xn\ pa pÅ {]m-]v-Xn- hm-b\¡mÀ-¡p≠¡pw.- hym-PhmÀ-¯ \Â-Ip-¶ dn-t¸mÀ-«À-am-cp-sS hymP hmÀ¯IÄ- hn-izm-ky-Xbv-¡v- `w-Kw- hcp-¯pA{IUn-täj³- ]n³-hen-¡p-¶Xn-\p-Å tI{µ\o-¡w¶ps h¶ am-[y-aXXzw- am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯Isc FXnÀ-¡s¸«Xv- C¡mc-W¯m-em-Wv. -{]tem-`\¯n\n-c´cw- HmÀ-as¸Sp-¯p-¶Xn-\p-Å D¯chm-Zn-Xzwtem- {]tIm-]\¯n-tem- AIs¸Sm-sX \nÀ-hln-t¡ kaq-l¯n-\p≠v ≠v.≠ ≠Xm-Wv- am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯\w.- am-em-Jsbt¸m-se ¤ Fgp-Xn- F¶ {^m-¦v- sam-sdbv-kn-s³-d AhIm-ihmZw- Hm-tcm- am-[y-a{]hÀ-¯I\pw- BhÀ-¯n-¡m³ap³ Fw.- ]n. bpw {]ikvX am[ya \ncq-]-I-\ teJ-I³. 20
sabv 2018
Zqc-ZÀi³ ae-bmfw Nm\-en kwt{]-jWw sN¿p¶ "am[y-a-Pm-eIw' ]cn-]m-Sn-bnÂ
sk_m-Ìy³ t]mfnsâ i_vZw a
e-bm-fn-IÄ¡v Gsd ]cn-N-b-apÅ ]{X-{]-hÀ ¯-I-\mbÀ. tjWmbnsb A\p-kvacn-¨v tXmakv tP¡ºv Fgp-Xn-b-t¸mÄ bp²-te-JI-\m-b-Xns\ ]än hnh-cn-¨n-«p≠v ≠v. ]m¡n-Øm³ ≠ bp²w dnt¸mÀ«p sN¿m-\mWv tjWmbn t]mb-Xv. AXv Hcp ]t£ ae-bmf ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-\-¯n Akm-[m-cWamb bm{X-bm-bn-cp-¶p F¶v tXmakv tP¡ºv hne-bn-cp-¯p-¶p. ]t£ ]m¡n-Øm³ bp²-¯n\p ap¼p "at\m-c-a'¡v th≠n ≠n hnbäv\mw ≠ bp²w dnt¸mÀ«p sNbvX Hcm-fp-≠m-bn-cp¶p: _m_p sN§-¶qÀ. Ata-cn-¡³ ssk\nI slen-tIm-]vädn Ccp¶p B bp²`qan-bpsS hnh-cWw at\m-l-
c-ambn, BÀP-h-t¯msS FgpXn. B dnt¸mÀ«p-IÄ C¶pw Rm³ HmÀan-¡p-¶p. tjWmbn, sI. BÀ. Np½mÀ, Sn \mcm-b-W³ F¶n-h-cmWv "at\m-c-a'¡v B[p-\n-I-`mhw \ÂInb-sX¶pw tXmakv tP¡ºv A`n-{]m-b-s¸-«-Xmbn I≠p. A¡q-«-¯n tXmakv tP¡-_nsâ t]cpIqSn Rm³ tNÀ¡p-¶p. bYmÀY-¯n "at\m-c-a'¡v sI«nepw a«nepw ChÀ¡v apt¼ amäw \ÂIn-b-h≠v. _m_p sN§-¶qcpw tPmbv ≠ cn c≠p-t]-cp≠v Xncp-aq-e-]p-chpw. ChÀ¡v ]pdta aäp Nne t]cpI-fp-ap≠v ≠v. Ch-scÃmw tNÀ¶mWv \½psS tPW-en≠ ks¯ C{X-am{Xw k¼p-jvS-am-¡n-b-Xv.
{it²-b-amb Hcp hmÀ¯m-Nn{Xw
iq-cnse ]qc-¸-d-¼n-te¡v skIyq-cnänbpw t{]mt«m-t¡mfpw ewLn-¨psIm≠v ≠vv apJy-a{´n ]nW-dmbn hnP-b³ Cd§n ≠ s¨-Ãp¶ Nn{Xw. AhnsS s]cp-h\w Ip«³ amcmÀ Xsâ sN≠-t¡m \ÂIn-bmWv apJy a{´nsb kzoI-cn-¨-Xv. sN≠t¡m At±-l¯n\v Poh-\mWv. AXv At±-l-¯n\v kakvX JymXnbpw Ign-hp-ta-Ip-¶-XmWv. AXv k½m\n-¡pI AXy-]qÀh-am-Wv. Fw.Sn hmkp-tZ-h³ \mbÀ Xsâ t]\ k½m\n¨v AXn-Ynsb hcth¡p-¶Xp t]mse Hc-]qÀh-X. sabv 2018
Fw.- F-kv. chn
ambm¯ kvt\lkuc`w
tIc-f-Iu-apZn No^v FUn--ädpw aoUnb A¡m-Zan `c-W-k-anXn AwK-hp-am-bn-cp¶ Fw.-F-kv. chnsb hn. Fkv. cmtPjv A\p-kva-cn-¡p-¶p. 22
sabv 2018
tIc-f-Iu-apZn iXm_vZn BtLm-j-§-tfm-S-\p-_-Ôn¨v Ncn-{X-]p-kvXIw cmjv{S-]Xn `h-\n A¶s¯ cmjv{S]Xn {]Xn`m ]m«o {]Im-in-¸n¨-t¸mÄ. F.- sI. Bâ-Wn, No^v FUn-äÀ Fw.- F-kv. chn F¶n-hÀ kao]w (^-b t^mt«m).
t\lw F¶ hm¡ns\ Hcp cq]-ambn k¦Â]n-¨m AXv Fw.-Fkv. chn-bm-Ipw. R§-fp-sS-sbÃmw {]nb-¦-c-\mb chn-kmÀ. apJ¯v FÃm-bvt¸m-gpw {]k-¶-X. ambm¯ ]p©n-cn-tbmsS am{Xta chn-km-dns\ ImWm³ Ign-bp-I-bp-Åp. s]cp-am-ä-¯nse Ipeo-\X, hn\bw, hep¸-sN-dp-¸anÃm¯ s]cp-amäw, {]Ênse sXmgn-em-fn-bm-bmepw ]{Xm-[n-]-k-anXn AwK-am-bmepw tXmfnÂss¡bn«v IpSpw-_mw-K-t¯m-sS-sb¶ t]msesb kmÀ CS-]-gIp-am-bn-cp-¶p-Åp. Ft¸mgpw kt´m-j-h-m\m-bn-cp-¶p. tZjy-t¯m-sS-bpÅ chn-km-dnsâ apJw, Hcn-¡epw ImWm³ Ign-ªn-«n-Ã. F{X ]ncn-ap-dp-¡-ap-Å kµÀ`-am-bmepw chn-kmÀ AhnsS h¶m B A´-co£w {]k-¶-amIpw. hfsc emfn-Xy-t¯msS Nncn-¨p-sIm≠pÅ B s]cp-amäw FÃm-h-cnepw Hcp t]mkn-äohv F\ÀPn ]Icpw. ]{X-¯n sImSp-¡m³ Nne teJ-\-§-fp-ambn kmdns\ NneÀ kao-]n¡pw. At¸mÄ kmÀ FUn-täm-dn-b t]Pv sN¿p¶ FUn-äÀ¡v AXv ssIam-dpt¼mÄ ]dbpw ""hmbn¨v t\m¡n-bn«v ]{X-¯n sImSp-¡m³ sImÅm-hp-¶ -Xm-sW-¦n am{Xw sImSp-¡pI'' þ ]-{X-¯nsâ No^v FUn-ä-dmWv C§s\ ]d-bp-¶-sX¶v HmÀ ¡-Ww. hyàn-]-c-amb XmXv]-cy-§Ä Hcn-¡epw ]{X¯n {]Xn-^-en-¸n-¡m³ kmÀ Xbm-dm-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. Poh-\-¡m-cn BÀs¡-¦nepw Hcp {]iv\-ap≠m-bm t\cn«v kmdns\ kao-]n-¡m-am-bn-cp-¶p. AXn\v CS-\n-e-¡m-cpsS Bh-iy-ap-≠m-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. ]cn-l-cn-¡m³ ]äp¶ hnj-b-am-sW-¦n kmÀ AXv ]cn-l-cn-¨n-cn-¡pw. hn]p-e-amb kulr-Z-§-fpsS DSa-bm-bn-cp-¶p. H¸w ]Tn-¨-hcpambpw, kaq-l-¯nsâ
hnhn[ Xpd-I-fn-ep-Å-h-cp-ambpw lrZbwsIm≠pÅ Hcp _Ôw At±lw Øm]n-¨n-cp-¶p. Hcn-¡Â ]cn-N-b-s¸-«-hsc ]n¶oSv ImWp-t¼mÄ t]sc-Sp¯v hnfn¨v kwkm-cn-¡p-¶Xv kmdnsâ {]tXyIX-bm-bncp-¶p. chn-km-dp-sam¯v Hcp-an¨v bm{X sN¿m³ Ht«sd Ah-k-c-§Ä e`n-¨n-cp-¶p. ss{UhnwKv Hcp lc-am-bn-cp-¶p. ASp-¯n-sS-bmWv kmÀ ss{UhnwKn \n¶v amdn \n¶Xv. Bt«m-sam-ss_ cwKs¯ Gähpw ]pXnb Ne-\-§Ä hsc \nco-£n-¡p-Ibpw AtX-¡p-dn¨v hmNm-e-\mbn kwkm-cn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p -am-bn-cp-¶p. bm{X-¡n-S-bn \À½w Xpfp-¼p¶ kw`mjWw, `£Ww Ign-¡p-t¼mÄ ss{UhÀ DÄs¸sS Htc tS_n-fn-en-cp¶v am{Xta Ign-¡p-am-bn-cp-¶p-Åp. Øm]-\-¯n ]pXn-b-Xmbn hcp¶ s{Sbn\n Bbmepw ImWp-t¼mÄ chn-kmÀ BZyw sXmgpw. F¶n«v lrZbw \nd-bv¡p¶ Nncn k½m-\n¡pw. ]q\n-emhv t]mepÅ B ]p©ncn tIc-f-Iu-ap-ZnbpsS sFiz-cy-am-bn-cp-¶p. Bip-]-{Xn-bn InS-¡p-¶Xv kmdn\v CjvSta Bbn-cp-¶n-Ã. s]s«-¶p-≠mb lrZ-bm-Lm-X-¯m acWw kw`-hn-¨p. D¨bv¡v ho«n IpSpw_mK-§tfm-sSm¸w DuWp Ign-¨-ti-j-am-bn-cp¶p AXv. thZ-\-bn-Ãm¯ ac-Ww. A{]-Xo-£n-X-ambn IS¶p h¶ acWw. At¸mgpw kmdnsâ apJ¯v B Nncn ambmsX \n¶p.
tIc-f-Iu-apZn \yqkv FUn-ä-dmWv teJ-I³ sabv 2018
kn BÀ cmaN{µ³ Hcp HmÀ½¡pdn¸v
Zn\]{Xw, hmcnI, kn\nca, _mebpKw, t\m hÂ]Xn¸v XpS§n \nch[n {]kn²oIcW§Ä P\bpK¯n \n¶v ]pd¯ph¶ncp¶p. cmjv{Sob ¯n\XoXamb Hcp kzoImcyX B {]kn²oIcW §Ä¡v e`n¨ncp¶p.
bnepw cq]Iev]\bnepw At±lw anIhv ]peÀ¯n. A¡me¯v P\bpKw HmWw hntijm {]Xn IÄ Hcp kmlnXy kw`hambncp¶p. CXn ]e hntijm {]XnIfp sSbpw inev]n kn Bdm bncp¶p.
kn. BÀ. cmaN{µ³ B Ifcnbnse anI¨ ]{X{]hÀ¯I\mbncp¶p. Fgp¯nepw ]cn`mj
sImÃw {]Êv ¢ºv sk{I«dnbmIp¶tXmsS
\bpK¯n\v Hcp ]pjv¡e Imeap≠mbn \bpK¯ cp¶p. Im¼ntÈcn apJy ]{Xm[n]À, {]Xn`m [\·mcmb kl ]{Xm[n]·mÀ.
sabv 2018
Fkv kp[oi³
\ÂIp¶Xmbncp¶p. kvIow X¿mdm¡m³ hIp¸v sk{I«dn¡v At±lw \nÀt±iw \ÂIn. ]e {]mhiyw kn. BÀ. sk{I«dntbän Ibdnbnd§n. ]e tbmK§Ä \S¶p. bqWnbsâ kwØm\ kt½f\¯n s]³j³ {]Jym]n¡m sa¶v apJya{´n k½Xn¡pIbpw sNbvXp. Ipafnbn h¨mbncp¶p A¯-h-Ws¯ kwØm\ kt½f\w. Imdn bm{XsN¿m³ _p²n ap«p≠mbncp¶ apJya{´n {]Xntcm[ hIp¸nsâ Hcp slentIm]väÀ kwLSn¸n¨mWv AhnsS F¯n hm¡v ]men¨Xv. Bbncw cq]bmbncp¶p apJya{´n {]Jym]n ¨Xv. A¶s¯ hIp¸v sk{I«dn AXv \m\qdv cq] bmbn sh«n¨pcp¡nb HmÀUdmWv ]pd¯ph¶Xv. ]{X{]hÀ¯IÀs¡m¸w amt\Pvsaâpw s]³j³ ]²Xnbn hnlnXw AS¡Wsa¶mbncp¶p hyh Ø. amt\Pvsaâ v ]ndtIm«v t]mbXmWv I{XnI hogm³ ImcWambn ]dªncp¶Xv. bmWv kn. BÀ. ]{X{]hÀ¯I bqWnb\n kPohamIp¶Xv. Rm³ {]Êv ¢ºv {]knUâpw At±lw sk{I«dnbmbpw {]hÀ¯n¨n«p≠v ≠v. aq¶p ≠ XhW At±lw {]Êv ¢ºv sk{I«dnbmbncp¶p.
