amˬv 2018
FUntämdnb 04 Mahatma Gandhi As an Editor and Journalist Thushar Arun Gandhi
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Language and Gender: Representation of women in malayalam media Sreekala M S
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The rise and Rise Of Data Journalism Shoma A. Chatterji
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Editor R. S. Babu Editorial Board N.P. Chandrasekharan Fr. Boby Alex C. Narayanan P.V. Kuttan Santhosh George Kulangara Kamal Varadoor Saraswathy Nagarajan Printer & Publisher K.G. Santhosh Co-ordinating Editor Madhu Sudhanan M. Editorial Co-ordination Sreeja Balachandran Marketing In Charge Shainus Markose Design & Layout Chetana Media, Kottayam Address ‘Media’ Kerala Media Academy Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030 Phone: 0484 2422275 Email: Website:
amˬv 2018
PqUo-jy-dn-bnse [oc-X-bpsS apJ-amb PÌokv Ipcy³ tPmk^v tIc-f-¯nse tImS-Xn-I-fnse am[ya hne¡n ]c-ky-ambn {]Xn-Icn-¨p. "tIc-f-¯n GsX-¦nepw tImS-Xn-bn am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ¡v {]th-i\ hne-¡ps≠¦n Rm³ DSs\ CS-s]-Smw. am[ya {]hÀ¯ -IÀ¡p hmÀ¯m-ti-J-c-W-¯n\v tImS-Xn-bn F¯p-¶-Xn\v sslt¡m S-Xn-bntem aäp tImS-Xn-I-fntem Hcp XS-Ê-hp-an-sÃ-¶mWv Rm³ a\Ên-em-¡p-¶Xv' tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan UÂln tIcf lukn kwL-Sn-¸n¨ ]pkvXI {]Im-i\ NS-§n-em-bn-cp¶p PpUo-jy-dn-bn \ne-\n¶ au\w t`Zn¨psIm-≠p-ff Cu {]Xn-I-c-Ww. A¶v {]kn²o-I-cn¨ ]pkvXIw, A`n-`m-j-Icpw am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-Icpw X½n-ep-ff XÀ¡-¯n \oXn-bp-sSbpw \ymb-¯n-sâbpw ]£¯p \n¶ tUm.- sk-_m-Ìy³ t]mfnsâ "am[ya kzmX{´yw: AXncpw ]Xncpw' Bbn-cp¶p am[ya {]hÀ¯-\-¯nepw A`n-`m-j-I-hr-²n-bnepw ]mÀ e-saâdn taJ-e-bnepw Hcp-t]mse k¼-¶-amb A\p-`h ]cn-Úm\-ap-ff sk_m-Ìy³ t]mÄ cmjv{So-bm-XoX hyàn-Xz-am-Wv. temIk-`mw-K-am-bn-cns¡ {]kv Iu¬kn AwK-ambn tkh\w A\pjvTn-¨-t¸mÄ am[y-a-k-Zm-Nm-chpw am[y-a-\n-b-{´-Whpw kw_-Ôn¨p kzoI-cn¨ ià-amb \ne-]m-Sp-IÄ kvacn-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-Xm-Wv. tImSXnbpw am[yahpw X½nepÅ _Ôw, am[ya kzmX{´y ¯nsâ AXncv tImSXnbe£y \nba¯nsâ hc¼v, tImSXnbp sSbpw am[ya§fpsSbpw am[ya{]hÀ¯IcpsSbpw A`n`mjIcp sSbpw kam\ [Àa§Ä CsXÃmw DÄsImÅp¶ hnes¸« ]T\ {K\vYw {]kn²oIcn¡m³ IgnªXn tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan¡v NmcnXmÀYyap≠v. kwØm\s¯ tImSXnIfn Hcp hn`mKw A`n `mjIcpsS {`m´³ Agnªm«w ImcWw am[ya {]hÀ¯IÀ¡p tImSXnIfn kzX{´ambn F¯m\pw dnt¸mÀ«p sN¿m\papÅ kzmX{´yw CÃmXmbn. AXns\m¸w sslt¡mSXnbnepw aäp tImS XnIfnepw am[ya {]hÀ¯Isc amän\nÀ¯pIbpw sNbvXp. CXns\ Xnsc am[ya {]hÀ¯Icpw am[yaØm]\§fpw {]Xntj[n¨p.
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A-gn-aXn Xpd¶p Im«n-b-Xn-\p-ff in£-bmWv \ho³ \nÝ-en-sâbpw hnP-b-kn-§n-sâbpw Poh³. C§s\ CjvS-an-Ãm¯ hmÀ¯bv¡p am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I-cpsS Poh³ sIm¿p¶ C¯-c-samcp Ak-ln-jvWp-X-bpsS Imew C´y-bn ap¼p≠-m-bn-«n-Ã.
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CXv _mly-ambn am[y-a-temIw t\cn-Sp¶ `ojWn-bm-Wv. CXn-s\m¸w B`y-´-c-ambn A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn¡p¶ shÃp-hn-fn-bp-ap≠-v. AXnsem¶mWv At\z-jWm-ßI hmÀ¯-I-fn-eqsS anIhv sXfn-bn¨ Hm¬ sse³ t]mÀ«Â tIm{_m-t]m-Ìnsâ sR«n-¡p¶ shfn-s¸-Sp-¯Â. 2019 se temIvk` sXsc-sª-Sp¸n\v ap¼mbn ]Ww hm§n lnµpXz{]NmcW¯n\v hSt¡´ybnse Hcp henb hn`mKw A¨SnþZriy am[ya§Ä k½Xw \ÂIn F¶ HfnIymad sXfnhv Ch cmPy¯n\v ap¶n kaÀ¸n¨p. lnµpXz kwL S\bmb "{ioaXv `KhXv KoX {]NmcIv kanXn' bpsS hIvXmhv "BNmcy ASÂ' F¶ IÅthj ¯nemWv am[ya {]hÀ¯I³ ]pjv]v iÀa At\z jWw \S¯nbXv. \mev]tXmfw am[ya Øm]\ §Ä sIWnbn hosW¶pw 50 tImSn cq] hsc bpÅ hmKvZm\§Ä kzoIcns¨¶pw "tIm{_ t]mkväv' hoUntbmZriy§fneqsSbpw i_vZtcJ bneqsSbpw shfns¸Sp¯n. CXv \ntj[n¨p Bt£ ]hnt[bamb Nne am[ya Øm]\§Ä cwK¯p h¶n«p≠v. IÅ]Ww t]mepw kzoIcn¨p lnµpXzm \pIqe hmÀ¯ sImSp¡msa¶v k½Xn¨hcp s≠¶v ]pjv] iÀa ]dbp¶p.
a[y{]tZ-inse Zznµv PnÃ-bn hmÀ¯mNm\ dnt¸mÀ«À kµo]v iÀasb {S¡n-Sn-¨pw _olm-dnse t`mPv]q-cn {]apJ lnµn Zn\-]-{X-amb "ssZ\nIv `mkvIdn'se am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I-cmb \ho³ \nÝÂ, hnP-bvknMv F¶n-hsc ss_¡n Imdp-I-b-änbpw sIm¶Xv 2018 amÀ¨n-em-bn-cp-¶p. CXn\pw c≠v amkw ap¼p D¯À{]-tZ-in lnµp-Øm³ teJ-I³ \ho³ Kp]vXsb Hcp kwLw shSn-sh-¨p-sIm-¶p. `c-W-iàn-I-fp-ambn _Ô-ap-ff aW am^n-b-þ-t]m-eokv _Ôw Hfn-Iym-a-d-bn-eqsS ]pd-¯p-sIm≠-p-h-¶-Xn-epff hntcm-[-amWv kµo]v iÀa-bpsS Poh-s\-Sp-¡m³ Imc-W-am-bXv. hntÃPv Iu¬kn ta[m-hn-bp-sS
C¯c¯n C´y³ am[ya cwKw B`y´cambpw _mlyambpw {]XnkÔnsb A`napJoI cn¡p¶ L«¯n CXnt\mSv {InbmXvaIambn {]XnIcn¡m\pÅ CSamWv tIcf¯nse am[ya temIw. ChnsS Xes]m¡nb tImSXnbnse am[ya hne¡nsâ A´co£w ]msS CÃmXm¡Ww. tImS XnIfpw am[ya§fpw A`n`mjIcpw am[ya{]hÀ ¯Icpw X½nepÅ kulrZm´co£w D≠mIWw. sslt¡mSXnbnse aoUnb dqw Xpd¡Â AXn \pÅ \à ktµiamIpw. CXS¡apÅ \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¡m³ Pkväokv Ipcy³ tPmk^nsâ hm¡p IÄ iànbmIs«.
tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan `c-W-k-anXn AwK-§Ä sNbÀam³: BÀ. Fkv. _m_p (tZim-`n-am\n), sshkv sNbÀam³: Zo]p chn (tIcf IuapZn) AwK-§Ä: kn. \mcmbW³ (P\d sk{I«dn, sI.bp.U»yp.sP), Iam hcZqÀ ({]knUâv, sI.bp.U»yp.sP), Fw.sI. Ipcymt¡mkv (aebmf at\mca), PbIrjvW³ \cn¡p«n (tZim`nam\n), Fkv. _nPp (Gjyms\äv \yqkv), ] Ip«³ (ssIcfn Snhn), t{ibmwkv IpamÀ (amXr`qan), sI. sP. tXmakv (tZim`nam\n), ^m. t_m_n AeIvkv a®w¹m¡Â (Zo]oI), t__n amXyp (Poh³ Snhn), kt´mjv tPmÀÖv Ipf§c (k^mcn Snhn), tPm¬ ap-≠ ¡bw (aebmf at\mca), H.A-Ðp-d-Òm³ (am-[yaw Zn\]{Xw), cm-Pm-Pn amXyp tXmakv (P-\-bpKw), ]n-.Fw-.a-t\mPv (tZim`nam\n), F³.]n.N-{µ-ti-Jc³ (ssIc-fn Snhn), Fw.Pn. cm-[m-Ir-jvW³ (Gjyms\äv \yqkv), k-c-kz-Xn \m-K-cmP³ (Z- lnµp), Zo]-Iv [À½Sw (Aar-X Snhn), sI.]n. tam-l\³ (P-bv -ln-µv Snhn), jm-\n-{]-`m-I-c³ (a-t\m-c-a \ypkv), H.BÀ.cm-a-N-{µ³ (amXr`qan), UbdIvSÀ (C³^Àtaj³ & ]»nIv dntej³kv hIp¸v), sk{I«dn (C³^Àtaj³ & ]»nIv dntej³kv hIp¸v), sk{I«dn ([\Imcy hIp¸v), sa¼À sk{I-«dn: sI. Pn. kt´mjv (sk{I-«dn, tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Za-n). amÀ¨v 2018
Excerpts from the commemorative speech delivered by Shri Thushar Gandhi at the Kerala Media Academy on 1st Feb 2018.
Communicator. So that you are inspired to do something to enumerate him of bring his brand of journalism into your profession. Please don’t consider it only as a profession. Because this is one of those duties, and that is also responsibility equally as much as it is a profession. I don’t deny that today. We need a profession. We need to earn money from it.
hen I was requested to come and speak to all of you, I thought it was a privilage for me to be with all of you. Because I speak to those who are going to - in the future to become the pillars - be the fourth pillar of Democracy. It is very important that you realize your responsibilities. I have been asked to talk of Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi, the journalist. When I speak of Mahatma Gandhi, you will feel that he is too far remote that you cannot aspire to become like him. But what I want to talk to you about today is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Journalist and the 6
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Bapu’s times were different. So it was taken more as a responsibility. But Bapu was a fantastic communicator. Apart from being a journalist or a publisher or anything else he was a fantastic communicator. His speech was not impressive. He could not impress people like the orators that you see today, and who get a lot of claps when they speak. He was a very plane simple speaker. But the magic of this communication was his simplicity. He believed in the least amount of words. He believed in talking in the most simplified terms. If you notice, when he came back from South Africa and took command of the freedom movement, if you look through his writings and speeches of that period, you will realize that whether he was speaking to the illiterate farmers of Champaran or he was speaking to the congress working committee in Mumbai. Which was full of Barristers and lawyers who were trained and educated abroad and who are the elite of India at that time. He did not speak in two different languages. He did not speak in two different terms. When he spoke to the farmer of champaran he used the same language and the farmers of Champaran understood him perfectly. They did not need to have an interpreter to explain what Mr. Gandhi had talked to them. And also all the very intelligent, very sophisticated, very erudite western educated elite in
Mumbai, when he spoke to them, he used the same language. Gandhiji did not have to change his language to impress his listners was that they could feel the honesty in the language. They could feel the honesty in the language. They could understand every word. You have a very good example for an orator from Kerala itself. The MP of Thiruvananthapuram Mr. Shashi Tharoor. When he speaks we will sit with a dictionary to find out the meanings of the words. Very intelligent Communicator. I am not saying he is not an intelligent communicator. But too intelligent for somebody like me. Literally I would sit with the dictionary and for every second word I would have to look out What did that mean. That is his School of Communication. But the School of Communication that Bupu came from, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi came from, you did
Shashi Tharoor
not require the dictionary. To an illiterate person, there was enough significance in his language to understand what he was trying to say. And to that very intelligent elite, there was enough intelligence and philosophy in that language for them also to understand the deeper meaning in his communication. That was the charm of his communication and that is where he appealed to such a diverse mass of India. From the illiterate peasants of Champaran to the very literate advocates and lawyers and Captains of industry of Mumbai and Delhi. That is the hallmark of a great communicator. Bapu also got into a lot of trouble because of his belief and ideology and all that. And his writing and communication skill has started right from the beginning when he went as a barrister to South Africa. He was appearing for a client in the Court in Durban. And wanting to assert his Indian identity in court, he went into court, wearing a turban, Indian Pagidi - and the British judge ordered him to remove the Pagidi – Saying it is discourteous because English men, when they enter the court, they would remove their hat. And Bapu explained that this is not a hat that I am wearing. He was adamant and he refused to remove the Pagidi. And the judge threw him out of the court. Bapu refused to accept that Verdict. He said, ‘No, I will wear my Pagidi’. It is a symbol of my identity. I want to establish my Indian ness in your Court. It went all for six months. Bapu decided that, because the judge was a Britisher, and the colony was full of Britishers and they understood what the judge was saying. And the sympathy was with the British judge. Bapu needed to explain his side of it also. amÀ¨v 2018
There is a series of articles that he wrote during that time. Although they were all addressed to the judge, they were also explaining his side to the British populace. Six months later, when the judge accepted his arguments and allowed him to appear in court in with his turban, Bapu said, now that you have allowed me to come to court wearing my turban, I will obey you and remove my turban and come. But before doing that he had explained in his articles. Recently I was asked to compile some examples of the expertise of the communication skills, so I went through the entire collected works of Mahatma Gandhi and I took out speeches, articles letters that to me felt very good examples of his communication skills and I got this whole series of the articles that he wrote explaining his stance in Court. It is so brilliant very simple English. very simple language. No flourishes. No florid. Nothing to show how great he was. No quotations from Gita or Bible or Quran or any where. Just simple facts that he stated strung together. Very easy to understand for anybody. Within that period of six months he had created sympathy for himself in a strange land in a place where people did not know the cultured things that he was talking about or never even cared for them. This was one of the first times when as a communicator he was exhibiting his skills in a foreign land. After that his ability to communicate also created 8
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a lot of trouble for him. On his first trip back to India, when he had already started the fight for equal rights in South Africa where he was very troubled by the unjust second citizen or step citizen attitude that the British colonial government was having towards its Indian subjects in South Africa and he started the civil disobedience movement over there. To gain sympathy for that movement, when he came back to India, from Rajkhot he wrote a long article about the unjust ways of the colonial powers in South Africa against the Indians. And then he made copies of that article. And he sent it to all the periodicals or the journals or the newspapers and made it to all the leaders of the congress also. It was very widely circulated. It went to England also. And one of the international news agencies picked it up. And it was misreported in South Africa. Now because he made cyclostyled copies of that article into a booklet form and he used a green paper as a cover, may be that day, the cyclostyled shop only had a green and white papers and so it happened that the cover of that booklet was green. So it came to be known as the green pamphlet. The green pamphlet and it became. In South Africa it was reported that Gandhi is going and spreading malicious gossips about South Africans and he is insulting them. And he has defamed South African and he in sighting Indian to come in large numbers to South Africa to fight against the white people. So there was a lot of hatred against him while he was going back. He got heatened up. When he reached Durban, he got beaten up for that. He refused to file a police complaint against his assaulters. The head of the station was telling him,
give us your name, file a complaint against those people who have beaten you up; we will file charges against them and sue them. He said no. I don’t have any enmity with them. I will not file charges. I will explain what I have done. They have been misinformed what I did. I will take my case to them and then again he wrote a series of articles in the local papers explain exactly what he had done through his Green Pamphlet. And within another period of three months everybody who was hating him, who actually wanted to kill him, murder him he was saved. He would have been killed that day itself. They all came back to understand and appreciate his stance. They said no. It is not against us. But he is just pointing out the discrimination that has happened against these people. This is the skill of an expert master communicator. Today we lack that ability. Today, good communicators are those who can inflame passion. Who can mix lies so beautifully with fact that you get confused when they are lying and when they are telling the truth. And it is mostly their lies which inflame our passions and cause so much trouble in our nation. In the recent times you will have seen how the media has been used and abused . And the media has allowed itself to be used and abused to spread misinformation in this country and create troubles. The recent events in Utter Pradhesh point towards that. If you study that, that is where the problems have occurred. That communication has been used to inflame more than to inform. The reason he became an editor and publisher was also because of that. Because when he launched his movement for civil disobedience he realized that when it was reported in other periodicals and papers, it was always what the reporters of that periodicals understood. Or what the editors and publishers of these periodicals wanted to publish in their periodicals. So he found it very difficult to actually send his message out to the masses, to make them understand. You must remember. Bapu gave emphasis as much on communicating with his followers as much as he laid emphasis on communicating with his opponents. ‘He believed that the people I am fighting against must understand, why I am fighting. They must not feel that I am their enemy.’ They must understand my point of view.
And if they understand my point of view, then they will sympathise with what I am doing. And then it will become easier for me to make them accept my point of view. So whenever he started communicating under the guise of talking with his followers he used to always focus on his opponents. If you look at his editorials and the way he reported in the Indian Opinion, there were two distinct streams that happen. One was his editorials, which talked about the current situation in South Africa amongst the Indian Community. The other was community news. He knew that if he wanted his community to read, when I say community, it does’nt meant the Gujarati community of South Africa. It meant all the people of Indian origin. That time Indian origin meant today’s Pakistan and Bengladesh also. So everybody who were from this area of Asia. He was addressing them. He also used the Indian opinion to communicate with the Chinese who are in South Africa to make them feel that this was not just a leader of the Gujaratis or the leader of the Indians who were representing them. He also wanted to show that if there was injustice done against them, he was also addressing that injustices. He assured them that he was there if there was injustice done to, against them he was also addressing that injustice. This is the charm of a communicator. Making it very plain, making it very essential to his readers understand that he was not speaking to a narrow mass of people. This was another skill that he had. He could appeal to everybody go beyond national identities, go beyond religious identities, go beyond ethnic identities and address everybody and make them feel that he was talking to them. After the Zulu rebellion Gandhiji started communicating with the leaders of the Zulu and the native Africans because he realized that they were suffering even greater than what the native Indians were made to suffer. And after the Zulu rebellion he also started making their voice heard along with their own leaders and so Indian opinion matured into the kind of opinion paper of the immigrant community in South Africa. The Language was not important. The language was ofcourse Gujrati and Tamil because those were the major languages to whom he was speaking but he was telling them about the issues of the other people. He was amÀ¨v 2018
making the Gujrati reader aware of the issues of the Chinese, of the Zulus of the Muslims and everyone. And so by that communication he was creating awareness amongst them that don’t think that you are isolated. If we all align with all these groups then we will be able to forge a better and stronger army or reply to our oppressor. He used it to embarrass the oppressor. When it came time to prove his loyalty to the crown, many people today, the so called, Desh Bhakths of today, they poke fun against him saying ‘look, he works with the British in the Boer war and the Zulu rebellion’. They do not realize that he was doing two things at that time. He was not only proving his loyalty to the Crown because he was asking for equality for all the subjects of the Crown. And he said that morally he had the duty to prove to the Crown that we are the loyal subjects also. And thus embarrassed them; that we proved our loyalty, now you prove that you are giving equal treatment to all your subjects. He forced them to do that. He was in the ambulance squad. He did not take up weapons to fight. The charm of it was he did his band of men were the only unarmed men who were actually right in the middle of the battle between the two armies. The Boers on one side and the British troops on the other side. The bullets were flying all over. And they were running around the battlefield treating the injured soldiers. Carrying injured 10
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soldiers who were critically injured. Sometimes for 22 miles on a stretcher on foot, no ambulances; the nearest hospital camps were 22-23 miles in the rear of the battle front. He and his men were carrying them. Everybody says what happened? How did they not get shocked. What happened was the armies of both sides understood that Gandhi and his men were not going to save only British soldiers. They were saving all the wounded; whether they were British or the Boer. They were saving all of them. They were treating all of them equally. He got into trouble with his British superiors because he used to carry Boer soldiers. Boers were the Dutch soldiers of South Africa. He used to carry those wounded to the British Hospital Camps. Initially, the British doctor refused that these are enemies. He told them ‘see, you are doctors; these are patients. Those are wounded, injured people who need your treatment. You decide whether you are only British doctors or Doctors.’ He forced them to save those people also. This word got around amongst both the armies fighting each other and they said ‘No, no we can’t kill them; because tomorrow if we are wounded they will came to our aid. In the middle of the battle too he used communication skills, not by speaking but through his actions. He sent out the message to the warring armies that we are
not part of your war. We are only over here to help those who need assistance. So many a times, its merely not that words communicate but it is also actions that help us to communicate even more strongly and it is more difficult. This is the hall mark of a master communicator. This is what he has learned. This is how he has inspired us. His other master piece also happened when he was in South Africa. His Gita, his Bible or his Quran was written while he was in South Africa in 1909, he wrote his preaching’s called Hind Swaraj. Hind Swaraj is the book that explain Gandhism even today. Some of the things written in the book is difficult even today for Doctors and lawyers even today. Think about the situation how we have created disparities in our society. How those who have everything too much of everything. And those who have nothing have absolutely nothing. All though both of them are citizens of our India. Even the basic requirements this nation does not provide equitably Jo bhuke marthe hei, wo bhuke hi marthe hei jiske pass hei uske pass beshuman hei. I hope you can understand sharook khan’s Style - so little bit of Hindi you can understand. So this is the disparity he addresses in Hind Swaraj. It was written a hundred years ago. It is the only thing, 40 years later on the anniversary of it. Somebody came to him and asked would you like to edit it - rewrite it. He replaced “I don’t want to change even a coma or full stop from what I have written.” It is very important to understand a man who have also said that ‘if I express two opposing opinions on a subject please consider what I am saying on a later date is what I believe it because experiences have shown me that before I was wrong and now experiences have taught me that I must change my opinion’. It needs a lot of courage to admit that experience have taught me that I was wrong before experiencing life. A man who believed in that fact that may be after some time my opinion will change, experiences can change ones opinion has replied in this manner. But somebody who believed in that for him to say or who refused to change a coma or a full stop in the manuscript of Hind Swaraj is something that you must realize is how much he believed in what he did. He wrote it while he was to travelling from England
to South Africa by ship. For 21days it was as if he was pouring out of him. It was like Vedavyasa and Ganapathy rendering the Mahabharat. I have seen the original manuscript. Half the book he has written with his right hand and when his right hand got tired he used to write with his left hand. I have seen the hand written manuscript. For somebody who is so passionate about writing it seems that the words were flowing out of his heart. Please do read it. You can understand that man’s capabilities as an Orator, as a Communicator. Throughout his life he realized the power of communication and he used print, newspapers and he also used the technology. When he used to travel by train, his secretary first Mahajan Desai and then Thyagaraja Aiyer, every time when the train reaches the station he will jump off the train and go to the telegraph office because at that time telegraphic offices were built along with the Railway Station and would sent out letters and telegraphs that Bapu had written between the station while travelling. He had intellect as we had it. He would have made most use of that culture. A few years back, there was an award winning advertisement of the Italian Telecom. If you go and search in the YouTube you will see this ad. The ad. starts, it goes pan through different world famous land marks from all over the world, the Red square, The Ifel Tower, The Washington memorial, Mount Fuji, Taj Mahal all these places go into this. It shows that the people in those place hearing a message from heaven - a voice speaking from heaven and it continues like that and as the camera slowly zooms into the voice is getting louder then you end up and then you realize that it is Bapu’s voice. They don’t show Bapu’s image. May be they might have to pay royalty for that and the ad. ends saying that if he had access to our technology, the world would have been a different place. I suggest that you must take a look at this. It is a masterful communication speech. The ad film for the Italian telecom won a lot of awards in Europe. This is how communication must be. You look at or read his autobiography.
