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P\p-hcn 2016


P\p-hcn 2016



P\p-hcn 2016

]pkvXIw 4

e°w 6

hne `20




sSen-hn-j≥ ]-T\w : Hcp ssI∏p-kvXIw


jmPn tP°_v

Szn‰-dn-t\-°mƒ - thK-Øn¬ HmStWm ?



]n. kpPm-X≥

knkn tP°_v

H∂mw t]Pn¬ ]ckyw am{Xw: hmb-\-°m¿ F¥n\v t£m`n-°Ww?

A\p-cmKKm\w t]mse


Master strokes


Master of strokes

F≥.- ]n. B¿ Students’ Corner J. V. Vil’anilam

aoUnbbpsS hm¿≤Iyw


sI. F¬. taml-\-h¿Ω Penned and Cooked Gossips

A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ




temIw I≠ hc


s{^bnw s^bnw




Shoma A. Chatterji P\p-hcn 2016



hn≈-ep-Ifpw hnP-b-ßfpw


Editor Sergy Antony Editorial Board E.P. Shajuddeen N. Rajesh P. Sujathan T. R. Madhukumar C. N. Mohanan Design & Layout Chetana Media, Kottayam Printer & Publisher A. Abdul Hakkim Marketing In Charge Shainus Markose Address ‘Media’ Kerala Media Academy Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030 Phone: 0484 2422275 Email : Website:

P\p-hcn 2016

am[y-a-N-cn-{X-Ønse kw`-h-_-lp-e-b Hcp h¿j-amWp IS∂p-t]m-bXv. Ht´sd am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ {Iqc-ambn B{I-an-°-s∏Sp-Ibpw sIm√-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNbvX h¿jw. am[y-a-ß-fpsS ]oU-\߃°p ]ecpw Ccbmb h¿jhpw. am[y-a-hn-Nm-c-W-bpsS t]cn¬ am[y-a-ßfpw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Icpw kaq-l-Øn¬ Gsd hna¿in-°s∏´ Imew. CXn-\n-S-bnepw \√ hm¿Ø-Iƒ°pw hni-I-e-\߃°pw Gsd {]m[m-\y-ap-≠mbn. am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ Xß-fpsS ASn-ÿm\I¿Ø-hy-Øn¬\n∂p hyXn-N-en-°msX kmaq-lym-ht_m-[-tØmsS \S-Ønb CS-s]-S-ep-Ifpw \nc-h-[n-bmWv. am[y-a-ß-tfm-Sp≈ Ak-ln-jvWpX temI-sa-ºmSpw h¿[n®p-h-cp-Ibm-Wv. A\o-Xn-I-tfmSp ]S-s]m-cp-Xp-∂p-sh∂v Ah-Im-is∏- S p- ∂ - h cpw X߃°p t\tc am[y- a - ß - f psS Nq≠p- h n- c ¬ \nh¿∂m¬ Akz-ÿ-cmIpw. \h- a m- [ y- a - ß ƒ hºn® kzm[o\w sNep- Ø p∂ kmlNcyamWv C∂p-≈-Xv. Hcp-]t£ ]c-º-cm-KX am[y-a-ß-sf-Øs∂ Gsd ]nt∂m-´-Sn®v \h-am-[y-a-߃ apt∂-dp-tºmƒ B apt∂-‰Øns‚ KpW-h-i-ßfpw tZmj-^-e-ßfpw IqSp-X-embn hne-bn-cp-Øs∏-SWw. \nc-]-cm-[n-Isf {Iqin-°m\pw A]-cm-[n-Isf sh≈-]qim\pw Hcp-t]mse \h-am-[y-a-߃ D]-tbm-Kn-°-s∏Sp∂p. IqSp-X¬ Bth-i-tØmsS Cu {]{Inb C\nbpw XpS¿t∂°mw. \h-am-[y-a-߃°p ISn-™m-WnStWm F∂ N¿®bpw Ign™-h¿jw kPo-h-am-bn-cp∂p. hym]-I-amb Zpcp-]-tbmKw koa-Iƒ ewLn-®-t∏mƒ ssk_¿ sk√p-I-fn¬ ]cm-Xn-Iƒ Gdn. kzIm-cyX-bn-en-cp∂p \S-Øp∂ hnI-e-amb hna¿i-\-ßfpw hne-bn-cp-Øep-Ifpw D≠m-°p∂ {]iv\-߃ hf-sc-bm-Wv, Kcp-X-c-hp-am-Wv. B {]iv\-߃ am[y-a-߃ a\-kn-em-t°-≠-Xp≠v. hna¿i-\ß-fpsS {]f- b - Ø n¬ \nc- ] - c m- [ n- I ƒ apßn- Ø m- g p- ∂ Xp Zb- \ ob amb bmYm¿YyamWv. Bbncw Ip‰-hm-fn-Iƒ c£-s∏-´mepw Hcp \nc-]cm-[n- t]mepw in£n-°-s∏-S-cp-sX∂ \oXn-\ymbkq‡w as‰m-cphn-[-Øn¬ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°pw _m[-I-amIWw.


(5) cmPyØp am[y- a - { ]- h ¿Ø- I ¿°p t\tc AXn-{I-a-߃ h¿[n-®p-hcpI-bmsW∂p tI{μk¿°m¿ Xs∂ kΩ-Xn°p∂p. DØ¿{]-tZ-in¬ am[y-a-{]-h¿ØI≥ PmtK-{μ-knw-Kns‚ sIme-]m-XIw, lnμp-ÿm≥ ssSwkv, ssZ\nIv PmK-c¨ F∂o ]{X- t am- ^ o- k p- I - f nse Poh- \ °msc B{I-an® kw`hw F∂nh Nq≠n°m´n eIvt\m-bnse am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ tI{μ B`y- ¥ - c - a - a {¥n cmPv \ m- Y v k nwKns\ I≠ Ah- k - c - Ø n¬, am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS kpc-£bv°p `c-W-LS\mkan-Xnsb \ntbm-Kn-°p∂ Imcyw ]cn-KW - n-®p-hc - p∂-Xmbn At±lw ]d-™p. Ime-Øn-\p- t\tc IÆmSn ]nSn-°p∂-h-cmWp am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ F∂p ]dbm-dp≠v. IÆm-Sn-bn¬ sXfn-bp∂ Nn{Xw kXy-Øns‚ {]Xn-^-e-\-am-bn-cn-°Ww. DS™ IÆm- S nbpw sXfn- a - b n- √ mØ IÆm-Snbpw {]iv\ß - f - p-≠m-°p-∂p. IÆmSn-bpsS sXfna ImØp-kq-£n-°m\pw DSbmsX kq£n-°m\pw am[y-a-{]-h¿ØI¿°p henb DØ-c-hm-Zn-Xz-ap≠v. Nnet∏m-sg-¶nepw t\cns‚ ]mX-bn¬\n∂p hyXn-N-en-°m-\p≈ t{]cW am[y-a-{]h¿Ø-I-cn¬ Ipd-®p-t]¿s°-¶nepw D≠mIm-dp-s≠∂ Imcyhpw hnkva-cn-°m-\mhn√. th´- b m- S - e p- I ƒ am[y- a [¿a- a √. AtX-ka - bw A]-Nb - ß - ƒs°-Xntc Nne th´-bm-S-ep-Iƒ th≠n-hcpw. At∏mƒ Bcpw Akz-ÿ-cm-bn´p Imcy-an√. CcbpsS \nc-]-cm-[nXzw t_m[y-s∏-´mepw AXp Xpd-∂p-]-dbm≥ th´-bm-Sp∂ AtX Hu’pIyw th´- ° m¿ Im´p- ∂ n√ Fs∂mcp ]cmXn am[y-a-ß-sf-°p-dn®v s]mXpth D≈-XmWv. AØcw Ht´sd kw`-h-߃ Ign™ h¿jhpw D≠mbn. kaq-lØ - ns‚ kpÿn-Xn-bn¬ am[ya-߃°pw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°pw khnti- j - a m- s bmcp ÿm\- a p≠v . kz¥w i‡n kXy-k-‘-ambpw \oXn-t_m-[tØm- s Sbpw D]- t bm- K n- ° p- t ºm- g mWp kaqlw Xcp∂ Nne kzmX-{¥y-ßfpw Ah- I m- i - ß fpw A¿Y- h - Ø m- I p- ∂ Xv . hn{K-l-`-RvP\w am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpsS ZuXy-a√. hn[n-°m-\p≈ Ah-Im-ihpw \ap-°n√. F∂m¬ kXy-sa-s¥∂p hnfn®p-]-d-bm-\p≈ N¶q‰w am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°p-≠m-IWw. At∏mƒ hn{K-l-߃ DS™p-ho-Wmepw `b-s∏-tS-≠-Xn√. tImSXn ]cm- a ¿i- ß ƒ t]mepw sX‰mbn hymJym- \ n- ° - s ∏- S p- ∂ - X mbn

Btcm-]-W-ap-b-cp∂p. hn[n-\ym-b-ßfpw tImS-Xn-bpsS hm°m¬ ]cma¿i-ß-fp-sams° icn-bmb hn[-Øn¬ a\-kn-em°n dnt∏m¿´v sNømØ-Xns‚ Nne {]iv\߃ D≠m-bn-´p≠v. AØcw Imcy-ßf - n¬ am[ya-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ IqSp-X¬ {]^-jW - e - nkw ssIh-cn-t°-≠n-bn-cn-°p∂p. sFSn \nb-a-Ønse 66 F hIp∏p d±m-°n-s°m-≠p≈ kp{]owtIm-SXn DØ-chv Ign™ h¿jw Gsd kwhm-Z-Øn\v hgn-sbm-cp°n. Ip‰-I-ctam kv]¿[ Df-hm-°p-∂tXm Bb hnh-c-߃, sX‰m-sW-∂dn-™n´pw a‰p-≈-h¿°v Akz-ÿ-Xtbm Aku-I-cytam XS-ktam A]-I-Stam tZmjtam A]-am-\tam `oXntbm A\n-jvStam hntZzjtam Df-hm-°p∂ Imcy-߃, C{]-Im-c-ap≈ ktμ-i-߃ XpS-ßnbh Iw]yq-´¿, Iw]yp-´-dn-[n-jvTnX kwhn-[m-\-߃, CeIvt{Sm-WnIv sabn¬ XpS-ßn-bh - b - n-eqsS Ab-bv°p-Itbm kzoI-cn-°p-Itbm sNøp∂Xp aq∂p-h¿jw- hsc XShpw ]ngbpw In´m-hp∂ Ip‰-ambn IW°m°pw F∂mWv Cu hIp-∏n¬ ]d-bp-∂Xv. \h-am-[y-a-ß-fn-eqsS F¥pw Xpd∂p ]d-bm\pw ]¶p-h-bv°m\p-ap≈ Ah-Imiw kwc-£n-°-s∏-Sp-tºmgpw AXns‚ Zpcp-]-tbmKw hcp-Øn-h-bv°p∂ sISp-Xn-Iƒ Ipd-h√. ssk_¿ Ip‰-Ir-Xy-߃ h¿[n-®p-h-cp-∂Xv CXns‚ sXfn-hmWv. \h-am-[y-a-ß-fpsS kzX-{¥amb D]-tbmKw ssN\ t]mep≈ A]q¿hw Nne cmPy-ß-fn¬ \nb{¥n-®n-´p≠v. P\m-[n-]Xy`c-W-Iq-S-߃ CØcw Imcy-ß-fn¬ hfsc DZm-ca - mb \ne-]mSp kzoI-cn-°p-tºmƒ AXns‚ kpXm-cyhpw kq£vahp-amb D]-tbmKw hfsc {][m-\-s∏-´-XmWv. ssk_¿ sk√p-I-fpsS {]h¿Ø\w IqSp-X¬ imkv{Xo-bhpw ^e-{]-Z-hp-am-t°-≠-Xp≠v. ssk_¿ sk√ns‚ LS-\sb PÃokv sP. sNe-ta-iz¿ A[y-£-\mb Unhn-j≥ s_©v sFSn BIvSp-ambn _‘-s∏´ Hcp tIkn¬ hna¿in-®n-cp∂p. Hcp-Iq´w t]meokv DtZymK-ÿ¿ am{X-ap≈ sk√ns\ ssk_¿ sk√v F∂p ]d-bm-\m-hns√∂pw Ah¿°v kmt¶-XnIsshZKv[yw Bh-iy-am-sW∂pw s_©v Nq≠n-°m-´p-I-bp-≠mbn. tI{μk¿°m-cn-s‚bpw tImS-Xn-bp-sSbpw hne-°p-Iƒ adn-I-S∂v "C¥ymkv tUm´¿' F∂ hnhmZ tUmIypsa‚dn _n_nkn kwt{]£Ww sNbvXXp Ign™ h¿jw henb hnhm--ZØn-\n-S-bm-°n-bn-cp∂p. kwt{]-£Ww XS-™p-sIm-≠p≈ tImSXn DØ-chv _n_nkn A[n-Ir-X¿°v Ab-®p-sIm-Sp-Øn-cp∂p. tkmjy¬ aoUnb ssk‰pIƒ°pw DØ-chv Ab-®p-sIm-SpØp. AXn-\p-apºp-Xs∂ bpSyq-_n¬ tUmIypsa‚dn ImWm-\mbn. Cu tUmIyp-sa‚-dn°v G¿s∏-Sp-Ønb hne-°n-s\-Xntc HmkvI¿ tPXmhv sadn¬ kv{So∏pw \Sn {^oU ]nt‚mbpw cwK-sØØn. bpF-kn¬ tUmIyp-sa‚dn {]Z¿in-∏n-®t∏mƒ ImWm≥ Ahcpw FØn. Fen-k-_Øv cm⁄n-bpsS ac-W-hm¿Ø Szo‰v sNbvX-Xn-s‚t]cn¬ _n_nkn £am-]-Ww \S-tØ-≠n-h-∂Xp Ign™ h¿jsØ IuXp-I-ap-W¿Ønb am[y-a-kw-`-h-am-bn. cm⁄n-bpsS ac-W-hm¿Ø Fßs\ ssIImcyw sNø-W-sa-∂-Xn-s\-°p-dn®p \S∂ ]cn-ioe\ka-b-Øp-≠mb A_-≤-amWv _n_n-knsb \mW-t°-Sn-em-°nbXv. hnI-knXcmPy-߃°p A\p-`-hn-°p∂ Nne B\p-Iq-ey-߃ a‰p-≈-h¿°p \ntj-[n-°-s∏-Sp∂ kml-Ncyw am[y-a-cw-K-Øp-ap-≠v. aq∂mw temIcmPy-ßfpw Ahn-SsØ Ahn-I-knX {]tZ-i-ß-fp-amWv Ct∏mgpw ]m›mXyam[y-a-߃°v NqSp≈ hm¿Ø-Iƒ \¬Ip-∂Xv. C¥y Ah¿°v \s√mcp hm¿Øm-tI-{μ-amWv. CØ-c-samcp kml-Ncy-Øn¬ cmPy-Øns‚ t]mcm-bva-I-tfm-sSm∏w anIhpw apt∂-‰-ßfpw am[y-a-ß-fpsS {i≤-bn¬\n∂v AI-∂p-t]m-I-cpXv. P\p-hcn 2016


kn-kn tP°_v

Szn-‰-dn-t\-°mƒ th-K-Øn¬ Hm-StWm? t]m-b-sIm√w Ir-Xy-\n¿-h-lW-Øn-\n-sS 67 tP-¿W-en-kv-‰p-Iƒ°m-Wv Po-h-lm-\n t\-cn-´Xv (dpJn-b A-Xn¬ Dƒ-s∏-Sp∂-n√). A-hcn¬ 28 t]-scbpw sIm∂Xv sF.F pw A¬ sJz-bv-Zbpw A-S-°-ap-≈ `o-I-c-kw-L-S-\Iƒ.

P\p-hcn 2016


kve - m-an-Iv kvt- ‰‰v (sF.F-kv.) `o-Ic - c - m¬ sIm√s∏-Sp-tºmƒ dpJn-b l-k≥ ap-l-Ω-Zn-\v {]m-bw 30. G-sX-¶nepw A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂ ]-{X-Øns‚tbm Nm-\-ens‚tbm te-Jn-I-b√ Ah¿. kn-dn-b-bn¬ sF.Fkv. ss]-imNn-I `c-Ww \-S-Øp∂- dm-J hn´v HmSn-t∏m-ImsX A-hn-S-sØ hn-h-c-߃ km-aqln-Iam-[y-a-ß-fn-eqsS A∏-t∏mƒ temI-sØ A-dn-bn®p-sIm-≠n-cp-∂ hy-‡n-Ifnsem-cmƒ. kn-‰n-k≥ tP-¿W-en-kv-‰v. \n-km≥ C-{_mlnw F∂- t]-cn-em-bn-cp∂-p A-h-cpsS F-gp-Øp-Iƒ. 2015 Pq-ssebn¬ AXp \n∂p. \n-km≥

(7) C-{_m-ln-an-s\ tX-Sn-s®∂sF.F- k n- \ v dp- J nb- s b In´n. sk- ] v - X w- _ - d n- s et∏mtgm A- h - c h- s f sIm∂p. hnhcw ]p-d-Ødn™- X v C- s °m√w. am- [ y- a - ß ƒ dp- J nbsb Cß- s \ hn- t i- j n- ∏ n®p: sF. F v. h-[n-® B-Zy h-\n-Xm tP¿-W-enÃv. dp-Jn-b-bp-sS ac-Ww dp-Jnb aplΩ±v lk≥ c- l - k y- a m- ° n- h ®v sF. F v. A-h-cp-sS Iq´p-Im¿-°m-bn h-e-hn-cn®p. dp-Jn-b-bp-sS F^v._n. t]-Pn-eq-sS A-h-sc∂ hymtP-\ CS-s]´p. B h-e-bn¬ Ip-Sp-ßn-bn-´p-≠m-Im-hp∂- F-{X tP¿-W-en-Ãp-I-fpsS, B-Œn-hnÃp-I-fp-sS tNm-c kn-dn-b-bp-sS a-Æn¬ ho-gpw! t]m-b-sIm√w Ir-Xy-\n¿-h-l-W-Øn-\n-sS 67 tP-¿W-enkv-‰p-Iƒ-°m-Wv Po-h-lm-\n t\-cn-´Xv (dpJn-b A-Xn¬ Dƒ-s∏Sp∂n√). A-hcn¬ 28 t]-scbpw sIm∂Xv sF.F pw A¬ sJz-bv-Zbpw A-S-°-ap-≈ `o-I-c-kw-L-S-\Iƒ. ]-{X-kzm-X-{¥yØn-\m-bn \n-e-sIm-≈p∂- I-Ωn-‰n Sp s{]m´IvSv tP-¿W-en-Ãvkv (kn.]n.sP.) ti-J-cn-® hn-h-c-am-Wn-Xv. ]-{X-kzm-X-{¥yw, kzbw \n-b-{¥Ww (sk¬-^v sk≥k¿-jn-∏v), am-[y-a-ß-fpsS [m¿an-I D-Ø-c-hm-Zn-Øw Xp-Sßn-b hn-j-b-ßfnep-≈ N¿-®- B-tKm-f-X-e-Øn¬ k-Po-h-am-°nbXv 2015˛s‚ Xp-S-°-Øn¬ {^m≥-kn¬ ap-gßn-b shSn-sbm-®-bmbn-cp∂p. "jm¿-en F-t–m' F-∂ B-t£-]-lm-ky hm-cn-I-bnse Im¿´q-Wn-Ãp-I-ƒ A-S-°-ap≈ tP-¿W-en-ÃpI-sf ]mcoknse Hm-^o-kn¬ Ib-dn `o-I-c¿ sh-Sn-h®p-sIm∂p. h¿-jsam∂p I-gn-™n´pw N¿-® Xp-S-ßn-bn-S-ØpX-s∂ \n¬-°p∂p. "jm¿- e n Ft–m'bp- s S Im- c y- Ø n- e m- s W- ¶ n¬ A- ∂ sØ

A-tX ho-cy-tØmsS, A-{XX-s∂ {]-tIm-]-\mXva-Iamb D-≈-S-°hpw ]p-dw-Xmfpw A-Sn-®n-d°p∂p. P-\ph-cn G-gn\v, B-{I-a-W-Øn-s‚ H∂mw -hm¿-jn-I-Øn-s‚ `m-K-am-bn °v \¬Inb A-`n-ap-J-Øn¬ hm-cn-I-bp-sS amt\-PnMv F-Un-‰¿ sP-dm¿-Zv _n-bm¿-Zv ]-d-™Xv, hocy-sam∂pw Ip-d-™n-´n√, Po-h-\-°m-cp-sS Ipd-th-bp-≈q F-∂mWv. Cu hm-°p-I-fn¬-∏n-Sn-®v B-hn-jvImc kzm-X-{¥y-Øn-s‚ ]-cn-[n-sb-°pdn-®p≈ N¿-® C-\nbpw Xp-S-cmw. A-Xv Nq-Sp-]nSn-∏n-°m≥ 360 Un{Kn sh¿-Nz¬ dn-bm-en-‰n tUmIyp-sa‚-dn-Ifpw sS-en-^n-en-ap-I-fpw. tem-I-bmYm¿-Yyß-sf A-ß-s\X-s∂ ]-I¿-Øn, temI- a - \ - k m- £ n- b v ° v s]m- ≈ epw ap- d n- h p- t a¬°msX Fß-s\ Im-Wn-°p-sa-∂ [¿-a-k-¶-Sam-Wv sh¿-Nz¬ dn-bm-en-‰n A-`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-°p-∂Xv. "\yqtbm¿-°v ssSw-kv' am-K-kns‚ "Z Unkv-sπ-bv-kvUv' F∂- 11 an-\n‰v sh¿-Nz¬ dn-bmen‰n ^nenw AØ-c-samcp N¿® D-b¿-Øn-°gn™p.