kn Bdnsâ ]pen cq]w I≠Xv A¶mWv. sk{I«dnbpambn At±lw X«n¡bdn. HSphn apJya{´n CSs]«v amt\Pvsaâ v ]¦mfn¯anÃmsX Bbncw cq] Xs¶ \ÂIn XpS§n. C´ybnÂ
tIcfm ]{X{]hÀ¯I bqWnbsâ sImà ¯ph¨p \S¶ kwØm\ kt½f\¯n h¨mWv kn Bdns\ BZyambn kwØm\ P\d sk{I« dnbmbn XncsªSp¡p¶Xv. hmintbdnb sXcsª Sp¸neqsSbmbncp¶p AXv. aebmf at\mcabpsS tImgnt¡mSv bqWnän ep≠mbncp¶ kp[mIc\mbncp¶p FXnÀ Øm\m ÀYn. P\bpKw, tZim`nam\n XpS§nb Øm]\§ fnse CSXp]£ klbm{XnIÀ {^m£³ IqSn kp[mIcs\ ]n´pW¡pIbmbncp¶p. ]mÀ«n hne¡v AhKWn¨psIm≠mWv At±lw ]{X{]hÀ ¯IbqWnbsâ t\XrØm\¯v h¶sX¶v kmcw. tZim`nam\nbpsS ko\nbÀ FUnädmbncp¶ ae¸pdw aqkbpw GXm≠v ≠v CtX ]cnØnXnbn ≠ Xs¶bmWv t\XrXz¯nse¯p¶Xv. aqk {]kn Uâpw kn. BÀ. P\d sk{I«dnbpambn Hcp ]Xnäm≠ntesd¡mew ≠ntesd¡mew bqWnbs\ \bn¨p. ≠ C¶v am[ya temI¯n\v e`n¡p¶ B\p Iqey§fn H«pan¡hbpw t\Sn FSp¯Xv Ch cpsS A£oWamb bXv\w sIm≠mWv. ]{X{]hÀ¯IcpsS s]³j³ ]²Xn As¶mcp henb kz]v\ambncp¶p. kn. BÀ. FgpXn X¿mdm ¡nb t{]mPIvSpambn apJya{´n IcpWmIcs\¡m Wpt¼mÄ aqkbpw {Sjddmbncp¶ Cu teJI\pw H¸ap≠v ≠v. ]pXnb Bibw apJya{´n¡v kt´mjw ≠
sI. IcpWmIc³ BZyambn ]{X{]hÀ¯IÀ¡v s]³j³ F¶ JymXnbpw tIcf¯n\v e`n¨p. As¡mÃw lcnZzmdn \S¶ C´y³ s^U tdj³ Hm^v hÀ¡nwKv tPÀWenÌnsâ tZiob sabv 2018
kn. BÀ. þ C\n HtcmÀ½ kn
BÀ cma-N-{µsâ thÀ]mSv krjvSn-¨n-«pÅ bmYmÀ°y-hp-ambn s]mcp-¯-s¸-Sm³ At±-l-hp-ambn ASp¯v kl-I-cn-¨n-«p-Å-hÀ¡v s]s«¶v Ign-sª-¶n-cn-¡n-Ã. C{X-thKw B Poh³ A]-l-cn-¡-s¸-Sp-sa¶p Bcpw Icp-Xn-bn-Ã. tcmKw XfÀ¯p-¶Xp-hsc IÀ½ taJ-e-I-fn kPo-h-ambp-≠m-bn-cp-¶p.
"kn BÀ' F¶ c≠£-c-§Ä tIc-f-¯nse am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ Gsd D¨cn¨ Hcp t]cm-bn-cp-¶p. AXn-s\m¸w aqkmPn Fs¶mcp t]cp-IqSn tNÀ¡Ww. c≠p t]cp-Ifpw ]c-kv]c ]qc-I-§-fmWv. ae-¸pdw aqk-þkn BÀ cmaN-{µ³ Sow tIcf ]{X-{]-hÀ¯I bqWn-bsâ ]cym-b-]Zw t]mep-ambn amdn þ {]tXy-In¨pw 1980-I-fnepw 1990-I-fn-epw. Hcp Zi-I-¯n-te-sd-¡mew AhÀ Ccp-h-cp-amWv tIc-f-¯nse ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-cpsS t{SUv bqWn-b³ kwL-S-\ sb \bn-¨-Xv. ae-¸pdw aqk {]kn-Uâpw kn BÀ P\-d sk{I-«-dn-bp-ambn-cp-¶p. ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-cpsS s]mXp-kz-`mhw ]cn-K-Wn-¡p-t¼mÄ AsXmcp
hn sF tXmakv
A]qÀh t\«-am-Wv. FXncm-fn-IÄ CÃm-Xn-cp-¶n-Ã. F¦nepw kwL-S-\sb Hcpan-¨p-sIm≠p-t]m-Ip-¶-Xn\v AhÀ¡p Ign-ªp.
kn BÀ cma-N-{µ³
ae-¸pdw aqk-
kt½f\¯n ]s¦Sp¯ C´ybnse ]{X{]hÀ ¯IÀ Cu ]²Xnsb¡pdn¨v Adnbm³ AXoh Xmev]cyw {]ISn¸n¨p. sk{I«dn P\dembncp¶ sI. Fw. tdmbnbmWv km[mcW tIcfs¯ {]Xn\n[oIcn¨v kwkmcn ¡mdpÅXv. F¶m {]knUâ v sI. hn{Iw dmhp kn. BÀ. cmaN{µs\bmWv ]²Xnsb¡pdn¨v hni ZoIcn¡m³ £Wn¨Xv. Hcp aWn¡qÀ \o≠ kn Bdnsâ Cw¥ojv {]kwKw \o≠ IctLmjt¯msSbmWv C´y {] bnse ]{Xkaqlw GsäSp¯Xv. apJya{´n IcpWm 26
sabv 2018
sI bp U»yq sP Fs¶mcp Hä kwL-S-\tb A¶v tIc-f-¯nse ]{X -{]-hÀ¯-IÀ¡p-≠m-bn-cp¶p-Åp. Ah-cpsS Ime¯n\ptijw aäp Nnekw L-S-\-I-fp-ap-≠m-bn. kwL-S-\sb \sÃmcp t{SUv bqWn-b³ {]Øm-\ambn AhÀ \ne-\nÀ¯n. Hcp ]s£ Ccp-h-cp-sSbpw cmjv{Sob ]Ým-¯ew AXn\p klm-bn-¨n-«p-≠mImw. ae-¸pdw aqk kn]n
Ics\ A\ptamZn¨v B kt½f\w Hcp {]tabhpw ]mÊm¡n. kn Bdnsâ thÀ]mSn A\ptimN\w tcJ s¸Sp¯ns¡m≠v ≠v hn{Iw dmhp Ab¨ ktµi¯n ≠ kn Bdnsâ {]hÀ¯\ anIhpIÄ ]eXpw kqNn ¸n¨n«p≠v ≠v. ≠ sF.F^v.U»yq.sPbpsS eIv\uhn tNÀ¶ tZiob kt½f\¯n C´ybnse CSXp]£ ]{X{]hÀ¯IÀ tNÀ¶v C´y³ tPÀWenÌv bqWnb³ F¶ ]pXnb kwLS\ cq]oIcn¡m³ \S¶ {ia§sf I½yqWnÌmb kn BÀ iàambn
I½yq-WnÌv ]mÀ«n-I-tfmSv A\p-`m-h-ap ≠mbn-cp¶ Nne ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ {ian-¨p. aqkbpw kn Bdpw \bn-¡p¶ tIcf ]{X-{]-hÀ¯I bqWn-b³ kz`m-hn-I-am bpw AXn-t\mSv kl-I-cn-¡p-sa¶v AhÀ {]Xo-£n-¨p. F¶m sF F^v U»yq sPbpsS LS-I-ambn Dd-¨p-\n¡p-¶-Xn\m-W-hÀ Xocp-am-\n-¨-Xv.
sF (Fw) apJ-]-{X-amb tZim-`n-am\n bnepw kn BÀ, kn]nsF apJ-]-{X-amb P\-bp-K-¯n-ep-amWv {]hÀ¯n-¨n-cp-¶-Xv. Ccp-]mÀ«n-Ifpw X½n C¶-s¯-t¸mse-bpÅ sFIy-sam¶pw hfÀ¶n-«nÃm¯ Hcp L«-¯n-emWv aqkbpw kn Bdpw ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-kw-L-S-\bpsS t\Xm-¡-sf¶ \ne-bn Htc a\tÊmsS {]hÀ¯n-¨-Xv. ]{X{]hÀ¯-IcpsS Xmev]-cy-§Ä am{X-amWv Ahsc \bn-¨-Xv. cmjv{So-b-sam¶pw AhÀ ]cn-K-Wn-¨-tX-bn-Ã.
Ccp-hcpw kwL-S-\sb \bn¨ Imew tIc-f-¯nse ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ¡v e`n¨ t£a B\p-Iq-ey-§-fpsS Hcp kphÀ® Ime-L«w IqSn-bm-bn-cp-¶p. AXn Gähpw {][m-\-amWv ]{X-{]-hÀ¯I s]³j³ ]²-Xn. apJy-a-{´n-bm-bn-cp¶ sI. Icp-Wm -I-c-\n kwL-S-\m-t\-Xm-¡-sf¶ \ne -bn AhÀ sNep-¯nb kzm[o\w Xs¶bm-bn-cp¶p A§-s\-sbmcp ]²Xn BhnjvI-cn-¡p-¶-Xn-te¡p \bn-¨-Xv. Xsâ cmjv{Sob FXnÀ tNcn-bn s¸-«-h-cm-bn-cp-¶n-«p-t]mepw aqk-tbmSpw kn Bdn-t\mSpw eoUÀ
AXn-s\m-cp-Zm-l-c-W-amWv C´y³ s^U-td-j³ Hm^v hÀ¡nwKv tPW-enÌns\ (sF F^v U»yq sP) `n¶n-¸n¡m³ \S-¯nb {ia-§Äs¡-Xnsc Ccphcpw kzoI-cn¨ \ne-]m-Sv. 1980 Ifp sS Ah-km\w sFF^vU»yqsP ¡p _Z-embn ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-cpsS Hcp tZiob kwL-S-\bv¡v cq]w \ÂIm³
FXnÀ¯Xpw tIcfm ]{X{]hÀ¯I bqWnbs\ Häs¡«mbn \nÀ¯nbXpw hn{Iw dmhp A\pkvacn ¨n«p≠v ≠v. ≠ C´y³ s^Utdj³ Hm^v hÀ¡nwKv tPÀW enÌnsâ {Sjddmbpw {IU³jy I½nän sNbÀ am\mbpw kn BÀ {]hÀ¯n¨ncp¶ Imehpw HmÀ ½n¸n¡p¶p≠v ≠v. ≠ s^Utdjsâ tZiob kt½f\w sImïv hnPbIcambn \S¯nbXpw HcmgvN¡mew Xm³ sImïv AXnYnbmbn¡gnªXpw A\ptimN\ ¯n D≠v ≠v. ≠
C sI \mb-\mÀ
Im¼n-tÈcn Icp-Wm-I-c³
tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan sshkv sNbÀam³, ko\nbÀ tPÀWenÌv t^md¯nsâ {]knUâ v XpS§nb \neIfnepw kn Bdnsâ {]hÀ¯\w am[yakaql¯n\v e`n¨n«p≠v ≠v. ≠ sImÃw PhlÀ _me`hsâ FIvknIyq«ohv UbdIvSdmbn {]hÀ¯n¨p hcthbmWv kw`h_ lpeamb B PohnX¯nsâ XncÈoe Xmgp¶Xv.
¤ C´y³ s^Utdj³ Hm^v hÀ¡nwKv tPÀWenÌvkv sshkv {]knUâ v BWv teJ-I³. sabv 2018
hfsc kulrZw ]peÀ¯p-Ibpw AhÀ D¶-bn-¡p¶-Xmb Bh-iy-§Ä Ign-hXpw \nd-th-än-s¡m-Sp-¡pIbpw sNbvXp. sI bp U»yq sP bpsS CSp¡n kt½-f\w DZvLm-S\w sN¿-sh-bmWv s]³j³ ]²Xn apJy-a{´n Icp-Wm-I-c³ {]Jym-]n-¨-Xv. 500 cq]-bpsS s]³j³ ]²-Xn-bmWv DtZym-KØ ta[mhn-IÄ X¿m-dm-¡n-b-Xv. F¶m Ccp-h-cp-sSbpw A`yÀ°-\sb am\n¨p B thZn-bn¯s¶ 1000 cq] s]³j³ At±lw {]Jym-]n-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. AXm-Wn-t¸mÄ 10000 cq]-bmbn hÀ²n-¨-Xv. aqkþkn BÀ Soansâ Hcp hnS-hm-§Â k½m\w t]m se-bm-bn-cp¶p 1999-þ apJy-a{´n C sI \mb-\mÀ DZvLm-S\w sNbvX BtcmKy ]cn-c£ ]²Xn. ]{X -{]-hÀ¯-I-cpsS `h\ \nÀ½mW ]²Xn FÃm PnÃ-I-fn-te¡pw hym]n-¸n-¡m³ Ign-ªXv asämcp t\«-am-Wv. ]{X-{]-hÀ¯I kwL-S-\bv¡v \sÃmcp t\Xmhns\ e`n-¨-t¸mÄ \sÃmcp ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-s\-bm Wv \jvS-s¸-«-Xv. tImtfPv hnZym-`ym-k-¯n-\p-tijw sNdp-{]m-b-¯n Xs¶ P\-bpK-¯n tNÀ¶p. Cw¥o-jv, ae-bmfw `mj-IÄ \Ã-Xp-t]mse ssI Imcyw sN¿m-\-dn-bm-hp¶ kn Bdnse ]{X-{]-hÀ ¯-Is\ hfÀ¯n-sb-Sp-¯Xv {]Xn-`m-[-\-\mb ]{Xm[n-]À F¶v hnti-jn-¸n-¡-s¸-Sp¶ Im¼n-tÈcn IcpWm-I-c³ Bbn-cp-¶p. Ip«n-IÄ¡v th≠n≠n-bpÅ ≠ {]kn-²o-I-c-W-am-bn-cp¶ _me-bp-K-¯nsâ {]kn-²oI-c-Ww-t]mse hfsc ]cn-N-b-k-¼¯v Bh-iy-amb Npa-X-e-IÄ sNdp-{]m-b-¯n¯s¶ Gsä-Sp-¯p. Ah-sbÃmw `wKn-bmbn \nÀh-ln-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. kzmX{´y ka-c-¯nse cà-km-£n-bmb `KXv knwKn-s\-¡p-dn-s¨-gp-Xnb ]pkvXIw \sÃmcp {KÙIm-c-s\-bmWv A\m-h-cWw sNbvX-Xv. ]s£ B kÀ¤ ssh`-hs¯ kwL-S\ A]-l-cn¨p. P\-bpKw {]kn-²o-I-cWw CS-¡m-e¯v \ne-¨p-t]m-b-t¸mÄ 28
sabv 2018
Cw¥ojv ]{X-§-fpÄs¸sS atä-sX-¦nepw ]{X-Øm]-\-¯n tNcm-\pÅ Ah-kcw At±-l-¯n-\p≠mbn-cp-¶p. ]s£ AXn\p X¿m-dm-ImsX kwL-S\m cwK¯v XpSÀ¶p. ]{X-{]-hÀ¯\ taJ-e-bnepw kwL-S\m cwK¯pw Im«nb anI-hnsâ AwKo-Imcw IqsS-bm-bn-cp¶p 1990-I-fpsS XpS-¡-¯n tIc-f -{]kv A¡m-U-an-bpsS sshkv sNbÀam-\m-bpÅ kn Bdnsâ \nb-a-\w. apXnÀ¶ ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ¡mbn kwØm-\m-Sn -Øm-\-¯n Hcp kwL-S-\-bp-≠m-¡p-¶-Xn\p ap³ ssI FSp-¯-h-cn kn Bdpw DÄs¸-«n-cp-¶p. ko\nbÀ tPW-enÌv t^mdw {]kn-Uâmbn c≠p XhW At±lw XpS-cp-Ibpw sNbvXp. apXnÀ¶ ]{X-{]-hÀ ¯-IÀ¡mbn Hcp Btcm-Ky-]-cn-c£ ]²-Xn-¡mbpÅ {ia-§-fmWv apJy-ambpw \S-¯n-bXv. AXv k^-eo-I-cn-¡m³ Ign-bp-¶-Xn\p ap¼p-Xs¶ bm{Xbm-bn. A]qÀhw Nne-scm-gn-sI-bpÅ ]{X-{]-hÀ¯I-cn s]mXp-hn ImW-s¸-Sp¶ Hcp ZuÀºeyw kn Bdn IqSp-X-embn ImWs¸«p. AXn-Ãm-bn-cp¶p-sh-¦n Hcp-]s£ Ipsd-¡mew IqSn At±lw \½Äs¡m¸w ImWp-am-bn-cp-¶p. hensbmcp kulr-Z-h-ebw kn Bdn\v Npäpap≠m-bn-cp-¶p. tIc-f-¯nepw ]pd-¯p-apÅ ]{X-{]hÀ¯-I-cn am{Xw HXp-§p-¶-Xm-bn-cp-¶n-à AXv. cmjv{So-b, kmaqly cwK-§-fn-te¡pw AXv hym]n¨n-cp-¶p. AXn\p sImSn-I-fpsS \nd-t`-Z-§-sfm¶pw D≠m-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. hep¸ sNdp¸ hyXym-khpw CÃmbn-cp-¶p. klmbw tXSn-sb-¯n-b-hsc Hcn-¡epw \ncm-i-s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-Ã. k kn Bdn-t\mSv hnS-]-d-bm³ BÀ¡pw s]s«¶v Ign-bn-Ã. ¤ apXnÀ¶ am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯I\pw P\-bpKw Zn\-]-{X-¯nsâ ap³ tImþ-HmÀUn-t\-änwKv FUn-ä-dp-amWv teJ-I³.
