am多速v 2016
tIcf aoUnb A°mZan CSp°n {]kv ¢∫ns‚ klIcW tØmsS \SØnb am[ya{]h¿ØI¿°p≈ in¬]imebpsS DZvLmS\w sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚Wn \n¿hln°p∂p. P\d¬ Iu¨kn¬ AwKw sNdpIc kÆn eqt°mkv, {]kv ¢∫v {]knU‚ v lmcnkv aplΩZv, sk{I´dn hnt\mZv ItÆmfn F∂nh¿ kao]w.
tIcf aoUnb A°mZan IÆq¿ {]kv ¢∫ns‚ klIcWtØmsS \SØnb am[ya{]h¿ØI¿°p≈ in¬]imebpsS DZvLmS\w tIcf aoUnb A°mZan ap≥ sNb¿am≥ F≥.]n.cmtP{μ≥ \n¿hln°p∂p. P\d¬ Iu¨kn¬ AwKw Zo]Iv [¿ΩSw, sI.bp. Uªyq. sP kwÿm\ P\d¬ sk{I´dn kn. \mcmbW≥, {]kv ¢∫v {]knU‚ v sI.Sn. iin, sk{I´dn cRvPnXv, A°mZan Akn v sk{I´dn sI.B¿. {]tamZv Ipam¿ F∂nh¿ kao]w.
tIcf aoUnb A°mZan ]me°mSv {]kv ¢∫ns‚ klIcWtØmsS \SØnb am[ya{]h¿ØI¿°p≈ in¬]imebpsS DZvLmS\w A°mZan P\d¬ Iu¨kn¬ AwKw tPm¿Pv s]mSn∏md \n¿Δln°p∂p. {]kv ¢∫v {]knU‚ v PbIrjvW≥ \cn°p‰n, tUm. Acp¨Ipam¿, ssj\kv am¿t°mkv, {]kv ¢∫v sk{I´dn kn.B¿.Znt\iv F∂nh¿ kao]w.
am¿®v 2016
am¿®v 2016
]pkvXIw 4
e°w 8
hne `20
am[y-a-hn-Nm-cW alm-]m-]tam?
J. V. Vil’anilam
tIc-tfm-]I - m-cnbpw ae-bmf]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\hpw
Journalism as a public trust
tPm¿÷v s]mSn-∏md
am[y-a-ßsf tIm¿∏-td-‰p-Iƒ kz¥-am-°p-tºmƒ amdp∂ AP-≠-Iƒ
sI. _me-Ir-jvW≥
sNdp-Ic kÆn eqt°mkv The Bollywoodisation of Indian advertising
The media menu of a Last Supper
{]Xn-tcm-[-Øns‚ A£-chpw Zriyhpw
Dr. A. Michael Puthenthara
]d-°p∂ bphXzw aoUn-b-bn¬
at\m-l-c≥ tamdmbn
sI. F¬. taml-\-h¿Ω
A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ
Digitizing literature and media 23 Will it wipe out print?
Shoma A. Chatterji
temIw I≠ hc
s{^bnw s^bnw
_KvUn-Iym≥ ˛ P\-߃°p th≠n Fgp-Xnb ]{Xm-[n-]¿
F≥.-]n.-B¿ am¿®v 2016
hgn-am-dp∂ am[y-a-[¿aw
Editor Sergy Antony Editorial Board K.C. Rajagopal V.V. Dakshinamoorthy George Podippara
Printer & Publisher A. Abdul Hakkim Co ordinating Editor K.R. Pramod Kumar Marketing In Charge Shainus Markose Design & Layout Chetana Media, Kottayam Address ‘Media’ Kerala Media Academy Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030 Phone: 0484 2422275 Email : kmamedia2015@gmail.com mediamag.kma@gmail.com Website: www.keralamediaacademy.org am¿®v 2016
[y-a-ß-tfm-Sp≈ Ak-ln-jvWpX temI-sa-ºmSpw AXncq-£-amIp-I-bmWv. GIm-[n-]-Xy-cm-Py-ß-fnsebpw ka-{Km-[n-]-Xycm-Py-ß-fn-sebpw Imcy-a-√nXv; P\m-[n-]-Xy-sØbpw tkmjy-en-ksØbpw ]mSn-∏p-I-gvØp∂ cmPy-ß-fnse Imcy-am-Wv. F√m `cWm-[n-Im-cn-Ifpw X߃ am[y-a-kzm-X-{¥y-Øns‚ h‡m-°-fmsW∂p ]pc-∏p-d-Øp- I-bdn {]kw-Kn°pw. ]t£, hna¿i\w t]mbn´v a‰p-≈-h-cpsS A`n-{]m-b-{]-I-S\w t]mepw Ah-cn¬ ]ecpw kln-°n√. X߃ ]d-bp-∂Xp thZ-hm-Iy-ambn Icp-Xn-s°m-≈Ww F∂-XmWp ]e-cp-sSbpw `mhw. kndn-b-bnepw Cdm-°nepw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ t\cn-Sp∂ {]iv\ß-sf-°p-dn®p Ign™ e°-ß-fn¬ \mw hni-Z-ambn N¿® sNbvXn-cp∂p. P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øns‚ D∂-X-aq-ey-߃ ImØp-kq-£n°p-∂p-sh∂p \mw Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sp-∂ C¥y-bn¬Øs∂ A`n{]mbkzmX-{¥y-hpw Bi-b-kzm-X-{¥yhpw sh√p-hn-fn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. A\m- h iyhnhm- Z - ß ƒ°p ]nd- t I- b mWp am[y- a - ß ƒ F∂mWv X߃ hna¿in- ° s∏Sp- ∂ Xv Cjv S - s ∏- S m- Ø - h - c psS {][m\ Btcm-]Ww. hnhm-Z-߃ Bh-iytam A\m-h-iytam F∂ Imcyw BcmWp \n›bn-°p-∂Xv? Hcp Iq´-cpsS A\m-hiyw adp`m-K-Øns‚ Bh-iy-am-bncn°mw. X߃°p lnX-I-c-a-√m-ØXp am[y-a-߃ \¬I-cp-sX∂v Bsc-¶nepw iTn-®m¬ ]ns∂ am[y-a߃°v F¥p {]k‡n? F√m-h¿°pw lnX-I-c-am-bXp am{Xw ]d-bp-∂Xp am[y-a-ß-fpsS tPmen-b√. AØcw ZuXy-߃ \n¿hln-°p-∂-Xn\p a‰p ]e kwhn-[m-\-ß-fp-ap≠v. DØ-c-sIm-dn-b-bnse Inw tPmMv D≥ BI-cpXv Hcp `c-Wm-[nIm-cn-bpsS amXrI. CØcw GIm-[n-]-Xn-Iƒ C°m-eØpw cmPy`- c Ww \S- Ø p- ∂ p- s h- ∂ Xv A¤p- X - I - c - a m- b n- c n°mw. F∂m¬ AhnsS \S-°p∂ a\p-jym-h-Im-i-[zw-k-\-߃ am[y-a-ß-fn-eqsSØs∂ ]pdwtemI-sØ-Øp-∂p-s≠∂ Imcyhpw \mw hnkva-cn°-cpXv. ASn-®-a¿Ø-s∏-Sp∂ Hcp P\-X-bpsS kzmX-{¥y-tam-l-
߃°v Aev ] - s a- ¶ nepw Bizmkw e`n°p-∂Xp am[y-a-ß-fn-eq-sS-bm-Wv. adp-h-iØv am[y-a-ß-fpsS tIm¿∏td‰vhXvI-cWw t]mep≈ Imcy-ßfpw Ah-KW - n-°m≥ km[n-°n√. ]Ww apS-°p∂-h-cpsS em`-Nn¥ GXp _nkn-\-knepw {][m- \ - a mWv . am[ya_nkn- \ knepw Aß- s \- X s∂. DZm- Ø - a mb Bi- b ߃°pw kaql-tk-h\ - Ø - n-\pambn am[ya-ta-J-e-bn¬ ]Ww apS-°p-∂-h¿ ]g-¶-Ybm-Wv. Ct∏mƒ Bsc-¶nepw AØcw Ah-Im-i-hm-Z-߃ Db¿Ønbm¬ AXp hniz-kn-°m≥ Btcbpw In´p-I-bp-an-√. henb hyh-km-b-{Kq-∏p-Iƒ XßfpsS BkvXn h¿[n-∏n-°m≥ am[y-a-ßsf D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂Xp hfsc _p≤n-]q¿hamWv. am[y-a-cw-KsØ Ah-cpsS apX¬apS-°n\v ]Xn-∑S- ßp em`w Ah¿ D≠m°pw. AXv Hcp]t£ kmº-ØnIt\´-am-bn-cn°n√. AXn-t\-°mƒ ^e-{]-Z-amb ]e t\´-ßfpw CØcw apX¬ap-S-°n-eqsS Ah¿°v D≠m-°m-\mhpw. am[y-a-cw-KØv bmsXmcp ]mc-º-cyhpw Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sm-\n√m-Ø-hcpw At\-I-Xcw _nkn-\-kp-Iƒ \S-Øp∂hcpw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ km[yX a\-kn-em°n B -_n-kn-\-knte°p IqSn Xß- f psS apX¬ap- S °p hym]n-∏n-°p-∂p. ASpØImeØp Nne cmjv { Sob t\Xm-°-fpsS Agn-a-Xn- ]pd-Øp-sIm-≠ph-cm≥ am[y-a-߃ Hfn-Im-ad {]tbm-K߃ \S-Øn-b-Xv Gsd {i≤-]n-Sn-®p-]-‰n-. _wKmcp e£va¨ F∂ henb t\Xmhns‚ ]X- \ - Ø n\p hgn- s bm- c p- ° n- b Xv ÃnMv Hm∏-td-j-\m-bn-cp-∂p. ASp-Ø-ImeØv Gsd {i≤ ]nSn®p ]‰n-b as‰mcp Hfn-Im-ad dnt∏m¿´m-Wp _wKm-fnse XrWaq¬ t\Xm-°ƒ Dƒs∏´ tImg-t°-kv.
sXl¬I-bpsS ]pXnb cq]-amb \mcZ tUmSvtImw BWv Cu Hm∏td-j≥ \S-Øn-b-Xv. tImg sImSp-°m-\m-bn-Øs∂ Ah¿ e£-߃ apS-°n. AXns‚ Nn{X-sa-SpØp kwt{]-j-Ww sNøp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Fhn-sS-\n-∂mWv Ah¿°v Cu ]Ww In´p-∂-sX∂ tNmZyw Db¿∂-t∏mƒ hntZ-i-Øp≈ Nne _nkn-\-kp-Im-cmWp apX¬ap-S°p-∂-sX-∂m-bn-cp∂p adp-]Sn. Aß-s\-sb-¶n¬ B apX¬ap-S-°pIm-cpsS e£y-sa-¥mWv? \m´n¬ \S-°p∂ Agn-aXn C√m-Xm-°m\p≈ AZ-ay-amb B{K-l-amWv Ahsc ]W-sa-dn-bm≥ t{]cn-∏n-°p∂-sX∂p hniz-kn-°m-\m-hptam? am[y-a-ß-fn¬ apX¬ap-S-°n-b-h¿ IqSn Dƒs∏-´-Xm-bn-cp∂p I¬°cn Ipw`-tImWw. knFPn I≠p-]n-Sn-®-Xm-WnXv. Iptd-°m-etØ°v Btcm-]-W-߃ aqSn-h-bv°m≥ XXv]-c-I-£n-Isf klmbn-®Xv Cu am[ya_‘-am-bn-cp∂p. P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øns‚ \memw XqWns‚ IcpØv am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-scbpw cmjv{So-b-°m-sc-bpw-Imƒ IqSp-X-embn tIm¿∏-td-‰p-Ifpw tImSo-iz-c-∑mcpw a\-kn-em-°n-bn-cn°p∂p. _nkn-\-kns‚ a¿aw I≠-h¿°p am[y-a-ß-fpsS kwlmcti-jnbpw kwc-£-W-ti-jnbpw \∂m-b-dnbmw. B[p-\n-I-Im-eØv am[y-a-_nkn-\kv henb apX¬ap-S-°p≈ taJ-e-bmbn amdn-bn-´p≠v. ISpØ a’cw \S-°p∂ am[y-a-cw-KØp ]nSn- ® p- \ n¬°- W - s a- ¶ n¬ kmº- Ø nIi‡n- I - f psS ]n¥pW ]e¿°pw Bh-iy-amWv. kz¥-ambn th≠{X kmº-Øn-I-tijn C√m-Øh - ¿ ]e-cp-sSbpw klmbw tXSpw. AØcw klm-bß - ƒ°p ]n∂n¬ Nne ÿm]nX XmXv]-cy-ßfpw It≠°mw. Cu XmXv]-cy߃ hmWn-Py-Xm-Xv]-cy-ambn amdpw. km[m-cW P\-ßf - psS Bi-bm-`n-em-jß - ƒ {]Xn-^e - n-∏n-°p∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø\w am™p-t]mIp-I-bmtWm? i_vZ-an-√m-Ø-h-cpsS i_vZ-ambncnt°≠ am[y-a-߃ {]_-e-cpsS i_vZ-ambn amdpIbmtWm? am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpsS am\y-Xbpw am[y-a-ß-fpsS [¿ahpw tNmZyw sNø-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ AXp- k-aq-lØ - n-ep-≠m°p∂ henb aqeyNyp-Xn-bpsS \n¿Z-i-\-ambn ImtW-≠n-hcpw. P\m-[n-]Xy kaq-l-Øn¬ kmaqlyPo¿W-X-Iƒs°-Xntc i‡-amb \ne-]m-sS-Sp-°m≥ am[y-a-߃°p km[n-°W-sa-¶n¬ `cW-kw-hn-[m-\Ø - ns‚ ]n-¥p-Wbpw kwc-£W - hpw klm-bh - p-sams° th≠n-h-cpw. `c-W-IqSw Zp¿_-e-am-Ip-tºmgpw A[n-Imcw tI{μo-Icn-°-s∏-Sp-tºmgpw Ak-ln-jvWpX sImSn-Ip-Øn- hm-gp-tºmgpw A`n{]mbkzX-{¥y-Øn\p Iq®p-hn-e-ßn-Sp-tºmgpw {]Xym-i-bpsS {]Imiambn amtd-≠Xp am[y-a-߃ Xs∂. \h-am-[y-a-bp-K-Ønepw Cu s]mXp-X-Xz-Øn\p henb am‰-sam-∂p-ap-≠m-hn√.
tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan `c-W-k-anXn AwK-߃ sNb¿am≥: sk¿Pn B‚Wn (Zo-]n-I), sshkv sNb¿am≥: sI.-kn. cmP-tKm-]m¬ (a-e-bmf at\m-c-a) AwK-߃: hn. hna¬ Ipam¿ (am-Xr-`q-an), ]n.-kn. sk_m-Ãy≥ (am-[y-aw), Fw. cLp-\mYv (tZ-im-`n-am-\n), Fkv. _nPp (G-jym-s\‰v \yqkv), F≥.-]n. Pnjm¿ (ao-Unb h¨), ]n.-hn. N{μ≥ (am-Xr-`q-an), Zo]p chn (tI-cf Iuap-Zn), ^m. t_m_n AeIvkv aÆw-πm-°¬ (Zo-]n-I), km_p h¿Kokv (aw-K-fw), hn.-hn. Z£n-Wm-aq¿Øn (tZ-im-`n-am-\n), a[p B¿. _me-Ir-jvW≥ (tI-c-f-i-_vZw), Pb¥v amΩ≥ amXyp (a-e-bmf at\m-c-a), sI. am[-h≥ (G-jym-s\‰v \yqkv), t__n amXyp (Po-h≥ Snhn), sNdp-Ic kÆn eqt°mkv (tI-c-f-i-_vZw), tPmkv ]\-®n-∏pdw (a-e-bmf at\m-c-a), tPm¿÷v s]mSn-∏md (am-Xr-`q-an), te_n kPo-{μ≥ (am-Xr-`qan \yqkv), _nhn≥ ]o‰¿ (P-bvlnμv Snhn), chn Un.-kn. (Un.-kn. _pIvkv), Zo]Iv [¿ΩSw (A-arX Snhn), {iotZhn ]n≈ (a-t\m-ca \yqkv), sk{I-´dn (^n-\m≥kv), sk{I-´dn (C≥^¿ta-j≥ & ]ªnIv dnte-j≥kv), Ub-d-IvS¿ (C≥^¿ta-j≥ & ]ªnIv dnte-j≥kv), saº¿ sk{I-´dn: F.-A_vZp¬ l°nw. am¿®v 2016
tPm¿Pv s]mSn-∏md
[y-a-ß-fpsS AXn-Pm-{KX am[yahnNm-c-Wbmbn amdp-∂p-sh∂ Bt£]w ASp-Ø-Im-eØp IqSp-X¬ i‡-am-bn-´p-≠v. am[y-a-߃ F¥nepw GXnepw CS-s]-Sp-∂p, hnNm-cW \S-Øp-∂p, hn[n-{]kvXmhw \S-Øp∂p Fs∂ms° aptº Btcm-]W߃ Db¿∂n-cp-s∂-¶nepw C{X-tØmfw kwL-SnXhpw i‡-hp-am-bn-cp-∂n-√. ASp-Ø- Zn-h-k-ß-fn¬ ]cn-W-X -{]-⁄-cmb \ymbm-[n-]-∑m¿ t]mepw XpS¿®-bmbn am[y-a-߃s°-Xntc \ninXhna¿i\hp-ambn cwK-sØ-Øn. P\pam¿®v hcn 2016
am[yahnNm-c-W-bmWv C¥y≥ PpUojy-dn-bpsS G‰hpw henb i{Xp-sh∂v PÃnkv sI.-Sn. tXmakv Xpd-∂-Sn-®p. {Inan-\¬ tIkp-I-fn¬ am[y-a-hn-Nm-cW PUvPn-am-cpsS hn[n\n¿W-bsØ kzm[o-\n-°p-∂p-sh∂p-hsc At±lw hna¿in-®p. am[y-a-ß-fn¬ \S°p∂ N¿®-Ifpw hni-I-e-\-ßfpw ]pe-`yw -]-d-®nembn amdp-∂p-sh-∂mWv sslt°m-SXn PÃnkv sI.Sn. i¶-c≥ \nco-£n-®-Xv. am[y-a-ß-fpsS `mK-Øp\n∂p \nc-¥cw hogvN-Iƒ kw`-hn-°p∂p, hnizmkyXbn-√mØ hm¿Øm-[n-jvTnX]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ
