Chef idris' 30 day green smoothie challenge

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Chef idris Shopping lists and recipes herein were created by Chef Idris and by Chef Nina Curtis. The 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge had 177 participants via Facebook during the period of January 15th through February 14th, 2014. Thank you‌.and Holla Back! 3

Chef Nina Curtis

Thanks for getting on board family! I'm in the 'grind' at the moment, but wanted to stop a moment and give thanks. We are all going to 'win' with this one! Here is a post from a couple of days ago so that you can take a 'test run' with a green smoothie recipe. I will follow up later with more! Chef Idris.

What's up family! It's on!!!! For the next 30+ days I'm taking the 'green smoothie' challenge; a green smoothie a day, that's all, just adding it to my daily diet. Who's up to take the challenge with me? This is whole food nutrients that you can't get out of a vitamin capsule and it taste great! 'Holla' and let me know if you're in...Chef Idris. Today's Blend: 8 oz. coconut milk 1 cup spinach 1 orange 1/2 frozen banana 1 date Blend until smooth and creamy.


What's up family!!! It's your boy again and tomorrow is the kick off of my 30 Day 'Green Smoothie' Challenge. I hope you're all ready baby! It's a New year to start a New you, so join me in the quest to be your best! I will be posting more smoothie recipes daily for all to try and tweak to your liking, so lets get fit baby!!! Also I'd like to thank Chef Nina Curtis for all her help in creating some of these recipes. Chef Nina is one of the engineers behind the Chef Idris brand, and she is also a Chef that I admire and respect. So hats off to you Nina and thank you so much for your help! Now lets get it popping y'all or should I say blending!!! Let's GO GREEN SMOOTHIE!!!! Post them if you can let's start a movement family! God bless you, your family and your future! Chef Drissy Dris baby.


Chef Idris' 30 Day 'Green Smoothie' Challenge Green Smoothies Grocery List for the First Seven (7) Smoothies. This is a list of ingredients needed to make the first seven smoothies in the first week (7 days). Organization is key and having these items on hand when you start will help to increase your success during this journey. Each of the smoothie recipes will yield approximately 4 cups (32 oz) so you will be able to have 2- 16 oz smoothies per day or to share one, right? Smoothies provide nutrition and fiber for anytime of the day. Smoothies are easy to blend and take with you on the road. It's best to store smoothies in glass jars. With the variety of green smoothie options created by Chef Idris you should not get bored. It may be necessary to adjust your smoothie to taste slightly due to the difference in produce available to you. Fruits and vegetables vary from season to season so adjust as needed. Dates are listed as a natural sweetener, two are usually enough to add but taste to determine. Be sure to remove the pit. Dates are also great to fill with organic nut butters and keep on hand as a snack. Remember, smoothies are whole foods that have been blended and broken down (pre-digested) for easier assimilation by the body but you still need to 'CHEW', yes chew when you drink a smoothie, so that the enzymes in the mouth have time to further break down the carbohydrates before they hit the stomach. Most of us don't chew our food properly and this leads to digestive issues. So remember, CHEW your smoothie! After a while it will become a habit and may help you to eat slower in general which will assist the body to digest and assimilate your food better, making you feel better!


Shopping List for 7 smoothies—Days 1 through 7 Week 1 (All ingredients should be organic as much as possible). 2- Avocados 5- Bananas 1 – Bunch Organic chard 2-Organic apples, fuji,etc. 1 Bag- Organic blueberries (frozen) *Organic dates (to sweeten if needed) 2 Inches Organic ginger root 1- Bunch Organic kale 4- Organic kiwis 2- Organic lemons 1 Bag- Organic mango (frozen) 1- Bunch Organic mint 1- Blood orange 2- Juice oranges 4-Organic pears 1-Bunch Organic red grapes (freeze them) 1-Bunch Organic red leaf lettuce 1-Bunch Organic romaine lettuce 1-Bunch Organic spinach 1 Bag-Organic strawberries (frozen)

Linda Lane-White

7- Young Thai Coconuts, if used instead of purified water (optional). Usually yield 1 1/2 -2 cups of coconut water. Wash, dry and store all produce in the refrigerator so that it will keep properly, except for avocados, bananas, and pears, leave in a bowl on counter. A high powered blender is best to use to create creamy and smooth smoothies. If you don't own one you may need to blend your smoothies a bit longer or blend less at a time. It will make a difference in the mouth feel and taste. There's more to come. Starting tomorrow Chef Idris will post a green smoothie recipe each day for you to make, you can tweak it if desired or make as is to taste. If you like to add protein to your smoothies that is fine. Chef Idris has tested all of the smoothie recipes and given a 'green' thumbs up to his favorites...So 'holla' back with your likes, comments and results. Let's do this...!


