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BKkvXv 2015





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hym]w... Agn-a-Xn-bpsS ]¿Δ-Xm-Imcw

06 hnhc kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ A¥yw ASp-Øpthm?

Bs_ tP°_v Where is the media heading


F≥. ]n. B¿


- Varghese Koshy

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19 Hcp Iqcbv°p Xmsg 3000 am[ya߃

Roy Mathew

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Media freedom and india @ 69


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jmPn tP°_v

20 Students’ Corner


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BKkvXv 2015



am‰-Øns‚ Im‰v am[yaßfn¬


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BKkvXv 2015

kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ Ggp]Xn-‰m-≠p-Iƒ ]n∂n-Smdm-bn-cnt° C¥y-bpsS s]mXp-k-aqlw ]ptcm-K-Xn-bpsS ]S-hp-I-fn¬ F{X-am{Xw apt∂dn F∂-Xn-s\-°p-dn®v Gsd hmZ-{]-Xn-hm-Z-ß-ƒ \S-°p-∂p≠v. hnI-k-\-Øns‚ Af-hp-tIm¬ Hmtcm-cp-Ø-cp-sSbpw at\m-[¿a-a-\pk-cn®p amdn-s°m-≠n-cn°pw. F∂m¬ bYm¿Y C¥y-bpsS Nn{Xw C∂pw ]q¿W-ambn Bcpw hc-®p-Im-´p-∂n√. Ds≠-¶n¬Øs∂ am[ya-߃ H∏n-sb-Sp-°p∂ Nne Nn{X-߃ am{X-amWv bmYm¿Yy-Øns‚ C‰p shfn-®s - a-¶nepw ]I¿∂p \¬Ip-∂Xv. {KmaoW C¥y-bpsS tcmZ\-߃ ]I¿Øm≥, Adn-hns‚ shfn®w C\nbpw IS∂p sN∂n-´n√mØ CS-ß-fn-te°p Ibdns®-√m≥, A‘-hn-izm-k-ßfpw A\mNm-c-ßfpw sImSn-Ip-Øn-hm-gp∂ Ccp≠ CS-ß-fn¬ shfn®w ]Icm≥ cmPysØ am[y-a-ßfpw am[y-a-{]-h¿ØIcpw \¬Inb kw`mh\ Cu Ggp]Xn-‰m-≠p-I-fn-eqsS IS-∂p-t]m-Ip-∂-h¿°p kphy-‡amWv. kzX{¥ C¥y-bpsS am[y-a-N-cn{Xw kΩn-{i-kz-`mhw Dƒs°m≈p-∂-XmWv. i‡-amb \ne-]m-Sp-I-sf-SpØ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Icpw am[y-a-ßfpw [mcm-f-ap≠v. am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øn\p Ah-aXn hcp-Ønh-®-hcpw D≠v. am[y-a-hn-Nm-c-Wbpw s]bvUv \yqkp-sams° henb hnhm-Z-ß-fp-b¿Øn. kvt^mS-\m-fl-I-amb hnh-c-߃ tNm¿Øn-sbSpØv A[n-Im-cn-Isf sR´n-®-h-cp≠v. ÃnwKv Hm∏-td-j-\n-eqsS A¥x]p-c-c-l-ky-ßfpw henb Agn-a-Xn-Ifpw ]pd-Øp-sIm-≠p-h-∂n-´p≠v. Ipw`-tIm-Wß - fpw cmjv{Sob CS-s]-Se - p-Ifpw cmPy-t{Zm-l] - c - a - mb \S]-Sn-I-fp-sams° Xpd-∂p-Im-´p-∂-Xn¬ C¥y≥ am[y-a-cwKw ImWn-®n´p≈ B¿Phw BtKm-f-X-e-Øn¬Øs∂ AwKo-I-cn-°-s∏-´n-´p≠v. {]K-¤-cmb ]e am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-scbpw cmPyw kw`m-h\ sNbvXp. hc-I-fn-eqsSbpw Im¿´q-Wp-I-fn-eq-sSbpw \ninX hna¿i-\߃ \SØn AXn-\n-c-bm-b-h-cp-sS-t]mepw A`n-\-μ-\-Øn\p ]m{Xo`q-X-cmb am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Icpw cmPy-Øp-≠m-bn-cp∂p. P\m-[n-]-XyØn¬ am[y-a-߃°p \¬tI≠ ÿm\-sØ-°p-dn®p \√ Aht_m[w D≠m-bn-cp∂ AØcw `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Iƒ hnI-knX cmPyß-fn¬t∏mepw hnc-f-amWv. hna¿i-\ß - sf kzmKXw sNøm\pw Xncp-Øe - p-Iƒ hcp-Øm\pw Xbm-dm-Ip∂ `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-I-fmWv GXp P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øn-s‚bpw


(5) IcpØv . F∂m¬, krjv S n- ] - c - a mb hna¿i- \ - ß tfmSpt]mepw Ak- l n- j v W pX ]pe¿Ønb ]e t\Xm-°fpw `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-I-fpw Chn-sSbpap-≠m-bncp∂p. am[y-a-ß-sfbpw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-scbpw cmjv{So-b-°m¿ th´-bm-Snb Imehpw kzX{¥ C¥y I≠n-´p-≠v. hna¿i-\-߃ am{X-amtWm am[y-a-[¿aw? Hcn°-ep-a√. hna¿i-\-߃°p-a-∏p-d-ap≈ Nne D∂X DØ-ch - m-Zn-Xz-߃ am[y-aß - ƒ°p \n¿h-ln-°m-\p≠v. \q‰n-ap-∏Ø - n-c≠p tImSnhcp∂ P\-k© - b - Ø - n\v A`nam-\-tØmsS Pohn-°m-\p≈ Ah-k-c-sam-cp-°pI F∂Xp henb DØ-c-hm-Zn-Xz-amWv. AXp km[y-am°pI F∂Xv C∂pw \ap°p _men-tI-dm-a-e-bmWv. 2011se kmaqly kmº-ØnI PmXn k¿thbpsS ]q¿W-hn-hc - ß - ƒ ]pd-Øp-h∂ - n-´n-s√-¶nepw e`yamb hnh-c-߃ kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ Ggp]Xn-‰m-≠p-IfpsS ]e Zu¿_-ey-ßepw Nq≠n-°m-´p-∂p≠v. ÿnXnhn-h-c-°-W-°p-Iƒ ]e-t∏mgpw bYm¿Y Nn{X-ß-f√ \¬Ip-∂-sX∂p ]d-bp-∂-h-cp-≠mImw. ]t£, Nne bmYm¿Yy-߃°p t\tc ]nSn-°p∂ IÆm-Sn-bnse {]Xn-_nw-_-ßsf B¿°pw Ah-K-Wn-°m-\m-hn√. AXp {]Xn-_nw-_-am-b-Xp-sIm≠v bmYm¿Yy-a-s√-∂phm-Zn-°p-tºmƒ bmYm¿Yy-ß-sf-Øs∂ ]pd-Øp-sIm≠p-h-cp-I-bmWp am[y-a-ß-fpsS ZuXyw. kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ Fgp]-Xn‰m≠p-If - psS BZy]-IpXn cmPy-Øn\p \ne-\n-ev]n-\p-th-≠n-bp≈ t]mcm´-Øns‚ Imeam-bn-cp∂p. AXn\p am[y-a-ß-fpsS ]n¥p-Wbpw `c-W-Iq-S-Øn\p [mcm-f-ambn e`n®p. cmPyw ]ptcm-Xn-bpsS ]pXpN{I-hm-f-߃ tXSp∂ Ime-am-bn-cp∂p ASpØ ]Ip-Xn. Ign™ Im¬ \q‰m≠v imkv{X˛ kmt¶-XnI cwKØpw hm¿Øm-hn\n-ab cwKØpw hnπ-h-I-c-amb ]ptcm-K-Xnbp≠mbn. am‰- ß - t fmSp kmh- [ m\w {]Xn- I - c n- ® n- c p∂ cmPyw DZm-c-h-XvI-c-W-Øn-s‚bpw BtKm-f-h-XvI-cW-Øn-s‚bpw L´Ønte°p IS∂t∏mƒ C¥y≥ \K-c-ß-fpsS am{X-a√ [mcmfw {Kma-ß-fp-sSbpw apJ—m-b-bn¬ {]I-S-amb am‰-߃ D≠mbn. {Kma-߃ sNdp-]-´-W-ßfpsSbpw ]´-W-߃ h≥\-K-c-ß-fpsSbpw cq]hpw kz`mhhpw ssIh-cn®p. \K-c-h-XvIcWw hnI-k-\-Øns‚ ]pdw-]q-®n-\-∏pdw Bg-Ønep≈ am‰-Øn\p hgn-sbm-cp-°n-bn-s√∂v A`n-{]m-bs∏-Sp-∂-h¿ Gsd-bmWv. kzX{¥ C¥y kmt¶-XnI apt∂-‰-ß-tfmSv BZy-sams° A¬]w sas√-t∏m°v \bw kzoI-cn®pthm F∂p kwi-ba - p≠v. AtX-ka - bw ASn-ÿm\ kuI-cy-hn-Ik - \ - Ø - n-\p-XI - p∂ ]e ]≤-Xn-Ifpw hn`mh\w sNøp-Ibpw \S-∏m-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. hn{Iw kmcm- ` m- b n- s b- t ∏m- e p≈ imkv { X- { ]- X n- ` - I - f mWp imkv{X-km-t¶-XnI ap-t∂-‰Øns\m∏w C¥ysb \bn°m≥ A∂p `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Isf t{]cn-∏n-®Xv. km[y- a mb F√m imkv { Xob t\´- ß fpw

kzmwio-I-cn®p cmPysØ hnI-k-\-Øn-te°p \bn°-W-sa-∂m-bn-cp∂p hn{Iw kmcm-`m-bn-sb-t∏m-ep-≈h-cpsS A`n-{]mbw. {][m-\-a-{¥n-bm-bn-cp∂ Cμn-cmKm‘n B Bi-bsØ t{]m’m-ln-∏n®p. sSen-hnj≥ IqSp-X¬ {]N-cn-∏n-°-W-sa∂ Bi-bhpw kmcm`m-bn-bp-tS-Xm-bn-cp∂p. H‰-s∏´ {Kma-ßf - nte°pw P\k-aq-l-ß-fn-te°pw kmaq-ln-Ihpw kmº-Øn-I-hpamb hnI-k\w FØn-°p-∂X - n¬ am[y-aß - f - psS ]¶v At±lw Xncn-®-dn-™n-cp∂p. Al-Ω-Zm-_m-Znse kvt]kv Bπn-t°-j≥ sk‚-dn¬\n∂v Fgp-]-Xp-IfpsS a[y-Øn¬ D]-{Kl hm¿Øm-hn-\n-ab kwhn[m\w G¿s∏-Sp-Øn-bXv Cu apt∂-‰-Ønse \mgn-I°-√m-bn-cp∂p. c≠m-bn-cØnA™q-tdmfw {Kma-ßfn¬ hnI-k-t\m-∑pJ ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ FØn-°m-\mbn. tdUn-tbmbpw sSen-hn-j\ - p-sams° A∂p-hsc hnt\mtZm-]m-[n-I-fmbn Icp-Xn-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ ]n∂oSp am[ya-ß-fp-]-tbm-Kn-®p≈ hnI-k-\sØ°p-dn-®p≈ -k¶ev]w ]pXn-b cq]hpw `mh-hpw -ssI-h-cn®p. ]m›mXy hnI- k nX kaqlw kmt¶- X nI hf¿®sb hn]Wn Xm¬]-cy-߃°-\p-kr-X-ambn hf¿Øn-sb-Sp-Ø-t∏mƒ C¥y- AXp kaq-l-Ønse Zp¿_-e-hn-`m-K-Øn\p {]tbm-P-\-s∏-Sp-Øm-\p≈ hgnIƒ tXSn. Km‘n-b≥ hnI-k\ k¶-¬]-Øn-\-\p-krX-ambn ]´n-Wnbpw A⁄-Xbpw AI-‰m-\p≈ hgnIƒ Is≠-Øm≥ s\lvdp imkv{X-⁄sc Blzm\w sNbvXXv Cu e£y-tØm-sS-bmWv. CØcw kmaq-ly-t_m[w s\©n-te-‰n-bmWv C¥y-bn¬ imkv{X-⁄cpw kmaqly {]h¿Ø-Icpw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cp-sams° {]h¿Øn-®Xv. tdm°‰v hnt£-]-W-Øn-\p≈ kma-{Kn-Iƒ ssk°n-fns‚ ]n∂n¬ h®psIm≠p-t]m-Ip∂ ImgvN A∂p temIØn\p IuXp-Ihpw Iptd-t∏¿s°-¶nepw hna¿i-\Øn\p≈ hnj-b-hp-am-bn. AØcw XpS-°-߃ N{μbm-\nepw ]n∂oSp sNmΔm ]cy-th-£-W-Øn-epw-hsc FØn. temIw C∂v, C¥y-bpsS imkv{X-t\-´-߃ hne-a-Xn-°p-∂p. Cu t\´-ßtfmsS√mw tN¿∂p-\n-∂p-sIm≠v cmPysØ am[y-a-temIw krjvSn-]-c-amb kw`m-h-\Iƒ sNbvXp. Ccp-]-sØm∂mw \q‰m-≠n-te°p IS∂-t∏mƒ cmPyØv AXn-kº - ∂ - cpw a[y-h¿Khpw IqSpX¬ i‡-cmbn. ]t£, Hcp-hn-`mKw P\-߃ IqSpX¬ Zmcn-{Zy-Øn-te°pw ]nt∂m-°m-h-ÿ-bn-te°pw Bgv∂p-t]mbn. Cu Ak-aXzw am[y-a-߃ s]mXpP\{i≤bv°p ap∂n¬ h®p. hnI-k-\sØ hf-s®mSn°p-∂-h-¿ F-s∂ms° Nne am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°p Zpjvt]cp In´n-sb-¶nepw CcpƒhoW ]e CS-ß-fnte°pw am[y-a-ß-ƒ tSm¿®v sXfn-®p-]n-Sn®p. B ZuXyw C\nbpw XpScWw. AXp Xs∂-bmWv F∂sØbpw t]mse C∂-sØbpw am[y-a-[¿aw.

BKkvXv 2015


Bs_ tP째_v .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

BKkvXv 2015

P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øns‚ \memw XqWv F∂p hnti-jn-∏n-°-s∏-Sp∂ am[y-a-ß-ƒ s]mXpk-aq-l-Øns‚ Imh¬ \mbv°-fm-Ip∂p. AXns‚ {]Xn-\n-[n-I-fmb am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS t\¿°p≈ GXv A{Iahpw AXn-\m¬ A]-e-]-\o-b-hp-am-Wv; ImcWw AXv Adn-bm-\p≈ Ah-Im-itØmSp≈ sh√p-hn-fn-bm-Wv. ]s£, IrXy \n¿h-l-W-Øn-\n-S-bn¬ am[y-a-{]h¿Ø-I¿ sIm√-s∏-SpI F∂Xv C∂v Hcp km[m-cW kw`-h-ambn amdn-bn-cn-°p∂p. \n£n]vX Xmev]-cy-°m-cp-sSbpw Agn-aXn cmPm-°-∑m-cp-sSbpw Cc-I-fmbn At\zj-Wm-flI ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ amdp∂p. Ah¿ \njvTq-c-ambn B{I-an-°-s∏Sp-Ibpw sIm√-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNøp-∂Xns\ kaqlw Ipsd-°qSn BIp-e-X-tbmsSbpw Bi-¶-tbm-sSbpw ImtW-≠n-bn-cn°p-∂p. ]s£ AXv kw`-hn-°p-∂n√ F∂-XmWv ka-Im-eo\ bmYm¿∞yw. {]am-Z-amb hym]w Ipw`-tIm-W-Ønepw \S-∂Xv AXp Xs∂.



Btcm-]-W-hn-t[-b-cm-b-h-cpsS FÆ-hpw, Ah-cpsS hy‡n-Xz-ß-fpsS hen-∏-hpw-, B ssII-fn-eqsS adn™ XpI-bpsS s]cp-∏hpw h®p t\m°p-tºmƒ Imen-Øo‰ Ipw`-tIm-WsØbpw sh√p∂ Agn-a-Xn-bmWv hym]w. ]s£, AsXm-∂p-a√ hym]-Øns‚ {]m[m\yw. Cu Agn-aXn At\z-j-W-hp-ambn _‘-s∏´ 45 t]sc Hs∂m∂mbn sIm∂p- X-≈n-s°m≠v Agna-Xn-bpsS hni-Zmw-i-߃ ]pd-Øp-h-cp-∂-Xns\ XS-bm-\p≈ {ia-amWv tIkns\ {]am-Z-am-°n-bXv. sIm√-s∏-´-h-cn¬ A£-bvknMv F∂ Zriy am[y-a -{]-h¿Ø-I\pw D≠v F∂Xv shdpw bmZr-›n-IXb√. A-Sn-ÿm-\ tbm-Ky-X-bn-√m-Ø Ipsd tUm-Iv-S¿-am-¿ \-S-Øn-b A-_-≤ -Nn-In-’-aq-ew kz-¥w A-Ω-sb \-jv-S-am-b B-in-jv Ipam¿ N-Xp¿-th-Zn F-∂ Hcp 26 Im-c-s‚ \n-›-b-Zm¿VyamWv C¥ym -almcm-Py-sØ sR-´n-® G-‰hpw h-en-b hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS Np-cp-fp-Iƒ A-gn-®Xv. AXp-b¿Ønb sImSp-¶m-‰n¬ A[nImc tKm]p-c-߃ BSn-bp-e-™p ... cmjv{Sob knwlm-k-\-߃ -hnd-]q≠p ... -D-tZym-K-ÿZp-jv{]-`pXzw sR´n-Ø-cn-®p. hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-bp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´v C-Xp-hsc 45 t]¿ Zp-cq-l km-l-N-cy-Øn¬ a-cn-®-Xm-bn I-W-°m-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. h≥ t\-Xm-°-fp-sS \nc Xs∂ hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-bp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´v tIƒ°p-∂p. ap-Jy-a-{¥n-bpw `m-cy-bpw h-sc B-tcm-]W-Øn-s‚ \n-g-en-em-Wv. apXn¿∂ cm-{„o-b-°mcpw D∂X sF.F.F-kv D-tZym-K-ÿ-cp-sam-s° A-gn-a-Xn-°v Iq-´p-\n-∂p. A-gn-a-Xn B-tcm-]-Ww t\-cn-´-h-cpw, km-£n-I-fpw, kw-`-hw dn-t∏m¿-´p sN-bv-X am-[y-a {]-h¿-Ø-I-\pw sIm-√-s∏-´Xm-Wv Cu A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS ]n-∂n-se h-e-°-Æn-Iƒ F-{Xi-‡-cm-Wv F-∂-Xn-s‚ sX-fn-hv. NXp¿th-Zn-bpsS \ntbmKw A-Ω-bp-sS Nn-In-’-m¿∞w Kzm-fn-b-dn-se H-cp B-ip-]-{Xn-bn-se-Øn-b N-Xp¿-th-Znsb, A-hn-SpsØ Nn-e tUm-Œ¿-am-cp-sS A-dn-hn-√m-bva A-Zv-`p-X-s∏-Sp-Øn. A¿-_p-Z NnIn-’-°mbn {]th-in-∏n-°-s∏´ AΩ 2009 ¬ a-cn-®p. ]s£, k¿-°m¿ B-ip-]-{Xn-bn-se ]-e tUm-IvS¿-am¿-°pw tcmK-hp-ambn _-‘-s∏-´ A-Sn-ÿm\ hn-h-cw t]m-epw C-√ F-∂v A-Ω-bp-sS Nn-In’-°n-S-bn-¬ X-s∂ N-Xp¿-th-Zn a-\-kn-em-°n-. BKkvXv 2015

(8) A-Xv B sN-dp-∏-°m-c-s\ C-cp-Øn Nn-¥n-∏n-®p. B-ip-]-{Xn-I-fn¬ F-Øp∂ tcm-Kn-I-sf Nn-In-’n°m≥ X-e-Xn-cn-™ am¿-K-ß-fm-Wv Cu a-≠≥ tUm-Iv-S¿-am¿ kzo-I-cn-°p-∂-Xv F-∂v Xn-cn-®-dn-hn¬ \n∂v N-Xp¿-th-Zn kz-¥w \n-e-bn¬ Hcp A-t\zjWw B-cw-`n-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. A-\-[n-Ir-X am¿-KØn-eq-sS 2010 ¬ sa-Un-°¬ tImf-Pn¬ -{]-th-i-\w t\-Sn-b {_n-tP-{μ c-Lp-hw-in F-∂ sshZy-imkv{X hn-Zym¿-∞n-sb I-≠p-ap-´n-b-Xm-Wv N-Xp¿-th-Zn-bp-sS A-t\z-j-W-Øn¬ h-gn-Øn-cn-hm-b-Xv. F-ß-s\-bm-Wv sa-Un-°¬ {]-th-i-\ ]-co-£-bn¬ I-≈-Ø-c-߃ \-S-°p-∂-Xv F-∂v c-Lp-hw-in, N-Xp¿-th-Zn-tbm-Sv hn-hcn-®p. ssI-°q-en-Iƒ h-∂p t]m-Ip-∂ h-gn-I-sf°p-dn®pw c-Lp-hw-in-bn¬ \n-∂v hn-h-cw e-`n-®p. k-a¿-∞cm-b hn-Zym¿-∞n-I-sf sIm-≠v ]-co-£ F-gp-Xn-∏n-®v

tbm-Ky-X-Iƒ ]-cn-tim-[n-°-W-sa-∂m-h-iy-s∏-´p N-Xp¿th-Zn kp-{]ow-tIm-S-Xn-sb k-ao-]n-®p. {]m-Y-an-I ]-cntim-[-\-bn¬ X-s∂ tIm-S-Xn-bp-sS apºn-se-Øn-b hn-h-c-߃ sR-´n-∏n-°p-∂-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. C-tXm-sS C-bmsf sIm-e-s∏-Sp-Øm-\p-≈ \o-°-ß-fp-≠m-bn. aq-∂v X-h-W N-Xp¿-th-Zn°p t\sc h-[{iaw \S-∂p. -Xp-S¿∂v C-bmƒ-°v B-Po-h-\m-¥ t]m-eo-kv kw-c-£-Ww \evIm≥ Kzm-fn-b-dnse {]-tXy-I -tIm-S-Xn DØ-c-hn-´p. t]m-eo-kv kp-c-£-bp-≠m-bn-´pw X-s‚ Po-h≥ Xp-em-knem-Wv F-∂v Xn-cn-®-dn-™p- sIm-≠p X-s∂-bm-Wv B-in-jv Ipam¿ N-Xp¿-th-Zn-bp-sS t]m-cm-´w. B-sc-sb¶n-epw kw-i-b-I-c-am-bn tXm-∂n-bm¬ A-dn-bm-°m-\mWv t]m-eo-kv \-ev-In-bn-cn-°p-∂ \n¿-tZ-iw. ap-Jy-a-{¥n in-h-cm-Pv Nu-lm-s‚ _-‘p-°-fm-Wv Cu Xo-sh-´ns°m-≈-I-fp-sS ap-Jy-kw-Lm-S-I¿ F-∂v B-Zyw B-t£-]w D-∂-bn-®-Xv N-Xp¿-th-Zn Xs∂bm-bn-cp-∂p. F-\n-°v B-cp-sS-bpw k-lm-bw e-`n-®n-√, \m-sf Po-hn®n-cn-°p-sa-∂p t]m-epw F-\n-°v D-d-∏n-√ ˛ A-gn-a-Xns°-Xn-sc H-‰-bmƒ t]m-cm-´w \-S-Øn-b N-Xp¿-th-Zn ]-d-bp-∂p. F-s∂ sh-´n \p-dp-°n sX-cp-hn¬ X-≈p-sa∂m-Wv G-‰-hpw H-Sp-hn¬ e-`n-® `o-j-Wn. F-∂n-´pw C-t∏m-gpw 24 a-Wn-°q¿ kw-c-£-Ww \-ev-Im≥ a-[y-{]tZ-iv t]m-eo-kv X-bm-dm-bn-´n-√. A-gn-a-Xn-s°-Xn-cm-b {]-Xn-tcm-[w i-‡-am-b-t∏mƒ A-Ø-c-°m-sc sIm-∂p X-≈n sX-fn-hp-Iƒ C-√m-Xm-°p-I F-∂ ^m-kn-Ãv {]-iv-\ \n¿-≤m-c-W co-Xn H-cp a-d-bp-an-√m-sX \-S-∏n-em°m≥ Xp-S-ßn-b-tXm-sS-bm-Wv hn-j-bw am-[y-a-{i-≤bn¬ h-cp-∂-Xv.

