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sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015



sk]vXw-_¿-˛-H-IvtSm-_¿ 2015

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emkvtfm-bpsS sXmgn-tb-‰Xv am[ya kwkvImcØn\v

cmjv{So-b-∏m¿´n-Ifpw am[y-ahpw {^w h¿Ωm-Pn, hnØv eu



Gandhiji’s Laughter Pothan Joseph



hmb-\ jmPn tP°_v



Students’ Corner J. V. Vil’anilam


_m_p IZ-fn-°mSv

- Snhnbpw kXyhpw aW¿ImSv amXyp Whither Safe Reporting Cynthia Chandran

Where Have All the Positive Stories Gone Shoma A. Chatterji




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sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015



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Editorial Advisor N.P. Rajendran Editor Sergy Antony Editorial Board E.P. Shajuddeen N. Rajesh P. Sujathan T. R. Madhukumar C. N. Mohanan Design & Layout Chetana Media, Kottayam Printer & Publisher N. P. Santhosh Marketing In Charge Shainus Markose Address ‘Media’ Kerala Media Academy Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030 Phone: 0484 2422275 Email : Website: sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

I-sa-ºmSpw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°p-t\tc \S-°p∂ AXn-{I-aß - s - f-°p-dn®p \mw DXvIW - vTs - ∏-Sm-dp≠v. F∂m¬, am[ya-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpsS \S-]-Sn-Isf-°p-dn®pw am[y-a-temIw Bi-¶s∏tS≠-Xp≠v. emkvtfm s]t{Sm-sb∂ lwK-dn-°mcn am[y-a-{]h¿ØI Xs‚ tPmen \n¿h-lW - Ø - n-\nsS Hcp A`-bm¿Yn _menI-tbmSp Im´nb {IqcX temI-sa-ºmSpw, \h-am-[y-a-`m-j-bn¬ ]d™m¬, sshd-embn. am[y-a{- ]-h¿Ø-Ic - psS `mK-Øp-\n∂v A\ymb-ßfpw sIm≈-cp-Xm-bvII - fpw [mcmfw D≠m-Ip-∂p-≠v. CXp kaql-Øn¬ henb Aa¿j-Øn-\n-S-bm-°p-∂p. am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v BcmWv \nb-{¥-W-߃ G¿s∏-SptØ- ≠ Xv ˛ `c- W - I q- S tam sXmgn¬ ÿm]- \ - ß tfm am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS kwL-S-\-Itfm? Ch-cn-emcp hbv°p∂ \nb-{¥W-ßfpw am[ya kzmX-{¥ysØ ]cn-t]m-jn-∏n-°p-sa∂p Icp-Xm≥ hø. P\m-[n-]Xy `c-W-{I-a-Øn¬ am[y-a-߃°v Nne kzmX{¥y- ß ƒ D≠v . AXv Ah- I m- i - ß - f m- s W∂ sX‰n- ≤ m- c W Nne¿s°- ¶ n- e p- a p≠v . Imem- \ p- k r- X - a mb am‰- ß ƒ hnhn[ sXmgn¬ taJ-e-I-fn¬ D≠m-Ip-∂p-s≠-¶nepw Gd-°psd henb am‰-ß-sfm-∂p-an-√msX XpS-cp∂ Hcp sXmgn¬ taJe ]{X-{]h¿Ø-\-cwKw Xs∂-bmWv. kzmX- { ¥y- ] q¿h Ime- L - ´ - Ø nse ]{X- { ]- h ¿Ø- \ hpw kzmX-{¥ym-\-¥c C¥y-bnse ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\hpw Xptemw hyXykvX-amWv. am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v thPv t_m¿Upw a‰p Nne hyhÿm-]nX sXmgn¬ kuI-cy-ßfpw kzX{¥ C¥y-bnse `c-Wm[n-Im-cn-Iƒ G¿s∏-SpØn. t]mc-Sn®pw {]t£m`w \S-Ønbpw tImSXnIb-dn-bp-sams° AXv CXp-hsc \ne-\n¿Øm-\mbn. ]t£, hcpwIme-ß-fn¬ Cu hyh-ÿm-]nX sXmgn¬ B\p-Iqey-ß-fpsS Imcyw F¥mhpw F∂p ]d-bp-I-hø. am‰-ap-≠m-I-sa∂p≈ kqN\ _‘-s∏-´-h¿ ]c-ky-ambn {]I-Sn-∏n-®p-I-gn™p. CØ-c-samcp A\n-›n-X-Xz-Øn-te°p \oßp∂ am[y-a-{]h¿Ø\Øn\v AXns‚ hniz- m ky- X IqSn \jv S - s ∏´m¬ F¥mhpw Ahÿ? ]£w tNcp∂ ]{X-°m-c\pw I£n-cm-jv{So-


(5) b-°mc\pw XΩn¬ henb hyXym-k-sam-∂p-an√. ]£]m-Xhpw cmjv{So-b-h¬I-cWhpw C¥y≥ am[y-a-temIØp am{X-a√, temI am[y-a-cw-K-Øp-Xs∂ i‡ns∏Sp∂p≠v . am[y- a - { ]- h ¿Ø- \ - Ø nse tIm¿]td‰vh¬I-c-W-Øns‚ A\n-hm-cy-amb ]m¿iz-^-e-ßfn-sem-∂m-WXv. am[ya {]h¿Ø-\-sØ-°p-dn®p ]dbp-tºm-sgms° hyh-km-b-sa∂ ]Zw-IqSn Ct∏mƒ IS∂p-h-cp-∂p≠v. Adn-hns‚ temIØpw Adn-bn-°-ens‚ sXmgn-en-ep-sams° hyh-km-b-h¬I-cWam-bm¬ AXp \√-Xn-\m-hn-√. am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-\-Ønse CØcw ASn-ÿm\ {]Xn-k-‘n-I-fpsS then-tb‰w am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Isc sXmgn¬]-c-ambpw hy‡n-]-c-ambpw _p≤n-ap-´n-°ptºmƒ Ah¿°p Xß-fpsS DØ-ch - m-Zn-Xz-ßf - n¬ Imcy£-a-Xbpw kmaqly {]Xn-_-≤-Xbpw ]pe¿Øm≥ km[n-°msX hcmw. Ahn-sS-bmWv Cu sXmgn-ens‚ bYm¿Y sh√p-hnfn. kaq-lsØ _m[n-°p∂ {]iv\ß-fn-te°v `c-W-Iq-S-Øns‚ {i≤ Xncn-°m\pw kaql-Øns‚ Xs∂ A]-Nb - ß - f - n-te°v shfn®w hoim\pw {ian-t°-≠X - n\p ]Icw sXmgn¬Zm-Xm-hns‚ C—bv°pw am[y- a - Ø ns‚ {]Nm- c - Ø n\pw Bh- i y- a mb F¥p Imcyhpw sNøpI F∂Xv A]-I-S-I-c-amWv. A`-bm¿Yn-Isf kzoI-cn-°m≥ ]e bqtdm-]y≥ cmPy-ßfpw AXn¿Øn Xpd∂p sImSp-Ø-t∏mƒ lwKdn ap≈p-th-en-Iƒ sI´n Ahsc XS™p. AXn\p lwKdn°v Ah-cp-tS-Xmb \ymb-ßf - p-ap≠v. A`-bm¿Yn-Ifmbn Ib-dn-∏-‰p-∂-h-cn¬ Nne¿ `mhn-bn¬ Xß-fpsS \ne-\n¬]n-\p-Xs∂ `ojWnbm-hptam F∂ `oXn-bmWv AXnsem∂v. temI-k-aq-l-Øns‚ ap∂n¬ Xß-fpsS \ne]mSv Ah-a-Xn-°-s∏-Sp-sa∂ kml-N-cy-ap-≠m-bn´pw lwKdn \ne-]mSp I¿°-i-am°n. lwK-dn-°m-cn-bmb am[y-a-{]-h¿ØI Xs‚ HutZym-KnI I¿Øhy \n¿hl-W-Øn-\nsS B cmPyØns‚ -Xm-¬]-cy-sØ-°pdn®pw Nn¥n-®n-´p-≠m-hptam F∂-dn-bn√. GXm- b mepw hm¿Ø- I ƒ tiJ- c n- ° p- ∂ - X n¬ ]pXnb temIsØ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ Gsd D’mlw {]I- S n- ∏ n- ° p∂p≠v. hnhctiJ- c - W - Ø n\pw hm¿Ømhn\ym-k-Øn-\p-ap≈ am¿K-߃ B[p-\nI kmt¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-I-fpsS klm-b-Øm¬ Gsd ]ptcm-Kan®p. Hmtcm Znh-khpw Cu Zni-bn¬ ]pXnb I≠p-]nSp-Ø-߃ D≠m-hp∂p. apdn-°p-≈n-en-cp-∂p-sIm-≠pXs∂ temIsØ ImWm\pw temI-tØmSp kwh-Zn-°m\p-ap≈ Ah-kcw e`y-am-bn-cnt°, AXp ^e-{]-Z-ambpw a‰p-≈h - ¿°v {]iv\ß - fp≠m-°m-sXbpw D]-tbm-Kn-°pI F∂Xp {][m-\-amWv. kwL¿j-`q-an-bn¬ hm¿Ø-Iƒ tiJ-cn-°m\pw Nn{X-sa-Sp-°m\pw sN∂-h¿°p shSn-tb‰pw kvt^mS-\Øn-ep-sams° Poh≥ \jvS-s∏´ \nc-h[n kw`-hßfp≠v. ssehv sSen-ImÃv \S-∂p-sIm-≠n-cnt° shSntb‰p hoW hn¿Po-\n-b-bnse Snhn dnt∏m¿´¿ Benk¨ ]m¿°pw Ima-dm-am≥ BZw hm¿Upw C°gn™ HmK-Ãnse am[ya c‡-km-£n-I-fmWv. Ch-tcm-sSm∏w

tPmen sNbv X n- c p∂ ap≥ dnt∏m¿´¿ ss{_kv hneywkmWp sIme-]m-XIw \S-Øn-bX - v. Abmfpw Pohs\m-Sp-°n. Ben-k¨ hwiob ]cm-a¿iw \S-Øn-sb-∂-Xmbn-cp∂p ss{_kns‚ hntcm-[-Øn\p ImcWw. shSn-hbv]ns‚ X’-ab Zriy-߃ {]Xn Xs‚ t^kv_p-°n¬ t]mÃv sNøp-I-bp-ap-≠mbn. Hcp tjm∏nwKv sk‚-dn¬ ]pe¿s® \S∂ ssehv tjmbpsS ka-b-Øm-bn-cp∂p shSn-hbv]v. AXpw tjm∏nwKv amfnse Ima-d-bn¬ ]Xn™p. sSen-hn-j≥ t{]£-I¿ Cu Zriy-߃ X’a-bw- I≠p. \ap°p Np‰pw \S-°p∂ kw`-h-ß-fpsS kPoh Nn{Xw kaq-l-Øn\p \¬In-b-Xp-sIm-≠p-am{Xw am[ya-{]-h¿Ø-\w km¿Y-IamIptam? bmYm¿Yy-߃°∏p-d-ap≈ Nne bmYm¿Yy-߃IqSn Is≠-Øptºmƒ am{Xta am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø\w al-\o-b-am-Iq. Ata-cn°- b n¬ hf¿∂p- h - c p∂ hwio- b - h n- I m- c - a mImw ss{_kv hneyw-kn-s\-s°m≠v Cu ISpwssI sNøn®Xv . hnI-knX cmPy-ßf - n¬ am{X-a√, kmº-ØnI hnIk-\-Øns‚ ]pXnb ta®n¬∏p-d-߃ tXSp∂ hnI-kzc cmPy-ß-fnepw am[y-a-temIw Gsd kPo-h-am-Wv. Hcp]t£, hnI-kn-X-k-aq-l-sØ-°mƒ IqSp-X-embn am[ya-km-[y-XI - ƒ D]-tbm-Ks - ∏-Sp-Øp-∂Xv CØcw hnI-kzc kaq-l-ß-fmWv. kaq-l-Øn¬ a[y-h¿Kw i‡n-{]m]n°p-tºmƒ D]-t`mK kwkvIm-c-Øn¬ AXp {]Xn-^-en°pw. {Ibtijn h¿[n-°p∂ Hcp hn`mKw kaq-l-Ønse kpJt`m-Kß - ƒ Bkz-Zn-°p-∂X - n¬ IqSp-X¬ Xm¬]cyw {]ISn-∏n°pw. Ahn-tS-°mWv A®Sn,Zriy, {imhy am[y-a߃ Xß-fpsS he-bp-ambn Cd-ßn-s®√p∂Xv. AhnsS am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-\sØ kaq-l-tk-h-\-am-bn-Im-Wm≥ {ian-°p-∂-h¿ ]n¥-≈-s∏-t´°mw. _nkn- \ kv \∂mbn \S- Ø m≥ Adn- b m- h p- ∂ h¿°mhpw at‰-sXmcp taJ-e-bn-se-∂-t]mse am[y-ata-J-e-bnepw ]nSn-®-S-°m≥ km[n-°pI. AXn\p \√ _nkn-\kv FIvkn-Iyp-´o-hp-I-sfbpw amt\-P¿am-scbpw Bh-iy-ap≠v. B sXmgn-en\p ]pXp-X-e-apdsb k÷am-°p∂ am[y-a{- ]-hØ\]cn-io-e\-amWv Ct∏mƒ ]teSØpw e`n-°p-∂Xv. t{_°nwKv \yqkn-\p-th-≠nbpw Fkv¢q-ko-hp-Iƒ°p-th-≠n-bp-ap≈ ]c°w ]m®n-en¬ Cu am[ya FIvkn-Iyp-´o-hp-Iƒ sXmgn¬]-c-amb acymZ-Iƒ ]e-t∏mgpw ad-°p-∂p≠v. Ahsc AØcw ad-hntcm-K-ß-fn¬\n∂p c£n-°m≥ kaqlw Xs∂ CS-s]tS-≠n-hcpw. \√Xpw NoØbpw Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ Ign-hp≈ kaq-l-Ønt\ AXp km[y-amIq. P¶v ^pUns‚ A\m-tcm-Ky-I-c-amb kzmZpw kºpjvS-amb `£-W-Øns‚ kzmZpw ]Xp-s°-bm-sW-¶nepw kaqlw Xncn-®-dnbpw. B Xncn-®-dn-bens‚ ta∑-bmIpw \mfsØ am[y-a-{]-h¿Øns‚ anIhp \n›-bn-°pI.

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


_m_p IZ-fn-°mSv

akvXnjvIØn\p ]Icw Im¬∏m-Zw sIm≠v kvs]j¬ tÃmdn Na®v temI- hym-]I N¿®mhnj-b-ambn amdnbn-cn°p∂p emkvtfm s]t{Sm F∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


¿hnwKv hme-kns‚ hn{ipX IYm]m{Xamb FtUz¿Uv BwsÃUv am[ya temIsØ Ipe-]-Xn-bmIm≥ {]tbm-Kn® Ip_p≤nsb emkvtfm s]t{Smsb∂ lwK-dn-°mcn am[ya {]h¿Ø-I ]n∂n-em-°nbXv Hcp "sXmgn'bn-eqsS. XnI™ Bkq-{XW ssh`-htØmsS kw`-h-߃ krjvSn®v FIvkvIvfq-kohv hm¿ØIfm°n-b-h-cmWv Z Hmƒssa‰nbnse BwsÃUpw, BwsÃUns‚ ae-bmf Ah-Xm-c-amb \yq U¬ln kn\n-a-bnse FUn‰dpsa-¶n¬ akvXnjvIØn\p ]Icw Im¬∏mZw sIm≠v kvs]jy¬ tÃmdn Na®v temIhym-]I N¿®m hnj-b-ambn amdnbn-cn°p∂p emkvtfm s]t{SmbpsS \riw-k-X. lwK-dn-bnte-°p≈ A`-bm¿∞n {]hmlw hm¿Ø-bm°p∂-Xn-\nsS t]meo-kns\ sh´nt®mSnb s]¨Ip-´nsb emkvtfm s]t{Sm X´n hogvØp∂ Zriyw Ahƒ Xs∂ Iyma-dbnem°nbXv Ahn-Nm-cn-X-am-bm-bn-cp-∂n-√. A \nb-{¥n-X-amb A`-bm¿∞n {]hmlØns‚ ImcyØn¬ cmPyw ]¶phbv°p∂ DXv°WvTbpw {]Xn-tj-[hpw AXntesd Xo{hambn a\-kn¬ \ne-\n¿Øn-s°m≠v Iymadbpambn sNIv t]mÃn-te°p t]mb-XmWv C°mcy-Øn¬ emkvtfm s]t{Sm sNbvX BZy sX‰v. \nco-£Iÿm\-Øp- \n∂v hm¿Ø kPo-h-am-°p-I-sb∂ I¿Øhyw ad∂t∏mƒ AXn-hnImcw Dcpƒs]m´n-b-tXm, AXn-\-∏p-d-ambn hm¿Øbv°v AXn`m-hp-IXzw \¬Im≥ AXncphn´ Im¬{In-b-s°mcp-ßn-b-tXm-sb∂v Ahƒ°p am{X-tab-dn-bq. H∂n-tesd A`-bm¿∞nIsf teJnI {Iqc-ambn XS-bp∂ Zriyßfpw temIw hnkvab\n¿`-c-ambmWp I≠-Xv. F¥m-bmepw "emkvtfm s]t{Sm sjbnw hmƒ' ]WnXv tkmjy¬ aoUnb \S-Ønb B{I-aWw emkvtfmbpsS ]ncn-®p-hn-Sen\∏p-d-ambn am[ya cwK-Øn\p KpWI-c-am-tb-°m-hp∂ N¿®m-X-cw-K-߃ DW¿ØnbXv \√ Imcyw.



A\n-b{¥n-X-amb A`-bm¿∞n {]hmlØns‚ ImcyØn¬ cmPyw ]¶phbv°p∂ DXv°WvTbpw {]Xntj-[hpw AXntesd Xo{h-ambn a\kn¬ \ne-\n¿Øn-s°m≠v Iymadbpambn sNIv t]mÃn-te°p t]mbXmWv C°mcy-Øn¬ emkvtfm s]t{Sm sNbvX BZy sX‰v

BIvSn-hn-Ãp-Iƒ am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cm-bm¬ kw`-hn-°mhp∂ hn]-Øn-te°v emkvtfm s]t{SmbpsS AXn-{Iaw hnc¬ Nq≠p-∂p-≠v. kq{XØn¬ FIvkv¢q-kohv t^mt´m krjvSn®v anSp-°n-bmIm-\p≈ Xzcbpw bph teJn-I-bv°p-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-cn°mw. CØ-c-samcp hm¿Øm Zriyw FUn-‰nw-Kn-√msX kwt{]jWw sNø-s∏-´Xns‚ t]cn¬ Nm\-ens\ ]gn®v c£-s∏-Sm≥ teJn-I-bv°m-In√. AwK-_ew Ipdhp≈ sNdp-InS Nm\-ep-I-fn¬ Cß-s\-sbm-s°tb km[y-am-Im-dp-≈q. a\p-jyXzsØ Db¿Øn-∏n-Sn-°m-\p≈ ]ca{][m\ [¿Ωw Hmtcm Nph-Sp-h-bv∏nepw Hm¿Ωnt°-≠hcmWv am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-¿. Cu cwKØv am\n°-s∏-Sp∂ s]cpam‰ kwln-XbpsS hnip≤n°v Zriy am[y-a-ß-fpsS hc-thmsS •m\n kw`-hn-s®∂ Bt£]sØ km[q-I-cn-°p∂ kw`-h-߃ \ΩpsS

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(8) \m´nepw Bh¿Øn-°p-∂nt√-sb∂ Bfltim[\bv°p {]k-‡n-bp≠v. t^m¿´vsIm®n t_m´]-I-SØn¬ \n∂p Xe-\m-cngbv°p c£-s∏´v Bip-]{Xn-°n-S-°-bn¬ A¿≤-{]mW-\mbn InS-∂-bmfpsS 'FIvkv¢q-kohv ss_‰v ' Zriy am[y-a-߃ FSpØXp I≠v tIcfw sR´n-bXv ad-°m-dm-bn-´n-√. HmIvkn-P≥ amkvIn-t\mSp tN¿Øv h®p-sIm-SpØ ssat{Im-t^m¨ a\p-jymh-Im-isØ am\n-°mØ am[ya [¿ΩØns‚ {]XoI-am-bn. A≤y-b\ lmfn\p ]pdØv henb hne-bn-√mØ "h¨,-Sq,{Xo...' {]am-Wß-fmbn amdp∂pthm am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS [m¿ΩntImZvt_m-[\ kwlnX AYhm tImUv Hm^v FØnIvkv? sN-cp-∏n\p tN¿∂ Im¬ BItWm Imen\p tN¿∂ sNcp-∏mI-tWm-sb∂ kμnKv≤mhÿ tImUv Hm^v FØnIvkns‚ Imcy-Øn¬ ip`-I-c-a-√. \ap°p NmSm≥ ÿm]n® hf-b-߃ AZr-iy-ß-sf-¶nepw anYy-b-s√∂p \ma-dn-b-Ww. AhbpsS ÿm\hpw _ehpw Xncn-®-dn-bm\pamI-Ww. hf-b-an-√mØ Nm´-߃ A]-I-S-I-c-amb hogvNIƒ°n-S-bm-°n-tb-°mw. sshhn-[y-am¿∂ {]Xn`m-hn-em-k-Øm¬ {i≤n°-s∏´ {]K¤ am[ya {]h¿Ø-I≥ {]nXojv \¥n 1985 Pqsse-bn¬ tIcf sslt°m-S-Xn-bnse H∂mw \º¿ apdn-bn¬ Xe-XmgvØn ssIIq∏n \n∂ cwKtam¿°p-∂p. A°meØv anI® {]Nm-c-ap-≠m-bn-cp∂ Ce-kvt{S-‰Uv ho°ven-bpsS FUn-‰-dm-b \¥nbmWv

PÃokv sI ]n cm[mIrjvW tat\m≥ sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