Beam Me Up Green Smoothie Day 1 What's up family! Are you ready to set it off? Chef Idris' 30 Day 'Green Smoothie' Challenge has begun! First up, Beam Me Up Green Smoothie, full of flavor and satisfyingly delicious! Enjoy and Holla! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 1 cup organic red grapes (frozen) 1 medium orange, peeled 1 ripe banana 6-8 organic romaine lettuce leaves 2 tablespoons organic lemon juice ½ inch ginger root Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White 8


‘Sweetie’ Greens Smoothie Day 2 Congratulations family, we've made it through the first day of the 'green smoothie' challenge with flying colors! Now on to day 2. Let's keep the momentum strong, keep posting smoothie pics and share words of encouragement with others. This is a family affair as we support each other in the quest to be our best, ever! Now let's get blending!!!! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water ½ cup organic chard ½ cup organic spinach 5 organic strawberries (frozen) 1 ripe banana 1 cup mango, (frozen) 1/2 apple Juice of ½ a lemon Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White 10


Green'n Juice Smoothie Day 3 Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut meat 1 cup organic red grapes (frozen) 6 leaves romaine lettuce 1 medium orange, peeled 1 ripe banana Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Linda Lane-White 12

Doing a little homework regarding eating green like this. Exciting news! Check this out: People tend to have increased energy, better digestion, weight loss, reduced risk of heart disease, reduced risk of diabetes and cancer. It also provides a great sense of wellbeing and an improvement in the condition of your skin, from head to toe! Isn't that ultra cool! ‌..Cynthia Perello



Kiwi Delight Green Smoothie Day 4 Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water or almond milk (fresh made) 4 very ripe kiwis (if your kiwis aren't super ripe, add two dates (pits removed) to sweeten more) 1 ripe banana 2 cups spinach 1/2 avocado Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Blend avocado in last, so that you don't over process it . Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White 15

Minty Chill Green Smoothie Day 5 Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 3 ripe pears 4 kale leaves ½ bunch mint 2 dates 2 tablespoons lemon juice Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Linda Lane-White 16

Family, do you think we could get more peeps to join us on this challenge? Do you know someone who could benefit from a green smoothie a day? Please share the love and tell them about what we are up to. It takes a village to move a mountain!!! Thank you for your continued support and your commitment to be your very best! Chef Idris.


Sweet'n Sour Green Smoothie Day 6 Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 1 cup spinach 1 blood orange 1 ripe banana 6 leaves red leaf lettuce ½ cup organic blueberries (frozen) 2 dates (optional) 2 tablespoons lemon juice Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Cynthia Perello


Linda Lane-White

Tyra Cauthen-Ellis posted “I added liquid chlorophyll to mine!

Chlorophyll is the substance that makes plants appear green. All plants, even citrus fruits contain at least some chlorophyll, the greater the amount of chlorophyll, the greener the plant; kale, spinach, collards, chard, you get the we are getting chlorophyll in all of the green smoothies that I have posted. Supplementing with a liquid or powdered chlorophyll is great to ensure you are getting enough in the diet, especially if someone is not drinking green smoothies containing dark greens every day.... 19

What's up family, we're hitting coast to coast! Here's my brother Ivory AKA Sabu doing his thing on the west coast going green! My brother has me beat by one inch, six 4, I'm six 3 so you can call us the 'twin towers'!!!! Do your thing Sabu! Love You! Let's start a movement Family!!! ….Chef Idris

I raise my glass to everyone who is participating in Chef Idris' 30 Day 'Green Smoothie' Challenge! YOU RAWK! Thanks a million for hosting this event Chef Idris!!! #toolegittoquit!!! …….Nina Curtis