(7) \S-Øp-∂p XpS-ßnb hna¿i-\-ßfpw At±lw D∂-bn-®p. \b-ßfpw \nba-ß-fpap-≠m-°m≥ k¿°m¿ {ian-°p-tºmƒ AXns\-Xn-cmb {]Xn-tcm[w Xo¿°p-∂-sXm-gn-®m¬ am[y-a-߃ sNøp-∂Xn-tesdbpw \ntj-[mflIImcy-ß-fmPÃnkv sI.-Sn. tXmakv sW∂p IqSn At±lw IS-Øn∏d-™p. D∂X\ymbm-[n-]∑m-cpsS `mK-Øp-\n∂p am{X-a√, cmjv{So-b-°mc-S°w kaq-l-Øns‚ hnhn[ taJ-e-Ifn¬\n∂pw am[y-a߃s°-Xntc hna¿i\-ap-b-cp-∂p-≠v. am[y-a-߃ C√mØ kzmX{¥yw Ah-Im-is∏´v F¥n-t\bpw hnNm-cW sNbvXp PÃnkv sI.-Sn. i¶-c≥ hn[n I¬∏n-°p-I-bmsW∂mWp hna¿i-\ß-fpsS ImX¬. cmjv{Sobt\Xm-°-fm-Is´, ]et∏mgpw am[y-a-߃°p t\tc B{I-a-tWm-’p-I-amb Ip‰m-tcm-]-W-amWp \nc-Øp-∂-Xv. am[y-a-ß-fpsSbpw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cp-sSbpw sXmgn¬]-c-amb DØ-c-hmZn-Xzhpw \njv]-£-Xbpw \oXn-t_m-[hpw t]mepw tNmZyw sNøp-∂n-S-tØmfw Imcy-߃ FØn-bn-´p-≠v. tkmfm¿ hnhm-Zhpw _m¿ tImg-bp-amWv am[y-ahn-Nm-c-Wsb°pdn-®p≈ N¿® kao-]-Im-eØp tIc-f-
Øn¬ kPo-h-am-°n-b-Xv. apJy-a{¥n AS-°-ap-≈-h¿ Dƒs∏´ Cu hnhm-Z-ß-fn¬ tImS-Xn-Iƒ \S-Ønb Nne hn[n{]kvXm-h-ßfpw AXp krjvSn® tImem-le-ßfpw am[y-a-ß-fn¬ Gsd N¿® sNø-s∏-´p. PUvPn-am-cpsS ]cm-a¿i-ßfpw hn[n-Ifpw Xe-\m-cn-gIodn N¿® sNø-s∏-´p. PpUo-jy¬ At\z-jWIΩoj\p ap∂n¬ \¬Ip∂ samgnIƒ AtX-]Sn ]pdØp am[y-a-ßfpsS ap∂n-epw kcnXm \mbsc t]mep-≈h¿ shfn-s∏-Sp-Øn. Hmtcm shfn-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-w Nm\-epI-fn¬ aWn-°q-dp-I-tfmfw Kuc-h-amb N¿®-I-fmbpw AXn-\p-tijw Bt£-]-lmky ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fmbpw Ah-X-cn-∏n-°-s∏-´p. Sn.-hn. N¿®-I-fnse Ah-Xm-c-I-cpsS Aan-Xm-thihpw AXn-cp-hn´ Bfl-hn-izm-khpw hna¿i\w £Wn®p hcp-Øn. \nb-a-sØ -Ip-dn®pw tImSXn \S]-Sn-Isf Ipdn®pw IrXy-amb hnh-c-an-√mØ Npcp°w t]sc-¶nepw N¿®-I-fn¬ Dƒs∏-´Xpw tXm∂nbsXms° hnfn-®p-]-d-™Xpw Imcy-߃ IqSp-X¬ hj-fm-°n. N¿®-I-fn-te°p £Wn®p hcp-Øp-∂h¿°p hnj-bsØ Ipdnt®m \nbahyh-ÿsb Ipdnt®m `c-W-L-S-\sb Ipdnt®m hnh-chpw Adn-hp-ans√∂ Bt£-]hpw i‡-am-bn. am[y-a-hn-Nm-cW ]cn[n-hn-Sp-∂p-sh∂pw PpUo-jy-dnsb t]mepw kzm[o-\n°p-∂-Xmbpw A`n-{]m-b-ß-fp-≠m-bXv Cu ]›m-Ø-eØn-em-Wv. Cu h¿Ø-am-\-Ime`qan-I-bn¬ \n-∂p-sIm≠p thWw am[yahnNm-c-Wsb°pdn-®p≈ hne-bn-cpØepw hni-I-e-\hpw \S-t°-≠-Xv. "am[yahnNm-cW' F∂ kw⁄-bn-eqsS hnh-£n-°p-∂Xv F¥m-sW∂ tNmZyw Xs∂-bmWv BZyw CgIo-d-s∏-tS-≠-sX∂p tXm∂p-∂p. \nb-a-kw-hn-[m-\hpw \oXn-\ymb {]{In-bbp-ambn _‘-s∏´ ]Z-amWp hnNm-c-W. am[yahm¿Ø-I-fp-sStbm N¿®-I-fp-sS-tbm, CS-s]-Sep-I-fp-sStbm ^e-ambn ap≥hn[n krjvSn-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xm-Wp am[y-a-hn-Nm-c-W-sb∂p Npcp-°-Øn¬ ]d-bmw. kaq-l-Øns‚ A`n-{]mbcq]o-I-c-WØn-¬ am[y-a-ß-ƒ°p≈ ]¶pw kzm[o-\hpw D]-tbm-K-s∏-SpØn hy‡n-Isfbpw {]ÿm-\-ß-sfbpw Ip‰m-tcm-]n-X-cm-°p-Ibpw \oXn]q¿hI-amb hnNm-c-W-bv°p≈ Ip‰m-tcm-]n-Xs‚ Ah-Imiw l\n°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂psh-∂mWv CXneqsS A¿∞-am-°p-∂Xv. Ip‰m-tcm-]n-X-\m-Ip-∂Xp sIm≠p-am{Xw Hcmƒ Ip‰-hm-fn-bm-Ip∂n-s√∂pw \nba{]{In-b-bn-eqsS Ip‰w sXfn-bn-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xp hsc \nc-]-cm-[n-bm-bmWv Abmsf ]cn-KWn-t°-≠-sX∂ \oXn-im-kv{Xhpw Db¿∂p hcp-∂p. tImfn-f°w krjvSn® ]e tIkp-I-fnepw Btcm]-W-ß-fnepw am[y-a-߃ \nc-¥cw am¿®v 2016
\S-Øp∂ N¿®-Ifpw A`n-ap-J-ßfpw sXfnhp \nc-Øepw Hcp-Xcw D∑m-Zm-hÿ krjvSn®p kmaq-lym-¥-co-£w kwL¿j`cn-X-am-°p∂Xmbpw tImS-Xn-Isf kzm[o-\n-°p-∂-Xmbpw hne-bn-cp-Ø-ep-≠v. \ymbm-[n-]-∑m¿ t]mepw ap≥hn-[n°pw kmaqlykΩ¿±-Øn\pw ASns∏-Sp∂ Ahÿ CXp-hgn krjvSn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. \njv]£hnNm-c-Wsb∂ \oXn-\ymbhyh-ÿ-bpsS BWn-°-√n-\mWv Cf°w X´p-∂-Xv. CXn-s\√mw Ht´sd DZm-l-c-W-ßfpw "am[y-a-hn-Nm-cW'bpsS hna¿iI¿ apt∂m-´p-h-bv°p-∂p. emhven≥ tIkpw tkmfm¿ hnhm-Z-hpw _m¿ tImgt°kpw kao-]-Im-eØp tIc-f-Øn¬ Db¿Øn-°m-´p∂ DZm-l-c-W-ß-fm-Wv. Nm\-ep-I-fpsS hc-hn\p apºv A®Snam[y-a-ßfpsS A°u-≠n¬ hchp hbv°-s∏-´ Nmct°kpw as‰m-cp-Zm-l-c-Wam-Wv. tZiobXe-Øn¬ Bcp-jn- X¬hm¿ h[w, Pko° em¬ sIme-]m-X-Iw, {]nb-Z¿in\n am´q tIkv, \nXojv ISm-c -tI-kv, _nP¬ tPmjn-bpsS _em-’wKt°kv XpSßn Ht´sd DZm-l-c-Wß-fp-≠v. Cu tIkp-I-fn-se√mw tImSXn hnNm-c-Wbv°p apºp-Xs∂
am¿®v 2016
am[y-a-߃ {]Xn-∏-´nI Xbmdm-°epw sXfn-sh-Sp-∏pw hnNm-c-Wbpw in£m-hn[nbpw \S-Øn-sb-∂mWp s]mXp-hmb hne-bn-cp-ج. CXn-eqsS tImS-Xn-bpsS \oXn\n¿h-lW [¿aw XS- s∏-Sp-Øn-sb-∂-XmWp am[y-a߃s°-Xntc Nm¿Ø-s∏Sp∂ Kpcp-X-c-amb Ip‰w. F∂m¬ P\m-[n]Xyhyh-ÿ-bpsS \memw XqWmbpw Xncp-ج i‡nbmbpw AwKo-I-cn-°-s∏´ am[y-a-ß-fpsS {Inbm-fl-Iamb CS-s]-S-ep-Iƒ apgp-h≥ CØ-c-Øn¬ Bt£-]n-°s∏-tS-≠-Xpt≠m? \oXn]q¿hamb hnNm-cW Ip‰m-tcm-]nXs‚ am{X-a√ kaq-l-Øns‚ apgp-h≥ Ah-Im-i-ambn ImtW-≠-Xnt√? At\zjWw icn-bmb Zni-bn-e√ t]mIp-∂sX∂p t_m[y-am-bm¬ AXp N¿® sNøp-Ibpw Xpd∂p Im´p-Ibpw sNøp-∂-Xn-eqsS kaq-lXmXv]-cy-at√ kwc-£n-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv! kao]ImeØp C¥y-bn¬ {]tXy-In®v tIc-f-Øn¬ am[ya CS-s]-S-ens‚ ^e-ambn F{Xtbm Agn-a-Xn-Iƒ ]pdØp h∂p. ]e tIkp-I-fp-sSbpw At\z-j-W-Øn¬ hgn-Øn-cn-hp-≠m-bn. Sp.-Pn. kvs]Iv{Sw, I¬°cn Ipw`-tIm-Ww, tIma¨ sh¬Øv sKbnwkv Agn-a-Xn, G‰hpw HSp-hn¬ sslZcm-_mZv k¿h-I-em-ime-bn¬ tcmlnXv thaq-e-bpsS Bfl-
l-Xy, Ct∏mƒ henb hnhm-Zhpw tImem-l-ehp-ambn ]cn-W-an-°p∂ sP.-F≥.-bp. Imºknse kw`-h-hn-Im-k-߃ XpSßn F{Xsb{X DZm-l-c-W-߃. `c-W-Ønse D∂-XcpsS Agn-a-Xn-Iƒ°pw `c-W-Iq-S-Øns‚ `oI-cX-bv°p-sa-Xntc am[y-a-߃ IqSn IÆ-S-®n-cp-∂m¬ \ΩpsS P\m-[n-]Xy-Øns‚ KXnsb-¥mIpw? tIc-f-Ønte°p h∂m¬ N{μ-t_mkv h[t°-kn¬ tImSoiz-c-\mb \nkmw in£n-°-s∏-´Xp am[ya Pm{K-XbpsS anI® N{μ-t_mkv ZrjvSm-¥-am-Wv. tkmfm¿, _m¿ tImg-t°-kp-I-fpsS Imcy-Ønepw {]Xn-]£ cmjv{SobI£n-I-tf-°mƒ Pm{K-Xbpw DØ-chm-Zn-Xzhpw ImWn®Xp am[y-a-ß-fm-sW-∂Xnepw kwi-b-ap-≠m-tI≠ Imcy-an-√. AXpsIm≠p Xs∂ am[y-a-ß-fpsS CS-s]-S-ep-Itfbpw hna¿i-\-ß-sfbpw "am[y-a-hn-Nm-cW' F∂v AS-®m-t£-]n-°p-∂Xv AanXefn-X-hXvI-c-W-amsW∂p ]d-tb-≠n-hcpw. Nne-t∏m-sg√mw A]-{`w-i-ßfpw s{]m^j-W¬ hogvN-Ifpw kw`-hn-°p-∂p-≠m-Imw.
am[y-a-ßfpw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Icpw Zpcp-t±-iytØmsS Hcn-°epw {]h¿Øn-®n-´n-s√t∂m {]h¿Øn-°p-∂n-s√t∂m Xo¿Øp ]d-bm-\p-am-In-√. ]t£, AØcw hogvN-Iƒ am[y-a-߃°pw am[y-a{]-h¿Ø-I¿°pw am{X-a-s√-∂Xpw AwKo-I-cn-t°-≠Xp-≠v. hnizm-k-Ø-I¿®-bpsS Imcy-sa-Sp-Øm¬ am[y-a-߃°p am{X-a√ AXp _m[-Iw. cmjv{So-b˛ `cWt\Xr-Xz-ßfpw PpUo-jy-dnbpw A\p-Zn\w hnizm-k-Ø-I¿® t\cn-Sp-∂p-≠v. tXm∂n-b-sX√mw hnfn®p ]d-bp∂ ]nghv tImS-Xn-I-fn¬ ]e-h´w kw`-hn-®Xpw ASp-ØnsS Bh¿Øn®p I≠p. B \nebv°p hne-bn-cp-Ønbm¬ kaq-l-Øn¬ kw`-hn-°p∂ s]mXp-hmb Po¿WX am{X-amWv am[y-a-ß-fnepw kw`-hn-°p-∂-sX∂v AwKo-I-cnt°-≠n-h-cpw. kzIm-cy-Xbv-°p≈ Ah-Im-ihpw Adn-bm-\p≈ AhIm-ihpw XΩn-ep-≠m-Ip∂ A\n-hm-cy-amb kwL-´-\ambpw am[y-a-hn-Nm-c-Wsb hne-bn-cp-Ømw. kzIm-cyX hy‡n-bpsS Ah-Im-i-am-Wv. Adn-bm-\p≈ Ah-Imiw kaq-l-Øn-t‚-Xpw. c≠n\pw \nb-a]chpw `c-W-L-S-\m-]-c-hp-amb kwc-£-Wap≠v. ]t£, c≠n\pw ]cn-an-Xn-I-fp-ap-≠v. c≠pw \ncp-]m-[nI-a-√. Hcp km[m-cW a\p-jy-s\bpw s]mXp-{]-h¿Ø-Is\bpw Htc KW-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-Sp-Øm-\m-In-√. A[n-Imcw ssIbm-fp-∂-h-cpw kºØv ssIb-S-°n-h-bv°p-∂-hcpw kq£va-\n-co-£-W-Øn\p hnt[-b-cm-°-s∏SWw. Ah-cpsS sNbvXn-Iƒ°v Hcp km[m-cW a\p-jy\p kzIm-cy-X-bpsS t]cn¬ e`n-°p∂ kwc-£Ww In´n-sb-∂p-h-cn-√. hyh-ÿnXn-bpsSbpw \nb-a-Øn-s‚bpw t]cn¬ Ah¿ A\p-`-hn-°p∂ {]tXy-Im-h-Im-i-߃°pw ku`m-Ky-߃°pw \¬tI-≠n-hcp∂ adp-hn-e-bmWv CØcw kq£va-\n-co-£-Whpw hna¿i\hpw hnNm-c-W-bpw. AXp P\m-[n-]-Xy-hy-h-ÿn-Xn-bn¬ kaq-l-Øns‚ Ah-Im-ihpw kzmX-{¥y-hp-am-Wv. s]mXp-P-\Øn-\p≈ Cu Ah-Imiw am[y-a-߃°pw am[ya{]h¿ØI¿°p-ap≠v. AXp-sIm≠pXs∂ Dt±iy ip≤n-tbm-sS-bp≈ am[ya CS-s]-S-ep-I-sf-sb√mw "am[y-a-hn-Nm-cW'bmbn ]¿hXo-I-cn®p alm-]m-]-ambn ap{Z-b-Sn-t°-≠-Xpt≠m F∂ ho≠p-hn-Nm-chpw hnNn-¥-\hpw A`n-Im-ay-am-Wv. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
amXr-`qanbpsS ap≥ kvs]jy¬ Id-kvt]m-≠‚mWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬: georgepodippara@gmail.com am¿®v 2016
sNdp-Ic kÆn eqt°mkv
tIm¿∏-td-‰p-Iƒ kz¥-am-°p-tºmƒ amdp∂
.-F≥.-bp. hnZym¿∞n-Isf s^{_p-hcn 9˛se kw`-h-ß-fp-ambn _‘s∏´v tZi-hn-cp-≤-cmbn Nn{XoI-cn-°m≥- B-bp-[-am-°nb hoUntbm Zriy-߃ Ir{Xn-aam-bn- Iq-´n-t®¿Ø-Xm-sW∂v aPn-kvt{S‰v Xe At\z-j-WØn¬ hy‡-am-b-tXmsS cmPysØ Nne apJy-[mcm am[y-a-ß-fpsS \n£n]vX AP-≠-Iƒ IqSn Xpd∂p Im´-s∏-´n-cn-°p-I-bmWv. ko \yqkv, ssSwkv \u, \yqkv FIvkv, C¥y Sn.hn. XpSßnb Nm\-ep-Iƒ sP.-F≥.bp. hnZym¿∞n-Isf cmPyt{Zm-ln-I-fmbn Nn{Xo-I-cn°m≥ kwL-Sn-X-amb \o°I\-ø-Ip-am¿ Da¿Jm-enZv amWp \S-Øn-bXv. CXn\p ]n∂n¬ tZi-kvt\-l-Øns‚ adsP.-F≥.-bp.-hn¬ \S∂ ]cn-]m-Sn-bn¬ hnZym¿∞n hn¬ Sn.-B¿.-]n. td‰nMv Db¿Øp∂ I®-h-SbqWn-b≥ {]kn-U‚ v I\-ø-Ip-am¿ ]mIn-ÿm-\-\p-Iq-e-ambn X{¥w am{X-am-sW∂p Icp-tX-≠-Xn-√. C¥yap{Zm-hm-Iy-߃ hnfn-°p∂ Zriy-ß-fmWv c≠p Znh-k-Ønbnse h≥InS am[y-a-ßsf tIm¿∏-td-‰p-Iƒ \p -tijw Nne Nm\-ep-Iƒ kwt{]-jWw sNbvX-Xv. I\-øhngp-ßp-∂-Xns‚ {]Xym-LmXw IqSn-bmWv CXv. am[y-a-ß-fpsS DS-a-ÿ-cmb tIm¿∏-td-‰p- Ip-amdpw Da¿Jm-enZpw cmPy-t{Zm-l-{]-h¿Ø-\-߃°p `oI-ckw-L-S-\-I-fn¬ \n∂v A®mcw ]‰n-bh-cm-sW∂v \yqkv Iƒ°p ]e AP-≠-Iƒ D≈-Xn¬ `c-W-IqAh¿ N¿®-I-fn¬ hm¿Øm-h-Xm-c-I¿ hn[n {]Jym]n®p. SsØ {]oXn-s∏-Sp-Øp-I-sb-∂Xpw s]Spw. am¿®v 2016
ko \yqkv Nm\¬ ]pd-Øp-hn´ Zriy-ß-fpsS ASn-ÿm-\-Øn-emWp t]meokv I\-ø-Ip-am-dn\pw a‰pw FXntc tIsk-Sp-Ø-Xv. XpS¿∂v I\-øsb AdÃp sNbvXv Pbn-en¬ AS-bv°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. A¿W_v tKmkzman \bn-°p∂ ssSwkv \u Sn.-hn. Nm\epw hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°p t\tc cq£-amb IS-∂m{I-a-W-amWp \S-Øn-b-Xv. tZi-hn-cp≤{]kwKØns‚ho-Untbm ]e-h´w ImWn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. F∂m¬ I\ø ]mIn-ÿm-\-\p-Iq-e-ambn ap{Zm-hmIyw hnfn-°p-∂-Xmbn {]N-cn-∏n-°m≥ D]-tbm-Kn® hoUntbm-Iƒ hymP-am-sW∂v sslZ-cm-_m-Znse {SqØv em_n¬ \S-Ønb t^md≥knIv ]cn-tim-[-\-bn¬ sXfn-™p.
sP.-F≥.-bp. hnZym¿∞n-Isf cmPy-t{Zm-ln-Ifmbn ap{Z-Ip-Øm≥ ko \yqkv sX‰mb hgn-Iƒ kzoI-cn-®-Xn¬ {]Xn-tj[w {]I-Sn-∏n®v Nm\-ense Hu´v]p´v sUkvIv s{]mUyq-k¿ hniz-Zo-]Iv tPmen cmPn-h®p ÿm]\w hn´Xv ko \yqkn\p I\Ø Xncn-®-Sn-bm-bn. FUn-‰¿°p hniz-Zo-]Iv Ab® hniZ-amb cmPn-°-Øn¬ ko \yqkns‚ AP-≠-Iƒ Xpd∂p ImWn-°p-∂p-≠v. GXm-bmepw sP.-F≥.-bp. kw`hw C¥y-bnse Hcp hn`mKw tIm¿∏-td‰v am[ya-ß-fpsS t_m[-]q¿Δhpw ]£-]m-X-]-c-hp-amb hm¿Øm dnt∏m¿´n-ßns\ Ipdn®v s]mXp-hmb [mcW e`n-°p-∂-Xn\v Ah-k-c-am-bn. I¬°cn Ipw`-tImWw tIkn¬ Pn≥Um¬ {Kq∏n-s\-Xn-cmb hm¿Ø sImSp-°p-∂Xp \n¿Øn-hbv°p-∂-Xn\v ko \yqkv 100 tImSn cq] Bh-iy-s∏Sp-∂-Xns‚ sXfn-hp-Ifpw ]cm-Xn-Ifpw ]pdØp h∂n´pw ]n∂oSp hm¿Ø-b-√m-Xm-bn-cp∂p F∂Xv Cu L´-Øn¬ kvac-Wo-b-am-Wv. {]kv Iu¨kn¬, {Smbn (sS-en-t^m¨ sdKpte-‰dn AtXm-dn‰n Hm^v C¥y) sk_n (tÃm°v FIvkvtN©v _yqtdm Hm^v C¥y) ]m¿e-sa‚dn
Ãm≥UnMv IΩn‰n F∂o kan-Xn-Iƒ am[y-a-ß-fpsS DS-a-ÿX tI{μo-I-cn-°p-∂-Xnse A]-I-S-ßsf Ipdn®v ]n∂n´ h¿j-ß-fn¬ Kuc-h-ta-dnb \nco-£-W߃ \S-Øn-bn-cp-∂p. F∂n´pw \ΩpsS s]mXp-k-aql-Øns‚ {]Xn-\n-[n-Ifpw am[y-a-ta-J-e-bn-ep-≈-hcpw AXp Kuc-h-ambn FSp-Øn-√. Ct∏mƒ Imcy-߃ F{X-tØmfw Kpcp-X-c-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p-sh∂v kao-]Ime kw`-h-hn-Im-k-߃ sXfn-bn-°p-∂p. tIm¿∏-td‰v DS-a-ÿ-X-bn-ep≈ am[y-a-ÿm-]-\߃°p em`w am{X-amWv BXy-¥nI e£yw. AXn\-h¿ F¥p am¿§hpw kzoI-cn-°pw. am[y-a-[m¿an-IX {]iv\-a-√. \nb-{¥-W-an-√mØ am[ya DS-a-ÿXbv°p _‘-ap-s≠∂v {Smbn-bpsS N¿®m tcJ-bn¬ ap∂-dnbn∏p \¬In-b, sSen-hn-j≥ Nm\ep-IfpsS tIm¿∏-td-‰v˛ cmjv{Sob tem_n-bn-Mv, ]£-]m-X-]-c-amb hni-I-e-\-߃, {]h-N-\-߃ sk≥tk-j-W-enkw D≠m-°p-∂Xn-\p≈ t_m[-]q¿Δ-amb dnt∏m¿´n-Mv, s]bvUv \yqkv F∂nh \ΩpsS am[y-a-cw-KØv C∂p km[m-c-W-kw-`-h-ambn amdnbn-cn-°p-∂p. 2012 \p ap≥]v Hcp am[y-ahpw kz¥-am-bn-√m-Xn-cp∂ C¥y-bnse G‰hpw kzm[o-\-ap≈ hyh-km-b{Kq-∏mb dne-b≥kv C∂p cmPysØ G‰hpw henb am[ya DSa IqSn-bm-Wv. F≥.-Un. Sn.-hn, kn.-F≥.-F≥˛ sF.-_n.-F≥, C≥Uy Sn.-hn, \yqkv t\j≥, \yqkv 24 F∂o {]apJ Cw•o-jv˛ lnμn \mj-W¬ Nm\-ep-Ifpw Cu\mSv AS°-ap≈ {]mtZ-inI s\‰v h¿°v Nm\-ep-Ifpw Aw_m\n ktlm-Z-c-∑m-cnse apXn¿∂-bm-fmb aptIjv Aw_m-\n-bpsS \nb-{¥-W-Øn-em-Wv. A\p-
am¿®v 2016
cq] A\p-h-Zn-®Xv 2 Pn Ipw`-tIm-W-Øn¬ Is≠-Øn-bn-cp-∂p. 2004 apX¬ 2011 hsc C¥y-bn¬ \S∂ I¬°cn Ipw`-tImWw 2012 ¬ kn. & F.-Pn. ]pdØp sIm≠ph∂-t∏mƒ am{XamWv temIw Adn-™-Xv. I¬°cn Ipw`tIm-W-Øn¬ kn.- & F.-Pn. Ip‰°msc∂p Is≠-Ønb 40 Hmfw Iº-\n-I-fn¬ 30 Hmfw t]¿°pw t\cnt´m A√m-sXtbm C¥y-bnse {]ap-J-am-[y-a-ß-fn¬ apX¬ apS-°p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. AXn-\m-emWv Ggp h¿j-tØmfw Cu h≥sIm≈ am[y-a-ß-fneqsS shfn-®Øp hcm-Xn-cp-∂Xv. B{‘-bnse IrjvW˛tKmZm-hcn XSdq∏¿´v a¿tUm°v {]Xypjv kn≥lØn¬ s]t{Sm-fnbw Kymkv ]cy-th-£Ww \SØn Is≠-Øn-b-Xmbn {]N-cn-∏n®v Hml-cn-hne P≥ A\n¬ Aw_m-\n-bm-Is´, IS-∏-{X-am-bn-´pw Db¿Øn h≥ X-´n-∏mWp aptIjv Aw_m-\n-bpsS Hmlcnbmbn´pw Ht´sd am[y-a-ÿm-]-\-ß-fn¬ Iº\n \S-Øn-bXv. sI.-Pn. t_kn≥ X´n-∏ns‚ sXfnapX¬ apS-°n-bn-cn-°p∂p. hp-Iƒ, tcJ-Iƒ, F{X-sb{X sXfn-hp-Iƒ kJmhv BtKmf am[y-a- `o-a≥ dq∏¿´v a¿tUm°v 1993 Kpcp-Zmkv Zmkv Kp]vX am[y-a-߃°p hnX-cWw ¬ Ãm¿ Sn.-hn. hmßn-s°m-≠mWv C¥y-bn¬ Imep-dsNbvXp. ]t£, C¥y-bnse {]ap-J-am-[y-a-߃ ∏n-®-Xv. a¿tUm-°ns‚ Ãm¿ C¥y°v ae-bm-f-Ønse H∂pw CtX-°p-dn®v an≠n-b-tX-bn-√. I¬°cn Ipw`Gjym-s\‰v hnt\m-Z-Nm-\-ep-I-f-S°w cmPyØp tImWw tIkn¬ am[ya DS-a-ÿ-X-bp≈ Ipam-c-awhnhn[ `mj-I-fn-embn 62 Nm\-ep-Iƒ \nb-{¥-W-ØnKew _n¿f°v FXntc F^v.-sF.B¿. cPn-ÿ ep-≠v. tIc-f-Ønse 60 e£w tI_nƒ Sn.-hn. D]-t`msNbvX-t∏mƒ h≥InS am[y-a-߃ kwL-Sn-X-ambn ‡m-°-fpsS tI_nƒ hmSI h¿≤n-∏n-°m≥ Ãm¿ kn.-_n.-sF.-s°-Xntc Xncn-bp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. F√mC¥y hfsc GI-]-£o-b-am-bmWv CubnsS {iaw hcpw {]Xo-£-tbmsS I≠n-cp∂ sXl¬°bpw HSp\SØnb-sX∂v tI_nƒ Sn.-hn. Hm∏-td-t‰gvkv Atkmhn¬ tIm¿∏-td‰v tamU¬ Agn-a-Xn-bn¬ apßp-∂Xp kn-tb-j≥ Btcm-]n-®n-cp-∂p. IqSmsX 2005 ¬ \mw I≠-Xm-Wv. IÃwkv \nIp-Xn, BZm-b-\n-IpXn ÿm]n® Pq∏n-‰¿ Im∏n-‰¬ hI aoUnb ÿm]-\-ßC\-ß-fn¬ At\-I-e£w tImSn cq]-bpsS Cf-hp-Ifnepw a¿tUm-°ns‚ Ãm¿ C¥y C≥shÃv sNbvXn´p-≠v. Cßs\ cmPysØ am[y-a-ßsf tIm¿∏-td-‰pIƒ Zn\w-{]Xn hngp-ßn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. temI-sa-ºmSpw tIm¿∏-td‰v ÿm]-\-߃ am[y-a-ßsf ssIb-S-°n-s°m-≠n-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. CXv C¥y-bnepw AXn-thKw kw`-hn-°p-∂p. h≥InS tIm¿∏-td-‰p-Iƒ Htc kabw hnhn-[-Xcw am[y-aßsf hcp-Xn-bn¬ \n¿Øp∂ {]hWXbv°v C¥ybn¬ \nb-{¥-W-ß-fn-√. cmPyØv G‰hpw henb Agn-aXn \S-°p-∂Xv tIm¿∏-td‰v taJ-e-bn-em-Wv. Nne h≥In-S-am-[y-a-ßfpsS {]Xn-\n-[n-Iƒ tI{μ sSentImw hIp-∏n¬ F. cmPsb a{¥n-bm-°m-\p≈ Z√mƒ ]Wn-sb-Sp-Øt∏mƒ 2 Pn kvs]Iv{Sw hn‰-Xn¬ Ht∂-ap-°m¬ e£w tImSn cq] \jvS-ap-≠m-sb∂p kn. & F.-Pn. ]d™ {Ia-t°Sv ]pdØp sIm≠p hcp-∂-Xn¬ \n¿Wm-b-I]¶p hln-®Xv A∂sØ hnPn-e≥kv IΩo-j-W-dm-bncp∂ {]Xypjv kn≥l-bm-Wv. ]ns∂ ]b-\o-b¿ ]{XØn¬ {]h¿Øn-°p∂ ae-bmfn ]{X {]h¿Ø-I≥ sP. tKm]o-Ir-jvW-\pw. h≥InS tIm¿∏-td-‰p-I-fp-sS, Hcp A°u≠v t]mepw Bcw-`n-°mØ IS-emkv Iº\n-Iƒ°v s]mXp-ta-Jem _m¶p-Iƒ 26,000 tImSn am¿®v 2016
fm-Wv- Hmtcm tI{μ-_-P-‰nepw tIm¿∏-td‰p-Iƒ°mbn {]Jym-]n-°p-∂-Xv. cmPyØv 19 ap≥\nc_m¶p-I-fpsS In´m-°Sw 2015 am¿®v 31 \v 2.3 e£w tImSn cq]-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Ign™ aq∂p h¿j-Øn-\p-≈n¬ 1.14 e£w tImSn cq]bpsS In´m-°Sw Fgp-Xn-Ø-≈n-b-XmbmWp dnt∏m¿´v. CXp tZio-b-X-e-Øn¬ hm¿Ø-bm-Im≥ kp{]ow tImS-Xn-bpsS ]cm-a¿iw th≠n-h-∂p. _m¶n\p `oaamb IpSn-inI hcp-Ønb sU°m¨ t{ImWn-°n-fns‚ sdÕn ktlm-Z-c-∑m¿ Ah-cpsS BkvXnbpw kzØp-°fpw kzIm-cy-ambn am‰n-sb-SpØ tij-amWv IpSn-inI Xncn®p ]nSn-°m-\p≈ \S-]-SnIƒ _m¶v Bcw-`n-®Xv. s]mXp-J-P-\mhn¬ \n∂p s]mXp-P-\sØ I_-fn-∏n®v tIm¿∏-td-‰p-Iƒ ssI°-em-°p∂ sIm≈ap-X¬ A\ym-b-ambn A\p-`-hn-°p∂ s]mXp-{]-Ir-Xn-hn-`-h-߃ F∂n-hsb Ipdn-®p≈ hnh-c-߃ aqSn-h-bv°m≥ am[ya DS-aÿX sIm≠v Ah¿°p km[n-°p-∂p. C¥y-bnse G‰hpw henb ]{X-amb ssSwkv Hm^v C¥y-bpsS DS-a-ÿ¿ s_\‰v tImƒam≥ B≥Uv Iº-\n-bmWp am[y-a-cw-KØv 2003 ¬ kzImcy DS-ºSn (ss{]-h‰v {So‰n) XpS-ßn-h-®-Xv. C∂p ]ecpw B coXn ]n¥p-S-cp-∂p. ss{]h‰v {So‰n F∂Xp am[y-ahpw kzIm-cy-I-º-\n-Ifpw XΩn-ep≈ DS-º-Sn-I-fm-Wv. Iº-\n-I-fpsS ]c-ky-߃ kuP-\yambpw hm¿Ø-Iƒ DuXn-s∏-cp-∏n®pw \¬Ip-I. AXn\p {]Xn-^-e-ambn B Iº-\n-bn¬ ]{X-ÿm-]\-Øn\v Hmlcn \¬Ip-I. ssSwkv Hm^v C¥y°v C{]-Imcw 220 ¬ A[nIw Iº-\n-I-fn¬ Hml-cnbp≠v. Cu Iº-\n-I-fpsS D¬]-∂-ßsf Ipdn®v ]¿hXo-I-cn®p hm¿Ø-Iƒ sImSp-°pI hgn D]-t`m-‡m-hns\bpw Hmlcn hn]-Wn-sbbpw \nt£-]-I-scbpw h©n-°p-I-bmWv Cu am[y-a-ÿm-]-\-߃ sNøp-∂sX∂p sk_nbpw Nq≠n-°m-´n-bn-´p-≠v. Hcp ÿm]\w Htc-k-abw am[y-a-cw-KØp {]n‚ v, Sn.-hn., tdUn-tbm, C‚¿s\-‰v, sSentImw taJe-I-fn¬ am[ya DS-a-I-fm-bn-Øo-cp-∂Xp P\m-[n-]XysØ kw_-‘n®v henb sh√p-hn-fn-bm-Wv. hnIknX-P-\m-[n-]-Xy-cm-Py-ß-fn¬ t]mepw Cßs\ A\ph-Zn-°p-∂n-√. \n߃ F¥p hmbn-°-Ww, ImW-Ww, tIƒ°Ww Fs∂√mw H‰-°-º\n Xocp-am-\n-°p-IbmWp t{Imkv HmW¿jn-∏n¬. CXp \ΩpsS P\m-[n]-Xy-tØbpw _lp-kz-c-X-tbbpw \nc¿∞-I-am°p∂p. Iº-\n-bpsS AP-≠bpw ÿm]nX XmXv]-cyhp-a-√msX hn`n-∂-ß-fmb ho£-W-ßfpw \ne-]m-SpIfpw A`n-{]m-b-ßfpw Adn-bm-\p≈ \ΩpsS Ah-Imi-߃ Ch¿ \ntj-[n-°p-∂p.
DS-a-ÿ-X-bnse tI{μo-I-cWw D≠m-°p∂ IpØI a‰p hyh-km-b-ß-fn¬ krjvSn-°pI kmºØn-I-amb {]iv\-ß-fm-Wv. ]t£, am[y-a-ß-fpsS DSa-ÿX tI{μo-Ir-X-am-Ip-tºmƒ AXp-≠m-°pI kmº-Øn-I-Nq-jWw am{X-a-√. P\-߃ F¥p hmßWw, F¥v Adn-b-Ww, F¥p Nn¥n-°-Ww, Bsc sXc-s™-Sp-∏n¬ Pbn-∏n-°-Ww, k¿°m¿ F¥p \b-߃ \S-∏n-em-°Ww Fs∂√mw Cu tIm¿∏-td‰v DS-a-Iƒ Xocp-am-\n-°p∂ Ah-ÿ-bnte°v Cu {]h-WX \bn-°pw. am[y-a-ssh-hn[yw acn®m¬, P\m-[n-]Xyw C√m-Xm-hpw, _lp-kz-cX C√mXm-hpw. kXyw Adn-bm-\p≈ P\-ß-fpsS Ah-Imiw a\p-jymh-Im-i-am-Wv. ]e am[y-a-ÿm-]-\-ß-fnepw apX¬ apS-°n-bhsc Ipdn-®pw, kmº-ØnI aqe-[-\-Øns‚ D≈p-I≈n-Ifpw s]mXp-P-\-Øn¬ \n∂p Zpcp-t±-i-tØmsS ad-®p-h-bv°-s∏-Sp-I-bmWp sNøp-∂-Xv. \n£n]vX XmXv]-cy-°m¿ am[y-a-cw-KsØ X´n-sb-Sp-°p-∂n-s√∂p-d∏p hcp-Øm≥ F√m-h¿°pw IS-a-bp-≠v. cmPysØ {][m\ am[y-a-ß-sf-sb√mw tIm¿∏-td-‰pIƒ hngp-ßm≥ CS-h-cp-ØmsX tIm¿∏-td‰v CXc am[y-a-hy-h-km-b-Øn\p \ne-\n¬∏n-\p≈, hf¿®-bp≠m-Im-\p≈ kml-Ncyw krjvSn-°p-I-bmWp k¿°mcpw kaq-lhpw sNtø-≠-Xv. As√-¶n¬ tIm¿∏-td‰v AP-≠-Iƒ°-\p-kr-Xamb hymP-ho-Un-tbm-Ifpw hymP-hm¿Ø-Ifpw kXysa∂ \ne-bn¬ {]N-cn-∏n-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xp k¿Δ-km-[m-cW-ambn amdpw. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan P\-d¬ Iu¨kn¬ AwKhpw tIc-f-i_vZw kvs]jy¬ Id-kvt]m-≠‚pam-Wv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬: cherukara9@gmail.com am¿®v 2016
Dr. A. Michael Puthenthara
he inaugural issue of the Hindu from Mumbai (November 28,2015) carried an enlightening, albeit personal interview with the acclaimed Baadshah of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan (SRK). SRK said in the interview that his main reason for reading a newspaper was that he expected a more detailed information from a newspaper because its journalists had 24 hours to have found out more, compared to the ‘instant journalism’ practised by a television news channel. Regrettably, however, he went on to add that newspapers have become more like Bollywood, rather what the latter is blamed for – ‘commerce, entertainment, no thought, over-thetop narratives, two songs and item numbers.’ SRK called this trend among the media the Bollywoodisation of newspapers ! Even since the grant old lady of Boribunder (Times of India) was audacious enough to am¿®v 2016
Shah Rukh Khan redefine its reason for being as to be part of the entertainment industry, rather than news industry, with consequent metamorphosis in the profile of the newspaper (e.g. Editor replaced by a marketing director), what SRK laments about
(15) appears to have come true. News today is more entertainment than verified information, whatever that may imply. The other news media, particularly the larger ones were not long in following the example set by TOI. SRK’s evaluation was not limited to newspapers alone either, but mutatis mutandis applicable to the whole news media. Obviously there are a few exceptions which emphasize credibility, integrity and authenticity of the information presented rather than entertainment.
Advertising The contention implied in this composition is that the Bollywoodisation tendency in the media has caught on to Indian advertising as well in a big way, particularly in the television channels. In the Kerala context this may be described as Mollywoodisation. Perhaps this development is not surprising. Because before the corporatisation of the media and the paid news syndrome becoming widespread, the news media depended heavily on advertising for profit, even for survival – and they still do. But with the media, without which advertising has no independent existence, wearing the garb of an entertainer, Indian advertising has opted (perhaps, compelled) to follow the path shown by the media. The vast Indian masses have always regarded cinema as synonymous with entertainment. Their access to any other form of entertainment was very much limited. The new generation who have discovered alternate avenues of entertainment would be an exception to this assessment. In any case, we have arrived at a situation, where advertising imitates cinema. How often we have mistaken an advertising commercial as a scene from (or trailer of ) the film we were watching ! During the unannounced commercial break we were often under the impression that the cinema continues, but later the realization dawns that what we were watching was just another one of those film commercials!
Naturally, a genuine query could be posed here: What exactly is wrong with that? The approach is short sighted on several counts. Advertising imitating cinema reduces it to being a publicity gimmick. But advertising is not and should not be a gimmick that mesmerizes the customer with its glitz and glamour, having no clear message about the product or service, persuading him to act (purchase). Obviously messages in a communication have to be presented enveloped in a host of techniques (props) such as celebrities, children, entertainment, sex, fashion, humour, life style and so on. But techniques
should remain the framework only and not the content of communication. The framework should be such that it should highlight the message, not confuse it or obliterate it. The exceptions not with standing, the message in the present day advertisements is either lost in the showmanship exhibited by the technique or it is just not there. As the renowned ad man, Alique Padamsee has said “ A viewer after seeing the advertisement is none the wiser as to what the brand stands for. And to that extent it is a clear waste of client’s money.” This is not to decry the value of entertainment in a commercial nor to denigrate am¿®v 2016
(16) celebrity endorsements. The crux of the matter is: what role does or should entertainment play in an ad commercial ? It appears that the makers of advertisements themselves have no clear perception on the matter. Classical advertisements are based on certain clear principles. One of them is AIDA ( Attention – Interest – Desire – Action ) Once a viewer has been attracted to the advertisement, rest of the principle involving evincing of interest, persuasion, and purchase, must be realized through what has been stated in the message which is the core of advertising. Naturally, the actualization of AIDA is not necessarily sequential; it could happen together, which is a matter of creativity. Consumers buy benefits, not products. The selling idea in the message is merely the benefit presented in compelling consumer language or visuals. It is provocatively presented that it wakes up the consumer. It is meaningful, it is credible. This believable big idea helps the brand to stand up for something specific in the mind of the consumer. That is how products become enduring brands. It is precisely on this point that advertising imitating cinema fails in its promotional role.
Cine stars / Celebrities Admittedly, using celebrities / cine stars in an advertisement is advantageous to project the
Sachin Tendulkar am¿®v 2016
Amitabh Bachchan values (benefits) in a brand. This is a widely accepted practice. The caveat here is that the celebrity chosen should represent those values (or the Unique Selling Proposition -USP) of the product / service in his / her persona. They should be icons of excellence themselves so that they can represent the excellence or superiority of a brand. Examples would be icons like Sachin Tendulkar, or Amitabh Bachchan for a variety of brands. On the other hand, where the product is substandard or harmful to the user, resorting to the use of such icons would be misleading the customer and also unethical. There are several cases in which this has happened, when the celebrities withdrew from the advertisements (E.g. Amitabh Bachchan from Pepsi; Madhuri Dixit from Maggie Noodles ). Similarly a superior product can acquire a bad image by associating itself with a celebrity who becomes suspect of wrong doing or just runs out of his / her ‘star’value – in which case the very purpose of using a celebrity is defeated. (The most recent example involves Maria Sharapova, the celebrated Russian Tennis Player, who lost over 200 crores in ad contracts after being branded as user of banned drugs.) The consistent use of cine stars in advertisements has had another collateral effect. The ‘model’ system which is an integral component of the advertising industry has been adversely affected. Models are replaced by stars
(17) with the consequence that the career development of the former are put in jeopardy. It is widely known that many have adopted a modeling career as a means of livelihood. However it is also a fact many of the successful models (mostly women) have graduated to films from their modeling career. Nevertheless, stars make big money in films, compared to the pittance models receive from their career. From a socio economic point of view and at the risk of being dubbed as narrow minded, raising the question : why should stars take away the bread and butter of the models seems relevant.. Kerala being more a State of shopkeepers than manufacturers, resorting to the use of popular actors for inauguration of shops and similar events to attract crowds have some relevance. But they provide only the initial publicity, which is rather ephemeral. Substantial advertisements on benefits to the customer should follow without delay to maintain the good will generated by the appearance of the celebrity. Obviously many do this. But there are also examples where it was not done with the consequence that a huge retail outlet (in Kochi) inaugurated by a highly popular cine star closed its shutters within a year of its inauguration.
the cinematisation of advertising. However, in the bygone years when the classical approach to advertising was the norm, the media played a prescriptive role in the creation of advertisements. Media had a clear perception on the non acceptance of advertisements ( largely by the print media) which they considered as offensive to public taste, harmful to children, lowering the dignity of women, subliminal sexual undertones and so on. Stipulations in this regard were actually acted upon. However such considerations are conspicuous by their absence today, particularly in the visual media. – unless of course , there is a financial consideration (to the benefit of the media) involved.
The Advertiser The other predominant dramatis personae of advertising such as the advertiser and the advertising agency, besides the media, are also responsible for the Bollywoodisation taking place in the advertising industry. The role of the advertiser is primary in the sense that he sets the ball rolling in the
The star system The star system in films is a contribution from Hollywood. But the system has been disbanded there some years ago and those who act in films are referred today as just actors. But this welcome change has not happened in India, where stars behave like demi gods among the largely unaware public. However, advertising exploiting this ethos to garner publicity for the products / service it is promoting cannot be faulted. But those who resort to it must be aware of its limitations as a persuasive communication method. It is also an easy way out from the onerous task of creating selling ideas that encapsulate the values of brands. Therefore it is not the metamorphosis of the media alone that is responsible for am¿Žv 2016
(18) ‘communication’ he wants. This attitude justifies the saying in the advertising industry that ‘a client get the advertisement he deserves.’
advertising process. For advertising is fundamentally a marketing function. The advertiser provides the marketing inputs for formulating an advertising strategy and the subsequence creative effort that results in the making of the advertisement. Providing marketing inputs (facts) is not as easy as it appears. It involves a clear perception of the target market for the product and the differential advantage which makes the product the most appropriate one to satisfy the needs of the target group, which in turn leads to the consideration of ‘positioning’ the product vis-avis its competition. Thus the marketing strategy provides the blue print for how the product should be promoted. Frequently, the role of advertising is to establish or reinforce the positioning defined in the marketing strategy. However the key factor of how advertising will work in a particular market depends on the consumer decision. The consumer decision determines whether the advertisement ought to consist in detailed information; a simplistic claim; feelings or associations. This implies that an analysis of the consumer needs of the target group is essential. The question relevant here: how many of the so called entertaining (cinematic) advertisement give considered attention to these factors ? Very few, indeed. Because, more often than not, the advertiser is not very much concerned about them and limits himself to proving a budget for just the am¿®v 2016
There is yet another category of advertisers who want to be creators of advertisements, even though they have appointed an ad agency for the purpose. They interfere in the creative process of the agency, although that is not the area of their competence. More often than not, their knowledge levels of advertising are limited to bits of knowledge picked up from here and there. Such interventions is also the reason why advertisements degenerate into cinematic exercises. What a professional advertiser or a good marketer would do is to appoint an ad agency with proven credentials to manage his communication requirements and then adopt the policy of ‘approve or disapprove, not improve.’