¤ Speech compiled by K. Hemalatha (Lecturer, Institute of communication) amÀ¨v 2018
""am[y-a-§fpw tImS-Xn-Ifpw FXn-cn-tS≠h-cÃ'' {]n
b¦ccmb kplr¯p¡sf, A¡mZan sk{I«dn sI. Pn. kt´mjnsâ {]kwK¯nepw CXv Ignªv {io BÀ.-F-kv. _m_p kwkmcn¨t¸mgpw Fs¶ £Wn¨Xnsâ kmwKXyhpw F¶n \n¶v F´mWv {]Xo£n¡p¶ sX¶pw kqNn¸n¡pIbp≠mbn. sk_mÌy³ t]mÄ Fsâ kplr¯mWv. t{]a¯n\v I®nà F¶v ]dbp¶Xv t]mse kulrZ¯n\pw I®nà F¶v Xncn¨dnªXv sIm≠mWv Rm\o ]pkvXI {]Im i\ NS§v GsäSp¯Xv. ImcWw sk_mÌy³ t]mÄ Rm\pÄs¸Sp¶ IpSpw_¯n \n¶pw Ht«sd AI¨ A\p`hn¡p¶ BfmWv. B IpSpw_s¯ Xpd¶v hnaÀin¨Xnsâ t]cnemWv B AI¨ At±lw A\p`hn¡p¶Xv F¶v FÃmhÀ¡pw Adnbmw. tImSXnIÄ \nÀhln¡p¶ D¯chmZn¯w AUvan\nkvt{Sj³ At¡mÀUnwKv Sptem, \nbaw F´p ]dbp¶p F¶pÅXmWv tImSXn ]d-bp-¶Xv. B D¯chmZn¯w tImSXn \nÀhln¡p¶pt≠m F¶XmWv Imcyw. kaqlw AXns\ F§ns\ ImWp¶p Ft¶m, kaqlw F´v {]Xo£n¡p¶p F¶tXm {]k-à-a-Ã. `cWLS\bn ]d-bp-¶Xnsâ D¯chmZn¯w \nÀhln¡m³ P\{]Xn\n[n Isf G¸n¨n«p≠v. AhÀ AXv ]mÀesa³dn \nÀhln¡pw. ]s£ `cWLS\ F´v C¡mcy§ sf¡pdn¨v ]dbp¶p Asæn `cWLS\bnepw \nba§fnepw Cu ImWp¶ hyhØIsf Ipdn¨v F´v ]dbp¶p F¶pÅ D¯chmZn¯amWv tImS XnIÄ \nÀhln¡p¶Xv. \½psS F³sPFkn, PUvPnamcpsS \nba\ hpambn _Ôs¸« tIkn\I¯v hyàambn kqNn ¸n¨n«p≠vhm«v Zn tIm¬Ìnäyqj³ Cukv, Cäokv t^mÀ Zn tImÀ«v Sp sk. _«v hm«v Zn tIm¬Ìnäyq j³ Bkv]ntcj³ jpUv _n, Cäokv t^mÀ Zn ]o¸nÄ Sp sk, HmÀ ]o¸nÄkv sd{]kt³däohvkv HmÀ Zn ]mÀesa³dv Sp sk. `cWLS\ F´mbncn ¡Ww F¶pÅXv P\§fpsS Hcp {]Xo£bmWv.
amˬv 2018
AXns\¡pdn¨mWv t]mfnknIÄ D≠mth≠Xv, NÀ¨IÄ D≠mth≠Xv, \nba§Ä D≠mt¡≠Xv. ]s£ `cWLS\ F´mWv F¶v BXy´nIambn \nÀhNn¨v, hymJm\n¨v {]Xn]mZn¡p¶Xv tImSXn bpsS D¯chmZn¯amWv. AXmWv tImSXn \nÀh ln¡p¶Xv. AXmWv tImSXnbpsS shfn¨w F¶p ]dbp¶Xv. AXv Hcp km¶n²yt¯sbm Akm¶n ²yt¯sbm Dt±in¨Ã Asæn AXnsâ ASn Øm\¯n Aà F¶v Rm³ hyàambn ]dbm³ B{Kln¡pIbmWv. am[ya§fpw tImSXnIfpw X½n FXncn«v aÂkcn¨v Bcv sNdpXv, Bcv hepXv F¶v aÂk cn¨v tXm¸nt¡≠{]Øm\§fÃ. c≠v t]cpw P\m[n]Xy¯nsâ Imh¡mcmWv. P\m[n]Xy¯nsâ Imh \mbv¡Ä ]ckv ]cw ISn¨v IodtWm AtXm c≠p t]cpw AhcpsS D¯chmZn¯w kwc£n¨p sIm≠v P\m[n]Xys¯ kwc£n¡tWm, F¶pÅXv c≠vIq«cptSbpw Bß ]cntim[\¡v hntS≠hnjbamWv. F´p sIm≠v C{]Imcw Hcp hnjbw D≠mbn F¶p t]mepw Rm³ hfsc thZ\tbmsS HmÀ¯n«p≠v. tIcf sslt¡mSXnbn aoUnbm skan\mÀ kwLSn¸n¨ Hcp \ymbm[n]\mWv Rm³, sslt¡mSXnbpsS AIs¯ lmfnembncp¶p Cu skan\mÀ \S¶Xv. A{Xtbsd kulrZw am[ya§fpambn
A-XntcXv ]-XntcXv PÌokv Ipcy³ tPmk^v ]peÀ¯nbncp¶ tImSXn F´psIm≠v, Asæn tImSXnIfpw A`n`mjIcpw am[ya§fn \n¶pw AI¶p Asà ¦n am[ya§Ä F´p sIm≠v Ch cn \n¶v AI¶p F¶v Rm³ tNmZn ¨n«p≠v. c≠vIq«tcmSpw tNmZn¨n«p≠v. Hcp L«¯n Rm³ Cu XÀ¡ ¯n CSs]«v c≠p Iq«tcmSpw shSn \nÀ¯m³ ]dªp. ]s£ BßmÀY ambn Rm³ ]dbs«, PpUojydn shSn \nÀ¯n, ]s£ am[ya§Ä shSn \nÀ ¯nbnÃ. AhÀ ]ns¶bpw shSn XpSÀ¶p. AsXmcp kXyamWv, Rm³ Btcbpw Ipäs¸Sp¯m³ th≠n ]dbp ¶XÃ. XÀ¡§Ä Hcp ]s£ ]cnl cn¡s¸SmsX t]mbXv, C¯c¯n shSn\nÀ¯Â Hcp `mK¯v \n¶v D≠m ImsX t]mbXp sIm≠mWv. C¶v GsX¦nepw tImSXnbn am[ya{]h À¯I\v kzX{´ambn t]mIm³ ]äm ¯Xpt≠m, Rm³ t\cn«v CSs]Smw. tIcf¯n GsX¦nepw tImSXn bn GsX¦nepw am[ya{]hÀ¯I\v t]mImt\m hmÀ¯IÄ dnt¸mÀ«v sN¿mt\m hmÀ¯IÄ {ihn¡mt\m tImSXn \S]SnIÄ ImWmt\m FhnsS b¦nepw XSÊapt≠m? GsX¦nepw A`n`mjIt\m GsX¦nepw tImSXn tbm Chsc XSÊs¸Sp¯p¶pt≠m? Rms\mcp PpUojy sskUnepÅ Xà ]dbp¶Xv. AUvan\nkvt{Säohv sskUnepÅXmWv ]dbp¶Xv. \½psS am[yakplr¯p¡Ä¡v tImSXnbn IS¶psNÃm³ XSÊap≠vF¶v Rm³ IcpXp¶nÃ. ImcWw FhnsSsb¦nepw XSÊaps≠¦n Rm³ ]dªn«p≠v Rm³ CSs]Smsa¶v. F\n¡m Imcy
tUm. sk_m-Ìy³ t]mfnsâ am[y-a-kzm-X{´yw: AXncpw ]Xncpw F¶ ]pkvXIw {]Im-i\w sNbvXv PÌnkv Ipcy³ tPmk^v \S-¯nb {]kw-K-¯nsâ ]qÀ®cq]w.
-[y-a kzm-X-{´y-¯n-sâ A-Xn-cv F-hn-sS-bm-Wv... k-aIm-en-I {]-k-Iv-Xn-bp-Å Cu tNm-Zy-¯n-\v D-¯-c-am-Wv {]-ikv-X am[y-a {]-hÀ-¯-I\pw \n-b-a-hn-Z-Kv-[-\pw am[y-a \n-cq-]-I-\pam-b tUm. sk-_m-Ìy³ t]mÄ c-Nn-¨ "am-[y-a kzm-X-´yw A-Xn-cpw ]-Xn-c-pw' F-¶ {K-\vYw. tI-c-f aoUn-b A-¡mZ-an {]-kn-Zv-[o-I-cn-¨ Cu {K-\v-Y-¯n-sâ {]-Im-i-\w \yq-UÂ-ln tI-c-f lukn kw-L-Sn-¸n-¨ {]u-VKw-`o-c-am-b N-S§n kp-{]ow-tImS-Xn P-Uv-Pn P-Ìokv Ip-cy³ tPmk-^v \nÀ-h-ln¨p. \yq-UÂ-ln-bn-se {]-ap-J am[y-a {]-hÀ-¯-I-cpsSbpw {]-ap-J-cp-sSbpw k-m-¶n[yw sIm≠-p [-\yam-b N-S-§v k-a-Imen-I km-l-N-cy-§fn F-´p-sIm≠pw {i-Zv-t[-b-ambn. ap³ hn-Zym-`ym-kþkmw-kv-Imcn-I h-Ip-¸v a{´n Fw. F. t_-_n ]p-kvX-Iw G-äp-hm§n. aoUn-b A-¡mZ-an sN-bÀam³ BÀ. F-kv. _m-_p tbm-K¯n A-[y-£-\m-bn-cp¶p.
am-[ya-§-fpw Pp-Uo-jy-dnbpw H-s¯m-cp-an-¨p {]-hÀ-¯n¨n-sæn P-\m-[n-]Xyw A-]-I-S-¯n-em-Ip-sa-¶v P-Ìo-kv Ip-cy³ tPmk-^v ]-d-ªp. k-aq-lw {]-X-o-£n¡p-¶ \n-b-a-]camb D-¯-c-hm-ZnXzw \n-d-th-äm³ tIm-S-Xnbpw am-[y-a-§fpw X-bm-dm-I-W-sa-¶p am-{XaÃ, A-Xn-\p _m-[y-Xs¸-«-h-cp-am-Wv. `-c-WL-S-\ F-´m-bn-cn-¡-W-sa-¶p \nÀ-h-Nn-¨v hym-Jym\n-¡p-¶-Xp Pp-Uo-jy-dn-bmWv. km-¶n-[ytam A-km-¶n-[y-tam C-hn-sS ]-cn-K-Wm-\À-l-aÃ. tImS-Xn \-S-]-Sn-IÄ kz-X-{´-ambn \n-co-£n-¡p-¶-Xn\pw dn-t¸mÀ-«v sN-¿p-¶-Xn\pw hn-e-¡nÃ. tIm-S-Xn ap-dn-Ifn \ym-bm-[n-]³amÀ \-S¯p-¶ NÀ¨-IÄ A-dnbm³ s]m-Xp-P-\-§Ä-¡v A-h-Im-i-ap≠v. ssl-t¡m-S-Xnbn-se ao-Un-b aq-dn-bp-sS Im-cy¯n C-cp-Iq-«cpw ku-lmÀ-Z]-c-am-b \n-e-]m-Sp kzo-I-cn-¡-W-sa-¶v A-t±-lw \nÀ-tZ-in-¨p. ]-Xn-cv A-Xn-cm-Ip-t¼m-gm-Wv A-]-I-S-ap-≠m-Ip-¶Xv. kz-bw Ip-gn tXm≠p-¶ Øn-Xn-bn-te-¡p t]mIm³ ]m-SnÃ. k-Xyw X-a-kv-I-cn-¡-s¸-Sp-¶nS-¯p \n-¶v C-cp-Iq-«cpw H-fn-t¨m Sm³ ]m-Sn-söpw A-t±-lw ]-dªp. am[y-a ]T-\-¯n-sâ a-säm-cp ssI-¸p-kvX-Iw Iq-Sn tUm. sk-_m-Ìy³ t]mÄ c-Nn¨n-cn-¡p-I-bmWv. am-[y-a-§-fp-sS D-¯-c-hm-ZnXzw F-´m-sW-¶v AXn hn-h-cn-¡p-¶p. amÀ¨v 2018
¯n Hcp kwibhpanÃ.
s{]m-^. sI. hn. tXma-kv Fw-]n
Fw. F. t_-_n
P-\m-[n-]Xy, am-[y-a, \o-Xn-\ym-b km-£-c-Xbm-Wv k-aql¯n D-≠ m-tI≠--sX-¶v Fw. F. t_-_n A-`n-{]m-b-s¸-«p. H-cp Iq-«À am{Xw B-Xv-a-]-cn-tim-[-\ \-S-¯nbm t]m-c. am[y-a kzm-X-{´y-¯n\pta Zp-cp-]-tbm-Kw \-S-¡p-¶ km-l-Ncy¯n ]-Xn-cn-s\ Xn-cn-¨-dn-ªv A-Xn-cn-s\ I-s≠-¯-Ww. C-´ybn \m-ep-e-£¯n-te-sd hn-Nm-c-W-¯-S-hp-ImÀ P-bn-ep-I-fn-ep-≠v. CXn aq¶n c-≠phn-`m-Kw km-¼-¯n-Iam-bn ]n-¶m-¡w \n-ev-¡p-¶-h-cmWv. bu-h-\-Im-ew apgp-h³ P-bnen In-St¡≠-Zp-c-h-kv-Y-bm-Wp-ÅXv. C-Xp-t]m-sebp-Å Im-cy-§Ä NÀ-¨bn sIm≠-p-hcm³ I-gn-b-Ww. am-[ya-§-fpw \o-Xn-\ym-b cw-Khpw kp-i-Iv-Xhpw A-gna-Xn hn-cp-Zv-[hp-am-Im³ C-cp-Iq-«cpw b-Xv-\n-¡-W-sa-¶v Fw. F. t_-_n ]-d-ªp.
tImSXnIfn kzX{´ambn am[ya{]hÀ¯IÀ¡v t]mIm³ IgnbWw. AhÀ¡v \S]SnIÄ \S¡p¶Xv ImWm³ IgnbWw. {ihn¡m\pw IgnbWw, kXykÔambn kXyt¯mSv \oXn ]peÀ¯ns¡m≠v dnt¸mÀ«pIÄ \ÂIm³ IgnbWw. tImSXn bpsS D¯chpIÄ am{XaÃ, tImSXnbn \S¡p¶ NÀ¨Ifpw P\§Ä¡v Adn bm\pÅ AhImiap≠v. A¡mcy¯n F\n¡v kwibw H¶panÃ. D¯chpIÄ D≠mIp¶Xv tImSXnbn \S¡p¶ NÀ¨IfneqsSbmWv A`n`mjIÀ {]Xn \n[oIcn¡p¶Xv. AhcpsS I£nIsf bmWv. Ahcpw PUvPnamcpw X½nepÅ kw`mjWw, kwhmZw AXv P\§Ä¡v Adnbm\pÅ AhImiap≠v. Hcp ]s£ C¶v am[ya§Ä Cu NÀ¨IÄ¡v henb {]m[m\yw sImSp ¡p¶p≠vF¶Xv kXyamWv. ]s£ Rm³ kqNn¸n¨v h¶Xv, am[ya§Ä¡v GsX¦nepw tImSXnbn kzX{´ambn tPmen sN¿p¶Xn\v Hcp XSÊhpw Ct¸mÄ \ne\n¡p¶nÃ. ]s£ Hcp XÀ¡w AhnsS Ahtijn¡p¶p≠v.
am-[y-a-§fpw Pp-Uo-jy-dnbpw ]-c-kv]-cw Aw-Ko-Icn ¡m³ X-bm-dm-I-W-sa-¶p s{]m-^. sI. hn. tXma-kv Fw-]n ]-d-ªp. t{_-¡nw-Kv F-¶ hm-in-tbm-sS hmÀ¯-IÄ sIm-Sp¡p-t¼mÄ A-Xn-se A-]I-Sw Xn-cn-¨-dnbm³ I-gn-bm-sX t]m-Ip-¶-Xm-bn A-t±-lw ]-d-ªp. ]-Xn-cn-\v B-h-iyw Iq-Sn-h-cp-t¼m-gm-Wv A-Xv B-Xv-akwLÀ-j§Ä-¡p h-gn-sX-fn-¡p-¶-sX-¶v Hmw-tN-cn F³. F³. ]n-Å A-`n-{]m-bs¸-«p. ]-ckv-]-c k-l-I-c-W-am-Wp C-cp-Iq«À¡pw C-Sbn th≠--sX-¶v A-_vZpÄ h-lm-_v Fw-]n-bpw ]-d-ªp. tbm-K¯n UÂ-ln-bn-se ap-XnÀ-¶ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯Icm-b Un. hn-P-b-taml³, tPmÀ-Pv I-Ån-h-b-enÂ, Fw. sI. A-Pn-Xv-IpamÀ F¶n-hÀ ]s¦-Sp-¯p. k-ao-]-Ime-¯v G-h-scbpw th-Z-\n-¸n¡p-¶ kw-`-h-§ -fp-sS A-e-sbm-en-IÄ C-t¸mgpw \n-e-\n-ev-¡p-¶-Xm-bn {K-\v-YIÀ-¯mhm-b tUm. sk-_m-Ìy³ t]mÄ ]-d-ªp. \-jv-S s¸-« k-l-I-c-Whpw ku-lr-Z-hpw Xn-cn-¨p-sIm≠-p-hcm³ I-gn-bWw. sX-än-sâ ho-Xw h-bv-¡Â ]m-Sn-sÃ-¶v A-t±-lw ]-dªp. aoUn-b A-¡mZ-an sk-{I«-dn sI. Pn. k-t´m-jv kzm-K-Xhpw sI. bp. U-_vfyp-sP UÂ-ln bq-Wn-äv sk-{I«-dn ]n. sI. a-Wn-I-WvT³ \-µnbpw ]-d-ªp. 14
amˬv 2018
am[ya{]hÀ¯IÀ¡v Rms\ms¡ D≠mbncp¶ kab¯v A\phZn¨ncp¶ aoUnbm dqw Ct¸mÄ AhnsS Cà F¶Xv kXyamWv. AXn\v Ccp Iq«cpw Ipd¨v IqSn kulrZw hfÀ¯t≠ F¶mWv Fsâ tNmZyw. CXv hfÀ ¯m³ th≠n Rm³ ]ckyambn am[y a{]hÀ¯ItcmSv tNmZn¨ncp¶p. tImS XnbpsS Pq_nen \S¶ kab¯v, tImS XnbpsS sI«nS¯nsâ DZvLmS\w \S¶ kab¯v. Rm³ am[ya{]hÀ¯ItcmSv tNmZn¡pIbmWv. kXykÔambn \n§Ä AXnt\mSv klIcnt¨m,
FhnsS kXys¯ hfs¨mSn¡p¶pthm FhnsS AXncv ]Xncmbn ImWp¶pthm AhnsS ANbw kw`hn¡p¶Xv P\m[n]Xy¯n\mWv. hyàn]c ambn Hcp am[ya¯n\p≠mIp¶ t\«tam Asà ¦n Hcp ]pIgvNtbm, Xm¡menIamWv. BXy´n Iambn«v P\m[n]Xyw kwc£nt¡≠ Imh \mbv¡Ä F¶ \ne¡v kzbw IpgntXm≠mXncn ¡m³ am[ya{]hÀ¯IÀ {i²n¡Ww F¶ At]£ IqSn F\n¡p≠v. kXyw FhnsS hfs¨m Sn¡s¸Sp¶pthm kXyw FhnsS Xakv¡cn¡s¸Sp ¶pthm AhnsS am[ya{]hÀ¯\w D¯chmZn¯ ¯n \n¶pÅ Hfnt¨m«amWv \S¯p¶X.v klIcn¨nÃ. AXn\v ]Icw tImSXnsb sNdpXm¡n, tImSXnsb sNdpXm¡nbn«v am[ya{]hÀ¯IÀ hepXmbn F¶v \n§Ä IcpXp¶pt≠m? Hcn¡epanÃ. \n§sf sNdp Xm¡nbn«v tImSXn hepXmbn F¶v [cn¡p¶pt≠m? AXv _m_p kqNn¸n¨Xv t]mse Bcv hepXv Bcv sNdpXv F¶v C\nbpw Xq¡n t\m¡n \S¶m A] ISw P\m[n]Xy¯n\mbncn¡pw. AXv sIm≠v Cu XÀ¡w F{Xbpw thKw Ahkm\n¸n¡Ww. am\y amb kulrZw \ne\n¡Ww. sk_mÌy³ t]mfnsâ ]pkvXI¯nsâ t]cv Xs¶. am[yakzmX´yw AXncpw ]Xncpw F¶mWv. thZ\tbmsS Rm³ ]d-bs« Cu ]Xncv AXncmhp t¼mgmWv A]ISw D≠mhp¶Xv. AXncv AXnÀ ¯nbmbn I≠m Ipg¸w D≠mIpIbnÃ. Hcp teJ \¯nÂAt±lw kqNn¸n¡p¶p≠v, FhnsSbÃmw AXncv ]Xncmbnt¸msb¶v. AXv sIm≠v teJ\ ¯nsâ Hcp k_vssSänen At±lw ]dbp¶p≠v kzbw Ipgn tXm≠p¶hÀ F¶v. kzbw Ipgn tXm≠p¶ ssienbnte¡v am[ya{]hÀ¯IÀ A[: ]Xn¡m³ ]mSnÃ. A[:]Xn¨m Hcp ]s£ AXv P\m[n]Xy¯n\pÅ A]ISamWv. \n§Ä¡v kz´ ambn t\cnSp¶ A]ISt¯¡mÄ IqSpXembn«v, am[ya§Ä FhnsS kXys¯ Xakv¡cn¡p¶pthm,
AXv sIm≠v{]nbs¸« kplr¯p¡tfmSv am[ya{]hÀ¯ItcmSv F\n¡v ]dbm\pÅXv, Cu ]pkvXI¯n ]dªn«pÅ Nne t\ÀImgvNIÄ ImWm\mbn {]nbs¸« am[ya{]hÀ¯Icpw t\À ¡mgvNIsf Xncn¨dnbm\mbn«v s]mXp kaqlhpw X¿mdmIWw. A§ns\ X¿mdmbn IgnªmÂ
Hcp Gäpap«Â D≠mhnà F¶p am{XaÃ, \s½ c≠p t]scbpw c≠p Iq«tcbpw G¸n¨ncn¡p¶ B henb kwc£W¨paXe, P\m[n]Xy¯nsâ Imh \mbv¡sf¶ NpaXe F¶pw \nÀhln¡ s¸SWw, AXn\v th≠n \nesImÅWw. AXsà ¦n \½Ä kn\nam Km\¯n ]mSnbXp t]mse kXy¯n\v F¶pw ici¿ am{Xambncn¡pw. kXy ¯n\v ici¿ sImSp¡p¶hcm-bn--«Ã kXy¯n\v ]pjv]IncoSw \nÀan¡p¶hcm-bn«v am[ya{]hÀ¯ IÀ amds« F¶miwkn¨psIm≠vAXn\v Cu ]pkv XIw D]Icn¡s« F¶pÅ henb Hcp {]mÀY\ tbmsS \n§fpsSsbÃmw A\phmZt¯mSv IqSn Fsâ kplr¯v sk_m-Ìy³ t]mfnsâ AXncpw ]Xncpw ]pkvXIw {]Imi\w sN¿p¶p. Pbvlnµv.
¤ amÀ¨v 2018
C´y³ P\m[n]Xyhpw am[y-a-§fpw 16
amˬv 2018
C´y I≠ Gähpw henb Iem]§fnsem¶nsâ ZrIvkm£nbpw B Iem-]-¯nsâ t\Àkm£yw "KpP-dm¯v þ _nssl³Uv Zn IÀ«³' F¶ {KÙ-¯n-eqsS shfn-s¸-Sp-¯p-Ibpw sNbvX ap³ KpP-dm¯v Un.-Pn.-]n. BÀ. _n. {ioIp-amÀ tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bn F¯n-b-t¸mÄ.
´y³ P\m[n]Xyw iIvXamb ASn ¯dbneq¶n krjvSn¡s¸«XmWv. P\m[n]Xy kwc£W¯n\v cmPy¯nsâ aX\nct]£X Im¯pkq£n¡Ww. AXn\v iàamb cmjv{Sob \ne]mSpIÄ DbÀ¶p hcWw. hÀKob iànIÄ DbÀ¯p¶ `oj Wns¡Xnsc aX\nct]£ I£nIfpsS Iq«mbvabp≠mbm am{Xta C´y³ P\m[n ]Xyw kpKaambn apt¶m«psIm≠ pt]mIm³ IgnbpIbpÅq. \nÀ`mKyhim cmPys¯ aX\nct]£X kwc£n¡phm³ Ignbp¶ coXnbnepÅ cmjv{Sob \ne]mSpIÄ DbÀ¶phcp¶nÃ.