sP-dm¿-Zv _n-bm¿-Zv

P\p-hcn 2016P\p-hcn 2016

(8) AXn- s \m- ∏ w ]- c n- K - W n- t °- ≠ H- c pImcyw am[y-a D-≈-S-°w, [m¿-an-I-X Xp-S-ßnb-h-bp-sS t{]m-’m-l-\-Øn-\m-bn \n-e-sIm≈p∂- F-Øn-°¬ tP-¿W-en-kw s\-‰v-h¿°ns‚ U-b-dŒ¿ sF-U≥ ssh-‰n-s‚ hm-°pI-fmWv. hm-°p-I-fn-se {]-tIm-]-\m-XvaI-XsIm-≠v hm¿-ØI - f - n¬ \n-db - m≥ {i-an-°p-- ∂hcp-sS Im-e-am-WnXv. A-ßv A-ta-cn-°-bn¬ sUm-Wmƒ-Uv {Sw-]v B-bmepw C-ßv tI-c-fØn¬ sh-≈m∏-≈n \-tS-i-\m-bmepw. hn-tZzj{]-kw-Kw Xn-cn-®-dn-™v A-Xv F-ßs\, GXp- km-l-N-cy-Øn-se∂-v hy-‡-am-°n dn-t∏m¿´v sN-øp-I-sb∂--Xm-Wv C-°me-sØ tP-¿W-en-k-Øn-s‚ sh√p-hn-fn-Ifn-sem-∂m-bn ssh‰v FSp-Øp-Im-´-p∂--Xv. hy-‡n-Iƒ ap-sº--∂ tØ-°mfpw A-k-ln-jv-Wp-°fpw A-Xn-th-Kw ap-dn-th¬-°p--∂h-cp-am-bn-Øo¿∂-n-cn-°p-∂ Ime-Øv C-°mcy-Øn¬ Pm-{K-X-Im´-W-sa∂-m-Wv A-t±-l-Øn-s‚ ]£w. Imc-Ww k-μ¿-`-Øn¬ \n∂v A-S¿-Øn-sb-Sp-Ø H-cp- hm-°p- aXn, A-\n-b-{¥nXamb Hcp I-em-]-Øn\v Pm-{K-Ømhp-I F∂- am-[y-a-ß-fp-sS D-Ø-chm-Zn-Øw Iq-Sp∂p. hm¿-Ø-Iƒ \yq-kv sU-kv-In-se-Øpw-ap-ºv kz-¥w s^-bv-kv- _p°v hm-fnepw Szn-‰¿ A-°u-≠nepw t]m-kv-‰v sN-ø-W-sa-∂ \n¿-tZ-iw \n-e\n¬-°p∂- C-°me-Øv ssh-‰n-s‚ hm-°p-Iƒ-°p {]m-[m-\y-ap≠v. FUn‰v sN-øm-Ø ^p-t´Pp-Iƒ A-t∏mƒØ-s∂ ]ªn-Iv sUm-ssa-\n¬ C-Sp∂--Xn-se [m¿an-INn-¥-Iƒ-°v C-hn-sS ÿm-\-an√. a-’-c-amWt√m am-[y-a-ÿm-]-\-߃ t{]m-’m-ln-∏n-°p--∂Xv. A-ßs\-sbm-cp- Ime-Øv H-cp- kn.Un. ]n-Sn-s®-Sp-°m-\p≈ s]m-eo-kn-s‚ ]m-®n¬ {Xn√¿ kn-\n-abp-sS A-h-Xc-Ww t]m-se X-’a-bw kw-t{]j-Ww sN-øp-∂Xv am-[y-a[m¿-an-I-X-bp-sS {]-iv-\-am-bn tXm-∂m-Ø-Xn¬ A-¤p-X-an√. H-cp {In-an\¬ tI-kv {]-Xn kv-{Xobpw kp-μ-cn-bp-sa--∂ Im-c-W-Øm¬ F-tßm-´pXn-cn-™mepw Im-a-d-bp-am-bn ]n-¥p-S-cp--∂Xn¬ A-[m¿-an-I-X Im-Wm-\mhm-Ø-Xnepw A-Xniban√. ap-ºv _n-°n-\n tam-Uepw hn-π-hm-fl-Ik-ac-Øn-s‚ ap∂--Wn-°m-cn-bp-am-b-Xn-\m¬ {]-Xn-sb-°p-dn-®v F¥pw ]-d-bp-

P\p-hcn 2016

sF-U≥ ssh‰v ∂ - Xn\pw G-Xp-Nn{Xw sIm-Sp-°p--∂Xn\pw a-Sn-Im´m-Ø-Xnepw A-¤p-X-an√. a-’-cam-sW-ßpw. A-hn-sS Nn-¥b - v°pw bp-‡nbv°pw F-Øn-Iv-kn\pw C-S-an√. A-t∏mgm- W v F- I v - k v - ¢ q- k o- h p- I ƒ- ° m- b n hy-‡nI-sf Iym-a-d-bv-°p ap∂n¬ Ip-Sp°p∂-Xv. kv-‰nMv Hm-∏-td-j-s\∂- Cu tP¿-W-en-Ãn-Iv X-{¥sØ, F-¥v D-t±-iyip-≤n-bp-sS t]-cn-em-bmepw Aw-Ko-I-cn°m≥ ]-‰n-s√∂p ]-d-™-Xv s_¿-Iv-enbn-se Imen-t^m¿Wn-b -k¿-h-I-em-imem tP-We - n-kw {Km-tPz-‰v kvI - q-fn-se C≥sh-kv-‰n-tK-‰ohv tP-¿W-en-kw hn-`m-Kw ta-[m-hn-bmWv. ]p-en-‰v-k¿ k-Ωm-\w t\Sn- b am- [ y- a - { ]- h ¿- Ø I≥. AXpw C- h n- S - s Ø am- [ y- a - k w- k v - I m- c - Ø n\v Aw-Ko-I-cn-°m-\m-tb-°n√. P-tK-{μ kn-ßn-s‚ I-c-®n¬ D-Ø¿{]-tZ-in-se jm-Pl - m≥-]pcn¬ P-tK-{μ kn-sß-∂ tP-¿W-en-Ãns\ H-cp-kw-Lw B-fp-Iƒ Xo-sIm-fpØn-s°m∂p. sh-¥-i-co-c-hp-am-bn B-k] v- {- Xn-bn¬ In-S° - p-tºmgpw t_m[-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂ A-t±-l-Øn-s‚ I-c®n¬, "F- ¥ n- \ m- W v A- h - s cs∂ I- Ø n®- X v ? ' F∂ tNmZyw Nn- e sS-en-hn-j≥ Nm-\-ep-Iƒ B-h¿-Øn®p-Im-Wn®p. a-{¥nbm-b am-^n-b-Øe-h-s\-Xn-sc \n-c¥-cw hm¿-Ø-sImSp-Ø-Xn-\m-Wv P-tK-{μ sIm√-s∏-´sX∂-v ]-d-bp--∂p. P- t K- { μ- b p- s S A- \ p`- h w dn-t∏m¿´v sN-øm≥ jm-P-lm≥-]p-cnseØn-b hen-b am-[y-aß - ƒ A-t±lsØ ]-e -t]-cp-I-fn-em-Wv hn-ti-jn∏n-®Xv. Nn-e¿ A-t±l-sØ tP-¿Wen- s Ã- ∂ p- h n- f n®p. th- t d - N ne¿


P-tK-{μ kn-Mv

k-μo-]v tIm-Øm-cn-

"s^-bv-kv- _p-°v˛tkm-jy¬ aoUn-b tP-¿W-enkv‰v' F∂-v hn-ti-jn-∏n®p. a-‰p- Nne¿' B-Œn-hnÃv tP-¿W-en-sÃ'∂pw. Ip-td-h¿-jw hn-hn-[-]-{Xß-fn¬ tPm-en sNbvX B a-\p-jy≥ hn-ti-jW-߃ A-[n-I-am-Ipw-ap-ºv a-cn-®p. `q J-\-\ am-^n-b-bv-s°-Xn-sc Xp-S¿-®-bm-bn F-gp-Xn-b-Xn-s‚ t]-cn¬ a-[y-{]-tZ-in¬ sIm√s∏´ k-μo-]v tIm-Øm-cn-sb∂- tP-¿W-en-kv-‰ns\bpw B \n-e-bv-°v Aw-Ko-I-cn-°m≥ a-‰p ]-{Xam-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø-I¿ X-øm-dm-bn√. A-h-c-bm-sf "`o-j-Wn-°mc≥' F-∂p-hn-fn-®p. F-{X-sb-{X sNdp-]-{X-ß-fp-sS te-JI¿, ]-{X-hm¿-Ø-I-fp-sSbpw km-aq-ln-I-am-[y-a-ß-fn-se C-S-s]-S-en-s‚bpw t]-cn¬ {Kmao-W C-¥y-bn¬ ]o-Un-∏n-°-s∏Sp∂p sIm√-s∏-Sp-∂p. hen-b am-[y-a-ßfpw i-{Xp-hn-s‚ i-‡n-sb `b∂-v sN-dp-am-[y-a-ßfpw H´pw an-≠p∂n√. h- e n- b - h - c p- s S Nq- j - W - ß ƒ- s °- X n- t c \n-c¥-cw i-–n-°p∂- tP-¿W-en-ÃpI-sf {]-iv-\°m- s c∂pw `o- j - W n- ° m- s c∂pw ap- { Z- I p- Ø n A-h-K-Wn-°p∂p. k-l-{]-h¿-Ø-I-cp-sS t]mepw ]n¥p-W C-h¿-°v In-´p∂-n-s√--∂Xm-Wv hm-kvXhw. P-tK-{μ kn-ßn-t‚Xp- t]m-ep-≈ A-]q¿-hw Nn-e kw-`-h-߃-°v tZ-io-b-{i-≤ In-´p∂p.

{]-kv Iu-¨kn¬ Hm-^v C-¥y 2015 ]m-Xnhsc ti-J-cn-® hn-h-c-߃ {]-Im-cw 25 sIm√-Øn\n- s S C- ¥ y- b n¬ Ir- X y- \ n¿- h - l - W - Ø n- s ‚

t]-cn¬ sIm√-s∏-´Xv 79 tP-¿W-en-Ãp-I-fmWv. Ip-‰-Ir-Xyw, Agn-aXn, cm-{„o-bw F-∂o _o-‰p-Iƒ ssI-Imcyw sN-øp--∂h-cmWv C-h-cn-te-sd-bpw. Ip-‰-hm-fn kw-L-Ønsetbm cm-{„o-bI£n-bnsetbm k¿°m-dnse-tbm B-fp-I-fmhpw sIm-e-bv-°p]n-∂n¬. ]-t£, C-h¿ ]n-Sn-°-s∏Sp-I A-]q¿-hw. kn.]n.sP.bp-sS 2015˛se dn-t∏m¿-´n¬ ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-I¿-°p -t\-tcbp-≈ Ip-‰-Ir-Xy-ß-fn¬ ]-Xn-\memw ÿm-\-am-Wv C-¥y-bv°v. \n-e- sa-®-s∏-Sm-Ø kv-{Xo-Iƒ h-f¿∂-p-]-S-cp∂- Un-Pn-‰¬ ao-Un-b-bn-epw dn-t∏m¿-´¿-amcmbpw hm¿-Øm-hn-j-b-ambpw kv-{Xo-I-fp-sS \n-e- sa-®-s∏-´n-´ns√∂p X-s∂-bm-Wv t]m-b-h¿-jhpw sX-fn-bn-°p∂-Xv. tem-IP-\-kw-Jy-bp-sS ]m-Xnbpw h-cp∂- kv-{Xo-I-sf-°p-dn-®p-≈ hm¿Ø-Iƒ 26 i-Xa - m-\w am-{X-amWv Hm-¨sse-\n¬ h-cp∂Xv. ]{Xw,, tdUntbm F-∂n-h-bn¬ 24 i-X-am-\-hpw. hm¿-Øm-am-[ya-ß-fn-se enw-K-Xz-sØ-°p-dn-®p ]Tn-°p∂- t•m-_¬ aoUnb tam-\n-‰-dn-Mv t{]m-P-Œn-t‚-XmWv (Pn.Fw.Fw.]n.) I-s≠-ج. 114 cm-{„-ß-fn-se B-bn-c-°-W-°n-\p hm¿-Ø-Iƒ k-am-l-cn-®p Xm-c-Xayw sN-bv-Xm-Wv Pn.Fw.Fw.]n. Cu \n-K-a\Øn¬ FØn-bXv. A-©p h¿-jw ap-ºv Pn.Fw.Fw.]n. dn-t∏m¿-´v X-øm-dm-°nb-t∏mƒ D-≠m-bn-cp--∂Xnepw Ip-d-hm-Wv C∂v cm-{„o-b-hm¿-ØI-fn¬ kv{Xo km-∂n-[yw. 2005˛\p ti-jw B-sI dn-t∏m¿-´v sN-ø-s∏-´ hm¿-Ø-I-fn¬ 37 i-X-am-\w am-{X-ta kv-{Xo-I-fp-tSXm-bp≈q. ]-c-º-cm-K-X enw-K-kz-Xz am-Xr-II-sf s]m-fn-s®gpXp∂- hm¿-Ø-I-fmIs´ \m-ep- i-X-am-\w am-{Xw. km-ºØn-I Im-cy-ß-fn¬ {i-≤-]-Xn-∏n-°p∂- h-\n-Xm-am-[y-a-{]-h¿-ØI¿ C-t∏mgpw A-©p i - X - a - m-\t- a-bp≈q. cm-{„o-b dn-t∏m¿´¿-am¿ Ggp i-X-am-\-hpw. F√mw- \¬-tI-≠-Xpt≠m? t]m-bn‚¿ C≥-kv-‰n-‰yq-´n-se hn-jz¬ tP¿-W-en-kw B≥Uv ssU-th-gv-kn-‰n hn-`m-Kw ko-\n-b¿ ^m-°¬‰n sI∂-n C¿_n-bp-sS ¢m- n-en-cp--∂t∏mƒ, A-^v-Km-\n-kv-Ym-\n¬ t]m-cm-Sn a-S-ßn-sb-Øn k¿-hw-X-I¿∂-v hn-jm-Z-Øn-s‚ ]-Sp-Ip-gn-bn¬ I-gn-bp∂ ssk-\nI-s‚ t^mt´m Im-Wn-®v A-t±-lw tNm-Zn®p, "CXv \n-߃ ]-{X-Øn¬ sIm-Sp°p-tam? A-^v-Km-\n¬ Po-hnXw XI¿∂p-t]mb ssk-\n-Is - c-°p-dn-s®-gp-Xm≥ \n-߃°v Cu t^m-t´m-bp-sS B-h-iy-ap-t≠m? C-Xn√msX, \n-ß-fp-sS hm-°pI-fn-eq-sS A-h-cp-sS a-\-kw-L¿-j-ß-fpw ssI-hn´p-t]m-b Po-hn-X-hp-sa√mw B-hn-jv-I-cn-®p-IqtS? A-h P-\w hm-bn-°nt√? H-cp- a-\p-jy-≥ A-\p-h-Zn-°m-sX A-bm-fpsS ssZ-\y-ap-Jw Im´n, C-h≥ sh-dp-°-s∏´h-s\-t∂m, k-l-Xm-]-a¿-ln-°p--∂h-s\t∂m ]d-™v A-bm-fp-sS B-flm-`n-am-\-Øn-\v £-X-ta¬-∏n-°-tWm? H-cp- Nn{Xtam hm¿-Ø-tbm ^pt´tPm I-øn-se-Øp-tºmƒ tP¿-W-en-kv-‰p-I-fn¬ F-{X-t]-cp-sS a-\- n¬ CØ-cw tNm-Zyß-fp-b-cp∂p F∂--X-\p-k-cn-®n-cn-°pw am-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø-\-Øn-s‚ [m¿-an-I-Xbpw A-[m¿-an-I-X-bpw. A-Xp-Xs∂-bm-Wv a-’-c-Øns‚ C-°meØv Cu sXm-gn-en-s‚ P-bhpw tXm¬-hn-bpw. hnUntbm, t^mt´m sj-b-dn-Mv B∏pIfp-am-bn a-’-cn-°m≥ In-S-∏-d cw-K-߃ -t]mepw a-’-cm-[n-jvTn-X dn-t∏m¿-´n-ßn-s‚ `m-K-am-bn kw-t{]j-Ww sN-øm≥ a-Sn-bn√m-Xm-bn-cn-°p-∂p am-[y-a-߃-°v. Im-gv-N-°m-cnepw AØ-c-sam-cp- a\- v ]m-I-s∏-Sp-Øm-\m-Wv A-h {i-an-°p--∂Xv. A√m-sX ho-≠p-hn-Nm-c-Øn-\√. Aß-s\ P\p-hcn 2016


]m-Is - ∏-´ Im-Wn-If - p-sS a-\ - m-Wv A-Øm-ga - p-t]£n®pw kn.Un- bm-{X- Im-Wm≥ Nm-\-ep-Iƒ-°p ap-ºn¬ Ip-Øn-bn-cp∂--Xv. Im-gv-N-°m-c\pw hm-b\-°m-c\pw th-≠-Xn-Xm-Wv F-∂v G-Xm\pw t]¿ tN¿∂p Xo-cp-am-\n-°p-∂ Cu sXm-gn-en¬, Xo-cpam-\n-°p-∂h-s‚ A-`n-cpNn-tbm, em-`-°tÆm B-Wv A-¥n-a-^-e-Øn¬ {]-Xn-^-en-°p-I. C-h I≠pw hm-bn®pw F-\n-°v th≠-Xv C-Xm-sW∂vIm-e-{Ita-W hm-b-\-°m-c\pw Im-gv-N-°m-c\pw tXm∂-n-t∏m-Ip--∂Xm-hpw. Cu km-l-N-cy-Øn-em-Wv Xp¿-°n-bn-se CuPn-b≥ I-S-temc-Øv A-Sn-™ sF-em≥ Ip¿Zn-sb∂- Ip-™n-s‚ ar-X-tZ-l-Øn-s‚ t^m-t´mIm-tW≠Xv. bpw a-‰v Nn-e A-¥m-cm{„am- [ y- a - ß fpw sF- e m- s ‚ B t^mt´m sIm-Sp-Øn√. Cu Nn{Xw A-`-bm¿-Yn/Ip-Sn-tb-‰ {]-iv\ - s - Ø-°p-dn-®p≈ tem-Ih - o-£W - w am‰ntbm F∂- te-J-\Øn-s\m∏w, Ip-™n-s‚ P-U-w Xoc-Øp-\n-s∂-Sp-°p∂ s]meo-kp-Imc-s‚ t^mt´m sIm-SpØp˛ "Cu te-J-\Øn-s\m-∏w a-t\m-hn-ja-ap-≠m-°p∂- H-cp Nn-{X-ap≠v' F∂- ap∂--dn-bnt∏msS. Cw-•o-jp-Imc-s‚ A-Xn-am-\y-X-sb∂v hn-ti-jn-∏n®v Cu hn-j-b-Øn-\p- t\-tc I-Æ-S-bv°mw. CØ-cs - am-cp [m¿anIt_m-[Ø - n-te°v, As√-¶n¬ C-Xn-\-Sp-Ø H-cp-X-e-Øn-te-°v \-Ωp-sS ]-{X-am-[y-a߃ D-bcp-tam? (B Nn{Xw A-`-bm¿Yn/Ip-Sn-tb-‰{]-iv-\-Øn¬ F-¥p- am-‰-ap-≠m-°nsb∂v C∂pw CuPn- b ≥ Xoc- Ø - S n- b p∂ar- X - t Z- l - ß fpw bq- t dm- ] y≥ bq- W n- b - \ n- s e kw-L¿-j-ßfpw \-tΩmSv ]-d-bpw) H-cp- hen-b A-gn-aX - nsb, {In-an-\¬ Ip‰sØ "\n-b-a-Øn-s‚ h-gn-°p -hn´v' C-f-Ip∂- tN-e-ØpP\p-hcn 2016

ºn-\v ]n-∂m-se ]m-bp-∂ am-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø-\-Øn-\v am-‰-ap-≠mIptam? a-Wn-°q-dp-Iƒ ]n-∂n-´mepw "F-Ik v- ] v- t- bUv' B-hm-Ø t{_°n-Mv \yq-kp-Iƒ \n-e-bv°p-tam? F-¥m-WnØ-cw hm¿-ØIƒ, F-¥√ CØ-cw hm¿-Ø-Iƒ F--∂Xn-\v H-cp- X-e-\mcn-g hn-S-sh¶n-ep-ap-≠mIp-tam? kw-hm-Z-sa--∂t]-cn¬ {]-kv-Xm-h-\-Iƒ \-SØp∂-, A-h-Xm-c-I-hmNm-tSm-]-Øn-s‚ {]-I-S-\-߃-°v B-fl\n-b-{¥-W-ap-≠mIp-tam? a’-c-tbm-´Øn-\-\p-k-cn-®v A-I∂I∂p-t]m-Ip∂- hn-izm-kyX-sb A¬-∏w A-Sp-∏n-®v \n¿-Øm≥ {i-a-ap-≠mIp-tam? k-Xyw- hn-fn-®p-]-d-bm≥ \n-c¥-cw A-t\zj-Ww \-S-Øp∂, A-Xn-s‚ t]-cn¬ sIm-e-°-Øn-°pw sh-Sn-bp-≠-bv°pw C-c-bmIp∂- H-cp]-‰w tP¿-W-en-Ãp-Iƒ cm-Py-Øns‚, tem-I-Øn-s‚ G-sXms°tbm tIm-Wn-en-cp-∂v ]-Wn-sb-Sp-°p-∂p. a-s‰m-cp-Iq´¿ I-øn-ep-≈ t]-\-bp-sSbpw ssa-t{Im-t^m-Wn-s‚bpw I-cp-Øn¬ am-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø-I-sc--∂v `m-hn-°p∂p. tI-c-f-Øn-s‚ km-aq-ln-I-km-l-N-cy-Øn¬ H-cp-]t£, ]-{X-{]-h¿Ø-\w Po-h-lm-\n t\-cn-Sp∂ tPm-en-b√m-bn-cn-°mw. \-ap-°v N¿-® sN-øm-\p≈-Xv am-[y-a-[m¿-an-IX-bp-sS a-‰p-]-e am\-ß-fp-amWv. Hm´Øn-\n-sS \-„-s∏-Sp∂- Ir-Xy-X-sbbpw hy-‡X-sbbpw hn-izm-ky-X-sbbp-sam-s°-°p-dn-®mWv. F-gp-Øn-se hm-°p-I-fp-sS Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏p-I-sf-°p-dn-®m-Wv. "s]m-fn-‰n-°¬ I-d-Œv-\- n-s\'°p-dn-®m-Wv. 2015 \-hw-_-dnse ]m-co-kv `oIcm-{Ia-Ww dn-t∏m¿´v sN-øp-tºmƒ F.F-^v.]n-bn-se apXn¿∂ kl-{]-h¿Ø-I-cn¬ \n∂v A-hn-S-sØ tP-¿W-en-Ãn-\v In´n-b D-]-tZ-iw C-ß-s\-bmbn-cp∂p: "This is not a race, we are aiming for accuracy, we're not trying to be faster than twitter." a’-cw I-S∂p-t]m-Ipw. hm-kv-X-h-w B-Xy-¥n-I-am-bn \n-e-\n¬-°pw. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

tImgn-t°mSv amXr-`q-an-bn¬ k_v FUn-‰-dmWv teJ-nI. E-mail:


aoUnb ss_‰vkv F≥. ]n. B¿

H∂mw t]-Pn¬ ]-ckyw am{Xw: hm-b-\-°m¿- F-¥n-\v t£m`n°Ww



kv B-©e-kv ssSw-kn-s‚ H∂mw t]-Pv \nd-sb A-ta-cn-°≥ F-b¿-sse≥-kn-s‚ ]-ckyw h∂-Xv A-Sp-ØIm-e-ØmWv. H-∂mw t]-Pn¬ ]-ckyw am{Xw h-cp∂-Xv \-Ωp-sS \m-´n-se-t∏m-se A-hn-sS A-{X km-[m-c-Wa√. tem-kv B-©e-kv ssSw-kv hm-b-\-°m¿ ]-ckyw I-≠v A-kz-ÿ-cmbn. Hm¨-sse≥ t]-Pp-I-fn¬ CØ-cw ]-c-kyß-sf k-ln°p-∂-Xp-t]m-se, ]-Ww sIm-Sp-Øv hm-ßp-∂ ]-{XØn¬ C-Xv hm-b-\-°m-c≥ k-ln-°-W-tam? A-h¿ tNm-Zn®p. ]m-Sn√ F-∂m-Wv {]ap-J am-[y-a]T-\ÿm-]\am-b F-Un-‰¿ B≥-Uv ]-_v-fn-j¿ F-Un-t‰m-dn-b¬ ssd-‰dpw tIm-f-an-Ãpamb B≥-{Unbm\ b-ßn-‚ a-dp]Sn. Un-Pn-‰¬ ]-c-kyw t]mepw F-hn-sSbpw F-ßs\bpw BImw F-∂n√. ]-{X-∏c - k - y-Øn-\v Xo¿-®bmbpw A-Xn-te-sd ]-cn-[n-If - p-≠.v ˛ A-h¿ hn-iZ- o-Ic - n-®p. ( CØ-cw ]-c-ky-ß-sf C-¥y-bn-emcpw tNmZyw sN-øm-dn√. A-h¿-°v CØ-cw ]-c-ky-߃ A-k-ly-ambn tXm-∂n-bm¬Øs∂ A-Xv D-∂-bn-°m≥ A-h¿-°v th-Zn-I-fn√. H∂mw t]-Pn¬ hm¿-Ø am-{X-ta sIm-Sp°q F-∂v hm-b-\-°m-tcm-Sv I-cm¿ H-∂p-an√t√m F-∂ tNmZyw D-b¿-∂m¬ a-dp]-Sn ]-dbp-I hn-j-a-amWv. am-{X-hp-a√, ]-e C-¥y≥ ]-{X-ß-fnepw B-Zy-Ime-Øv H∂mw t]-Pn¬ ]-c-kyß-tf D-≠m-bn-cp-∂p≈q. ]n-∂oSm-Wv A-Xv hm¿-Øbv-°m-bn \o-°n-sh-®p-Xp-S-ßn-bXv. hm¿-Ø-bp-sS Im-cy-Øn¬ a’-cw h-∂-t∏m-gm-Wt√m Aß-s\ kw`hn-®Xv. C-t∏mƒ a’-cw ]-c-ky-°m-cyØn-te D≈q. A-t∏mƒ C-ß-s\-b-t√ th≠Xv! a-dp]Sn ]-dbp-I {]-bm-kw X-s∂.