Agn-aXn h∂ hgn

B-in-jv Ipam¿ N-Xp¿-th-Zn ]-W-°m-cm-b a-≠-∑m-sc sa-Un-°¬ F≥-{S≥-kv-F-∂ I-S-º I-S-Øn-hn-Sp-∂ IY-Ifpw c-Lp-hw-in ]-d-™p. ]-co-£ \-S-°p-tºmƒ b-Ym¿-∞ ]-co-£m¿-∞n-Iƒ k-ao-]-sØ Xn-b-‰-dp-I-fn¬ kn-\n-a Im-Wp-IbmWv F-∂ A-dn-hv sR-´n-∏n-°p-∂-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. ]-co-£ F-gp-Xn P-bn-t°-≠ k-a-b-Øv kn-\n-a I-≠n-cp-∂-h¿ ]n-∂o-Sv s]m-Xp-P-\-Øn-s‚ Po-h≥ h-®v I-fn-°p-∂-Xv I-≠p \n-ev-°m≥ I-gn-bm-sX h-∂ k-μ¿`-Øn-em-Wv Xm≥ {]-Xn-I-cn-®-Xv F-∂v N-Xp¿-th-Zn ]-d-bp-∂p. sa-Un-°¬ {]-th-i-\ ]-co-£-bn-se I-≈Ø-c-߃ t\-cn-´p a-\-kn-em-°p-∂-Xn-\v _n-tP-{μ c-Lp]-Xn-s°m-∏w H-cp kz-Im-cy ÿm-]-\-Øn-se Iu¨-knen-ßn-epw NXp¿thZn ]-s¶-Sp-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn. sshIm-sX, a-[y-{]-tZ-in¬ 2003 ap-X¬ ssh-Zyim-kv-{X ]T-\-Øn-\v Xn-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-´-h-cp-sS BKkvXv 2015

a-[y-{]-tZ-in-se hn-hn-[ s{]m-^-j-W¬ tIm-gv-kpI-fn-te-°pw k¿-°m¿ X-ÿn-I-I-fn-te-°pw {]-th-i-\Øn-\pw \n-b-a-\-Øn-\pw tbm-Ky-X \-ev-Ip-∂ ]-co-£Iƒ \-S-Øm≥ Np-a-X-e-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈ a-[y-{]-tZ-iv hym-h-km-bn-Iv ]-co-£m a-fi¬ (a-[y-{]-tZ-iv {]-^-j\¬ F-Iv-km-an-t\-j≥ t_m¿-Uv) F-∂-Xn-s≥-d ln-μn `m-j-bn-se Np-cp-°-t∏-cm-Wv hym-]w (hym-h-km-bn-Iv ]co-£m a-fi¬). ]-_v-fn-Iv k¿-ho-kv I-Ωo-j≥- h-gn \n-I-Øm-Ø kw-ÿm-\-sØ hn-hn-[ t]m-Ãp-I-fn-te°v hym-]w \-S-Øp-∂ ]-co-£-Iƒ h-gn-bm-Wv \n-b-a-\w \-S-Øn h-cp-∂-Xv. 2013 ¬ hym-]w \-S-Øn-b {]o-sa-Un°¬ sS-Ãv ]m-km-Im≥ H-cp tUm-Œ-dp-sS t\-Xr-Xz-Ønep-≈ dm-°-‰v \n-c-h-[n cm-{„o-b-°m-cp-sS-bpw D-∂-X D-tZym-K-ÿ-cp-sS-bpw k-lm-b-tØm-sS- \-S-Øn-b-Xm-Wv Cu A-gn-a-Xn. 2009 h-sc Cu A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS kw-L-SnX- kz-`m-hw ]pdØm-bn-cp-∂n-√. 2013 em-Wv C≥-tUmdn¬ \n-∂p-≈ tUm.-B-\-μ dm-bv hym-]w \-S-Øp-∂ sa-Un-°¬ {]-th-i-\ ]-co-£-bn¬ {I-a-t°-Sp-Iƒ D-≠v F-∂ B-tcm-]-W-hp-am-bn cw-K-Øv F-ØnbXv. C-Xn-\p ]n-∂n¬ {]-h¿-Øn-® ap-gp-h≥ cm-{„o-b - D-∂X D-tZym-K-ÿ-sc-bpw sh-fn-®-Øv sIm-≠p-hc - W-sa∂v Bh-iy-s∏´v tUm. dm-bv a-[y-{]-tZ-iv ssl-t°m-S-Xnsb k-ao-]n-®p. Cu B-tcm-]-Ww h≥am-[y-a {i-≤ t\Sn-b-tXm-sS ss{Iw-{_m-©v A-t\z-j-W-Øn-\v k¿-

(9) ∞n-Iƒ-°p th≠n tUm-IvS- ¿-am¿ h-sc F-gp-Øp-]n-≈a - m-cm-bn. tIm-Sn-If - psS A-gn-aX - n-bm-Wv C-Xn-\p ]n-∂n¬ \-S∂ - X - v. {- ]-[m-\a - m-bpw C-S\ - n-e° - m-cn-eq-sS-bm-bncp∂p Cu X-´n-∏pIƒ A-ct- ß-dn-bX - v. 2003 ap-X-¬ hym-]w \-S-Øn-b {]-th-i-\ ]-co-£-I-fn-¬ sNdnb Xncn-a-dn-I-fmWv \-S-∂-Xv. 2009 apX¬ {I-a-t°-Sp-Iƒ F-√m A-Xn¿-h-c-ºp-Ifpw ew-Ln-®v hym-]-Iambn. cm-{„o-b-°m-¿-°pw D-tZym-K-ÿ-¿°pw ]-Ww \-ev-Ip-∂-h-¿ am-{X-sa B Im-e-b-f-hn-¬ k¿°m-¿ {]-th-i-\ ]-co-£-I-fn¬ hn-P-bn-®n-cp-∂p-≈p. A-ß-s\ A-tbm-Ky-cm-b A-bn-c-°-W-°n-\v bp-hXo bp-hm-°-ƒ°vv ]-e k-¿°m-¿ XkvXnII-fn-epw \n-b-a-\w In-´n. hn-h-cm-


°m¿ D-Ø-c-hn-SpI-bm-bn-cp∂p. A-t\z-j-Ww ]p-tcm-K-an-°pw tXm-dpw hym-]-Øn-s‚ hym-]v-Xn k-ap-{Z-Øn-se a-™p-a-e t]m-se`oam-Im-c-amWv F-∂v A-t\z-jW D-tZym-K-ÿ¿-°p t_m-[y-s∏´p. 2007 ap-X¬ 2013 h-sc-bp-≈ Im-eb - f - h - n¬ G-It- Z-iw 1,40,000 t]¿-°v hn-hn-[ k¿-°m¿ h-Ip-∏pI-fn-epw hn-Zym-`ym-k ÿm-]\ - ß - fn-epw A-\¿-la - m-b {]-th-i\ - w e-`n-®p. D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Is - fbpw hnZym¿Yn-Is - fbpw I-s≠-Øn ssI-°q-en hm-ßp-∂X - m-Wv X-´n∏v co-Xn. e-£ß - ƒ \¬Ip∂h¿°v tNm-Zy-t]-∏¿ ap≥Iq´n FØn-®p \¬-Ip∂ kwhn-[m-\w. A-Xv km[n°m-Øn-SØ - v, A-dn-bp∂ D-Øc - w am-{Xw Ir-Xy-am-bn Fgp-Xn _m-°n-`m-Kw H-∂p- s - a - g - p-XmsX D-Øc - ° - S- e - m-kv Xn-cn-®p \¬Ipw. ]n-∂o-Sv D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-sb hn-fn-®v iq\y `m-Kß - f - n¬ b-Ym¿∞ D-Øc - w F-gp-Xn ap-gp-h≥ am¿°pw \¬-In dm-¶v ]-´n-Ib - n¬ apI-fn-se-Øn-°pw. CXv as‰mcp coXn. C-Xn-\pw I-gn-bm-Øn-SØ - v D-Øc - I - S- e - m-kv Xs∂ ]q¿Wambn am-‰n F-gp-Xn ]-Ic - w sh-bv°pw. sa-Un-°¬ F≥-{S≥-kv ]co-£b - v° - v C-cn-t°-≠ hn-Zym¿-

hym-]w A-gn-aX - n dn-t∏m¿´v sN-bvX - am-[y-a {]-h¿- Ø-I≥ - A-£b - v knMv Zp-cq-l km-lN - c- y-Øn-¬ a-cn-°m-\n-Sb - m-b- kw`-hØ - n¬ A-t\zj-Ww th-Ws- a-∂v sF-Iy-cm-{„ k-`. k-aq-lØ - n-¬ am-[y-a {]-h¿ØI-¿s°-Xn-cm-b A-{I-aß - ƒ - °v I-¿i-\ in-£ \-evI - W - s- a-∂pw bp.F-∂n-s‚, A-`n-{]m-b {]-IS- \ - Ø - n-\v th-≠n {]-h¿Øn-°p-∂ GP-≥kn hy-‡a- m-°n. hm¿Ø-Ifpw hn-hc- ß - f- pw ]p-dØ - v sIm-≠p-hcm-\pw A-Xv P-\ß - ƒ - °v F-Øn-®p \-evI - m-\p-ap-≈ D-Øc- h - m-Zn-Øw am-[y-a {]-h¿- Ø-I¿°m-Wv. A-Xv kp-c£ - n-Xa- m-b co-Xn-bn-¬ \n-dt- h-‰m≥ A-h¿- °v \n-ba- - kw-c£ - W - w \-evI - W - s- a-∂pw am-[y-a {]-h¿Ø-I¿s°-Xn-cm-b B-{I-aW - ß - ƒ°v D-Øc- h - m-Zn-If- m-bh - ¿- H-cn-°e - pw c£-s∏-Sm-≥ ]m-Sn-s√-∂pw bpF≥ hy-‡a- m-°n. A£-bns‚ acWsØ Ipdn®v tI{μ-Kh - ¨sa‚v At\z-jn-°W - s- a∂v IΩn‰n Sp s{]m´IvSv tPW-enÃv Gjybpw Bh-iy-s∏-´p.

BKkvXv 2015

(10) h-Im-i \n-b-aw D]-tbm-Kn-®v NXp¿thZn C-h-cp-sS hn-Zym-`ym-k- tbm-Ky-X I-≠p-]n-Sn-®p. 2003 ap-Xep-≈ sa-Un-°-¬ {]-th-i-\w kw-_-‘n-®v A-t\z-j-W-am-hiy-s∏-´v A-t±-lw kp-{]ow-tIm-S-Xn-sb k-ao-]n-®p.

a-c-W-߃....-]n-s∂bpw ]ns∂bpw A-gn-a-Xn ]p-d-Øm-b-tXm-sS- B-tcm-]-Ww t\-cn-´h-cpw, A-Xn-s‚ B\p-Iq-ey-߃ A\p-`-hn®-h-cp-sams° Zp-cq-l km-l-N-cy-Øn-¬ a-cWs∏´p Xp-S-ßn. s{S-bn-\n-\p ap-∂n-¬ Nm-Sn B-fl-l-Xy sN-bv-X \n-ebn-epw, Xq-ßn a-cn-® \n-e-bn-ep-sam-s° Ch-cn¬ ]e-cpsSbpw ar-X-tZ-l-ß-ƒ I-s≠-Øn. Fw.Pn.Fw. sa-Un°-¬ tIm-tf-Pn-¬ hn-Zym¿-Yn-\n-bm-bn-cp-∂ \-{a-Z Zmasd 2012 P-\-p-h-cn-bn-em-Wv sd-bn¬-∏m-f-Øn-¬ h-≠n-

I-b-dn a-cn-®-\n-e-bn-¬ I-≠-Xv. A-sX°p-dn®v A-t\zjn-®p- t]m-b ln-μn Nm-\-¬ Snhn- Sp-sU-bpsS dn-t∏m-¿´¿ A-£-bv-kn-Mv Ip-g-™p-ho-Wv a-cn-®p. hym-]w \n-b-a\-X-´n-∏v A-t\z-jn-® {]tXyI ZuXykw-L-sØ klm-bn-® sP-_-¬-∏q-¿ sa-Un-°¬ - tIm-f-Pv Uo-≥ tUm. A-cp-¨ i-¿-Ω, a-[y-{]-tZ-iv K-h-¿W-dp-sS a-I-≥ ssite-jv bm-Z-hv Xp-S-ßnbh-cpw a-cn-®-h-cn-¬ D-ƒs∏-Sp-∂p.

A-£-bv knMv F∂ Cc C¥ym SpsU {Kq∏ns‚ U¬-ln B-ÿm-\-am-bn {]-h¿-Øn-°p-∂ lnμn hm¿-Øm Nm-\-emb BPv X°ns‚ dn-t∏m¿-´-¿ A-£-bv knMv 2015 Pq-em-bv \m-en-\m-Wv a-cn-°p-∂-Xv. lrZ-bm-Lm-X-amWv ImcW-sa∂v ac-W -k¿´n-^n-°-‰n¬ ]d-bp-∂p. D-ss÷≥ BKkvXv 2015

Pn-√-bn-se d-bn¬-th {Sm-°n-\p k-ao-]w Zp-cq-l-am-b km-l-N-cy-Øn¬ acn® \ne-bn¬ I-s≠-Øn-b C≥tUm¿ sa-Un-°¬ tIm-f-Pv hn-Zym¿-Ynbpw tIkn¬ km£n-bp-am-bn-cp∂ \-{aZ Zm-a-dn-s‚ am-Xm-]n-Xm-°-fpam-bn kwkm-cn-®-tijw B ho-´n-¬ \n-∂n-d-ßn-b D-Ss\-bm-Wv BPv X°ns‚ kvs]j¬ C≥sh-Ãn-tKj≥ Sow AwK-amb A-£-bv-kn-Mn-\v lr-Z-bm-Lm-X-ap≠m-b-Xv. t^m-Wn-¬ hn-fn-® ti-jw A∂v D-®-°m-Wv A-£-bpw, Iymadmam≥ Inj≥ Ipamdpw as‰mcp k-lmbnbpw \-{a-Z-bp-sS ho-´n-se-Øn-b-Xv. P-_p-h ]-´W-Øn-se ta-Lv-\-K-dn-se ho-´n¬ A-`n-ap-Jw I-gn-™bp-S-s\ hm-bn-¬ \n-∂v \p-c-bpw ]-X-bpw h-∂v Ip-g™p-ho-W C-bm-sf B-ip-]-{Xn-bn¬ F-Øn-s®-¶n-epw c-£n-°m-\m-bn-√. A-£-bv- kn-Mn-\v B-tcm-Ky {]-iv-\߃ H-∂p-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. \-{a-Z-bp-sS ho-´n-se-Øn-b A-£-bv A-`n-ap-J-Øn-\p ti-jw Nn-e tc-J-I-fp-sS t^m-t´m-tIm-∏n-sb-Sp-°m-\mbn k-lm-bn-I-fn¬ H-cm-sf ]-d-™-b-®p. Zm-a-dn-s‚ ho-Sn\p ]p-d-Øp Im-Øn-cp-∂ C-bm-fp-sS hm-bn¬ \n-∂p s]-s´-∂p \p-c-bpw ]-X-bpw h-cn-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. D-S-≥ k-ao]-Øp-≈ k¿-°m¿ B-ip-]{Xn-bn¬ {]-th-in-∏n-®p. Xp-S¿-∂v kz-Im-cy B-ip-]{Xn-bn-te-°pw, C-hn-sS \n∂p Z-tlm-Xn-ep-≈ B-ip-]-{Xn-bnte-°pw sIm-≠p-t]m-sb-¶nepw Poh≥ c-£n-°m-\m-bn√. A-£-bn-t‚-Xv kzm-`m-hnI a-c-W-am-sW-∂ hm-Zw X-≈n-°-f-™ ho-´p-Im-¿ kw`hØn¬ A-t\z-j-Ww B-h-iy-s∏-´n-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. kn-Mn-s‚ a-c-W -Im-c-Ww I-≠-sØ-W-sa-∂v Sp-sU {Kq∏v, ap-Jy-a-{¥n Nu-lm-s\ I-≠v B-h-iy-s∏-´p. C-°mcyw Aw-Ko-I-cn-® Nu-lm-≥, A£bv kn-Mn-s‚ B-¥cn-I Ah-bh ]-cn-tim-[-\ F-bnw-kn-¬ \-S-Øp-sa-∂v D-d-∏p -\-¬-In. Cu hn-j-b-Øn-¬ kn._n.sF A-t\zj-Ww B-h-iy-s∏-´v {]-Xn-]-£hpw cw-K-Øn-d-ßn. tIm-¨{K-kv, kn.]n.sF, Bw B-Zv-an ]m-¿´n-I-fm-Wv Cu B-h-iy-ap-∂-bn-®-Xv. ]-{X-{]-h-¿Ø-I-s‚ a-c-Ww A-t\z-jn-°-W-sa-∂v B-h-iy-s∏-´v tIm-¨{K-kv P-\d¬ sk-{I-´-dn Zn-Kvhn-P-bv kn-Mpw cw-K-Ø-sØn. U¬ln-bn-¬ \n-∂v a-[y-{]-tZ-in-te-°v t]m-Ip-∂-Xn-\pap-ºv A-£-bv kn-Mv X-s∂ I-≠n-cp-∂p-sh-∂pw kq-£n°-W-sa-∂v Xm≥ ap-∂-dn-bn-∏v \-¬In-b-Xm-bpw Zn-KvhnP-bv kn-Mv Ah-Im-i-s∏-´p. A-£-bv-kn-Mv a-cn-®-Xn-\p ]n-∂mse-bm-Wv sP-_¬]q-¿ sa-Un-°¬ - tIm-f-Pv Uo-≥ tUm. A-cp-¨ i-¿a-

(11) sb U-¬ln-bn-¬ a-cn-®-\n-e-bn-¬ Is-≠-Øn-bXv. U-¬ln-bn-se-Øn tlm-´-en-¬ ap-dn-sb-Sp-Ø tUm. i-¿a-sb ]nt‰-Zn-hkw cm-hn-se-bm-Wv a-cn®-\n-e-bn-¬ I-≠-Xv. A-I-Øp-\n-∂v ]q-´n-b ap-dnbn-¬ i-¿a In-S-∂ s_-Un-¬ \n-∂v hn-kv-In-bpw Nn-e a-cp-∂p-I-fpw I-s≠-Sp-Ø-Xm-bn U-¬ln s]m-eo-kv A-dn-bn-®p. a-s‰m-cp -{]-Xn-bpw sP_¬]q¿ sa-Un-°-¬ tIm-tf-Pv B-ip-]-{Xn Uo-\p-am-b tUm. Un.sI. km-I-√n s]m-≈-te-‰p a-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Xp-S¿∂m-Wv tUm. i-¿a c-≠p-am-kw -ap-ºv At±-l-Øns‚ ]n≥Km-anbmbn Np-a-X-e-tb-‰Xv. tI-kp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´ tUm. cm-tP-{μ B-Nm-cy, ar-K-tUm-Œ-dm-b \-tc{μ kn-Mv tXm-a¿ F-∂n-h-cpw a-cn-®n-cp-∂p. a-s‰mcp {]-Xn hn-P-bv kn-Mn-s\ a-cn-®-\n-e-bn-¬ O-Øo-kv-K-Õn-se I-t¶¿ Pn-√-bn-¬ G-{]n-¬ 28˛\pw I-s≠-Øn. ^m-¿a-kn-Ãm-b C-bm-fp-sS ar-X-tZlw _n.-sP-.]n. Fw-.F-¬.F-bp-sS D-S-a-ÿ-X-bn-ep-≈ tem-Uv-Pn-em-Wv I-≠-Xv. a-[y-{]-tZ-iv K-h-¿W-dpw tI-kn-se {]-Xn-bp-am-b cmw-\-tc-jv bm-Z-hn-s‚ a-I-≥ ssi-te-jv bm-Z-hn-s‚ (50) a-c-W-am-bn-cp-∂p C-Xn-¬ G-‰-hpw {i-t≤-bw. D-Ø¿{]-tZ-in-se e-Jv-\u-hn-¬ cmw\-tc-jn-s‚ h-k-Xn-bn-¬ 2015 am-¿®v 25 \m-Wv C-bm-sf a-cn-®-\n-e-bn-¬ I-≠-Xv. t]m-Ãv-tam-¿´Øn-¬ a-c-W-Im-c-Ww akvXn-jvI c‡{kmhw F∂mWv tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈-Xv. t{K-Uv 3 A-[ym-]-I \n-b-a-\-Øn-te-°v 10 t]-cp-sS en-Ãv \¬-In

in-h-cm-Pv knw-Kv Nu-lm-≥

aq-∂v e-£w cq-] hm-ßn F-∂ B-tcm-]-Ww A-t±-lØn-s\-Xn-sc-bp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p.

hym]-Øns‚ hym]vXn H-cp Im-cyw Xo¿-®. ]p-d-Øv h-∂ncn-°p∂-Xv a-™p-a-e-bp-sS H-cwiw am-{X-amWv. k-ap-{Z-Øn-\-Snbn¬ a-d-™n-cn-°p-∂-Xv `-oam-Imc-am-b A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS ]¿-Δ-X-am-bn-cn-°pw. ]-t£ AXv C-\n A-Xv ]p-dw-tem-Iw A-dn-bm-\n-S-bn-√. K-h¿-W-dp-sS a-I-\m-sW-¶n-epw ssi-te-jv bm-Z-hn-\v C\n sh-fn-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ km-≤y-a-√. A-t\zj-W kw-L-Øn-\v A-t±-l-sØ tNm-Zyw sN-øm-\p-am-hn-√. Im-c-Ww A-t±-lw C\n C√. X-e-t®m-dn-se c-‡-{km-hw aq-ew a-cn-®p. c-‡-{km-hw Fßn-s\-bp-≠m-bn? X-\n-tb h-∂-tXm, AtXm B-sc-¶n-epw D-≠m-°n-b-tXm? C-Xns\m-s° D-Ø-c-a-t\z-jn-®v D-tZym-K-ÿ¿ hnb¿-t°-≠ Im-cy-sam-∂p-an-√. Zp-cq-l-a-c-Wß-fp-sS A-‰-an-√m-Ø ]-´n-I-bn-se C-tß-b-‰sØ H-cm-fm-bn ssi-te-jv bm-Z-hn-s‚ t]sc-gp-Xn tN¿-°p-∂-tXm-sS F-√mw ip-`w. ImcWw kw-`-h-Øn¬ K-h¿-W-dpw `-c-W-Øe-h-\p-am-b cmw-\-tc-jv bm-Z-hn-\p ]-cm-Xnsbm-∂p-an-√. a-I-≥ a-cn-®Xn¬ cmw-\-tc-jv bm-Z-hns‚ `m-cy-tbm, k-tlm-Z-c-t\m, ktlm-Z-cn-tbm A-kzm-`m-hn-I-am-bn H-∂pw ImWp-∂pan-√. "hym-]w' A-gn-a-Xn-bp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´v 45 A-kzm-`m-hn-I a-c-W-ß-fp-≠m-bn F-∂mWv ]-cm-Xn-°m¿-°p-th-≠n lm-P-cm-b ap-≥ tI-{μ- \n-b-a- a-{¥n I-]n-¬ kn-_-¬ tIm-SXnbn¬ t_m[n-∏n-®-Xv. 25 -˛ 30 h-b- v {]mb-ap-≈-h-cm-Wv a-cn-®-h-cn-te-sd-bpw. Chsc√mw Xs∂ {]-Xn-I-tfm km-£n-Itfm A-t\z-j-I-tcm BWv. ]-t£, Ip-Spw-_-°mcm-cpw ]-cm-Xn-bp-am-bn h-∂n-´n-√. "hym-]w' BKkvXv 2015


A-gn-a-Xn-bp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´ F-√m a-c-W-ß-fpw {]tXy-I-am-bn A-t\z-jn-°p-sa-∂p ap-Jy-a-{¥n Nu-lm-≥ hy-‡-am-°nbn´p≠v. X-´n-∏n-s\-Ip-dn-®v A-t\z-jn-°m-≥ B-Zyw B-h-iy-s∏-´-Xv Xm-\m-Wv. C-Xp-t]m-se B-gØn¬ a-s‰m-cp tI-kpw A-t\z-jn-®n-´n-√. X´n∏v kn._n.sF A-t\zjn-°-W-sa-∂m-Wv tIm-¨{K-kn-s‚ B-h-iyw. F-∂m-¬ Cu B-h-iyw ssl-t°m-S-Xn X≈n-b-Xm-Wv. ssl-t°m-S-Xn-bp-sS ta-¬t\m-´-Øn-em-Wv A-t\z-j-Ww ]p-tcm-K-an-°p-∂-sX-∂pw Nu-lm-≥ AhIm-i-s∏´p. A-gn-a-Xn -a-d-®p -h-bv°m-≥ Ip-‰-°m-cm-b cm-{„o-b°m-cpw D-tZym-K-ÿ-cpw tN¿∂p sa\™ sN-IpØm≥ -X{¥-amWv _-‘-s∏-´ sIme-]m-X-I-߃. A-\ym-b-am-bn k-ºm-Zn-® ]-W-hpw ]-Z-hn-bpw \n-e-\n¿Øm-≥ G-X-‰w- h-sc t]m-Im-\pw Cu Im-]m-en-I¿-°v a-Sn-bn-√ F∂-XmWv CXv hy‡-am-°p-∂-Xv. hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn Ip-Øn-s∏m-°p-∂-h-sc G-tXm hn-jw D-]tbm-Kn-®v sIm-e-s∏-Sp-Øn, sX-fn-hv \-in-∏n-®v, a-c-Ww B-fl-l-Xy-bm-°n am-‰p-I-bm-sW-∂ B-tcm-]-W-ß-fpw D-b-¿-∂p. kw-`-h-sØIp-dn-®v A-t\z-jn-°m-≥ 2004 ¬ {]tXyI At\zjW kwL-Øn\p (F-kv.sF.Sn.) cq-]w \-¬InbXm-sW-¶nepw C-\nbpw Zp-cq-l-X-Iƒ \o-ßp-∂n-√. C-¥y-bn¬ C-Xp-h-sc D-≠m-b-Xn¬ G-‰hpw Iq-Sp-X¬ B-fp-Iƒ {]-Xn-I-fm-b A-gn-a-Xn-bm-WnXv. cm-{„o-b t\-Xm-°-fpw k-¿-°m¿ D-tZym-K-ÿ-cp-ap-ƒs∏-sS 3000¬ ]-cw t]-¿s°-Xn-sc-bm-Wv B-tcm-]-W-apb-¿∂ncn-°p-∂-Xv. 2003 ap-X-¬ hym-]w ]-co-£m {I-at°-Sv Xp-S-ßn-sb-∂m-Wv {]-tXy-I A-t\z-j-W-kw-Lw BKkvXv 2015