KpPdm¯n Hcp hn`mKw DbÀ¯p¶ C¯cw hÀKob cmjv{Sob¯ns\Xnsc {]Xn
BÀ._n. {ioIpamÀ
Icnt¡≠hÀ AXn\p {ian¡msX PmXo bX ]dbp¶ \ne]mSmWv kzoIcn¡p¶Xv. cmPys¯ lnµp¡fpw apÉow§fpw kz´w aXhnizmk¯n Dd¨p\n¡p¶tXmsSm¸w kÀÆ [À½ `mht¯msS Nn´n¡pI IqSn sN¿Ww. hnizmknIfmWv Bib§Ä D≠m ¡p¶Xv. Hcp aXhnizmkn aäp aX¯nte¡v t\m¡n Icy§Ä hnebncp¯p¶Xn sXänÃ. thfm¦®nbnemsW¦nepw APvaoÀ ZÀKbnemsW¦nepw F¯p¶hcn \sÃmcp iXam\hpw A\yaXØcmWv. aXwamäw F¶Xv {]iv\amIp¶Xv ]et¸mgpw ]mhs¸« hcpsS Imcy¯nemWv. k¼¶À¡nSbn CsXmcp {]iv\amIp¶nÃ. apÉowþsslµh GIoIcWw AYhm
klIcWw C¶nÃmXmhpIbmWv. ]ckv]cw Ipäs¸Sp¯ensâbpw Imepjy¯nsâbpw Ime amWv IS¶pt]mIp¶Xv. aäpÅhsâ `qanbnse Cu´¸gw \n§fpsS `qanbn hoWm B Cu´¸gw Xncn¨p sImSp¡Wsa¶mWv JpÀ B³ ]dbp¶Xv. aäp aX{K\vY§fpw a\pjys\ ka`mh \tbmsS ImWWsa¶v Xs¶bmWv ]dbp¶Xv. F¶m CXc aXØsc i{Xp¡fmbn ImWp¶ \ne]mSmWv C¶v ]ebnS¯pw {]ISamIp¶Xv. _n.sP.]nbpsS aXm[njvTnX cmjv{Sobs¯ sNdp¡m³ tIm¬{Kkn\p Ignbp¶nsöXp am{X aÃ; Ahcpw A{X Xs¶tbm AXnt\¡mÄ tamiamtbm aX{]oW\amWv \S¯p¶Xv. almXvam¡Ä Hmtcm {]Øm\§Ä XpS§p t¼mgpw AXn\v al¯mb Dt±i§Ä D≠mIpw.
cmPmdmw taml³ tdmbv
cho{µ\mY SmtKmÀ
tbip{InkvXphpw almXvamKmÔnbpw \à Dt±i §tfmsSbmWv {]Øm\§Ä XpS§nbXv. ]s£ Ime{Ia¯n XpSÀXeapdIÄ B Bib§fn shÅw tNÀ¯p. AhcpsS kzmÀXvY XmÂ]cy§ Ä¡p th≠n Bib§Ä hfs¨mSn¡p¶p. KmÔn b³ Bib§Ä At±l¯nsâ C¶s¯ Xeapd ¡mÀ þ Asæn A\pbmbnIÄ F§s\bmWv D]tbmKn¡p¶sX¶v \ap¡dnbmatÃm. tbip{Inkv Xphnsâ ss\À½eyw ]n¶oSv h¶ injyKW§fn ImWm³ IgnªnÃ, ss__nÄ hmbn¡cpsX¶v t]mepw ]dª t]m¸v ]n¶oSp≠mbXmbn Adnbmw. Law of Diminishing Values F¶ \nbaw FÃm kwlnXIfnepw ImWmw. FÃm Ime¯pw CXv D≠m bncp¶p. thZIme¯nsâ BZy ImeL«§fn al¯mb Imcy§fmWv \S¶Xv.
""H¶n¨v IqSnbncn¡q, H¶n¨v kwhZn¡q, H¶n¨v k©cn¡q, H¶n¨v Nn´n¨v Imcy§Ä \S¸nem¡q, H¶n¨v ^ew sIm¿q'' F¶ÀXvYw hcp¶ Nn´ thZ
Ime¯nsâ BZy]mZ¯nep≠mbXmWv. CXns\m¸w \n¡m³ temI¯nse Hcp Nn´mKXnt¡m aX ¯nt\m C¶pw Ignªn«nÃ. 1500 Fgp XnbXmWnXv. F¶m 800 _n.kntbmsS thZ Ime ¯nsâ XIÀ¨ ImWmw. A§s\ Hmtcm {]Øm \¯n\pw A]Nbap≠mIp¶p≠v. Ime¯nsâ Ips¯mgp¡n Cu A]Nbw {]ISamIpw. Hmtcm aqeyNypXns¡mSphnepw \thmXvYm\ap ≠mIpw. a\ÊmWv {][m\w. temIw apgph³ t\Sn bmepw BXvamhv \jvSs¸«m Hcphsâ KXnsb´m hpsa¶v tbip{InkvXp tNmZn¨Xv HmÀ¡Ww. Hmtcm ImeL«¯nepw C¯cw \thmXvYm\§fp≠mbXv \½Ä I≠n«p≠v. C´ybn \ne\n¶ AcmPIXzw apXseSp ¯mWv ChnsS I¨hS¯n\p h¶ t]mÀ¨pKokp Imcpw aäp hntZin Ifpw \½psS \mSn sâ A[nImcw X«n sbSp¯v `cn¨Xv.
`IvXn {]Øm \¯nsâ A]N b¯ns\Xncmb bqtdm]y³ ImgvN ¸mSp IqSn kzmwio Icn¨mWv cmPmdmw taml³ tdmbn tamtU¬ C´y³ dn\b³kn\v XpS ¡an«Xv. ip{I \£{Xambncp¶p
cmPmdmw taml³ tdmbnsb¦n DZb kqcy\mbn cp¶p cho{µ\mY SmtKmÀ. AkvXab kqcy\mbn CµncmKmÔn amdn. ASnb´ncmhØtbmsS Cu XIÀ¨ ]qÀ®ambn.
C´y³ `cWLS\ C´y³ `cWLS\ temI¯nse {][m\s¸« 11 aX§fpsS B[ymXvanIþ ss\XnI aqey§fpsS A´:kmcw DÄsIm≠XmWv. CXn\v ]pdta bqtdm ]y³ \thmXvYm\þt_mt[mZb aqey§Ä DÄsIm Ån¨mWv tUm. Awt_ZvIÀ `cWLS\ X¿mdm¡n bn«pÅXv. cmjv{S[À½s¯ Ipdn¨v tkm{I«okv ]dbp ¶Xv {][m\ Nne XXz§fmWv. \½Ä Fs´¦nepw ]dbpt¼mÄ AXv km[mcW¡mÀ¡v a\ÊnemIWw. s]mXp{]hÀ¯Is\¶ \nebn Hcp Imcyw sN¿p t¼mÄ hm¡pIfp]tbmKn¡pt¼mÄ {i² thWw. `cWLS\bpsS aqey§Ä kzmwioIcn¨v amÀ¨v 2018
am{Xta auenI NpaXeIÄ \S¸m¡m\mhq. aqey NypXn D≠mhpt¼mÄ \thmXvYm\w t\Sm³ `cW LS\bpsS aqey§Ä A\pkcn¨v thWw C´ybn s]mXp{]hÀ¯\w \St¯≠Xv. AXns\Xncmb {]hÀ¯\§Ä \S¡pIbmsW¦n AXv sXämWv. \à Nn´IÄ FhnsS \n¶pw hcmw. \mSmIs«, ImSmIs«, aebmIs«, IpgnbmIs«, Øe¯n\v {]m[m\yw CÃ. AhnsS Xmakn¡p¶hcpsS \·bpw {]hÀ¯nbpw AhcpsS [mÀ½nINn´bp amWv Hcp Øes¯ \ÃXpw No¯bpam¡p¶Xv. lnµphnsâ FXncmfn lnµpXs¶bmWv. hÀj §fpsS ]mc¼cyapÅ sslµh [À½§sf kz´ am¡n h¨v hfs¨mSn¡pIbmWv C¶v XXv]cI£n IÄ sN¿p¶Xv. CÉmansâ Gähpw henb i{Xp lnµp¡fà adn¨v apÉo§Ä Xs¶bmWv. Gähpa [nIw apÉow ktlmZc§Ä Cu temI¯v sImà s¸Sp¶Xv sslµhcpsS ssIsIm≠Ã. apÉo§ fpsS ssIsIm≠mWv ejvIsd tXmbv_, sF.Fkv. Fkv. XpS§n aX `oIc kwLS\IÄ Xs¶bmWv AhcpsS apJy i{Xp. \yq\]£ hÀKobXbpw `qcn]£ hÀKob Xbpw Hcpt]mse \mSn\v B]¯mWv. H¶v H¶ns\ ]cnt]mjn¸n¡pIbmWv sN¿p¶Xv. C´ybnse \yq\]£ hÀKobX BÀs¡¦nepw KpWw sN¿p ¶ps≠¦n AXv \tc{µ tamZn¡mWv. \yq\]£ hÀKobXsb sNdp¡ms\¶ t]cn `qcn]£ hÀKob hnImcw BfnI¯n¡m\pw AXp hgn cmjv{Sob t\«w ssIhcn¡m\pamWv cmjv{Sob I£nIÄ {ian¡p¶Xv.
Kp-P-dm¯v Iem-]Im-ehpw Kp-P-dm¯v _nssl³Uv Z IÀ«\pw KpPdm¯v kw`h§fpsS hniZamb hnhc§ fmWv "KpPdm¯v _nssl³Uv Z IÀ«³' F¶ ]pkv XI¯nsâ Hmtcm A[ymb¯nepapÅXv. ]pkvXIw ]qÀ¯nbm¡nsb¦nepw Bcpw AXv {]kn²oIcn ¡m³ X¿mdmbnÃ. I¼\nIÄ¡v A¶v Xs¶ tXm¶nbncn¡mw {][m-\-a-{´n-bmbn \tc{µ tamZn A[nImc¯nse¯psa¶v. aÄ«n \mjWepIÄ Ft¸mgpw Nn´n¡p¶Xv A[nImc¯nsâ hgn¡mWv. ]pkvXIw {]kn²oIcn¡p¶Xv dnkvImsW¶v AhÀ ]dªp. {]kn²oIcW¯n\v X¿mdmbn h¶hÀ tamZnbpsS A\p`mhnIfmbncp¶p. AhÀ AXn Xs¶ sXämb Imcy§Ä FgpXn tNÀ¯p. AXv Is≠¯n sXäp Xncp¯nbt¸mgmIs« amÀ¡ än§v XSªp. C¶v ]pkvXIw hm§m³ In«nÃ, BatkmWn am{XamWv hnev]\bpÅXv. DdpZp hnepw lnµnbnepw Xangnepw Cu ]pkvXIw h³hn18
amˬv 2018
Pbambncp¶p. Xangn ]pkvXIw IqSpX P\{]o Xn t\Sn. "Xncp¡pdÂ' {K\vY¯nse ]e `mK¯pw D]tbmKn¨ncp¶p. CXv Xangv\m«n ]pkvXI¯n\v IqSpX kzoImcyX \ÂIn. kz´w A½sb sI«n]nSn¨v sIm≠pÅ t^mt«m ]e cmjv{Sob t\Xm¡fpsSbpw ho«nep ≠mInÃ. ]s£ C´y-bn amXm AarXm\ µabnsb sI«n ]nSn¡p¶ t^mt«m ]{X¯n sImSp¡pw. Cäenbnse ImcysaSp¡mw. AhnsS Øm\mÀXvYnIÄ t]m¸ns\ ImWm³ t]mInÃ. ChnsS CeIvj\v \n¶m ]ns¶ ]Ånbn t]m Im³ XpS§pw. FÃm Aca\bpw _nj¸vlukpw B{ia§fpw aXØm]\§fpw tIdnbnd§n thm«p ]nSn¡m³ XpS§pw. kvIm³Unt\hnb³ cmPy§fn emWv Gähpw aXhnizmkw Ipdª BfpIfpÅXv. AhnsS ]ÅnIsfÃmw _yq«n ]mÀedpIfpw t_m«n ¡pIfmbn amdpIbmWv. enhÀ kntdmknkns\ sNdp¡m³ Nmcmbw IpSn¡p¶Xpt]mepÅ lo\amb {]hWXbmWv `qcn ]£ hÀKobXbvs¡Xnsc \yq\]£ hÀKobX sb¶Xv. alm`mcX¯nepw cmambW¯nepapÅ Imcy §Ä Nq≠n¡mWn¨v kb³knse kn²m´§Ä s¡Xnsct]mepw i_vZapbÀ¯p¶ coXnbmWv ]pXnb `cWm[nImcnIfptSXv. KW]XnbptSXv ¹mkvänIv kÀPdn sIm≠p≠m¡nb aq¡msW¶pw IuchÀ D≠mbXv t¢mWn§neqsSbmsW¶pw ]dbm³ X¡ hnhct¡SpIfmWv ChÀ sN¿p ¶Xv. UmÀhnsâ ]cnWma kn²m´s¯t]mepw ChÀ ]cnlkn¡p¶p. KpPdm¯v Iem]¯nsâ kab¯v cmjv{S] Xnbmbncp¶ tUm. F.]n.sP. A-_vZpÄ Iemw AhnsS \S¶ \clXyIsf Ipdn¨v Hcp A`n{]mb {]IS\hpw \S¯nbncp¶nÃ. {]knUâ v F¶ \ne bn At±lw F´psIm≠mWv AXn\p X¿mdmIm Xncp¶Xv F¶ tNmZyw Ct¸mgpw Fsâ a\Ênepbcp¶p≠v. Fsâ hyIvXn]camb A`n{]mb¯n Ieman t\mSpÅ FÃmhn[ _lpam\hpw h¨psIm≠p Xs¶ ]dbs«, tKm{[ Iem]w \S¶XpsIm≠mWv Iemw km_v {]knUâmbXv. Fs¶ hfscb[nIw thZ\n¸n¨ kw`h§Ä Iem]¯n\nsS ImWm\nS bmbn. ]IpXn sh´ icochpambn P\§Ä. 25 Hmfw t]meokv DtZymKØcpsS AI¼SntbmsSbmWv Rm³ AhnsS F¯nbXv. Rm³ F{X \nkmc\m sW¶v At¸mÄ F\n¡v a\Ênembn. Iem]w hgn tbmc§fn s]m«n¸pds¸«p sIm≠ncn¡p¶p. Cu ImgvNIÄ I≠Xn\v tijw {]knUâmbncp¶
sI. BÀ. \mcmbW\v Rms\mcp ]cmXn \ÂIn. F._n hmPvt]bn¡v CsXÃmw DÄsImÅn¨psIm≠v At±lw Hcp I¯v FgpXnbncp¶p. Cu I¯v bp. ]n.F. Kh¬saâ v A[nImc¯nse¯nbt¸mÄ \m\mhXn I½oj\v \ÂIWsa¶v Bhiys¸s« ¦nepw AhÀ sNbvXnÃ. F´psIm≠v? hntZi NqjWw F¶Xv BÀ.Fkv.Fknsâ ASnØm\ Bbp[amWv. tamZn kmÀ Hcp {]kwKw \S¯n. \mw A©p t]À \ap¡v 25 t]À F¶p Nn´n¡p¶h cmWv Cu \mSn\p im]sa¶v. A¶p ]{X§sfms¡ CXp dnt¸mÀ«v sNbvXp. 2000 KpPdm¯nIÄ sImà s¸«p. ]ntä¶v AXns\¡pdn¨v kÀ¡mÀ dnt¸mÀ«v tNmZn¨p. At¸mÄ tae[nImcnIÄ ]dªp. dnt¸mÀ«v FSp¯nsöv ]dbm³. Rm³ XoÀ¯p ]dªp A§s\ ]dbm³ ]änà kmÀ F¶v A§s\Xs¶ Rm³ dnt¸mÀ«v FgpXns¡mSp¯p. Ft¶mSp \nba §Ä ewLn¡m³ Bhiys¸«p Rm³ \nckn¨p. A¶v cm{Xn tamZn Fs¶ ssUthmgvkv sNbvXp. AtXmsS F\n¡v kt´mjambn. ]e Øe¯pw sXämb {]hÀ¯nIÄ F´pw sN¿m³ X¿msdSp¯p \n¡p¶ sF.F.Fkv Hm^okÀamcmWp ÅXv. AhcmWv \mSnsâ im]w. tamZn kmdn\v CjvSs¸Spw F¶p IcpXnbmWv 18 apÉow sNdp¸¡msc t]meokv shSnsh¨psIm¶ Xv. Ft¶mSp Xs¶ No^v sk{I«dn ]dªn«p≠v. \n§Ä Ipd¨p t]sc Fenant\äv sN¿m³ t]mhp
IbmWv. Rm³ Ft¸m thWsa¦nepw \mÀt¡m A\menknkv sSkväv sN¿m³ X¿mdmWv. Fs¶ Øew amänbXn\p tijamWv CXnsâ dnt¸mÀ«v FgpXnbXv. _³Pmcsb Adkväv sNbvXp. At¸mÄ At±lw FgpXnbXv Rm\nXp sNbvXXp Kh¬sa ânsâ t]mfnkn {]ImcamWv. At¸mÄ in£nt¡ ≠Xv Fs¶bà Kh¬saâns\bmWv F¶mWv. Cu tIkn PqUojydnsb kzm[o\n¨p. CXp t]mse tembbpsS Imcyhpw kwibmkv]ZamWv. Fsâ s]³j³ XSªp sh¡m\pÅ tIkv tImSXnbn s]ân§mWv. GXp ]mÀ«n `cn¨mepw kzm[o\w \S¡p¶p≠v. tNmZyw : C¶s¯ kw`hhnImk§sfÃmw ap³ \nÀ¯n t\m¡pt¼mÄ bp.]n. Ce£\pambn _Ôs¸«v CeIvt{SmWnIv thm«nMv sajo\n X«n¸v \S¶Xmbn Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ Btcm]Ww D¶bn¨p. F¶m CeIvj³ I½oj³ sXfnsh Sp¸n\mbn hnfn¨t¸mÄ Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ sN¶nÃ. AXv BÀ.Fkv.Fkv. ]mÀ«nbn \n¶p h[`ojWnbp≠mbXp sIm≠msW¶pw ]cmaÀiw D≠v. D¯cw : 2014 se \thmXvYm\amsW¶v hnNm cn¨mWv F.F.]nbn tNÀ¶Xv. ]s£ tNÀ¶p amÀ¨v 2018
\ap¡v H¶pw \nb{´n¡m³ ]äp¶nÃ. \½psS Zl\w t]mepw \½psS \nb{´W¯neà \S¡p ¶Xv. tamZn F´psIm≠vt{Zmln¡p¶nà F¶v tamZntbmSp tNmZn¡Ww. tamZn C¶v cmhnse In¨ SnbmtWm ]mÂ]mbkamtWm Ign¨sX¶v At±l t¯mSp Xs¶ tNmZn¡Ww. F´n\p Ahsct¶mSp A§s\ sN¿Ww. AhÀ¡v A§s\ sN¿p¶Xv sIm≠vem`w H¶panÃ.
Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ
\nXojv IpamÀ
Ignªt¸mgmWv AXnsâ _p²nap«v a\ÊnembXv. Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ dnt¸mÀ«v sImSp¡mªXv t]Sn sIm≠p Xs¶bmbncn¡mw. At±lw Fs´ ¦nepw AgnaXn \S¯n ImWpw. AgnaXnbpw \S ¯Ww t]cpw \ÃXmbncn¡Ww F¶p ]dªm AXv \S¡p¶ ImcyaÃ. tNmZyw : \nXojv IpamÀ s]s«¶v ap¶Wn amdn F³ tNÀ¶Xn tI{µ CâPne³ kn\p henb ]¦ps≠¶mWtà ]dbp¶Xv? D¯cw : hfscb[nIw D≠v. tI{µ CâenP³ knsâ {][m\ tPmen {][m\a{´nbpsS XmÂ]cyw kwc£n¡pI F¶XmWv. tNmZyw : CâenP³kv tiJcn¡p¶ dnt¸mÀ«v `cn¡p¶ cmjv{Sob¡mÀ¡p ap¶n kaÀ¸n¡ntÃ? D¯cw : tcJIÄ tiJcn¨p sImt≠bncn¡pw. AXv D]tbmKn¡p¶hÀ¡v thWsa¦n D]tbm Kn¡mw. Nmchr¯nsb¶Xv ]≠p apXÂs¡ DÅ XmWv. BZys¯ Nmchr¯n \S¯nbXv tX³sIWn sh¨mWv. ]pcmW¯n hnjvWp tamln\n cq]sa Sp¯v Akpc·msc ]än¨v AarXv FSp¯psIm≠p t]mbn. AXpt]mseXs¶ \sÃmcp ]pcpjs\ hn«v kv{Xosb ]än¨ IYbp≠v. tZhbm\n. AXpsIm≠v kpµc·mcmb ]pcpj·mscbpw kq£n¡Ww. tNmZyw : CXphscbpw tamZnsbbpw AanXvjm sbbpw tImSXn in£n¨n«nÃ. F¶n«pw A§v tamZn s¡XnscbmWv kwkmcn¨Xv. A§v Ct¸mgpw KpP dm¯n Xs¶bmWv Pohn¡p¶Xv. tamZn C{X {Iqc \mbncps¶¦n tIcf¯n ssIb_²w ]änb tPmk^v amjn\p ssIbnà A§v Ct¸mgpw ssIbpw Imepambn Xs¶ KpPdm¯n Pohn¡p¶p. AXv F§ns\bmWv? D¯cw : Rms\mcp ssZh hnizmknbmWv. 20
amˬv 2018
tamZn km_v HIvtSm_À 2002þemWv A[nIm c¯n h¶Xv. tamZn km_nsâ coXnIsf ]än BÀ¡pw AdnbnÃ. AXpsIm≠mWv AhÀ Iem] kab§fn km[mcW \S]Sn{IaamWv ]n´p SÀ¶Xv. Hcp hÀKob Iem]w FhnsSsb¦nepw D≠mbm \nÀ_Ôambpw t]meotkm Kh¬satâm AXv \nb{´n¨ncn¡Ww. Ct¸mÄ FhnsS sb¦nepw I½yqW Iem]ap≠mbm Hcp aWn ¡qÀ sIm≠vRm³ AXp \nb{´n¨p ImWn¨p Xcmw. CXn th≠Xv GXp ]mÀ«nbpsS apJy\m bmepw At¸mÄ Xs¶ Adkväv sNbvXp sIm≠p t]mhpI. I½yqW Iem]§Ä \S¯p¶hÀ henb `oIchmZnIsfm¶paÃ. `oIchmZnIsf \nb {´n¡m³ ]änÃ. ]hÀI«nÃm¯ tIcf¯nse Hm^okÀamÀ Ccp«n Xmakn¡p¶p≠v. ssIsh«p \S¶Xns\ ¡pdn¨v Chcmcpw H¶pw ]dbp¶nÃ. ChscÃmw BkzZn¨p ChnsS IgnbpIbmWv. KpPdm¯v hfsc t\cs¯ hnIk\w t\Snb ØeamWv. \n§fpsS sbms¡ hnNmcw CsXms¡ tamZn sNbvXXmsW ¶mWv. Rm³ 1998þ Rm³ tPmenbnencn¡pt¼mÄ Hcp t\cw t]mepw AhnsS ]hÀ I«v D≠mbncp¶nÃ. ]s≠lnµpXz¯nsâ ]nSnsIm≠v BÀ.Fkv. Fkn\p kzm[o\w D≠v. BÀ.Fkv.Fkv. ]dbp ¶Xv ]≠p XpS§n AhÀ XÃpsImÅpIbmsW ¶mWv. XÃp sIm≠p InS¡p¶Xv F´psIm≠v hÀ®m{iaw [À½w. tIcf¯nse ]«mf¯nsâ t]sc´mbncp¶p. \mbÀ ]«mfw. ]ns¶ kzm[o\w sIm≠vIpsd knhnenb³ {InkvXym\nIsf Ibän. t\mÀ¯v C´ybnepw CXpt]mse Xs¶. shÅa Sn¨p InS¡p¶ SmtKmdpamsc am{Xsa BÀanbn FSp¡q. Chsc§s\ bp²w sN¿pw? 1961þ Al½Zv jm Aäm¡v sNbvXp. tPmÕyt\mSp tNm-Zn¨n-«mWv Aäm¡v Xocp-am-\n-¨-Xv. A©n-c«n IqSp-X t^mÀkv D≠m-bn-cp¶p AXmWv hm«À eq B^väÀ _mänÂ.
tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bpsS kvtImfÀ C³ Iym¼kv ]cn-]m-Sn-bn ]s¦-Sp¯v KpP-dm¯v ap³ UnPn-]n-bmb BÀ.-_n.-{io-Ip-amÀ kwkm-cn-¨-Xnsâ {]kà `mK-§Ä.