{^w hÀ½m-Pn, hn¯v eu
sâ kplr¯v A\-h[n hmSvkm¸v {Kq¸p-I-fn AwK-am-Wv. FÃm-¯nepw kPo-ham-Wv. AXpw shdpw kp{]`mXhpw lm¸n B\n-th-gvk-dnbpw _À¯v tU {KoänwKvkpw am{X-aÃ, an¡ Znh-khpw alm-·m-cpsS sIzmt«-j\p-Ifpw ]pcmW IY-Ifpw D]-tZ-i§fpw ]ns¶ cmjv{Sob kmaq-lnI km¼-¯nI cwKs¯ FÃm A¶¶s¯ hmÀ¯-Isf¡pdn-¨pÅ Xsâ hyà-amb \nK-a-\-§fpw ISp¯ `mj-bn Fgp-X-n-hnSpw. ]e XhW Rm³ {i²n-¨p, At±l-t¯mSv Xmgva-bmbpw ]n¶oSv IÀ
i-\-ambpw ]ecpw hmSvkm¸n \nÀtZ-in-¨p. Xm¦-fpsS Iaâp-IÄ AXn-cp-hn-Sp-¶p. Cu {Kq¸nsâ e£y¯n\v ]äm-¯tXm XnI¨pw hyàn-]c-ambn aäp sa¼Àam-cpsS hnIm-cs¯ {hW-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶-htbm Bb t]m Ìnw-Kp-IÄ \nÀ¯Ww. Nne {Kq¸v AUvan-·mÀ hyà-ambn FgpXn. ]t£ At±lw tI«-Xmbn `mhn¨n-Ã. ]ns¶ At±-ls¯ Nne \S-¯n-¸p-ImÀ Ipd-¨p-\m-f-t¯¡v {Kq¸n \n¶pw kkvs]³Up sNbvXp. At±lw sXäp a\-Ênem-¡n- Im-Wp-sa¶v XoÀ¨-bm¡n ]n¶oSv AhÀ kkvs]³j³ ]n³h-
sI -F taml\-hÀ½
amä-¯n-s\m¸w amdWw
sabv 2018
en-¨-t¸mÄ At±lw ]gb coXn-bn¯s¶ Hcp hyXym-k-hp-an-ÃmsX Fgp-Xn-¯p-S-§n. s]s«-¶mWv F\n¡v sFUnbm h¶Xv. Cu tkmjy aoUn-bm-bpsS at\m-l-c-amb {]tXy-IX HmÀan-¨Xv. \ap¡v hmSvkm-¸nepw t^kv_p-¡nepw Sznä-dn-ep-saÃmw F´pw FgpXmw. ]t£ AXn hcp-¶-sXm¶pw hmbn-¡≠. tkmjyÂao-Unb hmkvX-h-¯n Fgp-Xm-\p-Å-XmWv. hmbn-¡m-\p-ÅX-Ã. shdpw sse¡-Sn-¨m Fgp-Xn-b-h³ [cn¡pw Xm³ Fgp-Xn-b-Xv hmb-\-¡m-c\v e`n¨p F¶v. Ah³ lm¸n. Ah³ hotdmsS ]ns¶bpw Fgp-Xpw. am{X-hp-aà Hcp hmb-\-¡m-c-\p-an-ÃmsX Cu tkm jy aoUnb F¶ ]pXnb ]mX-bn-eqsS Ah³ {]kn-²-\m-Ipw. Ahsâ taJe-bn cmjv{So-btam, Bßo-b-tam, kn\n-atbm, kvt]mÀSvtkm, _nkn\-tÊm, Ie-tbm, kmln-Xytam F´n\v aäv ]c-¼-cmKX aoUn-b-bn t]mepw Ah\v aÕcw Pbn-¡m³ Cu hmbn-¡m¯ t^mtfm-th-gvknsâ F®w Gsd klm-bn¡pw. sUmWmÄUv {Sw]pw, ]pSn\pw tamZnPnbpw tI{Pn-hmfpw cmlpÂPnbpw Aan-Xm`v _¨\pw k¨n³ sX≠q¡dpw iin Xcqcpw am{X-a-Ã, h¯n-¡m\pw {io {io chn-i-¦dpw F´n\v \½psS tPW-enÌv t\mh-enÌv knwl-§Ä cmPvZo]v kÀtZim-bnbpw tNX³ `K¯pw hsc X§-fpsS {]i-kvXnbpsS Af-hmbn Cu tkmjy aoUn-bm-bnse X§-fpsS hmbn-¡m¯ hmb-\-¡m-cpsS F®w Afhp-tIm-em¡n Ign-ªp. hÀ¯-am-\-¸-{X-§-fp-sSbpw 30
sabv 2018
sSen-hn-j³ Nm\-ep-I-fp-sSbpw {]Nmcw Iq«n-¡m-Wn¡m³ s]Sp-¶-]mSv A\p-`-hn-¡p-¶-hÀ¡dnbmw. tkm jy aoUn-b-bn t^mtfm-th-gvkns\ Iq«p-¶Xpw F´n\pw sse¡-Sn-¸n-¡p-¶Xpw C¶v Ipd-ª-Nn-ehn sNbvXp-X-cp¶ A\-h[n skÂ^v _nkn-\kv sS¡n Ip«n-I-fp≠v ≠v. AXn anSp-¡À sse¡v am{X≠ a-Ã, Ipd-ª-Nn-e-hn Fgp-¯p-t]mepw sNbvXp Xcpw. Fgp-¯p-Im-c³ A¨Sn Zriyam[y-a-§-fnse DS-a-bpsS e£yhpw Dt±-ihpw Adnªv {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ ssien Xs¶ Chn-sSbpw Im«pw. Fsâ kplr¯v `mjm kzm[o-\-apÅ Hcp anSp-¡³ ]¿s\ Cu ]Wn G¸n-¨n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. F¶pw AXn-cm-hnse ]¯p an\n«v X\n¡v temIt¯mSv ]d-bm-\p-Å-sXÃmw kplr¯v ]¿-t\mSv t^mWn ]dbpw. ]¿-\Xv sdt¡mÀUv sNbvXv ssIhiw hbv¡pw. ]n¶oSv Ah³ \à `mj-bn hnhn[ {Kq¸p-I-fn t\ct¯Xs¶ tkhv sNbvXn-cn¡p¶ at\m-l-c-amb Nn{X-§fpw hoUn-tbmbpw cpNn-I-c-am¡n KpUvtamÀWnwKpw aäpw tNÀ¯v IrXy-ambn t]mÌp sN¿pw. kplr-¯n\v ka-b-an-Ã. At±lw Xm³ AwKamb Hcp {Kq¸n-sebpw Xsâ t]cn Fgp-Xn-bXv t]mepw hmbn-¡m-dn-Ã. At±-ls¯ hmSvkm¸nse {Kq¸v AUvan³amÀ kkvs]³Up sNbvXXpw Xncns¨-Sp-¯Xpt]mepw At±lw Adn-ªn-cp-¶n-Ã. {]nâ v aoUn-bm-bn aäp-Å-h-cmWv Fgp-Xp-
¶-Xv. \½Ä hmbn-¡Ww. {]XnI-cn-¡m³ \nhr-¯n-bn-Ã. ChnsS \mamWv Fgp-Xp-¶Xv. \mw hmbnt¨m hmbn-¡m-sXtbm {]XnI-cn¡mw. B {]Xn-I-cWw ]pd¯p-h-cp-¶Xv Hcp Ukv¡n\pw XS-bm³ ]än-Ã. ]t£ ChnsS A]-ISw \mw Hcp-]mSv BÄ¡mcpambn _Ô-s¸-Sp-s¶-¦nepw \½psS hnImcw ]pd-¯p-hn-Sp¶p F¶ Bizm-k-a-ÃmsX asämcp t]mkn-äohv F^IvSpw kwPm-X-amIp-¶nà F¶-Xm-Wv. C\n Cu ]Ým-¯-e-¯n ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-\-ssi-enbpsS `mhnsb-¡p-dn¨v H¶p t\m¡mw. Hcp kXyw \ap¡v AwKo-I-cn-¡msX
]än-Ã. samss_ t^mWn ImWm-hp¶ ]¯v sk¡³Uv apX ct≠m aqt¶m an\n«p hsc-bpÅ tjmÀ«v hoUn-tbm, i_vZhpw BIÀj-I-amb k_v ssSänenwKpw tNÀ¯v hcp-¶Xv GXp hmÀ¯-I-sfbpw BIÀjI-am¡n amäm³ Ign-hp-Å-Xm-Wv. C¶v Cu coXn t^kv _p¡v, KqKn-Ä, B¸nÄ, C³Ìm{Kmw,
kv\m¸v XpS§n FÃm tkmjy- aoUn-b-I-fp-sSbpw I¬kyq-aÀ amÀ¡-änwKv kulrZ AwKo-IrX ssien-bmbn¡gn-ªn-cn-¡p-¶p. A¨Sn am[y-a-¯nse Ac t]Pv AXn Kuc-h-amb amäÀ hmbn-¡p¶-h\v Ahsâ kwth-Z\ £a -Xbpw ka-bhpw D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶Xv ChnsS ]¯n-sem-¶mbn Ipd-bp-¶p. ChnsS hmÀ¯ sjbÀ sN¿mw. tkhv sN¿mw. CtX Bibw IqSp-X hyà-am¡-W-sa¶v tXm¶n-bm hnc H¶-aÀ¯nbm aXn en¦p-IÄ Im¯n-cn-¡p-¶p. CXnse ck-I-c-amb hkv XpX Hcp \o≠ hmÀ¯tbm
teJ-\tam apJ-{]-kw-Ktam hmbn¡p-¶-h-cn F{X t]À C¶v AXnsâ ssSänepw Ht¶m ct≠m hmN-I-§Ä¡pw ]mc-{Km-^p-IÄ ¡p-a-¸pdw hmbn-¡p¶p F¶v At\z-jn-¡p-t¼m-gmWv Cu A{]n b kXy-¯nsâ IW¡v \½sf sR«n-¡p¶Xv. ImÀ«q-Wp-IÄ h¶-t¸mÄ hm¡p-I-fn-eq-sS-bpÅ Bt£-]-lmkyw sasÃ
]{X-§-fn \n¶v A{]-Xy-£am-bXv \mw I≠Xm-Wv. hmkvXh-¯n- C¶v ]{X-§-fnse hmÀ¯-I-fpsS BZyhcn hmbn¨v ASp¯Xn-te¡v NmSp¶ hmb-\¡m-cs\ AtX Ac-an-\n«v kabw sIm≠p I≠p-Xo-cp¶ hoUntbm Zriy {imhy-¯n-eqsS ]nSn-¨ncp¯n hmÀ¯-bpsS kwth-Z\w ^e-h-¯m-¡p-I-bmWv sN¿p¶Xv. Cu ssien C\nbpw anSp¡-cmb {]KÛ sS¡v s{^≠v ≠ven ≠ Unssk-\À þIw-þ-ho-Untbm FUn-äÀþIw-þ-]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-cptSbpw Nnt´-cn-S-en-eqsS an\p-kamIpw, XoÀ¨-bm-Wv. \ap¡v `mhn-sb-¡p-dn¨v
`b-s¸-Sm-\n-Ã. amä-¯n-s\m¸w amäs¯ kt´m-j-t¯msS AwKo-I-cn¨v \mapw amdWw F¶v am{Xw.
¤ t\mh-enÌpw "ho£Ww' ap³ No^v FUn-ä-dp-amWv teJ-I³. Cþ-sabnÂ: sabv 2018
What is
Gonzo Journalism? T
he three major tenets of journalism are – objectivity, accuracy and integrity. This boils down to what is commonly known as “ethics” in journalism. Accountability, fairness and humanity are three more additions pointed out by Ethical Journalism Network. Journalism that violates every single tenet given above could perhaps be defined as “gonzo” journalism. Now that the electronic media of television, satellite channels and the Internet have added different dimensions to what was once confined to print, one may perhaps be right is stating that Gonzo Journalism is a modernist extension of what was once known as “Yelllow Journalism”. This
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Shoma A. Chatterji
is an American term associated mainly with the print media when the other media were not so dominating, and consists of news reports, stories and even investigative stories that present little or no legitimate, well-researched stories which are surrendered entirely at the altar of sensational news and eye-ball catching visuals. The most recent and gross example of Gozno Journalism made its strong presence felt soon after the sudden demise of the famous star-actress Sridevi in a Dubai hotel. The tragedy was shocking because it was sudden and unexpected. Let us get down to bare facts. Sridevi had gone to Dubai along with her husband and
two daughters to attend a family wedding. On the evening when her husband flew down from Mumbai to surprise her, they decided to dine together and Sridevi repaired to the washroom of their hotel suite to freshen up. Her death, said the Dubai medical fraternity, was the result of her having drowned in the bathtub.