]-d-bp-∂-Xv. tI-kv A-t\z-j-Ww Im-¬`m-K-am-b-t∏m-tg-°pw 2000 {]Xn-I-sf I-Ã-Un-bn-se-Sp-Ø tI-kn¬ 300 A-d-Ãm-Wv \-S-∂-Xv. ]-e-cpw bp-h-Xn bp-hm-°-fmWv. c-£n-Xm-°-ƒ sN-bv-X sX-‰n-\v in£ A-\p-`-hn°p∂h--cpw D-≠v. 400 {]-Xn-I-ƒ H-fn-hn-em-Wv. ap-≥hnZym`ym-k-a-{¥n e-£v-an-Im-¥v i-¿-a-bp-w ap-Xn-¿∂ D-tZym-K-ÿ-cpw A-d-Ãnem-b-h-cn-¬ D-ƒs∏-Sp-∂p. h-en-b -h-en-b A-gn-a-Xn-I-fpw A-]-hm-Z-ß-fp-sam-s° Cu cm-PyØp-≠m-bn-´p-≠v. ]-t£, kmam\ya-cym-Z-bp-sS F-√m ko-a-I-sf-bpw ew-Ln-®v H-cp D-fp-∏p-an-√m-sX h¿-jß-fm-bn Xp-S-cp-∂ A-gn-a-Xn a-[y-{]tZ-in-se hym-]Øn\p kam-\-ambn a-s‰m-∂p-≠v F-∂p- tXm-∂p-∂n-√. _n-lm-dn-se Im-en-Øo-‰ Ipw-`-tImWw -t]m-se ]-g-b tIm¨-{K-kv `-cW-Im-ew- sXm-t´ Xp-S-cp-∂-Xm-Wv hym-]w A-gn-a-Xnbpw. A-s∂m-s° sN-dn-b -tXm-Xn-ep-≈ ssI-°q-en-bntem Nn-e ku-P-\y-ß-fn-tem AXv H-Xp-ßn -\n-∂-n-cp-∂p. 2000˛Øn-\p- ti-j-am-Wv Cu Agn-a-Xn-bp-sS hym-]v-Xn \m-Ww -sI-Sp-Øp-∂-hn-[w F√m koa-Ifpw ewLn-®-Xv. s{]m-^-j-W¬ tIm-tf-Pp-I-fnte-°p-≈ {]-th-i-\-]-co-£-I-fn-epw k¿-°m-cp-tZym-K߃-°p-≈ sS-Ãp-I-fn-epw H-cp k-t¶m-N-hp-an-√m-sX apI-fn¬- \n-∂p-≈ C-S-s]-S-ep-I-fp-≠m-bn. C-Xn-\v Ip-S-]nSn-®-h-¿ B-scm-s° F-∂-dn-bp-tºm-gm-Wv `-c-W- kw-hn[m-\w C-{X-bpw Zp-jn-®p-t]m-Ip-tam F-∂v s]mXp-kaqlw e÷n®p X-e-Xm-gv-Øp-∂-Xv. K-h¿-W-¿, ap-Jy-a{¥n in-h-cm-Pv knw-Kv Nu-lm-≥, A-t±-l-Øn-s‚ `m-cy, ap≥ hn-Zym-`ym-k-a-{¥n-, tIm¨{Kkv Fw.F-¬.F. _n.sP.]n. ap≥ kw-ÿm-\ A-[y-£-≥ F-∂n-h¿ Dƒs∏sS \n-c-h-[n- D∂-X¿ hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-bn-¬ Btcm-]-Ww t\-cn-Sp-s∂¶nepw B¿°p-sa-Xnsc hy-‡-amb sX-fn-hp-I-fn-√.

tImSXn CS-s]-Sp∂p hym-]w kw-_-‘n-® ]-cm-Xn 2015 Pq-em-bv 9 \v kp-{]ow-tIm-S-Xn tIƒ-°m-\n-cn-s°-bm-Wv A-Xp-h-sc a-Sn-®p-\n-∂ a-[y-{]-tZ-iv k¿-°m-¿ tI-k-t\z-j-Ww kn._n.sF.°v hn-Sm-≥ ssl-t°m-S-Xn-bn-¬ A-`y¿-Y\- \-S-Øn-b-Xv. AXn\p aq-∂p-Zn-h-kw- ap-ºv B-Pv-X-Iv dn-t∏m¿-´-¿ A-£-bv-kn-Mv kw-i-b-I-c-am-b km-l-N-cyØn-¬ a-cn-®-t∏m-gpw tI-kv kn._n.sF.°v hn-Sp-∂-Xns\ ap-Jy-a-{¥n Nu-lm-≥ A-\p-Iq-en-®n-cp-∂n-√. tI-kt\z-j-Ww ssl-t°m-S-Xn \n-tbm-Kn-® F-kv.sF.Sn. At\z-jn-°-th A-Xn-\p-ap-I-fn-¬°m-≠v A-t\z-jn-∏n-°-W-sa-¶n-¬ ssl-t°m-S-Xn Xo-cp-am-\n-°Ww F-∂-Xm-bn-cp-∂p ap-Jy-a-{¥n-bp-sS \n-e-]m-Sv. tI-


kv kn._n.sF. A-t\z-j-W-Øn-\v hn-´p-sIm-≠v kp{]ow-tIm-S-Xn D-Ø-c-hn-Sp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-bp-am-bp-≈ K-h¿-W-¿ cmw-\-tcjv bm-Z-hn-s‚ _-‘w kw-_-‘n-®v \n-b-a- \-S-]-Sn kzoI-cn-°-W-sa-∂ A-`y¿-Y-\-bn-t∑-¬ K-h¿-W¿-°v t\m´o-kv A-b-bv-°m-\pw kp-{]ow -tIm-S-Xn D-Ø-c-hn-´p. Agn-a-Xn-bn-¬ Nu-lm-≥ k¿-°m-cn-t\m-sSm-∏w K-h¿-W-dpap-≠v F-∂ B-tcm-]-WØnt∑-emWv Cu \S-]-Sn. Kh¿-W¿-°v `-c-W-L-S-\m- kw-c-£-Ww \¬-In-s°m-≠v ssl-t°m-S-Xn \n-b-a- \-S-]-Sn X-S-™-n-cp-∂p. K-h¿-Wsd am-‰m-≥ tI-{μ-k¿-°m¿ B-tem-Nn-®-t∏mƒ A-t±-lsØ t`m-∏m-en-¬ kw-c-£n-®p-\n¿-Øn-b-Xv in-h-cm-Pv kn-Mv Nu-lm-\m-Wv. bp.]n.F. \n-ban® F√m K-h¿W¿-am-sc-bpw am-‰n-b-t∏m-gpw D-Ø¿-{]-tZ-in-se ap-≥ apJy-a-{¥n-bpw tIm¨-{K- p-Im-c-\p-am-b cmw- \-tc-jn-\v am-{Xw F-ß-s\ kw-c-£-Ww e-`n-°p-∂p F-∂ tNm-ZyØn-\v {]-k-‡n-bp-≠v. cmw-\-tc-jv bm-Z-hn-s\ K-h¿W¿- ÿm-\-Øp-\n-∂v am-‰-W-sa-∂v tIm¨-{K- pw ]n∂oSv B-h-iy-s∏SpI-bp-≠m-bn. hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-sb ssI-Im-cyw- sN-bv-X co-Xn ap-Jy-a-{¥n in-h-cm-Pv kn-Mv Nu-lm-s‚ {]-Xn-—m-bXI¿°pI Xs∂ sNbvXp. tI-{μ-k¿-°m-¿ F-Xn-cm-bn´pw cmw-\-tc-jv bm-Z-hn-s\ K-h¿-W-dm-bn \n-e-\n¿-Øm\p-≈ Nu-lm-s‚ Xm-¬]-cyw, A-gn-a-Xn ]p-d-Øp-sIm≠p-h-cm-≥ {i-an-°p-∂-h¿-°v a-Xn-bm-b kw-c-£-Ww \¬-Im-\p-≈ hnap-J-X, A-gn-a-Xn-bp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´-hcp-sS Zpcqla-c-W-߃ F-∂n-h Nu-lm-s\ _-e-lo\-\m-°nbn´p≠v. a[y-{]-tZiv k-¿°m-cn-s\ ]n-Sn-®p-e® - Agn-aX - nbnse {]-Xn-If - pw km-£n-If - pw P-bn-en-epw ]p-dØ - pw acn-®p-ho-gp-∂X - n-\n-Sb - n-em-Wv tI-kv A-t\z-jn-®h - c - n-te°pw Zp-cq-la - c - W - ß - f - p-sS \o-cm-fn-ss°-Iƒ \o-fp-∂X - v. a-[y-{]-tZ-iv ap-Jy-a{- ¥n in-hc - m-Pv kn-Mv Nu-lm-≥, ap-≥ K-h¿ - W-¿ cmw\-tc-jv bm-Zh - v F-∂n-hc - p-sS t]-cp-Iƒ - Db-¿∂-tXm-sS-bm-Wv hym-]w Ipw-`t- Im-Ww am-[y-a{- i-≤ ]n-Sn-®p-]‰ - n-bX - v. Ipw-`t- Im-Ww ]p-dØ - p-sIm-≠p-hc - p-∂X - n¬ \n-¿Wm-bI - ]-¶p-hl - n-® {]-im-¥v ]m-sfi ]p-dØ - phn-´ tc-JI - ƒ - {]-Im-cw Ir-{Xn-at- c-JI - f - p-≠m-°n-b 48 ]-

co-£m-¿Yn-Iƒ - °v ap-Jy-a{- ¥n in-hc - m-Pv kn-Mv Nu-lms‚ in-]m-¿i-{]-Im-ch - pw \n-ba - \ - w \¬In-bn-´p-≠v. G-gp- t]-sc ap-≥ a-[y-{]-tZ-iv ap-Jy-a-{¥n-bpw Ct∏m-ƒ tI-{μ P-e-hn-`-ha-{¥n-bp-am-b D-am-`m-c-Xn-bpw H-cm-sf K-h-¿W-dpw 21 t]-sc a-‰p a-{¥n-am-cp-am-Wv in]m-¿i- sN-bv-Xn-´p-≈-Xv. am-¿°v en-Ãp-I-ƒ Xn-cp-Øn ]-co-£m-¿-Yn-I-sf ]m-km-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p dm-°-‰v sN-bv-Xn-cp-∂-Xv. A-t\z-j-Ww \o-≠-tXm-sS hy-h-kmbn-I-fp-sS-bpw cm-{„o-b t\-Xm-°-fp-sS-bpw t]-cp-I-ƒ ]p-d-Øp-h-cm-≥ Xp-S-ßn. hym-]w A-kn-Â v t{]m-{Km-a¿ kn.sI. an-{i, kn-Ãw A-\-en-Ãv \n-Xn-≥ a-lo-{μ, Iq-´m-fn A-P-bv sk-≥ F-∂n-h-cm-Wv B-Zyw A-d-Ãn-emb-Xv. Xp-S-¿∂v ap-≥ hn-Zym-`ym-ka-{¥n e-£v-an-Im-¥v i¿a, _n.sP.]n A-\p-bm-bn-bpw J-\-\- hy-h-km-bn-bpam-b kp-[o-¿ i-¿a F-∂n-h-cpw A-d-Ãn-em-bn. a-I-s‚ t]-cv ]-cm-a¿in°-s∏-´-tXm-sS K-h-¿W-¿ cmw\-tc-jv bm-Z-hv cm-Pn-sh-®p. Xp-S-¿∂v a-I-≥ ssi-te-jv bm-Z-hv {]-Xn-∏-´n-I-bn¬ h-cnI-bpw, K-h-¿W-¿-s°-Xn-sc A-t\zj-Ww Xp-S-ßp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. AXn-\n-sS- ssi-te-jv Zp-cq-l-\n-e-bn-¬ a-cn-®p. 2015 Pq-sse \m-en-\m-Wv ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-I-\pw C¥y SpsU {Kq∏ns‚ B-Pv X-°v Nm\¬ dn-t∏m¿-´-dpam-b A-£-bv knMv lr-Z-bm-Lm-Xw aq-ew a-cn-°p-∂-Xv. Hu-tZym-Kn-I tc-J-I-fn¬ kzm-`m-hn-I a-c-Ww. \-ap-°nt∏mƒ C-Xn-se-¥v sN-øm≥ I-gn-bpw? H-cmƒ lr-Z-bmLm-Xw aqew a-cn-°p-tºmƒ; a-cn-t°-≠-Xn-√ F-∂v \mw ]-d-™-Xv sIm-≠v Im-cy-ap-t≠m? G-Xm-bm-epw A-t±-lw a-cn-®p I-gn-™p. ]-t£ H-∂p-≠v. hym-]w Agn-a-Xn-°p ]n-∂n-se h-º-∑m-sc sh-fn-®-Øp sIm-≠p-hcm-\p-≈ ]-cn-{i-a-Øn-em-bn-cp-∂p A-t±-lw. hym]w tIkp-ambn _‘-s∏´v ac-W-a-S-™- F√m-h-cp-sSbpw t]mÃvtam¿´w dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ tiJ-cn® A£bv Ah ka-{K-ambn ]Tn®p hcn-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. C-tX A-gn-a-Xnbp-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´v sIm-√-s∏-´-Xm-bn kw-i-bn-°-s∏-Sp∂ sa-Un-°¬ hn-Zym¿-∞n-\n \-{a-Z Zm-adn-s‚ amXm-]nXm-°fpam-bn kw-km-cn-®p I-gn-™ ti-j-am-Wv A-£bv knMn-\v lr-Z-bm-Lm-X-ap-≠m-b-Xv. A-hn-ln-X \n-b-a\-߃-°v Ip-{]-kn-≤n t\-Sn-b Fw.Pn.Fw sa-Un-°¬ BKkvXv 2015

(14) tIm-tf-Pn-se sa-Un-°¬ hn-Zym¿-∞n-\n-bm-b \-{a-Z Zma¿ 2012 P-\p-h-cn-bn¬ -sd-bn¬-∏m-f-Øn¬ a-cn-®p In-S°p-∂-Xm-bn I-s≠-Øp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. AsX-°p-dn®v At\z-jn-°m-\mWv A£bv B Ip´n-bpsS ho´n-seØn-b-Xv. Ahn-sS-h®v Xf¿∂v hogp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. ZtlmZv P\-d¬ Bip-]-{Xn-bnemWv A£-bns‚ arXtZlw t]mÃv tam¿´w \S-ØnbXv. hnkd hni-Z-ambn ]cn-tim-[n-®m¬ am{Xsa bYm¿∞ ac-W-Im-cWw hy‡-amIq F∂mWv tUmIvS¿am-cpsS dnt∏m¿´v. AXv s^mdn≥knIv em_n-emWv \S-tØ-≠-Xv. hnkdbpw dnt∏m¿´pw t]meo-kn\p ssIam-dn. am-[y-a-ßfn¬ C-Ø-cw Zp-cq-l-a-c-W-ß-f-s-S ]-cº-c X-s∂ ÿm\w ]n-Sn-®p I-gn-™p. Cu kw`-h-߃ apgp-h≥ hym]hp-ambn _-‘-s∏-Sp-Øm-\m-hn-√ F-∂m-Wv ap-Jy-a-{¥n Nu-lm-s‚ \ne-]mSv. A-Xv \-ap-°v ap-J-hn-e-s°-Sp-°p-

I-bp-am-hmw. ]-t£ A-t∏m-gpw H-∂p _m°nbp-≠v. At±-l-Øns‚ Hm^o-kn¬ Xs∂ F-t¥m No-™v \m-dp-∂p-≠v. C-\n in-h-cm-Pv knMns‚ I-Y-Iq-Sn A-dn-bp-tºmgm-Wv A-Sn-b-¥n-cw sh-fp-Øp In-´p-I. B-cm-bn-cp-∂p Ct±-lw? _n.sP.]n-bn¬ thm-´p ]n-Sn-°m≥ I-gn-bp-∂ hy-‡n-{]-`m-hw H-cmƒ-t°-bp-≈q F-∂v _n.sP.]n-bpw B¿.F- v.F- p-sam-s° ]m-Sn \-S-∂ Im-e-Øv, AXns\ ]p—n®p X≈nb b-Ym¿-∞ knw-l-am-W-t±-lw. a-[y-{]-tZ-in¬ Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏v {]-Nm-c-W-Øn-\v tam-Unsbm-∂pw th-≠; Xm≥ X-s∂ [m-cm-fw a-Xn F-∂m-bncp-∂p in-h-cm-Pv knMv Nu-lm-s‚ \n-e-]m-Sv. Xn-c-s™Sp-∏v ^-ew h-∂-t∏mƒ A-Xv i-cn-sb-∂v sX-fn-bp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. B Nu-lm-\m-Wv hym-]w Iq-´-s°m-e-bv-°v ]n-∂n¬ F-∂v B-t£-]w D-b-cptºm-gpw A-t±-l-Øn-\v A-sXm-∂pw A-{X-°-ßv G-in-bn-´n-√. C-t∏m-gpw h-en-b Ip-g-∏-an-√m-sX "F-√mw C-t∏m i-cn-bm-°mw" F-∂ a-´nem-W-t±-lw.

BKkvXv 2015

hym-]w A-gn-aXn, _-‘s - ∏-´ A-t\z-jW - ß - ƒ, Zp-cq-l a-cW - ß - ƒ, A-tcm-]n-Xc - m-b hn.sF.]n-If - p-sS ]´n-I, H-s° ]-cn-tim-[n-®m¬ H-cp-Im-cyw J-fin-Xa - m-bn ]-db - mw, a-\p-jy-a\ - k - p-Iƒ C-cpƒ ho-Wv aq-Ss - ∏-´v I-gn™n-cn-°p-∂p. B C-cp-´n-s\ sh-fn-®a - m-°n-bm-Wv \mw h-en-b A-l¶ - m-ct- Øm-sS Xo-sh-´n-Iƒ-°v ]n-∂m-se \-S°p-∂X - v. ka-Im-eo\ k-aq-lh - pw Im-eh - pw F-{X-tb-sd X-eX - n-cn-™X - pw j-fio-Ic - n-°s - ∏-´X - p-am-Wv F-∂v `m-hn X-ea - p-db - v° - v Xncn-®d - n-bm≥ Iq-Sp-X¬ sXfn-hpIsfm-∂pw B-hi - y-an-√. hym-]w A-gn-aX - n-bp-sS hn-iZ- mw-i߃ am{Xw a-Xn-bm-Ipw. sR-´n-∏n-°p-∂ kXy-߃ Hs∂m-∂m-bn ]p-dØ - p-hc - p-tºmgpw C-{X-tb-sd \n- w-KcmIm≥ \-ap-°√ - m-sX a-‰m¿-°p I-gn-bpw? hym-]w \-ap°v A-tß-b‰ - w B-kzm-Zy-am-b H-cp hn-`h - a - m-Wv. \Ωƒ, Zr-iy-am-[y-aß - fpw A®Sn am-[y-aß - fp-sam-s° sh-®p hn-fº - pI-bm-Wv. A - X - n-e∏ - p-dw A-Xns\m-cp {]m-[m-\y-hpw \mw I-ev]n-°p∂n-√. AhnsS c‡-km-£n-bmb Hcp am[ya {]h¿Ø-Is‚ kvac-WIƒ \sΩ Aev]w t]mepw Atemk-cs - ∏-Sp-Øp-∂pan-√. hy-‡n-I-tfm {Kq-∏p-I-tfm `-cW-kzm-[o-\w D-]-tbm-Kn-®pw D-tZymK-ÿ-sc hn-e-s°-Sp-Øp-sam-s° \-SØp-∂ tIm-Sn-I-fp-sS sh-´n-∏n-s\-bmWv \mw A-gn-a-Xn F-∂ Hm-a-\-t∏-cn´v hn-fn-®n-cp-∂-Xv. ]-t£ hym-]-Øn-te-°-Sp-°p-tºmƒ A-Xn-s‚ hym-]v-Xn-bpw kzm-`m-hpsam-s° P-\-Io-b-h¬-°-cn-°-s∏-Sp∂p. C-tX-Xv Im-e-Øv Xp-S-ßn F∂v B¿-°pw \n›-b-an-√. 2000 h-sc hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-sbIp-dn-®v A-S-°n∏n-Sn-® kw-km-c-߃, Nn-e ]-{Xhm¿-Ø-Iƒ, sNdnb B-tcm-]-W߃ H-s° \n-e-\n-∂n-cp-∂p. F-∂m¬ 2000 am-t≠msS hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS Zp¿-K-‘w cm-Py-Øn-s‚ AXn-cp-I-tfm-fw FØn. a-[y-{]-tZ-iv k¿-°m-cn-t\-bpw `-cW-IqS-sØbpw am-{X-a-√ Aßp U¬-ln-bn-se A-[nIm-cØn-s‚ C-S-\m-gn-Isf h-sc hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS Zp¿-K-‘w ho¿∏p-ap-´n-®p.

sIme-]m-X-I-ßfpw ]Wm-[n-]-Xyhpw Cu Im-e-Øn-s‚ k-hn-ti-j-X-I-fpw Hm¿-Ω-bn-ep≠m-h-Ww. 1991 ¬ \-h- D-Zm-c-h¬-°-c-W km-ºØn-I km-aq-ly-{I-a-߃ bm-Ym¿-∞y-am-bn´v H-cp ]-Xn-‰m-≠v I-gn-™n-cp-∂p. A-t∏m-tg-bv-°pw A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS cq-]-`mh-ß-fn-epw am-‰w kw-`-hn-®n-cp-∂p. A-gn-®p-hn-´ bmKmizsØ t]m-se N-ßm-Ø ap-X-em-fn-Øw km-[m-cW°mc-s‚ Po-hn-X-sØ Io-g-S-°n-°gn-™p. aq-e-[-\i-‡n-Iƒ, `-c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Iƒ, cm-{„o-b t\-Xr-Xzw, D-tZym-K-ÿ{]`pXzw, t]m-eo-kv, C-h-sbm-s° H-cp-an-®Wn-\n-c-∂v B-bn-c-°-W-°n-\v tIm-Sn-Iƒ H-∂n-®v sIm-

(15) sIm-e-bpw ]-Wm-[n-]-Xy-hpw tN¿-∂v [m¿Ωn-IXbp-sS F-√m A-Xn¿-Øn-I-fpw ew-Ln-®v A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS Zp¿-K-‘w ]-S¿Øn-b, kzX{¥ C¥y e÷n-®p Xe XmgvØn-\n-¬°p∂ hº≥ Ipw`-tImWw