No^v PÃokv sI. `mkvI-c-\pw PÃokv hn. `mkvIc≥ \ºymcp-apƒs∏-Sp∂ Unhn-j≥ _©n\p apºmsI am∏-t]-£-tbmsS \ne-sIm-≠-Xv. Ce-kvt{S‰Uv ho°ven-bpsS ka¿∞-\mb dnt∏m¿´¿ thWp tat\m-\p-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p, CtX `mh-tØmsS sXm´-cnIn¬. sk≥tk-j≥ Xpfp-ºp∂ hm¿Ø-Iƒ krjvSn®v Bfl\n¿hr-Xn-b-S-bp∂ Npcp°w t]¿ F°mehpw am[y-a- {]-h¿Ø-Isc A]-I-S-Øn-em-°mdp-≠v. AXoh kq{X-im-en-I-fm-b Cu \yqkv tkmgvkp-Iƒ hfsc A]q¿h-ambn am{Xta NXn-°mdp-≈q. ]t£, C°q-´¿ AXn-\mbn Hcp-sº-´n-d-ßnbm¬ Cc-Iƒ IpSp-ßn-bXp Xs∂. AØ-c-Øn-semcp Aaqey hm¿Øm t{kmXkns‚ he-bn¬s∏´p-t]mb sIm®n-bnse Hcp Cw•ojv ]{X-Øns‚ dnt∏m¿´-sd IÆpw ]q´n hniz-kn-®Xneq-sS-bmWv Ce-kvt{S-‰Uv ho°ven tIcf sslt°m-S-Xn-bpsS tcmjta-‰phmßnbXv. sshImsX am[ya {]h¿Ø\tØmSp hnS ]d™ ]c-a-km-Xzn-I\pw {]Xn`m-im-en-bp-amb Cu sIm®n kztZin tI{μ k¿°m-cns‚ AXyp∂X emh-W-ßfn-sem-∂n¬ Ct∏mƒ Xnf-ßp-∂p. B¿. _me-IrjvW ]n≈ \S-Ønb ]©m_v tamU¬ {]kw-K-amWv ]n≈bv°p ]n∂mse {]nXojv \¥n°pw bph tPW-en-kv‰n\pw tImS-Xn-bpsS hmXm-b-\-߃ Xpd∂p sImSp-Ø-Xv. A∂sØ bp Un F^v cmjv{So-b-Øn¬ Iui-eX{¥-ßfpsS AIº-Sn-tbmsSbp≈ apJy-a{¥n sI Icp-Wm-I-cs‚ apt∂‰w ]e-tcbpw Akz-ÿ-cm-°n-bn-cp-∂p. ]n≈bpsS A[nI {]kwKhpambn _‘-s∏´v sI kn Nm≠n-sb-∂-bmƒ sslt°m-S-Xnsb kao-]n-®Xn\v Bcpw Hcp Kuc-hhpw \¬In-bn-√. hnhmZw Bfn-∏-S-cth Nm≠n-°p-th≠n ka¿∏n® "tIzm hmdt‚m' l¿Pn-bn-t∑¬ Akm-am\y {]mK-¤y-tØmsSbmWv AUz. aØmbn ss]IS


hmZn-®-Xv. cmPyt{Zml-]-c-ambn {]kw-Kn® ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ {]nhn Iu¨kn-ens‚ Nne \nco-£-W߃ ]n≈ a{¥nÿm\Øp XpS-cp∂-Xn\p XS-k-am-sW∂ ss]ISbpsS hmZtØmSp tbmPn∏p {]I-Sn-∏n® PÃokv sI ]n cm[mIrjvW tat\m≥ Xs‚ A`n-{]mbw tcJs∏Sp-Øn-Øs∂ l¿Pn Xo¿∏m-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. AtXmsS ]nSn-hm-in-bp-t]-£n°m≥ \n¿_-‘n-X-\mb ]n≈ cmPn h®p. a{¥nk`bpsS {]Xn-—mb \∂m-°-W-sa∂ hmin-bp-ambn apJy-a{¥n ]e \o°-ßfpw \SØn-h-cp∂ ka-b-am-bn-cp∂p AXv. ]n≈sb ]pd-Øm-°m\p≈ apJya{¥nbpsS taml-amWv sslt°mS-Xn-bp-Ø-c-hn-eqsS bmYm¿∞y-amb-sX∂ hm¿Ø {]N-cn-®p. CXn-\nsS-bmWv Cw-•ojv ]{X-Øn¬, PÃokv cm[m-IrjvW tat\ms‚ k¬t∏cp If-bp∂ Xc-Øn¬ hm¿Ø h∂-Xv. ]n≈-bvs°-Xnsc A`n-{]m-bsa-gp-Xm≥ PÃokv cm[m-IrjvW tat\ms\ t{]cn-∏n-®Xv apJy-a{¥n Icp-Wm-I-c-\m-sW-∂m-bn-cp∂p hm¿Ø. Adn-b-s∏-Sp∂ `‡-∑mcmWv Ccp-hcpsa∂pw t£{XØn¬ h®v Ch¿ XΩn¬ ImWm-dps≠∂psa√mw hni-Zo-I-cn® tijw, ]n≈bvs°-Xnsc hn[n-sbgp-XnbXn\p sXm´p apºsØ Znhkw PUvPnsb apJy-a{¥n


{]nXojv \¥n

t^mWn¬ hnfn-®n-cp-∂p-sh∂pw hm¿Ø-bn-ep-≠m-bncp-∂p. Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øp-\n∂v apJy-a{¥n sIm®nbnse PÃokv cm[m-IrjvW tat\ms‚ ho´n-te°p ' {S¶v ' hnfn-®-Xn\p sXfnhv ssIh-i-ap-s≠∂pw dnt∏m¿´n¬ ]d™-t∏mƒ hnizm-ky-X-tb-dn. tZim`nam\n ]{Xhpw Cw•ojv ]{XØnse hm¿Ø ASpØ Znhkw s]cp-∏n-®p. Fd-Wm-Ipfw sSet^m¨ FIvkvtN-©nse Hcp Hm∏-td-‰sd hniz-kn-®mWv Cu dnt∏m¿´¿ hm¿Ø sImSp-°p-∂-sX∂ Imcyw sIm®n-bnse am[ya {]h¿Ø-I¿°-dn-bm-ambn-cp-∂p. Cu t{kmXkns‚ hnizm-kyXbn¬ Ah¿°p s]mXpth kwib-hp-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ]t£, hnhmZ hnfn°p th≠n t^m¨ IWIv‰p sNbvXp sImSp ØXp Xm\msW∂pw AXns‚ tcJ `{Z-ambncn°p-∂p-sh∂pw th≠n-h-∂m¬ {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-Øn\p lmP-cm-°m-sa∂p-sams° ]d-™Xv Cw•ojv ]{X-Øns‚ dnt∏m¿´¿°v hniz-kn-°m-Xn-cn-°m≥ Ign-™n-√. F¥m-bmepw hm¿Ø tIcf-Øn¬ HXp-ßn-bn-√. tZiob hm¿Ø I≠v lmen-f-Inb {]nXojv \¥n thWp tat\ms\ NqSm°n. {S_nƒUv ssSwkv ({]Xnk‘n- \nd™ ka-bw) F∂ io¿j-I-Øn¬ h∂ ^o®¿ kzm`m-hn-I-ambpw apJy-a-{¥n-tb-°mƒ A]-Io¿Øn-I-c-am-bXv sslt°mS-Xn°p Xs∂. sIm®n-bn¬ CXn-\nsS \mS-Iob kw`-h-߃ Ac-tß-dn. hm¿Ø ssIhn´p t]mIp-∂-Xmbn Cw-•ojv ]{X-Øns‚ bph teJ-I\p t_m[yam-bn. t^m¨ hnfn-®-Xns‚ sXfnhv Bh¿Øn®p tNmZn-®-t∏mƒ t{kmXkns‚ "am\nb' A\m-h-cWw sNø-s∏-´p. ]ns∂ Hcp Zn\w t]mepw sshIn∏n°msX ]{XØnse H∂mw t]Pn¬ £am-]Ww {]kn-≤o-I-cn®psIm≠v ]{Xhpw teJ-I\pw Xe-bqcn. ]t£, CtX teJ-I\n¬ \n∂p tiJ-cn® hnh-c-ß-fpsS ASn-Ø-d-bn¬ Ihnbpw Nn{X-Im-c-\p-sa√m-amb {]nXojv \¥n-bpsS ta¬t\m-´-Øn¬ thWp tat\m≥ ]Wn-Xpb¿Ønb ^o®¿ CXn-\Iw cmPy-sam-´msI Xos∏mcn ]mdn®p Ign-™ncp-∂p. ISpØ tImS-Xn-b-e-£y-amWp kw`-hn-®-sX∂p Nq≠n°m´n Ht´sd t]¿ sslt°m-S-Xnsb kao-]n-®p. -]-t£, tImSXn Xs∂ kzta-[bm

]{XØnse H∂mw t]Pn¬ £am-]Ww {]kn≤o-I-cn-®psIm≠v ]{Xhpw teJ-I\pw Xebqcn. ]t£, CtX teJ-I\n¬ \n∂p tiJcn® hnh-c-ß-fpsS ASn-Ø-d-bn¬ Ihnbpw Nn{X-Im-c-\p-sa-√m-amb {]nXojv \¥n-bpsS ta¬t\m-´-Øn¬ thWp tat\m≥ ]Wn-Xpb¿Ønb ^o®¿ CXn-\Iw cmPy-sam-´msI Xos∏mcn ]mdn®p Ign-™n-cp-∂p. sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


sIm®n≥ dnss^-\-dn tIsk-Sp-Ø-Xn-\m¬ Cu l¿Pn-Iƒ A{]-k-‡-ambn. {]nXojv \¥n-bpsS t\cn-´p≈ am∏t]£ \ncp-]m[nIw kzoIcn® Unhn-j≥ s_©v thWp tat\m\v Bbncw cq] ]ng in£ hn[n-®p. sSet^m¨ Hm∏td-‰¿ hgn I_-fn-∏n-°-s∏´ Cw•ojv ]{X-Øns‚ dnt∏m¿´¿ tImSXn \S-]-Sn-Iƒs°√mw klm-bn-bmbn. Ct±-l-Øns‚ ]nXm-hmb {]ikvX A`n-`m-j-I≥ Xs∂ Ccp-h¿°pw th≠n lmP-cm-hp-Ibpw sNbvXp. kwkvImc iq\yhpw a\p-jyXz lo\-hp-amb lwKdn-°m-cn-bpsS AXn-{In-b-bp-ambn bmsXmcp hn[ _‘-hp-ap-≈-X√, {]nXojv \¥n IpSp-ßnb tImS-Xnb-e-£y -\S-]-Sn.- ]-t£, am[ya {]h¿Ø-cpsS [m¿ΩnI t_m[hpw s]cp-am‰ acym-Zbpw Dƒs∏-sSbp≈ hnj-b-ß-ƒ Ht∂m ct≠m hy‡n-I-fpsStbm ÿm]-\-ß-fp-sStbm am{Xw Imcy-ambn ImtW≠-Xs√∂p Nq≠n-°m-´p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p Cu hyXykvX kw`h-ß-fn-eq-sS. hm¿Ø krjvSn-°m-\p≈ AanX Xm¬∏-cyhpw hm¿Øm t{kmX-kp-I-tfmSp≈ A{i≤m-]q¿Æ-amb hnt[-b-Xzhpw henb hn\-I-fmbn amdn-tb-°mw. sXmgn-en¬ apt∂-dm-\p≈ Xo£vW-Xbpw AXn\p th≠n hm¿Øm t{kmX-kp-Iƒ hn]p-e-am°m-\p≈ {i≤bpw A`n-\-μ-\o-bw. ]t£, Hmtcm hm¿Øbpw sN∂p ]Xn-°p-∂Xv AkwJyw akvXnjvIß-fn-te-°m-sW∂ bmYm¿∞yw \nanj t\c-tØ-s°-¶nepw ad-°p∂ am[ya {]h¿Ø-I¿ CXns‚ t]cn¬ henb hne \¬tI≠n ht∂°mw. hnizm-ky-Xbpw IrXy-Xbpw Dd∏m-°p-∂-Xn¬ AWphnS hyXn-N-en°mØ {]K-¤¿ t]mepw Nne-t∏m-ƒ A_-≤-Øn¬s∏-Sm-dp-s≠-∂Xp thsd Imcyw. sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

ap∏-tXmfw h¿jw apºv sIm®n≥ dnss^-\-dn-bnep-≠mb kvt^mS-\-Øns‚ hm¿Ø dnt∏m¿´v sNbvX tIc-f-Ønse {]apJ ]{X-Øn\v CØ-c-Øn¬ hensbmcp sX‰v ]‰n. am[y-a-hn-Nm-c-Icpw kmaq-lnI am[ya t]mcm-fn-Ifpw cwKØp hcp-∂-Xn\p apºm-bncp-∂-Xn-\m¬ teJ-I\pw ]{Xhpw ]cp°n-√msX c£s∏SpIbpw sNbvXp. am\y-amb s]cp-am-‰hpw anIhm¿∂ {]h¿Ø\ ssienbpw ssIap-X-em-bp≈ Ct±lw I_-fn-∏n-°-s∏-´-Xn\p ]n∂nse IY-b-dn™Xv Npcp°w am[ya {]h¿Ø-I¿ am{Xw. aq∂p t]cpsS Poh≥ \jvS-amIm\pw hmt\m-f-apb¿∂ `oa≥ A·n\mf-߃ Hcp Znh-k-Øn-tesd \K-csØ `b-s∏-SpØm\pw CS-bm-°nb h≥ Zpc-¥am-bn-cp∂p dnss^-\-dn-bn¬ \S-∂-Xv. cmPyw D‰p t\m°nb hm¿Ø GI-tZiw Htc coXn-bn-¬Øs∂ an°-hmdpw am[y-a-߃ dnt∏m¿´v sNbvXp. Zriy-am-[ya-߃ A°m-eØv cwK-{]-thiw \S-Øn-bn-cp-∂n-√. kvt^mS-\-Øns‚ bYm¿∞ ImcWw Is≠Øn-bn-cp-∂n-√. CXp kw_-‘n® hnZ-Kv≤m-t\z-jWhpw k^-e-am-bn-√. ]t£, apºp ]d™ teJIs‚ FIvkv¢q-kohv dnt∏m¿´v c≠p Znh-k-Øn-\Iw {]apJ ]{X-Øn¬ {]Xy-£-s∏-´p. ]mIv Nmc kwL-S-\-bmWv kvt^mS-\-Øn\p ]n∂n-se∂v hy‡-am-°p-∂ -dnt∏m¿´n¬ hm¿Øm t{kmXkv kw_-‘n® kqN\ t]mep-an-√m-bn-cp∂p. F¶nepw H∂mw t]Pnse Hm∏-WnwKv tÃmdn- Gsd°psd hniz-k-\o-b-ambnØs∂ Ah-X-cn-∏n-°s∏´p. bp ]n bnse aYpc dnss^-\-dn-bn¬ GXm\pw Znhkw apºv \S∂ sNdn-sbmcp kvt^mS\Øn\p ]n∂nepw ]mIv Nmc kwL-S-\bmbn-cp-s∂∂pw

(11) AhnsS ]mfn-t∏mb {iaw sIm®n-bn¬ Iptd-°qSn hnP-bn-∏n-°m≥ Nmc-∑m¿°p Ign-s™-∂p-am-bn-cp∂p teJ-I≥ ka¿∞n-®-Xv. AtXk-a-bw, tI{μ k¿°m-cns‚ C‚-en-P≥kv hn`m-KsØ apƒap\-bn-em-°nb Cu I≠p-]n-Sp-ØØn\p ]n∂nse bmYm¿∞yw Is≠-Øm≥ \S∂ XpS-c-t\z-jWw bmsXmcp ^e-hp-ap-≠m-°n-bn-√. sF _n bpsS {i≤-bn¬ h∂ as‰mcp Imcy-am-Is´ am\y\mb dnt∏m¿´-tdmSpw {]apJ ]{X-tØm-Sp-ap≈ BZcw ap≥\n¿Øn Ah¿ cl-ky-am°n h®-tXbp≈q. kvt^mS\w \S∂ ]pe¿th-f-bn¬ ]d-hq¿ kztZ-in-bmb bph F≥Pn-\o-b¿ Bbn-cp-∂p dnss^\-dn-bpsS {][m\ πm‚ns‚ I¨t{Smƒ ]m\¬ \nb{¥n-®n-cp-∂-Xv. Hcp \n¿Æm-bI L´-Øn¬

At±lw Dd-ßn-t∏mbXmWv Zpc¥Øns‚ bYm¿∞ Imc-W-sa∂v dnss^-\-dn-bnse F√m Poh-\-°m¿°pw Adn-bm-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]t£, Cu bphm-hns‚ `mhn A]-I-S-Øn-em-°-cp-sX∂ A`n-{]mbØn\v ]cs° kzoImcyX e`n-®p. Hcp k¿°m¿ hIp-∏n¬ D∂-tXmtZym-K-ÿ-\m-bn-cp∂ Ct±-l-Øns‚ ]nXmhn\p ]e tI{μ-ß-fnepw sNep-Øm≥ Ign™ kzm[o-\hpw ^eapf-hm-°nbn´p-≠m-I-Ww. ]t£, Cu kvt\l-]n-Xmhv A°m-eØv sU]yq-t´-j-\n¬ tPmen sNbvXp h∂ AtX ÿm]\-Ønse DtZym-K-ÿ-bm-bn-cp∂p FIvkv¢q-kohv hm¿Ø {]Im-in-∏n® dnt∏m¿´-dpsS `mcy-sb∂v sF _n Is≠-Øn. Ct±lw X{¥-]-c-ambn kl-{]h¿Ø-I-sb ]d™p hniz-kn-∏n®v hm¿Ø krjvSn°p-I-bm-bn-cp-s∂∂ \nK-a-\-Øn-se-Øm≥ sF _n °p _p≤n-ap-t´≠n-h-∂n-√. CØcw L´-ß-fn¬ t{kmX-kp-Isf amdn amdn _‘-s∏´v hnhc ÿncoI-cWØn\p Xp\n-™m¬ FIvkv¢qkohv hm¿Ø No‰n-t∏m-Ip-sa∂ \ymbw teJI\p Nq≠n-°m-Wn°m≥ Ign-bpw. anI® tImUv Hm^v FØnIvkv ]n¥p-S-cm-\p≈

Npa-Xe s]mXp-P\ kwk¿§-ap≈ GXp sXmgn¬ kaq-lØn\p-ap≠v. t]meo-kv,- am-[y-aw, BtcmKy taJe F∂n-hn-S-ß-fn-em-Is´ Cu [¿ΩØn\v Imcy£-a-X-bp-ambn At`Zy _‘-am-Wp-≈-Xv. ]t£, hnth-I-Øns‚ cPXZo]vXn hgnsXfn-°m-\p-s≠¶nte CØcw s]cp-am-‰-®-´-߃ bYm¿∞ e£yw ssIh-cn-°q. BtKm-fo-I-c-Whpw DZm-c-h¬°-c-Whpw ÃnwKv Hm∏-td-j≥ Dƒs∏Sp∂ B[p-\nI am[ya kc-WnIfpsam° tN¿∂v hm¿Øm tiJ-cW cwKØp≠m°nb am‰-߃ tImUv Hm^v FØnIvkns\ \n¿hocy-am-°p-∂-Xmb ]cm-Xn°v ASn-ÿm-\-ap-≠v. s]cpam‰ kwln-X-bnse \n¿h-N-\-߃ ]e-t∏mgpw G´nse ]ip-hmbp-d-ß-th, s]bvUv \yqkv XpS-ßnb {]h-W-X-Iƒ Hfn™pw sXfn™pw hne-kp-∂p. ]cky hcp-am\-Øn-eq-∂nb am[ya kwkvImcw ]e tPW-enÃp-Iƒ°pw Atcm-N-I-amIp-∂-Xm-bp≈ ]cmXn Ah-KWn-°-s∏-tS-≠X-√. I¬∏-eI-I-fn¬ hncNn-X-amb s]cpam‰ am¿§\n¿t±-i߃°v A°m-Z-anIv N¿®-I-fn-sem-Xpßm\mWp hn[n. ÿm]-\-ß-fpsS aqey-t_m-[-Øn-eq∂n hy‡nIƒ kzbw Xnc-s™-Sp-°p∂ t\¿h-gnt° {]k-‡nbpw \ne-\n¬∏pap≠mIq. am[ya {]h¿ØI Iq´mbva-Iƒ°pw- \n¿h-ln-°m\p≠v C°m-cy-Øn¬ henb Npa-X-e. amaq-ep-Is - f sI´n-∏p-Wcp-∂Xv hf¿®-bv°p KpWI-ca - mIn-s√¶nepw hf-ba - n-√m-sX-bp≈ Nm´w t{]m¬km-ln-∏n-°s - ∏-Sc - p-Xv. C≥Uym\s∏m-fokv Bÿm-\a - m-bp≈ skmssk‰n Hm^v {]^-jW - ¬ tPW-enÃvkv ]n¥p-S¿∂p-hc - p∂ "tImUv Hm^v FØnIvkv' BWv Cu cwKØv G‰hpw {]mtbm-KnIhpw ka-{K-hp-sa∂v Gsd-°psd AwKo-Ic - n-°s - ∏´n´p≠v, Ata-cn-°b - n¬ am{X-a√ temI-sØ-hn-sS-bpw.


Zo]n-I-bpsS ap≥ sIm®n _yqtdm No^pw ho£WØns‚ ap≥ dkn-U‚ v FUn-‰-dpamWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sa-bn¬ sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


Snhnbpw kXyhpw aW¿ImSv amXyp


d-™-dn™pw hmbn-®dn™pw tI´-dn™pw Ign™v I≠-dn-bp∂ Ime-tØ°p hm¿Øm-hn-X-cWw FØn \n¬°p-∂p. ]d-™-dn™ ImeØv O¿±n-®Xv Idp-Øn-cn-°p∂Xp ]e \mhp ssIamdn Im°sb O¿±n-s®∂pw XpS¿∂v aq∂p Im°sb O¿±n-s®∂pw hsc kXyw AXnitbm-‡n°p hgn-am-dnb IY \mw Ft∂ tI´ncn-°p-∂p. hm¿Øm-hn-X-c-W-kwhn-[m\w A®-Sn-bnepw tdUn-tbmbnepw C∂n-t∏mƒ Snhn-bnepw FØn \n¬°p-tºmgpw ]≠sØ Im°-I-Ybv°p {]k‡n \ne-\n¬°p-∂p-≠v, kXysØ hf-s®m-Sn-°p-∂-Xn¬ \ap°v aSn-bn-s√-¶n¬! aq∂p cmjv{Sob ]m¿´n-I-fpambn Nmbvhp≈ aq∂p-]-{X-߃ ASp-Ø-SpØv h®p. Htc kw-`-hsØ-°p-dn-®p≈ hm¿Ø-Iƒ hmbn® Hcmƒ tNmZn-®-tXm¿°p∂p. CXn-te-XmWv kXyw? adp]Sn: Hmtcm ]{X-Øn\pw Ah-cptS-Xmb kXyw. CXn¬ \n∂p icn-bmb kXyw Is≠tØ-≠Xv \n߃ hmb-\-°m-c≥ Xs∂. tI´-dn-bp∂ tdUn-tbm-bn-te°p hcp-tºmgpw Cu {]iv\w \nesk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


(13) \n¬°p-∂p. F∂m¬ Zriym-Snÿm-\-Øn-ep≈ Ce-Ivt{Sm-Wn°v aoUn-b˛ Snhn-bn-te°p hcp-tºmƒ Zriyw ad-bv°m-\m-hn√ F∂p ]d™p \ap°v XSn-X-∏m-sa-¶nepw AXn-\-∏p-d-Øp-ap≠v {it≤-b-amb hnNn-¥-\m¿l-amb {]iv\-߃. Sn. hn Iyma-dbv°p ap∂n¬ Zriy-߃ ad-bv°m-\mhn-s√¶nepw, Zriy-ß-fn¬ {]t£-]Ww sNtø-≠-h-bpsS Xnc-s™-Sp-∏n\p ]n∂n¬ dnt∏m¿´-dpsS hnth-N-\_p-≤n-bp-sSbpw Sn. hn. DS-a-bpsS \b-k-ao-]-\-ß-fp-sSbpw {]iv\-aps≠-∂Xp kXy-am-Wv. CtXmsSm∏w dnt∏m¿´¿ kw`-h-Øn\p \¬Ip∂ hymJym-\ßfpsS {]iv\-ß-fp-ap-≠v. tIc-f-Ønse Hcp Snhn ÿm]-\-Ønse Fs‚ Hcp kplrØm-bn-cp∂ \yqkv FUn-‰-tdmSv Rm≥ Hcp t{_°nwKv \yqknse Zriy-ß-fpsS Xnc-s™-Sp∏pw dnt∏m¿´-dpsS `mjyhpw kw_‘n®p kwkm-cn-®p. \yqkv FUn‰¿°v dnt∏m¿´n-t∑¬ Hcp \nb-{¥W-hp-ant√? At±lw ]d™p: C√, dnt∏m¿´¿ kw`-h-ÿ-eØp \n∂p t\cn-´p- {]-t£-]Ww sNøpI-bm-Wv. AXp-t\sc ZriyØn te°p t]mIp∂p, \n߃°p \nß-fpsS Snhn-bn¬ ImWm-\m-Ip∂p. A®Sn am[y-a-Ønepw tdUn-tbm-bnepw dnt∏m¿´¿°pw hmb-\-°m-c\pw tIƒhn-°m-c-\p-anS-bn¬ \yqkv FUn-‰-dpsS I{Xn-Ibp-≠v. \nb-{¥-W-sa∂pw ]d-bmw. ]t£ Snhn-bn¬ AXn√ F∂mWv Fs‚ kvt\ln-X≥ \yqkv FUn‰¿ ]d-™-Xn¬ \n∂p a\- n-emIp-∂-Xv. F¶n¬ hnth-N-\-Øns‚bpw kXy-k-‘-X-bp-sSbpw {]iv\w dnt∏m¿´-dpsS Xe-bn¬ Xs∂. ]s£ Abmƒ kzX-{¥\mtWm? As√-∂-XmWv \ΩpsS C¥y≥ bmYm¿Yyw. At∏mƒ ]ns∂bpw \mw apºp-]-d-™-bnSØp Xs∂ FØn-t®-cp-∂p. Snhnbp-Sa ]{X-ap-S-asbt∏mse kzImcy-hy-‡nbpw, hyh-km-bnbpw cmjv{Sob kmap-Zm-bnI Xmev]-cy߃°p hnt[-b-\p-am-sW-¶n¬, sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(14) sWs‚ Hm¿a. Imc-Ww, s{]m^yqtam A∂sØ {_n´ojv {][m-\-a-{¥n-bmbn-cp-∂p. AXn-\m¬ Cu kw`-h-Øn¬ cmPyØns‚ kpc-£nX {]iv\w IS∂p h∂ncp∂p F∂-Xm-Wv. {_n´-Wnse Ubm\ cmP-Ip-amcnbpsS ac-WØn¬ Iem-in® A]-ISw kw_-‘n®pw am[y-a-ßfpsSta¬ Hcm-tcm-]-W-ap≠m-bn. ]{X-dnt∏m¿´¿amcpsS Iyma-d-°Æp-I-fn¬ c£-s]-Sm\p≈ Aan-X-th-K-amWv Imd-]-I-S-Øn¬ Iem-in-®sX-∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p Hcp hymJym-\w. AsX-{Xam{Xw icn-bm-sW-¶nepw sX‰m-bmepw Ahn-sSbpw hm¿Øbpw hy‡n-bpsS kzIm-cy-X-bp-am-bp≈ {]iv\w {]k-‡-am-bn-h∂p. P¿a≥ SmtªmbvUpIƒ hy‡n-Iƒ°p