Ad Agency More than any other factor ( such as socio economic), the emergence of the advertising agency has been responsible for the growth of advertising into a much sought after modern marketing communication phenomenon. Therefore it is logical to assert that the kind of advertisement created also depends on the agency. The growth of the ad agency has not been haphazard but systematic based on sound principles and strategies of creativity, although creativity per se does not sell a product. One such principle is that the story of the product narrated in the advertisement should be simplified into one thought, one big idea. To exemplify, a tyre manufacturer has a new radial tyre. Under its rubber it has a nylon grip (reducing wear); under the nylon is a steel belt (pushing the tyre firmly on the road increasing its grip); and it has a competitive price. Thus there are so many elements in the story. But one great idea that emerges from all these details is of SAFETY (The car made driving safer !). This is a single minded proposition which Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates ad agency developed and called it the Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Instances in which a unique feature was unavailable, the selling ideas had to be based on a feature of the product no one else was using for similar products. It is when there is nothing of
(19) substance to be said about the product that the agency should resort to showmanship, particularly in the matter of products about which the public already has some knowledge, like baked breads, canned fruits, most shampoos, etc. Use of celebrities here becomes relevant and meaningful. However, a professional agency would do this only when the search for crafting a big idea has been exhausted. This brings us to the point of selection of ad agencies by advertisers. Where the criterion for selection is the amount of kickbacks the agency offers to the advertiser (a not so uncommon practice !) to obtain the account, the selection becomes a matter of a money deal, pure and simple. In that situation creativity, if at all it is considered, is relegated to the background. The agency would make no serious effort to provide professional counsel. The aim becomes not to think up the big idea and thus produce the best advertising possible, but to satisfy the idiosyncrasies or egotist whims
of the client somehow. The gyrations exhibited by the celebrity / cine star in the advertisement often becomes the short cut to achieve this. In such a context, need we look for any more reason for the degeneration of advertising into entertainment gimmicks ? Therefore the current scenario of Indian advertising with its emphases on entertainment reveals that the Bollywoodisation in the advertising industry is due to the confluence of varied interests, working together. Admittedly, advertising is a powerful socio economic force that impacts on the life and culture of the
people of the country in a fundamental manner. Its influence across the wide spectrum of the populace, from children to senior citizens is constant. It not only claims to satisfy our daily needs, but inspires new ones. It changes life styles. It makes us dream of things, we would not have normally thought of. Therefore it stands to reason that it should not be allowed to be hijacked by vested interests governed by greed. Advertising represents a specific genre of communication with its own principles and strategies. Confusing it with other forms of communication or reducing it to mere publicity gimmicks, no matter how entertaining they may be, does a highly damaging disservice to a great profession, without which the modern life as we know would probably come to a standstill. Naturally, advertising profession, like any other human endeavour, has to evolve. In this evolution , deviations from the professional path can be accepted as normal and part of the
evolutionary process. But eventually, the evolution has to take an upward direction to better standards. Unfortunately, however, the current Bollywoodisation of advertising does not indicate growth in the upward direction, but just the opposite. It is hoped that a more professional approach would eventually prevail. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The writer is a faculty member of the Institute of Communications, Kerala Media Academy and the author of the book, ADVERTISING, published by KMA. Email: michael.puthenthara@gmail.com am多速v 2016
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]≠p i‡-cmb hm¿Øm GP≥knIƒ°p am{Xta CØcw hm¿Ø-Iƒ {]N-cn-∏n®p hniz-kn-∏n-°m≥ Ign-bp-ambn-cp-∂p-≈q. C∂v tkmjy¬ aoUn-bbn¬ B¿°pw CØcw hm¿Ø-Iƒ t]mÃv sNømw. am¿®v 2016
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t\mh-enÃpw "ho£Ww' ap≥ No^v FUn-‰-dp-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬: klmv@rediffmail.com
Shoma A. Chatterji
Digitizing literature and media Will it wipe out print? In a recent panel discussion organized by Weavers Studio Center of Arts, Kolkata, on Digitizing Literature, many points were raised about the pros and cons of literature being digitized or remaining captive in print in the form of books that form an integral part of the lifestyle of the educated and book-loving
masses in the world. Will traditional books begin to disappear from our book shelves? Will book shops become extinct to be studied online through the history of literature? Will libraries across the world discard their hard books and replace them with digitized versions of the same? The arguments are endless and this is what came across at the discussion. The panel was moderated by noted theatre personality Tathagata Choudhury who is the founder-director of a famous theatre group, Theatrecians. The panel comprised of Maina Bhagat, who runs and directs Oxford Book Store at Park Street Kolkata, Rita Bhimani who runs her independent public relations concern, Ritam that completes 25 years this year and this writer representing journalism and authorship. What is ‘digitization’? Digitization means the transferring of physical materials or anything analog such as photographs, essays, rubrics, letters,
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(24) maps, journals and log books to digital form. It makes a deep impact on the way archives are kept and used. There are issues of cost, loss of physical attributes, context and the “material expression of human communication” and culture. Digitized archives are beneficial to research according to Kiersten M. Lathan in Medium Rare: Exploring Archives and Their Conversion from Original to Digita,l Part Two— The Holistic Knowledge Arsenal of Paper-based Archives. In his very informed paper, Lathan offers a context for the shift from physically, place-based activity to one of high and easy access to secondary materials. He outlines and then fleshes out two notions of archives – (a) archives as thing and (b) archives as experience. He looks at issues of authenticity, evidence and sensory management as potential knowledge and elements of knowledge material. This author has tried to give a more simple and straightforward explanation of this transference from physical books and magazines and literature to the digital world. Hard copy books have a limited shelf life that increases due to lack of proper preservation strategies and methods. As a consequence, the best literature across the world faces the threat of becoming extinct within the next 50 years or so. Therefore, digitization is a technological advancement
that can prevent this threat and can also make literature more accessible for those who are engaged in literature, either as writers, or readers, or publishers or librarians. Imagine the Mahabharat and the Ramayana, the Bible, the Koran and the Granth Sahib fading away in the large vacuum called nothingness. It is really difficult to imagine this but it is true and one might as well begin to believe in this before literature of all genres, perhaps including newspapers and magazines disappear completely. Maina Bhagat said that “the two can and should co-exist because digitization is necessary for posterity, while printed books are necessary to preserve the tradition and the culture of reading conventionally which digitization cannot offer. There are many who own a Kindle and also buy books and enjoy either experience equally, albeit differently. Holding a book in your hand, smelling the pages, leafing through the chapters is an altogether different experience that digitized books cannot offer. In the same way, digitized books have a very long life and one can simply download a book one is looking for from the NET and read it directly on the computer screen. Print and digitized literatures are not in competition and need not be in competition ever, because they can co-exist in peace and harmony.” Rita Bhimani, one of the most notable experts in public relations in this side of the country, informed the audience that it was a bit difficult for her to get adjusted to the change in technology when she had to switch from the manual typewriter to the computer and to the Internet and e-mail for communication issues, “I coped with the change and I do not think I have any regrets. She offered the example of how and why traditional books in hard copy and soft cover can never go away because we have discovered how Amazon.com, the largest online story for books on the Internet to begin with, recently opened one of the biggest real book store in Washington, because real books in their physical form have an undying charm for the readers who have the choice to switch over to Kindle as and when they can and they wish to.” The five biggest advantages of digitization
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(25) Technology and Library Trends, Security and Ethics in Manila on April 28, 2006. Nora C. Heikinnen and Prof Sotirin in The Benefits of Digitizing Archives,: A Literature Review, Michigan Technological University, October 30, 2011. summarised her study with the following points: 1. People have been archiving for a long time but by digitizing, we are using a different lens;
are (a) archival value – information about local and other histories, individuals who has passed yonder but whose works need to be archived for following generations; (b) providing great economy of space; (c) Portability – a library of a several thousands of books and hundreds of magazines can be saved and stored in a small pen drive for later use; (d) fluidity – one can enter into a stored stock of information and add/ delete/ innovate/change the text and context as and when; though the authenticity and the value of such changes need to be ratified later to be accepted by the users; (e) the most important advantage of digitization that is a part of mandatory technological change is its archival value. Experts state that the high cost of digitizing may prove a block to change especially in developing countries and in countries with a low rate of literacy and low digital access for everyone. But these are blocks that could be surmounted through innovative thinking and informative counselling. “In developed countries like the United States, digitization of information in libraries is not new. What is new is the digitization of materials, books, manuscripts, etc. housed in library collections. This started in December 2004 when Google announced the Google Print Library which will digitize print materials from the collection of five major libraries – Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, the University of Oxford and the New York Public Library,” said Milgros Santos-Ong in his presentation at a conference on Information and Communications –
2. There is an inherent difference between holding a copy of something and a digital copy. In order to digitize, we must address these differences and make up for enough losses to ensure that digitization is a benefit; 3. In changing from a physical source to a digital source, there are issues of perception one needs to consider; 4. Since we want to support higher learning, preserve quality and allow wider access; one needs to remember that archiving is documenting history and hence one needs to address copyright and reliability. 5. It would perhaps be in the fitness of things to summarise with Paul Ayris in his article “Guidance for Selecting Materials for digitization,” where he stated that one of the gains of digitizing original materials is the creation of value-added features which will enhance access to damaged materials.” This may be referred to as digital archives. “Change is the only thing that remains constant.” This is what rationalizes the entry of digitization into literature, the media and other areas of knowledge and information without necessarily replacing the old techniques that initiated these changes in the first place. Going digital is no longer a matter of choice. It is a necessity. Saturday, January 30, 2016 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The writer is a freelance journalist, author and film scholar based in Kolkata. She has authored 17 books and contributed to many compilations on cinema, family and gender. Email: shoma.chatterji@gmail.com am¿®v 2016
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_KvUn-Iym≥-˛P-\-߃°p th≠n Fgp-Xnb ]{Xm-[n-]¿
s_≥ F®v. _KvUn-Iym≥
[y-a-ß-sf-°p-dn®v Bg-Øn-ep≈ ]T\w \SØn temI-{i≤ ]nSn-®p-]-‰nb Kthj-I≥ s_≥ F®v. _KvUn-Iym≥ am¿®v BZyw temI-tØmSp hnS-]-d-™Xv ]t£, temI-am-[y-a-߃ {i≤n-t®-bn-√. C¥y≥ am¿®v 2016
am[y-a-ß-fpsS Imcyw ]d-bm-\p-an-√. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-\mbn XpSßn am[y-a-hn-a¿i-I\pw Kth-j-I-\mbn hf¿∂ _KvUnIym≥ tIm¿]-td‰v am[y-a-ß-fpsS IpØ-I-h¬°-c-W-sØ-°pdn®v \S-Ønb shfn-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Ifpw Fgp-Xnb ]pkvX-Ißfpw temI-amsI N¿® sNø-s∏-´n-cp-∂p. _¿Ivenbnse hk-Xn-bn¬, 96-˛mw hb- n¬ A¥-cn® _KvUn-Iym≥ Ac\q‰m-≠-nte-sd-°mew Ht´sd ]{X-ß-fn¬ dnt∏m¿´-dmbpw FUn-‰-dmbpw {]h¿Øn-®n-cp-∂p. hmjn-MvS¨ t]mÃv FUn-‰dpw Hmw_p-Uvkv-am\pw Bbn-cp∂ At±lw bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Hm^v Imen-t^m¿Wnb {KmtPz‰v kvIqƒ Hm^v tP¿W-enkw s{]m^kdpw Uo\pam-bn-cp-∂p. 1983¬ Fgp-Xnb aoUnb samtWm-s]mfn BWv At±lsØ {]i-kvX-\m-°n-b-Xv. hm¿Øm-am-[y-a-ß-fp-sSbpw hnt\m-Z-am-[y-a-ß-fp-sSbpw DS-aÿ-X-bpsS AXn-th-K-Øn-ep≈ tI{μo-I-cWw A`n-{]m-b-kzm-X{¥y-Øn\pw kzX-{¥]{X{]h¿Ø-\-Øn\pw henb `oj-Wn-bm-Ip-sa∂p ap∂-dnbn∏p \¬Ip-∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p At±-l-Øns‚ ]T-\-߃. 50 I-º-\n-I-fmWv Ata-cn-°≥ am[y-a-tem-I-sØ \nb-{¥n-°p∂sX∂v 1983¬ Is≠-Ønb _KvUn-Iym≥ 2004¬ GgmasØ FUn-j≥-˛Z \yq aoUnb samtWm-s]m-fn˛ Cd-°p-tºmƒ Ata-cn-°≥ am[y-a-°p-Ø-IIfpsS FÆw A©mbn°pd-™n-
cp-∂p. temI-Ønse G‰hpw henb GIm-[n-]-Xn-°pt]mepw am[y-a-ß-fpsS ta¬ C{Xbpw \nb-{¥Ww D≠m-bn-cp-∂n√ F∂pw At±lw Nq≠n-°m-´n. am[ya DS-a-ÿ-X-bpsS tI{μo-I-cWw kw_‘n® _KvUn-Iyms‚ ap∂-dn-bn-∏p-Iƒ°v A¿ln-°p∂-Xn-tesd {]m[m-\y-amWp hna¿i-I¿ \¬In-bsX∂pw kmaq-ly-am-[y-a-Øns‚ C°m-eØv P\-ßfpsS A`n-{]m-b-kzm-X-{¥yhpw am[y-a-kzm-[o-\hpw h¿≤n-®n-cn-°p-I-bm-sW-∂pw ]d-bp-∂-h-cp-≠v. ]t£, tkmjy¬ aoUnb Xs∂ GXm\pw IpØ-I-I-fpsS ssIh-i-am-sW-∂Xv ssZ\w-Zn\ hm¿Øm-hn-X-c-W-˛-A`n-{]m-b-{]-I-S\kzmX-{¥ysØ _m[n-°p-∂n-s√-¶nepw Cu IpØI Db¿Øp∂ {]iv\-߃ _KvUn-Iym≥ ap∂-dn-bn∏p \¬Inb ]c-º-cm-KX am[ya DS-a-ÿ-Xbnse IpØ-I-h¬°-c-W-tØ-°mƒ Kuc-h-ta-dn-b-XmsW∂p Icp-Xp-∂-hcpw D≠v. am[ya DS-a-ÿ-XbpsS tI{μo-I-cWw am{X-am-bncp-∂n√ _KvUn-Iyms‚ ]T-\-hn-j-bw. am[ya{]h¿Ø-\-Ønse XmXv]-cy-kw-L-´-\w, ]{X{]-h¿Ø-Is‚ B¿P-hw, ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\sØ _m[n°p∂ \nb-a-{]-iv\-߃, s]mXp-Xm-Xv]cyw kwc-£n°p-∂-Xn-ep≈ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-Is‚ DØ-c-hm-Zn-Xzw, C≥sh-Ãn-tK-‰ohv tP¿W-en-k-Ønse ]pXnb {]h-WX-Iƒ XpS-ßnb hnj-b-ß-fnepw At±lw ]T-\-߃ \S-Øn-bn-cp-∂p. hym]m-c-Xm-Xv]-cy-kw-c-£-W-Øn-\pth≠n am[y-a-[m¿an-IX ssIsh-Sn-bp-∂-Xn-s\-Xntc At±lw \nc-¥cw t]mcm-Sn-bn-´p-≠v. hnh-c-ti-J-c-WØnepw hm¿Ø-I-fpsS dnt∏m¿´n-ßnepw ImW-s∏´ A[m¿an-I-X-I-sfbpw At±lw FXn¿Øp-t]m-∂p.
sSen-hn-j≥ hm¿Øm-Nm-\-ep-I-sfbpw h≥Xm-c-ßfmbn amdnb Nm\¬ Ah-Xm-cI-scbpw At±lw hna¿in-°m-dp-≠v. ""Xmc-am-IpI F∂-XmWp am[ya{]h¿Ø-I\p kw`-hn-°m-hp∂ G‰hpw tamiw Imcyw. ImWp-I, {i≤n-°pI, ]Tn-°pI F∂-XmWp ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-Is‚ Npa-X-e. Xmc-am-Ip∂ hy‡nsb ImWp-Ibpw {i≤n-°p-Ibpw ]Tn-°p-I-bp-amWp ]{X{]-h¿Ø-I≥ sNtø-≠Xv; kzbw Xmc-am-Ip-I-b√''˛ Hcp A`n-ap-J-kw-`m-j-W-Øn¬ At±lw ]d-™p. Xp¿°n-°m-c-\mWv _KvUn-Iym≥. A¿ta-\n-b°msc Iq´-s°me sNøp-∂-Xn¬ \n∂p c£-s∏-Sp-∂Xn\v Ata-cn-°-bn-te°p ]em-b\w sNbvXp IpSpw-_Øn-se Hcp ]n©p-Ip-™m-bn-cp∂p A∂p _KvUnIym≥. Ata-cn-°-bnse tÃm¨lm-an¬ ]m¿∏p-d-∏n®p B IpSpw-_w. 21-˛mw hb- n¬ _KvUn-Iym≥ ]{X-{]h¿Ø-\-am-cw-`n-®p. hyXy-kvX-\m-Sp-I-fn¬ At±lw dnt∏m¿´-dmbn {]h¿Øn-®n-cp-∂p. Ata-cn-°-bnse ISpØ kmº-Øn-I-am-μy-Øns‚ bmX-\-Iƒ kln-®ph-f¿∂ _KvUn-Iym≥ Ft∏mgpw km[m-c-W-°m-cpsS XmXv]-cy-amWp a\- n-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂-Xv. Pbn¬∏p-≈nI-fpsS IjvS-∏m-Sp-Iƒ dnt∏m¿´p sNøm≥ Pbn¬∏p≈n-bmbn \Sn®v s]≥kn¬hm-\n-b- sk-√n¬ ]m¿°p-∂-Xp -t]m-ep≈ ]e kml-kn-I-X-I-fnepw G¿s∏-´n-´p-≠v At±-lw. henb tImfn-f-°-߃ krjvSn® hm´¿tK-‰v, s]‚-K¨ t]t∏gvkv hm¿ØIƒ ]pd-Øp-sIm≠p hcp-∂-Xn¬ {][m\ ]¶p hln-®n-´p≠v _KvUn-Iym≥. am¿®v 2016
C≥ Z anUvÃv Hm^v Z sπ‚n: Z ]ph¿ C≥ Ata-cn° BWv BZy-{K-Ÿw. Z C≥^¿ta-j≥ sajo≥kv: Z Cw]mIv‰v Hm¨ sa≥ B‚ v aoUn-b, Z C^o‰v tIm¨kv]n-dkn B‚ v AX¿ ss{Iwkv Hm^v Z {]kv, U_vƒ hnj≥: dn^vf£≥kv Hm¨ ssa sldn-t‰-Pv, sse^v B‚ v s{]m^-j≥ F∂n-h-bmWp _KvUnIyms‚ a‰p IrXn-Iƒ. kl-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpsS sXmgn¬]-c-amb hogvN-I-fn¬ \ncm-i-\mb _KvUn-Iym≥ 1964 apXemWv At±-l-Øns‚ t]cn¬ Adn-b-s∏-´n-cp∂ "_KvUn-Iym≥ tem Hm^v tP¿W-enkw' Nn¥m¿l-amb Hcp \nco-£-W-am-Wv˛ Hcp kw`-h-sØ-°p-dn-®p≈ hm¿Øm-dn-t∏m¿´nse kXy-Øns‚ A\p-]m-Xw, kw`hw dnt∏m¿´v sNøm≥ FØnb dnt∏m¿´¿am-cpsS FÆ-Øn\p hn]-co-X-am-bn-cn°pw F∂-XmWv B XØzw. "\n߃°p iºfw Xcp-∂-h-tcm-S-√, \nß-fpsS FUn-‰-tdm-S-√, hm¿Øm-t{km-X- p-I-tfm-S-√, kplr-Øp°-tfm-S-√, sXmgn-ense Db¿®-tbm-Sp-a-√, P\-ß-tfm-Sm-hWw \nß-fpsS IS-∏mSv Fs∂m-cn-°epw ad-°-cpXv' F∂v At±lw Ft∏mgpw Xs‚ hnZym¿∞n-I-tfmSpw ]pXnb Xe-ap-d-bnse ]{X{]h¿Ø-I-tcmSpw ]d-bp-am-bncp-∂p.
am[y-a-tPym-Xnjw ]q¿hm-[nIw P\-{]nbw! ]
{X-ßfnse tPym’yhpw tPymXn-jhpw `mhn-{]-h-N-\hp-sa√mw `mc-Xob Zu¿_-ey-ß-fm-sW∂ [mcW th≠. am[ya-ß-fnse `mhn-{]-h-N\]w‡n°v Hcp \q‰m≠p ]q¿Øn-bm-Ip∂Xp {]am-Wn®v sImfw-_nb tP¿W-enkw dnhyq (kn.-sP.B¿) {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Ønb Hcp ]T\w hmbn-®m¬ ]m›m-XycmWv C°m-cy-Øn¬ ]uc-kvXy-tc-°mƒ ]g-©-∑m¿ F∂p tXm∂n-t∏m-Ipw. tPymXn-j-]w-‡n-Iƒ ]q¿hm-[nIw P\-{]n-b-amWn-t∏mƒ.