Un-Pn-‰¬ ]-c-kyw t]mepw F-hn-sSbpw F-ß-s\bpw BImw F-∂n√. ]-{X-∏-c-ky-Øn-\v Xo¿-®bmbpw A-Xn-te-sd ]-cn-[n-I-fp-≠v.

B≥-{Unbm-\ b-Mv F-Un-‰¿ B≥-Uv ]-ªn-j¿ am-K-kn\n¬ F-gp-Xn-b te-J-\-Øn¬ CØ-cw \ym-boI-c-Wß-sf tNmZyw sN-øp∂p. hm¿-Øm-{]m-[m\yw kw-_-‘n-® hm-b-\-°mc-s‚ {]-Xo-£-I-ƒ-°v GXv D¬-∏-∂-Øn-s‚bpw Kp-W-\n-e-hm-cw kw-_-‘n-® D-]t`m-‡m-hn-s‚ {]-Xo-£-Iƒ-°p-≈ {]m-[m\yw X-s∂bp-≠v. {]-[m-\-s∏-´ hm¿-Ø hm-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\v ap-ºv hm-b-\-°m-c≥ ]-ckyw hm-bn-®p-sIm≈-Ww F-∂v \n¿_-‘n-°m≥ am-[y-a-ÿm-]-\-Øn-\v A-h-Im-i-an√. ]-Ww -sIm-Sp-Øv ]{Xw hm-ßp-∂-htcm-Sv Aß-s\ ]-d™p-Iq-S-Xs∂. CØ-cw ]-c-ky-߃ F-Un-t‰m-dn-b¬ P-Uv-Pv-sa‚n-s\ X-In-Sw-a-dn-°p∂p; A-h hm¿-Ø-I-fp-sS F-Æ-sØbpw h-Æ-sØ-bpw _m-[n-°p-∂p. Cu tNm-Zy-߃-°pw X¿-°-߃°pw C-¥ybntem tI-c-f-Øntem h-en-b {]-k-‡n-bn√ F-∂v tXm-∂n-tb-°mw. ]t£, ]{Xw hm-bn-°p-∂-h-cp-sS F-Æw Ip-d-™p-h-cp-∂ ]m-›m-Xy-\m-Sp-I-fn¬

Ncn{Xk‘n-I-fnse kPo-h-km£yw

P\p-hcn 2016


C-sXmcp {]-iv-\w X-s∂-bmWv. hm-b-\-°m-c-t\m-Sv F-¥p-am-hmw, ]-ckyw sIm-≠m-Wv ]{Xw \n-e-\n¬°p∂-Xv F-∂v A-hn-sS C-t∏m-gmcpw hm-Zn-°p-∂n√. ]-{X-ß-ƒ X-f-cp-Ibpw X-I-cp-Ibpw sN-bv-Xp-h-cp-∂ C-°me-Øv h-cn-°m-sc ]n-Sn-®p-\n¿-Øp-I-bm-Wv A-Snb-¥-cNp-aX-e. \√Im-e-Øp -am{Xw ap-Jw-X-cp-∂ kv-t\-ln-X-\m-Wv ]-c-ky-°mc≥. h-cn-°m¿ hn-´p-t]mbm¬ A-Xn-t\-°mƒ th-K-Øn¬ ]-c-ky-°m¿ hn-´pt]m-Ipw. hm-b-\-°m-cn¬ hn-izmky-X h-f¿-Øm-\m-Wv A-h-cn-t∏mƒ s]-Sm-∏m-Sv s]-Sp-∂-Xv. Un-Pn-‰¬ ]-c-ky-Øn\v Cu ]-cn-K-W-\-Iƒ _m-[-I-a√ F-∂ Im-gv-N-∏mSpw C-t∏mƒ tNmZyw sN-øs∏-Sp-∂p-≠v. ]q¿-W-ku-P-\y-am-bn e-`n-°p-∂ Cu am-[y-a-Øn-s‚ hm-b-\-°mc-\v ]-c-ky-sØ tNmZyw sN-øm≥ ]-‰n√-t√m. ]t£, C-hn-sSbpw I-W-°p-Iq-´ep-Iƒ sX-‰p-I-bm-Wv. ]-c-kyw i-ey-am-Wv F-∂v tXm-∂p-∂ hm-b-\-°m¿ B-Uv- tªm-°-dp-Iƒ D-]-tbmKn-®v Ah-sb X-S-bp∂p. ku-P-\y-hm-b-\-°m-c≥ F-∂v hn-fn-°-s∏-Sp-∂-hcpw b-Ym¿-∞-Øn¬ ku-P-\yhm-b-\-°m-c-√. Ah-s‚ sN-e-hn-emWv, Ah-s\ Im-´nbm-Wv ÿm]-\w ]-ckyw t\-Sp-∂Xv. A-hn-sSbpw hm-b-\-°m-sc Xo¿Øpw A-h-K-Wn-°m≥ ]-‰n√ F-∂¿-∞w. H∂mw t]-Pv A∏Sn I-h¿-s∂-Sp-°¬ Dƒ-s∏-sS-, hm-b-\-°mc-\v t\tc-bp-≈ I-S-∂m-{I-a-Wß-sf ]-c-

ky-hn-`m-K-°m¿ C-s∂m-th-‰o-hv B-Uv-kv F-∂m-Wv hn-fn-°m-dp-≈Xv. A-W em-`n-°p-Ibpw D-dp∏n-I Xp-e-bv°pI-bpw (Penny wise, Pound foolish) sN-øp-∂-Xn¬F¥v C-s∂m-th-j≥ B-Wv D-≈-Xv? B-≥-{Un-bm-\ b-Mv tNm-Zn-°p∂p.

]{Xÿm]\Øn¬ kactam ? am[yaÿm]\ßfn¬ FhnsSsb¶nepw iºfh¿≤\bv°p≈ kac߃ \S°mdpt≠m Cu ImeØv ? tNmZyw A{]k‡a√. {_n´\nepw Atacn°bnepw ]{X{]h¿ØI t{SUv bqWnb\pIƒ kpi‡ambncp∂p F¨]XpIƒ hsc. Icmdph¬°cWhpw amt\Pvsa‚ v ASn-®-a¿-Øep-Ifpw i‡ambtXmsS AsX√mw C√mXmbn. B \mSpIfn¬ ]{Xÿm]\߃ XI¿® A`napJoIcn°p∂ Ahÿ IqSn D≠mbtXmsS kacßsf°pdn®v Nn¥n°pIXs∂ {]bmkambn. F¶nepw kacmthiØns‚ A·n Hcn°epw ]q¿Wambn sI´pt]mIp∂n√ F∂v sXfnbn°p∂p Atacn°bnse tSmsftUmhnse 180 h¿jw ]g°ap≈ ]{XØnse FUnt‰mdnb¬ {]h¿ØI¿. P\kwJymSnÿm\Øn¬ Atacn°bnse \memasØ henb \KcamWv tSmsftUm. AhnSsØ G‰hpw {][m\ ]{XamWv sªbvUv. Atacn°bnse alØmb Hcp ]{Xw F∂mWv H∂mw t]Pn¬ ]{Xw AhImis∏Sp∂Xv.

saKm-t^m¨ Xq-°n Pm-Y \-bn-°p-∂ tdm-sk≥ -{Im≥kv

P\p-hcn 2016


henb ]{Xsam∂pas√¶nepw, Ccp\qtdmfw ]{X{]h¿ØI¿ am{Xap≈ sªbvUv ]{XØnse kacØn\v sImfw_nb tP¿Wenkw dnhyq t]mep≈ am[ya]T\{]kn≤oIcWw henb {]m[m\yw \¬InbXv, AXns‚ A]q¿hX sIm≠mhpw. as‰mcp Imcyw IqSn {it≤bambn. Atacn°bn¬ ]{Xßfnse tP¿WenÃpIfpsS icmicn {]mbw 48 Bbn Db¿∂ncns°, ChnsS kacw \bn°p∂Xv 31 hb p≈ hnZym`ymkImcy teJI\mb tdmsk≥ {Im≥kv BWv. Icm¿ Poh\°mcmWv F√mhcpw. ]Øv h¿jambn h¿≤\bv°v tNmZn®n´nt√bn√. N¿®Iƒ \S°p∂ps≠¶nepw Xocpam\amIp∂n√. {]IS\ßfpw ktΩf\ßfpw \nc¥cambn \S∂p hcp∂p. F∂m¬ ]WnapS°nte°v IS∂n´n√. (

tImf {]NmcWØn\v BtcmKyhnZKv[¿ ? am[yakZmNmcw apJyhnjbambn D∂bn°p∂v s^b¿ (s^b¿\kv C≥ dnt∏m¿´nMv˛ ap∂dnbn∏v \¬Ip∂p. am[yaßfn¬ BtcmKyhnZKv≤∑m¿ F∂v AhImis∏´v A`n{]mb߃ ]dbp∂hsc kq£n°pI. Ah¿ kzX{¥ BtcmKyhnZKv[¿ BhWsa∂n√. sIms°mtImf Dƒs∏sSbp≈ h≥ tIm¿∏td‰pIƒ AhcpsS D¬]∂ßfpsS am¿°‰nßn\v hnZKv≤sc am[yaßfn¬ D]tbmKn°m≥ ]≤Xn Xømdm°nbn cn°p∂p. {]Xn^ew \¬In hnZKv≤sc AhXcn∏n°m\mWv Dt±in°p∂Xv.

C≥shÃntK‰ohv tP¿WenÃpIfmb A\lUv Hm tIm∂¿, Im≥Unkv tNmbv F∂nh¿ \SØnb At\zjWw sIms°mtImfbpsS ]pXnb X{¥ßƒ Xpd∂pIm´m≥ klmbIambn´p≠v. cmPyØv DS\ofw ]S¿∂p]nSn°p∂ "ico-cw h-Æw hbv°¬' tcmKØn¬ {]Xn°q´nep≈ sIms°mtImfbmWv Cu kwcw`Øn¬ ap≥]¥nbnse∂v s^b¿ ]dbp∂p. sIms°mtImf D]tbmKØns‚ Zqjyhißsf°pdn®vv am[yaßfnepw hna¿i\w Dbcp∂Xv tImfbpsS hn¬∏\sb _m[n®n´p≠v. CXv adnIS°m\mWv s]bvUv hnZKv≤sc cwKØnd°m≥ {iaw \S°p∂Xvv. C≥shÃntK‰ohv tP¿WenÃpIfmb A\lUv Hm tIm∂¿, Im≥Unkv tNmbv F∂nh¿ \SØnb At\zjWw sIms°mtImfbpsS ]pXnb X{¥ßƒ Xpd∂pIm´m≥ klmbIambn´p≠v. hnZKv≤cpsS Hcp kwLsØØs∂ sIms°mtImf Hcp°n \n¿Ønbn´p≠v F∂mWv Hm tIm∂¿ \yqtbm¿°v ssSwkn¬ dnt∏m¿´v sNbvXXv. Xn∂pIbpw IpSn°pIbpw sNøp∂X√ \nb{¥nt°≠Xv F∂ ktμiw {]Ncn∏n°m\mWv `£y˛]m\ob D¬]mZIÿm]\߃ {ian°p∂Xv. th≠{X hymbmaw sNbvXm¬ h-Æw Ipdbv°mw F∂ hnZKv≤m`n{]mbw {]Ncn∏n°emWv tImfbpsS Dt±iyw. \s√mcp ]¶v hnZKv≤¿ Cu \ne]mSns\ tNmZyw sNøp∂p. hymbmaw \√XpXs∂. ]t£, tImf t]mep≈ D¬]∂ßfpsS Zqjyw Ipdbv°m≥ hymbmaw am{Xw t]mcm.

A-`n-{]m-b-kzm-X-{¥y-Øn-\v t\tc sh√p-hn-fn-I-tfsd C-¥y-bn¬ F-´p-t]¿ A`n-{]m-b-{]-I-S-\-Øn-s‚ t]-cn¬ C-°-gn-™ h¿-jw sIm-e-sN-ø-s∏-´n-´p-≠v. ]-{X-{]-h-¿-ØI¿ h-[`o-j-Wn, a¿-±\w, ]oU\w, tI- n¬ Ip-Sp°¬ Xp-Sßn-bh G-‰hpw Iq-Sp-X¬ t\-cn-tS-≠n h-∂ h¿-j-am-bn-cp-∂p 2015 F-∂pw bp-sS hm¿-jn-I-dn-t∏m¿-´n¬ ]-d-bp-∂p. 2015 ¬ ap-sºm-cn-°epw C√m-Ø tXm-Xn¬ A-`n-{]m-b kzm-X-{¥y-hp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´ cm-jv{So-bhpw \n-b-a-]-chpw km-t¶-Xn-I-hpw B-b hn-j-b-߃ N-¿-® sN-ø-s∏´p-sh∂pw dn-t∏m¿-´v Nq-≠n-°m-´p-∂p. P\p-hcn 2016


{]-h¿-Ø-I¿ P-bn-en-e-Sbv°-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂-sX-∂v dnt∏m¿-´v hy-‡-am-°p∂p. tem-I-am-sI F-Sp-Øm¬ XS-hn-em-°-s∏´ ]-{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-cp-sS F-Æw Ip-d-™ph-cn-I-bm-Wv F-∂-pw dnt∏m¿-´v Nq-≠n-°m-´p∂p. apºpw G-‰-hp-ta-sd am-[y-a-{]-h-¿-ØI-sc P-bnen-em-°p-∂ cm-Pyw ssN-\ X-s∂. Cu h¿jw Cu-Pn]v‰v, Xp¿-°n Xp-Sßn-b cm-Py-ß-fn¬ X-S-¶-en-em-°s∏-´ ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-I-cp-sS F-Æw h¿-≤n®p. B-sI 199 OØo-kvK-Vn¬ skmamcp \mKv, kt¥mjv bmZhv F∂o ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-Isc tP¿W-en-Ãp-I-fm-Wv 2015 ¬ AdÃv sNbvX-Xns\-Xnsc \S∂ {]Xn-tj[ dmen P-bn-en-em-bXv. ap≥-h¿-jw C-h-cp-sS F-Æw 221 B-bn-cp∂p. X-S-hp-Im-cp-sS F-Æam-[y-a-{]-h¿-Ø-I¿ G-‰hpw Iq-Sp-X¬ t\-cnØn¬ Ip-d-hp≠m-b cm-Py-ß-fp-sS Iq-´-Øn¬ C-dm≥, tS≠n h∂-Xv G-Xp X-cw tI- p-I-fm-Wv F-∂ hn-b-‰v-\mw, F-tXym-]y F∂n-h s]-Sp-sa-¶nepw C-hn-SIm-cy-Øn¬ hy-‡am-b D-Ø-c-ap-≠v. H-cp]-t£, ß-fn¬ `o-Xn-bp-sS A-¥-co-£w \n-e-\n¬-°p∂p. ÿnF√m cm-Py-ß-fn-epw C-Xv C-ß-s\-Ø-s∂-bm-hpw. Xn-K-Xn-Iƒ G-‰-hpw th-K-Øn¬ tam-i-am-bn-s°m-≠n-cnam-\-\-„-t°- p-I-fm-Wv A-h. Im-bn-Iam-b B-{I-a-W°p-∂ cmPyw Cu-Pn-]v‰v Xs∂. F-∂m¬ temI-Øv Xß-tf-°mƒ Iq-Sp-X-em-Wv CXv. Im-bn-Im-{I-a-W-߃ S-hnem-b ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-I-cn¬ \m-en-sem-∂v ssN-\-bnkw-_-‘n-®v 27 tI- p-I-fm-Wv D-≈-sX-¶n¬ am-\\-„w em-Wv. kw-_-‘n-®v 81 tI- p-I-fp-≠m-bn. hn-tZz-j-]-cam-b ]-cm-a¿-i-߃ \-S-Øn-b-Xn\v 16 tI- p-Ifpw D-≠v. ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø\-sØ th-dn-´v Im-Wm-sX A-`n{]mb ˛ B-hn-jvImckzm-X-{¥y-hp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´ F√m Im-cy-ßfpw Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-Wv dn-t∏m¿´v. a-X-Xo{h-hm-Zn-Iƒ F-gp-Øp-Im¿-s°-Xn-sc \-SØn-b sIm-e]m-X-I߃ Dƒ-s∏-sS-bp-≈ kw-`-h-߃ hn-h-cn-°p-∂hn-i-Zam-b dn-t∏m¿-´m-Wv F√m h¿-j-ß-fn-ep-sa-∂ t]m-se C-Ø-h-Wbpw Zn lq´v {]-kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn°p-∂Xv. C-°-gn-™ h¿j-sØ G-‰hpw kzm-K-Xm¿lam-b kw`-hw c-≠m-bn-cm-am-≠n-se C≥-^¿-ta-j≥ sS-Iv-t\mf-Pn B-Iv-‰n-se sk-£≥ 66 F kp-{]ow tImS-Xn d-±m-°n-b-Xm-Wv F-∂v dn-t∏m¿-´v Nq-≠n-°m´p∂p. tI-c-f-Øn-\v H´pw A-`n-am-\-I-c-a√m-Ø a-s‰m-cp h-kvXp-X Iq-Sn-bp-≠v. `c-W-Iq-S-Øn-s\-Xncm-b Ip-‰ßƒ sN-bv-Xp F-∂-Xn-\v G-‰hpw Iq-Sp-X¬ tI- p-Ifp-≈ kw-ÿm-\w tI-c-f-am-Wv. 72 tI- pIƒ. sXm-´p]n-∂n¬ A-kw kw-ÿm-\-am-Wv. (]q¿-W-dn-t∏m¿-´n\v am-[y-a-kzm-X-{¥y-kw-c-£-W-Øn-\v {]-h¿-Øn°p∂ B-tKm-f-kw-L-S-\bm-b kn.]n.sP.(I-Ωn-‰n Sp s{]m´-Iv-‰v tP¿-W-en-Ãvkv) bp-sS hm¿jn-I dn-t∏m¿´pw ]p-Xp-h¿-j-tØm-sS ]p-d-Øn-d-ßn-bn-´p≠v. ssN-\-bn-epw Cu-Pn-]v-‰n-ep-am-Wv G-‰-hp-ta-sd am-[y-aP\p-hcn 2016

UnPn-‰¬ ^-Ãv, Un-Pn-‰¬ sk-°≥Uv ? A®Sn am-[y-a-w Xs∂ A-kv-X-an-°p-I-bm-sW-∂v k-I-ecpw ]-d-bp-∂p-s≠-¶nepw A-®-Sn-bn-ep≈ {]-Xo£ h-f¿-Øp-∂ kw-`-h-ßfpw tem-I-Øp-≠m-Ip-∂p-≠v. Un-Pn-‰¬ ^-Ãv F-∂v ]-d-™p \-S-∂n-cp-∂ Nn-e ÿm]-\-ß-sf-¶nepw {]n‚n-te-°v Xn-cn-®p-h-cp∂p. 2009 ap-X¬ Hm¨-sse≥ cw-K-Øp-≈ Pq-X{]-kn≤o-I-c-Wam-b Sm-ª-‰v C-Xn-sem-∂mWv. s]m-fn-‰n-t°m, Zn ]n-®v-t^m¿-°v dnhyq F∂n-h {]n‚n-te-°v Iq-Sn IÆp-sh-°p-∂ a-‰v {]-kn-≤o-I-c-W-ß-fmWv. Im-ent^m¿Wnb k¨-sU dnhyp t]m-ep-≈-h 2016 ¬ {]n‚ v F-Un-j≥ Xp-S-ßp-sa-∂v {]-Jym-]n-®n-´p-≠v. an-kn- n-∏n-bn-se bq-Wn-th-gv-kn-‰n s{]m-^-k¿ k-ao¿ lp-kv-\n-sb B-fp-Iƒ an-ÿ am-K-ko≥ F-∂mWv hn-fn-°p-∂Xv. A-t±-lw A®-Sn B-\p-Im-en-I-ß-fpsS ]p-\¿P-∑w {]-h-Nn-°p-∂p. 2015 ¬ tem-I-am-sI 205 Hm¨-sse≥ {]-kn-≤o-I-c-W-߃ {]n‚n-te-°v h-∂n-´ps≠-∂v A-t±-lw A-h-Im-i-s∏-Sp∂p. Hm¨-sse-\ns‚ B-I¿-j-W-h-e-b-Øn¬ s]-´-h¿ \n-cm-i-cm-sW∂pw hn-iz-kn-°m-hp∂-Xv A-®-Sn-bm-sW∂pw A-t±-lw I-W°p-Iƒ \nc-Øn hm-Zn-°m-dp-≠v.

Xncp-Øn-\v Xn-cpØv ]-{X-ß-fn-se sX-‰p-Iƒ-°v \-Ωp-sS \m-´n¬ H-cp


]m-›m-Xy-cm-Py-ß-fn¬ ÿn-Xn hy-Xy-kv-X-amWv. Xn-cp-Øv km-[m-c-Wkw`-hw am-{Xw. Xn-cp-Øv D-≠m-Ip-∂-X√, C√m-Xn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv Ah-sc A-º-c-∏n°p-I. tem-I-{]-i-kv-Xam-b t]m-bv‚¿ C≥-Ãn-‰yq-´v 2015 se 33 Kp-cp-X-c-sX-‰p-Iƒ A-h-cp-sS ssk-‰n¬ {]-kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-Ibp-≠mbn. A-Xn-¬ X-am-i-bp-≈ H-cp Xn-cp-Øp-ap-≠v. \m-j-\¬ ]-ªn-Iv td-Un-tbm (NPR) sh-∫n¬ h-∂-Xm-Wv C-Xv. Cu t]m-Ãn¬ t\c-tØ h-∂ Xn-cpØn¬, b-Ym¿-∞-Øn¬ i-cnbm-b Im-cyam-Wv R-߃ Xn-cp-Øn-bXv. A-Xp-sIm≠v B Xn-cp-Øv R-߃ Xn-cp-Øp∂p. sk¬-jy-kv io-tXm-jv-W- A-f-hn-s\ Ip-dn-®p-≈-Xm-bn-cp-∂p A-Xv. (t]m-bv‚¿ dn-t∏m¿-´v ]q¿-W-cq-]w C-hnsS: mediawire/390205/the-funny-the-weirdthe-elaborate-the-terrible-33-mediaerrors-from-2015/) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

]-™hpw C-s√-¶nepw Xn-cp-Øp-Iƒ-°v ]-™-ap≠v. H-cp Xn-cp-Øp-t]m-epw ]-e h¿-j-ß-fm-bn {]-kn-≤-s∏Sp-Øn-bn-´n√m-Ø ]-{X-߃ a-e-bm-f-Øn-ep-≠v. i-cnbmWv, Xn-cpØv sIm-Sp-°m≥ Xp-S-ßn-bm¬ \-Ωƒ hn-j-an-°pw; A-Xn-\v tIm-f-߃X-s∂ \o-°nsh-t°≠n h-cn-t√?

ap-Xn¿∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I\pw tImf-anÃpw tIcf aoUnb A°m-Z-an-bpsS ap≥ sNb¿am-\p-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬:


P\p-hcn 2016


Students’ Corner

J. V. Vil’anilam

Gandhian Journalism and the Journalism of the 21st Century M

ahatma Gandhi’s journalism was essentially the journalism of humanism and human rights, communitarianism and humanitarianism. It gave special emphasis to the needs of the poorest of the poor and their uplift. “Service to society” was the basic motto of Gandhian journalism. Those who want to work as journalists in India attached to any of the media, print and electronic, will have to go through Gandhiana and Gandhi’s life and works in order to gain a clear picture of what is expected of journalists in India and other countries facing enormous problems of economic and social development. For those who tend to consider Gandhian journalism impractical, irrelevant, insipid and uninspiring will have to revisit the fundamental goals of journalism in any clime and time. The most recent document dealing with the aims of journalism, ethics of communicators and media organizations, concerns about journalists’ safety, freedom of the press and social responsibility is the Salzburg Declaration held in March 2002 P\p-hcn 2016


where journalists from 32 countries met for a week from March 20 to March 27, 2002. All communicators have to be familiar with the basic tenets of the Declaration which ought to guide all media that intend to serve the people.* Entitled, “In Defense of Journalism as a Public Trust,� the Document has three major divisions: Preamble; Concerns about Journalism; and Proposals for Consideration. This Declaration clearly establishes that journalism is a public service and not a means

to amass wealth, although the current trend is to look upon media work and media organizations as primary instruments for succeeding in the market. Market pressures are undermining the quality of journalism ; and news organizations preserve high profit levels by reducing newsgathering resources. Neglecting public interest, journalism of the new variety is ignoring the fundamental role of the press to inform and empower citizens. The new role of the media seems to entertain the citizens to death!