A®-Sn-am-[y-a߃ t]mse Snhnbpw hyh-km-b-ÿm-]-\-am-Wv. F√m hyh-kmb ÿm]-\-ß-fpsSbpw ASn-ÿm\{]amWw em`Ønepw \ne-\n-¬]n-ep-a-[n-jvTn-Xam-Wv. Snhn-h-cn-°m-c\p In´p∂ hm¿Øbnepw Snhnbp-S-abpsS \b-Øns‚ kzm[o-\-ap-≠v. Cu \b-Øn-\-∏pdw bmYm¿Yy-Øn\p tamN\w \¬Im≥ F¥mWp am¿§w? am[ya _‘-ap≈ ]ecpw Hm¿°p-∂p-≠m-hpw, ]Xn-‰m-≠p-Iƒ°p apºsØ {InÃy≥Ioe¿-˛-s{]m-^yqtam kw`-hw. temI-sa-ßp-ap≈ A®-Sn-am-[yaw BtLm-jn® hm¿Ø. A∂p hy‡n-I-fpsS kzIm-cy-Xbpw ]{Xkzm-X-{¥yhpw {_n´-Wn¬ Hcp {]iv\-ambn Db¿∂p. A¥n-a-hn[n ]{X-߃°-\p-Iq-e-am-bn-cp∂p F∂msk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

Ubm\ cmP-Ip-amcn

(15) A]-Io¿Øn]c-amb hm¿Ø {]kn-≤-s∏SpØm-dn-s√∂p P¿a-\n-bnse bm{X-°n-S-bn¬ I≠p-ap-´nb Hcp ]{X-te-J-I≥ ]d-™-tXm¿°p∂p. F¶nepw P¿a≥ Nm≥k-e¿ tjymU¿ Xs‚ hnhm-l-hm¿Ø-bp-ambn _‘-s∏´p tKmkn-∏p-Iƒ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn-s\Xnsc tImS-Xn-bn¬ \n∂p \ntcm-[-\m⁄ hmßn-b-t{X. Nm≥k-e¿ sl¬ap´v tImƒ˛\v Hcp ankv{Skv D≠m-bn-cp∂p. Hcp P¿a≥]-{Xhpw AtX°p-dn®p Hcp hm¿Øbpw {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-√. ImcWw P¿a≥Im¿°v sk≥tk-j-W¬ hm¿Ø-Ifn¬ hm¿Ø-°p-d-hp-s≠-∂XmWp At±lw ]d-™-Xv. ChnsS hy‡n-bpsS kzIm-cy-Xbpw AXn¬I-S∂p Ib-dm\pw {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øm\p-ap≈ hm¿Øm-hn-X-cW kwhn-[m-\-Øns‚ AhIm-ihpw N¿®-sN-ø-s∏-Sp-∂p. Cu {]iv\-Øn¬ A¥na hm°v F¥v? BcpsS F∂ {]iv\-ap-Zn-°p∂p. GXm\pw h¿jw apºv C¥y-bpsS No^v PÃokm-bn-cp∂ ISvPp Cu {]iv\w am[y-a-ß-fn¬ N¿® sNbvXn-cp-∂p. hm¿Ø-Iƒ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn¬, am[y-a-ß-fp-sS-ta¬ I¿i\ \nb-a߃sIm-≠p-h-cp∂-Xv, C¥y≥ `c-W-L-S\ hmKvZm\w sNøp∂ BhnjvIm-c-kzm-X-{¥y-Øn-t∑-ep≈ ssII-S-Ø-emhpw, AXp-sIm≠v am[y-a-߃ kz¥-amb hnth-N-\t_m-[m-[n-jvTnX \nb-{¥Ww ]men-°p-∂-XmWp {]mtbm-Kn-Ihpw DØ-a-hp-sa∂ \nK-a-\-Øn-emWv No^v PÃokv ISvPp Xpd∂phn´ N¿® FØn-\n∂Xv Ft∂m¿°p-∂p. ]s£ Cu kzbw \nb-{¥Ww aq°p-I-b¿s]m´n-°p∂ kml-Ncyw \ne-hn-ent√? A®-Sn-am-[ya߃ t]mse Snhnbpw hyh-km-b-ÿm-]-\-am-Wv. F√m hyh-kmb ÿm]-\-ß-fp-sSbpw ASnÿm\{]amWw em`-Ønepw \ne-\n-¬]n-ep-a-[n-jvTnX-am-Wv. sk≥tk-j-W¬ hm¿Ø-I-fn-emWv hmb-\°m-c\pw Snhn t{]£-I\pw Iºw F∂n-cn-s°, AØcw hm¿Ø-Iƒ krjvSn-°m\pw {]N-cn-∏n-°m\p-ap≈ Xm¬]cyw IqSp-sa-∂Xv A\n-tj-[y-amb bmYm¿Yyhpw am[y-a-ß-fpsS Bh-iy-hp-ambn {]k‡-amIp∂p. CtXm-S-Sp-Øp-\n¬°p∂p am[y-a-߃°nSbnse a’-cw. sk≥tk-j-W-emb hm¿Ø F{Xbpw thKw, BZy-ambnØs∂ hmb-\-°mcs‚tbm t{]£-I-t‚tbm]°-se-Øn-°pI F∂XmWv a’-c-Øn\p hocyw Iq´p∂LS-Iw. Snhn-bpsS

am¿IWvtUb ISvPp

thK-km-[yX, AXm-bXv \nan-j-߃°p-≈n¬ t{]£-I-\p-ap-∂n¬ FØn-°m-\p≈ Ce-Ivt{Sm-WnIv kwhn-[m-\-Øns‚ ta∑bpw Ignhpw G‰-hp-a-[nIw t{_°nwKv \yqkv krjvSn-°m\pw AXp {]t£]Ww sNøm-\p-ap≈ Bh-iy-IX Hcp sh√p-hn-fnbmbn Snhn dnt∏m¿´-dpsS ap∂n-se-Øp-∂p. ]s£ ChnsS kXy-k-‘-Xbv°pw hnth-N\ _p≤n°pw ÿm\-an-s√∂p ]d-bm-\m-hptam? Cu {]iv\-Øn¬ Rm≥ No^v PÃokv ISvPphns‚ hm°p-Iƒs°m∏w \n¬°p-I-bm-Wv. \ΩpsS kzbw \nb-{¥Ww Bh-iy-amWv. cmPyØns‚ kpc-£, kaq-l-Øns‚ kmwkvIm-cn-Ihpw kZm- N m- c - ] - c - h p- a mb Cu \ne- \ n¬]v ˛ Cu \ne- \ n¬]n¬ PmXn-˛-h¿K-ssh-c-ß-sfbpw hy‡n-l-Xym]-c-amb {]tNm-\-ß-sfbpw AI-‰n-\n¿Øm-\p≈ [m¿an-I-t_m[w F∂ BXy-¥n-I-amb LS-I-Øneq-∂n-bm-hWw ˛am-\-Z-fi-ß-fmbn kwc-£n-°-s∏S-Ww. As√-¶n¬, \mw \mkn-k-Øns‚tbm AXpt]m-ep≈ a\p-jy-Xz-c-ln-X-amb {]mIr-X-kw-kvImc-Øn-tet°m \ΩpsS cmPyhpw P\-ßfpw hgp-Xnt∏m-Ip-sa-∂v, C°m-cy-Øn¬ Kuc-h-]q¿Δw Nn¥n°p-∂-h-cpsS hm°p-Iƒ Fs‚ a\- nepw {]Xn-≤z\n- ° p- ∂ p. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

h\nX ssZzhmcn-I-bpsS ap≥ FUn-‰¿ C≥ Nm¿PmWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sa-bn¬ sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


Cynthia Chandran

Whither Safe Reporting


he primary objective of journalism is to serve the people with news, views, comments and information on matters of public interest in a fair, accurate, unbiased and polite manner and language. But now with a plethora of news channels, news papers and new media creating waves, people are often confused as to whether news exposure is witnessing an abundance of unethical journalism. Mahatma Gandhi had said, “The sole aim of journalism should be service”. But unfortunately many a time this is being ‘conveniently forgotten’ by a section of the media and tends to take a partisan attitude. But at the same time, there have been instances where journalists are killed while on duty. India has a vibrant and independent media, which is very powerful and bold enough to catch all without sparing any. But at the same time the paradox is that India has also got the dubious distinction of being one of the most dangerous places for journalists to work. Currently we are witnessing a new breed of journalists who sometimes double up as activists ready to face the wrath of the people in power. The Committee to Protect Journalists(CPJ), an American independent nonprofit organization, based in New York City recently urged the Uttar Pradesh Government to investigate the death by shooting of 45 year old television journalist Hemant Yadav, sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

who was working in Hindi channel, TV 24. According to CPJ, 11 journalists have been murdered in India in the last decade, all of which have been carried out with complete

(17) impunity.

Coming to our own State, there have been instances of photo journalists as well as reporters being attacked by people who are in power. At the recently held Aruvikkara Assembly by-election in Thiruvananthapuram, my colleague and chief photographer, Peethambaran Payyeri was attacked by local UDF leaders. Reason focusing on the potholes in the road while the Chief Minister Oommen Chandy’s road show was staged at Aruvikkara. He was taking photographs of the Chief Minister’s motorcade in the backdrop of the rain drenched potholed road which resembled a medium level pond right on the side of the road. The local leaders who were on motorbikes, got down and prevented Mr. Payyeri from discharging his duties as they sensed danger that it would affect their ‘vote flow’ when the motorcade was bellowing out CM’s ‘care and development’ tagline. Fortunately, he was rescued by other journalists. The anti-climax was that the UDF candidate lost almost 2000 votes in that Panchayat. Needn’t assume that assaults and killings happen only in India, foreign countries are no better and are witnessing similar scenes. Recently in Virginia in US, two local TV reporters belonging to WDBJ7 news station were shot dead in the midst of a live broadcast by a disgruntled former colleague. Reporter Alison Parker (24) and

cameraman Adam Ward (27) were broadcasting a live interview with an official from the local chamber of commerce when Vester Lee Flanagan initiated gunfire at them. The shocked look of the news anchor still sends a chill down the spine.


Prior to Mr. Yadav’s death, another journalist in Madhya Pradesh, Akshay Singh, a television investigative reporter belonging to Aaj Tak news channel was found dead in mysterious circumstances while enquiring on the Vyapam case. Following Mr. Singh’s murder, the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova urged the union Government to investigate thoroughly his death thoroughly and this stance caused much embarrassment for the infictors. Though doctors claimed that he had died of heart attack, doubts were raised by the media. Mr. Singh was in Meghnagar in Jhabua district to talk to the family members of Vyapam scam-accused Namrata Damor who too was found dead under mysterious circumstances. When we realize that close to 50 people have died in the Vyapam scam (an admission and recruitment scandal allegedly involving politicians and senior officials in Madhya Pradesh), it speaks about the gravity of the situation.

Recently we witnessed a horrific scene where Petra Laszlo, the Hungarian camera woman was caught tripping a refugee father carrying his girl child first and later a fleeing girl only to get exclusive images. The tall and lanky Laszlo was later terminated from her online news site, N1TV belonging to the anti-immigration far-right Jobbik party in Hungary. Ms. Laszlo, a mother of two small infants faced the brunt at social media in its wake and it made her apologize, but she is yet to escape from the wrath of prosecution charges. A journalist’s privilege includes the right to collect information from authentic sources, which are of use and importance to the society. The report has to be unbiased with the aim to inform the public. The Hungarian woman seemed to have forgotten her line of duty and became an activist taking sides with the police. When Edward BulwerLytton in 1839, in his historical play Cardinal Richelieu wrote that “pen is mightier than the sword”, it definitely implied that the pen can cause people to change their opinions on a large scale whereas a sword can only change a person’s opinion by force which can be fatal. No wonder Mahatma Gandhi too had cited that an uncontrolled pen can destroy your intention. He further added, “If the control is from without, it proves more poisonous than want of control. It can be profitable only when exercised from within”. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The author is Assistant Editor with Deccan Chronicle, Trivandrum sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(18) (18)


Shoma A. Chatterji



hile it is true that the country is spilling over with astounding stories on scams, murders, corruption, electoral hooliganism, communal conflicts and food censorship that find headline space in all newspapers everywhere, somewhere down the line, positive stories have become an invisible entity. One hardly comes across positive stories of people involved in doing good to others or people engaged in larger concerns to better the lives of everyone around. These stories could provide sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

that much-needed beacon of light in an otherwise darkening world. But the national dailies reserve just a little space in two or three paragraphs of a single column hidden somewhere in the inside pagers the lay reader might very well miss out on. Few journalists who actually feel starved of positive news stories and stories built around

(19) He was not allowed for a 4th class job also even after winning a gold medal on a national level. The reason is his caste. He is a Dalit. Can or should this be a reason for a national level sportsperson to make a living out of collecting garbage? He has a family who is dependent on him, and therefore, he had to resort to collecting garbage. His son is also a national level boxer. This is not a positive story. But the postscript to this story after it flashed across newspapers does have a strong positive aura. Sangram Singh, the wrestler who won the 2015 Commonwealth Heavy weight championship, announced financial support for Kamal Kumar and got him a job on a Rs.15,000 monthly salary as coach in an institution Sangram Singh has founded. In collaboration with Sangram Singh, the Sunshine Group Chairman launched the country’s first naturopathy center in Noida focused on helping needy and retired national players, who can come back to the health and fitness field through this noble initiative meant to bring respectability back to being a sports-person. Sangram Singh wishes that initiatives of this kind reach every small town where he wishes to provide motivation, health support and fitness training to the rural youth, who are future icons of our country. invisible do-gooders of the nation find it difficult to find space in the national dailies. Within this darkening ambience of journalism, online magazines can be credited with stories of sustainable development and stories of positive individuals we know little or nothing about which can go a long way is shaping the future of the younger generation to let it move in the right direction. In this scenario, Karan Singh of The Daily Express and Aparajita Mishra of Puri Dunia wrote about the incredibly tragic story of Kamal Kumar Valmiki, former national level boxer, who claims to have won three district-level gold medals in early ’90s, who is is now managing to eke out a hand-to-mouth existence by working as a garbage collector.

Sangram Singh himself is the fairy-tale hero of his own struggles to come back to sport and to winning a championship. Sangram was paralysed and confined to chair for 8 years due to rheumatoid arthritis, but his willpower to recover and determination brought him out as a complete winner.. He has been working selflessly towards the betterment of the society in general and weaker sportspersons who

Kamal Kumar sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(20) have fallen on bad days in particular.

“Ajoy Mondal, the chemistry honours student who lost his books and the cash he had saved for his higher education in a fire that destroyed his one-room shanty near Shyambazar last month, has been flooded with calls offering help ever since Telegraph Metro highlighted his plight. Among those moved by the 19-year-old’s story was Assembly Speaker Biman Bandopadhyay, who called to ask whether the boy could meet him in his office on Monday. Metro escorted Ajoy to the Assembly and then a College Street bookstore to buy the textbooks that would bring back the smile on his face after four days.” This forms the opening paragraph of a very positive story jointly worked out by Rith Basu and Arnab Ganguly of The Telegraph, Kolkata on September 15 this year. Basu and Ganguly have chased the story from the day Ajoy’s shanty was reduced to ashes on September 10 till his dreams of an education and also for a roof over his family’s head came true thanks to their continuous persistence on giving prime space to

Ajoy’s sad story. Ajoy reportedly received a cheque for Rs 10,000 from his landlord Kalyan Kundu. Assembly Speaker Biman Bandopadhyay, who had given Ajoy an envelope containing Rs 20,000 earlier to buy the textbooks he had lost in the fire, apparently got landlord Kundu to help the boy rebuild the one-room shanty on Nilambar Mukherjee Street where he lived with his parents. . The 19-year-old, who also lost the Rs 8,000 he had saved for his higher education, went straight to College Street and bought textbooks on chemistry, physics, mathematics, English and Bengali. Ajoy’s story has a trickle down effect because it has helped residents and children of other shanties that were destroyed in the same fire. A woman’s organization has provided textbooks to the other Ajoy Mondal students in the neighbourhood. The local club provided food to the families that lost their shanties in the blaze for around a week or so till they were able to feed themselves on their own. A 13-year-old boy who was moved by Ajoy’s story after having read it in Telegraph Metro, handed over his piggy bank to Ajoy who was moved to tears by this gesture. “I don’t even know his name,” cries Ajoy. Atisha Jain of The Hindustan Times filed a powerful story of inspiration and motivation on September 14. Under the headline - The tough get going: 5 Indians who studied their way to success, she painstakingly digs up the stranger-than-fiction human interest stories of five young men and women across the countries who have braved every odd to realise their dreams of becoming someone significant in life. “They rose above their grim financial circumstances, overcame all sorts of odds and defied stereotypes to top exams, get into IIMs and even pursue a PhD at 15! Here are their incredible stories: of unrelenting struggle and hard work,” writes Jain.

Let us get a bit closer to know who sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(21) 28-year-old IIM Lucknow student Yogendra Singh is the son of a rickshaw puller. He belongs to a village called Daltongunge in Jharkhand. “My father was a rickshaw-puller and my mother a homemaker. But they never had to pay for my education,” he says proudly. Yogendra became famous for his educational achievements in his village and to solve all his problems, his would-be-father-inlaw offered to fund his education provided he married his daughter. Sushma Verma is pursuing her Ph.D. in Microbiology from the Babasaheb Ambedkar University in Lucknow. And she is only 15 years old. In June 2007, Sushma created history. Limca Book of Records recognised her as the youngest student, aged 7 years, 3 months and 28 days, to pass the class 10 Board exam in the country. “At the time, I didn’t even understand the significance of Board exams. This was only the second time in my entire life that I was taking an exam!”

they are and what they have achieved. Shiva Kumar used to sell newspapers before he got into IIM Calcutta. Shalini Arnugam, 17, works as a domestic help and is also studying to be an engineer. She was the school topper in class 10 and scored 84.8 per cent in class 12. But while students took breaks from their exam routine, Shalini shuttled between houses, doing household chores to keep her family afloat. Barnita Mandal is doing her first year of B. Tech. Bernita’s father is an auto-rickshaw driver and her mother a homemaker. They moved out of a small town in West Bengal to settle in Bengaluru when she was a little girl. “Both my parents are illiterate. Perhaps that’s why they’ve always encouraged me to study,” says Bernita. Her immediate aim is to get the gold medal that is given to rank-holders in her college every semester. After her engineering course, Bernita hopes to go abroad for an MTech. “A scholarship would be great. But if I don’t get one, I hope to get a job and relieve my father of the family’s financial burden.”

Sushma’s father was a daily-wage labourer, and mother, a homemaker. “Our home comprised of a single room with a leaking ceiling. The main thought in my mind then was that all I have are my brother’s books. So I have to study with his support.” Her achievements are very special when one looks at the rise in the family’s fortunes courtesy her own rise. Her father was appointed as a sanitation assistant at the same university she graduated from. Besides, just by being around the Verma siblings while they study, her mother today can read basic Hindi and English. But these stories hardly make it to the front page of national newspapers or even in the op-ed pages or grace the prestigious editorials. Considering that India is the largest democracy in the world which constitutionally rights every citizen the right to freedom of expression, how can this happen and why? Think about it. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The writer is a freelance journalist, author and film scholar based in Kolkata. She has authored 17 books and contributed to many compilations on cinema, family and gender. Email: sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


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BtKm-f-am-[ya cwKsØ ]pXnb {]h-W-X-Ifpw hm¿Ø-Ifpw a\kn-em-°m-\p-XIp∂ anI® aoUnb sh_vssk-‰pIsf ]cn-N-b-s∏Sp-Øp-I-bmWv Cu ]w‡n. am[y-a-cw-K-Øp{]-h¿Øn-°p-∂h¿°pw am[y-ahn-Zym¿∞nIƒ°pw Hcpt]mse {]tbmP\-{]-Z-am-bn-cn°pw Cu ssk‰p-Ifn¬ \n∂v e`n°p∂ hnh-c߃


C. ]n jmPp-±o≥

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

bqWn‰n tPW-enÃvkv hn`n∂ kwkvIm-c-ß-fn¬ \n∂p≈ At\-I¿ Pohn-°p∂ cmPy-amb Ata-cn-°-bnse \yqkv dqap-I-fn¬ CØcw F√m kwkvIm-c-ß-fn¬ \n∂pap≈ {]Xn-\n-[n-I-fp-≠v. hwiob hnth-N-\-Nn¥ ]q¿W-ambpw C√m-Xm-sb∂p ]d-bm-\m-hn-s√-∂mWv Ata-cn-°-bnse Nne ÿe-ß-fn¬ \n∂v CS-bv°p-≠m-Ip∂ hm¿Ø-Iƒ a\-kn-em-°n-Ø-cp-∂-Xv. hn`n∂ kwkvIm-c-ßsf HsØm-cp-a-tbmsS sIm≠p-t]m-hpI F∂ e£y-tØm-sS-bmWv bqWn-‰n tPWenÃvkv F∂ sh_vssk‰v {]h¿Øn-°p-∂-Xv. hnemkw: Cu ssk‰nse ]e Imcy-ßfpw C¥y°pw _m[-I-am-Wv. hnhn[ hwio-b-X-Isf Fßs\ hm¿Øm Imcy-Øn¬ {i≤-tbmsS ssIImcyw sNømw F∂v ssk‰v ]d™p Xcp-∂p. Cu kwL-S\ CXn-\mbn in¬]-im-e-Ifpw a‰pw kwL-Sn-∏n-°p-∂p-≠v. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Hmƒ´vs\‰v apJy-[mcm am[y-a-ß-fn¬ \n∂p thdn´v {]kn-≤o-I-cWw \S-Øp∂ Hmƒ´¿t\-‰ohv {]kn-≤o-Ic - W - ß - f - psS kwL-S\ - b - mb Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ Hm^v Hmƒ´¿t\-‰ohv \yqkv aoUnb-bpsS sh_vssk‰mWv. hSt° Ata-cn-°-bnse 113 Hmƒ´¿t\‰ohv {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-ß-fpsS kwL-S-\-bm-Wn-Xv. CØcw {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-߃°v Ata-cn°-bn¬ hmb-\-°m¿ Gsd-bp-≠v. {]n‚ v, Hm¨sse≥, samss_¬ am[y-a-ß-fmWv Ch. CXn¬ AwK-ß-fmb {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-ß-fpsS sh_vssk-‰p-Iƒ Is≠-Øm-sa∂XmWv Cu ssk‰v Hcp-°p∂ henb kuIcyw. thdn´ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\w e£y-an-Sp-∂-h¿°v CXn¬ ]d-bp∂ ssk‰p-Iƒ kμ¿in®v D≈-S°w a\-kn-em-°mw. Hmƒ´¿t\-‰ohv tPW-en-k-Øn¬ Gsd ap∂n¬ \n¬°p∂ Ata-cn-°-bn¬ {][m\ am[y-a-߃ Fß-s\-bmWv hnj-b-߃ ssIImcyw sNøp-∂-sX∂v a\-kn-em-°m≥ CXp klm-bn-°pw. Cu ssk‰ns‚ tlmw t]Pn¬ Atkm-kn-tb-j\ - n¬ AwK-ßf - mb {]kn-≤o-Ic - W - ß - f - n¬ h∂ hm¿Ø-Ifpw teJ\-ßfpw \¬In-bn-cn-°p-∂p. \yqkv, s]mfn-‰n-Ivkv, aqho-kv, ayqkn-Iv, _p°vkv, Iƒ®¿ F∂o hnj-b-߃ D≠v. ssk‰nse C≥Ukv{Sn \yqkv F∂ hn`m-K-Øn¬ \n∂v am[ya cwK-Øns‚ cmPym-¥-c-\ne hy‡-am-°p∂ hnh--c-߃ In´pw. Hmƒ´¿t\-‰ohv am[y-a-cwKØv {i≤ t\Sn-b-h-cpsS A\p-`-h-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ {]tXy-IX \nd™ hn`m-K-am-Wv.

