Media february march 17

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s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


kztZ-im-`n-am\n ˛ tIkcn ]pc-kvIm-c-k-a¿∏W NS-ßn-t\m-S-\p-_-‘n®v {]ikvX kn\n-am-Xmcw aRvPp-hm-cy¿ Ah-X-cn-∏n® \rØw 2

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017 l ]pkvXIw 5 l e°w 5 l hne `20




]m\am t]t∏gvkpw tÃmw te°nse t]∏dpw


A\-iz-c-Nn{Xw s\t©mSp tN¿Øv \n°v Du´v hncan-°p∂p



C.]n. jmPp-Zo≥

Aßs\ {Sw]pw "\√-h-\mbn'


hn._n. ]c-ta-iz-c≥ Speak up Now or Hold Your Tongue Forever Sandhya Ravishankar


kztZ-im-`n-am\n-˛tIkcn Ahm¿Uv


]nW-dmbn hnP-b≥ Evolution of Farm Journaslim in Malayalam Dr. Anil Kumar Vadavathoor


tPW-en-Ãp-I-fpsS bpKm¥yw


Public Relations in Developing Countries - A Different Perspective on PR in India J.V. Vil’anilam


Tabloidization of Indian News


sI´p-I-Y-Iƒ ]¥en-°p∂ Ncn-{X-t_m[w


APbv ]n. aßm´v



A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ




temIw I≠ hc


sI.F¬. taml\h¿Ω Does Digitization Affect Senior Freelance Journalists? Shoma A. Chatterji


s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017




- v- Hm-∏-td-j-s‚- (H-fn-am-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø-\w)- ss\-Xn-I-XM tI-c-f-Øn¬- h¿-Ø-am-\-Im-e-Øp k-Po-hN¿-®-bm-Wv.H-cp- ]p-Xn-b- Zr-iy-am-[y-aw- K-W-]-Xn-°p Ip-dn-®p \-S-Øn-b- "-Ãn-Mv-'- H-cp- a-{¥n-bp-sS- cm-Pn-bn¬- F-Øn.]-t£- "-l-Wn -{Sm-∏v-'- \-S-Øn-b- Nm-\¬,- Zn-h-k-߃-°p-≈n¬X-߃-°p ]-‰n-b- "-h-en-b- ]n-g-'bn¬-- kz-bw- am-∏n-c-∂p.- Xp-S¿-∂vs]m-eo-kv- \-S-]-Sn-bpw- tIm-S-Xn- hy-h-lm-c-hp-am-bn.-


Editor R. S. Babu Editorial Board K.C. Rajagopal George Podippara Printer & Publisher K. G. Santhosh Co-ordinating Editor K.R. Pramod Kumar Editorial Co-ordination Sreeja Balachandran Marketing In Charge Shainus Markose Design & Layout Chetana Media, Kottayam Address ‘Media’ Kerala Media Academy Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030 Phone: 0484 2422275 Email : Website:


s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

Nm-\¬- tem-I-Øn-se- A-\m-tcm-Kya-’-c-Øn-\n-S-bn¬ta¬-ss°- t\-Sm-≥ sk-≥tk-j-W-en-k-hpw- C-°n-fn-hm¿-Ø-bpwkz-bw- D¬-]m-Zn-∏n-°m-\p-≈- s\-t´m-´-Øn-\n-S-bn-em-Wv- ]p-Ø-≥ Nm-\-en-\p {Sm-^n-Iv- sX-‰n-b-Xv.- B- ]-›m-Ø-e-Øn-em-Wp- Ãn-MvHm-∏-td-j-s‚- \n-bakm-[p-X-bpw- [m¿-an-I-X-bpw- tNm-Zy-am-bn-cn-°p∂-Xv.- hn-h-c-t°-Sp-I-fp-sS-bpw- hym-P-hm¿-Ø-I-fp-sS-bpw- Ip-sØm-gp°n¬- h-kv-Xp-X- H-cp- s]m-ßp-X-Sn-t]m-se- H-en-®p-t]m-Ip-∂- `o-Xn-Zam-b- H-c-h-ÿ- \m-Sv- A-`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-°p-∂p-≠v.- A-sXm-cpB-tKm-f{]-Xn-`m-k-am-Wv.- C-dm-Jn¬- cm-km-bp-[-ap-s≠-∂p {]-Ncn∏n-®- v- A-ta-cn-°- AhnsS- A-[n-\n-th-i-bp-≤w- \-S-Øp-I-bpw- k-±mwlp-ssk-s\- Xq-°n-s°m-√p-I-bpw- sN-bv-Xp.- A-Xn-\p _e-ta-Im≥ I-≈-hm¿-Ø- N-a-®-Xv- "-A-t\z-j-Wm-fl-I-'- am-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø-\ am-Wv.- A-_p-Km-c-n-_pw- Kzm-≠m-\m-a-bpw- I-em-]-Im-e-sØ- Kp-P-dmØpw- D-b¿-Øp-∂- tNm-Zy-߃ D-≈n-te-‰p-hm-ßm-\m-Im-sX- \n- mc{]iv\-ß-fn-te°v P - \ - ß - s - f- X-≈n-hn-Sp-∂X - n¬- am-[y-aß - ƒhnPbn°p-∂p.- A-Xn-\m-em-Wv 1998¬- kp-Um-\n-se- Hu-j[ - I - º - \ - nt_mw-_p-\n¿-am-W t- I-{µ-am-sW-∂v- B-tcm-]n-®v- A-ta-cn-°- X-I¿Ø-Xp hn-kva - c - n-°p-Ib - pw- sk-]v‰ - w-_¿- 11 am-{Xw- kva - cn-°p-Ib - pwsN-øp-∂X - n-se- s]m-cp-Øt- °-Sv- Xp-Sc - p-∂X - v.- am-[y-aß - f - p-sS- A-¥ n-\pw- \n-e\ - nev] - n-\pw -th-≠n- t]m-cm-Sp-∂-Xn-s\m-∏w- am-[y-a-sØhn-a¿-i-\m-fl-I-am-bn- k-ao-]n-°p-I-bpw th-Ww.- A-ß-s\-sbm-cpam-[y-a-km-£-c-X- k-aq-l-Øn¬- h-f¿-Øn-sb-Sp-°p-I-bm-Wp th≠[y-a{]-h¿-Ø-\w- ]-g-b-Im-e- D-]-I-c-W-ß-fn¬- H-Xp-ßp--∂X-√.- a-\p-jy-≥ C-∂v- A-ºn-fn-b-Ωm-h-s\- ]n-Sn-°p-I-bpw- B- A-ºnfn-b-Ωm-h-s‚- ao-tX- ]-d-∂p- "-sNm-∆-'-bn¬- a-\p-jy-s\- F-Øn-°m-≥ b-Xv-\n-°p-I-bp-am-Wv.- sNm-∆m-tZm-j-sØ-∏-‰n-bp-≈- sX-‰n-≤m-c-Wbv-°v- A-Sn-ÿm-\-an-s√-∂p- "-aw-Kƒ-bm-≥'- hn-P-b-I-c-am-bn- hn-t£ -]n-®- C-¥y-bp-sS- Zu-Xyw- t_m-[y-am-°n.- Cu- Im-e-Øv- A-t\z-jWm-fl-Iam-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø-\-Øn-\v- D-]-{K-l-ß-sf-bpw- am-[y-a-ÿm]\-߃-t°m- am-[y-a{]-h¿-Ø-I¿t°m- D-]-tbm

-Kn-°mw.B-[p-\n-Ikm-t¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-bp-sS- hn-I-kn-XL-´Øn¬- B- km-t¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-Iq-Sn- {]-tbm-P-\-s∏SpØn- \m-Sv- A-dn-tb-≠- "-k-Xyw-'- sh-fn-®-Øm-°pIsb-∂-Xp- am-[y-a-[¿-a-am-Wv.- A-Xn-\m¬- th-j-{]-—∂]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-\-tam- H-fn-Iym-a-d- am-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø -\-tam- \n-b-aw aq-ew- \n-tcm-[n-°-W-sa-∂v- B-sc-¶nepw- i-Tn-®m¬- A-Xp- i-cn-bm-In-√.am-[y-ahn-kv-t^m-S-\w- kw-`-hn-°p-∂-Xv- A-Xn-Poh-\-Øn-s‚- h-gn- hn-fw-_-cw- sN-øp-tºm-gm-Wv.- A-Xp Nn-e-t∏mƒ- H-cp- P-\-k-aq-lw- A-\p-`-hn-°p-∂- km-aqln-I-hpw- cm-{„o-b-hp-am-b- {]-Xn-k‘n-Iƒ- a-dn-I-S°m-\p-≈- C-Øn-cn-sh-´-am-Ipw.- a-\p-jyk-aq-l-Øn-s‚h-f¿-®-bn¬- Du¿-Pw- D¬-]m-Zn-∏n-°m-≥ km-[y-amIp-∂- am-[y-a-sh-fn-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ- th-Ww.- A-hIm-em-Xn-h¿-Øn-I-fm-Ip-w-.- A-ß-s\-bp-≈- sh-fn-s∏-SpØ-ep-Iƒ-°p- am-[y-a-ß-fpw- am-[y-a{]-h¿-Ø-I-cpwkzo-I-cn-t°-≠- am¿-K-߃- G-sX-∂- tNm-Zyw- kzm-`mhn-Iw.- ]-t£,- tNm-Zy-sØ- km-[q-I-cn-°p-∂-XpI-s≠-Øp-∂- sh-fn-s∏-Sp-Ø-en-s‚- km-aq-ly{]-k‡ ]-bn-- k¿-°m¿- A-[n-Im-cØ - n-en-cn-°p-tºmgm-Wp _n-sP-]n- {]-kn-U‚ - v- _w-Km-cp- e-£va - ¨ - tIm-Sn-Iƒ- ssI-°q-en- hm-ßp-∂- Zr-iy-߃- Ãn-MvHm-∏-td-j-\n-eq-sS- ]p-d-Øp-h-∂-Xv.- A-Xn-eq-sS"-sX-l¬-I-'-sb- \m-Sp- a-\- n-em-°n.- a-s‰m-cp- Ãn-MvHm-∏-td-j-\n-eq-sS- ]-W-hpw- kv-{Xo-bpw- {]-Xn-tcm-[ -I-cm-dp-Iƒ- X-c-s∏-Sp-Øm-≥ D-]m-[n-bm-bn-cn-°p-∂psh-∂- v- D-tZym-K-ÿ¿- sh-fn-s∏-Sp-Øn.- tPm¿-Pvs^¿-Wm-≠-kv- {]-Xn-tcm-[-a-{¥n-bm-bn-cn-t°- A-t±-lØn-\pw- A-Xn¬- ]-¶p-s≠-∂v- "-H-fn-Iym-a-d-'- am-[y-a {]-h¿-Ø-\w- hy-‡-am-°n.Kp-P-dm-Øv- I-em-]-sØ°p-dn-®v- ap-Jy-a-{¥n-bmbn-cn-t°- \-tc-{µ- tam-Un-°v- A-dn-hp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p sh-∂v- sh-fn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂- Ãn-Mv- Hm-∏t- d-j\ - p≠m-bn._n-lm-dn¬- Z-fn-Xv- Iq-´s - °m-e \ - S- Ø - n-b- c-¨h - o¿tk-\b - n-se- Aw-Kß - s - f- sh-fn-®Ø - p- sIm-≠p-h∂ - X - p tIm-{_m -t]m-Ãv- Ãn-Mv- Hm-∏-td-j-\n-eq-sS-bm-bncp-∂p.-- A-Xv- Po-h-≥ ]-W-bw-h-®p \-S-Øn-b- am-[y-a{]h¿-Ø-\-am-bn-cp-∂p.- ]-›n-a-_w-Km-fn-se- Xr-W-aq¬-

a-{¥n-am¿-°v- Dƒ-s∏-sS- ]-¶p-≈- tIm-g- C-S-]m-Sp "-\m-c-Z- \yq-kv-'- Ãn-ßn-eq-sS- ]p-d-Øp-sIm-≠p-h-cnI-bpw- kn-_n-sF- tI-kv- F-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-I-bp-am-Wv.H-cp- L-´-Øn¬- U¬-ln- ssl-t°m-S-Xn-bn¬Hfn-am-[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚- \n-b-a-km-[p-XtNm-Zyw-sN-øp-∂- l¿-Pn- h-∂-t∏mƒ- Ãn-Mv- Zr-iy߃- sS-en-Im-Ãv- sN-øpw-ap-ºv- K-h-¨-sa-‚ n-s‚ap-≥Iq¿- A-\p-a-Xn- t\-S-W-sa-∂p \n¿-tZ-in-®p.F-∂m¬, a-s‰m-cp- tI-kn¬- kp-{]o-w -tIm-S-Xn- am-[ya-kzm-X-{¥y-Øn¬- Ãn-Mv- Hm-∏-td-j-\pw- Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂psh-∂v- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®p.- ]-t£- s]m-Xp-XmXv-]-cy-ap-≈hn-j-b-am-bn-cn-°-W-sa-∂v- D-d-∏p-h-cp-Ø-W-sa-∂pw\n-jv-I¿-jn-®p.- F-∂m¬,- "-Ãn-Mv-'- Zp-cp-]-tbm-K-s∏-SpØp-I-bpw- \n-cp-Ø-c-hm-Z-]-c-am-bn- {]-tbm-Kn-°pI-bpw- sN-øp-∂- Ht´sd kw-`-h-߃- D-≠m-Ip-∂p.tI-c-f-Øn-se- kw-`-h-Øn-\p sXm-´p-ap-ºp"-Ãn-Mv'- Im-c-Ww- H-cp- a-e-bm-fn- P-hm-≥ B-fl-l-XysN-bv-X-Xp Izn-‚ v- hm¿-Øm- sh-_v-ssk-‰v- \-S-Øn-b"-hm¿-Øm-kv-t^m-S-\-'-Øm-em-Wv.- ssk-\y-Øn-se\o-Xn-tI-Sp- ]p-d-Øp-sIm-≠p-h-∂- ssk-\n-I-s‚ho-Un-tbm- ]p-d-Øp-h-∂p.- ]-t£,- A-Xv- B- P-hm-s‚A-dn-hn-√m-sX-bm-bn-cp-∂p.- C-tX-Øp-S¿-∂p-≈- `o-Xn Im-cWam-Wp Phm≥- BfllXy- sNbv-XsX∂pIp-Spw_w- A`n-{]m-bs∏´p.-- Cu- kw-`-h-sØ -Xp-S¿-∂v- B-fl-l-Xymt{]-c-W-°p-‰w- Dƒ-s∏-sS-bp-≈h-Ip-∏p-Iƒ- tN¿-Øp sh-_v-ssk-‰n-s‚- te-Jn-I]q-\w- A-K¿-hm-fn-s\-Xn-tc- a-lm-cm-{„- s]m-eo-kvtI-sk-Sp-Øp.Ãn-Mv- Hm-∏t- d-j≥ - Dƒ-s∏-sS-bp-≈- am-[y-a{- ]-h¿Ø-\k-{º-Zm-bß - ƒ- `m-hn-°p- th-≠n- I-cp-Xnhbv° - p-∂- sh-fn-®a - m-IW - w.- A-X√ - m-sX- ]p-dØ - ph-cp-∂- dn-t∏m¿-´p-Iƒ- s]m-fn-™- X-Ic - ∏ - m-{X-Øn-s‚s]m-≈a - p-g° - a - m-Ic - p-Xv.- A-Xp-sIm-≠m-Wp "-Xm-t°m¬Zzm-ct- P-We - n-kw-'- \-∂s - √-∂- s]m-XpA-`n-{]m-bwam-[y-ak - a - q-lØ - n¬- \n-∂p-Xs - ∂- D-b¿-∂X - v.- am-[y-a߃- kz-bw- sI-Wn-sbm-cp-°n- B-fp-Is - f- Ip-‰I - r-XywsN-øm-≥ t{]-cn-∏n-°p-Ib - m-Wp- "-Ãn-ßn-'¬- km-[m-cW - Im-Wp-∂X - v.- am-[y-aß - ƒ-°p Ãn-Mv- Hm-∏t- d-j≥ - A-hkm-\h - g - n-bm-bn- kzo-Ic - n-°mw.- ]-t£,- A-Xp s]m-XpXmXv]c - yw- kw-c£ - n-°p-∂X - m-IW - w.-

tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan `c-W-k-anXn AwK-߃ sNb¿am≥: B¿. Fkv. _m_p (tZim-`n-am\n), sshkv sNb¿am≥: sI.-kn. cmP-tKm-]m¬ (a-e-bmf at\m-c-a) AwK-߃: hn. hna¬ Ipam¿ (am-Xr-`q-an), ]n.-kn. sk_m-Ãy≥ (am-[y-aw), Fw. cLp-\mYv (tZ-im-`n-am-\n), Fkv. _nPp (G-jym-s\‰v \yqkv), F≥.-]n. Pnjm¿ (ao-Unb h¨), ]n.-hn. N{µ≥ (am-Xr-`q-an), Zo]p chn (tI-cf Iuap-Zn), ^m. t_m_n AeIvkv aÆw-πm-°¬ (Zo-]n-I), km_p h¿Kokv (aw-K-fw), a[p B¿. _me-Ir-jvW≥ (tI-c-f-i-_vZw), Pb¥v amΩ≥ amXyp (a-e-bmf at\m-c-a), sI. am[-h≥ (G-jym-s\‰v \yqkv), t__n amXyp (Po-h≥ Snhn), sNdp-Ic kÆn eqt°mkv (tI-c-f-i-_vZw), tPmkv ]\-®n-∏pdw (a-e-bmf at\m-c-a), tPm¿÷v s]mSn-∏md (am-Xr-`q-an), te_n kPo-{µ≥ (am-Xr-`qan \yqkv), _nhn≥ ]o‰¿ (P-bvlnµv Snhn), chn Un.-kn. (Un.-kn. _pIvkv), Zo]Iv [¿ΩSw (A-arX Snhn), {iotZhn ]n≈ (a-t\m-ca \yqkv), sk{I-´dn (^n-\m≥kv), sk{I-´dn (C≥^¿ta-j≥ & ]ªnIv dnte-j≥kv), Ub-d-IvS¿ (C≥^¿ta-j≥ & ]ªnIv dnte-j≥kv), saº¿ sk{I-´dn: sI. Pn. kt¥mjv. s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


Cu h¿jsØ ]pen-‰vk¿ Ahm¿Up-Iƒ t\Sn-b-h-sc-°p-dn®v


Ø-h-WsØ ]pen-‰vk¿ ]pc-kvImcw {]Jym-]n-®t∏mƒ Ata-cn-°-bnse ap≥\nc -]-{X-ß-sfms° H∂p sR´n. Hcp Ip™≥ ]{Xw {][m-\-s∏´ hn`m-K-Øn¬ Ahm¿Uv t\Sn-b-Xm-bn-cp∂p Imc-Ww.

tPmk^v ]pen-‰vk¿ 6

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

Ata-cn-°-bn¬ hS-°p]-Sn-™m-d≥ Atbm-hbnse tÃmw te°v ]´-W-Øn¬ am{Xw hnX-cWw sNøp∂ tÃmw te°v ssSwkv F∂ ]{X-Øn\p In´nbXv anI® apJ-{]-kwK-Øn-\p≈ Ahm¿UmWv. ]{Xm-[n-]¿, AºsØmºXp hb p-Im-c-\mb B¿´v Isf≥ Cu ]{XØns‚ kl-D-Sa IqSnbm-Wv. B¿´pw ktlmZ-c≥ tPmWpw IqSnC.]n. jmPp-Zo≥ bmWp ]{Xw \S-Øp∂-Xv. BsI ]Øpt]tc Cu ]{X-Øn¬ Poh-\-°m-cm-bp-≈q. ]Øp-t]cpw Isf≥ IpSpw-_Ønse AwK-߃ Xs∂. B¿´ns‚ `mcy sUmtfm-sdkv t^mt´m-{Km-^dpw aI≥ tSmw dnt∏m¿´-dp-am-Wv. BsI ]Xn-\m-bncw Bfp-Iƒ Xma-kn°p∂ tÃmw te-°n¬ BgvN-bn¬ c≠p XhW {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°p∂ ssSwkn\v 3300 tIm∏n-bmWv BsI {]Nm-cw. 1990¬ A®Sn XpS-ßnb ssSwkn\v FXn-cm-fn-bm-bp-≈Xp tÃmw te°v ss]e-‰v {Sn_yq¨ F∂ ]{X-am-Wv. BgvN-bn¬