300 films in five languages opposite heroes across three generations from five Indian states, there was a visible shift from Sridevi to the “bathtub”so much so that Sridevi was sidetracked in favour of the “bathtub” not the one in which she passed away but just any bathtub!.
While the entire media in Dubai and India focussed on this STOP PRESS news in different ways – showing clips of her films, songs and dances, of her interviews with the media and so on, another section of the same media hitched on the possible sensationalism that flew like an undercurrent in the term “bathtub.” Why and how she did die in a bathtub?” “Is it possible to die in a bathtub? “Was it an accidental death? Or, was it suicide or rather were there some sinister manipulations at work behind her death? There were panel debates and quar-
One Telugu news channel actually had the reporter get into an empty bath tub in full view of the camera to show how it happened and how could it have happened at all. Sorry, the bathtub did not have any water nor was there any tap or shower to be seen so what was he trying to prove? I cannot say because I do not understand Telugu. The fact remains that the visuals were so disgusting that I did not even wish to hear what he was saying except that, unlike Sridevi, he did not “drown” and much less, die. This is a classic example of Gonzo Journalism.
rels that all boiled down to the mystery of her death in a bathtub. Never before had a bathtub played such a prominent role on television news channels. The bathtub became the “hero” of the tragic story of a famous star’s death mainly on regional television channels. Instead of focussing on her tremendous versatility as an actress par excellence who starred in around
According to Wikepedia, “Gonzo Journalism is a style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story via a first-person narrative.” The word "gonzo" is believed to have been first used in 1970 to describe an article by Hunter S. Thompson, who later popularized the style. It is an energetic first-person participatory sabv 2018
writing style in which the author is a protagonist, and it draws its power from a combination of social critique and self-satire. The question is – can we call it journalism at all or should be call it “dramatising of facts veiled to be presented as journalism”? Or, a story that pretends to be journalism but is far removed from the tenets of objectivity, accuracy and integrity? It is said that Thompson based his style on William Faulkner's notion that "fiction is often the best fact". His articles were based on factual events, incidents and people but he used a lot of satire and punch to add to the fun of the piece when he could not zero in on actual facts of the stories he wrote. Even then, this kind of journalism is distanced from objectivity, accuracy and integrity and though one tries to grant
Hunter S. Thompson it some “respect” by labelling it with the term “gonzo” this does not give it the respect it does not deserve. But “Gonzo Journalism” is not just about the journalist trying to create a hypothetical situation and making himself/herself into the protagonist of his/her story. It is also about why a television channel should intrude into the privacy of a person when the said person is vulnerable and does not wish to face the camera yet is not in a position to object to being interviewed on camera. Let me give one classic example. In 2012, there was case of child abuse in Patha Bhavan in Shanti Niketan, Bolpur where a ten-year-old girl was forced to lick her own urine mixed with salt as punishment for the 34
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‘crime’. What crime, pray? She used to wet her bed every night. The warden forced her to drink her urine in the presence of dozen-and-odd roommates. Some Bengali channels as this happened in West Bengal, focussed on the little girl. The girl, already traumatized, was telecast again and again and though her face was blurred by the camera, the channels made little attempt to keep her name a secret. The girl was in deep shock and according to her parents, refused to eat or drink because each time she was offered food, she said she was reminded of licking urine and felt like throwing up. Was this fair on the little girl? Was this humane in any sense? Did this focus spell out the ‘integrity’ of the journalists and the story? Could this come even remotely close to what we understand as “objective” journalism? True that every story is in some way tinged with the bias of the journalist who has to take a stand for or against a given story unless he is reporting a piece of news. But that bias cannot play around with fact, accuracy and as much objectivity as possible. One regional news channel reported that another girl in the same residential school of Patha Bhavan was subjected to similar treatment but she kept quiet about it. But there was no follow-up on the case which was good because it would have meant drawing that other girl out of her private space to make her the guinea pig for yet another sensational news story and make her relive the nightmare all over again! But the genre of Gonzo Journalism actually exists and there is also a journal called Gonzo Today which is an Internet publication inspired by the writing and reporting style of gonzo journalism popularized by Hunter Thompson. So who, or what are we complaining about? Thompson felt that objectivity in journalism was a myth. Gonzo journalism has now become a bona fide style of writing that concerns itself with "telling it like it is",
The writer is a freelance journalist, author and film scholar based in Kolkata. She has authored 24 books and contributed to many compilations on cinema, family and gender. Email:
aoUnb ss_ävkv
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\yq-kv-{]nâv hn-eB
-tKm-f-X-e-¯n X-s¶ \yq-kv{]nâ v hn-e D-b-cp-I-bmWv. \yq-kv-{]nâ v D-≠m-¡p-¶-Xn-\p-Å A-kw-kvIr-X-h-kv-Xp-¡-fp-sS hn-e hÀ-²n¨-Xv H-cp Im-c-W-amWv. A-Xn-t\-¡m-tf-sd ssN-\-bp-sS C-d-¡pa-Xn \-b-¯n-ep≠m-b am-ä-am-Wv hn-e Ip-Xn-¨p-b-cm³ Im-c-W-am-b-Xv. ]m-cn-Øn-XnIam-b Im-c-W-§-fmemWv A-hÀ ]m-gvI-S-emÊn-sâ C-d-¡pa-Xn A-h-km-\n-¸n-¨-Xv.
I-S-em-Êp-I-fp-sS Iq-«-¯n G-ähpw hn-e Ipd-ª, A-[n-I- B-bp-ÊnÃm-¯ \yq-kv-{]nâ v ]-{X-a-¨-Sn-¡m-\m-Wv tem-I-hym]-I-am-bn A-[n-Iw D-]-tbm-Kn-¡p-¶Xv. H-cp h-À-j-¯n\-Iw C-Xn-sâ hn-e-bn D≠m-b hÀ-²-\ \m-ev]-Xv i-X-am\-amWv. a-ä-t\-Iw Im-c-W-§-fm ]n-¶m-¡w t]m-bn-s¡m-≠n≠ncn-¡p-¶ ]-{X-ta-J-e-bv-¡v ]pXn-b _m-[y-X hen-b {]-Xn-k-Ôn X-s¶-bm-Wv kr-ãn-¨n-cn¡p-¶-Xv. ]-{Xhn-e-bpw ]-c-ky-\n-c¡pw hÀ²n-¸n¡p-I F-¶-Xm-Wv C-t¸mÄ Im-Wp-¶ ]-cn-lm-cw. t]Pv Ip-d-bv-¡-epw Po-h-\-¡m-sc sh-«n-¨p-cp-¡-ep-saÃmw ]nd-sI h-cpw. B--dc tIm-Sn-tbm-fw S¬ ]m-gv\yq-kv{]nâ v B-Wv 2016þ ssN-\ dn-ssk-¡nÄ sN-bv-XXv. C-Xn \m-en-sem-¶v C-d-¡pa-Xn sN-bv-X-XmWv. C-Xm-Wv A¸-Sn CÃm-Xm-bXv. dn-ssk-¡nÄ sNbv-X \yq-kv-{]nâ v C-sö-Xv
kzm-`m-hn-I-ambpw hn-]-Wn-bn-se e`y-X Ipd-¨p, hn-e hÀ-²n¸n¨p. ]-{Xhn-e C-t¸mgpw C-Xn-s\m-¯v hÀ-²n-¨n-«nÃ. Nn-escÃmw t]-Pv Ip-d-¨p-Xp-S§n. ]-e- h-³-InS¡mcp-sS-bpw tKm-Uu-Wn \à kv-täm-¡p≠v ≠v. A-Xp Xo-cp-¶ ap-d-bv-¡v ≠ A-hÀ ]{Xhn-e Iq-«p-w. C-´y³ ]-{X-ta-J-ebv-¡v D≠mb aq-¶ma-s¯ {]-l-c -am-Wv \yq-kv-{]nâ v hn-e-hÀ²-\. I-d³-kn d±m-¡epw Pn--FkvSnbpw B-bn-cp-¶p c≠v ≠vv {]-l-c§Ä. \yq-kv-{]nâ v hn-e-¡b-äw ≠ ]-{X-hy-h-kmb-s¯ am-{X-am-Wv _m-[n-¨-Xv. ]-{X-hy-h-km b-s¯ Hc-Sn Iq-Sn Im-¯p-\nÂ-¡p-¶p≠v ≠v. tI-{µ-kÀ-¡mÀ ≠ ]-{X-§Ä-¡v sS³-UÀ ]-c-ky-§Ä sIm-Sp-t¡≠≠-Xnà F-¶p ≠ Xo-cp-am-\n-¨n-cn-¡-bm-Wv. A-h sh-_v-ssk-äp-I-fn-te C-\n ImWq. hÀ-jw 600 tIm-Sn cq-]-bp-sS ]-c-ky-h-cp-am-\-amWv Cu C-\-¯n ]-{X-§Ä¡p \-ã-s¸-«-Xv. ]-{X-§Ä¡v G-ähpw Ip-d-ª hne DÅXv C-´y-bnem-sW-¶p ]-{X D-S-a-Ø kw-L-S-\-I-fp-sS h-àm-¡Ä ]-d-bp¶p≠v ≠v. A-b cm-Py-§fm-b ]m-In-Øm-\n-epw {io-e-¦-bnepw ≠ _w-¥m-tZ-in-epw 14þ15 cq-] hn-e-bp≠v ≠v ]-{X-¯n-\v. C´y-¡ ≠ I-¯v BIs« Hmtcm {]-tZ-i¯pw ]-{Xhn-e hy-Xy-kv-X-amWv. c≠pp tIm-Sn sa-{Sn-Iv S¬ \yq-kv {]nâ v B-Wv C-´y hÀ-jw D-]-tbm-Kn-¡p-¶Xv. C-Xv A-ta-cn-¡-bnÂ-\n-¶pw bq-tdm -]y³ cm-Py-§-fn \n-¶p-am-Wv C-d-¡pa-Xn sN-¿p-¶Xv. ]-{X D-ev-]m-Z-\-s¨-e-hn-sâ 40þ50 i-X-am-\w \yq-kv-{]nân-\m-Wv sN-ehm-Ip-¶Xv.
sabv 2018
C´y³ am-[y-a-ta-J-e `o-j-Wn-IÄ-¡v ap-¶nÂ
-´y-bn-se am-[y-a ta-J-e, \n-e-\nÂ-¸v X-s¶ tNmZyw sN-¿-s¸-Sp¶, Kp-cp-X-cam-b {]-Xn-k-Ôn-sb t\-cn-«psIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p-I-bm-sW-¶v B-tKm-f kw-L-S-\bm-b kn.]n.sP ≠ (I-½n-än Sp s{]m-«Iv-äv tP-W-en-Ìv-kv) C-´y³ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯ I-sc D-²cn-¨p-sIm≠v ≠v hn-e-bn-cp-¯p¶p. ≠
kn.]n.sP.bpsS G-jy³ t{]m-{Kmw dn-kÀ-¨v A-tkm-kntb-äv A-ey C-^v-än-JÀ kw-L-S-\-bp-sS t»m-Kn þ kn.]n. sP.HmÀKvþ C-Xp kw-_-Ôn-¨ hn-i-Zmw-i-§Ä \Â-Ip-¶p≠v ≠v. ≠ cm-{ão-b k-½À-±w, kz-bw-sk³-k-dn-§v, A-]-IoÀ-¯n-t¡kpIÄ, t\-cn-«p-Å B-{I-a-W-§Ä Xp-S-§n-b-h-sb-Ãmw ap¼pw D-≠m-bn-cp¶p. ]t£, C¶-s¯ A-h-Ø ap-s¼m-¶pw D-ÅXÃ. am-[y-a-kzm-X-{´y-t¯m-Sp-Å a-Xn-¸v Np-cp§nh-cp-¶ k-aq-l-¯n am-[y-a-§Ä¡vv k-lm-b-¯n-\m-bn B-scbpw k-ao-]n-¡m-\nà F-¶ A-h-Ø t]m-epw D≠m-Ip-¶p. Ku-cn e-t¦-jn-sâ sIm-e-]m-X-I-¯n-\p ti-jw ]-e h-«w h-[-`oj-Wn t\-cn-tS≠n ≠n h-¶ {]-ikv-X ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I km≠ K-cn-I tLm-jv, A-`q-X-]qÀ-h-am-Wv C-t¸m-g-s¯ A-h-Ø -sb-¶p kn.]n.sP {]-Xn-\n-[n-I-tfm-Sv ]-d-ªp. 1975 se A-Sn-
Ku-cn e-t¦-jv
km-K-cn-I tLm-jv
b-´-cm-h-Ø-¡m-e-¯v D-≠m-b-Xn G-sd-bm-Wv `-c-WI£n {]-hÀ-¯-I·mcpw s]m-eokpw a-äpw C¶p \-S-¯n-s¡m-≠ ≠n-n-cn¡p-¶ am[y-a kzm-X-{´y-ew-L-\-sa-¶p A-hÀ ]-d-ªp. am-[y-a§-sf kzm-[o-\n-¡m³ ap¼pw A-[n-Im-cn-IÄ {i-an-¨n«p≠v ≠v. ]t£, A-[n-Im-c-ap-]-tbm-Kn-¨v hmÀ-¯I-sf kzm-[o-\n≠ ¡m³ C-¶p \-S-¡p-¶ {i-a-§-sf ap¼-s¯ {i-a-§-fpam-bn Xm-c-X-ay-s¸-Sp-¯m³ t]m-epw ]-änà þC³-Un-s]â³-Uv tIm-a¬-shÂ-¯v lyq-a³ ssd-äv-kv C-\o-tjy-äo-hv U-b-d-Iv-äÀ k-RvP-bv l-kmcn-I ]-d-bp-¶p. ≠ ≠n am-[y-a-\-S-¯n-¸p-ImÀ ]-W-ap≠m-¡p-¶-Xn-\p th≠n h-f-ª h-gn¡p \-S-¯p-¶ {i-a-§Ä A-`n-{]m-b-kzm-X-{´y-¯n36
sabv 2018
t·- IS-¶p I-b-dm³ A-[n-Im-cn-hÀ-K-¯n\v A-h-k-c-sam-cp-¡p-I-bm-Wv. am-[y-a§Ä kw-L-Sn-¸n-¡p¶ D-¨-tIm-Sn-Ifpw h³-k-t½f-\-§-fpw h³-In-S-¡m-cm-Wv kv-t]m¬-kÀ sN-¿p-¶Xv. A-h-cp-sS km-¶n²yw Iq-SpX {i-²n-¡-s¸-Sm³]n.IÄ Iq-Sn F-¯Ww. A-[n-Im-c-¯n-ep-Å-hÀ-¡v am-[y-a-§Ä-¡p ta ]n-Sn ap-dp-¡m³ C-Xv A-h-k-c-sam-cp-¡p¶p. -`-c-Wm-[n-I-cn-IÄs¡-Xn-sc i-Ð-ap-bÀ-¯m³ I-cp-¯p-Å H-cp Øm]-\w t]mepw Cà F-¶ A-h-Øbpw kr-ãn-¡-s¸-Sp-I-bmbn. A-Sn-b-´-cm-h-Øbn-se sk³-kÀ-jn-¸n-t\-¡mÄ lm-\n-Ic-am-Wv C¶-s¯ kzbwsk³-kÀ-jn-¸v. am-t\-Pv-saâp-IÄ B-{K-ln-¡p-¶ co-Xn-bn dn-t¸mÀ-«v sN-¿m-¯-hÀ ]n-cn-¨p-hn-S-s¸-« \n-ch-[n A-\p-`-h-§fpw A-hÀ-¡v F-Sp-¯pIm-«m-\p≠v ≠vv. ≠ A-]-IoÀ-¯n-t¡-Êp-IÄ D-bÀ-¯p-¶ `o-j-Wn-bm-Wv skÂ-^v sk³-kÀ-jn-¸n\p-Å a-säm-cp {][m-\ Im-cWw. tIm-S-Xn-Ifn sI-«n-bn-S-s¸-Sp-¶p F-¶tXm h³Xp-I tIm-S-Xn-s¨e-hv D-≠m-Ip-¶p F-¶tXm am-{X-aà {]-iv-\w. [m-cm-fw tI-Êp-I-fn am-[y-a-Øm-]-\-¯n-\v Xm-§m³ I-gn-bm-¯ A-{X hen-b kw-Jy ]n-gbpw \-ã-]-cn-lm-chp-am-bn hn-[n-¡-s¸-Sp-¶p. `-c-W-¯n-se H-cp -{]-apJ-\v F-Xn-cm-bn {]-ikv-X Hm¬-sse³am-[y-aw \-S¯n-b A-t\z-j-Wm-ß-I dn-t¸m À-«v kw-_-Ôn-¨ tI-Ên B hn-j-b¯n C-\n-sbm¶pw dn-t¸mÀ-«v sN-¿-cpXv F-¶p I-ev-]n-¡m³ ssl-t¡mS-Xn X-¿mdmbn. kp-{]nw tImS-Xn th≠n ≠n h-¶p C-Xp ≠ am-äm³. Zv h-bÀ F-¶ Cu Hm¬-sse³ Øm]-\w G-sd hn-izm-ky-X-bp-Å A-t\zj-Wm-ß-I am-[y-a-am-Wv. A-Xp-sIm-≠pX-s¶ G-gp am-\-\-ã-t¡-kp-I-sf-¦nepw Øm]-\w t\-cn-tS≠n ≠n h-¶n-cn-¡p¶p. ≠ R-§Ä [o-c·m-cm-Wv F-¶m-Wv B-fp-IÄ ]-d-bp-I. Cà [o-c-X-sbm¶pw CÃ. R§sf {]-iw-kn-¡m³ B-fp≠v ≠v. ]-t£, k-lm≠ bn-¡m³ B-cp-anÃ. am-\-\-ã-t¡-kv t\-cn-Sp¶-Xm-Wv hen-b in-£þØm-]-\-¯n-se {]ap-J tP-W-en-Ìv ]-d-ªp.