Ccpƒ aqSp∂ Imew

≈-b-Sn-°p-∂-Xn-te-°v A-gn-a-Xn-bp-sS kz-`m-hw am-dn. C∂v B-tcm-]-W-hn-t[-b-cm-b cm-{„o-b t\-Xr-Xz-sØ ]cn-tim-[n-®m¬ \-ap-°-Xv hy-‡-am-Ipw. a-[y-{]-tZ-in¬ bp.]n.F-bp-sS {]-Xn-\n-[n-bm-bn h-∂ K-h¿-W¿, cmw-\tc-jv bm-Z-hv, _n.sP.]n ap-Jy-a-{¥n in-h-cm-Pv knMv Nu-lm≥, `m-cy kp-[m-knMv, hn-Zym-`ym-k a-{¥n e-£v-an-Im-¥ i¿-Ω, tIm¨-{K-kv Fw.F¬.F ao¿-knw-Kv _q-cn-b, _n.sP.]n kw-ÿm-\ {]-kn-U-‚mbn-cp-∂ {]-`m-Xv-Qm F-∂o hn.sF.]n-I-fn¬ Xp-S-ßn D-b¿-∂ sF.F.F-kv D-tZym-K-ÿ¿, C-S-\n-e-°m¿ F∂n-ß-s\ Xm-sgØ´nse G-P‚p-am¿ h-sc Bbn-c-ßfmWv hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-°v ]n-∂n¬, am-^n-b dm-°-‰v B-bn {]-h¿-Øn-®-Xv. A-£-cm¿-∞-Øn¬ A-gn-a-Xn-sb P-\m-[n-]-Xy-h¬-°-cn-°p-I-bpw, hn-tI-{μo-Icn-°p-I-bpw sN-øm-\p-≈ km-≤y-X-bp-sS D-Ø-a DZm-l-cWw. C-{Xtb-td `o-I-c-a-s√-¶n-epw A-gn-a-Xn-sb P-\m-[n-]-Xy-h¬°-cn-® a-s‰m-∂v _o-lm-dn-se Im-en-Øo-‰ Ipw-`-tIm-Wam-bn-cp-∂p. A-Xn-\v t\-Xr-Xzw h-ln-® em-ep-{]-km-Zv bm-Z-hv A-gn-a-Xn-∏-W-Øn-s‚ ]-¶v Xm-sg-X-´p-Im¿ h-scbp-≈-h¿-°v P-\m-[n-]-Xy-]-c-am-bn ho-Xn-®n-cp-∂p-h-t{X. cm-{„o-b ]m¿-´n-Iƒ-s°m-s° Cu h-I-bn-ep-≈ an-®Øn¬ \n-∂v A-t±-lw ]-¶v A-\p-h-Zn-®n-cp-∂-Xm-bn ]-db-s∏-Sp-∂p. Nn-e I-£n-Iƒ Xp-I ssI-∏-‰m≥ hn-k-ΩXn-®-t∏mƒ, k-t¥m-j-]q¿-Δw G-‰p-hm-ßn ]p-´-Sn-®-h-cmWv cm-{„o-b-]m¿-´n-I-fn-te-sd-bpw. CXp-hsc \mw hnNm-cn®p AXmWv G‰hpw henb Agn-aXn IY F∂v. ]s£, ChnsS CXm AXn-s\bpw \njv{]-`-am°p∂, kn-\n-amI-Y-I-sf t]mepw sh√p∂, sIm-√pw

bp.]n.F-bp-sS A-gn-a-Xn-s°-Xn-cm-b t]m-cm-´- \mb-I¿ F-∂ \n-e-bn-em-W-t√m \-tc-{μ-tam-Un k¿-°m-dn-s‚ A-[n-Im-cmtcm-l-Ww. A-gn-a-Xn-bn¬ tIm¨-{K-kpw _n.sP.]n-bpw X-Ωn¬ H-cp hy-Xym-k-hp-an√ F-∂v sX-fn-bn-°p-∂-Xm-bn hym-]w Agn-a-Xn-t°-kv. hn-Nn-{X-am-b h-kv-Xp-X, GXv k-a-b-hpw i-WvT Iq-Sp-∂ C-h¿ X-Ωn¬ A-gn-a-Xn-Im-cy-Øn-ep-≈ Nßm-Ø-am-Wv. bp.]n.F k¿-°m-cn-s‚ Ime-Øv A-h-cp-sS ]-√p-sIm-gn-™ In-g-h-∑ms-c hn-hn-[ kw-ÿm-\-ß-fn¬ K-h¿-W¿am-cm-bn \n-b-an-® Iq-´-Øn-em-Wv \-tc-jv bm-Z-hn-s\ a-[y-{]-tZ-in¬ \n-b-an-®-Xv. tam-Un A-[n-Im-c-Øn-se-Øn-b-t∏mƒ BZy-am-bn kzo-I-cn-® \-S-]-Sn-I-fn-sem-∂v CØ-cw bp.]n.F. K-h¿-W¿-am-sc-sb-√mw am-e-bpw s_m-°-bpw \¬-In Xn-cn-®-b-°-em-bn-cp-∂p. I-Sn-®p Xq-ßm≥ {i-an-®-h-sc-sbm-s° ÿ-ew am-‰n. ]-t£ A-t∏m-gpw \-tc-jv bm-Z-hn-\v ÿm-\-N-e-\w kw-`-hn-®n√. hym-]w A-gn-a-Xn-bn¬ kz-¥w a-I≥ a-cn-®n-´p-t]mepw Xn-I-™ ku-lr-Z-Øn-em-bn-cp-∂p ap-Jy-a-{¥n in-h-cm-Pv knw-Kv Nu-lm-\pw K-h¿-W¿ bm-Z-hpw X-Ωn¬. A-Xp-sIm-≠v A-t±-lw F-√m-hn-[ kp-J-k-ar≤n-tbm-Spw Iq-Sn a-[y-{]-tZ-in-se X-s‚ Hu-tZym-Kn-I h-k-Xn-bn¬ k-kp-Jw hm-Wp. C-t∏mƒ tIm¨-{K-kv h-en-b hm-bn¬ H-® sh-®-Xp sIm-t≠m H-´-I-]-£n-sbt∏m-se C-sXm-∂pw I-≠n-s√-∂ \n-e-bn¬ X-e a-Æn¬ ]q-gv-Øn-b-Xp sIm-t≠m {]-tbm-P-\-an-√. C-\n C-sXm-s° a-[y-{]-tZ-in¬ am-{Xw A-c-tßdp-∂ sIm≈-cp-Xm-bva-I-fmbn F-gp-Xn-Ø-≈mw F-∂v Bcpw [-cn-®p him-tI-≠-Xn-√. C-Xn-s‚ [m-cm-fw kq£va ]-Xn-∏p-Iƒ \ap-°n-S-bn¬ Im-em-Im-e-am-bn \S-°p-∂p-≠v. A-Xp a-s‰m-cp hym-]w B-bn h-f-cp-∂-Xv F-t∏m-gm-bn-cn-°pw F-t∂ A-dn-tb-≠-Xp-≈q. C-Ø-cw C-cp-´p-Iƒ \-ap-°n-S-bn-epw ]-g-°-ta-dn h-cn-I-bm-Wv. B C-cp-´v X-s∂-bm-Wv sh-fn-®w F-∂v I-cp-Xn Po-hn-°p-∂Xn-\v \mw C-∂v a-’-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. shfn®w ZpJ-amWp-Æo, Xa-kt√m kpJ-{]-Zw.


Imen-°‰v {]kv ¢_v tPW-enkw C≥Ãn-‰yq-´ns‚ ap≥ Ub-d-IvS-dmWv teJ-I≥ C˛-sabn¬: BKkvXv 2015


Varghese Koshy

Where is the media heading? Times are such that today even journalists admit that the

mainstream media are on its deathbed! However, we wouldn’t agree if someone were to say that journalism is dead or that it’s dying. Journalism is in fact thriving, though its contours have changed (for the better, should one say?). But the pertinent question here is why is death staring at the mainstream media. Who is to blame, that is if someone ought to be blamed. As journalists we are required to answer these basic questions, for we are duty-bound to ask questions and also find answers to the questions we ask.

It’s easy to blame the management of newspapers and TV channels for the rot that has set in today’s media. However, 1 feel, apportioning blame on the management is to a great

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Those at the helm in Indian newspapers are often chosen tor their policing capabilities and not because they are good journalists. They are seldom good writers, or good at rewriting or editing, nor do they have imagination or understand what news is. I have often felt that such people should be recruited to the police force as their place is not the newspaper office, where sensitive, intelligent and knowledgeable men and women should sit.

(17) extent a convenient mode of escapism. Why do I say that? To answer this, we would have to ask a number of questions first. Why did Indian journalists covering the Nepal earthquake behave so shamelessly? Why do journalists in this country have to be flagwaving jingoists like our politicians? Is it our job to please the powers that be, even if it means being ridiculed? The Indian government was quick to react with relief efforts sending in military planes with supplies and men to help just after the devastating quake struck our tiny northern neighbour on April 25. According to Times of India, our country had over 700 personnel conducting search-and-rescue efforts on the ground, followed by China (168), Bangladesh (140) and the US (120). Hordes of Indian journalist too landed in that country apparently with the aim of doing a thorough job. However, the job turned out to be too thorough for comfort that the non-stop coverage was criticized for being “insensitive” and often barbaric. TV reporters were accused of “shoving microphones at suffering victims,” according to Times of India. As per that newspaper, the reporters even “intruded into family cremations and questioned grieving relatives.”

Such rude and impervious behaviour naturally drew criticism. Facebook and Twitter had the rude message #GoHomeIndianMedia trending on them. Derisive jokes and tweets were the order of the day. And it was not Nepalese alone who cried horse, bashing the insensitive and jingoistic Indian media, people in this side of the border too joined in, not finding the coverage amusing or charitable. “Your media and media personnel are acting like they are shooting some kind of family serials,” Nepalese writer Sunita Shakya wrote in an open letter to the Indian media. “If your media person can reach the places where the relief supplies have not reached at this time of crisis, can’t they take a first- aid kit or some food supplies with them as well?” he asked. What prompted such over enthusiasm? Competition, of course. The TV crew of all channels were keen to be seen as the first to reach certain places, the first to cover a certain news, etc. And they were reportedly battling it out with the ‘others’ to be the first among the lot to film the rescue operations undertaken by the Indian Army. The Hindu reported that one TV reporter had told its correspondent that “too many journalists had kept making trips on the Army chopper”. And according to this guy, “I also got the sense last week that because of all this coverage, many Nepalese had started feeling that India is acting like some sort of a big brother.” The media was accused of being triumphalist, as if they were there right behind a conquering Army. Prior to this it was only the Western media that had been accused of such conceited behaviour “while covering events in developing countries”. Here I come back to my earlier questions: why did the media behave as BKkvXv 2015


it did? Surely no management would have urged these reporters to behave as they did in Nepal. However, the “demanding” TRP-driven editor would have made their lives miserable had they not behaved as they did. These guys sitting in their swanky offices in big cities are there to bring in advertisement revenue to the company they work in. He/she is not worried or sensitive about what happens on the ground as long as the newspaper sells or the TRP rating of his/her channel goes up. For this his/her company pays him/ her cartons of money (often much more than all his staff put together). Hence, they more often than not behave like the supervisors in old tea plantations in British India. Yes, he/she is often just a glorified “mastry”. Those at the helm in Indian newspapers are often chosen for their policing capabilities and not because they are good journalists. They are seldom good writers, or good at rewriting or editing, nor do they have imagination or understand what news is. I have often felt that such people should be recruited to the police force as BKkvXv 2015

their place is not the newspaper office, where sensitive, intelligent and knowledgeable men and women should sit. However, not all is lost. The ‘mastrys’ in this profession and the media houses they represent would soon find themselves in the dustbins of history. A new kind of journalism is taking over. The social media is powerful enough to bring you news and views from any part of the world at any time of the day. Hence, people are going to prefer them to the antediluvian outfits pedalling archaic journalism. And journalism students should be happy that they can become true journalists on their own without having to depend on media houses. Venturing out would however require a lot of guts and gumption. Yes, it’s a brave new world. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Varghese Koshy (Independent Media Professional) Former Asst. Editor - Hindu, Times of India, Indian Express E-mail:


Power of direct communication

Narendra Modi’s victory Roy Mathew


he use of one to one communication contributed significantly to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s election campaign and image building. The power of mouth to mouth or interpersonal communication has long been evident, historically. It played a major role in our independence struggle and the defeat of Indira Gandhi after the emergency. What made Mr. Modi’s interpersonal communication different was that he used technology effectively to reach persons whom he could not directly reach. Thus he achieved a form of interpersonal communication through media, achieving a sort of direct interactivity through social media. The interactivity of social media helped him to create the impression that he was directly dealing with people and not addressing them over public address systems, radio or television. Modi and his campaigners used all channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Slideshare, Flickr, and Pinterest to overwhelm these channels with positive images about Mr. Modi, in the process suppressing negative images related to Godhra riots, abandoning of his wife Jashodaben and the like. The use of modern technology like holograms at his 3D rallies, video conferences for his Chai Pe Charcha and Google Hangouts helped him shed the image of someone with communal and conservative attitudes of an old generation with one of a tech savvy person. He also addressed hundreds of rallies across India. Depending on one’s political perspective, one can say that Mr. Modi used direct communication to bring down a corrupt government that was facing policy paralysis, or that he used it to give false hopes and wrong notions in his pursuit

for power. However, it remains a fact that the Congress failed to counter the communication offensive. Even when Rahul Gandhi opened a Twitter account recently, it was in the name of his office, taking away any semblance of assumption that he was directly interacting with people. His forays into tribal hamlets and the like has only marginal effect and it is doubtful that any meaningful one to one communication takes place on such occasions. On the other hand, AAP leader Aravind Kejriwal uses one to one communication with surprising results. If it was not for his direct approach to the people, his apology about his demitting office in a huff would not have won acceptance. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Roy Mathew is a journalist in Trivandrum & formerly deputy chief of bureau of The Hindu Homepage: BKkvXv 2015


Anto P Cheerotha

Media Freedom @ and India


o you think media celebrate absolute freedom in our country? Unfortunately answer would be a big NO, according to Indian constitution argues. It is as always a burning topic, even in the verge of India’s 68th Independence Day. The Indian Constitution, while not mentioning the word press , provides for the right of freedom and expression (Article 19(1) a). It is not offering any special privilege to media freedom as such but can be treated as a fundamental right of every citizen. This constitutional aspect is evident from the words of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Freedom of Press is an Article of Faith with us, sanctified by our Constitution, validated by four decades of freedom and indispensable to our future as a Nation. The Indian Press has a long history right from the times of British rule in the country. The British Government enacted a number of legislations to control the press, like the Indian Press Act, 1910, then in 1931-32 the Indian Press (Emergency) Act etc. In the Post-Constitutional BKkvXv 2015


Era, there is a change in the outlook. Every citizen has got fundamental right to live with dignity and respect and a right to privacy guaranteed to him under Article 21 of the Constitution. Both Article 19(l)a and Article 19(l)g (which provides for freedom of profession, occupation, trade or business) are offering every provisions to citizens for freedom of expression and speech, but it is not for union of citizens. However this right is subject to restrictions under Article 19(2), whereby this freedom can be restricted for reasons of “sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, and friendly relations with foreign States, public order, preserving decency, preserving morality, in relation to contempt of court, defamation, or incitement to an offense. Who threatens media freedom? There is a change in the ownership pattern that as from chain to conglomerate ownership. It is also suggested that the editors and journalists cannot have adequate freedom of collecting and disseminating facts and offering comments as they

(21) are under the pressure of the capitalist owners. India’s ranking in a global press freedom index has fallen significantly in the past year, putting it behind countries such as Liberia, Kyrgyzstan, South Sudan and Albania. There are different incidents where media freedom is being curtailed. In the recent past (2001), in the Tehelka Case, The portal was forced to shut down completely and its journalists were continuously harassed as the journalists exposed the scam in the defense ministry involving Ex-Defense Personnel & Central Government Ministers. In April 2003, The Hindu ran two articles criticlizing Jayalalitha’s actions of expelling and jailing opposition members from the state legislature. Jayalalitha retaliated by filing 17 criminal defamation cases, and ordering 5 senior editors of the newspaper, to be jailed for 15 days each. In August 2007, members of the right wing political party Shiv Sena vandalized the office of Outlook when it published an article where the party leader was listed as ‘Villain’. More recently, in April 2012, Jadavpur University professor Ambikesh Mohapatra was arrested for circulating a cartoon of Mamata Banerjee. Do you think media freedom should be controlled? In this context the statement made by Markandey Katju, former Press Council Chairman is significant, that as Press Council should be renamed as Media Council with adequate teeth. In words of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, “The role of journalism should be service. The Press is a great power, but just as an unchained torrent of water submerges the whole countryside and devastates crops, even so an uncontrolled pen serves but to destroy”. Recently, when Mumbai was under terror threat in 26/11 the media acted irresponsibly by telecasting live; it had given the terrorists getting detailed information about the ground situation that they would not normally have got. In April 2009, Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram was addressing the media at a press conference a journalist threw shoe at the minister on protest of acquittal of a Congress leader accused of leading Anti-Sikh riots in 1984. The journalist named Jarnal Singh was a reporter of Dainik Jagran, a local newspaper. Later on he apolo-

gized to the Union Home minister for his act. This was one of the most condemnable acts which showed the ugly side of the press. There are three pillars of a democracy that as the legislative, the executive & the judiciary.

The press acts as the fourth pillar of a democracy. The press has played many significant roles in delivering justice, public welfare etc. Especially there are quite a lot of incidents where media acted responsibly including; Jessica Lal’s case, Priyadarshini Mattoo’s Case, Aarushi Talwar’s murder case and Ruchika Girhotra’s case. Many authorities have held that the Right to Freedom of Speech conferred by Article 19(1) of the Constitution is adequate to protect the freedom of the Press. Judicial decisions have however made it clear that the Fundamental Rights are conferred only on citizens and not on associations of citizens. In the present times, no newspaper or other periodical can normally be brought out by individuals; it can only be brought out by corporate bodies. Moreover, it has also been held by Courts that, in view of the limitations put under Article 19 (2) etc., pre-censorship can be imposed on newspapers even when the country is not faced by an Emergency due to external aggression or internal rebellion or similar circumstances. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Anto P Cheerotha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mass Communication & Journalism, Kannur University

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Iemw C¥y≥ P\-X-bpsS kz]v\-߃°v A·n-®n-d-Ip-Iƒ \¬Inb F°m-e-sØbpw {]nb-s∏´ cmjv{S-\m-b-I\m-bn-cp∂p tUm. F.-]n.-sP.-A-_vZp¬ Iemw. sslμh t£{X-߃°v t]cp-tI´ cmta-iz-cØv Hcp CS-Øcw Xangv IpSpw-_-Øn¬ ssP\p-e-_vZo-s‚bpw Bjnb-Ω-bp-sSbpw aI-\mbn 1931-emWv Ahp¬ ]°o¿ ssP\p-e_vZo≥ A_vZp¬ Iemw F∂ F.-]n.-sP.-A-_vZp¬ Iemw ]nd-∂-Xv. temI-Øns‚ \ndp-I-bn-¬ kz¥-am-sbm-cnSw Is≠-Øm≥ \ntbm-K-hp-ambn P\n® B inip-hn\v ssii-hhpw _mey-hp-sam∂pw A{X kº-∂-am-bn-cp-∂n-√. F∂n´pw B inip hf¿∂Xv Akm-[m-c-W-amb anI-hns‚ ]S-hp-Iƒ Nhp-´n-°-b-dn-s°m-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. C¥y-bpsS "anssk¬ a\pjy≥' F∂p temI-cm-jv{S-߃ t]mepw BZ-c-thmsS hnfn® At±lw C¥y≥ bph-Xz-Øns‚ a\kn¬ Ahsc kz]v\w ImWm≥ ]Tn-∏n® A[ym-]-I-\m-bn-cp-∂p. {]h¿Ø-\-\n-c-X-amb Ign™ ]Xn-‰m-≠p-I-fn¬ Zi-e-£-°-W-°n\p Ip´n-I-fp-am-bmWv At±lw kwh-Zn-®-Xv. C¥y-bpsS cmjv{S-]Xn ÿm\-sØ-Øp∂ BZysØ imkv{X-⁄≥ IqSn-bmbncp∂p Iemw. C¥y-bpsS Ncn-{X-Øn¬ \mgn-I-°-√mbn amdnb \nc-h[n _ln-cm-Im-i-Zu-Xy-ß-fn¬ At±lw kp{]-[m-\-amb ]¶p-h-ln-®p. Gs‰-SpØ tPmen-I-fnse hnP-bhpw A¿∏-W-a-t\m-`m-hhpw t\Xr-Xz]m-S-hhpw C¥y≥ P\-X-bpsS a\-kn¬ At±lØn\p Nnc-{]-XnjvT t\Sn-s°mSpØp. A¥y-\n-an-j-ß-fnepw {]h¿Ø-\-\n-c-X-\m-bn-cn-°-W-sa∂ At±-l-Øns‚ B{K-lw-t]mse 2015 Pqsse 27\v jnt√m-ßnse sFsF-F-Ωn¬ {]_‘w Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p-sIm≠ncns°bmWv At±lw Ipg-™p-hoWXv. {]m¿∞-\-tbmsS ImØp-\n∂ C¥y≥ P\-Xbv°p ap∂n-te°v Iemw ImeØn\v Xnc-»oe hosW∂ hm¿Ø-sb-Øn-b-t∏mƒ cmPyw H∂S¶w IÆo¿ hm¿°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Ah-[n-bpsS Be-kyØn¬ ab-ßmsX A[nIw aWn°q-dp-Iƒ tPmen-sN-bvXp-sIm≠mWv C¥y≥P-\X sXmgnens‚ alXzw ]Tn-∏n®p-X∂ B alm-flm-hn\p {]Wm-a-a¿∏n-®-Xv. Hcp]-t£, as‰mcp t\Xmhn\pw C{Xbpw hnIm-c-`-cn-X-amsbmcp bm{X-b-b∏v e`n-®n-´p-≠m-hn-√. B alm-]p-cpjs‚ kvac-Wbv°p ap∂n¬ Iq∏p-ssI-It- fmsS \n∂p-sIm≠v Hcp Bfl-hn-a¿i-\Ø - n\v At±l-Øns‚ hm°p-Iƒ \ap°p IS-sa-Sp-°mw. C¥y≥ am[y-aßfpsS s\K-‰o-hmb ImgvN∏ - mSns\ hfsc \nin-Xa - m-bnØs∂ Iemw hna¿in-®n-´p-≠v. temIsØ h≥i-‡n-If - n-sem∂mbn C¥y amdn-s°m≠ncn-°p-tºmgpw {]tNm-Z\w \¬Ip∂ hnP-bI - Y - I - ƒ°p ]Icw A{I-aØ - n-s‚bpw ]oU-\Ø - n-s‚bpw Ac-£n-Xm-hÿ b - p-sSbpw hm¿Ø-Iƒ hnf-ºp∂ {]h-WX - b - vs°-Xn-sc-bmWv Iemw i_vZa - p-b¿Øn-bX - v. a\kp aSp-∏n-°p∂ CØcw hm¿Ø-Iƒ°p ]Icw {]`m-Xß - f - n¬ t]mkn-‰ohv F\¿Pn \nd-bv°p∂ hm¿Ø-Iƒ P\-ßf - n-se-Øn-°m≥ am[y-aß - ƒ°p DØ-ch - m-Zn-Xzap-s≠∂p hfsc i‡-amb `mj-bn¬Øs∂ At±lw ]d-™p-h® - p. B henb DØ-ch - m-Zn-Xz-Øn¬\n∂p Hgn™pamdns√∂p {]Xn⁄ sNbvXpsIm≠v alm-flm-th, Atßbv°v Rß-fpsS Hcmbncw IÆo¿]p-jv]ß - ƒ...A·n-®nd-Ip-Iƒ hnS¿Øn C¥ysb kz]v\w ImWm≥ ]Tn-∏n® `mc-Xmw-_b - psS hoc-]p-{X\p

IÆo¿{]Wm-aw... BKkvXv 2015


Shoma A. Chatterji


Representation of the media in Bollywood Films

he portrayal of media personalities in Indian mainstream films in general and Bollywood films in particular can rarely be called authentic. In fact, sometimes, commercial compromises distort and dilute the image of a media professional – journalist or reporter from the print media or media professionals in the electronic media within cinema. How authentic are these portrayals? Are journalists, reporters, news-readers, anchors and interviewers really as cheap as they are shown in films? Or, are there genuine reporters committed to the three objectives of ethical journalism – objectivity, accuracy

and integrity? Most films give a more or less realistic view of journalists as professionals and how their ethical values have taken a beat in an environment of corrupt practices. But sometimes, the general picture one comes away with is not very pleasant. In the recently released Bajrangi Bhaijan (2015), we are introduced to a small-time reporter of a small town. His name is Chand Nawab (Nawazuddin Siddique) who is struggling for his “Bariking News” for a Pakistani paper. His entry gives a new direction to the story and to

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(24) and upright editor of a daily newspaper called New Delhi Times. The film depicts how, in the end, the two leading political parties - the Establishment and the Opposition, use him as an agency to get their work done but he does not suspect their motives of using him as a pawn and in the end, join hands behind his back and he is made a scapegoat.

what a little-known incident can do to the career of a small time reporter. With his story about Bajrangi and Munni, the little mute girl he is trying his best to restore to her family in Pakistan, Chand Nawab joints the search for his long-desired story and becomes an overnight hero in journalistic circles. Among the very few films that have portrayed journalists in a positive and strong way is Romesh Sharma’s directorial debut New Delhi Times (1986) that fetched Shashi Kapoor and cinematographer Subrata Mitra their only National Awards besides the Indira Gandhi Award to the director for the Best First Film of a New Director. Shashi Kapoor is the very honest BKkvXv 2015

This hard-hitting political drama was hit equally hard by Indian distributors and television because they refused to take on the film for either theatrical release or television viewing. Vikas Pande, the new editor who arrives in Delhi from Ghazipur in Uttar Pradesh to New Delhi, uncovers corruption, murder, and bribery in high office. When a politician is killed, a journalist discovers that a member of parliament had the man assassinated. More shocking news are revealed when this member of parliament it is learnt is an underworld gangster. As the editor digs deeper, the complicity of higher-placed politicians comes to the surface, which leads to riots in one town and an attempt to suppress his story. The Tinnu Anand directed Main Azaad Hoon (1989) is an Indianised and tweaked version of Frank Capra’s Meet John Doe (1941.) Though this was focussed on the unusual presentation of Amitava Bachchan as an unemployed, homeless and unlettered man who roams aimlessly from place to place in search of food, the film paid equal importance to journalists and journalism. When Subhashini (Shabana Azmi) is threatened with a sack because the editor has changed and so has the management, she creates a do-gooder from the grassroots and begins a column on the socially good acts to save society done by the fictitious “Azaad.” The

(25) incisive column, a critique of political maneuverings becomes so famous that she had to look for a real person to fit into the mould of “Azaad” because the readers demand to meet him. She finds the man she is looking for – a man aimlessly drifting on the streets with his equally bum friend and immediately christens him “Azaad.” We never get to know his real name. Slowly, when she realises that Azaad is being made a pawn in the vested interests of the politically ambitious and dictatorial editor, she changes her stance and decides to follow ethics. The editor (Manohar Singh) offers another dimension of a journalist’s character who is manipulating the news, the newspaper and his editorial staff to become prime minister one day. These two polarised faces of the media is presented realistically in this otherwise commercial film. There is third journalist, who is a stooge of the editor, following him and his dictates like Mary’s Little Lamb. But this man too quits his job and the editor when he is fed up with the way the editor has turned him into a human version of a pet dog. This was a hard-hitting film too and picked up at the box office much after it was released. Main Azaad Hoon is a powerful statement on how images can be created, manipulated and even destroyed by the media by journalists with vested interests.

Madras Café (2013) directed by Shoojit

Sircar and produced by John Abraham is perhaps the only film in recent times to feature a war correspondent. The film is set in the late 1980s and early ’90s, during the intervention in the Sri Lankan civil war and assassination of Rajeev Gandhi when he was the PM of India. The film won the National Award for Best Audiography for Nihar Ranjan Samal for location sound recording and Bishwadeep Chatterjee for the sound design. Major Vikram Singh (John Abraham) is an Indian Army Special Officer appointed by RAW to head covert operations in Jaffna shortly following the Indian peacekeeping force’s forced withdrawal from the city. During the course of his investigation, he meets Jaya Sahni (Nargis Fakhri), a Londonbased British war correspondent, who wants to reveal the truth about the civil war, and in the process he uncovers a conspiracy to assassinate “a former Indian prime minister. Jaya is a nononsense, committed war correspondent assigned by her paper to cover the Sri Lanka civil disturbances. As she joins in the investigation, there is a sharing of views but there is no romance and no sex in the relationship. The relationship is enriched by the control with which Nargis essays her role complete with her British accent, pragmatic attitude and guts. Jaya’s character was inspired by many war correspondents, including Anita Pratap, according to the director.