°-fnse Ãm^v tImf-an-Ãv enk ^mev°≥s_¿Kv F∂n-h-cm-bncp∂p Pqdn. Ah-km\L´-Øn¬ a’-c-Øn-\p-≠m-bn-cp-∂Xv lqè t{ImWn-°n-fnse tPm tlmfnbpw hmjnMvS¨ t]mÃnse s{^Uv lnbm-‰pw. P\-]-£Øp \n∂p≈ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø\w tÃmw te°v ssSwkns\ Ahm¿Uns‚ sh≈nsh-fn-®-Øn-se-Øn-®p. FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ FgpØv, B¿´n\v ]{X-Ønse ]e ]Wn-Ifn¬ H∂p am{X-am-Wv. kn‰n FUn‰¿, ]m¿´v ssSw dnt∏m¿´¿ F∂o tPmen-Iƒ am{X-a√, Nne-t∏mƒ ]m°-nßpw hnX-c-Whpw hsc FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ cN-\-bv°p≈ 2017 se ]pen-‰vk¿ ]pc-kvImcw sImfw-_nb k¿h-I-em-ime {]kn-U‚ v en. kn. t_mfn≥K-dns‚ ]°¬ FUn-‰¿°v sNtø≠n hcpw. A{Xbvt°-bp≈q ]{X-Ønse Poh-\\n∂v tÃmw te°v ]{Xm-[n-]¿ B¿´v Isf≥ G‰p-hm-ßp∂p °m-cpsS FÆw. Ign™ h¿jw temI-saaq∂p XhW {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-sa-¶nepw ºmSpw Aes bme nI ƒ krjv S n® ]m\am t]t∏gvkv {]knAh¿°v ssSwkn-s‚-b-{Xbpw {]Nm-c-an-√. ≤oI c n® X ns‚ ]n∂W nb n¬ {]h¿Øn®h - ¿ ]pen-‰vkd - n\v tÃmw te°v Dƒs∏-Sp∂ _yq\ hnkvX A¿lc mb X mWv CØh W sØ as‰mcp khnt ijX. Iu≠n-bn¬ Iu≠n tPW¬ F∂ as‰mcp C‚¿\m-jW - ¬ I¨tkm¿jyw Hm^v C≥sh-Ãn-tK-‰nhv ]{X-ap-s≠-¶nepw Ahcpw tPW-enÃvkv, a¢m-®n, abman sldmƒUv F∂nh kwbp-‡ssSwkns‚b{Xbpw hcn-√. ImcWw P\-ßam-bmWv FIvkvπ-t\-‰dn dnt∏m¿´n-ßn\v Ahm¿Uv t\Sn-btfmSp tN¿∂p \nev°p∂ dnt∏m¿´nMv coXnXv. Bdv h≥I-c-I-fn-embn ap∂q-tdmfw dnt∏m¿´¿am¿ \SbmWp ssSwkn-t‚-Xv. AXmWv Ahsc Ønb At\z-j-Wm-flI dnt∏m¿´n-ßm-bn-cp∂p AXv. Ahm¿Un\v A¿l-cm-°n-b-Xpw. \nIpXn sh´n-°m≥ hntZ-i-ß-fn¬ \nt£]w \S-Øp∂ `cIm¿jnIIº-\n-Iƒ \S-Øp∂ aen-\oWm-[n-Im-cn-Isf°pdn-®p≈ At\z-j-W-am-bn-cp∂p AXv. I-c-W-Øn-s\-Xn-tcbp≈ {]Nm-c-W-am-Wv Cu c≠v Ahm¿Uv Ign-™m¬ ]pen-‰vk¿ ssSwkn-s\bpw B¿´v Isf-s\bpw kΩm\\ncbn¬ Xnf-ßp-∂Xv F√mw {][m\ ]{X-߃ Ahm¿Un-\¿l-am-°nXs∂. b-Xv. tam¨km-t‚m, Im¿Kn¬, tIm®v {_tZgvkv XpS-ßnb `oa≥ Iº-\n-I-fpsS ]ªnIv k¿hokv dnt∏m¿´n-ßns‚ Ahm¿Uv {]h¿Ø\w aqew Atbm-hbnse dm°q¨ \Zn aen-\-am-bXn-s\-Xntcbmbn-cp∂p B¿´ns‚ apJ-{]-kw-K-߃. Cu Ip™≥ ]{X-Øns‚ CSs]-S¬ aqew \Zn kwc£n°m≥ tImSXn Xs∂ ap∂n-´n-dßn. Cu t\´w IW-°n-se-SpØm-bn-cp∂p Ahm¿Uv. B¿´v Cu hnj-b-Øn-se-gp-Xnb ]Øp apJ-{]-kw-K-߃ IΩn‰n ]cn-K-Wn-®p. hmƒ kv{So‰v tPW-ense U]yq´n FUn-‰¿ s{_‰v Ão^≥kv, sUt{Sm-bn‰v {^o {] nse H]o-\n-b≥ FUn‰¿ Ão^≥ sl≥tU-gvk≥, s¢hm≥Uv H. F®nse H]o-\nb≥ Ub-d-IvS¿ Fen-k-_Øv FdnIv Fbvsd k≈n-h-∂, lqè t{ImWns]§n \q\m≥ s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


C. tPk¨ hw_vkvK≥kns\ ]pc-kvIm-c-Øn-\v A¿l-\m-°nb t^mt´m-

\yqtbm¿°v sUbnen \yqkpw t{]m ]ªn-°bpw ]¶n-´p. Zcn-{Z-cmb \yq\]-£hn`m-K-ßsf IpSn-bn-d-°m≥ \yqtbm¿°v t]menkv \S-Øp∂

C. tPk¨ hw_vkvK≥kv 8

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

{ia-߃ hnh-cn-°p∂ dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ Xbm-dm-°n-bXv kmdm ssdenbm-bn-cp-∂p. t{_°nMv \yqkv dnt∏m¿´v hn`m-K-Øn¬ Hm°vem≥Unse CuÃv t_ ssSwkns‚ Ãm^mWv Ahm¿Uv t\Sn-b-Xv. Hcp shb¿lukv ]m¿´n-bn-ep-≠mb Xo∏n-SnØØn¬ 36 t]¿ acn-® kw`h-Øns‚ dnt∏m¿´n-ßn-\m-bn-cp∂p Ahm¿Uv. C≥sh-Ãn-tK-‰nhv dnt∏m¿´nMv hn`m-K-Øn¬ shÃv hn¿Po\n-bbnse Nmƒ-Ã≥ Kk‰v sabn-ense FdnIv Fbvsd-bmWv Ahm¿Uv t\Sn-b-Xv. shÃv hn¿Pn-\n-b-bnse Iu≠n-I-fn¬ acp∂v D]-tbm-KØns‚ h¿[\ ac-W-߃ IqSm≥ CS-bm-°n-b-Xn-s\-°p-dn-®mbn-cp∂p dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ. tem°¬ dnt∏m¿´n-ßn\v tkmƒ´v te°v ss{S_yqWpw \mjW¬ dnt∏m¿´n-ßn\v hmjn-MvS¨ t]mÃnse tUhnUv F.^mc‚ vtlmƒUpw Ahm¿Un-\¿l-cm-bn. {]kn-U‚ v sXc-s™-Sp∏nse dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ°m-Wv ^mc‚ vtlmƒUv ]pc-kvImcw t\Sn-b-Xv. Ata-cn-°≥ XmXv]-cy-ap≈ djy≥ hm¿Ø dnt∏m¿´p sNbvX \yqtbm¿°v ssSwkv Ãm^v cmPym-¥cdnt∏m¿´n-ßn-\p≈ Ahm¿Uv kz¥-am-°n. hntZ-i-ß-fn¬ djy≥ kzm[o-\-ap-d-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\v hvfmUnan¿ ]pSn≥ \S-Øp∂ {ia-ß-sf-°p-dn-®m-bn-cp∂p dnt∏m¿´v. \yqtbm¿°v ssSwknse Xs∂ kn.sP. jnthgvkv ^o®-dn-\p≈ Ahm¿Uv t\Sn. A^vKm-\n-ÿm-\n¬ \n∂p aS-ßn-sb-Ønb Hcp bp.Fkv. ados‚ PohnXw hnh-cn-°p∂ ^o®-dmWp ]pckvImcw

t\Sn-b-Xv. Ia‚dn hn`m-KØn¬ hmƒ kv{So‰v tPW-ense s]§n \q\m\pw {In´nknkw hn`m-KØ - n¬ \yqtbm¿°-dnse ln¬´¨ Hmƒkpw Ahm¿Un-\¿l-cmbn. abman sldmƒUnse Pnw tamdn-\mWv FUnt‰m-dn-b¬ Im¿´q-Wn\p≈ ]pc-kvImcw. ^nen-∏o≥knse km[m-c-W-°m¿ A\p-`-hn-°p∂ PohnX_p≤n-ap-´pUm\n-b¬ _sd-lp-em-°v kn.sP. jnthgvkv Iƒ s{^bn-an-em°nb t^mt´m FSpØ Um\n-b¬ tPmk^v ]pen-‰vk-dns‚ kvac-W-bn¬ F√m h¿jhpw _sd-lp-em-°n\v t{_°nMv \yqkv t^mt´m-{K\¬Ip-∂-h-bmWv ]pen-‰vk¿ ]pc-kvIm-c-߃. Ata-cn-°^n-°p≈ Ahm¿Uv e`n-®p. {^oem≥kv bnse ]{X-am-[y-a-ßsf am{X-amWv Ahm¿Un\p ]cn-K-Wnt^mt´m-{Km-^d - mb Um\n-be - ns‚ t^mt´m-Iƒ °p-I. t^mt´m-{K-^n, kmln-Xyw, Ihn-Xm-c-N-\, kwKo-Xw, \yqtbm¿°v ssSwkn-emWp {]kn-≤o-Ic - n-®X - v. \mSIw F∂o taJ-e-I-fn¬ anIhp ]pe¿Øp-∂-h¿°pw ^o®¿ t^mt´m-{K-^n-bn¬ jn°mtKm ]pc-kvImcw \¬Ip-∂p. ss{S_yq-Wnse BsI 21 hn`m-K-ß-fn-em-bmWv Ahm¿Uv G¿s∏-SpC. tPk¨ hw_vkvK≥kv tPXm-hm-bn. Hcp Ønb n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. 20 hn`m-K-ß-fnepw 15 tUmf¿ hoXhpw shSn-h-bv]n¬ Kpcp-X-c-ambn- ]cp-t°‰ ]Øp-h21˛ masØ s]mXptkh\hn`m-K-Øn¬ kz¿W-sa-U-epb p-Im-c≥ Pohn-X-Øn-te°p Xncn-®p-h-cp-∂amWp \¬Ip∂-Xv. Xns‚ Nn{Xo-I-c-W-Øn-\m-Wv Ahm¿Uv. lwK-dn-bn¬ P\n®v Ata-cn-°-bnse ]{X-ap-S-a-bmbn hf¿∂ ]pen-‰vk¿ At±-l-Øns‚ hn¬∏-{X-Øn¬ \o°n]pen-‰vkdpw ]pc-kvIm-chpw h® XpI-bmWv Ahm¿Un\v B[m-cw. sImfw-_nb k¿hAta-cn-°-bn¬ ]{X-ap-S-a-bm-bn-cp∂ I-em-im-e-bn¬ ]{X-{]h¿Ø\w ]Tn-∏n-°m\mbn At±lw ]Ww \o°n-h-®p. CXn-s\m∏w ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øn-se an-I-hn\v Ahm¿Uv kΩm-\n-°m≥ c≠-ce£w tUmfdpw \o°nh-®p. At±-l-Øns‚ acW-tijw, 1917˛emWv BZy]pc-kvImcw kΩm\n-®-Xv. At]£ £Wn®p-sIm-≠mWv Ahm¿Uv {]{Inb XpS-ßp-I. 14 hn`m-K-ß-fn-embn ]{X{]-h¿Ø-\-Øn-\p≈ Ahm¿Up-Iƒ Xncn-®n-cns^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


°p-∂p. ]ªnIv k¿ho-kv, t{_°nMv \yqkv, C≥sh-Ãn-tK-‰nhv dnt∏m¿´n-Mv, C‚¿\m-j-W¬ dnt∏m¿´n-Mv, ^o®¿, Ia‚-dn, hna¿i-\w, FUnt‰m-dn-b¬, Im¿´q¨, t{_°nMv \yqkv t^mt´m{K-^n, ^o®¿ t^mt´m-{K^n F∂n-h-bmWp hn`mK-߃. ]{X-߃, a‰p {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-߃, am[y-a-ÿm-]-\-߃, hm¿Øm sh_vssk-‰p-Iƒ F∂nh Ahm¿Un\p ]cn-K-Wn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. 1847 G{]n¬ 10\v lwK-dn-bnse amt°mbn¬ Hcp PqXIpSpw-_-Øn-em-bn-cp∂p tPmk^v ]pen-‰vk-dpsS P\-\w. I®-hSIpSpw-_-am-bn-cp∂p At±-l-Øn-t‚-Xv. ]nXmhp acn-®-tXmsS I®-hSw XI¿∂p. 1864-˛¬ 17-˛mw hb-kn¬ ]´m-f-Øn¬ tNcm≥ tPmk^v Ata-cn-°-bn¬ amk-Nyp-sk-

‰vkn-se-Øn. F∂m¬, AhnsS Imcy-߃ ]¥n-b-s√∂p tXm∂nb-Xn-\m¬ \yqtbm¿°nte°p t]mbn. Ata-cn°≥ B`y-¥-c-bp≤w sImSp-ºn-cn-s°m-≠ncp∂ ka-bw. tPmk^v Hcp tk\m-hn-`m-KØn¬ Ib-dn-∏-‰n. bp≤tijw ]e ÿe-ßfn¬ ]e tPmen-I-fn-embn-cp∂p At±lw. P¿a≥, lwtK-dn-b≥,

Pnw tamdn-s\ ]pc-kvImcØn\v A¿l-\m-°nb Im¿´q-¨ 10

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

Pnw tam¿

{^©v `mj-Iƒ Adn-bm-ambn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ hnhn[ tPmen-Iƒ amdn-amdn sNøm≥ km[n-®p. ]n∂oSv anku-dn-bnse sk‚ v eqbn-kn¬ FØn-bXmWv tPmk^ns‚ PohnXsØ am‰n-a-dn-®-Xv. tPmen°n-S-bn¬ In´p∂ ka-bØv Cw•ojv ]Tn-®p. ]pkvX-I߃ hmbn-®p-Iq-´n. CXn-\n-Sbn¬ Hcp sXmgn¬ X´n-∏n-\ncbm-bn. AtX-°p-dn®v Fgp-XnbXv shÃv entj t]mkv‰v F∂ ]{X-Øn¬ A®-Sn®p h∂-XmWv ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\ -cw-KsØ BZym\p-`-hw. tUhnUv F. ^mc‚ vtlmƒUv ln¬´¨ Hmƒkv ]n∂oSv ]{X-Øn\v Hcp dnt∏m¿´sd th≠n h∂t∏mƒ AhnsS \nb-a-\hpw sNøp∂ coXn-bm-bn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ At±lw ]Xnsb In´n. ISpØ tcmKn-bmbnØo¿∂p. ]n∂oSv Hm^o-kn¬ CXn-\n-S-bn¬ Ata-cn-°≥ ]ucXzw t\Snb t]mImsX ho´n-en-cp∂p ]{Xw \nb-{¥n-°m≥ tPmk^v ]pen-‰vk¿ dn∏-ªn-°≥ ]m¿´n-bn¬ XpS-ßn. F∂m-enXp ]{X-Øns‚ FUn-‰-dm-bn-cp∂ tN¿∂p. sshImsX kwÿm-\sØ tIm¨{K-kn{^m¶v sF. tIm-_ns\ sNmSn∏n-®p. ]pd-Øn-cp∂p te°v sXc-s™-Sp-°-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXp. CXn-\n-S]{X-Øn¬ CS-s]-tS-≠-Xn√ F∂m-bn-cp∂p bn¬ ]{X-Øn¬ amt\-PnMv FUn-‰-dmbn ÿm\-°tIm_ns‚ \ne-]m-Sv. 1907-˛¬ aIs\ ]{X-Øns‚ `cb‰w t\Sn. ]n∂oSv dn∏-ªn-°≥ ]m¿´n hn´v sUtamW-®p-a-Xe G¬]n®v ]pen-‰vk¿ Fgp-Xnb cmPn{Im-‰nIv ]m¿´n-bn-te°p amdn. shÃv entj °Øv \yqtbm¿°nse F√m ]{X-ßfpw {]kn-≤o-It]mÃn¬ \n∂p In´nb Hmlcn hn‰n´v 1879-˛¬ cn-®-t∏mƒ At±-lØns‚ kz¥w \yqtbm¿°v At±lw sk‚ v eqbnkv sUkv]m®v, sk‚ v thƒUn¬ AXv A®-Sn-°-s∏-´n√ F∂Xp hsceqbnkv t]mÃv F∂o ]{X-߃ hmßn Ah sbØn DS-abpw FUn-‰dpw XΩn-ep≈ kwL¿jw. kwtbm-Pn-∏n®v sk‚ v eqbnkv t]mÃv-˛-sU-kv]m®v ]t£, ]n∂oSv Ccp-hcpw shSn-\n¿Ø¬ F∂ ]{Xw XpS-ßn. C∂p sk‚ v eqbn-knse {]Jym]n®v kulr-Z-Øn-em-bn. 1908 HIvtSm-_¿ {][m\]{X-am-Wn-Xv. 29-˛\v Xs‚ BUw-_c\uI-bnse bm{X-bv°n-S-bnP\-ß-fpsS {]iv\-߃ Db¿Øn-°m-´n-s°mem-bn-cp∂p ]pen-‰vk-dns‚ ac-Ww. ac-W-Øn\p ≠p-≈-Xm-bn-cp∂p sk‚ v eqbn-kn¬ ]pen-‰vk-dpsS h¿j-߃°p apºv 1892-˛¬ At±lw sImfw-_nb ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\w. 1883 Bbt∏mtg°pw ]{Xw \SbqWn-th-gvkn-‰n-bn¬ temI-Ønse BZysØ ]{XØn-∏n-eqsS kº-∂-\mb At±lw \yqtbm¿°v {]-h¿Ø\]cn-io-e\tI{µw ÿm]n-°m≥ ]Ww thƒUns\ kz¥-am-°n. h¿jw tXmdpw 40000 hmKvZm\w sNbvXp. ]t£, k¿h-I-em-ime AXp tUmf¿ \jvS-Øn-em-bn-cp∂p B ]{Xw. k¿°p-te\nc-kn-®p. ]n∂oSv 1902-˛-emWv B \n¿tZiw AwKoj≥ Iq´n-bmte c£-bp≈q F∂p a\- n-em-°nb I-cn-°-s∏-´-Xv. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\]cn-io-e\tI{µw XpS]pen-‰vk¿ sk≥tk-j-W-en-k-Øn-te°p Xncn-™p. ßn-b-Xm-Is´, At±-l-Øns‚ ac-W-Øn\p \mep h¿j-Øn\p tij-hpw. C∂pw temI-Ønse G‰hpw ss{Iapw hnhm-Z-ß-fp-sams° ]{X-Øn¬ \nd-™p. anI® ]{X{]h¿Ø\]cn-io-e\tI{µ-amWp ]n∂oSv ]nSn-®m¬ In´mØ hf¿®-bm-bn-cp∂p At±l-Øn-\v. \yqtbm¿°nse ]e ]{X-ßfpw {ian-®n´pw sImfw-_nb bqWn-th-gvkn-‰n-bnse {KmtPz‰v kvIqƒ Hm^v tPW-en-kw. \yqtbm¿°v thƒUns\ tXmev]n-°m≥ km[n-®n-√. ¤ CXn-\n-S-bn¬, 1884-˛¬ Ata-cn-°≥ tIm¨{Kkns‚ P\-{]-Xn-\n-[n-k-`-bn-te°p sXc-s™-Sp-°awKfw Zn\-]-{X-Øns‚ No^v \yqkv FUn-‰-dmWv s∏-s´-¶nepw ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Ønse Xnc°p aqew teJ-I≥. AXp cmPn-h-®n´v ]pen-‰vk¿ \yqtbm¿°v thƒUnC˛-sabn¬: te°v Xncn-®p-h-∂p. aWn-°q-dp-I-tfmfw tPmen ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Aßs\ {Sw]pw

"\√-h-\mbn' A

tacn-°≥- {]kn-U‚m-bn- sUmWmƒ-Uv{Sw-]v- A[n-Im-ctadn-btXm-sS am-[yaßfpw- ssh‰v- lu-kpw- XΩn-ep-≈ _‘w Xo¿-Øpw- hjfm-bncp-∂p.- hm-´¿- tK‰v- Ipw-`tImWsØ Xp-S¿-∂v- G‰hpa[n-Iw- am-[y-ahn-NmcWbv°p hn-t[b\m-b dn-®m¿-Uv- \n-Iv-kWn-s‚ Im-eØp- t]m-epw- ssh‰v- lu-kpw- am-[y-aßfpwXΩn¬- C∂p-Im-Wp-∂ AI¬-®bp≠m-bn-cp∂n-√.- A∂p cq-£am-b tNm-Zy-ßsf dn-®m¿-Uvan¬-lu-kv- \n-Iv-k¨- ]p-©n-cn-tbm-sSbm-Wp t\cn-´Xv.- Cdm-Jv,- A^vK - m≥- bp-≤thfIfn¬Kh¨-sa‚n-s\ sh´n-em-°p-∂ ]e hm¿-ØIfpw{]kn-≤o-Icn-® bp-]n-sF dn-t∏m¿-´¿- sle≥tXm-akn-s‚ tNm-Zy-߃-°p- adp-]Sn- ]dbm≥_p-jv- hn-kΩXn-®n-cp-s∂¶n-epw- At±lw- am-[yaßsf Im-Wm≥- aSn-Im-Wn-®n-cp-∂n-√.- F∂m¬dn-∏ªn-°≥- ]m¿-´n- ÿm-\m¿-∞n-bm-bnsXcs™Sp-°s∏´tXm-sS- {Sw]v Atacn-°≥-