Ginger Spice Green Smoothie Day 7 It's a home run! First seven days of our 30 Day Challenge and we've only just begun! Congratulations!!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 2 cups spinach 1 ripe pear 1 apple ½ avocado 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 inch ginger root Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Blend avocado in last. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Linda Lane-White 21

For those of you who want to make your own fresh coconut milk, Kefir and yogurt...Here you go. Enjoy! Chef Idris. ‘Put the lime in the Coconut’ Young Thai coconut water and the coconut meat are frequently used in raw food drinks and dishes. Coconut is an excellent source of lauric acid, an invaluable medium-chain fatty acid. It is relatively high in iron, phosphorous and zinc. Both the water and the meat are simply delicious, naked. Coconut Milk Yield: 2 Servings 2 cups coconut water (from approximately 1 coconut) 1 cup young coconut meat 2 organic dates, soaked for 20minutes (optional) Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and enjoy! Or Coconut Milk from Desiccated (dried) Coconut Yield: 2 Cups 2 cups desiccated (dried) coconut 2 cups hot purified water 2 organic dates, soaked for 20minutes (optional) Put dried coconut and water in a high speed blender and blend for 30-60- seconds. Pour the mixture into a mesh bag or double cheese cloth and firmly squeeze to extract cream. Discard the squeezed, dry coconut meat and refrigerate the coconut milk. Store in a sealed glass jar for up to 2 days. 22

Coconut Kefir Yield: 4 Servings 4 cups coconut water (from approximately 2 coconuts) 1/4 teaspoon probiotic Mix together in a glass jar. Put cap on jar and leave at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours. Store in refrigerator.

Lemon Delight Coconut Yogurt Yield: 4 Servings Water of 1-2 young coconuts “Meat� of 4 young coconuts Juice of 2 organic lemons 4-6 organic dates, soaked for 20minutes 2 tablespoons coconut oil 1 teaspoon organic vanilla extract(optional) Combine all of the ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth and creamy. Store the yogurt in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to four days


This list of ingredients will be needed for the second week of the 30 Day 'Green Smoothie' Challenge! Green Smoothies Grocery List for the Seven (7) Smoothies Organization is key and having these items on hand will help to increase your success during this journey. Each of the smoothie recipes will yield approximately 4 cups (32 oz) so you will be able to have 2- 16 oz smoothies per day or to share one, right? Smoothies provide nutrition and fiber for anytime of the day. Smoothies are easy to blend and take with you on the road. It's best to store smoothies in glass jars. With the variety of green smoothie options created by Chef Idris you should not get bored. It may be necessary to adjust your smoothie to taste slightly due to the difference in produce available to you. Fruits and vegetables vary from season to season so adjust as needed. Dates are listed as a natural sweetener, two are usually enough to add but taste to determine. Be sure to remove the pit. Dates are also great to fill with organic nut butters and keep on hand as a snack. Remember, smoothies are whole foods that have been blended and broken down (pre-digested) for easier assimilation by the body but you still need to 'CHEW', yes chew when you drink a smoothie, so that the enzymes in the mouth have time to further break down the carbohydrates before they hit the stomach. Most of us don't chew our food properly and this leads to digestive issues. So remember, CHEW your smoothie! After a while it will become a habit and may help you to eat slower in general which will assist the body to digest and assimilate your food better, making you feel better!


Shopping List for 7 smoothies—Days 8 through 14 Week 2 (All ingredients should be organic as much as possible). Yes, there are some 'savory' green smoothies being introduced into the mix! 2- Avocados 3- Bananas (ripe) 8-Organic Apples, Fuji,etc. 1 Bag- Organic Blueberries (frozen) 1 Bag-Organic Strawberries (frozen) 1 Inch Organic Ginger root 1 Bunch Organic Arugula 1-Bunch Organic Basil 1–Bunch Organic Chard 1-Bunch Organic Dill 1- Bunch Organic Kale 1-Bunch Organic Romaine lettuce 1-Bunch Organic Spinach 1-Head of Celery 2-Cloves Garlic 2- Organic Lemons 2- Juice Oranges 2-Organic Pears (ripe) 1-Organic Red Onion 1 Cup Sun Dried- Tomatoes 3- Young Thai Coconuts, to make coconut milk Or 1 bag of Organic Unsweetened Finely Shredded Coconut to make coconut milk Or 1 Container of Organic Coconut Milk (not canned) *Organic dates (to sweeten if needed) Wash, dry and store all produce in the refrigerator so that it will keep properly, except for avocados, bananas, and pears, leave in a bowl on counter. A high powered blender is best to use to create creamy and smooth smoothies. If you don't own one you may need to blend your smoothies a bit longer or blend less at a time. It will make a difference in the feel and taste in your mouth. There's more to come. Chef Idris will continue to post a green smoothie recipe each day for you to make, you can tweak it if desired or make as is to taste. If you like to add protein to your smoothies that is fine. Chef Idris has tested all of the smoothie recipes and given a 'green' thumbs up to his favorites...So 'holla' back with your likes, comments and results. 25