Mumbai Meri Jaan (2008) is an excellent portrayal of television news channels using news as sensational and titillating when it concerns even a massive tragedy like the July 11, 2006 Mumbai train bombings. Rupali Joshi (Soha Ali Khan) as a leading journalist of a television channel is assigned to cover the bomb blast in trains in Mumbai live. She finds that her fiancé has died in the blast. She then becomes the subject of the television channels who chase her for BKkvXv 2015


exclusive stories about her life with her fiancé and so on. Her grief is augmented when the news channel she works for tries to exploit her story for ratings. She is so traumatised by the shock that lies hidden within her own profession that she quits her profession. Her personal tragedy and its aftermath changes her perception about what being a television journalist means forever. Kundan Shah’s Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron (1983), now considered to be a cult film portrayed media and media personalities in a shady light not conducive to a positive image of journalists in cinema. The story has a character named Shobha (Bhakti Barve) who is a doubledealing lady editor of a newspaper with the double-entendre name of Khabardar. It has two meanings. In Hindi, khabardar means “Danger” and it also means “do not dare” and in this film, the newspaper suggests both! The editor is ready to do anything to get a story that will raise the circulation of her paper including fake stories. Through its hilarious style, Kundan Shah weaves into its narrative some slapstick comedy. The massive Y-generation that has bloomed in the world of the internet, You-tube and blogs, have watched, downloaded and replayed the film many times. Just one site shows a hit of 1, 25,000-plus hits and there are many others you can hit and watch the film in with bigger hits. But it is Peepli Live (2010) that takes the cake and has it too. It is one of the most scathing critiques of journalism in contemporary India. Natha, the younger of two farmer brothers BKkvXv 2015

burdened by debt, living in a fictitious hamlet called Peepli is persuaded by his older brother to commit suicide so that his brother and their families can get the advantage of the Re. One Lakh dole the government has promised. But before he can actually commit the act, this news gets reported by Rakesh Kapoor (Nawazuddin Siddique), a local reporter from Peepli. One ITVN journalist keen on filming Natha’s death is Daytime Presenter, Nandita Malik. She joins Rakesh and takes desperate measures to interview Natha and his family. However things get trickier when rival Hindi news channel, “Bharat Live” finds out about Natha and Peepli. The news channel clashes with ITVN and each tries to film Natha’s death in its own way. Written and directed by journalist-turned filmmaker Anusha Rizvi and produced by Amir Khan Productions, Peepli Live is a film that unmasks the underside of contemporary journalism, most of it not pleasing to the eye, ear or taste. By and large, journalists as a collective group of professionals are displayed in a rather poor light when they rush with their mikes and cameras inside any film to take a byte from everyone and anyone at the drop of a hat. It makes for a very poor and derogatory representation of journalists on celluloid. This must change and I wonder why journalists do not raise their voice against such derogatory representation of the entire group. One may sum up by saying that the credibility of journalists, especially television journalists, has fallen over the years and this gets reflected again and again in our films.


The writer is a freelance journalist, author and film scholar based in Kolkata. She has authored 17 books and contributed to many compilations on cinema, family and gender. Email:

bqØv tPW-enkw C\n-jn-tb-‰ohv

C. ]n jmPp-±o≥

BtKm-f-am-[ya cwKsØ ]pXnb {]h-W-X-Ifpw hm¿Ø-Ifpw a\kn-em-°m-\p-XIp∂ anI® aoUnb sh_vssk-‰pIsf ]cn-N-b-s∏Sp-Øp-I-bmWv Cu ]w‡n. am[y-a-cw-K-Øp{]-h¿Øn-°p-∂h¿°pw am[y-ahn-Zym¿∞nIƒ°pw Hcpt]mse {]tbmP\-{]-Z-am-bn-cn°pw Cu ssk‰p-Ifn¬ \n∂v e`n°p∂ hnh-c߃

Ata-cn-°≥ skmssk‰n Hm^v \yqkv FUn-t‰gvkv bph ]{X-{]-h¿ØI¿°pw hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°p-ambn 2000-˛¬ Xbm-dm-°nb sh_vssk‰v BWv ]{X-{]h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ hnhn[ taJ-e-Isf kw_-‘n® ]cn-io-e-\-amWv CXn¬ Dt±in-°p-∂-Xv. [mcmfw ]mTy-`m-K-ßfpw amXr-I-Ifpw Cu ssk‰n-ep-≈Xv hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw A[ym-]-I¿°pw Htc t]mse D]-tbm-K-{]ZamWv. CXnse G‰hpw D]-Im-c{- ]-Za - mb hn`m-Kß - ƒ sek¨ πm≥kv, sSIvSqƒkv, tPW-enkw kvIn¬kv, dntkm-gvkkv F∂n-hb - m-Wv. CXn¬ sek¨ πm≥kv BWv Gsd D]-Im-c{- ]Zw h¿jw-tXmdpw ]pXp-°n-s°m-≠n-cn-°p∂ Hcp hn`m-Ka - m-WnXv. ssk‰n¬ ssk\∏v sNbvXm¬ Csabn¬ hgn ]pXnb hnh-cß - ƒ In´n-s°m≠n-cn-°pw. Hm¨sse≥, tdUn-tbm, sSenhn-j≥ F∂n-hb - v°p≈ hm¿Ø Xbm-dm°p∂ coXn-Iƒ CXn¬ hnhn[ `mK-ßfmbn \¬In-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Unssk≥, C≥^¿ta-j≥ {Km^n-Ivkv, teHu-´v, Hm¨sse≥-˛U - n-Pn-‰¬ Unssk≥ F∂nh kw_-‘n® Unssk≥ B≥Uv {Km^nIvkv hn`mKw Gsd hnh-cß - ƒ \¬Ip-∂X - m-Wv. FUn-‰nwKv hn`m-KØ - n¬ tIm∏n FUn-‰nw-Kv, I≠‚ v FUn-‰nw-Kv, {Kma¿, slUvsse≥kv F∂n-ßs - \-bmWv hnh-cß - ƒ tN¿Øn-cn-°p-∂X - v. FØn-Ivkv, tPW-enkw ASn-ÿm\ hnh-c-߃, \nb-a-߃, aƒ´n-ao-Un-b-˛Hm¨sse≥ tPW-en-kw hnhc tiJ-cWw, \yqkvdqw amt\-Pvsa‚ v, t^mt´m{Km^n F∂n-ß-s\-bmWv a‰p hn`m-K-߃ kvs]j-sse-tk-j\p th≠ hnh-c-߃ \¬Ip∂ hn`m-K-Øn¬ tU‰m tPW-enkw, F‚¿ssS≥sa‚ v, ^o®¿, C≥sh-ÃntK-‰ohv tPW-en-kw, t]gvk-Wm-en‰n s{]mss^¬, kvt]m¿Svkv F∂nh Fßs\ ssIImcyw sNø-W-sa∂v


(27) \yqkv s\‰ v

\¬In-bn-cp-∂p. B[p-\nIIme ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-\pth≠ Imcy-ß-fmWv sSIvSqƒkn¬ D≈Xv. Unssk≥ B≥Uv aƒ´n-ao-Unb tkm^v‰vshb¿, samss_¬ B∏p-Iƒ, samss_¬ tPW-enkw kw_-‘n® hnhc-߃, tkm^v‰vshb¿, sh_vssk-‰p-Iƒ, sh_v B∏p-Iƒ F∂n-h-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ hnh-c-߃ CXn¬\n∂p In´pw. ssk‰ns‚ tlmw t]Pv Gsd hnh-c-߃ AS-ßn-bXm-Wv. hnhn[ hnj-b-߃ kw_-‘n® ]pXnb Adn-hp-Iƒ [mcmfw CXn¬\n∂p Is≠-Ømw. Ata-cn-°≥ am[y-a-cw-KsØ ASn-ÿm-\-s∏-Sp-Øn-bm-sW-¶nepw a‰n-S-ßfnepw D]-Im-c-{]-Z-amWv Ah.

H.-F≥.-F. AXn- t hKw ]S¿∂p hcp∂ Hm¨ sse≥ am[ya taJ-e-bnse {]^-j-W-epIƒ cq]o-I-cn® HmW-sse≥ \yqkv Atkmkn-tb-js‚ sh_vssk‰v BWv H.-F≥.-F. ( Cu cwKsØ ]cn-io-e-\w, ]pXnb Sqfp- I ƒ ]cn- N - b - s ∏- S p- Ø ¬, kvtImf¿jn∏v \¬I¬ XpS-ßn-b-h-bmWv kwL-S\ sNøp-∂-Xv. dntkm-gvkkv hn`mKw ]pXnb Sqfp-Ifpw a‰pw ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. Ata-cn-°-bmWv CXnse {]Xn]mZy ÿesa-¶nepw tU‰m tPW-en-kØ - ns‚ coXn-Iƒ AhnsS Fßs\ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p-sh-∂v ssk‰nse hm¿Ø-I-fn¬\n∂pw B¿´n-°nfp-I-fn¬ \n∂pw a\-kn-em-°mw. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

awKfw Zn\-]-{X-Øns‚ No^v \yqkv FUn-‰-dmWv teJ-I≥. teJ-Is‚ C˛-sabn¬: BKkvXv 2015


aoUnb ss_‰vkv am[y-a-tem-IØv AXn-th-K-X-bnemWv am‰-߃ kw`-hn-°p-∂-Xv. C∂sØ sNdp Ne-\߃ \mfsØ hnπ-h-ßfmbn-°qsS-∂n-√. temI-am-[y-a-ß-fnse kw`-h-hn-Im-k-ß-fnte°v IÆ-b-°p∂ Hcp ]w‡n

hnhc kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ A¥yw ASp-Øpthm? C¥y-bn-se-t∏mse Ata-cn-°b - nepw hnh-cm-hIm-i\ - n-ba - ap≠v. AhnsS AºXp h¿j-ambn \nbaw \ne-hn¬ h∂n-´v. \Ωp-tSXv hnh-cm-hI - m-ia - m-sW-¶n¬ Ahn-Sp-tØXv hnh-ck - zm-X{¥y\nb-aa - mWv F∂-XmWv Hcp hyXym-kw. \nb-ah - y-hÿ I - f - nepw A∏o¬kw-hn[m-\Ø - n-ep-sams° thsdbpw hyXymkw It≠-°pw. ]t£, Ct∏mƒ N¿® sNø-s∏-Sp∂ Hcp Imcyw hnh-ckzm-X{- ¥y-\n-baw AhnsS XI¿®sb t\cn-Sp∂p F∂-Xm-Wv. tNmZn-°p∂ hnh-cß - ƒ Xcm-Xn-cn-°m≥ Fs¥-¶nepw ImcWw Is≠-ØpI ]Xn-hm-°n-bn-cn°p-Ib - mWv Kh¨sa‚pw _yptdm-{I-kn-bpw. \nbaw \ne-\n¿Ø-Ws - a∂v G‰-hp-a[ - nIw B{K-ln-°p-∂Xv am[y-aß - fpw am[y-a{- ]-h¿Ø-Ic - p-am-Wv. ]t£,

BKkvXv 2015

AsXmcp t]mcm-´a - mbn am‰m≥ Ah¿°p Ign-bp-∂n-√. ]pdsa \√-t]cpw AwKo-Im-chpw Ds≠-¶nepw ]e {]apJ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Icpw ]d-bp-∂-Xv, am[y-a߃°v hnhcw \ntj-[n-°p-∂-Xn¬ ap≥ `c-W-IqSßtf°mƒ tami-amb A\p-`-h-amWv H_ma `c-W°m-eØv D≠m-Ip-∂Xv F∂-m-Wv. ""Ncn-{X-Ønse G‰hpw kpXm-cy-amb `c-W-IqSw'' F∂v Ah-Im-i-s∏Sm-dp≈ H_ma `c-W-Øn-emWv G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ F^v.-H.-sF.F At]-£-Iƒ X≈-s∏-´Xv F∂p am[y-a-߃ \S-Ønb k¿sh-I-fn¬ Is≠-Øn-bn-cp∂p. 55 iX-am\w hnh-c-kzmX{¥y l¿Pn-Iƒ Xocp-am\-am-ImsX A\-¥-ambn \o≠p-t]m-Ip-I-bm-Wv. hnh-ckzm-X{¥y \nb-a-Øn¬ Nne t`Z-K-Xn-Iƒ hcp-Øm-\pt±-in-®p≈ H´pw hnhm-Z-]-c-a-√mØ \nbaw t]mepw H_ma \n¿Øn-sh-∏n-®-Xmbn Bt£-]-ap-≠v. "Hcp Xe-ap-d-bv°n-S-bn¬ ]{X-kzm-X-{¥y-Øn-\p-≠mb G‰hpw henb i{Xp H_m-ab - mWv' F∂v \yqtbm¿°v

(29) ssSwkv teJ-I≥ Fgp-Xn-bt- ∏mƒ AXns\ ]{Xm-[n-]¿ icn-sh-®p. teJ-I¿ FUn-t‰m-dnbssekv sNø-cpXv F∂p-s≠-¶nepw Cu hna¿i\w R߃ AwKo-Ic - n-°p∂p F∂mWv ]{Xm-[n-]¿ ÿm]-\Ø - ns‚ ]ªnIv FUn-‰¿°p \¬Inb hni-Zo-Ic - W - w.C-¥y-bn¬\n∂v hyXy-kvX-am-bn, Ata-cn-°-bn¬ Cu \nbaw D]-tbm-K-s∏SpØn hnhcw tiJ-cn-°p-∂-h-cn¬ \s√mcp ]¶v am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cm-Wv. bp.-F-kv. \nba-Øn¬ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Isc {]tXy-I-ambn ]cn-K-Wn-°p-∂p-≠v. hnhcw e`n-°m≥ At]-£n-°p-tºmƒ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ ^okv AS-t°-≠-Xn-√. tªmK¿am¿°pt]mepw {]tXyI ]cn-K-W-\-bp-≠v. CsXms°-bm-sW-¶nepw \nbaw IqSp-X¬ IqSpX¬ {]tbm-P-\-c-ln-X-am-hp∂p F∂ ]cmXn-bmWv F√m-h¿°pw D≈-Xv. CXn-s\Xnsc t]mcm-´-߃ \S-Ønb am[y-a-߃ Ct∏mƒ \nkw-K-X-bn-te°p \oßn-s°m-≠ncn-°p∂p F∂-XmWv IqSp-X¬ ZpxJ-I-csa∂v ]uc-kzm-X{¥y {]h¿Ø-I¿ ]d-bp∂p. DtZym-K-ÿ-∑m-cn¬\n∂v hnhcw e`n°m-Xn-cp-∂m¬ k¿°m-cn¬ A∏o¬ \¬IpIbpw AXpw \ntj-[n-°-s∏-´m¬ tImSXnsb kao-]n-°p-I-bp-amWv Ata-cn-°-bn¬ \S-∂p-hcp∂ coXn. ]cm-Xn-Iƒ ]cn-tim-[n-°m≥ tImS-Xn°pw At]-£-I\pw CS-bn¬ IΩo-j-\p-Iƒ C√. CXp-Imc-Ww, hnh-c-kzm-X{¥yw \ntj-[n-®-Xn-s\-Xnsc tImSXn-bn¬ t]mIm≥ \n¿_-‘n-X-cmWv At]-£-I¿. hy‡n-Isf kw_-‘n®v CXv Gsd-°psd Akm-[yam-Wv, ImcWw kmº-ØnI _m[y-X. am[y-a-ß-fmWv C°m-cy-Øn¬ hn´p-ho-gvN-bn-√msX t]mcm-Sm-dp-≈-Xv. cmPyØv an°-hmdpw h≥InS ]{X-ßfpw GsX-¶nepw hnhcw \ntj-[n-®-Xn-s\-Xnsj tImSXn Ib-dn-bn-´p≠v. ]t£, C°mcyw At\z-jn® Hcp ÿm]\w Is≠-Øn-bXv \yqtbm¿°v ssSwkv HgnsI as‰mcp ]{Xhpw hnhcw \ntj-[n-®Xn\v FXnsc 2014 ¬ Hcp

tIkv t]mepw ^b¬ sNbvXn-´n√ F∂m-Wv. A®Sn am[y-a-߃ t\cn-´p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂ XI¿®-bp-ambn Cu {]h-W-Xbv°p _‘-ap≠v F∂mWv Icp-X-s∏-Sp∂-Xv. C°m-cy-Øn¬ {]Xo£ \¬Ip∂ Hcp Imcyw, \h-am-[y-a-߃ ap≥Im-esØ At]-£n®v hnh-c-kzmX-{¥y-\n-b-asØ i‡-ambn \ne-\n¿Øp-∂-Xn-\pth≠n ]Whpw ka-bhpw sNe-h-gn-°p∂p F∂-XmWv. sh≥N¿ aqe-[\w kar-≤-am-bp≈ ]e Hm¨sse≥ aoUnb ÿm]-\-ßfpw C°m-cy-Øn¬ Bth-i-]q¿hw cwK-Øp-h-cp-∂p≠v F∂-XmWv A¬]w Bizmkw \¬Ip-∂-Xv.


Hm¨sse≥ ]c-ky-߃ XS-bp∂p A®Sn am[y-aß - f - psS Imew Ign™p F∂-mWv ]d-bs - ∏-Sp-∂X - v. ]m›m-Xy-tem-Is - Ø-¶nepw AXp bmYm¿∞y-am-Wv. `mhn C‚¿s\‰v am[y-aß - f - p-tSXmWv F∂pw F√m-hcpw {]Xo-£t- bmsS ]d-bp-∂p. ]t£, F¥mWv Hm¨sse≥ am[y-aØ - ns‚ _nkn\kv tamU¬? F¥mWv hcp-am-\a - m¿Kw? ]ckyw am{Xw. Ct∏m-gnXm AXns‚ Igp-Ønepw Ipcp°v hoWp-sIm-≠n-cn°p-∂p. BKkvXv 2015

(30) ]c-ky-߃ XS-bp∂ tkm^v‰v shb-dp-Iƒ°v {]Nm-c-ta-dp-∂p. \n߃ Hcp ]{X-Øns‚ sh_vssk‰v Xpd-°p-tºmƒ ]c-ky-߃ ImWm≥ B{K-ln-°p-∂n-s√-¶n¬ AXn\v B tkm^v‰vshb¿ {]h¿Øn∏n-®m¬ aXn. Hm∏¨ tkmgvkv tkm^v‰vshb¿ BWv. kuP-\y-ambn e`n-°pw. Hm¨sse≥ am[ya ÿm]-\-߃ CXn-s\-Xnsc i_vZ-ap-b¿Øp-∂p-s≠-¶nepw H´pw ^e-{]-Z-am-bn-´n-√. \nb-a-]-c-ambn t\cn-Sm-\p≈ {iahpw hnP-bn-®n-´n-√. P¿a≥ tImS-Xn-bn¬ h∂ Hcp tIknse hn[n "]cky-Lm-X-I¿'°v A\p-Iq-e-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]ckyw ImW-

Wtam th≠tbm F∂Xv hmb-\-°m-cs‚ Ah-Im-iamWv F∂m-bn-cp∂p hn[n. 18\pw 29\pw at[y {]mbap≈ hmb-\-°m-cn¬ 41 iX-am\w t]¿ Cßs\ ]cky-߃ C√mØ hm¿Øm-t]-Pp-I-fmWv ImWp-∂Xv F∂Xv Hcp k¿sh shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. A®Sn am[y-a-ß-fn-ep-≈-Xn-t\-°mƒ hmb-\-°mcs\ sNmSn-∏n-°p∂ Xcw ]c-ky-ß-fmWv Hm¨sse≥ am[y-a-Øn¬ hcp-∂Xv F∂-XmWv XSb¬ tkm^v‰vshb¿ {]nb-¶-c-am-Im≥ Imc-Ww. ]t£, CXn¬\n∂p am[y-a-°mtcm ]c-ky-°mtcm ]mTw ]Tn-°m-\p≈ km[y-X-sbm∂pw ImWp-∂n-√.


F.-sP.-B-dns‚ A¥yw hnh-c-kzm-X-{¥y-\n-baw XI¿®-bn-te°v \oßp-∂Xv am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°v F{X I≠p thZ-\m-P-\-I-amtWm AXn-tesd thZ-\m-P-\-IamWv Ata-cn-°≥ tPW-enkw sdhyq (F.-sP.B¿)-hns‚ A¥yw. Ata-cn-°-bnse G‰hpw hnizm-ky-X-bp≈ am[ya hna¿i\ ÿm]-\am-bn-cp∂p F.-sP.-B¿. am[y-a-߃ dnt∏m¿´v sNøp-∂-Xn-s\bpw dnt∏m¿´v sNøm-Ø-Xnsebpw hogvN-Iƒ Bg-Øn¬ ]Tn®v Zo¿Ldn-t∏m¿´p-I-fmbn {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn-t∏m-∂n-´p≠v F.-sP.-B¿. ]e sX‰p-Ifpw Ah¿ Xpd-∂p-Im´n. Fs¥-¶nepw cmjv{So-btam at‰m Bb AP≥U-Iƒ C√mØ Xo¿Øpw s{]m^-j\¬ Bb kao-]\w Bbn-cp∂p F.-sP.-B-dnt‚-Xv. At∏m-g-t∏mƒ tXm∂p-∂Xv hnfn-®p-]-dbpI sNe-shm-∂p-an-√mØ G¿∏m-Sm-Wv. AXm¿°pw sNømw. ]t£, Bg-Øn-ep≈ ]T\w \SØn Kuc-h-]q¿W-amb hna¿i\w \S-Øm≥ ]W-s®-e-hp-≠v. ap∏-sØ´v h¿jambn s]mXp-k-lm-b-tØmsS {]h¿Øn®p-h∂ Cu kzX-{¥-ÿm-]\w kmº-ØnI {]iv\-߃ aqe-amWv AS-®p-]q-´m≥ Xocp-am-\n®-Xv. Hcp Ne-\m-flI kzX{¥ Hm¨sse≥ {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-ambn F.-sP.-B-dns\ \ne\n¿Øm≥ Ign-bmsX h∂n-cn-°p∂p F∂ ÿm]\w \S-Øn-t∏m∂ ^nen∏v sadn¬ tImtfPv Hm^v tPWenkw Uo≥ Adn-bn-®p. ]t£, B¿ss°hvkpw sh_vssk‰pw \ne-\n¿Øpw (

1977-˛¬ Ata-cn-°≥ bqWn-th-gvkn‰n hnZym¿∞n tdmP¿ {Im≥kv XpS-ßn-sh-®-XmWv F.-sP.-B¿. 1979¬ Aw_m-k-U¿ sl‚n Imt‰m hnebv°p hmßn. ]e-cn-eqsS ssIamdn 2011-˛-emWv sh_vssk‰pw amK-ko\pw ^nen∏v sadn¬ tImtfPv Hm^v tPW-en-k-Øn¬ FØn-b-Xv. hnZym¿∞n-IfpsS IqSn klm-b-tØm-sS-bmWv {]h¿Øn-®n-cp-∂sX-¶nepw \nc-h[n apgp-h≥ kab tPW-en-Ãp-Iƒ CXn¬ {]h¿Øn-®n-cp-∂p. F≥. ]n. B¿

BKkvXv 2015


{^w h¿Ωm-Pn, hnØv eu

sI.-F¬. taml-\-h¿Ω

]mhw hmb\°mc≥

Fs‚ Hcp kplyØv Ab®p X∂ IYbmWv. IY km¶ev]nIambncn°Ww. ]s£ Hcp amXncn GXv kmam\y_p≤n D]tbmKn°m≥ ss[cyap≈ aebmfn ]{Xwhmb\°mc\pw hm¿ØIƒ hmbn °ptºmƒ D≠mImhp∂ dnbmIvj\mWv IYbpsS a¿Ωw. Rm≥ kmam\y_p≤n F∂v ]dbp∂Xv tIma¨sk≥kns\bmWv. henb ]mWvUnXyhpw

am[y-a-߃ \¬Ip∂Xp Xs∂-bmtWm P\-߃°p th≠Xv? hmb-\-°m-cp-sS, t{]£-Is‚ ]£Øp \n∂v \ΩpsS ssZ\w-Zn\ am[y-a-tem-I-ØneqsS IS-∂p-t]m-Ip-I-bmWv Cu ]w‡n-bn-eqsS teJ-I≥.