The Declaration emphasizes the service aspect of journalism. Gandhiji had emphasized the same. He has said in his Autobiography, My Experiments with Truth, as follows:

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(18) “The sole aim of journalism should be service. The newspaper is a great power, but just as an unchallenged torrent of water submerges whole countrysides and devastates crops, even so an uncontrolled pen serves but to destroy. If the control is from without, it proves more poisonous than want of control… .”

Gandhiji also believed that a newspaper was a social institution and that its success depended on the extent to which it could educate the readers. Although some of us agree that the aim of communication is to inform, educate, entertain, socialize and pass the cultural heritage from one generation to the next, we may find to our surprise that the actual day-to-day contents of the media serve or try to serve the cause of entertainment rather than inform and educate. This is the bane of modern journalism, and with more and more sophisticated equipment and methods, communicators (not deliberately, we presume) P\p-hcn 2016

provide more of entertainment than information and education. Instead of serving the cause of keeping the citizens well informed by bringing the latest economic, political, social and cultural news, the media serve the cause of entertaining the citizens. Even hard news is presented as entertainment, without a serious approach, in order to titillate and sensationalize. And to top it all, Indian newspapers, at least some of them, follow the evil practice of publishing paid news. Making money for the masters is not, and should not be, the aim of journalism. Gandhiji was of the view that every citizen had the inherent right to express his or her opinion freely and frankly without restraint, but he associated this right with the responsibility to uphold the truth. The present trend is not to offend anyone with the truth but to whitewash truth and get the undeserved credit for neutrality. Such neutrality disappointed Gandhiji towards the end of his life when he had to risk his life by going straight into the midst of people mad with communal hatred, indulging in criminal acts to “safeguard” their religion! Gandhiji did not want the media (in those days only the newspapers mainly) to gloss over the iniquities of one community or its rivals. He wanted the truth to be out regarding who initiated the communal trouble and how many were affected, killed or maimed in each community. The test of


truth was the most significant test to him. About the government’s practice of introducing laws from time to time in order to curb citizens’ freedom to express their opinion, he had this to say in the Young India of August 7, 1924:

“The press law is gone only to be replaced by new activities under the laws of sedition and libel. … . The editor of a newspaper does not weigh his words on golden scales when he begins writing his leading article. He may be betrayed into a hasty word Must he pay for it, even if he did it obviously in good faith without malice and in the public interest? The libel actions are calculated to demoralize Indian journalism and make public criticisms over-cautious and timid. I am no lover of irresponsible or unjustifiably strong criticism. But the caution to be beneficial must come from within and not superimposed from without.”

Gandhiji was not a trained communicator; nor were communication theories prevalent during his life-time. But he was a great communicator without being a scholar in the sociology of communication. Yet, his writings and his mild but determined and thoughtful expressions indicate that he was far ahead of his time. He had an innate desire for being truthful; he had a deep devotion to hold facts as sacred even when he expressed his views without fear or favour, exhibiting a rare courage to undergo any hardship to defend what he believed was the truth. He had at the same time the humility and the readiness to accept mistakes and correct himself. He did not see journalism as a tool to market some goods or sell some ideas, irrespective of their utility to the masses of India. Nobel Laureate for Literature and one-time President of the International Parliament of Writers, Wole Soyinka proposed at the 51st World Newspaper Congress in Kobe, Japan, that there could be three principles for the media: Rights, Reason and Responsibility. Violations of these principles both in the geopolitical West and East, have led to suppression of man’s inherent right at free expression. For example, Bertrand Russell was imprisoned when he raised his voice for world peace and spoke against the World War and all wars. The American government put many right thinking persons in jail because they questioned the wisdom of decision-makers. The white P\p-hcn 2016


South African government put Nelson Mandela in solitary prison for 27 years. The Soviet Union created a whole separate zone for keeping many dissenters in isolation. The governments of Chile, Nicaragua, Iran, Panama, Uganda, Nigeria, India, China, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and many others have persecuted citizens who questioned government actions and policies. And when citizens were wrongly punished, the mainstream media did not raise their voice for their human rights, but quietly sided with the government. When media become huge conglomerates and that is P\p-hcn 2016

what India is seeing now with some rare exceptions their dependence on economic favours for the firms under common control and directorship, they tend to be silent or willing partners in human rights violations. This is one big danger confronting media freedom in many countries today. That is why the Preamble to the Salzburg Declaration points to the frequent violations of media freedom through covert violations of press freedom and declares that a “free and independent press is essential for human liberty. No people can remain sovereign without a vigorous press (media).� Similar sentiments have been expressed by Jefferson in the 18th century and Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Robert M. Hutchins in the 20th century. The Salzburg Declaration reaffirms earlier thoughts expressed by the great leaders mentioned here. Denis McQuail (Mass Communication Theory: An Introduction, New Delhi: SAGE, 1994)has given in a nutshell the tenets of the Social Responsibility Theory of the Press (Media) and one has to reiterate that the Salzburg Declaration is the 21st century re-affirmation of that Theory. -

The media have obligations to society, and media ownership is a public trust. They should not operate like unlimited private franchise.



News media should be truthful, accurate, comprehensive, fair, objective and relevant.


The media should provide a forum for all views.


There should not be any imposition of codes of ethics on the media. The media themselves should set codes of behaviour and professional standards which they should always follow.


Under some circumstances, society may need to intervene in the public interest. One such circumstance is the recent misuse, mischievous use or abuse of social media by certain people in leadership positions and the consequent fomenting of communal disturbances in the U.P. (Muzaffarnagar communal clash in which close to fifty people lost their lives and hundreds lost their livelihood or residence. Strict punishment of violators is the only remedy in such situations).

Let us hope that noninteractive media professionals and interactive social media users will read the Salzburg Declaration at least once in six months so that the importance of media freedom and responsible communication for promotion of social harmony in India will be realized by all concerned. There is no doubt that the misuse of fast modes of communication can at times create fast and frequent disturbances in society if the ‘twitterati’ and the ‘literati’ are careless about the protection of communal harmony and national security in a country with such a huge variety of languages, cultural practices and religious rites and rituals that exist in India. See you later, communicator!!

*See the website of the Poynter Institute ( content_view.asp?id=4949)


Professor Dr.J. V. Vil’anilam was Vice-Chancellor (1992-1996) and Head of the Department of Communication & Journalism (1982-1992) at the University of Kerala. As Professor Emeritus of the UGC he has taught at Berhampur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Dharwar, and Mangalore universities from 1996 onwards. Visit his website: P\p-hcn 2016


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P\-hn-Imcw kzm¿∞-Øn¬ A[njvTn-X-am-Wv. kzm`m-hn-I-ambpw kaq-l-Øns‚bpw cmjv{S-Øn-s‚bpw hnImcw kzm¿∞m[njvTn-X-am-bn-cn-°pw. AXpt]mse aoUn-b-bp-sSbpw {]mY-anI hnImcw kzm¿∞-am-Wv. kΩ-Xn-°mw. XßfpsS \ne-\n¬∏pw hf¿®bpw Bbncn°pw aoUn-b-bp-sSbpw {]h¿Ø--\ssi-enbpsS Nme-I-i‡n. AXpw a\- n-em-°mw. ]t£, Cu P\-hn-Im-c-Ønse auen-Iamb am‰ßƒ a\- n-em-°m-\p≈ Ignhv aoUn-bbv°p Ipd™p hcn-I-bmtWm?

Hcp en‰vakv sSÃv cmjv{So-bhpw sXc-s™-Sp∏pw Hcp Af-hp-tIm-embn \ap-s°m∂p ]cn-tim[n°mw. Fs‚ Fgp-Øp-Im-c\pw hfsc {]mIvSn-°¬ _p≤n-Po-hn-bpw tIc-fob-\pamb Fs‚ {]i-kvX- kplrØv ]d-™p. ""h¿ΩmPn, Imew amdn. Zn√n-bnse CeIvj≥ I≠nt√? P\w aSp-Øp. hyhÿm-]nX cmjv{So-b-∏m¿´n-I-fpsS Imew Ign-™p. C\n Bw BZvan ssS∏v Iq´mbva-Iƒ°mWv P\w thm´p sNøm≥ t]mIp-∂Xv. tIc-f-Ønepw AXp kw`-hn°pw. t\m°n-t°m-fq.'' Zn√nbn¬ aq∂p tSw ]q¿Øn-bm°n `cn-®ncp∂ tIm¨{K- n\v kwÿm\ Akwªn sXc-s™-Sp∏n¬ Hcp ko‰pw In´n-bn-√. Zn√n `cn-°m≥ Xbm-dmbn tamZn Xcw-K-hp-ambn h∂v Zn√n-bn-en-cp∂v C¥y `cn-°p∂ `mc-Xo-b-P-\-Xm-]m¿´n°v

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P\p-hcn 2016


"sbkv ss{]w an\n-ÿ' F∂ temI-{]kn-≤-amb _n_n-kn-bpsS sSen-hn-j≥ kocnb¬ {_n´ojv {][m-\-a-{¥nsb IYm-]m-{Xam°n thm´pw A[n-Im-chpw th≠ cmjv{S-Øe-h≥ t\cn-Sp∂ {]iv\-ßfpsS ck-I-chpw km[m-c-W-°m-cmb {]P-Iƒ°v Ahn-iz-k-\ob-hp-amb IY-Iƒ hniz-k-\o-b-ambn Im´nb t{]m{Km-ap-I-fm-Wv. 1980 IfpsS Ah-km\w kwt{]-jWw sNbvX-Xm-Wv. ]t£, C∂pw Ah-bnse Bi-b-߃ XnI®pw Imen-I-ambn \ne-\n¬°p-∂p. Cu kocn-b-ense Hcp F∏ntkm-Un¬ Cw-•-≠nse tZiobam[y-a-ß-sf°p-dn®v Hcp \√ Ia‚p-≠v. A¬]-kz¬]w t`Z-K-Xn-I-tfmsS CXv temI-Ønse F√m ]{Xam[y-a-ß-fpsS Imcy-Ønepw icn-bm-Wv. C¥y-bnse tZio-b-]-{X-߃ km[mcW P\w hmbn-°mØ Cw•ojv `mj-bn-em-bXp ImcWw IqSp-X¬ {]k-‡-am-Wv. {_n´ojv ]{Xw hmbn-°p-∂-h-sc-°p-dn®v {][m-\-a-{¥n-bpsS Ia‚m-Wv. sUbven and¿ hmbn-°p-∂-h-cpsS hnNmcw Ah-cmWv cmPyw `cn-°p-∂-sX-∂mWv. Km¿Un-b≥ hmbn-°p-∂-h-cpsS hnNmcw Ah-cmWv cmPyw `cn-t°-≠-sX-∂m-Wv. ssSwkv hmbn-°p-∂-h¿ icn°pw `cn-°p-∂-hcm-Wv. sUbven sabn¬ `cn-°p-∂-h-cpsS `mcyam¿ hmbn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. ss^\m≥jy¬ ssSwkv Cu cmPy-Øns‚ DS-a-ÿ-cmWv hmbn-°p-∂-Xv. tam¿WnwKv Ãm¿ hmbn-°p∂Xv Cu cmPyw `cn-t°≠Xv \Ω-f-√, a‰p GsX-¶nepw cmPy-amWv F∂phnNm-cn-°p-∂-h-

P\p-hcn 2016

cmWv. sUbven sSen-{Km^v hmbn-°p-∂Xv Ct∏mƒØs∂ icn°pw at‰tXm cmPy-amWv \sΩ `cn-°p-∂-sX∂v hnNm-cn°p-∂-h-cm-Wv. Cw•-≠n¬ G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ {]Nm-c-ap≈ Zn k¨ F∂ ]{X-Øns‚ hmb-\-°m-c\v Bcp `cn®mepw Ipg-∏-an-√. ]t£, `cn-°p-∂-h¿ skIvkv A∏o-ep≈, ]{Xw \nd™p \n¬°p∂ ico-c-`w-Kn-bp≈ BtWm s]tÆm BI-Ww. hm¿Ø-Iƒ tKmkn-∏p-I-fp-am-I-Ww. A{Xam{Xw. CubnsS Hcp ck-I-c-amb A\p-`hw D≠m-bn. Hcp amXncn skan sslt{_m Bb \Ω-fn¬ `qcn-`mK-Øn\pw ]{XtØ-°mƒ hm¿Ø-Iƒ Adn-bm≥ CjvSw sSen-hn-j≥


hm¿Øm Nm\-ep-I-fnse ss{]w ssSw N¿® I≠m-W-t√m. cmhnse ]{Xw hcp-tºmƒ s]mXpth F√mh¿°pw {]`mX]cn-]mSn-Ifpw tPmen°p IrXy-ambn FØm-\p≈ [ndp-Xnbpw ImcWw kmh-Im-i-amb ]{X-hm-b-\°v kabw In´m-dn-√. cm{Xn-bn-te°v hmb-\°v h®m¬ hm¿Ø 24 aWn-°q¿ ]g-b-Xm-bn-°gn-bpw. sF.-t^m-Wn-eq-sS-bp≈ Hm¨sse≥ ]{X-hm-b\ Ct∏mgpw km¿h-{Xn-I-am-bn-´n-√m-ØXp ImcWw cm{Xnbnse ss{]w ssSw \yqkmWv \ΩpsS B{i-bw. CtX-°p-dn®v sIm®n-bn¬ CubnsS {]i-kvX-cm-b- ]e ]{X-{]h¿Ø-Icpw ]s¶-Sp-Øn-cp∂ Hcp am[ya skan-\m¿ DZvLm-S\w sNøsh \ΩpsS {]K¬`-\mb Hcp \ymbm-[n-]≥ CubnsS CtX-°pdn®v sIm®n-bn¬ ]d-bp-I-bp-≠m-bn. sshIn-´sØ Cu hm¿Øm {]t£]-W-Øn\v Hcp sNmdn-®n-ens‚ kpJ-am-Wp-≈-sX∂v. AXv \bn-°p∂Xv IrXy-amb ImgvN-∏m-tSmsS ImWn-Isf ]nSn-®n-cp-Øm≥ ]‰nb hn`hw Xbm-dm°n cpNn-I-c-ambn Fcnhpw ]pfnbpw tN¿°m≥ ]‰nb hy‡n-I-fpsS klm-b-tØmsS \ap°p Xcp∂ anSp-°-cmb ]{X-{]h¿Ø-I-cm-Wv. ]t£, AXv hm¿Ø-bm-In√ F∂v At±lw ZpxJ-tØmsS ]d-™p.

hm¿Ø-I-fpsS kz`mhw amdn-bn´pw Ahsb Acn-s®-Sp-°p∂ ssien-bn¬ am‰w h∂n-´n-√. AXv hcp-Øn-bn-s√-¶n¬ tkmjy¬ aoUnbbnse Ata-Nz¿ hm¿ØmhnX-c-W-amIpw aoUn-bsb `mhn-bn¬ \nb-{¥n-°p-∂-Xv. AXv A]-I-S-I-c-am-Wv. CtX-°pdn®v Xm¬°m-en-I-ambn FXn-cmb Nne A`n-{]m-b-߃ Nne hm¿Øm-Nm-\-ep-I-fn¬ h∂-X-√msX Kuc-h-ambn {i≤n-°-Ø° hn[w hm¿Ø s{]mPIvSp sNø-s∏-´n-√. efn-X-ambn ]d-™m¬ CXv Nm\-ep-Iƒ°v hm¿Ø-b-√m-Xmbn. CtX°p-dn®v kwkm-cn-®-t∏mƒ Fs‚ kplrØv ]d-™p. ""h¿ΩmPn, C¥y-bnse F√m tZiob˛{]mtZ-inI Nm\-ep-I-sf√mw IqSn Iq´n-bmepw Ah-bnse ss{]w ssSw hm¿Øm kwt{]j-Ww apgph≥ Ccp∂p ImWp∂ Bfp-I-fpsS FÆw Hcp tImSn-bn¬ Xmsg-bm-Wv. Ah-bn¬Øs∂ ]ecpw AXnse sNmdn-®n-ens‚ ck-Øn\p th≠n ImWp-∂-Xm-Wv. AhcpsS Hcp A`n-{]m-bhpw Cu hm¿Ø-Iƒ ImcWw amdp-∂n√. hm¿Ø-I-fpsS kz`mhw amdn-bn´pw Ahsb Acn-s®-Sp-°p∂ ssien-bn¬ am‰w h∂n-´n-√. AXv hcp-Øn-bn-s√-¶n¬ tkmjy¬ aoUn-bbnse Ata-Nz¿ hm¿ØmhnX-c-W-amIpw aoUn-bsb `mhn-bn¬ \nb-{¥n°p-∂-Xv. AXv A]-I-S-I-c-am-Wv. ta¬∏-d™ hm¿Øm skan-\m-dn¬ N¿®bv°p h∂-h-sc√mw Adp]Xp hb p Ign-™-h-cm-bn-cp∂p F∂Xv Cu A]-I-SsØ ImWm≥ \mw Ct∏mgpw Xbm-dm-Ip-∂n√ F∂-Xns‚ e£-W-am-bn-cp-∂p. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

t\mh-enÃpw "ho£Ww' ap≥ No^v FUn-‰-dp-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬: P\p-hcn 2016



Shoma A. Chatterji



Writing on cinema can be frothy, light, humorous,

satiric, acidic and dead serious because reader tastes and demands vary from person to person and from group to group. Film writing also includes a lot of gossip, also called ‘yellow journalism’ by some because either its authenticity is not verified or cross-checked or because the subject gossiped about sometimes takes the magazine and the writer to court which raises questions about its credibility. Yet, readers love to read gossip even when they know fully well that the content is debatable and doubtful. Lakshmikantan of Chennai brought out a daily called Indu Nesan in Tamil. Though it was supposed to P\p-hcn 2016

be a general newspaper, it revealed more in film news and scandalous gossip from within the film industry than general news Lakhsmikantan was notorious for publishing the sexual exploits of film stars including actors like M.K. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar. To silence him, some conspirators hatched a diabolic plot to erase him and ultimately, he was murdered. The case went up to the High Court and based on the evidence produced, the culprits were placed behind bars. This, points out


that T.K. Ramachandran marked the end of gossip journalism to some extend but it reared its head again in a milder form in other Tamil magazines that came out later. Many years later, one film journalist transformed gossip and scandal into a fashion statement and used close proximity with the stars as her strategy to pick out stories though no one knew for sure how much of her writing was fact and how much was fiction. Her name is Devyani Chaubal (1942-1995) who was sometimes referred to by rival magazines as Chedda Chopper after the notorious Hollywood journalist Hedda Hopper. She began her column Frankly Speaking in the woman’s magazine Eve’s Weekly from the Eve’s Weekly Group that offered the only competition to Femina in the mid1960s till the 1990s when it folded up.

She was given a special column which carried over in Star & Style, the film fortnightly from the same group exclusively devoted to films. She sometimes wrote lead articles raising the hackles of the top stars. The popularity of her column despite its controversial, not very tongue-in-cheek and blithe comments was a hot favourite and spewed forth several cheap imitations.

Picture Post from the southern part spilled over with gossip with a few interviews thrown in but its main thrust was gossip. The mounting and the production values of the magazine began to go down as the quantity and quality went on increasing in terms of content. It changed its size and form from book-size to magazine size but catered only to a niche group of readers who thrived on gossip and nothing more. Sometimes, one suspected that even the interviews were concocted by the journalists and doctored by the editors concerned. This also forms a part of film journalism. Many regional film magazines depend on lot on gossip for their circulation and this also provides space and opportunity for photographic support. Today, sleaze and strip-tease photographs with or without text or captions is also a part of film photo journalists’ routine because one believe it pushes up the circulation and the sales charts. P\p-hcn 2016


Fortunately, all this went side by side with serious film journalism. A very good and substantial print media publication was Cinema in India brought out by the National Film Development Corporation from Mumbai. The magazine did very well for some years and even brought out special issues during IFFI annually on actors, directors etc but wound up publication after some years. It covered excellent subjects like the history of music in cinema, the Muslim identity, the documentary film movement and mind-blowing reviews of films plus in-depth interviews of great filmmakers like Adoor Gopalakrishnan and Satyajit Ray. The magazine resumed publication after several years around the

Adoor Gopalakrishnan

Satyajit Ray

mid-1990s but in a new avatar with the focus on mainstream Indian cinema and its showmen like the Kapoors of Bollywood, with glossy cover illustrations to match. This too folded up some years later. It has now transferred journalistic attention through its website in a portal aptly titled Cinemas of India. But it is still in the fledgling stages and is yet to assume a personality of its own. P\p-hcn 2016

Deep Focus is a film quarterly that published only occasional numbers and was published from Bangalore and edited by George Kutty. It did very well for the first few years but since it was not regular in its publication, reader interest faded. Its website said, “It is a serious film journal for people who recognise cinema as the most potent medium of expression to emerge in our times, people who acknowledge the intellectual validity and importance of film criticism. Apart from carrying critiques of cinema’s masters, it regularly contains writings on the socio-cultural and political significance of popular cinema, writings on the generation of meanings through cinematic signs and so on.” One tends to suspect that if this magazine was to surface again, regular readers would take it with a cupful of salt forever thinking it would wind up any day. One of the most outstanding magazines covering South Asian cinema founded by Aruna Vasudev and Chidananda Dasgupta was Cinemaya. It was first edited by Aruna Vasudev and had an impressive list of names on the editorial


board. It had very good circulation figures. The editorial reins passed over to Latika Padgaonkar and then to Indu Srikant. It is one of the best film journals to have been published in India. When Neville Tuli, a noted art collector, archivist and aesthete, took over the magazine alongside the founding of a wonderful film festival, the OSIANs that continued for more than a decade, the magazine folded up. For some time, it was taken over by NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) and went on publishing for some more time but soon after its takeover, it stopped publication.

Trade Guide and Box Office are two of the most popular trade magazines the country has today. Their target readership is focussed exclusively on people directly connected with the film industry in terms of production, distribution, financing, and exhibition and so on. Both enjoy mandatory subscription from the industry insiders and from youngsters seeking inroads into the business. These are not sold across the counters and must be subscribed to. Another excellent and serious magazine on cinema which was earlier brought out in print but changed over to

online postings is Silhouette based in Kolkata. It is edited by an IT professional who is also a serious film buff and writer, Amitava Nag. It is a never-to-be-missed journal that should be preserved in individual and collective archives on cinema. It is a Learning and Creativity enterprise that has come out in a completely new avatar from May 2015. But more of this in the next installment‌‌ (To be continued)

Tuesday, December 08, 2015 Ramachandran, T.M.(1985): Film Journalism in India in 70 Years of Indian Cinema (19131983), A Cinema India-International Publication, p.314


The writer is a freelance journalist, author and film scholar based in Kolkata. She has authored 17 books and contributed to many compilations on cinema, family and gender. Email: P\p-hcn 2016



jmPn tP°_v

sSen-hn-j≥ ]-T\w : Hcp ssI∏p-kvXIw “T

elevision is both an industry and a set of state institutions... whose purpose is to present itself, to expose itself continuously and conspicuously as no other set of institutions does, and not yet which constantly effaces its own practices and methods” - Manuel Alvarado.

am[y-a-ß-fpsS Df-f-S°w am{Xw N¿®-sN-ø-s∏´n-cp∂ Ime-Øp-\n∂v Ah-bpsS DS-a-ÿ-X, cq]w, {]Xn-\n-[m-\w, D]t`mKw, {]Xy-b-im-kv{Xw, ]mTm-¥c-X, `c-W-Iq-S-\n-b-{¥Ww XpS-ßnb Xe-߃ N¿®sN-ø-s∏-Sp∂ Ime-tØ°v FØn-t®¿∂p-sh-∂XmWv Ign™ Ac-\q-‰m-≠nse am[y-a-]-T-\-ß-fpsS ASn-ÿm-\-]-c-amb am‰w. am¿Ivkn-Ãv, en_-d¬ co-Xn-im-kv{X-߃ ]n¥p-S-cp∂ am[y-a-hn-i-I-e-\-]-≤Xn-Iƒ Hcp-t]m-se-Xs∂ Cusbmcp ImgvN-∏mSv apdpsI-∏n-Sn-°p-∂p≠v F∂-XmWv {it≤-bw. Ncn-{X-]chpw kmaq-ln-Ihpw kmº-Øn-Ihpw cm{„o-b-hp-amb P\p-hcn 2016

Ncn-{X-]-chpw kmaq-ln-Ihpw kmº-ØnIhpw cm{„o-b-hp-amb ]›m-Ø-e-ß-fn¬ am[y-a-ß-fpsS cq]˛`mh-X-e-ßsf Htc {]m[m-\y-Øn¬ kao-]n-°p-Ibpw Ah kr„n-°p∂ \m\m-Xcw {]Xn-\n-[m-\-ßfpsS kmaqly cm{„o-b-߃ A]-{K-Yn-°pIbpw sNøp-I-bmWv Ct∏mƒ am[y-a-]-T-\-ß-fpsS s]mXp-co-Xn. ]›m-Ø-e-ß-fn¬ am[y-a-ß-fpsS cq]˛`mh-X-e-ßsf Htc {]m[m-\y-Øn¬ kao-]n-°p-Ibpw Ah kr„n°p∂ \m\m-Xcw {]Xn-\n-[m-\-ß-fpsS kmaqly cm{„o-b-߃ A]-{K-Yn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-I-bmWv Ct∏mƒ am[y-a-]-T-\-ß-fpsS s]mXp-co-Xn. sSen-hnjs\ ap≥\n¿Øn CØ-c-samcp ]T-\-]-≤-Xn-bpsS km[y-X-Iƒ ka-{K-am-b-h-X-cn-∏n-°p-I-bmWv am\p-h¬ A¬h-dm-tZm, an√n _p\m-t\m, sl¿a≥ s{K, tSm_n-


Z tkPv lm≥Uv_p°v Hm^v sSen-hn-j≥ an-√¿ F∂n-h¿ tN¿∂v FUn-‰psNbvX Z tkPv lm≥Uv_p°v Hm^v sSen-hn-j≥ ÃUokv (2015). Ccp-]-sØm∂mw \q‰m-≠mb-tXm-sS, sSen-hn-j≥ acn®psh∂v ]ecpw ]d-™p-sIm-t≠bn-cn-°p-tºmgpw \h˛ssk_¿ (Hm¨sse≥, kmaqlnI) am[y-aß-fpsS {]Nmcw sSen-hn-j≥ ImgvNsb adn-I-S-°p-tºmgpw sSenhn-j≥ acn-®n-´n√ F∂p ÿm]n°p-∂p, Cu ]T-\-{K-Ÿw. sSen-hn-j≥ ]T-\-ß-fpsS ka-Imekzcq-]-sØ-°p-dn-®v, Cu {KŸ-Øn-s\-gp-Xp∂ Ah-Xm-cn-Ibn¬ tSm_n an√¿ ]d-bp∂ Imcy߃ Gsd {i≤-b¿ln-°p-∂XmWv. aq∂p taJ-e-I-fn-ep-ff sSen-hn-j≥ ]T-\-ß-fmWv {]mY-anI-X-e-Øn¬Øs∂ ]cn-K-Wn-t°≠n-h-cp-∂-Xv. kmt¶-Xn-I-X, DS-a-

ÿ-X, \nb-{¥Ww F∂nh \n¿W-bn-°p∂ am[y-a-ß-fpsS cm{„ob kº-ZvL-S-\-bmWv BZyta-J-e. ]mT-]-c-Xsb ap≥\n¿Øp∂ Df-f-S-°-Øn-t‚XmWv c≠m-asØ taJ-e. t{]£Isc ap≥\n¿Øp∂ kmaq-ln-I-Xbp-tS-XmWv aq∂m-asØ taJ-e. Cu aq∂p taJ-e-I-tfmSpw _‘s∏´v am[y-a-kw-kvIm-c-Øns‚ F{X-sb-¶nepw hnj-b-߃ ]T-\hn-t[-b-am-°m≥ Ign-bpw. a\x-imkv{X-߃ (Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis), kmaq-lnI-imkv{X-߃ (Sociology, Economics, Communication studies, Anthropology, Political Science, Law), am\-hn-I-im-kv{X-߃ (Literature, Cinema studies, Media studies, Languages, Cultural studies) F∂o aq∂p afi-e-ßfn¬ tI{μoIcn-°p-∂-h-bmWv s]mXpsh sSen-hn-j≥ ]T-\-߃. Ch-bm-I-s´, t{]£-I-tI-{μn-X]-T-\w, kmaq-lnI-{]-Xo-Xn-]-T-\w, Df-f-S-°-]-T-\w, {]Xy-b-im-kv{X-hni-I-e-\w, at\m-hn-i-I-e\w, DS-aÿ-Xm-]-T-\w, Ncn-{X-hn-⁄m\obw F∂n-ßs\ Ggp-Xcw hna¿i-\-]-≤-Xn-Iƒ°p cq]w-sImSp-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. Cusbmcp ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ thWw, Cu {KŸ-Ønse sSen-hnj≥ ]T-\-te-J-\-߃ a\- n-em-

°m≥. \mep -`m-K-ß-fn-embn kaml-cn-®n-´p-ff Ccp-]-sØ´p {]_-‘ß-fmWv CXn-ep-ffXv. DS-a-ÿXbpw \nb-{¥-Whpw (Ownership and Regulation), \n¿Ωm-Xm-°fpw \n¿an-Xnbpw (Makers and Making), kmwkvIm-cn-I-cq-]-߃ (Cultural Forms), t{]£-I¿, kzoI-c-Ww, D]-t`m-Kw (Audience, Reception, Consumption) F∂n-hbmWv \mep- hn-`m-K-߃. {][m-\-ambpw c≠p Imcy-ßfmWv BZy-`m-KsØ teJ-\-߃ At\z-j-W-hn-t[-b-am-°p-∂-Xv. s]mXp-ta-J-e-bnepw kzIm-cy-ta-Je-bn-ep-ap-ff sSen-hn-j≥ Nm\-epI-fp-sSbpw Ah-bpsS hyh-kmb kmt¶-Xn-I-X-I-fp-sSbpw DS-a-ÿXbpw `c-W-Iq-S-apƒs∏-sS-bp-ff ÿm]-\-߃ sSen-hn-j-\p-ta¬ \S-∏m-°p∂ \nb-{¥-W-ßfpw. DSa-ÿ-Xbpw \nb-{¥-Whpw F∂ hnjbw Fßs\ a\- n-em-°m-sa∂-Xn-s\-°p-dn-®p-ff sUkv {^oUvams‚ teJ-\w, `n∂ ImgvN-∏mSp-I-fn¬ Cu hnjbw ]Tn-°p-∂Xns‚ kmwKXyw Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°pIbpw _lp-cm{„ apX-em-fn-Ø-˛Ip-ØI am[y-a-ÿm-]-\-ßsf A\p-Iq-en®pw FXn¿Øpw cq]wsIm-≠n-´p-ff hmZ-߃ hni-Zo-I-cn°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. am¿Ivkn-Ãv, en_-d¬ kao-]-\-߃ kzoI-cn°p-tºmgpw am[yaapX-em-

P\p-hcn 2016


fnØsØ hna¿i-\m-fl-I-ambn kao]n-°p∂ ]T-\-߃ am{Xw ioen-®n-´pff ae-bm-fn°v as‰mcp ]T-\-k-ao-]-\Øns‚ km[y-X-Iƒ Xpd-∂n-Sp-∂pap≠v, Cu teJ-\w. XpS¿∂v, Ata-cn-°≥ sSen-hnjs‚ DS-a-ÿ-Xm-˛-\n-b-{¥WcwK-sØ°p-dn®v Aen-k¨ t]ƒam\pw em‰n-\ta-cn-°≥ sSen-hn-j≥ cw-K-sØ-°pdn®v am¿´n≥ s_k-d-bpƒs∏-sS-bp-f-fhcpw B{^n-°≥ sSen-hn-j-s\-°p-dn®v dqØv So¿ sSm-am-sk-√nbpw bqtdm-]y≥ sSen-hn-j-s\-°p-dn®v sÃen-bm-t\mkv ]m]m- X-\-tkm-]u-temkpw C¥y≥ sSen-hn-j-s\-°p-dn®v Ac-hnμv cmPtKm-]mepw saIvkn-°≥ sSen-hn-j-s\°p-dn®v Kn√¿tam Htdm-kvtImbpw hni-Zo-I-cn-°p-∂p. cmPym-¥c sSen-hnj≥ \nb-{¥-W-\n-baßsfbpw kanXn-I-sfbpw Ipdn®pff-Xm-Wv, as‰mcp teJ-\w. Ncn-{X-]-c-ambpw `mhp-I-Xz-]c-ambpw A®-Sn-˛ {imhy--am-[y-a-߃°pw \h-˛-ssk-_¿ am[y-a-߃°p-an-S-bn¬ sSen-hn-j≥ kr„n® Zriym-\p-`q-Xn-IfpsS kmwkvIm-cnIcm{„o-b-ßsf apX-em-fnØhn]-Wnbpw A[o-i-`-c-WIq-S-ßfpw \nb-{¥n-°p-∂-Xns‚ temIm-¥chni-I-e-\-amWv Cu ]T-\߃. H∏w, _lp-cm-{„-˛tZ-iob sSenhn-j≥ IpØ-I-I-sf-°p-dn-®p-ff ]pXnb \q‰m-≠nse \nco-£-W-ß-fpw. P\p-hcn 2016

C¥y≥ sSen-hn-j-s\-°pdn-s®-gp-Xp∂ Ac-hnμv cmP-tKm-]m-ens‚ ]T-\w, Hcp-]t£ C¥y-bnse sSen-hn-j≥ DS-a-ÿ-Xm-˛\n-b-{¥-W-cw-K-ß-sf-°pdn-®p-≠m-bn-´p-ff G‰hpw ka-{Khpw F∂m¬ kw£n-]vX-hp-amb ]T-\wX-s∂-bmWv. sSen-hnjs\ ap≥\n¿Øn Ct∂m-f-ap-≠m-bn-´p-ff G‰hpw {]i-kvX-amb C¥y≥ ]T-\-Øns‚ I¿Øm-hp-Iq-Sn-bm-Wt√m Ac-hnμv cmP-tKm-]m¬. c≠mw `mKØpw Hcp Bap-J-te-J-\-ap-≠v. andm≥U sP. _m¶vkv Fgp-Xn-b-Xv. sSen-hnjs‚ \n¿am-Wcm{„obw hni-Zo-I-cn-°p-∂p, _m¶vkv. Fgp-Øp-Im¿, kwhn-[m-b-I¿, \n¿am-Xm-°ƒ, hnX-c-W°m¿, kmt¶-XnIhnZ-Kv≤¿, A`n-t\-Xm-°ƒ, Ah-Xm-c-I¿... BtKmf-h¬°-c-W-Øn\p ap≥]pw ]n≥]pw Cu afi-e-ß-fnsems° kw`hn® am‰-߃ Nq≠n-°m´n _m¶vkv Xs‚ N¿® apt∂m-´p-sIm-≠pt]m-Ip-∂p. sSen-hn-j-\nse sXmgn¬hn`-P-\sØ-°p-dn-®mWv ASpØ teJ-\w. Hcp sXmgn¬ÿm-]-\-sa∂ \ne-bn¬ sSen-hn-j≥ Nm\en¬ \S-°p∂ k¿Km-fl-Ihpw \n¿am-W]c-hp-amb sXmgn¬hn-`-P-\Øns‚ km[y-X-Iƒ Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°p-∂p, Cu ]T-\w. irwJem sSen-hn-j≥ Ime-Øp-\n∂p apt∂m-´p-t]m∂ Ata-cn-°≥ hm¿ØmsS-en-hn-j≥ taJ-e-sb-°p-dn-®mWv Hen-h¿ t_mbvUv _mc‰v Fgp-Xp∂-Xv. ABC, CBS, NBC F∂o aq∂p hm¿Øm-sS-en-hn-j≥ irwJ-e-Ifn¬\n∂p apt∂m-´p-t]m-bn, CNN, FOX, MSNBC F∂o Nm\-ep-Iƒ 1980 Ifn¬ \ne-hn¬ h∂p. Cu cwKØv 2000˛mam-t≠msS kw`-hn°p∂ hm¿Øm-Nm-\¬ hn-π-hsØ irwJ-em-\-¥-c-bpKw F∂mWv _mc‰v hnfn-°p-∂-Xv.

sSen-hn-js\ ap≥\n¿Øn Ct∂m-f-ap-≠m-bn-´p-ff G‰hpw {]i-kvX-amb C¥y≥ ]T-\-Øns‚ I¿Øm-hmWv Ac-hnμv cmP-tKm-]m¬. Ac-hnμv cmP-tKm-]m¬


sSen-hn-j≥ kn\n-am-t‰m{K^nbmWv ASpØ teJ-\w. Zriy-am-[y-a-sa∂ \ne-bn¬ sSenhn-j≥ ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ°p ]n∂nepff kmt¶-Xn-I-X-I-fn¬ G‰hpw {]ap-Jhpw {]I-S-hp-amWt√m Ah-bpsS Zriy-h¬°cWw. kn\n-am-‰n-Iv, sSen-hn-jz¬, hoUn-tbm-{K^nIv Zriy-h¬°-c-Wß-fpsS kmt¶-XnI km[y-X-Ifpw kmwkvIm-cnI {]Xo-Xn-Ifpw N¿®sN-øp-∂p, Cu teJ-\w. sSen-hnj≥ kv{In]v‰v Fgp-Øp-Im-scbpw Ah-cpsS kmº-ØnIkzcq-]sØbpw Ipdn-s®-gp-Xp-∂p, ASpØ teJ-\w. Cu `mKsØ apgp-h≥ cN-\-Ifpw Ata-cn-°≥ sSen-hnj≥ kw-kvIm-csØ tI{μo-I-cn-°p∂-XmWv F∂ khn-ti-jX-bpap≠v. aq∂mw-`m-Kw, sSen-hn-j≥ cq]ß-sf-°p-dn-®p-ff F´p teJ-\-߃ Dƒs°m-f-fp-∂-Xm-Wv. B¬_¿´v samdms‚ Bap-J-te-J\w, BtKmf-X-e-Øn¬ Fgp-]-Ø©p tImSn-bne-[nIw t]¿ ImWp-Ibpw A≥]-

Xn-\m-bncw tImSn-bn-e-[nIw cq] em`-ap-≠m-°p-Ibpw sNbvX Big Brother F∂ dnbm-en‰n tjmbn¬\n∂p XpS-ßp∂ N¿®, samdm≥ hnhn[-ß-fmb Sn.-hn. ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fn-te°p hym]n-∏n-°p-∂p. _nKv {_-Z-dn\p ap≥]pw ]n≥]pw temI-sS-en-hn-j≥ cwKØp cq]-sa-SpØ `n∂ KW-ßfpsS LS-\bpw kzcq-]hpw kmwK-Xyhpw kzm[o-\hpw samdm≥ hni-ZoI-cn-°p-∂p. XpS¿∂-tßm-´v, sSen-hnj≥ kvt]m¿Svkv, em‰n-\-ta-cn°≥ sSen-t\m-h-√, hm¿Øm-sSen-hn-j≥, ayqknIv sSen-hn-j≥, dnbm-en‰n sSen-hn-j≥, sSen-hnj≥ {Uma, sk≥tk-j-W¬ tSmIv tjm F∂o Ggp sSen-hnj≥ cq]-ß-fpsS hni-I-e-\-amWp-f-f-Xv. ap≥ am[y-a-ß-fn¬ \n∂p `n∂-ambn Cu Hmtcm cq]Øn-s‚bpw Zriy-˛-am-[y-a-˛-kmkvIm-cnIcm{„obw \n¿Ωn-°p-∂Xn¬ sSen-hn-j-\p-ff ]¶v Cu ]T-\-߃ ad-\o-°p-∂p. kwkvIm-c-hy-h-km-b-Øns‚ am[yaafi-e-ß-sf∂ \ne-bnemWv ta¬∏-d™ an° cq]ßfpw Atß-b‰w P\-{]n-bhpw hn]-Wn-tI-{μn-Xhpw ssZ\w-Zn\ hnt\m-Z-Po-hn-X-Øns‚ `mK-hpambn temI-saßpw \ne-\n¬°p∂Xv F∂ hkvXpX Cu ]T-\߃ ka¿Yn-°p∂p. t{]£-I¿, kzoI-c-Ww, D]t`mKw F∂ \memw -`m-KØv P\p-hcn 2016


A©p- te-J-\-ß-fm-Wp≈Xv temdm {Kn≥UvÃ^ns‚ BapJ-te-J-\w. t{]£-IcpsS Nc-°p-h¬°cWw apX¬ ]¶m-fnØ t{]£-I¿ F∂ ]cn-I¬∏-\-h-sc-bp-f-fh hniZo-I-cn-°p-∂p. XpS¿∂v, sSen-hn-j≥ kr„n°p∂ {]Xo-Xn-Isf tPm¿Pv sK¿_v\-dpsS ‘Cultivation Analysis' F∂ coXn-im-kv{X-ap-]tbm-Kn®v hni-I-e\w sNøp-∂p, ssa°¬ tamam\pw a‰pw. sSen-hnj-\n¬ t{]£-I¿ ImWp∂ IY-Iƒ, bYm¿Y temI-sØ-°p-dn-®p-ff Ah-cpsS hnizm-kß-sfbpw kao-]-\-ß-sfbpw Fßs\ kzm[o-\n-°p∂p-sh-∂mWv cultivation analysis At\z-jn-°p-∂-Xv. ASpØ aq∂p teJ-\-߃ bYm-{Iaw kPo-h-t{]-£I¿ (Active audience), hwio-b-t{]-£-I¿ (Raced audience), h¿K-t{]-£-I¿ (Classed audience) F∂o ]cn-I-¬]-\-Iƒ N¿®-sN-øp-∂p. {Inbm-fl-I-amb ]¶m-fn-Øw, sSen-hn-j≥ ]mT߃ Un˛-tImUv sNøp-∂-Xnse cm{„o-b-\n-e-]m-SpIƒ F∂n-ßs\ t{]£-I¿ F∂ I¿Xr-XzsØ kPo-h-am-°p∂ Ht´sd Xe-߃ BZy-te-J\w hniZo-I-cn-°p-∂p. Df-f-S-°-Øn-s‚bpw ]mT-ß-fp-sSbpw Xe-Øn¬ am{X-a√, ÿm]-\-sa∂ \ne-bn¬Øs∂ sSen-hn-j≥ t]dp∂ hwio-bkz-`m-h-ß-fpsS cm{„obw ASpØ teJ\w A]-{K-Yn-°p-tºmƒ sSen-hn-j≥ t{]£-I-cpsS h¿K-cm-{„o-b-amWv Ahkm\teJ-\-Øns‚ At\z-j-W-hn-j-bw. sSen-hnjs‚ hwi-hm-b-\-sb∂Xp t]mse-Xs∂ h¿Khm-b-

\bpw Gsd {]m[m-\y-tØmsS hni-I-e\w sNtø≠ hnj-b-am-sW∂v Cu ]T-\-߃ hy‡-am-°p∂p. XnI®pw A°m-Z-an-I-am-bmWv Hmtcm ]T-\-te-J-\Øn-s‚bpw cN-\. sSen-hn-j≥˛am[y-a-]-T-\-cw-KØv {]Jym-Xcpw {]K-¤-cp-amWv an° teJ-I-cpw. Ac-hnμv cmP-tKm-]m-ens‚ Imcyw ]d-™p (Politics after Television, The Indian Public Sphere XpS-ßnb {KŸßƒ At±-l-Øn-t‚-XmWv). tSm_n -an-√¿, \mep thmfy-ß-fp-ff sSen-hn-j≥ hn⁄m-\-tIm-i-Øns‚ FUn-‰-dm-Wv. Hen-h¿ t_mbvUv _mc‰v ChnsS {]Nm-cØn-ep-ff Ht´sd am[y-a-]-T-\-{K-Ÿ-ß-fpsS I¿Øm-hmWv. Marxism and Media F∂ {]i-kvX{KŸØns‚ I¿Øm-hmWv ssa°v shbv≥. kn≤m-¥-]-chpw coXnim-kv{X-]-c-hp-amb `{Z-X, d^-d≥kp-I-fp-sSbpw ASn°p-dn-∏p-I-fp-sSbpw kar≤n F∂nh Cu ]T-\-te-J-\ß-fpsS A°m-Z-anIkz`mhw Dd-∏n-°p-∂p. C¥y≥ sSen-hn-j-t‚-Xpƒs∏-sS, ka-ImesSen-hn-j≥ kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ \m\mafi-e-ß-fnse ]T-\-km-[y-XIƒ Ncn-{Xm-fl-Ihpw Df-f-S-°-]-chpw {]Xn-\n-[m-\]-chpw {]Xy-b-im-kv{X-_-≤-hp-ambn shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂Xp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ am[y-a-]-Tn-Xm-°ƒ°v Gsd {]tbmP\w sNøp∂ {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv. The Sage Hand Book of Television Studies Ed. by Manuel Alvarado, Milly Buonanno, Herman Grey and Toby Miller Sage, 2015 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

{ioi-¶c k¿Δ-I-em-im-e-bn¬ ae-bmfw A[ym-]-I\mWv teJ-I≥. E-mail: P\p-hcn 2016


ap≥t] ]d-∂-h¿

A\p-cmKKm\w t]mse

]n. kpPm-X≥


ta-cn-°-bnse "ssSw' amK-kos‚ t{ijvT hy‡n- ]-´n-I-bn¬ (Man of the Year) Gjym -h≥I-cbn¬ \n∂v Hcmƒ IS∂p hcm≥ hfsc {]bm-kw. P¿Ω-\n-bnse Nm≥k-e¿ BRvPe sa¿°¬ F∂ al-Xn-bmWv 2015˛¬ ssSans‚ t{ijvThy-‡nXzw. aym≥a-dnse BMv km≥ kyqNn Xs‚ cmPyØp ssIh-cn® P\m-[n-]-Xy-k-achnP-bsam∂pw Ata-cn-°≥ hmcn-I-bpsS IÆn¬s∏-´n-√. hoc-t\-Xm°ƒ ]Sn-™m-d≥ \mSp-I-fn¬ am{Xta P\n°q F∂ aqVk¶¬∏-Øn-emWv F∂pw ssSw amK-kn≥. ssSw amK-ko≥, \ne-®p-t]mb "\yqkv ho°v' F∂o Ata-cn-°≥ {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-߃ apX-em-fnØ kwkvImcw temI-saßpw {]Ncn∏n°m≥ \SØn h∂ I≈-Ø-c-߃ I≠p kln-sI-´-h-cp-≠v. ]{X-{]h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ Db¿∂ aqey-߃ sIm≠v Ata-cn°-\n-k-Øns‚ Im]-Sy-ßsf t\cn´ Hcp ae-bmfnbpsS \maw FSpØp ]d-bpI Xs∂ thWw. AXmWv Sn.-sP.Fkv. tPm¿Pv. Gjym h≥Icbnepw a\p-jy-cp-≠v. \qX\kwkvIm-chpw Pohn-Xhpw D≠v. Ing-°≥ cmPy-ß-fnepw alm-∑m-cmb t\Xm°fp≠v.