Day 8 Apple Tart Green Smoothie Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut water, coconut milk or almond milk 4-5 leaves chard 3 apples, peeled 1 ripe banana ½ lemon, peeled 2 dates Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Linda Lane-White 26


Day 9 Orange Jewels’ Green Smoothie Who remembers Orange Julius? Well I think our Orange Jewels' is a step above! Enjoy and 'Holla'!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut water or coconut milk or almond milk 5-6 leaves Romaine lettuce 2 oranges, peeled 1 ripe banana 2 dates Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White 28


Day 10 Blueberry Dream Green Smoothie Here we go family! Ten days in and twenty to go, but who's counting??!! Enjoy and 'Holla'!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut milk or almond milk 2 cups spinach 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 ripe banana 2 dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days

Linda Lane-White

Linda Lane-White 30


How's it going family? Ten days in and no slowing down!!!! I want to thank each of you for taking this 'challenge' with me! I also want to reiterate that the intent of Chef Idris' 30 Day 'Green Smoothie' Challenge is to inspire you and your family to add more fruits and vegetables (especially leafy greens) to your existing daily food consumption, not to replace, but to 'compliment'. A variety (the Spice of Life) of Green smoothie recipes can offer an easy and tasty way of doing this while providing so many other health and well being benefits. It is important that you make sure that you are getting the right amount of asimilable protein, carbohydrates, good fats (essential fatty acids), vitamins, minerals and trace minerals for your own bio individuality on a daily basis. Green smoothies offer one element in this picture to enhance your health. Listen to your body! We are currently setting up a 'group' page so that we can store, file and save our post and information more efficiently. It will be 'published' soon so you can choose to join in as you like. Event pages disappear after the event is over in the fb world and we are building a community/movement that will go on long after the 30 day challenge! Thank you again for your support and involvement in this movement! Chef Idris.


Day 11 Strawberry Cream Green Smoothie Here we go family! Make it a healthy one!!!! Chef Idris.

Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut milk or almond milk 2 ripe pears 1 cup frozen strawberries 4-5 kale leaves 2 dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White 33

Day 12 Green Vitality Smoothie We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this very important public service announcement; "You are entering the 'Savory' Zone..." (you may want to eat it with a spoon) Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water 4-5 kale leaves 1 apple, cored and cut 2 cloves garlic 1/2 cup fresh dill (fully packed cup) 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes (soak 10-15 mins in pure water, drain) 1/2 lemon, peeled Linda Lane-White

1/2 avocado

Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with trace minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. Dash of cayenne pepper (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients (except avocado) and blend until smooth. Add avocado in last, do not over blend. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days. Enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner! "Holla!" Chef Idris.

Cynthia Perello 34

Day 13 Green’n Spice Smoothie Time flies when you're having fun! Thirteen days in but who's counting? Let's do this family! Wishing you a great start to your week!!! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 4-5 romaine lettuce leaves 2 apples or 2 ripe pears, cored and cut 2 stalks celery (later stated as 2 ribs!) 1 cup arugula 1 inch ginger ½ lemon, peeled ½ avocado 2 dates (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients (except avocado) and blend until smooth. Add avocado last, do not over blend. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Note to self. Don’t say 2 “stalks” when you mean 2 “ribs” 35


Day 14 Green Basil Smoothie How ya' like us now?? ...This is how we do it! 14 days in and moving full speed ahead...!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 2 cups spinach 2 apples 2 stalks celery (2 single ribs) 1/2 to 1 cup basil (to taste) 1 inch ginger ½ lemon, peeled ½ avocado 2 dates Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients (except avocado and basil) and blend until smooth. Add avocado and basil last, do not over blend. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White 37