{]hmkn am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ¡v DuÀPw ]IÀ¶v
BtKmf am[y-a- kw-Kaw h
nhn[ cmPy§fnse A[nImc tI{µ§fn {]mXn\n[yapÅ aebmfnIsf¡qSn DÄs¸ Sp¯nbpÅ temI tIcfk` apt¶m«v sh¡p¶ Bib§Ä Kucht¯msS ho£n¡s¸Spsa¶v apJya{´n ]nWdmbn hnPb³.
temI tIcfk`¡v apt¶mSnbmbn \S¯nb BtKmf am[ya kwKaw sImïv Izbntem¬ _o¨v tlm«en DZvLmS\w sN¿pIbmbncp¶p At±lw. sXämb hmÀ¯IÄ \ÂIp¶ am[ya coXn KpWIcasöpw hmÀ¯ hmÀ¯bmbn \ Ip¶ kao]\amWv hntZi am[ya temI¯vv \ne \n¡p¶sX¶pw ]nWdmbn hnPb³ ]dªp. F¶m ChnsS s]mXphn Cu coXnbà XpScp ¶Xv. hmÀ¯tbmSv \oXn ImWn¡m\mWv {ian t¡≠Xv. hmÀ¯IÄ sI«n¨a¨v \ÂIp¶ coXn bmWv ]et¸mgpw ImWm\mIp¶Xv. hnhn[ cmPy§fnse A[nImc tI{µ§fn {]mXn\n[yapÅ aebmfnIsf¡qSn DÄs¸Sp¯n. s]mXp A`n{]mb cq]oIcW¯neqsSbpÅ hnIk\
km²yXbmWv tIcfw e£yam¡p¶sX¶pw apJy a{´n ]dªp. BtKmf am[ya kwKaw t]msebpÅ ]cn ]mSnIÄ ho≠pw \S¯mhp¶XmWv. hntZi cmPy §fnse A\p`hw ChnsSbpÅ am[ya{]hÀ¯ Icpambn C¯cw thZnIfneqsS ]¦nSm\mIpw. sXmgnehkcw krjvSn¨pÅ hnIk\¯n\mWv kÀ¡mÀ {ian¡p¶sX¶pw apJya{´n ]dªp. amdnhcp¶ cmjv{Sob km¼¯nI kmlNcy §fpsS ^eambn {]hmkn aebmfnIfpsS aS§nhchnsâ tXmXv KWyambn Dbcpsa¶v sImïv \S¶ BtKmf tIcfob am[ya kwKaw A`n{] mbs¸«p. kztZinhXvIcWw, km¼¯nIamµyw, cmjv{Sob Ak´penXmhØ XpS§nb Kuchta dnb LSI§Ä aS§n hchnsâ B¡w Iq«p¶p. Cu kmlNcy¯n {]hmknaebmfnIfpsS ]p\ c[nhmk¯n\v ]pXnb hgnIÄ tXSm³ tIcfw kÖamIWsa¶ A`n{]mbamWv NÀ¨bn {][m \ambpw DbÀ¶Xv. amÀ¨v 2018
\mSnsâ s]mXphnIk\¯n\v Gsd KpWIc amWv hntZi aebmfn am[ya¡q«mbvasb¶v NS §n apJymXnYnbmbncp¶ a{´n sP. tagvkn¡p«n A½ ]dªp. hmWnPy_Ôw iàns¸Sp¯nbpÅ km¼¯nI `{ZXbv¡v aebmfn Iq«mbvaIÄ {ian ¡Wsa¶pw a{´n Bhiys¸«p. {]hmkn aebmfnIfpsS ]p\c[nhmk¯n\v ]pXnb hgnIÄ tXSm³ tIcfw kÖamIWsa¶v BtKmf tIcfob am[ya kwKaw. {]hmknIÄ tIcf¯n\v \ÂInb kw`mh\IÄ ]T\ hnt[b am¡Wsa¶v tamUtdädpw Z lnµp tIcf No^pamb kn. KucnZmk³ \mbÀ A`n{]mbs¸«p. aS§n hcp¶ {]hmknIsf apgph³ DÄs¡mÅm\pw ]p\ c[nhkn¸n¡m\pw \½psS kwkvYm\¯n\v Ignbp sa¶pw AXn\pÅ km[yXIÄ {]tbmP\s¸Sp¯ Wsa¶pw ^vfthgvkv Nm\ kn.-C.-H. BÀ. {ioIWvT³ \mbÀ Bhiys¸«p. {]hmknIÄ t\cnSp¶ {]iv\§Ä Xo£vW amsW¶pw ]cnlmc amÀK§Ä tXSWsa¶pw tUm. Un. _m_p t]mÄ ]dªp. am[ya§Ä hmÀ¯m hniIe\§fnse \ntj[mXvaI kao]\w Hgnhm¡Wsa¶v tUm. Fw. hn. ]nÅ ]dªp. KÄ^v cmPy§fnse {]XnkÔn kvYmbnbmbn \ne \n¡psa¶v IcpXm\mInsöv Bkq{XW t_mÀ UwKw tUm. sI. F³. lcnem hyàam¡n. kztZinhÂIcWw, km¼¯nI amµyw, cmjv{Sob Ak´penXmhØ XpS§nb Kuch tadnb LSI§Ä aS§n hchnsâ B¡w Iq«p¶p. Cu kmlNcy¯n {]hmkn aebmfnIfpsS ]p\c[nhmk¯n\v ]pXnb hgnIÄ tXSm³ tIcfw kÖamIWsa¶ A`n{]mbamWv NÀ¨bn {][m\ambpw DbÀ¶Xv. temI tIcfk`bpsS tcJm{]Imi\hpw C´y³ {]kv ¢_v Hm^v t\mÀ¯v Atacn¡bpsS am[ya ]cnioe\ ]cn]mSnbpsS temtKm{]Imi\ hpw apJya{´n \nÀhln¨p. tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan sNbÀam³ BÀ.Fkv. _m_p A²y£X hln¨p. t\mÀ¡ sshkv sNbÀam³ sI. hcZcmP³, PnÃm IfIvSÀ tUm. Fkv. ImÀ¯ntIb³, sU]yq«n tabÀ hnPb {^m³knkv, Hmt¦mfPnkväv tUm. ]nÅ, aebmf at\mca ap³ FUntämdnb UbdIvSÀ tXmakv tP¡_v, ap³ No^v sk{I«dn tUm. Un. _m_p t]mÄ, Bkq{XW t_mÀUwKw sI.F³. lcnemÂ, tIcf ]{X{]hÀ¯I bqWnb³ kwØm\ {]knUâ v Iam hcZqÀ, P\d sk{I«dn kn. \mcmbW³, aoUnb A¡mZan sshkv sNbÀam³ sI. kn. cmPtKm]mÂ, 22
amˬv 2018
sk{I«dn sI.Pn. kt´mjv, sImÃw {]kv ¢_v `mchmlnIfmb PbN{µ³ Ce¦¯v, Pn. _nPp XpS§nbhÀ ]s¦Sp¯p.
kzbw hnaÀi\hpw thdn« Nn´Ifpambn am[ya Iq«mbva tIcf¯nse am[ya§Ä t]mknäohv hmÀ¯ Ifn IqSpX {i² tI{µoIcn¡Wsa¶v hntZ i¯p \ns¶¯nb aebmfn am[ya {]hÀ¯IÀ. AgnaXnbpw aäpw Xpd¶pIm«p¶Xv. \ntj[mXvaI \ne]mSsömbn-cp¶p Xt±iob am[ya{]Xn\n[n IfpsS \ne-]mSv. BtKmf tIcfob am[yakwKa¯nsâ `mK ambn sImÃw {]kv ¢_n kwLSn¸n¨ Bib hn\nab ]cn]mSnbnemWv hntZi¯pw CXckw Øm\§fnepapÅ aebmfn am[ya{]hÀ¯Icpw \m«nse am[ya{]Xn\n[nIfpw kwhZn¨Xv. Zpc´§Ä kw`hn¡pt¼mÄ Bizmk{]hÀ ¯\¯n\v kmlNcyw Hcp¡p¶hn[w hmÀ¯IÄ \ÂIp¶XmWv DNnXsa¶v A`n{]mbapbÀ¶p. HmJn Zpc´thfbn am[ya§Ä kzoIcn¨ \ne ]mSv Xncp¯s¸tS≠XmsW¶v ZqcZÀi³ ap³ UbdIvSÀ sI. Ipªn¡®³ ]dªp. ZpcnXmizmk {]hÀ¯\w \S¡p¶Xn\nsS ]nghpIÄ Is≠¯n AXnte¡p am{Xw tI{µoIcn¡p¶ coXn ]n´pScp ¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v am[ya§Ä kzbw hnaÀi\]c ambn Nn´n¡Wsa¶pw At±lw Bhiys¸«p. hntZicmPy§fn hkvXpXm]camb hmÀ¯ IÄ¡mWv {]m[m\yw \ÂIp¶sX¶v ssIcfn anUn Cukväv \yqkv slUv C.Fw. Ajvd^v hyàam¡n. saUn¡Â tPÀWenkw t]mse Pt\m]Imc{]Zamb taJeIÄ¡v IqSpX {]m [m\yw \ÂIWsa¶ A`n{]mbamWv C´y³ {]kv ¢_v Hm^v t\mÀ¯v Atacn¡ {]knUâ v a[p sIm«mc¡c ]¦n«Xv. ]ckv]c Bibhn\nab¯n sâ km[yXIÄ Xpd¡p¶ am[yairwJe cq]hXv Icn¡p¶Xns\¡pdn¨v Kuchambn BtemNn¡W sa¶v Hmkvt{Senbbn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ XncphÃw `mkn HmÀan¸n¨p. lnµn`mjbn {]mhoWyw t\Snbm ]pXp Xeapd am[ya {]hÀ¯IÀ¡v Ht«sd Ahkc §Ä e`yamIpsa¶v UÂlnbn \ns¶¯nb F.sP.^nen¸v ]dªp. tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan sNbÀam³ BÀ.Fkv. _m_p, kndmPv bp.F.C. FUnäÀ C³ NmÀPv sI.Fw. Aºmkv, dotUgvkv ssUPkväv ap³ FUnäÀ taml³ inhm\µv, {]kv ¢_v {]knUâ v PbN{µ³ Ce¦¯v F¶nhcpw ]s¦Sp¯p.
bÀ-h-Ån-IÄ ]-SÀ-¶p-I-b-dn-b-Xp-t]m-se-bpÅ ln-µn A-£-c-§Ä, \nÀ-hn-Im-cam-b ]-\o-dn-sâ hn-fdn-b sh-fp-¸v, Hm-e-¸-S-¡m-Ir-Xn-bn D-cp-f\pw a-km-ebpw Hfn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶ k-tam-kþC-\n-bpw h-g§m-¯ Cu aq-¶v Im-cy-§-fp≠-m-bn«pw cm-Py-X-eØm-\-s¯ F-sâ {]-hm-kw ]-Xn-t\-gv hÀ-jw ]n-¶n«n-cn-¡p-¶p. C-\n H-cp ]-Xn-t\-gv hÀ-jw Iq-Sn-¡-gnªmepw C-h a-\-Ên-\v h-g-§n-sövv tXm-¶-ep-s-≠ ¦nepw UÂ-ln, {]-hm-k-¯n-\-¸p-dw hm-k-Ø-e-am-bncn-¡p¶p. H-cp Ime-¯v a-e-bm-f-¯n-se F-®w ]-d-ª F-gp-¯p-Im-cp-sSbpw ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-cp-sSbpw X-eØm-\-am-bn-cp-¶p UÂ-ln. C-t¸mgpw AX-{X hy-Xykv-X-aÃ. Ah-cn B-th-iw ]q≠--sÃ-¦nepw; \mSp hn-S-W-sa¶pw I-gn-bp-sa-¦n UÂ-ln-bn tPm-en sN-¿-W-sa-¶pw FÃm ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I ]p-Xp-ap-J§sfbpw t]m-se B-{K-ln-¨n-cp-¶p. hm-bn-¨-dn-hpw tI«-dnhpw t\-cn-«-dn-hp-I-fm-hp-I-sb-¶ tam-l-am-bn-cp-¶p A-Xn\vv ]n-¶nÂ. bm-{X sN-¿p-Ibpw \m-S-dn-bp-Ibpw sN-¿p-I-sb-¶ A-Z-ayam-b Iu-Xp-Ihpw cl-ky A-P- - ≠bm-bp-≠m-bn-cp¶p. 'am-Xr-`pan' Zn-\-]-{X-¯n dn-t¸mÀ-«À F-¶ \n-e-bn Xn-cp-h-\-´-]pc-¯p \n-¶m-Wv UÂ-ln-bnte-¡v Ø-ew am-dn-sb-¯p-¶-Xv. Xoh≠-n tIc-fw I-S-¡p-t¼mÄ a-\-Ên Ip-Sn-tbdn-b B-[nbpw
hym-[nbpw \yq-UÂ-ln sd-bnÂ-sh tÌj-sâ ]q-c¸-d-¼n I-ep-jn-X-am-bn! B-Zy-am-sb-¯p-¶h-sc a-Sp-¸n-¡m³ sd-bnÂ-shtÌ-j-\n-se sI-« a-Ww X-s¶ [m-cmfw! (A-Xn-\v hen-b am-äw C-t¸m-gpw CÃ). ]n-s¶ Hm-tcm \n-anjhpw B-cmZyw a-Sp-¸n¡p-sa-¶ a-Õ-c-hp-am-bn A-Wn-\n-c-¡p-¶ \n-Xy-Poa-t\m-Pv ta-t\m³ hnXm-\p-`-h- ]-c-¼-c-Ifm-bn. sh-f-n-s¨-®-¸-g-abpw I-Sp-sI-®-¸p-Xp-abpw X-½n-ep-Å G-äp-ap-«Â sN-dp-Xm-bn-cp-¶nÃ. ]p-gp¡e-cn tNm-dpw D-W-¡ sdm-«nbpw X-½nep-Å io-X ka-cw I-Sp-¸-am-bn-c-p¶p. F-´p h-¶mepw tXm-äp-sIm-Sp-¡nsÃ-¶ Xo-cp-am-\w t\c-s¯ F-Sp-¯n-cp¶-Xp sIm≠v, ]-Xp-s¡ Im-cy-§Ä Ip-sd-sbÃmw Io-g-S§n. Hmtcm Zn-h-khpw Hmtcm bp-²-§-sf-¶-Xm-Wv sa-t{Sm \-K-c§-fn-se km-[m-c-W-¡mc-sâ \n-Xy Po-hn-Xw. A-Xn\n-S-bnepw kz-]v-\-§-fp-sS \q s]m-«m-Xn-cn-¡p-I-sb¶Xvv A-km-[m-c-Wam-b C-Ñm-i-àn sIm-≠p km-[n¡m-hp-¶ a-{´-Pm-e-am-Wv. F-t¸mgpw FÃm-hÀ¡pw km-[n-¡-W-sa-¶nÃ.
hm-bn-¨p Xo-cm-¯
amˬv 2018
t]-cn ]p-Xp-a-bp-Å \yq-UÂ-ln F-¶ \K-cw ho≠pw ]p-Xp-Xm-Im-s\m-cp-§p-¶-Xn-\n-S-bn-em-Wv UÂ-ln-bn F-¯p-¶-Xv. C. {io-[c-sâ kz-]v-\¯n \n-¶n-d§n-b sa-t{Sm-sb-¶ \n-i-Ð-hn¹-hw B-Zy Im Nph-Sv h-bv-¡p-¶-Xn-\v km£yw h-ln¡m³ A-hk-cw In-«n. B-À¡pw H-cp A-tem-k-c-hpap≠-m-¡m-sX cm-Py-X-e-Øm\-s¯ Xn-c-¡n-\n-S-bnÂ, \n-e-§-sf-bpw \n-c-¯p-I-sf-bpw Ip-gn-¨pw Xp-c¶pw D-bÀ¶pw sa-t{Sm ]m-X bm-YmÀ-Yy-am-bn. ]-Wn Xo-cp-¶ A-¶¶vv k-Ôy-I-fn \n-c-¯v A-Sn-¨p hr-¯n-bm-¡n Un.Fw.BÀ.kn ]pXn-b sXm-gn kw-kv-Im-cw ]Tn-¸n¨-Xv ]pXn-b A-\p-`-h-am-bn. a-ebm-f Zn-\-]-{X-§-fp-sS Xm-h-fam-b d-^n amÀ-Kn-se sF.F³.F-kv _nÂ-Unw-Kv-kn-\v ap-¶nÂ, ]-SÀ-¶p
B-\µv 24
amˬv 2018
C. {io-[c-³
]-´em-b Nn-e h-S-hr-£-§Ä ]n-gp-Xp-am-ä-s¸-«p F-¶Xvv am-{X-am-Wv sa-t{Sm \nÀ-am-W-¯n-\n-S-bn t\m-hn-¨-Xv. ]-s£, ]I-cw h¨ ssX-IÄ h-fÀ-¶p ]-SÀ-¶v A-tX X-Wepw Imäpw In-fn-¡q-Sp-sam-cp¡p-¶p F¶-Xv B-izm-kw. ]Xn-t\-gv hÀ-jw ]n-¶n-Spt¼mÄ sa-t{Sm Xoh≠-n UÂ-ln-bp-sS Po-h-R-c-¼mbn-cn-¡p-¶p. ]-g-bIm-e {]u-Vn-bpsS A-b-hn-d-¡-en-s\m-¸w, hÀ-¯am-\ Im-ew k-¼-¶-am-bn-cn-¡p-t¼mÄ X-s¶bm-Wv UÂ-ln-bn-se ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\ tem-I-s¯¯n-s¸«Xv. A-¯-cw hen-b ]mT-]p-kv-X-I-§Ä-¡v ap-¶n \n-Xy-hn-ZymÀ-Yn-bm-bn \n-e-sIm≠ UÂ-lnbnse Zn-h-k-§Ä B-cw-`n-¨p. F-gp-¯ptem-I¯vv B-\µpw Fw. ap-Ip-µ\pw k-¨n-Zm-\-µ-\pw F³.F-kv. am-[-h\pw D-≠m-bn-cp-¶p. ssl-Z-cm-_m-Zn Xm-a-k-am¡n-b³ C-S-bv-¡v H-¶p c≠-v ]-cn-]m-SnI-fn ]-s¦-Sp-¡m³ UÂ-ln-bn h-¶p. ]-Xp-s¡bp-Å kw-km-cw tI-«p \n-¶-tX-bp-Åp. ]-cn-N-b-s¸Sm³ I-gn-ªnÃ. F³._n.Sn sN-bÀ-am-\m-bn F¯n-b tk-Xphpw Ipd-¨p Imew. ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\ cwK-¯v a-e-bm-f-¯nepw Cw-¥o -jnepw X-e-s¸m-¡-ap-Å ap-³ X-e-ap-d. ]-e-cp-ambpw ]-cn-N-b-am-bn, Nn-e-tcm-Sv ku-lr-Z-am-bn. hm-bn-¨p tI-« ]-eXpw t\-cn Im-Wm-\m-bn. ]-Xp-s¡, Im-gvNbpw I-®w A-\p-`-h-§-fpw kz-b-a-dn-bm-sX h-epXm-Im³ Xp-S-§n. 'I≠-p I-≠m-Wv I-S-en-{X h-ep-XmbXv' F-¶v I-hn ]-dª-Xp t]m-se, I≠pw tI-«pw
A-S-bm-f-§Ä XoÀ-¯p. A-hn-sS \n-¶p sIm≠v tI-cf-s¯ HmÀ¯p.
Fw. ap-Ip-µ³
A-\p-`-h-§Ä h-ep-Xm-bn. A-cq-¡p-än F-¶ {Km-a¯n \n-¶v, B-e¸p-g F¶ PnÃ-bn \n-¶v, tIc-fw F-¶ kw-Øm\-¯p \n-¶v cm-Py-s¯bpw tem-Is¯bpw t\m-¡n-¡≠-I-®p-I-fÃ, UÂ-ln-bn Im-gv-N-IÄ Im-Wp-¶-sX-¶v tXm-¶n-¯p-S-§n. ]mÀ-esaâpw tZ-iobcm-{ão-bhpw cm-{ão-b t\-Xm-¡fpw ]p-Xp-Xm-bn Xp-d-¶ ]mT-]p-kv-X-I-§-fmbn. tPm-en kw-_-Ô-am-bn D-¯-tc-´y³ \m-Sp-Ifn bm-{X sN-¿p-t¼mÄ, A-sXm-s¡ A-\p-`-h-]-cnNb bm-{X-I-fm-bn am-dm³ Xp-S-§n. H-cn-S-¯pw hn-t\m-Z k-©m-cn-bp-sS a-\-Êp-am-bn C-Xph-sc bm-{X t]m-bn-«nÃ. H-cp hn-ZymÀ-Yn-bp-sS B-Imw-£ Im-¯p h-bv-¡m³ I-gnª-Xp sIm≠-vA-\p-`-h-§Ä a-\Ên am-bm-sX ]-Xn-ªp. ]-cn-jvIr-X hnI-k-\ k-¦Â-]-§-Ä-¡v _nlm-dpw D-¯-À-{]-tZipw kmw-kvIm-cn-Im-Lm-X-am-bn. \q-äm-≠ p-IÄ-¡v ]n-¶n I-gnbp-¶ _n-lm-dn-se ap-k-l-dp-IÄ ]-eh-«w ]T-\ hn-j-b-am-bn. ap-k-l-dp-IÄ-¡mbn Po-hn-Xw k-aÀ-¸n¨ ssk-¡nÄ Zo-Zn-sb-¶ kn-ÌÀ kp-[m-hÀ-¤o-kv A-ÛpX-ambn. ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\ bm-{X-IÄ cm-Pyw hn-«-t¸mÄ Imgv-N Ip-sd-¡q-Sn h-ep-Xm-bn. ]p-dw cm-Py-§Ä I-≠Xv A-[n-I-an-sÃ-¦nepw, I≠--h Po-hn-X-¯nÂ
hmÀ-¯-I-fnepw ssh-hn-[y-ta-sd-bm-bn-cp-¶p. UÂ-ln-bn \n-Xy-a-c-t§-dp-¶ cm-{ão-b \m-S-I-§ Ä-¡v ]p-d-sa t\-cn I≠- kw-`-h-hn-Im-k-§sf-sd. hn-Jym-X-cp-sS a-c-W-§fpw k-aq-lw t\-cn-Sp-¶ Zpc-´§-fpw ]-{X-te-JI-sâ tPm-en-`m-K-am-bn Im-tW≠-n h-¶-t¸mÄ, a-\Êvv hn-§n-. A¨Sn-am-[y-a-¯n \n-¶v h-gn-am-dn ]-¯v hÀ-jw Zr-iy-am-[y-a-¯n-sâ C-S-ap-dn-bm Xn-c-¡p-IÄ ]-cn-N-b-s¸-«Xpw UÂ-ln \ÂIn-b A-\p`-hw. H-ä-bv-s¡¯n-b UÂ-ln ]n-¶o-Sv Iq-«v X-¶v Po-hn-Xw hn-]q-eo-I-cn¨p. hm-bn-¨p Xo-cm-¯ ]p-kv-X-I -am-Wv UÂ-ln. B ]p-kvX-Iw ]-cn-N-b-s¸-Sm³ A-hk-cw \Â-In-b-hÀ-¡v ]I-cw \Â-Im³ kv-t\-lw am-{Xw. UÂ-ln-bn FÃm-h-cpw 'h-c-¯³-am-cm'Wv. UÂ-ln B-cp-sSbpw kz-´-aÃ. F-¶mÂ, FÃm-
kn-ÌÀ kp-[m-hÀ-¤o-kv
hÀ¡pw kz-´-am-Wv. A-§-s\-sbm-cp \-K-cw! \-K-c¯n-c-¡p-I-fn ]-¨-¡-dn-t¯m-«-§-fp-Å {Km-a-{]-tZi-§-fp-≠v. B {Km-a-§-fn \nÂ-¡p-t¼mÄ \m-Sv hn-fn-¡pw. Hmtcm hmÀ-¯-bnepw a-e-bm-fn ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-I³ tI-cf-s¯ Xn-c-bpw. \m-«n-te-¡v X-e \o-«p-¶ Xo-h-≠n-IÄ Im-Wp-t¼mÄ \o-≠ s\-Sp-hoÀ-¸v D-Xncp-w. FÃm {]-hm-khpw A-§-s\-bm-Wv. Kr-lm-Xp-cXzw AY-hm s\m-ÌmÄ-Pn-b-bp-sS ]-¨-¯p-cp-¯p-IÄ A-t§-¡-c-bn tam-ln-¸n-¨p sIm≠-p \nÂ-¡pwþ''We grow up with dreams in our eyes and songs on our lips and we discover that life is not what we thought it would be. And then we discover nostalgia'' F-¶m-Wv
s\m-kv-ämÄ-Pn-b-bv-¡v K-{_n-tb Km-Àkn-b amÀ-tIkv \Â-Ip-¶ \nÀ-h-N-\-sa-¦n-epw.
am-Xr-`q-an Zn-\-]-{X-¯n-sâ UÂ-ln _yq-tdm-bn kv-s]-jy I-d-kv-t]m≠-âm-Wv a-t\m-Pv ta-t\m³. amÀ¨v 2018
Sn-a-¯-¯n-sâbpw A[:ØnXm-h-Ø-bpsS bpw ^e-am-bp-≠ mb ssZ\yX shfn-¨-¯psIm-≠ p-h-cp-hm³ am{X-ambn FÃm Ah-i-cp-tS-Xpamb Hcp ]{Xw F¶ \ne-bn 1917  Icp-\m-K-¸f-fn-bn \n¶pamcw-`n¨ {]Xn-]-£-]-{X-amWv "Acb³'. AhÀ®-cmb FÃm P\-hn-`m-K-§Ä¡pw th≠n BZy-ambn cq]o-Ir-X-amb "AhÀ® lnµp alm-k`'bpsS P\-d sk{I-«-dn-bm-bn-cp¶ \thm°m-\-\m-b-I³ tUm. hn.-hn.-th-ep-¡p«n Ac-b³ Bbn-cp¶p {]kvXpX ]{X-¯nsâ DS-abpw ]{Xm-[n]cpw. ]nt¶m-¡-hn-`m-K-§-fpsS Ah-Im-i-§Ä¡mbn aäp-Nne ]{X-§fpw Gsd kw`m-h\ \ÂIn-bn-«p-s-≠ ¦nepw {]Xn-Iqe kml-N-cy-§-fn BÀ¯n-c-¼p¶ IS-en-t\mSv aÃ-Sn¨v kml-kn-I-Po-hnXw \bn¨ aÕys¯m-gn-em-fn-I-fpsS {]iv\-§sf P\-a-²y-¯n-se-¯n¡p-hm³ "Ac-b³' {]tXyIw {i²n-¨n-cp-¶p.