(23) \yqkv s\‰ v

sP.-F.-U-_yp.-F-kv. h\nXm am[ya {]h¿ØI-cpsS Iq´m-bva-bmWv tPWenkw B≥Uv hna≥ kntºmknbw ( am[ya{]-h¿Ø-\-cw-K-Øp≈ h\n- X - I - f psS ]cn- i o- e - \ w. A\p-`-h-߃ ]¶p-h-bv°¬, hnh- c - ß ƒ ssIam- d ¬ XpSßnb Imcy- ß - f mWv Cu kwL-S\ Dt±-in-°p-∂-Xv. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

\yqkvKn¬Uv hyXy-kvX-amb Hcp am[ya{]h¿ØI kwL-S-\bmb \yqkvKn¬Uns‚ sh_v ssk- ‰ m- W v. am[ya {]h¿Ø-\c - w-KØv \nc-h[n kwL-S-\-I-fp-s≠-¶nepw Ah-sb√mw GsX-¶n-ep-samcp taJ-eb - n¬ {]h¿Øn-°p-∂h - c - psS Iq´m-bvab - m-bn-cn-°pw. FUn-‰¿, dnt∏m¿´¿, t^mt´m-{Km-^¿, Unssk-\¿, Hm¨sse≥ Fgp-Øp-Im¿. B¿´n-Ãv, ssSt∏m-{Km-^¿, skbn¬kv hn`m-K-°m¿, am¿°-‰nßv kvs]j-en-Ãv, sSIv\o-jy≥ XpSßn F√m taJ-e-I-fnepw s]Sp-∂-h¿ CXn¬ AwK-ßf - m-Wv. {]n‚ v, t{_mUvIm-Ãv, Hm¨sse≥

XpSßn F√m cwK-ß-fn¬ \n∂p-ap-≈-h¿ AwK-ßfn¬s]Sp-∂p. CXn-\m¬ am[y-a-cwKw kw_-‘n®v F√m hn`m-K-°m¿°pw Xm¬]-cy-ap≈ hm¿ØIƒ temIØns‚ hnhn-[-`m-K-ß-fn-ep-≠m-Ip-∂Xv Cu ssk‰n¬ \n∂p Is≠-Ømw.


awKfw Zn\-]-{X-Øns‚ No^v \yqkv FUn-‰-dmWv teJ-I≥. teJ-Is‚ C˛-sabn¬: sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


aoUnb ss_‰vkv am[y-a-tem-IØv AXn-th-K-X-bnemWv am‰-߃ kw`-hn-°p-∂Xv. C∂sØ sNdp Ne-\-߃ \mfsØ hnπ-h-ßfmbn-°qsS∂n-√. temI-am-[y-a-ß-fnse kw`-h-hn-Im-k-ß-fn-te°v IÆ-b°p∂ Hcp ]w‡n F≥. ]n. B¿

]-{X-ß-fp-sS X-I¿-® Xp-S-cp∂p

hm-cm-¥-∏-Xn-∏p-Iƒ-°v ]p-Xp-Poh≥

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


A©p-h¿-j-߃ sIm-≠v {_n-´-\nse A®-Sn ]-{X-߃-°v kw-`-hn-®-sX¥mWv ? ]-{X-ß-fp-sS k¿-°p-te-j≥ 35 i-X-am-\w Ip-d-™p F∂Xp-Xs∂. Ct∏mƒ, 2015 B-K-kv-Xn-se IW-°v A-\pk-cn-®v e-≠≥ B-ÿm-\-am-bp-≈ Hº-Xv tZio-b Zn-\-]-{X-ß-fp-sS sam-Øw {]-Nmcw 65 e-£w tIm∏n. ]-c-ky-h-cp-am-\hpw Ip-d-™p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. ]m-›mXy cm-Py-ß-fn¬ C-t∏mƒ ]-Xn-hm-bn-cn-°p-∂ A-®-Sn-am[y-a X-I¿-®sbbpw C-S-°n-sS D-≠m-I-p-∂ km-ºØnI am-μy-Øn-s‚ Zp-cn-X-ß-sfbpw t\-cnSm≥ ]-{X-ÿm-]-\-ß-fp-sS ssI-bn¬ {]Xn-hn-[n-I-sfm-∂p-an√. ]-c-ky-h-cp-am-\w Ip-d-bp-tºmƒ A-h¿ ]-{X-Øn-s‚ hn-e Iq-´pw. k¿-°p-te-j≥ ho≠pw Ip-d-bpw. ]-c-ky-h-cp-am-\w Ip-d-bp-tºmƒ ]-c-ky®m¿-Pv Iq-´pw. H-cp Zq-jn-X-h-e-b-am-bn Hmtcm∂pw Iq-Sp-X¬ h-cp-am-\-\-„-Øn-te°pw {]-Nm-c-Ø-I¿-®-bn-te°pw \-bn-°p-∂p. 2008 se am-μy-Øn-\v ti-jw hn-e Iq-´p-Ibpw sNbvXp, t]-Pp-Iƒ Ip-d-bv-°p-Ibpw sN-bvXp. {]-i-kv-Xamb Km¿-Un-b≥ ]-{X-Øn-\v ]-Øv h¿-j-Øn-\n-S-bn¬ D≠mb-Xv A-ºXv i-X-am-\w {]-Nm-c-\-„-amWv. A-tX ka-bw A-h-cp-sS hn-e 55 sk‚n¬ \n∂v 1.80 ]u≠mbn˛ aq-∂n-c´n˛ D-b¿∂p. s]m-Xp-sh ]-{X-hn-e C-c´n-sb-¶nepw h¿-≤n-®n-´p-≠v. F-∂n-´pw h-cp-am-\w Ip-dbp-I-bm-Wv. C-t∏mƒ 34 h-b- n-\v Xm-sg-bp-≈ an√n\o-b X-e-ap-d (]p-Xn-b k-l-{km-–w ]n-d-°p-tºmƒ {]m-b]q¿-Øn-bm-bh¿) ]-{X-hm-b-\ D-t]-£n-®hcm-Wv F∂Xv ]p-Xn-b I-Yb√. B X-e-ap-d-°m¿ G-‰hpw A-[n-Iw hm-bn-®n-cp∂- k¨ {Sm-tªm-bn-Uv ]-{X-Øn-s‚ {]-Nmcw A-©v h¿-jw sIm-≠v 43 i-X-am-\w Ip-d-™n-cn°p∂p. sS-e-{Km-^v F-∂ t{_m-Uv-jo-‰n-s‚ {]-Nm-chpw A-Xp-t]m-se Xm-gv∂p. A-h-cp-sS hm-b-\-°mc-s‚ icmi-cn {]m-bw C-t∏mƒ I-W-°m-°n-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv 61 B-Wv. 12 cm-Py-ß-fn-se hm¿-Øm D-]-t`mK-sØ Ip-dn-®v ]Tn-®p-≈ tdm-bv-‰¿ C≥-Ãn-‰yq-´v Un-Pn-‰¬ \yq-kv dnt∏m¿-´v {]-Im-cw C-t∏mƒ, A-ta-cn-°-bpw {_n-´\pw Bkv-t{X-en-bbpw P-∏m\pw P¿-a-\nbpw Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂ Cu hn-I-kn-X-cm-Py-ß-fn¬ ]p-Xp-X-eapd-bn-se shdpw \mev i-a-Xm-\w am-{X-am-Wv ]{Xw A-h-cp-sS B-Zy-sØ hm¿-Øm-t{km-X- m-bn I-W-°m-°p-∂-Xv. 55 h-b- n-\v ta-se D-≈ ap-Xn¿-∂ X-e-ap-d-bn¬-t∏mepw C-°q-´-cp-sS i-X-am-\w 12 am-{X-amWv. an-° cm-Py-ß-fnepw P-\-߃ BZyw hnh-cw A-dn-bp∂-Xv kzm-`m-hn-I-am-bpw sS-en-hnj-\n¬-\n-∂mWv. Hm¨-sse≥ am-[y-aw, km-aq-ly-am-[yaw F-∂n-h-bv°pw ]n-∂n¬ \n¬-°p-∂p A®-Sn am-[y-

aw. G-‰hpw \√ hm¿-Øm-t{kmX-kv F-∂ ]-cn-K-W-\bnepw ap-∂n¬ \n¬-°p∂-Xv C-∏-d-™ aq-∂v am-[y-a߃-X-s∂. ]-{X-sØ B \n-e-bn¬ Im-Wp-∂-h¿ G-gv i-X-am-\w am-{Xw. Ku-c-h-ap-≈, B-g-ap-≈ ]T-\-߃- A®-Sn am-[yasØ {]n-b-s∏-´-Xm-bn \n-e-\n¿-Øp-sa-∂ hn-izm-khpw C√m-Xm-hp-I-bmWv. G-‰hpw ]pXn-b X-e-ap-d-bv-°v H-cp ]m-c-{Km-^n¬ Iq-Sp-X-ep-≈ hm¿Ø-tb th-≠ F-∂ A-h-ÿ F-Øn-b-Xm-bn A-ta-cn-°-bn¬ \n-∂p-≈ ]T\-߃ kq-Nn-∏n-°p∂p. A-h¿ ap-Jy-[m-cm Hm¨sse≥ am-[y-a-sØb√, km-aq-ly-am-[y-a-sØ-bm-Wv B-{i-bn-°p-∂Xv. hm¿-Ø-bv-°v th-≠n A-h¿ A-tßm´v sN√p-∂n√. tkm-jy¬ ao-Un-b-bn-se ]-e X-am-iIƒ-°n-S-bn¬ a-s‰m-cp X-am-i-bm-bn hm¿-Ø-sbbpw kzo-I-cn-°p-∂p F-∂v am-{Xw. C-sXm-s°-bm-sW-¶nepw F-s¥-¶nepw h-cp-am-\hpw H-cp hy-h-km-b-Øn-s‚ kz`m-hhpw C-t∏m-gpw A-h-ti-jn-°p∂-Xv A®-Sn am-[y-aØn-emWv. iº-fw hm-ßp-∂ tP-W-en-Ãp-I-fpw D-tZymK-ÿ-cpw A-hn-sS \n-e-\n¬-°p∂p. sS-en-hn-j-\p-Iƒ t]mepw C-°m-cy-Øn¬ hen-b {]-Xo-£ \¬-Ip-∂n√. Un-Pn-‰¬ aoUn-b H-cp em-`I-cam-b G¿-∏m-Sm-bn-´n√ F-ßpw.

hm-cm-¥-߃-°v C-t∏mgpw {]n-bw Cu A-kz-ÿ-X-Iƒ-°n-S-bnepw A®-Sn am-[y-aß-fn¬ {]-Xo-£ \n-e \n-dp-Øp∂-Xv A-h-bp-sS hm-cm¥-∏-Xn-∏p-Iƒ-°p-≈ {]n-bw h¿-≤n-°p-∂-XmWv. an-° ]-{X-ß-fp-sSbpw h-cp-am-\-Øn-s‚ ap-°m¬-]¶pw hm-cm¥-∏-Xn-∏p-I-fn¬ \n-∂m-Wv h-cp-∂Xv. k¿-°p-tej-s‚ ]m-Xnbpw hm-cm-¥-∏-Xn-∏p-I-fn¬ \n-∂m-Ip-∂p. i-\n-bmgv-N-bm-Wv G-‰hpw em-`ap-≈ Zn-hkw. A-∂v am{Xw ]-

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


{X-Øn-\v Aº-Xv i-X-am-\w hn-e Iq-Sp-X-em-bn-cn-°pw. [m-cm-fw ]-c-kyhpw Cu Zn-h-k-ß-fn¬ ]-{X-Øn-ep≠m-Ip-∂p. hm-cm-¥-Øn-se ]{Xw i-cn-°p-]-d-™m¬ ]{Xa√. am-K-kn-\mWv. hm¿-Ø-tb-°mƒ ^o-®-dp-I-fmWv A-Xn-te-sd-bpw. k¨-sU ssSw-kn-s‚ H-Sp-hnesØ H-cm-gv-N-bn-se Rm-b-dm-gv-N-∏-Xn-∏n¬ \m-ev am-Kkn-\p-Iƒ D-≠m-bn-cp∂p, ]-{X-hm¿-Ø-bp-sS G-gp sk£-\p-Iƒ thsd˛ c-≠-c ]u-≠v hn-e, ap-∂q-tdm-fw t]Pp-Iƒ ! Z sU-bv-en sa-bv-en-s‚bpw \n-e C-Xp-X-s∂.

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

Cu {]h-W-X a-s‰m-cp km-[y-X-bn-te°pw hn-c¬ Nq-≠p-∂p≠v. ]-{X-߃ F-¥n-\p-th-≠n-bm-Wv Ct∏mgpw Zn-\-]-{X-ß-fm-bn \n-e sIm-≈p∂-Xv ? B-gv-Nbn¬ ct≠m aqt∂m Znh-kw {]-kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn-bm¬ t]mtc ? A-[n-Iw ssh-Im-sX C-Xv kw-`-hn°pw F∂p-X-s∂-bm-Wv am-[y-a-\n-co-£-I¿ I-cp-Xp-∂Xv. \-„w Ip-d-bv-°m\pw hm-b-\-°m-sc Iq-´m\pw C-Xmhpw H-‰-aqen F-∂v I-cp-Xp-∂-h¿ G-sd-bmWv. ]t£, C-Xn-\v a-‰v Nn-e tZm-j-I-cam-b {]-Xym-Lm-X-߃ D-≠m-Ipw. ]-{XØn¬ tP-W-en-Ãp-Iƒ th-≠m-Xm-hpw. Ipd-®v hm¿-ØIƒ-°v Ipd-®v tP-W-en-Ãp-Iƒ aXn. ^o-®-sd-gp-ØpIm¿ I-cm-dmbpw {^o-em≥-kmbpw kp-e-`-am-Wv. C-Xns‚ th-sd Nn-e km-[y-X-I-fpw ]-cn-tim-[n-°-s∏-Sp∂p≠v. Iz-t_-°v {]-hn-iy-bn-se {^-©v ]{Xw hm-cm¥-Øn¬ A-®-Sn-∏-{Xhpw a-‰v Zn-h-k-ß-fn¬ Hm¨sse≥ ]-{Xhpw F-∂ km[y-X ]-cn-tim-[n-®p-h-cp∂p≠v. 131 h¿-jw {]m-b-ap-≈ em s{]-s F-∂ ]{X-Øn-s‚ Im-cy-am-Wn-Xv. (I-S-∏m-Sv ^v-fm-jv B‚ v ^v-sf-bnw-kv sk]vXw_¿ 2015) am-\-\-„-Øn\v hn-e F-{X hcpw ? A-\n¬ Aw-_m-\n {Kq-∏n¬ s]-´ _n-F-kv-CFkv F-∂ ÿm]-\w ssSwkv Hm-^v C¥y ]-{X-Øn¬\n-∂v am-\-\-„-]-cn-lm-cw B-h-iy-s∏-´ Xp-I F-{X F∂-dn-bmtam ? A-øm-bn-cw tIm-Sn cq-].

ap-Xn¿∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I\pw tImf-anÃpw tIcf aoUnb A°m-Z-an-bpsS ap≥ sNb¿am-\p-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬:


{^w h¿Ωm-Pn, hnØv eu am[y-a-߃ \¬Ip-∂Xp Xs∂-bmtWm P\߃°p th≠Xv? hmb\-°m-cp-sS, t{]£-Is‚ ]£Øp \n∂v \ΩpsS ssZ\w-Zn\ am[y-a-tem-IØneqsS IS-∂p-t]m-Ip-IbmWv Cu ]w‡n-bn-eqsS teJ-I≥.

sI.-F¬. taml-\-h¿Ω

cmjv{So-b-∏m¿´n-Ifpw am≤y-ahpw ]

{X-am-≤y-a-ß-fmWv P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øns‚ \memw XqWv. kwi-b-an-√. s]mfn-‰nIvkv hnjbw Xnb-dn-bnepw {]mIvSn-°-enepw ]Tn-°p-tºmgpw AXns‚ Ncn{Xw At\z-jn-°p-tºmgpw F√mw CXv AwKo-I-cn-°-s∏-´n-´p-≠v.

\ΩpsS an° cmjv{So-b-t\-Xm-°fpw anSp-°-cmWv. tIma¨sk≥kpw Hcp-Xcw C‚yq-j\pw A-hsc \bn-°p-∂p. adn®v Ah-cpsS Iogn¬ {]h¿Øn-°p∂ _yqtdm-{Ikn, D∂-tXm-tZym-K-ÿ¿ {]Xn-`m-k-º-∂-cmWv. _p≤nam∑m-cm-Wv. ssZ\w-Zn\ Pohn-X-Øn¬ Bh-

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(28) iy-an-√mØ Hcp-]mSv hn⁄m\w ssIh-i-ap-≈-h-cmWv. ]t£ anSp°pw _p≤nbpw tNcp-tºmtg bYm¿∞-ambn P\-\∑ \¬Ip∂ t\XrXzw ssIhcn-°m-\m-Iq. AXn¬ G‰hpw {][m-\-amWv aoUnbm amt\-Pvsa‚ v. ]{X-ß-sfbpw hm¿Ø-I-sfbpw amt\Pv sNøpI F∂-Xv. a{¥n-amcpw D∂-X-t\-Xm-°-∑mcpw Znh-khpw apS-ßmsX sNøp-∂Xv s]mXp-k-tΩ-f-\-ß-fn¬ ]s¶Sp-°pI F∂ I¿Ω-am-Wt√m. Ahn-sS-bm-sW-¶n¬ kzmK-X-{]m-kw-Kn-Is‚ t{_°n-√mØ \o≠ ]pIgvØ-ep-Iƒ tI´p tI´v Ah¿ AXp Ipsd-°-gn-bptºmƒ hniz-kn-°pw. F∂n´v Xß-fpsS Ign-hp-I-sf°p-dn®v XnI®pw Ab-Ym¿∞-amb Bfl-hn-izmkw

AXns‚ apJy-]-{Xm-[n-]-cmbn {]h¿Øn-®n-cp-s∂¶nepw Hcn-°epw t\cn´v cmjv{So-b-cw-KsØ D∂-X-t\Xm-°-fp-ambn A`n-apJw \S-Øn-bn-cp-∂n-√. ho£-WØn¬ hcp-∂-Xn-\p-apºv Hcp {]mhiyw Hcp cmjv{Sob t\Xm-hns\ C‚¿hyq sNbvXn-cp-∂p. AXv eoU¿ Icp-Wm-I-c-\m-bn-cp∂p Fs‚ ske-£≥ AXns‚ `mK-ambn Hcp ]I¬ At±-lsØ ]n¥p-S¿∂v Id-ßnb-Xn-\p-tijw cm{Xn F´p-a-Wn°v Xr»q¿ cma-\n-e-bØn¬ h®v At±-l-hp-ambn kwkm-cn-®p. t\¿°p-t\¿ a‰m-cp-an-√. Fs‚-sbm∏w klm-bn-bmbn h∂n-cp∂ C¥y SpsU-bpsS No^v C∂v ae-bmfw Sn hn t{]£I-cpsS lc-am-bn-cn-°p∂ \njv]£ cmjv{Sob \nco£-I≥ tP°_v tPm¿÷pw t^mt´m-{Km-^dpw AI-

{]I-Sn-∏n-°pw. Rm≥ Hcp AXyp-∂X cmjv{Sob t\Xm-hns‚ aoUnbm amt\-Pvsa‚ v anSp-°ns\ AXn-Po-hn-°m≥ \S-Ønb {ia-Øns‚ IY ]d-bmw. t_kn-°-embn Rm≥ Hcp IY ]d-®n-ep-Im-c\m-Wv. t\mh-en-ÃmWv Hcp- ]-{X-{]-h¿Ø-Is‚ cmjv{So-b-cw-KsØ Bƒ°m-cp-am-bp≈ CS-s]-S-ense ]cm-[o-\XIƒ F\n-°n-√. Rm≥ ho£Ww ]{Xw ]p\-x{]-kn-≤o-I-c-W-Øn-\p-tijw \mep h¿jw

te°v amdn-bn-cp-∂p. Rm≥ eoU-tdmSv Nne Xam-i-Iƒ ]¶p-h®Xn\p-tijw tNmZn-®p. cmjv{SobØn¬ Bflm¿∞-X-tbmsS {]h¿Øn-®n-cp∂ F√m AXn-Im-b-∑m-cmb t\Xm-°∑m-cpsS Pohn-X-km-bm-”-Øn¬ Ah¿ Zp:JnX-cm-bn-cp∂p. A¥yw ASp-°p-tºmƒ sNøm-\p≈ ]eXpw sNøm≥ ]‰n-bn√ F∂v F√m a\p-jy¿°pw tXm∂p∂Xv km[m-c-W-bm-Wv. ]t£, Cu alm-∑m¿°v CXn\-∏pdw at‰tXm kzIm-cyZp:Jhpw D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. F{_lmw en¶¨, se\n≥, Km‘n-Pn, amthm

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


skXpw-Kv, N¿®n¬, Ph-l¿em¬ s\lvdp F√m-hcpw C°m-cy-Øn¬ ka-∑m-cm-bn-cp-∂p. Aß-bpsS Zp:Jw F¥mWv? At±lw Gsdt\cw \n»-_vZ-\m-bn-cp-∂n´v ]d-™p. Ft∂m-Smcpw Cßs\ Hcp tNmZyw tNmZn-®n´n-√. Rm≥ ImcWw ]d-™p. Rm≥ Hcp ]{X-{]h¿Ø-I-\-√. shdpw t\mh-enÃv. IY ]d-®n-ep-Im-c≥, IY ]d-®n-ep-Im-c\v F√m-hcpw Xs‚ IYm-]m-{X-ßfm-Wv. F\n°v Aßpw Hcp IYm-]m{Xw am{X-am-Wv. AXp-sIm≠v F\n°v Aß-bpsS a\kv ImWmw. Aß-bpsS a\-kn¬ Zp:Jap-≠v. Aßv C√ F∂p ]d™mepw Rm≥ hniz-kn-°n-√. ]ns∂ F\n°v Fs‚ \nK-a\w ]d-bm-Xn-cn-°m≥ ]‰n-√. AhnsS D≠m-Imhp∂ Kym∏v ^n¬ sNøm≥ Aßv Fs‚ tNmZyØn\p \¬In-tb-°m-hp∂ kXy-k-‘-amb DØ-cØnt\ Ign-bq. Gsd-t\-csØ au\-Øn-\p-tijw At±lw ]d™p. F\n°p Zp:Jap-≠v. icn-bm-Wv. Fs‚ Zp:Jw Ph-l¿em¬ s\lvdp-hn\ptijw At±-l-sØ-t∏mse Hcp tZio-b-t\-Xmhv C¥ybv°v D≠m-bn-√t√m F∂Xm-Wv. Ipsd-°m-e-Øn-\p-tijw C°Y Rm≥ Fs‚ kplrØv C¥y≥ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-cw-KsØ AXn-Imb-cn¬ Hcm-fmb Sn hn B¿ tjWm-bn-tbmSv ]d-™t∏mƒ At±lw {]Xn-I-cn-®p. Hcp t\mh-en-Ãnt\ Cu icn-bp-Øcw Hcp cmjv{So-b-°m-c-\n¬ \n∂p ]pd-Øp-sIm≠ph-cm≥ Ignbq. Fs‚ Fgp-Øp-Im-c\pw hfsc {]mIvSn-°¬ _p≤n-Po-hn-bp-amb tIc-f-Ønse {]i-kvX-\mb thsdmcp kplrØv CubnsS ]d-™p.

h¿ΩmPn, Imew amdn. Zn√n-bnse Ce-£≥ I≠nt√? P\w aSpØp. hyh-ÿm-]nX cmjv{So-b∏m¿´n-I-fpsS Imew Ign-™p. C\n Bw BZvan ssS∏v Iq´m-bva-Iƒ°mWv P\w thm´p sNøm≥ t]mIp-∂-Xv. tIc-f-Ønepw AXp kw`-hn-°pw. t\m°n-t°m-fq. Zn√n-bn¬ aq∂p tSw ]q¿Øn-bm°n `cn-®n-cp∂ tIm¨{K-kn\v Hcp ko‰pw In´n-bn-√. Zn√n `cn-°m≥ Xbm-dmbn tamZn Xcw-K-hp-ambn h∂ C¥y `cn-°p∂ `mc-Xo-b-P-\-Xm-]m¿´n°v AhnsS Fgp-]-Xn¬ aq∂p ko‰v. PmXn-a-X-Nn-¥-Iƒ°-Xo-X-amb km[m-c-W-°m-cs‚bpw ]mh-s∏-´-h-s‚bpw ]m¿´n-bmbn {]h¿Ønt°≠ am¿IvknÃv Iayq-WnÃv ]m¿´n-I-fpsS Imcyw an≠m≥t]mepw høm-Ø-hn[w Zb\obw.