Week #3 Organization is key and having these items on hand when you start will help to increase your success during this journey. Each of the smoothie recipes will yield approximately 4 cups (32 oz) so you will be able to have 2- 16 oz smoothies per day or to share one, right? Smoothies provide nutrition and fiber for anytime of the day. Smoothies are easy to blend and take with you on the road. It's best to store smoothies in glass jars. With the variety of green smoothie options created by Chef Idris, you should not get bored. It may be necessary to adjust your smoothie to tastes lightly due to the difference in produce available to you. Fruits and vegetables vary from season to season so adjust as needed. Dates are listed as a natural sweetener, two are usually enough to add but taste to determine. Be sure to remove the pit. Dates are also great to fill with organic nut butters and keep on hand as a snack. Remember, smoothies are whole foods that have been blended and broken down (pre-digested) for easier assimilation by the body but you still need to 'CHEW', yes chew when you drink a smoothie, so that the enzymes in the mouth have time to further break down the carbohydrates before they hit the stomach. Most of us don't chew our food properly and this leads to digestive issues. So remember, CHEW your smoothie! After a while it will become a habit and may help you to eat slower in general which will assist the body to digest and assimilate your food better, making you feel better!


Shopping List for 7 smoothies Days 15 through 21 Week 3 (All ingredients should be organic as much as possible). 1- Avocados 4- Ripe Bananas 3-Organic apples, fuji,etc. 1 Bag- Organic blueberries (frozen) *Organic dates (to sweeten if needed) 2 Inches Organic ginger root 1- Bunch Organic kale 4- Organic ripe kiwis 1- Organic lemon 1 Bag- Organic pineapple (frozen) 1- Bunch Organic mint 1- Juice orange 6-Organic pears 1-Bunch Organic red leaf lettuce 1-Bunch Organic romaine lettuce 1-Bunch Organic spinach 1 Bag-Organic strawberries (frozen) 7- Young Thai Coconuts, if used instead of purified water (optional). Usually yield 1 1/2 -2 cups of coconut water. 1 Container of Organic Coconut Milk (not canned), if not made fresh 1 Container Almond Milk, if not made fresh Wash, dry and store all produce in the refrigerator so that it will keep properly, except for avocados, bananas, and pears, leave in a bowl on counter. A high powered blender is best to use to create creamy and smooth smoothies. If you don't own one you may need to blend your smoothies a bit longer or blend less at a time. It will make a difference in the mouthfeel and taste. There's more to come. Chef Idris will continue to post a green smoothie recipe each day for you to make, you can tweak it if desired or make as is to taste. If you like to add protein to your smoothies that is fine. Chef Idris has tested all of the smoothie recipes and given a 'green' thumbs up to his favorites...So 'Holla' back with your likes, comments and results. Let's do this...! Here's to Fit & Fab in 2014! 40

Day 15 Kiwi Delight Green Smoothie Where you at family!? We are 15 days into our 30 day challenge and I want to know, "HOW YOU FEEL??!!" I'm in 'below freezing' conditions here in the ATL but I'm not letting it stop me. Just for good measure send me some 'heat' energy, please!!!! LOL! During this round we are mixing things up with some favorites, (based on survey) and some new. We are in this to win it, so "Holla!" and let's keep each other 'lifted'! 'Blenders', start your engines!!! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups Young Thai coconut water or almond milk (fresh made) 4 very ripe kiwis (if your kiwis aren't super ripe, add two dates (pits removed) to sweeten more) 1 ripe banana 2 cups spinach 1/2 avocado Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, remineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Blend avocado in last, so that you don't over process it . Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days. Linda Lane-White

Cynthia Perello 41


Day 16 Apple Tart Green Smoothie Moving into day 16 and we're in our stride now!!!! "Holla!" Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut water or coconut milk or almond milk 4-5 leaves romaine lettuce 2 apples, peeled 1 ripe banana ½ lemon, peeled 2 dates Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Cynthia Perello

Linda Lane-White 43

Nina Curtis 44

Day 17 Sunrise Green Smoothie "Rise and Shine!" Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 2 cups spinach 1 cup organic pineapple (frozen) 1 medium orange, peeled 1 ripe banana ½ lemon, peeled ½ inch ginger root 2 soft dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Cynthia Perello