"kpP-\m-\-µn\n' hnth-tIm-Z-bw, km[p-P-\]-cn-]m-en\n F¶o {]kn-²o-I-c-W-§-fn \n¶pw Bthiw DÄs¡m≠p sIm≠v DZm-¯-am-sbmcp e£y-hp-ambn 23þmw hb-Ên thep-¡p«n Ac-b³ Øm]n¨ Ac-b³ ]{Xw BZy-e-¡-¯n Xs¶ \bw {]Jym-]n-¨n-cp-¶p. "Ac-b³' F¶v ae-bm-f¯nepw ‘The Arayan’ F¶v CwKvfo-jnepw A¨-Sn-¨ncp¶ ]{X-¯nsâ {][m\ Xe-s¡-«n\p NphsS "[À½s¯ `b-s¸-Sp-Ibpw A[À½s¯ tZzjn-¡pIbpw sN¿pI'F¶v HmÀ½-s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-cp-¶p. sXm«p -Xmsg e£y-{]-Jym-]-\-sa-t¶mWw \mep-h-cn-IÄ sImSp-¯n-cn-¡p-¶Xp ImWmw. "kPm-tXm-tb\ PmtX\/bmXn-hw-i-Ê-ap-¶Xnw/]cn-hÀ¯n\n kwkm tc/arX: tImhm\ PmbtX'. Pt·m-t±iw \nd-th-d-Wsa-¦n kzhw-tim-¶-a\ {]{Inb {]mhÀ¯n-I-amI-Ww. AÃm-Xp-ff P\-\hpw ac-Whpw Is≠-¯mhp¶ Cu hcn-IÄ A[zm-\-hÀ¤-¯n\v Hcp XW-em -bn-¯o-cm-\p-ff Blzm\w IqSn-bmWv. Cu X¯zs¯ DÄs¡m-f-fp-Ibpw Xm\pÄs¸-Sp-¶Xpw H¸w Zpcn-X-
a-\p-`-hn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶ Iogm-f-k-aq-l-§-fp-sSbmsI thZ-\-{]-I-Sn-¸n-¡p¶-Xn-\mbn "Ac-b³']{X¯nsâ t]Pp-IÄ thep¡p«n Ac-b³ \o¡n-h-¨p. PmXn-t¸À ]d-bm³ H«pw A`n-am-\-¡p-d-hn-Ãm-Xn-cp¶ At±-lw- kz´w ]{X¯n\v "Ac-b³' F¶p t]cn-«p-sIm≠vPmXn hyhØ-sb¶ D¨-\o-N-Xzs¯ kaÀ°-ambn tNmZyw sNbvXp.
tUm. hÅn¡mhv taml³Zmkv
{]Xn-amk {]kn-²o-I-c-W-sa¶ \ne-bn 1917 Pq¬ apX ]pd-¯p-h-¶p-sIm≠-n-cp¶ "Ac-b³' A¡m-e-L-«-¯nse cmjv{So-b,- km-aq-ly-{]-iv\-§fn-te-¡p-IqSn shfn¨w hoip-I-bp-≠m-bn. Ac-b-kap-Zm-b-]-cn-jv¡-c-W-¯n-s\m¸w s]mXp-P-\-§Ä¡v Bh-iy-amb hnj-b-§-fn-tebv¡pw {i² h¨ {]kn²o-I-cWw Gsd Xma-kn-bmsX Xs¶ AhÀ®-cp-sSbmsI Pnlz-bmbn amdn. "Ac-b³' c≠mw e¡¯n sXmgn-en-Ãm-bva-bpsS cq£-Xsb¸än-bp-ff dnt¸mÀ «n Xncp-hn-Xmw-IqÀ \m-«p-cm-Py-¯nsâ `c-W-kn-cmtI-{µ-amb Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw "DtZym-K-I-¨-h-S-¯n\v' Ip{]-kn-²-am-sW¶ hnaÀi-\hpw D¶-bn-¡p-¶p. djy³ hn¹-h-¯nsâ DÖz-e-amb \nan-j-§Ä ae-bm-fn-hm-b-\-¡mÀ hmbn-s¨-Sp-¯Xv "Ac-b³' ]{X -¯n-eq-sS-bm-Wv. djy³ hn¹-h-¯nsâ ]Ým-¯-e¯n tIcf kaqlw ]Tn¨v {]hÀ¯n-I-am-t¡≠ Imcy-§-sf-¡p-dn¨v D]-tZ-in-¡p¶ teJ\w hfsc {]m[m\y-t¯m-sS-bmWv "Ac-b³' {]kn-²o-I-cn-¨n-cp¶-Xv. djym-]-cn-hÀ¯-\-N-cn-{X-¯n \n¶pw \mw
³ b Ac e m I y Z B
amˬv 2018
w X { ] £ ] n X ] {
]eXpw ]Tn-t¡≠--Xp≠-v. Hcp P\-hÀ¤-¯nse {]`p¡-fpw, [\-hm·mcpw aäpw kzmÀ°XXv]-c-·mcmbn-cn¡p¶ Ime-t¯mfw B P\-hÀ¤-¯n\p t{ib-Êp- ≠m-Ip-¶-X-Ã. kI-e-a-\p-jycpw Xpey-cm-sW-¶p-ff t_m[-t¯m-Sp-IqSn P\-hÀ¤s¯ IrXy-t_m-[-ap-f-fh-cm-¡m³ ]cn-{i-an-¡-Ww. hn¹-h-I-c-amb B D]tZiw C§s\ t]mIp-¶p. amXr-`m-jm-]-T-\-¯nsâ {]m[m\yw FSp-¯pIm-«n-s¡m≠vae-bm-f-¯n {]kn-²o-I-cn¨ BZy-teJ\w Ac-b³ ]{X-¯nsâ Ggmw e¡-¯n h¶ CwKvfojv kvIqfp-I-fnse ae-bm-f-]-T\w F¶ teJ\-am-Wv. asämcp `mj-sbbpw Xf-fn-¸-d-bm-sX-Xs¶ amXr`mjm ]T\w A\n-hm-cy-am-Ip-¶-sX-´p-sIm-≠ msW¶v teJ\w hyà-am-¡p-¶p. amXr-`m-j-sb-¡pdn¨v \mw C¶p Im«p¶ thh-emXn \qdp-hÀj-§Ä¡p ap³]v "Ac-b³']{Xw {]h-Nn-¨n-cp¶p F¶p thWw CXn-eqsS a\-Ên-em-¡p-hm³. t£{X-§-fn \n¶pw B«n-b-I-ä-s¸-Sp¶ AhÀ®-P-\-hn-`m-K-§-fpsS t\À¡p-ff A\o-Xn-s¡Xnsc \ne-sIm-f-fp-hm³ t{]cn-¸n-¡p¶ Imhp-I-fn t]mI-cpXv F¶ ktlm-Z-c-kw-L-¯nsâ eLp-teJ A¨-Sn-¨p-h-¶Xpw Ac-b³ ]{X-¯n Xs¶ aäp ]{X-§Ä {]kn²w sN¿phm³ aSn¨ hnhm-Z-te-J\w "Ac-b³' kss[cyw {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. hnZym-`ym-k-cw-K¯v kmt¦-Xn-I-hn-j-b-§Ä¡p \ÂtI≠{]m[m\yw t_m[y-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶-Xn-\mbn C´y-bn-sebpw P¸m-\n-sebpw kÀÆ-I-em-im-e-IfpsS AhØ IW-¡p-IÄ \nc¯n Xmc-Xayw sN¿p¶ "Ac-b³' dnt¸mÀ«v A¡m-e¯v AXn-\q-X\-amb Hcp Nn´-bm-bn-¯oÀ¶p. kmt¦-XnI hnZym`ym-k-¯n\v P¸m³ \ÂIp¶ h³{]m-[m\yw aäp cmPy-§-sf-sbÃmw ]n¶n-em¡n apt¶-dp-hm³ B cmPys¯ klm-bn-¡p-¶p-sh¶pw teJ\w Is≠¯p-¶p. \½Ä ]n¶oSv F{Xtbm Imew Ign-ªn«mWv kmt¦-XnI hnZym-`ym-k-¯nsâ {]m[m\yw Xncn-¨-dnªv \S-]-Sn-IÄ kzoI-cn-¨p-Xp-S-§n-b-Xv. c≠mw ]pkvXIw Bb-t¸m-tg¡v "Ac-b³' {]Xn-amk {]kn-²o-I-cWw F¶ \ne-bn \n¶pw
hn¹hKmbnI ]n.sI. taZn\nsb ]n. BÀ.Un UbdIvSÀ kp`mjv BZcn¡p¶p.
Acb³ ]{X¯nsâ iXm_vZn BtLmjw ]¶y³ cho{µ³ DZvLmS\w sN¿p¶p.
{]Xn-hmc ]{X-ambn hfÀ¨ {]m]n-¡p-I-bm-bn. FÃm _p[-\m-gvN-I-fnepw hmb-\-¡m-cpsS ssII-fn-se¯m³ XpS-§nb ]{X-¯n\v IqSp-X hÀ¯-am-\§Ä ]¦p-h-bv¡p-hm-\p≠mbn-cp-¶p. kmaq-lnI hnj-b-§-fn-seÃmw CS-s]-«p-sIm≠v s]mXp-P-\m-`n{]mbw cq]o-I-cn-¡p-¶-Xn \nÀ®m-bI ]¦p-h-ln¡p-hm³ "Ac-b³' X¿m-dm-bn. P\-§-fpsS CS-bn kzmX-{´yw, ]uc-t_m-[w, P\m-[n-]-Xy-Nn-´, sXmgn-emfn hÀ¤ kÀÆm-[n-]Xyw XpS-§nb Bi-b-§Ä hfÀ¯p-¶-Xn henb ISa \nÀÆ-ln¨ "Ac-b³' aq¶mw hmeyw aq¶mw e¡¯n Fgp-Xnb apJ-{]-kwKw {it²-b-am-Wv. 1920  ]pd¯p h¶ {]kvXpX FUn-täm-dn-b-ensâ "apXemfn sXmgn-emfn hn`m-h\' F¶ Xe-s¡«p Xs¶ A¡m-e¯v A]qÀÆX \nd-ª-Xm-bn-cp-¶p. Xncp-hnXmw-IqÀ F¶ \m«p-cm-Py¯v sXmgn-emfn {]Øm-\§Ä Bcw-`n-¡p-¶-Xn\pw Gsd ap³]v sXmgn-emfn {]iv\w Ah-X-cn-¸n¨ "Ac-b³' P\-{]-Xn-\n-[n-Isf aXn-bmb Imc-W-§-fm hnaÀin-¡p-hm\pw X¿mdm-bn. cmPym-[n-Im-cs¯ tNmZyw sN¿p-Ibpw djy³ hn¹-hs¯ HmÀ½n-¸n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvX B apJ-¡pdn¸v A¡m-e-km-aq-lnI ]Ým-¯-e-¯n "kmlknIw' Bbn-cp-¶p-sh¶p thWw hne-bn-cp-¯m³-þs]m-Xp-P-\-§Ä¡p-th≠n {]mXn-\n[yw hln-¡p-¶hÀ Ah-cpsS k½-Xn-Zm-\m-h-Im-in-I-fpsS t\À¡v F{X-¡v kvt\l, hn-izm-k,- _-lp-am-\m-Zn-I-tfm-SpIqSn s]cp-am-td≠--Xm-sW¶ t_m[w Ah-cpsS lrZb-¯n KmV-ambn ]Xn-tb≠--Xn\pw ]pdta X§fpsS Øm\-t¯bpw IrXy-t¯bpw {i²-tbm-Sp-IqSn kao-£Ww sNbvXp \nÀ²njvS ]Z-¯n \n¶pw `rjvS-cm-ImsX kq£n-t¡≠-Xpw IqSn Ah-cpsS apJy IS-a-bm-W-sÃm. F¶m B t_m[hpw apdbpw Hs¡ C¿nsS Nne P\-{]-Xn-\n-[n-I-fn \n¶pw hn«p-am-dn-b-Xmbn ]e sXfn-hp-Ifpw In«n-s¡m≠-n-cn¡p-¶p... ]uc-k-a-Xz-hm-Z-¯nsâ _lp-ap-J-km-[y-X-IÄ hc¨p Im«nb ]uc-k-aXzw F¶ FUn-täm-dn-b "Ac-b³' {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡p-t¼mÄ Bth-i-]qÀÆw P\-§Ä AXv Gäp-hm-§n. H¶mw temI alm-bp-²m amÀ¨v 2018
cmJn NmäÀPnbpsS KkÂkÔy
-\-´cw D≠mb ISp¯ £mas¯ {]Xy-h-tem-I\w sNbvXp-sIm≠vtUmIvSÀ Ac-b³ Fgp-Xnb alm£maw F¶ FUn-täm-dn-b `£y-s]m-Xp-hn-X-cW k{¼-Zm-bs¯¡pdn-¨p-ff BZy Nn´bv¡p hgnXp-d-¶p. s]mXp-J-P-\m-hn \n¶pw `oa-amb XpI D¸m-Z-\-£-a-a-Ãm¯ Imcy-§Ä¡v hn\n-tbm-Kn-¡p¶-Xn-s\-¡p-dn-¨p-ff Bt£]w P\-§-fp-ambn ]¦n-«psIm≠v1921  "Ac-b³' {]kn-²o-I-cn¨ "Du«p-]p-cI-fnse t\m«p-Ip-cpXn' F¶ apJ-{]-kwKw AXn-iàhpw Zqc-hym-]-I-amb ^e-ap≠m-¡p-¶-Xp-ambn {_mÒ-WÀ¡mbn kÀ¡mÀ sNe-hn e£-§Ä apS¡n \S¯n h¶ Du«p-]p-c-IÄs¡-Xn-sc-bm-bncp¶p B hnaÀi-\w. Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn hnZymÀ°n-I-fpsS ^okv hÀ²n-¸n¨ cmP-`-c-W-¯nsâ P\-hn-cp² \S-]-Sn-bvs¡ -Xnsc 1921  hnZymÀ°n-IÄ ka-c-¯n-\n-d-§n. sk]v Xw-_À 21 \v Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw alm-cm-Pmkv tImtfPn IpXn-c-¸-«mfw IS-¶p-I-bdn hnZymÀ°n-Isf B{I-an-¨-t¸mÄ B hnZymÀ°n-th-«-sb-¸än 28þmw XobXn {]kn²w sNbvX hnZymÀ°n-IÄ¡v Hc-\pkva-cWw F¶ apJ-{]-kwKw h³hn-hmZw krjvSn-¨p. {ioaqew {]Pm-k-`mw-K-ambn tUmIvSÀ thep-¡p«n Ac-bsâ t]cv \nÀt±-in-¡p-hm³ kÀ¡mÀ \nÝbn-¨n-cp¶ kµÀ`-¯n-emWv hZymÀ°n-th-«-bvs¡Xnscbpff Cu ià-amb apJ-{]-kwKw A¨-Sn-¨ph-¶-Xv. kzm`m-hn-I-ambpw tUmIvSÀ Ac-bsâ t]cv Hgn-hm-¡n-sb-¶p-am-{X-aà "Ac-b³' ]{Xw \ntcm-[n¨p-sIm≠v D¯-c-hp≠-m-Ip-Ibpw sNbvXp. F¶m kzØ-am-bn-cn-¡p-hm³ X¿m-dm-ImsX ]{Xw ho≠pw Cd-¡p-hm-\p-ff {iaw XpSÀ¶ tUmIv SÀ Ac-b³ Pmay-¯pI sI«n-h¨v sshImsX ]{Xw ]pd-¯n-d-¡n. lnµp-a-X-]-cn-jvI-cWw F¶ teJ-\¯n-eqsS ho≠pw hnhm-Z-a-gn-¨p-hn« Ac-b³ lnµp i_vZ-¯nsâ Ncn{Xam\-§Ä NÀ¨ sNbvX BZy C´y³ {]kn-²o-I-c-W-am-bn. alm-I-hn- Ip-am-c-\mimsâ Zpc-h-Ø-bvs¡-Xnsc Nne khÀ®-\n-cq-]-IÀ hmtfm-§n-b-t¸mÄ Ac-b³ ià-ambn Ihn-bvs¡m¸w \n¶p. Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw temtIm-f-Pn kzmX{´y ka-c-¯n BIr-jvS-cmb hnZymÀ°n-IÄ ]WvUnäv 28
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k´m-\s¯ {]kw-Kn-¡p-hm³ £Wn-¨p-sIm≠-p-h¶-Xn-s\-Xnsc kn.-F-kv.-kp-{_-Ò-Wy³ t]män-bpsS A\-´n-c-h³ hnZymÀ°n-t\-Xm-hmb tIih³ t]män -sb¶ hnZymÀ°n-sb ]pd-¯m-¡nbXns\-Xnsc Acb³ ]{Xw AXn-i-à-amb hnaÀi\w \S¯n. ]{Xw ho≠pw {]kn-²o-I-cWw Ah-km-\n-¸nt¡≠ ØnXnbn-se-¯n. Hcn-S-th-f-bv¡p-tijw ]pd-¯p-h¶ Acb³ IqSp-X P\-Io-b-ambn amdp¶ ImgvN-bmWp I-≠Xv. ssh¡w kXym-{K-lw, ]uc-k-a-Xz-hm-Z-{]t£m-`-§Ä, t£{X-{]-th-i\ {]t£m`w XpS§n KmÔn-Pn-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-¯n-ep-ff tZio-b-kzm-X-{´yk-a-c-{]-t£m-`-§-fn hsc Ac-b³ ]{Xw IrXy-XtbmsS ssIs¿m-¸p-NmÀ¯n. hfsc ]cnanXamb kmlNcy§fn \n¶pw Bcw`n¨ Acb³ ]{Xw kaqls¯bmsI A`n kwt_m[\ sN¿pwhn[w P\§fpsS ]{Xambn ¯oÀ¶p. XpS¡¯n Acbhwi ]cn]me\ tbmKw kwLSn¸n¨ tUmIvSÀ Acb³ ]n¶oSv kzmX{´y kactk\m\nbmbn C´y³ \mjW tIm¬{KÊpImc\mbn, tkmjyenkvämbn, I½yqWn kvämbn hfÀ¶p. Icp\mK¸Ån ZzbmwK aWvUe ¯n \n¶pw I½yqWnkväp ]mÀ«n Øm\mÀXvYn bmbn aXvkcn¨p. {]apJ t{SUv bqWnb³ t\Xmhm bn¯oÀ¶ tUmIvSÀ Acb³ kmaqly apt¶ä ¯n\v kapZmb kwLS\IÄ Bhiyansöv ]n ¡me¯v Ak¶nKv[ambn {]Jym]n¨p. Iogmf ]{X {]hÀ¯\¯nsâ Icp¯p {]ISam¡nb "Acb³' ]{Xw IqSmsX "[À½t]mjnWn' (1942), "^njdokv amKkn³' (1948), BZyIme {]kn²oIcWamb "IemtIcfw' (1952), "XoctZiw' (1953), "^nenw^m³' (1962), "kam[m\w' (1950), "^njdokv amKkn³' (1965), "cmPym`nam\n' (1943), "Acb kv{XoP\amknI' (1922) F¶nh IqSn tUmIvSÀ Acbsâ ]{Xm [n]Xy¯n ]pd¯p h¶p. "Acb³' P\m`nemj§fpsS ]{Xambncp¶p. 1969þ Cu temIt¯mSv hnS ]dbpw hsc tUmIv SÀ Acb³ "]{Xm[n]À' F¶p Xs¶ Adnbs¸«p. {]t£m`§fntes¡Sp¯p NmSp¶ tZim`nam\nI fpsS kwc£I\mbncp¶p Acb³. kzmX{´y ¯n\pw, kaXz¯n\pw, kmaqlnI\oXnbv¡pambpÅ P\Iob apt¶ä§sfsbÃmw ]n³XpW¨pw t{]m Özen¸n¨pw Acb³ ]{Xw Hcp ]ptcmKa\ {]kn ²oIcW¯nsâ {]Imiw {]kcn¸n¨v Ncn{X¯n CSw t\Sn. 100 hÀj§Ä¡n¸pdhpw ]{X Ncn{X¯nse A`nam\hpambn¯oÀ¶p ]{Xm[n]cpw "Acb³' ]{Xhpw.
Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw {]`mXv _p¡vluknsâ UbdIvSdpw FUnädpamWv teJ-I³.
EXISM AND MISOGYNY: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? This is a headline that appeared in The Guardian 6 years ago. The Guardian’s attempt was, perhaps to explore how to place the misogynist comments made by world leaders while reporting them. Lately, an Australian dictionary happened to redefine the word misogyny as well. This change was made in the light of the recognition that misogyny is not just a hatred of women but an intended prejudice against women. This is an evidence of the anxieties that the world has come to harbour about the meanings that are constructed regarding women in social discourses. When the same problem is addressed within the context of news reporting in Malayalam media, we can see that the construction of media language is misogynist to the point of being criminal. This study is solely based on the language used by media to report sexual crimes where women litigants are involved. It is observed that the language used for reporting such criminal offenses are equally offensive to women. As a woman who worked in visual media for 16 years, I perceive two reasons for this situation:
When the English words under concern are translated, Malayalam, as a language, often has no synonymous words.
Even where equivalent Malayalam words exist, sometimes destructive and sexist words are used.
The history of Malayalam newspaper journalism begins with Rajyasamacharam, 13 years before the IPC was conscripted in 1860. The paradox remains that if one does not count the journals similar to Rajyasamacharam which were established with a missionary interest, the print media journalism in Kerala categorically begins in 1860 with the publication of the Western Star in English language. It is intriguing to note that the IPC drafted by the British in 1860’s defines the crimes in India even today. amÀ¨v 2018
The fact that should be read in tandem is that it was exclusively men who led printing and newspaper journalism which heralded the Kerala renaissance. The men who came to occupy the central positions in the renaissance movement, social and community reforms, the field of literature and thus the public sphere as a whole, were the very dignitaries who inaugurated print journalism in Malayalam. In a period when women were completely invisible and didn’t even have a nominal say in decision making, the word formation in the language was entirely the domain of men. ''Males have had more power in society and has included the power to enforce through language their view of the world'' (Spender, 1985). Males have had control over the production of cultural forms. The theory of Spender which states that males have encoded sexism into language to consolidate their claims of male supremacy is perhaps more suited to the word-translations are made from English to Malayalam while reporting crimes against women.
The hegemony of the English which began during the colonial era must be remembered while discussing this matter. When English became the language of judiciary in India, the responsibility to translate this discourse to Indian languages was shouldered by print journalism in regional languages. In short, the words which are used by the media even today were formed by the Malayalam newspapers of those times according to their discretion. It must be realized that each and every word that is found problematic by the contemporary standard is a social construct of the historical contexts in which they were conceived. The association between word formation and social structure has been proven by numerous studies. Lexical word formation is determined and influenced by social and socio cultural contexts.… The nature of word – external socio cultural context - is interdependent on the connectedness between morphology, acceptability and appropriatedness. (Fetzer, 2004) 30
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It needs to be said that there is no Malayalam equivalent for the word 'Rape' which is the most atrocious crime against women. Even in official use, rape is translated as 'balalsanga, literally, forced intercourse. While the term rape treats the crime as an act in itself, the term 'balalsanga' which incopoprates the term 'sanga'or intercourse brings in a sexual activity and thus encodes sexism. At times when boys and transpersons are subjected to rape by men, the aforementioned word confines itself to the limited scope of heterosexual intercourse. In the word 'balalsangam', the play of words generate playfulness. Significations connoted by terms like 'balalsangam' and 'koottabalalsangam' (gang rape) carry the larger connotations of a mans’s sexual fantasies. Except for the term 'balatkara', the connotation that what happened is 'sanga'or sexual intercourse is an atrocious one. However things do not end there. If we move from this word which was first used in the late 19th century towards the 21st century, then a more outrightly sexist word is used by the media – namely, 'manabhangam', literally the outraging of modesty. Sec.354 of IPC describes rape as an attempt to outrage the modesty of a woman. In an age where the very notion of
honour as being linked to a woman’s body is being considered sexist, even the description given in the IPC must be problematized. In such a time, the media continues to call rape 'manabhangam'. The media here overtly proclaims to the raped woman that the rape has dishonoured the victim. This forces not just the victim but every man and woman to perceive a sexual crime as one that destroys modesty and honour. In a country where a rape occurs in every 30 minute, the media thus commits a huge act of conditioning. Not just rape, but even those crimes that are less grave are being described by the media as an attack on the woman’s dignity. It needs to be remarked that this attitude of media knowingly or unknowingly destructs the honour of a woman and protects that of the rapist and that of the potential rapist.
i.e, literally, wealth provided by the bride. In reality, dowry is the price that a woman needs to pay for an eligible groom. It can be often seen that a better husband always comes with a greater price. In reality dowry should have been translated as 'varavila', literally groom price. However, the patriarchal media does away with this term that hurts the male pride and replaces it with a term that connotes that dowry is a responsibility of women. Sex racket is a term which became familiar to Malayali in the 90’s through cases like suryanelli gang rape. Though the word-to-word translation for the term should have been 'laingika racket'(Sex racket), 'laingika vyaparam'or 'laingika vanibham'(sex trade); the media translated it as 'penvanibham', literally woman trade. Theory of Dale Spender suits well for the regional news rooms!
One must closely examine the political correctness of translated words. The word victim is translated into Malayalam as 'ira'. While the term 'ira'is synonymous with the term prey in English, how is it that victim could be translated as 'ira'? People learn about preys and predators in their General Science texts from primary school days. They often deal with the fact that herbivorous animals like hare and deer are naturally preyed upon by carnivorous animals like tiger and lion. How natural! Regrettably, the media has now made woman a natural prey for the sexual atrocities and assertion of power perpetuated by men. The politics behind the usage of terms similar to prey are not so apparent and hard to recognize than that of the words like 'manabhangam'.
The issues of news reports concerning women is not just confined to terms alone but it extends to phrases and style as well. Irrespective of the commendations achieved by a woman, her identity still revolves around the male counter part – she is her husband’s wife for the media. Whilst the Constitution of India ensures equal freedom to travel for both men and women, if a woman is attacked after sunset, the phrase 'asamayam', or ‘odd hours’ invariably crops up. Even when more than one woman travel together, the term 'alone' will be used. Let me conclude with an example of a recent incident which led to the resignation of
A deeper enquiry will prove that this is not just an issue of the period when IPC was drafted. The same problem persisted even in the latter half of the twentieth century. A valid example can be found in the draft of Dowry prohibition act which was formulated in 1961. The media has conveniently translated dowry as 'sthreedanam', amˬv 2018
the Minister, A.K. Saseendran. The incident is familiar to English journalism as one of ‘honey trap’. In Malayalam the word-to-word translation should have been 'thenkeni'(honey trap) or 'madhurakkeni'(sweet-trap). Even 'phone keni' (phone trap), a word which focuses on the gadget could have been used. In many of the news rooms the word conceived was 'penkeni', or woman trap. Now there are women media person who raise their voice against the usage of such derogatory terms in the media institutes as being offensive to women. At least in news rooms where a considerable number of women were present, the term 'penkeni' was quickly replaced with 'phone keni' even before the breaking news was withdrawn. There are also places which stubbornly held on to the first usage. It is not just the women who have grievances. The sexual minorities are fighting against media which translates the term transgender as 'bhinnalaingikar' or the ones with a different sexuality. It hasn’t been long since the term 'anyasamsthanathozhilai' (workers from alien states) were corrected into 'itharasamsthanathozhilali'(workers from other states). The visual and print media in Kerala has the history of amending rightly the terms like pulayan, cheruman, harijan into more politically correct terms like Scheduled Castes first and Dalit later. As far as Kerala is concerned, there hasn’t been even this nominal progress when it comes to half of its population. The people who defined our crimes through IPC, are in a discussion of maleness in their language. They debate the difference between sexism and misogyny. We, who retain their terms with all its misogynistic translations, do not even recognize this. Feminists opine that there is no language to explain the female experience. ''Our world view is determined by the structures of the particular language that we happen to speak.'' (Cameron, 1998). Feminists like Catherine Makinnon argue that male power over language has allowed them to create reality. If the news representing women shall become more congenial to the reality of women, then it is 'a global necessity to redefine the terms that are 32
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already in use and also to invent new a language with new words and new rules'. Only in this way, they suggest, will women be able to break free from the constraints of male language. (Tirrell, 1993). What Kerala needs is a realistic and practical stance. Renaissance happened by the means of language. Women too are beneficiaries of various socio-cultural, communal and political reforms. Even so, if women are portrayed through the media in offensive ways, then it must be changed. Let our politically conscious media be the torchbearers for this vital second renaissance in the language.