À-¯ F-{X th-Kw B-fp-I-fn F-¯n-¡p¶p F-¶XÃ, F-{X k-Xy-hpw Ir-Xy-hpambn F-¯n-¡p-¶p F-¶-Xm-Wv C-¡me-¯v G-ähpw hn-e a-Xn-¡p-¶ kw-K-Xnþkn-jy³ 2018 B-tKm-f kv-tääv Hm-^v Zv aoUn-b dn-t¸mÀ-«v Nq≠n≠n-¡m-«p¶p. ≠ bq-tdm-¸n-se-bpw A-ta-cn-¡-bn-sebpw am-[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ-¡n-S-bn \-S-¡p-¶ hmÀjn-I kÀ-sh-bp-sS 2018se dn-t¸mÀ-«n-emWv Cu \n-co-£-W-ap-Å-Xv. hmÀ-¯ k-Xy-hpw Ir-Xyhpw B-bn-cn-¡-W-sa¶m-Wv F-¡m-e¯pw ]-{X-{]-h-À-¯-IÀ B-{K-ln¡m-sd-¦n-epw C-t¸mÄ C-Xn-\v {]m-[m-\y-ta-dn h-cn-Ibm-Wv. I-gn-ª hÀj-s¯ kÀ-sh-bn I≠≠-Xn-t\≠ ¡mÄ Iq-Sp-X B-fp-I-fm-Wv C¯-h-W k-XyhmÀ-¯-bv-¡v Du-¶Â \Â-In-bXv. B-Zyw hmÀ-¯ F-¯n-¡p-I-bm-Wv {]-[m-\w F-¶p I-gn-ª- hÀ-jw
hmÀ-¯-bpsS th-K-XbÃ, k-Xy-k-Ô-X-bm-Wv {]-[m\w ]-Xn-aq-¶p i-X-am-\w t]-cm-Wv ]-d-ªn-cp-¶-sX-¦n C¯-h-W A-h-cp-sS F-®w ]-¯p i-X-am-\-am-bn Ip-dªp. A-ta-cn-¡-bn 78 i-X-am-\hpw I-\-U -bn 72 i-X-am-\hpw {_n-«-\n 81 i-X-am-\-hpw -{^m³-kn 67 i-X-am-\hpw PÀ-a-\n-bn 53 i-X-am\-hpw kzo-U-\n 70 i-X-am-\hpw t]-cm-Wv th-K-Xtb-¡mÄ {]-[m-\-am-Wv k-Xy-k-Ô-X-sb-¶v A-`n -{]m-b-s¸-«-Xv. ]-{X-§-fn P-\-§Ä-¡p-Å hn-izmky-X Ip-d -bp-¶p F-¶ s]m-Xp A-`n-{]m-b-t¯m-Sv `q-cn]£w ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-Icpw tbm-Pn-¡p-IbmWv. F-¶m 2017þt\-¡mÄ C-¡m-cy-¯n a-Xn¸v sa-¨s¸«n-cn-¡pI-bm-Wvþ91 i-X-am-\-¯n- \n-¶p 71 i-X-am-\-¯n-te¡p-Å am-äw bm-YmÀ-°y-s¯ {]-Xn-^-en-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv F-¶p kÀ-sÆ kw-Lm-S-IÀ I-cp-Xp-¶p. s]m-Xp-P-\m`n-{]m-bw tam-i-am-Wv F-¶p I-cp-Xp-¶ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯IÀ Iq-Sp-X-epÅ-Xv A-ta-cn-¡-bn-em-Wvþ78i-X-am-\w ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯IÀ. Ipdhv {^m³-kn-epw. am-[y-a-{]-h-À¯\w t\-cn-Sp-¶ hen-b shÃphn-fn-IÄ F-s´m-s¡-bm-Wv? 28 i-X-am-\w ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ I-cp-Xp¶-Xv tPm-en`m-c-¯n\v B-\p-]m-Xn-Iam-bn ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-IÀ Øm-]-\-§-fn Cà F-¶Xm-Wv. F-¶m \m-en H-¶p ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-IÀ, km-aq-ly-am-[y-a-§fpw skÀ-¨v F³-Pn-\p-I-fp-w hmÀ-
¯m-Øm-]-\§-sf A-{]-k-à-am-¡p-¶p F-¶-Xm-Wv {]-[m-\ {]-iv-\w F-¶p I-cp-Xp¶p. hym-P-hmÀ-¯-Isf-¡p-dn-¨p-Å {]-Nm-cWhpw, hmÀ-¯bpw ]-c-ky-hpwX-½n hy-Xym-k-anÃm-sX B-Ip-¶Xpw, ]-{X-kzmX-{´yw Ip-d-bp-¶-Xp-sam-s¡-bm-Wv a-äp ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ Nq≠n≠n-¡m-«n-b aäp {]-iv-\-§Ä. ≠ hym-P-hmÀ-¯-IÄ s]-cp-Ip-t¼mÄ b-YmÀ-° hmÀ-¯-I-fn-epw hn-izm-kw Ip-dbpw F-¶-Xm-Wv {][m-\ shÃp-hn-fn-bm-bn am-[y-a-{]-hÀ-¯-IÀ I-cp-Xp¶-Xv. F-¶m sNdn-b H-cp i-X-am-\wþ21 i-X-am-\w þ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-sc-¦nepw hym-P-hmÀ-¯m-{]-Xn-`m-kw b-YmÀ-° ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-cn-ep-Å hn-izm-khpw hÀ²n-¸n-¡p-I-bm-Wv sN¿p-I F-¶ B-ß-hn-izm-k-am-Wv {]-I-Sn-¸n-¨Xv. C-¯-h-W 1355 am-[y-a-{]-hÀ-¯-I-cmWv Cu kÀ-sÆ-bn ]-s¦-Sp-¯Xv. C-Xn 842 t]À A-ta-cn¡-¡m-cpw 177t]À I-\-U-¡m-cpw 180 t]À kzo-U³Imcpw A-¼-Xn Xm-sg-ho-Xw t]À bp.sI, {^m³-kv, PÀa-\n cm-Py-§-fnÂ- \n-¶p-ap-Å-h-cmWv. ]-{X§Ä, am-K-kn-\p-IÄ,, td-Untbm Nm-\-epIÄ, Hm¬sse³ am-[y-a§Ä, t»m-KÀ-amÀ Xp-S-§n-b-hbm-Wv kÀ-sÆ-bn ]-s¦-Sp-¯Xv. tem-I-{]-ikv-X amÀ-¡ -än-§v ]n.BÀ Øm-]-\-am-Wv kn-jy³.
¤ sabv 2018
A-¨-Sn am-[y-a-§-fn-te-¡p Xn-cn-¨p-t]m-Ip-tam? {]
-Xn-k-Ôn-IÄ D-bÀ-¯p-¶ ]-e {]-iv-\-§-fp-aps≠¦nepw A-kv-X-an-¨p-sIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p-¶≠ Xm-bn I-cp-X-s¸-« ]-{X-§-fn P\hn-izm-kw hÀ-²n¡p-¶-Xm-bn kq-N-\-IÄ h-¶p-sIm-t≠ C-cn-¡p-¶p. 2018 s^-{_p-h-cn-bn \yq-tbmÀ-¡v ssSw-kv dn-t¸mÀ-«v sN-bv-X-Xv 2017 A-h-km-\n-¨ \memw ]mZ-¯n ]-¯p i-X-am-\hpw ap-gp-h³ hÀ-jw 7.7 i-X-am-\hpw h-cp-am-\-hÀ-²-\ A-hÀ-¡p-≠m-bn F-¶mWv. ]n-dtIm-«v t]m-Ip-¶-Xn-sâ I-W-¡p-IÄ am{Xw hÀ-j-§fm-bn tI-«p-sIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p-¶ H-cp hy-h-km-b-¯n-\v ≠ C-Xp ip-`-hmÀ-¯ Xs¶.