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am-[y-aßfpam-bn- Ieln-°m\m-cw-`n-®p. {- Sw-]n-s\ ]q¿-Wamhn._n.- ]ctaiz-c≥bpw- AhKWn-°m-\pw-At±lØn-\v- s\K‰o-hv- {]Xn—m-b \¬-Im-\pw- am-[y-a߃Xbm-dm-bX - m-Wv- Cu- IelØn-\p Im-cWw.- "kº∂\m-WvF∂Xm-Wv- Fs≥-d ku-µcyw'- F∂p ]cky-am-bn- ]d™ sUmWmƒ-Uv- {Sw-]v- F∂ dn-b¬- Fkvt- ‰‰v- `o-a\p hn-a¿i\w- Xo-sc C„as√∂Xpw- Cu- IelØn-\p Im-cWam-bn-´p-≠v.en-_d¬- aqey-ßfp-sS h-‡m-°fm-bm-Wv- Atacn°≥- am-[y-a߃- AhXcn-∏n-°s∏Sm-dp-≈Xv.- F∂m¬Nn-e km-aq-ly-hn-jbßfn¬- am-{Xam-Wv- Ah en-_d¬ap-Jw- {]Z¿-in-∏n-®n-´p-≈Xv.- km-ºØn-I˛cm-{„o-bhnjbßfn¬- Atacn-°≥ am[y-a-߃ \q-dp-iXam-\hpwheXp-]£Øm-Wp- \nebp-d∏n-®n-cp-∂Xv.- tdUn-tbm-IfpwsSen-hn-j≥- Nm-\ep-Ifpw- kzo-Icn-® kao-]\hpw- as‰m∂√.- BtKm-fhXv-IcWØn-s‚ sIm-Sn-bm-Wv- Ah Db¿-

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s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

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¤ ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

tZim-`n-am\n sk≥{S¬ sUkvIv \yqkv FUn-‰-dmWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬:

SPEAK UP NOW OR HOLD YOUR TONGUE FOREVER Journalism is under threat in India and we must speak out now before we become endangered


he latest offering on English “news” television is Republic TV, funded by BJP MP Rajiv Chandrashekhar and led by former Editor of Times Now, Arnab Goswami. What strikes the viewer immediately is the extreme raucousness of it all. Let us leave that aside – screaming anchors do not do much more than disturb the eardrums. What is insidious about the new channel is its masquerade. In the guise of fair and credible journalistic “news” coverage, political agenda is being peddled. Channels peddling political propaganda too is not new, Arnab Goswami especially to the

southern states. In Tamil Nadu, every political party owns its own mouthpiece – Murasoli and Kalaignar TV by the Dravida Munnetra Sandhya Ravishankar Kazhagam and Namadhu MGR and Jaya TV by its rival All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam. Kerala too has channels that peddle the propaganda of the Left parties, the Congress and others. These are known to the viewer – the audience for these channels watches them with informed consent. But Republic TV is not the same beast. Banking largely on Arnab Goswami’s fan following amongst the English television viewing audience in the country, the channel is going all out to target the rivals of the ruling party in Parliament. Take for instance, the “Super Exclusive” of Day s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


One of the channel’s launch. What was called the “Lalu Tapes” was aired – an attack on the ruling combine of Lalu Prasad Yadav and Nitish Kumar in Bihar, who beat the BJP hollow in the recent Assembly election. The

Lalu Prasad Yadav

Nitish Kumar

tapes themselves contained little in the way of indicting Lalu for any serious crime – other than for speaking to a known mafia don over phone. The don, Shahabuddin, asks Lalu to take action against a police officer who fired at his men. Lalu, in turn, says he has no idea and that he would look into it. Republic TV and Goswami do not tell us whether Lalu actually did take action against the officer in question. If he had, that would be a serious breach of the rules. When a panelist, Sumanth C Raman, dared to raise this point, he was out-shouted by Goswami’s fellow panelists in Delhi and a very valid question was lost in the din. Day Two saw the “nailing” of Sumanth C Raman Kejriwal, a well known voice of dissent against the Prime Minister. Day Three saw a lurid nauseating attack on Congress MP Shashi Tharoor over what was called “The Sunanda Tapes”. Whether Tharoor 16

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has anything to hide in the saga over his wife’s death is unclear. But for Goswami to call him a “murderer” and warn him that the Republic has “surrounded his house” – well, that is not acceptable. Goswami Sasi Tharoor Brajesh Kalappa has taken his avatar of the “angry young man” of Indian journalism to a dangerous new level. Information on his channel is half-baked, twisted to suit political conveniences and dissenters like the Congress’ Brajesh Kalappa are called in simply to be abused. Rousing jingoism is the flavour of Goswami and the Republic. Patriotism is well and good, as long as it does not disintegrate into authoritarianism in the name of the state. Goswami seeks to do simply that. It is his way or the highway. Those who dare criticise him are called names generally coined by the BJP and its cadre. With Republic TV has come a rush for all other channels to follow suit, in a fight to the finish over who will please the ruling party more. We are witnessing greater jingoism, greater binaries, greater blinkers, more twisting of facts, more obfuscation of the truth, in this pursuit of eyeballs. That is the danger of Republic TV. That we will lose our collective minds. And we will stop questioning, in our haste to outdo the other. That the few journalists amongst us will no longer be relevant. That the audience will believe a lie told them many times over. Fareed Zakaria of CNN America recently spoke on the role of the media in his country where President Donald Trump seeks to undo democracy bit by bit. We have to remember that this (Trump’s actions) is an aberration and not the norm in a democracy, he said. And so too must we – Republic TV is the aberration and not the norm in journalism. The day we forget that, is the day journalism is mourned.

¤ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Writer and Independent Journalist E-mail :

kztZim`nam\n- -˛tIkcn Ahm¿Uv 2015 se kztZ-im-`n-am\n ˛ tIkcn ]pc-kvImcw ae-bmf at\m-ca FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ Ub-d-IvS¿ tXmakv tP°-_n\p kΩm-\n-®p-sIm≠p apJy-a{¥n ]nW-dmbn hnP-b≥ \S-Ønb {]kw-K-Øns‚ {]k-‡-`m-K-߃


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]n-W-dmbn hnP-b≥

`ojWn hsc D≠mbn. ]ebnSØpw Ah¿°p {]thi\w \ntj[n°s∏´Xv AhnSßfn¬ ]e¿°pw ]eXpw ad®phbv°m\p≠mbncp∂Xp sIm≠mWv. F∂m¬, B ad ÿmbnbs√∂v CXphscbp≈ am[yaNcn{Xw sXfnbn®n´p≠v. C\nbp≈ \mfpIƒ hy‡am°m≥ t]mIp∂Xpw AXpXs∂bmWv. GXp `ojWn, FhnsS \n∂p≠mbmepw am[yakzmX{¥ysØ ]cnc£n°m≥ F∂pw P\ßfp≠mhpw. kztZim`nam\nbpsS \n¿`bXzam¿∂ hy‡nXzw AXn\p≈ {]tNmZ\Øns‚ tI{µambn XpScpIbpw sNøpw. temIkmlnXyØnse \qX\{]hWXIƒ aebmfn°p ]cnNbs∏SpØnb tIkcn, \thm∞m\Øns‚ ]mXbnte°p \sΩ \bn® kaqlkvt\lnbpw kq£vaZr°mb KthjI\pw IqSnbmbncp∂p. kztZim`nam\nbpsSbpw tIkcnbpsSbpw ImesØ kuIcyßfpw kmlNcyßfpa√ C∂p am[ya{]h¿ØI¿°p≈Xv. A∂v Ah¿°p k¶ev]n°m≥ t]mepw IgnbmXncp∂ C≥^¿taj≥ sSIvt\mfPn am[yatemIsØ kmt¶XnIamb Hu∂XyßfnseØn®ncn°p∂p. F∂m¬, am[yaaqeyßfpsS s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


2015 se kztZ-im-`n-am\n ˛ tIkcn ]pc-kvImcw ae-bmf at\m-ca FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ Ub-d-IvS¿ tXmakv tP°-_n\p apJy sk{I-´dn joe tXmakv, tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ B¿.Fkv. _m_p, ssIcfn ˛]o-∏nƒ Sn.-hn. Fw.-Un. \yqkns‚ FUn-‰¿ Fw. Pn. cm[m-Ir-jvW≥, apJy-a{- ¥n-bpsS {]kv AssUz-k¿ {]`m-h¿a,

ImcysaSpØmtem? B hf¿® aqeyßfpsS ImcyØn¬ {]Xn^en®n´pt≠m? B tNmZyw Rm≥ \n߃°p hnSp∂p. "`bIuSneytem`߃ hf¿°ns√mcp \mSns\' F∂pw "Cuizc≥ sX‰psNbvXmepw Rm≥ AXp dnt∏m¿´v sNøpw' F∂psams° {]Jym]n®psIm≠p ]{XcwKtØ°p IS∂ph∂ alØp°fpsS ]mcºcyap≈ \mSmWp tIcfw. Aßs\bp≈ Zo]vXhy‡nXzßfpsS kvacW kv]µn®p\nev°p∂ A¥co£ØnemWp am[yacwKsØ G‰hpw {it≤bamb Cu ]pckvImcw aebmf at\mca Zn\]{XØns‚ FUnt‰mdnb¬ UbdŒ¿ tXmakv tP°_n\p ka¿∏n°p∂Xv. kztZim`nam\nbpsSbpw tIkcnbpsSbpw Hm¿aIƒ tN¿∂p\nev°p∂ ]pckvImcambXpsIm≠mWv Cu A¥co£Øn¬ AhcpsS kvacW XpSn®p\nev°p∂p F∂p Rm≥ ]dbp∂Xv. am[yacwKØv kzmX{¥yØn\p tijap≈ L´Øn¬ henb henb am‰ßƒ h∂p. am[ya \SØn∏p tZitkh\ambncp∂Xp _nkn\kv F∂ \nebnte°p amdn. ]{X{]h¿Ø\w s]mXp {]h¿Ø\ambncp∂ L´Øn¬ \n∂v Hcp s{]m^ j\mtbm Icnbdmtbm amdn. ]{X A®Sn I√ ®n¬\n∂p ^mIvknanen k{ºZmbØnte°p amdn. Cßs\sbms°bp≈ henb am‰ßƒ D≠mb ImeØpw ]{X{]h¿Ø\sØ al\obamb Hcp tkh\cwKambn IcpXp∂hcp≠v. AXn\pth≠n PohnXw GXm≠v A∏msS 18

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\o°nh®hcp≠v. kz¥w {]bXv\ØneqsS ]{XsØbpw \mSns\bpw ]cnh¿Øn∏n°m≥ {ian®hcpap≠v. Aßs\bp≈hsc Is≠Øn BZcn°p∂Xn\p th≠nbmWv tIcfk¿°m¿ kztZim`nam\n- ˛ tIkcn ]pckvImcw G¿s∏SpØnbXv. ]{X{]h¿Ø\cwKsØ D∂Xamb aqeyßsf AwKoIcn°p∂Xn\v CXv Ffnb tXmXnse¶nepw {]tbmP\s∏Ss´. ]{Xm[n]cpsS Xmev]cyhpw ]{XapSaIfpsS XmXv]cyhpw XΩn¬ sshcp≤yap≠mImsX hcptºmƒ am{Xta amXrIm]camb ]{X{]h¿Ø\w km[yamIq. Hcp kztZim`nam\n cmaIrjvW]n≈ D≠mIWsa¶n¬ \n¿`bambpw \njv]£ambpw kzX{¥ambpw ]{X{]h¿Ø\w \SØm≥ At±lsØ A\phZn°p∂ Hcp h°w auehn D≠mIWw. h°w auehnbpsS A`mhØn¬ kztZim`nam\n cmaIrjvW]n≈ C√. CØcw hkvXpXIƒ a\ nem°ns°m≠mWp am[yacwKØp klIcWmflIamb Iq´mbvaIƒ IqSpXembn D≠mbnhcp∂Xv. aqe[\hpw ]{X[¿Ωhpw XΩnep≈ kwL¿jw XmcXtay\ Ipdbv°p∂Xn\p klIcWmSnÿm\Ønep≈ ]{Xam[yakwcw`ßfpsS DZbw Xo¿®bmbpw {]tbmP\s∏Spw. F∂m¬, \n¿`mKyhim¬ C∂p ImWp∂Xp am[yacwKsØ sNdp{Kq∏pIƒ t]mepw A{]Xy£amIp∂Xpw h≥InS tIm¿∏td‰pIƒ

-a{¥n ]nW-dmbn hnP-b≥ kΩm-\n-°p-∂p. sF & ]n.B¿.-Un. Ub-d-IvS¿ tUm. sI. Aºm-Sn, sF & ]n.B¿.-Un. tPm¨ {_n´m-kv, ap≥ No^v sk{I-´dn tUm. Un. _m_p-t]mƒ, hn.Fkv. inh-Ip-am¿ Fw.-F¬.-F., Gjym-s\‰v sI.-bp.U_yq.sP. kwÿm\ P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn kn. \mcm-bW - ≥ F∂n-h¿ kao]w

am[yataJesb BsI ssIbS°p∂XpamWv. ]pXnb tI{µKh¨sa≥dv A[nImcØn¬ h∂v BgvNIƒ XnIbp∂Xn\p apºmWp ]Xns\t´mfw {]mtZinI`mjmam[ya߃ Cu cmPysØ G‰hpw henb hyhkmbnbmb aptIjv Aw_m\nbpsS tIm¿∏td‰v DSaÿXbv°p IognembXv. X\Xp `mjm˛kmwkvImcnIkz`mhßfp≈hbmWv Cßs\ tIm¿∏td‰ph¬°cn°s∏´Xv F∂Xv Hm¿an°Ww. Hmtcm kwÿm\Øns‚bpw kmwkvImcnIØ\na t]mepw C√mbva sNøs∏Sp∂ AhÿbmWv CØcw {]hWXIƒ sIm≠v D≠mIp∂Xv. kmwkvImcnIXbvs°Xncmb CØcw tIm¿∏td‰v A[n\nthi߃s°Xntc am[ya kaqlw Pm{KX ]men°Ww F∂v A`y¿Yn°s´. tIcfØn¬ \qdntesd h¿jßfpsS ]g°ap≈ ]{Xam[yaßfps≠∂Xp \ΩpsS A`nam\amWv. CØcw ÿm]\߃ \ΩpsS `mjbpsSbpw kwkvImcØns‚bpw X\Xp kz`mh߃ ]cnc£n®p i‡ns∏SpØm≥ IqSpX¬ {i≤hbv°Wsa∂p IqSn ]dbphm≥ Cu Ahkcw D]tbmKn°s´. tkmjy¬ aoUnbbpsS henb aesh≈∏m®n¬ Xs∂bp≈ Hcp ImeamWnXv. Cßs\sbmcp ImeØp ]{X{]h¿Ø\w IqSpX¬ sh√phnfn \nd™XmIp∂p≠v. tkmjy¬ aoUnbbv°v Hcp FUn‰dn√. {]tXyIn®v B¿s°¶nepw DØchmZnXzhpan√. hfsc sk≥tkjWembn Imcyßsf sIm≠pt]mImw. c≠masXm∂p ]cntim[n°msX GXp hm¿Øbpw sImSp°mw.

Cßs\bp≈ tkmjy¬ aoUnbtbmSmWv B[p\nIImeØp ]{X߃°p a’cnt°≠n hcp∂Xv. Cu a’cw Gev]n°p∂ ISpØ kΩ¿Zap≠v. B kΩ¿±w AXnPohn®pthWw ]{X߃°p aptºm´pt]mIm≥. tkmjy¬ aoUnbbn¬ hcp∂ hm¿ØIƒ F¥psIm≠p {]n≥dv aoUnbbnen√ F∂ tNmZyw hcpw. tkmjy¬ aoUnbbnep≈ sk≥tkjW¬ hniZmwißfnen√mØXv F¥psIm≠v F∂ tNmZyhpw hcpw. Chbvs°ms° {]n≥dv aoUnbbpsS ]{Xm[n]¿ DØcw Is≠ØWw. AXv Ffp∏ap≈ Imcya√. ]fl\m`kzman t£{XØnse kz¿WsaSpØp P\߃°p hoXn®p\¬In°qtS F∂v tkmjy¬ aoUnbbn¬ Hcmƒ°p tNmZn°mw. Aßs\ tNmZns®∂p IcpXn tkmjy¬ aoUnbtbmSv Bcpw Ib¿°n√. F∂m¬, DØchmZnXzap≈ Hcp ]{XØn\v Aßs\ tNmZn°m≥ ]‰ptam? C√. AtXkabw tkmjy¬ aoUnb aptºm´ph® Cu ]pXnb Bibw t]msem∂p \n߃ F¥psIm≠p apt∂m´phbv°p∂n√ F∂ tNmZyw ]{XØns‚ ]{Xm[n]¿°p t\cntS≠nhcnIbpw sNøpw. CXmWp tkmjy¬ aoUnbbn¬ \n∂p≈ a’cØns‚ kz`mhw. tkmjy¬ aoUnbbv°v Hcp A⁄mX I¿XrXzkz`mhap≠v. FgpXnbXv BcmsW∂v, ]d™ ImcyØns‚ DØchmZnXzam¿°msW∂p hy‡am°ns°m≈Wsa∂n√. F∂m¬, ]{XØns‚ Imcyw AX√. FgpXnbXns‚ s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


DØchmZnXzw hlnt® ]‰q. Cu DØchmZnXzw Gs‰SpØp sIm≠pXs∂ Cßs\ Hcp DØchmZnXzan√mØ tkmjy¬ aoUnbtbmSp a’cn°Ww. Aßs\ a’cn®p\n¬°p∂Xn\p aebmf]{X{]h¿Ø\ cwKsØ {]m]vXam°nb {]apJcnsemcmfmWp tXmakv tP°_v. At±lw ]{XcwKØp ]e \qX\{]hWXIfpw sIm≠ph∂p. B[p\nI aebmf]{XØns‚ cq]hpw `mhhpw F¥mIWsa∂p tXmakv tP°_v \n›bn°p∂ hn[Ønep≈ henb kzm[o\i‡nbmIm≥ At±lw sIm≠ph∂ ]cnjvImc߃°p km[n°pIbpw sNbvXp. Kuchap≈ teJ\߃°nSbn¬ efnXhmb\bv°p≈ anUn¬ ]okv sImSp°¬, {]tXyI kz`mhØnep≈ hmcm¥y∏Xn∏v, {]tXyIhnjbw ap≥\n¿Ønbp≈ ]pƒHu´pIƒ, kmwkvImcnI \mbIscs°m≠p kaImenIhnjbØn¬ ]w‡n FgpXn°¬, IuXpIap≈ D≤cWnItfmsS "hmNItaf' t]mep≈ {]tXyItImf߃ Dƒs∏Spج Aßs\ Fs¥√msas¥√mw! tXmakv tP°_v BhnjvIcn®Xp ]eXpw a‰p ]{X߃ A\pIcn°pIt]mepw sNbvXp F∂XmWp kXyw. ]q¿Wamb A¿∏Wt_m[tØmsS, H∏w auenIamb KthjW_p≤ntbmsS \oßnbm¬ am{Xta Cßs\ ]pXp]pØ≥ Bib߃ Is≠Øm\pw Ah {]mh¿ØnIam°n ]{XsØ a’ck÷am°m\pw Ignbq. AXp km[n®p F∂nSØmWv tXmakv tP°_ns‚ hnPbw. Ac\q‰m≠ntesdbmbn aebmf at\mcabpsS FUnt‰mdnb¬ hn`mKØns‚ Np°m≥ ]nSn°pIbmWt±lw. ]{X߃°p hyXykvX\ne]mSpIfp≠mIpw. cm{„ob\ne]mSpIfp≠mIpw. F¶n¬t]mepw AXns‚ AXn¿hcºpIƒ adnIS∂p ]{XØnte°p kmwkvImcnIcm{„ob cwKsØ {]apJcpsS kzoImcyX Hgp°nsbSp°p∂Xn¬ At±lw henbtXmXn¬ amXrIm]camb ]¶phln®p. kz¥w cm{„ob\ne]mSp \ne\n¿Øns°m≠p Xs∂, F√mhscbpw Dƒs°m≈p∂p XßfpsS ]{Xw F∂ {]XoXn ÿm]ns®Sp°p∂ hn[Ønembn AXv. tXmakv tP°_ns‚ auenIamb {]h¿Ø\coXnbpsS ^eamWnXv F∂p ]dbWw. At±lØns‚ Iogn¬ ]cnioe\w Ign™ndßnb F{Xtbm t]cp≠v. ]{X\hoIcWØn\p \ho-\amb Bib߃ Is≠Øp∂Xnepw ]pXnb ]pXnb ho£WtImWpIfn¬ hm¿ØIƒ AhXcn∏n°p∂Xnepw ]pXpXmbn Hcp kw`hap≠mbmepS≥ AXns‚ ]gb 20

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

kmZriyßfpw kam\XIfpw Is≠Øn AhXcn∏n°p∂Xnepw Hs° anIhp≈hsc At±lw hm¿sØSpØp. at\mcabpsS cm{„obsØ C„s∏SmØh¿°p t]mepw at\mcasb Hgnhm°m\mhn√ F∂ Ahÿbnte°v AXns‚ kzoImcyX Db¿ØnsbSp°p∂Xn¬ tXmakv tP°_v kz¥w ssien sIm≠pw ]cnioe\coXnIƒ sIm≠pw hln® ]¶v ]pXnb Xeapdbnse ]{X{]h¿ØI¿ kq£vaambn ]Tnt°≠XmWv. am[yataJebv°p \¬Inb ka{Kkw`mh\ ap≥\n¿ØnbmWv Hcp e£w cq]bpw {]ikvXn ]{Xhpw inev]hpw Dƒs∏Sp∂ kztZim`nam\n˛tIkcn ]pckvImcw tXmakv tP°_n\p \¬Ip∂Xv. Im¿´qWnÃmIm≥ h∂v ]{Xm[n]kanXnbpsS t\Xrÿm\sØØnb IYbmWv kPoh]{X{]h¿Ø\Øn¬ 56 h¿jw XnIbv°p∂ tXmakv tP°_nt‚Xv. At±lw aebmf]{X{]h¿ Ø\Øns‚ ]ptcmKXn°p \¬Inb kw`mh\ hfsc hnetbdnbXmWv. Cu taJesb A¥¿t±iob \nehmcØnseØn®hcn¬ {]apJ\mb At±lw aebmf]{X߃°p kmt¶XnIØnIhp≠m°p∂Xn¬ \¬Inb kw`mh\ \nkvXpeamWv. tXmakv tP°_ns‚ s{]m^jWenkw at\mcabv°p am{Xa√ aebmf]{XtemIØn\msI hnes∏´Xmbn. kztZim`nam\nbpsSbpw tIkcnbpsSbpw t]cnep≈ ]pckvImcØn\p XnI®pw A¿l\mWv At±lw. `qXImeØns‚ \-∑Iƒ kzmwioIcn®p h¿Øam\ImesØ \hoIcn°p∂ coXnbmWt±lØnt‚Xv. ]{X{]h¿Ø\cwKsØ ka{Kkw`mh\bv°p≈ Ht´sd ]pckvImc߃°v A¿l\mbn´p≈ tXmakv tP°_ns‚ "IY°q´v' F∂ ]w‡n Gsd ckIchpw hn⁄m\{]ZhpamWv. ¤


he State of Kerala is the result of an amalgamation of three distinctive geographical units viz, Travancore, Cochin and Malabar. While Malabar was ruled by the British, the other two divisions were governed by Maharajas. But irrespective of the nature of governance, style of living or cultural variations, the rulers as well as the ruled knew that their staple means of livelihood was agriculture. This realisation always prompt them to consider farming as a noble profession and to do everything to improve its status and sustainability. All publications launched in this area during the past decades gave

predominant importance to farming. History shows that the second printed periodical in Malayalam Paschimodayam onwards that trend was initiated. It was printed using immovable stone types by a foreign missionary. Besides, many of the books originated during the eighteenth century gave paramount importance to farming. Initiatives were also undertaken to improve the age old practices in farming during the period.