Linda Lane-White 45

Day 18 Blueberry Dreams Green Smoothie It's day eighteen and we're definitely building a better body! Enjoy!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut milk or almond milk 4-5 organic leaves, red leaf lettuce 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 ripe banana 1/2 lemon, peeled 2 dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days

Cynthia Perello Linda Lane-White



Day 19 Ginger Spice Green Smoothie Blessings family! Commitment and Consistency is what Day 19 is all about!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 2 cups spinach 1 ripe pear, cored and cut 1 apple, cored and cut ½ avocado 1 inch ginger root Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Blend avocado in last. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Cynthia Perello 48


Day 20 Strawberry Cream Green Smoothie Time flies when you're having fun! Day 20 and feeling and looking great!! Back by popular demand, this Strawberry Cream Green Smoothie is a smooth operator. Enjoy! Chef Idris.

Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut milk or almond milk 2 ripe pears 1 cup frozen strawberries 4-5 kale leaves 2 dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Cynthia Perello 50


Day 21 “Mint” Condition Green Smoothie On our 21st day, I think it's appropriate to say, "We are in 'mint' condition!" Way to go family! No stopping us now!!!! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 3 ripe pears 2 cups spinach ½ bunch mint 2 dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Cynthia Perello 52

We're in this to win it family! Coming into the homestretch, let's make it matter!!!! Green Smoothies Grocery List for Seven (7) Smoothies This is a list of ingredients needed to make seven smoothies. Organization is key and having these items on hand when you start will help to increase your success during this journey. Each of the smoothie recipes will yield approximately 4 cups (32 oz) so you will be able to have 2- 16 oz smoothies per day or to share one, right? Smoothies provide nutrition and fiber for anytime of the day. Smoothies are easy to blend and take with you on the road. It's best to store smoothies in glass jars. With the variety of green smoothie options created by Chef Idris, you should not get bored. It may be necessary to adjust your smoothie to taste slightly due to the difference in produce available to you. Fruits and vegetables vary from season to season so adjust as needed. Dates are listed as a natural sweetener, two are usually enough to add but taste to determine. Be sure to remove the pit. Dates are also great to fill with organic nut butters and keep on hand as a snack. Remember, smoothies are whole foods that have been blended and broken down (pre-digested) for easier assimilation by the body but you still need to 'CHEW', yes chew when you drink a smoothie,so that the enzymes in the mouth have time to further break down the carbohydrates before they hit the stomach. Most of us don't chew our food properly and this leads to digestive issues. So remember, CHEW your smoothie! After a while it will become a habit and may help you to eat slower in general which will assist the body to digest and assimilate your food better, making you feel better! 53

Shopping List for 7 smoothies Days 22 through 28 Week #4 (All ingredients should be organic as much as possible). 1- Avocado 6- Ripe Bananas 3-Organic apples, fuji, etc. 1 Bag-Organic dried apricots (will be reconstituted) 1 Bunch- Organic Basil 1 Bag- Organic blueberries (frozen) 1 Bag-Organic blackberries (frozen) 1 Head of celery (stalks or ribs are one long piece of the full head) *Organic dates (to sweeten if needed) 2 Inches Organic ginger root 1- Bunch Organic kale 2-Organic lemons 1 Bag–Organic mango (frozen) 1 Bag- Organic pineapple (frozen) 2-Juice oranges 2-Organic pears 1-Bunch Organic red leaf lettuce 1-Bunch Organic romaine lettuce 1-Bunch Organic spinach 1 Bag-Organic strawberries (frozen) 1 jar organic almond butter 1 bottle organic vanilla extract (optional) 7- Young Thai Coconuts, if used instead of purified water (optional). Usually yield 1 1/2 -2 cups of coconut water. 1 Container of Organic Coconut Milk (not canned), if not made fresh 1 Container Almond Milk, if not made fresh Wash, dry and store all produce in the refrigerator so that it will keep properly, except for avocados, bananas,and pears, leave in a bowl on counter. A high powered blender is best to use to create creamy and smooth smoothies. If you don't own one you may need to blend your smoothies a bit longer or blend less at a time. It will make a difference in the feel and taste in your mouth. There's more to come. Chef Idris will post a green smoothie recipe each day for you to make, you can tweak it if desired or make as is to taste. If you like to add protein to your smoothies that is fine. Chef Idris has tested all of the smoothie recipes and given a 'green' thumbs up to his favorites...So 'Holla' back with your likes, comments and results. Let's do this...! 54