REFERENCES Cameron; Deborah, Introduction: ''Why is language a feminist issue?'', The feminist critique of language: A reader, London, Routledge, 1998 Fetzer; Anita, Recontextualising context : Grammaticality meets appropriatedness, Uty of Luneberg, John Benjamins Publishing company, Amsterdam 2004 Spender; Dale, Manmade language, NewYork, Routledge, 1985 Tirrell; Lynn, Definition and power: Towards Authority without privilege, 1993 The writer is a News Editor, Mathrubhumi News
{^w hÀ½m-Pn, hn¯v eu
aoUn-b-bpsS Bbp[w Zn
KmÀUnb³ ]{X-¯nsâ ho¡nen CâÀ \mj -W FUn-j-\n Hcp At\z-j-Wm-ßI hmÀ¯m dnt¸mÀ«nwKv teJ-\-¯n-\p-tijw Hcp ]cky-ap≠-m-bn-cp-¶p. hmb-\-¡mcm, \n§Ä FXm-bmepw ChnsShsc hmbn¨v F¯nb \nebv¡v \n§-tfmSv Hcp sNdnb klmbw tNmZn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. IqSp-X Bfp-IÄ Ct¸mÄ Zn KmÀUn-b³ hmbn-¡p-¶p≠-v. hmb-\-¡mcpsS F®w IqSp-s¶-¦nepw ]cky hcp-am\w AXn -s\m¸w IqSp-¶n-Ã. tPmen-¡m-cpsS i¼-f-¯n\pw B\p-Iq-ey-§Ä¡pw Hcp aXn sI«p¶ Nne kl -{]-kn-²o-I-c-W-§-fpsS coXn FSp-¡p-¶Xv icn-bmsW¶p R§Ä Icp-Xp-¶n-Ã. ]{X-{]-hÀ¯\w XnI¨pw kpXm-cy-am-bn-cn-¡-W-sa¶v R§Ä hniz-kn¡p-¶p. a\-Ên-em-b-tÃm.- F´p sIm≠mWv R§Ä \n§sf kao-]n-¡p-¶-sX¶v KmÀUn-bsâ kzX-{´amb At\z-j-Wm-ßI ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-\-ssien {]mh À¯n-I-am-¡m³ hfsc ka-bhpw ]Whpw {]b-Xv\ hpw thWw R§Ä¡-Xn\v ss[cyw Xcp-¶Xv R§ -fpsS Img-v¨-¸m-Sn R§Ä¡pÅ AN-©-e-amb
hnizm-khpw \n§-fp-sSbpw sI.-F taml\-hÀ½ ImgvN-¸mSv AXp Xs¶-bmbm-cn-¡m-\pÅ km²y-X-bpam-Wv. R§fpsS dnt¸mÀ«nwKv hmbn-¡p¶ \n§Ä¡v AXv icn-sb¶p tXm¶n CjvS-s¸-Sp-s¶-¦n R§-fpsS `mhn IqSp-X kpc£n-X-am-¡m³ klm-bn-¡-Ww. Hcp ]u≠p Bbmepw AXv klm-b-amWv Zn. KmÀUn-bs\ kt¸mÀ«v sN¿mw. Zm Hcp an\nt« FSp¡pI-bp-Åp. \µn. 1977  {]kn-²o-I-cn¨ ]c-ky-hm-N-I-am-bncp¶pCXv. Rm³ kzbw Cw]n¨p sNbvXp F¶ Xe-hm-NI-t¯msS h¶ temI-{]-kn-²-amb tUhnUv t^mÌv
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þdn¨mÀUv \nIvk³ sSen-hn-j³ A`n-ap-J-¯nsâ {Sm³kv{In-]vänsâ A\p-_-Ô-am-bn-cp¶p Cu ]c-kyw. ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-Isâ Gähpw Ne-©nwKv IÀ½amWv kXyw I≠p ]nSn¨v AXns\ XnIª \nÀ hn-Im-c-X-tbm-sSbpw AtX kabw e£y-t_m-[-t¯m -sSbpw AXv Bh-iy-am-b-h-cpsS ap¶n F¯n-¡pI F¶Xv X§-fpsS taJ-e-I-fn AXyp-¶-X-cmb A[n-Im-cw, k¼-¯v, ]Zhn {]ikvXn Cu \mep B[p-\n-I-Im-es¯ Pohn-X-hn-P-b-¯nsâ Af-hptIm-ep-I-fn H¶ntem AXn-e-[nIw F®-§-fntem F¯n-b-h-cpsS sNbvXn-I-fpsS icn-sX-äp-IÄ kaqls¯ t\cn«v _m[n-¡p-¶h Bb-Xn-\m AhbpsS kXym-hØ ]pd¯p sIm≠p-h-tc-≠ Xv aoUn -bm-bpsS IS-a-bm-Wv. ]s£ aoUn-bm-bpsS \ne-\nev¸n-s\-¯s¶ ZpÀ_-e-s¸-Sp-¯m³ iàn-bpÅ C¡q-«-cn GXp hn[w t\cnSpw? ho¡n-enIvkpw B[p-\nI sSIvt\m-f-Pn-bpsS D]-tbm-Khpw Hcp ]cn[n-hsc kXy-¯n-te¡v Nq≠p-hn-c Im«p-sa-¦nepw AXn\v ]qÀ®-amb hnizm-kyX In«m-Xn-cn-¡m³ AtX \mW-b¯ -- n¯s¶ Xncn-¨-Sn-¡m³ C¶v Xev¸-c-I-£n-IÄ¡v henb hnj-a-an-Ã. Ahn-sS-bmWv XnI¨pw Hm¸-Wmb GhÀ¡pw H¶p-t]mse A\p-`-hn-¡m-hp¶ Hcp Iayq-Wn-t¡j³ ss]¸v ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-\-¯nsâ ià-amb Bbp[hpw kXym-t\z-j-W-¯nsâ knw_-ep-ambn amdn-bncn-¡p-¶-Xv. sSen-hn-j-\mWv ImcWw. A¨Sn am²y-a¯n\v ]cn-an-Xn-bp≠-v. ka-bhpw Zqchpw hmÀ¯bpsS tkmgvkpw F³Up-ambn \ne-\n-evt¡≠ ASp¸hpw t]gvk-W S¨pw AhnsS km²y-a-Ã. ]n¶osS-¯nb tdUn-tbm-bpsS {imhy ss]¸vsse³ Cu ka-bhpw Zqchpw Ipd-¨p. ]s£ hm¡p-I-fpsS i_v 34
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Z-]-cn-an-Xn-bn apJ-`mhw ]pd¯p sIm≠phcm-\n-SbpÅ kXyw Hfn--¸n-¡-s¸-Smw. Kn_evkv \à DZm-lc-W-am-Wv. ]s£ sSen-hn-j³ aoUn-bm-bpsS {]nb Bbp-[-am-b-tXmsS kw`hw amdn. t\cn-«pÅ h¬ Sp h¬ XÕ-ab kwt{]-j-Ww. tNmZyhpw D¯-chpw \½psS ap¶n t\cn«v {]Xy-£-s¸-Sp-I-bmWv tNmZn -¡p¶ ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-sâbpw D¯cw Xcp¶ hn.sF.-]n-bp-sSbpw hm¡p-IÄ am{X-aà apJ-`m-h-hpw, tNmZyw tNmZn-¡p-¶-Xntem D¯cw Xcp-¶-Xntem apt¼m CSbvt¡m D≠m-Ip¶ AÀ²-hn-cm-a-§fpw \mw t\cn ImWp-I-bm-Wv. ChnsS F´n\pw XtâXmb Xo-cp-am-\hpw sNbvXnbpw kXy-am-sW¶p Im«m-\pÅ `mjm ssh`-hhpw A\p_Ô sXfn-hpIfpw XXz-im-kv{Xhpw ]g-¦-Y-Ifpw lyqadpw IeÀ¯nb hm¡p-IÄ D]-tbm-Kn-¡p-¶-Xnepw anSp¡p-Å-h-cmWv tNmZyw sN¿-s¸-Sp¶ t\Xm-¡Ä. ]s£ Hcp ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I³ XÕ-ab kwt{]-jWw \S-¡p¶ A`n-ap-J-¯n hm¡p-IÄ sIm≠v ad-bv ¡m³ Ign-bm¯ kXyw ]pd¯p sIm≠p hcm³ C¶v Ign-bp-¶p. sabv 1977 se AXn-{]-kn-²-amb t{^mÌv-þ-\n-Iv k\v Sn.-hn. A`n-apJw t\m¡q. 1970  Imwt_m-Unbmsb Ata-cn-¡³ ]«mfw B{I-an-¨-Xn-s\-Xnsc Ata-cn-¡-bn hf-sc-tbsd {]Xn-tj-[-ap-bÀ¶p. {]kn-Uâ v \nIvk³ X\n-s¡-Xn-sc-bmbn amdnb Cu {]Xn-tj-[-¡m-sc-¡p-dn¨v ]qÀ®-amb Câ-en-P³kv dnt¸mÀ«v FXp hnt[-\bpw icn-bmb sXfn-hp-ItfmsS I≠p-]n-Sn¨v X\n¡p \evIm³ \nÀt±iw sImSp-¯p. sshäv luknse sU]yq«n Iu¬k-embn-cp¶p tSmw lÊ\v kn.-F.F F^v.-_n.sF XpS§nb FÃm At\z-jW GP³kn-I-sfbpw hnfn¨p
Iq«n Hcp ¹m³ D≠m-¡n. CX-\pk-cn¨v kwibw tXm¶p-¶-hsc t^m¬ Sm¸nw-Kv, tamj-Ww, sIzm t«-j³ _vfm¡v tPm_v. hnX-c-W¯n\p aps¼ I¯p Xpd¶v ]cn -tim-[-\, bp²-hncp² {Kq¸p-I-fn IpSn-¡-b-dpI FUvKÀ lqhÀ XpS§n ]e {]h À¯-\-§fpw D≠m-bn-cp-¶p. Ch-bn ]ecpw Ata-cn-¡³ \nb-a§Ä¡p hncp-²-amb Ipä-Ir-Xy-§-fm-sW¶v lÊ\v Adn-bn-¨n-cp-s¶-¦nepw {]kn-Uâ v \nIvk³ Cu ¹m³ AwKo-I-cn¨v {]hÀ¯m-\p-aXn \evIn. A©p
Znhkw Ignªv F^v.-_n.sF Ub-d-IvSÀ FUvKÀ lqhÀ CXns\ FXnÀ¯-t¸mÄ ¹m³ ]n³h-en¨v {]kn-Uâns\ Cw]n¨p sN¿m-hp¶ A[n-Imc ZpÀhn\n-tbmK Ipä-§-fn-sem-¶mbn CXns\ DÄs¸-Sp-¯pI-bp-≠m-bn. A`n-ap-J-¯n Nne {]tXyI ]cn-X-Øn-XnIfn cmjv{S-¯nsâ s_Ìv CâdÌv BsW¶v {]kn -Uân\v tXm¶p-I-bm-sW-¦n C¯cw \nb-a-hn-cp² {]h-À¯\w \S-¯p-¶Xv icn-bm-sW¶p Icp-Xp¶pt≠m? \nIvk³ c≠p \nanjw \ni-_vZ-\m-bn-cp-¶p.
apJ-`mhw At±-l-¯nse kXyw ]d-ªp. ]s£ DS³ `mhw amdn Hcp A[n-Im-cn-bpsS \nÀhn-Im-cX hos≠-Sp¯v At±lw ]d-ªp. {]kn-Uâ v Hcp Imcyw sN¿p-t¼mÄ AXv \nba hncp-²-a-Ãm-Xm-Ip-¶p. t{^mÌnsâ A`n-apJw XpSÀ¶p F{_lmw en¦-sWbpw ¥mUvtÌm-Wn-s\bpw A\-h[n XmXznI Nn´-I-sfbpw D²-cn¨v \nIvk³ X¶nse icnsb Im«m³ {ian-¨p. A¨-Sn¨ hm¡p-I-fn At±-ls¯ \mw Ipä-hn-ap-à-\m-¡n. ]s£ BZys¯ Hcp \nanjw B apJ-`mhw A[n-Im-c-¯n-\p-th≠n F´p Ipähpw sN¿m³ aSn-bn-Ãm¯ BfmWv Xm³ F¶v At±lw P\-t¯mSv k½-Xn-¨p. 1976 \hw-_À 18 \v sXbnwkv sSen-hn-jsâ {_n«n-jp-Im-c-\mb tPÀW-enÌv sPm\m-Y\v Unw_v fv_n ASn-b-´n-cm-h-Øsb¡pdn¨v Cµn-cm-Km-Ôn-bpambn \S-¯nb A`n-apJw CXp-t]mse hm¡p-IÄ¡¸p-d¯v Hcp \nan-js¯ au\tam `mh-hy-Xymktam hcp-¯nb kXy-¯nsâ IrXyamb cq]w P\-¯n-te¡v IayqWn-t¡-äp sN¿-s¸-«p. cmjv{Sob t\Xr-Xz-¯nsâ A¡u≠--_nenän D¯-c-hm-Zn-Xz-t_m-[w P\m-[n-]-Xy-¯nsâ \ne-\n ¸n\v AXy-´m-t]-£n-X-am-Wv. bq Syq_n C¶pw e`y-amb Cu hoUntbm FÃm ]{X-{]hÀ¯-Icpw ImtW≠--Xm-Wv. C¶v FÃm taJ-e-I-fnepw D¶-X-t\-Xm-¡Ä Sn. hn. A`n-apJ-¯n\v ¢m]väohv aoUn-bmsb am{Xw D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶ ssien AXn-a-t\m-l-c-ambn \S-¸m-¡nbn-«p≠-v. cmjv{So-bhpw _nkn-\ Êpw aXm-Nm-chpw FÃmw ]qÀ ®-amb kXyw shfn-s¸-Sp-¯p¶Xv icn-bà F¶v BßmÀ°ambn hniz-kn-¡p-¶p. hcpw-Im-e¯v Xe-t¨m-dnsâ {]hÀ¯-\s¯ A]-{K-Yn-¡p¶ I≠p-]n-Sp-¯-§Ä km[m-cm-W-amtb-¡mw. AXp-hsc Cu apJ-`mhw \evIp¶ D¯-camWv kXy-¯n\v ASp-s¯-¯p¶ tPÀW-en-Ìnsâ Bbp-[w.
t\mh-enÌpw "ho£Ww' ap³ No^v FUn-ä-dp-amWv teJ-I³. Cþ-sabnÂ: amÀ¨v 2018
ata Journalism” is a phrase that the layman on the street may not be familiar with but he is seeing it done every single day on almost every second national news and state news channels across television that uses data journalism as its main form of expression for some news flashes, or, uses data to support its investigative stories and reports on scams, corruption in different branches of the government at the state and central levels and so on. In other words, it throws up facts as they are and could be termed a logical extension of what we know as investigative journalism. It is extremely popular for television news watches, and is a point of focus in the print media by financial journals and newspapers and tabloids such as The Economic Times and the Financial Express and many others.
were injured, a reporter just cannot write “a few died and some were injured in a car crash last evening.: It is mandatory for a reliable reporter to state how many died, how many were injured, state the degree of injury of these victims, the medical aid they were given or the hospital they were taken Shoma A. Chatterji to and so on. Vague and ambivalent words like “many”, “much”, :any”, “injured” do not work at all. This is just a report mind you and not an example of data journalism.
The simplest form of data one can see is in an accident report. For example, in a car crash that killed the driver and the person seated beside him and the three seated on the backseat
For a beginner, facts and data sheets, tables, pie charts and graphs may appear visually colourful but very intimidating even to gloss over them, let alone go deeper into the textual
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cial terms. Many of them had direct or indirect links with the then-ruling party and even if the journalist had not made any comment, the viewer was free to draw his own conclusions about how the state government was favouring fake applicants and excluding genuine ones.
explanation of these data. The television viewer or the net surfer or the newspaper buff gets curious and hooked – in that order because data journalism throws up facts and tables and reveals exact figures of a scam or how much salary does a CM of a State get and how the money is spent, how much does he/she get from the party, what is done with the gifts and the money he/she received for foreign speaking tours and invited visits to foreign countries and so on. The Indian tradition however, was for the PM of the country to directly credit any earnings from foreign tours to the Prime Minister’s Relef Fund. What is the Prime Minister’ Relief Fund and where does the money finally go to? To select NGOs? To people living below the Poverty Line? To handpicked orphanages? What is the geographical and demographic distribution of these funds? Who decides on selecting the target beneficiaries? For example, during the Left-Front rule in West Bengal just before TMC came to power, a Bengali news channel journalist had done a tremendous amount of field work to find out discrepancies in the distribution of BPL ration cards among the very poor in Burdwan District. The figures were not only alarming but shocking too. The investigation was triggered by several genuine BPL candidates who had not received their ration cards even after filling their forms and the verification was done. The list was well-tabled one that gave names, ages, addresses and average monthly incomes of the beneficiaries. It was discovered that only a few of the names in the list were genuine BPL candidates while the remaining did not qualify to fall in the BPL category but were okay in finan-
How is the data sourced? The Internet is not reliable at all because different websites give different data. The reliability of the data would also depend on the political affiliations and/or funding the particular website has. If it is funded by corporate giants, or by political parties, the data cannot be relied upon at all. There are different institutions specially focussed on collecting data and statistical analysis of data and a journalist can seek financial and other data from these organizations with proper credentials. One example is the National Crime Records Bureau where data related to specific crimes are available and accessible on the NET. Now that we have RTI, anyone can access Reserve Bank of India (RBI) data, which, for the Punjab National Bank fraud by Nirav Modi and Associates was accessed by a Reuters reporter through a right-to-information request. The data reveals that shows state-run banks have reported 8,670 "loan fraud" cases totalling Rs. 612.6 billion ($9.58 billion) over the last five financial years up to March 31, 2017.(NDTV, February 16 2017) But that is not enough. To cover the way farmers were dying left, right and centre, committing suicide burdened by loans from moneylenders at prohibitive rates of interest, photojournalist P. Sainath toured ten drought-stricken states in India. He is reported to have said, "That's when I learned that conventional journalism was above all about the service of power. You always give the last word to authority. I got a couple of prizes which I didn't pick up because P Sainath I was ashamed.” Amartya Sen amÀ¨v 2018
has called him "one of the world's great experts on famine and hunger". But it would be wrong to label P. Sainath a “data journalist.” He is much more than that because he has been primarily concerned with rural reporting and the tragedy of people living and working in the rural areas of India. His travels ensure that his data is available at first hand by him and he uses this data to back up his argument about the real India and not as his main subject. IndiaSpend is a very good webzine on data journalism and though the masthead carries the prefix “India”, it collects, collates and presents data journalism from different parts of the world. It claims to be India’s first data journalism initiative. The webzine, founded in 2011 by editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg TV India, India Spend aims at fostering (a) better governance, (b) transparency and (c) accountability in the Indian government. In its “About” portal, it states, “IndiaSpend is rapidly growing to become an 'agency of record’ when it comes to data and facts on the Indian economy, particularly in areas like education and healthcare as well as data on the states of India.” In March 2014, they also launched, a dedicated fact checking initiative that examines statements and assertions made by those in public 38
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life for both accuracy and context. IndiaSpend is a non-profit and a project of The Spending & Policy Research Foundationl located in Lower Parel in Mumbai, and registered as a Charitable Trust with the Charity Commissioner, Mumbai. About Data Journalism Net is an international a hub for news and resources from the community of journalists, editors, designers and developers who use data in the service of journalism. The website is part of the European Journalism Centre’s Data Driven Journalism initiative and is a leading initiative for training, resources and networking in the area of data journalism. Founded in 2010, the programme is dedicated to accelerating the diffusion and improving the quality of data journalism around the world, whether the focus is on investigations, news applications, putting news into context, or simply using data to inform and assist journalistic work. Indian data journalist Sanjit Oberai, in his piece on this webzine writes “Data journalism is at a nascent stage in India. There are currently very few websites that are operating in this area, and news organisations still have a long way to go to reach the global benchmark. The good news is that it has picked up and caught the attention of the Indian government, news
organisations, analytics companies, and data visualisation companies. Data can be used to bring about accountability and transparency among people and that awareness is catching people’s attention. It is also Sanjit Oberai fast becoming an important part of the armoury of newsrooms in India and plays an important role in multimedia and digital reporting. To find out more about data journalism efforts in India, I spoke with leading data enthusiasts from five start-up initiatives.” (24th February 2017) Data journalism at its best is more reliable than journalism without data. According to Paul Bradshaw of Birmingham City University, “Data can be the source of data journalism, or it can be the tool with which the story is told — or it can be both. Like any source, it should be treated with scepticism; and like any tool, we should be conscious of how it can shape and restrict the stories that are created with it.” has a separate category on articles focussed on providing data to its readers. In a 2007 article authored jointly by Sandipan Baksi and Aravindhan Nagarajan titled Mob Lynchings in India: A Look at Data and the Story Behind the Numbers you will get to read an amazing article that spills over with research both extensive and intensive to drive home the real truth and more importantly, how this continues to exist mainly because of what they term “the culture of impunity.” There are similar articles on the Rafale scam, on why the drop in civPaul Bradshaw il services vacancies are neither new nor
alarming, and many more. Ravish Kumar, Senior Executive Editor of NDTV (Hindi) enjoys tremendous popularity and the confidence of millions of viewers who wait for him to open his can of worms because of his data-based investigative reports on scams happening across the country such as in management institutes, education at large, medical care, the doctor-patient ratio and so on,. He is often made a target of attack by rival journalists from other media. Important journalists like him who have a dedicated team employed to do most of the ground research on the field and also from documented research. Intelligently, Ravish keeps away from media hype or unwanted publicity but his fans are beyond counting. One of his fans, Kavish Dwivedi, Senior Software Engineer and Data Science at Dunzoit, writes: “Only thing I can say is that a person of that calibre and magnitude Ravish Kumar for NDTV has stayed away from unwanted burden inside the company apart from being able to execute his job according to how he wants to. Being a Hindi journalist, he was amongst the first ones in the Indian media to embrace social media at a very personal level.” So, data journalism is the “in” thing but there are just no short cuts. You must be very honest, objective, non-partisan, accurate to putting forth data and facts and remain committed to your findings, prepared to counter corrections and criticisms which will definitely be an occupational hazard.