ssSw-kn-\v C-t¸mÄ 26 e-£w Un-Pn-ä h-cn¡m-cpw 36 e-£w {]nâ v h-cn-¡mcpw D≠v ≠v. ≠
Np-h-¸p-\m-S-bn Ip-cp-§n- 130
¼-Xp am-k-¯n-\n-S-bn hmÀ-¯m-hnX-c-W h-Ip¸v A-\pa-Xn \Â-Inb-Xv B-dp Nm-\-ep-IÄ-¡p am-{Xw. A-\pa-Xn \Â-Im-sX Ip-cp¡n-bn-«n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv 130 Nm-\-ep-Isf. ^-b-ep-IÄ D-tZym-KØÀ B-`y-´c-h-Ip-¸n-te-¡pw hnhn-[ sk-{I-t«-dnb-äv h-Ip-¸p-I-fnte¡pw X-«n-s¡m≠n≠n-cn-¡p¶p. ≠
sk-Iyq-cn-än ¢n-b-d³-kv \Â-Im³ B-`y-´-ch-Ip-¸v Im-e-Xm-a-k-ap≠m-¡p-¶p F-¶m-Wv C³-^-Àta-j³ h-Ip-¸n-sâ ]-cmXn. sk-Iyq-cn-än ¢n-b-d³-kv \Â-Ip-t¼mÄX-s¶ C¯-h-W C-Xp-am-bn _-Ô-s¸-« Ip-sd Im-cy-§Ä C³-^À-ta-j³ h-Ip-¸v ]-cn-tim -[n-¨p Xo-cp-am-\n-¡-W-sa-¶v B-`y-´-c h-Ip-¸v B-hiy-s¸-«-Xm-Wv {]-iv-\-am-bXv. Ip-ä-Ir-Xy§Ä, a-äv kp-c£m-{]-iv-\-§Ä F¶n-h kw-_-Ôn-¨v H-cp Im-cyhpw A-t\z-jn-¡m³ X-§Ä-¡v kw-hn-[m-\-anà F-¶v C³^À-ta-j³ h-Ip-¸v Ah-sc A-dn-bn-s¨-¦n-epw ^-b-ep38
sabv 2018
IÄ \o-§n-bnÃ. 2016þ17 Ime-s¯ ]-Xn\-©v amkw 84 sse-k³-kv A-\phZn-¨ Øm\-¯v C-¯hW \Â-Inb-Xv B-dp sse-k³-kv am-{Xw. Nm-\ D-S-a-Ø kwL-S-\þC-´y³ t{_m-Uv-ImÌn-§v s^-U-tdj³þ {]-[m-\-a-{´n-bpsS Hm-^o-kn ]-cm-Xn-s¸-«-Xm-bn sa-bv 17\v Zv anâ v Hm¬-sse³ {]-kn-²o-I-c-Ww dn-t¸mÀ-«v sN-bv-Xn-cp-¶p. Xp-SÀ-¶v ^-b-ep-IÄ-¡v A\-¡w D≠m-sb¶pw dn-t¸mÀ-«nep≠v ≠v. ≠
¤ ap-XnÀ¶ am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I\pw tImf-anÌpw tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bpsS ap³ sNbÀam-\p-amWv teJ-I³. Cþ-sabnÂ:
`qan, kvt\lw k \½psS kwkvImcw
ÀÆXpw Hcp hnebpw hm§msX \ap¡v FÃm-hÀ¡pw \ÂInb kÀÆ-i-à-\mb Cuiz-cs\ Rm³ BZyambn {]W-an-¡p-¶p. F\n¡v ]d-bm-\pf-fXv IqSp-X-sem¶pw ]d-bm-Xn-cn-¡p-I-sb¶-XmW.v
tUm. sI. sP. tbip-Zmkv
F¶mepw Hcp kn\n-a-bn Hcp ko\p≠m-m-bn-cp-¶p. IY-bnse Aѳ hfsc kXyk-Ô-\mbn Pohn¨ DtZym-K-Ø-\m-bn-cp-¶p. sabv 2018
{]Ir-Xnsb kwc-£n-¡m-\pÅ _m[yX
lcn-X-tI-cfw ]pc-kvIm-c-tP-Xm-¡Äs¡m¸w ]ß-hn-`q-j¬ tUm. sI.-sP. tbip-Zmkv
lcnX tIcfw aÕc hnP-bn-IÄ¡v ]p-c-kvIm-c-§Ä hnX-cWw sNbvXp
cp-h-\-´-]pcw : hne-a-Xn-¡m-\m-hm-¯ kuI-cy-§Ä \ÂInb {]Ir-Xnsb kwc-£n-¡m-\pÅ _m[yX a\p-jy-\p-s≠¶p Kmb-I³ tUm. sI. sP tbip-Zmkv ]d-ªp. tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bpsS B`n-ap-Jy-¯n hnZymÀYnIÄ¡mbn \S-¯nb lcnXtIcfw aÕc-¯nsâ k½m-\-Zm\w sshtem-¸nÅn kwkvIrXn `h-\n \S¶ NS-§n \nÀh-ln-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp¶p At±-lw. A{]nb kXy-§Ä Xpd¶p ]d-bm³ Ign-bm¯ Ah-Ø-bm-Wn-¶p-Å-Xv. AXp ImcWw A¯cw Imcy-§Ä ]d-bp-¶Xv \nÀ¯p¶ AhØ-bn-emWv Rm³. F¶m Nne kµÀ`-§-fnÂ
dn«-b-dmbn þ D≠m-b-sXÃmw s]¬a-¡-fm-Wv. aq¯-a-IÄ hfsc IjvS-s¸-«mWv IpSpw_w ]peÀ¯p-¶-Xv. AÑ-s\m¶pw k¼m-Zn-¡m-¯-Xn\m henb IjvS-¸m-Sm-Wv. A\n-b-¯n-amÀ¡v IÃym-W-B-tem-N-\-IÄ h¶p-sIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. ≠ hcp-¶-h-cpsS Bh-iy-§Ä tI«v AÑ\v B[n-tb-dpw. Hm-tcm-cp-¯-tcmSpw Ah-km\w Cd-§n-t¸mSm F¶p ]d-bpw. Ah-km-\-samcp Btem-N\ h¶-t¸mÄ aq¯-a-IÄ ]d-ªp. AÑm \o¦Ä H¶pta t]iIq-SmXv (Hc-£-chpw ]d-b-cp-Xv). B ØnXn-bmWv F\n-¡pw. IÃym-Wm-tem-N-\-¡m-cpsS Bh-iy-§Ä 40
sabv 2018
Nne Imcy-§Ä ]d-bm-Xn-cn-¡m-\m-In-Ã, At±lw ]d-ªp. GXp hyànsb hnaÀin-¡p-t¼mgpw B hyàn kaq-l-¯n\v \ÂInb kw`m-h-\-IÄ adp-X-«n Xq¡n-t\m-¡m³ ad-¡-cp-sX¶v Ihnbpw apJy-a-{´n-bpsS am[ya D]-tZ-jvSm-hp-amb {]`mhÀ½ ]d-ªp. {lkz-Nn{X hn`m-K-¯n tImt fPv hn`m-K-¯n H¶mw Øm\w t\Snb XriqÀ skâ v tXmakv tImtfPv hnZymÀYn AJnÂcm-Kv, kvIqÄ hn`m-K-¯n H¶mw Øm\w t\Snb I®qÀ Kh.lbÀ sk¡³Udn hnZymÀYn-IÄ, lcnXtIcf Km\ Nn{Xo-I-c-W-¯n kvIqÄ hn`m-K-¯n H¶mw Øm\w t\Snb amen-¸pdw
tI«v Xe-s]-cp¯ Aѳ tNmZn¨p Htc Hcp hm¡v sNmÃ-«-½. AXymÀ¯n-¡m-cmb IÃym-Wm-tem-N-\¡m-cpsS hm¡v tI«v kln-sI« aq¯-a-IÄ AÑ\v A\p-aXn \ÂIn. Hcp hm¡v ]d-ªn«v At±lw ]dªp Cd-§n-t]mSm F¶v. CXmWv Ieym-W-¯n sâ IY. CXmWv ]e-t¸m-gp-ap≠m-Ip¶ AhØ. ]d-b-s≠¶v hnNm-cn-¨mepw ]dªv t]mIp¶ Ah-Ø. C\n Hcp Imcyw ]dbmw Fsâ Aѳ Fs¶ ]Tn-¸n¨ sNdnb kwkvIr-X-tÇm-Iw. kXyw {_p bmXv/{]nbw {_pbmXv/\ {_p-bmXv kXyw A{]n
a\p-jy-\p≠v : tUm. sI.sP tbip-Zmkv
tIc-f-Iu-apZn No^v FUn-ädpw A¡m-Zan sshkv sN-bÀam-\p-amb Zo]p chn A-¡m-Z-an-bpsS ]pc-kvImcw tUm. sI. sP. tbip-Zm-kn\v kaÀ¸n-¡p-¶p. F sF -hn- bp ]n kvIqÄ hnZymÀYn\n Kucn kp`mjv, c≠mw Øm\w t\Snb amä-¯qÀ {ioIrjvW lbÀ sk¡³Udn kvIqÄ hnZymÀYn\n \nth-ZnX Fkv tat\m³, tImtfPv hn`m-K-¯n c≠mw Øm\w t\Snb AJn Zmkv aq¶mw Øm\w t\Snb aplvko\ bp.sI F¶n-hÀ ]pc-kvIm-c-§Ä Gäp-hm-§n.- t{]m-Õm-l\ k½m\-§Ä t\Snb Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw tKÄkv F¨v Fknse tZhpIrjvW Fkv \mYv, AarX kvIqÄ Hm^v BÀ«vkv B³Uv kb³kv hnZymÀYn\n G©Â tPmkv cmPp, Aco-t¡mSv kpÃapkÃmw kb³kv tImtfPv hnZymÀYn -ap-l-½Zv \nPmZv F¶nhcpw ]pc-kvIm-c-§Ä Gäp-hm-§n. NS-§n {]kv A¡m-Zan sNbÀam³ BÀ. Fkv _m_p A[y-£\m-bn. Ihn {]`m-hÀ½, A¡m-Zan sshkv sNbÀ
aÕ-c-¯n H¶mw Øm\w t\Sn-b-hÀ¡v 50000 cq]bpw apJy-a-{´n-bpsS t]cn-epÅ t{Sm^nbpw {]ikvXn ]{X-hp-amWv ]pc-kvIm-cw. c≠mw k½m-\mÀlÀ¡v 25000 cq]bpw t{Sm^nbpw {]ikvXn ]{Xhpw k½m-\-ambn \ÂIn. kwhn[m-b-I³ lcn-Ip-amÀ, \Sn ]mÀh-Xn, F³ ]n N{µtiJ-c³ F¶n-h-c-S-§p¶ kan-Xn-bmWv ]pc-kvIm-c-§Ä \nÀW-bn-¨-Xv.
bw/ kXyta ]d-bmhq {]nb-am-bn-«p-ff kXyta ]d-bm-hq. A{]n-b-amb kXyw ]d-b-cp-Xv. {]nb-ambn-«p-ff kXyw am{Xta ]d-bm-hp. Fsâ s]§sf Ipdn¨v A[nIw ]{X-¯nsem¶pw h¶n-«nà AhÀ kzImcy PohnXw B{Kln-¡p¶hcmWv IpSpw-_-hp-sam¯v Pohn-¡p-¶p. R§-fpsS Xnc-¡p-IÄ Ah-fpsS IpSpw-_s¯ _m[n-¡-cp-sX¶v R§Ä BZyta Xocp-am-\n-¨ncp-¶p. A§-s\-bn-cns¡ Rm\pw Ahfpw IqSn Hcp IS-bn \n¶v Cd§n hcp-¶Xv HcmÄ I≠p. AbmÄ DSs\ {]`-tN-¨nsb hnfn¨v ]d-bp-¶p.
Zmtk-«³ \à kpµ-cn-bmb Hcp kv{XobpsS IqsS IS-bn \n¶v Cd-§n-h-cp-¶Xv I≠tÃmþ I¿n- c≠p Ih-dp-ap-≠m-bn-cp-¶p. kmcn-bm-sW¶v tXm¶p-¶p. `À¯m-hns\ F{X hnizm-k-ap-ff `mcy-bm-sW-¦nepw H¶v ]I-bv¡pw. AbmÄ ]d-ªXv kXyw Xs¶-bm-W-tÃm. Hcp kv{Xo bpsS IqsS \S-¡p-¶Xv I≠p-sh-¶Xv icn-b-tÃ. ]t£ Hcm-fpsS PohnXw XIÀ¡m³ AXp aXn-btÃm. {]nb-ambn«pff kXyta ]d-bm-hq. A{]n-b-am bn«pff kXyw ]d-b-cp-Xv. am[y-a-§Ä F¶m CS¡v \n¡p-¶-h-cm-Wv. FÃm-hÀ¡pw Ah-c-h
am³ Zo]p chn, ssIcfn Snhn \yqkv slUv F³. ]n N{µ-ti-J-c³, Pn cmPvtam-l³ F¶n-hÀ kwkm-cn-¨p. aoUnb A¡m-Zan sk{I-«dn sI. Pn. kt´mjv kzmKXw ]d-ªp. aoUnb A¡m-Z-anbpsS D]-lmcw A¡m-Zan sshkv sNbÀam³ Zo]p chn tbip-Zm-kn\v \ÂIn.
sabv 2018
-cpsS [À½-¯n \n¶v hyXn-N-en-¡msX Imcy-§Ä sN¿m-\m-Ipw. BÀ¡pw Hcp t{Zmlhpw sN¿msX Cu temI¯v \n¶v kt´m-j-t¯msS t]mI-Wsa-¶mWv B{K-lw. HcmÄ¡v hmbv\m-ä-ap-p--s≠¦n AbmÄ ]men-t¡≠ Nne acym-Z-I-fp≠v ≠v. aäp-f-f≠ h-cpsS ASp¯v \n¶v F´m kpJ-amtWm F¶v tNmZn-¨m Hm henb kpJ-an-sÃt¶ adp-]Sn In«q. hmbv\m-ä-ap-s≠-¦n \½Ä ]men-t¡≠ Imcy-§fp≠v ≠v. \à `£-W-coXn, cmhnse ip²-ambn th≠ ≠ Imcy-§Ä sN¿-pI CsXÃmw AXym-h-iy-amWv. \½psS {]iv\w AXv \ap¡v am{Xta Adn-bq. aäp f-f-hÀ hnNm-cn-¨m CXv amäm³ Bhn-Ã. Imcy§Ä th≠-t]mse sNbvXm aäp-f-f-hÀ¡v t{Zmlap-≠m-hn-Ã. \½fpsS `mc-X-kw-kvIm-c-¯n PmXn-sbm-¶pap-≠m-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. BZn thZ-§-fpsS Ime¯v PmXn hyh-k-Y-bpw D≠m-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. thZ-§-fm-bn-cp¶p \½psS ASn-Øm-\w. A¶v InS-¶p-d-§p-¶Xv ]mb hncn¨v \ne-¯m-Wv. Fgp-t¶Â¡pw ap¼v `qan tZhnsb hµn-¡pw. AsXmcp kwkvIm-c-am-bn-cp-¶p. £an-¡Ww `qan tZhn, Rm³ Fsâ ]mZ-§Ä sIm≠v sIm ≠v \ns¶ Nhn-«p-I-bm-Wv. \n\-¡p-≠m-Ip¶ ≠ thZ-\bv¡v \o Ft¶mSv £an-¡-Ww. C¶v B 42
sabv 2018
Ah-Ø-bà kz´w A½sb t]mepw Nhn-«p¶ Ime-am-Wv. \ap¡v \·IÄ am{Xw \ÂIp¶ `qansb \½Ä F§-s\-sbm-s¡-bmWv t{Zmln-¡p¶-Xv. `qan FÃmw kln-¡p-I-bm-Wv. GsXms¡ Xc-¯n-emWv `qan-tZ-hnsb \mw XIÀ¡p-¶-Xv. hnj-h-kvXp-¡Ä \nd¨v \mw `qansb C©n-©mbn sImÃp-I-bmWv. CXn\v amäw hc-Ww. \ap¡v Hm-tcmcp-¯À¡pw IS-¸m-Sp-I-fp-s≠¶v Xncn-¨-dn-b-Ww. aäpf-f-hsc ]än Ipäw ]d-bm-Xn-cn-¡p-I. \ap¡v sN¿m³ Ign-bp¶ \·-IÄ sN¿p-I. AXm-bn-cn-¡Ww \½psS Nn´. a¡-sfÃmw \¶m-bn-cp-¶m A½¡p-≠m-Ip¶ kt´mjw F{X-bm-Ipw. AÃmsX a¡fpsS tNmc Xs¶ A½-bpsS ta NnX-dn-bm B A½bv¡v Gsd thZ-\-bp≠m-Ip-sa¶v Xncn-b-Ww. lcnX tIcfw t]mep-ff ]cn-]m-Sn-IÄ \S-¯p-¶Xv AXn-\m-Wv. \½Ä Pohn-¡p¶ `qan-sb-Ip-dn¨v hcpw Xe-ap-dbv¡v [mc-W-bp-≠m-I-Ww. AXmWv \½psS e£yw. (lcn-X-tI-cfw aÕ-c-¯nsâ ]pc-kv Imc hnX-cWw \nÀÆ-ln¨v Km\-K-ÔÀƳ tUm.- sI.- sP.- tb-ip-Zmkv \S-¯nb {]kw-K¯n \n¶v)
Sujatha Shenoy
My Father’s Gifts A Daughter's Tribute to T.V.R. Shenoy
y father never went to funerals. He would have wanted to miss his own.