am¿®v 2016
1916¬ tPymXnj-]w-‡n-Iƒ XpSßn-b-Xn-\p- tijw temI-sØ-s¥√mw kw`-hn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. c≠v temI-bp-≤߃, Iayq-WnÃv cmjv{S-ß-fpsS ÿm]-\w, AhbpsS XI¿®, tImf-\nI-fpsS tamN-\w, kmt¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-bn-ep≠mb IpXn-®p-Nm-´w... FÆn-bm¬ØocmØ Ncn-{X-kw-`-h-߃ ]n∂n´v a\p-
jy≥ apt∂m´p t]mIp-tºmgpw tPym’yhpw {]h-N-\hpw Xf¿∂n-√. Cu ]d™ temI-kw-`-h-ß-sfm∂pw Hcp tPym’y\pw {]h-Nn-®n-cp-∂n-s√-¶nepw {]h-N-\-°m¿°v H´pw £oW-an-√. A®-Snam-[y-a-ß-fn¬ am{X-a-√, ]pXp-bp-K-Øns‚ am[y-a-amb Hm¨sse-\nepw kw`hw s]mSn-s]m-Sn-°p-∂p. h\n-Xm-{]-kn-≤o-I-cW-ß-fmWv C°m-cy-Øn¬ ap∂n¬. 2015¬ Hcp am[yaw {]h-N-\-˛-am¿K-\n¿t±iI kvs]j-ep-Iƒ hnjbw Xncn®v {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn˛ kuμ-cy-h¿≤-\bv°v F¥p-sN-ø-Ww, FhnsS InS∂pthWw CW-tN-cm≥ XpS-ßnb \qdp k¶o¿W tNmZy-߃°v kvs]j-ep-Iƒ DØcw \¬In! am[y-a-ßfpw tPymXn-jhpw XΩnep≈ _‘-sØ-°p-dn®v ]e ]T-\-ßfpw \S-∂n-´p≠v ]m›m-Xy-tem-I-Øv. \mensem∂v Ata-cn-°-°mtc X߃ icn°pw tPymXn-j-Øn¬ hniz-kn-°p-∂-h-cmWv F∂p kΩ-Xn-°p-∂p-≈q. ]t£, ]IpXnbnte-sd-t∏cpw am[y-a-ß-fn¬ hcp∂ Xß-fpsS Nn”-Øns‚ {]h-N-\߃ hmbn-°p-∂-h-cm-Wv. ]e¿°pw AXp Xam-i-bpsS `mK-am-Wv. Nne-sc√mw Xß-
sf-Øs∂ hne-bn-cp-Øp-∂-Xn-\p≈ Ah-k-c-ambn CXp-]-tbm-Kn°p-∂-h-cm-Wv. ]Øp -i-X-am-\-am-fp-Iƒ {][m-\ -Xo-cp-am-\-sa-Sp°p-∂Xv PmXIw t\m°nb tij-am-sW∂pw k¿th-I-fn¬ ImWp-∂p. "tPymXnjw Hcp imkv{X-a-√m-bn-cn-°mw. ]t£, AXp Xo¿Øpw hy‡n-]-c-am-Wv. Xß-fpsS Pohn-X-sØ-°p-dn-®v, `mhnsb-°p-dn®v as‰m-cmƒ Xß-tfmSp kwkm-cn-°p-∂-Xmbn Hmtcm-cpØ-scbpw tXm∂n-∏n°pw'˛ Ata-cn-°-bnse dnss^-\dn 29 F∂ Hm¨sse≥ am[y-a-Øns‚ FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ kv{Sm‰Pn sshkv {]kn-U‚ v t\l Km‘n ]d-bp-∂p. 1916 emWv tPym’yw am[y-a-ß-fn-se-Øp-∂-Xv. A°m-eØv F√m-h-scbpw _m[n-°p∂ {]h-N-\-ß-f√ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®ncp∂Xv. bp.-F-kv. {]kn-U‚ v hqt{Um hn¬kWns‚ PmXIw t_mè k¨tU t]mÃv ]{Xw {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn. AsXmcp
am¿®v 2016
(30) kvIq∏v Bbn-cp∂p! sshImsX Znh-k-hp-ap≈ tPym’y-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ ]{X-ß-fn¬ h∂p XpSßn. CXp hnX-cWw sNøm≥ kn≥Un-t°-‰p-Ifpw cwKsØ-Øn. tIman-°p-Iƒ hnX-cWw sNøp∂ Hcp kwL-amWv BZyw tPym’y-°p-dn-∏p-Ifpw \¬InbXv. tPym’y-sØ B{i-bn-°p-∂Xv ]pcp-j-∑m-sc°m-tfsd kv{XoI-fm-Wv. h\n-Xm-{]-kn-≤o-I-c-W-ßfn¬ tPymXn-j-]w‡n \n¿_-‘-am-Wv. ]t£, ]pcpj {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-ß-fn¬ AXv H´pw C√. {_n´\nse C≥Un-s]≥U‚ v ]{Xw AXn\p XpS-°-an-Sm≥
{ian-s®-¶nepw {]Xn-I-cWw tami-am-b-Xp-sIm≠v Dt]-£n-®p. ap∏-Xp-I-fn-emWv {_n´-\nepw Ata-cn-°-bnepw am[y-a-ß-fn¬ tPymXnjw Xg®p hf¿∂-Xv. AXp P\-Iob kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ `mK-ambn amdn. Ata-cn°≥ Bkvt{Sm-fPn t]mse CXn\pth≠n am{X-ambp≈ {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-ßfpw [mcm-f-am-bn. Adp-]-XpI-tfmsS tPymXn-j-]w‡n C√mØ h\nXm {]kn≤o-I-c-W-sam∂pw Cs√-∂m-bn. []T-\-Øns‚ ]q¿W-cq]w: http:/www.cjr.org/ analysis/horoscopes_astrology.php]
A`-bm¿∞n-Ifpw th≠, am[y-a-ßfpw th≠ A
`-bm¿∞n Iymºp-I-fn¬ am[y-a-ßsf {]th-in-∏n-°n√ F∂ {Kokv Kh¨sa‚ns‚ Iev]-\bn¬ Ahy-‡X-Ifpw kwi-b-ß-fp-sam-∂p-an-√. "sSenhn-j≥ Soap-Iƒ°pw dnt∏m¿´¿am¿°pw Iymºp-I-fn¬ {]th-i-\m-\p-aXn e`n-°p-I-bn√'˛ hy‡X t]msc¶n¬ CXm CXp-IqSn F∂ a´n¬ \bw hy‡-am-°p-IbmWv ]e bqtdm-]y≥ k¿°m-dp-I-fpw. {Koknse G‰hpw {][m\ s{]m^-j-W¬ kwL-S-\-bmb s^U-td-j≥ Hm^v tP¿W-enÃvkv bqWn-b≥ i‡-amb {]Xn-tj-[-hp-ambn cwK-Øp-≠v. A`-bm¿∞n {]Xn-k-‘n-bpsS F√m hi-ß-fpw˛ A`bm¿∞n Iymºp-I-fpsS Ahÿ Dƒs∏-sS˛ P\-߃ Adn-tb-≠-Xp≠v F∂ \ne-]mSv Ah¿ Bh¿Øn®pd∏n-°p-∂p. ]t£, Kh¨sa‚ v hg-ßn-bn-´n-√. bqtdm-]y≥ am[y-a-ß-fnse G‰hpw {][m\ hm¿Ø-bmWv Ct∏mgpw A`-bm¿∞n {]Xn-k-‘n.
am¿®v 2016
sSen-hn-j≥ Zriy-ß-fn¬ CXp \nd™p \n¬°p-∂p. A`-bm¿∞n-I-fpsS ssZ\y-ap-J-ßfpw Ah¿ A\p-`hn-°p∂ IjvS-∏mSp-Ifpw N¿®mhnj-b-am-Ip-∂p. CXp Imc-W-am-hmw, am[ya {]h¿Ø-Isc AI‰n \n¿ØpI F∂ at\m-`m-hhpw hym]-I-am-bn. lwKdn k¿°mdmWv CXn\p XpS°w Ipdn-®-Xv. sk¿_n-bbp-sSbpw {Itb-jy-bp-sSbpw AXn¿Øn-bn¬ ÿm]n® ap≈p-th-en-Iƒ tP¿W-en-Ãp-I-sf°qSn XSbm\p≈-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. Ign™ sk]vXw-_-dn¬ Hscm‰ Znhkw lwtK-dn-b≥ AXn¿Øn-bn¬ Ggn-SØp tP¿W-en-Ãp-Iƒ B{I-an-°-s∏´ Imcyw kn.-]n.-sP. (I-Ωn‰n Sp s{]m´Iv‰v tP¿W-en-Ãvkv) dnt∏m¿´n¬ Nq≠n-°m-´n-bn-cp-∂p. A`-bm¿∞n-Iƒs°-Xnsc t]meokv \S-]-Sn-Iƒ D≠m-Ip-∂n-S-sØm∂pw am[y-a߃ C√ F∂p-d-∏p-h-cp-Øp-I-bmWv Dt±-iyw. kp{]-[m-\-am-b, kzIm-cy-X-bv°p≈ Ah-Imiw
Db¿Øn-°m-´n-bmWv ]e-t∏mgpw Adn-bm-\p≈ Ah-Imiw \ntj-[n-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. am[y-a-ß-fpsS {]hmlw A`bm¿∞n Pohn-X-Øn-te-°p≈ IS∂p Ib-‰-am-sW∂pw AXv Ah-cpsS kzIm-cy-X-bpsS ewL-\-am-sW∂pw A[n-Ir-X¿ hmZn-°p-∂Xv Ah-cpsS KqtVm-t±iyw ad®p]nSn-°m-\m-sW∂ Imcy-Øn¬ B¿°pw kwi-b-an-√. A`-bm¿∞n{]iv\w Kpcp-X-c-amb cmjv{Sob{]Xym-Lm-X-ß-fp-≠m-°p-sa∂v Kh¨sa‚p-Iƒ `b-s∏-Sp-∂p-≠v.
FUn-‰¿ FUn‰v sNbvtX Xocq˛ A`n-{]m-b-ßfpw Hm
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F¥mWv ]cn-lmcw? Hcp ]cn-lm-c-ta-bp-≈q. {]kn-≤o-I-cn°pwapºv Ah FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ Npa-X-e-bp≈ Bsc-¶nepw hmbn°pI. Aev]w ka-b-sa-Sp-tØ-°pw. kmc-an-√, A`n-{]mbw sshIn-b-Xp-sIm≠v BImiw CSn™p hogn-√. FUn-‰¿ B t]cns‚ A¿lX sXfn-bn-t°-≠Xv FUn‰v sNbvXp-sIm-≠m-Wv. FUn‰v sNøm-Xncp∂psIm≠√ Xs∂. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ap-Xn¿∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I\pw tImf-anÃpw tIcf aoUnb A°m-Z-an-bpsS ap≥ sNb¿am-\p-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬: nprindran@gmail.com am¿®v 2016
Students’ Corner
J. V. Vil’anilam
JOURNALISM AS A PUBLIC TRUST; The text of the Salzburg Declaration
In Defense of Journalism as a Public Trust Salzburg, Austria, March 26, 2002 1. PREAMBLE This statement expresses the concerns of international journalists and supporters of journalism attending the Salzburg Seminar Session 396, March 20-27, 2002 in Salzburg, Austria. The topic: The Decline of the News Media’s Role as a Public Trust and the Effects of That Phenomenon on Its Obligations to Civil Society. Our discussions revealed that journalists and their supporters from many countries share a strong conviction that market pressures are undermining the quality of journalism; specifically, as news organizations preserve high profit levels by reducing newsgathering resources am¿®v 2016
and neglecting journalism in the public interest, the fundamental role of the press to inform and empower citizens is endangered. These concerns are the motivation for this statement, which we hope will prompt further consideration, discussion and action around the world.
A free and independent press is essential to human liberty. No people can remain sovereign without a vigorous press that reports the news, examines critical issues and encourages robust exchange of ideas. In recognition of the press’s vital role in society, many countries extend it special legal protections under constitutions or legislativelyenacted statutes. These protections are unique, for they safeguard print, broadcast and online organizations against government interference and censorship. Where this special status has been accorded the press, news organizations have been held to a high standard of public service and public trust. Over time, this ideal has become a bedrock of journalism, an enduring tradition by which a free press has been a powerful force for progress and informed citizen participation in society. Historically, threats to press freedom have been political in nature. At the start of the 21st century, however, a new kind of threat emerges, that, if continued will endanger the freedoms guaranteed to the press and put at risk the sovereignty of the citizens. The nature of the press as a commercial enterprise has changed significantly. The emergence of media conglomerates and intense market competition are creating new organizational priorities in which profit growth is replacing public service as
the principal mission. Sustaining profit growth often requires reducing the resources for newsgathering, thereby diminishing the role of the news media as a public trust. Business priorities are encouraging the blending of news and entertainment as a strategy to build audiences and ratings. This trend, most noticeable in television has led to a reduction in serious news coverage and may be responsible for a decline of public confidence in this medium as an essential source of information. Finally, a shrinking commitment to both domestic and international news means that news organizations are missing opportunities to connect people and ideas globally at the very time technology has made such connections increasingly possible. This international group of journalists and supporters of press freedom calls on the leaders of news organizations worldwide to recognize the need for a wiser balance between business goals and public service responsibilities, and to reaffirm their commitment to journalism and the role of a free press in sustaining human liberty.
II. CONCERNS ABOUT JOURNALISM We recognize that news organizations function in a competitive multimedia environment, and that financial strength is essential for journalistic independence. However, an unbalanced priority on profits and financial growth weakens the foundation of journalism as a public trust. We are convinced that the growing imbalance in the priority given to journalism, quality and profit growth ultimately impair citizens’ ability to participate fully in their communities. And we recognize that neglecting the public interest erodes public support for legal guarantees of the am¿®v 2016
(34) freedom of the press to report the news. We conclude that market forces and other pressures are causing the following problems: 1. ON CITIZENS AND SOCIETY - Inadequate access to diverse sources of information. - Decline in public understanding of current affairs. - Decline in citizen participation in community life. - Diminishment of citizen’s political authority. - Improper confluence of media ownership and political interests. 2. ON JOURNALISM CONTENT AND INFLUENCE - Decline of diverse and comprehensive news produced in the public interest. - Neglect of audiences that are not valued by advertisers. - Compromising editorial integrity for commercial purposes. - Encroachment of entertainment into news coverage. - The shrinking impact of news organizations as audiences dwindle. 3. ON NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS
use news resources to promote commercial interests.
III. PROPOSALS FOR CONSIDERATION To address these concerns, we encourage the press and the public to consider the following suggestions in communities and situations where they may apply: 1. Encourage diverse news media ownership and urge media companies to commit to providing quality journalism to all communities they serve. 2. Ensure that television networks and radio stations provide quality news programmes as part of their social obligations to the public airwaves. 3. Help citizens to evaluate the quality of the news they receive and express their views so that their voices may be heard.
- Concentration of ownership and creation of monopolies
4. Use journalism to enhance citizens’ ability to participate in community life.
- Vulnerability to the imperative of stock markets and other financial interests.
5. Call on companies that own news organizations to
- Increasing tendency of multimedia conglomerates to
a. Adopt mission statements reflecting their journalistic values and the priority they attach to their role as a public trust. b. Adopt a long-term business strategy based on producing quality journalism. c. Include journalists on the boards of companies that own news organizations. d. Adopt professional standards that promote high quality journalism. e. Compensate news executives based on the quality of their companies’ journalism rather than its financial performance.
am¿®v 2016
(35) 6. Ensure that the entertainment content does not compromise news coverage.
Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
7. Keep a clear separation between advertising and news content. All advertising should be clearly labelled.
Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Yugoslavia.
8. Reaffirm journalism values of accuracy, fairness and balance; and maintain the press’s roles as watchdog and voice for citizens.
1. The Poynter Institute Website: http:// www..poynter.org/content/ content_view.asp?id=4949
9. Promote professional standards of excellence in journalism education. 10. Foster media education of the young people in schools and through media.
2. J. V. Vilanilam, MASS COMMUNICATION IN INDIA: A Sociological Perspective, SAGE, 2005. 3. English Newspapers such as The Hindu of 27-28 March, 2002. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ENDORSED BY PARTICIPANTS FROM THESE NATIONS/REGIONS Argentina, Armenia, Bosnia, China, Egypt, European Union, Colombia, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, Israel,
Professor Dr.J. V. Vil’anilam was Vice-Chancellor (1992-1996) and Head of the Department of Communication & Journalism (1982-1992) at the University of Kerala. As Professor Emeritus of the UGC he has taught at Berhampur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Dharwar, and Mangalore universities from 1996 onwards. Visit his website: www.vilanilam.com.
(FORM IV) MEDIA 1. Name of Publication
.. THE MEDIA (A Bilingual Monthly Journal of the Kerala Media Academy) .. Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030 .. Monthly .. A. Abdul Hakkim, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy .. Indian .. Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030 .. A. Abdul Hakkim, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy .. Indian .. Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030 .. Sergy Antony, Chairman, Kerala Media Academy .. Indian .. Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 030
2. Place of publication 3. Periodicity of its publication 4. Printer’s Name Nationality Address 5. Publisher’s Name Nationality Address 6. Editors’s Name Nationality Address 7. Names and address of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one per cent of the total capital .. Kerala Media Academy
I, A. Abdul Hakkim, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date : 01.03.2016
Sd/Publisher am¿®v 2016
sI. _me-Ir-jvW≥
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Py-k-am-Nm-c-Øn\pw ]›n-tam-Z-b-Øn\pw ⁄m\-\n-t£-]-Øn\pw hnZym-kw-{K-l-Øn\pw tijw ae-bm-f-Øn-ep-≠mb {][m-\-s∏´ ]{X-am-bn-cp∂n´pw ae-bmf]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ Ncn-{X-Øn¬ tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn°v A¿ln-°p∂ ÿm\w e`n-®n-´n-√. tIc-tfm-]-Imcn A®-Sn-®Xpw {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn-bXpw awK-em-]p-c-Øp -\n-∂m-sW-¶nepw AXns‚ D≈-S-°Øns‚ {]hrØn apgp-h≥ \S-∂Xv Xe-t»-cn-bn-em-Wv. cmPy-k-am-Nm-chpw ]›n-tam-Z-bhpw Xbm-dm-°n-bXpw A®-Sn-®Xpw Xe-t»cn C√n-°p-∂nse _mk¬ anj≥ tI{μ-Øn-em-sW-¶n¬ tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn-bpsS A®Snbpw hnX-c-Whpw Hgn-®p≈ tPmen-Iƒ apgp-h≥ \SØn-bXpw AhnsSØ-s∂. AXm-bXv cmPy-k-am-Nm-cØn-s‚bpw ]›n-tam-Z-bØns‚bpw Cfb ktlm-Zct\m ktlm-Z-cntbm BWp tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn. ae-bmf-Ønse A©m-asØ ]{X-amWv tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn-sb¶nepw hm¿Øm]{X-sa∂ \ne-bn¬ aq∂m-a-sØtbm c≠m-a-sØtbm ÿm\w AXn-\p-≠v. Fs¥-∂m¬ cmPy-k-am-Nmcw aX-hm¿Ø-I-fp-ambn _‘-s∏-´-XmWv. ]›n-tam-Z-b-am-Is´ hn⁄m\]-{X-{]-h¿Ø-\Øn-\mWv Du∂¬ \¬In-b-Xv. ⁄m\-\n-t£]w am{X-amWv km¿h-tZ-iob hm¿Ø-Iƒ°p {]m[m\yw \¬In-s°m≠v tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn°p apºv {]kn-≤-s∏SpØn h∂-Xv. tIm´bw kn.-Fw.-F-kv. tImtf-Pn¬ \n∂p ss{Xam-kn-I-ambn {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Ønb hnZymkw-{K-l-am-Is´, hm¿Øm-]-{X-hn-`m-K-Øn¬ s]Sp-Ømhp-∂-Xp-a-√. Cu kml-N-cy-Øn-emWv ae-bm-f-Øn¬ ]{X-{]h¿Ø-\-Øn\p XpS°w Ipdn® _mk¬ P¿a≥ Chm©-en-°¬ anj≥ Iptd-°qSn B[p-\n-I-am-bXpw aX]-c-amb D≈-S°-Øn-s\m∏w atX-X-c-amb D≈-S°w IqSn Dƒs∏-Sp-Øn, tIc-tfm-]-Imcn F∂ ]{Xw \SØn-b-Xns‚ {]m[m\yw ]cn-tim-[n-t°≠Xv. am¿®v 2016
cmPy-k-am-Nm-chpw ]›n-tam-Z-bhpw sl¿a≥ Kp≠¿´ns‚ t]cn-emWv {]kn-≤-sa-¶nepw ]{Xm-[n-]®p-a-Xe \n¿h-ln-®Xv F^v. ap≈-dm-bn-cp-∂-t√m. Im¬\q‰m-≠n\p tijw Kp≠¿´v _w•m-hn¬ \n∂p Xs∂ tIc-tfm-]-Imcn F∂ kNn{X]{Xw Xbmdm-°nbXpw ap≈¿ Xs∂. as‰mcp ap≈¿˛ kn. ap≈¿. 1874 sabv amk-Øn¬ XpSßn 20 e°w apS°w IqSmsX {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Ønb tIc-tfm-]-Imcn \n¿tØ≠n
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(37) h∂Xv C∂sØ \ne-bn-em-sW-¶n¬ henb hnhmZam-Ip-am-bn-cp-∂p. hnizm-khpw Ak-ln-jvWpX-bp-ambn _‘-s∏´ Hcp {]iv\w. km¿h-tZ-io-bhpw tZio-bhpw {]mtZ-in-I-hpamb hm¿Ø-Iƒ°p {]m[m\yw \¬In ae-bm-fØnse BZysØ ]{X-ß-fn-sem-s∂∂ \ne-bn¬ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\Ncn-{X-Øn¬ tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn°p khn-tij ÿm\-ap-≠m-tI-≠-Xm-Wv. hm¿Ø Fßs\ G‰hpw Npcp°n AhX-cn-∏n-°m-sa-∂Xn\pw hm¿Ø-Isf kmaq-ly-{]-Xn-_-≤-X-tbmsS Fßs\ Xnc-s™-Sp-°m-sa-∂-Xn\pw km[m-c-W-°mcs‚ `mj-bn¬ Fßs\ Bhn-jvI-cn-°m-sa-∂Xn\pw anI® \nc-h[n DZm-l-c-W-߃ tIc-tfm-]-Imcn-bn¬ Is≠-Øm-\m-Ipw. ae-_m¿, hb-\m-Sv, sIm®n, Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿ F∂o \mSp-I-fnse {InkvXym-\n-Ifpw A√m-Ø-h-cpamb \m´p-Im¿°p th≠n Hcp kw{Kl]{Xw thWsa∂ Ime-ß-fm-bp≈ B{K-l-amWv bmYm¿∞y-amIp-∂-sX∂v 1874 sabv amk-Øn¬ BZye°-Øns‚ Bap-J-Øn¬ ]d-bp-∂p. ""Aß-s\-bp≈ ]{X-Øn¬ thZw, [¿aw, `qan-im-kv{Xw, KWn-X-im-kv{Xw, temIN-cn{Xw BZn-bmb hnZy-Isf sIm≠pw A∂-∂p-≠mIp∂ temI-h¿Ø-am\w sIm≠pw Hmtcm {]I-c-W߃ AS-ßn-bn-cn-t°Ww'' F∂mWv ]{X-Øns‚ e£y-kq-N-I-ambn BZye°-Øns‚ Bap-J-Øn¬ hy‡-am-°p-∂-Xv. H∂mw hmey-Ønse F´p {]Xn-amk]Xn-∏pIƒ°mbn ]Ø-W-bmWv hcn-kw-Jybmbn ASbvt°-≠-sX∂pw F´p tIm∏n Ab-bv°m≥ X]m¬ Iqen Ac-b-W-bm-Ip-sa∂pw tIm∏n-I-fpsS FÆw h¿[n-®m¬ 12 t]sP-∂Xv 16 apX¬ 20 hsc-bmbn h¿[n-∏n-°p-sa∂pw Bap-J-Øn¬ hy‡-am-°p-∂p≠v. FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ hn`mKw Xe-t»-cn-bnepw amt\Pvsa‚ v hn`mKw awK-em-]p-c-Øp-amWp {]h¿Øn-®-Xv. tIc-tfm-]-Imcn hn¬°p-∂-Xn¬ klm-bn-®m¬ am{Xw t]mcm, AXn¬ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠-Xn∂v Hmtcm {]I-c-W-߃ sImSp-Øb-bvt°-≠-Xm-sW∂v _mk¬ P¿a≥ anj-\-dn-am¿ At]-£n-°p∂p F∂pw AØcw {]I-c-W-߃ Xe-t»-cn-bn¬ ]m¿°p∂ dh.kn.-ap-≈-dpsS t]¿°m-Wbbvt°-≠sX∂pw apJ-hp-c-bn¬ hy‡-am-°p-∂p. IYbpw Ihn-Xbpw teJ-\-ßfpw Ncn-{Xhpw ]ns∂ km¿h-tZ-io-b-˛-tZ-io-b-˛-{]m-tZ-inI hm¿Ø-IfpsS cXv\-®p-cp-°hpw˛ CXmWv tIctfm-]-Im-cnbpsS D≈-S-°w. anI® Nn{X-߃ kln-X-amWv teJ-\-߃ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn-b-Xv. Htc ka-bØv kmlnXyamkn-Ibpw hm¿Øm-]-{X-hpw. ae-bm-fØnse Cu kNn{Xamkn-I-bnse H∂m-asØ teJ\w A®Sn b{¥w I≠p-]n-Sn® Kp´≥_¿Kn-s\∏-‰n-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Kp´≥_¿Kns‚ A®p-IqSw F∂ teJ-\-Øn¬ ]pkvX-I-ß-sf-°p-dn®p hnti-jn-∏n-°p∂-Xn-ß-s\-bm-Wv.