_p≤nbpw AhImis∏Sp∂ cmjv{Sob PmXn aX XXzNn¥m Xo{hhmZnIfpsS _p≤nsbb√. AXp t]mse Pm¿KWpIfpw sIzmt´j\pIfpw \n¿ΩnX ]mcºcy IYIfpw D]tbmKn®v km[mcW°mcs\ hnc´n kzX{¥Nn¥Iƒ°v A{]m]y\m°p∂ _p≤nPohnIfpsS _p≤nsbbpa√. IY CXmWv. Fs‚ t]cv iin. P∑w sIm≠v BKkvXv 2015

(32) lnμp. AºXp hb p≠v. `mcy. \mep a°ƒ. ]Ømw ¢mkp tXm‰v ]T\w \n¿ØnbXn\m¬ Ct∏mƒ Hmt´mdn£ HmSn°p∂p. AXymhiyw am¿IvknÃp IaqWnÃv ]m¿´n {]h¿Ø\w Hs°bp≠v. D’hØn\p am{Xta AºeØn¬ t]mImdp≈p. apsºms° Ipfn Ign™v Hcp Nμ\s∏m´v sXmSpambncp∂p. CubnsS AXv \n¿Øn. ]m¿´n°mcn¬ _n sP ]n bnte°v Imepamdm≥ km≤yXbp≈hsc t\m´p sNøp∂ ImeamWv. kq£n°Ww. C\n Fs‚ Ab¬]° °mcs\∏‰n ]dbmw. t]cv tPmWn. ]°m {InkvXym\n. hb v ap∏Xv. AhnhmlnX≥. Fw _n F °mc\mWv. IyXyambn Rmbdmgv®bpw a‰p {][m\ Znhkßfnepw ]≈nbn¬ t]mIpw. ISpØ tIm¨{Kkv A\p`mhnbmWv. k¿°m¿ tPmenbpap≠v. C{Xbpw BapJw. C\n ImcyØnte°p IS°mw. Fs‚ ]ip tPmWnbpsS ]dºnte°p Ibdn Ah≥ \´p ]nSn∏n®p hf¿Ønb aq∂mep hmgIfv ISn®p ]dn®ßp Xn∂p. sshIn´v Hm´Øn\nSbn¬ t{_°p s]m´n IjvSn®v Hcp BIvknU‚n¬ \n∂p `mKyØn\v c£s∏´p h≠n sa°m\n°ns\ G¬∏n®v BsI aqUv Hm^mbn h∂ kabambncp∂p. At∏mgmWv tPmWn Ft∂mSv Cu hmg\jvSt°kpambn tNmZn°m≥ h∂Xv. H∂pw c≠pw ]d™v hm°p X¿°ambn. Rm\pw Ipd®p acymZbn√msX Ib¿Øp kwkmcn®ncn°Ww. ]iphmsW¶n¬ ]®ne I≠m¬ ISn®p Xn∂psa∂v Rm≥. \ns‚ A∏\mtWmSm hmg h®sX∂v Ah≥. Rm≥ ]ns∂ Xmakn®n√. Fs‚ A—\p ]dbpt∂mSm F∂p tNmZn®v Ahs‚ IcWØn\n´p c≠p \√Xv s]m´n®p. ]ns∂ ASn]nSnbmbn. Bƒ°m¿ IqSn. sskUp ]nSn®v hg°mbn. CØcw tIkpIfnse \S]Sn {]Imcw Ahs\ Bip]{Xnbnem°n. Rm\pw Bip]{Xnbn¬ AUvan‰mbn. c≠p t]cpw t]meokn¬ ]cmXn sImSpØp. henb ASn]nSn hm¿ØIsfm∂pw A∂v C√m™n´mbncn°Ww F√m ]{Xßfnepw Cu kwL¿jØns‚ hm¿Ø h∂p. ]s£ Hmtcm ]{XØnepw shdpw Hcp ]ip hmg ASn]nSn kw`hw F∂Xv hm¿Øbmbn h∂t∏mƒ Xes°´pIfpw hm¿ØbpsS hnhcWhpw XnI®pw hyXykvXamb coXnbnembncp∂p.

kmºnfpIƒ 1. AºXp hb pImc≥ ap∏Xp hb pImcs\ X√n. (F\n°p {]mb°qSpXep≈XmWv ASnbpsS ImcWw F∂p [z\n.). 2. \mep Ip´nIfpsS ]nXmhv AhnhmlnXs\ X√n. (\mep Ip´nIsf tabn°m\p≈ s]Sm∏mSp ImcWw Ah≥ AhnhmlnX\mbn kpJn®p \S°p∂Xn¬ F\n°p Ien∏ps≠∂v tXm∂pw.) 3. ]Ømw ¢mkn¬ tXm‰bmƒ Fw _n F °mcs\ X√n®X®p. (kabØv t\cmw hÆw ]Tn®v BKkvXv 2015

Pbn°m≥ ]‰mØXnep≈ Akqb [z\n∏n°p∂p.) 4. kn sF Sn bp {]h¿ØI\mb Hmt´m ss{Uh¿ F≥ Pn Hm Atkmkntbj≥ `mchmlnsb a¿±n®p. (c≠p bqWnb≥Im¿°pw ]Wnbmbn. IyXyambn k¿°m¿ iºfhpw Inºfhpw saø\ßmsX hmßp∂ k¿°m¿ Poh\°mct\mSv A≤zm\n°p∂ sXmgnemfn°p≈ AklnjvWpX shfnhm°p∂p.) 5. lnμp {InkvXym\nsb X√n. (h¿KobXbnte°v FØns∏´p. temIØv I≠p]nSn®n´p≈Xn¬ h®v aqe[\w Xosc th≠mØ G‰hpw henb _nkn\ mb aXhntZzjØns‚ PmeIw Xpd∂p.) 6. IayqWnÃv {]h¿ØI≥ tIm¨{Kkv A\p`mhnsb X√n. (cmjv{Sobw h∂p. C\n t]Snt°≠. hm¿Øbv°v ]pXnb am\w e`n°pw. Ncn{X]camb {]m[m\yw In´pw.) Cu ta¬∏d™ hkvXpXIfnse√mw `mKnIambn sNdnb iXam\w icnbp≠v. ]s£ ChnsS iin F∂ Rm\pw tPmWnbpw ]iphpw hmgbpw F√mw hm¿Øbv°p ]pdØmWv. icn°pw CsXmcp hm¿Øtbb√. AYhm hm¿Øbmbn \¬IWsa∂p tXm∂nbm¬ F¥mWv sImSpt°≠Xv? Ab¬]°hg°ns\ XpS¿∂v iin F∂bmƒ Ab¬hmknbmb tPmWnsb a¿±n®p. icn°pw th≠ kXyamb slUvsse≥ CXmWv. ]s£ CXn¬ hm¿Ømwiw C√. hmb\°mc≥ G‰p]nSnt°≠tXm Ah\v kzbw sFU‚nss^ sNømhp∂tXm Bb H∂pw CXnen√. iin, tPmWn F∂ c≠p t]cpItf D≈p. iin F∂Xv C°meØv {InkvXym\n°pw t]cp≠v. hm¿Ø hmb\°mcs\ sshImcnIambn ASp∏n°p∂n√. ChnsS BZy sh¿j≥ sNdp∏°mscbpw c≠matØXv AhnhmlnXscbpw aq∂matØXv D∂XhnZym`ymkw e`n®hscbpw \mematØXv sXmgnemfn h¿KsØbpw A©matØXv hminbp≈ aXhnizmknIsfbpw BdmatØXv thm´p_m¶ns\bpw sFU‚nss^ sNøp∂hbmWv. hmkvXhØn¬ kq£vaambn ssIImcyw sNbvXm¬ _p≤nam\pw kq{X°mc\pamb Hcp t\Xmhn\v Cu hm¿Øsb Xs‚ i‡n Iq´m≥ D]tbmKn°m hp∂tXbp≈p. D]tbmKn°pIbpw sNøpw. _¿{S≥Uv d ens‚ hmNIamWv. a\pjy≥ Hcp {]tXyIXcw PohnbmWv. Ah\v F¥nse¶nepw hnizkn°Ww. hnizmkØn\v \√sXm∂pw In´nbns√¶n¬ Ah\v tZmjIcambXmbmepw aXn. Ah≥ hnizkn°pw. tIcfØn¬ Ign™ \q‰m≠n¬ hnizmkØn\v In´nbncp∂ taP¿ {]Xeßfn¬ cmjv{Sobambncp∂p \º¿ h¨. Cu \q‰m≠n¬ \mw Ku\n°mØ hn[Øn¬ aXw \sΩ IogS°pIbmWv. \ΩpsS


F√m aXßfpw B¥cnIambn Hcp ImcyØn¬ tbmPn∏p Im´p∂p≠v. Gh¿°pw ssZhw Ht∂bp≈p. ]s£ AXv AhcpsS kz¥w ssZhamsW∂p am{Xw. a‰p≈hcpsS ssZhsØ Hcn°epw am\knIambn Hcp aXhpw AwKoIcn°p∂n√, F∂v am{Xa√, B kmØms‚ A\pbmbnIsf aXw am‰n c£s∏SpØp∂Xpw \nhrØnbns√¶n¬ C√mbva sNøp∂Xpw ]mh\I¿ΩamsW∂v hnizkn°pIbpw sNøp∂p. kz¥w aXØnse th¿XncnhpIƒ ]pXnb D]aXßfmbn amdn {`m¥n\v i‡n h¿≤n∏n°pIbpw sNøp∂p. ]®°dnbnsebpw A¥co£Ønsebpw hnjsØ°mfpw amcIamb hnjat√, Cu aXXo{hhmZhnjw? aX߃ Ct∏mgpw shdpsX Ccn°p∂n√.

BNmcßfpsS ]pXnb ]pXnb BI¿jIhpw hyXykvXXbpsS Hu∂Xyw Im´p∂Xpamb cq]߃ \nc¥cw Cd°ns°m≠ncn°p∂p. B[p\nIbpKØn¬ `uXnIXsb ]q¿Æambn XyPn®v BflobXbv°p am{Xw {]m[m\yw \¬Ip∂ Hcp Z¿i\w AkXyamWv. KuXa_p≤\mWv BZyw Cu kXyw ]dbm≥ ss[cyw Im´nbXv. B[p\nIXbpsS XpS°ambncp∂p AXv. XymKw A¥naambn A]{KYn°ptºmƒ Hcp bqt´m∏nb≥ k¶¬∏amWv F∂ Nn¥ `mcXob Z¿i\Øns‚ ASnthcpIfn¬ A∂p Xs∂ Bcw`n®ncp∂p. am\pjnIXeØn¬ {]h¿Ønbpw {]h¿Øn°p≈ icnbmb am¿Khpw BhiyamWv. Ahbns√¶n¬ BflobXsb°pdn®v F¥p Xs∂ ]d™mepw AXv A¿∞iq\yambncn°pw. Cu ]caamb kXyw ]q¿Æambpw Dƒs°m≠v kaqlØns‚bpw cmjv{SobØns‚bpw aXØns‚bpw BKkvXv 2015


[m¿ΩnIXbpsSbpw imkv{XØns‚bpw At\zjI\mbn amdnb alm\mbncp∂p Km‘nPn. ]s£ Km‘nPn°pt]mepw Cu Xo{haXhmZNn¥Iƒ°p ap∂n¬ tXm¬t°≠n h∂p. C¥ybpsS aXmSnÿm\ambn \S∂ C¥ym˛]mInÿm≥ hn`P\hpw ]n∂oSv kz¥w Poh≥ _en A¿∏n°epw. C¥y≥ P\m[n]Xykwhn[m\Øn¬ \nbaap≠m°p∂Xv P\m[n]XyØnse {][m\ XqWmb P\{]Xn\n[nk`IfmWv. Ahcp≠m°p∂ \nbaw \S∏m°p∂Xv {][m\a{¥n apX¬ G‰hpw XmgsØ ¢o\¿ hscbp≈ FIvknIyq´nhv F∂ thsdmcp XqWmWv. ChnsS Cu kwhn[m\Ønse as‰mcp XqWmb PpUojydnbpsS DØchmZnXzw \nbak` D≠m°p∂ \nbaw `cWLS\bv°v A\pkyXamtWm F∂pw AhbpsS \SØn∏n¬ `cWLS\m hncp≤amb H∂pw FIvknIyq´nhv sNøp∂n√t√m F∂pw t\m°pI am{XamWv. PmXn aX h¿K h¿Æ kmºØnI hn⁄m\

BKkvXv 2015

sshcp≤y߃ I\Ø AXncpIƒ D≠m°nbncn°p∂ `mcXob kaqlØn¬ Ãm‰nÃnIvkv hnZKv≤cpsS icmicn°W°nse `uXnI]ptcmKXn Hcp]cn[n hsc kΩXn®mepw C¥y≥ ]ucs\ aXXo{hhmZØns‚ ISpØ hmƒap\Iƒ Im´n Ah\v `bw IqSmsX Pohn°m\p≈ AhImisØt∏mepw C√mXm°pIbmWv. ChnsS P\m[n]XyØns‚ \memw XqWmb aoUnb aXXo{hhmZØns‚ i‡nbmb BNmcßfpsS A\pZn\sat∂mWw IqSns°m≠ncn°p∂ Hgp°ns\ XSpØp \n¿Øm≥ Ignhp t\tS≠XmWv. F\n°p e`n®, XpS°Øn¬ hnhcn® IYbpsS A¥ Øbpw AXpXs∂bmWv.


t\mh-enÃpw ho£Ww ap≥ No^v FUn-‰-dp-amWv teJ-I≥. C˛ sabn¬:


Hcp Iqcbv°p Xmsg 3000 am[ya߃

C. ]n jmPp-±o≥

Atacn°bnse G‰hpw henb am[ya irwJe A{X hepX√mØ Hcp sI´nSØnse kulrZ°q´mbvabmWv. hyXykvX XcØnep≈ 3000 am[ya߃ Hcpan®v Hcp Iqcbv°p Xmsg˛AXmWv \yq Atacn°m aoUnb. Atacn°bpsS hwi sshhn[yw hnfnt®mXp∂ am[ya°q´mbvabmWv CXv. temIØns‚ hnhn[ `mKßfn¬ \n∂p≈ e£°W°n\p P\ßfmWv Atacn°bnep≈Xv . Ahsc√mw kz¥w cmPyØns‚ hm¿Øbpw hnhchpadnbm≥ Ft∏mgpw D¬kpIcmbncn°pw. Ch¿s°√mw th≠n IW°‰ am[ya߃ B cmPyØp≠v, At\Iw `mjIfn¬, At\Iw cq]Øn¬. A®Sn am[ya߃°p ]pdta C‚¿s\‰v, tdUntbm, sSenhnj≥ F∂nßs\ am[ya sshhn[yamWp≈Xv. CXns\sb√mw H‰®cSn¬ tIm¿°m\p≈ kwcw`amWv \yq Atacn°. Bdp tImSntbmfw P\߃ Cu am[ya߃ hgn XßfpsS amXrcmPysØ Adnbp∂p, _‘s∏Sp∂p. Atacn°bnse sshhn[y hwiobXIsfbpw hn`mKßsfbpw GtIm]n∏n°pIbmWv XßfpsS e£ysa∂v Ah¿ ]dbp∂p. hwiob \yq\]£ßƒ, IpSntb‰°m¿, bphP\߃, {]mbambh¿ F∂nhcpsSsb√mw i_vZw CXneqsS cmPyØns‚ s]mXp[mcbntes°Øp∂p. Np‰pw \S°p∂ hntijßfpw AdnhpIfpw XßfpsS am[yaßfneqsS Hmtcm hn`mKØnte°pw FØn°pI F∂Xpw Ch¿ sNøp∂p. H‰hm°n¬ aƒ´naoUnb \yqkv GP≥knbmWv \yq Atacn° aoUnb (F≥.F.Fw.). ChcpsS hmb\°mcpw t{]£IcpamIs´ hnhn[ hwiobXbnep≈hcpw. kvYm]n°s∏´Xns‚ Ccp]Xmw hm¿jnIw BtLmjn°ms\mcpßpIbmWv F≥.F.Fw. emt`— IqSmsX {]h¿Øn°p∂ ]k^nIv \yqkv k¿hokv (]n.F≥.Fkv) BWv CXn\p XpS°an´Xv. hnb‰v\mw bp≤ImeØv Ct¥m ssN\bn¬ \n∂v Atacn°≥ Nmbvhp≈ hm¿ØIƒ am{Xw hcp∂Xn\nSbn¬ adpi_vZw IqSn tIƒ∏n°m≥ Ncn{XImc\mb {^m≥kv jp¿am\pw ]{X{]h¿ØI\mb Hm¿hns√ sj√pw tN¿∂v cq]oIcn®Xmbncp∂p ]n.F≥.Fkv. bp≤Øn\p tijamWv Ah¿ Atacn°bnte°v {i≤tI{μoIcn®Xv. 1996˛¬ ]n.F≥.Fkns\ \yq Iment^m¿Wnb aoUnb F∂p t]cpam‰n. Iment^m¿Wnb kwÿm\sØ hnhn[ hwiobXbn¬ s]Sp∂ P\߃°v hm¿Ø ssIamdp∂Xn\pw hm¿Ø Adnbp∂Xn\pw hgnsbmcp°pI F∂ Xmbncp∂p CXns‚ e£yw. hnhn[ cmPy°m¿ \SØp∂ am[yaßfnse ]n∂Wn°m¿°v ]cnioe\w \¬IpIbpw a‰pambncp∂p XpS°w. ]n∂oSv Ahm¿UpIfnte°v Xncn™p. "FXv\nIv ]pen‰vk¿' F∂ t]cn¬ Adnbs∏´ Cu Ahm¿UpIƒ hnhn[ hwiobXIfn¬s]Sp∂h¿°nSbn¬ {]Npc{]Nmcw t\Sn. hnhn[ h¿K°mcpsS {]iv \ ßsf kw_‘n®v k¿thIfpw a‰pw \SØpIbpw AXns‚ ^e߃ Iment^m¿Wnb kwÿm\Øns‚ A[nImcnIƒ°SpØv FØn°pIbpw sNbv X tXmsS P\߃°nSbnepw F≥.kn.Fw. {i≤t\Sn. BKkvXv 2015


km≥{^m≥knkvtIm BkvYm\amb F≥.kn. Fw. \yq Atacn°m aoUnb F∂p t]cpam‰p∂Xv 2005emWv. CtXmsS Iment^m¿WnbbpsS AXn¿Øn hn´v Atacn° samØambn GP≥knbpsS {]h¿ Ø\w. cmPysaºmSpap≈ hntZi ]mcºcyap≈ P\XbpsS am[ya irwJebmbn CXp hf¿∂Xv Cßs\bmWv. C∂v Atacn°bnse G‰hpw sshhn [yap≈ am[ya kwLS\bmWv F≥.F.Fw. Hmtcm hn`mKØnepws]Sp∂ P\XbpsS CSbnte°v hm¿Øbpw hnhcßfpw FØn°p∂Xn\v G‰hpw Ffp∏am¿KambmWv F≥.F.FΩns\ ImWp∂Xv. am¿°‰nßv Iº\nIfpw CXp apXem °p∂p. ]ckyßfpw a‰pw Hmtcm hn`mKw Xncn®v FØn °m≥ CXp hgn km[n°pw. k¿°m¿ kwhn[m\ßfpw Cu GP≥knsb ]ehn[Øn¬ B{ibn°p∂p. Hmtcm

BKkvXv 2015

kaqlØn\pw th≠sXs¥∂v Adn™v {]h¿Øn°m\mWv A[nIrX¿ F≥.F.FΩns\ D]tbmKn°p∂Xv. hwiob am[yaßfn¬ {]h¿Øn°p∂h¿°v ]cnioe\w, Ahm¿Uv˛s^t√mjn∏v \¬I¬, {]Z¿i\߃ kwLSn∏n°¬ F∂nßs\ \ofp∂p F≥.F.FΩns‚ {]h¿Ø\߃. ChnsS Hmtcm hwiobXsb {]Xn\n[oIcn°p∂hcpw \yq\]£ amsW∂p ]dbmsa¶nepw CXns‚ am[ya iIvXn A]mcamWv. Atacn°bn¬ Hmtcm kwÿm\sØbpw IWs°SpØm¬ \mep apXn¿∂hcn¬ Hcmƒ hm¿Øbdnbm\pw hnt\mZØn\pw Xs‚ hwiob Xm¬]cyØnep≈ am[yaßsfbmWv B{ibn °p∂Xv . Hmtcm kaqlØn\pw th≠sXs¥∂v Adnbmhp∂Xv B kaqlØns‚ AwK߃°p


am{XambXn\m¬ CØcw am[ya߃°v {]kIvXn GdnhcnIbmWv. am[ya iIvXn h¿[n°p∂psh∂v ]dbps∂¶nepw Atacn°bn¬ CXv ssl∏¿ tem°¬ F∂ Ahÿbnte°mWv tI{μoIcn°p∂Xv. AXmbXv XnI®pw {]mtZinIamb hnhc߃ am{Xw {]mtZinI ]{XßfneqsS CØcw kaql߃°p \¬Is∏Sp∂p. `qcn]£hpw CXn¬ kwXr]vXcmWv. Fs‚ Np‰ph´w \S°p∂ Imcyw am{Xw F\n° dn™m¬ aXn F∂XmWv am\knImhÿ. AXp Iptd°qSn {]mtZinIh¬Icn°pIbmWv FXv\nIv aoUnb sNøp∂Xv. Xs‚ X\Xp kapZmbØnse hnhc߃ am{Xw X\n°v Adn™m¬ aXn F∂ AhkvY. XnI®pw {]mtZinIamb Bbnc°W°n\p ]{X߃ D≈ cmPyØv hwiob {]tXyIXbn¬ am{Xw HXpßp∂ aqhmbncØntesd am[ya߃ thsd bps≠∂p≈Xv BivNcys∏SpØp∂ Adnhmbncp∂p. CXns‚ sshhn[yamWv A¤pXs∏SpØp∂ as‰mcp Imcyw. \yq Atacn°m aoUnbbpsS UbdIvSdnbnse am[yaßfpsS t]cpIƒ t\m°nbm¬ \mw Aºc s∏Spw. aqhmbncØntesd ssS‰nepIfn¬ \n∂v GXm\pw kmºnƒ CXm: A^vKm\nkvYm≥ SptU Snhn, B{^n°≥ Ft{_mUv, Ad_v Atacn°≥ \yqkv, Ase^v Pyqhnjv amKkn≥, Atacn°≥ C¥y≥ B¿´v amKkn≥, AarXvk¿ ssSwkv, _w• ]{XnI, ªm°v Ubkvt]md amKkn≥, Ico_nb≥ sse^v, Untk_nƒUv B≥Uv {]uUv, ^nen∏nt\m {]kv, KpPdmØv ssSwkv, sFdnjv Fan{K‚ v, lnμp ssSwkv, C…mw SptU, ssat\mcn‰n I¨kv{SIvj≥ \yqkv, t\∏mfn t]mkv‰v, ]mInkvXm≥ {InkvXy≥ t]mkv‰v, hmjnwKvS¨ Cdm\nb≥kv F∂nßs\ \ofp∂p Cu \nc. {InkvXy\pw ap…oapw PqX\pw lnμphpsams° XnI®pw klh¿ØnXz tØmsS Ignbp∂ GI CSw Hcp]t£ \yq Atacn°m aoUnbbpsS Cu UbdIvSdnbmbncn°pw. samØw GsXms° XcØn¬ s]Sp∂hcpsS {]mXn\n[yw F≥.F.FΩn¬ Ds≠∂p≈ IWs°Sp∏v ckIcambncn°pw. hnhn[ cmPyßfpw hwiob XbpaS°w 63 hn`mKØn¬s∏´hcpsS am[yaßfmWv

F≥.F.FΩns‚ irwJebnep≈Xv. 54 `mjIfnse {]kn≤oIcWßfmWv ChnsS ssItIm¿°p∂Xv. CXn¬ km[mcW aebmfnIƒ tIƒ°m≥ t]mepan Sbn√mØ {Intbmƒ, F®vtamßv, anIvkvsSIv, XKtemKv XpSßnb `mjIfpw s]Sp∂p. \ΩpsS aebmfhpap≠v. ssIcfn, sse‰v Hm^v Fjy Snhn, aebmfw ]{Xw, Zv Atacn°≥ aebmfn F∂nhbmWv F≥.F.FΩn¬ AwKßfmb aebmf am[ya߃. F≥.F.FΩns‚ tkh\߃ ]eXcØn¬ HutZymKnI GP≥knIfpw D]tbmKn°p∂p≠v. 2010se sk≥kkns‚ kabØv hnhn[ hwiobXbn¬ s]Sp∂h¿°nSbnte°ndßn {]h¿Øn°m≥ A[nIr X¿ D]tbmKn®Xv Cu kwLS\sbbmWv. 13 \Kc ßfnembn hnhn[ hwiobXbn¬ s]Sp∂hcpsS t\Xm °sfbpw sk≥kkv A[nIrXscbpw Ch¿ H∂n®p Iq´n. BbncØne[nIw kwLS\IfpsSbpw am[ya ßfpsSbpw {]Xn\n[nIfmWv tbmKØns\ØnbXv. "Atacn°bn¬ C{Xam{Xw sshhn[y am[yaß fps≠∂v IcpXnbtXbn√' F∂mbncp∂p tbmK߃ Ign™t∏mƒ sk≥kkv Atkmkntb‰v UbdIvS¿ F.sP. PmIvkWns‚ {]XnIcWw. F≥.F.FΩns‚ AwKßfmb am[yaßsf√mw XßfpsS kaqlØn \nSbn¬ sk≥kkns‚ hnhc߃ FØn®p. Atacn°bnse ]pXnb BtcmKy kwc£W \nbasØ ]‰n IpSntb‰°mcnepw hnhn[ kaql ßfnepw hnhcsaØn°m≥ A[nIXrX¿ kao]n®Xpw F≥.F.Fans\bmbncp∂p. GP≥knbpsS ]T\Øn¬ \n∂v a\knembXv \nbasØ∏‰n hnhn[ kapl߃°nSbn¬ Aht_m[ans√∂mWv. XpS¿∂v \SØnb t_m[hXvIcWw hfsc {iaIcamsbmcp ZuXyambncps∂∂v F≥.F.FΩns‚ sl¬Øv FUn‰¿ C¥y≥ hwiPbmb hnPn kpμcw ]d™p. GsX¶nepw HutZymKnI GP≥kn hnNmcn®m¬ hnhn[ kapl߃°nSbnte°v C{Xbpw BgØn¬ Cdßns®√m\mhn√ F∂Xv A[nIXrXcpw kΩXn®p. kaqlØns‚ Nn¥bn¬ Xs∂ am‰w hcpØp∂ ]eXcw {]NmcW {]h¿Ø\ßfpw F≥.F.Fw. kwLSn∏n°p∂p≠v. kzh¿Kt{]anIƒ, D`benwK°m¿, {Sm≥kvsP≥UdpIƒ (F¬.Pn._n.Sn) BKkvXv 2015