Jethro Jeremiah Johnson 55

Day 22 Apricot Sour Green Smoothie I think you're in for a treat with this smoothie...Enjoy and Holla! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut water or almond milk (fresh made if possible) 4 dried apricots (soaked in pure water 20 mins to reconstitute) 1 ripe banana 1 cup spinach ½ lemon, peeled and seeded 2 dates (optional)

Nina Curtis

Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Cynthia Perello

Linda Lane-White 56


Day 23 Pear Tart Green Smoothie Make it a good one family!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut water or coconut milk or almond milk 4-5 leaves romaine lettuce 2 ripe pears, peeled, seeded 1 ripe banana ½ lemon, peeled, seeded 2 dates Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Cynthia Perello 58

Nina Curtis 59

Day 24 Orange Sunrise Green Smoothie Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 2 cups spinach 1 cup organic mango (frozen) 1 medium orange, peeled, seeded 1 ripe banana ½ lemon, peeled, seeded 2 dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Cynthia Perello

Linda Lane-White 60


Jethro Jeremiah Johnson


Day 25 Banana Almond Green Smoothie Moving into our 25 day....♍ Come on, ease on down, ease on down the road... Don't you carry nothing that might be a load. Come on, ease on down, ease on down, down the road...♍ Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut milk or almond milk 1 cup ice 4-5 organic leaves, red leaf lettuce 1 ripe frozen banana 2 tablespoons almond butter 2 dates (optional) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Nina Curtis 63

Jethro Jeremiah Johnson


Day 26 Pina Colada Green Smoothie Twenty -six days in and it's count down time!!! "Holla!" and have a great day!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups Coconut milk (fresh made is best!) 2 cups spinach 1 orange, peeled and seeded 1 cup frozen pineapple 1 banana Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Cynthia Perello


Hello family! How's everyone feeling on the 27th day of Chef Idris' 'Green Smoothie' Challenge? These last few days can be the most important, so stick with it! We're coming up on Valentine's Day and there is no better gift then the 'gift of health' to give yourself! Bravo to each and everyone of you for taking the challenge, sticking with it and becoming better than your best!! If you have not yet 'liked' my 'Chef Idris' page please do so to keep abreast of all of my activities, events, recipes and more, oh and there's so much more to come! Thank you again for your continued support of me. I greatly appreciate you! Chef Idris. 66

Day 27 Second Time Around Basil Smoothie Back by popular demand! The second time around...Ooh, the second time is so much better...LOL! Twenty-seven days strong...Enjoy!!! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups water or young Thai coconut water 2 cups spinach 2 apples 2 stalks celery (2 single ribs) 1/2 to 1 cup basil (to taste) 1 inch ginger ½ lemon, peeled ½ avocado 2 dates Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients (except avocado and basil) and blend until smooth. Add avocado and basil last, do not over blend. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White


Day 28 Purple Haze Green Smoothie The hour is near...moving into day 28 and we have set sail! Make it a good one family!! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut milk or almond milk 1 ripe banana 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup frozen blackberries 4-5 kale leaves 2 dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Nina Curtis