""cm{Xn-Im-eØv \£-{X-Pmew BIm-iØp an∂p-∂-Xp- t]m-se, Cu ]pkvX-I-߃ Ccp-´p≈ ÿe-ß-fn¬ {]Im-in-®p, \oXn-kq-cy≥ DZn-°p-thmfw shfn®w sImSp-°p-∂p.'' am¿®v 2016
{_n´ojv Ncn-{Xw- J-fi-»-bmbn {]kn-≤-s∏-SpØn-t∏m∂ tIc-tfm-]-Imcn CuPn]vXv (G-Pn-]vXv) Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ a‰p ]e cmPy-ß-fp-sSbpw Ncn-{Xhpw `qan-im-kv{Xhpw {lkz-ambn Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. ss{IkvXhm-`n-apJyw hf¿Øm≥ {ian-°p∂ {]Nm-c-W-]-c-amb teJ-\-߃, {]ivt\m-Ø-cn-Iƒ, Ipdn-∏p-Iƒ, kmtcm]-tZiIY-Iƒ F∂n-h-bvs°m∏w aX-hp-ambn _‘-an√m-ØXpw F√m-h¿°pw {]tbm-P-\-{]-Z-hp-amb hn⁄m\teJ-\-߃ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ ]{Xm-[n]¿ kua-\kyw ImWn-®p-sh-∂-XmWv {][m-\w. Nne e°-ß-fn¬ aX-{]-Nm-c-W-Øn-\p-X-Ip∂ teJ-\-߃ Ipd-bp-Ibpw s]mXp{]m[m-\y-ap≈ teJ-\-ßfpw Ipdn-∏p-Ifpw IqSp-X-embn hcn-Ibpw sNbvX-Xn-\m¬ ]{Xm-[n-]¿°p Nne¿ i‡-amb `mj-bn¬ {]Xntj[°Øp-I-fb-bv°p-Ibpw AXn¬ NneXv tIc-tfm]-Im-cn-bn¬ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-Ibpw sNbvXn-´p-≠v. BZye°-ß-fn¬ hm¿Ø-Iƒ KpfnIcq]-Øn-embn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ ]ns∂-∏n-s∂, AXm-bXv Bfp-Iƒ kmtcm-]-tZiIY-Iƒ°pw hn⁄m\teJ-\-߃°psam∏w hm¿Ø-Ifpw hmbn-°p-∂p-s≠∂p a\- n-em-bt∏mƒ hm¿Ø-Iƒ anIvkvN¿ emb\n t]mse hn]p-es∏-Sp-Øm≥ XpS-ßn. tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn-bn¬ h∂ Nne hm¿Ø-Iƒ t\m°q˛ tImb-º-Øq¿ Pn√-bn¬ Iptds» hdpXn ImWp-∂p. ae-bm-fw-˛-I-Æq¿˛Xe-t»-cn-Iƒ°v CS-bn¬ IqS°-Shv ]mew ]pXp-Xmbn sI´p-hm≥ k¿°m¿ Iev]n®n-cn-°p-∂p. am¿®v 2016
]pXp-t»-cn-˛-a-{Zmkv ]pIh≠n-∏m-X-tbmSp tNcphm≥ X° ]pI-h-≠n-∏m-Xsb ]pXp-t»-cn-bn¬ \n∂v D≠m-°p-hm≥ ]c-{¥okv tImbva `mhn-°p-∂p. Ata-cn°m hS-°qdp sFIy kwÿm-\w˛ B henb kwÿm-\Øp Hmtcm \∑-tbmSp IqsS ]e Xn∑-Ifpw ImWmw. AXn¬ hnti-jn®p dm°p F∂ \™p-sh-≈-Øns‚ s]cp-am-‰-߃ Gdnb tZl-߃ sI´p. A]-arXyp sIm≠v ]´p-t]m-Ip-∂-X-√msX At\IIpSpw-_-߃ Zmcn-{Zy-s∏-´p. tZl-tZln Bfl{]-Imcw \in-®p-t]m-Ip-∂p. ae-bm-fw˛ tImgn-t°m-´nepw ]me-°m-´nepw D≈ \K-c-tbmKw bP-am-\≥ C√msX sX≠n-\-S-°p∂ \mbv°sf sIm√p-∂-Xn\p c≠W hoXw kΩm\w \n›-bn-®p. ae-bm-fw-˛- X-e-t»-cn-bnepw ]me-°m-´nepw Kpcp°-∑msc ]Tn-∏n-°p∂ Hmtcm ime-Isf X¬°mew sI´p-hm≥ k¿°m¿ Iev]n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Nn‰m-ky˛ Nn‰m-ky-bn¬ ISp-∏-ap≈ ]©w ]nSn®n-cn-°p-∂p. \msem-∂n¬ \qdm-fp-Iƒ ]´n-Wn-bn¬ acn-°p-∂p-≠v. Xncp-hn-Xm-t¶m-Sv-˛- amß A\-h[nbp≠m-bn-cp-∂p. AXv Xn∂n´v Gdn-b-h¿°p ]\n In´n t]m¬. Ata-cn°m hS-°qdp kwÿm-\w˛ B‰p-tIm\mb an n-kn∏n F∂ t]cmdpw AXn¬ IqSp∂ ssIbm-dp-Ifpw ]pg-Ifpw Ihn-™-Xn-\m¬ \yq H√nb≥kpw \jvhn√pw Gdnb sNdp-]-´-W-ßfpw apßn A\-h[n I∂p-Im-en-Ifpw hoSpw ]in-a-°q-dp≈ aÆpw Hen®p t]mIpIbpw sNbvXp. ae-bm-fw˛ IÆq¿ tIm´°v apºn-ep≈ ssaXm-\Øn¬ kmbv]-∑m¿ \mSmsI Hcp IpXnc hncptXm´ a’cw Ign-∏n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. HmSn-°p-∂-hcpw ImWnIfpw hfsc D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. a{Zmkn kwÿm-\w˛ a{Zmkn Xpd-apJ hnNm-cn∏p-Im-c≥ XpW-°m-cp-ambn ag-t°m-fns‚ ]e e£-Wß-sfbpw I≠p... \mgnI ]pecpw apsº sImSnacØn-t∑¬ I∏¬°m¿°p tImƒ Ipdn-°p∂ hnf-°pIsf Ib‰n I∏-ep-Iƒ ]mbn-t´m-Sp-hm≥ Ime-t¥m°p shSn-s]m-´n-®n´p \m´p-cp-°ƒ HgnsI F√m hnem-Øn°-∏-ep-Iƒ D®-bIw ]pd-°-S-en-te°v HmSn-t∏m-bn. hodp tXSp∂ Hmf-߃ Ic-tbm-S-e®p s]m´n-ho-gp∂Xpw I∏-ep-Iƒ Ae-I-tfmSp Nnc´ Xpeyw s]mcpXp-∂Xpw I≠ Ic-°m¿°p a\ n¬ ieyw tXm∂n kXyw. Im‰p hS-t°-∏p-d-Øp-\n∂p tX≥I-c-tbmfw amdn-amdn DuXn-bXpw an° I∏-ep-Iƒ Hmtcm tISp X´ot´ a{Zmkn Xpd-bn-te°p aSßn sN∂p-≈q. Ata-cn°m hS-°q-dq˛ taSkw{Im¥n hnjp°meØp ag tIa-ambn s]bvXp. Dd® a™pw \o¿°-´bpw Dcp-In-b-Xn-\m¬ B‰p-tIm-Wmb an nkn∏n F∂ henb ]pg sh≈w Ibdn Ibntdm ]´Ww sXm´p Agn-ap-J-tØmfw Bbncw \mgnI \of-
Øn¬ Ic-I-hn-™p... h≥ Hgp-°m-bn´p \new ap°n-°f-™-Xn-\m¬ FÆ-ta-dnb tISpw \mihpw A∂ph∂p Bbn-cam-bncw IpSpw-_-߃ Cc-∏m-fn-Ifmbn t]mIp-Ibpw sNbvXn-cn-°p-∂p. ae-bm-f-Ønse BZysØ hm¿Øm-hn-X-c-W˛ FgpØp coXn-Iƒ ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn-\m-bmWv C{Xbpw hni-Z-ambn {]mXn-\n[ykz`m-h-tØmsS hm¿Ø-Iƒ apI-fn¬ FSp-sØ-gp-Xn-b-Xv. hSt° Ata-cn-°, AYhm Ata-cn-°≥ sFIy\m-Sp-Iƒ F∂-Xn-\mWv Ata-cn°m hS-°qdp kwÿm\w F∂v Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. tU‰vsse\n¬ ÿe-t∏-c-√msX Xob-Xn-bn-√. ImcWw amkØn-sem∂p am{X-amWp {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. hm¿Ø-bv°-IØv C∂ amk-Øn¬ F∂pw Nnet∏mƒ C∂ Xob-Xn-s°∂pw tN¿°p-I-bmWp coXn. Xob-Xnbpw h¿j-hp-sa√mw ae-bmfw A°-Øn-emsW-gp-Xn-bn-´p-≈-Xv. BZye°-Ønse Hcp hm¿Ø tImb-º-Øqcnse Zmcn-{Zy-sØ-°p-dn-®-mW-t√m. hniZmw-i-ßsfm∂pw ]d-bmsX, Iptds» hdpXn ImWp∂p F∂p am{Xw! Xoh≠n A∂v ]pIh≠n-bm-Wv. {^©v km{amPyw ]c{¥okv tImbva-b-t{X. Ata-cn-°-bn¬ atZym-]-t`mKw sIm≠p-≠m-Ip∂ tZmj-ß-sf-°p-dn®p≈ hm¿Ø Ah-X-cn-∏n-®n-cn-°p-∂Xp {]N-mc-W-]-cam-bm-Wv. ss{IkvX-hm-Z¿i{]tNm-Zn-X-amb `mj-bn¬ Iptd Bfp-Iƒ F∂-Xn\v Gdnb tZl-߃; Gsd F∂-XmWv Gdnb. ae-bmfw F∂m¬ ]me-°mSv apX¬ hS-t°m´p≈ ae-_m-dm-Wv. Nn‰mky Gjym-sa-\-dm-Wv. Xp¿°n, ssakq¿ aln-jm-kp-c-am-Wv. Xncp-hn-Xm-t¶mSv Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iqdpw sIm®n ioa a[y-tI-c-f-hpw. Xe-t»-cn-bnepw ]me-°m-´nepw Kpcp-°-∑msc ]Tn-∏n-°p∂ ime-Isf sI´p-hm≥ Iev]n-®p-sh∂ hm¿Ø-bn¬ \n∂v 1874 Ime-ØmWv Xe-t»-cn-bnepw ]me-°m´pw s{Sbn-\nMv kvIqƒ ÿm]n-°-s∏-´-sX∂p hy‡-am-Ip-∂p. Im‰pw tImfp-ap-≠m-b-t∏mƒ a{Zmkv Xpd-ap-JØv amÿ A‰‚ v \¬Inb ap∂-dn-bn∏pw XpS¿kw`-hßfpw dnt∏m¿´v sNbvXXv A∂sØ hnh-cW coXn°v DØ-tam-Zm-l-c-W-am-Wv. ]oc¶n shSn-s]m-´n®XmWv Imf-t¥m°v F∂ {]tbm-K-Øn-eqsS kqNn∏n-°p-∂-Xv. Hmf-∏-c-∏n¬ I∏-ep-Iƒ c£m-{iaw \SØp-∂-Xns\ Zqc-°m-gvN-bn¬ Nnc-´-I-fpsS t]mcm-´ambn D]-an-°p-∂p. Ata-cn-°-bnse sh≈-s∏m-°-sØ-°p-dn-®p≈ hm¿Ø-bn¬ an n-kn∏n F∂ alm-\-Znsb icn-bmbn ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ ]{Xm-[n-]¿ {]tbm-Kn® coXn t\m°p-I. tIc-f-Øn¬ kp]-cn-Nn-X-amb t]cm-dns\ h≥ \Zn F∂-Xns‚ ]cym-b-am-°n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Bdp-
I-fpsS cmPm-hmWp an n-kn∏n F∂v B‰p-tIm-\mb F∂ {]tbm-K-Øn-eqsS hy‡-am-°p-∂p. sh≈-s∏m°-Øns‚ BXy-¥nI^ew Bbn-cam-bncw IpSpw-_ßsf sImSpwZpcn-X-Øn-te°p X≈n-bn-S-em-Wv. Cc∏m-fn-Iƒ F∂ icn-bmb {]tbm-K-Øn-eqsS AXns‚ Xo{hX hy‡-am-°p-∂p. tIc-tfm-]-Imcn F∂ hm¿Øm]{XnI A°meØp s]mXp-P-\-ß-fn¬ henb aXn∏pw Bth-i-hp-ap≠m-°n-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂Xn\v AXn¬ h∂ Nne IØpIƒ sXfn-hm-Wv. teJ-I-cp-sStbm IYm-Ir-Øp-°-fpsStbm Ihn-I-fp-sStbm t]cv krjvSn-Iƒs°m∏w hbv°p∂ ]Xnhv A°m-e-Øn-√m-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂p tXm∂p-∂p. IØp sImSp-Øn-cn-°p-∂Xv se‰¿ {^w F {^≠v F∂ Xe-s°-t´m-sS-bm-Wv. ""tIc-tfm-]Imcn ]{Xm-[n-]-tc, ASpØ Ducp-°-fn-te°p hnhn[Xchm¿Ø-Isf sIm≠p-t]m-Ip∂ _me-\mb D]Im-cn-bpsS ]°¬ At\-I¿ Ic-f-en-thmSpw at\m-tJZ-tØmSpw IqsS tIƒ°pw F∂v Bin-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xpw Xmsg hcp-∂-Xp-amb h¿Ø-am-\-sØbpw IqsS Gev]n-®o-Sp-hm≥ G‰hpw hn\-b-tØmsS sI©p-∂p'' F∂ Bap-J-tØmsS hm¿Ø. tIcf]{XnI {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ ImeØp \ne-hn-ep-≠m-bn-cp∂ \Kck`-I-fnse hcp-am-\w, sNe-hv, {]h¿Ø\w F∂nh kw_-‘n®p XpS¿®bmbn dnt∏m¿´v sNbvXph∂p. P\-kwJym IW°n\pw ]{X-Øn¬ henb {]m[m\yw \¬In. hm¿Øsb tkmt±iykmln-Xy-ambn ]cn-h¿Øn-∏n°p-∂-Xn\p anI® DZm-l-c-W-ambn FSpØpIm´mhp∂ Nne hm¿Ø-I-fp-≠v. AXn-sem-∂mWv hb-\m´n¬ kz¿Ww Is≠-Øn-sb-∂-Xv. c≠mw h¿Kw e°w H∂n¬ s]m≥\n-e-߃ F∂ hm¿Øm-te-J\w sImSp-Øn-cn-°p-∂p. hb-\m´n¬ s]m≥ I≠n-cn-°p∂p F∂v Nne \mƒ aptº FØnb h¿Ø-am\w tI´n´p hb-\m-´p-Im¿ am{X-a-√, Ah-cpsS CS-h-e-°mcpw `mKy-hm-∑m¿ Xs∂ F∂p ]ecpw hnNm-cn-®n-´p-≠m-Ipw. AtX, ac-ß-fn¬ \n∂v CfIn hogp∂ N∏p t]mse s]m≥I´ B ae{º-tZ-iß-fn¬ Fßpw NnX-dn-°n-S∂p F¶n¬, Bcpw sN∂p Xs‚ Bh-iy-Øn\p th≠p-∂-Xns\ s]dp°n sIm≠p-t]m-Ip-hm≥ kwKXn D≠m-bn-cp-∂p F∂p ]d™-tijw, kz¿WJ\-\-Øns‚ {]bmkw hnh-cn-°p∂p. ]ns∂-bmWv b-Ym¿Y Xmev]-cy-Øn-te°p hcp∂-Xv. Hcp cmPyØp `qan-°-Sn-bn¬ s]m∂p-≠m-b-XpsIm≠v Zcn-{Z¿ [\n-I-cm-b-Xn\p sXfn-hn-s√∂p Nq≠n°m-´nb tijw ]{Xm-[n-]¿ XpS-cp-∂p˛ ssZh-`-bhpw kXyhpw Irjn, ssIsØm-gn¬, I®-hSw apX-emb {]hrØn-I-fn-ep≈ D’m-lhpw sIm≠s{X cmPyØn\p ]pjvSnbpw \K-c-°m¿°p kuJyhpw hcp-∂p≈q. Cw•-≠n¬ ImWp∂ al-Xzhpw _ehpw [\-]pjvSnbpw AhnsS s]m≥\n-e-߃ D≠m-bn-´-√, B P\-ß-fpsS ssZh-`-bhpw Xß-fpsS {]h¿Øn-I-fnep≈ kma¿Yyhpw D’m-lhpw sIm≠v h¿[n®p am¿®v 2016
hcp-∂p. hb-\m-´n\pw ae-bm-f-Øn\pw Cu lnμp cmPy-Øn\v Hs°bpw alna htc-Ww. F¶n¬, ssZh`-bhpw {]hrØn-I-fn¬ Pm{K-Xbpw D’m-lhpw P\ß-fn¬ \otf ]c-°-Ww, A√m-™m¬ Hcp s]m∑g s]bvXmepw kpJw D≠m-I-bn√ \n›-bw. awK-em-]p-c-Øn¬ {_m“-W-cmb aq∂v _mey°m¿ Xß-fn¬ \ncq-]n®p: an\-s°´p \n∂v _lph’cw Hcp k¿°m¿ DtZym-K-Øn\p th≠n ]´nWn InS-°p-∂-Xns‚ ^ew F¥p? ssZhw \ap°p ssIbpw Imepw X∂p-h-t√m, BI-bm¬ h√ thebpw sNbvXp, \mƒ a\p-jy\p DNn-X-am-Ipw-hÆw Ign-tb-≠-Xn\p t\m°-Ww, F∂p \n›-bn®p kw_‘-°m-cpsS kΩ-X-{]-Imcw anj≥ s\bvØp-]p-c-bn¬ sN∂p, s\bvØp-]Wn ]Tn-∏m-\mbn Iev]\ tNmZn°pIbpw In´p-Ibpw sNbvXp. the s]m∂n-t\°mfpw hfsc \√Xp F∂p F√m-h¿°pw {Kln®p F¶n¬ sIm≈m-am-bn-cp-∂p.