F¥mWv tZiob cmjv{So-b-{]-ÿm-\߃°p kw`-hn-°p-∂Xv? aX-]-c-amb th¿Xn-cn-hn-emWv C¥y hn`-Pn-°s∏-´-Xv. C¥y-bn¬ kwÿm-\-߃ hn`-Pn-°-s∏-´Xv `mjm-]-c-amb hyXy-kvX-X-bn-emWv B{‘-{]-tZipw Xan-gv\mSpw KpP-dmØpw Hdn- bpw alm-cm-jv{Sbpw I¿Æm-S-Ibpw tIc-fhpw _wKmfpw ]©m_pw F√mw Cu coXn-bn¬ cq]-sa-Sp-Øp. cmjv{So-b-ambn aX-sØ-°mƒ i‡n `mj-bv°m-sW∂v ]mIn-ÿm\n¬ \n∂pw _w•m-tZiv th¿s]-´-t∏mƒ \ap°p a\kn-em-bn. c≠p Xe-apd Ign-™-t∏mƒ \ap°p ]pXnb Ah-t_m[w h∂p. `mj-sb-°mfpw {]m[m\w kmº-Øn-I-am-Wv. hnI-k-\hpw kam-\-amb kmaq-ly\o-Xnbpw F√m kwÿm-\-߃°pw e`n-°Ww. sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


AhnsS kzm¿∞-amWv {][m-\w. AXn\v Zn√n-bnse tZiob k¿°m¿ hnX-cWw sNøp∂ \bhpw kºØpw X߃°p t]mcm F∂v Im´p∂ tem°¬ kwÿm\ cmjv{Sob ssien-°mWv hnPbw In´n-b-Xv. AXp-Im-cWw henb `mjm kwÿm-\-߃ hn`-Pn-°m≥ XpS-ßn. Pm¿JWvUpw OØo-kvKVpw DØ-cm-©epw sXep-¶m-\bpw CXv XpS-°-am-b-tX-bp-≈q. Ccp-]Xp h¿j-Øn-\Iw Ata-cn-°≥ sFIy-\m-Sns\ sh√p∂ AºsØm∂p kwÿm-\-߃ \ap-°p-≠m-Im-\mWn-S. tIc-f-Øn¬ Xam-i-a-´n¬ Bbn-cp-s∂-¶nepw \ΩpsS ]n.-kn. tPm¿Pv Hcp ae-\mSv {]Jym-]n®p Ign-™p. Cu s{S≥Uv tZio-b-∏m¿´n-Iƒ°v XmXzn-Iambn Dƒs°m-≈m≥ Ign-bp-∂n-√ F∂-XmWv G‰hpw {]I-S-amb kXyw \ΩpsS ]mc-ºcy {][m\ tZio-b-∏m¿´n-bmb tIm¨{Kkv C∂pw kwÿm-\-Xe t\Xr-Xz-߃°v ]q¿Æ-kzm-X{¥yw \¬Im-\p≈ ssa≥Uvsk-‰n-se-Øn-bn-´n-√. `mc-Xob P\-Xm-]m¿´n°v tamZn Xcw-K-ap-≠m-bn-´p-t]mepw i‡-amb kwÿm-\-∏m¿´n-I-fp≈ Xan-gv\m-´nepw Hdo- -bnepw _wKm-fnepw temIv-k`m sXc-s™-Sp∏n¬ hnP-bn-°m≥ Ign-™n-√. Chn-sS-bmWv Zn√n Iog-S-°m≥ Ac-hnμv tIPvcnhmfns‚ Bw BZvan _p≤n]q¿Δ-ambn XßfpsS temIvk`m Ce-£-\n¬ Im´nb tZio-b-apJw Agn®ph®v C¥y-bpsS hcpw-Ime s^U-d-enk ssien-bpsS {]mtbm-Kn-IX a\-kn-em°n F√mw sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

tZio-b-∏m¿´n-I-sfbpw Zn√n sXc-s™-Sp-∏n¬ \mam-hti-j-am-°n-b-Xv. Ct∏mƒ \ΩpsS aq∂mw-Xe k¿°m-cmb ]©mb-Øv-˛-\-K-c-k-`-˛-tIm¿∏-td-j≥ sXc-s™-Sp-∏p-Iƒ hcnI-bm-Wv. `c-W-L-S-\-{]-Imcw tem°¬ `c-W-Iq-S-Øn¬ kwÿm-\-Øn-sebpw tI{μ-Øn-sebpw ]m¿´n `c-Wssi-en-b√ th≠-Xv. ChnsS F√m hnP-bn-Ifpw IqSn sXc-s™-Sp-°p∂ eoU-dmWv {]-kn-Ut‚m tabtdm BIp∂Xv. F√m saº-d-∑mcpw GsX-¶nepw Ãm≥UnwKv IΩ-‰n-bn-ep-≠m-Ipw. `c-W-]-£hpw {]Xn-]£-hp-an-√. ]t£, AXn-hn-Z-Kv[-ambn Cu \nb-a-Øns‚ A¥- Ø tIc-f-apƒs∏sS ]e kwÿm-\-ß-fnepw A´n-a-dn-°-s∏-´p. cmjv{So-b-∏m¿´n-Iƒ Xß-fpsS sXcs™-Sp∏p Nn”-߃ ÿm\m¿∞n-Iƒ°v thW-sa¶n¬ D]tbmKn-°m≥ sXc-s™-Sp∏p IΩo-j≥ \¬Inb A\p-hm-Z-Øns‚ ad-bn¬ XnI®pw ]m¿´n tI{μo-Ir-X-amb Akw-ªn-˛-]m¿e-sa‚ v ssS∏v sXcs™-Sp∏pw `c-W-ssi-en-bp-ambn Cu tem°¬ `c-Wkw-hn-[m\w A´n-a-dn-°-s∏-´p. aoUn-bmbpw BI¿-j-I-amb ]m¿´n bp≤-ß-fn¬ hm¿Ø Is≠Øn \Sn-°p-∂p. aoUnbm Xß-fpsS IS-abn¬ \n∂pw AI-ep-I-bt√? .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

t\mh-enÃpw ho£Ww ap≥ No^v FUn-‰-dp-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛ sabn¬:


Doyen’s Pen

‘Mahatma Gandhi was cheerful, he was cracking jokes’. We come across such expressions at the height of what looks like impending tragedy in the episodes of the Gandhian saga of achievement, and after all Gandhiji should be judged by the results he shows, not the theories of finance he holds. Mahatma Gandhi has an abounding sense of humour, evidently magnified by the control of wit in him. Wit is a faculty of the intellect tinged with the trait of a little malice necessary for the debunking of pretence on the part of others; it is part of rhetoric. Humour, on the other hand, is an expression of temperament, the readiness to be happy at the sight of incongruous elements set in juxtaposition. The detection of what is odd creates a physical convulsion which we ridicule at the cost of a little hurt to others, we have criticism in the shape of epigram and paradox, of wit, of sarcasm. Dean Swift had the venom of wit, while Charles Lamb had the ripple of humour; humour is self-expression, while wit involves the discharge of smarting missiles. Mahatma Gandhi during a sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


Pothan Joseph Pothan Joseph was born on 13 March, 1892 as the second son of C I Joseph of Oorayil House. He lived through a turbulent period of modern Indian history and made his mark on Indian journalism and is generally recognized as one of the greatest Indian journalists. After completing his school education at Chengannur, Pothan had his intermediate at CMS college, Kottayam and under graduate studies in physics at Presidency College, Madras, where he had the opportunity of cultivating friendship with great men such as, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. Later Pothan worked in Trinity college, Kandy, Ceylon and Wesely High School, Secunderabad as a teacher. While in Secunderabad, he got a chance to write a column in the Hyderabad Bulletin owned by Colonel R. H. Cameron. Then a couple of senior journalist friends introduced him to the great Horniman, the famous British exponent of the Indian cause, who found him fit enough to work as a journalist in his paper at Rs. 175 a month. This was a break for him into the world of real exciting journalism.. Pothan Joseph had plenty of opportunity to meet and move with great personalities in his life: Gandhiji, Jawaharlal Nehru, Devadas Gandhi, B.G. Horniman, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Ramnath Goenka, Chou-Enlai, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, C. Rajagopalachari (Rajaji), Sarojini Naidu, Kasturi Srinivasan, T. Sadasivam, M. Shivaram, Khasa Subba Rao, S. Sadanand, M. Chalapati Rao, Frank Moraes, Indira Gandhi, and many others. More than any thing else, Pothan Joseph, the inimitable editor, either started or developed 26 newspapers including Hindustan Times, The Mail, The Indian Express and Deccan Herald of India and Dawn of Pakistan. He is most known for his delightful and deeply thought-provoking column “OVER A CUP OF TEA” which he had actually been started in the early 1920s in the Voice of India. His sense of humour was prolific and pure. Occasionally it bordered on sarcasm but he knew how to laugh merrily at himself and put his opponents at ease. Jinnah once called him into his chamber and told him plainly that he (Pothan) was “elevating himself spiritually” too often and too much. Jinnah got quite a startling but cleverly scintillating reply: “Mr Jinnah, your parents were thoughtful enough to put “gin” in your name. As for me, I have to fend for myself.” Despite all the camaraderie he maintained in his professional work, He had to undergo very tragic experiences in his personal life. His wife Anna’s, and eldest daughter, Gracie’s untimely deaths, his frequently unsettled life and a host of problems, the strains of which would have floored anyone else, but not him. Despite his debilitating accident in Bangalore in the last decade of his life, the consequent immobility, and the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” he had suffered, he could face life with great equanimity and courage. He died in 1972.

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crisis is full of humour. During the Rajkot fast, journalists were struck with his sunny temperament. Considering the high degree of his intelligence and his capacity to observe faults in others, there is no doubt that there is in him the possibility of devastating satire, but he has subdued it for the sublimation of a critical attitude that is content with good humour. The practice of wit induces in one a desire to be sparkling. The lowest form of wit is to indulge in puns, in the trick of misquotations to give an arresting effect to an idea that might otherwise happen to be prosaic in expression. Oscar Wilde was a great exponent of that style of brilliance which for the moment amazes the listener and leaves a coruscating streak of


illustrate the uneven and unnecessary efforts of some people who should be happier with their daily share of the good things of life.

memory in the brain, but there are higher grades of exposition. Mahatma Gandhi is no punster disposed to give a surprise in his talks or in his writings. The punster disposed to give a surprise in his talks or in his writings. The punster bases his wisecracks upon some elements of self-conscious scholarship in the misjoinder of classical references, but Mahatma Gandhi’s good humour is an exuberance of goodwill. Trenchant wit is at the other end of the scale of laughter. Voltaire could never have been an entertainer of children though he was a master, or because he was a master, of withering wit. The jests of Mahatma Gandhi represent, I believe, the quality of goodwill with plenty of the juice of the traits of stinging wrung out of his system. Christ had an abundant sense of good humour in his sayings, but at times there was no lack of ferocious ridicule in him. The picture of a camel passing through the eye of a needle in order to expose men of wealth seeking admission to the Kingdom of Heaven was no mean joke; a camel with humps, two hairy humps, seeks to penetrate the eye of a needle; even if the Greek text be interpreted as the equivalent of a hempen cord thrust into minute space, there is no lack of the instinct of contemptuous paradox in the conception. Gandhiji once wrote of the absurdity of attempting to swallow a whole sack of dry rice, to

Humour depends upon surroundings; wit is a bolt in the void which damagingly hits individuals, but the ideal course of rhetoric is the blending of wit and homour. When Oscar Wilde saw an array of doctors at his bedside, he said ‘I am dying beyond my means.’ In that remark there was a combination of wit and homour, a jest at the incapacity of doctors to prevent death coupled with his own indigent circumstances. He was sure of the inevitability of death, he was amused at the scent of doctors truning ill at the memory of unpaid bills. ‘I hope to die without doctors’ reflected Archbishop Temple, an abstract expansion of wit at the cost of profession without any immediate contemplation of a sore point. When Mahatma Gandhi is reported as having cracked sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(34) In his writings Mahatma Gandhi has no trace of humour; in his speech there is the outburst of conversational humour with occasions to laugh, sometimes at his own expense; of with none, because it seems burnt out of him by discipline, by the mood never to condescend to the mere juxtaposition of ideas when he has a big message to deliver. His disquisition are deliberately set on ethical flatness where you are certain whether your conduct is right or wrong, but there is no altitude of poetic conception. One wonders whether he could go soaring into the realms of poetry or the imaginative heights that constitute the trade of poets. Once he spoke of having watched Goethe’s ‘Faust’; what impressed him most was the scene of Margueritte working the spinning wheel; a small circumstances in the mind of the poet when he was hammering upon the seductive tones of Mephistopheles. Gandhiji is essentially jokes, let us be sure that there is no mood of the misanthrope in him, whereas the professional wit cannot escape the charge of cynicism. The subdual of wit requires character and cheap wit becomes mere witticism. Dr. Johnson was misanthrope in most of the moods when Boswell recorded his expression of ill-temper as illustration of wit. Humour is a lambent quality of character while wit is mostly an ill-natured description of the frailties of others. I have been reading a book called Gandhi sutras, a jugful of the great sayings of Mahatma Gandhi, but I cannot pick out anything that could be described as witty by book-reviews accustomed to collect epigrams. The Book of Proverbs ascribed to Solomon contains a series of antithetical thoughts, the contrast of one idea against the substance of another which gives the reader an impression of memorable wisdom. Most of it is the wisdom of Polonius, rendered with the trick of giving opposite notions in a single sentence, with exaggerations to emphasise what is very obvious: ‘Honour thy father and forget not thy mother’- very sententious, but that is a weak plank upon which one could establish the wisdom of Solomon. sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

an interpreter of ethics, he is an infallible criterion of what is right and wrong in human relationships. In that sphere, his effervescence of humour has supreme quality charged with the message of true wisdom. There is no barbed wit about him, because, in his quest of nonviolence, he has willfully flown above the level of hurtful wit. That is why he could, in the anguish of a fateful fast, be so entertaining.



am[y-a-ßfpw kaq-lhpw am[ya tI{μn-X-amb kaqlsØbpw kaq-l-tI-{μn-X-amb am[y-a-ß-sfbpw Ipdn-®p≈ {it≤-bamb ]T-\-ß-fpsS kam-lmcw

jmPn tP°_v

am[y-a-ßfpw kaqlhpw(Media and Society), am[y-a-k-aq-lw(Media Society) F∂o t]cp-I-fn¬ c≠p ]pkvX-I-ß-sf-¶nepw CtX ]w‡n-bn¬ CXn\p ap≥]p ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. CØcw {KŸ-ß-fpsS FUn‰dpw D≈-S-°hpw {]km-[-I-cpsams° amdpw. e£yw ]s£ amdp∂n-√.- A°mZanI am[y-a]-T-\-cw-KØp {]h¿Øn-°p-∂h¿°p≈ hgn-Im-´n-I-fmbn kam-l-cn-°-∏-Sp∂ am[ya ]T\ cN-\-I-fpsS, ]e- \n-e-Ifn¬ khn-ti-jhpw ka-{K-hpamb {KŸ-ß-fm-Ip-∂p, Chsb√mw Xs∂. Pbnw-kvIp-dm≥ FUn‰p sNbvX Cu ]pkvXIhpw C°m-cy-Øn¬ `n∂-a-√. 1991 ¬ H∂mw ]Xn-∏n-d-ßnb Cu ]pkvX-I-Øn¬ Ccp-]Xp {]_-‘-ß-fp-≠v. ]s£ Chbn¬ ]Xn-\-s©-Æhpw 2010 se A©mw-]-Xn-∏n¬ BZyambn tN¿Ø-h-bm-Wv. _m°nbp≈h A©pw 2010 se ]Xn∏n-\p-th≠n ]cn-jvI-cn®hbpw. F∂ph-®m¬ 2010endßnb am[y-a ]T-\-{K-Ÿ-sa∂ sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(36) \ne-bn¬ Xs∂ ImWmw Cu kam-lm-csØ F∂-Xpw temI-{]-i-kvX-cmb am[ya ]Tn-Xm°-fpsSbpw G‰hpw Imen-I-amb hnj-b-ß-fpsSbpw km∂n[yw Cu {KŸsØ XnI®pw {]k-‡-am-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. am\p-h¬ ImÃ-e-kv, tSm_n-an-√¿, Pbnw-kv Ip-dmƒ, kyq tXm-Wmw, tkmWnb enhnwKvè, tUhnUv slkva-¥mƒ^v, ssa°ƒ jpUvk¨, jmt‚m Aø¶m¿ F∂n-ßs\ Gsd {]kn-≤cmWv Cu kam-lm-c-Ønse teJ-\-ß-fpsS I¿Øm-°ƒ am[y-aß - fpw kaq-lhpw(Media and Society) am[y-a\ - n¿Ωn-Xn(Media production), CS-s]-Se - p-Iƒ(Mediations) F∂nßs\ aq∂p`m-Kß - f - n-embn tN¿Øn-cn-°p∂ {]_-‘ß - ƒ. hm¿Ø apX¬ kn\na hscbpw k¿hm-[n]Xyw apX¬ P\m-[n-]Xyw hscbpw kv{XohmZw apX¬ aX-au-en-Ih - mZw hscbpw sSen-hn-j≥ apX¬ C‚¿s\‰v hsc-bp-ap≈ KW, cm{„ob cq]hnj-bß - fpsS Gsd-ssh-hn-[y-ap≈ ]T-\ß - ƒ. A°m-Za - n-Ia - mb IWn-iX - bpw cm{„o-ba - mb Pm{K-Xb - p-ap-≈h - . ssk≤m¥n-Ia - mb Dƒ°m-gvNI - fpw `qJ-fim-¥c - h - ym-]vXn-bpap≈ ]mTamXr-II - ƒ. kmaqlyimkv{X]csa∂t]mse kml-Xo-bh - p-amb ]T\ k{º-Zm-b߃s°m∏w kmwkvIm-cnI ]T-\ß - f - psS coXn-imkv{Xhpw CucN-\I - ƒ ]n≥]‰p-∂p. Screen studies F∂p hnfn-°p∂, kn\n-abpw sSen-hn-j\pw Iw]yq´dpw samss_¬t^m-Wp-apƒs∏-sS-bp≈ am[y-aß - fpsS kmt¶-Xn-Ik - w-eb - \ - ] - T - \w Hcp-Zm-lc - W - a - m-Wv.

am[y-a-ßfpw kaqlhpw F∂ BZy-`mKsØ Ggp-te-J-\ßfpw am[y-a-]-T\ cwKsØ ¢mknIv cN-\I-fm-Wv. am\p-h¬ Imk‰¬kns‚ hnJym-X-amb c≠p ]T-\-{K-Ÿ-ßfpsS(Communication and Power, Networked Soceity) kmc-kw{KlamWv BZy-teJ\w. irwJ-enX kaql-Øn¬(Networked am\p-h¬ Imk-‰¬kv Soceity) am[ya߃ kr„n-°p∂ A[n-Im-c_-‘-ß-sf°pdn-®p≈ AXoh {it≤-b-amb Hc-]-{KY-\-amWv Imìkn-t‚-Xv. A[n-Im-chpw kmaq-ly-LS-\bpw am[y-a-ßfpw XΩn-ep≈ _‘-Øns‚ ÿqehpw kq£va-hp-amb Xe-߃ hni-Zo-I-cn®pw C‚¿s\-‰pw kmaq-ly-am-[y-a-ßfpw ta¬ss° t\Sn°-gn™ ImeØv Cu _‘w Fßs\ {]h¿Øn°p-∂p-sh∂v ka¿Yn®pw Imìkv am[y-a-˛-k-aql afi-e-ß-fpsS H∂m-¥cw Hcp cm{„ob ]T\w \n¿h-ln-°p-∂p. 2008 se Ata-cn-°≥ {]kn-U‚ v sXc-s™-Sp-∏n¬ Fßs\ Cu am[y-a, hn\n-ab irwJe cm{„o-bm-[n-Im-c-Øns‚ \n¿W-b\ i‡nbmbn amdn F∂-Xns‚ A]-{K-Y-\hpw Imìkv kw{K-ln®p \¬Ip-∂p. (t_mIvkv am‰¿ ImWpI)

“There is widespread consensus among political observers and media analysts that the skilful use of the Internet by Obama was decisive in the outcome of the campaign. But why and how? First, there was considerable Internet know-how within the campaign, including some leading figures such as Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook. Second, the demographics of Obama supporters greatly facilited the use of the Internet, since his main base was the younger age groups, well acquainted with the use of the Internet, in contrast to Clinton or McCain whose main support came from citizens over 55-60 years of age. Third, Obama directly connected to the youth culture and to the pop culture, the drivers of change in our world, by launching a multimedia campaign with viral videos and messages. Fourth, the campaign relied on a novel strategy of combining online communities with local communities, each level of community networking reinforcing each other. Fifth, the campaign built instant information networks, with intense interactivity, organized streaming of events in real time, and encouraged active participation of Obama’s supporters in the blogosphere, so that the media reports were constantly debated and commented by cotozens of all political opinions. Sixth, the interaction over the Internet, allowed the campaign to build a major data base that provided the ground for targeted mobilization of the vote, thus matching the Republican data bases that had given the edge to the conservaties in previous elections. Last but not least, the use of the Internet extraordinarily facilitated the small donations to the Obama campaign, that provided the majority of the funding and gave Obama a historical record funding of over 700 million dollars resulting from 3.5 million donors, most of whom donated an average of US$200”.