¤ The writer is a freelance journalist, author and film scholar based in Kolkata. She has authored 25 books and contributed to many compilations on cinema, family and gender. Email: amÀ¨v 2018
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amˬv 2018
sIm≠-p am{Xw H-cp hmÀ¯-sb s^-bv-Iv \yq-kv B-bn I-W-¡m-¡m³ ]-änà F¶ {]-kv Iu--¬kn A-²y-£³ P-Ìnkv kn.sI.{]-km-Zn-sâ \n-co£-Ww {i-t²-b-amWv. hym-P-am-Wv F-¶v A-dn-ªp sIm≠-v H-cmÄ F-gp-Xp-¶ hmÀ-¯ am-{X-ta s^-bv-Iv \yq-kv B--hq F¶pw A-t±-lw ]-d-ªp. {]-kv Iu-¬kn \n-b-a-¯n-tem 1867þse Zv {]-kv Bâ v d-Pn-kv-t{Sj³ Hm-^v _p-Iv-kv B-Iv-än-tem 2000þse C³-^À-ta-j³ sS-Iv-t\mf-Pn B-Iv-äntem s^-bv-Iv \yq-kn\Ã, \yq-kn\p X-s¶ \nÀ-h-N-\-anÃ. \m-a-am-{X-amb H-cp \n-co-£-W kw-hn-[m-\-sa¦nepw C-t¸m-gpÅ-Xv Xm-c-X-tay\ 'a-cym-Z-¡mcm-b' ]-{X-Øm-]-\-§Ä-¡p am-{X-amWv. kÀ-¡mÀ kw-hn[m-\amb {]-kv Iu-¬-kn t]m-sem-¶v sS-en-hn-j³ Nm-\-ep-IÄ-¡nÃ. G-Xm\pw Nm-\ D-S-a-ØÀ tN-À-¶p≠-m¡n-b H-cp A-\u-tZymKn-I kw-hn-[m-\ta A-hn-sS DÅp. Hm¬-sse³ cwK-¯v hmÀ-¯mhn-\n-ab-s¯ _m-[n-¡p¶ \n-b-a-§Ä X-s¶-bnÃ. H-cp sh-_v-ssk-äv \-S-¯p¶-Xv B-cm-Wv F-¶v kq-Nn-¸n-t¡≠-Imcyw t]mepw A-Xn-enÃ. G-ähpw A-]-I-S-Im-cn-IÄ, hn-j-¸Ãp-I-fp-am-bn ]-Xn-bn-cn-¡p-¶tkm-jy ao-Un-b-bn-em-I-s« ^-e-{]-Zamb H-cp \n-co£-W-kw-hn-[m-\w t]mepw CÃ. kv-amÀ-Sv t^m-WpI-fn-eq-sS-bm-Wv hmÀ-¯m-ssh-d-Êp-IÄ \m-«n-em-sI am-c-I ]-I-À-¨-hym-[n-IÄ ]-c-¯n-s¡m-≠n-cn-¡p-¶Xv. A-Xn-th-K-am-Wv kv-amÀ-«v t^m-Wp-IÄ cw-Kw ssI-b-S-¡p-¶Xv. B-[n-Im-cn-X-X-bp-Å hmÀ-¯-IÄ \Â-Ip-¶ ]-{X-§Ä-¡p t]mepw A-h-cp-sS hmÀ-¯IÄ Iq-Sp-XÂ-t]-cn F-¯n-¡m³ tkm-jy ao-Un b-sb D-]-tbm-Kn-t¡≠-n h-cp¶p. Cu tkm-jy aoUn-b BI-s« kv-amÀ-Sv t^m-Wn-eq-sS-bm-Wv hm-b -\-¡m-cn-se-¯p-¶-Xv. C-´y-bn 2017þ kv-amÀ-Sv t^m-Wp-I-fp-sS {]-Nm-c-¯n-ep≠m-b Ip-Xn-¨p-Nm-«w a-säm-cn-S¯pw Im-Wm-¯ X-c-¯n-ep-Å-Xm-bn-cp-¶p. 2017 B-Zy ImÂ-h-À-j-¯n- B-tKm-f kv-amÀ-Sv t^m¬ D-]-tbm-K-¯n 70 i-X-am-\w hÀ-²-\ D-≠m b-Xv C-´y-bn D≠m-b h³ Ip-Xn-¨p-Nm-«-¯n-sâ Iq-Sn ^-e-am-sW-¶v \n-co-£-IÀ A-`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-Ibp-≠mbn. C-Xn-sâ-sbÃmw H-cp ^-ew hmÀ-¯-I-sf k-Xy-amtWm hym-P-am-tWm F¶p Xn-cn-¨-dn-bm-\p-Å I-gn-hp t]mepw hm-b-\-¡mÀ-¡p \-ã-s¸Spw F-¶-XmWv. C-Xn-\n-S-bn-em-Wv C-hn-sS A-{I-Un-tä-j-\n ssI-sh-¨v hym-P-hmÀ-¯ CÃm-Xm-¡n-¡-f-bm-sa-¶p Nn-e-À hym-tam-ln-¡p-¶Xv. ¤
B-i-bhn-\n-a-b kzm-X-{´yhpw A-]-I-S-¯n-emWvv ]
-{X-kzm-X-{´y-¯n-sâ Im-cy-¯n am-{XaÃ, a-\p-jyÀ X-½n-ep-Å B-i-b-hn-\n-a-b-kzm-X{´y-¯n-sâ Im-cy¯nepw C-´y hÀ-jw-tXm-dpw Xm-tg-¡p t]m-hp-I-bmWv. C-¡me-s¯ G-ähpw h-en-b hn-h-c-hn-\n-a-b kw-hn-[m-\am-b CâÀ-s\-äv 2017- G-ähpw Iq-Sp-X X-h-W \n-tcm-[n-¡-s¸-« cmPyw F-¶ "_-lp-aXn' C-´y t\-Sn-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. 2017þ C-´y-bn 55 X-h-W-bm-Wv ]-te-S-§fnepw CâÀ-s\-äv \n-tcm-[n-¡-s¸-«-Xv. 2016þepw C-´ybm-bn-cp-¶p C-¡m-cy-¯n ap-¶nÂ. 2017 sk-]v-Xw_dn B-Zy-hm-cw X-s¶ F-«nS-¯v CâÀ-s\-äv \n-tcm [-\w D-≠mbn. F-s´-¦n-epw {I-a-k-am-[m-\-{]-iv-\w D≠-m-hp-t¼m-sgm-s¡ A-[n-Ir-XÀ BZyw sN¿p-I C-âÀ-s\-äv X-S-bp-I-bmWv. tKmÀ-Jm-emâ v {]-t£m-`w \-S-¶ UmÀ-Pn-en-§n CâÀ-s\-äv \n-tcm[-\w A-t\I-am-k-§Ä \o-≠p. CâÀ-s\-äv \n-tcm[-\w B-i-b-hn-\n-ab-s¯ am-{XaÃ, Po-hn-X-¯n-sâ a-ä-t\-Iw ku-I-cy-§sfbpw CÃm-Xm-¡p-I-bmWv. _m-¦n-§v DÄ-s¸-sSbp-Å \n-ch-[n ssZ-\wZn-\ A-Xym-h-iy§-sf A-Xv
]m-sS X-S-Ê-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶p. G-ähpw Iq-Sp-XÂ- -Xh-W CâÀ-s\-äv \n-tj-[n¡-s¸-Sp-¶ kw-Øm-\w hÀ-j-§-fm-bn Im-iv-ao-cmWv. 2017þ 25 X-h-W-bm-Wv \n-tcm-[-\-ap≠-m-b-Xv. 2016þ ]-{´≠-p X-h-W-bpw 2015þ A-©p-X-hWbpw am-{X-ta \n-tcm[-\w D-≠m-bn-«p-Åq. Im-cyam-b {I-a-k-am-[m-\-{]-iv-\w CÃm-¯-t¸m-gpw s]m-Xpkp-c-£ ]-d-ªm-Wv \n-tcm[-\w GÀ-s¸-Sp-¯m-dpÅXv. CâÀ-s\-äm-Wv {I-a-k-am-[m-\w X-IÀ-¡p-¶sX-¶ a-t\m-`m-h-am-Wv A-[n-Ir-XÀ- ]p-eÀ-¯p-¶-Xv. sF-Iy-cm-{ã-k-`-bp-sS a-\p-jym-h-Im-i-hn-`m-Kw ssl-¡-½o-j-W-À ]-e h-«w C-¡m-cy-¯n C-S-s]Sp-I-bp-≠ mbn. CâÀ-s\-äv \n-tcm[-\w aq-ew km-aqly-am-[y-a-§Ä ]qÀ-W-am-bpw ]-{XþZr-iy-am-[y-a§Ä `m-Kn-I-ambpw X-S-b-s¸-Sp-I-bm-Wv F-¶p bp.F³. ssl-¡-½o-j-WÀ Nq≠-n-¡m-«p-¶p. a-\pjy-sâ A-Sn-Øm-\m-h-Im-i-§ÄXs¶ ]qÀ-W-am-bn \n-tj[n-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv C-âÀ-s\-äv \n-tcm-[-\wþhn-Zym -`ym-khpw hm-Wn-Pyhpw _m-¦n§pw bm-{Xbpw XpS§n G-Xm≠-vFÃm ta-J-e-I-sfbpw _m-[n-¡p-¶-XmWtÃm CâÀ-s\-äv \n-tcm[\w.
I-À-j-I B-ßl-Xy A-t\z-jn-¨ A-ta-cn-¡³ ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯I
À-j-I B-ßl-Xy F-¶p tIÄ-¡p-t¼mÄ X-s¶ A-Xv C-´y-bn-se-hn-sStbm B-sW-t¶ \-ap-¡p tXm¶q. C-Xv hy-Xy-kv-X-am-Wv. k-¼-Zv-k-ar²n-bp-sS kzÀ-K-sa-¶p hn-ti-jn-¸n-¡m-dp-Å A-ta-cn¡-bn IÀ-j-I- B-ßl-Xy ]-S-À-¶p ]n-Sn-¨n-cp¶p. A-Xp I-s-≠¯n A-t\z-j-W dn-t¸mÀ-«v F-gpXn-b ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I- ]-c-s¡ {]-iw-kn-¡-s¸-«p. A-XmWv Cu IY. ]-{X-¯n-sâ {][m-\ t]-Pn 2017 Unkw-_À G-gn\p h-¶ hmÀ-¯ C-§s\ þ ssh BÀ A-tacn-¡m-kv ^mÀ-tagvkv InÃn-§v sZw-skÂ-hv-kv C³ sd-t¡m-Uv \-t¼-gvkv (F-´p-sIm≠-v C-{X-b-[n-Iw A-ta-cn-¡³ IÀ-j-IÀ B-ßl-Xy sN-¿p-¶p?) G-sX-¦nepw Ht¶m ct≠m IÀ-j-I-cp-sS B-ß l-Xy F-Sp-¯v s]m-en-¸n-s¨-gp-Xp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶nà U-ºn ho-³-KmÀ-«³ F-¶ ]-{X-{]-hÀ¯-I. cm-Py-¯pS-\o-f-ap-Å {Km-a-§fn-se B-ß-l-Xy-I-sf-¡p-dn-¨p-Å
Øn-Xn-hn-h-c-¡W-¡p-IÄ ]-Tn-¨m-Wv, A-hÀ km-[mc-W P-\-§Ä-¡n-S-bn-se B-ß-l-Xym-\n-c-¡nt\¡mÄ C-c«nbm-Wv IÀj-I B-ßl-Xy F-¶p Xpd-¶p Im-«n-b-Xv. U-ºn ho-³-KmÀ-«-s\ ]{Xw hn-ti-jn-¸n-¨Xvv ap³ IÀj-I F-¶mWv. A-Xp U-ºn ho-³-KmÀ-«³ {]-[m-\-s¸-« Im-cy-amWv. IÀ-j-I-Ip-Spw-_-¯n Po-hn-¨-Xp-sIm≠-m-Wv U-ºn-¡p -{]-iv-\-§-sfÃmw F-fp¸w a-\-Ên-em-¡m³ km-[n-¨-Xv. U-ºn X-\n-¨Ã C-¯-c-sam-cp A-t\zj-Ww \-S-¯n-bXv. C-¡-tWm-an-Iv lmÀ-Uv-jn-¸v dn-t¸mÀ-«n§v s{]m-P-Iv-äv F-¶ H-cp Øm-]-\-¯n-sâbpw KmÀUn-b³ F-Un-ä-dp-sSbpw k-lm-bw A-hÀ-¡v e-`n-¡pamÀ¨v 2018
]o-U-\-s¡m-e-bp-sS sk³-kÀ-jn-¸v Xp-S-c-Wtam? tZ
-io-b{i-² B-IÀ-jn-¡p-¶ h³-kw-`-h-§-fmbn Nn-e ssew-Kn-I-]o-U-\-§Ä D-bÀ-¶p-h-cpt¼mÄ s]m-Xp-{]-hÀ-¯-I-cpw am-[y-a-§fpw t\-cnSp-¶ {]-Xn-k-Ôn XpS-cp-I-bm-Wv. sIm-Spw-{Iq-c-X-bv-¡v C-c-bm-¡-s¸-Sp-¶ kv-{Xo-bpsS A-sÃ-¦n _m-en-Ibp-sS t]-cv F§-s\ sh-fn-s¸-Sp-¯m-Xn-cn-¡pw? \n-b-a-]-c-am-bn C-Xn {]-Xn-k-Ôn-sbm-¶p-anÃ. ssew-Kn-I-am-bn B-{I-an-¡-s¸-« h-\n-X-bp-sS t]-cv sh-fn-s¸-Sp-¯p¶-Xv, C-´y³ in-£m-\n-b-a-¯n-se 228 F h-Ip-¸-\p-k-cn-¨v Ip-ä-amWv. c≠-p hÀ-jw h-sc XShp e-`n-¡pw, ]n-g th-sd-bpw. \n-b-a-\nÀ-am-W-¯n-sâ D-t±iyw hy-à-amWvþ C-c-bm-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-hÀ-¡v t]-cv \m-«n ]m-«m-hp-sa-¶ `-bw Iq-Sm-sX ]-cm-Xn \Â-Im-\m-hWw. ssew-Kn-Iam-bn B-{I-an-¡-s¸-Sp¶-Xv e-Öm-I-cam-b kw-K-Xnbm-sW-t¶m A-Xp-aq-ew am-\-`w-Kw kw-`-hn-¡p-sa-t¶m D-Å \n-K-a-\-¯n-eà \n-b-a-\nÀ-am-Xm-¡Ä C-¯-cw H-cp \nb-aw D≠-m-¡n-bXv. A-t\Iw A-\m-Nm-c-§fpw
AÀ-°-iq-\y am-\m-]-am-\-Nn-´-Ifpw \n-e-\nÂ-¡p-¶ k-aq-l-am-b-Xp-sIm-≠m-Wv Cu ap³-I-cp-X F-¶Xpw i-cn-bmWv. ]t£, I-Sp-¯ ssew-Kn-Im-{I-a-W-¯n Po-hlm-\n kw-`-hn-¨ H-cp s]¬-Ip-«nsb Cu K-W-¯n s]-Sp-¯p-¶-sX-§s\? G-Xp Ip-Spw-_-a-m-Wv C§-s\ a-cn-¨ H-cp s]¬-Ip-«n-bp-sS t]-cv c-l-ky-am-¡m³ B-{K-ln¡pI? H-cn-¡-ep-anÃ. UÂ-ln-bn _-Ên sIm-e sN-¿-s¸-« s]¬-Ip-«n-bp-sS A-½ H-cp th-Znbn \n-¶pX-s¶ ]-dªpþ "F-sâ a-I-fp-sS t]-cv c-l-ky-am-¡n sh-¡-cpXv. tem-Imh-km-\w h-sc A-hfp-sS t]-cv B-fpIÄ HmÀ-¡-Ww. Ahsfm-cp sXäpw Ip-ähpw sN-bv-Xn-«nÃ' Cu s]¬-Ip-«n-bp-sS --- þtPym-Xn knw-ln-sâ þ t]-cv ]-d-bp-¶-XmtWm {Iqc-X, a-d-¨p-sh-¡p-¶-tXm? A-Ñt\m A-½-tbm A-\p-h-Zn-¨m-sem¶pw t]-cv sh-fn-s¸-Sp-¯m³ ]m-SnÃ. G-sX-¦nepw Aw-KoIr-X t£-a-Øm-]-\-¯n-sâ sN-bÀ-am-t\mtSm kn-{I-«dn-tbm-tSm k½-Xw A-dn-bn-¨m am-{X-ta A-Xp ] m-SpÅq. A-Xn-sâ \n-b-a-]-cam-b AÀ-°w C-Xm-Wvþe£w B-fp-IÄ tIÄ-s¡, A-½ a-cn-¨ a-I-fp-sS t]-cp sh-fn-s¸-Sp-¯n-bmepw A-Xp dn-t¸mÀ-«v sN-¿p-¶ ]-{Xm[n]-sc c-≠p hÀ-jw P-bn-en-e-S-¡mw. P-½p ITp-h sIm-e-bv-¡p ti-jhpw C-tX hnjbw N-À-¨-b-mbn. ]-t£, th-≠{X B-tem-N-\ \S-¯n Cu sk³-kÀ-jn-¸v AÀ-°-]qÀ-W-am-bn cq-]m-´-cs¸-Sp-¯m-³ C¶pw \n-b-a-\nÀ-am-Xm-¡tfm Pp-Uo-jydntbm ap-t¶m-«p-h-¶n-«nÃ.
I-bp-≠m-bn. hÀ-j-§Ä-¡p ap-¼pX-s¶ IÀ-j-IÀ ]-ecpw B-ßl-Xy sN-¿p-¶ Imcyw A-h-cp-sS {i-²bn s]-«-XmWv. ]t£, ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-Ibm-b ti-jam-Wv A-Xv A-t\z-jn-¡m-\m-bXv. A-Xn-\m-bn Ip-sd am-k-§Ä A-hÀ A-ta-cn-¡-bn-eq-sS k-©-cn¨p. km-aq-ly-am-b H-ä-s¸SÂ, D-ev-]-¶ hn-e-¡pd-hv ap-ew D-≠ m-Ip-¶ km-¼-¯n-I-\ãw, am-\-kn-I-{]-iv\-§Ä F-¶n-h-bm-Wv B-ß-l-Xy-¡p-Å {]-[m-\-Imc-W-§-sf-¶v ]T-\w hy-à-am-¡p-¶p. FÃm IÀ-j-Icp-sSbpw ssIh-iw tXm-¡p-I-fp-s-≠¶Xpw a-c-W-\ nc-¡v hÀ-²n-¡m-\p-Å Im-c-W-am-W-v. sU-kv tam-bn³-kv cPn-Ì-dnepw KmÀ-Un-b-\n-epam-Wv U-ºn-bp-sS A-t\z-j-W dn-t¸mÀ-«v 2017 Un-kw_-dn {]-kn-²-s¸-Sp-¯n-bXv. hmÀ-¯ {]-kn-²-s¸42
amˬv 2018
Sp¯n-b ti-jw tem-I-¯n-sâ \m-\m-`m-K-¯p \n-¶pw X-\n-¡v k-tµ-i-§Ä e-`n-¨-Xm-bpw \n-ch-[n t]À hn-fn-¨-Xmbpw U-ºn ]-d-bp-¶p. dn-t¸mÀ-«v D-≠m¡n-b {]-Xn-I-c-W-§-fn sh-t¨-ähpw {]-[m-\w IÀ-j-I-IpSpw-_mw-Kw Iq-Snbm-b hm-jn-§v-S¬ kv-tä-äv {]-Xn-\n-[n sP.Sn. hnÂ-tIm-Iv-kv, B-ß-l-Xy ]-cn-lm-c _n tIm-¬-{K-Ên A-h-X-cn-¸n-¨-Xm-Wv. ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-\ s¯ C-t¸mgpw am-ä-§Ä-¡p-Å D-]m-[n-bm¡mw F-¶m-Wv Cu kw`-hw sX-fn-bn-¡p-¶-sX-¶v hnÂtIm-Iv-kv A-`n-{]m-b-s¸-«p. how-one-reporters-mission-brought-attention-to-thesuicide-epidemic-among-farm-workers/
h-b-kv 15þ {]-kw-Kw H-¶mw t]-PnÂ,
F-«p-tIm-fw X-e-s¡«v
-\hpw ]-Z-hn-bp-sam-¶p-anÃm-¯ H-cp ]-Xn-\-©p-Im-cn-bp-sS ssa-Xm-\-{]-kwK¯n-\v H-cp tZ-io-b-]{Xw F-´p {]m-[m\yw \Â-Ipw? G-Xp t]-Pn B hmÀ-¯ {]-kn-²-s¸-Sp-¯pw? A-[n-Iw B-tem-Nn-¡m-s\m-¶p-anÃ. G-sX-¦nepw D-Ät¸-PnÂ, ......F-¶n-hÀ {]-kw-Kn-¨p F-¶ hm-N-I-¯n B t]cpw D-≠m-sb-¶p h-cmw.
]-t£, A-Xà \yqUÂ-ln sa-äÀ Uo kv-Iq-fn ]-¯mw-¢m-kv ]-co-£-sb-gp-Xn ^-ew Im-¯n-cn-¡p-¶ ]-Jn sP-bn-\n-sâ {]-kw-K-¯n-\v e-`n-¨Xv. sImÂI-¯-bn \n-¶p {]-kn-²-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶ sS-e-{Km-^v F-¶ {]ap-J Cw-¥o-jv ]-{X-¯n-sâ H¶mw t]-Pn A-Xp F-«p-tIm-fw hmÀ-¯-bm-bn-cp-¶p. A-hn-th-Isa¶pw A-Xn-{I-a-sa¶pw A-{I-a-sa¶pw A-Ú-X-sb¶p-saÃmw C-Xp hn-aÀ-in-¡-s¸-t«-¡pwþ]-t£ A-Xv A-§-s\-bm-Wv kw-`-hn-¨Xv. P-½p-hn-se ITp-h-bn sIm-¨p-s]¬-Ip-«n-sb k-¦Â-¸n-¡m-\m-hm-¯ {Iq-c-X-tbm-sS ]o-Un-¸n-¨psIm-¶ kw-`-h-¯n {]-Xn-tj-[n-¡m³ k-³k-Zv amÀKn \-S-¶ dm-en-bn-em-Wv ]-Jn sP-bn³ {]-kw-Kn-¨Xv. ]-Jn sP-bn-\n-sâ {]-kw-Kw tI-«v BÄ-¡q-«-¯n ]-ecpw I-®o-scm-gp¡n. A-sXm-cp Bth-i {]-kw-Ksam-¶p-am-bn-cp-¶nÃ. kv-Iq-fn-ep-]-tbm-Kn-¡p-¶ h-c-bn-« I-S-em-Ên F-gp-Xn-s¡m≠-p-h¶-Xv A-h-Ä hm-bn-¡pI-bm-bn-cp¶p. "X-§-fp-sS a-Xhpw ]mÀ-«nbpw t\m-¡n {Iq-c-]o-U\-s¯ \ym-bo-I-cn-¡p-¶-hÀ e-Ön-¡s«.
\n-§Ä-¡v B s]¬-Ip-«n-sb Im-Wm³ I-gn-bp-¶nÃ, A-h-fp-sS aX-ta Im-Wp-¶p-Åq". A-hÄ hm-bn¨p. amÀ-«n³ eq-YÀ In-§n-sâ N-cn-{X-{]-kn-²am-b A-\izc {]-kw-K-¯n-se H-cp hmN-Iw {]-kw-K-¯n D-²-cn-¨n-cp-¶p. "F-\n-s¡m-cp kz-]v-\-ap≠-v... H-cp \mÄ Cu cm-Pyw D-bÀ-s¯-gp-t¶Â-¡pw.... F-\n-s¡m-cp kz-]v-\-ap≠-v... H-cp Ip-«nbpw H-cp kv-{Xobpw `m-hn-bnsem-cn-¡-epw _-emÂ-kw-Kw sN-¿-s¸-SnÃ..... F-\ns¡m-cp kz-]v-\-ap≠-v... H-cp \m-fn Cu cm-Py-¯n-sâ ]-c-tam-¶-Xa-Xw a-\p-jy-Xz-am-hpw... ]-Jn sP-bn³ {]-kw-Kw F-gp-Xn-s¡m≠-p-h-¶ t]Pn-sâ H-cp t^m-t«m-Nn-{Xhpw hm-À-¯-tbm-sSm-¸w h-ep-¸-¯n B t]-Pn sIm-Sp-¯n-cp-¶p. ]-{X-N-cn-{X-¯n C-sXm-cp A-Xy]qÀ-h kw-`-h -am-Imw. F-¦nepw ]-{X-hmÀ-¯ a-äp ]-{X-§Ä-¡p hmÀ¯-bm-Im³ ]m-SnÃ-tÃm. sS-e-{Km-^v ]-{X-¯n-sâ A-]qÀ-h hmÀ-¯m-h-Xc-Ww Bcpw hmÀ-¯-bm-¡n-b-Xp I-≠nÃ.
¤ ap-XnÀ¶ am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I\pw tImf-anÌpw tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bpsS ap³ sNbÀam-\p-amWv teJ-I³. Cþ-sabnÂ: amÀ¨v 2018
A¡m-Zan hmÀ¯-IÄ
a¯mbn amªq-cm³
F³-F³ kXy-{h-X³ A\p-kva-cW {]`m-jWw
À¯-IÄ P\-§sf Adn-bn-¡p-hm-\p-ff am[y-a-§-fpsS ASn-Øm\ kzmX{´yw cmPy¯v \ntj-[n-¡s¸SpI-bm-sW¶v apXnÀ¶ am[y a{]hÀ¯-I³ AUz. sk_m-Ìy³t]mÄ. tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bn a¯mbn amªq-cm³ A\pkva-cW {]`m-jWw \S-¯p-I-bm-bn-cp¶p At±-lw.
cmjv{Sob ImgvN-¸m-Sp-IÄ am[y-a-§Ä¡v D≠m -h-cp-sX¶v ]d-bm³ Ign-bn-Ã. cmjv{Sobw ad-¨p-h¨p-ff am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-\-amWv Ct¸mÄ \S-¡p-¶-Xv. cmjv{Sob CS-s]Sep-IÄ Xpd-¶p-]-d-bm³ AhÀ¡v kzmX-{´yap≠-v. tZiob Xe-¯n-ep-≠m-hp¶ {]iv\-§Ä kq£va -ambn \nco-£n¨m ap³Iq«n \nÝ-bn-¨n-cn-¡p¶ AP≠--bmWv \S-¸n-em-¡p-¶Xv F¶v ImWm-\m-Ipw. FXnÀi-_vZ-ap-bÀ¯p-¶-hsc FÃmbn-S¯pw ASn-¨aÀ¯m-\mWv ]cn-{i-an-¡p-¶XvþAt±lw ]d-ªp. hmb-\-¡m-c³ B{K-ln-¡p¶ coXn-bn hmÀ ¯-Isf cq]-s¸-Sp-¯p¶ Ah-Ø-bn-emWv am[y-a§Ä F¯n-t¨À¶n-cn-¡p¶-sX¶v F³-F³ kXyhr-X³ A\p-kva-cW {]`m-jWw \S¯nb ae-bmf at\m-ca aq³ FUn-täm-dn-b Ub-d-IvSÀ tXmakv tP¡_v A`n-{]m-b-s¸-«p. ]{X-¯nsâ \ne-]m-SpIÄ¡v A\p-k-cn¨v hmÀ¯-IÄ cq]-s¸-Sp-¯p¶ Imew Ign-ªp. hmb-\-¡m-cpsS \ne-]m-Sp-IÄ A\p-
tIcf aoUnb A¡mZanbn ae-bmf at\m-ca aq³ FUn-täm-dn-b Ub-d-IvSÀ tXmakv tP¡_v F³-F³ kXy-{hX³ A\p-kva-cW {]`m-jWw \S-¯p-¶p.
k-cn¨v hmÀ¯-IÄ cq]-s¸-Sp-¯p¶ Ime-am-Wn-Xv. am[y-a-cw-K¯v aX-\n-c-t]-£X \ne-\nÀ¯m³ F³.F³.- k-Xy-{h-X³ henb ]¦p-h-ln-¨n-«p≠-v. sN¶p s]« FÃm taJ-e-I-fnepw {]mKÛyw sXfn-bn¨ A]qÀÆ hyàn-Xz-am-bn-cp¶p At±-lw. ]{X§fpsS cq]-L-S-\-bn amäw hcp¶ Imew hnZq-c-a-Ã. kmt¦ -Xn-I-hnZy ]pXnb hmb-\m-k-¦Â]-§Ä Xpd-¶n-Sp-Ibm-WvþtXmakv tP¡_v ]d-ªp. aoUnb A¡m-Zan sNbÀam³ BÀ. -Fkv. _m_p A²y-£X hln-¨p. F³.-F³.-k-Xy-{hXsâ IpSpw-_mw-K-§Ä, apXnÀ¶ ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-cmb hn.-]n.-cmaN-{µ³, ]n. cmP³, \oe³ A¡m-Zan sk{I -«dn sI.-Pn.-k-t´m-jv XpS-§n-b-hÀ ]s¦-Sp-¯p. ¤
Ifn: ImgvNbpw Fgp¯pw {]Imi\w sNbvXp hfÀ¨bn am[ya§Ä¡v {][m\ ]¦ps≠¶v AhÀ ]dªp. tIcf aoUnb A¡mZanbpsS B`napJy¯n FdWmIpfw {]kv ¢_nsâ klIcWt¯msS FdWmIpfw Kh. Kkväv lukv tIm¬^d³kv lmfn \S¶ {]Imi\ NS§n tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan sNbÀam³ BÀ. Fkv. _m_p A[y£X hln¨p. tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan {]kn²oIcn¨ Po\t]mÄ FgpXnb Ifn: ImgvNbpw Fgp¯pw F¶ ]pkvXI¯nsâ {]Imi\NS§n \n¶v.
cf aoUnb A¡mZan {]kn²oIcn¡p¶ at\m ca \yqkv {]n³kn¸Â Idkvt]m≠â v Po\ t]mÄ FgpXnb Ifn: ImgvNbpw Fgp¯pw F¶ ]pkv XI¯nsâ {]Imi\w AbÀemâ v ^pSvt_mÄ Xmcw sSdns^em\pw tZiob jq«n§v Xmcw Fenk_¯v kqk³ tIminbpw \nÀÆln¨p. ImbnI Xmc§fpsS
amˬv 2018
tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan kvt]mÀSvkv tPÀ Wenkw cwK¯v {]kn²oIcn¡p¶ BZy]pkv XIamWnsX¶pw XpSÀ¶pw Cu hn`mK¯nepÅ ]pkvXI§Ä {]kn²oIcn¡psa¶pw sNbÀ am³ ]dªp. {]ikvX ImbnI teJI³ F.F³. cho{µZmkv ]pkvXIw ]cnbs¸Sp¯n. Po\t]mÄ adp]Sn {]kwKw \S¯n. FdWm Ipfw {]kv¢_v {]knUâ v Un. Zneo]v kzmK Xhpw tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan Akn. sk{I«dn Fw. a[pkqZ\³ \µnbpw ]dªp.