Perhaps, it is because he grew up without his own father, who died the day before he was born. My father grew up walking several miles everyday with his maternal grandfather to claim his inheritance. He grew up with a mother so
grief stricken that she did not give him an official name - everyone called him by a pet name Babu. When he finally went to school, he chose his own name - Ramachandra after the hero of the epic Ramayana. He made his way with his intellect, wit and charm. He was rich in love and friends. He sabv 2018
Kanshi Ram
A. K. Antony
wooed my mother in high school, it was love at first for him, not so much for her. He was so popular that no one would run against him; she did to teach him a lesson. He won by three votes; she still claims that it was rigged. When she finally fell for him, her father, a rich self-made businessman, was unimpressed by the “poor 22-year-old” student. “How can you support my daughter?” he asked. My father retorted, “if I’m not back in a year with a job, I don’t deserve her.” They were married 53 years, their wedding was eight days after he turned 23. My father could have chosen any profession. His family wanted him to opt for engineering or medicine, as they themselves had done, winning multiple awards between them at school and in college. Two of his uncles went on to excel at engineering and in physics at the Banaras Hindu University. His aunt had opted to be a doctor, winning her seventh gold medal at Stanley Medical College. He could have been a civil servant or an academic or a politician like many of his friends. Not many people know this but he could have been a professional badminton player. He excelled at badminton while at Wilson College in Mumbai; years later, younger journalists would remember how he would routinely beat them in badminton on a court behind their office building. He chose to be a journalist. He wrote with clarity and compassion, with an unerring eye for news. 44
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He was a war correspondent (he was embedded with the Indian Army and won their respect for keeping up with their grueling daily routines), a great political reporter (his personal friends came from all the political parties; Congress leader A. K. Antony was a friend since college; BJP leader L. K. Advani was very close to him; my father was the first to befriend Bahujan Samaj Party leader Kanshi Ram to give just a few examples). He never studied finance, economics or law but he had an excellent grasp of the subject and counted heads of corporations and banks, economists and top attorneys among his friends. Growing up, I thought my dad was perfect except for one thing - our house was always full of his friends and I hated that he didn’t give my brother and I more time. As I grew up, I realized he wasn’t perfect but the gift he gave me was. He gave me the confidence to make my own choices. He said that I would stumble and I did. He said that he would always have my back and he did. I had my first drink with my dad. I was 16, India was conservative and my mother disapproved (my brother never drank alcohol, which made it worse). My dad took me to his club and taught me how to hold my drink. I’ve always held on to that lesson. Years later, I told my father that I wanted to marry Shriram, an engineer who I had met in New York. My father flew down to meet him. Shriram met him with a gift - a bottle of Macallan, a single malt whisky, that was my father’s favorite at the time. My father was touched by the thoughtfulness, that Shriram had taken the time to know more about him and to choose the perfect gift. Shriram and I were married soon after. Our wedding made political history in India because that is where Advani forged an alliance with Kanshi Ram. For Shriram though, that first meeting was the beginning of a special bond. Each time they met, my father and Shriram would have rich conversations. And they would always have a gift for each other - the best single malt. My father’s friends were legion. He was generous with ideas, advice, money. When he
was a teen, his neighbor needed money for college. My dad gave him a gold necklace, the only jewelry that he had inherited from his father. My grandmother was livid but that was just my dad. Material possessions meant little to him unless they were books. My house was like a library, so many books that my mother gave up shelving them. When I graduated from Chicago Booth, my father looked around the campus and said, “I never envy anyone but I wish I had the chance to study here.” He didn’t study at Oxford either but he did lecture there. My father is gone now but the many memories being shared keep me smiling and crying as I read them. I know the best gifts that I ever gave him were his grandchildren- Varun and Kaavya. He adored being a grandfather, clearing his calendar when he or we visited, setting up a special ritual of going out to eat - just the three of them. They were his pride and joy. He’s left me one final gift. I am no longer afraid of death. I don’t know what lies beyond but I do know this: if there is life after death, he will be there to catch me as I stumble in. I love you Appa.
The Steel beneath the Silk
Saroja — The woman behind T. V. R. Shenoy T.V.R.Shenoy and N. Saroja Devi were married on June 18, 1964. They were perfectly matched. My father was brilliant, born with incandescent intelligence that dazzled those who met him. My mother is a rare beauty, beloved by all those who met her for her serene, calm presence. They were my sun and my moon. My parents were married for nearly 54 years. It was impossible to think of one without the other. When they came to Chicago to be with my newborn twins, my father left early because he was of no use around babies. My mother planned to stay back to help me. As my father left for the airport, his eyes welled. My mother went to her room and came back with swollen eyes. They had been married over four decades at that time but parting was still hard. When my brother called to say that our fa-ther had gone, I grieved for my father but also for the enormity of my mother’s loss. “Cry it all sabv 2018
out here,” my husband said. “Be strong for your mother.” I first saw her at the airport. My brother was with her, flying our father back to Delhi one last time. I saw them walking slowly, my stoic brother holding my mother tight. She looked impossibly fragile, leaning on my brother as she walked towards us. We wept as we hugged. My cousins and aunt enveloped her. Our grief surrounded us, thicker than the Delhi dust. In the car, she surprised me. “He would have found it very hard if I had gone first,” she said, wiping her tears. This was true - my father was helpless at managing household tasks; my mother ran things efficiently while taking care of his slightest whim, entertaining a legion of friends and making sure that we had what we needed. What floored me was the generosity of her heart - even in the midst of her infinite grief, she put his well-being first. In the incandescence of my father’s presence, I had forgotten that my mother’s gentle love had a core of steel. She was the young girl who fought an election against my wildly popular father because she wanted to prove a point. She was the young woman who had withstood his mother’s and her parents’ displeasure 46
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at the idea of a love marriage. She was the young bride who came from a rich family but uncomplainingly stretched my father’s meager salary to entertain scores of friends. She is a mother who allowed us the freedom to make choices; a hostess who makes everyone welcome (“How did she do it?” my friends wondered decades later, remembering her ability to produce endless quantities of delicious food); a woman who has friends of all religions, castes and orientations. As tears threaten to engulf me, it is my mother who pulls me back with her quiet courage. It is my mother who is strong, soothing us with pure love, infusing us with her strength. “Will you be my partner?” were the first words that my father spoke to my mother. Sixty years later, he died looking at her face. She was his partner, his equal, for that time. Our sun is gone. In the darkness, I cling to my mother. Our moon. Our courage. Our Amma.
(A chapter from the book "TVR Shenoy : A Sentinel of Time" published by Kerala Media Academy)
Author is the daughter of TVR Shenoy.
- s]cpa¬ tKm]meIrjvW³
ws_ alm\Kc¯n Imep Ip¯nb Ime¯v aebmfnIsf ImWpt¼mÄ Cãkz´¡msc ImWp¶t]mse bmbncp¶p F\n¡v. Cu ASp¸w, kXyw ]dbm atÃm, C¶pw Ipdªn«nÃ. aebmfnIÄ Xn§n¸mÀ ¡p¶ \meskm]mcbn \n¶p, aebmfnsb IWnImWm³ In«m¯ a[yapwss_bnse kb¬ CuÌn Xmakw amdn F¯nb, Zv anâ v Cw¥ojv _nkn\kv ]{X¯nse am[ya{]hÀ¯I³À. {]kmZv, Icbv¡n« ao\ns\t¸mse
bmWv aebmfn¡mbn s\t«m«w HmSp¶Xv. CXp t]mepÅ AhØbmWv, aebmfnIfnÃm¯ Øe s¯¯nbm F\n¡pw. aebmfnsb¸änbpÅ hmÀ¯, aebmfn Fgp Xnb hmÀ¯ CsXms¡¡≠m {i²n¡m³ XpS §nbXpw Cu aebmfn cà_Ôw sIm≠mImw. A¶p ]Ww sImSp¯p ]{Xw, aebmfw In«m \nÃ, hm§m³ amÀKanÃ. ]ns¶ A`bw aebmfn kamP¯nsâ hmb\imebmWv. AhnsS ssSwkv Hm^v C´y, C´y³ FIv-kv{]kv, {^o sabv 2018
s{]kv tPÀW XpS§n kÀhXpw In«pw. CXp ]Xn hmbn {i²n¡m³ XpS§nbt¸mÄ, Hcp Imcyw Dd¸mbn, aebmfn ]WnapS¡nbm apwss_bnse Cw¥ojv ]{X §Ä ]q«ns¡«pw. AXn F\n¡v kzÂ]w A`nam\hpw tXm¶mXncp¶nÃ. Fsâ kz´¡mcmWtÃm FÃmw. A¶v, \mec]Xnäm≠p ap³]v, ssSwkv Hm^v C´ybnse 3000 ]cw Poh\¡mcnÂ, CXn tPÀWenÌpw Hm^okv Ìm^pw {]q^v doUdpw hnX cW¡mcpw apX skIyqcnän¡mc³ hscbp≠mIpw, `qcn]£hpw aebmfnIÄ Bbncp¶p. 1960þ-70 Ifn ssSwkn apgph³ aebmfnIÄ Bbncp¶psh¶m Wvv AhnsS tPÀWenÌmbpw Hm^okv Ìm^mbpw tPmen sNbvX _me³ Xr¸qWn¯pd kvacn¨Xv. tPÀWenÌpIfn 95% aebmfnbpw. ssSwkn\p ]pdta, F¡tWmanIv-kv ssSwkv, Cekv-t{SäUv ho¡ven, ^nenw s^bÀ, Cuh\nMv \yqkv Hm^v C´y A§s\ {]kn²oIcW§Ä ]eXv. t\mhenÌv kn. cm[mIrjvW³, NmÄkv Akokn, aÃnI tPmk^v, ]n.sI. cho{µ\mYv, Fw.sI._n \mbÀ, sI.Fkv. \mbÀ, ^nenw s^bÀ tKm]meIrjvW³, BÀPnsI F¶ BÀ. tKm]meIrjvW³, hnPb³ IS¶¸nÅn, t{]a hniz\mY³, c©³ A§s\ ]dªm A´y anÃ. 90IÄ¡p tijamWv aebmfnIÄ Ipdbm³ 48
sabv 2018
ZmhqZv C{_mlnw
Acp¬ Kmhv-en
lmPn akvXm³
XpS§nbXv. s{Sbn\nbmbn Ibdn, sat{Sm FUnäÀ hgn ssSwknsâ apwss_ FUnj³ C³NmÀPv hsc F¯nb Fkv. _meIrjvWsâ ssIIfnem bncp¶p Nne hÀj§Ä¡p ap³]phsc ssSwkv. Ct¸mgpw aebmfnbmb kn. D®nIrjvW\mWv ssSwknsâ knän FUnäÀ. F¡tWmanIv-kv ssSwkn sU]yq«n FUn ddÀ Bbncp¶ Fw.sI._n. \mbÀ {^o s{]kn emWv tPÀWenÌmbn tPmen Bcw`n¨Xv. \mbÀ am{XaÃ, aebmfnIfmb `qcn]£w t]cpsSbpw ]{X{]hÀ¯\ ]cnioe\ime A¶pw C¶pw {^o s{]kmWv. Sn.sP.Fkv tPmÀPvv, Fkv. \ScmP³, F. lcnlc³,, hn.sI.tXmakv XpS§n A\h[n aebmfnIÄ {^os{]kn D≠m bncp¶p. F. lcnlcs\ A]qÀh kz`mh¡mc³ F¶p ]cnNbs¸Sp¯p¶ Fw.sI._n., tPÀWenk ¯n klmbnbpw ]tcm]Imcnbpamb No^v k_v
FUnäÀ Bbncp¶p amXypsh¶pw, Zv A¬t\m¬ \mbÀ F¶ BßIYbn At±lw ]dbp¶p≠v ≠v. ≠ {^os{]kn \n¶p t_mws_ t{ImWn¡vÄ hgn ssSwkn F¯nb amXyq AhnsS aq¶mw FUntämdnb cNnXmhv Bbncp¶p. Im³kÀ aqew acn¨ At±lw Xsâ acWs¯¸än kzbw FUntämdnb FgpXnb A]qÀh am[ya{]hÀ ¯I³ Bbncp¶psh¶pw Fw. sI. _n. kvacn ¡p¶p. {^os{]kn ImÀ«qWnÌmbncp¶ _m Xm¡sdbpw (icn Tm¡sd) amt\PnMv FUnädm bncp¶ F._n.\mbcpambpÅ Dckens\¯pSÀ ¶mWv Xm¡sdbv¡p {^o s{]kv Dt]£nt¡≠n ≠ ≠n h¶Xv. XpSÀ¶v Xm¡sd amÀan¡v F¶ admTn ImÀ«q¬ amknI XpS§n. 1960 Bbncp¶p AXv. Cu amÀanIv amknIbneqsSbmWv admTnIfn a®nsâ a¡Ä hmZw hfÀ¯nbXpw inhtk\bpsS P\\¯n\v ImcWambXpw. Sn.F³. ss\\m³ (_nkn\kv Ìm³UmÀUv), ImÀ«qWnÌv i¦À, APbvIpamÀ (tdmbnt«gv-kv), kn]nFw Øm]ImwKw cmwZmkv tat\m³ (C´y³
_m Xm¡sd
FIv-kv{]kv) A§s\ aebmfnIfpsS kz´ambn cp¶p t_mws_bnse Cw¥ojv am[ya cwKw. hcZ cmP apXenbmÀ, lmPn akvXm³, ZmhqZv C{_mlnw, Acp¬ Kmhv-en, tOm«mcmP³ hscbpÅ Ipähmfn IÄ t_mws_ At[mtemI¯v asämcp `cWw \S¯p¶Xpw X½n Gäpap«n t_mws_ sXcphn tNmc¸pg Hgp¡nbXpw, t_mws_bnse anÃpIfn \n¶p sXmgnemfn bqWnb\pIsf IayqWnÌpIm cn \n¶p, `cW]£¯nsâ H¯mitbmsS, admTn amWqknsâ ]pXp]mÀ«nbmb inhtk\ ]nSns¨Sp ¡p¶Xpw ep¦nhmemIfmb a{ZmknIsf HmSn¨n«v ASn¡p¶Xpw ]hmdnsâ DZbhpsams¡ Cw¥ojv hmb\¡mcn F¯n¨Xv aebmfnIfmsW¶p Npcp¡w. sabv 2018
CXn NnesXms¡ tIcfiÐw hgn temI aebmfnIfn F¯n¡m³ F\n¡pw `mKyw e`n¨p. HcpIme¯v, t_mws_ FbÀt]mÀ«n \SamSnbn cp¶ tlm«Â sd¸v X«n¸pIÄ t]mepÅ \nch[n X«n¸pIÄ \nb{´n¡m³ iЯn\p Ignªp. \nc´cw X«n¸pkvtämdnIÄ iЯn {]Xy£ s¸«p. apgph³ X«n¸pIfpw A¡ans«gpXnb KÄ^p Imsc IhÀ¨ sN¿p¶ t_mws_ FbÀt]m«pIÄ (8.8.93 e¡w) IhÀ kvtämdn Cw¥ojn XÀPa sNbvXv, AXnÂ{]Imcw \S]Sn kzoIcns¨¶mWv FbÀt]mÀ«n Xs¶ tkh\a\pjvTn¨ncp¶ aebmfn shfns¸Sp¯nbXv. A¶v FbÀt]mÀ«v amt\PÀ aebmfnbmb \mbÀ Bbncp¶psh¶mWv tI«n«pÅXv. A¶v KÄ^pImÀ apgph³ t_mws_ bnemWv Cd§nbncp¶Xv. tlm«Â sds¸¶p ]cnN bs¸Sp¯n kzImcyhml\¯n Ibäns¡m≠p t]mbn IhÀ¨\S¯pIbmbncp¶p coXn. KÄ^n \n¶p ]pds¸Spwap³]v FbÀt]mÀ«nse ]pXnb X«n¸v Fs´¶p t^m¬ sNbvXp Xnc¡mdps≠ ¶mWv iЯnsâ kmcYn tUm. _n.F cmPm IrjvW³ ]dªXv. {]apJ kmaqly tkhI³ A®m lkmscbpsS t]cpt]mepw tIÄ¡mXncp¶ Ime¯v At±ls¯ aebmfnIÄ¡p iЯn ]c¼csbgpXn Nnc]cnNnX\m¡n. CXp ]n¶oSv t_mws_bnse a¬kq¬ _pIv-kpw \m«nse Unkn _pIv-kpw ]pkvXIam¡n. Xm¡sd, icZv
]hmÀ XpS§nbhsc CâÀhyq sN¿m\pw Ahk cap≠mbn. CXv Ahkm\n¸n¡p¶Xn\p ap³]v ]dbs«, alm\Kc¯n aebmfnIfmb IgnhpÅ Cw¥ojv, aebmfw am[ya{]hÀ¯IÀ aäp]ecpw D≠mbn cp¶p. C¶pap≠v ≠v. ]h\³ (tZim`nam\n teJI³), ≠ Fw.]n. \mcmbW ]nÅ, tkmfa³ tPmk^vv, ImÀ«pWnÌvv cho{µ³ F¶nhÀ ]gb Xeapdbn s¸Sp¶ NnecmWv. aebmfnIfpsS kw`mh\bmbn {]kn²oIc W§fpw [mcmfw. hnimetIcfw, Pzme, {]hmkn iÐw, hmKv-tZhX F¶nh C¶pw aebmf`mjsb ]cnt]mjn¸n¡pt¼mÄ, aebmfckw, adp\mSv, A£ctIcfw, tIcfan{Xw XpS§nbh Hmtcm L«¯n {]Imiw ]c¯n s]menªhbmWv.