BRvPe sa¿°¬

BMvv km≥ kyqNn

Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pv ]t£, ]Sn-™m-d≥ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\amXr-I-Isf A‘-ambn ]n¥p-S-cp-∂-h¿ AsXm∂pw Ku\n-°m-dn√. Ah¿s°-√m-ap≈ A¿∞-h-Ømb adp-]-Sn-bm-bncp∂p tlmt¶m-ßn¬ \n∂v \me-c- Z-im_vZ߃°p apºv Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pv XpS-ßnb "Gjymho°v' hmcn-I. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\w Hcp ss[j-Wn-I-hr-Øn-bmsW∂pw AXn\v D∂-X-amb Hcp kmwkvIm-cnI aWvU-e-ap-s≠∂pw Gjym-ho-°ns‚ ÿm]-I-]-{Xm[n-]-cmb tPm¿Pv hniz-kn-®p. Ata-cn-°≥ hmcn-IIsf sh√p-hn-fn-®p-sIm≠v D¬^p√_me-c-hn- t]mse Im¥n-tbmsS Db¿∂p h∂ Gjym-ho°v a[ym-”{]` sNmcn-bmsX IÆS®-t∏mƒ \√ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\-Øns‚ {]tW-Xm-°ƒ ZpxJn®p. shfn®w P\p-hcn 2016

(36) ZpxJam-Wp-Æo, Xa- t√m kpJ-{]-Z-sa∂v kam-izkn®v tPm¿Pv shdptX Ccp-∂n√. ate-jy-bn¬ \n∂v At±lw C¥y-bn-te°v aSßn-t∏m-∂p. C¥y≥ FIvkv{]- ns‚ FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ AssUzk-dmbn _wKeqcp \K-c-Øn¬ ÿnc-hmk-ap-d∏n®p. cmjv{Sob˛ kmaq-lnINe-\-߃ IuXp-I]q¿Δw {i≤n-°p∂ Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pns‚ Nn¥Iƒ Xs‚ {]Xn-hmc]w‡n-bn-eqsS hmb-\-°m-cpambn At±lw ]¶p-h-bv°p-∂p. kzIm-cy-t\m-´sat∂m hy‡nho£-W-sat∂m ]d-bm-hp∂ B Ipdn-∏p-Iƒ Nn¥m-]-c-amb Hu∂Xyw sIm≠pw hnim-e-amb ImgvN-∏m-Sp-sIm≠pw {it≤-b-ambn A\p-`-h-s∏-Sm-dp-≠v. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v Db¿∂ Nn¥-Iƒ Cs√∂v tIc-f-Ønse Iem-imem s{]m^-k¿am-cmb kmln-Xy-hn-a¿i-I¿ ]d-bp-∂p. `mj-bpsS kuμcyw sISp-Øp-∂Xv tP¿W-en-ÃpI-fm-sW∂pw Ah¿ hniz-kn-°p-∂p. anI® Nn{XoI-c-W-ß-sfbpw teJ-\-ß-sfbpw ]{X{]h¿ØI¿ Fgp-Xn-b-Xm-sW∂ Imc-W-Øm¬ Ah-K-Wn°p-∂-hcpw D≠v. Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pv Fgp-Xp∂ "t]mbn‚ v Hm^v hyq' {i≤m-]q¿hw hmbn-°p-∂-hcmcpw Cßs\ ]d-bn-√. {]h-N\kz`m-h-ap≈ hm°p-I-fpsS ktΩm-l-\-amb tLmj-bm-{X-bm-WXv. Hmtcm hcnbnepw Nn¥-bpsS kv^penw-K-߃. kmln-Xy-c-N-\-sb∂ t]cn¬ ]Xn-hmbn `mjsb Icn-I-e-°nb Ipf-am-°n-s°m-≠n-cn-°p-∂-h¿ C¥y≥ FIvkv{]- n¬ Sn.-sP.-F-kv. Fgp-Xp∂ ]w‡n hmbn®p ]Tn-°m≥ \n¿t±-in-°-s´. Bi-b-hy-‡X C√mØ-h¿ shdptX FgpXn `mjsb Iep-j-am-°-cpsX∂ hn\o-X-amb Hcp Xm°oXp IqSn-bmWv B {]Xn-hm-c-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ. Ipam-c-\m-ims‚ "hoW-]qhv' hmbn-®-tijw Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn¬ ]s≠mcp Ihn Ft∂-°p-ambn Ih\w \n¿-Øn-sb∂p tI´n-´p-≠v. FgpØp \n¿Øm≥ Dt±-iyan√mØ s{]m^k¿am¿°v tPm¿Pns‚ ]w‡n hmbn-°m-Xn-cn-°mw. Ah¿ A°nØ-Øns‚ IhnX ]mSn Dd-ßp-I. Xa t√m kpJ-{]-Zw. cmjv{Sob{]h-N\kz`m-h-ap≈ Dƒ°m-gvNbpw cN-\m-`w-Knbpw Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pns‚ ]w‡n-bpsS khn-ti-j-X-bm-Wv. ]Xn-aq∂p h¿jw apºv "tkmWnbm-Km-‘n°v Hcp Xpd∂ IØv' F∂ Xe-s°-´n¬ FgpXnb Ipdn∏v {i≤n-°p-I. ""amUw, CubnsS Xm¶ƒ \S-Ønb {]`m-j-W-ß-fn¬ Nne henb Imcy-ß-fp-≠v. `oI-c-hn-cp≤\nb-a-Øns‚ s]m≈Øcw Xpd-∂p-Im-´n-bXpw ]m¿e-sa‚ v AwK-ßsf hne-°p∂ {]ta-b-sØ-°p-dn®p ]d-™Xpw \√ Bi-b-ß-fm-bn-cp-∂p. XnI™ t_m[y-tØmSpw i‡n-tbmSpw Xm¶ƒ Ah Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. F∂m¬ Xm¶-fpsS A`n-{]m-b-߃ bmsXmcp {]Xn-IcWhpw Df-hm-°n-bn-s√∂ Imcyw {i≤n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. Xm¶ƒ ]d™ Hmtcm Imcy-tØmSpw ]q¿ÆtbmPn-∏p-≈-h¿ t]mepw Xm¶-fn¬ \n∂v AIew ]men-®p. AXns‚ P\p-hcn 2016

tkmWn-bm-Km-‘n ^e-ambn h¿§obsIme-]mXI-߃ t]mse A[m¿Ωn-I-amb Imcy-߃°v temIvk-`-bpsS [m¿ΩnI]n≥_ew In´p-∂-Xp-t]mse tXm∂n. c≠p hkvXp-X-Iƒ \ntj-[n-°m-\m-hn-√. hntZzjw hf¿Øp∂ i‡n-I-fpsS Iøn¬ cmPym[nImcw FØn-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂p F∂ hkvXp-X-bmWv H∂v. cmPysØ aX-\n-c-t]£`qcn-]-£-k-aqlw H∂n®p \n¬°m\pw ZpjvS-i‡nIsf tXm¬∏n-°m\pw B{Kln-°p-∂p-≠v. ]t£, Ahsc tbmPn-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-\p -]-Icw `n∂n-∏n®p \n¿-Øp∂p F∂-XmWv c≠m-asØ {]Xn-k-‘n. `n∂n-®-I-ep∂ C¥y≥ \∑-I-sf-°p-dn®v kzImcy \nan-j-ß-fn-se-¶nepw Xm¶ƒ A¤pXs∏´n´pt≠m? amUw, Xm¶-fmWv AXns‚ {][m\ ImcWw. C¥ybpsS {][m-\-a-{¥n-bm-Im≥ hmPvt]-bn°v _Z¬ Xm¶fmsW∂v k¶¬∏n-°m≥ tIm¨{K n¬ t]mepw ]e¿°pw Ign-bp-∂n-√. aaX _m\¿Pn hfsc ]®-bmbpw {Iqc-ambpw A°mcyw shfn-s∏-Sp-Øn-°gn™p. A\ym-b-amb F≥.-Un.-F. `c-W-Øn\v \¬Ip∂ ]n¥p-Wbv°v \ymbo-I-cWw \¬Ins°m≠v aaX ]d™p, ""thtd t]mwhgn C√'' F∂v. Zb-hmbn C°mcyw hy‡n-]-c-ambn ImW-cp-Xv. kwL-]-cn-hm-dns‚ {][m-\-a-{¥n°v _Z-embn Xm¶sf k¶¬∏n-°m≥ Cu cmPysØ [mcmfw t]¿°v Ignbp-∂n-√. AXns‚ Imcy-Im-c-W-߃ NnI™v \ap°v kabw ]mgm-°m-Xn-cn-°mw. hkvXp-Xsb t\cn-Smw. h¿§obhncp-≤-i-‡n-I-sf√mw tbmPn-∏n-se-Øp-

(37) sa-¶n¬ cmPyw \ne-hnse {]Xn-k‘n adn-I-S-°pw. Xm¶-fmWv `mhn {][m\a{¥n-sb∂ tXm∂¬ amdnbm¬ B tbmPn∏v D≠m-Ipw. Hcp {]Jym-]-\-ØneqsS A°mcyw Xm¶ƒ°v cmPysØ Adn-bn-°m-hp∂-Xm-Wv. {][m-\-a{¥n]Z-Øn-te°v Hcn-°epw Xm\ns√∂v hy‡-am-°-Ww. tIm¨{Kkv {]kn-U‚mbn \n›-b-ambpw Xm¶ƒ°vXpS-cmw. Xm¶ƒ \n¿t±-in-°p∂ as‰mcp tIm¨{Kkv t\Xmhv {][m-\-a{¥n ÿm\m¿∞nbmIs´. Aß-s\sbmcp s]mXp{]Jym]-\-ØneqsS Ncn{Xw krjvSn-°m-\m-hpw. AXpsIm≠v Xm¶ƒ°v H∂pw \jvS-s∏-Sm≥ t]mIp-∂n-√. _m¬ Xm-°-sd-bpsSbpw Im≥jn-dm-an-s‚bpw bpK-ØnemWv \mw Pohn-°p-∂-Xv. knwlm-k-\-Øn\v ]n∂n¬ h¿Øn-°p∂ A[n-Im-c-amWv bYm¿∞ A[n-Im-cw. F√m A[n-Im-cm-h-Im-i-ßfpw ssIbm-fp-tºmgpw {][m-\-a-{¥n-]Zw XyPn-°p∂p F∂ H‰ {]Jym-]\w Xm¶-fpsS alXzw Db¿ØpI Xs∂ sNøpw. C¥y-bpsS alm-]m-c-º-cy-Øn\p tN¿∂-hn[w Xm¶-fpsS {]Xn-—mb DZm-Ø-`mhw ssIh-cn-°p∂ Hcp XymK-ambn AXp amdp-∂-Xm-Wv. hy‡nXm¬∏-cy߃ A\y¿°p- th≠n shSn-bp∂ coXn C¥y≥ kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ `mK-am-sW∂v Adn-bp-I. `ojva¿ a‰p-≈-h¿°p -th≠n sshhm-ln-I-Po-hnXaS°w F√mw XyPn®p alm-\m-bn. bbm-Xn°p th≠n ]pcp kz¥w buh\w Dt]-£n-®p. A—s‚ hm°v ]men°m≥ cma≥ h\-hmkw kzoI-cn®p cmPm-hm-Im≥ In´nb Ah-kcw `c-X≥ ASn-b-d-sh-®p. e£va-W≥ IpSpw-_-Po-hnXw Dt]-£n®v tPyjvT-t\m-sSm∏w Im´nte°v t]mbn. Bfl-XymKw `mc-Xo-b-X-bpsS A¥ -Ø-bm-Wv. tIhew Hcp {][m-\-a-{¥n-bm-Ip-∂-Xn-t\-°mƒ al-Xz-ap≈ ]Z-hn-bn-se-Øm≥ tkmWn-bm-Pn, Ct∏mƒ Xm¶ƒ°v am{Xta Ign-bq. Hcp ]Z-hn-tb-¥p∂-Xnepw hfsc hep-Xm-Wt√m F√m ]Z-hn-Ifpw hln-°p-∂-hsc \nb-{¥n-°pI hgn Xm¶ƒ°v ssIh-cp∂ _lp-am-\y-X. C¥y-bn¬ Hcp {][m-\-a{¥nbpw t\Sn-bn-´n-√mØ al-Xz-am-W-Xv. \Ωp-tS-Xp-t]mse `n∂hpw hn]p-ehpamb hensbmcp cmPyØv hy‡n-bpsS B[n-]Xyw bYm¿∞ P\-{]oXn t\Sn-sb-Sp-°n-√. Cμn-cmPn F√m i‡nbpw tbmKy-Xbpw KpW-hn-ti-j-ßfpw D≠m-bncp-∂n´pw Ah-km\w ]cm-P-b-s∏-´Xv AXp-sIm-≠mWv. a‰m¿°pw hf-cm-\m-Im-Ø-hn[w GIm-[n-]-Xy-`cWw Ah¿ ASn-t®¬∏n-®p. tIm¨{K- ns‚ B[n]XykwkvIm-c-amWv Xm¶fpw ]n¥p-S-cp-∂-Xv. AXpsIm-≠mWv ]ecpw tIm¨{K v hn´p-t]m-b-Xv. Xm¶fp-ambn ssItIm¿°m≥ a‰p-≈-h¿ aSn-°p-∂-Xv. \√h¿°n-S-bnse Ass\Iyw NoØ-°mcyw hf-cm≥ CSh-cp-Øpw. Ncn{Xw C∂v Xm¶sf amSn-hn-fn-°p-∂p. AXymln-X-Øns‚ h°n¬ FØnb C¥ysb h¿§ob

hncp≤I£n-I-fpsS GIo-I-c-W-Øn-eqsS c£n-°m≥ Ign-bpw. Xm¶-fpsS Iøn-emWv B c£m-am¿§w. H‰°m-cyta Xm¶ƒ sNtø-≠-Xp-≈q. "Rm≥ {][m-\-a{¥n-bm-Im≥ C√' F∂v Xpd∂p ]d-b-Ww. ]dbq amUw, Ct∏mƒØs∂. (Hcp C¥y-°m-c≥: 5˛5-˛2002)'' ]Øp-sIm√w _n.-sP.-]n.-sbbpw kwL-]-cn-hm¿ i‡n-I-sfbpw A[n-Im-c-∏-S-hn¬\n∂v am‰n \n¿-Øm\p-]-I-cn® cmjv{Soba{¥w tkmWnbmKm‘n°v e`n®Xv Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pn¬ \n∂v Bbn-cpt∂m F∂v \ymb-ambpw hnNm-cn-°m≥ Cu hm°p-I-fn-eqsS IS∂p-t]m-Ip-tºmƒ B¿°pw Ign-bp-∂p. sFIy]ptcmK-a\kJyw (bp.-]n.-F.) cq]w sIm≠Xv ]n∂o-Sm-Wv. "C¥y Xnf-ßp∂p' F∂ {]N-WvU-am-b -{]-NmcWtØmsS a’-cn® F≥.-Un.-F. 2004-˛¬ tXm‰v A[n-Im-c-Øn¬ \n∂-nd-ßn. tkmWn-bm-Km‘n {][m\-a-{¥n-bm-Ip-sa∂v [cn®v _n.-sP.]n t\Xmhpw kpμcn-bp-amb kpja kzcmPv {]Xn-tj-[-]q¿hw Xeap-fi\w sNøp-sa∂v {]Jym-]n-®p. temIsØ sR´n®p-sIm≠v \mS-Io-b-amw-hn[w tkmWn-bm-Km‘n {][m-\-a{¥n ]Z-Øn-te°v tUm. a≥tam-l≥ knwMns‚ t]cv {]Jym-]n-®p. Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pv c≠p-sIm√w apºv Fgp-Xnb Hmtcm hm°pw A\z¿∞-ambnØocp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. At±lw D]tZiw \¬Ip∂ ]{Xm-[n-]-k-anXn ]nt‰∂v tZiob {][m-\-amb B hm¿Øbv°p \¬Inb Xe-s°´v Cß-s\-bm-bn-cp∂p. “Sonia does the Gandhi” as‰√m ]{X-ßfpw "a≥tam-l≥ {][m-\-a{¥n' F∂v Xes°´p \¬In-b-t∏mƒ tkmWn-bm-Km-‘n-bpsS XymK-

Cμncm-Km-‘n Øn¬ "C¥y≥ FIvkv{] v' hm¿Øbpw aln-abpw I≠p. AXm-bn-cp∂p icn-bmb \ne-]mSpw ImgvN-∏mSpw. AØ-c-samcp at\m-lc\nan-jsØ Ncn-{X-Øn¬ P\p-hcn 2016

(38) CW°nt®¿°m≥ tkmWn-bm-Km-‘n°v {]tNm-Z\w e`n-®Xv ap∂q-tdmfw Cw•ojv ]Z-ß-fn¬ Hcp ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I≥ {]Xnhmcw Fgp-Xp∂ ]w‡n-I-fn¬ H∂n¬\n-∂m-bn-cp-∂p. ]{X-{]h¿Ø\w A\-¥-amb Alw`mh-Øns‚ ta®n¬∏pd-am-ImsX kq£nt°≠-Xp-≠v. ÿm]-\-h¬°-cn-°-s∏´ I]-S-aq-ey-ßsf i‡n-bmbn hna¿in-°p∂ Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pn\v 2011-˛¬ ]fl-`qj≥ _lp-aXn \¬In BZ-cn-®-t∏mƒ At±-lsØ Adn-bp-∂-hsc√mw B›-cy-s∏-´p. "kmln-Xyw, hnZym-`ymkw' F∂o taJ-e-Ifnse kw`m-h-\-Iƒ am\n-®mWv At\-Iw- Po-h-N-cn-{X{KŸ-ßfpsS cN-bn-Xm-hmb Sn.-sP. F ns\ ]fl Ahm¿Un-\mbn ]cn-KWn-®-Xv. At±-l-Øns‚ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\amXrI AwKo-I-cn-°-s∏´n-s√∂v IqSn AXn\v A¿∞w ]d-bmw.

tIm¨{K v t\Xmhv tkmWnbmKm‘n XymK-`-cn-X-amb Xocp-am-\-sa-SpØv bYm¿∞ Km‘n-k-Øn\v amXr-I-bm-bXp \√Xv. F∂m¬ s\lvdp ÿm]n® \mj-W¬ sldmƒUv ]{XØns‚ A\-¥-cm-h-Im-in-I-sf∂ \ne-bn¬ tkmWn-bm-Km-‘nbpw aI≥ cmlp¬ Km‘nbpw ]mSyme lukv tImS-Xn-bnse {]Xn°q-´n¬ \n∂v CubnsS Pmay-Øn\v At]-£n-t°-≠n-h∂ kw`hsØ Ncn-{X-Ønse Imhy-\o-Xn-bmbn tPm¿Pv Xs‚ ]w‡nbn¬ hnti-jn-∏n-®p. \mj-W¬ sldmƒUv F∂ ]{Xw {]i-kvXamw-hn[w ]Sp-Øp-b¿Øn-bXpw \ne-\n-dp-Øn-bXpw hnJym-X-\mb Fw. Ne-]-Xn-dmhp Bbn-cp-∂p. s\lvdp -bp-K-Øns‚ \∑-I-fn¬ H∂mbn FSpØp ]d-tb-≠ -t]-cmWv Ne-]-Xn-dm-hp. Cμn-cmKm‘n Xs‚ ]mZ-tk-h-Isc sh®v ]n¬°m-eØv Ne-]-Xn-dm-hphns\ Ah-tl-fn®pw A]-am-\n®pw sldmƒUn¬\n∂v ]pd-Øm°n. 1983-˛¬ \yqU¬ln-bnse Hcp sXcphp Nmb-°-S-bn¬ At±lw Ipg™p hoWp- a-cn-®p. Bcmepw Xncn-®-dn-b-s∏-Sm-sX, BZ-cn-°-s∏-Sm-sX. sldmƒUv tI n-s\-°p-dn®v ]m¿e-sa‚n¬ H®-∏m-Sp-b¿∂-t∏mƒ tkmWn-bm-Km‘n hnIm-c-t£m-`-tØmsS ]d™p: ""Fs∂ Bcpw `b-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ t\m°-≠. Rm≥ Cμncm-Km-‘n-bpsS acp-a-I-fm-Wv.'' Ign™ Unkw-_¿ 28-˛mw XobXn {]kn-≤o-I-cn® "t]mbv‚ v Hm^v hyq'hn¬ tPm¿Pv ]cn-lm-k-[z-\ntbmsS tkmWn-b-Km-‘n-tbmSv tNmZn-°p-∂p,""CμncbpsSbpw Iq´m-fn-I-fp-sSbpw ]m]-߃°v Xm¶ƒ ]-cn-lmcw ImWptam?'' ImcWw \mj-W¬ sldmƒUn¬ \n∂v Ne-]-Xn-dm-hp-hns\ A]am-\n®v HmSn-°m≥ biv]m¬ I]qdpw cmPv Xm∏dpw tN¿∂v P\p-hcn 2016