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


tSm_n-an-√¿ kn\n-abpw kaq-lhpw F∂ tSm_n-an-√-dpsS {]_‘w tlmfn-hp-Uns\ tI{μo-I-cn®v A©p-X-e-ßfn¬ \S-∏m-Ip∂ kn\n-a-bpsS kmaq-ly-_-‘-߃ ]Tn-°p-∂p.- kn-\n-a-bpsS kmaq-ln-Ihpw ]mT-]-c-hpamb A]-{K-Y\w, a¿en≥ a¨tdmsb B[m-c-am°n \S-Øp-∂- Xmc \n¿Ωn-Xn-bpsS ]T-\w, kn\n-abpw t{]£-Icpw XΩn-ep-ff _‘Øns‚ hni-I-e\w, Ata-cn-°≥ Xm¬]-cy-߃ kwc-£n-°p-∂-Xn¬ tlmfn-hp-Un-\p≈ {i≤-bpsS Ah-tem-I\w, tlmfnhpUv kn\n-a-bpsS ]mcn-ÿn-XnI cm{„ob \ne-]mSns‚ kqN-\-Iƒ F∂n-h-bmWv Cu A©p Xe-߃. kn\n-a-sb-∂Xv hnt\m-Z-Øn-\mbp≈ hmWn-Py-\n¿an-Xn-Iƒ am{X-a-s√∂pw cm{„obhpw kmº-Øn-I-hp-amb Xm¬]-cyß-fp-sS- kw-bp‡ kmwkvImcnI \n¿an-Xn-I-fm-sW∂pw tSm_n-an-√¿ ÿm]n-°p-∂p. B.Latour s\ an√¿ D≤-cn-°p∂p.

[m\w sNøp-I (to inform, to provide a forum of debate and to represent the public) F∂n-ßs\, Hcp P\m-[n-]-Xy-{I-a-Øn¬ am[y-a-߃ \n¿h-ln-t°≠ {][m-\-[¿Ω-߃ aq∂m-Wv. Ipdm≥ ChnsS \n∂pw apt∂m-´p-t]mbn hnt\m-Z- am[yaßfpw am[y-a-ßfpsS hnt\m-Z-a-fi-ehpw t]mepw- F-ßs\ P\m-[n-]Xy- km-aqly{Ia-Øns‚ `mK-am-Ip∂p F∂-t\z-jn-°p∂p. tlmfn-hpUv kn\na apX¬ sSen-hn-j≥ ]c-º-ch-scbpw P\-{]n-b-kw-KoXw apX¬ hm¿Øhscbpap≈ am[y-a, KW, cq]--ßsf ap≥\n¿Øn-bmWv Cub-t\z-jWw \S-°p-∂-Xv. \mep-X-c-Øn-emWv hnt\m-Z-kw-kvImcw P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øn¬ CS-s]-Sp-∂sX∂v Cu ]T\w Is≠-Øp-∂p. kmaq-ly-aq-eyßsf°pdn-®p≈ kwhm-Z-ÿ-e-߃ cq]-s∏-Sp-Ønbpw kmaq-lym-kvXn-Xz-ßsf ]p\¿\n¿h-Nn-®pw _Z¬ s]mXp-a-fi-e-߃ krjvSn®pw kmaq-ly-{I-a-ßsf im‡o-I-cnt®m Zp¿_-e-am-°ntbm ]p\¿{I-ao-I-cn-®pamWv Cu [¿aw Ch \n¿h-ln-°p-∂-Xv. am[y-a-ßfpw kv{Xohm-Zhpw F∂ kyqtXmWm-ans‚ ]T\w Gsd N¿® sNø-s∏-´n-´p≈ Hcp hnj-b-Øns‚ \ho-\-amb hymJym\ km[y-X-Iƒ ka¿Yam-bm-hn-jv°cn-°p∂ H∂m-Wv. am[y-a-ß-fpambn kv{XohmZ {]ÿm-\-ß-fp-≠m-°nb _‘Øns‚ A°m-Z-an-tI-Xc Ncn-{Xhpw kv{Xohm-Zn-IfpsS am[ya ]T-\-cw-KsØ CS-s]-S-ep-I-fpsS A°m-ZanI Ncn-{Xhpw Dƒs∏-Sp-∂-XmWv Cu hnjbw. Cu c≠p Ncn-{X-ßsf ka-{K-ambn hniZoIcn-®p-sIm≠mWv Cu teJ-\-Øns‚ apt∂m´p t]m°v. AhnsS, aq∂m-a-sXmcp Ncn-{X-[mc teJ\w Is≠Øp∂p. am[y-a-ß-fnse kv{XohmZØns‚ Ncn-{X-am-W-Xv. F{X-sb-¶nepw am[ya ˛ kv{XohmZ ]T-\-߃ D≤-cn®pw `n∂ \ne-]m-Sp-I-fnepw ho£W-

Films are hybrid monsters, coevally subject to rhetoric, status and technology-to text, power and science-all at once, but in contingent ways (Latour, 1993)”.

Pbnw-kvIp-dms‚ ]T\w am[y-a-ß-fpsS P\m-[n-]Xy cm{„o-bsØ°pdn-®mWv. Adnbn-°p-I, kwhm-Z-X-e-sam-cp-°pI, s]mXp-k-aq-lsØ {]Xn-\nsk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

(38) ß-fn-ep-ap≈ kv{Xo]£ am[y-a-]-T-\-߃ Nq≠n-°mWn®pw Cu hnj-b-Øns‚ Hcp ka-{Km-h-tem-I\w \S-Øp-∂p, Cu `mKØv teJ-\w. 2009 PqWnse, Cw•-≠nse am[y-a-߃ ap≥ \n¿Øn hm¿Øbpw P\-{]nb kwkvIm-chpw \h-am-[ya irwJ-e-bpsams° \n¿Ωn°p∂ enwK-]-Z-ho-_-‘-ß-fpsS hniI-e-\hpw Cu teJ\w Is≠-Øp-∂p. am[y-aßfpw cm{„o-bhpw F∂ A©m-asØ teJ\w tZio-b-Xhpw P\m-[n-]-Xyhpw apX¬ BtKmf-h¬°-c-Whpw \h-km-aqly {]ÿm-\-ßfpw hscbp≈ hnj-b-߃ N¿®-sN-øp-∂p. Ccp-]Xmw \q‰m≠pw Ccp-]-sØm∂mw \q‰m≠pw ]›m-Ø-eam°n \S-Øp∂ Cu ]T\w hnhn-[-co-Xn-im-kv{X-߃ ap≥\n¿Øn \S-°p∂ am[y-a-]-T-\-߃ kmaq-ly, cm{„ob{]iv\-ßsf Fßs\ hne-bn-cp-Øp∂p F∂t\z-jn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. B[p-\nI am[y-a-ß-fpsS £bhpw am[y-a-ß-fpsS hr≤nbpw Nq≠n°mWn-®psIm≠v tIm¿∏td‰vh¬°-cWØns‚bpw apX-emfnØ ˛ P\m-[n-]-Xy-{I-a-ß-fp-sSbpw ImeØv am[y-a߃ Gs‰-Sp-°msX t]mIp∂ cm{„ob {]iv\-߃ kqNn-∏n-°p∂p, teJ-\-I¿Øm-hmb Gtdm¨ tUhnkv ]m›m-Xy-am-[ya {Ia-߃ ap≥\n¿Øn \SØp∂ Xmc-X-aym-fl-I-amb Hcp am[y-am-h-tem-I-\amWv ASp-Ø-te-J\w ‘Four theories of the Press’ F∂ ¢mknIv ]T-\-Øn¬(1956) k¿hm-[n-]-

Xy(Authoritarian), kzX-{¥(Libertarian), kmaq-ly-{]-

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

Xn-_-≤X (Social Responsibility), tkmhn-b‰v IayqWn-Ãv(Soviet Communist) am[y-a-ß-sf-°p-dn®v hn¬_¿ kv{Imapw a‰pw Ah-X-cn-∏n® ]T\ kao-]\-Øns‚ ka-Ime amXr-I-bm-bn- ImWmw Cu teJ\-Øns‚ Xm¬]-cysØ. F∂p-h-®m¬ hnhn-[-Xcw am[y-a-ßfpw `c-W-IqS {]Xy-b-imkv{X ˛ hn]Wn Xm¬]-cy-ßfpw Hmtcm cmPyØpw Fßs\ hyXykvX-amb am[y-a-kw-kvIm-c-߃°p cq]w sImSp°p∂p F∂-Xns‚ hni-I-e\w. Polarized pluralist Model (-{^m≥kv, {Kokv, C‰en XpS-ßnb cmPy-߃), Democratic-corporatist Model (CXc bq-tdm-]y≥ cmPy-߃), Liberal Model (A-ta-cn°, {_n´≥, Im\-U XpS-ßnb cmPy-߃) F∂n-ßs\ aq∂p amXr-I-Iƒ k¶-ev]n-®p-sIm-≠mWv Cu teJ\w Cu hnjbw N¿®-sN-øp-∂-Xv. tkmWn-bm-en-hnw-Kvè Fgp-Xnb teJ\w C‚¿s\-‰ns\ tI{μo-I-cn®v \S-Øp∂ UnPn-‰¬ hn`P\w Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ hnj-b-ß-fpsS ]T-\-am-Wv. 1975 ¬ C˛-sa-bnepw 1980 Ifn¬ Hm∏¨ tkmgvkv {]ÿm\hpw 1989 ¬ ssl∏¿ sSIvÃv `mjbpw 1991 ¬ {_uk¿ tkm^v‰v shbdpw XpS¿∂v thƒUv sshUv sh∫pw \ne-hn¬ h∂-Xns‚ IY hnh-cn-®p-sIm≠v 1995 ¬ ssat{Im-tkm^v‰v Ah-X-cn-∏n® hn≥tUmkv sXm´p XpS-ßp∂ C‚¿s\-‰ns‚ c≠mw-L´ Ncn-{XØn-te°p IS-°p∂p, tkmWnb. c≠p-]-Xn-‰m-≠psIm≠v hnI-knX cm{„-ß-fn¬ GXm≠v kºq¿Æamb C‚¿s\‰v hym]\w \S∂p Ign™p. hnI-kzc cm{„-ß-fn¬ t]mepw Ccp-]-Ø©p iX-am\w t]¿s°-¶nepw C‚¿s\‰v {]m]y-ambn°gn-™n-cn-°p∂p. samss_¬t^m¨ HgnsI as‰mcp am[y-ahpw C{Xbpw thK-Øn¬ AXns‚ hym]-\hpw P\-{]oXnbpw Hcpan®p km[n-®n-´n-√. ]s£ C‚¿s\‰v kr„n-°p∂ hn`-P-\hpw hnth-N-\hpw C{Xbpw Xs∂ {]k-‡-amb hnj-b-am-Wv. AXns‚ hni-I-e\-amWv tkmWnb \S-Øp-∂-Xv. Exclusion from online networks is one of the most damaging forum of exclusion in our economy and our culture F∂ Imìkns‚ hm°p-Iƒ D≤-cn-®p-sIm≠v tkmWnb UnPn-‰¬ hn`-P-\Øns‚ cm{„obw N¿®sN-øp-∂p. Internet access has become a basic entitlement of citizenship in the digital cage F∂ Pn. a¿tZm-°n-s‚bpw ..... being with it creates not only a digital divide but also a democratic divide’ F∂ ]n.-t\m-dn-kn-s‚bpw \nco-£-W-߃ tkmWnb kqNn-∏n-°p-∂p. Hm¨sse≥ s]mXp-a-fiew Fs∂m-c-hÿ kwPm-X-am-Ip-tºmgpw AXns‚ ]cn-anXn-Iƒ kr„n-°p∂ `oa-amb kmaq-lym-¥-c-߃ ImWm-Xn-cp∂pIqSm F∂¿Yw. H∂mw `mKØv Cu ]pkvXIw Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p∂ ImgvN-∏m-Sp-Iƒ t]mse Xs∂ B[n-Im-cn-Ihpw hn]pehpw A°m-Z-an-I-hp-amWv c≠pw aq∂pw `mKsØ ]T\-ßfpw. ÿe-]-cn-anXn aqew Ah Npcp°n kqNn-∏n-

(39) °mt\ Ign-bp-∂p-≈p. c≠mw `mKØv BsI Bdp -]-T\ teJ-\-ß-fm-Wp-≈-Xv. am[y-a-hy-h-kmb

cwKsØ°pdn®pw hm¿Ø-bpsS kmaq-lyim-kv{X-sØ-°p-dn®pw Fgp-Xp-∂p, bYm{Iaw tUhnUv slkva-t¥mƒ^pw ssa°ƒjp-UvkWpw. am[y-a- D-SaÿX, tIm¿∏-td‰v eb-\-߃, IpØ-Ih¬°cWw XpS-ßnbh \n¿W-bn-°p∂ am[y-a-ß-fpsS cm{„ob kº-ZvL-S\(Political economy) bpsS A]-{K-Y-\amWv BZy-teJ\sa¶n¬ hm¿Øm \n¿Ωn-Xn-bpsS \mep kao-]-\-ß-sf-°p-dn®p≈ hni-Zo-I-c-W-amWv c≠m-a-tØ-Xv. kmº-ØnIw, cm{„o-bw, kmaqlyimkv{X]-cw, kmwkvIm-cnIw F∂n-h-bmWv Cu \mep kao-]-\-߃. am[y-a-ß-fpsS hna¿i-\m-flI cm{„ob kº-ZvL-S-\(Critical political economy)- sb-°p-dn-®p≈ hni-Z-amb N¿®bmWv sPm\m-Ym≥ lm¿Un-bpsS teJ\w. am¿Ivkn-b≥ coXn-imkv{Xw ]n¥p-S¿∂p-sIm≠v am[ya DS-a-ÿX apX¬ am[ya A[n-Imcw hscbpw tIm¿∏-td‰vh¬°-cWw apX¬ ]¶m-fnØ P\m-[n-]Xyw hscbpw ]uc-k-aq-l-߃ apX¬ ]uc-am-[ya {]h¿Ø\w hscbpap≈ hnj-b-߃ hni-I-e\w sNøp-∂p, Cu cN-\. IeymWn O±, B\μw I]qcn

F∂n-h-cpsS ]T\w am[y-a˛ BtKm-f-h¬°-c-WsØ°pdn-®m-Wv. ]Sn-™m-dns‚ A[n-\n-thiw, km{amPyØØns‚ hym]-\w, hn]-Wn-bpsS ta¬ss° XpS-ßnb ]cn-t{]-£y-ß-fn¬ BtKm-fh¬°-c-WsØ hna¿in-°p∂ \ne-]m-Sp-Iƒs°m∏w, _lp-apJ {]h¿Ø-\-߃ \S-∏m-Ip∂ Hcp temI {Ia-ambn AXns\ ImWp∂ kao-]-\-ßfpw Nq≠n-°m-Wn-®p-sIm-≠m-Wv, tZiob kwkvIm-c-߃°p kw`-hn-°p∂ am‰-߃ Cu teJ\w N¿®sN-øp-∂-Xv. tXmwen≥k¨, A∏m-Zp-sc, s^X¿tÃm¨ XpS-ßnb-h-cp-sS-sbms° ImgvN-∏m-Sp-Iƒ teJ-I¿ ]n¥p-S-cp-∂p. am[y-acw-KsØ kzIm-cy-h¬°-c-Ww, DZm-c-h¬°-c-Ww, tIm¿∏-td‰v h¬°cWw F∂o aq∂p am\-߃ BtKm-f-X-e-Øn-se-∂t]mse tZio-b-X-e-Ønepw {]k-‡-am-Wv. C¥y≥ ]›m-Ø-eØnepw Cub-h-ÿ-Iƒ Cu teJ\w hni-I-e\w sNøp-∂p. tlmfn-hp-Uns‚ Ccp-]-sØm∂mw \q‰m-≠nse cm{„o-b-˛A-[n-Im-c-˛-km-º-Øn-I-L-S-\-I-fpsS A]-{K-Y-\-amWv ASpØ teJ-\-Øns‚ hnj-bw. ssN\okv am[y-a-cw-K-sØ-°p-dn-®p-ff Yuezhi Zhaos‚ ]T-\-tØmsS Cu `mKw Ah-km-\n-°p-∂p. kmwkvIm-cnI hnπ-h-Øn-s‚bpw h¿K-k-a-c-Øn-s‚bpw Ccp-Imep-I-fn¬ \nh¿∂p-\n¬°p-tºmgpw ssN\okv am[y-a-cwKw BtKm-f-h¬Ir-Xhpw hn]-Wn-h¬Ir-X-hp-amWv F∂v Cu ]T\w Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°p-∂p. CS-s]-S-ep-Iƒ F∂ aq∂mw-`mKw am[y-a-kw-kvIm-cØns‚ G‰hpw {]k-‡hpw {]i-kvX-hp-amb Nne cm{„ob {]Xn-\n-[m-\-ß-fpsS ]T-\-am-Wv. am[ya Kth-j-W-sØ-°p-dn-®pff BZy-te-J-\hpw hm¿Øm-hy-h-km-bØns‚ `mhn-sb-°p-dn-®pff Ah-km\ teJ-\hpw Hgn-sI-bp-ff A©p-]-T-\-ß-fpw CXn\p-Zm-l-c-W-am-Wv. am[y-a-ßfpw P\m-[n-]-Xy-hpw, Ad_v kn\nabpw C…m-anI aX-au-en-I-hm-Z-hpw, dnbm-en‰n sSen-hn-js‚ cm{„o-bw, UnPn-‰¬ am[y-a-ß-fnse hwio-b-Xbpw kzXzhpw, Z£n-W-sIm-dn-b-bnse C‚¿s\‰v hm¿Øm-am-[y-a-ß-fpsS Dbn¿sØ-gp-t∂¬]v F∂n-h-bmWv Cu ]T-\-ß-fpsS hnj-bw. AP≠ sk‰nw-Kv, ss{]anw-Kv, t{^anwKv F∂n-ßs\bpff hm¿Ø-bpsS cm{„o-b-kz-cq-]-߃ ap≥\n¿Øn-bp-ff am[ya Kth-jW km[y-X-bmWv BZy-te-J\wN¿®-sN-øp-∂-sX-¶n¬ A©v am[y-a-{]-h-W-X-Iƒ ap≥\n¿Øn hm¿Øm-hy-h-km-b Øns‚ `mhn-sb-°p-dn-®m-tem-Nn-°p-I-bmWv Ah-km\ teJ-\w. Abundance, Fragmentation and Polarization, portfolio development, Eroding strength of media forms, Powershift in Communication F∂nhbmWv Cu {]h-W-X-Iƒ. am[y-a] - T - \ - c - w-KØv Gsd {]Nm-ca - p-ff {]Xn-\n-[m-\, cm{„ob hni-Ie - \ - ß - f - psS s]mXp-kz-`m-hß - ƒ {]I-Sn-∏n-°p-∂h - bmWv Cu `mK-Øp-ff A©p khn-ti-j] - T - \ - ß - f - pw. kmaq-ly-imkv{X-]c - hpw kmwkvIm-cn-I] - T - \ - ] - c - h - p-amb kao-]\ - ß - ƒ ]n¥pS¿∂v Ch ka-Ime am[y-aß - f - psS \m\m-Xcw {]Xy-bi - m-kv{X-hnh-£I - ƒ ad-\o-°p-∂p. A°m-Za - nI Kth-jW - Ø - n-s‚bpw hna¿i\-Øn-s‚bpw Xe-ßf - n¬ hnZym¿Yn-Iƒ°p am¿K-Z¿i-Ia - m-°mhp∂hn[w ssk≤m-¥n-Ihpw coXn-im-kv{X-]c - h - p-amb kq£vaXbpw `{Z-Xbpw {]I-Sn-∏n-°p-∂p-ap≠v Cu cN-\I - ƒ. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

{ioi-¶c k¿Δ-I-em-im-e-bn¬ ae-bmfw A[ym-]-I-\mWv teJ-I≥. teJ-Is‚ C˛-sa-bn¬ sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


Students’ Corner

J. V. Vil’anilam

Democratic Participant Media Theory This theory is the latest in the field of media theories, and Professor McQuail is its proponent. Its location is mainly in rich, developed countries where the citizens have the scientific, technological and financial means to put the latest innovations in inter-personal communication to practical and regular use.

for this alteration in voter-behaviour. It was concluded that citizens’ apathy was caused by their conviction that not many things could be changed by voting once in five years or so. The government establishment and the political system appeared immutable.

It is by no means confined to the rich developed countries because science and technology is universal; all countries can make use of them provided there is a will to do so, particularly among the financially welloff sector. Cyber systems are prevalent everywhere and India is no exception. From the early 1990s, or at least from mid1990s, the Internet is part of India’s media and communication system.

The theory challenges commercialization and monopolization of privately-owned media; it reacts against the centralism and bureaucratization of media institutions, as pointed out by McQuail. It emphasizes communitarianism, and encourages citizens’ participation in community affairs, The dominance of mainstream mass media owned by private or public monopolies was the reason behind the emergence of “underground” publications during the 1960s and 1970s, The alternative media were technically made more efficient with the arrival of the Internet.

For a while advanced countries in the West witnessed citizens’ apathy towards democratic politics, especially at the time of periodic elections in the 1970s and 1980s. Their voting behavior changed and this was reflected in the low percentage in voter-turnout. Political scientists found an explanation sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

The democratic participant theory is, in a way, the technological version of the libertarian theory. People can and must express their views freely, exchange ideas without fear, and with absolute freedom, making use of innovations in technology. The Internet came in handy, and with it came the interpersonal device of electronic mail (e-mail), without any central authority to control it.

Underlying the theory under discussion is the assumption that mass communication need not be “uniform, centralized, high-cost, commercialized, professionalized, state controlled or privately controlled. Mass communication can take place without the mass media. In fact, this is what happened in Egypt, Tunisia and other Arab countries where people organized protests and popular movements against authoritarian regimes. This is what can enthuse people to clamour for more freedom, and accountability from ruling governments. Properly directed, such movements are desirable in all States under repressive governments. The new media can come to the aid of citizens wanting more political and social freedom, and personal expression of freedom for desirable action for the welfare and safety of citizens. “Mass communication can be multiple, small-scale, local, noninstitutional, run by small communities (or even individuals?) having similar aims and goals “


Not only newspapers, but radio, ham radio, mobile phones, smart phones and all devices that can be used conveniently by the ordinary citizens can effectively apply this theory of participation in democracy, without interference from government. Since technology is now available to all informed groups and persons even in poor countries, the New Media including wall newspapers, broadsheets with jumbo-size messages printed in big fonts, wall posters similarly printed, little magazines, etc., can serve the purpose. The neo-literate millions in China and India can benefit from this unconventional journalism. Local issues can be more effectively handled by local media, particularly interactive media where and when available and a revolution of some sort in communication in socioeconomic, political and cultural matters can be achieved in poor countries. Panchaayats and municipal towns can benefit from such novel methods of communication for people’s mobilization and active participaton.

But will the existing power centres permit such free expression through the Internet and other new devices?