¤ Fgp-¯pIm-c\pw tImf-an-Ìp-amWv teJ-I³. 50
sabv 2018
A¡m-Zan hmÀ¯-IÄ
_lp-cmjv{S tImÀ¸-td-äp-IÄ am[y-a-cwKw ssIb-S-¡p¶p a{´n tXmakv sFkIv
tIc-f aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bpsS am[ya AhmÀUp-I-fp-sSbpw _ncp-Zm-\-´c Un]vtfm-a-bpsS kÀ«n-^n-¡-äpI-fp-sSbpw hnX-cW NS§ NS§n n kwØm\ [\-a{´n tUm. tXmakv sFkIv kwkm-cn-¡p-¶p.
\m-[n-]Xykaq-l-¯n Gsd kzm[o\w sNep¯p¶ am[y-a-§-fpsS {]m[m\yw hÀ²n¡pw tXmdpw AXn-\p-ta-epÅ tImÀ¸-tdäv \nb-{´-Whpw hÀ²n-¨p-sIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p¶psh¶pw _lp-cmjv{S tImÀ ≠ ¸-td-äp-I-fmWv am[y-a-cwKw I¿-S-¡nbn-cn-¡p-¶p-sh¶pw kwØm\ [\-Imcy hIp¸v a{´n tUm. Sn. Fw. tXmakv sFk-Iv ]dªp. tIc-f aoUnb A¡m-Zan-bpsS am[ya AhmÀUp-I-fp-sSbpw _ncp-Zm-\-´c Un]vtfm-a-bpsS kÀ«n-^n-¡-äp-I-fp-sSbpw hnX-cWw \nÀh-ln¨v kwkm-cn-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp¶p At±-lw.
IrXy-amb AP≠ h¨p-sIm-≠mWv tImÀ¸-tdäp-I-fpsS \o¡w F¶-Xn-\m¯s¶ hmÀ¯m-h-XcWw hmWn-Py-h-Xv¡-cn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ Ah-Ø-bmWv C¶p-Å-sX¶v tUm. tXmakv sFkIv Nq≠n≠n-¡m-«n. ≠ s]mXp aWvU-e-¯n \ne-\n¡p¶ henb aÕ-c§-fp-sSbpw kzm[o-\-§-fp-sSbpw kml-N-cy-§-tfmSv s]mcp-¯-s¸«v F§s\ apt¶m«p t]mImw F¶v am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ Nn´n-¡-Ww. GXp-X-c-¯n-ep-Å\n-b-{´Ww D≠m-bmepw kzX-{´m-hImiw kwc-£n¡m³ X¿m-dpt≠m F¶Xv am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-Isc kw_-Ôn¨v {][m-\-am-Wv.- hymP hmÀ¯m \nÀan-XnIfpsS ]Ým-¯-e-¯n am[ya km£-cX ]IÀ¶psIm-Sp-¡m³ am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯I-cpsS kwL-S-\-IÄ¡v Ign-b-W-sa¶v a{´n HmÀ½n-¸n¨p. P\m-[n-]Xy] c-amb km[y-X-IÄ D]-tbm-K-s¸-Sp¯n P\-§-fn am[y-a-km-£-cX D≠m-¡n-sb-Sp-¡m³ am[y-a-{]-hÀ
¯-IÀ {i²n-¡-W-sa¶pw At±lw ]dªp. sat{Sm sdbn-en-\mbn A¡m-Zan aµncw s]mfn¡p-¶-Xn\v ap³]v Xs¶ ]pXnb sI«n-S-¯nsâ ]Wn XpS-§m\pw A¡m-Z-an-bpsS s^tÃm-jn¸v ]pXnb km¼-¯nI hÀjhpw XpS-cm-\pÅ km¼-¯n-I-klmbw a{´n hmKvZm\w sNbvXp. A¡m-Z-an-bn \n¶v ]T\w ]qÀ¯n-bm¡n t]mIp-¶-hÀ¡v am\-hnI t_m[hpw kl-Pohn kvt\lhpw D≠m-I-W-sa¶v NS-§n A²y-£X hln¨ A¡m-Zan sNbÀam³ BÀ. Fkv. _m_p hnZymÀYn-Isf HmÀan-¸n-¨p. Xncp-h-\-´-]p-c¯v tamtU¬ kvIn skâÀ Bcw-`n-¡m³ Dt±-in-¡p¶-Xmbn sNbÀam³ ]dªp ]Tn-¨-sXÃmw {]tbm-K-¯n hcp-¯m³ ]änb {]hÀ¯-\-cw-K-§Ä hnZymÀ°n-IÄ¡v e`y-am-I-s«sb¶v NS-§n A\p-{Kl {]`m-jWw \S-¯nb {]apJ kmln-Xy-Im-cnbpw A¡m-Zan ^m¡Âän AwK-hp-amb tUm. Fw. eoem-hXn ]d-ªp. anI¨ At\z-j-Wm-ßI dnt¸mÀ«n-\pÅ sNmÆc ]c-ta-iz-c³ AhmÀUv F.-Fkv. DÃm-kv, (a-e-bmf at\m-c-a), anI¨ lyqa³ Câ-d-Ìv tÌm-dn¡pÅ F³.F³. kXy-hr-X³ AhmÀUv hn.-]n. \nkmÀ (aw-K-fw), anI¨ {]mtZ-inI ]{X-{hÀ¯\ ¯n-\pÅ tUm.- aqÀ¡-¶qÀ \mcm-bW³ AhmÀUv F³.]n. lcn-Zmkv (am-Xr-`q-an), anI¨ FUn-täm-dn-bsabv 2018
tIcf aoUn-b A¡m-Zan-bpsS am[ya ]pc-kvIm-c-§Ä kwØm\ [\-a{´n tUm. tXmakv sFkIv hnX-cWw sN¿p-¶p. ]n.-Sn. tXmakv Fw. -FÂ. -F., tUm. Fw. eoem-h-Xn, aoUnb A¡m-Zan sNbÀam³ BÀ. Fkv. _m_p, aoUnb A¡m-Zan sk{I-«dn sI. Pn. kt´mjv XpS-§n-b-hÀ kao-]w. Gäp-hm-§p-¶Xv (C-S-¯p-\n-¶v) 1) F.-Fkv. DÃm-kv, 2) F³.]n. lcn-Zmkv, 3) sI. Fw. kt´m-jvIp-amÀ, 4) a\p sjÃn, 5) kemw ]n. sslt{Zmkv, 6) hn.-]n. \nkmÀ
en-\pÅ hn. Icp-Wm-I-c³ \¼ymÀ AhmÀUv sI. Fw. kt´m-jvIp-amÀ (tI-cf `qj-Ww), anI¨ \yqkv t^mt«m-{Km-^n-¡pÅ aoUnb A¡m-Zan AhmÀUv a\p sjÃn, (-sas{Sm hmÀ¯), anI¨ Zriyam[y-a-{]hÀ¯\¯n-\pÅ tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan AhmÀUv kemw ]n. sslt{Zmkv, (G-jym-s\äv \yqkv) F¶n-hÀ a{´n-bn \n¶v Gäp-hm-§n. anI¨ Xnc-¡-Y-bv¡pÅ tZiob AhmÀUv Ic-kvY-am-¡nb kPohv ]mgq-cns\ ]n.Sn tXmakv Fw.-FÂ.F s]m¶m-S-b-Wn-bn-¨p. kPohv ]mgq-cn52
sabv 2018
\pÅ D]-lmcw a{´n tXmakv sFkIv k½m-\n-¨p. aoUnb A¡m-Zan C³Ìn-äyq«v Hm^v I½yq-Wn-t¡j³ hnZymÀ°n-IÄ \nÀ½n¨ "t\m tlm¬ tU' ktµiw ]I-cp¶ {lkz-Nn{Xw NS-§n {]ZÀ in-¸n-¨p. tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan sk{I-«dn sI.Pn. kt´mjv NS-§n kzmKXw Biw-kn-¨p.- A-¡mZan C³Ìn-äyq«v Hm^v I½yq-Wn-t¡-j³ Ub-d-IvSÀ tUm. Fw. i¦À tIm¬shm-t¡-j³ dnt¸mÀ«v Ah-X-cn-¸n-¨p. A¡m-Zan ^m¡Âän AwK-§-fmb sI. tla-eX, sI. APn¯v F¶n-hÀ kwkm-cn-¨p. ¤
uestions of privacy are critical to the study of contemporary media and society. When we’re more and more connected to devices and to content, it’s increasingly important to understand how information about ourselves is being collected, transmitted, processed, and mediated. Privacy and the Media equips students to do just that, providing a comprehensive overview of both the theory and reality of privacy and the media in the 21st Century. Offering a rich overview of this crucial and topical relationship, Andy McStay: • Explores the foundational topics of journalism, the Snowden leaks, and encryption by companies such as Apple • Considers commercial applications including behavioural advertising, big data,
New Books @ Academy Library algorithms, and the role of platforms such as Google and Facebook • Introduces the role of the body with discussions of emotion, wearable media, peerbased privacy, and sexting • Encourages students to put their understanding to work with suggestions for further research, challenging them to explore how privacy functions in practice. Privacy and the Media is not a polemic on privacy as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but a call to assess the detail and the potential implications of contemporary media technologies and practices. It is essential reading for students and researchers of digital media, social media, digital politics, and the creative and cultural industries.
INTRODUCING THE LANGUAGE OF THE NEWS: A STUDENT'S GUIDE By : M. Grazia Busà Published by: Routledge (2014)
`: 2326.00
ntroducing the Language of the News is a comprehensive introduction to the language of news reporting. Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, the book provides an accessible analysis of the processes that produce news language, and discusses how different linguistic choices promote different interpretations of news texts. Key features include: • comprehensive coverage of both print and online news, including
Published by: Sage (2017)
`: 2329.00
news design and layout, story structure, the role of headlines and leads, style, grammar and vocabulary • a range of contemporary examples in the international press, from the 2012 Olympics, to political events in China and the Iraq War. • chapter summaries, activities, sample analyses and commentaries, enabling students to undertake their own analyses of news texts • a companion website with extra activities, further readings and web links. Written by an experienced researcher and teacher, this book is essential reading for students studying English language and linguistics, media and communication studies, and journalism. sabv 2018
temIw I≠ hc A´Àt±iob am[yacwKs¯ {]ikvXamb ImÀ«qWpIÄ ]cnNbs¸Sp¯pIbmWv Cu ]wànbnÂ. amXr`qan ImÀ«qWnÌmb tKm]oIrjvW\mWv Ch XncsªSp¯v AhXcn¸n¡p¶Xv.
tbmÀ¡v ssSwkn\pw \yqkv ho¡n\pw th≠n Ìm^v ImÀ«q-Wn-Ìmbn tkh\a\p jvTn¨n-cp¶ ]m{SnIv j¸m-t«-bpsS cN-\. ]m¡n-Øm-\nse Idm-¨n-bn P\n¨ ]m{SnIv ]nXm-hnsâ P·-tZ-i-amb kznävkÀem³Uv, \yqtbmÀ¡v F¶n-hn-S-§-fn-emWv Pohn-¨Xpw hnhn[ am[y-a-§Ä¡mbn ImÀ«q-Wp-Ifpw Imcn-t¡-¨-dp-Ifpw hc-¨-Xpw. ]m{SnIv j¸m-s« tKm]oIrjvWsâ CþsabnÂ: Printed and Published by K. G. Santhosh, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Published from Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030; Printed at Kerala Books and Publications Society, Kakkanad; Editor: R. S. Babu
ta-cn-¡-bn hnÀ-Po-\n-b-bnse jmÀeäv hnÃn-bn bpssWäv Zn ssdäv {]Xn-tj[ dmen-bn ]s¦-Sp-¯-hÀ¡n-S-bn-te¡v 2017 HmKÌv 17-þ\v hml\w HmSn-¨p-I-bän-b-t¸mÄ, sUbven t{]m{Kkv F¶ Zn\-]-{X-¯n-\p-th≠n ≠n Ìm^v t^mt«m-{Km-^-dm-bn-cp¶ ≠ dbm³ sIÃn Nn{Xo-I-cn-¨-Xv. dn¨va¬Un-te¡v {]hÀ¯\ taJe amänb sIÃn Ct¸mÄ {^oem³kv t^mt«m{Km-^-dm-Wv.
dbm³ sIÃn sabv 2018
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