Cμn-c-bpsS HØm-i-tbmsS A{X-tbsd t{Zml-߃ sNbvXn-´p-≠v. Cμn-cm-Km‘n-bpsS acp-a-I-sf∂v Du‰w sIm≈p∂-bmƒ°v AXns‚ A{]n-b-amb adphiw IqSn Hm¿Ωn-∏n-®p-sIm-Sp-t°≠n hcp-∂Xv ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-Is‚ [¿Ωhpw [¿Ωk¶-S-hp-am-Wv. ka-Im-enIkw`-hß-sfbpw Ncn-{X-kw-`-h-ß-sfbpw Xpe\w sNbvXv `mhn-Im-e-Øns‚ `mhn cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp-I-bmWv ]{X-{]-h¿ØI\mb Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pv. CXmWv {Inbm-fl-I-amb ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-sa∂v XnI™ DØ-c-hm-Zn-ØtØmsS ]dbm≥ Rm≥ ss[cy-s∏-Sp-∂p. Xøn¬ tP°_v tkmWn tPm¿Pv ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\w hgn tZiob {i≤-bmI¿jn-®Xv _olm-dn¬ sh®mWv. sk¿®v sse‰v F∂ ]{X-Øn¬ FUn‰¿ Bbn-cnt° tPm¿Pv Fgp-Xnb apJ{]-kw-K-߃ _olm-dn¬ A°m-eØv apJy-a-{¥n-bm-bn-cp∂ sI.-_n. klmbn°v Atem-k-c-am-bn. cmPy-t{Zm-l°p‰w NpaØn s]meokv tPm¿Pns\ AdÃv sNbvXp. kzX-{¥- C-¥y-bn¬ Hcp ]{Xm-[n-]¿ t\cn´ BZysØ \S]-Sn-bm-bn-cp∂p AXv. {]Xn-tcm-[-a{¥n hn.-sI. IrjvW-ta-t\m≥ ]m‰v\-bn¬ ]d-s∂Øn tPm¿Pn-\p- th≠n tImS-Xnbn¬ hmZn-®p. A`n-{]m-b-{]-I-S\kzmX{¥y-Øn-\p- th≠n {]Xn-tcm-[a-{¥n -hmZ-ap-J-ß-fp-ambn tImS-Xn-bn¬ \n¬t°≠n-h-cp∂ Zb-\o-bm-hÿ cmPy-Øns‚ P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øn\v `qj-W-a-s√∂v {][m\-a{¥n s\lvdp-hn\v tXm∂n. sI._n. klm-bn-bpsS Al-¥-sb-°mƒ hep-Xv ]ucs‚ A`n-{]mbkzmX-{¥yam-sW∂v \njv]-£-a-Xn-I-sf√mw hnebn-cpØn. C¥y≥ tZiobkzmX-{¥y-

hn.-sI. IrjvW-ta-t\m≥

(39) Øns‚ ]pe¿th-f-bn-ep≠mb Cu kw`hw Sn.sP.-Fk.v tPm¿Pns\ Hcp t]mcm-fn-bm°n s]mXp-cw-KØv FØnt°≠-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ At±-l-Øns‚ lrZ-b-Øn¬ Bbncw hoW-°-ºn-Iƒ D≠m-bncp-∂p. AXn-\m¬ BIvSnhn-k-tØ-°mƒ A`n-Imay-ambn `mj-bpsS kwKoX-amWv tPm¿Pv kzoI-cn®-Xv. tlmt¶m-ßn-te°v IS∂v At±lw ^m¿ Cutè C°-tWm-anIv dnhyq-hn¬ tN¿∂p. ]m›mXyamXr-I-Isfbpw Ata-cn°-\n-k-sØ-bpw sh√p-hn-fn®v Gjym-ho°v Bcw-`n-®Xpw ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ ]q¿htZ-i-am-Xr-I- A-h-X-cn-∏n-°m≥ ]cn-{i-an®Xpw Ncn-{X-ambn Ah-ti-jn-°p-∂p. a\p-jy≥ Ah-\-h-t\m-Sp-Xs∂ I≈w ]d-bp∂ Pohn-bm-b-Xn-\m¬ Bfl-IY Fgp-Xm≥ km[y-a-s√∂v {^U-dnIv \osj ]d-™p. F∂m¬ s]mXp {]m[m-\y-a¿ln°p∂ alm-hy-‡n-I-fpsS Poh-N-cn{Xw a\pjy-cm-in°v ]mT-am-I-Ww. IrjvW-ta-t\m≥ apX¬ Fw.-F-kv. kp∫p-e-£van- hsc \o≠ A©v {]ap-J-cpsS PohnX-Ønse Ncn{Xkw`-h-ßsf kXy-k-‘-ambpw Iem]-c-ambpw kao-]n®v A©v D¬Ir-jvS-{K-Ÿßƒ Sn.-sP.-F-kv. cNn-®n-´p-≠v. ""Ipd-®pt]sc {]tNm-Zn-∏n-°p-Ibpw At\Iw t]sc tcmjm-Ip-e-cm-°p-Ibpw F√m-h-scbpw

Aº-c-∏n-°p-Ibpw'' sNbvX IrjvW-ta-t\ms‚ hy‡nXzw at\m-l-c-ambn tPm¿Pv H∏n-sb-Sp-Øn-cn°p∂p. knwK-∏q-cnse A¥-cn® t\Xmhv eo Izm≥bqbnsS ]≤-Xn-I-fpw \b-ß-fpw hni-Zo-I-cn®v B hnhmZhy‡n-XzsØ A\m-h-cWw sNøp∂p as‰mcp IrXn-bn¬. \¿§okv F∂ Iem-Im-cn-bpsS Nmcp-Xbm¿∂ IY-]-d-bp∂p "Z sse^v B≥Uv ssSwkv Hm^v \¿Kokv' F∂ {KŸ-Øn¬. aqey-h-Ømb ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\Øns‚ A\-iz-c-am-Xr-Ibpw ]mTm-h-en-bp-ambn t]mØ≥ tPmk-^ns‚ PohnXsØ Sn.-sP.-F-kv. Db¿Øn-°m-´p-∂p. (sek≥kv C≥ tP¿W-enkw F∂ IrXn) ]pcp-jm-[n-]Xyw ta™ Z£n-tW-¥y≥ kwKoX km{am-Py-Ønse A\-izc dmWn-bmbn hmW Fw.-F-kv. kp∫-pe-£van-sb-°p-dn®v tPm¿Pv Fgp-Xnb Poh-N-cn-{X-{KŸw CXn-\Iw klr-Z-b{i≤ t\Sn-°gn-™n-´p-≠v. "kzmX{¥yw' aq∂v A£-c-ß-fpsS Hcp -hm°v am{X-a-s√-∂-dn-b-W-sa-¶n¬ "tKmb-¶-e-t‰gvkv' F∂ Sn.-sP.-F ns‚ IrXn hmbn-°-Ww. "tLmj-bm{X' F∂ t]cn¬ ae-bmf-Øn¬ cNn® IrXn tPm¿Pns‚ hn]p-e-amb A\p-`-h-ß-fpsS km£y]-{X-am-Wv. apwss_ \K-c-Øn¬ \n∂v Hcp \mtSm-Sn-sbt∏mse bqtdm-∏n-te°v I∏-en¬ \mSp-Np-‰m≥ t]mb A\p-`-hß-fmWv "tP¿W-enÃv A‰v ko' F∂ IrXn. _m¬ Xm°sd hc® Nn{X-߃ tN¿Øv "\mtSm-Sn-°-∏-en¬ \mep- amkw' F∂ t]cn¬ ae-bm-f-Øn¬ Cu ]pkvXIw ae-bm-‰q¿ cma-IrjvW≥ X¿÷a sNbvXn-´p-≠v. sk¿®v sse‰v ]{X-Øn¬ Ac\q-‰m≠v apºv Fgp-Xnb "sskUv sse‰vkv' F∂ ]w‡n-bn¬ \n∂v Xnc-s™-SpØ Ipdn-∏p-I-fpsS kam-lm-c-amWv "\nan-j߃' F∂ IrXn. ]{X-{]h¿Ø\w ]Tn-°m≥ Dt±-in-°p-∂h¿°mbn "FUn-‰nwMv' F∂ {]mtbm-KnI ]mT-߃ \nd™ {KŸhpw tPm¿Pn-t‚-Xmbn D≠v. IqSmsX F≥Iz-bdn Un£Wdn Hm^v Izt´-j≥kv, F≥Iz-bdn Un£-Wdn Hm^v sFUnbmkv F∂o IrXn-Ifpw Sn.-sP.-Fkv. {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®p. "t]mbn‚ v Hm^v hyq' F∂ ]w‡n-bn¬ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-´p≈ sNdp-te-J-\-߃ "sXΩm-Sn-I-fpsS BZy A`-b-ÿm\w' F∂ t]cn¬ ]pkvXI-ß-fmbn ]pd-Øp-h-∂n-´p≠v. Cw•ojv hm°p-I-fpsS `wKnbpw emfn-Xyhpw ktΩ-ml-\ambn tafn®n´p≈ cN-\-I-fmWv Sn.-sP.-F- ns‚ IrXn-I-sf-√mw. hm°p-I-fpsS ebhpw kwKo-Xm-fl-I-Xbpw hmb-\-°msc Cu IrXn-I-fn-te°v hio-I-cn-°p-∂p. hnc-k-am-b- Po-h-N-cn{Xkw`-h߃ t]mepw tPm¿Pns‚ cN\mIuiew sIm≠v Nmcp-X-bp-≈P\p-hcn 2016


`mcy AΩphpw a°-fmb tj_, PoXv F∂nhcpsamØv _wK-eqcp \K-c-Øn¬ ÿnc-hmkw Dd-∏n-°ptºmƒ C¥y≥ FIvkv{]- ns‚ FUnt‰m-dn-b¬ AssUz-k¿ F∂ ]Z-hnbpw tZio-bcm-jv{So-bsØ Xs‚ \ne-bn¬ hymJym-\n-°msa∂ hnizm-khpw At±l-Øn\v ssIh-∂n-´p-≠mI-Ww. B[p-\nI C¥yae-bm-‰q¿ cma-Ir-jvW≥ _m¬ Xm°sd B¿.-sI. e£va¨ bnse cmjv{Sobw Sn.-sP.F-kv. tPm¿Pns‚ {]lcw G‰p-hm-ßm-\mbn Agn-a-Xn-bn¬ B≠v InS-∏p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Xm-bn-Øo-cp-∂-Xns‚ anI® DZm-l-c-W-amWv hn.-sI. IrjvWCS-XS-hn-√msX cmjv{Sob afi-e-Ønse ta-t\m-s\-°p-dn-®p≈ IrXn. kwKoXN{I-h¿Øn-\n-sb-°p-dn®v \∑-Xn-∑-Isf At±lw hnth-Nn-®p-sIm-≠nFgp-Xp-tºmƒ "Im‰n-\nte hcpw KoXw' t]mse {KŸ-Im-cs‚ cn-°p∂p. `mj at\m-⁄-amb a[p-cn-a-bmbn amdp∂p. C¥y≥ Cw•ojv ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øn¬ C{Xbpw D÷z-ehpw at\m-l-c-hp-ambn ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ C∂sØ Fgp-Xm≥ Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pv A√msX thdm-cm-Wp-≈Xv? hmWn-Py-]-c-amb KXn-am-‰-sØ-°p-dn®v CubnsS Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pv kwkm-cn-°ptIc-f-Øn¬ Xpº-a¨ {Kma-Øn-emWv Xøn¬ tP°_v I-bp-≠m-bn. ""]c-kyhpw hm¿Øbpw hmbtkmWn tPm¿Pns‚ IpSpw-_-th-cp-Iƒ. aPnkvt{S´v Bbn-cp∂ \-°m-c\v th¿Xn-cn®v a\- n-em-°m≥ Xøn¬ tXmakv tP°-_n-s‚bpw Nm®n-b-Ω-bp-sSbpw F´p ]‰mØ Xc-Øn-ep≈ h©\ \ΩpsS -a-°-fn¬ \mem-a-\mbn 1928 tabv 7˛mw XobXn Sn.-sP.-F-kv. cmPyØv \S-°p-∂p-≠v. CXv Hcn-°epw \√ tPm¿Pv P\n-®p. a{Zmkv {InkvXy≥ tImtf-Pn¬ ]Tn®v {]h-W-X-bmbn IW-°m-°m≥ Ign-bn-√. Cw•ojv `mjm-km-ln-Xy-Øn¬ _n.-F. HmtWgvkv Pbn-®]Ww hmßn {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-∂h GXv, tijw ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\w CjvS-s∏´ sXmgn-embn kzbw XncA√m-ØXv GXv F∂v hy‡-ambn Xncn-®s™-Sp-Øp. 1950-˛¬ {^o{] v tP¿W-en¬ ]cn-io-e\w XpSdn-bm≥ Ign-b-Ww. kmwkvIm-cnIafi-eßp-tºmƒ ae-bm-‰q¿ cma-Ir-jvW\pw _m¬ Xm-°-sdbpw Ønse XpS¿Nn-¥m-{]-{In-b-bmWv ]{X-{]B¿.-sI. e£vaWpw kl-{]-h¿Ø-I-cmbn AhnsS D≠m-bnh¿Ø-\-sa∂ hkvXpX Bcpw ad-∂p-t]mcp-∂p. Ahn-sS-\n∂v C‚¿\m-j-W¬ {]kv C≥Ãn-‰yq´v hgn I-cp-Xv.'' (ssa-kq¿ {] v¢∫nse N¿®). B[p-\nI]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ ]mT-߃ {Kln®v sk¿®v sse‰v ]{X-Øn¬ FØnb-tXmsS Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pv ]{X{]i-kvX- am[ya{]h¿Ø-I\pw tem-IØv {it≤-b-\m-Im≥ XpS-ßn. _olm¿ apJy-a-{¥n-bm-bncmjv{Sob˛ kmaq-lnI\nco-£-I-\p-amb cp∂ sI.-_n. klm-bn°v A{]n-b-\m-Ip-∂Xv AhnsS h®m-bn_n.-B¿.-]n. `mkv°¿ Hcp-th-f-bn¬ cp-∂p. cmPy-t{Zm-l-°p‰w NpaØn tPm¿Pns\ Imcm-Kr-l-ØnSn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Pn-s\-°p-dn®v Fgp-Xn: e-S-bv°m≥ X¬∏-c-I-£n-Iƒ \S-Ønb {iaw hn.-sI. IrjvW""]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-tØmSv C{X-tØmfw A\pta-t\m≥ CS-s]´v XS-s™-¶nepw C¥y-bn¬ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\w cm-Kw ]pe¿Øp∂ as‰m-cm-fns\ Is≠XpS-cm≥ tPm¿Pns‚ bph-Xo-jvW-amb a\ v A\p-h-Zn-®n-√. Øm≥ {]bm-kw.'' icn-bm-Wv, 87 ]n∂n-´n´pw "^m¿ Cutè C°-tWm-anIv dnhyp' tlmt¶m-ßn-te°v ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-cw-KØv \nXy-l-cnX\mb-IAt±-lsØ kzmK-Xw- sN-bvXp. Ahn-SsØ A\p-`-h-⁄m\w \mbn t{]a-]q¿hw Sn.-sP.-F-kv. A\p "Gjym-ho°v' ÿm]n-°m\pw ]{Xm-[n-]-cmbn t\XrXzw -kyqXw XpS-cp-I-bm-Wv. Cu Km\w \¬Im\pw th≠ ss[cyw ]I¿∂p. A[n-Imc]oT-ß-fn¬ \ne-bv°m-Xn-cn-°s´! Al-¶m-c-tØmsS hmgp∂ hnUvVn-Isf kln-°m≥ hn{Kl tIc-f-Iu-ap-Zn, Iem-Iu-ap-Zn, ho£Ww `RvP-I-\mb tPm¿Pn\v {]bm-k-am-Wv. Xe-bn¬ sImgp-∏p-apF∂o am[y-a-ß-fn¬ {]h¿Øn-®n-´p≈ ‰nb GIm-[n-]-Xn-Isf t\cn-Sp-tºmƒ tPm¿Pns‚ hm°pcmjv{Sob\nco-£-I\pw {KŸ-Im-c\pamWv Iƒ°v ab-an-√m-Xm-Ipw. Gjym-ho°v ]{X-tem-IØv h≥{]teJ-I≥. Xo£ \¬In hf¿∂p hcp-tºm-gmWv s]mSp-∂s\ ÿm]I E-mail: ]{Xm-[n-]¿ AXv ssIsbm-gn™v C¥y-bn¬ Xncn-s®-Øn-bXv. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

P\p-hcn 2016

Doyen’s Pen


R K Laxman

Master Strokes Master of Strokes 26 January marks first death anniversary of R. K. Laxman the legendary Indian cartoonist.


This was a take on the Salman Khan hitand-run case, where the Bollywood actor was accused of mowing down pavement dwellers after he had one too many at a party near his house in Bandra. A hapless pavement dweller is seen telling a traffic cop, “It is safer to sleep in the middle of the road than on the pavement these days.” There is no mention of Salman Khan. Rather, the famous Common Man is seen passing by. A classic R K Laxman cartoon!

asipuram Krishnaswamy Laxman better known as R. K. Laxman was born on October 24, 1921 in Mysore. The youngest of six brothers, Laxman had as his older brother, the legendary R.K. Narayan, the creator of Malgudi. Laxman was engrossed by the illustrations in magazines such as The Strand Magazine, Punch, Bystander, Wide World and Tit-Bits, even before he could read. Soon he was drawing on his own, on the floors, walls and doors of his house and doodling caricatures of his teachers at school. Praised by a teacher for his drawing of a peepal leaf, he began to think of himself as an artist in the making. P\p-hcn 2016


This is a heartening cartoon where an old and virtually penniless beggar is shown contributing to the Gujarat Relief Fund being collected by R K Laxman’s Common Man. ”…Here, at a time like this, nothing is too small…,” the beggar says. Quite the sentiment of the aam aadmi at the time Another early influence on Laxman were the cartoons of the world-renowned British cartoonist, Sir David Low (whose signature he misread as “cow” for a long time) that appeared now and then in The Hindu. Laxman notes in his autobiography, The Tunnel of Time, “I drew objects that caught my eye outside the window of my room - the dry twigs, leaves and lizardlike creatures crawling about, the servant chopping firewood and, of course, and number of crows in various postures on the rooftops of the buildings opposite.” After high school, Laxman applied to the JJ School of Art, Bombay hoping to concentrate on his lifelong interests of drawing and painting, but the dean of the school wrote to him that his drawings lacked, “the kind of talent to qualify for enrollment in our institution as a student”, and refused admission. He finally graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Mysore. In the meantime he continued his freelance artistic activities and contributed cartoons to Swarajya and an animated film P\p-hcn 2016

based on the mythological character, Narada. Laxman’s earliest work was for newspapers and magazines such as Swarajya and Blitz. While still at the Maharaja College of Mysore, he began to illustrate his elder brother RK Narayan’s stories in The Hindu, and he drew political cartoons for the local newspapers and for the Swatantra. Laxman also drew cartoons, for the Kannada humour magazine, Koravanji. Incidentally, Koravanji was founded in 1942 by Dr M Shivaram who was an allopath and had a clinic around Majestic area in Bangalore. He started this monthly magazine, dedicating it to hilarious/satirical articles and cartoons. Dr Shivaram himself was an eminent humourist in Kannada. He encouraged Laxman quite a lot. He held a summer job at the Gemini Studios, Madras. His first full-time job was as a political cartoonist for the The Free Press Journal in Mumbai, Bal Thackeray, was his colleague. Laxman later joined The Times of India, beginning a career that has spanned for over fifty

(43) years. His “common man” character, featured in his pocket cartoons,is portrayed as a witness to the making of democracy. Anthropologist Ritu G Khanduri notes, “R K Laxman structures his cartoon-news through a plot about corruption and a set of characters. This news is visualized and circulates through the recurring figures of the mantri (Minister), the Common Man and the trope of modernity symbolized by the airplane.” He also created a popular mascot for the Asian Paints group called Gattu in 1954. Laxman has also penned a few novels. His cartoons have appeared in Hindi films such as Mr & Mrs ’55 and a Tamil film Kamaraj. His creations also include the sketches drawn for the television adaptation of Malgudi Days which was written by his elder brother RK Narayan and directed by Shankar Nag. Laxman also drew caricatures of friends for private purposes. There is a chair named after RK Laxman at Symbiosis International University. R K Laxman was first married to the Bharatanatyam dancer and film actress Kumari Kamala Laxman, who began her film career as a child actress named “Baby Kamala,” and graduated into adult roles under the name “Kumari Kamala” (“Miss Kamala”). They were divorced, and Laxman later married a lady whose first name was again Kamala. This was the authoress and children’s book writer Kamala Laxman. In a cartoon series named “The star I never met” in film magazine Filmfare he painted a cartoon of Kamala Laxman, with the title “The star I only met!”. The couple had no children and divided their time between Mumbai and Pune. Laxman died at the age of 93 at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune on 26 January 2015, which incidentally happened to

This cartoon dates back to November 1978, right after the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi-imposed Emergency in India ended. This thoughtful cartoon depicts how Indira Gandhi managed to win a seat in the Lok Sabha in a by-election in spite of the negativity surrounding her after the Emergency.

be India’s Republic Day. He was hospitalized on 23 January for urinary tract infection and chestrelated problems that ultimately led to multi-organ failure.[26] He had reportedly suffered multiple strokes since 2010. A cartoon that Laxman had made following the successful landing of Mangalyaan on Mars was posted by the Indian Space Research Organisation on its Facebook and Twitterpages on 27 January. Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis announced that Laxman would be accorded a state funeral and a memorial would be built in his honour. Laxman’s body was kept at the Symbiosis Institute’s Pune premises near the “Common Man” statue and his body was cremated at the Vaikunth crematorium.[30] He was conferred with Padma Vibhushan in the year 2005. Besides, he was also honoured with Ramon Magsaysay Award for Journalism, Literature and Creative Communication Arts in 1984. He was given Lifetime Achievement Award for Journalism by CNN IBN TV18 January 29, 2008. P\p-hcn 2016


He scenario hasn’t changed much in Maharashtra politics since this RK Laxman cartoon of 1990. It shows the Sena-BJP alliance’s negotiations for seats, where the then Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray is seen grabbing all the seats he can and offering a stool to the Bharatiya Janata Party – portraying the power he wields in their political equation.

Although this cartoon seems to be dated May 1967 by an archivist, it clearly shows an ageing Jayaprakash Narayan lookalike in the form of a roadside healer, offering solutions for all ailments, including the problems of the state like Pakistan, China and so on. The Common Man looks on, baffled. The solution being given to Save Democracy is ‘Military Rule’. Ironic, as it was freedom fighter Narayan who opposed Indira Gandhi’s Emergency in between 1975-77.

IN the 1960s, Tamil Nadu was rocked by anti-Hindi agitations, which resulted in death of several innocent civilians by police firing. It is said that DMK, which is a major political party in Tamil Nadu, owes it’s rise to power due to these violent agitations. R.K. Laxman’s cartoon, which mocked the agitation was included in the NCERT text book in 2012, which again caused controversy and tension P\p-hcn 2016


Laxman explaining the faulty budget analysis of the Indian economy. It also shows Dr. Manmohan Singh, the then Prime Minister in the thick of things as the common man silently observes in one corner. There was quite an uproar around this particular cartoon.

Oil prices continued rising in front of the extent to which a common man gives up his cartoon on the same make.

Laxman drew this cartoon after the Nehru Science Centre in Mumbai was opened to the public by then-Prime Minister Rajiv.