_mk¬ anj≥ s\bvØp-ime _mk¬ anj≥ ae-bm-f-Øn¬ AXm-bXv ]gb ae-_m¿ taJ-e-bn¬ \S-Ønb sshhn-[y-am¿∂ {]h¿Ø-\-Øn-te°p shfn®w hoip-∂p-sh∂ \ne-bn¬ {it≤-b-amWv Cu hm¿Ømte-J-\w. Hcp D÷zeapJ-{]-kw-K-Øns‚ i‡nbpw HmP- p-ap≈ Cu teJ-\-Øn¬ sXmgn-ens‚ alXzw DZvtLm-jn-°p-∂p. A°m-eØv bmYm-ÿn-Xn-I-XzØn¬ s]´p bmsXmcp ta¬K-Xn-bp-an-√msX Ign-bp-Ibm-bn-cp∂ tIc-fobbuΔ-\sØ t\¿hgn ImWn°m≥ th≠n Fgp-Xnb teJ-\w. awK-em-]p-cØp s\bvØp-im-ebpw Nmbw ap°¬ tI{μhpw s\bvØp]-cn-io-e-\-im-ebpw Bcw-`n-®p-sIm≠p tIc-f-Øn¬ hyh-kmbhnπ-h-Øn\p XpS°w Ipdn® _mk¬ anjs‚ {]h¿Ø-\-Øn-te°pw {i≤ £Wn-°p-∂psh∂ \ne-bn-em-WnXp {][m-\-am-Ip-∂-Xv. aXw amdn FØn-b-h¿°p am{X-a-√, \m´p-Im-cmb F√m-h¿°pw s\bvØp-hnZy ]cn-io-en-°m≥ anj≥ Ah-k-c-sam-cp°n-bn-cp-∂p. A°m-eØpw ]ns∂ Zo¿L-Imew
am¿®v 2016
hscbpw Imbn-Im-[zm-\-Øn\p t]mIm≥ aSn-®p-\n∂ {_m“-W-cn¬Øs∂ Nne¿ amaq-ens\ X≈n anjs‚ s\bvØp-im-e-bn-seØn F∂ hm¿Ø-bmWv CXn-ep≈-Xv. CsXmcp amXr-I-sb∂ \ne-bn¬ hcp-∂p. A°m-eØp henb hnhm-Z-Øn-\n-S-bm-°nb N¿®mhnj-b-amb hm¿Ø-bm-bn-cn°pw CXv. _wKmƒ £ma-sØ-°p-dn®p hni-Z-ambn hm¿Ø \¬In-b-tijw £maw t\cn-Sp∂ ]mh-߃°p klm-b-sa-Øn-t°-≠-Xns‚ {]m[m\yw Nq≠n-°m´p∂ Ipdn∏v IqSn hbv°p-I˛ "lnμp-ÿm-\w˛ Ign™ sIm√-Øn¬ Xc-Øn¬ ag s]øm-bvI-bm¬ _wKmfn¬ Hmtcm Ducp-I-fnepw {Kma-ß-fnepw Ipdhv XpSßn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. ]pd-\m-´n¬ \n∂p [m\y-߃ hcpØm-™m¬ Gdnb Bƒ acn-®p-t]m-hm≥ X° henb ]™w D≠mIpw F∂p I¬°´-bnse D]-cmPmhpw Cw•-≠nse lnμp-ÿm\ tImbva imJbpw I≠p. hcp-hm≥ t]mIp-∂ In≠-sØbpw he-s®-ens\bpw Xß-fm¬ BIp∂ {]Imcw Npcp-°n-°f™p Ign-bp∂ Bflm-°sf Poh-t\mSp c£n-t°≠-Xn\p F{Xtbm {]bm-k-s∏´p hcp-∂p. \ΩpsS {]nb-Xa k¿°m¿ 30 e£-Øn¬ A[nIw aqS Acnbpw [m\y-ßfpw hcpØn Ahn-S-hnsS Nc-Xn®p hbv°p-I-b-√msX Hmtcm Awi-Øn¬ ]m¿Øp-hcp∂ km[p-°sf t\m°n ap´p Xo¿t°-≠-Xn\p Bƒ B°n. ]Wn sNøm≥ X° Du°p-≈-h-scs°m≠v Ahn-S-hnsS Hmtcm acm-aØp ]Wn-Isf \SØn hcp-∂p. AXp IqSmsX Cw•-≠nse e≠≥ XpS-ßnb \K-c-ß-fn¬ Gsd-°ptd \me-c-e£w dp∏nI tN¿Øp h∂p. lnμp-ÿm-\n-¬ Fßpw Hmtcm cmPm-°-∑mcpw alm-∑mcpw he-™p -sIm-SpØ-Xn≥ ]pdta a{Zm- n, Xncp-®n-d-∏≈n apX-emb ]´W-ß-fn¬ ]ecpw Hcp-a-\-s∏´p `n£m-Zm\w sImSpØp-h-cp-∂p. \ap°v shdpsX Ccn-°p-∂Xv \ymb-a-√t√m. hni-∏p-≈-h¿°p \ns‚ A∏sØ \pdp-°n-s°mSp-°p-Ibpw he-™n-cn-°p∂ km[p-°sf \ns‚ ho´nte°p hcp-Øn-s°m-≈p-Ibpw \·s\ \o ImWptºmƒ Ahs\ ]pX-∏n-°p-Ibpw \ns‚ kz¥PUØn¬ \n∂v \ns∂ Xs∂ ad-bv°msX Ccn-°p-Ibpw sNbvI F∂p biøm {]hm-N-I-\n¬ hmbn-°p-∂p≠t√m. tIc-tfm-]-Imcn ]{Xw XpS°w apX¬ Ahkm\w hsc Db¿Øn∏nSn® Imcp-Wy-Øn-s‚, klPohn kvt\l-Øn-s‚, aX-{]-t_m-[-\-ßsf kmaq-ly{]-Xn-_-≤-X-bv°mbn D]-tbm-K-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ Xc-Ønep≈ tkmt±iy]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ ssien-°p-Zml-c-W-at{X CXv. A‘-hn-izm-khpw A\m-Nm-c-hp-sa∂p X߃°p tXm∂p∂ Imcy-ß-sf-°p-dn®v A∂p km[y-amb Xc-Øn¬ hna¿i-\-ap-∂-bn-°m≥ tIc-tfm]-Imcn {i≤n-®n-´p-≠v. ]n≥Ip-Sp-a, ap≥Ip-Spa XpSßn A∂v bmYm-ÿn-Xn-I¿ BN-cn®p t]m∂ Nne kwK-
Xn-I-sf-°p-dn-®p≈ IØp-Iƒ, adp-]-Sn-Iƒ F∂nh DZm-l-c-W-ambn ]d-bmw. Nne hnj-lm-cn-Iƒ a{¥i‡n-sIm≠v hnjsØ Cd-°p-am-dp≠v F∂ hmN-I-Øn¬ \n∂v ""F∂v Ah¿ ]d-bp∂p'' F∂ hm°p-Iƒ hoWp-t]m-bn. Xo≠nb hnjw a{¥-i-‡nsIm≠v Cdßpw F∂ hnizmkw tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn°p h∂n√ \n›-bw. F∂v Hcp e°-Øn¬ ]{Xm-[n-]¿ Fgp-Xp∂p-≠v. apsºmcp e°-Øn¬ h∂ ]niIv Xncp-ØpI am{X-a-√, B hm°v hoWp-t]m-b-Xn-\m¬ ]{X-Øns‚ ho£Ww Aim-kv{Xo-b-am-sW∂p hmb\-°m¿ [cn-°m-\n-S-bm-b-Xn¬ tJZw {]I-Sn-∏n-°-Iq-Snbm-Wv. AtX ]{Xm-[n]hni-Zo-I-c-W-Øn¬ h∂ _m°n `mKw IqSn Cu hnj-b-Øn¬ {]k-‡-am-b-Xn\m¬ NphsS tN¿°p-∂p. ""BNmc hnNm-cn-bpsS tNmZy-߃°pw Bcpw DØcw FgpXn Ab-bv°mbvI-bm¬ tIc-tfm-]-Imcn Xm≥ H∂p-c≠p hm°p ]dtb-≠n-h-∂p. Ah-c-h-cpsS PmXn-[¿a-{]-Imcw ap≥IpSp-a-tbm ]n≥Ip-Sp-atbm hbv°p-∂-Xn-epw ta¬°mXpw Iogv°mXpw IpØn-°p-∂-Xnepw ckn-°p-∂-h¿ Hs°bpw A{]-Imcw sNø-s´. Ahcn¬ h√-h\pw ssZh-I-cp-W-bm¬ Hcp ]pXnb lrZ-bhpw Hcp ]pXnb Bflmhpw h∂m¬, ]Xn-cp- Im-‰n¬ apºn¬ ]mdn-t∏m-Ip∂ {]Imcw IpSp-abpw ISp-°\pw ]mdnt∏m-Ipw. tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn°p IpSp-a-bp-an-√, ISp-°-\pan√ F¶nepw CXp \nanØw Xm≥ \√-h≥ F∂p hnNm-cn-°p-∂n-√. IpSp-a-bp-a-√, sam´-bp-a-√, ISp-°-\pan√, shdpw ImXp-a-√, kvt\l-tØmsS {]h¿Øn°p∂ Poh-\p≈ hnizm-k-as{X \ap°v th≠Xp'' F∂mWv ]{Xm-[n-]¿ t]cp-h-bv°msX Fgp-Xn-bn-´p≈-Xv. B Ime-L-´-Ønse tIc-fobkaq-l-Øn¬ \ne\n∂ BNm-c-߃ ]eXpw Imel-c-W-s∏-´Xpw ]ptcm-K-Xn°p XS- amIp∂Xpw hnth-N\w krjvSn°p-∂-Xp-amsW-∂mWv tIc-tfm-]-Imcn hni-Zo-I-cn-°p∂-Xv. F∂m¬ AØcw hna¿i-\-ßfpw KpWtZmjhnNn-¥-\-ßfpw henb FXn¿∏p-I-fp-≠m-°pIbpw sNbvXp. ]c-kv]c_lp-am\w \ne-\n¿Øns°m≠v hfsc ]Xn™ `mj-bn-emWv BNmchna¿i\w \S-Øn-b-Xv. am{X-a-√, lnμp kapZm-b-Øns‚ BNm-cm-\p-jvTm-\-߃ kw_-‘n®p ]{X-Øn¬ {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. 1874 ¬ ]e e°-Ønepw ]pXnb h¿jsØ ]©mwKw lnμp]pWyZn\-߃ FSp-Øp-Im´n {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn. 1874 sabv amk-Øn¬ XpSßn AXn-thKw P\hn-izm-k-am¿Pn®p \√ {]Nm-c-tØmsS {]kn-≤-s∏SpØn h∂ tIc-tfm-]-Imcn 1875 Unkw-_¿ amkw Ccp-]Xm-aXv e°-tØmsS \ne-®p. Ccp-]Xmw e°Øn¬ Ah-km\w, the end F∂ Xe-s°-´n¬ Ccp]Xm-aXv e°-Øn¬ Hcp ]{Xm-[n-]-°p-dn-∏p-≠v. AXn¬ 1875 Pq¨ e°-Øn¬ am¿]m∏ tdmanse
aXm-[y-£-∑m¿°-b® IØns‚ Npcp°w {]kn-≤-s∏Sp-Øn-bn-cp-∂p. AXnse ]cm-a¿i-߃s°-Xntc ]cam¿Yw F∂ t]cp≈ tdma≥ ItØm-en°m hnizmkn tIc-tfm-]Im-cn°v IØ-b-®p. IØv {]kn≤-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ ]{Xm-[n-]¿ Xbm-dm-bn-√. IØv {]kn≤-s∏-Sp-Øm™Xv F¥p sIm≠m-sW∂ hni-Zo-I-cW-amWv Cu ]{Xm-[n-]-°p-dn-∏n-ep-≈-Xv. temIhm¿Ø-bpsS Npcp°w \m´p-Im¿ Adn-b-W-sa-∂-Xn\m-emWp ]m∏-mbpsS {]kw-K-®p-cp°w sImSp-ØsX∂pw AXn¬ as‰mcp KqVe£y-hp-an-s√-∂p-amWp hni-Zo-I-c-Ww. (k-`m-X¿°{]iv\-an-s√-∂¿Yw. tIctfm-]-Imcn ]pØ≥ Iq‰pImcpsS hI-bmW-t√m.) BIm-i-Øn\p Iogn¬ tbip am{Xw c£. ]t£, at‰-sX-¶nepw hnizm-ksØ \nμn-°p-Itbm Zpjn-°p-Itbm sNøp-∂-Xn\v tIc-tfm-]-Imcn ioen®n-´n-√. h√-h-scbpw hnj-an-∏n-®p-sh-¶n¬ k¶Sw tXm∂p-I-tb-bp-≈q F∂p ]{Xm-[n-]¿ ]d-bp-∂p. GXm-bmepw tIc-tfm-]-Imcn AtXmsS \ne-®p. AXns‚ a‰p Imc-W-߃ hy‡-a-√. ae-bm-f-Ønse BZy-Ime]{X-{]-h¿Ø\sØ°p-dn®p a\- n-em°m≥ tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn-bpsS ]T\w A\n-hm-cy-am-Wv. F∂m¬, tIcf ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\Ncn-{X-Øn¬ Cu ]{Xw th≠-hn[w ]Tn-°-s∏-Sp-Itbm ]cn-K-Wn-°-s∏Sp-Itbm sNbvXn-√. tIm∏n e`y-a-√m-ØXmhmw AXn\p Imc-Ww. _mk¬ anj≥ Ncn{X tcJ-Iƒ tiJ-cn-°p-∂-Xn\p Zo¿L-Im-e-ambn ]cn-{i-an-°pIbpw hen-sbm-c-f-thmfw AXn¬ hnP-bn-°p-Ibpw sNbvX tZh-Zmkv amSmbn tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn-bpsS Gsd°psd F√m e°-ßfpw kºm-Zn-®n-´p-≠v. AXv ]pkvX-I-cq-]-Øn¬ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn-\p≈ Hcp°w \S-∂p-h-cn-I-bm-Wv. kwkvIr-X-Øns‚ Ie¿∏n-√mØ X\n ae-bmfw {]tbm-K-߃, ae-bm-fo-I-cn-°-s∏´ cmPy-˛-ÿ-e-\m-a߃, hmIy-co-Xn, a‰v `mjm khn-ti-j-X-Iƒ, ae-bmf-Ønse A∂sØ at\m-l-c-amb ]Z-tImiw F∂nh-sbms° kq£va-amb ]T-\-Øn\p hnt[-b-am-t°≠-Xp-≠v. BZy-Ime]{X-`m-j, D≈-S°w F∂n-hbpw ]Tn-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. _mk¬ anj≥ cq]-h¬°-cn-®-Xns‚ Ccp∂qdmw hm¿jnIw BtLm-jn-°-s∏-Sp∂ Cu thfbn¬ tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn-bpsS ]T-\-Øn\p {]tXyIw {]k-‡n-bp-≠v. Kp≠¿´v aμn-c-ambn Adn-b-s∏-Sp∂ Xe-t»cn anj≥ lukn¬ \n∂p {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Ønb aq∂m-aXv ae-bmf]{Xw F∂ \ne-bn¬°q-Sn-bpw, Kp≠¿´ns‚ amXrI ]n¥p-S¿∂p injy¿ \S-Ønb ]{X-sa∂ \ne-bnepw tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn°v {]m[m-\y-ap≠v. Hcp hm¿Øm-]-{X-sa∂ \ne-bn¬ ae-bm-f-Ønse BZykwcw-`-ß-fn-sem-∂p-at{X tIc-tfm-]-Im-cn. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
amXr-`qan Imk¿tImUv _yqtdm No^v BWv teJ-I≥. C˛-sabn¬: balakrishnanvalliyote@gmail.com am¿®v 2016
Doyen’s Pen M.J. Akbar
The media menu of a
re publishers indispensable to journalists? Yes. Journalists may be know-alls, but the one thing they do not know is how to run a business.17 August 2013 The Sunday Guardian
Newspapers are owned and published by rich men. Rich men all belong to the same club. Sure, there’s competition — hard, tough competition for circulation, for newsbeats, for exclusive stories. Just so long as it doesn’t damage the prestige and privilege and position of the owners. If it does, down comes the lid. This is not from any book of quotations. But it does suggest that truth finds a better home in fiction than anthology. The author is Raymond
Raymond Chandler
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Chandler, an authentic master of modern fiction who created the shabby and sharp private detective Philip Marlowe. Marlowe — and Chandler — lived amid the shadows that enveloped wealth and crime in mid-20th century Los Angeles; they knew that the difference was marginal and the price was high if you talked too much. Marlowe talked too much. He did something even more risky. He spoke the truth. Newspapers in his time made the rich richer with their explosive mix of political influence and advertising monopoly. A British Prime Minister of the 1930s famously charged newspapers with enjoying the privilege of a harlot, exercising power without responsibility. But this was a selfserving taunt. Media barons can give Prime Ministers advice from a pillow, but it is Prime Ministers who let them into the bedroom. Be that as it may, money has always chased power through media, and every democracy has provided this incestuous opportunity. Transition destabilises any industry, and this is happening with newspapers. At least some of the rich are becoming poorer, thanks to newspapers they own. The most dramatic illustration has been the sale of the Washington Post b y the Graham family to Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon. This transfer does not suggest, as many have moaned, that news is going out of
business; at worst, it could suggest that paper is going out of business. Bezos bought the Post with spare change in a forgotten trouser pocket, but he rose from denim to riches through the information trade. Newspapers will be reshaped, as they should be from time to time, but this does not change the fundamental need for an information carrier. It is a car with two drivers. Owners step into journalist space through a conundrum called “publisher”. Editors comfort themselves with the romance of independence, and perhaps there is the occasional powerful personality who dominates a newsroom at the expense of the shareholder. But that is the exception. Editorial decisions are a shared enterprise. TheWashington Post became an indelible chapter in media history when its series of reports, familiar to us as the Watergate exposé, brought down Richard Nixon just after he had won a landslide endorsement from the people. But the decision to run the investigation was made as much by Katherine Graham, the owner, as by Ben Bradlee, the editor.
Yes. Journalists may be know-alls, but the one thing they do not know is how to run a business. The newspaper industry is also an industry. It is not an accident that owners of an old Indian media conglomerate like Times of India and a new one like Zee have a very healthy respect for profits. They understand what journalists should acknowledge, that a newspaper or television channel cannot stand up against any government without a healthy bottom line. They do not have to look over their shoulder if they
Bezos is a wise chap. He has appointed Bob Woodward, one of the stars of Watergate, as managing editor. The key to media does not lie in ownership, but in credibility. Without credibility, a newspaper is just wrapping for fish and chips if not a rag for rubbish. Credibility makes journalists indispensable to publishers. Are publishers indispensable to journalists? am¿®v 2016
Boys’ School and later from Presidency College, Calcutta (1967-70), where he attained a BA (Hons) in English. Akbar joined The Times of India i n 1971 as a trainee. Within a few months, he moved to the The Illustrated Weekly of India, then India’s largest selling magazine, working as a sub-editor as well as distinguishing himself as a feature writer capable of contributing a prolific number of stories. He would remain with the weekly until 1973 when he took office as the editor of the news fortnightly, Onlooker,owned by The Free Press Journal Group in Mumbai.
M.J. Akbar Mobashar Jawad Akbar is a leading Indian journalist and the Editor-in-Chief and then Editorial Director of The Sunday Guardian, a weekly newspaper that he founded, until he left to join politics full-time. He has remained associated with the leading media houses and periodicals in India including India Today, Headlines Today, The Telegraph. The Asian Age a n d Deccan Chronicle. He was born on 11 January 1951in Bengal and had his education from Calcutta
want to break stories at the cost of a ruling family’s displeasure. A media house fails when it forgets that both credibility and cash flow are important. The list of Indian media companies who have forgotten this basic rule is long and growing. am¿®v 2016
In 1976, he moved to Calcutta to join the Ananda Bazar Patrika (ABP) Group as editor of The Sunday, a political weekly. Within just three years of its launch, the investigative reporting pioneered by the magazine established its national circulation and number one position. The magazine took an uncompromising stand against the Emergency and fought press censorship and dictatorship.The Sunday not only established major trends in journalism but also spawned a new generation of journalists in the country. In 1982, after the success of The Sunday, Akbar launched what is considered by some to be India’s first modern newspaper. He conceived, designed and edited the daily newspaper, The Telegraph, which had a major impact on newspaper journalism in India. Akbar was also the editor-in-chief of The Deccan Chronicle, a Hyderabad-based news daily.
Behind very thin curtains, big names are crumbling. The cost of plaster being applied to disguise this collapse is the transfer of shares and control. We will not find out the full truth till the end arrives, suddenly, and not without a residual whiff of bitterness, as in the case of t h e Washington Post.