Dr. Anil Kumar Vadavathoor

Paschimodayam (Rise of the West), the second monthly periodical in Malayalam published from Thalassery during October 1847, can rightly be called as the maiden publication which provided s^{_p-hcn Ë› am¿Žv 2017


reasonable coverage to farm news. Farming, insects, weather and geography were some of the topics found its place, though occasionally in this journal edited by F. Muller and sold for a price of two paisa per copy. However, agricultural news had to wait until November 1848 for getting a fair coverage with the publication of ‘Jnananikshepam’ ( Treasure chest of knowledge) from Kottayam. The magazine having the honour as the first Malayalam magazine published from a printing press with a declared objective of propagating Christianity, devoted its columns for discussion of

Pillai with the help of Maharaja of Travancore way back in 1853. Yet another periodical, Vidyavinodini which initiated publication from Trichur during 1889 had also provided noteworthy contributions to the upliftment and popularisation of all forms of sciences including agricultural sciences. A well known writer of yester years C.S. Gopala Panicker, who considered as an expert in natural sciences was the chief contributor of science in Vidyavinodini. Kandathil Varghese Mappilla the founder of ‘Bhashaposhini’ magazine in 1867, Kesari alias Vengayil Kunjiraman Nayanar, noted poet contributed a lot for propagating modern agricultural thoughts among the farmers of the previous century were the personalities worth mentioned. Newspapers also played an important role in uplifting the farmers from their age old beliefs and systems to a brave new world of science. Malayala Manorama contributed much for the popularity of modern farming through news, views and editorial columns. Krishi Pradarshanan (29 march 1890), Puncha krishi (09 December 1903) , Kayal Krishi (22 June 1903) are some of the editorials appeared in Malayala Manorama. Agriculture in Travancore (17 June 1899) was an English editorial on the spread of coconut disease with a plea to strengthen scientific research in the area of agriculture. The editorial exhorted for the organisation of a pull pledged Dept. of Agriculture for the erstwhile state of Travancore. It was evidently writers with an eye to invite the attention of the officers of British East India Company and the then Dewan.

Kandathil Varghese Mappilla

subjects like growth of plants, treatments of diseases, geography etc. However the farmers in Kerala had to wait until 1881 for getting a magazine with a strong proagricultural attitude. It was Vidyavilasini (Dance of Knowledge) published by Easwara Pillai from Thiruvananthapuram, started a regular agricultural science column in September1883. The press ‘Kerala Vilasam’ was started by Mr. Easwara 22

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As time advanced and sensationalism became the order of the day, the newspapers in Malayalam also resorted to other areas of interest. Kerala had to wait until 1975 to see a full fledged farm feature page in any of the leading Malayalam dailies. It was materialed in the backdrop of emergency and resulted pre-censorship. However, the first farm feature page ‘Karshika Rangam’ finally appeared in Mathrubhumi Daily on 6 , August 1975. Almost all newspapers in Malayalam followed the suit within no time and that trend is still continuing.

Farm Journals during Pre-Independence era The first ever journal for economics, in Malayalam, Lakshmi Vilasam (Breezy presence of Goddess Lakshmi) was published in 1906 from Kottackal near Calicut or erstwhile Malabar, at the instance of P.V. Krishna Warrior, a versatile literary figure of yester years. Through the

monthly claimed to the only economic journal in Malayalam, majority of its page were devoted to agriculture as farming was the centre point of all economic activities during that period. From the second issue onwards, around the 60 percent of the total print area was set apart for modern and farm practices and scientific mode of farming. The essence of all articles were given in English too. Though this journal was devoted for economic activities of the state, many prefer to call it as a precursor to all agricultural journals in Malayalam. It was further evident from the editorial in its June – July 1906 (Midhunam 1081). “The quintessential purpose of this magazine is to elucidate all topics related to agriculture, manual labour, trade, in such a way as not to prejudice our resource

limitations or their nature, nor even our present way of life in our country in general and in Kerala in particular comprising British Malabar, Kochi and Travancore”. Lakshmi Vilasam exhorted the farmers to mechanise the paddy cultivation, protect the forest wealth for sustainable climate, begin model agricultural farms on a scientific basis and to concentrate on the marketing aspects of farm products; that too a century ago. The Lakshmi Vilasam was priced three rupees per year and continued its uninterrupted publication for a period of 20 years. However ‘Krishikkaran’ (farmer), published in January 1909 by I.C. Govindan Ezhuthachan from Ottappalam in Palakkad district has the credit of being the first agricultural journal in Malayalam. It is perhaps the first farm journal publish in any of the Indian languages. However the researcher could find only the first issue of the journal during the study. The first comprehensive farm journal was published in Malayalam by none other than the royal regime of the princely state of Travancore. The magazine, ‘Thiruvithamcore Karshaka Thrimasika’ started during October-November 1913 enjoyed an uninterrupted publication for a considerable period of six years. The journal adorned with the royal seal of the Government of Travancore and printed at the Trivandrum s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


magazine ‘Krishi Vyavasaya Darpanam’ during 1913, but couldn’t trace a copy. Indian central nalikera (coconut) committee Bulletin launched in August 1947 by the Ministry of Agriculture ,Govt. Of India is another landmark in the history of farm journalism in Kerala. This Journal is still continuing its publication with the title, Indian Nalikera Journal from Ernakulam by the Coconut Development Board.

Government Press was the initiated by the effort of N. Kunjan Pillai, the founder Director of the Dept. of Agriculture, Travancore. The magazine commands a circulation of little over 1500 during that period. The magazine had a clear editorial policy devoted for the overall development of agriculture in the state by providing inputs as well as awareness to the farmers. The style was simple and the naration lucid. When two more new departments such as Industry and Co-operation was formed. They were amalgamated with agriculture and started the publication of a new journal is the place of Thiruvithamcore Karshaka Thrimasika. The title of the new publication was Thiruvithamcore Krishi Vyavasaya Masika. Other notable periodicals contributed in the area of farming during pre independence era were Nair (1902) Janmi (1903) Vyavasaya Chandrika (1909) Vignana Chandrika(1915) Atma Poshini (1913), Deepam (1930) etc. It is also recorded that Sivaramakrishna Iyer at Attingal, Trivandrum had launched a farm 24

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Karshaka Mithram (1953), Kuttanadan (1928), Kerala Karshakan (1954), Karshaka Bandhu (1968), Rubber (1965), Spice India (1967), Agro Industries (1969), Kunnimannu (1972), Kalpadhenu (1973), Karshakan (1992), Karshikarangam (1989), Vasudha (1989), Karshakakeralam (1989), Janmi (1907), Nair (1902), Karshakasree (1995) Krishiyanganam (1994), Krishikkaran (1952) are some other popular farm journals of yester years to mention All Malayalam dailies are now-adays publishing weekly agricultural feature pages. Leading weeklies and other periodicals are also showing greater interest in publishing farm related success stories Magazines like Karshakasree, Karshakan and Kerala Karshakan are commanding fairly good circulation. The electronic media is also in the forefront in propagating modern farm practices.



Director, Department of Public Relations & Publications, Cochin University of Science and Technology Email:

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¿Ø-I-fnse kXyw F¥mWv? aoUn-bbv°v kXyw ]d-bm≥ Ign-bptam? kXyw ]e¿°pw ]e-Xm-Wv. Ah IrXy-amb hkvXpXbmI-W-sa-∂n-√. ]mc-º-cy-ambn e`n® hnizm-ktam, _p≤n-am-∑m-cpsS kq{XX-{¥w hgn-bp≈ sX‰n-≤-cn-°-s∏-Stem, shdpw sshIm-cnItam GXp-am-Imw. cmjv{So-b-am-Wt√m aoUn-b-bpsS Cu kXym-t\z-j-W-Øns‚ aqe˛{]`htI{µw. P\m-[n-]-Xy-kw-hn-[m\w `qcn-]-£Øns‚ A`n-{]m-b-Øn¬ \ne-\n-ev°p-∂Xn-\m¬ `qcn-]£w hniz-kn-°p∂ hn[Øn¬ hkvXp-X-I-fpsS cq]-`mhw am‰n-bm¬ AXmIpw kXyw. CXv `c-W-

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Iq-Shpw AXn-s\-Xn-cmb ka-c-apJw Xpd-°p∂psh∂v A`n-am-\n°p∂ P\-]-£-hm-Zn-Ifpw H∂p-t]mse, BcmWv icn F∂p t_m≤y-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ Bbp-[-am-Wv. ]ns∂ sshIm-cn-I-hp-amImw, kXyw. Km‘nPn kXyØns‚ Cu hyXy-kvX-Xsb \√ Hcp DZm-l-cWw hgn Im´n-Ø∂n-´p≠v. aq∂p •mkp-I-fn¬ sh≈w hbv°p-I. H∂n¬ km[mcW sh≈w, as‰m-∂n¬ NqSp-≈-Xv, aq∂m-a-tØ-Xn¬ XWp-∏n®Xpw. BZy-tØXn¬ hnc¬ ap°p-I. kXyw ]dbmw, sh≈Øn\v NqSpw XWp-∏p-an-√. km[m-cWXs∂. ]t£, NqSp-sh≈w \nd® •mkn¬ hnc¬ ap°nbn´v AtX-hn-c¬ CtX sh≈-Øn¬ ap°n-bm¬ AXn\v XWp-∏p-tXm-∂pw.- A-Xp-t]mse XWpØ sh≈-Øn-emWv BZyw hnc¬ ap°n-b-sX-¶n¬ CtX sh≈Øn\v NqSpw tXm∂pw. Htc sh≈-Øns‚ NqSn\v aq∂p kXy-ßfm-Wv. ]pcm-X\Imew apX¬ H´p-an° XØz-im-kv{X-⁄cpw aX]-WvUn-Xcpw _p≤n-Po-hn-Ifpw kXyw F¥m-sW-∂-Xn-s\s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


Ip-dn®v Gsd Xnb-dn-Ifpw hymJym\-ßfpw \ap°v \¬In-bn-´p-≠v.- CXv icnsX‰p-I-fpsS e£vaWtcJIƒ krjvSn®v At\ym\yw Ie-ln-°m\pw bp≤w sNøm-\p-amWp kaq-lsØ \n¿_-‘n-X-cm-°n-b-Xv. efn-Xhpw t\¿h-gn-bn¬ e`y-am-Ip-∂-Xp-amb kXywt]mepw ChnsS Xa-kvIcn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. i¶-cm-Nm-cy¿ Npcp-ßnb kabw sIm≠v Fß-s\-bmWv cmPyw apgp-h≥ bm{X sNbvXXv? ]pcm-W-Ønse IqSp-hn´p IqSp-am‰w icn°pw D≠mb-XmtWm? kmbn-∏-∑m¿ C¥y-bpsS `q]Sw hc-®Xv F¥Sn-ÿm-\-Øn-em-Wv? Fs‚ F´p hb- p-Im-c≥ t]c-a-I≥ CubnsS ]q™m-dnse Acp-hn-bpsS IpsØm-gp-°n¬ \o¥nØp-Sn®v k¥p-jvS-\mbn Ft∂mSp clkyw ]d™p: ""A∏q-∏-\-dn-bmtam, Cu Bdv Fß-s\-bm D≠m-Ip-∂-sX∂v?'' ""Adn-bn-√. '' ""]d™p Xcmw. AXv kqcy≥ aq{X-sam-gn-°p∂-Xm.'' ""AsX-ßs\ \n\°p a\- n-em-bn?'' ""]d™p Xcmw.- cm-{Xoev Bdpt≠m? Ccp´t√? A∏w Bdn-√.- C-cp´v F¥psIm≠m hcp-∂Xv? kqcy≥ Dd-ßp-∂-Xp-sIm-≠v.- D-d-ßp-tºmƒ CSbv°v \ap-s°-gp-t∂‰v aq{X-sam-gn-°t≠? AXpt]mem!'' 26

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

C∂v \Ωsf `cn-°p-∂-Xm-cmWv? kXyw H∂t\zjn-°mw. ho, Zn ]o∏nƒ Hm^v C¥y, F∂mWv \ΩpsS `c-W-L-S-\-bn¬ ]d-bp-∂-Xv. ]t£ \tc-{µ-tam-ZnbmWv \Ωsf `cn-°p-∂-sX∂v Fs‚ t]c-a-I≥ ]dbpw. t•m_¬ `oa-∑mcpw am^n-b-I-fp-amWv `cWw \SØp-∂-sX∂v tamZn hntcm-[n-Iƒ ]d-bpw. Ata-cn-°bpsS kn sF F BWv icn°pw `cn-°p-∂Xv F∂v aX-Xo-{h-hmZnIfpw hnπ-h-Im-cn-Ifpw ]d-bpw. ¢m¿°∑m¿ F∂v k¿°m¿ DØ-c-hn\mbn B^okv Ib-dnbn-d-ßp∂ P\w ]d-bpw. a≥tam-l≥ knMv Bbn-cp∂p-sh∂v Zn√n tcJ-Iƒ ]d-bpw. AX-√, tkmWnbmPn Bbn-cp∂p F∂v cmjv{So-b-°m¿ clkyambn ]d-bpw. ]t£ kXyw F¥mWv? temI-amsI C∂v HcpamXncn P\m-[n-]-Xy-k-{ºZm-b-amWv `c-W-co-Xn. ]t£ P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øn\v ]e cq]-ß-fp≠v F∂p am{Xw. Ata-cn-°-bn¬ AXv tIm¿∏-tdm-{Ikn F∂ h≥I-º-\n-I-fpsS CwKn-X-hpw {_koenepw Z£n-Wm-{^n-°-bnepw s_\he‚ v GIm-[n-]-Xy-hpw ssN\-bn¬ knwKnƒ ]m¿´n P\m-[n]-Xyhpw Kƒ^v cmjv{S-ß-fn¬ aXm-[n-]-Xyhpw bqtdm∏n¬ ]c-kv]cklmb˛kl-I-cW˛kmº-Øn-Im-[n-]Xyhpw C¥y-bpƒs∏-Sp∂ sX°-t\-jy≥ cmjv{S-ßfn¬ cmP-`-c-W-Øns‚ tijn-∏m-bn-cp∂ IpSpw-_m-[n-]Xy-hp-ambn amdn. AXp-sIm≠v Ct∏mƒ \sΩ `cn-°p∂Xv Bcm-sW∂ tNmZyØn\v IrXy-amb DØcw \¬Im≥ hnj-a-am-Wv. ]t£ CXphsc Bcp `cn-®ncp-∂mepw C\n `cn-°m≥ t]mIp-∂Xv BcmWv F∂p ]d-bm≥ Ign-bpw. AXt√ {][m-\w. AXm-cmWv? BcmWv? kwi-b-an-√. tamZnPn AXv Ign™ temIvk`m sXc-s™-Sp-∏n-eq-sSbpw Ct∏m-gsØ DØ¿{]-tZiv sXc-s™-Sp-∏n-eq-sSbpw ImWn®p X∂p.

B∏p-Iƒ \nb-{¥n-°p∂ hm¿Ømam[yaw ]c-º-cm-K-X-ssi-en-bnse C∂sØ h¿Ø-am-\∏-{X-tam tdUn-tbm-tbm sSen-hn-jt\m A√, ]pXnb B∏p-Iƒ A\p-Zn\w ]nd-°p-∂, Ah ssIImcyw sNøp∂ kl-{k-tImSn P\w cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ ]pXnb am[y-aw. tkmjy¬ ao-Unb F∂v samØ-Øn¬ AXn\p t]cn-Smw. sSIvt\m-fPn sIm≠p-h-cp∂ kz]v\-k-Zr-i-amb Bbp-[-ß-fp-a-mbn FØp∂ Cu ]pXnb am[y-aØn\p apºn¬ ]nSn®p \nev°m≥ hcpwImeØv F{X henb i‡n-tI-{µ-Øn\pw km[y-a-√. aX-Øn-s‚tbm

XØz-im-kv{X-Øn-s‚tbm ]mc-º-cy-Øns‚tbm kº-Øn-s‚tbm Bbp-[-Ø-ns‚tbm H∂pw ]n≥_-e-Øn¬ sSIvt\m-f-Pn-bpsS kpXm-cy-Xsb t\cn-Sm≥ ]‰p-I-bn-√. Cu aoUnb C^Iv‰v sXc-s™-Sp-∏p-I-fntem {Inan-\¬ tIkp-Iƒ ssIImcyw sNøp-∂Xntem am{X-a-√, Blm-c-Ønepw acp-∂nepw hnZym-`ym-k-Ønepw Bcm-[-\m-e-b-ß-fnepw F√mw hcpw; h∂p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. Hcp kwi-b-hp-an-√. Iºyq-´dpw sk¬t^mWpw ssI∏-Ønbn-sem-Xp-ßp∂ hcpw-Im-eØv B¿°pw Hcp hkvXp-Xbpw cl-kyhpw Hfn∏n-°m≥ ]‰n-√. Ah-cpsS Hmtcm sNbvXnbpw GtXm lm¿Uv Un-kvIns‚ A¥-cm-flm-hn¬ Nnc-RvPo-hnbmbn InS-∏p-≠v. AXp I≠p-]n-Sn-°m-\p≈ IcpØpw anSp°pw Iui-ehpw aXn. Iºyq-´dns‚ Imc-W-h-cmb ssat{Im-tkm^v‰ns‚ _n¬tK‰vkn-s\bpw Iq´p-Imscbpw ]≠v kvIqfn¬ \n∂p ]pd-Øm-°n. ImcWw kvIqfn¬ hmS-Ibv°v FSp-Øncp∂ A∂sØ BZy-Im-e-{]mIrXIºyq-´-dnse clkyw tNm¿Øp∂ hnZy Ah¿ I≠p-]n-Sn®p F∂-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. hn°neoIvkns‚ Bkms© ]pd-Øphn´ kXy-ßtf Ata-cn° t\cn-´Xv AXnse icn-sX‰p t\m°nb--√, Bkms©-s°-Xn-cmbn s]Æn-s\-s°m≠v ]oU-\t°-kp- sIm-Sp-∏n-°m-\p≈ sXfnhv Iºyq-´¿ B∏p-Iƒ hgn tiJ-cn-®m-Wv. Ct∏mƒØs∂ t^kv_p-°pw Szn‰-dpw KqKn-fpw hmSvkm∏pw AXp-t]mse Ht´sd tkmjy¬ aoUnb Bπnt°-j\ - p-Ifpw H´p-an° {][m-\h - m¿Ø-If - psSbpw Ãm¿´nMv t]mbn‚p-If - mbn°gn-™p. Zriy-{imhy am[y-aß - f - psS kXyw Xo¿®-s∏-SpØp∂Xv C∂v Cu tkmjy¬ aoUn-bb - m-Wv. CXnse ck-Ic - a - mb hyXn-bm-\w, ChnsS ]{X°m-c\pw hmb-\° - m-c\ - pw AXm-bXv s{]mUyqkdpw I¨kyq-adpw Hcmƒ Xs∂bmbn-°g - n™n-cn-°p∂p F∂-Xm-Wv.