Look at one headline in The Hindu of Monday, September 9, 2013 (pages 1 and 12): Govt. violates privacy safeguards to secretly monitor Internet traffic This New Delhi-datelined report by Shalini Singh has the intro : “Amidst fresh controversy following reports of the U.S.’s Prism program targeting the Brazilian President and the impending launch of the Indian government’s own Central Monitoring System (CMS) Project, an investigation by The Hindu reveals that the Internet activities of India’s 160 million are already being subjected to wide-ranging surveillance and monitoring, much of which is in violation of the government’s own rules and notifications for ensuring ‘privacy of communication.’ … … … Let us end this chapter with the warning that communication is too important to be left either to private manipulators or bureaucrats. Citizens must be free to express opinions without government or private interference or surveillance, provided norms of personal, social and national safety and security are not jeopardized, “ See you later, communicator! .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Professor Dr.J. V. Vil’anilam was Vice-Chancellor (1992-1996) and Head of the Department of Communication & Journalism (1982-1992) at the University of Kerala. As Professor Emeritus of the UGC he has taught at Berhampur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Dharwar, and Mangalore universities from 1996 onwards. Visit his website: sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ


`mj Xs∂ i‡n: tUm. Fw. eoem-hXn

tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v IΩyq-Wn-t°-j-≥ 2015˛16 _m®v am[ya hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsS {]th-i\ Znh-k-Øn¬ \ncq-]-Ibpw A[ym-]n-I-bp-amb tUm. Fw. eoem-hXn \S-Ønb DZvLm-S\ {]kw-K-Øn¬ \n∂v tlm]v F∂ \me-£-c-Øn\v C∂v Fsd {]k-‡n-bp-≠v. {]Xym-i-bp-≠m-hpI F∂m¬ Pohn-X-Øn¬ apt∂-‰-ap-≠m-Ip-I-bm-Wv. B A¿∞-Øn¬ Cu hm°n\v {]k-‡n-tb-dp-∂p. P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øns‚ \memw-XqWv F∂v hnti-jn-∏n-°-s∏-Sp∂ t^m¿Øv FtÃ-‰n\v henb i‡n-bp≠v. AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Iƒ AXns\ t]Sn-°p-∂p. t]Sn c≠p Xc-Øn-ep-≠v. Ah-\-h≥ sNbvX tamiw Imcy-߃ ]pd-Øp-sIm-≠p-h-cm≥ am[y-a-߃°v Ign-bp-sa∂ t]Sn. as‰m∂v am[y-a-ß-fn¬ th≠-hn[w ]cn-K-W\ In´n-bn-s√-¶ntem F∂ t]Sn. c≠m-bmepw tZmj-ap-≠m-Ipw. C°m-c-W-߃ sIm≠v am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v apJw \¬Im≥ s]mXp-{]-h¿Ø-I-cmb cmjv{So-b-°m¿ k¿ΔYm k∂-≤-cm-Wv. i‡n-bp≈ {]h¿Ø-\c - wKw Xs∂-bm-WX - v. Iuiew Hcp-]mSv thWw. Iuiew F∂ hm°n\v c≠¿∞ap-≠v. \√ A¿∞hpw tami-s∏´ A¿∞-hpw. hm°p-Iƒ Bi-b-Øn-\-\p-k-cn®v D]-tbm-Kn-°Ww. Bi-b߃ {]mtbm-Kn-I-am-I-W-sa-¶n¬ AXn-\p≈ kn≤n-Iƒ hnI-kn-∏n®psIm≠p-h-c-Ww. `mj F∂ Bi. BhnjvImc am[y-asØ \ap°v Hgn-hm-°m-\m-hn-√. `mj-bpsS {]m[m\yw a\p-jy-hwiw \ne-\n¬°p-∂n-S-tØmfw Ipd-bn-√. \√ `mj i‡n-bm-Wv. `mj-bn¬ {]hoWyw t\Snb ]ecpw t\Xr-ÿm-\-ß-fn-se-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. CXn\v \ΩpsS apºn-ep≈ anI® DZm-l-c-W-amWv C¥y≥ {][m-\-a{¥n \tc-{μ-tam-Un. {]ikvX am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I\mb cmP-Zo]v k¿ tZim-bn-bpsS 2014 Zn Ce-£≥ Zm‰v sNbv©Uv C¥y F∂ ]pkvX-I-Øn¬ tamUn-bpsS `mjm-kzm-[o\w hy‡-am-°p∂ Hc-`n-ap-J-ap-≠v. bph-a-\- p-Isf kzm[o-\n-°p-∂-Xn¬ tamUn-bpsS `mjm-{]tbm-K-ßfpw ssien-Ifpw {][m\ ]¶v hln-°p-∂p-≠v. Iw+Iw= Iw F∂ tamUn-bpsS Bi-b-sØ-°p-dn®v cmPvZo]v tZimbn DZm-l-c-W-k-lnXw hy‡-am-°p-∂p. H∂pw H∂pw Iq´n-bm¬ c≠v F∂mWv \msa-√m-hcpw [cn-®p-h-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. F∂m¬ tamUn-bpsS kq{X-hm-Iy-Øn¬ sF.Sn+sF.Sn=sF.Sn. bmWv. sF.-Sn. F∂m¬ C≥^¿ta-j≥ sSIvt\m-fPn F∂√ A¿∞w. C¥y≥ Sme‚ v+C¥y≥ sSIvt\m-fPn=C¥y Sptam-tdm. \√ `mjm kzm[o-\-ap-≈-h¿t° CØ-c-Øn¬ tim`n-°m≥ Ign-bq. 2002˛¬ am[y-a-ß-fp-tSbpw P\-ß-fp-tSbpw sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ

(43) (43)

iIm-ct- a‰p hmßnb hy‡n Fßs\ cmPy-Øns‚ D∂-Xm-[n-Im-ct- I-{μ-Øn-te°v hf¿∂p F∂mWv cmPvZo]v k¿ tZimbn Cu ]pkvI-Øn-eqsS hy‡-am-°p-∂-Xv. tamUn-bp-sS `mjm-{]-tbm-K-Øns‚ DZm-l-c-W-ambn k¿ tZimbn Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°p∂ as‰m-cp-Zm-l-c-W-amWv Indian youth are not snake chamers. They overcome the world with a mouse. C¥y A‘-hn-izm-k-Øn-t‚bpw ]mºm-´n-I-fp-tSbpw \mSm-sW∂ ]m›m-XyNn-¥°v tamUn \¬Ip∂ adp-]-Sn-bm-Wn-Xv. cmPvZo]v F∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I\pw tamUn-sb∂ cmjv{So-b-°m-c\pw `mj F{X at\m-l-c-am-bmWv D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-sX∂v Cu ]pkvXIw hy‡-am-°p-∂p. `mj, ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\w, kmlnXyw F∂nh tIc-f-Øn¬ ]mc-kv]-cy-tØm-sS-bmWv \ne-\n¬°p-∂Xv. CXn\v F{Xtbm DZm-lcWß-fp-≠v. amXr-`q-an-bn¬ {]q^v doU-dm-bn-cp-∂-Xv ]finX t{ijvT-\mb Ip´n-Ir-jvWa - m-cm-cm-Wv. Aßs\ \nc-h[n DZm-lc - W - ß - f - p-≠v. tIc-fØ - nse ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\ Ncn{Xw kmlnXy-N-cn-{X-Øn¬ \n∂v thdn´v \n¬°p∂ H∂-√. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øn\pw kmln-Xy-Øn\pw BZm-\-{]-Zm\ _‘-am-Wp-≈-Xv. \√ `mj F∂m¬ ae-bmf `mj Xs∂-bm-I-W-sa-∂n-√. H∂n-e-[nIw `mj-I-fn¬{]m-hn-Wyw-t\-Sm≥ am[ya-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v Ign-b-Ww. A\m-bm-k-ambn ssIImcyw sNøm≥ Ign-b-Ww. sX‰p-Iq-SmsX D]-tbmKn-°m≥ Ign-b-Ww. `mj-bpsS i‡n Xncn-®-dn™Xv ASp-Ø-Im-e-Øm-sW∂v Icp-X-cp-Xv. tjIvkv]o-cnb≥ Ime-L-´-Ønse \nc-h[n DZm-l-c-W-߃ \ΩpsS apºn-ep-≠v. Pqen-bkv kok¿ F∂ {]i-kvX-amb tjIvkv]o-cn-b≥ {SmP-Un-bn¬ `mjm-bpsS i‡n FSp-Øp-Im-Wn-°p∂ D÷z-e-amb kμ¿`-ß-fp-≠v. kokdns‚ Bfl-an-{X-am-bn-cp∂ {_q´kv At±-lsØ sIme-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-XmWv \mS-I-Øns‚ CXn-hr-Øw. Xm≥ sNbvX sIme-]m-X-IsØ \ymbo-I-cn®v {_q´kv \S-Øp∂ hni-Zo-I-c-W-ap-≠v. Brutus’ love to Caesar was no less than his. If then that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer :- Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more..... As. Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him: but, as he was ambitious, I slew him, There is tears for his love; joy for his ambition. Xß-fpsS {]nb-t\-Xm-hns‚ sIme-]m-X-In-bpsS hm°p-I-fnse C{μ-Pm-e-Øn\v AhnsS IqSnb P\߃ ASn-s∏-Sp∂ A¤p-X-I-c-amb kμ¿`w tjIvkv]n-b¿ \ap°v ap∂n¬ Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p-∂p. ]n∂oSv hcp∂ am¿°v B‚-Wn-bpsS hmIvt[m-c-Wn-bn¬ F√mw ad∂ P\-k-©bw At±-lsØ s\©n-te-‰p∂ kμ¿`hpw `mj-bpsS i‡n shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xm-Wv....... I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones;..................... For Brutus is an honourable man; He was my friend, faithful and just to me: But Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honourable man.......... Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? .................................. When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept: Ambition should be made of sterner stuff: Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; and Brutus is an honourable man. GXv sX‰n-t\bpw icn-bm-°m\pw \ymbo-I-cn-°m\pw `mjbv°v Ignbpw GXv kμ¿`-tØbpw `mj kzm[o-\n-°pw. Cu kμ¿`-Øn¬ B‚Wn ]d-bp∂ hm°p-Iƒ `mjm-h-g-°-Øns‚ DZm-l-c-W-am-Wv. amdnb kml-N-cy-Øn¬ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ Ft∏mgpw kXyw ]d-b-Ww F∂v ]d-bm≥ ]‰n-√. tPmen sNøp∂ ÿm]-\-ß-fpsS \b-Øn-s\mØv {]h¿Øn-°p-∂-tXm-sSm∏w kXyw ImØp-kq-£n-°-Ww. \bsØbpw kXy-sØbpw k¥p-e\w sNbvXp-sIm-≠p≈ RmWn-t∑¬ Ifn-bmWv ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\w F∂p ]d-bmw. CXn\v `mj Xs∂-bmWv am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v XpW-bm-Ip-∂-Xv. P¥p-Pm-e-ß-fn¬ a\pjy\v am{X-amWv hnI-kn-X-`m-j-bp-≈-Xv. `mjm-]-c-amb kn≤n-Iƒ B[p-\nI kmt¶-Xn-I-hnZy hf¿∂-tXm-sSm∏w ]cn-jvI-cn-°-s∏-´n-´p-≠v. Iºyq-´¿ `mj ]e-t∏mgpw kntºm-fnIv BWv. Sp F∂ hm°n\v ]Icw 2 F∂pw t^m¿ F∂-Xn\v ]Icw 4 F∂p-sam-s°-bmWv bph-X-e-apd D]-tbm-Kn°p-∂-Xv. Cß-s\-sbm-s°-bm-sW-¶nepw hnπ-hm-fl-I-amb ]cn-h¿Ø\w C\n `mjbv°v A[nIw D≠m-Im\n-S-bn-√. `mj-bn-√m-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ ˛ i_vZ-an-√m-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ temIw Nmc-\n-d-am-tb-s\˛ P¥p-°ƒ Cu temIsØ ImWp-∂-Xp-t]mse a\p-jy\pw A\p-`-h-s∏-t´-s\˛ a\p-jy\v ]s£ Bi-b-ß-tfbpw hnIm-cß-tfbpw {]I-Sn-∏n-°m≥ `mj-bp-≠v. `mj-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ ]T-\-߃ ]pcm-X-\-Imew apX¬ D≠m-bn-´p-≠v. ]X-RvP-en-sb-t∏m-ep≈ `mjm-im-kv{X-⁄-∑m¿ CXn¬ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn- sh-®n-´p-≠v. cmPm-hns‚ A{]o-Xn°v ]m{X-amb `p°p-WvT≥ Xs‚ `mjm-i-‡n-sIm≠v ac-W-Øn¬ \n∂v c£s∏´ IY DZm-l-c-W-amWv. acWw hcn-°m≥ ImØp-\n¬°p∂ `p°p-WvT≥ cmPm-hn-t\mSv ]d-bp-∂p. `‡n acn-®p. `mcybpw acn-®p. sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ


hntbm-Pn-°m-\p≈ Ah-Imiw P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øns‚ A¥- -Ø- : tUm. sI.-F-kv. cm[m-Ir-jvW≥

`qcn-]-£tØmSpw A[n-Im-c-tØmSpw hntbm-Pn-°m-\p≈ a\p-jym-h-Imiw kwc-£n-°-s∏-SpI F∂-XmWv C¥y≥ P\m-[n]-Xy-Øns‚ A¥- Ø - s- b∂v ]n.-Fk - v.k - n. sNb¿am≥ tUm. sI.F-kv.-cm-[m-Ir-jvW≥ ]d-™p. P\m-[n-]-Xyhpw am[y-a-ßfpw F∂ hnj-b-Øn¬ Ipdq¿ \oe-I-WvT≥ \ºq-Xn-cn-∏mSv kvamcI {]`mjWw \S-Øp-Ib - m-bn-cp-∂p At±-lw. tIcf aoUnb A°m-Za- nbpw tIcf tÉv {^oUw ss^t‰gvkv Atkm-kn-tb-j\pw tN¿∂mWv NSßv kwLSn-∏n-®-Xv. \yq\-]£ - ß - f- psS Ah-Im-iß - sf am\n-°pI F∂Xv cmamb-WI - mew apX-ep≈ `mc-Xob kwkvIm-ca- m-Wv. h\-hmkw Ign™v Xncn-s®-Ønb cma≥ `c-X-t\mSv Xnc-°p-∂Xv `c-W-Iq-SsØ FXn¿Øn-cp∂ hn`m-K-amb Nm¿Δm-I-∑msc _lp-am-\n-®n-cpt∂m F∂m-Wv. Cu k¶¬]-Øn¬ \n∂mWv C¥y-bpsS P\m-[n-]Xyw cq]-s∏-´p-h-cp-∂-Xv. AXp-sIm-≠mWv C¥y≥ `c-W-L-S-\-bn¬ Xs∂ \yq\-]-£-ß-fpsS Ah-Imi kwc-£Ww Dƒs∏-Sp-Ø-

s∏´Xv˛-A-t±lw ]d-™p. am[ya{]h¿Ø-\-Ønse Acm-P-IXzw P\m-[n-]-XysØ C√m-Xm-°pw. kzmX{¥yw F∂Xv Bfl-\n-b-{¥-W-am-Wv. kzkap-Zm-b-Ønse A\m-Nm-c-߃s°-Xn-cmb t]mcm-´-Øn¬ ap∂n¬ \n∂-bm-fmbncp∂p Ipdq¿. Km‘n-b≥ BZ¿i-ß-fn¬ ASn-bpd®v hniz-kn® Xe-ap-d-bpsS {]Xn-\n[n Bbn-cp∂p At±-lw. Ah¿ kln® XymK-am-bn-cp-∂p. Ah¿°v s]mXp-{]-h¿Ø-\wsIm-≠p≈ em`w. ssPh-]-®-°dn Irjnbpw km-¥z\ ]cn-N-cWhpw cmjv{- So-b{- ]-h¿Ø-\a- m-sW∂ Xncn-®d- nhv Km‘n-b≥ Bib-߃ cmjv{So-b-Øn-te°v XncnsI hcp∂p F∂-Xns‚ kqN\-bm-sW∂pw At±lw ]d-™p. aoUnb A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚Wn A[y£X hln-®p. tXd-ºn¬ cma-Ir-jvW≥ Fw.-F¬.-F., F≥.]n. kt¥m-jv, ]n.-sI. hnP-b≥ F∂n-h¿ kwkm-cn-®p.

`p°p-WvT\pw acn°pw. `q]-Xn-bmb Aßpw acn°pw . CXv tI´ cmPmhv ac-WsØ t]Sn®v `p°p-WvTs\ h[n-°msX hnSp-∂p. `mj-bpsS i‡n-sIm≠v ac-WØn¬ \n∂pw c£-s]-Sm≥ hsc Ignbpw F∂-XmWv IY-bpsS A¥-km-cw. `mj ]e-t∏mgpw \ΩpsS ssIbn-ep≈ tXm°v t]mse Bfl-c-£bv°v D]-I-cn-°pw. Bfl-c£ am{X-a√ D]-Po-h-\-Øn\pw `mj klm-b-I-am-Wv. `mj-bn¬ {]mhoWyw t\Sp-I-sb-∂-XmWv {][m-\w. sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ

t^m¿Øv FtÉv

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hm¿Ø-bpsS hnkva-b-Pm-eIw Xpd∂v ""t^m¿Øv FtÉv ''

Pn√m If-IvS¿ Fw. cmP-am-Wn-Iyw Iymºv AwK-ß-tfm-sSm∏w

hm¿Ø-bpsS kzX-{¥-hn-lm-b-kn-te°v ]d-°m≥ shºp∂ Iuam-c-Ip-Xq-l-e-߃°v PmeIw Xpd-∂n´v ""t^m¿Øv FtÉv '' aoUnb Iymºv. tIcf aoUnb A°m-Za- nbpw lb¿ sk°≠dn hIp∏pw kwbp-‡a- mbn Fd-Wm-Ipfw Bio¿`-h\ - n¬ kwL-Sn-∏n® NXp¿Zn\ Iymºn¬ kwÿm-\sØ 14 Pn√-I-fn¬ \n∂v sXc-s™-Sp-°-s∏´ 40 hnZym¿∞n-I-fmWv ]s¶-Sp-Ø-Xv. Iymºv a{¥n sI. _m_p DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp. tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚Wn A≤y£w hln-®p. am[y-ac- w-Kt- Øbv°v IS-∂p-hc- m≥ Xm¬]-cy-ap≈ hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°p≈ {]mY-anI ]cn-io-e\ - I - f- c- n-sb∂ e£yØnemWv Iymºn\v XpS°w Ipdn-®-Xv. F∂m¬ s{]m^-j-W¬ am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-tc-°mƒ IyXy-X-tbmsS Hmtcm L´hpw kPo-h-am-°nb hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ Iymºns\ {]Xn`-I-fpsS kwK-a-am-°n. am[ya temIsØ {]ap-J¿ A\p-`-h-ß-fpsS t\¿°m-gvN-bp-ambn Ip´n-Iƒ°v apºn-se-Øn. hm¿Ø-bpsS hnkva-btemIw Xpd∂v {]K¬`-cmb am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ ap∂n¬ h∂-t∏mƒ tNmZy-i-c-ß-tfm-sS-bmWv Ip´n-Iƒ FXn-tc-‰-Xv. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ _me-]m-T-ß-fn¬ \n∂v Hcp ]{Xw hmb-\-°m-cs‚ ssIbn-se-Øp-∂-Xn\p apºp≈ A®-Sn-h-sc-bp≈ hnhn[ hi-߃ hnZ-Kv[¿ Ip´nIƒ°v ]I¿∂p \¬In. hm¿Ø-sb∂ Akw-kvIrX hkvXp-˛-]-{X-sa∂ cq]-Øn-se-Øp∂ k¶o¿ÆX XnI®pw efn-X-ambn lb¿ sk°-≠dn XeØnep≈ hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°p apºn¬ Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p-I-sb∂ ZuXyw A[ym]I¿ `wKn-bm-°n. ¢mkp-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ Iymºn-te-s°-Ønb AXnYnIƒ \msf-bm-cm-IWw F∂ kz]v\-km-£m¬°m-c-Øn-te-°p≈ hgnIm´nI-fm-bn c≠v aWn-°q-tdmfw sNe-h-gn-®p. sF.-F.-F-kv. F∂ kz]v\w ssIsb-Øn-∏n-Sn-°m≥ X\n-°p-≠mb {]tNm-Z-\w-˛B kz]v\-]-Z-Øn-se-Ønb X\n°v sNbvXp-Xo¿°m-\p≈ henb Imcy-߃ F√mw IfIvS¿ hni-Zo-I-cn-®p. knhn¬ k¿hokv ]co-£bv°v tIc-f-Øn¬ \n∂v c≠mw dm¶v t\Snb Bi APnXv ITn-\m-[zm\w ssIap-X-em-bp-s≠-¶n¬ kz]v\w ImWp-∂-sX√mw ssIsb-Øn-∏n-Sn-°m-sa∂ Bfl-hn-izmkw Hmtcm-cp-Ø¿°pw ]I¿∂p \¬In. Iymºns‚ Ah-km-\-Zn-\-Øn¬ Xnc-°-YmIrØpw ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-\p-amb cRvPn ]Wn-°¿ AXn-Yn-bm-sb-Øn. ae-bmf at\m-ca FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ Ub-d-IvS¿ tXmakv tP°-_v, aoUnb A°m-Zan sk{I-´dn F.-F. l°nw, Zo]nI FUn-‰¿ sPt°m_n, am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cmb F. kl-tZ-h≥, B‚Wn tPm¨, Fkv. lcn-Ir-jvW≥, ]n.-F≥. thWp-tKm-]m¬, sI.-Pn. tPymXn¿tLmjv, tcWp cma-\m-Yv, tPm¿Pv ]pfn-°≥, aoUnb A°m-Z-an-bnse A[ym-]-I-cmb sI. tla-e-X, sI. APn-Xv, {]ikvX t^mt´m-{Km-^¿ ^ntdmkv _m_p F∂n-h¿ ¢mkp-Iƒ \bn-®p. F≥. cmtPjv, ssj\kv am¿t°m-kv, Bkn^v sdPp F∂n-h¿ Iymºn\v t\XrXzw \¬In. Iymºns‚ hm¿Ø-Iƒ Dƒs∏-SpØn Ip´n-Iƒ Xøm-dm-°nb em_v tP¿W¬ "aoUnb _Uvkv ' kam-]\ NS-ßn¬ Pn.-kn.-Un.-F. sNb¿am≥ F≥. thWp-tKm-]m¬ {]Im-i\w sNbvXp. Iymºn¬ \S∂ hnhn[ a¬k-c-ß-fn¬ hnP-bn-I-fm-b-h¿°p≈ kΩm-\-Zm-\hpw k¿´n-^n-°‰v hnX-c-Whpw At±lw \n¿h-ln-®p. Akn. sk{I-´dn F≥.-]n. kt¥m-jv, tUm. Akow kn.-Fw., F. \ujm-Zv, N{μ-lm-k≥ hSp-Xe F∂n-h¿ Biw-k-b¿∏n-®p. \msf-bpsS Pzen-°p∂ am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cm-Im≥ R߃ Xøm-dm-sW∂v Htc-a-\-t msS Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp-ØmWv 40 Iuamc-{]-Xn-`-Ifpw Iymºv hn´-Xv. sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


t^m¿Øv FtÉv

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ

am-[y-a-[¿-Ωw- ]m-en-°-s∏-´n-s√-¶n¬- P-\m-[n-]-Xykw-hn-[m-\w A-´n-a-dn-°-s∏-Spw: a-{¥n- sI.- _m-_p

l-b¿-sk-°≥-≠-dn- hn-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏pw- tI-c-f- ao-Un-b- A-°m-Z-an-bpw- kw-bp-‡-am-bn- kw-L-Sn-∏n-®N-Xp¿-Zn-\- ]-T-\-Iym-ºv- t^m¿-Øv- F-tÃ-‰v- a{¥n sI. _m_p D-Zv-Lm-S-\w- sN-øp∂p i-cn-bm-b- am-[y-a[ - ¿-Ωw- ]m-en-°s- ∏-´n-s√-¶n¬- P-\m-[n-]X - y- kwhn-[m-\w A-´n-a-dn-°-s∏-Sp-sa-∂v - F-Iv-ssk-kv- ^n-j-do-kv- h-Ip-∏p- a{¥n- sI.- _m-_p.- l-b¿-sk-°≥-≠-dn- hn-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏pw- tI-c-fao-Un-b- A-°m-Z-an-bpw- kw-bp-‡-am-bn- kw-L-Sn-∏n-®- N-Xp¿-Zn-\- ]-T\-Iym-ºv- t^m¿-Øv- F-tÃ-‰v- D-Zv-Lm-S-\w- sN-bv-Xv- kw-km-cn-°p-I-bmbn-cp-∂p- A-t±-lw.-\n-e-\n¬-∏n-\m-bp-≈- a-’-c-Øn-\n-S-bn¬- am-[y-a-[¿-Ωw- hn-kva-cn-°s- ∏-SpIbmWv.- - am-[y-aß - ƒ- kz-bw- \n-b{- ¥-Wß - ƒ- ]m-en-°m≥X-øm-dm-I-Ww.- ]-{X-Øn¬- h-cp-∂-sX-√mw- i-cn-sb-∂p - hn-iz-kn-°p∂- H-cp-h-en-b- hn-`m-Kw- P-\-ß-fp-≠v.- C-h¿-°p ap-∂n¬- k-Xy-tØm-Sv{]-Xn-_-≤-X-bn-√m-sX- hm¿-Ø-Iƒ- N-a-bv-°p-∂- co-Xn- am-[y-a-߃- Dt]-£n-°W - w.- sk≥-tk-jW - ¬- hm¿-ØI - ƒ- am-{Xw- hm-bn-°p-∂- ioew- C-∂v- hym-]-I-am-hp-I-bm-Wv..- C-Xn-\v- am-‰w-h-c-Ww.- a-e-bm-fn-bp-sShm-b\ - m-kw-kvI - m-cØ - n¬- X-s∂- am-‰a- p-≠m-IW - s- a-∂pw- a-{¥n- ]-d™ - p.P-\m-[n-]-Xy-Øn-s‚- \m-emw-Xq-Wv- F-∂- \n-e-bn-em-Wv- am-[y-aß-sf- t^m¿-Øv- F-tÃ-‰v- F-∂v- hn-ti-jn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv.- a-‰v- aq-∂v- Xq-