(45) In 1989, he took a brief detour into politics with his election to the Indian Parliament in November 1989 from Kishanganj in Bihar on a Congress(I) ticket. He lost the seat in the 1991 Lok Sabha elections. He served as late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s official spokesman. In 1991, Akbar joined the Government as an advisor in the Ministry of Human Resources, and helped policy planning in key areas of education, the National Literacy Mission and in the protection of heritage. He resigned from the post and quit politics in December 1992, returning to journalism and full-time writing. In 1993, Akbar started a new media company with the aim of creating India’s first newspaper that would not only include an international focus within its editorial range, but also be the first Indian daily with an international edition. This newspaper appeared in February 1994. T h e Asian Age was launched with initial editions in Delhi, Bombay, and London, and by 2008 had grown, in collaboration with t h e Deccan Chronicle, to eight editions, into a major media presence nationally and internationally. In 2004, the group began publishing The International Herald Tribune in India, and became a publishing partner of The New York Times. In 2005, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia appointed him as a member of the committee to draft a ten-year charter for Muslim nations on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. In March 2006, Akbar joined the Brookings Institution, Washington, as a Visiting Fellow in the Brookings Project on U.S. Policy Towards the Islamic World. During the late 90s, he diluted his stake in the Asian But media will survive, whether in America or India, even if owners do not. Information is not an aggregate of everything on the highway. It is a cull of that which is relevant. Of course, there are interests, as the cynic Raymond Chandler noted, with his usual caustic flourish. But even the super rich cannot hold on to these
Age, eventually selling of a major part of it to the Reddys, the owners of the Deccan Chronicle Group. In March 2008, Akbar was removed from The Asian Age a n d Deccan Chronicle due to differences with the owners over editorial policy, it is supposed. Akbar launched the fortnightly political magazine Covert on 13 May 2008 in Delhi with the first issue on stands on 14 May. Simultaneously, the Covert website was launched two days later though it was ultimately discontinued. Akbar launched a new Sunday newspaper from 31 January 2010, The Sunday Guardian, published from New Delhi and Chandigarh besides an edition called India on Sunday from London. He remained the Editor-in-Chief and then Editorial Director there until May 2014, when he resigned to join politics full-time. In the meanwhile, in September 2010, he joined the Living Media as Editorial Director of the leading weekly English news magazine India Today and the English news channel Headlines Today. He left in October 2012. Akbar was a Congress MP from Kishanganj in Bihar between 1989 and 1991, he was also a Congress party spokesperson in 1989. M J Akbar joined the Bharatiya Janata Party in March 2014. He was appointed as national spokesperson of the party and elected to Rajya Shabha from Jharkhand in June 2015. Akbar is married to Mallika Joseph, his contemporary at The Times of India. They have two children, Prayaag and Mukulika. laser scalpels called newspapers if they do not understand that while their personal interests may occasionally dent the integrity of a product, they should never damage it. A good newspaper proprietor feeds the goose that lays golden eggs. He does not put it on the menu of a last supper. am¿®v 2016
A£-chpw Zriyhpw A
Sn-b-¥cm-hÿ Aan-Xm-[n-Imc hmgvN-bmbn ]cn-W-an® \mfp-Iƒ. "\mh-S°q ]Wn-sb-Sp°q' F∂ ap{Zm-hmIyw \msSßpw {]I-º\w sIm≠p. {][m-\-a{¥n t]mepw B{K-ln-°mØ \ne-bn¬ C¥y≥ ]-{X߃ AanX hnt[-bXzw ImWn®p ap´n-en-g-™p. {]Xn-]£ [¿Ωw \n¿h-ln-t°≠ ]{X-߃ dm≥aqfn ]©-]p-O-a-S°n \n∂p. H‰-s∏´ FXn¿ i_vZ-߃ am{Xw. ae-bm-f-Øn¬ D®-Øn¬ apgßn Hcp i_vZw˛ tZim-`n-am-\n. A[n-Imcw Ad-®p-\n-∂n-√. Igp-Øn-\p -Xs∂ ]nSn-®p. sk≥k¿ h∂p Hm^o-kn-en-cp-∂p. `c-W-Øn-s\-Xnsc Hc-£cw Fgp-Xn-°q-Sm. F¶n¬ apJ-{]-kw-K- tImfw Hgn-®n-Sm≥ Xocp-am-\-am-bn. c≠p-\mƒ Ign-™-t∏mƒ DØchv h∂p FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ tImfw Hgn-®n-Sm≥ ]mSn-√. A[n-Imc [m¿jvSy-Øns\-Xntc Iqc-ºp-I-fp-ambn ]nt∂bpw hm¿Ø-Iƒ, FUn-t‰m-dn-b-ep-Iƒ. k¿°m¿ DtZym-K-ÿ-\mb sk≥k-dpsS _p≤n-bn¬ Acn-s®-Sp-°m-\m-ImØ Bi-b-ßfpw ktμ-i-ßfpw tZim-`n-am-\n-bn-eqsS hmb-\-°m-cn-te°v HgpIn. Aßs\ 21 amksØ ASn-b-¥cm-h-ÿ-bn-ep-S-\ofw tZim-`n-am\n P\m-[n-]Xy-Øns‚ {]Xn-tcm[w Xo¿Øp. Cu cmjv{Sob t]mcm-´-Øn\p tZim-`n-am-\nbn¬ I®-ap-dp-°nb bph ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-cn¬ AZzn-Xo-b-\m-bn-cp∂p kn.-Fw. A_vZpdlvam≥. sk≥kdpsS `qX-°-Æm-Snsb sh´n®p hm¿Ø sImSp-°p∂-Xnepw t]Pp-Iƒ°p i‡-amb Zriym-hn-jvImcw Hcp-°p-∂-Xnepw A{K-KWy-\m-bn-cp∂p A_vZp-°. ]n∂oSv ]Xn-‰m-≠p-Iƒ tZim-`n-am-\n°p t\XrXzw \¬Im\pw ]n≥X- e - a p- d sb hm¿sØ- S p- ° m\pw At±lw A£oWw {]h¿Øn®p. am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS kwL-S-\m-cw-KØpw At±lw tZio-bX- e - Ø n¬ t\XrXzw \¬In. ]{X- { ]- h ¿ØI bqWn- b s‚ \mj- W ¬ Iu¨kn¬ AwK-sa∂ \nebv°p Zo¿L-Imew {]h¿Øn® A_vZp-dlvam≥ kn. Fw. A_vZp-dlvam≥ cmPy-sØ-hn-sSbpw am[y-a-cw-KØp kplr-Øp-°-fp-≠v. ]m¿´n tIm¨{K-kpI-fn¬ {]Xn-\n-[n-bmbpw _lp-P-\-kw-L-S-\-I-fp-sSbpw a‰pw tZiob ktΩ-f\-ß-fn¬ dnt∏m¿´-dmbpw ]s¶-SpØpw Cg-b-Sp-∏-ap≈ hy‡n-_-‘-߃°v DS-a-bm-bn. C∂sØ apJy-[mc am[ya -{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v A\yw-\n∂p t]mb Hcp kz`m-h-ssh-injvSyw A_vZp°bv°v D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ]c∂ hmb-\. GXp hnj-b-sØ-°p-dn®pw H‰-bn-cn-∏n\p apJ-{]-kw-Ktam teJ-\tam Fgp-Xn-Øo¿°m≥ Cu \nXm¥ hmb\ At±-l-Øn\p klm-bI-am-bn. hnkva-bn-∏n-°p∂ X¿Pa ssh`-h-am-bn-cp∂p At±-l-Øn-t‚-Xv. Ign™ P\p-hcn 7 sIm®n-bn¬ sh®mWv B _lp-apJ{]Xn` hnS-hm-ßn-b-Xv. ae-∏pdw Xncq-cn-\SpØp sh´Øv 1944 HIvtSm-_¿ H∂n-\mWv P\-\w. 37 h¿jsØ I¿Ω\nc-X -Po-hn-X-Øn-\p-tijw tZim-`nam-\n-bpsS FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv FUn-‰-dm-bn-cns° 2004¬ hnc-an-®p. Iayq-WnÃv ]m¿´n {]h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ `mKam-bmWv 1967¬ tImgn-t°mSv "Nn¥'bn¬ tN¿∂-Xv. 1968¬ "tZim-`n-am\n'bn¬ k_v FUn-‰-dm-bn. 1998¬ FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv FUn-‰-dmbn sk≥{S¬ sUkv°ns‚ Npa-Xe Gs‰-Sp-Øp. tImgn-t°m-Sv, sIm®n, Xncp-h-\¥-]pcw bqWn‰p-If - n¬ {]h¿Øn-®p. ]pXnb ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-Isc ]cn-io-en-∏n-°p-∂X - nepw Znim-t_m[w \¬Ip∂-Xnepw Gsd {i≤n-®p. kn.]n.sF.Fw ]{X-{]-h¿ØI kwLmw-Ka - mbn ssN\ kμ¿in-®p. {]kv A°m-Zan P\-d¬ Iu¨kn¬ AwK-am-bn-cp-∂p. 1972 apX¬ C¥y≥ s^U-td-j≥ Hm^v h¿°nMv tP¿W-enÃv tZiob kanXn AwK-am-bn. h¿°nMv IΩn‰n AwK-am-bn-cp∂ At±lw Ipd-®p-Imew sk{I-´-dn-bmbpw {]h¿Øn-®p. aXbmYmÿnXn-IXzsØ sh√p-hn-fn-®-Xn\p ]≈n-bn¬ \n∂pw ho´n¬ \n∂pw ]pd-Øm-°-s∏-´p. sI.-Sn. apl-Ω-Zns‚ \mS-IØn¬ A`n-\-bn-®Xpw aX-\n-μ-bmbn IW-°m-°n. CXp `qan-bm-Wv, Im^¿ XpS-ßnb \mS-I-ß-fn¬ A`n-\bn-®p. ^dqJv tImtf-Pn¬ \n∂v Cw•o-jn¬ _ncp-Z-sa-Sp-Øp. Xncq¿ t]mfn-sS-Iv\n-°n¬ sa°m-\n°¬ F≥Pn\o-b-dnßn\p ]Tn-s®-¶nepw hnZym¿∞n {]ÿm-\-Øn¬ kPo-h-am-b-t∏mƒ ]pd-Øm-°-s∏-´p. 1962¬ IayqWnÃv ]m¿´n AwK-ambn. am[y-a, kmln-Xy, kn\n-am-cw-K-ß-fn¬ hn]p-e-amb kplr-Zv_-‘-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. hnc-an-®-tijw sIm®n-bn-em-bn-cp∂p Xma-kw. at\m-l-c≥ tamdmbn (tIc-f-]-{X-{]-h¿ØI bqWn-b≥ ap≥ P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn) am¿®v 2016
A°m-Zan hm¿Ø-Iƒ
kwkvIrXw Imem-Xn-h¿Øn-bmb `mj tUm. B¬_¿´v {^≥kv I m em-Xnh¿Ønbmb `mj-bmWv kwkvIrX- s a∂pw as‰mcp `mjtbmSpw CXns\ Xmc-Xayw sNøm-\m-hn-s√∂pw {]apJ `mjm-Kt- h-jI - \pw P¿Ω-\nbnse Sq_n-MvK≥ k¿Δ-Iem-im-e-bnse C≥tUm-fPn hn`mKw A[ym-]-I-\p-amb tUm. B¬_¿´v {^≥kv ]d-™p. tIcf aoUnb A°mZan C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v IayqWn- t °- j s‚ kv t Imf¿ C≥ Imºkv ]c-º-c-bn¬ C¥y≥ ]T\w P¿Ω- \ nbn¬ F∂ hnj- b - Ø n¬ tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v Iayq-Wn-t°-js‚ kvtImf¿ C≥ Imºkv {]`m-jWw \S-Øp-I-bm-bn]-c-º-c-bn¬ C¥y≥ ]T\w P¿Ω\nbn¬ F∂ hnj-b-Øn¬ tUm. B¬_¿´v {^≥kv cp∂p tUm. {^≥kv. {]`m-jWw \S-Øp∂p. Ct¥m- ˛ - b q- t dm- ] y≥ `mjm imJ-bnse {][m\ sNdp- a - I fpw Kth- j - I - b p- a mb sP{SqUv {^≥kv `mj-If - mb kwkvIr-XØ - n\pw P¿Ω\pw ASpØ kmZr- Kp≠¿´ns\ A\p- k v a - c n- ® p. A°m- Z an sNb¿am≥ iyhpw _‘-hp-am-Wp-≈Xv. F√m aX-ß-fp-tSbpw lrZ- sk¿Pn B‚Wn A[y-£X hln® NS-ßn¬ C≥Ãnb-Øn-te-°p≈ Xmt°m-emWv D]-\n-j-Øp-I-sf∂pw ‰yq´v Ub-d-IvS¿ Fw. cma-N{μ≥ kzmK-Xhpw A°m-Zan At±lw A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Akn. sk{I-´dn sI.-B¿. {]tamZv Ipam¿ \μn-bpw- ]-dae- b m- f - Ø nse BZysØ \nL- ≠ p- I m- c \pw ™p. A[ym-]-Icpw Poh-\-°mcpw hnZym¿∞n-Ifpw NS`mjm-]-{X-Øns‚ ]nXm-hp-amb sl¿Ω≥ Kp≠¿´ns‚ ß-fn¬ ]s¶-Sp-Øp.
sI.-kn. cmP-tKm-]m¬ tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan sshkv sNb¿am≥ tIcf aoUnb A°m-Z-an-bpsS sshkv sNb¿am-\mbn ae-bmf at\m-ca No^v k_v FUn-‰¿ sI.-kn. cmP-tKm-]m-ens\ P\-d¬ Iu¨kn¬ tbmKw Xncs™-Sp-Øp. A°m-Zan tIm¨{^≥kv lmfn¬ sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚-Wn-bpsS A[y-£-X-bn-em-bn-cp∂p tbmKw. A°m-Z-an-bpsS FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv t_m¿Un-te°v tZim-`n-am\n No^v FUn-‰¿ hn.-hn. Z£n-Wm-aq¿Øn, Gjym-s\‰v \yqkv No^v tIm˛-Hm¿Un-t\-‰nMv FUn-‰¿ Fkv. _nPp, aoUnb h¨ \yqkv FUn-‰¿ F≥.-]n. Pnjm¿ F∂n-h-scbpw Xncs™-Sp-Øp. A°m-Zan sNb¿ams‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn-ep≈ t_m¿Un¬ sshkv sNb¿ am\pw [\-Im-cy-h-Ip∏v sk{I-´-dnbpw C≥^¿ta-j≥-˛-]-ªnIv dnte-j≥kv hIp∏v sk{I-´-dnbpw Ub-d-IvSdpw A°m-Zan sk{I-´-dnbpw AwK-ß-fm-Wv.
sI.-kn. cmP-tKm-]m¬
am¿®v 2016
(48) A°m-Z-anIv Iu¨kn¬, hnI-k\ kan-Xn, h\nXm- kw-c-£W kan-Xn, s{]mU-£≥ IΩn-‰n, dnk¿®v B‚ v tUmIyp-sa-t‚-j≥ IΩn‰n F∂o D]k-an-Xn-I-sfbpw Xnc-s™-Sp-Øp. sI.-kn. cmP-tKm]m¬, hn.- h n. Z£n- W m- a q¿Øn, ^mZ¿ t_m_n AeIvkv aÆw-πm-°¬ (No^v FUn-‰¿, Zo]n-I), t__n amXyp (am-t\-PnMv Ub-d-IvS¿, Poh≥ Sn.-hn.), tPmkv ]\-®n-∏pdw (A-tkm-kn-tb‰v FUn-‰¿, ae-bmf at\m-c-a), Fkv. _nPp, a[p B¿. _me-Ir-jvW≥ (F-Ivkn-Iyq-´ohv FUn-‰¿, tIc-f-i-_vZw), sNdp-Ic
kÆn eqt°mkv (kvs]-j¬ Id-kvt]m-≠‚ v, tIc-fi-_vZw), tPm¿Pv s]mSn-∏md (kvs]-j¬ Id-kvt]m≠‚ v, amXr-`q-an), Zo]Iv [¿ΩSw (do-P-W¬ No^v, AarX Sn.-hn), F≥.-]n. Pnjm¿, _nhn≥ ]o‰¿ sI. (doP-W¬ _yqtdm No^v, Pbvlnμv Sn.-hn), te_n kPo{μ≥ (kvs]-j¬ Id-kvt]m-≠‚ v, amXr-`qan \yqkv), {iotZhn ]n≈ ({]n≥kn-∏¬, Id-kvt]m-≠‚ v, at\mca \yqkv), A°m-Zan sk{I-´dn F.-F. l°nw, Akn. sk{I-´dn sI.-B¿. {]tamZv Ipam¿ F∂n-h¿ hnhn[ D]-k-anXn AwK-ß-fm-Wv.
h¿Ø-am-\-]-{X-߃°v ASn-]-X-dm-ØXv hnizm-kyX \ne-\n¿Øp-∂Xp sIm≠v: am[y-a-sk-an-\m¿ \
h- a m- [ y- a - ß - f psS IS- ∂ p- I - b - ‰ Ønepw h¿Ø-am-\-]-{X-߃°v ASn-]-X-dmØXv hm¿Ø- b psS hnizm- k yX \ne\n¿Øm≥ Ign- b p- ∂ Xp sIm≠m- s W∂v sNss∂-bn¬ \S∂ am[y-a-sk-an-\m¿. tIcf aoUnb A°m- Z - a n- b p- s Sbpw sNss∂ bp.-F-kv. tIm¨kp-te‰v P\-d-ens‚bpw tIcf ]{X-{]-h¿ØI bqWn-b≥ sNss∂ LS-I-Øn-s‚bpw B`n-ap-Jy-ØnemWp ]cn-]mSn kwL-Sn-∏n-®-Xv. UnPn-‰¬ bpK-Øn¬ A®-Sn-am-[y-a-߃ t\cn-Sp∂ sh√p-hn-fn-Iƒ F∂ hnj-b-Øn-em-bn-cp∂p skan-\m¿. hm¿Øm-ti-J-c-W-Ønepw \yqkv dqap-I-fpsS {]h¿Ø\co-Xn-I-fnepw am‰w hs∂-¶nepw ]{X-{]h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-{]-am-W-߃ amdn-bn-´n-√. hm¿Øm-ti-J-c-W-Øn\p anI® kmt¶-Xn-I-ku-I-cy߃ D]-tbm-K-s∏-Sp-Ønbpw A`y-kvX-hn-Zy-cmb ]{X{]- h ¿Ø- I sc Dƒs∏- S p- Ø nbpw `mjm- ] - { X- ß ƒ Ct∏mgpw hnI-k-\-Øns‚ ]mX-bn-em-Wv. Ahbv°p ]pXnb FUn-j-\p-Ifpw hm¿Ømkt¶-X-ßfpw D≠mIp-∂p. Cw•ojv ]{X-ßsf At]-£n®p {]mtZ-in-I` - m-jm]-{X-߃°p IqSp-X¬ hmb-\-°m-cp-≈Xv {Kmao-W-taJ-e-bn¬ C‚¿s\‰v D]-tbmKw Ipd-hm-b-Xn-\m-em-Wv. hm¿Øm-]-{X-߃ hmb-\-°msc BI¿jn-°p-∂-Xn\p {]tXyIw ]p≈u-´p-Ifpw t]Pp-Ifpw Cd-°p-∂p-s≠∂p skan-\m-dn¬ ]s¶-SpØ aoUnb A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚Wn ]d-™p. kmt¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-bnse am‰ßƒ Dƒs°m≠v UnPn-‰¬ Ime-L-´-Øn\v A\p-tbmPy-ambn \yqkv dqap-Iƒ amd-Ww. am[y-a-ÿm-]-\-ß-fpsS hcp-am-\-Øns‚ 95 iXam-\hpw {]n‚n¬ \n∂m-sW∂v {^≠vsse≥ ko\n-b¿ sU]yq´n FUn-‰¿ B¿.-sI. cm[m-Ir-jvW≥ Nq≠n-°mam¿®v 2016
Wn-®p. kz¥w `mj-bn¬ hm¿Ø hmbn-°m≥ P\-߃ XmXv]-cy-s∏-Sp∂ Ime-tØmfw {]mtZ-in-I-`mjm]{X߃°p `oj-Wn-bn-s√∂p amXr-`qan sNss∂ _yqtdm No^v sI.-F. tPmWn ]d-™p. hm¿Ø -h-cp∂ hgn kvam¿´v t^mWp-Iƒ am‰n-a-dn-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-I-bmsW∂pw aƒ´n πm‰vt^mw tP¿W-en-Ãp-If - m-Im≥ Hmtcm ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I\pw ]cn-io-en-°-W-sa∂pw Hm¨sse≥ Zn\-]-{X-amb Ct∏m-Xp.-tIm-ans‚ No^v FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv Hm^o-k¿ ]o¿ apl-ΩZv A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. sNss∂ Ata-cn-°≥ sse{_-dn-bn¬ \S∂ ]cn]m- S n- b n¬ bp.- F - k v . tIm¨kp- t e‰v P\- d - e nse C≥^¿ta-j≥ Hm^o-k¿ Fanen ^¿´nIv tamU-td-‰dm-bn-cp-∂p. sI.-bp.-U-ªyp.-sP. sNss∂ LSIw {]knU‚ v hnt\mZv tKm]n, sk{I-´dn hnt\mZv jm XpS-ßnh-b¿ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. aoUnb A°m- Z an sk{I- ´ dn F.- F . l°nw, C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v Iayq-Wn-t°-j≥ Ub-dI - vS¿ Fw. cmaN-{μ≥, A°m-Zan Akn- v sk{I-´dn sI.-B¿. {]tamZv Ipam¿, DtZym-K-ÿ¿, A[ym-]-I¿, hnZym¿∞nIƒ F∂n-h¿ hoUntbm tIm¨^-d≥kn-eqsS skan\m-dn¬ ]s¶-Sp-Øp.
A°mZan hm¿Ø-I(49) ƒ Bookshelf
COMMUNICATION IN EVERYDAY LIFE: The Basic Course Edition with Public Speaking By DUCK, STEVE Mc MAHAN, DAVID T. Published by: SAGE (Los Angeles 1st Ed. Description: 388 pages Price: 6222.50 [Communication in Everyday Life is the first survey of communication textbook to explore fundamental concepts, theories, and skills with a thematic integration- the relational perspective- aimed at helping students apply the material to their own lives. This book provides students with a strong foundation in communication concepts, theory, and research, while helping them master practical communication skills, such as listening and critical thinking, using technology to communicate, understanding nonverbal communication, creating persuasive strategies, and managing group conflict. This Instructor Teaching Site offers a wealth of materials and resources to assist instructors developing a successful course around this textbook. Communication in Everyday Life provides students with the skills and knowledge to enhance their daily lives though a deeper understanding of the inseparable connection between relationships and communication. This new alternate version of the text is designed for the hybrid course. The Basic Course Edition with Public Speaking includes four public speaking chapter with comprehensive coverage on preparing and delivering effective informative, persuasive, and special occasion presentations, in addition to practical instruction on communicating interpersonally, in groups, and with technology. The authors encourage student to think critically, to link communication theory to their own experiences, and to improve their communication skills in the process.]
New Books @ Academy Library
BOUNDARIES OF JOURNALISM: PROFESSIONALISM, Practices and Participation (Shaping Inquiry in Culture, Communication and Media Studies)- 2016 Matt Carlson (Editor), Seth C. Lewis (Editor)Published by: Routledge Price : 2773.00 (The concept of boundaries has become a central theme in the study of journalism. In recent years, the decline of legacy news organizations and the rise of new interactive media tools have thrust such questions as “what is journalism” and “who is a journalist” into the limelight. Struggles over journalism are often struggles over boundaries. These symbolic contests for control over definition also mark a material struggle over resources. In short: boundaries have consequenes. Yet there is a lack of conceptual cohesiveness in what scholars mean by the term “boundaries” or in how we should think about specific boundaries of journalism. This book addresses boundaries head-on by bringing together a global array of authors asking similar questions about boundaries and journalism from a diverse range of perspectives, methodologies, and theoretical backgrounds. Boundaries of Journalism assembles the most current research on this topic in one place, thus providing a touchstone for future research within communication, media and journalism studies on journalism and its boundaries.] am¿®v 2016
temIw I≠ hc A¥¿t±iob am[yacwKsØ {]ikvXamb Im¿´qWpIƒ ]cnNbs∏SpØpIbmWv Cu ]w‡nbn¬. amXr`qan Im¿´qWnÃmb tKm]oIrjvW\mWv Ch Xncs™SpØv AhXcn∏n°p∂Xv.
Ata-cn-°b - nse {]apJ FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ Im¿´q-Wn-ÃpI- f n- s em- c m- f mWv ]pen- ‰ v k ¿ ]pc- k v I mc tPXm- h mb tUhnUv tlmgvsk. 2011 Unkw-_¿ hsc ko‰¬ t]mÃv C‚-en-P≥kdnemWv tUhn-Uns‚ Im¿´q-Wp-Iƒ {]kn≤o-Ic - n-®n-cp-∂X - v. \ne-hn¬ temkv B©-ekv ssSwknse Im¿´q-Wn-ÃmWv Ct±-lw. tUhnUv tlmgvsk
tKm]oIrjvWs‚ C˛sabn¬: cartoonistgopikrishnan@gmail.com Printed and Published by A. Abdul Hakkim, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Published from Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030; Printed at Sterling Print House Pvt Ltd, Edappally; Editor: Sergy Antony
am¿®v 2016
2004 ˛¬ ]pen-‰vk¿ ]pc-kvIm-c-Øn\v A¿l-amb Nn{Xw ]mew XI¿°m≥ {ian-°p∂ Iem-]-Im-cn-Isf t\cn-Sp∂ ssk\n-I≥. sk≥{S¬ a¨tdm-hnbbnse B`y-¥-c-I-em-]-Øn-\n-S-bn¬ temkv B©-ekv ssSwkv t^mt´m-{Km-^¿ Itcm-fn≥ tImfn ]I¿Ønb Cu Nn{Xw 2004 ¬ ^o®¿ t^mt´m-{K^n hn`m-K-Øn¬ ]pen-‰vk¿ ]pc-kvImcw t\Sn-bn-cp∂p. Ch¿ ]I¿Ønb Nn{X-ß-fn-eqsSbmWv sse_ocnbbnse B`y-¥-c-bp-≤-Øns‚ Zpc¥-apJw temI-Øn\p ap∂n¬ A\m-h-cWw sNø-s∏-´Xv. Itcm-fn≥ tImfn am¿®v 2016
Media Monthly | March 2016 | `20/- | RNI Reg No. KERBIL/2000/01676
am多速v 2016