ChnsS hyXy-kvX-amb kzm¿∞-XmXv]-cy-ap≈ Ko_evkp-Iƒ°p- t]mepw Hcp P\m-[n-]-Xy-coXn Ah-ew-_nt°≠n hcpw. ImcWw Ah¿ \¬Ip∂ kXy-ßtf t\cnSm≥ C∂-sØ-t∏mse henb aqe-[-\-i‡n th≠n hcp∂ ]{X ˛ Snhn ÿm]-\-߃ th≠. C\n AXv B¿°pw kz¥w ssIhn-c-ep-I-fpsS Ne-\-Øn-eqsS sNøm-hp∂ \nebm-Ipw. At∏mƒ ]c-kv]-c-kw-L¿jw hym]-IamIp-Ibpw ]S-bm-fn-I-fpsS FÆw hfsc IqSp-Ibpw sNbvtX-°mw. CXv A]-I-S-I-c-amIpw F∂v H‰ t\m´-Øn¬ \ap°v tXm∂mw. ]t£ hy‡-amb tNcn-Xn-cnhpw N¿®-I-fn-eqsS Dcp-Øn-cn-bmhp∂ ka-hm-bhpw Cu aoUn-b-bn¬ Ffp-∏-amIpw. C∂v Hcp tPW-enÃpw kzX-{¥-\-√. X\n°p kXysa∂p Xo¿®-bp-≈-Xn-s\-t∏mepw AtX-hn[w Iayq-Wn-t°‰p sNøm≥ Ah\p Ign-bn√sb∂p \ap-s°-√m-h¿°p-a-dn-bmw. B ÿnXn- am-dpw. alm-`m-c-X-Imew apX-¬ cYw hen-°p∂ IpXn-c-Isf \bn-°m≥ tXcmfn D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. cYw amdn Imdpw Xoh-

≠nbpw Bb-t∏m-gpw s{Sbn-\nMv e`n® ss{Uh¿ Bh-iy-ambn-cp-∂p. ]t£ ]Øp sIm√-Øn-\Iw ss{Uh-dn-√mØ Imdp-I-fm-bn-cn°pw temI-sØ-ºmSpw \nc-Øn-tem-Sp-∂-Xv. A]-I-S-km-[yX IqSp-sa∂v \ap-°n-t∏mƒ tXm∂pw. ]t£ lyqa≥ Fd-dn-√m-Ø-Xn-\m¬ \ap-°p-Xs∂ ssIImcyw sNøm-hp∂ coXnbmbn-cn°pw kwPm-X-am-Ip-I. kl-{km_vZ-ß-fmbn \ne-\n∂ ss{Uh¿ F∂ sXmgn¬ C√m-XmIpw. AXp-t]mse tPW-enÃv F∂ kvs]jy-ssekvUv tPmenbpw C√m-Xm-bm¬ \mw A¤p-X-s∏-tS≠Xn-√.

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t\mh-enÃpw "ho£Ww' ap≥ No^v FUn-‰-dp-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬: s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


DOES DIGITIZATION AFFECT SENIOR FREELANCE JOURNALISTS? he impact of digitization on journalism in general and on specialized areas of journalism like investigative journalism and conflict journalism in particular has been a subject of great concern within the world of journalism. Senior journalists and freelancers are constrained to discover that things are changing faster than they could ever have imagined. Besides, over the years, the technological change is happening so fast that before one can blink one’s eye, the logistics of communication through e-mail like gmail have changed. This writer, a freelance journalist for the print media for four decades now, discovered to her horror that by the time she had learnt the abc of functioning through the electronic typewriter and had learnt to communicate through FAX, the computer had permanently ensconced itself in the world of media and journalists. So, it was time to shelf the electronic typewriter and replace it with a

Shoma A. Chatterji



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desktop and the added infra-structure of a scanner and a printer. Getting equipped with the right infra structure was hardly enough. One had to learn the rudiments of how to print and scan and send attachments through e-mail, search through Internet search engines like Google and Yahoo only to be warned again and again that facts gleaned through these engines might be debatable and open to error so one needed to double-check one’s research through hard copy books and documents and library research. But slowly, one began to learn the ropes because there was just no option if one wished to continue in the profession.

time to market one’s abilities, experience Ying Chan, founding and professionalism among digitized director of the Journalism online media which did not have a print and Media Studies Centre parallel as happened when digitization at Hong Kong University, in began in the mid-1990s in India, subject her enlightening article, to being accepted or rejected as a Journalism and Digital contributor to the online magazine; Times: Wider Reach and Sloppy Reporting (Global thirdly, establishing credibility of dependence and loyalty and of course, Investigative Journalism the three tenets of exclusivity, objective Network) posted on distance and originality with the online September 16, 2014 points editors about the freelancer’s approach out, “Digitization is one of and style of work. A freelancer has to the primary driving forces Ying Chan build confidence in the editor about not behind recent changes in doing copy-paste jobs from matter given journalism, including news on the Internet which is also guilty of posting a lot of values, professional ethics, workflows, plagiarised news and reports and stories spanning working conditions, and newsroom all genres. management. The Mapping Digital Media study shows that digital media have not But the problems of moving over from print to only changed journalism practices in digital journalism while not giving away print developed countries but have also altogether only begins with the issues discussed significantly shaped the way journalists above. Young journalists thoroughly trained in digital work in emerging markets. Digital media journalism now file stories on their blackberries from bring opportunities, risks, and challenges to inside courts, hearing rooms, practically from journalism. While digitization facilitates anywhere. How can a freelancer aged 60+ but news gathering and dissemination, it does active and alert function in this media when he does not necessarily foster better journalism. not have a blackberry and cannot afford to buy one? Plagiarism, lack of verification, and other How can freelancers do this specially when they unethical journalistic practices have are firmly rooted to the earlier age of working for the increased alarmingly in many countries.” print media? How can I equip myself to use social However, there is little scope for the media networks like Twitter and Facebook to track freelance journalist working within the print media for many years to learn from this change because firstly, the freelancer needs to train himself/ herself in how to facilitate the change personally within his/her home/office which the regular journalism staff of a publishing house provides them with on its own cost; secondly, it needs s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


down newsmakers or people who know newsmakers and can perhaps help contact through networking online? I do not know how to edit video clips on my computer or laptop because I never learnt to cut clips from longer videos and editing is out of the question. By the time I try to learn – how and why one really does not know because only Lise Lareau staffers, editors, sectional subs and editors have access to such equipment and such training. They are often unwilling even to give us the name of the software to be used for videocutting, editing and clipping and this is from experience. One needs to learn that there is more to the cell-phone camera than Selfies. When videos are digitized everyone in the newsroom has the same video on their desktops when the server is working and active. But a freelancer is not a part of this larger Netscape. Press conferences are participatory via cyberscape eliminating the need to attend a conference in the real world. But I, a freelancer, cannot do it because I am not hooked to that network or to the newsroom or to the editor’s site. Besides, as Ying Chan rightly comments, “While digitization facilitates news gathering and dissemination, it does not necessarily foster better journalism. Plagiarism, lack of verification, and other unethical practices have increased alarmingly.” She adds that it could be both risky and dangerous for news channels on television or online media to rely on the relatively new concept of asking “citizen journalists” to contribute photographs, video clips and stories of dramatic or topical events that they are witness to within their neighbourhood. While it is true that digitization provides opportunities for citizen journalists and independent media to conduct their own research and investigation and publish, post and distribute their reports, how authentic are 30

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these news or video clips? Can one really rely on a citizen journalist who is not a journalist at all and is crazy to get his one-minute milestone to fame? What is the guarantee that the clips and photos are clicked by the person who sends them and not by someone from who he/she has copied or stolen the said news byte? The fact that the accountability of a citizen journalist’s contribution is questionable has been verified by the media of many countries. The print media does not have scope for citizen journalists and this serves as a salve for freelancers like yours truly. Lise Lareau, National President of the Canadian Media Guild, which represents 6,000 employees and freelancers across the country, in an brilliant article The impact of digital technology on media workers: Life has completely changed (Ephimera, Notes, Volume 10 (3/4) pages 522-525) while pointing out how digitization has opened up new windows for the citizen journalist, summarises the sideeffects of digitization as follows: It crates (a) a downward pressure on job numbers, (b) downward pressure on wages, (c) adds to or creates a new stress factor being constantly chsed by the “need for Speed” and (d) has a big impact on the effect of collective power. Lareau adds that Citizen journalism has allowed the numbers of reporters and photographers to be lower. It may not have directly led to layoffs but it has been an enabler of layoffs. The growth in numbers of amateur columnists and opinion writers is staggering. The impact of this has recently been felt in some news houses in West Bengal already. This calls for greater inclusiveness in the world of journalism, digitalized or old-fashioned print.

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The writer is a freelance journalist, author and film scholar based in Kolkata. She has authored 25 books and contributed to many compilations on cinema, family and gender. Email:

aoUnb ss_‰vkv F≥.]n.B¿.

A\-izcNn{Xw s\t©mSp tN¿Øv \n°v Du´v hnc-an-°p∂p


sIm-≠n-cnt° hnb-‰v\m-an¬ acn®phoW aqØ ktlm-Z-c\p ]I-c-amWv A\p-P\pw Atkm-kn-tb‰Uv {]kns‚ t^mt´m-{Km-^-dm-b-Xv. \ne-hn-fn-t®m-Sp∂ \·-bmb s]¨Ip´n s{^anep-≠m-b-XmWv t^mt´mbv°v h≥{]Nmcw D≠m-°ns°m-Sp-Ø-sX∂p ]d-bmw.- t_mw-t_-dn¬ s]m≈-te‰mWv B Hº-Xp-h-b- p-Imcn a‰p Ip´n-Iƒs°m∏w HmSn-b-Xv. t^mt´m FSpØ tijw \n°v Xs∂ Ip´n°v sshZy-k-lmbw G¿s∏-Sp-Øn-s°m-Sp-Øn-cp∂p.- A-Xn\p tijta At±-lw Nn{Xw Hm^o-kn-te°-b-®p-≈q. Ab® t^mt´m At∏mƒØs∂ GP≥kn Hm^o-kn¬ hnhm-Z-ap-≠m-°n.- \-·-X-bm-bn-cp∂p {]iv\w.- Hcp Xc-Øn-ep≈ \·-Xbpw t^mt´m-bn¬ D≠m-I-cp-sX∂ \bw ewLn-°m≥ At∏mƒ NpaXe hln-®n-cp∂ FUn-‰¿ Xøm-dm-bn-cp-∂n-√. \n°v Du´v Hcp-]mSp hmZn®n´pw {]tbm-P-\-ap-≠mbn-√. HSp-hn¬ At±lw \yqtbm¿°nse tI{µ Hm^o-kn-te°v hni-Zamb sSeIvkv ktµ-i-ab-®p. Akm-[m-c-W-amb B Nn{Xw {]tXyIkml-N-cyØn¬ {]kn-≤o-IcWtbmKy-am-sW∂p hn[n-®Xv \yqtbm¿°v t^mt´m FUn-‰¿ lm¬ _yq¬ Bbn-cp-∂p. Inw ^yqIv F∂mWv B s]¨Ip-´nbpsS t]cv. Ahcpw \n°v Du´pw At∂ kplr-Øp-°-fmbn amdnbn-cp-∂p.- t^mt´m InΩn1973 ¬ \n°v Du´ns\ ]pen-‰vk¿ kΩm-\-Øn\v A¿l-\m-°nb "Z sSd¿ Hm^v hm¿' s\bpw {]kn-≤bm°n. F∂ Nn{Xw cpw Hcn-°epw ad-°m\nS-bn-√mØ, bp≤-`oI-c-X-bpsS Ahn-kva-c-WobNn{Xw ]I¿ØpI hgn A\-iz-c-\mbn amdnb \n°v Du´v F∂ t^mt´m-{K-^¿ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-\Øn¬ \n∂p hnc-an-°p-∂p. hnb-‰v\m-an¬ Ata-cn° \S-Øn-s°m-≠n-cp∂ Incm-X-amb Iq´-s°m-e-I-fpsS {]Xo-Iw hnb‰v\mw {Kma-Øn¬ \n∂p \n°v Du´v Ima-d-bn¬ ]I¿ØnbXv 1972 Pq¨ F´n-\m-Wv. \m]mw F∂p t]cp≈, hoWn-S-sa√mw A·n-°n-c-bm-°p∂ t_mw_ns\ `b∂v Hcp sXcp-hn-eqsS HmSn c£-s∏-Sp∂ Ip´n-IfpsS Nn{X-amWv At±lw ]I¿Øn-b-Xv. A∂v At±l-Øn\p hbkv 21 am{Xw. ]Xn-\mdmw hb- n¬ Atkm-kn-tb-‰Uv {]kv F∂ hm¿Øm GP≥kn°p-th≠n \n°v Du´v Nn{X-sa-SpØp XpS-ßn-b-XmWv. CtX GP≥kn°pth≠n t^mt´m FSp-Øp-

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


53 hb- p≈ Ah¿ Ct∏mƒ `¿Øm-hn\pw c≠p a°ƒ°p-sam∏w Im\-U-bn-emWv Xma-kw. A∂p-sXm-´n-t∂mfw At\ItImSn Bfp-Iƒ I≠ B Nn{XsØs®m√n-bp≈ hnhm-Z-ßfpw Ahkm-\n-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn-√. 2016 sk]v‰w-_-dn¬ s^bvkv_p°v AXns\ shdpw \·-Nn-{X-am°n sk≥k-dn-ßn\p hnt[-b-am-°n. t\m¿th Zn\-]{Xw CXn-s\-Xntc am¿°v kp°¿_¿Kn\v Xpd∂ IsØgp-Xn. XpS¿∂p t\m¿th {][m-\-a-{¥nbpw a{¥namcpw CtX Nn{Xw Xß-fpsS s^bvkv_p°v t]PpI-fn¬ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn -{]Xn-tj-[-Øn¬ ]¶ptN¿∂p. Aßs\ s^bvkv_p°v HSp-hn¬ hg-ßn. Ata-cn° \S-Øn-s°m-≠n-cp∂ Hcp bp≤-Øns\-Xntc B cmPyØp _lp-P\ - t- cmjw Db¿Øm-\nS-bp≈, Ahn-SsØ k¿°m-cns\Øs∂ tcmjw sIm≈n-°m-\n-Sb - p≈, cmPy-t{Zm-l] - cw F∂p hntijn-∏n-°m-\n-Sb - p≈ Nn{Xw {]kn-≤o-Ic - n-®Xv Ata-cn-°bpsS Xs∂ Hcp hm¿Øm GP≥kn-bm-sW-∂Xv C∂p IqSp-X¬ {i≤-bm-I¿jn-°p-∂p. A∂p ]{X-ß-

fn¬ Cu Nn{Xw I≠ bp.Fkv. {]kn-U‚ v dn®m¿Uv \nIvk¨ CsXmcp hymPNn{XamtWm F∂p kwibn®Xmbn ]nev°m-eØv shfnhm-°-s∏-´n-cp-∂p. Ata-cn-°≥ ]uc-\mb Cu hnb-‰v\mw-Im-c≥ temkv BRvP-e- nemWp Xma-kw. Zn sSd¿ Hm^v hm¿ F∂p t]cn´ AXn-{]-i-kvX-amb Nn{X\n°v Du´v Øn\v 1973˛¬ ]pen-‰vk¿ kΩm\w e`n-®n-cp-∂p. ] - p-en-‰vk¿ kΩm-\Ø - ns‚ \mev]Xmw hm¿jn-IØ - n¬ {]tXyIw BZ-cn-°s - ∏´ t^mt´m-{Km-^¿amcn¬ Hcmƒ \n°v Du´v Bbn-cp-∂p. 65-˛mw hb- n-emWv At±lw F.-]n.-bn¬ \n∂v hnc-an-°p-∂Xv. ¤

{Sw]v hnh-cm-h-Im-i-Øns‚ Igp-Øp -sR-cn-°ptam?


]v `c-WI - q-SØ - n¬ \n∂p hnh-cXbv°v Hcp hnebpw ߃ e`n-°m≥ am[y-a{- ]-h¿ØIev]n-°mØ {Sw]v I¿ Gsd IjvSs - ∏-tS≠n hcpw `c-W-Øn¬ DtZym-KF∂mWv Ata-cn-°b - nse 336 hnh-ck - zmÿ-cpsS {]Xn-IX{¥yhnZ-Kv≤∑ - m¿°n-Sb - n¬ \S∂ Hcp cWw F¥m-bn-cn°pw k¿t∆-bpsS \nK-a\ - w. ss\‰v ^ut≠-jF∂v Duln-°m-hp-∂\p- th≠n bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Hm^v AcnXt√ D≈q. tkm-Wb - nse tUhnUv Ip≈y¿ BWv ]{X-ß-fn-ep≈ ]T\w \S-Øn-bX - v. aXn∏pw hnizm-kyH_m-a-bpsS {]kn-U≥jy¬ ImeXbpw hfsc XmsgØp- Xs∂ ÿnXn tami-am-bn-cp∂p {Sw]v H_m-abmWp \nev°p-∂-Xv. F∂mWp ]T-\-߃ shfn-s∏-Sp-Øn-bnAXp-sIm≠p Xs∂ ´p-≈-Xv. Bh-iy-s∏-Sp∂ hnh-c-߃ Fs¥-¶nepw Hgn-Ignhp ]d™p hnhcw \¬Im-Xn-cn-°m≥ Ct∏mƒ G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ \ntj-[n-°-s∏-´Xv H_ma `cW-Im-e-Øm-Wv. H_ma kpXm-cyX Dd-∏p-\¬InDtZym-K-ÿ¿°pw `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Iƒ°pw aSn-bn-√. bn-cp-s∂-¶nepw DtZym-K-ÿ-X-e-Øn¬ {]Xn-ICØcw \ne-]m-Sp-Iƒs°-Xntc ]Ww sNe-hn´p s]mcpcWw tami-am-bn-cp∂p F∂n-cn-t°, kpXm-cyXm≥ C°m-eØp ]{X-߃ an\-s°-Sp-I-bp-an-√.


]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v hnh-c-kzm-X{¥yw th≠!

ta-cn-°-bn-se-¶nepw Cu \nb-a-hp-ambn _‘-s∏´p as‰mcp hnNn-{Xm-h-ÿ-bp-≠v. hnh-c-kzm-X-{¥y-\n-baw 1966 ¬ \S-∏m-°n-b-t∏mƒ G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ AXv D]-tbm-K-s∏SpØn `c-W-kp-Xm-cyX Dd-∏p-h-cp-ØpI am[y-a-te-J-I-∑m-cm-bncn°pw F∂m-bn-cp∂p F√m-h-cp-sSbpw {]Xo-£. CXn-\m-bn, At]-£-Iƒ \¬Ip-tºmƒ Ah¿°p ^okv th≠ F∂pw Xocp-am-\n-®n-cp-∂p. ]t£, {]Xo-£-Iƒs°m-∏-a√ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ k©-


s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

cn-®Xv; {]tXy-In®p kao-]-Im-e-Øv. Fs¥¶nepw `c-W-Im-cy-߃ dnt∏m¿´p sNøm≥ hnh-c-kzm-X{¥y\nbaw D]-tbmK-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpsS FÆw Ipd-™p- h-cn-I-bm-Wv. Ign™ h¿jw shdpw Ggp iX-am\w At]-£Iƒ am{X-amWp am[y-a-ß-fn¬ \n∂p e`n-®-Xv. ¤

C¥y-bnepw Xf-cp-I-bmtWm A®Sn am[yaw?