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

Wp-I-fpw- hy-h-ÿm-]n-X-am-bn- {]-h¿-Øn-°p-tºmƒ- am-[y-a-߃-°ven-Jn-X- \n-b-a-ß-fn-√.- am-[y-a-߃- Xn-cp-ج- i-‡n-bm-bm-Wv- {]h¿-Øn-°p-∂-Xv.- am-[y-a- {]-h¿-Ø-I¿- A-en-Jn-X-am-b- H-cp-]m-Sv- \nb-a-߃-°v- hn-t[-b-cm-th-≠-Xp-≠v.- A-Xp-X-s∂-bm-Wv- s]m-Xp-k-aql-hpw- B-h-iy-s∏-Sp-∂-sX∂v A-[y-£- {]-kw-K-Øn¬- tI-c-f- aoUn-b-A-°m-Z-an- sN-b¿-am≥- sk¿-Pn- B‚-Wn- ]-d-™p.Pn-√m- C≥-^¿-ta-j≥- Hm-^o-k¿- N-{μ-lm-k≥- h-Sp-Xe - ,- _n-tPm-bv- (Pn-√m- tIm-˛-Hm¿-Un-t\-‰¿,- kn-Pn- &- F-kn,- lb¿-sk-°≠-dn- h-Ip-∏v-),- tI-c-f- ao-Un-b- A-°m-Z-an- C≥-Ãn-‰yq-´v- Hm^v- I-Ωyq-Wn-t°-j≥- U-b-d-Iv-S¿- Fw.- cm-a-N-{μ≥- F-∂n-h¿- Biw-k-I-f¿-∏n-®p.- l-b¿-sk-°-≠-dn- h-Ip-∏v- I-cn-b¿- ssK-U≥-kvtÃ-‰v- tIm-˛-Hm¿-Un-t\-‰¿- tUm.- A-kow-.- kn.-Fw. kzm-K-X-hpw- Iymºv- Hm-^o-k¿- ssj-\-kv- am¿-t°m-kv- \-μn-bpw- ]-d-™p. l-b¿ sk°-≠-dn- hn-Zym¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bp-≈- \m-ev- Zn-h-k-sØ- Iym-ºn¬- hn-hn[- Pn-√-I-fn¬- \n-∂p-≈- sX-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-´- 40 hn-Zym¿-∞n-Iƒ]-s¶-Sp-Øp.-

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ

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kn-\n-a km-[m-c-W-°m-c-s≥d {]-iv-\-߃ A-h-K-Wn-°p∂p : B¿.i-cXv Pohn-X-K-‘nbm-b kn-\n-a-Iƒ-t° t{]-£-I-lr-Z-b-߃ Io-g-S°m-\m-Iq F-∂ Xn-c-n-®-dn-hm-Wv kn-\n-am-ta-J-e-sb- X-I¿-®-bn¬ \n∂v I-c-I-b-‰m-\p-≈ G-I-h-gn-sb-∂v kw-hn-[m-b-I≥ B¿.i-cXv. a-\p-jr-s‚ B-kzm-Z\ - X - e-sØ hn-ZK - v[ - am-bn D-]t- bm-Ks- ∏-Sp-Øp∂-h-\m-Wv \√ kw-hn-[m-b-I≥. kn\n-a kw-hn-[m-b-Is‚ I-e-bmsW-∂v ]-e-t∏mgpw ]-dbm-dp-s≠-¶nepw C-Xv ]q¿-Æ-ambpw i-cn-sb∂v hn-i-z-kn-°p-∂n√. kw-hn-[m-b-I≥ `m-h-\-bn¬- Im-Wp-∂ Im-cy߃ kv-{Io-\n-se-Øp-∂-Xph-sc \n-c-h-[n- t]-cp-sS Iq-´m-bv-a-bn-emWv cq-]w sIm-≈p-∂-Xv. Cu -X-e-ß-fn-se√mw -]q¿-Æ-X-bp-≠m-bm¬ am-{X-ta an-I-s®m-cp kn-\n-a- ]nd-hn-sb-Sp-°p-Ibp≈p. F√m I- e m- c q- ] - ß fp- s Sbpw A- S n- ÿ m- \ w Ctamj≥˛ emotions- X-s∂-bmWv. kn-\n-a-bp-sSbpw t_-kn-Iv {Kma¿ C-tamj-\m-Wv F-°m-e-Øpw. C-Xn-s\ Im-e-L-´-Øn-\-\p-k-cn-®v {So-‰v sNøp-tºm-gm-Wv \√ kn-\n-a-bp-≠m-Ip-∂Xv. C-tam-j-s\ Fß-s\ hyXy-kv-X-am-bn A-h-X-cn-∏n°mw F-∂m-Wv kw-hn-[m-b-I≥ B-tem-Nnt°-≠Xv. a-\p-jy-s‚ C-tam-j-W¬ _m-‰-dn-sb do-Nm¿-Pv sN-øp-Ibm-Wv kn-\n-a-bp-sS e-£yw. kw-kv-Im-c-Øn-s‚ A-Sn-Ø-d-bn¬ \n-∂v cq-]-s∏-Sp-∂ kn-\n-aIƒ D-≠m-I-Ww. t_m-[-h-¬I-c-W-Øn-\v kn-\n-a-tbm-fw i-‡am-b am-[y-aw C-∂n√. H-cm-fpsS a-\-kn¬ \n-cm-i-bp-sS hn-Øp-]-m-Ip-∂ k-tμ-i-߃ kn-\n-a-bn-eq-sS \¬-Ip-∂Xn-t\m-Sv tbm-Pn-°m-\m-hn√. kn-\n-a-bn¬ sk≥-k-dn-ßv thtWm F∂ tNmZyw Im-e-ß-fmbp-≈-Xm-Wv.C‚¿-s\-‰v ku-I-cy-߃ D-]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ hn-Zym`ym-kap-≈ X-ea- p-db - p-sS ImeØv sk≥-kd- n-ßn-s‚ {]k-‡n F-{X-tØmf-am-sW-∂v B-tem-Nn-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. a-eb - m-fkn-\n-a˛Ip-d® - p-Iq-Sn hn-im-eam-b X-eØ - n¬ ]-d™ - m¬ C-¥y≥ kn-\n-a s{]m-^j - W - e - n-kØ - n-s‚ Ipd-hv t\-cn-Sp-∂p≠v. \Ωƒ kn\na-sb kao-]n-°p∂-Xv dn-th-gvk - v Kn-bd- n-emWv. hn-tZ-ic- m-Pyß-fn¬ kn\n-a sN-øm-\m-{K-ln-°p-∂b - mƒ B-Zy-at- \z-jn-°p∂-Xv \s√m-cp Xn-c° - Y - b - m-Wv.\-s√mcp Xn-c° - Y - - e`n-®m¬ I-Ym-]m-{X-߃°v A\p-tbm-Pycm-b A`n-t\-Xm°-sf A-t\z-jn-°pw.F-∂m¬ C-hnsS-bmI-s´ Xm-cØ - n-\\ - p-kc- n-®p-≈ I-Ybpw Xn-c° - Y - bpw U-bt- em-

Kp-Ifpw kr-„n-°s- ∏-Sp-Ib - m-Wv. CØ-cs- am-cp A-hÿ - b - n¬ s{]m^-jW - e - n-kw Ip-d™ - - n-°p-∂ kn\n-aI - f- p-sS F-Æh - pw. C-¥y≥ kn-\n-aI - ƒ Im-Wp-∂ H-cp- a-dp-\m-´p-Imc-\v \-Ωp-sS kwkvI - m-cs- a-s¥t∂m Po-hn-Xk - m-lN - c- y-߃ F-s¥t∂m a-\ - n-em-°m≥ I-gn-bn√. \-Ωp-sS kn-\n-aI - ƒ km-[m-cW - ° - m-cs- ≥d {]-iv\ - ß - ƒ Ah-KW - n-°p∂p.Po-hn-Xh - p-am-bn _-‘a- n√mØ,hn-t\m-ZØ - n-\v am-{X-am-bpf-f kn-\n-aI - f- m-Wv a-eb - m-fØ - n-epƒs∏-sS ]p-dØ - n-dß - p-∂X - v. kn-\n-ab - n¬ ]-et- ∏mgpw \n-i– - X-°v G-sd {]m-[m-\y-ap≠v. Po-hnX-Øn-epw. a-eb - m-fn-bp-sS `m-hß - ƒ ]-et- ∏m-gpw ssN-\° - m-cp-tS-Xn-\v k-am-\a- mWv. kw-kI v- m-cß - ƒ X-Ωn-ep-≈ km-ay-am- I - mw C-Xn\v Im-cWw.a-eb - m-fn-bp-sS Ic-®n¬ t]mepw a-‰p-≈h - c- p-tSXn¬ \n-∂v hn-`n-∂a- mWv. Cß- s \- s bm- s °- b m- s W¶nepw B-Xy-¥n-Iam-b hn-Imc-߃ F√m-bn-S-Øpw H-cp t]m-se-bm-Wv.B-hp∂-{X hmbn-°p-I, Po-hn-Xw t\m-°nIm-Wp-I, C-Xn-s\√m-ap]-cn H-cp \√ a-\p-jy-\mIp-I . C{X-sb√m-amWv kw-hn-[m-bI - \m-Im≥ th-≠ A-Sn-ÿm-\Im-cy-ßs- f-∂v ic-Xv ]d™p

sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


t^m¿Øv FtÉv

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ

tkmjy¬ ao-Un-b Bib{]Im-i\Øns‚ Xp-d∂ - I-tºm-fw: c-¨Pn- ]-Wn-°¿

Bibm-hn-jv-Im-c-Øn-s‚ A-\-¥-km-[y-X-bm-Wv tkm-jy¬ aoUn-b-bp-sS -I-S-∂ph-c-thm-sS Xpd-∂p In-´n-bn-cn-°p-∂-sX-∂v -{]-apJ -Xn-c-°-Ym-Ir-Øv c-¨Pn- ]-Wn-°¿. \-Ωp-sS Im-gv-N-∏m-Sp-Ifpw {]-Xn-I-c-W-ßfpw {]-Xn-tj-[hpw cm-{„o-b-\n-e-]m-Sp-Ifpw h y-‡-am-°m-≥ ]-cn-an-Xam-b πm‰v-t^m-ap-Ifm-Wv ap≥-Im-e-ß-fn¬ D-≠m-bn-cp-∂Xv. F-Un-‰¿ F-∂- hyh-ÿm-]nX- I-S-º I-S-∂p-In-´n-bm¬ am-{X-ta B-i-b-hn-\na-bw km-[ y-am-bn-cp∂p-≈q. F-∂m¬ C-∂v ÿn-Xn- am-dn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. hn-a¿i-\tam {]-Xn-Ic-Wtam {]-Xn-tj-[tam F-¥n\pw A-hk-ct- a-Ip-∂ ˛k`y-a√m-Ø X-eØ - n¬ t]mepw˛ Xp-d∂ - I-tºm-fa- mbn tkm-jy¬ ao-Un-b- am-dn-°-gn-™p. Cu- X-e-Øn¬ ao-Un-b- F-Øn-Ivkv AY-hm am-[ya-[¿-Ωw ]m-en-°-s∏-Sp-∂pt≠m {^o -{]-kn-s‚ AXn¿-h-c-ºp-Iƒ- G-sX√m-am-Wv F-∂o hn-j-b-ßfn-se√mw N¿-® -th≠-≠XmWv. ]-{X-Øn-s‚ -H-∂mw -t]-Pn-sem-cp Xn-cp-Øv sIm-Sp-°p-I-sb∂m¬ A-Xp-am-bn _-‘s∏-´p- \n¬-°p-∂ ]-{X-{]-h¿-ØI-s‚bpw F-Un-‰d- psSbpw Hu-tZym-Kn-IP - o-hn-XØ - n-se I-dp-Ø G-Sm-bncp-∂ Ime-ap≠m-bn-cp-∂p. F-∂m¬ C-∂v H-cp hm¿-Ø t{_-°v sN-bv-Xv an-\n´p-Iƒ°-Iw tJ-Z{]-IS-\w t]m-ep-an√m-sX ]n≥-h-en-°m≥ a-Sn-bn-√mØ- X-c-Øn-te°v am-[ya-tem-Iw am-dn-°-gn-™p. C-¥y≥ ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-\-N-cn{Xw kzm-X-{¥yk-a-c-Øn-s‚ N-cn-

{X-hp-am-bn C-g tN¿-∂p-\n-¬°p-∂-Xm-Wv. tZio-b-{]-ÿm-\-Øn-s‚ Xo-Pzm-e-I-fn¬ kz-bw tlm-an-®h - c- m-bn-cp-∂p A∂-sØ ]-{X-{]-h¿-ØI¿. A-h¿°v ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-\w sXm-gn-em-bncp-∂n√. kzm-X-{¥yw F-∂ a-lØm-b e-£yØn-te-°p-≈ am¿-K-ßfn-sem-∂m-bn-cp∂p. 1975 \p ti-j-am-Wv km-t¶-Xn-I-hn-ZybpsS h-f¿-®bvs°m-∏w am-[ya-temI-Øv a-’-cØn-\v XpS-°w Ip-dn-®Xv. kzm-X-{¥rk-a-cImeØv tZ-io-b{- ]-ÿm-\Ø - n-s‚ `m-Ka- m-bn Bcw-`n-® ]-{X-߃ t]m-epw Cu a-’-c-Øn-te°v FØn-s∏-´p. Iq-Sp-X¬ F-Un-j-\pIƒ, Iq-SpX¬ hm-b-\-°m¿ F∂ e£y-Øn-se-Øm≥ hm¿-Ø-bp-sS A-h-X-c-W-Ønepw te Hu-´n-epsa√mw Xn-I-™ s{]m-^-j-W-en-kw F-∂ coXn-bn-te-°v Im-cy߃ amdn. {]m-tZ-in-I-X-e-Øn-ep-≈ ]-e km-[m-c-W hm¿-Ø-Ifpw hm-b\-°m-c-s‚ e-fn-Xam-b hn-Im-cß-sf D-W¿-Øp-∂ X-c-Øn-¬ am‰n H∂mw -t]-Pp-I-fn-seØn®p. ]-{X-`m-j-bn¬ \n-∂v am-K-kn≥ tP¿-Wen-k-Øn-s‚ X-e-Øn-te°v H-cp h-gp-Xn-ho-g-se-∂v tXm-∂n-°p-∂ hn[-Øn-te-°v `mj amdn. aebmfam[yataJebn¬ aoUnb FØnIv-kns\°pdn®v ]dbptºmƒ X\n\ndw ]{XsØ°pdn®v ]dbmsX hø. A{Kkohv tPWenkØns‚ XpS°w X\n\ndØn¬ \n∂mbncp∂p. Hmtcm Znhkhpw cm{„ob°mcpw t\Xm°fpw Dƒ`-btØmsSbmWv X\n\ndØns‚ hm¿ØIƒ t\m°n°≠Xv. aoUnb FØnIvk - n\p tNcmØ hm¿ØIfmWv X\n\ndØn¬ h∂ncp∂sX¶nepw k¿°mcn\pw - D ∂XcpsS \b߃°psa- X nsc `ban√msX FgpXm\p≈ N¶pd∏mWv X\n\ndw Irjv - W ≥ \m- b ¿°v ssIapXembncp∂Xv. sk≥tkjWenkØns‚ hcthmsS am[ya[¿ΩØns‚ ImcyØn¬ XI¿® t\cn´psh∂v kΩXn°msX hø. F√m taJebnepw D≠mbn´p≈ aqeyNypXnbpsS {]Xn^e\w am{XamWv am[yataJebnepap≠mbn´p≈Xv. tPmen sNøp∂ ÿm]\Øns‚ Xm¬]cytØmsSm∏w [¿Ωt_m[w ]q¿Æambpw ssIshSnbmsX kq£n°m≥ Ign™m¬ am{Xta hcpwImeßfn¬ am[ya[¿Ωw kwc£n°m\mIqsb∂v c-¨Pn- ]-Wn-°¿ ]d™p.

tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan `c-W-k-anXn sNb¿am≥: sk¿Pn B‚Wn (Zo-]n-I) sshkv sNb¿am≥: sI. kn. cmP-tKm-]m¬ (at\m-c-a) kanXn AwK-߃: Fw. Fkv. chn (tI-c-f-Iu-ap-Zn), F≥. cmtPjv (am-[y-aw), sI. Fw. tdmbv, kn. F≥. taml-\≥ (tZ-im-`n-am-\n), ]n. kpPm-X≥, t__n amXyp (Po-h≥ Snhn), C. ]n. jmPp-±o≥ (aw-K-fw), Fkv. _nPp (Gjym-s\‰v \yqkv), sNdp-Ic kÆn eqt°mkv (tIc-f-i_vZw), sP. Fkv. Cμp-Ip-am¿ (P-bvlnμv Snhn), Sn. B¿. a[p-Ip-am¿ (tZ-im-`n-am\n hmcn-I), _nPp h¿§okv (aw-K-fw), Fw.-]n. kqcy-Zmkv (amXr`qan), hn. F. kenw (am[yaw), ]n. ]n. kÆn (Zo]nI), It°m-S≥ apl-Ω-Zv, Ub-d-IvS¿ (]ªnIv dnte-j≥kv), sk{I-´dn (^n\m≥kv Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v), sk{I´dn (P\-d¬ AUvan-\n-kvt{Sj≥) sk{I-´dn: F. F. l°ow, Akn. sk{I-´dn: sI. B¿. {]tam-ZvIp-am¿ sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


Go from Relationships to Referrals

By MAHER, MICHAEL J. Published by: Piatkus (London) 1st Ed. 161pages; Price : 350.00

In any business the best projects come from referrals. So what if you had, at your fingertips, a fool-proof system for exploding your business by word of mouth? The Seven Levels of Communication tells the entertaining and educational story of Rick Masters. Down on his luck, overweight, cynical and with nothing to lose, Rick meets Michelle, a mortgage professional who has built a successful business without advertising or personal promotion. Sceptical, he agrees to accompany her to a conference to learn more about her mysterious methods, and then becomes her student. Rick soon discovers that the rewards for implementing these strategies are far greater than he had ever imagined. As his business grows, Rick rediscovers significance and meaning in his life, sees his self-image and personal relationships improve and finds authentic happiness through service to others. In The Seven Levels of Communication, readers will learn the specific strategies that helped Rick go from relationships to referrals. Each chapter is filled with tools, tips and techniques that readers can begin to use immediately for business and personal success.


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Media, Magnates, Netas and Me

By VINOD MEHTA Published by: Penguin Books (Haryana) 1st Ed. 281pages; Price : 599.00

Vinod Mehta’s new book takes forward the story of Lucknow Boy, recounting his experiences in the corridors of power in Delhi. His views on Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal and the NehruGandhi dynasty and his decoding of coalition politics and the significant changes ushered in by the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, are expressed with his characteristic sharp insights, wit and wisdom. So too are his analyses of the sweeping changes taking place in the print and TV media and his pen portraits of personalities such as Ratan Tata, Niira Radia, Khushwant Singh, Sachin Tendulkar and Arundhati Roy. Other chapters examine the lack of humour in our political life, the changing aspirations of the Indian middle class and the mistakes and regrets of his life. Peppered with anecdotes and gossip, every page of this honest, lively and irreverent book is both illuminating and entertaining.

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temIw I≠ hc A¥¿t±iob am[yacwKsØ {]ikvXamb Im¿´qWpIsf ]cnNbs∏SpØpIbmWv Cu ]w‡nbn¬. amXr`qan Im¿´qWnÃmb tKm]oIrjvW\mWv Ch Xncs™SpØv AhXcn∏n°p∂Xv.

dm^Øv A¬J-Xo_v Im¿´q¨ Nncn-°m≥ am{X-ap-≈X - √ F∂v ASnhc-bn-Sp∂ \nc-h[n Im¿´qWp-Iƒ Cu \mfp-I-fn¬ hc-bv°-s∏-SpIbp≠m-bn. C…m-anIv tÉv `oI-c-Xbv°pw hnk \ntj-[n® Im\-Ubv°pw CS-bn¬ s]´p-t]mb A`-bm¿Yn _mes‚ lrZ-b-t`-Z-I-amb t^mt´msb Ah-ew-_n®v tPm¿±m≥ Im¿´q-WnÃv dm^Øv A¬J-Xo_v hc® Im¿´q¨. \nkm≥ \yqkv F∂ Hm¨sse≥ ]{X-Øns‚ Im¿´q-Wn-ÃmWv A¬J-Xo_v. tKm]oIrjvWs‚ C˛sabn¬: Printed and Published by N. P. Santhosh, On behalf of the Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Published from Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030; Printed at Sterling Print House Pvt Ltd, Edappally; Editor: Sergy Antony

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Zmcn-{Zy-Øn-s‚bpw Acm-P-I-Xz-Øn-s‚bpw thZ-\ t]dp∂ A^vKm≥ _me≥. 1979-˛se djy≥ bp≤w apX¬ C∂pw XpS-cp∂ Ata-cn-°≥ A[n-\n-th-iØnepw A`bm¿∞n-I-fm-tI-≠n-h-cp∂ A^vKm≥ P\-XbpsS thZ-\-bpsS t\¿°m-gvN-bm-hp-I-bmWv Cu Nn{Xw. temI-a-\x-km-£n-°p-ap-∂n¬ \nc-h[n tNmZy-ß-fpW¿Øp∂ Cu Nn{Xw ]mIn-ÿm-\n¬\n∂v Iyma-d-bn¬ ]I¿Øn-bXv 2013-˛¬ anI® t^mt´m-{Km-^¿°p≈ ]pen-‰vk¿ ]pc-kvImcw t\Snb apl-ΩZv alvkn-\m-Wv.

apl-ΩZv alvkn≥ sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015


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Public Relations & Advertising Ramachandran Mammayil


Ð Dr. A. Michael Puthenthara

tIm∏n-Iƒ°v sk{I-´-dn, tIcf aoUnb A°m-Z-an, Im°-\m-Sv, sIm®n ˛ 682 030 t^m¨ : 0484 2422275, E-mail: sk]vXw-_¿ ˛ HIvtSm-_¿ 2015

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