Linda Lane-White 68

Shopping List for Our ‘Finale’ Smoothies…Days 29 and 30+

Wow! We've come a long way in a short period of time with so much to show for it…Better health, well being and maybe even a few unwanted pounds shed! Congratulations!! This is just the beginning of taking charge of our own health, happiness and well being. Your commitment to being your best is the highest form of ‘self love’ and all things are possible from here! This is a list of ingredients needed to make our last three smoothies of the Chef Idris’ 30 Day ‘Green Smoothie’ Challenge…There’s no way that I’d leave Valentine’s Day out! (All ingredients should be organic as much as possible). 3- Ripe Bananas 1-Organic apple, fuji, etc. 1 Full Head of celery (stalks or ribs are one long piece of the full head)3 ribs will be needed, in case you already have celery. *Organic dates (to sweeten if needed) 1-Organic lemon 1 Bag–Organic mango (frozen) 1-Organic pear 1-Bunch organic romaine lettuce 1-Bunch organic rainbow chard 1-Bunch organic spinach 1 Bag organic strawberries (frozen) 1 Bag raw cacao (chocolate) powder 3- Young Thai Coconuts, if used instead of purified water (optional). Usually yields 1 1/2 -2 cups of coconut water or 1 Container of Organic Coconut Milk (not canned), if not made fresh 1 Container Almond Milk, if not made fresh Bravo to you and much continued success on your Life journey! You know the Chef, I have much more to come! Here's to Fit & Fab in 2014! Chef Idris.


Day 29 Green “Glow” Smoothie Here we go family moving into our 29th day of the challenge and I want to stay ahead of this storm coming my way!! I am reminded...“Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, it is not yet the end.” Patel, Hotel Manager, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Make it a good one family and stay safe!!! Chef Idris. Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut water 4-5 leaves organic romaine lettuce 1 cup organic spinach 3 stalks (single ribs) celery 1 organic apple, cored and chopped 1 ripe organic pear, cored and chopped 1 ripe organic banana Juice of 1/2 lemon Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Jethro Jeremiah Johnson 70

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Day 30... 'WE' did it and are still going strong! Don't stop now!!!! You've come this far, it's now a cake walk and spring will be here in no time, not to mention summer!! Keep doing what you are doing and continue to make it matter. What a wonderful Valentine's Day gift to yourself, the gift of 'Self Love'!! And yes, we will have a Valentine's Day Green Smoothie for tomorrow. It's not over until we say so!! Make it a good one family! Chef Idris.

Nina Curtis


Day 30 Mango Lassi Green Smoothie

Atlanta may be 'frozen' but I'm keeping it real! Stand up! Moving into our 30th day and it's not over until we say so! Stand up and 'holla'!!!! Yield: approximately 4 cups 2 cups young Thai coconut milk or almond milk 1 ripe banana 2 cups frozen organic mango 4-5 rainbow chard leaves 1/2 lemon, peeled 2 dates (optional) Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White 72


Bonus Day Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothie Happy Valentine’s Day! It's not over until we say it's over!! Chef Idris. 2 cups of almond coconut milk 2 cups of organic spinach 2 cups of frozen strawberries 1 ripe banana 2 dates2 tablespoons raw cacao powder Pinch of Pink Himalayan salt, re-mineralizes the body with minerals and trace elements essential to our health and well being. (optional) Add liquid first in blender vessel, then combine all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Place remaining smoothie in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days.

Linda Lane-White

Nina Curtis 74

Cynthia Perello 75

Some Of The Many Smoothie Lover Contributors: Tyra Cauthen-Ellis:

Colleen Cocoredd Hollier How Sweet It Is

Robin Goudeau-Williams’ Sunday Breakfast

Nina Curtis stocks up on supplies


Cynthia Perello and Ibarionex Perello Thumbs up to Chef Idris for helping everyone learn how to duplicate healthy behaviors!!! Why? Because its fresh, its holistic approach to healthier living, promotes a healthy complexion from head to toe, wrinkle prevention, healthy digestion, reduces bloating, helps reduce weight, promotes healthy bodily functions over-all, its a Nutrient Rich Superfood packed with tons of antioxidants and makes me a healthier brick-house that's all the more, an Intelligent Sexy 'n Fresh Superstar!


Lazora Jones Feeling Inspired

‘Cause It Ain’t Nothin’ But A Green Smoothie Party …….Lazora Jones


Basha Kempa

Here I come, 'Healthy Happy Hour'! Forget the glass I've moved up to pitcher size! LOL! Seven days 'down' and 23 to go, but who's counting??!! Having too much fun and feeling great! Yeah Baby, watch out!#toolegittoquit!!! ‌‌.Nina Curtis


Daniela Lena

Mint Condition ....I made it! Had to go to the market. Brought so much stuff (mostly veggies and fruit) that the cashier asked me was I cooking something special. ...Deborah Hill 80

Deborah Hyman


Jahaan Aisha H Jones


Daisy Howard Kimbro


Booklet contents compiled by Linda Lane-White 84

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