¥y-bn¬ ]{X-߃ {]Xn-k-‘n-bn-emWv F∂v ]{XapS-a-I-fpsS kwL-S\ {]kvXm-hn-®m¬ A[n-I-amcpw AXp Kuc-h-Øn-se-Sp-°m-dn-√. ImcWw, Ac-\q-‰m≠p Ime-Øn-\n-S-bn¬ FÆn-bm¬ Xocm-Ø{X XhW kwL-S\ Cu ap∂-dn-bn∏p \¬In-bn-´p-≠v. Ah¿ {]Xn-k-‘n-Iƒ t\cn-´n-cn°mw. As√-¶n¬, AsXmcp Bi¶ am{X-am-bn-cp∂p F∂p ]n∂oSp hy‡-am-bn-cn-°mw. AX-s√-¶n¬, A[n-Ir-X¿ \b-ß-fn¬ am‰w hcpØn {]iv\w eLqI-cn-®n-cn-°mw. 2017 Bcw-`n-®-Xp-Xs∂, C¥y≥ ]{X-tem-IØv H∂mw ÿm\Øp \n¬°p∂ ssSwkv Hm^v C¥ybpsS ap∂-dn-bn-t∏m-Sp-Iq-Sn-bmWv. P\p-hcn 19 \v apJ{]-kwKt]Pn¬ {]kn-≤o-I-cn® Hcp teJ-\-Øn-eqsS Ah¿ ]d-bm≥ {ian-®-Xv C¥y≥ A®Snam[y-a-hy-hkmbw Kpcp-X-c-amb AXn-Po-h-\-bp-≤-Øn¬ G¿s∏´n-cn-°p-∂p F∂m-Wv. A®Sn am[y-a-Øns‚ `mhn A]-I-S-Øn-emWv F∂-h¿ ap∂-dn-bn∏p \¬In. R߃ hm¿Øm-hy-h-km-b-Øne√ ]c-ky-hyh-km-b-Øn-emWp {]h¿Øn-°p-∂-Xv F∂p ]dbm≥ aSn-Im-Wn-®n-´n-√mØ ÿm]-\w, am[yaw F∂m¬ t^m¿Øv FtÉpw P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øns‚ \mep XqWp-I-fn-sem∂pw A`n-{]mb{]I-S-\-kzm-X{¥y-Øns‚ kwc-£-I-cp-amsW∂v Ct∏mƒ Dd-∏n®p ]d-bp-∂Xv {it≤-b-am-Wv. A®-Sn-am-[yaw Ct∏mgpw {]m[m\yw Ipd-bmsX XpS-cp∂ temIØnse A]q¿∆{]tZ-i-amb C¥ybn¬ ÿnXn amdp-I-bm-Wv. At\Iw ]{X-ÿm-]-\߃ AS-®p-]q-´-ens‚ h°n-em-Wv. -Ht´sd ]{X-߃ FUn-j-\p-Iƒ \n¿Øp-∂p; sk£-\p-Iƒ Dt]-£n°p-∂p. Poh-\-°m-cpsS FÆw sh´n-°p-d-°p-∂p. Ah hnI-k\]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ t]mepw Dt]-£n-°p-Ibm-Wv. \me©p h¿j-ambn Ht´sd sNdp-InS]{X߃ ]q´n-°-gn-s™∂pw ]{Xw FSp-Øp-]-d-bp-∂p. thPvt_m¿Uv ip]m¿i-b-\p-k-cn®v iº-f-]-cnjvI-cWw \S-∏m-°n-b-Xn-\m¬ Poh-\-°m-cpsS iºfw 45-- ˛50 iX-am\w h¿≤n-®-Xp-ap-X¬ Bcw-`n® kmº-Øn-I-{]iv\w Pn.-F-kv.Sn. \S-∏m-Ip-∂-tXmsS cq£-am-Ip-sa-∂mWv apJ-{]-kwKkam-\-amb teJ\w Nq≠n-°m-´p-∂-Xv. apJy-{]-kn-≤o-I-c-W-ß-sf-√mw h≥\-jvS-Øn-te°p \oßp-I-bm-sW∂pw ]d-bp-∂p. CXn-\n-Sb - n¬ h∂ t\m´p-d±- m-°¬ ]{X-am-[y-aß-fpsS izmkwap´n-®p. ]c-ky-hc - p-am\w IpØs\ Ipd-™p. UnPn-‰¬ am[y-aß - f - n¬ 35-˛40 iX-am-\hpw Zriy-am-[y-aß - f - n¬ 15-˛18 iX-am-\hpw ]c-ky-hc - p-am\w h¿≤n-®t- ∏mƒ ]{X-ßf - n¬ AXp shdpw 4˛6 iX-am-\am-bn-cp-∂p Ipd-®p-Im-ea - m-bn. hcp-am-\Ø - ns‚ 70-˛80

iX-am\w ]ckyw hgn-bmWv. k¿°m¿ \ymb-amb [\-˛s - Xm-gn¬ \b-ßf - n-eqsS {]iv\w ]cn-lc - n-°W - s - a∂mWp ]{Xw Bh-iy-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂X - v. kzm`m-hn-I-ambpw Cu hnjbw Hm¨sse≥˛km-aq-ly-am-[y-a-ß-fn¬ Kuc-h-]q¿∆w N¿®-sN-ø-s∏-´p. \yqkv eu¨{Un.tImw F∂ {]kn≤o-I-cWw CXns\ hntijn-∏n-®Xv Ak-Xy-ßfpw A¿≤-k-Xy-ßfpw Zp q-N-\-Ifpw am{X-ap≈ Hcp teJ\w F∂m-Wv. thPvt_m¿Uv aqe-ap≈ iº-fh¿≤-\-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ ]cn-`-h-ß-fn¬ Ah¿ A¿∞sam∂pw ImWp-∂n-√.- \m-ev]Xp h¿jw apºv sNehns‚ \mev]-Xp-i-X-am\w thX-\-am-bn-cp∂p. Ct∏mgXv shdpw ]Øp-i-X-am\w am{X-am-Wv- F∂pw ssSwkv Hm^v C¥y-bn¬ shdpw ]Øp-i-X-am\w Poh-\-°m¿°p am{X-amWv thPvt_m¿Uv \nc-°n¬ iºfw \¬Ip-∂-sX∂pw Ah¿ Ip‰-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpsS tZiobkwL-S-\-I-sf√mw ssSwkv Hm^v C¥y-bpsS Ah-Im-i-hm-Z-ßsf tNmZyw sNbvXn-´p-≠v. _me≥kv jo‰p-I-fpsS D≈p-I-≈n-I-sfs¥ms°bmbn-cp-∂mepw, ]e taJ-e-I-fn¬ ]{X-Poh-\-°m¿ henb {]Xn-k‘n t\cn-Sp-∂p≠v F∂Xp bmYm¿∞y-am-Wv. G‰hpw sR´n-°p∂ hm¿Ø-Iƒ sIm¬°-Ø-bn¬ \n∂mWp h∂n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. B\µ_km¿ ]-{XnI Iº-\n-bpsS B t]cn-ep≈ Ah-cpsS _wKmfn ]{X-Ønepw sSen-{Km^v F∂ Cw•ojv ]{X-Ønepw 40 iX-am\w Poh-\-°m-cpsS FÆw Ipd-bv°p-sa∂p {]Jym-]n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. 120 Poh-\-°m-cpsS cmPn Bh-iy-s∏-´p-I-gn-™p. ]e {]kn-≤o-I-cWhn-`m-K-ßfpw Dt]-£n-°s∏-´p. a‰p kwÿm\ _yqtdm-Iƒ ]q´p-I-bm-Wv.s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


t]-PpIfpw sh´n-°p-d-bv°p-∂p. kπn-sa‚p-Iƒ an°hmdpw C√ F∂ \ne-bn-se-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. ko\n-b¿ Poh-\-°m¿°p ]ncn-™p-t]m-Im≥ t`Z-s∏´ \jvS-]-cn-lmcw \¬Ip-∂p-s≠-¶nepw Hcp acym-Z-bp-an-√msX Xo¿Øpw GI-]-£o-b-am-bmWp ]ncn-®p-hn-S-ep-Iƒ \S-Øn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. ]ncn-®phn-S-s∏-´-h¿°v Hcp kulr-Z-h-¿Ø-am\w ]d-bm≥ sk£-\n¬ Aev]-t\cw \n¬°m≥ t]mepw A\phmZw In´n-bn-s√∂v Ah¿ ]cm-Xn-s∏-Sp∂p. Zb\obm\p-`-h-߃ ]ecpw tkmjy¬ aoUn-b-bn¬ Xpd-s∂-gp-Xn-bn-´p-≠v. lnµpÿm≥ ssSwknepw Gdnbpw Ipd™pw CtX coXn-bn-ep≈ \b-]-cn-]m-Sn-I-fmWp \S-∏m-Ip-∂Xv. AtX-k-abw, C¥y≥ A®Sn hyh-km-b-Øns‚ Ahÿ kw_-‘n® dPn-kv{Sm¿ Hm^v \yqkv t]-t∏gvkv Hm^v C¥ybpsS (B¿.-F≥.-sF) IW°p-Iƒ C{X-sbm∂pw ]cn-Xm-]-I-c-amb Nn{X-a√ hc-


UnPn-‰¬ ]ckyw Iø-S-°p-∂Xp KqKnfpw s^bvkv_p-°pw Xs∂

ta-cn-°-bn¬ UnPn-‰¬ ]c-kyß-fn¬ \mev]Xp iX-am\w t]mIp-∂Xv KqKnƒ t]Pp-I-fn-te°mWv. 19.7 iX-am\w t]mIp-∂Xv s^bvkv_p°v t]Pp-I-fn-te°pw. 2017˛18 s\°p-dn-®p≈ Cam¿°-‰¿ F∂ B[n-Im-cnI hn]Wn KthjWÿm]-\-Øns‚ Is≠-ØemWn-Xv. bp.-Fkv. UnPn-‰¬ ]c-kyßfn¬ 15.9 iX-am\w hf¿®-bp≠mIpw. 83 _ney≥ tUmf¿ BIpw 2017-˛18 ImesØ BsI UnPn-‰¬ ]c-ky-Øns‚ Afhv. KqKnƒ ]c-kyh-cp-am-\-Øn¬ 14.8 iX-am\w h¿≤\bpw s^bvkv_p-°v 32 iX-am\w h¿≤-\-bp-amWv {]Xo-£n-°p-∂-Xv. KqKnƒ hcp-am-\-Øns‚ apJy-


]¶pw Ah-cpsS sk¿®v kuIcyw hgn-bmWp e`n-°p-∂-Xv. taJ-ebnse samØw hcp-am-\-amb 36.69 _ney≥ tUmf-dns‚ 77.8 iX-am\hpw KqKn-fn-\mWp e`n-°p-∂-Xv. Cu h¿jw BsI sk¿®v hcpam\w 40.49 _ney≥ tUmf¿ BIpsa∂pw CXn¬ 32.40 _ney≥ KqKnfn-\mWp e`n°pIsb∂pw IW-°m°-s∏-Sp-∂p. samss_¬ t^mWp-I-fnse ]c-ky-h-cp-am-\-Øns‚ ÿnXnbpw CXp-X-s∂. Cu taJ-e-bnse hcp-am-\-Øn¬ 24.6 iX-am\w s^bvkv_p°pw 32.4 iX-am\w KqKnfpw ]¶p-h-bv°p-∂p. aq∂m-asØ {]apJkmaqlyam[y-a-amb Szn‰-dn\v Ct∏mƒ samss_¬ taJ-e-bnse ]c-ky-h-cp-am-\-Øns‚ c≠p iX-am-\ta e`n-°p-∂p-≈q. 2017˛¬ Szn‰¿ ]c-ky-h-cp-am\w 1.6 iX-am\w h¿≤nt®-°pw. F∂m¬ 2018-˛¬ CXn¬ henb am‰-ap-≠m-Im-\n-S-bn-√. bmlqhns‚ \nebpw henb am‰-an-√msX XpS-cpw.

h\n-X-Iƒ \men¬ H∂p- am{Xw

I-am-[y-a-ß-fn¬ Db¿∂ DtZym-KØn¬ F{X iX-am\w h\n-X-Ifp≠v? CØ-h-WsØ temI-h-\n-Xm-Zn-\Ønepw C°mcyw N¿®-bv°p- h-∂p. GI BtKmf]{XapS-am-kw-L-S-\-bmb hm≥ C{^ \S-Ønb enwK-k-aXz]cn-tim-[-\-bn¬ I≠Xv Ct∏mgpw am[y-a-ÿm-]-\-ß-fn¬


®p-Im-´p-∂-Xv. Ah¿ _me≥kv jo‰pIƒ t\m°nb√ dnt∏m¿´v Xøm-dm-°p-∂Xv F∂Xp icn-bm-Wv. ]t£, ap≥ h¿j-tØ-°mƒ 5.13 iX-am\w h¿≤\ am[y-a-ß-fpsS FÆ-Ønepw {]Nm-c-Ønepw Ds≠∂p dnt∏m¿´v kqNn-∏n-°p-∂p. h≥{]-Xn-k-‘n-sb-°p-dn®p hne-]n® aq∂p ]{X-ß-fmWv k¿°m-cns‚ IW-°-pIf\p-k-cn®v C¥y-bn¬ G‰hpw ap≥]-¥n-bn¬ \n¬°p-∂-Xv. Hcp tI{µ-Øn¬ \n∂v G‰-hp-a-[nIw tIm∏n A®-Sn°p∂ ]{X-Øn-\p≈ ÿm\w sIm¬°-Ø-bn¬ B\µ _km¿ ]{Xn-Ibv°mWv; 11.5 e£w tIm∏n-. c≠mw ÿm\w lnµp-ÿm≥ ssSwkn-\m-Wv; 9.92 e£w tIm∏n-. ]e-bn-SØv A®-Sn®v G‰hpw IqSpX¬ k¿°p-te-j≥ t\Sn-bXv ssZ\nIv `mkvI-dmWv; 45 FUn-j\pw 46.14 e£w tIm∏nbpw. c≠mw ÿm\Øv ssSwkv Hm^v C¥ybpw; 33 FUn-j≥, 44.21 tIm∏n. ¤

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

Db¿∂ DtZym-Kw hln-°p-∂-h-cn¬ 27 iX-am\w am{X-amWp h\n-X-Iƒ F∂mWv. dnt∏m¿´¿am¿ Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ hn`m-K-ß-fnepw kv{XoIƒ°p henb ]ptcm-KXnbp≠m-°m≥ Ign-™n-´n-√. aq∂n-sem∂p am{X-amWv h\n-X-Iƒ ˛ D-∂XXe-Øn-te-Xnt\-°mƒ t`Z-amsW∂p ]d-bmw. ¤


FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ t]Pp-Iƒ A{]-Xy-£-am-Ip-∂p

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ap-Xn¿∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I\pw tImf-anÃpw tIcf aoUnb A°m-Z-an-bpsS ap≥ sNb¿am-\p-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬:


Name of publication



.. .. ..

Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030 Monthly K.G. Santhosh, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Indian, Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030 K.G. Santhosh, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy Indian, Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030 R.S. Babu, Chairman, Kerala Media Academy, Indian, Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030

(A Bilingual Monthly Journal of the Kerala Media Academy)

2. Place of publication 3. Periodicity of its publication 4. Printer’s Name, Nationality & Address


Publisher’s Name, Nationality & Address ..


Editor’s Name, Nationality & Address

7. Names and address of individuals who own the news paper and partners or shareholders holding more than one percent of the total capital



Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030

I, K.G. Santhosh, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date : 01.03.2017


s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


Students’ Corner

Public Relations in Developing Countries - A Different Perspective on PR in India

istorically, public relations in India can be said to have started with Emperor As’ok (272 BC-232 BC) whose rock edicts and pillar inscriptions were imperial communications to the subjects of his vast empire. Some rocks and pillars with his messages and pronouncements are still extant.


The Emperor’s obligations to the ruled are also revealed in them. The Maurya practice of rulers communicating with the people of all strata of society continued during the period of the later rulers, the Guptas and others. Even the rulers of the Mogul dynasty starting with Babar the first Mogul in the 15th century and his descendants including the most famous Akbar the Great, Jehangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb. The subjects were given the opportunity to present grievances to the rulers through various means, especially through the ruler’s representatives or directly in the Emperor’s Court (Darbar) whenever it was held. But we cannot compare those early practices of maintaining relations with the 36

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public to what we in modern times describe as public relations. Perhaps modern press relations with one or two segments of the public (the literate and the educated) started when the very first newspaper of India, the Bengal Gazette or Calcutta General J. V. Vil’anilam Advertiser came out on January 29, 1780 under the editorship of James Augustus Hicky, an exemployee of the English East India Company during its very first Governor-Generalship of Warren Hastings. The first newspaper printed news of great interest to the British and European settlers in Calcutta, their arrivals and departures, their social activities, etc. But the newspaper had to fold as it attracted the ire of Warren Hastings, because Hicky published some unflattering news about Madam Hastings.

The first newspaper of India was also the first martyr of press freedom! Did it not also offer the first lesson to all PR people— be careful when you give publicity to anything offensive to the political power centres! But what is of historical importance to us from Hicky’s newspaper adventure (or misadventure?) is that press, publicity, publication, advertising and public relations are all interrelated; the Bengal Gazette during the entire period of its existence, namely 18 months, carried ads, even private and personal ones like the one for a domestic servant or a puppy. (Illustration—a page from the first newspaper of India, Bengal Gazette) Highly talented and foreign-trained professionals in the early part of the 20th century either rose to eminent positions in Indian business and industry or rendered invaluable

services in advisory roles in top management circles. They also gave practical ideas for socioeconomic development in corporate skills, cultural development, business, manufacturing, trade, financial and industrial management. Some PR men and women have gave significant help in state- and nationally -sponsored development activities. A few PR executives have attracted close attention and admiration from political, social and cultural leaders. It is reasonable to assert that the role of PR professionals and practitioners will continue to increase in importance in the years to come. But we cannot ignore that this expansion of PR activities is mostly true of rich and moderately rich countries with fairly commendable levels of political and socioeconomic stability, and not so true perhaps of poor countries with low levels of literacy and education. India still belongs to the last group of countries in many indices of development although it has registered commendable progress in science and technology of the advanced variety such as atomic and space science, curative, hi-tech medicine and information technology IT). We may also be reminded of what some sociologists referred to large developing countries in South America during the 1970s: Mexico, s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


Brazil, Chile and Argentina were doing well, but not the Mexicans, Brazilians, Chileans and Argentines! Perhaps we are compelled by circumstances to say something similar about Asian countries today (minus Japan and to

some extent, China but certainly about India): India, like many Asian countries, is doing well but not Indians! Despite improvements in atomic, space, curative medicine, military, and other hard-core but highly sophisticated science and technology, tourism, service industries such as hoteliering, hospitality and pleasure-resorts—all aimed at foreign exchange, the average citizens are still facing enormous problems of shortages in the supply, availability and management of basic essentials for sustenance. There is, no doubt, substantial increase in information and communication technology (ICT) in India and there is, statistically, great improvement in the per capita income of the people. There are strong and healthy PRAPPOR activities here and there too. But something really big is missing. Concerned PR practitioners have to raise some pertinent questions: Have the socioeconomic 38

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conditions in all parts of India improved during the last 70 years or so? YES, according to the Central and State governments of the day, but NO according to the citizens as a whole. The National Sample Survey Office of the Government published statistics that confirms this fact. And the Planning Commission has endorsed that people in the urban areas can live on Rs. 32/- per diem and those in the rural areas can live satisfactorily on Rs. 26/- per diem. This startling statistics is not convincing because anyone living in any part of India can vouch for the fact that this is a totally undependable piece of statistical information. The per capita income too is not dependable. Perhaps the calculators of such statistics resort to wrong methods. If one adds up the high incomes of the Central and State government enterprises, the assets and revenues of the Tatas, Birlas, Ambanis, INFOSYS, WIPRO and other IT companies, and divide the gross national or gross domestic product (GNP or GDP) by the total population of 1.30 billion, one can get a fairly flattering average income, although such averaging is highly erroneous. If anyone living in urban or rural areas can manage his or her most essential expenses for food, clothing, shelter, education, and health, with an income of less than Rs. 200/- a day, it will be a rare economic management, indeed! The fact remains that with all the food security offered by the government, average people cannot manage their basic needs because of the rapidly ascending cost of living and the inadequacy of the rates of wage payment. Things are expected to improve within a few months, according to economists and planners. Hoping for the best, let us turn to other non-economic factors that hinder human development in India, in the next segment.

¤ ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Professor (Dr.) J. V. Vil’anilam was Vice-Chancellor (19921996) and Head of the Department of Communication & Journalism (1982-1992) at the University of Kerala. As Professor Emeritus of the UGC he has taught at Berhampur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Dharwar, and Mangalore universities from 1996 onwards. Website:

Doyen’s Pen

Tabloidization of Indian News


part from being self-important, what is the true state of journalism in India? Where are we at? What is to be done?

not to blame, and it’s not about viewer preferences - why is India becoming “no country for honest journalism”?

It’s wonderful to see how far India’s media has come. But there are some worrying trends that need course correction - now, before it’s too late.

Many feel that the advertising fraternity must carry part of the blame. The advertising pie is distributed based entirely on numbers many in the advertising fraternity tell me that our media buyers are essentially eyeballchasers (the media equivalent of ambulancechasers).

First - perhaps the biggest danger we face today is the tabloidization of our news. Every advanced country with a developed, mature media has a wide spectrum of news - from credible and serious journalism to the tabloid in England, from The Times and The Economist to the Sun and the Mirror; in the United States, from The New York Times to the New York Post; and in television news, from BBC and CNN to Fox News.

While our advertisers and media buyers are as skilled as those in the West in their media modeling skills, for some reason they

But in India there is this dangerous slide to one end of the spectrum. Why has every news channel - English, Hindi or Regional - turned tabloid? Why are we trying to emulate Fox News? And why does every news anchor want to be another Bill O’Reilly? Among leading Hindi News channels, almost 25% of the TRPs comes from Astrology “News”, and another 25% from saas-bahu serial news, and some highly graphic crime news. I have heard a woman anchor on one Hindi channel saying, “break ke baad aapko e k Rape dikhayengey” (after the break, we’ll show you a rape”). Tabloidization is the death of good journalism. But I don’t blame our anchors or journalists for this tsunami of tabloid news. I also strongly disagree with the widely held hypothesis that blames the Indian viewer Indians love tabloid sensationalism ... Indians have base, tabloid tastes. So if our anchors are

have not created methods that enable them to evaluate news on factors others than just numbers of eyeballs. This is not the case in developed media markets. The circulation of the London Times is 400,000 - while the Sun has 5 times that at 2 million - and we all know that Fox News has 3 times the viewership of CNN. Yet the advertising rate for The Times is much higher than for the Sun, and the advertising rate for CNN is much higher than for Fox News. s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


Prannoy Roy Prannoy Roy is a TV / digital journalist, a renowned economist, a chartered accountant by and an author of several books of great acclaim. He has been the lead anchor for election analysis and budget specials in the public sector television, Doordarshan and for Question Time India in BBC World News

He has been an Economic Advisor in the Ministry of Finance, Central Government and an Associate Professor at the Delhi School of Economics, where he developed a macroeconometric forecasting model for the Indian economy.] He has also been a consultant to the India division of international accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. In 2009 Roy was one of two Indians serving on the International Advisory Board of Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. He has co-authored “A Compendium of Indian Elections” and “India Decides: Elections 1952-1991” with David Butler.