F∂nh¿ IpSntb‰°mcnepw A{X kzoImcyc√ F∂XmWp kXyw. F∂m¬, hyIvXn kzmX{¥yØn\v AXoh {]m[m\yw \¬Ip∂ cmPyambXn\m¬ Atacn°bnse IpSntb‰°m¿°nSbnepw thdn´ ssewKnI Nn¥bp≈hcpsS km∂n[yap≠v. CXv B kaplw A{X AwKoIcn°p∂pan√. Cu kmlNcyØnemWv kzh¿K hnhmlw kw_‘n®v IpSntb‰°mcnepw hwiob \yq\]£ßfnepap≈ kwibßsf AI‰pI F∂ Dt±iytØmsS F¬.Pn._n.Sn. {]NmcI¿ F≥.F.FΩns\ kao]n®Xv. hfsc hnimeamb s]mXp{]NmcW ]cn]mSnIfmWv Ch¿ \SØnbXv. XpS¿∂v Gjy≥, lnkv]m\nIv, B{^n°≥ Atacn°≥ kaplßfn¬ s]Sp∂ 12 kzh¿KCWIfpsSbpw AhcpsS IpSpw_ßfpsSbpw IY Xbmdm°n. 102 A®Sn {]kn≤oIcWßfnepw 51 Hm¨sse≥ {]kn≤oIcWßfnepw 37 tdUntbmIfnepamWv Cu IYIƒ AhXcn∏n®Xv. Cu kaqlßfnsem∂msI Ah kzoIcn°s∏´p sh∂Xn\p sXfnhmbn ]ªnIv t]mfnkn IayqWn t°j≥ Ahm¿Upw F≥.F.FΩns\ tXSnsbØn. Iment^m¿Wnbbnse bphm°ƒ hml\߃ t\cmwhÆw ssIImcyw sNøp∂ns√∂p tXm∂n bt∏mƒ _yqtdm Hm^v Hm´tam´ohv klmbØn\p th≠n kao]n®Xpw F≥.F.FΩns\bmbncp∂p. XßfpsS irwJebnse am[ya߃ hgn t_m[ hXvIcWw \SØm\mbncp∂p GP≥knbpsS Xocpam\w. hml\߃ icnbmbn kq£nt°≠Xns‚ BhiyIXbpw Aßs\ sNømXncp∂m¬ ]cnkv YnXn°pw a\pjymtcmKyØn\pw hcp∂ Xncn®SnIfpw {]Xn^en∏n°p∂Xmbncp∂p AhcpsS Imºbn≥. BKkvXv 2015

hnhn[ `mjIfnsebpw kaqlßfnsebpw 30 am[y aßfnembn \SØnb {]NmcWw 20 e£Øn e[nIw bphm°fnemWv sNs∂ØnbXv. F≥.F.FΩns‚ sh_vssk‰v http:// sshhn[yam¿∂ kaqlßfn¬ \n∂p≈ hm¿ØIfmWv AhXcn∏n°p∂Xv. Hmtcm hwiob hn`mKØn\pw th≠ hm¿ØIƒ Cu ssk‰n¬ {]tXyIw sXcs™Sp°mhp∂ hn[amWv \¬Inbncn°p∂Xv. Iment^m¿Wnb kwkvYm\sØ \mensem∂p t]cpw IpSntb‰°mcmsW∂Xn\memWv BkvYm\amb km≥{^m≥knkvtImbpsS {]m[m\ysa∂v hnPn kpμcw ]dbp∂p. hm¿Øbmbmepw ]ckyambmepw hensbmcp kaqlØnte°v Ffp∏Øn¬ FØm\mhp∂p F∂XmWv \yq aoUnb Atacn°bpsS {]tXyIXbmbn Ah¿ ]dbp∂Xv. Atacn°bn¬ am[ya hnthN\w ]et∏mgpw ImWs∏Sp∂psh∂mWv ]{Xm[n] kanXnbwKamb sds\ {Iqkv A`n{]mbs∏´Xv. ]e hwiobXbpw apJy[mcm am[yaßfpsS ZrjvSn°p ]pdØmWv . AhnsSbmWv FXv \ nIv aoUnbbpsS {]m[m\yw. F≥.F.FΩns‚ GtIm]\Øn\p tijw hnhn[ hwiobXIfpsS am[yaßfpw hm¿Øm hn\nab kwcw`ßfpw Atacn°bn¬ hf¿∂p hcnIbmWv. CXns\m∏w tNcmØh¿ [mcmfap≠v. F∂m¬, kz¥w \mSnt\mSp _‘s∏´ncn°m≥ CØcw am[yaßfmWv \√ hgnsb∂p Xncn®dnbp∂ IpSntb‰°m¿ h¿[n®phcnIbmWv.



Bfl-IY Ncn-{X-am-Ip-tºmƒ jmPn tP°_v

am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpsS Bfl-I-Y-Iƒ \mSns‚ cm{„ob Poh-N-cn-{X-c-N-\-bpsS `mK-ambn amdp-∂-Xns‚ anI® DZm-l-c-W-amWv hnt\mZv taØbpsS Editor Unplugged “If there is a lesson I have learnt in forty years of political writings, it is that political writings is no different from writing on Bollywood”, Vinod Mehta (2014:207). AcntÃm´n¬ Ncn-{X-sØbpw kmln-Xy-sØbpw ]c-kv]-c-hn-cp-≤-amb c≠v BJym-\-ß-fm-bmWv \n¿hNn-®-Xv. kw`-hn-®Xv Ncn-{Xhpw kw`-hn-°m-hp-∂Xv kmln-Xyhpw. B[p\nIIm-eØv Aß-s\-sbmcp sshcp[yw ]s£ \ne-\n-∂n-√. ]Xn-s\´mw \q‰m-≠pap-X¬ Xs∂ Ncn-{Xw, t\mh¬ F∂n-hbv°v ]{X-{]h¿Ø-\-tØm-Sp-≠m-bn-h∂ Bfl-_‘w Atß-b‰w IuXp-I-I-c-am-Wv. bYm¿∞-Øn¬ 1605˛¬ cNn-°-s∏´ sk¿hm‚n-kns‚ tUm¨ IznIvtkm´v t]mepw CXn-\]-hm-Zw-. tdm_n≥ k¨ {Iqtkm Fgp-Xnb Um\n-b¬ Uot^m sXm´v C∂phsc temI-Øp-≠m-bn-´p-ff ap≥\nc t\mh-en-Ãp-I-fn¬ hen-sbmcp iX-am\w t]¿ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-cm-bn-cp-∂p. A°m-Z-anI ]T-\-]-≤-Xn-Ifn¬ Ncn-{Xhpw t\mhepw ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\hpw GXms≠mtc coXn-bn¬Xs∂ B[p-\n-I-X-bpsS kmwkvImcnI Ncn-{X-Øns‚ ]mT-cq-]-ß-fmbn IW-°m-°-s∏-Sp∂p. Ch-tbm-Sp-ff BJym-\-]-c-amb kam-\X IWBKkvXv 2015


°m°n Bfl-I-Y, Poh-N-cn-{Xw, bm{Xm-hn-h-cWw F∂o cq]-߃°pw taev]-d™ kmwkvIm-cn-I-kzcq]w k¶-ev]n-°-s∏-Sm-dp-≠v. ]e-t∏mgpw Cu Bdv cq]-ßfpw ]c-kv]-c-_‘-tØmsS \n¿h-ln-°p∂ CØ-c-samcp ZuXyw bmYm¿Yyhpw `mh-\bpw XΩnepw Ncn-{Xhpw Iev]-\bpw XΩn-ep-apff AIew d±p-sNbvXv B[p-\n-I-X-bpsS kmwkvIm-cnI `q]-S\n¿Ωm-W-Øn¬ Cu KW/cq]-߃°p-ff ]¶p shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. B[p-\n-Im-\-¥-c-Xbnepw ÿnXn hyXy-kvX-a-√. hnt\mZv taØ-bpsS Bfl-I-Y-bpsS c≠mw-`m-K-amb Editor Unplugged C¥y≥ ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ taev]-d™ {]h-W-X-IfpsS anI® DZm-l-c-W-am-Wv. 1960˛I-fn¬ ]m›m-Xy-hnt—-Z-Øn\p XpS-°-an´ \yqtP-W-en-kØns‚ BJym\-]-chpw Ah-t_m-[-]-c-hp-amb amXr-I-bmbn kz¥w ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-coXn hni-Zo-I-cn-°p-I-IqSn sNøp-∂, BZysØ C¥y≥ ]{Xm-[n-]-cp-amWv hnt\mZv taØ F∂ kml-N-cy-Øn¬ Cu kao-I-c-W-Øn\v kmwKXyw Gdp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. ]{X, am[ya {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS Bfl-I-Y-Ifpw Poh-N-cn-{X-ßfpw, Ah Fgp-Xp∂ Ime-Øns‚ cm{„o-b-N-cn-{X-ß-fmbn amdp-∂Xv km[m-cW Imcy-am-

BKkvXv 2015

Wv. an°-t∏mgpw apgp-h≥kab cm{„o-b-{]-h¿Ø-I-sc°mƒ cm{„o-b-N-cn-{X-Øns‚ `mK-ambn amdp∂hcmWt√m ]e am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpw. apJy-[mcm am[y-a{]-h¿Ø-\-sa-∂m¬ cm{„ob am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-\-amIp∂ kml-N-cy-Øn¬ hnti-jn®pw DZm-l-c-W-߃ F{X-sb-¶n-ep-ap-≠v. am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ Fgp-Xp∂ Poh-N-cn-{X-ßfpsS Imcyhpw Aß-s\-bm-Wv. Sn.-sP.-F-kv. tPm¿Ppw hnt\mZv taØ-bpw-X-s∂ \√ DZm-l-c-Ww. \¿Ko-kv, t]mØ≥ tPmk-^v, kp∫-e-£van... Sn.-sP.-F-kns‚ IrXn-I-tfm-tcm∂pw Hmtcm Ime-Øns‚IqSn IY-bmWv. ao\m-Ip-am-cn, kRvP-bvKm‘n XpSßn-b-h-cpsS Poh-N-cn-{X-ß-sf-gp-Xn, hnt\mZv taØ. X߃ I≠ Ime-Øns‚ cm{„o-b -K-Xn-hn-K-Xn-Iƒ \nco-£n-°p-∂Xnepw Ncn-{X-Øns‚ ZrIvkm-£n-I-fmbn kzbw ASbm-f-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xnepw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿°p-ff km[y-X-Iƒ shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-h-bmWv Sn.-sP.-F-kns‚bpw taØbp-sSbp sams° Bfl-I-Y-I-fpw. eIv\u-t_mbv F∂ Xs‚ Bfl-I-Y-bpsS H∂mw `mKØp ]d-™p-\n¿Ønb Imcy-ß-fpsS Ime-ØpS¿®-b√ c≠mw-`m-K-amb Editor Unplugged˛¬ Df-f-Xv. ]pXnb Ime-Øn-s‚-sb-∂-t]mse ]gb ImeØn-s‚bpw Ncn-{X-sa-gp-Ømbn CXp-am-dp-∂p. A[n-Im-c-Øns‚ CS-\m-gn-Ifpw cmP-ho-Yn-I-fpambn amdp∂ am[yaw, cm{„o-bw, hyh-kmbw F∂o aq∂p taJ-e-Isf Iq´n-bn-W°n cNn°p∂ kao-]-Ime C¥y-bpsS Hcp kam-¥c Poh-N-cn-{Xw. ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\hpw Bfl-IYbpw Ncn-{X-c-N-\bpw XΩn-ep-ff Bfl-_-‘Øns‚ anI® amXr-I. Bfl-I-Y-sb-°p-dn-®p-ff tPm¿Pv Hm¿sh√ns‚ hnJym-X-amb \nco-£Ww ‘Lucknow Boy’ F∂ IrXn-bn¬ hnt\mZv taØ D≤-cn°p-∂p-≠v. ‘Autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful’. XpS¿∂v, Xs‚ Bfl-I-Ybpw Hcp Ipº-kmctam IYm¿kntkm As√-¶nepw ]c-am-h[n kXy-߃ Xpd∂p]d-bm≥ Xm≥ {ian-®n-´ps≠-∂-t±lw G‰p-]-d-bp-∂p. I am a half open book’, At±lw ]d-bp∂p (p. 117). 1974 apX¬ Debonair, Pioneer, Indian post, Independent, Sunday Observer XpS-ßnb ]{X-am-kn-I-I-fn¬ {]h¿Øn® hnt\mZv taØ 1995˛¬ Outlook hmcnI XpSßn; 2012 hsc AXns‚ ]{Xm-[n-]-cmbn XpS¿∂p. apw_bnepw Z¬ln-bnepw tI{μo-I-cn® \mep-]-Xn-‰m≠ns‚ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-\-Po-hn-X-Øn¬ Xm≥ I≠-dn™ am[y-a, cm{„o-b, hyh-kmb afie-ß-fnse Ib-‰n-d-°-߃s°m-∏hpw Nnet∏msg-¶nepw FXn¿Zn-i-I-fn-te°pw k©-cn-®v, A®-Sn, Zriy-am-[y-a-cw-K-ß-fn¬


kPo-h-amb hnt\mZv taØ-bpsS ZrIvkm£n hnh-cW-ß-fmWv Cu {KŸw. ]Xn-aq-∂-[ym-b-߃. Hmtcm∂pw kzbw ]q¿W-amb Hmtcm Pohn-X-J-fi-ambn-Øs∂ hmbn-°m-hp∂ a´n¬ ]q¿Ww. Ign™ \mep-]-Xn-‰m-≠ns‚ (1974˛2014) C¥y, Cu ]Xn-aq-∂[ym-b-ß-fn¬ `mKn-I-am-bm-sW-¶nepw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øs∏-Sp-∂p. AXoh ck-I-chpw Hgp-°p-f-f-Xp-amb `mj. CS-Xq¿∂ \¿aw. ap\-h® ]cn-lm-k-߃. A]m-camb \n¿Ω-a-X. Xpd∂ IÆpw ImXp-ambn Pohn® Hcp ]{Xm-[n-]-cpsS HØp-Xo¿∏p-I-fn-√mØ \ne-]m-SpIƒ. Bfl-t_m-[w, Al-¥tbm Bfl-{]-iw-ktbm Bbn amdm-Ø-Xns‚ B¿P-hw. I am excercising the prerogative of the harlot-power without responsibility F∂v cmlp¬Km-‘n-tbm-sSm-cn-°¬ ]d-™-Xpt]mse X´p-s]m-fn-∏≥ Xam-i-I-fpsS ASp-°p-Iƒ Xs∂-bp≠v Cu ]pkvX-I-Øn¬. hnP-b-ßfpw ]cm-Pb-ßfpw Htc at\m-`m-h-tØmsS tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂Xns‚ Bflm¿Y-X. Hcm-sf-°p-dn®pw X\n-°pff Xncn®-dnhpw [mc-Wbpw ad-®p-h-bv°mØ kpXm-cy-X. Editor Unplugged F∂ t]cv A\z¿Y-am-°p∂p hnt\mZv taØ. ]Xn-t\-gp-h¿jw \o≠ Hu´vepIv Pohn-X-Øn¬ \n∂v 2012˛¬ hnS-hm-ßnb kμ¿`-amWv {KŸØns‚ XpS-°w. Walking into the sunset’. (Cu IrXn ]pdØp-h∂v amk-߃°p-f-fn¬ At±lw A¥-cn®p!) Xs‚ Pohn-X-km-bm-”-Øn¬, Icp-Øp-t\-Sp∂ C¥y≥ am[y-a-ßfpw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Icpw X\n-s°ßs\ A\y-am-Ip-∂p-sh-∂mWv At±lw Cub-[ym-bØn¬ apJy-ambpw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. Btcm-]-W-hnt[-b-\mb Xcp¨ tXPv]m¬ apX¬ tKmkn-∏nw-KmWv am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø\w F∂ hnizmkw {]_-e-amb

kml-N-cy-߃hsc ChnsS hni-I-e\w sNø-s∏-Sp∂p. Xs‚Xs∂ Al-¥-t°‰ Nne Xncn-®-Sn-Iƒ Hm¿Ωn-®p-sIm≠v am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-cpsS hf¿∂p-ap‰nb CutKmsb IW-°n\p ]cn-l-kn-°m-\-t±lw aSn-°p-∂n-√. “One must never forget that journalists are among the most insecure people on earth with egos as big as footballs....” (p. 18) \mep-]-Xn-‰m-≠ns‚ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø\ Pohn-X-Øneq-sS-b√m \mep-h¿jsØ hm¿Øm sSen-hn-j≥ N¿®-I-fn-eq-sS-bmWv bYm¿Y-Øn¬ hnt\mZv taØ s]mXp-k-aq-l-Øn¬ ]cn-Nn-X-\m-Ip-∂-Xv. {][m-\ambpw A¿Wm_v tKmkzmans°m∏w ssSwkv \u Nm\-en¬ At±lw \S-Ønb cm{„o-b-kw-hm-Z-ß-fn-eqsS. c≠m-a-[ym-b-amb sSen-hn-j\pw Rm\pw Cu Pohn-X-Øn-te-°p-ff Xncn-™p-t\m-´-am-Wv. hm¿Øm sSen-hn-j≥ N¿®-I-fn¬ hnt\mZv taØ kr„n® hnπ-h-sa-¥m-bn-cp∂p? At±-l-Øn\pw kwi-b-an√ ˛ hnkvIn \nd® •mkp-ambn kz¥w ho´nse kzoI-c-Wap-dn-bn-en-cp∂v cmPyw apgp-h≥ ImWp∂ N¿®-bn¬ ]s¶-Sp°mw F∂ Ahÿ kr„n-®-Xp-Xs∂. hnt\mZv Fgp-Xp∂p: What is my comtribution to news television? Assuming I have made any, it must be my reputation as a drunkard. I can claim to be first person to carry a glass of wine or whisky as I sit on my chair in my Nizamuddin study facing the camera. Since the live programmes begin around 8.30 p.m. and can last for an hour and a half, with yours truly lucky if he can get two sentences in - ‘just coming to you, Mr. Mehta’ - sipping single malt while waiting for the anchor to free himself from the embrace of Ravi Shankar Prasad and Abhishek Manu Singhvi at each other’s throats, is BKkvXv 2015

(42) a necessary timepass. Good habits catch on. I would like to believe my example has inspired Manish Tewari, Chandan Mitra, Mani Shankar Aiyar, Swapan Dasgupta, Ram Jethmalani, Meghnad Desai to turn to the bottle at prime time. The list grows. Amen. F¶nepw Xs‚

ih-°-√-d-bn¬ tcJ-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠-Xv, C°m-cy-a-√, \mep-]-Xn-‰m-≠p-Imew ]e A®-Sn-am-[y-a-ß-fp-sSbpw ]{Xm-[n-]-cm-bn-cp-∂p-sIm≠v Xm≥ Pohn® Pohn-XØns‚ Hm¿Ω°pdn-∏p-I-fm-hWw F∂pw At±lw Ipdn-®n-Sp-∂p (p. 22). aq∂m-a-[ym-bw, \ocm-dm-Unb tS∏vhnhm-Z-Øns‚ ]p\-cm-Jym-\-am-Wv. Hu´-ep°v hmcnIbmWv cmPysØ Cf-°n-a-dn® Cu hnhm-Z-tc-J-Iƒ ]pd-ØpsIm-≠p-h-∂-Xv. hyh-km-b-`o-a-∑m-cmb Sm‰-sbbpw Aw_m-\n-sbbpw am{X-a√ C¥ym-K-h¨sa‚n-s\Xs∂ Xs‚ hnc¬Øp-ºn¬ AΩm-\-am-Snb \ocbpsS IY hnt\mZv hnh-cn-°p-∂p. C¥y-bn¬ hensbmcp kwLw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I¿ cm{„ob CS-\n-e°m¿ IqSn-bm-sW∂ bmYm¿Yyw ]pd-Øp-sIm-≠p-h∂v, C¥y≥ am[y-a-N-cn-{X-sØ-t∏mepw c≠mbn ]IpØ kw`-h-am-bn-cp-∂t√m dmUn-b-tS-∏p-I-fpsS shfn-s∏-Sp-ج. ssSwhm-cnI ]d-™-Xp-t]mse

BKkvXv 2015

temIsØXs∂ G‰hpw henb ]Øv A[n-Im-c-Zp-cp]-tbm-K-k-μ¿`-ß-fn-sem-∂v. \mem-a-[ymbw cØ≥ Sm‰-sb-°p-dn-®m-Wv. hni-Zambn ]d-™m¬ cØ≥ Sm‰-bv°p-≠mb Atem-k-c߃ Xs‚ am[yaPohn-XsØ am‰n-a-dn-®-Xns‚ tcmjw-\n-d™ Hm¿Ω-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ. Sm‰-bpsS Poh-N-cn{X-sa-gp-Xm≥ ]pd-s∏´ taØ ]n∂oSv Hu´vep-°n¬ \ocm-dm-Unb tS∏v {]kn-≤o-I-cn®v At±-l-Øns‚ F°m-e-sØbpw i{Xp-hmbn amdnb IY. Ncn-{X-Ønem-Zy-am-bmWv Sm‰ F∂ t]cv am[yaßfnepw s]mXpk-aq-l-Ønepw cm{„ob Agn-a-Xn-bp-sSbpw A[n-Imc Zp¿hn-\n-tbm-K-Øn-s‚bpw tIm¿∏-td‰v tem∫n-bnw-Kns‚bpw ]£-Øp-\n¿Øn hnNm-cW sNø-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. tIm¿∏-td-‰p-Ifpw am[y-a-ßfpw F∂ A©m-a[ymbw BtKm-f-h¬°-cW ImeØv C¥y≥ am[y-acwKØp≠mb G‰hpw henb am‰-ßsf hne-bn-cpØp-∂p. dq]¿Sv a¿tZm-°n-s\-t∏m-ep-ff BtKm-f-IpØ-I-I-fpsS hchpw C¥y≥ am[y-a-ß-fpsS Iø-S°hpw t]mse-Xs∂ A]-I-S-I-c-amWv C¥y≥ IpØI-I-fpsS hf¿®-bp-sa∂v taØ hni-Zo-I-cn-°p-∂p. Aw_m-\n, Pbn≥ IpSpw-_-߃ C¥y≥ A®-Sn˛ {imhy-˛-Zriy˛\h am[y-a-cw-K-߃ Ht∂msS Iø-S-°p∂-Xns‚ Nn{Xw Cub-[ymbw hc-®n-Sp-∂p. CXns‚ Bk-∂-^-e-sat∂mWw am[y-a-cwK-Øp-≠mb A]q¿h-amb hnizm-ky-Xm-\-„Øns‚ IY ]d-bp∂p, Bdm-a-[ym-bw. taØ Fgp-Xp∂p : In my forty years as editor, I have seen many developments in the print media which are worrying. But nothing quite so worrying as the erosion of public trust. Our credibility is at an all-time low because readers take everything they read with a bucketful of salt. To repeat the truism : if newspapers can no longer be trusted to tell the truth on their news pages, then all is lost. We might as well pack

(43) up and go home.

1960˛80 Iƒ, C¥y≥ ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\-Øns‚ kph¿W-Im-e-am-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂pw ]n∂o-SmWv ssSwkv Hm^v C¥y XpS-°-an´ ]{X-cw-KsØ I®-h-S-h¬°cWw apX¬ ]n. kmbv\mYv Xpd∂pIm´nb s]bvUv \yqkv hsc-bp-f-fh Cu afi-esØ \in-∏n-®sX∂pw taØ Xpd-∂-Sn-°p-∂p. Hu´vep-°nse Xs‚ Pohn-Xhpw kwL¿jßfpw H∏w kzIm-cy-Po-hn-X-Ønse Nne GSp-Ifpw (H∂n-e-[nIw hnhm-l-߃, kznkvIm-ap-In-bn¬ Hcp aIƒ P\n-®p-sh-¶nepw ]n∂o-S-hsc ImWm≥ Ign-bm™-Xv...) ad-\o-°p-∂p, Ggm-a-[ym-b-Øn¬.