P\p-hcn 2016


A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ

tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan: cXo-jn\pw \nan-jbv°pw anYp\pw H∂mw dm¶v tIcf aoUnb A°-mZan C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v Iayq-Wn-t°j≥ tP¿W-enkw & Iayq-Wn-t°-j≥, ]ªnIv dnte-j≥kv & AUz¿ssS-kn-Mv, Sn.-hn. tPW-enkw _ncp-Zm-\¥c_ncpZ Untπma 2014-˛15 _m®p-I-fpsS ]co-£m-^ew {]Jym-]n-®p. ]co£ Fgp-Xn-b-Xn¬ 64 hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°v ^mÃv ¢mkpw 28 H∂mw dm¶v t\Snbh¿

hn.-Sn. cXojv

c≠mw dm¶v

Fw.-F≥. \nan-j-

aq∂mw dm¶v

t]¿°v sk°≥Uv ¢mkpw e`n-®p. tPW-en-k-Øn¬ 1200-˛¬ 918 am¿t°msS hn.-Sn. cXojv H∂mw dm¶v t\Sn. 873 am¿t°msS Im¿ØnI _n.-]n. c≠mw dm¶pw 872 am¿t°msS Aa¬ sI.-B¿. aq∂mw dm¶pw t\Sn. ]ªnIv dnte-j≥kv & AUz¿ssS-knßn¬ 1200-˛¬ 892 am¿°v t\Snb Fw.-F≥. \nan-j-bv°mWv H∂mw dm¶v. 888 am¿°v t\Sn Ah-\oXv hnjvWp, 863 am¿t°msS AJn¬ Fw.-sI. F∂n-h¿ bYm-{Iaw c≠pw aq∂pw dm¶p-Iƒ Ic-ÿ-am-°n. tPW-en-k-Øn¬ 1000-˛¬ 765 am¿t°msS anYp≥ Fkv. H∂mw dm¶p -t\-Sn. 756 am¿°v t\Snb Sn.-Fw. Im¿ØnIv c≠mw dm¶pw 731 am¿t°msS sP. AJn-e{io aq∂mw dm¶pw t\Sn.

anYp≥ Fkv.

c≠mw dm¶v

aq∂mw dm¶v

c≠mw dm¶v

Im¿ØnI _n.-]n Aa¬ sI.-B¿. Ah-\oXv hnjvWp AJn¬ Fw.-sI. Sn.-Fw. Im¿ØnIv

aq∂mw dm¶v

sP. AJn-e{io

hoUntbm FUn-‰nMv tImgvkv : F.B¿.i¶-dn\v H∂mw dm¶v H∂mw dm¶v

tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan C≥Ãn‰yq´v Hm^v Iayq-Wn-t°-j-\nse 2014˛15 h¿jsØ hoUntbm FUn‰nMv k¿´n^n°‰v tImgvkns‚ ]co£m-^ew {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®p. H∂mw dm¶n\v i¶¿ F.B¿. A¿l-\mbn. c≠pw aq∂pw dm¶p-Iƒ bYm-{Iaw Ac-hnμv ]n., _n\ojv Ipam¿ _n. F∂n-h¿ Ic-ÿ-am-°n. _m®nse apgp-h≥ hnZym¿∞n-Ifpw hnP-bn-®p. i¶¿ F.B¿. P\p-hcn 2016

c≠mw dm¶v

aq∂mw dm¶v

Ac-hnμv ]n.

_n\o-j vIp-am¿ _n.


s]Uv-tP¨ tPW-en-k-Øns‚ ta∑ h¿≤n-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-\mbn ]T-\-coXn ]cn-jvI-cn-°m≥ Iq´mbva

tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan HmUn-t‰m-dn-b-Øn¬ \S-∂ am[yahnZKv[-˛A[ym-]IIq´mbva (s]UvtP¨) alm-flm-Km‘n k¿h-I-em-ime s{]m˛-sshkv Nm≥k-e¿ tUm. jo\ jp°q¿ DZvLm-S\w sN-øp∂p

B‚Wn A[y-£X hln® NSßn¬ C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v IayqWn-t°-j≥ Ub-dI - vS¿ Fw. cmaN- { μ≥, kwÿm\ ]{X- { ]h¿ØI bqWn-b≥ sk{I-´dn sI.-Un. lcn-Ip-am¿ F∂n-h¿ kwkm-cn-®p. A°m-Zan sk{I´dn F.-F. l°ow kzmK-Xhpw Akn- v sk{I-´dn sI.-B¿. {]tamZv Ipam¿ \μnbpw ]d™p. hm¿Ø F¥v F∂-Xns‚ \n¿Δ- N - \ - ß - f pw tPW- e nkw ]Tn- ∏ n- ° p∂ coXn- I fpw amdns°m- ≠ n- c n- ° p∂p F∂mWv tIcf k¿Δ-I-em-ime tP¿Wenkw ta[mhn tUm. kp`mjv ]d-™-Xv. AXn-\m¬ ]T-\-co-XnI-fnepw t_m[-\-co-Xn-Ifnepw am‰w thWw. k¿Δ-I-em-im-e-Ifn¬ {]mtbm- K nI]cn- i o- e - \ Øn\v `uXn-Ik - u-Ic - y-߃ ]cnan-X-am-Wv. AXv th≠-hn[w \S°p-∂n-√. amdp∂ am[ya`qan-Ibn¬ tP¿W-enkw A≤ym-]-\sØ-°p-dn®v kwkm-cn® tIcf k¿h- I - e m- i me tPW- e nkw

tIc-f-Ønse tP¿W-enkw hnZym-`ym-k-Øns‚ ka-ImenImh-ÿF-s¥∂p Is≠-Øp-I, Xncn®-dn-bp-I, AXv Imen-I-amb Bh-iy-߃ \ndth-‰m≥ ]cym-]vX-amtWm, `mhn Bh-iy-߃ Fs¥ms°, AXv \nd-th-‰m≥ Fs¥ms° am‰-߃ thWw XpSßn Ht´sd tNmZy-߃°v DØ-cß - ƒ tXSpI F∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan kwL-Sn-∏n® {XnZn\ IqSn-t®-c-ens‚ e£yw. AXv GXm≠v hy‡-am-°p-∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p B IqSn-t®-c¬ A\p-`hw. Xpd∂ N¿®-Ifpw ap≥[m-c-W-Iƒ IqSm-sX-bp≈ kao-]-\-ßfpwhgn Xncn-®-dn™Xv shdpw ]T-\-]-≤Xn ]cn-jvI-cWw sIm≠p am{Xw ]cn-l-cn-°m-hp-∂X√ Cu {]iv\- ß ƒ F∂- X m- W v. F∂m¬ tPW- e nkw hnZym- ` ym- k - c wKØv A\n-hm-cy-ambpw am‰-߃ thWw F∂pw, amdp∂ Ime-Øns‚ sh√p-hn-fnIƒ t\cn-Sm≥ Ip´n-Isf k÷-am-°p-∂Xn\v \ne-hnse coXn-Iƒ, ]T-\-k-¶¬∏߃ F∂n-h-sbm-∂pw-t]mcm F∂pw Is≠- Ø n- b Xp am‰- ß ƒ thWw F∂Imcy-Øn¬ IqSn-t®-c-en\v FØn-bh¿ Htc A`n-{]m-b-°m¿ Bbn amdp-∂Xn\v Imc-W-am-bn. tP¿W-en-k-Øns‚ {]tbm-K-Ønepw ]T-\-Ønepw H‰-t\m-´Øn¬Øs∂ t_m[y-s∏-Sp∂ \ne-hmc ØI¿®°v-˛-GXv Af-hp-tIm¬ h®mbmepw˛ Imc-W-߃ Is≠-tØ-≠-Xp≠v . P\m- [ n- ] - X y- k w- h n- [ m- \ - Ø ns‚ \memw Xq¨ F∂p hnti- j n- ∏ ntIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan HmUn-t‰m-dn-b-Øn¬ \S-∂ am[ya hnZKv[-˛ °s∏Sp∂ tP¿Wen-ksØ i‡n-s∏-SpA[ym-]IIq´mbva s]UvtPWns‚ kam]\-k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬ {]apJ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I≥ tØ-≠Xv P\m-[n-]-XysØ i‡n-s∏-Sptdmbn amXyp (Z lnμp ap≥ sU]yq´n FUn-‰¿) k¿´n-^n°-‰v hn-Xc-Ww sN-øp∂p Øp∂ {]h¿Ø-\-am-Wv. IqSn-t®-c¬ DZvLm-S\w sNbvX alm-flm-Km‘n k¿h-I-em-ime s{]m˛- hIp-∏nse tUm.-Fw.-F-kv. lcnsshkv Nm≥k-e¿ tUm. jo\ jp°q¿ tP¿W-enÃv ImWn-t°≠ DØ-c-hm- Ip- a m¿ amdp∂ ]T- \ - c o- X nZn-Øt- _m-[s - Ø-°p-dn-®mWv kqNn-∏n-®X - v. aoUnb A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn Isf°pdn®pw amdmØ A≤ymP\p-hcn 2016

(48) F∂v Imen-°‰v k¿ΔIem-ime tP¿W- e nkw hIp∏v ta[mhn tUm. apl-ΩZ- men ]d-™p. hntZi k¿h- I - e m- i m- e - I - f n¬ D≈- X pt]mse a‰p hnjbß-fp-ambn Iq´nt®¿Øv k¶- c - k z`mhw D≈ tImgvkp-Iƒ Bh-iy-am-Wv. Ip´nIsf sXmgn¬ t\Sm\pw ]Tn-∏n°Ww. Fß-s\-bmWv _lp-P\ - am-[y-aß - sf D]-tbm-Kn®v Iayq-Wnt°-j≥ \S-Øp-I, AXns‚ {]Xn_- ‘ - ß sf Fßs\ XcWw sNøm≥ Ignbpw F∂mWv C≥^ ¿ta- j ≥ ]ªnIv dnte- j ≥kv hIp∏p ap≥ sU]yq´n Ubd-IvS¿ s]UvtPWnt\mS-\p-_-‘n-®v \S∂ N¿®m-k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬ \n∂v tUm. Fw.-hn. -tXm-akv kwkm-cn®Xv. FØn-°¬ tPW-enkw ]cn]-I-sc-°p-dn-®pw ]cm-a¿in-®p. ]T\w ¢mkv apdn-I-fn¬ io-e\w t\cn-Sp∂ sh√p-hn-fn-Isf°pdn-®mWv Aßm-Sn\n∂v ]pdØp IS-°Ww F∂pw kaq-l-hp-ambn _‘n- °-Shv tUm¨ t_mkvtIm tImtf-Pv {]n≥kn-∏-em-b - v. {]mtbm∏n-°p∂ t{]mP-IvSp-Iƒ thWw F∂pw Iayq-Wn-t°- tUm. ^m. {^m≥knkv Imc-°m´v kwkm-cn-®X - e - Ø - n¬ tPW-enkw t\cn-Sp∂ \oXn-im-k{v X-]c - js‚ sshhn-[y-߃ Xncn-®-dn-™p-sIm-≠p≈ kao- Kn-IX - ƒ AXp ]Tn-∏n-°p∂ Xe-Ønepw t\cn-Sp]\w thW-sa∂pw ssk≤m-¥nI ASn-Ø-d-bn¬ Du∂n- amb {]iv\ß s°m- ≠ p≈ sshZ- K v ≤ y- ] - c n- i o- e \w thW- s a∂pw ∂p-≠v. At±lw ]d™p. tP¿Wenkw hnZym-`ym-k-Øn¬ kmt¶-XnIam‰ßƒ Fs¥ms° kzm[o-\w sNep-Øp-∂p F∂p hniam[y-a{- ]-h¿Ø\-Øns‚ kz`m-ha - m‰w hm¿Ø-bpsS kq£va-Xsb Fßs\ _m[n-°p∂p F∂mWv tUm. Z- a m- ° p- ∂ - X m- b n- c p∂p Z lnμp sU]yq´n FUn- ‰ ¿ sk_m-Ãy≥ t]mƒ tImSXn hm¿Ø-Iƒ DZm-lc - n®v hni- Bbncp∂ tdmbn amXyp-hns‚ {]`m-j-Ww. IqSn-t®-cZo-Ic - n-®X - v. A°m-Za - n-Ia - mb tImSXn hna¿i\w \S-°p- ens‚ {][m-\-`mKw aoUnb A°m-Zan ap≥ sNb¿am≥ ∂n√ F∂v At±lw Nq≠n°m´n. am[ya]T-\-Øn¬ F≥.-]n. cmtP-{μ≥, tIm´bw {]kv ¢_v kvIqƒ Hm^v tImSXn hnj-bß - ƒ dnt∏m¿´v sNøp-∂X - n\v th≠{X tPW- e nkw B≥Uv Iayq- W n- t °- j ≥ Ub- d - I v S ¿ tX°n≥ImSv tPmk-^v, Imen-°‰v {]kv ¢_v C≥Ãn{]m[m\yw \¬I-Ww. tIc-f-Ønse sSen-hn-j≥ tP¿W-enkw A≤ym- ‰yq´v Hm^v Iayq-Wn-t°-j≥ B≥Uv tP¿W-enkw Ub]-\-sØ-°p-dn®v kwkm-cn®, \yqU¬ln Zqc-Z¿i≥ d-IvS¿ hn.-C. _me-Ir-jvW≥, aoUnb A°m-Zan C≥ÃntI{μØnse sU]yq´n Ub-dI - vS¿ ss_Pp N{μ≥ {][m- ‰yq´v Hm^v Iayq-Wn-t°-j≥ Ub-d-IvS¿ Fw. cma-N-{μ≥, \-ambpw Nq≠n-°m-´n-bXv sSen-hn-j≥ tP¿Wenkw ]T- imkv{X-˛km-t¶-XnI˛]cn-ÿnXn Iu¨kn¬ ko\n-b¿ \-Øns‚ ]cn-an-Xn-I-sf-°p-dn-®m-Wv. tP¿W-en-k-Øn¬ s^tem sI. -cm-P-tKm-]m¬ F∂n-h-cpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ Xm¬∏-cy-ap-≈-hsc Is≠Øn Cu taJ-e-bn-te°v \S∂ Xpd∂ kwhm-Z-am-Wv. tP¿W-enkw hnZym-`ym-kBI¿jn-°m≥ Ign-b-Ww. tP¿W-en-k-Øn¬ h∂p Øns‚ Imen-I-amb Ah-ÿsb kq£vahpw hna¿isIm≠ncn-°p∂ ]pXnb coXn-Iƒ Dƒs°m-≈m≥ Ign- \m-fl-Ihpambn hne-bn-cp-Øp-Ibpw `mhn-bn¬ tP¿W- ƒ cq]-s∏-SpØpbpw-hn[w t_m[-\coXnbn¬ am‰-߃ hcp-tØ-≠X - p≠v enkw Fßs\ thW-sa∂v \n¿t±-iß Ibpw sNbvX B kwhmZw hfsc kPo-h-am-bn-cp-∂p. CØcw IqSn- t ®c- e p- I ƒ Bh¿Øn- ° - W - s a∂pw, tP¿W-enkw hnZym-`ymkw sa®-s∏-Sp-Øm\p≈ {iaAt]£ £Wn-°p∂p ߃°v XpS¿® thW-sa∂pw AXn\v aoUnb A°mZan t\XrXzw \¬I-W-sa∂pw ]s¶-Sp-Ø-h¿ Bh-iyUb-dI - vS¿, t^mt´m tP¿W-enkw C≥kv{S-IvS¿ s∏-´p. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I¿, {]kv ¢∫p-I-fnepw a‰pw ]{XIw tIm˛-Hm¿Un-t\-‰¿ XkvXn-I-I-fn-te°v tIcf {]-h¿Ø\]cn-io-e-\-Øn\v t\XrXzw \¬Ip-∂-h¿, aoUnb A°m-Zan At]£ £Wn®p. Ah-km\ tP¿W-enkw ]Tn∏n°p∂ tImtf-Pp-I-fnse A≤ym-]I¿, tP¿W-enkw Kth-j-W-hn-Zym¿∞n-Iƒ XpSßn - n-hc- ß - ƒ kabw 30.01.2016 ]I¬ aq∂v aWn. hni-Zh Adp-]-Xn-tesdt∏¿ IqSn-t®-c-en¬ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. F∂ hnem-k-Øn¬ e`n-°pw. sk{I-´dn tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan Im°-\m-Sv, sIm®n ˛ 682 030 P\p-hcn 2016


sI. cmP-tKm-]m¬ s]Uvt-P¨ Iymºv tIm˛-Hm¿Un-t\-‰¿

A°mZan hm¿Ø-I(49) ƒ Bookshelf


CHALACHITHRA VIJANANIKA A Blue Print for Film Direction Script Writing & Acting (Third Edition) By BHAARGAVAN, ARYAAD Published by: World Dramatic Study Center & Film Institute (Alappuzha) 3rd Ed. Description: 221pages, Price :500.00

eqan-b¿ ktlm-Zc- ∑ - m-cn-eqsS ]nd-hn-sb-SpØv hf¿∂v hnI-kn® temI Ne-®n{X taJ-ebv°v Hcp hn⁄m-\{- KŸw ae-bm-fØ - n¬\n∂v. \mS-Ih - n-⁄m\-tImiw cNn®v {it≤-b-\mb BcymSv `m¿§-hs‚ Xqen-I-bn¬\n-∂mWv Ne®n{X hn⁄m-\n-Ibpw cq]-s∏-Sp-∂X - v. kn\n-ab - psS kmt¶-Xn-Ih - i - ß - ƒ BgØn¬ ]Tn®v efn-X-ambn A\m-h-cWw sNbvXn-cn-°p-I-bmWv Cu IrXn-bneqsS {KŸ-Im-c≥. 250-˛¬]cw t]Pp-If- p≈ Cu ]pkvXI - Ø - n¬ Ne-®n{X kwhn-[m-\w, Xnc-°Y - m-cN - \ - , A`n-\bw F∂o hnj-bß - ƒ ka-{K-ambn {]Xn-]m-Zn-®n-´p-≠v. kn\n-am-Nn-{Xo-Ic- W - Ø - n¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ apgp-h≥ tjm´p-Ifpw Ah-bpsS {]tbm-Kc- o-Xn-Ifpw {KŸ-Øn-ep-≠v. Cam-Pn-\d- n-sse≥ sX‰msX cwK-߃ Nn{XoI-cn-t°≠ hn[w, IYm-]m-{X-ßf- psS ASn-ÿm-\N - e - \ hyh-ÿI - ƒ, Nn{Xo-Ic-WØ - nse sSIv\n-°p-Iƒ, Iymad B¶n-fp-Iƒ, Xnc-°Y - b - n¬\n∂v jq´nwKv kv{In]v‰v cNn-t°≠ hn[w, Zriy-hk - vXp-°f- p- sS {]tbm-Kc- o-Xn-Iƒ, i_vZk - whn-[m-\w, tImtºm-kn-j≥, tjm´v Unssh-Unw-Kv, {Km^nIv tImtºm-kn-j≥, FUn‰nw-Kv, anIvknwKv, ssS‰n-enwKv XpS-ßnb kn\n-am-kw-hn-[m-\Ø - nse ]q¿Æ hnhc-߃ \nc-h[n Nn{X-ßf- psS klm-bt- Øm-sS-bmWv hnh-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv. IYm-_o-Pw, IYm-LS- \ - , IY h - n-Ik - n-°p-∂X - n-\p≈ ASn-ÿm-\X - X - z߃, Xnc-°Y - bv°v th≠ ]©-Kp-Wß - ƒ, IYm-]m-{X-ßfpsS krjvSn, hnizkn-\n-ab - nse IYm-_o-Pß - ƒ F∂n-hbpw efn-Xa- m-bmWv {KŸ-Øn¬ hnh-cn-®ncn-°p-∂-Xv. A`n-\-b-hp-ambn _‘-s∏´ BwKn-Iw, hmNzn-Iw, kmXzn-Iw, Blmcyw F∂o NXp¿hn[ A`n-\b - c- o-Xn-Iƒ, Ne-\h - y-hÿ - I - ƒ, \h-`m-hß - ƒ, \h-ck - ß - ƒ F∂n-hbpw {KŸ-Øn-ep-≠v. Ne-®n{X `mj-bnse A£-cß - ƒ, hm°p-Iƒ, hmIy-߃, Bi-bK - X - n-Iƒ F∂n-ßs- \- {I-am-\p-KX - a- mbmWv {KŸw Nn´-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂X - v. Ne-®n-{X-cw-KsØ BNm-cy-\mb Ãm≥en tPmkmWv IrXn t{ImUo-Icn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. Ne-®n{X A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ sI.-B¿. taml≥ Ah-XmcnI Fgp-Xnb Ne-®n{X hn⁄m-\nI ae-bmf Ne-®n{X temI-Øn\p apX¬°q-´m-Ipw.


New Books @ Academy Library

MEDIA IMPERIALISM by OLIVER BOYD-BARRETT Published by: SAGE (Los Angeles) 1st Ed. Description: 219pages, Price :2414.00 How does control of media resources serve political and economic ends? What is the impact of media concentration and monopoly in the era of technology convergence, with not just traditional and ‘new’ media but also consumer electronics, telephony and computing industries? Revisiting the classic concept of media imperialism, Oliver Boyd-Barrett presents a thorough retake for the 21st century, arguing for the need to understand media and empires and how structures of power and control continue to regulate our access to and consumption of the media. It’s no longer just Disney and Dallas it’s also now Alibaba, Apple, Facebook, Google, Samsung and Huawei. Examining the interplay between communications industries and the hierarchies and networks of political, corporate and plutocratic power in a globalized world, the book explains: · the historical context of the relationship between media and imperialism; · contestation and collaboration among new media empires; · the passion for social justice that inspired the original theories of media and cultural imperialism, and how it has been embraced by a new generation. Digging deeply into the global landscape and emerging media markets to explore how media power works across transnational boundaries, this book gives a clear and sophisticated argument for why media imperialism still matters. P\p-hcn 2016


temIw I≠ hc A¥¿t±iob am[yacwKsØ {]ikvXamb Im¿´qWpIƒ ]cnNbs∏SpØpIbmWv Cu ]w‡nbn¬. amXr`qan Im¿´qWnÃmb tKm]oIrjvW\mWv Ch Xncs™SpØv AhXcn∏n°p∂Xv.

km_n¿ \mk¿

FIvkv{]kv {Sn_yqWns‚ ÿncw Im¿´q-Wn-Ãmb km_n¿ \mkdmWv Cu Im¿´q-Wns‚ cN-bn-Xm-hv. bqWnsk-^n-\p th≠nbpw ]mIn-ÿm-\nse Ht´sd a\p-jymhImi kwL-S-\-I-ƒ°pth≠nbpw Ct±lw Im¿´q-Wp-Iƒ hc-®n-´p-≠v. 2009˛¬ t\∏mfn amK-ko\mb lnam¬ kuØv Gjys‚ "FUn-t‰gvkv ]n°v' Ahm¿Un\v \mk¿ A¿l\m-bn-´p-≠v.

tKm]oIrjvWs‚ C˛sabn¬: Printed and Published by A. Abdul Hakkim, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Published from Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030; Printed at Sterling Print House Pvt Ltd, Edappally; Editor: Sergy Antony

P\p-hcn 2016


2014 ˛¬ ]pen-‰vk¿ ]pc-kvIm-c-Øn\v A¿l-amb Nn{Xw ^o®¿ t^m´m-{K^n hn`m-K-Øn¬ ]pen-‰vk¿ ]pc-kvImcw t\Snb Cu Nn{Xw Ima-d-bn¬ ]I¿Øn-bXv \yqtbm¿°v ssSwkv Zn\-]-{X-Ønse t^mt´m-tP¿W-enÃmb tPmjv lm\-dm-Wv. t_mè amc-Ø-Wn-\nsS \S∂ t_mw_m-{I-a-W-Øn¬ Kpcp-X-c-ambn ]cn-t°‰v Ccp-Im-epw \jvS-s∏´ sP^v t_mam≥ F∂ bphm-hns‚ thZ-\m-P\ - I - a- mb Xncn-®p-hc- hns‚ \nan-jß - f- mWv tPmjv H∏nsb-Sp-ØX - v. t_mams‚ A\p-hm-Z-tØmsS G‰hpw thZ-\-\n-d™ NnIn’bpsS L´-߃ tPmjv Xs‚ s{^bn-ap-I-fneqsS temI-Øn\p ap∂n-se-Øn®t∏mƒ AXp ho≠p-samcp B{I-aW-a-cp-tX-sb∂ Hm¿a-s∏-Sp-ج IqSn-bm-bn. tPmjv lm\-¿ P\p-hcn 2016

(52) Media Monthly | January 2016 | `20/- | RNI Reg No. KERBIL/2000/01676

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