In 1988, Roy, along with his journalist wife Radhika, launched a television production house called New Delhi Television, which came to be abbreviated as NDTV. Roy started his career with televised coverage of India’s general elections on Doordarshan and later he hosted news programs “The News Tonight” and “The World This Week” (which were nominated as one of India’s 5 best television programs since independence). He also started India’s first 24hour English news channel NDTV 24x7

Prannoy’s network has focused on a number of social issues through campaigns like the annual “Greenathon”, “7 Wonders of India” and the “Save Our Tigers campaign”, which won the Best Public Service Campaign for a Brand by a News Channel in 2011, and “Support My School” and “Marks for Sports” campaigns in 2010 and 2011. The “Jeene ki Aasha” campaign, which focuses on maternal and childcare issues around the country was launched in 2011 with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Do the eyeballs justify that? Of course not. But the advertisers and the media buyers place a premium on the ‘quality’ of The Times journalism and its credibility. The higher ad rate for credible journalism, and lower rates for tabloid news, has meant that both ends of the news media spectrum have survived and prospered. Unless we model quality and credibility into our advertising rates, and not go just by the eyeball count, we shall go headlong into tabloidization - with no place for news that is at the serious end of the spectrum. Think about it - do advertisers in India really want their product to come immediately after “break ke baad aapko e k rape dikhayenge”? 40

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For the second point, I like to use a phrase we coined at NDTV: it’s called the “Heisenberg principle of journalism”. The original Heisenberg principle, crudely interpreted, suggests that as you get closer to a target or object, you yourself change. The ‘Heisenberg principle of journalism’ states that if you head towards the sole objective of eyeballs or sensationalism, the very nature of your own journalists and journalism tends to change. Also it is well known that if a journalist gets too close to her or his sources, the nature of the news changes - some call it quid-pro-quo journalism. As journalists we are not “insiders” - we are not to be on first name terms with politicians - we don’t go to the same parties. The third factor that needs change - and it’s one that most of my fellow editors don’t want me to speak about, because it hurts us - Indian media today lives and thrives in what I call a “punishment-free” environment. We can say what we like, defame whoever we like, make false

accusations against whoever we like - and nothing happens to us. Our defamation cases take 20 years to settle - and even then, the verdict has rarely punished any media house. The result is we are getting slack - forget research, we don’t even need to check our facts, we don’t care if we wrongly defame anyone - the bottom line is we are dropping our standards. We need tough defamation laws, and we need verdicts to be decided quickly (not 20 years). With possible punishment hanging over our heads, we will be more careful with our facts, be more thorough in our research, and only then will we retain credibility and the trust of our viewers and readers. I want to make one thing clear however, tougher defamation must come from our courts and our legal system - not the government. There is absolutely no role for the government in the media - no role at all. The fourth change refers to the Internet in India - and I am not referring to net-neutrality, which we must fight for and preserve at all costs. Net neutrality is crucial for our new democracy - it’s now almost as important as the right to vote. Lose it - or even allow big operators to nibble away at the fundamentals, and it will be as damaging to our democracy as losing the right to one-man-one vote. But that’s a topic for another session another day. The issue I wish to raise here is the Danger of Anonymity and an unrestrained Internet. It’s clear for example that, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others are aware of the dangers of anonymity in certain areas that might cause a threat to their own society - like pedophilia, cyber bullying, and terror threats and have rightly put in safeguards to screen their content for these dangers. But are these same sites as aware of the dangerous consequence that a different kind of image or message has in developing societies like India? In volatile countries like India, where social tensions simmer beneath the surface, the violent consequences of anonymity can be as damaging as sex crimes and cyber-bullying in western societies. For example, an organized

surge of anonymous messages against a particular religious community or caste can lead to - and has led to - violence, panic and death. Those who send these messages are never caught because they hide behind the anonymity of the Internet. A provocative message on Twitter in a sectarian confrontation can erupt into riots. While there are many advantages of anonymity - in many ways it IS the essence of freedom on the net - it is important to recognize that the inherent dangers (terrorists constantly use the anonymity of the web) might, in certain circumstances, outweigh those very benefits. Maybe it is time to bring the Internet a little closer to the responsibilities that all other forms of media face. Surely, one should take responsibility for what one writes. How many lives have to be lost in the name of anonymity? Let me be clear: we are not arguing for a complete ban on anonymity on the Internet. In everyday use, for comments, criticisms and opinions, anonymity must be allowed to continue. What we need, perhaps, is a law that permits the piercing of the veil of anonymity only when a serious crime is committed — the very last resort. And, once again, it must be the judiciary, not the government, that should decide when this can be done - and ensure it is done only in the rarest of rare cases. So we, the media in India have so much going for us - we have democracy in our DNA, we can, and do, question everything, we are at the cutting edge of new technology that bypasses government controls and frees our wings, our media is more vibrant than anywhere in the world - let’s not throw it all away and commit hara-kiri as we are pretty good at doing. As journalists, let’s not chase profits without purpose, let’s not forget the Heisenberg principle and turn into insiders, let’s voluntarily accept legal discipline when we defame and fail to do our research - and let’s embrace the new world of the internet with imagination, and leverage that democracy in our DNA.

¤ (These remarks were presented recently by Dr Prannoy Roy at the RedInk Awards in Mumbai where he was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Mumbai Press Club) s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017



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s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

CWßpwhn[w ]Xn-t\gmw \q‰m-≠nse Hcp `c-Wm[n-Im-cn-bpsS cq]w am‰n-h-c-bv°p-∂-Xn-s\-bmWv Cu Poh-N-cn{Xw {]Xn-tcm-[n-°p-∂-Xv. ap∂q-dn-tesd h¿jw apºmWp Pohn-®n-cp-∂-sX¶nepw Hudw-K-ko_v C∂v C¥y-bnse hnhmZNcn-{X]p-cp-j-∑m-cn-sem-cm-fm-Wv. 49 h¿jw cmPm-[n-Im-c-Ønen-cp∂ Hudw-K-ko_v acn-°p-∂-Xv F¨]Øn-\memw hb- n-em-Wv. sNdp-∏-Im-eØp Pem-ep-±o≥ dqan-bpsS akv\-hn-bpsS hmb-\-°mc\mbn-cp-∂n´pw ]n∂oSt±lw `c-Wm-[n-Imcw \ne-\n¿Øm-\mbn apKƒcmP-[¿a-߃ Iqk-en-√msX ewLn-®-Xmbn ImWmw. Ah-km-\\m-fp-I-fn¬ At±lw aIs\gpXnb IØp-I-fn-sem-∂n¬ "Rm≥ A]-cn-Nn-X-\mbn h∂p; A]-cn-Nn-X-\mbn aS-ßp∂p' F∂p kz¥w Pohn-XsØ hne-bn-cp-Øp-∂p-≠v. ]nXm-hmb jmPlmt\m apØ-—-\mb AIv_tdm sNbvX-Xp -t]mse hnkva-b-I-c-amb kvamc-Itam henb \n¿an-Xn-Itfm Hudw-K-ko_v Ah-ti-jn-∏n-®n-√. Xs‚ I_-dn-SØn¬ AS-bm-f-߃ H∂pw ]mSn-s√-∂m-bn-cp∂p At±-lØns‚ \n¿tZ-iw. Hudw-K-ko_ns‚ ImeØmWp apKƒkm{amPyw AXns‚ ]c-am-h[n hnkvXrXn-bn-se-Øn-b-Xv. C¥ym `qJ-fiØns‚ `qcn-`mKw {]tZ-i-ßfpw A°m-eØp apKƒ`cWØn≥ Iogn-em-bn. 15 tImSn P\-kw-Jybp-≠m-bn-cp∂ Hudw-Kko-_ns‚ Hm{Un {SjvtI C¥y temI-Ønse

G‰hpw kº-∂-amb km{am-Py-ß-fnsem-∂m-bn-cp-∂p. tImln-\q¿ cXv\aS°w A]q¿hhpw hne-]n-Sn-t∏dn-b-Xp-amb kºm-Zy-߃ At±-lØns‚ JP-\m-hn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ a‰p apKƒcmPm-°-∑msc t]msebpw Xs‚ ktlm-Z-c-∑m-sct∏m-sebpw kº-Øntem Ie-bntem kwkvIm-c-Øntem A`n-c-an-°m≥ At±lw Xbm-dm-bn-√. ktlm-Z-c≥ Zmcm jpt°mhv D]-\n-j-Øp-Iƒ t]¿jy-\n-te°p ]cn-`m-j-s∏-SpØp∂ hn]p-e-amb ZuXy-Øn\p t\XrXzw sImSp-Øn-cp-∂p. HudwKko_m-Is´, CØcw Imcy߃°p `c-W-k-lmbw ]q¿W-ambpw \n¿Ø-em-°n. IWn-i-amb aX-\n-jvT-Iƒ ]men-®n-cp∂ Hudw-K-ko_v Ah-km\-Im-eØp a°ƒs°-gp-Xnb IØp-Ifn¬ Bh¿Øn-°p-∂p-≠v, Xs‚ {]hr-Øn-Iƒ ssZh-Øn¬ \n∂p hfscbI-se-bm-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂pw Cu temIØpw ]c-tem-IØpw Xm≥ ssZh-Øn¬ \n∂v H‰-s∏-´-h-\m-bn-cn°p-sa-∂pw. aI≥ Akw-jmbv°v Fgp-Xnb Ah-km-\sØ IØp Xocp∂Xv "hnS, hnS, hnS' F∂p aq∂p-h´w ]d-™m-Wv. alm-cm-jv{S-bnse Jp¬Zm-_n¬

AS-bm-f-ß-fn-√mØ Hcp I_-dnSw am{X-amWv Hudw-K-ko_v `qanbn¬ tijn∏n®-sX-¶nepw Ccp-]-Øn-sbm∂mw \q‰m-≠nse C¥ybpsS cmjv{Soba\- n¬ At±lw Bbn-c-°-W-°n\p lnµp-t£-{X߃ \in-∏n®pw lnµp-°ƒ°p {]tXy-I-Icw G¿s∏-Sp-Ønbpw IS∂p-t]mb aX-{`m-¥-\mb `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-bmbn Hm¿an-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. kao-]-Im-eØp U¬ln-bnse Hudw-K-ko_v tdmUv ]p\¿\m-a-IcWw sNbvX-tXmsS C¥y-bpsS C…m-anI`qX-Imew ho≠pw X¿°-a-fi-e-Øn-te°p h∂n-cn-°p-∂p. C¥y-bnse A[n-\n-th-iØn\v DZm-l-c-W-ambn apt∂m-´p-h-bv°p-∂Xp {][m-\-ambpw Hudw-Kko-_n-s\-bm-Wv. {Sjv-tI-bpsS Hudw-K-ko_v Poh-N-cn{Xw sI´p-I-Y-Iƒ°pw A¿[-k-Xy-߃°p-a-∏pdw apKƒN{I-h¿Øn-bpsS Pohn-Xhpw `cWhpw A°m-e-Øns‚ shfn-®-Øn¬ hne-bn-cp-Øm-\p≈ {ia-amWv. 1658¬ c‡-cq-jn-X-amb A[n-Im-c-a-’-c-Øn-eqsS `cWw ]nSn® Hudw-K-ko_v `c-W-X-{¥-Øn-¬ hn´p-ho-gvN-bn-√mØ apKƒcmPm-hmbn-cp-∂p. X\n-s°-Xntc \n∂ c≠p ktlm-Z-c-∑m-scbpw At±lw h[n-®p. aq∂m-a-sØ-bmsf _¿a-bn-te°p \mSp-I-S-Øn. ]nXm-hns\ acWw hsc XS-hn-ep-am-°n. temIw ]nSn-®S- ° - n-bh - ≥ F∂¿Yw hcp∂ Aew-Ko¿ F∂ t]cp kzoI-cn-®mWv Hudw-Kk - o_v `cWw XpS-ßn-bXv. 1678¬ {_n´ojv Ihn tPm¨ ss{UU≥ At±-lsØ°p-dn®v Hcp Zo¿L-Imhyw Fgp-Xn-bn-cp-∂p. A[n-Imcw ]nSn-°m\pw AXp \ne\n¿Øm\pw at‰Xp `c-Wm-[n-Im-cnsbbpwt]mse \njvTp-chpw tkz—m-]c - h - p-amb Ht´sd ITn-\{- ]hr-Øn-Iƒ Hudw-Kk - o_pw sNbvXn-´p-≠v. F∂m¬, AIv_d - ns\-t∏mep≈ a‰p apKƒN{Ih¿Øn-am-¿°p e`n® kzoIm-cyXtbm {]iw-ktbm e`n-®n-√. Ac\q-‰m≠v `c-WØ - n-en-cp-∂n´pw kz¥w `c-WI - mew tcJ-s∏-SpØm≥ N{I-h¿Ønbpw an\s°´n√. Ncn-{X-Øn¬ tPm¨ ss{UU≥ C{Xbpw ipjvTa - mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØ-s∏´ `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Iƒ Ipd-hm-sW∂p {SjvtI Nq≠n-°m-´p-∂p. C°m-cW - Ø - m-¬ \mw Hudw-Kk - o-_ns\ Xnc-bp-tºmƒ Ncn-{X-cN - \ - I - tf-°mƒ `mh-\I - f - mWp ImWp-∂X - v. ]Xn-t\gmw \q‰m-≠nse G‰hpw henb cmjv{So-b] - p-cp-js‚ bYm¿Y apJw A\m-hc - Ww sNø-s∏-SmsX InS-°p-Ib - m-Wn-t∏m-gpw. C¥ysb Is≠-ج F∂ IrXn-bn¬ Phm-l¿em¬ s\lvdp Hudw-K-ko-_ns\ hnti-jn-∏n-°p-∂Xv apKƒ Ime-Øns‚ F√m \∑-Ifpw C√m-Xm-°nb hy‡nsb∂m-Wv. DZm-c\pw Iemkvt\-l-n-bp-amb Zmcm jpt°m-hns\ h[n®v Hudw-K-ko_v A[nImcw ]nSn-®-tXm-sS-bmWv C¥y ˛ ]mIv hn`-P-\-Øns‚ hnØp-Iƒ ]mIn-bsX∂p kao-]-Im-eØp ]mIn-ÿm≥ \mS-I-Ir-Ømb jmlnZv \Zow Fgp-Xp-I-bp-≠m-bn. Hudw-K-ko-_ns‚ ISpØ aXt_m[w AYhm aXm-fl-I-X-bmWv At±-lsØ a‰p apKƒN-{Ih¿Øn-am-cn¬ \n∂p hyXy-kvX-\m-°p-∂-Xv. Zu¿`m-Ky-h-im¬ Cu Hcp LSIw am{X-amWv At±-lsØ hne-bn-cp-Øm-\p≈ am\-Z-fis^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


am-Ip-∂-sX∂pw ImWmw. bmYm-ÿn-XnI\pw Xo{h-hn-izm-knbp-amb Hcp `c-Wm-[nIm-cn-bpsS Iogn¬ ]Xnt\gmw \q‰m-≠nse lnµp-°ƒ henb tXmXn¬ hnth-N\w t\cn-´p-sh∂ XØzw BZyw apt∂m´p h®Xp {_n´ojv Ncn-{X-Im-c-∑mcm-Wv. lnµp ˛ apkvenw hn`-P-\-sa∂ {_n´ojv cmjv{So-b-XmXv]-cyØn¬ \n-∂mWv AXp≠m-b-Xv. Hudw-K-ko_ns‚ ap≥\nc Poh-Ncn-{X-Im-c-∑m-cn¬ Hcm-fmb PmZp-\mYv k¿°m-cmWv Cu N{I-h¿Øn-bpsS IWniamb aX-t_m-[w ap≥\n¿Øn Ign-™ \q‰m-≠n¬ At±-lsØ hne-bn-cp-Øn-b-h-cn¬ {]ap-J≥. Hudw-K-ko-_ns‚ ImeØv e£-°-W-°n\p lnµp-°sf Iq´-s°me sNbvsX∂pw Bbn-c-°-W-°n\p t£{X-߃ XI¿sØ-∂p-ap≈ {]Nm-c-Whpw AtXmsS hym]-I-am-bn. F∂m¬ AXn-s\m∂pw Ncn-{X-Øn¬ sXfnhp-Ifn-se-∂mWp {SjvtI Nq≠n-°m-´p-∂-Xv. B[p-\n-I-]q¿h-ImesØ at‰Xp `c-Wm-[n-Imcn-sb-bpw- t]mse Hudw-Kko_pw t£{X-߃ B{Ian-®n-´p≠v. F∂m-eXv Hcp Uk-\n¬ Xmsgtb hcq F∂v a[y-ImeNcn-{X-Im-c∑m-cn-sem-cm-fmb dn®m¿Uv Cu‰≥ AS-°-ap-≈-h¿ Is≠-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. t£{X[zw-k-\-ß-fpsS \ndw-]n-Sn∏n® IY-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬, ]e {]ap-J- t£{X-ß-fpsSbpw ]p\¿\n¿am-WPmZp-\mYv k¿°m-¿ Øn\v Hudw-K-ko_v DØ-chn-´Xp {i≤n-°-s∏-SmsX t]mIp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. sXcp-hpI-fnse tlmfn BtLm-j-Øn\v At±lw hne-t°¿s∏-SpØn. AtXtXmXn¬ s]cp-∂mƒ, apldw BtLm-jØn\pw \ntcm-[-\-ta¿s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cp-∂p. Hudw-K-ko_v ]ng-hp-I-fn-√mØ `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-bm-bncp-∂p-sh∂v Bcpw hniz-kn-°p-∂n-√. B[p-\nI temIØnse P\m-[n-]Xy\ne-hm-c-a-\p-k-cn®p t\m°n-bm¬ ]Xn-t\gmw \q‰m-≠nse N{I-h¿Øn-bpsS {]hr-Øn-Iƒ ]eXpw A[-atam a\p-jym-h-Im-i-ew-L-\tam Bbn-cp-∂p. AtX-Im-eØv temI-Øns‚ a‰p `mKßfnse `c-Wm-[n44

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

Im-cn-I-fmbncp∂ Nmƒkv c≠ma≥ (Cw-•-≠v), eqbn ]Xn-\m-dma≥ ({^m≥kv), kp¬Øm≥ kpsse-am≥ c≠m-a≥ (Ht´ma≥) XpS-ßn-bhcpw C∂sØ \ne-hmcw h®pt\m-°n-bm¬ alm-tamiw `cNmƒkv c≠m-a≥ Wm-[n-Im-cn-I-fmbn-cp-∂p-sh∂p ImWmw. F∂m¬, CØ-c-Øn-ep≈ hne-bn-cp-ج Ncn-{X-]-T-\Øns‚ e£y-as√∂v {SjvtI Hm¿an-∏n-°p-∂p. Ncn-{X-Im-c∑m¿, a\p-jysc Ah-cptS-Xmb Xeeqbn ]Xn-\m-dm-a≥ Øn¬ a\- n-em°m-\mWv At\zjn-°p-∂-Xv; Hcp {]tXyIIme-Øns‚bpw CS-Øns‚bpw D¬]-∂sa∂ \ne-bn¬. A{]-Imcw AhcpsS {]hr-Øn-IfpsS {]Xym-LmX-߃ hni-Zo-Icn-°m\pw AhcpsS Ip‰-ß-fn¬ \n∂p \mw kp¬Øm≥ kpsse-am≥ Ahsc tamNn-∏nt°-≠-Xn-√. ]t£, Hudw-K-ko_v F∂ sI´p-IY ]›m-Øe-Øn-te°p am™p-t]mbn ]Icw BJym\w Db¿∂p hcp-∂-Xp-hsc \mw hn[n-sb-gpØp \o´nhbvt°-≠-Xp≠v F∂p IqSn {SjvtI Hm¿an-∏n-°p-∂p. ¤ ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

aebm-f- a-t\m-c-a-bpsS No^v k_vFUn-‰-dmWv teJ-I≥. E-mail:

kwÿm\ am[ya]pckv-Imc߃ hnXcWw sNbvXp


[yacwKsØ [m¿anIX ewLn°s∏Sp∂Xns\ Xntc am[ya{]h¿ØI¿ Pm{KX ]men°Wsa∂p apJya{¥n ]nWdmbn hnPb≥ ]d™p. Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw SmtKm¿ Xnb‰dn¬ 2015se kwÿm\ am[ya]pckvImc߃ hnXcWw sNbvXp kwkmcn°pIbmbncp∂p At±lw. ]pXpXmbn s]≥j≥ ]≤Xnbn¬ AwKXzw e`n® 500¬ ]cw am[ya{]h¿ØI¿°p ]mkv _p°p hnXcWw sNøp∂Xns‚ DZvLmS\hpw At±lw \n¿hln®p. Bflm`nam\w Db¿Øn∏nSnt°≠hcmWp am[ya{]h¿ØI¿. ÿm]\Øns‚ hmWnPyXmXv]cyw am{Xa√ Ah¿ Db¿Øn∏nSnt°≠Xv. ]pXpXmbn cwKsØØp∂ am[ya{]h¿ØI¿°p apXn¿∂h¿ CXp a\ nem°ns°mSp°Wsa∂pw apJya{¥n ]d™p. ]et∏mgpw hnhmZ]camb Imcyßfn¬ am{XamWp am[ya߃°p XmXv]cyw. hnIk\ Imcyßfn¬ am[yaßfpsS ]¶v F¥msW∂p Kuch]q¿hw Nn¥nt°≠Xp≠v. am[ya߃ hna¿in°p∂Xp sIm≠mWv Ahsb hna¿in°p∂Xv F∂p ]dbp∂Xp sX‰mWv. am[ya {]h¿Ø\sa∂ t]cn¬ A[m¿anIhpw \oXnclnXhpamb Imcy߃ sNøptºmgmWv FXn¿∏v Gdp∂Xv. kmaqlnI˛kmwkv-ImcnIcwKØp≈h¿ am{Xa√, am[yacwKØp≈h¿ t]mepw Cu taJ-e-bnse sX‰mb {]hWXIƒ Xpd∂pImWn°p∂p≠v. am[yaN¿®Ifn¬ kmaqly {]m[m\yap≈ hnjb߃ Dƒs∏SpØm\pw Ah-bn¬ {]mK¤yap≈hsc am{Xw ]s¶Sp∏n°m\pw {i≤n°Ww. en]n kmt¶XnIcwKØv bqWntImUv t^m≠pIƒ