A¡m-Zan hmÀ¯-IÄ
tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan sshkv sNbÀam³ Zo]p chn; FIvknIyq«ohv I½nän \nehn h¶p
cf aoUnb A¡mZan sshkv sNbÀam\m bn tIcfIuapZn FUnäÀ Zo]p chnsb sXcsªSp¯p. sIm¨n Im¡\mSv tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan tIm¬^ d³kv lmfn tNÀ¶ ]pXnb P\d Iu¬knensâ {]Ya tbmKamWv sshkv sNbÀ Zo]p chn ams\bpw FIvknIyq«ohv I½nänsbbpw hnhn[ D]kan XnIsfbpw sXcsªSp¯Xv. tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan sNbÀam³ BÀ.Fkv. _m_p A[y£X hln¨p. P\d Iu¬knen C´y³ \yqkv t]¸À skmsskänbpsS {]Xn\n[nbmWv Zo]p chn. 2013 apX tIcf IuapZn FUn-ä-dmbn {]hÀ¯n-¡p¶ Zo]p chn Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw Kh¬saâ v F³Pn-\n-bdnMv tImtf-Pn \n¶v BÀ¡n-sS-IvN-dn _ncp-Zhpw XpSÀ¶v Ata-cn-¡-bnse tPmÀPnbbn \n¶v Fw. F^v. F. _ncp-Zm-\-´-c-_n-cp-Zhpw Ic-Ø-a-m-¡n-bn«p≠-v. amXr-`qan tPmbnâ v amt\-PnMv FUn-äÀ Fw.-hnt{i-bmwkv IpamÀ t]cv \nÀt±-in-¨p.- tZ-im-`n-am\n P\-d amt\-PÀ sI.sP tXmakv ]n´p-W-¨p. FIvknIyq«ohv t_mÀUv AwK§fmbn Iam hcZqÀ, Fkv. _nPp, sI. sP. tXmakv, kt´mjv tPmÀPv Ipf§c, C³^Àtaj³ Bâ v ]»nIv dntej³kv hIp¸v sk{I«dn, C³^Àtaj³ Bâ v ]»nIv dntej³kv hIp¸v UbdIvSÀ, [\ImcyhIp¸v {]n³kn¸Â sk{I«dn F¶nhÀ AwK-§fmWv. tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan sk{I«dn sI. Pn. kt´mjv sa¼À sk{I«dnbmbncn¡pw. hnhn[ D]kanXnIfpw cq]oIcn¨p. A¡m ZanIv Iu¬knÂ, h\nXmkwc£Ww, s{]mU Ivj³, dnkÀ¨v Bâ v tUmIypsatâj³ F¶o D]kanXnIsfbpw aoUnb amknIbpsS ]{Xm[n ]kanXn AwK§tfbpw P\d Iu¬kn tbmKw sXcsªSp¯p. aoUnb A¡mZan sk{I «dn sI.Pn. kt´mjv dnt¸mÀ«v AhXcn¸n¨p. tbmK¯n P\d Iu¬kn AwK§fmb kn. \mcmbW³, (P-\-d sk{I-«-dn, sI.-bp.-U-»n bp.sP) Iam hcZqÀ, ({]kn-Uâ v, sI.-bq.-U-»nbq sP) Fw.sI. Ipcymt¡mkv (ae-bmf at\m-ca), PbIrjvW³ \cn¡p«n (tZim-`n-am\n), Fkv. _nPp (Gjym-s\äv \yqkv), ] Ip«³, (ssIcfn t{ibmwkvIpamÀ, H.BÀ. cmaN{µ³, (am-Xr`qan) sI.sP. tXmakv (P\-d amt\-PÀ tZ-im-`nam\n), t__n amXyp (am-t\PnMv Ub-d-IvSÀ, Poh³ kt´mjv tPmÀPv Ipf§c (am-t\-PnMv Ubd-IvSÀ, k^mcn, tPm¬ ap-≠¡bw (aebmf at\mca), H. A_vZp dlvam³, (am-[yaw) cmPmPn amXyp tXmakv (P-\-bpKw), ]n.Fw. at\mPv (tZim-`n-am\n), F³.]n. N{µtiJc³ (ssI-cfn, Fw.Pn. cm[mIrjvW³ (Gjym-s\äv \yqkv), kckzXn \mKcmP³ (Z lnµp), Zo]Iv [À½Sw (A-arX, C³^Àtaj³ Bâ v ]»nIv dnte j³kv hIp¸v UbdIvSdpsS {]Xn\n[nbmbn doPn bW sU]yq«n UbdIvSÀ F³. cm[mIrjvW¸nÅ, sF & ]n.BÀ.Un. sk{I«dnbpsS {]Xn\n[nbmbn PnÃm C³^Àtaj³ Hm^okÀ \nPmkv Pph F¶nhÀ kw_Ôn¨p.
kztZ-im-`n-am\nþtI-kcn am[ya ]pckv¡mcw sI. taml-\\v
cf kÀ¡m-cnsâ 2016 se kztZ-im-`nam\nþtIkcn am[ya ]pc-kv ¡mc¯n\v tZim-`n-am\n ap³ P\-d FUn-äÀ sI. taml\s\ Xnc-sª-Sp-¯p. Hcp e£w cq]bpw {]ikvXn ]{Xhpw ^e-Ihpw AS-§p¶, kwØm\ kÀ¡m-cnsâ sI. taml-\³ AXyp-¶X am[ya ]pc-kv¡mc-am-Wn-Xv. tXmakv tP¡-ºv, ap³ No^v sk{I-«dn sI. Pb-Ip-amÀ, tUm. sk_m-Ìy³ t]mÄ, tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Zan sNbÀam³ BÀ. Fkv. _m_p (Pqdn sNbÀam³) F¶n-h-c-S-§p¶ kan-Xn-bmWv AhmÀUv \nÀW-bn-¨-Xv. \ne-]m-Sp-I-fn Dd-¨p-\n¶p-sIm≠vae-bmf ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-\-¯n\v s{]m^j-W kz`mhw \ÂIp-¶-Xn taml-\³ hln¨ ]¦v \nkvXp-e-am-sW¶v Pqdn hne-bn-cp-¯n. ASn-b -´n-cm-h-Ø-bnse sk³kÀjn¸v XpS-§nb \nb-{´W-§sf AXnPohn-¨p-sIm≠vcmjv{Sob ]{X-{]hÀ¯-\-¯n\v P\m-[n-]-Xy-]-c-am-b ]pXp-am\w \ ÂInb ]{Xm-[n-]cpw ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-Icpw ]wàoImc-\p-amWv sI. taml-\-s\¶v kanXn A`n-{]m-bs¸-«p. 1964  tZim-`n-am-\n-bn tNÀ¶v IÀa-\n-c-X -amb ]{X-{]-hÀ¯\ PohnXw Bcw`n¨ sI. taml-\³ 1965 Xncp-h-´-]pcw teJ-I-\m-bn. 15 hÀjw \nb-a-k` dnt¸mÀ«nMv \S-¯n. aoUob A¡m-Z-an-bpsS sNbÀam-\mbn c≠p XhW {]hÀ ¯n-¨p. Xncp-h-´-]p-c¯v kwL-Sn-¸n-¡p¶ NS-§n AhmÀUv apJy-a{´n k½m-\n¡pw. amÀ¨v 2018
P\-km-am-\ys¯ _m[n-¡p¶ hmÀ¯-I-fn sk³k-dn§v Bh-iy-an-söv X¡qÀ¯
kn.]n. cmaN{µ³ þ t]m¯³ tPmk^v kvamcI {]`mjW NS§n "Zn hbÀ' FUnäÀ Fw.sI. thWp {]`mjWw \S¯p¶p. Ccn¡p¶hÀ: CS¯p\n¶v ]c³tPmbv Kpl X¡qÀ¯, UbdIvSÀ Fw. i¦À, tPÀWenkw A[ym]nI sI. tlaeX.
{]N-cn-¡p¶ ]e hmÀ¯-Ifpw sXämb hnh-c-§-fneqsS D≠m-hp-¶-X-Ã, adn¨v \pW-I-fn \n¶v krjv Sn-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-h-bm-Wv. F¶pw At±lw Btcm-]n-¨p.
am[y-a-§-fpsS ]c-ky-h-cp-am\w Ipd-bp-¶Xv kÀ¡m-cn-t\mSv ASn-a-¯-a-t\m-`mhw D≠m-¡m-\n-Sbm-¡p-¶-Xmbn At±lw Nq≠n-¡m-«n. {]Xn-]£ hnaÀi\§fnsemXp§p¶ am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-\amWv ]ecpw \S-¯p-¶-Xv. Bi-b-hn-\n-a-b-¯n -\pÅ ià-amb D]m-[n-bmbn km[m-c-W-¡m-csâ ssIbn-epÅ samss_ t^m¬ amdn-s¡m-≠ n-cn¡p-¶p. henb _nkn-\kv {Kq¸p-IÄ kÀ¡m-cn-t\¡m-Ä henb ]hÀ lukp-IÄ Bbn amdn-¡-gn-ªp. P\m-[n-]Xy hyh-Ø-bn am[y-a-§Ä kzX-{´amtb Xocp. F¶mÂ- C-´y-bn hmÀ¯m-{]-t£]Ww \S-¯p¶ Gähpw P\-Iob am[y-a-amb tdUntbm kÀ¡m-cnsâ k¼qÀ® \nb-{´-W-¯n emWv Ct¸m-gpw. ]{X-ap-S-a-I-fpsS kzmÀ° XmXv] -cy-§Ä¡v ap¶n Xe-Ip-\n-t¡≠n hcp-¶p. C¶v
t]m¯³ tPmk^v kvamc-I-{]-`m-j-Whpw CtX thZn-bn \S-¶p. ]c-¼-cm-KX am[y-a-§-fpsS hc-pam\ t{kmX-Êp-IÄ amdn-s¡m-≠n-cn-¡p-¶-Xmbn t]m¯³ tPmk^v kvamc-I-{]-`mjWw \S-¯nb Hm¬sse³ hmÀ¯m-t]mÀ«Â "Zn hbdn'sâ Øm]I FUn-äÀam-cn Hcm-fmb Fw.-sI. thWp ]d-ªp. "Hm¬sse³ am[y-a-§-fpsS shÃp-hn-fnIfpw km[y-X-Ifpw' F¶ hnj-b-¯n kwkm-cn¨ At±lw am[y-a-tem-I-t¯-¡pÅ tImÀ¸-tdäv IS-¶pI-b-äs¯ sNdp¯v ss\kÀKnI am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯\w \S-¯m³ Hm¬sse³ ÌmÀ«v A¸p-IÄ¡v km[n-¡psa¶v A`n-{]m-b-s¸-«p. XpS-§p-¶-Xn\pw \S-¯n-¸n\pw ]c-¼-cm-KX am[y-a-§Ä¡v Bhiyw hcp-¶-Xnsâ ]¯n H¶p am{Xta CXn\v apS-¡p-Åq. DÅ-S¡w kXy-k-Ô-sa-¦n asämcp am\-Z-Þhpw hmb-\¡mÀ ]cn-tim-[n-¡n-Ã. tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan C³Ìnäyq«v Hm^v IayqWnt¡j³ UbdIvSÀ Fw. i¦À A[y£ \mb NS§n tPÀWenkw & IayqWnt¡j³ eIvNdÀ sI. tlaeX kzmKXhpw sSenhnj³ tPÀWenkw hnZymÀ°n\n cP\n Fkv. \mbÀ \µnbpw {]Imin¸n¨p.
À¸-td-äp-IÄ¡pw cmjv{Sob {]N-c-W§Ä¡pw ASn-a-s¸-SmsX, P\-km-am\ys¯ _m[n-¡p¶ hmÀ¯-I-fn A\m-h-iy-amb sk³k-dn§v \S-¯m-sX-bpÅ ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-\-amWv th≠-sX¶v C¡-tWm-an¡v Bâ v s]mfn-än-¡Â ho¡n-en-bpsS ap³ ]{Xm-[n-]³ ]c³tPmbv Kpl X¡qÀ¯ ]d-ªp. tIcf aoUnb A¡m-Z-an-bn lnµp-Øm³ ssSwkv FIvkn-¡yq-«ohv FUn-ä-dm-bncp¶ kn.]n cma-N-{µ³ kvamcI{]`m-jWw \S-¯p-Ibm-bn-cp¶p At±lw.
amˬv 2018
]»nIv dntej³kv & AUzÀssSkn§v
kuay BÀ.sI. H¶mw dm¦v
c≠mw dm¦v
sjÂP ]n.BÀ. aq¶mw dm¦v
Pn¯p tP¡_v tXmakv
tizX Dtajv c≠mw dm¦v
H¶mw dm¦v
ZpÀK Sn.BÀ. aq¶mw dm¦v tPÀWenkw hoUntbm FUnänwKv
Nn¸ncmPv sI.BÀ. H¶mw dm¦v
Bjn¡v ]n. c≠mw dm¦v
apl½Zv \nbmkpZo³ aq¶mw dm¦v
dwjnZv ]n.sI.
H¶mw dm¦v (2016þ17)
tIcf aoUnb A¡mZan: Unt¹ma, kÀ«n^n¡äv tImgvkv ]co£m^ew
cf aoUnb A¡mZan C³Ìnäyq«v Hm^v IayqWnt¡j\n tPÀWenkw & Iayq Wnt¡j³, ]»nIv dntej³kv & AUzÀssSknMv, Snhn tPÀWenkw 2016þ17se _ncpZm\´c Unt¹ma tImgvkpIfptSbpw c≠p _m¨v hoUntbm FUnänwKv kÀ«n^n¡äv tImgvkntâbpw ]co£m ^ew {]Jym]n¨p. tPÀWenk¯n 1200 939 amÀt¡msS kuay BÀ. sI. H¶mw dm¦v t\Sn. 866 amÀt¡msS cmP{io c≠mw dm¦pw 865 amÀt¡msS sjÂP ]n. BÀ. aq¶mw dm¦pw t\Sn. ]»nIv dntej³kv & AUzÀssSkn§n 1200 955 amÀ¡v t\Snb Pn¯p tP¡_v tXmakn \mWv H¶mw dm¦v. 918 amÀ¡v t\Sn tizX Dtajv, 911 amÀt¡msS ZpÀK Sn.BÀ. F¶nhÀ bYm{Iaw c≠pw aq¶pw dm¦pIÄ IcØam¡n. tPÀWenk¯n 1000 779 amÀt¡msS Nn¸ncmPv sI.BÀ. H¶mw dm¦p t\Sn. 728 amÀ¡v t\Snb Bjn¡v ]n. c≠mw dm¦pw 712 amÀt¡msS apl½Zv \nbmkpZo³ aq¶mw dm¦pw t\Sn. hoUntbm FUnänwKv kÀ«n^n¡äv tImgvknsâ 2016þ17 _m¨nsâ H¶mw dm¦n\v dwjnZv ]n.sI. AÀ l\mbn. c≠pw aq¶pw dm¦pIÄ bYm{Iaw A`n\hv kn., A\pPn¯v ]n.F F¶nhÀ IcØam¡n. 2017þ18 _m¨n \nPp s\Âk¬ H¶mw dm¦pw APvaÂ
\nPp s\Âk¬
H¶mw dm¦v (2017þ18)
C.F, {]kq¬ sI F¶nhÀ bYm{Iaw c≠pw aq¶pw dm¦pIÄ IcØam¡n. tPÀWenk¯n H¶mw dm¦v t\Snb kuay BÀ.sI. hSIc hneym¸Ån sN½mc« ho«n cma IrjvWsâbpw eXbpsSbpw aIfmWv. c≠mw dm¦v t\Snb cmP{io F³ s]cp¼mhqÀ sh§qÀ sIm¼ \mSv s\Sp§m«v ho«n cmtPjnsâbpw cabpsSbpw aIfmWv. ku¯v ssehv aebmf¯n k_v FUn äÀ s{Sbn\nbmWv. aq¶mw dm¦v t\Snb sjÂP ]n. BÀ. t\mÀ¯v ]dhqÀ tKmXpcp¯v sXt¡Xp cp¯v ]ůp ho«n cmP¸phnsâbpw ssePphn sâbpw aIfpw {Km^nIv Unssk\À _neojnsâ `mcybpamWv. sIm«mc¡c tNcqÀ Ingt¡Xn tXmakn sâbpw emen tXmaknsâbpw aI\mWv ]»nIv dntej³kv hn`mK¯n H¶mw dm¦v t\Snb Pn¯p tP¡_v tXmakv. ]»nIv dntej³kv hn`mK¯n c≠mw dm¦p t\Snb tizX Dtajv I®qÀ tZhn \nhmkn ]n.F³.Dtajnsâbpw jw\ Dtajn sâbpw aIfpw Acp¬ tIihsâ `mcybpaWv. tImgnt¡mSv ]Ånbn Xmg¯v ao\m£n bpsS aIfmWv ]»nIv dntej³kv hn`mK¯n aq¶mw dm¦p t\Snb ZpÀK Sn.BÀ. tPÀWenk¯n H¶mw dm¦v IcØ am¡nb Nn¸ncmPv hS¡³ ]dhqÀ sISmawKew cmP³hnà tImem¯pho«n sI.sI. cmPsâbpw hnPbbpsSbpw aIfmWv. ae¸pdw sX¿mep¦Â ]«mcm«n ho«n lÊsâbpw dknbbpsSbpw aI \mWv c≠mw dm¦v t\Snb ]n.Bjn¡v. aq¶mw dm¦v t\Snb apl½Zv \nbmkp±o³ ae¸pdw ]d¼n ]oSnI kztZinbpw sNm¢n A·mep¦Â ho«n \qdp±osâbpw JZoPbpsSbpw aI\mWv. ¤ amÀ¨v 2018
FS¯« \mcmbW³ A\pkvacWw
\à ]{X{]hÀ¯I³ a\pjyXz¯nsâ hàmhmbncn¡Ww: hnt\mZv tPmkv
tIcf aoUnb A¡mZanbn FS¯« \mcmbW³ kvamcI {]`mjWw Imch³ amKko³ FIvknIyq«ohv FUnäÀ hnt\mZv tPmkv \nÀÆ-ln¡p-¶p.
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amˬv 2018
KncojvIpamÀ sI., Sn. sI. kPohvIpamÀ, ]mÀhXn N{µ³, ImÀ¯nI. kn, _nPp kn.]n, {]Zo]v Fw., tPman¨³ tPmkv, sI. {]Zo]vIpamÀþ10,000/þ cq] ho-Xw. tUm. Fw. eoemhXn, tXmakv tP¡_v, tUm. sk_mÌy³ t]mÄ, Fw.]n. ANypX³, tUm. sP. {]`mjv, tUm. sI.A¼mSn, tUm. \oXp tkm\ F¶nhcS§p¶ kanXnbmWv tPXm-¡sf sXcsªSp¯Xv.
New Books @ Academy Library
Media Production: A Practical Guide to Radio & TV By Amanda Willett Published by: Routledge (2015)
The Tunnel of Time By R.K. Laxman Published by: Penguin books (2015)
edia Production is an introductory guide to radio, TV and film production techniques. Illuminating the step by step process from conception to delivery, from the initial brainstorms, through planning, research and editing, this book creates a guided structure to help students learn about media production. Aimed at those producing radio, film or TV productions for the first time, this book offers relevant advice which takes account of the context in which students work and the type of equipment available to them. Supported by online resources, this textbook provides templates, notes and exercises to help students prepare for their own productions, as well as a video and audio library showcasing techniques, interviews and behind the scenes industry footage.
HEADLINES THAT CHANGED THE WORLD By James Maloney Published by: Robinson (2012)
ewpapers are a form of instant history, capturing forever the awe and fascination that great historical events inspire. They are also an intriguing source to return to as they reveal the contemporary view of world-changing events, before it can be shaped by subsequent developments. While newspapers have been around for centuries, it was only when the Industrial Revolution encouraged mass production that newspapers with attention-grabbing banner headlines began to be commonplace. Now that newspapers seem to be in decline, we can look back at the period from the late 19th to early 21st century as the heyday of the newspaper,
rom being tormented by gamblers convinced they see lucky numbers concealed in his cartoons to being mistaken for a Mexican and debarred from attending an invitation dinner on Park Avenue because he is carrying a raincoat to being charged with importing obscene literature into the country because a friend has sent him a copy of Playboy, R.K. Laxman’s experiences could rival the most uncanny adventures of his most enduring creation, the Common Man. In The Tunnel of Time Laxman narrates the story of his life with the same acerbic wit, keen sense of humour and the satirist’s ability to take a whimsical, cock-eyed look at just about anything under the sun that we are so familiar with.
as well as a period in which the world changed beyond recognition. Journalist James Maloney details the stories behind the 100 most momentous headlines, including: Abraham Lincoln Assassinated in 1865. Jack the Ripper (1888). Boer War begins (11 Oct 1899). Russian Revolution (1917). Wall Street Crashes in 1929. Hitler Sweeps to Power' in 1933. Britain declares war with Germany 3 Sept 1939). Japan declares war on US/ Attack on Pearl Harbor (7 December 1941). Communist China founded by Mao Tse-tung (1 October 1949). Watson and Crick discover DNA structure (1953). Cuban missile crisis (1962). J.F. Kennedy Assassinated (22 Nov 1963). First man on the moon/Apollo 11 (21 July 1969). Scientists identify AIDS (1981). Chernobyl (April 26 1986). Mandela (age 75) freed from jail (1990). Death of Princess Diana (31 Aug 1997). 911 terror attacks (2001). Saddam Hussein's capture (13 Dec 2003). Bin Laden Shot Dead. in 2011. Death of Steve Jobs/Apple (5 October 2011). amˬv 2018
temIw I≠ hc A´Àt±iob am[yacwKs¯ {]ikvXamb ImÀ«qWpIÄ ]cnNbs¸Sp¯pIbmWv Cu ]wànbnÂ. amXr`qan ImÀ«qWnÌmb tKm]oIrjvW\mWv Ch XncsªSp¯v AhXcn¸n¡p¶Xv.
ta-cn-¡³ ImÀ«q-Wn-Ìmb Ìohv km¡nsâ {]i-kvX-amb cN-\. FUn-täm-dn-b ImÀ«q-Wn-§n-\pÅ 2013-þse ]pen-ävkÀ ]pc-kvIm-c-¯n\v AÀl-\mb Ìohv an\n-bmt¸m-fnkv ÌmÀ {Sn_yq-Wnsâ Ìm^v ImÀ«q-Wn-Ìm-Wv. {Inkv ^p«v F¶ kl-{]-hÀ¯-I-\p-ambn tNÀ¶v UqUnÂkv F¶ ImÀ«q¬ BIvSn-hnän ]m\ X¿m-dm-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p.
Ìohv km¡v tKm]oIrjvWsâ CþsabnÂ: Printed and Published by K. G. Santhosh, Secretary, Kerala Media Academy, Published from Kerala Media Academy, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682 030; Printed at Kerala Books and Publications Society, Kakkanad; Editor: R. S. Babu
`-b-Øm\w tXSn s]cp-a-gsb hI-h-bv¡msX amkn-tUm-Wn-bbn {Koknsâ AXnÀ¯n-bn-eqsS k©-cn-¡p-¶-Xn-\nsS kndn-b³ A`-bmÀ°n Xm³ ssIIfn hln-¡p¶ ]p{Xnsb Npw_n-¡p-¶p. {]ikvX am[ya Ombm--{Km-l-I³ bm¶nkv _{lm--Inkv ]IÀ¯nb Nn{Xw. anI¨ bqtdm-]y³ t^mt«m-{Km-^À¡pÅ ]pckvImcw 1998, 2002, 2003 hÀj-§-fn Ct±-l-¯n-\mWp e`n-¨-Xv. temI-¯nse anI¨ t^mt«m-{Km-^À¡pÅ {Ko¡v ^ypPn AhmÀUv aq¶p Xh-Wbpw Ct±-l-¯n\p e`n-¨n-«p≠-v.
bm¶nkv _{lm--Inkv
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