G‰hpw Ahn-kva-c-Wo-b-amb `mKw. C¥ym-°m-cpsS \¿a-t_m-[-sØ-°p-dn-®m-W-Xv. cm{„o-b-cw-KØv hnPbn-®-hcpw ]cm-P-b-s∏-´-h-cp-amb F{X-sb-¶nepw t]cpsS IY ]d™v \¿a-Øns‚ Hcp sNdp-IS¬Xs∂ kr„n-°p∂p hnt\mZv taØ. Xs∂Øs∂ ]cn-l-kn-°p-∂-Xn-ep-ff taØ-bpsS Xm¬]cyw hnJym-X-am-Wv. kz¥w IY-Iƒ, a‰p-f-f-h¿ ]d™ IY-Iƒ, kw`-hn-®-h, kw`-hn-°m-Ø-h...-a-Wni-¶¿ Aø-sc-t∏m-ep-f-f-h¿ Z¬ln-bpsS cm{„o-b, am[ya afieß-fn¬ ]d-™p-≠m-°p∂ \¿a-I-Y-IfpsS Bgw Cuhn[w a‰m-sc-¶nepw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bXmbn tI´n-´n-√. Xam-i-Iƒs°m∏w hnkva-b-I-c-amb

Xm≥ Bcm-[n-°p∂ Bdp-t]-cpsS Xqen-Im-Nn-{X߃ tImdn-bn-Sp∂ F´m-a[ - ym-ba - mWv Cu {KŸØnse G‰hpw ]c-∏p-ff `mKw. DS-\ofw taØ D≤-cn°p∂ tPm¿Pv Hm¿sh-√ns\ am{X-a√ - , FdnIv tlm_vkv_mw apX¬ lmtcmƒUv ]n‚¿ hsc-bp-ff - h - scbpw km£n-\n¿Øn cm{„o-bhpw kmln-Xyhpw kn\n-abpw XXz-Nn-¥bpw Iebpw {In°‰pw a‰pw hymJym-\n-°p∂p At±lw. lmtcmƒUv ]n‚-dpsS hm°p-Iƒ t\m°pI: Cricket is the greatest thing god created on earth, certainly better than sex, although sex is not bad either” (p. 132). sI.-F. A∫m-kv, dkvIn≥t_m-≠v, k®n≥ sS≥Up¬°¿, tPmWn-hm-°¿, Ipjvh¥vknw-Kv, Acp‘-Xn-tdmbv F∂n-h-cmWv hnt\m-Zns‚ Bcm-[-\m-]m{X-߃. A∫m-kn-s\bpw dkvIn-s\bpw Acp-‘-Xnsbbpw Ipdn-®p-ff Ipdn-∏p-Iƒ FSp-Øp-]-d-tb-≠-h-bmWv. ASpØ A[ym-b-amWv Cu ]pkvX-I-Øns‚

hkvXp-X-Ifpw Cub-[ym-b-Øn-ep-≠v. cm{„o-b-t\-Xm°-fpsS hmb-\-sb-°p-dn®p ]d-bp-tºmƒ, Xm≥ PohnX-Øn¬ Hcp ]pkvX-Iw-t]mepw hmbn-®n-´n-s√∂v \tc{μ-tamZn C.-Sn.-hn.-bnse A`n-ap-J-Øn¬ Xpd-∂p-k-ΩXn® Imcyw taØ hnh-cn-°p-∂p. apJy-ambpw Cw•ojv `mj-bn-ep-ff A⁄-X-sIm≠v X߃°p ]d-bm\pw a\- n-em-°m\pw ]‰mØ Xam-i-I-fpsS temI-Øp-\n∂p ]n≥hm-ßp∂ cm{„o-b-t\-Xm-°-fpsS Zb-\o-b-Nn-{Xhpw Cub-[ymbw \¬Ip-∂p. C{μ-{]-ÿØn¬ Gsd {]N-cn® Hcp IY am{Xw t\m°mw. “Vajpayee, Musharraf, Madhuri Dixit and Margaret Thatcher are travelling on a train. The train suddenly goes through a tunnel and it gets completely dark. Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a slap! The train comes out of the tunnel. Thatcher and Vajpayee are sitting looking perplexed. Musharraf is bent over holding his face which is red from an apparent slap. All of them remain diplomatic and BKkvXv 2015

(44) nobody says a thing. Thatcher thinking: ‘These Pakistanis are all crazy about Madhuri. Musharraf must have tried to kiss her in the tunnel. Very proper that she slapped him’. Madhuri is thinking: ‘Musharraf must have moved to kiss me and kissed Margaret instead, and got slapped’. Musharraf is thinking: ‘Damn! Vajpayee must have tried to kiss Madhuri, she thought it was me and slapped me’ Vajpayee is thinking: ‘If this train goes through another tunnel, I could make another kissing sound and slap Musharraf again’. To prove my point about recycling, in Pakistan they tell the same joke with one difference: It is Vajpayee who gets slapped”.

C¥y≥ am[y-a-h¿K-sØ-°p-dn-®p-ff IuXp-I-I-camb \nco-£-W-ß-fmWv ]Øm-a-[ym-bw. BtKm-fh¬°-c-W-Øns‚ kmº-Øn-I-bp-‡n-Isf \nin-Xambn hna¿in-°p∂ Acp-‘-Xn-tdm-bn-bpsS apgp-h≥ teJ-\-ßfpw {]kn-≤o-I-cn® hmcn-I-bpsS ]{Xm-[n-]cm-bn-cp-∂n´pw taØ BtKm-f-h¬°-c-WsØ \ncm-Icn-°p-∂n-√. 1990˛¬ ]Ø-p-tIm-Sn-bm-bn-cp∂ C¥y≥ a[y-h¿Kw c≠p-]X - n-‰m-≠p-sIm≠v ap∏-Xp-tIm-Sn-bmbn amdn-bX - ns‚ KpWm-flI cm{„obw \ncm-Ic - n-°m≥ taØ Xøm-d√ - . AtX-ka - bwXs∂ Aa¿Xymsk≥, PK-Zojv `K-hXn kwhm-ZØ - n¬ sk∂n-s\m∏w \n¬°m\pw taØ Xøm-dm-Ip-∂p. atX-Xc - c - m-{„o-btØmSpw kmaq-ln-IN - n-¥t- bmSpw hn´p-hogvN sNøm≥ Xms\m-cn-°epw Xøm-dm-bn-´n√ F∂v Hs´mcp A`n-am-\tØm-sS-Xs∂ hnt\mZv Bh¿Øn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. \ΩpsS ImesØ kam-¥c - c - m-{„ob a\x-km£n F∂p hnfn-°m-hp∂ F≥.-Pn.-H. Isf-°p-dn®pw Cub[ymbw hni-Za - mbn N¿®-sN-øp∂p. Achnμv tJPvcn-hm-fns‚ cm{„o-b-hy-‡n-XzsØ-°p-dn-®p-ff AXnkq£va-amb Hc-h-tem-I-\-amWv ]Xn-s\m-∂m-a-[ym-bw. From Hero to Nearly Zero’. XpS-°-Øn¬ tJPvcnhmfns‚ h‡mhpw {]Nm-c-I-\pam-bn-cp∂ taØ, sSen-hn-j≥ kr„n® tJPvcnhmfns\ sSen-hn-j≥Xs∂ C√m-Xm-°p∂ Ime-Øns‚ km£n-bmWp Xms\∂v hy‡-am-°p∂p. sXc-s™-Sp-∏p-X-{¥-ß-fn¬ Atº ]cm-P-b-s∏-SpIbpw ]m¿´n-°p-f-fn¬ GIm-[n-]Xy {]h-WX {]I-Sn∏n-°p-Ibpw e`n® P\-]n-¥pW am\n-°msX \mev]Xp ZnhkwsIm≠v `cWw Cs´-dn-™p-t]m-cnIbpw sNbvX tJPvcnhmfns‚ cm{„ob A_-≤BKkvXv 2015

߃ Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°p∂ taØ ]s£, ]n∂o-Sp≠mb hnkva-b-I-c-amb sXc-s™-Sp∏p hnPbw I≠v kvX_v[-\m-bn-cn-°-Ww. F¥m-bmepw B∏ns‚ ssiYneyw ImWm≥ At±lw Pohn-®n-cp-∂n-√. s\{lp-˛C - μ - n-c˛- c - m-Po-hv˛- t- km-Wn-b˛- c - m-lp¬ IpSpw_-hm-gvNb - psS IY-]d - b - p∂ ]{¥-≠m-a[ - ym-bØ - n¬ Xs‚ cm{„ob ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-\Ø - ns‚ hnizm-k{- ]-amW-ßfpw taØ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. 1960 Ifn¬ Ata-cn°-bn¬ cq]w-sIm≠ \yqtP-We - nkamWv Xs‚ ]{X{]-h¿Ø-\s - si-en-sb∂v At±lw Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°p∂p. t\m¿a≥ sabvedpw tSmwthmƒ^pw a‰pw cq]-s∏Sp-Ønb Bfl-\n-jvThpw Imev]\ - n-Ih - p-amb ]{X-{]h¿Ø-\s - si-en-bm-bn-cp-∂p, CXv. efn-Xa - mb ssien. t\cn-´p-ff BJym-\w. atX-X-c-Xz-Øns‚ t]cn¬ am{Xw tIm¨{Kkns\ F√m-°m-eØpw Xm≥ A\p-Iq-en-®p-t]m∂p F∂v G‰p-]-d-™p-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ s\{lp-Ip-Spw-_Øns‚ A¥x-On-{Z-ßfpw A[n-Im-c-tam-l-ßfpw A¥x- m-c-iq-\y-X-Ifpw taØ hnh-cn-°p-∂p. Ipjvh¥vknwKpw a‰pw Xpd-s∂-gp-Xnb Cμn-c-bp-sSbpw a°-fp-sSbpw kwL¿j-`-cn-X-amb IpSpw-_-Po-hn-Xhpw cmlp¬Km-‘n-bpsS cm{„o-b-Zu¿_-ey-ßfpw taØ Ah-tem-I\w sNøp-∂p. \tc-{μ-tam-Znsb a\- n-em-°pI F∂XmWv Ahkm\ A[ym-bw. KpP-dmØv tamU-ens\ hna¿in®psIm≠pw 2002se Iem-]Ø - ns‚ [m¿ΩnI DØ-ch - m-ZnØw tamZn-°p≠v F∂p ka¿Yn-®p-sIm≠pw P\m-[n-]Xy hyh-ÿb - n-eqsS tamZn t\Snb sXc-s™-


Sp∏p hnP-bsØ BZ-cn-°p∂ taØ, Cu {KŸw cNn-°ptºmƒ \mep-amkw ]n∂n´ tamZn-`c - W - sØ hne-bn-cp-Øns°m≠v Cßs\-sb-gpXn : “At present, the glass is half full or half empty. It depends which way you look at it” Akm-[m-cW - a - mb sabvhg °tØmsS \tc-{μ-tamZn-bpsS hy‡n-XzsØ hne-bn-cp-Øm\pw hnt\mZv taØ°p Ign-bp-∂p-≠v. Bƒ°q-´Ø - n¬ X\nsb Pohn°p-∂, A]m-ca - mb \nKq-VX - I - f - p-ff Hcmƒ. sFkIv \yq´s\bpw sF≥Ão-s\bpw ¢n‚ C -v uÃv hpUn-s\bpw ln®vt- Im-°n-s\bpw t]mse. kplr-Øp-°tfm cm{„o-bt\-Xm-°tfm _‘p-°tfm kμ¿in-°m-s\-Øm-sX, _lp-P\ - ß - fpw B¿`m-Sß - f - p-an-√m-sX, Hcp ]mN-I° - mc\pw c≠v tkh-Icpw am{X-ap-ff ho´n¬ apJy-a{- ¥n-bm-bncp∂ ]Øp-h¿jhpw Km‘n-\K - d - n¬ tamZn Xma-kn-®ncp∂Xns\-°p-dn®v Hu´vep°v ap≥]p-Xs∂ Fgp-Xn-bn-´p-

≠v. Z¬ln-bnepw henb am‰-an√mØ Pohn-Xa - mWv tamZn-bp-tS-X.v Cß-s\, Ign™ \mep-]X - n‰m-≠ns‚ C¥y≥ am[y-a, cm{„ob, hyh-kmb temI-ßsf ASp-Ødn™ hnt\mZv taØ Bfl-hn-izmk-tØmsS A\p-kvac - n-°p∂ Xs‚ am[y-a{- ]-h¿Ø-\Ø - ns‚ _m°n-]{X-sa-¥m-bn-cp∂p? At±lw FgpXp∂p : ‘Arundhati Roy once told me that for an editor to pull skeletons out of the cupboard of the rich and the powerful and put them up for public display, there is an essential prerequisite: the said editor must have no skeletons in his own cupboard. So, what is the state of my cupboard? Is it half full or half empty? How many skeletons have I removed secretly at the midnight hour? If the answer to that question is to be settled by my word against yours, only confusion will result. Even if an editor has managed to keep his crowded skeleton cupboard away from public scrutiny, the people who need to know, know. My cupboard is bare, an emptiness which has allowed me to go cupboard - rummaging. If such had not been the case, my record in this area would have been mediocre. As a journalist, part of my mandate is to pontificate and preach. To fulfil this role I have used the Caesar’s wife principle to guide me. Whoever looks after me upstairs made sure when the Devil came to tempt me, and Mr. D came several times, I had courage to say to him, ‘ Get thee behind me, Satan’. I hope that doesn’t sound too self-righteous’. Editor Unplugged Vinod Mehta, Penguin Viking 2014, Rs. 599/-


{ioi-¶c k¿Δ-I-em-im-e-bn¬ ae-bmfw A[ym-]-I-\mWv teJ-I≥. teJ-Is‚ C˛-sa-bn¬ BKkvXv 2015


Students’ Corner

J. V. Vil’anilam

The Soviet /Communist Theory The Soviet Communist Theory

(not very active since 1990) evolved during the early years of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, established following the Bolshevik revolution in 1917) and which no longer exists since 1989. After 72 years of dominance, the socialist republics of Eastern Europe and Central Asia disintegrated into independent republics, with Russia still as the leading socialist country bearing most of the glory of socialism, and the Republics of Georgia, Ukraine etc. declaring independence from Russian domination and the CIS (Common wealth of Independent States) in Central Asia, also independent from the sphere of influence of Russia. Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and other countries also came out of the political influence of Russia. With fall of Russia, many socialist countries in its sphere of influence came out of it. Communist sympathizers do not agree that communism has vanished from the face of the earth; they believe that socialist BKkvXv 2015

The socialist/ communist theory of the press is that the media are a collective agitator, propagandist and educator in the task of building an egalitarian society. economic thinking will remain for ever in different parts of the world. With the re-organization of European and Central Asian republics and their independent stance, the idea of communism has vanished as a viable economic proposition, according to Western capitalist economists. The world has now become unipolar, they say, and capitalism as an economic philosophy has won. There are many who question this concept. Be that as it may, let us not

(47) The Soviet theory held an important position in the post-World War II years and it formed an essential ingredient of the post-War anti-communist communication theories propounded by the West, particularly the U.S. Two sources that deal with the Soviet theory are: Mass Media in the Soviet Union (by M. Hopkins, New York: Pegasus, 1970) and Brian McNair’s “Media in PostSoviet Russia: An Overview, European Journal of Communication, Vol. 9 (2), 1994, pp.115- 135, and his Glasnost,Perestroika and the Soviet Media, London: Routledge, 1991. Another important source, Siebert etal., Four Theories of the Press, already referred to.

take sides but examine what the essence of the Soviet/Communist theory of the press was. The socialist/ communist theory of the press is that the media are a collective agitator, propagandist and educator in the task of building an egalitarian society. This view was first propagated by V. I. Lenin, the founder of the Soviet system. When Lenin died in 1924, Joseph Stalin took over the reins of the USSR. Stalin used the media to impose his will on the people. As a ruthless dictator, he found the media a convenient tool to manipulate the people, and justify his actions. This theory claimed that a people’s government could not but be people- friendly, peopleoriented and aimed at people’s overall welfare and hence it could not err. The Soviet press/ media could not but be the people’s own establishment and run by the people, it could not be anything but people’s own, aimed at people’s welfare and interests. Anything critical of the government or anybody raising his or her critical voice against would simply be anti-people and unpatriotic.

The main characteristics of the theory can be condensed into “the subordination of the media to the Communist Party” considered ‘the only legitimate voice and agent of the working class.’ Although the theory does not support free expression, it suggests a positive role for the media in society. It emphasizes culture, information, and socioeconomic development as worthy causes for the media. Communist parties may accept the theory in toto, but other political parties will not hail it as heroic, especially because the Soviet system has disappeared, And yet, blind hatred of a theory may not appeal to free-thinking individuals. Since China is the only claimant of communism these days, the Soviet theory no longer enjoys much enthusiastic support from anywhere, especially because China opposes capitalism only when it affects its national interests. In other words, there is no international communism under Russian influence now. See you later, communicator!


Professor Dr. ]. V. Vil’anilam iras ViceChancellor (1992-1996) and Head of the Department of Communication & Journalism (1982-1992) at the University of Kerala. /4s Professor Emeritus of the UGC he has taught at Berliampur, Bhopal, Bhubanesirar, Calicut, Dharicar, and Mangalore universities from 1996 onwards. Visit his website: BKkvXv 2015


t\cns‚ t\¿°m-gvN-Iƒ°v AwKo-Imcw

kwÿm\ t^mt´m-{Km^n Ahm¿UpZm\ ktΩ-f\w C≥^¿ta-j≥ ]ªn-Iv dn-tej≥kv a{¥n sI. kn. tPmk^v DZvLmS\w sNøp-∂p. sF & ]n. B¿. Un. Ub-d-IvS¿ an\n B‚Wn sFF-Fkv, tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚-Wn, B¿. cho-{μ≥, ssl_n CuU≥ Fw. F¬. F., ent\m tP°-_v, kn. B¿. cmPvtam-l≥ F∂n-h¿ kao]w

{]Ir-Xn-bn-sebpw kaq-l-Øn-sebpw t\cns‚ t\¿°m-gvN-Iƒ°v kwÿm-\-k¿°m-cns‚ AwKo-Imcw. kwÿm\ t^mt´m-{Km^n Ahm¿Up-Iƒ sIm®nbn¬ \S∂ NS-ßn¬ C≥^¿ta-j≥ ]ªnIv dntej≥kv hIp∏v a{¥n sI.-kn. tPmk^v kΩm-\n-®p. Fkv. am[-h≥ \mb¿ (Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw), cmtPjv Itce (I-Æq¿), Fkv. sdPn-_m_p (Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw) F∂n-h-cmWv BZy aq∂p ÿm\-ß-fn-te-°p≈ ]pckv I m- c - ß ƒ°v A¿l- c m- b - X v . ]Øp t]¿°p≈ t{]m¬km-l-\-k-Ωm-\-ßfpw a{¥n hnX-cWw sNbvXp. F.-F^ - v.] - n. bpsS ap≥ t^mt´m-{Km-^¿ B¿. cho-{μs\ a{¥n BZ-cn-®p. sk¬^n bpK-Øn¬ F√m-hcpw t^mt´m-{Km^¿am-cm-sW-¶nepw `mh-\m-]q¿W-ambn kw`-h-߃ ]I¿Øp-∂X - n-emWv Cu Ie-bpsS anI-sh∂v a{¥n tPmk^v ]d-™p. A]q¿h Pohn-X-ap-lq¿Ø-߃ ]e-t∏mgpw Ncn-{X-am-Wv. Ah \¬Ip∂ ktμ-i-ß-fmIs´ al-Ø-c-hpw. aZy-Øn\pw ab-°p-a-cp-∂n-\p-sa-Xnsc kwÿm\w \S-Øp∂ t]mcm-´-amWv CØ-h-WsØ t^mt´m-{Km^n Ahm¿Un\v hnj-b-am-°n-b-Xv. A¤pX-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ {]Xn-I-c-W-amWv a¬k-c-Øn\p e`n-®-

Xv. 134 t]cn¬ \n∂mbn 240 Nn{X-ßf - mWv hn[n\n¿WbØn\p In´n-b-sX∂v a{¥n Nq≠n-°m-´n. NSßn¬ ssl_n CuU≥ Fw.-F¬-F. A[y£X hln-®p. Xpd-apJ ^nj-dokv a{¥n t^mt´m {]Z¿i\w DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp. tIcf aoUnb A°mZan sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚Wn apJy-{]-`m-jWw \SØn. tab¿ tSmWn NΩ-Wn, Iu¨kn-e¿ ent\m tP°_v, sF&]n.B¿.-Un. Ub-d-IvS¿ an\n B‚-Wn sF. F.-Fkv., AUo-j-W¬ Ub-d-IvS¿ kn.-c-tajv Ipam¿, U]yq´n Ub-d-IvS¿ kn.-B¿. cmPvtam-l≥ XpS-ßn-b-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p. t^mt´m-{Km-^n-bpsS Ncn{Xw F∂ hnj-b-Øn¬ \S∂ skan-\m-dn¬ t^mt´m-sshUv No^v dnt∏m¿´¿ kPn FÆ-bv°mSv {]_‘w Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. KqKnƒ t^mt´m-{Km-^¿ ^ntdmkv _m_p, ae-bmf at\m-ca No^v t^mt´m-{Km-^¿ tPmkvIp´n ]\-bv°¬, sF&]n.B¿.-Un. taJem U]yq´n Ub-d-IvS¿ ]n.-B¿. -tdm-bn, Pn√m C≥^¿ta-j≥ Hm^o-k¿ N{μ-lm-k≥ hSp-Xe XpS-ßn-b-h¿ ]s¶-Sp-Øp. Ne-®n{X ]nWWn Kmb-I≥ j_o¿ \bn® Kk¬ k‘y NS-ßns‚ am‰p-Iq-´n.

tIcf aoUnb A°m-Zan `c-W-k-anXn sNb¿am≥: sk¿Pn B‚Wn (Zo-]n-I) sshkv sNb¿am≥: sI. kn. cmP-tKm-]m¬ (at\m-c-a) kanXn AwK-߃: Fw. Fkv. chn (tI-c-f-Iu-ap-Zn), F≥. cmtPjv (am-[y-aw), sI. Fw. tdmbv, kn. F≥. taml-\≥ (tZ-im-`n-am-\n), ]n. kpPm-X≥, t__n amXyp (Po-h≥ Snhn), C. ]n. jmPp-±o≥ (aw-K-fw), Fkv. _nPp (Gjym-s\‰v \yqkv), sNdp-Ic kÆn eqt°mkv (tIc-f-i_vZw), sP. Fkv. Cμp-Ip-am¿ (P-bvlnμv Snhn), Sn. B¿. a[p-Ip-am¿ (tZ-im-`n-am\n hmcn-I), _nPp h¿§okv (aw-K-fw), Fw.-]n. kqcy-Zmkv (amXr`qan), hn. F. kenw (am[yaw), ]n. ]n. kÆn (Zo]nI), It°m-S≥ apl-Ω-Zv, Ub-d-IvS¿ (]ªnIv dnte-j≥kv), sk{I-´dn (^n\m≥kv Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v), sk{I´dn (P\-d¬ AUvan-\n-t{Ãj≥) sk{I-´dn: F. F. l°ow, Akn. sk{I-´dn: F≥. ]n. kt¥mjv BKkvXv 2015

Editing for the Digital Age Thorn Lieb CQ Press 200 Pages; Price: `3832.00 Whether working in a traditional newsroom or as a one-person blogging operation, every good writer needs to become his or her own best editor. Editing for the Digital Age provides editors and writers with the tools necessary to ensure that published material is accurate, readable, and complete. Author Thom Lieb provides guidance in copy editing fundamentals, including correcting grammar, conforming the writing to a style guide, and revising material so that it is tightly written and clear. The text is designed for today’s digital publishing landscape and addresses the many issues writers and editors now face on a daily basis- handling legal issues such as liability, copyright, and libel; writing headlines that will attract readers; creating multimedia packages to support an article or post; and using various forms of social media to curate content and connect with audience members.


New Books @ Academy Library

(49) Bookshelf

Examining Identity in Sports Media Heather L. Hundley, Andrew C. Billings SAGE 279 Pages; Price: ` 4150.00 Including the work of top sports communication researchers, Examining Identity in Sports Media explores identity issues, including gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, and (dis)ability, as well as the intersections within these various identity issues. This co-edited, twelve-chapter book investigates how various identity groups are framed, treated, affected, and shaped by a ubiquitous sports media, including television, magazines, film, the Internet, and newspapers. While other books may devote a chapter or section to issues of identity in sports media, this book offers a complete examination of identity from cover to cover, allowing identity variables to be both isolated and intermingled to capture how identity is negotiated within sports media platforms. Far more than a series of case studies, this book surveys the current state of the field while providing insight on future directions for identity scholarship in sports communication. BKkvXv 2015


temIw I≠ hc A¥¿t±iob am[yacwKsØ {]ikvXamb Im¿´qWpIsf ]cnNbs∏SpØpIbmWv Cu ]w‡nbn¬. amXr`qan Im¿´qWnÃmb tKm]oIrjvW\mWv Ch Xncs™SpØv AhXcn∏n°p∂Xv.

Pm sl√¿ 1954 HmKÃv 17\v hnkvtIm¨kn-\nse HmjvtIm-jn-emWv tPm sl√-¿ P\n-®-Xv. 1985 apX¬ 2013 hsc {]i-kvX-amb {Ko≥ t_ {]kv Kk-‰ns‚ FUnt‰m-dn¬ Im¿´q-Wn-Ãm-bn-cp∂p sl√¿. {]kv Kk-‰ns‚ DS-a-ÿ-\mb K∂‰v \SØnb Iq´ ]ncn-®p-hn-S-en-s\-Øp-S¿∂mWv 2013¬ sl√-dn\p tPmen \jvS-s∏-´-Xv. {]kv Kk-‰n¬ tPmen-bn¬ {]th-in-°p-∂-Xn\p apºv shÃv s_≥Uv sUbven \yqknse Im¿´q-Wn-Ãmbpw sl√¿ tkh-\-a-\p-jvTn-®n-´p-≠v. tKm]oIrjvWs‚ C˛sabn¬: Printed and Published by N. P. Santhosh, On behalf of the Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Published from Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030; Printed at Sterling Print House Pvt Ltd, Edappally; Editor: Sergy Antony

BKkvXv 2015


\Znb A_p-j-_m≥

t^m´m-{Km-^-dpsS ssIbnse Iymad I≠p tXm°m-sW∂p IcpXn Ip™n-ss°-Iƒ Db¿Øn-∏n-Sn®p Iog-S-ßp∂ kndn-b≥ _men-I. temI-a-\-km-£nsb sR´n® Cu Nn{Xw Iyma-d-bn¬ ]I¿ØnbXv A¬ Pko-d-bnse \Znb A_p-j-_m≥ F∂ h\n-Xm-t^mt´mtP¿W-en-ÃmWv. P\n-®p-ho-W-t∏mƒ apX¬ tXm°n≥ap-\-bn¬ Poh-\p-th≠n bmNn-°p∂ Hcp P\-X-bmWv kndn-b-bn-te-sX∂p \Znb Szn‰-dn-eqsS ]¶p-sh® Cu \mep-h-b p-Im-cn-bpsS Ic-f-en-bn-°p∂ Nn{Xw temI-sØ t_m[y-s∏-SpØp-∂p.

{it≤-b-amb hm¿Øm-Nn{XßfpsS ]pXnb ]w‡n Bcw-`n-°p∂p BKkvXv 2015

(52) Media Monthly | August 2015 | `20/- | RNI Reg No. KERBIL/2000/01676

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