D]tbmKn°p∂Xnse XS w \o°m≥ Ae¶mct^m≠pIfpw t]Pnt\j≥ tkm^v‰pshbdpIfpw e`yam°m≥ _P‰n¬ AºXpe£w cq] k¿°m¿ hIbncpØnbn´p≠v. Bhiym\pkcWw IqSpX¬ ]Ww e`yam°m≥ {ian°pw. C‚¿s\‰v kuIcyw F√m hoSpIfnepsaØn°m≥ Du∂¬ \¬Ip∂ Hcp sFSn \bamWp k¿°mcn\p≈Xv. Xncph\¥]pcw {]kv- ¢∫nse tPWenkw C≥Ãn‰yq´v B[p\nIhXvIcn°m\pw tIkcn kvamcI tPW-enkw {SÃnse UnPn‰¬ sse{_dn hnIkn∏n°m\pw Ign™ h¿jhpw Cu h¿jhpw k¿°m¿ ]Ww \o°nh®Xp am[yahnZym¿∞nIfpsS anIhv Dd∏m°pI F∂ ImgvN∏mtSmsSbmWv. ]{X{]h¿ØIsc BtcmKy C≥jpd≥kv ]≤XnbpsS ]cn[nbn¬ sIm≠phcWsa∂ Bhiyw k¿°m¿ ]cnKWn°pw. ]{X{]h¿ØIs]≥j≥ FÆmbncw cq]bmbncp∂Xv ]Xn\mbncw cq]bm°n Db¿Ønbn´ps≠∂pw apJya{¥n ]d™p. Ht´sdt∏cpsS ]{X{]h¿ØIs]≥j≥ ]e ImcWßfm¬ sI´n°nS∂Xn\mWv Ct∏mƒ ]cnlmcw I≠ncn°p∂Xv. A™qdntesdt]¿°p ]pXpXmbn ]{X{]h¿ØIs]≥j≥ ]≤Xnbn¬ AwKXzw \¬IpIbmWv. s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


2015 se kwÿm\ am[ya]pc-kvImchnX-cWNS-ßn¬ P\d¬ dnt∏m¿´nMv ˛ cRvPnXv tPm¨ (Zo]nI), \yqkv FUn‰nMv ˛ _n\ojv t__n (at\mca \yqkv), hnIkt\m∑pJ dnt∏m¿´nMv ˛ Sn. tkma≥ (amXr`qan), \yqkv Iymad ˛ _n\p tXmakv (amXr`qan \yqkv), \yqkv t^mt´m{K^n ˛ dk¬ jmlp¬ (aebmf at\mca), dnt∏m¿´nMv ˛ _nPp ]¶Pv (amXr`qan \yqkv), Im¿´q¨ ˛ Sn.sI. kpPnXv (tIcfIuapZn), \yqkv Iymad ˛ {]tXyI ]cma¿isa∂ \ne-bn¬ kPohv hn. (at\mca \yqkv) F∂nh¿ apJy-a-{¥n]nW-dmbn hnP-b-\n¬ \n∂v ]pc-kvImcw G‰phmßp-∂p. a{¥n ISIw]≈n kptc-{µ≥ kao]w

as‰√m cwKsØbpw ]pckv-Imc߃ henb hnhmZßfp≠m°ptºmgpw am[ya]pckv-Imc ßfpsS ImcyØn¬ CtXhsc hnhmZßfp ≠mbn´n√. kwÿm\sØ apgph≥ am[ya{]h¿ØI¿°pw F≥{SnIƒ ka¿∏n°m≥ Ahkcw \¬Inbtijw C≥^¿taj≥- ˛ ]ªnIv dntej≥kv hIp∏v Cu cwKsØ apXn¿∂ {]Xn`Isfs°m≠p hnebncpØnb tijamWp ]pckv-Imc߃ {]Jym]n°p∂Xv. Ahm¿Up \n¿WbØn¬ HcpXcØnep≈ CSs]SepIfpw \SØmXncn°pI F∂XmWp k¿°mcns‚ \bw. \√ am[ya{]h¿Ø\Øns‚ h‡m°ƒ F∂ \nebn¬ a‰p≈h¿°p {]tNmZ\amIm≥ Ahm¿Uv tPXm°ƒ°p Ignbs´ F∂pw apJya{¥n Biwkn®p. hymPhm¿ØIƒ C√mXm°p∂Xp hm¿ØbpsS ss\XnIXbmsW∂p NSßn¬ A[y£X hln® klIcW ˛ Sqdnkw a{¥n ISIw]≈n kptc{µ≥ ]d™p. am[ya[¿aw XakvIcn°m\p≈ {]hWX hym]IamIpIbmWv. sk≥k¿jn∏√, kzbw \nb{¥WamWp am[ya߃°mhiyw. sk≥tkjWenkw am[ya߃°p If¶w Nm¿Øp∂ps≠∂pw At±lw ]d™p. CØhWsØ am[ya]pckv-Imc ߃ kw_‘n®p {]kn≤oIcn® t\¿°mgvN F∂ 46

s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

]pkvXIw a{¥n {]Imi\w sNbvXp. P\d¬ dnt∏m¿´nMv ˛ cRvPnXv tPm¨ (Zo]nI), hnIkt\m∑pJ dnt∏m¿´nMv ˛ Sn. tkma≥ (amXr`qan), \yqkv t^mt´m{K^n ˛ dk¬ jmlp¬ (aebmf at\mca), Im¿´q¨ ˛ Sn.sI. kpPnXv (tIcfIuapZn), dnt∏m¿´nMv ˛ _nPp ]¶Pv (amXr`qan \yqkv), \yqkv FUn‰nMv ˛ _n\ojv t__n (at\mca \yqkv), \yqkv Iymad ˛ _n\p tXmakv (amXr`qan \yqkv), \yqkv Iymad ˛ {]tXyI ]cma¿isa∂ \ne-bn¬ kPohv hn. (at\mca \yqkv) F∂nh¿°mWp ]pckv-Imcw e`n®Xv. Pn√m ]©mbØv {]knU‚ v hn.sI. a[p, tIcf aoUnb A°mZan sNb¿am≥ B¿.Fkv. _m_p, C≥^¿taj≥ ˛ ]ªnIv dntej≥kv hIp∏v UbdŒ¿ tUm. sI. AºmSn, sI.bp.Uªyq.sP. kwÿm\ {]knU‚ v ]n.F. A–pƒ K^q¿, P\d¬ sk{I´dn kn. \mcmbW≥, {]kv ¢_v {]knU‚ v {]Zo]v ]nff, tIkcn kvamcI tPW-enÃv {SÃv {]kn-U‚ v kn. dlow, sF. & -]n.-B¿.-Un. AUojW¬ UbdŒ¿ ]n. hnt\mZv F∂nh¿ kwkmcn®p. NSßn\p tijw kwKoX]cn]mSnbpw Actßdn. ¤

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ

kaq-l-Øn-\mbn {]h¿Øn-®p-sIm≠p aØmbn am™q-cm≥ {]ÿm-\-ambn amdn : a{¥n Pn. kp[m-I-c≥


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]pXnbXp sIm≠phcptºmgmWp hnIk\w bmYm¿∞yamIp∂Xv. aqeyßfpw Bibßfpw hn\nabw sNbvXpw D¬]mZn∏n®pw am[ya߃ kaqlsØ \bn°ptºmgmWp Ncn{Xw kr„n°s∏Sp∂sX∂pw a{¥n Nq≠n-°m-´n. ap≥ImesØ ]{Xßfnse apJ{]kwK߃ Gsd {i≤n°s∏´ncp∂p; ]{Xm[n]∑mcpw ]{X{]h¿ØI¿°p t]gv-knt\°mƒ {][m\w t]\bmsW∂p Xncn®dnbm≥ IgnbWsa∂p a{¥n hnZym¿∞nIsf Hm¿an∏n®p. kph¿Æm£c߃ kr„n°emWp am[ya{]h¿ØIcpsS [¿Ωw; A√msX A£c∏nimNp°sfb√˛ a{¥n ]d™p. tIcf aoUnb A°mZan sNb¿am≥ B¿.Fkv. _m_p NSßn¬ A≤y£\mbncp∂p. C≥Ãn‰yq´v Hm^v IayqWnt°j≥ UbdŒ¿ Fw. cmaN{µ≥ cNn®v A°mZan {]kn≤oIcn® ]ªnIv dntej≥kv & AUz¿ssSknMv F∂ ]pkvXIw {]ikvX kmlnXy\ncq]I tUm. Fw. eoemhXn {]Imi\w sNbvXp. ap≥ ]m¿e-sa‚ v AwKhpw am[y-a\ - n-cq-]I - \ - p-amb tUm. sk_mÃy≥ t]mƒ ]pkvXIw G‰phmßn. ka{KXekv]¿in bmb H∂mWnsX∂p ]pkvXIw ]cnNbs∏SpØn s°m≠v tUm. Fw. eoemhXn ]d™p. lcnXtIcfw {lkzNn{Xa’cØns‚ t{_mj¿ A°mZan ap≥sNb¿am≥ F≥.]n. cmtP{µ≥ a{¥nbn¬ \n∂v G‰phmßn. ap≥ ]m¿e-sa‚ v AwKw Fw.]n. ANypX≥ k∂nlnX\mbn cp∂p. A°mZan sk{I´dn sI.Pn. kt¥mjv kzmKXhpw Akn. sk{I´dn sI.B¿. {]tamZv Ipam¿ \µnbpw ]d™p. ¤ s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ

alm-cmjv{S ]_vfnIv dnte-j≥kv hIp∏v DtZym-K-ÿ¿ tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan kµ¿in-®p


ss_¬ t^mWn-s‚bpw \h-am-[y-a-ß-fp-sSbpw hcthmsS hm¿Øm-hn-\n-ab km[y-X-Iƒ Gsd h¿[n-®ncn-°p-I-bm-sW∂v alm-cm-jv{S-bnse P\-d¬ C≥^¿ta-j≥ B≥Uv ]_vfnIv dnte-j≥kv hIp∏v Ub-d-IvS¿ tZth{µ IpNv]m¬ ]d™p. \-h-am-[y-a-ß-fpsS Ime-L-´-Ønse sXmgn¬ km[y-X-I-sf-°p-dn®v tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan hnZym¿∞n-I-fp-ambn kwh-Zn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. kaq-l-am-[y-a-ßfpw hmSvkvA∏v {Kq∏p-Ifpw Gsd kPo-h-am-bn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p∂ Ime-L-´-Øn¬ cmjv{So-b°mcpw kn\n-am-Xm-c-ßfpw {]Xn-—mb sa®-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ kz¥-ambn ]_vfnIv dnte-j≥kv Hm^o-k¿amsc \ntbm-Kn°p-I-bm-Wv. am[yataJ-e-bn¬ sXmgn-e-h-kcw h¿[n®phcn-I-bm-sW∂v hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsS tNmZy-Øn\v adp-]-Sn-bmbn IpNv]m¬ ]d-™p.

kwÿm-\sØ C≥^¿ta-j≥ ˛ ]_vfnIv dnte-j≥kv hIp-∏ns‚ {]h¿Ø\w ]Tn-°m-s\-Øn-bXm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. almcmjv{S ]_vfnIv dnte-j≥kv Akn- v Ub-dI - Sv ¿am-cmb kmK¿ Imw_vfn, {_nPn Intjm¿ F∂n-hcpw kwLØn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ B¿.Fk.v _m_p, C≥^¿ta-j≥ ˛ ]_vfnIv dntej≥kv hIp∏v taJem sU]yq´n Ub-dIvS¿ ]n.-B¿. tdmbn, A°m-Zan sk{I-´dn sI.Pn. kt¥mjv, P\-d¬ Iu¨kn¬ AwKw Fkv. _nPp, C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v Iayq-Wn-t°-j≥ Ub-d-IvS¿ Fw. cma-N{µ≥, Akn. sk{I-´dn sI.B¿. {]tamZv Ipam¿, Akn. C≥^¿ta-j≥ Hm^o-k¿ F≥._n. _nPp, ^m°¬‰n AwK-ß-fmb ]n.- F≥ thWp-tKm-]m¬, sI. tla-eX, sI.- A-PnXv, Fw.Pn. _nPp, F. I\-Ie£van XpS-ßn-b-h¿ k∂n-ln-X-cm-bn-cp-∂p. ¤

tIc-f-Øn\v kz¥-am-bn Im≥k¿ cPnkv{Sn Bhiyw : tUm. ]n≈


≥k¿ tcmKn-IfpsS FÆw IrXy-ambn \n¿W-bn-°m≥ klm-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\mbn tIc-fØ - n\v kz¥-amsbmcp Im≥k¿ cPnkv{Sn°p cq]w \¬I-W-sa∂v {]ikvX A¿_pZtcmKNnIn-’m-hn-Z-Kv[-\mb tUm. Fw.-hn. ]n≈ ]d-™p. CXn-\mbn \nehn-ep≈ dnt∏m¿´-_nƒ Unkokv BIvSv ]cnjvI-cn-°-W-sa∂pw At±lw ]d-™p. tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan-bn¬ kvtImf¿ C≥ Imºkv ]cn-]m-Sn-bn¬ apJy-{]-`m-jWw \S-Øp-I-bm-bncp∂p At±-lw. Hcp hy‡n-bpsS tcmKw ÿncoI-cn-°ptºmƒØs∂ A°mcyw ]mtØm-fP - n-kd v dv dnt∏m¿´v sNbvXmte Im≥k¿ tcmKn-If - psS hkvXp-\n-jT v a - mb IW-s°-Sp-°m-\m-Iq. \ne-hn¬ k¿°m¿ Bip-]{- Xn-Isf kao-]n-°p∂ 33 iXam\w tcmKn-If - psS IW°pam{Xta e`y-am-Ip-∂p≈q. kzImcy Bip-]{- Xn-If - n¬ tcmK-\n¿Wbw \S-Øp-∂h - c - psS FÆw IrXy-ambn IW-°m-°m\m-Ip-∂n-√. cPnkv{Sn G¿s∏-Sp-Øp-∂Xp hgn Cu


s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017

{]iv\ß - ƒ ]cn-lc - n-°s - ∏-Spw. C‚¿\m-jW - ¬ s\‰vh¿°v t^m¿ Im≥k¿ {So‰vsa‚ v B≥Uv dnk¿®v kn.-C.H. Bb tUm. Fw.-hn. ]n≈ ]d-™p. kwÿm-\Øv 2000 tcmKn-Iƒ°v Hcp NnIn’mhnZ-Kv[≥ am{X-amWp \ne-hn-ep-≈-Xv. tcmK\n¿W-b-Ønse k¶o¿W-X-Iƒ Ipd™p hcn-I-bm-Wv. B[p-\nI imkv{X-Øns‚ klm-b-tØmsS c‡tam ico-c-{k-h-ßtfm ]cn-tim-[n®v Im≥k¿ \n¿W-bn°m≥ Ign-bpw. Cu taJ-e-bnse ]c-º-cm-KX\m´-dn-hpIƒ ka{K]T-\-Øn\p hnt[-b-am-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. am[ya hnZym¿Yn-Iƒ°p {]tXyI]cn-io-e\w \¬In IqSp-X¬ t]sc saUn-°¬ tPW-en-k-Øn-te°v sIm≠p-h-cm≥ km[n-°p-sh∂pw CXp-hgn sshZyimkv{XcwKsØ hm¿Ø-Iƒ th≠-hn[w Ah-X-cn-∏n-°m≥ Ign-bpsa∂pw At±lw A`n-{]m-bs-∏-´p. ]cn-]m-Sn-bn¬ A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ B¿.-Fkv. _m_p B[y£w hln-®p. sk{I-´dn sI.Pn. kt¥mjv, C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v Iayq-Wn-t°-j≥ Ub-d-IvS¿ Fw. cma-N-{µ≥ XpS-ßn-b-h¿ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. ¤

Bookshelf New Books @ Academy Library

By B.G. Verghese Tranquebar (2014) Rs. 1295.00


classical epic chronicling the love of Shakuntala and Dushyanta, the silent crusade of the Mahatma who, when encountered by French custom officials, had little of value to declare including his “Reputation”, the defiance of Bal Gangadhar Tilak who brought the Ganapati Puja out onto the streets and a man called J.R.D. Tata who flew a single engine, de Havilland Puss Moth from Karachi to Bombay with regular load of mail. This and several other facts make up this book which showcases the wonder that is India or Bhara, written by one of India’s foremost journalists, B.G. Verghese, this book takes a hitherto unknown look at India’s ancient heritage, its diverse people and faiths, wandering minstrels, travelers and philosophers. In addition to unfolding the country’s glorious history, this book also focuses on what is integral to modern and postIndependent India, the framing of the Constitution, the building of institutions, formulation of policies and forewarns us of all the ills that ail an overburdened nation. Juxtaposing each landmark event, are rare postage stamps, colorful, unique and beautiful, which not only served as messengers, connecting the remotest places and people in the glorious tradition of Indian Postal service but also as markers of its history. Post Haste: Quintessential India is a definitive account of India which is uniquely retold here as a reminder of its greatness.

The Lost Victory By Khushwant Singh Penguin books (2016) Rs. 399.00




Post Haste: Quintessential India

Uncommon Wisdom : Conversations With Remarkable People By Fritjof Capra Flamingo (1989) Rs. 399.00


using modern science and Eastern mysticism, Fritjof Capra took the intellectual world by storm with the publication of his hugely influential The Tao of Physics. Now, in Uncommon Wisdom, he charts the cultural, sceintific and philosophical landmarks behind that intellectual odyssey through his conversations with some quite remarkable people: with Werner Heisenberg he explodes the myths of atomic physics, and searches for spiritual freedom alongside J. Krishnamurti; he pinpoints the nature of mental illness with R.D. Laing, and of ecological principles with E.F. Schumacher and Hazel Henderson, while Indira Gandhi stimulates his understanding of feminism in traditional Indian society. All offer rich insight into the iltellectual and artistic environment which helped shape one of this century’s most fascinating world views of political, economic and social harmony.



he Lost Victory perfectly captures the cultural essence of 1942 and the urgency of this colourful and moving pageant of a nation about to throw off the yoke of foreign rule. Essentially, it is the story of Buta Singh, a shrewd and wily official working with the British, and of Sher Singh, his vain and ambitious son driven to rebellion against the foreign master. It is also the story of the women of the family Champak, Sher’s beautiful wife, her wild passions bursting the bonds of century-old prohibitions, and Sabhrai, Sher’s mother, whose matriarchal strength sustains the family in its time of crisis. What happens to this family when a brutal and senseless murder sets father against son, wife against husband, is told against the background of an India torn by religious tension and fraternal strife. s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


temIw I≠ hc A¥¿t±iob am[yacwKsØ {]ikvXamb Im¿´qWpIƒ ]cnNbs∏SpØpIbmWv Cu ]w‡nbn¬. amXr`qan Im¿´qWnÃmb tKm]oIrjvW\mWv Ch Xncs™SpØv AhXcn∏n°p∂Xv.


KÃm t{ImWn-°n-fnse FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ Im¿´q-Wn-Ãmb dn°v aIvIobpsS {]i-kvX-amb Im¿´q¨. ImKn¬ Im¿´q¨kv aptJ\ kn≥Un-t°‰v sNø-s∏´v 850-˛¬ ]cw ]{X-ß-fn-te°v Ct±-l-Øns‚ cN-\Iƒ FØp-∂-Xn-\m¬ temI-Øv G-‰-hp-a-[nIw ]p\-{]-km-[\w sNø-s∏Sp∂ Im¿´q-Wn-Ãp-am-cn¬ Hcm-fp-amWv Ct±lw. e\m≥ bqdn bpF≥ Im¿´q¨ ]pc-kvImcw Ic-ÿ-am-°nb Ct±-l-Øns‚ cN-\-Iƒ {]apJ sSenhn-j≥ hm¿Øm-Nm-\-ep-I-fnse√mw {]Xy-£-s∏-´n-´p-≠v.

dn°v aIvIo tKm]oIrjvWs‚ C˛sabn¬: Printed and Published by K. G. Santhosh, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Published from Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030; Printed at Kerala Books and Publications Society, Kakkanad; Editor: R. S. Babu


s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


\-bnse {]apJ I¬°cn D¬]m-Z-\-tI-{µamb hS-°≥ jm≥Ivkn {]hn-iy-bn¬ ]pI-Xp-∏p∂ Xm]\n-e-b-Ønt\mSp tN¿∂p≈ P\-hm-k-ta-J-e-bn-te°v ap®-{I-hm-l\hpambn \oßp∂ P\-߃. ssN\-bnse samØw ac-W-kw-Jy-bn¬ ]Xn-t\gp iX-am-\-Øn-\pIm-cWw A¥-co-£-a-en-\o-I-c-W-am-Wv. sK‰n Cta-P-kn¬ {]h¿Øn°p∂ It\-Un-b≥ t^mt´m tPW-enÃv sIhn≥ t{^b¿ ]I¿Ønb Nn{Xw. 2016 se thƒUv {]kv t^mt´m a’-c-Øn¬ "sUbven sse^v' hn`m-K-Øn¬ H∂mw ÿm\w t\Snb Nn{XamWnXv.

sIhn≥ t{^b¿ s^{_p-hcn ˛ am¿®v 2017


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