According to the Cancer research institute, worldwide Lung Cancer is the most common type of cancer and the main cause of the lung cancer is smoking habit. Lung cancer occurs not only to chain smokers but also seen in second-hand smokers as well.
The cells within the lung organ eventually get worn out and get damaged due to a dangerous cancer-causing substance known as carcinogens. These carcinogens are produced whenever person smokes a cigarette or is exposed to second-hand smoking environment. This powerful substance has the ability to change the structure of the lung rapidly especially when the person is addicted to it.
Broadly lung cancer can be classified into two categories, namely small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of cancers which occurs to anyone irrespective of their smoking habits.
DIET FOR LUNG CANCER Cancer diets are popular and are readily available to the people in this digital era. Thus, lung cancer diet also has certain foods to be included in the day to day meal of the patient for providing them the enough stamina while undergoing several cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy and so on.
Avoid all kind of processed foods including canned juices, canned vegetables.
Say no to white foods that is white bread, refined white flour, limit salt and sugar and rice, high fat dairy products, pasta and crackers. Instead go for multi-grain or whole wheat options.
Eat lots of broccoli, walnuts, apples, beans and apricots.
Omega-3 fatty acids are excellent source for healthy lungs and it is found in abundance in Fatty fish or you can take cod fish liver oil as well.
Eating eggs in moderate also gives enough energy to withstand all the medications and regain strength.
TREATMENT Though these various food groups may not cure lung cancer completely but helps to maintain a healthy body function with right energy when it is undergoing various lung treatments. The vitamins found in these foods help to repair the lung cells and help to maintain a healthy weight. For original source visit here: